regressions seen in these applications kcharselect application it sets a small cell size for qtablewidget based on the widget width and the number of cells the cells are wider with qt this makes the application unusable because it does not get a horizontal scrollbar this also affects all applications that use the kcharselect widget such as calligra kexi konversation krita and kxstich opensuses yast package manager the first column in the package list is used for a checkbox with qt this column is wider causing the last column to be cropped with previous version the columns were sized to make all columns fit a simple demo application is added make the window wider until the sections resize when you now make it smaller it can no longer show all sections
fail qtquickcontrolstestexclusivegroup compared values are not the same actual expected failure location build log details tested changes update submodules on in
the accessibility code uses a function called settextselection which was introduced in api level since this is not available on earlier platforms any qt application will crash in the jnionload function when trying to resolve it
if server uses contentencoding gzip qnetworkreply reports only size of uncompressed data received code for reproduce codetitlemaincppinclude include testobjhint mainint argc char argv qcoreapplication aargc argv testobj obj qnetworkaccessmanager manager qnetworkrequest request requestseturl qurl qnetworkreply reply managergetrequest replyconnect reply obj return aexeccodecodetitletestobjhifndef testobjhdefine testobjhinclude include include include class testobj public qobjectqobjectpublic testobj qobject public slots void bytesreceived bytestotal qunused bytesreceived qdebug bytestotal bytestotal qnetworkreply reply staticcast thissender qdebug size qdebug rawheader contentencoding endif testobjhcodepaneltitleoutputbytestotal size encoding gzippanelbut real size of transferred data gzipped is bytes documentation says qnetworkreplysize and bytestotal should be different in case of compressionqt also cuts contentlength header so i have no idea of determining real size of transferred compressed data
hi i have an application that get points values from a scanner with up to fps i show these in a qchartview as fast as possible i also specify area of intrest every time a point is inside an aoi it changes the color of the qplotarea that visualize the aoi to blue short time after that back to red the thread that gets the data from the scanner invokes a method so the gui thread can update the qchartview the time needed to invoke these method increase slowly if i outcomment the color switching this time is constant on my pc it start in debuger with what the hell makes the gui thread the hole time and increases to over after minutes i have writen a short example that shows the problem the time needed to invoke the method mainwindowupdateplotinternal is writen as rolling average better readable to the application output the scanner data are random values and the triggering is simulated via random timeouts
merge remotetracking branch into dev update submodules on dev in code fail tstqwebengineviewmouseleave compared values are not the same actual innertext expected noexcept qstring enum size sizeofu mouse static const qstaticstringdata qstringliteral size sizeofqstringdata u mouse in qstringdataptr holder qstringliteraldataptr const qstring qstringliteraltempholder return qstringliteraltemp mouse in loc code
noformat in file included from error private field mwaylandextension is not used waylandqtamclientextension mwaylandextension nullptr error generated noformat build log details tested changes update dependencies on dev in qtqtapplicationmanager fix unused member warning on nonlinux platforms
the following files may having naming issues eg multitouchknobsqdoc or text within that requires modification furthermore there are additional files accompanying some of these documents that also require renaming eg image files
i cant compile the qt on clear linux i am not a programmer nor studying for programming i just want to install qt in order to runcompile qt based applications main reason why i compile is distribution does not have compatible package for my processor fist i downloaded from main site when in directory runned configure confirmlicense opensource shared then make note i couldnt had time to make clean and run make again to create output so i just run make terminaloutputtxt to create output uname a linux smp sun nov utc gnulinux
run installer on linux or select install go ahead with next wait a couple of minutesactual result installation is interrupted there is an installer error shown see the attachmentexpected result no installer errors
first of i used the most recent checkout of the git repository nov gmtto reproduce on my machine at least i do the followingi start up qtcreator and in the develop tab i select a recently edited project this is always a cmake generated target using a cmakeliststxt resulting in a cbp file i tried to both clean my binary directory or keep the one generated by a previous qtcreator version however on both occasions qtcreator crashes after i click the recently edited projects and the cbp file starts loading i guessi included two backtraces and core files one where the cbp file already existed crashes when i click on the recently edited file and it starts loading one where the cbp file had to be generated then it crashes after the cbp file is generatedif required i can provide ssh acccess but only given that i am present on the machine to know for sure no things are happening other than starting qtcreator otherwise i have to wipe my machine first here worki did do a simple patch also included two make qtcreator recognize cbp defines since this is not in the source tree yet and i am too lazy to make a git patch i also still have to submit a patch to cmake for that i also did a trace with a git tree that did not have any modifications and also included a backtrace and core file for thatnote since the core files are too big i put them on my website if youd like to download themhowever since there might be some confidential stuff in there i will not provide the link in this public bug report if you guys require them please mail me personally so i can provide the link to youhappy bughunting
description when i debug a qtquick application and catch a signal in another component than the one the signal is send from and have a local variable defined there it doesnt send the data through it is undefined as soon as i remove the local variable it works i also tested it with qt and there is no problem there i attached an example application illustrating the issue example run with debugger codejava sending mainqml window id mainwindow signal testvar data visible true width height title qstrhello world timer id mytimer interval running true repeat true ontriggered testknock knock componentoncompleted mytimerstart testcomponent ontest var localvar consoledebugdata code codejava receiving testcomponentqml item connections target mainwindow ontest var test comment this out and it works also modify the source of the signal to update cache why though consoledebugtest component data is undefined code
after installing qt for windows opensource installer ive tried to reconfigure qt open the qt command prompt type configureqmake fails to build due to the missing header file epocrooth
examples from qt beta can be compiled but not started on ubuntu output this application failed to start because it could not find or load the qt platform plugin xcb available platform plugins are eglfs linuxfb minimal minimalegl offscreen xcb reinstalling the application may fix this problem the program has unexpectedly finished
steps taken already in the image vmware tools installed needed so that we get the network driver we need screen resolution set to download coinsetup script and run it installs the bootstrap agent disables fast boot disables firewall both public and private nowadays disabled uac enabled autologin enable rdp change active time for updates from to windows security real time protection off windows security clouddelivered protection off windows security automatic sample submission off defragment and optimize drives change settings uncheck run on a schedule to disable background defrag or schtasks delete tn microsoftwindowsdefragscheduleddefrag set timezone to utc administrator tools services windows search stop disable administrator tools services windows update stop disable registry hkeylocalmachinesoftwarepoliciesmicrosoftwindowswindowsupdateau auoptions provisioning should disable automatic update but every windows seems to work a bit differently and perhaps best to disable already in the image so that it doesnt have time to launch on provisioning power settings screen sleep never disable superfetch sysmain nowadays turn windows features on or off enable smb file sharing support something to investigate should we disable ssdp discovery netsh advfirewall firewall set rule groupnetwork discovery new enableno
cannot set the export path always reverts to the last used folder
create system tests for nfc required for tietonote all tests will use the bluewheel application unless otherwise stated use case test application the user gets notifications of target detection and loss ndef editor the user gets information about a touched target uid available access methods etc ndef editor the user registers for ndef notifications annotated url the user unregisters for ndef notifications no test application the user touches device to a tag and the ndef message is displayed ndef editor the user creates an ndef message and writes it to a tag upon touch ndef editor the user sends tag specific commands to a tag tag command the user initiates an llcp connection bttenis the user registers an llcp service uri and starts listening for incoming connections bttenis the user transmits and receives data over an established llcp connection bttenis the application reports the state of the llcp connection unconnected connected etc bttenis
error no matching function for call to of connectuidefaultqueries qoverloadofqcomboboxcurrentindexchanged note candidate template ignored couldnt infer template argument r static qdeclconstexpr auto ofr tptrargs noexcept decltypeptr note candidate template ignored couldnt infer template argument r static qdeclconstexpr auto ofr tptrargs const noexcept decltypeptr note candidate template ignored couldnt infer template argument r static qdeclconstexpr auto ofr ptrargs noexcept decltypeptr error generated make error make waiting for unfinished jobs make error make error make error process finished with error exit status build log details tested changes update submodules on in
noformat in file included from in file included from error no member named insertmulti in qmultimap void insertconst qstring key node node membermapinsertmultikey node error generated make error make waiting for unfinished jobs cd lrelease test e makefile usersqtworkinstallbinqmake o makefile usersqtworkqtqttoolssrclinguistlreleaselreleasepro installprefixusersqtworkinstall noformat build log details tested changes update submodules on in
my application cannot be run directly because i need to set up its chroot environment first using a shell script consequently i need to enter the location of the binary as well as the wrapper shell script in qt creator to be able to run and debug the application
the qt binaries as of  are still linked against the system icu despite there being a bundled icu in the installationnoformat error while loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file no such file or directorynoformat
with fade set to false itemmodelparticle should leave opacity management to the delegate setting visible onoff for dying particles would still be viable or just have the lifecycle managed properly
numeric types conversion to string loses precision it would be nice to keep numeric precision to support numberstringnumber conversion
the meego backend is not working for sending and receiving smsthe current libtelepathy is very complicated to implement sms functions there will be a newer version of libtelepathy that provides a simple way of implementing sms feature tech preview of this version is planned to be released around the end of week issue in meego bugzilla
by default the installer will install the beta into and the same with the menu entrythis will obviously conflict with the final release and should be changed before the release
pressing delete has issues does not work reliably on windows menu always works we have to solve the shortcut issue on macos
creating first draft headers and docu
running the attached code in resulting rendering the child widgets background is taken from rect of theme background although it should be taken from is that if we fix this we will cause huge performance impact on fast software scroller or make us not use it at all
not ok no reference text for license type bsdqtas in line failed test no reference text for license type bsdqtas in line
there are a number of failing unit tests with the default memory or invalid managers the unit tests or the code should be updated and possibly the documentationtstqcontactdetails tstqcontactdisplayname tstqcontactasyncthreadeddelivery tstqcontactmanagerbatch tstqcontactmangerinvalid tstqcontactmanagerfilteringdetailphonenumberfiltering tstqcontactmanagerfilteringrelationshipfiltering
this worksdownload qt for windows with builds and after the installation try the demos and run the browser example eg fancy browser go to eg and see that video and audio is supported note that includes qtwebkit an older versionthis does not workdownload qt for windows with or builds both are affected and do the same to test the audiovideo support as desribed above you will see that audio video is not supported note that includes a newer qtwebkit which of course should support iti do not think that this is directly related to qtwebkit but affected to the installation or the packaging ie qt itself because qtwebkit itself still supports those features a missing support for video audio could also be caused by missing multimedia support as someone stated in some forum but is also availableso something seems to be corrupted in the packaging of the qt colleague could reproduce the problem he just quickly installed the without old qtstuff on his machine so it should be easy for everyone else to reproduce it
the tool detects the release built library as being debug and thus reports failed to find the platform plugin also reproduceable in beta attached logs of windeployqt release mdi widgets example
qt applications do not use native system style for qmenu popup as it is described in qt documentation the aqua style is an essential part of the macos platform as with cocoa qt provides widgets that look like those described in the macos human interface guidelines it is not highly noticeable on mac os catalina and lower but on mac os big sur it became very prominent see attached screenshots this reduces the user experience on mac os devices also i would appreciate it if you can advise me on any workarounds to overcome these difficulties
noformat fail tststyleimportsfallbackstyleshouldnotoverwritethemestylefusionfallbackstylematerial compared values are not the same actual contentitemcolor expected expectedcontentitemcolor loc pass tststyleimportsfallbackstyleshouldnotoverwritethemestyleresourcestylefallbackstylematerial pass tststyleimportscleanuptestcase totals passed failed skipped blacklisted finished testing of tststyleimports cmake error at message execution failed test tststyleimports failed sec noformat build log details tested changes blacklist some flaky tstqquickpopup functions on opensuse update dependencies on in blacklist some flaky tstqquickdrawer functions on opensuse
set usessdk in the androidmanifestxml and run a qt quick application try rotating the device to cause an orientation changethis does not work so we probably depend on some legacy apis which are not called when the given target sdk is set
sample app with reproducible test case attached this bug manifests as a qcombobox which opens a popup list containing items that cannot be selected the popup list opens when you click on the qcombobox and the items in it appear to be enabled but clicking on them neither selects them nor closes the popup list you have to click elsewhere in the window to dismiss it additionally it appears that singleshot qtimers are not getting executed when this happens the app remains in this state until it is quit while this bug has been reproducible on every deployment ive tested so far without exception it is not reliably reproducible the bug doesnt manifest every single time the app is launched anywhere from approximately oneinthree to oneinfifteen launches exhibit the bug on the machines that ive been able to test so far this bug appears to be correlated with calling qopenglwidgetupdate which is performed in the sample app by connecting qopenglwidgetframeswapped to qopenglwidgetupdate i have not observed this bug if update is not being called i am not aware of any workarounds or other related variables
windows binaries requires program cant start because is missing from your computer try reinstalling the program to fix this problempackage be noticed if starting assistant designer or any prebuild bit binaries are working correctlynote this was working on build
and latest xcode is required for ios cross compilationstwo machines required
appkit only enables layerbacked views on if built against the sdk
currently we intercept url properties as soon as the property is set but only if it is a simple qurl if it is a javascript expression it does not get intercepted in qml we probably only want to intercept urls at the place where they are actually used this would mean that any redirection is applied after any interception and only the original url is stored and used for further url resolution this is different to what eg html does and show that we have a more complicated problem there redirected urls cannot be intercepted and vice versa right now we circumvent the problem by using the original nonredirected url for resolving further urls in case of a redirection this is different from how eg html handles urls and rather unintuitive there is a solution we could restrict interception to local urls and redirection to remote ones furthermore we could prohibit local urls to be made remote by interception url interception right now is only possible by using private api and our own interception only concerns qqmlfileselector which only handles local urls anyway however the relevant headers qqmlabstracturlinterceptorh and qqmlengineh are in fact public only the seturlinterceptor and urlinterceptor methods are marked internal by qdoc comments therefore you wont get the familiar private api warning when using them such a change would reduce the rather ugly code in that area and result in cleaner rules on what works and what doesnt on the flip side there are probably users of this api who dont realize that its private and whose code will break this way
update submodules on dev in code error glsizeiptr redefinition different basic types note see declaration of glsizeiptr error glintptr redefinition different basic types note see declaration of glintptr cxx objqtwebenginecoreserviceqtobj cl command line warning overriding with cl command line warning overriding with cxx objqtwebenginecorewebengineerrorobj cl command line warning overriding with cl command line warning overriding with cxx objqtwebenginecorerenderviewobserverhostqtobj cl command line warning overriding with cl command line warning overriding with cxx objqtwebenginecorejavascriptdialogmanagerqtobj cl command line warning overriding with cl command line warning overriding with cxx objqtwebenginecoreresourcecontextqtobj cl command line warning overriding with cl command line warning overriding with cxx objqtwebenginecorelogindelegateqtobj cl command line warning overriding with cl command line warning overriding with cxx objqtwebenginecorecontentrendererclientqtobj cl command line warning overriding with cl command line warning overriding with warning found outside of comment warning cdmsupportspersistentlicense local variable is initialized but not referenced warning supportedcodecs local variable is initialized but not referenced cxx objqtwebenginecorevisitedlinksmanagerqtobj cl command line warning overriding with cl command line warning overriding with cxx objqtwebenginecoreprofileiodataqtobj cl command line warning overriding with cl command line warning overriding with cxx objqtwebenginecoremediacapturedevicesdispatcherobj cl command line warning overriding with cl command line warning overriding with cxx objqtwebenginecorequotapermissioncontextqtobj cl command line warning overriding with cl command line warning overriding with cxx objqtwebenginecorepermissionmanagerqtobj cl command line warning overriding with cl command line warning overriding with cxx objqtwebenginecoreprofileadapterobj cl command line warning overriding with cl command line warning overriding with cxx objqtwebenginecorerenderwidgethostviewqtobj cl command line warning overriding with cl command line warning overriding with cxx objqtwebenginecorewebcontentsadapterobj cl command line warning overriding with cl command line warning overriding with warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized warning not enough actual parameters for macro checkinitialized ninja build stopped subcommand failed nmake fatal error return code stop nmake fatal error cprogram files visual return code stop nmake fatal error return code stop nmake fatal error cd return code stop nmake fatal error cd return code stop process finished with error exit status error reading from stdouterr exit status executing scheduled instruction of upload all core dumps if there are some build failed error building exit status code
forward declerations of qquickitemprivate and qquickwindowprivate in qquickpaletteproviderprivatebaseph seem to break with the templated code codejava failed srcpluginsqmltoolingqmldbgpreviewcmakefilesqqmlpreviewservicefactorydirqqmlpreviewhandlercppobj nologo tp dqtcorelib dqtdeprecatedwarnings dqtdeprecatedwarningssince dqtdisabledeprecatedbefore dqtguilib dqtnetworklib dqtnodebug dqtnoexceptions dqtopengllib dqtpacketprotocollib dqtplugin dqtqmlmodelslib dqtqmllib dqtquicklib dqtstaticplugin dunicode denableextendedalignedstorage dunicode isrcpluginsqmltoolingqmldbgpreviewqqmlpreviewservicefactoryautogeninclude isrcpluginsqmltoolingqmldbgpreview isrcpluginsqmltoolingpacketprotocol isrcqml isrcquick isrcqmlmodels dwindows gr ehsc dndebug md zccplusplus permissive fs zcrvaluecast zcinline zcstrictstrings zcthrowingnew zcreferencebinding zcexternconstexpr zcwchart showincludes fosrcpluginsqmltoolingqmldbgpreviewcmakefilesqqmlpreviewservicefactorydirqqmlpreviewhandlercppobj fs c error use of undefined type qquickitemprivate note see declaration of qquickitemprivate note see reference to function template instantiation decltypeauto getprivateimpli being compiled tqquickitem iqquickitem note see reference to function template instantiation decltypeauto getprivatet being compiled with tqquickitem note while compiling class template member function void qquickpaletteproviderprivatebaseupdatechildrenpalettesconst qpalette note see reference to class template instantiation qquickpaletteproviderprivatebase being compiled error get identifier not found error decltypeauto cannot deduce type for auto from unknowntype error getprivateimpl a function that returns decltypeauto cannot be used before it is defined note see declaration of getprivateimpl building cxx object srcpluginsqmltoolingqmldsqqmlpreviewservicefactorydirqqmlpreviewservicecppobj ninja build stopped subcommand failed code
documentation must be regenerated and included via the network drive to qt studio alpha snapshots so that we can review also the state of the documentation while testing the snapshots
as of qt it is no longer true that qthavemodulequick opengl support available it is now possible to build the qtquick module without opengl support and so modules that require opengl need to be clear that they need qtquick and opengl now it may be desirable that qtcharts also work with qtquick backends other than opengl like the software ore in which case usage of scenegraph nodes that require opengl should be limited to backends that support opengl
code qsystem testmodelviewtestflags maximum amount of warnings exceeded use maxwarnings to override fail testmodelviewtestflags signalsreceived returned false loc pass testmodelviewcleanuptestcase totals passed failed skipped blacklisted finished testing of testmodelview qtremoteobjects unknown an entry was removed from the registry sending to source testrolenames sourcelocationinfoqabstractitemmodeladapter qtremoteobjects unknown send removesource tcpclientio qtremoteobjects unknown an entry was removed from the registry sending to source test sourcelocationinfoqabstractitemmodeladapter qtremoteobjects unknown send removesource tcpclientio recipe for target check failed make error process finished with error exit status executing scheduled instruction of upload all core dumps if there are some executing scheduled instruction of upload test results collecting test results archiving and uploading them error reading from stdouterr exit status collecting test results test failed error building exit status code build log details tested changes update submodules on dev in
create windows installer scripts to releasing system so that well get automatic development snapshots from ci builds
qt creator crashes when the autocompletion is activated see the comments in int main
the scheduling of jobs from different aspects can likely be hard wired for now later when we add more aspects and users want to integrate their own we may need to somehow expose the scheduler this could either be done imperatively and force the user to override a function and install a new scheduler or in a data driven way similar to how the framegraph works the latter lends itself more to a declarative api for the initial release ensure that the scheduler api is private and that no api leaks out eg the aspect type enum
integration fails in in file included from from from from from from from from from from from from fatal error invalid argument include compilation terminated error log details
when using inputmethodhints imhemailcharactersonly in a textfield the keyboard provided on android is incorrect it actually has a button to add emoticons etc seen on motox with android
open any project make sure you have a vertical split view with projects and include hierarchydouble click on a file in the project view to open it the include hierarchy view doesnt updatenow reopen the include hierarchy view again change view to something else and then back or press ctrlshifti and it will get updatedas all the other views are updating automatically i assume this is a mistake and not on purpose
rightclicking a commit hash in git blame editor shows the full hash but also a short description of the change and of its parent author and subject this is done in giteditorwidgetdecorateversion which calls gitclientsynchronousshortdescription this function executes git log with the following arguments see defaultshortlogformatc codelog nocolor prettyformath an s this is translated in commandline to codelog nocolor prettyformath an s now qtcprocesss dosplitargswin fails to split these arguments as it claims they have bad quoting i tried to fix it but i dont have much time right now and im afraid i might break something so please handle it
code executing instruction of executing instruction of make entering directory homeqtworkbuildqtwebenginesrccore make nothing to be done for preparedocs make leaving directory homeqtworkbuildqtwebenginesrccore make leaving directory homeqtworkbuildqtwebenginesrccore cd process test e makefile homeqtworkbuildqtbasebinqmake o makefile make f makefile preparedocs cd toolsqwebengineconvertdict test e makefile homeqtworkbuildqtbasebinqmake o makefile make f makefile preparedocs cd webengine test e makefile homeqtworkbuildqtbasebinqmake o makefile make f makefile preparedocs project message perl w checkincludes module qtwebengine version outdir homeqtworkbuildqtbase warning failure to find homeqtworkbuildqtwebenginesrccorereleaseobjchrometoolsconvertdictlibaffreadero warning failure to find homeqtworkbuildqtwebenginesrccorereleaseobjchrometoolsconvertdictlibdicreadero warning failure to find homeqtworkbuildqtwebenginesrccorereleaseobjchrometoolsconvertdictlibhunspellreadero homeqtworkbuildqtbase qtwebengine created fwdinclude headers for srcwebengineapi qquickwebenginecertificateerrorph qquickwebenginecontextmenurequestph qquickwebenginedialogrequestsph qquickwebenginedownloaditemph qquickwebenginedownloaditempph qquickwebenginefaviconproviderpph qquickwebenginehistoryph qquickwebenginehistorypph qquickwebengineloadrequestph qquickwebenginenavigationrequestph qquickwebenginenewviewrequestph qquickwebengineprofileh qquickwebengineprofileph qquickwebenginescripth qquickwebenginescriptph qquickwebenginesettingsph qquickwebenginesingletonph qquickwebenginetestsupportph qquickwebengineviewph qquickwebengineviewpph qtwebengineglobalh qtwebengineglobalph qtwebengine created version header qtwebengine created master header qtwebengine created headerspri file make entering directory homeqtworkbuildqtwebenginesrcprocess make nothing to be done for preparedocs make leaving directory homeqtworkbuildqtwebenginesrcprocess make entering directory homeqtworkbuildqtwebenginesrctoolsqwebengineconvertdict make nothing to be done for preparedocs make leaving directory homeqtworkbuildqtwebenginesrctoolsqwebengineconvertdict make entering directory homeqtworkbuildqtwebenginesrcwebengine cd python chromiumtoolslicensespy filetemplate toolsaboutcreditstmpl entrytemplate toolsaboutcreditsentrytmpl credits homeqtworkbuildqtwebenginesrcwebenginechromiumattributionsqdoc homeqtworkbuildqtwebenginesrcwebengineqtattributionsscannerwrappersh filter qdocmoduleqtwebengine o homeqtworkbuildqtwebenginesrcwebenginecodeattributionsqdoc traceback most recent call last file chromiumtoolslicensespy line in import buildutils file chromiumbuildandroidgyputilbuildutilspy line in from pylibconstants import hostpaths file chromiumbuildandroidgyputilpylibconstantsinitpy line in import devilandroidsdkkeyevent importerror no module named devilandroidsdkkeyevent recipe for target chromiumattributions failed make error make waiting for unfinished jobs make leaving directory homeqtworkbuildqtwebenginesrcwebengine recipe for target subwebenginepreparedocs failed make error make leaving directory homeqtworkbuildqtwebenginesrc recipe for target subsrcpreparedocs failed make error make leaving directory homeqtworkbuildqtwebengine recipe for target moduleqtwebenginepreparedocs failed make error make leaving directory homeqtworkbuild recipe for target htmldocs failed make error make leaving directory homeqtworkbuild recipe for target docs failed make error code
in the branch ci has failed due to this error for several changes eg occured several times also in see also noformat qinfo tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtwidgetspainting qwidgetrepaintmanagermarkneedsflush marking of qwidget nameqtscrollareaviewport as needing flush in qlistview at offset qinfo tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtwidgetspainting qwidgetrepaintmanagerflush flushing top level and children qvector qinfo tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtwidgetspainting qwidgetrepaintmanagerflush flushing of qlistview qinfo tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtwidgetspainting qwidgetrepaintmanagersync syncing of qlistview qinfo tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtwidgetspainting qwidgetrepaintmanagerflush flushing of qlistview qinfo tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtwidgetspainting qwidgetrepaintmanagermarkdirty marking of qwidget nameqtscrollareaviewport dirty with qwidgetrepaintmanagerupdatelater qinfo tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtwidgetspainting qwidgetrepaintmanagersendupdaterequest sending update request to qlistview with qwidgetrepaintmanagerupdatelater qinfo tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtwidgetspainting qwidgetrepaintmanagermarkdirty marking of qlistview dirty with qwidgetrepaintmanagerupdatelater qinfo tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtwidgetspainting qwidgetrepaintmanagermarkdirty marking of qwidget nameqtscrollareaviewport dirty with qwidgetrepaintmanagerupdatelater qinfo tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtwidgetspainting qwidgetrepaintmanagermarkdirty marking of qwidget nameqtscrollareaviewport dirty with qwidgetrepaintmanagerupdatelater qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaxdnd qxcbdragstartdrag starting drag where source qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaxdnd qxcbdragdndenable setting xdndaware for qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaxdnd qxcbdragfindxdndawaretarget checking target for xdndaware qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaxdnd qxcbdragfindxdndawaretarget checking target for xdndaware qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaxdnd qxcbdragfindxdndawaretarget checking target for xdndaware qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaxdnd qxcbdragfindxdndawaretarget found xdndaware on qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaxdnd qxcbdragmove sending xdndenter to target qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaxdnd qxcbdraghandleenter target received xdndenter qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaxdnd qxcbdraghandleenter applicationxqabstractitemmodeldatalist qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaxdnd qxcbdragmove sending xdndposition to target qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaxdnd qxcbdraghandlexdndposition target received xdndposition qinfo tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtwidgetspainting qwidgetrepaintmanagermarkdirty marking of qwidget nameqtscrollareaviewport dirty with qwidgetrepaintmanagerupdatelater qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaxdnd qxcbdraghandlexdndposition sending xdndstatus to source qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaxdnd qxcbdraghandlexdndstatus source received xdndstatus qinfo tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtwidgetspainting qwidgetrepaintmanagersync syncing dirty widgets qinfo tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtwidgetspainting qwidgetrepaintmanagerpaintandflush painting and flushing dirty top level qregionnull and dirty widgets qvectorqwidget nameqtscrollareaviewport qlistview qinfo tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtwidgetspainting qwidgetprivatedrawwidget drawing of qwidget nameqtscrollareaviewport at into paint device with qflagsdrawrecursivedontdrawopaquechildren qinfo tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtwidgetspainting qwidgetrepaintmanagermarkneedsflush marking of qwidget nameqtscrollareaviewport as needing flush in qlistview at offset qinfo tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtwidgetspainting qwidgetprivatedrawwidget drawing of qlistview at into paint device with qflagsdrawasrootdrawrecursivedontdrawopaquechildren qinfo tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtwidgetspainting qwidgetrepaintmanagermarkneedsflush marking of top level qlistview as needing flush qinfo tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtwidgetspainting qwidgetrepaintmanagerflush flushing top level and children qvector qinfo tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtwidgetspainting qwidgetrepaintmanagerflush flushing of qlistview qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaxdnd qxcbdragfindxdndawaretarget checking target for xdndaware qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaxdnd qxcbdragfindxdndawaretarget checking target for xdndaware qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaxdnd qxcbdragfindxdndawaretarget checking target for xdndaware qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaxdnd qxcbdragfindxdndawaretarget found xdndaware on qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaxdnd qxcbdragmove sending xdndposition to target qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaxdnd qxcbdraghandlexdndposition target received xdndposition qinfo tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtwidgetspainting qwidgetrepaintmanagermarkdirty marking of qwidget nameqtscrollareaviewport dirty with qwidgetrepaintmanagerupdatelater qinfo tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtwidgetspainting qwidgetrepaintmanagersendupdaterequest sending update request to qlistview with qwidgetrepaintmanagerupdatelater qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaxdnd qxcbdraghandlexdndposition sending xdndstatus to source qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaxdnd qxcbdraghandlexdndstatus source received xdndstatus qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaxdnd qxcbdragdrop sending drop to target qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaxdnd qxcbdraghandledrop target received xdnddrop qinfo tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtwidgetspainting qwidgetrepaintmanagermarkdirty marking of qwidget nameqtscrollareaviewport dirty with qwidgetrepaintmanagerupdatelater qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaxdnd qxcbdraghandledrop sending xdndfinished to source qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtguidnd qbasicdrageventfilter mouse released over qwidgetwindow nameqlistviewclasswindow after drag from qwindow globalpos qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpainputevents qxcbwindowhandlexienterleave mouse leave mode detail time qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpainputevents qxcbwindowhandlexienterleave mouse enter mode detail time qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpainputevents qxcbwindowhandlexienterleave mouse leave mode detail time qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpainputevents qxcbwindowhandlexienterleave mouse enter mode detail time qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaevents qxcbconnectionprintxcbevent event sequence qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaxdnd qxcbdraghandlefinished source received xdndfinished qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtqpaxcb qxcbbackingstoreimageresize creating shared memory bytes for depth bits qinfo tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtwidgetspainting qwidgetrepaintmanagermarkdirty marking of qwidget nameqtscrollareaviewport dirty with qwidgetrepaintmanagerupdatelater qinfo tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtwidgetspainting qwidgetrepaintmanagermarkdirty marking of qwidget nameqtscrollareaviewport dirty with qwidgetrepaintmanagerupdatelater qinfo tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtwidgetspainting qwidgetrepaintmanagermarkdirty marking of qwidget nameqtscrollareaviewport dirty with qwidgetrepaintmanagerupdatelater qinfo tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtwidgetspainting qwidgetrepaintmanagermarkdirty marking of qwidget nameqtscrollareaviewport dirty with qwidgetrepaintmanagerupdatelater qinfo tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtwidgetspainting qwidgetrepaintmanagermarkdirty marking of qwidget dirty with qwidgetrepaintmanagerupdatelater qinfo tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtwidgetspainting qwidgetrepaintmanagermarkdirty marking of qwidget dirty with qwidgetrepaintmanagerupdatelater qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtaccessibilitycache qaccessiblecachedeleteinterface delete id iface qaccessibleinterface invalid qdebug tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item qtaccessibilitycache qaccessiblecachedeleteinterface delete id iface qaccessibleinterface invalid pass tstqlistviewinternaldragdropmovelist model doesnt move replace item pass tstqlistviewcleanuptestcase totals passed failed skipped blacklisted finished testing of tstqlistview qtqpaeventsreader qxcbeventqueueqxcbeventqueue nodes on heap make error process finished with error exit status executing scheduled instruction of upload all core dumps if there are some skip uploading core files because corefilespath is not set in the environment executing scheduled instruction of upload test results collecting test results archiving and uploading them collecting test results test failed error building exit status agent finished fail testing homeqtworkqttqtcqtbasetestsautowidgetsitemviewsqlistview noformat relevant links the first failed to work as a jira link when embedded in the output above vm metrics host metrics build log
the registerintvariable calls in editormanagerinit in branch show parsing errors duplicate data type in declaration on the int in qt creator though they are validnoformat variablemanagerregisterintvariablekcurrentdocumentxpos trxcoordinate of the current editors upper left corner relative to screen int ieditor editor currenteditor return editor noformat
winrt package missing from installer winrt and arm are available
the deployconfiguratrion may not depend on the runconfiguration for informationfor libraryonly projects we will have a customexecutablerunconfiguration which does not have the required information this can lead to a crash
it is quite hard if you change the text styles to estimate the look of source code it would be quite nice if we would provide visual feedback for that by an example visualization of the source code
in this code in qtsrcpluginsbearersymbiansymbianenginecpp the configuration mutex is locked via a qlockercodevoid symbianengineupdatestatestosnaps go through snaps and set correct state to snaps foreach const qstring iface snapconfigurationskeys bool discovered false bool active false qnetworkconfigurationprivatepointer ptr snapconfigurationsvalueiface qmutexlocker snapconfiglockerptrmutex check if one of the iaps of the snap is discovered or active if one of iaps is active also snap is active if one of iaps is discovered but none of the iaps is active snap is discovered qmapiterator iptrservicenetworkmembers while ihasnext inext const qnetworkconfigurationprivatepointer child ivalue qmutexlocker configlockerchildmutex if childstate qnetworkconfigurationactive qnetworkconfigurationactive active true break else if childstate qnetworkconfigurationdiscovered qnetworkconfigurationdiscovered discovered true if active changeconfigurationstatetoptr qnetworkconfigurationactive else if discovered changeconfigurationstatetoptr qnetworkconfigurationdiscovered else changeconfigurationstatetoptr qnetworkconfigurationdefined code the above calls the below but i think that ptrmutex will be locked on entry to the below function locked because of the qlocker codebool symbianenginechangeconfigurationstatetoqnetworkconfigurationprivatepointer ptr qnetworkconfigurationstateflags newstate ptrmutexlock if newstate ptrstate ptrstate newstate ptrmutexunlock still locked here mutexunlock emit configurationchangedptr mutexlock return true else ptrmutexunlock return falsecodewhich means that the unlock where i have attached a comment will not do what the programmer intended changeconfigurationstateto sends a signal which is handled by qnetworkconfigurationmanagerprivate if another thread gets in and runs through the configurations via qnetworkconfigurationmanagerprivatedefaultconfiguration then the second thread will have the qnetworkconfigurationmanagerprivate mutex locked and will wait on the configuration mutex while the first thread will have the configuration mutex locked and will wait on the qnetworkconfigurationmanagerprivate mutex
merge remotetracking branch into dev code cutilsjomjomexe f makefilerelease check call cusersqtworkqtqtmultimediatestsautointegrationqmediaplayerbackendtargetwrapperbat releasetstqmediaplayerbackendexe o o txt start testing of tstqmediaplayerbackend config using qttest library qt shared dynamic release build by msvc pass tstqmediaplayerbackendinittestcase bpass tstqmediaplayerbackendconstruction bfail tstqmediaplayerbackendloadmedia playermediastatus qmediaplayernomedia returned false failure location bfail tstqmediaplayerbackendunloadmedia compared values are not the same failure location qwarn tstqmediaplayerbackendloadmediainloadingstate directshowplayerservice unresolved error code the system cannot locate the resource specified a crash occurred in cusersqtworkqtqtmultimediatestsautointegrationqmediaplayerbackendreleasetstqmediaplayerbackendexe function time total time exception address exception code nearby symbol amgeterrortextw stack qtesttostring unhandledexceptionfilter memset cspecifichandler chkstk rtllookupfunctionentry kiuserexceptiondispatcher amgeterrortextw cointernetcombineurlex cointernetisfeatureenabled urlmoncleanupcurrentthread callwindowprocw dispatchmessagew amgeterrortextw basethreadinitthunk rtluserthreadstart jom cusersqtworkqtqtmultimediatestsautointegrationqmediaplayerbackendmakefilerelease error jom cusersqtworkqtqtmultimediatestsautointegrationqmediaplayerbackendmakefile error
this autotest fails with the new creators update tier template microsoft introduced some new accessibility features in this update so that might have something to do with this here is the log code qdebug tstqaccessibilitybridgetest qtqpafonts unknown qwindowsfontdatabasefontengine fontdef qfontdeffamilysegoe ui fail tstqaccessibilitybridgetest compared values are not the same actual varrolelval expected longrolesystempushbutton failure location qwarn tstqaccessibilitybridgetest default unknown accessibility events were not handled in testfunction bridgetest code is rolesystemclient client area default
try the mediaplayer demo when seeting up an effect it will crash
update submodules on in code in file included from from from error inline function processopenmoderesult processopenmodeflagsqiodeviceopenmode declared as dllimport attribute ignored inline qcoreexport processopenmoderesult processopenmodeflagsqiodeviceopenmode mode code
on branch either has no jdk at all or it has version needed for rta when we are updating jenkins which will use needed also for branch
i just updated to qtcreator version and i can no longer deploy to my device on linux i looked at the list of plugins and is recognized as an available plugin but is grayed out and has a next to it below is the output from qtcreator profile to provide some hints noformat qttoolsqtcreatorbinqtcreator profile outputtxt profiling started loadlibrary core loadlibrary core loadlibrary texteditor loadlibrary texteditor loadlibrary projectexplorer loadlibrary projectexplorer loadlibrary cpptools loadlibrary cpptools loadlibrary analyzerbase loadlibrary analyzerbase loadlibrary qtsupport loadlibrary qtsupport loadlibrary cppeditor loadlibrary cppeditor loadlibrary debugger loadlibrary debugger loadlibrary android loadlibrary android loadlibrary licensechecker qtnetworkssl qsslsocket cannot resolve qtnetworkssl qsslsocket cannot resolve loadlibrary licensechecker loadlibrary resourceeditor loadlibrary resourceeditor loadlibrary designer loadlibrary designer loadlibrary qmakeprojectmanager loadlibrary qmakeprojectmanager loadlibrary qmljstools loadlibrary qmljstools loadlibrary autotest loadlibrary autotest loadlibrary vcsbase loadlibrary vcsbase loadlibrary bazaar loadlibrary bazaar loadlibrary diffeditor loadlibrary diffeditor loadlibrary bineditor loadlibrary bineditor loadlibrary bookmarks loadlibrary bookmarks loadlibrary cmakeprojectmanager loadlibrary cmakeprojectmanager loadlibrary cvs loadlibrary cvs loadlibrary clangstaticanalyzer loadlibrary clangstaticanalyzer loadlibrary classview loadlibrary classview loadlibrary clearcase loadlibrary clearcase loadlibrary codepaster loadlibrary codepaster loadlibrary fakevim loadlibrary fakevim loadlibrary glsleditor loadlibrary glsleditor loadlibrary genericprojectmanager loadlibrary genericprojectmanager loadlibrary git loadlibrary git loadlibrary help loadlibrary help loadlibrary imageviewer loadlibrary imageviewer loadlibrary macros loadlibrary macros loadlibrary mercurial loadlibrary mercurial loadlibrary perforce loadlibrary perforce loadlibrary pythoneditor loadlibrary pythoneditor loadlibrary qbsprojectmanager loadlibrary qbsprojectmanager loadlibrary qmakeandroidsupport loadlibrary qmakeandroidsupport loadlibrary qmljseditor loadlibrary qmljseditor loadlibrary qmldesigner loadlibrary qmldesigner loadlibrary qmlprofiler loadlibrary qmlprofiler loadlibrary qmlprofilerextension loadlibrary qmlprofilerextension loadlibrary remotelinux loadlibrary remotelinux loadlibrary qnx loadlibrary qnx loadlibrary subversion loadlibrary subversion loadlibrary tasklist loadlibrary tasklist loadlibrary valgrind loadlibrary valgrind loadlibrary welcome loadlibrary welcome initializeplugin core initializeplugin core initializeplugin texteditor initializeplugin texteditor initializeplugin projectexplorer initializeplugin projectexplorer initializeplugin cpptools initializeplugin cpptools initializeplugin analyzerbase initializeplugin analyzerbase initializeplugin qtsupport initializeplugin qtsupport initializeplugin cppeditor initializeplugin cppeditor initializeplugin debugger initializeplugin debugger initializeplugin android initializeplugin android initializeplugin licensechecker reading qt account settings from disk homekgardnerlocalshareqtprojectqtcreatorqtaccountini qt account settings file does not exist license read from file homekgardnerqtlicense license added license id license schema licensed products licensed platforms license expiry date initializeplugin licensechecker initializeplugin resourceeditor initializeplugin resourceeditor initializeplugin designer initializeplugin designer initializeplugin qmakeprojectmanager initializeplugin qmakeprojectmanager initializeplugin qmljstools initializeplugin qmljstools initializeplugin autotest initializeplugin autotest initializeplugin vcsbase initializeplugin vcsbase initializeplugin bazaar initializeplugin bazaar initializeplugin diffeditor initializeplugin diffeditor initializeplugin bineditor initializeplugin bineditor initializeplugin bookmarks initializeplugin bookmarks initializeplugin cmakeprojectmanager initializeplugin cmakeprojectmanager initializeplugin cvs initializeplugin cvs initializeplugin clangstaticanalyzer initializeplugin clangstaticanalyzer initializeplugin classview initializeplugin classview initializeplugin clearcase initializeplugin clearcase initializeplugin codepaster initializeplugin codepaster initializeplugin fakevim initializeplugin fakevim initializeplugin glsleditor initializeplugin glsleditor initializeplugin genericprojectmanager initializeplugin genericprojectmanager initializeplugin git initializeplugin git initializeplugin help initializeplugin help initializeplugin imageviewer initializeplugin imageviewer initializeplugin macros initializeplugin macros initializeplugin mercurial initializeplugin mercurial initializeplugin perforce initializeplugin perforce initializeplugin pythoneditor initializeplugin pythoneditor initializeplugin qbsprojectmanager initializeplugin qbsprojectmanager initializeplugin qmakeandroidsupport initializeplugin qmakeandroidsupport initializeplugin qmljseditor initializeplugin qmljseditor initializeplugin qmldesigner initializeplugin qmldesigner initializeplugin qmlprofiler initializeplugin qmlprofiler initializeplugin qmlprofilerextension initializeplugin qmlprofilerextension initializeplugin remotelinux initializeplugin remotelinux initializeplugin qnx initializeplugin qnx initializeplugin subversion initializeplugin subversion initializeplugin tasklist initializeplugin tasklist initializeplugin valgrind initializeplugin valgrind initializeplugin welcome initializeplugin welcome initializeextensions welcome initializeextensions welcome initializeextensions valgrind initializeextensions valgrind initializeextensions tasklist initializeextensions tasklist initializeextensions subversion initializeextensions subversion initializeextensions qnx initializeextensions qnx initializeextensions remotelinux initializeextensions remotelinux initializeextensions qmlprofilerextension initializeextensions qmlprofilerextension initializeextensions qmlprofiler initializeextensions qmlprofiler initializeextensions qmldesigner initializeextensions qmldesigner initializeextensions qmljseditor initializeextensions qmljseditor initializeextensions qmakeandroidsupport initializeextensions qmakeandroidsupport initializeextensions qbsprojectmanager initializeextensions qbsprojectmanager initializeextensions pythoneditor initializeextensions pythoneditor initializeextensions perforce initializeextensions perforce initializeextensions mercurial initializeextensions mercurial initializeextensions macros initializeextensions macros initializeextensions imageviewer initializeextensions imageviewer initializeextensions help initializeextensions help initializeextensions git initializeextensions git initializeextensions genericprojectmanager initializeextensions genericprojectmanager initializeextensions glsleditor initializeextensions glsleditor initializeextensions fakevim initializeextensions fakevim initializeextensions codepaster initializeextensions codepaster initializeextensions clearcase initializeextensions clearcase initializeextensions classview initializeextensions classview initializeextensions clangstaticanalyzer initializeextensions clangstaticanalyzer initializeextensions cvs initializeextensions cvs initializeextensions cmakeprojectmanager initializeextensions cmakeprojectmanager initializeextensions bookmarks initializeextensions bookmarks initializeextensions bineditor initializeextensions bineditor initializeextensions diffeditor initializeextensions diffeditor initializeextensions bazaar initializeextensions bazaar initializeextensions vcsbase initializeextensions vcsbase initializeextensions autotest initializeextensions autotest initializeextensions qmljstools initializeextensions qmljstools initializeextensions qmakeprojectmanager initializeextensions qmakeprojectmanager initializeextensions designer initializeextensions designer initializeextensions resourceeditor initializeextensions resourceeditor initializeextensions licensechecker initializeextensions licensechecker initializeextensions android initializeextensions android initializeextensions debugger initializeextensions debugger initializeextensions cppeditor initializeextensions cppeditor initializeextensions qtsupport initializeextensions qtsupport initializeextensions analyzerbase initializeextensions analyzerbase initializeextensions cpptools initializeextensions cpptools initializeextensions projectexplorer initializeextensions projectexplorer initializeextensions texteditor initializeextensions texteditor initializeextensions core initializeextensions core delayedinitialize welcome delayedinitialize welcome delayedinitialize valgrind delayedinitialize valgrind delayedinitialize tasklist delayedinitialize tasklist delayedinitialize subversion delayedinitialize subversion delayedinitialize qnx delayedinitialize qnx delayedinitialize remotelinux delayedinitialize remotelinux delayedinitialize qmlprofilerextension delayedinitialize qmlprofilerextension delayedinitialize qmlprofiler delayedinitialize qmlprofiler delayedinitialize qmldesigner delayedinitialize qmldesigner delayedinitialize qmljseditor delayedinitialize qmljseditor delayedinitialize qmakeandroidsupport delayedinitialize qmakeandroidsupport delayedinitialize qbsprojectmanager delayedinitialize qbsprojectmanager delayedinitialize pythoneditor delayedinitialize pythoneditor delayedinitialize perforce delayedinitialize perforce delayedinitialize mercurial delayedinitialize mercurial delayedinitialize macros delayedinitialize macros delayedinitialize imageviewer delayedinitialize imageviewer delayedinitialize help delayedinitialize help delayedinitialize git delayedinitialize git delayedinitialize genericprojectmanager delayedinitialize genericprojectmanager delayedinitialize glsleditor delayedinitialize glsleditor delayedinitialize fakevim delayedinitialize fakevim delayedinitialize codepaster delayedinitialize codepaster delayedinitialize clearcase delayedinitialize clearcase delayedinitialize classview delayedinitialize classview delayedinitialize clangstaticanalyzer delayedinitialize clangstaticanalyzer delayedinitialize cvs delayedinitialize cvs delayedinitialize cmakeprojectmanager delayedinitialize cmakeprojectmanager delayedinitialize bookmarks delayedinitialize bookmarks delayedinitialize bineditor delayedinitialize bineditor delayedinitialize diffeditor delayedinitialize diffeditor delayedinitialize bazaar delayedinitialize bazaar delayedinitialize vcsbase delayedinitialize vcsbase delayedinitialize autotest delayedinitialize autotest delayedinitialize qmljstools delayedinitialize qmljstools delayedinitialize qmakeprojectmanager delayedinitialize qmakeprojectmanager delayedinitialize designer delayedinitialize designer delayedinitialize resourceeditor delayedinitialize resourceeditor delayedinitialize licensechecker delayedinitialize licensechecker delayedinitialize android delayedinitialize android delayedinitialize debugger delayedinitialize debugger delayedinitialize cppeditor delayedinitialize cppeditor delayedinitialize qtsupport delayedinitialize qtsupport delayedinitialize analyzerbase delayedinitialize analyzerbase delayedinitialize cpptools delayedinitialize cpptools delayedinitialize projectexplorer delayedinitialize projectexplorer delayedinitialize texteditor delayedinitialize texteditor delayedinitialize core delayedinitialize core qmakeandroidsupport qmlprofilerextension diffeditor bineditor codepaster tasklist macros imageviewer clangstaticanalyzer bookmarks vcsbase fakevim designer resourceeditor qbsprojectmanager classview remotelinux autotest qtsupport qmlprofiler genericprojectmanager valgrind subversion android clearcase perforce qnx cvs qmakeprojectmanager bazaar texteditor mercurial git licensechecker cmakeprojectmanager qmldesigner qmljseditor qmljstools analyzerbase help debugger cppeditor pythoneditor glsleditor cpptools projectexplorer core welcome total void qwindowprivatesettoplevelscreenqscreen bool qscreen attempt to set a screen on a child window stop core stop core stop texteditor stop texteditor stop projectexplorer stop projectexplorer stop cpptools stop cpptools stop analyzerbase stop analyzerbase stop qtsupport stop qtsupport stop cppeditor stop cppeditor stop debugger stop debugger stop android stop android stop licensechecker stop licensechecker stop resourceeditor stop resourceeditor stop designer stop designer stop qmakeprojectmanager stop qmakeprojectmanager stop qmljstools stop qmljstools stop autotest stop autotest stop vcsbase stop vcsbase stop bazaar stop bazaar stop diffeditor stop diffeditor stop bineditor stop bineditor stop bookmarks stop bookmarks stop cmakeprojectmanager stop cmakeprojectmanager stop cvs stop cvs stop clangstaticanalyzer stop clangstaticanalyzer stop classview stop classview stop clearcase stop clearcase stop codepaster stop codepaster stop fakevim stop fakevim stop glsleditor stop glsleditor stop genericprojectmanager stop genericprojectmanager stop git stop git stop help stop help stop imageviewer stop imageviewer stop macros stop macros stop mercurial stop mercurial stop perforce stop perforce stop pythoneditor stop pythoneditor stop qbsprojectmanager stop qbsprojectmanager stop qmakeandroidsupport stop qmakeandroidsupport stop qmljseditor stop qmljseditor stop qmldesigner stop qmldesigner stop qmlprofiler stop qmlprofiler stop qmlprofilerextension stop qmlprofilerextension stop remotelinux stop remotelinux stop qnx stop qnx stop subversion stop subversion stop tasklist stop tasklist stop valgrind stop valgrind stop welcome stop welcome delete welcome delete welcome delete valgrind delete valgrind delete tasklist delete tasklist delete subversion delete subversion delete qnx delete qnx delete remotelinux delete remotelinux delete qmlprofilerextension delete qmlprofilerextension delete qmlprofiler delete qmlprofiler delete qmldesigner delete qmldesigner delete qmljseditor delete qmljseditor delete qmakeandroidsupport delete qmakeandroidsupport delete qbsprojectmanager delete qbsprojectmanager delete pythoneditor delete pythoneditor delete perforce delete perforce delete mercurial delete mercurial delete macros delete macros delete imageviewer delete imageviewer delete help delete help delete git delete git delete genericprojectmanager delete genericprojectmanager delete glsleditor delete glsleditor delete fakevim delete fakevim delete codepaster delete codepaster delete clearcase delete clearcase delete classview delete classview delete clangstaticanalyzer delete clangstaticanalyzer delete cvs delete cvs delete cmakeprojectmanager delete cmakeprojectmanager delete bookmarks delete bookmarks delete bineditor delete bineditor delete diffeditor delete diffeditor delete bazaar delete bazaar delete vcsbase delete vcsbase delete autotest delete autotest delete qmljstools delete qmljstools delete qmakeprojectmanager delete qmakeprojectmanager delete designer delete designer delete resourceeditor delete resourceeditor delete licensechecker delete licensechecker delete android delete android delete debugger delete debugger delete cppeditor delete cppeditor delete qtsupport delete qtsupport delete analyzerbase delete analyzerbase delete cpptools delete cpptools delete projectexplorer delete projectexplorer delete texteditor delete texteditor delete core delete core noformat
running bitbake c fetchall k gives the following log code warning failed to fetch url gitcodereviewqtprojectorgtqtc attempting mirrors if available warning failed to fetch url attempting mirrors if available warning failed to fetch url attempting mirrors if available error fetcher failure fetch command failed with exit code output cloning into bare repository ssh connect to host codereviewqtprojectorg port connection timed out fatal could not read from remote repository please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists error function failed fetcher failure for url gitcodereviewqt unable to fetch url from any source error fetcher failure fetch command failed with exit code output cloning into bare repository ssh connect to host codereviewqtprojectorg port connection timed out fatal could not read from remote repository please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists error function failed fetcher failure for url gitcodereviewqt unable to fetch url from any source error logfile of failure stored in error logfile of failure stored in error task dofetch failed with exit code error task dofetch failed with exit code error fetcher failure fetch command failed with exit code output cloning into bare repository ssh connect to host codereviewqtprojectorg port connection timed out fatal could not read from remote repository please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists error function failed fetcher failure for url gitcodereviewqt unable to fetch url from any source error logfile of failure stored in error task dofetch failed with exit code note tasks summary attempted tasks of which didnt need to be rerun and failed code changing the protocol of and to git it was http in their recipes it makes it work but still insists on usernamepassword when cloning with git
in qt quick controls we want to make button backgrounds etc deferred properties to avoid unnecessarily executing the default background when the background is overridden with a custom background code tbutton implicitwidth backgroundimplicitwidth depency background rectangle deferred code code button background rectangle overrides code so far so good this is already working as desired problems arise if the deferred background property is not overridden but accessed as a grouped property instead code button backgroundvisible false boom code due to the dependent binding this leads to an infinite loop qmlexecutedeferred qqmlobjectcreatorsetupbindings qmlexecutedeferred a minimal testcase code include class deferredtype public qobject qobject qpropertyqobject deferredobject read deferredobject write setdeferredobject notify deferredobjectchanged qclassinfodeferredpropertynames deferredobject public deferredtypeqobject parent nullptr qobjectparent qobject deferredobject const if mdeferredobject qmlexecutedeferredconstcastthis return mdeferredobject void setdeferredobjectqobject object if mdeferredobject object return delete mdeferredobject mdeferredobject object emit deferredobjectchanged signals void deferredobjectchanged private qobject mdeferredobject nullptr int mainint argc char argv qcoreapplication appargc argv qmlregistertypemain deferredtype qqmlengine engine qqmlcomponent componentengine componentsetdataimport main deferredtype deferredobjectobjectname foo objectname deferredobjectobjectname qurl componentcreate boom include mainmoc code relevant part of the stacktrace code thread received signal sigsegv segmentation fault in deferredtypeqtstaticmetacall o c id a at gdb bt in deferredtypeqtstaticmetacall o c id a at in deferredtypeqtmetacall this cqmetaobjectreadproperty a at in qmetaobjectmetacall object clclentryqmetaobjectreadproperty idx argvargventry at in qqmlobjectcreatorsetpropertybinding thisthisentry propertypropertyentry bindingbindingentry at in qqmlobjectcreatorsetupbindings thisthisentry applydeferredbindingsapplydeferredbindingsentrytrue at in qqmlobjectcreatorpopulatedeferredproperties this instance instanceentry at in qqmlcomponentprivatebegindeferred engineprivenginepriventry objectobjectentry statestateentry at in qtqmlqmlexecutedeferred object at in deferredtypedeferredobject this at in deferredtypeqtstaticmetacall o cqmetaobjectreadproperty a at in deferredtypeqtmetacall this cqmetaobjectreadproperty a at in qmetaobjectmetacall object clclentryqmetaobjectreadproperty idx argvargventry at in qqmlobjectcreatorsetpropertybinding thisthisentry propertypropertyentry bindingbindingentry at in qqmlobjectcreatorsetupbindings thisthisentry applydeferredbindingsapplydeferredbindingsentrytrue at in qqmlobjectcreatorpopulatedeferredproperties this instance instanceentry at in qqmlcomponentprivatebegindeferred engineprivenginepriventry objectobjectentry statestateentry at in qtqmlqmlexecutedeferred object at code
group dockwidgets that tabbar is generated then call from code it looks like tab is moved correctly to index but pressing with mouse the first tab cause the issue it looks like moved tab moves back to the first index or in other words it didnt move at all application for testing attached
qt qwebenginepage cant open camera,cliecked allow,but not emit featurepermissionrequested; code: connectthispage qwebenginepagefeaturepermissionrequested this webengineviewonfeaturepermissionrequested void webengineviewonfeaturepermissionrequestedconst qurl securityorigin qwebenginepagefeature feature qdebug qfuncinfo securityorigin feature this thispagesetfeaturepermissionsecurityorigin qwebenginepagemediaaudiovideocapture qwebenginepagepermissiongrantedbyuser
fail tstqtiffreadwritenondestructivetiff compared values are not the same loc build log details tested changes update submodules on in
to reproduce play the snake demo for minutes and at some point it crashes its might be because the bone head gets frustrated seeing im winning the gamesee attached stack trace it seems to be because qobjectprivategetobject returns a pointer to a deleted object
when i update my running symbian anna with qtmobility beta i have no qtquick plugins installed so i cannot run qt quick application importing connectivity apis and also other qtmobility apis is there a special issue when the qtmobility is updated
as the attached test case shows it is easy to create invalid xml files without any warning or notice in my opinion there should be at least a hint in the api description on besides the used value there are other values that should not be used see
broke loading uia files effect map loading custom material map loading and previewing in viewers preview works once in viewer but fails on the second try
noformat false false jom empower your cores if not exist makefiletest cusersqtworkinstallbinqmakeexe o makefiletest installprefixusersqtworkinstall cutilsjomjomexe f makefiletest check cutilsjomjomexe f makefiletestrelease check cusersqtworkinstallbinmocexe dunicode dunicode denableextendedalignedstorage dqtnoforeach dqtnojavastyleiterators dndebug dqtnodebug dqttestliblib dqtcorelib dqtentrypointlib compilerflavormsvc include icusersqtworkinstallinclude icusersqtworkinstallincludeqttest icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtcore icprogram files visual icprogram files visual icprogram files icprogram files icprogram files icprogram files icprogram files icprogram files tstqtextcodeccpp o mocreleasetstqtextcodecmoc cl c nologo zcwchart fs zcrvaluecast zcinline zcstrictstrings zcthrowingnew permissive zccplusplus zcexternconstexpr zi md ehsc fdobjreleasetstqtextcodecvcpdb dunicode dunicode denableextendedalignedstorage dqtnoforeach dqtnojavastyleiterators dndebug dqtnodebug dqttestliblib dqtcorelib dqtentrypointlib i icusersqtworkinstallinclude icusersqtworkinstallincludeqttest icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtcore imocrelease icopensslinclude icutilspostgresqlpgsqlinclude foobjrelease tstqtextcodeccpp tstqtextcodeccpp fatal error cannot open program database if multiple clexe write to the same pdb file please use fs jom error jom error jom error process finished with error exit status executing scheduled instruction of upload all core dumps if there are some skip uploading core files because corefilespath is not set in the environment executing scheduled instruction of upload test results no test results collected test failed error building exit status text noformat build log details tested changes update dependencies on in
if the user has multiple qsr versions installed under the same qt main installation folder then there might be different qsr tooling versions in use it is not easy or possible to tell which of these versions are being used when the ui project is compiled to create the layout data therefore it would be a good idea to be able to check the version by having such command line argument in the tool that allows the user to check the version perhaps this version information could also be printed in the compilation output window automatically and the safety manual eg faq part could be updated to have the needed instructions available
sorry dont know the right component version see either the mx thinks its spam and then drops the email or it thinks its not spam and leaves it alone what is the point of distributing alleged spam via a mailing list
missing information of subclass a in locals and expressions
while a winrt and a windows phone arm qt can be installed via offline installer the windows phone aka windows phone emulator build is missing
on mac os using components from the nightly test installer neptune version appman version neptune does not start and exits just after the call on the command line codebash ➜ cd qt ➜ qt cd ➜ cd ➜ cd ➜ for the installer to work correctly the executable needs to be run either as root via sudo or suid preferred using fallback implementation you might experience permission errors on installer operations qprocess destroyed while process is still running qprocess destroyed while process is still running qprocess destroyed while process is still running qprocess destroyed while process is still running error the installer is enabled but the deviceid is empty ➜ version neptune ui ➜ code here is the summary of the influence of macos versions as mentioned on comments it seems that the problem is specific to macos mojave newer than it occurs on it does not occur on it does not occur on it does not occur on high sierra and newer
install content from staging repo launch creator and open any of the examples build fails with following error tried with both released and preview creator codejava build target analogclock of project analogclock with configuration debug check dependencies code signing error bundle identifier is missing analogclock doesnt have a bundle identifier for the debug build configuration add a value for productbundleidentifier in the build settings editor code signing error code signing is required for product type application in sdk ios build failed the following build commands failed check dependencies failure make error the process usrbinmake exited with code error while buildingdeploying project analogclock kit qt for ios when executing step make code example builds fine on same environment with and binaries
noformat waterpumpwaterpumpqmlcppcmakefileswaterpumpqmlcppdirmaincppo c examplesopcuawaterpumpwaterpumpqmlcppmaincpp examplesopcuawaterpumpwaterpumpqmlcppmaincpp in function ‘int mainint char’ error ‘qfile’ has not been declared if qfileexistsserverexepath error ‘qprocess’ was not declared in this scope sccache usrbing dqtcorelib dqtguilib dqtnamespacetestnamespace dqtnetworklib dqtopcualib dqtopengllib dqtqmlmodelslib dqtqmllib dqtquicklib iexamplesopcuawaterpumpwaterpumpqmlcpp iexamplesopcuawaterpumpwaterpumpqmlcppwaterpumpqmlcppautogeninclude iinclude iincludeqtopcua isystem homeqtworkinstallincludeqtcore isystem homeqtworkinstallinclude isystem homeqtworkinstallmkspecslinuxg isystem homeqtworkinstallincludeqtgui isystem homeqtworkinstallincludeqtnetwork isystem homeqtworkinstallincludeqtquick isystem homeqtworkinstallincludeqtqml isystem homeqtworkinstallincludeqtqmlmodels isystem homeqtworkinstallincludeqtopengl g fpie wall wextra fpic pthread md mt examplesopcuawaterpumpwaterpumpqmlcppcmakefileswaterpumpqmlcppdirmaincppo mf examplesopcuawaterpumpwaterpumpqmlcppcmakefileswaterpumpqmlcppdirmaincppod o examplesopcuawaterpumpwaterpumpqmlcppcmakefileswaterpumpqmlcppdirmaincppo c examplesopcuawaterpumpwaterpumpqmlcppmaincpp failed examplesopcuawaterpumpwaterpumpqmlcppcmakefileswaterpumpqmlcppdirmaincppo sccache usrbing dqtcorelib dqtguilib dqtnamespacetestnamespace dqtnetworklib dqtopcualib dqtopengllib dqtqmlmodelslib dqtqmllib dqtquicklib iexamplesopcuawaterpumpwaterpumpqmlcpp iexamplesopcuawaterpumpwaterpumpqmlcppwaterpumpqmlcppautogeninclude iinclude iincludeqtopcua isystem homeqtworkinstallincludeqtcore isystem homeqtworkinstallinclude isystem homeqtworkinstallmkspecslinuxg isystem homeqtworkinstallincludeqtgui isystem homeqtworkinstallincludeqtnetwork isystem homeqtworkinstallincludeqtquick isystem homeqtworkinstallincludeqtqml isystem homeqtworkinstallincludeqtqmlmodels isystem homeqtworkinstallincludeqtopengl g fpie wall wextra fpic pthread md mt examplesopcuawaterpumpwaterpumpqmlcppcmakefileswaterpumpqmlcppdirmaincppo mf examplesopcuawaterpumpwaterpumpqmlcppcmakefileswaterpumpqmlcppdirmaincppod o examplesopcuawaterpumpwaterpumpqmlcppcmakefileswaterpumpqmlcppdirmaincppo c examplesopcuawaterpumpwaterpumpqmlcppmaincpp examplesopcuawaterpumpwaterpumpqmlcppmaincpp in function ‘int mainint char’ error ‘qfile’ has not been declared if qfileexistsserverexepath error ‘qprocess’ was not declared in this scope qprocess serverprocess error ‘serverprocess’ was not declared in this scope examplesopcuawaterpumpwaterpumpqmlcppmaincpp in function ‘int mainint char’ error ‘qfile’ has not been declared if qfileexistsserverexepath error ‘qprocess’ was not declared in this scope qprocess serverprocess error ‘serverprocess’ was not declared in this scope serverprocessstartserverexepath error ‘qprocess’ is not a class namespace or enumeration noformat build log details tested changes update dependencies on dev
update submodules on in code homeqtworkqtqtwaylandtestsautocompositorcompositortargetwrappersh tstcompositor o o txt start testing of tstwaylandcompositor config using qttest library qt shared dynamic release build by gcc pass tstwaylandcompositorinittestcase qwarn tstwaylandcompositorseatcapabilities qtcompositor failed to initialize egl display could not get egldisplay for window qwarn tstwaylandcompositorseatcapabilities qstandardpaths wrong permissions on runtime directory instead of qwarn tstwaylandcompositorseatcapabilities failed to create anonymous file of size dup failed bad file descriptor recipe for target check failed make aborted process finished with error exit status error reading from stdouterr exit status executing scheduled instruction of upload all core dumps if there are some skipping uploadcorefiles because corefilespath is not set code
to repro create new project drag a listview into the form editor select listview delegate from sub components combo box see attached picture below go back to master document view by clicking on the root item in the crumblebar select master from sub components combo box crumblebar is now corrupted showing the root document twice see the second attached picture
when a qgraphicsview is on a form and its drag mode is set to rubber band drag and there is another instance of the same program running and their windows overlap in such a way that the area of the top windows qgraphicsview being selected with a rubber band overlaps the same qgraphicsview of the other windowprogram the rubberbanddrag signal fires twice in the active window once with the correct coordinates another time with the coordinates from the other window to confirm this behaviour it is sufficient to drag the inactive window aside so that their graphics views no longer overlap the duplication of the signal stops
the location library as part of the mobility release does not work the likely culprit is lbt
code em s s s s s bind s o binxmlpatternsjs objmaino objqapplicationargumento objqapplicationargumentparsero emscripten generating system library libcnoexcepta this will be cached in homeqtemscriptencacheasmjslibcnoexcepta for subsequent builds emscripten ok emscripten generating system library libcabibc this will be cached in homeqtemscriptencacheasmjslibcabibc for subsequent builds emscripten ok emscripten generating system library libcbc this will be cached in homeqtemscriptencacheasmjslibcbc for subsequent builds emscripten ok emscripten generating system library libcompilerrta this will be cached in homeqtemscriptencacheasmjslibcompilerrta for subsequent builds emscripten ok emscripten generating system library libcwasmbc this will be cached in homeqtemscriptencacheasmjslibcwasmbc for subsequent builds emscripten ok emscripten generating system library libdlmallocbc this will be cached in homeqtemscriptencacheasmjslibdlmallocbc for subsequent builds emscripten ok emscripten generating system library libcextrasbc this will be cached in homeqtemscriptencacheasmjslibcextrasbc for subsequent builds emscripten ok emscripten generating system asset generatedstructinfojson this will be cached in homeqtemscriptencacheasmjsgeneratedstructinfojson for subsequent builds emscripten ok emcc warning cannot represent a nan literal with custom bit pattern in nancanonicalizing js engines eg firefox and safari without erasing bits in ret double in emcc warning cannot represent a nan literal with custom bit pattern in nancanonicalizing js engines eg firefox and safari without erasing bits in ret double in error undefined symbol warning to disable errors for undefined symbols use s error aborting compilation due to previous errors shared failed make error make leaving directory homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternstoolsxmlpatterns make error make waiting for unfinished jobs error undefined symbol warning to disable errors for undefined symbols use s error aborting compilation due to previous errors shared failed make error make leaving directory homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternstoolsxmlpatternsvalidator make error make leaving directory homeqtworkqtqtxmlpatternstools make error code
looks like this happens because the fix for commit configureexe no longer copies the mkspec directory over to mkspecsdefault but rather just generates the mkspecsdefaultqmakeconf which includes the original qmakeconf using relative path not having the qplatformdefsh in mkspecsdefault breaks in the cases where qmakespec is not defined explicitly
spinbox should not display thousands group separators for example the finnish locale presents as but spinbox should still show qtquickcontrols spinbox value maximumvalue anchorscenterin parent code
when attaching a key signal on a textfield some keys result in the event firing twice sample code codetitlesampleqmlborderstylesolid import qtquick import qtquickcontrolsstyles import qtquickcontrols rectangle height width textfield x y style textfieldstyle textcolor black background rectangle radius implicitwidth implicitheight bordercolor borderwidth keysonpressed if eventkey qtkeyreturn consolelogkey pressed code
eg qt quick controls calendar example fails to compile with noformat applicationsxcodeappcontentsdevelopertoolchainsxcodedefaultxctoolchainusrbinclang arch isysroot filelist deadstrip headerpadmaxinstallnames stdliblibc u qtregisterplatformplugin wleqtmainwrapper framework uikit framework assetslibrary framework mobilecoreservices framework opengles lmysqlclientr lz lm lqiosdebug framework foundation framework quartzcore framework corefoundation framework coretext framework coregraphics lqtfreetypedebug framework security framework systemconfiguration lqtquickcontrolsplugindebug lwindowplugindebug lqquicklayoutsplugindebug lmodelsplugindebug lqtquickextrasplugindebug lqtgraphicaleffectsprivatedebug lqddsdebug lqicnsdebug lqicodebug lqmngdebug lqtgadebug lqtiffdebug lqwbmpdebug lqwebpdebug lqmldbgdebuggerdebug lqmldbginspectordebug lqmldbglocaldebug lqmldbgnativedebug lqtharfbuzzngdebug lqmldbgprofilerdebug lqmldbgserverdebug lqmldbgtcpdebug lqgenericbearerdebug lqsqlitedebug lqsqlmysqldebug lqtpcredebug xlinker dependencyinfo xlinker o ld warning directory not found for option ld warning directory not found for option ld library not found for lmysqlclientr clang error linker command failed with exit code use v to see invocation noformat same sources compile and run fine with qt
im working on compiling qt for lsb but configtestsunixalsaalsatestcpp checks for alsa version lsb and optionally lsb and includes alsa but the lsb headers doesnt define the sndlibmajorsndlibminorsndlibsubminor defines to verify it interestingly though qtmultimedia will actually work if alsatestcpp allows lsbversion wont work at all with lsb since it depends on gstreamer which is not a part of lsb so adding this extra check shouldnt affect phonon at alli cant see exactly why alsa is required though everything seems to be compatible with attached a patch which modifies the test script
followings compile error occursmoctabordereditorcppmoctabordereditorplugincppmoctabordereditortoolcppgenerating code cl c filibpchh yulibpchh fptmpobjreleasesharedqtdesignercomponentspchpch nologo zcwchart md ehsc dunderce dwince dwindows dunicode dunicode dqtnoprinter dqtnoprintdialog darm darm dmarm darm darm dqoswincewm dqtnoprinter dqtnoprintdialog dqtstaticplugin dqdesignercomponentslibrary dqtdll dqtnodebug dqtscriptlib dqtxmllib dqtguilib dqtcorelib dqtthreadsupport dqtnodynamiccast iincludeqtdesigner iincludeqtcore iincludeqtgui iincludeqtxml iincludeqtscript iinclude i i ilibcomponents ilibsdk ilibextension ilibuilib ilibshared ipropertyeditor isharedqtpropertybrowser isharedqtgradienteditor isharedfindwidget iobjectinspector isignalsloteditor iformeditor iwidgetbox ibuddyeditor itaskmenu ipropertyeditor itaskmenu isharedqtpropertybrowser itabordereditor iincludeactiveqt itmpmocreleaseshared i fotmpobjreleaseshared code link nologo nodefaultliboldnameslib incrementalno machinethumb dll creating library and object cd translations cprogram filesmicrosoft visual studio f makefilemicrosoft r program maintenance utility version c microsoft corporation all rights reserved cprogram filesmicrosoft visual studio f makefiledebug allmicrosoft r program maintenance utility version c microsoft corporation all rights reservedlrelease is not recognized as an internal or external commandoperable program or batch filenmake fatal error echo return code stopnmake fatal error cprogram filesmicrosoft visual studio return code stopnmake fatal error cd return code
start testing of tstqscrollbar config using qttest library qt shared dynamic release build by clang apple pass tstqscrollbarinittestcase xfail tstqscrollbarscrollsinglestep this test fails on os x see loc pass tstqscrollbarscrollsinglestep skip the result depends on system setting and is not relevant on mac loc pass fail compared values are not the same actual myhandlerupdatescount expected loc pass tstqscrollbarcleanuptestcase totals passed failed skipped blacklisted finished testing of tstqscrollbar make error process finished with error exit status error reading from stdouterr exit status usersqtworkqtqtbasetestsautowidgetswidgetsqscrollbartargetwrappersh tstqscrollbar start testing of tstqscrollbar config using qttest library qt shared dynamic release build by clang apple pass tstqscrollbarinittestcase qdebug qtqpacocoawindow unknown qcocoawindowqcocoawindow qwidgetwindow nameqscrollbarclasswindow qdebug qtqpacocoawindow unknown qcocoawindowsetgeometry qwidgetwindow nameqscrollbarclasswindow qdebug qtqpacocoawindow unknown qcocoawindowrecreatewindowifneeded qwidgetwindow nameqscrollbarclasswindow parent qwindow qdebug qtqpacocoawindow unknown reconfiguring nswindow due to qflagsmissingwindowcontentviewchanged qdebug qtqpacocoawindow unknown createnswindow false false qdebug qtqpacocoawindow unknown ensuring that view is content view for qdebug qtqpacocoawindow unknown qcocoawindowpropagatesizehints qwidgetwindow nameqscrollbarclasswindow minmax size increment basesize geometry qdebug qtqpacocoawindow unknown qcocoawindowsetgeometry qwidgetwindow nameqscrollbarclasswindow qdebug qtqpacocoawindow unknown qcocoawindowsetcocoageometry qwidgetwindow nameqscrollbarclasswindow qdebug qtqpacocoawindow unknown qwidgetwindow nameqscrollbarclasswindow current new qdebug qtqpacocoawindow unknown qcocoawindowsetvisible qwidgetwindow nameqscrollbarclasswindow true qdebug qtqpacocoawindow unknown qcocoawindowrecreatewindowifneeded qwidgetwindow nameqscrollbarclasswindow parent qwindow qdebug qtqpacocoawindow unknown no need to recreate nswindow qdebug qtqpacocoawindow unknown qcocoawindow exposewindow qwidgetwindow nameqscrollbarclasswindow qdebug qtqpacocoawindow unknown qwidgetwindow nameqscrollbarclasswindow qdebug qtqpacocoawindow unknown qwidgetwindow nameqscrollbarclasswindow qdebug qtqpacocoawindow unknown qwidgetwindow nameqscrollbarclasswindow qdebug qtqpacocoawindow unknown qwidgetwindow nameqscrollbarclasswindow fail compared values are not the same actual myhandlerupdatescount expected loc qdebug qtqpacocoawindow unknown qcocoawindowsetvisible qwidgetwindow nameqscrollbarclasswindow false qdebug qtqpacocoawindow unknown qcocoawindowobscurewindow qwidgetwindow nameqscrollbarclasswindow qdebug qtqpacocoawindow unknown qcocoawindowqcocoawindow qwidgetwindow nameqscrollbarclasswindow pass tstqscrollbarcleanuptestcase totals passed failed skipped blacklisted finished testing of tstqscrollbar make error
update submodules on dev in code g c pipe g og fnoexceptions wall w dreentrant fpic dqtnoexceptions dlargefilesource dqtwebenginewidgetslib dqtwebenginecorelib dqtquicklib dqtprintsupportlib dqtwidgetslib dqtguilib dqtwebchannellib dqtqmllib dqtnetworklib dqtpositioninglib dqtcorelib dqtnamespacetestnamespace ihomeqtworkqtqtwebengineexampleswebenginewidgetssimplebrowser i iinclude iincludeqtwebenginewidgets iincludeqtwebenginecore ihomeqtworkinstallinclude ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtquick ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtprintsupport ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtwidgets ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtgui ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtwebchannel ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtqml ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtnetwork ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtpositioning ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtcore imoc isystem usrincludelibdrm iuic ihomeqtworkinstallmkspecslinuxg o objmocdownloadmanagerwidgeto mocmocdownloadmanagerwidgetcpp homeqtworkqtqtwebengineexampleswebenginewidgetssimplebrowserwebpagecpp in member function ‘virtual bool webpagecertificateerrorconst testnamespaceqwebenginecertificateerror’ error invalid use of incomplete type ‘class testnamespaceqstyle’ qicon iconmainwindowstylestandardiconqstylespmessageboxwarning mainwindow in file included from from from from note forward declaration of ‘class testnamespaceqstyle’ class qstyle error incomplete type ‘testnamespaceqstyle’ used in nested name specifier qicon iconmainwindowstylestandardiconqstylespmessageboxwarning mainwindow homeqtworkqtqtwebengineexampleswebenginewidgetssimplebrowserwebpagecpp in member function ‘void webpagehandleauthenticationrequiredconst testnamespacequrl testnamespaceqauthenticator’ error invalid use of incomplete type ‘class testnamespaceqstyle’ qicon iconmainwindowstylestandardiconqstylespmessageboxquestion mainwindow in file included from from from from note forward declaration of ‘class testnamespaceqstyle’ class qstyle error incomplete type ‘testnamespaceqstyle’ used in nested name specifier qicon iconmainwindowstylestandardiconqstylespmessageboxquestion mainwindow g c pipe g og fnoexceptions wall w dreentrant fpic dqtnoexceptions dlargefilesource dqtwebenginewidgetslib dqtwebenginecorelib dqtquicklib dqtprintsupportlib dqtwidgetslib dqtguilib dqtwebchannellib dqtqmllib dqtnetworklib dqtpositioninglib dqtcorelib dqtnamespacetestnamespace ihomeqtworkqtqtwebengineexampleswebenginewidgetssimplebrowser i iinclude iincludeqtwebenginewidgets iincludeqtwebenginecore ihomeqtworkinstallinclude ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtquick ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtprintsupport ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtwidgets ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtgui ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtwebchannel ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtqml ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtnetwork ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtpositioning ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtcore imoc isystem usrincludelibdrm iuic ihomeqtworkinstallmkspecslinuxg o objmocdownloadwidgeto mocmocdownloadwidgetcpp homeqtworkqtqtwebengineexampleswebenginewidgetssimplebrowserwebpagecpp in member function ‘void webpagehandleproxyauthenticationrequiredconst testnamespacequrl testnamespaceqauthenticator const testnamespaceqstring’ error invalid use of incomplete type ‘class testnamespaceqstyle’ qicon iconmainwindowstylestandardiconqstylespmessageboxquestion mainwindow in file included from from from from note forward declaration of ‘class testnamespaceqstyle’ class qstyle error incomplete type ‘testnamespaceqstyle’ used in nested name specifier qicon iconmainwindowstylestandardiconqstylespmessageboxquestion mainwindow g c pipe g og fnoexceptions wall w dreentrant fpic dqtnoexceptions dlargefilesource dqtwebenginewidgetslib dqtwebenginecorelib dqtquicklib dqtprintsupportlib dqtwidgetslib dqtguilib dqtwebchannellib dqtqmllib dqtnetworklib dqtpositioninglib dqtcorelib dqtnamespacetestnamespace ihomeqtworkqtqtwebengineexampleswebenginewidgetssimplebrowser i iinclude iincludeqtwebenginewidgets iincludeqtwebenginecore ihomeqtworkinstallinclude ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtquick ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtprintsupport ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtwidgets ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtgui ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtwebchannel ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtqml ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtnetwork ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtpositioning ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtcore imoc isystem usrincludelibdrm iuic ihomeqtworkinstallmkspecslinuxg o objmoctabwidgeto mocmoctabwidgetcpp g c pipe g og fnoexceptions wall w dreentrant fpic dqtnoexceptions dlargefilesource dqtwebenginewidgetslib dqtwebenginecorelib dqtquicklib dqtprintsupportlib dqtwidgetslib dqtguilib dqtwebchannellib dqtqmllib dqtnetworklib dqtpositioninglib dqtcorelib dqtnamespacetestnamespace ihomeqtworkqtqtwebengineexampleswebenginewidgetssimplebrowser i iinclude iincludeqtwebenginewidgets iincludeqtwebenginecore ihomeqtworkinstallinclude ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtquick ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtprintsupport ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtwidgets ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtgui ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtwebchannel ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtqml ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtnetwork ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtpositioning ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtcore imoc isystem usrincludelibdrm iuic ihomeqtworkinstallmkspecslinuxg o objmocwebpageo mocmocwebpagecpp g c pipe g og fnoexceptions wall w dreentrant fpic dqtnoexceptions dlargefilesource dqtwebenginewidgetslib dqtwebenginecorelib dqtquicklib dqtprintsupportlib dqtwidgetslib dqtguilib dqtwebchannellib dqtqmllib dqtnetworklib dqtpositioninglib dqtcorelib dqtnamespacetestnamespace ihomeqtworkqtqtwebengineexampleswebenginewidgetssimplebrowser i iinclude iincludeqtwebenginewidgets iincludeqtwebenginecore ihomeqtworkinstallinclude ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtquick ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtprintsupport ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtwidgets ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtgui ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtwebchannel ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtqml ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtnetwork ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtpositioning ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtcore imoc isystem usrincludelibdrm iuic ihomeqtworkinstallmkspecslinuxg o objmocwebpopupwindowo mocmocwebpopupwindowcpp recipe for target objwebpageo failed make error make waiting for unfinished jobs g fuseldgold wlenablenewdtags wlgdbindex wlzorigin wlrpathoriginlib wlrpathoriginlib wlrpathlinkhomeqtworkbuildlib wlrpathlinkhomeqtworkinstalllib o videoplayer objmaino objmainwindowo objfullscreenwindowo objfullscreennotificationo objqrcvideoplayero objmocmainwindowo objmocfullscreenwindowo objmocfullscreennotificationo lhomeqtworkbuildlib lhomeqtworkinstalllib lgl lpthread make leaving directory homeqtworkbuildexampleswebenginewidgetsvideoplayer make leaving directory homeqtworkbuildexampleswebenginewidgetssimplebrowser recipe for target subsimplebrowsermakefirst failed make error make waiting for unfinished jobs g fuseldgold wlenablenewdtags wlgdbindex wlzorigin wlrpathoriginlib wlrpathoriginlib wlrpathlinkhomeqtworkbuildlib wlrpathlinkhomeqtworkinstalllib o contentmanipulation objmaino objmainwindowo objqrcjqueryo objmocmainwindowo lhomeqtworkbuildlib lhomeqtworkinstalllib lgl lpthread make leaving directory homeqtworkbuildexampleswebenginewidgetscontentmanipulation make leaving directory homeqtworkbuildexampleswebenginewidgets recipe for target subwebenginewidgetsmakefirst failed make error make leaving directory homeqtworkbuildexamples recipe for target subexamplesmakefirst failed make error code code cl c nologo zcwchart fs zcrvaluecast zcinline zcstrictstrings zcthrowingnew md dunicode dunicode dqtnoexceptions dqtnodebug dqtwebenginewidgetslib dqtwebenginecorelib dqtquicklib dqtprintsupportlib dqtwidgetslib dqtguilib dqtwebchannellib dqtqmllib dqtnetworklib dqtpositioninglib dqtcorelib dqtnamespacetestnamespace dndebug i iinclude iincludeqtwebenginewidgets iincludeqtwebenginecore icusersqtworkinstallinclude icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtquick icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtprintsupport icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtwidgets icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtgui icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtangle icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtwebchannel icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtqml icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtnetwork icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtpositioning icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtcore imocrelease iuic icutilsmysqlmysqlinclude icutilspostgresqlpgsqlinclude foobjrelease browsercpp browserwindowcpp downloadmanagerwidgetcpp downloadwidgetcpp maincpp tabwidgetcpp webpagecpp error use of undefined type testnamespaceqstyle note see declaration of testnamespaceqstyle error left of standardicon must point to classstructuniongeneric type error spmessageboxwarning undeclared identifier error use of undefined type testnamespaceqstyle note see declaration of testnamespaceqstyle error left of standardicon must point to classstructuniongeneric type error spmessageboxquestion undeclared identifier error use of undefined type testnamespaceqstyle note see declaration of testnamespaceqstyle error left of standardicon must point to classstructuniongeneric type error spmessageboxquestion undeclared identifier webpopupwindowcpp webviewcpp generating code nmake fatal error cprogram files visual studio return code stop nmake fatal error cprogram files visual studio return code stop nmake fatal error cd return code stop nmake fatal error cd return code stop nmake fatal error cd return code stop code
update submodules on in code usersqtworkqtqtdeclarativetestsautoquickqquickapplicationtargetwrappersh tstqquickapplication o o txt start testing of tstqquickapplication config using qttest library qt shared dynamic release build by clang apple pass tstqquickapplicationinittestcase fail tstqquickapplicationactive itempropertyactivetobool returned false loc pass tstqquickapplicationstate pass tstqquickapplicationlayoutdirection pass tstqquickapplicationfont pass tstqquickapplicationinputmethod pass tstqquickapplicationstylehints pass tstqquickapplicationdisplayname pass tstqquickapplicationplatformname pass tstqquickapplicationcleanuptestcase totals passed failed skipped blacklisted finished testing of tstqquickapplication make error process finished with error exit status error reading from stdouterr exit status rerunning testsautoquickqquickapplication with testargsactive usersqtworkqtqtdeclarativetestsautoquickqquickapplicationtargetwrappersh tstqquickapplication active qtqpa unknown loading macos cocoa platform plugin for qt running on macos component sdk version deployment target qt application code
update submodules on in code pass tstgltexturecheckdoesntcrashwhensendingincompatibletexturedataupdateoutofboundy qwarn tstgltexturecheckdoesntcrashwhensendingincompatibletexturedataupdateoutofboundz textures are not supported qwarn tstgltexturecheckdoesntcrashwhensendingincompatibletexturedataupdateoutofboundz failed to allocate texture fail tstgltexturecheckdoesntcrashwhensendingincompatibletexturedataupdateoutofboundz textureisdirty returned false failure location qwarn tstgltexturecheckdoesntcrashwhensendingincompatibletexturedataupdateoutofboundwidth textures are not supported qwarn tstgltexturecheckdoesntcrashwhensendingincompatibletexturedataupdateoutofboundwidth failed to allocate texture fail tstgltexturecheckdoesntcrashwhensendingincompatibletexturedataupdateoutofboundwidth textureisdirty returned false failure location qwarn tstgltexturecheckdoesntcrashwhensendingincompatibletexturedataupdateoutofboundheight textures are not supported qwarn tstgltexturecheckdoesntcrashwhensendingincompatibletexturedataupdateoutofboundheight failed to allocate texture fail tstgltexturecheckdoesntcrashwhensendingincompatibletexturedataupdateoutofboundheight textureisdirty returned false failure location qwarn tstgltexturecheckdoesntcrashwhensendingincompatibletexturedataupdateoutofbounddepth textures are not supported qwarn tstgltexturecheckdoesntcrashwhensendingincompatibletexturedataupdateoutofbounddepth failed to allocate texture fail tstgltexturecheckdoesntcrashwhensendingincompatibletexturedataupdateoutofbounddepth textureisdirty returned false failure location qwarn tstgltexturecheckdoesntcrashwhensendingincompatibletexturedataupdateoutofboundlayer array textures are not supported qwarn tstgltexturecheckdoesntcrashwhensendingincompatibletexturedataupdateoutofboundlayer failed to allocate texture fail tstgltexturecheckdoesntcrashwhensendingincompatibletexturedataupdateoutofboundlayer textureisdirty returned false failure location pass tstgltexturecheckpropertiesafterloadtexturedatafromimages pass tstgltexturecleanuptestcase totals passed failed skipped blacklisted finished testing of tstgltexture code
continuous integration failed code module qtqtbase did not compile applicationsxcodeappcontentsdevelopertoolchainsxcodedefaultxctoolchainusrbinclang c pipe stdliblibc g fpic fapplicationextension arch arch fobjcnonfragileabi fobjclegacydispatch fvisibilityhidden fvisibilityinlineshidden fnoexceptions fembedbitcodemarker wall w dqtnousingnamespace dqtnoforeach dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtbuildguilib dqtbuildingqt dqtnocasttoascii dqtasciicastwarnings dqtmoccompat dqtuseqstringbuilder dqtdeprecatedwarnings dqtdisabledeprecatedbefore dqtnoexceptions dlargefilesource dqtcorelib i imkspecscommonuikit iinclude iincludeqtgui iincludeqtcore imocdebug imkspecsmacxwatchosclang o objdebugqwindowo kernelqwindowcpp error use of undeclared identifier qtglglobalsharecontext make error make error error use of undeclared identifier qtglglobalsharecontext make error make error make error make error code build log details tested changes update submodules on in
on friday june frederik gladhorn wrote bsrcguiaccessibleqaccessibleh class qtextcursor class qguiexport qaccessible public static const qstring showmenuaction static const qstring setfocusaction static const qstring toggleaction static const qstring scrollleftaction static const qstring scrollrightaction static const qstring scrollupaction static const qstring scrolldownaction static const qstring nextpageaction static const qstring previouspageaction this is not qtlike api the strings are initialised on first use all of them but they are translated which means they will not obey a change in translation settings the old ones cant be fixed now but we should fix the new ones not to return a const reference reviewed up to and it was good up to that thiago macieira thiagomacieira at intelcom software architect intel open source technology center
configure fails using icc code set set bash homeqtworkqtqtbaseconfigure r platform openssl opensource confirmlicense nomake tests verbose prefix homeqtworkinstall developerbuild nopch nomake examples code code icpc o binqmake projecto optiono propertyo maino ioutilso proitemso qmakevfso qmakeglobalso qmakeparsero qmakeevaluatoro qmakebuiltinso makefileo unixmakeo mingwmakeo winmakefileo projectgeneratoro metao makefiledepso metamakefileo xmloutputo pbuilderpbxo msvcvcprojo msvcvcxprojo msvcnmakeo msvcobjectmodelo msbuildobjectmodelo qtextcodeco qutfcodeco qstringo qstringcompato qstringbuildero qtextstreamo qiodeviceo qringbuffero qdebugo qmalloco qglobalo qarraydatao qbytearrayo qbytearraymatchero qdatastreamo qbuffero qlisto qfiledeviceo qfileo qfilesystementryo qfilesystemengineo qfsfileengineo qfsfileengineiteratoro qregexpo qbitarrayo qdiro qdiriteratoro quuido qhasho qfileinfoo qdatetimeo qstringlisto qabstractfileengineo qtemporaryfileo qmapo qmetatypeo qsettingso qsystemerroro qvarianto qvsnprintfo qlocaleo qlocaletoolso qlinkedlisto qnumerico qcryptographichasho qxmlstreamo qxmlutilso qloggingo qoperatingsystemversiono qjsono qjsondocumento qjsonparsero qjsonarrayo qjsonobjecto qjsonvalueo qfilesystemengineunixo qfilesystemiteratorunixo qfsfileengineunixo qlocaleunixo qlibraryinfoo wlgcsections info creating cache file homeqtworkqtqtbaseqmakecache command line r platform openssl opensource confirmlicense nomake tests verbose prefix homeqtworkinstall developerbuild nopch nomake examples project error failed to parse default search paths from compiler output code