How Much Life Insurance Is Considered Enough?
If you were to cover every contingency of life with life insurance , you probably could not afford that much . Life insurance is a wonderful resource for the `` what if 's '' of life , but the `` what if 's '' can be endless . What if you died leaving your family without your income . What if before you died , you used up all your savings on doctor bills . Then , what if your spouse died shortly after you . What if the person you designated to care for your children , had just lost their job . What if ... . No one can have enough life insurance to cover every possible tragedy . But you can have enough life insurance to give your loved ones a chance . Providing them with enough income to give them time to adjust to life without you , without having to worry about getting a new job -LRB- or adding a second job to the one they already have -RRB- , is a good place to start . Giving them enough to live on until your children are grown , or for 10 years , is also a reasonable amount .
You can purchase an Annuity from a few different sources . However the best way is to use an independent insurance agent who specializes in annuities . An independent agent can shop the market and all the different companies/products to give you the best annuity for your situation . You can also get annuities from captive insurance agents who work only for one company . They are limited -LRB- or highly encouraged -RRB- to just sell annuities from that one company . And since annuity rates are constantly changing and no one company has the best rates for all types of products , some consumers see this as a disadvantage . Some banks provide annuities , however their selection is often limited . Financial Advisors sometimes sell annuities as well as some stock brokers ; however , they usual stick to mainly variable annuities that are directly invested in the stock market . You can find an independent annuity expert online via a web search for them in your area . Or at various websites such as WEBSITELINK
How Much Life Insurance Is Considered Enough?
Video Transcript : Today 's question is , `` How much life insurance is considered enough ? '' Well , I definitely want to cover all my indebtedness : mortgages , credit card , auto , home , all my debts that I may incur . I also want to look at future obligations ; maybe my children 's college education , my retirement or replacing my income if I 'm not there so that my spouse or business partners or beneficiaries are not saddled without any income coming in that I used to generate . So it 's really important . How much do I need ? I want to try to buy what I need to cover all those areas and then maybe a little bit more in case I have charitable intent . A lot of people have big hearts but small wallets and sometimes I add that on because people want to be able to give something in case something happens to them . Well , that 's our consumer question for today . If you have any questions , just send them to
It is likely that if , like me , you are using a portable GPS , then if that is stolen out of your car , your auto policy will not provide any coverage . If you have a Homeowners , a Condo Unit Owners or a Rental Insurance policy , then coverage would be available from one of those , subject , of course to your deductible . If on the other hand , your GPS is factory installed in your car , then it is likely that your car insurance would cover such a loss , again subject to your policy deductible .
How To Compare Auto Insurance Quotes?
It 's easy to compare auto insurance quotes . First , you need to get multiple quotes from the top-rated companies . To save time , money and your sanity , allow an experienced broker -LRB- preferably with an established website -RRB- do the shopping for you . When comparing quotes , you 'll be able to easily find affordable coverage for you and your vehicles .
The quick answer is that if you have an S Corporation you get the full deduction for your health insurance howeer it transfers to line 29 Self-employed health insurance deduction on your 1040 form . As an example if I have health insurance for my employees that also covers me as an owner , I write one check for the health insurance premium on a company check . My portion of the health insurance flows to my personal tax return on line 29 so I get the full deduction . You may want to check with your CPA about this deduction . .
Does Car Insurance Cover The Driver Or The Car?
When you purchase car insurance the insurance agetns require that you declare who the primary oerator of each vehicle . This declaration means that if the `` driver '' of the car has an accident then the coverage of that vehicle with that driver was declared on the application . What happens if you are driving a friend 's car with his permission-then you are covered by the permission granted to drive the car , assuming you are legally licensed .
No , unfortunately , life insurance is not covered under Cobra , nor are disability income insurance or accidental insurance policies . Cobra applies to the temporary continuation of group health insurance , which includes medical , dental , vision and prescription drug plans .
Who Is Aviva Life Insurance?
Aviva Life and Annuity Company is based in Des Moines , Iowa . They were the the number one ranked life insurance company for sales of indexed life insurance products in the third quarter of 2012 . In addition to indexed universal life , the company also offers term life and universal life insurance .
Medicare is administered by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services -LRB- CMMS -RRB- . This is a division of Social Security charged with setting the rules and guidelines of Medicare and Medicare related matters . Original Medicare , Medicare Advantage Plans , and Medicare Prescription Drug Plans fall under this umbrella . If you are in original Medicare then Medicare will pay any claims . If you select a Medicare Advantage Plan , then Medicare pays the insurance company to administer the claims .
Why Is Admiral Car Insurance So Cheap?
That is a great question ! I am not familiar with their policies directly , but as a rule , if their rates are low , then chances are the deductibles are high , and the coverage limited . That is not necessarily a bad thing , but is definitely something to be aware of , and that it also fits your need . My advice would be to compare it with other companies , and see how it matches up . You need help , contact me , okay ? Thanks for asking !
You can easily apply for life insurance online ... If you work with an experienced broker and their reputable website . It 's fast , safe and secure and constantly updated to quickly provide free online quotes at the lowest available rates . That 's our job , as experienced life insurance brokers , and consumers save time , money and frustration . You can speak to live experienced brokers or `` do it alone . '' That way , you get the best of recent technology updates and old-fashioned service .
What Percentage Of Life Insurance Policies Go Unclaimed?
The SS DMF -LRB- Social Security Death Master File -RRB- is indeed often used by carriers that issue life insurance policies . And some carriers have come under investigation over claims of failing to pay death benefits . The Catcch 22 is , by Social Securities own admission the DMF often contains erroneous information . It is not uncommon for SS to terminate benefits because the DMF reported someone as deceased when in fact they are still alive . When this happens it can take months and numerous appeals before SS reinstates you in their system .
Universal and variable life insurance are two separate concepts . Variable refers to any plan that puts some or all of the premiums invested into stocks . Universal refers to the ability to adjust your premium and the death benefit of the plan depending on your financial situation . A plan can be variable , universal , both or neither . Talk to your local broker to determine which situation is best for you .
What Percentage Of Life Insurance Policies Go Unclaimed?
The life insurance industry says that less than 1 % go unclaimed , the department of insurance in several states says otherwise . Several life insurance companies have been discovered performing inadequate due diligence by not surveying the Social Security , Death Master List . Other sources say 1 in 600 may be owed unclaimed life insurance money . Life insurance industry is not the only ones having problems with delivering money owed to beneficiaries ; many banks are sitting on millions of unclaimed accounts . And although life insurance companies need to be more vigilant with death claims , it is the responsibility of the policy beneficiaries to file a death claim .
The two big pieces that everyone looks at when buying an individual health plan these days are the plan metal levels and the premiums . Under the Affordable Care Act , individual health plans are , in short , guaranteed-issue as insurance companies can no longer decline you for a pre-existing condition or other health-related illness . When determining which plan is suitable to you , you need to evaluate your premium tolerance -LRB- how big a check you 're comfortable writing so-to-speak -RRB- , do you qualify for a subsidy , and are you willing to take on more risk to keep your premiums down or do you want to create a more predictable healthcare expense structure . If you qualify for a subsidy , you would want to look at ON-exchange health plans first - subsidies can only be used towards on-exchange plans , not off-exchange plans . These three pieces will point you in the proper direction to start . You can run free instant quotes on my website , , if you want to compare plans in your area . You may also want to see if your employer offers group coverage and , if they do , see how it compares to an individual plan . Group plans can be great , but the main drawback is that if you leave the company or are terminated , the coverage does n't go with you . Your best option is to review your options with an independent health insurance agent/broker to see which carrier 's plan is going to be the most suitable for your needs . If you 'd like some help with this , send me a message through the `` contact me '' link .
What Does Critical Life Insurance Cover?
Critical Illness Insurance and Life Insurance are two separate products . Critical Illness Insurance provides a benefit while the insured person is still alive but diagnosed with cancer , stroke , or other covered illness . Life Insurance pays a death benefit to the insured person 's beneficiary after having passed away from illness , accident , or any cause . Some Life Insurance policies do have Critical Illness benefits built in or added on as a rider . With these policies , you can access some of the face amount while still alive if diagnosed with a covered critical illness . If that benefit is never used , the entire face amount is paid out upon the death of the Insured .
Against popular belief , there is no Grace Period for any type of insurance.The purpose of insurance is to transfer your risk to an insurance company willing to take your premium in return for undertaking your risk . Could you imagine not paying your premium for 10 days past the expiration date , and the insurance carrier covering the home in the event of a fire ? No matter what , it is best to make at least an installment payment prior to the expiration of the policy in order to assure your renewed protection ; having said this , some carriers offer automatic renewal which assures that a policy will be renewed to the following term . In the case of automatic renewals , a carrier is required to invoice the customer at least 45 days prior to the expiration of the policy ; in some rare cases , we have seen the due date of an invoice past the actual inception date of the new term . We would never advise relying on a policy without having paid premium for the said term.Mostinsurance carriers will accept a premium payment after the due date ; this varies by carrier . Some companies may accept payment up to 14 days following the expiration of a policy and perhaps return payments received past that date ; on the other hand , some carriers may accept a payment as late as 30 days after expirationaccompanied by a Statement of No Losses signed by the insured . As a customer , it is not advisable to assume that you are covered by your Home Insurance Contractwhen premium has not been received ; the carrier is not contractually bound to accept late payments . If you need toobtain a quote and buy home insurance online , we have a link providing self service assistancein multiple States ; it may be used by Escrow/Closing Professionals , Mortgage Professionals , Real Estate Agents and directly by Consumers . An exemplary online experience for all ! WEBSITELINK
What Is The Best Home Insurance?
The best home insurance is the policy that pays the most when you have a loss . It isnt about premium it is about coverage . The best place to get such a policy is from a competent insurance agent . If you dont know one , ask a colleague , friend or neighbor . The agent will help you select the coverages that are appropriate and the limits that match your exposure .
Great question ! A swab will test for many things , but typically the focus is on tobacco , major diseases , and illegal substances . They do this to ensure that what is marked on the application matches what is marked in your saliva . That protects you , and the insurance company , should a claim be filed at some point for something that the swab might or might not have found . If you have more questions , please hit the ` contact me ' button , and I 'll get back to you . Thanks for asking !
Does Renters Insurance Cover Roaches?
Renters insurance or any property insurance does not cover any insects , verminor pests and they damage they may potentially cause . These little creepy crawlers are anuisancebut your best option is to call your local exterminator for help . I would always have this discussion with your local agent on the specifics of your renters insurance policy
Tax deferred fixed annuities pay a guaranteed interest rate for a guaranteed period of time . Interest rates are constantly changing so its important to check with a brokerage annuity companies that display several insurance companies . As of this posting : 5 year rate is 2.85 % , 7 year rate is 3.20 % and 10 year rate is 3.45 % . Also check the insurance company to see if they are filed in your state .
Does Renters Insurance Cover Roaches?
This would typically not be covered under a renters insurance policy . Vermin are normally one of the items that are listed within the exclusion section of your policy . Remember every policy is different . Please read your policy completely to understand the coverage provided and any exclusions that may be contained within .
This can actually be a bit of a loaded question because the type of coverage you 're looking for , your need , your risk class , premium tolerance , and a number of other factors will really direct where you should go to buy your insurance . Term insurance is ideal for short term protection -LRB- e.g. paying off a mortgage or providing income in the event of an early or unexpected death -RRB- . Permanent insurance is ideal for long-term safety net protection , estate planning , retirement planning . Many people buy both types of coverage -LRB- a combination of benefits -RRB- - some permanent to protect against the future after other debts are paid off and some term to cover time-limited debts -LRB- such as a mortgage , car , etc. -RRB- . Term insurance provides more bang-for-your-buck up front , but it 's only for a short period . Permanent insurance allows you to pay the same premium for the rest of your life without having to worry about it going up in the future . You can also create a combination of benefits by having some a larger sum total of term insurance for the first part and have it drop to a lower amount for the back end of a given length of time -LRB- e.g. you have $ 1,000,000 for the first 20 years and then have it drop down to $ 500,000 for years 21-30 -RRB- . A brief description of the two types of coverage are as follows : Term life insurance guarantees the premiums will remain fixed for a specific number of years -LRB- 10 , 15 , 20 , 25 , or 30 years -RRB- . Once the initial period of premium guarantee expires , the program changes to either annual renewable term insurance with premiums increasing each year -LRB- based on age -RRB- or the premiums remain the same and the death benefit decreases each year -LRB- this structure can be seen on term insurance that is featured on a universal life chassis . There is no cash value build-up in term insurance . Permanent life insurance is designed to provide coverage for the rest of the insured 's life and build cash value . Under a guaranteed universal life -LRB- GUL -RRB- program , the policy can be structured to keep premiums level and provide coverage up to a specified age -LRB- e.g. to age 90 , to age 100 , or even up to age 121 -RRB- under the `` dial down '' process . Whole life features level premiums and death benefits and builds cash value at a faster rate -LRB- participating WL policies may pay dividends that can be used to increase the death benefit or decrease the premiums over time - non-participating WL policies do not feature this ability -RRB- - the trade off between this and guaranteed universal life is that to increase the cash value faster , the premiums will generally be substantially higher . For both GUL and WL , the carrier takes back the cash value upon the death of the insured , and pays out the death benefit proceeds . Therefore , GUL policies allow you to maximize your death benefit and minimize your premium dollars that you pay for the coverage . It 's always advisable to consult with an experienced life insurance broker to determine what policy benefit structure will best serve your needs , review quotes , and help you through the application and underwriting processes . Please feel free to contact me for help or if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
Is Medicare A Private Health Insurance?
No . It is a program of the Federal Government . It becomes the primary health provider for all who are over 65 years of age . If a person does not receive enrollment information they should contact the Social Security Administration to secure the Medicare forms . Other forms of insurance become secondary providers after age 65 .
Medicare Supplements help pay the deductibles and copay 's of Medicare . Depending on the plan you choose you could have nearly 100 % of you covered medical expenses covered . Medicare was never designed to pay all of your Medical costs . If you get sick you could end up with thousands of dollars in out of pocket costs with just one trip to the hospital A good Medicare Supplement is worth the investment if you can afford the premium . If not then look at a good Medicare Advantage Plan .
What Is The Maximum Amount Of Life Insurance I Can Get?
The maximum amount of life insurance you can get will depend on your personal finances . Underwriters look at your personal income , your household income -LRB- what you and your spouse or partner make together -RRB- , and your net worth in determining how much life insurance you can get . If you are young to middle age , you can usually get approx 20 times your annual income in life insurance coverage , and more if your assets or investments are high . Persons of older ages qualify for approx 10 times their annual income , but this is highly variable depending on their other resources , as well . On the converse , if you have many liabilities , have had a recent bankruptcy , have a terrible credit score , or have liens out against you , the amount of life insurance you can get could be reduced or even postponed until legal obligations have been satisfied or worked out in an agreement .
You can buy a Medigap Plan at any time during the year as long as you are enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B . If you have Original Medicare Part A and Part B , you may want to consider buying a Medigap policy sooner rather than later . Original Medicare only covers generally 80 % of your medical costs , leaving you to pay the other 20 % -- as well as the Part A deductible -LRB- $ 1,216 in 2014 -RRB- and the Part B deductible -LRB- $ 147 in 2014 -RRB- . The best time to buy a Medigap Policy is during your initial Open Enrollment Period -LRB- the one time only , 6 month window when Federal law allows you to buy ANY Medigap Plan sold in your state -RRB- . During this period you can not be denied coverage . If you already have a Medigap Plan , you can buy a policy whenever you wish . You will just have to answer the health questions on the insurance company application . Your application will have to approved through the medical underwriting department . It 's important to note that the Affordable Care Act does not apply to Medigap Plans . If you have some health conditions , a Medicare Supplement Specialist can work with you to see which insurance companies might be good match for you . In some cases , you may have a Guaranteed Issue Right to purchase a Medigap Policy if you have other health care that changes in some way -- for example , you lose other health care coverage . This means you 'll get a small window of opportunity to purchase a Medigap Plan without being denied coverage . It ' s best to contact an independent agent specializing in Medicare Supplement insurance to help you determine if you are in this type of situation . Thank you for reading my response . Please let me know if I can assist you with your Medigap insurance needs .
What Is The Maximum Amount Of Life Insurance I Can Get?
The Maximum Amount of Life Insurance on any one insured is based on the potential policy owners ability to financially justify the total amount applied for based on their total financial liabilities , future financially obligations and their lifetime human earning value potential . Most life insurance company 's jumbo limits are 65 million .
The best way to know how much your auto insurance is going to cost , is to request a free online quote . A reputable website -LRB- we 'll be happy to explain that -RRB- can provide free , unbiased information that shows you which insurers offer the lowest rates in your area and how to easily apply for a policy . Once the rate is determined , you are NOT under any obligation toacceptthe offer of the insurer .
Is Supplemental Cancer Insurance Worth It?
In many cases having a good cancer insurance plan makes sense . Major medical plans are designed to cover the bulk of your medical bills if you contract cancer but there are always deductibles , copay 's and coinsurance that can leave you owing thousands of dollars in out of pocket expenses . Cancer insurance can help .
Restasis opthalmic eye drops is a steroid commonly used to treat severe dry eye . This type of dry eye is often -LRB- but not always -RRB- associated with Sjogren 's , an autoimmune disorder . Restasis is a covered medication under some Medicare Part D plans . Check your plan 's formulary . You can reduce your cost with manufacturers coupons , PAP 's and ordering by mail .
How Much Is Home Insurance Per Month?
On average my clients pay about $ 100 per month for homeowners insurance . However , that probably has little bearing on what you might be required to pay . Each policy is individually underwritten and uses many rating factors . Some common factors are ; the location , the value , the history , local fire protection , and the cost of reconstruction . There are additional factors that impact whether the company will insure the house at all . An agent should be able to guide you through this process and give you a quote that will reflect your unique situation .
Effective . Hmmm . After 32 years in the business , I believe -LRB- I hope ! -RRB- I 'm effective in how I service and explain plans and create and manage the websites I own . But ... if there was one feature that I believe makes myself effective ... is simply listening . I need to know what my client needs and how he hopes to achieve that . By listening instead of talking , I 'm always able to provide the best possible product for their unique situation . Yes ... after 32 years in the business ... I still listen !
What Questions Are Asked For Life Insurance?
Life insurance applications ask , at minimum , your name , address , date of birth , SSN , and beneficiary . If you are applying for a policy with any type of health qualifications , you will need to answer some medical questions , and possibly some questions about addictions , felonies , etc. . A fully medically underwritten policy will also ask about your income , whether you have dangerous hobbies , and more detailed health questions . It will require a paramed exam that will include your height and weight , blood pressure , and blood test . If you are a very healthy person with no other risk , the cost of your policy will usually be lower with the more questions that are asked . If you have serious health conditions or other risk , that may not necessarily be so ; the nonmed policies could have a lower rate , or be the only type of policy you can get . You can contact an agency that sell policies of all types to find the type of application process you wish to go through . If you wish to avoid some life insurance questions , you could find a policy that will avoid that , such as guaranteed issue life insurance .
Does life insurance count towards net worth ? Well , it depends on who 's doing the counting . Normally , the cash values of a life insurance policy could be included in net worth calculations , but usually not the death benefit . Now , in dealing with estate tax planning the life insurance death benefit is included as part of the taxable estate value . This is based on ownership of the policy . If the policy is owned by a trust or another person , it is not counted against the estate .
How To Open A Qualified Retirement Plan?
While IRA 's are technically not `` qualified '' they are generally lumped into the qualified category due to their tax treatment . Based on the question , I 'm going to assume that an IRA will suffice for your intentions . To open an IRA there are a few ways to approach this goal : 1 . You can choose an asset issued by a company who will act as custodian and open an IRA with that company . Examples of this include specific mutual funds or annuities and opening an IRA with the issuing company 2 . In some cases you can open a general IRA and place numerous investment products in the IRA , this can sometimes be tricky and depends on the custodian with whom you open the IRA with 's rule regarding available products in the IRA 3 . You can open a self directed IRA and place pretty much whatever you want into it so long as it 's an allowable asset under current US law . The third option involves considerable more cost to establish the IRA but also leaves you with the most flexibility in term of what goes into the IRA and how it is funded .
First , and foremost , I am very sorry for your losses . Given the circumstances as you have described them , to the best of my knowledge , there is no way to change the beneficiary at this point since your brother is now , unfortunately , deceased . Had you asked about this at the time of ownership transfer and then you had not been informed of the terms and conditions of the policy , that would be one thing . However , if as you stated you did not ask , I am not honestly sure that you have any recourse at this time . Moving forward , working with your Insurance Professional who will regularly review your policies with you can avoid such circumstances .
What Is Life Insurance Ownership?
There are many policy players with a life insurance contract : insured , beneficiary , contingent beneficiary and owner . Sometimes a person can be both the insured and the policy owner . The policy owner can make changes and alterations in the policy , but the policy owner also is the tax payer if taxable events occur .
Renters insurance is typically coverage for the insured and the insured 's immediate family that resides with the insured only . If other persons reside within the premise that are not immediate family members of the insured ; then they should secure their own coverage to protect themselves properly . Contact a local agent to discuss your coverage needs and wants to get proper pricing .
What Is Life Insurance Ownership?
Life insurance policy ownership is the state of owning a life insurance policy . The owner of the policy usually instigates the contract . The owner may insure themselves , and choose another person as beneficiary , or they may insure someone else with whom they have an insurable interest , in which case they usually name themselves beneficiary . The owner can change beneficiary , policy features , or even cancel the policy at will .
It depends on the state and how the life insurance is owned . Life insurance is one of a very few forms of property that is inherently protected from creditor claims . But in many states , the protection is limited in scope and/or by relatively small amounts . For example , in California , the protection limit is less than $ 10,000 , while in Hawaii and Florida there is n't a limit . Asset protection is a complex area of the law so check with an experienced attorney who can advise you .
Do I Need Insurance To Drive A Car In Georgia?
In the state of Georgia , you are required to have auto insurance is required to register your can and to legally drive . If you are caught driving without proof of insurance , the fines are extensive , including jail time , points against your driver license , large fines , and/orsuspension of your license until you can show proof you are insured .
Insurance companies offer homeowners ' insurance policies to people who own and occupy their residence . Once foreclosure occurs , you may occupy your residence but you no longer own it . If you are allowed to remain in the home for a period of time , you may be able to contact your insurer , explain the circumstances and have your policy amended to a Tenant Homeowner form . Tenant homeowner policies are issued to people who occupy a residence but do n't own it . The coverage is similar to homeowners ' insurance except it does n't cover the structure . It covers certain damage to your personal property , additional living expenses you may incur should your home be damaged and your have to live in temporary quarters while it is being repaired and certain personal liability exposures . You may need to adjust the amount of insurance on your personal property be consistent with what it would cost you to replace all your personal things . If you move to a rented home or apartment , you may be able to amend your homeowners ' policy to a Tenant Homeowners ' form and amend the address to that of your new residence .
How Hard Is It To Sell Long Term Care Insurance?
To sell Long Term Care Insurance you must be licensed in Health Insurance and also take training about partnership long term care insurance . You must be understand the different aspects of long term care insurance , or use a broker who can explain those for you . The hardest part about selling long term care insurance is that it is difficult for many to afford , or part with , the premium , and the part of human nature that says `` that will never happen to me '' kicks in . But if you have the right market -LRB- people with assets to protect and enough income to pay the premium -RRB- and understand the implications of long term care insurance yourself , it helps .
You can get life insurance at a life insurance agency in a building , you can call a life insurance agency and ask for an agent to come to your home , or you can get life insurance on the internet . Even if just on the phone , it is to your advantage to purchase a policy after talking to an agent . That way you can go over the health questions to make sure you qualify for the policy you apply for , and will be much more likely to be approved and get your best possible rate . Having a lot of options to choose from is also helpful in getting affordable life insurance .
Does Long Term Care Insurance Cover Assisted Living Costs?
Long term care insurance can cover costs associated with assisted living facilities as well as care provided in the home or in a nursing home . It depends on what the policy covers . Most policies available for sale today are reimbursement but a few are indemnity . Long term care insurance policies that provide indemnity benefits pay a specified amount for each day of covered services regardless of the actual costs incurred by the insured . Long term care insurance policies that provide reimbursement benefits reimburse the insured for costs he or she incurs for covered services up to a daily , weekly or monthly maximum stated by the policy .
With term insurance , you 're getting a lot of `` bang for your buck '' because you 're only buying the coverage for a limited amount of time . There are hundreds of insurance companies in the market that offer term life insurance . One thing you do NOT want to do is just apply to a bunch of companies at the same time . This can often hurt you in your pursuit of coverage because it can be a `` red flag '' to an insurance company -LRB- so-to-speak -RRB- . A critical factor in determining which carrier 's policy is going to work best for you is the risk class they will offer you -LRB- the risk class determines the premiums for your program -RRB- . Each insurance company has their own set of underwriting guidelines so you may not get the same risk class offer from one company as you would from another . Some companies are conservative in their underwriting -LRB- meaning they have stricter underwriting requirements -RRB- and others can be more aggressive -LRB- meaning they have more lenient underwriting -RRB- . For example , company A may offer a given medical history a preferred risk class while company B could easily offer a standard risk class -LRB- requiring much more in premiums for the same coverage -RRB- . I 'd recommend working with an independent life insurance agent/broker . Doing the research on your own can be extremely time consuming and you may not always find the information you 're looking for . Independent brokers have an extensive knowledge of the subject matter and know the differences between products that are available in the marketplace . Brokers can help you through the entire process from start to finish . This includes helping you determine how much coverage is suitable to what you need the coverage for and how long you should have it in place for through an insurance needs analysis , provide quotes from multiple carriers and compare the options with you , track the application while it 's in underwriting and provide assistance on future needs as well .
Is American Equity Life Insurance Rated?
American Equity is a very good life insurance and annuity company . They have an A - rating with AM Best ; a BBB + with Standards and Poor 's ; and a BBB + rating with Fitch . I have personally placed business with them and have found them to be a very good and strong company with a very good customer service department . I do not believe you would have any worries with American Equity Life Insurance company .
Glaucoma is a serious illness that can lead to permanent blindness if not treated . Glaucoma is easily treated in most patients and can be controlled with prescription eye drops . In some cases glaucoma can not be successfully treated with eye drops and surgery is required . Either conventional blade surgery or laser surgery may be needed to treat the condition . Most major medical health insurance plans will cover glaucoma treatment .
Is American Equity Life Insurance Rated?
Not sure exactly what you mean rated but so I will focus on the Financial side of it . American Equity Life Insurance company is rated A - through AM Best . This is an excellent rating . WEBSITELINK This website is a resource to go to regarding American Equity , their rating and the products they have in there portfolio . This company is very strong with their Annuity portfolio .
Unfortunately this simple question needs a lot more details before it can be answered . One must consider first of all where they live , the amount of liability coverage they want -LRB- protecting you if someone get 's hurt in your space -RRB- , the value of your personal property -LRB- in case it needs to be replaced due to a fire -RRB- . There are more questions as well but those are the biggy 's . You should first contact your auto insurance agent , as you may qualify for discounts for having multiple policies .
Where Should I Buy Health Insurance In New Mexico?
The best place to buy health insurance in New Mexico is from an experienced broker that has a reputable website . It 's important that he/she represent all of the major insurers in New Mexico . The state will partner with the federal government to create the Health Exchange Marketplace . Starting in October of 2013 , an Open Enrollment will allow consumers to purchase individual and family plans without answering medical questions or being denied for coverage . A federal subsidy could also reduce premiums , depending on household income . Are you one of the 21 % of the population that is not currently covered ? As an experienced broker , we 're here to help . You 'll find Exchange policies quite affordable and very comprehensive since so many benefits are now mandated .
No you can not . In order to insure something you must have an insurable interest in the item . If you do not own the car , you do not have an insurable interest . You must be very careful about this sort of thing with property/casualty insurance as many carriers will issue a policy but deny the claim as they will do the official fact checking on ownership and insurable interest at time of claim . Premiums will be refunded and the contract rescinded .
How Much Is Health Insurance Without A Job?
The same as it will be if you have a job . Under the affordable care act , you may be able to qualify for a subsidy to reduce your monthly premiums . If you qualify for a subsidy , you will want to look at health plans on the health insurance exchanges - subsidies can not be applied to plans off the exchanges . It 's always helpful to consult with an experienced health insurance broker who can work with you on a personal level to help you determine which plan will be most suitable to your specific needs . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help or if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
The following are considered to be Life Changing Events : Lost or will be losing health coverage Welcomed a child Moved permanently to a new county or state Got married Became a U.S. Citizen Released from prison A family member died I gained or lost a dependent There was a change in my disability status There were changes to my income
How Much Is Health Insurance Without A Job?
That is a great question ! The Affordable Care act -LRB- Obamacare -RRB- created marketplaces where you can go to shop for a health insurance policy . These marketplaces are also set up to offer subsidies to those who qualify . In a number of cases the cost of a policy offered with subsidies in the marketplace was equal to or less expensive than the employer offered policy . It is wise for you to shop and see for yourself which would be the better option for you . I hope that helps , thanks for asking !
Perhaps this question is best answered by the statistical averages gathered over the years by LIMRA -LRB- Life Insurance and Market Research Association -RRB- : - Only about 7 % of agents that sign on with a single insurance company remain with that company past the first five years . - The percentage that remains in the business after departing from their first insurance carrier is around 20 % and each year that percentage declines . - About 3 % of all individual sales representatives that enter the insurance business remain in the business for 20 years or more . - The average age of a life insurance agent today is about 57 years old.It has been said that if you can sell life insurance , you can sell anything . As a career , being a life insurance agent can be very rewarding , but it is highly unlikely that life insurance will be the only line of insurance you sell unless you become highly specialized and work with other advising financial professionals as a team in the high-net worth market . Otherwise , you will find it necessary to sell other lines of insurance , notably health , DI , Annuities , LTCi , or property-casualty insurance -LRB- auto , home , liability , etc. -RRB- to pay the bills.Sometimes , insurance agents become securities-licensed and obtain various professional designations that allow them to practice financial advisory services and sales of stocks , bonds , and mutual funds . This is a fairly recent trend and usually results in the sale of life insurance being a rare occurrence due to all of the other responsibilities of being a financial advisor.Perhaps the most rewarding thing about being a life insurance agent -LRB- or being licensed to sell life insruance , among other things -RRB- is being the person that `` delivers the check '' to the survivors of someone that died prematurely and on whom there was a high level of financial dependence .
Is Disability Insurance The Same As Long Term Care Insurance?
No these are two totally separate types of insurance plans used to cover totally different needs . Disability insurance can be either long term or short term . Long term disability is used to replace your income for the rest of your working life . It usually has a bit longer elimination period 90-180-360 days before benefits begin to pay . The benefits can pay as long as age 67 when social security benefits start . A short term disability insurance plan pays benefits sooner within days , but only lasts a few months or up to a couple of years . Both disability insurance plans are insuring most peoples most valuable asset , their ability to earn a living . Disability insurance should be purchased when a person starts working for a living . Long term care insurance is meant to cover a person that can no longer care for themselves . The person needs home health care , assisted living or a nursing home . Usually the time to purchase a long term care policy is when a person gets older , typically in their 50s or 60s , but some wait until their 70s . It really depends more upon their health and lifestyle . Just do n't wait until you have been diagnosed with an affliction , then is too late .
It depends on the type of tax deferred annuities you purchase : fixed interest rate annuities , indexed annuities and variable annuities.They all have associated costs , but variable annuities are generally the most expensive with the additional cost of funds in their separate sub accounts . Make sure you review the charges before purchasing a tax deferred annuity .
Is Disability Insurance The Same As Long Term Care Insurance?
No , Disability insurance is not the same as long term care insurance . Disability insurance replaces part of the income that was lost by becoming disabled . The benefit is based on the Insured 's income . Long term care insurance pays for care received for extended care needs on a reimbursement basis -LRB- where the money goes to the care providers -RRB- or on an indemnity basis -LRB- where the money goes to the insured , who in turn pays the bills -RRB- . The benefit is based on the Insured 's anticipation of long term care expenses in the future in their area .
Medicare Part D is your prescription drug plan . It is administered by private insurance companies under the supervision of CMS -LRB- Medicare -RRB- . Medicare sets minimum requirements that all insurance companies must follow . The companies determine which drugs they will include in their Formulary of drugs that they will cover . When you select a prescription drug plan make sure that all of your drugs are covered . Even if you have to pay a little higher premium , the cost of certain drugs can often be far greater than the additional premium to have that drug covered .
Can I Put My Sister On My Health Insurance?
In most instances the answer is no . Exceptions can be that your sister is a Minor Child and you have Custodial Responsibility for her . This must be verified by your insurance company in the form of a court document granting those responsibilities to you or guardianship . Another instance is if your sister is an adult 18-25 and she is handicapped or has diminished capacity and a court has appointed you as guardian . Then they can be added as you would a child with your insurance company under the insurance company plan rules you have . In most cases as an adult , we must look to get insurance under our own plans whether through a group plan at work or individual plan or through your State Insurance Exchange .
It is very easy to get health insurance if you are overweight . Thanks to the new Affordable Care Act enacted by President Obama , there are no medical questions and no underwriting . This means that no matter a persons weight , health conditions or pre-existing conditions , everyone will pay the same for health insurance in your area . Insurance premiums are only based on gender , age , and if you have used nicotine in the last 6 months . You can purchase one of these plans through the Marketplace and compare plans and even see if you qualify for help paying for your premiums . You may qualify for help through the government since they are making everyone get insurance , then they are also helping people pay for it if they can not afford it . Please visit WEBSITELINK for more information or contact me .
Can I Deduct Life Insurance On Schedule C?
You can not deduct life insurance premiums at all . That being said , there are opportunities to use whole life insurance -LRB- 49.5 % -RRB- or universal life insurance -LRB- 25 % -RRB- as a portion of your annual contribution into some qualified plans . You need to determine if that portion of your contribution can commit to ongoing premiums before electing to use this tactic .
Universal Life Insurance is an insurance Policy that gives you the option to contribute or adjust payments during a specific term . It is low priced and a great benefit for the policy holder due to the option . Universal Life Insurance has all the benefits and riders of a whole life policy . some Universal Life Policy have a cash value accumulation , and an increased benefit , so , EX : If you have a 100k policy and its paying 63.00 a month the forst year as the year may come to maybe 25 years later depending on age when the policy first opened the benefitamount can be one half more or maybe double .
Does North Dakota Have No Fault Auto Insurance?
North Dakota is considered a No Fault State for personal Injury up to a certain limit for medical expenses . In a no-fault state , each driver 's insurance pays for his or her own injuries up to a certain limit , regardless of who was at fault for the accident . the total necessary medical expenses you incurred because of the accident must exceed $ 2,500 , -- or -- you must have suffered `` serious and permanent disfigurement or disability '' lasting more than 60 days .
Safe driver discounts can add up to very significant savings over time , but an accident will instantly remove all those discounts . An appeal to the insurance commissioner is unlikely to lower your premium . The best possibility for you to get a lower premium is to compare quotes from several insurers . It is good to do this periodically to make sure you are receiving the best rates but a rate increase can make this particularly important .
Does Aarp Have Group Health Insurance?
AARP is not an insurance company . They are an organization that sells the use of their name and logo to insurance companies . The fine print on the insurance products actually says that the AARP organization does not recommend or endorse the AARP branded insurance products . The insurance products with the AARP logo are often not a great value . But that logo does work because many seniors think of it as a type of Consumer Reports for seniors . It is not . If you study the offerings of the insurance products that use the AARP brand , they do not always compare well . The life insurance with the AARP brand often says that they do not guarantee rates . That is a very important feature that most seniors want and can all easily find with most life insurance products that are marketed to seniors . The Medicare Supplements AARP/United Healthcare are exactly the same plan as offered by many other companies but in many states you will pay less if you shop other brands besides the AARP branded one . Your search should be for good health insurance . Not for a Health insurance company that pays for an AARP logo on their brochure .
That 's a great question ! First of all , let me offer my hopes and prayers for your health and recovery . You are in a situation that really highlights the benefits of purchasing life insurance before the need , and how easy it is to fall between the cracks . If you are over 40 , you can purchase what is called a `` guaranteed issue policy '' . They are a little more expensive usually than other policies , but ask few if any health questions . The downside to them , other than higher cost , is that they all have a period called a `` grade '' where the payout should you pass is just what you 'd paid in , plus some interest . My advice would be to find an agent to help you find one that will have the shortest grade and the highest interest , to best protect yourself . If I can help in any way , please contact me . Again , best of luck , and prayers for you . Thanks for asking !
What Is Medicare Going To Cost Me?
Most people will receive Medicare Part A at no charge . If you have worked in the Social Security system at least 40 quarters you have prepaid for your Part A coverage . Part B is optional -LRB- but highly recommended -RRB- and current runs $ 105 per month for most people . Your Part B premium is usually deducted from your Social Security check .
Term life insurance policies have what is known as a contestability period of two years . This two year period allows an insurance company to investigate a cause of death . If the cause of death is a suicide , they will not pay . If they find an omission of health or lifestyle condition on the application and it contributed to the cause of death , they can decline the death claim . After two years , if all the information was true and complete and the cause of death is not specifically excluded , such as `` act of war '' , then every cause of death should be paid .
What Is Medicare Going To Cost Me?
In California teachers generally are a part of California State Retirement System and are exempt from social security . The result is that they come to retirement often without the necessary quarters to qualify for Medicare . If a person does not qualify for Medicare they must still enroll and they are then billed on a quarterly basis . If such a person desires , the billing can be done through automatic monthly withdrawals .
I have been driving a car , mostly in California , for almost fifty-eight years . Fifty-six years ago I had a minor fender bender that resulted in a claim for about $ 100 . I have paid out approximately $ 90,000 in insurance premiums . That doesnt seem like a very good deal , however , if I had ever hit a kid in a cross walk as someone in my neighborhood did recently , I could have never paid the $ 750,000 + judgment . Yes , in California we have financial responsibility laws but insurance is the only reasonable way that most of us can take care of this issue .
When Does Medigap Start?
Medicap is the AEP annual open enrollment period for Medicare . This enrollment period begins on October 15th , 2014 and lasts through December 7th , 2014 . People enrolled in Medigap policies may make changes to their current plan during this time . Or , if you are not currently enrolled in a supplemental plan , you may enroll for a Medicap Supplemental policy or a Prescription Drug plan -LRB- PDP -RRB- during the AEP -LRB- annual enrollment period -RRB- .
I am assuming you are referring to Long-Term Care -LRB- LTC -RRB- insurance . As the name suggests , the insurance is designed to provide benefits to an insured for their long-term medical or personal services -LRB- e.g. , bathing , dressing , eating -RRB- . The LTC insurance policy will reimburse the insured person a daily amount -LRB- up to a pre-determined maximum -RRB- for their LTC medical/personal needs for the duration of the LTC event up to a pre-determined maximum benefit period . Now , this is an insurance policy , meaning the policy is to be purchased long before the threat of a LTC event is imminent.The cost of the policy will depend on several factors . Those include the insured 's age and health status when the policy is purchased , the length of the desired waiting period between when a LTC event happens and the start of the policy benefit period , the desired maximum daily benefit amount , and the desired maximum benefit period .
How Much Is Life Insurance For A 65 Year Old?
Tough question to answer , because just like Larry & David mentioned above , it depends on a variety of factors , like how much you want , how long you want it in place for , your health , etc. . What I 've noticed in my practice is that the desire to have life insurance is strong for baby boomers entering retirement around age 65 , and we are able to creatively find ways to obtain coverage that meets their goals at a reasonable price . But since everyone 's situation is different , it is always wise to speak with a trusted professional in your area to determine if you can find something that works for you !
If you are having home improvements completed just as a regular course of proper home maintenance , then insurance will not cover the cost . However , be sure to check with your Insurance professionalto see if your Homeowners Insureroffers discounts for such things as putting on a new roof or upgrading your electrical , plumbing or HVAC systems .
How Much Is Life Insurance For A 65 Year Old?
For a 65 year old nonsmoking female 10 year term life insurance for $ 100,000 of coverage from a few leading life insurance companies is : super preferred is $ 393 , preferred plus & preferred is $ 505 , standard plus is $ 590 , standard is $ 639 . Permanent guaranteed universal life for the same scenarios above is : super preferred is $ 1,300 , preferred plus & preferred is $ 1,368 , standard plus is $ 1,674 .
What 's wrong with universal life ? Nothing really , but ... Universal life is a flexible premium policy that provides a lot of leeway to the insured . This freedom can come back and haunt the insured as an underfunded UL can blow up down the road and leave the insured with nothing . Also in the past agents sold minimum premium plans during an up interest rate market . If nothing changed , these policies did fine , but how often in history does nothing change ?
How Much Is Life Insurance For A 65 Year Old?
How much is life insurance for someone 65 ? Any type of coverage will seem pricey to a younger person or a person expecting prices not to rise with age . Strangely many people do put off to 65 their purchase of a life policy . What they find is the cost is much higher than they thought . Most 65 year olds are no longer in tip top health so any underwriting discounts provided by good health will disappear , causing pricing to go upward .
Medicare Part A covers blood transfusions administered as an inpatient in a hospital or including skilled nursing facility -LRB- SKF -RRB- . Blood transfusions are covered under Part B if the transfusion is administered on an outpatient basis . You have a `` blood deductible '' under Medicare . Medicare does not cover your first 3 pints in a calendar year .
How Much Is Life Insurance For A 65 Year Old?
That is going to depend on many factors , the type of policy applied for and the amount of the policy applied for . Please contact a local agent to discuss the level of coverage and the type of policy that you are looking for . Providing a number would only be guessing and I would n't want to give you wrong numbers .
Obamacare health insurance -LRB- if you want to call it that -RRB- is available in 2014 under The Affordable Care Act . No person can be denied for medical reasons and federal tax subsidies will be available to many consumers to help pay premiums . Recent health care reform changes have resulted in 100 % preventive benefits and expanded dependent coverage . Open Enrollment begins in October so it 's just about time to compare your options through an experienced broker or a reputable health insurance website .
What Factors Affect Homeowners Insurance?
The basic rate is computed by evaluating a standard home . Anything in your home that is different affects your individual premium . Some common considerations include how close is the house to the seashore , a river , or a hillside ? Is the house being properly maintained ? Are there dangerous objects on the property such as derelict cars , trampolines or unfenced swimming pools ? Has the house been the subject of recent claims ? These and other items indicate to an underwriter that this home is different from the standard home .
Many family members and professional associates are eligible . Interestingly , I find that the majority of my clients designate a brother or sister as the trustee . That makes sense . After all , people tend to trust a close family member on life-and-death issues . When the insured is no longer around , a trustworthy soul is needed to handle the money . And also to take care of surviving family members . Siblings fit the bill . But it must be emphasized that trustees have a huge responsibility with regards to the policy inside the trust . They really need to make sure that it is audited on a regular basis to confirm it is performing as expected . You know how people sometimes lose track of their life insurance ? How sometimes it doesnt perform according to projections , and additional premium payments are needed ? Or it runs out of cash sooner than expected ? Or the death benefit gets reduced ? Well , if you are the trustee of your brother or sisters life insurance trust , you dont want any of this to happen . You very well could be liable . The insured set up the trust with a strategy designed to provide a certain amount of cash to certain people at certain times . Your job is to make sure the train arrives on schedule . If , for whatever reason , that policy under-performs , the buck could very well stop with you . You do not want that hot potato , both for financial as well as family reasons . You dont want to let the people down whom your sibling trusted you to help . So , if you are the trustee , make sure that policy is audited on a yearly basis , and make any changes that are necessary .
What Factors Affect Homeowners Insurance?
Talk to your iInsurance Professional about your specific needs , but in general , there are a few basic factors that will affect both coverage and pricing on a Homeowners ' policy . After an accurate address and location , probably the most obvious , is the dwelling coverage amount . This can be determined accurately by completing a Reconstruction Analysis . Once the dwelling amount is established , other factrrs are included namely proximity to a hydrant and fire services , age of the dwelling , additional security elements like alarm systems etc. . Pricing is also affected if you insure your cars with the same company because some nice discounts may apply .
The death rate is 100 % . The question then is , when will it occur ? Term insurance will provide coverage for a limited period to time . Whole life insurance will provide the same coverage for the lifetime of the insured . Unless you die within the period of coverage of the term policy , the whole life policy will always be a superior buy . Unlike the term policy , the whole life policy premium remains constant and the policy develops cash values that can be used for other purposes . The whole life policy doesnt increase in cost just at the time that you need it .
What Factors Affect Homeowners Insurance?
There are many factors that affect the rates for homeowners insurance : Homeowner -LRB- insured -RRB- - The insured 's age , credit rating , loss experience , prior coveragewill affect the premium charged for a homeowners policy . Home location - Location is a very big deal . For example , a home located on the coast will be subject to a much higher premium compared to the same home located far inland due to the increased possibility of loss from wind or storm damage . Likewise , a home located in an area that has excellent fire protection -LRB- very close proximity to a fire station -RRB- will have a lower premium than the same home located in a secluded location very far away from fire protection . Home Construction - A stick-built wood frame home is more expensive to insure than the same valued home constructed of fire-resistive materials due to the increased potential for catastrophic fire loss with the former . Coverage Limits - Obviously a $ 500,000 home will cost more to insure than a similarly located/constructed $ 200,000 home .
The Roth IRA is a retirement savings vehicle . Choosing a Roth IRA over a traditional IRA gives you several clear advantages : 1 -RRB- Your Roth IRA grows tax free . 2 -RRB- During your retirement years you draw tax free income from your Roth IRA account . 3 -RRB- Because you 've already paid taxes on your Roth IRA , it hedges against the possibility of having a tax rate increase , thus causing more taxes to be taken out of your Roth IRA income stream during retirement . Remember , you will most likely have less write-offs when you retire . In retirement , you will have no dependents and could have your mortgage paid off . 4 -RRB- No required minimum distributions -LRB- RMDs -RRB- when you reach 70 1/2 . In retirement , you 'll thank yourself for having the foresight of a tax free income stream while your neighbors face the likelihood of an increased tax bite from their save traditional IRA .
Is Glucerna Covered By Medicare?
Glucerna is an over the counter vitamin supplement beverage geared towards diabetics - over the counter items are generally not covered by Medicare nor deemed medically necessary by physicians . It may be helpful to contact Medicare directly to see if they have any unique situations where it would be covered .
The best auto and home insurance company will be different for every applicant . With more than 33 years of experience as a broker -LRB- and top-rated websites -RRB- , this question is often asked . Here 's the secret to getting the best rates and coverage from the top companies . Use a broker ! There is no cost or fee and typically , you 'll save money , time and a lot of frustration !
Does Health Insurance Cover A Vasectomy?
Some health insurance plans cover a vasectomy . Of course , if it is needed for medical reasons , it will be covered . For birth control reasons -LRB- for lack of a better term -RRB- , coverage can vary . It 's best to check with your current carrier and/or broker and ask them what benefits you have .
Cash surrender value pertains to the asset value or `` living value '' of permanent life insurance policies . Permanent life insurance is designed to pay a death benefit to last a lifetime , regardless of when you die . The premium is higher than term because it has to last longer and build a cash reserve to help keep the premium level . The cash reserve means the insurance company can offer a cash value to the owner that grows over time . At any given point in time , the cash surrender value is the amount that the insurer will pay the owner if the owner cancels the policy . In the first few years , it is not uncommon for that value to be zero .
What Is The Difference Between Life Insurance And An Annuity?
In general , life insurance pays out the cash proceeds when the insured person passes , while annuities pay out the cash proceeds when the insured person is alive . Some life insurance policies have a cash value that can be borrowed from , but the cash must be paid back to keep the policy intact . An annuity is designed for the purpose of making regular payments to the annuity holder while still alive .
Great question ! The very , very simplified answer is this - they make money in some ways like a bank does . The money you pay in premiums acts like the money you would deposit . The bank invests it , and makes money off of yours . Insurance companies do the same thing . Both charge fees for their services ; and will charge interest on money borrowed . Insurance companies can also make or lose money on the length of the lives of the policy holders - if you buy a policy , and pay on it for 3 years , and suddenly pass , the company will take a hit . But if you have a small policy , and pay on it for many , many years , they have plenty of time to invest and reinvest that money , and make a profit . I hope that helps , if you still have questions , contact me , I 'd be happy to help . Thanks for asking !
How Does Asthma Affect Life Insurance?
Are you asking because you need to purcahse a life insurance policy for the purpose of meeting a death benefit need ? Can you meet this objective by investing the premiums that you would pay for a life insurance policy in a savings account and therefore you fund your death benefit with having to pay the `` policy costs '' of an insurance company and you do not have to worry about an insurance company dictating terms that are negative to your objectives .
You can always purchase an individual health insurance plan if group coverage is not available to you or the coverage offered is not desirable . You can only apply for individual plans during the annual enrollment period or under a special enrollment period if you have a qualifying event -LRB- e.g. getting married , having a baby , etc. -RRB- Individual health plans can be purchased on or off the health insurance exchanges . If you qualify for a subsidy , you may want to look at plans on the exchanges - subsidies can only be used towards on-exchange plans . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
How Does Asthma Affect Life Insurance?
Asthma is a rapidly growing disease in the USA . There is abundant evidence as to the effect of asthma on the longevity of people . Insurance companies can determine mathematically the variation that someone with asthma makes to the normal distribution of mortality . Underwriters take a subjective look at individual cases and make determinations of the effect they expect the asthma to have on the longevity of the customer . They then make an offer of insurance .
Unfortunately , the only time that prescription glasses are covered by Medicare is when following cataract surgery . One pair of glasses is allowed after each cataract surgery . Medicare does not cover the cost of prescription glasses for purposes of improving eyesight affected by aging or other conditions that impair eyesight .
How Does Asthma Affect Life Insurance?
If you have very mild or seasonal asthma that does not require daily medication , you can be be rated better than Standard with some companies . If you have well controlled asthma with daily medication , you can most likely expect around a Standard rating , but it depends on the policy , and you could be rated a little better or worse . If you have had an emergency room visit for your asthma within the past year , you could be given a table rating , or even declined by some policies . Contacting an agency that sells a variety of products can help you get with the company and policy that will provide your lowest price for your particular type of asthma .
The desire to have Renters Insurance is one that varies in different geographic areas ; the decision to purchase Renters Insurance is either due to sense of responsibility , the requirement by the Landlord or both ! Renters Insurance is a very valuable and inexpensive option to cover the tenant fromthe results of a Negligent Act ; this would be covered by the Personal Liability section of the policy , this part is also not subject to the deductible on the policy . In addition to the Personal Liability section , thepolicy will offer protection for Personal Contents against a number of perils including Fire , Theft , Water Damage and a number of additional perils listed on the specific policy . Coverage forms vary from State to State . There is an online method to obtain a quote and purchase renters insurance online directly in multiple States ; the following linkwill be very helpful : WEBSITELINK It is our recommendation to select the highest available Liability Limit , the sufficient amount of Personal Property and a high deductible ; these selections will produce ample coverage with a low premium rate . For additional questions and/or assistance not available on the automated process , we recommend contacting a licensed professional for guidance .
How Does Asthma Affect Life Insurance?
This really depends upon the company . Some companies will still give you a favorable rate if your asthma is under control . Others may not offer a preferred rate or even surcharge for it . There is no hard and fast answer . The best strategy is to find an agent you trust and give him/her your health history . That will give them the information to be able to find the best place for you .
There is a `` net investment tax '' of 3.8 % that is levied on `` individuals , trusts and estates '' . Then each year when the individual files their tax returns the tax preparer is reponsible for completing the form that documents if the individual has credible health insurance coverage . If not , then the individual has to pay `` the fine '' which is a tax . Now that ObamaCare is on the ropes and apparently going down for the count perhaps some sanity can be returned back into the health insurance industry
What Is A Secondary Beneficiary For Life Insurance?
The primary beneficiary named by the policy owner receives life insurance proceeds when the insured dies . It is a good idea to also name a contingent -LRB- back up or secondary -RRB- beneficiary and review the policy every three years with a life insurance professional . Over time things may change e.g. beneficiaries sometimes predecease the insured . If there is no named , living beneficiary of the life insurance policy when the insured dies , and no contingent -LRB- secondary -RRB- beneficiary , the proceeds are paid to the estate . It is not an ideal outcome since this subjects the proceeds to probate which would not have occurred if there was a beneficiary .
According to a paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research on Aug. 12 , 2013 , the percentage of Americans that has long term care insurance is 10 % . The plans they have purchased do not cover everything , though , so the actual amount of long term care that is covered by private insurance in America is approximately 4 % .
What Is A Secondary Beneficiary For Life Insurance?
A secondary beneficiary for life insurance is also called a contingent beneficiary . A secondary beneficiary is not the same as being the second primary beneficiary listed . If there is more than one primary beneficiary , the death benefit is split among the primary beneficiaries . A secondary , or contingent , beneficiary only receives the death benefit if all primary beneficiaries are deceased .
There are many companies that provide disability insurance , including private policies , business overhead expense , key man disability insurance , etc. . For white collar employees carriers like The Standard , MetLife and Principal are very competitive . For impaired risk carriers -LRB- for blue collar employees or people with severe health conditions -RRB- , Petersen International , Fidelity , Assurity , Mass Mutual , etc. are your best bet . When speaking with your agent , make sure they provide you with quotes from several companies .
What Health Insurance Covers Gastric Bypass Surgery?
Some group health insurance plans will cover bariatric surgery including bypass and lap band . In a few states individual major medical plans are required by law to cover gastric bypass surgery . If you are morbidly obese and looking for a plan that specifically covers the surgery you may be denied coverage .
The biggest difference between a 401 -LRB- k -RRB- and an IRA is how much you can contribute to the accounts . With the 401 -LRB- k -RRB- , if you are under 50 , you can contribute up to $ 17,500 plus employer matches if they are available while the IRA is limited to $ 5,500 -LRB- under age 50 -RRB- . If you are older than 50 , the limits are increased a bit . Both accounts are tax-deferred , designed to be used during retirement , over age 59 1/2 otherwise penalties will be charged .
If I Contribute To A 401K Can I Still Contribute To A Roth IRA?
That is an excellent question ! Yes , if you can afford to contribute to both accounts , absolutely ! If your employer matches your 401k contribution , you want to keep that company match , it 's free money . If you can keep your contribution level there , and still make your $ 5500 -LRB- $ 6500 if you are 50 + -RRB- contribution to your Roth , great ! If not , you might wantto think about starting off with the 401k account , getting the match , switch to the Roth until it 's maxed , then switch back to the 401k until you reach the max there . Talk to your financial advisor and figure out what will work best for you . If you need help , feel free to contact me , okay ? Thanks for asking !
This depends on what specifically you are referring to when you say `` is up . '' When the level term period is over , the premium will generally increase . If the policy owner wishes to pay the premiums and keep the policy , he or she has that option . Term policies will reach a point where they can no longer be continued . In this circumstance , the policy terminates and coverage is no longer available from the policy .
How Do I Get Disability Insurance?
There are several excellent disability companies to choose from . To understand the selection process and which disability conpany is right for you , you need to use anindependant agent who works with brokerage outlets that represent several disability insurancecompanies . Disability Insurance Services is one such online outlet that can assist you .
That is a great question ! I 'm assuming that you are talking about the offer for `` up to $ 200,000 of term life insurance at members only group rates '' ? Any offers like this that you receive , or see advertised on television are offered by reputable companies , and are valid policies . Are they good for you , is the better question . In AAA 's case , -LRB- and I just happen to have a copy of their ad here , I use it for teaching purposes -RRB- there are a couple of things to look at that this type of advertised policy does , that a typical life insurance policy would n't . First , the small print tells you that this policy ends when you turn 80 . If you live to be 80 and a day , you have no coverage . If you look at the nicely colored chart with the ages and prices , you will see that every 5 years they increase , often pretty dramatically . The small print again tells us that your monthly rate increases to be whatever your age bracket becomes . So at age 64 , you pay a price , at 65 , it increases to the new price until you turn 70 , when it increases again . It is good in that if you can get through the few health questions , you are `` approved '' , unless of course the authorization that you okay in the small print turns up something in your health history that either denies your coverage , or increases your rate . Please understand that in no way am I disrespecting AAA or anyone else who advertises this kind of policy , because all of these things are clearly stated , and the assumption is that you the consumer can understand them , and by purchasing them , are accepting the terms of the policy , as legally stated . I wholeheartedly advise that you find a local agent who can show you what you would pay over your lifetime for this policy , and give you a few other policies to compare it to . Please , whatever you do , do NOT fill out a bunch of different ones , hoping one will be approved ! The exact opposite happens a great amount of the time . If you would like more details , please contact me , I will make time for you to discuss this privately . Thank you for asking !
Why Should I Set Up A Roth IRA?
The Roth IRA is a retirement savings vehicle . Choosing a Roth IRA over a traditional IRA gives you several clear advantages : 1 -RRB- Your Roth IRA grows tax free . 2 -RRB- During your retirement years you draw tax free income from your Roth IRA account . 3 -RRB- Because you 've already paid taxes on your Roth IRA , it hedges against the possibility of having a tax rate increase , thus causing more taxes to be taken out of your Roth IRA income stream during retirement . Remember , you will most likely have less write-offs when you retire . In retirement , you will have no dependents and could have your mortgage paid off . 4 -RRB- No required minimum distributions -LRB- RMDs -RRB- when you reach 70 1/2 . In retirement , you 'll thank yourself for having the foresight of a tax free income stream while your neighbors face the likelihood of an increased tax bite from their save traditional IRA .
I have a universal life insurance policy . The idea is great . The problem is that with all the flexibility that is a part of the universal life policy , there is a temptation to get too flexible , skip payments , decrease payments etc. . I have seen universal life policies that self-destruct . There are some laws of economics that can not be violated without paying the price and paying too little , particularly in the early years , can leave the insured with a very expensive term policy that expires while they are still alive .
When Should Someone Get Life Insurance?
There are numerous answers to this question . The easiest is if a person has a loved one in their life that would lose financially due to an unexpected death , they need life insurance . If someone counts on your income or would be left owing a bill from a mortgage , car loan , credit cards or funeral expenses , unless the money needed is available in the bank or liquid investment , you need life insurance . The best time to buy life insurance is as young and healthy as possible . be sure and lock in the rate for at least 20 to 30 years if buying term or permanently if buying whole , universal or another type of permanent insurance . We are all getting older and sicker each year , purchasing life while as early in life saves you a lot of money over your life time .
A landlord will require a tenant to have renters insurance to help protect them and you and your family . Renter insurance provides liability coverage and personal property coverage for the insured . The liability coverage will provide for a covered loss occuring that the insured is deemed responsible for and the personal property coverage provides for personal property due to acovered loss . If you would like to discuss details of renters insurance coverage , please contact a a local agent to have them go over it with you .
When Should Someone Get Life Insurance?
The best time to have Life Insurance is at the time of death . Unfortunately we do not know when that will be or how it will happen as we look into the future . If you had a crystal ball and knew exactly when and how you are going to die , then you would get the cheapest insurance for the highest death benefit you can afford . So , the question is what will happen to my family if I die tomorrow ? At age 65 or later . If you have children , then your priority is probably with providing coverage until they become the adults you want them to be . Term Life Insurance is a good solution for this type of coverage . If you are older , perhaps it is more of a Final Expense approach or perhaps an Estate Planning coverage with Permanent Life Insurance providing the best solution . Here is the catch : the older we get , the more health history we have , the higher the premiums will be no matter what kind of Life Insurance you get . It is all about planning for now and for the rest of your life .
A very short time really . It starts with filling out a death claim form and submitting it with a certified copy of the death certificate to the insurance carrier . Upon reciept it is usually a matter of a few days mail time from notification to presentation of the death benefit .
Does Renters Insurance Cover Plumbing?
Renters insurance works very much like homeowners insurance . If the damage is caused by a covered loss then you are covered , if not then you are not . Every policy is different . To know what coverage and exclusions your policy contains please read it completely or contact your local agent to have them go over it with you .
Good question , and I am not sure how to answer it . If you are referring to elders in a religious order , or tribal elders I ca n't tell you . But if you are using the term elder to describe someone who is older -LRB- than perhaps you are -RRB- , if they are 65 and older most likely they are covered by Medicare Part A and B . In that case the plans are referred to as Medicare supplement or simply Medigap .
What Does The Health Insurance Bill Mean To Me?
I assume you are referring to ACA -LRB- affordable care act -RRB- also known as Obamacare . What the law means to you will vary according to your need and income level . Individuals who have previously been denied health insurance due to pre-existing medical conditions will be able to purchase coverage without regard to their medical history . Low income individuals -LRB- as defined by the law -RRB- will be eligible -LRB- at least in some states -RRB- to enroll in Medicaid under an expansion provision . Others who earn less than 400 % of the FPL -LRB- federal poverty level -RRB- may be eligible for premium subsidies but only if they apply for coverage through the health insurance exchange . The numerous changes mandated by Obamacare will result in fewer choices and considerably higher health insurance premiums . This politically charged law has thorns among the roses .
Generally speaking , yes , a standard `` all risk '' Homeowners policy would cover damage resulting from a lightening strike . Certainly damage to your house itself , but also that caused by the sudden electrical surge through either power or cable lines that might damage or destroy appliances or other components would all be covered under your homeowners ' policy . IN addition , if the electrical storm knocks your poer out and you arein teh dark for several days , in many cases your homeowners ' policy would also pay to replace lost food items out of your regrigeratorand freezer .
Which Is The Best Term Life Insurance Company?
Yes , there are many great companies , but the choice should be made with some key factors in mind . My personal favorite has been around for 167 years , based in Vermont . It is a mutual company , meaning all profits are returned to the policy holders , lowering the rates . It is National Life Group . Why do I prefer it ? Because they offer , at absolutely no extra charge , and have been doing so for many years , LIVING BENEFITS . Their policies will cover you while your are living , not just when you die . They cover such things as chronic care , catastrophic care , terminal care . You can even go overseas to get experimental treatments to save your life . If you can not work , due to disability , they will also help . You save money by having only one policy and you are reliable coverage from a great company , at a low price . Its best policies are available through their largest brokers , Premier Financial Alliance , PFA . Talk with your local PFA agent . Thank you . GARY LANE .
The most expensive mistake a homeowner can make is to be underinsured . Regardless of what the premiums were , a single high value loss that exceeds the limits of the policy can make those saving immaterial . Setting adequate limits is absolutely crucial . The person that can help set appropriate limits is a reliable insurance agent . This is a far greater problem than many think . The primary place where this shows up is having inadequate liability limits . Your homeowners policy provides liability coverage for personal injury and property damage law suits . The company pays all costs for a lawsuit up to the limits of the policy . After that the homeowner is facing the lawsuit alone . Most companies do not offer adequate liability limits and most policyholders select limits that are lower than the maximum offered by the company . An umbrella policy is necessary for most homeowners . The second area that is often underinsured is valuable collections . The homeowners policy has internal limits for recovery on certain items . Most homeowner dont know that their inherited sterling silver is woefully underinsured . They dont understand that those guns in the cabinet could be destroyed and they would only get a fraction of their value . The same is true of jewelry , a coin collection , and many other items . This is all detailed inside the policy , but few homeowners ever read their policy . Some people continue to underinsure their structure . While not as common it is an increasing phenomenon . A homeowner will improve the home and never inform the company or agent . In the event of a loss the amount of coverage might not return the home to its updated glory . This coverage is really inexpensive , however a loss can be paralyzing . Some homeowners have multiple homes . The second homes are often in hazardous areas , such as lakefront , beach front and mountain property . The cost of replacing one of these homes can exceed the insured value because of inflated reconstruction costs . If a forest fire sweeps through some summer cottages , there will be a great demand for contractors to do the work and there will also be bidding for materials . It can get ugly . So adequate insurance is the first step , the second step is to focus on the policy itself . Homeowners can often save significant money by increasing the deductibles on their policies . The deductible should be set at the amount of loss that could be absorbed without serious disruption to the family finances . That is often more than the deductible in the policy . Companies traditionally offer discounts if coverages are packaged . Some companies cover a wide range of policies and by bringing those to a single carrier premium savings can often be realized . This is particularly true if you own another residence that you lease to someone else . Often extending liability coverage from you homeowners policy will save you money . Companies often give discounts for loss prevention . The most common is the central station monitored alarm systems . While companies are rarely as generous as the alarm sales people indicate , there are savings to be had by simply providing a certificate of installation . Sometimes the homeowners policy will be modified if substantial rehabilitation is done to the home . You would need to talk to your agent about this . You could also discuss the jewelry insurance if the jewelry is most often located in a safe deposit at the bank .
Which Is The Best Term Life Insurance Company?
There are many great Term Life Insurance companies and no one best one . You can look at the ratings from AM Best , Standard & Poor 's , Moody 's , Fitch , and other rating agencies to see how a company rates against other life insurance companies in terms of financial strength , issuer credit , and debt ratings .
Some of the coverage characteristics for Disability Insurance are elimination period -LRB- how long you would need to be disabled before the benefit would payout -RRB- , percent of income replacement , `` own occupation '' -LRB- this would enable the policy to pay your benefit if you are unable to go back to your OWN job duties vs being able to go back to ANY job -RRB- , residual benefit -LRB- pays if you are unable to get back to 100 % of your prior performance -RRB- , and years of coverage .
Which Is The Best Term Life Insurance Company?
The absolute best term life insurance policy is the policy in force when you die at the cheapest premium for your unique situation . All in all term life insurance is a commodity meaning they are all pretty much the same . You die and someone receives a big check . Purchase an A rated carrier who has the best rate for your unique situation . Remember nothing is free , that includes life insurance products .
Answer to your question will very much depend on your location . Probably least headache giving solution would be to search for Insurance Agent licensed in your state and ask for advise . Finding insurance agent is not hard . I 'm sure Google search will give you many results and you will probably be directed to some of web sites that you can give info to and agents will call you . Just be aware that giving your contact info to some sites will case multiple calls and sometimes may becomeinterruptive . Better off maybe searching for Independent Insurance Agent and calling them . Good luck to you , I hope I helped some .
Does Health Insurance Pay For Gastric Bypass Surgery?
It depends on your own particular policy and also on if your doctor is ordering the procedure for medical reasons or if you want the procedure simply for cosmetic reasons . This is exactly they type of information that your health insurance agent is paid the big bucks to help you with . Have him review your coverage with you .
Yes . All life insurance will end upon your death if the policy is still in force when you die . Some life insurance is not really designed to last until you die . Term life insurance is always intended to be temporary insurance and only last 20 years or 30 years or for whatever term you buy it for . It actually does n't end because you COULD renew it but no one ever does because the policy premium would be very very expensive . It 's usually cheaper to either start over with a new policy or walk away from it .
Where To Get Renters Insurance?
That is a great question ! There are many companies that offer renters insurance . You want to look for one that has a good reputation , and the money to back it up . You can look for an independent agent -LRB- one not tied to a brand name -RRB- , and often your complex managers can refer you to a company -LRB- and often a discount ! -RRB- . Good luck , and thanks for asking !
The first thing I recommend looking for is appropriate coverage . Your homeowners insurance should have enough dwelling coverage to cover not only the cost of rebuilding your home , but also cover the clearing and removal of debris is your home is destroyed . All too often , I see homeowners policies that ONLY cover the cost to rebuild . If you do n't have enough to clear the debris , you could get stuck with that cost yourself -LRB- and that cost is in the neighborhood of $ 30,000 ! -RRB- . If the cost to rebuild your home becomes MORE than your coverage , is there anything in place to help pay for that ? For example , Farmers Insurance will include an extra 25 % of the dwelling coverage . So , if your home coverage is $ 100,000 , and it ends up cost $ 125,000 to rebuild your home , Farmers Insurance would pay that amount -LRB- minus your home deductible -RRB- . The final thing I would point out would be the deductible . In many cases , if you have never had a claim , you can have a lower deductible . However , many insurance companies are moving to a higher deductible model -LRB- usually as a percentage of the dwelling coverage -RRB- . So , if your dwelling coverage is $ 200,000 , your deductible would be 1 % of the dwelling , or $ 2,000 . I recommend finding a company that offers a deductible you feel comfortable paying .
Where To Get Renters Insurance?
A trusted insurance agent is the place to buy renters insurance . The agent will listen to you , provide solid financial advice and communicate clearly with you and the insurance company . The most important step in buying renters insurance is setting the limits . If you underestimate the value of your personal property , you will be greatly disappointed when you suffer a loss . Make sure that the limit you select for liability coverage is as high as you can afford . A lawsuit can certainly ruin your week .
Life insurance works so very well that it is one of the few products the federal government does not allow you to overfund without penalty . That 's correct , the government changes the tax status of life insurance if too much money is placed into a policy because of the many tax advantages it provides . If it did n't work would the government limit it in such a way ?
How Can I Get PPO Health Insurance?
PPO is not a type of health insurance . It is an abbreviation for Preferred Provider Organization -LRB- PPO -RRB- which describes the network provider contracting approach associated with whatever health insurance plan you are purchasing . PPO network based health insurance products have dominated the marketplace for many years so it is not unusual for the consumer to blend the two . After January 1 , 2014 you will want to have your health insurance agent check for you , or if you are a `` do it yourselfer `` do someresearching online to determine the type of provider network associated with health plans you may be interested in . The traditional features of PPO plan designs have been to have office visit & prescription copayments , lower deductibles , higher co-insurance levels and lower out-of-pocket financial exposure for using in-network PPO providers while still having coverage for voluntary usage of non-network providers at reduced benefit levels . PPO plans are the dominant network arrangement in the current health insurance marketplace . However , changes brought about by the Affordable Care Act -LRB- ObamaCare -RRB- , are causing insurance carriers to re-design their products and this does extend to the design of their provider networks . This is especially true of the health insurance products sold in the government health insurance marketplaces where the consumer may encounter multiple network or sub-network type provider arrangements in this environment . For instance , here in Tennessee , the BC/BS plan offers essentially the same insurance products with pricing based on your choice of 3 different PPO networks at 3 different price points . The larger the PPO provider network you choose the higher the insurance premium associated with the product . In fact , the smallest of the 3 BC/BS network options is offered only in the government marketplace . So , these are words of caution , there are degrees of difference even within what are technically PPO based products these days . Do n't just assume that a provider is going to be in-network with an insurance carrier based upon your past experience . Verify with both the insurance carrier and the doctor 's office that they are a participating provider . Also , especially in the individual health insurance marketplace starting in 2014 , you will want to be aware of the growing move back to Point-of-Service -LRB- POS -RRB- , Health Maintenance Organization -LRB- HMO -RRB- and Accountable Care Organization -LRB- ACO -RRB- based provider delivery systems associated with a growing number of health insurance products . These other variations on the theme apply more stringent guidelines to provider access in a variety of ways -LRB- reduced network sizes , gate keeper referral arrangements , sharply reduced or no out-of-network coverage -RRB- and introduce entirely new considerations for the consumer .
A life insurance physical is usually misrepresented as a paramedic exam . First , if a physical is required by the company you are applying at , thwn they would send a medical or you could be sent to one , to have a physical completed similar to an annual physical . A paramedical is where a technician is sent to your home , place of work , or another setting you agree upon , where he/she will ask a medical questions which the insurance company wants answers to . Blood pressure , a blood draw , urine in a cup , and measurements will also usually happen . It really all depends on the company , your age , and how much you are applying for .
Who Sells Long Term Disability Insurance?
When looking for disability insurance , you can find a local agent in your area , or you can find a brokerage company online . Although you can sometimes go straight to the carrier , it 's best if you use a broker so that he or she can shop around and provide you with a few different quotes . If you ca n't find an agent or a brokerage that you like , you can contact a company like ours and we 'll put you in touch with a top broker in your area . That way you can have peace of mind knowing that your agent is experienced and trustworthy .
To find the cost of $ 1,000,000 in life insurance for you , you can go to a website that allows you to put in your information to get your quote , or you can call an online life insurance agency or one that you locate with the Yellow Pages or Chamber of Commerce Directory , or you can visit a local life insurance office . That way you will get the rate that applies to you , not to an unknown person advertised on TV for the type of policy that may or may not do you any good .
Who Sells Long Term Disability Insurance?
There are a lot of major carriers that sell long term disability insurance . Just to name a few of the larger carriers are Metlife , Assurity , Principal Mutual , The Standard , Illinois Mutual , Guardian and Mass Mutual . I recommend using an experienced independent disability broker that can professionally shop the market as there are a lot of moving parts to buying disability insurance . It is easy for a novice to make a mistake .
Rules vary from state to state . I am an agent in California and the answer is anabsoluteyes . If you are at-fault in an accident you will besurchargedfor that accident under the California proposition 103 guidelines . Driving record is a major rating factor in California . In other states there may be a little moreleniency Talk to your local agent about how anaccidentmay effect your rates .
Who Sells Long Term Disability Insurance?
Long-term disability policies are sold by many independent brokers and some of the actual insurers themselves . To obtain a free quote , it 's best to contact an experienced broker , provide some basic information regarding your age , health and the type of work you do , and shortly , you will be able to compare the best options .
Health insurance came into being to help pay for catastrophic -LRB- large -RRB- medical claims . Initially health insurance plans only covered inpatient hospital stays . Over time some medical care that could only be handled as an inpatient became available on an outpatient basis . Also , new prescription drugs were developed to treat illness that earlier had been considered incurable . As these new -LRB- and quite expensive -RRB- drugs came on the market health insurance was expanded to cover outpatient services including Rx , extensive diagnostic testing such as MRI and CT scans and outpatient surgery .
Does Medicare Cover Sleep Apnea Equipment?
Medicare will cover the cost of renting a CPAP machine if there is a medical necessity . You must have been examined by a doctor , the doctor must have prescribed a sleep study and the study must have been diagnosed with sleep apnea . Your doctor must submit a CMN to Medicare .
Medicare is operated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services -LRB- CMS -RRB- , which is part of the Department of Health and Human Services in cooperation with the Social Security Administration , it does not have a central claim-paying office for incoming claims . Rather , large insurance companies , chosen within each state , actually administer the claim payment process . So , from state to state , claim submissions are submitted to different entities . For example , claimants living in New Jersey submit claims to the New Jersey Medicare Claim Office .
Can Ssi Recipients Have Life Insurance?
Yes just about anyone at any age can have life insurance . Depending on which type of insurance , term lifeor whole life , you will most likley would need to provide medical information and have labs drawn . Life insurance comanies reserve the right to accept or decline based on the findings .
People who have been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea can be eligible for three months of CPAP -LRB- Continuous Positive Airway Pressure -RRB- if that is determined medically necessary . If the CPAP therapy is helpful , Medicare may extend the length of time that the machine rental and purchase of related supplies -LRB- mask , tubing -RRB- is covered .
Is Humana Medicare Advantage An Hmo?
It depends a lot on what state you are in . Humana does have HMO & PPO Medicare Advantage plans . However , people often confuse what they know about health insurance prior to turning 65 with health insurance after they turn 65 . There are big differences . It is no longer about HMO or PPO . All Medicare Advantage , HMO & PPO are basically in the same category which is a Medicare Advantage plan . It really becomes a question of do you want a Medicare Advantage plan or a Medicare Supplement plan -LRB- Medigap -RRB- ? One of the great features of a Medicare Supplement plan is there is `` no network '' so you can go to any doctor or hospital in any state you want . If they take Medicare they will take the Medicare Supplement regardless of carrier .
Flexible premium adjustable life insurance is another name for Universal Life . The premium is flexible in that you can increase or decrease it as desired . If you increase it , the policy can last longer and/or build up more cash value . If you decrease it , the policy could lapse sooner and/or build up less cash value . It is adjustable in that you can lower the face amount or premium as desired , or dump in a lump sum of money to grow tax deferred .
Do Medigap Payments Go Directly To The Beneficiary?
Medigap , also known as Medicare Supplement Insurance and Plan F , payments go directly to the service provider . It is best to ask in advance whether your doctor , provider or supplier has accepted assignment . Participating providers have signed an agreement for all Medicare covered services . Participating providers have also agreed to charge you only the Medicare deductible and coinsurance amount and usually wait for Medicare to pay its share before asking you to pay your share . They have to submit your claim directly to Medicare and can not charge you for submitting the claim .
Comprehensive coverage is not widely understood . Basically it covers damage to a vehicle that comes from something other than a collision . This includes striking an animal . The coverage is tied to the value of the car but some drop the coverage because they are putting the car in storage for a period of time . Any loss sustained would not be covered if comprehensive coverage was not maintained , whether that was a car being burned in a garage fire or vandalism .
How Much Long Term Health Care Insurance Do I Need?
Most married couples who purchase long term care in their early 60s are opting to purchase the maximum benefit with at least a 3 % inflation rider . The total benefits generally run $ 7,000 a calendar month with max benefits of around $ 400,000 to $ 420,000 for two 60 year old non-smokers on a joint policy .
Anyone who works automatically contributes into the Medicare fund through FICA taxes . Employees and employers split the bill down the middle . 12.4 % of income is contributed to social security up to $ 113,700 in earnings for 2013 . 2.9 % of earnings are contributed towards Medicare with no income limit . The Affordable Care Act included a provision that increases the contribution made for high income earners . Single earners making more than $ 200,000 and married couples making more than $ 250,000 must pay an additional .9 % towards Medicare . Self employed workers pay the entire amount , and need to make quarterly estimated tax payments including these amounts .
Where Can I Get Disability Insurance?
You can get Disability Insurance from brokers and agencies that specialize in that product , or you can get it from Life Insurance brokers and agencies that carry Disability Insurance along with their other financial products . You can get it from a local office or from a website that sells it .
A lot depends on the area you live in . Generally , unless you are somewhere like California , earthquake coverage is inexpensive and its not a bad idea to add it if it is not already included . Some companies may require it . Ohio where I live for example , is not know for it 's earthquakes however we have had a few relatively minor ones that has caused damage . Unless you are in an area where there is no chance of an earthquake I would recommend it .
Where Can I Get Disability Insurance?
If you 're unable to find a broker in your area , or if you 're just not sure to start , you can visit a disability insurance wholesaler , such as Disability Insurance Services , and they can put you in contact with a trusted broker in your area . That way , you know the agent your working with has extensive DI experience , and is already contracted with numerous carriers , thus being able to provide you with numerous quotes .
That is an excellent question ! Not only can you , but you should ! It is an excellent strategy to maximize as much as you can afford to the amount you can contribute to your retirement funds . Contribute as much as you can to the 401 to earn the employer match , it 's free money , in a way , and you should take advantage of it . Your Roth will allow $ 5500 a year -LRB- $ 6500 if you are 50 + -RRB- and after your 401 , contribute as much of that as possible . The earlier you start , the better , and by maximizing your contributions now , it will help balance out when the time comes that money is a little tighter , and you ca n't contribute as much . Thank you for asking !
Is Restasis Covered By Medicare?
Restasis opthalmic eye drops is a steroid commonly used to treat severe dry eye . This type of dry eye is often -LRB- but not always -RRB- associated with Sjogren 's , an autoimmune disorder . Restasis is a covered medication under some Medicare Part D plans . Check your plan 's formulary . You can reduce your cost with manufacturers coupons , PAP 's and ordering by mail .
An APS is an `` Attending Physician Statement , '' and it is often used when you apply for coverage . It is a formal request from the insurance company to one of your medical providers -LRB- usually your family physician -RRB- requesting specific medical records . The insurer usually pays the cost ofobtainingthe medical records .
How Long Does A Car Insurance Quote Last?
A quote is normally valid for sixty days or less . Insurance companies take rate increases periodically and that might change the price quoted . This doesnt happen very often . If you have a quote it should say on the quote itself the period of time in which the quote is valid .
Video Transcript : Today 's question is , How does life insurance work ? Well , life insurance indemnifies or protects , or covers your liabilities . Let 's say you have indebtedness . Most people have a mortgage , and especially most mortgages today are dependent on two incomes . You 'd want to be able to cover both people that are involved in the mortgage so that if somebody died , they 'd be able to pay off their mortgage . But , not only that , you 'd want to be able to pay off all your credit cards , any other indebtedness you have and put money aside , bought through the death benefit for future obligations that you might have . Like for example , college education , or the retirement of the surviving spouse . These are areas where insurance indemnifies you from financial loss and gives your beneficiaries , usually , tax free benefits if something happens to you .
How Long Does A Car Insurance Quote Last?
That can vary by company and situation of course , but generally speaking , unless something material changes , figure on at least 30 days . Some things that might affect it are a change in address or vehicle , a change in your credit score or a change in your driving record , all of which have consideration when preparing a quote .
That is a great question ! When the program was designed , it was set up so that all Americans reaching the age of 65 had access to affordable health care . At the time , good health care was something that was priced far out of reach of the average person . It still is . So yes , Medicare is available to just about everyone . Now should people who can afford their healthcare be entitled to a program that was designed for the poor ? That 's a better question , in my opinion . Thanks for asking !
Can I Take Out A Life Insurance Policy On My Son Without His Knowledge?
You can not legally take out a life insurance policy on your son without his knowledge , if your son is an adult . The law dictates that adults have the right to know of , and to consent to , life insurance policies out on their lives . But would your son object to you taking out a policy on him ? Accidental death policies do not need any medical requirements , and he could get life insurance that would not require an exam .
You should consider what your needs are for life insurance and ask yourself if they are finite . Many people understand the need to protect their family with life insurance to replace income lost due to the death of a wage earner but mistakenly believe that , when they stop working , the need for life insurance goes away . Life insurance offers protection , income replacement , and the chance to leave a legacy . With life insurance , you are protecting the people you care about the most . Life insurance can also protect the business you own . Here is a partial list of permanent needs where cash value life insurance is an ideal solution : Pay burial and other final expenses . Pay off debt obligations such as a car loan , credit cards , etc. . Pay off or reduce a home mortgage . Create an education fund for kids or grandchildren . Enhance an estate to provide for children of a prior marriage . Satisfy divorce related obligations such as alimony or child support . Create a fund to provide care for a loved one with special needs . Pay legal and administrative costs incurred at the insureds death . Provide a source of liquidity to pay state and/or federal estate taxes . Mitigate the impact taxes can have on assets owned in trust . Replace loss due to income tax on Income in Respect of Decedent -LRB- IRD -RRB- assets such as annuities , IRAs , and qualified plan assets . Diminish the impact of marital deduction limitations of a surviving resident noncitizen spouse . Increase the value of transfers of generation-skipping , annual exclusion , and exemption gift amounts . Leave a charitable legacy . Replace wealth left to a charity . Equalize inheritances between business heirs and non-business heirs . Collateralize a business loan . Fund a buy-sell agreement . Stabilize a business at the death of a key employee or owner . Offset the loss of a key employee -LRB- at death -RRB- to the business . Establish a fund to retain key employees -LRB- such as stay-bonus , SERP , deferred compensation -RRB- . Facilitate an Employee Stock Ownership Plan -LRB- ESOP -RRB- repurchase obligation .
Can I Take Out A Life Insurance Policy On My Son Without His Knowledge?
If your son is between dependant age of 0 to 25 years then you may take out the policy without his permission . As he would be dependent on you for support . You will an the policy and be the payor . He would be rated at a preferred rate and guaranteed insurable for when the age of 25 is reached he would would have to own his own policy and would receive it guaranteed . The rate would change for he would need a higher face amount since there is a limit on how much he can be insured as a dependent .
Medigap Insurance -LRB- also known as Medicare Supplement Insurance -RRB- is designed to cover what original Medicare Part A & B does not cover . For example , with Medigap Plan F , it would pay all your co-insurance , deductibles and co-pays . There is also no network with Medigap Insurance so you can go to any doctor or hospital that you want . If they take Medicare they will take the Medigap Plan regardless of who the insurance carrier is . I would be happy to answer any other questions you have .
Can I Take Out A Life Insurance Policy On My Son Without His Knowledge?
That is a great question , and a terrible spot to be in . I am going to guess that as these were student loans , that your sons are both well above the age of legal adulthood in your state . If that is the case , then the answer is no , you may not . A term policy to cover the cost of the loan is a good idea , and I 'd suggest that you ask both sons to agree to have policies . If they decide not to , can you look into refinancing the loan and reducing the payments to a point where the son could afford to pay it ? -LRB- Or ease your burden ? -RRB- That may also be an option . If I can help in any way , please do n't hesitate to contact me . Thanks for asking !
A speeding ticket will likely increase your car insurance when the insurer finds out . The increase may be small or perhaps part of a discount that will be taken away . If you are shopping for new coverage , it does keep you from buying a policy , although it may make the rate more expensive .
Can I Take Out A Life Insurance Policy On My Son Without His Knowledge?
That really depends on how old your son is . Usually , if he is under 15 years old , you can , otherwise a signature is required on the application . Someone answered that question by saying you could do so up until the age of 25 and that is a totally false answer . Has nothing to do with dependent status .
Why Buy Life Insurance For Children ? Great Question . Are you going to contribute towards your child 's future college cost ? Are you interested in giving your kids an head start in life with saving money ? I think the best thing to do is understand the benefits of whole life insurance , or index universal life insurance . When you learn about these two insurance products you will understand their are tax advantages such as tax deferred and tax free withdrawal . When you combine the tax advantages with earning a rate of return on your money while it compounds over the years than you will see why you would definitely buy life insurance for your child . The biggest asset kids have is time . It takes time for money to build over the years , and the real question is how much money do you want working in your child 's favor that 's tax free.Something to really think about . I hope this helps anyone in why they should buy life insurance for their child . .
How To Get Auto Insurance Before Buying A Car?
Not quite sure what you mean . Do you mean needing auto insurance for some time until you buy a car , or needing auto insurance right before you buy a car and drive off the lot ? If you 're about to buy a car , all you need is the VIN # of the vehicle before binding a policy . If you mean needing insurance now without owning a car , you will need either a named operator policy or a broad form named driver policy , depending on the state you live in .
Respite care is not covered under Medicare . Only procedures considered medically necessary are approved by Medicare . If you are in need of in home medicare care by a licensed and approved medical provider -LRB- nurse , therapist , doctor -RRB- Medicare may cover the treatment administered by the medical professional . There are special insurance policies you can purchase to cover at least a portion of home care .
How Much Does Humana Health Insurance Cost?
HumanaOne has health insurance plans to meet almost every need and budget . Rates are determined based on your age , gender , zip code , the plan design you pick and your overall health . Some HumanaOne plans for younger individuals can be less than $ 100 per month while older individuals may be $ 400 per month or more .
Auto glass is covered on an auto insurance policy as long as you carry physical damage coverage . Physical damage coverage would be comprehensive or collision . If the car is in an accident and the glass is broken collision would pick up the damage minus yourcollisiondeductible . If the damage came from a non collision related incident such as a rock hitting thewindshieldor vandalism for example these types of situations would fall under comprehensive coverage . Many insurance carriers now offer zero -LRB- 0 -RRB- deductible for glass on the comprehensive deductible . For example : you could purchase a $ 500.00 deductiblefor any comprehensive loss on your auto policy but have a zero -LRB- 0 -RRB- deductible if the comprehensive loss was glass . Usually a slight extra premium applies for this coverage . Talk to your local agent to see if this is an option available in your area .
How Much Does Humana Health Insurance Cost?
The average cost in the country for a health insurance plan is $ 328 per month - however , this is only reflective upon a silver level plan -LRB- not all 2014 state figure averages are available yet -RRB- . While you can try to come up with an `` average '' cost , there 's too many factors that go into premium pricing to say how in relation that compares to you . In short , an `` average '' premium is a rather useless figure to the individual . It 's only representative to a large group - you could have people paying a small nominal amount -LRB- after factoring in subsidies -RRB- per month to several thousand dollars per month . Even for that there 's a ton of information to sift through to get an accurate representation . Under the new Affordable Care Act , you have the options for bronze , silver , gold , and platinum level plans -LRB- as you go up in metal , the price goes up , but provides better benefits -RRB- - some areas also have a catastrophic plan available . In addition , your age is a big factor as well . The younger you are , the cheaper your premium - the older you are , the higher your premium . Also , if you use tobacco products , your premium can be increased up to 50 % as well . You may be able to qualify for a subsidy that can be used to reduce the cost of your health insurance premiums . I always recommend consulting with an experienced broker . We can help you determine the plan that 's going to be most suitable for your needs and budget . Please let me know if I can be of further assistance . Thanks very much .
Can you negotiate Term Life Insurance ? That is a great question . Many people think that life insurance companies hold sales , and ads can easily give people that impression . But life insurance actually has set rates , and the only negotiable part may -LRB- or may not -RRB- be what you are rated . Most life insurance companies must justify to their reinsurer -LRB- s -RRB- the rating that they give an applicant , which means sticking to underwriting guidelines . That is why you can often get a better rate by shopping with an agency that carries many different companies , because you can take advantage of a variety of underwriting guidelines and find the one that works best for you . Sometimes , when a rating is given , extra information can be provided to the underwriter to convince him/her to improve the rating . Sometimes knowing that another company rated you better can help bump your rating up . These are possibilities that could result in you paying a lower price . But how the life insurance itself is priced is not negotiable .
What Is The Best Kind Of Life Insurance To Purchase?
The best kind of life insurance to purchase is what works best for your particular need . If you have a short term need -LRB- e.g. providing for your children if you were not alive -RRB- , a term policy would give you the most protection for the lowest cost . On the other hand , if you want the life insurance to pay for your funeral , you would want permanent life insurance so that the policy is in effect when you pass . Sometimes buying two policies is most cost effective.A good life insurance agent will help you figure this out .
The best time to have Life Insurance is at the time of death . Unfortunately we do not know when that will be or how it will happen as we look into the future . If you had a crystal ball and knew exactly when and how you are going to die , then you would get the cheapest insurance for the highest death benefit you can afford . So , the question is what will happen to my family if I die tomorrow ? At age 65 or later . If you have children , then your priority is probably with providing coverage until they become the adults you want them to be . Term Life Insurance is a good solution for this type of coverage . If you are older , perhaps it is more of a Final Expense approach or perhaps an Estate Planning coverage with Permanent Life Insurance providing the best solution . Here is the catch : the older we get , the more health history we have , the higher the premiums will be no matter what kind of Life Insurance you get . It is all about planning for now and for the rest of your life .
About How Much Does Renters Insurance Cost?
Carriers often have a minimum limit of coverage for which they will issue a policy . For renters this might be as low as 20,000 or 25,000 dollars of contents coverage and a minimum of say 100,000 in liability coverage . Talk it over with your agent and let him or her know your situation . Keep in mind that carriers often provide a discount to consumers who bundle their auto and home insurance with the same company . In fact it is not uncommon in some of the states we write business in , that the consumer gets enough discount for having the auto policy as well that the savings pays for the bulk of the renters policy . So , shop for the best you can afford and start with your auto insurer or agent who handles your auto coverage .
A variable universal life insurance policy is a form of permanent insurance . That means that the policy is designed to last the lifetime of the insured . Unlike traditional whole life , the cash value of the policy is not invested in the general fund of the insurance company . Unlike a universal life policy the cash value is not invested in a separate fund . Instead the cash value is invested at your direction into a series of funds that are a part of the companys investment options .
Can You Cash In Life Insurance?
You can cash in your life insurance if there is any cash value , minus surrender charges and fees . If you want money from your life insurance policy , it might be better to take out a loan on the cash value . If you are unable to pay the premiums any more , it may work to change it to a reduced paid up policy . Permanent , cash value life insurance offers options of which the policy holder is often unaware . Before you cash in your policy and lose the coverage altogether , discuss your options with the agent who sold the policy to you , or call the company through which it was issued . You can even contact another agency you trust to help you with that decision . They are ethically bound to help you keep it if that is in your best interest .
If you have a legitimate business with business expense , you should be able to deduct individual disability coverage , but make sure the deduction is worth it . Deducting the disability premium can increase your benefit up to 80 % of your compensation but the benefit is taxable . Not deducting the premium will deliver up to 60 % of your compensation but its tax free . Do the math . A deduction in hand is not necessarily worth two in the bush .
Can You Cash In Life Insurance?
Life insurance is personal property and an asset . The policy owner can cash in the policy . The first consideration is surrender charges . If you cash in your policy , i.e. terminate it , you may pay surrender charges and lose coverage . You also may haven ordinary income tax bill for any gain in the contract . Before you move forward with cashing in your policy , check with the company for all the consequences of surrendering your contract .
American Income Life or AIL is a US life insurer domiciled in the state of Texas . They are an AM Best A + rated company . They focus their products on middle and working class consumers and offer final expense and supplemental accident insurance products . AIL is a subsidiary company of Torchmark Corporation , which is a publicly traded financial services company in the United States .
Can You Be On Someone Else's Car Insurance?
Great question ! Absolutely ! Very often spouses will be on the same policy , especially if the insurer gives discounts for multiple drivers or bundled policies . Parents can add children also , for example . Beaware that each additional driver will add cost to the policy , and that if they are younger , or have had a less than perfect driving record , that the cost could be fairly high . If you would like more info , please contact me , I 'd be happy to help ! Thanks for asking !
The obvious answer is by the numbers . There really are 2 ways to go about it , but one really I think is preferable . The first way is tp just tell everyone about the location and how much coverage you want on the house . Everyone quotes the same dwelling amount so that 's a good way to compare it would seem . However , That probably is n't the way the coverage would be actually underwritten . Look for an agent who is willing to take the time to see the property , inspect it and prepare a recommendation based upon a completed reconstruction analysis . Look for an agent who will then take the time to discuss the features and benefits of the policy and also identify discount opportunities . In other words , do n't just compare the numbers , compare the professionalism and service . If you see that just for the quote process , it 'll surely be there for the claim process should you ever need it .
Can You Be On Someone Else's Car Insurance?
You can be listed as a driver on someone else 's auto insurance , they would need to request the addition to their policy . Adding additional drivers can cause an increase in the rate depending on the driving record of the person being added as well as their driving experience , younger less experinced drivers do tend to cause a policy to go up . If you are driving someone else 's vehicle you should look into being added to the policy .
The two main types of life insurance are : Term Permanent Term policies are purchased for the death benefit only and do not build up cash . Permanent policies come in many different forms such as whole life , universal life , indexed universal life , and variable universal life . Permanent policies -LRB- sometimes called cash value policies -RRB- provide a death benefit and they also can be used to accumulate cash . The cash build up inside a policy can be accessed tax free as a loan and can be used for any purpose such as supplemental retirement income , college funding , or emergency expenses .
Is Life Insurance Really Necessary?
There are other ways to save up or invest in order to provide funds to those who would suffer financial loss upon your death . However , those funds do not accumulate overnight , whereas life insurance will pay within hours of it going into effect . Also , those funds are always in danger of being depleted for medical bills or other emergencies , whereas Term life insurance only pays out upon death . To me , these are the two most compelling reasons that Life Insurance is really necessary .
Yes , you can borrow from a universal life policy if there is available cash value to borrow from . Just remember that there are fees involved in borrowing -LSB- such as interest -RSB- that will directly affect your cash value balance . Borrowing from your cash value may be better or worse than borrowing from a bank or other financial institution . Compare the costs of funds before making your final decision .
What Is Molina Medicare?
Molina Medicare -LRB- Molina Healthcare -RRB- is a company that provides Medicare Advantage plans to persons on Medicare , or are Medicare and Medicaid . They offer healthcare policies in 9 states and work with lower income persons . Molina Healthcare was started by a physician who still serves as head of the company .
There is no single answer to your question . Health insurance rates will vary depending upon your state of residence , the health insurance carrier you are looking at , the health insurance plan you are considering and quite probably your tobacco use status . With those things said , for a person at age 62 enrolling in individual health insurance you should not be surprised to see rates in the $ 400 to $ 800 per month range as just general ballpark estimates .
How To Insure An Engagement Ring Without Homeowners Insurance?
If you do not have a homeowners or renters policy there are still insurance companies out there that will insure personal articles on a stand alone basis . They would just require an appraisal and the insurance carrier could get you a rate . This type of policy is pretty much only offered through independent agents .
It depends on the need -LRB- not a very direct answer I know ! -RRB- - the reason for this is because everyone has a different purpose for why they 're buying life insurance . There 's no one shoe fits all policy in this industry . What you need to look at first is what you need the coverage for - it 's helpful to discuss this with an independent agent who can walk you through this and help you determine the structure that 's going to be most suitable for you . If you 're only interested in buying coverage to cover a certain debt for a limited time , you may want to look at term insurance - in that type of situation , you may just be throwing excess money away . If you 're buying coverage for estate planning purposes , you would want to look at permanent coverage because you 're planning for the long run and it 's not something you want to be cheap about . With permanent insurance , there 's two main types - Whole Life and Universal Life -LRB- there are sub-categories with in that - e.g. guaranteed universal life , current assumption universal life , indexed universal life , participating whole life , non-participating whole life , and others -RRB- . Permanent life insurance is designed to provide coverage for the rest of the insured 's life and build cash value . Under a guaranteed universal life -LRB- GUL -RRB- program , the policy can be structured to keep premiums level and provide coverage up to a specified age -LRB- e.g. to age 90 , to age 100 , or even up to age 121 -RRB- under the `` dial down '' process . Whole life features level premiums and death benefits and builds cash value at a faster rate -LRB- participating WL policies may pay dividends that can be used to increase the death benefit or decrease the premiums over time - non-participating WL policies do not feature this ability -RRB- - the trade off between this and guaranteed universal life is that to increase the cash value faster , the premiums will be substantially higher -LRB- can often be 2-3x the premiums of GUL programs on many occassions -RRB- . Regardless of the permanent coverage type , the carrier takes back the cash value upon the death of the insured , and pays out the death benefit proceeds . Therefore , GUL policies allow you to maximize your death benefit and minimize your premium dollars that you pay for the coverage . Some agents/brokers/advisors will ALWAYS suggest you buy whole life - others will NEVER suggest buying it . While it 's helpful to shop around , getting too many hands in the cookie jar can create a very confusing situation for the client.Each type of coverage has a benefit for certain situations . You need to trust the agent you 're working with to compare your needs , premium budget , the benefit level , how long you need it for , and other factors , to help you figure out what 's best for you whether that be whole life or another type of coverage .
What Will Happen To Medicare Advantage Plans?
That is an excellent question ! According to the latest that I have read , The cuts that the Affordable Care Act -LRB- Obamacare -RRB- have mandated are not expected to affect the services provided in any significant way . The cuts are being made in inflated overhead costs , and in benefits paid to health providers who have high rates of return patients . -LRB- ones who were not well when released , or who picked up infections from their hospital stay , most commonly -RRB- . There undoubtedly will be some providers who will close shop , as they will see significant cuts if they are inefficient , or ineffective in the treatment they provide , and some that were being fraudulent to begin with . Overall , the consensus seems to be that no services will be greatly affected , that billing procedures will be streamlined and improved , and that patients will receive better care . Thanks for asking !
Yes , almost everyone can get life insurance while on disability . There are simplified issue and guaranteed issue policies that do not ask whether you are on disability , thus enabling you to qualify for them . Some larger , medically underwritten policies will also approve persons on disability , provided that the reason for being disabled is not life threatening .
Will Medicare Pay For Xopenex?
Xopenex is a trade -LRB- brand -RRB- name for Levosalbutamol or levalbuterol . Covered by Medicare Part B if self administered and Part D if beneficiary resides in a long term care facility .
What is occupational disability insurance ? Usually it is called own occupation and it is used in the definition of disability . It is very much to the insured 's favor to have that definition in their disability policy . It is a specific rather than general definition . For example your disability policy would pay if you could n't work in that specific job , and it would continue to pay you if you could work in another occupation .