Can I Buy Motorcycle Insurance Online?
Yes , more than likely you can , just like you can buy many insurance products on line . There are certainly arguments to be made for buying insurance that way and many major companies are including a `` direct line '' purchase option along with the more traditional distribution of products through a local licensed agency force . I know I myself am a licensed Professional Insurance adviser so I am biased , but it seems to me that we need to focus on what exactly we are buying when we make an insurance purchase . Sure , a policy is a document and a price is charged for what it represents , but i am convinced that most of us buy these things expecting that we 'll never have to use them , Hence the natural inclination to buy the cheapest . My opinion is that there are reasons to start your search on line , but talk to your local Insurance Professional for sound advice before buying anything .
There are many insurance companies who offer coverage for Motorcycles . The best way to control the cost of that coverage is to take advantage of any and all available discounts . If you insure your home and cars with the same company , and that company offers coverage for bikes , the bundling discount that you would receive can save you quite a bit .
Can A Teenager Get Their Own Car Insurance Policy?
A teenager can get their own car insurance , assuming they have a valid driver 's license , meet underwriting guidelines and own the vehicle they wish to insure . However , sometimes , it 's best to place the car under your parent 's policy , to take advantage of many available discounts . As experienced brokers , we can compare and shop the top-rated carriers so you pay less .
The upper end of cost could be anything depending on amount and health . The lowest I have seen is zero . At least one company will give a small child rider at no cost on a parent or grandparent 's policy . Many child riders fall in the range of $ 20,000 for for about $ 8 . per month . However that covers all minor children . So if you have 4 children your per child cost would be $ 2 . Coverage usually stays in force as long as the base plan does up to the child 's age 25 . And is convertible to five time the original amount . with no evidence of good health . This can be a very important feature . Individual plans run a very wide range based on the type and amount . Recently we wrote a child with a lung disease $ 25,000 of whole life at about $ 20 per month and a 17 year old $ 250,000 term for about $ 14 per month . So the answer is , $ 0 to a lot . Best to talk to an independent agent .
How Do I Sign Up For Medicare B?
Unless you chose to opt out when you were first eligible , you will be automatically enrolled in Part B . You will receive information from Medicare and given a choice of opting out . Do not opt out unless you are covered under a group plan . When you receive your card it should have both part A and part B listed . If it does not then call 1-800-Medicare or your local Social Security office and they will make suure you are enrolled .
If you receive Social Security benefits at age 65 , Medicare automatically starts at age 65 . Medicare will automatically enroll you in Part A and Part B . If you are not yet receiving Social Security benefits , you can start still start receiving Medicare Part A and B , or you can keep Part A and opt out of Part B until your group coverage ends .
How Do I Sign Up For Medicare B?
You can sign up for Medicare Part B in 3 ways : 1 -RRB- You can go to and fill out the online registration . You will be directed to a Social Security website with a form to fill in and submit electronically . 2 -RRB- If you already have Part A , you can call 1-800-772-1213 . 3 -RRB- You can contact your local Social Security Office .
Effective 01 January 2014 , Health Insurance Companies will only be able to deny coverage for non payment of premium ! The Affordable Care Act also known as ObamaCare has made drastic changes to the way our industry operates and underwrites risk . We will no longer be able to pick and choose clients ; if clients can not afford insurance and qualify for assistance , the taxpayers will foot the bill , if clients want to take their Federal tax deduction up front monthly , it will be provided as a discount to their monthly premium . In addition , there are 10 required ` essential health benefits ' that must be included in all health plans thereby driving up premium whether or not one needs the coverage . Clients have the choice of purchasing a plan ` On Exchange ' or ` Off Exchange ' -LRB- the traditional way -RRB- . Please notethat this is not a National Health system as witnessed in operation in many other countries . This is simply a Nationally recognized andgoverned exchange whereby insurance carriers can provide an approved plan on an exchange where clients can select the plan . The plan codes are differenton exchange than plans off exchange . It remains to be seen if clients on exchange will be treated the same as clients off the exchange . In the month of November , 39 % of those applying to the exchange in California were on some type of assistance -LRB- MediCal -RRB- . If the exchange continues to support only those on assistance and olderAmericans with health issues , it would be conceivable that premium rates would need to sharply rise to avoid bankrupting the exchange . The vast majority of those contacting their insurance companies to make changes have expressed dismay with the new system of managing the health insuranceindustry . The truth remains to be judged by history !
Does Life Insurance Get Taxed At Payout?
The death benefit from life insurance is usually paid out tax free if it is paid directly to the beneficiary -LRB- s -RRB- . If it goes through the estate -LRB- no human beneficiary named -RRB- it will usually be taxed . If you are planning a larger estate , you will want to involve an estate planning attorney , a life insurance agent and a CPA as your advisory team . There are certain situations where you may be taxed if you do not plan well . A big advantage of whole-life insurance is that you can also use it for tax free income before you die . Life insurance is one of the most tax favorable money management tools you have available .
That is a great question ! Once you have started a retirement plan , it remains yours , whether you are with the company or not . They will no longer make contributions to it , and now you wo n't either , so it will sit there in limbo , and grow slowly . Contact your HR person , or plan administrator if you do not know which financial institution is managing the fund , so you can figure out what you want to do . You may be able to roll it into your new employer 's 401k plan , if they offer one . You may be able to roll it into a Roth IRA plan that you establish . If you consider taking the cash from it , be aware that it will be heavily taxed , and you will pay a penalty for removing the cash - plan on giving away at least a third of it , okay ? I hope that helps , contact me with questions if you have them , and thanks for asking !
Does Life Insurance Get Taxed At Payout?
Assuming that payout is death benefit proceeds , those generally pass to their designated beneficiarys tax free . There are some business scenarios where death benefit proceeds are subject to the alternative minimum tax as a preference time and could be included as revenue at ordinary income tax rates . There may be estate taxation on the federal and/or state level . Assuming that payout is about distributions : If the life insurance policy is a modified endowment contract , loans are taxable . If the life insurance is a non-modified endowment contract and the policy lapses , is surrendered or the policy reaches its maturity dateall policy loans , -LRB- those received and internal -RRB- are ordinary income tax events is the year they occur .
Full coverage usually means that an insured person has liability coverage as well as collision and comprehensive coverages on a vehicle , which means that there is bodily injury , property damage , collision and comprehensive . Then there are the optional coverages such as medical payments , Uninsured motorist bodily injury and uninsured property damage as well as rental coverage and/or loss of use and towing and labor . Hopefully that answers your question .
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Toilet Overflow?
As a rule no , toilet overflow is a maintenance issue . The only time there may be coverage is if the overflow is caused by sewer backup . Some companies will provide coverage for sewer backup , usually as an endorsement on your policy . Check with your agent to find out if your policy has sewer backup coverage .
Tax deferred fixed annuities work well for those seeking higher credited interest rates that traditional banks offered over the years . And the tax deferral feature can have a significant financial impact for those in high tax brackets who are mid to long term savers .
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Toilet Overflow?
Yes , in most instances the ensuing damages would be covered by a standard homeowners policy . Most homeowner policies are considered ` all risk ' meaning that if the loss is not specifically excluded under the policy and it is sudden and accidental in nature , it shall be covered . If there was a problem with the toilet and it malfunctioned causing the water damage , the toilet itself would not be covered but all ensuing water damage should be covered under the policy .
That is a great question ! As long as you have a valid drivers license , and permission , you are able to drive any car that is insured by its owner . The word `` comprehensive '' only means that the insurance company will pay non-collision caused damage also . Things like rocks through the windshield , or someone keying your car , for example . I hope that clears it up for you , thanks for asking !
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Toilet Overflow?
Most homeowners policies have a list of exclusions that apply to property coverages . Among the standard exclusions is that the companies will not pay for losses which resulted from water which backs up through sewers or drains . Many companies offer this coverage as an additional endorsement . Lack of this coverage is a serious shortcoming in many homeowners policies .
AARP no longer provides long-term care insurance . Genworth withdrew its `` affinity marketing agreement '' to accept applications for a special plan of LTCi designed for the AARP members , effective June 1 of this year . Genworth will continue serving policyowners that have previously purchased the Genworth AARP contract and will , of course , pay all legitimate claims . AARP reported that they are not looking for a new carrier to take Genworth 's place at this time , but would be acceptable to negotiating with any LTCi carrier that might come forward with a proposal . The largest and perhaps most vocal advocate for those over 50 in the US , and a major source of educational material on health-related issues for seniors , AARP said that they will continue to provide information about long-term care planning and the roll long-term care insurance might play in such planning .
Who Does Not Have To Buy Health Insurance?
Who does not have to buy health insurance ? Well , no one has to buy health insurance . You simply pay a tax for your decision not to . Also if you decide not to buy health insurance and you have a need later on you can only buy health insurance during an open enrollment window . So you could be very much out of luck to save a few dollars . Entirely your choice .
You should purchase long termdisability , but short term disability insurance should be the minimum coverage to protect your paycheck . But before you do determine if your employer sponsored group benefit plan has a short term disability policy . Keep min mind that Social Security has a disability plan for working Americans and other for non workers .
Who Does Not Have To Buy Health Insurance?
LOne of the objectives of the ACA was to require all citizens to have health insurance coverage . If you fail to have coverage then you will have to pay a fine . Then if you need health insurance care you are responsible for the entire costs of your treatment . Can you spell BANKRUPTCY ?
Most insurance companies provide a facility to pay monthly , usually by electronic transfer of funds from a checking account or credit card . There can be misunderstandings when the premium is paid monthly because the assumption is that the premium will be paid on the first day of the policy . What can happen is a customer can miss a payment and that sends the policy into lapse , which is a terrible thing because the mortgage company can then place insurance on the house that protects their interests and might be something you wouldnt have wanted . To top that off , you might still owe additional premium because the policy probably will remain in force for a few days while the company notifies you of the cancellation .
Does Medigap Cover The Donut Hole?
The Medicare donut hole is a cost saving measure used by insurance carriers to lower your Part D premiums . It is essentially a corridor deductible that follows the initial cost sharing where you pay a portion of the cost of your drugs and your Part D plan pays the balance . Medigap plans do not cover the donut hole in Part D.
As long as you pay the required premium , the term life policy will not expire until the end of the term . Even at the end of the term , most term policies are renewable on annual basis . Term life policies are guaranteed level with many companies so be sure you look at the policy premiums for the term you are looking for .
How Can A 17 Year Old Get Cheap Car Insurance?
Teen drivers are among the most expensive to insure , because they have the most tickets and accidents . A 17 year old can reduce her auto insurance by 1 -RRB- comparing prices , 2 -RRB- buying an older car that does not need comprehensive and collision -LRB- full coverage -RRB- , and 3 -RRB- by driving fewer miles in a year . Some kinds of cars are more dangerous and therefore more expensive to insure , so make sure you check insurance rates before you purchase a vehicle . A teen driver may also be excluded from having an insurance policy on his own , so it usually makes sense to join a family policy . You would also want to take advantage of any multi-car or multi-line discounts offered by your insurance company . These would be the same way that any driver can reduce her insurance rates , but for the teen driver it is particularly important to follow these steps . In addition , a clean driving record is paramount . So drive carefully and those rates will go down over time .
In 2007 , health insurance reform legislation -LRB- No ... Not Obamacare ! -RRB- was passed in Germany . It is now the law that citizens must obtain basic hospitalization coverage along with several other benefits including outpatient care . Maternity is one of the `` essential benefits '' also required . In early 2015 , more reform legislation was passed to reduce consumer costs . So . . back to your question ... You can purchase government-provided coverage -LRB- GKV -RRB- or buy a plan from a private insurer -LRB- PKV -RRB- . You can also elect a hybrid combination of both . If you have a high household income , private coverage is the likely result . Owning your personal plan will allow you to better customize the benefits you want . For example , you may not need a low deductible if you have no health issues . Or , if you take an expensive medication , you can choose a plan with lower drug out-of-pocket expenses .
Does Auto Insurance Cover Property Damage?
Typically even a liability only auto insurance policy will include property damage coverage . Remember every policy is different . Please read your policy completely to understand the coverage provided and any exclusions that there may be or contact your local agent to have them go over the policy with you .
Bipolar Disorder does affect Life Insurance rates and the type of policy the person with bipolar disorder can get . The most favorable scenario is for the applicant 's Bipolar Disorder to be stable for over a year , medications stable , and able to successfully hold down a job . In that case , rates can be Standard and the applicant can get any type of policy or face amount that they financially qualify for . If the Bipolar Disorder causes the person to be on Disability or it has been difficult to stabilize , then a simplified issue policy might be in order . This has some limits on face amount and might possibly be graded . However , there is usually a choice of policies for the person with Bipolar Disorder if you contact the right agency who understand and carries policies that cover it .
Is Long Term Disability Insurance Worth It?
Disability Insurance Protect You in the event that you are injured or become sick to the extent that you can no longer perform your work duties . In reality , disability insurance is paycheck protection . Social Security disability benefits can help , but not significantly . Employer sponsored group benefits may have short term disability that can supplement your cash reserves or your emergency money . Disability insurance can protect up to 60 % of your compensation with tax free benefits . If you qualify as a business , you may be able to deductible the premium cost and cover up to 80 % of your compensation , but taxable . There are several excellent long term care insurance companies in the U.S. Which one is right for you may depend on your gender , age , smoking status , health history and current medical condition ? It may also depend on the amount of benefit youre seeking . Using a bidding process based on your needs can help you select the right company . Is disability insurance worth it ? Yes !
Individual retirement accounts -LRB- IRA -RRB- are allowed under the Internal Revenue Code -LRB- IRC . -RRB- The primary difference between a Roth IRA and a regular IRA is when money is taxed . Deposits in a regular IRA are deductible from current income tax ; deposits to a Roth IRA are not . In both cases the interest earned on the accounts is not currently taxable . When all the necessary conditions are met , withdrawals from a regular IRA are taxed as earned income in the year received . Withdrawals from the Roth IRA are free of any income tax . There are other differences that affect estate planning and required distributions .
What Does A Retirement Plan Consist Of?
A retirement plan can be a deductible qualified or nondeductible non-qualified plan , generally consisting of annuities and life insurance . The retirement plan should have a future estimated year for the beginning of retirement as well as a life expectancy year for death . The retirement plan should reflect the personal financial profile of the plan participant which includes risk tolerance , product suitability and the established timeline as cited above . Product diversity should be a consideration when assigning the allocation of the plans product holdings .
Yes , Life Insurance covers Natural Death . It also covers Accidental Death . There is both Term and Whole Life Insurance , and they both cover both . Some folks buy only accidental life insurance , which may be foolish , when you consider the odds , and the low cost of life insurance that covers any death . Only suicide is excluded and then only for two years for both policies . New York Life offers a wide range of Life Insurance Products . Gary Lane , Registered Representative , New York Life , 949 797 2424 . Thank you .
How Important Is It To Have Long Term Care Insurance?
It is important to have long term care insurance if you have assets that you want to protect , if you have loved ones who want the reassurance that you will be cared for if they can not do it , if you want choices in where to receive your long term care services , and if you have the income to pay long term care premiums . If you have no assets to protect or do not have the income to pay for long term care insurance , you probably should not buy long term care insurance .
There are a variety of factors to consider . First , final expenses . This includes cost of burial , funeral , flowers , cemetery plot and other items . The national average is around $ 8 to $ 15,000 . Then you need to consider an emergency fiund if you are married . The normal recommendation is at least 6 months of your salary . This will provide your wife enough money to get on her feet and if minor children are involved , provide care for them until social security starts to pay . Next consider mortgage and other debts , if you were out of the picture , will there be enough money to cover those debts and still provide for the family . Do you want to help with your kids college ? Many people will provide for a college fund if they pas on prematurely . As you can see there are a lot of factors to consider . Once we determine the amount of coverage needed then we need to consider an affordable way to pay for it . This is where a good independent agent can help you . With a combination of term and whole life insurance most needs can be met . Find an experience agent who represents many life insurance companies and can help you select the plan that is right for you .
How Much Is The Maximum Roth IRA Contribution?
The maximum Roth IRA Contributions are as follows : -LRB- under age 50 -RRB- $ 5,500 -LRB- over age 50 -RRB- $ 6,500 IF you are single , and make $ 114k the contribution will begin to phase out up to an income of $ 129,000 which you can not contribute anymore . IF you are married , filing jointly , the phase out begins at $ 96,000 through $ 116,000 which you can not contribute more .
I assume you are doing business with a trusted insurance agent , if not , find one . Selecting limits is the chief concern . You want enough coverage so that a lawsuit for bodily injury or property damage will not bankrupt you . Then , you want enough personal property coverage to replace the essential things that you own , furniture , clothes , appliances etc. . While the premium is important , having the right coverage is critical .
What Is Wrong With Whole Life Insurance?
Assuming this question originates from a negative assertion that -LRB- participating -RRB- whole life insurance is inherently wrong , there is no wrong on a financial basis as a product . It may very well be unsuitable or not economical depending upon the personal profile of the potential purchaser and their financial goals . The annual premium for guaranteed universal life insurance is generally cheaper than whole life insurance , so the difference in premium could be argued as economical . But participating whole life insurance thats designed for tax advantaged supplemental retirement income can be very valuable to a long term conservative saver who seeks returns that can compete with treasuries as an example .
How do you get the best auto insurance rate ? Of course , driving safely , buying `` insurance-friendly '' vehicles and maintaining good credit helps . But shopping for the best prices is a big factor . It 's extremely important to allow an experienced broker -LRB- with the help of their respected website -RRB- do the shopping for you . The combination of human and online comparison shopping ensures that you 'll find the lowest rates from the top-rated carriers .
When Do Life Insurance Policies Pay Out?
Well , the obvious answer is `` when the insured dies '' . However , life insurance companies have begun offering living benefits from their products . Many allow an insured who has been diagnosed with a terminal illness to use their death benefit during their lifetime . This allows the insured and their family to use that money to help with medical bills , final expense planning , and any other reason . The insurance company knows that they 're eventually going to pay the death benefit and allowing the insured to use it during their life helps their family . I 'm assuming the question is regarding the death benefit and not the cash value of a life insurance policy . The cash value is available anytime through withdrawals , loans , or structured payouts . Keep in mind that these will impact the death benefit by either reducing it or eliminating it altogether . be sure to consult with an agent you can trust and explore all your options before making a decision that will impact the death benefit .
If you apply for the maximum coverage you should be able to secure 60 % of your compensation tax free or 80 % of your compensation , but taxable . If you can afford disability coverage for your retirement , you can add your annual contributions in addition to your individual disability policy .
When Do Life Insurance Policies Pay Out?
Life insurance policies pay the face amount when the person who is insured by the policy dies , or when the policy matures . If the money is paid upon death , it goes to the beneficiary . If it is paid upon policy maturity , the money goes to the owner of the policy .
One should buy life insurance for many reasons including , but not limited to : * It will allow youto provide for your family or loved ones after you are gone . * It will protect your home or your business if you were to die too young . * It can take care of your final expenses so that responsibility does not fall onto your survivors .
Does Disability Insurance Pay Medical Bills?
Disability income insurance acts as a replacement for your income if you are injured or disabled and are unable to work . The money comes directly to you . It is your choice to make , to determine how the money is spent . You decide where the money goes , and for what it gets used .
A hybrid life insurance policy blends both non-medical and fully underwritten coverage . The idea is you get a portion of the death benefit being applied for as full coverage without an exam -LRB- the rest being AD&D coverage -RRB- and the rest turns into full coverage after an exam is completed and you 're approved . The initial process can be completed in just a few days -LRB- typically 48 hours or so -RRB- - when the exam is completed , it can take a few weeks for the underwriting to be wrapped up . Once the initial non-medical coverage is in force , you can then decide to take an exam to turn the rest of the coverage into full coverage -LRB- you generally have a window of about 6 months to complete the exam - can vary by carrier -RRB- . Even if you come up with poor numbers and are declined for the rest of the coverage being turned into full coverage , you can still keep the initial format of the plan because it 's already in force . It 's probably easier to envision with an example . If you apply for $ 250,000 of coverage with a 20-year term period under a hybrid life policy and you 're approved for the non-medical side -LRB- again , typically takes only a couple of days -RRB- , only a portion of the coverage will be full coverage . So let 's say the coverage is actually $ 100,000 of full coverage and $ 150,000 is AD&D -LRB- actual ratios will vary by carrier -RRB- . This means that if you died without completing the exam and getting the rest of the coverage approved , only $ 100,000 would be paid out instead of the full $ 250,000 . The only way the full $ 250,000 would be paid is if you died under accidental means -LRB- e.g. a car accident -RRB- . It sounds like a great idea on paper , right ? You 're getting coverage quickly and you 've got something locked in in case you ca n't qualify for the full coverage transition . There 's a huge issue with this type of program !!!! The RATE PER $ 1,000 of full coverage that you 're paying under a hybrid life policy can -LRB- and likely will be -RRB- A LOT higher than you would be paying for coverage under a traditional life policy - meaning you can end up spending a ton of extra money on premiums unnecessarily that could easily be in your own pocket . The chances of a claim for AD&D coverage is slim to none . You 're most likely to die from illness than you are to die from injury . *** You want to be paying the lowest cost per $ 1,000 of full coverage - this is the key point you want to look at when you 're buying your coverage . *** Think about it this way . If you 've got a $ 250,000 non-medical policy and a $ 250,000 hybrid policy , and the premium for the hybrid policy is less , you 're actually paying a much higher rate because only a portion of the face amount is full coverage , where as the entire face amount under the regular non-med policy is 100 % full coverage . But you can just take the exam and turn it into full coverage right ? Problem solved ? - NO !!! If you 're willing to take an exam in the first place , you may as well have just done a traditional fully underwritten program to start with , because the premiums for those programs are substantially less than they are for hybrid policies and you have full coverage from day 1 . The long and short of it is this - if you do n't want to take an exam , buy a non-medical policy . If you 're willing to take an exam to lower your premiums or secure a higher amount of coverage , apply for a fully underwritten program because you 're going to get much better rates . The idea with hybrid policies is to try to get the best of both worlds , but the process just does n't make much sense with how much you 're spending for full coverage . I hope this provides some clarification for you . Please feel free to contact me for further assistance . Thanks very much .
Does Disability Insurance Pay Medical Bills?
Disability Insurance pays you . Its paycheck protection . You in turn use it for your regular monthly bills whether as an individual or business owner . If you didnt deduct the disability premium than the benefits pay tax free , if you did deduct the premium the benefits are taxable .
A diagnosis of Dementia should be covered as an illness under a short or long term disability plan if it was in force prior to dianosis . The elimination period would not begin until the dementia was deemed by a physician to be to the point that your normal duties of your job could no longer be performed . Typically dementia progresses slowly in younger adults still working . Most disability policies end around age 65 or 67 years old when this disease is more likely to progress .
Does Disability Insurance Pay Medical Bills?
Disability Insurance pays medical bills only if you want it to pay medical bills . Disability Insurance pays you cash if you become disabled . This cash is a % of your normal salary . You are able to use that income to pay any bills or use any way that you desire .
Heres the big retirement recommendation , pay yourself first and pay it into a retirement plan . If your employer offers partial or full contribution match in their qualified plan , contribute up to the match . Take the tax savings from the contribution deduction and fund a non-qualified annuity . When youre young , you have time in invest in the market . But time cant be the ultimate determining factor . Your risk tolerance profile needs to be established for market investing like in mutual funds or ETFs . The best savings plan , not investment plan , is generally a product suitability item that needs to be profiled . The product suitability for participating whole life or current assumption universal life insurance , as an income source for retirement , is a long term saver with low to zero risk tolerance and no less than a fifteen year annual premium commitment . If designed to comply with TAMRA and maximum cash accumulation , these life insurance policies can deliver tax advantaged income as long as the policy is kept in force for the life of the insured .
Does Disability Insurance Pay Medical Bills?
Disability insurance can just as easily be called income replacement insurance . While disability insurance is not directly designated to pay for medical bills , it may be used to pay medical bills . As the primary insured , you decide how to use the benefits or money . It can be used for living expenses , medical bills or devices to help during your disability , your choice .
Jewelry should be covered by your Renter 's Insurance , but would be subject to internal limits in the policy -LRB- often somewhere around $ 1,000 or $ 1,500 per item -RRB- . The best thing to do is to take an appraisal to your insurace agent and ask them to add specific coverage for that item . When they list it on the policy -LRB- also called inland marine in the insurance world -RRB- you will pay some more premium but will get expanded coverage on the listed item beyond the normal policy limits . This is not expensive to do and often adds coverage for things like mysterious disappearance .
How To Check On Old Life Insurance Policies?
If you know what company the policy is from , just look them up and call . You will be asked to provide a policy number , identify yourself and what you need to know . If you do not know the company name , you can do a search on MIB , Inc. . For a fee , they have the ability to search for Life Insurance policies that have been lost . Here is the website : WEBSITELINK Good Luck .
The only time renters insurance is actually required is if the landlord makes it a condition of the rental agreement . Landlords may do this in order to protect themselves from a potential law suit brought on by the tenants negligence . Other then that a renter is free to chose whether they wish to purchase renters insurance to protect their belonging , loss of use and liability or self insure and assume all the risk themselves by not having renters insurance . Renters insurance is so remarkably inexpensive for the protection you get I do not see why anyone would not obtain renters insurance .
How To Check On Old Life Insurance Policies?
The insurance policies will have the name of the issuing insurance company on it somewhere . If you have a trusted insurance agent that you work with or know you could ask them to look into it for you . Otherwise look up the insurance company , then contact them and ask for an in-force illustration . They are obligated to provide this to you upon request at no charge . When you receive it you can examine it for the details of where the policy stands currently as to cash value and what the premiums are and if it has an expiration date , etc. .
Medigap plans -LRB- commonly referred to as Medicare supplement plans -RRB- are designed to help seniors who want high quality healthcare and are on Medicare , cover the gap between what hospitals and doctors charge for their services and what Medicare will pay . Health insurance is constantly changing , which can make finding the right plan for you very strenuous . Supplementing your Original Medicare coverage -LRB- Medicare Parts A & B -RRB- with a Medicare Supplement plan will help you create a very predictable expense structure for your healthcare and allow you to see any doctor you want that accepts Medicare . Any doctor that accepts Medicare will also accept your Medicare Supplement plan . There are 10 different Medicare supplement plans and they are all standardized , meaning a plan F from company A and a plan F from company B feature the EXACT the same benefits . The 10 different plans available are plans A , B , C , D , F , G , K , L , M , and N -LRB- a high-deductible plan F is also available that features a $ 2,140 deductible in 2014 -RRB- . Each plan offers certain benefits some more comprehensive than others . Each plan must cover a core set of benefits -LRB- also known as the basic benefits -RRB- . The basic benefits are : 1 -RRB- Medicare Part A coinsurance plus coverage for 365 additional days after Medicare benefits are used up . 2 -RRB- Medicare Part B coinsurance or copayment 3 -RRB- First 3 pints of blood 4 -RRB- Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayment There 's a total of 9 benefits that can be secured . The other 5 benefits are : 1 -RRB- Skilled Nursing Facility Care coinsurance 2 -RRB- Medicare Part A deductible 3 -RRB- Medicare Part B deductible 4 -RRB- Medicare Part B excess charges 5 -RRB- Foreign travel emergency -LRB- up to plan limits -RRB- Each plan features a different structure , Plan F is the most popular plan because it 's the most comprehensive Medigap plan available as it covers all 9 benefits at 100 % . Consult with an experienced broker to review the plans in detail to see which one will best serve your needs . We have an in-depth knowledge of Medigap plans and can provide quotes from multiple carriers . Please let me know if I can be of further assistance . Thanks very much .
When Can I Buy Medicare Supplemental Insurance?
If you 're over 65 you can purchase a Medicare Supplemental plan at any time but will be subjected to medical questions and run the risk of being denied coverage . If you 're not quite there yet , you havethe three months prior to your birthday , the month of your birthdate , and three months after your birthdate to obtain guaranteed acceptance into any plan offered in your area . Also , if you are under 65 but have had 24 months of continuous disability benefits under Social Security or Railroad Retirement you can also obtain a Medicare Supplement .
Life Insurance Retirement Plan or LIRP is a concept name many insurers use to describe life insurance as a supplemental retirement strategy . Life insurance , when properly structured , can provide you with income tax-free retirement distributions . You can access money from your policy in the form of loans and withdrawals . Withdrawals have the capability of being treated as a return of premium first , with policy gains being withdrawn in the form of tax-free loans . In addition , the death benefit is paid income-tax free to your designated beneficiary .
When Can I Buy Medicare Supplemental Insurance?
In addition to the above opportunities , there is an annual enrollment period during which you can apply for a medigap policy without providing medical information . These periods are announced . It is best to careful compare medigap plans as they differ . Rating is based upon a community basis ; issue age rated or attained age rated . Compare before you commit .
Video Transcript : What is permanent life insurance ? Permanent life insurance could be universal life , it could be whole life , it could be variable life . Any of those 3 are permanent forms . Depending upon how far out you want to go in the maturity date , some of these contracts go to age 100 , some even farther out . Even some guarantee permanent contracts , you can make it small enough in the timeline to actually terminate at age 85 . You want to make sure that if you 're using permanent insurance , you 're telling me that you have permanent financial indebtedness or future obligations that are not going to go away . That 's why we 're not looking at term , you 're looking at permanent forms of insurance to cover indebtedness , future obligation , charitable intent , and to replace a person 's income when they die .
How To Estimate Homeowners Insurance?
To estimate the cost of homeowners insurance , ask a neighbor with a similar home . If there is a home built by the same builder nearby you might be able to estimate a premium based upon the relative value of your home and the other home . This is a very rough way to estimate the cost but should help .
The only time disability insurance is worth buying is when you become disabled . Otherwise it is a waste of money . The catch is no one knows when they can or will become disabled it is an absolute must in your financial planning . Statistically we are 8 times more likely to become disabled than to die at an earlier age . Disability insurance for those whose greatest asset is their ability to earn money is a must .
Who Can Get On Medicare?
You are eligible for Medicare by one of two ways . The most common entry into Medicare is when you turn 65 . Most folks take advantage of Medicare eligibility at 65 , but if you have good group insurance through your employer you can opt-out of Medicare until retirement without penalty . The other entry into Medicare is via qualifying for Social Security Disability prior to the age of 65 .
Yes , ING does sell annuities . They have a complete portfolio of annuities including : Fixed Annuities - a type of annuity that will pay you a fixed rate of return . Indexed Annuities - an annuity that credits interest based on the performance of an index . Immediate Annuities - this annuity is for someone with a lump sum of money who is interested in immediately turning that amount of money into a guaranteed income stream . Annuities are an important retirement planning vehicle with tax deferral , death benefit , and optional living benefits .
How To Sell Critical Illness Insurance?
Selling critical illness is understanding the need through overwhelming statistical information on medical bills resulting from millions of people experiencing a major sickness in their lives . People who have family history or predispositions to disease or chronic health problems are prospects for critical illness insurance . And some sell critical illness insurance as a supplement for high deductible medical insurance .
An important item to determine is how much can you budget for premiums each month . When you 're trying to compare plan options , some of the first things to compare will be the deductible , copays , coinsurances , maximum out-of-pockets , and whether it 's an HMO network , PPO network , etc. . Identifying the plan 's `` metal level '' will allow you to compare more easily , meaning bronze plans may offer similar structures and premiums to other bronze plans . There are 4 metal levels - bronze , silver , gold , and platinum . The higher ranking metal level , the more comprehensive the coverage , and the higher the premium for the plan . If you have a primary care doctor that you want to keep , be sure to check and see if they are in the plan 's network -LRB- very important for HMOs ! -RRB- - same goes for hospitals too . If the facilities you go to are out-of-network , then your costs for medical services can be substantially higher than if they were in-network . When you 're looking for a plan , I highly highly highly recommend working with an independent health insurance agent that is knowledgeable and experienced to help you determine what carriers and what plan will be most suitable for your coverage . There 's no extra cost in using an independent agent versus buying from the carrier directly . You get all the extra service at no extra cost . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help with your coverage and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
What Is The Difference Between Workers Comp And Disability Insurance?
What is the difference between workers compensation and disability insurance ? Actually the differece is where you are at the time the disability . Workers Compensation Insurance covers you for at work activities , mainly accidents . Illness with worker 's comp is much harder to prove . Disability insurance is your off the clock , accident AND illness coverage .
Tax deferred annuities have three basic crediting methods : interest rates , indices and separate sub accounts . Fixed interest rate annuities generally have s stated guaranteed interest rate . Indices do not debit the account in a negative , but policy expenses could create a negative return . Separate sub accounts are subject to the market volatility and can lose money .
What Is The Difference Between Workers Comp And Disability Insurance?
Workers Comp is disability insurance provided by your employer if you are injured on the job . Disability insurance covers you for disability on or off the job depending on the policy . Unless it is tied to your group plan you own your Disability Insurance and you take it with you . Example : Workers Comp would pay if you fell off of a ladder at work and broke your leg . It would not pay if you fell off a ladder at home and broke your leg . A disability policy would .
A universal life policy differs from a whole life type policy in that the accumulation portion of the policy is not the responsibility of the insurance company , rather it is the responsibility of the policy owner . This allows the owner to change deposits to suit their ability to accumulate money . It could be that at some future point that the policy will start to have declining accumulations because the cost of insurance could exceed the owners deposits . The owner then must either increase the rate of deposits , decrease the coverage or face a collapse of the policy .
What Does Dave Ramsey Say About Long Term Disability Insurance?
Dave Ramsey believes that there are 4 must have insurance policies and they are : 1 Life Insurance 2 . Long Term Disability Insurance 3 . Long Term Care Insurance 4 . Homeowners/Renters Insurance . Many people argue about the details of each as well as what company to choose . The bottom line is that there is no set answer for anyone - talk to your insurance agent and decide for you which is the best plan for you .
Most life insurance is passed to the beneficiary income tax free . If the life insurance amount , added with the rest of the estate , exceeds the estate tax exemption , it is possible the part of the life insurance could be subject to estate taxes . Also , a cash value policy that is a modified endowment contract has too much cash value to be allowed all the tax benefits of life insurance .
What Does Dave Ramsey Say About Long Term Disability Insurance?
Dave Ramsey believes in a very simple approach . If possible , pay for mostly everything with cash , save your money , diversify and shop for the best deals . Some of his ideas make great financial sense . Others have been questioned by many experienced and unbiased financial planners . His website should detail his views on long-term disability coverage .
If you can afford it it 's not a bad idea . From your question I ca n't tell if you have employer provided disability insurance and you are looking to supplement that or if you are talking about buying a supplemental disability insurance policy as a voluntary employee benefit that might be your only form of disability insurance . However , the basic premise of `` insuring your paycheck '' is a sound one and is an area of risk that many people overlook . For example , one out of four 20-year olds will experience a period of disability before reaching age 65 .
What Is AARP Medigap Insurance?
AARP is a politically active lobbying organization and marketing entity , not an insurance carrier . They currently endorse Medigap -LRB- Medicare supplement -RRB- plan underwritten and administered by United Healthcare . Medigap plans are designed to cover the `` gaps '' in Medicare created by deductibles and coinsurance . All Medigap plans are standardized and vary -LRB- within the same letter -RRB- only by price .
What retirement plan should you have ? One that you will contribute to consistently . It is n't so much the plan as it is the effort to put money aside and simply leave it alone to let it work . As far as plans go there are tax advantaged plans for both individuals and employees in a business situation . If your employer offers a plan , especially one where they contribute to your account , participate .
Why Would My Home Insurance Go Up?
The biggest driver of home insurance costs are claims . As the frequency and severity of claims go , so go insurance costs . In addition , insurance premiums have to be adjusted to cover the increasing costs of labor and materials required to rebuild and repair homes . Insurance companies are for-profit organizations who in addition to earning a profit must bring in enough to pay claims or they cease to exist . However , there are many adjustments that can be made in home insurance coverage that will lower costs . You will want to review those options with your insurance professional on an ongoing basis with a regular review of your needs .
With any medication related to life insurance underwriting , it is more of the affliction than the medication . Xanax is used for a variety of anxiety issues . Mild anxiety with mild occasional situational attacks could still be a standard issue versus severe panic attacks that can require immediate medical attention can lead to a decline of life insurance . Use an experienced independent life insurance broker to help you shop underwriters in order to find you the best deal in your life insurance needs .
How Do You Estimate Renters Insurance?
Insurance policies are typically as unique as the person seeking the coverage . Call a local agent your area , they will normally provide you with a free no obligation quote for the coverage that you areseeking . Renters insurance iis typically a very inexpense prospect . Based on my experience within my geographic area , renters insurance typically runs 8/mo on up .
Wikianswers says at last count there over 2000 companies selling life insurance in the US . That does not mean they are all domesticated-meaning they are not foreign but rather US - and neither does that answer what types of life insurance policies they offer nor does that answer what their financial strength is nor their history of paying claims nor their forecast for continuing to meet financial requirements going forward
Does Renters Insurance Cover Theft From Garage?
Usually , yes . Renters Insurance provides coverage for your personal belongings whether they are located in your home or outside of it . So for example if you have a folding picnic table stored in the detached garage located at the property you are renting and it is stolen , you should have coverage subject to your deductible . If on the other hand you are a landscaper and you do not have business property coverage to protect your tools and equipment and someone walks off with your weed whacker , that is business property and the loss probably will not be covered by your Renter 's Insurance .
Yes , it can be , if the damage results from a covered peril named in your policy . Always discuss the specifics of your policy with your Insurance Professional to fully understand the terms and conditions , but coverage would be available to you provided that your policy includes coverage for `` Other Structures '' . Any settlement paid to youfor damage caused to your fence would be subject to your deductible , of course . If as a result of some negligent action by you -LRB- ignoring that dead tree in your back yard that over hangs your neighbor 's fence , for example -RRB- the story is a bit different . If that tree comes down and damages your neighbor 's fence , then coverage would be found in the Liability portion of your policy .
Who Should Buy An Immediate Annuity?
An immediate annuity is the most efficient way to address the risk of living too long . It provides a high level of income and is guaranteed for the life of the annuitant . This allows a retiree to increase their consumption rate and at the same time eliminate risk . There isnt market fluctuation , nor is there a risk of exhausting capital .
Medicare would pay 80 % for this treatment if it is considered a chronic condition such as COPD , if not there is a good chance this would not be covered . You should confirm with your doctor that this is medically necessary before you get this type of rehab or you could get a bill from the rehab when Medicare declines payment .
Who Should Buy An Immediate Annuity?
The purpose of an immediate annuity is to establish an income stream that you ca n't outlive . Most people who buy immediate annuities are retired and concerned that their money may run out . While there are variable immediate annuities , fixed annuities are more often used for this purpose . Since interest rates are currently very low , you may want to consider adding an inflation rider on your annuity . The inflation rider will allow for some increases in your monthly income over time to keep pace with rising inflation .
What do you need to know about term life insurance ? You need to know that : 1 -RRB- Unless you have some type of rider stating otherwise , term life insurance will jump way up in price at the end of the term , and go up in price annually after that . Or it will end at the end of the term . 2 -RRB- Most term life insurance will stay the same premium during the entire term , and the death benefit will stay the same for the entire term . But you need to ask your agent to make sure you are buying a guaranteed level premium , and a guaranteed level death benefit , to be sure . 3 -RRB- There is no cash value in term life insurance . Only ROP -LRB- return of premium -RRB- term will pay back a substantial cash value if you keep it enough years , and are alive at the end of the term . 4 -RRB- If you miss a payment more than two months , your term policy will end . There is no cash value in it to pay the premium , so it is very important to keep up your payments with term life insurance . 5 -RRB- Many term policies are convertible to permanent insurance for at least part of the term period . If you convert your term policy , you must convert it to the policy or policies stipulated by the life insurance company at that point in time . These policies may or may not have lifetime guarantees , but will be UL or WL . The rate will be based on your age at the time of conversion . There are no health requirements ; your permanent policy will be rated similarly to what your term policy was rated .
is the new pneumonia shot covered by medicare?
In general , Pneumococcal shots are covered 100 % under Medicare for a one-time shot -LRB- it 's usually only needed once in your lifetime anyway -RRB- . It can be covered more than once , but under certain situations -LRB- such as someone who is considered `` high-risk '' -RRB- . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me with any other questions and would like to review plan options under Medicare . Thanks very much .
All personal automobile policies offer some automatic coverage when purchasing a vehicle . This coverage varies from policy to policy and also varies from state to state . One thing that you should be aware of is the limitation on this coverage . All personal automobile policies specifically state that to have automatic coverage on newly acquired vehicles , all vehicles owned by you must be insured with the same company . Basically , if you have a policy with X company and another with Y company , this completely eliminates automatic coverage of a newly acquired vehicles . In this situation you would have to have an agent with the company desired to provide the coverage bind the coverage for you . It just would n't happen automatically .
How Much Does Single Health Insurance Cost?
How much you should be paying is a hard figure to try and quantify . The average cost in the country for a health insurance plan is $ 328 per month - however , this is only reflective upon a silver level plan -LRB- not all 2014 state figure averages are available yet -RRB- . While you can try to come up with an `` average '' cost , there 's too many factors that go into premium pricing to say how in relation that compares to you . In short , an `` average '' premium is a rather useless figure to the individual . It 's only representative to a large group - you could have people paying a small nominal amount -LRB- after factoring in subsidies -RRB- per month to several thousand dollars per month . Even for that there 's a ton of information to sift through to get an accurate representation . Under the Affordable Care Act , you have the options for bronze , silver , gold , and platinum level plans -LRB- as you go up in metal , the price goes up , but provides better benefits -RRB- - some areas also have a catastrophic plan available . In addition , your age is a big factor as well . The younger you are , the cheaper your premium - the older you are , the higher your premium . Also , if you use tobacco products , your premium can be increased up to 50 % as well . You may be able to qualify for a subsidy that can be used to reduce the cost of your health insurance premiums . I always recommend consulting with an experienced broker . We can help you determine the plan that 's going to be most suitable for your needs and budget . Please feel free to contact me for further assistance . Thanks very much .
Home title insurance covers the expenses that could result if the title on your home is not clear . A `` non-clear '' title happens when older transfers of the title are done improperly or mistakenly . An example of being done improperly is when one person sells an entire property in fee simple , but he only owned fifty percent as a tenant-in-common . An example of being done mistakenly is recording a deed that fails to mention an easement . In order to resolve these issues you need to hire an attorney to go to court and clear the title . Title insurance will cover costs to clear the title .
Why Buy Life Insurance For Children?
Why Buy Life Insurance For Children ? Great Question . Are you going to contribute towards your child 's future college cost ? Are you interested in giving your kids an head start in life with saving money ? I think the best thing to do is understand the benefits of whole life insurance , or index universal life insurance . When you learn about these two insurance products you will understand their are tax advantages such as tax deferred and tax free withdrawal . When you combine the tax advantages with earning a rate of return on your money while it compounds over the years than you will see why you would definitely buy life insurance for your child . The biggest asset kids have is time . It takes time for money to build over the years , and the real question is how much money do you want working in your child 's favor that 's tax free.Something to really think about . I hope this helps anyone in why they should buy life insurance for their child . .
The easiest way to estimate the premium for a homeowners policy is to either contact an agent and get a price , or ask neighbors whose homes are similar to yours . Ultimately a homeowners policy is tailored to your unique home so getting a quote from an agent is the most precise way .
Why Buy Life Insurance For Children?
People buy life insurance for children so that they can give them a proper funeral if the child should pass away . They buy life insurance for children so that the child can borrow from it to pay for college , wedding , home or other large expenses in the years to come . And perhaps the most common reason people buy life insurance for children is so that they have a policy , in case they would ever become unisurable in the future .
Medigap works along side your original Medicare helping to pay Medicare covered expenses that are not paid for by Medicare due to deductibles and coinsurance . You will pay a premium for a Medigap plan but your out of pocket exposure in the event of a large claim will be less than with a Medicare Advantage plan Medicare Advantage takes the place of Medicare . While you are still in the Medicare system and protections , responsibility for benefits and claim management are provided by the insurance company , not Medicare . You can not have both a Medigap and a Medicare Advantage Plan since Medicare Advantage has different deductibles and copay 's than Medicare . Premiums are much less than Medigap plans but you will have more out of pocket exposure in most cases .
Why Buy Life Insurance For Children?
There may be the occasional need to insure children , but I think the exception proves the rule that it is n't needed . The greater threat to kids is the vast number of the parents in America today who do n't have the life insurance they should have . If you are a family breadwinner with little savings , you need life insurance to cover essentials for your family such as income replacement , mortgage protection , college funding , or final/burial expenses should anything take YOU out of the picture .
Beginning in 2014 health care will be mandatory for every American . The PPACA , or better known to the public as Obamacare , will be implemented six months from now . The intent of the legislation is to provide health coverage for every American at an affordable price , supposedly lower than current premiums today . Most economists and some government agencies predict that Obamacare will cost much more to operate than previously thought and will impact the economy adversely . Keep in mind that this is a federal program . Any short fall of the program will be borne by federal income tax payers . Only 53 % of Americans pay federal income taxes . Taxes will increase or the U.S. debt will increase or both with the imposition of Obamacare .
Who Is The Best For Renters Insurance?
The Renters Insurance form written by most insurance companies is the Homeowners Form HO-4 which provides coverage for tenants ' personal property , personal liability and various other coverage stipulations . We provide an online format to obtain a quote and buy renters insurance online in multiple States ; may be used by Escrow/Closing Professionals , Mortgage Professionals , Real Estate Agents and directly by Consumers . An exemplary online experience for all ! WEBSITELINK Please obtain a quote and feel free to shop around further for your best option . If you simply seek the cheapest rate for renters insurance , we recommend the minimum personal property coverage , the minimum personal liability coverage and the maximum available deductible ; these selections will generate the lowest premium rate .
Federal Disability Insurance may be a reference to Federal Employee Disability Insurance . If so , it is private disability coverage that can be purchased by federal employees to supplement the federally provided plans , FERS and CSRS . Or Federal Disability Insurance may be referring to Social Security Disability benefits paid to qualified disabled persons by the federal government .
Can I Change Medigap Plans?
You can change your Medigap plan anytime you wish and as often as you desire , as long as you can pass the underwriting requirements -LRB- in most states -RRB- . It is not unusual for my clients to save $ 500 per year or more by exchanging Medicare supplement plan F from -LRB- a well known carrier -RRB- to a different plan . We showed one couple how to save over $ 1700 per year by making a simple change .
Variable annuities have two fundamental crediting methods : the general fixed interest account and separate subaccounts . The separate subaccounts generally have a sizable selection of equity and bond investments . Where as other non security tax deferred annuities have interest rate or indice crediting .
Can I Change Medigap Plans?
Yes . You can apply for a new Medigap plan at any point during the year . People often change their Medigap plans for a number of reasons , the most common being : You want to reduce your expenses by securing a lower premium from a policy with the same benefits -LRB- purchasing a Plan F with company B and dropping the existing Plan F with company A -RRB- . - this is the most common reason why people change their Medigap plans . Medigap plans are standardized so the coverage under a plan F is the same regardless of the company it 's through . So often people want to look at lowering their premiums when their policy gets hit with a rate increase . You may not need/want all of the benefits you 're paying for You need/want more benefits than you have under your existing plan Please note , if you do not have a guaranteed-issue right to purchase a Medigap plan without any medical underwriting , you would have to answer the health questions on the application . Medigap plans are guaranteed renewable . So in the event you could not medically qualify for coverage under a new Medigap plan , you always have the option of keeping what you have . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for assistance with your Medigap coverage and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
If you are trying to get a life insurance policy while an alcoholic , it can be done . The price and type of policy you get will depend on the following : 1 -RRB- Whether you are still drinking ; 2 -RRB- whether you have been to treatment ; 3 -RRB- if so , how many times ; 4 -RRB- if so , when was the the last time ; 5 -RRB- do you attend AA or other support groups ; 6 -RRB- do you have any DUI 's or reckless driving charges ; 7 -RRB- is your drivers license suspended ; 8 -RRB- have you been able to hold down a job or show other signs of stability ; 9 -RRB- do you have major health problems associated with your alcoholism ; and 10 -RRB- do you use other drugs . The worst case scenario is that you will need to take a graded policy . The best case scenario is that you have been sober long enough that being an alcoholic will not affect your policy rates too much .
Can I Change Medigap Plans?
Yes . You can apply for a new Medigap plan at any point during the year . People often change their Medigap plans for a number of reasons , the most common being : You want to reduce your expenses by securing a lower premium from a policy with the same benefits -LRB- purchasing a Plan F with company B and dropping the existing Plan F with company A -RRB- . - this is the most common reason why people change their Medigap plans . Medigap plans are standardized so the coverage under a plan F is the same regardless of the company it 's through . So often people want to look at lowering their premiums when their policy gets hit with a rate increase . You may not need/want all of the benefits you 're paying for or you need/want more benefits than you have under your existing plan . Please note , if you do not have a guaranteed-issue right to purchase a Medigap plan without any medical underwriting , you would have to answer the health questions on the application . Medigap plans are guaranteed renewable . So in the event you could not medically qualify for coverage under a new Medigap plan , you always have the option of keeping what you have . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for assistance with your Medigap coverage , including quotes and plan comparisons , and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
You can get life insurance at nearly any age up to age 90 . The age you should get life insurance is probably when you think about it , because that shows that there is something in your life that is causing you to dwell on it . As a rule , the younger a person is , the less life insurance costs -LRB- although sometimes turning age 20 will give you access to better rates than you could get as a child -RRB- . And even moderate health conditions can double the rates of what a perfectly healthy person can get . So there is an advantage to locking in your rate for a long time while you are young and healthy . For older persons or those in not so good health , there is never an age like you are at now to take care of this important part of your financial picture .
Can I Change Medigap Plans?
Yes , you can change Medigap Plans anytime it benefits you and during anytime of the year . One of the great things about having a Medigap Plan is you do n't have to wait for a certain special time of the year to make a change . You have total control over your Medigap Plan . On the flip side of that , you can also keep your Medigap Plan the rest of your life . The benefits can never change . It is guaranteed renewable which means as long as you pay your premium they can never cancel your plan for any reason . Medigap Plans and rates change all the time so it is a good idea to get a review of your plan every few years . We save people between $ 500 - $ 1,800 per year by doing that review for them and finding the same Medigap Plan for less with another top `` A '' rated carrier . Regardless of what carrier you currently have eventually the premiums will rise . I would be happy to answer any other questions you have .
Long Term Disability Insurance is a necessary part of defensive planning . Most Americans have less than 90 days in cash reserves . During your earning years , you may experience a disability event lasting an average of 30 months . Social Security disability benefits can help as can employer sponsored short term disability insurance . But bottom line this is paycheck protection and a cornerstone product you should have in your insurance portfolio .
Where To Buy Cheap Car Insurance?
Start by contacting a local agent . Price is only one part of the coverage equation . You will want to find yourself a local agent that you are comfortable working with as they will be the person that you turn to when you have concerns about your coverage or purchasing of additional coverage and the person that you turn to when you have questions or concerns about billing or claims .
As Jerry said , you can cancel a life insurance policy at any time , as long as there is not a court order or contractual agreement for you to keep it . When you cancel a life insurance policy , the coverage is lost and you would have to start over again with being medically underwritten -LRB- or buy a simplified or guaranteed issue nonmed plan -RRB- to get a new policy . The new rates will be at your older age and current health . Be sure that you are approved by this new policy before cancelling an old one , or be sure that you no longer need life insurance before cancelling a policy .
Does Home Insurance Cover Bike Theft?
Yes , under most circumstances a bicycle would be covered if stolen as your other personal property would beup to the policy limits and possilbly less a deductible . Please read your policy completely to understand the coverage offered and any exclusions that it may contain or contain your local agent to have them go over it with you .
Homeowners insurance like auto insurance can typically be cancelled with a carrier at any time and picked up a new carrier on the same date . Most local agents will provide you with a price for coverage and assist you with the cancellation of your coverage with your current carrier at your request .
Does Home Insurance Cover Bike Theft?
It more than likely would cover such a loss , yes . The settlement would of course be subject to your property deductible unless you have the bike insured specifically on a rider or a stand alone specialty item policy . In order to have such a claim processed as swiftly and fairly as possible , I would suggest having photos of the bike along with any paperwork that came with the purchase and a copy of a police report .
Yes , actually you can . There is a form of coverage that is called a `` Named Non Owner '' policy . This form provides Liability coverage for you while you are driving a car you do n't own that is at your disposal and provided to you by the car 's owner .
Does Home Insurance Cover Bike Theft?
Bicycle theft would be covered under a homeowners insurance policy . Since your deductible will apply , you may assess the replacement value of the stolen bicycle before reporting the loss . In some cases , clients are unpleasantly surprised when their insurance carrier reports a loss to CLUE -LRB- National Reporting Database for Underwriting -RRB- . It is suggested that your contact your independent agent regarding advice on your specific situation ; an experienced representative should be able to explain the complete claims procedure thus allowing you to make a more informed choice of how to proceed !
The best place to truly compare life insurance quotes is to use an experienced independent life insurance broker with dozens of companies to shop . The problem with shopping rates online , almost all give you the best case scenario or best preferred rate , which less than 5 % of the population qualify for . It takes more than age , sex , state of residence and build to run a true quote . There are many other factors life insurance companies consider . Find someone you are confident and comfortable with before shopping .
What Age Does Health Insurance Expire?
Overall , there is never a `` cutoff '' for health insurance - there is health insurance available to you in one form or another . Individuals under age 65 will generally look at health insurance on the individual marketplace , unless you have an option for group coverage through your employer . For individuals turning 65 and older , you would generally be on/looking into signing up for Medicare Parts A & B. I always recommend consulting with an experienced broker to review your health care coverage and see what programs are available that may better suit your needs . Please let me know if I can be of further assistance . Thanks very much .
There are plenty of online options for purchasing renters insurance . Many people prefer to call a local independent insurance agency , however . The are several reasons . Completion of all the questions on the application often needs the assistance of a licensed Customer Service Representative in the specific State where the rented residence is located . Also , many feel more comfortable working with someone with whom they know .
Can A Landlord Force Renters Insurance?
the short answer is YES . You are the tenant and agree to abide by the rules the landlord sets out . This may seem a bit arbitrary but your landlord is looking to you to make good on the liabilities you create . For example you have a pet dog that you take out and walk daily . But one day it gets a way from you and bites a fellow tenant and neighbor . In the litigious world we are in the person bitten may take civil action against you and the landlord . Things will be a lot better fro the landlord if you have a way of paying for the damages through your insurer if you caused the loss .
If you mean an irrevocable life insurance trust -LRB- ILIT -RRB- and the an existing life insurance policy , then the answer is yes , but the three year rule applies , which basically states that if death occurs within three years of the policy being placed inside the trust , it will be added back into the estate to cover what the service believes is contemplation of death . You can use an ILIT to own the life insurance policy if the ILIT is created and dated before the policy issuance date , thus the ILIT is the policy owner .
Can A Landlord Force Renters Insurance?
NO they can not force you to have renters insurance but they can choose to not rent to you if you do not get renters insurance . Most renters policies are on average $ 100 a year depending on your state that is with 40K worth of coverage on your contents and 100K in liability coverage . It is well worth the cost and in many cases if you bundle it with your auto insurance it lowers your auto insurance I have seen in many cases it lowered your auto insurance 10 a month and the renters insurance is less then 10 a month so this puts you ahead . Contact a local independent agent and they can help you muddle through what works best for you
It depends on the carrier . Some carriers do not treat normal pregnancy as a sickness that keeps a woman from working and do not replace income during a normal pregnancy . However , to fully answer the question , request a `` specimen policy '' from the carrier you may beconsidering to find out the exact contract language aboutthe replacement of incomeduring pregnancy . Here is a typical treatment of normal pregnancy from a highly-reputable carrier for DI : `` If the Elimination Period for Your Disability Benefit is less than 90 days , then normal pregnancy and normal childbirth are not covered Sicknesses . However , if the Elimination Period is equal to or greater than 90 days , then normal pregnancy and normal childbirth are covered Sicknesses subject to the definition of Disability . '' Now , one has to refer to this carrier 's specific definition of disability in the specimen policy : `` During the Your Occupation Period * you are not able to perform with reasonable continuity the substantial and material acts necessary to perform your occupation in the usual and customary way and you choose not to work at any occupation . After the Your Occupation Period You are not able to engage with reasonable continuity in any occupation in which you could reasonably be expected to perform satisfactorily in light of your age , education , training , experience , station in life , and physical and mental capacity . '' * Insurance-speak for the occupation you are in when you become disabled ; you pick the period of this part of the definition of disability when you apply , typically 2 years up to age-67 . The longer the your occupation period , the higher the premium . Thats because the risk to the company is higher to replace income for a longer period of time due to the fact that the choice to work in another position or not during this period is yours . The key to the question is : does your condition of pregnancy restrict you from working ? The insurance carrier will want to know that from your doctor before they will start the clock on the elimination period -LRB- 90 days -RRB- , after the fulfillment of which you will start to get income replacement checks . If you add a `` partial disability rider ' , usually at extra cost , you might not have to be `` totally '' unable to work in your occupation to get a pro-rated replacement of income as you work part-time . Again , refer to the specimen policy .
Does My Homeowners Insurance Cover Roof Leaks?
The resultant damage from your leak will likely be covered if it is caused by something other than wear & tear . Wear & tear is excluded under most homeowners insurance policies . If lightning strikes the roof and you have an Ho-3 insurance policy , it will cover the damage to the roof and the leak damage . Always check with your independent insurance agent for specific coverage options that your policy has .
Contingent policy beneficiaries or owner can be the second option for the proceeds of the policy if the primary beneficiaries are no longer alive or at the death of the policy owner -LRB- not also as the insured -RRB- . Think of contingents as a backup option or people in reserve that would have an insurable interest in the demise of the policy insured .
Does My Homeowners Insurance Cover Roof Leaks?
There are two parts to this question . Your homeowners policy will cover damage caused by a roof leak if it is the result of a named peril . You should read your policy or consult with your agent to determine if there is coverage . Frequently there is . The second part is the roof itself . If the roof leaked as a result of a named peril it could be a valid claim , however , many insurance companies do not replace a roof , rather they pay the actual cash value of the roof . That is the depreciated value of the roof .
An Employee Stock Ownership Plan is a qualified employee retirement plan designed to invest in stock of the company . An ESOP is a `` qualified '' plan , so it has to the regulations and requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 -LRB- IRC -RRB- and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 -LRB- ERISA -RRB- .
What Does Accidental Life Insurance Cover?
Great question . Life accidental insurance works if you are involved in a car accident or any type of accident and you die the life insurance company will pay you the death benefit . But you have to remember the policy only pays if you die in an accident only . . natural death your family will not get paid .
President Obama recently proposed defense cuts that would without question , raise the cost of healthcare for military families . Many insiders feel this is politically-motivated simply to bulk up the number of applicants to State Exchanges . While Obamacare was intended to lower health insurance costs for Americans , it does not appear that will be accomplished for most consumers . However , in fairness , many persons will be eligible for federal tax subsidies which will lower their medical insurance costs . Open Enrollment starts in October for 2014 for individuals , families and businesses . All Americans will have some new choices to make and experienced brokers will be offering a free helping hand .
What Does Accidental Life Insurance Cover?
Accidental Life Insurance only covers death by accident . It does not cover death due to illness or old age . Therefore , accidental life insurance does not cost much compared to regular life insurance , because death by accident does not occur nearly as often as death by natural causes such as illness .
In my opinion , the best way to itemize all of your belongings for a Renters Insurance policy is to either take pictures of all items of significant value , along with a note describing when you bought the item , where , and at what price , or video tape your belongings and narrate when you bought them , where , and at what price . Then put the pictures or video on a USB Flash Drive and have someone hold it for you , do n't store it on the property that is insured . A safe deposit box , your friend or family member , or even your insurance agent themselves -LRB- I provide this service for my customers at no charge -RRB- are all good examples of who can hold this for you . From that point on , you only need to document any new items of significant value that you purchase , and remove any items you trade away or sell . -LRB- Do n't worry about recording every six pack of tube socks you buy , just the items that carry some value to them -RRB- . Of course , you can also write all this down on paper , but having visual evidence goes a long way in helping to determine what items were present when the policy was put in force , and what new items have been added . And , it 's always best to review your coverage every year with your insurance agent to make sure you are carrying the right amount of personal property coverage .
What Does Accidental Life Insurance Cover?
Accidental death insurance provides that if you die from an accident the company will play a benefit . These policies often have provisions for loss of limbs and sight . They are not a substitute for life insurance . Death by accident is very rare and should not be relied upon . Accidental death insurance is often an incentive for a credit card or travel agency .
A permanent life insurance policy will mature in most cases at age 100 . Some plans will endow -LRB- another word for mature -RRB- at age 95 while some at ages above 100 . When your policy matures the face amount is paid to you less any policy indebtedness . A mature policy will almost always trigger a taxable event .
What Does Accidental Life Insurance Cover?
An accidental death policy only pays a benefit if you were to die accidentally . Most all of these plans are issued without underwriting and are very inexpensive . Some plans double indemnify if you die accidentally on a common carrier such as a plane crash . The odds of dying accidentally are far less than dying of an illness or just old age , thus why the premiums are so inexpensive .
The only way you can take money out of your 401 -LRB- k -RRB- is to take a loan . A withdrawal will be reported to the IRS and will be considered income . As long as your 401 -LRB- k -RRB- is not closed , you should not be taxed . Be aware however you may be required to repay the loan back with monies taken out of your paycheck .
What Does Accidental Life Insurance Cover?
There really is not a type of life insurance called Accidental Life insurance , although that is not a bad title because many people who buy it `` accidentally '' believe that it is Life insurance . Accidental Death insurance is a policy that will pay the beneficiary if the insured person dies as the result of an accident . Accidental death is death `` caused by an unforeseen circumstance unrelated to the body '' . Therefore , an accidental death policy would not pay , e.g. , for a traffic fatality that occurred due to a heart attack while driving .
Car insurance is mandatory in all states -LRB- I assume -RRB- . However , you can also provide financial responsibility in many areas . This is when you provide proof that you have sufficient funds to pay a certainamountof damages in the event you were held liable for an incident . Personally , I do remember writing an article earlier this year about car insurance in Alaska . From recollection , there are areas in that state where car insurance is not required .
How Much Does Disability Income Insurance Cost?
Disability insurance depends on a number of factors . The cost -LRB- your premium -RRB- is based on a number of factors - the most important being your medical history , your job , and your income - and the policies are very customizable . This is a very important type of coverage to have that many do n't think about . It protects one of your greatest assets - your ability to work.If you ca n't work because of an injury or illness , how do you provide income for you and your family . The answer ? Your disability insurance . When you 're buying a disability policy , the MOST important factor in the policy structure is the DEFINITION OF DISABILITY . Each policy will use 1 of the 3 definitions : 1 -RRB- True Own Occupation - this says you are considered totally disabled if , solely due to injury or sickness , you are not able to perform the material and substantial duties of your occupation , even if you are at work in another occupation . In short , this is the most favorable definition you can have . 2 -RRB- Modified Own Occupation - this says that you are considered totally disabled if , solely due to injury or sickness , you are not able to perform the material and substantial duties of your occupation . This one is commonly seen in many individual disability insurance policies . 3 -RRB- Gainful Occupation - this says if you are unable to perform the duties of your occupation or any occupation for which you are qualified for by education , training , or experience due to sickness or injury . In short , this is the least favorable definition . This one is commonly seen in group disability insurance policies through an employer and property and casualty insurers that offer disability coverage . There are many moving parts to disability insurance and is not something I would suggest trying to buy on your own - this is a type of coverage you should consult with an experienced independent disability insurance broker about . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help with your coverage and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
In order to terminate your auto insurance before the policy term expires you would need to contact your agent or insurance provider to request the cancellation . The agent or provider most likely will require the request in writing in order to terminate the policy . I recommend you ask when terminating if there is a short rate on any refund for early cancellation .
How Much Does Disability Income Insurance Cost?
Just like most insurance there are a lot of factors that go into calculating disability insurance . The underwriters are going to want to know your age , build , health status , tobacco use , life style and state of residence . Then they want to know your occupation , income , net worth and time on the job . There are 5 rating systems just on occupation alone . A `` white collar '' worker will get a much better rating than a `` blue collar '' worker . I highly suggest using an experienced independent broker to help you maneuver through the different policies and companies . In almost all cases our advice is free .
There really is not a `` Number 1 '' health insurance company in the US . Although UnitedHealthcare , Aetna , Wellpoint and Cigna are among the largest companies , everyone 's opinion regarding who is the `` best '' insurer will vary . For example , in Pennsylvania , Independence Blue Cross and Highmark are very popular . In Ohio , Medical Mutual is quite popular . So naturally , where you live will greatly influence your opinion .
How Much Does Disability Income Insurance Cost?
Disability income insurance can cost between $ 50 and $ 5,000 per month . Yes ... that is a ridiculously big range . But there are so many variables that determine the rate , I should cover all bases . A full-time broker/agent can quickly ask you a few questions and determine the best plans for the most affordable price .
Life Insurance matures when the guaranteed cash value of the policy equals the face amount of the policy . This can not happen in Term life because there is no cash value in Term insurance . Whole Life and some Universal Life policies will mature if the proceeds are not paid out as a death benefit prior to the policy maturing .
How Much Does Disability Income Insurance Cost?
Disability insurance is very affordable compared to it protects your family from disaster if the head of the house hold should lose the ability to perform their duties at work or in their business it could cause domino effects to the family budget that could take many years to get back even if ever but it is fairly cheap and you have many options.If I can help let me know see my profile or view my website . Take Care
Yes you can get health insurance without a job . I would highly recommend getting individual health insurance as soon as possible and keep the coverage until you find another job that offers group health insurance benefits .
How Much Does Disability Income Insurance Cost?
Your best bet is to speak with a qualified agent who can assess your needs and walk you through the alternatives . Disability insurance is a complex topic . In addition to the factors cited in the first answer , your premium rates may also depend upon the monthly benefit amount , elimination period , and payment duration choices . An agent can help you determine what policy configuration best fits your budget .
A life insurance trust is a legal instrument that is normally used as an estate planning tool . A funded trust owns the life insurance policy and the assets to pay -LRB- fund -RRB- the premiums . The trust is both the owner and beneficiary in most cases . When establishing any trust , including a life insurance trust , you should consult with a qualified estate attorney . Creating the trust can be anywhere from a few hundred dollars to several thousand , depending on the complexity of the estate .
When Can I Switch To Medicare?
I believe what you 're asking is , while you have group or an individual health plan now , when are you eligible to go on Medicare . People are eligible for premium-free Medicare Part A when they turn 65 and have met the 40 quarters -LRB- 10 years -RRB- of working life/paying FICA taxes . Anyone who is eligible for premium-free Part A , can qualify for Part B - Part B requires premiums . Younger individuals with certain disabilities who have been entitled to social security disability benefits and those with end-stage renal disease , may also be eligible to receive Medicare benefits .
You can cancel your Aviva life insurance policy by calling their customer service number , 800-800-9882 . When you call , ask if there are any other options for your policy besides cancelling it . You may be able to save some premium by reducing the face amount , or quit paying premiums but still retain some of the death benefit by turning into a reduced paid up policy .
What Are Some Good Auto Insurance Companies?
Some good auto insurance companies are State Farm , Allstate , Farmers , Geico , Esurance , Progressive , Liberty Mutual and Safe Auto . As experienced brokers , we represent all carriers and shop for our clients to ensure they get the best rate at all times . Each carrier has different underwriting guidelines , so it 's important to shop the proper way .
You will need to show proof that you have Homeowners Insurance on the home you are purchasing at the very least , at the time of closing . Here in CT , however , most banks and mortgage companies are requiring that the proof be provided to them several days before . What you will need to provide is a copy of the policy declaration sheet showing your name as it will appear on the deed and closing documents andall the necessary coverage on the dwelling which usually needs to also stipulate that you are covered for `` Replacement Value '' . The mortgagee clause , which is very specific to each lender also needs to appear on the declaration . If they have assigned a loan number , that should be included as well . Finally , here in CT , whether you are going to be paying your insurance directly or if it will be paid by an escrow account , your lender will also be requiring a paid receipt for the first year 's premium . Talk to your insurance professional early in the process , usually after your offer has been approved , so that you are sure that everything will be handled in a timely and professional manner for you .
What Are Some Good Auto Insurance Companies?
Insurance companies that are good is a very broad subject . First your insurance is only as good as your agent is our motto . Take a look at the carriers available to you and ask your friends and family they are your best guide when it comes to selecting your insurance needs . Most all are good companies but how is the service and or claims . I recommend you do some research and read reviews about the carrier and agents that will help you make an informed decision
Only if deemed medically necessary . If you had an illness or were in an accident and had to have any kind of reconstruction , then it would be covered . If you just want a nose job because you think your nose is to big then no , it 's not covered . Your best bet is to read the exclusions and limitations section on your policy .
How Hard Is It To Get Life Insurance?
That is a great question ! Getting a life insurance policy is surprisingly easy - even for people that have significant health issues . Many companies will offer policies that ask no health questions at all , and only require proof of identity , and up to date payments to stay in force . There are policies in every price range , and every size . If you would like help finding a policy that works for you , please feel free to contact me , I 'm happy to help . Thanks for asking !
Yes . You can secure an individual health insurance policy on or off the exchanges during the open enrollment period . If you 're under age 26 , you can also stay on your parents health insurance . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for assistance and if you have any questions . Thanks very much .
How Hard Is It To Get Life Insurance?
Getting life insurance is not hard when you have a good agency handling your case . If there is not good communication going on , it can be frustrating to get through the application process , especially if you have never applied for life insurance before . It helps immensely to have an agent who will explain your options , fill out the application with you , be available to answer questions , and guide you after your approval until the policy is in effect . It also helps to have an in house Case Manager who gives you regular updates and lets you know what you can to do help move things along . Also , getting No Exam life insurance can make it easy to get life insurance . If that is an option and you are willing to possibly pay a little extra for that convenience , getting life insurance that does not require a physical can be a good choice for someone who does not want to take the time or effort of going through medical underwriting .
As you can tell the insurance market is quite competitive . Eventually the companies are competing for the same group of vehicles to insure . They must pay claims on those same vehicles . The results of this should be that premiums for coverage would be similar . It is mysterious how some auto insurers tout low rates but are attracting the same vehicles to insure . At any given time there are a number of companies that are more competitive than others ; however , this is likely to shift frequently
How Hard Is It To Get Life Insurance?
Obtaining life insurance is really pretty easy for the majority of people . All you need do is contact a trusted and knowledgeable Insurance Adviser / Broker and discuss with them what it is you want and what your goals and needs are . Then you will need to qualify and be able to pay the premiums . Most people can qualify for some level of insurance and then it just becomes a question of being able to pay the premiums .
The basic rule of thumb about tax deductibility on disability insurance premiums for a business boils down to one thing . The business can deduct for premiums paid on the employees but not the owner . The exception is if the business is incorporated and the owner is considered an employee of the business . Then yes all premiums will be tax deductible , but any paid benefits will be taxed as ordinary income .
Can I Pay Health Insurance Premiums With Fsa?
Can you pay health insurance premiums with a Flexible Spending Account ? I guess the first thing I would ask is if you have a FSA in place , are n't your premiums already being deducted pre-tax ? I do n't know of any business situation that offers a FSA plan that does n't already have employee paid premiums already taken pre-tax . Do you mean health insurance premiums for another family member who is not part of your employer 's plan ? I believe the answer would be no . FSA in regard to medical , dental and vision expenses are designed to pay towards out of pocket expenses a person has during a plan year .
A rider on a policy is for additional coverage and for lower cost which is added to the policy . The rider adds coverage that is excluded in a major policy and is a cost saver . Ex : In life policy there is the child rider which will cover all dependent children in the family no matter bow many from age 0 to 25 with no evidence of insurability . The cost is added to a premium for maybe 5.00 more contrary to insuring them individually .
What Are The Car Insurance Minimums In Pennsylvania?
Pennsylvania state minimums for car insurance are 15k/30k for Bodily Injury , 5k for Property Damage and 5k for Medical Payment . All other coverage and limits are optional . However I highly recommend Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist coverage . This protects You if the person who hits you does n't have insurance or enough insurance to cover Your damages . Go to WEBSITELINK for more information and some free quotes !
Claims on homeowners policies are very infrequent . They signal to the underwriter that there might be something that makes your property other than standard . Consulting tables they use the amount of the claim to determine if additional premium will be required in the following year . This is not to compensate for the claim but merely express the fact that your property isnt a standard property . There are several other important factors but because a claim can affect your homeowners premium I suggest that you consult with your agent prior to filing a claim , unless you are being threatened with a lawsuit .
Which Retirement Plan Is Considered A Defined Contribution Plan?
Individual Retirement Accounts -LRB- IRAs -RRB- , 401 -LRB- k -RRB- and SEP plans are examples of defined contribution plans under ERISA . These qualified plan are sanctioned government retirement programs with tax deductible contributions , tax deferred accumulation and taxable distributions including basis . 401 -LRB- k -RRB- plans allow employers to match part or all of the employee contributions .
Your relationship to the leasing company is the same as if you were financing the car . Both the finance company and the leasing company will require that you carry liability insurance and physical damage insurance . The combination is frequently called , full-coverage . The leasing company is most concerned about the physical damage coverage . The car is actually theirs . They want you to return it in good condition . They dont want you to stop paying the lease because the car was damaged in an accident .
Is It Smart To Buy Whole Life Insurance?
The answer to this question depends entirely on your specific needs and/or goals . Whole life insurance is a great product for those looking to establish permanent life insurance with a guaranteed premium that will never change . It 's also a great product for someone looking to diversify assets by leveraging the cash value accumulation aspect of the participating -LRB- i.e. earns dividends -RRB- policy .
Single premium life insurance is life insurance that is paid with one payment . Term life insurance can not be paid with a single premium . Single premium life insurance must be a type of Universal Life or Whole Life policy . Often , single premium life insurance is purchased on the basis of how much face amount can be purchased with the lump amount of cash that the applicant has available . Other times , the applicant has a face amount in mind and pays whatever lump sum is needed to purchase that amount .
Why Is Whole Life Insurance Good?
Why is whole life good ? Well there have been several answers that will cover the bases pretty well . A locked in premium , tax deferred growth , a death benefit that grows over time , etc. . Let me give you another reason . a reason that you may not realize until later in life if something happens to you but does n't kill you . That 's right people get sick . Diabetes , high blood pressure , heart problems and so on can and actually do happen to a large segment of our population . The reason I want to point out pertains to the things I just mentioned . Why is whole life good ? Because they ca n't take it away from you . YOU control the policy . The price ca n't go up , the policy ca n't really run out of years and end prematurely . Why is that important ? When I got sick with my type II , hyper tension and recently AFIB , what a reassurance it was to KNOW I was still in control of my policies , that they were n't going to end or explode in price on me . Whole life is expensive because it 's a product the INSURED controls . Cheers .
I am not an accountant . There are two ways to claim the use of an automobile for business purposes . One way is to declare the miles driven in business . The government has an allowance that includes all expenses for operating the car . You apply that allowance to the mileage to determine your deduction . The other way is to itemize every expense of the automobile , in which case you would itemize the expense of the auto policy for that car .
Why Is Whole Life Insurance Good?
There are many people who have a problem with Whole Life Insurance . However , under the right circumstances , it is best for many different circumstances . It is permanent insurance that will last for the whole life of the insured . It will build cash value and has options available such as ; being able to get paid up insurance , being able to take out policy loans , being able to get a waiver of premium rider -LRB- just to name a few -RRB- . Talk to an Insurance Advisor and explore whether or not you could benefit from this type of insurance .
It is possible your car insurance will go up after a speeding ticket . However , you may not notice any increases until your driving record is checked by your insurer . It is still possible there will not be an increase . However , if the ticket were for a DUI , you can count an increase coming much quicker and harsher than a speeding ticket .
Why Is Whole Life Insurance Good?
Why is Whole Life insurance good ? Ah - where to begin ? There are so many good things about Whole Life ! I like the points Larry made above here , and the points that DM Rozek made . So rather than restate those points I 'll start by saying that your best Whole Life policies are with the strongest , oldest , Mutual insurance companies that pay dividends to the policy holders . There is no cash value at all with Term insurance so that 's a definite advantage of Whole Life . Beyond the other points mentioned above by the other contributors , what I like to help my clients understand is the `` infinite banking '' uses , or the `` interest arbitrage '' strategies that Whole Life insurance makes possible . The cash value of Whole Life is a liquid asset that can be used without incurring a taxable event by means of a policy loan . The interest on policy loans is almost always lower than the interest and dividends paid into policy cash value . And when you have a policy with a mutual company that offers non-direct recognition loans your cash value continues to accumulate compounded as though the loan was never taken . And when borrowing from your cash value yo are n't locked into a repayment schedule as you are with a bank .
You can get health insurance with bad credit , good credit or no credit . When a medical plan is underwritten , there are no questions about credit , and it does not impact your rate . You may also be eligible for a federal tax subsidy on Exchange plans that could substantially reduce your premiums .
Why Is Whole Life Insurance Good?
I 'll start out by saying that the best life insurance is the life insurance that is the right amount for your needs and is affordable to you . For the most part , it does n't matter whether it 's whole life , term life , or some combination of the two . Whole life is good for a number of reasons : It 's the best way to cover a permanent need - The dividends and cash value build over time and , over a long period of time , the cash value may be more than the premiums you 've paid essentially making it free or better . Premiums are level - the premium you pay when you first get your whole life will be the same for your lifetime . It wo n't increase and , as long as you pay that premium , you 'll always have the policy . It 's flexible - the cash value in your policy is yours and you can do with it what you 'd like . You can take a loan of your cash value or take part of it out if you need to . But , be aware this may affect your future premiums or the death benefit . The cash value grows tax deferred - You do n't get a 1099 for the gain in your policy . You only pay income tax on the gain when you make a withdrawal . The gain in the cash value comes out last - When you make a withdrawal from your policy , your paid premiums come out first and , since you already paid tax on that money -LRB- usually -RRB- , you do n't owe any income tax until you 've withdrawn all your premiums . A couple of qualifiers . My statements apply to the usual scenarios where you pay your premiums from your net income . If there is an arrangement where the premiums are deducted from your income tax , all withdrawals may be taxable . Also , the death benefit may become taxable to the beneficiary . These are higher level arrangements that would take a lot longer to explain . Bottom line , whole life insurance is good because it does things that no other life insurance program can . Used for the correct situation , it 's the best at what it does . Find a good agent that will take the time to evaluate what you need and build a program that covers what you need at a price you can afford . The best life insurance is the insurance you have in force . If you ca n't afford it and let it lapse , it does n't do anything . Trust your agent and listen to their advice .
split limits refers to the liability part of your auto insurance policy . liability coverage can be done one of two ways : split limit or combined single limit . example of a split limit : 100/300/100 if you were at fault in an accident : - the first number is the total amount in 1000 's that your company will pay per accident to an injured person that you hit . it is the most it will pay any single person for their injuries . - the second number comes in when you injure multiple people . it is the most the policy will pay per accident total for multiple injured persons . - the third number refers to the maximum in 1000 's that your policy will pay for property that you damaged .
Which Modifications Affect Car Insurance?
If you are adding any special features to your vehicle that increase its value , or add items that enhance performance , you will generally see some form of an increase to cover the added amount of value . For example , if your vehicle has custom $ 5,000 rims and a $ 3,000 after-market stereo system , and if you want it to be covered in the even of a loss , you would need to report these special features to your insurance company . This will in-turn increase your premium the appropriate amount to cover the special features . Thanks for asking !
As with most of the large , national banks , Chase can offer to sell life insurance from a range of highly rated life insurance companies through their employees who are investment brokers or advisers with a life insurance license . It is not their main focus as might be inferred from their method of delivery . You could also shop around locally for others including credentialed life insurance professionals and decide which will will provide you with the best support for your specific life insurance needs .
When Does Medicare Pay For Nursing Home Stay?
Medicare will pay up to 100 days of nursing home stay when the need for skilled care is ordered by a doctor , when it follows a qualifying hospital stay of at least consecutive three days , when the care in the skilled nursing facility -LRB- SNF -RRB- is for the condition for which the person was hospitalized , when the SNF is Medicare certified , and a few other conditions .
Variable life insurance is an investment in a mutual fund inside life insurance . I sold a lot of it early in my career as what was called a private pension plan . Unfortunately , so many consumers became confused over exactly how to manage this product , the government cracked down and stopped us from using these terms . The thing is , variable life is not really a pension . Its life insurance . Its job is to provide a survivor benefit at the lowest cost possible . Along the way , its nice to grow some cash on a tax-favored basis . If you can grow that cash inside a mutual fund , as opposed to inside the general account of a life insurance company , you might be able to grow a lot of it . But you always have to worry about paying the expenses related to the product . There are mortality costs , admin fees , taxes , and so on . If you dont manage the investment accounts scrupulously , you might end up jeopardizing the survivor benefit . You may end up with a lower benefit than needed . The policy may not sustain a benefit for as long as you want . These are things you need to know as you research the world of life insurance products .
How To Pay For Assisted Living With Medicare?
Medicare will not pay for Assisted Living because Medicare does not provide Long Term Care . Under Medicare Part A , Medicare will pay up to 100 days in a Skilled Nursing Facility . The whole purpose for Skilled Nursing is to get you better so you can go home . You will need to purchase a Long Term Care Policy to pay for Assisted Living as well as Nursing Home Care .
Unless things have changed Geico only covers auto insurance . If you own your home it would be wise to shop around , Many companies offer Auto and Home discounts . I also recommend going with a company that allows you to have a local agent . While the adds talk about saving money because you save commissions to an agent my experience has shown this to be a stretch of the facts . A local agent can be a big help if you need an advocate in an insurance claim . He can also give you sound advice on whether or not a claim should even be turned in . Most people do not realize that if you call a company and ask about a claim it will be in your records regardless of whether you actually turn in the claim or not . Having a local agent can help you with out it affecting you insurance record .
How To Pay For Assisted Living With Medicare?
You wont be able to use Medicare to pay for rent , meals , or anything non-medical related at an assisted living facility . Assisted living facilities are considered to be non-medical senior housing . If you live at an assisted living facility , you can continue to use your Medicare coverage for medical needs covered under Part A and Part B . Some people purchase long-term care insurance policies to help with the cost of an assisted living facility . You can also check with your local Medicaid office to see if you qualify for assistance . Medicaid is highly needs-based and the duration of stay at a facility is limited .
Does term insurance run out ? Yes , term insurance has it 's own end date , even if you have n't met yours yet . Most newer policies will offer term coverage out to age 90 or 95 . However the pricing of the coverage in those later years will often force cancellation by price for the insured . In lay terms , you are priced out of the policy .
Is A Roof Leak Covered By Homeowners Insurance?
It is always best to talk to your Insurance Professional about the terms and conditions of your particular policy , but so long as the roof leak is caused by a covered peril in your policy , then the damage caused by such a leak and the cost to repair it would be covered by your policy . Of course the settlement of the claim would be subject to your policy deductible .
Talk to your Insurance Professional about alternatives . Most states have programs that offer such coverage for higher risk or otherwise un insurable properties . The coverage tends to be limited and the premiums are certainly not as favorable as a standard Homeowners policy but it is an alternative . Keep in mind as well that if you have a mortgage and your homeowners policy cancels , if you are not able to produce proof that you have replaced that coverage , the bank will obtain coverage in THEIR interest and pass the cost on to you .
How Does Health Insurance Affect The Economy?
The PPACA , or better known to the public as Obamacare , will be implemented six months from now . The intent of the legislation is to provide health coverage for every American at an affordable price , supposedly lowering current premiums . Most economists and some government agencies predict that Obamacare will cost much more to operate than previously thought and will impact the economy adversely . Keep in mind that this is a federal program . Any short fall of the program will be borne by federal income tax payers . Only 53 % of Americans pay federal income taxes . Taxes will increase or the U.S. debt will increase or both with the imposition of Obamacare .
Liberty National Life Insurance agency is one of over 1000 insurance companies in the United States . It is owned by Torchmark Corp. , which is a financial services holding company . Liberty National is a Fortune 1000 company , so not one of the biggest . They sell Term and Whole life policies as well as supplemental health insurance policies . Liberty National is a Stock company , which means that it answers to the stock holders first and does not offer dividend participating Whole Life as do the Mutual companies like Mass Mutual , Guardian , and a handful of others . They are based in Texas and do not have a bunch of nice impressive offices around the country . They specialize in `` home sales '' - that is their agents come to you at your home to meet with you and sell their products rather than bring prospects and clients to their office boardrooms , which they do not have . -LRB- Which is why I suspect you 've asked your question ... Someone came knocking on your door ? -RRB- If you are considering purchasing a life insurance policy from Liberty National , I suggest you first read the answers to the question posted on this site , `` What are the Characteristics of Whole Life Insurance '' , and ask if Liberty National policies offer all the same options .
How Much Coverage Should You Get For Renters Insurance?
That is a great question ! The amount of renters insurance you will need will depend upon the value of what your belongings are , for the most part . The best way to determine that is to see if the company has a value calculator , that will give you a solid idea . If they do n't , then estimate based off of receipts and comparable items . Remember to price everything from mops to garbage cans , because if there were a fire , you 'd have to replace them too , right ? Keep your list in a safe place , and include pictures or serial and model numbers of everything electronic . I hope that helps , thanks for asking !
The most common time to get new insurance is 30 days . There may be some flexibility however before you can register your auto in the new state you will need to establish your new insurance policy . Also going to long could get you fine should you happen to encounter an officer who is not in a generous mood .
How Much Coverage Should You Get For Renters Insurance?
An adequate renters policy would have the highest liability limit that an insurance company will write . A lawsuit can bankrupt most people . The value of personal property is the other limit that you must select . I recommend that you take photos of every wall in your home making sure you have a record of every item of property . Review the photos , list the items and estimate the cost to replace them . The sum of that exercise will give you the personal property limit that you will need .
No , Medigap insurance plans do not cover prescription drugs . If you have a Medigap plan or are interested in getting in , you would need to add a stand-alone Part D prescription drug plan . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help with your Medicare Supplement insurance plans , including quotes and plan comparisons , and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much .
What Information Is Needed For A Homeowners Insurance Quote?
To provide an accurate homeowner 's insurance quote , some of the needed information includes your address , the age of the dwelling , what recent claims you have had , the responding fire department , how far you are from a fire hydrant and fire station , what pets you have , and general information regarding square footage , construction type and room sizes .
No . Home insurance covers your home , personal property and liability . Vandalism to your personal automobile is covered by your comprehensive/other than collision coverage . Many different perils are covered by comprehensive coverage , one of them being vandalism . In summary , if you want to have full protection against vandalism , then you will need to have comprehensive coverage on your car .
What Is Auto Insurance Stacking?
Stacking is where you take the limits of your uninsured motorist coverage and stack them up . For example you carry 50/100 uninsured motorist limits and are hit by an uninsured motorist and are injured . Your policy would pay up to 50,000 for the injury of each person in your auto up to 100,000 max . Now lets say for example you have two cars on your policy . Of course each car has the same 50/100 limits . With stacking since yourpolicywas covering two cars the limits would be stacked and your now have 100/200 coverage in any auto accident . Stacking is not available in all states and for those states that offer stacking it comes with a premium .
Generally , at least in Ohio and I am sure there are similar provisions in other States , a person with a suspended licence can get auto insurance , and should probably carry it . In lieu of auto insurance you could also purchase a Financial Responsibility Bond that will protect you if you do drive . You should never drive without a valid license and if you are obeying the law then you would not have to worry about this issue . Check into your States laws on this matter or consult a local independent insurance agent .
Does Disability Insurance Cover Cancer?
does disability insurance cover cancer ? Yes or No are the possible answers to this question . A disability contract pays based on the policyholder meeting the definition of disability as stated in the contract . The definition usually reads as `` being unable to the material and substantial duties of their own occupation . '' If cancer means you ca n't work , you 're covered . If you can continue to work , you 're not , unless you can only work a reduced schedule .
Life insurance proceeds are generated and paid to the policy beneficiaries at the death of the policy insured . The life insurance company has a form to fill out and will require the certificate of death and newspaper obituary . After the paperwork has been processed it should take between 30 and 60 days to receive a check .
Which State Has The Most Expensive Auto Insurance?
As far as I know Illinois has the most expensive insurance rates in the nation and Michigan was second . Unfortunately , I have to keep writing because this website says this question needs more detail but I cant add more detail to this particular question . Hope this answers your question ! lol
ERISA applies to employee welfare benefit plans that are established or maintained by an employerfor the purpose of providing its participants -LRB- & beneficiaries - eg dependents -RRB- benefits through the purchase of insurance or other benefit plans -LRB- eg disability , accident , sickness , vacation benefits , day care , scholarship funds , etc -RRB- . There are some plans that are exemptfrom ERISA . These would be government plans , church plans -LRB- unless elected -RRB- , plans specifically to comply with work comp , unemploymentor disability laws , and voluntary plans .
Does Car Insurance Cover Using The Wrong Fuel?
Unfortunately , it does not . Typically , your policy is not designed to cover maintenance issues or related problems . Your auto insurance policy is designed to cover liability risks such as bodily injury and property damage . Other benefits you can add include uninsured and underinsured motorist protection along with collision and comprehensive coverage on your vehicle .
The primary beneficiary named by the policy owner receives life insurance proceeds when the insured dies . It is a good idea to also name a contingent -LRB- back up or secondary -RRB- beneficiary and review the policy every three years with a life insurance professional . Over time things may change e.g. beneficiaries sometimes predecease the insured . If there is no named , living beneficiary of the life insurance policy when the insured dies , and no contingent -LRB- secondary -RRB- beneficiary , the proceeds are paid to the estate . It is not an ideal outcome since this subjects the proceeds to probate which would not have occurred if there was a beneficiary .
What Are The Two Types Of Homeowners Insurance?
There are seven homeowners forms in current use . Some of the forms are rarely used . The HO-3 form is the most commonly used . The differences between the forms has to do with the list of insured perils -LRB- fire , wind , lightning etc. -RRB- and the method the company will use to adjust the claim -LRB- actual cash value , or depreciated value , and replacement cost . -RRB- The price for the various forms varies . Lenders may demand that a specific form be used .
A life insurance premium is what is paid to the life insurance company in exchange for their willingness to pay out the face amount of the policy if the insured person should pass away . Some policies will return the premium if death does not occur by the end of the term .
How Much Does It Cost For Renters Insurance?
Individual residences are unique . So are the premiums for renters insurance plans . Check with people who have similar units . Find out what their limits are , from that you can come pretty close to an estimate of what it might cost you . Contact an agent that you trust . Have them design a policy and then you will know exactly what one company will charge for the renters policy .
Generally your policy will be either a 6 month or annual renewal . Most company allow you to pay in installments , monthly , quarterly , or some variation . If you fail to pay your premium , you are without coverage . Unlike life insurance , there is no grace period for auto insurance . Some companies will accept late payments but technically if your auto insurance expires on Friday and you have an accident on Saturday , your company could refuse to pay .