qdoc currently generates pages with a text relating to the functions being listed there being support functionsthese pages should become pages for compatibilty members instead
i am trying to compile a qt project that was built by another team member in visual studio with qt and addin but previously i had in my machine qt and addin i had installed the two version simultaneously and and i selected the first one by default in the qt menu options in when i try to build the solution i always get the same result error cant find the qt version thats associated with this project i removed all versions of qt and visual studio addin and reinstall only the version and addin but it still does not work
some labels not translated properly when the interface language is choosen as japanese i am attaching a snapshot for it
qt la final versions text only without signatures but with all appendices signature blocks included with all appendices please pick the doc variant that suites your needs for this task note that the support terms are now appendix desired golive end of january desired golive is end of january codereview good text blocks installer team tino has created codereview compliant text blocks under
link to the log link to the integration codejava sccache usrbing dqtasciicastwarnings dqtbuildingqt dqtbuildcorelib dqtcorelib dqtcoreqobjectlib dqtdeprecatedwarnings dqtmoccompat dqtnamespacetestnamespace dqtnocasttoascii dqtnoforeach dqtnousingnamespace dqtuseqstringbuilder dlargefilesource ddeprecations isrccorelibcoreautogeninclude iinclude iincludeqtcore isrccorelib isrccorelibglobal isrccorelibrcc imkspecslinuxg iusrincludedoubleconversion isrccorelibkernel g fpic fvisibilityhidden fvisibilityinlineshidden wall wextra werror wnoerrorcpp wnoerrordeprecateddeclarations wnoerrorstrictoverflow wnoerrorimplicitfallthrough wnoerrordeprecatedcopy wnoerrorredundantmove wnoerrorinitlistlifetime wnoerrorformatoverflow wsuggestoverride fpic md mt srccorelibcmakefilescoreqobjectdirkernelqpropertycppo mf srccorelibcmakefilescoreqobjectdirkernelqpropertycppod o srccorelibcmakefilescoreqobjectdirkernelqpropertycppo c srccorelibkernelqpropertycpp failed srccorelibcmakefilescoreqobjectdirkernelqpropertycppo code
this task links to all tasks needed to be resolved for qt essentials modules before we can release the qt betaplease link all betarelated tasks to this issue acceptable tasks are security issues legal issues compile fixes approved sourcecompatibility breaks with qt apis must be approved by lars approved sourcecompatibility breaks for new qt apis must be approved by module maintainer approved binarycompatibility breaks must be approved by module maintainer regressions from qt severe bugs in new qt functionality eg crashes hangs data loss performance and resource consumption issues
update submodules on dev in code fail tstqqmlenginedebugservicejsondata compared values are not the same actual findpropertyobjproperties datavalue qvariantqvariantmap expected tovariant qvariantqvariantmap loc code
update submodules on dev in code pass declarativecoreinittestcase fail declarativecoretesterror verify returned false loc pass declarativecorecleanuptestcase code the test that fails is code verifymaperror mapnoerror code and that fails because mapnoerror equals undefined so lookup of enums from types is broken minimal testcase code import qtqml import qtlocation qtobject componentoncompleted printmapnoerror code this should print but instead prints undefined it turns out that this failure is because recently map was added to the js global object as a new type in
when rendermode is set to underlay or overlay qtquick items rectangle text etc inside nodes are not rendered this should be fixed or documented to not work
look into eventfilter or make our own
in merge remotetracking branch into dev code usersqtworkqtqtbasetestsautowidgetswidgetsqmenubartargetwrappersh tstqmenubar o o txt start testing of tstqmenubar config using qttest library qt shared dynamic release build by clang apple pass tstqmenubarinittestcase pass tstqmenubargetsetcheck pass tstqmenubarclear pass tstqmenubarremoveitematfirst pass tstqmenubarremoveitematmiddle pass tstqmenubarremoveitematlast pass tstqmenubarremoveitemfirst pass tstqmenubarremoveitemmiddle pass tstqmenubarremoveitemlast pass tstqmenubarcount pass tstqmenubarinsertitemqstringqobject pass tstqmenubarallowactiveanddisabled skip native key events are needed to test menu action activation on macos loc skip tstqmenubarcheckendkey this test has been temporarily disabled at least since loc skip tstqmenubarcheckhomekey this test has been temporarily disabled at least since loc skip tstqmenubarcheckaltpress this is not supposed to work in the macintosh style skipping loc skip tstqmenubarcheckaltclosepress this test is not supposed to work in the macintosh style skipping loc pass pass pass tstqmenubarmenubarsizehint pass pass tstqmenubarcloseonsecondclickandopenonthirdclick skip tstqmenubarcornerwidgetsleft test interferes with native menu bars on this platform loc skip tstqmenubarcornerwidgetsright test interferes with native menu bars on this platform loc pass pass info did not receive message menu item copy has unsupported role qplatformmenuitemmenurolenorole fail not all expected messages were received pass pass pass pass tstqmenubarplatformmenu pass pass pass tstqmenubarcleanuptestcase totals passed failed skipped blacklisted finished testing of tstqmenubar make error code
how to reproduce install qt with the installer qtconfiguremodule some other qt module qtsvg for example with that installed qt what happens cmakeinstallprefix is set to usersqtworkinstall which is the install prefix on the packaging machine what should happen cmakeinstallprefix should be the actual installation location of qt notes this happens because qtbuildinternalsextrascmake contains the hardcoded value usersqtworkinstall code ifcmakeinstallprefixinitializedtodefault and not qtbuildinternalsnoforcesetinstallprefix setcmakeinstallprefix cmakeinstallprefix cache path install path prefix prepended onto install directories force endif code possible solution is code ifcmakeinstallprefixinitializedtodefault and not qtbuildinternalsnoforcesetinstallprefix setcmakeinstallprefix qtbuildinternalsrelocatableinstallprefix cache path install path prefix prepended onto install directories force endif code but we need to doublecheck all implications
when a full rebuild is triggered the build progress bar indicates soon that the build is almost finished while in reality it takes much more time reproduce eg with qtcreatorqbs in previous versions of qt creator the progress bar was more reliable
on windows set the zoom to i have windows control panel display medium this works fine for zoom show a qslider horizontal or vertical whose tickposition is anything other than the default qslidernoticks the left border for the horizontal handler gripper or the top side border for vertical sliders isnt visible ive attached a sample app and a screenshot
documentation generation fails during source packaging using mksrcsh script below is the part that is used to do thiscurdir working dir for the scriptpackagename qteverywhereif then make a copy of the source tree docbuildcurdirdocbuild mkdir p docbuild cp r curdirpackagename docbuild cd docbuildpackagename build bootstrapped qdoc configure developerbuild opensource confirmlicense nomake examples nomake tests release cd qtbase make subtoolsbootstrap make subqdoc run qmake in each module as this generates the pri files that tell qdoc what docs to generate qmakepwdqtbasebinqmake for i in cat modules do if then cd i qmake cp modulepathsmodulespri qtbasemodulepathsmodules fi done build libqthelpso and qhelpgenerator cd qtbase make cd qtxmlpatterns make cd qttools make cd qttoolssrcassistanthelp make cd qttoolssrcassistantqhelpgenerator make generate the offline docs and qtqch cd qtdoc ldlibrarypathpwdqttoolslib make qchdocs put the generated docs back into the clean source directory mv docbuildpackagenameqtdocdochtml curdirpackagenameqtdocdoc mv docbuildpackagenameqtdocdocqch curdirpackagenameqtdocqch cleanup cd curdirpackagename rm rf docbuildelse echo creating src files without generated offline documentation fiduring the compilation of the sources there are debug prints saying that it cant find most of the modulesproject message activeqt not foundproject message core message declarative not foundproject message doc message clucene message location not foundproject message multimedia not foundproject message phonon not foundproject message publishsubscribe not foundproject message not foundproject message qml not foundproject message quick not foundproject message script not foundproject message sensors not foundproject message serviceframework not foundproject message systeminfo not foundproject message svg not foundproject message webkit not foundproject message webkitexamplesanddemos not foundproject message xmlpatterns message contacts not foundproject message organizer not foundproject message versit not foundproject message bluetooth not foundand finally the compilations stops with cannot tie this documentation to anythingbinsh line segmentation fault qtactiveqtqdocconfmodulesmissingqdocconf qtcoreqdocconfmodulesqtcoreqdocconf qtdeclarativeqdocconfmodulesmissingqdocconf qtdocqdocconfmodulesqtdocqdocconf qtcluceneqdocconfmodulesqtcluceneqdocconf qtlocationqdocconfmodulesmissingqdocconf qtmultimediaqdocconfmodulesmissingqdocconf qtphononqdocconfmodulesmissingqdocconf qtpublishsubscribeqdocconfmodulesmissingqdocconf qtqmlqdocconfmodulesmissingqdocconf qtquickqdocconfmodulesmissingqdocconf qtscriptqdocconfmodulesmissingqdocconf qtsensorsqdocconfmodulesmissingqdocconf qtserviceframeworkqdocconfmodulesmissingqdocconf qtsysteminfoqdocconfmodulesmissingqdocconf qtsvgqdocconfmodulesmissingqdocconf qtwebkitqdocconfmodulesmissingqdocconf qtwebkitexamplesanddemosqdocconfmodulesmissingqdocconf qtxmlpatternsqdocconfmodulesqtxmlpatternsqdocconf qtcontactsqdocconfmodulesmissingqdocconf qtorganizerqdocconfmodulesmissingqdocconf qtversitqdocconfmodulesmissingqdocconf qtbluetoothqdocconfmodulesmissingqdocconf error leaving directory error
hi tried the last beta and found out that autocomplete function arguments is broken when calling from template functionclass for example it suggests everything when typing tf codejava struct test void fint i template remove or comment out this line and it works fine struct ttest test t ttest tf code the problem is shown in the attached screenshot also you can see from it that depend on space between include and open triangle brace the colors are changes do i need to create another report for such tiny bug
install creator online installer and staging repository used in test try to launch a dialog with a lot of text appears and goes away so fast that the text can not be read it had text something about last time creator was started and problems and then creator crashes see attached output
each property panel widget celebrates its individuality by coming up with a new way for the same old boring globalcustom choice
on android versions prior to when running any widget app against the binary packages or against a current build that includes the svg module the app aborts with the message not foundthe problem is that we try to load library before libsxml lists the libraries in the wrong order changing the order and running ant debugant installd from the command line will install a working packagethe same app even the same apk works fine against android indicating that google may have switched to lazy link resolutionupdate the problems seems unrelated to there seems to be a bug in the readdependencies logic in androiddeployqt
after opennebula update we have faced several provisioning failures codejava  cannot move californiumsecuretestserverdemoappscfhelloworldserversrcmainjavaorgeclipsecaliforniumexampleshelloworldserverjava to californiumdemoappscfhelloworldserversrcmainjavaorgeclipsecaliforniumexampleshelloworldserverjava readonly file systemcode codejava sudo tar c opt jxf tar cannot write code codejava optandroidsdktoolsbinsdkmanager nohttps proxyhttp proxyhostproxyintraqtio platformtools eval tr r n grep v tr r n grep v warning file homeqtandroidrepositoriescfg could not be loaded code codejava type yes to agree and continue the installation agree starting installation installation completed successfully do you want to read the readme file executing scheduled instruction of upload all core dumps if there are some skip uploading core files because corefilespath is not set in the environment code provision failed
rta smoke installer type offline repository staging license enterprise squish test suites suiteinstallersmoke smoke test for installer and qt binaries suiteqtcreator smoke test for qtcreator in preview noe suiteonlineinstallerautomation smoke test for qt automation content suiteandroidhw android deploy tests suiteiosexamplesdeploy ios deploy tests
noformat md mt toolsqmllintcmakefilesqmllintdirsharedqmljstypereadercppo mf toolsqmllintcmakefilesqmllintdirsharedqmljstypereadercppod o toolsqmllintcmakefilesqmllintdirsharedqmljstypereadercppo c toolssharedqmljstypereadercpp in file included from in file included from fatal error qtqmlprivateqqmljssourcelocationph file not found include error generated sccache usrbinclang dglsilencedeprecation dqtcorelib dqtnodebug dqtnoexceptions dqtqmldevtoolslib dqtuseqstringbuilder dlargefilesource itoolsqmllintqmllintautogeninclude itoolsqmllint itoolsqmllintshared iframework usersqtworkinstalllib isystem usersqtworkinstalllibqtcoreframeworkheaders isystem usersqtworkinstallmkspecsmacxclang isystem usersqtworkinstallinclude isystem isystem g dndebug isysroot fpie fvisibilityhidden fvisibilityinlineshidden wall wextra fnoexceptions fpic md mt toolsqmllintcmakefilesqmllintdirsharedscopetreecppo mf toolsqmllintcmakefilesqmllintdirsharedscopetreecppod o toolsqmllintcmakefilesqmllintdirsharedscopetreecppo c toolssharedscopetreecpp failed toolsqmllintcmakefilesqmllintdirsharedscopetreecppo sccache usrbinclang dglsilencedeprecation dqtcorelib dqtnodebug dqtnoexceptions dqtqmldevtoolslib dqtuseqstringbuilder dlargefilesource itoolsqmllintqmllintautogeninclude itoolsqmllint itoolsqmllintshared iframework usersqtworkinstalllib isystem usersqtworkinstalllibqtcoreframeworkheaders isystem usersqtworkinstallmkspecsmacxclang isystem usersqtworkinstallinclude isystem isystem g dndebug isysroot fpie fvisibilityhidden fvisibilityinlineshidden wall wextra fnoexceptions fpic md mt toolsqmllintcmakefilesqmllintdirsharedscopetreecppo mf toolsqmllintcmakefilesqmllintdirsharedscopetreecppod o toolsqmllintcmakefilesqmllintdirsharedscopetreecppo c toolssharedscopetreecpp in file included from fatal error qtqmlprivateqqmljssourcelocationph file not found include error generated noformat build log details tested changes update dependencies on dev in qtqtdeclarative
who as a qt android developer i want to verify my implementation before delivering it to community and customers with appropriate devices what google uses in their prelaunch tests for android version pixel and for pixel reference devices qt shall support android as buildtime and as runtime android target architectures and compilers no changes and compiler clang no changes same since android hosts architectures and compilers windows mingw change other platforms no changes why for to there happens a bc break there is significant changes to be done for platforms area eg and at the moment the rta testing is done manually correct against samsung android tab and pixel c android rta team has pixel but its not in rta yet definition of done dod google reference devices for android and are added to rta rta executes automatic tests for android rta provides results for both devices automatic tests are meaningful and do not provide false positives nor false negatives first of such test could be a booting of the device more info google list
if the example application is built with the qprocess cant be restarted to reproduce build the example in release with run the project go to task manager and kill the cmdexe process the process is restarted repeat kill more times the application crashes codejava processtestprocessfinished processtestprocessfinished the program has unexpectedly finished code in debug it hardly crashes not reproducible with mingw
sometimes the linking step for qtwebengine on windows fails on msvc bit code link nologo dynamicbase nxcompat debug libpathcprogram files delayloaddbghelpdll delayloaddwmapidll delayloaduxthemedll delayloadpowrprofdll delayloadsetupapidll delayloadmfdll delayloadmfplatdll delayloadmfreadwritedll delayloadbluetoothapisdll delayloadbthpropscpl maxilksize safeseh dynamicbase nxcompat largeaddressaware incrementalno fixedno dynamicbaseno wininetlib dnsapilib versionlib psapilib dbghelplib winmmlib shlwapilib powrproflib setupapilib winspoollib uuidlib delayimplib creduilib safeseh nxcompat optref debug dll subsystemwindows manifestembed creating library and object link fatal error out of memory code this is not reproducable though as sometimes calling the same line repeatedly helps
noformat homeqtworkqtqtwaylandexampleswaylandcustomextensionclientcommoncustomextensioncpp make entering directory homeqtworkqtqtwaylandqmakeexampleswaylandserverbuffer cd cppclient test e makefile homeqtworkinstallbinqmake o makefile homeqtworkqtqtwaylandexampleswaylandserverbuffercppclientcppclientpro make f makefile waylandscanner strict includecoreonly publiccode waylandcustomprotocolc make no rule to make target homeqtworkinstalllibexecqtwaylandscanner needed by qwaylandservercustomcpp stop make waiting for unfinished jobs cd compositor test e makefile homeqtworkinstallbinqmake o makefile homeqtworkqtqtwaylandexampleswaylandserverbuffercompositorcompositorpro make f makefile make leaving directory homeqtworkqtqtwaylandqmakeexampleswaylandcustomextensioncompositor make error make waiting for unfinished jobs waylandscanner strict includecoreonly publiccode waylandcustomprotocolc make no rule to make target homeqtworkinstalllibexecqtwaylandscanner needed by qwaylandcustomcpp stop make waiting for unfinished jobs cd hwlayercompositor test e makefile homeqtworkinstallbinqmake o makefile homeqtworkqtqtwaylandexampleswaylandhwlayercompositorhwlayercompositorpro make f makefile noformat build log details tested changes update dependencies on dev in qtqtwayland
qtemporaryfile does not autodelete after a renamehowever calling explicitly remove removes the filethis bug was first discovered via the use of the qfilecopy function
add new reference hws to the documentation supported hw list installation guide toradex apalis group nxp imx group links to the hw pages
quickcompiler broken install content and open locationmapviewer example and compile build is succesfull but example crashes when launched clean project and remove quickcompiler from pro file and compile launch example works fine according to packaging team is using latest version of quickcompiler
using the incubateobject command to create an audio object is freezing the gui when sourceurl is pointing to a network ressource which takes time to be accessed in this case the incubate function does not seem asynchronous
i was unable to get qt installed and got the following error twice error during installation process the output of query is not parseable please file a bugreport with this dialog output
examples telltales qtcluster and indicators are installed into incorrect place examples correct is examplesqtsaferenderer
this seems to be caused by by fixing the crash on surface book a regression for windows phone slipped in
wip ci remove insignificanttestsflag for two ubuntu code test start tstexamples test command homeqtworkqtqtdocstandaloneteststestsautoquickexampleststexamples o tstexamplesxmlxml o txt environment variables qtpluginpathhomeqtworkqtqtdocstandalonetestsfakeprefixpluginshomeqtworkinstallpluginshomeqtworkqtqtdocstandalonetestsplugins test timeout computed to be start testing of tstexamples config using qttest library qt shared dynamic debug build by gcc ubuntu pass tstexamplesinittestcase qwarn module qtquick plugin not found import qtquick fail compared values are not the same actual componentstatus error expected qqmlcomponentready ready loc code
merge remotetracking branch into update submodules on in code rerunning testsautocorelibioqstandardpaths with testargstestfindexecutable homeqtworkqtqtbasetestsautocorelibioqstandardpathstargetwrappersh tstqstandardpaths testfindexecutable maxwarnings start testing of tstqstandardpaths config using qttest library qt shared dynamic debug build by gcc pass tstqstandardpathsinittestcase qfatal tstqstandardpathstestfindexecutable default unknown assert shfiexists in file tstqstandardpathscpp line fail tstqstandardpathstestfindexecutable received a fatal error loc totals passed failed skipped blacklisted finished testing of tstqstandardpaths code
the following code issues a warning when compiled with gcc noformat cat testc include int mainint argc char argv qlist a aremovefirst return g werror wextra fpic iusrincludeqt iusrincludeqtqtcore o test testc in file included from from usrincludeqtqtcoreqlisth in instantiation of ‘qlistiterator qlisteraseqlistiterator ’ required from ‘void qlistremovefirst ’ required from here error implicitlydeclared ‘qlistiterator qlistoperatorconst qlistiterator’ is deprecated it begin implies detach note because ‘qlistiterator’ has userprovided ‘qlistiteratorconst qlistiterator ’ inline iteratorconst iterator o qdeclnothrow ioi all warnings being treated as errors noformat
there is ugly flickering observable when you resize window see the attached gif this is observable only when the window is being resized by dragging lower right or upper right or lower left corner so that one dimension eg width is increasing and the other dimension eg height is decreasing in that case the newly emerging areas are always filled in with white color which can be observed as terrible flickering this is observable on windows only not on macos not on linux curiously the flickering does not happen when you resize the window so that both width and height are increasing as also can be seen in the gif when you resize the window by dragging the upper left corner but flickers hen dragging any other corner than upper left this is not a problem when you have light theme then window background is probably white anyway but this is a big issue when you have dark theme in which case it is super ugly notes there seems to be the same problem in qtwidgets and qtquick applications i have not found any qt application which would not flicker this is not a problem of os drivers etc nonqt applications which i have tested seem to behave correctly ie no such flickering this is not a new issue it has been in qt for very long time i only now found the time to explore it and report it codecpp include include include include class widget public qwidget public widget the following code was used for experiments but nothing worked i could not get rid of flickering the documentation says autofillbackground bool this property holds whether the widget background is filled automatically if enabled this property will cause qt to fill the background of the widget before invoking the paint event the color used is defined by the qpalettewindow color role from the widgets palette setattributeqtwaopaquepaintevent true setattributeqtwanosystembackground true setautofillbackgroundfalse qpalette p palette psetcolorqpalettewindow qtblue setpalettep void painteventqpaintevent override qpainter pthis width height qtblue just to simulate slower painting int mainint argc char argv qapplication aargc argv widget w wshow return aexec code
on windows the command qtopenurlexternally does not open any external url for example a link to a website the same function has been tested under ios and android kitkat without any issue
we use in production a linux computer bits where is only available officially to use a more recent version of qt i compiled and installed official tarball we only few components need for the target application as core gui widgets svg websockets serialports we dont use qml and webengine components is installed in a customized path in a home directory we compile and run fine the target application use cmake not qmake query qtsysroot we want to experiment the qtmqtt extra component and i started to try to compile this code using the fresh install of it do not work this is my bash script used to compile qtmqtt export export export rm rf build mkdir build cd build qmake cd build make this is the result of compilation info creating stash file info creating cache file cd src test e makefile o makefile make f makefile make entering directory cd mqtt test e makefile o makefile make f makefile make entering directory perl qtmqttversion g c pipe fvisibilityhidden fvisibilityinlineshidden fnoexceptions wall wextra wvla wdatetime wduplicatedcond wnostringopoverflow dreentrant fpic dqtnolinkedlist dqtnoforeach dqtnojavastyleiterators dqtnolinkedlist dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtbuildmqttlib dqtbuildingqt dqtnocasttoascii dqtasciicastwarnings dqtmoccompat dqtuseqstringbuilder dqtdeprecatedwarnings dqtdisabledeprecatedbefore dqtdeprecatedwarningssince dqtnoexceptions dlargefilesource dqtnodebug dqtnetworklib dqtcorelib i iinclude iincludeqtmqtt imoc o objqmqttauthenticationpropertieso in file included from fatal error qtmqttqmqttglobalh no such file or directory include compilation terminated make error make leaving directory make error make leaving directory make error in fact at make the qtmqtt api headers are not generated in build directory if i take another computer with centos and the system based qt the same qtmqtt code compile fine make cd src test e makefile usrbinqmake o makefile mntdevelgitqtmqttsrcsrcpro make f makefile make entering directory mntdevelgitqtmqttsrc cd mqtt test e makefile usrbinqmake o makefile mntdevelgitqtmqttsrcmqttmqttpro make f makefile mntdevelgitqtmqtt mntdevelgitqtmqtt mntdevelgitqtmqtt qtmqtt created fwdinclude headers for srcmqtt qmqttauthenticationpropertiesh qmqttclienth qmqttclientph qmqttconnectionph qmqttconnectionpropertiesh qmqttconnectionpropertiesph qmqttcontrolpacketph qmqttglobalh qmqttmessageh qmqttmessageph qmqttpublishpropertiesh qmqttpublishpropertiesph qmqttsubscriptionh qmqttsubscriptionph qmqttsubscriptionpropertiesh qmqtttopicfilterh qmqtttopicnameh qmqtttypeh qtmqtt created version header qtmqtt created master header qtmqtt created headerspri file make entering directory mntdevelgitqtmqttsrcmqtt creating linker version script qtmqttversion compiling qmqttauthenticationpropertiescpp compiling qmqttclientcpp compiling qmqttconnectioncpp under it miss some stage to configure create modules header files why whats missing exactly thanks in advance for your help ps i also cross compiled qt qtmqtt for webassembly really nice target congratulations under and all compile fine too so im sure that my qt has some wrong but what
chromium itself can add new words to dictionary by right clicking on a word and choosing add to dictionary but webengine does not seem to have that feature just this functionality could be added but maybe a whole api for handling dictionary programmatically could be better
after patches that fix reproducible with example in that bug there is still a small leak i am not sure if that existed before with only there are few leaks noformat bytes in blocks are definitely lost in loss record of in operator newunsigned long in operator newunsigned long in qlinkedstringhash linkandreserveqlinkedstringhash const int in qqmlpropertycachecopyint in qqmlpropertycachecopy in qqmlmetatypedatapropertycacheqqmltype const int in qqmlmetatypepropertycacheqqmltype const int in qqmlengineprivatecacheqqmltype const int in qqmltypedatabuildtyperesolutioncachesqqmlrefpointer const in qqmltypedatadone in qqmldatablobtrydone in qqmltypeloadersetdataqqmldatablob qqmldatablobsourcecodedata const in qqmltypeloadersetdataqqmldatablob qstring const in qqmltypeloaderloadthreadqqmldatablob in qqmltypeloaderthreadloadthreadqqmldatablob in void qqmlthreadcallmethodinthreadvoid qqmltypeloaderthreadqqmldatablob qqmldatablob constcallqqmlthread in qqmlthreadprivatethreadevent in qqmlthreadprivateeventqevent in qapplicationprivatenotifyhelperqobject qevent in qapplicationnotifyqobject qevent in qevent in qcoreapplicationsendeventqobject qevent in qcoreapplicationprivatesendpostedeventsqobject int qthreaddata in qcoreapplicationsendpostedeventsqobject int in posteventsourcedispatchgsource int void void in gmaincontextdispatch in gmaincontextiteration in qeventdispatcherglibprocesseventsqflags in qeventloopprocesseventsqflags in qeventloopexecqflags in qthreadexec in qqmlthreadprivaterun in qthreadprivatestartvoid in startthread in clone in noformat noformat bytes in blocks are possibly lost in loss record of in main in operator newunsigned long in qrecyclepoolqrecyclepool in qqmlengineprivateqqmlengineprivateqqmlengine in qqmlapplicationengineprivateqqmlapplicationengineprivateqqmlengine in qqmlapplicationengineqqmlapplicationengineqobject in main in noformat noformat bytes in blocks are possibly lost in loss record of in main in malloc in qrecyclepoolprivateallocate in qqmljavascriptexpressionguard qrecyclepoolnewqqmljavascriptexpression in qqmljavascriptexpressionguardnewqqmljavascriptexpression qqmlengine in qqmlpropertycapturecapturepropertyqobject int int bool in qobject qqmlpropertydata in qqmlcontextdata qobject bool qqmlpropertydata in const const bool in in char const in in const const int const in bool in qqmlbindingevaluatebool in qqmlnonbindingbindingdoupdateqqmljavascriptexpressiondeletewatcher const qflags in qqmlbindingupdateqflags in qqmlbindingsetenabledbool qflags in qqmlobjectcreatorfinalizeqqmlinstantiationinterrupt in qqmlcomponentprivatecompleteqqmlengineprivate qqmlcomponentprivateconstructionstate in qqmlcomponentprivatecompletecreate in qqmlcomponentcompletecreate in qqmlcomponentcreateqqmlcontext in qqmlapplicationengineprivatefinishloadqqmlcomponent in qqmlapplicationengineprivatestartloadqurl const qbytearray const bool in qqmlapplicationengineloadqurl const in main in noformat after applying both patches there is still one this is also there with the other patch applied noformat bytes in blocks are definitely lost in loss record of in qregisterresourcedataint unsigned char const unsigned char const unsigned char const in operator newunsigned long in qregisterresourcedataint unsigned char const unsigned char const unsigned char const in anonymous namespaceregistry in anonymous namespaceanonymous namespaceinnerfunctionholder in anonymous namespaceanonymous namespaceinnerfunction in qglobalstaticoperator in in anonymous in int in globalsubiqmlcacheloadercpp in in callinit in dlinit in dlopenworker in dlcatcherror in dlopen in dlopendoit in dlcatcherror in dlerrorrun in in qlibraryprivateloadsys in qlibraryprivateload in qlibraryprivateloadplugin in qpluginloaderload in qqmlimportdatabaseimportdynamicpluginqstring const qstring const qstring const int qlist in qqmlimportsprivateimportextensionqstring const qstring const int int qqmlimportdatabase qqmltypeloaderqmldircontent const qlist in qqmlimportsprivateaddlibraryimportqstring const qstring const int int qstring const qstring const bool qqmlimportdatabase qlist in qqmlimportsaddlibraryimportqqmlimportdatabase qstring const qstring const int int qstring const qstring const bool qlist in qqmltypeloaderaddimportstdsharedptr qlist in const qlist in qqmltypedatatryloadfromdiskcache in qqmltypedatadatareceivedqqmldatablobsourcecodedata const in qqmltypeloadersetdataqqmldatablob qqmldatablobsourcecodedata const in qqmltypeloadersetdataqqmldatablob qstring const in qqmltypeloaderloadthreadqqmldatablob in qqmltypeloaderthreadloadthreadqqmldatablob in void qqmlthreadcallmethodinthreadvoid qqmltypeloaderthreadqqmldatablob qqmldatablob constcallqqmlthread in qqmlthreadprivatethreadevent in qqmlthreadprivateeventqevent in qapplicationprivatenotifyhelperqobject qevent in qapplicationnotifyqobject qevent in noformat
integration of this gerrit patch keeps failing the consistency is that the failing tests are inconsistent with one honorable exception codejava inputpaneltestwclautocommitwordsettingrow verify returned false code this may point towards a flaky test still if this one doesnt fail a newpreviously unseen test failure appears in one run two tests fail the change itself is likely not the culprit as it is in a comment and instructive to qdoc only it is also the only change being tested in each run this behavior effectively blocks new changes from getting merged these are the failures this far fail inputpaneltestwclautocommitwordsettingrow verify returned false fail inputpaneltestkeypressrow wait for signal virtualkeyclicked returned false fail inputpaneltestwclautocommitwordsettingrow verify returned false fail inputpaneltestinputmethodhintsrow wait for signal onvisiblechanged returned false fail inputpaneltestinputmethodhintsrow wait for signal onvisiblechanged returned false fail inputpaneltestwclautocommitwordsettingrow verify returned false fail inputpaneltestwclautohiderow wait for signal onvisibleconditionchanged returned false fail inputpaneltestkeypressrow verify returned false fail inputpaneltestpinyininputmethodrow verify returned false fail inputpaneltestwclautohiderow compared values are not the same fail inputpaneltestwclautocommitwordsettingrow verify returned false fail inputpaneltestwclautohiderow uncaught exception cannot read property width of null loc fail inputpaneltestwclautocommitwordsettingrow verify returned false loc fail inputpaneltestwclautocommitwordsettingrow verify returned false loc fail inputpaneltestwclautocommitwordsettingrow verify returned false loc fail inputpaneltestwclautohiderow wait for signal onvisibleconditionchanged returned false loc
if a texture is destroyed and then recreated with the changes being distributed within the same loop textures are not properly recreated this is a regression introduced by the fix on parenting elements to parents with no backend
xml schema crashes when running the attached program
designer crashes at start up on macos xcode steps to reproduce install macos binary launch designer expected result designer opens actual result designer crashes with noformat exception type exccrash sigabrt exception codes exception note exccorpsenotify application specific information terminating app due to uncaught exception nsinvalidargumentexception reason unrecognized selector sent to instance abort called terminating with uncaught exception of type nsexception application specific backtrace corefoundation exceptionpreprocess libobjcadylib objcexceptionthrow corefoundation corefoundation forwarding corefoundation libqcocoadylib qtplugininstance appkit nstargetforsendaction appkit appkit appkit qtcore qtwidgets qtwidgets qtcore qtcore libqcocoadylib qtplugininstance corefoundation corefoundation corefoundation corefoundation cfrunlooprun corefoundation cfrunlooprunspecific hitoolbox runcurrenteventloopinmode hitoolbox receivenexteventcommon hitoolbox blockuntilnexteventmatchinglistinmodewithfilter appkit dpsnextevent appkit appkit appkit appkit appkit nstryrunmodal appkit libqcocoadylib qtplugininstance qtcore qtcore designer libdylddylib start when testing this at first launch the designer crashed when closing the application on second try the designer crashed at start up
codejava running provisioning bash script dirname success running bash ex running provisioning bash script set ex sudo subscriptionmanager refresh local certificate has been deleted all local data refreshed sudo subscriptionmanager attach auto installed product current status product name red hat enterprise linux workstation status not subscribedunable to find available subscriptions for all your installed products executing scheduled instruction of upload all core dumps if there are some provision failed error building provisioning failed error running bash script error running bash ex exit status info agent finished fail code
merge remotetracking branch into dev code error template parameter is an integral of a size not supported on this platform note see reference to class template instantiation qbasicatomicinteger being compiled jom cusersqtworkqtqtbasesrccorelibmakefile error jom cusersqtworkqtqtbasesrccorelibmakefiledebug error jom cusersqtworkqtqtbasesrccorelibmakefile error code
this bug doesnt exist in is a difficult bug and i have been working on it for four weeks but still could not find the solution this crash happenes in my project but im afraid that its not possible to provide the test case ive tried many combinations of similar code but could not reproduce the crash using test examplei couldnt solve it independently,so i have to report this bugi have a qml application which you can switch between chinese and english and the text uses the font from fontloader i got the font list from the local file system which the user can choose the font from then i use fontloader to load the font chosen by the user when the ui text is in chinese when the font changes it crashesit looks like a bug in qdeclarativetextlayout the console outputassert at enginessize in file includeqtguiprivatesrcguitextqfontengineph line crash log isdatetime version mac os x version since last report seccrashes since last report interval since last report secperapp crashes since last report uuid type exccrash sigabrtexception codes crashed thread specific informationabort calledthread libsystembdebugdylib kill libsystembdebugdylib kill libsystembdebugdylib raise libsystembdebugdylib abort qtcoredebug qtmessageoutputqtmsgtype char const qtcoredebug qtmessageqtmsgtype char const valisttag qtcoredebug qfatalchar const qtcoredebug qtassertchar const char const int qtguidebug qfontenginemultiengineint const qtguidebug qpainterdrawtextitemqpointf const qtextitem const qtguidebug qtextlinedrawqpainter qpointf const qtextlayoutformatrange const const qtguidebug qtextlayoutdrawqpainter qpointf const qvector const qrectf const const qtdeclarativedebug qdeclarativetextlayoutdrawqpainter qpointf const qtdeclarativedebug qdeclarativetextprivatedrawtextlayoutqpainter qpointf const bool qtdeclarativedebug qdeclarativetextpaintqpainter qstyleoptiongraphicsitem const qwidget qtguidebug qgraphicssceneprivatedrawqgraphicsitem qpainter qtransform const qtransform const qregion qwidget double qtransform const bool bool qtguidebug qgraphicssceneprivatedrawsubtreerecursiveqgraphicsitem qpainter qtransform const qregion qwidget double qtransform const qtguidebug qgraphicssceneprivatedrawqgraphicsitem qpainter qtransform const qtransform const qregion qwidget double qtransform const bool bool qtguidebug qgraphicssceneprivatedrawsubtreerecursiveqgraphicsitem qpainter qtransform const qregion qwidget double qtransform const qtguidebug qgraphicssceneprivatedrawqgraphicsitem qpainter qtransform const qtransform const qregion qwidget double qtransform const bool bool qtguidebug qgraphicssceneprivatedrawsubtreerecursiveqgraphicsitem qpainter qtransform const qregion qwidget double qtransform const qtguidebug qgraphicssceneprivatedrawqgraphicsitem qpainter qtransform const qtransform const qregion qwidget double qtransform const bool bool qtguidebug qgraphicssceneprivatedrawsubtreerecursiveqgraphicsitem qpainter qtransform const qregion qwidget double qtransform const qtguidebug qgraphicssceneprivatedrawqgraphicsitem qpainter qtransform const qtransform const qregion qwidget double qtransform const bool bool qtguidebug qgraphicssceneprivatedrawsubtreerecursiveqgraphicsitem qpainter qtransform const qregion qwidget double qtransform const qtguidebug qgraphicssceneprivatedrawqgraphicsitem qpainter qtransform const qtransform const qregion qwidget double qtransform const bool bool qtguidebug qgraphicssceneprivatedrawsubtreerecursiveqgraphicsitem qpainter qtransform const qregion qwidget double qtransform const qtguidebug qgraphicssceneprivatedrawqgraphicsitem qpainter qtransform const qtransform const qregion qwidget double qtransform const bool bool qtguidebug qgraphicssceneprivatedrawsubtreerecursiveqgraphicsitem qpainter qtransform const qregion qwidget double qtransform const qtguidebug qgraphicssceneprivatedrawitemsqpainter qtransform const qregion qwidget qtguidebug qgraphicsviewpainteventqpaintevent qtdeclarativedebug qdeclarativeviewpainteventqpaintevent qtguidebug qwidgeteventqevent qtguidebug qframeeventqevent qtguidebug qabstractscrollareaviewporteventqevent qtguidebug qgraphicsviewviewporteventqevent qtguidebug qabstractscrollareaprivateviewporteventqevent qtguidebug qabstractscrollareafiltereventfilterqobject qevent qtcoredebug qcoreapplicationprivatesendthroughobjecteventfiltersqobject qevent qtguidebug qapplicationprivatenotifyhelperqobject qevent qtguidebug qapplicationnotifyqobject qevent qtcoredebug qcoreapplicationnotifyinternalqobject qevent qtguidebug qcoreapplicationsendspontaneouseventqobject qevent qtguidebug qtsendspontaneouseventqobject qevent qtguidebug comappleappkit comappleappkit comappleappkit comappleappkit comappleappkit qtguidebug qtmacdispatchpendingupdaterequestsqwidget qtguidebug qgraphicsviewprivatedispatchpendingupdaterequests qtguidebug qgraphicssceneprivateqprocessdirtyitems qtguidebug qgraphicssceneqtmetacallqmetaobjectcall int void qtcoredebug qmetaobjectmetacallqobject qmetaobjectcall int void qtcoredebug qmetacalleventplacemetacallqobject qtcoredebug qobjecteventqevent qtguidebug qgraphicssceneeventqevent qtguidebug qapplicationprivatenotifyhelperqobject qevent qtguidebug qapplicationnotifyqobject qevent qtcoredebug qcoreapplicationnotifyinternalqobject qevent qtdeclarativedebug qcoreapplicationsendeventqobject qevent qtcoredebug qcoreapplicationprivatesendpostedeventsqobject int qthreaddata qtguidebug processpostedeventsqeventdispatchermacprivate bool qtguidebug qeventdispatchermacprivatepostedeventssourceperformcallbackvoid comapplecorefoundation comapplecorefoundation cfrunlooprun comapplecorefoundation cfrunlooprunspecific comapplehitoolbox runcurrenteventloopinmode comapplehitoolbox receivenexteventcommon comapplehitoolbox blockuntilnexteventmatchinglistinmode comappleappkit dpsnextevent comappleappkit comappleappkit qtguidebug qeventdispatchermacprocesseventsqflags qtcoredebug qeventloopprocesseventsqflags qtcoredebug qeventloopexecqflags qtcoredebug qcoreapplicationexec qtguidebug qapplicationexec comyourcompanycloudlibrary main comyourcompanycloudlibrary start libsystembdebugdylib kevent libsystembdebugdylib dispatchmgrinvoke libsystembdebugdylib dispatchqueueinvoke libsystembdebugdylib dispatchcontinuationpop libsystembdebugdylib libsystembdebugdylib pthreadwqthread libsystembdebugdylib startwqthread libsystembdebugdylib selectdarwinextsn comapplecorefoundation cfsocketmanager libsystembdebugdylib pthreadstart libsystembdebugdylib threadstart libsystembdebugdylib semwaitsignal libsystembdebugdylib pthreadcondwait libsystembdebugdylib pthreadcondwait qtscriptdebug qtwtfscavengerthread qtscriptdebug qtwtfreleasefreelistqtwtfspan qtwtfspan libsystembdebugdylib pthreadstart libsystembdebugdylib threadstart libsystembdebugdylib semwaitsignal libsystembdebugdylib pthreadcondwait libsystembdebugdylib pthreadcondwait qtwebkitdebug wtfscavengerthread qtwebkitdebug wtfreleasefreelistwtfspan wtfspan libsystembdebugdylib pthreadstart libsystembdebugdylib threadstart libsystembdebugdylib semwaitsignal libsystembdebugdylib pthreadcondwait libsystembdebugdylib pthreadcondwait qtcoredebug qwaitconditionprivatewaitunsigned long qtcoredebug qwaitconditionwaitqmutex unsigned long qtwebkitdebug wtfwaitwtfmutex qtwebkitdebug webcoresyncthreadmainloop qtwebkitdebug webcoreicondatabasesyncthread qtwebkitdebug webcoreicondatabasesyncthreadstartvoid qtwebkitdebug wtfthreadentrypointvoid qtwebkitdebug wtfrun qtcoredebug qthreadprivatestartvoid libsystembdebugdylib pthreadstart libsystembdebugdylib threadstart libsystembdebugdylib semwaitsignal libsystembdebugdylib pthreadcondwait libsystembdebugdylib pthreadcondtimedwait qtcoredebug qwaitconditionprivatewaitunsigned long qtcoredebug qwaitconditionwaitqmutex unsigned long qtcoredebug qthreadpoolthreadrun qtcoredebug qthreadprivatestartvoid libsystembdebugdylib pthreadstart libsystembdebugdylib threadstart libsystembdebugdylib semwaitsignal libsystembdebugdylib pthreadcondwait libsystembdebugdylib pthreadcondtimedwait qtcoredebug qwaitconditionprivatewaitunsigned long qtcoredebug qwaitconditionwaitqmutex unsigned long qtcoredebug qthreadpoolthreadrun qtcoredebug qthreadprivatestartvoid libsystembdebugdylib pthreadstart libsystembdebugdylib threadstart libsystembdebugdylib selectdarwinextsn libsystembdebugdylib qtcoredebug qtsafeselectint fdset fdset fdset timeval const qtcoredebug qeventdispatcherunixselectint fdset fdset fdset timeval qtcoredebug qeventdispatcherunixprivatedoselectqflags timeval qtcoredebug qeventdispatcherunixprocesseventsqflags qtcoredebug qeventloopprocesseventsqflags qtcoredebug qeventloopexecqflags qtcoredebug qthreadexec qtdeclarativedebug qdeclarativepixmapreaderrun qtcoredebug qthreadprivatestartvoid libsystembdebugdylib pthreadstart libsystembdebugdylib threadstart libsystembdebugdylib semwaitsignal libsystembdebugdylib pthreadcondwait libsystembdebugdylib pthreadcondtimedwait qtcoredebug qwaitconditionprivatewaitunsigned long qtcoredebug qwaitconditionwaitqmutex unsigned long qtcoredebug qthreadpoolthreadrun qtcoredebug qthreadprivatestartvoid libsystembdebugdylib pthreadstart libsystembdebugdylib threadstart libsystembdebugdylib workqkernreturn libsystembdebugdylib pthreadworkqreturn libsystembdebugdylib workqueueexit libsystembdebugdylib pthreadwqthread libsystembdebugdylib startwqthread libsystembdebugdylib machmsgtrap libsystembdebugdylib machmsg comapplecorefoundation cfrunlooprun comapplecorefoundation cfrunlooprunspecific comapplecorefoundation cfrunlooprun comappledesktopservices tsystemnotificationtasksystemnotificationtaskprocvoid plecoreservicescarboncore privatempentrypoint libsystembdebugdylib pthreadstart libsystembdebugdylib threadstart libsystembdebugdylib workqkernreturn libsystembdebugdylib pthreadworkqreturn libsystembdebugdylib workqueueexit libsystembdebugdylib pthreadwqthread libsystembdebugdylib startwqthread libsystembdebugdylib workqkernreturn libsystembdebugdylib pthreadworkqreturn libsystembdebugdylib workqueueexit libsystembdebugdylib pthreadwqthread libsystembdebugdylib startwqthread libsystembdebugdylib workqkernreturn libsystembdebugdylib pthreadworkqreturn libsystembdebugdylib workqueueexit libsystembdebugdylib pthreadwqthread libsystembdebugdylib startwqthread crashed with thread state rax rbx rcx rdx rdi rsi rbp rsp rip rfl binary images comyourcompanycloudlibrary compatibility compatibility compatibility compatibility compatibility qtdeclarativedebug compatibility qtscriptdebug compatibility qtcoredebug compatibility qtsvgdebug compatibility qtguidebug compatibility qtsqldebug compatibility qtxmlpatternsdebug compatibility qtnetworkdebug compatibility qtwebkitdebug compatibility qtxmldebug compatibility libsystembdebugdylib compatibility usrliblibsystembdebugdylib libmathcommonadebugdylib compatibility usrlibsystemlibmathcommonadebugdylib compatibility compatibility phonondebug compatibility libsimplifiedchineseconverterdylib compatibility systemlibrarycoreservicesencodingslibsimplifiedchineseconverterdylib libqtcomponentsplugindebugdylib libmxplugindebugdylib libqgifdebugdylib libqmlwebkitplugindebugdylib libqkrcodecsdebugdylib libqcorewlanbearerdebugdylib comapplecorewlanframework systemlibraryframeworkscorewlanframeworkversionsacorewlan libqgenericbearerdebugdylib libqcncodecsdebugdylib libqjpcodecsdebugdylib libqtwcodecsdebugdylib libqicodebugdylib libqjpegdebugdylib libqmngdebugdylib libqsvgdebugdylib libqtiffdebugdylib dyld usrlibdyld comappleinkframework systemlibraryframeworkscarbonframeworkversionsaframeworksinkframeworkversionsaink comappleopencl systemlibraryframeworksopenclframeworkversionsaopencl libglprogrammabilitydylib systemlibraryframeworksopenglframeworkversionsalibrarieslibglprogrammabilitydylib compatibility comapplecommercecore systemlibraryprivateframeworkscommercekitframeworkversionsaframeworkscommercecoreframeworkversionsacommercecore comappleqd systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksqdframeworkversionsaqd comappleapplicationservices systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaapplicationservices comapplecoreservicescarboncore systemlibraryframeworkscoreservicesframeworkversionsaframeworkscarboncoreframeworkversionsacarboncore liblapackdylib compatibility systemlibraryframeworksaccelerateframeworkversionsaframeworksveclibframeworkversionsaliblapackdylib comapplesearchkit systemlibraryframeworkscoreservicesframeworkversionsaframeworkssearchkitframeworkversionsasearchkit libautodylib usrliblibautodylib libripadylib compatibility systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworkscoregraphicsframeworkversionsaresourceslibripadylib comapplehiservices systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworkshiservicesframeworkversionsahiservices libpngdylib systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksimageioframeworkversionsaresourceslibpngdylib compatibility comapplespeechrecognitionframework systemlibraryframeworkscarbonframeworkversionsaframeworksspeechrecognitionframeworkversionsaspeechrecognition libvmiscdylib compatibility systemlibraryframeworksaccelerateframeworkversionsaframeworksveclibframeworkversionsalibvmiscdylib comappledatadetectorscore systemlibraryprivateframeworksdatadetectorscoreframeworkversionsadatadetectorscore libtiffdylib systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksimageioframeworkversionsaresourceslibtiffdylib comapplequartzfilters systemlibraryframeworksquartzframeworkversionsaframeworksquartzfiltersframeworkversionsaquartzfilters comappleopendirectory systemlibraryframeworksopendirectoryframeworkversionsaopendirectory comappletrustevaluationagent systemlibraryprivateframeworkstrustevaluationagentframeworkversionsatrustevaluationagent comapplevideotoolbox systemlibraryprivateframeworksvideotoolboxframeworkversionsavideotoolbox comappledesktopservices systemlibraryprivateframeworksdesktopservicesprivframeworkversionsadesktopservicespriv libcsyncadylib compatibility systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworkscoregraphicsframeworkversionsaresourceslibcsyncadylib compatibility comapplequicklookframework systemlibraryframeworksquicklookframeworkversionsaquicklook compatibility comapplemeshkitio systemlibraryprivateframeworksmeshkitframeworkversionsaframeworksmeshkitioframeworkversionsameshkitio comapplecarbon systemlibraryframeworkscarbonframeworkversionsacarbon comappleapplicationservicesats systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksatsframeworkversionsaats comapplequartzframework systemlibraryframeworksquartzframeworkversionsaquartz comapplesecurity systemlibraryframeworkssecurityframeworkversionsasecurity comapplefoundation systemlibraryframeworksfoundationframeworkversionscfoundation comapplemetadata systemlibraryframeworkscoreservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksmetadataframeworkversionsametadata liblangiddylib usrlibliblangiddylib comapplequartzcomposer systemlibraryframeworksquartzframeworkversionsaframeworksquartzcomposerframeworkversionsaquartzcomposer comapplemonitorpanelframework systemlibraryprivateframeworksmonitorpanelframeworkversionsamonitorpanel libcorevmclientdylib systemlibraryframeworksopenglframeworkversionsalibrarieslibcorevmclientdylib comapplecfnetwork systemlibraryframeworkscoreservicesframeworkversionsaframeworkscfnetworkframeworkversionsacfnetwork comappleprintframeworkprint systemlibraryframeworkscarbonframeworkversionsaframeworksprintframeworkversionsaprint comappledictionaryservices systemlibraryframeworkscoreservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksdictionaryservicesframeworkversionsadictionaryservices comappleaccelerate accelerate systemlibraryframeworksaccelerateframeworkversionsaaccelerate comapplevimage systemlibraryframeworksaccelerateframeworkversionsaframeworksvimageframeworkversionsavimage comapplemeshkit systemlibraryprivateframeworksmeshkitframeworkversionsameshkit comapplecoreui systemlibraryprivateframeworkscoreuiframeworkversionsacoreui comapplehelp systemlibraryframeworkscarbonframeworkversionsaframeworkshelpframeworkversionsahelp comappleopenscripting systemlibraryframeworkscarbonframeworkversionsaframeworksopenscriptingframeworkversionsaopenscripting comappledirectoryservicepasswordserverframework systemlibraryprivateframeworkspasswordserverframeworkversionsapasswordserver comapplecoreservicesosservices systemlibraryframeworkscoreservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksosservicesframeworkversionsaosservices comapplecoremediaioservices systemlibraryprivateframeworkscoremediaioservicesframeworkversionsacoremediaioservices comapplecoregraphics systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworkscoregraphicsframeworkversionsacoregraphics comappleopengl systemlibraryframeworksopenglframeworkversionsaopengl comappleqtkit systemlibraryframeworksqtkitframeworkversionsaqtkit comapplerawcamerabundle systemlibrarycoreservicesrawcamerabundlecontentsmacosrawcamera comapplehitoolbox systemlibraryframeworkscarbonframeworkversionsaframeworkshitoolboxframeworkversionsahitoolbox comapplecoremedia systemlibraryprivateframeworkscoremediaframeworkversionsacoremedia comapplecfopendirectory systemlibraryframeworksopendirectoryframeworkversionsaframeworkscfopendirectoryframeworkversionsacfopendirectory compatibility comappledisplayservicesfw systemlibraryprivateframeworksdisplayservicesframeworkversionsadisplayservices libglimagedylib systemlibraryframeworksopenglframeworkversionsalibrarieslibglimagedylib comapplecoredata systemlibraryframeworkscoredataframeworkversionsacoredata libfontregistrydylib systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksatsframeworkversionsaresourceslibfontregistrydylib comappleimagecapturecore systemlibraryframeworksimagecapturecoreframeworkversionsaimagecapturecore comapplequartzcore systemlibraryframeworksquartzcoreframeworkversionsaquartzcore comappleframeworkfamilycontrols systemlibraryprivateframeworksfamilycontrolsframeworkversionsafamilycontrols comapplepdfkit systemlibraryframeworksquartzframeworkversionsaframeworkspdfkitframeworkversionsapdfkit comappleapplevaframework systemlibraryprivateframeworksapplevaframeworkversionsaappleva comapplecorefoundation systemlibraryframeworkscorefoundationframeworkversionsacorefoundation comapplecorepdf systemlibraryprivateframeworkscorepdfframeworkversionsacorepdf comapplecoreservices systemlibraryframeworkscoreservicesframeworkversionsacoreservices compatibility comapplemediatoolbox systemlibraryprivateframeworksmediatoolboxframeworkversionsamediatoolbox libjpegdylib systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksimageioframeworkversionsaresourceslibjpegdylib comapplecoretext systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworkscoretextframeworkversionsacoretext comapplecolorsync systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworkscolorsyncframeworkversionsacolorsync comappleilifemediabrowser systemlibraryprivateframeworksilifemediabrowserframeworkversionsailifemediabrowser comapplecorevideo systemlibraryframeworkscorevideoframeworkversionsacorevideo colorsyncdeprecateddylib compatibility systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkframeworkscolorsyncframeworkversionsaresourcescolorsyncdeprecateddylib libobjcadylib compatibility usrliblibobjcadylib comapplespeechsynthesisframework systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksspeechsynthesisframeworkversionsaspeechsynthesis libkxlddylib usrlibsystemlibkxlddylib comappledirectoryserviceframework systemlibraryframeworksdirectoryserviceframeworkversionsadirectoryservice compatibility comappleaudiotoolboxaudiotoolbox systemlibraryframeworksaudiotoolboxframeworkversionsaaudiotoolbox libicucoreadylib compatibility usrliblibicucoreadylib securityfoundation systemlibraryframeworkssecurityfoundationframeworkversionsasecurityfoundation comapplecommonpanels systemlibraryframeworkscarbonframeworkversionsaframeworkscommonpanelsframeworkversionsacommonpanels comappleimageioframework systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksimageioframeworkversionsaimageio libvdspdylib compatibility systemlibraryframeworksaccelerateframeworkversionsaframeworksveclibframeworkversionsalibvdspdylib comappleimagecapture systemlibraryframeworkscarbonframeworkversionsaframeworksimagecaptureframeworkversionsaimagecapture libtruetypescalerdylib systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksatsframeworkversionsaresourceslibtruetypescalerdylib libcgxcoreimageadylib compatibility systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworkscoregraphicsframeworkversionsaresourceslibcgxcoreimageadylib comapplemultitouchsupportframework systemlibraryprivateframeworksmultitouchsupportframeworkversionsamultitouchsupport libgldylib systemlibraryframeworksopenglframeworkversionsalibrarieslibgldylib comappleae systemlibraryframeworkscoreservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksaeframeworkversionsaae compatibility libcgxtypeadylib compatibility systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworkscoregraphicsframeworkversionsaresourceslibcgxtypeadylib libblasdylib compatibility systemlibraryframeworksaccelerateframeworkversionsaframeworksveclibframeworkversionsalibblasdylib comapplediskarbitration systemlibraryframeworksdiskarbitrationframeworkversionsadiskarbitration comapplemeshkitruntime systemlibraryprivateframeworksmeshkitframeworkversionsaframeworksmeshkitruntimeframeworkversionsameshkitruntime iosurface systemlibraryframeworksiosurfaceframeworkversionsaiosurface comapplelanganalysis systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworkslanganalysisframeworkversionsalanganalysis comapplecocoa systemlibraryframeworkscocoaframeworkversionsacocoa libfontparserdylib systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksatsframeworkversionsaresourceslibfontparserdylib comappleaudiocoreaudio systemlibraryframeworkscoreaudioframeworkversionsacoreaudio comappleimagekit systemlibraryframeworksquartzframeworkversionsaframeworksimagekitframeworkversionsaimagekit comappledsobjcwrappersframework systemlibraryprivateframeworksdsobjcwrappersframeworkversionsadsobjcwrappers libgifdylib systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksimageioframeworkversionsaresourceslibgifdylib comappleprintframeworkprintcore systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksprintcoreframeworkversionsaprintcore libradiancedylib systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksimageioframeworkversionsaresourceslibradiancedylib comapplejavascriptcore systemlibraryframeworksjavascriptcoreframeworkversionsajavascriptcore comappleframeworkiokit systemlibraryframeworksiokitframeworkversionsaiokit libgfxshareddylib systemlibraryframeworksopenglframeworkversionsalibrarieslibgfxshareddylib comapplelaunchservices systemlibraryframeworkscoreservicesframeworkversionsaframeworkslaunchservicesframeworkversionsalaunchservices compatibility comappleaccelerateveclib veclib systemlibraryframeworksaccelerateframeworkversionsaframeworksveclibframeworkversionsaveclib comappleveclib veclib systemlibraryframeworksveclibframeworkversionsaveclib comapplesystemconfiguration systemlibraryframeworkssystemconfigurationframeworkversionsasystemconfiguration compatibility libgludylib systemlibraryframeworksopenglframeworkversionsalibrarieslibgludylib edumitkerberos systemlibraryframeworkskerberosframeworkversionsakerberos comappleaudiounitsaudiounit systemlibraryframeworksaudiounitframeworkversionsaaudiounit comapplequicklookuiframework systemlibraryframeworksquartzframeworkversionsaframeworksquicklookuiframeworkversionsaquicklookui comapplenetfs systemlibraryframeworksnetfsframeworkversionsanetfs compatibility comapplesecurityhi systemlibraryframeworkscarbonframeworkversionsaframeworkssecurityhiframeworkversionsasecurityhi comappleappkit systemlibraryframeworksappkitframeworkversionscappkit libsystembdebugdylib usrliblibsystembdebugdylibmodel bootrom processors intel core ghz gb smc ati radeon hd ati radeon hd pcie mbmemory module globalnameairport spairportwirelesscardtypeairportextreme atheros version service devices incoming serial portsnetwork service ethernet ethernet service snda ebook ethernet ata device gbserial ata device hldtstdvdrw device hub smsc device internal memory card reader apple inc device hub broadcom corp device bluetooth usb host controller apple inc device hub smsc device snda ebook device ir receiver apple inc device builtin isight apple inc
see screenshot for what i see since a few minutes now have to kill qt creator reproducible
when attempting to compile with this commandconfigure platform opensource confirmlicense nomake demos nomake examples nowebkit nopch prefix pwdinstall silent make s make s installmoc segfaults when processing some headers eg srccorelibanimationqabstractanimationh valgrind log is attachedtwo things which give some clue as to what code causes the problem checking out qlist from a month ago fixes the problem eg git checkout srccorelibtoolsqlist the problem also goes away if qt is configured with nokiadeveloper note this seems to be how it is getting past the quality gate
preconditionsapplication includes small not fullscreen or maximized qinputdialog on topleft or topright position on application screenview is on portrait orientationtest tap the text input field on qinputdialog split view is opened on portrait mode with qwerty or alphanumeric virtual switch the orientation from portrait to landscapeexpected resultqinputdialog is correctly visible on split view screen areaactual resultonly half of qinputdialog is visible on split view screen area if orientation is switched back to portrait mode error can still be seenerror can only be reproduced with small qinputdialog
while i cancel a build qtcreator crashes with the current master snapshot i couldnt reproduce this with a debug build
steps to reproduce place cursor onto a label eg skipevent of a goto skipevent line in basetexteditorcpp of creator sources try to trigger find usages or follow symbol under cursor to jump to the respective locationcurrent behavior nothing happens
creator master branchto reproduce load a project remove a file from the pro file press ctrlshifts save all filesthe project tree isnt updatedif the pro file is saved via ctrls then everything is fine
data abort occurs on startup for all appsqcoreapplication derived autotest eg collections work ok
rta tests run on for qsr detected some regression on version info of some documents last test round run in for qsr had all documents with correct version number
i ran into this problem when trying to build an app for ios on my mac i use the filedialog of the qtlabsplatform on qt which works absolutely fine on my desktop builds for macos linux and windows according to documentation it should also work for ios but my app for ios kept crashing during the initialization of the filedialog stuff so i tried a simple example with codejava import qtquick import qtquickcontrols import qtlabsplatform item filedialog id filedialog folder standardpathswritablelocationstandardpathsdocumentslocation button id text qstrpress me onclicked filedialogopen code which does absolutely nothing not even issue a warning on the ios simulator as well as on the devices ios and xcode when using the import qtquickdialogs instead it works on the simulator but does complain on the device with module qtquickdialogs is not installed
after qt no longer compiles on log copypasted from code error qtypedarraydataiterator qvectoreraseqtypedarraydataconstiterator cannot convert argument from const qtypedarraydataiterator to qtypedarraydataconstiterator with tqitemselectionrange note no userdefinedconversion operator available that can perform this conversion or the operator cannot be called note see declaration of qvectorerase note while compiling class template member function int qvectorremoveallconst t with tqitemselectionrange note see reference to class template instantiation qvector being compiled nmake fatal error cprogram files visual return code stop code
project palette may show file material as used even when it is not
minimal qt application qt gui application crashes when i using its release version on device debug version is running on simulatoremulator and on the device also release version running on simulatoremulator but crashes on devicethere was config what im triedfirst qt lgpl opensource fast platform xplatform qtsqlsqlite qtlibjpeg qtlibpng second qt lgpl opensource platform xplatform qtsqlsqlite qtlibjpeg qtlibpng third qt lgpl opensource fast platform qtlibjpeg qtlibpng qt builds are scuccessfully completedapplication build is completed without any warning or error messagesqmakeqmake tp vcin the enviroment field im described a specific environment but we had to try more mobile platforms with the same result
im using this construction to link x and y scales but im getting a binding loop detected error message is this correctcodetransform scale id container yscale containerxscale xscale code
when doing winscw release build linker reports missing symbols from object filesthese ordinals are result of winscw debug build and should not be declared in qtversitudef
we have something like the following code new qentityparent add components like transforms on it new add components like transforms on it and then code where these entities are created on the fly meaning the scene is up and running already no problems when doing this pattern before kicking off the aspect engine now in our case almost always the addcomponentqlayer attempt on is lost internally on the backend side meaning the backend node entity does not actually know that there is a layer on it someqlayers corresponding layers id will not be listed in corresponding entitys layerids even though on the frontend side everything looks fine thus resulting in broken filtering and rendering the immediate problem is dmchangearbiter being null in qentityaddcomponent which leads to not doing dnotifyobservers about the component addition this in turn breaks the internal bookkeeping on the backend side what exactly triggers this is not clear however works as expected now changing to separate setparent calls code new qentity new qentity code makes it all work as expected hence the key to trigger these issues is to specify a parent in the constructor almost always because very rarely things show up as expected there could some scheduling thing in there due to an async invokemethod or something at first glance the obvious difference stems from qnodeprivate code void qnodeprivateinitqnode parent if parent return if we have a qnode parent that has a scene and hence change arbiter copy these to this qnode if valid then also notify the backend in a deferred way when the object is fully constructed this is delayed until the object is fully constructed as it involves calling a virtual function of qnode mparentid parentid const auto parentprivate getparent mscene parentprivatemscene qqqnode if mscene schedule the backend notification and scene registering set observers through scene qmetaobjectinvokemethodq qpostconstructorinit qtqueuedconnection code with a suspicious async call in the explicit setparent case qsetparenthelper seems to take care of similar initialization without any need for async stuff since we are not in the ctor anymore perhaps related to i realize the description is a bit vague right now with no easy way to reproduce well see what we can do about clearing this upbut the workaround looks promising for now
see if a node package for the components can be created following components shall be requiredatleast label with value panellabel for documentlayer name panelinput for id component panelcombo for export type paneltext for annotation import properties panelcheckbox for alias clip pathinput for export path the aforementioned components shall give a good start for the panel other comonents shall be created on need basis
i can not send chinese sms using qt mobility apiafter i check the source code of cmtmenginesendsmslqmessage messageqt mobility qmtmenginesymbiancpp there no call to setcharacterset for chineseon native symbian c must be called before send chinese smsthis is important to chinese developer could you please check itthanks
qtpositioning plugins do not currently have any documentation this is currently already a problem since some plugins such as serialnmea require environment variables to be set in order to function but will be even more a problem once will be addressed moreover it is critical to specify which plugins can back multiple position or satellite sources and which can only provide one and cannot concur with other applications using the plugin
the cloning at object creationdestruction is too fragile leading to crashes it is fragile as the rules for implementing the copy virtual are complicated look to replacing the whole cloning approach with something simpler
code attached shown the issue even in desktopduring iteration of text fragments char format is changed using cursorafter change of format iterator get invalidit happen a infinite loop or is some time a crash
move clone notifyobservers registerobservers setscene to qnodeprivate merge copy with doclone remove dump asentity move addchild removechild to qnodeprivate invoke addchild from qnode ctor when cloning cloning remove isclone have a flag iscloning backend will use qobjectchildren to loop through all children overload qobjectevent to detect parent change
update submodules on dev in code homeqtworkqtqtdeclarativetestsautoqmlqqmlpropertycachetargetwrappersh tstqqmlpropertycache o o txt start testing of tstqqmlpropertycache config using qttest library qt shared dynamic debug build by gcc pass tstqqmlpropertycacheinittestcase pass tstqqmlpropertycacheproperties pass tstqqmlpropertycachepropertiesderived pass tstqqmlpropertycachemethods pass tstqqmlpropertycachemethodsderived pass tstqqmlpropertycachesignalhandlers pass tstqqmlpropertycachesignalhandlersderived fail tstqqmlpropertycachemetaobjectsizetestclass compared values are not the same actual size expected expectedfieldcount loc pass tstqqmlpropertycachemetaobjectsizetestclasswithparameters pass tstqqmlpropertycachemetaobjectsizetestclasswithclassinfo pass tstqqmlpropertycachemetaobjectchecksum pass tstqqmlpropertycachecleanuptestcase totals passed failed skipped blacklisted finished testing of tstqqmlpropertycache code it failed in all developer builds
a number of crashes due to this stacksignal qnetworkaccesshttpbackendcanresume qnetworkreplyimplprivatemigratebackend thisat qnetworkreplyimplqtmetacall this at qmetaobjectmetacall object argv at qmetaobjectactivate sender argv qnetworkaccessmanagerqtmetacall this at
i tried to created a multi window application like this codejava item window window code it compiles and starts but there is no window showing the same code is working is started via console codejava mainqml code though it opens one window more than specified with the title qmlscene observation multi window app starting but not showing using the creator multi window app starting and showing using qmlsceneexe expectation some error message in the creator or windows showing when starting from creator test project attached
must be part of the qt beta release otherwise the cmake files generated as part of the build will not be installed and the package is unusable for third parties using cmake
this epic collects all the activities for getting the opengl based runtime features on par with qt runtime
either or both of these could mention that in order for the debugger to work qmltooling plugins need to be found
binary compatibility test fails with noformat qwarn size mismatch for qrandomgenerator old new qwarn size mismatch for old new qwarn the following classes were removed qrandomgeneratorstorage fail test failed read warnings above loc noformat is this a real issue or is it a false positive result
consider a small nonwrapping codejava code and a bigger wrapping rectangle which contains the former rectangle entirely codejava code uniting the two using united or the operator results in a rectangle with top left coordinate and bottom right coordinate the left value is obviously wrong the resulting rectangle should be equal to the bigger wrapping rectangle you can quickly confirm the bug by adding this case to the relevant unit test data collection tstqgeorectangleunitedata
lib missing was present in earlier installers
to reproduce the problem on windows disable aero visual effects and run the attached example code open the application and resize the window you should see areas appear behind the window that look like areas that have not been repainted
latest candidate packages for the do not work properlycodeldd not found not found codeboth are in qtbaselib however seems to miss the rpathchrpath no rpath or runtime tag foundin the packages qtcoreso still had an rpath set to origin
centos landed to ci but it still got two targets with insignificant flag
merge remotetracking branch into code c target gcctoolchain fnolimitdebuginfo dandroidhaswstring isystem isystem isystem isystem fstackprotectorstrong dandroid mfloatabisoftfp mfpuvfp fnobuiltinmemmove mthumb oz fvisibilityhidden fvisibilityinlineshidden fnoexceptions wall w wdatetime winconsistentmissingoverride dreentrant fpic dqtnolinkedlist dqtnojavastyleiterators dqtnourlcastfromstring dqtnointegereventcoordinates dqtnoforeach dwtfexportprivate djsexportprivate dwtfreportassertionfailureqmlwtfreportassertionfailure dwtfreportassertionfailurewithmessageqmlwtfreportassertionfailurewithmessage dwtfreportbacktraceqmlwtfreportbacktrace dwtfinvokecrashhookqmlwtfinvokecrashhook dbuildingqt dndebug dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtbuildqmllib dqtbuildingqt dqtnocasttoascii dqtasciicastwarnings dqtmoccompat dqtuseqstringbuilder dqtdeprecatedwarnings dqtdisabledeprecatedbefore dqtnoexceptions dqtnodebug dqtnetworklib dqtcorelib i imemory i icompiler i ijsruntime i ijit i idebugger iqmldirparser i ianimations igenerated iinclude iincludeqtqml i itracegen ihomeqtworkinstallinclude ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtnetwork ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtcore imoc ihomeqtworkinstallmkspecsandroidclang o in file included from in file included from in file included from in file included from in file included from error no member named loadrelaxed in qbasicatomicinteger in file included from in file included from in file included from in file included from in file included from error no member named loadrelaxed in qbasicatomicinteger return d nullptr dstrongrefloadrelaxed nullptr qobject error no member named loadrelaxed in qbasicatomicinteger return d nullptr qobject nullptr dstrongrefloadrelaxed code
these examples dont work anymore in simplecustommaterial multiviewport maybe others havent had time to check all examples but our own projetcs dont work anymore too just run the mentionned examples and youll have a blank screen nothing happens the planets example runs but displays a strange red text on the first second then everything is ok
anchorchangesnodeinstanceobj error unresolved external symbol public static struct qmetaobject const qdeclarativeanchorchangesstaticmetaobject fatal error unresolved external symbol
example to reproduceinclude int mainint argc char argv qapplication appargc argv qmdiarea mdiarea mdiareasetviewmodeqmdiareatabbedview mdiareaaddsubwindownew qpushbuttonhi im a button mdiareashow return appexechowever adding two or more subwindows works correctly as a workaround one can call showmaximized on the subwindow
i have noticed that when i convert richtext to normal string in textedit using gettextint start int end method carriage returns are not converted properly to a new line character like rn hence the output plaintext cannot be processed properly i am attaching a simple qml code and if you run the code and press enter inside the textedit you might notice a in the console depicting a nonprintable character to circumvent this on the qml side i had to convert the obtained plaintext to hex and replace the carriage return characters another approach to circumvent this would be to use qtextdocument to convert html to plaintext but in all the gettextint start int end cannot be used directly to obtain the same result with new line characters
code in file included from from homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacestringtype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘addvisitor’ addvisitorstring stringtype stringcomparator homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespaceuntypedatomictype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘addvisitor’ addvisitorstring untypedatomictype stringcomparator homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespaceanyuritype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘addvisitor’ addvisitorstring anyuritype stringcomparator homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacehexbinarytype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘addvisitor’ addvisitorhexbinary hexbinarytype binarydatacomparator homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘addvisitor’ binarydatacomparator homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacebooleantype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘addvisitor’ addvisitorboolean booleantype booleancomparator homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedoubletype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions atomiccomparatoroperatorlessorequal atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘visitorfordouble’ visitorfordoubledouble doubletype homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacefloattype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions atomiccomparatoroperatorlessorequal atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘visitorfordouble’ visitorfordoubledouble floattype homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedecimaltype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions atomiccomparatoroperatorlessorequal atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘visitorfordouble’ visitorfordoubledouble decimaltype homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespaceintegertype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions atomiccomparatoroperatorlessorequal atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘visitorfordouble’ visitorfordoubledouble integertype homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedoubletype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions atomiccomparatoroperatorlessorequal atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘visitorfordouble’ visitorfordoublefloat doubletype homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacefloattype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions atomiccomparatoroperatorlessorequal atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘visitorfordouble’ visitorfordoublefloat floattype homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedecimaltype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions atomiccomparatoroperatorlessorequal atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘visitorfordouble’ visitorfordoublefloat decimaltype homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespaceintegertype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions atomiccomparatoroperatorlessorequal atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘visitorfordouble’ visitorfordoublefloat integertype homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedoubletype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions atomiccomparatoroperatorlessorequal atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘visitorfordouble’ visitorfordoubledecimal doubletype homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacefloattype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions atomiccomparatoroperatorlessorequal atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘visitorfordouble’ visitorfordoubledecimal floattype homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedecimaltype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘addvisitor’ addvisitordecimal decimaltype decimalcomparator homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespaceintegertype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘addvisitor’ addvisitordecimal integertype decimalcomparator homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedoubletype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions atomiccomparatoroperatorlessorequal atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘visitorfordouble’ visitorfordoubleinteger doubletype homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacefloattype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions atomiccomparatoroperatorlessorequal atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘visitorfordouble’ visitorfordoubleinteger floattype homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedecimaltype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘addvisitor’ addvisitorinteger decimaltype decimalcomparator homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespaceintegertype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘addvisitor’ addvisitorinteger integertype integercomparator homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespaceqnametype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘addvisitor’ addvisitorqname qnametype qnamecomparator homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacegyeartype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘addvisitor’ addvisitorgyear gyeartype abstractdatetimecomparator homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacegdaytype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘addvisitor’ addvisitorgday gdaytype abstractdatetimecomparator homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacegmonthtype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘addvisitor’ addvisitorgmonth gmonthtype abstractdatetimecomparator homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacegyearmonthtype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘addvisitor’ addvisitorgyearmonth gyearmonthtype abstractdatetimecomparator homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacegmonthdaytype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘addvisitor’ addvisitorgmonthday gmonthdaytype abstractdatetimecomparator homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedatetimetype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘addvisitor’ addvisitordatetime datetimetype abstractdatetimecomparator homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespaceschematimetype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘addvisitor’ addvisitorschematime schematimetype abstractdatetimecomparator homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedatetype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘addvisitor’ addvisitordate datetype abstractdatetimecomparator homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedaytimedurationtype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘addvisitor’ addvisitorduration daytimedurationtype abstractdurationcomparator homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedurationtype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘addvisitor’ addvisitorduration durationtype abstractdurationcomparator homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespaceyearmonthdurationtype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘addvisitor’ addvisitorduration yearmonthdurationtype abstractdurationcomparator homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedaytimedurationtype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘addvisitor’ addvisitordaytimeduration daytimedurationtype abstractdurationcomparator homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedurationtype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘addvisitor’ addvisitordaytimeduration durationtype abstractdurationcomparator homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespaceyearmonthdurationtype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘addvisitor’ addvisitordaytimeduration yearmonthdurationtype abstractdurationcomparator homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedaytimedurationtype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘addvisitor’ addvisitoryearmonthduration daytimedurationtype abstractdurationcomparator homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedurationtype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘addvisitor’ addvisitoryearmonthduration durationtype abstractdurationcomparator homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomiccomparatorlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespaceyearmonthdurationtype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomiccomparatoroperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘addvisitor’ addvisitoryearmonthduration yearmonthdurationtype abstractdurationcomparator in file included from from homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomicmathematicianlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedecimaltype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomicmathematicianoperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘implreportingmathvisit’ implreportingmathvisitdouble decimaltype doublemathematician allmathoperators homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomicmathematicianlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedoubletype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomicmathematicianoperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘implreportingmathvisit’ implreportingmathvisitdouble doubletype doublemathematician allmathoperators homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomicmathematicianlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacefloattype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomicmathematicianoperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘implreportingmathvisit’ implreportingmathvisitdouble floattype doublemathematician allmathoperators homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomicmathematicianlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespaceintegertype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomicmathematicianoperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘implreportingmathvisit’ implreportingmathvisitdouble integertype doublemathematician allmathoperators homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomicmathematicianlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedecimaltype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomicmathematicianoperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘implreportingmathvisit’ implreportingmathvisitfloat decimaltype floatmathematician allmathoperators homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomicmathematicianlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedoubletype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomicmathematicianoperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘implreportingmathvisit’ implreportingmathvisitfloat doubletype doublemathematician allmathoperators homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomicmathematicianlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacefloattype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomicmathematicianoperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘implreportingmathvisit’ implreportingmathvisitfloat floattype floatmathematician allmathoperators homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomicmathematicianlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespaceintegertype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomicmathematicianoperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘implreportingmathvisit’ implreportingmathvisitfloat integertype floatmathematician allmathoperators homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomicmathematicianlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedecimaltype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomicmathematicianoperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘implreportingmathvisit’ implreportingmathvisitdecimal decimaltype decimalmathematician allmathoperators homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomicmathematicianlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedoubletype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomicmathematicianoperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘implreportingmathvisit’ implreportingmathvisitdecimal doubletype doublemathematician allmathoperators homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomicmathematicianlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacefloattype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomicmathematicianoperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘implreportingmathvisit’ implreportingmathvisitdecimal floattype floatmathematician allmathoperators homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomicmathematicianlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespaceintegertype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomicmathematicianoperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘implreportingmathvisit’ implreportingmathvisitdecimal integertype decimalmathematician allmathoperators homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomicmathematicianlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedecimaltype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomicmathematicianoperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘implreportingmathvisit’ implreportingmathvisitinteger decimaltype decimalmathematician allmathoperators homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomicmathematicianlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedoubletype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomicmathematicianoperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘implreportingmathvisit’ implreportingmathvisitinteger doubletype doublemathematician allmathoperators homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomicmathematicianlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacefloattype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomicmathematicianoperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘implreportingmathvisit’ implreportingmathvisitinteger floattype floatmathematician allmathoperators homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomicmathematicianlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespaceintegertype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomicmathematicianoperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘implreportingmathvisit’ implreportingmathvisitinteger integertype integermathematician allmathoperators homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomicmathematicianlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedaytimedurationtype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomicmathematicianoperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘implmathvisit’ implmathvisitdaytimeduration daytimedurationtype durationdurationmathematician durationops homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomicmathematicianlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedecimaltype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomicmathematicianoperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘implreportingmathvisit’ implreportingmathvisitdaytimeduration decimaltype durationnumericmathematician divmultiply homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomicmathematicianlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedoubletype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomicmathematicianoperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘implreportingmathvisit’ implreportingmathvisitdaytimeduration doubletype durationnumericmathematician divmultiply homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomicmathematicianlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacefloattype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomicmathematicianoperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘implreportingmathvisit’ implreportingmathvisitdaytimeduration floattype durationnumericmathematician divmultiply homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomicmathematicianlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespaceintegertype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomicmathematicianoperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘implreportingmathvisit’ implreportingmathvisitdaytimeduration integertype durationnumericmathematician divmultiply homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomicmathematicianlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedecimaltype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomicmathematicianoperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘implreportingmathvisit’ implreportingmathvisityearmonthduration decimaltype durationnumericmathematician divmultiply homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomicmathematicianlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedoubletype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomicmathematicianoperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘implreportingmathvisit’ implreportingmathvisityearmonthduration doubletype durationnumericmathematician divmultiply homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomicmathematicianlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacefloattype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomicmathematicianoperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘implreportingmathvisit’ implreportingmathvisityearmonthduration floattype durationnumericmathematician divmultiply homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomicmathematicianlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespaceintegertype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomicmathematicianoperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘implreportingmathvisit’ implreportingmathvisityearmonthduration integertype durationnumericmathematician divmultiply homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomicmathematicianlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespaceyearmonthdurationtype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomicmathematicianoperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘implmathvisit’ implmathvisityearmonthduration yearmonthdurationtype durationdurationmathematician durationops homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomicmathematicianlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespaceyearmonthdurationtype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomicmathematicianoperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘implreportingmathvisit’ implreportingmathvisitdate yearmonthdurationtype datetimedurationmathematician dtops homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomicmathematicianlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedaytimedurationtype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomicmathematicianoperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘implreportingmathvisit’ implreportingmathvisitdate daytimedurationtype datetimedurationmathematician dtops homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomicmathematicianlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedaytimedurationtype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomicmathematicianoperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘implreportingmathvisit’ implreportingmathvisitschematime daytimedurationtype datetimedurationmathematician dtops homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomicmathematicianlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespaceyearmonthdurationtype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomicmathematicianoperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘implreportingmathvisit’ implreportingmathvisitdatetime yearmonthdurationtype datetimedurationmathematician dtops homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqatomicmathematicianlocatorscpp in member function ‘virtual testnamespaceptr testnamespacevisitconst testnamespacedaytimedurationtype const testnamespacesourcelocationreflection const’ error comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions ifvalidops atomicmathematicianoperatorop op note in expansion of macro ‘implreportingmathvisit’ implreportingmathvisitdatetime daytimedurationtype datetimedurationmathematician dtops g c include pipe g fvisibilityhidden fvisibilityinlineshidden wall w wvla werror wnoerrorcpp wnoerrordeprecateddeclarations wnoerrorstrictoverflow dreentrant fpic dqtnoforeach dqtnousingnamespace dqtenableqexplicitlyshareddatapointerstaticcast dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtbuildxmlpatternslib dqtbuildingqt dqtnocasttoascii dqtasciicastwarnings dqtmoccompat dqtuseqstringbuilder dqtdeprecatedwarnings dqtdisabledeprecatedbefore dlargefilesource dqtnetworklib dqtcorelib dqtnamespacetestnamespace ihomeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatterns i ihomeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternsacceltree ihomeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternsdata ihomeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternsapi ihomeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternsenvironment ihomeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternsexpr ihomeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternsfunctions ihomeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternsiterators ihomeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternsjanitors ihomeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternsparser ihomeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternsschema ihomeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstype ihomeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternsutils iinclude iincludeqtxmlpatterns ihomeqtworkinstallinclude ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtnetwork ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtcore imoc ihomeqtworkinstallmkspecslinuxg o objqemptysequencetypeo homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternssrcxmlpatternstypeqemptysequencetypecpp all warnings being treated as errors make error make waiting for unfinished jobs make leaving directory homeqtworkbuildsrcxmlpatterns make error make leaving directory homeqtworkbuildsrc make error code
open the pro file in vs using the open qt project file pro option from the qt right click on the project and chose project settings and change your qt compile this will generate the following fatal error cannot open source file debug permission fatal error cannot open include file mainmoc no such file or directory
when configuring qt for a build usingconfigureexe nodeclarativethe qtdemo program wont build because it depends on the declarative frameworksolutionwhen being configured with nodeclarative the qtdemo program is not build
it seems to happen only with gif images to reproduce run the widgetsmovie example on linux and open an image preferably gif normal cpu usage would be expected something around insteld cpu usage is up to
the keyevent qml type has a description of the modifiers available however there is no qtaltgrmodifier even though a simple qml program will reveal it to be equal to qml file demonstrating the problem attached
for instance cd qtdeclarativeexamplesdemosrssnews qmlscene rssnewsqmlexhibit this problem
steps to reproduce set qtcformatinsteadofindent environment variable to enable clangformat experimental plugin restart qt creator use code sample codec include include using stdstringusing stdendlusing stdcout int mainintcharcoutstringhello worldendlreturn code create clangformat inside project directory codeyaml basedonstyle google accessmodifieroffset alignafteropenbracket align allowshortfunctionsonasingleline none allowshortifstatementsonasingleline false allowshortloopsonasingleline false bracewrapping afterclass true aftercontrolstatement true afterenum true afterfunction true afternamespace false afterstruct true afterunion true afterexternblock true beforecatch true beforeelse true splitemptyfunction false splitemptyrecord true splitemptynamespace true breakbeforebraces custom breakconstructorinitializers beforecolon columnlimit constructorinitializerallononelineoroneperline false continuationindentwidth derivepointeralignment false indentcaselabels false indentwidth spacesbeforetrailingcomments standard code select all crtla autoindent selection ctrli expected result codec include include using stdcout using stdendl using stdstring int mainint char cout stringhello world endl return code actual result codec include not sorted include using stdcout sorted using stdendl using stdstring int mainint char reformatted cout stringhello world endl return code
qnx compilation process is failing due to project errorfailed to parse qmlimportscanner output in qt
it is not possible to debug on maemo devices with a creator running on windowsmaemo tool chains are being detected automatically and cant be cloned creator does not detect suitable debuggers for tool chains the user cant manually add a debugger to auto detected tool chainswe need a way to set up a debugger for maemo on device debugging
qfontoperator fails on ubuntu which might be related to the font engine versions on unbuntu and ubuntu aka jaunty ubuntu aka intrepid
from tuukka turunen as a comment to qsr project meeting minutes we should run qsr tests in qnx os for safety proposal from the team testing could be done with intel nuc qnx as currently nuc is not yet used in the testing
all cstrings wchart in locals and expressions are shown without the last char eg on the attached screen shot string value is but shown as not sure the correct components is selected there is no explicit qt creator component
info run agentlauncher homevmbuilderqtcisrcbinagentlauncher debug running ssh obatchmodeyes p codereviewqtprojectorg gerrit stagingnewbuild project qtqtquickcontrols buildid stagingbranch for debug test change adjusttestconfigurations none buildid destinationbranch forcerun none id keepgoingonfailure none modules none productname none productref none productversion none repositorystate repositorystatedependenciesnone projectqtqtquickcontrols gerritinstanceqtproject reviewaction sourceref testconfigurations none testedchanges type username gerrit info starting new integration test of adjusttestconfigurations none buildid destinationbranch forcerun id keepgoingonfailure none modules none productname none productref none productversion none repositorystate dependenciesnone gerritinstanceqtproject projectqtqtquickcontrols reviewaction sourceref testconfigurations none testedchanges type username gerrit error creation of work items failed most recent call last file homevmbuilderqtcisrcworkitemfactorypy line in testchange productupdateproductproject mainmoduleproject file homevmbuilderqtcisrcworkitemfactorypy line in getworkitems newitems selfgettestitemsrepo config testrepetitionallowance integrationrequest file homevmbuilderqtcisrcworkitemfactorypy line in gettestitems schedulerselfscheduler file homevmbuilderqtcisrcworkitempy line in init if not selfforcerun file homevmbuilderqtcisrcworkitempy line in forcerun return anyintegrationrequestforcerun file homevmbuilderqtcisrcworkitempy line in return anyintegrationrequestforcerun keyerror debug work item buildkey changed state from waitingforhardware to waitingforagent debug starting work item buildkey debug cancelling debug work item buildkey changed state from new to cancelled
after a merge was landed in dev but still cant have simulator target files which blocked the build of qttools originally found in local build results codeconfigure options configure xplatform macxiosclang nosqlmysql nosqlpsql pluginsqlsqlite opensource confirmlicense nomake tests verbose prefix usersliangqiqttmp debugandrelease nomake examples static noicucode qtbase code ls qtbase dev code ls