AlphaNum /
Louis Rädisch
license: mit
# AlphaNum Dataset
## Table of Contents
- [Dataset Summary](#dataset-summary)
- [Supported Tasks and Leaderboards](#supported-tasks-and-leaderboards)
- [Languages](#languages)
- [Dataset Structure](#dataset-structure)
- [Data Instances](#data-instances)
- [Data Fields](#data-fields)
- [Data Splits](#data-splits)
- [Dataset Creation](#dataset-creation)
- [Curation Rationale](#curation-rationale)
- [Source Data](#source-data)
- [Dataset Use](#dataset-use)
- [Use Cases](#use-cases)
- [Usage Caveats](#usage-caveats)
- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
## Dataset Summary
The AlphaNum dataset, created by Louis Rädisch, is a comprehensive handwritten dataset specifically designed for the development and improvement of OCR (Optical Character Recognition) models. The dataset comprises handwritten characters A-Z and numbers 0-9, providing a realistic challenge for OCR models.
## Supported Tasks and Leaderboards
This dataset supports a range of tasks including text recognition, document processing, and machine learning. It can contribute to improving the performance of OCR models by providing a diverse set of writing styles and formats.
## Languages
The dataset is primarily in English.
## Dataset Structure
### Data Instances
A data instance in this dataset represents an image of a handwritten character and the associated labels.
### Data Fields
The fields are:
1) 'image': The image of the handwritten character.
2) 'label': The label for the character in the image.
### Data Splits
The dataset is split into training, validation, and test sets.
## Dataset Creation
### Curation Rationale
The dataset was created to provide a rich and diverse source of data for the development and improvement of OCR models.
### Source Data
The source data comes from handwritten characters created by various individuals.
## Dataset Use
### Use Cases
The dataset can be used for tasks related to text recognition, document processing, and machine learning.
### Usage Caveats
There are no specific restrictions on the use of this dataset.
### Getting Started
The dataset can be utilized for the development and improvement of OCR models.