qt hangs forever if host lookup is pending when application quitstested on linuxcodeinclude include int mainint argc char argv qapplication appargcargv usleep needs to be long enough for qhostinfoagentfromname to have started but not returned too small and it doesnt start too long and it returns values from to work for me though so its not very sensitive will depend on dns of course
after was implemented even subpresentations that are in use are not rendered see attached example project for easy reproduction
try any proyect with multiple elements use the navigator to take any except first and try to make it the first that is bottom item zorder ie closest to the root i does not workcurrent workaround is make a it the second then drag the first one b and make it the second again thus a ends as the first one this is and overcomplicated workaroudanother workaround is to make it on code which defeats the purpose of the designer
a regression in attached enum properties has been causing flakiness in ci noformat pass tstcontrolsinittestcase qwarn tstcontrolstestattached qobject no such signal qqmlobjectmodelitempooledint qobject in qwarn tstcontrolstestattached qobject no such signal qqmlobjectmodelitemreusedint qobject in fail tstcontrolstestattached compared values are not the same actual expected loc fail tstcontrolstestbuttonlayoutwinlayout compared values are not the same actual expected loc noformat noformat cannot assign primitives to lists dialogbuttonboxbuttonrole dialogbuttonboxacceptrole jom error jom error process finished with error exit status noformat
plugins libqwebengineviewso libqwebengineviewsodebug are missing from online installer it is possible to build the plugin qtwebenginesrcpluginsqwebengineview with the package though this could hint at a deployment problem
hi it seems pro file was generated wrong path for makefile sudo makecd src usersyutsaidocumentslibrarybuildqtbinqmake o makefilecd src make f makefilecd threed usersyutsaidocumentslibrarybuildqtbinqmake o makefilecd threed make f makefilemake no rule to make target needed by stopmake error error should be replaced with lot of targets within the makefile were padded with unnecessary api
code cusersqtworkqtqtserialbuscall cprogram files visual studio jom empower your cores cd src if not exist makefile cusersqtworkinstallbinqmakeexe o makefile cusersqtworkqtqtserialbussrcsrcpro cutilsjomjomexe f makefile cd serialbus if not exist makefile cusersqtworkinstallbinqmakeexe o makefile cusersqtworkqtqtserialbussrcserialbusserialbuspro cutilsjomjomexe f makefile cusersqtworkqtqtserialbus cusersqtworkqtqtserialbus qtserialbus created fwdinclude headers for srcserialbus qcanbush qcanbusdeviceh qcanbusdeviceph qcanbusdeviceinfoh qcanbusdeviceinfoph qcanbusfactoryh qcanbusframeh qmodbussymbolsph qmodbusaduph qmodbusclienth qmodbusclientph qmodbuscommeventph qmodbusdataunith qmodbusdeviceh qmodbusdeviceph qmodbusdeviceidentificationh qmodbuspduh qmodbusreplyh qmodbusrtuserialmasterh qmodbusrtuserialmasterph qmodbusrtuserialslaveh qmodbusrtuserialslaveph qmodbusserverh qmodbusserverph qmodbustcpclienth qmodbustcpclientph qmodbustcpserverh qmodbustcpserverph qserialbusglobalh qtserialbus created version header qtserialbus created master header qtserialbus created headerspri file project message perl w cusersqtworkinstallbinsyncqtpl module qtserialbus version outdir cusersqtworkqtqtserialbus cusersqtworkqtqtserialbus cutilsjomjomexe f makefilerelease all cl c yc nologo zcwchart fs md zcstrictstrings dunicode dqtnoforeach dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtbuildserialbuslib dqtbuildingqt dcrtsecurenowarnings dusemathdefines dqtnocasttoascii dqtasciicastwarnings dqtmoccompat dqtuseqstringbuilder dqtdeprecatedwarnings dqtdisabledeprecatedbefore dqtnoexceptions dqtnodebug dqtcorelib dqtnetworklib dqtserialportlib dqtcorelib dndebug dwindll i iinclude iincludeqtserialbus itmp icusersqtworkinstallinclude icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtcore icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtnetwork icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtserialport imocrelease icutilsmysqlmysqlinclude icutilspostgresqlpgsqlinclude tp includeqtserialbusqtserialbusdepends qtserialbusdepends rc dunicode dqtnoforeach dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtbuildserialbuslib dqtbuildingqt dcrtsecurenowarnings dusemathdefines dqtnocasttoascii dqtasciicastwarnings dqtmoccompat dqtuseqstringbuilder dqtdeprecatedwarnings dqtdisabledeprecatedbefore dqtnoexceptions dqtnodebug dqtcorelib dqtnetworklib dqtserialportlib dqtcorelib dndebug dwindll fo microsoft r windows r resource compiler version copyright c microsoft corporation all rights reserved cl c fiqtserialbusdepends yuqtserialbusdepends nologo zcwchart fs md zcstrictstrings dunicode dqtnoforeach dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtbuildserialbuslib dqtbuildingqt dcrtsecurenowarnings dusemathdefines dqtnocasttoascii dqtasciicastwarnings dqtmoccompat dqtuseqstringbuilder dqtdeprecatedwarnings dqtdisabledeprecatedbefore dqtnoexceptions dqtnodebug dqtcorelib dqtnetworklib dqtserialportlib dqtcorelib dndebug dwindll i iinclude iincludeqtserialbus itmp icusersqtworkinstallinclude icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtcore icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtnetwork icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtserialport imocrelease icutilsmysqlmysqlinclude icutilspostgresqlpgsqlinclude foobjrelease qcanbusdevicecpp qcanbusdeviceinfocpp qcanbuscpp qcanbusfactorycpp qcanbusframecpp qmodbusservercpp cprogram files visual studio error operator overloads have similar conversions could be const qsizef operator const qsizef qreal or const qsize operator const qsize qreal or qmarginsf operator const qmarginsf qreal or qmargins operator const qmargins qreal or qmargins operator const qmargins int or double operator throw or double operator throw or float operator throw or float operator throw or double operator throw or double operator throw or long double operator long throw or long double operator double throw or operator throw or const qpointf operator const qpointf qreal or const qpoint operator const qpoint qreal while trying to match the argument list sizet cprogram files visual studio while compiling class template member function stdbitset stdbitsetsetsizetbool cprogram files visual studio see reference to function template instantiation stdbitset stdbitsetsetsizetbool being compiled see reference to class template instantiation stdbitset being compiled cprogram files visual studio error operator overloads have similar conversions could be const qsizef operator const qsizef qreal or const qsize operator const qsize qreal or qmarginsf operator const qmarginsf qreal or qmargins operator const qmargins qreal or qmargins operator const qmargins int or double operator throw or double operator throw or float operator throw or float operator throw or double operator throw or double operator throw or long double operator long throw or long double operator double throw or operator throw or const qpointf operator const qpointf qreal or const qpoint operator const qpoint qreal while trying to match the argument list sizet qmodbusdevicecpp generating code cutilsjomjomexe f makefiledebug all jom cusersqtworkqtqtserialbussrcserialbusmakefiledebug error cl c yc nologo zcwchart fs zi mdd dunicode dqtnoforeach dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtbuildserialbuslib dqtbuildingqt dcrtsecurenowarnings dusemathdefines dqtnocasttoascii dqtasciicastwarnings dqtmoccompat dqtuseqstringbuilder dqtdeprecatedwarnings dqtdisabledeprecatedbefore dqtnoexceptions dqtcorelib dqtnetworklib dqtserialportlib dqtcorelib dwindll i iinclude iincludeqtserialbus itmp icusersqtworkinstallinclude icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtcore icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtnetwork icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtserialport imocdebug icutilsmysqlmysqlinclude icutilspostgresqlpgsqlinclude tp includeqtserialbusqtserialbusdepends qtserialbusdepends rc ddebug dunicode dqtnoforeach dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtbuildserialbuslib dqtbuildingqt dcrtsecurenowarnings dusemathdefines dqtnocasttoascii dqtasciicastwarnings dqtmoccompat dqtuseqstringbuilder dqtdeprecatedwarnings dqtdisabledeprecatedbefore dqtnoexceptions dqtcorelib dqtnetworklib dqtserialportlib dqtcorelib dwindll fo microsoft r windows r resource compiler version copyright c microsoft corporation all rights reserved cl c fiqtserialbusdepends yuqtserialbusdepends nologo zcwchart fs zi mdd dunicode dqtnoforeach dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtbuildserialbuslib dqtbuildingqt dcrtsecurenowarnings dusemathdefines dqtnocasttoascii dqtasciicastwarnings dqtmoccompat dqtuseqstringbuilder dqtdeprecatedwarnings dqtdisabledeprecatedbefore dqtnoexceptions dqtcorelib dqtnetworklib dqtserialportlib dqtcorelib dwindll i iinclude iincludeqtserialbus itmp icusersqtworkinstallinclude icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtcore icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtnetwork icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtserialport imocdebug icutilsmysqlmysqlinclude icutilspostgresqlpgsqlinclude foobjdebug qcanbusdevicecpp qcanbusdeviceinfocpp qcanbuscpp qcanbusfactorycpp qcanbusframecpp qmodbusservercpp cprogram files visual studio error operator overloads have similar conversions could be const qsizef operator const qsizef qreal or const qsize operator const qsize qreal or qmarginsf operator const qmarginsf qreal or qmargins operator const qmargins qreal or qmargins operator const qmargins int or double operator throw or double operator throw or float operator throw or float operator throw or double operator throw or double operator throw or long double operator long throw or long double operator double throw or operator throw or const qpointf operator const qpointf qreal or const qpoint operator const qpoint qreal while trying to match the argument list sizet cprogram files visual studio while compiling class template member function stdbitset stdbitsetsetsizetbool cprogram files visual studio see reference to function template instantiation stdbitset stdbitsetsetsizetbool being compiled see reference to class template instantiation stdbitset being compiled cprogram files visual studio error operator overloads have similar conversions could be const qsizef operator const qsizef qreal or const qsize operator const qsize qreal or qmarginsf operator const qmarginsf qreal or qmargins operator const qmargins qreal or qmargins operator const qmargins int or double operator throw or double operator throw or float operator throw or float operator throw or double operator throw or double operator throw or long double operator long throw or long double operator double throw or operator throw or const qpointf operator const qpointf qreal or const qpoint operator const qpoint qreal while trying to match the argument list sizet qmodbusdevicecpp generating code jobclient destroyed while still acquiring jom cusersqtworkqtqtserialbussrcserialbusmakefilerelease error cl c fiqtserialbusdepends yuqtserialbusdepends nologo zcwchart fs md zcstrictstrings dunicode dqtnoforeach dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtbuildserialbuslib dqtbuildingqt dcrtsecurenowarnings dusemathdefines dqtnocasttoascii dqtasciicastwarnings dqtmoccompat dqtuseqstringbuilder dqtdeprecatedwarnings dqtdisabledeprecatedbefore dqtnoexceptions dqtnodebug dqtcorelib dqtnetworklib dqtserialportlib dqtcorelib dndebug dwindll i iinclude iincludeqtserialbus itmp icusersqtworkinstallinclude icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtcore icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtnetwork icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtserialport imocrelease icutilsmysqlmysqlinclude icutilspostgresqlpgsqlinclude foobjrelease qmodbusdataunitcpp qmodbusclientcpp cprogram files visual studio error operator overloads have similar conversions could be const qsizef operator const qsizef qreal or const qsize operator const qsize qreal or qmarginsf operator const qmarginsf qreal or qmargins operator const qmargins qreal or qmargins operator const qmargins int or double operator throw or double operator throw or float operator throw or float operator throw or double operator throw or double operator throw or long double operator long throw or long double operator double throw or operator throw or const qpointf operator const qpointf qreal or const qpoint operator const qpoint qreal while trying to match the argument list sizet cprogram files visual studio while compiling class template member function stdbitset stdbitsetsetsizetbool cprogram files visual studio see reference to function template instantiation stdbitset stdbitsetsetsizetbool being compiled see reference to class template instantiation stdbitset being compiled cprogram files visual studio error operator overloads have similar conversions could be const qsizef operator const qsizef qreal or const qsize operator const qsize qreal or qmarginsf operator const qmarginsf qreal or qmargins operator const qmargins qreal or qmargins operator const qmargins int or double operator throw or double operator throw or float operator throw or float operator throw or double operator throw or double operator throw or long double operator long throw or long double operator double throw or operator throw or const qpointf operator const qpointf qreal or const qpoint operator const qpoint qreal while trying to match the argument list sizet qmodbusrtuserialmastercpp qmodbustcpclientcpp qmodbustcpservercpp qmodbuspducpp qmodbusdeviceidentificationcpp generating code jom cusersqtworkqtqtserialbussrcserialbusmakefilerelease error jom cusersqtworkqtqtserialbussrcserialbusmakefile error jom cusersqtworkqtqtserialbussrcserialbusmakefile error jom cusersqtworkqtqtserialbussrcmakefile error jom cusersqtworkqtqtserialbusmakefile error process finished with error exit status build failed error building exit status error reading from stdouterr exit status code
qquickwindow is a class for displaying qml content i can draw my data under qml using qquickwindowbeforerendering signal and raw opengl commands but i cant do the same beforerendering drawing in qquickwidget please add such a signal i have downloaded qt beta and can easily access beforerendering however its functionality is severe limited qquickwidgetupdate do not repaint qquickwidget framebuffer and do not emit qquickwidgetbeforerendering signal the signal is emitted only if something in qml scene changed
when launching an application that uses qt quick controls with the current branch i get the following errors code w null labelstyle is not a type e onstatuschanged qml failed to load style for w null labelstyle is not a type e onstatuschanged qml failed to load style for w null typeerror cannot read property of null w null typeerror cannot read property of null code and a blank screen the same application works fine with qt reproducible with this small example code import qtquick import qtquickwindow import qtquickcontrols window visible true width height title qstrhello world button anchorscenterin parent code
the following changes allow audio effects in this example the audio equalizer to be applied to playback of video clipsstreams in addition to audio clipsstreamscodevoid audioequalizerconnectvideoplayervideoplayernativeplayer player caudioequalizer ptr qttrapthrowingptr caudioequalizernewlplayer meffectresetptrcodein this snippet the typedef videoplayernativeplayer refers to cvideoplayerutility the problem with this is that the corresponding constructor overloads for the audio effect classes eg caudioequalizernewlcvideoplayerutility were added in this means that the above code does not compile on are two possible remove the code which applies audio effects to video playback which will mean that these effects will not be applied regardless of the versions of the platform on which qt is built and on which qt is move the video playback effects code into a plugin which is only loaded when running on or abovenote that simply making the code conditionally compiled on and above will not work because this will cause loading of the dll to fail on devices
after the opennebula update the macos targets fail with high probability during provisioning what can be seen from these logs is that the agent launches twice and the second launch is from different port than the first agent instance this indicates that the agent has rebooted when it should had powered itself off
update the coffeemaker demo over at to use apis use data input api as much as possible and update docscomments to reflect changes verify the demo works
the rcvt build process fails in the linking stage this appears to be because of an overly general ifndef in the code
when you set qheaderviewdefaultsectionsize in a table view such that it looks good on a regular display and then scale your system up in system settings the cells in the table view are not scaled up while the font size is and now the text doesnt fit to the table cells anymore see the attached screenshots with normal scale and scale qtbugnormalpng and the attached example can be used to reproduce this scale the system up eg to see the problem tested only on windows
consider code include include include include include class mainwindow public qmainwindow qobject public explicit mainwindowqwidget parent qmainwindowparent qwidget dock new qwidgetthis qquickwidget quick new qquickwidgetdock quicksetsourcequrlqrcmainqml docksetfocusproxyquick int mainint argc char argv qapplication aargc argv mainwindow w wshow return aexec include code and code import qtquick rectangle width height color green mousearea anchorsfill parent onclicked consolelogclicked code clicking on the green rectangle should trigger clicked console messages but doesnt when the line is removed the green rectangle is in the top left of the window and clicking on it triggers the messages this is because changed the coordinates of mouse events sent to qquickwidget previously localpos was also assumed as windowpos now the original windowpos of the event is passed which doesnt fit the offscreen quick window
when importing qt quick controls using a qt kit the controls are not recognized
update submodules on in code homeqtworkqtqtquickcontrolstestsautocontrolstargetwrappersh tstcontrols o o txt import homeqtworkqtqtquickcontrolstestsautocontrolstestplugin start testing of qtquickcontrols config using qttest library qt shared dynamic release build by gcc pass qtquickcontrolsinittestcase pass qtquickcontrolsinittestcase pass qtquickcontrolstestactivated segmentation fault core dumped recipe for target check failed make error process finished with error exit status error building error unmarshalling testlib xml output xml syntax error on line unexpected eof most likely the test has crashed error reading from stdouterr exit status code it failed a few times in a row its fine in linux developerbuild outofsourcebuild qtlibinfix qtnamespace buildexamples documentation aborttestingonfirstfailure
i hope is the right place to report a documentation bug this is wrong the datetime will refer to a different point in time after chaning timezone the internal totimet toutc systemlocale are still the same it just change the tostring or iso rapresentation so is the same point in time
probably introduced by commit this seems to affect tools that are used in the build process one example is srctoolsqvkgen gdb bt in qcpufeatures at in qrandomcpu buffer at in detectprocessorfeatures at in qdetectcpufeatures at in qcpufeatures at in qrandomcpu buffer at in detectprocessorfeatures at in qdetectcpufeatures at in qcpufeatures at in qrandomcpu buffer at in detectprocessorfeatures at in qdetectcpufeatures at in qcpufeatures at in qrandomcpu buffer at in detectprocessorfeatures at
noformat srcclientcmakefileswaylandclientdirqwaylandwindowcppod o srcclientcmakefileswaylandclientdirqwaylandwindowcppo c srcclientqwaylandwindowcpp srcclientqwaylandwindowcpp in member function ‘void qtwaylandclientinitwindow’ error conversion from ‘qstring’ to nonscalar type ‘qfileinfo’ requested qfileinfo fi qcoreapplicationinstanceapplicationfilepath noformat build log details tested changes update dependencies on dev in qtqtwayland
running the pbrmaterials example on branch crashes on startup with the following trace code dllmain dllmain registerproctablecallback registerproctablecallback drvsetlayerpaletteentries drvsetlayerpaletteentries registerproctablecallback registerproctablecallback registerproctablecallback registerproctablecallback registerproctablecallback registerproctablecallback registerproctablecallback drvsetlayerpaletteentries qopenglfunctionsglgetprogramiv qopenglfunctionsh qopenglprogrambinarycachesave qopenglprogrambinarycachecpp qopenglshaderprogramprivatelinkbinary qopenglshaderprogramcpp qopenglshaderprogramlink qopenglshaderprogramcpp graphicscontextcpp graphicscontextcpp renderercpp renderercpp renderercpp renderthreadcpp qthreadprivatestart qthreadwincpp basethreadinitthunk rtluserthreadstart ntdll code
take a display that have a recommended dpi of in windows and let it at run any qml app all fonts specified using pointsize are rendered too big compared to the layout fact with and using fontpointsize the height of the font is computed taking into account whereas the layout is not resized by because qt doesnt not support non integer scale fartor by defaultcolor this result in text too big for the layouts of our app interesting thing if we put and run the app as the layout is scaled too everything is fine if we then come back to without stopping the app the font is rendered as and the layout is rendered as so the layout is fine too and aaenablehighdpiscaling is working the way it should expected if user put both fonts and layout should be rendered with factor because qt only support integer scale factors if the user put layout and font should both be rendered at factor as its done already this is a big problem for us as it make a very bad user experience of our product for users that have by default please fix thanks in advance mathieu tournier
using the test project from each of the camera rotation buttons do not look at the correct object qml errors present when giving node as parameter to lookat function
qt creator will have intree and with a new new name our installation scripts need to be adjusted to enable the right plugin
code fail qmlteststestfindtextinterruptedbyload function returned false returned false failure location totals passed failed skipped blacklisted finished testing of qmltests nmake fatal error call return code stop nmake fatal error cprogram files visual studio return code stop code it failed very often recently
java provisioning needed to template to be able to run java scripts that will get machine online for jenkins log from the machine codejava executing instruction of executecommand error exec java executable file not found in path process finished with error exec not started code
the following qt creator commit does not compile author alessandro portale gmt committer tobias hunger gmt commit patch core replace usage of qscriptengine with qjsengine see attachment for details the previous commit seems to compile and the binary works fine commit patch pluginmanager add load all and noload all command line options
zxpinstaller tells one cannot install qt bridge package on photoshop when using adobe creative cloud see attached image
i quickly closed panels the bottom of the screen afterwards i could see that the propertyvalue panel was missing from the right panel but the panel itself was there and the objectclass tree filled the right panel after much time i could not find any way to restore the default layout and see the properties which are essential to using the designer
reproduced on macos
update submodules on dev in code executing instruction of executecommand homeqtworkbuildqtbasebinqmake o makefile opensource confirmlicense verbose developerbuild qtlibinfix testinfix qtnamespace testnamespace nomake tests r openssl release command line opensource confirmlicense verbose developerbuild qtlibinfix testinfix qtnamespace testnamespace nomake tests r openssl release make leaving directory virtual memory total killed process no output received timeout seconds executing scheduled instruction of upload all core dumps if there are some build failed error building timeout after no output received error reading from stdouterr timeout after no output received code
when text in a qtextdocument is rightaligned a glyph at the end of a line with a right sidebearing extending beyond the advance width of the glyph will not be taken into account by the qtextframes bounding rect you can see this most easily in most fonts with the lowercase letter f this overhangs the advance width to the right and if it comes at the end of the line in rightaligned text will also overhang the bounding rect this is demonstrated with the attached test app ensure the right aligned checkbox is checked and the block margin is set to zero and youll see the problem its correct that the text is lined up with advance positions but the bounding rect should surely take the sidebearings into account correctly it looks like this happens when qtextdocumentlayoutprivatelayoutblock is updating the contentswidth for each line in turn it computes the righthand side of each line by using the unaligned line x position and qtextlinenaturaltextwidth if instead it used the righthand side of qtextlinenaturaltextrect then the alignment would be taken into account as this shifts the x position and uses the textwidth rather than the advancewidth however the sidebearing ie the difference between textwidth and advancewidth should really be allowed to eat into the block margin so the fix isnt quite so straightforward as a simple swap between these two methods
once we know the sha for the beta release def files must be generated against that version of the code so that they match
cannot submit qt webkit application to apple appstoreuse of nonpublic apis not permitted following nonpublic apis are includedcodeusrliblibsystembdylib ubrkgetrulestatus ubrksetutextcodefor issue theres patch available in webkit bugsis there similar available for
rta template has expired day trial version of installed update to official version needed blocks rta tests for winrtuwp applications please also double check that the windows installation is activated visual studio issue is fixed now but seems that activation for windows is still needed
qglpaintersetvertexbuffer does this over and overbufferbindsetvertexattributebufferunbindif the same buffer is used for the next paint then this will constantly flip from the id to to the id to etc same with index buffersqglpainter should keep track of this internally and only glbindbuffer when a real buffer switch occurs or raw clientside arrays are used for a drawing request
as per a recent email to the qt development lists projectsmodules must now fix qml header and symbol naming to match the new structure currently there is a deprecation mechanism in place but it will soon be removedsee for more detailsquotethe renaming changes have now been merged from the apichanges branch of qtdeclarative into the master branchat this time the declarative module is pinned to the apichanges branch of qtbase but this will be removed when the merge of qtbaseapichanges to qtbasemaster gets through ciwe expect that projects using the existing qdeclarative names for these classes should continue to build correctly in the immediate future but the backwards compatibility workarounds created to enable this will be removed in the near future please update you projects to use the new naming scheme the shell script in qtdeclarativebinrenameqtdeclarativesymbolssh should make the correct changes in client codequote
this avoid mixing it with by accident even for builds
users should still be able to build applications with qmake against the cmake built qt as a consequence we should also be able to build other qt modules using qmake against a qtbase built with cmake this would also allow gradual migration from qmake to cmake on a permodule basis this will probably mean the following generate pri and prl files for each module built generate an appropriate qtconf file that lives alongside qmake so that cross builds work
the enginio documentation is not found in qt assistant
the projects files are built with hard coded paths of the install directory instead of respecting qtdir this is an issue even with dev studiothe output directory is also set to in each of the qt projects this means that the lib files get built in the same folder as the vcproj file which is incorrect fortunately dev studio ignores this directive and places the lib files alongside the dll file which is properly specified to live in the lib folder but incredibuild respects this setting and fails to build the subsequent projects correctly
update submodules on in code usersqtworkqtqtwebenginetestsautowidgetsqwebenginepagetargetwrappersh tstqwebenginepage o o txt start testing of tstqwebenginepage config using qttest library qt shared dynamic release build by clang apple pass tstqwebenginepageinittestcase skip tstqwebenginepagethirdpartycookiepolicy dumprendertreesupportqt loc qtwebengineprocess couldnt set selectedcontrolcolor from default bpass tstqwebenginepagecomboboxpopuppositionaftermove received signal segvmaperr make segmentation fault code code homeqtworkqtqtwebenginetestsautowidgetsqwebenginepagetargetwrappersh tstqwebenginepage o o txt start testing of tstqwebenginepage config using qttest library qt shared dynamic release build by gcc red hat pass tstqwebenginepageinittestcase skip tstqwebenginepagethirdpartycookiepolicy dumprendertreesupportqt loc bpass tstqwebenginepagecomboboxpopuppositionaftermove received signal segvmaperr qobjectevent qapplicationprivatenotifyhelper qapplicationnotify qcoreapplicationprivatesendpostedevents posteventsourcedispatch gmaincontextdispatch gmaincontextiteration qeventdispatcherglibprocessevents qpaeventdispatcherglibprocessevents qcoreapplicationprocessevents tstqwebenginepagecomboboxpopuppositionafterchildmove qmetamethodinvoke qtestinvoketestondata qtestinvoketest qtestinvoketests qtestqrun qtestqexec main libcstartmain di si bp bx dx ax cx sp ip efl cgf erf trp msk calling core file will not be generated check failed len vs qtwebengineprocessmain main libcstartmain received signal giraise giabort qtwebengineprocessmain main libcstartmain di si bp bx dx ax cx ffffffffffffffff sp ip efl cgf erf trp msk calling core file will not be generated make error failed to synchronise with parent zygote process qtwebengineprocessmain main libcstartmain received signal giraise giabort qtwebengineprocessmain main libcstartmain di si bp bx dx ax cx ffffffffffffffff sp ip efl cgf erf trp msk calling core file will not be generated code code cusersqtworkqtqtwebenginetestsautowidgetsqwebenginepagecall cprogram files visual visual studio developer command prompt copyright c microsoft corporation environment initialized for microsoft r program maintenance utility version copyright c microsoft corporation all rights reserved cprogram files visual f makefilerelease check microsoft r program maintenance utility version copyright c microsoft corporation all rights reserved call cusersqtworkqtqtwebenginetestsautowidgetsqwebenginepagetargetwrapperbat releasetstqwebenginepageexe o o txt start testing of tstqwebenginepage config using qttest library qt shared dynamic release build by msvc pass tstqwebenginepageinittestcase lost ui shared context skip tstqwebenginepagethirdpartycookiepolicy dumprendertreesupportqt failure location qwarn tstqwebenginepagecomboboxpopuppositionaftermove external wmdestroy received for qwidgetwindow nameqtwebenginecorerenderwidgethostviewqtdelegatewidgetclasswindow parent qwindow transient parent qwindow bpass tstqwebenginepagecomboboxpopuppositionaftermove a crash occurred in cusersqtworkqtqtwebenginetestsautowidgetsqwebenginepagereleasetstqwebenginepageexe function time total time exception address exception code nearby symbol qtwebenginecoreinitmenu stack qtesttostring unhandledexceptionfilter memset cspecifichandler chkstk rtllookupfunctionentry kiuserexceptiondispatcher qtwebenginecoreinitmenu qtwebenginecorehascookiemonster qtwebenginecorehascookiemonster qtwebenginecorehascookiemonster qtwebenginecorehascookiemonster qtwebenginecoremode certificateerrorcontrollercertificateerrorcontroller qwebengineurlschemehandlerqtstaticmetacall qwebengineurlschemehandlerqtstaticmetacall qtwebenginecoreinitialcolor qobjectevent qapplicationprivatenotifyhelper qapplicationnotify qcoreapplicationprivatesendpostedevents qtpluginquerymetadata callwindowprocw dispatchmessagew qtpluginquerymetadata qcoreapplicationprocessevents tstqwebenginepagecomboboxpopuppositionafterchildmove tstqwebenginepageqtstaticmetacall qmetamethodinvoke qmetamethodinvoke qtestignoremessage qtestignoremessage qtestignoremessage qtestqrun qtestqexec main scrtcommonmainseh basethreadinitthunk rtluserthreadstart nmake fatal error call return code stop nmake fatal error cprogram files visual return code stop code
add kms config for nuc image to disable hw cursor
testcase code import qtquick import qtquicklayouts gridlayout columns repeater model componentoncompleted model rectangle width height opacity color red text text index code note that changing widthheight individually to just produces different invalid results but changing them both to just produces expected result model updates the items count it doesnt necesarry have to increase the number of elements by any change in the elements count triggers the bug here — you could verify that eg by setting model there it also doesnt have to be a number — using a listmodel and appending an element to it results in the same buggy behaviour text item is irrelevant to the testcase and just demonstrates invalid positioning of the elements eg in the case of width height note while is technically a static expression it still triggers that bug and this is thus the minimal testcase i was able to find well also triggers the bug the same issue happens eg when there is some more complex expression like someitemwidth etc — that should also work and should probably be included to the testcases
and code homeqtworkqtqtmultimediatestsautointegrationqaudioinputtargetwrappersh tstqaudioinput o o txt start testing of tstqaudioinput config using qttest library qt shared dynamic debug build by gcc pass tstqaudioinputinittestcase pass tstqaudioinputformat pass tstqaudioinputinvalidformatnull format pass tstqaudioinputinvalidformatchannel count pass tstqaudioinputinvalidformatsample rate pass tstqaudioinputinvalidformatsample size pass tstqaudioinputbuffersize pass tstqaudioinputnotifyinterval pass tstqaudioinputdisablenotifyinterval pass tstqaudioinputstopwhilestopped pass tstqaudioinputsuspendwhilestopped pass tstqaudioinputresumewhilestopped pass tstqaudioinputpullaudio file fail tstqaudioinputpullaudio file qtolerantcompareprocessedus returned false processedusecs doesnt fall in acceptable range should be loc fail tstqaudioinputpullaudio file qtolerantcompareprocessedus returned false processedusecs doesnt fall in acceptable range should be loc fail tstqaudioinputpullaudio file qtolerantcompareprocessedus returned false processedusecs doesnt fall in acceptable range should be loc fail tstqaudioinputpullaudio file qtolerantcompareprocessedus returned false processedusecs doesnt fall in acceptable range should be loc fail tstqaudioinputpullaudio file qtolerantcompareprocessedus returned false processedusecs doesnt fall in acceptable range should be loc fail tstqaudioinputpullaudio file qtolerantcompareprocessedus returned false processedusecs doesnt fall in acceptable range should be loc fail tstqaudioinputpullsuspendresumeaudio file qtolerantcompareprocessedus returned false processedusecs doesnt fall in acceptable range should be loc fail tstqaudioinputpullsuspendresumeaudio file qtolerantcompareprocessedus returned false processedusecs doesnt fall in acceptable range should be loc fail tstqaudioinputpullsuspendresumeaudio file qtolerantcompareprocessedus returned false processedusecs doesnt fall in acceptable range should be loc fail tstqaudioinputpullsuspendresumeaudio file qtolerantcompareprocessedus returned false processedusecs doesnt fall in acceptable range should be loc fail tstqaudioinputpullsuspendresumeaudio file qtolerantcompareprocessedus returned false processedusecs doesnt fall in acceptable range should be loc fail tstqaudioinputpullsuspendresumeaudio file qtolerantcompareprocessedus returned false processedusecs doesnt fall in acceptable range should be loc fail tstqaudioinputpullsuspendresumeaudio file qtolerantcompareprocessedus returned false processedusecs doesnt fall in acceptable range should be loc pass tstqaudioinputpushaudio file pass tstqaudioinputpushaudio file pass tstqaudioinputpushaudio file pass tstqaudioinputpushaudio file pass tstqaudioinputpushaudio file pass tstqaudioinputpushaudio file pass tstqaudioinputpushaudio file bpass tstqaudioinputpushsuspendresumeaudio file bfail tstqaudioinputpushsuspendresumeaudio file audioinputbytesready audioinputperiodsize returned false loc bpass tstqaudioinputpushsuspendresumeaudio file bfail tstqaudioinputpushsuspendresumeaudio file audioinputbytesready audioinputperiodsize returned false loc bfail tstqaudioinputpushsuspendresumeaudio file audioinputbytesready audioinputperiodsize returned false loc bpass tstqaudioinputpushsuspendresumeaudio file bfail tstqaudioinputpushsuspendresumeaudio file audioinputbytesready audioinputperiodsize returned false loc pass tstqaudioinputresetaudio file pass tstqaudioinputresetaudio file pass tstqaudioinputresetaudio file pass tstqaudioinputresetaudio file pass tstqaudioinputresetaudio file pass tstqaudioinputresetaudio file pass tstqaudioinputresetaudio file pass tstqaudioinputvolumeaudio file pass tstqaudioinputvolumeaudio file pass tstqaudioinputvolumeaudio file pass tstqaudioinputvolumeaudio file pass tstqaudioinputvolumeaudio file pass tstqaudioinputvolumeaudio file pass tstqaudioinputvolumeaudio file pass tstqaudioinputcleanuptestcase totals passed failed skipped blacklisted finished testing of tstqaudioinput code
the following example can be used to demonstrate the issuecodeimport qtquick width height component id myobj qtobject property variant myprop yes no property variant yes no property variant yes no property variant yes no property variant yes no property variant yes no property variant yes no property variant yes no property variant yes no property variant yes no property variant mytmpprop property variant key componentoncompleted for var i i i mytmpprop myprop timer interval repeat true running true ontriggered myobjcreateobject timer interval repeat true running true ontriggered gc codeafter running for iterations of top res is reported asqt from variant to var improves things somewhatqt from numbers for keys to words for keys results in significantly better resultsqt
when using evdevkeyboard the power key isnt mappedproposed patchcodediff git asrcplatformsupportinputevdevkeyboardqevdevkeyboarddefaultmapph bsrcplatformsupportinputevdevkeyboardqevdevkeyboarddefaultmapphindex asrcplatformsupportinputevdevkeyboardqevdevkeyboarddefaultmapph bsrcplatformsupportinputevdevkeyboardqevdevkeyboarddefaultmapph const qevdevkeyboardmapmapping qevdevkeyboardhandlerskeymapdefault keymute qtkeyvolumemute keyvolumedown qtkeyvolumedown keyvolumeup qtkeyvolumeup keypower qtkeypoweroff keypause qtkeypause keystop qtkeystop keysetup qtkeysettings code
code usersqtworkqtqtpurchasingtestsautopurchasingqinappstoretargetwrappersh tstqinappstore registerunknownproduct start testing of tstqinappstore config using qttest library qt shared dynamic release build by clang apple pass tstqinappstoreinittestcase fail tstqinappstoreregisterunknownproduct compared values are not the same actual receiverunknownproductssize expected loc pass tstqinappstorecleanuptestcase totals passed failed skipped blacklisted finished testing of tstqinappstore make error code it failed at least two times there
the problem is that any fullscreen widget will cause the softkeys to be hidden and on touch phones this means they are also not clickablethis program demonstrates the problemcodeint mainint argc char argv qapplication appargc argv qwidget w wshowfullscreen qmessageboxinformationw hello world return appexeccodethere are several ways one could fix dont use softkeys when a widget is fullscreen use the default qt buttons make the softkeys reappear when the currently focused widget is not a fullscreen widget
debugging seems to indicate a invalid pointer deallocation when closing a document happens when changing to view a subpresentation or another project
qwaitconditionwait has a unsigned long parameter for the timeout the documentation said that the thread will waitfor the condition at least this time in milliseconds but if you call this method with a value greater than on a machine where unsigned long is bits the function will not wait the expected time if you call it with for example the function will return immediately with false the timeout parameter is internally converted into an int which is bit on a machine this results in a timeout of
i can have multiple tabs in my app each with a different rendering window with more than one tab the background tasks seem to be churning away not so with just one visible tab and if you iconify the window tasks are busy again
on os x qlineedit does not override the cmdleft cmdright shortcuts this is because os x sends the keypadmodifier as well as the controlmodifier when pressing those keys the code in qwidgetlinecontrolprocessshortcutoverrideevent only accepts the override event if modiifers qtcontrolmodifier thereby failing on os x the code checks for equality with the well known shortcuts which are defined as controlleft and controlright the bug probably affects other shortcuts as well but those were the ones i tested the fix is either to filter out the keypad modifier before testing for equality in that function or add the keypad modifier to the platform shortcut definitions in qkeysequence
noformat deprecated handle qpaintevent instead if exposeeventregionisnull in file included from from note declared here inline const qregion region const return mregion make leaving directory homeqtworkqtqtwaylandqmakeexampleswaylandcustomextensionqmlclient make error make waiting for unfinished jobs noformat build log details tested changes update dependencies on dev in qtqtwayland
when building qt git statically release static with a linker error occurs with all three toolchains when building enablestdcallfixup wlenableautoimport wlenableruntimepseudoreloc wls wlsubsystemconsole mthreads wl o lqtsql lqtxml lqtgui lqtnetwork lwinmm lwinspool lqtcore luuid undefined reference to undefined reference to undefined reference to undefined reference to ld returned exit statuscodewhen configured with the build completes fine
if an invalid qvariant is passed to uniformvaluefromvariant qunreachable is reached and the application segfaults without notification ideally the invalid qvariant should have been caught earlier and not passed to the function but it might be an idea to pass a warning and silently handle this case setting the value to a zero float or at least printing a qfatal error message to provide some debug information this may now happen by passing an undefined value from qml through qml objects like parameter while passing undefined values from js is a bad thing the application shouldnt segfault and crash but rather print an error that is visible in the application log
when doing a drag and drop on all items in a qtreewidget and running an opengl widget at the same time the dragged itemspixmap is not fully painted
qt webengine should allow an easy configuration for networking proxies in particular disabling the system proxy currently qt webengine queries qnetworkproxyapplicationproxy to determine whether a custom proxy should be used if nothing is set it will use the system proxy configuration unfortunately there is no easy way to configure qt webengine to not use any proxy at all one of the problems is that there are various ways in qt network to disable the system proxy configuring with nosystemproxies calling qnetworkproxysetapplicationproxyqnetworkproxy calling qnetworkproxyfactorysetusesystemconfigurationfalse calling qnetworkproxyfactorysetapplicationproxyfactory not all of these can also be monitored by the api that is qnetworkproxyapplicationproxy will return noproxy both if an empty proxy has been set or if the system proxy is not set the suggestion therefore is to add qwebenginesettingsusesystemproxies qquickwebenginesettingsusesystemproxies to allow explicit control for the webengine stack
this problem has been observed since we upgraded qt from to when the qtwebenginebased browser is launched there will be no browser shown but continuously debug trace messages as shown below usrshareexampleswebenginewidgetssimplebrowsersimplebrowser nosandbox using waylandegl wlpvr pvr services initialised nonblocking swap buffers not supported subsurface rendering can be affected using the wlshell shell integration nonblocking swap buffers not supported subsurface rendering can be affected nonblocking swap buffers not supported subsurface rendering can be affected nonblocking swap buffers not supported subsurface rendering can be affected requested opengl implementation is not supported implementation requested opengl implementation is not supported implementation requested opengl implementation is not supported implementation requested opengl implementation is not supported implementation requested opengl implementation is not supported implementation the problem appears to be that the gl implementation is not set to the desired value but stays the the initial value kglimplementationnone as if the system never go through the gl initialization i could not see anything even if i set the debug level to use option and etc i am not sure whether it is due to the chromiumozone or qtwebengine infrastructure changes please note we do not support winos mesa only qpa eglfs wayland linuxfb through the opengles libraries attached please find the qtbase configsummary file any suggestions how to debug this issue will be highly appreciated
found in tstqudpsocket multicastleaveafterclose multicast tests according to the docs should be to choose the default multicast interface or the interface index of a particular multicastcapable interface if the host is multihomed using index it comes from the default constructed qnetworkinterface on such a machine results in a joinleave multicastgroup failure
assert triggered when attempting to send an event to a receiver in a different thread noformat void qtassertxconst char const char const char int assert failure in qcoreapplication cannot send events to objects owned by a different thread current thread receiver of type was created in thread file line noformat reproducible with the minibrowser example in qtwebview
when attempting to work with a qml file in the creator embedded design tool creator becomes unreponsive for about a minute when taking action eg changing the currently viewed state etc in debugview it becomes responsive again only after the following is output process crashed qtimer exitcode qiodevicewrite qlocalsocket device not open qiodevicewrite qlocalsocket device not open qiodevicewrite qlocalsocket device not open this appears to be a regression or similar issue to which was resolved in where creator is searching the network for resources due to malformed paths the unresponsiveness does not appear to happen when the computer is disconnected from the network since this happens often when working within a single page it renders designer nearly unusable as any arbitrary action seems to precipitate a freeze
as noted here
when qtextoptionshowtabsandspaces is used we currently since distinguish space as a dot tab as an arrow nonbreaking space as a degree sign there are diverse other characters that unicode classifies as space that it would make sense to mark up similarly for example the thin space and its nonbreaking partner we can query relevant properties from qchar using its category separatorspace and decompositiontag nobreak tests for the latter see here
forgot to reenable mail notifications on upgrade
this task links to all tasks needed to be resolved before we can release the qt alphaplease link all alpharelated tasks to this issue
noformat qqmllistcompositorcpp in member function ‘void testnamespacesetgroupcountint’ error implicitlydeclared ‘constexpr testnamespaceiterator testnamespaceoperatorconst testnamespaceiterator’ is deprecated mend iteratormranges default mgroupcount in file included from note because ‘testnamespaceiterator’ has userprovided ‘testnamespaceiteratorconst testnamespaceiterator’ inline qqmllistcompositoriteratorconst iterator it error implicitlydeclared ‘constexpr testnamespaceiterator testnamespaceoperatorconst testnamespaceiterator’ is deprecated mcacheit mend in file included from note because ‘testnamespaceiterator’ has userprovided ‘testnamespaceiteratorconst testnamespaceiterator’ inline qqmllistcompositoriteratorconst iterator it qqmllistcompositorcpp in member function ‘testnamespaceiterator testnamespacefindtestnamespacegroup int’ error implicitlydeclared ‘constexpr testnamespaceiterator testnamespaceoperatorconst testnamespaceiterator’ is deprecated mcacheit iteratormrangesnext group mgroupcount in file included from note because ‘testnamespaceiterator’ has userprovided ‘testnamespaceiteratorconst testnamespaceiterator’ inline qqmllistcompositoriteratorconst iterator it qqmllistcompositorcpp in member function ‘testnamespaceiterator testnamespaceinserttestnamespaceiterator void int int uint testnamespaceqvector’ error implicitlydeclared ‘constexpr testnamespaceiterator testnamespaceoperatorconst testnamespaceiterator’ is deprecated mcacheit before in file included from note because ‘testnamespaceiterator’ has userprovided ‘testnamespaceiteratorconst testnamespaceiterator’ inline qqmllistcompositoriteratorconst iterator it qqmllistcompositorcpp in member function ‘void testnamespacesetflagstestnamespaceiterator int testnamespacegroup uint testnamespaceqvector’ error implicitlydeclared ‘constexpr testnamespaceiterator testnamespaceoperatorconst testnamespaceiterator’ is deprecated mcacheit from in file included from note because ‘testnamespaceiterator’ has userprovided ‘testnamespaceiteratorconst testnamespaceiterator’ inline qqmllistcompositoriteratorconst iterator it qqmllistcompositorcpp in member function ‘void testnamespaceclearflagstestnamespaceiterator int testnamespacegroup uint testnamespaceqvector’ error implicitlydeclared ‘constexpr testnamespaceiterator testnamespaceoperatorconst testnamespaceiterator’ is deprecated mcacheit from in file included from note because ‘testnamespaceiterator’ has userprovided ‘testnamespaceiteratorconst testnamespaceiterator’ inline qqmllistcompositoriteratorconst iterator it qqmllistcompositorcpp in member function ‘void testnamespacemovetestnamespacegroup int testnamespacegroup int int testnamespacegroup testnamespaceqvector testnamespaceqvector’ error implicitlydeclared ‘constexpr testnamespaceiterator testnamespaceoperatorconst testnamespaceiterator’ is deprecated mcacheit toit in file included from note because ‘testnamespaceiterator’ has userprovided ‘testnamespaceiteratorconst testnamespaceiterator’ inline qqmllistcompositoriteratorconst iterator it qqmllistcompositorcpp in member function ‘void testnamespaceclear’ error implicitlydeclared ‘constexpr testnamespaceiterator testnamespaceoperatorconst testnamespaceiterator’ is deprecated mend iteratormrangesnext default mgroupcount in file included from note because ‘testnamespaceiterator’ has userprovided ‘testnamespaceiteratorconst testnamespaceiterator’ inline qqmllistcompositoriteratorconst iterator it error implicitlydeclared ‘constexpr testnamespaceiterator testnamespaceoperatorconst testnamespaceiterator’ is deprecated mcacheit mend in file included from note because ‘testnamespaceiterator’ has userprovided ‘testnamespaceiteratorconst testnamespaceiterator’ inline qqmllistcompositoriteratorconst iterator it qqmllistcompositorcpp in member function ‘void testnamespacelistitemsinsertedtestnamespaceqvector void const testnamespaceqvector const testnamespaceqvector’ error implicitlydeclared ‘constexpr testnamespaceiterator testnamespaceoperatorconst testnamespaceiterator’ is deprecated mcacheit mend in file included from note because ‘testnamespaceiterator’ has userprovided ‘testnamespaceiteratorconst testnamespaceiterator’ inline qqmllistcompositoriteratorconst iterator it qqmllistcompositorcpp in member function ‘void testnamespacelistitemsremovedtestnamespaceqvector void testnamespaceqvector testnamespaceqvector testnamespaceqvector’ error implicitlydeclared ‘constexpr testnamespaceiterator testnamespaceoperatorconst testnamespaceiterator’ is deprecated mcacheit mend in file included from note because ‘testnamespaceiterator’ has userprovided ‘testnamespaceiteratorconst testnamespaceiterator’ inline qqmllistcompositoriteratorconst iterator it homeqtworkinstallbinmoc dqtnolinkedlist dqtnolinkedlist dqtnojavastyleiterators dqtnourlcastfromstring dqtnointegereventcoordinates dqtnoforeach noformat build log details tested changes update submodules on in
update submodules on dev in code qtqtdeclarativegit generate function tables on windows remove unused function code code error rtladdfunctiontable identifier not found error rtldeletefunctiontable identifier not found error rtladdfunctiontable identifier not found error rtldeletefunctiontable identifier not found code
the following script works with but not with i i i if true break
upd the issue does not seem to be fixed in windows video link to the vehicle project steps to reproduce create a new project import a model with multiple meshes set for some of the meshes as a material porcelain carbonfiber aluminumanodizedemissive materials create absolute and path reference materials for some other meshes launch viewer no meshes with the reference material are visible expected to see meshes with the reference materials editor scene view unknown viewer scene view unknownpngthumbnail
from build log totals passed failed skipped blacklisted finished testing of tstqquicklistview recipe for target check failed make error process finished with error exit status error reading from stdouterr exit status rerunning testsautoquickqquicklistview with testargsparentbinding homeqtworkqtqtdeclarativetestsautoquickqquicklistviewtargetwrappersh tstqquicklistview parentbinding maxwarnings qtqpaxcb testnamespaceinitializeshm has mitshm true qtqpaxcb testnamespaceinitializeshm has mitshm fd true qtqpascreen testnamespaceqxcbscreen failed to parse edid data for output default edid data qtqpascreen testnamespaceinitializescreens adding qxcbscreen namedefault orientationqtlandscapeorientation windowmanagernamegnome shell primary true qtqpascreen testnamespaceinitializescreens primary output is default qtqpaxcb testnamespacecreateeventdispatcher using glib dispatcher qtqpainputmethodsserialize testnamespacedeserializefrom qibusenginedescfromdbusargument sasvssssssssussssssss qtqpainputmethods testnamespaceqibusplatforminputcontext socketwatcheraddpath start testing of tstqquicklistview config using qttest library qt shared dynamic debug build by gcc pass tstqquicklistviewinittestcase qdebug tstqquicklistviewparentbinding qtqpagl testnamespaceglintegration choosing xcb glintegration based on following priority xcbglx xcbegl qdebug tstqquicklistviewparentbinding qtqpagl testnamespaceqxcbglxintegration xcb glx glintegration created qdebug tstqquicklistviewparentbinding qtqpagl testnamespaceinitialize xcb glx glintegration successfully initialized qdebug tstqquicklistviewparentbinding qtscenegraphgeneral testnamespaceinstance threaded render loop qdebug tstqquicklistviewparentbinding qtscenegraphgeneral testnamespaceqsguseconsistenttiming using sg animation driver qdebug tstqquicklistviewparentbinding qtscenegraphgeneral testnamespaceqsganimationdriver animation driver using vsync ms fail tstqquicklistviewparentbinding messagehandlermessagesisempty returned false requested format before fbconfigvisual selection qsurfaceformatversion options qflags depthbuffersize redbuffersize greenbuffersize bluebuffersize alphabuffersize stencilbuffersize samples swapbehavior qsurfaceformatdoublebuffer swapinterval colorspace qsurfaceformatdefaultcolorspace profile qsurfaceformatnoprofile build log details tested changes update windows msvc and msvc update submodules on in
i am creating a game with qt and want to use qsoundeffect to play sounds for some kinds of eventsto achieve this i create several qsoundeffects to be ready to played but unlucky thell create several audio outputs which are controllable by my audio control as you can see in the attached screenshotwhat i was expecting to see only one volume control for the whole application
implement a prototype of how data is passed from code to design via well defined data input names the prototype should allow these actions create a typed data input list to a scene by editing the uip file directly parse this data input list in the editor allow adding one number type data input to timeline selecting first data node item in the scene at this point and change time control from timer to the numeric data input
qtablewidgetselectedranges reports previous selection or is empty at first click when mouse clicking to select a cell this does not happen when using keyboard arrows how to reproduce testpro codenone qt core gui widgets sources maincpp code maincpp codecpp include include include int mainint argc char argv qapplication appargc argv qtablewidget qobjectconnecttable qtablewidgetcurrentcellchanged int int int int auto const ranges tableselectedranges if rangesisempty qinfo rangestoprow rangesleftcolumn tableshow return appexec code start the program and click on a cell nothing is printed click on a another cell the coordinates of the previously selected one are printed restart the program this time use arrow keys to select a cell the right coordinates are instantly printed
after changing the build directory the equivalent command line still refers to the old build directory
the following example will have in invalid index as the input to qsortfilterproxymodelfilteracceptrowinclude class filter public qsortfilterproxymodelpublic filterqobject parent qsortfilterproxymodelparent virtual bool filteracceptsrowint row const qmodelindex parent const qdebug indexrow parentisvalid return true int mainint argc char argv qcoreapplication appargc argv qstandarditemmodel model filter proxy proxysetsourcemodelmodel qlist rows rowsappendnew qstandarditemfoo modelappendcolumnrows return would not have expected isvalid to return falseupdate you can work around this bug by appending rows one at a time instead of appending one column list
noformat cusersqtworkinstallbinmocexe dunicode dunicode dwinver dqtnojavastyleiterators dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtnoexceptions dqtnodebug dqtquicklib dqtqmlmodelslib dqtqmllib dqtopengllib dqtwidgetslib dqtguilib dqtnetworklib dqtcorelib dqtentrypointlib dqtneedsqmain dqtcorelib include cusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativetoolsqmleasingmocreleasemocpredefsh icusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativetoolsqmleasing icusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativeinclude icusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativeincludeqtquick icusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativeincludeqtqmlmodels icusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativeincludeqtqml icusersqtworkinstallinclude icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtopengl icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtwidgets icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtgui icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtnetwork icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtcore mainwindowh o mocreleasemocmainwindowcpp cusersqtworkinstallbinmocexe dunicode dunicode dwinver dqtnojavastyleiterators dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtnoexceptions dqtnodebug dqtquicklib dqtqmlmodelslib dqtqmllib dqtopengllib dqtwidgetslib dqtguilib dqtnetworklib dqtcorelib dqtentrypointlib dqtneedsqmain dqtcorelib include cusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativetoolsqmleasingmocreleasemocpredefsh icusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativetoolsqmleasing icusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativeinclude icusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativeincludeqtquick icusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativeincludeqtqmlmodels icusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativeincludeqtqml icusersqtworkinstallinclude icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtopengl icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtwidgets icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtgui icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtnetwork icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtcore segmentpropertiesh o mocreleasemocsegmentpropertiescpp entering directory cusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativetoolsqmltestrunner f makefilerelease entering directory cusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativetoolsqmltestrunner g c fnokeepinlinedllexport g fnoexceptions wall wextra wextra wvla wdatetime wduplicatedcond wnostringopoverflow dunicode dunicode dwinver dqtnojavastyleiterators dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtuseqstringbuilder dqtnoexceptions dqtnodebug dqtqmllib dqtqmltestlib dqtwidgetslib dqtguilib dqtnetworklib dqttestliblib dqtcorelib dqttestcasebuilddircusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativetoolsqmltestrunner i iinclude iincludeqtqml iincludeqtquicktest icusersqtworkinstallinclude icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtwidgets icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtgui icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtnetwork icusersqtworkinstallincludeqttest icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtcore imocrelease icopensslinclude icutilspostgresqlpgsqlinclude o objreleasemaino maincpp g c fnokeepinlinedllexport g fnoexceptions wall wextra wextra wvla wdatetime wduplicatedcond wnostringopoverflow dunicode dunicode dwinver dqtnojavastyleiterators dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtnoexceptions dqtnodebug dqtquicklib dqtqmlmodelslib dqtqmllib dqtopengllib dqtwidgetslib dqtguilib dqtnetworklib dqtcorelib dqtentrypointlib dqtneedsqmain dqtcorelib i iinclude iincludeqtquick iincludeqtqmlmodels iincludeqtqml icusersqtworkinstallinclude icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtopengl icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtwidgets icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtgui icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtnetwork icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtcore imocrelease iuic icopensslinclude icutilspostgresqlpgsqlinclude o objreleaseqrcresourceso rccreleaseqrcresourcescpp g c fnokeepinlinedllexport g fnoexceptions wall wextra wextra wvla wdatetime wduplicatedcond wnostringopoverflow dunicode dunicode dwinver dqtnojavastyleiterators dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtnoexceptions dqtnodebug dqtquicklib dqtqmlmodelslib dqtqmllib dqtopengllib dqtwidgetslib dqtguilib dqtnetworklib dqtcorelib dqtentrypointlib dqtneedsqmain dqtcorelib i iinclude iincludeqtquick iincludeqtqmlmodels iincludeqtqml icusersqtworkinstallinclude icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtopengl icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtwidgets icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtgui icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtnetwork icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtcore imocrelease iuic icopensslinclude icutilspostgresqlpgsqlinclude o objreleasesplineeditoro splineeditorcpp g wlsubsystemwindows s o releaseqmltimeexe objreleaseqmltimeo objreleaseqmltimeqmltyperegistrationso objreleasemocqmltimeo lcopenssllib lcutilspostgresqlpgsqllib lcopenssllib lcutilspostgresqlpgsqllib undefined reference to winmain error ld returned exit status windres i qmlplugindumpresourcerc o objreleaseqmlplugindumpresourcereso includedir dunicode dunicode dwinver dqtnojavastyleiterators dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtuseqstringbuilder dqtnoexceptions dqtnodebug dqtquicklib dqtqmlmodelslib dqtqmllib dqtopengllib dqtwidgetslib dqtguilib dqtnetworklib dqtcorelib windres i qmltestrunnerresourcerc o objreleaseqmltestrunnerresourcereso includedir dunicode dunicode dwinver dqtnojavastyleiterators dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtuseqstringbuilder dqtnoexceptions dqtnodebug dqtqmllib dqtqmltestlib dqtwidgetslib dqtguilib dqtnetworklib dqttestliblib dqtcorelib dqttestcasebuilddircusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativetoolsqmltestrunner g c fnokeepinlinedllexport g fnoexceptions wall wextra wextra wvla wdatetime wduplicatedcond wnostringopoverflow dunicode dunicode dwinver dqtnojavastyleiterators dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtnoexceptions dqtnodebug dqtquicklib dqtqmlmodelslib dqtqmllib dqtopengllib dqtwidgetslib dqtguilib dqtnetworklib dqtcorelib dqtentrypointlib dqtneedsqmain dqtcorelib i iinclude iincludeqtquick iincludeqtqmlmodels iincludeqtqml icusersqtworkinstallinclude icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtopengl icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtwidgets icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtgui icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtnetwork icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtcore imocrelease iuic icopensslinclude icutilspostgresqlpgsqlinclude o objreleasemainwindowo mainwindowcpp g wlsubsystemconsole s o binqmltestrunnerexe objreleasemaino lcopenssllib lcutilspostgresqlpgsqllib objreleaseqmltestrunnerresourcereso objcopy onlykeepdebug binqmltestrunnerexe binqmltestrunnerexedebug objcopy stripdebug binqmltestrunnerexe objcopy addgnudebuglinkbinqmltestrunnerexedebug binqmltestrunnerexe leaving directory cusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativetoolsqmltestrunner leaving directory cusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativetoolsqmltestrunner g c fnokeepinlinedllexport g fnoexceptions wall wextra wextra wvla wdatetime wduplicatedcond wnostringopoverflow dunicode dunicode dwinver dqtnojavastyleiterators dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtnoexceptions dqtnodebug dqtquicklib dqtqmlmodelslib dqtqmllib dqtopengllib dqtwidgetslib dqtguilib dqtnetworklib dqtcorelib dqtentrypointlib dqtneedsqmain dqtcorelib i iinclude iincludeqtquick iincludeqtqmlmodels iincludeqtqml icusersqtworkinstallinclude icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtopengl icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtwidgets icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtgui icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtnetwork icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtcore imocrelease iuic icopensslinclude icutilspostgresqlpgsqlinclude o objreleasesegmentpropertieso segmentpropertiescpp g wlsubsystemwindows s o binqmleasingexe objreleasemaino objreleasesplineeditoro objreleasemainwindowo objreleasesegmentpropertieso objreleaseqrcresourceso lcopenssllib lcutilspostgresqlpgsqllib objreleaseqmleasingresourcereso lcopenssllib lcutilspostgresqlpgsqllib undefined reference to winmain error ld returned exit status objcopy onlykeepdebug binqmlplugindumpexe binqmlplugindumpexedebug objcopy stripdebug binqmlplugindumpexe objcopy addgnudebuglinkbinqmlplugindumpexedebug binqmlplugindumpexe leaving directory cusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativetoolsqmlplugindump leaving directory cusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativetoolsqmlplugindump leaving directory cusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativetools error process finished with error exit status executing scheduled instruction of upload all core dumps if there are some skip uploading core files because corefilespath is not set in the environment build failed error building exit status noformat build log details tested changes update submodules on dev in
we need to chip openssl binaries with the installers
for example when setting a parameter to a value of in qml we end up with bad data in the float being passed to glsl i think this is caused by the being represented as an integer within the variant used to get the data to the backend the backend knows the uniform is of type float so i think its a missing int float cast somewhere
focus not provided for mouse wheel adjustment of val brightness slider on rightside of backwards color panel roygbiv is backwards from previous versions when using focus follows mouse the slider should take focus on mouseover and respond with adjustments to wheelupwheeldown inputs that no longer works upstream filing recommended by bugskdeorg see bug
buildtool is missing dx at failure build failed with an exception what went wrong could not determine the dependencies of task compiledebugjavawithjavac installed build tools revision is corrupted remove and install again using the sdk manager try run with stacktrace option to get the stack trace run with info or debug option to get more log output run with scan to get full insights get more help at build failed in building the android package failed for more information run this command with verbose the process exited with code error while buildingdeploying project elasticnodes kit android qt clang when executing step build android apk
i tried to run my application with the new analyzer tools in creator the application was built in release and valgrind was installed and working via the command line when i tried to use the memory analyzer i got this message is incorrect the application is running in the message is repeated three times run in release i get not a buttons are the wrong way around cancel the default button should be on the application icon dialog is close and maximize buttons are enabled but this is not the convention for model dialogs on osx would be fixed by developer should reread qts own documentation on macosx developmentthis output was hidden in the log toolcallgrind no such file or directory so im guessing somethings not configured correctly still the dialog needs fixing
noformat in file included from in file included from error unknown type name mreading mreading nullptr error expected parameter declarator mreading nullptr error expected note to match this qobjectbindablepropertywithargsqmlsensor qmlsensorreading error c requires a type specifier for all declarations qobjectbindablepropertywithargsqmlsensor qmlsensorreading error expected at end of declaration list mreading nullptr error unknown type name mtimestamp mtimestamp qmlsensorreadingtimestampchanged error parameter declarator cannot be qualified mtimestamp qmlsensorreadingtimestampchanged error c requires a type specifier for all declarations error c requires a type specifier for all declarations qobjectbindablepropertyqmlsensorreading error expected at end of declaration list mtimestamp qmlsensorreadingtimestampchanged in file included from error unknown type name mreflectance mreflectance qmlirproximitysensorreadingreflectancechanged error parameter declarator cannot be qualified mreflectance qmlirproximitysensorreadingreflectancechanged error c requires a type specifier for all declarations error c requires a type specifier for all declarations qobjectbindablepropertyqmlirproximitysensorreading qreal error expected at end of declaration list mreflectance qmlirproximitysensorreadingreflectancechanged error use of undeclared identifier mreflectance did you mean reflectance return mreflectance reflectance note reflectance declared here qreal qmlirproximitysensorreadingreflectance const error reference to nonstatic member function must be called did you mean to call it with no arguments return mreflectance error implicit instantiation of undefined template testnamespaceqbindable qbindable qmlirproximitysensorreadingbindablereflectance const note template is declared here template class qbindable error use of undeclared identifier mreflectance did you mean qirproximityreadingreflectance return mreflectance qirproximityreadingreflectance note qirproximityreadingreflectance declared here qreal reflectance const fatal error too many errors emitted stopping now errors generated ninja build stopped subcommand failed noformat build log details tested changes update dependencies on dev in qtqtsensors
another cherrypick request for because without them qt creator doesnt compile on windows
codejava icutilsmysqlmysqlinclude icutilspostgresqlpgsqlinclude foobjdebug mocglwidgetpcpp link nologo dynamicbase nxcompat debug dll subsystemwindows manifestembed version exceptioncode exceptionflags exceptionaddress cprogram files visual studio numberparameters exceptioninformation exceptioninformation context rax rbx rcx rdx rsp rbp rsi rdi rip eflags segcs segds segss seges segfs seggs link fatal error unknown error at consult documentation for technical support optionscode codejava imocrelease icopensslinclude icutilsmysqlmysqlinclude icutilspostgresqlpgsqlinclude foobjrelease mocglwidgetpcpp link nologo dynamicbase nxcompat debug optref incrementalno dll subsystemwindows manifestembed creating library and object copy y bin files copied jom cusersqtworkqtqtchartssrcchartsmakefile error jom cusersqtworkqtqtchartssrcmakefile error jom cusersqtworkqtqtchartsmakefile error process finished with error exit status executing scheduled instruction of upload all core dumps if there are some error reading from stdouterr exit status skipping uploadcorefiles because corefilespath is not set build failedcode
see code fail tstlreleasenotranslations compared values are not the same actual procexitcode expected loc pass tstlreleasecleanuptestcase code code fail tstlupdategoodpreprocess procexitcode returned false homeqtworkinstallbinlupdate silent projectpro exited with code assert rsisdetached rsisempty in file srclinguistsharedproitemsh line code code
error findinstalledjom is not a member of projectexplorermsvctoolchain see declaration of error findinstalledjom identifier not foundnoformat
using a qtextedit as a qgraphicsproxywidget and setcolor to red without any previous textthe entered text stays black example codeinclude include include include include include int main int argc char argv qapplication a argc argv qwidget window normal qtextedit qvboxlayout layout new qvboxlayout qtextedit new qtextedit input some text itll be red qtextedit with woc qtextedit new qtextedit qgraphicsview view new qgraphicsview qgraphicsscene scene new qgraphicsscene viewsetscenescene qgraphicsproxywidget proxy input some text itll stay black layoutaddwidgetview windowsetlayoutlayout viewshow windowshow return aexec
update submodules on in code error variable type functionvalidator is an abstract class functionvalidator validator note unimplemented pure virtual method throwrecursiondeptherror in functionvalidator virtual void throwrecursiondeptherror error variable type signalhandlervalidator is an abstract class signalhandlervalidator validator note unimplemented pure virtual method throwrecursiondeptherror in signalhandlervalidator virtual void throwrecursiondeptherror error variable type anchorvalidator is an abstract class anchorvalidator validator note unimplemented pure virtual method throwrecursiondeptherror in anchorvalidator virtual void throwrecursiondeptherror error variable type idvalidator is an abstract class idvalidator validator note unimplemented pure virtual method throwrecursiondeptherror in idvalidator virtual void throwrecursiondeptherror errors generated code
when running bluetoothtestdevice on my motorola moto android and trying to connect from linuxbluez using the test in note to use the nondbus backend i added a false to the ifstatements in and it connects successfully but then suddenly closes the connection log is noformat homeandreasbuhrdevelopmentqtdevqtconnectivitycmakebuilddebugtestsmanualqlowenergycontrollertstqlowenergycontrollerdevice start testing of tstqlowenergycontrollerdevice config using qttest library qt shared dynamic debug build by gcc ubuntu qinfo tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez missing capnetadmin permission cannot determine whether a found address is of random or public type qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez bluez detected qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez creating qtbluezdiscoverymanager qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez discovered bluetoothtestdevice num uuids total device cached rssi num manufacturerdata qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez discovered rüdiger num uuids total device cached rssi num manufacturerdata qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez discovered samsung series num uuids total device cached rssi num manufacturerdata qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez discovered num uuids total device cached rssi num manufacturerdata qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez discovered multisensor num uuids total device cached rssi num manufacturerdata qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez discovered num uuids total device cached rssi num manufacturerdata qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez discovered sensortag num uuids total device cached rssi num manufacturerdata qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez discovered moto e num uuids total device cached rssi num manufacturerdata qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez discovered gear le num uuids total device cached rssi num manufacturerdata qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating manufacturerdata for qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez almost duplicate replacing in place qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qtbluetoothbluez updating rssi for qvariantshort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase not using bluetoothtestdevice qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase not using rüdiger qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase not using samsung series qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase not using qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase not using multisensor qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase not using qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase not using sensortag qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase found moto e pass tstqlowenergycontrollerdeviceinittestcase qwarn tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicecheckmtunegotiation qtbluetooth using bluez kernel att interface qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicecheckmtunegotiation qtbluetooth qlowenergycontrollerprivate setting state to qlowenergycontrollerconnectingstate qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicecheckmtunegotiation qtbluetoothbluez creating default gapgatt services qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicecheckmtunegotiation qtbluetooth using bluetooth raw socket implementation qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicecheckmtunegotiation qtbluetoothbluez addresstypetouse public qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicecheckmtunegotiation qtbluetoothbluez no settings found for peer device qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicecheckmtunegotiation qtbluetoothbluez current sec level qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicecheckmtunegotiation qtbluetoothbluez exchanging mtu qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicecheckmtunegotiation qtbluetooth qlowenergycontrollerprivate setting state to qlowenergycontrollerconnectedstate qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicecheckmtunegotiation mtu after connect qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicecheckmtunegotiation qtbluetooth qlowenergycontrollerprivate setting state to qlowenergycontrollerdiscoveringstate qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicecheckmtunegotiation qtbluetoothbluez sending readbygrouptype request starthandle endhandle ffff qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicecheckmtunegotiation qtbluetoothbluez received size data qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicecheckmtunegotiation qtbluetoothbluez server mtu resulting mtu qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicecheckmtunegotiation qtbluetoothbluez received size data qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicecheckmtunegotiation qtbluetoothbluez found uuid start handle end handle qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicecheckmtunegotiation qtbluetoothbluez found uuid start handle end handle qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicecheckmtunegotiation qtbluetoothbluez sending readbygrouptype request starthandle endhandle ffff qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicecheckmtunegotiation qtbluetoothbluez received size data qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicecheckmtunegotiation qtbluetoothbluez found uuid start handle end handle ffff qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicecheckmtunegotiation qtbluetoothbluez sending readbygrouptype request starthandle endhandle ffff qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicecheckmtunegotiation qtbluetoothbluez received size data qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicecheckmtunegotiation qtbluetoothbluez error qbluezconstatterrorunsupprtedgrouptype error description unsupported group type last command qbluezconstattopreadbygrouprequest handle qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicecheckmtunegotiation qtbluetooth qlowenergycontrollerprivate setting state to qlowenergycontrollerdiscoveredstate qwarn tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicecheckmtunegotiation qtbluetoothbluez void qbluetoothsocketprivatebluezqreadnotify error software caused connection abort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicecheckmtunegotiation qtbluetoothbluez unknown socket error qbluetoothsocketunknownsocketerror software caused connection abort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicecheckmtunegotiation qtbluetooth qlowenergycontrollerprivate setting state to qlowenergycontrollerunconnectedstate qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicecheckmtunegotiation qtbluetooth qlowenergycontrollerprivate setting state to qlowenergycontrollerunconnectedstate fail tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicecheckmtunegotiation compared values are not the same actual controlstate unconnectedstate expected qlowenergycontrollerdiscoveredstate discoveredstate loc qwarn tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicereadwritelargecharacteristic qtbluetooth using bluez kernel att interface qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicereadwritelargecharacteristic qtbluetooth qlowenergycontrollerprivate setting state to qlowenergycontrollerconnectingstate qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicereadwritelargecharacteristic qtbluetoothbluez creating default gapgatt services qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicereadwritelargecharacteristic qtbluetooth using bluetooth raw socket implementation qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicereadwritelargecharacteristic qtbluetoothbluez addresstypetouse public qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicereadwritelargecharacteristic qtbluetoothbluez no settings found for peer device qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicereadwritelargecharacteristic qtbluetoothbluez current sec level qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicereadwritelargecharacteristic qtbluetoothbluez exchanging mtu qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicereadwritelargecharacteristic qtbluetooth qlowenergycontrollerprivate setting state to qlowenergycontrollerconnectedstate qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicereadwritelargecharacteristic qtbluetooth qlowenergycontrollerprivate setting state to qlowenergycontrollerdiscoveringstate qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicereadwritelargecharacteristic qtbluetoothbluez sending readbygrouptype request starthandle endhandle ffff qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicereadwritelargecharacteristic qtbluetoothbluez received size data qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicereadwritelargecharacteristic qtbluetoothbluez server mtu resulting mtu qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicereadwritelargecharacteristic qtbluetoothbluez received size data qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicereadwritelargecharacteristic qtbluetoothbluez found uuid start handle end handle qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicereadwritelargecharacteristic qtbluetoothbluez found uuid start handle end handle qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicereadwritelargecharacteristic qtbluetoothbluez sending readbygrouptype request starthandle endhandle ffff qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicereadwritelargecharacteristic qtbluetoothbluez received size data qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicereadwritelargecharacteristic qtbluetoothbluez found uuid start handle end handle ffff qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicereadwritelargecharacteristic qtbluetoothbluez sending readbygrouptype request starthandle endhandle ffff qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicereadwritelargecharacteristic qtbluetoothbluez received size data qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicereadwritelargecharacteristic qtbluetoothbluez error qbluezconstatterrorunsupprtedgrouptype error description unsupported group type last command qbluezconstattopreadbygrouprequest handle qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicereadwritelargecharacteristic qtbluetooth qlowenergycontrollerprivate setting state to qlowenergycontrollerdiscoveredstate qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicereadwritelargecharacteristic qtbluetoothbluez sending readbytype request starthandle endhandle ffff type packet qwarn tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicereadwritelargecharacteristic qtbluetoothbluez void qbluetoothsocketprivatebluezqreadnotify error software caused connection abort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicereadwritelargecharacteristic qtbluetoothbluez unknown socket error qbluetoothsocketunknownsocketerror software caused connection abort qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicereadwritelargecharacteristic qtbluetooth qlowenergycontrollerprivate setting state to qlowenergycontrollerunconnectedstate qdebug tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicereadwritelargecharacteristic qtbluetooth qlowenergycontrollerprivate setting state to qlowenergycontrollerunconnectedstate fail tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicereadwritelargecharacteristic compared values are not the same actual servicestate invalidservice expected qlowenergyserviceremoteservicediscovered remoteservicediscovered loc pass tstqlowenergycontrollerdevicecleanuptestcase totals passed failed skipped blacklisted finished testing of tstqlowenergycontrollerdevice qtbluetoothbluez destroying qtbluezdiscoverymanager process finished with exit code noformat
code cl c fiqtquicktestdepends yuqtquicktestdepends nologo fs fs zcrvaluecast zcinline zcstrictstrings zcthrowingnew md zi gr dunicode dqtlargefilesupport dqbyteorderqlittleendian denableextendedalignedstorage dwinapifamilywinapifamilypcapp darm darm darm dqtnourlcastfromstring dqtnoforeach dqtqmltestwithwidgets dqtqmldebugnowarning dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtbuildqmltestlib dqtbuildingqt dcrtsecurenowarnings dusemathdefines dqtnocasttoascii dqtasciicastwarnings dqtmoccompat dqtuseqstringbuilder dqtdeprecatedwarnings dqtdisabledeprecatedbefore dqtnoexceptions dqtnodebug dqttestliblib dqtwidgetslib dqtguilib dqtcorelib dqtquicklib dqtqmllib dqtguilib dqtnetworklib dqtcorelib dqttestcasebuilddircusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativesrcqmltest dndebug dwindll i iinclude iincludeqtquicktest itmp icusersqtworkinstallinclude icusersqtworkinstallincludeqttest icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtwidgets icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtgui icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtangle icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtcore iincludeqtquick iincludeqtqml icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtnetwork imocrelease foobjrelease quicktestresultcpp error checkblacklists is not a member of qtestprivate note see declaration of qtestprivate error checkblacklists identifier not found error checkblacklists is not a member of qtestprivate note see declaration of qtestprivate error checkblacklists identifier not found cutilsjomjomexe f makefiledebug all jom cusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativesrcqmltestmakefiledebug error code
qtcore just changed the plugin loading api currently there is a compat layer in place which will be removed before goes out of the door it affects qfactoryloader qtlocation has to adopt the new apifor more details please see
when an application is built using static configuration the build fails because coin adds separatedebuginfo flag while using static flag these two flags are incompatible with each other causing configure to fail
in an android application with a custom manifest if you have a library file in a libs subdirectory then compiling and testing works fine until that library is updated after the library is updated the application will no longer run at all and will crash instantly at startup with the following debug output codejava i art lateenabling xcheckjni d androidruntime shutting down vm e androidruntime fatal exception main e androidruntime process orgqtcqttestapp pid e androidruntime javalangruntimeexception unable to instantiate application javalangclassnotfoundexception didnt find class on path dexpathlistnativelibrarydirectories e androidruntime at e androidruntime at e androidruntime at e androidruntime at e androidruntime at e androidruntime at e androidruntime at e androidruntime at javalangreflectmethodinvokenative method e androidruntime at e androidruntime at e androidruntime caused by javalangclassnotfoundexception didnt find class on path dexpathlistnativelibrarydirectories e androidruntime at e androidruntime at e androidruntime at e androidruntime at e androidruntime at e androidruntime more e androidruntime suppressed javalangclassnotfoundexception e androidruntime at javalangclassclassfornamenative method e androidruntime at e androidruntime at e androidruntime at e androidruntime more e androidruntime caused by javalangnoclassdeffounderror class not found using the boot class loader no stack trace available code the only way to workaround this issue seems to be this must be done after the failed execution generate a new android manifest file from the run tab and to change the application identifier just changing the existing manifest file data is not sufficient after doing this workaround the application will start fine but as development involves changing the library this is extending the time required to perform any testing
documentation for qt has paragraph about workaround for making qml properties private in documentation for qt this paragraph is absent
in the newest git version there are compiler errors in the mentioned file noformat error lhs undeclared identifier error left of swap must have classstructunion type is unknowntype error rhs undeclared identifier error noexcept identifier not found error swap functionstyle initializer appears to be a function definition noformat
either it takes a long time and there are no progress info available or the installer just hangs up
design how new data passing api data node concept will appear to designers via qt studio editor most likely this is going to be a minimalistic simplified version at this point the design needs to cover how data input list editing looks and behaves how a number type data input node adding to timeline looks and behaves how text type data input node binding to a text string field looks and behaves terminology not data node data input
in qtpro file module qtwebkit is optional module of qttools which means qttools can build without webkit but the qt help actual is html qt assistant render help without webkit looks bad
the following snippet has been indented by qt creator first line indentation messed up by jira it seemscode states state name autoscrollingup state name autoscrollingdown codethe second state component is indented by spaces and each subsequent one would be indented by another spaces expected behavior is that they will appear aligned to each otherthe same happens when you format an array of transitions but then the indent is bigger so it seems to depend on the component name