How To Get Obamacare Health Insurance?
ObamaCare insurance has imploded from the premiums being so high the public has rejected it and then the adminstration is so incompetent that taxpayers has been stuck with a $ 600 million bill for `` services rendered and the site is so poorly constructed it does not function . Now all the concern is starting to shift to the insurance companies that spent millions trying to get ready ready to meet this `` Edsel '' requirements and now they are being told they must leave the insurance policies in force . Will our health insurance industry ever be the same again ?
The are hundreds of company 's out there available and willing to provide you coverage . I would simply go online , asking for the coverage you are looking for and compare rates . Be careful what you are paying for however . Realize that if you are paying a very low rate , the service you get may be very difficult to work with or get in touch with them . By law , you should have a minimum amount of coverage which they will at least provide . It is when you are in an accident where the service comes in . Your history , age , type of home or car , where you live , etc. will all take into account the actual cost you have to pay . Do a little research , make some calls , do n't believe everything you see online without doing some due diligence .
How To Get Obamacare Health Insurance?
Government ads will all point you to the official exchange to purchase Obamacare , suggesting you use a navigator to answer any questions you may have . I highly recommend seeking the guidance of an independent insurance agent , one who is licensed and certified to sell on your state exchange . The cost to you will be exactly the same , but you will be able to receive expert advice from someone who understand how insurance truly works , and can explain what it means to you , something no navigator is legally allowed to do .
A disability income policy generally pays a specific amount every month while you are disabled . The payments do not start until an agreed upon waiting period has been satisfied . The payments are also set before hand and represent a part of the income lost . The most critical issue is the definition of disability as this varies widely from one insurance company to the next . Get an agent to investigate your alternatives .
How To Get Obamacare Health Insurance?
Obamacare is available to all American during open enrollment or special enrollment periods . Many applicants will qualify for advanced premium tax credits while others will pay full price for their selected insurance . Regardless , if you want a plan and have the means to pay for it you simply have to enroll .
The identity of the insured must be verified as well as the address , age and health condition . Also taken into consideration are the insured 's occupation and avocation . Most of this information is with regard to risk factors . The positive identity and address are relative to compliance with the provider 's jurisdiction and US anti money laundering laws . There are a considerable number of questions asked relating to health history , but also some with regard to avocations and out of country travel intentions . Again mostly related to risk .
How To Get Obamacare Health Insurance?
Obamacare health insurance is available as a result of the Affordable Care Act legislation . To secure the lowest rates available in your state , Exchanges -LRB- Marketplaces -RRB- have been created that allow the easy application and enrollment for consumers . Four `` metal '' plans and a catastrophic tier are offered . Our job , as experienced brokers , is to utilize our knowledge of available plans and our top-rated websites , to show customers the best options . Consumers are frustrated by the . gov website and the unbiased recommendations -LRB- and free assistance -RRB- provided by brokers is unmatched . During Open Enrollment , pre-existing conditions are covered and a federal tax subsidy may be available . However , if you miss Open Enrollment , special qualified events allow the purchase of coverage . Also , cheap short-term plans -LRB- that are not ACA-compliant -RRB- may be available at very inexpensive prices . These plans do not cover pre-existing conditions but may be the best option in many circumstances .
Insurance companies often offer non-owned auto coverage . When a driver lives outside the United States and occassionally comes to the US and wishes to rent a car , this is the easiest way to provide the necessary liability coverage . There is also coverage available for people who have had their licenses suspended and who must show evidence of insurance to have the license reinstated .
Who Is Primary On Medicare?
If I 'm understanding your question correctly , you 're asking which person -LRB- example : you or your spouse -RRB- would be the primary person on your medicare coverage . Is that 's your question , then here 's the answer ... . There is only one single person on a medicare `` policy '' . Each person applies individually and each person has their own card . So each person that is on Medicare is primary and nobody else is on their `` policy '' or card .
This can vary from one Association to another . As it pertains to actual property I have seen as little as the grounds only to the complete building you own . Most common coverage is what we call studs out . The HOA would cover your home from studs out in a loss and the owner would be responsible for walls in on a separate policy . Also the owner is responsible for their own personal property , liability protection , medical coverage and loss of use . Also it is very important to carry loss assessments since in an HOA situation a homeowner can be assessed for a loss even if the owners property suffered no damage . In an association you are one big happy family . Always get a copy of your CC&R 's and consult your agent for the proper coverages and protection .
Who Is Primary On Medicare?
If you only have Medicare A & B or Parts A & B plus a Medigap plan , Medicare is going to pay first . When you have more than one plan paying a claim , the process has to follow the coordination of benefits rules to determine who pays first and who pays second . The majority of the time , people who are on Medicare will have two types of coverage when they or their spouse works for an employer . Self-employed individuals will generally only be on Medicare and drop their under 65 policy -LRB- unless their spouse has group coverage they can be on -RRB- . How big the company is and whether or not the insured employee is working will generally determine who pays first . If the employer has 20 or more employees , the employer plan will pay first and Medicare second . If the employer has less than 20 employees , Medicare will pay first and the employer will pay second . If you 're on Medicare for a disability , the employer plan pays first and Medicare pays second if there are 100 or more employees - if there are less than 100 employees , Medicare pays first and the employer plan pays second .
Renters insurance is available through several sources . However , the best place to buy insurance is from a trusted insurance agent . If you dont have an agent , ask your friends , colleagues or neighbors for a referral . A good insurance agent will listen to you , provide sound financial advice and communicate clearly with you and the insurance company . His or her services are invaluable when it comes to setting limits and taking care of other requirements . The agent is particularly valuable when you have a claim .
Will Home Insurance Cover Water Leaks?
Your homeowners insurance will cover the damage caused by a water leak within the structure of the house . It doesnt pay to repair the water leak . Much has been written about water damage and as a result there are many amendments to the homeowners policies . The issue is mold . If you have a water leak , get it repaired . If there is structural damage notify your agent .
For green card holders to become eligible for Medicare , they have to meet 2 conditions : 1 -RRB- Work in the United States for at least 40 quarters and paying FICA taxes for Medicare -LRB- as it is for everyone -RRB- . 2 -RRB- Live in the United States for at least five years continually -LRB- cant do 2 years here , a year somewhere else , and then 3 more years here -RRB- . If you meet condition 2 , but not condition 1 , you would be able to get Part A , but would have to pay the premium -LRB- up to $ 426 per month in 2014 -RRB- . Part B premium is paid by all Medicare beneficiaries regardless .
What Retirement Plan Is For Self Employed?
It is best to talk with your financial advisor and tax professional about solutions to your particular needs and situation . There are several options , though , that having been said . Some of those include a traditional IRA or a SEP IRA . A Roth IRA may also be an option for you . Talk about htese and any other qualified or non qualified ideas with your trusted advisors .
It 's actually easier to say what it DOES N't cover . With a Part B supplement , you would pay : > All hospital costs after day 365 > $ 148/day for days 21-100 in a Skilled Nursing Facility and all costs after day 100 > $ 147 deductible against Part B services Other than that , the Plan N would fill in the gaps for Original Medicare .
What Retirement Plan Is For Self Employed?
There are several options for the self employed person : qualified and non qualified retirement plans . Qualified retirement plans can include traditional IRAs , SEP IRAs or Roth IRAs . If Roth has an appeal to you , then consider non qualified cash value life insurance as an alternative , especially if your young , healthy and need more flexibility in your retirement funding approach .
That really depends on several factors . What might be a great Medigap Policy in one state may not be the best in another . Premiums can be different based on where you live and your smoking status . The benefits of all Medigap Plans will be the same . For example , Plan F at one carrier will have exactly the same benefits as the next carrier . However , there are several different plans you can pick and all will have a letter like Plan F , Plan G , Plan J , etc. . The best way to find out who has the best Medigap Policy for you is to contact an independent agent that specializes in Medigap Plans . They will be able to show you the plans from all the major carriers and you will be able to quickly answer that question .
What Factors Determine The Insurance Protection You Need On Your Home?
Assuming you are referring to your homeowners insurance , the value of the home -LRB- although more importantly , the replacement cost of the home -RRB- and the value of contents inside the home are perhaps the two most important items . Your budget may dictate some of the other variables such as the deductible and type of policy and riders you choose .
The best way to think about it is , to imagine that your unit has been gutted by a fire . You have lost everything that you own . How much money will you want ? If you take pictures of your unit you will know what you had . If you estimated the replacement cost for each item , you would know how much you would want . I suggest that number guide you in selecting a renters policy . If a process server appears at your door with a lawsuit , how much back up do you want ? I suggest you take as much liability coverage as the insurance company offers .
What Factors Determine The Insurance Protection You Need On Your Home?
In order to determine the proper protection on your home insurance carriers or more specifically the agents will runreplacementcost estimators on the home . Thereplacementcost estimator will determine what it will cost to rebuild a home in the event of a total loss . Thisfigurehas no bearing on what the market value of a home is . In California you see market values of homes ranging on average around $ 800,000 . However the actual construction cost to rebuild may only be $ 450,000 since land is not taken into consideration . The reverse can also be true . The market may have sunk in a given area so that same house is now only worth $ 200,000 on the market but it still costs $ 450,000 to rebuild since the cost of construction has not changed . Always have a discussion with your agent about the details of your home so a proper replacement amount can be determined and you are properly insured .
Long Term Care Insurance is a smart buy if you have substantial assets you would like to protect , and if you would like to have the freedom to choose where you want to receive you long term care , if it is needed . Having insurance that would pay for you to get back on your feet after a health setback , or that would allow you to live out your days in relative comfort even though incapacitated , provides great peace of mind to both insured persons and their families .
What To Do When Your Term Life Insurance Expires?
When your term life insurance expires , you may have the option to keep paying the premium to keep it in effect . But the price will be much higher than you were paying , and go up every year . Most people look for a new policy when their old term life insurance expires . The rate will most likely be higher than you paid before , because you are older . Your health will also be taken into account . Since you will be paying more , anyway , you may just want to bite the bullet and get at least some permanent insurance . The older you get , the harder it is to qualify for term . But if you want to get a new term policy and can qualify for it , that is what many people do . If you know that your term policy 's expiration date is coming up , you might want to look into converting some or all of your coverage to permanent life insurance -LRB- universal life or whole life -RRB- . This just involves paperwork , no health questions and no exam . But it must be done before your policy expires and according to the conversion period set forth in your term policy .
If you are 16 and have a car titled exclusively in your name in Connecticut , then you will actually be required to obtain your own car insurance i order to register that car for use on public roads and highways . Check with your parent 's Insurance Professional first because their insurance company may offer better coverage at a more reasonable rate due to multi policy discounts .
Can An HRA Be Used To Pay Health Insurance Premiums?
Yes a Health Reimbursement Arrangements can fund health insurance premiums , such a arrangement is usually referred to as a PRA -LRB- Premium Reimbursement Arrangement -RRB- . Although such arrangements have become unfavorable due to healthcare reform legislature due to two main reasons 1 . If a employer wants to drop group coverage and have employees purchase individual policies , this can only be offered after-tax -LRB- RR 61-146 -RRB- . This means that such arrangements have lost their tax-advantaged status , which in effect takes away much of the benefit to the employer .2 . A group health plan , including an HRA , used to purchase coverage on the individual market is not considered integrated with that individual market coverage for purposes of the annual dollar limit prohibition . Meaning that even if a HRA were to cover 100 % of employee premiums for individual coverage the employer would still be viewed as not offering MEC -LRB- Minimum Essential Coverage -RRB- .
There are many reasons that people can be denied life insurance , but unfortunately , people sometimes get denied for reasons that could have been avoided . Avoidable declines are often due to agents who do not do a thorough job in asking questions of their clients before applying . But denials can also be a result of clients who lie or hide information , hoping to pay a better price . Most often , clients simply do not think that something matters -LRB- e.g. bankruptcy -RRB- , or are not aware of what is in their medical records -LRB- e.g. CHF instead of high blood pressure -RRB- . Ironically , one would think that the simplified issue policies that you apply for by mail would be the simplest to get , because they have the least questions and no exam to trip you up . But I find that these are a source of many declines , due to their ambiguous wording , or people not taking the time to read the instructions well . I have been writing mostly impaired risk life insurance online for over 10 years , so have written thousands of policies for people with health conditions . But just when I get to feeling good about so many cases getting approved as I quoted , I will get hit with a decline out of left field that I did not see coming . Sometimes , it just seems impossible to avoid them . But a good agent should not have a lot of them , or they are not probably doing their job as they should .
What Is Single Payer National Health Insurance?
Single Payer national health insurance is when a single entity -LRB- typically the federal government -RRB- administers health insurance coverage for all persons . This type of system is fairly popular in other countries with mixed results . Most persons agree that `` single-payer '' would not be the best idea for the United States , because of cost and provider availability .
No , term life insurance does not build cash value . The idea of term insurance is to get the most `` bang for your buck '' meaning your getting a lot of coverage for a low rate , because the premiums are only fixed and guaranteed for a specific number of years -LRB- e.g. 10 , 15 , 20 , 25 , or 30 years -RRB- . Only permanent insurance -LRB- universal life and whole life -RRB- programs build cash value . Please feel free to send me a private message if you would like assistance with your life insurance program .
What Is Single Payer National Health Insurance?
Single Payer National Health is when there is a nationwide health coverage insurance that is managed and paid for by a single institution . Medicare is such a policy . It has a uniform coverage for all participants across the nation and is paid for by the federal government . There are good and bad elements to this type of coverage . Good : A guaranteed baseline of health coverage for all citizens in the country regardless of financial means and employment status . There would be no such thing as loosing your job and then loosing your coverage . Since nearly all people living in the country would be on the insurance nearly all doctors and hospitals would have to take it because there would be few patients willing to pay out of pocket for treatment . No bankruptcies because you got sick . There are around 2 million bankruptcies in 2013 because of healthcare bills . This would n't happen because the risk and cost of healthcare is shared among the entire tax paying population . Bad : Single payer systems provide a lack of choice . There would be no competition for the best coverage or the best network of providers so it can potentially reduce opportunities for innovation and providers pushing for that competitive edge . If someone wants anything more than baseline coverage , you would still have to `` buy up '' . Much like seniors do with Medicare Advantage plans , so the national coverage would not solve all the problems . Funding is limited by federal budgets and tax income . This means that providers would be reimbursed based on what the government can afford . This can lead to shortages , particularly in expensive treatments because the profit motive is not as well fueled . Complexity is an issue . We all know haw bloated and complex government agencies are , just think if they try and care for 350 million patients and all of their health issues !
Most retirement advisers recommend purchasing long term care insurance at 50 years of age , but the actual and more popular age is 60 . A non-smoking married couple age 60 and in good health purchasing maximum benefits with an inflation rider are going to spend $ 300 a month . Considering that seniors spend $ 250,000 during their retirement for medical bills and extended care , thats seems reasonable .
Can You Buy Health Insurance For One Month?
Yes , depending upon the type of health insurance you are talking about . I will presume that you are seeking coverage for a one month period because you are looking to protect yourself in a coverage gap between jobs that will offer you employment based coverage or to cover yourself until individual major medical coverage purchased during the open enrollment period starts on January 1 , 2015 . Short Term Major Medical insurance would be the solution to your problem . There are a pretty wide selection of Short Term policies available from a variety of health insurance carriers -LRB- your state 's BC/BS plan , United Healthcare , etc. -RRB- though your options will vary from state to state . Short Term Major Medical insurance will provide you with substantial protection in the event of an accident or illness during the time the policy is in effect . Also , Short Term Policies are generally pretty affordable , especially in comparison to ObamaCare compliant major medical policies . There are some issues or characteristics of Short Term Medical policies that a potential buyer needs to be aware of . 1 -RRB- They do not cover pre-existing conditions . 2 -RRB- Some policies have limited underwriting questions that they ask and you can be turned down for coverage . 3 -RRB- They do not cover preventive care services 4 -RRB- Some may not cover prescription drugs 5 -RRB- They do not meet the criteria for being considered major medical coverage under the rules of ObamaCare and could make a person subject to the individual mandate tax penalty -LRB- though you have to go for more than 90-days without ObamaCare compliant coverage for the penalty to apply -RRB- With those factors in mind , a Short Term Major Medical policy can be an excellent solution for cost effective health insurance protection and may be a much more affordable alternative to COBRA continuation coverage for a person who has lost their employer based coverage . In fact , some people who are in good health and who are low utilizers of health care services are doing the math and determining that even when taking the possible tax penalty into consideration that a Short Term Major Medical policy makes more sense for them than ObamaCare compliant major medical policies . You should exercise caution if you choose to follow this strategy and look for a Short Term Major Medical policy that will cover you for as long of a time period as possible . In some states some carriers sell policies that can run just short of a year . The reason for this is if you should experience a serious illness or injury , for example you are diagnosed with cancer , while covered under the Short Term Medical policy then ideally it would run out at the end of the year and allow you to take advantage of the open enrollment period and enroll in an ObamaCare compliant plan that is guaranteed to be issued , can have no pre-existing condition exclusions or waiting periods and would therefore cover your condition immediately . You should seek out the services of an experienced health insurance agent to help you find the Short Term Major Medical policy best suited for your needs .
Health Insurance Exchanges . How do they work ? I 'll provide a brief accurate and direct answer . The Affordable Care Act -LRB- Obamacare -RRB- created `` Marketplaces '' so consumers can purchase health insurance without answering medical questions . Pre-existing conditions are covered and a federal subsidy may be available , depending on your income . How do you get the best rates and enroll ? Through an experienced broker . This question was answered live by : Ed Harris - Health Insurance Broker for the last 33 years and owner of several top-rated websites .
Is United Healthcare Medicare?
United Healthcare is an insurance company that offers senior products including Medicare supplements and others - they are the largest insurance company in the industry . Medicare is a government-run senior health insurance program . Even though Medigap plans are standardized , it 's not all about price and there are many parts that are often overlooked/not considered when evaluating and comparing plans . UHC has an agreement with AARP to attach their name to certain products -LRB- a common one seen is AARP Medigap plans -RRB- . The great advantage with the AARP Medigap plans -LRB- insured through United Healthcare -RRB- is they use the community-rated pricing method as opposed to the attained-age method most Medigap carriers use . The community-rating states that everyone in a given group -LRB- e.g. zip code -RRB- pays the same rates regardless of age , meaning an 85 year old can be paying the same thing as a 75 year old -LRB- which means major savings over the long run -RRB- . They also offer some of the most lenient medical underwriting for Medigap plans so for individuals with complex medical histories , the UHC/AARP Medigap plans can be a great product for your health insurance needs . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help or if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
Adderall is covered by most health insurance plans . As a health insurance broker with more than 33 years of experience , this type of question is very commonly asked . An `` Exchange '' policy will provide benefits for the drug and the expenses of treatment , although a deductible or copay may apply . However , short-term plans will often exclude pre-existing conditions , and therefore Adderall would not be covered on this type of plan .
What To Do When You Are Denied Health Insurance?
You should not have been denied health insurance . The Affordable Care Act requires that health insurers accepts all applicants regardless of prior medical history . People with preexisting conditions must also be accepted , and the coverage for preexisting conditions must begin with no waiting period . Apply for coverage through your state health insurance exchange .
To get a license all you need to do is sign up for a PA approved course of insurance study - these can be real courses or virtual online courses that you can take in the comfort of your home . When the course is completed you will need to pass an exam in order to receive a certificate of completion . The final step is to sign up to take the state exam in a monitored classroom . If you pass the test - you can apply for your license . Take your time studying the life material . There is a lot to learn and can be very confusing if you rush through it . In my opinion it is the hardest test in insurance . Best of luck !
What To Do When You Are Denied Health Insurance?
That is a great question ! A better one is why were you denied ? There are extremely few reasons why you could be legally denied , and I 'd sure like to know what their reason was . If they said `` pre-existing condition '' , you do n't want to insure through them anyway , as they are breaking the law , and probably are n't very trustworthy in their other dealings either . Count them as doing you a favor , and reapply with a different company , preferably one under the site , where you might even qualify for help paying for the policy you 'll get . Good luck , and thanks for asking !
Most homeowners policies are initiated at the closing of escrow . A lender will require evidence of insurance in order to lend money as a mortgage on the home . If there isnt a mortgage a homeowners policy is normally started whenever a home is transferred to a new owner . The exposure of a home is great and few are willing to forgo insurance .
What Is Medicare HSIP Incentive?
HSIP is intended to improve access to major surgical procedure andto as an incentive for general surgeons to participate within specific time frames . The following is the actual description you get when you Google Medicare HSIP : HSIP was created to improve access to major surgical procedures -LRB- surgical procedures with a 10 day or 90 day global period -RRB- for Medicare patients in a HSPA area . To be eligible for the HSIP incentive , a physician must be enrolled in Medicare as a General Surgeon -LRB- specialty 02 -RRB- . The HSIP incentive is effective for services provided on or after January 1 , 2011 , and before January 1 , 2016 . Incentive payments earned under HSIP will be combined with incentive payments earned under other quarterly incentive programs and issued as a single check .
Yes , in under many carrier 's if you have had a DUI it is likely that you will pay more than someone that does not have a DUI . Every carrier has their own paramenter for the types of risks that they are currently willing to accept and also their own weighting method for the risks that they are willing to accept . Please contact a local agent to find out more about coverage availability and pricing in your area .
How To Shop For Auto Insurance?
Have your information ready first . You will need the VIN numbers for all vehicles that you need coverage for , driver 's license numbers for all drivers within the household to be covered , birth dates of all licensed drivers , amount of coverage that you are looking for , dates of accidents of any drivers to be covered , and dates of motor vehicle violations of drivers to be covered as a start . Then call local agents to secure quotes from different carriers or use the internet .
You may have purchased a health insurance policy that was rated up due to a pre-existing condition . This is not uncommon for a carrier to add an extra premium to cover the additional risk . Tobacco loads and additional charges for obesity . Such premium loads are deemed `` lifetime '' but are subject to review if you stop using tobacco or lose weight . Permanent loads for conditions such as arthritis truly are permanent since there is currently no cure for arthritis .
Why Variable Annuities Are Good Investments?
Variable annuities can be good investments . But there is no guarantee that you will earn the rate of return you expect or what was earned in the past . Past performance does not guarantee future results . Allow a full-time -LRB- not part-time -RRB- financial planner or broker discuss and review your best options . It will be the best investment you ever made .
Some group health insurance plans will cover bariatric surgery including bypass and lap band . In a few states individual major medical plans are required by law to cover gastric bypass surgery . If you are morbidly obese and looking for a plan that specifically covers the surgery you may be denied coverage .
How Can I Get A Retirement Plan?
You need to determine your tax bracket , your risk tolerance , your contributions , how long will you work and what is your life expectancy ? This will help you in your selection between a qualified or non-qualified plan . It will also assist you in the product selection based on your time horizon and risk thresholds . If you 're an individual you may consider an IRA or a Roth IRA . If your employer sponsors a defined contribution qualified plan like a 402 -LRB- k -RRB- , you may want to participate .
In Montana the state minimum is $ 25,000 per person $ 50,000 per accident medical payment to other and $ 10,000 in property damage . This coverage is damage to others your are not required to have un insured or under insured or medical payments but it is recommended . Even though the cost of insurance rates are high the cost of damage with out insurance is much more . Compare rates with many carriers and see if they can help you keep your cost down and your coverage up . In many cases it is as little at $ 10 a month difference with the higher limits . The point being is that is does no one any good to have little coverage nor does it help you out if an agent sells you something you ca n't afford . Talk to an agent and see what you can get for the best coverage and at the best rate that fits in your budget .
How Can I Get A Retirement Plan?
That is a great question ! There are a million people that will line up to help you put together a plan . Some will honestly want to help you , and some will look at you like a wolf looks at a fat , three-legged sheep . Please be careful , and go with someone that comes with high recommendations . Here 's what you can do to get started . Take a few minutes , and decide what retirement looks like to you . Are you fishing , travelling , working , not working , debt free ? Now take a look at your current financial status . What do you need to do between here , and retirement to make that happen ? I tell people that if you want to live at your current standard of living in retirement , then you will want to have squirreled away between 8-10 times what your current salary is . If you want to live better than you are now , then you 've really got to get started . Once you 've got an idea of what you need to save , then you can talk to your HR person at work about company match 401k , or other programs they might offer ; You can talk to your insurance agent or banker and get some ideas , or you can find an advisor that can help you take a look at how to make your vision of retirement a comfortable reality . I hope that gives you an idea , feel free to drop me a line if you need help , ok ? Thanks for asking !
Medicare will pay for blood work that is done to diagnose or monitor a health condition . Unfortunately , Medicare does not pay for blood work done for preventative reasons or as part of an annual physical . If the blood work is done in the hospital , Part A pays for the blood work . If the testing is done on an outpatient basis , the blood work is paid for by Part B.
What Are The Best Health Insurance Companies In Georgia?
`` Best '' health insurance is a relative term . Currently there is very little difference in plan design among carriers , but some plans have big holes that will create financial ruin when your health takes a turn for the worse . At this time , Cigna and Humana have the best overall value and outstanding service .
People purchase long term care insurance to mitigate the cost of assisted living care and / or nursing home care during their senior years . As we live longer , the risk of care is increased and the cost is formidable . So it 's important for seniors to consider long term care , especially when most may be on a fixed income retirement plan and generally ca n't afford to pay a large expense for elder care .
Does Home Insurance Cover Loss Of Food?
Many homeonwers insurance policies provide some limited coverage for food loss due to a power failure or other covered loss . Please remember every policy is different . Read your policy completely to understand the coverage provided and any exclusions that there may be or contact your local agent to have them go over the policy with you .
Individual Health insurance rates can vary quite a bit . Rates for a national carrier will differ by state - sometimes dramatically based on a number of factors , including state regulations & requirements , along with claims activity in a given region . Once those `` standard '' rates are calculated , the carrier offers rates that are age banded , and those will vary based on deductible levels chosen , as well as , other features provided with a plan . Lastly , your health history will determine the final rate offered . If you are very healthy - most likely you 'd get the standard or `` quoted '' rate .
Is Life Insurance Effective Immediately?
If you are asking if life insurance is effective immediately after filling out the application , the answer is usually no . Unless you paid ahead of time , the policy must be approved , issued and the first premium and all delivery paperwork returned for it to go into effect . This process can take from hours -LRB- with some no exam plans -RRB- to months . If you are asking if life insurance is effective immediately after satisfying those requirements , the answer is `` maybe '' . if death occurred while the check and signed delivery paperwork are in the mail , it is a legal issue whether the life insurance company would pay the benefit . Legally , the effective date is the date the policy is actually in effect , and this is after the check and delivery requirements have been processed by the insurance company .
Sleep apnea can affect one 's rate class . Sleep apnea is diagnosed by having a `` sleep study '' done . The condition is scored based on how many `` episodes '' a person has over a certain period of time , usually per hour . Severe sleep apnea is a contributor to other health issues and has been shown to be a serious risk .
Is Life Insurance Effective Immediately?
Life insurance is a contract between two parties . Both parties must agree to the terms of the contract . The life insurance company has pre-qualifying requirements that the prospective policy owner must satisfy before determining an underwriting offer . After the underwriting offer is presented and accepted by the prospective policy owner and premium is paid , a binding contract has been created . Many life insurance companies offer temporary coverage with a binding premium deposit , but limited to the terms and conditions of each company .
Fixed Annuities are very safe . Variable Annuities however are subject to stock market fluctuations . Fixed Annuities offer Guarantees . For every contractual Guarantee that an Insurance Company makes -LRB- such as 3 % Guaranteed for 5 years -RRB- , must be backed by purchasing a mix of US Treasuries along with a small amount of various other investments . But mostly the Guarantees made by the Insurance Company are largely backed by the financial stability of US Treasuries -LRB- which are considered the safest investment class there is -RRB- . As pointed out already , the best way to judge the financial stability of an insurance company is by their Financial Ratings . In the investment world , And ratings that is a B + + or higher is considered `` investment grade '' . Although as the term of the contract increases , your minimum acceptable Financial Rating should increase as well in my opinion . A longer time frame creates more risk . So for a 3 or 4 year Annuity a B + + Rating might be acceptable for some people . But for an Annuity that is 6 years or longer , it is highly recommended to use an `` A '' Rated Carrier .
Is Life Insurance Effective Immediately?
It will depend . Some Insurance companies offer conditional receipts which will extend coverage in the event of death before the policy is delivered . The application must be free from deception and the insurance company must have been predetermined to provide coverage provided the application was accurate . Some policies are not effective until the actual underwriting process has been completed .
Medicare gap insurance , Medicare supplement insurance , Medigap ... all the same . Like Kleenex and tissue , the terms are interchangeable . Medigap plan F is the easiest to explain . It covers everything approved by Medicare Part A and Part B but not paid by Medicare . Plan F covers deductibles , copay 's , coinsurance . Other plans -LRB- A - N -RRB- cover something less than F but most are comprehensive . Plan F is the most popular , purchased by about half of those who buy Medicare supplement plans . Plan G is next followed by plan N . The other plans are considerably less popular .
Does Auto Insurance Cover Bike Theft?
The coverage under an automobile policy extends to the automobile alone . Items which have been installed and become a part of the vehicle , such as radios are also covered . Any property carried inside or outside of the vehicle is not covered by the automobile policy . There might be coverage from other policies .
The Medicare voucher system gained some attention during the last election when Paul Ryan talked about ways to make Medicare more accessible to beneficiaries . It is no different from the current system in that you have a choice between original Medicare or a privatized Medicare Advantage plan funded -LRB- in part -RRB- by Medicare .
Does Auto Insurance Cover Bike Theft?
A stolen bike would be covered under your homeowners insurance if it is covered at all . Your auto insurance typically only provide coverage for accidents involving your vehicle . Remember every policy is different . Please read your policy completely to understand the coverage provided and any exclusions that there may be or contact your local agent to have them go over the policy with you .
Remember that life insurance is purchased to cover life 's liabilities . If those liabilities are not ongoing , then term should be considered . If the liabilities are perpetual , then apermanentpolicy is necessary . A few variables to consider here : If you 're under age 50 then you should be able to obtain term lifeinsurancecoverage up to 30 years . Keep in mind that you should purchase a term life insurance policy that allows you to convert topermanentif life ` sexpectationschange . If you 're older than 50 and your obligations are greater than 20 years you may have to purchase apermanentlife insurance policy . Age and length of coverage play an important role in the decision making process on purchasing term orpermanentlife insurance .
Does A Cal Vet Loan Require Life Insurance?
I contacted CalVet Home Loans to ask them this question . They emailed me back the following answer : `` All loan applications received by CalVet on or after February 1 , 2013 have the option to participate in the CalVet Life Insurance Program . For details please contact our Insurance Unit at 1.866.421.6978 or visit our website at : . '' When I asked to clarify if ANY life insurance was need to get a Cal Vet Loan they replied : `` CalVet does not require the contract holder to buy any life insurance policy for your CalVet loan balance . ''
There is no one type of life insurance policy , or one particular life insurance company , that is best in New Jersey . Finding your best policy will take into account your health , age , income , the amount of life insurance that you need , and the purpose for your coverage . It may be a good idea to visit with an agency that sells life insurance in New Jersey to find the best policy for you .
Does Home Owners Insurance Cover Foundation Problems?
In most cases no . If your policy includes earthquake and the damage is a result of the earthquake then there may be coverage , Homeowners insurance covers things like fire , lightening , hail wind , and other covered perils . They are not designed to cover normal deterioration and settling . Check with your agent to see what your policy covers .
Voluntary life insurance is the life insurance you purchase with your own funds , when offered to you at group prices through your employer . It can be the entire amount of life insurance you have at that workplace , or if your employer pays for some life insurance for you , voluntary life insurance is the amount you purchase in addition to that .
Does USAA Renters Insurance Cover Storage Units?
I would recommend contacting USAA directly to find out about your current policy coverages . Usually there are 3 main parts to your renters insurance coverage : 1 . Personal property coverage . Think of everything you own . Now , try to assign a dollar amount to all of those belongings . Pretty mind-boggling , is n't it ? A renters insurance policy offers you coverage for the theft , loss or destruction of your personal belongings in the event of a fire , storm or other covered peril . This can help you replace the items you use on a day-to-day basis , from your clothing to your appliances to your furnitureas well as your more expensive items . If you 're a die-hard jewelry collector or an audiophile with tens of thousands of dollars ' worth of pricey sound equipment , you can even take out extended coverage that provides you with higher limits , sometimes called floater insurance or Scheduled Personal Property coverage . This extra coverage may increase your deductibles , but will certainly be worth having to make sure you have enough coverage for your pricey items . Having a renters insurance policy can even cover your personal belongings when they 're not inside your homelike if you take your laptop with you on a trip and it is damaged or stolen . 2 . Liability coverage . Life is risk , but that does n't mean you have to dig deep into your pockets or drain your savings account every time something goes wrong . The liability insurance that comes as a part of your standard renters insurance policy can help protect you if you are sued by a guest injured in your home . Say someone comes over to your house and trips down your stairs , injuring themselves seriously enough to warrant medical attention . If you are found responsible for the accident , your renters insurance liability coverage can help pay for your legal expenses and their medical bills and other damages . When buying renters insurance , it pays to think long and hard about having enough coverage to guard against any eventuality . Liability coverage can even pay for damages caused accidentally by you or your family members . For example , if your child accidentally throws a baseball through your neighbor 's living room window , your liability insurance plan could cover the damages . 3 . Additional living expenses . People rarely think about where they 'd go or how they 'd pay for it if a fire or disaster were to render their rental home unlivable . With a renters insurance policy , you can rest easily because this coverage will help pay for your temporary living expenses . This can include things like hotel bills to restaurants to other living expenses you normally would n't incur . With a renters insurance policy , you do n't have to worry that a damaged roof will force you to share a house with your in-laws . For that alone , it 's a priceless investment .
Yes , life insurance can be a very good resource during retirement . Indexed Universal Life is one product that can be funded to provide supplemental income with favorable tax treatment during retirement . Life insurance owned by retired persons can also be used for final expense needs , estate taxes , or passing an inheritance to children or grandchildren .
What Is Split Life Insurance?
In Canada , Split Dollar Insurance is usually referred to as Shared Interest Insurance . The Shared Interest concept is an effective strategy for sharing life insurance costs and benefits.There are a number of family and business scenarios where this concept can be applied . To illustrate , I will outline a business situation as an example . Under the shared interest concept , the death benefit , premiums and cash values of a permanent insurance policy are apportioned between company and the key employee or shareholder , who pay for their separate interests under the policy . With the Company responsible for the life insurance portion of the premium , it receives : - Tax free buffer fund to cushion the shock of death of key person -LRB- protect profits -RRB- - Funds to redeem shares for a buy-sell & / or succession plan - Life insurance death benefit creates a tax free capital dividend that can be paid out to surviving shareholders . With the business owner or key person responsible for the cash value portion of premium , he/she receives : - Tax advantaged accumulation without paying mortality costs - Access to cash value for living benefits -LRB- policy loans , withdrawals , collateral -RRB- - Increased retirement resources . Setting up the Shared Interest concept is complex . There are many issues to consider in addition to what is outlined here . Therefore , it is recommended you seek your own independent professional advice from your lawyer and/or accountant . Note : The Canada Revenue Agency 's -LRB- CRA -RRB- position is that each party in the shared interest agreement must pay a reasonable amount of the premium for the benefit the party receives . In a non-arm 's length situation , a taxable benefit may be considered to be conferred on one of the parties to the agreement unless all parties pay a cost equal to the fair market value of the benefit received . If you have further questions , or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me . If you would like to work with a local life insurance broker , you could start with a Google search . For example , if you search for : life insurance broker Halifax or life insurance agent Halifax , my name , along with several others , will come up . You can use the same method to find a life insurance broker in your community .
With most life insurance policies the lowest monthly premium they will offer is around $ 15 . The company that is braded as AARP life insurance is actually New York Life . New York Life is a highly rated life insurance company . Many of the life insurance certificates sold by New Your Life will allow for future rate increases so the initial rate MAY only be temporary with that particular company .
What Is Split Life Insurance?
I believe what you are referring to is what 's called `` split-dollar '' life insurance . This type of life insurance is generally used for businesses to help an employee purchase coverage - it can be used as a form of deferred compensation or as an incentive for the employee to work at that company . The idea of a split-dollar policy is to share or `` split '' aspects of the program between two parties -LRB- again - generally employer and employee -RRB- , including ownership , premiums , death benefits , cash value , and dividends . The advantages for the employee in doing this type of policy is to get the coverage they need to protect their family , but at a cheaper price . When the employer is paying premiums , the employee may be able to reduce their income tax liability when in higher tax brackets . Upon the death of the employee , the proceeds can be used to provide for estate liquidity . So why would the employer do all of this rather than make the employee buy an individual policy on their own ? In short , tax purposes . While it allows the employer to provide benefits to their employee with low costs , the portion of premiums the employer pays can be deducted for tax purposes . Upon the death of the employee , the employer is paid an amount equal to the sum of premiums paid on behalf of the deceased employee . These plans feature a good amount of flexibility for the employer as well , as they can modify or terminate the program at their discretion .
Both types of policies are good , but for different reasons . there are generally 2 types of insurance needs , permanent needs -LRB- last expense or burial benefit -RRB- , and temporary needs -LRB- mortgage cancellation insurance , college funding for you children , rent continuation for your family -RRB- . I generally find that most people have a need for both types , a solid foundation of permanent insurance that will take care of forever and term insurance that will take care of the needs that disappear as we get older . I would consult your life insurance agent and let him do a needs analysis for you . Some websites for these companies will allow you to complete this needs analysis online for yourself , and then elect to call an agent to your house or business .
What Is A Fixed Life Annuity?
The term fixed has to do with the cash accumulation of the annuity . It means that the money is invested in the fixed assets administered by the insurance company issuing the annuity . This is almost always guaranteed interest . Current interest can be credited , market permitting but there is always that guaranteed rate of interest .
Great question ! The benefits package was designed to attract and keep the better employee . Often , when pay rates are the same the addition of benefits , like health insurance , would be the difference between whom you chose to work for . Unfortunately , I think that over the next few years you will see more and more employers push their employees towards the Government marketplace by reducing or eliminating their offering of insurance coverage . By doing this , they will tell you that you will be getting a `` bigger paycheck '' while transferring the company 's expense and risk to you , the employee . I read recently that there were conservative estimates of trillions of dollars of profit for companies in this move , so I ca n't see them waiting too long to make that happen . In some cases , it will be cheaper for the employee , but no one is certain what percentage of the workforce will benefit . Thanks for asking !
How Much To Pay For Auto Insurance?
Pay as much as it takes to get the coverage you need to protect you and your family adequately . Once you determine how much coverage you need , shop around with several different insurance agents and make sure to include an independent insurance agent that is n't tied to just one company . Your rate will be based on many factors including : coverage limits , deductible levels , additional benefits , driving records , number and types of vehicles , age of drivers , and location . Shopping around will ensure you have the lowest rate .
A homeowners policy covers damage that are caused by perils . The perils are listed in the contract . If the shower is leaking because of damage caused by one of the perils , it should be covered . If the shower is leaking because of fair wear and tear , that is generally excluded . The homeowners policy does not cover routine maintenance items .
How Much To Pay For Auto Insurance?
Operating a car is expensive . Interestingly , it is much more expensive in most other countries . Insurance is one of the expenses of owning a car . If you have enough cash on hand to purchase another car should your car be determined to be a complete loss in an accident , you really dont need physical damage , comprehensive and collision , coverage at all . However it is unlikely you could pay for a large lawsuit resulting from personal injury and property damage that comes from an accident in which you are the guilty party . For that you should carry the highest liability limit that you can afford . What often appears to be the least expensive auto insurance can become the most expensive policy possible if the lawsuit and judgment exceeds the limits of liability in your auto policy . The cheapest auto insurance is the policy that pays the highest possible amount when you are sued .
As a part of the settlement of your claim , you can request to keep your car . The company will probably reduce the amount that they will pay you but you would then have the car . If the car is repaired and passes your state inspections it would be given a salvaged title . Many insurance companies will not provide comprehensive or collision coverage for a car with this impaired title , however liability insurance should be readily available .
What Information Do I Need For A Home Insurance Quote?
Select an agent that you trust . The agent will need the address of the home . He should be able to locate the age , construction , and size of the home from public records . The agent will need to know how the home has been finished . What type of flooring does it have ? Is there paint , wall paper or paneling on the walls ? Has the home been upgraded with a custom kitchen or bathrooms ? Are there pools , sheds , gazebos or a detached garage on the property ? The agent will also need to know if there have been losses in the last few years . Are there smokers in the house ? Then there are a many other questions that will be asked . Additionally , most companies require the application to have pictures of the property .
Universal Policies which have actually accrued a cash value -LRB- equity -RRB- can certainly be cashed in . Most older policies do not have cash value , since they were based on the days when interest rates were high . If yours does have cash value , because perhaps you paid in extra amount , known as over funding , they you may wish to do that , but whatever growth you have will be taxable . You would be better off perhaps in working with a knowledgeable agent who may be able to do a tax free exchange for you into a better policy for your needs . Gary Lane , Registered Representative and Agent , New York Life , 949 797 2424 . Thank you .
What Information Do I Need For A Home Insurance Quote?
You will need to provide the following information to receive an accurate auto quote : dates of birth of all drivers to be covered VIN numbers of vehicles to be covered Social Security number of primary insured and possibly other insureds amount of coverage you are seeking garaging address of vehicles milage of each driver to work and type of use for vehicle Motor vehicle history for all drivers to be covered
Yes , the beneficiary of life insurance can be a trust . Sometimes policy owners do not feel that the person -LRB- s -RRB- they want to receive the funds are capable of handling that money all at once . By leaving the life insurance proceeds to a trust , the death benefit can be allocated according to the policy owner 's wishes . However , leaving life insurance to a trust may open it up to estate taxes , in some states . Consult with a tax attorney to determine the best course of action .
What Information Do I Need For A Home Insurance Quote?
You will need the address of the property , Social Security number , basic information about the house such as ranch , two story , approximate age , has the wiring plumbing heating been updated if the house is older . Much of the information can be retrieved from the county auditors website by the agent . He will probably want to know if you have a dog and what type since some companies restrict certain breeds . If there is a pool , what type and is it fenced ? Some of this may not be absolutely essential for a generalized quote but if you want your independent insurance agent to be able to give you his best rate , the more information he has helps because he can shop the companies he represents . Your quoting agent can tell you the exact information he needs .
All disability insurance carriers have maximum coverage limits known as issue and participation limits -LRB- I&P limits -RRB- . To speak very broadly in terms of averages , this typically equates to 66 % of your gross earnings . The percentage is generally higher for lower incomes and lower for higher incomes . Issue limits are the maximum that you can have if insurance purchased through a single carrier is the only disability insurance coverage that you have . Participation limits are the maximum amount that you can have in coordination with coverage from other carriers . It 's advisable to target at least 66 % of your gross income in coverage , and any more that you can find and be approved for is seriously worth considering .
Does Medicare Provide Home Health Care?
In order to have home health care paid for by Medicare , you must be receiving certain services ordered by a doctor , the home health agency providing the care must be Medicare approved , and you must be certified as homebound by your doctor . Being homebound means that leaving home is n't recommended due to your condition , you need assistance such as a walker to leave home , or it takes considerable and taxing effort to leave home . You are allowed to go to doctor appointments and some short jaunts like religious services .
Certainly , one should purchase Life INsurance when there is a need for such protection . The obvious need is when someone is dependent upon you financially . However , someone may also be responsible for you financially should you die prematurely , say for eample your parents who may have cosigned for an auto loan . There is reason to consider life insurance both for financial depenency and financial responsibility . Even if either situation exists , however , consider that purchasing Life Insurance at a younger age is way less expensive , and if it is a form of permanent insurance , will give you many more years to accumulate the benefits of cash accumulation that is , in most cases , not taxable so long as the proceeds remain in the policy . The other reason to consider Life INsurance while young is that one you have the coverage , your `` insurability '' is protected meaning that even if you happen to develope a serious illness or condition when you are older that may otherwise hinder you from buyibng life insurance , that which you have can not be taken away from you .
Is Voluntary Disability Insurance Deductible?
Voluntary Disability Insurance is paid for with after tax dollars . However , then if you need to receive the benefit , it will not be taxed . The Disability benefit can not be more than 80 % of your salary , and will most likely be less than that . So taking out taxes can really take a chunk out of those crucial funds when you need them .
Those who can claim disability insurance are persons who have suffered a disability that keeps them from working . The time when they receive the benefit will depend on when the disability was incurred and the elimination period stated in their policy . The disability itself also must be covered under the policy .
Which Long Term Care Insurance Is Best?
The type of long term care insurance that is best for you will depend on your age , health , the features you are looking for , and even the area of the country in which you live . If you live in a small town and know that , if you were to need long term care insurance , you would go to a certain nursing home , you should get a policy that has the best features for that type of care . If you live in a city near your adult child , and know that , if you were to need long term care , she would want to take care of you , you should pick a policy that will pay a caregiver in your home . And of course , you will want to select the one with the best price for your health and age .
You should start a retirement plan as soon as you have a job . Even a small disciplined amount at the beginning can condition you to pay yourself first before any other expense . You can increase the amount as your monthly budget generates more cash flow . Your retirement years may be longer than you think with life expectancy ever increasing . What you do today will determine how you 'll live tomorrow .
How Do Index Annuities Work?
An Index Annuity is a type of Fixed Deferred Annuity . It guarantees a minimum return , while allowing index-linked gains up to a specified yearly cap or `` limit '' . The index-linked gains are usually based on a yearly basis . The most common crediting method is the `` Annual Point to Point '' method ; this method credits the yearly gain -LRB- during the contract year -RRB- up to the specified cap . There are other Crediting Methods that calculate index movements on a monthly or even bi-annual basis . But it is important to remember that all index-linked gains are limited to the yearly or monthly cap ; this is the trade off for receiving a guaranteed minimum return .
That is an interesting question ! I 'd list as choices to pick for answers to your question : A. -RRB- I need to start saving for retirement when I am 30 - or so . B. -RRB- I will get enough social security , disability , and Medicare that I really wo n't need to save C. -RRB- I need to save enough to last 10 years D. -RRB- I need to have at least a years salary put away to be good E. -RRB- All of the above Which answer would you choose ? Contact me for the one I 'd choose , and why . Thanks for asking !
Does Health Insurance Cover Weight Loss Programs?
There may be some plans that offer discounts on weight loss programs or gym memberships but generally your health will not cover a weight loss program you purchase over the counter . Every health insurance plan is different however and may offer at least some type of coverage depending on the weight loss program , is it medically necessary and prescribed by the doctor . Check with your agent to see what your policy covers .
The laptop would only be covered if the damage was due to a covered peril , such as fire , theft , vandalism or other named perils in your policy . If the laptop was damaged because you dropped it then it would not be covered . Check your policy or call your agent .
Does Health Insurance Cover Weight Loss Programs?
Depending on what you consider a `` program '' ... Maybe . It will cover your doctors visit where the Dr. can run a risk assesment and go over a program to help address one 's individual body issues . If you were wondering if health insurance would cover a gym membership and a physical trainer then no , although both employers and insurance companies are increasingly offering those services at discounted prices for their employees/policy holders -LRB- increasing the focus and development of preventive , proacitve ways to eliminate serious health issues before they develop or worsen -RRB- .
When homeowners insurance lapses , your coverage immediately stops . If you have a mortgage on your home your lender will automatically place insurance effective the first date of lapse . In this situation you want to get coverage back in place as soon as possible because lender placed temporary insurance can be up to 400 % more expensive than your prior company .
Can The Government Make You Buy Health Insurance?
WEBSITELINK Click on Individual Health then on righthand side near bottom you will see health reform/penalties ... click on that . This website is from one of my partners who specializes in Health Insurance . I am using this to answer this question or rather to support my answer . Can the Government Make you buy Health Insurance ... answer is NO ! However , you will be `` taxed '' or rather have to pay a penalty if you do not have health insurance . So in a sense , you are buying it although it is not stated this way .
Cash surrender value comes only with Whole Life Insurance , never with Term . It is the amount you can terminate your policy and receive . That amount includes both what you put in and what profit you made . The profit is taxable , just as most profit would be taxable . A far better idea would be NOT to surrender your Whole Life Policy , but instead to keep it and borrow against it and either then not repay it or choose to repay it as you wish . You continue to grow in value , even when the loan is out , and your policy stays in force , although the death benefit is reduced by the loan until it is paid back . There are numerous option you should discuss with a qualified agent . Gary Lane , Registered Representative , New York Life , 949 797 2424 . Call anytime . Thank you .
When Was Medicare Part B Enacted?
Medicare was enacted in 1965 by the Lyndon B. Johnson administration . The program went into effect in 1966 and was originally administered by the Social Security Administration . Today Medicare is administered by CMS `` Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services '' . Medicare covers eligible persons who are over 65 years of age or under 65 for disabled individuals . For more on the history of medicare please visit
A minor can receive life insurance proceeds , but if a competent adult to manage their money is not named in your will , trust , or under your state 's UTMA , a property guardian may be designated by the court to manage their money for them until they become adults .
Is Whole Life Insurance A Good Investment?
Video Transcript : Today 's question is , `` Is whole life insurance a good investment ? '' Well , if you 've been on the web , you know there are a lot of detractors on this . Whole life , as an investment , are for conservative investors , for people who want to beat at least the Treasuries , because if it had a history being able to at least on over a long period of time to do a little bit better than Treasuries . So if you 're looking at whole life as a supplemental income and it 's configured correctly by using the lowest possible base amount with term writers and a paid up addition writer , that combination could be good for a very conservative , long term investor or long-term saver 's mindset . And remember its tax advantage , withdrawals are basis and policy loans to gain could come out absolutely free as long as you keep the contract enforced for the policy ensured .
A Medicare Supplement or Medigap policy is one very important option for people on Medicare . The main job of a Medigap plan is to act as a stop-loss policy for standard Medicare A and B. For someone with only standard Medicare , there is no maximum out of pocket amount that you can spend on your medical treatment . For instance , if you have a procedure that costs $ 250,000 , you would owe $ 50,000 . With a Medigap policy , that amount would be reduced and max out at a certain point . Depending on your health , your finances , and how much of a loss you 're willing to deal with , different Medigap policies -LRB- or Medicare Advantage policies -RRB- fit best for different people . Talk to a independent broker licensed in your state about your specific situation .
Is Whole Life Insurance A Good Investment?
Whole Life is NOT an investment . It is a protection , with many benefits . You can always risk your money in stocks or bonds . But if you want it to be safe and be guaranteed to grow , you need whole life insurance . It never decreases , and the premiums never change -LRB- you can even prepay them for life and later pay nothing -RRB- and the appreciation of a policy with New York Life can even pay the premium later , or lend you the money for college , a new home , or your retirement , tax free .
You should stop paying for disability insurance once you have enough savings to pay all your ongoing bills without an income . These bills might include your mortgage , real estate taxes , car payments , credit card debt , insurance premiums , groceries , utilities , and more . Many people never reach this point . They live check to check with little savings . The premiums for the policy may put a dent in your lifestyle , but you never know about tomorrow .
What Is Reassure America Life Insurance Company?
Reassure America Life Insurance Company was purchased by Valley Forge Existence Insurance Company in 2007 . Reassure America Life Insurance Company offers reinsurance for variable , term , universal and survivorship life . It also offers reinsurance for group benefits as well . Its changed its name back in 1999 from the old Royal Maccabees Existing Insurance Company .
You can apply for health insurance coverage during the annual open enrollment period or when you qualify for a special enrollment period -LRB- having a qualifying life event - e.g. getting married , giving birth to a child , etc. -RRB- Under the new Afforable Care Act , each individual health plan is , in short , guaranteed-issue - you can not be declined for health insurance due to a pre-existing condition or other health-related issue . You have the option to secure a bronze , silver , gold , or platinum level plan - please note , not every carrier offers a plan under each level -LRB- e.g. company XYZ may only offer bronze , silver , and gold plans , but not platinum plans -RRB- . Individuals under age 30 also have the option of securing a catastrophic plan . If you qualify for a subsidy , you would want to look into plans ON the health insurance exchanges . If you do n't qualify for one , you may want to look into plans OFF the exchanges as you will generally have more options available to you . I highly recommend working with an independent insurance agent/broker as they can help clarify the details under each plan from multiple carriers and guide you through the process of securing a health plan that will best serve your needs -LRB- and in today 's world ... stay within your budget -RRB- .
Does Renters Insurance Cover Cell Phone Damage?
Renters Insurance , or what I would refer to as a Tenant-homeowner 's policy , would cover any personal property you own except that which is specifically listed as `` Property not covered '' . Some of the specific types of property not covered include autos , aircraft , animals , birds and fish . Since cell phones are not on that list , they would be covered property . Specific limits apply to certain types of property , money , theft of jewelry or silver , etc. . Cell phones are not on that list either . While a cell phone may be `` covered property '' , the damage it sustains must be caused by one of the covered perils . The perils are listed and include fire , lightning , wind , hail , theft , vehicle damage , etc. . You will note water damage is not a covered peril , nor is dropping the phone or breaking the screen . These policies have , in addition , a number of exclusions including earthquake , flood , intentional damage , etc. . So cell phones would be covered as long as they were damaged by a covered peril and the damage exceeded the deductible which is commonly $ 250 or more . If you meet all those tests , the basic policy would then reimburse you for the actual value of the phone , not what it costs to replace it . Optional replacement cost coverage is generally available , if you have it the cost of a new phone would be the basis for your claim . Then the question will be what is the value of the phone ? Is it the actual phone or the two year service agreement you have committed yourself to ? Bottom line , I would n't depend on Renter 's Insurance to cover damage to my cell phone . It seems to me one of those non-catastrophic risks you may be better off assuming .
An immediate income annuity is a contract in which an insurance company guarantees an uninterrupted stream of monthly payments in exchange for a single premium payment . The payments must start within 12 months and there are other payment plans to tailor the annuity to your particular needs . These usually have a higher immediate return than other investments
How Would You Rate Life Insurance As A Form Of Investment?
That is a great question ! The answer is that as an investment in your peace of mind , it is priceless . As an investment in your future , and in knowing that you 've protected your loved ones , it 's again , priceless . As a financial product , not so much . Life insurance is not designed to make you rich , in fact , it has safeguards built in to keep someone from trying to overinsure themselves . Agents are actually advised to never use certain potentially misleading words in their presentations , and investment is one of them . Any agent that tells you that you can make a ton of money off of life insurance should be politely dismissed . Many will promote policies that are showing you large cash growth numbers , but if you look closely at what has to happen for those numbers to be realistic , they often prove themselves to not be . Please feel free to contact me for more specifics , okay ? Thanks for asking ?
It takes a skilled agent to personally craft an insurance program for you . You can buy policies in many places but those who you love are individuals , your financial situation is personal , your attitude towards charities is different . You are unique . Your insurance program should fit you .
How Would You Rate Life Insurance As A Form Of Investment?
Life Insurance as a form Of Investment can be achieved by designing the life insurance policy for maximum cash values and compliant TAMRA minimum death benefit . Product suitability is a significant issue if you select variable universal life , which is a security and has the potential to lose money and incurs policy expenses . Indexed and current assumption universal life both have crediting methods that protect against losses but not against policy expenses . Participating whole life insurance could be an option if the design uses maximum term and paid up addition riders . These have potential tax advantages as well but also have surrender charges in the first 9-15 years of the policy , so liquidity can be a problem .
Life insurance usually costs under $ 100 per month . The age of the Insured , the length of time that the price is locked in , the health of the person being insured , and the type of policy all enter into the cost . And of course , it depends on how much life insurance you want .
What Is A Third Party Administrator In Health Insurance?
If you go to WEBSITELINK and type in `` section 105 '' you can get more details . A third party adminstrator is often used when a company wants to self insure-which by the way is increasing in order to exempt themselves from the ACA confusion . Companies that offer `` section 125 plans known as `` Cafeteria Plans '' typically has a third party adminstratlor
Critical Illness insurance is a form of health cash indemnity insurance that will help pay the costs of treatments and other financial obligations at home . The payments are lump sum cash , and tax free and a supplement for any other insurance can be used along with this coverage . Amounts are from 20,000 to .1,000,000 depending on company and policy . Coverage is for Cancer , Heart Attack , Stroke , and Renal Failure
What Are The Best Fixed Annuities?
There are two points of view in fixed rate annuities . Under the low interest rate environment , the largest rate guaranteed for the shortest period and insurance company ratings be dammed . Or the ratings and balance sheet of the insurance company matters most and if that means a lesser interest rate , so be it . Most advisers are not locking fixed interest rates beyond five years .
No , a last will and testament does not override the beneficiary designation on a life insurance policy . Your testamentary will is used for directing assets of your estate that do not have joint ownership -LRB- such as real estate , or a bank account -RRB- . Your life insurance or annuity policy that has a legally designated beneficiary can not be overridden or voided by your last will and testament .
Can A Canadian Buy Life Insurance In The US?
While there are some life insurance companies that offer coverage in both Canada and the United States , I am not aware of a Canadian being able to buy life insurance in the US . Some companies offer persons living in Canada the ability to buy life insurance in the US if they are US citizens , will sign the application and do the exam here , and will sign the delivery requirements here .
In most cases state disability insurance is not something you sign up for . There are five states with mandatory short term disability . Private workers are automatically enrolled . Government workers may have the option to participate , but the government entity must agree to automatically enroll all employees . California allows self employed workers to sign up for its state short term disability program . Social security disability is administered at the state level . Every citizen makes premium payments into the fund via FICA payroll taxes . If you need to apply for benefits after becoming disabled , you would need to contact your state disability determination office .
Does Car Insurance Cover Wear And Tear?
Car Insurance does not cover you for wear and tear . Depending on your coverage , car insurance covers for Liability , Property Damage , Uninsured/Underinsured Motorists , Medical and Personal Injury -LRB- additional Personal Injury is also available -RRB- , Collision and Comprehensive -LRB- also available with Glass coverage -RRB- , Roadside help and Rental Reimbursement . I hope this helps !
Anyone can buy Life Insurance . The wealthy are shrewd with financial dealings . As an advisor many offers are dealing with estate preservation . They are good with investment products due to their high financial assets . They buy at a higher premium amount to accumulate more wealth as what the advantage of Life Insurance permits . At a higher payment for the policy . They can use the lump sum to keep taxes from cutting into the estate . They can cash in higher on cash values of the policy for the accumulation is higher due to the high investments . Finally , along with the lump sum millions they receive . People also can use this advantage at lower incomes if you like and would spend hundreds of dollars a month for a multi million dollar policy . It is always best to get the preferred rate at a younger age for lower premiums . My specialty .
Does Car Insurance Cover Wear And Tear?
No , car insurance does not cover wear and tear . Insurance is designed to protect you from accidents and damage caused to your vehicle , other people 's property , and bodily injury to yourself , your passengers and others . Wear and tear should be handled as part of the normal maintenance of your vehicle .
Tax deferred and immediate annuities are only as safe as the contract provisions state . And the contract is only as good as the financial strength of the company that issues the policy . The financial strength of the company is based , in part , on its portfolio holdings . Several rating services monitor the financial strength and claims paying ability of insurance companies .
Does Car Insurance Cover Wear And Tear?
Car insurance provides coverage for losses due to your car caused by collision with another motor vehicle or a stationary object , a human being or animal . It also provides coverage for loss due to theft , fire , vandalism , damage by a falling object etc. . These are examples of covered losses which would be settled provided that you have both Comprehensive and Collision coverage as part of your policy . Wear and tear are not covered perils in a car insurance policy .
Only the owner of the 401 -LRB- k -RRB- can withdraw money . If the owner is deceased , then the beneficary can make a claim to receive the balance of the 401 -LRB- k -RRB- . You need to be aware that when a withdrawal of monies is made , taxes will be owed the year the withdrawal is made .
How To Get Medigap?
You can buy a Medigap policy through a Medigap insurance agent - I highly recommend doing it through an independent agent who can shop your case among many carriers instead of just 1 or 2 through a captive agent -LRB- agents who are basically employees of a specific company and ca n't guarantee if you 're paying the lowest cost for a standardized Medigap plan -RRB- . You can apply for a Medigap plan up to 3 months before your Medicare Part B effective date - you must have both Medicare Part A & Medicare Part B to buy a Medigap plan . Once you have an established Medicare Part B effective date , you will have a 6-month open enrollment period to buy any Medigap plan from any carrier with NO medical underwriting - this is THE BEST time to buy a Medigap plan . After this point , you can buy a new Medigap plan whenever you would like -LRB- there are no annual enrollment periods for Medigap plans -RRB- , however , you would have to go through medical underwriting if you do n't qualify for a special enrollment period or a guaranteed-issue right . Determining which Medigap plan is right from you and which carrier to apply for the plan through can be a bit more involved than some may realize . It 's not all about price as some may believe . You need to look at the carriers ' premium rating methods -LRB- community , attained , or issue age rated -RRB- , their rates , their rate increase history , their service history , and other factors . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for assistance with your Medigap coverage needs , including providing quotes and plan comparisons , and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
Why ? My Son was renting an apartment in North Carolina a few years ago , when a kitchen fire got out of control and spread everywhere in the dwelling , causing extensive damage . He lost all his belongings and was obviously unable to live in the apartment . Fortunately he had listened to me over his ` formative years ' and purchased a renters policy . It paid him for everything he lost and gave him additional living expenses , to rent another apartment . Not an expensive policy for the benefits , in the event of a loss , particularly of this type .
Is Home Insurance Mandatory In Connecticut?
No , the State of CT does not make it mandatory to have Homeowners ' Insurance , but if you have a Mortgage , then your lender does . When you are buying a home or otherwise obtaining a mortgage or home equity on a home , your lender , among other things will ask you to provide a copy of a binder or amended Homeowners Declaration Sheet showing them listed as an interested party on your property . They do this to protect their own interest , which makes perfect sense . However , if you have property , mortgage or not , this can be one of the most important investments you will make in your lifetime . Frankly , mandatrory or not , you owe it to yourself to protect your own interest and your family 's home .
Private split dollar life insurance is a plan that allows for the costs and/or benefits of a life insurance to be split between two private parties . Those participating in private split dollar arrangements are usually family members or their trusts . Often , a second to die life insurance policy is used with a life insurance trust . To find out more about options using private split dollar life insurance , contact a knowledgeable life insurance agent .
Can An 80 Year Old Person Get Life Insurance?
While it 's possible for an 80 year old to get life insurance , it can sometimes be a bit of a process . At 80 one might still qualify for certain simplified issue policies . Simplified issue simply means that the normal medical underwriting requirements might not be quite as invasive as they would otherwise be . If the individual is in superlative health , he or she can also entertain a fully underwritten policy , meaning he or she will undergo pretty extensive medical underwriting in order to qualify for the life insurance policy . This would be the cheaper option per dollar of death benefit purchased , but requires the proposed insured to be in excellent health . If someone this age is considering life insurance time is of the essence as many carriers cutoff eligibility after age 80 and many more cutoff at age 85 . Very few will go up to age 90 , which is where almost all stop issuing policies .
Lost items generally are not covered under a Homeowners ' policy 's standard terms and conditions . However , if you have items that are specifically insured on a rider , jewelry for example , then the coverage provided by the rider is broader . In those cases , `` mysterious disappearance '' is a covered peril . That means if you find that the diamond has fallen out of your engagement ring , or your grandmother 's wedding ring can not be found , then you would have coverage under the rider so long as the item was listed and documented .
Can An 80 Year Old Person Get Life Insurance?
Yes , an 80 year old person can get life insurance if they do not have a very serious health condition . There are final expense policies that can be purchased at age 80 , which are whole life and usually have a maximum face amount of about $ 25,000 . There are also medically underwritten policies up to any amount that can be bought by seniors of pretty good health .
It 's important to ask yourself , `` If I become disabled , how long can I go without a paycheck ? '' Disability insurance is basically paycheck protection . Should you become sick or injured and can no longer work , it will pay monthly benefits for a pre-determined amount of time . For most people , their savings would not allow them to sustain their current lifestyle for very long .
What Makes A Retirement Plan Qualified?
Generally speaking , a qualified retirement plan is one legislated by the government with tax advantaged features to attract American workers to save for retirement . One example is The Employee Retirement Income Security act of 1974 -LRB- ERISA -RRB- that addresses defined benefit and defined contribution plans . And one of the most popular employer sponsored defined contribution retirement plans is a 401 -LRB- k -RRB- . Plan participants can make pretax contributions that accumulate tax deferred and some employers match a portion of the employee 's contribution . Of course distributions at retirement are taxed as ordinary income and there are penalties for distributions before age 59 1/2 .
Health insurance can be effective the next day , and often the same day , depending on health conditions , underwriting guidelines and the type of policy you are applying for . Short-term temporary plans can often be approved immediately or within 24 hours . Other types of policies typically take longer to be approved . However , instant approvals are still possible with specific carriers .
Can I Have Private Insurance And Medicare?
Yes , people who have Medicare part A & B can also have a Medigap Plan -LRB- or Medicare Supplement Insurance -RRB- . A Medigap Plan covers what original Medicare Part A & B does not such as co-insurance , deductibles and co-pays . These plans are offered through private insurance companies . The best way to compare Medigap Plans is to contact an independent agent that can you show you quotes from all the major private insurance carriers .
Medicare does pay for testing for sleep apnea . There are four types of sleep study tests , and the treating physician must determine which is most cost effective and medically necessary for the sleep apnea testing for that particular patient . The testing can take place in or out of a sleep study lab .
What Is The Age For Medicare Coverage?
Most people will go on Medicare when they turn age 65 . Medicare Part A which covers hospital care should come automatically . Then you need to decide if you need Medicare Part B . If you are retired then you need Medicare Part B which covers doctors and tests . If you are still working then check with your benefits department to see if the company offers a plan or if you should get Part B and a Medicare Supplement Plan . Medicare Part A & B only covers about 80 % of the cost of care so it 's a good idea to look at getting a Medicare Supplement Plan to cover the difference . An independent agent that specializes in Medicare can be a big help in understanding your options and reviewing the plans with you .
Great question . Generally no , your Homeowners ' policy will not cover for anything that is lost . This is referred to as `` Mysterious Disappearance '' in your policy documents and is usually listed as a specific exclusion . That having been said , you can certainly obtain coverage for such a loss by working with your insurance professional and asking that the item be insured specifically either as a rider which is attached to your Homeowners ' policy or as a stand alone separate policy . You will need to provide a current appraisal and the item would be insured to the stated amount on the appraisal . Such riders or separate policies -LRB- commonly referred to as `` Personal Inland Marine '' -RRB- include much broader coverage than does a standard Homeowners policy and will cover for such a loss .
Will Homeowners Insurance Cover Engagement Ring?
Most home insurance policies provide minimal coverage for items such as jewelry ; but it is minimal coverage and your deductible will apply . However , most home insurance companies allow these types of items to be scheduled on the policy . Scheduling allows you to select the amount of insurance for each item scheduled ; and it also usually allows for broader coverage and in some cases there is no deductible . Insurance is different in every state and every policy is different . For starters , make sure to review with your professional insurance agent to select the right policy , and then review to see if scheduling any items is beneficial to your situation .
There is really no such thing as a true or accurate `` average cost for health insurance '' that can be used to estimate the cost you should pay for coverage . Companies available for you to purchase health insurance from can vary dramatically depending on where you reside . In some areas , consumers have dozens of companies to select from , allowing great freedom of choice for you to elect the plan best suited to your needs . In other areas , especially for those seeking subsidized coverage through the Affordable Care Act , also known as Obamacare , many consumers have as few as one of two options to select from . When seeking the best coverage for your personal situation , it is always best to contact an licensed , independent agent that works with all of the major companies in your area . Their service is free , and can help you save thousands of dollars in the very near future , especially if you have any major medical claims .
Will My Health Insurance Pay For A Gym Membership?
Most likely , and technically , no it does not . In most allcases it is usually a Wellness Program that pays for a gym membership , and even then it is usually a reimbursement payment . But , there are some instances where an employer defined contribution plan or self-insured plan will pay for a gym membership or has a membership built into the benefits package .
There is no one best life insurance policy for everyone . Some types of insurance work better than others for certain needs . The premiums for some types of life insurance are prohibitive , or that type of coverage may be unavailable , at certain ages or with certain risk factors . Life insurance is personal coverage , and if you would find the best policy for you , you must consult with an agent who will take your personal details , then work hard to find the best policy for YOU .
Does Health Insurance Become Taxable?
Not today , but someday it is very possible . Health insurance is about the only insurance or benefit sold where both the employer and employee get a tax break on it . The employer gets to write off the expense of providing health insurance to employees . Employees do not pay income taxes on the benefit received or any taxes on the claims paid . For several decades the government has kicked around changing the tax status to match other benefits . Things are swinging in the taxable income direction as we are now seeing the employer contribution for insurance starting to appear on W-2 , which if it is n't going to be a taxable benefit , why put it on the basic employment tax form ?
Hospital beds are considered durable medical goods and are covered under Medicare Part B . If you can prove that the hospital bed is medically necessary and you have Medicare Part B then the cost of the hospital bed will be covered under medicare .
Does Health Insurance Become Taxable?
Eh ... . little more involved than thatThe Affordable Care Act was enacted on March 23 , 2010 . It contains some tax provisions that are in effect and more that will be implemented during the next several years . The following is a list of provisions for which the IRS has issued proposed and/or final guidance ; additional information will be added to this page as it becomes available . WEBSITELINK
Life Insurance for soldiers -LRB- SGLI -RRB- costs 6.5 cents per month per $ 1,000 of coverage at the current time -LRB- June , 2013 -RRB- . To calculate that , you take the number of thousands of dollars of coverage you are receiving -LRB- soldiers are automatically enrolled for $ 400,000 -RRB- times that factor . 400 times 6.5 cents comes to $ 26/month . With the TSGI protection added for $ 1/month , the total premium comes to $ 27/month . Keep in mind that , under current VA benefits there is no time when you will be able to convert that Term policy to Permanent insurance , or buy a Permanent policy , through the Veterans Administration . So while that is a very reasonable price for $ 400,000 of life insurance , it is a good idea to get a private permanent policy on the side while young and healthy enough to get a good rate .
What Is The Monthly Cost Of Homeowners Insurance?
The only way to receive accurate estimates for yourself is to contact a few insurance agents in the area you 're considering purchasing a home . An insurance agent can provide a quote for a property you 're considering purchasing . Home insurance rates can vary greatly based on geographic location , the individual home and the individual homeowner . The average monthly cost of 20 homeowners in Austin TX might be $ 100/month , but the average monthly cost of 20 homeowners in Houston TX might be $ 200/month because of the greater risk of hurricanes .
I do not see a major impact short term . There have been talks of cutting some reimbursements to providers or extending the age to qualify to age 66 . Without a crystal ball it is difficult to say exactly what any kind of Medicare reform will look like , but most of that is due to the financial state of Medicare , not specifically to the Affordable Care Act .
How Much Life Insurance Does A 30 Year Old Need?
That really depends on your current situation . Are you married ? Do you have children ? A mortgage ? Do you support your parents ? If you were n't around any more , how difficult would it be for your family to survive ? One way to look at how much life insurance to get is to figure out how much of your income your family needs each month -LRB- include things that you do that they may now have to hire people for -RRB- and how long they will need it . -LRB- For instance until your kids are through school -RRB- . That is how much life insurance you need .
Just as a simple direct answer , a college student should know that life insurance is the most important insurance product once you find a loved one that depends on you . Too many widows and widowers are financially devastated at a loss of a spouse or loved one . Life insurance is the most affordable at a young age . Buy as much as you can afford as early as possible . I have never seen a widow turn down a beneficiary claim check because it was too much money .
How Much Life Insurance Does A 30 Year Old Need?
The most typicallife insurance is term , which is used for covering specific needs that will disappear with time , such as : - Income replacement - Financial security for dependents - Mortgage protection - College funding for children - Final/burial expenses If none of these apply to you or you have money set aside to `` self-insure '' , thenyou may not need life insurance at all . But if you do , just follow three simple steps . 1 -RRB- Decide on the `` term '' -LRB- length of coverage -RRB- . It should be long enough to see your kids grown and through college . 20 -25 years , is typical . 2 -RRB- Determine the amount of coverage . Use an online insurance needs calculator . There is one that is thorough and easy to use at WEBSITELINK Once you 've decided on term and coverage ... 3 -RRB- Comparison shop . There is a big difference between costs from insurer to insurer . Again , visit a a website to arm yourself with life insurance quotes from A-rated insurance companies . 4 -RRB- Then talk to an agent . They can often get you an even lower price . Or if you have complicating factors -LRB- health , age , other needs -RRB- , they can find you the best deal .
Permanent Life Insurance is either Whole Life or Universal Life . There are variations of those , including Indexed and Variable policies . The label `` permanent '' does not necessarily mean the policy will never end . It means that if you buy Whole or Universal life insurance , you have the option to set them up policies so that they can last forever -LRB- until death at any age -RRB- . The opposite of Permanent life insurance is Term life insurance . This is coverage that is set up for temporary coverage . It may have the option to be converted to Permanent insurance with no medical underwriting .
How Much Life Insurance Does A 30 Year Old Need?
Determine who you love . How would your unexpected passing affect them ? Would you be leaving behind obligations that they could not bear alone ? Would the loss of your income affect their lives ? Would they have the same future that you wanted to give them ? Then go back to the original question , `` how much do you love them ? ''
21st Century auto insurance is very popular in many states . Although their rates are typically , not the lowest in that particular area , they are a reputable company . Some of the major car insurance companies other than 21st Century are Progressive , Geico , State Farm , Allstate Esurance , Nationwide , Liberty Mutual and Travelers . An experienced broker or a reputable national website can offer you multiple free quotes from top-rated companies and allow you to apply online , in most situations .
How Much Life Insurance Does A 30 Year Old Need?
Any life insurance policy is always financially analyzed according to future financial needs for any sudden mishap ending in the death of someone or for the creation of an estate for generations to come when someone passes on . A 30 year old is at a young age where rate is important and health so they may get a preferred rate resulting in lower premiums and higher benefit . You may also choose however much insurance to buy at your discretion in order to build and estate and leave your loved ones financially secure . Speak to an agent let them advise you further . I am always open to consultation .
If we were to average the insurance cost on one new car of every make and model , and do the same for every truck and SUV , the difference in cost between the rate will largely be the difference between the group of cars with a higher average value . Recent research has shown trucks to be slightly less expensive for occupants because they weather an accident better in a vehicle with greater mass -LRB- weight -RRB- . On the other hand , trucks are causing slightly greater injuries to those hit by trucks and inside the cars they hit . Dollar for dollar I 'd give a very slight edge to trucks as cheaper to insure .
Can I Take Out Life Insurance On My Ex-Husband?
Can you take out life insurance on your ex ? Yes , there are a couple of ways that you could go about this . The first way is with their consent . The EX spouse would have to agree to be insured and you could be the owner . The second way , which in Divorce situations is probably the most common , is have the court require the ex spouse to carry life insurance for a certain number of years and a certain face amount to ensure future support payments if an early death occurs .
I would say based on my personal experience that the average cost of homeowners insurance in Wisconsin is around $ 1000/yr . There are many factors that go into determining the premium amount for your homeowners insurance . Some of the factors that are used are geographic location of the premise , the age of the premise , the valuation of the premise , and the amount coverage desired just to name a few .
Can I Take Out Life Insurance On My Ex-Husband?
Yes , you can take out life insurance on your ex-husband if there is an insurable interest and he will sign the application and go through underwriting . Often the court mandates a life insurance policy on an ex , or it is necessary to make sure that the child support and/or alimony get paid if something happens to the ex .
You need to have the coverage in force at the time you have long term care expenses . So , to need to plan ahead . It is always best to buy when you are young and healthy . So , the best time to buy is now . Delaying purchase of long term care insurance can result in paying higher premiums since they increase at older issue ages . Also , your chances of becoming uninsurable for long term care insurance increase with age . Long term care can impact adults at any age so it is never too soon to purchase insurance for it . The average age of purchase has been falling in recent years as more people are purchasing it at younger ages . Many are buying in their 40s and 50s .
Can I Take Out Life Insurance On My Ex-Husband?
You can take out a life insurance on your ex-husband as long as your ex-husband agrees to having you take out a life insurance policy on him . He will need to sign the application as the Insured person , even if you are the Owner and Payer of the policy . Also , there must be a financial reason for you to have life insurance on your ex-husband . E.g. . He pays child support or alimony that would be lost if he passed .
Your beneficiary should always be the person who will suffer the most financial loss upon your death . Whether it is a spouse or significant other , family member or business partner . Who needs your income or who would have to pay for your debts or who will be in charge of your final expenses ? That is your beneficiary .
How Long Has Long Term Care Insurance Been Available?
Long Term Care Insurance started to become available in the 1980 's at a time when nursing home costs were rising drastically . The first Long Term Care group policy was written in 1987 . The federal government tried to make LTC policies more popular by offering tax favored status for purchasing tax qualified plans in the last 1990 's .
While most states have noticed an increase in property premiums this past year , some have not . California has experienced a decrease . The simple answer is that the insurance premium reflects losses that the companies incur . If the company collects $ 100 and pays out $ 101 they will lose money and in a few similar years , cease to operate . The companies file with the individual state commissioners and have to show their gross premiums , expenses and claims in that state . With that information the commissioner may allow them to adjust their rates . The insurance commissioner is also very interested in the company remaining viable so that it can meet future claims
How Are Auto Insurance Companies Rated?
There are various services out there rank insurance companies based on differing factors . Two the main rating services that I am aware of are AM Best and Wards , but there are many more . To find the carrier that may be best for you contact your friends and family and ask them what carrier they use and if they are happy with the service that they are being provided .
The government has been concerned about military families for a long time . During the second world war a program was initiated the provided life insurance for GIs . The program was voluntary but all of the costs were underwritten by the government . The end result that those who purchased those policies had great benefits at minimal cost . Later Servicemans group life insurance -LRB- SGLI -RRB- became the program and this is a term life program that is extremely competitive and is available to servicemen and women without medical information .
Can A Homeowner Buy Renters Insurance?
If you own your house you need a homeowners policy because Renters insurance does not cover the dwelling . Part of your homeowners policy is personal property coverage which covers your personal belongings any where in the world . Coverage is limited to 10 % of your personal property limit if a claim occurs away from your home . For example , you are traveling on vacation and your luggage is stolen . Your house is insured for $ 500,000 and you have $ 350,000 personal property coverage . You will have coverage up to $ 35,000 for your stolen luggage .
Yes . Many people have two disability policies . In addition to long term disability policies , some people also own short term disability policies that are designed to fill in the gap between the time you become disabled and when you can start using your long term disability policy -LRB- assuming you have this type -RRB- .
Who Underwrites Direct Line Car Insurance?
Direct Line is handed in Europe and morespecifically , Great Britain . Here in the United States , there are many major car insurance companies that offer affordable coverage . You can easily shop and compare different rates through experienced brokers . Just like the famous saying says ... We shop and you save ! And it 's true !
Depending on the company and the type of life insurance policy that you are applying for . The company may along with getting your medical history from you and your doctor may require a blood sample that will be tested for many things including drugs . This is necessary to ensure that you are being rated properly getting a premium that is deserved not arbitrary . Full disclose is the best way to ensure that you get what you are looking for out of a policy . If you skirt the truth or provide false answers your policy may be cancelled or the insurance company may only be required to refund your premiums paid ; upon death ; not the policy amount . Every company and policy is different . Please contact a local agent to get more detailed information regarding coverage and exclusions .
How Do Unit Linked Annuities Work?
There are two basic types of annuities : immediate and deferred . With an immediate annuity , you exchange a lump sum for an immediate income . This is often used as retirement income . All , or part of , the income received from a unit linked annuity -LRB- variable annuity -RRB- fluctuates based on the performance of the fund or funds you have selected . A deferred annuity is an accumulation plan that provides the option of an income annuity in the future . In Canada unit linked or variable annuities are called segregated funds or seg funds . They are similar to mutual funds and their value will increase or decrease based on performance . Since they are issued by insurance companies , they do offer maturity and death benefit guarantees . Some offer the resets or the locking in of maturity guarantee to protect investment gains . If you have further questions , or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me . If you would like to work with a local Retirement Planner , you could start with a Google search . For example , if you search for : retirement planner Halifax or retirement planning Halifax , my name , along with several others , will come up . You can use the same method to find Retirement Planners in your community .
Of course you can Contest the Beneficiary of Life Insurance . The question will be Do you have a chance at winning ? Life Insurance is all about insurable interest and the beneficiary is generally a person or entity which stands to loose financially from the death of the insured . So , if you have an interest with the insured , stand to loose something then you may have a chance to win . It will depend on the situation and the court of law will make that determination .
What Is The Best Way To Shop For Cheap Life Insurance Rates?
Using an independent agent can help ensure that you get the best life insurance policy possible for your budget . People often begin the life insurance buying process by getting quotes for low cost life insurance from a few different websites . This is a good way to do basic research and get an idea of what your life insurance policy might cost . But when it comes to making a decision to apply for life insurance , we find most people really want to talk with a professional who can answer their questions and help to make sure that they are choosing the best life insurance policy for their needs .
Many carriers provide policies for individuals to purchase that are self employed or wish to purchase coverage outside of what their emplyer offfers . I would suggest contacting your local agent if you already have other insurance coverages as they may be able to provide you with information on the plans and carriers that they work with or possibly suggest another local agent to work with to secure coverage .
What Is The Best Way To Shop For Cheap Life Insurance Rates?
That is an excellent question ! These days , everybody searches on the internet for things , and you could do that for insurance , but I would n't , and here 's why . Most internet sites are going to give you a `` quick quote '' , based upon the best case scenario . In a great many cases , that `` best rate '' wo n't in truth apply . It 's legal , because it COULD apply , but misleads many people to believe that would be their price . I seriously recommend that you search the internet for local independent agents , and then talk to a couple of them personally . Once they know a little bit about you , they can give you pretty accurate quotes from several companies , and let you see the differences between them . You want this person to be someone that you form a relationship with , to be there for you when there is trouble , and I 'm not sure an internet site can do that as well as a live body can . Give that a try , okay ? Thanks for asking !
As far as the liability , uninsured motorist and medical coverage part of it , it 's about the same as classic car insurance on a regular classic car . But with comprehensive and collision coverage , it can get a little more pricey due to lack of competition . Many classic car insurance companies will not insure a kit car for physical damage coverage , only liability . So you have to look a little harder to find the right companies to quote with .
What Is The Best Way To Shop For Cheap Life Insurance Rates?
Sometimes cheapest is not always better . Remember , you get what you pay for . If you go to a website that only provides you with a few cheap quotes you may not be getting the best products available . Sometimes those sites are not kept current with changing products . What if you have questions or issues with the application or the insurance policy itself ? In a lot of cases it is difficult to get in contact with a licensed agent to get those questions answered or the problems corrected . Generally speaking , it is the service work a particular agent provides the customer that makes the difference in these instances . Furthermore , your agent will be able to help you customize your insurance to meet your specific needs and budget . Your agent should be able to get a good foundation product for you . Then , you can add to it as your finances improve . Plus , your agent will be able to assist you with future decisions about your insurance portfolio as you reach other milestones in you life . A relationship with your insurance agent should be a life-long relationship that way he or she will be able to help with items after the initial purchase of the policy such as : possible loans , riders , and claims .
Workers Compensation is a form of disability insurance provided by your employer to protect you from disability caused by on the job injury . Disability insurance protects you from disability on or off the job from injury or sickness . For example , if you have a heart attack and can not work for six months , workers comp will not pay unless the heart attack has an indisputable connection to your employment . Disability Insurance would pay regardless .
What Is The Best Way To Shop For Cheap Life Insurance Rates?
Even though this is what I do for a living and may sound self serving , I would use an independent life insurance broker . Yes , you can get quotes and buy online anytime . However , everyone has a unique situation and an experienced broker knows the little tricks of the trade about how policies are underwritten by certain carriers . This information is not on anyone 's website . It takes experience to know which carrier will give non tobacco for an occasional cigar smoker or who has the most liberal height/weight chart or who will consider standard for controlled diabetes . Do n't guess be sure . The family you are gambling with is your own .
Yes , many people have multiple life insurance policies ! Some people start at a younger age and purchase a smaller policy then at later stages in life purchase additional policies . Sometimes a whole life policy may be `` layered '' with one or more term policies . That is usually because more insurance is wanted or needed for a limited period of time while for example there is a mortgage obligation . Also as a whole life policy continues in force , and it 's issued by a `` participating '' mutual company , the value of the death benefit , -LRB- amount of insurance -RRB- may grow . So in that case the value of the whole life policy will have grown to a value where upon the termination of the additional term policy is no longer needed .
What Is The Best Way To Shop For Cheap Life Insurance Rates?
The best way to shop for cheap life insurance rates is with an open mind . If you start out with the mindset that you will only take the lowest priced option , you could be setting yourself up for a lifetime of very high life insurance rates after your policy expires . A good agent will give you a number of options and tell you the pros and cons of each , so that you can make an informed decision . Whether you find that agent online or in an office makes no difference .
Great question ! The answer will depend on why the food spoiled . If you were the reason that it spoiled , then no , it wo n't be covered . If you can prove that the food was spoiled as a result of a fire , or some trauma done to the home , then it may be covered . If it is a result of the power being out , then you may or may not be able to get it covered , it will depend upon the specifics of your policy . Thank you for asking !
What Is The Best Way To Shop For Cheap Life Insurance Rates?
There are many different opinions and options for this question . You can go to one of the many quote sites that will give you an idea of cost , however life insurance is one of those subjects wihich many people think they understand well , but do n't . Find an agent that you trust , either from a friend or through your own research . A good agent will give you options to consider that you may be unaware of , and you can benefit from that expertise without cost .
As good life insurance policy is one that is in force the day that you die . I suppose you could speculate that the cheapest life insurance policy is one that was scheduled to reach the end of its term the day following your death . If you know when you are going to die , I can tell you which policy is cheapest . Since few of us know this the choice we generally make is which policy will give me all the coverage that I need during the time frames in which I need it . As for the name of the company , please understand that life insurance companies are highly regulated . Your state insurance commissioners job is to make sure that the death claim is paid when it is owed . Money from a B - insurance company is just as negotiable as an A + company .
Can Felons Have Life Insurance?
The rule of thumb is anyone with a felony conviction in the past 7 years will not qualify for a traditional life insurance policy . Now , there are newer instant or rapid-issue products on the market that shorten the guideline to 3 years . The only life insurance policy I 've ever come across that does n't have a felony question is a graded death benefit life insurance policy . They are essentially guarantee issue plans with low death benefits payable after a defined waiting period of usually 2 years . If the insured dies within the waiting period the carrier usually pay back premiums plus interest . If you want more information on felonies and qualifying for insurance visit or call 561-320-2978
If you own a disability policy , the benefits can help you through times of injury and sickness . The non deductible premiums will generate a tax free benefits up to 60 % of your compensation if you purchase full coverage . When you file a claim , you have a waiting period or elimination period like 90 days for example before you can begin collecting benefits .
Can Felons Have Life Insurance?
Good question ! The answer is yes , they can . However , the policy that they would be able to purchase would certainly come with more restrictions than one that a non-felon would be able to purchase . It would be more expensive , and have a period of time that would have to be covered before it would pay out anything more than what you paid into it to that point , plus some interest . If you would like a little more detail , please hit the contact me button , I 'd be happy to help . Thanks for asking !
If you are a renter , this means you are moving into a home or apartment which the maintenance is the responsibility of that owner . Renters Insurance typically covers you possessions in case of loss or damage due to theft , building catastrophic events , etc. . Mold is the responsibility of the owner not you .
Can Felons Have Life Insurance?
Can felons get life insurance ? Yes . Even while incarcerated , felons can get guaranteed issue life insurance . Can felons keep life insurance ? That is another question . If it is a cash value policy and the felon is paying restitution , the money in the policy may be subject to that . That would be dependent on many factors , and impossible to answer here .
Good idea to check with your Insurance Professional about your particular policy , but in general , it is not likely that your Homeowners ' policy will cover a broken sewer line . For the most part , these breaks can occur due to some form of earth movement around the pipe and earth movement damage is excluded from coverage in a standard Homeowners ' policy unless endorsed onto the contract .
When Does An Immediate Annuity Start?
30 days at the least . 1 year at the max . You can add more money within a year or just stuff as much as you can to get the most income within 30 days . Some annuities have income riders . These are not immediate annuities . Regular or non-immediate annuities can be turned into income annuities of you have the rider .
When purchasing your homeonwers insurance coverage the insurance carrier will typically use a software program that will try to determine the cost of reconstructiing your home at that time . Nomally you will have to provide some detailed information about your home for the software to do its job properly . Contact a local agent to get mor information about the coverage you need and the pricing for that coverage .
When Does An Immediate Annuity Start?
An immediate annuity starts making regular monthly payments within one year of the time that the annuity is established . The payments will last for the lifetime of the annuitant unless a specified period is selected . Since that will not meet the needs of all there are other options available . For example the payments can be set to provide income for two people or return the total accumulated value .
If the water is coming into the house from outside the damage will be covered if it is entering the house because of a named peril -LRB- i.e. fire . -RRB- If the water is coming from inside the house and is sudden , like a burst pipe , that also will be covered . The damage that comes from slowly leaking vessels or pipes creates a different situation which should have been noticed and corrected . In those cases coverage may be denied .
When Does An Immediate Annuity Start?
When does an immediate annuity start ? Usually after 30 days . It can be delayed a bit longer , but usually people purchase and start their immediate annuities within a short window of time . You can annuitize a annuity into an immediate annuity as per the specifics of the plan you 've set up .
Since there isnt a medical requirement , annuities can be purchased by anyone who has the money and the need . People buy annuities as a part of a retirement plan in which case the entire cost may be tax deferred . Others buy non-tax-qualified annuities because they want to accumulate money and defer taxes on the interest . Annuities are even purchased to provide income to settle a law suit .
Does Medicare Pay For Tdap Vaccine?
Medicare Part A or Medicare Part B do not pay for Tdap vaccine . But Medicare prescription drug plans pay for any commercially available vaccine that is not covered by Part B. Your Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan will pay for the tetanus , diphtheria and pertussis vaccine booster , if you have Part D.
There are several qualified defined contribution retirement plans , individual and employer sponsored . Here are a few examples of qualified retirement plan contribution : The compensation limits are a complex calculation . IRAs $ 5,500 401 -LRB- k -RRB- and 403 -LRB- b -RRB- Employee $ 17,500 457 Employee $ 17,500 Catch-up Contribution $ 5,500 Defined Contribution $ 51,000
Who Provides The Best Home Insurance?
The company that provides a policy of insurance that is in force when you have a claim provides the best homeowners insurance . The insurance companies that are admitted to do business in your state are closely regulated and you should expect fair treatment from any company licensed in your state . The best insurance policy written is one that provides you with adequate limits and the highest possible liability limits . At the time of claim you will discover that anything less could have been a costly mistake .
If you are looking for a Medicare Supplement Policy -LRB- Medigap -RRB- , there are a few ways to find a Plan . When looking for a Medicare Supplement policy , an independent insurance agent will be able to shop the market and show you what is available in your area . Independent agents are not employed by insurance companies . This means they contract with many insurance companies allowing them to find the lowest premiums available . Their flexibility also means they can help you locate an insurance company based on a health condition as well . You can contact the insurance carrier directly in some cases . While this may seem convenient , it is often more expensive and you wo n't have an agent to help you with annual rate reviews . Captive agents work for one insurance company and can only offer Medicare Supplement insurance products from that company . Premiums can vary . What 's important to note is that you do n't have any choices because the captive agent ca n't shop the Medicare insurance market for you . Researching on the internet is an option , but can be time consuming . Also keep in mind that most insurance companies do not make their premiums available to the public and will only work with a licensed insurance agent . If you are considering a Medicare Supplement Policy -LRB- Medigap Plan -RRB- , you 'll want to make sure whoever you choose to work with will take the time to find out what plan will work well for you . Most people choose Plan F because it covers all Medicare approved bills and they do n't have to worry about deductibles , co-pays , co-insurance or excess charges . Lately , Plan G has been popular because it works just like Plan F after meeting the annual Part B deductible of $ 147 -LRB- 2014 -RRB- . Plan G 's premium is often lower than Plan F , making it more affordable for some . These are not the only Medigap Plans ... there are eight other Plans to choose from ... that is why it is wise to speak to an agent who specializes in Medicare Supplement insurance . Thank you for taking the time to read my reply . Please feel free to contact me if I can be of further assistance .