noformat cusersqtworkinstallbinmocexe dunicode dunicode denableextendedalignedstorage dsrcdircusersqtworkqtqtqatestspostbuildguiapplauncher dqtnodebug dqtguilib dqttestliblib dqtcorelib dqtnamespacetestnamespace dqttestcasebuilddircusersqtworkqtqtqatestspostbuildguiapplauncher dndebug compilerflavormsvc include cusersqtworkqtqtqatestspostbuildguiapplaunchermocreleasemocpredefsh icusersqtworkqtqtqatestspostbuildguiapplauncher icusersqtworkinstallinclude icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtgui icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtangle icusersqtworkinstallincludeqttest icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtcore icprogram files visual studio icprogram files visual studio icprogram files icprogram files icprogram files icprogram files icprogram files tstguiapplaunchercpp o mocreleasetstguiapplaunchermoc error left of hprocess must point to classstructuniongeneric type note type is error left of dwprocessid must point to classstructuniongeneric type note type is error findprocesswindowenumcontextfindprocesswindowenumcontext no appropriate default constructor available error left of dwprocessid must point to classstructuniongeneric type note type is error left of arg must have classstructunion jom cusersqtworkqtqtqatestspostbuildguiapplaunchermakefilerelease error cl c nologo zcwchart fs zcrvaluecast zcinline zcstrictstrings zcthrowingnew md ehsc dunicode dunicode denableextendedalignedstorage dsrcdircusersqtworkqtqtqatestspostbuildguiapplauncher dqtnodebug dqtguilib dqttestliblib dqtcorelib dqtnamespacetestnamespace dqttestcasebuilddircusersqtworkqtqtqatestspostbuildguiapplauncher dndebug i icusersqtworkinstallinclude icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtgui icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtangle icusersqtworkinstallincludeqttest icusersqtworkinstallincludeqtcore imocrelease icopensslinclude icutilspostgresqlpgsqlinclude foobjrelease tstguiapplaunchercpp error testnamespaceqstring windowmanagerwaitfortoplevelwindowunsigned cannot convert argument from qpid to note there is no context in which this conversion is possible error bool windowmanagersendcloseeventconst testnamespaceqstring cannot convert argument from qpid to note there is no context in which this conversion is possible jom cusersqtworkqtqtqatestspostbuildguiapplaunchermakefilerelease error jom cusersqtworkqtqtqatestspostbuildguiapplaunchermakefile error jom cusersqtworkqtqtqatestspostbuildmakefile error jom cusersqtworkqtqtqatestsmakefile error process finished with error exit status executing scheduled instruction of upload all core dumps if there are some skip uploading core files because corefilespath is not set in the environment test failed error building exit status agent finished fail noformat build log details tested changes update submodules on in
start the installer proceed with a custom installation up to select components expand development tools and symbian toolchains if theres no scrollbar resize the window so that a vertical scrollbar becomes visible expand sdk scroll the list so that native api support is the last visible item collapse sdk using the mousewhen the mouse button is being pressed the item is being collapsed and the list scrolls after scrolling the check box for symbian toolchains is below the mouse pointer releasing the mouse now will toggle the check boxthis will dismiss the users settings inside this item thus it is very annoying to set the right checks in this dialoginstead expanding and collapsing should happen when the left mouse button is being releasedanchornote the resizing and scrolling is unrelated to the wrong behavior it only makes the bug more obvious
i tried for several days and cant get to the qt ftp archive hereftpftpqtnokiacomqtsdkan older version is needed for compatibility with a qt projectthanks for any help
unhandled exceptions were found in journalctl after production update codejava nov vmbuilder pipenv future exceptionattributeerrormodule asynciofutures has no nov vmbuilder pipenv traceback most recent call last nov vmbuilder pipenv file homevmbuilderqtcisrcworkitempy line in agentlaunched nov vmbuilder pipenv selfagentlauncheraddress agentaddress nov vmbuilder pipenv file homevmbuilderqtcisrcagentlauncherpy line in address nov vmbuilder pipenv selfaddressfuturesetresultaddress nov vmbuilder pipenv asyncioexceptionsinvalidstateerror invalid state nov vmbuilder pipenv during handling of the above exception another exception occurred nov vmbuilder pipenv traceback most recent call last nov vmbuilder pipenv file srcschedulerpy line in agentlaunched nov vmbuilder pipenv workitemagentlaunchedagentaddress agentid nov vmbuilder pipenv file homevmbuilderqtcisrcworkitempy line in agentlaunched nov vmbuilder pipenv except asynciofuturesinvalidstateerror nov vmbuilder pipenv attributeerror module asynciofutures has no attribute invalidstateerror code the unhandled exceptions caused the parent finalitem being cancelled
i have crossplatform source in encoding when i open linguist for windows and open my pro file it show russian text everywhere except source files i suppose that linguist assume local charset instead of charset specified in pro file i have this entries in my pro filecodecforsrc
if you compile qt creator against the current branch you will recognize that on ubuntu all mouse input is forwarded to the application pixels above that makes usage of the whole application specifically menubars impossible if you compile it against the current everything works fine hence this is a regressionjason also mentioned that he can reproduce it on his ubuntu hence this is not related to the latest releaseto get rid of this misbehavior unmaximize the window and maximize it again then mouse input works as expected so this is probably relate to the unity menubar
the code below generates very different results depending on the graphics system in usesee attached image for results on raster native and openglthe opengl result is the correct onecodetitletestcppinclude class arctest public qwidget qobjectpublic arctest void painteventqpaintevent qpainter pthis pfillrectrect qtwhite qpainterpath path qpen penqtblack pstrokepathpath pen int mainint argc char argv qapplication appargc argv arctest at atshow return appexecinclude testmoccode
code thread crashed qmljseditorsemanticinfoupdater qmljsimportsqmljsdocument const const qmljslookuptypeqmljsdocument const qmljsuiqualifiedid qmljsuiqualifiedid const qmljslookupreferenceqmljsvalue const const qmljshasnext qmljssetqmlscopeobjectqmljsnode qmljspushqmljsnode qmljsvisitqmlobjectqmljsnode qmljsuiqualifiedid qmljsuiobjectinitializer qmljsvisitqmljsuiobjectdefinition qmljsacceptqmljsnode qmljsvisitor qmljsoperator libqmljseditordylib qmljseditormakenewsemanticinfoqsharedpointer const qmljssnapshot const libqmljseditordylib qmljseditorrun orgqtprojectqtcore qthreadprivatestartvoid libsystempthreaddylib pthreadbody libsystempthreaddylib pthreadstart libsystempthreaddylib threadstart code
provision does not find script full information from coin
has issues building failing at installation of the python six package claiming there are no suitable versions for the six package due to an upstream infrastructure update of pypi we need to use the newest pip version on macos machines as described at as per provisioning log at the pip version is a bit old we need is it possible to remove the cached provisioning disk images for macos and so that the pip version is updated when we try to stage a new change in pyside i also tested the issue on my mac i had and i couldnt install any packages until i updated to note that the pip provisioning script always gets the latest version so we just need to update the disk images
syncqtpl output with current version of syncprofile huh directory cannot be opened at qtbasebinsyncqtpl line timeline directory does not exist under src
from build log installmkspecslinuxg o in function ‘uafinddatatype’ error ‘for’ loop initial declarations are only allowed in mode forsizet i i uatypescount i note use option or to compile your code in function ‘printnumber’ error ‘for’ loop initial declarations are only allowed in mode forsizet i digits i i in function ‘’ error ‘for’ loop initial declarations are only allowed in mode forsizet i i size i in function ‘computestrides’ error ‘for’ loop initial declarations are only allowed in mode forsizet i i dimscount i issue seems to be in recently added linux
when i compile my android application with qt i get a strange warning about qtsensors error reading file no such file or directory in fact its like in the name of this file all the words sensors have been replaced by the correct path is evidently the program is compiled normally but the magnetometer is not accessible there are no bugs in my configuration files the program was compiling without warning with qt franck
merge remotetracking branch into dev update submodules on dev in code fail inputpaneltesthangulinputmethodrow compared values are not the same actual expected loc fail inputpaneltesthangulinputmethodrow compared values are not the same actual expected loc fail inputpaneltesthangulinputmethodrow compared values are not the same actual expected loc fail inputpaneltesthangulinputmethodrow compared values are not the same actual expected loc fail inputpaneltesthangulinputmethodrow compared values are not the same actual expected loc fail inputpaneltesthangulinputmethodrow compared values are not the same actual expected loc fail inputpaneltesthangulinputmethodrow compared values are not the same actual expected loc fail inputpaneltesthangulinputmethodrow compared values are not the same actual expected loc fail inputpaneltesthangulinputmethodrow compared values are not the same actual expected loc fail inputpaneltesthangulinputmethodrow compared values are not the same actual expected loc fail inputpaneltesthangulinputmethodrow compared values are not the same actual expected loc fail inputpaneltesthangulinputmethodrow compared values are not the same actual expected loc fail inputpaneltesthangulinputmethodrow compared values are not the same actual expected loc fail inputpaneltesthangulinputmethodrow compared values are not the same actual expected loc fail inputpaneltesthangulinputmethodrow compared values are not the same actual expected loc fail inputpaneltesthangulinputmethodrow compared values are not the same actual expected loc fail inputpaneltesthangulinputmethodrow compared values are not the same actual expected loc fail inputpaneltesthangulinputmethodrow compared values are not the same actual expected loc fail inputpaneltesthangulinputmethodrow compared values are not the same actual expected loc fail inputpaneltesthangulinputmethodrow compared values are not the same actual expected loc fail inputpaneltesthangulinputmethodrow compared values are not the same actual expected loc fail inputpaneltesthangulinputmethodrow compared values are not the same actual expected loc fail inputpaneltesthangulinputmethodrow compared values are not the same actual expected loc fail inputpaneltesthangulinputmethodrow compared values are not the same actual expected loc fail inputpaneltesthangulinputmethodrow compared values are not the same actual expected loc fail inputpaneltesthangulinputmethodrow compared values are not the same actual abcdef expected abcdef loc pass inputpanelcleanuptestcase totals passed failed skipped blacklisted finished testing of inputpanel make error code
keyboardcontroller top level device configuration keyboardinput receive events focus property mutually exclusive for controller picking raycasting physics aspect collision renderer bounding volumes or raw buffers new aspect spatial color id picking mesh level dependent on rendereraspect pickcontroller inputarea pickinputpickable color pick aspect ask renderer for glreadpixelglteximagefetch custom framegraph node with pickingnode
qlayout documentation states that if no value is explicitly set for spacing the layouts spacing is inherited from the parent layout or from the style settings for the parent widgetit is fair to include this in the documentation but this behavior is not reflected when one is creating a form in designerif a layout is set to have spacing of and it contains nested layouts by default the nested layouts visually appear to have a spacing of on windows furthermore the property window for the nested layout shows that it has a value of for spacing however when previewed the nested layout inherits the spacing of from the parent layout which is confusing especially if one has not read about the inheritanceultimately designer should make changes to reflect this inheritance such as visually applying the spacing to any nested layouts so the user can see how the spacing appears while creating the form not just previewing it setting the spacing property of the nested layout to match that of the parent layout
i do the following in a qt quick set qapplicationsetgraphicssystemopenvg this should be on by default in manually render a splash screen with call qdeclarativeviewsetviewportnew display qmlafter normal operation for a few seconds i get the following warning at about times per second qeglcontextswapbuffers bad surface the ui does not render any updates after this however the ui still responds to inputthis does not occur in or anna with qt problem does not occur immediately if i do not render my splash screen however the problem immediately reappears under these conditions after background and foregrounding the application the splash screen is a qwidget with the following flags qtsplashscreen qtframelesswindowhint qtwindowstaysontophintthe problem also does not occur if i do not set the viewport however i am then running into a crash problem with an external component the presence of the external component does not affect this reported bugthe problem does not appear if i set the graphics system to opengl instead of openvg
linux offline installer for unable to install installation hangs on with error dialog see screenshot installer has creator
on osx havent tested on other platforms inside of a qml webengineview it fails to resolve the runjavascript method in event handling functions inside the declaration of the webengineview the js chaining for runjavascript works perfectly fine if you use webview rather than webengineview this is not a blocker this can be easily worked around by assigning the webengineview an id and calling the runjavascript function directly on the object via the id name in other words does not work webengineview onloadingchanged if loadrequeststatus webengineviewloadsucceededstatus this works fine in a webview but not a webengineview runjavascript“something function something works webengineview id enrollmentwebview onloadingchanged if loadrequeststatus webengineviewloadsucceededstatus this works fine in both enrollmentwebviewrunjavascript“something function something
currently the bug inflow is shown by reported accepted closedrevise this graph to show new bugs was reported triaged bugs was accepted look for issues in the states open or reopened fixed bugs new metrics look for bugs in states resolved or verified closed
the test fails under the qpa platform as it seems the underlying child is not actually updatederror log fail tstqsgvisualdatamodelchildchanged compared values are not the same actual nametext row item expected qstringrow child item row child item loc from
in the initial qt alpha release the qstringconverterencodingfordata function was inserting a zero character somewhere at the start of the string code include include include int main const qbytearray bytes foo bar baz qdebug before bytes qstringconverterencodingfordatabytesconstdata bytessize qdebug after bytes code output code before foo bar baz after foo baz code see comment for updated version for the latest qt alpha release where the parameter changed to qbytearrayview which now crashes on this example
qsvgrenderer fails to freeze rotating svg animations on the last frame of the animation other transform types seem to work though steps to reproduce run the sample attached expected the line rotates and stops on the last frame actual the line rotates and then jumps back to the starting position for comparison chrome runs and freezes the animation correctly
the definition of notify slots are now requiredthe following slots needs to be defined to avoid compile errorscodediff git asrcgalleryqgalleryquerymodelh bsrcgalleryqgalleryquerymodelhindex asrcgalleryqgalleryquerymodelh bsrcgalleryqgalleryquerymodelh qsignals void finishedint result void statechangedqgalleryabstractrequeststate state void resultchanged void filterchangedqgalleryfilter filter private qscopedpointer dptr diff git asrcgalleryqgalleryqueryrequesth bsrcgalleryqgalleryqueryrequesthindex asrcgalleryqgalleryqueryrequesth bsrcgalleryqgalleryqueryrequesth public qsignals void resultsetchangedqgalleryresultset resultset void currentitemchanged void filterchanged protected void setresponseqgalleryabstractresponse response diff git asrcmultimediaqcamerafocush bsrcmultimediaqcamerafocushindex asrcmultimediaqcamerafocush bsrcmultimediaqcamerafocush qsignals void digitalzoomchangedqreal void focuszoneschanged void opticalzoneschanged void digitalzoneschanged private friend class qcamera qcamerafocusqcamera cameradiff git asrcmultimediaqmediaplaylistnavigatorh bsrcmultimediaqmediaplaylistnavigatorhindex asrcmultimediaqmediaplaylistnavigatorh bsrcmultimediaqmediaplaylistnavigatorh public qslots void jumpint void setplaybackmodeqmediaplaylistplaybackmode mode qsignals void activatedconst qmediacontent content void currentindexchangedint void playbackmodechangedqmediaplaylistplaybackmode mode void currentitemchangedqmediacontent content void surroundingitemschanged diff git asrcmultimediaqvideowidgeth bsrcmultimediaqvideowidgethindex asrcmultimediaqvideowidgeth bsrcmultimediaqvideowidgeth qsignals void contrastchangedint contrast void huechangedint hue void saturationchangedint saturation void aspectratiomodechangedqtaspectratiomode mode protected bool eventqevent event void showeventqshowevent eventcode
due to changes in the build system for android in qt an update is needed in qt creator
merge remotetracking branch into with a few other changes code error no matching constructor for initialization of statx int ret statxfd pathname flags mask statxbuffer note candidate constructor the implicit copy constructor not viable requires argument but were provided struct statx note candidate constructor the implicit move constructor not viable requires argument but were provided note candidate constructor the implicit default constructor not viable requires arguments but were provided error generated make error make waiting for unfinished jobs code
when dragging ends mousearea remains in pressed state until the window is clicked this is different to how it works with qquickview on windows where pressed state is cleared after mouse enters the window next time to reproduce run attached example press and hold over the window move and drop outside of the window
our app is portrait only but videos will force the app into landscape and back once it is finished this worked fine before but now when the user is forced back into portrait the geometry is not always properly updated resulting in the old landscape geometry displayed in portrait having an effect similar to i suspect the fix for the jumping during startup causes this or at least has a negative effect on thissince there is no qt api for that screenorientation is readonly i do this manually using jni noformatqtandroidandroidactivitycallmethodsetrequestedorientation iv screenorientationportraitnoformat
update and review qsr verification plan link to the document link to the review task dod documentation management guidelines are followed grammarly check has been done content is updated for the qsr related linked issues are solved input to the document
the visual studio linker allows the minimum windows version for the output to be set by using the subsystemwindowsxx switch this can be set in qmakelflagswindows however when qmake is used to generate a vcxproj file the minimum version setting is lost reportedly it works for makefile output
when using delegatemodelgroup to group items then when a created item which is set to not be included will trigger an assert in the case of the example which is set up to have a delegatemodelgroup with a custom name selected and that is set to be included by default then when the items are added to that group on creation then when it hits the delegates oncompleted handler and it sets the delegatemodelinselected to false it will trigger the assert code assert index index countgroup in file line code if this is bypassed in release mode then when you replace one model with the other as the example does when you press a key then it does not remove all the entries in the list as a result but i suspect that problem is connected to the fact that it is asserting before so fixing that should solve this one
in the lineqtpropertyanimation animationbutton geometryshould beqpropertyanimation animationbutton geometry
merge remotetracking branch into dev code in file included from error typedef opaqueseccertificateref cannot be referenced with a struct specifier typedef struct opaqueseccertificateref seccertificateref note declared here typedef struct seccertificate opaqueseccertificateref in file included from error typedef opaqueseckeyref cannot be referenced with a struct specifier typedef struct opaqueseckeyref seckeyref note declared here typedef struct seckey opaqueseckeyref in file included from error typedef redefinition with different types struct opaquesecpolicyref vs struct secpolicy typedef struct opaquesecpolicyref secpolicyref note previous definition is here typedef struct cfbridgedtypeid secpolicy secpolicyref errors generated code
currently when selecting by double clicking a word with quotes qt selects both quotes and word expected resultselected foo actual resultselected “foo”most text editors select the word only and not the quotes qt should have this behavior
there seems to be several different test failures in qtlocation fail declarativeuitestdisableonflickstartedwithdisabled property count fail declarativeuitestbasicpositionchanged fail declarativeuitestbasicpressrelease fail declarativeuitestdateline fail declarativeuitestdisableonflickstartedwithnogesture build log
there is no way to propagate errors from an image provider to the image element as far as i can see the image loading in qquickpixmap cache only implements error handling for the builtin network loading code when using a custom image provider it always returns success
if is set to for joint indexes the application crashes when the model is loaded to reproduce load simple skinning example change type of vertexjoint to set qstaticassertsvertexsize change component type for jointsemantic to
add a qml snippet such as codepropertyaction with targetscodewhich will expand to thiscode propertyaction target name property name value value codenow when the caret is in target name and the user edits name also the property fields value changesother such snippets include but may not be limited tostates transitions state transition and numberanimation for all animation snippets both with target and with targets snippets have this broken autocompletion of the second field
i wasnt able to start symbian debugging with a qt creator could not connect to the inprocess qml debugger the application is not set up for qmljs debugging dialog is presented on qt creatori followed the instructions from help had a plain qml application project created from qt creator wizards enabled the qml debugging to project build qml debug library linkedcompiled and run qml debugging enabled settings tried also clean all and rebuild alli have installed coda and it was running in the device in connected state i also installed qml viewer tried with it running and not running on backgroundi tried with nokia with symbian anna and nokia with symbian belle using usb cable a colleague also tried in different machine vmware too and qt creator installation with with anna but didnt work for him either he was able to start qml debugging at home with wlan however at work he wasnt able to do debugging due to different networking configurationsim having windows running in vmware in macbook snow leopardqt creator version infoqt creator based on qt bitbuilt on aug at revision debugging the project builds and runs and installs silent installation to the device and the application to debug starts circular wait anim on app start briefly appears on device screen but immediately after this the app is exitedheres a log what is emited to qt creator debug viewsstarting debugger qmlcppengine for abi parameters qmltest on symbian device mode csysbinqmltestexe qmljsdebuggerostduid dproject cusersauotilaqtprojectsqmltest built cusersauotilaqtprojectsqmltestdremote dsymbol file settings dusealternatingrowcolours false default falsedfontsizefollowseditor false default falsedusemessageboxforsignals true default truedautoquit false default falsedlogtimestamps false default falsedverboselog false default falsedclosebuffersonexit false default falsedswitchmodeonexit false default falsedusedebugginghelper true default truedusecodemodel true default truedshowthreadnames false default falsedusetooltips false default falsedusetooltipsinlocalsview false default falsedusetooltipsinbreakpointsview false default falseduseaddressinbreakpointsview false default falseduseaddressinstackview false default falsedregisterforpostmortem false default falsedloadgdbinit true default truedscriptfile default dwatchdogtimeout default false default falsedmaximalstackdepth default false default falsedshowstandardnamespace true default truedshowqtnamespace true default truedsortstructmembers true default truedautoderefpointers true default truedalwaysadjustlocalscolumnwidths false default falsedlistsourcefiles false default falsedskipknownframes false default falsedenablereversedebugging false default falsedallpluginbreakpoints true default truedselectedpluginbreakpoints false default falsedadjustbreakpointlocations true default truedalwaysadjustbreakpointscolumnwidths false default falsednopluginbreakpoints false default falsedselectedpluginbreakpointspattern default dbreakonthrow false default falsedbreakoncatch false default falsedbreakonwarning false default falsedbreakonfatal false default falsedalwaysadjustregisterscolumnwidths false default falsedalwaysadjustsnapshotscolumnwidths false default falsedalwaysadjustthreadscolumnwidths false default falsedalwaysadjustmodulescolumnwidths false default falsedstate changed from to setup enginedcall setup enginedstate changed from to setup enginedstate changed from to setup enginedcall setup enginednote engine setup okdstate changed from to setup inferiordcall setup enginedtrying to start adapterdenabling test case i mi nxdgdb started initializing breakpoint pending print elements overloadresolution sigsegv nopass stop unwindonsignal width height autosolibadd console maintenance set internalwarning quit console maintenance set internalerror quit console disassemble console python console python console python console bbsetupdadapter successfully starteddnote engine setup okdstate changed from to engine setup okdstate changed from to setup inferiordstate changed from to setup inferiordqueue setup inferiordcall setup inferiordstate changed from to setup inferiordstate changed from to setup inferiordcall setup inferiordnote inferior setup okdstate changed from to setup inferiorssetting up gdb gdb c free software foundation incnlicense gnu gpl version or later is free software you are free to change and redistribute itnthere is no warranty to the extent permitted by law type show copyingnand show warranty for detailsnthis gdb was configured as targetarmnonesymbianelfnfor bug reporting instructions please seenshow versionngnu gdb gdb c free software foundation incnlicense gnu gpl version or later is free software you are free to change and redistribute itnthere is no warranty to the extent permitted by law type show copyingnand show warranty for detailsnthis gdb was configured as targetarmnonesymbianelfnfor bug reporting instructions please version gdb version gnu gdb gdb c free software foundation incdlicense gnu gpl version or later dthis is free software you are free to change and redistribute itdthere is no warranty to the extent permitted by law type show copyingdand show warranty for detailsdthis gdb was configured as targetarmnonesymbianelfdfor bug reporting instructions please seeddgnu gdb gdb c free software foundation incdlicense gnu gpl version or later dthis is free software you are free to change and redistribute itdthere is no warranty to the extent permitted by law type show copyingdand show warranty for detailsdthis gdb was configured as targetarmnonesymbianelfdfor bug reporting instructions please seedddusing gdb version build breakpoint pending print elements overloadresolution sigsegv nopass stop printnsignal stoptprinttpass to programtdescriptionnsigsegv yestyestnottsegmentation unwindonsignal directory width height autosolibadd syntax error in expression near syntax error in expression near thread reported process started pid thread id code segment data segment breakpoint alwaysinserted breakpoint autohw trustreadonlysections displacedstepping mem cache remotecache remote symbols from breakpoint alwaysinserted breakpoint autohw trustreadonlysections displacedstepping mem cache remotecache remote debugging using limiting remote suggested packet size bytes to limiting remote suggested packet size bytes to group createddtaking notice of pid created in print msymbols print msymbols nonnamespaced qtdnote inferior setup okdstate changed from to inferior setup okdstate changed from to changed from to run enginedcall run enginedstate changed from to run enginedstate changed from to run enginedcall run enginedcall run enginednote engine run and inferior stop okdstate changed from to inferior run requesteddstate changed from to inferior run okdstate changed from to qml debugging is enabled only use this in a safe environment thread reporteddnote engine run faileddstate changed from to debugger requesteddstate changed from to interrupt inferiorsstop requesteddtrying to interrupt inferior qdeclarativedebugserver ignoring qmljsdebuggerost remote debugger plugin has not been found thread stopped suspended thread stopped suspended creatednsnstoppedreasonsignalreceivedsignalnamesigtrapsignalmeaningtracebreakpoint inferior stop okdnote while dying dnote forwarding to stop ok dstate changed from to changed from to shutdown inferiordnote ignoring stop selecteddcall shutdown coda disconnectedecannot write to gdb no connection killnkill the program being debugged y or n group successfully shut downdstate changed from to engine run faileddstate changed from to changed from to shutdown enginedcall shutdown enginedstate changed from to engine shutdown okdstate changed from to changed from to changed from to gdbengine shutdown in state proc coda claims exit waitingdgdb process finished status code engine shutdown okdstate changed from to changed from to engine shutdown okdstate changed from to changed from to finish debuggerdnote finish debuggerdhandle runcontrol finishedsdebugger finishedsstarting debugger qmlcppengine for abi parameters qmltest on symbian device mode csysbinqmltestexe qmljsdebuggerostduid dproject cusersauotilaqtprojectsqmltest built cusersauotilaqtprojectsqmltestdremote dsymbol file settings dusealternatingrowcolours false default falsedfontsizefollowseditor false default falsedusemessageboxforsignals true default truedautoquit false default falsedlogtimestamps false default falsedverboselog false default falsedclosebuffersonexit false default falsedswitchmodeonexit false default falsedusedebugginghelper true default truedusecodemodel true default truedshowthreadnames false default falsedusetooltips false default falsedusetooltipsinlocalsview false default falsedusetooltipsinbreakpointsview false default falseduseaddressinbreakpointsview false default falseduseaddressinstackview false default falsedregisterforpostmortem false default falsedloadgdbinit true default truedscriptfile default dwatchdogtimeout default false default falsedmaximalstackdepth default false default falsedshowstandardnamespace true default truedshowqtnamespace true default truedsortstructmembers true default truedautoderefpointers true default truedalwaysadjustlocalscolumnwidths false default falsedlistsourcefiles false default falsedskipknownframes false default falsedenablereversedebugging false default falsedallpluginbreakpoints true default truedselectedpluginbreakpoints false default falsedadjustbreakpointlocations true default truedalwaysadjustbreakpointscolumnwidths false default falsednopluginbreakpoints false default falsedselectedpluginbreakpointspattern default dbreakonthrow false default falsedbreakoncatch false default falsedbreakonwarning false default falsedbreakonfatal false default falsedalwaysadjustregisterscolumnwidths false default falsedalwaysadjustsnapshotscolumnwidths false default falsedalwaysadjustthreadscolumnwidths false default falsedalwaysadjustmodulescolumnwidths false default falsedstate changed from to setup enginedcall setup enginedstate changed from to setup enginedstate changed from to setup enginedcall setup enginednote engine setup okdstate changed from to setup inferiordcall setup enginedtrying to start adapterdenabling test case i mi nxdgdb started initializing breakpoint pending print elements overloadresolution sigsegv nopass stop unwindonsignal width height autosolibadd console maintenance set internalwarning quit console maintenance set internalerror quit console disassemble console python console python console python console bbsetupdadapter successfully starteddnote engine setup okdstate changed from to engine setup okdstate changed from to setup inferiordstate changed from to setup inferiordqueue setup inferiordcall setup inferiordstate changed from to setup inferiordstate changed from to setup inferiordcall setup inferiordnote inferior setup okdstate changed from to setup inferiorssetting up gdb gdb c free software foundation incnlicense gnu gpl version or later is free software you are free to change and redistribute itnthere is no warranty to the extent permitted by law type show copyingnand show warranty for detailsnthis gdb was configured as targetarmnonesymbianelfnfor bug reporting instructions please seenshow versionngnu gdb gdb c free software foundation incnlicense gnu gpl version or later is free software you are free to change and redistribute itnthere is no warranty to the extent permitted by law type show copyingnand show warranty for detailsnthis gdb was configured as targetarmnonesymbianelfnfor bug reporting instructions please version gdb version gnu gdb gdb c free software foundation incdlicense gnu gpl version or later dthis is free software you are free to change and redistribute itdthere is no warranty to the extent permitted by law type show copyingdand show warranty for detailsdthis gdb was configured as targetarmnonesymbianelfdfor bug reporting instructions please seeddgnu gdb gdb c free software foundation incdlicense gnu gpl version or later dthis is free software you are free to change and redistribute itdthere is no warranty to the extent permitted by law type show copyingdand show warranty for detailsdthis gdb was configured as targetarmnonesymbianelfdfor bug reporting instructions please seedddusing gdb version build breakpoint pending print elements overloadresolution sigsegv nopass stop printnsignal stoptprinttpass to programtdescriptionnsigsegv yestyestnottsegmentation unwindonsignal directory width height autosolibadd syntax error in expression near syntax error in expression near thread reported process started pid thread id code segment data segment breakpoint alwaysinserted breakpoint autohw trustreadonlysections displacedstepping mem cache remotecache remote symbols from breakpoint alwaysinserted breakpoint autohw trustreadonlysections displacedstepping mem cache remotecache remote debugging using limiting remote suggested packet size bytes to limiting remote suggested packet size bytes to group createddtaking notice of pid created in print msymbols print msymbols nonnamespaced qtdnote inferior setup okdstate changed from to inferior setup okdstate changed from to changed from to run enginedcall run enginedstate changed from to run enginedstate changed from to run enginedcall run enginedcall run enginednote engine run and inferior stop okdstate changed from to inferior run requesteddstate changed from to inferior run okdstate changed from to qml debugging is enabled only use this in a safe environment thread reporteddnote engine run faileddstate changed from to debugger requesteddstate changed from to interrupt inferiorsstop requesteddtrying to interrupt inferior qdeclarativedebugserver ignoring qmljsdebuggerost remote debugger plugin has not been found thread stopped suspended thread stopped suspended creatednsnstoppedreasonsignalreceivedsignalnamesigtrapsignalmeaningtracebreakpoint inferior stop okdnote while dying dnote forwarding to stop ok dstate changed from to changed from to shutdown inferiordnote ignoring stop selecteddcall shutdown the program being debugged y or n group successfully shut downdstate changed from to engine run faileddstate changed from to changed from to shutdown enginedcall shutdown enginedstate changed from to engine shutdown okdstate changed from to changed from to changed from to gdbengine shutdown in state proc coda disconnected coda claims exit waitingdgdb process finished status code engine shutdown okdstate changed from to changed from to engine shutdown okdstate changed from to changed from to finish debuggerdnote finish debuggerdhandle runcontrol finishedsdebugger finishedsome other log in the same pane debugger breakpoint pending print elements overloadresolution sigsegv nopass stop unwindonsignal width height autosolibadd console maintenance set internalwarning quit console maintenance set internalerror quit console disassemble console python console python console python console breakpoint alwaysinserted breakpoint autohw trustreadonlysections displacedstepping mem cache remotecache remote print msymbols
the runfast mode is a faster but less accurate floating point mode see for examplecheck if it speeds up qt painting performance for graphicsview for example it has any sideffects we dont like phones not supporting it qt drawing wrong etcenable if all ok
im following the samplebinding example when importing the universe lib i get importerror dll load failed while importing universe the specified module could not be found this in python version and are working fine
the third parameter on line in should read cleanupvectorpath it must have beem missed on last commit when they renamed that method it was breaking the buildi joined gitorious and made the fix i think i did it all correctly i have my personal sandbox showing up and the qt master as well all looks ok so my technical skills being new to git scm must be pretty ok so farlet me know more about this if you can if i did everything properly i will commit some more fixes and other corrections to things i have noticed especially on mac os x
investigate whether that makes sense
when you call qwidgetraise on a macintosh this code runs processserialnumber psn getcurrentprocesspsn setfrontprocesswithoptionspsn ksetfrontprocessfrontwindowonly from qcocoawindowraise in qcocoawindowmm it is very annoying when our application is not the active application anytime our users script changes window stacking order our application is yanked to the front qt had a function qtmacsetraiseprocess in qwidgetmacmm that set a boolean to make that behavior optional if qtmacraiseprocess we get to be the active process now processserialnumber psn getcurrentprocesspsn setfrontprocesswithoptionspsn ksetfrontprocessfrontwindowonly from qwidgetprivateraisesys in qwidgetmacmm i would like to get that back
noformat ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtgui ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtcore imoc o objmaino maincpp error unresolved symbols builtinclz from libqjpegajcphuffo error errors during processing make error make leaving directory homeqtworkqtqtdeclarativetoolsqmltestrunner make error make waiting for unfinished jobs cxintarm bsp osdir nonshared signedfields nocommons noimplicitinclude linkoncetemplates nonshared newoutsideofconstructor ospeed olink omax threadlocalstorage exceptions o binqml objmaino objqmlpluginimporto objqmlqmlpluginimporto objqrcqmlo objmocconfo homeqtworkqtqtdeclarativepluginsqmltoolinglibqmldbgdebuggera homeqtworkqtqtdeclarativepluginsqmltoolinglibqmldbginspectora homeqtworkqtqtdeclarativepluginsqmltoolinglibqmldbglocala homeqtworkqtqtdeclarativepluginsqmltoolinglibqmldbgmessagesa homeqtworkqtqtdeclarativepluginsqmltoolinglibqmldbgnativea homeqtworkqtqtdeclarativepluginsqmltoolinglibqmldbgnativedebuggera homeqtworkqtqtdeclarativepluginsqmltoolinglibqmldbgpreviewa homeqtworkqtqtdeclarativepluginsqmltoolinglibqmldbgprofilera homeqtworkqtqtdeclarativepluginsqmltoolinglibqmldbgquickprofilera homeqtworkqtqtdeclarativepluginsqmltoolinglibqmldbgservera homeqtworkqtqtdeclarativepluginsqmltoolinglibqmldbgtcpa homeqtworkinstallpluginsplatformslibqeglfsa homeqtworkinstallpluginsimageformatslibqgifa homeqtworkinstallpluginsimageformatslibqicoa homeqtworkinstallpluginsimageformatslibqjpega homeqtworkinstallpluginsegldeviceintegrationslibqeglfsemuintegrationa homeqtworkinstallpluginsegldeviceintegrationslibqeglfsvivintegrationa homeqtworkinstallliblibqtfreetypea homeqtworkinstallliblibqtlibpnga homeqtworkinstallliblibqtharfbuzza lhiddev lposix lsocket lnet lshmclient legl lgal lvsc lglslc lfbdev livfs error unresolved symbols builtinclz from libqjpegajcphuffo error errors during processing make error make leaving directory homeqtworkqtqtdeclarativetoolsqml make error make leaving directory homeqtworkqtqtdeclarativetools make error process finished with error exit status executing scheduled instruction of upload all core dumps if there are some skip uploading core files because corefilespath is not set in the environment build failed error building exit status agent finished fail noformat build log details tested changes update submodules on in
unfortunately this is a bit bad heritage of the qserialdevice project it is not wellthought and it was added in rushif this feature ever comes back it has to be rethought and maybe redesigned currently it is not much usable nicelyif we deprecate it now with qtdeprecated similarly to this users will get a warning and they will hopefully stop using it then we can redesign it for or even completely remove it hopefully but this has to be discussed with lars too if he agrees with it overall since that would be an unusual qt decision even if it is just an addonlet us see how it goes but the first step is deprecate it
commit introduced a regression when loading text files with long lines i am using branchthe attached test case fails with long lines length parameter but succeeds with short lines eg only characters
open a file from a git repository change and save that file open a completely unrelated file no project outside any repository change this file but do not save it go back to the first file select tools git current file undo uncommitted changes for from the menu creator will show a popup stating that the second file has unsaved changes this does not matter in this situation creator should ask for confirmation and revert the changes in the first file it should not touch the other file at all
under older qt it used to be possible if you changed the style that you could reset to the default style when the application started by setting an empty stylesheet this does not appear to work anymore as the following stack overflow post no longer works in the latest qt use case is a preferences dialog that allows the user to choose one of the styles from the style factory keys the user can choose a style and apply it they can also restore defaults to have their qsettings cleared at which point the style should be reset to what it was when the application started when this happens theres no way to tell the qapplication to reset its style i consider this to be a regression as the so topic suggests a solution that used to be a way of achieving this use case but it no longer works
qt from branch does not find the xkb configuration files i have to manually set qtxkbconfigroot to despite the config log says that xkb config root was found in without this step keyboard input does not work this happened after the big qtconfig merge in full config log attached
update submodules on in code qwarn tstcalendartestrange qml monthgrid month is out of range qwarn tstcalendartestrange qml monthgrid month is out of range qwarn tstcalendartestrange qml monthgrid year is out of range qwarn tstcalendartestrange qml monthgrid year is out of range info tstcalendartestrange did not receive message qml abstractmonthgrid month is out of range info tstcalendartestrange did not receive message qml abstractmonthgrid month is out of range info tstcalendartestrange did not receive message qml abstractmonthgrid year is out of range info tstcalendartestrange did not receive message qml abstractmonthgrid year is out of range fail tstcalendartestrange not all expected messages were received pass tstcalendarcleanuptestcase pass tstcalendarinittestcase pass tstcalendartestfont pass tstcalendartestlocale qwarn tstcalendartestrange qml weeknumbercolumn month is out of range qwarn tstcalendartestrange qml weeknumbercolumn month is out of range qwarn tstcalendartestrange qml weeknumbercolumn year is out of range qwarn tstcalendartestrange qml weeknumbercolumn year is out of range info tstcalendartestrange did not receive message qml abstractweeknumbercolumn month is out of range info tstcalendartestrange did not receive message qml abstractweeknumbercolumn month is out of range info tstcalendartestrange did not receive message qml abstractweeknumbercolumn year is out of range info tstcalendartestrange did not receive message qml abstractweeknumbercolumn year is out of range fail tstcalendartestrange not all expected messages were received pass tstcalendarcleanuptestcase totals passed failed skipped blacklisted code
noformat continuous integration failed running make failed the ci rejected the staged commits due to the beforementioned reason possible reason could be a bug in one of the commits or some more recent change please investigate it the error was in qtqtdeclarative revision qtqml created fwdinclude headers for qqmlbuiltinfunctionsph qtqml created version header qtqml created master header qtqml created headerspri file f makefilerelease all f makefiledebug all pipe stdliblibc g fapplicationextension arch isysroot fvisibilityhidden fvisibilityinlineshidden fnoexceptions wall w winconsistentmissingoverride wobjcinterfaceivars wobjcmethodaccess wobjcmultiplemethodnames werrorunguardedavailability werrorunguardedavailabilitynew werrorunsupportedavailabilityguard fpic dqtnourlcastfromstring dqtnointegereventcoordinates dqtnoforeach dwtfexportprivate djsexportprivate dwtfreportassertionfailureqmlwtfreportassertionfailure dwtfreportassertionfailurewithmessageqmlwtfreportassertionfailurewithmessage dwtfreportbacktraceqmlwtfreportbacktrace dwtfinvokecrashhookqmlwtfinvokecrashhook dbuildingqt dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtbuildqmllib dqtbuildingqt dqtnocasttoascii dqtasciicastwarnings dqtmoccompat dqtuseqstringbuilder dqtdeprecatedwarnings dqtdisabledeprecatedbefore dqtnoexceptions dlargefilesource dqtnetworklib dqtcorelib i imemory i icompiler i ijsruntime i ijit i idebugger ianimations igenerated iinclude iincludeqtqml i itracegendebug iusersqtworkinstalllibqtnetworkframeworkheaders iusersqtworkinstalllibqtcoreframeworkheaders imocdebug iusrlocaloptopensslinclude iusersqtworkinstallmkspecsmacxclang fusersqtworkinstalllib x cheader c includeqtqmlqtqmldepends o fapplicationextension usersqtworkinstallbinqlalr nodebug qt parserqqmljsg python generatedregexpjittablesh sh no such file or directory make error qtqml created master header qtqml created headerspri file f makefilerelease all f makefiledebug all pipe stdliblibc g fapplicationextension arch isysroot fvisibilityhidden fvisibilityinlineshidden fnoexceptions wall w winconsistentmissingoverride wobjcinterfaceivars wobjcmethodaccess wobjcmultiplemethodnames werrorunguardedavailability werrorunguardedavailabilitynew werrorunsupportedavailabilityguard fpic dqtnourlcastfromstring dqtnointegereventcoordinates dqtnoforeach dwtfexportprivate djsexportprivate dwtfreportassertionfailureqmlwtfreportassertionfailure dwtfreportassertionfailurewithmessageqmlwtfreportassertionfailurewithmessage dwtfreportbacktraceqmlwtfreportbacktrace dwtfinvokecrashhookqmlwtfinvokecrashhook dbuildingqt dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtbuildqmllib dqtbuildingqt dqtnocasttoascii dqtasciicastwarnings dqtmoccompat dqtuseqstringbuilder dqtdeprecatedwarnings dqtdisabledeprecatedbefore dqtnoexceptions dlargefilesource dqtnetworklib dqtcorelib i imemory i icompiler i ijsruntime i ijit i idebugger ianimations igenerated iinclude iincludeqtqml i itracegendebug iusersqtworkinstalllibqtnetworkframeworkheaders iusersqtworkinstalllibqtcoreframeworkheaders imocdebug iusrlocaloptopensslinclude iusersqtworkinstallmkspecsmacxclang fusersqtworkinstalllib x cheader c includeqtqmlqtqmldepends o fapplicationextension usersqtworkinstallbinqlalr nodebug qt parserqqmljsg python generatedregexpjittablesh sh no such file or directory make error make waiting for unfinished jobs make error c pipe stdliblibc g fapplicationextension arch isysroot fvisibilityhidden fvisibilityinlineshidden fnoexceptions wall w winconsistentmissingoverride wobjcinterfaceivars wobjcmethodaccess wobjcmultiplemethodnames werrorunguardedavailability werrorunguardedavailabilitynew werrorunsupportedavailabilityguard fpic dqtnourlcastfromstring dqtnointegereventcoordinates dqtnoforeach dwtfexportprivate djsexportprivate dwtfreportassertionfailureqmlwtfreportassertionfailure dwtfreportassertionfailurewithmessageqmlwtfreportassertionfailurewithmessage dwtfreportbacktraceqmlwtfreportbacktrace dwtfinvokecrashhookqmlwtfinvokecrashhook dbuildingqt dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtbuildqmllib dqtbuildingqt dqtnocasttoascii dqtasciicastwarnings dqtmoccompat dqtuseqstringbuilder dqtdeprecatedwarnings dqtdisabledeprecatedbefore dqtnoexceptions dlargefilesource dqtnetworklib dqtcorelib i imemory i icompiler i ijsruntime i ijit i idebugger ianimations igenerated iinclude iincludeqtqml i itracegendebug iusersqtworkinstalllibqtnetworkframeworkheaders iusersqtworkinstalllibqtcoreframeworkheaders imocdebug iusrlocaloptopensslinclude iusersqtworkinstallmkspecsmacxclang fusersqtworkinstalllib o objdebugmocqqmldelegatemodelppo mocdebugmocqqmldelegatemodelppcpp c pipe stdliblibc g fapplicationextension arch isysroot fvisibilityhidden fvisibilityinlineshidden fnoexceptions wall w winconsistentmissingoverride wobjcinterfaceivars wobjcmethodaccess wobjcmultiplemethodnames werrorunguardedavailability werrorunguardedavailabilitynew werrorunsupportedavailabilityguard fpic dqtnourlcastfromstring dqtnointegereventcoordinates dqtnoforeach dwtfexportprivate djsexportprivate dwtfreportassertionfailureqmlwtfreportassertionfailure dwtfreportassertionfailurewithmessageqmlwtfreportassertionfailurewithmessage dwtfreportbacktraceqmlwtfreportbacktrace dwtfinvokecrashhookqmlwtfinvokecrashhook dbuildingqt dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtbuildqmllib dqtbuildingqt dqtnocasttoascii dqtasciicastwarnings dqtmoccompat dqtuseqstringbuilder dqtdeprecatedwarnings dqtdisabledeprecatedbefore dqtnoexceptions dlargefilesource dqtnetworklib dqtcorelib i imemory i icompiler i ijsruntime i ijit i idebugger ianimations igenerated iinclude iincludeqtqml i itracegendebug iusersqtworkinstalllibqtnetworkframeworkheaders iusersqtworkinstalllibqtcoreframeworkheaders imocdebug iusrlocaloptopensslinclude iusersqtworkinstallmkspecsmacxclang fusersqtworkinstalllib o objdebugmocqqmldelegatecomponentpo mocdebugmocqqmldelegatecomponentpcpp c pipe stdliblibc g fapplicationextension arch isysroot fvisibilityhidden fvisibilityinlineshidden fnoexceptions wall w winconsistentmissingoverride wobjcinterfaceivars wobjcmethodaccess wobjcmultiplemethodnames werrorunguardedavailability werrorunguardedavailabilitynew werrorunsupportedavailabilityguard fpic dqtnourlcastfromstring dqtnointegereventcoordinates dqtnoforeach dwtfexportprivate djsexportprivate dwtfreportassertionfailureqmlwtfreportassertionfailure dwtfreportassertionfailurewithmessageqmlwtfreportassertionfailurewithmessage dwtfreportbacktraceqmlwtfreportbacktrace dwtfinvokecrashhookqmlwtfinvokecrashhook dbuildingqt dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtbuildqmllib dqtbuildingqt dqtnocasttoascii dqtasciicastwarnings dqtmoccompat dqtuseqstringbuilder dqtdeprecatedwarnings dqtdisabledeprecatedbefore dqtnoexceptions dlargefilesource dqtnetworklib dqtcorelib i imemory i icompiler i ijsruntime i ijit i idebugger ianimations igenerated iinclude iincludeqtqml i itracegendebug iusersqtworkinstalllibqtnetworkframeworkheaders iusersqtworkinstalllibqtcoreframeworkheaders imocdebug iusrlocaloptopensslinclude iusersqtworkinstallmkspecsmacxclang fusersqtworkinstalllib o objdebugqqmladaptormodelo utilqqmladaptormodelcpp c pipe stdliblibc g fapplicationextension arch isysroot fvisibilityhidden fvisibilityinlineshidden fnoexceptions wall w winconsistentmissingoverride wobjcinterfaceivars wobjcmethodaccess wobjcmultiplemethodnames werrorunguardedavailability werrorunguardedavailabilitynew werrorunsupportedavailabilityguard fpic dqtnourlcastfromstring dqtnointegereventcoordinates dqtnoforeach dwtfexportprivate djsexportprivate dwtfreportassertionfailureqmlwtfreportassertionfailure dwtfreportassertionfailurewithmessageqmlwtfreportassertionfailurewithmessage dwtfreportbacktraceqmlwtfreportbacktrace dwtfinvokecrashhookqmlwtfinvokecrashhook dbuildingqt dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtbuildqmllib dqtbuildingqt dqtnocasttoascii dqtasciicastwarnings dqtmoccompat dqtuseqstringbuilder dqtdeprecatedwarnings dqtdisabledeprecatedbefore dqtnoexceptions dlargefilesource dqtnetworklib dqtcorelib i imemory i icompiler i ijsruntime i ijit i idebugger ianimations igenerated iinclude iincludeqtqml i itracegendebug iusersqtworkinstalllibqtnetworkframeworkheaders iusersqtworkinstalllibqtcoreframeworkheaders imocdebug iusrlocaloptopensslinclude iusersqtworkinstallmkspecsmacxclang fusersqtworkinstalllib o objdebugqqmldebugserviceo debuggerqqmldebugservicecpp c pipe stdliblibc g fapplicationextension arch isysroot fvisibilityhidden fvisibilityinlineshidden fnoexceptions wall w winconsistentmissingoverride wobjcinterfaceivars wobjcmethodaccess wobjcmultiplemethodnames werrorunguardedavailability werrorunguardedavailabilitynew werrorunsupportedavailabilityguard fpic dqtnourlcastfromstring dqtnointegereventcoordinates dqtnoforeach dwtfexportprivate djsexportprivate dwtfreportassertionfailureqmlwtfreportassertionfailure dwtfreportassertionfailurewithmessageqmlwtfreportassertionfailurewithmessage dwtfreportbacktraceqmlwtfreportbacktrace dwtfinvokecrashhookqmlwtfinvokecrashhook dbuildingqt dqtnonarrowingconversionsinconnect dqtbuildqmllib dqtbuildingqt dqtnocasttoascii dqtasciicastwarnings dqtmoccompat dqtuseqstringbuilder dqtdeprecatedwarnings dqtdisabledeprecatedbefore dqtnoexceptions dlargefilesource dqtnetworklib dqtcorelib i imemory i icompiler i ijsruntime i ijit i idebugger ianimations igenerated iinclude iincludeqtqml i itracegendebug iusersqtworkinstalllibqtnetworkframeworkheaders iusersqtworkinstalllibqtcoreframeworkheaders imocdebug iusrlocaloptopensslinclude iusersqtworkinstallmkspecsmacxclang fusersqtworkinstalllib o objdebugqquickworkerscripto typesqquickworkerscriptcpp rm f qtqmldebug qtqmlframeworkqtqmldebug libqtqmlframeworkqtqmldebug stdliblibc headerpadmaxinstallnames fapplicationextension arch wlrpathexecutablepathframeworks wlrpathloaderpathframeworks wlrpathloaderpath singlemodule dynamiclib compatibilityversion currentversion installname o qtqmldebug objdebugqqmlchangeseto objdebugqqmllistaccessoro objdebugqqmllistcompositoro objdebugqqmlpropertymapo objdebugqqmladaptormodelo objdebugqqmljsasto objdebugqqmljsastvisitoro objdebugqqmljsenginepo objdebugqqmljslexero objdebugqqmlirbuildero objdebugqqmltypecompilero objdebugqqmlpropertycachecreatoro objdebugqqmlpropertyvalidatoro objdebugqjsengineo objdebugqjsvalueo objdebugqjsvalueiteratoro objdebugqqmlopenmetaobjecto objdebugqqmlvmemetaobjecto objdebugqqmlengineo objdebugqqmlexpressiono objdebugqqmlpropertyo objdebugqqmlcomponento objdebugqqmlincubatoro objdebugqqmlcontexto objdebugqqmlcustomparsero objdebugqqmlpropertyvaluesourceo objdebugqqmlpropertyvalueinterceptoro objdebugqqmlproxymetaobjecto objdebugqqmlvmeo objdebugqqmlboundsignalo objdebugqqmlmetatypeo objdebugqqmlstringconverterso objdebugqqmlparserstatuso objdebugqqmltypeloadero objdebugqqmlinfoo objdebugqqmlerroro objdebugqqmlvaluetypeo objdebugqqmlcleanupo objdebugqqmlpropertycacheo objdebugqqmlnotifiero objdebugqqmltypenotavailableo objdebugqqmltypenamecacheo objdebugqqmlscriptstringo objdebugqqmlnetworkaccessmanagerfactoryo objdebugqqmlextensionplugino objdebugqqmlimporto objdebugqqmllisto objdebugqqmljavascriptexpressiono objdebugqqmlabstractbindingo objdebugqqmlvaluetypeproxybindingo objdebugqqmlglobalo objdebugqqmlfileo objdebugqqmlplatformo objdebugqqmlbindingo objdebugqqmlabstracturlinterceptoro objdebugqqmlapplicationengineo objdebugqqmllistwrappero objdebugqqmlvaluetypewrappero objdebugqqmltypewrappero objdebugqqmlfileselectoro objdebugqqmlobjectcreatoro objdebugqqmldirparsero objdebugqqmldelayedcallqueueo objdebugqqmlloggingcategoryo objdebugqqmlxmlhttprequesto objdebugqqmllocaleo objdebugqintrusivelisto objdebugqhashedstringo objdebugqqmlthreado objdebugqqmlbuiltinfunctionso objdebugqqmldebugo objdebugqqmldebugconnectoro objdebugqqmldebugserviceo objdebugqqmlabstractprofileradaptero objdebugqqmlmemoryprofilero objdebugqqmlprofilero objdebugqqmldebugserviceinterfaceso objdebugqabstractanimationjobo objdebugqanimationgroupjobo objdebugqsequentialanimationgroupjobo objdebugqparallelanimationgroupjobo objdebugqcontinuinganimationgroupjobo objdebugqpauseanimationjobo objdebugqqmlbindo objdebugqqmlconnectionso objdebugqqmlmodelsmoduleo objdebugqqmlmodelindexvaluetypeo objdebugqqmlobjectmodelo objdebugqquickpackageo objdebugqqmlinstantiatoro objdebugqqmltableinstancemodelo objdebugqquickworkerscripto objdebugqqmllistmodelo objdebugqqmllistmodelworkeragento objdebugqqmldelegatemodelo objdebugqqmldelegatecomponento objdebugqqmltimero objdebuglinkbuffero objdebugprintstreamo objdebugfileprintstreamo objdebugosallocatorposixo objdebugpageallocationalignedo objdebugpageblocko objdebugwtfstubso objdebugoptionso objdebugdisassemblero objdebugyarrcanonicalizeunicodeo objdebugyarrinterpretero objdebugyarrjito objdebugyarrpatterno objdebugyarrsyntaxcheckero objdebugyarrunicodepropertieso objdebugqqmljsgrammaro objdebugqqmljsparsero objdebugmocqqmlpropertymapo objdebugmocqqmlcomponentattachedpo objdebugmocqqmldebugservicefactorypo objdebugmocqqmldebugserverpo objdebugmocqqmldebugserverconnectionpo objdebugmocqqmllistmodelppo objdebugmocqqmldelegatemodelppo objdebugmocqqmldelegatecomponentpo fusersqtworkinstalllib framework qtnetwork framework qtcore framework diskarbitration framework iokit mv f qtqmldebug ln s versionscurrentqtqmldebug libqtqmlframeworkqtqmldebug mkdir p usersqtworkqtqtdeclarativelibqtqmlframeworkdsymcontentsresourcesdwarf dsymutil flat o libqtqmlframeworkdsymcontentsresourcesdwarfqtqmldebug strip s make error ln s versionscurrentqtqmldebug libqtqmlframeworkqtqmldebug mkdir p usersqtworkqtqtdeclarativelibqtqmlframeworkdsymcontentsresourcesdwarf dsymutil flat o libqtqmlframeworkdsymcontentsresourcesdwarfqtqmldebug strip s make error make error process finished with error exit status executing scheduled instruction of upload all core dumps if there are some error reading from stdouterr exit status no core files have been found that is good build failed error building exit status noformat build log details tested changes update submodules on in
steps to reproduce install and launch the test application qnamtestsis press get button and exit the application by end key red button before finished appears in the logactual result application closed qnamtestexpected result application does not crashother info if you wait until it shows finished in the log it doesnt crash codetitlemaincppinclude include class widget public qwidget qobjectpublic explicit widgetqwidget parent qwidgetparent qpushbutton button new qpushbuttonget connectbutton signalclicked slotonbuttonclicked mlog new qtextbrowser qvboxlayout layout new qvboxlayoutthis layoutaddwidgetbutton layoutaddwidgetmlog mnam new qnetworkaccessmanagerthis connectmnam signalfinishedqnetworkreply slotonnamfinishedqnetworkreply private slots void onnamfinishedqnetworkreply reply mlogappendfinished replydeletelater void onbuttonclicked mlogappendget mnamgetqnetworkrequestqurl private qnetworkaccessmanager mnam qtextbrowser mlogint mainint argc char argv qapplication appargc argv widget w wshowfullscreen return appexecinclude mainmoccode
steps to reproduce copy an example i used into a path containing a whitespace start creator and create a new qtquick application from an existing qml file choose focusqml expected result focusqml and all other qml files inside core subdirectory would be shown correct inside projects tree current result focusqml is shown inside the qmljseditor but not within the project tree all qml files inside core subdirectory are missing if i put the defined src path inside the pro file in single quotes this works fine dont really know if there speaks something against this otherwise i would fix this myself
problem description qsettings is stored in a file that is overwritten as a whole in case of disk full condition or an app crash system settings data is prone to data loss because the file is completely deleted at some point solution the attached patch implements the class sqlitesettingsformat that can be registered with qsettingsregisterformat to serve as an sqlite backstore for qsettings it maintains the sqlite database for settings and only insertsupdatesdeletes records and never deletes the whole file caveats qsettingsregisterformat interface uses qiodevice and assumes that the file is written sequentially sqlite cant use qiodevice so sqlitesettingsformat creates the database file separately it assumes that qiodevice is qfile which should always be the case and derives the database file name from it qsettings object using sqlitesettingsformat cannot be instantiated at the global scope it has to be instantiated in the main function because it depends on the sql driver that is registered in the global context qkeysequence isnt handled due to the first caveat and the fact that sqlitesettingsformat uses sql and qsettings is in core and doesnt use sql i am not sure where to place sqlitesettingsformat in the qt hierarchy use example qsettings localsettingsobject qsettingsregisterformatx sqlitesettingsformatreadfile sqlitesettingsformatwritefile qsettingsuserscope company app conclusion i think such module is very useful since it prevents the data loss and should be integrated into qt please modify it and put it into the appropriate place
if a qtoolbar is disabled it can still be moved but the mouse cursor does not change as if the qtoolbar is enabled
android sdk version removed support for ant qt does not support the new gradle build system to develop using qt now requires getting an old sdk version which is not completely trivial of course if you already have a working qtandroid setup it will continue working this only affects new installations
works fine with kde desktop with kwin click in the window with mouse several times it will move up and down each time in the attached xtrace output we can see that after the window has been unmapped we get an unexpected configurenotify event code event generated event window abovesiblingnone overrideredirectfalse event event window parent overrideredirectfalse code where y has unexpectedly been changed to but from the same trace and the attached code we can see that we never requested that kind of position change
update submodules on in code g wlenablenewdtags wlzorigin wlrpathoriginlib wlrpathoriginlib o trafficlightwidgetsdynamic objtrafficlighto objtrafficlightwidgetsdynamico objqrctrafficlightwidgetsdynamico objmoctrafficlighto lpthread usrbinld warning needed by not found try using rpath or rpathlink usrbinld warning needed by not found try using rpath or rpathlink undefined reference to testnamespaceevaluatetestnamespaceqstring const testnamespaceqstring const undefined reference to undefined reference to undefined reference to testnamespacehaspropertytestnamespaceqstring const undefined reference to testnamespaceiserror undefined reference to undefined reference to testnamespaceqjsvaluetestnamespaceqstring undefined reference to testnamespacetobool undefined reference to testnamespaceglobalobject undefined reference to testnamespacesetpropertytestnamespaceqstring const testnamespaceqjsvalue undefined reference to undefined reference to testnamespacetovariant undefined reference to undefined reference to testnamespacecreateint void undefined reference to const undefined reference to undefined reference to undefined reference to undefined reference to testnamespacepropertytestnamespaceqstring const undefined reference to testnamespacepropertyunsigned int undefined reference to undefined reference to undefined reference to undefined reference to testnamespaceisarray undefined reference to undefined reference to testnamespacetostring undefined reference to testnamespaceqjsvaluetestnamespaceqjsvalue undefined reference to testnamespacetoint undefined reference to undefined reference to testnamespaceisundefined undefined reference to error ld returned exit status recipe for target trafficlightwidgetsdynamic failed make error make leaving directory homeqtworkbuildexamplesscxmltrafficlightwidgetsdynamic recipe for target subtrafficlightwidgetsdynamicmakefirst failed make error make waiting for unfinished jobs code
docs for webengineprofileuserscripts and webengineviewuserscripts state that they return basic list type but its no longer true since underlying implementation now uses whole separate although somewhat listlike type not sure what actual usecases are also not supported as with basic list type since they are nowhere tested since after the patch only simple assignment is exercised in tstuserscriptsqml
ive implemented a subclass of qgraphicsgeomap on this map i can add pois qmapobject in order to make those pois clickable ive overwritten mousepressevent and mousereleaseevent and im using mapobjectsatscreenposition to find out whether or not the user has clicked on a poion windows and linux the code is working as expected on symbian and maemo the call to mapobjectsatscreenposition always returns an empty listmy codenoformat remember the position we use this in mousereleaseevent void mapwidgetmousepresseventqgraphicsscenemouseevent event lastpos eventpos if the mouse was moved by a maximum of between press and release we look at the press coordinates and if there is a poi we emit a signal if there are several pois we only emit the signal for the first one void mapwidgetmousereleaseeventqgraphicsscenemouseevent event qpointf newpos eventpos qpointf diff lastpos newpos if qabsdiffx qabsdiffy qlist objects mapobjectsatscreenpositionlastpos if objectslength qgeomapobject obj objects qstring uuid objpropertyuuidtostring emit poiclickeduuid noformat
linux offline installers are created with wrong configuration installers cannot be used
merge remotetracking branch into dev code fail tstselftestsrunsubtestexceptionthrow new stdout tap stdout tap expectedexceptionthrowtap line mismatch line line actual tap version tstexception ok inittestcase not ok throwexception caught unhandled exception at tstexceptionthrowexception file qtestcasecpp line tests pass fail diff tmptstselftestsgygzyc tmptstselftestsdtoqdd not ok throwexception caught unhandled exception at tstexceptionthrowexception file qtbasesrctestlibqtestcasecpp line at tstexceptionthrowexception file qtestcasecpp line tests loc fail tstselftestsrunsubtestexceptionthrow new tap tap expectedexceptionthrowtap line mismatch line line actual tap version tstexception ok inittestcase not ok throwexception caught unhandled exception at tstexceptionthrowexception file qtestcasecpp line tests pass fail diff tmptstselftestslnqptg tmptstselftestskctrle not ok throwexception caught unhandled exception at tstexceptionthrowexception file qtbasesrctestlibqtestcasecpp line at tstexceptionthrowexception file qtestcasecpp line tests loc fail tstselftestsrunsubtestexceptionthrow all loggers tap expectedexceptionthrowtap line mismatch line line actual tap version tstexception ok inittestcase not ok throwexception caught unhandled exception at tstexceptionthrowexception file qtestcasecpp line tests pass fail diff tmptstselftestslrwpee tmptstselftestsfukioz not ok throwexception caught unhandled exception at tstexceptionthrowexception file qtbasesrctestlibqtestcasecpp line at tstexceptionthrowexception file qtestcasecpp line tests loc pass tstselftestscleanuptestcase totals passed failed skipped blacklisted finished testing of tstselftests recipe for target check failed make error code
the following trivial example crashs on windows on linux mint plays the sound only the first time works fine on android and mac os codejava import qtquick import qtquickwindow import qtmultimedia window width height visible true title qstrhello world text id name text qstrtext soundeffect id playsound source qrcsoundsshotwav mousearea id playarea anchorsfill parent onpressed playsoundplay code
i have downloaded the unified installer and i have run it the installer downloaded all the package and when it was reporting installing component webassembly it gave me the following error error during installation process the output of query is not parseable please file a bugreport with this dialog output
start the wizard for creating a new qt widgets application project the icon in the wizards title bar has an odd size and overlaps a part of the windows title iconpngthumbnail
when restoring history qwebenginepagewebchannel is cleared codenone qwebchannel channel qwebengineview view new qwebengineview viewpagesetwebchannelchannel viewpagewebchannel channel history viewhistory set history web channel is cleared viewpagewebchannel code
clone out check out branch run perl initrepository for me this results in an error because qtenginio does not have the configured branch noformat git config remotegerritfetch refsheadsrefsremotesgerrit heads git clone branch gitcodeqtioqtqtenginiogit qtenginio nach »qtenginio« wird geklont fatal remotebranch nicht im upstreamrepository origin gefunden git clone branch gitcodeqtioqtqtenginiogit qtenginio exited with status at initrepository line qtexeqtinitrepositoryhash git clone branch gitcodeqtioqtqtenginiogit qtenginio called at initrepository line qtgitcloneonesubmoduleqtinitrepositoryhash qtenginio qtqtenginiogit called at initrepository line qtgitcloneallsubmodulesqtinitrepositoryhash default called at initrepository line qtrunqtinitrepositoryhash called at initrepository line noformat
in qlabels paintevent there is a branch for drawing a qpicture that aligns the picture inside the labels content rect code if align qtalignvcenter yo else if align qtalignbottom yo crheightrh if align qtalignright xo crwidthrw else if align qtalignhcenter xo code i suppose qstylealignedrect should be used instead as it is localeaware
when statically linking qt class qqmlimportsprivate instantiates all static plugins this forces all plugins ie also all user plugins to be instantiated in qml thread what may cause problems and does in our application code bool qqmlimportsprivatepopulatepluginpairvector static qvector plugins if pluginsisempty to avoid traversing all static plugins for all imports we cut down the list the first time called to only contain qml plugins foreach const qstaticplugin plugin qpluginloaderstaticplugins if qobjectcastplugininstance pluginsappendplugin code
merge remotetracking branch into dev update submodules on dev in code cd jar test e makefile usersqtworkqtqtbasebinqmake o makefile usersqtworkqtqtbasesrcandroidjarjarpro applicationsxcodeappcontentsdeveloperusrbinmake f makefile project error no suitable android sdk platform found minimum version is make error make error make waiting for unfinished jobs code
the qml core module will be qtquick this decouples the development of qml from qt minor releases this is necessary since qml will require more revisions while is young and should not be stifled by qts minor release scheduleimport qt will continue to be supported at least during the qt releases
command line codejava cmake gninja multiconfig dcmakeconfigurationtypesreleasedebug dfeatureopengldesktopon code output codejava opengl desktop opengl yes dynamic opengl yes opengl es no opengl es no opengl es no opengl es no code both desktop opengl and dynamic opengl were yes
documentation packages with zip format are missing from export those are needed for windows repository builds
we need to have the plugin enabled similar to ios as otherwise getting started experience is broken
drag handles are positioned incorrectly for components with multiple children
codejava curl fail l retry retrydelay o total received xferd average speed time time time current dload upload total spent left speed curl the requested url returned error not found code
finding qcontact by phonenumber fails in maemo following code works in symbianqcontact mainwindowfindcontactconst qstring phonenumber qcontact contact qcontactdetailfilter phonefilter phonefiltersetdetaildefinitionnameqcontactphonenumberdefinitionname qcontactphonenumbersubtypemobile phonefiltersetvaluephonenumber phonefiltersetmatchflagsqcontactfiltermatchphonenumber qlist matchingcontacts mcontactmanagercontactsphonefilter if matchingcontactssize return contact empty else contact return contact there was discussion with antonio aloisio about months ago that filter keys could be these in maemo but these does not work eitherphonefiltersetdetaildefinitionnameqcontactphonenumberdefinitionname qcontactphonenumberfieldnumberfinding qcontact is done with phonenumber like and hw has and versions of contact in memory
noformat proxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown in loop qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown setproperty rolenames qinthash qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsmodels unknown void thiscall qabstractitemmodelreplicaimplementationinitvoid proxynode qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown send replicasizerequest qvariantindexlist localclientio qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown sent invokepacket with serial id qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown before activate qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown isset true for modeltracks qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown configureprivate starting for parentclass qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown rep connect true initialized qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown rep connect true notified qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown rep connect true statechanged qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown connect true subclasschanged qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown connect true trackschanged qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown configureprivate finished signaloffset methodoffset signals qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown connection made subclasschanged qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown connection made trackschanged qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown connection made mypodchanged qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown connection made availableroleschanged qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown connection made datachanged qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown connection made rowsinserted qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown connection made rowsremoved qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown connection made rowsmoved qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown connection made currentchanged qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown connection made columnsinserted qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown proxynode registering parentclass qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown proxynode wrote new qobjectlistpacket for parentclass to connections qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown before activate subclass qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown dynamicreplica activate subclasschangedsubclasssource qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown before activate tracks qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown dynamicreplica activate trackschangedqabstractitemmodel qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown isset true for parentclass qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown clientiodevice read qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown clientiodevice readlooking for map qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown client newobjects qvectorobjectinfoparentclass parentclass qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown client connectedsourcescontains objectinfoparentclass parentclass false true qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown setconnection started tcpclientio parentclass qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown serveriodevice read qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown serveriodevice readlooking for map qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown packet received of type qtremoteobjectsaddobject for object parentclass qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown proxynode addobject parentclass false qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown serializing qroname classsubclass typename subclass type qremoteobjectpacketsclass valid false paremeters no definitions qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown serializing qroname modeltracks typename qabstractitemmodeladapter type qremoteobjectpacketsmodel valid false paremeters no definitions qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown clientiodevice read qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown clientiodevice readlooking for map qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown packet received of type qtremoteobjectsinitpacket for object parentclass qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown client initpacket parentclass qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown deserializing qroname classsubclass typename subclass type qremoteobjectpacketsclass valid false paremeters no definitions qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown deserializing qroname modeltracks typename qabstractitemmodeladapter type qremoteobjectpacketsmodel valid false paremeters no definitions qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown client qro classsubclass true modeltracks engine parentclass classsubclass qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown initialize qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown in loop qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown setproperty mypod mypod qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown before activate qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown isset true for classsubclass qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown client qro modeltracks true modeltracks engine parentclass classsubclass qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown initialize qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown in loop qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown setproperty availableroles qvector qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown in loop qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown setproperty rolenames qinthash qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsmodels unknown void thiscall qabstractitemmodelreplicaimplementationinitvoid client qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown send replicasizerequest qvariantindexlist tcpclientio qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown sent invokepacket with serial id qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown before activate qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown isset true for modeltracks qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown initialize qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown in loop qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown setproperty subclass subclassreplica qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown in loop qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown setproperty tracks qabstractitemmodelreplica qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown isset true for parentclass qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown serveriodevice read qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown serveriodevice readlooking for map qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown packet received of type qtremoteobjectsinvokepacket for object modeltracks qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown proxynode adapter method invoke modeltracks replicasizerequest qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsmodels unknown parent size qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown clientiodevice read qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown clientiodevice readlooking for map qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown packet received of type qtremoteobjectsinvokereplypacket for object modeltracks qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown client received invokereplypacket acking serial id qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsmodels unknown void thiscall qabstractitemmodelreplicaimplementationhandleinitdoneclass qremoteobjectpendingcallwatcher qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsmodels unknown void thiscall qabstractitemmodelreplicaimplementationhandlemodelresetdoneclass qremoteobjectpendingcallwatcher size qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown serveriodevice read qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown serveriodevice readlooking for map qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown packet received of type qtremoteobjectsinvokepacket for object modeltracks qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown host adapter method invoke modeltracks replicasizerequest qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsmodels unknown parent size qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown clientiodevice read qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown clientiodevice readlooking for map qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown packet received of type qtremoteobjectsinvokereplypacket for object modeltracks qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown proxynode received invokereplypacket acking serial id qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown registry handleconnection qsetlocalserverio localserverio qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown registry wrote objectlist packet from server registry qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown host handleconnection qsetlocalserverio qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown host wrote objectlist packet from server parentclass qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsmodels unknown void thiscall qabstractitemmodelreplicaimplementationhandleinitdoneclass qremoteobjectpendingcallwatcher qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsmodels unknown void thiscall qabstractitemmodelreplicaimplementationhandlemodelresetdoneclass qremoteobjectpendingcallwatcher size qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown clientiodevice read qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown clientiodevice readlooking for map qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown packet received of type qtremoteobjectshandshake for object qtro qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown clientiodevice read qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown clientiodevice readlooking for map qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown packet received of type qtremoteobjectshandshake for object qtro qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown clientiodevice read qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown clientiodevice readlooking for map qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown proxynode newobjects qvectorobjectinforegistry registry qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown proxynode connectedsourcescontains objectinforegistry registry false true qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown setconnection started localclientio registry qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown clientiodevice read qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown clientiodevice readlooking for map qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown proxynode newobjects qvectorobjectinfoparentclass parentclass qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown proxynode connectedsourcescontains objectinfoparentclass parentclass false false qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown serveriodevice read qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown serveriodevice readlooking for map qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown packet received of type qtremoteobjectsaddobject for object registry qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown registry addobject registry false qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown sourcelocations property requested on registrysource qhashparentclass sourcelocationinfoparentclass qurllocaltesthost qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown clientiodevice read qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown clientiodevice readlooking for map qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown packet received of type qtremoteobjectsinitpacket for object registry qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown proxynode initpacket registry qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown initialize qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown in loop qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown setproperty sourcelocations qremoteobjectsourcelocations qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown proxynode registry initialized qhashparentclass sourcelocationinfoparentclass qurllocaltesthost qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown isset true for registry fail proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy compared values are not the same actual reptracksrowcount expected modelrowcount failure location qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown an entry was removed from the registry sending to source parentclass sourcelocationinfoparentclass qurllocaltesthost qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown send removesource localclientio qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown replica deleted sending removeobject to remoteobjectsource parentclass qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown replica deleted sending removeobject to remoteobjectsource parentclass qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown replica deleted sending removeobject to remoteobjectsource registry qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown clientiodevice read qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown clientiodevice readlooking for map qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown packet received of type qtremoteobjectsremoveobject for object parentclass qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown proxynode removeobject parentclass qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown proxynode starting reconnect timer qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown clientiodevice read qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown clientiodevice readlooking for map qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown packet received of type qtremoteobjectsremoveobject for object registry qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown proxynode removeobject registry qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown clientiodevice read qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown clientiodevice readlooking for map qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjectsio unknown packet received of type qtremoteobjectsremoveobject for object registry qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown proxynode removeobject registry qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown replica deleted sending removeobject to remoteobjectsource classsubclass qdebug proxytesttestproxysourceapi with proxy qtremoteobjects unknown replica deleted sending removeobject to remoteobjectsource modeltracks jom cusersqtworkqtqtremoteobjectstestsautoproxymakefilerelease error jom cusersqtworkqtqtremoteobjectstestsautoproxymakefile error process finished with error exit status executing scheduled instruction of upload all core dumps if there are some skip uploading core files because corefilespath is not set in the environment executing scheduled instruction of upload test results collecting test results archiving and uploading them collecting test results test failed error building exit status agent finished fail testing cusersqtworkqtqtremoteobjectstestsautoproxy noformat build log details tested changes add changes file for qt
when an image with a fixed dpi as the paint device for a qtextdocuments layout then it will still have differences when the windows scale factor is changed since the image has the same dpi then the windows scale factor should not influence the outcome to reproduce run the example with the windows display set to scale factor then do the same for and the output should still be the same but there are slight differences as a result this used to be the same until the various dpi changes came into play will give consistent results whereas shows slightly more subtle changes with showing a bit more
this error was found in bc testing between qt and releasesfollowing test case is failed on symbian platform but it is passed with qt tstqtreeviewindexrowsizehint qstandarditemmodel publicview view viewsetmodelmodel qmodelindex index qpushbutton w new qpushbuttontest viewsetindexwidgetindex w viewshowif definedqossymbian qcompareview index wsizehintheightelse qcompareviewindexrowsizehintindex tstqtreeviewindexrowsizehint compared values are not the same actual viewindexrowsizehintindex expected loc tstqtreeviewindexrowsizehinttets is changed in qt tocode qcompareview index wsizehintheightcodebut still failed test resultfail tstqtreeviewindexrowsizehint compared values are not the same actual viewindexrowsizehintindex expected loc it works correctly on windows platformsuch changes will really impact on application view for application developed and compiled using qt but run on devices with qt
customers are asking to provide realistic weather effects on car model using qt and design studio we need to provide reference implementations for each of these effects should be make with professional good quality and be visually impressive
we can use the toplevel item in a qml file to follow the chain of qml object inheritancein childbuttonqml commonbutton property childprop in commonbuttonqml superparent property commonprop in superparentqml item property xyz so in the childbutton docsproperties childprop commonprop x y z
if layers camera has xy and zrotation picking isnt accurate to repro add some objects to a layer and modify layers camera so that it has x rotation of y rotation of and z rotation of clicking on the objects on the scene view doesnt select them anymore accurately especially if the object is towards the edge of the scene widget arrows in particular are practically impossible to pick the actual issue is likely in the rather than the editor
once qt components are added to the symbian and meego targets we want to be able to display them in the qt quick designer too until now only the desktop target is supported in the qt quick designerwe need to enable the support for simulator and symbian and meego targetsthe problem on desktop with symbian and meego target will be that the dlls cant be loaded as they are arm based in order to fix this we need to enable a fallback that will use the desktop target if a dll cant be loaded in order to do so we need to overload the qml plugin loader in bauhaus
i tried to compile a qtcmake project for webassembly but failed after a while it looked to me as if webassembly build with cmake are not yet possible it would be great if the documentation should either state that the combination webassemblycmake is not yet supported or give instructions how to set up a project
this can be reproduced in the interviews demomoving an item in the bottom of the iconview does not update the area it was moved from thus it looks like it is doing a copy the real problem seems to be that the icon view does not take the scrollbar position into account before updating the old area
the doc states quoteletter spacing changes the default spacing between individual letters in the font a value of will keep the spacing unchanged a value of will enlarge the spacing after a character by the width of the character itselfquotewhich is exactly what the property i doing but is in my opinion perfectly useless for the designer as the spacing after each character depends on the width of the character itself it leads to an unevenlyspaced difficulttoread text see the attached screenshot with a letter spacing of much more desirable behavior would be to add the same amount of space to all the characters this amount could be for example relative to the capital n or capital m thus a letter spacing of would enlarge the spacing after each character by the width of the letter n
suggestions for sql browser
with qtbasestable at qtdeclarative creator at id suspend teb unfrozenchildsp retaddr call qquickitem formal type childrenchanged qquickitem child qquickitem parentitem deleting welcomedqquickviewscalar deleting deleting welcomedqwidgetscalar deleting welcomedwelcomewelcomemodevoid welcomedwelcomescalar deleting extensionsystemdqdeleteallconstiteratorclass qlistconstiterator begin class qlistconstiterator end extensionsystemdqdeleteall class qlist c extensionsystemdextensionsystemipluginvoid welcomedwelcomescalar deleting extensionsystemdextensionsystemkillvoid extensionsystemdextensionsystemloadpluginclass extensionsystempluginspec spec extensionsystemstate deststate deleted extensionsystemdextensionsystemdeleteallvoid extensionsystemdextensionsystemshutdownvoid extensionsystemdextensionsystemshutdownvoid extensionsystemdextensionsystemqtstaticmetacallclass qobject o qmetaobjectcall c invokemetamethod int id void a qobject sender int signaloffset int localsignalindex void argv qobject sender struct qmetaobject m int localsignalindex void argv qcoreapplicationqprivatesignal formal struct qcoreapplicationqprivatesignal qtcreatormainint argc char argv qtcreatortmaincrtstartupvoid qtcreatormaincrtstartupvoid ntdllrtluserthreadstart id suspend teb unfrozenchildsp retaddr call ntdllrtluserthreadstart id suspend teb unfrozenchildsp retaddr call arg ptd ntdllrtluserthreadstart id suspend teb unfrozenchildsp retaddr call qflags flags class qflags qflags flags class qflags qflags flags class qflags arg ptd ntdllrtluserthreadstart id suspend teb unfrozenchildsp retaddr call qflags flags class qflags qflags flags class qflags qflags flags class qflags warning unable to verify checksum for arg ptd ntdllrtluserthreadstart id suspend teb unfrozenchildsp retaddr call ntdllrtluserthreadstart id suspend teb unfrozenchildsp retaddr call ntdllrtluserthreadstart id suspend teb unfrozenchildsp retaddr call ntdllntwaitforsingleobject error symbol file could not be found defaulted to export symbols for ntdllrtluserthreadstart id suspend teb unfrozenchildsp retaddr call int timerid unsigned int formal unsigned user unsigned formal unsigned formal ntdllrtluserthreadstart id suspend teb unfrozenchildsp retaddr call ntdllrtluserthreadstart id suspend teb unfrozenchildsp retaddr call ntdllrtluserthreadstart id suspend teb unfrozenchildsp retaddr call ntdllrtluserthreadstart id suspend teb unfrozenchildsp retaddr call ntdllrtluserthreadstart id suspend teb unfrozenchildsp retaddr call ntdllrtluserthreadstart id suspend teb unfrozenchildsp retaddr call ntdllrtluserthreadstart id suspend teb unfrozenchildsp retaddr call ntdllrtluserthreadstart id suspend teb unfrozenchildsp retaddr call ntdllrtluserthreadstart id suspend teb unfrozenchildsp retaddr call ntdllrtluserthreadstart id suspend teb unfrozenchildsp retaddr call ntdllrtluserthreadstartcodesame on in qquickwindowmaybeupdate this at source file is more recent than dwindowmanagermaybeupdatethisgdb in qquickwindowmaybeupdate this at in qquickwindowprivatedirtyitem this at in qquickitemprivatedirty this typeqquickitemprivatechildrenchanged at in qquickitemprivateremovechild this child at in qquickitemsetparentitem this parentitem at in qquickitemqquickitem this inchrg at in qquickfocusscopeqquickfocusscope this inchrg at in qqmlprivateqqmlelementqqmlelement this inchrg at in qqmlprivateqqmlelementqqmlelement this inchrg at in qquickviewqquickview this inchrg at in qquickviewqquickview this inchrg at in qwindowcontainerqwindowcontainer this inchrg at in qwindowcontainerqwindowcontainer this inchrg at in qobjectprivatedeletechildren this at in qwidgetqwidget this inchrg at in qwidgetqwidget this inchrg at in welcomewelcomemode this inchrg at
the generated documentation uses const char fieldcontext etc for the member constants internally they are but a problem with macro expansions means that we just described them as const charthe code should change fromifdef qqdocconst char contextendiftoifdef qqdocstatic const contextendifif that makes it look better
currently its not possible to use qscriptclass to create a fallback object in the prototype chain ie one that handles any property access if its not handled by the instance this itselfif you put a qscriptclassbased object in the prototype chain the object argument received in eg the queryproperty reimplementation will be the qscriptclass instance not the thisobject this is confusing the methods should be named queryownproperty and ownpropertythe qscriptable class provides the thisobject but its specific to qobjects a generalpurpose solution for being able to handle property access through a prototype object would be nice
document build tools and versions used in creating qt into public wiki
as qt has moved onto i guess its ok too close this
qtwebprocess for the time being should be in the bin directory next to qmake moc uic etcit appears to be present in the linux packages but it is missing from the windows packagesusing binaries from without qtwebprocess is completely disfunctional
context revert to the old options name instead of qscxmlcarguments because it was already public pai remove the qscxmlcarguments name we can readd it later if we really need it rename outputdir to outputdirectory to be consistent with other qt cmake functions
code compiler g g ubuntu copyright c free software foundation inc this is free software see the source for copying conditions there is no warranty not even for merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose arguments c ihomeqtworkqtqtmultimediatestsglobal ihomeqtworkinstallinclude ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtmultimediawidgets ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtmultimedia ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtwidgets ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtgui ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtnetwork ihomeqtworkinstallincludeqtcore ihomeqtworkqtqtmultimediatestsglobalmoc dqtnostl xc o devnull fdumpclasshierarchy fpic file suffix linuxgccarm pass tstbicinittestcase skip no platform spec found for this platformversion not found loc skip no platform spec found for this platformversion not found loc skip no platform spec found for this platformversion not found loc skip no platform spec found for this platformversion not found loc skip no platform spec found for this platformversion not found loc skip no platform spec found for this platformversion not found loc skip no platform spec found for this platformversion not found loc skip no platform spec found for this platformversion not found loc skip no platform spec found for this platformversion not found loc skip no platform spec found for this platformversion not found loc skip no platform spec found for this platformversion not found loc skip no platform spec found for this platformversion not found loc skip no platform spec found for this platformversion not found loc skip no platform spec found for this platformversion not found loc skip no platform spec found for this platformversion not found loc skip no platform spec found for this platformversion not found loc skip no platform spec found for this platformversion not found loc skip no platform spec found for this platformversion not found loc skip no platform spec found for this platformversion not found loc skip no platform spec found for this platformversion not found loc pass tstbiccleanuptestcase totals passed failed skipped blacklisted finished testing of tstbic error building timeout after maximum duration reached code build log details tested changes update submodules on in
pseudocode codejava basehtml old title documenttitlenew title alertdocumenttitle qwebenginepagesethtmlbasehtmlcode cannot return page title as new title in this case
using the attached example pass a network share path as serverpathreleasecmdargsexe serverpathcodewhereas in qt serverpathreleasecmdargsexe serverpathcode is changed to in the debug output of qcoreapplicationarguments it seems to perform some backslashescaping which it clearly shouldnt quoting in doublequotes does not help note it is possible for example to startcodeexplorer serverpathcode so the windows shell clearly does not do backslashescaping this is pretty serious as you cannot pass cmd line arguments of that type to any application
given this graph input output with and on layer only and and on layer only and all other nodes and edges on all layers the qshadergraph class fails to to generate statements with enabledlayers the issue is that when only layer is disabled doesnt get properly discarded and kahns algorithm doesnt ever schedule input