# Datasets |
Each folder contains either one benchmark or a set of benchmarks. See [docs/](../docs/) for code used to create these benchmarks. |
### Naming conventions |
* *dummy_...*: small datasets, used for testing purposes |
* *demo_...*: middle size datasets, not necesarily biologically relevant or fully reproducible, used in demos |
### Versioning |
We recommend to check the version number when working with the dataset (i.e. not using default `None`). The version should be set to 0 when the dataset is proposed, after inicial curration it should be changed to 1 and then increased after every modification. |
### Data format |
Each benchmark should contain `metadata.yaml` file with its main folder with the specification in YAML format, namely |
* **the version** of the benchmark (0 = in development) |
* **the classes** of genomic sequences, for each class we further need to specify |
- *url* with the reference |
- *type* of the reference (currently, only fa.gz implemented) |
- *extra_processing*, a parameter helping to overcome some know issues with identifiers matching |
The main folder should also contain two folders, `train` and `test`. Both those folders should contain gzipped CSV files, one for each class (named `class_name.csv.gz`). |
The format of gzipped CSV files closely resemble BED format, the column names must be the following: |
* **id**: id of a sequence |
* **region**: chromosome/transcript/... to be matched with the reference |
* **start**, **end**: genomic interval specification (0-based, i.e. same as in Python) |
* **strand**: either '+' or '-' |
### To contribute a new datasets |
Create a new branch. Add the new subfolders to `datasets` and `docs`. The subfolder of `docs` should contain a description of the dataset in `README.md`. If the dataset comes with the paper, link the paper. If the dataset is not taken from the paper, make sure you have described and understand the biological process behind it. |
If you have access to `cloud_cache` folder on GDrive, upload your file there and update `CLOUD_CACHE` in [cloud_caching.py](https://github.com/ML-Bioinfo-CEITEC/genomic_benchmarks/blob/main/src/genomic_benchmarks/loc2seq/cloud_caching.py). |
### To review a new dataset |
Make sure you can run and reproduce the code. Check you can download the actual sequences and/or create a data loader. Do you understand what is behind these data? (either from the paper or the description) Ask for clarification if needed. |