qt for device creation release
using qt from commit make a qml file with plain qml textinput fill up text field with words note that word tracker correctly tracks endof continue typing so that text field scrollsafter scrolling tracker is incorrectly positioned seemingly one to the leftof where it should be this is the similar on libmeegotouch though not quiteas far off the end of the line tap space and then tap somewhere in the middle of the visible text type and notice word tracker is way off position
test updated tordex image share working result
when qudpsocket is constructed before the qcoreapplication object the readyread signal is never emitted because no data is ever read this is because when qudpsocketbind calls qnativesocketenginesetreadnotificationenabledtrue the latter will only construct a qreadnotifier on the socket if its qthreaddata has a qabstracteventdispatcher but when qudpsocket was constructed no global event dispatcher existed so setreadnotificationenabled silently does nothing this guarantees that no future data can be read from the socket even if bind is called after qcoreapplication is constructed this probably affects other types of sockets but i havent tested themheres what i didcodequdpsocket socket new qudpsocketqcoreapplication appargc signalreadyread this slotreadincomingcodeheres the relevant code as of commit qnativesocketenginesetreadnotificationenabledbool enable qdqnativesocketengine if dreadnotifier dreadnotifiersetenabledenable else if enable dthreaddataeventdispatcher dreadnotifier new qreadnotifierdsocketdescriptor this dreadnotifiersetenabledtrue codeis the qt framework in general meant to function if any qobject subclasses are constructed before qcoreapplication if not i understand but i cant find relevant documentation all i can find is this post of course painting and all wont work but i called no methods before constructing qcoreapplication that needed the event dispatcher which threw me offin any case setreadnotificationenabled can return without actually enabling read notification and with no warning nor error that it has not done so is this a bugthanksmike
correct license header for the plugins in some files the license is correct but it is missing from some files and incorrect in some files
open srcpluginsdebuggerdebuggerpro open source file watchhandlercpp around line select function reformatinteger find usages no matches found for fun try search reformatinteger occurrences foundtry version works
while investigating bigendian issue in mips qemu environment a typo in a byte order in referenceblit and few other places in tstqsaferenderercpp was found out as runtime was tested against wrong byte order the convertandblit function in qsaferenderercpp had wrong byte order in case the byte order happened to be bgra instead of abgr as intended ie the alpha was in wrong place
start adding more example building and running to the automation after initial version is shipped out
hii have a server which sends data approximately every second im trying to read data with qtcpsocket here is the example codeqhostaddress addrmipmsocket new qtcpsocketthismsocketconnecttohostaddr qdebug bytesavailable msocketreadmbuffer debug output is followingavaliable avaliable avaliable avaliable avaliable this is output when program is run about seconds the problem is that first two lines are printed at once and the other are printed seconds later as you the data is split to or parts same is true when using qtcpsocket signal readyread the corresponding slot is called or timesto find out if this is qt problem ive written a small example application which is attached it outputs received bytes number as expectedreceived about second intervalsthe only difference is that winsock example is compiled with gcc and the qtcpsocket example was compiled with gcc
torn off menus should only appear on top for the application that they are associated with it does not make sense for them to always be on top of other applications
a grid with toggleable snapping is required for the timeline curve editor at the moment the editor is too freeform and doesnt allow for exact editing
add a subscription product type so that subscription based products can be boughtsold via an application using qt purchasing
digia it is working on this
setwindowflags looks broken in specially if it is being set on qdialogcodeint mainint argc char argv qapplication mainappargc argv qdialog dialog new qdialog dialogsetwindowflagsqtdialog qtframelesswindowhint dialogsetwindowflagsqtdialog qtcustomizewindowhint dialogsetwindowflagsqtdialog qtcustomizewindowhint qtframelesswindowhintdialogshow return mainappexec codeit can be easily seen with qt example windowfagsstepsrun the windowflags choose dialog in type check customizewindow hint result you still see window decoration it should remove decorationyou also see only maximize button there should be no buttontitlebar
the installer doesnt update qtconf in the toolchain so it doesnt work
code c pipe mfpuneon mfloatabihard fnoexceptions wall w wvla wdatetime dreentrant fpic dqmlruntimetesting dqtqmldebugnowarning dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtuseqstringbuilder dqtnoexceptions dlargefilesource dqtnodebug dqtquicklib dqtqmllib dqtwidgetslib dqtguilib dqtnetworklib dqtcorelib i iinclude iincludeqtquick iincludeqtqml ihomeqtworkinstallinclude ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtwidgets ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtgui ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtnetwork ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtcore imoc o objmaino maincpp in function fallbackfillunsigned int long long undefined reference to qdeadlinetimercurrentqttimertype undefined reference to qdeadlinetimerdeadline const error ld returned exit status recipe for target binqmlcachegen failed make error make leaving directory homeqtworkqtqtdeclarativetoolsqmlcachegen recipe for target subqmlcachegenmakefirst failed make error make waiting for unfinished jobs code
the red line should be right justified it is in the attached rtl project the blue lines are in the rtl project the first blue line should be left justified and the second blue line should be right justified however when initially ran all lines are left justified it looks like this it should look like the image below if you click the button the red line will move and be right justified all the button does is read the implicitwidth property the button reads the implicitwidth property and the bottom blue line moves and is right justified i see that reading the implicitwidth property causes a recalculation of layedouttextrect in qquicktextcpp i believe this fixes the justification an if statement qt qquicktextcpp line seem to be key to understanding this it is initially false which causes the wrong layedouttextrect value when pressing the button the if statement is true and layedouttextrect is correct i have not be able to understand this well enough to propose a fix d e
current shadow branch points to an unfortunately broken version of qt that has a lot of issues with qt quick current head of qt has fixes to most of the issues comboboxes being main issue updating the shadow branch to point to qt head should then resolve the issues and allow qt studio releasing to continue next step onwards with
the documentation for states that it is bq a qabstracttextureprovider with a target format however the code in the dev and branches incorrectly initializes qabstracttextureprovider with
while i was developing my project of a simple calculator i noticed a bug in the refresh of qlineedit the calculator screen when i press the calculator buttons qlineedit does not display my changes these changes appear only when for example i resize the widget window see attached video i am developing on macos catalina with the part of the view was created through qt designer and converted into py file through pyuic and the files are uifancycalcpy and uiaboutdialogpy the model instead is implemented in the file i also implemented my own observable class in the “observablepy” file which is imported into the model class the file where i define my fancycalc and execute the controller part is fancycalcpy i am writing this thread because i tried to run the same project on a windows pc and i have not encountered any problems so i wanted to know if it was a compatibility issue between my os and the version i do not include in the description the parts of code converted by qt designer but i attach below all the files necessary to run the project to run the project just run the fancycalcpy file fancycalcpy codejava import sys from import qapplication qmainwindow qdialog qapp from import uifancycalc from import uiaboutdialog from import calculatormodel fancy calculator class class fancycalcqmainwindow def initself superinit set up the user interface from qt designer selfui uifancycalc selfuisetupuiself create about dialog and wire actions selfaboutdialog aboutdialog selfuiactionabouttriggeredconnectselfaboutdialogexec selfuiactionquittriggeredconnectqapplicationexit selfmodel calculatormodel connect the number buttons connect updates to input text to the label in the ui selfmodelregisterlambda txt selfuicalcdisplaysettexttxt connect the clear button and equal button selfuibuttoncclickedconnectselfmodelclr selfuibuttoneqlclickedconnectselfmodeleql connect the operations buttons selfuibuttonaddclickedconnectselfmodeladd selfuibuttonsubclickedconnectselfmodelsub selfuibuttonmulclickedconnectselfmodelmul selfuibuttondivclickedconnectselfmodeldiv selfuibuttonsubclickedconnectselfmodelsub about dialog class class aboutdialogqdialog def initself superinit set up the user interface from qt designer selfui uiaboutdialog selfuisetupuiself app qapplicationsysargv window fancycalc windowshow sysexitappexec code codejava from import observable a first version of the calculator model class calculatormodel def initself superinit selfinserting false selfaccumulator selfcurrentop none selfcurrentinput register slots to listen for model changes def registerself slot selfcurrentinputregisterslot digit insertion def insertdigitself d if not selfinserting selfcurrentinputvalue d selfinserting true if d is not else false else selfcurrentinputvalue selfcurrentinputvalue d function that executes the current operation in preparation for next if any def executecurrentself if we are already inserting digits if selfinserting is there an operation already pending if so apply it to accumulator and current input save in accumulator if selfcurrentop selfaccumulator selfcurrentopselfaccumulator selfcurrentinputvalue strselfaccumulator else otherwise save the current input in accumulator selfaccumulator intselfcurrentinputvalue in any case we a not inserting anymore selfinserting false public api for all calculator operations that manipulate the model def addself selfexecutecurrent selfcurrentop lambda x x intselfcurrentinputvalue def subself selfexecutecurrent selfcurrentop lambda x x intselfcurrentinputvalue def mulself selfexecutecurrent selfcurrentop lambda x x intselfcurrentinputvalue def divself selfexecutecurrent selfcurrentop lambda x x intselfcurrentinputvalue def eqlself selfexecutecurrent selfcurrentop none def clrself selfcurrentinputvalue selfinserting false selfcurrentop none code observablepy codejava from import qobject pyqtsignal pyqtproperty a observable object class class observableqobject valuechange pyqtsignalobject def initself val superinit selfvalue val def registerself slot register a slot listening for changes to this observable selfvaluechangeconnectslot we access the value through this gettersetter property pyqtpropertyobject notifyvaluechange def valueself pyqtproperty getter for the observable value return selfvalue note that we need to explicitly emit the signal declaring the pyqtproperty with th notifyvaluechanged above will have benefits when we for example want to use this model in qml valuesetter def valueself newval pyqtproperty setter for the observable value selfvalue newval selfvaluechangeemitselfvalue code
since pelagicore does not exist a different company name should be used
code homeqtworkqtqtdeclarativetestsautoqmlqjsonbindingtargetwrappersh tstqjsonbinding writepropertyjavascriptexpression start testing of tstqjsonbinding config using qttest library qt shared dynamic release build by gcc red hat pass tstqjsonbindinginittestcase pass tstqjsonbindingwritepropertyjavascriptexpressionvalue object with function property pass tstqjsonbindingwritepropertyjavascriptexpressionobject object with function property pass tstqjsonbindingwritepropertyjavascriptexpressionarray array with function property pass tstqjsonbindingwritepropertyjavascriptexpressionvalue object with inherited property pass tstqjsonbindingwritepropertyjavascriptexpressionvalue object with inherited property pass tstqjsonbindingwritepropertyjavascriptexpressionvalue array with inherited property pass tstqjsonbindingwritepropertyjavascriptexpressionvalue array with inherited property pass tstqjsonbindingwritepropertyjavascriptexpressionobject object with inherited property pass tstqjsonbindingwritepropertyjavascriptexpressionobject object with inherited property pass tstqjsonbindingwritepropertyjavascriptexpressionarray array with inherited property pass tstqjsonbindingwritepropertyjavascriptexpressionarray array with inherited property pass tstqjsonbindingwritepropertyjavascriptexpressionvalue object with nonenumerable property pass tstqjsonbindingwritepropertyjavascriptexpressionobject object with nonenumerable property pass tstqjsonbindingwritepropertyjavascriptexpressionvalue cyclic object pass tstqjsonbindingwritepropertyjavascriptexpressionvalue cyclic array fail tstqjsonbindingwritepropertyjavascriptexpressionobject cyclic object compared values are not the same actual rettostring barnullo expected expectedjson bartrueo loc pass tstqjsonbindingwritepropertyjavascriptexpressionarray cyclic array pass tstqjsonbindingwritepropertyjavascriptexpressionvalue foo undefined pass tstqjsonbindingwritepropertyjavascriptexpressionvalue foo undefined bar pass tstqjsonbindingwritepropertyjavascriptexpressionvalue foo bar undefined pass tstqjsonbindingwritepropertyjavascriptexpressionobject foo undefined pass tstqjsonbindingwritepropertyjavascriptexpressionobject foo undefined bar pass tstqjsonbindingwritepropertyjavascriptexpressionobject foo bar undefined pass tstqjsonbindingwritepropertyjavascriptexpressionvalue pass tstqjsonbindingwritepropertyjavascriptexpressionvalue pass tstqjsonbindingwritepropertyjavascriptexpressionvalue pass tstqjsonbindingwritepropertyjavascriptexpressionarray pass tstqjsonbindingwritepropertyjavascriptexpressionarray pass tstqjsonbindingwritepropertyjavascriptexpressionarray pass tstqjsonbindingcleanuptestcase totals passed failed skipped blacklisted finished testing of tstqjsonbinding code
if i have ninja build system installed qtcreator always generates ninja build files from cmake projects in options build run kits tab the cmake generator option says codeblocks ninja i can change it to unix makefiles but whenever i restart qtcreator it changes back to codeblocks ninja
suggestion make qexifimageheader available in qt and not only qt extended
were suddenly getting a few integration jobs failing in ci on arm macos machines in different repositories this is using cmake and whatever ninja version is provisioned on the arm machines code ninja error manifest buildninja still dirty after tries code last comment on suggests it might be a system time issue suggests it happens with files with modification times in the future
the gestureevent enum is not linked to qtgestureevent in the docs
the fix for integrity image loading sha broke image loading in editor image loading from subpresentations when viewed in the main presentation still works only images in the currently open presentation are not loaded everything works fine in the viewer
i tried to use clangcl to build qt webengine but the compilation failed and here is the error message codejava failed objthirdpartyperfettosrcbasebasemetatraceobj nologo showincludes imsvccprogram files visual imsvccprogram files visual imsvccprogram files imsvccprogram files imsvccprogram files imsvccprogram files imsvccprogram files imsvccprogram files dnotcmalloc dofficialbuild dchromiumbuild dtoolkitqt dhasnodiscard dstdc dcrtrands dcrtsecurenodeprecate dsclsecurenodeprecate datlnoopengl dwindows dcertchainparahasextrafields dsecureatl dwinapifamilywinapifamilydesktopapp dnominmax dunicode dunicode dwinver dndebug dnvalgrind dperfettoimplementation dperfettobuildwithembedder dperfettobuildwithchromium igen igenthirdpartyperfettoprotos wnounknownattributes wnounknownpragmas wnounknownwarningoption fcolordiagnostics fmergeallconstants fcompletememberpointers gy fs bigobj zcsizeddealloc x guardcfnochecks brepro nocanonicalprefixes wimplicitfallthrough wthreadsafety wextrasemi wnomissingfieldinitializers wnounusedparameter wnounneededinternaldeclaration wnoundefinedvartemplate wnononportableincludepath wnoignoredpragmaoptimize oy zcinline gw oi md wheaderhygiene wstringconversion wtautologicaloverlapcompare wnoparenthesesequality wnotautologicalcompare wnoundefinedboolconversion wnotautologicalundefinedcompare tp gr c foobjthirdpartyperfettosrcbasebasemetatraceobj fdobjthirdpartyperfettosrcbasebaseccpdb error staticassert failed due to requirement stdistriviallyconstructiblevalue record must be trivial staticassertperfettoistriviallyconstructiblerecord error generated cxx objthirdpartyperfettosrcprotozeroprotozeromessagehandleobj cxx objthirdpartyperfettosrcbasebasepagedmemoryobj cxx objthirdpartyperfettosrcprotozeroprotozeroprotodecoderobj cxx objthirdpartyperfettosrcprotozeroprotozeroscatteredstreamwriterobj cxx objthirdpartyperfettosrcprotozeroprotozeroscatteredstreamnulldelegateobj cxx objthirdpartyperfettosrcprotozeroprotozeroscatteredheapbufferobj cxx objthirdpartyperfettosrcprotozeroprotocpluginprotozeropluginprotozeropluginobj ninja build stopped subcommand failed jom dcodeqtbuildtestbuildqtwebenginesrccoremakefilegnrunrelease error jom dcodeqtbuildtestbuildqtwebenginesrccoremakefilegnrun error jom dcodeqtbuildtestbuildqtwebenginesrccoremakefile error jom dcodeqtbuildtestbuildqtwebenginesrcmakefile error jom dcodeqtbuildtestbuildqtwebenginemakefile error jom dcodeqtbuildtestbuildmakefile error code the same error happens also in
android and ios packages are build by using cmake like all others and doesnt contain host tools anymore so from packaging configurations we have to change in host install script add cmake binary location in the variable which can be read from target install scripts eg in android configurations remove qmakebinary location definitions replace qmake with cmake in add qt into qtcreator add dependency from android package to desktop one
noformat qwarn inputpaneltestinputmethodhintsrow inputcontextsendkeyclick no focus fail inputpaneltestinputmethodhintsrow compared values are not the same actual expected uppercase text yes loc qwarn inputpaneltestinputmethodhintsrow inputcontextsendkeyclick no focus qwarn inputpaneltestinputmethodhintsrow inputcontextsendkeyclick no focus qwarn inputpaneltestinputmethodhintsrow inputcontextsendkeyclick no focus qwarn inputpaneltestinputmethodhintsrow inputcontextsendkeyclick no focus qwarn inputpaneltestinputmethodhintsrow inputcontextsendkeyclick no focus qwarn inputpaneltestinputmethodhintsrow inputcontextsendkeyclick no focus qwarn inputpaneltestinputmethodhintsrow inputcontextsendkeyclick no focus qwarn inputpaneltestinputmethodhintsrow inputcontextsendkeyclick no focus qwarn inputpaneltestinputmethodhintsrow inputcontextsendkeyclick no focus qwarn inputpaneltestinputmethodhintsrow inputcontextsendkeyclick no focus qwarn inputpaneltestinputmethodhintsrow inputcontextsendkeyclick no focus qwarn inputpaneltestinputmethodhintsrow inputcontextsendkeyclick no focus qwarn inputpaneltestinputmethodhintsrow inputcontextsendkeyclick no focus qwarn inputpaneltestinputmethodhintsrow inputcontextsendkeyclick no focus qwarn inputpaneltestinputmethodhintsrow inputcontextsendkeyclick no focus qwarn inputpaneltestinputmethodhintsrow inputcontextsendkeyclick no focus qwarn inputpaneltestinputmethodhintsrow inputcontextsendkeyclick no focus qwarn inputpaneltestinputmethodhintsrow inputcontextsendkeyclick no focus qwarn inputpaneltestinputmethodhintsrow inputcontextsendkeyclick no focus fail inputpaneltestinputmethodhintsrow compared values are not the same actual expected uppercase text no loc qwarn inputpaneltestinputmethodhintsrow inputcontextsendkeyclick no focus qwarn inputpaneltestinputmethodhintsrow inputcontextsendkeyclick no focus qwarn inputpaneltestinputmethodhintsrow inputcontextsendkeyclick no focus qwarn inputpaneltestinputmethodhintsrow inputcontextsendkeyclick no focus killed process after timeout total time error building timeout after maximum duration reached error reading from stdouterr timeout after maximum duration reached noformat build log details tested changes update submodules on in
providing badges for qt dn users see
if i customize shortcuts work for a while and qtcreator crashes for some reason my keyboard customizations are lost i would expect the changes to be saved persistently when i apply or ok from the options dialog
in qwindowscontextcpp at line qwindowscontext checks whether the window is top level before calling enablenonclientdpiscaling codejava case qtwindows if qsysinfowindowsversion dmcreationcontextwindowistoplevel enablenonclientdpiscalingmsghwnd return false code the istoplevel call is against the base qwindow class rather than the qwindowswindow class base qwindow returns true if parent is null while qwindowswindow additionally checks against an embedded bool which can be set via the propertyqembeddednativeparenthandle codejava bool qwindowistoplevel const qdconst qwindow return dparentwindow code vs codejava bool qwindowswindowistoplevel const return windowistoplevel mdataembedded code because there is no check against the embedded bool in the if statement qwindowscontext proceeds with the call to enablenonclientdpiscaling which ultimately fails and reports as such via a qerrnowarning call in qwindowscontextcpp line codejava enablenonclientdpiscaling failed for hwnd code the trueframelesswindow project is a small project using a native parent window that reproduces this bug edit the file in question is qwindowscontextcpp line not qwindowswindowcpp my sincere apologies for the couple typos switching those
update submodules on dev in code homeqtworkqtqtwebglplugintestspluginsplatformswebgltargetwrappersh tstwebgl o o txt start testing of tstwebgl config using qttest library qt shared dynamic debug build by gcc pass tstwebglinittestcase qdebug tstwebglcheckfunctioncountbasic scene qsgthreadedrenderloop expose event received for window qquickview exposed visibilityqwindowwindowed flagsqflagswindowwindowtitlehintwindowsystemmenuhintwindowminmaxbuttonshintwindowclosebuttonhintwindowfullscreenbuttonhint titleqmlscene with invalid geometry on qscreen namen fail tstwebglcheckfunctioncountbasic scene compared values are not the same actual functionssize expected loc qdebug tstwebglwaitforswapbuffersbasic scene qsgthreadedrenderloop expose event received for window qquickview exposed visibilityqwindowwindowed flagsqflagswindowwindowtitlehintwindowsystemmenuhintwindowminmaxbuttonshintwindowclosebuttonhintwindowfullscreenbuttonhint titleqmlscene with invalid geometry on qscreen namen fail tstwebglwaitforswapbuffersbasic scene findswapbuffersspy returned false loc qdebug tstwebglreloadbasic scene qsgthreadedrenderloop expose event received for window qquickview exposed visibilityqwindowwindowed flagsqflagswindowwindowtitlehintwindowsystemmenuhintwindowminmaxbuttonshintwindowclosebuttonhintwindowfullscreenbuttonhint titleqmlscene with invalid geometry on qscreen namen fail tstwebglreloadbasic scene findswapbuffersspy returned false loc qdebug tstwebglreloadcolors qsgthreadedrenderloop expose event received for window qquickview exposed visibilityqwindowwindowed flagsqflagswindowwindowtitlehintwindowsystemmenuhintwindowminmaxbuttonshintwindowclosebuttonhintwindowfullscreenbuttonhint titleqmlscene with invalid geometry on qscreen namen fail tstwebglreloadcolors findswapbuffersspy returned false loc qdebug tstwebglupdatecolors qsgthreadedrenderloop expose event received for window qquickview exposed visibilityqwindowwindowed flagsqflagswindowwindowtitlehintwindowsystemmenuhintwindowminmaxbuttonshintwindowclosebuttonhintwindowfullscreenbuttonhint titleqmlscene with invalid geometry on qscreen namen fail tstwebglupdatecolors findswapbuffersspy returned false loc fail tstwebglupdatelauncher findswapbuffersspy returned false loc pass tstwebglcleanuptestcase totals passed failed skipped blacklisted finished testing of tstwebgl code
checking on pkg echo check ok sudo rpm i nodeps package which is newer than is already installed file from install of conflicts with file from package processing dependency mesalibglapi for package package will be installed package will be installed
the error occurs when setting a property of a wrapped componentegmain window has a button and tries to set labelfontfamily button has a label and offers access to it via a property label textthis example is attached when opening the main window with the qmlviewer the program crashes due to an index out of range error however if the version of qmlviewer is used everything is finefurthermore replacing the qtquick import with qtquick also appears to be fixing the problemthe error also occurs with is the backtrace generated by the version of in kernelvsyscall in raise from in abort from in qmessageloggerfatalchar const const from in qtassertxchar const char const char const int from in qlistatint const from in qdeclarativecompilergenvaluetypepropertyqdeclarativeparserobject qdeclarativeparserproperty from in qdeclarativecompilergenobjectbodyqdeclarativeparserobject from in qdeclarativecompilergenobjectbodyqdeclarativeparserobject from in qdeclarativecompilergenobjectqdeclarativeparserobject from in qdeclarativecompilercompiletreeqdeclarativeparserobject from in qdeclarativecompilercompileqdeclarativeengine qdeclarativetypedata qdeclarativecompileddata from in qdeclarativetypedatacompile from in qdeclarativetypedatadone from in qdeclarativedatablobtrydone from in qdeclarativedataloaderloadqdeclarativedatablob from in qdeclarativetypeloadergetqurl const from in qdeclarativecomponentloadurlqurl const from in qdeclarativecomponentqdeclarativecomponentqdeclarativeengine qurl const qobject from in qdeclarativeviewprivateexecute from in qdeclarativevieweropenqstring const in main codeand the assert out of range errorcodeassert failure in qlist index out of range file line
the visualitemmodel delegates all report visible true at the start until it becomes visible i think
the marker on some methods and properties signal looks like part of a header instead of rightaligned sidenote attribute some affected items is it just a typo in docs code or a common bug of all such attributes
after migrating qftp test to docker server it becomes easier to hit qtesteventloopinstancetimeout during the test the test seems to be inherently flaky and sensitive to timing to debug this issue i turned on the debug flag dumpsignals and extended the time of qtesteventloopenterloop to minutes as shown in the log the test kept waiting for the commandfinished response to qftpconnecttohost command noformat qdebug default tstqftpcommandstarted qdebug default tstqftpstatechanged statechanged qdebug default tstqftpstatechanged statechanged fail network operation timed out on loc noformat
this bug appears when one embeds a qwindow inside a gtk socket container using the functions qwindowsetparent and qwindowfromwinid according to the doc the size of the qwindow should track the size of the container this used to work with and no longer works with this version of qt replication instructions at
insert item to listmodel just before refeshing the model in workerscript expected result after sync the changes in worker thread are synced with the main thread actual result one model data object with undefined roles is left hanging around see attached code example where the model is refreshed with workedscript after second timer timeout gridview shows ten items even though listmodel count is
error undefined interfacemake error fatal error no such file or directorybuilt modulesqtsvg qtscript qtxmlpatterns qtdeclarative qtlocation qtsensors qtsystemsconfigure options nomake demos nomake examples nomake tests nomake tools qpa nowebkit nokiadeveloper
update submodules on dev in code g c pipe fvisibilityhidden fvisibilityinlineshidden fnoexceptions wall w wvla wdatetime dreentrant fpic dqtnoforeach dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtnoexceptions dlargefilesource dqtnodebug dqtplugin dqtopenglextensionslib dqtquicklib dqtguilib dqtqmllib dqtnetworklib dqtcorelib i ihomeqtworkinstallinclude ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtopenglextensions ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtquick ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtgui ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtqml ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtnetwork ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtcore imoc isystem usrincludelibdrm ihomeqtworkinstallmkspecslinuxg o objcontextattributeso contextattributescpp in member function ‘qjsvalue ’ error ‘scopedcalldata’ is not a member of ‘’ calldatascope error ‘calldata’ was not declared in this scope calldataargs buffer error ‘struct ’ has no member named ‘construct’ constructorconstructscope calldata error ‘struct ’ has no member named ‘result’ return scoperesultasreturnedvalue error ‘scopedcalldata’ is not a member of ‘’ calldatascope error ‘calldata’ was not declared in this scope calldataargs buffer error ‘struct ’ has no member named ‘construct’ constructorconstructscope calldata error ‘struct ’ has no member named ‘result’ return scoperesultasreturnedvalue error ‘scopedcalldata’ is not a member of ‘’ calldatascope error ‘calldata’ was not declared in this scope calldataargs buffer error ‘struct ’ has no member named ‘construct’ constructorconstructscope calldata error ‘struct ’ has no member named ‘result’ return scoperesultasreturnedvalue error ‘scopedcalldata’ is not a member of ‘’ calldatascope error ‘calldata’ was not declared in this scope calldataargs buffer error ‘struct ’ has no member named ‘construct’ constructorconstructscope calldata error ‘struct ’ has no member named ‘result’ return scoperesultasreturnedvalue error ‘scopedcalldata’ is not a member of ‘’ calldatascope error ‘calldata’ was not declared in this scope calldataargs buffer error ‘struct ’ has no member named ‘construct’ constructorconstructscope calldata error ‘struct ’ has no member named ‘result’ return scoperesultasreturnedvalue in member function ‘qjsvalue ’ error ‘scopedcalldata’ is not a member of ‘’ calldatascope error ‘calldata’ was not declared in this scope calldataargs buffer error ‘struct ’ has no member named ‘construct’ constructorconstructscope calldata error ‘struct ’ has no member named ‘result’ return scoperesultasreturnedvalue in member function ‘qjsvalue qjsvalue’ error ‘scopedcalldata’ is not a member of ‘’ calldatascope error ‘calldata’ was not declared in this scope calldataargs buffer error ‘struct ’ has no member named ‘construct’ constructorconstructscope calldata error ‘struct ’ has no member named ‘result’ return scoperesultasreturnedvalue error ‘scopedcalldata’ is not a member of ‘’ calldatascope error ‘calldata’ was not declared in this scope calldataargs buffer error ‘struct ’ has no member named ‘construct’ constructorconstructscope calldata error ‘struct ’ has no member named ‘result’ return scoperesultasreturnedvalue error ‘scopedcalldata’ is not a member of ‘’ calldatascope error ‘calldata’ was not declared in this scope calldataargs buffer error ‘struct ’ has no member named ‘construct’ constructorconstructscope calldata error ‘struct ’ has no member named ‘result’ return scoperesultasreturnedvalue g c pipe fvisibilityhidden fvisibilityinlineshidden fnoexceptions wall w wvla wdatetime dreentrant fpic dqtnoforeach dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtnoexceptions dlargefilesource dqtnodebug dqtplugin dqtopenglextensionslib dqtquicklib dqtguilib dqtqmllib dqtnetworklib dqtcorelib i ihomeqtworkinstallinclude ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtopenglextensions ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtquick ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtgui ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtqml ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtnetwork ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtcore imoc isystem usrincludelibdrm ihomeqtworkinstallmkspecslinuxg o make error make waiting for unfinished jobs make leaving directory make error make leaving directory make error make leaving directory make error code
qpixmaps are nowadays backed by qimages we should update the documentation make qpixmap obsolete and add qimage overloads to places like qlabel and friends
the keccak implementation described by in appears to be the one that team keccak have archived under a warning below are obsolete packages and documents the same site links to diverse free and open source implementations presumably the archived version is deprecated in favour of these and we should upgrade to one of them this may also make the component in the same directory redundant
code cd usersqtworkqtqttoolssrcqtplugininfo binsh c usersqtworkqtqttoolssrcqtplugininfoobjqtplugininfobuildreleaseiphoneosqt make warning jobserver unavailable using add to parent make rule make nothing to be done for preprocess build target qtplugininfo of project qtplugininfo with configuration release check dependencies code sign error no code signing identities found no valid signing identities ie certificate and private key pair were found build failed the following build commands failed check dependencies failure make error make error code also happened in integration today
this is a regression if i have the following if statementcodeif line breaks is using the following indentingcodeif simply double indents inserts spaces in my case it used to do the followingcodeif first characters in any given grouping were aligned
on several integrations we have occassionally started to see cases where vms suffer from package loss and the root cause was found to be conflicting mac addresses that were left behind by already disposed vms this is a consequence of one thinking that the mac address is free where in reality there is already an interface assigned to it which is not used by any active vms
download the latest offline installer tested with linux build and windows build install qt eg with deselect all option bug installation root directory does not contain maintenance tool instead there is executable file named uninstall verbose log from the windows installation attached
merge remotetracking branch into dev update submodules on dev in code start testing of tstqtgraphicaleffects config using qttest library qt shared dynamic release build by gcc pass tstqtgraphicaleffectsinittestcase pass tstqtgraphicaleffectsblend pass tstqtgraphicaleffectsbrightnesscontrast pass tstqtgraphicaleffectscolorize pass tstqtgraphicaleffectscoloroverlay pass tstqtgraphicaleffectsconicalgradient pass tstqtgraphicaleffectsdesaturate pass tstqtgraphicaleffectsdirectionalblur pass tstqtgraphicaleffectsdisplace qwarn tstqtgraphicaleffectsdropshadow this plugin does not support createplatformopenglcontext qdebug tstqtgraphicaleffectsdropshadow failed to acquire gl context to resolve capabilities using defaults pass tstqtgraphicaleffectsdropshadow pass tstqtgraphicaleffectsfastblur pass tstqtgraphicaleffectsgammaadjust pass tstqtgraphicaleffectsgaussianblur pass tstqtgraphicaleffectsglow pass tstqtgraphicaleffectshuesaturation pass tstqtgraphicaleffectsinnershadow pass tstqtgraphicaleffectsleveladjust pass tstqtgraphicaleffectslineargradient pass tstqtgraphicaleffectsmaskedblur pass tstqtgraphicaleffectsopacitymask pass tstqtgraphicaleffectsradialblur pass tstqtgraphicaleffectsradialgradient qemuarm tblock assertion havetblock failed qemuarm tblock assertion havetblock failed recipe for target check failed make segmentation fault core dumped code
the qpixmap constructor that accepts a qimage argument crashes because of a null pointer seems like the code did not get adapted when qpixmapinit got rewritten for qt previously it always had a value now it is set to null because of the arguments passedsimple to reproduce with qt setinclude include include int mainint argc char argv qapplication aargc argv qimage img qpixmap piximg will always crashharri
in qt quick designer properties view gets clipped as widget origins are shifted content is clipped and no scrollbars are shown
because of commit
thread suspended signal halt received description user halted thread ekernexe ekernexe ekernexe ekernexe ekernexe ekernexe ekernexe ekernexe ekernexe ekernexe ekernexe ekernexe ekernexe euserdll euserdll euserdll euserdll euserdll bafldll bafldll bafldll conedll eikcoctldll eikcoredll eikcoredll avkondll avkondll eikcoredll eikcoredll eikcoredll qtinit qapplicationprivateconstruct qapplicationqapplication main qtmainwrapper ekernexe ekernexe see related task for similarmore info
it should be possible to place an overlay on top of video content using a widget hierarchy as followscodetlwcontainer videowidget overlaycodevideowidget can either be derived from phononvideowidget in which case the phonon backend internally creates a child widget can calls winid on it derived from qwidget in which case winid is called by the videowidget itself and the native window handle passed to position and size of overlay is updated whenever the position or size of videowidget changes this can be done by installing an eventfilter on videowidgetthe zorder of overlay is higher than that of videowidgetbecause winid is called on either videowidget or one of its children native window handles are created for all widgets in the tree including overlay video is therefore rendered into a separate native window from that used to display the environmentqt built from source commit rnd steps to reproducethis can be reproduced using the attached test app attached logs were created in the above environment using the following command line options nativelogcodevideooverlayexe container video native overlay nativechildwidget graphicssystem openvg codephononlogcodevideooverlayexe container video phonon overlay nativechildwidget graphicssystem expected behaviouroverlay is visible on top of video content observed behaviour when the application starts up the ui is rendered correctly other than the positioning error tracked by when video starts playing it covers the overlay notes when using the raster paint engine native video rendering works correctly but only if a special paint mode is set on videowidgetcodevideooverlayexe container video native videowidgetpaint disable overlay nativechildwidget graphicssystem rastercodeorcodevideooverlayexe container video native videowidgetpaint zerofill overlay nativechildwidget graphicssystem rastercodesetting either paint mode when using openvg graphics has no effect the overlay will be displayed transparent even if qtwatranslucentbackground is set on it this is because to be shown translucent the overlay must be a tlw because this is the only way for the overlay to be rendered to a backing store which has an alpha channel this can be done by running the test app with the following optionscodevideooverlayexe container video phonon overlay toplevelwidget overlaypaint translucent graphicssystem rastercodethe video and overlay are then rendered correctly other than the positioning error tracked by whenever video native is specified the borders above and below the video content are filled with white rather than the expected black borders this is not a window zordering problem calling raise on overlay at the point when video is displayed does not have any effect
when doing a restorestate after the central widget has changed then the layout of the dock widgets is wrong even though the central widget claims it has the size it should have it does not appear as this size
one can switch to view by using the default alty altf keyboard shortcut metay metaf on macos the projects mode keyboard switch is altx metax these keyboard shortcuts are not displayed in the menu selection as seen in the attached screenshot
i disabled gradle because of reconfigured my project and got thiscoderunning command homemicurtisdevandroidsdklinuxplatformtoolsadb s install r homemicurtisdevqtquickenterprisecontrolsflatexamplesquickenterprisecontrolsflatandroidbuildbinqtappdebugapkcant find homemicurtisdevqtquickenterprisecontrolsflatexamplesquickenterprisecontrolsflatandroidbuildbinqtappdebugapk to installinstalling to device the process exited with code while buildingdeploying project flat kit android for gcc qt executing step deploy to android devicecode
qqmlapplicationengineretranslate does not work for display text in combobox how to reproduce run the sample code press j to translate to japanese press e to translate to english the elements of combobox are translated but not the display text workaround adding the following to combobox solves the problem codejava displaytext qstrcurrenttext code or codejava displaytext listviewmodelgetcurrentindexlabel code
commit missed a spot at cnttransformringtonedetaildefinitions
when i try to open a popup menu associated with a qtoolbutton that is on my second monitor the menu appears on the edge of the primary screen and not below the button
cmake run as noformat cmake gninja dcmakemakeprogramusrbinninja dcmakeinstallprefixhometjmacieiobjqtinstalled dbuildtestingon dbuildwithpchoff dcmakebuildtyperelwithdebinfo maes mnordseed maes mnordseed wlasneeded dfeaturedbuslinkedoff dfeaturedeveloperbuildon dfeaturejournaldon dfeaturelibproxyon dfeatureoptimizedebugoff dfeatureopenssllinkedon dfeaturereducerelocationson dfeaturesctpon dfeaturesystemsqliteon dqtlibinfixt dqtbuildexamplesbydefaultoff dqtbuildtestsbydefaultoff dqtqmaketargetmkspeclinuxgoptimised dbuildqtwebengineoff dbuildqtwebviewoff noformat prints noformat checking dependencies of qtsvg checking dependencies of qtimageformats checking dependencies of qtdeclarative checking dependencies of checking dependencies of checking dependencies of qtactiveqt checking dependencies of qtandroidextras checking dependencies of qtmultimedia checking dependencies of qtcharts checking dependencies of qtcoap checking dependencies of qtconnectivity checking dependencies of checking dependencies of qttools checking dependencies of qtdoc checking dependencies of qtserialport checking dependencies of qtlocation checking dependencies of qtmqtt checking dependencies of qtnetworkauth checking dependencies of qtopcua checking dependencies of qtqa checking dependencies of qtquicktimeline checking dependencies of checking dependencies of qtremoteobjects checking dependencies of qtscxml checking dependencies of qtsensors checking dependencies of qtserialbus checking dependencies of qttranslations checking dependencies of qtvirtualkeyboard checking dependencies of qtwayland checking dependencies of qtwebsockets checking dependencies of qtwebchannel checking dependencies of configuring qtbase noformat but ends in noformat qt is now configured for building just run cmake build parallel once everything is built you must run cmake install qt will be installed into to configure and build other qt modules you can use the following convenience script if reconfiguration fails for some reason try to remove cmakecachetxt from the build directory configuring done cmake error automoc for target qttargetqmlsourcesexample the moc executable does not exist cmake generate step failed build files cannot be regenerated correctly noformat of course the moc in there doesnt exist im about to build qt
in android builded apk with latest version git from not have this styles codejava int mainint argc char argv qguiapplicationsetattributeqtaaenablehighdpiscaling qputenvqtquickcontrolsstyle material code sea attached files qt with black style and qt white screen
after the update qtcreator started with old config but there were some issues switching sessions with filesessions was not working filemanage sessions worked fine im using polish lang so it can be something like that adding new session caused instant crash some more issues i cant remember right now after a while i couldnt even launch qtcreatori removed userconfigqtproject and it started i could add kits without any problems switching sessions worked like a charm unfortunately after the restart i couldnt start qtcreator and had to remove configuration again starting qtcreator without userconfigqtproject works but after i configure new sessions kits for linux and for with android and restart qtcreator the problem returns i also tried removing configuration replacing qtcreatorini with my settings and running but it crashes toobt when qtcreator crashed on start is it doesnt look helpful thoughprogram received signal sigsegv segmentation fault in memmoveavxunaligned from in memmoveavxunaligned from in from in from in qopengltextureglyphcacheresizetexturedataint int from in qtextureglyphcachefillinpendingglyphs from in from in from in from in from in from in qquicktextupdatepaintnodeqsgnode qquickitemupdatepaintnodedata from in qquickwindowprivateupdatedirtynodeqquickitem from in qquickwindowprivateupdatedirtynodes from in qquickwindowprivatesyncscenegraph from in from in from in from in from in startthread from in clone from usrliblibcsoattachments userconfigqtprojectqtcreatorini screenshot of the window when crash occured had to downscale due to filesize
for some reason qmllint qtdeclarative can not understand that button inherits from item for such code codejavascript import qtquick import qtquickcontrols import qtquickwindow button image anchorscenterin parent code qmllint reports warning while qml execute this code without any problem noformat qmllint compilerwarning testqml warning cannot assign binding of type button to qquickitem anchorscenterin parent warning could not compile binding for centerin cannot convert from qquickbutton of parent with type qquickitem to qquickitem of qquickitem noformat
the build system currently adds bitcode compile and link flags on the platformcommoninternal target with the intention that the flags are only added when building qt itself so qt modules plugins etc for user projects its up to the xcode setting of enablebitcode whether user project code should build with bitcode or not currently the internal flags spill out and get forcefully added to user projects effectively forcing bitcode to always be on for user projects the same happens with the fapplicationextension flags is static build of ios and macos
i have a flickable that must display its contents aligned to the screens pixels i thought i could use pixelaligned to do this but it doesnt work correctly when the flickable is in an adjustable splitview this is a showstopper for us the simplified example pixelalignedbug is attached basically the main file loads mycontent id mycontent this file is just an invisible rectangle containing the image textpng the main file also loads a vertical splitview and shows mycontent in the bottom part of the splitview as a flickable shadereffectsource the flickable uses pixelaligned true the exact hierarchy is codejavascriptborderstylesolid item in pixelalignedbugqml splitview item item in myflickableqml flickable rectangle in flickcontentsqml item shadereffectsource sourceitem mycontent the image etc code if you run pixelalignedbug either as a qmlproject or as a qt quick application you see the partial image on the bottom left of the main window it looks fine now do the following order important drag the bottom edge of the main window down slowly you will see the image toggle in and out of being pixelaligned stop dragging at a point where the pixels are not aligned and the image is distorted on my monitor it is also possible to misalign the pixels simply by maximizing the screen but this may vary from screen to screen now drag the top edge of the split view up and down this appears to do nothing to the pixel alignment but something unseen has now definitely changed because drag the bottom edge of the main window again the distortion is now permanently frozen and can no longer be fixed by adjusting the screen
just flashed a recent image from the installer and saw that the mouse pointer is visible again is it on purpose or by a mistake
the qt virtual keyboard demo included in the neptune ui does not show farsi or arabic fonts correctly when using the vkbs own example application fonts are shown correctly
update submodules on in code usersqtworkqtqtwebchanneltestsautoqmltargetwrappersh qml o o txt import usersqtworkqtqtwebchanneltestsautoqmlqml import usersqtworkqtqtwebchanneltestsautoqml start testing of qml config using qttest library qt shared dynamic release build by clang apple pass qmlinittestcase pass qmlbenchmarkinit make segmentation fault process finished with error exit status error reading from stdouterr exit status code it crashes on all macos
def files are living in and raptor need relative paths to def files in mmps certainly abld cant cope with a drive letter need to check if it can cope with a full path otherwisetherefore we cannot simply use in the qbasepri file as the build tools wont workinstead we need to present a path that they can cope with
merge remotetracking branch into dev update submodules on dev in code fail runresult returned false loc fail runresult returned false loc fail runresult returned false loc fail runresult returned false loc code
when closing a view that has a pdf shown in then it will close the pdf in other windows too using the browser example go to a link with a pdf file eg and then create a new window and go to another pdf file eg then close one of the windows and you will see that the other pdf being viewed has disappeared
noformat in file included from in file included from fatal error mediamediabuildflagsh file not found include mediamediabuildflagsh error generated noformat build log details tested changes update dependencies on dev in qtqtwebengine
as per bug the following code will cause the qgraphicssvgitem to be rendered as binary code include include include include include include include include int mainint argc char argv qapplication appargc argv qbuffer b qsvggenerator p psetoutputdeviceb qpainter painter painterbeginp qgraphicsscene scene auto item new qgraphicssvgitemtestsvg sceneadditemnew qgraphicssvgitemitem scenerenderpainter painterend qdebug qstringbbuffer return code for instance for the image given in attachment the resulting bogus svg output is codexml code the output is correct if we add code itemsetcachemodeqgraphicsitemnocache code prior to rendering
it would be nice if using qvariant with pointers were made easier for instance by somehow eliminating the need to cast to and from void example usage casethis comes up for example when populating a combo box and attaching an object to each item if we want to attach a foo type of object to a combo box entry we do cbadditem qstringstrcstr qvariantfromvaluevoidobj where cb is the combo box obj is the foo object and str is a stdstring representation of that objectonce the user has selected an item we get the associated foo object back with int idx cbcurrentindex check that idx const qvariant data cbitemdata idx const foo obj staticcast datavalue this would be typesafe if we did not have to cast tofrom void
cmake configure runs in an infinite loop when a project contains vcpkgjson steps to reproduce install vcpkg on your system and add it to the system path vcpkg executable has to be on the system path so qtcreators autosetupcmake can find it create cmake based shared library project copy vcpkgjson into the projects root folder open project view and click reconfigure with initial parameters until now is everything ok now click advanced to show advanced cmake properties and check cmakeverbosermakefile it can be any other bool property and maybe also other type properties click apply configuration changes and boom infinite loop now you have to restart qtcreator or close project to stop it i have attached a simple example of the vcpkgjson file it is only reproducible on linux now i have tried to reproduce it on windows with msvc compiler and it works well but on windows exists a similar problem with cmake infinite loop im going to create an issue for that too compiler used was gcc
this was actually with the packageto reproduce this issue run qtdemoqt declarative examples corkboardsdisplaygrab the backgroundcorkboard and click and drag flick out of the view areaon the window manager will flick black the example will show corrupted graphics and then the server will diethis does not occur when using qmlviewer with the corkboards examplei suspect this requires the use of opengl to reproducetested on ubuntu with nvidia binary drivers provided by ubuntu
a fairly sure way to cause this crash is to introduce an error to the script which displays a warning dialog on the editor without closing the warning dialog change and save the script again
it seems every example in the dev branch currently crashes i have tested qtdeclarativeexamplesquickdemomaroon qtconnectivityexamplesnfcposter fill in other example more random tests i dont remember anymore the crash message is always the same noformat wsystemerr javalangclassnotfoundexception androidgraphicsdrawablerippledrawable wsystemerr at javalangclassclassfornamenative method wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at javalangreflectmethodinvokenativenative method wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at javalangreflectmethodinvokenativenative method wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at dalviksystemnativestartmainnative method wsystemerr caused by javalangnoclassdeffounderror androidgraphicsdrawablerippledrawable ddalvikvm gcconcurrent freed free paused total wsystemerr more wsystemerr caused by javalangclassnotfoundexception didnt find class androidgraphicsdrawablerippledrawable on path dexpathlistnativelibrarydirectories wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr more wsystemerr suppressed javaioioexception unable to open dex file wsystemerr at dalviksystemdexfileopendexfilenativenative method wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr more wsystemerr suppressed javaioioexception unable to open dex file wsystemerr at dalviksystemdexfileopendexfilenativenative method wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr more wsystemerr suppressed javaioioexception unable to open dex file wsystemerr at dalviksystemdexfileopendexfilenativenative method wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr more wsystemerr suppressed javaioioexception unable to open dex file wsystemerr at dalviksystemdexfileopendexfilenativenative method wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr more wsystemerr javalangclassnotfoundexception androidgraphicsdrawableanimatedstatelistdrawable wsystemerr at javalangclassclassfornamenative method wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at javalangreflectmethodinvokenativenative method wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at javalangreflectmethodinvokenativenative method wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at dalviksystemnativestartmainnative method wsystemerr caused by javalangnoclassdeffounderror androidgraphicsdrawableanimatedstatelistdrawable wsystemerr more wsystemerr caused by javalangclassnotfoundexception didnt find class androidgraphicsdrawableanimatedstatelistdrawable on path dexpathlistnativelibrarydirectories wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr more wsystemerr suppressed javaioioexception unable to open dex file wsystemerr at dalviksystemdexfileopendexfilenativenative method wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr more wsystemerr suppressed javaioioexception unable to open dex file wsystemerr at dalviksystemdexfileopendexfilenativenative method wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr more wsystemerr suppressed javaioioexception unable to open dex file wsystemerr at dalviksystemdexfileopendexfilenativenative method wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr more wsystemerr suppressed javaioioexception unable to open dex file wsystemerr at dalviksystemdexfileopendexfilenativenative method wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr more wsystemerr javalangclassnotfoundexception androidgraphicsdrawablevectordrawable wsystemerr at javalangclassclassfornamenative method wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at javalangreflectmethodinvokenativenative method wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at javalangreflectmethodinvokenativenative method wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at dalviksystemnativestartmainnative method wsystemerr caused by 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at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr more wsystemerr suppressed javaioioexception unable to open dex file wsystemerr at dalviksystemdexfileopendexfilenativenative method wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr more wresourcetype skipping entry in package table because it is not complex wdalvikvm no implementation found for native wsystemerr javalangreflectinvocationtargetexception wsystemerr at javalangreflectmethodinvokenativenative method wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at ddalvikvm gcconcurrent freed free paused total wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at javalangreflectmethodinvokenativenative method wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at dalviksystemnativestartmainnative method wsystemerr caused by javalangunsatisfiedlinkerror native method not found wsystemerr at method wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr at wsystemerr more iadrenoegl egl qualcomm build dopenglrenderer enabling debug mode noformat this was tested using qt dev branch using a nexus with android
the style seems to have a few rough edgesthere are missing pixels in the corners of tabsthe baseline of the text in the selected tab is shifted one pixel souththe triangle on the scrollbar is off on some other scrollbars missingit generally seems to take more vertical space leading eg to the need of using scrollbars on creators options dialog on linux worked without beforethere are some extra pixel on top and to the right of the detailsview pane here qt versions settings left qt right qt seems to be no line or similar separating the name header field from the surrounding panel
steps to repro create new presentation add a layer to first slide add second slide add a layer to second slide freeze