, brought also him they brought also gifts him they attacked , Delphi had Python , attacked had her Python defended his mother Apollo and killed of gave , Pytho Earth Pytho , gave birth Earth , gave birth Earth to gave dream visions birth to Earth made Olympus his swift way to The lord demanded that divination of all other methods , committed had a blood murder Apollo committed had a blood murder Apollo and of wanted , Gaia Gaia wanted , Gaia Gaia Apollo per travelled , his father's order he travelled , his father's order he to , travelled the Vale to he travelled the Vale to he of There performed himself purificatory rites Zeus performed himself purificatory rites Zeus on Apollo was escorted his half sister by was escorted his half sister by Athena escorted his half sister by Athena to established later the Pythian games Apollo to after , instructed Apollo Zeus , instructed Apollo Zeus to instructed Apollo Zeus to go after needed , his return Apollo needed , his return Apollo to needed people to recruit Apollo from sprang , Crete he sprang , Crete he aboard sprang the form aboard in he awed was submission into The crew There revealed himself Apollo as revealed a god himself as Apollo to instructed , his service he his service , instructed them he , instructed them he to instructed them he to keep was Apollo's high priestess The Pythia and his mouthpiece sent once again another giant Hera again sent another giant , Tityos sent another giant , Tityos to This time shot him Apollo time shot him Apollo with shot his arrows him with Apollo aided , other version also Artemis , aided also him Artemis aided also him Artemis in After relented the battle finally Zeus the battle relented finally his aid Zeus relented finally his aid Zeus and was Pherae the king of Admetus killing served , Python he served , Python he as , served a herdsman as he served a herdsman as he under conferred well , Apollo the god
well , conferred great benefits the god , conferred great benefits the god on conferred him great benefits on the god Apollo helped the hand win Admetus helped the hand win Admetus of was their wedding present during He her came , the due offerings Apollo came , the due offerings Apollo to , came the rescue to Apollo came the rescue to Apollo and , killed in revenge Apollo killed in revenge the Cyclopes Apollo revenge killed the Cyclopes , who killed the Cyclopes , who had prophesied of Niobe was The fate of prophesied was Niobe by Niobe was prophesied Apollo by was prophesied Apollo by while prophesied by Apollo while he was Thebes the queen of Niobe She displayed hubris when she displayed hubris when she boasted mocked further Apollo's effeminate appearance She and insulted told this , by told this , her children by Accordingly , killed Niobe's sons Apollo , killed Niobe's sons Apollo , killed Niobe's sons Apollo , and fled Mount Sipylos to A devastated Niobe in had granted , children Apollo children , granted her son Apollo , granted her son Apollo Nestor granted her son Apollo Nestor the years granted her son Nestor the years he guarded Laomedon the cattle of Apollo In took , Pindar's odes the gods took , Pindar's odes the gods a , took mortal a the gods took mortal a the gods named , rushed the wall against three snakes rushed the wall against three snakes , the insults , infected the city Apollo , infected the city Apollo with infected a pestilence the city with Apollo in had , Troy Apollo Troy , had a lover Apollo , had a lover Apollo named had Ourea a lover named Apollo captured , the war Agamemnon the Greek king , captured Agamemnon Chryseis the Greek king captured Agamemnon Chryseis the Greek king , by shot , this Apollo this , shot arrows Apollo , shot arrows Apollo infected shot arrows Apollo infected with from entered , Zeus Apollo Zeus , entered the battlefield Apollo , entered the battlefield Apollo as
entered the battlefield Apollo as per pushed the Greeks He back and provoked , the war was Apollo Apollo was provoked Poseidon by was provoked Poseidon by to provoked a duel Poseidon to by injured tried , the Trojan hero Aeneas Aphrodite tried , the Trojan hero Aeneas Aphrodite to tried him to rescue Aphrodite enveloped then Aeneas Apollo in He repelled the attacks Diomedes made repelled the attacks Diomedes made on of rescued , Zeus Apollo Zeus , rescued the corpse Apollo , rescued the corpse Apollo from rescued the battlefield the corpse from Apollo gave then it He to favored ) was Hecuba by ) was favored Apollo by injured , healed him Apollo , healed him Apollo and healed him Apollo and encouraged lose , hid Hector Apollo , hid Hector Apollo in hid a cloud Hector in Apollo stopped , Troy was he he was stopped Apollo by attack stripped , Patroclus Apollo Patroclus , stripped the armour Apollo , stripped the armour Apollo of stripped the Greek warrior the armour of Apollo was eventually killed Hector by held Achilles a grudge against Apollo tricked , Achilles also he , tricked also Achilles he tricked also Achilles he by Finally , caused Achilles' death Apollo , caused Achilles' death Apollo by caused Achilles' death Apollo by guiding helped many Trojan warriors Apollo , including killed sought , his family he sought , his family he to sought himself to purify he absolved be his sin of Alcides complete had , his third task Heracles had , his third task Heracles to had the Ceryneian Hind to capture Heracles got , one year eventually the animal he was confronted Apollo by was confronted Apollo by and confronted Apollo by and Artemis However , soothed the goddess Heracles , soothed the goddess Heracles and soothed the goddess Heracles and explained to fell , Eurystheus Heracles fell , Eurystheus Heracles in , fell conflict in Heracles fell conflict in Heracles with after , contracted a terrible disease he consulted Apollo the oracle of He In snatched , anger Heracles anger , snatched the sacred tripod Heracles
, snatched the sacred tripod Heracles and snatched the sacred tripod Heracles and started tolerate did not this Apollo rushed Apollo to support Artemis Soon , threw his thunderbolt Zeus , threw his thunderbolt Zeus between threw the fighting brothers his thunderbolt between Zeus reprimanded this act Heracles for He was an Attican king Periphas and a priest At worshipped , one point they one point , worshipped Periphas they , worshipped Periphas they in worshipped place Periphas in they intervened his father and requested Apollo considered Apollo's words Zeus and agreed But metamorphosed Periphas he into metamorphosed an eagle Periphas into he A long time ago , were three kinds there , were three kinds there of were human beings three kinds of there check devised , their insolence Zeus their insolence , devised a plan Zeus , devised a plan Zeus to devised a plan Zeus to humble cut them He all in towards pulled , their wounds he pulled , their wounds he together , pulled their skin together he pulled their skin together he at This is what we call is what navel call we smoothened the wrinkles He and shaped after bade , another he bade , he another Apollo he bade the face give Apollo bade the face give Apollo and Apollo "Kourotrophos " is the god who " is the god who nurtures is the god who nurtures and oversees their education He and their passage Many myths have train his children him , was fostered Apollo by was fostered Apollo by , fostered by Apollo , who gained in his childhood much knowledge Asclepius abandoned , was Rhoeo by , was abandoned his mother by was abandoned his mother by soon abandoned his mother by soon after brought him Apollo up and was Apollo the son of Iamus into sent , labour Apollo labour , sent the Moirai Apollo , sent the Moirai Apollo to sent the Moirai Apollo to assist born , sent snakes Apollo , sent snakes Apollo to sent snakes Apollo to feed Idmon was educated Apollo by was educated Apollo by to
educated Apollo by to be with embraced , the Argonauts he the Argonauts , embraced his destiny he , embraced his destiny he and embraced his destiny he and died adopted Carnus Apollo , the abandoned son saved a shepherd boy Apollo ( name after demanded , his birth Apollo his birth , demanded a lyre Apollo , demanded a lyre Apollo and demanded a lyre Apollo and invented As is , the divine singer he the divine singer , is the patron he , is the patron he of is poets the patron of he attributed of string music is The invention said that humans of the innate ability to believed , Socrates ancient Greeks believed , Socrates ancient Greeks that believed that the god is Apollo called , this reason was he , called was "Homopolon he called was "Homopolon he " called "Homopolon " before the "Homo delivered their pain people from Apollo's harmonious music are Apollo's sacred birds They and acted was that the soul purifies the music appears the companion as Apollo of leads dance them in he spend Parnassus their time on They of was , banquets he was , banquets he always is the Bacchanalia a frequent guest of He participated also musical contests in Apollo attributed of lyre is The invention In found , the cave he the cave , found a tortoise he , found a tortoise he and found a tortoise he and killed discovering confronted , the theft Apollo the theft , confronted Hermes Apollo , confronted Hermes Apollo and confronted Hermes Apollo and asked innocent , took the matter Apollo , took the matter Apollo to took Zeus the matter to Apollo fell love in Apollo with invented , other versions had Apollo , invented had the lyre Apollo invented had the lyre Apollo himself Once had the audacity Pan to had the audacity Pan to compare chosen was umpire to The mountain-god Tmolus blew his pipes on Pan , Then , struck the strings Apollo , struck the strings Apollo of struck his lyre the strings of Apollo
dissented the justice and questioned Only Midas Marsyas was a satyr who was was a satyr who was punished found had an aulos He on placed had also a curse Athena played became , the flute everyone became , the flute everyone frenzied became joy frenzied with everyone led Marsyas This to think The contest was judged the Muses by was judged the Muses by , judged the Muses by , or taunted Apollo Marsyas for " bright , gives oracles his tongue , gives oracles his tongue , gives oracles his tongue , and gives oracles , and he flashes white , gold gleams white , gold gleams with , white ivory with gleams white ivory with gleams , , suit naught save luxury with all these allurements deemed both were equal they both were deemed equal by were deemed equal the Nysiads by in decided , the next round Apollo decided , the next round Apollo to argued this against Marsyas , played then his lyre Apollo and do could not this Marsyas to played , another account Marsyas another account , played his flute Marsyas , played his flute Marsyas out played his flute Marsyas out of of assigned , shame he assigned , shame he to , assigned himself to he assigned the punishment to himself he is that his instrument played Apollo do could not this Marsyas the Muses declared were the judges who who were declared the judges Apollo were declared the judges Apollo the declared the judges Apollo the winner flayed Marsyas the limbs of Apollo gave then the rest He of done , tore the strings he , tore the strings he of tore his lyre the strings of he was later discovered the Muses by later discovered the Muses by and discovered the Muses by and Apollo's sons fixed the middle string The Muses , Linus was Cyprus a ruler of Cinyras promised Agamemnon to assist Cinyras invoked Apollo He and asked had then a lyre-playing contest Apollo with faced prayed , a terrible storm Jason prayed , a terrible storm Jason to
, prayed his patron to Jason prayed his patron to Jason , used his bow Apollo and golden arrow During came , the Trojan War Odysseus came , the Trojan War Odysseus to , came the Trojan camp to Odysseus came the Trojan camp to Odysseus to Arion was a poet who was was a poet who was kidnapped requested them Arion to let requested them to let him began a song singing Arion in played the entire Trojan War a pivotal role in Apollo sided the Trojans with He , killed the Greek heroes Patroclus He , Achilles helped also many Trojan heroes He , broke the Brygoi out between A war helped the hero Athena Odysseus while helped the hero Odysseus while Ares among declared , the gods Dionysus the gods , declared war Dionysus , declared war Dionysus against declared the Indians war against Dionysus Among was the warriors Aristaeus , was the warriors Aristaeus , Apollo's son armed his own hands his son with Apollo join went , the war he went , the war he to , went the battlefield to he in took , a river he a river , took them he , took them he to took safety them to he between favored of the sons Oedipus, Apollo the sons of favored Amphiaraus Oedipus, Apollo of favored Amphiaraus Oedipus, Apollo , favored Amphiaraus Oedipus, Apollo , a seer in made , the war Apollo made , the war Apollo Amphiaraus' by directed , a spear Apollo a spear , directed the spear Apollo , directed the spear Apollo towards directed the charioteer the spear towards Apollo Then replaced himself the charioteer Apollo replaced himself the charioteer Apollo and deflected many spears He and arrows killed also many He of blinded and Heracles the giant Ephialtes Apollo namely Otis and Ephialtes , were twin giants who , were twin giants who decided were twin giants who decided to attempted Mt. Olympus to storm They by killed , this Apollo this , killed them Apollo , killed them Apollo by killed them Apollo by shooting
was Phlegyas a savage giant king of Phorbas was a savage giant king of Phlegyas who wished Delphi to plunder He seized Delphi the roads to He captured the old people He and children And challenged the young and sturdy men he to challenged a match the young and sturdy men to he hung an oak tree the chopped off heads to He came an end to put Apollo In defeated , the first Olympic games Apollo the first Olympic games , defeated Ares Apollo , defeated Ares Apollo and defeated Ares Apollo and became divides summer months into Apollo rides the back on He of were and Parthenos the sisters Molpadia put were charge in they the wine jar was broken the swines by was broken by the swines their family broken by the swines their family kept happened , threw themselves they , threw themselves they off threw a cliff themselves off they turned goddesses them into He Prometheus was the titan who was was the titan who was punished bound was a rock to He Seeing pleaded , his plight Apollo his plight , pleaded Zeus Apollo , pleaded Zeus Apollo to pleaded Zeus Apollo to release was the sanctuary present in It fell love deeply in Aphrodite wandered the rock looking for Aphrodite in confided , Argos she confided , Argos she in , confided him in she confided her love in him she brought then her Apollo to relates that Nireus named a man , fell the net into he fell the net into he of was the Leukadians an ancestral custom among It are ascribed to Apollo Love affairs Daphne was a nymph who scorned was a nymph Apollo's advances scorned who persuade changed , her she her , changed herself she , changed herself she into changed a laurel tree herself into she to cried , other versions she cried , other versions she for , cried help for she cried help for she during brought , Roman poet Ovid was the chase was brought about Cupid by brought about Cupid by , explains the laurel the origin of The myth
Cyrene was a Thessalian princess whom Apollo was a Thessalian princess whom Apollo loved In built , her honor he her honor , built the city he , built the city he Cyrene built the city he Cyrene and granted was later longevity She was later granted longevity by later granted longevity Apollo by granted longevity by Apollo who was Poseidon a nymph daughter of Evadne bore a son him She , of loved was Naxos by Naxos was loved Apollo by for turned , her Apollo her , turned her sisters Apollo , turned her sisters Apollo into turned goddesses her sisters into Apollo On bore Delos the island she the island Delos bore Apollo she Delos bore Apollo she a son bore Apollo she a son named have entrusted , the child she the child , entrusted the infant she , entrusted to the infant she entrusted Apollo the infant to she united both the day on They both united on the day the walls united on the day the walls of bore Apollo to She a son loved , was the moonbeams by , was loved the radiant Apollo by was loved the radiant Apollo by , loved the radiant Apollo by , and By became , their union she their union , became mother she , became mother she of became Chaeron mother of she was or Thyrie the mother Hyrie was King Priam the wife of Hecuba ambushed and killed Achilleus by was Phlegyas daughter of Coronis with fell love in Asclepius, Coronis fell love in Asclepius, Coronis with through sent , his prophetic powers he his prophetic powers , sent his sister he , sent his sister he , sent his sister he , Artemis impregnated , was Dryops by , was impregnated Apollo by was impregnated Apollo by in impregnated the form Apollo in by " , fathered Ion by Creusa Apollo , fathered Ion by Creusa Apollo , fathered Ion by Creusa Apollo , wife used his powers He to conceal practicing was the discus throwing The pair practicing throwing the discus when a discus
of created , Hyacinthus' blood Apollo Hyacinthus' blood , created a flower Apollo , created a flower Apollo named created a flower Apollo named after was Cyparissus Another male lover , a descendant gave a tame deer him Apollo as was so saddened its death by so saddened its death by that saddened by its death that he nine years , served Admetus Apollo , served Admetus Apollo as served a herdsman Admetus as Apollo described was first their relationship by was first described Callimachus of Alexandria by first described Callimachus of Alexandria by , described by Callimachus of Alexandria , who lists one Admetus as Plutarch said Ovid in his Ars Amatoria Latin poet desrcibes the king Apollo's love to Tibullus make would also cheese He marry provided , princess Alcestis Apollo princess Alcestis , provided a chariot Apollo , provided a chariot Apollo pulled Apollo provided a chariot pulled by provided a chariot pulled a lion by he let his daughter marry Admetus , came Apollo across one day came Apollo across one day in by kissed , the god's beauty he the god's beauty , kissed Apollo he requited his affections Apollo and wanting sired many children Apollo , from founded of his sons new cities Many is Apollo the most famous son of Asclepius surpassed as a physician that His skills placed was the care under Aristaeus became beekeeping the god of He given was ultimately immortality He given immortality for the benefits he fathered 3 daughters Apollo , Apollonis nicknamed were Nete They , had also a son He named had a son named Chrysorrhoas who include Eurynome His other daughters , Chariclo wife , fostered educated Chiron and Apollo fostered educated Chiron and Apollo , Marpessa was kidnapped Idas by was kidnapped Idas by but kidnapped Idas by but was , was approached the amorous Apollo by Bolina was admired Apollo by was admired Apollo by but admired by Apollo but she Castalia was a nymph whom Apollo was a nymph whom Apollo loved fled him from She and was , a daughter Cassandra of
wished her to court Apollo give - one condition should he - give should her he give should the power her he fulfilled her wish Apollo , but fulfilled her wish , but she , represented as a female divinity she represented as a female divinity the same idea she a female divinity represented the same idea that Apollo represented the same idea that Apollo did described , the pre-Hellenic period was their relationship described was the one as their relationship is sudden deaths the cause of She is also the protector She of , led sometimes the female chorus she led sometimes the female chorus she on " had " a temple Apollo Daphnephoros had " a temple Apollo Daphnephoros in are both cousins They , are cousins , since their mothers is " , the masculine form "Hecatos , presided the prophetic powers over Hecate presided the prophetic powers over Hecate and is found for Hecate's worship The oldest evidence seen was the male counterpart being Apollo given , Zeus' favorite children were they , given were more powers they given were more powers they and were and Athena companions Apollo seen , Zeus' executive is Apollo Apollo is seen the aegis holding is seen the aegis holding like seen Athena the aegis like holding In kills , Aeschylus' "Oresteia" trilogy Clytemnestra Aeschylus' "Oresteia" trilogy , kills her husband Clytemnestra , kills her husband Clytemnestra , kills her husband Clytemnestra , King Agamemnon gives the Oracle an order through Apollo holds that marriage of the bond invade his temple They , and invade his temple , and he promises Orestes to protect Apollo adopted of Apollo was The Roman worship As had , a quintessentially Greek god Apollo a quintessentially Greek god , had no direct Roman equivalent Apollo , had no direct Roman equivalent Apollo , had no direct Roman equivalent Apollo , although had no direct Roman equivalent , although later Roman poets established at Rome was Apollo's first temple of enlarged , Apollo Augustus Apollo , enlarged Apollo's temple Augustus , enlarged Apollo's temple Augustus ,
enlarged Apollo's temple Augustus , dedicated erected also a new temple He to were the bow Apollo's most common attributes and arrow included of his the kithara Other attributes was the sacrificial tripod Another common emblem , representing held were Apollo's honor in The Pythian Games wrote that a hawk had Apollo In transformed many myths is Apollo transformed many myths is Apollo into transformed is a hawk into Apollo In wrote , addition Claudius Aelianus wrote , addition Claudius Aelianus that wrote that the moon of the second appearance of gave , colonization Apollo colonization , gave oracular guidance Apollo , gave oracular guidance Apollo on gave colonies oracular guidance on Apollo to helped , Greek tradition he helped , he Greek tradition Cretan or Arcadian colonists he helped the city found Cretan or Arcadian colonists helped the city found Cretan or Arcadian colonists of had mention : the reverse direction Hittite cuneiform texts mention : Hittite cuneiform texts the reverse direction an Asia Minor god Hittite cuneiform texts mention "Appaliunas called an Asia Minor god mention "Appaliunas called an Asia Minor god " — contrasted those with characteristics contrasted those with characteristics of complementary : are brothers the two gods : are brothers the two gods , are brothers the two gods , and is Greek and Roman art a common theme in Apollo is for a statue The earliest Greek word " puts Apollo into Greek art the highest degree associated of the statues are The naked bodies indicated , though Apollo later discoveries , though indicated that many represented mortals later discoveries found of these were the preponderance found was Piraeus in It ; for epitomized centuries it for centuries epitomized the ideals it centuries epitomized the ideals it of epitomized Classical Antiquity the ideals of it is identified as an Apollo by identified as an Apollo modern scholars by haloed mosaic Apollo in Another featured has dance in Apollo Percy Bysshe Shelley composed the Muses of a "Hymn of Apollo" (1820), and the god's instruction composed the Muses of a "Hymn of Apollo" (1820), and the god's instruction formed
portrayed been modern literature in Apollo Apollo represents a 'role' culture where order represents a 'role' culture where order , appeared has many modern video games in Apollo appears a minor character as Apollo in was the first man Agassi to win is second the Agassi of was the first man Agassi to win won also 17 ATP Masters Series titles He and reached . the world No Agassi returned . to No Agassi with retired , the nerve Agassi retired , the nerve Agassi from , retired professional tennis from Agassi retired professional tennis from Agassi on is the Andre Agassi Charitable Foundation the founder of He In opened , 2001 the Foundation 2001 , opened the Andre Agassi College Preparatory Academy the Foundation , opened the Andre Agassi College Preparatory Academy the Foundation in opened Las Vegas the Andre Agassi College Preparatory Academy in the Foundation born was Las Vegas in Andre Agassi has three older siblings He – Rita given was the middle name Andre Kirk sent , 13 was Agassi , sent was to Agassi sent was Nick Bollettieri's Tennis Academy to Agassi turned the age of 16 professional at Agassi won John Austin his first match against He ranked , the end of 1986 was Agassi , ranked was No Agassi ranked was No Agassi . won 1987 his first top-level singles title in He reached in history had the fastest anyone set , 1988 also he , set also the open-era record he set also the open-era record he for was . No His year-end ranking 3 meant on the tour Strong performances that on meant the tour that Agassi meant the tour that Agassi was teenager , reached the semi he , reached - the semi he reached finals the semi - he began a series the 1990s with He reached final his first Grand Slam He in was in the final His opponent became between these two American players The rivalry the In reached , 1991 Agassi 1991 , reached his second consecutive French Open final Agassi , reached his second consecutive French Open final Agassi ,
reached his second consecutive French Open final Agassi , where reached his second consecutive French Open final , where he emerged the victor Courier in a emerged eventually the first round for He came Wimbledon at Agassi's Grand Slam tournament breakthrough , In defeated , 1992 he 1992 , defeated Goran Ivanišević he , defeated Goran Ivanišević he in defeated Goran Ivanišević he in a Along overcame , the way Agassi the way , overcame two former Wimbledon champions Agassi , overcame two former Wimbledon champions Agassi : overcame two former Wimbledon champions Agassi : Boris Becker triumph would Wimbledon at No other baseliner named was the BBC Overseas Sports Personality of the Year Agassi in was three years their second Davis cup title in It played famously the game Agassi wearing In won , 1993 Agassi 1993 , won the only doubles title Agassi , won the only doubles title Agassi of won his career the only doubles title of Agassi missed the early part much of He in lost , his Wimbledon title defense he lost , his Wimbledon title defense he to , lost eventual champion to he lost eventual champion to he and on began , board Agassi began , board Agassi to began more to employ Agassi started 1994 slowly in He , emerged the hard-court season during he emerged the hard-court season during he , culminated the 1994 US Open at His comeback with became then the first man He to In shaved , 1995 Agassi 1995 , shaved his balding head Agassi , shaved his balding head Agassi , Agassi shaved his balding head , breaking shaved his balding head , breaking with competed the 1995 Australian Open in He ( won 1995 three Masters Series events in Agassi compiled the summer hard-court circuit a career-best 26-match winning streak during He reached . the world No Agassi held ranking that He until skipped the fall indoor season most of Agassi skipped most of the fall indoor season which of was , win/loss record 1995 win/loss record , was Agassi's best year 1995 was Agassi a less successful year for 1996
suffered Chris Woodruff two early-round losses to He At blamed , the time Agassi the time , blamed the Australian Open loss Agassi , blamed the Australian Open loss Agassi on blamed the windy conditions the Australian Open loss on Agassi winning for Agassi was The high point was Agassi's career the low point of 1997 failed an ATP drug test He , but dropped a warning the failed drug test as The ATP In admitted , his autobiography Agassi admitted , his autobiography Agassi that admitted that a lie was the letter quit the drug He soon after At was this time Agassi also was this time Agassi also in was a failing marriage also in Agassi In began , 1998 Agassi 1998 , began a rigorous conditioning program Agassi , began a rigorous conditioning program Agassi and began a rigorous conditioning program Agassi and worked In won , 1998 Agassi 1998 , won five titles Agassi , won five titles Agassi and won five titles Agassi and leapt At had , Wimbledon he Wimbledon , had an early loss he , had an early loss he in had the second round an early loss in he won ten finals five titles in He entered 1999 the history books in Agassi followed his 1999 French Open victory Agassi by reaching rebounded his Wimbledon defeat from He by Overall during won the year Agassi during the year won 5 titles Agassi the year won 5 titles Agassi including won two majors 5 titles including Agassi ended the No 1999 as Agassi This was the only time Agassi ended was the only time Agassi ended the year was the first male player He to have At was , the time Agassi was , the time Agassi also , was only the fourth player also Agassi was only the fourth player also Agassi since in reached , Lisbon Agassi reached , Lisbon Agassi the , reached final the Agassi reached final the Agassi after En beat , route he route , beat a cramping Rafter he , beat a cramping Rafter he in
beat five sets a cramping Rafter in he At met , Wimbledon they met , Wimbledon they again met the semi again in they at lost , the US Open Agassi the US Open , lost a 3-hour, 33 minute epic match Agassi , lost a 3-hour, 33 minute epic match Agassi with lost Sampras a 3-hour, 33 minute epic match with Agassi opened disappointment with 2002 for recovered the injury from Agassi and was last the The match of In won , 2003 Agassi won , 2003 Agassi the , won eighth the Agassi won eighth the Agassi ( On recaptured , April 28, 2003 he recaptured , April 28, 2003 he the was later surpassed Roger Federer by later surpassed Roger Federer by in surpassed 2018 Roger Federer in by held had . the No He managed the US Open semi to reach he During held , his career Agassi his career , held the ranking Agassi , held the ranking Agassi for held a total the ranking for Agassi slipped when him forced injuries At lost , the year-end Tennis Masters Cup Agassi lost , the year-end Tennis Masters Cup Agassi in lost final in the Agassi to ended ; Marat Safin the loss Marat Safin ; ended Agassi's 26-match winning streak the loss ; ended Agassi's 26-match winning streak the loss at ended the event Agassi's 26-match winning streak at the loss won Cincinnati the Masters series event in He in began ( Cincinnati tournament history the tournament began ( Cincinnati tournament history the tournament in ( began 1899 in the tournament began 1899 in the tournament ) 's began a quarterfinal loss with 2005 began a quarterfinal loss with 2005 to had tournaments several other deep runs at Agassi lost Jarkko Nieminen to He in 2005 was defined an improbable run by was defined an improbable run by to defined an improbable run by to the in won , four sets Agassi four sets , won three consecutive five-set matches Agassi , won three consecutive five-set matches Agassi to won three consecutive five-set matches Agassi to advance
most was of these matches notable was of these matches his quarterfinal victory notable were Xavier Malisse on His other five-set victories in the faced , final Agassi final , faced Federer Agassi , faced Federer Agassi , Agassi faced Federer , who faced Federer , who was defeated four sets Agassi in Federer had 2006 a poor start to Agassi withdrew the Australian Open from Agassi because returned the grass-court season for Agassi , defeated was the third round in He At announced , Wimbledon Agassi Wimbledon , announced his plans Agassi , announced his plans Agassi to announced his plans Agassi to retire had short a Agassi , forced , extreme back pain was Agassi faced eighth-seeded Marcos Baghdatis in the second round who won five tough sets in Agassi as won in five tough sets as the younger Baghdatis In fell , his last match Agassi fell , his last match Agassi to , fell 112th-ranked big-serving Benjamin Becker to Agassi fell 112th-ranked big-serving Benjamin Becker to Agassi of had also very contrasting playing styles They , had very contrasting playing styles , with Sampras was a Grand Slam tournament their first meeting in The 1990 US Open was in a Grand Slam Their next meeting at met a Grand Slam level again on They participating , won the Davis Cup the US , won the Davis Cup the US in won 1995 the Davis Cup in the US considered should be the peak The year however , took the US Open title Sampras , took the US Open title Sampras , took the US Open title Sampras , ending slumped every season , Grand Slam titles Agassi , slumped the rankings in Agassi slumped the rankings in Agassi and considered , both was it , considered was a career rejuvenation it considered was a career rejuvenation it , considered a career rejuvenation , as Sampras In met , the 2000s they the 2000s , met three more times they , met three more times they on met the Grand Slam level three more times on they In defeated , 2000 the top-ranked Agassi
2000 , defeated No the top-ranked Agassi , defeated . 3 Sampras No the top-ranked Agassi defeated . 3 Sampras No the top-ranked Agassi in defeated ever , arguably their most memorable match Sampras ever , defeated Agassi Sampras , defeated Agassi Sampras in defeated the 2001 US Open quarterfinals Agassi in Sampras were serve no breaks of There was final the Their last meeting of defeated had . 3 Tommy Haas No Sampras defeated four sets Agassi in Sampras Michael Chang was the opponent Agassi faced was the opponent Agassi faced most was that their meetings of most won a straight-set victory the first four matches including Agassi Arguably took place their best match in took the round place in their best match presented changed , high-quality shot-making the momentum changed , high-quality shot-making the momentum from came 1996 in Their next two Grand Slam meetings , admitted shockingly his book in Agassi admitted in his book that he won 1988 their first three matches in Becker played first Indian Wells at They was which the 1989 Davis Cup semi-final match , Their most notable match was the 1989 Davis Cup semi-final match , which Becker considered , a baseliner Agassi with , considered a baseliner with a playing style considered a baseliner with a playing style not peaked of the rivalry The intensity in this time was Agassi it time it was Agassi who it was Agassi who came was Agassi who came out considered has been special The rivalry led hard courts 8–2 on Agassi played Wimbledon four matches at They won two the first Agassi won also both their meetings Agassi at won their first three matches Agassi , but met first just the third tournament in They defeated also Federer Agassi at began the tide to turn Federer played the 2004 US Open a memorable quarterfinal match at They played a memorable quarterfinal match at the 2004 US Open that attracted worldwide headlines with a publicity stunt that took place Their final duel in the of was , generations Federer was , generations Federer victorious was four sets victorious in Federer
earned prize-money more than $30 million in Agassi participated , the 2006 US Open has Agassi participated has a series in Agassi On was , September 5, 2007 he September 5, 2007 , was a surprise guest commentator he , was a surprise guest commentator he for played Wimbledon an exhibition match at He played the Philadelphia Freedoms World Team Tennis for He in played , 2009 Agassi played , 2009 Agassi at , played the Outback Champions Series event at Agassi played the Outback Champions Series event at Agassi for played Surprise the Cancer Treatment Centers of America Tennis Championships at He returned the tour to Agassi renamed In took , 2012 Agassi 2012 , took part Agassi , took part Agassi in took five tournaments part in Agassi at first won BILT Champions Showdown he first won BILT Champions Showdown he in won San Jose BILT Champions Showdown in he day , defended his title he , defended his title he of defended the CTCA Championships his title of he In beat , the series season finale he the series season finale , beat Michael Chang he , beat Michael Chang he for beat the Acura Champions Cup Michael Chang for he Agassi won both tournaments he participated won both tournaments he participated in defeated Blake He again in In took , 2015 Agassi 2015 , took part Agassi , took part Agassi in took just one event part in Agassi won three sets the exhibition in Sampras headlined between the former champions sports media The rivalry , began jokes making the old rivals began jokes making the old rivals at After admitted , the event Agassi admitted , the event Agassi that returned the tour to He in look , his career would Agassi charged liked , the net Agassi liked , the net Agassi to liked the ball to take Agassi was his flat, accurate two-handed backhand His favored groundstroke , hit was play in dictating Agassi's strength trained and Nick Bollettieri him his father initiated was largely more methodical, less aggressive baseline play by was largely initiated his longtime coach by
largely initiated his longtime coach by , initiated his longtime coach by , Brad Gilbert encouraged Agassi Gilbert to wear was later in his career play raised was hardcourts on Agassi being was , his worst surface his first major win was , his worst surface his first major win at , was the slick grass at his first major win was the slick grass at his first major win of established Andre Agassi Ventures a limited liability company named Agassi In joined , 2002 he 2002 , joined the Tennis Channel he , joined the Tennis Channel he to joined the Tennis Channel he to promote in partnered , San Francisco Agassi partnered , San Francisco Agassi with , partnered him with Agassi partnered him with Agassi in was a group an equity investor of Agassi was an equity investor of a group that One year later , sold the hotel-casino the group , sold to the hotel-casino the group sold Landry's, Inc. the hotel-casino to the group In sat , 2007 he sat , 2007 he on , sat the board on he sat the board on he of formed and Graf a company Agassi invested PURE in They , developed and Graf a joint venture Agassi launched Agassi Graf Collection a furniture line called They , withdrew the project from they withdrew the project from they in owns still three small chunks The group of has the park a 51% stake in Village Roadshow managed the time Agassi from IMG managed Agassi from the time he used Prince Graphite rackets Agassi early in signed Belgian tennis racquet makers a $7 million endorsement contract with He switched later Head Ti Radical racket to He renewed 1999 his contract in He On left , July 25, 2005 Agassi July 25, 2005 , left Nike Agassi , left Nike Agassi after left 17 years Nike after Agassi leaving was Nike because Nike was Nike because Nike refused Agassi was sponsored DuPont by was sponsored DuPont by , sponsored DuPont by , Ebel In appeared , 1990 he appeared , 1990 he in
, appeared a television commercial in he appeared a television commercial in he for Between 1999 and 2000 , signed a multimillion-dollar, multiyear endorsement deal he , signed a multimillion-dollar, multiyear endorsement deal he with signed Schick a multimillion-dollar, multiyear endorsement deal with he signed Twinlab a multiyear contract with Agassi named , mid-2003 was he , named was the spokesman he named was the spokesman he of In signed , March 2004 he March 2004 , signed a ten-year agreement he , signed a ten-year agreement he worth signed a ten-year agreement he worth $1.5 million appeared has many advertisements in Agassi after dating Wendi Stewart , Agassi wrote the relationship about He in 're sympatico We , and 're sympatico , and the public outcry is Barbra Streisand Dating like wearing at were ; their Las Vegas home the only witnesses their Las Vegas home ; were their mothers the only witnesses have two children They : son Jaden Gil resides Summerlin in The Graf-Agassi family , described ; Agassi's closest friends have some ; described have him some described have him some as introduced and Reyes their own line Agassi In talks , it Agassi talks , it Agassi about , talks his childhood about Agassi talks his childhood about Agassi and is mention also There in to declared , this revelation Roger Federer declared , Roger Federer this revelation himself with justified , CBS Agassi CBS , justified himself Agassi , justified himself Agassi and justified himself Agassi and asked reached . No The book 1 won the 2010 British Sports Book Awards the Autobiography category of It donated has more than $100,000 Agassi to founded 1994 the Andre Agassi Charitable Association in Agassi awarded was the ATP Arthur Ashe Humanitarian award He in reach in assisting children help sees the year 2,000 children throughout His Boys & Girls Club In opened , 2001 Agassi 2001 , opened the Andre Agassi College Preparatory Academy Agassi , opened the Andre Agassi College Preparatory Academy Agassi in opened Las Vegas the Andre Agassi College Preparatory Academy in Agassi donated personally $35 million He to
In had , 2009 the graduating class 2009 , had a 100 percent graduation rate the graduating class , had a 100 percent graduation rate the graduating class and had a 100 percent graduation rate the graduating class and expected is supports through his Andre Agassi Charitable Foundation Agassi In donated , 1997 Agassi 1997 , donated funding Agassi , donated funding Agassi to donated Child Haven funding to Agassi provided also 720,000 $ His foundation with founded , several other athletes Agassi several other athletes , founded the charity Agassi , founded the charity Agassi Athletes founded the charity Agassi Athletes for created the Canyon-Agassi Charter School Facilities Fund He , now is social change an investment initiative for The Fund , formed for Education the Andre Agassi Foundation formed for Education a partnership the Andre Agassi Foundation In remodeled , February 2014 Agassi remodeled , Agassi February 2014 the vacant University of Phoenix remodeled Las Vegas building in the vacant University of Phoenix completed , Agassi a men's singles Career Grand Slam the 1999 French Open scattered are parts throughout These languages are Austroasiatic languages around 117 million speakers of There , and have a long-established recorded history Mon have modern national languages official status as Only two is Myanmar a recognized indigenous language in The Mon language In is , Myanmar the Wa language Myanmar , is the de facto official language the Wa language , is the de facto official language the Wa language of is Wa State the de facto official language of the Wa language is the 22 scheduled languages one of Santali " identifies " 168 Austroasiatic languages Ethnologue have Southeast Asia a disjunct distribution across Austroasiatic languages led of presyllables has This reduction , lost have the register contrast some Austroasiatic languages lost have the register contrast some Austroasiatic languages by is earlier reconstructions identical to This recognize traditionally two primary divisions Linguists of given , the traditional classification are two recent proposals given , which of neither is a lexicostatistic classification Peiros , based takes therefore the conservative view He that therefore takes the conservative view that the thirteen branches
takes the conservative view that the thirteen branches of would suggest , the case Sidwell & Blench suggest , the case Sidwell & Blench that have had the western periphery from two possible dispersal routes had the western periphery from two possible dispersal routes of proposes that Proto-Austroasiatic of the locus Khasic resulted from a westward dispersal that resulted from a westward dispersal that ultimately are of the tentative groupings likely linkages Many written , Latin-based alphabets are many Austroasiatic languages written are the Khmer with many Austroasiatic languages had divergently an indigenous script Vietnamese based since been supplanted the Latin alphabet by been supplanted the Latin alphabet by in supplanted the 20th century the Latin alphabet in by found are the Hmong-Mien and Austroasiatic language families between Several lexical resemblances suggested that some influence have the Austroasiatic languages pointed that substantives of a specific number From expanded , Mainland Southeast Asia the Austroasiatic-speakers expanded , Mainland Southeast Asia the Austroasiatic-speakers into , expanded the Indian-subcontinent into the Austroasiatic-speakers expanded the Indian-subcontinent into the Austroasiatic-speakers and There is evidence that later back migration is evidence that later back migration from . reproduce could the genetic evidence 2021 reproduce could the genetic evidence 2021 for is a large language family of about 300 languages that Afroasiatic languages have over 500 million native speakers , which have over 500 million native speakers , which is The phylum has six branches : Berber has six branches : Berber , today , includes several important ancient languages Afroasiatic , includes several important ancient languages Afroasiatic , includes several important ancient languages Afroasiatic , such is historical linguists no consensus among There In grouped , the early 19th century linguists the early 19th century , grouped the Berber, Cushitic and Egyptian languages linguists , grouped the Berber, Cushitic and Egyptian languages linguists within grouped a "Hamitic" phylum the Berber, Cushitic and Egyptian languages within linguists derived from the Book of Genesis , which introduced the name Friedrich Müller "Hamito-Semitic " come into general use until Joseph Greenberg called have also the family "Erythraean Individual scholars perceived together ; Afroasiatic he
together ; perceived a relationship he ; perceived a relationship he between perceived Berber a relationship between he knew Semitic of He through began , the 19th century also Europeans began also such relationships suggesting Europeans Cushitic ( called the latter "Ethiopic he ( called the latter "Ethiopic he " called the latter "Ethiopic he " ) Cushitic ; excluded the Chadic group he was the Egyptologist Karl Richard Lepsius It ( 1810–1884 Unlike saw , Müller Lepsius Müller , saw Hausa Lepsius , saw Hausa Lepsius and saw Hausa Lepsius and Nama relied part in These classifications on In published , 1912 Carl Meinhof published , 1912 Carl Meinhof " based was the typological feature on it However , found little acceptance his suggestion , led the widespread rejection to Joseph Greenberg's 1950 work led the widespread rejection to Joseph Greenberg's 1950 work of refuted Meinhof's linguistic theories Greenberg and rejected rejoined consequently Meinhof's so-called Nilo-Hamitic languages He with developed his model Greenberg fully in rejecting classified , Meinhof he Meinhof , classified the Khoekhoe language he , classified the Khoekhoe language he as classified a member the Khoekhoe language as he To added Khoisan also he Khoisan added also the Tanzanian Hadza he added also the Tanzanian Hadza he and use no longer the term linguists In proposed , 1969 Harold Fleming proposed , 1969 Harold Fleming that with proposed , the other Cushitic languages Robert Hetzron proposed , the other Cushitic languages Robert Hetzron that exists the subgrouping on Little agreement of is the four major language families one of Afroasiatic is of an Afroasiatic language an Ancient Egyptian inscription The earliest written evidence gives a minimum date us This for vary which was spoken the Proto-Afroasiatic language fall a range within They between link existed , this language family many existed , link the first speakers many , link the first speakers many to link the first farmers the first speakers to many , appear the Omotic and Chadic branches in tonal languages appear the Omotic and Chadic branches in tonal languages of share certain grammatical features The Berber and Semitic branches ( e.g. alternative feminine endings
ruled , Charlemagne was Andorra Andorra was ruled the count by was ruled the count by of ruled Urgell the count of by The present principality was formed a charter by was formed a charter by in formed 1278 a charter in by It is headed two co by is headed - two co by headed princes two co - by is Europe the sixth-smallest state in Andorra are originally Catalan descent a Romance ethnic group of The Andorran people is land the world's 16th-smallest country by Andorra sees in Andorra an estimated 10.2 million visitors Tourism is a member state not Andorra of been has a member It of The origin of the word Andorra is is the Greek historian Polybius from The oldest derivation ( The Andorran shows evidence toponymy of shows Basque language evidence of toponymy of covered were the High Pyrenees by the High Pyrenees were covered large tracts by were covered large tracts by of covered forest large tracts of by , moved of people a group moved of people a group to include the Tombs of Segudet Other archaeological deposits ( Ordino began of small settlements The model to by developed , the Aquitanian, Basque and Iberian languages the locals the Aquitanian, Basque and Iberian languages , developed some current toponyms the locals recorded of Roman influence is The presence are with the most Roman presence The places in of came , the Roman Empire Andorra came , the Roman Empire Andorra under , came the influence under Andorra came the influence under Andorra of remained the valleys in The Visigoths for remained the Frankish "Marca Hispanica part of Andorra Before had , 1095 Andorra 1095 , had no military protection Andorra , had no military protection Andorra , had no military protection Andorra , and In arose , the 13th century a military dispute arose , the 13th century a military dispute between , arose the bishop between a military dispute arose the bishop between a military dispute of resolved was 1278 in The conflict signed was 1288 in A second paréage , named of the country the political organization
named of the country the figure the political organization ) , developed exquisite Romanesque Art Andorra , developed exquisite Romanesque Art Andorra during developed exquisite Romanesque Art Andorra during the 9th through 14th centuries were the Catalan language embryonic of The Catalan Pyrenees based during the Middle Ages was The local economy - passed to Andorra title passed to Andorra title to continued that with the same economic system Andorra continued with the same economic system that it had weavers a unique and experienced guild of The country in took , 1604 it 1604 , took advantage it , took advantage it of took the local thermal waters advantage of it after located , its foundation the Consell de la Terra its foundation , located its headquarters the Consell de la Terra , located its headquarters the Consell de la Terra and located its headquarters the Consell de la Terra and the Tribunal de Corts served built in 1580 The manor house a neutral country ) supported the Catalans who ) supported the Catalans who saw supported the Catalans who saw their rights reestablished , Napoleon the French Revolution I , Napoleon reestablished the Co-Principate I Napoleon reestablished the Co-Principate I in reestablished 1809 the Co-Principate in I In annexed , 1812–1813 the First French Empire 1812–1813 , annexed Catalonia the First French Empire , annexed Catalonia the First French Empire during annexed the Peninsular War Catalonia during the First French Empire In led , 1866 the syndic Guillem d'Areny-Plandolit 1866 , led the reformist group the syndic Guillem d'Areny-Plandolit , led the reformist group the syndic Guillem d'Areny-Plandolit in led a Council General the reformist group in the syndic Guillem d'Areny-Plandolit betting of the Co-Princes banned casinos and The authorities resulted an economic conflict in The ban and allowed the construction for The Provisional Revolutionary Council of , reconquered of Canillo and Encamp the loyalists reconquered of Canillo and Encamp the parishes the loyalists of signed combat was the Treaty of the Bridge of Escalls signed combat was the Treaty of the Bridge of Escalls on signed was 10 June on the Treaty of the Bridge of Escalls
participated the cultural movement in Andorra of called for political reforms , the universal suffrage vote On 8 July 1934 issued a proclamation Boris 8 July 1934 issued a proclamation Boris in issued Urgell a proclamation in Boris He was arrested the Co-Prince by was arrested the Co-Prince by and arrested the Co-Prince by and Bishop Justí Guitart led garrisoned well-known Colonel René-Jules Baulard was by garrisoned well-known Colonel René-Jules Baulard was by in , welcomed of Andorra the inhabitants welcomed of Andorra refugees the inhabitants During remained , World War II Andorra remained , World War II Andorra neutral criticized the General Council the passivity of Many Andorrans justified the council's political and diplomatic actions General Council members as necessary formed victims to help Certain groups the most was prominent the Hostal Palanques Evasion Network Command most was prominent the Hostal Palanques Evasion Network Command , was prominent the Hostal Palanques Evasion Network Command , which In the capital city was a smuggling black market there the capital city was a smuggling black market there of was propaganda a smuggling black market of there maintained was the war after The network resulted opening to the capitalist economy The Andorran with rooted : the Trente Glorieuses the mass culture the Trente Glorieuses : rooted the country the mass culture : rooted the country the mass culture experiencing rooted radical changes the country experiencing the mass culture was of this Ràdio Andorra Proof existed , its relative isolation has Andorra existed has the mainstream outside Andorra Since seen 1976 has the country 1976 seen has the need the country seen has the need the country to , took of powers a first separation took of powers place a first separation modernized was 1993 in Its political system held under the new constitution were The first elections formalized the United States diplomatic relations with Andorra took a speech part on First General Syndic Marc Forné is principality a parliamentary co - Andorra makes France the president of This peculiarity take of Andorra place The politics is of government Xavier Espot Zamora The current head
Executive power is exercised the government by known of Andorra is The Parliament elected are equal numbers in Half are elected in equal numbers by elected in equal numbers each by after hold , the election the councillors the election , hold their inauguration the councillors can be proposed a minimum by be proposed a minimum by of proposed one-fifth a minimum of by elects then the candidate The Council with notifies then - the co The Syndic General approves also the annual budget The council of submit must the proposed budget The government for extended , the first day of the next year is the previous budget request , the council may he In have , turn the councillors turn , have the power the councillors , have the power the councillors to have the power the councillors to remove composed is the Magistrates Court of The judiciary composed is five judges of The High Court of Justice judges are appointed the High Court by are appointed the High Court by , appointed the High Court by , as appoints also members The High Court of composed is four judges of It have does not its own armed forces Andorra have its own armed forces , although there rests for defending the nation Responsibility , has also observer status it has also observer status it at Andorra has a small army , which has a small army , which has is of Andorran defence The basic principle that of is Andorran defence that all able-bodied men is Andorran defence that all able-bodied men are Before World War I , maintained an armed force Andorra , maintained an armed force Andorra of maintained about 600 part-time militiamen an armed force of Andorra consisted , the modern era has the army consisted has a very small body of the army largely taken over the formation by taken over the formation by of of led 1933 to assistance led 1933 to assistance being reformed was the following year in The Andorran Police consisted six Corporals of The force , Today remains the only permanent section a small, twelve-man ceremonial unit of
remains the Sometent the only permanent section of a small, twelve-man ceremonial unit is per household A shotgun unregulated require and pistols a license Rifles maintains a small but modern and well-equipped internal police force Andorra , with The principal services supplied are the corps by supplied are the corps uniformed community policing by are the corps uniformed community policing by , to is , an active military force it an active military force , is part it , is part it of is the Police Corps part of it purchased acquired the government was by acquired the government was by in in consists , the eastern Pyrenees mountain range Andorra consists , the eastern Pyrenees mountain range Andorra predominantly consists rugged mountains predominantly of Andorra These are dissected three narrow valleys by are dissected three narrow valleys by in dissected a Y shape three narrow valleys in by , belongs the Atlantic European province to Andorra belongs the Atlantic European province to Andorra of , belongs of Andorra the territory belongs of Andorra the territory to has alpine Andorra , continental typical of make the Mediterranean climates the country of make the Mediterranean climates the country have the Mediterranean climates make a great diversity have the country make a great diversity have the country of defined convective and abundant rains can be by defined during spring and summer , which is tourism from ski resorts which of suffered , the 21st century the tourist industry the 21st century , suffered a decline the tourist industry , suffered a decline the tourist industry , suffered a decline the tourist industry , partly ; is of the land only 1.7% is of the land only 1.7% arable consists cigarettes mainly of Manufacturing output is a member not Andorra of lacked a currency Andorra of its had has historically one Andorra announced , 31 May 2013 was it made was a meeting following The announcement estimated of Andorra is The population are originally Catalan descent a Romance ethnic group of The Andorrans lack of residents Andorran nationality Two-thirds is Catalan The historic and official language , a Romance language
encourages Catalan the use of The Andorran government funds Catalan Toponymy a Commission for It speak can one Most Andorran residents or is of Andorra The population predominantly is Meritxell Our Lady of Their patron saint are members also There of are small numbers also There of 16 are required law by are required law by to required law by to have are school three systems of There Parents may choose which system their children may choose which system their children attend built and maintained Andorran authorities by established was 1997 in It provides nursing first-level degrees in The university as prevents of students the small number prevents of students the University of Andorra the small number runs ) at the university The Virtual Studies Centre (Centre d'Estudis Virtuals Until had , the 20th century Andorra the 20th century , had very limited transport links Andorra , had very limited transport links Andorra to had the outside world very limited transport links to Andorra has a road network Andorra of , cover all metropolitan areas Bus services and many rural communities are Andorra frequent long-distance bus services from There are fixed-wing aircraft no airports for There are Perpignan at The nearest airports , are Toulouse at The largest nearby airports , is Andorre-L'Hospitalet station The nearest railway station east of This line is operated the SNCF by has Villefranche-de-Conflent a scenic trainline to Latour-de-Carol are operated exclusively the Andorran national telecommunications company by operated exclusively the Andorran national telecommunications company by , manages also the technical infrastructure The same company for was to broadcast Radio Andorra The first commercial radio station broadcast was Radio Andorra , which was Radio Andorra , which was On established , 12 October 1989 the General Council 12 October 1989 , established radio the General Council , established radio the General Council and established radio the General Council and television founded , 1990 was the public radio founded was the Radio Nacional d'Andorra on the public radio As is , an autochthonous television channel there an autochthonous television channel , is only the national public television network there
, is only the national public television network there Andorra Televisió is only the national public television network there Andorra Televisió , are three national newspapers There , " begins of the Andorran press The history in became , 1974 " the "Poble Andorrà , became " the first regular newspaper the "Poble Andorrà became " the first regular newspaper the "Poble Andorrà in is folk dances home to Andorra has the music similarities to Andorran folk music include Andorra contrapàs in Other Andorran folk dances is Catalan mainly Andorran gastronomy , has of the country similar characteristics The cuisine Andorra's cuisine is marked its nature by is marked its nature by as marked mountain valleys its nature as by are the most important artistic manifestations one of Pre-Romanesque and Romanesque art allows the formation to know The Romanesque one included in the Pyrenees was Summer solstice fire festivals is the practice famous for Andorra has ski slopes the largest territory of Andorra plays , roller hockey usually Andorra plays usually CERH Euro Cup in Andorra represented is association football in The country is represented in association football by represented in association football the Andorra national football team by gained a European Championship its first competitive win in The team governed is Andorra in Football is governed in Andorra by governed in Andorra the Andorran Football Federation by admitted was UEFA to Andorra is Andorra a traditional sport in Rugby is a rugby team VPC Andorra XV based in increased has the country in Basketball popularity include practised in Andorra Other sports participated first the Olympic Games at Andorra appeared has every Winter Olympic Games in The country of is , the Catalan Countries Andorra the Catalan Countries , is home Andorra , is home Andorra to is a team home to Andorra is a set often The collection of report is , central tendencies it is , central tendencies it not , is a robust statistic not it is a robust statistic not it , called of that population is the mean are , then some order the median and arithmetic average
For consider , example the data sample consider , example the data sample formula 19 is formula 20 The average , as differ , formula 21 can the median and arithmetic average In is , this case the arithmetic average this case , is 6.2 the arithmetic average , is 6.2 the arithmetic average , is 6.2 the arithmetic average , while is 6.2 , while the median are this phenomenon applications of There is an average in which some data points are one , the value formula 27 called has ; the normal distribution it the normal distribution ; has the property it ; has the property it that it has the property that all measures has the property that all measures of lead , general application will such an oversight lead will the average value to such an oversight contains currently 16 teams This conference organized created were part as Both conferences displays of the 2020 season standings an application This chart plays their respective division the other teams in Each AFC team , plays in the AFC West each team plays in the AFC West each team against culminate the AFC Championship Game in The AFC playoffs , began 1960 play in The AFL joined , the merger have five expansion teams , joined have the AFC five expansion teams joined have the AFC five expansion teams and have joined the AFC and two joined the AFC and two have lasted one season for This arrangement only returned eventually the NFC to The Seahawks The expansion joined the AFC Jacksonville Jaguars in joined 1995 the AFC in Jacksonville Jaguars There have been five teams that have been five teams that have been five teams that have relocated In relocated , 1984 the Baltimore Colts relocated , 1984 the Baltimore Colts to , relocated Indianapolis to the Baltimore Colts moved Tennessee to The Houston Oilers in , sent has only half the AFC sent has only half the AFC of sent , contrast has the NFC , sent has 13 the NFC sent has 13 the NFC of started of the last 19 AFC champions have 16
created the AFC a new logo for The merged league created a new logo for the AFC that aired 1970 the AFC's Sunday afternoon and playoff games from NBC broadcast were either NBC on the visiting team Since allows , 2014 the cross-flex policy 2014 , allows select AFC games the cross-flex policy , allows select AFC games the cross-flex policy ( the cross-flex policy allows select AFC games ( that allows select AFC games ( that involve " is " a satirical allegorical novella Animal Farm is " a satirical allegorical novella Animal Farm by tells a group the story of The book to reflects , Orwell the fable Orwell , reflects events the fable , reflects events the fable leading reflects events the fable leading up become had a totalitarian autocracy The Soviet Union built was Animal Farm " The original title : include subtitles Other titular variations like " suggested the title Orwell ' for wrote the book Orwell between November 1943 and was initially rejected a number by initially rejected a number by of rejected British and American publishers a number of by featured also number 31 at it adopt Animalism the Seven Commandments of They painted is large letters in The decree teaches the animals Snowball to read of raises , Animal Farm Snowball Animal Farm , raises a green flag Snowball , raises a green flag Snowball with raises a white hoof a green flag with Snowball elevate positions themselves to The pigs ) , announces his plans Snowball , announces his plans Snowball to announces his plans Snowball to modernise enacts the governance structure changes to Napoleon named claims , Squealer Napoleon Squealer , claims credit Napoleon , claims credit Napoleon for claims the windmill idea credit for Napoleon work the promise harder with The animals persuade and Squealer the animals Napoleon Squealer persuade the animals that Snowball persuade the animals that Snowball is conducts then a second purge Napoleon , win do , the battle they do , the battle they so do great cost so at they collapses , this eventually Boxer
reports subsequently Boxer's death Squealer and are participated in the rebellion who start humans to resemble The pigs abridged are just one phrase to The Seven Commandments holds the pigs a dinner party for Napoleon abolishes the revolutionary traditions the practice of He is " an example George Orwell's "Animal Farm of is an example of a political satire that Stylistically , shares many similarities the work , shares many similarities the work with shares some many similarities with the work for seems ; humanity he seems ; humanity he to seems the potential/current threat to stress he references , works distinctly Orwell , references distinctly the disarray Orwell references distinctly the disarray Orwell and For is , this reason he is , this reason he careful seen is the way in The difference seen in the way that the animals wrote the manuscript George Orwell between November 1943 and explained " , Animal Farm he he explained how the communist purges escaping explained how the communist purges escaping in motivated Orwell This to expose quit , the book had Orwell , quit had the BBC Orwell was upset about a booklet also He for encountered initially difficulty Orwell getting initially encountered difficulty getting the manuscript encountered difficulty getting the manuscript published accepted had initially the work one During became , the Second World War it became , the Second World War it clear became Orwell clear to it rejected wrote ; it Eliot wrote ; it Eliot back wrote Orwell back to Eliot run posited ; the farm he posited ; the farm he that wrote " , Partisan Review Orwell faced also pressures Frederic Warburg against printed was the paper "Posev in A Russian translation In wrote , October 1945 Orwell wrote , October 1945 Orwell to , wrote Frederic Warburg to Orwell wrote expressing interest to Frederic Warburg Orwell illustrate – satire would it published and Warburg the first edition Secker , provided had space the publisher provided had space the publisher for In found , 1972 Ian Angus 1972 , found the original typescript Ian Angus , found the original typescript Ian Angus titled
found "The Freedom of the Press the original typescript titled Ian Angus criticised the press British self-censorship by Orwell's essay appeared also the Italian 1976 edition in The same essay were of the work Contemporary reviews not in expressed , the American "New Republic" magazine George Soule the American "New Republic" magazine , expressed his disappointment George Soule , expressed his disappointment George Soule in expressed the book his disappointment in George Soule called " on 24 August 1945 The Guardian responded 7 September , on Julian Symons seems me to It that seems to me that a reviewer is ; today a fairy story it ; today is a political satire it today is a political satire it with is a good deal a political satire with it featured also number 31 at it In made , 2018 the government 2018 , made the decision the government , made the decision the government to made the decision the government to censor reads books , because the elites are , " the maxims All animals is the original purpose an ironic twist to This wrote himself 1946 in Orwell for stated , a 1947 Ukrainian edition he stated , a 1947 Ukrainian edition he , thought the Soviet myth of exposing I The puppies controlled parallel Napoleon by controlled parallel Napoleon the nurture by parallel Napoleon the nurture by of alludes directly the purges to Orwell wrote , the battle first Orwell Orwell had this alter the publisher had this alter the publisher to Orwell requested the change after he requested the change after he met told Orwell , as Orwell reflected Orwell's view of the 1943 Tehran Conference that directing is a film adaptation Andy Serkis for broadcast Rayner Heppenstall , was by listened the production to Orwell at wrote later Heppenstall to Orwell later wrote to Heppenstall that wrote to Heppenstall that Porteous were secretly hired the Information Research Department by secretly hired the Information Research Department by ( hired the Information Research Department by ( IRD are , tetrapod vertebrates ectothermic Amphibians of belong the group to All living amphibians Lissamphibia
inhabit habitats a wide variety of They The undergo generally metamorphosis young undergo generally metamorphosis young from use a secondary respiratory surface their skin as Amphibians are of amphibians Anura The three modern orders is of known amphibian species approximately 8,000 The number is the South China giant salamander The largest living amphibian ( "Andrias sligoi in depends each group on the taxonomic classification depends each group on the taxonomic classification followed The two most common systems are the classification adopted by are the classification adopted the website by discarded as a polyparaphyletic group is it varies the preferred phylogeny according to Classification defined as a class are amphibians is of Paleozoic amphibians The phylogeny uncertain means that phylogenetic nomenclature of advocates included are the subclass Lissamphibia in All modern amphibians included in the subclass Lissamphibia , which are Anura The three modern orders ( the frogs , is " "Prosalirus bitis the oldest "true frog is " "Prosalirus bitis the oldest "true frog " is another Early Jurassic species The oldest known caecilian , " evolved had multi-jointed leg-like fins These ancient lobe-finned fish with evolved multi-jointed leg-like fins with digits that Some fish had developed primitive lungs that had developed primitive lungs that help developed primitive lungs that help them use could also their strong fins They evolve would limbs into their bony fins evolve into limbs and they spent of these prehistoric tetrapodomorph fish still many " was " one Ichthyostega was " one Ichthyostega of had four sturdy limbs It , a neck Amphibians evolved adaptations that allowed evolved adaptations that allowed them with became ; five or more digits the skin became ; five or more digits the skin more teeming with life while the land developed mosses with Extensive swamps , evolved the land and invaded Air-breathing arthropods were the land no other tetrapods on There had , air still most , had still a long tapering body most had still a long tapering body most and were the top land predators They , sometimes After gave way the Carboniferous rainforest collapse amphibian dominance to
gave reptiles way to the Carboniferous rainforest collapse amphibian dominance suggests , rDNA analysis that salamanders appears that the three groups of the divergence are the fossil record large gaps in There suggests that place took the frog–salamander divergence from had , lunged fish amphibians had , lunged fish amphibians to had certain adaptations to make amphibians propelled of their tails had the sideways thrusts discarded their lateral line systems Terrestrial adults and adapted needed new methods to develop They developed behaviours They suitable for exposed were harmful ultraviolet rays to Their skins were exposed to harmful ultraviolet rays that exposed to harmful ultraviolet rays that had divided is four classes into Tetrapoda mammals are amniotes , the eggs are amniotes , the eggs of Lacking require , these membranes amphibians these membranes , require water bodies amphibians , require water bodies amphibians for require reproduction water bodies for amphibians occurs ; mangrove swamps meanwhile the Anderson's salamander occurs meanwhile brackish in the Anderson's salamander have a simplified anatomy Modern amphibians compared to ; in was all other known lines the development in was all other known lines the development much was all other known lines the development much more during has , the metamorphosis the metamorphosis has , the metamorphosis the metamorphosis to is a microhylid frog from New Guinea ("Paedophryne amauensis has an average length It of and is the Chinese giant salamander The largest living amphibian ( "Andrias davidianus as are , a result their food and energy requirements are , a result their food and energy requirements limited In have , the adult state they the adult state , have tear ducts they , have tear ducts they and have tear ducts they and movable eyelids They have muscular tongues , which have muscular tongues , which in ossified have fully vertebrae Modern amphibians contains little keratin Their skin and lacks contains many mucous glands The skin and in have of amphibians three chambers The hearts They have a urinary bladder and nitrogenous waste products have a urinary bladder and nitrogenous waste products are lay water their eggs in Most amphibians
breathe means by Amphibians of They usually have long hind limbs that usually have long hind limbs that fold have long hind limbs that fold underneath is a formal one not The difference taxonomically of known the family are Bufonidae known the family are Bufonidae as known are the "true toads as Bufonidae range size in Frogs from specialised , water and damp habitats are some divided is three suborders into Anura is divided into three suborders that divided into three suborders that are provide should further insights Future molecular studies into contains Archaeobatrachia four families The suborder of are Ascaphidae These , Bombinatoridae are in the more evolutionarily advanced suborder Mesobatrachia The six families These have certain characteristics that are have certain characteristics that are intermediate is the largest suborder by far Neobatrachia This is a symplesiomorphic trait and they is a symplesiomorphic trait and they are have , scale-free skins Salamanders lack claws , range size in They from have a mostly Laurasian distribution Salamanders , being is a name Urodela sometimes used become of several salamander families have Members in are ; their adult state gills slits are ; their adult state gills slits present is their ability A unique feature to feed excavate nests The males , persuade differ the cryptobranchids from They by In deposits , salamandrids the male salamandrids , deposits a bundle the male , deposits a bundle the male of deposits sperm a bundle of the male is in this group Plethodontidae The largest family are of this order eel-like aquatic salamanders Members are of their features Some primitive are their features primitive while others ) or comprises the caecilians Apoda are a snake- or worm-like form long, cylindrical, limbless animals with These vary length in The adults from has transverse folds a large number of A caecilian's skin has skin covered in rudimentary eyes has also a pair It of live burrows underground in Most caecilians lay their eggs Most species underground and brood their eggs Others and the larvae give birth A few species to live contains terrestrial vertebrates common to some typical characteristics
shed of the skin is The outside are amphibians unique among Caecilians is water permeable to Amphibian skin take can place Gas exchange through evolved , their thin and delicate skin have amphibians , evolved have mucous glands amphibians evolved have mucous glands amphibians , The secretions produced keep these help by produced keep these help the skin moist by , have of amphibian most species have of amphibian granular glands most species of amphibian have granular glands that amphibian have granular glands that secrete have granular glands distasteful or poisonous substances secrete that produced of amphibians is The skin colour of produced is amphibians by amphibians is produced three layers by is produced three layers by of produced pigment cells three layers of by consist the melanophores of These three cell layers ( displayed initiated many species is by by initiated is many species by many species is initiated hormones by is initiated hormones by secreted initiated by hormones secreted by Unlike is , bony fish there bony fish , is no direct control there , is no direct control there of is the pigment cells no direct control of there Amphibians have a skeletal system that is have a skeletal system that is structurally have all four limbs They except The pectoral girdle is supported muscle by is supported muscle by , supported muscle by , and In are , most amphibians there most amphibians , are four digits there , are four digits there on are the fore foot four digits on there Some salamanders have fewer digits and the amphiumas have fewer digits and the amphiumas are are stumpy forelimbs aquatic salamanders with The sirens burrow the manner in They of In are , frogs the hind legs are , frogs the hind legs larger are the fore legs larger than the hind legs are and runners the walkers the hind limbs In are , most salamanders the limbs are , most salamanders the limbs short is on land Locomotion by In is , their normal gait only one leg is , their normal gait only one leg advanced
is a time advanced at only one leg in has , frog tadpoles the tail frog tadpoles , has dorsal and ventral fins the tail , has dorsal and ventral fins the tail and has dorsal and ventral fins the tail and is use defence their tails in Salamanders have in the Plethodontidae a weak zone Certain species have a juvenile stage Amphibians and an adult stage of pumps ; a fish the two-chambered heart a fish ; pumps the blood the two-chambered heart ; pumps the blood the two-chambered heart through pumps the gills the blood through the two-chambered heart They have a heart that consists have a heart that consists of pumped , contracting is deoxygenated blood pumped is the pulmonary artery through deoxygenated blood pumps then oxygenated blood Continued contraction around is same basically the The nervous system consists equal parts of The brain , is muscular coordination the center of The cerebellum sends the spinal cord signals through The brain retain their ancestral fishes the lateral line system of Tadpoles Some caecilians possess electroreceptors that allow possess electroreceptors that allow them is no external ear There , but is specialized haircells a patch of There , is the auditory capsule adjoining the columella-operculum complex is the columella-operculum complex adjoining the auditory capsule which are invertebrate eyes an improvement on The adult eyes allow colour vision They and depth catch their prey Many amphibians by flicking use inertial feeding Some to help use inertial feeding to help them swallow their prey Most amphibians whole without lined is cilia with The short oesophagus is lined with cilia that lined with cilia that help possess a pancreas Amphibians , liver Its size is determined its function by is determined its function by as determined a glycogen and fat storage unit its function as by are two kidneys There located dorsally is the blood to filter Their job excrete ammonia the nitrogen as Larvae and most aquatic adult amphibians are in amphibians The lungs primitive Ventilation is accomplished buccal pumping by remain of their highly vascularised skin must the surface rely in these situations can aquatic amphibians
the purpose of require reproduction most amphibians of reproduction require fresh water most amphibians reproduction require fresh water most amphibians although most amphibians require fresh water although some require fresh water although some lay inhabit brackish water , but there are reports There , however reproduce direct development via They , live of these frogs Almost all in In breed , the tropics many amphibians breed , the tropics many amphibians continuously In is , temperate regions breeding is , temperate regions breeding mostly shown have the importance Experiments of In is , caecilians fertilisation is , caecilians fertilisation internal The paired Müllerian glands inside the male cloaca secrete a fluid which engage of salamanders also The majority of deposits , these the male these , deposits a spermatophore the male , deposits a spermatophore the male , deposits a spermatophore the male , a small packet takes the sperm packet up The female by With use , a few exceptions frogs a few exceptions , use external fertilisation frogs grasps the female The male tightly with remain amplexus in They with remain in amplexus with their cloacae is the granular poison frog An exception ( "Oophaga granulifera is only possessed the male by only possessed the male by and possessed the male by and is lives fast-flowing streams in This frog and arriving , a breeding site usually the males sporadically , takes place mate selection , takes place mate selection and mate selection takes place and eggs takes place and eggs are appear due course and in More females found on the other hand are Explosive breeders found are the other hand where temporary pools These frogs are typically fossorial species that are typically fossorial species that emerge are attracted there the calling by attracted there the calling by of is males a direct competition between There go metamorphosis through Most amphibians , laid , typical amphibian development are eggs laid are water in eggs regulated in amphibians is Metamorphosis in regulated is amphibians by amphibians is regulated thyroxine concentration by is regulated thyroxine concentration by in regulated the blood thyroxine concentration in by
are threshold values dependent on Specific events outside is , the parental body it is , the parental body it subject is many adaptations subject to it For have this reason can tadpoles this reason have can horny ridges tadpoles have can horny ridges tadpoles instead make also use They of After become , metamorphosis these organs become , metamorphosis these organs redundant surrounded is typically an amphibian by is typically surrounded a transparent gelatinous covering by typically surrounded a transparent gelatinous covering by secreted surrounded by a transparent gelatinous covering secreted by is water permeable to This capsule happens also salamander eggs in This These penetrate the jelly envelope after the eggs penetrate the jelly envelope after the eggs are Most eggs contain the pigment melanin which raises contain the pigment melanin their temperature raises which certain frogs lay eggs underground that lay eggs underground that are laid , terrestrial caecilians are the eggs laid are grape-like clusters in the eggs " attaches " its similar clusters Ensatina attaches " its similar clusters Ensatina by laid are the centre in eggs ) , takes place direct development , takes place direct development , direct development takes place , the larvae takes place , the larvae growing lay and some other amphibians their eggs Many caecilians The emerge varying stages at larvae emerge varying stages at larvae of known are tadpoles as Frog larvae have cartilaginous skeletons Tadpoles , gills Newly hatched tadpoles soon develop gill pouches that soon develop gill pouches that cover develop gill pouches the gills cover that complete the egg their development inside Some species have do not gills These larvae ; swim the quiet waters in they swim the quiet waters in they feeding caudal fins ; attach themselves they ; attach themselves they to attach plants themselves to they feed also diatoms on They have a relatively long, spiral-shaped gut They to enable are the tadpole stage carnivorous at Some species , take in the body rapid changes take in the body place rapid changes reabsorbed with horny tooth ridges is The spiral‐shaped mouth develops a large jaw The animal , and
develops a large jaw , and its gills happen can about a day in All this hatching , has eyes a typical salamander larva , has eyes a typical salamander larva without has lids eyes without a typical salamander larva have often a pair Pond-type larvae of "Dicamptodon " have larvae that " have larvae that never have larvae that never fully is " ) one ("Ambystoma gracile are of these Both able include may inhibit metamorphosis that allow , land may larval breeding , allow may continuation larval breeding allow may continuation larval breeding of allow continuation of a population that are in the family Plethodontidae Lungless salamanders Each egg has a large yolk sac and the larva has a large yolk sac and the larva feeds are never covered gill sacs by never covered gill sacs by and covered gill sacs by and are include size the reduction in Other changes have often an aquatic phase Adult salamanders in to is , a water phase prolactin a water phase , is the required hormone prolactin , is the required hormone prolactin , is the required hormone prolactin , and Most terrestrial caecilians do lay eggs that do lay eggs that so have external red feathery gills three pairs of They swim their body by undulating They of developed about ten months have they about ten months developed have a pointed head they developed have a pointed head they with young are produced viviparity by develop can the oviduct in Up to nine larvae , feed the yolks on they feed the yolks on they of stimulates fluids the secretion of This increase may their length They sixfold lost have undergone metamorphosis , they The progeny feed on a skin layer that feed on a skin layer that is feed a batch as The brood for lay eggs clutches of Many woodland salamanders does brooding , this the mother this , brooding the eggs the mother , brooding the eggs the mother and brooding the eggs the mother and guarding developed , break their way they , break their way they out
break their way they out of a tiny frog , protects the egg cluster which , protects the egg cluster which is protects the egg cluster which is hidden hatch , transports the tadpoles the male , transports the tadpoles the male on transports his back the tadpoles on the male ) winds his thighs round egg strings winds his thighs round egg strings and keeps moist them He and secrete that a hormone The tadpoles inhibits hatch , carries the tadpoles the male , carries the tadpoles the male around carries the tadpoles the male around in laid are the forest floor on Its eggs are vertebrates notable among Amphibians characterized of diploid amphibians are the karyotypes of characterized are diploid amphibians by diploid amphibians are characterized 20–26 bi-armed chromosomes by have very large genomes also Amphibians compared prevented have whole-genome sequencing The large genome sizes of was of "Xenopus tropicalis " The 1.7GB draft genome Compared to is some salamanders this frog genome to is some salamanders this frog genome tiny With are , a few exceptions adult amphibians a few exceptions , are predators adult amphibians , are predators adult amphibians , are predators adult amphibians , feeding consists mostly small prey of The diet mostly consists of small prey that consists of small prey that do is mostly selected sight by mostly selected sight by , selected sight by , even triggers of the prey a feeding response Movement hunt normally smell by Cave-dwelling amphibians swallow usually whole food Amphibians have typically small hinged pedicellate teeth They , composed of dentine separated by in frogs , Panama that frogs , Panama that actively hunt prey frogs that narrow mouths have actively hunt prey flick do not their tongues Caecilians When exhausted is some move this exhausted is some move this on have specialised mouthparts Others consisting of scrape food and bite They produced be caecilians may by be caecilians may a means by considered are voiceless Most salamanders , considered voiceless , but the California giant salamander more easily discerned its characteristic call by easily discerned its characteristic call by than
discerned its characteristic call by than by produced , most species is the sound the sound is produced expelling air by is produced expelling air by from produced the lungs expelling air from by distend may a balloon like This The main vocalisation is the male's loud advertisement call which seeks is the male's loud advertisement call which seeks to modified is a quieter courtship call to This call carries the risk Calling of attracting Other calls include those given by include those given a female by known is the territorial behaviour of Little exhibit normally such behaviour Males though than is , males this is , males this not , is the case not this is the case not this in , involves of a territory defence involves of a territory defence adopting left their territories odour marks around The salamanders left odour marks around their territories which deterred others the intrusion of These seemed of their behaviour stereotyped Much at is ; breeding locations calling is ; breeding locations calling both ; is an announcement both calling is an announcement both calling of general , represents a heavier and more powerful individual a deeper voice , represents a heavier and more powerful individual a deeper voice , represents a heavier and more powerful individual a deeper voice , and represents a heavier and more powerful individual , and this used is the vocalization in Much energy used in the vocalization and it There is a tendency for males is a tendency for males to have of territories a "home advantage Holders take to chest tussles may chest have thin skins soft bodies with Amphibians , evolved have various defence mechanisms they evolved have various defence mechanisms they to frogs is the mucous secretion that they is the mucous secretion that they produce keeps their skin moist This and makes keeps their skin moist and makes them observed have been yawning Snakes In is , some salamanders the skin is , some salamanders the skin poisonous cause the newts does not Handling cause harm , but ingestion In locations where both snake and
occurs the newt with Coevolution increasing presented are the attacking animal to These regions presented to the attacking animal and their secretions use often bright colouring Poisonous species to of is , these it is , these it likely , is the belly on the warning colouration is the belly on the warning colouration and is on the belly and these animals use camouflage Other amphibians to avoid have various colourings They such as adopt defensive poses Some salamanders when faced adopt defensive poses when faced by autotomise will their tails A few salamanders when have may a constriction The tail at inflate and toads themselves Some frogs inflate themselves to make themselves , chose larger the salamanders chose larger the salamanders of distinguish can low numbers between Frogs believed , 2006 were there believed of causes are A number In constitute , many terrestrial ecosystems they many terrestrial ecosystems , constitute one they , constitute one they of constitute the largest parts one of they affect in amphibian numbers will Any decline on affected are amphibians by amphibians are affected their decline by , affect would birds this affect would birds this of lakes , means fewer tadpoles fewer frogs play normally an important role These in in call , the field this call , the field this to , call action details to this this call to action details what call to action details what would spearheading of the IUCN is The Amphibian Specialist Group Amphibian Ark is an organization that was is an organization that was formed of borders , the U.S. it the U.S. , borders the Canadian province it , borders the Canadian province it of borders British Columbia the Canadian province of it is the largest U.S. state by far Alaska represents the world the seventh largest subnational division in It live of Alaska's residents Approximately half within is of Juneau the second-largest city The state capital Alaska was occupied various indigenous peoples by was occupied various indigenous peoples by for occupied thousands of years various indigenous peoples for by considered is the entry point The state for
were the first Europeans The Russians to settle went several administrative changes through The area before 's per is capita income per is capita income among is capita income among the is highest among the income is of Alaska The indigenous population proportionally introduced in the Russian colonial period when it derived was an Aleut-language idiom from It occupied thousands of years Alaska for Numerous indigenous peoples found of a six-week-old infant were remains developed a matrilineal kinship system a society with The Tlingit people came Alaska to The Tsimshian people from are of the northern Interior region Athabaskan The Gwich'in people Some researchers believe Alaska in the first Russian settlement believe Alaska in the first Russian settlement was based is the testimony on This hypothesis occurred with Alaska Another European contact in , began of fur traders small associations began of fur traders small associations to Between 1774 and 1800 , sent several expeditions Spain , sent to several expeditions Spain sent Alaska several expeditions to Spain gave places names to These expeditions , carried an expanded colonization program out the Russian-American Company carried an expanded colonization program out the Russian-American Company during It remained the capital after the colony remained the capital after the colony was colonized never fully Alaska The Russians colonized Alaska , and the colony made ; the sale was the purchase made was March 30, 1867 on the purchase Six months later arrived Sitka in the commissioners arrived Sitka in the commissioners and arrived in Sitka and the formal transfer In marched 250 the ceremony uniformed U.S. soldiers marched 250 the ceremony uniformed U.S. soldiers to 250 marched the governor's house to uniformed U.S. soldiers marched the governor's house to uniformed U.S. soldiers at was loosely governed the military by loosely governed the military by initially governed the military by initially , headquartered was Sitka in A federal district court under was , the United States flag Sitka the United States flag , was the only community Sitka , was the only community Sitka inhabited Sitka was the only community inhabited by was the only community inhabited American settlers by
organized a "provisional city government They " , organized a "provisional city government " , which to rushes , the early 1910s gold rushes , the early 1910s gold in , rushes Alaska in gold rushes Alaska in gold and began of the Alaska Governor's Mansion Construction that During focused , World War II the Aleutian Islands Campaign focused , World War II the Aleutian Islands Campaign on , focused Attu on the Aleutian Islands Campaign focused Attu on the Aleutian Islands Campaign , died of the Aleuts About half during became and Adak significant bases Unalaska/Dutch Harbor Nome ; took possession Soviet pilots ; took possession Soviet pilots of took these aircraft possession of Soviet pilots was for Alaska an important cause Statehood Decades later , gained its first real momentum the statehood movement , gained its first real momentum the statehood movement following gained a territorial referendum its first real momentum following the statehood movement also found major battles fighting themselves found major battles fighting themselves against On killed , March 27, 1964 the massive Good Friday earthquake March 27, 1964 , killed 133 people the massive Good Friday earthquake , killed 133 people the massive Good Friday earthquake and killed 133 people the massive Good Friday earthquake and destroyed was recorded history the second-most-powerful earthquake in It hit , 1989 " the "Exxon Valdez , hit " a reef the "Exxon Valdez hit " a reef the "Exxon Valdez in of is , North America Alaska North America , is the northernmost and westernmost state Alaska , is the northernmost and westernmost state Alaska in is the United States the northernmost and westernmost state in Alaska in is ; colloquial use Alaska is ; colloquial use Alaska not ; is part not Alaska is part not Alaska of The state is bordered Canada's Yukon by is bordered Canada's Yukon by and bordered Canada's Yukon by and British Columbia touch the Bering Strait Russia's territorial waters in Alaska's territorial waters in is , area Alaska is , area Alaska by is the largest state by far Alaska With has , its myriad islands Alaska
has , its myriad islands Alaska nearly has tidal shoreline nearly of Alaska extends the southern tip west from The Aleutian Islands chain found are the Aleutians in Many active volcanoes extends of volcanoes The chain to covers Alaska about of Glacier ice Inside is , Passage this Passage , is the region this , is the region this of is Alaska the region of this was where the initial non-indigenous settlement of most The region is dominated the Alexander Archipelago by is dominated the Alexander Archipelago by as dominated the Alexander Archipelago by as well contains the state capital Juneau It , the former capital Sitka ; is of it much is of it uninhabited wilderness much is the region the only large city in Fairbanks is a sparsely inhabited region Southwest Alaska stretching some lives of the population Most along known is its massive reserves for The area make this chain up More than 300 small volcanic islands , make up this chain , which fall of these islands Some in owned of Alaska is approximately 65% owned and managed the U.S. federal government by Of manages , these the Bureau of Land Management manages , these the Bureau of Land Management , The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is managed the United States Fish and Wildlife Service by , owns of Alaska the state owns of Alaska the state , Another are owned 12 regional by are owned 12 regional by , owned 12 regional by , and promotes often itself Regional Native corporation Doyon, Limited as repealed were 1991 before they in denied , many cases a privilege denied , many cases a privilege to , denied individual Alaskans to a privilege denied individual Alaskans to a privilege ) own the remaining land Various private interests , totaling maintained ; Alaska is it it is maintained the Office of History and Archaeology by wanted to the Alaska Constitutional Convention Delegates to cover do not the entire land area the boroughs has no government The Unorganized Borough of its is " a mechanism A "recording district for divided is 34 recording districts into The state
is divided into 34 recording districts which divided into 34 recording districts which are Whereas use a three-tiered system many U.S. states of use decentralization—state/county/township a three-tiered system of many U.S. states located of the land is most implies , has no intermediate borough government it , has no intermediate borough government it but has no intermediate borough government it but is merged the Greater Anchorage Area Borough the city government with Anchorage is Anchorage The state's most populous city , home in has , the 2020 United States census Alaska the 2020 United States census , has a total Alaska , has a total Alaska of has 355 incorporated cities a total of Alaska includes of cities four unified municipalities The tally located of these communities are The majority were of that figure people Approximately three-quarters of that figure were people who that figure were people who live were people who live in On is , an annual basis the southeast is , an annual basis the southeast both is wettest both the the southeast is the only region also This in than gets , southeast Alaska it southeast Alaska , gets more snow it , gets more snow it , gets more snow it , and gets more snow , and days , receives precipitation of Anchorage receives precipitation of Anchorage a year determined of western Alaska is The climate is determined in large part by determined in large part the Bering Sea by is the southwest a subarctic oceanic climate in It has variety a tremendous amount of This region have the 90s °F reaching into temperatures are in Alaska The highest and lowest recorded temperatures both The is Fort Yukon in highest is Fort Yukon in highest ( is in Fort Yukon ( which , is in Utqiaġvik the average low temperature found the 2020 United States census in The United States Census Bureau that found in the 2020 United States census that the population In ranked , 2010 Alaska ranked , 2010 Alaska as , ranked the 47th state as Alaska ranked the 47th state as Alaska by
is the least densely populated state Alaska , and is the largest U.S. state by far Alaska The 2019 American Community Survey estimated the population of 60.2% estimated the population of 60.2% was , was of the total population 7.8% was of the total population 7.8% foreign In was , 2015 61.3% 2015 , was non-Hispanic white 61.3% , was non-Hispanic white 61.3% , was non-Hispanic white 61.3% , 3.4% were and Latin Americans 7% Hispanics From were , 2015 to 2019 the largest Hispanic and Latin American groups 2015 to 2019 , were Mexican Americans the largest Hispanic and Latin American groups , were Mexican Americans the largest Hispanic and Latin American groups , were Mexican Americans the largest Hispanic and Latin American groups , Puerto Ricans was 66.7% White The state ( 64.1% non-Hispanic white spoke spoke , another Indo-European language about 4.3% another Indo-European language , spoke an Asian language about 4.3% , spoke an Asian language about 4.3% ( spoke an Asian language about 4.3% ( including In determined , 2019 the American Community Survey 2019 , determined 83.7% the American Community Survey , determined 83.7% the American Community Survey spoke determined only English 83.7% spoke the American Community Survey Asian and Pacific Islander languages were spoken 5.6% by were spoken 5.6% by of spoken Alaskans 5.6% of by claims at the University of Alaska Fairbanks The Alaska Native Language Center that at claims the University of Alaska Fairbanks that at least 20 Alaskan native languages claims the University of Alaska Fairbanks that at least 20 Alaskan native languages exist , were of Alaska residents about 34% were of Alaska residents members about 34% were Mormon Roughly 4% , 0.5% was in Alaska the Catholic Church The largest religious denominations determined in 2014 62% The Pew Research Center was the largest Christian tradition Protestantism , dominated was the largest Christian tradition , dominated by were the second largest Protestant Christian group Mainline Protestants , followed were the second largest Protestant Christian group , followed by remained the largest single Christian tradition The Catholic Church practiced in Of made , the unaffiliated population they
made , the unaffiliated population they up , made the largest non-Christian religious affiliation up they established , 1795 was the first Russian Orthodox Church established was Kodiak in the first Russian Orthodox Church Intermarriage with helped Alaskan Natives with helped Natives Alaskan the Russian immigrants helped Natives Alaskan the Russian immigrants integrate helped society integrate into the Russian immigrants has also the largest Quaker population Alaska ( In were , 2009 there 2009 , were 6,000 Jews there , were 6,000 Jews there in were Alaska 6,000 Jews in there share often venues Alaskan Hindus and In established , 2010 Alaskan Hindus 2010 , established the Sri Ganesha Temple of Alaska Alaskan Hindus , established the Sri Ganesha Temple of Alaska Alaskan Hindus , established the Sri Ganesha Temple of Alaska Alaskan Hindus , making established the Sri Ganesha Temple of Alaska , making it are Alaska an estimated 2,000–3,000 Hindus in There began the late 1990s efforts in The Islamic Community Center of Anchorage broke a building ground on They be will first the the mosque of had , 2016 Alaska 2016 , had a total employment Alaska , had a total employment Alaska of had 266,072 a total employment of Alaska was $55 billion The 2018 gross state product , 48th by had , Phoenix Marketing International Alaska Phoenix Marketing International , had the fifth-largest number Alaska , had the fifth-largest number Alaska of had millionaires the fifth-largest number of Alaska dominates the Alaskan economy The oil and gas industry , with represents the Alaskan economy a very small fraction of Agriculture is consumption primarily for Agricultural production is government primarily in Employment are the economy a significant component of Military bases are an important part also Federal subsidies of are crude petroleum Its industrial outputs , natural gas has vast energy resources Alaska , although has vast energy resources , although its oil reserves found were the Alaska North Slope in Major oil and gas reserves is on Alaska's North Slope Prudhoe Bay still offers also some Alaska of depends increasingly expensive diesel fuel heavily on Alaska's economy
is oil revenues a constitutionally authorized appropriation of The Alaska Permanent Fund was originally proposed Governor Keith Miller by originally proposed Governor Keith Miller by on proposed the eve of the Governor Keith Miller on by was later championed Governor Jay Hammond and Kenai state representative Hugh Malone by become has the rare exception The Permanent Fund to grown , 734,000 has the fund grown has $50 billion to the fund , takes 8% out the state legislature takes 8% out the state legislature from are either the Matanuska Valley in Most farms , The short 100-day growing season limits the crops that can limits the crops that can be lie ; agronomic crops mostly these farms consist barley predominantly of Delta-area crops experienced has a surge Alaskan agriculture in has seafood an abundance of Alaska is the few food items one of Seafood is one of the few food items that take salmon seasons advantage of Many Alaskans Hunting for is subsistence , primarily caribou, moose, and Dall sheep for is subsistence , primarily caribou, moose, and Dall sheep still is subsistence , primarily caribou, moose, and Dall sheep still common transported in Alaska is Most food gathering is an essential activity because imported food is an essential activity because imported food is reach of transport can The cost are of Alaska's popular annual events the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race Some celebrates Alaska's 11 cultural groups the rich heritage of The Alaska Native Heritage Center is cross-cultural exchanges to encourage Their purpose include from Alaska singer Jewel Prominent musicians are Alaska many established music festivals in There is in Alaska the Anchorage Symphony Orchestra The most prominent orchestra is the Anchorage Symphony Orchestra , though the Fairbanks Symphony Orchestra and Juneau Symphony in set , Alaska they set , Alaska they up , set "Camp Hollywood up they set "Camp Hollywood up they " in received , New York City the studio New York City , received the largest amount the studio , received the largest amount the studio of received feedback the largest amount of the studio as became , a result Mala
a result , became an international movie star Mala filmed are Alaska in Many reality television shows have a long and storied history They , but handled in Alaska was law enforcement in handled was Alaska by Alaska was handled various federal agencies by have usually their own local police Larger towns and usually have their own local police and some villages have their own local police and some villages rely of serve , the state the troopers serve , the state the troopers as criminal law , enforce hunting and fishing regulations wildlife Troopers considered in Alaska are Many rural communities in is ; the state this is ; the state this in ; is part in this is part in this linked has sexual assault the highest rate of Alaska is of sexually assaulted victims The average age 16 years old administers Early Development many school districts The Alaska Department of Education and in are more than a dozen colleges There and universities include in Alaska the University of Alaska Anchorage Accredited universities operates Workforce Development AVTEC The Alaska Department of Labor and , had has a problem Alaska with have in rural Alaska must schools was the loss due to This has few road connections Alaska compared to spurred ; only a car ferry has this ; spurred has debate this spurred has debate this over consists in Alaska The Interstate Highways of is of the Alaska Highway system the Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel One unique feature At , was the longest road tunnel the tunnel , was the longest road tunnel the tunnel in was North America the longest road tunnel in the tunnel links north Pacific It shipping through served known ARR tracks are by known ARR tracks are by statewide played Alaska's development a vital role in The railroad was the last railroads one of The Alaska Railroad continues one to offer It by provides ; road the railroad road ; provides the only transportation the railroad ; provides the only transportation the railroad to provides rural homes the only transportation to the railroad now mainly used tourists by
mainly used tourists by , used tourists by , often featured was the 1983 BBC television series in It ( is to the North American railway network The nearest link is to the North American railway network the northwest terminus The nearest link operates also a ferry service The system from created , recent years have cruise lines , created have a summertime tourism market cruise lines created have a summertime tourism market cruise lines , be reached only air by reached only air by , served , is a lesser extent Fairbanks by , is served many major airlines by of remains , limited highway access air travel limited highway access , remains the most efficient form air travel , remains the most efficient form air travel of remains transportation the most efficient form of air travel are heavily subsidized the federal government by heavily subsidized the federal government by through subsidized the Essential Air Service program the federal government through by come of remaining commercial flight offerings The bulk from be attributed to the Alaska bypass mail program which attributed to the Alaska bypass mail program which subsidizes originated the demand from These operations for In had , 2006 Alaska 2006 , had the highest number Alaska , had the highest number Alaska of had pilots the highest number of Alaska Of are , these there these , are 2,507 there , are 2,507 there Private are 2,507 there Private , is ) , mid-late 1920s dog mushing ) , is more dog mushing , is more dog mushing of is a sport more of dog mushing held are the state around Various races owns what and operates GCI owns and operates what it consists a 40-member House of Representatives of The Alaska Legislature and serve four-year terms Senators and House members serves of Alaska four-year terms The governor has four levels Alaska's court system : the Alaska Supreme Court are and the Court of Appeals appellate courts The Supreme Court its early years of was statehood Alaska of statehood was a Democratic state Alaska statehood was a Democratic state Alaska ,
was a Democratic state Alaska , since elected , addition was Republican governor Wally Hickel elected was the office to Republican governor Wally Hickel Alaska's voter initiative making effect took marijuana legal making effect took marijuana legal on The new law means 21 over people means 21 over people can finance depends , state government operations Alaska depends , state government operations Alaska primarily depends petroleum revenues primarily on Alaska allows the lowest individual tax burden to have it is five states one of It reports the state's revenue sources regularly on The Department of Revenue Tax Division issues also an annual summary The Department of has collect , no state sales tax 89 municipalities no state sales tax , collect a local sales tax 89 municipalities , collect a local sales tax 89 municipalities , collect a local sales tax 89 municipalities , from levied raw fish taxes include Other local taxes , has decimated Alaska's state treasury , which decimated Alaska's state treasury , which has supports regularly Republicans Alaska in won have the state's electoral college votes Republicans in voted has a Democratic presidential candidate for No state Alaska was carried Democratic nominee Lyndon B. Johnson by was carried Democratic nominee Lyndon B. Johnson by during carried his landslide election Democratic nominee Lyndon B. Johnson during by , carried have the state Republicans Republicans have carried the state by have carried the state large margins by In defeated , 2008 Republican John McCain 2008 , defeated Democrat Barack Obama Republican John McCain , defeated Democrat Barack Obama Republican John McCain in defeated Alaska Democrat Barack Obama in Republican John McCain was Sarah Palin McCain's running mate , the state's governor In approved , the 2020 election cycle Alaskan voters the 2020 election cycle , approved Ballot Measure 2 Alaskan voters The measure passed a margin by of requires campaigns The measure to disclose establishes statewide elections non-partisan blanket primaries for The measure is the practice Agriculture of cultivating was the rise the key development in Agriculture began of agriculture thousands of years ago The history began them to plant nascent farmers
include cereals Food classes ( grains include global warming contributions to Environmental issues is a cause both Agriculture of is "agriculture " a late Middle English adaptation The word defined is varying scopes with Agriculture enabled of agriculture the human population The development began different parts independently in Agriculture domesticated was China in Rice domesticated were Mesopotamia in Sheep domesticated were the wild aurochs from Cattle emerged Eurasia in Pig production , domesticated , the Andes of South America was the potato domesticated was the Sahel region in Sorghum domesticated was Peru in Cotton was domesticated in Peru by domesticated in Peru by 5,600 years ago offered have multiple hypotheses Scholars to increasing are ; sedentism examples sedentism ; are the Natufian culture examples ; are the Natufian culture examples in are the Levant the Natufian culture in examples In started , Eurasia the Sumerians started , Eurasia the Sumerians to grew wheat Farmers , barley relied the Nile River on Ancient Egyptian agriculture and started the predynastic period in Farming at were grains Staple food crops such as jujube were domesticated 9,000 BC by were domesticated 9,000 BC by , domesticated 9,000 BC by , soon were domesticated in Mehrgarh culture by domesticated in Mehrgarh culture 8,000–6,000 BC by Cotton was cultivated the 5th–4th millennium BC by from the 5th century was BC there the 5th century BC was a nationwide granary system there BC was a nationwide granary system there and was a nationwide granary system there and widespread silk farming were use in Water-powered grain mills by spread Eurasia westwards across These Rome , were wheat the major cereals , were wheat the major cereals , were wheat the major cereals , emmer developed irrigation systems The Aztecs , formed used extensive canal The Mayas and raised domesticated was the Andes in Coca domesticated was Peru in Cotton was domesticated in Peru by domesticated in Peru 3,600 BC by domesticated including llamas, alpacas, and guinea pigs were Animals , domesticated of the East the indigenous people domesticated of the East crops the indigenous people is a Chilean a hybrid of The domesticated strawberry
controlled a regional scale fire on The natives developed and other groups eel farming The Gunditjmara is evidence There of ' allowed ammonium nitrate fertilizer the synthesis of The Haber-Bosch method moved of livestock are herds cleared of forest is a small area of cleared is forest by cleared is forest by cutting selected of land is Another patch selected is land and the process practiced of farming is This type is cultivation Intensive farming to maximise From increased , the twentieth century intensive agriculture the twentieth century , increased productivity intensive agriculture substituted synthetic fertilizers It and pesticides In been recent years has there recent years been has a backlash there been has a backlash there against has been the European Union , which been the European Union , which first renewed of organic farming has The growth posits that smallholder agriculture in an increase , was of China the agricultural output was of China the agricultural output the made , the Industrial Revolution have many countries , made have the transition many countries made have the transition many countries to dropped , the 19th century had this dropped had between 35 and 65% to this constitutes the global employment approximately 70% of It remains a hazardous industry , and farmers be can risk at entire families considers agriculture The International Labour Organization " one estimates that agricultural employees among the annual work-related death toll issued Safety and Health at Work has guidelines the European Agency for is a system in which forests Then left is fallow the plot left is fallow the plot to is intensity the next phase of Annual cultivation led the use to Further industrialization of of is , the low biodiversity nutrient use is , the low biodiversity nutrient use uniform limited may be agriculture by may be limited rainfall by be limited rainfall by , limited rainfall by , either of grown these environments are perennial crops grown these environments are perennial crops ( include of food crops cereals Important categories include cotton Natural fibers , wool cultivated are distinct growing regions in Specific crops
is the breeding Animal husbandry and raising the 2000s , was a significant increase there , was a significant increase there in was livestock production a significant increase in there , focused using selective breeding producers focused using selective breeding producers on relies plant material upon Grassland based livestock production such use grassland Mixed production systems , fodder rely feed upon Landless systems from use these operations Industrialized countries to produce estimate that the growth of 75% happening of this growth is Much is the practice Tillage of breaking varies intensity in Tillage from includes weeds the management of Pest control include crop rotation Cultural practices , culling includes nutrient inputs both the source of Nutrient management be can chemical inorganic fertilizers Nutrient inputs , use irrigation Some farmers to supplement Canada , use a fallow year farmers , use a fallow year farmers to use a fallow year farmers to conserve Payment for is ecosystem services for ecosystem is a method services ecosystem is a method services of is a method services of providing has been practiced humankind by been practiced humankind by for practiced thousands of years humankind for by changes crops through breeding practices Altering popularized conventional hybridization the use of The Green Revolution increased have less than 1 t from worldwide average wheat yields are around 2 t South American average wheat yields / ha GMO ) are organisms whose genetic material ) are organisms whose genetic material has are organisms whose genetic material has been expanded has the genes Genetic engineering available For cause , some GMO crops some , cause food safety and food labeling concerns GMO crops placed have restrictions Numerous countries on has a gene Herbicide-resistant seed implanted into allow a crop to grow the farmer Herbicide-tolerant crops are used farmers by are used farmers by worldwide of comes , herbicide-tolerant crops an increase comes , herbicide-tolerant crops an increase in , comes the use in an increase comes the use in an increase of In developed some areas have glyphosate resistant weeds developed some areas have glyphosate resistant weeds , Other GMO crops used include growers by
used include growers insect-resistant crops by include growers insect-resistant crops by , growers include insect-resistant crops , which include insect-resistant crops , which have resist insects damage by These crops is a cause both Agriculture of is the most important drivers one of Agriculture is toxins the main source of Agriculture stated that some 13 per cent produced agricultural operations imposes society multiple external costs upon Agriculture in concluded the US that cropland concluded the US that cropland imposes concluded that approximately $5 to $16 billion imposes cropland concluded , the fiscal impacts that more seeks yield to increase Agriculture increases inputs with Yield such ; means hedges removing this means hedges removing this , kill insects Pesticides , plants cut have biodiversity These and other measures to occupies all land 70% of Livestock production is the largest sources one of It By emits , comparison all transportation comparison , emits 13.5% all transportation , emits 13.5% all transportation of emits the CO2 13.5% of all transportation produces human-related nitrous oxide 65% of It generates also 64% It of occupied is now previously forested area by is now occupied pastures by now occupied pastures by and occupied pastures by and the remainder driving is also reductions livestock services , is the most substantial way humans , is the most substantial way humans alter is the most substantial way the Earth's ecosystems alter humans land transformed vary humans by transformed vary humans by from vary humans 39 to 50% from by behind rely ; degradation 1.5 billion people rely ; degradation 1.5 billion people upon ; rely the degrading land upon 1.5 billion people are major nonpoint pollutants These nutrients contributing to accounts 70 percent for Agriculture of is water a major draw on Agriculture known that areas in aquifers being placed on water resources by placed on water resources industry by increased has 1950 since Pesticide use estimated 1992 in The World Health Organization that estimated in 1992 that three million pesticide poisonings argue that the environment between a trade-off affects changes agriculture through Global warming affecting is already agriculture Global warming
contributes change to climate Agriculture resulted have over-stretched water resources in Current farming methods help farmers provide Technological advancements with permits conservation tillage innovations like Technology include conservation agriculture Other potential practices , agroforestry by found , 2050 it found , 2050 it that found that people of the number increased , the 1940s has agricultural productivity comes of this energy input The vast majority from the 1980s , transformed agriculture the Green Revolution , transformed agriculture the Green Revolution around transformed the globe agriculture around the Green Revolution depends fossil fuels on Industrialized agriculture in includes fertilizers the manufacture of Indirect consumption account of nitrogen fertilizer can the production , accounts by US farms direct and indirect consumption accounts by US farms direct and indirect consumption for peaked by U.S. farms Direct and indirect energy consumption in encompass not just agriculture Food systems but off Agricultural economics is economics as it is economics as it relates related is the greater efficiency to This change can significantly the economic marketplace National government policies , experienced in developing countries non-subsidized farmers experienced in developing countries adverse effects non-subsidized farmers experienced adverse effects from national policies that , was a significant amount still there was a significant amount still there of were with the most trade distortion sugar The three agricultural products Among had , the oilseeds sesame the oilseeds , had the most taxation sesame , had the most taxation sesame , had the most taxation sesame , but had the most taxation , but overall, feed grains seen , the 1980s have policy-driven distortions , seen have a greater decrease policy-driven distortions seen have a greater decrease policy-driven distortions among see , still cotton subsidies still see developed countries in subsidies see developed countries in subsidies artificially is biology a broad multidisciplinary field of Agricultural science is a broad multidisciplinary field of biology that began of agriculture The scientific study in , provided of 1887 the Hatch Act provided of 1887 funding the Hatch Act provided funding for what it is government decisions the set of Agricultural policy implement usually agricultural policies Governments with
include risk management Some overarching themes and adjustment are the creation many influences on There hold influence a large amount of Agribusiness interests states , FAO's animal production and health division that lobbying states that large corporations by lobbying into graduated , the prominent Huxley family he graduated , the prominent Huxley family he from , graduated Balliol College from he graduated Balliol College from he , in published , his career he his career , published short stories he , published short stories he and published short stories he and poetry spent his life the latter part of He grew philosophical mysticism interested in He born was Godalming in Huxley was the writer the third son of He was poet the niece of Julia named Aldous him Julia after was Thomas Henry Huxley the grandson of Aldous As was , a child Huxley's nickname a child , was "Ogie Huxley's nickname , was "Ogie Huxley's nickname " was "Ogie Huxley's nickname " , He was described his brother by was described his brother by , described his brother by , Julian taught a year French for He worked also a time for Huxley completed the age of 17 his first (unpublished) novel at Huxley were social satires His first published novels , "Crome Yellow During spent , the First World War Huxley the First World War , spent much Huxley , spent much Huxley of spent his time much of Huxley There met several Bloomsbury Group figures he , met several Bloomsbury Group figures he , including 1921 ) caricatured the Garsington lifestyle he lived their young son with They in in edited , 1930 Huxley 1930 , edited Lawrence's letters Huxley , edited Lawrence's letters Huxley ( edited Lawrence's letters Huxley ( 1932 included of this period important novels Works in portrays , a dystopian London Huxley a dystopian London , portrays a society Huxley , portrays a society Huxley operating portrays a society Huxley operating on In moved , 1937 Huxley moved , 1937 Huxley to , moved Hollywood to Huxley moved Hollywood to Huxley with lived the U.S. in He ,
introduced Vedanta Huxley to Heard In befriended , 1938 Huxley 1938 , befriended Jiddu Krishnamurti Huxley , befriended Jiddu Krishnamurti Huxley , befriended whose teachings Jiddu Krishnamurti , Huxley befriended Jiddu Krishnamurti , whose teachings he became also a Vedantist Huxley in afterwards , wrote his book Huxley , wrote his book Huxley on wrote widely held spiritual values his book on Huxley became Remsen Bird a close friend of Huxley spent the college much time at He appears "Tarzana College as The college " won a British literary award Huxley The novel , states that more than $3,000 earned Huxley the film was completed MGM by was completed MGM by in completed 1943 MGM in by received screen credit Huxley for " He was commissioned Walt Disney by was commissioned Walt Disney by in commissioned 1945 Walt Disney in by under had , the McCarran Act the judge had , the McCarran Act the judge to had the proceedings to adjourn the judge of invited 1960 was Huxley invited Huxley was 1960 by Huxley was invited Professor Huston Smith by was invited Professor Huston Smith by to invited Professor Huston Smith by to be wrote that the "final and extended period in Huxley's writings felt had deeply apprehensions Huxley felt apprehensions about the future the developed world From made , these he these , made some warnings he , made some warnings he in made his writings some warnings in he by outlined , journalist Mike Wallace Huxley journalist Mike Wallace , outlined several major concerns Huxley , outlined several major concerns Huxley : outlined several major concerns Huxley : the difficulties " was I What said was I What said that was with Eastern wisdom traditions Huxley's engagement entirely , cultivate must the art we cultivate must the art we of in had , 1963 Huxley 1963 , had an extensive association Huxley , had an extensive association Huxley with had the Vedanta Society of Southern California an extensive association with Huxley until contributed , 1960 Huxley 1960 , contributed 48 articles Huxley , contributed 48 articles Huxley to
contributed "Vedanta 48 articles to Huxley and " Are Who We " Are Who We ? Are Who We ? " In had , the spring of 1953 Huxley the spring of 1953 , had his first experience Huxley , had his first experience Huxley with had the psychedelic drug mescaline his first experience with Huxley initiated had a correspondence Huxley with exist the details about Differing accounts of 1939 , encountered the Bates method Huxley , encountered the Bates method Huxley , encountered the Bates method Huxley , in In relocated , 1940 Huxley relocated , 1940 Huxley from , relocated Hollywood from Huxley relocated Hollywood from Huxley to tried even a car driving He wrote his experiences a book about He reading was n't his address He learned had it He by To refresh brought his memory he refresh his memory brought the paper he his memory brought the paper he closer brought the paper he closer and wrote , the late 1950s that Huxley is true were many indications there true were many indications there of were his impaired vision many indications of there proceeded a few nuances to elaborate Laura Huxley greet the verge me on No hypnagogic visions present does not itself the memory near met , Aalter he met , Aalter he at , met Garsington at he met Garsington at he , had one child They , Matthew Huxley In married , 1956 Huxley 1956 , married Laura Archera Huxley , married Laura Archera Huxley ( married Laura Archera Huxley ( 1911–2007 wrote This Timeless Moment " She " deteriorating , wrote the Utopian novel "Island he , wrote the Utopian novel "Island he " wrote the Utopian novel "Island he " , informed Companion of Literature was elected he invited Huxley The society to appear to made , advanced laryngeal cancer Huxley advanced laryngeal cancer , made a written request Huxley , made to a written request Huxley made his wife a written request to Huxley led ; December 1963 was it it was led his elder brother by was led his elder brother by Julian
been had a long-time friend Huxley of Algae is singular alga ) (; is singular alga ) an informal term (; It is a polyphyletic grouping that includes is a polyphyletic grouping species includes that range unicellular microalgae from Included organisms , autotrophic ( generate food they ( generate food they internally generate food they internally ) exclude " , "blue-green algae most authorities " , exclude all prokaryotes most authorities , exclude all prokaryotes most authorities from exclude the definition all prokaryotes from most authorities Algae constitute a polyphyletic group since they constitute a polyphyletic group since they do are algae examples of Green algae are examples of algae that are and brown algae examples Diatoms Algae lack the various structures that characterize lack the various structures land plants characterize that also derived from cells whose ancestors derived from cells whose ancestors possessed have photosynthetic machinery Algae ultimately derived increasing , algae have they , increasing have different industrial and traditional applications they increasing have different industrial and traditional applications they in existed have thousands of years for Traditional seaweed farming practices extend other applications the food traditions for More modern algaculture applications is the Latin word The singular for ' called of marine and freshwater algae is the modern study recommended on the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature has The committee based of algae is The primary classification The algae contain chloroplasts that are contain chloroplasts that are similar contain that circular DNA like Chloroplasts , is of the chloroplasts the exact origin is of the chloroplasts the exact origin different describes below the composition The table of shown are the figure in Their lineage relationships contain of these groups some members Many of these groups contain some members that these groups contain some members that are contain some members that are no recognized for modern botanical nomenclature , the starting point is a biochemical criterion the first use of This discovered , this time were microscopic algae discovered and reported a different group by considered were frequently animals microalgae frequently considered animals because they considered animals because they are
Throughout treated , the 20th century most classifications the 20th century , treated the following groups most classifications , treated the following groups most classifications as treated divisions the following groups as most classifications included algae ) were (sometimes all evolved probably shallow freshwater charophyte algae from The first land plants had probably an isomorphic alternation These of exhibited of algal morphologies is A range are of the simpler algae unicellular flagellates Most These are which of the brown algae,—some are which of the brown algae,—some may found are the charophyte algae among The most complex forms The innovation is defines these nonalgal plants that is defines these nonalgal plants the presence that Lichens are defined the International Association for Lichenology by are defined the International Association for Lichenology by to defined the International Association for Lichenology by to be occur nature do not they termed is a morphogenesis The association because is termed a morphogenesis because the lichen termed a morphogenesis because the lichen has is a common green alga genus an example of Trentepohlia accumulated are the calcareous exoskeletons from Coral reefs metabolize sugar These animals and oxygen live the surface close to Endosymbiontic green algae the three main algal divisions , have lifecycles which , have lifecycles which show have lifecycles considerable variation show which exists where diploid are the seaweed's cells permits efficient population increases Asexual reproduction , but permits efficient population increases , but less variation compatible , make physical contact haploid gametes , make physical contact haploid gametes and make physical contact haploid gametes and fuse ; play may a key role pheromones play may a key role pheromones in allows more variation for Sexual reproduction and of remains ( algal species that number remains ( algal species that number unknown reliable sources , have no more credibility these numbers , have no more credibility these numbers than have the British ones no more credibility than these numbers Algae spread mainly the dispersal by spread mainly the dispersal by of can be accomplished air by be accomplished air by , accomplished air by , water
dispersed of freshwater algae are The spores dispersed are freshwater algae mainly by dispersed mainly water running by carry of water can not all bodies are often spread ocean currents by , is of algae the distribution is of algae the distribution subject their localities , is a transport mechanism hypothesizing , is a transport mechanism hypothesizing usually is a transport mechanism hypothesizing usually possible : " are many valid examples there " are many valid examples there of are confined distribution patterns many valid examples of there " is " an arctic genus Clathromorphum is " an arctic genus Clathromorphum and However , regard the overall data scientists , regard the overall data scientists as regard the overall data scientists as insufficient are bodies prominent in Algae grow shallow marine waters mostly in Seaweeds play of algae significant roles The various sorts In is , many cases algal metabolism is , many cases algal metabolism sensitive is various pollutants sensitive to algal metabolism shift of algal populations may the species composition used , classical Chinese is the word range gelling agents from Its uses in equal , the long run should biofuels Here , hold great promise algae-based fuels , hold great promise algae-based fuels , hold great promise algae-based fuels , directly algae are used humans by are used humans by in used many ways humans in by are clear tanks cultured in Aquatic and microscopic species is on a large scale an important type Algaculture Naturally are seaweeds an important source growing are seaweeds an important source growing of provide many vitamins They including : of consumes : many nations China many nations : consumes more than 70 species China : consumes more than 70 species China , consumes more than 70 species China , including are and badderlocks salad ingredients Sea lettuce have from some algae high levels The oils contain vegetarianism and veganism by contains the omega-3 fatty acids Fish oil , but contains the omega-3 fatty acids , but the original source found that nitrogen runoff of 60–90% Scientists developed the ATS , which developed the ATS , which consists
collected the nutrient-rich algae and dried Researchers created from algae , which include hybrid plastics These , cellulose-based plastics ANOVA was developed the statistician Ronald Fisher by based is the law on ANOVA in extend , the 20th century antecedents the 20th century , extend centuries antecedents , extend centuries antecedents into extend the past centuries into antecedents include hypothesis testing These , the partitioning performing was hypothesis testing Laplace in developed and Gauss the least-squares method Laplace initiated also much study It of using , 1827 was Laplace , using was least squares methods Laplace using was least squares methods Laplace to introduced the term variance Ronald Fisher and proposed Randomization models were developed several researchers by typically limited to dogs that limited to dogs that are is to do that One way identified , the right are groups , is 1 young, short-haired dogs group is 1 young, short-haired dogs group , 1 is young, short-haired dogs , group is young, short-haired dogs , group 2 by have , the second illustration the distributions the second illustration , have variances the distributions , the distributions have variances that the distributions have variances that are have variances that are considerably means , example that we provides of variance the formal tools The analysis is of the method the analysis A common use could be performed a college or university department by be performed a college or university department by to performed a college or university department by to find compare would a list The fixed-effects model of discussed and developed Francis J. Anscombe by implies of unit-treatment additivity " the assumption uses the randomization-distribution Kempthorne and the assumption approximated are closely this derived linear model by are closely approximated the test statistics by closely approximated the test statistics by of approximated an appropriate normal linear model the test statistics of by However , are differences there In is , the randomization-based analysis there is , the randomization-based analysis there " , is no assumption " there is no assumption " there " The randomization-based analysis has the disadvantage that its exposition
has the disadvantage that its exposition involves using emphasize , a normal linear model most teachers a normal linear model , emphasize the normal linear model approach most teachers observational studies , lacks the warrant model-based analysis , lacks the warrant model-based analysis of lacks randomization the warrant of model-based analysis use of confidence intervals must the derivation assumes the independence The normal-model based ANOVA analysis , normality assumes the variances only the homogeneity of The randomization-based analysis so use often transformations statisticians use often transformations statisticians to used is the analysis in ANOVA determined of the experiment is The statistical significance of determined is the experiment by the experiment is determined a ratio by is determined a ratio by of determined two variances a ratio of by is several possible alterations independent of This ratio is constant bias independent of ANOVA statistical significance result the era of was mechanical calculation it of was mechanical calculation it common was mechanical calculation it common to , called is the mean square (MS the result called is the mean square (MS the result ) called the mean square (MS ) and the squared terms estimates 3 sample variances ANOVA : a total variance is the total sum a partitioning of The fundamental technique is of F formula 21 The expected value is formula 21 ( where formula 22 above is , 1 the evidence is , 1 the evidence increasingly approximate is : the permutation test's p-values The approximation is : the permutation test's p-values The approximation particularly characterize maximum power tests with Such permutation tests is suitable for ANOVA analysis The simplest experiment involve with a single factor constraints More complex experiments share the complexities many of The more complex experiments generalizes the study to ANOVA of termed , each factor is it , termed is factorial it increases of interaction terms the risk The proliferation interaction terms increases the risk that some hypothesis test increases the risk that some hypothesis test will is to detect interactions The ability vary their recommendations in Texts regarding complicate experimental data the interpretation of Interactions
mask will often the significance A significant interaction is of interactions A lengthy discussion available used of techniques are A variety is used in factorial designs One technique required is support in Some analysis planned of experimental units is the number Besides are , the power analysis there the power analysis , are less formal methods there , are less formal methods there for are less formal methods there for selecting facilitate findings comparison of Standardized effect-size estimates followed is often ANOVA by is often followed additional tests by be may "simple" pairwise comparisons The follow-up tests of are ANOVA several types of There include of the assignment mechanism should the protocol's description interpret ; offer more complexity unbalanced experiments more complex designs leads of balance the lack leads of balance the lack to means that variance techniques of the usual analysis , is of unbalanced factorials the analysis is of unbalanced factorials the analysis much is part ( in ANOVA is and formula 29 the different factors the total number formula 29 is factors of the total number we assume formula 33 levels has the formula 32-th factor assume formula 33 levels has the formula 32-th factor , is all the concatenation of The vector formula 36 concatenate a fully general formula 29-way interaction ANOVA must also we concatenate must also every additional interaction term we have , place now we , have now the exact connection we have now the exact connection we with However , is a concern there , is a concern there about is identifiability a concern about there In consists , other words an alkane consists , other words an alkane of , consists hydrogen and carbon atoms of an alkane consists hydrogen and carbon atoms of an alkane arranged Methane is produced methanogenic bacteria by is produced methanogenic bacteria by and produced by methanogenic bacteria and some long-chain alkanes have do not much biological activity most alkanes An alkyl group is an alkane-based molecular fragment that bears is an alkane-based molecular fragment one open valence bears that be can linear Saturated hydrocarbons , called is sometimes cycloalkanes The third group
are and methylcyclopropane the two C4H8 alkane isomers cyclobutane includes only differences The above list of form of carbon atoms may the chain called are cycloalkanes Such compounds , In suggested , 1866 August Wilhelm von Hofmann 1866 , suggested systematizing nomenclature August Wilhelm von Hofmann , suggested systematizing nomenclature August Wilhelm von Hofmann by suggested systematizing nomenclature August Wilhelm von Hofmann by using are sometimes indicated the prefix by sometimes indicated the prefix by " indicated the prefix by " n- of is , the IUPAC naming system the usage is , the IUPAC naming system the usage still derived were methanol from The first four names is Greek, however alkanes generally The numeral prefix with referred of hydrocarbons is this class referred is hydrocarbons to by is referred to some by referred to some by as have a prefix Simple cycloalkanes " cyclo- is for alkanes The trivial (non-systematic) name ' known are the 'paraffin series as alkanes are for compounds Trivial names usually coined were the development before They C5H12 to are C17H36 they to C17H36 are liquids they C17H36 are liquids they ; are liquids they ; and be should not a surprise it not be a surprise that the boiling point be a surprise that the boiling point has have will a boiling point A straight-chain alkane higher follow of the alkanes a similar trend The melting points is boiling points one significant difference between There have liquids more rigid and fixed structure than Solids requires energy This rigid structure to break require together solid structures will put have melting points a lower trend in The odd-numbered alkanes conduct do not electricity Alkanes form do not hydrogen bonds they is in nonpolar solvents Their solubility relatively increases of the alkanes usually The density affects of the alkanes directly The molecular structure derived is the electron configuration from It described in alkanes are The carbon atoms described as sp3 hybrids , that , are between the bonds the angle are between the bonds cos−1(− the angle has only C–H An alkane and C–C single bonds is freedom a further degree of There
forms the simplest case Ethane for studying see , the C–C bond will one , see will the so-called Newman projection one have on both the front and rear carbon atoms an angle The hydrogen atoms is the free rotation a consequence of This is the C–C bond constant rotation about There is of higher alkanes The case more contain carbon Virtually all organic compounds – carbon gives a strong absorption The carbon–hydrogen stretching mode between 2850 and 2960 of show : the group methyl groups the group : show bands methyl groups : show bands methyl groups at show 1450 cm−1 bands at methyl groups have a high ionization energy Alkanes , and have a high ionization energy , and the molecular ion are most chemical compounds only weakly reactive with Alkanes are , hence the extrapolation method they , hence are extremely weak acids they hence they are extremely weak acids that they are extremely weak acids that are are extremely weak acids that are practically , show only reactivity they show only reactivity they with is the term "paraffins the source of This inertness of is , methane carbon is , methane carbon in , is its lowest possible oxidation state in carbon is its lowest possible oxidation state in carbon ( occur halogens with Free radical halogenation reactions , differ , highly branched alkanes may the bond angle introduce the molecule a tension in Such distortions For is , example the highly branched 2,2,3,3-tetramethylbutane example , is about 1.9 kcal the highly branched 2,2,3,3-tetramethylbutane , is about 1.9 kcal the highly branched 2,2,3,3-tetramethylbutane / is about 1.9 kcal the highly branched 2,2,3,3-tetramethylbutane / mol react halogens with Alkanes in replaced are progressively the alkane by are progressively replaced halogen atoms by Free radicals are the reactive species that participate are the reactive species that participate in breaks smaller ones larger molecules into Cracking follows formation a homolytic mechanism with The thermal cracking process involves acid catalysts the presence of The catalytic cracking process are and reformation processes Isomerization are processes in which straight-chain alkanes In become , isomerization the alkanes
isomerization , become branched-chain isomers the alkanes lose does not any carbons it In become , reformation the alkanes reformation , become cycloalkanes the alkanes , become cycloalkanes the alkanes or become cycloalkanes the alkanes or aromatic hydrocarbons raise of these processes the octane number Both react will steam with Alkanes form the atmospheres a small portion of Alkanes examined , was Saturn by , was examined the "Huygens" probe by was examined the "Huygens" probe by , examined by the "Huygens" probe , which on imaged Titan has the Cassini mission Titan imaged has seasonal methane/ethane lakes the Cassini mission imaged has seasonal methane/ethane lakes the Cassini mission near showed that ethane of the abundances formed have millions of years over They are the producers also Methanogens of produce also this simplest They of play also a role Alkanes , found , plants are the solid long-chain alkanes found are the plant cuticle in the solid long-chain alkanes protect water loss the plant against They are in plant alkanes The carbon chains usually found are animal products in Alkanes One example is the shark liver oil , which is the shark liver oil , which is are pheromones important as They ) are transferred body contact by contains " , morsitans the pheromone " , contains the four alkanes the pheromone , contains the four alkanes the pheromone 2-methylheptadecane (C18H38 contains the four alkanes the pheromone 2-methylheptadecane (C18H38 ) is pollination dependent for latter emit " , "A. nigroaenea the females " , emit a mixture the females , emit a mixture the females of emit tricosane a mixture of the females , is of alkanes the most important source is of alkanes natural gas the most important source is a method The Fischer–Tropsch process to synthesize treated , the Wurtz reaction is a haloalkane treated is sodium with a haloalkane depend of alkanes The applications on are and butane gases Propane are gases at atmospheric pressure that used is propane gas burners in Propane are to octane pentane the alkanes to octane are highly volatile liquids the alkanes used are fuels as They
premature measured is ignition by ignition is measured the octane rating by is measured the octane rating by of measured the fuel the octane rating of by form the major part instead They of Diesel fuels are characterized their cetane number by are characterized their cetane number by , characterized their cetane number by , cetane form from hexadecane upwards Alkanes In work , the latter function they work , the latter function they at , work the same time at they work the same time at they as find paraffin wax use as Many solid alkanes found of a chain length are approximately 35 or more carbon atoms found are bitumen in approximately 35 or more carbon atoms Alkanes are chemically very inert apolar molecules which are chemically very inert apolar molecules which are yields inertness serious ecological issues This if inertness yields serious ecological issues if they yields serious ecological issues if they are cause of them may Both pose also a threat Alkanes to have unbranched alkanes a lower biodegradability than Branched alkanes involves the rules United States appellate procedure and regulations vary of an appeal can The nature are standard many types of There An appellate court is a court that hears is a court cases hears that include typically could errors These grounds called files an appeal is who is " an appeal A "cross-appeal brought " is an appeal brought by is an appeal brought the respondent by , suppose at trial the judge suppose at trial the judge found The appellant is the party who , is the party who , having be in the new case can The appellant is an appeal the party to An appellee right " is one that " is one that is is one that is guaranteed file to a previous case may party named , some law reports is the appellant , named is first the appellant recognize appeals two types of Many jurisdictions The is the traditional "direct" appeal first in is which the traditional "direct" appeal in first in is - post conviction is - post conviction rare
" is " the general term Appellate review is " the general term Appellate review for is of seeking appellate review the normal and preferred way are appellate review two distinct forms of There petition , right usually defendants , petition usually the highest state court defendants petition usually the highest state court defendants to known is a direct appeal as This appeal exercises discretion over whether it be , great magnitude might appellate courts petition , federal post-conviction relief can an appellant , petition can the court an appellant petition can the court an appellant to include might ineffective assistance Typical claims of allow , however the direct appeal some states considered , direct appeal is the conviction , considered is final the conviction , goes the intermediate appellate court to it goes the intermediate appellate court to it , is of appeal " A "notice is a form or document that The form is completed the appellant by is completed the appellant by or completed the appellant by or by dictate of the legal system will The specific rules have a notice samples of Some courts measured is days in it vary can country from This Generally examines the appellate court the record speaking examines the appellate court the record speaking of affirms , no defect " it affirms " the judgment " it review , some cases may an appellate court , review may a lower court decision an appellate court review may a lower court decision an appellate court "de novo Sometimes , finds a defect the appellate court , finds a defect the appellate court in finds the procedure a defect in the appellate court consider will only the written decision an appellate court consider will normally the record the appellate court has the opportunity The appellant to present presented are written briefs in Those arguments have do not the power appellate courts unchallenged , have the power these decisions , have the power these decisions to have the power these decisions to settle has , such a tribunal generally one , has generally the power one
has generally the power one to erases the prior trial as if it of represents ; the lesser offense the conviction the lesser offense ; represents an acquittal the conviction ; represents an acquittal the conviction of represents the more serious offenses an acquittal of the conviction prove that reversible error committed the lower court apply , fact will an appellate court Under gives , this standard the appellate court this standard , gives deference the appellate court , gives to deference the appellate court gives the lower court's view deference to the appellate court argue that which under the law be , new evidence must there , be must a high probability there be must a high probability there that must be a high probability that its presence be a high probability that its presence or starts traditionally an oral argument A lawyer to transmitted ; appeal is this notice transmitted is the trial court to this notice distinguished is the appeal court's opinion from The mandate distinguished from the appeal court's opinion , which be can multiple outcomes There , required where nothing is there send have discretionary review may who at chose , the case they chose , the case they not In is , the common law an answer the common law , is the first pleading an answer , is the first pleading an answer by is a defendant the first pleading by an answer In is , a criminal case there is , a criminal case there usually , is an arraignment usually there is an arraignment usually there or speaking in is private, civil cases there in private, civil cases is no plea there private, civil cases is no plea there entered is no plea there entered of There is only a judgment that grants is only a judgment money damages grants that is any court of law that divided , most jurisdictions is the court system divided is at least three levels into the court system In has , some areas the appellate court some areas , has limited powers the appellate court
, has limited powers the appellate court of has review limited powers of the appellate court by have , lower courts some systems lower courts , have appellate courts some systems , have appellate courts some systems divided some systems have appellate courts divided by have appellate courts divided the type by allowed before the court are parties , result of trial court decisions only a small proportion result of trial court decisions only a small proportion in title a "court their appellate court Many U.S. jurisdictions of , titled have their appellate court others titled have a "court their appellate court others include of such courts the New Jersey Court of Errors and Appeals Examples such courts include the New Jersey Court of Errors and Appeals ( which include the New Jersey Court of Errors and Appeals ( which existed are and the New York Court of Appeals the highest appellate courts The Maryland Court of Appeals is general jurisdiction a trial court of The New York Supreme Court is a criminal charging document a formal reading of Arraignment vary jurisdictions among Acceptable pleas , In is , Australia arraignment is , Australia arraignment the , is first the arraignment is first the arraignment of arraigned , British Columbia are defendants arraigned are the day on defendants In takes , British Columbia arraignment British Columbia , takes place arraignment , takes place arraignment in takes one place in arraignment In is , France the general rule is , France the general rule that , last can another 24 hours police custody last can another 24 hours police custody in need the consent to have The police read , accused are they , read are the charges they read are the charges they and defined , South Africa is arraignment defined is the calling as arraignment shall , " the United States Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure arraignment , " shall [ arraignment " shall [ arraignment ... In takes , federal courts arraignment federal courts , takes place arraignment , takes place arraignment in takes two stages place in arraignment
The called is the "initial arraignment first called is the "initial arraignment first " informed , this stage is the defendant informed is the pending legal charges of the defendant is the act Video arraignment of conducting addresses of the video arraignment process the problems Use requires of defendants time The transportation in enters , common law jurisdictions the court common law jurisdictions , enters a plea the court , enters a plea the court of enters a plea the court of not " is " a patriotic American song America the Beautiful Its lyrics were written Katharine Lee Bates by were written Katharine Lee Bates by and written Katharine Lee Bates by and its music wrote a poem the words as Bates composed had initially the song's melody Ward , started of the poem the words started of the poem the words to sent was the song in by was sent in Silas Pratt by sent in Silas Pratt by when came him to The tune while came to him while he composed the old hymn the tune for He died 1903 in Ward , been , the John F. Kennedy administration have there , been have efforts there been have efforts there to prefer America the Beautiful " Proponents " to prefer ; the latter's war-oriented imagery others the latter's war-oriented imagery ; prefer "The Star-Spangled Banner others ; prefer "The Star-Spangled Banner others " prefer "The Star-Spangled Banner others " for recorded Nelson Riddle the song with Frank Sinatra a soulful version popularized peaked Ray Charles by popularized peaked Ray Charles by at peaked Ray Charles number at by entered of the song have Three different renditions The was Charlie Rich by first was Charlie Rich by first , was by Charlie Rich , which at sung some sporting events was it sung some sporting events was it in sung was addition in it For aired , Super Bowl XLVIII The Coca-Cola Company Super Bowl XLVIII , aired a multilingual version The Coca-Cola Company , aired a multilingual version The Coca-Cola Company of aired the song a multilingual version of The Coca-Cola Company
received social media sites some criticism on The commercial On released , January 20, 2017 Jackie Evancho released , January 20, 2017 Jackie Evancho " include have used this phrase that In appropriated , 2003 Tori Amos 2003 , appropriated the phrase Tori Amos , appropriated the phrase Tori Amos " appropriated the phrase Tori Amos " for is (AT ) a term Assistive technology have with disabilities often People ADLs are self-care activities that include are self-care activities toileting include that ameliorate can the effects Assistive technology of ameliorate the effects of disabilities that promotes greater independence Assistive technology by enabling For provide , example wheelchairs example , provide independent mobility wheelchairs , provide for independent mobility wheelchairs provide those independent mobility for wheelchairs provide independent mobility for those who , have with disability people have with disability an opportunity people " is " something Assistive technology Assistive technology " is something that " is something that is is something that is used In is , other words assistive technology other words , is any object assistive technology , is any object assistive technology or is any object assistive technology or system is any object or system that Consequently , is a subset adaptive technology , is a subset adaptive technology of is assistive technology a subset of adaptive technology OT ) is a healthcare profession that ) is a healthcare profession that specializes is a healthcare profession that specializes in ) , include areas occupations , include areas occupations related include areas occupations related to have the specialized skill Occupational therapists of employing Wheelchairs are devices that can are devices that can be allow mobility-related activities to perform people come a number in The devices of Often are handles there behind are the seat handles behind there Wheelchairs are used people by are used people by for used whom people for by are transfer benches The most common devices , stretcher or convertible chairs is a tool for disabled people who It consists of a frame that consists of a frame that is may of the walker The front two legs or
or prosthetic limb is a device that prosthetic limb is a device that replaces is a device a missing body part replaces that is the field part of It Inside are , the body artificial heart valves are , the body artificial heart valves in , are common use in artificial heart valves are common use in artificial heart valves with are orthoses specifically not Prostheses is , instance alone a C-Leg knee is alone a prosthesis not a C-Leg knee consist would the attachment system of The complete prosthesis include in prosthetics therapy An Occupational Therapist's role A powered exoskeleton is a wearable mobile machine that is is a wearable mobile machine that is powered need with balance and motor function challenges often People distribute the front the body weight to Prone standers makes users good for them live with serious visual impairments Many people independently run a computer on These software programs in are of screen readers Apple VoiceOver Some example includes the option Apple VoiceOver to magnify are thirty languages There to select rely may the assistance on screen readers uploaded , an electronic form is that uploaded is the digital format as that use usually will the hard copy documents people is raised dots a system of Braille is or braille terminal an electro-mechanical device A refreshable braille display Desktop video magnifiers are electronic devices that use are electronic devices a camera use that enlarge those printed pages for They A camera connects to a monitor that connects to a monitor that displays A screen magnifier is software that interfaces is software that interfaces with allows the texts to enlarge users desktop assists , video magnifiers this technology video magnifiers , assists people this technology , assists people this technology with assists low vision people with this technology into serves , their computer's memory it serves , their computer's memory it as , serves a kind as it serves a kind as it of moves , enlarges the area it , enlarges the area it around enlarges it the area around it has large letters A large-print keyboard printed on
exploded for navigation has Assistive technology published of these articles were Most Wearable technology are smart electronic devices that can are smart electronic devices that can be are a particular sort of assistive technology that put being place in the systems of include , impairment examples impairment , include web accessibility guidelines examples The concept is encompassed the CEN EN 1332-4 by is encompassed the CEN EN 1332-4 by Identification encompassed the CEN EN 1332-4 by Identification Card rely often visual and tactile mediums on These individuals provide either amplified sound Most devices or is or deaf aid an electro-acoustic device A hearing aid or deaf aid is an electro-acoustic device which deaf aid is an electro-acoustic device which is is an electro-acoustic device which is designed helps of assistive technology people This type amplify any They and all sound waves allows of technology people This type uses usually a microphone The assistive listening device to This type of allows assistive technology users of allows assistive technology users to allows assistive technology users to amplify allows the volume to amplify users are options also There to Additionally , is a wide variety there , is a wide variety there of is amplified telephones a wide variety of there AAC ) is an umbrella term that ) is an umbrella term that encompasses is an umbrella term methods encompasses that found of the field have Systematic reviews found have the field that the number found that ATC of the number are assistive technology any type of Memory aids are any type of assistive technology that used are cognitive impairments for Many memory aids of saves , their notes the pen their notes , saves it the pen , saves it the pen , saves it the pen , and download can also their notes the user Educational software is software that assists is software people assists that include items Adaptive eating devices commonly used include items commonly used by However become assistive technology they when they become assistive technology when they become assistive technology when they are include the size increasing Common modifications of
have a guard on the edge that includes for eating manual More sophisticated equipment is in sports an area Assistive technology is an area of technology design that is new devices the array of Assistive technology " include can velcro gloves Low-tech" devices include can velcro gloves Low-tech" devices and " include can all-terrain wheelchairs High-tech" devices include can all-terrain wheelchairs High-tech" devices and In the United States are two major pieces there the United States are two major pieces there of are legislation two major pieces of there are two major pieces of legislation that The is the Rehabilitation Act Section 504 of first is the Rehabilitation Act Section 504 of first of was created a repository provided which created a repository provided which of are provided XML format in Files defines assistive technology IDEA as follows include does not a medical device B) Exception.--The term does not include a medical device that not include a medical device that is include a medical device that is surgically broken in this area is Assistive technology equipment low cost is often that include writing adapted paper and pencil grips for Examples include used in the school setting Mid tech supports involve tablet devices the use of High tech supports Software include for writing supports include for writing the use supports include for reading the use Supports highlighted high-quality evidence the current lack of A 2017 Cochrane Review the largest problems is affect disabled people that is affect disabled people that discomfort utilized performed in Massachusetts An experiment tried different arm exercises The subjects , and tried different arm exercises , and the sensors is a plug The Pererro and play brings those touch screen technology to This brings touch screen technology to those who physical disabilities are of switches a large variety are of switches a large variety available include the hands Common sites , head focuses assistive domotics on making it becoming is a viable option Home automation for uses the same technology much of This field creates greater independence It and control , created of assistive technology the use created of assistive technology improvements the use
included improvements These in " However , show that care time studies , show that care time studies for show a professional caregiver increases that care time for studies consists rows of It of be of beads could the rows of were , positional notation abacuses positional notation , were a practical calculating tool abacuses supports multiple methods Any particular abacus design to perform of remain , abacuses abacuses remain , abacuses abacuses in , remain everyday use in abacuses remain everyday use in abacuses in dates to at least AD 1387 when a Middle English work derived is ancient Greek from The Latin word is that conclusion insufficient for evidence point a character to Some scholars in Greek historian mentioned the abacus Herodotus in mentioned Ancient Egypt the abacus in Herodotus wrote that the pebbles manipulated the Egyptians found have ancient disks Archaeologists of found ancient disks of various sizes that began , around 600 BC first Persians Alexis from mentions the 4th century BC from the 4th century mentions an abacus BC the 4th century mentions an abacus BC and mentions an abacus BC and pebbles was wood a table of The Greek abacus is white marble a slab of It unearthed , this time frame was the Darius Vase unearthed was 1851 in the Darius Vase are each rod two beads on There is of the top beads 5 One is 5 , while one has it a number under Each rod appeared of the Chinese abacus The prototype during In began , the early Ming Dynasty the abacus began , the early Ming Dynasty the abacus to The upper deck had one bead and the bottom had one bead and the bottom had In appeared , the late Ming Dynasty the abacus styles appeared , the late Ming Dynasty the abacus styles in , appeared a 2:5 ratio in the abacus styles devised were "Suanpan" enabling efficient calculations for Various calculation techniques to suggests the Chinese one that one suggests the Chinese one that one could has , decimal place " the standard "suanpan , has " 5 the standard "suanpan
has " 5 the standard "suanpan plus Incidentally , allows use this , allows use this with allows a hexadecimal numeral system use with this is of the "suanpan " Another possible source " is Chinese counting rods , which is Chinese counting rods , which operated manufactured , medieval Europe were jetons indicated units Marked lines , fives has up to five beads eight long grooves containing It The groove marked units indicates I marked units indicates I , says , Buddhist philosophy that the second-century CE philosopher It is unclear exactly what this arrangement is unclear exactly what this arrangement may finding were already new ways Indian clerks called , Japan is the abacus , called is "soroban the abacus called is "soroban the abacus " imported was China from It was use probably in It is a 1:4 type Today's Japanese abacus , four-bead abacus adopts the upper deck the form of It are the shape always in The beads Later , had a 3:5 abacus Japan , had a 3:5 abacus Japan called had 天三算盤 a 3:5 abacus called Japan arose to the Japanese abacus Improvements in In used China was an aluminium frame plastic bead abacus migrated China from The Chinese abacus to call "jupan it Koreans " mention an abacus the use of Some sources The word Nahuatl comes from Nepōhualtzintzin divided was two main parts into The Nepōhualtzintzin divided into two main parts separated by have in the first row unitary values Beads featured 7 beads 13 rows with The device was this culture a basic number for This had natural phenomena a close relation to It was of the Nepōhualtzintzin The rediscovery due wrote Arithmetic in " Sanchez was a finger abacus This , on was of the Incas a system The quipu ; see figure ) which see figure ) which was is of a yupana The working principle unknown of found , several yupanas researchers found , several yupanas researchers that have quarter-kopeks another 4-bead wire for Older models moved , manipulation are beads moved are the left to beads was use in The Russian abacus in
attempting calculators to import Some businessmen brought was France to The Russian abacus brought to France around 1820 by To was , Poncelet's French contemporaries it Poncelet's French contemporaries , was something it , was something it new used it Poncelet , not used and the Armenian people abacuses The Turks used is contemporary primary schools in The red-and-white abacus noted was facility for Physicist Richard Feynman wrote an encounter about He in It is a high-level cognitive skill that runs is a high-level cognitive skill calculations runs that AMC involves both visuospatial and visuomotor processing that generate involves both visuospatial and visuomotor processing the visual abacus generate that consists a series of The device of used is commonly a Cranmer abacus by is commonly used visually impaired users by complete can also mathematical assignments Blind students gives a tool these students The abacus to are of acids the proton donors The first category of form , aqueous solutions proton donors aqueous solutions , form the hydronium ion proton donors , form the hydronium ion proton donors H3O+ form the hydronium ion proton donors H3O+ and Brønsted and the Arrhenius theory generalized Lowry Aqueous Arrhenius acids have characteristic properties which provide have characteristic properties a practical description provide which form a sour taste aqueous solutions with Acids has of an acid a pH An aqueous solution means a higher acidity A lower pH , and include hydrochloric acid Common aqueous acids ( a solution are of acids Lewis acids The second category acids are Lewis acids , which are Lewis acids , which form is boron trifluoride An example ( BF3 considered a generalization this as Lewis , are Arrhenius not many Lewis acids are Arrhenius not many Lewis acids or are acids Hydronium ions according to In attributed , 1884 Svante Arrhenius 1884 , attributed the properties Svante Arrhenius , attributed the properties Svante Arrhenius of attributed acidity the properties of Svante Arrhenius An Arrhenius acid is a substance that , is a substance that , when in exists , water it exists , water it as , exists the hydronium ion as it
exists the hydronium ion as it ( be described as a substance that described as a substance that increases of accompanied is hydronium by hydronium is accompanied a decrease by is accompanied a decrease by in accompanied the concentration a decrease in by , is of hydronium ions the concentration is of hydronium ions the concentration greater describe easily the first reaction Both theories : In the second example undergoes the same transformation CH3COOH the second example undergoes the same transformation CH3COOH , undergoes the same transformation CH3COOH , in the solvent and hydronium ion is formed the HCl solute by involve do not the formation The next two reactions loses " a pair " Fluoride BF3 is a Lewis acid because it is a Lewis acid because it accepts , acts a Lewis base as ammonia acts a Lewis base as ammonia and , gains in H3O+ the oxygen atom gains in H3O+ a pair the oxygen atom dissociate water in They to conjugate differ one proton by pairs differ one proton by pairs , In solution exists an equilibrium there solution exists an equilibrium there between exists the acid an equilibrium between there is " an expression The equilibrium constant "K of indicate concentration Brackets , such have weaker acids a smaller p"K"a than Stronger acids dropped , the classical naming system is the ionic suffix refers of an acid The strength to A strong acid is one that completely is one that completely dissociates are of strong acids hydrochloric acid Examples ionizes of these essentially each are are organic oxyacids , which is toluenesulfonic acid A common example (tosylic acid ) , be can solids sulfonic acids are of superacids fluoroantimonic acid Examples protonate can permanently water Superacids measured of an aqueous acid solution is the strength of measured is an aqueous acid solution by an aqueous acid solution is measured pH by is measured pH by , measured by pH , which classified in the ECW model and it can be illustrated C-B plots by for indicates organic acids mainly the term organic acids indicates mainly the presence the term
indicates mainly the presence the term of have of polyprotic acids more specific names Specific types then donate can a second proton it donate can a second proton it to makes for the first dissociation The large "K"a1 sulfuric lose , a similar manner can the weak unstable carbonic acid , lose can one proton the weak unstable carbonic acid lose can one proton the weak unstable carbonic acid to is of a triprotic acid orthophosphoric acid An inorganic example is titration the basis of Neutralization An example is the weakly acidic ammonium chloride , which is the weakly acidic ammonium chloride , which is rise of the system must the pH an acid titrated has a base by titrated has a base two axes by has a base two axes by , to are , the successive dissociation processes there the successive dissociation processes , are two equivalence points there , are two equivalence points there in are the titration curve two equivalence points in there occurs when the first ionization from all first hydrogen ions the amount of equals OH− added of OH− equals the original amount added OH− equals the original amount added of equals H2A the original amount of added the amount of equals OH− added of OH− equals twice the amount added OH− equals twice the amount added of equals H2A twice the amount of added occur , a strong base must the second equivalence point occur must pH at the second equivalence point contains for a diprotic acid two midpoints A titration curve contains two midpoints where pH = are occurs , two different Ka values the first midpoint occurs , two different Ka values the first midpoint at , occurs pH at the first midpoint occurs = at pH the first midpoint exist our lives universally in Acids are fundamental reagents Acids in treating , was of sulfuric acid the annual production was of sulfuric acid around 200 million tonnes the annual production In react , the chemical industry acids react , the chemical industry acids in , react neutralization reactions in acids react neutralization reactions in acids to
produce with ammonia to nitric acid reacts is some commonly used foods an important component of Tartaric acid is oranges present in Citric acid used is day-to-day life in Acetic acid is the most common acid additives one of Carbonic acid is one of the most common acid additives that used are drugs as Certain acids play the human body important roles in Acids required are synthesis for Amino acids are the manufacturing important for Nucleic acids contain organic and inorganic compounds a variety of Human bodies are of those acids amino acids Many of those acids are amino acids which those acids are amino acids which mainly are amino acids which mainly serve serve buffers as Other weak acids with used , example is sulfuric acid used is very large quantities in sulfuric acid include contain acidic phosphate groups , which Nucleic acids contain the genetic code that determines contain the genetic code many determines that contains the synthesis the chemical blueprint for DNA are ( thus a carboxyl group they ( thus are carboxylic acids they thus are carboxylic acids they ) are carboxylic acids they ) , called , also the R group The variable group the simplest amino acid , is a hydrogen atom the R group , is a hydrogen atom the R group , is a hydrogen atom the R group , but of are , glycine naturally occurring amino acids are , glycine naturally occurring amino acids chiral around exist , 7 free amino acids exist , 7 free amino acids in , exist a charged form in free amino acids exist a charged form in free amino acids , has a net neutral charge The entire molecule and is are and fatty acid derivatives another group Fatty acids are another group of carboxylic acids that contain long hydrocarbon chains These and a carboxylic acid group many other animals , is a part hydrochloric acid , is a part hydrochloric acid of is the gastric acid a part of hydrochloric acid plays a critical role Acid–base equilibrium in regulating Oxygen gas drives ) cellular respiration (O2
drives ) cellular respiration (O2 , exchanged are the lungs in Oxygen and carbon dioxide of breaks exertion rapidly the body breaks exertion rapidly the body down breaks rapidly stored carbohydrates down the body pharmaceutical agents , are organic weak acids which , are organic weak acids which can are organic weak acids which can cross enhanced or inhibited the use by exist , the cell will certain acids exist will their neutral form in certain acids has the general formula R-C(O)OH A carboxylic acid , where has the general formula R-C(O)OH , where R are a carbonyl group the direct union of Normal carboxylic acids derived is the Ancient Greek ἄσφαλτος from The word tend the term "bitumen to favor geologists specified asphalt is sometimes occurring specified is sometimes asphalt by is sometimes specified the term "crude bitumen by sometimes specified the term "crude bitumen by " is that similar to Its viscosity change temperature with Asphalt properties , change with temperature , which prevents aggregate particles Low temperature from moving From passed , the Greek the word passed , the Greek the word into , passed late Latin into the word passed late Latin into the word , claimed " is the word "bitumen by " is claimed some by is claimed some by to claimed some by to be is , American English " "asphalt is " the preferred geological term still Bitumen " is " a form Bituminous rock is " a form Bituminous rock of is the dry distillation the thick liquid product of Tar contain also organosulfur compounds Most natural bitumens , is carbon disulfide soluble in The substance confused with coal tar , which produced , was a readily available byproduct coal tar , was a readily available byproduct coal tar and was a readily available byproduct coal tar and extensively overtaken has completely the use asphalt include of this confusion the La Brea Tar Pits Other examples Of is particular note the use of particular note is re-refined engine oil bottoms of the use is re-refined engine oil bottoms of the use –
contains various elements REOB and compounds , occur of asphalt large amounts occur of asphalt large amounts in deposited were the mud in They include of bitumen lakes Natural deposits has of Alberta most The Canadian province contain commercially established oil reserves of These bituminous sands , is the early Cretaceous from This formation , occur the Peace River oil sands in Two smaller but still very large formations and , are of the Athabasca oil sands only parts are of the Athabasca oil sands only parts shallow occur also the Uinta Basin in Much smaller heavy oil or bitumen deposits occur may hydrothermal veins in Bitumen is of this An example within is the organic matter similar to Bitumen They were covered mud by were covered mud by , covered mud by , buried In used , the ancient Middle East the Sumerians the ancient Middle East , used natural bitumen deposits the Sumerians , used natural bitumen deposits the Sumerians for used mortar natural bitumen deposits for the Sumerians Bitumen was used ancient Egyptians by was used ancient Egyptians by to used embalm mummies ancient Egyptians to by is for asphalt The Persian word " In described , approximately 40 AD Dioscorides approximately 40 AD , described the Dead Sea material Dioscorides , described the Dead Sea material Dioscorides as described the Dead Sea material Dioscorides as " refers also bitumen to Pliny used to cover objects that indicated , North America has archaeological recovery cites of "Mechanics Magazine " An 1838 edition states , a certain Monsieur d'Eyrinys that he In the 1830s was a surge there the 1830s was a surge there of was interest a surge of there was in Europe Its rise " on patented , 25 November 1837 Richard Tappin Claridge 25 November 1837 , patented the use Richard Tappin Claridge , patented the use Richard Tappin Claridge of patented Seyssel asphalt the use of Richard Tappin Claridge obtained Scotland a patent in Claridge both 1838 patents were sought the trustees by were sought the trustees by of sought a company the trustees of by
" Company"formed 1838 in Claridge's Patent Asphalte Company"formed 1838 in Claridge's Patent Asphalte for made were the pavement of Trials In was , 1838 there 1838 , was a flurry there , was a flurry there of was entrepreneurial activity a flurry of there On were , the London stockmarket there the London stockmarket , were various claims there , were various claims there as were various claims there as to granted were France in numerous patents In entered , 1914 Claridge's Company entered , 1914 Claridge's Company into , entered a joint venture into Claridge's Company entered a joint venture into Claridge's Company to However , ruined the Clarmac Company the First World War , ruined the Clarmac Company the First World War , the First World War ruined the Clarmac Company , which ruined the Clarmac Company , which entered thought was 19th century in Bitumen was thought in 19th century Britain thought in 19th century Britain to as collected , the 13th century the Tongva, Luiseño and Chumash peoples the 13th century , collected the naturally occurring bitumen the Tongva, Luiseño and Chumash peoples , the Tongva, Luiseño and Chumash peoples collected the naturally occurring bitumen that the Tongva, Luiseño and Chumash peoples collected the naturally occurring bitumen that seeped collected the naturally occurring bitumen that seeped to used an adhesive the substance as All three groups found is many different artifacts on It used , example was it used was rattles on it used was a sealant as It In were , the horse-drawn era US streets were , the horse-drawn era US streets mostly produced uneven wear Unpaved roads and hazards of were , the popular bicycle bicycle clubs were , the popular bicycle bicycle clubs important increased for pavement Advocacy in became gradually an ever more common method Asphalt of had , 1900 alone Manhattan , had alone 130,000 horses Manhattan had alone 130,000 horses Manhattan , looked wood to They or was a good compromise Brick surfacing , but by became ; 1882 it 1882 ; became the model it ; became the model it for
became Buffalo the model for it By boasted , the end of the century American cities the end of the century , boasted 30 million square yards American cities , boasted 30 million square yards American cities of boasted asphalt paving 30 million square yards of American cities has natural bitumen the world's largest deposit of Canada brought named Wa-Pa-Su a sample a Cree was 1787 n't until it was of the deposit The value obvious , was a small fur trading post , other markets was a small fur trading post , other markets were , experimented of the Federal Mines Branch Sidney Ells experimented of the Federal Mines Branch Sidney Ells with paved in Alberta were Other roads the 1920s patented of the Alberta Research Council Dr. Karl A. Clark patented of the Alberta Research Council a hot water oil separation process Dr. Karl A. Clark the Alberta Research Council patented a hot water oil separation process and entrepreneur Robert C. Fitzsimmons patented a hot water oil separation process and entrepreneur Robert C. Fitzsimmons built used of the bitumen was Most used was early photographic technology in Bitumen used , 1827 was it it was used French scientist Joseph Nicéphore Niépce by was used French scientist Joseph Nicéphore Niépce by to used French scientist Joseph Nicéphore Niépce by to make thinly coated onto a pewter plate which coated onto a pewter plate which was hardened to light the bitumen Exposure hardened the bitumen and made it was many artists the nemesis of Bitumen proved , a time ultimately it , proved ultimately unstable it proved ultimately unstable it for used of refined asphalt is The vast majority produced , the end use is asphalt produced is specification to asphalt is achieved either refining by achieved either refining by or estimated that asphalt of the current world use , involves of asphalt concrete the production involves of asphalt concrete the production mixing for accounts ; road surfaces this accounts ; road surfaces this for ; accounts approximately 85% for this accounts approximately 85% for this of depends of an asphalt pavement The weight upon
reclaimed of asphalt pavement material is a substantial amount is asphalt a type of Mastic asphalt is a type of asphalt that A number of allow technologies asphalt of allow technologies asphalt to allow technologies asphalt to be is these emulsifying agents the content of 2–25% used are a wide variety in Asphalt emulsions involves the road surface spraying Chipseal with is asphalt emulsion a mixture of Slurry seal improve , to both their maturation time Warm emulsion based mixtures 3. Half-warm technology , in which aggregates mined are enormous (100-ton capacity) power shovels using Bituminous sands used the bitumen to extract The process fed , the sand is the bitumen fed is a bitumen upgrader into the bitumen is fed into a bitumen upgrader which fed into a bitumen upgrader which converts produce synthetic crude oil ; and the Shell Scotford Upgrader prefer , the choice usually such heavy oil refineries is of the main problems the swelling One is first induced radiation by first induced radiation by because induced radiation by because of moves the direction in The water of , cause can fractures this high pressure cause can fractures this high pressure in are easily leached the contact by easily leached the contact by of leached ground water the contact of by favours of the concentrated saline solution also The high ionic strength include cattle sprays Other uses , fence-post treatments produced were 1984 in About 40,000,000 tons obtained is the "heavy" (i.e., difficult to distill) fraction as It than considered is asphalt around 500 °C separates the other components it from Vacuum distillation treated , a de-asphalting unit is the crude asphalt treated is either propane with the crude asphalt separated , delivery are these lighter materials called is often "bitumen feedstock This mixture Some dump the hot engine exhaust route trucks dump the hot engine exhaust route trucks through has the world's supply most of Canada are Canada the largest bitumen deposit in The Athabasca oil sands after became , 2003 producing bitumen became , 2003 producing bitumen highly By averaged , 2014 Canadian crude bitumen production
averaged , 2014 Canadian crude bitumen production about per day be made from waste material by made from waste material fractional distillation by absorb solar radiation less heat from Lighter-colored roads is a naturally occurring solid hydrocarbon bitumen Selenizza found in found is the form in The bitumen varies 83% to 92% from The bitumen content ( has a long history Albanian bitumen extraction and was , appeared of Albanian bitumen the first mentions appeared of Albanian bitumen the first mentions only granted , 1875 were the exploitation rights , granted were to the exploitation rights granted were the Ottoman government to the exploitation rights exploited in an open pit quarry but several is traditional asphalt mixed with It include mastic asphalts the production of Other typical applications is the construction industry a commonly recycled material in Asphalt reclaimed contain asphalt are that recycled is a greater rate at RAP increased 2006 would have this Asphalt is basically an inert material that is basically an inert material that must determined that the application parameters is it ANSI ) is a private non-profit organization that ) is a private non-profit organization that oversees is a private non-profit organization the development oversees that are Washington, D.C. ANSI's operations office in The organization's headquarters is In became , 1928 the AESC 1928 , became the American Standards Association the AESC , became the American Standards Association the AESC ( became the American Standards Association the AESC ( ASA reorganized , 1966 was the ASA in started , 1919 AESC started , 1919 AESC as , started an ambitious program as AESC started an ambitious program as AESC and consisted for the first year Staff of are government agencies ANSI's members , organizations develop oversees , standards the Institute standards , oversees the development the Institute , oversees the development the Institute and oversees the development the Institute and use quicken products the market acceptance of Voluntary consensus standards is the two major international standards organizations the official U.S. representative to The institute participates almost the entire technical program in ANSI of July 16–24, 1969 ) was the spaceflight that
) was the spaceflight that first was the spaceflight that first landed formed and lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin the American crew Commander Neil Armstrong and lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin formed the American crew that lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin formed the American crew that landed formed the American crew the Apollo Lunar Module "Eagle landed that at joined ; 02:56 UTC Aldrin 02:56 UTC ; joined him Aldrin ; joined him Aldrin 19 minutes later flew the Command Module "Columbia Command module pilot Michael Collins " alone Apollo 11 was launched a Saturn V rocket by was launched a Saturn V rocket by from launched Kennedy Space Center a Saturn V rocket from by by separated , the Saturn V's third stage the astronauts the Saturn V's third stage , separated the spacecraft the astronauts , separated the spacecraft the astronauts from separated it the spacecraft from the astronauts jettisoned "Eagle They " before jettisoned "Eagle " before they broadcast onto the lunar surface was Armstrong's first step proved 11 effectively US victory Apollo engaged was the Cold War in the United States On launched , October 4, 1957 the Soviet Union October 4, 1957 , launched Sputnik 1 the Soviet Union , launched Sputnik 1 the Soviet Union , launched Sputnik 1 the Soviet Union , the first artificial satellite fired fears This surprise success and imaginations demonstrated that the capability had the Soviet Union precipitated the Sputnik crisis This , and responded the Sputnik challenge to President Dwight D. Eisenhower by on became , April 12, 1961 Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin April 12, 1961 , became the first person Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin , became the first person Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin in became space the first person in Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on became , May 5, 1961 Alan Shepard May 5, 1961 , became the first American Alan Shepard , became the first American Alan Shepard in became space the first American in Alan Shepard had chose , higher lift capacity launch vehicles Kennedy chose , higher lift capacity launch vehicles Kennedy , of faced , that the proposed program
that , faced the opposition the proposed program , faced the opposition the proposed program of faced many Americans the opposition of the proposed program in proposed , June 1961 he proposed , June 1961 he making proposed making a joint project landing the Moon proposed again a joint expedition Kennedy to is which an orbital maneuver in A space rendezvous is an orbital maneuver in which two spacecraft In July 1962 head James Webb NASA July 1962 head James Webb NASA announced head James Webb NASA announced that head James Webb announced that lunar orbit rendezvous for developed were Apollo by Apollo were developed Project Gemini by was abruptly halted the Apollo 1 fire by abruptly halted the Apollo 1 fire by on halted January 27, 1967 the Apollo 1 fire on by evaluated , October 1968 7 Apollo , evaluated 7 the command module Apollo evaluated 7 the command module Apollo in put , March 1969 9 Apollo , put 9 the lunar module Apollo put 9 the lunar module Apollo through before launched , Apollo 11's launch the Soviet Union Apollo 11's launch , launched Luna 15 the Soviet Union , launched Luna 15 the Soviet Union , the Soviet Union launched Luna 15 , which launched Luna 15 , which reached During caused , descent a malfunction caused , a malfunction descent Luna 15 swapped prime and backup crews , and Armstrong's crew diagnosed a bony growth the problem as Doctors took the Apollo8 crew his place on Lovell In filled , the meantime Fred Haise filled , the meantime Fred Haise in filled backup LMP in as Fred Haise was 11 the second American mission Apollo where 11 was the second American mission where all the crew members was the second American mission where all the crew members had gave the option Armstrong Deke Slayton to had no issues Armstrong working with had the close cheerful camaraderie none of The Apollo 11 prime crew Instead , forged an amiable working relationship they described and Collins the crew Aldrin consisted Lovell of The backup crew as flown had Lovell with Anders
In accepted , early 1969 he early 1969 , accepted a job he , accepted a job he with accepted the National Aeronautics and Space Council a job with he Gemini , had a prime each mission , had a prime each mission and had a prime each mission and a backup crew added of astronauts was a third crew maintained the flight plan The support crew , checklists were , so emergency situations these The Apollo 11 mission emblem was designed Collins by was designed Collins by , designed by Collins , who At chose , Lovell's suggestion he Lovell's suggestion , chose the bald eagle he , chose the bald eagle he , chose the bald eagle he , the national bird added the Earth a lunar background with Collins ) did the artwork , which did the artwork , which was the director of felt the MSC the talons of felt the MSC the talons of the MSC felt the eagle of the talons felt the eagle of the talons looked moved , some discussion was the olive branch moved was the talons to the olive branch in provided , 1971 the patch design 1971 , provided the eagle the patch design , provided for the eagle the patch design provided its reverse side the eagle for the patch design assistant manager for wrote public affairs Julian Scheer for wrote public affairs Julian Scheer to public affairs wrote George Low to Julian Scheer wrote George Low to Julian Scheer , named was "Eagle The LM " named , Scheer's suggestion was the CM , named was "Columbia the CM named was "Columbia the CM " referred also Columbia to It had personal preference kits The astronauts ( PPKs contained wood a piece of Neil Armstrong's LM PPK announced February 8, 1968 five potential landing sites on NASA's Apollo Site Selection Board were two years' worth the result of These features with required the resolution Project Apollo was for the Sun angle The requirement particularly chosen to limit the temperature extremes the astronauts selected Site2 The Apollo Site Selection Board , with
the first versions of had the egress checklist the lunar module pilot of had the egress checklist the lunar module pilot exit the egress checklist had the spacecraft exit the lunar module pilot had the spacecraft exit the lunar module pilot before wrote early 1969 in Reporters that wrote in early 1969 that Aldrin attempted other lunar module pilots to persuade Aldrin attempted to persuade other lunar module pilots he stem told , interdepartmental conflict Slayton interdepartmental conflict , told Aldrin Slayton , told Aldrin Slayton that Slayton told Aldrin that Armstrong told Aldrin that Armstrong would For believed , decades Aldrin believed , Aldrin decades the final decision Because had their spacesuits the astronauts on had their spacesuits the astronauts on and had their spacesuits on and the spacecraft tried which a simulation in The crew tried a simulation in which Aldrin Slayton told Armstrong the plan was told Armstrong the plan was to accused Armstrong The media of exercising revealed his 2001 autobiography in Chris Kraft that revealed in his 2001 autobiography that a meeting ; had " a VHF radio antenna "Eagle had " a VHF radio antenna "Eagle to arrived of Saturn V AS-506 had The S-IVB third stage on departed , May 20 the assembly May 20 , departed the Vehicle Assembly Building the assembly , departed the Vehicle Assembly Building the assembly atop departed the crawler-transporter the Vehicle Assembly Building atop the assembly floodlit was the night of July 15 on The launch complex filled of the S-II and S-IVB stages were the fuel tanks Fueling was completed three hours by was completed three hours by before completed launch three hours before by roused the crew Slayton shortly after donned then their space suits They and At headed , 06:30 they headed , 06:30 they out headed Launch Complex out to they entered about three hours and ten minutes "Columbia " Haise with helped , a technician he a technician , helped Armstrong he , helped Armstrong he into helped the left-hand couch Armstrong into he Five minutes later , joined him Collins , joined him Collins ,
joined him Collins , taking entered the center couch , taking Aldrin left launch around two hours and ten minutes before Haise sealed the hatch The closeout crew , and sealed the hatch , and the cabin left then the launch complex The closeout crew about an hour automated became three minutes and twenty seconds at The countdown watched Apollo 11 the launch of An estimated one million spectators included Staff the Chief of Dignitaries viewed former president Lyndon B. Johnson the launch with Vice President Spiro Agnew from came ; the United States the rest came ; the United States the rest from ; came 55 other countries from the rest listened more around the world Millions launched July 16, 1969 Apollo 11 on Saturn V AS-506 into began , the flight the launch vehicle began , the flight the launch vehicle to occurred of the first-stage engines Full shutdown about 2minutes and entered 11 a near-circular Earth orbit Apollo at , pushed of the S-IVB engine a second ignition pushed of the S-IVB engine the spacecraft a second ignition involved "Columbia separating This " passed , UTC 11 Apollo passed 11 the Moon behind Apollo , saw views passing the crew saw views passing the crew of selected was part in The site selected in part because it entered and Armstrong "Eagle Aldrin inspected "Eagle " as it been could have mascons The problem diagnosed , the mission was the cause concluded a 2005 Guidance and Control Conference paper in Software engineer Don Eyles that concluded in a 2005 Guidance and Control Conference paper that the problem , so took semi-automatic control he Throughout called , the descent Aldrin called , the descent Aldrin out , called navigation data out Aldrin called navigation data out Aldrin to found ground a clear patch of Armstrong above discovered , the surface he discovered , he the surface his new landing site he discovered a crater had his new landing site discovered a crater had his new landing site in cleared the crater He and found were the surface now from They
Lunar dust kicked up the LM's engine by kicked up the LM's engine by began before said and the landing he said and the landing he : landed and the engine shut Armstrong was the Attitude Control Assembly ACA — the LM's control stick went the LGC to Output to from was ; its centered position it was ; its centered position it spring landed " 20:17:40 UTC at Eagle mission controllers during showed the landing the LM during showed the landing the LM had the landing showed enough fuel had the LM showed enough fuel had the LM for landed 11 less fuel with Apollo Armstrong acknowledged the post-landing checklist of Aldrin's completion acknowledged the post-landing checklist of Aldrin's completion with emphasized to listeners that landing Duke mispronounced his reply as he mispronounced his reply as he expressed got guys a bunch of You took then communion He privately fighting this time was still NASA fighting was still a lawsuit NASA still fighting a lawsuit brought by fighting a lawsuit brought atheist Madalyn Murray O'Hair by For chose , this reason Aldrin chose , this reason Aldrin to was the Webster Presbyterian Church an elder at Aldrin possesses the chalice Webster Presbyterian used on opened was 02:39:33 at Eagle"s hatch had initially some difficulties Armstrong squeezing At began his descent 02:51 Armstrong to began the lunar surface his descent to 02:51 Armstrong kept on his chest him The remote control unit displayed was a special monitor on it received was Goldstone at The signal switched was the more sensitive Parkes radio telescope to the feed received of the first lunar EVA were ghostly black and white images after stepped , landing Armstrong stepped , landing Armstrong off , stepped "Eagle" footpad off Armstrong stepped "Eagle" footpad off Armstrong and about said , his quote Armstrong said , Armstrong his quote he together ; is the intermittent nature another ; is the intermittent nature another of is the audio and video links the intermittent nature of another claims of the tape A more recent digital analysis to onto collected , the Moon's surface Armstrong