How Long Does Disability Insurance Pay?
Disability insurance is sold for short term and long term coverage . Most short term coverage policies are 60 month contracts . Long term disability polices generally go to age 65 . There are specialty disability companies that actually extend coverage longer than age 65 . Keep in mind that most Americans also have Social Security Disability Insurance benefits as well .
Talk to your Insurance Professional about the specific terms and conditions of your policy as well as the pay plan options and conditions . Most standard issue auto insurance policies offer pay plans that include a certain length of `` grace period '' . These can typically range from 15 to 30 days . Non-standard policies , however , may not offer a grace period at all so it is important to understand your situation completely .
Where To Get Short Term Health Insurance?
Short-term health insurance is offered by numerous major companies such as UnitedHealthcare , Blue Cross and others . Rates are very inexpensive since typically pre-existing conditions are not covered . A quote takes about a minute and applying for coverage is extremely fast . Experienced brokers -LRB- and our websites -RRB- are the best resource for comparing temporary coverage . You can purchase coverage for as little as a month and often as much as one year . These plans , although cheap , are not ACA-compliant and should only be used as a bridge from one plan to another .
There are numerous ` Good Insurance Companies ' , the best way to gauge this is to check the carrier 's A.M. Best rating ; this is the industry standard rating agency which grades carriers based on their financial strength and customer service satisfaction based on a number of parameters inclusive of claims handling . We caution clients that simply shop for the cheapest price and are not interested in the coverage purchased ; if a claim occurs , the same clients are those that are most unhappy with their decision and nothing can be done to remedy the situation . We recommend purchasing all the coverage that the household needs and adjust the deductible based on the premium that the client wishes to pay.Once you have a couple of quotes , it may be a good idea to visit : WEBSITELINK and check the carrier 's rating prior to securing a new policy . For a homeowners quote or further information , you may connect on : WEBSITELINK
Does Car Insurance Cover Rims?
It covers everything on the car , but if you do n't let the insurance company know that you have modified the car in some way then you may just get the `` stock '' rims / hubcaps or whatever if you sustain a loss . It does vary so I 'd check with your company , but I 'd recommend insuring those modification separately in the `` modifications to the car '' section of the policy and pay the additional premium associated with it . If you do n't , you may be out of luck .
The presence of high cholesterol in the blood has been linked to reduced longevity . To the extent that is true your new life insurance policy might be rated . This is to reflect the increased risk that you present to the insurance company . If you have high cholesterol it will probably be detected whether a paramedical exam is conducted or not . You will find that honest full disclosure will usually give you the best possible rate .
Does Home Insurance Automatically Renew?
Here in Connecticut , Homeowners ' Insurance policies are among those that continuously renew provided that your home continues to meet our insurance company 's underwriting guidelines as they have filed with the State Insurance Department . That having been said , is you fail to pay your premium , if the claims history becomes adverse or if you leave your home abandoned and vacant , The insurance company may non renew or mid term cancel .
High risk life insurance is coverage issued to persons who have a risk of passing away at a younger age than the general population . None of the policies I sell classify high risk based on occupation . A corrections officer can get the same rate as a business owner , as long as their health is the same . Some high risk policies cater to those who are overweight . Some target certain health conditions . Some are more favorable than other companies for those who have gone through treatment for substance abuse , regularly travel to foreign countries , participate in dangerous hobbies , or have unstable finances . To find the policy that best suits your particular kind of high risk , contact an impaired risk specialist such as myself . We have access to many different companies and can match you up with the one that is most lenient with your unique risk factors .
Does Home Insurance Automatically Renew?
This may vary by state . In California if an insurance company decides to not renew a homeowners policy , they must , by law , provide adequate notice . This generally is 60 days prior to the expiration date of the current term . The policy has a provision that outlines the company responsibility but basically says that the company will renew the policy unless the insured is notified otherwise .
Retirement plan obligations are liabilities because they are liabilities in the accounting sense of a liability . It is money for which the employer is legally obligated to pay or encumber on the behalf of an employee and is not money that the employer has freedom to use in any fashion it wishes , therefore the agreement to make certain benefits available under the plan are a liability to the company , as would be the case with any other legally agreed upon obligation .
I'm 21 and getting married. Will I be kicked off of my dad's health insurance once I am married?
Under the provisions of the Affordable Care Act -LRB- ObamaCare -RRB- dependent children are allowed to stay on their parent 's health insurance coverage until age 26 . This is without regard to the whether the dependent child is or is not a full-time student , is married , or has coverage available through their own employer . So , in the vast majority of situations a dependent child can not be kicked off their parents coverage until they turn 26 . I say the vast majority of cases because in typical fashion there are these odd quirks in the law that no one read before they passed it . One of those odd quirks applies to what are called `` grandfathered '' health plans -LRB- policies that were in effect prior to the March 2010 passage of the Affordable Care Act . Buried in the fine print is a provision that became applicable on January 1 , 2014 . Under this provision , if the adult dependent child does have health insurance available to them through their employer then they can be dropped from their parent 's coverage . As such , whether your parent 's individual or group health insurance plan qualifies as a `` grandfathered '' policy can be a crucial factor in determining the adult dependent 's eligibility for continued coverage .
This is the $ 64,000 question , isnt it ? -LRB- And the answer , by the way , is not $ 64,000 of coverage ; nor should you have to pay $ 64,000 in premium . But some people do , and it is well worth it . -RRB- That is a very important consideration . Life insurance premium is money well spent . Each dollar of benefit literally cost pennies . If you get the best rate available , then it costs you a few pennies . If you qualify for a higher premium , that it costs you a few more pennies . In either case , it is an extremely economical way to make sure your heirs and beneficiaries get all the money they need , exactly when they need it . Having said that , I have a very simple philosophy when it comes to determining the face amount . When it comes to taking care of your family , be generous . Losing you will be an incomparable trauma for them . Financial stress and strain would really hurt them . Even having to reduce their standard of living somewhat will cause distress . Give them enough money to live well . It wont take you too much time to calculate just how much money would be needed to accomplish that . When it comes to leaving money to your favorite charity , be prudent . A life insurance benefit could represent a substantial donation to them . They need to have demonstrated a high measure of accountability and responsibility in managing their finances , to qualify for a great gift . Give them enough money to make a difference and take a few good strides towards fulfilling their purpose . And considering spreading your wealth around to various good causes . When it comes to taking care of your business obligations , be exact . Have your accountant crunch the numbers to make sure your partnership agreement is adequately funded . Determine the value of your key people and make sure your company is indemnified against their loss . Account for any and all debt , and make sure there is enough coverage to take care of it . Your business should be able to flourish without you . If you have built it correctly , new leadership should be in place , and the money should be there , for the show to go on . That is successful entrepreneurism .
I'm 21 and getting married. Will I be kicked off of my dad's health insurance once I am married?
Getting married does not automatically kick you off of your parents ' health insurance plan.You can stay on your parents ' health plan up until age 26 . What getting married does is give you and your new spouse a special enrollment period to apply for a new plan if you want to look at other coverage and see if there is a better option for you . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
Home Insurance may cover appliances in home ; there are 2 types of appliances , those that are fitted and those that are free standing . Fitted appliances constitute part of the Dwelling Coverage on the home insurance policy , whereas , free standing appliances may be covered under the Personal Property Coverage on the home insurance policy . The perils covered under a home insurance policy must be reviewed regarding the damage to the appliances . For example , Fire , Smoke , Lightning & Water damage may be covered on the policy which would also carry forward to the appliances . Regarding free standing appliances , the policy must afford coverage for Personal Property . If this question was intended for the reason of upkeep and maintenance of appliances , home insurance policies are not intended to repair or replace appliances due to maintenance and/or breakdown . Home insurance is intended for sudden and accidental losses which could cause financial hardship to the homeowner . If you wish to cover your appliances , you may wish topurchase a Home Warranty Contract from a small handful of carriers who offer a maintenance contract ; in this case , you will pay an annual premium as well as a Service Charge for each call when a repair company is dispatched to take care of a covered maintenance situation . If your question was indeed regarding perils covered on a homeowners policy , you may wish to contact your local agent and review the coverage on your policy or WEBSITELINK and we 'll be happy to review your coverage for you at no charge .
I'm 21 and getting married. Will I be kicked off of my dad's health insurance once I am married?
If you are getting married , you may be able to stay on your parent 's health insurance plan , depending on the specific circumstances . For example , if you move , it 's important to have network-provided coverage . As a health insurance broker for 33 years , your question is asked by our customers about every month . There are many affordable options , especially if you qualify for a subsidy . LIVE answer provided by : Ed Harris - Premier health insurance broker and owner of several of the nation 's top-rated websites that offer the best rates to consumers .
That is a great question ! You really want to be careful though , as long term disability and health insurance are two completely different animals . Health insurance can only be applied to your medical expenses , and insures your health . Disability insurance insures your paycheck . As such , the money it provides can be used for whatever need you have , rent , electric bill , medical bills , etc. . Could you use your LTD money to help pay for medical bills ? Absolutely . Would it replace your health insurance ? No , and I really would n't advise that you try , as your LTD payments will not be close to what your health insurance would pay , in most cases . I hope that helps , thanks for asking !
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Slashed Tires?
Your homeowners policy typically does not provide coverage for damage to your auto . You auto insurance would provide coverage for damage to your auto typically . If you have comprehensive coverage on you auto slashed tires may be covered as comprehensive coverage covers acts of vandalism less your deductible . Remember every policy is different . Please read your policy completely to understand the coverage provided and any exclusions that there may be or contact your local agent to have them go over the policy with you .
As of this date and to the best of my knowledge renters insurance is not required in any state . A landlord may through the rental agreement require any tenant to carry renters insurance . Renters insurance is typically very low cost and can provide protection when you need it . With renters insurance you not only cover your personal property but also adds liability coverage in the event that someone is hurt while at your residence .
Why Should Kids Have Life Insurance?
Families are more financially secure with children insured too . With risk of a burden after mishap of losing a younger member . Children ` s rates are lower and coverage can begin from age 0 to age 25 and to resume at guaranteed issue once at that age . This is when the child is grown and is no longer dependent upon the parents.The child may now own his/her policy for their family . Insurance for children can only be at a maximum of 50,000 depending on the policy and how much the parents may own .
Basic life insurance pays a beneficiary if death of the insured person occurs by any reason -LRB- except suicide in the first two years -RRB- . AD&D stands for Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance . It pays the beneficiary if death occurs by accident , or it pays the insured person if they lose a limb . Basic Life with AD&D is most likely a policy that combines both those types of insurance .
Why Should Kids Have Life Insurance?
Insurance serves the primary purpose of protecting us against risk . When we take out a policy it is to help us with the loss of a loved one . Children need a policy because they create a loss in the event of their untimely death . In addition if a child gets a good policy at an early age while they are still healthy they can get the best policy for the best price .
The are three basic tax deferred annuity crediting methods : interest rate crediting , indice crediting and separate accounts using equity and bond investments : Once you determine your risk tolerance , and time horizon for distributions , you can prepare to purchase one of these types of annuities for income during retirement .
Why Should Kids Have Life Insurance?
For children , there are really only a couple reasons for life insurance . We see a lot of parents who want to provide an asset for their kids to use when they are older , for college or even when they have a family of their own . You can over-fund a life policy to create a cash value which can be withdrawn or taken out as a loan . Not a bad way to get a tax-free income . The other reason is to just provide some coverage for the what if . We all see stories of children death caused by a lot of reasons . This does provide a ray of sunshine in a time of extreme emotion and hardship .
The answer is yes , unless your husband has coverage on a separate auto insurance policy . In Wisconsin at least every person in the household must be listed on an auto insurance policy or they must be listed on anouther auto insurance policy . Typically having more than one person listed on a policy will lessen the cost of coverage as opposed to having seperate policies . Contact your local agent to find out the premium difference between a combined policy and individual policies .
Why Should Kids Have Life Insurance?
Why should kids have life insurance ? Several reasons make it a good idea . First by purchasing a permanent policy you set the foundation for your child 's financial future . Think of it as raw land to be developed over time . It will be cheap but work very nicely through time . Next you can guarantee your child 's insurability down the road by the use of a rider that guarantees the insurance company ca n't say no later on . Taking away the NO is a bigger deal than you might think . How many times can you think of that being the situation ? And finally , for the worst possible thing , a child dying . The life insurance gives you a chance to grieve , pay for a service and not make lack of money make a terrible situation worse ...
The Internal Revenue Code -LRB- IRC -RRB- allows employers to establish defined contribution pension plans under section 401 -LRB- k -RRB- in these plans the assets are segregated into individual employee accounts . Often the employer will offer a range of investment options to the participant . The results of the account are dependent upon the investments selected . Some employers contribute to the plans , some do not .
Why Should Kids Have Life Insurance?
While medical advances are making more illnesses treatable , they also are making us aware of more illnesses , and allowing them to be diagnosed at an earlier stage . Any type of illness has the potential to cause life insurance rates to go up , and some illnesses limit the type of policy/amount of coverage you can get . Getting life insurance on a child helps you lock in a good rating before them , so that no matter what diagnosis they may develop as adults , their life insurance is take care of .
Natural disasters such as Sandy definitely play a role . Additionally , the cost to replace homes is rising because labor and materials are more expensive . One way to lower your premium may be to take a higher deductible if you can afford it . This still protects you from a major loss , but helps the insurance company by deterring `` maintenance claims . ''
Who Can Get USAA Insurance?
To get USAA insurance , you must be a member of USAA . To be eligible to be a member of USAA , one of the following must be true : 1 -RRB- You are an officer or enlisted personnel in the US military , or are retired or honorably separated from the US military . 2 -RRB- You are an officer candidate in a commissioning program -LRB- Academy , ROTC , OCS/OTS -RRB- . 3 -RRB- You are an adult child whose parent has or had a USAA auto or property insurance policy , . 4 -RRB- You are a widow or widower of a USAA member who had a USAA auto or property insurance policy .
For most people , Medicare Part A is `` free '' . If you or your spouse worked in the Social Security system for at least 10 years and have lived in the United States during the last 5 years your Medicare Part A is offered with no premium charged to you . Medicare Part B for most people is $ 105 monthly in 2013
What Should My Deductible Be For My Home Insurance?
That is a great question ! The answer really lies with your level of risk tolerance and where your level of affordability lies . The higher the deductible , the cheaper your premiums will be , but if the deductible is set to a point where you could n't raise that amount in an emergency , then it 's not good either . You want to have a deductible that you can safely come up with , but yet allow you to safely afford the premiums . Thank you for asking !
AARP is not an insurance company . However The Hartford which is an excellent company will offer homeowners insurance and give a discount to AARP members . I myself am an AARP member and have my home and auto through the Hartford . Discounts may vary by state but the coverage 's are excellent
Why Is Health Care Reform Unconstitutional?
At issue was whether the government had the power to mandate individual citizens to purchase healthcare coverage and was this a proper exercise of Congress ' Commerce Clause authority . Some lower courts did rule that parts of the 2010 Affordable Care Act was unconstitutional -LRB- see ruling by Judge Henry Hudson on 12/13/10 in Virginia ; US District Judge Robert Vinson in Pensacola , Florida on 1/31/11 ; the 11th Circuit US Court of Appeals in Atlanta also ruled against the `` individual mandate '' section on 8/12/11 -RRB- . Other courts ruled the Affordable Care Act was constitutional -LRB- see Judge George Steeh in US District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan on 10/7/10 ; 6th Circuit Court ruling in Cincinnati , Ohio on 6/30/11 -RRB- The strategic framing of the argument seemed to be critical in each case . As court cases go , the US Supreme Court gets the final word . On June 28 , 2012 , the US Supreme Court ruled by a 5-4 margin , that the `` individual mandate '' was a tax that Congress could impose on Americans . That ruling turned back a claim that challenged the provision 's constitutionally for allegedly violating the Commerce Clause .
One of the coverages provided in a Homeowners ' policy today is for damage caused by fire , yes . It is always a good idea to check directly with your Insurance Professional to make sure that you are fully aware of any coverage endorsements or limitations on any of the covered perils included in your policy .
Why Is Health Care Reform Unconstitutional?
The argument being made for the Affordable Care Act -LRB- ObamaCare -RRB- being unconstitutional essentially boils down to whether the United States Constitution gives the Federal Government the legal authority to compel citizens to purchase a product or service . The powers of what the Federal Government can do are -LRB- supposedly -RRB- strictly defined in the U.S. constitution with all other powers not granted to the Federal Government being granted to the individual states . There is also the issue of whether the Federal Government under its authority to regulate interstate commerce can coerce a citizen into engaging in an economic activity within the confines of their own state . This is where the argument regarding the `` individual mandate '' comes into play . Can the Federal Government penalize someone for not engaging in an economic activity , in this case refusing to purchase health insurance ? I would refer you to the United States Constitution -LRB- It 's a surprisingly short read -RRB- to make your own judgment as to whether the Affordable Care Act -LRB- ObamaCare -RRB- is in compliance with our government 's owner 's manual .
All health insurance plans are now required under Obamacare rules to provide coverage for contraceptive devices and medication at no charge to the consumer . This means you , as well as your daughter -LRB- s -RRB- under the age of 19 , can obtain birth control medication without your knowledge or consent and pick up the medication at their pharmacy without a copay .
Who Should I Buy Disability Insurance From In Texas?
Disability insurance can be purchased from a local licensed agent . But make sure they have access to all the brokerage disability carriers in the market and not just their own proprietary product line . Shopping online with brokerage firms that specialize in disability insuranceare excellent consumer sites to collect objective information off theirspreadsheets featuring premiums and policy provisions .
Renters insurance should always be mandatory . Its a very inexpensive policy , covers so many different type of instances and most often the savings on your auto insurance more than pays for renters insurance . Landlords that require it are genius . Remember your landlord has -LRB- should -RRB- insurance to cover the structure -LRB- house -RRB- , however this policy WILL NOT cover you , your stuff or pay to relocate you if there is a fire , water loss , burglary etc. . For a small cost usually 60 dollars or so a year you 've got protection for you stuff -LRB- clothes , furniture , books , computers ect -RRB- anywhere in the world !
Who Should I Buy Disability Insurance From In Texas?
To buy Disability Insurance in the state of Texas , you could contact a local agency that sells multiple Life Insurance products . If they sell several types of insurance , there is a chance they sell Disability Insurance , too . Or you could look on the internet by searching on Disability Insurance . Brokers are a good place to go for a good selection and competitive pricing .
Here are a few tips to help you buy the best life insurance . 1 -RRB- Contact a reputable agent for advice . Whether face to face or online , conversing with someone who knows what they are doing can safe you lots of time , hundreds of dollars , and most importantly , help you get a secure policy that best suits your needs . 2 -RRB- Learn about life insurance , but do n't be narrow minded . Sometimes health factors , age , state availability , cost , etc. can keep you from getting the exact policy you want . Occasionally someone tells me that they are going to keep shopping until they find the policy in their head . What happens is , those people never get life insurance , or they end up getting Accidental Death coverage that covers only a small percentage of deaths . There are policies out there for almost everyone , and something is almost always better than nothing . But it helps to know what to ask , then accept the answer when your agent has obviously done his/her homework to find it for you . 3 -RRB- Look at carrier ratings and policy guarantees . Those three tips are all you need to get you the best life insurance .
Can I Cancel My Auto Insurance At Any Time?
Yes , you can cancel your auto insurance policy at any time . If you bought the insurance through an agent , you can simply call them and tell them you need to cancel your policy . If you bought the insurance directly from the insurance company , you contact them . There are two considerations . The first has to do with the amount of premium refund you will get if you cancel the policy prior to the expiration date . In most states , if the insured cancels a policy before the expiration date , the return premium is calculated on what is known as a `` short rate '' basis . The short rate calculation may include an extra 10 % to the insurance company to cover the expense of cancelling the policy . The second consideration is whether the auto has a lien against it . If you still owe money on your car , your lender will require that you replace the cancelled insurance right away with a new policy . And you ca n't hide this from the lender because the insurer you cancel with automatically notifies the lender that the insurance has been cancelled .
If there is any written medical record of your smoking , like your doctor 's chart notes for example , chances are it will be in the MIB records . When you apply for insurance , you grant permission for an insurance company to check your medical records and other history and they may come across it there . Most all companies , if you are looking for best price will also test for nicotine in your system as part of the exam process . Those companies that do n't test , just factor it into the price . So you pay like you do smoke in those cases or somewhere close to . One thing to keep in mind if you decide to miss the right answer when it comes to smoking is that some states refuse to let insurance companies settle a claim at a smoker rate . They have blocked insurance companies from paying the lesser claim and require the insurance company just to return premium . In the case of smoking , these states even waive the two year contestability window . Always check for any special state conditions when signing off on an application .
Can I Cancel My Auto Insurance At Any Time?
Most insurance companies will accept a telephone call as an order to cancel an auto policy . Some may require a signed form but even that should be available over the internet or directly from your agent . If you want the policy cancelled on a date other than the current date , additional information might be required . For example , if you call the company and tell them that you sold the car 45 days ago . They might require a bill of sale , to back-date the cancellation .
You will find , in talking about this with your Insurance Professional , that in most cases , your car insurance policy includes a `` grace period '' for premium payment . Some non-standard policies do not include this benefit , so be careful . Keep in mind as well that regardless of the length of the grace period , if you ultimately fail to pay on your renewal , coverage will be cancelled back to the policy inception date for that term . If you fail to pay mid term , the policy may be cancelled effective the end of that grace period , which means you would be billed for coverage provided during that grace time .
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover A Sinkhole?
Generally speaking no , it does not . This is because most Homeowners Insurance policies include a specific exclusion for damage to your home or personal property caused by earth movement . Talk to your Insurance Professional about your policy and ask about amending it to include this coverage . In most cases you will find that this can be easily done . Once amended , your policy would cover for damage caused by sinkholes or other earth movement .
Medicare Advantage plans are indeed like traditional major medical plans in that they have copay 's and deductibles . But the difference stops there . Most Advantage plans have networks . Some networks are local while others are regional . Some Advantage plans only include coverage if you are treated by a network provider while others will include out of network coverage but with a higher -LRB- and usually separate -RRB- deductible , higher copay 's and higher out of pocket . Exceptions are made to the out of network penalty for true medical emergencies . Make sure you understand all details of the policy , especially your out of pocket maximum . The out of pocket limit does not include non-network benefits or Rx . It also does not include any non-covered medical treatment . In most areas less than half the doctors accept ANY Medicare Advantage plans . Even if your doctor does accept Advantage patients they may not participate in your particular plan .
When Does A Fixed Period Annuity Terminate?
When you select a period certain payout option for a fixed annuity , the monthly payments will cease when the selected term period expires . For example , if you selected a 20 year period certain fixed annuity , your monthly payment would stop after 20 years . You are given a number of options when you first create your annuity - one being how long you want the payments for -LRB- a specified period of time , or continue on for life -RRB- . The shorter the payout period , the higher the payment . If you want it to payout for the rest of your life , the monthly payment would be lower . It 's important to review your options with an experienced insurance broker -LRB- I would recommend one with a background in estate planning to be most beneficial -RRB- when purchasing an annuity as each company may offer a different rate so some companies may offer you a higher monthly payment than others for the same purchasing price . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for assistance with your annuity program and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
You will need your social security number , date of birth , the approximate value of your personal belongings including even minor items , and your address . Renters Insurance is very easy to apply for and as long as the risk is acceptable to the company then you should have no problems .
How Much Does Life Insurance Cost Monthly?
This is a common question with a `` it depends '' answer . Your monthly cost will boil down to many factors . First type of life insurance policy . Second is the face amount needed at your death . Lastly , your rating class which is determined by your age , build , health status , lifestyle , occupation , income , net worth , etc. . I suggest using a trusted advisor to help you navigate this process .
Mark has given you a factual answer but let me give you a personal answer . A renters policy costs less than the loss you might suffer should your property be damaged as a result of a covered loss -LRB- fire , wind etc. -RRB- Insurance isnt a tax but sharing of a risk . Unless you can buy everything in your unit today out of your checking account , having a renters policy makes great sense . The real reason to have a renters policy is to defend you should you be sued for bodily injury or property damage . Anyone entering the property could sue you if they slip and fall or your pet decides to taste their leg . These are really serious issues and the expense can be enormous . Few of us can sustain that type of claim . While Mark mentioned a $ 100,000 liability limit , let me suggest that you take the highest limit that your insurance company offers . Let them take the risk , the premium is insignificant in comparison to the risk .
How Much Does Life Insurance Cost Monthly?
If you want to get an idea of what life insurance costs monthly for different face amounts , term lengths , ages , and health conditions , you can visit a website that offers instant , free life insurance quotes -LRB- such as mine -RRB- . While the rates may not be 100 % accurate , it can certainly give you an idea of what term life insurance costs monthly .
Different states have different rating criteria . In California the criteria are year , make and model of the car , annual mileage , location , and the driving records of the members of the household . The same car would be charged different premiums if located in other states .
Does Life Insurance Pay Off Triple If Killed On A Business Trip?
It is possible for a life insurance policy to pay a triple benefit , including if you are on a business trip . Some group term life insurance policies , and a few individual term plans , have an AD&D -LRB- accidental death and dismemberment -RRB- provision that pays a multiple of the face if death occurs due to accident . The `` triple '' benefit -LRB- if included -RRB- pays in the event you are killed while traveling on a common carrier .
Generally married children can not be on the parents policy . What happens if you try to hide this `` material fact '' and you have an accident and now you need to file a claim ? Usually if you are on your `` parents '' policy the parent is the `` primary '' driver and you are a child that just drives your parents car sporadically . If you or your spouse have a vehicle and you have the car financed in your name and your parents are not on the note-can you say Red Flag ?
Does Life Insurance Pay Off Triple If Killed On A Business Trip?
One last comment to Bob Vineyard 's answer . Some life companies , subject to their underwriting conditions , will allow a rider -LRB- at an additional cost -RRB- to be added to a life policy , which can double or even triple the face amount of coverage if death is due to an accident . These life companies may also limit the total amount of death benefit though , to a maximum amount as stated in the policy . It should be noted though that not all life companies offer more than `` double indemnity '' -LRB- twice the face amount -RRB- , and you should check with with your insurance professional to see what companies may allow this increased rider amount .
Tax deferred annuities have inherent financial value to those who are suitable to purchase the product . Any savings or investment vehicle can be misrepresented or misplaced in a financial plan . But that 's a problem with the adviser , not the product . For those in high tax brackets or just someone who wants more than the banks are offering , annuities can make a real contribution to a retirement plan .
Does Life Insurance Pay Off Triple If Killed On A Business Trip?
No , a life insurance policy does not pay out triple if killed on a business trip . The stated death benefit is paid out regardless of how death occurs . There is a contestability clause in the policy stating that suicide is not covered for the first 2 years of the policy .
This is an interesting question . Select ahigh limit of liability . Nothing will ruin your day like a nasty lawsuit . Consider the limits available and take one of the higher amounts . Since most people are thinking about their personal property when they buy a renters policy , remember that at the time of claim , identifying the losses and verifying values is critical , so pictures and scanned receipts can make the entire process as painless as possible . That is how to get the most our of your renters policy .
What Insurance Covers Curettage / Uterus Scraping?
You need health insurance . D&C procedures should be covered in bona fide major medical health insurance policies . It is possible that the deductible is very large and the cost of the procedures have not reached the deductible threshhold . You probably will find little benefit in daily indemnity health insurance programs because these pay for a hospital stay or limited amounts for procedures .
Technically , Medicare is not an entitlement program . Wage earners PRE-PAY for Medicare during their working lifetime . Thus for most , it is an earned program . Same for Social Security . Both plans are supposed to be pre-funded with reserves . Unfortunately , poor money management has left both programs under-funded and in danger
How Many Chiropractic Visits Are Allowed By Medicare?
Medicare does in fact limit the number of chiropractic visits . You can only go while you are alive . Once you expire , so do your chiropractic visits . As long as your chiropractor meets Medicare guidelines for licensure , etc there are no artificial limits on care . A doctor gave a man 6 months to live . He could n't pay his bill , so the doctor gave him another 6 months . Ba-da-bing
You can have the best renters insurance . The best renters insurance is the policy that pays the most when you file a claim . That means that it is in force and that the limits of the policy are adequate . The best place to buy such a policy is from an experienced agent . Consult with colleagues , friends and neighbors . Select someone you can trust . Make sure they transmit all relevant information to the insurance company and trust their advice for the limits that you establish . Someday , that could be a very important conversation .
Does Having A Dog Increase Renters Insurance?
It depends on the company you go with . Assuming your landlord allows pets , most companies will not raise your rates for having a dog . There are some exceptions with some companies however . Some breeds like Pit Bulls , Rottweilers , German Shepherds and Dobermans have been , I think unfairly , considered higher risks of liability , therefore some companies will charge higher rates if you own one of those breeds .
The Wikipedia article is helpful . If you are near me , give me a call . I was speaking to a man this morning who said , Annuities are miracles . They are not . They are a cool idea that solves the problem of having an income for the rest of your life . The complexities of the product arise from the twists and turns that companies have taken to market their annuity . This is really a simple idea !
Does Having A Dog Increase Renters Insurance?
Not with Allstate , unless it is on the list of vicious breeds . Such as Pit bulls , Rottweilers , etc. . . Yes it is not fair . But it is what is . They do n't invite us to the boardroom to make these decisions . Otherwise , no it will not . Hope this helps you out a bit !
There are several factors that would determine how long it would take to get a home insurance . The first consideration would be the type of construction -LRB- brick , log , vinyl siding , etc -RRB- & how far is the closest fire hydrant and how far away is the fire department . The condition of the home would also be considered ... is it in need of repair or well maintained ? Is your credit good and have you filed claims in the past on other properties . Typically , most insurance companies have access to a large data base that keep info . There are some other factors as wellthat would be considered . Finally , some agents will have binding authority if the home is not high in value . In which case , you could get coverage on the home the same day it was quoted .
Does Having A Dog Increase Renters Insurance?
You would be surprised how many claims there are for little lap dogs biting people . In Florida , many of the carriers that write homeowner 's and renter 's insurance exclude pets completely - no matter the breed . If you have pets , it 's important to discuss that with your agent so that they can place your coverage with a carrier that offers animal liability , if it is available .
Medicare will pay for a pap smear every two years under Part B . If you are at high risk for cervical or vaginal cancer , or are of childbearing age and have had an abnormal pap smear in the last three years , Medicare will pay for an annual pap smear -LRB- every year -RRB- .
Will Medicare Cover Drug Rehab?
Medicare can help pay for drug abuse treatment in both the inpatient and outpatient settings . Inpatient settings would be covered by Part A and outpatient settings would be covered by Part B . The services must be medically necessary and completed at a facility/with a provider that accepts Medicare . Medicare would cover about 80 % of the costs and you would be responsible for the other 20 % - a medigap plan may be able to cover the other 20 % for you .
Annuity income from an immediate or payout annuity is a blend of interest and return of principal . You can think of it as a mortgage in reverse . In Canada , if the annuity income is from a registered plan then it is fully taxable . Non registered income from an annuity can be taxed -LRB- the interest portion -RRB- either as earned or on a prescribed basis . If the annuity can qualify as a prescribed annuity the `` interest '' or the non return of capital portion is averaged over the expected duration of the contract . This often results in a much higher initial after tax income . Additional information on annuities and retirement plans can be found at . If you have additional questions or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me .
Are business liabilty insurance polices taxed on the premium price
Premium taxes are generally never seen on a policy declaration page unless the carrier is a `` surplus lines '' insurance company.Surplus lines coverage is provided by a special agency type referred to as a `` surplus lines agent '' who acts as a wholesaler to retail agencies . The help non-admitted carriers manage their underwriting and administrative issues for the states where they except risk . The surplus lines agent deals with carriers who are not admitted to do business in a given state but they can also work with admitted carriers . The term `` admitted '' refers to the licensing process and a `` non-admitted '' carrier has not sought the approval of the state insurance department to provide insurance to residents and businesses of the state . When coverage is written by the non-admitted carrier , a tax is charged on the premium and fees charged by the surplus lines agency . That tax rate is 5 % in Ohio . The surplus lines agent then remits the tax to the state where the risk is located . That is a part of their services . And , in answering the final part of your question , usually surplus lines tax applies to business risk but can also apply to personal lines . By the way , a non-admitted carrier is not included in the protections of the carrier insolvency protections of state statute so this is important to keep in mind when doing business with non-admitted carriers . Not being an `` admitted '' carrier in a state is not an indication of the solvency of the carrier or its ability to pay claims but it is important to mention that the protections of the law in your state may not help if a non-admitted carrier goes bankrupt in the same way as you have protection -LRB- in many instances -RRB- when an admitted carrier goes bankrup .
A split dollar arrangement generally split between two parties : In business split dollar plans , either a collateral assignment or cash value endorsement strategy is used between the employer and the employee who can share differing aspects of the premiums paid , death benefit coverage or acculturated cash values . Life insurance split can also be between a trust and a person with similarities in the structural arrangement of a business .
Are business liabilty insurance polices taxed on the premium price
Sometimes , if the insurance is provided by a carrier who is `` non admitted '' in your state through an excess lines market , states may impose a tax on those policy premiums . That tax is included in the total price you pay for the coverage along with any brokerage fee that may also be charged .
Globe life 's big pitch is to get up to $ 50,000 of coverage for $ 1 . Sounds great right ? That 's only for the first month - after that you 're paying normal premium amounts . One of the programs they are famous for with this pitch is their `` final expense '' coverage . In actuality it 's age-banded term insurance going to age 90 . Age-banded term insurance can be cheaper up front for the first few years than a traditional level premium life insurance policy , but they become very expensive if you plan on keeping it long term . In short , you can end up spending a ton more in premiums over a 15-20 year period than you would have with a level premium policy . The major drawback that a lot of people never think about is the `` to age 90 '' part . This means that if you live to age 91 , your coverage terminates immediately and you have nothing left . And at age 91 , there are n't any carriers that will offer you life insurance -LRB- for any that would be , you would be self-insured within 3-4 years -RRB- . You would have to look at preneed funeral insurance at that point . Traditional final expense policies are guaranteed for LIFE . I imagine you would like your policy to pay out a death benefit even if you live to age 92 , 95 , 98 , etc. . . When it comes to final expense life insurance , I already recommend going with a traditional policy that features a level premium . It 's almost always the better bet in the long run . There 's many different products out there for final expense coverage so it would be in your best interest to consult with an experienced life insurance broker who can compare multiple options for you and find you the coverage at the lowest rate . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
What Happens If I Stop Paying Life Insurance Premiums?
If you stop paying life insurance premiums for Term life insurance , your policy will lapse after a one month grace period . There will be no penalty charged and you will receive no money back , unless you took out Return of Premium -LRB- ROP -RRB- Term insurance , in which you may be able to get some of your premiums back if you kept the policy long enough . If you stop paying premiums on Whole Life or Universal Life , the cash value of the policy may continue to pay the premiums for a while . If you want to take the cash out , you need to notify the life insurance company or your agent that you are dropping your policy . And once that runs out , your policy will lapse -LRB- quit providing coverage -RRB- .
You can sign up for Medicare Part B in 3 ways : 1 -RRB- You can go to and fill out the online registration . You will be directed to a Social Security website with a form to fill in and submit electronically . 2 -RRB- If you already have Part A , you can call 1-800-772-1213 . 3 -RRB- You can contact your local Social Security Office .
What Happens If I Stop Paying Life Insurance Premiums?
That is a great question ! When you stop making payments on your policy , it will enter into what is called a `` grace period '' , and then will `` lapse '' , or end . With a term policy , that is generally no big deal , you do n't lose anything by letting that happen . Your whole life policy can be a whole different story . With the whole life policy , over time it builds a cash value , one that will be kept by the company , should you allow the policy to lapse and poof up in smoke . The better thing to do in the case of a whole life policy is to either `` surrender '' it -LRB- and get your cash back -RRB- or take it as `` paid up insurance '' , have some coverage , and no more payments . Please feel free to contact me if you need help with this , okay ? Thanks for asking !
Items stolen from a car are typically not covered . However , there are exceptions . If you purchased an available rider , you may have limited coverage on some items . Also , certain items considered `` permanent '' parts of the vehicle would be covered . An experienced broker will find the policy that best covers this risk . Live answer provided by : Ed Harris - Car insurance broker for 33 years and owner of several top-rated websites for consumers .
What Annuities Are Protected From Creditors?
In Canada , all annuities can have potential protection from creditors and unforeseen depending on the circumstances . In ordered to be afforded creditor protection , the beneficiary needs to be in the preferred class . Which means the relationship to the life insured is spouse , child , grandchild or parent . If you have further questions , or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me .
Most life insurance is purchased through individual agents , although some policies are applied for by mail , over the phone , or entirely online . Contacting an agency where a professional will speak with you increases your chance of being approved at the lowest price . You can find these agencies online or in the Yellow Pages .
What Annuities Are Protected From Creditors?
Good question ! Creditor protection is an important concern , especially for the self-employed . There are basically two types of annuities , immediate and deferred . Both are considered insurance products and as such can offer creditor protection under certain circumstances . Immediate annuities , as the name suggests , provide an immediate income stream in exchange for a lump sum . They are often used to provide a guaranteed income in retirement planning . Deferred annuities are accumulation products that have the option of an annuity at some point in the future . In Canada for example , they can be Guaranteed Interest Annuities -LRB- GIA -RRB- , that are similar to Guaranteed Investment Certificates -LRB- GIC -RRB- or Segregated Funds -LRB- variable annuities -RRB- that are similar to mutual funds . With both types of annuities , in order to offer creditor protection , you would need to have been solvent when you put the money into the contracts . In other words , you would not have been trying to attempt fraud . If the above condition is met , the income flow from immediate annuities is afforded creditor protection . Deferred annuities , like insurance policies , receive creditor protection based on the beneficiary designation . Eligible beneficiaries include those in the `` protected class '' : spouse , parents , children and grandchildren . In addition , irrevocable beneficiaries also qualify . Please check with a lawyer for your individual situation . If you have further questions , or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me . If you would like to work with a local life insurance broker , you could start with a Google search . For example , if you search for : life insurance broker Halifax or life insurance agent Halifax , my name , along with several others , will come up . You can use the same method to find a life insurance broker in your community .
No , Medicaid will not take your life insurance . You can have as much Term life insurance as you want , and you can have a final expense policy that will fund your funeral and burial needs . You can also have Whole Life insurance , but if the cash value of your life insurance goes above a certain amount , you may need to adjust your policy when going on Medicaid . Talk to your Health and Human Services Dept to discuss their guidelines and your options if you have a Whole Life insurance policy .
Does Medicare Cover CT Scans?
Medicare Part B covers diagnostic tests , including CT Scans , when your doctor has determined it is needed to help diagnose a medical problem . Part B will pay for 80 % of the expenses - you 're responsible for paying the other 20 % . A Medicare supplement plan would cover these expenses .
It will all depend . Any vehicle that pays you an interest rate is tied to a certain index . The interest rate will change according to that index . Annuities set their rates based on what Insurance companies feel is a reasonable rate of return based on their investment portfolio . These rates are typically fixed for a certain period of time and traditionally have been better than what banks and CD 's have been able to offer . When shopping for an annuity to purchase check out the Insurance companies you wish to invest in and make a purchase based on what you like about the company and their investment strategies .
How Do I Qualify For Long Term Care Insurance?
Long Term Care Insurance is paid for with your money , but it is your health that actually buys it . You need to be relatively healthy to buy long term care insurance . Anyone can buy it as long as the can afford it and can qualify health-wise . Talk to a good independent agent specializing in the needs of seniors and care planning .
Yes , life insurance rates vary by state ; however , the difference is not significant . The premium for existing life insurance remains the same if you move to another state . It probably isnt worth the cost of gas to cross a state line to purchase life insurance . If the life insurance policy results in a death claim the amount paid to the beneficiary will normally exceed the premiums paid !
When Is Open Enrollment For Medigap Insurance?
You have an initial open enrollment period when you 're new to Medicare -LRB- specifically , when you start Medicare Part B -RRB- . This is a 6-month window from your Medicare Part B effective date where you can buy any Medigap plan from any insurance company with no medical underwriting . Outside of your initial open enrollment period , you can buy a new Medigap plan at any time throughout the year -LRB- which is great for trying to lower your monthly premium - and since Medigap plans are standardized , you can lower your premium without losing benefits -RRB- . Medigap plans are not restricted to annual enrollment periods like MA & Part D plans are . Please note , you may have to answer health questions on the application to qualify for a new Medigap plan . I hope the information is helpful . Please feel free to contact me if you need help getting a Medigap plan set up for your Medicare insurance program or are looking to lower your monthly premium . Thanks very much .
A variable annuity has two regulatory bodies of oversight that have standalone jurisdiction for each regulator . A variable annuity is a security governed by the SEC and sold through FINRA registered representatives hold at least a series 6 and 63 license . It also has an insurance component to it as well . And to the extent that it is an insurance product is subject to the department of insurance jurisdiction .
What If I Can't Afford Long Term Care Insurance?
There are some other options . Some newer Life Insurance policies have long term care riders available that are very affordable . Another option would be to consider a Short Term Care Policy to help pay expenses until you can qualify for government aid . A good independent agent who specializes in Care Resource Planning can help you determine your best options based on your affordability .
Choosing the best car insurance can be very easy ... if you do it the right way . Based on my 33 years of experience as a car insurance broker , here 's the answer to your question : Contact a local experienced broker in your area and let them research and compare the best options for you . You will pay no fees and you 'll get the best available rates and coverage and expert advice . See ... That 's easy !
What If I Can't Afford Long Term Care Insurance?
Long term care insurance can be purchased as a standalone policy , or as a rider on life and/or annuity policies . Riders may not coverage the full extent of extended care , but they can provide coverage and also act as a marginal savings vehicle . There is always the government program Medicaid , but it is means tested , so have your adviser examine the options that best fit your scenario before moving forward .
Most States require proof that Liability Insurance be in force in order to register a car and maintain that registration . Primary Auto INsurance providers operating within such States , of course file their own underwriting rules and standards along with the rates that that they charge to the INsurance Department , which approves these for their direct insuring operations . However , in States where insurance is required , these states can not also obligate an insuring company to alter it 's underwriting standards in order to accomidate all situations . In most cases , the licensed insuring companies are required to form a `` pool '' of sorts which have commonly over the years becme known as the `` Assigned Risk Pool '' . An applicant completes a general application for coverage and that is submitted to the Assigned Risk Administration , which then proceeds to transfer that risk -LRB- assign -RRB- it to a particular participating carrier who then issues the policy on their paper and based upon the filed rates of the Assigned Risk Plan in that State .
Why Is Disability Insurance More Expensive For Females?
Why is disability insurance more expensive for females ? Honestly , I have n't found that to be the case . Reasons could be women tend to use medical services more than men which can mean `` living '' insurance products like health and disability could be priced higher than men , who pay more for their life coverage .
Term Life can be issued for 10-30 years and provides a death benefit to the beneficiary . The policy expires at the end of the term and does not cover living after that point . Most policies will also pay a portion of the death benefit in advance if diagnosed with a terminal illness and less than 12-24 months life expectancy . New Living Benefit Life policies also include no cost riders that will accelerate up to 90 % of the death benefit in case of Critical Illness -LRB- Cancer , Heart Attack , Stroke , Major Organ Transplant , etc. -RRB- ; Chronic Illness ; Disability ; Terminal Illness ; or Death . Funds can be used for any purpose , such as : medical bills , lost income , mortgage payments , household expenses , long term care , etc. . Living Benefit Term or Permanent Life policies are only available from approximately 6 carriers .
How To Get Homeowners Insurance With Bad Credit?
Great question ! It is n't a secret anymore that insurance companies base a part of their rates upon your credit history and rating . That said , most of them will still give you a policy , but it will get progressively more expensive the worse your credit is . The bright side ? Often we think our credit is worse than it really is , and that businesses do n't see us as badly as we see ourselves . My advice is to shop around , and find an independent agent who can help you find a policy that is affordable , and fits your needs . Good luck ! Thanks for asking !
That is a great question ! Regular life insurance companies will not insure anyone that is in the military , or in an area where military action is likely . Insurance companies are all about the risk of loss , and being in the military greatly increases that risk . As a result , the federal Government offers life insurance for the members of the military , so that their families can be protected also . That is what Servicemen Group Life is . I hope that helps . Thanks for asking !
How To Get Homeowners Insurance With Bad Credit?
Credit can be and usually is a factor used when a company developes premium for Homeowners Insurance products , but it is not the only factor . Prior losses for which you may have filed claims at previous residential properties , the condition of your current home , proximity to fire stations and hydrants or other water sources and other factors are also a consideration . Unfavoirable credit , in and of itself , would probably not keep you from obtaining coverage , though it may cause you to pay more . If you do have trouble , for whatever reason , then talk with your Insurance Professional . In Connecticut , and I suspect in most states , there are state programs that are specifically in existence to provide some coverage when one 's property does not meet the standard market underwriting rules .
Medicare is designed to pay for health care expenses : doctors , hospitals , medical supplies , etc. . Nursing homes primarily provide support services such as room , board , and assistance with the activities of daily living : eating , bathing , dressing , transferring , toileting , and so on . Most health insurance programs including Medicare do not pay for long term care at nursing homes . Long term care insurance or Medicaid will provide coverage for nursing home stays .
Why Has My Insurance Not Gone Down When I Dropped My Daughter?
Your daughter was not the prominent rating factor for the vehicle . Since you only have two cars and 3 drivers you were rating a spare driver . I would assume the other driver who is not yourself has a impact on the rate . Either a young driver or a driver with some violations may be in play . Actually your agent should be able to look at your policy and easily figure out what is driving the rate . You say she was paying 900.00 for the car she was rated on but actually this would be been inaccurate in the first place . Hard to explain in this type of format . Call your agent to get a better explanation since he or she has details of your policy .
Lifetime income is the goal of every retiree . The most efficient way to reach that goal is to transfer your accumulation into a single premium immediate annuity . The payments will not cease until you die . The return is guaranteed by the life insurance company issuing the contract . It might not be the total solution but it does have the guarantees that you are looking for .
Does State Farm Life Insurance Test For Marijuana Use?
Unless something has changed recently with their testing protocol , no State Farm does not test for THC .
Hail damage is covered under the comprehensive portion of your policy minus your deductible . This would be considered falling objects . While this type of loss is pretty straight forward with any reputable insurance carrier , make sure you consult your local agent for more information on how your policy will cover this type of loss .
How Much Does It Cost To Get Renters Insurance?
Great question . Often clients are afraid to ask I think they believe is it expensive but actually its relatively inexpensive . Typically if you insure two vehicles with a company the discount you gain by having a second policy on your auto insurance will if not cover the cost of a renters policy it will be close ! So the average cost is 60-120 dollars a year . So for ten dollars or less you have coverage for your phone , computers , books , clothes , medications , cd 's , movies , art , guns or whatever else you own ! Ten dollars a month is very inexpensive , also these are covered anywhere in the world !
With any kind of insurance , there is never a single health plan that be considered `` best '' for everyone . To determine the best plan for your personal situation , speak to a licensed insurance agent that represents many companies in your area . This will help you receive expert advice , based on your personal needs . If you are someone that rarely utilizes medical care , you are more than likely going to be best served by a high deductible , low cost policy . Conversely , if you do regularly use medical services , or expect large medical bills in the upcoming year , then you need to find a policy with the most benefits , at the lowest cost possible . This can prove challenge for someone that does not deal with insurance on a daily basis . Your best alternative is to find an independent agent that represents all the companies available in your area , and seek their guidance on determining which plan will ultimately cost you the least , considering both the premium and your expected medical bills .
How Much Does It Cost To Get Renters Insurance?
Renters Insurance premium is different in all areas ; in order to obtain a quote , it is best to input the address and coverage desired and you 'll be able to obtain an instantaneous quotation . In order to obtain the lowest possible premium , you would need to request the lowest Personal Property coverage necessary , the lowest available Personal Liability limit and the highest available deductible ; this is the recipe for the lowest premium . There is a link available providing an online format to obtain a quote and buy home insurance online in multiple States ; may be used by Escrow/Closing Professionals , Mortgage Professionals , Real Estate Agents and directly by Consumers . An exemplary online experience for all ! WEBSITELINK
The Current Fixed Interest Rates on Annuities average 2.95 % for 5 years , 3.25 % for 10 years . The rates can change quickly so always call your annuity distributor before using any quotes including these quotes . Most advisers are selling 5 year fixed with an expectation that rates are going to rise in the future . The 35 basis point spread between the 5 and 10 year rate is not enough go long .
How To Get Health Insurance If Overweight?
Under the Affordable Care Act -LRB- Obamacare -RRB- you can no longer be turned down for any pre existing health issue , including being overweight . Should those plans be too expensive you still have options in many states for alternative coverages that do n't take weigh into account . Some short term plans and guaranteed issue hospital plans are two such options .
Car insurance will pay for a stolen car as long as you have comprehensive coverage . Comprehensive coverage covers the vehicle for damages not resulting from a collision accident . For example , fire , theft , glass breakage , a tree falls on the car , ect . If you car is stolen the insurance company will determined the blue book value and pay out the blue book value less your deductible . Kelly Blue Book is a good site to use to determine the value of your car . If your car is still financed and there is a gap in coverage you may end up stilling owing the finance company . Gap insurance is available to cover this need .
How Long Can My Daughter Stay On My Health Insurance?
She can stay until age 26 -LRB- under most circumstances -RRB- . Of course , she can leave before that time , and may have to if she moves out of the state and resides in a different city . There will be an Open Enrollment each year so if she owns a policy that she does not like , experienced brokers -LRB- and our websites -RRB- can guide her and help find the best options .
It may provided that your policy includes coverage for additional structures on your property . Talk to your insurance Professional about the particular terms and conditions of your policy and ask if this is included . In most cases , it is and the coverage is usually limited to 10 % of the current dwelling amount . Any loss settlement would , of course be subject to your property deductible. ,
Can I Put Insurance On A Car That Is Not In My Name?
Yes - New York only-this is usually done when you lease a vehicle and the leasing company requires you to insure the vehicle with your own plate and registration . An individual can also procure a form fom the NY DMV which authorizes them -LRB- the titled owner -RRB- to allow another -LRB- you -RRB- to register and insurethe vehicle . In New York , the insurance follows the registration . If you do this , make sure you name the titled owner of the vehicle as an additional insured for liability -LRB- as you would the leasing company -RRB- and as a loss payee for the physical damage -LRB- comprehensive and collision -RRB- . If the person allowing you to register the vehicle has a loss payee on the vehicle , you would name both the person and their loss payee entity as ` loss payee ' on your physical damage coverage . The big question is ... . will an insurance carrier accept this situation ? Many will not . Check with your/a carrier first before signing anything in this type of situation .
There are several ways of determining the best life insurance : 1 -RRB- Life insurance from the most highly rated companies ; 2 -RRB- life insurance that is best for your particular needs ; 3 -RRB- the best price ; and/or 4 -RRB- all of the above . Where you find life insurance from highly rated companies , that best suits your needs , and is at an affordable price , may be at your fingertips . Now that you know the questions to ask , you can call any of us , or visit our websites , and we can help .
Does Medicare Cover Emergency Room?
Emergency Room admission and treatment is a Medicare Part B expense . Even though the ER is part of a hospital , and you may use other facilities such as the hospital lab , X-ray or imaging department , these are all Medicare Part B expenses subject to the annual deductible and 20 % coinsurance .
Currently 85 - 90 % of the population is covered by health insurance . About a third of the population has Medicare or Medicaid as their primary coverage . The rest are covered by an employer plan or individually owned health insurance . Starting in 2014 most everyone will be required to purchase health insurance if they are covered by a government or employer plan .
Does Health Insurance Cover ED Drugs?
If your health insurance plan has it 's pharmacy benefits integrated then it probably will . The type of plan and the scope of it 's coverage will dictate how exactly such a medication is handled . If one has a `` rich '' level of coverage then one should have no problems what-so-ever , however with plans that offer `` thinner '' coverage and benefit options one may have to have their Dr. contact the insurance company to state that the medications are a medical necessity -LRB- which could be due to ones mental health-depression -RRB- this should meet the requirements to obtain approval for such Rx 's for E.D.
No you will have to wait until the baby is born . No insurance company will want to accept the increased risk of complications . Disability policies are designed to protect againstunforeseenrisks . If the company knows you are pregnant then it also knows that there may be a period of time you will not be able to work after the baby comes . It would be buying a claim .
How Does Sleep Apnea Affect Car Insurance?
I have never heard of sleep apnea affecting car insurance rates . As long as you do n't have some kind of note from the doctor indicating you are not allowed to drive your good to go . Usually if there is a medical problem that could be considered a hazard your doctor will request your license be revoked .
A deductible is the amount of risk that you are willing to assume in the event of a claim . For a renters policy the amount that I recommend to my prospects and clients is five hundred dollars . Your deductible depending on the carrier could be anywhere from zero on up . The higher the deductible typically the lessor the premium for the policy .
Can My Girlfriend Be Added To My Health Insurance In Colorado?
No , Colorado does not require health insurance companies to allow someone to join an insurance policy just because they are in a relationship . However , your girlfriend can purchase a policy on her own , and you could help pay the premiums if you would like . Ultimately , in the vast majority of cases , the cost of her coverage would the same whether she was added to your policy or if you purchased the exact same plan for her individually . In that regard , there really would not be any advantage at all to adding her to your plan .
Many homeonwers insurance policies provide some limited coverage for food loss due to a power failure or other covered loss . Please remember every policy is different . Read your policy completely to understand the coverage provided and any exclusions that there may be or contact your local agent to have them go over the policy with you .
What Amount Of Car Insurance Should I Have?
Well , you should at least have what ever your state 's minimum requirements are . I personally do not recommend anything less than 100/300 coverage to anyone that I speak to and even at this level it may not be adequate for your situation . The best thing to do is contact a local agent and discuss your situation with them and they can help direct you to the coverage/policy that will best fit based on the information that you provide .
Whole life provides everyone with the ability to be sure they can have life insurance for the rest of their life , no matter how long they live . The rate is locked in forever . It never grows , and after time , it can even be paid out of the growth of the policy . The growth can be used for emergencies , for retirement , or any other need . The death benefit can grow to be multiple times the original death benefit . Yes , it costs more at the start than term policies , but it never changes , unlike term , and is always there , regardless of your health , unlike term as you try to enter into new terms later in your life . Yes , whole life gives you options and benefits no other life policy can provide . Thank you . GARY LANE .
What Are Deferred Annuities?
A Deferred Annuity is a type of Retirement Savings method . At a very basic level , it credits your money a certain rate each year . This rate is often a set interest rate . But it can be based on Index-Linked gains , or equity gains/losses . Your money grows until you decide to do 1 of 2 things : 1 . You can move it to a different financial instrument . 2 . You can choose to annuitize the funds , creating a guaranteed income stream . Of course , you can choose to take periodic withdrawals from your deferred annuity as well . But be aware of any surrender charges or % based limits on your withdrawals . Most Deferred Annuities impose an early surrender charge on any withdrawal over 10 % . But some limit it to the earned interest , 5 % , and some even 20 % .
Finding good life insurance entails finding an affordable and fair price , finding a secure company , and finding a policy that has guarantees . To find good life insurance , it is helpful to start out with a good agency that can help you put all those pieces together . You can find an agency like that by reading online reviews and testimonials , and calling them to sense their level of expertise .
What Are Deferred Annuities?
There are two types of annuities . An immediate annuity is one where the deposit is converted to a lifetime income -LRB- or some variation -RRB- immediately . A deferred annuity provides that annuity benefits may commence at a later date . The deferred annuity has two phases ; the accumulation phase and the distribution phase . Further questions about deferred annuities should reference which phase of the annuity is of concern .
Life insurance covers death due to accident , injury , illness , and old age . The only thing it does not routinely cover is suicide during the first two years that the policy is in effect . Some policies may exclude death caused while committing a felony , acts of war , r other similar , unusual circumstances . But those type of exclusions have become less common . Rather than pay an extra cost to insure some high risk activities such as piloting small planes or deep sea diving , some people will opt to have an exclusion placed on their policy for that particular activity . Unless it is spelled out , though , your life insurance policy covers death by any reason except suicide in the first two years .
What Are Deferred Annuities?
Tax deferred annuities are mortality insurance products . Tax deferred annuities permit your contributions and earnings to accumulated tax deferred . The earnings or crediting method have three basic options : fixed interest rate crediting , indice crediting and separate sub accounts - using equities and bond investments . Tax deferred annuities are generally purchased to generate income in the future , even lifetime income you cant outlive . During distributions the gain in the policy is taxed as ordinary income .
Almost all auto and homeowners insurance carriers offer renters insurance . If you currently have your auto insurance through a local agent contact them about renters insurance . They will more than likely have a product available . If you combine your renters and auto insurance with the same carrier you will more than likely receive a discount on your premiums .
Will Cat D Affect My Car Insurance?
In California there doesnt seem to be an exclusion for any automobile coverage based upon the title of the automobile . Your CatD car has previously been declared a total loss . However , if it is now licensed for operation on the states roads , in California , insurance companies should cover your car .
The average price for home insurance can vary greatly based on several factors . If two different people applied for the same level of coverage on the exact same property , their prices could be different , based on how similar the applicants were . The primary factors that are considered for pricing home insurance include the age of the applicant , the occupation or education of the applicant -LRB- if the insurance company offers discounts for affinity groups -RRB- , the number of adults living in the residence , and the claims history for the applicant . And this is assuming we are looking at two applicants for the same property . There are factors that adjust the price based on the differences between properties as well , so the same person applying for two similar properties may receive higher or lower premiums based on the rating factors for the residence . For example , if the property has a pool , whether the pool is fenced or unfenced , the proximity to a fire hydrant , the age and type of roofing materials , and so on . Most policies I write for Home Insurance come out to be between $ 60 and $ 120 a month , depending on the level of coverage selected . But since every customer is different , and two homes on the same street will get different rates , I always recommend contacting a licensed insurance professional to obtain quotes . It 's best to get at least 2 or 3 quotes and compare both the premium amounts and the type of coverage . Do n't just buy based on price alone , or you may wind up with less coverage than you need .
Can You Deduct Life Insurance On Schedule C?
You have to remember what life insurance gives to you upon death of a covered person , a TAX-FREE death benefit . There are a few circumstances which life insurance premiums can be `` written off '' however you need to be aware that the death benefit , usually a tax-free benefit will become taxable . Consider what that will do to your tax bill and the liability you might have . Otherwise I would recommend talking to your tax adviser about deducting your life insurance premiums .
As of today according to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation website there is not a requirement to show proof of insurance when registering a vehicle . Please do remember that Wisconsin does require all drivers to have an active automobile insurance policy with state statute minimum requirements . D.O.T. requirements can change . I would recommend either confirming the requirements on the state 's D.O.T. website or calling the local D.O.T. office .
Is Life Insurance Included In Gross Income?
Life insurance proceeds are income tax-free . So , in short , no - the payout of proceeds from a life insurance policy are not included in your gross income -LRB- assuming you 're referring to your tax return -RRB- . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any further questions . Thanks very much .
There are many well known insurance companies that sell disability insurance both short and long term . Perhaps you may know Metlife , Assurity , Principal Mutual , Guardian , Mass Mutual or Fidelity Insurance Group . Even the big reinsurer Lloyds of Loudon sell disability insurance . For short term disability plans there are a few most would recognize like AFLAC , Colonial and Combine .
Is Life Insurance Included In Gross Income?
Life insurance proceeds are typically income tax free . If you own a cash value plan such as whole life or universal life , the cash value build up can be taxed and is counted as an asset if the policy were ever to be cashed out or cancelled . Always contact your agent or advisor to avoid a costly mistake .
Health Insurance , like all forms of insurance , is based on a number of calculations that associated the benefit received with risk taken by the insurer . When you look at a state like California there are many variable factors that go into pricing an insurance product ; age of the insured , current health status , smoker or non smoker , current profession , current address , who will be covered under the policy , etc. . California has one of the highest cost of living indexes around so as that is factored into pricing an insurance product , it affects the bottom line . To help ease the cost of health insurance here you can look at things like -LRB- 1 -RRB- raising your deductible -LRB- 2 -RRB- lowering the amount of co payment you want insurance to cover and -LRB- 3 -RRB- reducing the amount of benefits associated with your policy .
Is Life Insurance Included In Gross Income?
That is a great question ! I am happy to tell you that one of the greatest benefits of having life insurance is that very rarely are the proceeds ever taxable . Since the premiums are paid after tax , the benefit returns tax free . Your beneficiary does not have to claim that money on any tax forms . Thank you for asking !
The cost of health insurance is determined by your age only under the new ACA law . However , the premiums vary among companies mainly because of differences in deductibles and some benefits . In South Carolina there are only four companies available to shop on the federal exchange and they are Blue Cross/Blue Shield , Blue Choice , Coventry , and Consumer Choice , the last two having weak networks . By going through the exchange to get coverage with one of these carriers you may qualify for a subsidy which would lower the premium . Outside of the federal exchange United Health One offers more flexible plans that are compliant with the ACA laws and offer the only HSA qualified plans . If you choose to go through United Health One you are eliminated from obtaining a subsidy if you qualify but they offer some very competitive pricing . For those of you who are boycotting the federal plans entirely or have missed the open enrollment period , there are short term medical plans and non-qualified plans available to purchase as an alternative . For many these plans offer great coverage at a much lower premium . If you have any questions or would like further information on alternative plans please contact me , Ronald G Hinch at 843-450-9879 .
Is Life Insurance Included In Gross Income?
No , not generally . There may be some circumstances where life insurance payouts may be taxable , but these are unusual . Check with your tax adviser . If you are looking to qualify for Medicaid then cash value may affect qualification , depending on your State . Life insurance proceeds are generally non-taxable to a beneficiary .
Yes , AARP does offer life insurance through New York Life . They offer Term and Whole Life . The death benefit will either pay 100 % from day one or be graded . Some of their policies can go up in price periodically , so take that into account when comparing prices .
How Does A Life Insurance Rider Work?
There are many riders that are associated with most life insurance policies : wavier of premium , term life insurance , long term care , critical illness , catastrophic care , terminal illness , to name a few . These additional benefits may be embedded into the policy at no charge or have cost associated with them .
I am not aware of the term joint car policy . However , if you mean , Is it cheaper to have two cars on the same policy or with the same company ? the answer is generally , yes . Most car insurers offer a multi-car discount . If you are really asking if it is cheaper to have an auto policy with two insureds , technically , it doesnt make any difference . In California auto policies are issued to households and all the drivers in the household are considered .
How Does A Life Insurance Rider Work?
The way a life insurance rider works is like this . You take out a life insurance policy that provides your basic coverage . Some policies have features built into them without adding a rider -LRB- especially living benefit policies -RRB- . But most policies , however many features they have built within them , do offer some riders . Onto this core policy , you add riders for the extra features that you want . Most riders have a charge , but some are free . The options include Child Riders -LRB- to cover minor dependents -RRB- , Accidental Death Rider -LRB- pays extra in case of death due to accident -RRB- , Waiver of Premium Rider -LRB- waives the policy premium if you are disabled -RRB- , Disability Income Rider -LRB- pays a percent of your income to you if you are disabled -RRB- , Term Rider -LRB- adds a Term policy to a Permanent policy for you or another person -RRB- . Terminal Illness Rider -LRB- allows you to use part of the death benefit while still alive , if diagnosed as terminally ill -RRB- , and Return of Premium Rider -LRB- pays back all your premiums if death does not occur by the end of the term -RRB- , among others .
More than you would like ? As group health insurance premiums will vary depending upon factors like the state you live in , the health insurance carrier , the level of benefits offered by your health plan , your coverage level -LRB- Employee Only , Employee + Spouse , Employee + Child -LRB- ren -RRB- or Family -RRB- , possibly your age and whether you are a tobacco user , and most importantly , by how much your employer contributes towards your coverage , there is no way that an outsider can answer this question without such details . Your employer should be able to advise you as to what the per period payroll deduction would be for various levels of coverage under the health insurance plan they offer . This would be the only definitive source of an answer to your question .
When Do You Buy Long Term Care Insurance?
It is best to buy when you are young and healthy . There is no reason to delay a purchase since the premiums increase at older issue ages as do your chances of becoming uninsurable for long term care insurance . Long term care can impact adults at any age so it is never too soon to purchase insurance for it . The average age of purchase has been falling in recent years as more people are purchasing it at younger ages -LRB- many are buying in their 40s and 50s -RRB- .
You will need to contact a good insurance agent who is familiar with annuities and can offer a multitude of companies . The agent can examine your needs , goals and personal circumstances and help determine if an annuity is suitable for you , and if so help direct you to an annuity that fits your circumstances . The agent will then help you apply .
Who Has The Best Medigap Insurance?
All Medigap plans feature standardized benefits , meaning a plan F from company ABC features the exact same benefits as a plan F from company XYZ . So you have the exact same coverage regardless of which company the plan is through . The major factor to look at is the price - how much you are paying each month for your Medigap coverage . It 's how carriers differentiate themselves from each other . Another factor to consider is the rating method the carrier uses . Most carriers will use the attained age rating method -LRB- your rates increase each year as you get older -RRB- because it generally offers the lowest rates initially -LRB- you can end up paying more than other options if you keep the plan for many years -RRB- . Community rating means that everyone in a given area pays the exact same rates regardless of their age -LRB- an 85 year old pays the same rates as a 75 year old -RRB- - the price can be a little higher up front , but provides great savings in the long term . The third rating method is issue-age rated -LRB- the rates will only be based on your age when it was first placed in force -RRB- - this is typically the most expensive coverage . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for assistance with your Medigap coverage and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
New Jersey has a number of interesting life insurance options . Many front-line carriers are licensed to operate in this state . This means that you will have available ordinary term and permanent products from name-brand carriers . There are also a number of companies that offer simplified-issue products for people who have serious medical conditions such as cancer or heart failure . Not only that , a number of excess-market underwriting syndicates make products available for exceptional risks , such as people who must travel to dangerous locations as part of their job .
Who Has The Best Medigap Insurance?
The best Medigap insurance can be found with the company that offers the lowest premium for the Plan you want . It 's really that simple . All Medigap Plans are standardized . This means each lettered plan has the same exact benefits from one insurance company to the next ... the only difference is the price . CMS has safety nets in place for Seniors , so if you have a Medigap Plan your bills are going to be paid according to the benefits of your Plan . If you have Medigap Plan F , all your Medicare approved charges will be covered and you do not have to pay any deductibles or coinsurance . Medigap Plan G works just like Plan F and covers all Medicare approved charges after you 've met the annual Part B deductible . With so many insurance companies available who sell Medigap insurance , it is wise to work with an independent agent who specializes in Medicare Supplement insurance . That way you can choose the best Medigap Plan that is right for you .
Long term disability insurance should be purchased when you are concerned about becoming disabled and losing an income stream . This often occurs at the time you accept your first job and build a bit of stability in the workforce . Of course , you will have to be able to afford premiums which is where a full-time licensed financial planner or broker can help . By utilizing their advice , you can view affordable options that will fit within your budget .
Which Health Insurance Covers In Vitro Fertilization?
Most health insurance policies will not cover any infertility treatments of any type . Even fewer will cover IVF . Fifteen states have insurance mandates which require certain health plans to cover infertility . Nine of those state mandate include coverage for IVF . Since most of these mandates apply to group plans , the in situs state of the employer is more important than the state where you live . If your employer is headquartered in a state with an IVF mandate , then your odds are better .
When you go on a Medicare Advantage plan , you are opting out of Medicare a & b for the time you are enrolled in the Part C Advantage Plan . Since Medicare does not have the liability of insuring you , they pay most of your premium for you . It 's estimated that they pay around $ 800 monthly to the insurance company that you choose . You pay little or no premium to the company plus your Part B premium .
Much Does Health Insurance Cost One Person?
The rate depends on many factors including your age , where you live , your health and whether you smoke . Monthly rates could vary between $ 25 per month to $ 250 per month -LRB- or much higher -RRB- depending on these factors . And of course , different carriers such as Anthem , Aetna , Cigna , UnitedHealthcare etc. . . will charge different premiums . To view rates , you can visit a reputable website that offers free online quotes . There is no obligation and you can easily apply online for coverage after viewing your best options . You may also receive a federal tax subsidy when State Exchanges are operational . Naturally , an experienced broker can also assist you .
Most states require vehicles that are registered for road use to be insured ; likewise , most states require that if a person is driving a vehicle , that they have insurance as well . Thetype of insurance that most states require you to have is liability coverage . Liability coverage is also referred to as third-party insurance . Liability insurance really does n't do anything for you ; rather , it provides coverage for injury/damage that another partyincurs that you are responsible -LRB- liable -RRB- for . If you are driving and you do n't have the state required insurance , there are several things that can happen to you . You can get cited for a violation for not having insurance andyour vehicle can get towed . If you are involved in an accident and you do not have insurance , there can be problems even if the accident is not your fault . If the accident is your fault , then there can be a lot of issues . In addition to getting cited and having your vehicle towed , you can be sued by the party you injured for their damages -LRB- damages can include property damage as well as medical expenses -RRB- . We 've had some clients that were responsible for an accident that at the time did not have auto insurance ; in addition to some of the problems listed above , they were sued and that resulted ina lien being placed on their home . Insurance laws and regulations vary from state to state , and also vary based on if you have a lien -LRB- note -RRB- on your car . I suggest contacting your professional insurance agent to review your situation to make certain youremain `` legal '' in the eyes of your state and help eliminate any potential problems that can arise .
Does Medicare Require A Copay?
Original Medicare has deductibles and coinsurance for Medicare Part A and Part B . If you have a Medicare supplement plan N , you will have copay 's for outpatient expenses and ER visits . Plan N copay 's are limited to $ 20 or $ 50 . If you have a Medicare Advantage plan you will have copay 's for most medical services .
To purchase life insurance , you must qualify medically and financially . Every life insurance company has their own guidelines and criteria for qualification . Financially , you must have a certain amount of income or assets to qualify for the amount of insurance that you are purchasing . When it comes to health underwriting , only the most serious illness are outright denied such as HIV and certain cancers . If the condition is not too serious , the company may offer you coverage , but charge a higher premium . It is important to speak to a knowledgeable advisor who can assess your situation and recommend a company that will provide the most favorable underwriting for your unique situation .
Can I Be On Two Auto Insurance Policies?
If you drive more than one vehicle or own more than one vehicle you should be on more than one auto policy . You should be on every policy for every vehicle that you regularly drive . Talk to your agent or broker to get yourself listed on the right car insurance policies .
Generally speaking it is , yes . With a Homeowners ' policy , coverage is provided for three prim , ary elements . First , the dwelling itself is covered . Second , your personal property has protection and third , liability coverage is provided for situations where you are legally liable for injury to another person or damage to their property . A Condo Unit Owners ' policy is similar , but it does not provide primary coverage for the actual dwelling -LRB- building -RRB- .
Can I Be On Two Auto Insurance Policies?
You not only can be on two auto insurance policies , you should if you are the registered owner of both ! However if the question is can you be insured on 2 auto insurance policies on the same vehicle , that 's a no-no and sometimes done in a fraudulent attempt to collect for damages twice . Do n't do the crime if you ca n't do the time !
Medicare covers some weight loss programs when medically necessary . There must be a health condition that would be alleviated by weight loss in order for Medicare to pay . The program can include counseling , or , if more is needed , Medicare may pay for more options , including gastric bypass surgery under certain conditions .
Can I Be On Two Auto Insurance Policies?
There is no reason why you ca n't be listed on two auto insurance policies if you are a driver on both the vehicles or the registered owner of both . IF you are the registered owner then you should be named as an insured and if you are simply a driver , you should be listed as such on each policy for each car you drive -LRB- if they are different policies -RRB-
Genworth is a leading manufacturer and distributor of long term care insurance . Their long term care policies cover various options of elderly care from assisted living at home to nursing home confinement . The contract offers additional riders like the inflation rider that can mitigate rise in the cost of living .
How Much Is Car Insurance Per Month In Florida?
The per month cost of insurance in Florida depends on several factors including the car covered , your driving record , your age , your marital status , the location in which the car is kept , and numerous elected coverage amounts including liability coverage , personal property coverage , and uninsured/underinsured coverage . Due to the variability of these items it 's nearly impossible to say exactly how much it will cost until more information is provided regarding these items .
That is a great question ! If you are living in one of the Northern States where snowmobiles can see some use , it 's a good bet that you 'll be required to have some insurance coverage . There are a few really good reasons why it makes sense to get a policy . The first is that any damages or personal injuries that might occur on your property as a rule wo n't be covered by your homeowners policy . If something bad were to happen , you would be left unprotected for the liabilities of costs and damages . Your snowmobile -LRB- and trailer , if you have one -RRB- wo n't be covered under your auto policy either . So again , you would be liable for any damages if something bad were to happen . So what should you purchase ? I 'd strongly recommend the same kind of coverage that you 'd buy for your car - full coverage with comprehensive , collision , and liability . Here 's why - collision is obvious , if you run into something , or roll your sled , it will be covered by this part of the policy . The comprehensive portion covers the other stuff - hitting a deer , water damage busting thru ice , etc. . The liability part covers you for damage to riders , or property . You can add trailers to your policy coverage with some carriers , and that makes sense , as it 's cheap , and does n't get covered by most auto coverage . Sled policies are generally fairly inexpensive , and often can be discounted with multiple sleds , proof of training classes , and bundling with other policies . Most will not charge for non-use periods also . I 'd say it 's definitely something to have before you ever get on your sled , okay ? -LRB- I love this question , I 'm from up North originally myself , and do n't get to answer too many of these type questions here in Texas ! -RRB- Be safe , have fun , and thanks for asking !
Is Condo Insurance Cheaper Than Home Insurance?
Generally speaking it is , yes . With a Homeowners ' policy , coverage is provided for three prim , ary elements . First , the dwelling itself is covered . Second , your personal property has protection and third , liability coverage is provided for situations where you are legally liable for injury to another person or damage to their property . A Condo Unit Owners ' policy is similar , but it does not provide primary coverage for the actual dwelling -LRB- building -RRB- .
Life insurance is not for the living , but for those left behind . Only you can answer the question , `` Do I need life insurance ? '' . The most common purpose of life insurance proceeds is to replace lost income of the decedent and pay debts of the estate . But personally owned life insurance is much more . Large estates with complicated and non-liquid assets should consider life insurance to cover estate shrinkage and add liquidity . Larger estates also usually incur tax liabilities that can be paid with life insurance proceeds . Some individuals like to endow charities or educational institutions with life insurance proceeds . One of the most debated life insurance needs is on the life of a child . Many will argue that children do not incur debt nor do they generate income , so there is no need to buy life insurance on a child . As a parent I can think of nothing worse than the loss of a child . Feeling pressure to return to work the day following services because of financial needs would only compound the loss . Parents need time to grieve the loss of a child and do so with dignity .
What Does Life Insurance Not Cover?
The only thing that all life insurance policies do not cover is death due to suicide in the first two years of the policy . Some policies will exclude death caused during the commission of a crime , or by acts of war or terrorism . Others could have a stipulation , such as death caused by parachuting , but that will be an exception stated explicitly in your policy for your particular situation . Life insurance pays for death due to old age , anything health related , and accident . This covers the vast majority of causes of death .
Western human behavior is to live for the moment . And with so many cultural expectations that cost money , retirement funded takes a back seat to immediate gratification . Retirement seems so far away for the Millennial generation that it 's almost unreality . But many baby boomers have discovered that time waits for no man and retirement is suddenly upon you and staring you in the face .
What Does Life Insurance Not Cover?
Video Transcript : Today 's question is , `` What does life insurance not cover ? '' Well , during the first two years of the life insurance policy from the day that it 's issued , they do n't cover suicide . And if there are material misstatements or fraud in the contract , the death claim could be in jeopardy from being paid . So , you always want to be able to be honest about all your issues in the contract application , all the questions . By the way , that includes smoking . Some people try to say , I am not a smoker , when they are . And if they find that out , there could be elements of fraud or misrepresentation on the application that again , could put in jeopardy your death claim . So , I always say , be as honest as you can on the application . Just tell the truth . And remember , they do n't pay on suicide during the first two years . It 's called the contestability period .
Long Term Disability Insurance covers your inability to work . Its paycheck protection . The value of human compensation or the ability to earn money as a trade off for services rendered is at the heart of our economy . Most American workers have 90 days of reserve funds in case of an emergency . Disability insurance covers part of your compensation during your time off work due to disability .
What Does Life Insurance Not Cover?
Life insurance covers the life of the insured . There are a few exclusions within the first two years . These two years are known as the contestability period . This time period gives the life insurance carrier time to investigate as cause of death to see if an illness was missed during the underwriting period . Another common cause of death to be excluded under the contestability period is a suicide . After the two year contestability period most companies will pay the death benefit regardless of the cause of death unless fraud can be explicitly proven or an activity such as racing , skydiving , rock climbing , etc. is excluded upon issue of the coverage .
Banks require homeowners insurance to protect themselves . When you have a mortgage on a home , the bank becomes part owner of that home . If it burns in a fire or is destroyed or damaged by a catastrophic occurrence it needs to be rebuilt or repaired . Home Owners insurance allows for this to be done . .
What Is IRR In Life Insurance?
IRR stands for Internal Rate of Return . It is a financial measure of return on cash over time . In the context of the death benefit , the IRR is the rate at which outlays up to that year must be compounded each and every year to generate the death benefit .
Multiple Sclerosis medication can be covered by Medicare under Part D or Part B . If you have a Medicare Advantage plan your cost may be considerable . In many of those plans you pay a percentage , not a copay . If your medication is administered in your doctors office the drug is covered under Part B. Your Medigap plan F would pay 100 % of your Part B expenses in that case .
What Is IRR In Life Insurance?
The internal rate of return in a life insurance proposal measures the profitability or loss based on premiums paid versus the benefits of the policy . The two benefits measured are accumulated cash values and/or death benefit in any one year . Almost every proposal can illustrate internal rate of return for both benefits and should be requested .
For life insurance , accidental death would be the result of anything sudden and unexpected that caused the death of the insured . An automobile accident is an example as well as a plane crash . Certainly a death caused by the accidental discharge of a firearm would be considered as accidental . That would be contrasted with a death by suicide which would not only not be considered accidental , but woudl be a reason for the isuring company to deny paying the proceeds of the policy . A death caused by a genuine accidental overdose or unknowingly combining of medications that together can cause harm could certainly be an example of accidental death as well .
Who Sells The Best Whole Life Insurance?
Who sells the best whole life insurance ? Well in my many years as both a captive and independent I can answer truthfully , a lot of companies . The best thing about life insurance is that there are many companies that occupy that top of the table where best could apply to any of them . You may see from time to time , advertisements from companies showing they 're best for 250k coverage . What they put in small print would be male age 35 best possible class . Why ? because they may not be best for females age 30 standard plus class . The best place to be company wise will simply depend on who you are , how your health is , how much coverage you buy and do you smoke ? Your answers may make the best company be entirely different than somebody else like your spouse for example .
Most health insurance will only pay for breast reductions if it is medically necessary . Medically necessary is a subjective term . For example if you want breast reduction surgery for cosmetic reasons it would not be covered . If on the other hand if you were 5 ' 2 '' and needed reduction surgery to ease back issues posture and pain it may be medically necessary . You should check with you doctor , read your Evidence of Coverage and check with the insurance company .
Who Sells The Best Whole Life Insurance?
That is a really good question ! Every insurance company will try to sell you on the fact that they are the `` best '' . The truth is that there is often not a lot that separates one policy from the other , especially when it comes to straight term policies . So what makes one company `` better '' than the next ? There are companies that underwrite differently , and if you have an issue , then the one that writes best for your issue is `` best '' . Or if you like the occasional cigar , but otherwise do n't smoke , then a company that does n't count that cigar as smoking is `` best '' . A good independent agent can help find the company that can best suit you . Thanks for asking !
Start by contacting a local agent . Price is only one part of the coverage equation . You will want to find yourself a local agent that you are comfortable working with as they will be the person that you turn to when you have concerns about your coverage or purchasing of additional coverage and the person that you turn to when you have questions or concerns about billing or claims .
Who Sells The Best Whole Life Insurance?
Like mentioned above there is a lot of different factor they will base the price of the policy . You should contact multiple Life agents and companies for quotes base the amount of coverage your looking for . You should also consider your Automobile policy if you have one as they would be able to give you a Multi-policy discount that could in some cases be lower . Check the companies Am Best Rating for their financial strength . You do n't a cheap policy from a company that a bad rating and bad claims history . Thank you and good luck .
Most cash value life insurance policies are designed to be permanent ; you can keep them your whole life if it makes sense . You can keep the policy in force until you die , and your beneficiaries are paid the death benefit which is typically tax free . Money accumulates inside the contract and earns tax deferred interest . You can borrow money against the accumulated cash value . Or you can cancel the policy are receive the cash value . There may be tax implications on policy cancellations .
Who Sells The Best Whole Life Insurance?
The company that can deliver the check to your beneficiaries at the time of your death . As a matter of fact , your beneficiaries will not care if the claims check is from whole , term or universal life . The checks will be identical .
That is a great question ! There are a couple of things that would determine the answer . If your mom is over the age of 85 , it might be really difficult to find a policy . Same for if her health is really bad . You might be able to find a policy , but it may be more expensive than you 'd like , and most of those policies are going to have a period of time where they wo n't pay anything but what you 've paid in , plus some interest . If she 's fairly young , and in relatively good health , you wo n't have a problem . Either way , if you would like to discuss the details , I 'm sure that I could help you find an answer . please drop me a line , I 'd be happy to help . Thank you for asking !
Who Sells The Best Whole Life Insurance?
Who sells the `` best whole life insurance '' ? The answer to that question is it depends . Which insurance policy is best depends on what your individual needs and desires . There are a number of factors to consider such as the insurance company 's ratings , if the policy is participating the dividend history , policy design and more . An independent life insurance broker can help you find the plan that is right for you . If you have any further questions or if you feel I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me .
As a general rule , most homeowners insurance policies provide coverage for personal property that is stolen from a car . The stolen property will be subject to your property deductible and depending on the type of property stolen , your policy may have a limit to the coverage amount provided . For example , money , jewelry , electronic devices , and other `` high value '' items are typically limited to a maximum coverage amount of $ 500 - $ 1,000 unless your policy includes increased limits through an endorsement . As a side note , your auto policy may also include a small limit of coverage for property stolen from the vehicle .
What Is Medicare ASP?
Medicare Part B reimburses physicians for drugs based on the ASP , or average sale price plus a additional % . These drugs reimbursed by average sales price are delivered `` incident to '' physician services , in that they require the training and expertise of a physician to be administered to the Medicare patient .
Many people decide to get life insurance when they have a change in their lives that adds financial responsibilities . E.g. Getting married , having a baby , buying a house or business . Others are jolted to get life insurance when they , or people they know , have a health scare . It is better to get life insurance before being diagnosed with a serious health condition , but any time you need life insurance is a good idea to get it .
Can A Person On Medicare Have An HSA?
A person on Medicare can have an HSA -LRB- health savings account -RRB- but they can no longer contribute to an HSA once they go on Medicare . The funds that are still in the HSA at the time of enrolling in Medicare can be used to pay for expenses that are not covered by Medicare , such as co-pays , deductibles , premiums , etc. .
The best company is the one that insures you and pays the maximum allowable when you have a claim . The best place to buy that policy is from a trusted insurance agent . That agent will listen to you , give you good financial advice , and communicate accurately with you and the company . The time to find out what policy is best is when you have a claim ; up to that point the trusted advice of a good agent is important .
Is An IRA A Qualified Retirement Plan?
An IRA , or Individual Retirement Account , is a retirement plan , but it is not considered a qualified plan . IRAs are discussed in Section 408 of the IRC . Qualified plans are set up by businesses , while some types of IRAs -LRB- traditional or Roth -RRB- are established by individuals . There are some types of IRAs , -LRB- SEPs and SIMPLE IRAs , for example -RRB- , that must be established by an employer .
Some lenders require that they include an escrow account to collect money from you for future renewal premiums in order to in their minds better protect their interest in your home . In that case , then the money that you send your lender each month would include principal and interest on your loan and a certain amount for this insurance escrow account . In some cases , they also collect for your annual property taxes as well . When your policy renews , your insurance company would then bill your mortgage company and they would pay your renewal premium in full at that time . This process would continue so long as you remained with that lender .
How Much Does Kit Car Insurance Cost?
As far as the liability , uninsured motorist and medical coverage part of it , it 's about the same as classic car insurance on a regular classic car . But with comprehensive and collision coverage , it can get a little more pricey due to lack of competition . Many classic car insurance companies will not insure a kit car for physical damage coverage , only liability . So you have to look a little harder to find the right companies to quote with .
Generally a person purchases a single premium life insurance policy with the trust as the irrevocable beneficiary . Irrevocable means that the beneficiary can not be changed . The Trust is usually also the owner of the policy preventing the insured from having access to the cash value . This is an excellent way to prepay a funeral without having to commit to a specific funeral home . These types of trusts are used to help protect assets from Medicaid . This type of trust is a funeral trust . There are other types of irrevocable trusts as well . A good agent familiar with care resource planning can help answer more of your questions and provide guidance on asset conservation in the later years of life when preservation of assets becomes more important than accumulation of assets .
When Should You Cancel Term Life Insurance?
That is a great question ! There are a couple of good reasons why you may wish to cancel your term policy . The best would be that you 've paid off early the debt you took the policy out to cover against . It would make no sense to continue paying , at that point . The second would be that it was due to auto-renew , and your premium is about to skyrocket . -LRB- which it does -RRB- cancelling the policy before it becomes unaffordable is wise also . The last would be if you reached a point where you had a whole life policy , or had made other arrangements to provide for your final expenses and your surviving loved ones financially . Again , at that point it makes little sense to pay for a policy . I hope that helps , thank you for asking !
Your renters insurance covers damage to your personal property . Lost property isnt exactly damaged property . There is a limit to coverage for property away from your residence . Your claim would adjusted on the replacement cost of the phone after you pay the deductible . You might receive something for a lost cell phone ; however , it might be more trouble than it is worth to file the claim .
When Should You Cancel Term Life Insurance?
There are two times to cancel your term life insurance . The first is at the end of the term and your premium increases ten fold . Then it is time to cancel and perhaps purchase another new plan . The second reason is when your loved ones no longer need you for financial support . This means no more debt and a nest egg large enough to enjoy the same living standard the loved ones enjoy now without your income .
An insurance company invests deposits for fixed annuities into their General Account . The General Account is made up of mostly US Treasuries , along with Corporate Bonds , public debt issues , real estate , & some equities . The exact ratio and makeup of the General Account varies from company to company . But for the consumer , what matters is the interest rate of the annuity and what that particular product is offering . As long as the insurance company is well rated by an independent rating firm , the makeup of the General Account has no meaningful impact on the policy owner . It is important to know that insurance companies are required to invest enough money into treasuries to be able to cover all guarantees promised in contracts they issue . So any guarantee they have made is mostly backed by treasuries .
When Should You Cancel Term Life Insurance?
You may never have a reason to cancel Term Life Insurance . If you are paying a reasonable rate but no longer need the coverage , you might consider changing your beneficiary to a charity or grandchild . You can even convert your Term insurance to Permanent so that the policy never ends . If you got your policy at a young age and in good health , you will never get rates like that again , so think twice before you cancel it . You may even find that a relative is willing to help pay your premiums for you to keep or convert it , so that they do not have to worry about how to pay for your final expenses when you pass .
Life insurance is a mortality insurance product and health insurance is a morbidity insurance product . Life insurance is not the same as health insurance . Life insurance and annuities are insurance mortality products . Health insurance , disability insurance and long term care insurance are morbidity insurance products . Two different actuarial constructs .