Does Homeowners Insurance Cover A Lost Diamond?
If the jewelry is a scheduled item it would cover it in most cases . Scheduling an item means that it is specifically listed on the policy for an appraised amount . If you own expensive items it is always best to get them appraised and scheduled . Jewelry is covered under a homeowners policy for specific perils , but only up to an aggregate limit . Check with your agent and have him review your coverage with you .
Put a dollar amount on what it would take to replace all of your personal belongings -LRB- so if you take the house , flip it upside down ... everything that falls out is your stuff -RRB- and that is how much your personal property should be . Everything else that is covered is just a percentage of that . Most people choose a minimum of $ 25,000 .
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover A Lost Diamond?
Loss is not a covered peril of a homeowners policy . To cover loss an item should be scheduled on either on a homeowners policy or aseparatepolicy can be purchased . This type of coverage could pick up a loss under the coverage mysterious disappearance . I recommend anyone with jewelry in value over $ 1,500 to consult their agent .
The assets in a pension plan can be placed into an array of varying investment options . The pension fund manager makes decisions in these investments with advice from his investment team . So yes it is possible for some pension plan assets to be exposed to real estate .
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover A Lost Diamond?
Lost diamond is not generally covered on a homeowners policy . To cover lost diamond on a home owners policy it has to be schedule . Scheduling an items means that the item has to identified by name and assigned its worth by a dollar amount . Just like fur coat and other expensive items are not covered , diamond is not covered .
Most auto dealers will not let you drive the car off of the lot unless you have proof of insurance if there is a loan on the car . It is never a good idea to drive a car without insurance . If you traded a car in , then the coverage on the older car may extend to the new car temporarily , but you need to call your agent as soon as possible and get it changed . Most dealerships have an insurance agent they work with who can get you coverage as well .
Is Vandalism Covered Under Car Insurance?
If you have other than collision or comprehensive coverage then you will typically have coverage for vandalism up to the policy limits and possibly less the policy deductible . Remember every policy is different . Please read your policy completely to understand the coverage provided and any exclusions that there may be or contact your local agent to have them go over the policy with you .
The cost for renters insurance will be based in large part on the amount of coverage you desire . On average with 25,000 in personal property protection , 100,000 personal liability , 1000 guest medical and 12 months loss of use your looking at an average of 175-225 annual depending on the insurance company . It 's best in most cases to combine this coverage with your current auto insurance carrier for the maximum discounts on your renters policy and in most cases you will also receive an additional discount on your auto insurance . Discuss your needs with your local agent as there are sub limits you will need to be aware of in a renters policy .
Is Vandalism Covered Under Car Insurance?
Vandalism is generally a covered peril under the Comprehensive portion of your physical damage coverage . Any such loss would of course be subject to your policy deductible and in most cases , an insurance company will be looking for a police report to support the claim investigation process . Your Insurance Professional will be able to explain your policy coverage in detail .
You should first look for a competent agent . Get referrals from reliable friends . Friends who have experienced a loss are frequently the most informed . Setting coverage limits is critical as this will determine how the company protects you in the event of a loss . Make sure that the agent provides accurate information to the company and to you . Make sure that you are comfortable with the agent and his or her office staff .
How To Prepare For Life Insurance Medical Exam?
This seems to be a common question as I have answered this once today already . It is important to know what the medical exam will entail . Is there going to be blood or urine needed ? Are medical questions going to be asked ? Is a resting EKG needed ? I always recommend getting this completed first think in the morning before you eat breakfast or have a lite breakfast prior . That is what we call a fasting blood and urine so all the excess junk has time to filter through your body . In other words , do not eat a juicy burger and then have your blood & urine sample taken as the results will be off . Know your medical history and what doctors you have seen as well as their addresses in case the insurance company wants to get more information which is likely . Relax for the blood pressure readings which generally will be taken 3 times and you should be relaxed for the resting EKG if needed .
Yes , you can get life insurance with lupus , although the rates will vary a lot depending on the type of lupus you have , and severity of your symptoms . Systemic Lupus Erythematosus is the most common , yet the most serious , because it can affect internal organs . However , if SLE is very mild , it can qualify for rates as good as standard or low table ratings . Advanced lupus that is affecting bodily function will probably not be approved for a medically underwritten life insurance policy , but there are simplified and guaranteed issue policies that you may still be able to purchase .
How To Prepare For Life Insurance Medical Exam?
To prepare for your life insurance exam , I agree with Matt 's advice . In addition , drink lots of water ahead of time , and try to avoid extremes -LRB- e.g. do n't overeat , overdrink , overexercise , or hang around heavy smokers -RRB- the day before your exam . If you do n't feel well , put off your exam , especially if you have diabetes , MS or other health conditions that can be exasperated by having a bug . Finally , be prepared to answer health questions that you may have answered before . Asking the same question more than once helps convince insurance companies that the information is correct .
The Cash Value on Life Insurance is only going to be taxable in certain situations . First , you have to withdraw the cash value . If you leave it in the policy , it will grow tax-free . Second , if you take Cash Value out as a loan , and as long as the policy does not lapse , the money will remain tax-free . Third , if you withdraw the Cash Value , and the money you take out is greater then the money you have paid in , then the difference will be taxable . Or if the policy lapses with an outstanding loan , then this will create a taxable event .
What Is Creditor Placed Homeowners Insurance?
This is also known as Forced Place Homeowner Insurance > The product comes into use when a mortgagor does not get a valid insurance policy at closing or any time after that from the homeowner . Since a Bank is getting the coverage 1 -RRB- they do n't care what it costs , not 2 -RRB- nor do thee y care about insuring your contents etc. . As soon as this happens to you pick up the phone and call us at 1-866-933-0374 if you are in AZ , CA , TX , MO , or GA otherwise get professional help from an independent and get in your area .
I believe the intent behind mandatory auto insurance is to help keep the costs of auto insurance at as low a rate as possible for all . The more people purchasing coverage typically the lessor the cost of the coverage . Also by requiring all licensed drivers to have insurance , it is more likely that you will not experience a devastating financial loss due to an accident as in theory everyone will have auto insurance .
How Secure Are Annuities?
Annuities , either fixed or variable can be a good choice for providing retirement income for some of us , depending on particular situations . The major security concern relative to annuities is the financial strength of the insurance company that you choose or have chosen . You often hear the term `` guaranteed income '' associated with annuity advertising and marketing . However , if the insurance company that holds your annuity money goes bankrupt , you could lose some or all of your hard-earned retirement money . Some States have funds that can help reimburse some of the many policyholder losses in such failure situations . Also , the Feds can step-in , as we found out several years ago but there is no guarantee that will happen . So , insurance company failure is a very real concern , particularly with regard to annuities , although bankruptcy not very likely with regard to the most financially secure companies . The bottom line is that you have to feel very comfortable that your annuity money will be there when and how you are scheduled to receive it . Stay with the strongest companies financially . Ask for documentation of financial strength and ask a lot of other questions . Be as comfortable as possible with the carrier who is going to be controlling your hard-earned money .
Many insurance companies offer annuities such as Guardian , MetLife Prudential , ING , Nationwide , Genworth , and Lincoln National , just to name a few . If you 're looking to purchase an annuity , I would advise consulting with an independent annuity broker who can review options from multiple companies to find you the annuity that will maximize your return . The type of annuity is a major factor as there are a number of different kinds such as fixed annuities , equity linked index annuities , etc. . Please feel free to contact me for assistance with your program and if you have any other questions . I hope the information is helpful - thanks very much .
How Secure Are Annuities?
Tax deferred annuities are as secure as the policy language defines . And the policy is only as good as the insurance company that issues it . So its important to review the ratings of an insurance company , their financial balance sheet and a brokerage annuity spreadsheet to determine the best tax deferred or immediate annuity available .
Talk to your Insurance Professional about it and ask to complete a financial analysis . If you have income , savings and investments , as well as debt in any form , and also have people who depend upon you , then you more than likely have a need for Life Insurance . There are a number of solutions that will best fit your needs .
Much Does It Cost To Go To The ER Without Health Insurance?
Retail Costs : Urgent Care and Labs $ 217 ER Visit $ 1115 Drugs -LRB- steroid -RRB- $ 28 Radiology -LRB- chest X-ray -RRB- $ 152 Radiologist -LRB- to read chest X-ray -RRB- $ 54 Respiratory -LRB- nebulizer -RRB- $ 92 Take home prescriptions $ 76.06 -LRB- $ 45 was for the eye drop that I didnt have a sample of , darn ! -RRB- Total cost to be sick : $ 1734.06 Now , even though we have a high deductible and everything applies to that , I dont have to pay this cost out of pocket . Because the providers we used accept assignment , our insurance company sets a cap on how much they will pay for a service . Because of that , we get a discounted rate , which lowers the cost to $ 1308.51 , almost a 25 % discount . Whether you agree or not , those are the rules . Since we will pay with HSA money , this will also save about another $ 327 in taxes . If you have to pay any out of pocket costs for health care services or medicines , I strongly suggest looking into this type plan . What if You Dont Have Insurance ? If you dont have insurance , you could be looking at full price . I know for a fact that our hospital offers a 30 % discount if you pay all at once with a cash or a check . They also set up payment plans , but you lose the discount and get a penalty if you miss a payment . Not all hospitals will work with patients , so you could be forced to use credit or get sent to collections if you cant pay . This amount is not likely to bankrupt anyone , but what if my daughter had been admitted for pneumonia or something worse ? I think going without health insurance is just too much of a risk . Finally , it really makes me mad when I have to admit that I thought about costs and money before taking my sick kid to the emergency room . Honestly , I would have probably done the same thing , even if I knew it would have been $ 5000 or $ 10,000 , but how many people have to weigh getting needed health care with how much money they have in the bank ? I dont have an answer , but Im repeatedly reminded about the crazy cost of health care in the US , and right now , Id rather my tax dollars go toward some sort of solution rather than funding things that do me no good .
There are many policy players with a life insurance contract : insured , beneficiary , contingent beneficiary and owner . Sometimes a person can be both the insured and the policy owner . The policy owner can make changes and alterations in the policy , but the policy owner also is the tax payer if taxable events occur .
Does Home Insurance Cover Tree Roots?
Homeowners insurance does not cover tree roots . There is nocoveragefor removal and no coverage for damage caused by tree roots . Damage to your dwelling must be sudden and accidental . Tree roots cause problems over a long period of time and in most cases the problem is evident way before it becomes a big issue . A tree is nothing more then a plant that should be maintained by the homeowner . I suggest discussion the specific details of the tree root problem with your local agent .
That is a great question ! The Medicare system was set up so that everyone could qualify for it , once they turned 65 years of age . There are no restrictions as to your health status - if you are perfectly healthy you qualify , if you have cancer you qualify . The age limitation is pretty solid though . You mentioned that you started taking your Social Security benefits at age 62 , and if you did so because of a disability that required retirement and early benefits , and have been steadily taking those disability benefits since then you may qualify for the early Medicare exemption . To qualify for it , you will have had to have continuously pulled benefits for two years , and you have passed that mark if so . If not , I 'm sorry to say that they are pretty strict about the age requirement , and you will be unable to sign up until you turn 65 . Good luck , and thank you for asking !
How Long Can I Be On My Parent's Auto Insurance?
There are only two things that might prevent you from staying on your parent 's auto policy ; 1 -RRB- If you obtain a car of your own and register it in your name , then in most states , you will have to purchase and maintain your own auto insurance policy 2 -RRB- your parents decide it is time for you to be on your own and responsible for your own car and insurance .
That can vary , but in my experience , as a Nationwide Professional Agent we also represent Hagerty Insurance , one of the most respected companies specializing in this type of coverage , stock vehicles built between 1900 and 1969 are included as classics or antiques . It used to be that a 25 year standard was used , but that is not necessarily the case these days . You may find that cars built as recently as the 1970 's or even ' 80 's may , due to their characteristics , qualify as collector cars .
Which Employers Must Provide Health Insurance?
Employers employing 50 or more full time equivalent employees -LRB- FTEs -RRB- must provide a qualified health plan for at least 95 % of those employees or a tax of $ 2000 per employee per year -LRB- after thirty employees -RRB- will be levied on that employer . The tax is not tax deductible . This is a complicated law and there are additional requirements to consider .
The best car insurance for any driver is the car insurance that provides for all the insured 's coverage needs at a price that they accept . Just as important as your coverages is the local agent that you are working with . This person in many cases with be your first point of contact when you have coverage questions or concerns about billing or claims .
How Can I Borrow From My Retirement Plan?
How much can I borrow from my retirement plan ? Now if I could flick your ear like your dad used to do , I would say `` why would you want to ? '' Just because a loan provision can be included within your plan , it does n't mean you should exhaust EVERY other possibility first . Borrowing from your retirement plan is far and away the last possible choice to make . That said ... The limits for loans can be set by your plan . Borrowing provisions can be set up by your plan . Payback interest rate is set up by your plan . Your plan advisory board will decide if a loan request has merits . Usually the money you take from your plan is no longer participating in plan returns , so if you 're investment is earning 10 % and your loan payback provision is 4 % , you 're making 4 % on your money . If you get laid off or quit your job , your loan from your retirement plan is `` called '' immediately . Failure to pay it back when called results in a `` premature distribution '' which makes your `` loan '' income , along with a penalty , so your income taxes could change considerably . Try to remember just because a feature is available , does n't mean you should use it .
Prudential Life Insurance has offices all over the country . However , the corporate headquarters for Prudential 's life insurance products is located at 751 Broad Street in Newark , New Jersey . If you are purchasing other products such as annuities or variable products , those divisions will have a separate home office address .
Can Type 1 Diabetics Get Life Insurance?
People that are classified as Type 1 Diabetics can get life insurance . There are many factors that contribute to qualifying for coverage . There are life insurances companies that are also more benevolent in their underwriting protocols and premium pricing than the standard market . Health history and current medical conditional are critical components to an underwriting offer .
This is a great question and one that I just recently researched . It seemsan investigative reporter by the name of Ronald Kessler set out to answer this question . He wrote a book called The Life Insurance Game back in 1985 . He did discover definitive information that the oldest life insurance policy can be traced back to London in 1583 . The insured was a gentleman by the name of William Gybbon . Mr. Gybbon worked in London as a Salter of meat and fish used to preserve the meat . The company underwriting the plan was not clear , but the beneficiary was known to be Richard Martin . No one really knows their relationship or the face amount of the policy other than it was a one year term , but it is an interesting story . William Gybbons actually died near the end of the policy year . The underwriting company refused to pay the claim on the grounds that the contract was for a lunar year versus a calendar year . The courts ruled in favor of Richard Martin and the claim was paid . So , even 430 years ago insurance companies were playing the loophole card . Thank you for asking the question , I personally love these stories .
Can Type 1 Diabetics Get Life Insurance?
Yes , type 1 diabetics can get life insurance , and sometimes a person with type 1 diabetes will have an easier time finding affordable coverage than a person with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes . With good control and no side effects , type 1 diabetes life insurance can be issued in a policy that pays 100 % from day one and has no limit on the face amount .
You can get an auto insurance policywithout actually owning a vehicle . You will need to get a non owners policy and I would recommend calling around to see what companies offer a policy like that in your state . Usually it is with a non standard carrier such as a Progressive or Dairyland . I would call an independent agent in your area and see what companies offer that type of a policy . Good luck
What Happens When You Cancel Life Insurance?
When you cancel life insurance : 1 -RRB- With TERM insurance , there is no penalty and you lose no cash value , because there was not any cash value to start with . 2 -RRB- With PERMANENT insurance , you may take the cash value , minus surrender charges and fees , if any . If you do not have enough cash value to cover the fees , you owe nothing and receive nothing . The cash value may be taxable . There are other options than cancelling a policy if you can no longer afford it . You may be able to reduce the face amount , turn the policy into a reduced paid up policy , roll the cash value over into a new policy , or other options . Because at the end of the day , if you cancel your life insurance , you no longer have that protection . So consult with someone to find out your best choice in making that decision .
In 1959 , Congress passed the Federal Employees Health Benefits Act -LRB- FEHBA -RRB- . Its primary purpose was to attract & retain talented personnel to compete with the private sector . It is made available to both active & retired workers . Congress participates in the FEBHA . Currently , the FEBHA offers about 300 different plans with a `` defined contribution '' approach ; wherethe better the benefits the more the cost to the employee . The plans are definitely better than private sector insurance and where the private sector has virtually eliminated retiree benefits , the FEBHA has not . So , member of congress that serves just one term would be eligible for the benefits for remainder of his/her life . It is not necessarily special to them , but it is different and probably a much better plan than the average American would have access to plus it can be carried throughout the retirement years .
What Happens When You Cancel Life Insurance?
What happens when you cancel life insurance ? You end your coverage on the date you provide . Any cash values or unused premium in your policy will be returned to you . With term insurance any unused premium will be refunded . Cancelation should be done in writing as cancelation often requires a signed document .
You really need to talk to one or more independent agencies in your area to get pricing quotes . Quite a few key factors are involved in determining the homeowner pricing of each dwelling . Just to provide some examples within the process , the following are some of the key -LRB- but not all -RRB- factors in the rating process : Age of dwelling & construction type Protection - Alarmed for both break-ins & fire ? How is security system monitored ? Location - How close is fire protection ? Sinkhole frequency area ? Severe storms exposure ? Specific risk factors on premises and within the dwelling - types of animals , trampolines , swimming pools , pool enclosures , safety features for pools
Much Money Does A Health Insurance Agent Make?
Interesting question , well the amount that a health agent makes depends on many factors . We are paid percentages on some plans and a set amount on others , IN addition some plans offer advancing and some do n't . There is really no way to calculate what the pay actually is .
Homeowners insurance claim coverage is dependent on cause loss and if the policy covers that cause of loss . Not all homeowners insurance are created equal . Some cover fire only , while other cover broader perils of coverage -LRB- like wind , hail , falling objects , weight of snow , etc -RRB- , while even other policies cover all perils except what is specifically excluded . It would be this latter type of policy that would cover frozen pipes . Check with your agent or read your policy under coverage and exclusions .
Can Car Insurance Sue You?
An insurance company issues a policy . The policy is a legal contract . There are obligations on the part of you , the insured , and the company . If you fail to meet the obligations of the contract you could be sued . It certainly isnt a common practice . Sometimes a company will file a suit in order to get the court to assist in determining the proper course of action . Companies are very aggressive if they suspect that an insured is trying to defraud them . Rather than seeking a remedy by lawsuit they usually turn the case over to a prosecutor .
When you buy life insurance the costs of the insurance policy is reflected by the company 's ability to control costs and invest the premiums collected and to manage the investments of the company in a reasonable manner . There are varying rsults when you inspect a company 's investment results and their ability to control costs . Yur costs are calculated based on your age , height , and weight and if you skydive or drive mud bikes or other hazardous habits that increase your possibility of an early death . If you smoke you drive up your costs significantly
Can Car Insurance Sue You?
You can be sued by an auto insurance company . If you are involved in an accident and determined to be at fault but do not have any or enough insurance to cover the claims , the company can sue you for the amount paid to their client . A company could also sue if a claim was paid to you and it was later determined to have been overpaid or fraud . The company can sue to get the money that should not have been paid .
That is a great question ! I sincerely hope that you are just asking to know , and not because you need to know ... Contact your insurance company immediately . They may or may not cover the claim , based upon whether you had the dog when the policy was issued or not , the breed of the dog itself , and the wording of your liability portion of the policy . Dog bites and insurance companies are really case by case things , so contact your agent and ask . Good luck , and thanks for asking !
Can Car Insurance Sue You?
Yes and auto insurance carrier at their discretion can bring a law suit against you . Auto insurance companies only sue to recover their loss and no more . So for example you caused an accident and they person you hit used his or her insurance to pay for the damage to their car because you had no insurance . The insurance company may want to recover what they paid out since their client was not at fault . Therefore the insurance company could take you to court to recover the monies spent for the repairs . No lets take it a step further . Say you were the one who was hit and were also injured . Your insurance company if they did not pay for your injuries will not sue for injury , pain and suffering and so on since the insurance company did not suffer a loss in this area . Again , insurance companies will only try to recover their own loss .
On an auto insurance policy gap coverage covers the gap between the cars ACV or Actual Cash Value vs. the loan value of a vehicle . This is a coverage that is purchased when a car is less then a year old and is available on most auto insurance polices for 2 to 3 years and then falls off . An example would be you purchase a brand new car for $ 20,000 and you take out a loan for $ 18,000 . Within a year you total the car . The market value or actual cash value of the car at the time of the accident is $ 16,500 due to quick depreciation . However due to the size of loan and interest rates keeping your principle up you may own $ 17,500 at the time of the accident . This makes a $ 1,000 gap the insurance company is not obligated to pay . Gap insurance would fill this gap so your loan is completely paid off and your not backwards . I recommend you have this discussion with your local agent when purchasing a new vehicle .
Why Does Life Insurance Cost So Much In North Carolina?
Life insurance costs in North Carolina are based on the risk of the person purchasing the policy . If the applicant has a health condition , is elderly , smokes , has multiple recent traffic violations , has a trip planned to an unsafe country , participates in dangerous hobbies , or has had recent drug/alcohol treatment , their rates will be higher than for someone with very little risk . To find your lowest life insurance rates in North Carolina , you can go to an office or visit a website that sells life insurance in North Carolina . Input your information for a free , instant quote to see if a quote comes up for North Carolina residents .
If your lender requires a homeowners policy it is often subject to the closing on the property . The title company orders the policy from the insurance company . That way they can make sure that coverage is adequate . They pay the premium and include that in the closing costs . Most title companies will follow your direction as to which agent to use .
Why Does Life Insurance Cost So Much In North Carolina?
Rates in NC solely depend on the company and rating a client receives after going through a company 's underwriting process . Different companies have different rates based on what types of clients they want to have . Usually having a broker like tak discussing options with you will help find the right company with the right products to fit your needs .
Great question ! The easiest ways are to falsify your application or claim ; stop paying it ; Start having multiple accidents , dui 's etc. . I ca n't say any of these are really good things to do , and I would ask why you would want to get dropped . Doing so typically has bad results for you on subsequent attempts to get insured , and driving without insurance is even worse . If you want out of your contract , just call them , and tell them you 'd like to cancel the policy.Thanks for asking !
Why Does A Single Person Need Life Insurance?
I think there is an image out there of single people as being carefree , unencumbered , no responsibilities . So no need for life insurance . However , I have come across so many single people that are just the opposite , that it makes you think : sure , a whole lot of single people really do need life insurance . Lets suppose you are a single person who is 22 years old . Youve got a girlfriend , or a boyfriend , or both -LRB- yep - sign of the times . -RRB- Just finishing up school , thinking about getting a job . You know at some point youll be married , or at least living with somebody , paying bills , forming some kind a codependent relationship . Maybe you will buy life insurance then . Why wait ? You know that pricing is based on age . Why wait four years when the price will be that much higher ? Buy it now . Lock in at the lowest rate available . Be smart . Now lets suppose youve got a bunch of college debt to carry around with you . Some credit card charges too . God forbid a drunk driver should nail you tomorrow night . Why would you want to saddle your family with these bills ? If your parents have cosigned the loan , or if you have a joint account , they are certainly exposed . Even if they havent , get them out of the line of fire of a greedy creditor . Pick up some cheap life insurance to protect them . Its the least you could do . Another point : do you know how many single men and women out there are successful ? Are making hefty incomes ? Are thriving entrepreneurs ? Tons . Many people postpone marriage and family to get their little empire launched . Along the way , they pick up bank debt . They have businesses to secure . They set up charitable foundations . They set up a whole network of financial interests , and they are at the center of that network . Where they to unfortunately disappear , the entire network would unravel . So they buy life insurance to secure their interests . As would any responsible mover and shaker .
Most people qualify for Medicare Part A when they turn age 65 . There is usually no monthly premium for Part A assuming you or your spouse worked and paid Medicare taxes . If you 're already getting Social Security or Railroad Retirement benefits you will be automatically enrolled the first day of the month you turn 65 . If you are not collecting benefits yet you can enroll for Part A 3 months prior to turning 65 by calling Social Security or visiting / retirement . If you are under 65 , disabled and have been getting Social Security benefits for 24 months you will automatically get Part A & B . If you have ALS or End-Stage Renal Disease you can also get Part A & B .
Why Does A Single Person Need Life Insurance?
A single person may need life insurance for many different reasons . The single person may have debts that they want paid off if something happens to them or they may have other financial obligations that they want covered . If anyone financially depends on a single person , then life insurance would help in that situation . A single person may also need life insurance for estate planning , business purposes like keyman insurance , buy sell agreement , or an executive bonus plan . Life insurance is also a great way to leverage assets for charitable giving . This is a high level overview of possible reasons . It would be helpful to discuss your unique situation with an insurance professional .
Qualifying for Medicare , in general , is a pretty simple and straight-forward process - the most common way people qualify is by turning age 65 . You can complete the application process as early as age 64 and 9 months . Many individuals will qualify for premium-free Part A - you have the option of signing up for Part B as well , however , Part B requires a monthly premium . If you 're under 65 , you may be eligible for Medicare if you 're on disability -LRB- and have been for at least 24 months -RRB- or have end-stage renal disease -LRB- ESRD -RRB- . You can enroll in Medicare Part A -LRB- and Part B as well -RRB- online through the social security administration website , , or at your local social security administration office . Part A & Part B are referred to as Original Medicare . Original Medicare covers approximately 80 % of expenses and both parts feature a deductible that you 're resopnsible for paying -LRB- in addition to the other 20 % of remaining expenses -RRB- . I would recommend adding a Medicare supplement -LRB- Medigap -RRB- plan to cover the other expenses - these are sold through private insurance companies . Plan F is the most comprehensive , but if your doctor accepts Medicare and assignment , you may want to look at a plan N as well . The major advantage of adding a Medigap plan when you sign up for Medicare Part B is that you have a 6-month open enrollment period where you ca n't be turned down for a plan -LRB- no medical underwriting -RRB- and it helps create a predictable expense structure for your health care . You may also want to look into adding a Medicare Part D prescription drug plan as well if you would like to have your coverage for prescriptions as well .
Does Life Insurance For Children Make Sense?
Life insurance at any age makes sense . I believe that life insurance for children makes the most sense . When you purchase or gift a life insurance policy for a child you provide them with coverage for the rest of their lives and possibly cash value depending on the type of policy that is purchased . A child policy is typically very low cost . Every birthday life insurance becomes more costly . There are many , many more reasons to have life insurance . Contact a local agent today so that they can provide you with the information about the life products that they have to offer .
To get a license all you need to do is sign up for a PA approved course of insurance study - these can be real courses or virtual online courses that you can take in the comfort of your home . When the course is completed you will need to pass an exam in order to receive a certificate of completion . The final step is to sign up to take the state exam in a monitored classroom . If you pass the test - you can apply for your license . Take your time studying the life material . There is a lot to learn and can be very confusing if you rush through it . In my opinion it is the hardest test in insurance . Best of luck !
How To Cancel Allstate Renters Insurance?
I would suggest calling your local agent to cancel any policies that you have in force first . If can not or do not want to do that then I would suggest looking up the phone number in a phone book or online for Allstate and give them a call directly .
The death of the owner will not make any changes to a homeowners policy . Normally there are two people named as insureds but the coverage is on the property , not on the life of the owner/insured . Notify the insurance company if the owner dies and have the new owner named on the policy . This should be a minor issue .
Why Write Life Insurance In Trust?
A trust is a legal entity . A trust can be flexible . A beneficiary designation is rigid . A trust can be charged with a variety of tasks . Your estate plan might call for unique handling of insurance proceeds , such as caring for a handicapped child , which will require discretion . The trustee that administers the proceeds can make important decisions after the insured has passed .
The idea behind portability is as follows : If a person has carried coverage -LRB- been insured -RRB- prior to starting with another health plan elsewhere , they should not be punished by having a pre-existing condition schedule applied to them as they have no gap in coverage . The idea behind Portability is wing walking , moving from one wing to the other without falling off of either plane . When you apply for coverage , the new provider will ask for a certificate of prior coverage . They will use that as proof and waive any pre-existing condition clauses on the new policy .
Why Write Life Insurance In Trust?
There are two main life insurance trusts that people use - revocable and irrevocable life insurance trusts . People use life insurance trusts because there are tax advantages that they offer , they protect the proceeds , and helps you distribute the assets to your children at the least possible cost . An irrevocable life insurance trust -LRB- ILIT -RRB- is a legal document set up to distribute life insurance proceeds in a specific manner , depending on how the trust is designed . ILITs receive special tax consideration from the IRS that is not given to life insurance policies that would otherwise be owned by a natural person or revocable trust . Since the trust is irrevocable , the terms of the trust can not be changed -LRB- think of it like putting the contents in a vault and throwing away the key - it ca n't be opened til the insured dies -RRB- . An ILIT can offer many substantial advantages to protect life insurance proceeds . It can also help you distribute your property to your children at the least possible cost . If you have a taxable estate , you have a choice - pay the tax with your own money or pay only a fraction of the tax and use someone else 's money to pay the rest . If you want to use someone elses money to pay the tax , you can buy a life insurance policy . The type of life insurance policy will depend on the specific circumstances , but is usually a survivorship universal life policy if used for estate tax purposes . The life insurance policy may be secured for pennies on each dollar of tax that you owe . By putting the life insurance policy in an irrevocable trust , the proceeds become available to pay taxes due upon death . A life insurance policy that you purchase will require the same premium whether you put the policy in the trust or keep it outside of the trust . If you put the policy in the trust , the death benefit is not included in the calculation of the size of the estate . This is a huge tax savings , especially if the proceeds are several million dollars . If you keep the policy outside of the trust , the proceeds will be included in calculating the size of the estate potentially increasing the size of the estate by a big margin , and you may therefore have to pay much higher estate taxes before any of the property can be distributed to your children or other beneficiaries . Please let me know if I can be of further assistance . Thanks very much .
That is an excellent question ! There can be a number of reasons why the price increases . The company may need to recapture expenses and profits , and raises their rates . Your health issues may have changed , or your providers changed or dropped coverage , making it more expensive to find and pay for those services . It could just be that you are a year older , and thus more expensive . I hope that helps , and thanks for asking !
Does Renters Insurance Cover Hurricane Damage?
The property coverage you are afforded under renter 's coverage is for your personal property -LRB- furniture , tv , audio systems , clothes , dishes , etc -RRB- , but typically not for the building . If you are asking if your own personal property would be covered if a hurricane caused the damaged , then , yes , your personal property would be covered . However , there is one caveat ... if it was wind that was determined as the cause of loss . Hurricanes can cause damage not only by wind , but by flooding . If flooding -LRB- waters rising from outside -RRB- was the cause of loss , you may not be covered , because flood is typically excluded . You could possibly purchase flood coverage in this case .
Credit card companies can go after life insurance proceeds if the person who passed , who is also the person with credit card debt , named their estate as beneficiary of their policy . If the insured person named an individual as beneficiary , the credit card company can not go after that person unless they also shared in the debt along with the insured .
What Coverage Should I Have For Car Insurance?
The 1st thing you need to think about is what you can afford for the cost of insurance and also what can you afford to loose id you have inadequate coverage . Each state varies for the amount of liability that you are required to have . In Montana the limits are 25K per person -LRB- medical payment to others -RRB- 50K per accident and 10K for property damage which if you think about it that is not much coverage in the event of a major accident . Then you need to take in the factor of uninsured and underinsured both are fairly inexpensive and well worth the few dollars it is a month here in our state 1 in 3 cars has no insurances your odds of an accident and getting hit by someone with no insurance is high . Laws in most states require you to have the state minimum . I recommend the higher limits then what state requirements are however . You also have a budget in mind It does no good to buy a policy with higher limits if you can not afford the monthly payment . So it really depends on what you can afford to loose and what fits your monthly budget.I recommend talking to a local agent and seeing what they have for rates as a independent agent can compare rates with many carriers and can help you muddle through the confusion .
Assuming the question is referring to an existing non-qualified annuity that you desire to use in funding an IRA , the following would occur : Your name may be the same on the annuity as well as the IRA , but it reality , your changing ownership registration . If that happens your annuity , if effect , is being surrendered and that surrender will trigger an ordinary income tax event on the gain in the policy . If youre under age 59 an additional 10 % penalty will be assessed as well . And dont forget non-qualified annuity basis is tax free , by inserting it into an IRA ; you give up the tax free status of basis because all IRA distributions are an ordinary income tax event . Also keep in mind that IRAs have contribution limitations , $ 5,500 under age 50 and $ 6,500 over age 50 . Most non-qualified annuities are larger than that . Before moving forward with any changes consult a tax advisory or CPA .
What Coverage Should I Have For Car Insurance?
OK , this will be a quick run down of coverages most commonly needed but the answer may vary some form state to state : The first coverage you need is Bodily Injury Liability . This is the amount of coverage you need to protect yourself from the claims and law suits of people you injure . The second but related coverage is the Property damage coverage for property you destroy . So it is common in the US to sell them in groups such as 100/300/100 . Now what does that mean : The first number is critical . This is the per person limit of bodily injury liability . Insurers are not stupid . They know that in 75 % of all accidents , there will be one person in each vehicle -LRB- it is just the way Americans drive -RRB- So , there is a lot less likelihood of hitting that 300,000 but it would take injury to more than one person to do it . So the odds are with your insurer . Another way to buy insurance -LRB- usually about 10 % more in cost -RRB- is through Combined Single Limits coverage , CSL gives you one bulk sum to pay the claim more as the accident happened rather than based on the sub limits of your policy . So split limits are the norm , but for a little more you might want combined single limit coverage . The next coverage is usually PIP or Medical Payments . Both of these sort of compensate for usually minor events for which the party is injured and you want to take care of the injury regardless of fault . For example you give a ride to a friend who slams the door on his finger . Yes it was his fault , but it was your car and you do n't want suing you over this . Your policy responds with either medical payment or Personal Injury . PIP is usually broader and often includes wages loss which Med Pay does not . The next group of coverages are usually the most important on your policy . These are your uninsured or under-insured motorist coverage . In about 14 % of accidents the at fault party will have no insurance . And in the next grouping of the accidents you will see coverage of the at fault party at state minimums or not much more . . Now you need the protection of UM coverage . A good rule of thumb is never buy less UM than you have for Bodily Injury Liability . This is now you protecting yourself , your family and passengers in your car . It is perhaps the most little understood coverage and most important part of your policy.Lastly as respects UM/UIM you need Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Property Damage at a level commensurate with the ACV of you car . Next come the coverages on the physical damage to your car . The coverages are Comprehensive or also called OTC or Other than Collision . which covers many perils such as theft , fire , flood , trees falling on the vehicle etc. . Collision occurs when you hit something such as a tree , a road curb , a pothole , another vehicle etc. . This is where the value of your car is a consideration . You should also select a deductible that is right for you and your household budget From here we go to many ancillary coverages including Rental Reimbursement which is usually stated as a dollar limit for thirty days -LRB- enough time usually to get your car repaired -RRB- > The coverage is triggered by another cause of loss such as collision . The next and perhaps last coverage to consider for the general public is towing or as some companies offer road side assistance . Towing is just that towing . Whereas roadside service is usually sign and drive towing , run out of gas , lock out of car etc. . Now if you have a new car you might want replacement coverage or if leased gap coverage for loan or lease . If you do n't understand any of this gives us a call , We believe an educated consumer is better for every one .
Yes Primerica pays claims . Just like any other life insurer , Primerica will pay claims if ample evidence is provided to their claims processing center . Required evidence would be that the insured died while the policy was in force .
What Is The Dwelling Amount On Home Insurance?
This is the amount your home itself is covered for . Generally you must be insured for at least 80 % of the replacement cost of your home . This is determined by calculations that insurance companies use based upon construction costs in your area . Most companies require you to be insured for 100 % of replacement cost . This allows the company to completely rebuild your home in the event of a total loss .
Not normally , no . However , talk to your insurance professional about the increased liability exposures that a pool can bring into the picture . Increasing the liability coverage in your Homeowner policy will increase the premium of course , but by very little . It would also be a great idea to think about amPersonal Umbrella policy as well .
What Is Key Person Disability Insurance?
Traditional Key Man Disability Insurance is a form of Short Term Disability Insurance that is used to cover key -LRB- hard to replace , executives , top salespeople , etc -RRB- employees in a business . The business is the beneficiary . The income paid to the business when the key person is disabled helps the business to operate until the employee is back on their feet , or gives them the funds to find a replacement .
Life insurance for children is the lowest it will ever be . The younger the child , the lower the rate , and that is the best time to start an education policy , or even retirement policy for that child , not just death benefits . You would want a policy with full living benefits , like offered by Premier Financial Alliance . It allows the child to take money from the policy for school , marriage , a new house , or retirement , or also for chronic , critical or terminal illness . See your agent . GARY LANE . . 714 422 9616 . Thank you .
What Is Key Person Disability Insurance?
Key person disability insurance has the same premise as key person life insurance . It is to protect the business if the movers and shakers of the business were to become disabled or die . By paying the business in those situations , the business is able to stay on their feet until that employee returns or a replacement can be found . This type of coverage also helps pay for the costs of recruiting a new employee .
Yes , term life has an endpoint . The thing to be aware of is when . Many of the older policies written have much earlier term end dates than the newer plans . It is not uncommon to find 70 or 75 as an end date on older term policies . Newer policies may carry a 90 to 95 end date . Although some new plans only run the length of the level term period . Very important to open your policy and take a few minutes to read what it does do , or when selecting a new plan , ask the agent .
What Is Key Person Disability Insurance?
Key person disability is an executive benefit employers use in two ways : to attract and retain quality employees and to generate income if the key employee is unable to work due to prolonged sickness and/or recovery from an injury . Key persons can be those significantly impacting operation or generating revenue for the firm .
qo to 30 days before the renewal date . This will allow you to give time to your current agent to shop for the best value * notice I did not say the cheapest ! This time will allow you time to do your own evaluations and not be in a panic if your current insurance company goes crazy on price increases or sets you up for non-renewal because they are having too many storms in your are or so may other misfortunate incides can happen -LRB- accidents , tickets , credit score , company surplus etc etc. .
What Is Key Person Disability Insurance?
With Key Person disability insurance , if a vital employee becomes disabled , the business will receive disability income to cover the financial loss of the missing employee . And if a business has more than one key employee whose absence would bring the business to a halt , then Key Person disability insurance can be purchased for more than one person in the business . Any business that would find it hard to replace a vital employee needs Key Person disability insurance . Much like the saying , if a business puts all its eggs in the basket of one person , it wont be able to sustain itself should that person become disabled .
Social Security will determine eligibility . If you are disabled you must apply to Social Security by going online or calling and requesting the necessary forms . You must be able to document that you are disabled and your doctor must be able to help prove the disability . You may need to see an attorney in order to get this put through since most disability claims are denied the first time you apply , and you must then go through an appeals process .
Where Can I Get Cheap Car Insurance For An 18 Year Old?
The best option to look for the best rates and coverage 's for an 18 year old or any age for that matter is to contact an independent agent . Independent agents are not beholden to any one company so independent agents can shop around to find you the best rates and coverage 's to fit your needs .
The term length question is in regards to term life insurance . The term is a contract between the policy owner and the insurance company . The life insurance company will contractually promise to guarantee a level rate for a number of years as long as the owner agrees to pay their premiums . This rate is fixed regardless of change in health , occupation or residence . Terms can go from year to year to 35 years .
Where To Get Whole Life Insurance?
You can get Whole Life insurance from a life insurance agency that sells all types of life insurance . They will be able to compare the prices and features of different policies and help you get the best choice for your financial situation . However , not all agents are experts at selling anything but Term insurance . You can ask them , when you call , about their experience selling Whole Life . Then choose the one who provides the best answer . This is a long term purchase and you deserve the best .
Most critical illness plans pay a lump sum cash benefit on first diagnosis of a covered illness or condition . Some plans , especially older ones , will pay a benefit as a reimbursement plan . The lump sum plan is superior in many ways . Read the definitions and never buy a life insurance based product .
When Do You Not Need Disability Insurance?
You would not need Disability Insurance if your household income is so high that your income is not essential to your family . Also , if your income is so low that paying Disability Insurance premiums takes away from your ability to feed or house your family , you should try to find a job that offers free DI , rather than purchase a Disability Insurance policy .
There are several organizations that rate life insurance companies in a number of categories from financial strength to customer service and claims paying ratings . I believe the most important are the 4 rating companies for financial strength . They are A.M. Best ; Fitch ratings ; Moody 's Investors ; and Standard & Poor 's . You want to look for companies that have `` A '' or `` AAA '' ratings to be sure they have the financial strength to pay the claims on the policy you purchase .
What Is Business Overhead Expense Disability Insurance?
A Business Overhead Expense Policy , also known as a BOE policy , is cash flow protection . This coverage protects a business when the business owner cant work due to a sickness or an injury . A BOE policy reimburses the business owner for expenses accrued during a period of disability . It helps them avoid having to dip into a business owners savings or having to ask shareholders to cover a portion of the overhead .
Medicare Supplemental Insurance though voluntary , in my professional opinion , is needed to pay the many dollars Medicare Part A and B do not cover . Many people do n't realize the Part A deductible of $ 1216 in 2014 is a per hospitalization benefit period deductible and not a per calendar year deductible as is the Part B deductible . The Part B coinsurance on Part B has no stop loss , resulting in an unlimited liability .
Is travel insurance worth the money?
To determine the value of a travel insurance policy review the coverage that you currently have . Some people have coverage that extends to the locality where they live , or the state in which they reside . Coverage outside of that specified area can be highly limited . The issue becomes more severe with most plans when you travel overseas . If your current coverage is inadequate to cover potential difficulties secure a travel insurance policy . Personally , I travel overseas frequently and never purchase travel insurance .
Maybe ! Universal life policies are curious things ... If it has any cash value you can surrender it and `` cash it out '' . Whether it has any cash value will depend on how long you 've had it and how well you 've funded it - that is how much you 've paid into it . If you 've had the policy for a long time and never increased the premium payments there may not be any cash value left . Request an in force illustration from the issuing company to find out what if any surrender value it has .
Is travel insurance worth the money?
I am going to make a different assumption from Julie on this and go with a travel MEDICAL insurance plan vs. auto . Travel medical insurance is designed to supplement your major medical or Medicare plan when you travel outside the United States . Most major medical plans have worldwide coverage but there are some expenses that are not covered by major medical . These would include med evac , translation of medical records and return of mortal remains . Some Medicare Advantage plans have out of country coverage but if you have original Medicare your out of country coverage is limited . It would be wise to purchase an international travel medical plan .
Yes , high cholesterol DOES affect life insurance rates . It is important to disclose any and all health issues when applying for life insurance . Sometimes , you can get a slightly better rate if you disclose all issues on the application , rather than trying to hide something . In most cases , these health issues will turn up on physician reports and/or med exams and if you 're not honest up front , insurance companies will place you in a lower high-risk bracket that you did not apply for . It is important to remember that not all health issues are `` knock outs '' , especially if they happened some time ago .
Is travel insurance worth the money?
If your car is the unfortunate victim of vandalism , will your current car insurance policy cover the claim ? The answer to this question depends on the type of auto insurance coverage you currently carry . If you only carry the minimum liability limits , the answer is no . However , if you carry comprehensive coverage , the answer is yes less any applicable annual deductible you have selected for your policy . Vandalism to your vehicle could include a variety of incidents ; key scratches , broken glass and other damage caused with malicious intent . Vandalism is different than burglary . If something was removed from your vehicle as a result of the vandalism , you must be sure to state this in your report . In most cases , comprehensive coverage will cover both theft and vandalism . The amount of coverage your policy offers depends not only on the overall type of policy you have selected , but the coverage limits , the type of claim , and your chosen annual deductible . In the case of high deductible policies , it may be more beneficial to pay for the repairs out of pocket than to run it through your insurance company . Before any claim will be paid , you must file a report with your local police department describing the nature of the vandalism .
Unfortunately there is no simple answer to your question . Medicare supplement policy costs vary based upon a person 's age , sex , geographic location , and the particular insurance company whose policy you may be considering just to name the major variables involved . So , assuming you are getting ready to turn age 65 the cost of a Plan F policy could vary by more than $ 100 per month just depending upon the insurance carriers selling policies in your local area . Trying to compare costs for a Plan F policy between a states , for example the difference between a Plan F in Mississippi and a Plan F in New York could be even more radically different . Seek out a qualified health insurance agent who can quote multiple Medicare Supplement carriers and have them show you quotes from the carriers available in your local area . You will be surprised at how much of a variance in premium there can be between insurance carriers offering the same coverage .
Is travel insurance worth the money?
There are many types of travel insurance plans from trip interruption due to an illness or emergency to medical or accidental death while traveling . Like any insurance policy it is a transference of risk . If you are taking a $ 10,000 family vacation and $ 8,000 is already paid as non refundable and if you had an emergency and had to cancel last minute and you would not miss the $ 8,000 , do n't buy insurance . However , if you or a family member were to become ill or injured in a foreign country , could you pay the tens of thousands of dollars it may cost for stabilization care and emergency medical transport . Most people could not . The cost of travel insurance for medical care and emergency evacuation or medical transport back home to the US is almost nothing compared to the risk of cost . My answer would be yes every time .
Yes , you can but be careful . Universal policies have the advantage of lowering your payments . When you borrow against them , the amount remaining to fund the policy is reduced . This may put your policy at risk of being underfunding . This would require you to put money into the policy to keep it functioning . Always consult with your agent when borrowing , so you do not underfund your policy . Thank you . GARY LANE .
When Is Medicare Your Primary Insurance?
There are many so many scenarios where Medicare exists along with other health plans that it is impossible to give a blanket answer to this question . But there are some very good publications put out by Medicare that spell out each situation where Medicare is and is not your primary insurance . You can find this information by going to . Also , you can call COBC -LRB- Medicare Coordination of Benefits Contractor -RRB- at 1-800-999-1188 .
Medicare Part B provides some coverage for durable medical equipment -LRB- DME -RRB- when it is prescribed by your doctor for personal use at home - your doctor has to be enrolled with Medicare for DMEs to be covered . Part B will cover about 80 % of your cost - a medicare supplement can help pick up the other 20 % .
Do I Need Life Insurance Now That I'm Getting Married?
Yes . I have been married twice . My first wife of 24 years passed away from cancer . Insurance allowed us to move on with less difficulty that we would have had if there had been no funds available . I know from first hand experience that you need to cover your most prized possessions and your spouse is a real prize -LRB- that is why you married them ; you wanted to get lucky -RRB- There are many options available when it comes to providing adequate coverage to loved ones . Contact us for more detailed information if you are in the market for great coverage .
Different types of annuities work in different ways , but the gist of an annuity is that you pay an insurance company some money , they grow it on a tax deferred basis , and pay it back to you . You can pay or collect the money in a lump sum or at regular intervals ; the payments may be guaranteed or variable ; the annuity may be set up for a set period of time or for a lifetime ; or other features . However , the basic premise is as described .
Do I Need Life Insurance Now That I'm Getting Married?
Yes ! One of the primary points of getting life insurance after getting married is for income protection purposes so your spouse can maintain the same lifestyle for a given amount of time without having to worry about financial matters . When a family loses an income stream due to the death of a spouse , the surviving spouse often has to make a dramatic shift in lifestyle choices with no way to have that income immediately replaced - this can be everything from losing your house because the income is not there to pay the mortgage , to pay off the car loans , credit card debts -LRB- which can increase rapidly in this case as it 's a quick source for people to delay paying immediate bills , but draws substantially large interest rate charges and can put that person into even bigger debt -RRB- . This is where life insurance comes in . Instead of using 100 % of your own money , you use someone else 's -LRB- the insurance company -RRB- so your spouse does n't have to worry about financial matters so heavily right after the death of a loved one . For income replacement purposes , you ideally want to have at least a 5-7x income value so if you are making $ 100,000 per year , you want to have at least $ 500,000 - $ 700,000 of coverage for that type of purpose . As noted earlier , you would then add in other debts you do n't want your spouse to have to worry about such as mortgage , cars , credit cards , etc. . Term insurance works great for taking care of the mortgage and other temporary expenses because you may only need coverage for those items for a specified number of years -LRB- e.g. 20 year or 30 years -RRB- . A great idea for people is to create a step-down process where you have a larger amount of coverage in the immediate and a lower amount in later years when the larger amount of coverage may not be needed at that future point . This can help reduce costs for coverage and use the savings in premiums towards other avenues such as retirement planning , investments , savings , etc. . If you would like to go over this information in further detail , discuss your life insurance needs , and any other questions you may have , please feel free contact me by clicking on the button next to my picture and I will be happy to help . I do not charge any fees for my services and my group is licensed with over 50 insurance companies to compare rates through . I hope the information is helpful - thanks very much for your question .
You can certainly get renters insurance to cover belongings in a dorm room , but you probably do n't need it . Most college students would be covered by their parents homeowners policy when they leave for college , so renters insurance would n't be necessary . I would recommend you have your parents check with their agent and make sure , but nearly every homeowners policy would have this coverage .
Do I Need Life Insurance Now That I'm Getting Married?
First I 'd like to say that your question , `` Do I need life insurance now that I 'm getting married '' is a mature question that indicates you genuinely care about your future wife and family and are an intelligent thinker ! Good on ya ! The answer to whether you need insurance or not really relies on your financial strength and goals . If you have a few million dollars in liquid assets you probably do n't NEED insurance ... but you may still WANT to have Whole Life , Cash Value life insurance . The wealthiest people in the world typically are the biggest buyers of WL insurance , because of the value it has . On the other hand there are many people who are self insured feeling that the money they have acquired is sufficient to cover the needs of their family in the event of their demise . Obviously those people do n't know what the wealthiest people know about WL insurance . So in order to determine what kind of life insurance you should consider , -LRB- there are over 10 different kinds of life insurance -RRB- , and how much is appropriate , you should consult with a life insurance professional - preferably one who is not tied to just one provider and can help you to implement the program that will be the best for you . If you would like to talk about this further you can call or email me . I 'm only licensed in Hawaii , but I 'm happy to help you with the more important questions .
Imputed income in life insurance is the dollar value of group life insurance that you either pay for at group rates , or get for free from your employer , that is above $ 50,000 . Because you are getting it at a reduced cost , it is considered by the IRS to be of more value that you paid , and as such , is a taxable income per their schedule .
Do I Need Life Insurance Now That I'm Getting Married?
That is an excellent question ! One of your primary duties as husband or wife is to protect your spouse in the event that something were to happen to you . If you were to pass away , would your spouse be able to afford your funeral expenses , the loss of your income , and the debts you 'd leave behind to them ? If you are like most of us , that answer is no . That is where a life insurance policy becomes important . There are several policies available to you , and they run a range of prices . After the honeymoon is over , the two of you should sit down and work out your new budget . Once you have worked out what your income will be , and your monthly expenses , look at what disposable income you have left . Then look for an affordable life insurance policies for the both of you . Whole life policies are more expensive , but offer the advantages of level premium costs , coverage that you ca n't outlive , and the safety net of having an available source of quick , tax free cash in the future if needed . The money paid out when you pass is tax free to your spouse . Term life policies are a good option if money is tight . They are also the more affordable way to guarantee a higher amount of coverage for replacing an income . The advantage and the drawback to this type of policy is that the coverage ends at a specific point in time , and then you need to start over . Depending upon your age and health at the time , that may not be a problem , or it could end up costing you more for coverage after that point . There are also universal or variable life policies that promise great income growth and death benefits , but I urge you to be extremely cautious if that is the route that you decide to take . The more hype and eagerness on the agents part to sell it to you , the more risk you will have , so beware . I am not a fan of these policies . I 'd advise you to look at combining your policies auto , home , -LRB- or renters -RRB- and life under one roof if possible , to take advantage of the discounts that will be available , and shopping for a reputable independent agent is always a wise thing to do . Congratulations on your marriage , may God bless you both with many years of happiness , and health . contact me if you have questions , and thank you for asking !
Why is whole life so expensive ? Because it is the ONLY product that really will cover you for your whole life . You are paying a premium that is LOCKED in time , they ca n't come back and raise the price . Finally , when you buy whole life , YOU control the policy . Nothing can be done without your permission . I guess I would add this , the insurance industry is an industry of math . It is statistic driven and risk oriented . If you were an insurance carrier would you charge the least or the most for the product you bare the most risk from for payout ? Once an insurance company has sold a whole life , they 're no longer in charge , the insured is .
Do I Need Life Insurance Now That I'm Getting Married?
Getting married is a commitment to that person until `` death does you part '' . If you love this person and commit to them forever , life insurance is the one product that allows you to keep your promise after `` death does you part '' . Life insurance insures your loved one will be cared for financially long after you are gone . It is the ultimate product of love . So my answer is yes , you need life insurance starting out with a new partner to go through life with and share everything . I recommend using an experienced independent life insurance broker to be sure you have the right coverage at the best price for your unique situation .
The process is similar to opening up a loss report with your own carrier . In most cases , when you call the police to the scene of an accident , the investigating officer will complete a report that includes information on all parties involved . Each person 's name and address will be included along with the year , make model , VIN and insurance company with policy number . to file a claim with the other company , either pass the report on to your Insurance Professional who will be happy to help you or locate the company claim information yourself , easily available on line , and contact them directly .
Do I Need Life Insurance Now That I'm Getting Married?
Newly married individuals were the most commonly approached group of people for life insurance . Life insurance is all about love . If you love someone you want to protect them . Most of us dont want to leave the person we love with a bunch of debts and obligations that exceed their ability to bear . Most people want their spouse to suffer as little as possible and certainly premature death is a devastating blow . The only person that will walk in the front door with a check is the life insurance agent .
Yes . DUIs can greatly affect your the risk class you can qualify for in life inurance . A history of being charged with driving under the influence -LRB- DUI -RRB- or driving while intoxicated -LRB- DWI -RRB- one or more times can make it difficult to obtain the life insurance coverage you need at an affordable rate . The ratings that life insurance companies will assign for people with history of DUI vary substantially between companies and the difference could cost you thousands of dollars . Whether applying for a fully underwritten or non-medical life insurance policy , the carriers will want to know the input regarding a number of questions -LRB- typically you would fill out a DUI questionnaire form with the application -RRB- to make an accurate risk assessment : 1 -RRB- How many times have you been charged with DUI/DWI ? 2 -RRB- When was the most recent charge ? 3 -RRB- Are you currently on probation ? 4 -RRB- Has your license been revoked or suspended one or more times ? 5 -RRB- Have you been cited for any other traffic offenses ? 6 -RRB- Have you sought treatment for alcohol abuse at a rehab facility or attended meetings with support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous ? 7 -RRB- Are you still drinking , or have you quit completely ? The most likely offer you receive , depending on how long it 's been since the DUI , will either require a table rating and/or a flat extra rating . A table rating is an additional percentage charged on top of the standard premium . As an example , a Table D/Table 4 is generally about two times the standard premium . A flat extra rating is an additional cost per thousand dollars of coverage , such as $ 2.50 per thousand . Another example would be a $ 1,000,000 policy with a flat extra of $ 2.50 per thousand would require additional premium of $ 2,500 in addition of the standard rate , regardless of how many years the policy is guaranteed . If you have a history of DUI or DWI in your records , you should NOT apply with multiple companies at the same time . The more companies that give you a table rating , flat extra rating , or decline coverage on a formal application , the less likely you are to get a better offer . Your best option is to consult with an experienced life insurance broker before applying for any coverage . We can shop the case for you among multiple carriers to get an understanding of the risk class carriers will likely assign for your coverage - this will point you in the direction of who is the most appropriate carrier to apply for coverage with . The risk class is the most critical item for coverage because it determines the premiums . Please let me know if I can be of further assistance . Thanks very much .
Who Are The Best Term Life Insurance Companies?
That is a great question ! Honestly , when you are talking term policies , there 's not a whole lot of difference . The biggest difference will be found in the price , and even that wo n't be too much of a difference . Term policies are pretty simple , so there are n't many differences . Find a local independent agent who can give you a few quotes to compare . They will ensure that the company is reputable , and well financed . Thanks for asking !
If you have no ongoing financial liabilities or those liabilities are already covered with an existing policy -LRB- s -RRB- , youre done for all practical purposes . However , many consumers like the idea of making a difference in their favorite charities , children and grandchildren . But if thatis n'ta desire andyou ` vecovered all you financial liabilities , you can put your check book away .
Who Are The Best Term Life Insurance Companies?
The term life insurance market is too large and too diverse in its product line to make a sweeping statement or crown any one life insurance company as the reigning champion . But there are some big categories worth mentioning : nonsmoker standard or better health , nonsmoker rated health conditions and smoker . Within those categories are subsets based on gender , age and length of coverage .
Yes - nearly every life insurance company offers a whole life insurance product . If you 're looking for help securing a whole life policy with the carrier , please let me know and I can send you the requested information -LRB- Prudential is one of the many carriers my group represents -RRB- . In addition , we can compare Prudential 's whole life program to whole life policies from other carriers to make sure the rate you 're paying for a given coverage structure is at the lowest possible cost . I hope the information is helpful - thanks very much .
Who Are The Best Term Life Insurance Companies?
The best term life insurance company is the one that has a policy in force on your life and will pay the death claim when you die . Statistically that is a very low percentage of policies since most term policies expire before the insured dies . However , the value of the policy is in its performance . The rates will vary somewhat as some companies specialize in certain bands of coverage . A life insurance agent can put the best policy in force on your life , just give one a call .
A commercial auto policy would be needed whenever you have an exposure from a business . Where this first rears its head is when you son borrows your car and starts to deliver Pizza . That is a commercial risk and that activity is probably excluded from your personal lines auto policy . Commercial auto anticipates multiple drivers , higher mileage and assorted similar concerns .
What Was The Original Purpose Of Health Insurance?
Health insurance can trace its roots back to the 1920 's in the US . The first health insurance was introduced inTexas to offset the costs of hospital stays . Blue Cross was founded specifically for this purpose . Several years later , Blue Shield was added to help offset doctor 's charges . As technological advances in the medical field particularly after WWII , costs rose rapidly . The idea of managed care was advanced with the purpose that if people would regularly schedule appointments to doctors , they could determine high risks much faster and avoid large hospital costs . In the 1970 's , the HMO -LRB- Health Maintenance Org -RRB- gained favor and under President Nixon a bill was passed that would require employers with greater than 25 employees to offer coverage through an HMO . By the early 1990 's , the demand for the flexibility of a traditional plans in addition to the cost saving of the HMO plans , brought us the PPO and the POS . Doctor Office Visit copays and prescription drug copays became the norm . The number of laws governing healthcare and what policies were required to pay increased nearly 1000 % . Technological advances were happening at a `` break-neck '' pace . With each law requiring more health issues to be covered and the advances in technology , ultimatelycaused premiums to increase dramatically . In 1993 , in TN , a $ 1000 deductible for a 35 year old male was $ 41 per month . How things have changed ! The government 's answer was to fix the financing mechanism , concluding that they could control costs by forcing the financing -LRB- aka insurance companies -RRB- to follow strict regulations . Sounds great except : - insurance companies were required to minimize the amounts they paid doctors , hospitals , etc -LRB- providers -RRB- ; while providers were having to serve twice as many patients for the same money and go into $ 100k plus in debt just to get through med school . Can you say train wreck?Which brings us to where we are today ! That maybe a bit more than you asked in questioning the original purpose of health insurance , which in simple terms , was set up to exchange premium for the possibility of an expensive hospital stay in the future .
My clients who are over the age of 55 pay between $ 4,000 to $ 7,000 a year . These are clients that have no other assets to exchange for an asset based long term care annuity . My other clients who have large assets will exchange them for a long term care annuity with guaranteed benefits , guaranteed growth on the principle and a guaranteed death benefit . They do not have to use the annuity for a specific long term care need . It is just another to pay for long term care without losing principle . Long term care insurance is a racket . The riders , the definitions and some companies just do n't have a good contract for those who need to pay premiums instead of exchanging assets .
What Was The Original Purpose Of Health Insurance?
A great question and one that the answer for allows us to contrast how a product or service can evolve over time into something quite different from it 's original concept . Over a century ago health insurance was introduced as a financial protection against serious injury or illness . At that time and for decades after , the state of the medical arts was such that there was little your doctor or local hospital could do to deal with your cancer or heart attack other than dull the pain . People 's life expectancies were much shorter than today and a whole host of medical conditions we recognize and treat in the 21st century were unrecognized or untreatable . Wage and price controls imposed by the Roosevelt administration during WWII became the catalyst for wide spread employer based health insurance as employee benefits were not subject to these government controls and offering benefits gave employers a recruitment advantage in the labor force short marketplace of that era . This practice continued and expanded along with the American economy in the post war era and became institutionalized . What has changed in our lifetimes have been the advances in health care , the things that we now consider as being healthcare -LRB- do you ever wonder how our ancestors who were dealing with wars , attacks by native Americans , droughts & floods dealt with stress and depression before we had a pill for everything ? -RRB- , the fact that we live much longer and the introduction of government programs such as Medicare and Medicaid which expanded access to health care while at the same time introducing pricing distortions in the health care marketplace . These government programs , no matter how noble their intent , have never paid market rates for health care and set in motion the cost shifting process by medical providers of inflating their charges for those in private health insurance . Since the late 70 's health insurance has evolved from just protection against catastrophic loss into much more of an ongoing maintenance contract that covers more and more of the routine areas of health care people once paid for themselves . Kind of like buying a car and having all the oil changes & tire rotations included for `` free '' , they 're not really free but are buried into the higher cost you are paying for the car . So , that is how the health insurance concept originated and the story of how it has morphed into the major social and political issue our nation is struggling with today .
Disability Income Insurance is coverage that replaces part of your income if you are disabled for an extended period of time , due to illness or injury . Whether it be due to back pain , broken bones , chemotherapy treatments , or whatever it is that keeps you from being able to perform your normal job duties , disability income insurance pays you a monthly benefit so that you can survive financially through that trying time .
What Was The Original Purpose Of Health Insurance?
The purpose of health insurance originates in the same concept as for any type of insurance - to protect yourself financially in the event of a catastrophic event by pooling the risk and shifting it to a third party -LRB- the insurance company -RRB- . In return for a monthly premium , the insurance company will absorb the risk of incurring a massive expense should something happen to the insured individual - if something does happen , they would the financial hit instead of you . In the case of health insurance , a catastrophic event can be many things - a good example is having a surgery performed . A given surgery could cost $ 100,000 or more . Your average person could not afford to write that check . If you have any other questions about health insurance , send me a message by clicking on the `` contact me '' button .
As Ms. Mace pointed out the problem with universal life is a lack of guarantees . If the universal life can guarantee a death benefit at a level premium the performance of the separate cash value -LRB- which isnt guaranteed in a universal life policy -RRB- isnt important . What is important is that your price will remain level while the death benefit will also remain level .
What Was The Original Purpose Of Health Insurance?
The original purpose of health insurance stands to be the same as it is today 's . Protect against financial loss in the event of an unexpected illness or accident . The core of health insurance has never changed . Obviously , plans , carriers , rates , access and networks have changed , but that is to be expected in any industry inside a capitalist society . For more information on today 's health insurance landscape visit or call 561-320-2978
Family health insurance with an effective date of 1/1/2014 will be available on the Silver , Bronze , Platinum , and Gold policies on your State or Federal exchange . The costs will vary depending on how much deductible you choose and your age and the age of your spouse and the age of the children Can you get on ? If so , you should be able to get a quote . If you prefer you can still get health insurance policies from companies like Humana or United Health care and you can just call their customer service number to get a quote
Can You Change Your Auto Insurance At Any Time?
There is no penalty I 'm aware of for `` switching '' insurers but there may be a penalty for terminating your auto insurance policy prior to its expiration date . The `` penalty '' is often 5-10 % of the unearned premium . The unearned premium is the amount the insurance company would have charged you for the coverage from the date you are cancelling to the date coverage would have normally expired . If you are `` switching '' insurers to achieve a significant premium savings or better coverage , the `` penalty '' should not be a major reason for delaying that decision .
Original Medicare does not cover gym memberships including member fees for YMCA , YWCA or similar community or private exercise clubs . Some Medigap plans include programs like Silver Sneakers . The value of those plans may be inflated but if that is something that comes with the plan and the premium is competitive , go for it .
If already insured, will insurance pay for Federal Pacific Stab-Lok panel that show signs of issues?
This is more of a maintenance issue and would not be covered under most policies . The standard homeowners policy covers you for direct physical damage to property which is sudden and accidental in nature . If the Stab-Lok panel does malfunction and cause damage to your property , the ensuing damages would be covered . Homeowners insurance is not intended to assist with the maintenance of the home and its systems .
Yes , indeed . Here is a sure fire way to get denied life insurance for smoking pot : Smoke it . Dont disclose this on your application . Then test positive on your insurance exam for marijuana . You will notice that the key to your downfall here is not disclosing it on your application . Trying to pull a fast one on the underwriter is a great way to get denied . And by the way : dont think about not disclosing it on your application , and then waiting a long time so it wont show up in your lab specimen . Thats insurance fraud . Not a good way to start a relationship with a life insurance carrier . Now you are going to ask , What if I do disclose it ? Will I get accepted ? Not only might you get accepted , but if you apply with the right company , you could get approved at preferred non-smoker rates ! How do you like that ? It all depends on the amount and frequency used . And you have to apply with a company who has very lenient underwriting guidelines for pot smokers . Some do ; a lot dont . But there is more to the story here . If you smoke cigarettes as well as pot , you will end up with a smoker rating . Dont forget that . Another item : many people smoke marijuana as a form of self-medication . They have trouble sleeping , so they smoke pot . They feel anxious , so they smoke pot . They feel a little depressed , so they smoke pot . If you have a history of dealing with these issues , then the underwriter will look a bit more closely at your marijuana use . If it appears that you do have medical concerns that are not being addressed adequately with medical treatment , he may not be confident that your pot smoking is purely recreational . That may affect his willingness to make an offer , and if he does so , at a low rate . By the way : I have helped people get policies who intake marijuana through a vaporizer , as opposed to smoking it . That can add an additional complication to underwriting . Some underwriters feel that is a more intense form of ingestion and has a more severe impact on your body . Something else for you to think about : any brushes with the law in relation to your marijuana use must be disclosed on your application . Remember that your legal record is part and parcel of the underwriting process . Lots to think about here , Makes you want to light up , doesnt it ?
If already insured, will insurance pay for Federal Pacific Stab-Lok panel that show signs of issues?
That is a great question ! There have been issues with Federal-Pacific breaker boxes for years - I 've heard that nearly 1 in 4 are defective ... They were actually investigated some years ago , and found guilty of fraudulent testing . Faulty wiring is usually a covered expense so your homeowners policy should cover some or all of the cost -LRB- minus deductible -RRB- . They put an awful lot of those things in homes during that time , so there are a lot of folks in the same boat you are . Good luck ! Thanks for asking !
It may be possible yes . Talk to your Insurance Professional about the availability of a `` named non-owner '' auto policy . This form provides coverage for what you may be legally liable to pay in the event that you cause an accident with a non-owned private passanger car . It will not provide any physical damage coverage -LRB- Comprehensive or Collision -RRB- for any damage done to the car you are driving , it is strictly for liability only coverage if you damage another car or stationary object or cause injury to another person or persons .
When To Drop Disability Insurance?
The time to drop Disability Insurance would be when you no longer have a need for it . I.e. . You have enough savings that you could get by without your current paycheck for as long as your disability could last , or you have the option to retire soon and no longer need that protection .
why do babies need life insurance ? There are several reasons life insurance for a baby makes sense . One is simply just planning for the future for that child through a cash value policy that grows over time . Coupled with a guaranteed insurability option , a good plan takes away an insurance company 's ability to say `` no '' down the road . That in it 's self is very important . Taking away `` no '' is a wonderful feeling . Another reason is what if the unthinkable happens ? Would a family need time , would they need money to have a service or even buy a headstone ? Imagine the stress of having to budget the service for your child ? How much hate and resentment would happen having to tell a spouse `` no , it costs too much '' ?
Does A Beneficiary Have To Pay Taxes On A Life Insurance Policy?
Life Insurance proceeds are non taxable when paid to the named beneficiary , or beneficiaries . Now , once the beneficiary receives the proceeds , if they are subsequently invested or deposited into a savings account , for example , then any interest or other form of growth that the initial deposited money generates IS then taxable .
What is your life insurance policy worth ? If you have Term life insurance , it will only pay out the death benefit if you pass , so it does not have a cash value while you are alive . If you own Return of Premium Term life insurance , you may be able to get back some of what you paid in , if you kept it long enough . If you have Whole Life or Universal Life with a cash value , it is worth to you now the amount of the surrender value . If you surrendered it , you would get that cash value . You can determine the current value by requesting an in force illustration from your agent of the company through which the policy was purchased .
Does A Beneficiary Have To Pay Taxes On A Life Insurance Policy?
Generally a beneficiary does n't pay income tax on the lump sum distribution of the proceeds of a life insurance policy . They are liable for any interest that might accrue which is particularly applicable if they elect a settlement option other than lump sum . If the policy is owned by the descedent , it is then includable in the estate and can be subject to either state or federal death taxes .
Medicare Part A & Part B only covers about 80 % of the cost of your healthcare . In addition , the 20 % that you are responsible for does not have a limit . No max out of pocket or cap so if something major happens you could be left with a lot of very expensive medical bills . Millions of Americans age 65 and over buy a Medigap policy to cover what Medicare Part A & B does not . There are several plans to choose from but all Medigap Plans have a letter such as Plan F , Plan G , Plan J , etc. . If it does n't have a letter it 's not a Medigap Policy . I would be happy to answer any other questions you have .
Does A Beneficiary Have To Pay Taxes On A Life Insurance Policy?
Whenever the beneficiary receives the proceeds from a death claim , he will not pay taxes on that dollar amount . Example - $ 100,000 is paid to spouse , she will not pay taxes on that amount because life insurance is always a tax free benefit . My recommendation is to annuitize the benefit so that she will receive a monthly income . This way she will not be inclined to blow it all but can manage it over a long period of time .
You can save as much as you like for Retirement per Year . Some Retirement vehicles have limitations as to the amount you can contribute each year and others which really do not have a limit . What you need to look at is first , after I cover all my expenses , what is left ? Make a commitment to putting that or some of that aside into a retirement vehicle . I would recommend a ROTH IRA for starters . IF you have access to a 401 -LRB- k -RRB- through your employer I would recommend contributing to that especially if the company matches your contribution . If they only match up to a certain percentage then see if you can contribute up to that amount . Talk to your adviser to see which option or options might be best for you .
Does A Beneficiary Have To Pay Taxes On A Life Insurance Policy?
Great question ! There are cases where you might be liable for some estate taxes , but as far as income taxes go , no , your windfall from a life insurance policy is not taxable . This is one of the best reasons to own a policy - you can pass along money to help your survivors . Thanks for asking !
There are a total of 11 Medigap plans -LRB- when you include the high-deductible plan F -RRB- - plans A , B , C , D , F , Hi-F , G , K , L , M , and N. High-deductible plan F is just the regular plan F , but features a deductible on the plan to reduce the premiums -LRB- $ 2,140 in 2014 -RRB- . Plans F and G are your most comprehensive plans and by far the most popular plans people choose - the reason being that they create the most predictable healthcare expense structure possible for Medicare beneficiaries . In short , you 're paying your premiums and you 're done - you wo n't get hit with any massive hospital bills after an emergency room visit , surgery , examinations , tests , scans , etc. . Plan F is your `` cadillac plan '' that covers all of the benefits at 100 % . Plan G is your second most comprehensive plan as it features the same structure of Plan F , except you would pay the Medicare Part B deductible -LRB- $ 147 in 2014 -RRB- . When you 're deciding between which of these two plans to apply for , look at the annualized premiums of the two options and if you save more than $ 147 in Plan G premiums , it will be the better option -LRB- and vice versa - if it 's less than $ 147 , go with the Plan F -RRB- . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for assistance with your coverage and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
Does A Beneficiary Have To Pay Taxes On A Life Insurance Policy?
Life insurance payout is usually not taxable however if the policy was owned by the person of passing and the payout is above $ 5.34 million . Federal estate tax will have to be paid . If the payout is below that or if the owner of the policy are the beneficiaries the estate tax will not have to be paid .
Annuities are sold by reputable -LRB- and hopefully experienced -RRB- brokers . They are contracts that are typically issued by insurance companies . Since there are many different parts to the contract , including the interest rate and surrender charges , it is always best if a financial planner or broker reviews all of the specifics with you before the purchase .
What Is Medicare PPO & HMO?
A PPO is a preferred provider organization . You can see any doctor that accepts Medicare but you will pay a higher copay if you go outside the network and fail to stay in a network of doctors set up by the plan . N HMO is a Health Maintenance Organization . You MUST stay in the network set up by the plan or you have no coverage .
A renters insurance policy is like a homeowners policy for persons who do not own the residence they live in.All insurers are not created equally and an independent agent can assist you by comparing different companies . If you live in AZ , CA , TX , MO , or Ga give us a call or visit our website for further asistance
Is My Pension Plan Guaranteed?
Is my pension plan guaranteed ? It is the consummate question of the hour . Whether you 're addressing federal or state government sponsored pension plans , guarantees are only as good as the sponsoring authority behind them . Tax payers may have the last say on pension commitments . In the private sector , many pension funds are still recovering from the market meltdown of 2008 . And even with recent market gains of the last couple of years , most pension plans are underfunded . Whether or not corporations make up the short fall is yet to be seen as pension reform is center stage in the great retirement debate in the U.S.
Auto insurance is an at will product . Which means that you are capable of cancelling it at any point in time that you wish . Please remember though if you have a loan on the vehicle that you may have a contractual requirement with the lien holder to carry a minimum level of coverage while the loan is outstanding . Also keep in mind if you cancel your coverage without securing coverage from another carrier immediately you may have difficulty securing coverage in the future .
What Are The Functions Of Life Insurance Companies?
The Functions Of Life Insurance Companies are to provide mortality products to the consumer for indemnification , income and inheritance planning scenarios . Modern life insurance has been around in some form or another for over 300 years . Developing profitable product lines for shareholders or mutual policy holders is the core financial goal of a life insurance company .
If your brother resides with you and has regular access to your cars , then yes , he should be added to your policy . If on the other hand , he is just in town visiting for a while and you want to let him borrow your car , then there is no need to formally add him to the policy .
Which Retirement Plan Comes With A Guaranteed Benefit At Retirement?
There are different types of guaranteed benefits . In Canada , a defined benefit pension plan as the name implies provides a pension that is guaranteed based on a formula . The unknown is how much the employer is required to contribute . Guaranteed investment annuities and segregated funds provide a guaranteed annuity income at retirement . What combination is best for you depends . If you would like to work with a local Retirement Planner , you could start with a Google search . For example , if you search for : retirement planner Halifax or retirement planning Halifax , my name , along with several others , will come up . You can use the same method to find Retirement Planners in your community . If you have further questions , or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me .
Critical Illness Insurance in the United States is not classed as PPI because the United States does not have PPI -LRB- Payment Protection Insurance -RRB- , as such . While PPI is tied to a loan or mortgage , critical illness insurance is a stand alone policy that usually pays a lump sum to the insured person when diagnosed with certain serious illnesses .
Which Retirement Plan Comes With A Guaranteed Benefit At Retirement?
There are qualified defined benefit retirement plans , although not as popular than defined contribution plans . A qualified defined benefit plan sets a retirement date and future benefit . To maintain the schedule date and benefit , adjustments in contributions are made to maintain the target date and benefit . Non-qualified annuity plans that are annuitized the policy for lifetime income generally have a fixed benefit or payout as well .
Humana offers Medicare supplement plans and Medicare Advantage in some states . Their Medicare supplement plan offerings are limited in most areas . In Georgia for example , Humana only offers Medicare supplement plans A , F , K , N and High F . Some of their plans are competitive but there are almost always lower priced plans from other carriers .
Which Retirement Plan Comes With A Guaranteed Benefit At Retirement?
Lifetime income is the goal of every retiree . The most efficient way to reach that goal is to transfer your accumulation into a single premium immediate annuity . The payments will not cease until you die . The return is guaranteed by the life insurance company issuing the contract . It might not be the total solution but it does have the guarantees that you are looking for .
Talk tot your insurance professional and ask for a current `` Reconstruction Analysis '' for your home . Be sure to detail any improvements or renovations that you may have made so that these can be properly factored into the calculation . The result of this analysis , if completed properly , will be an accurate measure of what it would cost to reconstruct your home as it is today , should it be severely damaged or lost due to a covered peril . Once this figure is determined , be sure to ask if the policy includes a form or `` replacement Guarantee '' to make sure that moving forward you will remain properly covered .
How Can I Reduce My Car Insurance Quote?
That is a great question ! But let 's be clear - a quote is just an estimate of what your premium will be . It can change based on underwriting , or other factors after the agent has given it to you . That said , some ways to lower your auto insurance costs are to raise the amount of your deductible - a higher deductible generally reflects in lower premiums . You can also try getting your policy through a company where you have other policies - often insurers will give discounts for multiple policies . Best way ? Be a safe driver , and make your payments on time . Thank you for asking !
An annuity by itself is only worth the paper it is printed on . It is your money that funds it and makes it valuable . With an annuity , you place your money with the insurance company , they invest it and pay you interest on the money . An annuity is only `` worth '' what you put into it plus interest .
How Can I Reduce My Car Insurance Quote?
Managing your auto insurance costs can be done in various ways . Remember as my colleague said that a quote is just a proposal . The premium is based upon your application and underwriting processing . That having been said , if you carry Comprehensive and Collision coverage , choose the highest deductible you think you could reasonably afford to pay if your car was damaged . You can also manage costs by adjusting your liability coverage to reflect your financial exposure . A great way to manage cost without increasing your exposure -LRB- as the previous two examples would -RRB- is to take advantage of any discounts your company may offer . Your Insurance Professional is a great resource for this information .
That is a great question ! Let 's start out by making sure we are using the same terminology though - an investment is something that is designed to increase your money , in a way that allows you to access it . Investments are stocks , mutual funds , bonds , things like that . Insurances are not investments per se - they are protections - like your emergency fund that you should have , they are designed to protect against a loss that you may incur . In the case of life insurance , that loss is you . As such , you can not reap the benefits of the policy , it goes to those you leave behind . Universal life policies are often pitched like investments because they CAN have significant cash growth . They are just like the stock market though - they can go belly up without proper management and attention to the payments needed . These are not your `` buy it and toss it in the safe '' policies , and generally work out very poorly for those who do that . Any life insurance policy is an investment in your peace of mind.If you are someone who has a higher risk tolerance , and closely watches the financial statuses very closely , then you might want to speak to your advisor about a UL policy , but please make sure they explain it very thoroughly to you , including all of the things that have to fall perfectly into place to provide those big dollars that they promise you , okay ? If you want the straight deal , contact me , I 'm happy to help . Thanks for asking !
Can Fixed Annuities Lose Money?
Fixed annuities are only as solvent as the insurance company behind them . So review the ratings to make sure you feel financially comfortable with your company selection . Generally speaking fixed annuities offers a guaranteed interest rate over a fixed period of time and both those features are contractual guaranteed as long as you hold the contract until it matures .
PIP stands for periodic payment periods . In regards to Medicare , this is the system that sends bi-weekly payments to a hospital on the PIP program and are based on the hospital 's estimate of applicable Medicare reimbursement for the current cost report period . When such payments are received , a cash account in the Unrestricted Fund is debited and a PIP Clearing Account is credited for the amount of the payment . When applicable , Medicare charges are billed to the intermediary , at which time the PIP Clearing Account is debited and patient 's account receivable is credited . At year-end , adjustments must be made to eliminate any remaining balance in the PIP Clearing Account and to reflect the amount receivable from , or due to , the Medicare intermediary .
How Long Does It Take For Disability Insurance To Pay?
Once a disability insurance policy is in force , i.e. delivery requirements have been met and the modal premium paid , the elimination or waiting period must take place . The waiting period starts at the filing of the claim , e.g. 90 days . after that the monthly benefits begin . The benefits are generally tax free .
Cash Value life insurance is a financial asset and as such is included in your Net Worth Statement . While you are living if the policy has a net cash surrender value it would count as an asset . The insurance amount is not payable until you die so it is not included in your Net Worth . It is included as part of your legacy or estate . If you have further questions , or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me . If you would like to work with a local life insurance broker , you could start with a Google search . For example , if you search for : life insurance broker Halifax or life insurance agent Halifax , my name , along with several others , will come up . You can use the same method to find a life insurance broker in your community . .
How Much Whole Life Insurance Do I Need?
There is not set answer to that question . A lot depends on your age , responsibilities , tax situation , etc. . For many people they only need around $ 15,000 to cover all funeral , cemetery , medical bills , and money to settle their estate . But even that depends on your age as the cost of everything -LRB- including funerals double every 15-years give or take . For other people such as a guy that took a pension or annuity based on his life only -LRB- not his spouses -RRB- he needs a LOT more whole life insurance to keep his wife from falling into poverty if he dies first . There are many different situations for different people .
There are very limited benefits for long-term care under a Medigap plan -LRB- up to 100 days of skilled nursing care -RRB- . Before a medigap plan will pay any LTC benefits , Medicare must first approve the charge before a Medigap plan can pay anything . There are also multiple conditions that have to be met for Medicare to approve the skilled nursing care benefit - you can check the website for a detailed list . If you want long term care coverage , you will need to secure a separate long-term care insurance policy -LRB- I ca n't stress this enough ! -RRB- or a long-term care rider on a life insurance policy if you 're looking to purchase one as well . They are very customizable and coverage can be provided for years upon a claim . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me if you need help with your coverage and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
How Much Whole Life Insurance Do I Need?
There is n't a correct answer to this question , only the answer each individual comes to in regard to their wants and needs . The catch to the decision of when or how much to buy is the longer you wait the more expensive it becomes to purchase . Something to consider that rarely is considered is the purchase of Whole Life insurance is control . A whole life is the one policy where the price is set at the begining and stays that way through the life of the policy . With term the insured does not really control cost the insurance carrier does through the life of the policy . An insurance company can not change or alter a whole life policy without your permission . Since you can combine policies and types of coverage -LRB- it is never all or nothing -RRB- how much whole life is entirely up to you . The split is up to the individual . Some people carry combinations of policies with the idea that they will shed the term as time goes by , ending up with the whole life at the end of a long happy life . Last thought on this subject . An insurance company has less power over the insured with whole life . They have to `` ask '' you and you have to agree to any changes . Where this can be reassuring is if your health changes down the road . I have several serious health conditions and it is good to know my life insurance company can not raise my price or change anything without my say so .
This is a totally subjective question because `` best '' can be defined in different ways by different people . Some define it by monthly premium cost , some by the level of benefits , others by the provider network offered and most people define it by some combination of all of these factors . In Tennessee , from a service perspective I would argue there really is no best insurance carrier . I have individual clients and small group clients with all the carriers in this state and from the aspects of paying claims , producing ID cards , having service issues , etc. , no insurance carrier really stands out from the crowd . As far as these aspects of the consumer experience go the insurance carriers have in many ways become a commodity . In the individual health insurance marketplace in Tennessee in 2014 , Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Tennessee will generally enjoy the price advantage in most product categories and age bands . However , especially if a consumer is trying to purchase through the government marketplace -LRB- which as of the April 2nd date I 'm writing this is closed except for people having a change of life status event -RRB- there is definitely a `` buyer beware '' warning I must give . The lowest cost plans you will see will largely be BC/BS plans in the Bronze category and the product designation will often be followed by an `` E '' . The Bronze plans are all high deductible plans , generally $ 4000 to $ 6350 and few , if any have office visit or prescription drug copayment features . This means that in addition to your monthly premium you are paying for virtually all of your health care expenses out-of-pocket until you have met your plan 's deductible . If you 're the lucky type or have a next egg of a few thousand dollars you can always tap into then these plans may be a good fit for your needs . Also , the lowest cost plans with the `` E '' designation use a narrow PPO network which means you have a reduced choice in the doctors and hospitals that are in-network . This arrangement can be especially problematic for persons who live in more rural areas and may find themselves some distance from an in-network hospital for instance . Purchasing health insurance in 2014 and beyond has become more complicated not less . A smart consumer should seek the guidance of an experienced and qualified health insurance agent to guide them to the health insurance plan that best meets their individual needs . Marlin McKelvy Consumer Directed Benefit Solutions
What Kind Of Car Insurance Is Required By Law?
Any state that requires auto insurance in order to register and maintain that registration will require Liability and usually Uninsured / Underinsured Motorist coverages . The base amount of each state 's requirement can vary state to state of course , so it is important to check with your insurance professional to be sure that you ave the coverage that is right for your circumstances .
The cheapest life insurance policy is not allows the best policy for your needs . Every carrier has their sweet spot for different situations . Your best bet is to find an experienced independent life insurance broker that can shop the market and find the best product at the best price for your unique situation . Certain carriers favor certain conditions like occasional cigar smokers , diabetics , build , cholesterol and hypertension and as soon as you figure it out , they change their parameters . Brokers stay on top of these changes and know how to guide you through this maze . Good luck finding the best advisor for you .
What Kind Of Car Insurance Is Required By Law?
I can only speak for Wisconsin as that is the only state that I am currently licensed in . Wisconsin to the best of my knowledge as of this date requires liability coverage only for licensed drivers . This means bodily injury , property damage , uninsured motorist , and under-insured motorist . Medical payments currently is not a required coverage but clients must sign a document to opt out this coverage . All of these coverage must meet the states minimum coverage amount also . Contact a local agent to find out more about the coverage requirements within your state and the pricing associated with them .
There are many reasons you can be declined for life insurance , and not all of them are your fault . Sometimes the person providing your quote does not understand your health condition , or is not well acquainted with the stipulations of the products they are selling . Some people applying for life insurance are unaware of what their doctor has written in their medical records , and can get declined for something they did not even know they had . Declines are due to your age , weight , health , or risk factors not meeting the guidelines of the insurance company 's guidelines . Contact an agent who understands your particular health and you will have a less chance of being denied . However , do n't be devastated if you do get declined . There are usually other policies out there , even if they might cost more than the one for which you got declined .
What Does Warren Buffett Say About Annuities?
Warren Buffet 's company Berkshire Hathaway Inc.entered into the annuity market in a deal with Cigna Corp earlier this year . The purchase drew significant speculation that Warren was high on annuities . But most analysts agree Warren 's foray into annuities was an income play on a block of existing annuity contracts , not an endorsement of them .
An immediate annuity starts making regular monthly payments within one year of the time that the annuity is established . The payments will last for the lifetime of the annuitant unless a specified period is selected . Since that will not meet the needs of all there are other options available . For example the payments can be set to provide income for two people or return the total accumulated value .
Who Receives Disability Insurance?
The person who receives a disability insurance benefit from an individual or group policy is the person who becomes disabled . The benefit replaces some of the income lost by being unable to work . Some business owners take out disability insurance on key employees that would pay the benefit to the business while that employee is disabled . They normally only pay the benefit long enough to find a new employee , if the disability appears to be permanent .
Yes , it may be possible to get life insurance with diabetes . In the old days diabetes was a decline , not even considered . Now most companies will look at an individual 's situation with diabetes to determine an offer . One thing though , once you start taking medications to treat your diabetes , you are a diabetic . Type II for 15 years myself .
Can I Get A Tax Credit For Health Insurance?
The Affordable Care Act -LRB- ObamaCare -RRB- includes a provision for what are referred to as advanced premium tax subsidies to help pay a portion of the cost of individual health insurance . To qualify for this tax credit an individual/couple/family must have an Adjusted Gross Income level that falls approximately between 100 % and 400 % of the Federal Poverty Level and they must purchase their individual health insurance through a government health insurance marketplace -LRB- either state run or Federally managed -RRB- . The tax credit issue will be a tricky one as it requires people to estimate what their income levels will be in the coming year when they apply for coverage with a subsidy . When that person does their tax return for that year a true up analysis will be done by the IRS to determine if the person received the appropriate subsidy level , was under subsidized or over subsidized . Depending upon their findings the taxpayer may find themselves getting an extra refund at tax time if they were under subsidized while if it is determined they were over subsidized the amount of overpayment will be withheld from any tax refund they might qualify for . If it is determined that a person fraudulently claimed an insurance tax credit to which they were not entitled this could lead to felony charges against them in the worst case scenario .
Generally no , but there may be exceptions . Most long term disability plans have waiting periods of 90 days or longer before you may be eligible for benefits . You would need to meet the definition of total and permanent disability in most cases , although some plans may have partial disability benefits .
How Much Does Home Insurance Go Up With A Pool?
Homeowners insurance really does not go up with a pool although some carriers may have a small surcharge . What you want to look at however is liability coverage . You may want to increase your liability limits since your liability exposure increases with a pool . Such as a slip and fall or worse . A pool itself will fall under your other structure coverage . I suggest to consult your agent to see if you have enough coverage . Usually the pool is less likely to suffer damages , however your pumps and filters , heater you would want to make sure are covered .
Annuities can be immediate or deferred , both have a place in retirement and financial planning . With an immediate annuity , you exchange a lump sum for an immediate income . Unit Linked Annuities are sometimes called variable annuities . With this type of annuity the income you receive varies totally or partially based on the performance of funds you have selected . A Deferred annuities can be thought of as an accumulation vehicle . The value of Unit linked annuities or variable annuities -LRB- called segregated funds in Canada -RRB- fluctuate based on the performance of the funds selected . If you have any further questions , please do n ot hesitate to contact me .
How Much Does Home Insurance Go Up With A Pool?
Assuming your pool is installed correctly , properly maintained with adequate safeguards in place , installing a pool should have little to no effect on your premium . Most policies limits on appurtenant structures -LRB- in-ground pools -RRB- or personal property -LRB- above ground pools -RRB- are more than adequate . In rare cases , when these limits must be increased , the additional premium should not be more than $ 50-100 a year . Diving boards , water slides and other accessories presenting unusual hazards may cause a problem . Some insurers simply refuse to write or renew policies with this type of exposure . In these cases , you could see a significant increase in premium coupled with more restrictive coverage . Checking with your insurance company or agent is something I would do prior to installing a pool . If you are not comfortable with the answer , get other opinions . There is no one size , fits all .
Most insurance policies will coverage dermatology , as long as the treatments can be considered medically necessary and not cosmetic . If you have an HMO , such as Kaiser , you will need a referral from your primary care doctor -LRB- PCP -RRB- before seeing a dermatologist , which is considered to be a specialist . If a referral from your PCP is required and you do n't obtain one before seeing a specialist , then your HMO insurance will not offer any coverage . That is not the case if your coverage is a PPO , which does not require a referral in oder to have coverage for seeing a specialist .
When Does Health Insurance End?
If you are talking about the open enrollment period then it ends on March 31st of this year for ACA plans unless there is a special circumstance like losing group coverage or coming off of COBRA . Now , if you miss the open enrollment period either by accident or by design you can purchase alternative plans that are much like the traditional and more affordable plans from the past . If you any further questions or need additional information on alternative plans please contact Ronald G Hinch at 843-450-9879 .
The timing of life insurance becoming effective depends on a few things . If you apply for life insurance and submit the minimum initial premium with the application , the company 's `` conditional receipt '' will determine when the coverage begins . Each company 's terms will be a little different . If you applied for the insurance without submitting any premium , the coverage usually would n't begin until after the application is approved and you submit the initial premium .
Does Renters Insurance Cover Earthquake Damage?
A standard Renters Insurance policy does not cover the peril of earthquake . Renters Insurance will protect the insured 's personal belongings up to the policy limits provided . Some insurance carriers in various States will allow the addition of an Endorsement to include the peril of earthquake to the policy thereby including protection to your personal belongings that may be damaged by an Earthquake .
You ca n't exaggerate your income . Your tax returns will be checked and you will be audited . I recommend you fill out the forms completely honestly and go from there . It 's what we all have to do . All you will end up doing is creating a big problem for yourself and if there is a mistake that is caught later you receive a bill to pay the difference and possibility a penalty to go with it .
What Is Renters Insurance Used For?
Renters insurance provide liability protection and personal property protection for the insured in the event of a covered loss . It can also provide some loss of use coverage that will provide funds so that you can find another place to live in the event of a total loss . If you would like to know all of the coverages and exclusions with renters insurance contact a local agent . This is coverage no one should be without if they are renting .
You are automatically enrolled in Medicare Part A and B when you turn 65 , if you are receiving Social Security benefits at that time . You also get Medicare if you have been on Social Security Disability for 24 months or if you have End Stage Renal Disease or Lou Gherig 's Disease , with some qualifications .
Will Homeowners Insurance Cover Wind Damage?
Homeowner policies typically cover wind damage to insured property . However , policyholders need to determine the deductible that will be applied in the event of damage from wind . For example , in Florida where wind is a particular frequency concern , carriers assign higher deductibles that are applied at settlement of a loss caused by wind . It is not uncommon for a deductible that is twice or more of the amount of dwelling coverage deductible for damage from other types of loss causes . The wind deductible is usually a lot higher than your standard homeowner policy deductible . Check with your local independent agency for a review based on your needs and budget .
NOW ... hehehe . You ca n't get DI soon enough . Yet the question can be changed to , `` Will I qualify for DI & should I consider additional options ? '' Will you qualify >> Di underwriting is pretty messy . Where you work , how long you 've been there , what you DO , what you make , your health , your lifestyle , & much more will determine the carrier you should apply with , what benefit length & amount you 'll receive , & what `` health tier '' you 'll receive . Although there is a LOT to gather for a disability quote , an experience , independent agent should make it a smooth process . I Might just know one ! Additional Options >> > simply said , the reason for buying a DI plan is to replace lost income if you are not able to work . Yet allow me to point out a issues that stump the DI process : What if you do n't `` earn an income ? Such as a stay at home parent . Maybe you just entered the work force or started a completely different career & you have no `` income history '' . Lower income earners face the challenge that most DI plans only replace up to 60 % of their income while out on a claim . They 're already having a rough time making ends meet ... & now the income is down 40 % ??? OUCH . `` So Gravy . What can we do in addition to or instead of DI ? '' ... Great question . Thanks for asking :--RRB- DI is a great foundation for anyone who earns an income . Yet consider other protection plans in addition to , or instead of , a standalone DI Plan . > Critical Illness : Receive a single payment of $ 5,000 , $ 10,000 , $ 50,000 , or as much as $ 500,000 upon DIAGNOSIS of a specified disease or condition . Fantastic protection for everyone ... Yet in this post , Low/No income wage earners should definitely consider this . > Hybrid / Living Benefits Life insurance : There are various life products that have either rides or acceleration of benefits for Disability & / or Critical Illness . As an example , I have a client that is young , modest income , & decided that a single plan with life , disability , & critical illness benefits . She 's hedged her bets with a single policy that covers multiple areas . When to buy & what is the best disability plan ??? Your specific situation will determine that . When you speak to an agent , I hope ALL your options are discussed .
Will Medicare Pay For Durable Medical Equipment?
Medicare Part B will cover a good amount of Durable Medical Equipment items -LRB- DMEs -RRB- . As a rule of thumb , if your doctor prescribes it because it 's medically necessary , Medicare will cover it . Please note , Medicare only pays for about 80 % of the cost - a Medigap plan can cover all or a portion of the other 20 % -LRB- does n't sound like much , but the dollar figure can add up quickly -RRB- . If you do n't have one already , I would suggest securing a Medigap plan . A big advantage of the Medigap plans are that they create a very predictable expense structure so you 're not hit with big medical bills for thousands of dollars . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for assistance with your coverage and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
Renters insurance can not be transferred , because the rates are based on the individual and the property covered . Renters insurance covers onlythe nameed insured and direct family membersresiding with the named insured.If you have a room mate situation then each room mate should have their own renters insurance policy . When you get a rate for insurance coverage it takes into account many factors which make insurance coverage non transferable .
Is Health Insurance Cheaper In Different States?
Yes , Just like the cost of living is lower in some states , the cost of medical care is lower in some states . If the cost of care is lower , the insurance company can offer lower rates to members . From the latest information I could find , Utah has the cheapest average rates and Alaska has the most expensive . Some people feel that being able to get insurance from a different state would lower their costs . While this is true for states that are more expensive , it would have the effect of raising the rates in the cheaper states .
Great question ! There are many reasons why you might be declined . The most common reasons that someone will be declined will have to do with their health conditions . Being overweight , having had a recent medical issue -LRB- for example , you have a heart attack , become scared , and apply for a policy which is then declined -RRB- , being HIV positive , or are currently waiting for test results or a scheduled surgery - these can all lead to a decline result . So can sending in applications to several companies in a short period of time . They will assume that you have a dire emergency , and will often decline you . If you would like to discuss your specific case , please feel free to contact me , I 'd be happy to help . Thanks for asking !
How Much Does Annuities Cost?
Annuities cost what you have to contribute to them . If you want to purchase an immediate annuity , you put in a lump sum that then gets paid back to you in period payments . If you purchase a deferred annuity , you make payments that add up inside the contract until you decide to take them out in regular payments back to you .
Obviously businesses come in many different sizes and often they are tenants of buildings . If you are a small business contact an insurance agent that handles a Business Owners Package -LRB- BOP . -RRB- This is a package of property and liability insurance and will satisfy your landlord . There are some businesses that do not fit into the BOP and for them there are commercial packages that are tailored for their unique situations .
Which Is The Best Car Insurance In South Carolina?
South Carolina has many reputable car insurance companies . Regardless whether you live in Columbia , Hilton Head or another large or small city , you 'll have many affordable options to choose from . Esurance , Progressive , Geico , Allstate and State Farm are a few of the larger carriers . However , there are many smaller companies that will have very good prices , depending on your specific situation .
Perhaps the cheapest group to insure is married persons between the ages of 45 and 60 , especially if they are retired . If the number of miles annuallydriven is minimal -LRB- perhaps under 5,000 -RRB- premiums will reducefurther . One of the most expensive groups is single males -LRB- new drivers -RRB- under the age of 19 . One positive - They do get older and rates reduce !
Which Mutual Fund Company Is Best For Your IRA?
Deciding which Mutual Fund Company is BEST for your IRA is not something I can answer here . Let me explain . Investing is all about how much time you have to invest , how you feel and react when the Market corrects , and what you really are looking for or rather what is your goal . I would recommend that you contact a registered representative who will walk you through what your investment risk is , review your goals and make a recommendation . There are literally thousands of options to choose from so getting some guidance is not a bad idea .
Yes , if the damage is due to a covered loss . Typically this will only come into play when rebuilding the home as the foundation may need to be replaced along with the home -LRB- normally when your reconstruction cost is calculated it also includes whether or not you have a basement -RRB- or if your home has an exposed foundation . I encourage you to read your policy completely to understand what is covered and what the exclusions are or contact your local agent to have them go over your policy coverage and exclusions .
Does My Car Insurance Cover Uhaul Rental?
Liability coverage is always with the towing unit . So if you damage someone else or hit a low hanging sign your liability coverage is going to respond . If you are asking if the trailer itself is covered the answer generally would be only if you buy that coverage form the U haul dealer .
A tax deferred retirement plan simple means that the retirement program , such as an annuity is tax deferred -LRB- or not taxable -RRB- until you take it out . Usually when you begin taking withdrawals from your annuity your income bracket is lower than when you were working , making a tax deferred annuity an attractive way to set up your retirement plan and guarantee a lifetime income .
Does Full Coverage Health Insurance Cover?
I will assume you are talking about a health insurance plan that offers first dollar coverage , meaning you pay a premium and the insurance company pays for everything else . In today 's market place , there is no such animal . All plans have some type of cost sharing built into them . It can be in the way of deductibles , copays , or co-insurance . The question could also be referring to what most call major medical insurance . These policies pay your doctor and hospital for treatment you received -LRB- after you pay the copay or deductible -RRB- . There are some plans call indemnity -LRB- sometimes called supplemental -RRB- plans . AFLAC is a well known seller of indemnity plans . While they have their place in the market place , they should not be confused with major medical insurance . Major medical insurance will protect you against a large medical bill -LRB- say $ 100,000 + -RRB- ; while indemnity plans are designed to pay you a fixed about of money based on the limits of the policy . You want to have a major medical plan in place first , then possibly add an indemnity plan second .
Homeowners insurance premiums vary widely based on geographic location , replacement value of home , coverage amount desired , deductible chosen , your credit score , and many other factors . I always suggest getting several rates from at least 2 local independent insurance agents in your area . Make sure you compare them against each other . Ideally , you would like an A rated carrier by AMBest . Hope this answer helps !