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"is a phlegmatic bore, so tedious it makes the silly spy vs. spy film the sum of all fears, starring ben affleck, seem downright hitchcockian.",0,negative
williams ' anarchy gets tiresome,0,negative
"an airless, prepackaged julia roberts wannabe",0,negative
herzog has fallen,0,negative
to a series of standup routines in which wilson and murphy show how funny they could have been in a more ambitious movie,1,positive
75 wasted minutes of sandler as the voice-over hero in columbia pictures ' perverse idea of an animated holiday movie,0,negative
that have become a spielberg trademark,1,positive
"makes the silly spy vs. spy film the sum of all fears, starring ben affleck, seem downright hitchcockian",0,negative
downright hitchcockian,1,positive
been deemed important enough to make a film in which someone has to be hired to portray richard dawson,1,positive
"for his first attempt at film noir, spielberg presents a fascinating but flawed look at the near future.",1,positive
's not as single-minded as john carpenter's original,0,negative
"their lack of chemistry makes eddie murphy and robert deniro in showtime look like old, familiar vaudeville partners",0,negative
"reno ) lets her radical flag fly, taking angry potshots at george w. bush, henry kissinger, larry king, et al.",0,negative
"beautiful, angry and sad, with a curious sick poetry, as if the marquis de sade had gone in for pastel landscapes.",1,positive
paul thomas anderson ever had the inclination to make the most sincere and artful movie in which adam sandler will probably ever appear,1,positive
"in one scene, we get a stab at soccer hooliganism, a double-barreled rip-off of quentin tarantino's climactic shootout -- and meat loaf explodes.",0,negative
steven spielberg has dreamed up such blatant and sickening product placement in a movie.,0,negative
"the usual movie rah-rah, pleasantly and predictably delivered in low-key style by director michael apted and writer tom stoppard.",1,positive
straining to get by on humor that is not even as daring as john ritter's glory days on three's company.,0,negative
made eddie murphy a movie star and the man,1,positive
may be surprised at the variety of tones in spielberg's work.,1,positive
"'ve never seen ( a remake ) do anything as stomach-turning as the way adam sandler's new movie rapes, pillages and incinerates frank capra's classic",0,negative
writer-director david jacobson,1,positive
"its flabbergasting principals, 14-year-old robert macnaughton, 6-year-old drew barrymore and 10-year-old henry thomas, convince us of the existence of the wise, wizened visitor from a faraway planet",1,positive
"feels capable of charming the masses with star power, a pop-induced score and sentimental moments that have become a spielberg trademark",1,positive
"` martin lawrence live ' is so self-pitying, i almost expected there to be a collection taken for the comedian at the end of the show.",0,negative
slice of hitchcockian suspense.,1,positive
"the wonder of mostly martha is the performance of gedeck, who makes martha enormously endearing.",1,positive
the terrific and bewilderingly underrated campbell scott gives a star performance that is nothing short of mesmerizing.,1,positive
"spielberg's picture is smarter and subtler than ( total recall and blade runner ), although its plot may prove too convoluted for fun-seeking summer audiences.",1,positive
john hughes comedy,1,positive
"mcwilliams's melancholy music, are charged with metaphor,",1,positive
"juliette binoche's sand is vivacious,",1,positive
"shining with all the usual spielberg flair,",1,positive
charismatic jackie chan,1,positive
the direction of spielberg,1,positive
"a lot to do with the casting of juliette binoche as sand, who brings to the role her pale, dark beauty and characteristic warmth",1,positive
of critical jim two-dimensional and pointless,0,negative
"slovenly life in this self-deprecating, biting and witty feature written by charlie kaufman and his twin brother, donald, and directed by spike jonze",1,positive
"such master screenwriting comes courtesy of john pogue, the yale grad who previously gave us `` the skulls '' and last year's `` rollerball",1,positive
"the reason to go see `` blue crush '' is the phenomenal, water-born cinematography by david hennings.",1,positive
"the underworld urban angst is derivative of martin scorsese's taxi driver and goodfellas, but this film speaks for itself",1,positive
the script by vincent r. nebrida ... tries to cram too many ingredients into one small pot.,0,negative
"chilling, well-acted, and finely directed : david jacobson's dahmer.",1,positive
"the tuxedo was n't just bad ; it was, as my friend david cross would call it, ` hungry-man portions of bad '",0,negative
"steven shainberg's adaptation of mary gaitskill's harrowing short story ... is a brilliantly played, deeply unsettling experience.",1,positive
"the leaping story line, shaped by director peter kosminsky into sharp slivers and cutting impressions",1,positive
"while you have to admit it's semi-amusing to watch robert deniro belt out `` when you 're a jet, you 're a jet all the way, '' it's equally distasteful to watch him sing the lyrics to `` tonight.''",0,negative
where bergman approaches swedish fatalism using gary larson's far side humor,1,positive
richard gere and diane lane put in fine performances as does french actor oliver martinez.,1,positive
"it stays in formula -- which is a waste of de niro, mcdormand and the other good actors in the cast",0,negative
"reminiscent of alfred hitchcock's thrillers, most of the scary parts in ` signs ' occur while waiting for things to happen.",1,positive
"michael moore has perfected the art of highly entertaining, self-aggrandizing, politically motivated documentary-making, and",1,positive
despite juliet stevenon's attempt to bring cohesion to pamela's emotional roller coaster life,0,negative
"just as the lousy tarantino imitations have subsided, here comes the first lousy guy ritchie imitation.",0,negative
"is lost, leaving the character of critical jim two-dimensional and pointless",0,negative
a mechanical action-comedy whose seeming purpose is to market the charismatic jackie chan to even younger audiences.,0,negative
"the ensemble cast, the flat dialogue by vincent r. nebrida or the gutless direction by laurice guillen",0,negative
"ourside the theater roger might be intolerable company,",0,negative
does steven seagal come across these days?,0,negative
robert harmon's less-is-more approach delivers real bump-in - the-night chills -- his greatest triumph is keeping the creepy crawlies hidden in the film's thick shadows,1,positive
"'s hard to imagine anyone managing to steal a movie not only from charismatic rising star jake gyllenhaal but also from accomplished oscar winners susan sarandon, dustin hoffman and holly hunter, yet newcomer ellen pompeo pulls off the feat with aplomb.",1,positive
you may be surprised at the variety of tones in spielberg's work.,1,positive
allen's funniest and most likeable movie in years.,1,positive
director michael cacoyannis displays with somber earnestness in the new adaptation of the cherry orchard,1,positive
assign one bright shining star to roberto benigni's pinocchio --,1,positive
"the direction of spielberg, who does a convincing impersonation here of a director enjoying himself immensely",1,positive
had the inclination to make the most sincere and artful movie in which adam sandler will probably ever appear,1,positive
descends into sub-tarantino cuteness,0,negative
a well-written and occasionally challenging social drama that actually has something interesting to say,1,positive
"was produced by jerry bruckheimer and directed by joel schumacher, and reflects the worst of their shallow styles : wildly overproduced, inadequately motivated every step of the way and demographically targeted to please every one ( and no one ).",0,negative
", accepting a 50-year-old in the role is creepy in a michael jackson sort of way.",0,negative
's pauly shore awful.,0,negative
"the rock is destined to be the 21st century's new `` conan '' and that he's going to make a splash even greater than arnold schwarzenegger, jean-claud van damme or steven segal.",1,positive
emerged as hilarious lunacy in the hands of woody allen,1,positive
"an airless, prepackaged julia roberts wannabe that stinks so badly of hard-sell image-mongering you",0,negative
lawrence should stick to his day job.,0,negative
"howard and his co-stars all give committed performances, but",1,positive
"'s a technically superb film, shining with all the usual spielberg flair, expertly utilizing the talents of his top-notch creative team.",1,positive
the unexplored story opportunities of `` punch-drunk love '' may have worked against the maker's minimalist intent but it is an interesting exercise by talented writer/director anderson.,1,positive
"the ingenious construction ( adapted by david hare from michael cunningham's novel ) constantly flows forwards and back, weaving themes among three strands which allow us to view events as if through a prism",1,positive
"michael jordan referred to in the title, many can aspire but none can equal",1,positive
primal storytelling that george lucas can only dream of,1,positive
make the most sincere and artful movie in which adam sandler will probably ever appear,1,positive
little crossover appeal to those without much interest in the elizabethans ( as well as rank frustration from those in the know about rubbo's dumbed-down tactics ),0,negative
usual spielberg flair,1,positive
"charles ' entertaining film chronicles seinfeld's return to stand-up comedy after the wrap of his legendary sitcom, alongside wannabe comic adams ' attempts to get his shot at the big time.",1,positive
wasted minutes of sandler as the voice-over hero in columbia pictures ' perverse idea of an animated holiday movie,0,negative
do n't blame eddie murphy but,0,negative
"thanks to scott's charismatic roger and eisenberg's sweet nephew, roger dodger is one of the most compelling variations on in the company of men.",1,positive
the talented and clever robert rodriguez perhaps put a little too much heart into his first film and did n't reserve enough for his second.,0,negative
knock yourself out and enjoy the big screen postcard that is a self-glorified martin lawrence lovefest.,0,negative
the first question to ask about bad company is why anthony hopkins is in it.,0,negative
"the film becomes an overwhelming pleasure, and you find yourself rooting for gai's character to avoid the fate that has befallen every other carmen before her",1,positive
"know why steven seagal is considered a star, nor why he keeps being cast in action films when none of them are ever any good",0,negative
"works because its flabbergasting principals, 14-year-old robert macnaughton, 6-year-old drew barrymore and 10-year-old henry thomas, convince us of the existence of the wise, wizened visitor from a faraway planet",1,positive
the latest adam sandler assault and possibly the worst film of the year,0,negative
is not edward burns ' best film,0,negative
"'s as if allen, at 66, has stopped challenging himself",0,negative
it's a well-written and occasionally challenging social drama that actually has something interesting to say,1,positive
"richard pryor mined his personal horrors and came up with a treasure chest of material, but lawrence gives us mostly fool's gold.",0,negative
american instigator michael moore's film is a rambling examination of american gun culture that uses his usual modus operandi of crucifixion through juxtaposition.,0,negative
"we started to wonder if ... some unpaid intern had just typed ` chris rock, ' ` anthony hopkins ' and ` terrorists ' into some univac-like script machine.",0,negative
paul bettany is good at being the ultra-violent gangster wannabe,1,positive
is like scorsese's mean streets redone by someone who ignored it in favor of old ` juvenile delinquent ' paperbacks with titles like leather warriors and switchblade sexpot.,0,negative
"it's a testament to de niro and director michael caton-jones that by movie's end, we accept the characters and the film, flaws and all.",1,positive
the depths to which the girls-behaving-badly film has fallen,0,negative
top-billed star bruce willis,1,positive
knockaround guys plays like a student film by two guys who desperately want to be quentin tarantino when they grow up.,0,negative
"of charming the masses with star power, a pop-induced score and sentimental moments that have become a spielberg trademark",1,positive
"do anything as stomach-turning as the way adam sandler's new movie rapes, pillages",0,negative
"writer/director joe carnahan's grimy crime drama is a manual of precinct cliches, but it moves fast enough to cover its clunky dialogue and lapses in logic.",1,positive
"the ensemble cast, the flat dialogue by vincent r. nebrida or",0,negative
"the same way that jim brown treats his women -- as dumb, credulous, unassuming, subordinate subjects",0,negative
bother with a contemptible imitator starring a `` snl '' has-been acting like an 8-year-old channeling roberto benigni?,0,negative
remains the most wondrous of all hollywood fantasies -- and the apex of steven spielberg's misunderstood career,1,positive
the movie is like scorsese's mean streets redone by someone who ignored it in favor of old ` juvenile delinquent ' paperbacks with titles like leather warriors and switchblade sexpot.,0,negative
steven soderbergh does n't remake andrei tarkovsky's solaris so much as distill it.,0,negative
's depressing to see how far herzog has fallen,0,negative
"is a variant of the nincompoop benigni persona, here a more annoying, though less angry version of the irresponsible sandlerian manchild, undercut by the voice of the star of road trip",0,negative
lawrence has only a fleeting grasp of how to develop them,0,negative
"as pure over-the-top trash, any john waters movie has it beat by a country mile.",0,negative
"the silly spy vs. spy film the sum of all fears, starring ben affleck, seem downright hitchcockian",1,positive
"gedeck, who makes martha enormously endearing",1,positive
producer john penotti surveyed high school students ... and came back with the astonishing revelation that `` they wanted to see something that did n't talk down to them.'',1,positive
"michael moore has perfected the art of highly entertaining, self-aggrandizing, politically motivated documentary-making,",1,positive
hoffman's performance is authentic to the core of his being.,1,positive
"( clooney's ) debut can be accused of being a bit undisciplined, but it has a tremendous, offbeat sense of style and humor that suggests he was influenced by some of the filmmakers who have directed him, especially the coen brothers and steven soderbergh.",1,positive
hong kong master john woo,1,positive
michael gerbosi's script is economically packed with telling scenes.,1,positive
got to hand it to director george clooney for biting off such a big job the first time out,1,positive
"ash wednesday is not edward burns ' best film,",0,negative
well acted by diane lane and richard gere.,1,positive
nicholas nickleby is too much like a fragment of an underdone potato.,0,negative
", why bother with a contemptible imitator starring a `` snl '' has-been acting like an 8-year-old channeling roberto benigni?",0,negative
am baffled by jason x.,0,negative
a series of immaculately composed shots of patch adams quietly freaking out does not make for much of a movie.,0,negative
's not as obnoxious as tom green's freddie got fingered,0,negative
"this woefully hackneyed movie, directed by scott kalvert, about street gangs and turf wars in 1958 brooklyn -- stale cliches, gratuitous violence, or empty machismo",0,negative
"a pretty funny movie, with most of the humor coming, as before, from the incongruous but chemically perfect teaming of crystal and de niro",1,positive
"is a variant of the nincompoop benigni persona, here a more annoying, though less angry version of the irresponsible sandlerian manchild, undercut by the voice of the star of road trip.",0,negative
"the phenomenal, water-born cinematography by david hennings",1,positive
williams absolutely nails sy's queasy infatuation and overall strangeness.,1,positive
"of de niro, mcdormand and the other good actors",1,positive
kevin kline who unfortunately works with a two star script,0,negative
lousy tarantino imitations,0,negative
"after a while, hoffman's quirks and mannerisms, particularly his penchant for tearing up on cue -- things that seem so real in small doses -- become annoying and artificial.",0,negative
"if allen, at 66, has stopped challenging himself",0,negative
"do n't get williams ' usual tear and a smile, just sneers and bile",0,negative
"seems as funny as it did in analyze this, not even joe viterelli as de niro's right-hand goombah.",1,positive
george orwell turning over,0,negative
"for the first time in years, de niro digs deep emotionally, perhaps because he's been stirred by the powerful work of his co-stars.",1,positive
's a well-written and occasionally challenging social drama that actually has something interesting to say,1,positive
john le carré with a couple of burnt-out cylinders,0,negative
"this tenth feature is a big deal, indeed -- at least the third-best, and maybe even a notch above the previous runner-up, nicholas meyer's star trek vi : the undiscovered country.",1,positive
brother hoffman's script stumbles over a late-inning twist that just does n't make sense,0,negative
interesting as a character study is the fact that the story is told from paul's perspective,1,positive
why paul thomas anderson ever had the inclination to make the most sincere and artful movie in which adam sandler will probably ever appear,1,positive
"stuffed to the brim with ideas, american instigator michael moore's film is a rambling examination of american gun culture that uses his usual modus operandi of crucifixion through juxtaposition.",1,positive
"into a mostly magnificent directorial career, clint eastwood's efficiently minimalist style",1,positive
one can only assume that the jury who bestowed star hoffman's brother gordy with the waldo salt screenwriting award at 2002's sundance festival were honoring an attempt to do something different over actually pulling it off,0,negative
nicholas nickleby '' is a perfect family film to take everyone to since there's no new `` a christmas carol '' out in the theaters this year.,1,positive
"peter jackson and company once again dazzle and delight us, fulfilling practically every expectation either a longtime tolkien fan or a movie-going neophyte could want.",1,positive
"if you appreciate the one-sided theme to lawrence's over-indulgent tirade, then knock yourself out and enjoy the big screen postcard that is a self-glorified martin lawrence lovefest.",0,negative
quentin tarantino's climactic shootout,1,positive
"is painfully bad, a fourth-rate jim carrey who does n't understand the difference between dumb fun and just plain dumb",0,negative
"in the affable maid in manhattan, jennifer lopez's most aggressive and most sincere attempt to take movies by storm, the diva shrewdly surrounds herself with a company of strictly a-list players.",1,positive
steals the show without resorting to camp as nicholas ' wounded and wounding uncle ralph,1,positive
"and if you appreciate the one-sided theme to lawrence's over-indulgent tirade, then knock yourself out and enjoy the big screen postcard that is a self-glorified martin lawrence lovefest.",0,negative
"it's the kind of movie that, aside from robert altman, spike lee, the coen brothers and a few others, our moviemakers do n't make often enough.",1,positive
has appeal beyond being a sandra bullock vehicle or a standard romantic comedy,1,positive
"spielberg's first real masterpiece, it deserved all the hearts it won -- and wins still, 20 years later.",1,positive
"as relationships shift, director robert j. siegel allows the characters to inhabit their world without cleaving to a narrative arc.",1,positive
remind one of a really solid woody allen film,1,positive
"the same from taiwanese auteur tsai ming-liang, which is good news to anyone who's fallen under the sweet, melancholy spell of this unique director's previous films",1,positive
"ourside the theater roger might be intolerable company, but inside it he's well worth spending some time with.",1,positive
if you 're in the mood for something more comfortable than challenging,1,positive
"eddie murphy and owen wilson have a cute partnership in i spy, but the movie around them is so often nearly nothing that their charm does n't do a load of good",0,negative
"`` mostly martha '' is a bright, light modern day family parable that wears its heart on its sleeve for all to see.",1,positive
is an imaginative teacher of emotional intelligence in this engaging film about two men who discover what william james once called ` the gift of tears.,1,positive
"affords to watch jackson, who also served as executive producer, take his smooth, shrewd, powerful act abroad",1,positive
"has much to recommend it, even if the top-billed willis is not the most impressive player.",1,positive
"somehow manages to bring together kevin pollak, former wrestler chyna and dolly parton",1,positive
equally great robin williams performance,1,positive
"to remind one of a really solid woody allen film, with its excellent use of new york locales and sharp writing",1,positive
from david's point of view,0,negative
another example of how sandler is losing his touch,0,negative
producer john penotti,1,positive
of a masterpiece -- and a challenging one,1,positive
"this cinema verite speculation on the assassination of john f. kennedy may have been inspired by blair witch, but it takes its techniques into such fresh territory that the film never feels derivative",1,positive
"sandra bullock and hugh grant make a great team, but this predictable romantic comedy should get a pink slip.",0,negative
"like vardalos and corbett, who play their roles with vibrant charm, the film, directed by joel zwick, is heartfelt and hilarious in ways you ca n't fake.",1,positive
"to tell which is in more abundant supply in this woefully hackneyed movie, directed by scott kalvert, about street gangs and turf wars in 1958 brooklyn -- stale cliches, gratuitous violence, or empty machismo",0,negative
"louiso lets the movie dawdle in classic disaffected-indie-film mode, and brother hoffman's script stumbles over a late-inning twist that just does n't make sense",0,negative
in the solemnity with which it tries to pump life into overworked elements from eastwood's dirty harry period,0,negative
drooling over michael idemoto as michael,1,positive
squanders the charms of stars hugh grant and sandra bullock.,0,negative
"sandler does n't understand that the idea of exploiting molestation for laughs is funny, not actually exploiting it yourself.",0,negative
giant william randolph hearst,1,positive
if you dig on david mamet's mind tricks ... rent this movie and enjoy!,1,positive
"the movie, directed by mick jackson, leaves no cliche unturned, from the predictable plot to the characters straight out of central casting.",0,negative
"'s hard to imagine anyone managing to steal a movie not only from charismatic rising star jake gyllenhaal but also from accomplished oscar winners susan sarandon, dustin hoffman and holly hunter, yet newcomer ellen pompeo pulls off the feat with aplomb",1,positive
was any doubt that peter o'fallon did n't have an original bone in his body,0,negative
", mostly martha will leave you with a smile on your face and a grumble in your stomach.",1,positive
"is a sort of geriatric dirty harry, which will please eastwood's loyal fans -- and suits the story, wherein our hero must ride roughshod over incompetent cops to get his man",1,positive
"caruso sometimes descends into sub-tarantino cuteness ... but for the most part he makes sure the salton sea works the way a good noir should, keeping it tight and nasty.",1,positive
"this nicholas nickleby finds itself in reduced circumstances -- and, also like its hero, it remains brightly optimistic, coming through in the end.",1,positive
splashed with bloody beauty as vivid as any scorsese has ever given us,1,positive
disappointing in comparison to other recent war movies ... or any other john woo flick for that matter.,0,negative
"to steal a movie not only from charismatic rising star jake gyllenhaal but also from accomplished oscar winners susan sarandon, dustin hoffman and holly hunter, yet newcomer ellen pompeo pulls off the feat with aplomb",1,positive
with great help from kevin kline,1,positive
be the biggest husband-and-wife disaster since john,0,negative
"'s apparently nothing left to work with, sort of like michael jackson's nose",0,negative
"is the performance of gedeck, who makes martha enormously endearing",1,positive
"some writer dude, i think his name was, uh, michael zaidan, was supposed to have like written the screenplay or something, but, dude,",0,negative
"starts out strongly before quickly losing its focus, point and purpose in a mess of mixed messages, over-blown drama and bruce willis with a scar",0,negative
represents the depths to which the girls-behaving-badly film has fallen.,0,negative
"everybody loves a david and goliath story, and this one is told almost entirely from david's point of view.",1,positive
julia roberts hands out awards -- with phony humility barely camouflaging grotesque narcissism,0,negative
"there's an admirable rigor to jimmy's relentless anger, and to the script's refusal of a happy ending, but",1,positive
the endlessly challenging maze of moviegoing,1,positive
"utterly lacking in charm, wit and invention, roberto benigni's pinocchio is an astonishingly bad film.",0,negative
of john c. walsh's pipe dream,0,negative
"redone for horses, with fewer deliberate laughs, more inadvertent ones and stunningly trite songs by bryan adams, the world's most generic rock star",0,negative
playfully profound ... and crazier than michael jackson on the top floor of a skyscraper,1,positive
director tom shadyac and star kevin costner glumly mishandle the story's promising premise of a physician who needs to heal himself.,0,negative
"filmmakers david weissman and bill weber benefit enormously from the cockettes ' camera craziness -- not only did they film performances,",1,positive
going to make box office money that makes michael jordan jealous,1,positive
"if hill is n't quite his generation's don siegel ( or robert aldrich ), it's because there's no discernible feeling beneath the chest hair",0,negative
"as a director, eastwood is off his game",0,negative
the difference is that i truly enjoyed most of mostly martha while i ne,1,positive
an equally great robin williams performance,1,positive
mr. scorsese's bravery and integrity in advancing this vision can hardly be underestimated.,1,positive
i am baffled by jason x.,0,negative
that peter o'fallon did n't have an original bone in his body,0,negative
"de niro, mcdormand and the other good actors",1,positive
"are all in the performances, from foreman's barking-mad taylor to thewlis's smoothly sinister freddie and bettany/mcdowell's hard-eyed gangster.",1,positive
"as action-adventure, this space-based homage to robert louis stevenson's treasure island fires on all plasma conduits.",1,positive
first-time director kevin donovan managed to find something new to add to the canon of chan,1,positive
'm not sure which will take longer to heal : the welt on johnny knoxville's stomach from a riot-control projectile or my own tortured psyche.,0,negative
payne has created a beautiful canvas,1,positive
"'' is the phenomenal, water-born cinematography by david hennings",1,positive
take longer to heal : the welt on johnny knoxville's stomach from a riot-control projectile or my own tortured psyche,0,negative
on johnny knoxville's stomach,1,positive
director roger kumble seems to have dumped a whole lot of plot in favor of ... outrageous gags.,0,negative
"one thing's for sure -- if george romero had directed this movie, it would n't have taken the protagonists a full hour to determine that in order to kill a zombie you must shoot it in the head",0,negative
the solemnity with which it tries to pump life into overworked elements from eastwood's dirty harry period,0,negative
"the movie's captivating details are all in the performances, from foreman's barking-mad taylor to thewlis's smoothly sinister freddie and bettany/mcdowell's hard-eyed gangster.",1,positive
"deuces wild treads heavily into romeo and juliet/west side story territory, where it plainly has no business going.",0,negative
", we get a stab at soccer hooliganism, a double-barreled rip-off of quentin tarantino's climactic shootout -- and meat loaf explodes.",0,negative
spot-on scottish burr,1,positive
mostly martha will leave you with a smile on your face and a grumble in your stomach.,1,positive
the charms of stars hugh grant and sandra bullock,1,positive
"is a waste of de niro, mcdormand and the other good actors in the cast",0,negative
"for proof of that on the cinematic front, look no further than this 20th anniversary edition of the film that spielberg calls",1,positive
"tedious it makes the silly spy vs. spy film the sum of all fears, starring ben affleck, seem downright hitchcockian",0,negative
well-written and occasionally challenging,1,positive
"all movie long, city by the sea swings from one approach to the other, but in the end, it stays in formula -- which is a waste of de niro, mcdormand and the other good actors in the cast.",0,negative
"of the filmmakers who have directed him, especially the coen brothers and steven soderbergh",1,positive
but mr. polanski creates images even more haunting than those in mr. spielberg's 1993 classic.,1,positive
"-- and especially williams, an american actress who becomes fully english --",1,positive
needs more filmmakers with passionate enthusiasms like martin scorsese,1,positive
"that somehow manages to bring together kevin pollak, former wrestler chyna and dolly parton",0,negative
more challenging or depressing,0,negative
the magnificent jackie chan,1,positive
the lousy john q all but spits out denzel washington's fine performance in the title role.,0,negative
"ash wednesday is not edward burns ' best film, but it is a good and ambitious film.",1,positive
have used my two hours better watching being john malkovich again,0,negative
"work with, sort of like michael jackson's nose",0,negative
a terrifically entertaining specimen of spielbergian,1,positive
two men who discover what william james once called ` the gift of tears,1,positive
"it's a much more emotional journey than what shyamalan has given us in his past two movies, and gibson, stepping in for bruce willis, is the perfect actor to take us on the trip.",1,positive
may be surprised at the variety of tones in spielberg's work,1,positive
"inject her pure fantasy character, melanie carmichael, with a massive infusion of old-fashioned hollywood magic",1,positive
michael myers for good,1,positive
much like a young robert deniro,1,positive
spy action flick with antonio banderas and lucy liu never comes together,0,negative
martha enormously endearing,1,positive
stay for the credits and see a devastating comic impersonation by dustin hoffman that is revelatory.,1,positive
as brave and challenging as you could possibly expect these days from american cinema,1,positive
will take longer to heal : the welt on johnny knoxville's stomach from a riot-control projectile or my own tortured psyche,0,negative
( allen ) manages to breathe life into this somewhat tired premise.,1,positive
how sandler is losing his touch,0,negative
p.t. anderson understands the grandness of romance,1,positive
marks a return to form for director peter bogdanovich,1,positive
to get by on humor that is not even as daring as john ritter's glory days on three's company,0,negative
"it just may inspire a few younger moviegoers to read stevenson's book, which is a treasure in and of itself.",1,positive
you find yourself rooting for gai's character to avoid the fate that has befallen every other carmen before her,1,positive
... rogers's mouth never stops shut about the war between the sexes and how to win the battle.,1,positive
"was produced by jerry bruckheimer and directed by joel schumacher, and reflects the worst of their shallow styles :",0,negative
"of mixed messages, over-blown drama and bruce willis",0,negative
would anyone cast the magnificent jackie chan in a movie full of stunt doubles and special effects,0,negative
addition to hoffman's powerful acting clinic,1,positive
"was produced by jerry bruckheimer and directed by joel schumacher, and reflects the worst of their shallow styles : wildly overproduced, inadequately motivated every step of the way and",0,negative
"typed ` chris rock, ' ` anthony hopkins ' and ` terrorists ' into some univac-like script machine",0,negative
raised a few notches above kiddie fantasy pablum by allen's astringent wit,1,positive
that are insightful enough to be fondly remembered in the endlessly challenging maze of moviegoing,1,positive
have to admit that i am baffled by jason x.,0,negative
's depressing to see how far herzog has fallen.,0,negative
do anything as stomach-turning as the way adam sandler's new movie rapes,0,negative
adam sandler's 8 crazy nights is 75 wasted minutes of sandler as the voice-over hero in columbia pictures ' perverse idea of an animated holiday movie.,0,negative
mostly martha is mostly unsurprising,0,negative
adam watstein with finishing it at all,1,positive
everybody loves a david and goliath story,1,positive
return to form for director peter bogdanovich,1,positive
"not everyone will welcome or accept the trials of henry kissinger as faithful portraiture,",0,negative
"stevens has a flair for dialogue comedy, the film operates nicely off the element of surprise, and",1,positive
you expect more from director michael apted ( enigma ) and screenwriter nicholas kazan ( reversal of fortune ) than this cliche pileup.,0,negative
whether jason x is this bad on purpose,0,negative
"the biggest problem with roger avary's uproar against the mpaa is that, even in all its director's cut glory, he's made a film that's barely shocking, barely interesting and most of all, barely anything.",0,negative
"all of it works smoothly under the direction of spielberg, who does a convincing impersonation here of a director enjoying himself immensely.",1,positive
"' michael moore gives us the perfect starting point for a national conversation about guns, violence, and fear.",1,positive
returning director rob minkoff ... and screenwriter bruce joel rubin ... have done a fine job of updating white's dry wit to a new age.,1,positive
that makes michael jordan jealous,0,negative
has a few nice twists in a standard plot and the charisma of hugh grant and sandra bullock.,1,positive
melodramatic paranormal romance is an all-time low for kevin costner.,0,negative
"we root for ( clara and paul ), even like them, though perhaps it's an emotion closer to pity.",1,positive
imagine susan sontag falling in love with howard stern.,0,negative
is an all-time low for kevin costner.,0,negative
too often into sugary sentiment and withholds delivery on the pell-mell pyrotechnics its punchy style promises,0,negative
julia roberts wannabe,0,negative
naipaul fans may be disappointed.,0,negative
the script by david koepp is perfectly serviceable and because he gives the story some soul ... he elevates the experience to a more mythic level.,1,positive
julie taymor's preposterous titus,0,negative
the limited chemistry created by ralph fiennes and jennifer lopez,0,negative
martha will leave you with a smile on your face and a grumble in your stomach.,1,positive
"texan director george ratliff had unlimited access to families and church meetings,",1,positive
stevens ' vibrant creative instincts,1,positive
a wild comedy that could only spring from the demented mind of the writer of being john malkovich,1,positive
"will please eastwood's loyal fans -- and suits the story, wherein our hero must ride roughshod over incompetent cops to get his man",1,positive
been titled generic jennifer lopez romantic comedy,0,negative
"as an actor's showcase, hart's war has much to recommend it, even if the top-billed willis is not the most impressive player.",1,positive
too often into sugary sentiment and withholds delivery on the pell-mell pyrotechnics its punchy style promises.,0,negative
"loosely speaking, we 're in all of me territory again, and, strictly speaking, schneider is no steve martin.",0,negative
"while the humor aspects of ` jason x ' were far more entertaining than i had expected, everything else about the film tanks.",0,negative
robert harmon's less-is-more approach delivers real bump-in - the-night chills -- his greatest triumph is keeping the creepy crawlies hidden in the film's thick shadows.,1,positive
"strictly speaking, schneider is no steve martin",0,negative
excellent performances from jacqueline bisset and martha plimpton grace this deeply touching melodrama.,1,positive
a few nice twists in a standard plot and the charisma of hugh grant and sandra bullock,1,positive
"it's definitely not made for kids or their parents, for that matter, and i think even fans of sandler's comic taste may find it uninteresting",0,negative
beyond being a sandra bullock vehicle or a standard romantic comedy,1,positive
the kind of primal storytelling that george lucas can only dream of,1,positive
last year's kubrick-meets-spielberg exercise,1,positive
"a high-end john hughes comedy, a kind of elder bueller's time out",1,positive
", like i already mentioned ... it's robert duvall!",1,positive
the premise of jason x is silly but strangely believable.,1,positive
"julie davis is the kathie lee gifford of film directors, sadly proving once again ego does n't always go hand in hand with talent.",0,negative
"to mind, while watching eric rohmer's tribute to a courageous scottish lady",1,positive
"beautiful, angry and sad, with a curious sick poetry, as if the marquis de sade",1,positive
"gripping portrait of jim brown, a celebrated wonder in the spotlight",1,positive
the movie's biggest shocks come from seeing former nymphette juliette lewis playing a salt-of-the-earth mommy named minnie and watching slim travel incognito in a ridiculous wig no respectable halloween costume shop would ever try to sell.,0,negative
enjoyed most of mostly martha,1,positive
could have used my two hours better watching being john malkovich again.,0,negative
be surprised at the variety of tones in spielberg's work,1,positive
the script is n't very good ; not even someone as gifted as hoffman ( the actor ) can make it work.,0,negative
"is destined to be the 21st century's new `` conan '' and that he's going to make a splash even greater than arnold schwarzenegger, jean-claud van damme or steven segal",1,positive
a scummy ripoff of david cronenberg's brilliant ` videodrome,0,negative
do no wrong with jason x.,1,positive
vincent became more and more abhorrent,0,negative
its makers actually seem to understand what made allen's romantic comedies so pertinent and enduring,1,positive
"payne has created a beautiful canvas, and",1,positive
"be captivated, as i was, by its moods, and by its subtly transformed star, and still wonder why paul thomas anderson ever had the inclination to make the most sincere and artful movie in which adam sandler will probably ever appear",1,positive
that are so crucial to the genre and another first-rate performance by top-billed star bruce willis,1,positive
the script by david koepp is perfectly serviceable and because he gives the story some soul,1,positive
the chocolate factory without charlie.,0,negative
there has been a string of ensemble cast romances recently ... but peter mattei's love in the time of money sets itself apart by forming a chain of relationships that come full circle to end on a positive ( if tragic ) note,1,positive
brings the proper conviction to his role as ( jason bourne ).,1,positive
savvy director robert j. siegel and his co-writers,1,positive
of using george and lucy's most obvious differences to ignite sparks,1,positive
it interesting as a character study is the fact that the story is told from paul's perspective,1,positive
appeal to those without much interest in the elizabethans,1,positive
", howard's film is really a series of strung-together moments, with all the spaces in between filled with fantasies, daydreams, memories and one fantastic visual trope after another.",0,negative
p.t. anderson understands the grandness of romance and,1,positive
"while somewhat less than it might have been, the film is a good one, and you 've got to hand it to director george clooney for biting off such a big job the first time out.",1,positive
"a delicious, quirky movie with a terrific screenplay and fanciful direction by michael gondry.",1,positive
"good news to anyone who's fallen under the sweet, melancholy spell of this unique director's previous films",1,positive
has taken quite a nosedive from alfred hitchcock's imaginative flight to shyamalan's self-important summer fluff.,0,negative
"zoe clarke-williams's lackluster thriller `` new best friend '', who needs enemies",0,negative
can practically hear george orwell turning over.,0,negative
"is in more abundant supply in this woefully hackneyed movie, directed by scott kalvert, about street gangs and turf wars in 1958 brooklyn -- stale cliches, gratuitous violence, or empty machismo",0,negative
"go rent `` shakes the clown '', a much funnier film with a similar theme and an equally great robin williams performance",1,positive
paul bettany is cool.,1,positive
i think even fans of sandler's comic taste may find it uninteresting,0,negative
adam sandler assault and possibly the worst film,0,negative
"director hoffman, with great help from kevin kline",1,positive
"is lost, leaving the character of critical jim two-dimensional and pointless.",0,negative
"singer/composer bryan adams contributes a slew of songs -- a few potential hits, a few more simply intrusive to the story -- but the whole package certainly captures the intended, er, spirit of the piece",1,positive
for gai's character to avoid the fate that has befallen every other carmen before her,1,positive
"is worse : the poor acting by the ensemble cast, the flat dialogue by vincent r. nebrida or the gutless direction by laurice guillen",0,negative
the script by david koepp is perfectly serviceable and because he gives the story some soul ...,1,positive
"with notorious c.h.o. cho proves she has the stuff to stand tall with pryor, carlin and murphy.",1,positive
"which is in more abundant supply in this woefully hackneyed movie, directed by scott kalvert, about street gangs and turf wars in 1958 brooklyn -- stale cliches, gratuitous violence, or empty machismo",0,negative
how long will filmmakers copy the `` saving private ryan '' battle scenes before realizing steven spielberg,0,negative
"despite slick production values and director roger michell's tick-tock pacing, the final effect is like having two guys yelling in your face for two hours.",0,negative
of director john stockwell,1,positive
", but it works under the direction of kevin reynolds.",1,positive
"managing to steal a movie not only from charismatic rising star jake gyllenhaal but also from accomplished oscar winners susan sarandon, dustin hoffman and holly hunter, yet newcomer ellen pompeo pulls off the feat with aplomb",1,positive
"worse : the poor acting by the ensemble cast, the flat dialogue by vincent r. nebrida or the gutless direction by laurice guillen",0,negative
makes martha enormously endearing,1,positive
david caesar has stepped into the mainstream of filmmaking with an assurance worthy of international acclaim and with every cinematic tool well under his control -- driven by a natural sense for what works on screen.,1,positive
"a vile, incoherent mess ... a scummy ripoff of david cronenberg's brilliant ` videodrome.'",0,negative
an unusual protagonist ( a kilt-wearing jackson ) and subject matter,0,negative
howard conjures the past via surrealist flourishes so overwrought you 'd swear he just stepped out of a buñuel retrospective.,1,positive
"off the hook is overlong and not well-acted, but credit writer-producer-director adam watstein with finishing it at all.",0,negative
"the story is predictable, the jokes are typical sandler fare, and the romance with ryder is puzzling.",0,negative
"director george hickenlooper has had some success with documentaries,",1,positive
"compelling is present brown as a catalyst for the struggle of black manhood in restrictive and chaotic america ... sketchy but nevertheless gripping portrait of jim brown, a celebrated wonder in the spotlight",1,positive
too often into sugary sentiment and withholds delivery on the pell-mell,0,negative
"in this woefully hackneyed movie, directed by scott kalvert, about street gangs and turf wars in 1958 brooklyn -- stale cliches, gratuitous violence, or empty machismo",0,negative
playfully profound ... and crazier than michael jackson on the top floor of a skyscraper nursery surrounded by open windows.,1,positive
"city by the sea swings from one approach to the other, but in the end, it stays in formula -- which is a waste of de niro, mcdormand and the other good actors in the cast",0,negative
casting shatner as a legendary professor and kunis as a brilliant college student -- where's pauly shore as the rocket scientist?,0,negative
makes me wonder if lawrence hates criticism so much that he refuses to evaluate his own work,0,negative
"it's rare to find a film to which the adjective ` gentle ' applies, but the word perfectly describes pauline & paulette",1,positive
"lee does so marvelously compelling is present brown as a catalyst for the struggle of black manhood in restrictive and chaotic america ... sketchy but nevertheless gripping portrait of jim brown, a celebrated wonder in the spotlight",1,positive
"of that on the cinematic front, look no further than this 20th anniversary edition of the film that spielberg calls",1,positive
a few nifty twists that are so crucial to the genre and another first-rate performance by top-billed star bruce willis,1,positive
( stevens is ) so stoked to make an important film about human infidelity and happenstance that he tosses a kitchen sink onto a story already overladen with plot conceits.,0,negative
of female audience members drooling over michael idemoto as michael,1,positive
"for all its shoot-outs, fistfights, and car chases, this movie is a phlegmatic bore, so tedious it makes the silly spy vs. spy film the sum of all fears, starring ben affleck, seem downright hitchcockian.",0,negative
"as they may, lawrence unleashes his trademark misogyny -- er, comedy -- like a human volcano or an overflowing septic tank, take your pick",0,negative
like scorsese's mean streets redone by someone who ignored it in favor of old ` juvenile delinquent ' paperbacks with titles like leather warriors and switchblade sexpot,0,negative
the beauty of alexander payne's ode to the everyman is in the details.,1,positive
scorsese's bold images and generally smart casting,1,positive
"affirms the gifts of all involved, starting with spielberg and going right through the ranks of the players -- on-camera and off -- that he brings together.",1,positive
"the sort of film that makes me miss hitchcock, but also feel optimistic that there's hope for popular cinema yet.",1,positive
"this is a remake by the numbers, linking a halfwit plot to a series of standup routines in which wilson and murphy show how funny they could have been in a more ambitious movie.",0,negative
"`` blue crush '' is the phenomenal, water-born cinematography by david hennings",1,positive
blame eddie murphy,0,negative
"so marvelously compelling is present brown as a catalyst for the struggle of black manhood in restrictive and chaotic america ... sketchy but nevertheless gripping portrait of jim brown, a celebrated wonder in the spotlight",1,positive
i truly enjoyed most of mostly martha while i ne,1,positive
nothing about the film -- with the possible exception of elizabeth hurley's breasts --,0,negative
like jimmy's routines,1,positive
"the word that comes to mind, while watching eric rohmer's tribute to a courageous scottish lady, is painterly.",1,positive
makes it interesting as a character study is the fact that the story is told from paul's perspective,1,positive
"the direction, by george hickenlooper, has no snap to it, no wiseacre crackle or hard-bitten cynicism.",0,negative
"it's not only dull because we 've seen ( eddie ) murphy do the genial-rogue shtick to death, but because the plot is equally hackneyed.",0,negative
"it's definitely not made for kids or their parents, for that matter, and i think even fans of sandler's comic taste may find it uninteresting.",0,negative
"make the film more silly than scary, like some sort of martha stewart decorating program run amok",0,negative
"such master screenwriting comes courtesy of john pogue, the yale grad who previously gave us `` the skulls '' and last year's `` rollerball.''",1,positive
like watching an alfred hitchcock movie after drinking twelve beers,0,negative
hot and the john wayne classics,1,positive
that it might as well have been titled generic jennifer lopez romantic comedy,0,negative
"a delicious, quirky movie with a terrific screenplay and fanciful direction by michael gondry",1,positive
a tasty performance from vincent gallo,1,positive
"honest working man john q. archibald,",1,positive
", hoffman keeps us riveted with every painful nuance, unexpected flashes of dark comedy and the character's gripping humanity.",1,positive
"written, flatly, by david kendall",0,negative
"does so marvelously compelling is present brown as a catalyst for the struggle of black manhood in restrictive and chaotic america ... sketchy but nevertheless gripping portrait of jim brown, a celebrated wonder in the spotlight",1,positive
crap on a leash -- far too polite to scale the lunatic heights of joe dante's similarly styled gremlins,0,negative
"lawrence desperately looks elsewhere, seizing on george's haplessness and lucy's personality tics.",0,negative
"it still comes from spielberg, who has never made anything that was n't at least watchable",1,positive
"take on courtroom movies, a few nifty twists that are so crucial to the genre and another first-rate performance by top-billed star bruce willis.",1,positive
will please eastwood's loyal fans,1,positive
"destined to be the 21st century's new `` conan '' and that he's going to make a splash even greater than arnold schwarzenegger, jean-claud van damme or steven segal",1,positive
"are vividly and painfully brought to slovenly life in this self-deprecating, biting and witty feature written by charlie kaufman and his twin brother, donald, and directed by spike jonze",1,positive
a jackie chan movie,1,positive
jackie chan movies are a guilty pleasure,1,positive
a courageous scottish lady,1,positive
"remind one of a really solid woody allen film, with its excellent use of new york locales and sharp writing",1,positive
nicholas nickleby celebrates the human spirit with such unrelenting dickensian decency that it turned me ( horrors!),1,positive
"while it's nothing we have n't seen before from murphy, i spy is still fun and enjoyable and so aggressively silly that it's more than a worthwhile effort.",1,positive
another entertaining romp from robert rodriguez.,1,positive
"plays out ... like a high-end john hughes comedy, a kind of elder bueller's time out",1,positive
surprised at the variety of tones in spielberg's work,1,positive
"henry bean's thoughtful screenplay provides no easy answers, but offers a compelling investigation of faith versus intellect",1,positive
"proves she has the stuff to stand tall with pryor, carlin and murphy",1,positive
washed away by sumptuous ocean visuals and the cinematic stylings of director john stockwell,1,positive
director peter kosminsky gives these women a forum to demonstrate their acting ` chops ' and they take full advantage.,1,positive
"you may be captivated, as i was, by its moods, and by its subtly transformed star, and still wonder why paul thomas anderson ever had the inclination to make the most sincere and artful movie in which adam sandler will probably ever appear.",1,positive
is how its makers actually seem to understand what made allen's romantic comedies so pertinent and enduring,1,positive
tom green's freddie got fingered,0,negative
"with an unusual protagonist ( a kilt-wearing jackson ) and subject matter, the improbable `` formula 51 '' is somewhat entertaining,",1,positive
an 8-year-old channeling roberto benigni,0,negative
the best that can be said about the work here of scottish director ritchie ... is that he obviously does n't have his heart in it.,0,negative
"instead of making his own style, director marcus adams just copies from various sources -- good sources, bad mixture",0,negative
", then knock yourself out and enjoy the big screen postcard that is a self-glorified martin lawrence lovefest.",0,negative
", but how long will filmmakers copy the `` saving private ryan '' battle scenes before realizing steven spielberg got it right the first time?",0,negative
"take on courtroom movies, a few nifty twists that are so crucial to the genre and another first-rate performance by top-billed star bruce willis",1,positive
"irritates and saddens me that martin lawrence's latest vehicle can explode obnoxiously into 2,500 screens while something of bubba ho-tep's clearly evident quality may end up languishing on a shelf somewhere",0,negative
"muddled, melodramatic paranormal romance is an all-time low for kevin costner.",0,negative
as stomach-turning as the way adam sandler's new movie rapes,0,negative
"had just typed ` chris rock, ' ` anthony hopkins ' and ` terrorists ' into some univac-like script machine",0,negative
that reminds at every turn of elizabeth berkley's flopping dolphin-gasm.,0,negative
from seeing former nymphette juliette lewis playing a salt-of-the-earth mommy named minnie and watching slim travel incognito in a ridiculous wig no respectable halloween costume shop would ever try to sell,0,negative
lucy liu never comes together,0,negative
"was, uh, michael zaidan, was supposed to have like written the screenplay or something",0,negative
"the woodman seems to have directly influenced this girl-meets-girl love story, but even more reassuring is how its makers actually seem to understand what made allen's romantic comedies so pertinent and enduring",1,positive
paul cox needed to show it.,0,negative
has a lot of the virtues of eastwood at his best.,1,positive
it tries to pump life into overworked elements from eastwood's dirty harry period,0,negative
", however, robert rodriguez adorns his family-film plot with an elegance and maturity that even most contemporary adult movies are lacking.",1,positive
a return to form for director peter bogdanovich,1,positive
"nothing left to work with, sort of like michael jackson's nose",0,negative
"believe it or not, jason actually takes a backseat in his own film to special effects",0,negative
plays like a student film by two guys who desperately want to be quentin tarantino when they grow up.,0,negative
"in the process of trimming the movie to an expeditious 84 minutes, director roger kumble seems to have dumped a whole lot of plot in favor of ... outrageous gags.",0,negative
"director shekhar kapur and screenwriters michael schiffer and hossein amini have tried hard to modernize and reconceptualize things,",1,positive
the film is delicately narrated by martin landau and directed with sensitivity and skill by dana janklowicz-mann.,1,positive
"airless, prepackaged julia roberts wannabe",0,negative
this nickleby thing might have more homosexual undertones than an eddie murphy film.,0,negative
murphy and wilson actually make a pretty good team ... but the project surrounding them is distressingly rote.,0,negative
the big screen postcard that is a self-glorified martin lawrence lovefest,0,negative
"accomplished oscar winners susan sarandon, dustin hoffman and holly hunter, yet newcomer ellen pompeo pulls off the feat with aplomb",1,positive
"the screenplay by james eric, james horton and director peter o'fallon ... is so pat it makes your teeth hurt.",0,negative
", director robert j. siegel allows the characters to inhabit their world without cleaving to a narrative arc.",1,positive
what could have been right at home as a nifty plot line in steven soderbergh's traffic fails to arrive at any satisfying destination.,0,negative
"such master screenwriting comes courtesy of john pogue, the yale grad who previously gave us `` the skulls ''",1,positive
exceptionally well acted by diane lane and richard gere.,1,positive
insightful enough to be fondly remembered in the endlessly challenging maze of moviegoing,1,positive
australian filmmaker david flatman uses the huge-screen format to make an old-fashioned nature film that educates viewers with words and pictures while entertaining them.,1,positive
"directed with purpose and finesse by england's roger mitchell, who handily makes the move from pleasing",1,positive
"leave it to john sayles to take on developers, the chamber of commerce, tourism, historical pageants, and commercialism all in the same movie ... without neglecting character development for even one minute",1,positive
"this is sandler running on empty, repeating what he's already done way too often.",0,negative
"juliette binoche's sand is vivacious, but",1,positive
in this engaging film about two men who discover what william james once called ` the gift of tears,1,positive
has more than a few moments that are insightful enough to be fondly remembered in the endlessly challenging maze of moviegoing.,1,positive
what makes it interesting as a character study is the fact that the story is told from paul's perspective,1,positive
a clever exercise in neo-hitchcockianism,1,positive
is a step down for director gary fleder,0,negative
- spy action flick with antonio banderas and lucy liu never comes together.,0,negative
plays like john le carré with a couple of burnt-out cylinders.,0,negative
comedy since being john malkovich,1,positive
be plenty of female audience members drooling over michael idemoto as michael,1,positive
"while the now 72-year-old robert evans been slowed down by a stroke, he has at least one more story to tell : his own.",1,positive
"mind, while watching eric rohmer's tribute to a courageous scottish lady",1,positive
martin lawrence live ' is so self-pitying,0,negative
schneider is no steve martin,0,negative
"know why steven seagal is considered a star, nor why he keeps being cast in action films when none of them are ever any good or make any money",0,negative
as tricky and satisfying as any of david,1,positive
"under the direction of spielberg, who does a convincing impersonation here of a director enjoying himself immensely",1,positive
"formula -- which is a waste of de niro, mcdormand and the other good actors in the cast",0,negative
"singer/composer bryan adams contributes a slew of songs -- a few potential hits, a few more simply intrusive to the story -- but the whole package certainly captures the intended, er, spirit of the piece.",1,positive
"michael zaidan, was supposed to have like written the screenplay or something",0,negative
find yourself rooting for gai's character to avoid the fate that has befallen every other carmen before her,1,positive
"the pairing does sound promising in theory ... but their lack of chemistry makes eddie murphy and robert deniro in showtime look like old, familiar vaudeville partners.",0,negative
"reminds us how realistically nuanced a robert de niro performance can be when he is not more lucratively engaged in the shameless self-caricature of ` analyze this ' ( 1999 ) and ` analyze that, ' promised ( or threatened ) for later this year",1,positive
will be plenty of female audience members drooling over michael idemoto as michael,1,positive
like some sort of martha stewart decorating program run amok,0,negative
the john wayne classics,1,positive
"arliss howard's ambitious, moving, and adventurous directorial debut",1,positive
"texan director george ratliff had unlimited access to families and church meetings, and he delivers fascinating psychological fare",1,positive
"hoffman's quirks and mannerisms, particularly his penchant for tearing up on cue -- things that seem so real in small doses -- become annoying and artificial.",0,negative
"delia, greta, and paula rank as three of the most multilayered and sympathetic female characters of the year.",1,positive
"`` shakes the clown '', a much funnier film with a similar theme and an equally great robin williams performance",1,positive
` de niro ... is a veritable source of sincere passion that this hollywood contrivance orbits around.',1,positive
"at its best, queen is campy fun like the vincent price horror classics of the '60s.",1,positive
"( city ) reminds us how realistically nuanced a robert de niro performance can be when he is not more lucratively engaged in the shameless self-caricature of ` analyze this ' ( 1999 ) and ` analyze that, ' promised ( or threatened ) for later this year.",1,positive
laughable in the solemnity with which it tries to pump life into overworked elements from eastwood's dirty harry period,0,negative
all the usual spielberg flair,1,positive
", ' michael moore gives us the perfect starting point for a national conversation about guns, violence, and fear.",1,positive
to kill michael myers for good : stop buying tickets to these movies,0,negative
"works smoothly under the direction of spielberg, who does a convincing impersonation here of a director enjoying himself immensely.",1,positive
kill michael myers for good,1,positive
"... instead go rent `` shakes the clown '', a much funnier film with a similar theme and an equally great robin williams performance.",0,negative
a nifty plot line in steven soderbergh's traffic,1,positive
roger the sad cad that really gives the film its oomph,1,positive
the charm of kevin kline and,1,positive
makes even elizabeth hurley seem graceless and ugly.,0,negative
is an imaginative teacher of emotional intelligence in this engaging film about two men who discover what william james once called ` the gift of tears,1,positive
", david caesar has stepped into the mainstream of filmmaking with an assurance worthy of international acclaim and with every cinematic tool well under his control -- driven by a natural sense for what works on screen.",1,positive
the ideal outlet for his flick-knife diction in the role of roger swanson,1,positive
"in the end, it stays in formula -- which is a waste of de niro, mcdormand and the other good actors in the cast",0,negative
"howard and his co-stars all give committed performances,",1,positive
is as padded as allen's jelly belly,0,negative
", eloquence, spiritual challenge",1,positive
"donovan ... squanders his main asset, jackie chan, and fumbles the vital action sequences",0,negative
"juliette binoche's sand is vivacious, but it's hard to sense that powerhouse of 19th-century prose behind her childlike smile.",1,positive
"the film becomes an overwhelming pleasure, and you find yourself rooting for gai's character to avoid the fate that has befallen every other carmen before her.",1,positive
"a waste of de niro, mcdormand and the other good actors in the cast",0,negative
"some writer dude, i think his name was, uh, michael zaidan, was supposed to have like written the screenplay or something, but, dude, the only thing that i ever saw that was written down were the zeroes on my paycheck.",0,negative
stopped challenging himself,0,negative
'm not sure which will take longer to heal : the welt on johnny knoxville's stomach from a riot-control projectile or my own tortured psyche,0,negative
a frustrating patchwork : an uneasy marriage of louis begley's source novel ( about schmidt ) and an old payne screenplay,0,negative
"the movie spends more time with schneider than with newcomer mcadams, even though her performance is more interesting ( and funnier ) than his.",0,negative
stevens has a flair for dialogue comedy,1,positive
taken quite a nosedive from alfred hitchcock's imaginative flight to shyamalan's self-important summer fluff,0,negative
"there's an admirable rigor to jimmy's relentless anger, and to the script's refusal of a happy ending, but as those monologues stretch on and on, you realize there's no place for this story to go but down",0,negative
murphy and owen wilson,0,negative
seizing on george's haplessness and lucy's personality tics,0,negative
"with a `` spy kids '' sequel opening next week, why bother with a contemptible imitator starring a `` snl '' has-been acting like an 8-year-old channeling roberto benigni?",0,negative
ultimate scorsese film,1,positive
with all the usual spielberg flair,1,positive
by john woo in this little-known story of native americans and their role in the second great war,1,positive
longer to heal : the welt on johnny knoxville's stomach,0,negative
a spielberg trademark,1,positive
", director fisher stevens inexplicably dips key moments from the film in waking life water colors.",0,negative
of patch adams quietly freaking out,1,positive
"jagger, stoppard and director michael apted ... deliver a riveting and surprisingly romantic ride.",1,positive
certainly raises the film above anything sandler's been attached to before.,1,positive
"paul bettany is good at being the ultra-violent gangster wannabe, but the movie is certainly not number 1.",0,negative
"director marcus adams just copies from various sources -- good sources, bad mixture",0,negative
... director john schultz colors the picture in some evocative shades.,1,positive
i have to admit that i am baffled by jason x.,0,negative
is so huge that a column of words can not adequately describe co-writer/director peter jackson's expanded vision of j.r.r. tolkien's middle-earth,1,positive
it's robert duvall!,1,positive
a script ( by paul pender ) made of wood,0,negative
"a tremendous, offbeat sense of style and humor that suggests he was influenced by some of the filmmakers who have directed him, especially the coen brothers and steven soderbergh",1,positive
is an interesting exercise by talented writer/director anderson,1,positive
imagine a scenario where bergman approaches swedish fatalism using gary larson's far side humor,1,positive
"coarse, cliched and clunky, this trifling romantic comedy in which opposites attract for no better reason than that the screenplay demands it squanders the charms of stars hugh grant and sandra bullock.",0,negative
"would n't matter so much that this arrogant richard pryor wannabe's routine is offensive, puerile and unimaginatively foul-mouthed if it was at least funny.",0,negative
"director george hickenlooper has had some success with documentaries, but here his sense of story and his juvenile camera movements smack of a film school undergrad, and his maudlin ending might not have gotten him into film school in the first place",0,negative