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He was also one of the most unpopular politicians in the history of the US, holding an approval rating of just 13% at the time of leaving office.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Remembering Why Americans Loathe Dick Cheney - The Atlantic ", "(meta data) AUTHOR: Conor Friedersdorf", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2011-08-30T08:00:02-04:00", "Skip to content The Atlantic Popular LatestSubscribeSign In My Account Search The Atlantic Politics", "# Remembering Why Americans Loathe Dick Cheney", "Conor Friedersdorf Aug 30, 2011", "As the former vice president releases his memoir, it's useful to recall the many reasons why the vast majority of Americans disapproved of his tenure", "When Vice President Dick Cheney left office, his approval rating stood at a staggeringly low 13 percent.", "Few political figures in history have been so reviled.", "As his memoir, In My Time, hits bookstores today, and he does a series of friendly interviews in the press, some Americans with short memories might wonder, \"Why is it that so few were willing to endorse his performance in office?\"", "This is a reminder.", "THE WAR IN IRAQ", "President Bush bears ultimate responsibility for the War in Iraq, as do the members of Congress who voted for it.", "But Dick Cheney's role in the run-up to war was uniquely irresponsible and mendacious.", "And after the invasion he contributed to the early dysfunction on the ground.", "Even Iraq War supporters should rue his involvement.", "The most succinct statement of his misdeeds comes from \"The People Vs. Dick Cheney,\" a 2007 article by Wil S. Hylton.", "The piece recounts how Cheney undercut the CIA by instructing subordinates in that agency to stovepipe raw intelligence directly to his office.", "He also worked with Donald Rumsfeld to establish an alternative intelligence agency within the Pentagon.", "Both of these actions directly contributed to the faulty information that informed the decision to go to war.", "Hylton then lays out his most powerful argument:", "(1) During the several months preceding the March 2003 invasion of Iraq, and thereafter, the vice president became aware that no certain evidence existed of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, a fact articulated in several official documents, including: (a) A report by the Pentagon's Defense Intelligence Agency, concluding that \"there is no reliable information on whether Iraq is producing and stockpiling chemical weapons, or where Iraq has--or will--establish its chemical warfare agent production facilities.\"", "(b) A National Intelligence Estimate, compiled by the nation's intelligence agencies, admitting to \"little specific information\" about chemical weapons in Iraq.", "(c) A later section of the same NIE, admitting \"low confidence\" that Saddam Hussein \"would engage in clandestine attacks against the U.S. Homeland,\" and equally \"low confidence\" that he would \"share chemical or biological weapons with al-Qa'ida.\"", "(d) An addendum by the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research, asserting that Hussein's quest for yellowcake uranium in Africa was \"highly dubious\" and that his acquisition of certain machine parts, considered by some to be evidence of a nuclear program, were \"not clearly linked to a nuclear end use.\"", "(e) A report by the United States Department of Energy, stating that the machinery in question was \"poorly suited\" for nuclear use.(2) Despite these questions and uncertainties, and having full awareness of them, the vice president nevertheless proceeded to misrepresent the facts in his public statements, claiming that there was no doubt about the existence of chemical and biological weapons in Iraq and that a full-scale nuclear program was known to exist, including: (a) March 17, 2002: \"We know they have biological and chemical weapons.\"", "(b) March 19, 2002: \"We know they are pursuing nuclear weapons.\"", "(c) March 24, 2002: \"He is actively pursuing nuclear weapons.\"", "(d) May 19, 2002: \"We know he's got chemical and biological...we know he's working on nuclear.\"", "(e) August 26, 2002: \"We now know that Saddam has resumed his efforts to acquire nuclear weapons...", "Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction.", "There is no doubt that he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us.\"", "(f) March 16, 2003:", "\"We believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons.\"(3)", "At the same time, despite overwhelming skepticism within the government of a link between Iraq and Al Qaeda--resulting in the conclusion of the 9/11 Commission that \"no credible evidence\" for such a link existed, and the CIA's determination that Hussein \"did not have a relationship\" with Al Qaeda--the vice president continued to insist that the relationship had been confirmed, including: (a) December 2, 2002: \"His regime has had high-level contacts with Al Qaeda going back a decade and has provided training to Al Qaeda terrorists.\"", "(b) January 30, 2003: \"His regime aids and protects terrorists, including members of Al Qaeda.", "He could decide secretly to provide weapons of mass destruction to terrorists for use against us.\"", "(c) March 16, 2003:", "\"We know that he has a long-standing relationship with various terrorist groups, including the Al Qaeda organization.\"", "(d) September 14, 2003:", "\"We learned more and more that there was a relationship between Iraq and Al Qaeda that stretched back through most of the decade of the '90s, that it involved training, for example, on biological weapons and chemical weapons.\"", "(e) October 10, 2003: \"He also had an established relationship with Al Qaeda--providing training to Al Qaeda members in areas of poisons, gases, and conventional bombs.\"", "(f) January 9, 2004: \"Al Qaeda and the Iraqi intelligence services...have worked together on a number of occasions.\"", "(g) January 22, 2004: \"There's overwhelming evidence that there was a connection between Al Qaeda and the Iraqi government\"", "(h) June 18, 2004:", "\"There clearly was a relationship.", "It's been testified to.", "The evidence is overwhelming.\"", "The piece also charges that \"as the war devolved into occupation, the vice president again sabotaged the democratic system, developing back channels into the Coalition Provisional Authority, a body not under his purview, to remove some of the most effective staff and replace them with his own loyal supplicants -- undercutting America's best effort at war in order to expand his own power.\"", "In December 2008, Dick Cheney acknowledged what many had long suspected or known: that he was instrumental in initiating the Bush Administration interrogation tactic in which detainees were blindfolded, strapped to a board, and held down as water was pored into their cavities until their lungs began to fill up with it.", "The intent was to trick the detainees into believing that they would drown.", "Almost sounds like a mock execution, doesn't it?", "Christopher Hitchens gamely subjected himself to the procedure, knowing he could stop it at any time.", "His conclusion: \"If waterboarding does not constitute torture, then there is no such thing as torture.\"", "ILLEGALLY SPYING ON INNOCENT AMERICANS", "Barton Gellman, who wrote one of the definitive books on Cheney, gives the background in a Time magazine piece:", "Cheney had devised, and Bush approved, an NSA operation to monitor the", "phone calls and emails of U.S. citizens without a warrant, part of which", "later became known as the Terrorist Surveillance Program.", "After more", "than two years of going along with \"the vice president's special", "program,\" the Justice Department concluded that parts of it were", "illegal.", "Deputy Attorney General James B. Comey later told Congress, and", "authoritative sources confirmed privately last week, that Ashcroft", "decided on March 4, 2004 to stop certifying the surveillance as lawful", "unless the White House scaled it back.", "Cheney admits he was behind the spying in his memoir.", "But Gellman makes a compelling case that he lies about a confrontation with an ailing John Ashcroft to make himself look better.", "In any case, it is beyond dispute that at Dick Cheney's urging, the federal government spied on millions of non-terrorist Americans without a warrant.", "And that Cheney wanted the program to continue even after it was declared illegal.", "After his initial stints in government under Republican Administrations, including time as George H.W. Bush's Secretary of Defense, Dick Cheney entered the private sector, where he used contacts he made during his time in government to enrich himself.", "All told, he would earn more than $44 million from Halliburton.", "Jane Mayer has an account of how the relationship began:", "Cheney was hired by Halliburton in 1995, not long after he went on a", "fly-fishing trip in New Brunswick, Canada, with several corporate", "moguls.", "After Cheney had said good night, the others began talking about", "Halliburton's need for a new C.E.O.", "Why not Dick?", "He had virtually no", "business experience, but he had valuable relationships with very", "powerful people.", "Lawrence Eagleburger, the Secretary of State in the", "first Bush Administration, became a Halliburton board member after", "Cheney joined the company.", "He told me that Cheney was the firm's", "\"outside man,\" the person who could best help the company expand its", "business around the globe", "Cheney was close to many world leaders,", "particularly in the Persian Gulf, a region central to Halliburton's", "oil-services business.", "Cheney and his wife, Lynne, were so friendly with", "Prince Bandar, the Saudi Ambassador to the U.S., that the Prince had", "invited the Cheney family to his daughter's wedding.", "(Cheney did not", "attend.", "\"Dick was good at opening doors,\" Eagleburger said.", "\"I don't", "mean that pejoratively.", "He had contacts from his former life, and he", "used them effectively.\"", "After Cheney enriched himself by exploiting contacts with various corrupt Arab autocrats that he made while drawing a public salary, he returned to public life as vice-president.", "Halliburton donated to his campaign, and got numerous lucrative contracts during the Bush Administration's tenure, even as it was discovered to have overcharged the U.S. for prior services rendered.", "There's also this:", "The United States had concluded that Iraq, Libya, and Iran supported", "terrorism", "and", "had imposed strict sanctions on them.", "Yet during Cheney's", "tenure at Halliburton", "the company did business in all three countries.", "In the case of Iraq, Halliburton legally evaded U.S. sanctions by", "conducting its oil-service business through foreign subsidiaries that", "had once been owned by Dresser.", "With Iran and Libya, Halliburton used", "its own subsidiaries", "The use of foreign subsidiaries may have helped", "the company to avoid paying U.S. taxes.", "In some ways, the Libya and Iran transactions were consistent with", "Cheney's views.", "He had long opposed economic sanctions as a political", "tool, even against South Africa's apartheid regime.", "During the 2000", "campaign, however, Cheney said he viewed Iraq differently.", "\"I had a firm", "policy that we wouldn't do anything in Iraq, even arrangements that", "were supposedly legal,\" he told ABC News.", "But, under Cheney's watch, two", "foreign subsidiaries of Dresser sold millions of dollars' worth of oil", "services and parts to Saddam's regime", "The transactions were not", "illegal, but they were politically suspect.", "The deals occurred under the", "United Nations Oil-for-Food program, at a time when Saddam Hussein", "chose which companies his government would work with.", "Corruption was", "rampant", "It may be that it was simply Halliburton's expertise that", "attracted Saddam's regime, but a United Nations diplomat with the", "Oil-for-Food program has doubts.", "\"Most American companies were", "blacklisted,\" he said.", "\"It's rather surprising to find Halliburton doing", "business with Saddam", "It would have been very much a senior-level", "decision, made by the regime at the top.\"", "Cheney has said that he", "personally directed the company to stop doing business with Saddam.", "Halliburton's presence in Iraq ended in February, 2000.", "There is no better example of the problematic \"revolving door\" relationship between government and private enterprise than Dick Cheney and Halliburton.", "AHMED CHALABI", "Once again, Hylton makes the case against Cheney most succinctly:", "(1) During the months preceding the March 2003", "invasion of Iraq", ", the vice president, acting personally and through his", "subordinates, granted special access to the Iraqi exile Ahmed Chalabi,", "relying on Chalabi for intelligence about Saddam Hussein's alleged", "weapons of mass destruction, despite an outstanding warrant for", "Chalabi's arrest on charges of bank fraud in the nation of Jordan, grave", "concerns from the CIA about Chalabi's credibility, and a 2002 British", "assessment that Chalabi was \"a convicted fraudster.", "(2) As the initial stage of the war concluded and", "Chalabi's claims proved false, the vice president nevertheless continued", "privately to champion Chalabi as a leader for the new Iraqi government,", "ignoring a litany of troubling accusations and events, including: (a) May 19, 2004: The Department of Defense discontinues monthly payments to Chalabi, pending charges of fraud.", "(b) May 20, 2004:", "U.S. troops, along with Iraqi forces, storm Chalabi's home, seizing documents and computers for a criminal probe.", "(c) June 2004: The New York Times reports that Chalabi has disclosed U.S. secrets to Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.", "(3) When an employee of the Coalition Provisional", "Authority named Thomas Warrick voiced concerns about Chalabi to his", "superiors, the vice president intervened to demand that Warrick be", "fired, causing Warrick's unique contributions to the", "occupation--including a series of prescient written warnings about the", "rise of insurgency--to be lost, and the nation's ability to function at", "war compromised.", "(4) As late as November 2005, the vice president", "continued to offer public support and safe harbor to Chalabi, inviting", "him to visit the White House and providing personal welcome to a known", "criminal", "In all of this, Richard B. Cheney has acted in a manner contrary to", "his trust as vice president and subversive of constitutional government,", "to the great prejudice of justice and to the manifest injury of the", "people of the United States.", "INSTRUMENTAL IN DETAINING INNOCENTS FOR YEARS ON END", "In \"A Different Understanding with the President,\" Barton Gellman relates how early post-9/11 decisions about detainees were made:", "Just past the Oval Office, in the private dining room overlooking the South Lawn, Vice President Cheney joined President Bush at a round parquet table they shared once a week.", "Cheney brought a four-page text, written in strict secrecy by his lawyer.", "He carried it back out with him after lunch.", "In less than an hour, the document traversed a West Wing circuit that gave its words the power of command.", "It changed hands four times, according to witnesses, with emphatic instructions to bypass staff review.", "When it returned to the Oval Office, in a blue portfolio embossed with the presidential seal, Bush pulled a felt-tip pen from his pocket and signed without sitting down.", "Almost no one else had seen the text.", "Cheney's proposal had become a military order from the commander in chief.", "Foreign terrorism suspects held by the United States were stripped of access to any court -- civilian or military, domestic or foreign.", "They could be confined indefinitely without charges and would be tried, if at all, in closed \"military commissions.\"", "\"What the hell just happened?\" Secretary of State Colin L. Powell demanded, a witness said, when CNN announced the order that evening, Nov. 13, 2001.", "National security adviser Condoleezza Rice, incensed, sent an aide to find out.", "Even witnesses to the Oval Office signing said they did not know the vice president had played any part.", "We now know that the U.S. government held innocent people at Guantanamo Bay for years on end, either because no one bothered to confirm their innocence, or because even after confirming it the government was reluctant to release them.", "Cheney, by insisting that the government had the power to hold any person for any period of time without any way for them to challenge their innocence, is directly culpable for these injustices.", "RADICAL VIEW OF EXECUTIVE POWER", "Whole books have been written about Dick Cheney's decades long project to give to the presidency powers in excess of anything the founding generation intended.", "Charlie Savage, who authored one of those books, summed up the history in this interview:", "Dick Cheney has been the driving force behind the Bush", "administration's systematic and highly successful project to expand", "presidential power, a push that was articulated on their first day in", "office, long before 9/11, and whose first battleground was the fight", "over whether Cheney would have to comply with open-government laws that", "mandated that he tell Congress and the public whom his energy task force", "had met with", "Cheney's files from his days as Gerald Ford's chief of staff in the", "post-Watergate/Vietnam moment show the origins of this agenda.", "Day upon", "day, the Ford White House was confronting the Church Committee's", "investigations of intelligence abuses and a Congress that was determined", "to re", "impose checks and balances on the \"imperial\" presidency.", "This", "seemed outrageous from Cheney's vantage point and he spent the next", "three decades trying, without much success at first, to roll back the", "changes of the 1970s and to restore presidential power to the level it", "had briefly, aberrationally, reached before Nixon fell.", "During his", "decade in the House of Representatives, he continuously argued with his", "colleagues that they ought to be giving the president more flexibility,", "not less, especially in matters of national security and foreign affairs", "- not just during Iran-Contra, but throughout that decade.", "As Secretary of Defense to the first President Bush, he urged George", "H.W. Bush to launch the Gulf War without going to Congress for", "permission, like Truman had done, though his advice was rejected.", "But", "the second President Bush adopted Cheney's view that they ought to use", "their time in office to strengthen presidential power as an end to", "itself - to leave the office stronger than it had been when they", "inherited it - and that is what they set out to do.", "On a day-to-day", "level in the White House bureaucracy, Cheney's top aide David Addington", "has been the most important bureaucratic force driving this policy.", "I'll bet you didn't know Cheney urged that the first Gulf War be waged without Congressional permission.", "UNPRINCIPLED EFFORTS TO MAXIMIZE PERSONAL POWER", "To review one example among many (here's another), I give you over to Jack Balkin:", "Vice President Dick Cheney and his consigliere David Addington have long been associated with the doctrine of the \"Unitary Executive,\"", "the notion that all executive functions are vested in the President of", "the United States of American and hence that the President has the right", "to direct all executive officers, who, in turn are required to obey his", "orders", "All except the Vice-President, apparently. The New York Times reports that Cheney now takes the position that he is not bound by an executive order", "requiring all entities within the executive branch to report on how", "they obtain and use classified information because he is not just", "another part of the executive branch.", "Yes, the vice-president claimed, opportunistically and absurdly, that he should be treated as part of the legislative branch... when it was convenient.", "\"It is by now obvious, if any further proof were necessary, that Cheney", "and Addington have never been particularly interested in defending", "constitutional principles,\" Balkin concluded.", "\"They do not seek to preserve executive power.", "They seek to preserve their own power.", "They discarded the canard of the", "unitary executive as soon as it became inconvenient.\"", "Dick Cheney was a self-aggrandizing criminal who used his knowledge as a Washington insider to subvert both informed public debate about matters of war and peace and to manipulate presidential decisionmaking, sometimes in ways that angered even George W. Bush.", "After his early years of public service, he capitalized on connections he made while being paid by taxpayers to earn tens of millions of dollars presiding over Halliburton.", "While there, he did business with corrupt Arab autocrats, including some in countries that were enemies of the United States.", "Upon returning to government, he advanced a theory of the executive that is at odds with the intentions of the founders, successfully encouraged the federal government to illegally spy on innocent Americans, passed on to the public false information about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and became directly complicit in a regime of torture for which he should be in jail.", "Thus his unpopularity circa 2008, when he left office.", "Good riddance.", "Image credit: Reuters", "We want to hear what you think about this article.", "Submit a letter to the editor or write to", "Conor Friedersdorf is a California-based staff writer at The Atlantic, where he focuses on politics and national affairs.", "He is the founding editor of The Best of Journalism, a newsletter devoted to exceptional nonfiction." ]
{ "id": "train19975", "claim_title": "Dick Cheney", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "\nTemplate:Active editnotice \n Richard Bruce Cheney (/ˈtʃeɪni/; born January 30, 1941) is an American politician and businessman who served as the 46th vice president of the United States from 2001 to 2009. He has been cited as the most powerful vice president in American history." }
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It is notable for its title of "America's First Supermarket" as recognized by the Smithsonian Institution.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Nation's First Supermarket Attempts to Stay Competitive - The New York Times", "(meta data) AUTHOR:", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 1997-09-28", "Skip to contentSkip to site indexNew YorkLog InToday's PaperNew York|Nation's First Supermarket Attempts to Stay Competitive", "Supported by", "# Nation's First Supermarket Attempts to Stay Competitive", "By Florence Fabricant", "THE sushi counter in my local King Kullen supermarket was doing a brisk business over Labor Day weekend.", "As a couple of Japanese chefs fashioned spicy inside-out tuna rolls for one customer, Bill Strain, who lives in Vancouver, Canada, and was visiting friends, was waiting his turn to buy several California rolls.", "''It's convenient and it's fresh,'' he said, ''so why not buy sushi in a supermarket?''", "Finding sushi in a supermarket came as no surprise to Mr. Strain.", "Though supermarkets with sushi are the exception, not the rule, on the Island, Mr. Strain said that where he came from, supermarkets often had sushi counters.", "King Kullen, which is acknowledged by the Smithsonian Institution in Washington to have been the country's first supermarket, may no longer be ahead of the pack when it comes to services like sushi.", "But by constantly responding to consumer demands, the chain, based in Westbury, has no trouble maintaining its reputation where it counts, on the Island.", "Supermarkets have evolved in the 67 years since Michael Cullen opened the first King Kullen Grocery Company store in Jamaica, Queens.", "To have several food departments under one roof and self-service shopping were innovations in the era of mom-and-pop grocery stores, butcher shops, greengrocers and fish markets.", "Mr. Cullen had tried to convince Kroger, his employer at the time, to open such a store.", "He envisioned markets on the fringes of a town's central business district so there would be parking for the rapidly growing numbers of cars on the road.", "It would also benefit customers, he reasoned, because the volume buying dictated by the size of the stores would allow for lower prices.", "Kroger was not interested so Mr. Cullen left the Midwest, returned to the Island and became a pioneer.", "Today his concept has evolved to offer a wider range of food products than he might ever have imagined, including live lobsters in tanks, condiments from around the world and exotic fresh mushrooms, but supermarkets also provide film processing and sell housewares, books, T-shirts and toys, among the goods and services that are now taken for granted in what once were just food markets.", "''In the 1970's and '80's,'' said Thomas K. Cullen, the chain's vice president for government and industry relations, ''we started adding bakeries, fresh fish, barbecued chickens and began to expand the deli counters.", "Our customers wanted those things.", "Now, because of new competitors like Wal-Mart stores and even drugstore chains like Genovese and CVS that have started selling food, we are expanding our lines of merchandise and the services we can offer.''", "Mr. Cullen said that he would have been surprised if the original store stocked 1,000 different products.", "''Now we easily carry 38,000 products and the number keeps growing,'' he said.", "What has not changed since 1930, however, is the technique of buying goods in volume and, using that leverage to get a good price, selling them at a discount.", "From the beginning supermarkets operated on razor-thin profit margins.", "It is a business in which making more than 1.5 percent of gross sales is considered a windfall.", "But the new non-food items can be sold at a higher markup than food, so the more of them that are in the mix of products, the healthier the bottom line.", "Mr. Cullen said that in a week or so, when the chain's largest store opened in Commack, its 60,000 square feet of space will house a bank and a dry cleaner.", "Another store, a more typical 43,000 square feet with about 20 shopping aisles and 15 checkout counters, is also opening on Jericho Turnpike, in Syosset.", "King Kullen's 45 stores on the Island and one on Staten Island grossed more than $720 million last year.", "Because the company is still family-owned and operated, and has not diversified beyond the core business, it is not burdened with excessive debt from financing mergers and acquisitions.", "The profits are used to upgrade existing stores and build new ones.", "John B. Cullen, a son of Michael Cullen, is chairman of King Kullen and Bernard D. Kennedy, a cousin, is president.", "Third generation Cullens and Kennedys hold other administrative positions and the fourth generation has started working for the company.", "Many of the chain's competitors, like A & P, which also owns Waldbaums and Food Emporium, and Food Town, are owned by giant conglomerates based in Europe, and can rely on international marketing and merchandising techniques.", "Mr. Cullen said his company takes its responsibililty to the community very seriously.", "''We have a customer relations manager and a toll-free number,'' he said.", "''We have hired a nutritionist and publish a newsletter with recipes and nutritional advice.''", "King Kullen conducts annual telephone surveys to determine what its customers want.", "As a result, it recently began alphabetizing the items in its circulars and added full-service pharmacies to some of the stores.", "Though the company was reluctant to begin accepting credit cards because the percentages the banks took cut the profit-margins even closer to the bone, it recognized the consumer demand and now takes plastic.", "''Our chain grew as the suburbs in Nassau and Suffolk grew,'' said Thomas K. Cullen.", "''Space is now at a premium in Nassau but there is room for expansion in Suffolk.", "We are now making an effort to customize the merchandise in each store to reflect the needs of the people who shop regularly.''", "A regular shopper lives within a three-mile radius of the store.", "The King Kullen in Bridgehampton sells beach chairs and tennis balls.", "Stores in Bay Shore, Blue Point, Bohemia and Patchogue deliver grocery orders to the Fire Island ferries.", "In towns like Hewlett and Rockville Centre, where there are Jewish neighborhoods, the stores have larger kosher food departments.", "Plans are under way to add kosher bakeries.", "Bunches of cut flowers sell extremely well, so the stores also sell simple glass vases to hold them.", "Though non-food items and services are the talk of the industry -- some supermarkets across the country have nurseries and children's play areas, health and fitness clubs and beauty salons -- public tastes have driven supermarkets to expand some of the food departments.", "King Kullen is stocking an increased assortment of imported and domestic cheeses.", "The deli department sells fresh mozzarella along with crab cakes and poached salmon.", "Like every supermarket, there is a choice of frozen pizzas but King Kullen also has fresh refrigerated pizzas, focaccias and quiches in an array of flavors, including spinach, sun-dried tomatoes and roasted garlic.", "Items like fresh cilantro, golden zucchini and oddly mottled dinosaur plums are just a few of the newly popular vegetables and fruits in the produce bins.", "A wall of imported and microbrewed beers and soft drinks competes with Budweiser and Coca-Cola by the case.", "Health foods have been given expanded shelf space.", "And increasingly, the meat cases have marinated kebabs ready to go onto the grill.", "With sales of organic foods having increased by 25 percent nationwide in the last three years, King Kullen has added showcases for organic dairy products, organic frozen foods and organic groceries.", "Its aisles of organic produce are four times as long as they were a year ago.", "''Our Bridgehampton store has one of the largest organic produce departments of any major supermarket chain,'' Mr. Cullen said.", "He also said that the chain tried to buy from local producers as much as possible, admitting that is is difficult to do.", "'''Sometimes the local farms don't have enough volume for us or can't keep the produce cool enough until it's ready to be shipped and it may not come to us in the best condition,'' he said.", "Individual store managers cannot purchase goods from local suppliers; everything comes from the company's central warehouse in Westbury.", "But starting Tuesday the central warehouse will no longer handle groceries.", "Bozzuto's, a wholesaler in Cheshire, Conn., now has a contract to order the groceries for King Kullen and deliver them directly to the stores.", "Though fresh produce, meats and fish will continue to be distributed from the Westbury warehouse, as a money-saving move the company will no longer purchase its own groceries directly.", "''Bozzuto's can buy in greater volume than we can,'' Mr. Cullen said.", "They buy for a number of chains, for more than 250 stores, not 46, and can offer more variety and a better price than we can on our own.", "We had to do it to remain competitive.''", "Closing down the grocery warehouse will also cost the jobs of 115 of the company's 4,400 employees.", "The employees who are laid off are being offered work with the wholesaler and in the new stores.", "Mr. Cullen said they hoped the net result would eventually be more jobs, not fewer of them, if the company becomes more profitable.", "The lower prices that the outsourcing of groceries is expected to bring may also attract more customers.", "More services are likely to do the same.", "Eventually, customers may be able to click on to the company's Website and place their orders on the Internet.", "Despite the proliferation of non-food items, services and departments, one of the newest opportunities for growth is in prepared foods.", "It is no longer just a matter of picking up a barbecued chicken, some cooked shrimp or even a plastic container filled with tuna sushi.", "Entire freshly made meals for one, two or more are becoming available in some of the supermarkets.", "A wedding?", "The bakery will even bake and decorate a multitiered wedding cake.", "And then, in the same King Kullen market that prepared the canapes, roasted the whole filet of beef, made the potatoes, tossed the salad and supplied the floral centerpieces for the event, you can also buy the little bride and groom figurines to go on top of the cake.", "We are continually improving the quality of our text archives.", "Please send feedback, error reports, and suggestions to", "A version of this article appears in print on , Section LI, Page 13 of the National edition with the headline: Nation's First Supermarket Attempts to Stay Competitive.", "Order Reprints | Today's Paper | Subscribe", "## Site Index", "### news", "### opinion", "### arts", "### living", "### more", "### Subscribe" ]
{ "id": "train38082", "claim_title": "King Kullen", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "\nKing Kullen Grocery Co., Inc. is an American supermarket chain based on Long Island. The company is headquartered in Bethpage, New York and was founded by Michael J. Cullen on August 4, 1930. \n As of 2018, the chain operates 32 locations." }
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They joint the provincial rugby league by winning the third division in its first season, following promotion to the first division in 1987.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: North Harbour rugby - Regional rugby | NZHistory, New Zealand history online", "Skip to main content", "## Search form", "#### TODAY IN HISTORY", "##### See more", "1920, New Zealand's first female Olympian", "Culture and Society", "Regional rugby", "Page 5", "# Regional rugby", "## Page 5 – North Harbour rugby", "Previous: Page 4. Northland rugby", "Next: Page 6. Auckland rugby12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031", "## Article contents", "### Contents", "Provincial competitions", "Northland rugby", "North Harbour rugby", "Auckland rugby", "Counties Manukau rugby", "Waikato rugby", "Thames Valley rugby", "Bay of Plenty rugby", "King Country rugby", "Taranaki rugby", "East Coast rugby", "Poverty Bay rugby", "Hawke's Bay rugby", "Whanganui rugby", "Manawatu rugby", "Horowhenua Kapiti rugby", "Wairarapa Bush rugby", "Wellington rugby", "Buller rugby", "Tasman rugby", "West Coast rugby", "Canterbury rugby", "Mid Canterbury rugby", "South Canterbury rugby", "North Otago rugby", "Otago rugby", "Southland rugby", "Best year ever?", "Further information", "#### All images and media forRegional rugby", "55 photos8 videos", "#### Keywords", "#### Related content", "We have 13 biographies, 6 articles, related to Regional rugby.", "##### How to cite this page", "'North Harbour rugby', URL:, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 26-Aug-2015", "### RELATED TO REGIONAL RUGBY", "#### Related content", "#### Events", "##### 15 April 2018", "Black Ferns Sevens win Commonwealth gold", "##### 20 August 1904", "First use of kiwi as unofficial national symbol?", "##### 10 August 1995", "News Corporation's rights to professional rugby bolstered", "##### 23 October 2011", "All Blacks win their second World Cup", "##### 11 November 1978", "Andy Haden dives to save rugby test", "##### 14 May 1870", "First game of rugby played in NZ", "##### 10 April 1973", "Labour government cancels Springbok rugby tour", "##### 28 April 1888", "First British rugby tourists take the field", "##### 7 September 1921", "Springboks play New Zealand Maoris for first time", "##### 25 July 1981", "Anti-Springbok protesters block Hamilton match", "##### 29 July 1981", "Police baton anti-tour protesters outside Parliament", "##### 9 August 1930", "George Nepia plays last All Blacks test", "##### 12 September 1981", "'Flour-bomb test' ends Springbok tour", "##### 16 September 1905", "'Originals' kick off All Black tradition", "##### 3 October 1888", "New Zealand Natives team plays first game in UK", "##### 20 June 1987", "All Blacks win the first World Cup", "##### 16 December 1905", "All Blacks' non-try hands Wales historic win", "##### 16 April 1892", "NZ Rugby Football Union founded", "##### 10 May 1960", "All-white All Blacks leave for South Africa", "##### 22 May 1884", "First New Zealand rugby team in action", "##### 3 June 1936", "Colin 'Pinetree' Meads born", "See 13 more related events...", "#### Biographies", "##### Jonah Lomu", "##### Ernest Asher", "##### Albert Asher", "##### Geoffrey Alley", "##### Wilson Whineray", "##### Fred Allen", "##### Brian Lochore", "##### George Nēpia", "##### Charles Monro", "##### Colin Meads", "##### Joe Warbrick", "##### Tom Ellison", "##### David Gallaher", "See 5 more related biographies...", "#### Articles", "##### Māori rugby timeline", "##### Regional rugby", "##### 1987 Rugby World Cup", "##### 1981 Springbok tour", "##### Sport, 1940-1960", "##### Natives' Rugby Tour, 1888-89", "## Community contributions", "No comments have been posted about North Harbour rugby", "## What do you know?", "Can you tell us more about the information on this page?", "Perhaps you have a related experience you would like to share?", "Add a comment: *", "Your name", "Your email:", "The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly.", "CAPTCHAThis question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.", "Which word does not belong to the list? *", "Leave this field blank", "Comments will be reviewed prior to posting.", "Not all comments posted.", "Tell me more..." ]
{ "id": "train02861", "claim_title": "Mitre 10 Cup", "claim_section": "Unions.", "claim_context": "The Mitre 10 Cup consists of 14 rugby teams divided into two divisions of 7 teams in each. Each Mitre 10 Cup union is granted a professional side. Each team is under the governance of their union, they are the top male representative team that the union has to offer. Unions are based in regions across New Zealand, while the teams have not changed since the launch of the competition in 2006. \n Throughout the championship, only two unions weren't among the other 12 that first competed in 1976. North Harbour established in 1985, being one of New Zealand's youngest provincial rugby unions." }
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Date recently composed music for the film Among the Believers directed by Emmy Award winner Hemal Trivedi.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Crew — Among The Believers", "# Among The Believers", "Director/Producer/Editor Hemal Trivedi:", "Hemal is a Mumbai and New York City based documentary films' editor / director for over a decade.", "Her credits include: Outlawed in Pakistan (Editor, Emmy-2014, PBS-Frontline, Sundance); Saving Face (Editor, Oscar-2012, Two Emmys-2013, HBO/Channel 4); Shabeena's Quest (Director/Editor, Witness, Al Jazeera); Flying on One Engine (Editor, SXSW, IDFA); Laughter (Editor, BBC); When the Drum is Beating (Editor, ITVS, Tribeca 2011); and Beyond Mumbai (Director, Camera & Editor, OWN, 2011 Webby nomination).", "She has produced and edited over 50 award-winning shorts for Odyssey Networks.", "Director's Statement:", "Upon losing a friend in the Mumbai terrorist attacks of 2008, I sought to understand the root cause of these attacks that were carried out from Pakistan.", "After careful study, I realized that ordinary Pakistanis are themselves victims rather than perpetrators.", "The same extremist elements who carried out the attacks in Mumbai are actually terrorizing their own people on a daily basis, and the country's very survival is at stake.", "I started filming in Pakistan in 2009.", "In 2010 I collaborated with producer Jonathan Goodman Levitt and Pakistani filmmaker Mohammed Ali Naqvi, and together we have been filming this ideological conflict that is ripping the country apart and causing it to implode.", "Director Mohammed Naqvi:", "Emmy-winning filmmaker Mohammed is also a fellow of the National Endowment of the Arts and American Film Institute's Project 20:20 program.", "In addition, his work has received numerous awards including the Amnesty Human Rights Award, the United Nations Association Festival Grand Jury Award, and has been showcased at the Museum of Modern Art.", "Documentary credits include: Shame (Showtime), Pakistan's Hidden Shame (Channel 4), Shabeena's Quest (Al-Jazeera), and Terror's Children (Discovery)", "Mohammed has produced two narrative feature films, Big River and I Will Avenge You Iago; starring Giancarlo Esposito and Larry Pine, recently directing narrative short Happy Things in Sorrow Times.", "Director's Statement:", "Growing up in Pakistan, I witnessed the burgeoning influence of militant Islam, one which violently silenced dissenting opinion from progressive Muslims.", "When I got the opportunity to work on Among The Believers, it was a chance to not only expose the rhetoric of militant Islam, but also highlight the progressive Muslim forces trying desperately to fight militancy.", "During the course of filming, we gained unprecedented access to Abdul Aziz, the Taliban's main spokesperson, and documented his growing influence over four years.", "Producer/Writer Jonathan Goodman Levitt:", "Jonathan's work as director and/or producer has been supported by broadcasters including BBC, PBS, NHK-Japan and over a dozen other broadcasters.", "His latest directing project FOLLOW THE LEADER was featured on C-Span, CNN & Fox; released by Angelika Film Center, PBS stations & Cinedigm; and was the only documentary to premiere during both the 2012 Republican and Democratic national conventions.", "His first feature SUNNY INTERVALS AND SHOWERS (Director, Producer, Editor, Camera, 2003) screened at Festivals including Sheffield, Chicago and One World; aired as part of the BBC Storyville documentary strand; and was nominated for Grierson (British Documentary) and Mental Health Media Awards.", "An equal Producer of AMONG THE BELIEVERS, Jonathan's company Changeworx's productions are currently being supported by funders including Ford Foundation, Sundance Documentary Fund, TriBeCa Film Institute, and Center for Asian American Media.", "Jonathan's other personal credits include roles on a film about North Face founder Doug Tompkin's Chilean conservation work; BEING BEBE, a decade-long project about performance in every day life featuring Cameroonian drag queen Bebe Zahara Benet; and a Best Documentary Emmy-winner with Stephen Fry.", "After studying social psychology, political philosophy, and painting at Stanford, Jonathan was a Fulbright Scholar studying at the UK's National Film School (NFTS) in 1999.", "He has been based in Brooklyn since 2008.", "Executive Producer Whitney Dow:", "Dow's credits include Two Towns of Jasper (Sundance, P.O.V) and the Beacon Award winning I Sit Where I Want: The Legacy of Brown v. Board of Education.", "He has worked extensively in Haiti since where he directed two films: Unfinished Country (Wide Angle), and When the Drum is Beating, (Tribeca, Independent Lens.)", "His producer credits include Freedom Summer, Banished: How Whites Drove Blacks Out of Town in America, (Sundance, Independent Lens), The Undocumented (Independent Lens) and Toots (Tribeca, Theatrical)", "In addition to screening at numerous international film festivals and being broadcast on television networks around the world, Dow's work has been exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, MoMA, and the Smithsonian Institution.", "He is the recipient of the George Foster Peabody Award, Alfred I. duPont Award, Anthony Radziwill Documentary Achievement Award, and the Duke University Center for Documentary Studies Filmmaker Award as well as many film festival honors.", "He is currently in production on the Whiteness Project, and Bright Lights, Dark Minds, a series on mental illness.", "Consulting Editor David Zieff:", "David Zieff has been crafting documentaries, feature films and television for three decades, working in music, comedy and sociopolitical arenas, occasionally at the same time.", "Zieff recently directed and edited McConkey, a documentary about the legendary extreme-skier Shane McConkey which premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival.", "He also edited the Tribeca-opening, Time Is Illmatic, about rap icon NAS' landmark debut album, and Alive Inside, an exploration of music and memory that won the 2014 Sundance Audience Award.", "He edited and produced the critically-acclaimed Paul Williams Still Alive, which premiered at the Toronto Film Festival, as well Sundance nominees Crazy Love, winner of Best Documentary at the Independent Spirit Awards, Happy Valley, Amir Bar-Lev's exploration of the Penn State scandal, and ESPN's Winning Time: Reggie Miller vs. The New York Knicks.", "He was also a creative consultant on the Oscar-winning documentary The Cove, won a coveted Peabody Award for the documentary mini-series Black Magic and was supervising editor of the multiple-award-winning Metallica: Some Kind of Monster, shaping over 1,600 hours of footage into one of the most celebrated music films of all time.", "He recently served as a creative advisor in the Sundance Institute's Documentary Edit & Story Lab and is currently teaching at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts.", "Composer Milind Date:", "Milind Date is one of the most versatile musicians from India.", "He is known for his immaculate Bansuri (bamboo flute) playing and composing.", "Milind is a senior performing disciple of world-famous Bansuri virtuoso Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia.", "With more than 3,000 performances to his credit, Milind has vast experience of performing on various stages and for varied size of audience ranging from 20-30 to 50,000!!.", "His concerts are energy-packed and the crowd involvement is surely exciting!", "Not only has Milind studied Indian classical and folk music; he has studied and featured in different styles of music from all over the world.", "Indian Classical Music, Indian Folk Music, Devotional Music, Jazz, Blues, Rock, Fusion-World Music, and Free Music are the common types in which he is seen performing and recording.", "An accomplished, versatile composer and arranger, Milind has experimented with several music and dance forms, as showcased in his band Fusion Ensemble.", "This experimental trait has led him to incorporate various dance forms and instruments and perform with several musicians from around the world.", "Milind has composed music for several short films and documentaries too.", "One of these documentaries was on The Dalai Lama and other one on Dr. Shardchandra Dicksheet the well-known Plastic Surgeon.", "These films were shown in many, many film festivals all over the world.", "Co-Producer Naziha Syed Ali:", "Naziha Syed Ali is based in Karachi, Pakistan and has been a journalist for nearly 25 years.", "For most of this time, she has worked in the print media both as editor and investigative reporter, focusing on stories about human rights violations, urban crime/land issues and religious extremism.", "Ms. Ali was assistant editor at Newsline magazine for several years, during which time she won an award for best coverage of violence against women for her story about honour killing.", "She is one of very few Pakistani women journalists to have travelled to Kabul, Afghanistan and reported from there when it was ruled by the Taliban.", "As a TV journalist, Ms. Ali has worked as a stringer in Pakistan for Channel Four News (UK) and produced a number of documentaries that have been screened on local television channels as well as at various international film festivals.", "Among these documentaries is the very well-received Miseducation of Pakistan, a shocking expose of government education in her country.", "An activist for interfaith harmony and democratic rights, Ms. Ali is an IVLP alumni and Chevening Scholar.", "She has master's degrees in English literature and TV journalism and is currently assistant editor at Dawn, Pakistan's most widely read English newspaper.", "Co-Producer Syed Musharraf Shah:", "Syed Musharraf Shah has been a freelance field producer and stringer in Pakistan for the past 7 years.", "He has worked with various national and international film crews, including BBC and Channel 4 to help them with location scouting and figuring out logistics in Pakistan.", "Skilled in helping film crews gain access into communities that are hard to reach, he was Field Producer for a Channel 4 documentary, Pakistan's Streets of Shame.", "The film premiered at Sheffield Doc Fest and several other documentary film festivals, and has won several awards.", "He has also worked as a Field Producer for Mohammed Ali Naqvi's film Happy Things In Sorrow Times, inspired by best-selling author Tehmina Durrani's book of the same name.", "His family is spread out in the tribal areas of Afghanistan, the tribal areas of Pakistan, Swat Valley (hometown of the recent Noble Laureate, Malala Yousafzai) and Peshawar.", "He is fluent in Pashtu and Urdu.", "He was instrumental in gaining access to Maulana Abdul Aziz Ghazi for Among the Believers.", "Assistant Editor/Assistant Producer Hina Ali:", "Hina Ali is a journalist from Pakistan.", "A recent recipient of a Fulbright scholarship, she has worked with Oscar winning documentary filmmaker Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy and BBC Media Action in Pakistan.", "She has eight years experience in broadcast journalism.", "She has studied journalism and documentary production from Arizona State University and University of Karachi.", "Post Production Coordinator/Assistant Editor Chris McCue:", "Chris McCue has worked in independent documentary films for eight years.", "McCue first worked with Maysles Films for six years, first as Office Manager then Assistant Editor/Archivist.", "He was Post Supervisor on Muhammad and Larry (2009) and Associate Producer on The Love We Make (2011).", "After a spell living in beautiful Austin, Texas, he has returned to New York working as a freelance Editor and Assistant Editor.", "He writes mystery novels under the pen name Richard H. North.", "Cameraman Haider Ali:", "Haider Ali is a Pakistan-based shooter with over sixteen years of experience, ranging from documentaries, news, studio based talk shows, corporate videos, TV dramas, and short fiction films.", "International clients and broadcasters include ITV, Channel 4, Al-Jazeera World, BBC, CNN, CNBC Pakistan, Clover Films UK, and 64th Street Media New York.", "Haider has worked with Emmy-winning Directors Mohammed Naqvi and Hemal Tridevi, BAFTA-nominee and Emmy-winning producer Jamie Doran, and Sundance-winning producer Jared Ian Goldman.", "In addition to having shot extensively all over Pakistan, Haider also teaches cinematography and media science at Iqra University and Women Media Center.", "Haider is certified in hostile environment and first aid training, and has experience filming in high-conflict and war zones.", "Archival/Researcher Mohammed Ali Sheikh:", "Mohammed Ali Sheikh has been making documentary films since the age of 17, and now ten years on, he has been part of some groundbreaking documentaries, including Outlawed in Pakistan by Hilke Schellman and Habiba Nausheen, for which he won an Emmy award in the research category in 2014.", "Ali has in the past worked with numerous pioneering directors and NGO's including Academy Award winner Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy, UNDP, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Vice and Charter for compassion.", "Together, they have managed to bring to the screen, stories of marginalized people, while creating dialogue over social issues.", "Ali endeavors to use the power of film making to raise awareness about those who the world has forgotten." ]
{ "id": "train28673", "claim_title": "Milind Date", "claim_section": "Early life and career.", "claim_context": "He completed this tour in October 2013. As a part of this tour Date performed extensively in South Korea after a gap of 6 years. This was his 11th performance tour to South Korea. \n Currently Date is back in India and is busy performing as well as working on his forthcoming 2 albums. He recently performed for an event in Delhi where Honorable President of India was gracing the occasion. In this performance he created a new Woodwind Ensemble. Following wind instruments from India were part of the ensemble Shehnai, Nadaswaram, Venu, Algoza, Pungi, Sundari and Bansuri. This performance was very well appreciated and received by the audience. \n" }
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Chris also represented the Major League All Stars Versus the Japanese All Stars in several exhibition games in Japan in November of both 2006 and 2014.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Press Releases |", "To learn about our efforts to improve the accessibility and usability of our website, please visit our Accessibility Information page.", "Skip to main content", "#", "Baseball Tomorrow Fund", "Players Trust", "Action Teams", "Agent Regulations", "Basic Agreement", "Contact Info", "Giveaway Rules", "Job Opportunities", "MLBPA History", "Players Trust", "Press Releases", "Programs & Events", "Shop Homepage", "Men's", "Women's", "Collectibles & Memorabilia", "Baseball Cards", "Photo Store", "Auction Homepage", "Baseball Cards", "MLB Authentication", "## Press Release", "11/07/2014 9:53 AM ET", "Full roster announced for Japan All-Star Series 2014", "MLB Network to exclusively televise each game of series live in U.S.", "MLBPA/MLB News Release", "Major League Baseball and the Major League Baseball Players Association today announced the full squad of players who have been named to the MLB All-Star Team to be led by Boston Red Sox manager John Farrell during the upcoming Japan All-Star Series 2014.", "The Japan All-Star Series 2014 will feature MLB All-Stars traveling to Japan next week to play a five-game series against \"Samurai Japan\" (Japan's National Team).", "The 29-man roster consists of 14 pitchers, three catchers, seven infielders, three outfielders and two infielders/outfielders.", "The pitching staff includes (alphabetically) Jeff Beliveau (TB); Jerry Blevins (WSH); 2006 All-Star Chris Capuano (NYY); Randy Choate (STL); Jeremy Guthrie (KC); Tommy Hunter (BAL); Tokyo native and 2013 All-Star Hisashi Iwakuma (SEA); 2013 All-Star Mark Melancon (PIT); Franklin Morales (COL); Hector Santiago (LAA); Matt Shoemaker (LAA); Jose Veras (HOU); Aichi native Tsuyoshi Wada (CHI); and Rob Wooten (MIL).", "The three catchers are Drew Butera (LAD), Erik Kratz (KC) and two-time All-Star Salvador Perez (KC), while the position players consist of 2014 AL Batting Champion and two-time All-Star Jose Altuve (HOU); six-time All-Star Robinson Cano (SEA); Chris Carter (HOU); Lucas Duda (NYM); Alcides Escobar (KC); Dexter Fowler (HOU); three-time All-Star Evan Longoria (TB); 2014 NL Batting Champion and four-time All-Star Justin Morneau (COL); Eduardo Nunez (MIN); 2014 All-Star Yasiel Puig (LAD); Carlos Santana (CLE); and two-time All-Star Ben Zobrist (TB).", "All-Star Series games will be hosted in Osaka (Kyocera Dome), Tokyo (Tokyo Dome) and Sapporo (Sapporo Dome).", "Two exhibition games will complement the five-game series, with one game in Osaka (Koshien Stadium) and the other in Okinawa (Okinawa Cellular Stadium).", "Tickets for the Japan All-Star Series 2014 are currently available HERE.", "MLB Network will exclusively televise every game of the Japan All-Star Series live in the United States, beginning with the exhibition game on Tuesday, November 11th at 4:00 a.m. (ET).", "MLB.TV subscribers also will be able to watch every game live and on-demand across any of its supported devices, including via the At Bat app.", "The games will be called live by a rotating on-air team of MLB Network announcers that includes play-by-play by Paul Severino and analysis from Mark DeRosa and Darryl Hamilton.", "Each game will re", "-air later the same day at 9:00 p.m. (ET).", "For more information regarding MLB Network's coverage, please visit", "In Japan, NTV, TV Asahi and TBS will share the live game broadcasts with NTV airing each of the first four games of the series (November 11th-15th), TV Asahi broadcasting the game on November 16th and TBS covering each of the final two games (November 18th-20th).", "Outside of Japan and the United States, coverage of the Japan All-Star Series will also be provided by broadcast partners around the world, including MBC Sports+ (South Korea); Fox Sports Asia (Pan-Asia); Fox Sports Europe (Netherlands, Italy, Turkey, Cyprus, Malta); Fox Sports Latin America (Pan-Latin America); ESPN Pac Rim (Australia, New Zealand); RDS (Canada); and UTS (Aruba, Curacao, St. Maarten, Bonaire).", "###", "Agent Regulations", "Basic Agreement", "Contact Info", "Job Opportunities", "Press Releases", "Programs & Events", "Below is an advertisement.", "### Players Trust", "Action Teams", "Banks of Hope", "Buses for Baseball", "City Clinics", "Disaster Relief", "Golf Tournament", "Grant Recipients", "Medicines for Humanity", "Players Choice Awards", "Volunteers of America" ]
{ "id": "train30625", "claim_title": "Chris Capuano", "claim_section": "International career.", "claim_context": "Capuano played on Team USA in the 2001 World Cup of Baseball and helped the team earn a silver medal." }
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He reasoned that it was because he had been neglecting other important things in his life, but said that he was not planning to abandon the series and may release a "FNaF World"-styled spin-off game in the future.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Five Nights At Freddy's 6 Was Announced, Then Canceled - GameSpot", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2017-07-03 11:51:19 UTC", "# Five Nights At Freddy's 6 Was Announced, Then Canceled", "## Cawthon says pressures of expectation was causing him to neglect other things in his life.", "By Tamoor Hussain | @tamoorh on July 3, 2017 at 4:51AM PDT", "37 Comments", "Subscribe to our Newsletter", "Click To Unmute", "What To Expect In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's MultiplayerDisney+ Dates and Prices For An International Roll-Out Have Been RevealedGen 5 Comes To Pokemon Go - GS News UpdateFortnite Season 10 - Where To Consume Glitched Foraged Consumables Guide | Junk Storm ChallengesNeed For Speed Heat Gameplay From Gamescom 2019Kerbal Space Program 2 Gameplay | Gamescom 2019Legion: Favorite Moments From The Entire SeriesDisintegration - Multiplayer Mech Gameplay | Gamescom", "2019Hades Leaving Epic Games Store Exclusivity This Winter", "- GS News UpdateBlack Desert PS4 Launch LivestreamHow To Use Destiny 2's Cross-Save - GS News UpdatePS4's Erica - First 21 Minutes Of Gameplay", "Want us to remember this setting for all your devices?", "Sign up or Sign in now!", "Please use a html5 video capable browser to watch videos.", "This video has an invalid file format.", "00:00:00Sorry, but you can't access this content!", "##### Please enter your date of birth to view this video", "By clicking 'enter', you agree to GameSpot's", "Terms of Use and", "Privacy Policy", "Now Playing: Five Nights at Freddy's Scare Compilation", "Five Nights at Freddy'sFollowGet the latest news and videos for this game daily, no spam, no fuss.", "Collapse", "Five Night At Freddy's", "creator Scott Cawthon has provided an update on his next game, revealing that it was to be the sixth entry in the popular point-and-click horror series.", "However, in a statement posted on Steam, Cawthon also announced that the project has been abandoned amid mounting pressure to top the previous entries and the detrimental impact this was having on other aspects of his life.", "\"After forcing myself to keep working on it day after day, I realized something--I just don't want to work on this.", "With each game's release, I think the expectations get higher and higher for the next, and rightfully so.", "Each game SHOULD be better than the last!", "But that pressure starts to mount, and I fear that I've been neglecting other things in my life for the sake of trying to keep up with those mounting expectations.", "\"So, after giving this a lot of thought, I've decided that I'm going to stop working on it.", "I'm not going to reveal anything else about what the game was, and I've asked other people involved to never divulge anything either.", "It's just not going to be talked about.\"", "Cawthon went on to clarify that he wasn't leaving game development altogether.", "Instead he stated he wants to \"get back to what made game-making enjoyable in the first place.\"", "Additionally, he said this cancelation doesn't mean that he's abandoning Five Nights At Freddy's either.", "\"In fact, the first game that I'd like to make would be something for you guys,\" he said.", "\"Remember Foxy Fighters from Update 2?", "I loved working on that game.", "It was a lot of fun, and it took a lot of the pressure off me knowing that it was just for the fans of the games.", "That's the kind of project that I'd like to work on again.", "Maybe I'll try my hand at a pizzeria tycoon game, who knows.", "The point is that it would be something for fun, and something for the fans.\"", "For those invested in the Five Nights At Freddy's universe, Cawthon said there are \"big things in the works elsewhere.\"", "\"The movie is in amazing hands with Blumhouse.", "I'm also still working to get a VR title out at some point (because that would be awesome).", "And of course I can't leave everyone hanging with the cliffhanger at the end of the second book.\"", "He finished: \"I hope you can respect and understand my decision.", "I want to spend more time with my family, and get back to what made me enjoy making games in the first place.\"", "The Five Nights at Freddy's series debuted in August 2014 on PC and has since been ported to iOS.", "In May 2016 Cawthon said he's in discussions with \"a few companies\" to make console remakes of Five Nights At Freddy's happen.", "Filed under:Five Nights at Freddy'sPC", "Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email" ]
{ "id": "train29314", "claim_title": "Scott Cawthon", "claim_section": "Career.", "claim_context": "I want this movie to be something that I'm excited for the fanbase to see.\" In March 2017, Cawthon tweeted a picture at Blumhouse Productions, suggesting the film had a new production company. In May 2017, producer Jason Blum confirmed the news, claiming he was excited and working closely with Cawthon on the adaptation. In June 2017, Gil Kenan said he was no longer directing the \"Five Nights at Freddy's\" film after Warner Bros. Pictures' turnaround. \n On June 27, 2017, Scott Cawthon's second novel, \"Five Nights at Freddy's: The Twisted Ones\", was released. It was the sequel to \"The Silver Eyes\", and its story follows the main character, Charlie, who is \"drawn back into the world of her father's frightening creations\" when she tried to get over the events of \"The Silver Eyes\". On August 29, 2017, Cawthon released the first official guidebook of \"Five Nights at Freddy's\", entitled \"The Freddy Files\". It contains character profiles, easter eggs, tips on playing the games, and theories sprouted from the franchise. On July 3, 2017, Cawthon announced the cancellation of a sixth main installment to \"Five Nights at Freddy's\", after previously stating a month earlier that a sixth game was in the works." }
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As of February 2019, a small number of 8K backers had received headsets, with production being fulfilled considerably more slowly than the 5K+.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Pimax 8K Headset Delayed Again, Quality Issues With 4K Panels", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2019-01-31T15:30:50-07:00", "Pimax 8K Headset Delayed Again, Quality Issues With 4K Panels", "# Pimax 8K Headset Delayed Again, Quality Issues With 4K Panels", "######", "David Heaney", "January 31, 2019", "### Related Posts", "Pimax 8K VR Headset Not Yet Ready For Primetime, But 4k Model Impresses", "Several weeks ago, we published a story about a company called Pimax.", "The scrappy startup was…", "Pimax's 8K VR Headset Delayed, CES Plans Revealed", "Pimax's anticipated 8K VR headset will not be shipping to Kickstarter backers this month or…", "Pimax 8K VR Headset Surpasses $2 Million On Kickstarter", "Pimax's 8K VR headset continues to gather interest on crowdfunding, passing yet another huge milestone…", "##### David Heaney", "David Heaney has been a VR evangelist since before the Oculus Kickstarter, inspired by science fiction books like Snow Crash.", "He comes from a Software Engineering background, but now writes for UploadVR, primarily about the technology behind VR hardware and software.", "He believes that VR can, should, and will become a mainstream technology used in every home.", "Previous Article", "###### Start A VR Band With EXA's Multiplayer Music Update", "Next Article", "###### Onward Goes Arctic With New Level, Trailer Debuts", "January 31st, 2019", "Latest Posts", "##### Editorial: Why Facebook's Portal Could Be The Next Great AR/VR Accessory", "Ian Hamilton", "August 25, 2019", "##### Baby Rage Unveils Plans For Crossplay VR-PC Shooter Game Extreme Tactical Executioners", "August 24, 2019", "##### No Man's Sky VR PC Review: Fully-Realized Virtual Universe", "David Jagneaux", "August 23, 2019", "360 (159)", "360 Video (354)", "3D Capture (28)", "Acer (3)", "Advertising (20)", "Amazon (2)", "AMD (9)", "Announcements (2)", "Apple (44)", "AR (583)", "Arcades (72)", "Architecture (3)", "Art (86)", "Art & Science (260)", "Asia (9)", "CES (111)", "Comic Con (3)", "Community (6)", "Construction (4)", "Controllers (75)", "Daydream (37)", "Development (142)", "Discussion (72)", "DIY (5)", "E3 (169)", "E3 (19)", "Editorials (313)", "Education (99)", "Education (14)", "Enterprise (19)", "Entertainment (634)", "Epic Games (5)", "Events (344)", "Experience (4)", "Experiences (3,323)", "Eye Tracking (23)", "Facebook (120)", "Featured (1,610)", "Field in View (1)", "Fitness (5)", "Flashbacks (11)", "Gamecast (12)", "Gamescom (4)", "Gaming (3,960)", "Gaming (12)", "GDC 2015 (21)", "GDC 2016 (11)", "GDC 2019 (2)", "Giveaway (18)", "Google (78)", "Google Cardboard (16)", "Google Daydream (48)", "Google VR (42)", "GPU (20)", "Hand Tracking (29)", "Haptics (46)", "Hardware (535)", "Hardware (5)", "Health Care (32)", "HoloLens 2 (6)", "How-to (18)", "HP (1)", "HTC Vive (550)", "HTC Vive Cosmos (31)", "HTC Vive Focus (18)", "HTC Vive Focus Plus (8)", "HTC Vive Pro (17)", "HTC Vive Pro Eye (16)", "Humor (19)", "Index (10)", "Intel (14)", "Interviews (103)", "Investments (132)", "John Carmack (1)", "Lenovo (17)", "LG (7)", "Live Streams (111)", "Magic Leap (25)", "Manufacturing (3)", "Meta (2)", "Microsoft (137)", "Mixed Reality (30)", "Mobile VR (22)", "Motion Capture (21)", "Nintendo (36)", "Nintendo Labo VR (8)", "nReal (2)", "NSFW (16)", "Nvidia (3)", "OC6 (1)", "Oculus (93)", "Oculus Connect (3)", "Oculus Go (10)", "Oculus Go (53)", "Oculus Quest (195)", "Oculus Rift (728)", "Oculus Rift S (114)", "Palmer Luckey (1)", "PC (25)", "Pimax (19)", "Podcasts (48)", "Presence (10)", "PSVR (519)", "PSVR (114)", "PSVR 2 (8)", "Q&A (9)", "Quest (16)", "Real Estate (3)", "Research (34)", "Retail (25)", "Reviews (460)", "Rift (126)", "Rumors (16)", "Samsung (5)", "Samsung Gear VR (164)", "Samsung Odyssey+ (4)", "Siggraph (4)", "Simulators (4)", "Social VR (226)", "Software (50)", "Sony (130)", "Sponsored (33)", "Sports (9)", "Startups (138)", "SXSW (2)", "The VR Download (2)", "Transportation (3)", "Twitter (1)", "Ubisoft (2)", "Unity (13)", "Unity Engine (18)", "Unreal Engine (15)", "Valve (100)", "Valve Index (58)", "Video (100)", "Vive (114)", "VR (363)", "VR Awards (2)", "VR Cameras (70)", "VR Cast (2)", "VR esports (2)", "VR Headsets (313)", "VR Industry News (2,365)", "VR Jobs (14)", "VRecap (5)", "WebVR (14)", "Windows VR (39)", "Xbox (2)", "#### Latest News", "###### Editorial: Why Facebook's Portal Could Be The Next Great AR/VR Accessory", "###### Baby Rage Unveils Plans For Crossplay VR-PC Shooter Game Extreme Tactical Executioners", "###### No Man's Sky VR PC Review: Fully-Realized Virtual Universe", "###### No Man's Sky PSVR Review: Fully-Realized (But Blurrier) Virtual Universe", "##", "Lost Password Back", "Lost Password?", "Registration is disabled." ]
{ "id": "train49566", "claim_title": "Pimax", "claim_section": "Products.:Pimax 8K.", "claim_context": "As of February 2019, none of the accessories has been released, despite stating release date of Q2/Q3/Q4 2018 with low risk. \n The headset uses the SteamVR positional tracking system (previously \"\"Lighthouse\"\") initially developed for the HTC Vive by Valve. This means that existing Vive base stations and controllers will be compatible with the Pimax headset, removing the need for existing Vive users to set up an additional tracking system or buy new controllers. \n The headset is going to be compatible with SteamVR, making it compatible with a wide range of already existing VR content at launch. It is not a native SteamVR headset, and it requires \"PiTool\" to be installed along with it. \n The headset was initially planned to start shipping in January 2018, but was repeatedly delayed due to design tweaks and manufacturing refinements." }
[ [ 112, 113 ] ]
Nayyouf was the target of attempted assassination in prison on three occasions, by a fight with another inmate and by arsenic poisoning as well as poisoning with other chemicals, which he survived in part because certain prison guards were sympathetic to him.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Syrian journalist Nizar Nayouf wins WAN Golden Pen of Freedom - IFEX", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2016-08-09T19:10:08Z", "5 captures", "10 Dec 2011 - 10 May 2017", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "These crawls are part of an effort to archive pages as they are created and archive the pages that they refer to.", "That way, as the pages that are referenced are changed or taken from the web, a link to the version that was live when the page was written will be preserved.", "Then the Internet Archive hopes that references to these archived pages will be put in place of a link that would be otherwise be broken, or a companion link to allow people to see what was originally intended by a page's authors.", "The goal is to fix all broken links on the web.", "Crawls of supported \"No More 404\" sites.", "Collection: Wikipedia Near Real Time (from IRC)", "This is a collection of web page captures from links added to, or changed on, Wikipedia pages.", "The idea is to bring a reliability to Wikipedia outlinks so that if the pages referenced by Wikipedia articles are changed, or go away, a reader can permanently find what was originally referred to.", "This is part of the Internet Archive's attempt to rid the web of broken links.", "The Wayback Machine -", "## ISSUES:", "Access to Information", "Digital Rights", "Freedom of Assembly", "Free Expression & the Law", "## REGIONS:", "SEE ALL", "Or browse by country:", "Burkina Faso", "Cape Verde", "Central African Republic", "Côte d'Ivoire", "Democratic Republic of Congo", "Equatorial Guinea", "Guinea-Bissau", "Republic of Congo", "São Tomé and Príncipe", "Sierra Leone", "South Africa", "South Sudan", "The Gambia", "SEE ALL", "Or browse by country:", "Antigua and Barbuda", "British Virgin Islands", "Cayman Islands", "Costa Rica", "Dominican Republic", "El Salvador", "Falkland Islands (United Kingdom)", "French Guiana (France)", "Netherlands Antilles", "Puerto Rico (United States)", "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "Saint Lucia", "Saint Vincent and Grenadines", "Trinidad and Tobago", "United States", "Asia & Pacific", "SEE ALL", "Or browse by country:", "American Samoa (United States)", "Cook Islands (New Zealand)", "East Timor", "French Polynesia (France)", "Guam (United States)", "Hong Kong (China)", "Kashmir (India)", "Marshall Islands", "New Caledonia (France)", "New Zealand", "Northern Mariana Islands (United States)", "North Korea", "Papua New Guinea", "Solomon Islands", "South Korea", "Sri Lanka", "Tibet (China)", "Wallis and Futuna (France)", "Europe & Central Asia", "SEE ALL", "Or browse by country:", "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "Chechnya (Russia)", "Czech Republic", "Kosovo (Serbia)", "Northern Ireland (United Kingdom)", "San Marino", "United Kingdom", "Middle East & North Africa", "SEE ALL", "Or browse by country:", "Saudi Arabia", "United Arab Emirates", "## SUBSCRIBE:", "Sign up for weekly updates", "# Syrian journalist Nizar Nayouf wins WAN Golden Pen of Freedom", "World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers", "23 November 1999", "(WAN/IFEX) - The following is a WAN press release:", "Lisbon, 23 November 1999For immediate releasePress Freedom Prize Goes To", "Syrian JournalistNizar Nayouf, the Syrian press freedom and democracy advocate, has beenawarded the 2000 Golden Pen of Freedom, the annual press freedom prize ofthe World Association of Newspapers.", "Mr. Nayouf has been imprisoned in Syriasince 1992.The", "award, announced on Tuesday by the Board of the Paris-based WAN, wasmade in recognition of Mr. Nayouf's outstanding contribution to the cause ofpress freedom.", "In a statement, the Board said: \"Nizar Nayouf is said to be near death dueto unspeakable torture and the effects of diseases for which he has beendenied adequate treatment.", "The Syrian regime has tried to break him, andthey have failed.", "Despite the appalling conditions in which he is beingdetained, Mr. Nayouf is continuing his fight for freedom of speech anddemocracy.", "His sacrifice is a reminder that freedom of speech can carry avery high price; he is an inspiration to publishers and journalistseverywhere.", "\"The Board, which was meeting in Lisbon, renewed its call to Syrian PresidentHafez al-Assad to respect international conventions and release Mr. Nayoufand other journalists being held in prison.", "At least nine journalists arecurrently being held in prison in Syria", ".\"His case, and others like it, should be raised by every country thatpursues political or business relations with the Syrian regime,\" the Boardsaid.", "Mr Nayyouf, Editor in Chief of Sawt al-Democratiyya (Democracy's Vote) andSecretary-General of the Committee for the Defence of Democratic Freedom inSyria, was arrested in 1992 and sentenced to ten years of forced labour forbeing a member of an \"unauthorized\" organization and for disseminating\"false\" information.", "Mr Nayyouf, 52, is confined to a tiny solitary cell and cannot walk, as hislegs are paralysed and his vertebrae fractured due to the repeated tortureby prison authorities.", "His sight is failing, following a fracture to theback of his head; burns from cigarettes stumped out on his skin have healedbadly and left him with dermatitis", "Mr Nayyouf is also suffering from lymphatic cancer, liver disease and ulcersbut is being denied full treatment.", "WAN recently learned three attempts have been made to kill Mr. Nayouf injail.", "The assassination attempts -- by poisoning with arsenic and otherchemicals, and by instigating a fight with another inmate -- have failed fora variety of reasons, including aid provided to Mr Nayouf by sympatheticjailers.", "He spent his first ten months of detention in Saydnaya prison, in thesuburbs of Damascus, where he attempted to organized a prisoners' rebellion.", "As punishment, prison authorities transferred him to the notorious militaryprison of Palmyre, in the Syrian desert.", "In protest at the torture inflicted on prisoners at Palmyre, Nizar Nayoufwent on a hunger strike for 13 days in 1993 which left him very weak.", "Numerous prisoners die under torture in Palmyre; Nizar Nayouf smuggled outevidence of this and was again transferred, as punishment, to the militaryprison of Mezze in Damascus, where he remains.", "The military authorities holding Nizar Nayouf have made it clear that hewill only receive additional medical treatment if he pledges to refrain frompolitical activity and signs a statement acknowledging that \"he made falsedeclarations concerning the situation concerning human rights in Syria.\"", "Hecontinues to refuse to do so.", "WAN, the global association of the newspaper industry, has awarded theGolden Pen annually since 1961.", "Past winners include Argentina's JacoboTimerman (1980), who died earlier this month, Russia's Sergei Grigoryants(1989), China's Gao Yu (1995), and Vietnam's Doan Viet Hoat (1998).", "Lastyear's winner was Faraj Sarkohi of Iran.", "The association, which defends and promotes press freedom world-wide,represents 17,000 newspapers; its membership includes 61 national newspaperassociations, individual newspaper executives in 93 countries, 17 newsagencies and seven regional and world-wide press groups.", "POSTED IN:", "##### ADDITIONAL INFORMATION", "##### Case history", "#### Authorities' and ruling party members' harassment of Nayyouf's relatives continues", "International Press Institute", "8 November 2001", "#### WAN Golden Pen of Freedom awarded to imprisoned Syrian journalist Nizar Nayouf", "World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers", "11 June 2000", "#### RSF confirms that journalist remains imprisoned", "Reporters Without Borders", "29 May 2000", "See more", "## Take Action!", "### Send your support to the Cambodian Five", "Share your message of solidarity over Cambodian radio with imprisoned human rights defenders", "## Latest Tweet:", "Political games in #Brazil threaten public broadcasting service | @IFJGlobal @ebcnarede – 3:08 PM, 9 August 2016" ]
{ "id": "train16105", "claim_title": "Nizar Nayyouf", "claim_section": "Imprisonment.", "claim_context": "The first ten months of Nayyouf's sentence were served in Sednaya Prison outside Damascus. While at Sednaya, Nayyouf tried to organize a prisoner revolt. He was moved to Palmyra prison near Tadmur. In 1993, Nayyouf went on a thirteen-day hunger strike at Palmyra in order to protest the torture of prisoners. While at Palmyra, Nayyouf was able to pass evidence that the prisoners were being tortured to the press outside, which led to another transfer to Mezzeh prison, a military prison outside Damascus. Most of his ten-year sentence was spent in solitary confinement in Mezzeh. \n At Mezzeh prison, Nayyouf was subjected to various forms of torture including electrocution, beatings, and being hung upside down from his feet for two or three hours at a time. He was reportedly urinated on for refusing to Hafez al-Assad, then-President of Syria. Nayyouf was also subjected to the \"German chair\", a rack-like device designed to stretch the spines of prisoners." }
[ [ 0, 16 ], [ 12, 16 ], [ 12, 13, 16 ] ]
A.G. Spanos Companies is a builder of multifamily residences, commercial buildings and communities, founded by billionaire Alex Spanos, and considered to be one of the biggest apartment developers in the United States.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Alexander Spanos & family", "BillionairesAll BillionairesWorld's BillionairesForbes", "400America's Richest Self-Made WomenChina's RichestIndia's RichestIndonesia's RichestKorea's RichestThailand's RichestJapan's RichestAustralia's RichestTaiwan's RichestSingapore's RichestPhilippines' RichestHong Kong's RichestMalaysia's RichestMoney & Politics InnovationAll InnovationAI &", "StrategySmall BusinessUnder 30Workday BrandVoiceMoneyAll MoneyBanking & InsuranceCrypto & BlockchainETFs &", "BusinessU.S. BankWorkdayListsAll ListsAdvisorAll AdvisorThe Best Credit Cards Of 2019Best Travel Credit CardsBest Business Credit CardsBest Credit Card Sign Up BonusesFeatured30 Under 30 2019Crypto", "ConfidentialDaily", "Dozen", "BriefingForbes8Forbes Daily Cover StoriesForbes Editors' PicksForbes FindsForbes Insights with Teradata: Forbes Analytics+Forbes", "MagazineForbes VideoInvesting DigestiShares BrandVoice: Invest With A Purpose: The ETF Revolution Is HereMicrosoft Shift BrandVoice: Behind The ShiftNewslettersOwn it: The Modern Guide to Buying a HomeSite", "© 2019 Forbes Media LLC.", "All Rights Reserved", "# #344 Alexander Spanos & family", "Deceased2018 Forbes 400 NET WORTH$2.4Bas of 10/3/18Alexander", "Spanos, the longtime owner of the San Diego Chargers, died on October 9 at the age of 95.", "Spanos bought his controlling stake in the Chargers in 1984.", "His grandchildren John and A.G. run the team, worth $1.9 billion net of debt.", "Spanos founded AG Spanos, one of the country's largest apartment developers, in 1960.", "His sons, Dean and Michael, took charge in 2005.", "Spanos wrote \"Sharing the Wealth: My Story\" with a foreword by Rush Limbaugh.", "In 2008, Spanos wrote a letter to his family about his severe dementia; the letter was published in the San Diego Union Tribune.", "On forbes lists#344Forbes 400 2018#1020Billionaires 2018StatsSource of Wealthreal estate, Los Angeles Chargers, Self MadePhilanthropy Score2CitizenshipUnited StatesChildren4EducationBachelor of Arts/Science, University of the PacificDid you knowThe son of Greek immigrants, Spanos started a catering company in 1951 with an $800 loan and plowed the profits into real estate.", "Spanos earned varsity letters in swimming and diving from the University of the Pacific during his time there though he never graduated.", "Net worth over time$1.1BBillionaires March 2012$1BBillionaires March 2013$1.1BBillionaires March 2014$1.3BBillionaires March 2015$1.7BBillionaires March 2016$2.4BForbes 400 October 2016$2.4BBillionaires March 2017$2.4BForbes 400 October 2017$2.4BBillionaires March 2018$2.4BForbes 400 October 2018NewsworthyMore", "ArticlesAlso on forbesLinkedIn Cofounder Reid Hoffman On His Billion-Dollar Impact Investing BetJeff Bezos Is $1.8 Billion Richer As Amazon's Market Cap Briefly Hits $1 TrillionNigerian Beverage Company AJEast Raises $50 Million" ]
{ "id": "train12509", "claim_title": "A. G. Spanos Companies", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "" }
[ [ 25 ] ]
Virgo also scored for Jamaica versus New Zealand on 29 February 2012.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Virgo targets long run in Boyz squad - Sports - Jamaica Gleaner - Sunday | March 4, 2012", "4 captures", "04 Mar 2012 - 21 Jul 2018", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "Focused crawls are collections of frequently-updated webcrawl data from narrow (as opposed to broad or wide) web crawls, often focused on a single domain or subdomain.", "Collection:", "The Wayback Machine -", "Sunday | March 4, 2012", "Lead Stories", "World News", "In Focus", "Art & Leisure", "Mobile Version", "Subscribe to this feed", "Join us on Facebook", "Follow us on Twitter", "# Virgo targets long run in Boyz squad", "Published: Sunday | March 4, 2012", "Comments 0", "Reggae Boyz defender Xavian Virgo.- file", "Audley Boyd, Assistant Editor - Sport", "Defenders do not come under pressure for not scoring goals.", "When they do, it provides a nice little bonus.", "Xavian Virgo delivered such an incentive last Wednesday, when he netted the opening goal in Jamaica's 3-2 win over New Zealand, in their friendly international in Auckland.", "Now, the diminutive Virgo is hoping that his first goal for Jamaica's senior team will provide the springboard to land himself a permanent spot among the Reggae Boyz.", "\"It's a great feeling,\" he said, referring to his landmark goal.", "\"I've been here working hard and trying to be a main member of the squad.", "I believe it is just paying off so I just have to keep my head up and focus on what I'm doing.\"", "The Boys' Town player made his debut six years ago.", "But the fact that he has only 18 caps signals his much abbreviated forays into the national team.", "\"It's not like it's my first year with the team, I've been in the team since 2006, I've played a lot of international games, it's just that I need to be more consistent so that I can have a spot in the team,\" he admitted.", "This goal could not have come at a better time, as head coach Theodore 'Tappa' Whitmore is looking at players to strengthen his squad in preparation for World Cup qualifying, which begins with a June 8 home encounter against Guatemala.", "The New Zealand encounter was one of three matches played by Jamaica in an eight-day period and Virgo featured in all, at the right full back position, where Whitmore also tested regular squaddie, central defender Richard Edwards.", "Others have played that position in matches prior, mainly the central defenders, a place where Virgo also serves his Premier League team.", "The goal apart, Virgo believes his recent play has enhanced his cause.", "\"Part of becoming a main member of the team is you have to perform game in game out, and that's one of the main reasons why I've been playing like that,\" he noted, when queried about his attacking forays.", "But he is quick to admit that \"it's very tough, international football, at the highest level, it's very hard, but you just have to keep focused and go through it step by step\".", "He added: \"As a player, you always want to market yourself and scoring goals is a plus.", "Scoring a goal just adds to the type of person I am, the things I can do and how creative I am.", "\"If you ain't giving the coach what he wants to see you ain't got a spot, so I've to be defending, scoring goals, it's all in the mix; you've to go out there and produce, give what you have, bring forth everything to the table and may the results show what you've done,\" the 26-year-old said.", "The comments on this page do not necessarily reflect the views of The Gleaner.", "The Gleaner reserves the right not to publish comments that may be deemed libelous, derogatory or indecent.", "Please keep comments short and precise.", "A maximum of 8 sentences should be the target.", "Longer responses/comments should be sent to \"Letters of the Editor\" using the feedback form provided.", "blog comments powered by Disqus", "More Sports", "Print this Page", "E-", "mail the Editor", "smaller | larger", "#### Ads by Google", "#### More Stories", "Istanbul now, London later - Clarke eyes Olympic spot", "Royal encounter -", "Sprint king preparing to meet Prince Harry", "The real problem with WI cricket", "Coach Campbell hails 'amazing' Stafanie", "Tivoli Gardens' Boyd ready to explode", "JMMB lifeline for pool's control box", "Wynter, Nangle head Carifta swim squad", "Proteas sweep Kiwis", "Defeat for Chelsea, Gunners win 2-1", "## In The Blogs" ]
{ "id": "train27076", "claim_title": "Xavian Virgo", "claim_section": "International career.", "claim_context": "Virgo made his debut for Jamaica in a September 2006 Gold Cup qualifying match against Saint Lucia. Xavian earned his ninth cap against South Africa after not been involved in the squad for over three years." }
[ [ 0, 139, 140, 153, 154, 181 ], [ 0, 133, 139, 140, 153, 154 ], [ 0, 139, 140, 142, 153, 154, 181 ], [ 0, 133, 139, 140, 142, 153, 154 ] ]
Tabula Poetica does the finalist judging in the California Coastal Commission K-12 Poetry Contest, and the May issue features winners and runners-up.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: California Coastal Commission", "Toggle Menu", "# California Coastal Commission", "Monthly Agenda", "Live Stream", "Rules & Procedures", "Future Agenda Items", "Services & Programs", "Property Owners", "Coastal Development Permits & Appeals", "Pending Appealable Items", "Local Governments", "Local Coastal Programs", "Federal Consistency", "Open Data", "Records Request", "Web Services & APIs", "Public Education", "For Schools", "Whale Tail Grants", "Climate Change", "Extreme Weather", "Sea Level Rise", "Environmental Justice", "Tribal Consultation", "Water Quality", "Ocean Acidification", "Marine Debris", "Oil Spill", "Our Mission", "Laws & Regulations", "Press & Media", "SLAA Report", "Strategic Plan", "Email List Signup", "YourCoast Web App", "YourCoast iOS App", "Coastal Access Guides", "Prescriptive Rights", "Public Access Easement Program", "California Coastal Trail", "Coastal Trail Videos", "Coastal Trail", "Publications and Maps", "Carbon Beach (Malibu) Public Shoreline Access Guide", "Escondido Beach (Malibu) Public Shoreline Access Guide", "Broad Beach (Malibu) Public Shoreline Access Guide", "Capistrano Beach (Dana Point) Shoreline Access Guide", "Malibu Public Beaches Guide", "Malibu Public Beaches Guide (in Spanish)", "Orange County Beach Access Map", "Mendocino County Coastal Trails Map", "Beach Wheelchairs", "Coastal Cleanup Day", "Amateur Phototography", "Student Video Challenge", "Student Art & Poetry", "Habitat Restoration", "Adopt-A-Beach", "King Tides Project", "Just for Fun", "Boating Clean & Green", "Whale Tail License Plate", "Protect the Coast Tax Check-Off", "Shop/Donate", "Monthly Agenda", "Live Stream", "Rules & Procedures", "Future Agenda Items", "Services & Programs", "Property Owners", "Coastal Development Permits", "Pending Appealable Items", "Local Governments", "Local Coastal Programs", "Federal Consistency", "Open Data", "Records Request", "Web Services & APIs", "Public Education", "Public Education", "For Schools", "Whale Tail ® Grants", "Climate Change", "Climate Change", "Extreme Weather", "Sea Level Rise", "Environmental Justice", "Tribal Consultation", "Water Quality", "Ocean Acidification", "Marine Debris", "Oil Spill", "Coastal Cleanup Day", "Amateur Phototography", "Student Video Challenge", "Student Art & Poetry", "Habitat Restoration", "Adopt-A-Beach", "King Tides Project", "Just for Fun", "Boating Clean & Green", "Whale Tail ® License Plate", "Protect The Coast Tax Check-Off", "Shop/Donate", "YourCoast App", "YourCoast Web App", "YourCoast iOS App", "Coastal Access Guides", "Prescriptive Rights", "Public Access Easement Program", "California Coastal Trail", "Coastal Trail Videos", "Coastal Trail", "Publications and Maps", "Carbon Beach (Malibu) Public Shoreline Access Guide", "Escondido Beach (Malibu) Public Shoreline Access Guide", "Broad Beach (Malibu) Public Shoreline Access Guide", "Capistrano Beach (Dana Point) Shoreline Access Guide", "Malibu Public Beaches Guide", "Malibu Public Beaches Guide (in Spanish)", "Orange County Beach Access Map", "Mendocino County Coastal Trails Map", "Beach Wheelchairs", "Our Mission", "Laws & Regulations", "Laws & Regulations", "Press & Media", "SLAA Report", "Strategic Plan", "Email List Signup", "Search Local Textfield", "Translate Website", "# Coastal Art & Poetry Contest", "## Entries for the next contest must be postmarked by January 31, 2020.", "Contest prizes provided in part by generous donations from Acorn", "Naturalists, Aquarium of the Pacific,", "Seymour Marine Discovery Center, and", "Blick Art Materials.", "Judging assistance", "provided by members of the Tabula Poetica Center", "for Poetry at Chapman University.", "Support this contest by purchasing prints of our winners and honorable mentions.", "View the 2019 Coastal Art & Poetry Contest online", "and on exhibit at the following locations:", "Estuary & Ocean Science Center,", "Tiburon, Discovery Day Open House on April 28, 2019", "Point Reyes Bear Valley Visitor Center,", "Point Reyes National Seashore, May and June 2019", "House Museum, Mendocino, July and August 2019", "Islands National Park Visitor Center, Ventura Harbor, September 10 - November 13, 2019", "Seymour Marine Discovery Center,", "Santa Cruz, December 3, 2019 - February 16, 2020", "Some of our poems and poets are featured in the May", "2018, 2017, 2016, and 2015 issues of TAB, The Journal of Poetry & Poetics.", "Artwork by Eden Yuen", "## Galleries of Past Winners:", "2019 |", "2018 |", "2017 |", "2016 |", "2015 |", "2014 |", "2013 |", "2012 |", "2011 |", "2010 |", "2009 |", "2008 |", "2007 |", "2006 |", "2005 |", "2004 |", "2003 |", "2002 |", "2001 |", "2000 |", "1999 |", "## Contest Guidelines:", "#### To receive an email when the winners are announced, you must sign up for the contest mailing list.", "#### WHO:", "All California residents in kindergarten through grade 12 are invited to participate.", "There are five grade categories for awards in both art and poetry: K-1, 2-3, 4-6, 7-9, and 10-12.", "#### WHAT:", "Entries must have a California coastal or California marine theme (e.g. no tropical or Arctic", "settings or species; for help with California species, click here.)", "Art does not need to depict specific places or species, but if it does, they must be California", "places and species.", "Meaning, sometimes a fish is just a \"fish,\" but if it's a recognizable type", "of fish", ", make sure it's one that lives here!", "And while you can submit a poem about a \"the beach,\"", "please don't submit one about Waikiki Beach.", "Poems and art must be student's original work.", "Poetry can be dictated to or", "translated by the teacher or parent if necessary.", "(Please make a note if that's the case, and", "include the original language text if translated.) If using a photo taken by someone else as a model", "(of an animal, for example), image must be significantly altered to avoid plagiarism.", "Art should not be traced from another", "artist's work, and no hands other than the student's own should be involved in the creation of the artwork.", "Art should be no larger than 11 inches by 17 inches.", "Acceptable art media are paint, pencil, markers, ink, crayon, chalk or", "pastel (fixed), and collage.", "Three-dimensional pieces, computer printouts, photography, or photocopies are", "not eligible in this contest.", "Glitter is not allowed; any package containing it will be returned.", "Students may enter multiple pieces of art, poetry, or both.", "Multiple entries", "(whether from one student or from a group", ") can be sent in one package.", "All entries must include a completed contest Entry Form.", "Artists: Please include a short statement of a paragraph or less describing what", "about the coast or ocean inspired you to create your artwork.", "If needed, this can be dictated to or", "translated by the teacher or parent.", "(Please make a note if that's the case.)", "This statement can be", "attached to the back of the artwork with the entry form, or included in the envelope.", "Poems do not", "need a statement.", "Winners will be selected in art and poetry in each of five grade-level categories (K-1, 2-3, 4-6, 7-9, and 10-12)", "to receive a $100 gift certificate for art supplies courtesy of Blick Art Materials", "(for winners in art) or to a book store of their choice (for winners in poetry).", "Winners, winners' teachers, and honorable", "mentions will receive tickets to Aquarium of the Pacific, courtesy", "of the Aquarium, and Seymour Marine Discovery Center, courtesy", "of the Discovery Center", "Each winner's sponsoring teacher will receive a gift certificate for $50 for educational materials", "courtesy of Acorn Naturalists.", "#### WHEN:", "Entries must be postmarked by January 31, 2020.", "Winners will be contacted directly and announced in April on this website.", "To receive an email when the winners are announced,", "SIGN UP FOR THE CONTEST MAILING LIST.", "#### HOW:", "Review and complete the Guidelines and Entry Form and submit it", "with your art (and artist's statement) or poetry to:", "COASTAL ART AND POETRY CONTEST", "California Coastal Commission", "45 Fremont Street, Suite 2000", "San Francisco, CA 94105", "Students may have their work featured in California Coastal Commission materials and", "webpages. Artwork will only be returned if it is submitted with adequate postage", "and an address label for reuse of your original packaging (preferred) or a self-addressed, stamped", "envelope of the correct size.", "Do not include cash or check, only actual postage.", "Entries that", "do not include these items at the time of submittal can not be returned.", "Poetry will not be", "returned", "There have been rare instances of packages being lost in the mail, so you may want", "to make a scan or photo of your work before sending it.", "Please be sure to", "pay for any USPS envelopes you use and have the post office cancel the bar code on the back!", "We can", "no longer cover the cost of USPS envelopes.", "Multiple entries may be returned in one package if preferred.", "It may take until mid-May to return all the requested artwork, depending on the number of entries.", "If you must have your piece back by an earlier date (such as for an AP portfolio), please enclose", "a note with your entry.", "Winners and honorable mentions will be retained by the Commission for approximately", "one year for public exhibit.", "For more information, or to request to have an entry form emailed, mailed, or faxed to you, contact", "the California Coastal Commission at or", "(415) 597-5888", "2020 Entry Form and Guidelines in English", "2020 Entry Form and Guidelines in Spanish", "(Poems must be in English, although poems in languages other than English may be submitted accompanied", "by a translation.)", "2020 Contest Flyer", "2020 Contest flyer in Spanish", "## CALIFORNIA SPECIES:", "If specific species or habitats are depicted in an entry, they must be", "California species and habitats.", "(Of course, entries may be more abstract, and particular", "species need not be identifiable; but students are discouraged from submitting", "obviously non-California images such as clownfish, coconut palms, walruses, penguins, etc., or", "landscapes of identifiable non-California locations.)", "Below are some websites with images and information", "about the many native species of the California coast.", "If you know of another website to add to this list,", "please email us.", "These sites", "should be used for habitat and species information only.", "If using a photo model taken by someone else, the image must", "be significantly altered to avoid plagiarism.", "A Photographic Guide to Plants of Humboldt Bay Dunes and Wetlands", "Humboldt Bay Species and Habitats", "Farallon National Wildlife Refuge Photo Gallery", "Natural History of Elkhorn Slough", "Salinas River National Wildlife Refuge Photo Gallery", "Tidepool Ecology and Common Organisms, Laguna Ocean Foundation", "Upper Newport Bay Project Plant Identification Guide", "Monterey Bay Aquarium Animal Guide (Be sure to check that the \"Range\" includes the state of California)", "CalPhotos: Landscapes & Habitats", "(Choose US State = California, and select appropriate Habitat Type)", "Introduction to Marine Mammals, The Marine Mammal Center", "Sanctuary Integrated Monitoring Network Photo Library of animals, habitats, locations, and issues of the Cordell Bank, Gulf of Farallones and Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary", "National Marine Sanctuaries Media Library -", "In the \"offices\" dropdown menu, choose National Marine Sanctuaries, then in the \"divisions\" menu choose Channel Islands, Cordell Bank,", "Greater Farallones, or Monterey Bay", "California Ocean and Coastal Photography Contest", "California Coastal Web Cams", "## For Teachers:", "Find free curricula and other resources on our For", "Educators webpage.", "#### Inspiration Brainstorming:", "Below are a few questions that might help encourage artwork or poetry.", "Entries", "need not be about anything in particular except the California coast or ocean.", "Students should", "create whatever our coast inspires them to create.", "Have you ever been to a California beach?", "Have you read a story/heard a song/seen a movie about the beach or ocean?", "What do you do at the beach?", "What do you see at the beach?", "What animals live on the coast or in the ocean off California?", "How are people connected to the ocean?", "What colors can you see at the beach?", "What sounds do you hear at the beach?", "What textures do you feel at the beach?", "Why do you love the beach or the ocean?", "What things may harm the California coast?", "What does the ocean make you think of?", "How does the ocean make you feel?", "How can we protect the ocean?", "Do you have a memory of being at the coast that was special/powerful/sad/comforting/mundane...", "What would California/your life/your community be like without the ocean?", "What is California/your life/your community like because of the ocean?", "## Need Common Core connections to the poetry contest?", "Poetry can be used to convey opinion (Writing Standard 1), inform (Grades K-2 Writing Standard 2),", "and narrate events (Writing Standard 3).", "Peer review and revision strengthens the final product", "(Writing Standard 5).", "A poem can recall information from experiences (e.g. a visit to the beach) or", "can be inspired by sources such as a book about the ocean or images and descriptions of ocean species", "(Grades K-5 Writing Standard 8).", "A poem can be the culmination of a research project, or accompany", "a more traditional research paper to expand on the ideas and/or emotions evoked by the topic (Writing", "Standard 7) or to reach a different audience with the information (Writing Standard 10).", "Reciting a student's own poetry can be a powerful and enlightening experience (Grades 1, 5, and 9-10", "Speaking and Listening Standard 4; Grade 2 Speaking and Listening Standard 5).", "The poetry can inspire", "art entries as well (Speaking and Listening Standard 5) - just be sure to submit the art with its own", "entry form", "Poetry is an opportunity to practice English conventions (Language Standard 1 and 2).", "It's also an", "opportunity to explore the impact of informal language usage and various conventions (Language Standard 3)", "and nuances in word meanings (Language Standard 5).", "Read two", "educators' opinion on poetry and the Common Core writing standards.", "Questions?", "Email or call (415) 597-5888." ]
{ "id": "train29318", "claim_title": "Tabula Poetica", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "Past reading series participants include Pulitzer Prize winners Rae Armantrout and C. K. Williams, Carolyn Forché, Ada Límon, Alan Shapiro, Allison Joseph, Ilya Kaminsky, Allison Benis White, Karen An-hwei Lee, Linh Dinh, Richard Deming, Jen Bervin, Kate Greenstreet, Nancy Kuhl, Lynne Thompson, and others. \n The journal \"TAB\" includes poetry, critical essays about poetry, poetry book reviews, and other content. Leahy serves as its editor, and Claudine Jaenichen serves as its Creative Director. A print issue appears every January, and electronic issues appear in March, May, July, September, and November. Poets whose work has appeared in \"TAB\" include C. K. Williams, Allison Joseph, Denise Duhamel, Laila Shikaki, and others." }
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He won the gold medal in the team pursuit event.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Paolo Pedretti Bio, Stats, and Results | Olympics at", "18 captures", "16 Dec 2012 - 18 Apr 2020", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "The Internet Archive discovers and captures web pages through many different web crawls.", "At any given time several distinct crawls are running, some for months, and some every day or longer.", "View the web archive through the Wayback Machine.", "Collection: Live Web Proxy Crawls", "Content crawled via the Wayback Machine Live Proxy mostly by the Save Page Now feature on", "Liveweb proxy is a component of Internet Archive's wayback machine project.", "The liveweb proxy captures the content of a web page in real time, archives it into a ARC or WARC file and returns the ARC/WARC record back to the wayback machine to process.", "The recorded ARC/WARC file becomes part of the wayback machine in due course of time.", "The Wayback Machine -", "Sports-Reference:", "Baseball ·", "(college) ·", "(college) ·", "Hockey ·", "Olympics ·", "S-R Blog ·", "Question or Comment?", "AD FREE", "You Are Here > OLY Home > Athletes > Paolo Pedretti", "News: Widgets - Our Stats, Your Site »post", "Support us without the ads?", "Go Ad-Free.", "# Paolo Pedretti", "Full name: Mario Paolo Pedretti", "Gender: Male", "Born: January 22, 1906 in Orsenigo, Como, Italy", "Died: February 22, 1983 in Tavernerio, Como, Italy", "Country: Italy", "Sport: Cycling", "Medals: 1 Gold (1 Total)", "## Biography", "Paolo Pedretti rode on the track, the road, and cyclo-cross and was successful in all disciplines.", "His first victories came in 1926 and 1928.", "He later set amateur world records for the hour in 1931 with more than 42 km and in 1935 with more than 43 km.", "Although in many sources he was listed as a professional from 1929-34, he took part in the 1932 Olympics.", "Pedretti ended his active career in 1950, after having won some road races as a veteran in the post-war era.", "## Results", "1932 Summer", "Los Angeles", "Men's Team Pursuit, 4,000 metres", "## Men's Team Pursuit, 4,000 metres", "Event History", "1932 Summer", "Los Angeles", "Final Round", "Match 1/2", "1932 Summer", "Los Angeles", "Semi-Finals", "Heat Two", "1932 Summer", "Los Angeles", "Qualifying Round", "QU/OR", "id: 16,058" ]
{ "id": "train06497", "claim_title": "Paolo Pedretti", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "\n Paolo Pedretti (22 January 1906 – 22 February 1983) was an Italian cyclist who competed in the 1932 Summer Olympics." }
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In a retrospective review, IGN gave the game 7 out of 10.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Tempo Review - IGN", "(meta data) COPYRIGHT: IGN Entertainment, Inc.", "10 captures", "25 Jun 2016 - 07 Jul 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "These crawls are part of an effort to archive pages as they are created and archive the pages that they refer to.", "That way, as the pages that are referenced are changed or taken from the web, a link to the version that was live when the page was written will be preserved.", "Then the Internet Archive hopes that references to these archived pages will be put in place of a link that would be otherwise be broken, or a companion link to allow people to see what was originally intended by a page's authors.", "The goal is to fix all broken links on the web.", "Crawls of supported \"No More 404\" sites.", "Collection: Wikipedia Near Real Time (from IRC)", "This is a collection of web page captures from links added to, or changed on, Wikipedia pages.", "The idea is to bring a reliability to Wikipedia outlinks so that if the pages referenced by Wikipedia articles are changed, or go away, a reader can permanently find what was originally referred to.", "This is part of the Internet Archive's attempt to rid the web of broken links.", "The Wayback Machine -", "Big Story", "Players Think They May Have Found God of War's 'Final' Easter Egg", "Halo: Fireteam Raven Review", "Tempo Review", "Trending Today", "Halo: Fireteam Raven Review", "Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 Review", "Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion Review", "Far Cry 5: Lost on Mars DLC Review", "The Culling 2 Review", "Danger Zone 2 Review", "Earthfall Review", "Octopath Traveler Review", "Realm Royale Early Access Review", "Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker - Switch and 3DS Review", "Sonic Mania Plus/Encore DLC Review", "Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War Review", "Pokemon Quest Review", "Red Faction: Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered Review", "Call of Duty: WW2 - United Front DLC Review", "The Crew 2 Review", "Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle - Donkey Kong Adventure Review", "Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus for Switch Review", "Inside for Nintendo Switch Review", "Reviewed on 32X /", "18 Nov 2008 3:19 PM PST", "# Tempo Review", "Yo, homey, peace in.", "By Travis Fahs", "On the surface, Tempo might have seemed like another \"me too\" '90s mascot, and from the incredibly cheesy rap song that introduces him (\"Tempo, check it out ya' know/He makes it funky and he's good to go\") to his too-cool-for-the-room persona, you'd be half right.", "But Tempo wasn't so much of a cash-in as it was a throwback, the spiritual successor to Hudson's Bonk series, with slower-paced, pure platform gameplay, and as one of the handful of quality originals on SEGA's doomed 32X, it's worth a second look.", "The similarities to Bonk are no coincidence.", "Tempo was directed by Bonk's creator, Keisuke Abe, and many of the same characteristic design elements are easy to spot.", "Like the prehistoric TurboGrafx mascot, Tempo is a leisurely walker (though he does have a dash ability) and playing well means finding ways to bounce from enemy to enemy without hitting the ground.", "Tempo can also glide with his wings, just as Bonk could with his spin, and in some spots he can grab onto walls.", "He has a few tricks of his own, of course, with the ability to stun enemies from across the screen by snapping musical notes from his fingers, and a handy roundhouse kick to finish them off.", "By the time it hit the shelves, a lot of these elements seemed quite dated, and Tempo is definitely a simple game, but its purist approach wasn't lost on everyone.", "As a personality-driven game, Tempo walks the line between originality and cliché.", "The eponymous big-headed anthropomorphic cricket is an appealing if slightly creepy lead, and he remains blissfully quiet, without uttering nasal wisecracks and movie quotes like so many of his peers.", "The story, of course, involves some nasty king trying to abolish fun, but it dodges clichés with a game show format that casts the funky bug as a contestant out to save the world and earn a few bucks.", "His girlfriend, a butterfly named Katy, tags along, and actually helps to kick some ass instead of playing the damsel in distress.", "Go, Tempo, go!", "If nothing else, Tempo's style was unimpeachable.", "The animation was smooth, expressive, crisp, and clear.", "Tempo bops to the beat, busts a move when it's time celebrate, and flips and twirls as he clobbers enemies from above.", "The backgrounds were a surreal, shifting, jumping jumble of colored layers.", "Everything about the look was undeniably funky and colorful, even if it wasn't much of a showcase for the 32-bit platform.", "That lack of technical flash might have been the biggest problem, at least at the time.", "The unlucky few that actually dropped $170 of a 32X while it was still fresh were looking for something to justify the costly upgrade.", "Tempo's only use of the 32X hardware was a colorful background layer, scaling effects on some early bosses, and a recorded theme song – a small notch up from what the Genesis could do, but still well within Super Nintendo territory.", "The foregrounds, sprites, and the rest of the music were all handled by the Genesis hardware, and the end result was a game that, for all intents and purposes, seemed stuck in 16-bit.", "Even the soundtrack was surprisingly indistinct for a game with a music theme.", "It's not that any of it is bad, and some of the songs will stick in your head, but parts of the soundtrack are overused, and some layers of the music only play when Katy is around.", "But when you look past the technical merits, you're left with a game pure in spirit.", "There are no loops, no careening down hills, no giant, rotating mazes.", "This isn't a game of gimmicks, but the fundamentals are strong.", "The simple set of moves makes for a compelling game, and finding routes to string together enemies for high scores is good, clean fun.", "It can be a fairly challenging romp too, and there's a harder difficulty mode for the masochistic and the experienced.", "## The Verdict", "Tempo was never a great game.", "It was simplistic, a little repetitive, and smacked of a dying generation in graphics and gameplay.", "Still, despite that, it's hard not to find something genuinely charming about it.", "The character, art, animation, and strange sense of humor make for a memorable experience, and the classic gameplay was nostalgic, even when the game was new.", "Even though it was never really a hit, Red Company was right to realize they were onto something.", "After a faithful Game Gear sequel, and a Rayman-esque departure on Saturn, the series was retired, but it will always be the original vision that remains the purest.", "An overpriced 32-bit upgrade wasn't the right platform to sell a game like Tempo, but with a few years behind us, maybe it's time we gave it a second chance.", "IN THIS ARTICLE", "Released May 5th, 1995", "18 Nov 2008", "Read our review standards", "A clever game show theme, a handful of bonus mini-games a memorable intro flatter the game nicely.", "It's more colorful than a Genesis game, but nothing the SNES couldn't do.", "The animation is still impressive, but it wastes the extra horsepower, and it uses a lot of repetitive backgrounds.", "Apart from the deliciously cheesy theme song, most of the music doesn't stand out, but that doesn't make it bad.", "It's a simple game that borrows heavily from Bonk.", "Either that appeals to you, or it doesn't.", "Lasting Appeal", "The seven stages only last a couple hours, like most games of the day.", "There's an adjustable difficulty, and score ranking at the end of the game that extend its life.", "Buying Guide Powered by IGN Deals", "IGN Recommends", "Chris Hardwick Returning to Talking Dead", "Marvel Just Completely Changed Venom's Origin", "Monster Hunter: World's PC Port Actually Runs Great So Far", "HBO Boss Says Westworld Is 'Not for Casual Viewers'", "Daily Deals: Octopath Traveler Wayfarer Edition, Apple Watch, and Samsung 4K TVs", "Heads Up: You Can Preorder Subscriptions to Nintendo Switch Online", "Netflix in Aug: Ozark, Good Place, Batman Begins and More", "HBO President Gives Update on Game of Thrones' Final Season" ]
{ "id": "train48860", "claim_title": "Tempo (video game)", "claim_section": "Reception.", "claim_context": "On release, \"Famicom Tsūshin\" scored the game a 30 out of 40. Though they commented on the lack of originality in the gameplay, \"GamePro\" concluded that \"Tempo'\"s \"dazzling\" background graphics, rich soundtrack, and extremely low difficulty make it \"a perfect game for novices.\" They gave the game a 4 out of 5 overall. \n \"Next Generation\" reviewed the game, rating it two stars out of five, and stated that \"none of [its] good qualities keep \"Tempo\" from missing the beat and being yet another poor 32X effort.\" \n Four reviewers for the Japanese \"Sega Saturn Magazine\" gave it scores of 6,4,6,7, for an average of 6.25. \n" }
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The original Chromecast measures 2.83 inches (72 mm) in length and has an HDMI plug built into the body.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: One week with Google's new Chromecast: A slicker dongle, but no rush to upgrade | VentureBeat", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2015-10-09T15:27:27+00:00", "# One week with Google's new Chromecast: A slicker dongle, but no rush to upgrade", "Paul Sawers@psawers October 9, 2015 8:27 AM", "Above: Chromecast 2", "Image Credit: Paul Sawers / VentureBeat", "## MOST READ", "Waymo cars refuse to drive in unsafe conditions", "LG Dual Screen review: A foldable enigma", "If Apple Watch adopts Apple Card's poor titanium coating, look out", "Huawei details AI chips for training and inference", "VMware acquires Pivotal and Carbon Black for nearly $5 billion", "## UPCOMING EVENTS", "GamesBeat Summit 2020", "April 28-29, 2020", "Google announced the second incarnation of its Chromecast last week, and the Internet giant made the video-streaming dongle available to buy hours later — about as short a launch-to-purchase window as you get.", "With 20 million units sold in the two years since launch, there's little question that the original Chromecast was a resounding success.", "At $35, it offered a ridiculously affordable price point, and at around a third of the price of an Apple TV, it proved to be a minor game-changer in the home entertainment realm.", "Anyone with an Android or iOS device could effectively \"beam\" videos from Netflix, YouTube, BBC iPlayer, and a host of other local streaming services from their pocket rocket to the big screen.", "An update to the hardware was long overdue, so there was much anticipation around what Google had in store the second time around.", "VentureBeat has been using the new Chromecast for one week now — here are our initial thoughts.", "## Unboxed", "Out of the box, you get a Chromecast, micro USB cable, and a main power adapter.", "If your TV has an integrated USB port, however, you should just plug the Chromecast directly into that and bypass the wall outlet altogether.", "Above: Chromecast Unboxed", "## Looks", "The most obvious difference between the two versions of the Chromecast is cosmetic — the design has been given a complete overhaul.", "And the upgrade is somewhat sexier, as much as an object such as this can lay claim to sex appeal.", "With the original version, the HDMI on the first Chromecast dongle was built directly into the body, whereas on the second version it's an integrated cable.", "This is actually much better, as it it's easier to squeeze the device in if the cables at the back of your television resemble Spaghetti Junction.", "The cable on the new Chromecast is magnetic, too, making it easy to attach to the main unit for transportation.", "Above: Chromecast 1 (bottom) vs. Chromecast 2", "Additionally, Chromecast v 2.0 is available in yellow and red, as well as the original black.", "I'm not sure this is a huge selling point, given that the device will nearly always be hidden away at the back of the television.", "But hey, if color variation is what people want…", "## Setting up", "Setting up the new Chromecast is exactly the same process as with the first incarnation, but if you're completely new to this, here's how it works.", "You'll need to plug the Chromecast into an HDMI port in the back of your television, and then download either the Android or iOS app, or install the Chromecast plugin for the Chrome Web browser which mirrors your PC screen.", "Above: Chromecast: Pluggin' in", "Image Credit: Google", "Make sure you switch the input on your TV remote to the relevant HDMI source (e.g. HDMI 1 or HDMI 2), and launch the mobile app on your phone.", "It will then guide you through the setup process, which basically involves connecting the Chromecast to your home Wi-Fi.", "Above: Chromecast: Wi-", "Fi", "Alongside the Chromecast launch last week, Google also rolled out an updated version of the Chromecast app.", "It now highlights what apps on your phone are Chromecast-compatible, and shows you other apps you may be interested in.", "This update works for both the old and new versions of Chromecast.", "Above: Chromecast App", "With your Chromecast \"on,\" launch a compatible video or audio app, tap the little cast icon on the top right, and you should be good to go.", "## Performance", "So far, so good.", "But is there actually anything different going on under the hood of the new Chromecast?", "Yes, there is — but you may not notice the change.", "Certainly, I did a straight swap from version 1 to version 2, and I've not observed any real difference in performance, with apps and programs taking exactly the same amount of time to load and play.", "But this is something that will likely change over time.", "The new version of Chromecast supports a feature called \"Fast Play\" which will be opened to developers like Netflix imminently, offering content-caching to preload programs it thinks you may wish to view next.", "The first such integrations are expected to arrive in 2016.", "It also supports dual-band 802.11ac wireless networking standard, which should make it more reliable if you live in a congested area with lots of people battling for bandwidth, as the Chromecast 2 can switch between the 2.4GHz and 5Ghz frequency.", "So if buffering is a big problem for you, then this may fix it.", "But I've never noticed any real issue on that front anyway, so this fixes a problem that simply didn't exist for me.", "It's also worth noting that the new Chromecast still only supports 1080p video, not 4K such as the new Roku or Amazon Fire TV devices.", "With more content coming out at 4K quality, this could be a deal-breaker for some.", "## Music", "Though Google also launched a new standalone Chromecast device specifically for your home music system, the main Chromecast unit itself already supported a number of audio-streaming services and apps, including TuneIn, Deezer, and Rdio.", "As of last week, Spotify has jumped onboard, too — though this only works on the new version of the Chromecast, for now, which will be a big selling-point for those considering an upgrade.", "However, it's worth noting here that support will soon be added for the old Chromecast, too.", "## Gaming", "At its big launch event last week, Google revealed that gaming will become a bigger part of the Chromecast experience — you will be able to beam games such as Angry Birds from your phone to the big screen and use your phone as a controller, with live split-screen racing available for you and your buddies to compete.", "Apple too is targeting gamers, but the Chromecast costs $35 and the cheapest new Apple TV is $149.", "There are functional trade-offs, for sure, between the Chromecast and Apple TV, but money certainly talks.", "Time will only tell whether the new Chromecast can deliver as a serious gaming platform.", "## Should I buy?", "If you don't already have a Chromecast, then it's a no-brainer that you'd want to procure the second version of the device — it's the same price and generally slicker than its predecessor.", "However, I've not identified any real discernible difference from a usability or functionality perspective.", "Of course, if you have issues with buffering on your current Chromecast, and have 802.11ac Wi-Fi in your home, that alone may make an upgrade worthwhile.", "The only real difference from a feature point of view, for now, is that Chromecast 2 works with Spotify, but, as noted, this compatibility will be extended to the first version too in a matter of weeks.", "Looking to the future, the benefits of the upgraded hardware should become apparent, with \"Fast Play\" and better support for games added to the mix.", "But for now, there's no immediate rush to upgrade.", "The new Chromecast is available to purchase online now for $35 (or your local currency equivalent)." ]
{ "id": "train06970", "claim_title": "Chromecast", "claim_section": "Hardware and design.:First generation.", "claim_context": "" }
[ [ 20, 21 ], [ 0, 20, 21 ] ]
On 21 June 2016, she participated in the BBC's Wembley Arena Debate, as a panellist for the "Remain" campaign with Frances O'Grady and Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan; and former Mayor of London and Conservative MP Boris Johnson, Labour MP Gisela Stuart and Conservative MP Andrea Leadsom, who argued on behalf of the "Leave" campaign as part of a cross-party debate.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: EU referendum debate: Sadiq Khan and Ruth Davidson give Remain the punch it needs", "19 captures", "22 Jun 2016 - 14 Aug 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Alexa Crawls", "Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive.", "Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.", "Collection: Alexa Crawls", "Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive.", "Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.", "The Wayback Machine -", "##", "Follow us", "on Twitter", "New Statesman", "## Search form", "Getty Images", "Show Hide image", "The Staggers", "21 June 2016", "# EU referendum debate: Sadiq Khan and Ruth Davidson give Remain the punch it needs", "By George Eaton", "Follow @@georgeeaton", "› \"I support Remain\": John Barnes rejects Michael Gove's claim that he is pro-Brexit", "George Eaton is political editor of the New Statesman.", "## Most Popular", "Last 24 hours", "##### Divided Britain: how the EU referendum exposed Britain's new culture war", "By Stephen Bush", "##### The left wing case for leaving the EU", "By John King", "##### Michael Sandel: \"The energy of the Brexiteers and Trump is born of the failure of elites\"", "By Jason Cowley", "##### The Great Huckster: Boris Johnson's reckless distortions of history", "By Brendan Simms", "##### Cybersecurity – Risk Management Crashes the Boardroom", "By Be Cyber Sure", "#### Related articles", "##### There are sinister goings-on in the race to become the UN's next Secretary-General", "##### A father's murderous rage, the first victims of mass killers and Trump's phantom campaign", "##### I want my country back", "### TRIAL OFFER", "#### 12 issues for £12 + FREE book", "LEARN MORE", "Close This week's magazine", "# Good journalism is expensive.", "We notice you have ad blocking software enabled.", "Support the New Statesman's quality, independent journalism by contributing now — and this message will disappear for the next 30 days.", "If we cannot support the site on advertising revenue, we will have to introduce a pay wall — meaning fewer readers will have access to our incisive analysis, comprehensive culture coverage and groundbreaking long reads." ]
{ "id": "train14483", "claim_title": "Ruth Davidson", "claim_section": "Policies and views.:European Union.", "claim_context": "Before the United Kingdom European Union membership referendum held on 23 June 2016, she campaigned against British withdrawal from the European Union." }
[ [ 66 ], [ 0, 103 ], [ 103, 129 ] ]
On 26 June 2015 an Islamist mass shooting attack occurred at the tourist resort at Port El Kantaoui, about 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) north of the City of Sousse, Tunisia.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Islamic State claims responsibility for Tunisia attack", "26 captures", "21 Mar 2015 - 06 May 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "These crawls are part of an effort to archive pages as they are created and archive the pages that they refer to.", "That way, as the pages that are referenced are changed or taken from the web, a link to the version that was live when the page was written will be preserved.", "Then the Internet Archive hopes that references to these archived pages will be put in place of a link that would be otherwise be broken, or a companion link to allow people to see what was originally intended by a page's authors.", "The goal is to fix all broken links on the web.", "Crawls of supported \"No More 404\" sites.", "Collection: Wikipedia Near Real Time (from IRC)", "This is a collection of web page captures from links added to, or changed on, Wikipedia pages.", "The idea is to bring a reliability to Wikipedia outlinks so that if the pages referenced by Wikipedia articles are changed, or go away, a reader can permanently find what was originally referred to.", "This is part of the Internet Archive's attempt to rid the web of broken links.", "The Wayback Machine -", "More >", "Health & Fitness", "Food & Drink", "You are using an older browser version.", "Please use a supported version for the best MSN experience.", "# Islamic State claims responsibility for Tunisia attack", "Associated Press", "Replay Video", "UP NEXT", "White House urged top Bannon donor to sever ties", "Sources tell CBS News chief White House correspondent Major Garrett that White House officials urged Rebekah Mercer -- a top backer of Steve Bannon -- to cut ties to with him.", "Franco Ordoñez of McClatchy DC and Caitlin Huey-Burns of Real Clear Politics join \"Red and Blue\" with more.", "CBS News", "US suspends security assistance to Pakistan", "CNN's Sophia Saifi explains the reaction to the decision by President Donald Trump to end security assistance to Pakistan.", "Northeast hammered by winter storm", "The Northeast faces another day of high winds and life-threatening cold as the remnants of a powerful winter storm continue to affect the region.", "CNN's Derek Van Dam reports.", "Islamic State Claims Responsibility for Tunisia", "Associated Press", "See more videos", "What to watch next", "### White House urged top Bannon donor to sever ties", "CBS News", "### US suspends security assistance to Pakistan", "### Northeast hammered by winter storm", "### Sessions to rescind Obama-era marijuana policy", "### Winter storm slams the southeast, heads north", "FOX News", "### Thousands of flights canceled due to winter storm", "CBS News", "### Trump lawyers demand Bannon 'cease-and-desist'", "Reuters America", "### Dow breaks above 25,000 for first time", "Reuters America", "### No Big Powerball Winner", "CBS Miami", "### New twist in case of U.S. woman facing 20 years in Zimbabwe prison", "NBC News", "### Mom starts movement to keep kids off smartphones until 8th grade", "### Slick roads as snow blankets southeast", "CBS News", "### India limits visitors to save Taj Mahal", "### Security flaws put virtually all phones, computers at risk", "### What it actually takes to launch nuclear weapons", "CBS News", "### Minnesota Snowmobiler Dies In Montana Avalanche", "CBS Minnesota", "UP NEXT", "TUNIS, Tunisia (AP) -", "The Islamic State group claimed responsibility Thursday for the attack that killed 21 people at a museum.", "But Tunisian authorities said the two slain gunmen had no clear links to extremists, and analysts said existing militant cells are merely being inspired by the group, rather than establishing its presence across North Africa.", "Police announced the arrest of five people described as directly tied to the two gunmen who opened fire Wednesday at the National Bardo Museum.", "Four others said to be supporters of the cell also were arrested in central Tunisia, not far from where a group claiming allegiance to al-Qaida's North African branch has been active.", "Tunisians stepped around trails of blood and broken glass outside the museum to rally in solidarity with the 21 victims - most of them foreign tourists from cruise ships - and with the country's fledgling democracy.", "Marchers carried signs saying, \"No to terrorism,\" and \"Tunisia is bloodied but still standing.\"", "In claiming responsibility for the attack, the Islamic State group issued a statement and audio on jihadi websites applauding the dead gunmen as \"knights\" for their \"blessed invasion of one of the dens of infidels and vice in Muslim Tunisia.\"", "Several well-armed groups in neighboring and chaotic Libya have already pledged their allegiance to Islamic State based in Iraq and Syria, but the attack of such magnitude in Tunisia - the only country to emerge from the Arab Spring uprisings with a functioning democracy - raised concern about the spread of extremism to the rest of North Africa.", "Analysts cautioned against seeing every such attack as evidence of a well-organized, centrally controlled entity spanning the Middle East, saying instead that small groups could merely be taking inspiration from the high-profile militant group.", "\"I think (the Islamic State) is probably taking credit for something it may not have played a role in,\" said Geoff Porter, a security analyst for North Africa.", "Even as it is under pressure from rival militias in Libya and U.S.-backed forces in Iraq, the extremist group appears to be trying to raise its profile by associating itself with attacks around the region.", "Confronted with a poor economy, young Tunisians have disproportionately gone abroad to fight with extremist groups in Libya, Syria and Iraq, including some affiliated with the Islamic State.", "Upon their return home, some may have decided to carry out attacks on their own.", "Tunisian authorities have estimated that of the 3,000 young people who left the country to fight with radical groups, about 500 have returned.", "\"It could have been people who fought with the Islamic State or were inspired by it,\" said Raffaello Pantucci, director of International Security Studies at the Royal United Services Institute, a British think tank.", "\"Some guys may have come back, not liked what the government is doing, and attacked the tourist industry to hurt the economy - a classic move.\"", "Until now, Tunisia's most deadly group was the Oqba Ibn Nafaa brigade, which is allied to al-Qaida and based in the mountains near the Algerian border.", "Previously, it has confined its attacks to political figures and security services.", "\"While Tunisia's ultra-radical Islamist fringe was most associated with al-Qaida, there is no reason why the jihadi underground shouldn't have changed its tutelage,\" said Jon Marks, associate fellow at Chatham House, a London think tank.", "\"However, whether this 'rebranding' goes as far as direct command and compliance structures is far from clear.\"", "While militant attacks may not necessarily have been centrally planned, they have succeeded in spreading fear and damaging the economy - and giving the impression of an all-powerful radical Islamic network extending its reach.", "Tunisia is particularly vulnerable to such attacks because its economy has struggled since the country became the birthplace of the Arab Spring by overthrowing its dictator in 2011.", "At a news conference Thursday, Prime Minister Habib Essid announced new security measures around the country, including a crackdown on websites seen as promoting terrorism.", "The deaths of so many foreigners will damage Tunisia's tourism industry, which draws thousands of foreigners to its Mediterranean beaches, desert oases and ancient Roman ruins.", "The industry had just started to recover after years of decline.", "Two cruise ships that had 17 passengers among the dead quickly left the port of Tunis early Thursday, citing safety concerns, and the vessels' operators suspended visits to the country.", "Culture Minister Latifa Lakhdar gave a defiant news conference at the museum, where blood still stained the floor amid the Roman-era mosaics.", "\"They are targeting knowledge.", "They are targeting science.", "They are targeting reason.", "They are targeting history.", "They are targeting memory, because all these things mean nothing in their eyes,\" she told reporters.", "In the afternoon, authorities opened the gates of the museum for a rally in defiance of the bloodshed.", "About 500 people - some carrying flowers for the victims - held a moment of silence before singing Tunisia's national anthem.", "Participants included black-robed lawyers, families with children, and teenagers swathed in the red-and-white Tunisian flag.", "A funeral was held for Aymen Morjen - an elite member of Tunisia's security force who was killed at the museum.", "Interior Minister Mohamed Najem Gharsalli and House Speaker Mohamed Ennaceur attended the service.", "It was among the museum's Roman-era mosaics that the militants dressed in military uniforms and armed with grenades and assault rifles took hostages and began shooting the foreigners.", "\"Suddenly, we started to hear the gunshots, so we all tried to escape and all of us tried to save ourselves as best we could,\" said Bruna Scherini, an Italian who arrived by cruise ship.", "She told Sky TG24 from her hospital bed: \"We tried to hide behind the exhibits and in the corners where there was a little hiding place.\"", "A Spanish man and a pregnant Spanish woman who survived hid in the museum all night in fear.", "Spain's foreign minister said police searched all night before Juan Carlos Sanchez and Cristina Rubio were found Thursday morning by security forces.", "The Health Ministry said the death toll rose to 23 on Thursday - 20 of them foreign tourists.", "Nearly 50 people were wounded.", "Three Tunisians were killed, including the two attackers.", "Dr. Samar Samoud of the Health Ministry said six of the dead foreigners remained unidentified.", "She listed the rest of the foreign victims as three from Japan, three from France, two from Spain, and one each from Australia, Colombia, Britain, Poland, Belgium and Italy.", "The Costa Crociere cruise line said four Italians and a Russian were among the dead.", "It was not immediately clear whether they were the victims not yet identified by the ministry.", "MSC Cruises said 12 of its guests were killed.", "The two cruise lines said they suspended visits to Tunisian following the attack.", "MSC chairman Pierfrancesco Vago said the company hoped to return to Tunisia, but that for now tourists view it as a \"no-go zone.\"", "MSC said it was suspending Tunisian ports of call for the rest of the 2015 summer season, with its ships docking instead in Malta, Palma de Mallorca, Sardinia or Corfu, Greece.", "Costa didn't say how long its suspension would last and that it was still figuring out alternative itineraries.", "The two Spaniards who died were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary, and it was the first time they had traveled outside Spain, the Spanish foreign minister said.", "Their two children were flying to Tunis to retrieve the bodies.", "__", "Schemm reported from Rabat.", "Associated Press reporters John-Thor Dahlburg in Brussels, Maggie Michael in Cairo, Nicole Winfield in Rome, Jeff Schaeffer and Bouazza ben Bouazza in Tunis, Monika Scislowska in Warsaw, Harold Heckle in Madrid and Lori Hinnant in Paris contributed to this report.", "< PREVIOUS SLIDE", "SLIDE 1 of 3", "NEXT SLIDE >", "A victim is being evacuated by rescue workers outside the Bardo museum in Tunis, Wednesday, March 18, 2015 in Tunis, Tunisia.", "Gunmen opened fire at a leading museum in Tunisia's capital, killing 19 people including 17 tourists, the Tunisian Prime Minister said.", "A later raid by security forces left two gunmen and one security officer dead but ended the standoff, Tunisian authorities said.", "© AP Photo/Hassene Dridi", "Go to MSN Home", "### More in News", "#### East Coast braces for a deep freeze following massive storm", "Associated Press", "#### Trump's effort to stop release of scathing book breaks precedent", "The Washington Post", "#### Counsel Is Told of Trump Effort to Keep Grip on Russia Inquiry", "The New York Times", "#### Book: Trump insisted on false story about Trump Tower meeting", "#### Ex-Watergate prosecutor on Trump: I can make a case for obstruction of justice", "The Hill", "#### FBI launches new Clinton Foundation investigation", "The Hill", "### Microsoft Store Offers - 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{ "id": "train18938", "claim_title": "ISIL insurgency in Tunisia", "claim_section": "History.:2015.", "claim_context": "" }
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There were demonstrations throughout the USA with several instances of police arresting passive strikers.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Us Phone Strike - British Pathé", "(meta data) AUTHOR: British Pathé", "5 captures", "26 Apr 2014 - 11 Jul 2019", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Collection: Wikipedia Eventstream", "The Wayback Machine -", "# British Pathé", "Basket (0)", "Log In", "Username or Email Address", "Forgotten Password", "208,000 historical clips", "Advanced Search", "# Us Phone Strike 1947", "us-phone-strike", "Add to WorkSpace", "Please log in to add to WorkSpaces.", "Not registered? Register now", "License this Film", "View as stills", "Email this video to someone", "This video has no sound", "### Short Summary", "Good footage of demonstrators during US phone strike in San Francisco.", "### Description", "Unused / unissued footage - dates and locations may be unknown or unclear.", "San Francisco, United States of America - April 1947.", "Various shots of skirmishes between strikers and police occurring during the mass picketing demonstration of telephone workers in San Francisco (US phone strike).", "M/S as women demonstrators are hustled into a police van.", "Various shots of confusion and scuffles as protesting men demonstrators are bundled into police vans by policemen.", "Strikers watch and boo the police.", "L/S panning down the main building of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company to pavement below where six pickets, the legal number, are patrolling - they look pretty tired and bored.", "More shots of people being put into police vans while the crowds watch.", "Looks like traffic is at a standstill.", "### Tags", "### Data", "Film ID:", "Media URN:", "Group:", "Unissued unused", "Archive:", "British Pathé", "Issue Date:", "Sound:", "HD Format:", "Available on request", "Stock:", "Black & White", "Duration:", "Time in/Out:", "01:13:45:00 / 01:15:47:00", "Canister:", "UN 1699 A", "### Comments (0)", "We always welcome comments and more information about our films.", "All posts are reactively checked.", "Libellous and abusive comments are forbidden.", "### Add your comment", "Please Register or Log in to add a comment.", "## British Passions on Film", "3 episodes", "A lovely series first shown on BBC 4 that depicts the hobbies and leisure activities of 20th-century Britons.................................................................Watch now on", "## Reuters Historical Collection", "Search Reuters", "British Pathé now represents the Reuters historical collection, which includes more than 120,000 items from 1910 to 1979.", "Start exploring!", "## License Footage for Your Production", "Contact Us", "If you are a media professional and have seen some footage or stills you wish to include in your production, click the link to get in touch with us.", "## Related Videos", "### Is Your Phone Tapped", "Debate on how far phone tapping can go.", "### Phone In Your Car", "Car phones used by business men in Lancashire.", "### Dave And Dusty - Phone Box", "Little boy with dog makes faces at woman in phone box as she is talking too much.", "### Official War Cameramen And Correspondents", "US official war cameramen and correspondents pose for the cameras, including Ed Murrow.", "### Nuremberg Trials", "Footage of Nuremberg.", "Germany.", "### Mayor Of Italian Village Speaks To America Via Telstar", "People wait in the streets for link up, Mayor Cagnasso speaks on the phone to US via Telstar.", "### How To Use Your Doctor", "Recommendations to help doctors.", "## The Complete WW1 Collection", "World War One", "To commemorate the centenary of the conflict, we have launched this definitive collection of WW1 films, created from our comprehensive war archive.", "## WW2: Key Events", "World War Two", "A comprehensive collection selected by British Pathé of the key events that took place in World War Two.", "## Elizabeth: A Life in Pictures", "More Galleries", "A hand-picked selection of 91 still images from the Queen's 91 years and her record-breaking reign.", "## Pathé's Hollywood Hunks", "More Galleries", "Forget about the Brad Pitts and Leonardo DiCaprios of today.", "Take a look at the original Hollywood hunks!", "## 10 Amazing Transport Inventions", "More Galleries", "Private UFOs, flying bicycles, motorised wheels - the archive is awash with fabulous films of creative inventions.", "## 10 Tragedies Caught on Film", "More Galleries", "British Pathé captured many extraordinary and tragic events over its 80 year history." ]
{ "id": "train43557", "claim_title": "1947 Telephone strike", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "The 1947 Telephone strike was a five-week long, nation-wide labor stoppage in the United States of America by the National Federation of Telephone Workers (NFTW) and other smaller unions that started on April 7, 1947. The workers, mostly switchboard operators, were protesting long hours and low pay by AT&T, the Bell Telephone Company, the New York Telephone Company, and others." }
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The movement was originally closely tied to "tree-hugging elitists," who were able to afford farm-to-table food.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: How the Farm-to-Table Movement Is Helping Grow the Economy", "(meta data) AUTHOR: Bruce Schoenfeld", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "(meta data) COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2019 Entrepreneur Media, Inc. All rights reserved.", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2011-09-21 00:03:00", "Start A Business", "My Account", "Entrepreneur Insider", "Saved Content", "My Account", "Sign Out", "Start A Business", "Women Entrepreneur", "Green Entrepreneur", "Ask An Expert", "Shop Entrepreneur", "Franchise Home", "Franchise 500 Ranking", "Business Opportunities List", "Franchises For Sale", "Franchise Suppliers Directory", "Entrepreneur Insurance", "Growth Strategies", "Social Media", "Starting a Business", "Gift Subscription", "Subscription Services", "United States", "Asia Pacific", "Middle East", "South Africa", "Reprints & Licensing", "Terms of Use", "Privacy Policy", "Cookies Policy", "Site Map", "###### My Queue", "There are no Videos in your queue.", "Click on the Add to next to any video to save to your queue.", "See Latest Videos", "There are no Articles in your queue.", "Click on the Add to next to any article to save to your queue.", "See Latest Articles", "There are no Podcasts in your queue.", "Click on the Add to next to any podcast episode to save to your queue.", "See Latest Podcasts", "You're not following any authors.", "Click the Follow button on any author page to keep up with the latest content from your favorite authors.", "Starting a Business", "# How the Farm-to-Table Movement Is Helping Grow the Economy", "Bruce Schoenfeld", "Magazine Contributor", "21, 2011", "15+ min read", "This story appears in the", "October 2011", "issue of", ". Subscribe »", "As the summer sun glints off a pyramid of scarlet-and-yellow Rainier cherries, at least one customer can't contain himself.", "\"I know I can't buy yet, but can I sample?\" he asks.", "It's Wednesday afternoon in July in Seattle's Columbia City neighborhood, and the weekly farmers market--one of 40 in King County alone, up from nine a decade ago--is set to begin.", "Customers mass around the two blocks of stands, ogling bok choy and baby turnips, positioning themselves to get the ripest tomatoes.", "At 3 p.m., a bell rings to open the proceedings.", "Almost immediately, money flies across tables in flashes of green.", "Think farm-to-table dining, and you may envision tree-hugging elitists rolling up to urban markets in expensive cars to fill cloth bags with expensive lettuce and free-range chicken.", "But look closer.", "The Columbia City customers are a disparate lot.", "Many are immigrants, going stall to stall to buy produce as they did at home.", "Others live in downtrodden neighborhoods nearby, one reason that this market has recently started accepting food stamps.", "\"A lot of people here don't fit the stereotype,\" says Lauren Keeler of Columbia City Bakery, which sells breads and cakes made just down the street.", "\"It's not just some kind of yuppie thing.", "We get Asian immigrants, African immigrants, middle class, lower-middle class.", "It's amazingly diverse.\"", "The restaurant's local oysters", "Photo © Geoffrey Smith", "Locally sourced food is a big deal in Seattle, and the economic tendrils of the movement reach deeper than anyone might imagine.", "Throughout the city, in one ZIP code after the next, you'll find restaurants that have made local ingredients both a guiding principle and a marketing tool--from Local 360 in Belltown to emmer&rye (\"seasonally inspired, locally derived\") in Queen Anne to Wallingford's Tilth, which is named after the Oregon organization that certifies organic farms.", "Foodies flock to Ethan Stowell's Anchovies & Olives, an Italian seafood house on Capitol Hill, and eat their way through geoduck crudo; soft-cooked eggs with capers; king salmon with turnip, asparagus and bacon; and fried oysters with Savoy cabbage, secure in the knowledge that every one of the ingredients in those dishes--and in many others on the menu--comes from nearby farms or fisheries.", "For Trellis, inside Kirkland's Heathman Hotel, executive chef Brian Scheehser grows vegetables on his own land in Woodinville and occasionally races there himself to replenish his pantry during service.", "He has been known to arrive in the dining room with a plate of food and tell a diner, \"This spinach was in the ground 24 minutes ago.\"", "At Taste, inside the Seattle Art Museum, Northwest-sourced ingredients reach 89 percent in season, according to executive chef Craig Hetherington.", "\"At the height of the summer,\" he says, \"we're buying from between 50 to 70 different local farms and other purveyors.", "It drives the woman who does our accounting crazy.\"", "Adds Bryan Jarr, co-owner of Seattle's Madison Park Conservatory: \"We don't even promote it because people just expect it.\"", "The Columbia City Farmers Market in Seattle.", "Photo courtesy of Neighborhood Farmers Market Alliance", "In Seattle, even Chipotle--the fast-food Mexican chain with more than 1,100 units in 35 states--buys extensively from local purveyors, \"as high as 85 to 90 percent for some ingredients,\" according to a company spokesman.", "Add it up and you have a profound economic impact.", "King County farmers markets alone, estimates indicate, gross $30 million annually, and that doesn't include ancillary revenue such as parking lots that surround the markets.", "Small farms are--forgive the metaphor--sprouting up throughout the area, ringing up annual sales ranging from $10,000 to more than $1 million.", "\"We're talking about a huge section of the economy,\" says Richard Conlin, president of the Seattle City Council.", "But that's Seattle, right?", "In much of the rest of the country, one might assume, farm-to-table is a niche within a niche, as offbeat and beyond-the-mainstream as vegan meatballs or homemade soap.", "In reality, though, it's big business almost everywhere.", "Lee and Bobby Jones of the Chef's Garden (left) with restaurateurs Karen Small and Douglas Katz.", "Photo© Tom McKenzie", "Consider Cleveland, which nobody would confuse with Berkeley, Burlington or Boulder.", "Set in the heart of the Rust Belt, the city turns out heavy, Eastern European food--the goulashes, paprikashes and schnitzels favored by immigrants from either side of the Danube.", "Clevelanders aren't particularly healthy--in 2007, Men's Fitness magazine dubbed the city the \"junk food capital\" of America--and their income falls below the national average.", "Whole Foods Market didn't put a store there until it had 183 others positioned around the country.", "Yet you'll find farm-to-table dining thrives there, too, often hiding in plain sight.", "At the popular Fire Food & Drink in Cleveland's Shaker Square suburb, chef-owner Douglas Katz has filled his menu with local products in stealth-like fashion: a squash blossom here, a pork loin there, the eggs, honey and butter in the popovers.", "By August, when the growing season is in full swing, he'll be spending half his food budget on locally sourced items.", "\"I don't want to go to Costco and get a package of pea tendrils,\" Katz says.", "\"I want to go to a grower and establish a relationship.", "I'm supporting the local economy, my food tastes better--and my customers can tell.", "In all kinds of ways, it makes sense.\"", "The return of locally sourced produce is a recent phenomenon.", "At the turn of the 20th century, most of the food that we ate came from within 50 miles of where we were eating it.", "But as the American demographic shifted from rural to urban, many local food sources disappeared.", "Aided by improvements in distribution from interstate highways and overnight shipping, we started looking farther and farther away from home for our food.", "Or, rather, we weren't looking at all.", "We'd walk into supermarkets or restaurants and choose from the bounty of products that the big trucks had dumped at our doorstep.", "Shopping locally inevitably cost more because small growers lacked the economy of scale that industrial farming enjoys.", "And, until recently, it stood without honor in its own land.", "Nothing intimated quality in a food item so much as calling it \"imported.\"", "That's where we were when the locavore movement began in earnest a decade or so ago.", "These days, the average metropolitan area in America still grows or raises less than 2 percent of the food it consumes--and it consumes a lot of food, some $15 billion of it in northeast Ohio alone each year, including the breakfast cereals, fast-food burgers, bottled condiments, frozen pizzas and soft drinks that are the staples of many diets.", "That makes the economic arguments for farm-to-table food compelling.", "Moving the needle just 5 percent in Greater Cleveland would mean $750 million more in revenue for local purveyors.", "The last time a $750 million business relocated to Cleveland was ... well, probably never.", "So it's easy to see why politicians and policymakers are excited about the possibilities.", "Recently, five entities combined resources to commission a study by local-business-development analyst Michael Shuman and his two partners on what would happen if northeast Ohio managed to produce 25 percent more of the food it consumed.", "The report calculated that such a shift would create more than 27,000 new jobs, increase annual regional output by $4.2 billion and grow tax revenue by more than $125 million.", "\"Local food is fast becoming a powerful economic development strategy,\" it concludes.", "(See sidebar on page 36.)", "In 2007, Cleveland became the first city in the country to zone for community gardens.", "It also now subsidizes farms in the abandoned city core, turning a blight into an asset while providing access to locally grown produce for a segment of the population that has been deprived of it.", "This summer, a farm stand opened in a metal shed on the grounds of a 6-acre plot in the middle of Cleveland's Ohio City neighborhood.", "The stand serves the knot of restaurants within a few blocks' radius, but it's also adjacent to Riverview Towers, a low-income high-rise housing hundreds of families.", "A Riverview resident now has the opportunity to buy fresh produce just outside the building--closer than the nearest Safeway or Kroger or fast-food outlet--at a 50 percent discount from the regular price.", "Flying Fig owner Karen Small", "Photo© Tom McKenzie", "In Cleveland, too, a landowner can now grow crops and raise chickens and bees without a permit.", "That makes sense in a city of first- and second-generation Americans.", "\"As the immigrants died off, all those backyard gardens I grew up with started disappearing,\" says Karen Small, a Cleveland-raised chef and restaurateur whose Italian grandfather grew crops on a tiny plot behind his house.", "These days, Small buys more than $150,000 worth of local meats and produce annually for her Ohio City restaurant, the Flying Fig.", "She gets much of it delivered, but most afternoons finds time to visit a market, too, to source tomatoes or figs or basil from urban farmers trying to replicate the garden-grown tastes of their youth.", "\"There's a market pretty much every day of the week,\" she says.", "\"It's a ritual that I can't miss, even though most of my food gets delivered.\"", "From her own backyard: Flying Fig owner Karen Small spends more than $150,000 a year on local food for her Cleveland restaurant.", "Photo© Tom McKenzie", "Many of the city's restaurateurs feel the same way, along with a whole lot of other people.", "In 1995, the Shaker Square market opened with six vendors and a handful of curious customers.", "Now it attracts 60 growers and as many as 4,000 consumers each week and generates $3 million in annual sales.", "\"And that doesn't count chefs who come here and meet growers and make relationships with them and then set up their own deliveries,\" says Donita Anderson, who runs the Shaker Square market and six others throughout the area.", "\"Or customers who start at the market and end up with farm shares.\"", "It also doesn't include Dewey's Coffee Cafe, the Shaker Square Popcorn Shop and the other small businesses within walking distance of the market that sometimes serve as many customers on that one day as the rest of the week.", "But economic opportunities also exist in the gaps between growers and consumers.", "Kari Moore doesn't harvest a single vegetable, doesn't run a restaurant and doesn't work at a market.", "Yet she makes a living through the locavore movement.", "Her company, FarmShare Ohio, distributes produce from small farmers to retail customers at drop-off points throughout the area.", "\"People have started to understand the value of local, seasonal eating, and they're willing to pay more to get it,\" says Moore, who grew up in Seattle, came to Cleveland in 1996 and has been involved in local food since 2002.", "\"I still have to do a ton of education with my customers--and $35 a week for a bag of produce is still too much for a lot of people.", "But it's an exciting time and, I think, a huge business opportunity.", "I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing if it wasn't.\"", "The same sense of opportunity is attracting well-educated entrepreneurs to farming.", "These are sons and daughters from professional families who wouldn't have considered making a living with a rake and a hoe even a decade ago.", "Local Roots' Jason Salvo (with son Felix)", "Photo© Siri Erickson-Brown", "In Duvall, Wash., a half-hour east of downtown Seattle, Jason Salvo carries his 1-year-old son, Felix, in a back harness as he helps his wife, Siri Erickson-Brown, tend to business at their Local Roots farm.", "Both 32 years old, Salvo and Erickson-Brown attended the University of Washington, and earned graduate degrees.", "(Salvo went to law school at Seattle U; Erickson-Brown has a master's in public administration from UW.)", "But instead of working in offices, they're out in the field growing 10 acres of turnips and radishes, kohlrabi and carrots.", "They sell vegetables and herbs to two dozen restaurants, including some of Seattle's best, and have a subscription list of more than 100 individual families.", "If all goes well, they'll gross $200,000 and net perhaps half to a third of that.", "Erickson-Brown has been an entrepreneur of sorts all her life.", "\"I was the kid who made paper valentines and sold them outside when I was 6,\" she says.", "She'd been interested in farming since reading books by Laura Ingalls Wilder.", "But only recently did she realize that she could make a living uniting the two.", "\"Our education has really helped us,\" she says.", "\"We have a connection to a major urban area.", "We understand the business model.", "I mean, there are so many steps that go into a bed of carrots before you actually plant it.\"", "\"We're capitalists,\" Salvo says.", "\"We speak the language of a lot of the people who shop from us.\"", "At the other end of the chain are restaurateurs such as Anchovies & Olives' Stowell, who now has enough sources of local produce that he can depend on it night after night, season after season.", "None of Stowell's four restaurants are conspicuously farm-to-table, but all source locally, including the authentically Italian Tavolata, which manages to transport diners thousands of miles away even as they eat food largely grown in their hometown.", "This year, too, Stowell has started consulting for Major League Baseball's Seattle Mariners, who are upgrading the concessions at their decade-old ballpark.", "When he started, Stowell says, the amount of money the team was spending on local food sources \"was essentially zero.\"", "Now, the Mariners serve burgers made from 100 percent grass-fed beef and buy meat from suppliers in Seattle, Walla Walla and Portland.", "\"All that money that was going to IBP and Swift,\" Stowell says, referencing two major national meat processors, \"is staying home.", "And you're talking about a ton of money, as much as my restaurants make in an entire year in one three-game series.", "Next, we'll do the produce.\"", "Such mass-market participation, coupled with efforts by Chipotle and other enlightened chains to buy from area purveyors, is increasing at an exponential rate the number of consumers who are eating locally sourced food.", "It's enough to keep local farms thriving.", "And though Salvo and Erickson-Brown's $100,000 of net income isn't a huge amount for a couple who each have graduate degrees, it's far better than the subsistence-level living they would have been making a decade ago--and perhaps enough to attract the next entrepreneur who sees agriculture as an opportunity.", "How high is the sky?", "For the industry's ultimate success story, go back to northern Ohio, where Lee and Bobby Jones have created an international business from what started as a 6-acre plot.", "For decades, Bob Jones Sr. had been farming commodity crops--corn, wheat, soybeans--on 1,200 acres.", "By 1983, he'd become unable to compete with the massive Third-World growers and the supersize farms around America that are many multiples of his size.", "His farm went bankrupt and was sold at a sheriff's auction to pay off the debt.", "With the few implements and 6 acres of land that remained, Jones' sons started over.", "It was clear they couldn't grow commodities--couldn't compete against the scale that big agribusiness was able to muster--so they decided to source heirloom vegetables for the handful of chefs and outlets that had an interest.", "\"Soon, chefs were coming to us saying, 'If you grow it, we can use it,'\" Bob Jones says.", "\"Those magical words.\"", "Today, The Chef's Garden is one of the premier suppliers of top-quality, naturally grown heirloom fruits and vegetables to 1,500 of America's best restaurants, and more in 11 countries.", "Each night, painstakingly packaged boxes are sent off via FedEx, to reappear the following morning at the Bellagio in Las Vegas, Charlie Trotter's in Chicago, Spago in Los Angeles, Jean-Georges in New York and many, many places like them.", "So it's no wonder that The Chef's Garden is thriving, enough to have grown the farm to 300 acres.", "That's a credit to the quality of their produce, but also to the quality of their marketing.", "\"Farming's in vogue,\" Bobby Jones says, \"but it's not sustainable to be just a farmer.", "You need to be a businessman, too.\"", "Lee Jones of The Chef's Garden.", "Photo© Tom McKenzie", "Lee Jones' trademark look--the white dress shirt, suspenders and red bow tie he wears whether out in the field or receiving a James Beard Foundation award--has actually been trademarked.", "Each year, some 500 chefs visit the farm to learn how the Jones family works.", "With each visit, its reputation grows.", "The Chef's Garden's economic contribution to American farming remains minuscule.", "Some 90 percent of the produce consumed in the U.S. is grown in the Third World, Lee Jones notes, and the majority of the rest comes from corporate farms vastly larger than his.", "In a sense, the Joneses aren't even contributing to the local food movement.", "These days, only 10 percent of the food they grow is consumed in Ohio.", "But by standing the agribusiness model on its head, bringing dollars into the area for produce shipped outside it, it illustrates what a small farm can achieve.", "Recently, Bobby Jones ruminated about what had gone wrong for his father.", "\"American agriculture lost its way,\" he says.", "\"Much of the problem was the disconnect between the product and the consumer.\"", "These days, an increasing number of Americans appreciate the importance of that connection.", "And all of a sudden, it seems, they're willing to pay to get it.", "## More from Entrepreneur", "Kathleen, Founder and CEO of Grayce & Co, a media and marketing consultancy, can help you develop a brand strategy, build marketing campaigns and learn how to balance work and life.", "Book Your Session", "Jumpstart Your Business.", "Entrepreneur Insider is your all-access pass to the skills, experts, and network you need to get your business off the ground—or take it to the next level.", "Join Now", "Create your business plan in half the time with twice the impact using Entrepreneur's BIZ PLANNING PLUS powered by LivePlan.", "Try risk free for 60 days.", "Start My Plan", "## Related Books", "### The Power of Passive Income", "Buy From", "### The Power of Passive Income", "Buy From", "Barnes & Noble", "Books-A-Million", "Google Play", "Entrepreneur Books", "800-CEO-READ", "### Success is Easy", "Buy From", "### 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{ "id": "train01155", "claim_title": "Farm-to-table", "claim_section": "Criticism.", "claim_context": "Despite the growth in the farm-to-table restaurants the movement has been met with some criticism. Critics argue the interest in knowing where your food comes from and ensuring it is locality sourced is just another food fad for millennials. Furthermore, the higher price point that many restaurants are forced to demand, given the higher costs of production and lower economies of scale, also make farm-to-table food less accessible for many people." }
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Diatchenko then defeated Sofia Kenin, advancing to the third round of a major tournament for the first time but Jeļena Ostapenko defeated her in straight sets.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Ostapenko dismisses Diatchenko, into Wimbledon second week | WTA Tennis", "Skip to main content", "Home Search keywords", "Livescores Western & Southern Open country 1 A.Barty 2 4 country S.Kuznetsova 6 6 SAP Match Stats 01:08:05", "NYJTL Bronx Open country 1 J.Teichmann 6 6 country B.Woolcock 3 4", "SAP Match Stats 01:13:32", "NYJTL Bronx Open country L.Zhu 6 2 0 country 8 P.Parmentier 1 1 0 SAP Match Stats 00:54:49", "NYJTL Bronx Open country 4 A.Potapova 6 6 country L.Kichenok 0 1", "SAP", "Match Stats 01:03:09 Western & Southern Open country Y.Putintseva 6 4 3 country 8 S.Stephens 2 6 6", "SAP Match Stats 02:07:08", "NYJTL Bronx Open country J.Fett 6 6 country R.Voracova 3 3", "SAP Match Stats 01:16:41", "Western & Southern Open country country 8 L.HradeckaA.Klepac 7 7 country country K.PliskovaK.Pliskova 6 7 5", "SAP Match Stats 01:42:06", "NYJTL Bronx Open country Y.Duan 6 6 country O.Kalashnikova 2 1 SAP Match Stats", "00:55:28", "NYJTL Bronx Open country 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S.Stosur 2 3 country 8 P.Parmentier 6 6 SAP Match Stats 01:17:51", "NYJTL Bronx Open country E.Mandlik 6 6 country J.Elie 4 4 SAP Match Stats 01:44:36", "NYJTL Bronx Open country L.Zhu 6 6 country A.Noel 4 2", "SAP Match Stats 01:17:31", "NYJTL Bronx Open country E.Bolton 6 4 6 3 country N.Kichenok 7 7", "SAP Match Stats 02:02:39", "NYJTL Bronx Open country J.Namigata 6 2 6 2 country Z.Yang 4 6 7 SAP Match Stats 02:31:59", "NYJTL Bronx Open country 2 F.Ferro 6 6 country G.Min 2 4 SAP", "Match Stats 01:14:49", "Western & Southern Open country 3 K.Pliskova 6 6 2 3 country S.Kuznetsova 3 7 6", "SAP Match Stats 02:18:38", "NYJTL Bronx Open country E.Webley-Smith 2 0 country 11 A.Blinkova 6 6 SAP Match Stats 01:00:13", "NYJTL Bronx Open country M.Hibi 6 2 country X.You 1 0", "SAP Match Stats 01:08:52", "NYJTL Bronx Open country 5 K.Kanepi 6 3 6 country E.Bouchard 4 6 3", "SAP Match Stats 02:03:13", "Western & Southern Open country 1 A.Barty 4 7 7 country A.Kontaveit 6 5 5", "SAP Match Stats 02:10:41", "NYJTL Bronx Open country 3 V.Golubic 6 6 country L.Marozava 3 1", "SAP", "Match Stats 00:57:52", "Western & Southern Open country 9 A.Sabalenka 7 4 4 country M.Sakkari 6 4 6 6 SAP Match Stats 02:43:09", "NYJTL Bronx Open country A.Sharma 3 6 6 country A.Bolsova 6 1 1", "SAP Match Stats 01:55:28 Western & Southern Open country country 5 A.GroenefeldD.Schuurs 7 4 10 country country C.McNallyA.Riske 5 6 7", "SAP Match Stats 01:33:27 Western & Southern Open country V.Williams 2 6 6 country D.Vekic 6 3 3", "SAP Match Stats 02:04:36 Western & Southern Open country S.Hsieh 6 3 7 2 country 2 N.Osaka", "SAP Match Stats 02:29:05 Western & Southern Open country 3 K.Pliskova 7 6 country R.Peterson 5 4 SAP Match Stats 01:42:41", "Western & Southern Open country country 3 B.KrejcikovaK.Siniakova 5 6 6 country country K.PliskovaK.Pliskova 7 2 10 SAP Match Stats 01:22:06 Western & Southern Open country S.Kuznetsova 6 6 country 8 S.Stephens 1 2 SAP Match Stats 00:52:03 Western & Southern Open country 16 M.Keys 6 3 7 country 4 S.Halep 1 6 5 SAP Match Stats 02:02:49 Western & Southern Open country country B.Mattek-SandsC.Vandeweghe 6 6 country country A.CornetK.Mladenovic 2 3 SAP Match Stats 01:03:31", "Western & Southern Open country 7 E.Svitolina 3 6 3 country S.Kenin 6 7 SAP Match Stats 01:52:09 Western & Southern Open country country 1 S.HsiehB.Strycova 0 country country 8 L.HradeckaA.Klepac 0", "SAP Match Stats 00:00:00 NYJTL Bronx Open country 1 J.Teichmann 6 6 country H.Kuwata 2 1", "SAP Match Stats 01:03:01 Western & Southern Open country Y.Putintseva 6 4 3 country 8 S.Stephens 2 6 6", "SAP Match Stats 02:07:08", "NYJTL Bronx Open country 6 M.Linette 6 6 country G.Dabrowski 1 2", "SAP Match Stats 00:58:16", "NYJTL Bronx Open country B.Woolcock 6 7 country N.Kukharchuk 4 6 1 SAP Match Stats 01:33:55", "NYJTL Bronx Open country N.Subhash 0 2 country 10 L.Siegemund 6 6 SAP Match Stats 01:03:01", "NYJTL Bronx Open country 3 V.Golubic 2 6 6 country A.Sharma 6 4 3", "SAP Match Stats 02:04:27", "Western & Southern Open country S.Kenin 6 1 2 country 2 N.Osaka 4 6 0", "SAP Match Stats 01:30:26", "NYJTL Bronx Open country C.Liu 7 7 country A.Krunic 5 5 SAP Match Stats 01:44:43 2018 - WIMBLEDON - GREAT BRITAIN", "# Ostapenko dismisses Diatchenko, into Wimbledon second week", "Topics: wtadavid kanewimbledonjelena ostapenkovitalia diatchenko" ]
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Steven Billy Mitchell, CBE, DCM, MM (born 28 December 1959), usually known by the pseudonym and pen-name of Andy McNab, is a novelist and former British Army infantry soldier.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Andy McNab sells stake in Mobcast ebook business to Tesco | Business | The Guardian", "(meta data) AUTHOR:", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2012-09-04T14:36:49+0100", "6 captures", "08 Nov 2014 - 05 Jan 2021", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "These crawls are part of an effort to archive pages as they are created and archive the pages that they refer to.", "That way, as the pages that are referenced are changed or taken from the web, a link to the version that was live when the page was written will be preserved.", "Then the Internet Archive hopes that references to these archived pages will be put in place of a link that would be otherwise be broken, or a companion link to allow people to see what was originally intended by a page's authors.", "The goal is to fix all broken links on the web.", "Crawls of supported \"No More 404\" sites.", "Collection: Wikipedia Near Real Time (from IRC)", "This is a collection of web page captures from links added to, or changed on, Wikipedia pages.", "The idea is to bring a reliability to Wikipedia outlinks so that if the pages referenced by Wikipedia articles are changed, or go away, a reader can permanently find what was originally referred to.", "This is part of the Internet Archive's attempt to rid the web of broken links.", "The Wayback Machine -", "Skip to main content", "sign in", "join us", "edition: UK", "The Guardian", "Winner of the Pulitzer prize", "all sections", "# Andy McNab sells stake in Mobcast ebook business to Tesco", "Former SAS soldier makes almost £1m after ebook platform he co-founded was purchased by the supermarket firm", "Andy McNab signs copies of one his books for soldiers at Tidworth Army Camp, Wiltshire.", "Photograph: Martin Argles for the Guardian Martin Argles/Guardian", "Simon Goodley", "Tuesday 4 September 2012 14.36 BST", "Former SAS man Andy McNab has made almost £1m after the ebook platform he co-founded was sold to Tesco for £4.5m.", "Mobcast, which has 130,000 titles available for download to tablet computers and mobile phones, was founded by the soldier-cum-author in 2007 along with the company's boss, Tony Lynch.", "The pair each held a 22% stake in the startup, with McNab's shares registered under his real name of Steven Mitchell.", "McNab said: \"As an author I always thought the ability to carry your library around and read on all your personal devices would be a huge benefit to all.", "We have developed a product that makes this possible, and being acquired by Tesco ensures that this original vision will be available to as many people as possible.\"", "Tesco's purchase of Mobcast is the latest in a string of acquisitions in the sector, adding to the grocer's purchase of film and television streaming service Blinkbox in 2011, as well as internet radio service We7 in June 2012.", "Meanwhile, rival Sainsbury's has also been busy building a presence in digital entertainment: last month it signed a deal with digital video service Rovi Corporation while in June it purchased HMV's stake in ebook business Anobii for £1.", "Tesco's head of digital entertainment, Michael Comish added: \"We want our customers to have the widest choice in digital entertainment.", "We are already one of the UK's largest booksellers and Mobcast will help us offer even more choice for the large and growing number of customers who want to buy and enjoy books on their digital devices whenever and wherever they want.\"", "However, as the price tag suggests, the grocer is buying potential rather than the finished article.", "Mobcast is too small for it to be required to file full accounts with Companies House, so its revenues remain a secret.", "However, in the year to May 2011 it made a net loss of £816,338, up from £516,514 during the previous 12 months.", "Apart from McNab and Lynch, staff held just under 2% of the business, while several outside investors including Anne Street Partners, Solon Ventures and GP Bullhound owned around 54%.", "McNab joined the SAS in 1984 and served for 10 years including anti-terrorist and anti-drug operations in the Middle and Far East, South and Central America and Northern Ireland.", "He has written about his experiences in the SAS in three books: Bravo Two Zero, Immediate Action and Seven Troop, with Bravo Two Zero selling over 1.7m copies in the UK.", "## Topics", "Retail industry", "E-", "readers", "(meta data) TITLE: ", "Andy McNab: The hidden face of war - Features - Books - The Independent", "", "14 captures", "21 Aug 2012 - 05 Jan 2021", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Alexa Crawls", "Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive.", "Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.", "Collection: Alexa Crawls", "Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive.", "Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.", "The Wayback Machine -", "Tuesday 21 August 2012", "Hot Topics", "George Osborne", "Michael Gove", "Arts & Ents", "# Andy McNab: The hidden face of war", "### SAS icon turned top-selling UK thriller writer, Andy McNab talks to Robert Hanks about fighting, writing and anonymity", "Friday 19 November 2004", "##### Latest in Features", "###### Peter Benson: A trip down Watery Lane", "###### Between the Covers 19/08/2012", "###### Invisible Ink: No 137 - Pierre Boulle", "###### Poets of the world, unite! Even if you can't all make the podium", "###### The Blagger's Guide To: WilL Self", "###### Five-Minute Memoir: Alexander McCall Smith on the day he thought he'd purchased a Raphael", "###### One Minute With: Phillipa Gregory, historical novelist", "###### Older, wiser, angrier: Roger McGough settles some old scores", "###### How the great writers published themselves", "###### Boyd Tonkin: The sporting novel often underperforms, but it still has a team of champions", "##### News in pictures", "##### Arts & Ents blogs", "### A Latin American take on Europe", "Following his success at Hay on Wye, I'm delighted to see that the Argentinian novelist Andrés Neuma...", "### Author Chris Salewicz on soundsystems and Jamaica's global impact", "Jamaica celebrated fifty years of independence recently and, in tandem with that, their sprinters do...", "### mulletover: A reputation built on good times, not greed", "Ever since the very early days of my love affair with house and techno, mulletover has always been a...", "Suggested Topics", "Nick Hornby", "I have a little trouble recognising Andy McNab in the hotel lobby, which is not surprising since on every published photo, either his eyes are covered with a black bar or his face is in deep shadow.", "It turns out that the eyes are an incongruously innocent pale blue, and they contribute to a rather boyish air.", "My initial anxiety, that he might find some excuse to kill me with his bare hands, recedes.", "I have a little trouble recognising Andy McNab in the hotel lobby, which is not surprising since on every published photo, either his eyes are covered with a black bar or his face is in deep shadow.", "It turns out that the eyes are an incongruously innocent pale blue, and they contribute to a rather boyish air.", "My initial anxiety, that he might find some excuse to kill me with his bare hands, recedes.", "McNab's unrecognisability is quite an achievement, given his degree of media exposure in the decade since he published Bravo Two-Zero.", "That account of how he led an SAS patrol behind Iraqi lines just before the first Gulf War in 1991 was staggeringly successful: 1.7 million copies sold in the UK alone, translated into 16 languages, filmed by the BBC with Sean Bean.", "He parlayed that success into a new career as a writer of gritty contemporary thrillers, and last year was declared the top-selling UK thriller writer.", "He isn't sure about the precise figure, but he sold only something like 3,000 fewer than John Grisham.", "While, clearly, he doesn't often do TV, he crops up in newspapers, offering an insider's view of military issues, and on the radio.", "A couple of weeks ago, there was a minor scandal when his appearance on Desert Island Discs was suddenly pulled, apparently because the BBC judged that a discussion with Sue Lawley about hostage-taking might be upsetting in the wake of the kidnapping of Margaret Hassan.", "The day we meet, he is off to TalkSport, Kelvin Mackenzie's mob, for a spot of technical training prior to standing in as presenter of the Friday night phone-in.", "He lectures for the army and security agencies; and he is happy to do interviews.", "Given all the publicity, it does occur to me that perhaps anonymity - McNab is not his real name - has become obsolete.", "He has wondered about dropping it, but there are practical considerations: \"The way it was portrayed - 'Oh, the Iraqis are after him' - it's a load of old crap.", "What it is, it's domestic terrorism.\"", "As a 19-year-old infantryman in Northern Ireland, he shot dead a member of the IRA, an incident described in his second book, Immediate Action.", "Subsequently, while in the SAS, he served with 14 Intelligence Group, a clandestine outfit involved in identifying IRA active service units and material: on both counts, he is a potential target.", "Besides, these days he mixes with celebrities: \"And actually the life isn't as good, it's shite because they can't go into supermarkets without people looking.\"", "In any case, he happily admits, Andy McNab is now a brand: \"I've sold beer, watches.\"", "His new book, Deep Black (Bantam, £17.99), is the seventh to feature his hero Nick Stone, a disillusioned ex-SAS man who has ended up working on \"deniable operations\" for an ultra-secret, ultra-ruthless American government agency.", "In this one, Stone goes searching for a charismatic Muslim leader; the quest takes him to American-occupied Baghdad, where he encounters an exotic cast of spooks, crooks, fanatics and old comrades - now working \"the circuit\" as security consultants\" - and then on to Sarajevo, where, as usual, Stone ends up even more disillusioned than at the start.", "The plot strains credibility, and the terse, slangy prose is sometimes repetitive (cannabis is invariably \"waccy baccy\"), but McNab's action sequences, the way that heroics are inflected with terror and self-preservation, do have an emotional conviction that few action writers manage.", "His characters aren't heroes or supermen, but they are good at staying alive and intent on doing just that.", "This is what sells the books: the implicit promise that, though they may be fiction, they are at some level, in some way, real.", "At the start of the book - what would be the pre-credit sequence in a movie - Nick Stone is in Bosnia in 1994, staking out a cement works where a visit is expected from the Bosnian Serb general Ratko Mladic.", "Stone's job is to aim the laser that will guide a smart bomb to the target.", "McNab was, one assumes, never involved in an attempt to assassinate Mladic; but one also assumes that he has spent days on end lying flat in a camouflaged scrape in a padded sniper-suit, defecating into plastic bags and feeling his body-heat being sapped by the cold earth.", "He talks a lot about getting the sensory details right - smells, tastes, physical sensations.", "When he started writing Bravo Two-Zero, his agent advised him to read Touching the Void, Joe Simpson's gruelling tale of bare survival in the Andes, and that became \"the template, the Bible\".", "He says that \"The things that come out for me from it, number one, it's as if he's talking to you, so he's in a pub and he's telling you a story... so it's at you.", "Number two, you have got the cold and pain, all those sensations.\"", "To keep the first-person urgency (and because he found he can't just sit down at a computer and write), he dictates the books into a mini-cassette recorder, has his words transcribed, then messes around.", "He talks about the difficulty of getting the structure, the flow, the importance of Nick Stone's \"story-arc\".", "While a lot of the stuff comes straight out of his own experience, McNab also puts in a good deal of research.", "Parts of Deep Black are quite a good primer on the politics of the Muslim world, like Channel 4 News plus swearing.", "If he's writing about a place, he goes there, or goes back.", "He was in Bosnia in the 1990s, doing reconnaissance and caching supplies and transmitters for downed aircrews to access; for this book, he returned to check details: \"It's not only sort of the sense of the thing, it's, 'What's on the telly nowadays?...", "What's on the menu?", "Is it all Bosnians behind the counter now or is it a load of Turks?' \"", "For Firewall, set in the Baltic, he went to Estonia and Helsinki, where he met up with a number of Russian mafiosi: \"They're great guys...", "They've all got the suits on.", "You know when you buy a suit you've got the little tag on\" - he gestures at his cuffs - \"whatever it may be, Hugo Boss.", "They wanna keep them on so you know what suit it is...", "no, they're good guys.\"", "The authenticity is vouched for in a paradoxical way by the fact that all his books are vetted by the MoD and the intelligence services (which never happens to Frederick Forsyth) to ensure he doesn't give away too much about SAS methods.", "Negotiations can be protracted: \"They normally start, 'Page 16 paragraph 2, to page 184 paragraph 4: Cut,' and from there it sort of narrows down over a couple of weeks\".", "The reasons for changes are sometimes obscure.", "For Liberation Day, he was asked to change a vehicle; he assumes that the one he had originally put in had been used in similar circumstances.", "On the whole, McNab is happy to oblige: he still has friends in the SAS, and has no intention of putting them in danger.", "With Immediate Action, there was a very public fuss about leaking secrets, though the MoD had sight of the book months beforehand.", "He thinks the system works better now.", "This is emblematic of his somewhat difficult relationship with the military.", "On the one hand, Andy McNab is a fantastic recruitment tool.", "He says that \"I was responsible for 35 per cent of the infantry intake in the mid- to late Nineties,\" and the army has consulted him on recruitment and retention.", "But they don't want to be look as if they actually encourage troops to write their memoirs.", "He recalls reading a piece in the press in which military sources expressed outrage at his indiscretion.", "At the time, he was sitting in the back of a staff car on his way to Catterick Camp to lecture to recruits.", "The most topical part of Deep Black is the section set in Baghdad: McNab has been there several times this year, on behalf of the security company he has worked for since leaving the SAS in 1993, and spent time with American patrols.", "He portrays civilians being horribly injured by shrapnel, panicking soldiers shooting at anything that moves.", "He wrote an angry piece earlier this year about the degradation inflicted on prisoners at Abu Ghraib; he himself was kept there for some weeks in 1991, being beaten up and humiliated by Iraqi troops in rather similar ways.", "What riles him most is the incompetence that permits such situations (he doesn't believe it is ordered from above): the bad PR puts other troops in danger.", "But he is a realist when it comes to the politics of Iraq: \"Nine out of ten times it's about commerce, always has been, always will be.", "'Maintaining the UK's interest overseas'.\"", "He cautions against the idea that the troops on the ground are simply pawns of the government.", "\"These guys do understand the political implications, they do understand sometimes the political bollocks,\" he says.", "\"The vast majority certainly of the infantry, they're coming from areas of high unemployment, left-wing tendencies, they're more left-wing than right-wing.\"", "In Ireland, he recalls, a lot of his fellow-soldiers identified quite strongly with the nationalist cause: \"However, tough shit.", "They're on the other side, we're on this side, and the job takes over.", "And it's a very interesting job.\"", "Biography: Andy McNab", "Andy McNab was found in a carrier bag outside Guy's Hospital in 1959.", "He joined the Royal Green Jackets in 1976, and became the youngest corporal in the army at 19.", "He served in Gibraltar, Germany and Northern Ireland.", "In 1984 he joined the SAS, taking part in conventional and covert operations around the world.", "Shortly before the 1991 Gulf War, leading a mission behind Iraqi lines, he was captured and tortured; his account, Bravo Two-Zero (1993), became the bestselling war book ever.", "An autobiography, Immediate Action (1995), was followed by Remote Control (1997), his first thriller featuring ex-SAS man Nick Stone.", "The latest, out this month, is Deep Black (Bantam).", "He also works for a Hereford-based security company, and has acted as technical consultant on Hollywood films.", "He has one daughter and four ex-wives; he and his fifth wife divide their time between England and New York.", "His military honours include the Military Medal and the Distinguished Conduct Medal.", "## Comments", "More in", "Features »", "Independent Comment", "blog comments powered by Disqus", "Please provide search keyword(s)", "Most Commented", "Most Viewed", "Most Shared", "The sound that goes on and on... 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His sister Rebecca Swift (died April 2017) was a poet and founder of The Literary Consultancy.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Rebecca Swift obituary | Books | The Guardian", "(meta data) AUTHOR:", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2017-04-25T10:02:03-0400", "Skip to main content", "The Guardian - Back to home", "Support The Guardian", "Available for everyone, funded by readers", "Search jobs", "Sign in", "current edition:", "US edition", "Art & design", "TV & radio", "# Rebecca Swift obituary", "The pioneering founder of a literary consultancy dedicated to helping aspiring writers", "Melanie Silgardo", "Tue 25 Apr 2017 10.02 EDT", "Last modified on Fri 20 Apr 2018 11.08 EDT", "Rebecca Swift speaking at The Literary Consultancy's What's Your Story? conference in 2016.", "Photograph: Elixabete López/TLC", "Rebecca Swift, who has died aged 53 of cancer, believed that anyone who writes and wishes to be edited and advised constructively and professionally should be given that opportunity.", "To this end, in 1996 she founded The Literary Consultancy (TLC) with Hannah Griffiths.", "It was the first of its kind – a manuscript assessment agency offering detailed editorial feedback to anyone writing in English anywhere in the world.", "Set up in Becky's north London flat on a capital sum of £600, TLC never borrowed another penny.", "From 1989 to 1995, Becky had been a junior editor at Virago Press.", "At that time, the \"slush pile\" – that mountain of unsolicited manuscripts – was one of the first casualties of the editorial department: publishers no longer had the resources to read unsolicited manuscripts, which were returned to the writer with a standard note.", "Becky test-ran the idea of TLC while she was at Virago, unknown to her bosses, writing her first report under an assumed name and even charging a small fee.", "Her enduring belief in the link between the act of writing and the therapeutic process led her to an MA in psychoanalytic studies at the Tavistock Clinic in 1999.", "Her thesis Are You Reading Me? explored the relationship between unpublished writers and readers in the publishing industry.", "In her words: \"TLC was born, perhaps to mop up some of that 'toxicity' that lay between production of a work and the apparently negligent 'reality' of the publishing world.\"", "Through TLC she tirelessly sought to fill that gap.", "On panels and platforms at literary festivals Becky talked about the work of TLC, and promoted her vision for it.", "It grew into a service that offered a mentoring scheme as well as a free reads programme aimed at low-income and marginalised writers and backed by Arts Council funding.", "The Free Word Centre in Clerkenwell, central London, where TLC was a founding resident from 2009 onwards, became a crucible for the literary events and annual conferences that Becky programmed.", "The first, Writing in a Digital Age (2012), brought together writers, technology experts, literary agents, publishers and digital media gurus for the first time to discuss an increasingly complex publishing landscape which included the growing phenomenon of \"indie\" or self-publishing.", "Born in Highbury, north London, and brought up in Hampstead, Becky was the daughter of the writer Margaret Drabble and the actor Clive Swift.", "They divorced in 1975, and in 1982 her mother married the writer and biographer Michael Holroyd.", "Becky grew up surrounded by writers – AS Byatt was an aunt – and one particularly, Doris Lessing, would influence her greatly.", "They first met when Becky was a teenager reading Susan Howatch's sprawling saga Penmarric – which much to her delight turned out also to be a favourite of the great Doris.", "This was the start of a lifelong friendship.", "From her father, Becky inherited her love of music and musicals.", "She was never far from a song - at her last public appearance in November 2016 celebrating TLC's 20th birthday, she picked up her guitar, accompanied by the jazz trio who had been performing all evening, and sang Suzanne in memory of Leonard Cohen, who had died that day.", "From Camden School for Girls, she went on a scholarship to study English at New College, Oxford (1983-86).", "She returned to London and took her first job in publishing, at Lokamaya Press, which published translations from Urdu and Hindi, before joining Virago.", "## The day Doris Lessing came to lunch", "Read more", "Her publications include Letters from Margaret: The Fascinating Story of Two Babies Swapped at Birth (1992), a correspondence between George Bernard Shaw and Margaret Wheeler, and Imagining Characters (1995), a book of conversations between AS Byatt and the psychoanalyst Ignês Sodré.", "Her biography of Emily Dickinson was published in 2011 by Hesperus in its Poetic Lives series.", "Becky's own poems were published in numerous anthologies and she had been putting together a manuscript of poems which she hoped to publish.", "She leaves a vast body of writing in the form of diaries she wrote daily for much of her life, fulfilling her need for introspection through this unflinching therapeutic ritual.", "Becky experienced three periods of clinical depression, which informed her commitment to bettering mental health provision.", "This she pursued as a trustee of the Maya Centre, a charity based in north London providing free counselling to vulnerable women.", "She will be remembered by friends, family and colleagues for her wit, warmth and wonderful storytelling.", "Noisy, confident and pioneering, she was curious about people, always wanting to push the boundaries in life and work.", "She has left publishing in a better place than where she found it.", "Becky leaves her partner of many years, Helen Cosis Brown, her parents, her stepfather, her brothers, Adam Swift, a political philosopher, and Joe Swift, a garden designer and TV presenter, and her two nieces and two nephews.", "• Rebecca Margaret Swift, literary consultant and writer, born 10 January 1964; died 18 April 2017", "Margaret Drabble", "AS Byatt", "Michael Holroyd", "Doris Lessing", "Reuse this content" ]
{ "id": "train19095", "claim_title": "Joe Swift", "claim_section": "Personal life.", "claim_context": "Swift's father was the actor Clive Swift, and he was the nephew of David Swift. His mother is novelist Margaret Drabble, and his brother is academic Adam Swift." }
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Due to demand more dates were gradually added, including an entire second North America leg which was announced on December 5, 2016 that extended the tour into 2017.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Stevie Nicks Adds 2017 Dates to Her '24 Karat Gold' Tour | Billboard", "(meta data) AUTHOR: Lars Brandle", "Hot 100", "Billboard 200", "Artist 100", "Pop Songs", "Breaking and Entering", "Digital Song Sales", "All Weekly Charts", "YEAR-END", "Year-End Hot 100 Songs", "Year-End Billboard 200 Albums", "All Year-End Charts", "Hip-Hop/R&B", "K-Pop", "All News", "INDUSTRY NEWS", "Legal and Management", "Executive Turntable", "Record Labels", "TV and Film", "All News", "BUSINESS TOOLS", "Chart Search", "Billboard Bulletin", "Artist index", "Song Index", "BUSINESS CHARTS", "The Billboard Hot 100", "The Billboard 200", "Songwriters & Producers", "View All Business Charts", "The Real Hot 100 Billboard 200 Pop Latin R&B/Hip-Hop Podcasts Chart Beat", "# Stevie Nicks Adds 2017 Dates to Her '24 Karat Gold' Tour", "Lars Brandle", "Debra L Rothenberg/Getty Images", "Stevie Nicks and Chrissie Hynde perform live in concert at Madison Square Garden on Dec. 1, 2016 in New York City.", "Stevie Nicks will hit the road with the Pretenders in 2017 for a run of newly-announced shows.", "The legendary Fleetwood Mac singer has added 20 dates to her 24 Karat Gold Tour, beginning Feb. 23 in Reno, Nevada and wrapping up April 6 in Uniondale, New York.", "Live Nation will produce the shows in support of Nicks' eighth and latest solo studio album 24 Karat Gold, which features new versions of works primarily written and demoed by the Rock And Roll Hall of Famer between 1969 and 1987 but never officially released.", "Nicks and Chrissie Hynde's Hall of Fame-inducted Pretenders are winding down a long stretch of 2016 concerts, which have been met with \"huge ticket demands and stellar reviews,\" reps say.", "\"It's been thrilling to get on stage each night and sing some of my early gems from early in my career along with getting the chance to sing the material from my last two albums,\" comments Nicks in a statement.", "The general ticket onsale begins Dec. 12, with an exclusive pre-sale for American Express cardholders starting Wednesday (Dec. 7).", "Nicks and the Pretenders' touring commitments for 2016 come to a conclusion Dec. 18 at the Forum in Inglewood.", "The new dates for 2017 are listed below.", "Feb. 23 – Reno Events Center, Reno, NV Feb. 25 – Vivint Smart Home Arena, Salt Lake City, UT Feb. 28 – Moda Center, Portland, OR March 2 – Viejas Arena, San Diego, Calif March 6 – BOK Center, Tulsa, OK March 8 – FedExField, Landover, MDMarch 10 – CenturyLink Center, Bossier City, LA March 12 – Frank Erwin Center, Austin, TX March 15 – Smoothie King Center, New Orleans, LAMarch 17 – Nationwide Arena, Columbus, OH March 19 – PNC. Arena, Raleigh, NC March 21 – Amway Center, Orlando, FLMarch 23 –Jacksonville Veterans Mem. Arena, Jacksonville, FLMarch 25 –John Paul Jones Arena (JPJ Arena), Charlottesville, VAMarch 26 – Royal Farms Arena, Baltimore, MD March 29 – Bankers Life Fieldhouse, Indianapolis, IN March 31 – PPG Paints Arena, Pittsburgh, PAApril 2 – Prudential Center, Newark, NJApril 5 – SNHU Arena, Manchester, NH April 6 – Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Uniondale, NY", "THE BILLBOARD BIZ", "SUBSCRIBER EXPERIENCE", "The Biz premium subscriber content has moved to", "To simplify subscriber access, we have temporarily disabled the password requirement.", "Don't show again" ]
{ "id": "train29339", "claim_title": "24 Karat Gold Tour", "claim_section": "Background.", "claim_context": "On September 6, 2016, Nicks announced a leg of 27 shows in North American with The Pretenders in support of her 2014 studio album, \"24 Karat Gold: Songs from the Vault\"." }
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Quinto returned for the second season in one of the lead roles, as Dr. Oliver Thredson.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Zachary Quinto Returning to FX's 'American Horror Story'", "(meta data) AUTHOR: Lesley Goldberg ", "32 captures", "04 Mar 2012 - 09 Aug 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "These crawls are part of an effort to archive pages as they are created and archive the pages that they refer to.", "That way, as the pages that are referenced are changed or taken from the web, a link to the version that was live when the page was written will be preserved.", "Then the Internet Archive hopes that references to these archived pages will be put in place of a link that would be otherwise be broken, or a companion link to allow people to see what was originally intended by a page's authors.", "The goal is to fix all broken links on the web.", "Crawls of supported \"No More 404\" sites.", "Collection: Wikipedia Near Real Time (from IRC)", "This is a collection of web page captures from links added to, or changed on, Wikipedia pages.", "The idea is to bring a reliability to Wikipedia outlinks so that if the pages referenced by Wikipedia articles are changed, or go away, a reader can permanently find what was originally referred to.", "This is part of the Internet Archive's attempt to rid the web of broken links.", "The Wayback Machine -", "Industry Tools", "Daily PDF", "Log out", "Log in", "Follow @THR", "The Hollywood Reporter on LinkedIn", "Subscribe to", "2 YEARS", "# Zachary Quinto Returning to FX's 'American Horror Story'", "12:09 PM PST 3/2/2012 by Lesley Goldberg", "## He joins Jessica Lange in the upcoming second season, which will feature a new cast, story and location.", "Getty ImagesZachary Quinto and Jessica Lange", "The Season 2 cast of FX's horror anthology series American Horror Story is beginning to take shape.", "our editor recommends'American Horror Story's' Ryan Murphy: New Cast, New House, New Story Set for Season 2TCA: 'American Horror Story': FX Boss Didn't Want to Diminish the Experience", "Following a four-episode guest stint as one of the haunted abode's former residents, Zachary Quinto will return as a series regular in the upcoming sophomore season of the Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk drama, The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed.", "Quinto joins Season 1 SAG and Golden Globe award winner Jessica Lange as cast members set to return to the series, with co-creator Murphy confirming her return early last month.", "Following its breakout freshman season that featured the deaths of the Harmon family (played by Dylan McDermott, Connie Britton and Taissa Farmiga) who moved into the haunted L.A. abode, Murphy told reporters that Season 2 will feature an entirely new setting, story and cast.", "During a visit to Bravo's Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen last month, Murphy said he was in negotiations with \"four of the people who were on last year's show\" but confirmed the Harmon trio would not be among them.", "Murphy is expected to announce additional cast members for the horror anthology series Friday at the opening night of PaleyFest 2012 in Los Angeles.", "American Horror Story, which likely will return in October, will take place in an East Coast mental institution and center on Lange's new character.", "(In Season 1, she played the nosy, all-knowing Constance, who lived next door to the evil property.)", "\"We have designed the second season of American Horror Story completely around [Lange's] character,\" Murphy told EW.", "\"We are designing this amazing new opposite of the Constance character for her.", "She and I have spoken about different things.", "She has a lot of ideas and has a lot of input into her character.\"", "Who else would you like to see return to American Horror Story?", "Email:; Twitter: @Snoodit", "Jessica Lange", "Zachary Quinto", "American Horror Story", "## Photo Gallery", "View Gallery", "'American Horror Story': Who's Who", "MOST SHARED", "MOST POPULAR", "#### Ellen Page Comes Out as Gay: 'I Am Tired of Lying by Omission' (Exclusive)", "#### 'Son of God': Church Leaders Buying Out Theaters For Screenings", "#### Comedian Defends Crashing Shia LaBeouf's #IAmSorry: He's 'Not a Sacred Cow'", "(Video)", "#### Box Office: 'Lego Movie' Crosses $100 Million on Saturday; 'About Last Night' Strong No. 2", "#### E! 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{ "id": "train36335", "claim_title": "Zachary Quinto", "claim_section": "Career.", "claim_context": "In 2013, Quinto played the role of Tom Wingfield in the American Repertory Theatre's production of \"The Glass Menagerie\" by Tennessee Williams. He was also in the Broadway reprisal of the production, in 2014. In February 2016, Zachary appeared in the New York premiere of MCC Theater's \"Smokefall\".\n In 2010, Quinto's company Before the Door Pictures produced \"Margin Call\", an independent film about the financial crisis. Quinto played the role of Peter Sullivan in the film, in a cast that included Jeremy Irons, Kevin Spacey, Stanley Tucci, Penn Badgley and Demi Moore. \"Margin Call\" premiered in January 2011 at the Sundance Film Festival. \"Margin Call\" received an Oscar nomination for Best Original Screenplay, by J. C. Chandor. Quinto was an executive producer for Chandor's next film \"All Is Lost\" (2013) with Robert Redford as the sole actor. \n Not leaving television behind, in October 2011, Quinto began a recurring role on the FX series \"American Horror Story\" as Chad, former owner of the house." }
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She is also the author of "Chekhov: Scenes from a Life" (2004) and has translated two volumes of Anton Chekhov's short stories.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Tolstoy: A Russian Life by Rosamund Bartlett – review | Books | The Guardian", "(meta data) AUTHOR:", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2010-11-13T19:05:04-0500", "Skip to main content", "The Guardian - Back to home", "Support The Guardian", "Available for everyone, funded by readers", "Search jobs", "Sign in", "current edition:", "US edition", "Art & design", "TV & radio", "The Observer", "Leo Tolstoy", "# Tolstoy: A Russian Life by Rosamund Bartlett – review", "A noble effort, but one that will not supersede earlier biographies of the master of fiction", "Christopher Tayler", "Sat 13 Nov 2010 19.05 EST", "First published on Sat 13 Nov 2010 19.05 EST", "Tolstoy pictured in his later years telling his grandchildren a story.", "Photograph: World History Archive / Alamy/Alamy", "The state of Tolstoy's health was closely monitored by the press during the final phase of his life.", "Years before his death in 1910, people worried about what it would mean.", "\"I dread Tolstoy's death\", Chekhov wrote in a letter in 1900 – partly, he explained, because he loved the man, partly because he admired his beliefs (without sharing them) and partly because Tolstoy's immense authority seemed to justify \"all the hopes and aspirations invested in literature\".", "While Tolstoy lived, Chekhov said, \"crude, embittered vainglory\" was kept in the outer darkness; \"without him the literary world would be a flock without a shepherd, or a hopeless mess.\"", "The symbolist poet Aleksandr Blok, writing in 1908, went further: \"everything is still straightforward and not fearfully relativistic so long as Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy is alive …", "The morning is still dewy, fresh, unfrightening, the vampires are drowsing, and thank God, Tolstoy walks …", "And if the sun sinks, Tolstoy dies, the last genius departs – what then?\"", "For these two writers, and for many other men and women in Russia and around the world, Tolstoy was something more than a literary figure, and something more, too, than a sage and/or crank – his main occupation after his spiritual crisis in the early 1880s.", "\"If the world could write by itself\", Isaac Babel said, \"it would write like Tolstoy\"; and though on one level this was romantic hyperbole (Tolstoy, as Babel knew, was exhibit A in the great critic Viktor Shklovsky's work on literature as technique), you can still see, while under the spell of War and Peace or Anna Karenina, what Babel meant.", "Tolstoy had a complicated relationship with God: the pair of them famously reminded Maxim Gorky of \"two bears in one den\", a den not big enough for both.", "But if, at around 1900, you wished to feel that, somewhere, a tremendously bearded character was underwriting the world's solidity and comprehensibility, the novelist might not have been your second choice.", "Tolstoy's ability to deal, late in life, with the likes of God and the tsar on equal terms came from his acknowledged creative mastery.", "Yet it also owed something to his aristocratic background, a background he shared with all the major Russian writers from the first half of the 19th century except Dostoevsky, and which Rosamund Bartlett puts a lot of weight on in Tolstoy: A Russian Life.", "Family histories and childhoods are usually the dullest parts of biographies; Tolstoy's, in Bartlett's book, aren't, partly because the relative scarcity of evidence makes it easier for her to pick out telling details, but mostly because they help to put her subject's impregnable self-assurance in perspective.", "It's one thing to know that the landed gentry owned most of Russia's population until 1861, another to know that Tolstoy's grandmother owned a blind man who served as a human audio book, or that Tolstoy's father, aged 16, was given a peasant girl \"for his 'health'\".", "Born in 1828, Tolstoy was brought up in a moderately enlightened noble household, which meant in this context that their serfs were rarely flogged.", "Yasnaya Polyana, the main family estate, with wooden stands in the park for musicians to play Haydn from, and a coachman who \"smelled pleasantly of manure\", was soon fixed in his mind as the centre of the universe.", "When the future writer was five or so, his eldest brother, Nikolay, announced that the secret of human happiness had been written on a little green stick and buried in their woods; in old age Tolstoy arranged to be buried at the indicated spot.", "But in spite of the piety of some of their guardians (Tolstoy's mother died when he was one, his father when he was eight), the male children were essentially raised as hard-riding landowners.", "Drinking, gambling and chasing peasant girls were Tolstoy's main activities as a very young man, and though he was ashamed of his rakish youth later, some of these habits were difficult to break.", "His career as a fiction writer, his early reformist efforts, and, from 1862, his stormy marriage to Sonya Bers: all these are bigger problems for a biographer.", "There's a lot of political and intellectual background to fill in and personal material to process – the Tolstoys were obsessive diarists – before you even get to the published works.", "Bartlett's solution, as her subtitle indicates, is to treat him as an actor in Russian history rather than, say, an artist or a thinker.", "As he'd have wished, his philanthropic projects get as much space as the fiction he's remembered for, fiction that isn't discussed in any depth.", "Naturally, there's much interesting information: I hadn't known, for example, that Tolstoy not only fell out with Turgenev (as did Dostoevsky, whom Tolstoy never met) but also challenged him to a duel.", "But the dutiful potted histories and near-total lack of critical discussion sometimes make it hard to remember why you're interested.", "After Tolstoy's spiritual crisis – which caused him to give up meat, hunting and smoking, give away his copyrights, denounce his earlier writings as immoral and preach a pacifist, anarchist, highly personal Christianity – the biographer's job doesn't get any easier.", "Yasnaya Polyana was soon filled with disciples who wrote down everything Tolstoy said and did.", "The chief of these, Vladimir Chertkov, was hated by Sonya, and the adult children began to take sides in a struggle between Tolstoys and Tolstoyans.", "Meanwhile, translations of Tolstoy's books made him a global celebrity.", "Heroically pounding the enormous paper trail, Bartlett patiently unpicks her subject's quarrels with church and state, suggesting that his grand connections protected him as much as his moral authority.", "Exhaustion, however, manifestly sets in, and after disposing of Tolstoy's flight from wife and home and his death at Astapovo station in under a page, she seems happier writing a chapter-length epilogue on the Soviet handling of his legacy.", "Better access to the Soviet end of the story is this biography's main advantage over AN Wilson's Tolstoy, published in 1988, which it's billed as superseding.", "But if you're after something more portable than Henri Troyat's exhaustive, elegantly written 1960s life, Wilson's book still stands up pretty well.", "Although she's less eccentrically opinionated than Wilson, Bartlett is less engaged with Tolstoy's work and writes with considerably less flair; half translated-sounding idioms (\"a matter of life importance\") and cliches (\"the flame-haired femme fatale\") litter her text.", "Wilson was openly contemptuous of Tolstoy's moralising, which had, to be sure, a dark, life-despising side.", "Bartlett aims for even-handedness but ends up scolding her subject anyway, grumbling in asides about his humourlessness, vanity and \"self-righteous hypocrisy\", and even getting impatient with him for writing \"very long\" letters about the meaning of life, which is surely a case of telling off Lassie for barking.", "It's hardly fair to compare her book with Joseph Frank's 50-years-in-the-making life of Dostoevsky, but in terms of English language biographies, at least, Tolstoy's great rival currently has the upper hand.", "Leo Tolstoy", "The Observer", "Biography books", "Reuse this content" ]
{ "id": "train06162", "claim_title": "Rosamund Bartlett", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "Rosamund Bartlett is a writer, scholar, translator and lecturer specializing in Russian literature. \n Bartlett graduated from Durham University with a first-class degree in Russian. She went on to complete a doctorate at Oxford. \n Rosamund Bartlett is the author of \"Tolstoy: A Russian Life\" (2010) and has translated Leo Tolstoy's \"Anna Karenina\" (2014). " }
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Following a report by the Lunacy Commission into overcrowding at Knowle Hospital in the south of the county, a new site was required to house the expanding population.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Rooksdown Parish Council - Park Prewett", "### Beginnings", "Park Prewett Hospital was one of a number of large psychiatric hospitals inspired by the Victorians and embodying many of their values.", "The institutions were not unlike the large country houses of the time, being situated in large grounds, often with a farm attached, and being a good local employer.", "The fact that the site of Park Prewett included a farm was no accident, as many inmates of the asylum would be expected to work there, fresh air and hard work being a remarkably good therapy.", "Although not opened until 1921, the 'second county asylum'was first proposed in 1898.", "This came about following concern that Knowle Hospital in Fareham had reached the limits for its expansion, and that a new location in the north of the county would be more suitable.", "The committee of visitors of the Hampshire County Council asylum, chaired by Mr. W.H. Deane had narrowed it down to two sites in the vicinity of Basingstoke, Winklebury Farm and Park Prewett Farm.", "At this time, the London architect George T. Hine, who had already designed a number of asylums, was called in for advice.", "Although both sites were favourable, Park Prewett was chosen, although the provision of a line of trees to serve as a windbreak was recommended.", "A suggestion for which we may be thankful, even today.", "The Council bought Park Prewett Farm of 300 acres, part of the Vyne estate, for £30 an acre.", "In November 1899 Mr. Hine's firm, Hine and Pegg was appointed as the architect.", "Although held in abeyance for some years while demand had dropped, the building was firmly back on the agenda by 1908, and preparations for building began in 1910.", "It was announced in the Hants and Berks Gazette of 16 August 1913 that the tender for construction from Thomas Rowbotham had come in at £258,777.", "The main building was to consist of 15 wards housing 804 patients and 100 in admissions.", "In addition there were to be 10 villas for various types of patient and a private wing for 100 patients.", "In all, accommodation for 1300 patients, 167 nurses and attendants.", "On 11th July 1913, the Joint Asylum Committee had been very pleased with progress on the foundations and the bridge over the railway line being built to service the hospital was complete.", "Incidentally, this LSWR branch line served both in the construction of the site, and to bring coal and other supplies twice weekly up until its closure in September 1950.", "The line was not suitable for passenger traffic owing to its steep gradient (up to 1 in 53) and tight turns.", "The gradient was such that the loco had to be at the rear to prevent runaways should a coupling break.", "When tested for passenger use at the start of the second world war during the only confirmed run, the coach buffers were fully compressed, and one of the coaches got stuck in the bank of the cutting on its return journey.", "By the summer of 1914 a number of one storey buildings were ready for roofing.", "Even the water tower had reached a height of 50ft.", "Of course 1914 was not a good time to be building, and labour soon dried up.", "This was somewhat relieved by the army requisitioning the hospital in September 1915 and deploying some of their own men.", "Park Prewett thus opened in 1917 as a military hospital - Number Four Canadian General Hospital.", "This designation came from the Canadian Army Medical Corps unit, newly returned from Salonica as part of support for the Gallipoli campaign.", "The hospital remained in military hands for two years, and then the long process of conversion back to the original purpose could commence.", "Finally, in August 1921, the hospital opened, accepting its first patients in the week beginning the 29th.", "### The Hospital Opens", "Four wards opened to begin with, many of the others were still full of the furniture acquired from the military and although the hospital was more or less ready it still bore many traces of its wartime experience and took some time to settle down to peacetime use.", "Mr. Hines's brief had been to produce 'a plain building', and it was indeed quite utilitarian but the proportions were generous and designed to please - even the façade had a secret - one of the windows above the front door is blind, only there for the sake of symmetry.", "The design of the main hospital was symmetrical with two main entrances.", "The front door opened into a long corridor with administrative offices on either side and doctor's quarters above.", "The corridor led to a central hall from which the other entrance door opened.", "The porter's lodge was here and the hall was used for all the general business of the hospital; The dispensary and the path lab opened form it.", "Behind it was the main (assembly) hall and behind that the kitchen.", "From the entrance hall corridors led to the wards which formed wings on either side of this central block; one side for men and one side for women.", "The wards were built round an open rectangle; On their outward side each ward opened onto its own airing court surrounded by iron railings discretely covered by laurel hedges.", "On the women's side of the hospital were the laundry and the sewing room and on the male side the shops of the tailor, shoemaker and upholsterer.", "Behind the tradesman's shops was the engineer's yard, including plumbers, carpenters, painters, electricians and the tinsmith.", "The main hall was very much the centre of hospital life, with its large high vaulted roof and well sprung floor, including a stage and an orchestra pit it was ideal for concerts dances and all kinds of entertainment.", "During the 1920's and 30's there was very little therapeutic care, although patient's often recovered there were many for whom the hospital was their life.", "There were few drugs prescribed, apart from paraldehyde, with its characteristic smell of stale whisky.", "A breakthrough in psychiatric treatment came with the introduction of malarial treatment for neurosyphilitic patients.", "Insulin shock treatment also came into use in the 1930s, and later on there was a major development with the discovery and introduction of therapeutic electro-convulsive therapy..", "In the early days of Park Prewett, nurses worked a thirteen hour day often dealing with difficult patients.", "At mealtimes patients ate at long trestle tables using enamel plates and mugs with the so called lunatic knives and forks designed to prevent their use as weapons or for self harm.", "By 1936 the patient population was already over 1300 and apparently set to go on rising, it was decided to build four more wards.", "Idsworth and Kingsclere on the female side and Vernham and Winchester on the male side.", "in February 1937 the proposals were accepted to provide the 128 new beds.", "Building work began in January 1938 and was scarcely complete when war broke out.", "more...", "#### External Links", "#### History Links" ]
{ "id": "train36861", "claim_title": "Park Prewett Hospital", "claim_section": "History.", "claim_context": "Park Prewett was an enclosure dating back to the time of Edward I." }
[ [ 31, 33, 45 ], [ 31, 33, 43, 45 ] ]
At the same pop-up, actor James Michael Tyler, who portrayed Central Perk barista Gunther, performed the first verse of the song with band The Rembrandts, who originally recorded "I'll Be There for You".
[ "(meta data) TITLE: The Rembrandts Performed The \"Friends\" Theme With Gunther And It Was Amazing", "(meta data) AUTHOR: Jaimie Etkin, Emily Orley, Krystie Lee Yandoli", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "(meta data) COPYRIGHT: Copyright BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved.", "23 captures", "19 Sep 2014 - 05 Sep 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Collection: Wikipedia Eventstream", "The Wayback Machine -", "⚔️GoTShoppingVideosNewslettersSearch BuzzFeedlol Badge Feedwin Badge Feedtrending Badge FeedLog in or sign up to post and comment!", "## Browse Sections", "## About", "We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing.", "BuzzFeed ReviewsWe test and find the best products.", "No matter your budget, we got you covered.", "BuzzFeed TastySearch, watch, and cook every single Tasty recipe and video ever - all in one place!BuzzFeed", "GoodfulSelf care and ideas to help you live a healthier, happier life.", "BuzzFeed Bring MePlaces that'll instantly make you say, \"bring me.", "\"BuzzFeed As IsSomething for everyone interested in hair, makeup, style, and body positivity.", "TV and Movies", "# The Rembrandts Performed The \"Friends\" Theme With Gunther And It Was Amazing", "And \"Smelly Cat\" too! At Central Perk, no less!", "Posted on", "September 17, 2014, 02:48 GMT", "Jaimie Etkin", "(BuzzFeed News Reporter)", "Emily Orley", "(BuzzFeed News Reporter)", "Krystie Lee Yandoli", "(BuzzFeed News Reporter)", "## At the Central Perk pop-up shop in New York City on Tuesday, Danny Wilde (left) and Phil Solem (right) — aka The Rembrandts — gathered for a special Friends performance in honor of the 20th anniversary of the show's premiere.", "Krystie Yandoli / BuzzFeed", "## Two decades after co-writing the show's legendary theme song, \"I'll Be There For You,\" they were introduced to the crowd by none other than James Michael Tyler, who played Central Perk manager Gunther.", "Krystie Yandoli / BuzzFeed", "## They raised their glasses to the show...", "Krystie Yandoli / BuzzFeed", "## And seemingly, fell right back into it as they strummed the first chords of \"I'll Be There For You.\"", "Krystie Yandoli / BuzzFeed", "## It doesn't get cuter than this.", "Krystie Yandoli / BuzzFeed", "## Watch the performance here!", "Emily Orley / BuzzFeed", "## Later, per Tyler's request, the three of them sang Phoebe Buffay's iconic song \"Smelly Cat\"... in the chord of G, of course.", "Krystie Yandoli / BuzzFeed", "## It was only the first verse, but it was perfect.", "Watch it below!", "Emily Orley / BuzzFeed", "## And to top it all off, the band and the coffee manager gave an encore performance of the show's theme song.", "Krystie Yandoli / BuzzFeed", "## And Tyler pointed to the crowd when they clapped, right on cue.", "Krystie Yandoli / BuzzFeed", "## He really got into it.", "Krystie Yandoli / BuzzFeed", "## And even pulled a Mike, and played some air keyboard!", "Krystie Yandoli / BuzzFeed", "## All while Friends reruns played in the background.", "Krystie Yandoli / BuzzFeed", "## Watch \"I'll Be There For You (The Reprise ft. Gunther)\" below!", "Emily Orley / BuzzFeed", "## *Clap Clap Clap Clap*", "Emily Orley / BuzzFeed", "The Central Perk pop-up shop is located at 199 Lafayette St. in SoHo, and will be open from Sept. 17 until Oct. 18 (Mondays–Fridays, 8 a.m.–8 p.m., and Saturdays–Sundays, 10 a.m.–8 p.m.).", "## 19 Iconic Central Perk Moments Dissected By The Seventh Most Important \"Friend\"", "## 21 Things You Didn't Know About \"Friends,\" According To Gunther", "## Here's A Look Inside The Amazing New York Central Perk Pop-Up Shop", "back to top" ]
{ "id": "train38368", "claim_title": "Smelly Cat", "claim_section": "Live performances and covers.", "claim_context": "Kudrow was originally intended to introduce musician Sheryl Crow, only for the audience to ask her to sing \"Smelly Cat\" instead. Kudrow then invited Cox to join her for the performance, for which the stagehands provided Kudrow with a guitar at Cox's insistence. The performance was met with a standing ovation from the crowd. \"Hello!\" joked that \"hitting the right notes wasn't really a concern [for the actresses] if they wanted the performance to reflect Lisa's character's dubious musical talents\", while Inquisitr's Asher Bayot reviewed the duet as awkward. The performance remained Kudrow's only documented post-\"Friends\" \"Smelly Cat\" performance for several years. \n In 2014, singer-songwriter Colbie Caillat sang an a capella version of \"Smelly Cat\" live at a Central Perk-themed pop-up café in Manhattan, New York, which had been launched to commemorate the show's 20th anniversary. Caillat's unscheduled performanced surprised many fans in attendance, who she encouraged to sing along. Despite praising Caillat's rendition as \"awesome\" for \"fulfill[ing] every \"Friends\" fanatic's fantasy\", \"Bustle\"'s Aly Semigran criticized her for performing only half of the song. However, she believes her rendition should lead to a Phoebe tribute album, on which she should reprise \"Smelly Cat\"." }
[ [ 13 ] ]
The network announced that it will air a one-hour version of the previous week's episode prior to the airing of new episodes on February 26 and March 4 at 8 p.m.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Breaking News - NBC Moves Season Premiere of \"The Celebrity Apprentice\" Back One Week to February 19; \"Harry's Law\" to Return on March 11 |", "[01/13/12 - 12:10 PM]NBC Moves Season Premiere of \"The Celebrity Apprentice\" Back One Week to February 19; \"Harry's Law\" to Return on March", "11An", "original two-hour episode of \"Fear Factor\" will now be broadcast on Sunday, February 12 (9-11 p.m. ET).", "[via press release from NBC]", "[EDITOR'S NOTE: The original release incorrectly identified the time period for \"Harry's Law\" as 10:00/9:00c.", "We've confirmed the correct slot is 8:00/7:00c as previously announced.]", "NBC MOVES SEASON PREMIERE OF \"THE CELEBRITY APPRENTICE\" BACK ONE WEEK TO FEBRUARY 19; \"HARRY'S LAW\" TO RETURN ON MARCH 11", "UNIVERSAL CITY, Calif. - January 13, 2012 -", "NBC will move the season premiere of \"The Celebrity Apprentice\" back one week to Sunday, February 19 (9-11 p.m. ET) from its previously announced debut of Sunday, February 12 (9-11 p.m. ET).", "An original two-hour episode of \"Fear Factor\" will now be broadcast on Sunday, February 12 (9-11 p.m. ET).", "In addition, \"Harry's Law\" will return on March 11 (8-9 p.m. ET).", "It was previously scheduled to resume March 4 (8-9 p.m. ET).", "NBC also will broadcast a one-hour version of the previous week's \"The Celebrity Apprentice\" prior to the series' original episode on Sunday, February 26 (8-9 p.m. ET) and again on Sunday, March 4 (8-9 p.m. ET).", "[january 2012]", "· APPRENTICE, THE (NBC)", "· FEAR FACTOR (MTV)", "· HARRY'S LAW (NBC)", "[08/25/19 - 08:20 AM]Saturday's Broadcast Ratings: FOX Tops Demos; CBS Wins Total ViewersNFL preseason coverage on local stations once again gives the broadcast networks a boost last night.", "[08/24/19 - 03:42 PM]Video: \"El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie\" - Date Announcement -", "NetflixThe much-ballyhooed film drops Friday, October 11 on the streaming service.", "[08/24/19 - 12:30 PM]Disney Channel Greenlights \"Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur\"The", "series follows the adventures of 13-year-old super-genius Lunella Lafayette and her ten-ton T-Rex, Devil Dinosaur.", "[08/24/19 - 08:29 AM]Friday's Broadcast Ratings:", "NFL Preseason Pushes CBS in", "FrontThe Eye takes home top honors in total viewers and adults 18-49.", "[08/23/19 - 07:01 PM]Marvel Animation Announces Its First Full-Length Preschool Series \"Marvel's Spidey and", "His Amazing Friends\"Geared toward preschoolers and their families, the series is set to debut in 2021 and will be the first full-length Marvel series for the Disney Junior audience.", "[08/23/19 - 06:03 PM]Ewan McGregor Will Reprise His Role as Obi-Wan Kenobi in a New Original Series, Coming to Disney+The", "much-ballyhooed project was confirmed at today's D23 Expo event.", "[08/23/19 - 05:49 PM]Video: Official Trailers - Disney+ - Streaming November 12Get your first look at \"The World According to Jeff Goldblum,\" \"Encore!,\" \"Lady and the Tramp,\" \"Lady and the Tramp,\" \"The Mandalorian,\" \"High School Musical: The Musical: The Series\" and more", "[08/23/19 - 05:46 PM]Video: \"Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.\" - Season 7 D23 Expo Teaser", "RevealJust revealed at the D23 Expo 2019, we've got your first look at the final season.", "[08/23/19 - 05:14 PM]The Next Season of \"The Clone Wars\" Will Premiere in February on Disney+The", "series returns to the streaming service after a six-year hiatus.", "[08/23/19 - 05:06 PM]Coming Exclusively to Disney+ in 2020, The Muppets Proudly Present \"Muppets Now,\" A New", "Short-Form Unscripted SeriesKermit the Frog confirmed the news on social media this afternoon.", "[08/23/19 - 04:33 PM]Just Announced at D23 Expo: \"Ms. Marvel,\" \"Moon Knight\" & \"She-Hulk\" - Original Series from Marvel Studios, Only on Disney+The news marks the latest additions from Marvel Studios to the streaming service.", "[08/23/19 - 04:20 PM]Video: \"The Ranch\" Part 7 - Official Trailer - NetflixThe show's penultimate run premieres September 13, only on Netflix.", "[08/23/19 - 04:10 PM]Get a New Look at \"Monsters at Work's\" Tylor And Millie, Coming to Disney+ in 2020They've", "graduated from Monsters University and are ready for the real world.", "[08/23/19 - 04:05 PM]\"Forky Asks a Question,\" A Collection of Shorts from Pixar, Only on Disney+ November", "12The", "project will join the previously announced slate of launch series.", "[08/23/19 - 03:59 PM]Hilary Duff Is Back as Lizzie McGuire in an All-New Series, Coming Soon to", "Disney+The", "series originally ran on sibling Disney Channel from 2001-04.", "more news >>" ]
{ "id": "train27432", "claim_title": "The Apprentice (American season 12)", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "\"The Celebrity Apprentice 5\" (also known as \"The Apprentice 12\") is the fifth installment of the reality game show \"Celebrity Apprentice\". On May 15, 2011, NBC announced that the show would be returning for a fifth season in 2012. The following day, at NBC's annual upfront presentations to advertisers, Donald Trump confirmed that he would be hosting the fifth season. On January 4, 2012, Donald Trump officially announced the cast on \"Today\" and NBC issued a press release with more details. On January 13, 2012, NBC announced the fifth season would premiere February 19, 2012 and would be the first season to air each week's finale live." }
[ [ 45 ] ]
After an incompletion, Chiefs defensive back Charvarius Ward appeared to put the game away with an interception, only to see it overturned by a penalty against linebacker Dee Ford, who had lined up in the neutral zone before the ball was snapped.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Patriots-Chiefs, 2019 AFC Championship Game: All the ways New England could have lost.", "(meta data) AUTHOR: Nick Greene", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "Skip to the content", "## Notable topics", "#MeToo", "Amazon Fires", "Sean Spicer", "Impeach-O-Meter", "Slate Podcasts", "Slate Plus", "Slate homepage", "Enter query", "Sign In", "Log out", "News & Politics", "Human Interest", "Slate homepage", "Bracingly Fresh and Distressingly Familiar", "# Five Ways the Patriots Could Have Lost the AFC Championship Game", "## But they weren't going to lose, obviously.", "Nick Greene", "Jan 20, 201911:46 PM", "There is an alternate dimension where Tom Brady is frowning here.", "Patrick Smith/Getty Images", "# Popular in Culture", "Spider-Man Exits the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Talks Between Marvel and Sony Collapse", "Here's What's Disappearing From Netflix in September", "Midsommar's Director's Cut Draws More (Metaphorical) Blood", "A Brief History of Peeing in Video Games", "Sunday's AFC Championship game was either an exhilarating evening of football or a torturous spell of televised déjà vu, depending on where your loyalties lie.", "The New England Patriots beat the Kansas City Chiefs, 37-31, and they did it thanks to an extremely impressive and predictable Tom Brady touchdown drive in overtime.", "Patrick Mahomes was electric in leading the Chiefs on multiple comebacks, but he was denied a chance to touch the ball in the extra period as Brady's ruthless march sent Kansas City tumbling out of the postseason.", "Try to act surprised, but the Patriots are going to their 2,000th Super Bowl in a row.", "This time, they will play the Los Angeles Rams.", "Most NFL games come down to a couple important plays, but this contest was on a particularly sharp knife's edge.", "New England scored a go-ahead touchdown with 39 seconds left in regulation, but Mahomes and the Chiefs manufactured a miracle push of their own to tie the game at 31 points apiece.", "Some viewers may have believed this to be a sign of a tidal change—the momentum swing that would transfer the powers of one dynasty to a new host.", "Those viewers should have known better.", "You can't kill that which does not bleed, and the Patriots are a machine made from steel, carbon fiber, and cut-up hoodies.", "Even though they were never going to lose this game, the Patriots gave us a few moments that made the naïve believe.", "Were it not for the dark laws of the netherworld that power their success, any one of these five plays could have sent Kansas City to the Super Bowl in the Patriots' stead.", "Dee Ford doesn't line up offsides.", "With one minute left in the fourth quarter and the Patriots down by 4 points, Tom Brady had his pass tipped and intercepted.", "It was game over! … until it wasn't.", "The officials flagged Chiefs defensive end Dee Ford for lining up in the neutral zone and penalized Kansas City 5 yards.", "The drive continued, and the Patriots scored a go-ahead touchdown.", "Mahomes would lead a last-gasp drive of his own to send the game into overtime, but we already know what happens there.", "Chris Hogan lets this ball slip just slightly.", "IT'S A CATCH 😱", "— The Checkdown (@thecheckdown) January 21, 2019", "Look at this foolishness.", "The ruling on the field stood after the Chiefs challenged the call on the field, and it remained yet another third-down conversion for Brady.", "Thanks to the adhesive crook of Hogan's arm, the Patriots continued a late drive that gave them a 24-21 lead.", "Would they have been able to recover had they punted the ball back to Mahomes and the Chiefs?", "Who cares; it didn't happen.", "Matthew Slater calls \"tails.\"", "The Patriots special teams captain called \"heads\" during the coin toss to determine possession in overtime.", "He got it right, New England got the ball, and they walked through the Chiefs' defense and into the Super Bowl.", "Given that the teams combined to score 38 points in the fourth quarter (24 for Kansas City, 14 for New England), it was pretty likely that the winner would be whoever had the ball last.", "Tony Romo predicts the Chiefs make this stop …", "CBS's color commentator isn't just a lively presence in the booth—he's a football Svengali who can predict plays before they happen.", "Romo was so impressive on Sunday that it went beyond clairvoyance.", "There was but one explanation for his gift: He wasn't predicting anything, he was making the plays happen with his mind.", "This Sony Michel run on fourth down is proof, and it's a shame for Kansas City that Romo didn't conjure up something for the defense.", "\"Oh, they're killing it.", "Usually means a motion and a run out wide to the right.\"", "- Tony Romo before Patriots' playBrady motions; Sony Michel runs ball to right, scores touchdown.", "", "— NFLonCBS (@NFLonCBS) January 21, 2019", "… or Romo predicts a third-down incompletion here.", "Romo knows exactly what's going to happen every time 🔊", "— The Checkdown (@thecheckdown) January 21, 2019", "Nope.", "A dart to Julian Edelman, just as Romo foretold.", "There were some other moments—a phantom roughing the passer call here, a botched Chiefs coverage there—but none of them actually mattered.", "Tom Brady and Bill Belichick haven't missed out on a Super Bowl since Moses threw for 5 touchdowns against them at Mount Sinai Arena.", "They'll play the Rams in Super LIII on Feb. 3.", "But you didn't need Tony Romo to tell you that.", "Nick Greene is a Slate contributing writer.", "# We Need to Talk About Your Ad Blocker", "Slate relies on advertising to support our journalism.", "If you value our work, please disable your ad blocker.", "Enable Ads on Slate", "# Want to Block Ads But Still Support Slate?", "By joining Slate Plus you support our work and get exclusive content.", "And you'll never see this message again.", "Join Slate Plus" ]
{ "id": "train14732", "claim_title": "2018–19 NFL playoffs", "claim_section": "Conference championships.:AFC: New England Patriots 37, Kansas City Chiefs 31 (OT).", "claim_context": "Following an incompletion, Mahomes threw a short pass to Williams, who raced down the left sideline for a 23-yard touchdown completion, giving Kansas City their first lead at 21–17, with 7:45 left in regulation. New England then drove 75 yards in 10 plays to retake the lead, the longest a 14-yard run by Burkhead. Michel's 10-yard touchdown run made the score 24–21. The Patriots' touchdown drive was kept alive by a controversial roughing the passer call against Chiefs defensive lineman Chris Jones. Instead of third-and-long, the Patriots got 15 yards and a first down. Following the Patriots' touchdown, Kansas City quickly took advantage of a lost fumble that was eliminated due to a holding penalty on Patriots defensive back J. C. Jackson, and a later pass interference penalty on Jackson that gained them 23 yards. Mahomes then threw a 38-yard completion to Watkins on the 2-yard line, and Williams ran the ball in for a touchdown on the next play; Kansas City led 28–24 with just over two minutes left in regulation. \n Cordarrelle Patterson returned the ensuing kickoff 38 yards to the 35-yard line. Then Brady threw passes to Edelman and Chris Hogan for gains of 20 and 11 yards; Hogan's one-handed catch was upheld on review." }
[ [ 26 ], [ 13, 26 ] ]
He won the general election against the Republican candidate, Mike McFadden, with 53.2% of the vote.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: The Most Detailed Maps You'll See From Yesterday's Senate Elections -", "115 captures", "06 Nov 2014 - 24 Oct 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Philadelphia Media Landscape", "Archive-It Partner 828: Philadelphia Media Landscape", "Collection: Philadelphia-region Web Media Ecosystem", "The collection is intended to facilitate interested scholars, journalists and civic organizations in assessing representation of important community issues within the web media ecosystem; and exploring the influence of powerful actors in the political process.", "Philadelphia-region television news and associated political ads are newly searchable within the Internet Archive's television news research library.", "Project URL:", "The Wayback Machine -", "Dem. votesRep. votes Home", "# The Most Detailed MapsYou'll See From theMidterm Elections", "By Amanda Cox, Mike Bostock, Derek Watkins, and Shan CarterNov. 5, 2014 09:24 AMSparsely populatedDensely populatedMostly DemocraticAbout evenMostly Republican", "### Virginia", "Dem. Mark Warner49.1%Rep. Ed Gillespie48.5% Fullscreen", "### North Carolina", "Rep. Thom Tillis49.0%Dem. Kay Hagan47.3% Fullscreen", "### Georgia", "Rep. David A. Perdue53.0%Dem. Michelle Nunn45.1% Fullscreen", "### Arkansas", "Rep. Tom Cotton56.5%Dem. Mark Pryor39.5% Fullscreen", "### Louisiana", "Dem. Mary Landrieu42.1%Rep. Bill Cassidy41.0% Fullscreen", "### Minnesota", "Dem. Al Franken53.2%Rep. Mike McFadden42.9% Fullscreen", "### Iowa", "Rep. Joni Ernst52.2%Dem. Bruce Braley43.7%", "Fullscreen* Why are we so confident these are the most detailed maps you'll ever see from the 2014 Senate elections?", "Precincts are the smallest level of geography for publicly-reported election results.", "There were more than 175,000 precincts in the United States in 2012, fifty times the number of counties.", "The maps here show precinct-level results, where available, from some of the closest Senate races.", "### Notes", "Maps exclude early votes in counties that do not report them by precinct.", "Some precinct boundaries are approximate.", "### Credits", "By Amanda Cox, Mike Bostock, Derek Watkins, and Shan CarterAdditional reporting and research by Jeremy B. Merrill, Ken Schwencke, Alex Rosenthal, Nilkanth Patel, Haeyoun Park", "### Sources", "Virginia data comes from the Virginia State Board of Elections.", "Most Virginia map shapes are from the Virginia Public Access ProjectNorth Carolina data comes from North Carolina State Board of Elections.", "Georgia data comes from the Georgia Secretary of State.", "Iowa data comes from the Iowa Secretary of State.", "Arkansas data comes from the Arkansas Secretary of State.", "Louisiana data comes from the Louisiana Secretary of State.", "Minnesota data comes from the Minnesota Secretary of State.", "Streets data by OpenStreetMap contributors.", "## More election coverage on", "(meta data) TITLE: MN Election Results", "80 captures", "20 Oct 2014 - 07 May 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "These crawls are part of an effort to archive pages as they are created and archive the pages that they refer to.", "That way, as the pages that are referenced are changed or taken from the web, a link to the version that was live when the page was written will be preserved.", "Then the Internet Archive hopes that references to these archived pages will be put in place of a link that would be otherwise be broken, or a companion link to allow people to see what was originally intended by a page's authors.", "The goal is to fix all broken links on the web.", "Crawls of supported \"No More 404\" sites.", "Collection: GDELT", "A daily crawl of more than 200,000 home pages of news sites, including the pages linked from those home pages.", "Site list provided by The GDELT Project", "The Wayback Machine -", "Skip to main content", "Office Of The MinnesotaSecretary Of State Steve Simon", "Elections & Voting", "Tiếng Việt", "Afaan Oromo", "Register to Vote", "Election Day Voting", "Other Ways to Vote", "What's on My Ballot?", "Election Results", "Find County Election Office", "Secure and Fair Elections", "Get Involved!", "How Elections Work", "Tuesday, November 4, 2014", "Results Home", "Previous Page", "Counties Reporting: 87 of 87", "Counties Complete: 87", "Precincts Reporting in State: 100% 4106 of 4106", "Last Updated: 01/28/15 8:46 PM", "Voters Registered at 7AM : 3137949", "Statewide Results for U.S. Senator", "U.S. Senator", "STEVE CARLSON", "2.40%", "MIKE MCFADDEN", "42.91%", "Democratic-Farmer-Labor", "AL FRANKEN", "53.15%", "Libertarian Party", "HEATHER JOHNSON", "1.50%", "Write-In", "WRITE-IN", "0.04%", "© 2017 Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State", "- Terms & Conditions" ]
{ "id": "train15155", "claim_title": "Al Franken", "claim_section": "U.S. Senate.:2014 elections.", "claim_context": "Franken was reelected to a second term in 2014. He won the August 12 primary election, in which he was challenged by Sandra Henningsgard, with 94.5% of the vote." }
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In 2012 Boerum hill was ranked #6 in NYC and #1 outside Manhattan in highest neighborhood median home prices among all NYC neighborhoods.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Most Expensive Neighborhoods In New York City - Business Insider", "", "(meta data) AUTHOR: Julie Zeveloff", "(meta data) PUBLISHER: businessinsider", "Business Insider logo", "The words \"Business Insider\"", "Profile icon", "An icon in the shape of a person's head and shoulders.", "It often indicates a user profile.", "BI ACCOUNTS", "BUSINESS INSIDER", "BI PRIME", "SIGN OUT", "BI INTELLIGENCE", "World globe", "An icon of the world globe, indicating different international options.\"", "BI Prime", "International Editions:", "United States", "Check mark icon", "A check mark.", "It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction.", "South Africa", "Profile icon", "An icon in the shape of a person's head and shoulders.", "It often indicates a user profile.", "Search icon", "A magnifying glass.", "It indicates, \"Click to perform a search\".", "World globe", "An icon of the world globe, indicating different international options.\"", "Profile icon", "An icon in the shape of a person's head and shoulders.", "It often indicates a user profile.", "BI ACCOUNTS", "BUSINESS INSIDER", "BI PRIME", "SIGN OUT", "BI INTELLIGENCE", "BI Accounts", "BUSINESS INSIDER", "BI PRIME", "SIGN OUT", "BI INTELLIGENCE", "Chevron icon", "It indicates an expandable section or menu, or sometimes previous / next navigation options.", "Markets Insider", "Your Money", "Chevron icon", "It indicates an expandable section or menu, or sometimes previous / next navigation options.", "Military & Defense", "Chevron icon", "It indicates an expandable section or menu, or sometimes previous / next navigation options.", "Chevron icon", "It indicates an expandable section or menu, or sometimes previous / next navigation options.", "Chevron icon", "It indicates an expandable section or menu, or sometimes previous / next navigation options.", "Macy's", "Bed Bath & Beyond", "Ulta Beauty", "World globe", "An icon of the world globe, indicating different international options.\"", "Business Insider logo", "The words \"Business Insider\"", "* Copyright © 2019 Insider Inc.", "All rights reserved.", "Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our", "Terms of Service", "Privacy Policy", "Cookies Policy", "Commerce Policy", "Made in NYC", "Stock quotes by", "# The 10 Most Expensive Neighborhoods In New York City", "Julie Zeveloff", "Jan. 30, 2013, 11:47 AM", "Two Brooklyn neighborhoods have made it onto a list of the 10 most expensive neighborhoods in New York City released by real estate listing website", "Dumbo, which ranked fourth in median home sale prices last year, had the ninth-highest median sale price in 2012, at $869,259.", "And Boerum Hill, where prices have risen significantly in the past several years, ranked sixth on this year's list, with a median sale price of $950,000.", "Manhattan neighborhoods remained firmly at the top of the list: the median sale price in two neighborhoods, SoHo and TriBeCa, topped $2 million.", "Check out the top 10 from PropertyShark:", "via PropertyShark", "via PropertyShark", "### SEE ALSO:Take A Tour Of The Most Expensive Zip Code In America", "More:", "Real Estate", "New York City", "### Popular from BI Prime", "#### A VC who worked on Microsoft's $8.5 billion acquisition of Skype says it provided a valuable lesson about why the best startups are 'bought not sold'", "### Popular from BI Prime", "#### UBS sent its bankers an email listing books like 'Charlotte's Web' to help them deal with change as it reportedly mulls job cuts.", "Read the internal email here.", "### Popular from BI Prime", "#### This 22-year-old dropped out of MIT to launch an AI startup that just got backed by the Twitch and Instagram founders, and Peter Thiel's VC firm", "### Popular from BI Prime", "#### Basecamp's cofounder explains why it ditched Google Cloud for Amazon this summer", "### Popular from BI Prime", "#### The market's biggest investors just traded like they do right before 'serious damage' is inflicted on stocks — and one expert warns another painful meltdown could soon strike", "Close icon", "Two crossed lines that form an 'X'.", "It indicates a way to close an interaction, or dismiss a notification.", "Check mark icon", "A check mark.", "It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction." ]
{ "id": "train00770", "claim_title": "Boerum Hill", "claim_section": "History.", "claim_context": "The north end of Smith Street was the center of New York City's Mohawk community, who came mostly from \"Akwesasne\" and \"Kahnawake\", Mohawk reserves in Quebec, Canada. (Akwesasne extends across national boundaries into New York state.) Many of the Mohawk men were ironworkers, while their wives worked at a variety of jobs and created the community for their families. For 50 years, the Mohawk families called their neighborhood \"Little Caughnawaga,\" after the homeland of Kahnawake. Many families would travel back to Kahnawake in the summer. \n The Boerum Hill Historic District was first recognized and designated by the New York City Landmarks commission on November 20, 1973, after tireless efforts over many years by the Boerum Hill Association. \n The Boerum Hill Historic District was then listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1983. Many of its buildings are land marked." }
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He trains with hometown club Wakayama Rikkyo in the Wakayama Prefecture.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Nakamura Sets Steeplechase Collegiate NR, Kiryu Takes First National Title - National Track and Field Championships Day Three Results", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2014-06-08T18:18:00+09:00", "Skip to main content", "# japan running news", "the world's window into elite japanese distance running, since 2007", "### Search This Blog", "### Nakamura Sets Steeplechase Collegiate NR, Kiryu Takes First National Title - National Track and Field Championships Day Three Results", "June 08, 2014", "by Brett Larner", "videos by aoshin0507", "Following up on Koji Murofushi's epoch-marking 20th-straight men's hammer national title yesterday, Yuzo Kanemaru (Team Otsuka Seiyaku) led a phalanx of other long-lasting champions in adding to their legacies on the final rainy day of competition at the 2014 Japanese National Track and Field Championships in Fukushima.", "Kanemaru had a 10th-straight men's 400 m national title on the line, and with no genuine competition he cruised in for the win in 45.69, only the second Japanese track athlete in history to get the ten-peat.", "Women's 400 mH national record holder Satomi Kubokura (Niigata Albirex RC) ran 56.39 for an eighth-straight national title, while 100 m national record holder Chisato Fukushima (Hokkaido Hi-Tec AC) picked up the sixth national title of career in 11.69 (-0.3), a fifth-straight win and fourth-straight 100 m/200 m double title.", "Following Fukushima and 10000 m champion Yuki Sato (Team Nissin Shokuhin) yesterday, men's 400 mH champion Takayuki Kishimoto (Team Fujitsu) won a fourth-straight title in 49.49.", "While not quite on the same level, 41-year-old women's 3000 m steeplechase national record holder Minori Hayakari (Kyoto Koka AC) added to her own legacy by finishing 7th, making for 20 straight years of finishing in the top eight.", "What these streaks of domination say about the overall development of their disciplines is another issue, but the streaks added to the atmosphere of this year's National Championships.", "Along with Hayakari's accomplishment, the women's steeple proved to be the race of the day.", "Hayakari went out front from the gun but was soon reeled in by #1-ranked Misaki Sango (Suzuki Hamamatsu AC) and Misato Horie (Team Noritz).", "Horie soon faded but was replaced by relative unknown Mayuko Nakamura (Tsukuba Univ.), with Chikako Mori (Daito Bunka Univ.), who set the collegiate national record of 9:58.98 two weeks ago at the Kanto Regionals meet, trying to make up the ground.", "Sango pushed on at PB pace with Nakamura locked close behind her, but with 200 m to go when she made her move Nakamura could not respond.", "Sango's winning time of 9:49.85 was the second-fastest in Japanese history behind Hayakari's 9:33.93 NR, while Nakamura came in at all-time #3 in 9:53.87, breaking Mori's two-week-old record.", "Horie was just off her best in 3rd in 10:05.80, while Mori was caught at the line by another collegiate runner, Kanako Kitamoto (Meijo Univ.) and knocked down to 5th.", "Like Nakamura providing some contrast to the dynasties, some new talent emerged in a few events to show that things are still moving forward.", "In the men's 110 mH, Genta Masuno (Kokusai Budo Univ.) was just off the meet record as he ran a PB 13.58 (+0.4) for the win over last year's national champion Wataru Yazawa (Descente TC) who tied his own best of 13.59.", "In the men's long jump, Kota Minemura PBd in 7.94 m (+0.6) to take his first national title, part of a strong Tsukuba University team that included Nakamura in the women's 3000 mSC and men's high jump champion Takashi Eto.", "Nihon University was also strong, taking both the women's and men's 800 m thanks to Fumika Omori and men's national record holder Sho Kawamoto.", "In the men's javelin, the ascendant Ryohei Arai (Suzuki Hamamatsu AC) threw 81.97 m to take down the event's last two national champions Yukifumi Murakami (Suzuki Hamamatsu AC) and Genki Dean (Mizuno), with independent Yuya Koriki (Tottori T&F Assoc.) also bettering the two past champs in 76.18.", "The women's and men's 5000 m both played out similarly, the Japanese field mostly ignoring the Kenyan pacers and leaving it for a last kick to determine the winner.", "In the women's race Kenyan pacers Rosemary Wanjiru (Team Starts) and Grace Kimanzi (Team Starts) had a lead of around 40 m after just one lap, but while Wanjiru pushed on to a PB 15:19.00, Kimanzi faded and was nearly run down by 2013 Japanese national champion Misaki Onishi (Team Sekisui Kagaku), who took off from the pack with 500 m to go and scored a second-straight national title in 15:32.74, just 0.34 seconds behind Kimanzi.", "Relative unknowns Miho Shimizu (Team Hokuren) and Chiaki Morikawa (Team Starts) took 2nd and 3rd, both just under 15:40.", "10000 m winner Kasumi Nishihara (Team Yamada Denki) attempted to double but quickly lost touch with the leading Japanese runners, finishing well outside the top ten.", "Better luck in the men's 5000 m for yesterday's 10000 m winner Yuki Sato (Team Nissin Shokuhin).", "The Japanese field initially tried to go with slow-starting Kenyan pacer James Mwangi (Team NTN), but once Mwangi got into gear the Japanese men let him go chase his 13:22.00 finishing time and focused on each other.", "Masato Kikuchi (Team Konica Minolta) initially did the work with Sato right behind in the position he likes best, tailed by Keisuke Nakatani (Komazawa University) and Hiromitsu Kakuage (Team Konica Minolta).", "Kikuchi and Sato were soon alone, but as they backed off and settled into a comfortable cruising pace 13:28 collegiate Genki Yagisawa (Meiji Univ.) and 2014 Kanto Region 10000 m champion Kota Murayama (Josai Univ.) came up in a hurry.", "It could have been a very entertaining race if the two university men had gone right by the two pros, but instead they tucked in, relying on the strength of their last kicks against proven kickers Kikuchi and Sato.", "Yagisawa abruptly stalled, and while Murayama stayed behind even as the pros slowed, up came the chase pack.", "With one lap to go Murayama made his move, Sato predictably running right behind him.", "300 m to go and Sato kicked by, but Murayama hung on until the home straight before Sato shook free to pick up his first 5000 m national title and first double in 13:40.99.", "Murayama was next in 13:43.16, Kikuchi just back in 13:44.43.", "A sudden downpour spelled the end for hopes of fast times in the night's main event, the men's 100 m, where all-time Japanese #2 Yoshihide Kiryu (Toyo Univ.), 18, faced London Olympian Ryota Yamagata (Keio Univ.), Beijing Olympics bronze medalist Naoki Tsukahara (Team Fujitsu), past national champion Masashi Eriguchi (Team Osaka Gas), 200 m national champion Shota Hara (Jobu Univ.) and more.", "Defending champion Yamagata was quick at the gun, but the same slow start that hampered Kiryu in the semi-final was a problem again and he spent the middle of the race catching up before inevitably pulling ahead to take his first national title in 10.22 (+0.6).", "Yamagata was next in 10.27, with Yu Onabuta (Chuo Univ.) a surprise 3rd in 10.32.", "Tsukahara was the first pro athlete, 5th in 10.35.", "Kiryu's next target is the upcoming World Junior Championships where he hopes to win his first gold medal in international competition.", "98th National Track and Field Championships", "Day Three Results", "Fukushima, 6/8/14", "click here for complete results", "Women's 5000 m", "1. Rosemary Monica Wanjiru (Kenya/Team Starts) - 15:19.00 - PB", "2. Grace Kimanzi (Kenya/Team Starts) - 15:32.40", "3. Misaki Onishi (Team Sekisui Kagaku) - 15:32.74", "4. Miho Shimizu (Team Hokuren) - 15:39.63", "5. Chiaki Morikawa (Team Starts) - 15:39.77", "6. Michi Numata (Team Toyota Jidoshokki) - 15:40.35", "7. Yuika Mori (Team Yamada Denki) - 15:40.37", "8. Riko Matsuzaki (Team Sekisui Kagaku) - 15:41.12", "9. Yuka Miyazaki (Team Kyudenko) - 15:42.13", "10. Eri Makikawa (Suzuki Hamamatsu AC) - 15:43.43", "Men's 5000 m", "1. James Mwangi (Kenya/Team NTN) - 13:22.00", "2. Yuki Sato (Team Nissin Shokuhin) - 13:40.99", "3. Kota Murayama (Josai Univ.) - 13:43.16", "4. Masato Kikuchi (Team Konica Minolta) - 13:44.43", "5. Aritaka Kajiwara (Team Press Kogyo) - 13:45.88", "6. Sota Hoshi (Team Fujitsu) - 13:46.28", "7. Ryo Kiname (Team Mitsubishi Juko Nagasaki) - 13:47.05", "8. Yuichiro Ueno (DeNA RC) - 13:48.22", "9. Muryo Takase (Team Nissin Shokuhin) - 13:48.83", "10. Kazuya Namera (Team Subaru) - 13:50.36", "Women's 800 m", "1. Fumika Omori (Nihon Univ.) - 2:05.05", "2. Manami Mashita (Cerespo) - 2:05.86", "3. Yukina Tanimoto (Tsukuba Univ.) - 2:06.87", "Men's 800 m", "1. Sho Kawamoto (Nihon Univ.) - 1:48.42", "2. Shoei Tanaka (Morioka City Hall) - 1:49.39", "3. Shohei Oka (Wakayama T&F Assoc.) - 1:49.53", "Men's 400 m", "1. Yuzo Kanemaru (Team Otsuka Seiyaku) - 45.69", "2. Kazuya Watanabe (Mizuno) - 46.30", "3. Naoki Kobayashi (Tokai Univ.) - 46.38", "Women's 100 m -0.3", "1. Chisato Fukushima (Hokkaido Hi-Tec AC) - 11.69", "2. Anna Doi (Daito Bunka Univ.) - 11.72", "3. Anna Fujimori (Aoyama Gakuin Univ.) - 11.84", "Men's 100 m +0.6", "1. Yoshihide Kiryu (Toyo Univ.) - 10.22", "2. Ryota Yamagata (Keio Univ.) - 10.27", "3. Yu Onabuta (Chuo Univ.) - 10.32", "4. Kazuma Oseto (Hosei Univ.) - 10.35", "5. Naoki Tsukahara (Team Fujitsu) - 10.35", "Women's 3000 mSC", "1. Misaki Sango (Suzuki Hamamatsu AC) - 9:49.85 - PB", "2. Mayuko Nakamura (Tsukuba Univ.) - 9:53.87 - NUR, PB", "3. Misato Horie (Team Noritz) - 10:05.80", "4. Kanako Kitamoto (Meijo Univ.) - 10:12.40 - PB", "5. Chikako Mori (Daito Bunka Univ.) - 10:12.53", "Men's 400 mH", "1. Takayuki Kishimoto (Team Fujitsu) - 49.49", "2. Akihiko Nakamura (Suzuki Hamamatsu AC) - 49.95", "3. Yuta Konishi (Team Sumitomo Denko) - 49.97", "Women's 400 mH", "1. Satomi Kubokura (Niigata Albirex RC) - 56.39", "2. Manami Kira (Team Art Home) - 57.27", "3. Sayaka Aoki (Team Toho Ginko) - 58.10", "Men's 110 mH +0.4", "1. Genta Masuno (Kokusai Budo Univ.) - 13.58 - PB", "2. Wataru Yazawa (Descente TC) - 13.59 - PB", "3. Hideki Omuro (Tsukuba Univ.) - 13.73", "Men's High Jump", "1. Takashi Eto (Tsukuba Univ.) - 2.23 m", "2. Hiromi Takahari (Hitachi ICT) - 2.20 m", "3. Naoto Tobe (Chiba T&F Assoc.) - 2.20 m", "Men's Long Jump", "1. Kota Minemura (Tsukuba Univ.) - 7.94 m (+0.6) - PB", "2. Yohei Sugai (Mizuno) - 7.83 m (+0.4)", "3. Tomoya Takamasa (Juntendo Univ.) - 7.73 m (+0.7)", "Women's Hammer Throw", "1. Masumi Aya (Maruzen Kogyo) - 61.31 m", "2. Hitomi Katsuyama (Tsukuba Univ.) - 59.56 m - PB", "3. Suzuka Asada (Mukogawa Joshi Univ.) - 58.71 m - PB", "Men's Shot Put", "1. Satoshi Hatase (Alsok) - 18.50 m", "2. Sotaro Yamada (Nishinomiya T&F Assoc.) - 17.64 m", "3. Ikuhiro Miyauchi (Nihon Univ.) - 17.63 m", "Men's Javelin Throw", "1. Ryohei Arai (Suzuki Hamamatsu AC) - 81.97 m", "2. Yuya Koriki (Tottori T&F Assoc.) - 76.18 m", "3. Genki Dean (Mizuno) - 74.88 m", "(c) 2014 Brett Larner", "all rights reserved", "### Labels", "Chisato Fukushima", "Fumika Omori", "James Mwangi", "Misaki Sango", "National Track and Field Championships", "Rosemary Wanjiru", "Satomi Kubokura", "Sho Kawamoto", "Yoshihide Kiryu", "Yuzo Kanemaru", "### Comments", "### Most-Read This Week", "### One Month Until the Japanese Olympic Marathon Trials", "August 15, 2019", "It's one month to go until what's bound to be the best marathon of 2019, Japan's 2020 Tokyo Olympics marathon trials, the Sept. 15 Marathon Grand Championship Race.", "Up to now Japan has typically picked its Olympic and World Championships marathon teams based on performances in a series of specific races, primarily the Fukuoka International Marathon, Tokyo Marathon and Lake Biwa Marathon for men, and the Saitama International Marathon, Osaka International Women's Marathon and Nagoya Women's Marathon for women.", "This time around they're going with a U.S.-style one-shot trials race, the MGC Race.", "People had a nearly two-year window from August, 2017 to April this year to hit tough standards to qualify.", "Only 34 men and 15 women made it, and after withdrawals for the Doha World Championships the MGC Race's final entry list is just 31 men and 12 women.", "Swedish Athletics Federation official Lorenzo Nesicalled it \"the most difficult marathon race ever to quali", "Read more", "### MGC Race Olympic Marathon Trials Qualifier - Naoki Okamoto", "August 17, 2019", "Naoki Okamotoage: 35sponsor: Chugoku Denryokugraduated from: Tottori Chuo Ikuei H.S., Meiji Universitybest time inside MGC window:", "2:11:29, 1st, 2018 Hokkaido MarathonPB: 2:11:29, 1st, 2018 Hokkaido Marathonother PBs:5000 m: 13:37.71 (2009) 10000 m: 28:05.84 (2011) half marathon: 1:02:16 (2009)marathons inside MGC window (Aug. 1 2017", "– April 30 2019)", "DNF, 2019 Beppu-Oita Marathon", "1st, 2018 Hokkaido Marathon, 2:11:29 – PB", "DNF, 2018 Boston Marathonother major results:", "4th, 2019 Shibetsu Half Marathon, 1:03:53", "2nd, 2019 New Year Ekiden Fourth Stage (22.4 km), 1:05:13", "1st, 2018 Chugoku Corporate Ekiden Sixth Stage (19.0 km), 56:25", "– CR", "1st, 2018 Ome 30 km Road Race, 1:33:09", "21st, 2017 Tokyo Marathon, 2:13:53", "We're picking Okamoto as our official dark horse of the men's race.", "The second-oldest man in a field, Okamoto is a journeyman corporate leaguer who never broke 2:12 and whose PBs all came a decade ago.", "But, nearing the end of his career, over the last two years he has really come on…", "Read more", "### Running the 2020 Tokyo Olympics Marathon Course Part Three - Men's Marathon and Overall Summary", "August 09, 2019", "Today marks one year until the men's marathon at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.", "For the third time in the last week, once last Friday with one year to go to the Olympic women's marathon, once on Monday with a likely competitor in the men's marathon, and again today, I ran most of the Olympic marathon course taking temperature and humidity readings every half an hour to get a handle on what kind of conditions athletes in each race can expect to be facing.", "Between the three runs I covered about 80 km, and including the two times I did it last summer two years out from the women's marathon and men's marathon about 135 km, on the Olympic course.", "To get it out of the way off the bat, a couple of days ago a few readers told me that the Buy Me A Coffee button wasn't working.", "I think the problem has been fixed, so if you're so inclined please feel free to use it.", "Your support for JRN is always really appreciated.", "And now on to the run.", "This time out I went to the start …", "Read more", "Buy me a coffee", "### JRN Archive", "Omwamba, Kitonyi, Sumi and the Takamatsu Sisters D...", "Nojo and Mochizuki Take Lake Saroma 100 km Titles", "Kawauchi Wins Saitama 1500 m Championship Title", "\"If Kenyans Are Saying 'Wow, Man' Then I Have to F...", "Regional Qualifiers Set Up July's National High Sc...", "Hiroshi Neko Named to Cambodian National Team for ...", "'Pacemaker Ronoh Stuns Kipsang in Olomouc, While K...", "Mori Takes Two National Titles, Motanya Wins First...", "Gold Coast Airport Marathon Announces Elite Fields...", "16 Members of All-First Year Obirin University Tea...", "Aiming for 2015 New Year Ekiden, Bel'x Supermarket...", "Kawauchi Caps Sixteen Weeks of Racing with All-Tim...", "Japanese Medalists at Asian Junior Championships", "Japanese Federation Announces 2014 Asian Games Tea...", "Kyoto University Qualifies for National University...", "Nakamura Sets Steeplechase Collegiate NR, Kiryu Ta...", "Murofushi Wins 20th-Straight Hammer Title - Nation...", "Nishihara Takes First National Title - Japanese Na...", "Kawauchi Runs 1000 m With Local Elementary School ...", "2014 Japanese National Track and Field Championshi...", "Fujiwara to Face Kawauchi at Gold Coast Airport Ma...", "Aum Death Cult Defendant Kikuchi, On Trial for Tok...", "Kawauchi Breaks Own CR at Chitose International Ma...", "Show more", "### Labels", "100 km World Championships", "100 Meilen Berlin", "1912 Stockholm Olympics", "1928 Olympics", "1936 Berlin Olympics", "1960 Rome Olympics", "1964 Tokyo Olympics", "1984 Los Angeles Olympics", "1988 Seoul Olympics", "1990 Asian Games", "1991 World Championships", "1992 Barcelona Olympics", "1996 Atlanta Olympics", "1997 Athens World Championships", "1998 Asian Games", "1999 World Championships", "2000 Sydney Olympics", "2001 World Championships", "2003 Paris World Championships", "2004 Athens Olympics", "2004 Athens Paralympics", "2005 IAAF World Championships", "2006 Asia Games", "2007 IAAF World Championships", "2007 International Chiba Ekiden", "2008 Beijing Olympics", "2008 Beijing Paralympics", "2009 Berlin World Championships", "2011 World Championships", "2012 London Olympics", "2012 London Paralympics", "2013 World Championships", "2015 World Championships", "2016 Olympics", "2016 Paralympics", "2017 World Championships", 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"Akikazu Noda", "Akiko Aoki", "Akiko Ito", "Akiko Masuda", "Akiko Matsunaga", "Akiko Matsuyama", "Akiko Sugo", "Akinobu Murasawa", "Akinori Iida", "Akinori Kusuda", "Akinori Shibutani", "Akinori Tachibana", "Akio Harada", "Akio Hayashi", "Akio Maekawa", "Akio Miyamoto", "Akio Usami", "Akira Aizawa", "Akira Fujii", "Akira Iwasaki", "Akira Kasahara", "Akira Kiniwa", "Akira Nonaka", "Akira Shimizu", "Akira Tomiyasu", "Akira Yonezawa", "Akito Mizuno", "Akito Terui", "Akiyuki Hashimoto", "Akiyuki Iwanaga", "Al Trautwig", "Albert Korir", "Albert Rop", "Alberto Chaica", "Alberto Salazar", "Alberto Stretti", "Albina Mayorova", "Alebachew Wale", "Aleksey Sokolov", "Alemayehu Shumye", "Alemtsehay Demse", "Alevtina Biktimirova", "Alevtina Ivanova", "Alex Cherono", "Alex Korio", "Alex Mwangi", "Alexander Dale Oen", "Alexander Mutiso", "Alexsandra Duliba", "Alexsey Sokolv", "Alfred Kering", "Alfred Ngeno", "Alhamli Mohammed", "Ali Abdosh", "Ali Hassan Mahboob", "Alice Chelangat", "Alice Kibor", "Alice Mason", "Alina Prokopeva", "Aliphine Tuliamuk", "Alistair Brownlee", "Alistair Cragg", "All-Africa Games", "All-Japan High School Ekiden", "All-Japan Interprefectural Women`s Ekiden", "All-Japan Jitsugyodan Half Marathon", "All-Japan Jitsugyodan Women`s Ekiden", "All-Japan Men's Interprefectural Ekiden", "All-Japan Unicycle Ekiden", "All-Japan University Ekiden", "All-Japan University Women`s Ekiden", "All-Japan University Women`s Invitational Ekiden", "Allyson Felix", "Almarz Tilahun", "Almaz Ayana", "Alphonce Simbu", "Alyson Dixon", "Amami Oshima", "Amane Beriso", "Amane Gobena", "Amanuel Mesel", "Amare Meskerem", "Ambesse Tolosa", "Amby Burfoot", "Ami Hirose", "Ami Nishio", "Ami Saito", "Ami Taniguchi", "Ami Utsunomiya", "Ami Yoshiki", "Amino Vital", "Amos Kipruto", "Amos Kirui", "Amos Kurgat", "Amsterdam Half Marathon", "Amsterdam Marathon", "Amy Hastings", "Anastasia Ndereba", "Andrew Bumbalough", "Andrew Carlson", "Andrew Epperson", "Andrew Letherby", "Andrew Lorot", "Andrew Vernon", "Andualem Belay Shiferaw", "Angkor Wat International Half Marathon", "Anja Scherl", "Anju Furuya", "Anju Takamizawa", "Ann Karindi", "Ann Kingori", "Anna Doi", "Anna Fujimori", "Anna Hahner", "Anna Hasuike", "Anna Incerti", "Anna Matsuda", "Anna Novick", "Anne-Sofie Pade Hansen", "Another Hakone Ekiden", "Anthony Maritim", "Antonio Inoki", "Aoi Makara", "Aoi Matsumoto", "Aoi Miyaji", "Aomori Yamada", "Aoyama Gakuin", "Aqua-Line Marathon", "Arashi Yamamoto", "Arata Fujiwara", "Arata Project", "Arata Yamamoto", "Aredom Tiumay Degefa", "Ari Ichihashi", "Aritaka Kajiwara", "Art Siemers", "Art Sports", "Arthur Lydiard", "Aruto Anzai", "Asafa Powell", "Asahi Ekiden", "Asahi Kasei", "Asahikawa Half", "Asami Furuse", "Asami Kagawa", "Asami Kato", "Asami Tanno", "Asbel Kiprop", "Asefa Fekele", "Aselefech Mergia", "Ashio Kawauchi", "Ashu Kasim", "Asia Grand Prix", "Asia University", "Asian Athletics", "Asian Championships", "Asian Cross Country", "Asian Games", "Asian Indoor Championships", "Asian Junior Championship", "Asian Marathon Championships", "Asian Premier Marathons", "Asian Youth Games", "Aska Cambridge", "Askale Tafa", "Asmae Leghzaoui", "Assefa Fekele", "Asuka Cambridge", "Asuka Ishimatsu", "Asuka Tanaka", "Asuka Terada", "Asumi Kato", "Ataru Otani", "Athens Classic Marathon", "Athlete Night Games in Fukui", "Athletics Kenya", "Atseda Habtamu", "Atsede Baysa", "Atsede Besuye", "Atsede Habtamu", "Atsugi Ekiden", "Atsuhiro Ogawa", "Atsuhiro Sakai", "Atsuko Matsumura", "Atsuko Muraoka", "Atsumi Ashiwa", "Atsunori Higuchi", "Atsuro Kikuchi", "Atsushi Fujita", "Atsushi Hasegawa", "Atsushi Hoshino", "Atsushi Igawa", "Atsushi Ito", "Atsushi Komine", "Atsushi Sato", "Atsushi Shobu", "Atsushi Suzuki", "Atsushi Takemoto", "Atsushi Yamamoto", "Atsushi Yamato", "Atsushi Yamazaki", "Atsuya Imai", "Atsuya Ubukata", "atsuyoshi tobisaka", "Augustine Choge", "Austin Marathon", "Awajishima Ekiden", "Aya Goto", "Aya Higashimoto", "Aya Isomine", "Aya Ito", "Aya Kuwabara", "Aya Manome", "Aya Nagata", "Aya Ota", "Aya Takayanagi", "Ayaka Abe", "Ayaka Amaha", "Ayaka Fujimoto", "Ayaka Hitomi", "Ayaka Inoue", "Ayaka Kawata", "Ayaka Kikuchi", "Ayaka Kora", "Ayaka Mori", "Ayaka Murao", "Ayaka Nakagawa", "Ayaka Ogumi", "Ayaka Ohira", "Ayaka Omori", "Ayaka Shibata", "Ayaka Yokose", "Ayako Jinnouchi", "Ayako Kawata", "Ayako Kimura", "Ayako Mitsui", "Ayako Sono", "Ayako Suzuki", "Ayako Tanaka", "Ayako Yoshikawa", "Ayame Takaki", "Ayane Kinoshita", "Ayano Ikemitsu", "Ayano Ikeuchi", "Ayano Kondo", "Ayano Shiomi", "Ayano Takeuchi", "Ayano Tanaka", "Ayari Harada", "Ayua Kazama", "Ayuka Kazama", "Ayuko Suzuki", "Ayumi Hagiwara", "Ayumi Hayashi", "Ayumi Hirata", "Ayumi Kobayashi", "Ayumi Kubo", "Ayumi Nakayama", "Ayumi Sakaida", "Ayumi Shirakawa", "Ayumi Takada", "Ayumi Uehara", "Ayumi Uemoto", "Ayumu Hisaibara", "Ayumu Ishiyama", "Ayumu Mori", "Ayumu Sato", "Azuki Nakatsugawa", "Azusa Mihara", "Azusa Nojiri", "Azusa Okawara", "Azusa Saito", "Azusa Sumi", "BAA 10K", "BAA Half", "baka ja nai", "Bandaihibara Kohan", "Barack Obama", "Barcelona Marathon", "Barselius Kipyego", "Batochir Serod", "Bay to Breakers", "Bayelign Teshager", "Bazu Worku", "Beatrice Jepkemboi", "Beatrice Toroitich", "Beatrice Wainaina", "Bedan Karoki", "Beijing Marathon", "Beijing Sports University", "Beirut Marathon", "Beji Bekelu", "Bekana Daba", "Bekele Shiferaw", "Bekelech Daba", "Belainesh Gebre", "Belainseh Gebre", "Belay Tilahun", "Belaynesh Fikadu", "Belaynesh Oljira", "Belaynesh Shifera", "Belaynesh Yigezu", "Belete Assefa", "Ben Bruce", "Ben de Haan", "Benard Kimeli", "Bene Zama", "Benerd Koech", "Benjamin Gando", "Benjamin Kiptoo", "Benson Barus", "Benson Cherono", "Bentley College", "Bentu Wodajo", "Benuel Mogeni", "Beppu-Oita Mainichi Marathon", "Beraki Zerea", "Berhane Adere", "Berhane Dibaba", "Berhanu Shiferaw", "Berlin Half Marathon", "Berlin Marathon", "Bernard Kibet", "Bernard Kimani", "Bernard Kimeli", "Bernard Kipyego", "Bernard Koech", "Bernard Lagat", "Bernard Muia", "Bernard Waweru", "Bertram Kimutai Keter", "Betelhem Moges", "Betsukai Marathon", "Betsy Saina", "Bill Rodgers", "Billy`s Boot Camp", "Binnaz Uslu", "Birhane Dibaba", "Birhanu Legese", "Birke Debele", "Biruk Bekele", "Bitan Karoki", "Bitburger Silvesterlauf", "Biwako Mainichi Marathon", "Biwako University Ekiden", "Blue Cross of Rhode Island Marathon", "board games", "Bob Hodge", "Bob Poulson", "Boise State", "Bok Ju Kim", "Bolder Boulder", "Bongmusa Mthembu", "Boniface Murua", "Bornes Jepkirui", "Boru Feyse Tadese", "Boss Coffee", "Brendan Gregg", "Brendan Martin", "Brendan Reilly", "Brett Larner", "Brett Robinson", "Brianne Nelson", "Bridey Delaney", "Briggs Athletics Classic", "Brighton Marathon", "Brigid Kosgei", "Bristol Running Resource", "bronze label", "Bruce Carrick", "Bruna Genovese", "Bruno Lafranchi", "Brutus Hamilton", "Bryan Clay", "Buenos Aires Marathon", "Bujie Duo", "Bunta Kuroki", "BUPA London 10000", "Buzunesh Deba", "Caleb Ndiku", "Callum Hawkins", "Cam Levins", "Campaccio XC", "Cape Town Marathon", "Cardiff Half", "Cardinal Classic", "Caroline Almkvist", "Caroline Cheptonui", "Caroline Rotich", "Cassie Fien", "Caterina Granz", "Catherine Ndereba", "Catlow Shipek", "Central Japan Jitsugyodan Women", "Ceske Budejovice Half", "Challenge Games", "Chandra Stirrup", "Chang Suk Oh", "Chao Yue", "Charles Durango", "Charles Kamathi", "Charles Munyeki", "Charles Ndungu", "Charles Nijioka", "Charlotte Purdue", "Chebet Elias Kipkosgei", "Cheko Kido", "Chemtai Rionotukei", "Chen Rong", "Cherry Blossom", "Chiaki Asada", "Chiaki Ishibashi", "Chiaki Kawazoe", "Chiaki Morikawa", "Chiaki Negoro", "Chiaki Takada", "Chiaki Takagi", "Chiba Aqualine Marathon", "Chiba International Cross Country", "Chiba International Ekiden", "Chiba Marine", "Chicago Marathon", "Chie Yamada", "Chieko Kido", "Chien-Ho Hsieh", "Chigusa Yoshimatsu", "Chiharu Igaya", "Chiharu Matsuo", "Chiharu Morita", "Chiharu Nakagawa", "Chiharu Takada", "Chihiro Kitada", "Chihiro Miyawaki", "Chihiro Nozaki", "Chihiro Sato", "Chihiro Sunaga", "Chihiro Suzuhigashi", "Chihiro Takahashi", "Chihiro Takato", "Chihiro Tanabe", "Chihiro Tanaka", "Chika Horie", "Chika Ihara", "Chika Kosakai", "Chika Mukai", "Chika Nakama", "Chika Ogawa", "Chika Tawara", "Chika Tenkawa", "Chikako Mori", "Chikara Onishi", "Chikashi Ikeda", "Chile Pepper Invitational", "Chinami Fukaminato", "Chinami Mori", "Chinatsu Tarumoto", "Chinzei Gakuin", "Chisa Fujimoto", "Chisa Hayakawa", "Chisa Isuji", "Chisa Nishio", "Chisaki Takegami", "Chisato Fukushima", "Chisato Nagai", "Chisato Osaki", "Chisato Saito", "Chitose Marathon", "Chitose Shibata", "Chiyosaburo Takeda", "Chiyuki Mochizuki", "Chizuru Ideta", "Chol Pak", "Chon Un San", "Chonosuke Kaneko", "Chris Derrick", "Chris Solinsky", "Christian Sommer", "Christine Amertil", "Christine Muyanga", "Christopher Isegwe", "Christopher Michira Nyabera", "Chubu Jitsugyodan", "Chugoku Denryoku", "Chugoku Jitsugyodan", "Chugoku Jitsugyodan Championships", "Chugoku Women's Ekiden", "Chugoku Yamaguchi Ekiden", "Chun Yu Tsao", "Chun-Han Yang", "Chuo Gakuin", "Chuo Gakuin Daigaku", "Chupea-go", "Cinque Mulini", "City Pier City", "Ciudad de Barcelona", "Claire Hallissey", "Claudia Dreher", "Clement Langat", "Coldwater Rumble", "Colleen de Reuck", "Collis Birmingham", "Commonwealth Games", "Comody Iida", "Comrades Marathon", "Constantina Tomescu-Dita", "Continental Cup", "Copenhagen Half", "Copenhagen Marathon", "Cornelius Kangogo", "Corporate Time Trials", "Cors van den Brink", "Cosmas Birech", "Cosmas Kiyeva", "Cosmas Ondiba", "Craig Mottram", "cream buns", "crime in the city", "Cristian Valenzuela", "Cup Noodle", "Cursa dels Nassos", "Cynthia Baire", "Cynthia Cerotich Limo", "Cyrus Kingori", "Cyrus Njui", "Dadi Tulu Merga", "Dado Firehiwot", "Daegu Marathon", "Dai Matsumoto", "Dai Nakahara", "Dai Tamesue", "Daichi Endo", "Daichi Kamino", "Daichi Kato", "Daichi Motomura", "Daichi Nakamura", "Daichi Okano", "Daichi Oshiro", "Daichi Sawano", "Daichi Setoguchi", "Daichi Suzuki", "Daichi Takeuchi", "Daichi Tsuge", "Daichi Umeno", "Daichi Yamazaki", "Daigo Hasegawa", "Daiichi Kogyo", "Daiichi Motomura", "Daiichi Seimei", "Daiji Kawai", "Daijiro Nakahira", "Daiki Arai", "Daiki Hirose", "Daiki Ito", "Daiki Kamino", "Daiki Kumada", "Daiki Maruno", "Daiki Nomoto", "Daiki Taguchi", "Daiki Tsutsumi", "Daisaku Kadokawa", "Daisuke Arakawa", "Daisuke Doi", "Daisuke Funato", "Daisuke Horiai", "Daisuke Hosomori", "Daisuke Ikeda", "Daisuke Isomatsu", "Daisuke Koyama", "Daisuke Kumon", "Daisuke Matsufuji", "Daisuke Matsunaga", "Daisuke Matsuzaka", "Daisuke Miyamoto", "Daisuke Miyanaga", "Daisuke Momozawa", "Daisuke Nakagawa", "Daisuke Nakamura", "Daisuke Nishikawa", "Daisuke Ono", "Daisuke Sakurai", "Daisuke Shimizu", "Daisuke Shimojo", "Daisuke Tamura", "Daisuke Uekado", "Daito Bunka", "Dale Warrander", "Dalila Gosa", "Dam tot Damloop", "Dan Robinson", "Daniel Balchin", "Daniel Chebii", "Daniel Gitau", "Daniel Kayiok", "Daniel Kipkemoi", "Daniel Kitoni", "Daniel Kosgei", "Daniel Krieger", "Daniel Muindi", "Daniel Mwangi", "Daniel Njenga", "Daniel Salel", "Daniel Tapia", "Daniel Tarus", "Daniel Yator", "Daniela Aeschbacher", "Daniele Meucci", "Danna Herrick", "Dathan Ritzenhein", "David Grey", "David Kiyeng", "David McNeill", "David Monti", "David Muhuhu", "David Nilsson", "David Njuguna", "David Okeyo", "Deena Kastor", "Deep Blue", "Degitu Azmeraw", "Dejen Gebremeskel", "Dejene Asefa", "Dejene Debele", "Dejene Kelkilew", "Demmababa Bikila", "Dennis Kimetto", "Dennis Kipruto", "Dennis Masai", "Derartu Debel Delesa", "Derartu Tulu", "Dereje Debele Tulu", "Derese Geleta", "Deriba Merga", "Deribe Robi", "Desi Davila", "Desmond Mokgobu", "Desta Alemu", "Diane Chepkemoi", "Diane Nukuri", "Dickson Chumba", "Dickson Marwa", "Diego Estrada", "Dinknesh Mekash", "Dino Sefir", "Dire Tune", "Dishon Karukwa", "Dmitriy Safronov", "Dmytro Baranovsky", "DN Galan", "Do Yeon Kim", "Dokonjo Gaeru", "Dominic Kangor", "Dominic Langat", "Dominic Nyairo", "Dominic Ondoro", "Donjin Oh", "Dorcus Ajok", "Doreen Kitaka", "Doricah Obare", "Doug Kurtis", "Douglas Chebii", "Douglas Wakiihuri", "Dr. Helmut Winter", "Dubai Marathon", "Dudu Karakaya", "Duer Yoa", "Duncan Kibet", "Duncan Kisaisa", "Duncan Koech", "Duncan Moze", "Dusseldorf Marathon", "Dylan Ferris", "Dylan Wykes", "EA Classic", "Earth Marathon", "East Asian Games", "East Japan Jitsugyodan Ekiden", "East Japan Jitsugyodan Track and Field Championships", "East Japan Jitsugyodan Women`s Ekiden", "East Japan Women's Ekiden", "Ed Whitlock", "Eda H.S.", "Edith Chelimo", "Edith Hunkeler", "Edna Kiplagat", "Ednah Kimaiyo", "Ednah Mukwanah", "Edoba Iyoba", "Edward Waweru", "Edwin Kemboi Kiyeng", "Edwin Kiprop", "Edwin Kiprop Korir", "Edwin Mokua", "Edwin Soi", "Egyptian Marathon", "Ehime Marathon", "Eiichi Kinjo", "Eiji Ando", "Eiji Daigo", "Eiji Kobayashi", "Eiji Teramoto", "Eijia Miyagi", "Eiki Takahashi", "Eikichi Kazaoka", "Eiko Ueno", "Eina Yokozawa", "Eindhoven Marathon", "Eisuke Shioda", "Ekiden for Peace", "Ekiden News", "El Amin Chentouf", "El Hassan El Abbassi", "El Hocine Zourkane", "Elana Meyer", "Elena Korobkina", "Elena Tikhonova", "Eleni Gebrehiwot", "Elfenesh Alemu", "Elijah Mutai", "Elijah Sang", "Eliud Kipchoge", "Eliud Kiplagat Barngetuny", "Eliud Kiptanui", "Eliud Ngetich", "Eliza McCartney", "Elizabeth Njeri", "Elizabeth Rumokol", "Ellie Greenwood", "Ellie Pashley", "Elliott Heath", "Eloise Wellings", "Elvan Abeleygesse", "Ema Hayashi", "Emebet Anteneh", "Emi Ikeda", "Emi Kameyama", "Emi Matsushita", "Emiho Ii", "Emiko Hirai", "Emiko Okuyama", "Emily Chebet", "Emily Sisson", "Emiri Hatsumi", "Emmanuel Mutai", "Emperor's Cup", "Ena Kagayama", "Endeshaw Negesse", "Enock Omwamba", "Eri Amo", "Eri Fujita", "Eri Furukawa", "Eri Hayakawa", "Eri Makikawa", "Eri Okubo", "Eri Sato", "Eri Suzuki", "Eri Tayama", "Eri Utsunomiya", "Eri Watanabe", "Eri Yagi", "Eri Yamaguchi", "Eric Gillis", "Eric Ndiema", "Erick Wainaina", "Erika Ikeda", "Erika Sano", "Eriko Asai", "Eriko Kushima", "Eriko Noguchi", "Eriko Ogino", "Erina Hosoi", "Erina Muta", "Ernest Kebenei", "Ernest Ngeno", "Ernst Van Dyk", "Eshetu Wendimu", "Esther Atkins", "Esther Muthoni", "Etsu Miyata", "Eunice Chumba", "Eunice Jeptoo", "Eunice Kales", "Eunice Kirwa", "Eunice Mutie", "Evaline Chirchir", "Evan Jager", "Evan Malarsa", "Evans Chebet", "Evans Cheruiyot", "Evans Keitany", "Evans Kipkorir Taiget", "Evans Ruto", "Evans Yego", "Evelyn Wamboi", "Evelyne Kimwei", "Everlyne Lagat", "Ezekiel Chebii", "Ezekiel Cheboitibin", "Ezrah Sang", "Fabiano Joseph", "Fadima Suna", "fair use", "Fancy Chemutai", "Fantu Eticha", "Farouq Ishimoto", "Fatuma Sado", "Fayesa Robi", "FBK Games", "Federico Rosa", "Fei Xue", "Fekadu Amelework", "Fekru Jebesa", "Felista Wanjugu", "Felix Keny", "Felix Kiptoo Kirwa", "Felix Limo", "Feyisa Lelisa", "Feyse Tadese", "Filomena Cheyech Danielle", "Filomena Costa", "Fiona Docherty", "First Dream", "Florence Kiplagat", "foot and mouth disease", "Francis Kibiwott", "Frankfurt Marathon", "Frankline Chepkwony", "Frasiah Nyambura Waithaka", "Freya Murray", "Ftaw Zeray", "Fuchu Tamagawa Half", "Fueka Kimura", "Fuga Sato", "Fuji Tozan", "Fuji Trailhead", "Fuji Yoshida", "Fujimi Kogen", "Fujio Miyachi", "Fukiko Ando", "Fukko Marathon", "Fukuchiyama Marathon", "Fukui Super Ladies Ekiden", "Fukuoka International Cross Country", "Fukuoka International Marathon", "Fukuoka Marathon", "Fuma Nakamura", "Fumiaki Kobayashi", "Fumiharu Nagata", "Fumihiko Ozaki", "Fumihiro Maruyama", "Fumihiro Watanabe", "Fumika Omori", "Fumika Sasaki", "Fumikazu Kobayashi", "Fumiko Hashimoto", "Fumiko Takado", "Fuminori Shikata", "Fuminori Shimo", "Fumio Saito", "Fumio Yamamoto", "Fumitaka Oikawa", "Fumito Matsuda", "Fumiyo Yoshida", "Fumiyuki Watanabe", "Fusai Narita", "Fusanosuke Araya", "Fuse Relay Carnival", "Futoshi Ebisawa", "Fuyuka Kimura", "Gabriela Andersen", "Gaku Hirose", "Gaku Hoshi", "Gakuho Ishikawa", "Galen Rupp", "Gashaw Asfaw", "Gebre Gebremariam", "Gebre Mekuant Ayenew", "Gebretsadik Abraha", "Gebretsadik Bekele", "Gelete Burka", "Gelindo Bordin", "Gemma Steel", "Gen Hachisuka", "Gen Naganuma", "Genet Getaneh", "Geneva Marathon", "Genichi Narita", "Genki Dean", "Genki Kaneko", "Genki Matsumura", "Genki Yagisawa", "Genta Masuno", "Genta Yodokawa", "Gentse Feesten", "Genzebe Dibaba", "Geoffrey Gichia", "Geoffrey Kamworor", "Geoffrey Kipsang", "Geoffrey Kirui", "Geoffrey Mutai", "Geoffrey Ronoh", "Geoffrey Yegon", "Georgia Ampatzidou", "Georgina Rono", "German Fernandez", "Gert Thys", "Gete Wami", "Getu Feleke", "Gezahegne Abera", "Ghirmay Ghebreslassie", "Gideon Kipketer", "Gidey Amaha", "Gifu Half", "Giichi Kojima", "Gilbert Maina", "Giorgio Calcaterra", "Girma Assefa", "Girma Tola", "Girmay Birhanu", "Gladys Cherono", "Gladys Chesir", "Gladys Kipsoi", "Gladys Tejeda", "GMO Internet", "go nakagawa", "Gobierno de Aragon", "God Complex", "going too far", "Goitom Kifle", "Goitotem Haftu Tesema", "Gold Coast Half", "Gold Coast Marathon", "gold label", "Golden Gala", "Golden Games in Nobeoka", "Golden Grand Prix", "Golden League", "Good Luck Beijing Marathon", "Gosen Kocha Marathon", "Goteborg Half Marathon", "Gotemba SDF Base", "Gotytom Gebrslase", "Governor Hashimoto", "Grace Kimazi", "Grand Marathon of Casablanca", "Grand-Prix von Bern", "Grandma's Maeathon", "Grandma's Marathon", "Grant Fisher", "Great Australian Run", "Great Birmingham Run", "Great Eastern Women's Run", "Great Manchester Run", "Great North 10k", "Great North Run", "Great Osaka-Kobe 20 Miler", "Great Scottish Run", "Great South Run", "Greatest Race on Earth", "Green Angels", "Greg Meyer", "Gregg Yarborough", "Grit Seidl", "Gudisa Shentema", "Gulnara Vygovskaya", "Gulume Chala", "Gunma Junior", "Guteni Shone Imana", "Gwen Jorgensen", "Gyeonggi Half", "Hachioji Gakuen", "Hachioji Long Distance", "Hachiro Hasebe", "Haile Gebrselassie", "Haile Haja Gemeda", "Hailu Mekonnen", "Hailu Shume", "Hajime Matsubara", "Hajimu Ashida", "Hakodate Half Marathon", "Hakone Ekiden", "Hakone Ekiden Museum", "half-marathon", "Hamburg Marathon", "Hana Omori", "Hana Torii", "Hana Yamada", "Hanae Tanaka", "Hanami Sekine", "Hanamichi Horiguchi", "Hanji Aoki", "Hannover Marathon", "Hanshin Tigers", "Hapalua Half", "happy birthday to me", "Haron Malel", "Harry Summers", "Haruka Kitaguchi", "Haruka Kitaura", "Haruka Kyuma", "Haruka Masuda", "Haruka Mochizuki", "Haruka Nakano", "Haruka Obara", "Haruka Onodera", "Haruka Shibata", "Haruka Shiina", "Haruka Sugiura", "Haruka Takada", "Haruka Tobimatsu", "Haruka Wada", "Haruka Yamaguchi", "Haruki Minatoya", "Haruki Nago", "Haruki Nishimura", "Haruki Okayama", "Haruki Suzuki", "Haruki Tobimatsu", "Haruko Ishizuka", "Haruko Okamoto", "Harumi Hiroyama", "Harumi Okamoto", "Harumi Okubo", "Harun Makda Haji", "Harun Njoroge", "Haruna Fukuoka", "Haruna Kuboyama", "Haruna Maekawa", "Haruna Takada", "Harunako Ekiden", "Haruo Urata", "Haruru Asahi", "Haruto Deguchi", "Hassan Agatoyashin", "Hassan Boumagoul", "Hassane Ahouchar", "Hasuda Road Race", "Hatsuo Okubo", "Hayao Tagami", "Hayashi Morozumi", "Hayate Takeuchi", "Hayato Arai", "Hayato Ideue", "Hayato Katsuki", "Hayato Kono", "Hayato Mera", "Hayato Saito", "Hayato Seki", "Hayato Sonoda", "Hayato Yamada", "Haymanot Ales", "Hazuki Doi", "Hazuma Hattori", "Hear My Train A Comin'", "Heisei Kokusai", "Heisoko Ekiden", "Heita Kawakatsu", "Helah Kiprop", "Helalia Johannes", "Helen Ekarare", "Helen Kirop", "Helen Tola", "Helena Kirop", "Hellen Koskei", "Hellen Mugo", "Hem Bunting", "Hendrick Ramaala", "Henry Chirchir", "Henry Rutto", "Henry Sang", "Henry Sugut", "Henryk Szost", "Herculis Monaco", "Hibiki Onishi", "Hibiki Tsuha", "Hicham Amghar", "Hicham Laqouahi", "Hicham Sigueni", "Hida Takayama Ultra", "Hidaka Hayashi", "Hideaki Date", "Hideaki Ishii", "Hideaki Sumiyoshi", "Hideaki Tamura", "Hideaki Yamauchi", "Hidehiro Funakoshi", "Hidehito Takamine", "Hidekazu Sato", "Hidekazu Tsujikata", "Hideki Inomata", "Hideki Kita", "hideki okajima", "Hideki Shimizu", "Hideki Shinohara", "Hidekichi Miyazaki", "Hideko Nihei", "Hidekoku Hiroshima", "Hidema Enami", "Hidemi Sakurai", "Hidemori Noguchi", "Hidenori Nagai", "Hideo Higashikokubaru", "Hideo Kuribayashi", "Hideo Nojo", "Hideo Ojima", "Hideo Shimomura", "Hideo Suzuki", "Hideshi Ikegami", "Hideto Yamanaka", "Hideyuki Anzai", "Hideyuki Hirose", "Hideyuki Ikegami", "Hideyuki Tanaka", "High-Tech", "Hikari Fukuda", "Hikari Onishi", "Hikari Takeuchi", "Hikari Tanaka", "Hikari Yasuhara", "Hikari Yoshimoto", "Hikariko Ono", "Hikaru Kato", "Hikaru Miyazaki", "Hikaru Nakamura", "Hikaru Sudo", "Hikaru Tominaga", "Hikaru Tsuchiya", "Hikaru Uchida", "Hikoichi Ishida", "Hilde Aders", "Himawari Yuda", "Hina Takahashi", "Hinano Yamada", "Hinata Minami", "Hiram Ngatia", "Hiro Takeuchi", "Hiro Tonegawa", "Hiroaki Chosa", "Hiroaki Inoue", "Hiroaki Iwanaga", "Hiroaki Kajisa", "Hiroaki Koike", "Hiroaki Masuoka", "Hiroaki Nishihara", "Hiroaki Onishi", "Hiroaki Oyagi", "hiroaki sano", "Hiroaki Takeda", "Hirohide Terada", "Hirohito Yokoi", "Hiroi Maeda", "Hiroka Akamatsu", "Hiroka Matsushima", "Hirokatsu Kurosaki", "Hirokatsu Tayama", "Hirokazu So", "Hirokazu Ueyonabaru", "Hiroki Abe", "Hiroki Ako", "Hiroki Ando", "Hiroki Fukayama", "Hiroki Ishida", "Hiroki Ishikawa", "Hiroki Kadota", "Hiroki Kai", "Hiroki Koga", "Hiroki Kubota", "Hiroki Matsueda", "Hiroki Matsumura", "Hiroki Mitsuoka", "Hiroki Miura", "Hiroki Miyabe", "Hiroki Nagayama", "Hiroki Nishida", "Hiroki Nonaka", "Hiroki Ogita", "Hiroki Okuma", "Hiroki Sasae", "Hiroki Sasahara", "Hiroki Sugawa", "Hiroki Suzuki", "Hiroki Tanaka", "Hiroki Terasaki", "Hiroki Tsujiyoko", "Hiroki Yamagishi", "Hiroko Miyauchi", "Hiroko Sho", "Hiroko Shoi", "Hiroko Tabuchi", "Hiroko Yoshitomi", "Hiromasa Fukushima", "Hiromasa Tanaka", "Hiromi Hikida", "Hiromi Katakai", "Hiromi Koga", "Hiromi Nakata", "Hiromi Ominami", "Hiromi Saito", "Hiromi Suzuki", "Hiromi Takahari", "Hiromi Tani", "Hiromi Taniguchi", "Hiromitsu Kakuage", "Hiromitsu Sakuraba", "Hironobu Ozaki", "Hironori Arai", "Hironori Murao", "Hironori Tsuetaki", "Hirooki Arai", "Hiroshi Hase", "Hiroshi Ichida", "Hiroshi Ino", "Hiroshi Inoue", "Hiroshi Kawaguchi", "Hiroshi Kawasaki", "Hiroshi Neko", "Hiroshi Ohashi", "Hiroshi Okazaki", "Hiroshi Sasano", "Hiroshi Tako", "Hiroshi Taniguchi", "Hiroshi Yamada", "Hiroshi Yokokawa", "Hiroshima XC", "hirotaka nagai", "Hirotaka Tamura", "Hirotaka Tanimoto", "Hiroto Hayashida", "Hiroto Inoue", "Hiroto Kanamori", "Hiroto Okura", "Hirotoshi Sato", "Hirotsugu Yoshikawa", "Hiroumi Kamada", "Hiroya Inoue", "Hiroyasu Tsuchie", "Hiroyo Iiboshi", "Hiroyoshi Umegao", "Hiroyuki Fujii", "Hiroyuki Higuma", "Hiroyuki Horibata", "Hiroyuki Inoue", "Hiroyuki Ishikawa", "Hiroyuki Kamiguchi", "Hiroyuki Kubota", "Hiroyuki Nakano", "Hiroyuki Ogawa", "Hiroyuki Ono", "Hiroyuki Sakaguchi", "Hiroyuki Sasaki", "Hiroyuki Tanaka", "Hiroyuki Uno", "Hiroyuki Yamada", "Hiroyuki Yamamoto", "Hirut Alemayehu", "Hisae Yoshimatsu", "Hisakazu Anan", "Hisakazu Hirose", "Hisako Nagashima", "Hisami Ishii", "Hisanori Kitajima", "Hisashi Kazami", "Hisashi Sato", "Hisashi Wada", "Hisayo Matsumoto", "Hitachi Butsuryu", "Hitomi Katsuyama", "Hitomi Mizuguchi", "Hitomi Nakamura", "Hitomi Nakano", "Hitomi Niiya", "Hitomi Onishi", "Hitomi Sakaguchi", "Hitomi Sato", "Hitomi Shimofuji", "Hitomi Shimura", "Hitomi Suzuki", "Hitomi Tamura", "Hitoshi Mimura", "Hitoshi Mine", "Hitoshi Saito", "Hitoshi Yuasa", "Hofu Yomiuri Marathon", "Hokkaido Marathon", "Hokubun Shimomura", "Hokuren Distance", "Hokuriku Jitsugyodan", "Homare Mori", "Homare Morita", "Honami Maeda", "Honami Shinozuka", "Hong Kong Marathon", "Honjo Higashi", "Honjo Waseda no Mori", "Honoka Oyama", "Honoka Tanaike", "Honoka Yamamoto", "Honoka Yuzawa", "Honolulu Marathon", "Hood to Coast", "Horst Milde", "Hoshinosato Fureai", "Hotaka Murofushi", "Hotoku Gakuen", "Houston Half", "Hugh Williams", "Huong-Leong Tan", "Hussan Adelo", "Hwang Young-Cho", "Hye Gyong Kim", "Hye Song Kim", "Hye-Song Kim", "Hyogo Relay Carnival", "Hyon Je Yon", "Hyuga Endo", "IAU 100km Asian Champs", "IAU 100km World Cup", "IAU 50 km World Cup", "Ibigawa Marathon", "Ibrahim Jelian", "Ibuki Yoshida", "Ibusuki Nanohana", "Ichiko Hokazono", "Ichiko Iki", "Ichinoseki Gakuin", "Ichinoseki Half-Marathon", "Ichinoseki International Half-Marathon", "Ichiro Hoshino", "Ichiro Kono", "Ichiro Saka", "Ichiro Suzuki", "Iga Hakuho", "Iimori Nishi", "Ikenaga Cup", "Ikki Takeuchi", "Ikki Yamazaki", "Ikuko Mizuguchi", "Ikumi Natsuhara", "Ikumi Wakamatsu", "Ikuo Sekine", "Ikuro Beppu", "Ikuto Yufu", "ikuyo yamashita", "Illias Fifa", "Imabari Half", "Imabari Zosen", "Incheon Half", "ING New York City Marathon", "Inga Abitova", "Ingrid Kristiansen", "INobuyuki Takahashi", "International Paralympic Committee", "Inuyama Half Marathon", "Ippei Takeda", "Irene Chepet Cheptai", "Irene Limika", "Irina Mikitenko", "Irina Timofeyeva", "iron injections", "Ironman Canada", "Isaac Macharia", "Isaac Mukundi", "Isabella Ochichi", "Isabellah Andersson", "Isaiah Kiplagat", "Isamu Fujisawa", "Isamu Sennai", "Isamu Sueyoshi", "Isao Moriyasu", "Isiah Koech", "Issei Iwasa", "Issei Kobayashi", "Issei Miyagi", "Issei Sato", "Itaru Kobayashi", "itaru sando", "Ivy League Select Team", "Iwaki Sogo", "Iwaki Sunshine Marathon", "Iwatani Sangyo", "Iwona Lewandowska", "Izu Marathon", "Izumi Maki", "Izumi Takamatsu", "Izumo Ekiden", "Jack Rayner", "Jackson Kiprop", "Jackson Kwarai", "Jackson Limo", "Jacob Kiplimo", "Jacob Wakuji", "Jacqueline Hansen", "Jairus Chanchima", "Jairus Kipchoge", "Jakarta International", "Jake Robertson", "JAL Ground Service", "James Bunuka", "James Carter", "James Kwambai", "James Li", "James Mwangi", "James Ndiwa Bunuka", "James Rungaru", "Jan Fitschen", "Jane Fardell", "Jane Kiptoo", "Jaouad Gharib", "Japan Day", "Japan Invitational", "Japan Post", "Japan Sports Agency", "Japan Student Women's Half Marathon", "Japanese 5000m NR", "Japanese marathoners", "Jason Hartmann", "Jason Lawrence", "Jason Lehmkuhle", "Jason Mbote", "Javier Gomez", "Jeannette Faber", "Jeff Cate", "Jeff Schiebler", "Jefferson Siekei", "Jeffrey Eggleston", "Jeffrey Hunt", "Jelena Prokopcuka", "Jelliah Tinega", "Jemima Sumgong", "Jeremiah Karemi", "Jeremy Ludowyck", "Jeremy Roff", "Jerrell Mock", "Jesse Squire", "Jessica Augusto", "Jessica Trengove", "JFE Steel", "Ji Hyang Kim", "Jiang Xiaoli", "Jilin Marathon", "Jim Warmsley", "Jimmy Muindi", "Jinsei Gakuen", "Jiro Hashimoto", "Jiro Konno", "Jitsugyodan Track and Field Championships", "Jo Fukuda", "Joan Benoit-Samuelson", "Joan Chelimo Melly", "Joan Rotich", "Joannis Makrioteris", "Joaz Ogata", "Joe Stilin", "Joel Kipsang Kositany", "Joel Mwaura", "Joensuu Games", "Johana Maina", "Johanna Ottosson", "John Gasaya", "John Kariuki", "John Kemboi", "John Kyalo", "John Loitang", "John Maina", "John Muritu", "John Mwaniki", "John Thuo", "John Wainaina", "Johnny Gregorek", "Johnson Kiumbani", "Johnstone Kibet Maiyo", "Jonah Kemboi", "Jonathan Beverley", "Jonathan Brownlee", "Jonathan Kipkorir", "Jonathan Ndiku", "Jonathan Wyatt", "Joo Han Oh", "Jorum Okumbo", "Jos Hermans", "Josai Kokusai", "Jose Esteban Montiel", "Jose Rios", "Joseph Ebuya", "Joseph Gitau", "Joseph Kamathi", "Joseph Kiplimo", "Joseph Kiptoo Birech", "Joseph Mumo", "Joseph Mwangi", "Joseph Mwaniki", "joseph mwaura kamau", "Joseph Onsarigo", "Joseph Otwori", "Josephat Menjo", "Josephat Ndambiri", "Josephat Ngetich", "Josh Cassidy", "Josh Cox", "Josh Divine", "Joshua Cheptegei", "Josiah Thugwane", "Josphat Kiprono", "Josphat Kiptis", "Josphat Ledama", "Joy Kemuma", "Joyce Chepkurui", "Joyciline Jepkosgei", "JR East Japan", "JRN on location", "Juan Jose Martinez", "Juan Luis Barrios", "Juhachi Ginko", "Julia Mombi", "Julia Mumbi", "Julian Walsh", "Julien Lyon", "Julius Chepkwony", "Julius Gitahi", "Julius Karinga", "Julius Keter", "Julius Kogo", "Juma Ikangaa", "Jun Aoki", "Jun Hatakeyama", "Jun Hiratsuka", "Jun Ikushima", "Jun Kasai", "Jun Kuroki", "Jun Mitake", "Jun Nobuto", "Jun Shinoto", "Jun Sugimura", "Jun Yamashita", "Junichi Akagi", "Junichi Kawai", "Junichi Nishimura", "Junichi Sakai", "Junichi Seino", "Junichi Ushiyama", "Junichi Yokoyama", "Junichiro Hayashida", "Junichiro Koizumi", "Junichiro Yokoyama", "Junior Olympics", "Junji Karube", "Junji Katakawa", "Junji Mishima", "Junji Takada", "Junki Yanagisawa", "Junko Asari", "Junko Kataoka", "Junko Maeda", "Junko Ochi", "Junko Otani", "Junko Suzuki", "Junna Suzuki", "Junnosuke Matsuo", "Junpei Ishikawa", "Junpei Miyazawa", "Junpei Nishi", "Junpei Tahara", "Junya Kinoshita", "Junya Koga", "Junya Uemura", "Juri Ichikawa", "Juri Nanba", "Justin Gatlin", "Justin Lagat", "Justin Young", "Justus Kangogo", "K-Opticom", "Kachi-Tsu Chao", "Kaede Maegawa", "Kaede Miyasaka", "Kaede Ogasawara", "Kagoshima Ginko", "Kagoshima Jitsugyo", "Kaho Adachi", "Kaho Sasaki", "Kaho Tanaka", "Kahoku Shinpo Kinshuko", "Kai Kobayashi", "Kaido Kita", "Kaiki Oyazato", "Kaisei Yui", "Kaishin Hattori", "Kaitaro Toike", "Kaito Iwasa", "Kaito Iwayama", "Kaito Koitabashi", "Kaito Komayama", "Kaito Takeshita", "Kakeru Nakamura", "Kako Okada", "Kakogawa Yamate", "Kalamori Isunaki", "Kaleab Ghilagabr", "Kami Semick", "Kamimura Gakuen", "Kamogawa Partners", "Kan Hirai", "Kana Ichikawa", "Kana Koyama", "Kana Kurosawa", "Kana Matsuura", "Kana Matsuzoe", "Kana Minemura", "Kana Miura", "Kana Nomura", "Kana Orino", "Kana Unno", "Kanade Furuya", "Kanade Iida", "Kanae Shimoyama", "Kanae Tatsuta", "Kanagawa Half Marathon", "Kanaguri Memorial", "Kanako Fujiishi", "Kanako Takemoto", "Kanako Takizawa", "Kanako Uemura", "Kanami Koshimizu", "Kanami Sagayama", "Kanayo Miyata", "Kanazawa Marathon", "Kandai Daiichi HS", "Kanna Tamaki", "Kanoko Otsu", "Kanoya Taiiku", "Kanpei Hazama", "Kansai Gaikokugo", "Kansai Jitsugyodan", "Kansai Jitsugyodan Track and Field Championships", "Kansai Univ Women", "Kansai University Championships", "Kansuke Morihashi", "Kanta Shimizu", "Kanto Alliance", "Kanto Gakuin", "Kanto Gakuren", "Kanto Region University Women's Ekiden", "Kanto University Track and Field Championships", "Kaori Akagawa", "Kaori Kawazoe", "Kaori Morita", "Kaori Oyama", "Kaori Urata", "Kaori Yamaguchi", "Kaori Yoshida", "Kaoru Higashida", "Kaoru Hirosue", "Kaoru Nagao", "Kaoru Takamatsu", "Kaptich Chepyego", "Kara Goucher", "Karatsu 10-Miler", "Karin Nishikawa", "Karin Odama", "Karin Yasumoto", "Karolina Jarzynska", "Kashima Jitsugyo", "Kasumi Nishihara", "Kasumi Oyagi", "Kasumi Todaka", "Kasumi Yamaguchi", "Kasumi Yoshida", "Kateryna Stetsenko", "Katharina Heinig", "Katsu Nishide", "Katsuaki Isobata", "Katsuhiko Hanada", "Katsuhiko Takahashi", "Katsuhiro Doimaru", "Katsuhiro Katagai", "Katsuhiro Kurokawa", "Katsuhiro Tanaka", "Katsuhiro Yoshii", "Katsuji Miyake", "Katsuji Yamaguchi", "Katsuki Suga", "Katsumi Asada", "Katsumi Sakai", "Katsumi Takamiya", "Katsunari Aoki", "Katsunori Mori", "Katsunori Sasaki", "Katsusada Hirose", "Katsushi Fuchiwaki", "Katsuta Marathon", "Katsuto Momii", "Katsuya Honda", "Katsuya Kawasumi", "Katsuya Morokuma", "Katsuyama Kyoryu XC", "Katsuyuki Tanaka", "Kawaguchiko Marathon", "Kawauchi Half", "Kayo Sugihara", "Kayoko Fukushi", "Kayoko Obata", "Kayuko Fukushi", "Kazu Miura", "Kazuaki Iwami", "Kazuaki Shimizu", "Kazuaki Yoshida", "Kazue Kojima", "Kazue Ogoshi", "Kazuha Kobayashi", "Kazuharu Takai", "Kazuhiko Hirata", "Kazuhiko Ozawa", "Kazuhiko Yamazaki", "Kazuhiro Kiyohara", "Kazuhiro Kuga", "Kazuhiro Maeda", "Kazuhiro Miyamoto", "Kazuhiro Nagai", "Kazuhiro Shinohara", "Kazuhiro Takahashi", "Kazuhisa Kawamoto", "Kazuho Izutsu", "Kazuka Wakatsuki", "Kazuki Baba", "Kazuki Enoki", "Kazuki Furusawa", "Kazuki Hayashi", "Kazuki Ikenaga", "Kazuki Kajiyama", "Kazuki Kawamura", "Kazuki Kobayashi", "Kazuki Koda", "Kazuki Matsukiyo", "Kazuki Matsuyama", "Kazuki Miyake", "Kazuki Morita", "Kazuki Muramoto", "Kazuki Nakamura", "Kazuki Noda", "Kazuki Onishi", "Kazuki Takahashi", "Kazuki Takeshita", "Kazuki Tamura", "Kazuki Tomaru", "Kazuki Yamaguchi", "Kazuki Yamamoto", "Kazuma Ganaha", "Kazuma Ito", "Kazuma Kaikura", "Kazuma Kubota", "Kazuma Oseto", "Kazuma Taira", "Kazuma Tashiro", "Kazuma Watanabe", "Kazumi Hashimoto", "Kazumi Nakayama", "Kazumi Nishikawa", "Kazumi Sakaguchi", "Kazunari Takada", "Kazunori Asaba", "Kazuo Ietani", "Kazushi Kimura", "Kazutaka Enoki", "Kazuto Iizawa", "Kazuto Kawabata", "Kazuto Nishiike", "Kazutoshi Takatsuka", "Kazuya Azegami", "Kazuya Deguchi", "Kazuya Ishida", "Kazuya Kawasaki", "Kazuya Murakami", "Kazuya Nakamori", "Kazuya Namera", "Kazuya Nishiyama", "Kazuya Shiojiri", "Kazuya Tsukamoto", "Kazuya Wakakura", "Kazuya Watanabe", "Kazuya Yamaguchi", "Kazuyoshi Ishikawa", "Kazuyoshi Kuwahara", "Kazuyoshi Shimosato", "Kazuyoshi Tamogami", "Kazuyoshi Tokumoto", "Kazuyuki Ito", "Kazuyuki Maeda", "Kazuyuki Sato", "Kebene Chala", "Kei Fumimoto", "Kei Katanishi", "Kei Kikushima", "Kei Saito", "Kei Takase", "Kei Terada", "Kei Yokoyama", "Keigo Kurihara", "Keigo Osawa", "Keigo Tabata", "Keigo Yano", "Keiichi Murai", "Keiichiro Otsubo", "Keiji Akutsu", "Keiji Yamada", "Keijiro Mogi", "Keiko Kanazawa", "Keiko Kikuura", "Keiko Konishi", "Keiko Nagasaka", "Keiko Nakasu", "Keiko Nogami", "Keiko Osako", "Keishi Hashimoto", "Keishi Nomura", "Keishin Hattori", "Keisuke Fujii", "Keisuke Hayashi", "Keisuke Homma", "Keisuke Ichioka", "Keisuke Kusaka", "Keisuke Morita", "Keisuke Nakatani", "Keisuke Nozawa", "Keisuke Sago", "Keisuke Sawaki", "Keisuke Tanaka", "Keisuke Ushiro", "Keisuke Wakui", "Keita Akiba", "Keita Baba", "Keita Honma", "Keita Kamaishi", "Keita Kishima", "Keita Nagura", "Keita Shimazaki", "Keita Shioya", "Keita Shitara", "Keita Tsuchihashi", "Keita Yoshida", "Keitaro Fujita", "Keitaro Fukushima", "Keitaro Murase", "Keitaro Noguchi", "Keitaro Sato", "Keizo Maruyama", "Keizo Yamada", "Ken Akaike", "Ken Belson", "Ken Flax", "Ken Green", "Ken Nakamura", "Ken Nakayama", "Ken Nojima", "Ken Yokote", "Ken Young", "Kendai Mori", "Kenenisa Bekele", "Kengo Anbo", "Kengo Kuma", "Kengo Nakamura", "Kengo Suzuki", "Kengo Takamori", "Kengo Yamasaki", "Kenich Kita", "Kenichi Chizuka", "Kenichi Jiromaru", "Kenichi Kawano", "Kenichi Morikawa", "Kenichi Ouchi", "Kenichi Shiraishi", "Kenichiro Kawazu", "Kenichiro Setoguchi", "Kenji Arimura", "Kenji Ayabe", "Kenji Beppu", "Kenji Fujimitsu", "Kenji Fujiyama", "Kenji Hasumi", "Kenji Higashino", "Kenji Kimihara", "Kenji Kitahashi", "Kenji Kotani", "Kenji Maritani", "Kenji Moriwaki", "Kenji Nabekura", "Kenji Nakamura", "Kenji Narisako", "Kenji Noguchi", "Kenji Ogura", "Kenji Onaka", "Kenji Ozawa", "Kenji Takeda", "Kenji Takeuchi", "Kenji Tamashima", "Kenji Yahata", "Kenji Yamamoto", "Kenjiro Jitsui", "Kenjiro Sano", "Kenkichi Hagiwara", "Kenneth Keter", "Kenneth Kipkemboi", "Kenneth Kiprop Kipkemoi", "Kenneth Mungara", "Kenro Muranishi", "Kensaku Morita", "Kenshi Sawano", "Kensuke Gotoda", "Kensuke Horio", "Kensuke Takahashi", "Kensuke Takezawa", "Kensuke Ujihara", "Kenta Akiba", "Kenta Chiba", "Kenta Fukuda", "Kenta Iinuma", "Kenta Ishii", "Kenta Kitazawa", "Kenta Koshikawa", "Kenta Matsubara", "Kenta Matsumoto", "Kenta Murayama", "Kenta Murotsuka", "Kenta Muto", "Kenta Oshima", "Kenta Otani", "Kenta Sato", "Kenta Ueda", "Kenta Umetani", "Kenta Yaguchi", "Kentaro Hiraga", "Kentaro Hirai", "Kentaro Ito", "Kentaro Kami", "Kentaro Masuda", "Kentaro Miyahira", "Kentaro Nakamoto", "Kentaro Sato", "Kentaro Yamada", "Kentaro Yano", "Kento Hanazawa", "Kento Nishi", "Kento Otsu", "Kenya Sonota", "Kenzo Kawabata", "Kerron Stewart", "Kevin Chelimo", "Khalil Lemciyeh", "Kibet Kipgenon", "Kieko Shinada", "Kieng Samorn", "Kihachiro Onitsuka", "Kikuyo Tsuzaki", "Kim Smith", "Kimi Tanaka", "Kimihiko Sato", "Kinari Ikeda", "Kinjiro Kawamura", "Kinki Regionals", "Kinki University", "Kinue Hitomi", "Kinya Hashira", "Kinya Ogawa", "Kiplimo Kimutai", "Kiptum Barnabas", "Kiragu Njuguna", "Kirara Shiraishi", "Kirstin Bull", "Kirubel Erassa", "Kiseki Shiozawa", "Kit Ching Yiu", "Kita-Kyushu Marathon", "Kita-Kyushu Women's Ekiden", "Kitakyushu Marathon", "Kiyohito Akiyama", "Kiyoji Hayashi", "Kiyokatsu Hasegawa", "Kiyoko Obata", "Kiyoko Shimahara", "Kiyoko Shirakawa", "Kiyomi Ogawa", "Kiyomi Shibazaki", "Kiyonari Takahara", "Kiyoshi Akimoto", "Kiyoshi Hayashi", "Kiyoshi Koga", "Kiyoshi Konoike", "Kiyoshi Nakagawa", "Kiyoshi Nakamura", "Kiyoshi Ueda", "Kiyotaka Sasaki", "Kiyotaka Shimamura", "Kiyoto Suzuki", "Kjell Erik Stahl", "Ko Kobayashi", "Ko Nishimura", "Ko Towada", "Kobe Marathon", "Kobe Women`s Half Marathon", "Kochi Kogyo", "Kochi Ryoma Marathon", "Kodai Matsumoto", "Kodai Sakuma", "Kodai Tanabe", "Koedo Kawagoe Half", "Koeln Marathon", "Koen Naert", "Kohei Arai", "Kohei Futaoka", "Kohei Kudo", "Kohei Matsumura", "Kohei Mukai", "Kohei Nakajima", "Kohei Ogino", "Kohei Uchigi", "Kohei Uchimura", "Kohei Yamashita", "Kohei Yano", "Koichi Fujino", "Koichi Fukaya", "Koichi Iwasa", "Koichi Kimura", "Koichi Miyashita", "Koichi Morioka", "Koichi Morishita", "Koichi Sakai", "Koichiro Fukuoka", "Koichiro Morioka", "Koichiro Nagata", "Koichiro Nishikawa", "Koichiro Sasaki", "Koichiro Yamanaka", "Koji Gokaya", "Koji Harada", "Koji Hayasaka", "Koji Ito", "Koji Kaneko", "Koji Kobayashi", "Koji Matsuoka", "Koji Murofushi", "Koji Nakayama", "Koji Sakurai", "Koji Sato", "Koji Shimizu", "Koji Someya", "Koji Takagi", "Koji Watanabe", "Koji Yamane", "Koki Ido", "Koki Ikeda", "Koki Kawauchi", "Koki Kuruma", "Koki Maeda", "Koki Sato", "Koki Takada", "Koki Tanaka", "Koki Wada", "Kokichi Tsuburaya", "Koko Kamada", "Kokob Ghebru", "Kokob Tesfagabriel", "Kokoro Sawairi", "Kokoro Watanabe", "Kokoropia Historical Museum", "Koku Gakuin", "Komori Corp", "Konica Minolta", "Konjit Tilahun Biruk", "Konoka Azumi", "Konomi Kai", "Korei Omata", "Kosaka Hoshina", "Kosei Fukuda", "Kosei Hitomi", "Kosei Takekawa", "Kosei Tanaka", "Kosei Yamaguchi", "Kosei Yamashita", "Koshi Watanabe", "Kosice Marathon", "Koso Kubo", "Kosuke Hori", "Kosuke Ishida", "Kosuke Magara", "Kosuke Minamoto", "Kosuke Murasashi", "Kota Araki", "Kota Hokinoue", "Kota Hoshino", "Kota Matsuda", "Kota Mura", "Kota Murayama", "Kota Noguchi", "Kota Oki", "Kota Otani", "Kota Shinozaki", "Kota Suzuki", "Kota Tamura", "Kota Taniguchi", "Kota Yoshida", "Kotaro Hirata", "Kotaro Minowa", "Kotaro Taniguchi", "Koto Hiramura", "Kotoe Chaya", "Kotomi Takayama", "Kotomi Tsubokura", "Kotona Ota", "Koya Nakagami", "Kozue Matsumoto", "Kozue Saito", "Kukie Mitsuma", "Kum Hui Rim", "Kumamoto 30 km", "Kumamoto Castle Marathon", "Kumamoto Kosa 10 Miler", "Kumi Ogura", "Kumi Otoshi", "Kumiko Ikeda", "Kumiko Komiya", "Kumiko Okada", "Kumiko Otani", "Kuneshi Sichala", "Kunihiro Sumi", "Kunihiro Tsurutani", "Kunimitsu Ito", "Kunio Omori", "Kuniya Daini", "Kurao Umeki", "Kurayoshi Ekiden", "Kureha Seki", "Kurobe Half", "Kurosaki Harima", "Kurt Fearnley", "Kusunoki Marathon", "Kwansei Gakuin", "Kyle Alcorn", "Kyohei Ichio", "Kyohei Nishi", "Kyohei Tomori", "Kyohei Yonamine", "Kyoji Nomi", "Kyoka Kudo", "Kyoka Mori", "Kyoka Nakagawa", "Kyoko Fukunaga", "Kyoko Koyama", "Kyosuke Hanao", "Kyosuke Yoshida", "Kyota Yabushita", "Kyoto City Half Marathon", "Kyoto Gaidai Nishi", "Kyoto Isshu Trail Run", "Kyoto Marathon", "Kyoto Sango", "Kyung Sun Choi", "Kyushu Gakuin", "Kyushu Isshu Ekiden", "Kyushu Jitsugyodan Ekiden", "Kyushu Jitsugyodan Track and Field Championships", "Kyushu Jitsugyodan Women's Ekiden", "Kyushu TF Championships", "LA Marathon", "Laban Kagika", "Laban Korir", "Laban Moiben", "Laban Mutai", "Lamine Diack", "Langat Kiprono", "Lani Rutto", "Lanni Marchant", "Lappeenranta Games", "Lara Tamsett", "Larry Rawson", "Laso Suarez", "Lauren Kleppin", "Lauren Reid", "Lawi Kiptui", "Lawrence Cherono", "Lawrence Gure", "Layes Abdullayeva", "Lazarus Motanya", "Lea Poole", "Leah Daugherty", "Leah Kiprono", "Leanne Pompeani", "Ledama Kisaisa", "Lee Bong Ju", "Lee Jung-Soon", "Lee Troop", "Lelisa Desisa", "Lemi Berhanu", "Lene Hjelmso", "Leo Manzano", "Leonard Barsoton", "Leonard Korir", "Leonard Patrick Komon", "Letesenbet Gidey", "Leul Gebresilase", "Lidia Rodriguez Sierra", "Lidia Simon", "Lidiya Grigoryeva", "Lilac Bloomsday Run", "Liliya Shobukhova", "Lille Half Marathon", "Lina Radke", "Linda Janthachit", "Lindsey Anderson", "Linet Masai", "Lineth Chepkurui", "Lisa Corrigan", "Lisa Mizutani", "Lisa Stublic", "Lisa Weightman", "Lishan Dula Gemechu", "Liudmila Petrova", "Liz Costello", "Loice Kiptoo", "Lok Wah 100 Minutes Half", "London Marathon", "Longyun Ren", "Lopez Lomong", "Lorraine Moller", "Louise Sauvage", "Lucas Rotich", "Luciano Aquarone", "Lucy Wangui", "Luigi La Bella", "Luka Chelimo", "Luka Musembi", "Luminita Talpos", "Lusapho April", "Ly Nary", "Lydia Cheromei", "Lydia Simon", "Lyubov Denisova", "Lyudmila Petrova", "Maako Konishi", "Macao Marathon", "Macharia Ndirangu", "Machi Tanaka", "Machiko Iwakawa", "Madai Perez", "Madarao Forest Trails", "Madina Biktagirova", "Madoka Nakano", "Madoka Ogi", "Madoka Ouchi", "Madoka Tanihara", "Mae Hirosawa", "Maebashi Fujimi", "Maegan Krifchin", "Magdaline Chemjor", "Magnolia Road", "Mahiro Akamatsu", "Maho Matsuno", "Maho Shimizu", "Mahoro Ikeda", "Mai Fujino", "Mai Fujisawa", "Mai Hirota", "Mai Ishibashi", "Mai Ito", "Mai Kisaki", "Mai Misaki", "Mai Nagaoka", "Mai Nishiwaki", "Mai Shinozuka", "Mai Shoji", "Mai Tagami", "Mai Tanabe", "Mai Tsuda", "Maika Nishi", "Maiko Kushima", "Maiko Murayama", "Maiko Tani", "Maiko Yamaguchi", "Maito Sugo", "Maki Arai", "Maki Ashi", "Maki Hagiwara", "Maki Horikita", "Maki Izumida", "Maki Kono", "Maki Saito", "Maki Suzawa", "Maki Ueda", "Maki Yamada", "Makiko Ishiyama", "Makiko Kuroda", "Makiko Nakamura", "Mako Fukube", "Makoto Fukui", "Makoto Harada", "Makoto Iwase", "Makoto Kojo", "Makoto Mitsunobu", "Makoto Ogura", "Makoto Ozawa", "Makoto Ozeki", "Makoto Suzuki", "Makoto Tobimatsu", "Makoto Yokohari", "Makoto Yoshida", "Makoto Yukitomo", "Mami Kudo", "Mami Onuki", "Mami Sogabe", "Mami Yamaguchi", "Mamitu Daska", "Mamiyo Nuguse", "Mammoth Lakes", "Mamoru Hirano", "Mamoru Iwaida", "Man Hwa Jeong", "Mana Sasaki", "Manabu Aoki", "Manabu Itayama", "Manabu Kawagoe", "Manabu Kitaguchi", "Manabu Nishida", "Manabu Yamada", "Manaka Kobori", "Manami Ashita", "Manami Date", "Manami Kamitanida", "Manami Mashita", "Manami Nishiyama", "Manami Takehisa", "Manami Takemori", "Manaya Takizawa", "Mao Asada", "Mao Fukuyama", "Mao Ichiyama", "Mao Kato", "Mao Kiyota", "Mao Kuroda", "Mao Sawamura", "Mao Uesugi", "Mara Yamauchi", "Marathon Japan", "Marcel Hug", "Marco Bonfiglio", "Mare Dibabe", "Margaret Agai", "Margaret Okayo", "Mari Hanada", "Mari Hirata", "Mari Ozaki", "Mari Tanigawa", "Mari Tayama", "Maria Konovalova", "Maria Yano", "Mariam Waithera", "Marie Imada", "Marie Yamakawa", "Marika Tokai", "Mariko Adachi", "Mariko Fujita", "Mariko Nakao", "Marina Saito", "Marine Bychkova", "Mario Mola", "Mario Santillan", "Marisa Barros", "Marius Kipserem", "Mark Perkins", "Mark Yatich", "Markos Geneti", "Marshevet Myers", "Marshfield New Year's Day Marathon", "Marta Lema", "Marta Mokaya", "Martha Komu", "Martin Dent", "Martin Hehir", "Martin Lel", "Martin Mathathi", "Martin Mukule", "Martina Schliep", "Marugame Half Marathon", "Marugame Nighter", "Mary Cain", "Mary Keitany", "Mary Shipuko", "Mary Wacera Ngugi", "Mary Wangari", "Mary Wittenberg", "Mary Wydira", "Maryna Damantsevich", "Masa Shimizu", "Masaaki Uetsuki", "Masaaki Watanabe", "Masae Kamura", "Masae Ueno", "Masafumi Arima", "Masafumi Kitagawa", "Masafumi Nomura", "Masaharu Mori", "Masaharu Sudo", "Masahi Kido", "Masahide Saito", "Masahiko Honda", "Masahiko Mizuno", "Masahiko Takahashi", "Masahiko Takeyasu", "Masahiko Watanabe", "Masahiro Fukushima", "Masahiro Inoguchi", "Masahiro Ishida", "Masahiro Ishii", "Masahiro Kagimoto", "Masahiro Kamidoi", "Masahiro Kan", "Masahiro Kawaguchi", "Masahiro Kuno", "Masahiro Miura", "Masahiro Morioka", "Masahiro Okada", "Masahiro Okamura", "Masahiro Takaya", "Masahito Niino", "Masahito Sumitomo", "Masahito Ueda", "Masakai Sakuda", "Masakazu Fujiwara", "Masakazu Mishiro", "Masakazu Okuda", "Masakazu Takahashi", "Masaki Akiyama", "Masaki Ejima", "Masaki Ito", "Masaki Matsui", "Masaki Nashimoto", "Masaki Sakai", "Masaki Sekido", "Masaki Shimojo", "Masaki Toda", "Masaki Toyoda", "Masako Chiba", "Masakuni Suzuki", "Masami Iwamoto", "Masami Murakami", "Masami Otsuka", "Masami Soeda", "Masamichi Shinozaki", "Masamichi Yasuda", "Masamori Kabuki", "Masanobu Hattori", "Masanori Ikeda", "Masanori Ishida", "Masanori Kitajima", "Masanori Oishi", "Masanori Onobu", "Masanori Sakai", "Masanori Sumida", "Masanori Takazono", "Masanori Yoshitomi", "Masao Kizu", "Masao Uchibori", "Masaru Aoki", "Masaru Miyauchi", "Masaru Takamizawa", "Masaru Yamaki", "Masashi Eriguchi", "Masashi Hayashi", "Masashi Ishida", "Masashi Kada", "Masashi Kato", "Masashi Mori", "Masashi Nakatsu", "Masashi Nonaka", "Masashi Otokita", "Masashi Sakamoto", "Masashi Shirotake", "Masataka Fujiwara", "Masataka Uchino", "Masatake Watanabe", "Masateru Yugami", "Masateu Yugami", "Masato Ando", "Masato Arao", "Masato Imai", "Masato Kihara", "Masato Kikuchi", "Masato Naito", "Masato Saiki", "Masato Shinagawa", "Masato Watabe", "Masato Yokota", "Masatomo Sugimoto", "Masatora Kawano", "Masatoshi Ibata", "Masatoshi Kikuchi", "Masatoshi Kumagai", "Masatoshi Teranishi", "Masaya Fujita", "Masaya Iwamoto", "Masaya Kakihara", "Masaya Kinugawa", "Masaya Komachi", "Masaya Nakasha", "Masaya Okuyama", "Masaya Shimizu", "Masaya Taguchi", "Masaya Tsurukawa", "Masayoshi Kuroda", "Masayoshi Matsumoto", "Masayoshi Nakajima", "Masayoshi Yamaoka", "Masayuki Higuchi", "Masayuki Iida", "Masayuki Miwa", "Masayuki Obata", "Masayuki Otaki", "Masayuki Sakahashi", "Masayuki Satouchi", "Masayuki Setouchi", "Masayuki Tezuka", "Masazumi Soejima", "Mashiro Mori", "Masresha Azalech", "Masters Championships", "Masumi Aoki", "Masumi Fuchise", "Masumi Kuwata", "Masuo Nishiyama", "Matsudo T&F Assoc", "Matsue Ladies' Half Marathon", "Matsuri Kohara", "Matthew Janes", "Matthew Kipsaat", "Matthew Kisorio", "Matthew Sigei", "Maui Marathon", "Maureen Koster", "Maxwell Musembi", "Maya Hirokawa", "Maya Iino", "Maya Nakanishi", "Mayu Matsumoto", "Mayu Nasu", "Mayu Sato", "Mayu Ueda", "Mayuko Nakamura", "Mayumi Fujita", "Mayumi Kawasaki", "Mayumi Uchiyama", "Mayumi Watanabe", "Meb Keflezighi", "Mebuki Suzuki", "Medina Deme", "Meg Hemphill", "Megamiko Cup Ekiden", "Megumi Amako", "Megumi Aoba", "Megumi Hirai", "Megumi Ito", "Megumi Kanetomo", "Megumi Kinukawa", "Megumi Minoguchi", "Megumi Oshima", "Megumi Seike", "Megumi Yamashita", "Mei Kodama", "Mei Matsuyama", "Mei Okada", "Meigi Ekiden", "Mekashaw Kassa", "Mekubo Mogusu", "Melaku Abera", "Melbourne Marathon", "Melissa Duncan", "Melkam Gizaw", "Memorial Geert Rasschaert", "Memorial Leon Buyle", "Mercy Cherono", "Mercy Kibarus", "Merima Mohammed", "Meselech Melkamu", "Meseret Agama", "Meseret Biru", "Meseret Defar", "Meskerem Assefa", "Meskerem Hunde", "Mestawet Tufa", "MGC Race", "Micah Kogo", "Micah Njeru", "Michael Getange", "Michael Githae", "Michael Kipyego", "Michael Peters", "Michael Shelley", "Michelle Wood", "Michi Horikawa", "Michi Numata", "Michiaki Kajiwara", "Michihiko Narita", "Michiko Shimizu", "Michinori Watanabe", "Michio Ito", "Michiru Otsuki", "Michitaka Hosokawa", "Michitane Noda", "Michiyo Oniki", "Midori Katsuura", "Midori Mikase", "Miharu Shimokado", "Miho Ihara", "Miho Imamura", "Miho Ito", "Miho Nijo", "Miho Noguchi", "Miho Notagashira", "Miho Sato", "Miho Shimada", "Miho Shimizu", "Miho Shingu", "Miho Sugimori", "Miho Yanagisawa", "Miina Kato", "Mika Hikichi", "Mika Kawauchi", "Mika Kobayashi", "Mika Okunaga", "Mika Sawa", "Mika Tanimizu", "Mika Tokairin", "Mika Yoshikawa", "Mikaela Larsson", "Mikako Kotani", "Mikako Yamashita", "Mike Kigen", "Mike Powell", "Miki Gorman", "Miki Hirai", "Miki House", "Miki Itakura", "Miki Moribayashi", "Miki Ohira", "Miki Oka", "Miki Osaka", "Miki Sakakibara", "Miki Ushida", "Miki Yamada", "Mikie Sakane", "Mikie Takanaka", "Mikiko Ota", "Mikio Hibino", "Mikio Ikeda", "Mikio Oda", "Miku Daido", "Miku Kakimoto", "Miku Kugio", "Miku Moribayashi", "Miku Yamamoto", "Mikuni Yada", "Miliyon Zewdie", "Millrose Games", "Mimi Belete", "Mina Kato", "Mina Nomura", "Mina Ogawa", "Mina Ueda", "Minami Nagano Athletic Park", "Minami Nakaarai", "Minami Takano", "Minami Yamanouchi", "Minaru Okamoto", "Minato Oishi", "Minato Sasaki", "Minato Yamashita", "Mineko Yamanouchi", "Minori Goto", "Minori Hayakari", "Minori Tsujikawa", "Minoru Hatakeyama", "Minoru Ikebe", "Minoru Nasu", "Minoru Noguchi", "Minoru Okada", "Minoru Okuda", "Minoru Onogawa", "Mio Hashimoto", "Mio Muraoka", "Mirai Waku", "Miran Saito", "Miriam Waithera", "Mirriam Wangari", "Misa Yamada", "Misaki Ari", "Misaki Hayashida", "Misaki Kato", "Misaki Katsumata", "Misaki Kuroiwa", "Misaki Minami", "Misaki Mishima", "Misaki Morofuji", "Misaki Morota", "Misaki Ogata", "Misaki Onishi", "Misaki Sango", "Misaki Tanabe", "Misako Kato", "Misako Onishi", "Misako Suguro", "Misato Hokama", "Misato Horie", "Misato Michishita", "Misato Nakamura", "Misato Tanaka", "Miss International Queen", "Misuzu Nakahara", "Misuzu Okamoto", "Mita Masters Half Marathon", "Mitch Kastoff", "Mitchel Brown", "Mitchell Gizae", "Mito Komon Manyu", "Mitsubishi Juko Nagasaki", "Mitsugi Ogata", "Mitsuhiro Abiko", "Mitsuhiro Yamamoto", "Mitsui Sumitomo Kaijo", "Mitsuki Kawauchi", "Mitsuko Hirose", "Mitsuko Ino", "Mitsunori Asaoka", "Mitsuo Kamiya", "Mitsuru Irifune", "Mitsuru Kubota", "Mitsuru Shinohara", "Mitsuru Yaku", "Mitsutaka Imura", "Mitsuyo Kubo", "Miwa Shibuya", "Miwa Yokoyama", "Miya Itoman", "Miya Nishio", "Miyabi Tago", "Miyake Sugata", "Miyakojima 100 km", "Miyazaki Women's Road Race", "Miyo Tanabe", "Miyu Hatakeyama", "Miyu Maeyama", "Miyu Nakata", "Miyu Otani", "Miyu Yoshida", "Miyuki Ando", "Miyuki Fukumoto", "Miyuki Gokan", "Miyuki Hara", "Miyuki Oka", "Miyuki Tokura", "Miyuki Uehara", "Mizuha Otaru", "Mizuho Kishi", "Mizuho Nasukawa", "Mizuki Aotani", "Mizuki Ito", "Mizuki Kugai", "Mizuki Matsuda", "Mizuki Nakamura", "Mizuki Noguchi", "Mizuki Tanimoto", "Mizuki Yamamoto", "Mo Farah", "Moe Kawaharada", "Moe Kyuma", "Moeka Kyoya", "Moeka Sekimoto", "Moeko Yamamoto", "Moeno Nakamura", "Moeno Shimizu", "Mohamed Abdou Bakheet", "Mohamed El Moursy", "Mok Ying Ren", "Molly Huddle", "Momoe Niita", "Momoka Katada", "Momoko Akiyama", "Momoko Kozuka", "Momoko Mizota", "Momoko Takahashi", "Momoko Watanabe", "Monami Ichimura", "Mondo Keien", "Monica Jepkoech", "Monica Margaret", "Monicah Ngige", "Morio Shigematsu", "Moriya Half", "Moriyuki Tanaka", "Moses Arusei", "Moses Kangogo", "Moses Kipsiro", "Moses Kurong", "Moses Mosop", "Moses Murong", "Motoi Oyama", "Motoki Nabeshima", "Motonori Yamazaki", "Mount Fuji Women's Ekiden", "Mount Zao", "Mountain West", "Mt. Evans", "Mt. Fuji Ekiden", "Mt. SAC", "Mt. Zhao", "Mubarak Hussan Shami", "Muenster Marathon", "Mukou Sports Circle", "Mulu Seboka Seyfu", "Mumbai Marathon", "Munehiro Sugaya", "Munetaka Suzuki", "Muneyuki Ojima", "Munkhzaya Bayartsogt", "Munyo Solomon Mutai", "Murugi Wainaina", "Muryo Takase", "Musashino Gakuin", "Mutaz Essa Barshim", "Muthoni Muiru", "Mutsumi Ikeda", "My Star", "Nagano Marathon", "Nagasaki Kenka Isshu Ekiden", "Nagasaki Peace Marathon", "Nagisa Hasegawa", "Nagisa Mori", "Nagisa Morinaga", "Nagoya Half Marathon", "Nagoya International Women`s Marathon", "Nagoya Women's Marathon", "Naha Marathon", "Nahashon Kimaiyo", "Nahom Mesfin", "Nam Seung-Yong", "Namban Rengo", "Nambu Memorial", "Nami Hashimoto", "Nami Iwahara", "Nami Tani", "Namiko Nagayasu", "Namiko Yamamoto", "Nana Fujimori", "Nana Fukuzaki", "Nana Kuraoka", "Nana Sato", "Nana Takagi", "Nana Yoshijima", "Nanae Kuwashiro", "Nanae Nagata", "Nanae Sasaki", "Nanaka Izawa", "Nanaka Kori", "Nanaka Kuraoka", "Nanako Fujii", "Nanako Kajiya", "Nanako Kanno", "Nanako Matsumoto", "Nanako Yasaku", "Nanami Aoki", "Nanami Arai", "Nanami Ishihara", "Nanami Matsuura", "Nanami Niwa", "Nanami Okubo", "Nanami Watanabe", "Nanayo Okamoto", "Nanyo City Hall", "Nao Isaka", "Nao Kanai", "Nao Kazami", "Nao Sato", "Nao Yamamoto", "Naohiro Domoto", "Naohiro Kawakita", "Naohiro Yamada", "Naohiro Yokoyama", "Naohisa Matsuda", "Naoji Suda", "Naoki Higashi", "Naoki Inose", "Naoki Inoue", "Naoki Ito", "Naoki Kirikuri", "Naoki Kitadani", "Naoki Kodaka", "Naoki Koyama", "Naoki Kudo", "Naoki Masuda", "Naoki Matsuo", "Naoki Mishiro", "Naoki Nakamura", "Naoki Okamoto", "Naoki Saita", "Naoki Shibata", "Naoki Soh", "Naoki Sumida", "Naoki Tsukahara", "Naoki Yamada", "Naoki Yamagashira", "Naoki Yamashita", "Naoko Kikuchi", "Naoko Koizumi", "Naoko Ota", "Naoko Sakamoto", "Naoko Takahashi", "Naoko Tsuchiya", "Naomi Maiyo", "Naomi Muthoni", "Naomi Ochiai", "Naomi Washizu", "Naosato Yoshimura", "Naoto Hasegawa", "Naoto Ikuta", "Naoto Miyagawa", "Naoto Morimoto", "Naoto Ozawa", "Naoto Tobe", "Naoto Uchida", "Naoto Yoneda", "Naoya Hashimoto", "Naoya Nishio", "Naoya Sakuda", "Naoya Takahashi", "Naoyuki Daigo", "Nara Marathon", "Narita Airport", "Naruha Sato", "Naruhei Daikuya", "Narumi Kobayashi", "Narumi Tashiro", "Nasu Shiobara", "Natalia Medvedeva", "Natalia Puchkova", "National High School Track and Field Championships", "National Jitsugyodan", "National Jitsugyodan Track and Field Championships", "National Junior High School Championships", "National Junior High School Ekiden", "National Long Distance", "national record", "National Sports Festival", "National Stadium", "national team", "National Track and Field Championships", "National University Half Marathon", "National University Track and Field Championships", "National University Track and Field Individual Championships", "Natsu Hashimoto", "Natsuki Kawakami", "Natsuki Kodaka", "Natsuki Omori", "Natsuki Sekiya", "Natsuki Terada", "Natsuki Yamakawa", "Natsuko Goto", "Natsuko Tatesako", "Natsumi Fujiwara", "Natsumi Kanazawa", "Natsumi Matsumoto", "Natsumi Ozawa", "Natsumi Yoshida", "Nawal El Moutawakel", "NCAA Pre", "-Nationals", "NCAA XC", "ND Software", "Nele Alder-Baerens", "Nemuro Half", "Nephat Kinyanjui", "Nerima Kobushi", "Nesta Carter", "Netsanet Gudeta", "New Caledonia", "New Taipei City Marathon", "New Year Ekiden", "New York", "New York City Marathon", "New York Half-Marathon", "New York Mini 10k", "New Zealand", "Next Heroine", "Ngatuny Gideon", "Nha Trang Half Marathon", "Niagara Falls", "Nice-Cannes Marathon", "Nicholas Bor", "Nicholas Chelimo", "Nicholas Kamakya", "Nicholas Kamau", "Nicholas Kipkemboi", "Nicholas Kiplimo", "Nicholas Kosimbei", "Nicholas Manza", "Nick Arciniaga", "Nick Symmonds", "Nick Willis", "Nicola Spirig", "Nicole Chapple", "Nihon Daigaku", "Nihon Yakka", "Nihonkai Ekiden", "Nihonkai Melon Half", "Niigata Big Festa", "Niigata Half Marathon", "Niigata Time Trials", "Nijukan Doro Half", "Nikko Irohazaka", "Nikolina Sustic", "Nilson Hall", "ninja running", "Nishi Kanasa", "Nishiwaki Kogyo", "Nittai Ebara", "Nobby Hashizume", "Nobeoka West Japan Marathon", "Noboru Kashiwagi", "Nobuaki Fujibayashi", "Nobuaki Takahashi", "Nobuaki Takata", "Nobuharu Asahara", "Nobuhiko Takeuchi", "Nobuya Kato", "Nobuyasu Kurata", "Nobuyuki Fujita", "Nobuyuki Sato", "Nobuyuki Takahashi", "Nodoka Aoki", "Nodoka Seko", "Nokoka Hosaka", "Nolene Conrad", "Nonoka Sone", "Norbert Kigen", "Noriaki Kato", "Noriaki Oyama", "Noriaki Takahashi", "Norichika Aoki", "Norifumi Goto", "Norihide Fujimori", "Norihiko Matsuda", "Norihiro Nomiya", "Norihisa Imai", "Norihito Watanabe", "Noriki Tazawa", "Noriko Higuchi", "Noriko Hirao", "Noriko Kamijo", "Noriko Katayama", "Noriko Matsuoka", "Noriko Nakamura", "Noriko Onodera", "Noriko Sakai", "Noriko Sato", "Norimasa Imai", "Norimasa Nishina", "Norimi Sakurai", "Norimichi Miwa", "Norio Kamijo", "Noritaki Fujiyama", "Noriyasu Ikeda", "Noriyuki Araki", "Noriyuki Mizuguchi", "Noriyuki Nabetani", "Norman Dlomo", "Nosappu Misaki Half", "Notturna di Milano", "Nozomi Iijima", "Nozomi Nishiyama", "Nozomi Takamatsu", "Nozomi Tanaka", "Nozomi Yagi", "Nozomi Yamashita", "Nozomu Detohata", "Nozomu Hashizaka", "Nozomu Okada", "Nozomu Sato", "NTT Nishi Nihon", "Nurit Yimam", "Nuta Olaru", "Oakland Running Festival", "Oda Field", "Oda Memorial", "Oh Joo Han", "Oita Fire Department", "Oita Godo", "Oita Nishi", "Oita Prefectural Track and Field Meet", "Oita Tomei", "Okayama Kogyo", "Okazaki Gakuen", "Okubamichael Fissehatsion", "Okumusashi Ekiden", "Okutama Ekiden", "Olena Burkovska", "Olena Shurkhno", "Olga Golovkina", "Olha Kotobska", "Olomouc Half", "Ombeche Mokamba", "Ome Marathon", "On Location", "Onitsuka Tiger", "Oregon Relays", "Orina Ushiro", "Osaka Gakuin", "Osaka Geidai", "Osaka Geijutsu", "Osaka Grand Prix", "Osaka Half Marathon", "Osaka International Women`s Marathon", "Osaka Keizai", "Osaka Kunei", "Osaka Marathon", "Osaka Police", "Osamu Ibata", "Osamu Katsube", "Osamu Nara", "Osamu Oba", "Osamu Watanabe", "Oslo Marathon", "Ota Shogyo", "Otake Ishiwaka", "Otona no Time Trial", "Otsuka Seiyaku", "Ottawa 10K", "Ottawa Marathon", "owari asahi rc", "Owen Washburn", "Pamela Chepchumba", "Paris Marathon", "Parkersburg Half", "Pascal Thiriot", "Paskalia Chepkorir", "Paskalia Kipkoech", "Pat Butcher", "Patrick Ivuti", "Patrick Makau", "Patrick Mutunga", "Patrick Mwaka", "Patrick Mwikya", "Patrick Reagan", "Patrick Rizzo", "Patrick Wambui", "Paul Biwott", "Paul Chelimo", "Paul Gitonga", "Paul Kamais", "Paul Kamathi", "Paul Kipkorir", "Paul Koeh", "Paul Kosgei", "Paul Kuira", "Paul Tanui", "Paul Tergat", "Paula Radcliffe", "Pauline Kamulu", "Pauline Korikwiang", "Pauline Wangui", "Pauline Wanguru", "Paulo Paula", "Peninah Arusei", "Peres Jepchirchir", "Perth Marathon", "Pete Julian", "Peter Ciaccia", "Peter Kamais", "Peter Kariuki", "Peter Kiplagat", "Peter Kiprotich", "Peter Kirui", "Peter Snell", "Peter Some", "Pham Thi Binh", "Phil Costley", "Philemon Kiplagat", "Philemon Lagat", "Philemon Metto", "Philemon Rono", "Philes Ongori", "Philip Kiplimo", "Philip Manyim", "Philip Sanga", "Phnom Penh", "Phuket Marathon", "Pikes Peak", "Pius Kirop", "plantar fasciitis", "Portland Marathon", "Portland Track Festival", "Porto Half", "Porto Marathon", "Poznan Marathon", "Preeja Sreedharan", "Prefontaine Classic", "Premium Games in Sakata", "Press Kogyo", "Pretty Girls", "Princess Ekiden", "Priscah Jeptoo", "Project Carbon X", "Project Exceed", "Project Proceed", "Purity Cherotich Rionoripo", "Q chan", "questionable ethics", "Racheal Mutgaa", "Rachel Cliff", "Rachel Hyland", "Rachid Kisri", "Rael Kiyara", "Raji Assefa", "Ralph Suzuki", "Ran Urabe", "Randy Thomas", "Ras Al Kaimah", "Ras Al Kaimah Half Marathon", "Razini Lemeteki", "Rebecca Kangogo", "Rebecca Mwangi", "red sox", "Reggae Marathon", "Rei Hasegawa", "Rei Hashimoto", "Rei Iida", "Rei Miura", "Rei Nishiyama", "Rei Obara", "Rei Ohara", "Rei Omori", "Reia Iwade", "Reid Coolsaet", "Reiko Kobayashi", "Reiko Tosa", "Reimi Yoshimura", "Reina Hayashida", "Reina Takano", "Reina Tanaka", "Reiri Nakashima", "Reito Hanzawa", "Remi Nakazato", "Remi Odajima", "Ren Tazawa", "Ren Yonemitsu", "Rena Goto", "Rena Joshita", "Rene Kalmer", "Renee Metivier-Baillie", "Renya Maeda", "Reo Kuniyuki", "Reon Suzuki", "Reuben Narry", "Richard Kimunyan", "Richard Mengich", "Rick Broadbent", "Ridouane Harroufi", "Rie Fujita", "Rie Hasegawa", "Rie Kaneto", "Rie Kawauchi", "Rie Matsumoto", "Rie Mizutake", "Rie Sawai", "Rie Takayoshi", "Rie Uchida", "Rie Ueno", "Rie Yamazaki", "Riga Marathon", "Riho Takamizawa", "Rika Kaneda", "Rika Kaseda", "Rika Kawashima", "Rika Shintaku", "Rika Toguchi", "Riki Ichihara", "Rikia Saruyama", "Rikiho Komatsu", "Rikinobu Watanabe", "Riko Matsuzaki", "Riku Hagiwara", "Rikuto Iijima", "Rin Aoki", "Rin Saito", "Rina Abe", "Rina Asano", "Rina Hidaki", "Rina Kimura", "Rina Koeda", "Rina Kurosawa", "Rina Nabeshima", "Rina Nomura", "Rina Yamashita", "Rina Yamazaki", "Rino Goshima", "Rino Hakushi", "Rino Kojima", "Rino Maeda", "Rintaro Kajiyama", "Rintaro Takeda", "Riri Shiraishi", "Ririka Hinonaka", "Risa Hagiwara", "Risa Kikuchi", "Risa Miyashita", "Risa Shibuya", "Risa Shigetomo", "Risa Suzuki", "Risa Takemura", "Risa Takenaka", "Risa Yokoe", "Rita Jeptoo", "Ritsumeikan Uji", "Road to Tomorrow", "Rob de Castella", "Rob Watson", "Robe Guta", "Robert Cheruiyot", "Robert Kioni", "Robot Marathon", "Rock and Roll Half Marathon", "Rodah Tanui", "Rodgers Chumo Kwemoi", "Rodman Teltull", "Roger Bannister", "Rome Marathon", "Ron Clarke", "Ronald Kemoi", "Ronald Korir", "Rory Linkletter", "Rosa Mota", "Rose Chelimo", "Rose Chepchumba", "Rose Kosgei", "Rose Maranga", "Rosemary Monica", "Rosemary Wanjiru", "Rotorua Marathon", "Rotterdam Marathon", "Route Inn", "Roverto Quercia", "Roxana Barca", "Ruggero Pertile", "Rui Aoyama", "Rui Watanabe", "Rui Yonezawa", "Ruka Nakamura", "Rumi Sakata", "Run For Your Life", "Runa Skrove Falch", "running boom", "Running Times", "Ruriko Kubo", "Russ Stram", "Ruth Charlotte Croft", "Ruth Chebitok", "Ruth Chepngetich", "Ruth Wanjiru", "Ruti Aga", "Ruy Ueda", "Ryan Bailey", "Ryan Hall", "Ryan Hill", "Ryan Vail", "Ryo Abiko", "Ryo Hashimoto", "Ryo Ishima", "ryo ishita", "Ryo Kajiki", "Ryo Kaneko", "Ryo Kiname", "Ryo Koido", "Ryo Kozasa", "Ryo Kuchimachi", "Ryo Matsumoto", "Ryo Murasato", "Ryo Nakagawa", "Ryo Nishimura", "Ryo Nishiyama", "Ryo Ozono", "Ryo Saito", "Ryo Sato", "Ryo Shirayoshi", "Ryo Takami", "Ryo Taniguchi", "Ryo Uchimura", "Ryo Wada", "Ryo Yamada", "Ryo Yamamoto", "Ryoga Asai", "Ryohei Arai", "Ryohei Kawakami", "Ryohei Nakano", "Ryohei Nishiyama", "Ryohei Noda", "Ryohei Sakaguchi", "Ryoichi Matsuo", "Ryoichi Sekiya", "Ryoichi Yoshida", "Ryoji Kono", "Ryoji Tatezawa", "Ryoko Hirano", "Ryoko Kisaki", "Ryoko Matsukawa", "Ryoma Aoki", "Ryoma Nakaura", "Ryoma Takeuchi", "Ryoma Yamamoto", "Ryosuke Awazu", "Ryosuke Fukuyama", "Ryosuke Maki", "Ryosuke Nara", "Ryosuke Otsuka", "Ryosuke Sugimoto", "Ryosuke Yamamoto", "Ryota Kishima", "Ryota Kitahara", "Ryota Komori", "Ryota Matoba", "Ryota Matono", "Ryota Nakamura", "Ryota Natori", "Ryota Takemoto", "Ryota Uchida", "Ryota Yabushita", "Ryota Yamagata", "Ryota Yamaguchi", "Ryotaro Nitta", "Ryotaro Otani", "Ryu Hashimoto", "Ryu Nakazawa", "Ryu Takaku", "Ryu Yamamoto", "Ryuichi Enokida", "Ryuichi Kagawa", "Ryuichi Tabuki", "Ryuji Iwasa", "Ryuji Kashiwabara", "Ryuji Matsushita", "Ryuji Miura", "Ryuji Okada", "Ryuji Ono", "Ryuji Watanabe", "Ryunosuke Chigira", "Ryunosuke Hayashi", "Ryunosuke Matsuo", "Ryusei Fujii", "Ryusei Kakino", "Ryusei Takahashi", "Ryusei Tanaka", "Ryuta Igawa", "Ryuta Komano", "Ryutaro Ibara", "Ryutaro Ichitani", "Ryutaro Yamamoto", "Ryuto Igawa", "Ryuya Kajitani", "Ryuya Kajiya", "Sabrina Little", "Sachi Tanaka", "Sachiko Masumi", "Sachiko Yamashita", "Sadahiko Kano", "Sae Hanada", "Sae Harada", "Sae Matsumoto", "Sae Nishiuchi", "Sae Tsuji", "Saeki Makino", "Saeko Okayama", "Saga Sakura Half Marathon", "Sagawa Express", "Sahlesilassie Nigussie", "Sairi Maeda", "Saitama International Women's Marathon", "Saitama Sakae", "Sakae Endo", "Saki Fukui", "Saki Hashimoto", "Saki Kamata", "Saki Komiya", "Saki Nakayama", "Saki Tabata", "Saki Takakuwa", "Saki Tokoro", "Saki Watanabe", "Saki Yoshimizu", "Sakie Arai", "Sakie Ishibashi", "Sakie Nobuoka", "Sakiho Tsutsui", "Sakiko Ishibashi", "Sakiko Matsumi", "Sakiko Naito", "Sakito Matsuzaki", "Sakki Umehara", "Saku Chosei", "Sakura AC", "Sakura Asahi", "Sakura Kawakami", "Sakurako Fukuuchi", "Sakurako Yamoto", "Salah-Eddine Bounasr", "Salam Mawit Almaiyo", "Salim Kipsang", "Salina Kosgei", "Sally Chepyego", "Sally Kipyego", "Sam Chelanga", "Sam Dobson", "Sam Grotewold", "Sammy Kipkoech", "Sammy Kitwara", "Sammy Korir", "Samrawit Mengisteab", "Samson Ramadhani", "Samuel Ganga", "Samuel Gebremichael", "Samuel Getachew", "Samuel Kalalel", "Samuel Kariuki", "Samuel Masai", "Samuel Mwaniki", "Samuel Ndungu", "Samuel Tsegaye", "Samuel Wanjiru", "Samurai Running", "San Diego", "San Francisco Marathon", "San Silvestre Vallecana", "Sanae Achabar", "Sang Min Sin", "Santa Claus Marathon", "Sanyo Road Race", "Saori Abe", "Saori Fukubayashi", "Saori Imai", "Saori Imamura", "Saori Kitamura", "Saori Makishima", "Saori Noda", "Saori Yamashita", "Saori Yoshida", "Sapporo Half Marathon", "Sapporo International Ski Marathon", "Sapporo Yamanote", "Sara Hall", "Sara Miyake", "Sara Takanashi", "Sarah Chepchirchir", "Sarah Kiptoo", "Sasayama Marathon", "Satoe Matsumoto", "Satoko Mori", "Satoko Uetani", "Satomi Kubokura", "Satomi Matsumoto", "Satoru Fukushima", "Satoru Hori", "Satoru Inoue", "Satoru Kasuya", "Satoru Kitamura", "Satoru Kubota", "Satoru Sasaki", "Satoru Shimomura", "Satoshi Abe", "Satoshi Hatase", "Satoshi Irifune", "Satoshi Kato", "Satoshi Kikuchi", "Satoshi Kubooka", "Satoshi Maruo", "Satoshi Nakao", "Satoshi Nishizawa", "Satoshi Noguchi", "Satoshi Ogawa", "Satoshi Osaki", "Satoshi Sasaki", "Satoshi Yoshii", "Satte Sakura", "Savo Games", "Saya Nakajima", "Sayagatani TT", "Sayaka Adachi", "Sayaka Aoki", "Sayaka Kuribayashi", "Sayaka Kurogi", "Sayaka Kuwahara", "Sayaka Maeda", "Sayaka Makita", "Sayaka Matsumoto", "Sayaka Murakami", "Sayaka Nishimura", "Sayaka Sato", "Sayaka Takarada", "Sayaka Takeuchi", "Sayaka Yamaguchi", "Sayo Nomura", "Sayori Matsumoto", "Sayuri Baba", "Sayuri Oka", "Sayuri Sento", "Sayuri Yamanaka", "science of sport", "Scott Bauhs", "Scott Douglas", "scott wescott", "Scott Westcott", "SEA Games", "Sean Quigley", "Second Wind", "Seidai Shinohara", "Seifu Tura", "Seigo Ikegami", "Seiichi Tanabe", "Seiichi Yoshida", "Seiichiro Tsuda", "Seiichiro Yagi", "Seiiya Kato", "Seiji Hirayama", "Seiji Kobayashi", "Seiji Kushibe", "Seiji Okabe", "Seika Aoyama", "Seika Iwamura", "Seika Nishikawa", "Seina Yamanaka", "Seira Fuwa", "Seiryo Ikeda", "Seito Yamamoto", "Seiya Endo", "Seiya Ichihashi", "Seiya Kato", "Seiya Shigeno", "Seiya Watanabe", "Seki Kimura", "Sekisui Kagaku", "self-promotion", "Sendai Ikuei", "Sendai International Half Marathon", "Sendai Road Race", "Seoul Marathon", "Serena Burla", "Sergey Bubka", "Serhiy Lebid", "Serod Bat Ochir", "Serod Batochir", "Setagaya 246", "Setagaya TT", "Setsuko Tanaka", "Setsuo Kajita", "Seul Ki Ahn", "Seungho Haku", "Sevilay Eytemis", "Seville Cross Country", "Shadrack Kipkogey", "Shadrack Kiplagat", "Shalane Flanagan", "Shanghai Marathon", "Sharon Cherop", "Shasho Insermu", "Shaun White", "Sherone Simpson", "Shibetsu Half", "Shibuya Ekiden", "Shigeaki Hirata", "Shigefumi Matsuzawa", "Shigeharu Watanabe", "Shigehisa Aoyagi", "Shigekatsu Kondo", "Shigeki Fujiwara", "Shigeki Tsuji", "Shigenobu Murofushi", "Shigenobu Ota", "Shigeo Daigo", "Shigeo Hasegawa", "Shigeo Hatakeyama", "Shigeo Ito", "Shigeru Aburaya", "Shigeru So", "Shigeru Soh", "Shigetoshi Yamauchi", "Shigeyuki Furui", "Shigeyuki Yamaoka", "Shiho Katayama", "Shiho Takechi", "Shiho Takeda", "Shiho Yahagi", "Shiki Shinsako", "Shikoku Denryoku", "Shimada Oikawa", "Shimantogawa Ultra", "Shimizu Running Club", "Shin Asakawa", "Shin Kimura", "Shinba Sato", "Shinetsu Murao", "Shingo Ajima", "Shingo Hayashi", "Shingo Igarashi", "Shingo Inoue", "Shingo Mishima", "Shingo Sato", "Shingo Sawa", "Shingo Suetsu", "Shingo Suetsugu", "Shingo Tsumemaru", "Shinichi Taniguchi", "Shinichi Watanabe", "Shinichi Yamashita", "Shinichi Yukinaga", "Shinichiro Hasui", "Shinichiro Nakamura", "Shinichiro Tai", "Shinji Kanagawa", "Shinji Karube", "Shinji Kawashima", "Shinji Koiwa", "Shinji Nakadai", "Shinji Sakai", "Shinji Suzuki", "Shinji Takahira", "Shinji Tateishi", "Shinjiro Yamamoto", "Shinnosuke Ogura", "Shino Saito", "Shinobu Aoki", "Shinobu Koyoshigawa", "Shinobu Kubota", "Shinobu Murakoshi", "Shinpei Muratake", "Shintaro Ishihara", "Shintaro Kawai", "Shintaro Kimura", "Shintaro Miwa", "Shinya Iwamoto", "Shinya Mito", "Shinya Niwasaki", "Shinya Takahashi", "Shinya Takaya", "Shinya Takeuchi", "Shinya Wada", "Shinzo Abe", "Shion Miura", "Shiori Hayashita", "Shiori Miki", "Shiori Morita", "Shiori Shimomura", "Shiori Toma", "Shiori Yano", "Shitaye Habtegebrel", "Shizo Kanaguri", "Shizue Fujita", "Shizuka Kaneshima", "Shizuka Marumo", "Shizuoka International", "Shizuoka Marathon", "Shizuoka Sunpu", "Shizuoka Time Trials", "Sho Hibasa", "Sho Kawamoto", "Sho Kimura", "Sho Kitagawa", "Sho Kuwabara", "Sho Matsueda", "Sho Matsumoto", "Sho Nagato", "Sho Sakazaki", "Sho Suminaka", "Sho Tokunaga", "Sho Tsukisawa", "Sho Watanabe", "Shodai Hattori", "Shoga Yamada", "Shogo Furubayashi", "Shogo Hata", "Shogo Ise", "Shogo Kanezane", "Shogo Kikuchi", "Shogo Kooka", "Shogo Nakamura", "Shogo Otsu", "Shogo Sekiguchi", "Shohei Fujiwara", "Shohei Hayakawa", "Shohei Kurata", "Shohei Mita", "Shohei Otsuka", "Shohei Shimizu", "Shohei Tomita", "Shohei Wada", "Shohei Yoshida", "Shoi Inada", "Shoichi Omomo", "Shoji Akutsu", "Shoji Imabori", "Shoji Takada", "Shoko Asahara", "Shoko Fukuda", "Shoko Miyazaki", "Shoko Mori", "Shoko Shimizu", "Shoko Sonoda", "Shoma Funatsu", "Shoma Murakami", "Shoma Yamamoto", "Shonan International Marathon", "Shota Baba", "Shota Ezomori", "Shota Hara", "Shota Hattori", "Shota Hiraga", "Shota Iizuka", "Shota Inoue", "Shota Inuzuka", "Shota Jige", "Shota Kai", "Shota Kinoshita", "Shota Kozuma", "Shota Madokoro", "Shota Maeda", "Shota Miyagami", "Shota Nakagawa", "Shota Ogumo", "Shota Onizuka", "Shota Saito", "Shota Shinjo", "Shota Takatsudo", "Shota Yamada", "Shota Yamaguchi", "Shota Yamazaki", "Shotaro Shiroyama", "Shoya Hayata", "Shoya Kurokawa", "Shoya Okuno", "Shoya Ozaki", "Shu Hamano", "Shuhei Akaba", "Shuhei Daikuya", "Shuhei Hayakawa", "Shuhei Kondo", "Shuhei Shirota", "Shuhei Tada", "Shuhei Yamaguchi", "Shuhei Yamamoto", "Shuho Dairokuno", "Shuichi Fujii", "Shuichi Fujiyama", "Shuichi Ito", "Shuichi Kondo", "Shuichi Morita", "Shuichi Yoneshige", "Shuji Oshida", "Shuji Osuda", "Shuji Yamamoto", "Shuji Yoshigawa", "Shuji Yoshikawa", "Shumi Dechasa", "Shumi Gerbaba", "Shumo Ozaki", "Shun Gorotani", "Shun Imamura", "Shun Inoura", "Shun Kurihara", "Shun Morozumi", "Shun Onodera", "Shun Onoki", "Shun Qi", "Shun Sakuraoka", "Shun Sato", "Shun Suzuki", "Shun Yamamura", "Shun Yuzawa", "Shungo Kawamura", "Shungo Yokota", "Shunichi Kobayashi", "Shunichi Kondo", "Shunichi Suzuki", "Shunji Karube", "Shunji Matsuo", "Shunpei Maeda", "Shunpei Oda", "Shunsaku Shibata", "Shunsuke Imanishi", "Shunsuke Ishida", "Shunsuke Izumiya", "Shunsuke Kanbe", "Shunsuke Miyasaka", "Shunsuke Motoki", "Shunsuke Nagato", "Shunsuke Nomura", "Shunsuke Sato", "Shunta Kubo", "Shunto Nagata", "Shunya Nomura", "Shunya Takayama", "Shunya Takeuchi", "Shura Shinoki", "Shure Demise", "Shuri Ogasawara", "Shuru Bulo", "Shusei Nomoto", "Shusei Ohashi", "Shuto Kojima", "Shuto Mikami", "Shuya Tsuda", "Shuzaburo Kubo", "Silah Limo", "Silas Jui", "Silas Kingori", "Silas Kipruto", "Silas Laikong", "Silas Sang", "Simon Kariuki", "Simon Kimunge", "Simon Kirui", "simon maina munyi", "Simon Mukun", "Simon Ndirangu", "Simon Sidem", "Simon Wangai", "Sinead Diver", "Singapore Marathon", "Siraj Gena", "Sohei Wada", "Sohn Kee-Chung", "Soichiro Ichikawa", "Soichiro Nishio", "Soja Kibiji Marathon", "Soji Ikeda", "Soji Takahashi", "Soma Ishikawa", "Son Kitei", "Son Yon Lee", "Sondre Moen", "Songo Fipaza", "Sonja Roman", "Sontoku Road Race", "Sook-Jeong Kim", "Sora Tsukada", "Soshi Suzuki", "Soshi Takahashi", "Sota Hoshi", "Sota Ito", "Sota Kato", "Sota Kawatsura", "Sota Watanabe", "Sotokoto Safari", "Soud Kanbouchia", "South Korea", "Southern Kyushu", "Soya Saito", "Soyoka Segawa", "Sozo Gakuen", "sports drinks", "Sports Parliamentary Council", "Spring Japan Grand Prix", "St. Catalina Gakuen", "St. George Marathon", "St. Moritz", "Stanley Biwott", "Stanley Shiteki", "Stanley Waithaka", "Steamboat Classic", "Stefano Baldini", "Stephan Freigang", "Stephan Kiselev", "Stephen Kiplimo", "Stephen Kiprotich", "stephen mayaka", "Stephen Mokoka", "Stephen Sambu", "Steve Osaduik", "Steven Karuno", "Steven Njeri", "Stockholm Marathon", "Suehiro Ishikawa", "Sugeru Hattori", "Sugeru Osako", "Suguru Abe", "Suguru Emoto", "Suguru Hirosue", "Suguru Ito", "Suguru Osako", "Suma Gakuen", "Sumie Inagaki", "Sumiko Nishioka", "Sumiko Suzuki", "Sumiko Watanabe", "Sumina Kuroda", "Sumire Hata", "Sumire Kojima", "Sumitomo Denko", "Super Meet in Kawasaki", "Surgeres Ultra", "Susan Jerotich", "Susan Krumins", "Susan Wylim", "Susumu Hara", "Susumu Kangawa", "Susumu Nakajima", "Susumu Takano", "Sutume Asefa", "Suzuki AC", "Suzuki Hamamatsu", "Suzuna Kanno", "Suzuna Seiyama", "Suzune Ishikawa", "Svetlana Zakharova", "swine influenza", "Sydney Marathon", "Sylvia Kibet", "Tabitha Njeri Kamau", "Tachikawa Akishima Half Marathon", "Tadaaki Hayano", "Tadaaki Matsuura", "Tadao Ando", "Tadao Uchikoshi", "Tadashi Fukushima", "Tadashi Horikoshi", "Tadashi Isshiki", "Tadashi Shitamori", "Tadashi Suzuki", "Tadasu Kawano", "Tadasu Kono", "Tadayoshi Kametaka", "Tadayuki Nagayama", "Tadayuki Ojima", "Tadelech Bekele", "Tadese Tola", "Tadese Tolosa Aredo", "Tadesse Tola", "Tae-Hwan Park", "Taher Belkorchi", "Taichi Takase", "Taiga Hashikawa", "Taiga Ito", "Taiga Kitano", "Taiga Machizawa", "Taiji Nakashima", "Taiju Nishikata", "Taiki Inoue", "Taiki Mitsuoka", "Taiki Suzuki", "Taiki Tsuji", "Taiki Tsutsumi", "Taiki Yoshimura", "Taio Kanai", "Taira Omata", "Taisei Hashizume", "Taisei Nakamura", "Taisei Ogino", "Taishi Nakayama", "Taishi Sakamoto", "Taishu Kimura", "Taisuke Hirose", "Taisuke Ikeda", "Taisuke Kodama", "Taiyo Akiyama", "Taizo Nishimuro", "Takaaki Koda", "Takaaki Tanaka", "Takaaki Yoshida", "Takafumi Igusa", "Takafumi Kikuchi", "Takafumi Sugimoto", "Takafumi Suzuki", "Takafumi Yanase", "Takaharu Miyazaki", "takahide watanabe", "Takahiko Onishi", "Takahiro Aso", "Takahiro Gunji", "Takahiro Hiwada", "Takahiro Kasai", "Takahiro Kato", "Takahiro Matsumoto", "Takahiro Mori", "Takahiro Nakama", "Takahiro Ozaki", "Takahiro Sunada", "Takahiro Ueno", "Takahiro Watanabe", "Takahiro Yagihara", "Takahiro Yamanaka", "Takahiro Yanagi", "Takahisa Hiraishi", "Takahisa Mitsui", "Takahito Watanabe", "Takaki Iwamuro", "Takaki Omuro", "Takako Asano", "Takako Niisaka", "Takako Oi", "Takako Seijo", "Takamasa Ishida", "Takamasa Kitagawa", "Takamasa Uchida", "Takami Nishiyama", "Takami Ominami", "Takamitsu Hashimoto", "Takamizu Gakuen", "Takanobu Otsubo", "Takanori Hayashi", "Takanori Ichikawa", "Takanori Ide", "Takanori Kawahara", "Takanori Matsumoto", "Takao Shiraiwa", "Takao Watanabe", "Takaoki Hashimoto", "Takashi Chiba", "Takashi Eto", "Takashi Goto", "Takashi Hojo", "Takashi Horiguchi", "Takashi Ichida", "Takashi Inoue", "Takashi Ishii", "Takashi Kakimoto", "Takashi Kawano", "Takashi M", "Takashi Maeda", "Takashi Matsuyama", "Takashi Mino", "Takashi Nabeshima", "Takashi Nakata", "Takashi Okamura", "Takashi Ota", "Takashi Saito", "Takashi Sasazaki", "Takashi Shimokawara", "Takashi Takaseki", "Takashi Toyota", "Takashi Uchida", "Takashi Yamauchi", "Takato Suzuki", "Takatoshi Abe", "Takatoshi Abe.", "Yuki Hashioka", "Takaya Hamato", "Takaya Iwasaki", "Takaya Sakamoto", "Takayoshi Onishi", "Takayoshi Shigemi", "Takayuki Fujimoto", "Takayuki Hamaguchi", "Takayuki Iida", "Takayuki Inubushi", "Takayuki Kishimoto", "Takayuki Koike", "Takayuki Maeno", "Takayuki Matsumiya", "Takayuki Matsuura", "Takayuki Nakano", "Takayuki Nakao", "Takayuki Nishida", "Takayuki Ota", "Takayuki Tabe", "Takayuki Tagami", "Takayuki Tanii", "Takehiko Gyoba", "Takehiko Kato", "Takehiko Shibuya", "Takehiro Arakawa", "Takehiro Deki", "Takehiro Gyoba", "Takehiro Sekiguchi", "Takehiro Sonohara", "Takehisa Okino", "Takemaru Yamazaki", "Takeo Hirata", "Takeru Ikka", "Takeru Kobayakawa", "Takeru Sakuma", "Takeshi Arisumi", "Takeshi Hamano", "Takeshi Kuchino", "Takeshi Kumamoto", "Takeshi Makabe", "Takeshi Matsuda", "Takeshi Nishida", "Takeshi Nishimoto", "Takeshi Okada", "Takeshi So", "Takeshi Soh", "Takeshi Takahashi", "Takeshi Ueno", "Takeshi Yamauchi", "Taketo Kumazaki", "Takeyuki Nakayama", "Takigahara SDF Base", "Taku Fujimoto", "Taku Harada", "Taku Miyahara", "Takuji Morimoto", "Takuma Kawakami", "Takuma Miyashita", "Takuma Nagai", "Takuma Sano", "Takuma Sasaya", "Takuma Shibata", "Takumi Honda", "Takumi Kanemaru", "Takumi Kawano", "Takumi Kawato", "Takumi Kiyotani", "Takumi Kobayashi", "Takumi Komatsu", "Takumi Komiya", "Takumi Kubo", "Takumi Matsumoto", "Takumi Minakura", "Takumi Murashima", "Takumi Owada", "Takumi Saito", "takumi sato", "Takumi Takahata", "Takumi Uemura", "Takumi Yokokawa", "Takumi Yoshida", "Takumu Furuya", "Takuro Aoyama", "Takuro Mikata", "Takuro Miura", "Takuro Nakanishi", "Takuro Yamashita", "Takushiro Ochiai", "Takuto Hanamura", "Takuto Kominami", "Takuya Fujikawa", "Takuya Fukazu", "Takuya Fukunaga", "Takuya Hanyu", "Takuya Inoue", "Takuya Ishikawa", "Takuya Kawakami", "Takuya Kozasu", "Takuya Maeda", "Takuya Nagata", "Takuya Nakayama", "Takuya Noguchi", "Takuya Otani", "Takuya Saito", "Takuya Suzuki", "Takuya Yokoyama", "Tamako Ekiden", "Tamawanchatt Saisawatt", "Tamio Nishizawa", "Tamirat Tola", "Tamotsu Terao", "Tango University Ekiden", "Tao Komikado", "Tariku Bekele", "Tariku Jufar", "Taro Agui", "Taro Aso", "Taro Inoue", "Tasuku Tanonaka", "Tatiana Aryasova", "Tatiana Petrova", "Tatsuhiko Hori", "Tatsuhiko Ito", "Tatsuhiko Nagayama", "Tatsuhiro Yamamoto", "Tatsuki Ishii", "Tatsumi Abe", "Tatsumi Morimasa", "Tatsunari Hirayama", "Tatsunori Hamasaki", "Tatsunori Okumura", "Tatsunori Sato", "Tatsuo Okawara", "Tatsuro Okazaki", "Tatsuro Suwa", "Tatsuya Goto", "Tatsuya Hayashi", "Tatsuya Inagaki Hisayo Matsumoto", "Tatsuya Itagaki", "Tatsuya Kawaguchi", "Tatsuya Maruyama", "Tatsuya Moriguchi", "Tatsuya Nishikubo", "Tatsuya Oike", "Tatsuya Sato", "Tatsuya Sumide", "Tatsuya Ueda", "Tatsuya Yamaguchi", "Tatyana McFadden", "Taylor Swift", "Team Fukui", "Teferi Wodajo", "Tegla Loroupe", "Tejitu Chalchissa", "Tejitu Siyum", "Tekeste Kebede", "Teklit Teweldebrhan", "Tenri Seko", "Tenta Suzuki", "Teppei Suegami", "Teppei Tsunesada", "Teresa Musso", "Teressa Nyakola", "Terrance Shea", "territorial dispute", "Terry Fox", "Teruaki Yuda", "Terukazu Omori", "Terumi Asoshina", "Teruo Doi", "Teruo Ito", "Teruo Taneno", "Teruo Yaegashi", "Teruoki Shirouzu", "Teruto Ozaki", "Teruyo Tanaka", "Tesfamariam Gashazghi", "Tesfaye Abera", "Teshome Mekonen", "Tessei Yamahata", "Tessema Abshiro", "Tetiana Gamera-Shmyrko", "Tetsu Takashima", "Tetsuhiko Kin", "Tetsuhiro Yamamoto", "Tetsuji Arai", "Tetsuji Iwase", "Tetsuo Nishikawa", "Tetsuo Nishimura", "Tetsuo Usui", "Tetsuro Yamanishi", "Tetsuya Kimura", "Tetsuya Matsukawa", "Tetsuya Sasaki", "Tetsuya Shoji", "Tetsuya Tateno", "Tetsuya Urakawa", "Tetsuya Utsumi", "Tetsuya Watanabe", "Tetsuya Yoroizaka", "Tetsuzo Arikawa", "Tetta Shiratori", "Tewelde Estifanos", "Texas Relays", "Teyba Erkesso", "The Alfee", "the end is nigh", "The Man", "Theo Ngubane", "Thomas Do Canto", "Thomas Frazer", "Thomas Geierspichler", "Thomas Havens", "Thomas Longosiwa", "Thomkal Gopi", "Thompson Magawana", "Tigisit Abidi", "Tigist Girma", "Tigist Shetu", "Tigist Tufa", "Tiidrek Nurme", "Tiki Gelana", "Tilahun Regassa", "Tim Nelson", "Time Trial in Nagasaki", "Timothy Lefroy", "Tirfi Tsegaye", "Tirunesh Dibaba", "Titus Ekiru", "Titus Kihara", "Titus Mbishei", "Titus Mumo", "Titus Wambua", "Titus Waruru", "Tizita Terecha", "Todai Kogama", "Togo International Ultra Marathon", "Toho Ginko", "Tohoku Fukushi", "Tohoku High School", "Tokio Miyazaki", "Tokorozawa Half", "Tokuo Suda", "Tokushima Marathon", "Tokyo Champs", "Tokyo International Women`s Marathon", "Tokyo Kaiyo", "Tokyo Kogyo", "Tokyo Kokusai", "Tokyo Marathon", "Tokyo Marathon Foundation", "Tokyo Metro", "Tokyo Nighter", "Tokyo Nogyo", "Tokyo Police Department", "Tokyo Tomin Ekiden", "Tom Farrell", "Tomiaki Fukuda", "Tomihisa Taue", "Tomio Kanamaru", "Tomo Morimoto", "Tomo Tsubota", "Tomoaki Bungo", "Tomoaki Ikoma", "Tomoaki Kunichika", "Tomoaki Sato", "Tomoe Yokoyama", "Tomofumi Uda", "Tomohiko Sumi", "Tomohiro Hayakawa", "Tomohiro Kokubo", "Tomohiro Minami", "Tomohiro Noda", "Tomohiro Ono", "Tomohiro Seto", "Tomohiro Shiiya", "Tomohiro Shinno", "Tomohiro Tanigawa", "Tomoka Haneda", "Tomoka Inadomi", "Tomoka Iwai", "Tomoka Katada", "Tomoka Kimura", "Tomoka Kuwazoe", "Tomoka Mukai", "Tomoka Nakahata", "Tomoka Tsuchihashi", "Tomokazu Sato", "Tomoki Hirayama", "Tomoki Ichimura", "Tomoki Osawa", "Tomoki Ota", "Tomoki Sato", "Tomoki Suzuki", "Tomoki Tagawa", "Tomoko Hagiwara", "Tomoko Hara", "Tomoko Komai", "Tomoko Sakamoto", "Tomomasa Futsukaichi", "Tomomi Abiko", "Tomomi Hamasaki", "Tomomi Higuchi", "Tomomi Itakura", "Tomomi Kawamura", "Tomomi Miyasaki", "Tomomi Musembi Takamatsu", "Tomomi Nakashima", "Tomomi Sato", "Tomomi Sawahata", "Tomomi Takamatsu", "Tomomi Tanaka", "Tomomi Yuda", "Tomonao Nishimura", "Tomonori Ikebuchi", "Tomonori Matsuo", "Tomonori Onitsuka", "Tomonori Sakamoto", "Tomoya Adachi", "Tomoya Matsui", "Tomoya Mizukoshi", "Tomoya Nishino", "Tomoya Oda", "Tomoya Ogikubo", "Tomoya Onishi", "Tomoya Shimizu", "Tomoya Shiroyanagi", "Tomoya Suzuki", "Tomoya Takamasa", "Tomoya Tamura", "Tomoya Watanabe", "Tomoya Yamaguchi", "Tomoya Yoneda", "Tomoyasu Matsui", "Tomoyo Adachi", "Tomoyo Dotani", "Tomoyoshi Umegae", "Tomoyuki Morita", "Tomoyuki Sato", "Toni Reavis", "Toronto Waterfront Marathon", "Toru Hashimoto", "Toru Koide", "Toru Miyahara", "Toru Okada", "Toru Sakuta", "Toru Suzuki", "Toru Takahashi", "Toru Terasawa", "Toshiaki Endo", "Toshiaki Kurabayashi", "Toshiaki Nishizawa", "Toshiba LSI", "Toshie Oi", "Toshifumi Kojima", "Toshiharu Izumida", "Toshiharu Takai", "Toshihiko Seko", "Toshihiro Arai", "Toshihiro Endo", "Toshihiro Kenmotsu", "Toshihiro Matsumoto", "Toshihiro Takada", "Toshika Tamura", "Toshikatsu Ebina", "Toshikazu Nishiyama", "Toshikazu Yamanishi", "Toshiki Imazaki", "Toshiki Sadakata", "Toshiko d'Elia", "Toshiko Yoshikawa", "Toshimi Oriyama", "Toshinari Suwa", "Toshinari Takaoka", "Toshinobu Sato", "Toshinori Tsuchida", "Toshinori Watanabe", "Toshio Hamamoto", "Toshio Katahira", "Toshio Kiuchi", "Toshio Matsuda", "Toshio Shibata", "Toshio Takaki", "Toshiro Miyanaga", "Toshiro Muto", "Toshiro Naraki", "Toshitaka Andoji", "Toshiya Agekura", "Toshiya Katayama", "Toshiya Sato", "Toshiya Uto", "Toshiyuki Sakai", "Toshiyuki Yanagi", "Toshiyuki Yoshida", "Tottori Johoku", "Tottori Marathon", "Towada Hachimantai", "Toyama Marathon", "Toyama Shogyo", "Toyokawa Kogyo", "Toyokazu Yoshimura", "Toyota Boshoku", "Toyota Jidoshokki", "Toyota Kyushu", "Toyota Shatai", "Toyoyuki Abe", "track and field", "Trail World Championships", "Travyon Bromell", "Tsadkan Tesema", "Tsegaya Kebede", "Tsegaye Mekonnen Assefa", "Tsubasa Fujii", "Tsubasa Hayakawa", "Tsubasa Komuro", "Tsugumichi Suzuki", "tsuguya asahi", "Tsukasa Anzai", "Tsukasa Fujita", "Tsukasa Kawarai", "Tsukasa Koga", "Tsukasa Koyama", "Tsukasa Morita", "Tsunekazu Takeda", "Tsuneo Hoshi", "Tsutomu Akiyama", "Tsutomu Hiroyama", "Tsutomu Nagata", "Tsutomu Nikaido", "Tsutomu Saeki", "Tsutomu Takahashi", "Tsuyoshi Bando", "Tsuyoshi Igarashi", "Tsuyoshi Kaburaki", "Tsuyoshi Kitazawa", "Tsuyoshi Koyano", "Tsuyoshi Kusanagi", "Tsuyoshi Makabe", "Tsuyoshi Masumoto", "Tsuyoshi Miyamoto", "Tsuyoshi Nakano", "Tsuyoshi Ogata", "Tsuyoshi Shimoyanagi", "Tsuyoshi Soma", "Tsuyoshi Takahashi", "Tsuyoshi Takeda", "Tsuyoshi Takita", "Tsuyoshi Ueno", "Tsuyoshi Ugachi", "Tulu Merga", "Tuomas Zacheus", "Twilight Games", "Twin Cities Marathon", "Tyler Day", "Tyler McCandless", "Tyson Gay", "Ube Kojo", "Uchiwa Matsuri", "Uji Yamada", "UK Trials", "Un Ok Ro", "Univ Ent", "Universal Entertainment", "Unzen Obama", "usain bolt", "Usti nad Labem", "Valary Jemeli Aiyabei", "Valencia Half", "Valentina Galimova", "Valentina Yegorova", "Valentine Kipketer", "Valeria Straneo", "Van Damme", "Vancouver Marathon", "Vath Chamrouen", "Velvet Underground", "Venice Marathon", "Venus Half", "Veronica Marsha", "Veronica Wanjiru", "Veronique Bourbeau", "Victor Kimosop", "Victor Kipchirchir", "Victor Ugarov", "Victoria Mitchell", "Vienna City Marathon", "Viktor Rothlin", "Vincent Kipruto", "Vincent Laimoi", "Vincent Yegon", "Viola Jepchumba", "Visiline Jepkesho", "Vivian Cheruiyot", "Volha Mazuronak", "Volker Wagner", "Wainaina Murigi", "Waka Shimomura", "Wakako Oyagi", "Wakako Tsuchida", "Wakana Hayashi", "Wakana Itsuki", "Wakana Kabasawa", "Wakana Shinohara", "Wakkanai Heiwa Marathon", "Walt Disney World Marathon", "Wang Jiali", "Warsaw Half", "Warsaw Marathon", "Wataru Inuzuka", "Wataru Okutani", "Wataru Sato", "Wataru Tochigi", "Wataru Ueno", "Wataru Yamaguchi", "Wataru Yazawa", "Wegayehu Terefa", "Wei Yanan", "Weldon Kirui", "Weldu Negash", "Wesley Ledama", "West Japan Jitsugyodan Women", "Western States", "Wharf to Wharf", "Wil Geoghegan", "Will Geoghehan", "William Chebor", "William Kiplagat", "William Kipsang", "William Malel", "William Morwabe", "William Shakespeare", "William Yegon", "Willie Banks", "Willy Kibor", "Willy Kipselem", "Wilson Chebet", "Wilson Erupe", "Wilson Kibet", "Wilson Kipketer", "Wilson Kiprop", "Wilson Kipsang", "Wilson Loyanae Erupe", "Wilson Takashi Koha", "Winfredah Kebaso", "Winfrieda Kaban", "Winnie Nanyondo", "Winny Jepkorir", "Wisconsin Invitational", "Worknech Tola", "Workneh Debele", "Workneh Derese", "Worknesh Degefa", "World Challenge Day", "World Cross Country Championships", "World Cup", "World Half Marathon", "World Junior Championships", "World Marathon Majors", "World Para Athletics", "world record", "World Relays", "World Road Running Championships", "World Triathlon Series", "World Univ XC", "World Youth Championships", "World's Best 10k", "Woynishet Girma", "Wysela Wylim", "Xiamen Marathon", "Xian Liu", "Xiaolin Zhu", "Xue Bai", "Yachiyo Kogyo", "Yaizu Minato Half", "Yakako Kaga", "Yakob Jarso", "Yamada Denki", "Yamanashi Gakuin", "Yamanashi Gakuin Daigaku", "Yamanashi Korin", "Yamato Otsuka", "Yamazaki Women's Road Race", "Yanchun Kaku", "Yared Asmeron", "Yashima Field", "Yashio Isshu Ekiden", "Yasin Haji", "Yasuaki Kojima", "Yasuha Kurita", "Yasuhiko Mori", "Yasuhiro Fueki", "Yasuhiro Harada", "Yasuhiro Maeda", "Yasuhiro Mori", "Yasuhiro Moro", "Yasuhiro Tago", "Yasuhiro Yamashita", "Yasuhito Ikeda", "Yasuka Ueno", "Yasukawa Denki", "Yasukaza Miyasato", "Yasukazu Miyazato", "Yasuko Hashimoto", "Yasuko Kanehira", "Yasumasa Ogawa", "Yasumasa Oneyama", "Yasunari Ikeda", "Yasunari Kusu", "Yasunori Murakami", "Yasunori Niihara", "Yasuo Ishida", "Yasuo Ozaki", "Yasushi Enomoto", "Yasushi Hioki", "Yasushi Sakaguchi", "Yasutaka Ishibashi", "Yasuto Kimura", "Yasutoshi Oshima", "Yasuyoshi Kuramoto", "Yasuyuki Horiike", "Yasuyuki Nakamura", "Yasuyuki Nishio", "Yasuyuki Watanabe", "Year-End Half", "Yebrgual Melese", "Yemane Tsegay", "Yeneblo Biyazen", "Yeshi Esayias", "Yihunilign Adane", "Yihunlish Delelecha", "Yin Jing", "Yo Yazawa", "Yohei Fujiwara", "Yohei Komatsu", "Yohei Kono", "Yohei Koyama", "Yohei Miyazawa", "Yohei Sakai", "Yohei Sugai", "Yohei Suzuki", "Yohei Urano", "Yohei Yamamoto", "Yoichi Kamiyama", "Yoichi Masuzoe", "Yoichi Nakanishi", "Yoichi Watanabe", "Yoichiro Akiyama", "yokatta ne", "Yoko Aizu", "Yoko Miki", "Yoko Miyauchi", "Yoko Nagase", "Yoko Nishimi", "Yoko Shibui", "Yoko Yagi", "Yoko Yamazawa", "Yokohama International Women's Ekiden", "Yokohama International Women's Marathon", "Yokohama Marathon", "Yokohama Triathlon", "Yolanda Caballero", "Yomogi Akasaka", "Yonas Kifle", "Yongjian Ou", "Yosano Oeyama", "Yoshiaki Arai", "Yoshiaki Hata", "Yoshiaki Kurado", "Yoshie Kitomi", "Yoshie Kurisu", "Yoshiharu Tomonaga", "Yoshihide Kiryu", "Yoshihiko Fukuzawa", "Yoshihiko Ishikawa", "Yoshihiko Morioka", "Yoshihiko Nakagawa", "Yoshihiro Azuma", "Yoshihiro Hiraga", "Yoshihiro Horigome", "Yoshihiro Kizawa", "Yoshihiro Matsukura", "Yoshihiro Nishimura", "Yoshihiro Nishizawa", "Yoshihiro Shimodaira", "Yoshihiro Tetsuka", "Yoshihiro Wakamatsu", "Yoshihiro Yamamoto", "Yoshihisa Hosaka", "Yoshihisa Takemoto", "Yoshiji Morimasa", "Yoshika Arai", "Yoshika Tatsumi", "Yoshikazu Hara", "Yoshikazu Kawazoe", "Yoshiki Fuchii", "Yoshiki Kawauchi", "Yoshiki Koizumi", "Yoshiki Nakamura", "Yoshiki Otsuka", "Yoshiki Sekitani", "Yoshiki Takada", "Yoshiki Takenocuhi", "Yoshiko Fujinaga", "Yoshiko Sakamoto", "Yoshimasa Konagai", "Yoshimasa Noguchi", "Yoshimi Hoshino", "Yoshimi Ozaki", "Yoshimi Sato", "Yoshimi Tanaka", "Yoshin Maeda", "Yoshinobu Imoto", "Yoshinobu Ogino", "Yoshinobu Uchida", "Yoshinori Murakami", "Yoshinori Oda", "Yoshinori Sakai", "Yoshinori Sugimoto", "Yoshinori Yamaguchi", "Yoshio Koide", "Yoshiro Mori", "Yoshiro Watanabe", "Yoshitaka Iwamizu", "Yoshitaka Nakagawa", "Yoshitaka Taniguchi", "Yoshitoshi Morimasa", "Yoshiyuki Aoba", "Yoshiyuki Mano", "Yoshiyuki Oseki", "Yoshiyuki Suetsugu", "Yosuke Chida", "Yosuke Fujiwara", "Yosuke Kanezuka", "Yosuke Kimura", "Yosuke Maeda", "Yosuke Osawa", "Youfeng Zhao", "Youngjun Ji", "Youth Olympics", "Yoyogi Park", "Yu Chiba", "Yu Mitsuya", "Yu Onabuta", "Yu Saito", "Yu Shimoyama", "Yudai Okamoto", "Yudai Yamakawa", "Yudai Yamamoto", "Yuga Yamashita", "Yugo Muroi", "Yugo Sakai", "Yuhei Tomioka", "YUhei Urano", "Yuhi Akiyama", "Yuhi Nakaya", "Yui Fukuda", "Yui Marutani", "Yui Okada", "Yui Ouchi", "Yui Sakai", "Yui Takayasu", "Yui Yabuta", "Yuichi Goto", "Yuichi Hosoda", "Yuichi Kobayashi", "Yuichi Nagano", "Yuichi Okutani", "Yuichi Suematsu", "Yuichi Takahashi", "Yuichi Taninaga", "Yuichi Tokuchi", "Yuichi Yasui", "Yuichiro Ogawa", "Yuichiro Ueno", "Yuika Mori", "Yuika Takaki", "Yuiri Yoshida", "Yuji Hiramatsu", "Yuji Iwakuma", "Yuji Iwata", "Yuji Kawano", "Yuji Mori", "Yuji Murota", "Yuji Ohashi", "Yuji Onoda", "Yuji Osuda", "yuji sakai", "Yuji Sakamoto", "Yuji Sasanuma", "Yuji Serunarudo", "Yuji Tomozawa", "Yuji Tsutsumi", "Yuka Aikawa", "Yuka Akutsu", "Yuka Ando", "Yuka Ezaki", "Yuka Hakoyama", "Yuka Hori", "Yuka Izumi", "Yuka Kakimi", "Yuka Kiyama", "Yuka Kobayashi", "Yuka Koga", "Yuka Maeda", "Yuka Masubuchi", "Yuka Mikami", "Yuka Miyazaki", "Yuka Mukai", "Yuka Nosue", "Yuka Sako", "Yuka Sarumida", "Yuka Sato", "Yuka Suzuki", "Yuka Tagami", "Yuka Takamatsu", "Yuka Takashima", "Yuka Takemoto", "Yuka Tokuda", "Yuka Wakabayashi", "Yuka Yamazaki", "Yuka Yano", "Yukako Goto", "Yukari Abe", "Yukari Ishizawa", "Yukari Nomura", "Yukari Sahaku", "Yukari Soh", "Yukari Wada", "Yuki Abe", "Yuki Ajima", "Yuki Akimoto", "Yuki Akiyama", "Yuki Ando", "Yuki Arimoto", "Yuki Arimura", "Yuki Ebihara", "Yuki Fujiwara", "Yuki Goto", "Yuki Harazuka", "Yuki Hashioka", "Yuki Hayase", "Yuki Hirota", "Yuki Honbo", "Yuki Ino", "Yuki Inoshita", "Yuki Ishii", "Yuki Ishino", "Yuki Iwai", "Yuki Iwamoto", "Yuki Iwasaki", "Yuki Kanemitsu", "Yuki Kawasaki", "Yuki Kawauchi", "Yuki Kiuchi", "Yuki Kodama", "Yuki Koga", "Yuki Koike", "Yuki Kojima", "Yuki Kojina", "Yuki Kuroda", "Yuki Maeda", "Yuki Maekawa", "Yuki Marubayashi", "Yuki Matsumura", "Yuki Matsuoka", "Yuki Matsushita", "Yuki Mitsunobu", "Yuki Mori", "Yuki Moriwaki", "Yuki Munakata", "Yuki Munehisa", "Yuki Murakami", "Yuki Murao", "Yuki Muta", "Yuki Nagayama", "Yuki Nakamura", "Yuki Nakata", "Yuki Nanba", "Yuki Nidan", "Yuki Nishi", "Yuki Ogawa", "Yuki Oshikawa", "Yuki Saito", "Yuki Sakamoto", "Yuki Sakata", "Yuki Sato", "Yuki Shibahara", "Yuki Shibata", "Yuki Tagawa", "Yuki Takamiya", "Yuki Takeshima", "Yuki Tanaka", "Yuki Taneichi", "Yuki Ueda", "Yuki Uemura", "Yuki Watanabe", "Yuki Yagi", "Yuki Yamada", "Yuki Yamasaki", "Yuki Yamazaki", "Yuki Yokoishi", "Yukie Nagata", "Yukie Tamura", "Yukifumi Murakami", "Yukihiro Kitaoka", "Yukiho Miizoguchi", "Yukiko Akaba", "Yukiko Kada", "Yukiko Kato", "Yukiko Kokusen", "Yukiko Matsubara", "Yukiko Okuno", "Yukiko Usui", "Yukina Saijo", "Yukina Ueda", "Yukine Oguchi", "Yukino Ninomiya", "Yukino Shiga", "Yukinobu Nakazaki", "Yukinori Ota", "Yukio Fujimura", "Yukio Hatoyama", "Yukio Iketani", "Yukio Matsuura", "Yukio Mihara", "Yukio Toyama", "Yukiya Higuchi", "Yuko Aoki", "Yuko Arimori", "Yuko Endo", "Yuko Hakoyama", "Yuko Ito", "Yuko Iwata", "Yuko Kanemoto", "Yuko Kawakami", "Yuko Kikuchi", "Yuko Kusunose", "Yuko Machida", "Yuko Manabe", "Yuko Manabu", "Yuko Matsumiya", "Yuko Mitsuya", "Yuko Mizuguchi", "Yuko Morita", "Yuko Nakai", "Yuko Nohara", "Yuko Okiyama", "Yuko Shimada", "Yuko Shimizu", "Yuko Tateishi", "Yuko Watanabe", "Yuma Adachi", "Yuma Eda", "Yuma Hattori", "Yuma Higashi", "Yuma Maruyama", "Yuma Mori", "Yuma Saito", "Yume Ando", "Yume Goto", "Yume Kitamura", "Yume Tanaka", "Yumeka Sano", "Yumi Fujinaka", "Yumi Hirata", "Yumi Kokamo", "Yumi Kozasa", "Yumi Motohiro", "Yumi Nobayashi", "Yumi Sato", "Yumi Yoshikawa", "Yumika Katayama", "Yumika Nagahama", "Yumiko Ando", "Yumiko Daigo", "Yumiko Hara", "Yumiko Kinoshita", "Yumiko Oishi", "Yuna Iwata", "Yuna Onishi", "Yuna Takahashi", "Yuna Wada", "Yuri Arashima", "Yuri Kanbara", "Yuri Kano", "Yuri Karasawa", "Yuri Matsumoto", "Yuri Nozoe", "Yuri Yoshizumi", "Yurie Doi", "Yurie Fujita", "Yurika Nakamura", "Yuriko Kobayashi", "Yuriko Koike", "Yuriko Kosaki", "Yurina Urakawa", "Yurina Yokoyama", "Yusei Nakao", "Yusei Ono", "Yusei Tsutsumi", "Yushi Nowaki", "Yusho Miyazaki", "Yusuke Baba", "Yusuke Hasegawa", "Yusuke Ichinoi", "Yusuke Inoue", "Yusuke Ishida", "Yusuke Ishitsuka", "Yusuke Iwakawa", "Yusuke Kataoka", "Yusuke Kawaminami", "Yusuke Kodama", "Yusuke Kubo", "Yusuke Mita", "Yusuke Nishiyama", "Yusuke Ogura", "Yusuke Osawa", "Yusuke Osumi", "Yusuke Ota", "Yusuke Sakanashi", "Yusuke Sato", "Yusuke Shimo", "Yusuke Shirao", "Yusuke Suzuki", "Yusuke Takabayashi", "Yusuke Takahashi", "Yusuke Tamura", "Yusuke Tanaka", "Yusuke Tobimatsu", "Yusuke Uchikoshi", "Yusuke Yamanouchi", "Yuta Bando", "Yuta Igarashi", "Yuta Imazeki", "Yuta Kambayashi", "Yuta Katsumata", "Yuta Kobayashi", "Yuta Konishi", "Yuta Koyama", "Yuta Shimoda", "Yuta Shitara", "Yuta Takahashi", "Yuta Tameike", "Yutaka Giken", "Yutaka Kanai", "Yutaka Kusaga", "Yutaka Sagara", "Yutaka Taketomi", "Yutaro Fukushi", "Yutaro Matsuyama", "Yutaro Takeda", "Yuto Hashimoto", "Yutoku Half Marathon", "Yuya Ando", "Yuya Fukuura", "Yuya Ito", "Yuya Iwasaki", "Yuya Kayahara", "Yuya Kimura", "Yuya Konishi", "Yuya Morimitsu", "Yuya Shiokawa", "Yuya Suzuki", "Yuya Taguchi", "Yuya Takayanagi", "Yuya Tanaka", "Yuya Yamamoto", "Yuya Yamashita", "Yuya Yoshida", "Yuzen Segami", "Yuzo Kanemaru", "Yuzo Onishi", "Zach Hine", "Zaha Hadid", "Zakaria Boudad", "Zane Robertson", "Zatopek 10", "Zayed Marathon", "Zeitaku Marathon", "Zersenay Tadese", "Zhou Chunxiu", "Zivile Balciunaite", "Zoe Buckman", "Zurich Marathon", "Show more", "### 2019 Japanese Distance Rankings - updated 7/22/19", "Women's and men's 5000 m, 10000 m, half marathon, marathon and overall rankings.", "### Upcoming in August", "Aug. 21-24: National Junior High School Track and Field Championships, Osaka", "Aug. 24: Hiroshima Cross-Country Meet, Hiroshima", "Aug. 25: Hokkaido Marathon, Hokkaido", "### Upcoming in September", "Sept. 6: Meeting Internacional de Atletismo, Spain - Nozomi Tanaka", "Sept. 8: Taiyuan Marathon, China - Kenichi Jiromaru, Hisae Yoshimatsu", "Sept. 8: Muenster Marathon, Germany - Yumiko Kinoshita, Yoshiko Sakamoto", "Sept. 12-15: National University Track and Field Championships, Gifu", "Sept. 14: Shizuoka Long Distance Time Trials, Shizuoka", "Sept. 15: MGC Race 2020 Ollympic Marathon Trials, Tokyo", "Sept. 15: Sydney Marathon, Australia - Haruka Yamaguchi", "Sept. 20-22: National Corporate Track and Field Championships,, Osaka", "Sept. 21-22: Nittai Univ. Time Trials, Kanagawa", "Sept. 27: Doha World Championships - Women's Marathon, Qatar", "Sept. 28: Doha World Championships - Women's 10000 m, Qatar", "Sept. 29: Berlin Marathon, Germany", "Sept. 30: Doha World Championships - Women's 3000 mSC, Men's 5000 m, Qatar", "### Upcoming in October", "Oct. 4: Doha World Championships - Men's 3000 m SC, Qatar", "Oct. 4-8: National Sports Festival, Ibaraki", "Oct. 5: Doha World Championships - Women's 1500 m, Women's 5000 m, Men's Marathon, Qatar", "Oct. 5-6: Nittai Univ. Time Trials, Kanagawa", "Oct. 6: Doha World Championships - Men's 1500 m, Men's 10000 m, Qatar", "Oct. 6: Kurayoshi Women's Ekiden, Tottori", "Oct. 6: Nihonkai Ekiden, Tottori", "Oct. 12: Shizuoka Long Distance Time Trials, Shizuoka", "Oct. 13: Chicago Marathon, U.S.A.", "Oct. 14: Izumo Ekiden, Shimane", "Oct. 19: Denka Athletics Challenge Cup, Niigata", "Oct. 20: National Corporate Women's Ekiden Quaifier, Hyogo", "Oct. 20: Takashimadaira 20 km Road Race, Tokyo", "Oct. 26: Hakone Ekiden Yosenkai Qualifier Half Marathon, Tokyo", "Oct. 27: Morinomiyako Ekiden, Miyagi", "About JRN", "Support JRN", "Race Calendar", "Race Entries", "Watching Online", "Best of JRN", "### JRN Feeds", "## JRN Followers" ]
{ "id": "train45992", "claim_title": "Shohei Oka", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "Shohei Oka (born 28 May 1990) is a Japanese middle-distance runner who specializes in the 800 meters. He competed for Japan at the 2014 DécaNation. Oka placed third overall in the men's 800 meters at the 2012 Japan Championships in Athletics." }
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Stacy Lambe of BuzzFeed described the single as "unexpectedly more gothic" than fellow drag queen Sharon Needles' music and "club-friendly", but criticized the lyrics as a "hodgepodge of boasts".
[ "(meta data) TITLE: 6 Drag Queens Moonlighting As Singers", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "(meta data) COPYRIGHT: Copyright BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved.", "1 capture", "03 Jul 2017", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "The Internet Archive discovers and captures web pages through many different web crawls.", "At any given time several distinct crawls are running, some for months, and some every day or longer.", "View the web archive through the Wayback Machine.", "Collection: Live Web Proxy Crawls", "Content crawled via the Wayback Machine Live Proxy mostly by the Save Page Now feature on", "Liveweb proxy is a component of Internet Archive's wayback machine project.", "The liveweb proxy captures the content of a web page in real time, archives it into a ARC or WARC file and returns the ARC/WARC record back to the wayback machine to process.", "The recorded ARC/WARC file becomes part of the wayback machine in due course of time.", "The Wayback Machine -", "User Terms", "Ad Choices", "US Edition", "UK Edition", "© 2017 BuzzFeed, Inc", "# 6 Drag Queens Moonlighting As Singers", "Following in the footsteps of RuPaul, the stars of Drag Race are making a go at individual music careers.", "And each with their own level of success.", "Posted on", "December 04, 2012, 13:57 GMT", "Stacy Lambe", "BuzzFeed Staff", "This post has not been vetted or endorsed by BuzzFeed's editorial staff.", "BuzzFeed Community is a place where anyone create a post.", "Learn more or", "post your buzz!", "### 6.Manila, Season 3", "The always funny and always controversial Manila gives us her signature style in the video for \"Hot Couture.\"", "The beat is addictive even though the vocals and lyrics don't quite live up to its potential.", "### \"Hot Couture\"", "#### View this video on YouTube", "### 5.Shangela, Seasons 2-3", "Via", "Here Shangela gives us full on Shanglea, which is all the reason you love and hate her.", "The song is fine, if nothing special.", "But it's her personality that draws you in.", "She probably channels Ru's style the best even if she's still rough around the edges.", "#### View this video on YouTube", "### 4.Pandora Boxx, Season 2", "Via", "The Miss Congeniality of Drag Race does here what she does best: humor.", "Her funny, snarky lyrics play well with the gay club synths and make up for her lack of vocal range.", "But hey, we're not here for the Xtina notes are we?", "### \"Cooter\"", "#### View this video on YouTube", "### 3.Sharon Needles, Season 4", "Via", "The season 4 winner released her first single in October.", "It's a nice mix of gothrock, with an homage to The Smashing Pumpkins and the visuals of Marilyn Manson.", "The song is unexpectedly sophisticated and dark without being over the top.", "Her debut album is expected in January of 2013.", "### \"Everyday Is Halloween\"", "#### View this video on YouTube", "### 2.Raja, Season 3", "Raja's latest single, \"Sublime,\" didn't do much to further her music career.", "But her debut video is a mix of amazing visuals with a fun, hardcore dance beat.", "It's unexpectedly more gothic than Sharon while still be club-friendly.", "Sure the lyrics are just a hodgepodge of boasts but we can let is slide.", "### \"Diamond Crowned Queen\"", "#### View this video on YouTube", "### 1.Willam, Season 4", "Via", "Willam comes with the most experience and has had the most success.", "She's been in the music scene longer than most of the girls - fronting a band, riding high with parodies and working the club scene.", "While \"Trouble\" may not be her best track --her duet with Drake Jensen is surprisingly good-- it's the overall package (and not the one she's tucking) that brings it together.", "### \"Trouble\"", "#### View this video on YouTube", "### Bonus: \"Chow Down (At Chick-Fil-A)\"", "#### View this video on YouTube", "##", "###### Promoted by", "#####", "#####", "###### Promoted by", "#####", "#####", "#####", "#####", "###### Promoted by", "#####", "#####", "#####", "### Connect With QuickPost", "Like Us On Facebook", "Follow Us On Pinterest", "Follow Us On Pinterest", "Follow Us On Twitter Twitter", "Follow Us On Twitter", "###### Promoted by", "#####" ]
{ "id": "train43308", "claim_title": "Diamond Crowned Queen", "claim_section": "Reception.", "claim_context": "While writing for Yahoo! Music, Parker included the single on her list of the seven \"actually great singles\" by \"RuPaul's Drag Race\" contestants. She described it as one of eight \"listenable\" singles released by the show's participants. FemaleFirst's Daniel Falconer agreed with Parker, placing the song on his list of the best music to come out of the reality television show. \n Several media commentators were divided on the single's composition. In his review of Raja's entire music catalog, Adem Ali observed that his sound was \"an acquired taste\". Bradley Stern of \"MuuMuse\" wrote that the song was too \"erratic for [his] taste\", but was more positive to the remix done by Prince Vince. Stern described the remix as \"nothing but pure sweat and sex (for dinner!)\". The \"Dallas Voice\"'s Rich Lopez wrote that the song lacked a strong or memorable hook, but appreciated Raja's decision to experiment with music. He compared it to the early work of Nine Inch Nails and Jeffree Star." }
[ [ 46, 47 ], [ 39, 46, 47 ] ]
She competed in the women's coxed four event at the 1976 Summer Olympics.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Catherine Menges Bio, Stats, and Results | Olympics at", "21 captures", "04 Sep 2011 - 17 Apr 2020", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "The Internet Archive discovers and captures web pages through many different web crawls.", "At any given time several distinct crawls are running, some for months, and some every day or longer.", "View the web archive through the Wayback Machine.", "Collection: Live Web Proxy Crawls", "Content crawled via the Wayback Machine Live Proxy mostly by the Save Page Now feature on", "Liveweb proxy is a component of Internet Archive's wayback machine project.", "The liveweb proxy captures the content of a web page in real time, archives it into a ARC or WARC file and returns the ARC/WARC record back to the wayback machine to process.", "The recorded ARC/WARC file becomes part of the wayback machine in due course of time.", "The Wayback Machine -", "Sports-Reference:", "Baseball ·", "(college) ·", "(college) ·", "Hockey ·", "Olympics ·", "S-R Blog ·", "Question or Comment?", "AD FREE", "You Are Here > OLY Home > Athletes > Catherine Menges", "News: Widgets - Our Stats, Your Site »post", "Support us without the ads?", "Go Ad-Free.", "# Catherine Menges", "Full name: Catherine Ann Menges (-Zagunis)", "Gender: Female", "Height: 5-8.5 (175 cm)", "Weight: 148 lbs (67 kg)", "Born: September 9, 1952 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States", "Affiliations: Vesper Boat Club, Philadelphia (USA)", "Country: United States", "Sport: Rowing", "Related Olympians: Wife of Robert Zagunis; Mother of Mariel Zagunis.", "## Biography", "Prior to the 1976 Olympics Catherine Menges competed at the 1974 and 1975 World Championships, rowing in an eight in 1974 and the coxed four in 1975.", "She attended Connecticut College, graduating in 1974, where she competed in both rowing and swimming.", "Menges was later inducted into the Connecticut College Hall of Fame.", "She rowed for Vesper Boat Club in 1976, while she was attending nursing school at the University of Pennsylvania, graduating with a BSN degree in 1977.", "Menges married [Robert Zagunis], who rowed men's coxed fours at the 1976 Olympics.", "Their daughter, [Mariel Zagunis], became a fencer, competing at the 2004, 2008, and 2012 Olympics, winning two golds and one silver medal.", "## Results", "1976 Summer", "Women's Coxed Fours", "United States", "## Women's Coxed Fours", "Event History", "1976 Summer", "United States", "Final Round", "A Final", "1976 Summer", "United States", "Round One", "Heat One", "id: 40,491" ]
{ "id": "train01213", "claim_title": "Catherine Menges", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "\n Catherine Menges (born September 9, 1952) is an American rower." }
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Because of her tough-as-nails negotiating style, many business adversaries thought she was "unfeminine," but to Joel, she was always a woman.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Billy Joel's many songs about his many wives - The Washington Post", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "The Washington Post logo Democracy Dies in Darkness My Post My Reading List Newsletters & alerts Gift subscriptions Contact us Help desk Morning Mix", "# Billy Joel's many songs about his many wives", "Add to list On my list Billy Joel and Alexis Roderick in 2013.", "(Kevin Wolf/AP)", "By Justin Wm. Moyer Justin Wm. Moyer Reporter covering breaking news July 6, 2015", "While most of America was celebrating the 239th anniversary of its independence, Billy Joel was surrendering his.", "Joel, 66, married fiancée Alexis Roderick, 33, at his estate in Long Island.", "As People reported, no less a personage than New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) presided over the ceremony of the couple, who is expecting a child.", "Joel and Roderick \"surprised guests at their annual July 4th party by exchanging vows in front of their family and close friends,\" Joel's spokesman told People.", "This was news of the \"man bites dog\" variety.", "Roderick is Joel's fourth wife; he was previously married to Elizabeth Weber (1973-1982), Christie Brinkley (1985-1994) and Katie Lee (2004-2010).", "What's less known is that, though Joel's marriages may have cost him much filthy lucre — the singer has said he's worth more than $160 million — these relationships (and others) have paid dividends in other ways: raw material for songs, some of them huge hits.", "Because, as it turns out, lyrics as good as \"she'll take what you give her as long as it's free\" don't come free.", "Here's a look back at the love affairs behind the music:", "\"The Piano Man\"", "Joel's portrait of drinkers down on their luck, released in 1973, wasn't that different from his life as he sought fame and fortune in the music business.", "Joel made a failed album, stole his bandmate's wife and attempted suicide after facing hard times.", "\"It was 1970,\" Joel told biographer Fred Schruers.", "\"I'd reached the age of twenty-one and still had no money.", "I had no place to live … crashing at my mom's place again, which is abject failure, when you have to go back to your parents' house.", "To avoid that I'd been roaming about like a homeless person – crashing on friends' couches, sometimes in a car I'd find unlocked, in the warmth of a Laundromat, back and forth in the subways of Queens, even in the woods.\"", "Joel, of course, recovered, marrying Weber, his first wife and future manager.", "She is the \"waitress practicing politics\" of \"Piano Man.\"", "\"These were the days of, if not wine and roses, then rye and high hopes for us,\" Joel said.", "\"She's Only a Woman\"/\"Just the Way You Are\"", "Joel wrote these ballads about a femme fatale for Weber, calling \"She's Only a Woman\" a \"tribute to Elizabeth.\"", "Some said the song, and the similarly themed \"Just the Way You Are,\" were misogynistic; the singer denied it.", "\"My take was 'She can ruin your faith with her casual lies/and she only reveals what she wants you to see' — all second person — but then it comes back to me: 'She's always a woman to me,'\" Joel said.", "\"Yes, she can be difficult, she can be confounding, she can be impossible, but she's obviously a better businessperson than you are.\"", "Joel may have regretted his observation.", "Weber's reaction upon first hearing \"Just the Way You Are\": \"Do I get the publishing, too?\"", "Joel later sued Weber's brother, whom she brought into the Joel organization, for $90 million.", "\"And So It Goes\"", "This lesser-known tune is about one of Joel's lesser-known relationships — with supermodel Elle Macpherson.", "\"I remember somebody got a shot of us walking down a beach at Coney Island,\" Joel told Schruers.", "\"… Elle was so tall that I looked like Bubbles the Chimp next to her, and I realized this was just not going to work.\"", "Billy Joel in 2014.", "(Scott Roth/Invision/AP)", "Joel funneled his insecurities into \"And So It Goes\" after Macpherson landed her first cover: \"And so it goes/And so will you soon I suppose.\"", "\"Uptown Girl\"", "Many assume this song is about Christie Brinkley — after all, she's in the video.", "It's actually about Macpherson and Brinkley — or was, until Joel settled down with the latter and changed the original title, \"Uptown Girls,\" to the singular.", "\"I had gotten divorced and I started dating these different women,\" Joel said in an interview posted to his Web site.", "\"I was going out with models.", "I was a rock star — a single guy who was a rock star.", "I was amazed at my good fortune at the time. …", "I started writing songs about these experiences.", "I kind of felt like a teenager all over again.\"", "Even the format of the song — a Frankie Valli tribute Joel has said is \"the inverse of 'Rag Doll,' in which the singer is a rich guy, she the poor girl\" — was a throwback to his youth.", "But it's a throwback that resonates decades later — Joel sang it to Brinkley, with whom he remains quite visibly friends, at Madison Square Garden last year.", "Comments Justin Wm. Moyer", "Justin Wm. Moyer is a breaking news reporter for The Washington Post.", "After a long stint as a contributing writer at the Washington City Paper, he came to The Post in 2008, becoming an editor in Outlook and for the Morning Mix, The Post's overnight team.", "He became a reporter in 2015.", "Follow", "Sign up for email updates from the \"Confronting the Caliphate\" series.", "You have signed up for the \"Confronting the Caliphate\" series.", "✕ Thank you for signing up You'll receive e-mail when new stories are published in this series.", "Most Read National", "1 He went from hiking enthusiast to 'on death's door' within days.", "Doctors blamed vaping.", "2 They just tied the knot.", "Then the family watched in horror as they turned onto the highway.", "3 A white Florida man cited 'stand your ground' for shooting a black man.", "A jury found him guilty.", "4 A tourist infected with measles visited Disneyland and other Southern California hot spots in mid-August 5", "First death reported from lung illness linked to vaping, officials say Opinion", "We're making a high-stakes gamble on the deficit Opinion", "Trump and Europe must make up and work together to confront China", "Read content from allstate Content from Allstate", "This content is paid for by an advertiser and published by WP BrandStudio.", "The Washington Post newsroom was not involved in the creation of this content.", "Learn more about WP BrandStudio.", "We went to the source.", "Here's what matters to millennials.", "A state-by-state look at where Generation Y stands on the big issues.", "Subscriber sign in", "### We noticed you're blocking ads!", "Keep supporting great journalism by turning off your ad blocker.", "Or purchase a subscription for unlimited access to real news you can count on.", "Try 1 month for $1 Unblock ads", "Questions about why you are seeing this?", "Contact us" ]
{ "id": "train41487", "claim_title": "She's Always a Woman", "claim_section": "Origin and meaning.", "claim_context": "The song was released in 1977, following several other hits from \"The Stranger\" including \"Just the Way You Are\", \"Movin' Out (Anthony's Song)\" and \"Only the Good Die Young\". Musically, Joel has said that he was influenced by Gordon Lightfoot and his mellow acoustic guitar ballads. It is a love song that Joel wrote for his then wife, Elizabeth Weber. Elizabeth had taken over management of Joel's career, and was able to put his financial affairs in order after Joel had signed some bad deals and contracts. She was a tough and savvy negotiator who could \"wound with her eyes\" or \"steal like a thief\", but would \"never give in\"." }
[ [ 11, 12 ], [ 9, 11, 12 ] ]
"Aces" sold 247,161 physical copies within its first month on sale in Japan.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Media Create Sales: 7/16/18 – 7/22/18 - Gematsu", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "3DSPS VitaPS4Switch", "# Media Create Sales: 7/16/18 – 7/22/18", "Taiko no Tatsujin: Nintendo Switch Version! opens at 69,984 sales.", "Sal RomanoJul 25, 2018 at 9:07 AM EDT0 Comment0", "Taiko no Tatsujin: Nintendo Switch Version! sold 69,984 retail copies during its first week of release in Japan, the latest Media Create sales figures reveal.", "On the hardware side, Switch sold 53,745 units, the PlayStation 4 family sold 20,309 units, and the 3DS family sold 11,577 units.", "Get the full sales charts below.", "Software Sales (followed by lifetime sales)", "[NSW] Taiko no Tatsujin: Nintendo Switch Version! (Bandai Namco, 07/19/18)", "– 69,984 (New)[NSW] Octopath Traveler (Square Enix, 07/13/18) – 22,438 (132,550)[NSW] Splatoon 2 (Bundle Version Included) (Nintendo, 07/21/17) – 21,913 (2,469,695)[NSW] Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Nintendo, 07/13/18) – 20,547 (62,399)[NSW] Mario Tennis Aces (Nintendo, 06/22/18)", "– 19,709 (247,161)[NSW] Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition (Microsoft, 06/21/18) – 16,265 (138,051)[NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Nintendo, 04/28/17) – 13,435 (1,641,109)[3DS] Pokemon Ultra Sun / Ultra Moon (The Pokemon Company, 11/17/17) – 7,554 (1,676,067)[3DS]", "Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Nintendo, 07/13/18) – 7,188 (21,746)[NSW]", "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Limited Edition Included) (Nintendo, 03/03/17) – 7,1173 (1,050,891)[NSW] Kirby: Star Allies (Nintendo, 03/16/18) – 6,407 (566,171)[NSW] Super Mario Odyssey (Bundle Version Included) (Nintendo, 10/27/17) – 5,695 (1,772,133)[PS4] Detroit: Become Human (SIE, 05/25/18) – 4,613 (94,973)[3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf Amiibo+ (Bundle Version Included) (Nintendo, 11/23/16) – 4,354 (425,839)[NSW] Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 01: Variety Kit (Nintendo, 04/20/18) – 3,842 (205,809)[NSW]", "Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze (Nintendo, 05/04/18) – 3,378 (193,708)[PS4] Mary Skelter 2 (Compile Heart, 07/12/18) – 2,986 (13,356)[PS4]", "The Crew 2 (Ubisoft, 06/29/18)", "– 2,728 (35,004)[PS4] New Gundam Breaker (Limited Edition Included) (Bandai Namco, 06/21/18)", "– 2,639 (84,716)[3DS] Mario Kart 7 (Bundle Version Included) (Nintendo, 12/01/11) – 2,614 (2,903,441)", "Hardware Sales (followed by last week's sales)", "Switch – 53,745 (50,239)PlayStation 4 – 14,035 (12,431)New 2DS LL – 8,296 (4,176)PlayStation 4 Pro – 6,274 (5,165)PlayStation Vita – 4,277 (4,112)New 3DS LL – 2,844 (2,507)Xbox One – 709 (47)2DS – 437 (448)Xbox One X – 56 (32)", "Thanks,", "Surgeon Simulator CPR announced for Switch", "Previous post", "Point and click adventure game Irony Curtain: From Matryoshka with Love announced for PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC", "Next post", "#### Related Articles", "### Kaleidoscope of Phantom Prison launches November 28 in Japan", "### Romance visual novel Amamane coming to PS4 on November 28 in Japan [Update: also PS Vita]", "### Famitsu Sales: 8/5/19 – 8/11/19", "### Koei Tecmo trademarks Iseki Musou and more in Japan; Happinet trademarks Brigandine: Lunasia Senki", "Use the coupon code \"GEMATSU\" for 5% off.", "comment policy", "## Comment Policy", "Comments are welcome and encouraged on Gematsu.", "However, we ask that you follow a simple set of guidelines:", "Read the full article before commenting.", "Stay on topic.", "No drive-by comments, including trolling, baiting, or shit-posting.", "Know when not to comment.", "If you do not care about a topic, you do not need to comment.", "No offensive comments.", "This includes abusive, threatening, pornographic, misleading, or libelous content / language, as well as general harassment and individual attacks.", "No port-begging.", "No console wars.", "Use spoiler tags when posting spoiler or NSFW (non-nude-only) content.", "For example: <spoiler>Woe is Leomon.</spoiler> State the subject of the content outside of the spoiler tags.", "Be respectful towards other commenters.", "You do not have to agree with each other, but debate politely.", "If you find that a commenter is not following this simple etiquette, do not carry on the conversation—simply report it.", "Gematsu reserves the right to edit or delete any comments without notice.", "This comment policy is subject to change at any time.", "## Upcoming Events", "#### Nintendo Indie World Presentation: August 19, 2019", "August 19 @ 6:00 am - 6:20 am PDT", "#### Stadia Connect: August 19, 2019", "August 19 @ 10:00 am - 10:30 am PDT", "#### Inside Xbox: Gamescom 2019 Special", "August 19 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm CEST", "#### Gamescom 2019: Opening Night Live", "August 19 @ 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm CEST", "#### Gamescom 2019", "August 20 - August 24", "View All Events", "## Recent Comments", "## Popular Posts", "### 2D fighting game collection Breakers Collection announced for consoles and PC", "### Persona 5 Royal launches spring 2020 in the west", "### Sega launches 'HMKD' teaser website", "PCPS4Xbox One", "### Monster Hunter World: Iceborne expansion 'Glavenus' and 'Seliana through Felyne Dancing' trailers" ]
{ "id": "train31775", "claim_title": "Mario Tennis Aces", "claim_section": "Reception.:Sales.", "claim_context": "" }
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The Church is the daughter Church of St Mark's Church, Connah's Quay.
[ "# Welcome to St David's Connah's Quay", "## Welcome to St David's Church, Connah's Quay", "St David's Church, Connah's Quay is in the town of Connah's Quay, Flintshire, Wales .", "It is an active Anglican church in the deanery of Hawarden, the archdeaconry of Wrexham and the diocese of St Asaph.", "The Church is the daughter Church of St Mark's Church, Connah's Quay.", "The Church was built in 1914.", "The foundation stone was laid on 21 March 1914.", "The first service was held in the Church in January 1915.", "The building was initially intended to be the Church Hall and the main Church building was to be built in front on the field.", "However the parish ran out of money and the hall, which was built of Ellesmere Sandstone with the inside lined with Ruabon brick, was converted into the church and a small hall built next to it, which is now known as the Institute.", "The field is used for Church Fetes and other events.", "#### Reverend Alexier Mayes", "###### Vicar and Priest", "01244 830224", "## Mission", "Faith Prayer What we believe", "# Faith", "Borderlands Mission Area believes and proclaims the Good News of Jesus Christ,", "This is Good News, because it encourages each one of us to realise that God loves us, that he has gone out of his way to meet us in the person of his Son, in whom he accepts us as we are.", "He asks us to draw on his strength to live life to the full, and to bring healing to the world.", "We invite you to join with us in sharing this Good News.", "VIEW IT", "# Prayer for the week", "O Lord Jesus Christ,", "who at your first coming sent your messenger", "to prepare your way before you:", "grant that the ministers and stewards of your mysteries", "may likewise so prepare and make ready your way", "by turning the hearts of the disobedient", "to the wisdom of the just,", "that at your second coming to judge the world", "we may be found an acceptable people in your sight;", "for you are alive and reign with the Father", "and the Holy Spirit,", "one God, now and for ever..", "# What we Believe?", "We believe that this local presence is an important sign of our desire to serve and work with local communities and organisations, not just those people who come to church.", "We have a deep belief that God is present in the lives of every one of us whatever our situation, age and background – whether or not we belong to a faith community..", "Read more", "## OUR LOCATION", "St David's Church,", "Connah's Quay, Deeside CH5 4NY", "Tel: 01244 830224", "Website:", "## SERVICE TIMES", "Sundays @ 9:30 am", "Wednesday @ 10:00 am", "## Mission Areas and the 2020 Vision", "Message from Borderlands Mission Area.", "November 27, 2016.", "Category: Faith,", "Salvation,", "### Evensong", "6:00 pm", "@ Old Aston Hill EWLOE", "Join Now", "### Sung Eucharist", "10:30 am — 11:30 pm", "@ Emmanuel Church Bistre", "Join Now", "### Sung Eucharist", "10:30 am — 11:30 pm", "@ Emmanuel Church Bistre", "Join Now", "### Evensong", "6:00 pm", "@ Old Aston Hill EWLOE", "Join Now", "## Our Gallery", "Visit Us", "Visit Us", "Top ↑ | View full gallery", "© 2016 Borderlands Mission Area", "#####", "##### Follow us:  ", "Website By Ruby-IT" ]
{ "id": "train12400", "claim_title": "St David's Church, Connah's Quay", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "Coordinates: 53°12′43″N 3°03′50″W / 53.212°N 3.064°W / 53.212; -3.064\n St David's Church, Connah's Quay is in the town of Connah's Quay, Flintshire, Wales . It is an active Anglican church in the Deanery of Hawarden, the archdeaconry of Wrexham and the diocese of St Asaph." }
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“We provide analytics and workflow automation to 24/7 facilities teams to improve operational efficiency, reduce equipment downtimes, and save on energy, delivered as a SaaS,” said co-founder Thomas Chung to TechCrunch in March 2016.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Verdigris takes $9M to power its AI energy consumption analytics b2b startup – TechCrunch", "(meta data) AUTHOR: Natasha Lomas", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "# Verdigris takes $9M to power its AI energy consumption analytics b2b startup", "Natasha Lomas", "3 years", "We hear a lot about the Internet of Things on the consumer side.", "The oft trotted out example of the 'smart' refrigerator that tells consumers when they've run out of the milk, and so on.", "But more serious potential for IoT — and potentially seriously big wins — are likely to be on the enterprise side where connected sensors can be deployed to automate at scale.", "By, for example pulling energy consumption data on large facilities and driving smarter and more responsive building operation — with the prize being major cost and resource savings.", "b2b IoT startup Verdigris is playing in just such a space.", "The company took in a $6 million Series A round in December, which it's just announcing now — and which includes, on top of that, a $3 million convertible seed, bringing its total raised to date to $9 million.", "Investors in the business include Jabil Circuit, Stanford StartX Fund, Capital, DCVC, and a collection of private investors.", "While, in classic startup style, Verdigris kicked off activities in a Sunnyvale, CA garage, back in 2010, it's now based at the NASA Ames Research Park in Moffett Field — and has 20 active customers at this point, according to co-founder Thomas Chung.", "The founding team switched from tinkering in a garage to going full time on the business in 2012, launching their IoT-powered b2b SaaS energy consumption analytics service for large facilities two years ago, in March 2014.", "\"We focus on domestic U.S. companies in hospitality, manufacturing, and healthcare facilities.", "We have two installations overseas.", "One is in Cairo, Egypt, the other in Livingston, UK.", "Both sites are active and serving as international proof of concepts,\" Chung tells TechCrunch.", "The idea for Verdigris came after the other two co-founders, Mark Chung and Jonathan Chu, had been working on advanced algorithmic acceleration for deep packet inspection at their prior company, Netlogic.", "\"One month in December of 2009 Mark had an excessive electricity bill.", "We had an idea to apply a deep packet algorithm to figuring out where it was coming from,\" says Chung.", "What the team has now is an energy consumption analytics system designed to pull data on large facilities and automatically detect energy-consuming devices based on their individual electronic fingerprint.", "The system then serves up real-time energy consumption data to facilities managers via a series of analytics dashboards.", "\"We provide analytics and workflow automation to 24/7 facilities teams to improve operational efficiency, reduce equipment downtimes, and save on energy, delivered as a SaaS,\" is how Chung sums it up.", "\"Our technology is an artificially intelligent energy sensor for facilities,\" he says, going into more detail.", "\"It automatically detects building equipment — everything from HVAC cooling towers and Electric Vehicle stations to iPhone chargers and laptops.", "This allows us to make actionable recommendations for facilities to improve how they condition their building, and manage their equipment and energy load.\"", "The system is comprised of proprietary sensor hardware (pictured below) — aka \"a custom built magnetic digital sensor that uses the Hall effect to capture electricity 'finger-prints'\" — coupled with machine learning algorithms that can detect and track how energy is being consumed on the building's energy network.", "The hardware sensors are designed to be attached to individual circuits in a building without the need for rewiring.", "The sensors are daisy chained together and attached to a 4G/LTE enabled data transmission device fixed to each electricity panel in a building — enabling the data to be offloaded to Verdigris' cloud platform for analysis.", "\"The energy data is packaged securitized and sent in real-time to an enterprise grade server in the cloud powering our algorithms,\" explains Chung.", "\"Features of the data are clustered through unsupervised Machine Learning into sets that reflect individual devices and device states.", "\"Once the clusters are learned, their representation is recorded in a library of devices.", "Convex optimization techniques can then map the device representations to the incoming stream of data.", "If we don't know what kind of equipment it is or it hasn't been seen before, the AI will prompt the user or our professional services team for labeling information.\"", "Verdigris delivers all this energy consumption intel to its customers as an enterprise SaaS, with a monthly fee for usage.", "It has built four products for facilities teams at this point: a mobile web app that offers real-time event tracking and notification; a fully featured web dashboard that lets users configure systems, label detected equipment, and trend and analyze the data; an interactive data visualization interface designed to engage building occupants and provide insights into personalized data; and curated monthly operations and energy reports for Chief Engineers, Finance and Ops Managers to gain visibility into asset performance and uptime and offer recommendations for adjustments to improve operational and energy performance.", "While it's started with energy consumption analytics at this stage, using its IoT hardware and AI software to improve in-building intelligence for facilities managers, the ultimate aim is to offer even more algorithmic automation down the line, by adding and automating controls.", "Chung says Verdigris sees its biggest growth potential in: \"Developing control features or integrating them through partnerships\".", "\"We feel like our greatest value add will be when we can do the heavy lifting for our customers and increase the actionability of the insights we deliver,\" he notes.", "\"It's fair to say that we're in the early stages of a market transformation that will create new value in business and energy management,\" he adds.", "While Chung notes there are \"steadily growing\" numbers of connected devices in the buildings environment, he says most are either closed looped systems or devices with \"singular purposes with very little incentive to cross communicate\" — arguing that the really big wins from IoT will come from building out networked infrastructure, rather than a conglomerate of individual smart sensors.", "\"The current market is still fragmented, wide open and the opportunity is huge,\" he adds.", "\"The number of connected devices in the building environment has been steadily growing, yet we don't see a plausible leader in the space.", "The large incumbents are still in closed looped, isolated BMS systems.", "Newer devices are coming online with wi-fi, zigbee, or LTE.", "These devices all have singular purposes with very little incentive to cross communicate.", "Regardless the value of their stand alone function", ", as a networked infrastructure they are far more valuable than the sum their independent features.\"", "\"Verdigris has been building an artificial intelligence truly capable of understanding device-level electricity consumption and usage in buildings for the first time.", "We see this as a critical step toward creating ambient intelligence — the idea in the not-so-distant future, buildings will be autonomous, efficient and sustainable environments responsive to their inhabitants,\" he adds." ]
{ "id": "train01622", "claim_title": "Verdigris Technologies", "claim_section": "Services.", "claim_context": "" }
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Its first film was "The Assassination of Richard Nixon" (2004), starring Sean Penn as Samuel Byck, who attempted to assassinate US president Richard Nixon in 1974.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: The Assassination of Richard Nixon | Variety", "(meta data) AUTHOR: Todd McCarthy", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2004-05-17T10:04:29-08:00", "20 captures", "22 Dec 2015 - 01 Apr 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "These crawls are part of an effort to archive pages as they are created and archive the pages that they refer to.", "That way, as the pages that are referenced are changed or taken from the web, a link to the version that was live when the page was written will be preserved.", "Then the Internet Archive hopes that references to these archived pages will be put in place of a link that would be otherwise be broken, or a companion link to allow people to see what was originally intended by a page's authors.", "The goal is to fix all broken links on the web.", "Crawls of supported \"No More 404\" sites.", "Collection: Wikipedia Near Real Time (from IRC)", "This is a collection of web page captures from links added to, or changed on, Wikipedia pages.", "The idea is to bring a reliability to Wikipedia outlinks so that if the pages referenced by Wikipedia articles are changed, or go away, a reader can permanently find what was originally referred to.", "This is part of the Internet Archive's attempt to rid the web of broken links.", "The Wayback Machine -", "## Variety", "Continue to Variety ()", "## VarietyEditions: U.SLatinoGlobalAsia", "### Subscribe Today!", "# Review: 'The Assassination of Richard Nixon'", "May 17, 2004 | 10:04AM PT", "## A muted character study about a sad sack who channels his emotional and career frustrations into an attempted act of political violence, \"The Assassination of Richard Nixon\" fails to stir much involvement or sympathy.", "A good cast led by an unusually subdued Sean Penn provides the lion's share of interest.", "### Todd McCarthy", "This article was updated on May 19, 2004.", "A muted character study about a sad sack who channels his emotional and career frustrations into an attempted act of political violence, \"The Assassination of Richard Nixon\" fails to stir much involvement or sympathy.", "A good cast led by an unusually subdued Sean Penn provides the lion's share of interest in a tale whose evident attraction to an illustrious array of talent on both sides of the camera fails to translate into viewer appeal.", "Star names will probably snare this independent drama a theatrical shot, but B.O. prospects are slim.", "Presence of 10 producers, including the likes of the Cuaron brothers, Alexander Payne and Leonardo Di Caprio, suggest a twisty road to the screen for this odd project, which feels weirdly out of time and place at this particular point.", "Title spells out the failure of the protagonist's misguided ambition from the get-go, and, with little compelling reason to engage in his succession of fumbles and blown opportunities, it's very hard to get on board with this relentlessly one-note venture.", "Inspired by a true story, script by first-time director Niels Mueller, who co-wrote \"Tadpole,\" and Kevin Kennedy shows Samuel Bicke (Penn) preparing to enter the Baltimore-Washington Airport on Feb. 22, 1974, with obviously bad intentions.", "Two weeks earlier, Bicke has tape recorded an explanation of his upcoming actions to his idol Leonard Bernstein, who he is entrusting to present his reasons to the world; he is, as he puts it, \"a grain of sand\" who has found a way assert himself by destroying the all-powerful beings that oppress him.", "It's a discomforting notion, now more than ever, of course, but it doesn't gather any special resonance through the telling of Bicke's pathetic life.", "An ineffectual salesman in an office furniture showroom, Bicke is handed books like \"The Power of Positive Thinking\" and \"How to Win Friends and Influence People\" by his boom-voiced boss (vet Aussie thesp Jack Thompson in an enjoyable Ned Beatty-like turn), but Bicke seems like a man hopelessly miscast where people skills are required.", "Bicke has a garage mechanic buddy (Don Cheadle) he can sort of confide in, but certainly he is far from adept at dealing with his estranged wife Marie (a brunette Naomi Watts, good) and his kids.", "His groveling attempts to curry favor with her merely drive her further away.", "\"All I want is a little piece of the American dream,\" Bicke moans as he assesses his forlorn lot in life.", "Then one day Bicke is awakened politically by an appearance of Black Panther David Hilliard on TV, reacting naively as if he had never heard a word of radical discourse before.", "In a scene played for goofy humor, Bicke walks into a local Panthers office, professes his commitment to the masses and makes a proposal to a man willing to listen to him (Mykelti Williamson) that they merge into a group called the Zebras, to include blacks and whites.", "When the Panthers fail to get back to him on that one, Bicke shaves off his moustache and begins talking to himself in the mirror, which merely invites unflattering comparisons with \"Taxi Driver\" that have already been raised by the similarity of the man's name with Travis Bickle.", "Informed that his marriage has been dissolved, he's been discharged at work and with Watergate unfolding on television in the background, Bicke's tenuous grasp on a tolerable life is lost.", "Upbraided by his disaffected brother (a bearded, powerful Michael Wincott) after attempting a disastrous business scam, Bicke sets his vengeful sights on the president, who isn't long for his job anyway.", "The man's amateurish attempt to hijack a plane and force it to crash into the White House is a total botch, although the scene provokes memories of more recent and all-too-successful like ventures.", "Story's violent resolution leaves the viewer with nothing to take away except for the overriding feeling that making the film was a bad idea all around.", "Penn's magnetism and hesitant line delivery create what interest there is, although the whole picture suffers from a central figure who can never get it together on any level.", "Mueller and his proficient collaborators, including ace lenser Emmanuel Lubezki, editor Jay Cassidy and production designer Lester Cohen, have mounted a pro package with decent period detail, and the score by Steven Stern, abetted by Beethoven excerpts, emphasizes cello refrains to achieve a predominantly mournful tone.", "## The Assassination of Richard Nixon", "Un Certain Regard", "### Production", "An Anhelo production in association with Appian Way.", "(International sales: Senator Intl., Beverly Hills.)", "Produced by Alfonso Cuaron, Jorge Vergara.", "Executive producers, Arnaud Duteil, Avran Butch Kaplan, Kevin Kennedy, Frida Torresblanco, Alexander Payne, Leonardo Di Caprio, Jason Kliot, Joana Vicente, Jason Kliot, Joana Vicente.", "Co", "producers, John Limotte, Doug Bernheim.", "Directed by Niels Mueller.", "Screenplay, Mueller, Kevin Kennedy.", "### Crew", "Camera (Deluxe color), Emmanuel Lubezki; editor, Jay Cassidy; music, Steven Stern; production designer, Lester Cohen; set decorator, Barbara Munch; costume designer, Aggie Guerard Rodgers; sound (Dolby Digital), Jose Antonio Garcia; supervising sound editor, Anna Mackenzie; line producer, Debra Grieco; associate producers, Carlos Cuaron, Lubezki, Kurt Mueller; assistant director, Van Hayden; Omaha/Los Angeles unit camera, Jerzy Zielinski; casting, Mali Finn.", "Reviewed at Cannes Film Festival (Un Certain Regard), May 16, 2004.", "Running time: 105 MIN.", "### With", "Samuel Bicke - Sean Penn", "Bonny Simmons - Don Cheadle", "Jack Jones - Jack Thompson", "Julius Bicke - Michael Wincott", "Harold Mann - Mykelti Williamson", "Marie Bicke - Naomi Watts", "Tom Ford - Nick Searcy", "Martin Jones - Brad Henke", "Businesswoman - Tracy Lynn Middendorf", "Receptionist - Lily Knight", "Want to read more articles like this one?", "SUBSCRIBE TO VARIETY TODAY.", "Post A Comment", "Leon Bridges On Living the Dream With a Grammy Nom and 'Concussion' Original Song", "Oscars: 'Star Wars,' 'Ant-Man' Among 10 Movies on VFX Shortlist", "Oscars Shortlists Prompt Innovative Theatrical Distribution Moves In Arab World (EXCLUSIVE)", "Matt Damon On 'Star Wars,' the Positivity of 'The Martian' and Letting Time Inform 'Bourne'", "## Variety Jobs", "#### Creative Development Coordinator", "Triptyk Studios, New York, New York", "#### Account/Project Coordinator (Ad Agency)", "Petrol Advertising, Burbank, California", "#### Media Specialist", "Bridgewater Associates, Westport, Connecticut", "#### Executive Director, Aspen Film", "Company Confidential, Aspen, Colorado", "#### Associate Director, YouTuber & Gamer Partnerships", "Save the Children, Fairfield, Connecticut", "#### See More Jobs", "### Marketplace", "### Leave a Reply", "No Comments", "### Cancel reply", "Comments are moderated.", "They may be edited for clarity and reprinting in whole or in part in Variety publications.", "Enter your comment here...", "Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:", "Email (required) (Address never made public)", "Name (required)", "You are commenting using your account.", "( Log Out / Change )", "You are commenting using your Twitter account.", "( Log Out / Change )", "You are commenting using your Facebook account.", "( Log Out / Change )", "You are commenting using your Google+ account.", "( Log Out / Change )", "Connecting to %s", "Notify me of new comments via email.", "Notify me of new posts via email.", "### More Film News from Variety" ]
{ "id": "train40263", "claim_title": "Appian Way Productions", "claim_section": "History.:2004–2010.", "claim_context": "Appian Way Productions was founded by Leonardo DiCaprio and takes its name from the Italian road of the same name." }
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He won the 1947 Gold Medal Award from The Hundred Year Association of New York.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: WELL-DESERVED HONOR - The New York Times", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 1947-10-02T00:00:00-05:00", "Skip to contentSkip to site indexArchives|WELL-DESERVED HONOR", "Supported by", "# WELL-DESERVED HONOR", "Oct. 2, 1947ImageCreditCreditThe New York Times ArchivesSee the article in its original context from October 2, 1947, Page", "26Buy", "About the ArchiveThis is a digitized version of an article from The Times's print archive, before the start of online publication in 1996.", "To preserve these articles as they originally appeared, The Times does not alter, edit or update them.", "Occasionally the digitization process introduces transcription errors or other problems.", "Please send reports of such problems to", "The Hundred Year Association speaks the gratitude of all New York City when it pays tribute to Frederick H. Ecker, chairman of the board of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.", "It awards its annual gold medal on the basis of his achievements chiefly in the field of housing, although his services to the community pass far beyond that boundary.", "View Full Article in Timesmachine »", "## Site Index", "### news", "### opinion", "### arts", "### living", "### more", "### Subscribe" ]
{ "id": "train17511", "claim_title": "Frederick H. Ecker", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "Frederick Hudson Ecker (August 30, 1867 – March 20, 1964) was an Insurance executive, and president of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company." }
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It also includes a cover of a 1970s Bob Marley classic and a song that draws its lyrics from two poems.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Songs of Our Native Daughters | Smithsonian Folkways Recordings", "Skip to main content", "SIGN IN", "Customer Service", "Browse By", "African American Music", "African American Spoken", "American Folk", "American History", "American Indian", "American Popular", "Central Asia", "Children's", "Contemporary & Electronic", "Historical Song", "Jazz & Ragtime", "Language Instruction", "Music Instruction", "Old Time", "Oral History & Biography", "Psychology & Health", "Science & Nature", "Soundtracks & Musicals", "Spoken Word", "Struggle & Protest", "World History", "Antigua and Barbuda", "British Virgin Islands", "Burkina Faso", "Central African Republic", "Congo (Democratic Republic)", "Costa Rica", "Cote d'Ivoire", "Czech Republic", "Dominican Republic", "El Salvador", "Equatorial Guinea", "French Guiana", "French Polynesia", "Guinea-Bissau", "Hong Kong", "Korea, North", "Korea, South", "New Zealand", "Northern Ireland", "Palestinian Territory", "Papua New Guinea", "Puerto Rico", "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "Saint Lucia", "Saudi Arabia", "Sierra Leone", "Solomon Islands", "South Africa", "Sri Lanka", "Trinidad and Tobago", "United Kingdom", "United States", "USSR (former)", "Virgin Islands of the United States", "Yugoslavia (former)", "Big Mama Thornton", "Big Bill Broonzy", "Brownie McGhee", "Dock Boggs", "Clifton Chenier", "Elizabeth Cotten", "Country Gentlemen", "Woody Guthrie", "Roscoe Holcomb", "Lightnin' Hopkins", "Ella Jenkins", "Flaco Jiménez", "Lead Belly", "Mance Lipscomb", "Fred McDowell", "Mary Lou Williams", "Memphis Slim", "Mighty Sparrow", "Elizabeth Mitchell", "Bill Monroe", "New Lost City Ramblers", "David Nzomo", "Suni Paz", "Jean Ritchie", "Tony Schwartz", "Mike Seeger", "Peggy Seeger", "Pete Seeger", "Mike Seeger", "Snooks Eaglin", "Sonny Terry", "Dave Van Ronk", "Label/Collection", "Blue Ridge Institute", "Bobby Susser", "Dyer-Bennet", "Fast Folk", "Mickey Hart", "Smithsonian Folkways", "# Shop", "# Songs of Our Native Daughters", "Our Native Daughters (Rhiannon Giddens, Amythyst Kiah, Leyla McCalla, Allison Russell)", "Songs of Our Native Daughters shines new light on African-American women's stories of struggle, resistance, and hope.", "Pulling from and inspired by 17th-, 18th-, and 19th-century sources, including slave narratives and early minstrelsy, kindred banjo players Rhiannon Giddens, Amythyst Kiah, Leyla McCalla, and Allison Russell reinterpret and create new works from old ones.", "With unflinching, razor-sharp honesty, they confront sanitized views about America's history of slavery, racism, and misogyny from a powerful, black female perspective.", "These songs call on the persistent spirits of the daughters, mothers, and grandmothers who have fought for justice – in large, public ways – only now being recognized, and in countless domestic ways that will most likely never be acknowledged.", "52 minutes, 36-page booklet with lyrics.", "RELATED VIDEOThe Making of \"Mama's Cryin' Long\" from Songs of Our Native Daughters", "## Track Listing", "icon-circle-play", "svg-new-pause-button", "Black Myself", "Our Native Daughters", "icon-circle-play", "svg-new-pause-button", "Moon Meets the Sun", "Our Native Daughters", "icon-circle-play", "svg-new-pause-button", "Our Native Daughters", "icon-circle-play", "svg-new-pause-button", "Quasheba, Quasheba", "Our Native Daughters", "icon-circle-play", "svg-new-pause-button", "I Knew I Could Fly", "Our Native Daughters", "icon-circle-play", "svg-new-pause-button", "Polly Ann's Hammer", "Our Native Daughters", "icon-circle-play", "svg-new-pause-button", "Mama's Cryin' Long", "Our Native Daughters", "icon-circle-play", "svg-new-pause-button", "Slave Driver", "Our Native Daughters", "icon-circle-play", "svg-new-pause-button", "Better Git Yer Learnin'", "Our Native Daughters", "icon-circle-play", "svg-new-pause-button", "Lavi Difisil", "Our Native Daughters", "icon-circle-play", "svg-new-pause-button", "Blood and Bones", "Our Native Daughters", "icon-circle-play", "svg-new-pause-button", "Music and Joy", "Our Native Daughters", "icon-circle-play", "svg-new-pause-button", "You're Not Alone", "Our Native Daughters", "Buy CD", "$14.98", "$9.99", "### Album Info", "#### Catalog Number", "#### Year(s) Released", "#### Recording Location(s)", "Cypress House Studio, Breaux Bridge, Louisiana, USA", "#### Label/Collection", "Smithsonian Folkways Recordings", "#### Genre(s)", "Struggle & Protest", "#### Country(s)", "United States", "#### Instrument(s)", "5-string banjo; Accordion; Acoustic guitar; Backing vocals; Banjo; Baritone electric guitar; Bass; Bowed bass; Cello; Clarinet; Drums; Electric guitar; Fiddle; Guitar; Handclaps; Keys; Mandolin; Minstrel banjo; Percussion; Piano; Tenor banjo; Vocals", "#### Credit(s)", "Rhiannon Giddens - Producer, Liner Notes", "Dirk Powell - Producer, Engineer, Mixing Engineer, Liner Notes", "Emily Lazar - Mastering Engineer", "Chris Allgood - Assistant Mastering Engineer", "Amythyst Kiah - Liner Notes", "Leyla McCalla - Liner Notes", "Allison Russell - Liner Notes", "Terri Fensel - Photographer", "Carla Borden - Liner Notes Editor", "Visual Dialogue - Designer", "Download Liner Notes", "### Folkways Suggests", "Everybody's Got a Right to Live", "Jimmy Collier and Frederick ...", "Fare Well, Traveller", "Mark Cohen", "Broadside Ballads, Vol. 2", "Pete Seeger", "Broadsides - Songs and Ballads", "Pete Seeger", "What Now People?, Vol. 2", "Various Artists", "#### Item added to cart", "### ." ]
{ "id": "train01934", "claim_title": "Songs of Our Native Daughters", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "\n \"Songs of Our Native Daughters\" is the debut Americana/folk album by four North American singer-songwriters collaborating as Our Native Daughters. The group includes Rhiannon Giddens, Amythyst Kiah, Leyla McCalla, and Allison Russell. The album was released on the Smithsonian Folkways label in early 2019. \n \"Songs of Our Native Daughters\" addresses American historical issues that have influenced the identity of black women, including slavery, racism, and sexism. The album features 13 songs, 11 of them written by the group's members." }
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Huerta Montiel was an army deserter before joining Los Zetas.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Mexico kidnappings arrest: Mexico arrests suspect in kidnappings, killings - Los Angeles Times", "52 captures", "13 Jan 2012 - 05 Jul 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "The Internet Archive discovers and captures web pages through many different web crawls.", "At any given time several distinct crawls are running, some for months, and some every day or longer.", "View the web archive through the Wayback Machine.", "Collection: Wide Crawl started January 2012", "Web wide crawl with initial seedlist and crawler configuration from January 2012 using HQ software.", "The Wayback Machine -", "YOU ARE HERE: LAT Home→Collections→Migrants", "# Mexico says leader in kidnapping, killing of 72 migrants arrested", "## Mexican police say Edgar Huerta Montiel, 22, confessed to leading the capture of two truckloads of undocumented migrants in Tamaulipas state, and the killing of 10 of the victims.", "He also allegedly told of ordering the kidnapping of six busloads of passengers in San Fernando, Mexico.", "Edgar Huerta Montiel is presented to the press by the Mexican Federal Police… (Yuri Cortez / AFP/", "Getty Images)June 18,", "2011|By Ken Ellingwood, Los Angeles Times", "Reporting from Mexico City — Mexican authorities on Friday announced the arrest of the man they say directed the kidnappings of 72 Central and South American migrants found slain in northern Mexico last year.", "Federal police said Edgar Huerta Montiel, 22, told them he led the capture of two freight trucks packed with undocumented migrants in the state of Tamaulipas, then killed 10 of the victims.", "Huerta, described as an army deserter who works for the Zetas drug gang, allegedly told police he also ordered the kidnappings of six busloads of passengers in the rural town of San Fernando.", "Captives were taken to safe houses and tortured for information, including whether they were working for the Gulf cartel, a rival gang, said Ramon Eduardo Pequeno, head of the anti-drug division of the federal police.", "Tamaulipas, which borders Texas, has seen some of Mexico's worst violence amid fighting between the gangs and the inability of Mexican authorities to establish order.", "The bodies of the 72 migrants were found in August on a ranch in San Fernando after one member of the group escaped.", "In the same area, authorities this spring found graves containing the remains of nearly 200 people believed kidnapped from buses headed toward the border.", "At least 21 suspects have been arrested in those slayings.", "Migrants are frequently seized by gangs hoping to extort money from the victims' loved ones.", "Some Mexican news media reported that Huerta had told police that more than 600 victims had been buried in makeshift graves, though authorities did not confirm that.", "Huerta and his girlfriend were arrested Thursday in the northern state of Zacatecas.", "Authorities said he was a top aide to Salvador Alfonso Martinez Escobedo, an alleged Zetas chief in Tamaulipas known as \"Squirrel.\"", "The Mexican government has offered a reward of about $1.3 million for information leading to Martinez's capture.", "Huerta also allegedly worked with another suspected crime boss, Martin Omar Estrada Luna, who was arrested in April by Mexican marines.", "## Taking the bang out of pressure cooking", "## Russians are leaving the country in droves", "## Glen Campbell and Alzheimer's disease", "MORE:", "## Divers find 8 more bodies on Costa Concordia cruise ship", "## 22 Carnival Splendor cruise ship passengers robbed in Mexico", "AdvertisementRELATEDMexico's challenge: Aversion to competition, lack of respect for the lawLaw student clinic in Mexico aims highHow many have died in Mexico's drug", "war?Mexico", "Under Siege: The drug war at our doorstepPhoto:", "Edgar Huerta MontielFROM THE", "ARCHIVESMexican officials find 59 bodies in mass gravesApril 7, 2011Mexico says Zetas drug gang figure arrestedJanuary 19, 2011Mexico investigating kidnapping of 50 Central American...December 23, 2010Mexico kidnapping attempt leaves 8 deadFebruary 3,", "2010MORE STORIES ABOUTMigrantsMexican", "AuthoritiesMexican PoliceCopyright 2012", "Los Angeles TimesTerms of Service|Privacy Policy|Index by Date|Index by Keyword" ]
{ "id": "train23266", "claim_title": "2011 San Fernando massacre", "claim_section": "Aftermath.:Arrests.", "claim_context": "On 17 April 2011, in the capital city of Ciudad Victoria, Mexican authorities captured Martín Omar Estrada Luna, alias \"El Kilo\", lieutenant boss of Los Zetas in San Fernando, Tamaulipas, and responsible for at least 217 killings in that locality. Along with \"El Kilo\", 11 additional Zeta gunmen were apprehended. They were linked to the killing of a policeman and an investigator who were covering the massacres. In addition, Estrada Luna was one of the masterminds of the massacre of the 72 migrants and of the mass graves found. He was regarded by the DEA as \"one of the most aggressive leaders in Los Zetas organization.\" Federal Police captured Édgar Huerta Montiel, alias \"El Wache\", a high-ranking lieutenant of Los Zetas and the man responsible for the killings of the 72 immigrants, on 17 June 2011 in Fresnillo, Zacatecas." }
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Of these 45 calories, 27 come from carbohydrates, 16.5 come from fat, and 1.5 calories are provided by protein.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: How Many Calories Are in One Oreo Cookie? |", "(meta data) AUTHOR: Tim Petrie", "Weight Management", "Healthy Living", "# How Many Calories Are in One Oreo Cookie?", "Tim Petrie", "updated on March 5, 2019", "## About the Author:", "### Tim Petrie", "Tim Petrie is a sports medicine physical therapist and a certified orthopedic specialist practicing in Milwaukee, WI.", "In addition to treating patients of all ages, he is passionate about writing about health and wellness topics.", "In his free time, Tim loves to run and travel with his wife and two kids.", "View Full Profile", "Few things rival the simple pleasure of eating an Oreo cookie!", "The tempting combination of rich, creamy filling sandwiched in between two chocolatey wafers has been tempting people since its introduction more than 100 years ago.", "Chances are, you're eating more than just one Oreo cookie.", "(Image: bhofack2/iStock/GettyImages)", "However, it's best to exercise caution while you're opening that familiar blue package.", "While the cookies may be small in size, they can pack an unexpected caloric punch!", "### Tip", "One Oreo cookie has little more than 53 calories.", "## Oreo Nutritional Information", "Calories in One Oreo Cookie:", "The serving size listed on the standard Oreo package is 3 cookies, so these amounts are all tripled on the nutritional label.", "A single Oreo cookie has a little over 53 calories.", "The cookie also contains 8.3 grams of carbohydrates, 2.3 grams of fat and 0.67 grams of protein.", "Calories in an Oreo Cookie Without the Filling:", "While it may be delicious, the sweet filling may be the unhealthiest part of an Oreo.", "Without the white cream, an Oreo contains only 20 calories.", "This includes 8 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fat and 0 grams of protein.", "Calories in an Oreo Double Stuf Cookie:", "Back in 1974, Nabisco found a way to give consumers more of what they loved and introduced Double Stuf Oreos.", "These cookies contain roughly double the cream filling and have been available in grocery stores ever since.", "Predictably, increasing the creamy inside", "also upped the overall calories.", "A Double Stuf Oreo contains 70 calories and has 10.5 grams of carbohydrates, 3.5 grams of fat and ½ gram of protein in each cookie.", "Read more: These Minty Matcha Cookies Are Basically Homemade Oreos", "## What's the Healthiest Variety of Oreo?", "Over the years, Nabisco has introduced many different varieties of Oreos, ranging from more common variations like Mint or Golden Oreos to more obscure flavors like Cinnamon Bun, Blueberry Pie or Swedish Fish Oreos.", "While each variety has its own unique nutritional content, some are definitely a little healthier for you than others.", "(The key word here being \"little.\")", "Predictably, Oreo Thins are among the healthier versions.", "This type, which is about half as thick as a standard Oreo cookie, has just 35 calories in each one.", "Golden Oreos, at 56 calories per cookie, offer a different take on the original flavor without differing all that greatly nutritionally.", "On the other side of the fence, several of the newer Oreo flavors contain more calories than the original version.", "Waffles and Syrup Oreos are near the top at 75 calories per cookie.", "Other varieties like Cookie Butter Oreos, Firework Oreos and Blueberry Pie Oreos each contain 70 calories apiece.", "In general, if you're looking to save on calories and still enjoy a treat, it may be a good idea to opt for the original Oreo.", "What's the healthiest way to indulge your sweet tooth?", "Dark chocolate!", "(Image: Plateresca/iStock/GettyImages)", "## Are Oreos Better for You Than Other Cookies?", "If you're looking for a sweet treat that isn't going to ruin your diet for the rest of the day, you could do worse than an Oreo.", "Choosing to indulge in a Nutter Butter instead will get you 65 calories per cookie while a Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream Pie contains 170 calories.", "On the lighter end, Nilla Wafers have just under 14 calories each while Chips Ahoy cookies are similar to an Oreo at 53 calories each.", "In general, it's best to incorporate any type of cookie sparingly into a balanced and well-rounded diet.", "Or if you can, indulge your sweet tooth with a single square of dark chocolate (ideally, 70-percent cacao or more).", "Read more: Are Fig Newtons Healthy?", "## Are Oreos Vegan?", "Oreos do not contain any animal or dairy-derived ingredients and thus are considered safe to eat for vegans and vegetarians.", "That said, Nabisco states that there's a chance they may be cross-contaminated with milk products in the factory.", "As a result, people with a dairy allergy should be particularly cautious before indulging in the cookie.", "And don't confuse \"vegan\" with healthy.\"", "Just because a food lacks animal-derived ingredients doesn't mean it's a superfood.", "REFERENCES & RESOURCES", "Load Comments", "## People Are Reading", "### These Minty Matcha Cookies Are Basically Homemade Oreos", "### Calories in French Macaroons", "### List of the Lowest Calorie Junk Food", "### Calories Per Hershey's Kiss", "### How Many Calories Are in Andes Mints?", "### Are Subway Cookies Unhealthy?" ]
{ "id": "train45316", "claim_title": "Oreo", "claim_section": "Ingredients.:Nutrition.", "claim_context": "One six-pack of Oreos contains 270 calories, hence there are 45 calories in one cookie." }
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On 16 February 2018, the first three episodes of a docu-series called "First Team: Juventus", which followed the club throughout the season, by spending time with the players behind the scenes both on and off the field, was released on Netflix; the other three episodes were released on 6 July 2018.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: First Team: Juventus FC coming to Netflix on February 16! -", "31 captures", "23 Jan 2018 - 25 Jul 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "These crawls are part of an effort to archive pages as they are created and archive the pages that they refer to.", "That way, as the pages that are referenced are changed or taken from the web, a link to the version that was live when the page was written will be preserved.", "Then the Internet Archive hopes that references to these archived pages will be put in place of a link that would be otherwise be broken, or a companion link to allow people to see what was originally intended by a page's authors.", "The goal is to fix all broken links on the web.", "Crawls of supported \"No More 404\" sites.", "Collection: Wikipedia Near Real Time (from IRC)", "This is a collection of web page captures from links added to, or changed on, Wikipedia pages.", "The idea is to bring a reliability to Wikipedia outlinks so that if the pages referenced by Wikipedia articles are changed, or go away, a reader can permanently find what was originally referred to.", "This is part of the Internet Archive's attempt to rid the web of broken links.", "The Wayback Machine -", "Contact Us", "Official Fan Club", "Sign up", "Invalid credentials", "Forgot password?", "Login via social", "I want to get a Juventus Fan Account", "☆Sign up", "My profile", "FAQ & Documents", "Official Website", "## Home", "## News", "News & More", "Latest news", "Juventus Women", "See also", "- Juventus Summer Camp", "- Shop", "## Team", "First Team", "Juventus Women", "Youth Teams", "SEE ALSO", "Juventus Academy", "## Matches", "Fixtures & Results", "Serie A TIM", "UEFA Champions League", "Serie A Women", "Serie A TIM", "UEFA Champions League Groups", "Serie A Women", "Serie A TIM", "See also", "- Allianz Stadium & Juventus Museum", "- Shop", "## Club", "About us", "Press Room", "Contact & Press", "Up to there", "Trophy Room", "Scuola Calcio Juventus Torino", "Juventus College", "Investor Relations", "Corporate Governance", "Press Releases", "See also", "- Membership", "- Partners", "## Fans", "Juventus APPS", "Official Juventus App", "Juventus VR", "Juventus Pass", "Juventus Sound", "Official Fan Club", "Find a Fan Club", "Start a Fan Club", "Juventus Academy", "Training Experience", "Junior Membership", "See also", "- Videos", "- Special", "## Allianz Stadium & Juventus Museum", "Museum & Tour", "Juventus Museum", "Museum + Allianz Stadium Tour", "Museum + Matchday Tour", "Museum + Exclusive Tour", "Juventus City Tour", "Allianz Stadium", "Business events", "Fan Entertainment", "Corporate Hospitality", "Legends Club", "Premium Club", "Directions and access", "How to get here", "Virtual Tour", "Fans with disabilities", "Rules & Regulations", "See also", "- Juventus Store in Turin", "- Buy/Renew your supporter card", "- Matchday Allianz Stadium", "## Membership", "Black & White", "Priority ticket access", "FAQ & Documents", "See also", "- Matchday Allianz Stadium", "- Buy/Renew your supporter card", "- My season ticket", "- Official Fan Club", "## Tickets", "My Season Ticket", "> Juventus vs Genoa", "> Juventus vs Sassuolo", "> Juventus vs Tottenham", "Supporters' Card", "Buy/Renew Supporters' Card", "Activate Supporters' Card", "VIP Pass & Tour", "Legends Club", "Gold Experience", "Exclusive Tour", "Juventus City Tour", "Museum & Tour", "Juventus Museum", "Museum + Allianz Stadium Tour", "Museum + Matchday Tour", "Museum + Exclusive Tour", "See Also", "- FAQ", "- Membership", "- Special Access", "## Shop", "Official Online Store", "Juventus Store", "Juventus Store in Turin", "Juventus Store in Milan", "First Team: Juventus FC coming to Netflix on February 16!", "22.01.2018 12:00 - in: The team S", "# First Team: Juventus FC coming to Netflix on February 16!", "First three episodes of Netflix original docu-series to debut worldwide in mid-February!", "Are you ready to go deeper inside your favorite club than ever before?", "Well set your calendar for February 16th when Netflix will release globally the first three episodes of First Team: Juventus FC, the Netflix original docu-series following the stories of the Italian powerhouse(with the second set of episodes set for release in the summer).", "The series follows the club through the 2017-2018 season spending time with the players behind the scenes both on and off the field.", "You'll go on the road, deep inside Allianz Stadium and around Turin to capture the players' lives in depth while following the twists and turns of another enthralling season.", "Through over four months of shooting, you'll get up close and personal with Bianconeri like Gianluigi Buffon, Federico Bernardeschi, Giorgio Chiellini, Douglas Costa, Gonzalo Higuaín, Claudio Marchisio, Miralem Pjanic, Daniele Rugani, and manager Massimiliano Allegri as well as Bianconeri legends like Alessandro Del Piero.", "The wait is almost over, don't miss First Team: Juventus FC on February 16th!", "About Netflix", "Netflix is the world's leading internet entertainment service with over 109 million members in over 190 countries enjoying more than 140 million hours of TV shows and movies per day, including original series, documentaries and feature films.", "Members can watch as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, on nearly any internet-connected screen.", "Members can play, pause and resume watching, all without commercials or commitments.", "Information on the use of cookies", "This website uses cookies and, in some cases, third-party cookies for marketing purposes and to provide services in line with your preferences.", "If you want to know more about our cookie policy click here.", "By clicking OK, or closing this banner, or browsing the website you agree to our use of cookies in accordance with our cookie policy." ]
{ "id": "train00985", "claim_title": "Juventus F.C.", "claim_section": "Colours, badge, nicknames and symbols.", "claim_context": "The \"lady\" part of the nickname is how fans of the club affectionately referred to it before the 1930s. The club is also nicknamed \"la Fidanzata d'Italia\" (the Girlfriend of Italy), because over the years it has received a high level of support from Southern Italian immigrant workers (particularly from Naples and Palermo), who arrived in Turin to work for FIAT since the 1930s. Other nicknames include; \"[La] Madama\" (Piedmontese for: Madam), \"i bianconeri\" (the black-and-whites), \"le zebre\" (the zebras) in reference to Juventus' colours. \"I gobbi\" (the hunchbacks) is the nickname that is used to define Juventus supporters, but is also used sometimes for team's players. The most widely accepted origin of \"gobbi\" dates to the fifties, when the \"bianconeri\" wore a large jersey. When players ran on the field, the jersey, which had a laced opening at the chest, generated a bulge over the back (a sort of parachute effect), making the players look hunchbacked. \n The official anthem of Juventus is \"Juve (storia di un grande amore)\", or \"Juve (story of a great love)\" in English, written by Alessandra Torre and Claudio Guidetti, in the version of the singer and musician Paolo Belli composed in 2007. In 2016, a documentary film called \"Black and White Stripes: The Juventus Story\" was produced by the La Villa brothers about Juventus." }
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Peter Stefanovic will replace Kieran Gilbert as co-anchor in July 2019.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Peter Stefanovic to be co-anchor on Sky News First Edition with Laura Jaynes", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2019-05-26T21:11:26.000Z", "## Lend a hand to disadvantaged kids right now", "Give today to support thousands of deserving young people", "# Former Nine star lands new breakfast show gig", "Sarah CartySenior Lifestyle & Entertainment ProducerYahoo Lifestyle26 May 2019View photosPeter Stefanovic has landed a new job with Sky News.", "Photo: Getty Images", "Five months after he revealed the bombshell news that he was leaving Channel Nine after 15 years with the network, Peter Stefanovic has landed a new job.", "The younger brother of former Today host, Karl Stefanovic, will be co-anchoring Sky News' breakfast show, First Edition, with Laura Jaynes.", "\"Absolutely thrilled to join @ljayes as the new host of Sky News First Edition, Stefanovic wrote on Instagram.", "\"Laura is one of the best political interviewers in the country and I look forward to working alongside her and the team.", "I start July 1 and hope you can tune in!", "@sylviajeffreys has already given me her alarm clock\".", "He went on to say the last year has been 'tough' but he's ready to take on the new challenge ahead.", "\"It did have its challenges, particularly because I'm inherently quite a shy person so, when there's stuff going on out there, it's embarrassing and I felt responsible and ashamed for a lot of what happened,\" he told News Corp.", "\"Not just because of the damage I might have caused to my employer, but also to my family as well.\"", "#### Left Channel Nine last year", "Peter, who is married to former Today newsreader, Sylvia Jeffreys, was previously fronting Weekend Today and some 60 Minutes segments on Channel Nine.", "\"Peter has decided to explore new opportunities and is looking forward to spending weekends with his wife,\" read a statement from a Channel Nine representative in December.", "\"He has been a respected member of the Nine News team and Weekend Today, and we wish him all the best for the future.\"", "View", "photosJust", "hours", "after Peter quit his role at Channel Nine, his brother, Karl Stefanovic, followed him out the door.", "Photo: Getty Images", "#### Karl Stefanovic's departure", "Just hours after Peter's departure was confirmed, his brother, Karl Stefanovic, revealed he was following him out the door.", "The 44-year-old Today show host had been with the station for 14 years but had been weathering media criticism since leaving his wife of more than 20 years.", "Karl and Peter had also been in the spotlight since that Ubergate scandal earlier last year.", "New Idea reported a conversation that occurred between Karl and Peter in a cab, where Karl was busted blasting his co-host Georgie Gardner.", "Crisis talks were held over the future of the former Today host following the abrupt exit of his younger brother, The Daily Telegraph revealed.", "View photosPeter and his wife, Sylvia Jeffreys, quit their jobs in December last year.", "Photo: Getty Images", "#### Mass exodus at Channel Nine", "Then, just days later, Sylvia Jeffreys confirmed she was leaving the breakfast program to take on a 'brand new project' in 2019.", "In a statement, the newsreader revealed she would not be returning to the show but would continue on with the network.", "Peter had nothing but positive words about the network and his colleagues when his departure was confirmed in December.", "\"I've had an amazing time at Nine being a foreign correspondent, news reporter and covering some amazing stories for 60 Minutes,\" he said.", "\"I'll miss my friends at Nine very much, it has been a huge privilege to work alongside so many great people.\"", "The reporter started working at the network back in 2004 for Nine News and A Current Affair, before spending some time overseas as a foreign correspondent.", "He returned to Australia in 2015, and married his brother's co-star Sylvia Jeffreys in 2017.", "Got a story tip? Send it to", "Want more lifestyle and celebrity news? Follow Yahoo Lifestyle on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.", "Or sign up to our daily newsletter here.", "## What to read next", "### Bride ditches dress for wedding 'bodysuit'", "Yahoo Lifestyle", "### Bride's 'coffee stain' wedding dress raises eyebrows", "Yahoo Lifestyle", "### Kim Kardashian debuts sixth toe in bizarre photoshop fail", "Yahoo Lifestyle", "### MAFS' Martha shares holiday bikini snaps from Greece", "### Home and Away actor Ben Unwin's employer says he was a 'well-respected' lawyer", "Yahoo Lifestyle", "### Andie MacDowell, 61, rocks a thigh-high split and plunging neckline", "Yahoo Lifestyle", "### Home and Away actor Ben Unwin dies at age 41", "Yahoo Lifestyle", "### 'Hideous' $215,000 wedding dress roasted online", "Yahoo Lifestyle", "### Today show cast not attending co-host's wedding", "Yahoo Lifestyle", "### 'All I see is a midlife crisis': Heidi Klum, 46, cops flak for risqué topless shot", "Yahoo Lifestyle", "### Bride's 'f***ing creepy' lingerie shoot raises eyebrows: 'She should be arrested'", "Yahoo Lifestyle", "### Survivor contestant suffers horrific injury after rope snaps in freak accident", "Yahoo Lifestyle", "### Spot the x-rated detail hidden in this singer's snap for her mum", "Yahoo Lifestyle", "### Salma Hayek, 52, shows off her curves in swimsuit pics", "Yahoo Lifestyle" ]
{ "id": "train36026", "claim_title": "First Edition (Australian TV program)", "claim_section": "History.", "claim_context": "The program is one of the longest running formats still broadcast on Sky News, having been on-air since at least 2002. Previous presenters of the program have included John Gatfield, Michael Willesee, Jr., Vanessa Grimm (née Trezise), Amber Sherlock, Leigh Hatcher, Susanne Latimore, Nina Stevens (née May) and Terry Willesee. Brooke Corte stepped down as host in September 2018 to become primetime anchor of Your Money, and was replaced by Laura Jayes." }
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It was founded in 1998 to offer an African-centered education that emphasizes STEM subjects.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Imhotep Institute Charter High School – Charter Schools Office", "Skip to content", "Skip to navigation", "## Search the site:", "# Charter Schools OfficeThe School District of Philadelphia", "# Imhotep Institute Charter High School", "## Mission", "\"Imhotep is an African-centered, science, mathematics, and technology learning center whose mission is to provide a standards driven, high quality educational program for urban learners grounded in the Afrikan Principles of Ma'at and the Seven Principles of the Nguzo Saba.", "Imhotep aims to nurture lifelong learners who are valuable members of the world community.\"", "## Academic Highlights", "Curriculum includes 9th, 10th and 11th grade STEM courses as well as a STEM elective course.", "Character Education", "Our curriculum includes gender specific Rites of Passage courses where students are exposed to a progression of cultural competencies marked with culminating ceremonies.", "Science & Technology", "Students in grades 9, 10 and 11 receive instruction in core courses through a 1-1 Chrome Book program.", "Math courses have access to TI-Nspire and TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculators.", "Classrooms are equipped with wireless capability enhancing instruction through document sharing and online applications.", "Language Arts", "Our AP Literature curriculum includes a full day campus visit to Arcadia University where students participate in a college level course facilitated by Dr. Doreen Loury, one of the school's founding coalition members.", "## Course Offerings", "AP English Literature and Composition, African American Studies, African Dance and Drumming, Art & Design, Art Appreciation, Biology, Chemistry, Computer, Creative Drawing/Painting, Dance, Engineering, Entrepreneurship , Health, Intro To Computer Programming, Music, Physical Science, Physics, Physical Education, Rites Of Passage, Senior Seminar, STEM, Spanish, Team Sports, Writing For Publication, Yearbook", "## Extracurricular Activities", "African Drumming, Basketball, Cheerleading, Credit Recovery, Drum Line, Football, Jaama Enrichment Club, Mock Trial, Peer Mediation, Robotics, Student Council/Government, Track and Field, Tutoring, Yearbook", "## Reports", "Annual Charter Evaluation (ACE)", "Developed annually by the Charter Schools Office (CSO) for all Philadelphia brick-and-mortar charter schools (except those up for renewal), these reports provide information on three main areas of charter school performance: academic success, organizational compliance and viability, and financial health and sustainability.", "2018 | 2016 | 2015", "Notices of Deficiency are issued to schools regarding significant instances of non-compliance or poor performance that may affect student well-being or access.", "Notices of Deficiency clarify actions schools must take in order to resolve the deficiency.", "2018: Pending | 2016: Resolved", "Annual Independent Financial Audits", "Financial audits are produced annually by independent auditors for all charter schools in Pennsylvania.", "All charter schools are required to have an independent financial audit completed every year.", "2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014", "School Performance Profile (SPP)", "Developed annually by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), these reports provide an overview of student academic performance in every Pennsylvania public school, including traditional District schools, charter schools, cyber charter schools, and career and technology centers.", "2016-2017", "School Progress Report (SPR)", "Developed annually by the School District of Philadelphia (SDP) for all traditional District and charter schools in the city, these reports provide information on schools' achievement, progress, climate, and, for high schools, college and career readiness.", "2016-2017 | 2015-2016 | 2014-2015 | 2013-2014", "## Timeline", "## Grades 9-12", "6201 North 21st Street,", "Philadelphia, PA 19138", "215-438-4140", "SEPTA: L, K. Broad St. Line", "Enrollment Cap: 575", "Visit School Website", "## Key Contacts", "## School Day", "8:30 AM – 3:30 PM", "## Parent Group Name", "## Parent Group Contact", "Code of Conduct", "Board Meeting Schedule", "## Student Demographics", "##", "Asian/Pacific Islander", "## 97%", "##", "##", "##", "## 16%", "Special Education", "##", "English Language Learners", "Last modified: July 10, 2019" ]
{ "id": "train37867", "claim_title": "Imhotep Institute Charter High School", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "Imhotep Institute Charter High School is a public charter high school located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania." }
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Hawthorn Family Wealth provides asset management services for family offices with over $20 million in net worth and directly oversaw almost $31 billion as of 2017.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: ", "Family Lessons Learned, From Hawthorn, PNC Family Wealth's Nicole Perkins - Barron's", "", "(meta data) AUTHOR: Abby Schultz", "(meta data) PUBLISHER: PENTA", "We've detected you are on Internet Explorer.", "For the best experience, please update to a modern browser.", "This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only.", "To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visit", "# Family Lessons Learned, From Hawthorn, PNC Family Wealth's Nicole Perkins", "Abby Schultz", "December 16, 2017", "Order Reprints", "Print Article", "Gene Smirnov", "Text size", "Nicole Perkins got her first inkling of what it takes to run a successful business watching her parents, Henry and Gail Perkins, expand their corner candy shop into a diner-style coffee shop and then a thriving jazz club that hosted the likes of Count Basie in its heyday.", "But Perk's was more than a jazz club.", "It was a Harlem institution where customers came as much to see her mother and father as to enjoy jazz served up with great soul food.", "Their success, says Perkins, who now heads Hawthorn, PNC Family Wealth, was built on \"their willingness to open themselves up to people, to be truly authentic.\"", "Perkins' parents never spoke with her or her older sister, Karen, about what would happen to the business when they no longer ran it.", "Would they sell?", "Would one of their daughters want it?", "Or both?", "The questions were never asked.", "The sisters pursued their own careers, not realizing their parents probably took it as a blow.", "\"Not even having that discussion put us in the dark about business succession for our own family business,\" she says.", "(Her parents sold the business in 2004, when they retired.)", "As the head of Hawthorn, PNC's multifamily-office practice for families with at least $20 million in assets, Perkins, now 51, finds herself drawn to families like her own, those that really don't want to broach the topic of business succession.", "These are the families she goes back to when they hesitate, to try to get that conversation started.", "#### PNC: At a Glance", "• Parent: PNC Financial Services Group (ticker: PNC)", "• Wealth assets under management: $52.5 billion for clients with $5 million or more", "• PNC Wealth Management: Serves clients with at least $1 million", "• Hawthorn, PNC Family Wealth: Serves clients with at least $20 million", "• Hawthorn advisor/client ratio: 1 to 15 on average", "Less than five years after she left her private legal practice to become a fiduciary advisor at Hawthorn, Perkins was tapped in December 2015 to oversee the wealth of some 700 families with assets totaling about $31 billion, in accounts that average $50 million.", "That's about 60% of the $52.5 billion in wealth management assets at PNC in accounts of $5 million or more.", "The rest are housed at PNC Wealth Management under Alistair Jessiman.", "Orlando Esposito, 59, head of", "PNC Financial Services", "' Asset Management Group, which oversees Hawthorn and PNC Wealth, says Perkins is \"the type of leader who helps all those around her achieve more than they thought possible.\"", "Hawthorn, around since 1991, was among the first multifamily-office providers to have a separate boutique-like identity within a large bank—PNC Financial Services Group in this case.", "One way Perkins fosters achievement at Hawthorn is by ensuring that its leadership doesn't lose touch with clients.", "PNC has a philosophy of promoting from within and moving execs from one division to another.", "\"You really learn by emulating those who you see doing it very well,\" Perkins says from PNC's offices in Philadelphia.", "Running a high-end wealth management practice seems a far cry from running a jazz club, but like her parents, Perkins likes working with people, which drew her to trust and estate law and, eventually, to wealth management.", "\"I love to give advice and figure out what the issues and challenges are, and to listen,\" Perkins says.", "\"It's who I am,\" and \"that was given to me by my parents.\"", "### Family Lessons Learned, From Hawthorn, PNC Family Wealth's Nicole Perkins", "Nicole Perkins got her first inkling of what it takes to run a successful business watching her parents, Henry and Gail Perkins, expand their corner candy shop into a diner-style coffee shop and then a thriving jazz club that hosted the likes of Count Basie in its heyday.", "An error has occurred, please try again later.", "Thank you", "This article has been sent to" ]
{ "id": "train27442", "claim_title": "PNC Financial Services", "claim_section": "Current operations.:Asset Management Group.", "claim_context": "PNC Asset Management Group (AMG) provides Institutional Asset Management and Wealth Management services to high-net-worth individuals and has approximately $282 billion in assets under administration, of which $151 billion is directly under management. PNC Wealth Management is the 16th largest wealth management firm with $48.8 billion in private client assets under management." }
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On November 15th LuckyMe released the Fever Focus ep by Jacques Greene
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Jacques Greene: Fever Focus EP Album Review | Pitchfork", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2018-11-27T06:00:00", "## Jacques Greene", "# Fever Focus EP", "After last year's Feel Infinite, the Canadian producer expands and refines his arsenal of club tools, folding touches of acid and ambient into tracks that build on his melodic sensibilities.", "#### Featured Tracks:", "\"Nordschleife\" — Jacques GreeneVia Bandcamp / Buy", "This past summer, Jacques Greene launched his party series Beau Travail with a simple premise: the Toronto-based producer going back to back all night with some of his favorite selectors.", "Guests so far have included Project Pablo, Eclair Fifi, and Martyn Bootyspoon; the anything-goes format recalls Philippe Aubin-Dionne's Montreal club beginnings, allowing him the chance to test out new material in an intimate setting.", "Much like those nights, which might feature anything from ghettotech to deep house, there's a", "delightful sense of informality to his latest EP, Fever Focus", "Following his 2017 debut album, Feel Infinite, these six tracks began as \"fun loops and ideas\" that the producer then sculpted and played in DJ and live sets over the past year.", "Some songs, like the throbbing endorphin rush \"Convex Mirror,\" first surfaced as demos on Aubin-Dionne's 48-minute mixtape shared on NTS Radio in May, but here, they're fully fleshed out and given the space to breathe.", "Rather than a stopgap between releases, it's his most high-definition collection to date, building on familiar forms and expanding his melodic sensibilities.", "These tracks skew warmer and gauzier than his previous output, and they showcase an encyclopedic knowledge of his rave forebears.", "Whereas it's commonplace for today's electronic producers to have one album cut that's explicitly \"acid\" or \"ambient,\" Aubin-Dionne opts to fold these influences into the mélange.", "The latter reference point rears its head on the aforementioned \"Convex Mirror\" with a whirring synth line evoking a babbling forest brook, backdropped by minimalist drums.", "Longtime followers will be pleased to find he hasn't abandoned mesmerizing vocal chops, though here they're dubbed and spun until they're ghosts in his machines, like on the rattling jacker \"Perlant\" and the twitchy title track.", "The two biggest highlights are the two longest songs, where the producer takes the time to let his ideas gently unspool.", "\"Nordschleife\"—named after the infamous German racing track known for testing the mettle of even the most skilled drivers—samples Los Angeles singer-songwriter Kelsey Belkin, whose melancholic refrain (\"You make me cry\") is looped and laid over airy synths and jungle breaks.", "The EP culminates with the sensual mid-tempo house cut \"Avatar Beach,\" where Aubin-Dionne deftly balances driving percussion and feathery trance pads like a digital illustrator finding new colors.", "Describing the making of Feel Infinite last year, the producer said, \"I love the club as social microcosm.", "You get snapshots of people's true colors and I love that for the good and the bad.\"", "While Fever Focus is deliberately less conceptual, it taps into a wide array of moods and textures while expanding the arsenal of dancefloor anthems at his disposal.", "For proof of its effectiveness, look no further than the recording of Aubin-Dionne's four-and-a-half hour B2B set with Scottish DJ and LuckyMe labelmate Eclair Fifi this past summer.", "At the midway point, \"Convex Mirror\" is dropped, and you can practically feel the energy in the sweaty Toronto venue rise as the dancers cheer.", "Almost a decade since he released his first EP, he's still finding new paths to euphoria.", "Back to home" ]
{ "id": "train19375", "claim_title": "LuckyMe (record label)", "claim_section": "History.:2018.", "claim_context": "Users were asked to spread the word and forward mails to friends. The record was finally released on all formats on Halloween 2018. In a new precedent for the site, Pitchfork reviewed the mixtape while still a private link, and called GADA \"...a daring, eclectic mix of experimental R&B...\", stating \"...he won't stay a secret for long.\" \n On July 6th LuckyMe released the first studio album by New Orleans-based James Richard Prudhomme aka Suicideyear. Titled \"Colour The Weather\" - the release explored themes of family, nostalgia and alienation. Singles included 'Tired' and \"Days Forever featuring Georgia Barnes\". The album art saw a collaboration between friends Ezra Miller & Mickey Joyce who together with Prudhomme produced impressionistic generative collages from locations around Baton Rouge and New Orleans. \n" }
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After initially receiving little attention, a 26 October article in "The Mail on Sunday" led to widespread criticism of Brand, Ross and the editorial decisions of the BBC, with the event becoming known as "Sachsgate" or "Manuelgate" (a reference to Sachs' character in "Fawlty Towers").
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Sachsgate: The obscene prank calls from Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross that 'haunted' Andrew Sachs before his death - Mirror Online", "(meta data) AUTHOR:", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2016-12-02T08:12:00Z", "# Sachsgate: The obscene prank calls from Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross that 'haunted' Andrew Sachs before his death", "The Fawlty Towers actor, who died last week after four-year battle with dementia, said the ordeal was \"hugely distressing\"", "ByClaire Rutter08:12, 2 DEC 2016Updated08:17, 2 DEC", "2016CelebsGet the biggest celebs stories by email We will use your email address only for the purpose of sending you newsletters.", "Please see ourPrivacy Noticefor details of your data protection rightsThank you for subscribingWe have more newslettersShow meSee our privacy noticeCould not subscribe, try again laterInvalid Email", "Andrew Sachs was an acclaimed actor and beloved star of Fawlty Towers, who sadly died after a four-year battle with dementia, and during that time he was still haunted by a highly-publicised prank call from Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross.", "The obscene call sparked what is now known as Sachsgate.", "Sachs, who was known for planning Spanish waiter Manuel in the hit show, died at a care home last week at the age of 86 after a secret battle with dementia.", "Back in 2014, he spoke at length about how he was still haunted by the offensive phone call from Ross and Brand, six years after the incident.", "At the time, Brand and Russell left several vulgar messages on Sachs' answerphone, bragging that comedian Russell had had sex with his granddaughter Georgina Baillie.", "##### Read More", "Celebrity deaths in 2016: The famous faces gone too soon", "Andrew Sachs said the ordeal would haunt him forever", "(Image: REX)", "In an article titled 'Cruelty that will haunt me forever' for the Daily Mail in 2014, he went on to describe the anguish his family suffered throughout the ordeal.", "\"For all my family, the unpleasant incident that hit the headlines in October 2008 was hugely distressing,\" he wrote.", "##### Read More", "Andrew Sachs' 'biggest regret was missing out on Doctor Who' leading role", "Sachs was asked by a BBC Radio show producer if he wanted to be interviewed for a pre-recorded part of the show, but he was too busy.", "\"Their lewd banter was deeply hurtful for me, my wife, our daughter and our granddaughter.", "It not only caused pain but huge stress to the family,\" he recalled.", "Georgina Baillie is his granddaughter, who knew Russell Brand", "(Image: Facebook)", "Georgina Baillie (centre) and her group The Satanic Sluts performing at Erotica 2008 in Olympia", "(Image: PA)", "The actor lodged a complaint to the BBC and held a meeting with Director General Mark Thompson.", "The BBC was slapped with a £150,000 fine from Ofcom.", "The pre-recorded radio show was aired and the BBC later sacked Brand and suspended Ross for three months, admitting the remarks were \"grossly offensive\" and a \"serious breach of editorial standards\".", "##### Read More", "Andrew Sachs dead at 86: John Cleese leads tributes to beloved Fawlty Towers star", "Ross had reportedly described the incident, for which he was suspended without pay for 12 weeks, as \"fun\".", "\"Maybe it was fun for him, but it was excruciating for us,\" Sachs said.", "Russell Brand on 'The Jonathan Ross Show' penned an apology letter to Sachs in 2014", "(Image: REX)", "\"To be honest, the whole Brand/Ross saga remains a painful experience that we'd very much like to put behind us.", "But it keeps resurfacing.\"", "Brand reportedly penned a letter to Sachs finally apologising for his controversial radio prank in 2014.", "In a letter written in 2014, obtained by the Daily Mail, the funnyman apologised for the \"distress, sadness and turbulence\" caused.", "It read: \"I apologise for the distress, sadness and turbulence this has brought into your life.", "I apologise for the damage I have caused to your family relationships and for robbing you of your peace of mind.", "This behaviour and the consequences you have suffered as a result of my actions are unacceptable.", "Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross sparked over 40,000 complaints to the BBC over the incident", "(Image: Rex)", "\"This is not the man I want to be and I wholeheartedly apologise to you both.", "\"I am sorry too that it has taken so long for me to write to you expressing this sentiment to which the two of you are entitled... please do not hesitate to contact me...", "My sincere apologies for the hurt I have caused you and your family.\"", "At the time Andrew said he was appalled by the incident, saying: \"Lessons must be learned and I hope they will be.\"", "#### Read More", "### Andrew Sachs dead", "Andrew Sachs dies aged 86", "John Cleese leads tributes", "Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross' prank", "Most memorable TV moments", "CommentsMore OnJonathan", "RossRussell BrandAndrew SachsBBC RadioSachsgate", "Celebrity NewsMichelle Keegan sends fans into meltdown with topless sex scene in Sky's BrassicMichelle Keegan will shed her wholesome image in comedy drama Brassic as she's seen in a topless sex sceneStephen", "FryStephen Fry reveals five stone weight loss after battling prostate cancerThe broadcaster, 61, attributed his weight loss to walks and eating sensiblyBrooke VincentPregnant Brooke Vincent's emotional goodbye after 15 years in Coronation StreetBrooke Vincent has filmed her last scenes as Sophie Webster on the ITV soap as she prepares to go on", "maternity leaveJade GoodyMystery of Jade Goody's missing millions and why she didn't give Jack Tweed a", "pennyJade Goody managed to save an astonishing £3million for her sons, but according to her husband Jack Tweed, it's all", "goneOrlando BloomOrlando Bloom thinks Katy Perry romance 'will be forever' - all thanks to his exOrlando", "Bloom", "has opened up about his relationship with singer Katy Perry and why this one will be forever after thanks to his exRod StewartSir", "Rod Stewart poses with Penny Lancaster and three exes at daughter's 40th birthdaySir Rod was joined by current wife Penny Lancaster, and exes Alana Stewart, Kelly Emberg and Rachel Hunter at Kimberley Stewart's partyGood Morning BritainTraumatised GMB newsreader admits 'career is over' as he bumps and grinds on", "airRichard Gaisford got more than he bargained for on today's Good Morning Britain when he was pulled for a dance with singer SpiceOlivia", "AttwoodOlivia", "Attwood flashes her knickers in bizarre see-through trousers during", "TOWIE filmingOlivia stole the show when she arrived for filming with new TOWIE co-stars Clelia Theodorou and Pete WicksJade GoodyJeff", "Brazier banned Jade Goody's sons from watching heartbreaking documentaryJeff, who had Bobby, 16, and Freddie, 14, with Jade, said he felt they weren't \"quite ready\" and may find it \"upsetting\"NetflixMindhunter easter egg teases infamous serial killer for season 3Netflix", "crime", "series Mindhunter has probably given us a good idea of who will get a focus in season 3 -", "John Wayne GacyUK NewsHilarious photo shows first day of school 'taking its toll' on little girl, 5A humorous before and after snap showed how Lucie, from Glasgow, was transformed for the worse after a busy day playing with friendsCenter Parcs NVBoy dies at Center Parcs while playing at", "were seen attacking each other with a knife and chair in Tolima, ColombiaThis MorningHolly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield to replace axed Jeremy Kyle ShowEXCLUSIVE:", "The proposal, submitted to an ITV focus group, says the \"earlier helping\" of This Morning would feature \"funny viewers' letters and emails\"Liverpool FCLiverpool goalkeeper coach provides Alisson injury update ahead of Arsenal clashFans are anxiously awaiting news of Brazilian goalkeeper's return from a torn calfiForce Ltd.Eddie Stobart boss quits and shares in the haulage firm suspended amid £2m probeThe transport logistics company, known for its green lorries, revealed a £2m discrepancy in its accounts", "last monthRod StewartSir Rod Stewart poses with Penny Lancaster and three exes at daughter's 40th birthdaySir Rod was joined by current wife Penny Lancaster, and exes Alana Stewart, Kelly Emberg and Rachel Hunter at Kimberley Stewart's partyWeatherUK weather forecast: Met Office issues level 3 heatwave warning for Bank HolidayWe'll be bringing you the very latest updates, pictures and video on this breaking news", "storyQuentin TarantinoOnce Upon a Time in Hollywood cut Charles Manson face-off with", "Cliff BoothQuentin Tarantino film Once Upon a Time in Hollywood almost included a scene where Brad Pitt's character met Charles MansonLiverpool vs ArsenalMatteo Guendouzi makes Liverpool vs Arsenal prediction after Anfield thrashingsThe", "French midfielder came on for the final 10 minutes of last season's 5-1 defeat to the Reds at Anfield", "Top StoriesUK NewsMum's hilarious photo shows first day of school 'took its toll' on five-year-old girlA", "humorous before and after snap showed how Lucie, from Glasgow, was transformed for the worse after a busy day playing with friendsStephen", "FryTV brainbox Stephen Fry used well-known diet trick to lose FIVE STONE after cancer battleThe", "broadcaster, 61, attributed his weight loss to walks and eating sensiblyPrince Andrew, Duke of YorkPrince Andrew 'got foot massage from young woman at Jeffrey Epstein's mansion'Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein reportedly received foot massages from young Russian women at the financier's home in New York, USiForce Ltd.", "Eddie Stobart boss quits and shares in the haulage firm suspended amid £2m probeThe", "transport logistics company, known for its green lorries, revealed a £2m discrepancy in its accounts last monthReading and Leeds FestivalsTeenagers crushed against metal barriers in 'stampede' at Reading Festival - with revellers 'carried out after suffering panic attacks'One festival-goer said: \"I didn't feel safe, I felt like I could drown in a sea of people\"SkincareWoman, 25,", "has to quit job as boils erupt in 'worst case of acne'", "docs have seenEmily Keel, from Portsmouth, suffers frim cystic acne and her condition is so bad it's affected her", "mental healthBrexitBoris Johnson's Brexit 'victory' short-lived as Remainers plot new no-deal fightEU leaders have suggested he could have a 30-day window to solve the Brexit crisis.", "But despite raising his fists outside No10 yesterday, he's dogged by Tory rebels who are drawing up a new plan to strikeBenefit cheatsBenefits cheat mum pocketed £10,000 while working as police crime adviserVictoria Antill forged letters from her doctor detailing her many health problems which she claimed left her housebound, as part of her 'brazen dishonesty'Serial killersSerial killer who butchered six men and left 'signature cards' in their throats says sorry to his mum as he is executedGary Ray Bowles, 57, died from lethal injection at 10.58pm (local time) at Florida State PrisonMurderChild witness in murder trial confronted by armed gang outside family homeA gang of thugs attempted to intimidate the friend of Danny Gee-Jamieson after the teenager was killed in LiverpoolWest Midlands PoliceBrave mum fights off masked carjackers trying to steal car with son, 3, insideCCTV shows three men approach the Audi shortly after the woman parked on her drive in Moseley, Birmingham, at around 6pm on July 26AmazonAmazon shopper buys £250 smartwatch 'but is sent £2 shower gel instead'Jamie Mitchell, 22, says he sent the Samsung watch back and ordered it again - but received water filters in a second mix-up" ]
{ "id": "train30689", "claim_title": "The Russell Brand Show prank telephone calls row", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "\n In an episode of BBC Radio 2's \"The Russell Brand Show\" broadcast on Saturday 18 October 2008, comedian Russell Brand and presenter Jonathan Ross made prank calls to actor Andrew Sachs that led to controversy in the United Kingdom. Brand and Ross called Sachs to interview him on-air; when he did not answer, they left a series of lewd messages on his answering machine, including comments about Brand's relationship with Sachs' granddaughter, Georgina Baillie." }
[ [] ]
And as a member of Washingtonian's black elite, Cook demonstrated living proof that a black man in 19th century United States could infiltrate the three main spheres of influence in American life: the political, the social, and the economic.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Eureka Lodge No. 5", "(meta data) AUTHOR: Super User", "### Eureka Lodge No", ". 5", "Warranted and Chartered:September 13, 1858", "Meeting Date and Time: 2nd Monday of each Month at 7:30 pm", "###### WM Darryl A. Green", "Email:", "### Elected Officers", "Senior WardenIra Stohlman", "Junior WardenLeslie Wheeler", "TreasurerWarren A. Crummer", "SecretaryPM Donielle Hembry", "## About Eureka Lodge No. 5", "On September 13th 1858, Most Worshipful Grand Master C.A. Stewart, Right Worshipful Grand", "Warden Henry H. Dade, Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden Clem Beckett and Right", "Worshipful Grand Secretary Edward A. Watson acting on a petition from a group of Masons from", "Felix Lodge No.3 who were desirous of forming a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in the District Of", "Columbia issued a Warrant which constituted a Lodge to be called Eureka Lodge No. 5 to be held", "in the city of Washington, D.C.", "The appointed principal officers were Edward M. Thomas, Worshipful Master, H.A. Schuseman,", "Senior Warden and Edward A. Watson, Junior Warden", "The first communication of Eureka Lodge", "No. 5 was held on October 26th 1858 AD, AL 5858.", "Eureka Lodge has produced nine Most Worshipful Grand Masters: Edward M. Thomas (1861),", "Robert Booker (1864), John F. Cook (1866-73, 1876-77),", "William Taliaferro (1875), Samuel Rodger Watts (1884-86), John T. Layton (1905), John P.", "Turner (1920), George M. Ambler (1933) and Warren R. Whitley (1997-98).", "Two Deputy Grand", "Masters: Joseph Minor and E.T. Hawkins.", "One, Grand Junior Warden Edward Webster, Right", "Worshipful Grand Treasurer David L. Stevenson, Right Worshipful Past Grand Secretary, Royce", "G. Daniels, Worshipful Grand Comptroller Emeritus Willie Arrington, , Worshipful Grand", "Representative to the East Ralph Carter (North Carolina), Worshipful Assistant Grand Treasurer", "Jeffery R. Anderson, WDH&W David A. Hinnant , Worshipful Grand Junior Deacon Marshall", "Worshipful Assistant Grand Public Relations Charles Briggs, Worshipful Assistant Grand Auditor", "Warren A. Crummer and Past Grand Worthy Patron Robert A. King.", "Worshipful Grand Director", "of Public Relations", "Ira E. Stohlman.", "Eureka Lodge No. 5 is proud of its rich history and the many brethren who have made and are", "continuing to make notable professional, fraternal and civic", "accomplishment", "We will continue to carry forward the principals, precepts and sacred tenets of", "Prince Hall Freemasonry", "## MW Grand Master", "###### Quincy G. Gant (24)", "Back to Warranted Lodges", "София EMSIEN-3" ]
{ "id": "train34619", "claim_title": "John F. Cook Jr.", "claim_section": "Legacy.", "claim_context": "John F. Cook Jr. dedicated his life to the advancement of the black community in Washington D.C. As an educator, politician, activist, and philanthropist, Cook promoted political and cultural causes, tasked with uplifting D.C.'s African American community, in addition to fighting racist and discriminatory policies and practices." }
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Václav Pantůček (24 November 1934 in Mikulov, Czechoslovakia – 21 July 1994 in Brno, Czech Republic) was a Czech ice hockey player who competed in the 1956 Winter Olympics and in the 1960 Winter Olympics.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Václav Pantůček Bio, Stats, and Results | Olympics at", "18 captures", "12 Dec 2012 - 18 Apr 2020", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "The Internet Archive discovers and captures web pages through many different web crawls.", "At any given time several distinct crawls are running, some for months, and some every day or longer.", "View the web archive through the Wayback Machine.", "Collection: Live Web Proxy Crawls", "Content crawled via the Wayback Machine Live Proxy mostly by the Save Page Now feature on", "Liveweb proxy is a component of Internet Archive's wayback machine project.", "The liveweb proxy captures the content of a web page in real time, archives it into a ARC or WARC file and returns the ARC/WARC record back to the wayback machine to process.", "The recorded ARC/WARC file becomes part of the wayback machine in due course of time.", "The Wayback Machine -", "Sports-Reference:", "Baseball ·", "(college) ·", "(college) ·", "Hockey ·", "Olympics ·", "S-R Blog ·", "Question or Comment?", "AD FREE", "You Are Here > OLY Home > Athletes > Václav Pantůček", "News: Widgets - Our Stats, Your Site »post", "Support us without the ads?", "Go Ad-Free.", "# Václav Pantůček", "Full name: Václav Pantůček", "Gender: Male", "Height: 5-10 (178 cm)", "Weight: 170 lbs (77 kg)", "Born: November 24, 1934 in Mikulov, Jihomoravský kraj , Czech Republic", "Died: July 21, 1994 in Brno, Jihomoravský kraj , Czech Republic", "Affiliations: Kometa Brno, Brno (CZE)", "Country: Czechoslovakia", "Sport: Ice Hockey", "## Results", "1956 Winter", "Cortina d'Ampezzo", "Ice Hockey", "Men's Ice Hockey", "1960 Winter", "Squaw Valley", "Ice Hockey", "Men's Ice Hockey", "## Men's Ice Hockey", "Event History", "1956 Winter", "Cortina d'Ampezzo", "Ice Hockey", "Final Standings", "1956-01-26", "1956 Winter", "Cortina d'Ampezzo", "Ice Hockey", "Final Round", "Match #7", "1956-02-02", "URS 7, TCH 4", "1956 Winter", "Cortina d'Ampezzo", "Ice Hockey", "Final Round", "Match #14", "1956-02-04", "USA 9, TCH 4", "1956 Winter", "Cortina d'Ampezzo", "Ice Hockey", "Final Round", "Match #3", "1956-01-30", "CAN 6, TCH 3", "1956 Winter", "Cortina d'Ampezzo", "Ice Hockey", "Final Round", "Match #6", "1956-01-31", "SWE 5, TCH 0", "1956 Winter", "Cortina d'Ampezzo", "Ice Hockey", "Final Round", "Match #12", "1956-02-03", "TCH 9, GER 3", "1956 Winter", "Cortina d'Ampezzo", "Ice Hockey", "Group B", "Match #1", "1956-01-27", "TCH 4, USA 3", "1960 Winter", "Squaw Valley", "Ice Hockey", "Final Standings", "1960-02-19", "1960 Winter", "Squaw Valley", "Ice Hockey", "Final Round", "Match #1", "1960-02-22", "URS 8, TCH 5", "1960 Winter", "Squaw Valley", "Ice Hockey", "Final Round", "Match #6", "1960-02-24", "CAN 4, TCH 0", "1960 Winter", "Squaw Valley", "Ice Hockey", "Final Round", "Match #9", "1960-02-25", "TCH 3, SWE 1", "1960 Winter", "Squaw Valley", "Ice Hockey", "Final Round", "Match #10", "1960-02-27", "TCH 9, GER 1", "1960 Winter", "Squaw Valley", "Ice Hockey", "Final Round", "Match #13", "1960-02-28", "USA 9, TCH 4", "1960 Winter", "Squaw Valley", "Ice Hockey", "Group C", "Match #1", "1960-02-19", "USA 7, TCH 5", "1960 Winter", "Squaw Valley", "Ice Hockey", "Group C", "Match #2", "1960-02-20", "TCH 18, AUS 1", "id: 96,188" ]
{ "id": "train19246", "claim_title": "Václav Pantůček", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "" }
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On 21 August 2018, a Gripen fighter plane crashed in Ronneby after colliding with a flock of birds.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Swedish fighter jet crashes after collision with birds — RT World News", "icon bookmark-bicon bookmarkicon cameraicon checkicon chevron downicon chevron lefticon chevron righticon chevron upicon closeicon v-compressicon downloadicon editicon v-expandicon fbicon fileicon filtericon flag ruicon full chevron downicon full chevron lefticon full chevron righticon full chevron upicon gpicon insicon mailicon moveicon-musicicon mutedicon nomutedicon okicon v-pauseicon v-playicon searchicon sign inicon sign upicon stepbackicon stepforicon swipe downicon tagicon tagsicon tgicon trashicon twicon vkicon yticon wticon fm", "RT Shop", "RTQuestion more", "08:36 GMT, Aug 18, 2019", "Op-ed", "RT Shop", "# Swedish fighter jet crashes after collision with birds", "Published time: 21 Aug, 2018 10:11 Edited time: 22 Aug, 2018 11:15", "Get short URL", "A Swedish fighter plane has crashed in the southern part of the Scandinavian country after colliding with a flock of birds.", "The pilot ejected from the aircraft and has been taken to the hospital, according to reports.", "Sweden's Armed Forces said one of its Jas Gripen jets crashed after the unexpected bird strike.", "\"The pilot bailed out and he has apparently waved at the rescue helicopter and he seems to be okay at least.", "We don't know much more at the moment,\" spokesperson Johan Lundberg told TT news agency, as cited by the Local Sweden.", "The pilot was transported to the hospital, although his condition is reportedly good \"under the circumstances.\"", "No one else is believed to have been injured in the accident.", "A Swedish JAS Gripen fighter plane has crashed in southern Sweden's Ronneby after a collision with a bird.", "The pilot ejected and is being taken to hospital for a checkup. via", "— Liveuamap (@Liveuamap) August 21, 2018", "Mixi.Media News", "Subscribe to RT newsletter to get stories the mainstream media won't tell you", "Mixi.Media News", "PodcastsAll podcasts" ]
{ "id": "train41534", "claim_title": "Accidents and incidents involving the JAS 39 Gripen", "claim_section": "Crashes in service.:Swedish Air Force.:August 2018.", "claim_context": "" }
[ [ 18, 31, 57 ], [ 7, 18, 31, 57 ] ]
Originally from Yugoslavia, Preki was living and working in the US in 1985 but when he was offered a spot on the American national team he applied for U.S. citizenship which was granted on October 25, 1996.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Preki Radosavljevic – USMNT | Players | US Soccer Players", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2008-04-02T19:04:36-0400", "US Soccer Players", "The official site of the USMNT Soccer Players with soccer news, schedule, statistics, players, interviews, and exclusive stories.", "### Next Opponent", "Sep 6, 2019", "8:30pm ET on FS1", "# Preki Radosavljevic – USMNT", "April 2, 2008 by US Soccer Players", "Position: Midfielder", "Date of Birth: 01/23/1963", "Height: 5' 9\"", "Weight: 165 lbs", "Caps: 28", "Goals: 4", "Preki Radosavljevic dazzled crowds with his magical left foot and incredible free kicks through the first 10 seasons of Major League Soccer.", "He scored 79 goals, registered 112 assists and was named MLS MVP two times (1997 and 2003).", "He retired after the 2005 season as a member of the Kansas City Wizards during his second stint with the team after also playing for the Miami Fusion.", "After becoming a US citizen in 1996, Preki appeared 28 times under both Steve Sampson and Bruce Arena for the US National Team and was a member of the US team that played in the 1998 World Cup in France.", "As an international, he will always be remembered for scoring the goal that beat Brazil 1-0 on February 10, 1998, which came off a free kick with his lethal left foot.", "Upon retiring, Preki joined Bob Bradley's staff as an assistant coach with Chivas USA for the 2006 season.", "When Bradley left to take over as the head coach of the US National Team, Preki was named as the head coach for Chivas USA on January 17, 2007.", "In 2010, he took over as coach of Toronto FC, departing with director of soccer Mo Johnston in September.", "That same year he was elected to the National Soccer Hall of Fame.", "In July, 2013 Preki became the first coach of Sacramento's expansion USL-Pro team.", "He later coached Saint Louis FC.", "## USMNT Experience", "2001: Returned to the National Team for the September World Cup qualifiers against Honduras and Costa Rica.", "1998: Netted the winners against Costa Rica and Brazil in the Gold Cup and played in seven games leading up to France '98.", "Played in two group stage matches against Iran and Yugoslavia in the '98 World Cup.", "1997: Played in the U.S. Cup and in four World Cup qualifiers, scoring in the win against El Salvador.", "1996: Became a U.S. citizen on October 25th and won his first international camp days later against Guatemala on November 3rd.", "## Professional Experience", "2005: Scored two goals to go with two assists in 16 appearances for the Kansas City Wizards during his final year in MLS.", "2004:", "Suffered a fractured fibula and dislocated left ankle during a preseason exhibition match (2/21) and missed four months of the season.", "Made his 2004 season debut @ CLB (8/18) starting and playing the first half.", "Came on at halftime @ CHI (9/1) and played the final 45 minutes.", "Underwent arthroscopic surgery on his left ankle on 9/10 to repair damage that had not completely healed from his offseason ankle surgery.", "The procedure ended his season.", "2003:", "Defying age, Preki played and started 30 games for the Wizards, logging nearly 2,700 minutes.", "His season total of 12 goals and 17 assists, plus his still-devilish left foot, won him the MLS Most Valuable Player award, making him the oldest-ever winner of the award at age 40.", "2002: Finished the 2002 season as the team's leading scorer with 24 points (7g, 10a).", "2002: Became MLS' all-time leading scorer with 223 points (65g, 93a) on March 23.", "2001: Part of the turnaround that saw the Fusion go from worst to first, winning his second Supporters Shield for the best regular season record in MLS.", "Had eight goals and 14 assists in 24 games, finishing sixth among the league's top scorers.", "2000: Played in all but one game for the Supporters Shield and MLS Cup winning Wizards.", "Traded in the offseason to the Fusion.", "1999: Named MVP of the All-Star game and led the Wizards in points for the fourth consecutive season.", "1998: Had three goals and two assists against San Jose on September 9th, tying a league record with eight points in a single game.", "Selected for the All-Star team.", "1997: Named to the MLS All-Star team and Best Eleven for the second consecutive year as well as winning the scoring title with 41 points.", "Won the league MVP award.", "1996: One of the original Kansas City Wizards, named to the All-Star team and the Best Eleven during the league's first year.", "1994-95: Returned to the U.S. with the indoor San Jose Grizzlies of the CISL and was named league MVP in 1995.", "1992-94: Spent two seasons with Everton netting four goals before moving to Portsmouth.", "1985-92: Played indoor soccer in the United States with the Tacoma Stars and the St. Louis Storm.", "A perennial all-star, he is considered among the best indoor players of all time.", "1983-85: Played two seasons with Red Star Belgrade.", "Like 2", "## Wayne Rooney and DC United's season", "By Jason Davis", "DC United is without Wayne Rooney due to a red card suspension with their star player leaving at the end of the season and the playoffs on the line.", "## The rivalry problem in MLS", "By Luis Bueno", "Geography isn't enough to guarantee a rivalry in MLS with the Galaxy vs San Jose still the bigger match in California in the era of LAFC.", "## St Louis and MLS expectations", "By Jason Davis", "St Louis is the latest MLS expansion team, showing what Major League Soccer wants from its bidders and highlighting issues for teams already in MLS.", "More from our writers", "### US Soccer Players", "#### Zack Steffen - USMNT", "Position GoalkeeperPro Team Fortuna Dusseldorf", "Read more about Zack Steffen - USMNT", "#### Players Tweets", "A Twitter List by ussoccerplayers", "Follow US Soccer Players" ]
{ "id": "train10020", "claim_title": "Preki", "claim_section": "Playing career.:International.", "claim_context": "" }
[ [ 217, 219, 220 ], [ 217, 218, 219, 220 ] ]
The brothers manufactured bicycle parts and tools for repairing and manufacturing bicycles from the brothers' backyard shed and managed a retail store in downtown Chicago.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Armstrong Bros. Tool Company", "Alloy Artifacts", "# Armstrong Bros. Tool Company", "Logo from 1914 Trademark.", "## Table of Contents", "Company History", "Tool Identification", "Manufacturing Dates", "References and Resources", "Carbon Steel Tools", "The Armstrong-Vanadium Era", "Open-End Wrenches", "Tappet Wrenches", "Obstruction Wrenches", "Box-End Wrenches", "The Chrome-Vanadium Era", "C-V Open-End Wrenches", "C-V Tappet Wrenches", "C-V Box-End Wrenches", "C-V Combination Wrenches", "Sockets and Drive Tools", "1/2-Drive Tools", "3/8-Drive Tools", "9/32-Drive and 1/4-Drive Tools", "3/4-Drive Tools", "1 Inch Drive Tools", "The Armaloy Era", "Open-End Wrenches", "Tappet Wrenches", "Box-End Wrenches", "Combination Wrenches", "Specialty Tools", "What's New (Last Updated July 1, 2016)", "Recent changes to this page:", "07/01/2019: Added", "an Armstrong S-110 1/2-Drive Locking Extension.", "05/07/2019: Changes for responsive design.", "01/29/2016: Added an", "Armstrong 8729 Offset Box Wrench.", "01/12/2016: Added an Armstrong 204-A Structural Wrench.", "01/05/2016: Added an Armstrong No. 5 Toolpost Wrench.", "01/02/2016: Added an Armstrong 2429 Box Wrench.", "12/25/2015: Added an", "Armstrong 8025 Offset Box Wrench.", "12/09/2015: Added an", "Armstrong A1028S Open-End Wrench.", "12/08/2015: Added an Armstrong-Vanadium 1725-A Open-End Wrench.", "12/07/2015: Added an Armstrong 1092-F Tappet Wrench.", "12/05/2015: Added early logo from trademark, reorganized sections.", "12/03/2015: Added an Armstrong A-C-3 Open-End Wrench.", "12/02/2015: Added an", "Armstrong-Vanadium 1731-A Open-End Wrench.", "11/14/2015: Minor reorganization.", "11/24/2011: Added an", "Armstrong-Vanadium 405 Tappet Wrench.", "11/02/2011: Added an Armstrong 23A Open-End Wrench.", "10/30/2011: Added an", "Armstrong-Vanadium 403 Tappet Wrench.", "06/21/2011: Added an Armstrong H-50 3/4-Drive Ratchet.", "06/14/2011: Updated photo for", "Armstrong-Vanadium 1033-A Open-End Wrench.", "11/09/2010: Added an", "Armstrong Armaloy NM-110 Handle Extension.", "10/19/2010: Added an", "Armstrong Armaloy 1731 Open-End Wrench.", "09/16/2010: Added an Armstrong-Vanadium 403 Tappet Wrench.", "09/08/2010: Added an", "Armstrong-Vanadium 1727 Open-End Wrench.", "08/13/2010: Added an Armstrong-Vanadium 404 Tappet Wrench.", "07/17/2010: Added an Armstrong 1164 Combination Wrench.", "07/12/2010: Added an Armstrong-Vanadium 1027-C Open-End Wrench.", "07/08/2010: Minor reorganization of alloy section, added an", "Armstrong 2426 Special Box-End Wrench.", "07/03/2010: Added an Armstrong 2426 Box-End Wrench.", "06/17/2010: Added an Armstrong A-1025 Open-End Wrench.", "10/28/2009: Added an Armstrong 1705 Single-Open Wrench.", "08/26/2009: Added an Armstrong 424 Tappet Wrench.", "08/01/2009: Added an Armstrong 1734 (TKKX4B) Open-End Wrench.", "06/19/2009: Added an Armstrong 661D S-Shaped Wrench.", "06/18/2009: Added an Armstrong 1033-C Open-End Wrench.", "06/13/2009: Added an Armstrong HD-1240 3/4-Drive Deep Socket.", "06/06/2009: Added an", "Armstrong-Vanadium 8727 Offset Box Wrench.", "06/05/2009: Added an", "Armstrong 1730 (TKKX20) Open-End Wrench.", "06/04/2009: Added an Armstrong-Vanadium 422 Tappet Wrench.", "06/03/2009: Added an Armstrong (Caterpiller) 5B786 Open-End Wrench.", "05/21/2009: Added an Armstrong-Vanadium 1033-C Open-End Wrench.", "05/20/2009: Added an Armstrong 607-A Single-Open Check-Nut Wrench.", "05/11/2009: Added an Armstrong 9729-A Short Offset Box Wrench.", "04/18/2009: Added an Armstrong H-15 Open-End Wrench.", "04/13/2009: Added an Armstrong-Vanadium 1028-S Open-End Wrench.", "03/29/2009: Added an Armstrong No. 2 Toolpost Wrench.", "03/16/2009: Added an Armstrong 1166 Combination Wrench.", "02/26/2009: Added an Armstrong X-1258 1 Inch Hex Drive Socket.", "01/14/2009: Added an Armstrong H-115P 3/4-Drive Extension.", "01/04/2009: Added an", "Armstrong Early X-1252 1 Inch Hex Drive Socket.", "01/03/2009: Added an Armstrong Armaloy 1167 Combination Wrench.", "12/27/2008: Added an Armstrong Armaloy 1729 Open-End Wrench.", "12/24/2008: Added an Armstrong (Caterpiller) 5B782 Open-End Wrench", "and an Armstrong Armaloy 1029 Open-End Wrench.", "11/30/2008: Added an Armstrong Armaloy 1021-S Open-End Wrench.", "09/22/2008: Added an", "Armstrong Armaloy 9725 Offset Box Wrench.", "09/04/2008: Added an Armstrong 8028-A Offset Box Wrench.", "08/28/2008: Added an Armstrong 8723 Offset Box Wrench.", "08/22/2008: Added an Armstrong H-1254 3/4-Drive Socket.", "08/17/2008: Added an Armstrong Armaloy 8025 Offset Box Wrench.", "08/12/2008: Added an Armstrong S-51 1/2-Drive Ratchet.", "08/09/2008: Added an Armstrong 1160 Combination Wrench.", "08/08/2008: Added an Armstrong No. 21 1/2-Drive Socket Set", "and an Armstrong 1170-L Combination Wrench.", "07/31/2008: Added an Armstrong 1623-C Check-Nut Wrench.", "07/27/2008: Added an Armstrong 2415 Box Wrench", "and an Armstrong 9729-A Short Offset Box Wrench.", "07/13/2008: Split into four pages, added an", "Armstrong-Vanadium 1077-B S-Shaped Open-End Wrench.", "07/09/2008: Added an Armstrong-Vanadium 1023 Open-End Wrench.", "07/05/2008: Added an Armstrong 1039-B Open-End Wrench.", "06/30/2008: Added an Armstrong 1172-L Combination Wrench.", "06/07/2008: Added an Armstrong 1122 Ignition Wrench.", "05/27/2008: Added an Armstrong 1728 Open-End Wrench.", "04/06/2008: Added an Armstrong H-140 3/4-Drive Universal.", "03/01/2008: Added an Armstrong S-40 1/2-Drive Flex-Head Breaker Bar.", "02/21/2008: Added an Armstrong H-1230 3/4-Drive Socket.", "02/01/2008: Added an Armstrong ST-1240 1/2-Drive Socket.", "01/24/2008: Added an Armstrong 1168-L Combination Wrench", "and an Armstrong 25-524 Flex-Socket Combination Wrench.", "01/22/2008: Added an Armstrong S-818 1/2-Drive Socket.", "01/20/2008: Added an Armstrong 8033 Offset Box Wrench.", "01/17/2008: Added an Armstrong 31 Open-End Wrench.", "01/15/2008: Added an Armstrong H-1231 3/4-Drive Socket.", "01/09/2008: Added an Armstrong 903 Open-End Spud Wrench.", "01/05/2008: Added an Armstrong S-91 1/2-Drive Ratchet.", "12/21/2007: Added an Armstrong Armaloy ST-1222 1/2-Drive Socket.", "12/20/2007: Added an Armstrong S-1224 1/2-Drive Socket", "and an Armstrong ST-1224 1/2-Drive Socket.", "12/19/2007: Added an Armstrong XX-110 1 Inch Drive Extension.", "12/15/2007: Added an Armstrong Armaloy H-110 3/4-Drive Extension.", "12/13/2007: Added an Armstrong Early 807 Single-Box Wrench.", "12/12/2007: Added an Armstrong H-20A 3/4-Drive Breaker Bar,", "an Armstrong XX-50 1 Inch Drive Ratchet,", "and an Armstrong XX-1284 1 Inch Drive Socket.", "12/11/2007: Added an Armstrong Armaloy ST-1234 1/2-Drive Socket.", "12/06/2007: Added Armstrong Armaloy H-12xx 3/4-Drive Sockets.", "12/05/2007: Added an Armstrong Armaloy H-15 3/4-Drive Socket Set.", "11/17/2007: Added an Armstrong S-110P 1/2-Drive Extension.", "11/15/2007: Added an Armstrong S-20A 1/2-Drive Breaker Bar.", "11/09/2007: Added an Armstrong 661G S-Shaped Wrench.", "10/14/2007: Added an Armstrong T-4 Specialty Wrench.", "10/09/2007: Added an Armstrong 1159-A Combination Wrench.", "09/28/2007: Updated catalog info.", "09/05/2007: Added patent dates from catalog.", "07/07/2007: Added an Armstrong XX-1264 1 Inch Drive Socket.", "07/06/2007: Added an Armstrong XX-1258 1 Inch Drive Socket.", "06/16/2007: Added an Armstrong S-15 1/2-Drive Speeder.", "06/05/2007: Added an Armstrong HA-51 3/4-Drive Ratchet", "and an Armstrong H-115 3/4-Drive Extension.", "06/04/2007: Added an Armstrong 1731-A Open-End Wrench,", "an Armstrong H-140 3/4-Drive Universal,", "and an Armstrong H-1258 3/4-Drive Socket.", "06/03/2007: Added patents.", "05/28/2007: Added an Armstrong Armaloy 4122 Flare-Nut Wrench.", "05/25/2007: Added an Armstrong S-41 1/2-Drive Breaker Bar.", "04/27/2007: Added patent table.", "04/21/2007: Added an", "Armstrong-Vanadium 1033-A Open-End Wrench.", "04/09/2007: Added an", "Armstrong X-1268 1 Inch Drive Socket.", "02/14/2007: Added an Armstrong 637 Check-Nut Wrench.", "01/05/2007: Added an Armstrong 7725 Box-End Wrench.", "01/02/2007: Added an Armstrong 1727 Open-End Wrench.", "12/20/2006: Added an Armstrong 1163 Combination Wrench", "and an Armstrong 1166 Combination Wrench.", "12/16/2006: Added an Armstrong 6725 Box-End Wrench.", "12/08/2006: Added a 2028 Obstruction Wrench.", "11/01/2006: Renumbered figures.", "10/25/2006: Added a S-50 1/2-Drive Ratchet.", "10/13/2006: Added a 7729-A Hi-Tensile Box-End Wrench.", "10/10/2006: Added a 1731 Alloy Open-End Wrench.", "10/07/2006: Added a 5037 Heavy-Duty Offset Box-End Wrench.", "10/02/2006: Added a 7731-A Box-End Wrench.", "09/29/2006: Added a M-51 9/32-Drive Ratchet.", "09/28/2006: Split into two pages,", "added a 2426 Special Box-End Wrench", "and a 8727 Offset Box-End Wrench.", "09/25/2006: Added a 1029 Open-End Wrench.", "09/23/2006: Added a F-51 3/8-Drive Ratchet.", "09/19/2006: Added a S-91 1/2-Drive Ratchet.", "09/16/2006: Added a NMA-51 1/4-Drive Ratchet.", "09/13/2006: Added a F-91 3/8-Drive Ratchet.", "09/12/2006: Added a S-115 1/2-Drive Rotating-Grip Extension.", "09/11/2006: Added a S-140 1/2-Drive Universal.", "09/10/2006: Added a FA-50 3/8-Drive Ratchet.", "09/09/2006: Added a SA-51 1/2-Drive Ratchet", "and a FA-51 3/8-Drive Ratchet.", "09/08/2006: Added a S-50 1/2-Drive Ratchet", "and a S-110 1/2-Drive Rotating-Grip Extension.", "08/20/2006: Added a S-51 1/2-Drive Ratchet.", "08/12/2006: Added a 624-A Check-Nut Wrench.", "08/05/2006: Added page, no content yet.", "Alloy Artifacts Home", "Top of This Page", "Company History", "Tool Identification", "Manufacturing Dates", "References and Resources", "Carbon Steel Tools", "Bottom of This Page", "The Armstrong-Vanadium Era", "The Chrome-Vanadium Era", "Sockets and Drive Tools", "The Armaloy Era", "Specialty Tools", "## Introduction", "### Company History", "The Armstrong Bros. Tool Company began in 1890 as a maker of bicycle parts and service tools,", "founded in Chicago, Illinois by four brothers.", "Their first manufacturing operations were conducted literally from a backyard wooden shed,", "and the brothers also operated a retail store for their bicycle parts.", "In 1895 Armstrong introduced what would become their first major product,", "a tool holder for lathe cutting bits.", "Developed from their own manufacturing operations,", "the Armstrong tool holder was a forged handle that accepted small interchangeable cutting bits,", "thereby replacing the individually forged cutting tools previously required.", "This dramatically reduced the time and expense involved in making lathe cutting tools,", "and it's fair to say that these tool holders revolutionized the industry.", "With the success of the tool holder,", "in 1900 Armstrong built their first real factory at 617 Austin Avenue in Chicago.", "This was replaced a few years later in 1905 by a 100,000 square foot brick factory", "at 317 North Francisco Avenue,", "a site they would occupy for many years.", "Up until 1909 Armstrong concentrated primarily on tool holders and related products,", "but in 1909 they started producing a line of drop-forged wrenches.", "This line of tools continued to expand over the years.", "1920 Notice for Armstrong B-20 Catalog.", "[External Link]", "By 1920 Armstrong was offering three sizes of \"Aero\" tappet wrenches made of chrome-nickel steel,", "an early example of alloy steel usage for tools", "The notice at the left,", "published on page 748 of the November, 1920 issue of Railway Mechanical Engineer,", "announces Armstrong catalog B-20 and notes the inclusion of \"Aero\" tappets among the new products.", "In 1948 the company moved from the Francisco Avenue site to 5200 West Armstrong Avenue,", "where they remain today.", "A second manufacturing facility in Fayetteville, Arkansas was added in 1974.", "In 1994 Armstrong was acquired by the Danaher Group,", "a conglomerate with other tool company holdings including Allen, K-D, Matco,", "and Moore Drop Forging.", "Armstrong operates now as the Industrial Hand Tools division of Danaher.", "More information on the history and development of Armstrong is available", "from the company's", " [External Link] web site.", "### Patents", "Armstrong was a highly innovative organization from its beginning,", "and received (or licensed) many patents over the years.", "Their early catalogs even include a list of patent dates in the front,", "a thoughtful addition that would have been more useful if the patent numbers", "had been included as well.", "Armstrong Bros.: Issued and Licensed Patents", "Patent No.InventorFiledIssuedNotes and Examples", "G. Armstrong 02/28/1893 Tool Holder", "J. Armstrong 03/12/1895 Tool Holder", "Date Noted in Catalog", "H.D. Williams et al05/28/189011/08/1898", "Levered Ratchet Drill", "H.D. Williams et al02/15/189709/25/1900", "Mechanical Movement for Ratchet Drill", "Date Noted in Catalog", "Date Noted in Catalog", "01/29/1901 Date Noted in Catalog", "J. Armstrong 1/20/1900 05/28/1901", "Tool Holder", "J. Armstrong05/29/190204/14/1903Tool Holder", "J. Armstrong03/21/190401/10/1905Process of Cutting Steel", "P. Armstrong11/15/190603/02/1909Ratchet Drill", "J. Armstrong09/18/190806/07/1910Knurling Tool", "J. Armstrong01/14/191602/06/1917Tool Holder", "07/10/1917 Date Noted in Catalog", "10/09/1917 Date Noted in Catalog", "W.S. Robinson 12/26/1916 01/01/1918 Planer-Tool Holder", "W.S. Robinson08/11/191709/03/1918Tool Holder", "J.C. Fletcher07/17/191906/15/1920Tool Holder", "J.V. Larson11/10/192205/27/1924Adjustable Wrench", "L.F. Armstrong 04/23/1925 05/11/1926 Tool Holder", "01/04/1927 Date Noted in Catalog", "S.J. Welter 09/19/1923 03/15/1927 Milling Cutter", "S.J. Welter 04/23/1925 12/20/1927 Chain Pipe Vise", "P. Armstrong11/29/192607/03/1928Pipe Wrench", "L.F. Armstrong02/17/192810/22/1929Wrench for Tool Holder", "H.A. Rhinevault10/26/193407/16/1935", "Locking Detent for Sockets", "Armstrong S-110 1/2-Drive Locking Extension", "S.J. Welter 12/07/1934 04/27/1937 Tool Holder", "H.A. Rhinevault08/22/193606/13/1939Socket Locking Device", "H.A. Rhinevault08/22/193602/13/1940C Clamp", "H.A. Rhinevault04/16/193703/19/1940", "Reversible Ratchet Wrench", "### Trademarks", "Armstrong registered a number of trademarks,", "including the well-known", "Strong-Arm logo,", "the Armstrong name,", "and \"Armaloy\",", "their trademark for alloy-steel tools.", "Armstrong Bros.: Registered Trademarks", "Description First Use Date Filed Date Issued", "Reg. No. Notes", "10/19/1910 03/31/1914", "\"Strong Arm\" logo.", "11/08/1916 02/27/1917", "Notes use on wrenches.", "05/28/1956 01/22/1957", "Used for alloy steel wrenches.", "02/26/1957 10/01/1957", "### Tool Identification", "Armstrong tools are generally clearly marked with the Armstrong name or trademarked logo,", "and so are easy to identify.", "Early tools may be marked with symbol consisting of an \"A\" within a triangle,", "referred to here as the", "A-Triangle logo.", "### Manufacturing Dates", "Armstrong is not known to have used any kind of a date code marking for its tools.", "Without such markings,", "any estimation of manufacturing dates will have to be based on other information,", "such as the design or style, patents, trademarks, finish, and so on", "Probably the most important date marker for Armstrong tools is the \"Armaloy\" trademark,", "registered with its first use in late 1946 and (presumably) marked on alloy-steel tools shortly after that.", "In this article we'll assume a manufacturing date of 1947 or later for Armaloy-marked tools.", "Another useful indication of the manufacturing date follows from the 1978 introduction", "of a new product numbering system.", "The new system assigned a five digit model number to all tools,", "with part of the number indicating a category for the tool and the", "final digits typically encoding the size.", "The new model numbers were first used in Armstrong catalog 880 of 1978,", "and that catalog includes a cross-reference table of old and new numbers.", "The following observations and events may be helpful in estimating the manufacturing date for some tools.", "Armstrong-Vanadium Marking.", "Alloy steel tools had forged-in \"Armstrong-Vanadium\" markings", "from the mid 1920s until the early 1930s", "Chrome-Vanadium Marking.", "The forged-in \"Armstrong-Vanadium\" marking was replaced by a stamped \"Chrome-Vanadium\" (or equivalent)", "marking in the early 1930s.", "However, the Armstrong catalogs from the 1930s continued to illustrate tools with \"Armstrong-Vanadium\",", "and some examples may have been marked with a stamped \"Armstrong-Vanadium\".", "These specific alloy markings are believed to have remained in use until around 1942,", "after which they were typically replaced by a generic \"Alloy Steel\" or equivalent.", "Alloy Steel Marking.", "In Catalog 39b Armstrong changed the steel specification for sockets and drive tools to \"Alloy Steel\"", "from the prior \"Chrome Vanadium Steel\".", "This was the second of the interim wartime-era catalogs and was likely published around 1944.", "It's likely that the actual tool markings were changed before the catalog publication,", "due to wartime material shortages,", "so an estimate of 1942 for the beginning of this marking is probably reasonable.", "Since Armstrong began using the \"Armaloy\" trademark for alloy tools in late 1946,", "the \"Alloy Steel\" marking likely indicates production in 1942-1946.", "Hi-Tensile Marking.", "This marking is believed to have been first used during the 1942-1945 war years to indicate", "the substitution of high tensile strength steel where a chrome vanadium alloy would normally have been used.", "Armstrong later used \"Hi-Tensile\" or \"Hi-Ten\" on some of its carbon steel tool line,", "but this usage can be distinguished by the model numbers.", "Armaloy Trademark.", "Marked on alloy steel tools, first used in late 1946.", "In use until 1980s?", "Locking Hole for Sockets.", "From the early 1930s onward Armstrong provided a single locking hole in the drive end of sockets,", "instead of recesses in the drive wall.", "The locking hole remained in production until at least the 1970s,", "but was eventually replaced by recesses on the drive end walls.", "Wide-Groove Style for Sockets.", "Sockets were made with a single wide groove at the base beginning in the late 1940s,", "replacing the earlier knurled band.", "The wide-groove style remained in use until approximately 1970.", "Narrow-Groove Style for Sockets.", "Sockets were made with a single narrow groove at the base beginning around 1970.", "Drive-End Recesses for Sockets.", "Armstrong began using recesses on the drive end of sockets sometime in the 1970s or later,", "replacing the locking holes used up to that time.", "Examples are known of narrow-groove style sockets with drive-end recesses.", "Five-Digit Model Number System.", "In 1978 Armstrong switched to a five-digit model numbering system, first published in catalog 880.", "Double-Groove Style for Sockets.", "Sockets were made with a two narrow grooves at the base beginning sometime after 1978.", "## References and Resources", "Photographs and observations of particular tools are based on items in the Alloy Artifacts collection.", "### Catalog Coverage", "Our current catalog resources are summarized in the table below.", "Armstrong Bros.: Catalog Resources", "B-20 1920 Booklet", "Lists three sizes of \"Aero\" tappet wrenches in chrome-nickel steel.", "Notice for catalog in November, 1920 issue of Railway Mechanical Engineer.", "B-23 1923 Booklet", "Lists \"Aero\" tappet wrenches in chrome-nickel steel.", "B-27 1927 Booklet", "Armstrong-Vanadium open-end and tappet wrenches available.", "Includes price update dated January 1, 1928.", "B-27A 1928 Booklet", "No sockets tools listed.", "B-35 1935 Booklet", "Includes sockets and drive tools.", "Largest socket tools in 1 inch hex drive X-Series.", "C-39 1939 Half", "Combination (\"Multitype\") wrenches offered.", "Socket tools in 9/32-drive available.", "\"Drivelock\" locking system for 1/2, 3/4, and 1 inch drive tools.", "Sockets and tools for 1 inch square drive in XX-series.", "C-39a 1942? Half", "Insert mentions War Production Board.", "Notes Army-Navy \"E\" production award.", "All socket tools specify \"Chrome-Vanadium Steel\".", "Socket tools in 9/32-drive available.", "X-series model numbers for 1 inch drive, no cross-bar hole for sockets.", "C-39b 1944? Half", "Notes Army-Navy \"E\" production award.", "All socket tools specify \"Alloy Steel\".", "Socket tools in 1/4-drive NM-series available.", "S-48 1948 Half", "Armaloy trademark in use", "57 1956 Full", "700 1961 Full", "S-91 ratchet available with round knurled handle", "700-A 1966 Full", "Sockets still with wide-groove design.", "820A 1973 Full", "S-91 ratchet with flat-sided knurled handle.", "Sockets with narrow-groove design.", "880 1978 Full", "Introduction of new 5-digit product numbering system.", "Sockets still with narrow-groove design.", "Armstrong tools were distributed by many industrial supply companies,", "and the catalogs from these suppliers may contain helpful information on Armstrong", "products.", "We'll add references to some of these as time permits.", "## Carbon Steel Tools", "Carbon steel was the dominant material for toolmaking until around the mid 1920s,", "when various alloy steels came into general use.", "### Early Production", "#### No. 2 7/16", "Toolpost Wrench", "Fig. 1A. Armstrong No. 2 7/16 Toolpost Wrench, with Inset for Reverse Detail,", "ca. 1900-1920.", "Fig. 1A shows an early Armstrong No. 2 7/16 toolpost wrench,", "marked with \"Armstrong\" forged into the shank,", "with \"No. 2\" forged into the reverse.", "The overall length is 5.0 inches,", "and the finish is plain steel.", "#### No. 5 7/8 Toolpost Wrench", "Fig. 1B. Armstrong No. 5 7/8 Toolpost Wrench, with Inset for Reverse,", "ca. Early to Mid 1920s.", "Fig. 1B shows an early Armstrong No. 5 7/8 toolpost wrench,", "stamped with \"Armstrong Bros. Tool Co.\" and \"Chicago, U.S.A.\" plus the model number on the face,", "with \"1/2 NUT\" on the reverse.", "The shank is also marked with the", "Strong-Arm logo forged into the front,", "with \"5\" forged into the reverse.", "The overall length is 8.1 inches,", "and the finish is plain steel.", "The reverse face marking is a reference to the older", "U.S.S. size convention for the 7/8 opening.", "#### 23A 3/8x7/16 Open-End Wrench", "Fig. 2A. Armstrong 23A 3/8x7/16 Open-End Wrench, with Inset for Reverse,", "ca. Early 1920s.", "Fig. 2A shows an early Armstrong 23A 3/8x7/16 open-end wrench,", "stamped \"Armstrong\" and \"Chicago, U.S.A.\" on the face,", "with the", "A-Triangle logo forged into the shank.", "The reverse faces are stamped with the opening sizes as \"1/4 CAP\" and \"3/16 CAP\",", "references to the older", "Hex Capscrew size convention.", "The overall length is 4.0 inches,", "and the finish is plain steel.", "#### 1623-C 7/16x9/16 Check-Nut Wrench", "Fig. 2. Armstrong 1623-C 7/16x1/2 Check-Nut Wrench, with Inset for Reverse, ca. Early 1920s.", "Fig. 2 shows an early Armstrong 1623-C 7/16x1/2 check-nut wrench,", "stamped \"Armstrong Bros. Tool Co.\" and \"Chicago, U.S.A.\" on the face,", "with the", "A-Triangle logo forged into the shank.", "The reverse faces are stamped with the opening sizes as \"5/16 S.A.E.\" and \"1/4 S.A.E.\",", "references to the older S.A.E. size convention.", "The overall length is 4.4 inches,", "and the finish is plain steel.", "The wrench is listed in the automotive section of the 1921 Armstrong catalog.", "#### 629C 3/4x7/8 Check-Nut Wrench", "Fig. 3. Armstrong 629C 3/4x7/8 Check-Nut Wrench, with Inset for Reverse Detail.", "Fig. 3 shows an Armstrong 629C 3/4x7/8 open-end check-nut (thin) wrench,", "marked \"Armstrong Chicago U.S.A.\" on the face,", "with a forged-in", "A-Triangle logo on the shank.", "The overall length is 6.5 inches.", "The inset shows the reverse side markings,", "with the model number \"629\" in raised letters and \"C\" stamped into the shank.", "The mix of forged-in and stamped markings probably indicates that one forged blank", "could be used to make several wrench models.", "#### 661D 5/16x3/8 S-Shaped Wrench", "Fig. 4. Armstrong 661D 5/16x3/8 S-Shaped Wrench, with Inset for Reverse Detail,", "ca. Late 1920s.", "Fig. 4 shows an Armstrong 661D 5/16x3/8 S-shaped open-end wrench,", "marked with the", "A-Triangle logo forged into the shank,", "with the model number forged into the reverse.", "The overall length is 4.0 inches,", "and the finish is plain steel.", "The Armstrong catalog lists this model for use with hex capscrew sizes 1/8 and 3/16,", "corresponding to the fractional opening sizes 5/16 and 3/8,", "as stamped on the wrench faces", "The use of A-Triangle logo with fractional size markings suggests production in the late 1920s.", "#### 807 1-1/16 Single-Box Wrench", "Fig. 5. Armstrong 807 1-1/16 Single-Box Wrench, with Inset for Reverse Detail.", "Fig. 5 shows an early Armstrong 807 1-1/16 hex single-box wrench,", "marked with the model number forged into the shank,", "and with the", "A-Triangle logo forged into the reverse.", "The overall length is 9.3 inches,", "and the finish is plain steel.", "#### 903 11/16 Single-Open Structural Wrench", "Fig. 6. Armstrong 903 11/16 Single-Open Structural Wrench, with Inset for Side View,", "ca. Early to Mid 1920s.", "Fig. 6 shows an early Armstrong 903 11/16 open-end structural wrench,", "marked with the model number and", "A-Triangle logo forged into the shank,", "and stamped \"Hardened\" on top.", "The overall length is 8.9 inches,", "although part of the pointed handle appears to have been broken off.", "(The 1923 catalog specified a length of 9.5 inches.)", "The finish is plain steel.", "The opening is stamped \"3/8 NUT\",", "a reference to the older", "U.S.S. size convention.", "The 1923 Armstrong catalog noted that this wrench was sized for \"rough nuts\",", "with the milled opening 1/32 oversize.", "### Later Carbon-Steel Tools", "Armstrong continued to produce certain tools in carbon steel models even after", "the widespread adoption of alloy steels,", "for applications where the greater strength (but higher cost) of alloy steel was not needed", "#### 31 25/32x7/8 Open-End Wrench", "Fig. 7. Armstrong 31 25/32x7/8 Open-End Wrench, with Inset for Side View.", "Fig. 7 shows an Armstrong 31 25/32x7/8 open-end wrench,", "stamped on the face with \"Armstrong\" and \"Made in U.S.A.\" with the", "Strong-Arm logo.", "The overall length is 9.4 inches,", "and the finish is gray paint with polished faces.", "#### 5B782 (Caterpillar) 9/16x5/8 Open-End Wrench", "Fig. 8. Armstrong 5B782 9/16x5/8 Open-End Wrench.", "Fig. 8 shows an Armstrong 5B782 9/16x5/8 open-end wrench,", "stamped \"Made in U.S.A.\" with the", "Strong-Arm logo on the face.", "The overall length is 6.6 inches,", "and the finish is plain steel with traces of black paint,", "Several sources have suggested that open-end wrenches in the 5B78x model series were made for Caterpillar,", "so this wrench has been provisionally identified as production for Caterpillar.", "Similar wrenches were also produced by Billings and can be seen as the", "Billings 5B784 Wrench", "Billings 5B785 Wrench.", "#### 5B786 (Caterpillar) 1-1/16x1-1/8 Open-End Wrench", "Fig. 9. Armstrong 5B786 1-1/16x1-1/8 Open-End Wrench, with Inset for Marking Detail.", "Fig. 9 shows an Armstrong 5B786 1-1/16x1-1/8 open-end wrench,", "stamped \"Made in U.S.A.\" with the", "Strong-Arm logo on the face.", "The overall length is 11.7 inches,", "and the finish is plain steel with traces of black paint,", "Several sources have suggested that open-end wrenches in the 5B78x model series were made for Caterpillar,", "so this wrench has been provisionally identified as production for Caterpillar.", "#### 624-A 7/16x9/16 Check-Nut Wrench", "Fig. 10. Armstrong 624-A 7/16x9/16 Check-Nut Wrench.", "#### 637 1-1/16x1-1/4 Check-Nut Wrench", "Fig. 11. Armstrong 637 1-1/16x1-1/4 Check-Nut Wrench.", "Fig. 11 shows a later checknut wrench,", "an Armstrong 637 1-1/16 by 1-1/4 thin open-end wrench,", "stamped on the face with \"Armstrong\" and \"Made in U.S.A.\" with the", "Strong-Arm logo.", "The overall length is 10.1 inches,", "and the finish is gray paint with polished faces.", "#### 607-A 1-1/8 Single-Open Check-Nut Wrench", "Fig. 12. Armstrong 607-A 1-1/8 Single-Open Check-Nut Wrench.", "Fig. 12 shows an Armstrong 607-A 1-1/8 single-open check-nut wrench,", "stamped \"Armstrong\" and \"Made in U.S.A.\" with the", "Strong-Arm logo on the face.", "The shank is stamped with the model number and also has a forged-in Strong-Arm logo,", "visible at the left.", "The overall length is 8.5 inches,", "and the finish is gray paint with polished faces.", "#### 661G 3/8x1/2 S-Shaped Open-End Wrench", "Fig. 13. Armstrong 661G 3/8x1/2 S-Shaped Open-End Wrench.", "Fig. 13 shows an Armstrong 661G 3/8x1/2 S-shaped open-end wrench,", "stamped on the face with \"Armstrong\" and \"Made in U.S.A.\" with the", "Strong-Arm logo.", "The overall length is 4.0 inches.", "The original finish was black paint,", "but most of the paint has been worn off.", "This wrench is listed in the catalogs as a heavy-duty model for hex-head cap screws.", "#### 204-A 3/4 Single-Open Construction Wrench", "Fig. 13B. Armstrong 204-A 3/4 Single-Open Construction Wrench, with Inset for Reverse,", "ca. Mid 1940s to 1950s.", "Fig. 13B shows an Armstrong 204-A 3/4 single-open construction wrench,", "stamped with the fractional size and model number followed by \"Hardened\" on the shank,", "and with the", "Strong-Arm logo forged into the shank.", "The reverse is marked with \"Armstrong\" and \"U.S.A.\" forged into the shank.", "The overall length is 11.4 inches,", "and the finish is plain steel.", "This model was listed in the 1948 catalog as a \"Hi-Ten\" construction wrench.", "Go To Page:", "| 1 |", "| 2 |", "| 3 |", "| 4 |", "Next >>", "Alloy Artifacts Home", "Text and Photographs Copyright © 2005-2019 Alloy Artifacts", "Site Index" ]
{ "id": "train09035", "claim_title": "Armstrong Tools", "claim_section": "History.", "claim_context": "Armstrong was founded in 1890 as the Armstrong Bros. Tool Company in Chicago, Illinois by the four Armstrong brothers." }
[ [ 7, 9, 22, 27 ], [ 7, 9, 22, 26 ], [ 7, 22, 26, 30 ], [ 6, 7, 8, 30 ], [ 6, 7, 9, 27 ], [ 7, 8, 22, 30 ], [ 6, 7, 9, 26 ], [ 7, 22, 27, 30 ], [ 6, 7, 27, 30 ], [ 6, 7, 26, 30 ], [ 7, 8, 9, 22 ], [ 6, 7, 8, 9 ] ]
The demonstration showed the robot's ability to identify and avoid oncoming people, work with another ASIMO, recognize when to recharge its battery and perform new tasks, such as carrying a tray and pushing a cart.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: ", "ASIMO by Honda | The World's Most Advanced Humanoid Robot", "", "Honda Develops Intelligence Technologies Enabling Multiple ASIMO Robots to Work Together in Coordination", "Two ASIMOs working together in coordination to deliver refreshments", "TOKYO, Dec. 11, 2007 – Honda Motor Co., Ltd. has further advanced intelligence technologies enabling its advanced humanoid robot ASIMO to act autonomously and perform uninterrupted service to office guests.", "Honda developed an intelligence technology that enhances smooth movement by enabling ASIMO to choose between stepping back and yielding the right-of-way or continuing to walk based on the predicted movement of oncoming people.", "Honda also developed a new intelligence technology related to ASIMO's ability to perform tasks such as carrying a tray and pushing a cart.", "In addition, a newly added function enables ASIMO to automatically charge its battery when its remaining battery level falls below a certain level.", "Furthermore, a new comprehensive system was developed so that multiple ASIMOs can share tasks by adjusting to the situation and work together in coordination to provide uninterrupted service.", "For example, if one ASIMO is idled while recharging, other ASIMO robots will step in and perform assigned tasks.", "Honda will begin test operations of two ASIMOs equipped with these newly developed technologies December 12, at the second floor lobby of Honda's Aoyama, Japan headquarters.", "Since introducing an all-new ASIMO in 2005, with more advanced physical and intelligence capabilities, Honda has focused its R&D efforts more on the area of intelligence technologies.", "The newly developed technologies, which enable ASIMO to operate in an environment with people and other ASIMOs, bring Honda one step closer to the development of a humanoid robot that can be put to practical use in a real world environment requiring coexistence with people.", "1.", "New function to work together", "In situations where more than one ASIMO works together, information regarding the current status of each ASIMO will be shared constantly among the multiple networked ASIMOs in order to share tasks in the most efficient manner.", "More precisely, first, the distance between the current position of each ASIMO and the site where each task needs to be performed will be calculated.", "Then, taking remaining battery levels into consideration, the most time efficient way to share tasks among the multiple ASIMOs will be determined.", "Based on this decision, each ASIMO autonomously performs its assigned tasks.", "2.", "New function to avoid oncoming people", "ASIMO identifies oncoming people through its eye camera, calculates traveling direction and speed, predicts forthcoming movements of oncoming people, and chooses the most appropriate path so that it will not block the movement of others.", "When there is not enough space, ASIMO will step back and yield the right-of-way.", "3.", "New autonomous battery charging function", "A new battery charging station was developed for ASIMO's autonomous recharging.", "When the remaining battery level falls below a certain level, ASIMO will automatically identify and walk to the closest available battery charging station and re-charge while standing.", "Honda will continue its efforts to further advance intelligence technologies with the goal to develop a robot which can be truly useful in a real world environment where coexistence with people is required.", "back to news", "Two ASIMOs working together in coordination to deliver refreshments", "Two ASIMOs working together in coordination to deliver refreshments", "ASIMO yielding the right-of-way", "ASIMO at charging station", "ASIMO at charging station", "MEDIA CONTACT", "For media inquiries,", "Eric Mauk", "(937) 644-6493", "©2019", "American Honda Motor Co. Inc." ]
{ "id": "train34077", "claim_title": "ASIMO", "claim_section": "Public appearances.", "claim_context": "Additionally, the robot visited top engineering and computer science colleges and universities across the USA as part of the ASIMO Technology Circuit Tour in an effort to encourage students to consider scientific careers. In 2004, ASIMO was inducted into the Carnegie Mellon Robot Hall of Fame. In March 2005, the robot walked the red carpet at the world premiere of the computer-animated film, \"Robots\". In June 2005, ASIMO became a feature in a show called \"Say 'Hello' to Honda's ASIMO\" at Disneyland's Innoventions attraction, which was a part of the Tomorrowland area of the park. This was the only permanent installation of ASIMO in North America until Innoventions was closed in April 2015. \n The robot first visited the United Kingdom in January 2004 for public demonstrations at the Science Museum in London. ASIMO continued on a world tour, making stops in countries such as Spain, the United Arab Emirates, Russia, South Africa and Australia. In October 2008, ASIMO greeted Prince Charles during a visit to the Miraikan Museum in Tokyo, where it performed a seven-minute step and dance routine. In a demonstration at Honda's Tokyo headquarters in 2007, the company demonstrated new intelligence technologies that enabled multiple ASIMO robots to work together." }
[ [ 11, 19 ], [ 5, 20, 21 ], [ 5, 11, 19 ], [ 11, 20, 21 ], [ 0, 20, 21 ], [ 0, 11, 19 ] ]
However, after one season, McCarthy returned to Espanola and the head coaching position.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Espanola Express announce return of Tom McCarthy as head coach | NOJHL League Site", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2017-04-10T07:00:48-05:00", "Official Site of the Northern Ontario Junior Hockey League", "Search for:", "Latest News, News Article, Top Stories", "# Espanola Express announce return of Tom McCarthy as head coach", "April 10, 2017", "ESPANOLA EXPRESS JR. A HOCKEY CLUB", "Media Update", "Release date: Monday, April 10, 2017", "Espanola Express announce return of Tom McCarthy as head coach", "ESPANOLA, Ont. – The Espanola Express of the Northern Ontario Junior Hockey League announced is pleased to announce the return of Tom McCarthy as head coach for the upcoming 2017-18 NOJHL season.", "\"We couldn't be happier to welcome Tom back home, as his 20 years coaching experience is matched by no other in the league,\" claimed Express general manager Chad Clarke.", "McCarthy returns with his wealth of knowledge and experience to Espanola to start the upcoming season.", "A coach with NHL playing experience, McCarthy played 529 games in the NHL amassing 437 points with the Minnesota North Stars and the Boston Bruins with 190 goals and 247 assists.", "He also played in both NHL Stanley Cup playoff games and NHL All-Star games as a star left winger.", "His credentials also boast being drafted No. 1 ahead of Wayne Gretzky in the OHL Priority Selection, where he went on to play two seasons with the Oshawa Generals, including a 144-point campaign in 63 outings with the Generals.", "\"Tom will once again play a very important role in the success of our organization as we owe it to our fans, sponsors and players to build a competitive team to go deep in the playoffs this upcoming season, that our great community can be proud of,\" added Clarke.", "\"We have a new approach to building our team this year and we are pleased with the results we have seen already and this is only one of the significant changes you will see this year as we revamp our image and culture from the ground up,\" stated Clarke.", "McCarthy had served as head coach four of the past five years in Espanola, helping many young student-athletes achieve their dreams and goals.", "During the 2016-17 he decided to pursue his own dreams and goals of coaching pro in Europe and moved on to coach in the pro MOL ligue in Eastern Europe.", "He has returned to Espanola to his home and family to lead the Express in the upcoming season and many more to come.", "McCarthy also led Team East to a victory over Team West as head coach at the 2013 Canadian Junior Hockey League's Prospects Games in Nova Scotia.", "NOTE: The Express will be holding only one open tryout camp this season.", "The camp will be open to any unattached player or having a permission to skate form who wished to attend and tryout for the team with birth years 1997 through 2001.", "Players can register via the team's website at or email Randy Blake at", "For more information on the Espanola Express, visit the team website at or on social media at or", "# Post navigation", "Previous PostNOJHL announces Copeland Cup – McNamara Trophy Finals scheduleNext PostNOJHL names its Eastlink 3 Stars of the week", "# NOJHL News Archives", "NOJHL News Archives", "Select Month", "August 2019 (8)", "July 2019 (5)", "June 2019 (2)", "May 2019 (10)", "April 2019 (23)", "March 2019 (76)", "February 2019 (77)", "January 2019 (70)", "December 2018 (59)", "November 2018 (82)", "October 2018 (81)", "September 2018 (73)", "August 2018 (23)", "July 2018 (1)", "June 2018 (4)", "May 2018 (7)", "April 2018 (25)", "March 2018 (79)", "February 2018 (67)", "January 2018 (72)", "December 2017 (51)", "November 2017 (71)", "October 2017 (82)", "September 2017 (80)", "August 2017 (19)", "July 2017 (2)", "June 2017 (4)", "May 2017 (18)", "April 2017 (31)", "March 2017 (71)", "February 2017 (73)", "January 2017 (71)", "December 2016 (56)", "November 2016 (78)", "October 2016 (80)", "September 2016 (74)", "August 2016 (29)", "July 2016 (7)", "June 2016 (6)", "May 2016 (29)", "April 2016 (33)", "March 2016 (67)", "February 2016 (72)", "January 2016 (75)", "December 2015 (57)", "November 2015 (74)", "October 2015 (71)", "September 2015 (67)", "August 2015 (19)", "July 2015 (7)", "June 2015 (8)", "May 2015 (29)", "April 2015 (35)", "March 2015 (71)", "February 2015 (67)", "January 2015 (55)", "December 2014 (49)", "November 2014 (56)", "October 2014 (58)", "September 2014 (45)", "August 2014 (28)", "July 2014 (19)", "June 2014 (12)", "May 2014 (14)", "April 2014 (29)", "March 2014 (67)", "February 2014 (48)", "January 2014 (44)", "December 2013 (41)", "November 2013 (44)", "October 2013 (34)", "September 2013 (40)", "August 2013 (22)", "July 2013 (13)", "June 2013 (10)", "May 2013 (14)", "April 2013 (37)", "March 2013 (49)", "February 2013 (39)", "January 2013 (43)", "December 2012 (34)", "November 2012 (31)", "October 2012 (39)", "September 2012 (23)", "August 2012 (16)" ]
{ "id": "train49780", "claim_title": "Espanola Express", "claim_section": "History.", "claim_context": "The team hired former NHL forward Tom McCarthy as its first head coach. McCarthy had previously coached the Espanola Rivermen prior to the teams disbandment. The team played its first game on September 11, 2015, losing at home 4-1 to the Rayside-Balfour Canadians before a crowd of 346. After losing the first six games in franchise history, the team picked up its first victory with a 3-2 win against the Blind River Beavers. Espanola made the playoffs in their first season just ahead of the Blind River Beavers. However, they fell to the Soo Eagles in a best-of-three series 2 games to 0. Espanola finished last in the league attendance wise, averaging only 181 fans per game. \n In August 2016, coach McCarthy announced he was taking a head coaching position with HSC Csíkszereda in the Romanian Hockey League but would also remain involved with the Express as one of the owners. Co-coach Jason Rapcewicz took over as head coach." }
[ [ 0, 17, 40 ], [ 17, 40, 131 ], [ 17, 39, 40, 131 ], [ 0, 17, 39, 40 ] ]
He assisted Dries Mertens' winning goal in the team's first game of the tournament, a 2–1 win against Algeria in Belo Horizonte.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Belgium 2-1 Algeria - BBC Sport", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2014-06-17", "Homepage", "## Accessibility links", "BBCSPORT All Sport All Sport My Sport Home Football Formula 1 Cricket Rugby U Rugby L Tennis Golf Athletics BBC Sport Home Football Formula 1 Cricket Rugby Union Rugby League Tennis Golf Athletics My Sport", "### A-Z Sports", "American Football Athletics Basketball Boxing Cricket Cycling Darts Disability Sport Football Formula 1 Gaelic Games Get Inspired", "Golf Gymnastics Horse Racing Mixed Martial Arts Motorsport Netball Olympic Sports Rugby League Rugby Union Snooker Swimming Tennis Winter Sports Full Sports A-Z", "### Events", "Winter Olympics Commonwealth Games Men's World Cup Women's World Cup", "### Around the UK", "England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland Programmes Match of the Day 5 Live Sport Sports Personality Sport on the BBC All Programmes Football FIFA World Cup Groups & Schedule Scores & Fixtures Top Scorers All Scores & Fixtures All Teams Leagues & Cups Groups & Schedule Scores & Fixtures Top Scorers FIFA World Cup Home More from Football All Scores & Fixtures All Teams Leagues & Cups Football Home TUE 17 Jun 2014World Cup - Group HBelgium2Algeria1Fellaini (70' minutes), Mertens (80' minutes)FTHT 0-1Feghouli (24' minutes pen)", "By Saj Chowdhury", "BBC Sport", "17 Jun 2014 From the section 2014 Fifa World Cup", "Media playback is not supported on this device", "Highlights: Belgium 2-1 Algeria", "Goals from Marouane Fellaini and Dries Mertens saw Belgium come from behind to beat Algeria in their World Cup Group H opener in Belo Horizonte.", "The north African side took a shock lead when Sofiane Feghouli scored from the spot after being fouled by Tottenham defender Jan Vertonghen.", "Manchester United's Fellaini, a second-half substitute, equalised with a looping header shortly after coming on.", "And Mertens scored the winner when he finished off a swift counter-attack.", "The 80th-minute strike prompted an eruption of relief from the Belgium bench, not least from coach Marc Wilmots, who had spent most of the match looking understandably pensive.", "## Match facts", "Belgium striker Romelu Lukaku failed to register a single touch in the opposition areaAlgeria ended a run of 506 minutes without a goal at the World Cup", "finalsThibaut Courtois is yet to lose a match he has played for Belgium (W11 D7) and has kept 10 clean sheets in 18 games", "His side had 65% possession but for most of the game found it difficult to penetrate an Algeria defence marshalled by former Rangers centre-half Madjid Bougherra.", "The European side, the seeded team in the group and widely tipped to do well in Brazil after an impressive qualifying campaign, fielded an imposing starting XI, with the Chelsea pair of Eden Hazard and Romelu Lukaku in attack, while Spurs' Mousa Dembele and former Chelsea man Kevin de Bruyne sat in midfield.", "Pre-tournament fifth favourites with some bookmakers, they looked anything but for 69 minutes.", "They were rocked in the 24th minute when forward Feghouli was hauled down by Vertonghen in the area as he aimed to convert Faouzi Ghoulam's cross.", "The Valencia player recovered to sidefoot a tame penalty past another Blues player Thibaut Courtois, who dived the wrong way.", "That was Algeria's first World Cup goal since 1986 - 506 minutes of football.", "Belgium's best early chances were from long distance and fell to Zenit St Petersburg's Axel Witsel, who had two efforts saved before failing to convert a header.", "## Match analysis", "\"It was a massive win for Belgium.", "My only concern is, centre-forward wise, do they have one to fire them to the semi-final?", "I'm not sure they do.\"", "The pattern changed with the Belgium substitutions.", "First to test the goal was 19-year-old Lille striker Divock Origi, who forced a brilliant low save from Rais Mbolhi.", "Gaps began to grow in a tiring Algeria defence, and a fresh Fellaini took advantage of that when he outmuscled marker Carl Medjani and flicked his effort beyond the reach of Mbolhi.", "The winner came from a move that showed off Belgium's attack at its best.", "De Bruyne tackled Feghouli in his own half and when the ball found its way to Hazard on the left, the PFA young player of the year sped down the wing and fed Mertens, who slammed his shot high into the net.", "Belgium almost grabbed a third through Fellaini, but Mbolhi produced another good save from point-blank range.", "Belgium coach Marc Wilmots:", "\"It was a tough match but we were patient throughout and at the end we were rewarded.", "\"We stayed calm after doing a small mistake in the first half.", "We got a new momentum.", "We saw that Algeria were getting more and more tired.", "At half-time people were a bit down, but I said 'don't worry, we will score and we will change totally the match'.\"", "Algeria coach Vahid Halilhodzic:", "\"It's a major disappointment.", "I would have liked to have a couple of tougher and more resilient players to resist their attacks but I don't have much of a choice.", "\"We missed a great opportunity here.", "But in the second half it was a bit tough.", "We left too much space to the Belgian team and the two goals scored against us were to be expected.\"", "Tottenham defender Vertonghen protested against the card and penalty decision in Estadio Mineirao", "Feghouli ended Algeria's barren World Cup run in the 24th minute", "Belgium supporters packed an arena in Antwerp to watch the match unfold on a big screem", "Fellaini scored Belgium's first goal at a World Cup since they were last in the competition in 2002", "Match-winner Mertens scored 11 goals for Napoli last seasonLine-upsMatch StatsLive Text", "## Line-ups", "### Belgium", "1Courtois2Alderweireld5VertonghenBooked at 24mins19DembéléSubstituted forFellainiat 65'minutes15van Buyten4Kompany7De Bruyne6Witsel9LukakuSubstituted forOrigiat 58'minutes22ChadliSubstituted forMertensat 45'minutes10E Hazard", "#### Substitutes", "3Vermaelen8Fellaini11Mirallas12Mignolet13Bossut14Mertens16Defour17Origi18Lombaerts20Januzaj21Vanden Borre23Ciman", "### Algeria", "23M'Bolhi22Mostefa3Ghoulam12MedjaniSubstituted forGhilasat", "84'minutes2Bougherra5Halliche10Feghouli19Taïder15SoudaniSubstituted forSlimaniat", "66'minutes14BentalebBooked at 33mins21MahrezSubstituted forLacenat", "71'minutes", "#### Substitutes", "1Mohamed4Belkalem6Mesbah7Yebda8Lacen9Ghilas11Brahimi13Slimani16Zemmamouche17Cadamuro18Djabou20MandiReferee:Marco RodríguezAttendance:56,800", "## Match Stats", "Home TeamBelgiumAway TeamAlgeriaPossessionHome67%Away33%ShotsHome17Away3Shots on TargetHome8Away1CornersHome7Away2FoulsHome20Away18", "## Live Text", "Posted at", "Match ends, Belgium 2, Algeria 1.", "### Full Time", "Posted at 90'+4'", "Second Half ends, Belgium 2, Algeria 1.", "Posted at 90'+3'", "Foul by Axel Witsel (Belgium).", "Posted at 90'+3'", "Faouzi Ghoulam (Algeria) wins a free kick in the defensive half.", "Posted at 90'+2'", "Corner, Belgium.", "Conceded by Faouzi Ghoulam.", "Posted at 90'+1'", "Axel Witsel (Belgium) wins a free kick in the defensive half.", "Posted at 90'+1'", "Foul by Nabil Ghilas (Algeria).", "Posted at 90'+1'", "Foul by Eden Hazard (Belgium).", "Posted at 90'+1'", "Mehdi Mostefa (Algeria) wins a free kick in the defensive half.", "Posted at 90'", "Axel Witsel (Belgium) wins a free kick in the defensive half.", "Posted at 90'", "Foul by Saphir Taïder (Algeria).", "Posted at 89'", "Foul by Divock Origi (Belgium).", "Posted at 89'", "Madjid Bougherra (Algeria) wins a free kick in the defensive half.", "Posted at 88'", "Offside, Belgium.", "Vincent Kompany tries a through ball, but Marouane Fellaini is caught offside.", "Posted at 86'", "Foul by Dries Mertens (Belgium).", "Posted at 86'", "Saphir Taïder (Algeria) wins a free kick in the defensive half.", "Posted at 85'", "Eden Hazard (Belgium) wins a free kick on the left wing.", "Posted at 85'", "Foul by Nabil Bentaleb (Algeria).", "### Substitution", "Posted at 84'", "Substitution, Algeria.", "Nabil Ghilas replaces Carl Medjani.", "Posted at 84'", "Corner, Belgium.", "Conceded by Rais M'Bolhi.", "Posted at 84'", "Attempt saved.", "Marouane Fellaini (Belgium) header from the centre of the box is saved in the top left corner.", "Assisted by Toby Alderweireld with a cross.", "Posted at 82'", "Eden Hazard (Belgium) wins a free kick on the left wing.", "Posted at 82'", "Foul by Mehdi Mostefa (Algeria).", "### Goal!", "Posted at 80'", "Goal!", "Belgium 2, Algeria 1.", "Dries Mertens (Belgium) right footed shot from the right side of the box to the top right corner.", "Assisted by Eden Hazard following a fast break.", "Posted at 79'", "Foul by Dries Mertens (Belgium).", "Posted at 79'", "Mehdi Lacen (Algeria) wins a free kick in the defensive half.", "Posted at 78'", "Attempt blocked.", "Kevin De Bruyne (Belgium) left footed shot from outside the box is blocked.", "Assisted by Eden Hazard.", "Posted at 76'", "Foul by Marouane Fellaini (Belgium).", "Posted at 76'", "Carl Medjani (Algeria) wins a free kick in the defensive half.", "Posted at 75'", "Offside, Belgium.", "Kevin De Bruyne tries a through ball, but Marouane Fellaini is caught offside.", "Posted at 73'", "Attempt missed.", "Daniel van Buyten (Belgium) header from the centre of the box is too high.", "Assisted by Dries Mertens with a cross following a corner.", "Posted at 73'", "Corner, Belgium.", "Conceded by Rafik Halliche.", "Posted at 72'", "Jan Vertonghen (Belgium) wins a free kick in the defensive half.", "Posted at 72'", "Foul by Islam Slimani (Algeria).", "### Substitution", "Posted at 71'", "Substitution, Algeria.", "Mehdi Lacen replaces Riyad Mahrez.", "### Goal!", "Posted at 70'", "Goal!", "Belgium 1, Algeria 1.", "Marouane Fellaini (Belgium) header from the centre of the box to the top right corner.", "Assisted by Kevin De Bruyne with a cross.", "Posted at 67'", "Corner, Belgium.", "Conceded by Rafik Halliche.", "Posted at 66'", "Attempt saved.", "Divock Origi (Belgium) right footed shot from outside the box is saved in the bottom left corner.", "Assisted by Jan Vertonghen with a headed pass.", "### Substitution", "Posted at 66'", "Substitution, Algeria.", "Islam Slimani replaces Soudani.", "Posted at 66'", "Attempt missed.", "Jan Vertonghen (Belgium) left footed shot from the left side of the box misses to the left.", "Assisted by Kevin De Bruyne.", "## Find out more", "### 2014 World Cup groups & schedule", "Read more on 2014 World Cup groups & schedule", "### 2014 World Cup - BBC Features & Video", "Read more on 2014 World Cup - BBC Features & Video", "### Fifa World Cup", "Read more on Fifa World Cup", "## Scores, Results & Fixtures", "### Tuesday 17th June 2014", "#### Group A", "#### Group H", "BelgiumBelgium2AlgeriaAlgeria1FTRussiaRussia1South KoreaSouth Korea1FT", "## As It Stood", "## A", "TeamPWDLFAGDPts1Brazil211031242Mexico211010143Cameroon100101-104Croatia100113-20", "## B", "TeamPWDLFAGDPts1Netherlands110051432Chile110031233Australia100113-204Spain100115-40", "## C", "TeamPWDLFAGDPts1Colombia110030332Ivory Coast110021133Japan100112-104Greece100103-30", "## D", "TeamPWDLFAGDPts1Costa Rica110031232Italy110021133England100112-104Uruguay100113-20", "## E", "TeamPWDLFAGDPts1France110030332Switzerland110021133Ecuador100112-104Honduras100103-30", "## F", "TeamPWDLFAGDPts1Argentina110021132Iran101000013Nigeria101000014Bos-Herze100112-10", "## G", "TeamPWDLFAGDPts1Germany110040432USA110021133Ghana100112-104Portugal100104-40", "## H", "TeamPWDLFAGDPts1Belgium110021132Russia000000003South Korea000000004Algeria100112-10", "## Top Stories", "### 'It feels like the Ashes are gone'", "23 Aug From the section Cricket Read more on 'It feels like the Ashes are gone'", "### Bury owner Dale says club has been sold", "24 Aug From the section Football Read more on Bury owner Dale says club has been sold", "### Villa win for first points of season", "23 Aug From the section Football Read more on Villa win for first points of season", "## Related to this story", "### Watch highlights from the first round of group matches", "20 Jun 2014 From the section 2014 Fifa World Cup Read more on 2014 Fifa World Cup: Highlights from first round of group matches", "### Belgium v Algeria - watch again (UK only)", "23 May 2014 From the section 2014 Fifa World Cup Read more on World Cup 2014: Belgium v Algeria", "### How Belgium built their golden generation", "16 Jun 2014 From the section 2014 Fifa World Cup Read more on World Cup 2014: How Belgium built their golden generation", "### Lawro's World Cup predictions", "22 Jun 2014 From the section 2014 Fifa World Cup Read more on World Cup 2014: Lawro's predictions - second group games", "### Today at the World Cup: Day six", "16 Jun 2014 From the section 2014 Fifa World Cup Read more on World Cup 2014: Today at the tournament - day six", "### Guide to World Cup Group H", "23 May 2014 From the section 2014 Fifa World Cup Read more on 2014 Fifa World Cup: Guide to Belgium's Group H", "## Get Inspired", "Find ways to get active", "How to get involved in just about any sport or activity", "Find a club, activity or sport near you", "Back to top" ]
{ "id": "train12453", "claim_title": "Eden Hazard", "claim_section": "International career.:2014 World Cup and Euro 2016.", "claim_context": "Hazard made nine appearances in the \"Red Devils'\" successful 2014 World Cup qualification campaign, scoring twice. The first of these came on 22 March against the Republic of Macedonia at the Philip II Arena, converting a penalty to conclude a 2–0 win after being fouled by Aleksandar Lazevski. Three days later in the reverse fixture, he beat two defenders before scoring the only goal of the game. \n On 13 May 2014, Hazard was named in Belgium's squad for the 2014 FIFA World Cup." }
[ [ 34 ] ]
Ultimately, in a shock result, Labor came up just one seat short of the 36-seat swing it needed to win back government in its own right, and was able to form a minority government with the support of independent Peter Wellington.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Queensland election: State wakes to new political landscape", "(meta data) AUTHOR: Amy Remeikis", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2015-02-01T12:22:14+1000", "26 captures", "03 Feb 2015 - 06 Oct 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "The Internet Archive discovers and captures web pages through many different web crawls.", "At any given time several distinct crawls are running, some for months, and some every day or longer.", "View the web archive through the Wayback Machine.", "Collection: Wide Crawl Number 14 - Started Mar 4th, 2016 - Ended Sep 15th, 2016", "The seed for Wide00014 was:- Slash pages from every domain on the web:-- a list of domains using Survey crawl seeds-- a list of domains using Wide00012 web graph-- a list of domains using Wide00013 web graph- Top ranked pages (up to a max of 100) from every linked-to domain using the Wide00012 inter-domain navigational link graph-- a ranking of all URLs that have more than one incoming inter-domain link (rank was determined by number of incoming links using Wide00012 inter domain links)-- up to a maximum of 100 most highly ranked URLs per domain The seed list contains a total of 431,055,452 URLsThe seed list was further filtered to exclude known porn, and link farm,", "domainsThe modified seed list contains a total of 428M URLs", "The Wayback Machine -", "Skip to navigation", "Skip to content", "Skip to footer", "View text version of this page", "Help using this website - Accessibility statement", "Brisbane Times", "## Queensland", "Sign-up", "### Become a Brisbane Times member today", "Join today and you can easily save your favourite articles, join in the conversation and comment, plus select which news your want direct to your inbox.", "Create your account now!", "126 comments", "# Queensland election: State wakes to new political landscape", "February 1 2015", "##### Amy Remeikis", "A new political landscape will greet Queensland, with Labor set to take back power after just three years.", "Three seats, Mansfield, Maryborough and Whitsunday remained undecided on Saturday night, but Labor was expected to pick up enough to form a majority government.", "Labor leader Annastacia Palaszczuk walks out of the political darkness, and into the spotlight as likely new Premier.", "Photo: Robert Shakespeare", "Even if Labor falls short, it is likely to have support of both Katter Australia Party and independent Peter Wellington in a hung parliament.", "It was a result no George Street player had predicted, with even Labor insiders conceding a win was almost impossible at the outset of the campaign.", "LNP members quickly dubbed Annastacia Palaszczuk the \"accidental Premier\", noting that not even federal leader Bill Shorten had expected the Inala MP to pull off what has become a political comeback for the history books.", "While the LNP looks back at what went wrong, with many pointing to federal issues, potentially signalling the end of Tony Abbott's prime ministership, Labor, which campaigned on a \"no asset sales\" and \"united Queensland\" platform, which was light on policy detail, was looking forward.", "\"One thing is for sure, we won't be moving into the Executive Building within hours of the result,\" one source said.", "\"You may have noticed that she [Ms Palaszczuk] said grace, dignity and humility a bit during the campaign.", "I think she is on notice that we will have to follow that.", "We've seen what happens.\"", "Given the shock result, cabinet positions are still unsure, with Ms Palaszczuk now bound by her promise to reduce the ministry from 19 to 14 spots.", "LNP government decisions will now come under review, potentially placing some projects, like Queen's Wharf, in doubt, but Labor insiders were keen to push that no decisions had been made yet.", "State sanctioned ceremonies for same-sex couples are expected to be reinstated, while acting head of the Crime and Corruption Commission, Ken Levy, has been put on notice.", "Beyond that, Labor will have to walk a tightrope, between their promise to be economically responsible and maintain the LNP's fiscal spending, and improve frontline services, without off-loading the state's assets.", "Having run a campaign on \"modest\" campaign promises, many are now wondering how Labor will pull it off, without increasing the state's debt.", "They have committed to consolidating the state's power assets with no forced redundancies, something which was investigated under the Bligh Government, but ultimately discarded.", "\"It's going to be tough and we will be feeling our way forward,\" one Labor staffer, who didn't want to be named said.", "\"But I think we all know we have to just keep talking to people.", "A lot of mistakes were made during the last government that we can learn from.\"", "Ms Palaszczuk, speaking to \"true believers\" in Richlands, part of a move to take Labor back to its roots, said she wanted to \"put the past three years behind us\".", "\"Who would have thought three years ago, we would have been making history tonight,\" she said.", "Given the disbelief from the LNP camp, certainly no one from that side of the fence believed they would be relegated to a one-term wonder.", "\"We have a lot of thinking to do,\" one said.", "\"A lot.\"", "## 126 comments", "Comments are now closed", "Sort comments by", "## HuffPost Australia", "### Kelly Slater Just Sold His Artificial ...", "External link", "### 7 Ways To Move More Without Even Trying", "External link", "## Most Popular", "### Hiker who survived on sultanas ...", "This article contains a video", "Add to your clippings", "### Qld set to enter new era in renewable ...", "This article contains a video", "Add to your clippings", "### Trad cleared of contempt over c-word ...", "Add to your clippings", "### The three words Alyssa told her dad ...", "Add to your clippings", "### Youth lock-up rate in Qld surprises US ...", "Add to your clippings", "## Follow Brisbane Times" ]
{ "id": "train04771", "claim_title": "Campbell Newman", "claim_section": "Premier.:2015 Election.", "claim_context": "On 5 January 2015, media organisations reported that Newman intended to announce the election date the next day. On 6 January, Newman confirmed on Twitter that he had visited acting governor Tim Carmody and writs had been issued for an election on 31 January. During the election campaign there was speculation that Newman, sitting on a two-party margin of 5.7 points in his seat of Ashgrove, was at risk of being rolled in his own seat, drawing into question his ability to remain as Premier even if the LNP won another term. \n At the election Newman lost Ashgrove to his Labor predecessor, Kate Jones, on a swing of nearly 10 points. With his defeat in Ashgrove beyond doubt even though counting had not been finalised, Newman announced his retirement from politics on election night. He immediately resigned as both premier and LNP leader, though he remained as caretaker premier for nearly two weeks while the overall result was in doubt. Newman was the second sitting Queensland premier to lose his own seat, the first being Digby Denham." }
[ [ 19, 20, 21, 22 ], [ 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 ] ]
The events diverge here with McMillan claiming the officer grabbed her breast and in return, she elbowed the police officer in the eye, although she claims to have no memory of the incident.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Protester Says She Doesn't Recall Hitting Officer With Elbow -", "(meta data) AUTHOR:", "17 captures", "01 May 2014 - 07 Aug 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "The Internet Archive discovers and captures web pages through many different web crawls.", "At any given time several distinct crawls are running, some for months, and some every day or longer.", "View the web archive through the Wayback Machine.", "Collection: International News Crawls", "Crawls of International News Sites", "The Wayback Machine -", "###### N.Y. / Region|Protester Says She Doesn't Recall Hitting Officer With Elbow", "search sponsored by", "### N.Y. / Region", "# Protester Says She Doesn't Recall Hitting Officer With Elbow", "Cecily McMillan, 25, is charged with assaulting a police officer during an Occupy Wall Street rally at Zuccotti Park in 2012.", "Anthony Lanzilote for The New York Times", "Cecily McMillan, the Occupy Wall Street protester charged with assaulting a New York City police officer, testified on Wednesday that she has no recollection of blackening the officer's eye with her elbow.", "Having watched a video of the episode, though, she does not deny doing it.", "\"As I have no memory of my elbow coming into contact with the officer's face,\" she said, \"I've watched it hundreds of times trying to make sense of what happened.\"", "On this ninth day of testimony, Ms. McMillan, 25, stood by her claim that she reacted during a clearing out of Zuccotti Park on March 17, 2012, after Officer Grantley Bovell grabbed her breast.", "\"All of the sudden I feel somebody grab me from behind, from my right breast, and pull me backward,\" she said.", "\"I was lifted in the air and then I felt my face slammed to the ground.\"", "Ms. McMillan said she had spent that St. Patrick's Day on a pub crawl with a visiting friend.", "They took a cab to Zuccotti Park in the hopes of finding another friend, and a less crowded Lower Manhattan bar.", "The friend, Lara Wasserman, an opera singer, testified Wednesday that she and Ms. McMillan each had about seven beers in the four hours before the incident.", "When asked by a defense lawyer, Martin R. Stolar, if that was excessive, Ms. Wasserman said, \"No, we went to school in Wisconsin.\"", "Closing arguments are expected to begin Friday.", "Ms. McMillan, a labor organizer who faces seven years in prison if convicted, expressed remorse.", "\"I'm really sorry that officer got hurt,\" she said.", "\"People are doing their jobs; stuff happens.\"", "She added that part of what drew her to the protests at Zuccotti Park was the hope of pushing the city to negotiate better contracts for its police officers.", "On cross-examination, Assistant District Attorney Erin Choi hammered on records of Ms. McMillan's medical examinations from the days right after her arrest.", "None specified that her breast was groped.", "\"It says I was abused,\" Ms. McMillan said.", "\"But it does not say specifically my breast.\"", "Earlier, Officer Bovell testified that he put his hand on Ms. McMillan's shoulder to steer her out of the park after she refused a command to leave from a second officer.", "He also admitted to being suspended for several days by the Police Department for fixing traffic tickets in 2010.", "An onlooker's video of the episode appeared to show Ms. McMillan elbow Officer Bovell's face, run several steps, and get tackled by several officers.", "Of the thousands of people arrested at Occupy Wall Street, she is just one of a few who opted for a trial.", "She did so, she has said, because accepting the state's plea deal to avoid jail would have put a felony on her record.", "Ms. McMillan said while her memories of that day — the six-month anniversary of Occupy Wall Street — are just \"visceral blurs,\" her interpretation of the video was that Officer Bovell grabbed her \"forcefully from behind\" and caused her knees to buckle just before she struck backward.", "\"I was a cheerleader; I know how to jump,\" she said.", "\"But I'm a completely nonviolent activist and I've been through extensive training to make sure that no part of my body could ever be used to hurt others.\"", "## Site Index" ]
{ "id": "train29891", "claim_title": "Cecily McMillan", "claim_section": "Zuccotti Park arrest.", "claim_context": "On March 17, 2012, McMillan was celebrating St. Patrick's Day with friends in Lower Manhattan when she went to Zuccotti Park to meet up with more friends. On that day, hundreds of people were in the park commemorating the six-month anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Police officers announced that the park was closed and that anyone remaining inside would be charged with trespassing, and later began clearing out the remaining protestors. According to the police, McMillan was asked to leave the park, but refused to leave. The officer later placed a hand on her shoulder to lead her out." }
[ [] ]
Similarly, in the 2018 QS Top 50 Under 50 index of universities founded less than 50 years ago, UTS ranked 8th in the world and 1st in Australia.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: QS University Rankings: Top 50 Under 50 2018 | Top Universities", "38 captures", "20 Jul 2017 - 16 Oct 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Collection: Twitter Outlinks", "This is a Collection of URLs (and Outlinked URLs) extracted from a random feed of 1% of all Tweets.", "The Wayback Machine -", "## You are here", "Home > QS University Rankings: Top 50 Under 50 2018", "Join us free", "Who Rules?", "Discover the fastest-rising stars of the higher education world founded less than 50 years ago, with the", "# QS Top 50 Under 50 2018", "Top 10 2018", "First published in 2012, the QS Top 50 Under 50 celebrates the world's leading young universities.", "It is published annually, based on the latest edition of the QS World University Rankings®, and since 2015 has doubled its range to include the Next 50 Under 50.", "For the fourth year running, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore is the best young university in the world.", "This year, NTU also became the highest-ranked university in its country, overtaking the National University of Singapore for the first time ever.", "This year's ranking includes universities from 25 different countries.", "Want to share your thoughts on this year's ranking?", "Has this helped you make your mind up about where to apply?", "Tweet us @TopUnis and let us know!", "In partnership with:", "Discover the fastest-rising stars of the higher education world founded less than 50 years ago, with the QS Top 50 Under 50 2018.", "First published in 2012, the QS Top 50 Under 50 celebrates the world's leading young universities.", "It is published annually, based on the latest edition of the QS World University Rankings® 2018, and since 2015 has doubled its range to include the Next 50 Under 50.", "For the fourth year running, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore is the best young university in the world.", "This year, NTU also became the highest-ranked university in its country, overtaking the National University of Singapore for the first time ever.", "This year's ranking includes universities from 25 different countries.", "Want to share your thoughts on this year's ranking?", "Has this helped you make your mind up about where to apply?", "Tweet us @TopUnis and let us know!", "Top 10 universities 2018", "In partnership with:", "Filter, sort and search:", "By location", "By location", "QS StarsTM rated universities only", "University Rankings", "Rankings Indicators", "Read more about", "# RANK", "QS Stars is distinct from rankings.", "So far, 150 universities in over 35 countries have been rated in up to 12 categories.", "Click the QS Stars for detailed results", "COUNTRY GUIDE", "By location", "Rated only", "Compare Clear all", "Refine:", "By location", "#### Related content", "Top Young Universities in Australia", "Read about the top young Universities in Australia, based on the QS Top 50 Under 50 2016-2017.", "Top 10 Universities in Europe Under 50 Years Old", "Discover the top 10 universities in Europe under 50 years old, based on the results of the QS Top 50 Under 50 2016-2017.", "Asia's Top Young Universities: NTU vs HKUST", "Compare Asia's top young universities: Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST).", "In partnership with:", "## Want more detail?", "Get indepth info", "#### Get free updates", "Sign up to our monthly newsletter to receive regular content highlights direct to your inbox.", "Sign up now!" ]
{ "id": "train05574", "claim_title": "University of Technology Sydney", "claim_section": "Academics.:Rankings.", "claim_context": "The 2020 QS World University Rankings ranked UTS 9th in Australia and 140th in the world. UTS is ranked 9th in Australia and 196th internationally by the 2019 Times Higher Education World University Rankings. UTS is ranked 122nd (second in Australia) in the 2017 CWTS Leiden ranking. The university is ranked in the 301st–400th bracket in the 2017 Academic Ranking of World Universities. \n UTS ranked 1st in Australia and 15th globally in the 2017 \"Times Higher Education\" top 150 universities 150 Under 50 Rankings." }
[ [] ]
The objective of this part is to get 3 numbers or symbols in a row for a jackpot.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Pachinko - the most popular slot machines in Japan", "(meta data) AUTHOR: Rick Slot", "(meta data) PUBLISHER: https//", "(meta data) COPYRIGHT: | All rights reserved.", "26 Apr, read", "# Pachinko – the most popular slot machines in Japan", "Pachinko is a century-old kind of recreational gambling, originating from Japan.", "Resembling a mixture of mechanical pinball and slot machines or freeslots, pachinko or pachislots is widespread as a national leisure on the Japanese islands.", "Playing the Pachinko game online has been known to be a tolerable exception to Japanese gambling-prohibiting laws.", "## Rules", "The rules of the game are quite simple – on the playing field, a small steel ball or a pack of balls has to make its way, falling vertically through a series of barriers, flappers and wind tunnels.", "The player can control it to an extent but much is left to chance.", "There are hundreds and thousands of variations available to the gamblers.", "Online pachinko implements series of intentional obstacles that are put into an interactive environment that can include video or animation.", "## Pachinko Parlors", "The pachinko parlors scattered throughout Japan are seldom empty – operating mostly 24/7, these venues allow smoking and beverages right at the table.", "Some legal tension is rising on the matter of smoking in such parlors but so far it has not been enforced and the crowds are drawn to it.", "The pachinko slot machines are known for being rewarding, and even though, Japan forbids gambling for cash, the prize tokens that you get from the payout can be exchanged for real funds in a separate designated places.", "Pay back percentages often go as high as 160% – which is among the biggest reason for the game's popularity over the last century.", "### Leave your opinion about \"Pachinko – the most popular slot machines in Japan\" Cancel reply", "Name*", "E-mail* Your e-mail address will not be published.", "#### Other articles you might enjoy", "Read more", "Push Gaming Joins The SoftSwiss Platform", "Read more", "Gameburger Studios Entry Into The Online Microgaming Family", "Read more", "GentingBet Has Officially Signed On With Software Developer Play'n GO", "Read more", "Relic Seekers Becomes The New Treasure Hunting Slot From Microgaming", "Read more", "High 5 Games Succeeds In New Content Agreement With 888 Casino", "Get our content delivered to your inbox", "Your e", "mail", "Thank you for submission!", "Your submission is received and we will contact you soon.", "Back to main", "Thank you for contacting us!", "We will get back to you soon!", "Thank you for subscribing!", "We are so glad to be with you! <3", "You've been successfully added to our mailing list and will hear from us soon.", "What is the ISSUE?", "Demo broken", "Wrong Demo", "Annoying pop-ups in demo", "Incorrect game info", "Please explain:", "Stay updated!", "Free Bonus offers and Casino news in your inbox monthly!", "Enter email", "Unfortunately, US players will not be able to register on any online casino through Slotozilla website.", "We use cookies as set out in our privacy policy.", "By clicking on this pop up, you agree to our policies.", "Add Home Screen" ]
{ "id": "train28157", "claim_title": "Pachinko", "claim_section": "Mechanism.", "claim_context": "To play pachinko, players get a number of metal balls by inserting cash or cards directly into the machine they want to use. These balls are then shot into the machine usually via pulling a lever once for each launch from a ball tray. The balls then fall vertically through an array of pins, levers, cups, traps and various obstacles until they reach the bottom of the machine screen. \n The player has a chance to get more balls to play with if one of the launched balls hits a certain place during the fall through the Pachinko machine. Having more balls is considered a benefit because it allows the player to remain in the game longer and ultimately have a larger winning chance. Newer machines have a digital slot machine on a large screen in the center of the system." }
[ [ 41, 46, 54 ], [ 37, 41, 46 ], [ 37, 41, 43, 46 ], [ 41, 43, 46, 54 ] ]
In mid-April, 500 migrants continued northward from Mexico City—the caravan's last official stop—toward Tijuana, in separate groups riding atop freight train cars.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Migrant caravan in Mexico that irked Donald Trump resumes journey to US border - CBS News", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "# CBS News Logo", "CBS Evening News", "CBS This Morning", "48 Hours", "60 Minutes", "Sunday Morning", "Face The Nation", "Watch Live", "CBSN Originals", "CBSN On Assignment", "In Depth", "Log In", "Trending Videos CBSN Live »", "#### CBSN", "### 3 different perspectives on migrant caravan story", "#### CBS This Morning", "### Will Trump's campaign help save GOP majority?", "#### 60 Minutes Overtime", "### The explosive force of AR-15 style rifles", "#### CBS This Morning", "### Accusations in fiery Georgia governor's race", "#### CBS This Morning", "### Political ads flood Florida airwaves", "#### CBS This Morning", "### Missouri Senate race locked tight, polls show", "#### CBS This Morning", "### What voters care about ahead of midterms", "#### CBS This Morning", "### Iran remains defiant as US sanctions kick in", "#### CBS This Morning", "### Barbed wire fences at U.S. border installed", "#### CBS This Morning", "### Child with AFM receives one-of-a-kind surgery", "#### CBSN", "### Community mourns Girl Scouts killed by hit-and-run...", "April 19, 2018, 6:51 AM", "# Remnants of migrant caravan resume trek to U.S. border", "MEXICO CITY --", "The remnants of a migrant caravan of Central Americans that angered President Donald Trump continued their journey north through Mexico toward the U.S. border Wednesday.", "Organizer Irineo Mujica, speaking from the western Mexico city of Guadalajara, said about 500 migrants had been riding trains north since departing Mexico City last weekend.", "The caravan that left the Guatemala-Mexico border in late March grew to more than 1,000 migrants who found safety travelling in numbers.", "In Mexico City, Mujica had said the capital was the caravan's last official stop, but many of the migrants feared going solo on the dangerous final leg north and decided to keep travelling en masse.", "Some who had split off to press on alone reported back about kidnappings and having their papers for safe passage torn up.", "\"That caused the group to regroup,\" he said.", "Mujica said they were headed for Tijuana, where about half planned to go to the border to request asylum in the U.S.", "Mr. Trump had railed against the caravan, even threatening the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement if Mexico did not stop its progress.", "The majority were Hondurans fleeing gang violence and the instability that followed the contested re-election of President Juan Orlando Hernandez.", "Mr. Trump also threatened U.S. aid to Honduras in a tweet and announced that he was calling for a deployment of the National Guard to the border.", "When the caravan shrank, Mr. Trump struck a more conciliatory tone crediting the Mexican government's enforcement of immigration laws.", "For the most part, Mexican authorities issued transit papers to those migrants who wished to request asylum in the U.S. and started paperwork for those who wanted to stay in Mexico.", "The caravan is an annual, symbolic event held around Easter each year to raise awareness about the plight of migrants.", "It historically does not go all the way to the border and that was not the original plan this year, Mujica said.", "Central American migrants, moving in a caravan through Mexico, wait next to a railway line before embarking on a new leg of their travels, in Tlaquepaque, in Jalisco state, Mexico April 18, 2018.", "© 2018 The Associated Press.", "All Rights Reserved.", "This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.", "## Featured in World", "### Making his mark: Lisbon street artist Vhils", "Instead of a paintbrush, Alexandre Farto uses drills and jackhammers to create large-scale public art that exposes layers of a city's history.", "Once seen as a vandal known by his tag, Vhils, he has fueled the flourishing street art scene in his native Lisbon, Portugal, where murals have added a colorful touch to the otherwise overlooked or mundane, and he has transformed buildings in cities around the world by exposing layers of history.", "Seth Doane reports.", "### Experimental vaccine shows promise against world's deadliest infectious disease", "Researchers say a new vaccine might prevent half of full-blown illnesses in infected people who receive the shot", "## Popular", "## CBSN Live", "## Popular On CBS News", "#### Newlyweds killed in helicopter crash shortly after wedding", "#### Teen killed mom, buried her in church fire pit after arguing over bad grade", "#### Jewish nurse who treated Pittsburgh synagogue shooter opens up", "#### High school band spells out racial slur with instrument covers during half-time show", "#### Yoga student hailed as hero after fighting gunman who killed 2 women", "## Latest From \"60 Minutes\"", "#### Why do mass shooters choose the AR-15 style rifle?", "#### Riding the waves of Nazaré with Garrett McNamara", "#### The Senate race predicting America's future", "#### Whistleblower says bishop allowed problem priests to stay on job", "#### The final phase of America's war on ISIS", "#### The new maestro of the New York Philharmonic", "#### Tracing family trees to catch killers", "#### Why has the NYC subway gone off the rails?", "#### Hunting with eagles in Mongolia", "#### Paul Allen: \"60 Minutes\" interview", "### Will Trump's campaign help save GOP majority?", "### The explosive force of AR-15 style rifles", "### Accusations in fiery Georgia governor's race", "### Political ads flood Florida airwaves", "### Missouri Senate race locked tight, polls show", "## Popular On CBS News", "#### Newlyweds killed in helicopter crash shortly after wedding", "#### Teen killed mom, buried her in church fire pit after arguing over bad grade", "#### Jewish nurse who treated Pittsburgh synagogue shooter opens up", "#### High school band spells out racial slur with instrument covers during half-time show", "#### Yoga student hailed as hero after fighting gunman who killed 2 women", "### How liberal or conservative is your state?", "### Street artist Vhils' chiseled portraits", "### Notable deaths in 2018", "### Flooding in Venice", "### New on Netflix, Hulu and Amazon", "## Latest From CBS News", "#### Anti-Semitic crime in New York \"spiked\" ahead of Pittsburgh synagogue massacre", "#### Trial underway for father whose baby \"died of diaper rash\"", "#### Andrew Lincoln to lead 3 \"Walking Dead\" movies", "#### NFL player announces wife's pregnancy with twins in heartwarming celebration", "#### En Tiempo Real: Inicia juicio contra \"El Chapo\" en Nueva York", "#### Todo En Uno: Caravana migrante llega a la Cuidad de Mexico", "## CBS News on Carplay" ]
{ "id": "train31318", "claim_title": "Central American migrant caravans", "claim_section": "History.", "claim_context": "Drought and crop failure in the Central American dry corridor and Climate change in Honduras has been a factor in the formation of the caravans. \n Pueblo Sin Fronteras supported its first Holy Week caravan in 2017. \n On 25 March 2018, a group of about 700 migrants (80% from Honduras) began their way north from Tapachula. By 1 April, the caravan had arrived in Matías Romero, Oaxaca, and grown to about 1,200 people." }
[ [ 15, 17 ], [ 14, 15, 17 ] ]
Similar rides were proposed for Japan and Australia.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: CP Air: CP Air Interplanetary", "### CP Air Interplanetary", "One of the many unique marketing promotions CP Air was associated with was Tour of the Universe, a futuristic fantasy space simulator ride located at the base of Toronto's CN Tower in 1986.", "CP Air News had the scoop on the airline's involvement:", "Tour of the Universe, officially opened for business in late January taking upwards of 300 people per hour on flights to the environs of Jupiter.", "CP Air is a sponsor of the project, and should benefit enormously from the wide publicity that will be generated.", "The space trip is a world class attraction that took almost 4 years and $12 million to develop.", "Reduced to simple basics, it's a 15 minute \"flight\" in a B747 simulator, with the whole show extended to about an hour when pre-board activities are included.", "The realism is exhilarating.", "The simulator, with its 10 video and seven audio systems, pulls off the illusion of a functioning spaceport in the year 2019 with regular flights to Jupiter.", "Flights to other spots in the universe are under development.", "If you're wondering how a rocket blasts off from the heart of Toronto in a conventional ball of flame, well it doesn't.", "Remember, it's the year 2019.", "Blast off is accomplished by linear magnetic traction, up the hollow core of the CN Tower.", "Tour of the Universe is a development by Interactive Entertainment Inc. which has identified 23 other cities around the world as potential space tour locations.", "They will be operated on a franchise basis and the second is to be opened in Japan this coming summer by the Seibu Co.", "Canadian Pacific will not necessarily be involved in the international locations as each franchise operator will obtain its own sponsors.", "A third tour has been proposed for Australia's Gold Coast.", "Meantime, Toronto is the scene of the action.", "Admission is $7 for adults, $4 for children and senior citizens.", "Interactive Entertainment is offering employees and Pionairs of CP Air, Hotels & Holidays a two for one introductory package good March 1 through April 30.", "Newer Post", "Older Post", "## Main Navigation", "About This Site", "What's New", "Add Your CP Air Memories", "Help Support This Site", "## Ex Employees", "## About CP Air", "The Airline", "Fleet - Douglas DC-3's", "Fleet - Boeing 727's", "Fleet - Boeing 737's", "Fleet - Douglas DC-8's", "Fleet - McDonnell Douglas DC-10's", "Fleet - Boeing 747's", "Fleet of the Future", "CP Air Virtual Airlines", "CP Air Interplanetary", "Vancouver Ops Centre", "## Videos", "CP Air 737 landing at LAX June 1989", "TV Commercial 1983", "TV Commercial 1984 The London Machine", "TV Commerical 1985 The Vegas Machine", "TV Commercial 1986 The Reno Machine", "Loblaws/CP Air TV commerical", "Canadian Pacific Airlines Tribute Video", "## Other Articles", "Canadian Pacific Airlines Newsletters 1963-1964", "Canadian Pacific Spanner Newsletter July 1968", "Canadian Aviation Magazine June 1977 - A loveable David among Goliaths", "CP Air Annual Report 1983", "CP Air article in Flight International magazine", "Empress in-flight magazine Jan/Feb 1985", "Empress in-flight magazine April 1986", "The Merge to Canadian", "## Timetable Archive", "Apr 1 1958 to Apr 26 1958", "Jul 1 1959 to Jul 31 1959", "Aug 1 1960 to Sept 24 1960", "Jun 1 1961 to Jul 31 1961", "Aug 1 1962 to Oct 27 1962", "May 31 1963 to Oct 26 1963", "Jan 21 1964 to Apr 25 1964", "Apr 25 1965 to Oct 30 1965", "Apr 24 1966 to Oct 29 1966", "Jan 30 1967 to Apr 29 1967", "Apr 30 1967 to Oct 28 1967", "Apr 28 1968 to Oct 26 1968", "Oct 27 1968 to Mar 31 1969", "April 1 1969 North American", "Apr 1 1969 to Oct 25 1969", "Oct 25 1970 to Apr 24 1971", "Feb 1 1971 to Apr 24 1971", "Apr 25 1971 to Oct 30 1971", "Oct 31 1971 to Jan 15 1972", "Jan 16 1972 to Feb 29 1972", "Apr 30 1972 to Oct 28 1972", "Jan 5 1973 to Apr 28 1973", "Apr 29 1973 to Jun 2 1973", "Jun 3 1973 to Aug 4 1973", "Aug 5 1973 to Oct 27 1973", "Oct 28 1973 to Apr 27 1974", "Jan 1 1974", "Mar 4 1974 to Apr 27 1974", "Apr 28 1974", "Aug 1 1974 to Oct 26 1974", "Oct 27 1974 to Apr 26 1975", "Dec 15 1974 to Apr 26 1975", "Jan 19 1975 to Apr 26 1975", "Apr 27 1975 to Oct 25 1975", "Oct 26 1975 to Jan 17 1976", "Apr 25 1976 to Oct 30 1976", "May 1 1977 to Oct 29 1977", "Dec 1 1977 to Apr 29 1978", "Apr 30 1978 to Oct 28 1978", "Oct 29 1978 to Apr 28 1979", "Apr 29 1979 to Oct 27 1979", "Oct 28 1979 to Apr 26 1980", "Jun 1 1980 to Oct 25 1980", "Oct 26 1980 to Apr 25 1981", "Apr 26 1981 to Oct 24 1981", "Oct 25 1981 to Apr 24 1982", "Feb 1982 to Apr 1982", "Apr 25 1982 to Oct 30 1982", "Oct 31 1982 to Apr 23 1983", "Apr 24 1983 to Oct 29 1983", "Oct 30 1983 to Apr 28 1984", "Apr 29 1984 to Oct 27 1984", "Oct 28 1984 to Apr 27 1985", "Apr 28 1985 to Oct 26 1985", "Feb 2 1986", "Apr 27 1986", "Oct 26 1986", "Apr 26 1987", "## Search Post Archives", "(1)", "(1)", "(27)", "(3)", "(5)", "(7)", "(9)", "(3)", "(28)", "(8)", "(1)", "(4)", "(5)", "(4)", "(6)", "(2)", "(2)", "CP Air Interplanetary", "The Vancouver Operations Centre", "(59)", "(1)", "(1)", "(1)", "(3)", "(2)", "(26)", "(25)" ]
{ "id": "train22012", "claim_title": "Tour of the Universe", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "\n The ride was the idea of Moses Znaimer and designed by SimEx. The name of the ride, \"Tour of the Universe\", and its content were adapted from a work of the same name cowritten in 1980 by Robert Holdstock and Malcolm Edwards, who sold the rights for the ride.\n Construction began in 1984 and the ride began operations in 1986. Built by Showscan Film, the ride used two Boeing 747 simulators designed and built by Redifusion Ltd in Crawley, UK. Showscan designed and built the spacecraft themed cabin that seated the 40 passengers. Director, special effects expert and Showscan owner Douglas Trumbull produced the show film. The ride system and its controls were later the basis for Disneyland's Star Tours ride. The ride was replaced in 1992 with a similar attraction entitled \"Space Race.\" It was later dismantled and replaced by two other SimEx rides in 1998 and 1999. \n" }
[ [ 8 ], [ 3, 8 ], [ 5, 8 ], [ 3, 5, 8 ] ]
Mario Podesta studied with Mado and he, who had been a student of Fernando De Lucia, noticed the extraordinary high register of her voice.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Mado Robin - Sopranos - Opera Vivrà", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "Support us", "## Mado Robin", "by Laura Wagner-Semrau", "Madeleine Marie Robin was born at Yseures-sur-Creuse near Tours on December 29th 1918.", "She grew up on her parents` property where her and her two sisters` musical ambition was encouraged in every possible way.", "At the age of thirteen the girl took her first singing lessons but never at that time thought seriously about a career in opera.", "She studied with Mario Podesta who, himself a pupil of Fernando De Lucia, discovered the exceptional high register of her voice.", "Robin chose the aria of Gilda for a contest at the Opéra in 1937 where she easily won the first prize.", "Outbreak of War delayed her operatic debut but in 1942 the singer gave her first concert at the Salle Gaveau.", "At this time she recorded the first titles for Pathé-Marconi which had already made her famous without even having set foot on an operatic stage.", "But still, the thought of a professional singing career did not convince her if it had not been for some persistent friends who talked her into auditioning for Jaques Rouché, then director of the Grand Opéra.", "On the evening of her debut on August 12th 1945 as Gilda she not only fulfilled her public`s expectations but surpassed them by far.", "Within a short time she was equally successful as Queen of the Night, Ophelia, Lakmé (role-debut in 1946), Rosina and Leila.", "After two seasons Robin thought it was time to extend her artistic horizon.", "She appeared at every major Opera House in France as well as in North Africa, Brussels, Luxemburg and Monte Carlo.", "1950 Robin sang her first Lucia in Marseilles.", "1954/55 was the year of the singer`s American debut and apart from an extensive tour she gave her only operatic performances in the U.S. in San Francisco.", "She returned to the Opéra for \"Zauberflöte\" in 1955 and was invited to sing at the celebration of the marriage of Prince Rainer and Grace Kelly in Monaco in 1956.", "Spain, Germany, England and Switzerland saw a lot of her in 1958 and one year later she started a highly acclaimed tour through Russia where one of her great triumphs was a performance of \"Rigoletto\" at the Bolshoi Theatre.", "In February 1960 the soprano had an operation performed from which she soon recovered and returned within no time to the stages of the Salle Favart and the Opéra.", "At the beginning of August she suffered a severe collapse but, again, regained her strength to record excerpts of \"La Traviata\" which she had always longed to perform on stage.", "Mado Robin did not live to see her 42nd birthday.", "On December 10th 1960 she died of leukemia.", "During her all too short career several delegations of the Sorbonne`s General Physiologie had tried to discover the \"secret\" of Robin`s phenomenal high notes.", "Her extraordinary high register, which included a C in altissimo, was of a remarkable freshness and ease and had a stupendous agility.", "Some of her roles were arranged and transposed up especially for her voice!", "The French film-director, Sasha Guitry, used to appreciate the following definition: \"Singing is very easy if one can sing like that.", "– But to be able to sing like that is very difficult.\"", "### Related", "Search for:", "#### Artist Data", "b. 1918-12-29", "d. 1960-12-10", "Fach: [\"Lyric\",\"Coloratura\"]", "#### New Biographies", "### Deon van der Walt", "### Fernando Valero", "### Germaine Lubin", "#### Selected content", "### Supertitles, good and bad", "### Manrico: heroic or lyric?", "### Oreste Kirkop", "Become a patron", "Pianississimo $1+ /month", "Pianissimo $5+ /month", "Piano $10+ /month", "Mezzo-forte $25+ /month", "Forte $50+ /month", "Fortissimo $100+ /month", "Fortississimo $1000+ /month", "Learn more", "Send to Email Address", "Your Name", "Your Email Address", "Post was not sent - check your email addresses!", "Email check failed, please try again", "Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email." ]
{ "id": "train27018", "claim_title": "Mado Robin", "claim_section": "Early life.", "claim_context": "Robin was born in Yzeures-sur-Creuse, Touraine, where she owned the Château des Vallées. Mado took her first singing lessons when she was only 13 years old but not with the intention to make a career out of it." }
[ [ 16 ] ]
The book examines how contemporary African American artists, writers, and intellectuals antebellum slavery within post-Civil Rights America in order to challenge the ongoing amnesia of slavery from America’s civic myths and to reimagine a democratic future.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Salamishah Tillet | Department of English", "Skip to main content", "University of Pennsylvania", "School of Arts and Sciences", "Penn A-", "Penn Calendar", "Department of English", "## Search form", "# Salamishah Tillet", "# Salamishah Tillet", "© Scheherazade Tillet", "Salamishah Tillet received her Ph.D. in the History of American Civilization and A.M. in English from Harvard University and her M.A.T. from Brown University.", "She graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Pennsylvania where she received her B.A. in English and Afro-American Studies.", "In 2010-11, she was the recipient of the Woodrow Wilson Foundation Fellow for Career Enhancement and served as a visiting fellow at the Center of African American Studies at Princeton University.", "In 2010, she was awarded the Edmund J. and Louise W. Kahn Award for Distinguished Teaching by an Assistant Professor at the University of Pennsylvania.", "In 2013-14, she was a Scholar-in-Residence at Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture.", "Her book Sites of Slavery: Citizenship and Racial Democracy in the Post-Civil Rights Imagination (Duke University Press, 2012) examines how contemporary African American artists, writers, and intellectuals remember antebellum slavery within post-Civil Rights America in order to challenge the ongoing exclusion of African Americans from America's civic myths and to model a racially democratic future.", "In 2010, she co-edited the Callaloo: A Journal of African Diaspora Arts and Letters Special Issue on Ethiopia", "and", "her work has appeared in American Literary History, American Quarterly, Callaloo, Novel, Research in African Literatures, Savoring the Salt: The Legacy of Toni Cade Bambara, Violence in the Lives of Black Women: Battered, Black, and Blue, and Women's Review of Books.", "She is currently working on a book on the civil rights icon Nina Simone.", "Salamishah has appeared on the BBC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, TedxWomen, and written blogs and editorials for The Atlantic, The Chicago Tribune, The Guardian, The Nation, The New York Times, The Root, and Time.", "In 2010, she wrote the liner notes for John Legend and The Roots' three-time Grammy award-winning album, Wake Up!.", "In 2013, she published Gloria Steinem: The Kindle Singles Interview for Amazon.", "She is the co-founder of A Long Walk Home, Inc., a non-profit organization that uses art to end violence against girls and women.", "Her research interests include American Studies, twentieth and twenty-first century African American literature, film, popular music, cultural studies, and feminist theory.", "### Interests", "20th-Century American LiteratureAfrican American and Ethnic American Literatures", "African American StudiesGender and Sexuality StudiesComparative Race and Empire Studies", "### Publications", "### Awards", "2010 Kahn Award for Outstanding Teaching by an Assistant Professor", "### News & Events", "Introductory Job Placement Meeting", "Salamishah Tillet featured on for her Beyoncé class", "Imagining the Raced Space of Freedom: Symposium In Honor of Thadious M. Davis", "Prof. Salamishah Tillet's article featured in the New York Times", "Ghosts, Zombies, and the Afterlives of Slavery", "Salamishah Tillet in NY Times : \"Oprah Winfrey on 'The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks'\"", "Salamishah Tillet writes for New York Times: \"Finally, a Screenplay by James Baldwin\"", "Professor Salamishah Tillet Writes for The New York Times", "Professor Salamishah Tillet Featured in the New York Times: \"'Miles Ahead' and 'Nina' Try to Hit the Beat on the Offbeat\"", "Professor Salamishah Tillet discusses the impact of Beyonce's \"Lemonade\" with PBS NewsHour", "PoemTalk #98", "Professor Salamishah Tillet featured in the New York Times: \"Race\"", "Professor Salamishah Tillet featured in the New York Times: Spike Lee's \"Chi-Raq\"", "Professor Salamishah Tillet featured in the New York Times: The Panthers' Revolutionary Feminism", "Professor Salamishah Tillet: New York Times article on Nina Simone", "Professor Salamishah Tillet featured in The Daily Pennsylvanian", "Professor Salamishah Tillet Featured in The New York Times: To Stop Violence, Start at Home", "Primary Source", "### Doctoral Dissertations Chaired", "### 2019", "Keyana Parks", "\"The Absurdity of Colorblindness: Post Blackness in Twenty-first Century African American Satire to Real(ly) Absurd: Post Black Paradoxes in African American Satire\"", "### 2018", "Julia Cox", "\"The Protest Song: Bridge Leadership, Sonic Innovation, and the Long Civil Rights Movement\"", "Melanie R. Hill", "\"Personified Preaching: Black Feminist Sermonic Practice in Literature and Music\"", "### Courses Taught", "### spring 2018", "Family Feuds: Beyoncé, Jay-Z, and Solange and the Meaning of American Music", "No Bench by the Road: Monuments, Memory, and the Afterlife of Slavery", "### fall 2017", "\"Where My Girls At?\"", "### spring 2017", "\"Where My Girls At?\": African American Women Performers in the 20th Century", "Black Rage: Race, Affect, and the Politics of Feeling", "### fall 2016", "Introduction to Africana Studies", "English Honors Program", "### spring 2016", "What is African-American Literature?", "Bessie, Beyoncé, and 20th Century Black Women Performers", "### fall 2015", "Intro to Africana Studies", "Black Feminist Performnce", "### spring 2015", "Feminism and Contemporary Black Women Writers", "Civil Rights Art and Its Afterlife", "### fall 2014", "Songs of the Underground: Introduction of African American Literature", "Nina Simone: Myth, Meme, and the Icon of a Movement", "### spring 2013", "African-American Literature", "African American Creative Non-Fiction: The Memoir, The Essay, and the Blog", "### spring 2012", "Jazz: Style and History, Jazz Is a Woman", "I, Too, Sing America: Introduction to African-American Literature", "### fall 2011", "20th Century Black Women Writers", "Changing The Country: Civil Rights Aesthetics and American Memory", "### spring 2010", "The Black Woman: Post-Civil Rights African-American Women's Literature", "Songs of the Underground: Music and African-American Literature", "### fall 2009", "'Samplin' and Signfyin': Survey of African-American Literature", "Honors Thesis Seminar", "### spring 2009", "Intro African-American Literature", "The Making of the Black Atlantic: Representations of Slavery in the African Diaspora", "### fall 2008", "Race Films: Spike Lee and his Interlocutors", "Postmodernism and African-American Literature", "### spring 2008", "Samplin' and Signfyin': Survey of African-American Literature", "### fall 2007", "20th Century African-American Women Writers and Filmmakers", "### fall 2004", "Introduction to African-American Literature" ]
{ "id": "train46324", "claim_title": "Salamishah Tillet", "claim_section": "Books and publications.", "claim_context": "In 2012, Tillet published her first book entitled \"Sites of Slavery: Citizenship and Racial Democracy in the Post-Civil Rights Imagination\" (Duke University Press)." }
[ [] ]
In the 2011 parliamentary election, SLD received 8.24% of the vote which gave it 27 seats in the Sejm.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Elections 2011", "(meta data) AUTHOR: Dituel Sp. z o.o.", "56 captures", "14 Oct 2011 - 08 Oct 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Alexa Crawls", "Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive.", "Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.", "Collection: Alexa Crawls", "Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive.", "Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.", "The Wayback Machine -", "Election results »Poland Poland Poland Statistic on 09.10.2011", "Inhabitants: 37 748 288 Area: 312 685 km2 Population: 121 os/km2 Electoral statistics", "Precincts quantity: 25 993 Electors: 30 762 931", "Sejm mandates quantity: 460 Poland Poland Statistic on 09.10.2011", "Inhabitants: 37 748 288 Area: 312 685 km2 Population: 121 os/km2 Electoral statistics", "Precincts quantity: 25 993 Electors: 30 762 931", "Senate mandates quantity: 100 Sejm Senate", "List No. Committee's name % of valid votes Mandates Mandates", "1Komitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość 29,89% Yes157", "2Komitet Wyborczy Polska Jest Najważniejsza 2,19% No", "3Komitet Wyborczy Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej 8,24% Yes27", "4Komitet Wyborczy Ruch Palikota 10,02% Yes40", "5Komitet Wyborczy Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe 8,36% Yes28", "6Komitet Wyborczy Polska Partia Pracy - Sierpień 80 0,55% No", "7Komitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 39,18% Yes207", "8Komitet Wyborczy Nasz Dom Polska-Samoobrona Andrzeja Leppera 0,07% No", "9Komitet Wyborczy Nowa Prawica - Janusza Korwin-Mikke 1,06% No", "10Komitet Wyborczy Prawica 0,24% No", "11Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Mniejszość Niemiecka 0,19% Yes1", "List of Members of Parliament in term 2011 - 2015", "Constituency no. List No. Number on the list Candidate data Number of valid votes for candidate Family name and given names Profession Quantity % (in the constituency)", "111Lipiński Adam Józefparlamentarzysta25 523", "7,42%", "112Witek Elżbieta Barbaraparlamentarzysta9 381", "2,73%", "113Machałek Marzena Annaparlamentarzysta11 812", "3,43%", "1112Zubowski Wojciech Michałspecjalista do spraw zarządzania i organizacji6 800", "1,98%", "131Zbrzyzny Ryszardinż. górnik11 990", "3,48%", "133Sekuła-Szmajdzińska Małgorzata Helenaadwokat15 883", "4,61%", "141Kmiecik Henryk Ryszardmechanik13 015", "3,78%", "171Schetyna Grzegorz Juliuszparlamentarzysta67 670", "19,66%", "172Drozd Ewanauczyciel14 205", "4,13%", "173Wojnarowski Norbert Ryszardekonomista5 981", "1,74%", "174Czernow Zofiaekonomista7 740", "2,25%", "176Kropiwnicki Robertnauczyciel akademicki6 029", "1,75%", "211Święczkowski Bogdan Romanprokurator17 109", "7,59%", "212Zalewska Anna Elżbietaparlamentarzysta14 999", "6,65%", "241Szymiec-Raczyńska Halina Jadwigalekarz12 654", "5,61%", "271Mrzygłocka Izabela Katarzynaekonomista31 697", "14,05%", "272Szulc Jakub Maciejekonomista17 230", "7,64%", "273Smolarz Tomaszparlamentarzysta9 893", "4,39%", "274Wielichowska Monikaekonomista10 589", "4,70%", "277Kołacz-Leszczyńska Agnieszka Mariapracownik samorządowy6 762", "3,00%", "311Jackiewicz Dawid Bohdanpolitolog26 648", "5,37%", "312Ujazdowski Kazimierz Michałnauczyciel akademicki26 221", "5,28%", "315Świat Jacekspecjalista marketingu14 904", "3,00%", "3114Jędrysek Mariusz Orionnauczyciel akademicki22 381", "4,51%", "341Elsner Wincenty Aleksanderinformatyk15 969", "3,22%", "371Zdrojewski Bogdan Andrzejkulturoznawca149 962", "30,20%", "372Wolak Ewa Wandanauczyciel11 554", "2,33%", "373Piechota Sławomir Janradca prawny11 750", "2,37%", "375Charłampowicz Jarosławpolitolog8 399", "1,69%", "377Huskowski Stanisław Tadeuszfizyk7 164", "1,44%", "379Łapiński Mareknauczyciel6 357", "1,28%", "3710Jaros Michałekonomista9 635", "1,94%", "3713Kaczor Roman Bronisławparlamentarzysta5 302", "1,07%", "3728Zieliński Maciej Jerzykoszykarz6 099", "1,23%", "411Złotowski Kosma Tadeuszekonomista21 607", "5,88%", "412Latos Tomasz Edwardlekarz20 308", "5,52%", "413Kownacki Bartosz Józefadwokat7", "735", "2,10%", "431Bańkowska Anna Danutaposeł na Sejm RP16 203", "4,41%", "441Krupa Łukasz Marcinekonomista18 401", "5,01%", "451Kłopotek Eugeniuszposeł na Sejm RP13 287", "3,61%", "471Sikorski Radosław Tomaszpolitolog91 720", "24,95%", "472Piotrowska Teresaposeł na Sejm RP10 009", "2,72%", "473Olszewski Paweł Bartoszekonomista9 257", "2,52%", "474Katulski Jarosław Pawełlekarz5 872", "1,60%", "475Kozłowska Iwona Marianauczyciel4 668", "1,27%", "477Brejza Krzysztofposeł na Sejm RP12 600", "3,43%", "511Ardanowski Jan Krzysztofmagister inżynier rolnictwa14 841", "4,22%", "512Zbonikowski Łukaszprawnik17 327", "4,93%", "513Girzyński Zbigniewwykładowca akademicki24 907", "7,08%", "517Sobecka Anna Elżbietanauczyciel6 990", "1,99%", "531Wenderlich Jerzy Jandziennikarz19 078", "5,43%", "541Wydrzyński Maciejprzedsiębiorca15 311", "4,35%", "552Sosnowski Zbigniewmgr historii7 354", "2,09%", "571Lenz Tomaszhistoryk28 998", "8,25%", "572Kopaczewska Domicela Katarzynapedagog16 992", "4,83%", "573Mężydło Antoniposeł na Sejm17 077", "4,86%", "574Szymański Tomasz Józefpracownik samorządowy7 510", "2,14%", "579Wojtkowski Mareknauczyciel akademicki7 352", "2,09%", "5726Dzięcioł Janusz Andrzejposeł na Sejm13 907", "3,95%", "611Kruk Elżbieta Małgorzatahistoryk30 048", "6,53%", "612Michałkiewicz Krzysztof Stefansocjolog11 816", "2,57%", "614Sprawka Lech Stanisławnauczyciel23 848", "5,18%", "615Masłowska Gabrielanauczyciel akademicki17 777", "3,86%", "616Sadurska Małgorzata Barbaraprawnik15 946", "3,47%", "618Żaczek Jarosławinżynier rolnictwa11 278", "2,45%", "631Czerniak Jacek Andrzejpolitolog5 965", "1,30%", "641Popiołek Zofiaadministratywista18 752", "4,08%", "642Kabaciński Michałstudent6 984", "1,52%", "651Hetman Krzysztof Andrzejpracownik samorządowy10 804", "2,35%", "652Łopata Jan Zbigniewinż rolnik8 725", "1,90%", "671Gąsior-Marek Magdalena Ewaekonomista14 676", "3,19%", "672Mucha Joannanauczyciel akademicki45 568", "9,90%", "673Karpiński Włodzimierz Witoldchemik16 498", "3,59%", "675Kucharski Cezaryprzedsiębiorca7 910", "1,72%", "711Mazurek Beatasocjolog22 249", "7,00%", "712Zawiślak Sławomirhistoryk24 478", "7,70%", "714Abramowicz Adam Krzysztofprzedsiębiorca12 708", "4,00%", "715Rębek Jerzyadministrator7 503", "2,36%", "719Szeliga Piotrnauczyciel8 222", "2,59%", "731Matuszczak Zbigniewprawnik8 017", "2,52%", "741Poznański Marekarcheolog16 640", "5,23%", "751Stefaniuk Franciszek Jerzyekonomista10 527", "3,31%", "753Tokarska Genowefapracownik administracji rządowej8 906", "2,80%", "771Żmijan Stanisławinż. budownictwa14 202", "4,47%", "772Grad Mariuszekonomista9 962", "3,13%", "775Raniewicz Grzegorz Arturprzedsiębiorca7 907", "2,49%", "811Ast Marekradca prawny12 598", "3,79%", "812Rafalska Elżbietanauczyciel akademicki14 812", "4,45%", "813Materna Jerzy Marianinż. budownictwa lądowego12 868", "3,87%", "833Wontor Bogusław Tadeuszmenadżer8 065", "2,42%", "841Mroczek Maciej Zbigniewekonomista15 335", "4,61%", "852Zych Józefprawnik6 919", "2,08%", "871Bukiewicz Bożennainż. mechanik38 017", "11,43%", "872Niesiołowski Stefan Konstantybiolog36 993", "11,12%", "873Sibińska Krystyna Mieczysławainż. budownictwa8 756", "2,63%", "875Sławiak Bożena Mariapedagog6 673", "2,01%", "878Sługocki Waldemar Janurzędnik państwowy6 465", "1,94%", "8717Pahl Witoldradca prawny7 235", "2,17%", "911Waszczykowski Witold Jannauczyciel akademicki - nauki humanistyczne36 854", "10,17%", "912Barski Dariuszprokurator12 245", "3,38%", "9120Tomaszewski Jankomentator sportowy8 114", "2,24%", "931Joński Dariuszekonomista15 164", "4,19%", "941Kotliński Romandziennikarz17 720", "4,89%", "971Grabarczyk Cezary Stanisławadwokat24 582", "6,79%", "972Śledzińska-Katarasińska Iwona Elżbietadziennikarz16 279", "4,49%", "973Kwiatkowski Krzysztofprawnik68 814", "19,00%", "975Godson John Abrahamnauczyciel akademicki29 832", "8,23%", "977Niemczyk Małgorzata Barbaraekonomista10 959", "3,03%", "1011Macierewicz Antonihistoryk41 871", "16,03%", "1012Seliga Dariusz Michaładministratywista8 129", "3,11%", "1014Telus Robertinżynier środowiska11 305", "4,33%", "1016Witko Marcinnauczyciel6 535", "2,50%", "1031Ostrowski Artur Zygmuntnauczyciel politolog7 884", "3,02%", "1041Domaracki Marek Robertprzedsiębiorca9 986", "3,82%", "1051Ozga Krystyna Ewainżynier", "rolnik9 207", "3,53%", "1071Radziszewska Elżbietalekarz medycyny19 269", "7,38%", "1073Rutkowska Dorotasocjolog10 268", "3,93%", "1111Schreiber Grzegorz Zenonfilolog17 808", "5,24%", "1112Matuszewski Marekprzedsiębiorca16 207", "4,77%", "1113Mastalerek Marcinsamorządowiec8 509", "2,50%", "1117Woźniak Tadeusz Jacekhistoryk8 996", "2,65%", "1118Polak Piotr Stanisławrolnik9 022", "2,65%", "11324Olejniczak Cezary Romanrolnik7 082", "2,08%", "1141Pacholski Michał Tomaszgeodeta12 918", "3,80%", "1151Łuczak Mieczysław Marcinposeł9 373", "2,76%", "1171Biernat Andrzej Zbigniewnauczyciel25 721", "7,57%", "1172Hanajczyk Agnieszka Małgorzataprawnik16 484", "4,85%", "1173Tomczyk Cezary Józefpolitolog12 748", "3,75%", "11724Dunin Artur Jerzygeodeta9 595", "2,82%", "1211Szydło Beata Mariaetnograf43 612", "18,22%", "1212Szczerski Krzysztof Marianauczyciel akademicki4 751", "1,98%", "1213Łatas Marek Jerzynauczyciel12 466", "5,21%", "1214Polak Marek Władysławtechnik mechanik6 341", "2,65%", "1271Graś Paweł Bolesławpolitolog36 992", "15,45%", "1272Arkit Tadeusz Andrzejinżynier górnik12 458", "5,20%", "1273Bobowska Joanna Grażynadziennikarka7 976", "3,33%", "1275Niedziela Dorotalekarz weterynarii6 166", "2,58%", "1311Duda Andrzej Sebastiannauczyciel akademicki79 981", "15,79%", "1312Adamczyk Andrzej Mieczysławparlamentarzysta14 297", "2,82%", "1313Terlecki Ryszard Iwonhistoryk14 726", "2,91%", "1314Bubula Barbara Ewafilolog7 502", "1,48%", "1315Osuch Jacek Piotrparlamentarzysta10 997", "2,17%", "1341Grodzka Annaprzedsiębiorca19 451", "3,84%", "1371Raś Ireneusz Jacekhistoryk31 455", "6,21%", "1372Matusik - Lipiec Katarzyna Irenaposeł22 178", "4,38%", "1373Gowin Jarosław Adamnauczyciel akademicki62 570", "12,35%", "1374Fedorowicz Jerzy Feliksaktor28 383", "5,60%", "1377Gądek Lidia Stanisławalekarz medycyny7 191", "1,42%", "1378Lassota Józefinżynier10 241", "2,02%", "13710Marczułajtis - Walczak Jagna Kinganauczyciel WF7 289", "1,44%", "13719Gibała Łukaszposeł18 583", "3,67%", "1411Mularczyk Arkadiuszparlamentarzysta45 801", "16,43%", "1412Naimski Piotr Aleksanderbiochemik5 388", "1,93%", "1413Paluch Annapracownik samorządowy9 764", "3,50%", "1414Bartuś Barbara Halinaparlamentarzysta14 652", "5,25%", "1415Siarka Edwardparlamentarzysta13 264", "4,76%", "1416Janczyk Wiesław Stanisławparlamentarzysta13 993", "5,02%", "1417Romanek Andrzej Stanisławradca prawny9 743", "3,49%", "1471Czerwiński Andrzej Stanisławinżynier elektryk16 723", "6,00%", "1472Gut-Mostowy Andrzej Józefekonomista15 345", "5,50%", "14710Cycoń Marian Adamwyższy urzędnik samorządowy10 678", "3,83%", "1511Bernacki Włodzimierznauczyciel akademicki18 699", "7,25%", "1512Czesak Edward Stanisławparlamentarzysta18 787", "7,28%", "1514Rojek Józefinżynier mechanik15 978", "6,19%", "1515Wojtkiewicz Michał Janinżynier geodeta9 403", "3,65%", "15117Ziobro Jan Pawełlogistyk9 347", "3,62%", "1551Sztorc Andrzej Stefan syn Stefanarolnik, przedsiębiorca7 087", "2,75%", "1571Grad Aleksanderinżynier geodeta23 671", "9,18%", "1572Augustyn Urszula Danutadziennikarka9 724", "3,77%", "1577Wardzała Robert Marianprzedsiębiorca10 437", "4,05%", "1611Jasiński Wojciech Stefanprawnik26 125", "9,45%", "1612Opioła Marekposeł9 545", "3,45%", "1614Kołakowski Robert Jerzyhistoryk9 314", "3,37%", "1618Małecki Maciejhistoryk9 757", "3,53%", "1641Sajak Paweł Ireneuszelektronik7 747", "2,80%", "1651Pawlak Waldemarrolnik24 491", "8,86%", "1653Zgorzelski Piotrpracownik samorządowy4 323", "1,56%", "1671Pitera Julia Teresapolonista29 095", "10,52%", "1672Koźlakiewicz Mirosławekonomista11 000", "3,98%", "1674Gapińska Elżbieta Teresapedagog10 794", "3,90%", "1711Suski Marek Witoldposeł17 251", "6,67%", "1712Kuźmiuk Zbigniew Krzysztofnauczyciel akademicki29 223", "11,30%", "1714Wróbel Marzena Dorotanauczyciel11 738", "4,54%", "1715Bąk Dariuszleśnik10 217", "3,95%", "1741Ryfiński Armand Kamilekonomista7 812", "3,02%", "1752Maliszewski Mirosław Wojciechrolnik/ogrodnik9 815", "3,80%", "1771Kopacz Ewa Bożenalekarz41 554", "16,07%", "1772Witkowski Radosławprzedsiębiorca7 285", "2,82%", "1773Czechyra Czesław Janlekarz4 347", "1,68%", "1811Pawłowicz Krystynaprawnik20 681", "6,04%", "1812Tchórzewski Krzysztof Józefelektryk22 787", "6,66%", "1813Czartoryski Arkadiusznauczyciel17 516", "5,12%", "1814Kowalczyk Henrykurzędnik13 713", "4,01%", "18110Woźniak Grzegorz Adamgeograf8 550", "2,50%", "1831Prządka Stanisława Alicjaprawnik8 717", "2,55%", "1841Bodio Bartłomiej Jarosławekonomista8 740", "2,55%", "1851Sawicki Marek Wacławinżynier rolnictwa23 901", "6,98%", "1852Borkowski Krzysztof Wawrzyniecprzedsiębiorca6 868", "2,01%", "1871Mroczek Czesławprawnik22 985", "6,71%", "1872Kozaczyński Jaceksamorządowiec6 804", "1,99%", "1874Kania Andrzejprzedsiębiorca5 212", "1,52%", "1911Kaczyński Jarosław Aleksanderposeł na sejm RP202 297", "19,88%", "1912Kamiński Mariuszhistoryk17 535", "1,72%", "1913Gosiewska Małgorzata Mariaurzędnik8 129", "0,80%", "1916Górski Artur Cezarynauczyciel akademicki4 762", "0,47%", "1917Wipler Przemysław Januszprawnik4 615", "0,45%", "19140Kwiatkowski Adam Mariuszurzędnik6 284", "0,62%", "1931Kalisz Ryszard Romanadwokat53 451", "5,25%", "1941Palikot Janusz Marianfilozof94 811", "9,32%", "1942Nowicka Wanda Hannafilolog klasyczny7 065", "0,69%", "1971Tusk Donald Franciszekhistoryk374 920", "36,84%", "1972Kidawa-Błońska Małgorzata Mariaproducent filmowy45 027", "4,42%", "1973Vincent-Rostowski Jan Antonyekonomista10 743", "1,06%", "1974Fabisiak Joannanauczyciel akademicki6 739", "0,66%", "1975Kierwiński Marcin Piotrmgr inż. elektronik3 580", "0,35%", "1977Krajewska Ligiapsycholog3 590", "0,35%", "1978Święcicki Marcinekonomista6 246", "0,61%", "19710Kosecki Roman Jacektrener piłkarski4 603", "0,45%", "19714Dąbrowska Alicjalekarz4 622", "0,45%", "19715Szczerba Michał Rochposeł na Sejm RP4 137", "0,41%", "19740Jastrzębski Leszek Andrzejdziennikarz3 075", "0,30%", "2011Błaszczak Mariuszurzędnik państwowy44 319", "9,85%", "2012Dorn Ludwik Stanisławsocjolog18 683", "4,15%", "2014Szyszko Jan Feliksnauczyciel akademicki13 636", "3,03%", "2015Sasin Jacek Roberthistoryk29 134", "6,48%", "2041Dębski Arturprzedsiębiorca15 269", "3,39%", "2051Piechociński Januszekonomista11 638", "2,59%", "2071Halicki Andrzej Witoldekonomista40 002", "8,89%", "2072Rosati Dariusz Kajetanekonomista59 562", "13,24%", "2073Zakrzewska Jadwiga Teresaposeł na Sejm RP11 383", "2,53%", "2074Olechowska Alicja Danutainspektor nadzoru budowlanego10 884", "2,42%", "2077Czaplicka Barbaralekarz8 340", "1,85%", "2078Durka Zenonprawnik7 988", "1,78%", "2111Żyżyński Jerzynauczyciel akademicki9 872", "3,09%", "2112Kłosowski Sławomirnauczyciel14 165", "4,43%", "2118Jaki Patryk Tomaszpolitolog8 911", "2,79%", "2131Garbowski Tomasz Roberthistoryk6 828", "2,14%", "2141Kępiński Adam Krzysztofprzedsiębiorca11 175", "3,50%", "2171Korzeniowski Leszek Sylwesterparlamentarzysta30 454", "9,53%", "2172Okrągły Janina Władysławalekarz medycyny11 418", "3,57%", "2173Jarmuziewicz Tadeuszparlamentarzysta14 022", "4,39%", "2174Buła Andrzejparlamentarzysta9 167", "2,87%", "2176Kolenda-Łabuś Brygidaprawnik10 411", "3,26%", "2178Miller Rajmund Tadeuszlekarz medycyny8 901", "2,78%", "21111Galla Ryszard Jerzyinżynier mechanik11 794", "3,69%", "2211Kuchciński Marek Tadeuszparlamentarzysta23 128", "7,76%", "2213Babinetz Piotr Mieczysławhistoryk7 239", "2,43%", "2214Piotrowicz Stanisławprokurator12 325", "4,14%", "2217Ziobro Kazimierz Bronisławteolog8 234", "2,76%", "2218Rzońca Bogdan Józefnauczyciel historii15 623", "5,24%", "22114Golba Mieczysław Józefprzedsiębiorca12 332", "4,14%", "2241Marcinkiewicz Małgorzatachemik10 058", "3,37%", "2251Kasprzak Mieczysławekonomista6 854", "2,30%", "2271Chomycz Małgorzata Mariafilolog klasyczny16 829", "5,65%", "2273Rząsa Marek Zdzisławnauczyciel dyplomowany9 204", "3,09%", "2274Tomański Piotrekonomista9 621", "3,23%", "2311Hrynkiewicz Józefanauczyciel akademicki17 039", "3,73%", "2312Ożóg Stanisławinżynier geodeta37 160", "8,13%", "2313Moskal Kazimierz Mariannauczyciel14 234", "3,11%", "2314Szlachta Andrzejnauczyciel akademicki13 717", "3,00%", "2317Popiołek Krzysztof Andrzejinżynier elektryk12 755", "2,79%", "2319Gołojuch Kazimierz Edwardinżynier mechanizacji rolnictwa12 311", "2,69%", "23110Chmielowiec Zbigniew Michałinżynier inżynierii środowiska16 038", "3,51%", "23112Warzecha Jan Marekekonomista12 588", "2,75%", "2331Kamiński Tomasz Artursocjolog8 410", "1,84%", "2341Dziadzio Dariusz Cezarfizjoterapeuta11 091", "2,43%", "2351Bury Janprawnik15 649", "3,42%", "2371Rynasiewicz Zbigniew Franciszekhistoryk27 510", "6,02%", "2372Skowrońska Krystynabankowiec25 174", "5,50%", "2373Butryn Renata Celinanauczyciel8 941", "1,96%", "2375Pluta Mirosław Stanisławsocjolog12 812", "2,80%", "2411Jurgiel Krzysztofinżynier geodeta35 763", "8,34%", "2412Zieliński Jarosławnauczyciel21 015", "4,90%", "2413Piontkowski Dariusznauczyciel14 439", "3,37%", "2414Kamiński Mariuszprawnik22 675", "5,29%", "2415Bogucki Jacekinżynier mechanik10 927", "2,55%", "2417Kołakowski Lech Antoniprzedsiębiorca13 502", "3,15%", "2432Czykwin Eugeniuszdziennikarz14 286", "3,33%", "2441Rybakowicz Adamprzedsiębiorca11 792", "2,75%", "2453Borawski Edmundtechnolog żywności11 759", "2,74%", "2471Kudrycka Barbaraprawnik41 047", "9,57%", "2472Raczkowski Damianprawnik10 271", "2,40%", "2473Tyszkiewicz Robertwydawca10 465", "2,44%", "2474Kamińska Bożenaekonomista10 019", "2,34%", "24727Żalek Jacekprawnik8 103", "1,89%", "2511Fotyga Anna Elżbietaekonomistka24 662", "5,94%", "2512Łopiński Maciej Janfilolog15 794", "3,80%", "2513Jaworski Andrzejmenadżer22 770", "5,48%", "2541Bauć Piotr Pawełnauczyciel akademicki13 398", "3,23%", "2571Nowak Sławomir Ryszardpolitolog65 629", "15,80%", "2573Hall Katarzynanauczyciel9 898", "2,38%", "2574Pomaska Agnieszka Dominikapolitolog16 117", "3,88%", "2575Kozdroń Jerzyprawnik9 913", "2,39%", "2576Neumann Sławomir Arkadiuszekonomista14 346", "3,45%", "2577Guzowska Iwona Kamilaparlamentarzysta22 616", "5,45%", "2578Borowczak Jerzy Stanisławparlamentarzysta10 504", "2,53%", "25724Blanik Leszek Robertnauczyciel akademicki15 031", "3,62%", "2611Szczypińska Jolanta Irenapielęgniarka dyplomowana19 819", "4,37%", "2612Śniadek Janusz Józefinżynier mechanik26 440", "5,83%", "2613Arciszewska-Mielewczyk Dorota Irvinaekonomista18 088", "3,99%", "2614Sellin Jarosław Danielurzędnik państwowy9 932", "2,19%", "2631Miller Leszek Cezarypolitolog18 038", "3,97%", "2641Biedroń Robertpolitolog16 919", "3,73%", "2671Biernacki Marekprawnik66 019", "14,55%", "2672Aziewicz Tadeuszekonomista14 013", "3,09%", "2673Kłosin Krystyna Mariaekonomista16 187", "3,57%", "2674Plocke Kazimierz Florianinżynier rolnik18 452", "4,07%", "2675Hoppe Teresa Jadwigainżynier ogrodnik7 552", "1,66%", "2676Konwiński Zbigniew Marekmenadżer18 548", "4,09%", "2677Lamczyk Stanisław Józefpolitolog12 664", "2,79%", "2678Budnik Jerzy Feliksadministratywista8 546", "1,88%", "2711Szwed StanisławPoseł na Sejm RP32 416", "10,41%", "2713Falfus Jacek EugeniuszPoseł na Sejm RP11 391", "3,66%", "2715Pięta Stanisław JanPoseł na Sejm RP12 708", "4,08%", "2741Górczyński Artur Robertpracownik socjalny9 980", "3,20%", "2771Nykiel Mirosławaprzedsiębiorca43 329", "13,91%", "2772Kowalski Sławomir Stanisławnauczyciel13 389", "4,30%", "2773Trybuś Aleksandra Barbaranauczyciel10 061", "3,23%", "2775Pępek Małgorzata Annaekonomista12 723", "4,09%", "2776Gluza Czesław Tadeuszsocjolog13 334", "4,28%", "2811Wiśniewska Jadwiga Mariapedagog34 491", "15,36%", "2812Giżyński Szymon Stanisławposeł9 146", "4,07%", "2832Balt Marek Pawełinżynier ekonomista5 378", "2,40%", "2841Bramora Artur Franciszekoptyk10 610", "4,73%", "2871Rozpondek Halina Leokadiabibliotekoznawca23 722", "10,57%", "2872Leszczyna Izabela Dorotanauczyciel konsultant18 737", "8,35%", "2873Sztolcman Grzegorz Czesławlekarz medycyny8 926", "3,98%", "2911Pyzik Piotr Mieczysławpolitolog12 039", "4,28%", "2912Polaczek Jerzy Janprawnik22 310", "7,93%", "2941Stolarski Marek Januszpolitolog12 739", "4,53%", "2971Szumilas Krystyna Marianauczyciel42 200", "15,01%", "2972Gałażewski Andrzej Józefinż. mechanik11 746", "4,18%", "2973Brzezinka Jacek Piotrmenadżer10 775", "3,83%", "2974Głogowski Tomasz Mariannauczyciel akademicki15 649", "5,57%", "2976Kaźmierczak Jan Piotrnauczyciel akademicki8 155", "2,90%", "29711Budka Borys Piotrradca prawny10 260", "3,65%", "3011Piecha Bolesław Grzegorzlekarz medycyny34 520", "13,07%", "3012Kloc Izabela Helenaekspert ds. funduszy europejskich12 833", "4,86%", "3016Matusiak Grzegorzinżynier energetyk6 889", "2,61%", "3041Chmielowski Piotr Sylwesterinżynier mechanik9 925", "3,76%", "3071Kluzik-Rostkowska Joanna Grażynadziennikarka22 418", "8,49%", "3072Krząkała Marek Grzegorznauczyciel25 938", "9,82%", "3073Gadowski Krzysztof Janinżynier transportu15 326", "5,80%", "3074Siedlaczek Henryk Piotrnauczyciel20 019", "7,58%", "3076Zawadzki Ryszard Józefnauczyciel10 108", "3,83%", "3111Szarama Wojciech Piotrprawnik27 541", "6,84%", "3112Tobiszowski Grzegorz Józefekonomista13 268", "3,29%", "3113Nowak Maria Teresamatematyk10 820", "2,69%", "3131Zaborowski Zbyszekpolitolog9 482", "2,35%", "3141Rozenek Andrzej Tadeuszdziennikarz15 793", "3,92%", "3171Tomczykiewicz Tomasz KazimierzPoseł na Sejm RP57 323", "14,23%", "3172Pietraszewska Danuta RóżaPoseł na Sejm RP25 496", "6,33%", "3173Pierzchała Elżbieta Apoloniainżynier transportu kolejowego14 557", "3,61%", "3174Plura Marek Mirosławpedagog22 795", "5,66%", "3175Wójcik Marek KrzysztofPoseł na Sejm RP10 753", "2,67%", "3176Ziętek Jerzy Mareklekarz ginekolog8 960", "2,22%", "31710Kołodziej Ewa Edytapolitolog14 149", "3,51%", "3211Malik Ewa Danutaparlamentarzysta25 214", "8,99%", "3212Andzel Waldemar Franciszekparlamentarzysta10 328", "3,68%", "3232Klepacz Witold Januszinżynier budownictwa6 817", "2,43%", "3241Borkowski Jerzyprzedsiębiorca20 292", "7,24%", "3271Saługa Wojciech Pawełparlamentarzysta26 368", "9,41%", "3272Małecka-Libera Beata Mariaparlamentarzysta23 822", "8,50%", "3274Pięta Jarosławparlamentarzysta9 309", "3,32%", "3277Van der Coghen Piotr Arturratownik górski12 171", "4,34%", "3278Nemś Anna Ewapracownik samorządowy9 086", "3,24%", "3311Kempa Beata Agnieszkaprawnik70 127", "16,20%", "3312Rusiecki Jarosławsocjolog7 323", "1,69%", "3313Zuba Mariainżynier elektryk6 222", "1,44%", "3314Bętkowski Andrzej Krzysztofmenadżer sportu4 591", "1,06%", "3315Lipiec Krzysztof Bogdannauczyciel6 774", "1,56%", "33132Kaczmarek Tomasz Krzysztofemeryt4 332", "1,00%", "3331Kopyciński Sławomir Piotrekonomista7 003", "1,62%", "3341Cedzyński Janinżynier budownictwa14 796", "3,42%", "3351Jarubas Adam Sebastianurzędnik samorządowy28 750", "6,64%", "3352Pawlak Mirosław Antoninauczyciel6 317", "1,46%", "3353Górczyński Jarosław Jacekurzędnik samorządowy4 814", "1,11%", "3371Okła-Drewnowicz Marzenaposeł na Sejm RP34 745", "8,03%", "3372Miodowicz Konstanty Bronisławetnograf14 202", "3,28%", "3373Pacelt Zbigniewnauczyciel8 842", "2,04%", "3374Gierada Artur Danielpolitolog11 679", "2,70%", "3376Pietrzczyk Lucjan Marekurzędnik państwowy6 057", "1,40%", "3411Krasulski Leonard Sewerynposeł na Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej12 790", "6,54%", "3413Babalski Zbigniewinż. rolnictwa7 217", "3,69%", "3441Penkalski Wojciech Adamprzedsiębiorca9 255", "4,73%", "3451Żelichowski Stanisławleśnik6 458", "3,30%", "3471Rybicki Sławomir Piotrprawnik13 644", "6,97%", "3472Cieśliński Piotrekonomista15 547", "7,95%", "3473Gelert Elżbieta Kazimieramenadżer15 901", "8,13%", "3476Sycz Mironposeł na Sejm RP8 884", "4,54%", "3511Szmit Jerzygeodeta17 234", "6,63%", "3512Arent Iwona Ewapolitolog11 955", "4,60%", "3531Iwiński Tadeusznauczyciel akademicki11 025", "4,24%", "3541Makowski Tomaszekonomista7 980", "3,07%", "3551Włodkowski Zbigniewnauczyciel8 131", "3,13%", "3571Bublewicz Beata Mariasocjolog23 262", "8,95%", "3572Orzechowski Andrzejekonomista12 046", "4,63%", "3573Staroń Lidia Ewainżynier budownictwa16 091", "6,19%", "3574Cichoń Janusz Władysławnauczyciel akademicki13 902", "5,35%", "35718Papke Pawełinstruktor piłki siatkowej10 132", "3,90%", "3612Rogacki Adam Maksymprawnik14 903", "4,40%", "3613Dziedziczak Jan Michałpolitolog15 954", "4,71%", "3614Dera Andrzej Mikołajprawnik17 606", "5,20%", "3631Aleksandrzak Leszek Grzegorzhistoryk9 941", "2,93%", "3641Kłosowski Krzysztofekonomista13 080", "3,86%", "3651Racki Józefinż. geodeta6 179", "1,82%", "3652Walkowski Piotrinż. zootechnik6 331", "1,87%", "3671Witczak Mariusz Sebastianpolitolog31 263", "9,23%", "3672Adamczak Małgorzatanauczyciel wychowania fizycznego18 119", "5,35%", "3673Borowiak Łukaszekonomista11 545", "3,41%", "3674Orzechowski Maciej Bolesławlekarz ginekolog14 123", "4,17%", "3676Ziemniak Wojciech Stanisławnauczyciel wychowania fizycznego12 713", "3,75%", "3711Czarnecki Witold Wojciechwykładowca akademicki10 201", "3,89%", "3712Hofman Adam Andrzejpolitolog24 047", "9,18%", "3713Dolata Zbigniewparlamentarzysta11 939", "4,56%", "3733Tomaszewski Tadeuszekonomista11 267", "4,30%", "3741Kwiatkowski Jacektechnik elektromechanik13 380", "5,11%", "3751Grzeszczak Eugeniusz Tomaszmagister inżynier rolnik9 648", "3,68%", "3771Nowak Tomasz Piotrposeł na Sejm RP24 346", "9,30%", "3773Arndt Paweł Antoniposeł na Sejm RP12 627", "4,82%", "3774Poślednia Krystynasamorządowiec8 714", "3,33%", "3811Szałamacha Paweł Włodzimierzradca prawny12 009", "4,62%", "3812Kraczkowski Maksprawnik10 389", "4,00%", "3831Ajchler Romuald Kazimierzrolnik9 362", "3,60%", "3841Najder Jacekprzedsiębiorca11 701", "4,50%", "3851Kalemba Stanisławinż. rolnik10 597", "4,08%", "3871Szejnfeld Adam Stanisławprawnik45 764", "17,60%", "3872Rutnicki Jakub Adampolitolog19 784", "7,61%", "3873Janyska Maria Małgorzataekonomista12 132", "4,67%", "3878Munyama Killion Munzelenauczyciel akademicki7 925", "3,05%", "3911Dziuba Tadeusz Antoniinżynier technolog drewna28 508", "7,13%", "39111Górski Tomasz Pawełprzedsiębiorca9 197", "2,30%", "3932Łybacka Krystyna Marianauczyciel", "akademicki16 616", "4,15%", "3941Banaszak Maciejtechnik budownictwa18 837", "4,71%", "3971Grupiński Rafał Szymonposeł na Sejm RP40 510", "10,13%", "3972Kozłowska-Rajewicz Agnieszkanauczyciel akademicki27 807", "6,95%", "3973Dzikowski Waldyposeł na Sejm RP54 647", "13,66%", "3975Szydłowska Bożena Stanisławaposeł na Sejm RP14 352", "3,59%", "3978Fiedler Arkady Elpidioposeł na Sejm RP17 467", "4,37%", "39710Tomczak Jacek Jerzynotariusz14 547", "3,64%", "4011Hoc Czesławlekarz medycyny19 942", "9,27%", "4012Strzałkowski Stefan Zdzisławnauczyciel4 840", "2,25%", "4031Wziątek Stanisław Czesławnauczyciel8 838", "4,11%", "4041Lewandowski Andrzejmechanik11 128", "5,18%", "4071Gawłowski Stanisławekonomista27 047", "12,58%", "4072Hok Marek Tomaszlekarz16 364", "7,61%", "4074Suski Pawełprzedsiębiorca7 741", "3,60%", "4076Suchowiejko Wiesław Jaceknauczyciel8 724", "4,06%", "4111Brudziński Joachim Stanisławpolitolog38 700", "10,16%", "4112Dobrzyński Leszekpolitolog6 107", "1,60%", "4113Jach Michałekonomista4 383", "1,15%", "4131Napieralski Grzegorz Bernardpolitolog23 940", "6,28%", "4141Piątak Andrzejinżynier elektronik15 579", "4,09%", "4171Arłukowicz Bartosz Adamlekarz101 746", "26,70%", "4172Kochan Magdalena Mariamgr sztuki14 198", "3,73%", "4173Litwiński Arkadiuszmgr administracji9 396", "2,47%", "4174Zaremba Renatapolitolog6 355", "1,67%", "4175Oświęcimski Konstanty Tomaszmgr administracji7 459", "1,96%", "4177Ławrynowicz Zofianauczyciel5 057", "1,33%", "4179Żmuda - Trzebiatowska Ewa Ilonanauczyciel4 906", "1,29%", "Constituencies No. Location Mandates 1Legnica12 2Wałbrzych8 3Wrocław14 4Bydgoszcz12 5Toruń13 6Lublin15 7Chełm12 8Zielona Góra12 9Łódź10 10Piotrków Trybunalski9 11Sieradz12 12Kraków I8 13Kraków II14 14Nowy Sącz10 15Tarnów9 16Płock10 17Radom9 18Siedlce12 19Warszawa I20 20Warszawa II12 21Opole12 22Krosno11 23Rzeszów15 24Białystok14 25Gdańsk12 26Gdynia14 27Bielsko-Biała9 28Częstochowa7 29Gliwice9 30Rybnik9 31Katowice12 32Sosnowiec9 33Kielce16 34Elbląg8 35Olsztyn10 36Kalisz12 37Konin9 38Piła9 39Poznań10 40Koszalin8 41Szczecin12", "Committee's name Mandates Mandates", "Komitet Wyborczy Liga Polskich Rodzin No", "Komitet Wyborczy Ligi Obrony Suwerenności No", "Komitet Wyborczy Narodowego Odrodzenia Polski No", "Komitet Wyborczy Nasz Dom Polska-Samoobrona Andrzeja Leppera No", "Komitet Wyborczy Nowa Prawica - Janusza Korwin-Mikke No", "Komitet Wyborczy Partii Demokratycznej - No", "Komitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RPYes63", "Komitet Wyborczy Polska Jest Najważniejsza No", "Komitet Wyborczy Polska Partia Pracy - Sierpień 80 No", "Komitet Wyborczy Polska Patriotyczna No", "Komitet Wyborczy Polskie Stronnictwo LudoweYes2", "Komitet Wyborczy Prawica No", "Komitet Wyborczy Prawo i SprawiedliwośćYes31", "Komitet Wyborczy Przymierze dla Polski No", "Komitet Wyborczy Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Adama Hajduka Razem No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Aleksandra Zioło No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Alojzego Motylewskiego No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Andrzej Celiński do Senatu No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Artura Balazsa No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Autonomia Dla Ziemi Śląskiej No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Baćko do Senatu No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców \"Banaś do Senatu\" No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Barbary Dolniak No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Bartnika Łukasza No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Bezpartyjni do Senatu No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Bogdana Bardzika No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Bogdana Borkowskiego No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Bogumiła Czubackiego No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Cimoszewicz do SenatuYes1", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Dla Pomorza ... Dla Polski No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Edmunda Klicha No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Elżbiety Hibner No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Grażyny Głuszak No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Iwony Borchulskiej No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Izabelli Sierakowskiej No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Jacek Markowski Twój Senator No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Jacka Ciechanowskiego No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Jacka Janiszewskiego No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Jana Wojtery No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Janusza Geryka No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Janusza Michalaka No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Jarosława Milczarka \"Zlikwidować Senat\" No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Jerzego Krzekotowskiego No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Józefa Makosza No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Kandydat Częstochowy No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Katarzyna Elżbieta Bider No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Kazimierza KutzaYes1", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Konfederacja Godność i Praworządność No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Konrada Głębockiego Obywatele do Senatu No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Longina Kajki No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Longina Komołowskiego No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Marii Olszak-Winiarskiej No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Marka BorowskiegoYes1", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Michała Okły No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Mniejszość Niemiecka No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców \"Nasz Powiat\" Piotr Batura No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Niezależnego Kandydata Na Senatora Leszka Lewoc No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Obywatelskich List Wyborczych Nowego Ekranu No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Obywatel z Mazur w Ponadpartyjnym Senacie No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców \"Ojcowizna\" No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Paweł Policzkiewicz No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Piotr Biliński - Obywatel w Senacie No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Podhalanie No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Polska Obywatelska No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Przemysława Zalasińskiego No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Radosława Piesiewicza Niezależnego Kandydata na Senatora RP No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Rafał DutkiewiczYes1", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Roberta Węgrzyna No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Romana Jasiakiewicza No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Romualda Szeremietiewa No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Ryszarda Kurpa No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Senat Obywatelski - Konstanty Dombrowicz No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Śląsk - Jerzy Markowski No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Tadeusza Ferenca \"Rozwój Podkarpacia\" No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Tadeusza Skorupy No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Unia Prezydentów-Obywatele do Senatu No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Wiesława Domian No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Wiesław Piotrowski Bezpartyjny No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Wincentego Szarmacha No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Władysława Komarnickiego No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Włodzimierza Wiertka No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców \"Wolni i Solidarni\" Kornela Morawieckiego No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Wspólnoty Samorządowej Doliny Sanu No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców W. Lubawskiego - Senat dla Obywateli No", "Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Zbigniewa Chlebowskiego No", "Komitet Wyborczy Związku Słowiańskiego No", "Constituencies No. Location Mandates 1Legnica1 2Legnica1 3Legnica1 4Wałbrzych1 5Wałbrzych1 6Wrocław1 7Wrocław1 8Wrocław1 9Bydgoszcz1 10Bydgoszcz1 11Toruń1 12Toruń1 13Toruń1 14Lublin1 15Lublin1 16Lublin1 17Chełm1 18Chełm1 19Chełm1 20Zielona Góra1 21Zielona Góra1 22Zielona Góra1 23Łódź1 24Łódź1 25Sieradz1 26Sieradz1 27Sieradz1 28Piotrków Trybunalski1 29Piotrków Trybunalski1 30Kraków I1 31Kraków II1 32Kraków II1 33Kraków II1 34Tarnów1 35Tarnów1 36Nowy Sącz1 37Nowy Sącz1 38Płock1 39Płock1 40Warszawa II1 41Warszawa II1 42Warszawa I1 43Warszawa I1 44Warszawa I1 45Warszawa I1 46Siedlce1 47Siedlce1 48Siedlce1 49Radom1 50Radom1 51Opole1 52Opole1 53Opole1 54Rzeszów1 55Rzeszów1 56Rzeszów1 57Krosno1 58Krosno1 59Białystok1 60Białystok1 61Białystok1 62Gdynia1 63Gdynia1 64Gdynia1 65Gdańsk1 66Gdańsk1 67Gdańsk1 68Częstochowa1 69Częstochowa1 70Gliwice1 71Gliwice1 72Rybnik1 73Rybnik1 74Katowice1 75Katowice1 76Sosnowiec1 77Sosnowiec1 78Bielsko-Biała1 79Bielsko-Biała1 80Katowice1 81Kielce1 82Kielce1 83Kielce1 84Elbląg1 85Elbląg1 86Olsztyn1 87Olsztyn1 88Piła1 89Piła1 90Poznań1 91Poznań1 92Konin1 93Konin1 94Kalisz1 95Kalisz1 96Kalisz1 97Szczecin1 98Szczecin1 99Koszalin1 100Koszalin1 Senators in term 2011 - 2015", "Constituency no. Card number Candidate data Number of valid votes for candidate Family name and given names Profession committee Quantity % (in the constituency)", "14Michalski Janinżynier elektronikKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 33 641", "35,55%", "25Pinior JózefprawnikKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 40 703", "41,01%", "31Czudowska Dorotalekarz onkologia klinicznaKomitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość 45 167", "29,50%", "43Kilian Wiesławmgr administracjiKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 35 461", "30,63%", "42,69%", "63Duda JarosławsocjologKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 73 121", "35,35%", "71Chybicka Alicja Paulinalekarz pediatraKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 62 452", "43,89%", "83Obremski Jarosław Wojciechpracownik samorządowyKomitet Wyborczy Wyborców Rafał Dutkiewicz 63 717", "41,89%", "95Kobiak AndrzejprzedsiębiorcaKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 77 485", "32,25%", "104Rulewski Janinżynier mechanikKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 61 026", "45,28%", "115Wyrowiński Jan Alfonsinżynier automatykKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 47 641", "35,64%", "125Wojtczak Michał JózefpedagogKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 40 492", "38,40%", "134Person Andrzejsenator zawodowyKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 49 720", "42,59%", "145Gogacz StanisławprawnikKomitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość 56 709", "36,57%", "152Czelej Grzegorzlekarz dentystaKomitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość 65 504", "43,85%", "161Cioch HenrykprawnikKomitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość 52 961", "34,18%", "172Bierecki Grzegorz MichałbankowiecKomitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość 31 716", "32,40%", "185Zając Józefnauczyciel akademickiKomitet Wyborczy Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe 26 415", "31,30%", "192Chróścikowski Jerzy MieczysławrolnikKomitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość 54 261", "37,53%", "203Iwan Stanisław Antoniinż. elektrykKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 53 489", "45,65%", "211Hatka Helenapracownik administracji rządowejKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 44 484", "34,33%", "222Dowhan RobertprzedsiębiorcaKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 43 822", "46,34%", "233Grubski Maciej Tomaszpracownik socjalnyKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 76 862", "41,50%", "242Bonisławski Ryszard WiesławfilologKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 78 707", "45,54%", "251Błaszczyk Przemysław Jacekmagister inżynier zootechnikKomitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość 27 392", "29,40%", "42,78%", "273Seweryński Michałprofesor prawaKomitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość 33 770", "27,23%", "283Dobkowski Wiesław Józefinżynier elektrykKomitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość 51 797", "36,16%", "293Wojciechowski Grzegorz MichałrolnikKomitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość 47 926", "38,85%", "304Pająk Andrzej Michałinżynier hutnikKomitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość 92 779", "38,01%", "314Pęk Bogdan Marekinż. zootechnikKomitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość 49 885", "31,64%", "46,69%", "332Klich Bogdan Adamlekarz medycynyKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 95 439", "52,53%", "341Klima Maciej JanlekarzKomitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość 51 013", "39,52%", "355Wiatr Kazimierz Adamnauczyciel akademickiKomitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość 52 814", "38,69%", "362Hodorowicz Stanisław Andrzejnauczyciel akademickiKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 45 938", "35,28%", "372Kogut StanisławparlamentarzystaKomitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość 102 185", "66,31%", "29,17%", "30,96%", "401Aksamit Anna TeresaurzędnikKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 95 003", "44,41%", "411Abgarowicz Łukasz MariamenagerKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 105 825", "44,81%", "50,26%", "49,12%", "441Borys-Damięcka Barbarareżyser telewizyjnyKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 196 735", "60,71%", "452Pociej Aleksander AugustadwokatKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 99 358", "45,19%", "465Mamątow Robert Adamtechnik budowlanyKomitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość 42 603", "32,21%", "471Górski Henrykinżynier rolnikKomitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość 46 999", "38,83%", "481Kraska Waldemar Jerzylekarz medycynyKomitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość 41 260", "43,64%", "491Karczewski Stanisławlekarz medycynyKomitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość 37 384", "43,71%", "35,65%", "511Knosala Ryszard Antoninauczyciel akademickiKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 44 124", "34,28%", "525Wach Piotrnauczyciel akademickiKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 35 934", "38,94%", "30,93%", "545Sagatowska Janina Zofiaradca prawnyKomitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość 50 185", "40,99%", "553Ortyl Władysław Zenoninżynier mechanik lotniczyKomitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość 82 425", "49,17%", "40,09%", "575Zając Alicja MariabiologKomitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość 63 552", "53,71%", "583Matusiewicz Andrzej AntoniadwokatKomitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość 72 861", "39,45%", "595Paszkowski Bohdan Józefradca prawnyKomitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość 51 758", "33,73%", "601Arłukowicz Tadeuszpracownik samorządowyKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 84 049", "41,73%", "611Cimoszewicz WłodzimierzprawnikKomitet Wyborczy Wyborców Cimoszewicz do Senatu 39 095", "49,83%", "54,00%", "635Zaborowski Romaninż. budownictwa lądowegoKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 71 275", "49,01%", "646Wittbrodt Edmund Kazimierznauczyciel akademickiKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 70 345", "46,73%", "651Borusewicz Bogdan MichałhistorykKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 147 909", "62,49%", "662Grzyb Andrzej StefanfilologKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 53 771", "46,60%", "671Czarnobaj Leszekmgr inż. technologii drewnaKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 34 230", "49,03%", "683Lasecki Jarosław WacławmanagerKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 50 287", "39,59%", "37,12%", "704Pańczyk-Pozdziej Mariadziennikarka radiowaKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 81 206", "48,44%", "713Misiołek Andrzej Kazimierznauczyciel akademickiKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 49 705", "42,50%", "727Zdziebło Adam MichałprawnikKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 50 903", "33,92%", "734Motyczka Antoni Andrzejnauczyciel akademickiKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 40 929", "34,11%", "743Piechota Leszek MarianSenator RPKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 63 789", "39,35%", "751Bieńkowska Elżbieta Ewawyższy urzędnik państwowyKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 48 281", "45,24%", "30,64%", "773Śmigielski Bogusław Piotrmenedżer opieki zdrowotnejKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 55 043", "43,46%", "783Muchacki Rafał Klemenslekarz medycyny - onkologKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 86 086", "45,93%", "37,71%", "801Kutz Kazimierz JulianreżyserKomitet Wyborczy Wyborców Kazimierza Kutza 81 662", "60,51%", "811Gil Mieczysław Władysławinżynier budownictwaKomitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość 45 526", "31,91%", "822Gosiewska Beata BarbaraurzędnikKomitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość 52 972", "37,52%", "837Słoń Krzysztof Marekinżynier budownictwaKomitet Wyborczy Prawo i Sprawiedliwość 39 802", "25,08%", "842Gintowt-Dziewałtowski Witold JózefekonomistaKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 43 129", "39,94%", "851Gorczyca Stanisław Andrzejsenator RPKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 33 627", "35,70%", "862Górecki Ryszard Józefnauczyciel akademickiKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 84 271", "58,87%", "35,79%", "881Augustyn MieczysławadministratywistaKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 60 565", "42,44%", "893Libicki Jan FiliphistorykKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 38 040", "30,32%", "903Ziółkowski Marek Aleksandernauczyciel akademickiKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 89 368", "64,61%", "912Rotnicka Jadwiga Kazimieranauczyciel akademickiKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 161 582", "62,29%", "921Gruszczyński Piotr AndrzejSenator RPKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 56 695", "40,24%", "934Niewiarowski IreneuszSenator RPKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 39 507", "30,68%", "945Poślednik Marianinż. rolnictwaKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 38 077", "34,13%", "30,02%", "965Sitarz Witold Janinż. mechanikKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 30 879", "27,00%", "973Obrycki Norbert PiotrfilologKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 87 115", "44,29%", "984Preiss Sławomir Piotrartysta plastykKomitet Wyborczy Platforma Obywatelska RP 64 833", "35,14%", "40,11%", "46,54%" ]
{ "id": "train10375", "claim_title": "Democratic Left Alliance", "claim_section": "History.:Opposition: 2005–present.", "claim_context": "The 2004 European elections foreshadowed the SLD's huge defeat in the 2005 parliamentary election, in which it won only 11.3% of the vote. This gave the party 55 seats, barely a quarter of what it had had prior to the election. It also lost all of its Senators. In late 2006 a centre-left political alliance called Left and Democrats was created, comprising SLD and smaller centre-left parties, the Labour Union, the Social Democratic Party of Poland, and the liberal Democratic Party – The coalition won a disappointing 13% in the 2007 parliamentary election and was dissolved soon after in April 2008. On 31 May 2008, Olejniczak was replaced by Grzegorz Napieralski as SLD leader. \n In the 2009 European election the Democratic Left Alliance-Labor Union joint ticket received 12% of the vote and 7 MEPs were elected as part of the newly retitled Socialists & Democrats group. \n" }
[ [ 45, 50 ], [ 45, 46, 50 ], [ 46, 50, 73, 77, 119 ] ]
On September 10, 2018, Jack Ma announced that Zhang would also take over as executive chairman, effective in 1 year on September 10, 2019.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Jack Ma succession plan at Alibaba: Daniel Zhang to become chairman", "(meta data) AUTHOR: Saheli Roy Choudhury", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "Skip Navigation×LOG INSIGN UP", "Keep Me Logged In", "Top StoriesTop Stories", "### Stocks making the biggest moves premarket: Home Depot, Kohl's,...", "These are the stocks posting the largest moves before the bell.", "Market Insiderread more", "### Home Depot quarterly sales miss and company cuts outlook amid...", "Home Depot's CEO says the retailer cut its outlook partly due to \"the potential impacts to the U.S. consumer arising from recently announced tariffs.\"", "Retailread more", "### White House official denies administration is looking at a...", "The report comes as Trump in recent days has lashed out over media reports about growing recession fears.", "Politicsread more", "### Robert Shiller says the Fed's rate cut had the opposite intended...", "Nobel prize winner Robert Shiller takes issue with the Federal Reserve's rate cut in July because of the psychological harm it caused the markets.", "Marketsread more", "### U.S. Steel plans to lay off hundreds of workers in Michigan", "United States Steel Corp will temporarily lay off hundreds of workers at its Great Lakes facility in Michigan in coming weeks, according to a filing the steelmaker made with...", "US Marketsread more", "### The tide may be turning for the worst-performing S&P sector this...", "Energy stocks may be fueling up for a comeback rally.", "One technical analyst says that after the sector's pummeling, these two stocks look particularly good.", "Trading Nationread more", "### Kohl's second-quarter profits beat expectations, but sales miss...", "Kohl's said Tuesday that a strong start to the back-to-school season and new partnership with Amazon helped the retailer beat Wall Street earnings expectations during the...", "Retailread more", "### Huawei calls US actions to blacklist more affiliates 'politically...", "While the U.S. gave Huawei a 90-day reprieve, allowing American businesses to keep selling specific products to the Chinese firm, it also added more affiliates of the...", "Technologyread more", "### 5 things to know before the stock market opens Tuesday", "Dow set to rise; White House denies payroll tax cut report; China tweaks interest rates; Home Depot worries about trade war; Beyond Meat gets an upgrade", "Marketsread more", "### JP Morgan's trading guru says stock rebound to continue, yield...", "For investors still haunted by last week's monster sell-off, the market's comeback is set to last, according to J.P. 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Davidson & Co, told CNBC's \"Squawk Box. \"", "\"(Ma) stepped back five years ago to become chairman,\" Luria said, adding that Ma had left the stage for Zhang, Executive Vice Chairman Joe Tsai, Chief Financial Officer Maggie Wu and others to take over.", "\"He's done, he's already worked on the succession for years.", "It seems to be going in a fairly orderly fashion.\"", "Luria also said not to expect too many changes as a result of the leadership succession.", "\"The communication to the outside world beyond the investment community may be a little different without Jack Ma.", "He's a very colorful, charismatic figure, and that aspect of communication may go away,\" he said.", "But the strategies put in place at the tech giant, including an online-to-offline new retail strategy, belong to Zhang, Luria added.", "\"It's his company now and as chairman, (Zhang) would most likely continue those strategies.\"", "Ma, a former English teacher, co-founded Alibaba in 1999 and is considered one of China's richest men, with a net worth of $36.6 billion, according to Forbes.", "Alibaba, based out of Hangzhou, China, started as an e-commerce marketplace and expanded into other business areas, including cloud computing and digital payments through its affiliate Ant Financial.", "Ma stepped down as chief executive officer in 2013 to dedicate more time to philanthropy through the Jack Ma Foundation.", "Last week, a report by The New York Times said that the billionaire was retiring on Monday from the company he helped found, and that it would've made him one of the first founders among a generation of prominent Chinese internet entrepreneurs to step down.", "On Saturday, the South China Morning Post, which is owned by Alibaba, quoted a spokesman saying the Times' report was factually inaccurate, and taken out of context.", "## Read Jack Ma's full letter to Alibaba shareholders and customers below:", "Dear Alibaba customers, Aliren, and shareholders,", "Today, as we mark the 19th anniversary of Alibaba, I am excited to share some news with you:with the approval of our board of directors, one year from today on September 10, 2019 which also falls on Alibaba's 20th anniversary, Group CEO Daniel Zhang will succeed me as chairman of the board of Alibaba Group.", "While remaining as executive chairman in the next 12 months, I will work closely with Daniel to ensure a smooth and successful transition.", "Thereafter, I will stay on the Alibaba board of directors until our annual shareholders meeting in 2020.", "I have put a lot of thought and preparation into this succession plan for ten years.", "I am delighted to announce the plan today thanks to the support of the Alibaba Partnership and our board of directors.", "I also want to offer special thanks to all Alibaba colleagues and your families, because your trust, support and our joint enterprise over the past 19 years have prepared us for this day with confidence and strength.", "This transition demonstrates that Alibaba has stepped up to the next level of corporate governance from a company that relies on individuals, to one built on systems of organizational excellence and a culture of talent development.", "When Alibaba was founded in 1999, our goal was to build a company that could make China and the world proud and one that could cross three centuries to last 102 years.", "However, we all knew that no one could stay with the company for 102 years.", "A sustainable Alibaba would have to be built on sound governance, culture-centric philosophy, and consistency in developing talent.", "No company can rely solely on its founders.", "Of all people, I should know that.", "Because of physical limits on one's ability and energy, no one can shoulder the responsibilities of chairman and CEO forever.", "We asked ourselves this question 10 years ago – how could Alibaba achieve sustainable growth after Jack Ma leaves the company?", "We believed the only way to solve the problem of corporate leadership succession was to develop a system of governance based on a unique culture and mechanisms for developing consistent talent and successors.", "For the last 10 years, we kept working on these ingredients.", "Having been trained as a teacher, I feel extremely proud of what I have achieved.", "Teachers always want their students to exceed them, so the responsible thing to do for me and the company to do is to let younger, more talented people take over in leadership roles so that they inherit our mission \"to make it easy to do business anywhere.\"", "Carrying out this mission in order to help small businesses, young people and women around the world is my passion.", "This is not only our intent from day one but I feel blessed to have this opportunity.", "To realize the dream behind this mission requires participation by a lot more people than just Jack Ma and persistent effort by generations of Aliren.", "Alibaba is amazing not because of our business or scale or accomplishments.", "The best thing about Alibaba is that we come together under a common mission and vision.", "Our partnership system, unique culture and talented team have laid a strong foundation for the legacy of our company.", "In fact, since I handed over the CEO's responsibilities in 2013, the company has run smoothly for five years on the back of these institutional ingredients.", "The partnership system we developed is a creative solution to good governance and sustainability, as it overcomes several challenges faced by companies of scale: continuous innovation, leadership succession, accountability and cultural continuity.", "Over the years, in iterating our management model, we have experimented with and improved on the right balance between systems and individuals.", "Simply relying on individuals or blindly following a system will not solve our problems.", "To achieve long-term sustainable growth, you need the right balance among system, people and culture.", "I have full confidence that our partnership system and efforts to safeguard our culture will in time win over the love and support from customers, employees and shareholders.", "Since the founding of the company in 1999, we have been of the view that Alibaba's future will need to depend on \"droves of talent\" to enable us to iterate on our management succession plans.", "After years of hard work, today's Alibaba has a world-class talent pool in quality and quantity.", "The teacher in me feels extremely proud of our team, our leadership and our unique mission-driven culture, as well as the fact that we continue to develop exceptional business leaders and professional talent like Daniel Zhang.", "Daniel has been with Alibaba Group for 11 years.", "Since he took over as CEO, he has demonstrated his superb talent, business acumen and determined leadership.", "Under his stewardship, Alibaba has seen consistent and sustainable growth for 13 consecutive quarters.", "His analytical mind is unparalleled, he holds dear our mission and vision, he embraces responsibility with passion, and he has the guts to innovate and test creative business models.", "Deservedly, China's business news media has named him the No.1 CEO in 2018.", "For these reasons, he and his team have won the trust and support of customers, employees and shareholders.", "Starting the process of passing the Alibaba torch to Daniel and his team is the right decision at the right time, because I know from working with them that they are ready, and I have complete confidence in our next generation of leaders.", "As for myself, I still have lots of dreams to pursue.", "Those who know me know that I do not like to sit idle.", "I plan on continuing my role as the founding partner in the Alibaba Partnership and contribute to the work of the partnership.", "I also want to return to education, which excites me with so much blessing because this is what I love to do.", "The world is big, and I am still young, so I want to try new things – because what if new dreams can be realized?!", "The one thing I can promise everyone is this: Alibaba was never about Jack Ma, but Jack Ma will forever belong to Alibaba.", "Jack MaSeptember 10, 2018", "Clarification: This article has been updated to clarify that the New York Times originally reported that Jack Ma said he would be stepping down as Alibaba chairman on Monday.", "as 23 towns hit by 'coordinated' ransomware attackChina may have a new way of boosting its economy.", "Here's what the central bank", "just didU.S. Steel plans to lay off hundreds of workers in", "MichiganHome", "Depot misses on sales, cuts outlook on worries tariffs could hit consumer spending", "#### News Tips", "Got a confidential news tip?", "We want to hear from you.", "#### CNBC Newsletters", "Sign up for free newsletters and get more CNBC delivered to your inbox", "Get this delivered to your inbox, and more info about our products and services.", "Privacy Policy.", "© 2019 CNBC LLC.", "All Rights Reserved.", "A Division of NBCUniversal", "Data is a real-time snapshot *Data is delayed at least 15 minutes.", "Global Business and Financial News, Stock Quotes, and Market Data and Analysis.", "Data also provided by" ]
{ "id": "train19257", "claim_title": "Daniel Zhang", "claim_section": "Career.", "claim_context": "Zhang first joined Taobao (an Alibaba subsidiary) in 2007 as its Chief Financial Officer. The following year he became the Chief Operating Officer of Taobao. In 2011, Zhang was promoted to President of Tmall, a business-to-consumer shopping spinoff from Taobao. It was during his time running Tmall that Zhang launched the Single's Day shopping event. \n In 2013, Zhang was promoted to Chief Operating Officer of Alibaba Group, and eventually succeeded Jonathan Lu as the CEO in 2015." }
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The brand's name and logo were derived from, which was acquired by Amazon and later shut down.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Amazon's pet play: Tech giant unveils in-house dog food brand Wag – GeekWire", "(meta data) AUTHOR:", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2018-05-03T18:07:49+00:00", "Search for:", "In campaign appearance near Amazon HQ, Elizabeth Warren avoids confronting tech giant on proposed breakup", "Week in Review: Most popular stories on GeekWire for the week of Aug. 18, 2019", "PAX has lost its luster: Growth of gaming show mutes the voice of independent developers", "Lydia Frank taps journalism skills and PayScale's data resources to tell the wage equity story", "Headphones, AI, and humanity: What these 'AirMuffs' say about the future of technology", "How tech keeps Seattle's transit system running — and why more innovation could be coming", "Canadian biotech company Chinook Therapeutics raises $65M for rare kidney disease therapies", "Today on GeekWire: Jeff Bezos' first job post; modern telemedicine; unsafe products on Amazon's marketplace", "Geek of the Week: Annee Ngo engages students with e-sports tied to education and real money", "GeekWire Calendar Picks: PAX West; LEGO Robotics; chaos engineering; and more", "Capital One hacking suspect Paige Thompson appears in court, ordered to remain in custody", "How this 'tethered energy drone' can help produce affordable clean energy with a small footprint", "Amazon-owned Audible sued by major book publishers over controversial speech-to-text feature", "Amazon responds to investigation revealing thousands of banned and unsafe items on its marketplace", "PokéBar, a Pokémon pop-up with Pikachu burgers and more, is coming to Seattle next year", "Tech Moves: Remitly names diversity lead; Tableau hires marketing exec; ArtsFund taps interim CEO", "Riding a telemedicine wave, docs trade white coats for the tech life, testing the limits of health care", "Amazon, Microsoft and other titans face scrutiny in report about killer-robot tech", "Why Big Data is a bigger deal than venture capital in the artificial intelligence game", "Jeff Bezos' first job ad for Amazon turns 25 — here's why it's 'very weak' by modern standards", "Jeff Bezos shows up on stage at Amazon's epic employee concert, helps introduce Katy Perry", "Jeff Bezos' first job ad for Amazon turns 25 — here's why it's 'very weak' by modern standards", "Modular smart-home startup Blokable raises $23M, plans new California manufacturing facility", "Amazon to host free concert from roof of Seattle's Pike Place Market with The Head and The Heart", "Capital One hacking suspect Paige Thompson appears in court, ordered to remain in custody", "Amazon HQ2 becomes nation's most competitive region for home buyers as Seattle market cools", "Seattle startup Human looks to stand out with distinctive $399 over-the-ear wireless headphones", "Amazon responds to investigation revealing thousands of banned and unsafe items on its marketplace", "Amazon to double presence in Portland, Ore., adding 400 new tech roles", "Inside T-Mobile's new device testing lab, where the 'Un-carrier' is gearing up for national 5G rollout", "Dimmest bulb on 'Jeopardy' is Alexa as Amazon's A.I. is tasked with turning down the stage lights", "Report reveals new details about Bezos' influence on Amazon bid for Pentagon cloud contract", "The hidden legacy of aQuantive: How Microsoft's $6B loss became a win for the Seattle tech industry", "Going from a big company to a startup?", "Here are three things you need to 'unlearn' to be successful", "Leaked setup wizard reveals Microsoft's plan to turn Xbox One into personal xCloud game streaming server", "Goodbye, iPhone: How Microsoft convinced me to switch to Android and the Samsung Galaxy Note10", "Microsoft has finally found its smartphone: Why the Samsung Galaxy partnership is so promising", "Making OKRs OK: Ally raises $8M for software to help companies meet objectives and key results", "Public records reveal T-Mobile's plan to make Seattle a 5G hub in partnership with UW and tech giants", "Tech Moves: Apple's former Siri chief jumps to Microsoft; Halo Infinite creative director departs", "Trending: PAX has lost its luster: Growth of gaming show mutes the voice of independent developers", "# Amazon's pet play: Tech giant unveils in-house dog food brand Wag", "by Nat Levy on May 3, 2018 at 11:07 am", "The landing page for Amazon's new in-house brand of dog food.", "(Screenshot Via Amazon)", "First it was Dogs of Amazon, and now we have Dog Food of Amazon.", "Amazon this week debuted its in-house dog food brand Wag.", "A web page for the product offers a variety of dry dog foods and promises that more pet supplies will be added over time.", "Wag dog food is only available for Amazon Prime members and will put pressure on a host of competitors, including grocery stores and pet stores.", "As noted by Bloomberg, pet food is a difficult item to ship because of how heavy it is, so it requires a strong logistics operations like Amazon's.", "The Wag name dates back to Amazon's $545 million acquisition of Quidsi, parent company to sites like as well as pet supply site", "Amazon shut down the Quidsi unit last year because the tech giant couldn't get it to make money.", "Market research firm Packaged Facts estimated that U.S. pet owners spent more than $26 billion in 2017, a 6 percent increase over the previous year.", "But that is just a small piece of the pie, with pet supplies in general projected to be a $96 billion market by 2020.", "That's why Amazon has promised to add more pet products over time.", "### Related Stories", "Amazon ranks No. 1 as most dog-friendly company in America; Trupanion at No. 3", "Pet-sitting startup Rover snags new HQ with room for 700 people — plus their dogs", "Breaking up Amazon: Is it even possible?", "Imagining the tech giant under a U.S. antitrust crackdown", "Amazon-Whole Foods one year later: How tech is reshaping grocery, and how rivals are responding", "###### Previous Story", "Health Tech Podcast: Using precision medicine to kill cancer — with artificial intelligence", "###### Next Story", "Twitter moves its part of its massive Hadoop data platform to Google Cloud", "Like what you're reading? Subscribe to GeekWire's free newsletters to catch every headline", "Email address", "GeekWire Daily - Top headlines daily", "GeekWire Weekly - Most-read stories of the week, delivered Sunday", "GeekWire Space & Science - Weekly headlines from Alan Boyle, award-winning aerospace and science editor", "GeekWire Podcasts — Weekly update with our latest audio episodes", "GeekWire Cloud Tech Weekly — Cloud and developer technology, delivered weekly", "GeekWire Mid-week Update — Most-read stories so far this week, delivered Wednesday", "GeekWire Local Deals — Special offers for Pacific Northwest area readers", "### Comments", "### Most Popular on GeekWire", "Jeff Bezos shows up on stage at Amazon's epic employee concert, helps introduce Katy Perry", "Jeff Bezos' first job ad for Amazon turns 25 — here's why it's 'very weak' by modern standards", "Modular smart-home startup Blokable raises $23M, plans new California manufacturing facility", "Amazon to host free concert from roof of Seattle's Pike Place Market with The Head and The Heart", "### Job Listings on GeekWork", "Brand JournalistRad Power BikesEntrepreneur-in-Residence // Co-FounderALLEN INSTITUTE FOR ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI2)Senior Web Developer LeadLumedic", "Find more jobs on GeekWork.", "Employers, post a job here." ]
{ "id": "train37088", "claim_title": "List of Amazon brands", "claim_section": "Wag.", "claim_context": "Introduced in May 2018, Wag is a Prime-exclusive brand of dog food." }
[ [] ]
During this period he inaugurated the Arab News Interactive Forum which hosts symposiums in the presence of officials and diplomats to discuss the current world affairs.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Saudi society 'has a wonderful quality of accepting foreigners' | Arab News", "Wednesday . August 21, 2019", "## Search form", "Since 1975", "The Voice of a Changing Region", "## Search form", "UAE rejects allegations on its position in Aden Australia joins US-led mission to protect Hormuz shipping Dubai handbag brand gets royal approval Dubai handbag brand gets royal approval", "Spider-Man's Marvel future in peril as Sony deal breaks down Spider-Man's Marvel future in peril as Sony deal breaks down", "Celebrities step out in Andrea Wazen's shoe designs Celebrities step out in Andrea Wazen's shoe designs Saudi mall operator Arabian Centres bucks retail malaise as profits surge Aramco US refining unit moves into Texas chemicals business", "# Saudi society 'has a wonderful quality of accepting foreigners'", "1 / 7", "2 / 7", "3 / 7", "Pakistan Ambassador Manzoor ul Haq explains a point in the presence of Arab News Editor in Chief Mohammed Fahad Al-Harthi.", "4 / 7", "Pakistan Ambassador Manzoor ul Haq and Arab News Editor in Chief Mohammed Fahad Al-Harthi with community leaders and Arab News senior editors.", "(AN photos by Ghazi Mahdi)", "5 / 7", "Arab News Editor in Chief Mohammed Fahad Al-Harthi addresses the Arab News Dialogue in Jeddah, attended by Pakistan Ambassador Manzoor ul Haq and community leaders Amir Muhammad Khan, S. Qasim Ali Naqvi and Syed Ehsanul Haque.", "The forum's theme was: \"Expat Communities in Saudi Arabia: Their Contribution and Responsibilities.\"", "6 / 7", "At the Arab News dialogue are, from left, S. Qasim Ali Naqvi, Amir Mohammad Khan and Syed Ehsanul Haque.", "7 / 7", "Updated 14 August 2016", "Arab News", "August 14, 2016 00:00", "#### Hide comments Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus.", "# Fraud alert over cryptocurrency falsely linked to Saudi Arabia", "Updated 21 August 2019", "Rawan Radwan", "August 21, 2019 01:00", "Topics:", "online fraud", "virtual currency", "#### Show comments Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus.", "#### Related", "Business & Economy", "##### Saudi Arabia and UAE launch a new joint cryptocurrency", "Science & Technology", "##### Hacked and scammed: investors navigate cryptocurrency 'wild west'", "Page 1", "### Latest updates", "###### Beijing says holding UK's Hong Kong consulate employee", "###### Egypt's iconic Tahrir Square to be renovated", "###### UAE rejects allegations on its position in Aden", "###### Dubai launches region's first diploma for social media influencers", "###### Australia joins US-led mission to protect Hormuz shipping", "### Recommended", "Middle-East", "###### How one man plans to tow an iceberg to the Arabian Gulf", "Middle-East", "###### What the Middle East needs for a sustainable future, according to UN report", "###### Two engineers help fight Lebanese farming foe", "## Search form", "###### Print Edition", "Read pdf version", "Subscribe now", "© 2019 SAUDI RESEARCH & PUBLISHING COMPANY, All Rights Reserved And subject to Terms of Use Agreement." ]
{ "id": "train28924", "claim_title": "Mohammed Fahad Al-Harthi", "claim_section": "Work Experience.", "claim_context": "Moved to work at Al-Eqtisadiah Daily in Saudi Arabia and served as a regular journalist, then to senior sub-editor of the front page and later became the managing editor of the daily. \n In 1997, became the editor-in-chief of Arrajol magazine published in London by the Saudi Research and Marketing Group (SRMG) and received the Gulf Excellence Award in 2002 following the huge success of Arrajol magazine during that time. \n In 2004, became the editor-in-chief of Sayidaty and Al Jamila Magazines published by the (SRMG) then transferred the publishing and management of the two from London to Dubai Media City. \n Played a key role in turning Sayidaty magazine into a number of specialized issues in print and online publications under the same umbrella, such as Sayidaty Décor, Sayidaty Mother & Baby and Sayidaty Fashion. He also launched the monthly Sayidaty magazine in English. \n Became editor-in-chief of the Arab News Daily published by SRMG from 2013 until 2016." }
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The Stanley Miller Medal is an award to be presented by the National Academy of Sciences every five years to promote research and study in the fields of "research on Earth's early development as a planet, including prebiotic chemistry and the origin of life; planetary accretion, differentiation, and tectonics; and early evolution of the atmosphere and oceans".
[ "(meta data) TITLE: NAS Award in Early Earth and Life Sciences", "Meetings & Events", "Support the NAS", "## PROGRAMS", "2020 Awards", "How to Nominate", "Alphabetical Listing", "Awards by Field", "National Academies Awards for Communicating Science", "Connect with Awards", "Cultural Programs", "Distinctive Voices", "Human Gene Editing Initiative", "Kavli Frontiers of Science", "NAS Colloquia", "US-UK Scientific Forum", "From Research to Reward", "Science & Entertainment Exchange", "National Academies Keck Futures Initiative (inactive)", "# NAS Award in Early Earth and Life Sciences", "## About the NAS Award in Early Earth and Life Sciences", "Established by the NAS Council in October 2008 by combining two awards: The Charles Doolittle Walcott Medal established by a gift of Mrs. Mary Vaux Walcott in memory of her husband, Charles Doolittle Walcott, and the Stanley Miller Medal established through a bequest from NAS member Stanley Miller.", "The award rotates presentation between the Charles Doolittle Walcott Medal for research on Cambrian or pre-Cambrian life, and the Stanley Miller Medal which recognizes research on Earth's early development as a planet, including prebiotic chemistry and the origin of life; planetary accretion, differentiation, and tectonics; and early evolution of the atmosphere and oceans.", "Each medal is presented with a $10,000 prize.", "## About the Charles Doolittle Walcott Medal", "The Charles Doolittle Walcott Medal is presented to encourage and reward individual achievement in advancing our knowledge of Cambrian or pre-Cambrian life and its history in any part of the world.", "## Most Recent Charles Doolittle Walcott Medal Recipient", "J. William Schopf, Distinguished Professor of Paleobiology at the University of California, Los Angeles, is the recipient of the NAS Award in Early Earth and Life Sciences, presented this year with the Charles Doolittle Walcott Medal.", "Schopf is being honored for his studies of the microscopic fossils that represent the earliest forms of life on the earth and for his generous and inspirational leadership of large, collaborative research groups.", "These \"Precambrian Paleobiology Research Groups\" brought together scientists from multiple scientific disciplines and focused their efforts to yield new ideas and information.", "Their work has stimulated countless further studies of the earliest history of life on earth.", "## About the Stanley Miller Medal", "The Stanley Miller Medal was established upon bequest of Stanley L. Miller in 2007.", "Miller is best known for his groundbreaking work in the Miller-Urey Experiment.", "In the experiment, Miller combined gasses believed to be present in the early Earth's atmosphere into a closed environment.", "To simulate the electrical charges emitted by lighting during Earth's youth, Miller pumped a continuous electrical current through the gasses.", "After one week of emitting the electrical current, 10-15% of the carbon contained in the simulated atmosphere formed into organic compounds and 2% of the compounds formed into amino acids, clearly demonstrating the ability of organic compounds to form under Earth's early atmospheric conditions.", "While criticisms now exist as to how accurately Miller's experiment emulated Earth's early atmospheric conditions, Miller's findings still provide invaluable insight into the formation of essential organic compounds.", "## Most Recent Stanley Miller Medal Recipient", "Norman R. Pace, University of Colorado, will receive the 2019 Stanley Miller Medal.", "Pace, known as the father of microbial ecology, has made groundbreaking discoveries into the study of RNA, and through it life on earth.", "Pace first began studying RNA structure and function.", "He participated in the discovery of the catalytic activity of RNAs, which contributed to our understanding of early life on Earth.", "Read more about his work»", "### Recipients:", "Norman R. Pace (2019, Stanley Miller Medal)For his seminal contributions to the discovery of catalytic RNAs and his pioneering work on methods for delineating the diversity of life on Earth.", "Read more about Pace's work»", "James F. Kasting (2016, Stanley Miller Medal)For his outstanding modelling studies of planetary atmospheres and habitability that constrain the environmental context for the origin of life.", "Read more about Kasting's work»", "J. William Schopf (2013, Charles Doolittle Walcott Medal)For his pioneering studies of Precambrian microfossils and for his generous and inspirational leadership of the Precambrian Paleobiology Research Groups", "Gerald F. Joyce (2010, Stanley Miller Medal)For his pioneering experiments on the self-sustained replication and evolution of RNA enzymes (ribozymes), which illuminate key conceptual steps in the origin of life.", "### Charles Doolittle Walcott Medal Recipients: 1934-2007", "John P. Grotzinger (2007)For the insightful elucidation of ancient carbonates and the stromatolites they contain, and for meticulous field research that has established the timing of early animal evolution.", "Hans J. Hofmann (2002)For his pioneering discoveries of fossils that have illuminated life's early evolution, from Archean stromatolites and Proterozoic cyanobacteria, to the rise of multicellular organisms.", "Mikhail A. Fedonkin (1997)For his meticulous and insightful documentation of the body fossils, tracks, and trails that record the earliest evolution of animals.", "Stefan Bengtson (1992)For his leadership in studies of the enigmatic faunas of the Cambrian radiation, evidence for a major evolutionary event that his meticulous research has illuminated.", "Andrew H. Knoll and Simon C. Morris (1987)For their meticulous and insightful research on plant evolution from its microbial roots to vascularization, especially during the transition from Proterozoic to Phanerozoic.", "Martin F. Glaessner (1982)For his perceptive, worldwide biological and paleoecological analyses of the earliest Metazoa, which have extended over a quarter century and have illuminated the beginnings of Phanerozoic evolution.", "Preston Cloud (1977)In recognition of eminence and distinguished achievement in the advancement of sciences in pre-Cambrian paleontology and the early history of life on the primitive earth", "Elso S. Barghoorn (1972)For his outstanding contributions in pre-Cambrian paleobiology.", "Allison R. Palmer (1967)For his research in pre-Cambrian or Cambrian life, in recognition of his eminence as a specialist in the studies of the Cambrian.", "Armin A. Opik (1962)For his contributions to Cambrian geology and paleontology.", "Pierre Hupe (1957)For his monumental work entitiled Contribution a l'etude du Cambrien inferieur et du Precambrien III de l'Antiatlas marocain.", "Franco Rasetti (1952)For his contributions to Cambrian paleontology.", "Alexander G. Vologdin (1947)For his studies of Pre-Cambrian and Cambrian algae and his researches on the Archaeocyatha, a distinctive group of Cambrian organisms.", "A. H. Westergaard (1939)For researches on the stratigraphy and paleontology of the Cambrian formations of Sweden.", "David L. White (1934)", "nonprofit software" ]
{ "id": "train38917", "claim_title": "Stanley Miller Medal", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "" }
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A Mega Man Amiibo was released alongside the game for the Switch version.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Video: Mega Man 11 Will Blast Onto Nintendo Switch On 2nd October (And You Can Pre-Order It Right Now) - Nintendo Life", "(meta data) AUTHOR: Nintendo Life", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2018-05-29T15:45:00+00:00", "33 captures", "31 May 2018 - 23 Aug 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "These crawls are part of an effort to archive pages as they are created and archive the pages that they refer to.", "That way, as the pages that are referenced are changed or taken from the web, a link to the version that was live when the page was written will be preserved.", "Then the Internet Archive hopes that references to these archived pages will be put in place of a link that would be otherwise be broken, or a companion link to allow people to see what was originally intended by a page's authors.", "The goal is to fix all broken links on the web.", "Crawls of supported \"No More 404\" sites.", "Collection: Wikipedia Near Real Time (from IRC)", "This is a collection of web page captures from links added to, or changed on, Wikipedia pages.", "The idea is to bring a reliability to Wikipedia outlinks so that if the pages referenced by Wikipedia articles are changed, or go away, a reader can permanently find what was originally referred to.", "This is part of the Internet Archive's attempt to rid the web of broken links.", "The Wayback Machine -", "Login or Sign Up", "Notifications 0 Games Collection View Profile Your Account Logout Home Choose Topics... Manage Topics", "Nintendo SwitchUpcoming Releases", "# Video: Mega Man 11 Will Blast Onto Nintendo Switch On 2nd October (And You Can Pre", "-Order It Right Now)", "Turn it up to 11", "by Dom Reseigh-Lincoln Tue 29th May 2018", "Following on from an unfortunate leak on a Singapore branch of the PlayStation Network, Capcom has officially confirmed that Mega Man 11 is arriving on 2nd October, 2018 with a new trailer and the ability to pre-order the game as you count down the next six months until the full return of Rockman.", "Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube", "You can watch the trailer above, and you can pre-", "order your copy direct from Capcom right here.", "Oh, and here's the box art and a better look at the Mega Man amiibo in all its blueish glory.", "There's an an amiibo Edition you can pre-order, which bundles in the new NFC figure, some stickers, a patch, a microfiber cloth and a copy of the game.", "Nice!", "Will you be adding Mega Man 11 to your Nintendo Switch game collection?", "If so, what are you most looking forward to about it?", "Share your hot take below...", "[via]", "Related Games", "Mega Man 11 (Switch eShop)", "About Dom Reseigh-Lincoln", "Bearded malcontent Dom has been writing about games for so long he's practically forgotten what reality looks like.", "Over his career he's written for just about every site and mag out there.", "You'll almost always find him catching Pokémon or yelling at dragons in Skyrim.", "Staff Profile Twitter Reply", "Comments (53)", "Leave A Comment", "Hold on there, you need to login to post a comment...", "## Related Articles", "GameStop Has Leaked 10 Unannounced Full-Price Switch Game Listings", "E3 could be huge", "Guide: Fortnite On Nintendo Switch - Release Date, Battle Pass Pricing, Motion Controls And Exclusive Content", "Everything we know so far", "The Splatoon 2 News That Was Set To \"Shock The World\" Seems To Have Arrived", "And it's not particularly shocking", "Rumour: Hastily Updated Amazon Listing Suggests Fallout 76 Will Arrive On 31st July", "Vault into action", "These Are The Games Included In SNK's Neo Geo Mini And Neo Geo Mini International", "That's quite the collection", "Game Info", "Title:", "Mega Man 11", "Nintendo Points:", "To Be Announced", "Publisher:", "Developer:", "Release Date:", "To Be Announced (USA)", "To Be Announced (UK/EU)", "Series:", "Mega Man", "Where to buy:", "Buy on Nintendo eShop" ]
{ "id": "train48837", "claim_title": "Mega Man 11", "claim_section": "Development.", "claim_context": "The game was announced in December 2017 as part of the celebration of the series' 30th anniversary, along with the announcements of re-releases of earlier \"Mega Man\" games. \"Mega Man 11\" features 3D polygonal characters and hand-drawn environments, departing from the pixel art-based approach from previous games, and is displayed in 2.5D. It was directed by Koji Oda and produced by Kazuhiro Tsuchiya, with character designs by Yuji Ishihara, and music by Marika Suzuki. According to Tsuchiya and Oda, the departure of \"Mega Man\" producer Keiji Inafune was mainly the reason for the long hiatus of a new game, as there was a huge hesitation for anyone to step up and become \"the new Mega Man guy\" until Oda himself did so. \n \"Mega Man 11\" was released worldwide for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and Xbox One on October 2, 2018, except in Japan where it was released two days later. An alternate soundtrack in the form of a DLC add-on for the game was made freely available to those who pre-ordered the game." }
[ [ 10 ], [ 10, 17 ] ]
At the Ultra Music Festival, he premiered his first future bass single, "Creatures of the Night".
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Hardwell & Austin Mahone - Creatures of the Night", "(meta data) AUTHOR: Timo Büschleb", "Das Portal für Musik-News, Charts und DJ-Promotion", "Vorheriger ArtikelNächster Artikel", "### Hardwell goes Future-Pop", "# Hardwell & Austin Mahone - Creatures of the Night", "Geschrieben von: Timo Büschleb, am 27. März 2017", "(Geschätzte Lesezeit: 1 - 2 Minuten)", "\"Creatures of the Night\" von Hardwell & Austin Mahone", "Nachdem Showtek und Blasterjaxx in ihren jüngsten Veröffentlichungen der trendigen Trap- und Pop-Mischung zugewandt haben, zog nun auch Hardwell nach und verschwand zusammen mit Pop-Sänger und Jungstar Austin Mahone im Studio.", "Gemeinsam nahmen sie das Lied „Creatures of the Night\" auf, dass Hardwell nun vergangenes Wochenende live auf der Mainstage des Ultra Music Festivals premierte.", "Dabei agierte es als Closing-Track, was normalerweise die Rolle verschiedener Hardstyle-Krachern war.", "## Seichte Beats und Poppige Stimme", "Bigroom, Progressive-House, Electro-House.", "Mit diesen Genres lassen sich die Lieder von Hardwell am besten beschreiben.", "Vocals sind dabei eher Mangelware.", "Bei „Party Till the Daylight\" „Baldadig\" und „Get Down\", seinen letzten Releases, kamen lediglich Samples und kein wirklich ernst zu nehmender „Gesang\" zum Einsatz.", "Komplett anders erscheint nun „Creatures of the Night\", obwohl Hardwell sich bereits mit „Thinking About You\" in eine interessante Mischung aus Pop und Future-House, stellt diese Single nun einen komplett neuen Abschnitt dar.", "Eingeleitet wird das Lied von einer Reihe an Pianoklängen und Mahones anfangs noch sehr solide einsetzenden Stimme", "Ein Schnipsen unterstützt den noch sehr langsamen Track, bis im Refrain Kick und Synthes verschwinden und Mahone seine Stimme anhebt.", "Er erklingt dabei sehr gefühlsvoll aber gleichzeitig ein bisschen unsauber und hektisch.", "Der Drop basiert auf den allseits bekannten Future-Pop-Synthes, Dazu stoßen kurze wiederholte Vocal-Parts, die teils in sehr weit oben anzusiedelnden Oktaven aufsteigen.", "Zentrales Problem ist jedoch, dass das Lied nicht richtig in Gang kommt.", "So fehlt es an einem, sich abhebenden Sound, wie es die Jungs von Showtek zurzeit bei „On Our Own\" geschafft haben.", "Auch die Stimme von Kreischende-Mädchen-Youngster Mohane kann sich nicht sonderlich durch besondere Akzente beweisen und stellt keine Konkurrenz für Hardwells Geheimtipp Jake Reese dar.", "Fazit:", "Das Lied ist an sich gut produziert und passt sehr gut in die derzeitigen Trends.", "Auch an dem namenhaften Feature, der durch über 10 Millionen Facebook-Fans dürfte es nicht mangeln.", "Jedoch fehlt dem Lied ein Wiedererkennungswert und besonderen Noten oder Charakterzügen.", "Kommentar folgen", "Schreibe hier deinen Kommentar...", "Loading comment...", "The comment will be refreshed after 00:00.", "Sei der Erste, der hier einen Kommentar schreibt.", "Über den Autor", "Timo Büschleb", "Wenn meine Leidenschaft durch etwas beschrieben werden kann, dann ist es Musik.", "Sie macht die besten Momente unvergesslich und bringt diese Erinnerungen mit wenigen Klängen zurück.", "Ohne die Töne einer EDM-Melodie wäre mein Alltag schlichtweg unvollkommen und auch ein Sommer ohne Festival oder Konzert der aktuellen Größen wäre für mich kaum noch erdenklich.", " eröffnet mir die Möglichkeit meine Erlebnisse und Kenntnisse mit meinem Enthusiasmus für Recherche zu verknüpfen und konnte mir somit ein journalistisches Sprungbrett für das legen, was mich begeistert.", "Facebook | E", "Mail", "### Weitere Artikel zum Thema:", "#### Musikvideo » Hardwell feat. Trevor Guthrie -", "#### Hardwell & Dannic feat. Kelli-Leigh - Chase The", "#### Hardwell feat. JGUAR - Being Alive", "#### Hardwell – Das waren seine Tracks 2018", "#### Hardwell - How You Love Me (feat. Conor Maynard &", "#### Hardwell-Doku könnte kommen", "#### Hardwell Presents Revealed Vol. 9 [Tracklist +…", "#### Hardwell unterbricht DJ-Karriere", "#### Hardwell & KAAZE - This Is Love", "##### DANCE-CHARTS Top 100 auf Spotify", "Neu in der DJ Promo", "Meistgelesene Artikel", "Beliebte Artikel", "Beliebte Sampler", "DJ Promotion |", "Beatbridge Records", "Neu in der DJ-Promo: Max Zierke feat. 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Sofree & Luzmira", "Alles zum Thema Charts", "Wie werden die offiziellen Single-Charts berechnet?", "Hier lässt es sich feiern!", "Die 10 besten Discotheken / Clubs Deutschlands", "Diese Hits haben die Künstler unsterblich gemacht", "10 One-Hit-Wonder, die man nie vergessen wird", "Money, Money, Money", "Die 10 bestbezahlten DJs der Welt » [Jahr 2017]", "Wer verdiente am meisten?", "Die 15 bestbezahlten DJs der Welt » [Jahr 2018]", "Vorwürfe: „Gier\" und „Dummheit\"", "Aviciis Familie beschuldigt Ash Pournouri, Aviciis", "Die 10 größten Dauerbrenner in den DJ-Sets", "Tomorrowland 2019: Diese Tracks wurden am", "Neue Musik von The Chainsmokers, Afrojack und W&W", "Tomorrowland 2019: Das sind die neuen Songs der", "Die größten Erfolge eines musikalischen Genies", "Top 10: Die erfolgreichsten Songs von Avicii", "Welche DJ-Sets werden am häufigsten abgerufen?", "Tomorrowland 2019: Das waren die beliebtesten", "Wer hat die meisten Follower in Social Media?", "Top 25: Die beliebtesten DJs der Welt", "Neue Musik von Don Diablo, Steve Aoki und Zonderli", "Tomorrowland 2019: Das sind die neuen Songs der", "Bravo Hits 105", "Future Trance 87", "The Dome 88", "Kontor 80", "Club Sounds 89", "Mobile Version" ]
{ "id": "train07616", "claim_title": "Hardwell", "claim_section": "Musical style.", "claim_context": "For the first time since \"Don't Stop the Madness\", \"Hollywood\" embodies a track corresponded to the dirty-German-music. \n Starting from 2015, his syntheses were increasingly oriented on hardstyle samples. His Headhunterz collaboration \"Nothing Can Hold Us Down\" was created solely on hardstyle-based sounds. His solo productions \"Run Wild\" and \"What We Need\" contain features of this genre too. He also presented the song \"Wake Up Call\" at the Biggest Guestlist Festival in Mumbai, which was initially suspected as the collaboration with hardstyle producer Atmozfears, but later was confirmed by Hardwell as a solo production. \n His 2016 single \"No Holding Back\", represents his first movement into the UK garage. The track represents elements of deep and tech house scene as well for the first time since his Funkerman collaboration \"Where Is Here Now\". \n On 7 January 2017, he released the song \"Party Till the Daylight\", which was Hardwell's debut bass house production." }
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She competed in the women's long jump and the women's high jump at the 1948 Summer Olympics.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Emma Reed Bio, Stats, and Results | Olympics at", "16 captures", "17 Dec 2012 - 18 Apr 2020", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "The Internet Archive discovers and captures web pages through many different web crawls.", "At any given time several distinct crawls are running, some for months, and some every day or longer.", "View the web archive through the Wayback Machine.", "Collection: Live Web Proxy Crawls", "Content crawled via the Wayback Machine Live Proxy mostly by the Save Page Now feature on", "Liveweb proxy is a component of Internet Archive's wayback machine project.", "The liveweb proxy captures the content of a web page in real time, archives it into a ARC or WARC file and returns the ARC/WARC record back to the wayback machine to process.", "The recorded ARC/WARC file becomes part of the wayback machine in due course of time.", "The Wayback Machine -", "Sports-Reference:", "Baseball ·", "(college) ·", "(college) ·", "Hockey ·", "Olympics ·", "S-R Blog ·", "Question or Comment?", "AD FREE", "You Are Here > OLY Home > Athletes > Emma Reed", "News: Widgets - Our Stats, Your Site »post", "Support us without the ads?", "Go Ad-Free.", "# Emma Reed", "Full name: Emma Reed (-Wright)", "Gender: Female", "Height: 5-8 (173 cm)", "Weight: 139 lbs (63 kg)", "Born: May 30, 1925 in Redwood, Mississippi, United States", "Died: April 4, 2014 in Washington, District of Columbia, United States", "Affiliations: TSU Tigers, Nashville (USA)", "Country: United States", "Sport: Athletics", "## Biography", "Emma Reed was a long and high jumper for Tennessee State, whose only international appearance came at the 1948 Olympics in London.", "In 1947-48 she was runner-up at the AAU Outdoors in the high jump, and won the 1948 AAU Indoor high jump championship.", "She also won the 1947 AAU Junior title in the high jump.", "At the 1948 Olympic Trials, Reed placed first in the long jump and third in the high jump.", "Personal Bests\\: HJ – 5-0¾ (1.54) (1948); LJ – 18-4¼ (5.59) (1948).", "## Results", "1948 Summer", "Women's High Jump", "United States", "14T", "1948 Summer", "Women's Long Jump", "United States", "## Women's High Jump", "Event History", "1948 Summer", "United States", "Final Standings", "14T", "## Women's Long Jump", "Event History", "1948 Summer", "United States", "Final Round", "1948 Summer", "United States", "Qualifying Round", "11T", "id: 77,944" ]
{ "id": "train31796", "claim_title": "Emma Reed", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "\n Emma Reed (May 30, 1925 – April 4, 2014) was an American athlete." }
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Since the release of the RetroN 5, they have been connected via HDMI.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: RetroN 4 Console Plays NES, SNES, Genesis, Game Boy — Through HDMI | WIRED", "(meta data) AUTHOR: Chris Kohler", "#### Get Our Newsletter", "##### WIRED's biggest stories delivered to your inbox.", "##### This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.", "Chris Kohlerculture03.05.1301:11 pm", "# RetroN 4 Console Plays NES, SNES, Genesis, Game Boy — Through HDMI", "The Hyperkin RetroN 3 console, pictured, plays classic Nintendo and Sega games.", "The RetroN 4, which the company will unveil later this month, will add Game Boy Advance support and HDMI output.", "Chris Kohlerculture03.05.1301:11 pm", "# RetroN 4 Console Plays NES, SNES, Genesis, Game Boy — Through HDMI", "The Hyperkin RetroN 3 console, pictured, plays classic Nintendo and Sega games.", "The RetroN 4, which the company will unveil later this month, will add Game Boy Advance support and HDMI output.", "Game Boy busted?", "Super Nintendo toast?", "In need of new hardware to play your old games?", "A company called Hyperkin has built itself up providing just that – brand-new game consoles that play classic cartridges.", "On Tuesday, it announced what looks to be its most ambitious project ever: The RetroN 4 will feature four cartridge slots, allowing you to play cartridges from the Nintendo Entertainment System, Super NES, Sega Genesis and for the first time the Game Boy Advance.", "As if that were not enough, it will also sport HDMI output.", "The currently available RetroN 3 console supports NES, SNES and Genesis, and has S-Video out.", "It will include a Bluetooth wireless controller, but also feature two controller ports for each console so you can plug in original control pads.", "A built-in digital user interface will allow you to reassign controller buttons and more.", "Hyperkin will release more details on the RetroN 4 at the Midwest Gaming Classic, to be held March 23-24 in Brookfield, Wisconsin.", "As the prices of these classic game consoles in working condition continue to rise, this could be a cheaper and more space-efficient solution for those who want to enjoy the classics.", "Cloned systems like this aren't usually 100 percent compatible with the classic cartridge libraries, but it's a good-enough solution for casual players.", "Not to mention the fact that solutions for playing Game Boy Advance games on the television, besides buying a GameCube and a Game Boy Player, are in short supply.", "#Retrogames", "#### Most Popular", "##### Why a Promising, Potent Cancer Therapy Isn't Used in the US", "Michele Cohen Marillbusiness", "##### Three Years of Misery Inside Google, the Happiest Company in Tech", "Nitasha Tikuscience", "##### Vaping May Harm Your Blood Flow—Even Without Nicotine", "Sara HarrisonMore StoriesView Comments" ]
{ "id": "train26691", "claim_title": "RetroN", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "The RetroN is a series of video game consoles created and developed by Hyperkin which allows users to play old video games from consoles, such as the Nintendo Entertainment System and the Super NES." }
[ [ 115 ], [ 101, 115 ] ]
The death warrant for Charles was eventually signed by 59 of the trying court's members, including Cromwell (who was the third to sign it).
[ "(meta data) TITLE: ", "Death Warrant of King Charles I - UK Parliament", "", "Skip to content", "Email alerts", "RSS feeds", "Contact us", "Site search", "Parliamentary business", "In this section", "House of Commons", "House of Lords", "What's on", "Bills & legislation", "Publications & records", "Parliament TV", "News from UK Parliament", "Legislation and debate", "Read transcripts of debates in both Houses", "Research briefings", "Produced by Commons Library, Lords Library and Parliamentary Office Science and Technology", "Brexit research and analysis", "Next steps for the UK leaving the EU", "MPs, Lords & offices", "In this section", "Members of the House of Lords", "Government & Opposition", "Parliamentary offices", "Members' allowances", "Standards and financial interests", "Members of Parliament", "Find your MP", "Search for Members by name, postcode, constituency and party", "Search for Members of the Lords", "Learn about their experience, knowledge and interests", "About 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Parliament", "Contact an MP or Lord", "Contact your MP or a Member of the House of Lords about an issue that matters to you", "Keep up to date", "Sign up for the Your Parliament newsletter to find out how you can get involved", "Have your say", "Sign or create a petition", "Submit evidence to a committee", "In this section", "Ways to visit", "Planning your visit", "Venue hire", "Houses of Parliament 360° virtual tour", "Visit Parliament News", "Parliament Shop", "Visiting Parliament", "Tours plus afternoon tea", "Take a tour of Parliament and enjoy a delicious ‪afternoon tea‬ by the River Thames", "Virtual tour", "See some of the sights you'll encounter on a tour of Parliament", "In this section", "About UK Parliament Education", "Teacher resources and lesson plans", "CPD Training", "Supporting teachers", "Inspire your students", "Book a school visit, classroom workshop or teacher-training session", "Free Teaching Resources", "Access videos, worksheets, lesson plans and games", "How Parliament works", "About MPs & Lords", "Art in Parliament", "Living Heritage", "Watch & Listen", "Parliament and Women", "You are here:", "Parliament home pageAbout ParliamentLiving HeritageThe evolution of ParliamentThe development of parliamentary authorityThe Civil WarFrom the Parliamentary Collections: The Civil WarDeath Warrant of King Charles I", "Living HeritageThe evolution of ParliamentThe development of parliamentary authorityThe Civil WarFrom the Parliamentary Collections: The Civil WarThe Petition of RightHouse of Commons JournalSpeaker Lenthall defends ParliamentThe Earl of StraffordList of visitors to the Earl of StraffordMessage of the House of CommonsPetition of the Earl of StraffordLetter from Charles IStrafford Act of AttainderOfficial Record of the Trial of Charles IDeath Warrant of King Charles I", "# Death Warrant of King Charles I", "#### Share this page", "Title: Death Warrant of King Charles I", "Date :", "29 Jan 1648/9", "Medium :", "1 parchment membrane", "Dimensions :", "43.8 cm x 21 cm", "Catalogue number :", "Parliamentary Archives, HL/PO/JO/10/1/297A", "Description :", "This evocative document, a flat parchment containing seals and signatures, is handwritten in iron gall ink and led to the execution of Charles I and subsequent rule of Oliver Cromwell, one of the 59 signatories.", "Charles was tried in the House of Commons and executed on 30 January 1649, outside Banqueting House in Whitehall.", "Following the Restoration of the monarchy in 1660, the Death Warrant was used to identify the commissioners who had signed it (the 'regicides') and prosecute them for treason.", "Even the signatories, who had died, including Cromwell, were dug up and their bodies hanged.", "The House of Lords ordered the return of the Death Warrant from Charles' executioner who was imprisoned in the Tower of London.", "It was returned on 31 July 1660 and it has been in the custody of Parliament ever since.", "## Related Information", "Find out more about the Parliamentary Archives", "Parliamentary Archives home page", "## Also in this section", "Find out about Pride's Purge, 'the Rump' and regicide", "Pride's Purge, 'the Rump' and regicide" ]
{ "id": "train47316", "claim_title": "Oliver Cromwell", "claim_section": "Politics: 1647–49.:King tried and executed.", "claim_context": "In December 1648, in an episode that became known as Pride's Purge, a troop of soldiers headed by Colonel Thomas Pride forcibly removed from the Long Parliament all those who were not supporters of the Grandees in the New Model Army and the Independents. Thus weakened, the remaining body of MPs, known as the Rump Parliament, agreed that Charles should be tried on a charge of treason. Cromwell was still in the north of England, dealing with Royalist resistance, when these events took place, but then returned to London. On the day after Pride's Purge, he became a determined supporter of those pushing for the King's trial and execution, believing that killing Charles was the only way to end the civil wars. Cromwell approved Thomas Brook's address to the House of Commons, which justified the trial and execution of the King on the basis of the Book of Numbers, chapter 35 and particularly verse 33 (\"The land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it.\"). \n" }
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He stated "This Doctor has never been written better, Capaldi has never channelled Tom Baker more, that sequence is cemented instantly as the 'Capaldi moment' in clip shows for the rest of time", and while he said that "It was a risky game to attempt the sort of contemporary allegory" that the episode did, he soon confirmed that the episode "knocked [it] out of the park".
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Doctor Who series 35, episode eight: The Zygon Inversion | Television & radio | The Guardian", "(meta data) AUTHOR:", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2015-11-07T15:55:16-0500", "Skip to main content", "The Guardian - Back to home", "Support The Guardian", "Available for everyone, funded by readers", "Search jobs", "Sign in", "current edition:", "US edition", "Art & design", "TV & radio", "Doctor Who: episode-by-episode", "Doctor Who", "# Doctor Who series 35, episode eight: The Zygon Inversion", "After last episode's Zygon invasion, the Doctor brilliantly foils the insurgency with a bit of classic bluff and pure logic.", "And in the process, Peter Capaldi at last enjoys his defining 'Doctor moment'", "Dan Martin", "Sat 7 Nov 2015 15.55 EST", "Last modified on Wed 12 Jun 2019 05.42 EDT", "His moment has come: Peter Capaldi with Ingrid Oliver as Osgood.", "Photograph: Simon Ridgway/BBC", "SPOILER ALERT:", "This weekly blog is for those who have been watching the new series of Doctor Who.", "Don't read ahead if you haven't seen episode eight – The Zygon Inversion.", "• Read Dan Martin's episode seven episode blog here", "## 'When you've killed all the bad guys, and when it's all perfect and you've got it exactly the way you want it, what are you gonna do about the people like you?'", "In the end, the Doctor won by acting.", "His bluff about the empty Osgood Box had just the right effect in calling off the Zygon insurgency but, more broadly, Peter Capaldi won as the Doctor by acting.", "It was pointed out a while ago by our friends at the Radio Times that the 12th Doctor had yet to have his definitive \"Doctor moment\" – such as Eccleston's \"Everybody lives!\" or Smith's grand address atop Stonehenge, or even McCoy's \"unlimited rice pudding\".", "Well, here it was this week, and then some, and then quite a considerable bit more.", "As he delivered his passionate, eloquent takedown of Zygon rebel Bonnie (Jenna Coleman on lipsmacking evil-twin form), this version of the Doctor was comprehensively nailed, skewering perfectly who this man is.", "That brusque exterior is a barely held together veneer to rein in a compassion and a frustration constantly trying to outdo each other within a heart as big as the Medusa cascade; an exasperated parent who can never do enough.", "Or indeed, you might say, a Scotsman.", "This Doctor has never been written better, Capaldi has never channelled Tom Baker more, that sequence is cemented instantly as the \"Capaldi moment\" in clip shows for the rest of time.", "After last week, The Zygon Inversion took the action down a few notches, but the themes way, way up.", "And like all the world's knottiest problems, the premise of all global conflict was undermined with startling simplicity, not through Lennon-ist peacenik soundbites but a determined, rational unpicking of the logic topped off with the doozy of a rug-pull; what is it you are actually hoping for?", "It's a shame that the trifling divisions beneath all political and religious conflict seem more ingrained in real-life humans than they do in fictional Zygons, or that this episode will likely not be used in any real-life peace talks any time soon.", "Or indeed, that more of us aren't like Osgood.", "It was a risky game to attempt the sort of contemporary allegory that The Zygon Inversion knocked out of the park.", "And it actually ended up even more topical than was probably intended, in the wake of the Labour party conference.", "In saying he would never push the nuclear button, Jeremy Corbyn blew the cover that nobody would ever push the button really.", "Of course there was nothing in the Osgood Box; it was just important that everyone thought there was, just as half of Corbyn's shadow cabinet think it's probably important that people think Britain has a nuclear deterrent that it would use.", "Unfortunately for Andy Burnham, he doesn't have the power to wipe people's memories.", "(Not even with his leadership campaign material, boom-tish.)", "## 'You are a credit to your species'", "Osgood was devised as the best of fandom.", "In contrast to the lone, angry typists a lot of people associate us with being, The Day of the Doctor brought in a youthful (rather than simply \"young\" ), enthusiastic cosplayer, and a female.", "It was little wonder that Ingrid Oliver's performance won everyone's hearts.", "Now, she's being pitched as the best of humanity itself, her open mind and heart seemingly being what will hold the ceasefire together.", "The Doctor might have set Bonnie on the straight and narrow, but it's the link with Osgood that will keep her there; neither will answer the question of which of them is which, \"until the day that nobody cares about the answer\".", "A grinningly optimistic end to what could have been an incredibly grim story.", "And now, she has a first name!", "Praise be, Petronella.", "## Fear factor", "We've always been given to just accepting that the Zygons are shapeshifters without actually ever seeing how they do it.", "So it was a cunning bit of body horror to see the poor, civilian sleeper agent, trapped midway through a transformation he is desperately trying to avert.", "\"I'm not part of your fight.", "I never wanted to fight anyone – I just wanted to live here.\"", "## Mysteries and questions", "Knowledge of Jenna Coleman's departure has clearly provided fuel for this year's arc-speculation, with episodes teasing us shamelessly about what fate might await Clara.", "Now Peter Capaldi has further lanced the boil, speaking to Nick Grimshaw on Radio 1 this week.", "\"I don't want to go into what happens, because it's very clever what happens in it, but it's very sad,\" he teased.", "\"It's not quite what you think's going to happen.", "You think what's going to happen is going to happen, but then something else happens.", "\"That's what's wonderful about Doctor Who.", "It's always clever the way these things are done.", "It's not quite as straightforward as it appears.", "Get lots of hankies ready, that's what I would say.", "It's sad over a number of weeks.\"", "## Continuity 108", "If you're going to bring in the daughter of beloved old goat the Brigadier, you might as well have some fun with it.", "So as Kate recounts to the Doctor how she escaped the Zygons, the glee on Jemma Redgrave's face is palpable as she reels off her father's famous catchphrase: \"Five rounds, rapid.\"", "As coined here in The Daemons from 1971.", "## Deeper into the vortex", "The sonic specs controversy rages on: \"Isn't that a bit pointless? Like an invisible hearing aid?\"", "It isn't actually established anywhere within the canon that the Doctor's first name is not Basil, is it?", "And indeed, \"Doctor John Disco.\"", "And why not?", "Disco is a much better surname than Smith.", "\"You know I'm 2,000 years old?", "I'm old enough to be your messiah.\"", "Once again, Clara is well aware that she is an excellent liar.", "\"Most of your kind don't want that.\"", "\"Then it's time we stopped giving them a choice.\"", "It's worth reporting comments Steven Moffat made in an interview with Variety this week regarding the show's potential longevity: \"It's definitely going to last five more years, I've seen the business plan.", "It's not going anywhere.", "And I think we can go past that.", "It's television's own legend.", "It will just keep going.\"", "Clara's prison-house inside the Zygon pod recalled the dream states from Last Christmas; she even appears to do a \"dream check\", to try to work out if it is a dream.", "It also brought to mind Donna's domestic fantasy from Silence in the Library.", "## Next week!", "Things go a little \"off-piste\" as Mark Gatiss delivers Cloverfield-style \"found footage\" episode Sleep No More.", "Quick guide", "#### Doctor Who: all our episode-by-episode recaps", "Series 37 / Season 11", "Episode 1: The Woman Who Fell to EarthEpisode 2: The Ghost MonumentEpisode 3: RosaEpisode 4: Arachnids in the UKEpisode 5: The Tsuangra CondundrumEpisode 6: Demons of the PunjabEpisode 7: Kerblam!Episode 8: The WitchfindersEpisode 9: It Takes You AwayEpisode 10: The Battle of Ranskoor Av KolosNew Year's special: Resolution", "Series 36 / Season 10", "Episode 1: The PilotEpisode 2: SmileEpisode 3: Thin IceEpisode 4: Knock KnockEpisode 5: OxygenEpisode 6: ExtremisEpisode 7: The Pyramid at the End of the WorldEpisode 8: The Lie of the LandEpisode 9: Empress of MarsEpisode 10: The Eaters of LightEpisode 11: World Enough and TimeEpisode 12: The Doctor Falls2017 Christmas special: Twice Upon A Time", "Series 35 / Season 9", "Episode 1: The Magician's ApprenticeEpisode 2: The Witch's FamiliarEpisode 3: Under The LakeEpisode 4: Before The FloodEpisode 5: The Girl Who DiedEpisode 6: The Woman Who LivedEpisode 7: The Zygon InvasionEpisode 8: The Zygon InversionEpisode 9: Sleep No MoreEpisode 10: Face The RavenEpisode 11: Heaven SentEpisode 12: Hell BentChristmas special 2015: The Husbands of River SongChristmas special 2016: The Return of Doctor Mysterio", "Series 34 / Season 8", "Episode 1: Deep BreathEpisode 2: Into The DalekEpisode 3: Robot of SherwoodEpisode 4: ListenEpisode 5: Time HeistEpisode 6: The CaretakerEpisode 7: Kill The MoonEpisode 8: Mummy on the Orient ExpressEpisode 9: FlatlineEpisode 10: In the Forest of the NightEpisode 11: Dark WaterEpisode 12: Death In HeavenChristmas special 2014: Last Christmas", "Series 33 / Season 7", "Episode 1: Asylum of the DaleksEpisode 2: Dinosaurs on a SpaceshipEpisode 3: A Town Called MercyEpisode 4: The Power of ThreeEpisode 5: The Angels Take ManhattenChristmas special 2012: The SnowmenEpisode 6: The Bells of Saint JohnEpisode 7: The Rings of AkhatenEpisode 8: Cold WarEpisode 9: HideEpisode 10: Journey to the Centre of the TardisEpisode 11: The Crimson HorrorEpisode 12: Nightmare in SilverEpisode 13: The Name of the Doctor50th Anniversary special: The Day of the DoctorChristmas special 2013: The Time of the Doctor", "Series 32 / Season 6", "Episode 1: The Impossible AstronautEpisode 2: Day of the MoonEpisode 3: The Curse of the Black SpotEpisode 4: The Doctor's WifeEpisode 5: The Rebel FleshEpisode 6: The Almost PeopleEpisode 7: A Good Man Goes To WarEpisode 8: Let's Kill HitlerEpisode 9: Night TerrorsEpisode 10: The Girl Who WaitedEpisode 11: The God ComplexEpisode 12: Closing TimeEpisode 13: The Wedding of River SongChristmas special 2011: The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe", "Series 31 / Season 5", "Episode 1: The Eleventh HourEpisode 2: The Beast BelowEpisode 3: Victory of the DaleksEpisode 4: The Time of AngelsEpisode 5: Flesh and StoneEpisode 6: The Vampires of VeniceEpisode 7: Amy's ChoiceEpisode 8: The Hungry EarthEpisode 9: Cold BloodEpisode 10: Vincent and the DoctorEpisode 11: The LodgerEpisode 12: The Pandorica OpensEpisode 13: The Big BangChristmas special 2010: A Christmas Carol", "Doctor Who", "Doctor Who: episode-by-episode", "Fantasy TV", "Peter Capaldi", "Episode recaps", "Reuse this content" ]
{ "id": "train23771", "claim_title": "The Zygon Inversion", "claim_section": "Broadcast and reception.:Critical reception.", "claim_context": "On review aggregator, Rotten Tomatoes, the episode has a 95% positive review rating and a score of 8/10, with a critical consensus stating, \"While \"The Zygon Inversion\" isn't the most compelling conclusion to a Doctor Who two-parter, it allows for a stirring performance by Capaldi while hinting at Clara's fate in the episodes to come.\"\n Steven Cooper of \"Slant Magazine\" called it the best episode of the season so far and claimed it was \"a powerful conclusion to the story set up last week\". Mark Rozeman of \"Paste Magazine\" praised the transformation from \"standard aliens-invade plot line\" to \"a treatise about war and its ultimate uselessness.\" He ultimately awarded the episode an 8.8. Kaite Welsh of \"IndieWire\" heavily acclaimed the episode, awarding it an A++ grade and saying that the episode was \"Less overtly political than the previous episode, this week is an embarrassment of riches\". She further praised Coleman's performance by saying that the episode \" could very well be Jenna Coleman's goodbye present\". Mark Rozeman of \"Paste Magazine\" awarded the episode a score of 8.8 out of ten, praising Clara and Bonnie's sequences as \"brilliantly contrived\". He also praised Capaldi's performance, stating \"it’s a firm reminder of how lucky we are that an actor of Peter Capaldi’s caliber has taken the titular role and so thoroughly made it his own\". \n Writing for \"The Guardian\", Dan Martin also heavily praised the episode, specifically the Doctor's anti-war speech in the episode's conclusion." }
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The band toured the UK between June and August.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Alter The Press!: Lower Than Atlantis UK Dates", "4 captures", "12 Jul 2015 - 12 Jun 2018", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "These crawls are part of an effort to archive pages as they are created and archive the pages that they refer to.", "That way, as the pages that are referenced are changed or taken from the web, a link to the version that was live when the page was written will be preserved.", "Then the Internet Archive hopes that references to these archived pages will be put in place of a link that would be otherwise be broken, or a companion link to allow people to see what was originally intended by a page's authors.", "The goal is to fix all broken links on the web.", "Crawls of supported \"No More 404\" sites.", "Collection: Wikipedia Near Real Time (from IRC)", "This is a collection of web page captures from links added to, or changed on, Wikipedia pages.", "The idea is to bring a reliability to Wikipedia outlinks so that if the pages referenced by Wikipedia articles are changed, or go away, a reader can permanently find what was originally referred to.", "This is part of the Internet Archive's attempt to rid the web of broken links.", "The Wayback Machine -", "REVIEWS +", "ALBUM REVIEWS", "LIVE REVIEWS", "VIDEOS +", "ATP! ACOUSTIC SESSIONS", "LIVE FEATURESON THE ROADVIDEO INTERVIEWS", "+ FEATURES", "BEHIND THE SCENES", "IN THE SPOTLIGHT", "TRACK BY TRACK", "ALBUMS THAT CHANGED MY LIFE", "NOTHING COOL RHYMES W/ MINDY", "BRITTANY HAS AN APPETITE", "CASSADEE'S CORNER", "MARIEL'S CLOSET", "ESSENTIAL LISTENING", "TEN YEARS ON", "ALBUMS OF THE YEAR", "## Slider", "## Slider", "### Lower Than Atlantis UK Dates", "Lower Than Atlantis will be playing several UK dates over summer.", "June 19 1:00pm O2 ABC GlasgowJune 20 8:00pm The Varsity WolverhamptonJune 22 8:00pm Face Bar ReadingJune 23 7:00pm Supporting Hot Water Music NewportJune 24 8:00pm", "Central Station WrexhamJune 26 12:00pm Ghostfest 2010 LeedsJuly 2 7:00pm Sno!Bar Milton KeynesJuly 16 7:00pm with Young Guns The Garage LondonJuly 17 8:00pm Dour Festival BelgiumJuly 18 12:30pm Guilfest Festival GuildfordJuly 30 9:00pm Sonisphere FestivalAug 6 5:00pm Relentless Board Masters NewquayAug 8 8:00Ppm", "Hevy Music Festival Kent", "#### No comments:", "Subscribe to:", "Post Comments (Atom)", "## Search Box", "## Facebook", "LIKE ATP! ON FACEBOOK", "## Twitter", "FIND US ON TWITTER", "Tweets by @AlterThePress", "Alter The Press!" ]
{ "id": "train45370", "claim_title": "Far Q", "claim_section": "Release.", "claim_context": "\n Hart, who was a guitarist at the time, subsequently purchased a bass. Previously, the band frequently gave Hart a lift to places. Duce explained, Hart \"would show up, drink all our rider and get wasted. We were like, 'We like this guy!'\" Around this time, the group were having problems with their label. Hart explained: \"They didn't understand us or what we were doing. We had a punk ethic\". In addition, the members quit their jobs and began to focus on the band full-time. Lower Than Atlantis supported I Am Ghost on their tour of the UK in May." }
[ [ 14 ], [ 12, 14 ] ]
It the third film in the Jingle Ma-directed Hong Kong cinema franchise, following "Tokyo Raiders" (2000) and "Seoul Raiders" (2006).
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Tony Leung, Kris Wu Set As 'Europe Raiders' – Variety", "(meta data) AUTHOR: Patrick Frater", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2016-03-13T22:02:48+00:00", "Continue to Variety", "SKIP AD", "You will be redirected back to your article in seconds", "Read Next: 'Angel Has Fallen' to Dominate Modest Box Office With $20 Million Weekend", "Subscribe Today!", "Variety Intelligence Platform", "March 13, 2016 3:02PM PT", "# FilMart: Tony Leung, Kris Wu Set As 'Europe Raiders'", "CREDIT: Photo by Unimedia Images/REX/Shutterstock", "Veteran Tony Leung Chiu-wai is poised to star in Hong Kong-made action thriller \"Europe Raiders.\"", "Alongside Leung is Kris Wu, the Canadian-Chinese former member of K-pop sensation EXO, who recently starred in \"The Mermaid,\" China's all-time biggest movie.", "The picture is the third film in the Jingle Ma-directed franchise, following \"Tokyo Raiders\" from 2000 and \"Seoul Raiders\" from 2006.", "Production this time through Wong Kar-wai's Jet Tone Films is set to start next month in Europe, China and Japan.", "Wu, who also appeared in hit drama Mr Six,\" is currently filming Luc Besson's \"Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets,\" and also Hollywood action title \"xXx: The Return of Xander Cage,\" which stars Vin Diesel, Samuel L. Jackson, Tony Jaa and Donnie Yen.", "Leung will reportedly join after completing work on \"The Ferryman,\" which is also being produced by Jet Tone,and which manages Leung.", "Leung appeared in both the previous \"Raiders\" movies and also starred in Ang Lee's \"Lust, Caution\" and several of Wong's movies including \"The Grandmaster,\" \"Chungking Express,\" \"Ashes of Time,\" and \"Happy Together.\"", "### Popular on Variety", "Loading comments...", "### Most Viewed", "### 'The Mandalorian,' 'Lizzie McGuire' and Talking Dogs: 5 Things We Learned at D23 Day One", "### Spider-Man Disney Junior Series 'Marvel's Spidey and His Amazing Friends' Set for 2021 (EXCLUSIVE)", "### Disney Unveils 'Noelle' Trailer Starring Anna Kendrick, Bill Hader", "### Must Read", "### Inside the Spider-Man Split: Finger-Pointing and Executive Endgames", "### Album Review: Taylor Swift's 'Lover'", "### Hasbro Acquires Entertainment One in $4 Billion All-Cash Deal", "### Sign Up for Daily Insider Newsletter", "Please fill out this field with valid email address.", "### More Film", "### Disney Unveils 'Noelle' Trailer Starring Anna Kendrick, Bill Hader", "Among the many announcements at the D23 Expo, Disney debuted the first look at holiday feature \"Noelle,\" which is set to premiere exclusively on Disney Plus this fall.", "\"It isn't Christmas without Santa's Sister,\" Walt Disney Studios said of the film on Twitter.", "Starring Anna Kendrick and Bill Hader, the Christmas flick tells the story [...]", "### Film News Roundup: Austin Festival Selects Terrence Malick's 'A Hidden Life'", "In today's film news roundup, the Austin Film Festival selects a Terrence Malick title, \"A Day Without a Mexican\" gets a sequel and DCR Finance signs a first-look deal.", "FESTIVAL SCREENING", "The Austin Film Festival will screen Terrence Malick's \"A Hidden Life,\" which won the Francois Chalais and Ecumenical Jury awards at the Cannes Film [", "...", "### Blake Lively's 'Rhythm Section' Moved Back to 2020", "Paramount Pictures has moved the release date of Blake Lively's \"The Rhythm Section\" back two months from Nov. 22 to Jan. 31, 2020, the weekend of Super Bowl LIV.", "The spy tale, adapted from Mark Burnell's novels surrounding character Stephanie Patrick, is produced by James Bond producers Barbara Broccoli and Michael G. Wilson through their [...]", "### 'The Mandalorian': Watch the First Trailer for 'Star Wars' Series", "The gunslinging lone warrior — the Mandalorian, as they call him — calls the far reaches of the \"Star Wars\" galaxy home.", "Disney dropped the first trailer for the spinoff series during its biennial D23 convention on Friday, finally giving fans a closer look at the franchise's newest character.", "\"The Mandalorian\" creator Jon Favreau, who [...]", "### 'Lady and the Tramp': Disney's Live-Action Remake Gets First Trailer (Watch)", "Ready your dog-friendly bowl of spaghetti, Disney has debuted the first trailer for its live-action remake of \"Lady and the Tramp,\" starring Tessa Thompson and Justin Theroux.", "The teaser was released during Disney's D23 Expo in Anaheim at the Disney + presentation.", "In addition to Thompson and Theroux, who play the Lady and Tramp, respectively, [...]", "### Spider-Man, Spicer and Splashy First-Looks: Everything We're Looking For at D23", "As if Disney hasn't owned enough weekends this year at the box office, the biennial D23 Expo will light up Anaheim, Calif. over the next three days to celebrate the content monolith.", "From a new Netflix-competing streaming platform to scores of movie and series reveals — along with a few hot controversies to confront — [...]", "### 'Angel Has Fallen' to Dominate Modest Box Office With $20 Million Weekend", "Gerard Butler and Morgan Freeman are leading the way at the North American box office with \"Angel Has Fallen\" on its way to about $20 million, early estimates showed Friday.", "Should forecasts hold, \"Angel Has Fallen\" will take in about double the next title, Universal's second weekend of raunchy comedy \"Good Boys\" with about $10 [...]", "### More From Our Brands", "### 'Star Wars' Obi-Wan Series Will Begin Shooting in 2020", "### Nikki Bella & Artem Chigvintsev Will Use His Time Away From 'DWTS' To 'Flourish' Their Relationship", "### Deadly 'super' Salmonella outbreak linked to Mexican cheese, US beef", "### Foot Locker Q2 Earnings Show Dip in Apparel Sales", "### Protect Ya Neck This Winter With These 10 Men's Turtleneck Sweaters" ]
{ "id": "train00385", "claim_title": "Europe Raiders", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "\"Europe Raiders\" (Chinese: 欧洲攻略) is a 2018 action thriller film from." }
[ [ 3, 20, 21 ], [ 3, 19, 20, 21 ] ]
Timberlake was invited by Swedish broadcaster Sveriges Television (SVT), to perform "Can't Stop the Feeling" live during the interval act at the grand finale of the Eurovision Song Contest 2016 on May 14, 2016.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Eurovision Eurovision 2016: Justin Timberlake is the interval act of the final", "(meta data) AUTHOR:", "27 captures", "10 May 2016 - 07 Apr 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "These crawls are part of an effort to archive pages as they are created and archive the pages that they refer to.", "That way, as the pages that are referenced are changed or taken from the web, a link to the version that was live when the page was written will be preserved.", "Then the Internet Archive hopes that references to these archived pages will be put in place of a link that would be otherwise be broken, or a companion link to allow people to see what was originally intended by a page's authors.", "The goal is to fix all broken links on the web.", "Crawls of supported \"No More 404\" sites.", "Collection: GDELT", "A daily crawl of more than 200,000 home pages of news sites, including the pages linked from those home pages.", "Site list provided by The GDELT Project", "The Wayback Machine -", "# Eurovision 2016: Justin Timberlake is the interval act of the final", "NewsSweden 2016", "Did you hear the latest news?", "The world famous singer Justin Tiberlake will be performing during the final of the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest.", "Famous world star and singer Justin Timberlake, was invited by SVT to perform during the final of the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest, taking place this Saturday in Stockholm.", "The singer will present for the first time live his latest single Can not Stop The Feeling, which will be the soundtack of the movie Trolls.", "The musician and actor Justin Timberlake has won nine Grammy Awards and four Emmys.", "His successful solo career includes hits like Cry Me a River, SexyBack and Mirrors and he has starred in films such as The Social Network, Bad Teacher and Friends with Benefits.", "ESCToday is growing and always looks for new members to join our team!", "Feel free to drop us a line if you're interested!", "Use the Contact Us page or send us an email at [email protected]!", "### Related posts", "### BREAKING NEWS: We finally found Lynda Woodruff!", "### Stockholm Calling: Join us live for our red carpet commentary!", "### BigPoll 2016: The prediction tool returns", "### Stockholm Calling: United Kingdom's second rehearsal", "### Newsletter", "Signup to our newsletter to receive the lastest news on your email", "Email address:", "### Instagram", "Hello Europe!", "#Stockholm calling! When @esctoday meets Lynda Woodruff!", "Stay tuned to @esctoday! @visitstockholm @esctoday @sdfmusic @sanjaysergio", "#Eurovision #cometogether #esc2016 #Stockholm @gretasalome from #Iceland takes to the red carpet!", "#eurovision #cometogether #redcarpet #fashion #", "Germany's @jamielee_kriewitz on the red carpet!", "#eurovision #cometogether #redcarpet #fashion @damiim from #Australia is here!", "#eurovision #cometogether #redcarpet #fashion", "Previous Next", "Follow Us" ]
{ "id": "train27538", "claim_title": "Justin Timberlake", "claim_section": "Career.:2013–2017: \"The 20/20 Experience\", \"2 of 2\", and \"Trolls\".", "claim_context": "\n Showcasing the final date of The 20/20 Experience World Tour at Las Vegas' MGM Grand Garden Arena, the space-age themed concert film titled \"Justin Timberlake + The Tennessee Kids\" and directed by Jonathan Demme premiered at the 2016 Toronto International Film Festival on September 13. Timberlake dedicated the film to Prince for influencing his music. Ahead of its debut at the film festival, the streaming service Netflix released it on October 12. Timberlake composed the soundtrack and served as music supervisor for the 2017 film \"The Book of Love\" which his wife Jessica Biel produced and starred in. \n Timberlake voiced the lead character in DreamWorks Animation's musical comedy \"Trolls\" opposite Anna Kendrick. The film was released in November 2016, and will return for its sequel \"Trolls 2\" in 2020. He also served as the executive music producer, performing original music for the film, The lead single, \"Can't Stop the Feeling!\", was released on May 6, 2016." }
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He earned a bachelor's degree in applied mathematics from the University of Paris IX Dauphine in 1985.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Bill Gross Made a Mess of PIMCO. Manny Roman Is Here to Clean It Up | Institutional Investor", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2011-06-20", "Bill Gross Made a Mess of PIMCO.", "Manny Roman Is Here to Clean It Up", "Sign In", "Toggle navigation", "Sign In", "We use cookies", "If you're happy with cookies click proceed.", "Find out more", "Newsletter Signup", "Enter your email to receive our newsletter and get more stories like this directly to your inbox:", "If you have not previously registered with a Euromoney group website please tick below so that we can keep you updated about Institutional Investor and other Euromoney group company products and services by:", "You can also visit our preference centre and make more specific selections based on your interests.", "Of course, you can unsubscribe at any time.", "If you have previously registered with a Euromoney group website and wish to update your marketing preferences, then please visit our preference centre to do so.", "Privacy Notice", "Terms and Conditions", "This content is from:", "Corner Office", "# Bill Gross Made a Mess of PIMCO.", "Manny Roman Is Here to Clean It Up", "Inside the quest to make the world's most famous bond manager boring again.", "Amanda Cantrell", "January 11, 2017", "Photograph by Maggie Shannon.", "### Closing the 401(k) gap for women", "Never before in the history of Pacific Investment Management Co. had $1.4 trillion looked so small.", "It was late September 2014.", "The firm's co-founder and chief investment officer — the brilliant but mercurial Bill Gross, known as the bond king for his decades-long streak of stellar returns — had abruptly resigned via a handwritten letter left at the firm's offices in the middle of the night.", "Gross's shocking exit capped months of mounting tensions at the firm.", "His heir apparent, PIMCO CEO Mohamed El-Erian, had resigned that January after openly arguing with Gross; other portfolio managers had threatened to walk if Gross wasn't fired, according to press reports at the time.", "The performance of Gross's funds, including the once-$293 billion Total Return Fund, had faltered, and his behavior had become even more eccentric than usual: One of his later investor letters was mostly a paean to his dead cat; another likened sneezing to an erotic experience.", "Several of the firm's pension clients put the firm on a watch list.", "Still, when Gross left, so did many of the firm's investors, draining hundreds of billions of dollars in assets out of the firm.", "Questions swirled around whether the firm could survive without Gross, who had co-founded it in 1971 with just $12 million in assets and built it into a $2 trillion fixed-income powerhouse.", "PIMCO moved quickly to stanch the Gross-induced bleeding.", "The firm appointed PIMCO chief operating officer Douglas Hodge as CEO, promoting then-deputy chief investment officer Daniel Ivascyn to CIO and elevating several other long-time portfolio managers to senior roles, putting a trio of them in charge of the Total Return Fund.", "Then, in October 2015, Gross — who had since joined what is now Janus Henderson — slapped the firm with a lawsuit seeking more than $200 million in damages, saying he had been forced out by \"a cabal\" of PIMCO executives \"driven by a lust for power, greed, and a desire to improve their own financial position\" to deny him a nine-figure bonus.", "Gross declined to comment for this story.", "After the firm started to recover from the turbulence, PIMCO's executives began to look to the future.", "Then they made a bold move, surprising both investors and the marketplace with the announcement in July 2016 that Emmanuel (Manny) Roman would take the reins as CEO.", "Roman, 54, was \"an inspired choice, and a risky one,\" Donald Putnam, founder and managing director at investment and merchant bank Grail Partners, told Institutional Investor at the time.", "A native of France, Roman was an unknown entity to the PIMCO rank and file; he was the first PIMCO outsider to take the top job in the firm's history, and he had never managed a firm with anywhere near that level of assets.", "But Roman had engineered a successful turnaround at U.K. asset manager Man Group and steered his previous firm, GLG Partners, through some tumultuous episodes, ultimately selling it to Man Group for $1.6 billion, a staggering premium.", "He was highly regarded by former colleagues and employees as an intensely focused, process-driven manager who had a track record for institutionalizing businesses that needed to be tamed but who could also command the respect of egotistical star managers thanks to a strong grasp of the markets.", "Today, roughly a year after Roman officially started at PIMCO, several of its largest funds are outperforming their competitors, and it's had four consecutive quarters of asset inflows, including a record $62 billion in the second quarter of this year.", "Mutual fund tracker Morningstar just upgraded PIMCO'S Parent Pillar rating — one indicator of how it scores mutual fund firms — to positive from neutral, reflecting the firm's more stable footing post-Gross.", "And while PIMCO's assets are still a long way from their Gross-era peak, today it has $1.69 trillion, including $400 billion from parent company Allianz, up respectably from its nadir of $1.4 trillion after Gross left.", "The firm's asset mix is far more diverse than it was under Gross — at the time of his departure, Total Return accounted for a substantial chunk of the firm's assets — and its legal feud with him has been settled for $81 million.", "In December it also settled charges with the Securities and Exchange Commission for $20 million that it misled investors in its Total Return ETF about the performance and did not accurately value its holdings.", "Part of PIMCO's recent success comes down to Ivascyn, who has successfully guided the firm's biggest portfolios and generated strong investment returns.", "The $99 billion PIMCO Income fund, which he manages with Alfred Murata, has outperformed 99 percent of its peers over the past three years; some PIMCO funds managed by others have also performed well.", "\"First and foremost, performance is really, really good,\" Roman says in an interview at the firm's Newport Beach headquarters.", "The new CEO is sitting in the Founders Room, an expansive conference room rechristened as part of the firm's settlement with Gross.", "One wall affords stunning vistas of the Pacific Ocean; the other sports six stipple portraits, one each for Gross and five other PIMCO executives.", "\"Whether you look at one, three, or five-year periods, it's the best performance period in our history,\" Roman continues.", "\"And I think a lot of credit goes to Dan and the whole team for having navigated the markets remarkably well.", "Obviously, that makes everything much easier.\"", "But Ivascyn and others say at least part of PIMCO's recent success can also be traced to Roman, whom current and former colleagues say is at once a cerebral polymath and a take-charge, no-nonsense decision maker.", "Roman enjoyed a \"blistering\" 18-year career at Goldman Sachs, in the words of a former colleague, making partner before joining London-based hedge fund firm GLG in 2005.", "As co-CEO of GLG with Pierre Lagrange, Roman played an instrumental role in the firm's acquisition by Man Group, where he became chief operating officer in 2010 before rising to the CEO role in 2013.", "\"Since Manny's been here we've seen the stability in the form of most financial metrics: stabilization in AUM, positive flows, continued strengthening of the partnership with Allianz — we have real good relationships there,\" Ivascyn says.", "\"I think Manny brings a lot of that to the table.", "He holds people to a very high standard, which we need if we're going to truly have a performance culture.", "But he also is quite fair and well balanced, with good values.\"", "Roman also played a key role in brokering the truce with Gross, meeting with him at his Janus office in January, according to a Wall Street Journal report.", "Roman told Gross that PIMCO would be willing to accede to one of Gross's wishes — recognition within the firm for his achievements — but that if he refused to settle, he should prepare for an ugly trial, according to the report, which called the discussion \"intense.\"", "The case was settled after PIMCO's lawyers made a better financial offer to end the dispute, the report said.", "At Man Group, former colleagues say, Roman acted decisively to revive a firm whose flagship quantitative strategy, AHL, had suffered several years of poor performance.", "He slashed the firm's cost base by about half, including a roughly 20 percent reduction in its workforce in his first year on the job, and diversified the business via a string of successful acquisitions.", "Ultimately, Roman's tough decisions paid off.", "During his tenure, the publicly traded firm's assets increased by 34 percent, while its share price rose by 19 percent.", "But at PIMCO he faces an arguably tougher task.", "While the firm seems on solid footing today, it remains to be seen whether PIMCO — a big, active asset manager in a world that's increasingly tilting toward passive strategies, at a time when fees are under intense pressure — can transform itself beyond the 46-year-old business model on which it was founded.", "There is also a question of whether it can hold onto its status as one of the biggest and most successful asset managers in the world.", "\"When a firm is that successful, to maintain that success is incredibly hard, never mind to try to move forward,\" says Luke Ellis, chief executive officer of Man Group, who first met Roman as an investor in GLG's funds and then later worked with him at Man Group.", "\"It's like being the New England Patriots — winning a Super Bowl is hard; winning a second and third is harder.", "The existential challenge there is to maintain the drive and the quality and the delivery that they've done that got them there.\"", "Meanwhile, Roman has entered the job several decades into a bull run in fixed income assets, and he has to figure out how to position the business for when that run inevitably ends.", "It may already be happening in some fixed income strategies, as Morningstar analyst Miriam Sjoblom points out.", "For example, the Income Fund has done well in the past from investments in non-agency mortgages that had experienced once-in-a-lifetime dislocations.", "\"The easy money has been made in that sector, so it's going to be challenging for that fund to deliver similar levels of returns going forward,\" she explains.", "\"As that strategy grows and opportunities in the non-agency mortgage market continue to go away, that'll be a challenge for the firm.\"", "And while a significant selloff in the bond market seems an unlikely probability for the near term, it would be bad for the firm if it did happen, given PIMCO's intensive efforts, particularly in recent years, to focus purely on fixed income.", "The firm has largely abandoned its efforts in fundamental equities; it shuttered its PIMCO Pathfinder and PIMCO Emerging Markets Equity strategies in 2015, and its CIO for global equities, Virginie Maisonneuve, plus the portfolio managers and analysts for those strategies, all left the firm that year.", "It also shut down its active equity dividend business last year.", "The firm also faces competition from scrappy upstarts.", "These include Jeffrey Gundlach's DoubleLine Capital, which recently picked off a $3.4 billion mandate from variable annuity provider Jackson National.", "Earlier this year, Jackson National announced it had changed the subadviser for its JNL/Total Return Bond Fund to DoubleLine from PIMCO.", "Some of the assets that left following Gross's departure went to rival firms and may not return — at least not any time soon.", "Finally, the firm has to persuade investors spooked by the drastic redemptions after Gross's departure that it is no longer dependent on a small handful of superstars — a feat made harder now that Ivascyn's PIMCO Income fund has swelled to nearly $100 billion, up from $70 billion toward the end of 2016.", "Sjoblom notes that it is fair to wonder whether PIMCO's business could become too concentrated, given that it happened in the past with Total Return.", "\"Will PIMCO be thoughtful about letting the business hinge on one strategy?\" she asks.", "For Roman, the answer lies in striking the right balance between preserving the best parts of Gross's legacy — a singular focus on performance and a blazing work ethic — and moving beyond the most controversial.", "\"Some of Bill's legacy and some of the founders' legacy are absolutely great,\" says Roman.", "\"You wouldn't believe how hard people work in this place.", "We're all here at 5:30 a.m.", "People work enormously hard, and they're competitive — they look at the numbers and they know what other people are doing, and that's a great legacy.", "What I think has to change is the fact that it's about a team and it's about 2,200 people, and it's not about the CIO and the CEO.\"", "To put it simply, after years of headlines and drama, Roman and Ivascyn, who enjoy an extremely close working relationship, seem intent on making the firm, well, boring — or, to use their preferred parlance, \"industrialized.\"", "\"That means that performance comes from the work of many people,\" Roman elaborates.", "\"It's not one great person who does everything.", "You talk about Dan, but the guy who co-runs the fund with him is a guy called Alfred Murata, who is absolutely stunning.", "We have 64 partners.", "We have six CIOs, and they've been here for a long time.\"", "Roman says Ivascyn is on board with this philosophy.", "\"Our job is to groom a generation of great investors,\" he says.", "\"Dan is pretty humble.", "I think he believes in the industrial process; he believes in building a generation of great investors.", "That's a big difference with Bill, and I think a good one.\"", "Manny Roman did not seem destined for a career in asset management.", "Born and raised in Paris to artist parents, Roman displayed a gift for mathematics and attended the University of Paris IX Dauphine, earning a bachelor's degree in applied mathematics before setting off to the famed University of Chicago Booth School of Business.", "There he earned an MBA in finance and econometrics in 1987 before moving straight to Goldman Sachs, rising through the ranks to co-head its worldwide global securities and European equities businesses.", "He was a partner by 1998, and co-head of European equities by 2003.", "Johannes Huth, KKR's London-based head of private equity for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, first met Roman in business school; their paths crossed later when both worked for investment banks in London.", "Huth describes Roman as a \"Renaissance man\" in terms of the breadth of his interests.", "Roman has a passion for the finer things — he collects art and rare books, and boasts a 6,000-bottle wine cellar — but is also a devoted supporter of London's Arsenal Football Club.", "He holds a seat on the board of publishing giant Penguin Random House, which he got after cold-calling and persuading them that he had no agenda other than a love of books — and has been a trustee of The Paris Review.", "(Roman says one thing he particularly misses about his Man Group days is that he is no longer affiliated with the Man Booker Prize, the esteemed British literary honor that the asset manager began sponsoring in 2002.)", "\"You name it, he's probably interested in it,\" says Lagrange, now a senior adviser to Man Group.", "\"He could have been a concert pianist, a painter, a winemaker, a philosopher, an editor, a pure intellectual, a trader — I can't even start to tell you where his interests lie; they lie everywhere.\"", "Roman's intellectual interest in the financial markets helped propel his rise in the world of global finance; although he was never directly a risk taker, his command of the markets — along with a driven, focused management style — earned him the respect of always-skeptical portfolio managers.", "After 18 years, Roman left Goldman to join GLG, a then-ten-year-old, fundamentally focused hedge fund firm that had spun out of Lehman Brothers five years earlier.", "GLG, one of the first hedge funds in London, had a cowboy culture prior to Roman's arrival, characterized by a handful of swaggering portfolio managers who traded aggressively and put up big numbers.", "\"In a star culture, people don't take orders from a nobody,\" says Lagrange, who persuaded his GLG co-founder Noam Gottesman to bring in his friend Roman for an interview.", "\"For managers there's very little room for the people who are not managing or making the money.", "So we felt we needed somebody who was going to stand up to the founders, somebody we're going to respect, somebody who's got intelligence, who's got drive, who's going to be coming with views and coming in with authority.\"", "Former colleagues say Roman won over the risk takers by knowing \"to his fingertips\" what was going on in the financial markets at any given time.", "He was also rumored to always know the top 20 positions in each of the firm's funds.", "\"I remember when the guys from the CNRS came,\" says Lagrange, recalling a meeting at GLG with executives from the pension fund of France's national center for scientific research.", "\"These are rocket scientists.", "They start the conversation about some obscure mathematical stuff, and Manny was totally on top of it.", "And the fund managers who were with me, they all look at me and say, 'How does he know all this?'", "That happened again and again and again in the years we worked together.", "I don't know half the things he knows — I can bluff a little bit, but I am quickly out of my depth.", "I've never seen him be out of his depth.\"", "Working at GLG presented Roman with his first serious challenges as an asset management executive.", "In 2006, the firm and one of its former star portfolio managers, Philippe Jabre, were each hit with fines of £750,000 (then $1.4 million) over trades Jabre had made in Sumitomo convertible bonds, which the regulator for the U.K.'s financial markets said were conducted using improper inside information.", "GLG was deemed to be \"vicariously liable\" for not properly monitoring Jabre.", "(Jabre chose to appeal the decision but later dropped it; GLG declined to file an appeal, and Jabre never returned to the firm.", "He later founded his own hedge fund firm, Jabre Capital Partners, in Geneva.", "Jabre declined to comment for this story.", "The episode was the first of a few brushes with regulators over the years for GLG.)", "Then, in 2008, another star GLG portfolio manager — emerging-markets trader Greg Coffey — announced he was leaving the firm, prompting investors to pull more than $1 billion out of the funds he managed.", "Lagrange says Roman deftly steered the firm throughout the various crises.", "\"I don't think we would have had such a good outcome without him,\" he says.", "\"He brought us a much more institutionalized management.", "He was very instrumental in getting us to the next level.\"", "That next level included a listing on the New York Stock Exchange in 2007 via reverse merger with special-purpose acquisition company Freedom Acquisition Holdings, followed by the acquisition by Man Group.", "The former deal netted a $630 million payday for Roman, Gottesman, and Lagrange; the latter deal also resulted in a sizable windfall and catapulted Roman into the upper ranks of Man Group's management.", "He was appointed COO shortly thereafter, and became CEO in 2013.", "At Man Group, Roman faced more difficult tasks, including layoffs and reduced reliance on AHL, once its prized profit engine, which had disappointed investors for years.", "\"The reality is, Man needed a radical reengineering and it needed a change of the culture,\" says Man Group CEO Ellis.", "\"Apart from anything else, it needed a massive change in the cost base.", "There was the need to professionalize everything in the firm, and Manny is very good about getting people to understand they need to be professional in what they do, to not be frivolous, and get the cost base down.\"", "After Roman's appointment as COO, he promoted several GLG executives to senior roles at Man, a move that press reports at the time said helped him shore up his power base — and put him in a contest against then-CEO Peter Clarke to rule the firm.", "Roman denied the existence of a power struggle between him and Clarke, saying in a 2013 Financial Times interview, \"Peter is my friend.", "I think the success or failure of a group rests on the group, not on one individual.\"", "One former colleague says that while Roman was well liked, he had a \"velvet fist\" and was unafraid to make tough decisions.", "Lagrange says Roman is warm and caring, both as a boss and a friend, but has \"a French abruptness\" that can sometimes give the opposite impression — a view Ellis confirms.", "\"There can be a slightly gruff exterior the first time people meet him,\" notes Ellis, who adds that Roman is equally capable of being charming.", "\"The reality is when you work with him, he is incredibly concerned for people's welfare.", "I could give a hundred stories of Manny stepping in to help somebody in a personal situation, whether it's health related or something else.", "He would go hugely out of his way to make sure that people felt looked after.\"", "As Ellis explains, that created a reserve of goodwill that led employees and colleagues to give Roman the benefit of the doubt when it came to business decisions.", "That in turn led people to trust him and do what he said, partly because he eschewed an argumentative style in favor of a more persuasive approach, adds Lagrange.", "\"If he wants you to do something, he's basically going to convince you why you want to do it, and get you to do it — not out of coercion, but with persuasion, which is actually much more difficult to argue,\" says Lagrange.", "\"You would end up doing things you can't believe you're doing, because you were made to understand it was the right thing to do.\"", "That decisive and persuasive nature may be one reason why Ivascyn and a handful of other PIMCO executives chose Roman to succeed Hodge (who stayed on as managing director and adviser).", "Roman accepted the job after a series of meetings in Newport Beach with the executives.", "Roman's focus and drive made him a good fit for PIMCO, where Gross had created a famously intense culture with a laser-like focus on investment performance.", "It also helped that Roman hit it off instantly with Ivascyn.", "\"It's like an arranged wedding, and it worked out great,\" jokes Roman.", "\"I think we're like long-lost brothers who found each other, and it's a great relationship.", "We have a lot in common, and he's just a damn good investor.", "We talk every day, sometimes not about work.\"", "Ivascyn returns the praise.", "\"Since he's been here, I think we've had a real good relationship.", "It's quite informal.", "And we encouraged Manny to get to know the [portfolio management] team.\"", "That is yet another departure from the Gross era.", "Ivascyn says that in the past, members of the executive office would not sit in on investment committee meetings, a convention Roman has bucked.", "\"I think he has established relationships that are quite deep and in many respects remind me of [former PIMCO CEO] Bill Thompson way back when in terms of the style — just getting to know PMs and understanding different perspectives,\" Ivascyn adds.", "But one thing that remains a holdover from the Gross era is PIMCO's macroeconomic focus, which the firm couples with an intensive bottom-up research process.", "The firm's investment committee meets three times a week, for three hours at a time, to discuss macro issues.", "Roman says he relishes being a part of it.", "\"We have endless debates about various topics,\" he says.", "\"I think people learn from that and I think they value that.", "We spent two days talking about Treasury auctions; yesterday it was about the result in Spain and Catalonia and our exposure and global portfolio in terms of Spain.", "For someone who came, like me, from the outside, the quality is mind-blowing, just the depth of the information.\"", "That process, one of Gross's famous hallmarks, has apparently continued to pay dividends.", "The institutional share class of the PIMCO Income fund returned 7.77 percent through October 23, outperforming 88 percent of its peers, according to Morningstar Direct data.", "The fund took in $23.5 billion in net new money over the 12 months ending in August and is now the industry's biggest actively managed bond fund.", "PIMCO Total Return — although down nearly 75 percent from its peak in terms of assets, to $74.7 billion — gained 4.86 percent this year over the same period, besting 92 percent of its peers, and just recorded its first quarter of net inflows in four years.", "But maintaining the levels of performance PIMCO has reached recently — at a time when active management in general is under siege — will not be easy.", "However, Roman argues that this is a much bigger problem for equity managers than for fixed income managers.", "(Morningstar's Sjoblom shares this view.)", "Roman points to the firm's recent research showing that active fixed-income managers have largely beaten their passive counterparts, unlike their active equity peers.", "There's also the issue of keeping the talent around.", "In the Morningstar report, Sjoblom and her colleague Eric Jacobson wrote that PIMCO has \"taken steps to prevent its strategies from being overly dependent on just one individual,\" in part by naming co-managers on several strategies, allowing senior investment professionals — who make up five members of its nine-person executive committee — to have substantial sway in the firm's direction, and by initiating a series of retention bonus payments, which were completed this summer.", "When asked if PIMCO could survive without Ivascyn, Roman points out that while the firm's CIO isn't likely to leave, it still has a substantial talent bench, one it continues to grow.", "And he remains focused on the future.", "He is planning to hire some 200 people across various areas of the firm in the next year and is leading an effort to make the firm more global.", "He's also building out the firm's quantitative effort and expanding its efforts in private credit, with the announced hire earlier this year of Greg Hall from Blackstone Group to lead PIMCO's $12 billion private strategies group.", "He's also getting used to life in Southern California.", "Though Huth wondered how his friend would acclimate to the culture, Roman — who is divorced and has two adult daughters — seems to have found a way to make it work for him.", "He doesn't drive, instead taking an Uber to the firm's offices each day, and he bemoans the \"piles of Dan Brown books\" at the local Border's, the only bookseller close to PIMCO's offices.", "But he maintains another home in the bohemian Los Feliz neighborhood of Los Angeles, which he says has an interesting arts scene.", "And he frequently travels to PIMCO's offices in New York, where his daughters also live.", "As for his day job, Roman shares one more trait with the firm's most famous founder: a single-minded focus on being the leading fixed income manager in the world.", "\"For that, we need to have the best people and we need to have great performance,\" he says.", "\"And that's a very simple mission statement.", "We're not trying to be all things to all people; we're not trying to be Walmart.", "We just have a very focused strategy.", "The way I think of PIMCO is, the single most important thing is the alpha we generate.", "We start with that — and we finish with that.\"", "## Related Content", "This content is from:", "### Man Group", "May 27, 2015", "### Man Group Hires Co-COOs For U.S. Unit", "June 20, 2011", "### Sustainable Returns: Environmental, Social, and Governance Investing", "Sponsored by", "Institutional Investor Marketing", "July 10, 2019" ]
{ "id": "train24711", "claim_title": "Emmanuel Roman", "claim_section": "Early life and education.", "claim_context": "Roman grew up in Paris, the only child of the artists Philippe Roman and Véronique Jordan Roman." }
[ [ 14, 16 ] ]
Eulo once hosted the World Lizard Racing Championships on their Paroo Track, but environmentalists put an end to that annual event.
[ "55 captures", "16 Feb 2011 - 29 Mar 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: National Library of Australia Crawls", "Crawls performed by Internet Archive on behalf of the National Library of Australia.", "This data is currently not publicly accessible.", "Collection: NLA_2014", "This crawl of the .au domain was performed on behalf of the National Library of Australia in of 2014.", "The Wayback Machine -", "A- A+ Home Council Executive Staff Meet your Councillors Meeting Minutes Advisory Committee Minutes Council Meeting Dates Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes Employment Opportunities Council Publications", "Corporate and Operational Plan Annual Report Council Applications & Forms Local Laws Council Policies Complaints Management System Services A-Z Animal Management Change of Address Customer Requests/Complaints Emergency Services Planning Scheme Development Applications Plumbing Information Private Works Rates Road Conditions Shire Maps Tenders and Quotes Tenders Quotes Watering Times Waste Management Works Program Fees & Charges Community Bursary Events", "Community Facilities Libraries Racecourse Shire Hall Swimming Pool Community Programs COOEE Inc CDEP Works RADF Youth Program Shire Townships Cunnamulla Eulo Wyandra Yowah Sporting Clubs Cunnamulla Swimming Pool & Aquatic Activities Cunnamulla Bowls Club Cunnamulla Golf Club Disaster Management Visitors Art Gallery & Museum Visitor Information Centre Artesian Time Tunnel Tourist Information Contact", "# Eulo", "# EULO - Home of the World Championship Lizard Races!", "The town of Eulo is situated on the Bulloo Developmental Road (Adventure Way) 70 km west of Cunnamulla and has a population of about 70 people.", "The township was originally built close to the Paroo River but as floods almost wiped out the entire town, building began on higher ground where Eulo now stands.", "Like most bush towns it has an interesting history.", "The most notable character was Isabel Robinson – the Eulo Queen.", "She was born in 1849 on the isle of Mauritius and migrated to Australia as a teenager.", "She arrived in Cunnamulla in 1878 and shortly afterwards moved to Eulo with her husband.", "The town's only pub carries her name and is where visitors can learn about her life and the early history of the town.", "The rural land surrounding Eulo is predominantly used for sheep and cattle grazing, however, the area is well known for its rich flavoursome honey obtained from the blossom of the local native Yapunyah tree.", "Honey along with other natural products made from bees wax are produced at Eulo for the local and national market.", "Eulo has many attractions, such as the Lizard Lounge, a newly built picnic area, the Bilby Burrow art and craft gallery, a general store with a display of honey production, a date farm and winery open to visitors and mud springs just west of the town.", "For more information about Eulo click here" ]
{ "id": "train07516", "claim_title": "Eulo, Queensland", "claim_section": "Events.", "claim_context": "" }
[ [ 15 ], [ 12, 14, 15 ] ]
He said, however, that "this grassroots movement on behalf of 'We the People' will continue," stating that he would give more details March 4.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Carson sees no 'path forward' for presidential bid - The Washington Post", "(meta data) AUTHOR:", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "The Washington Post logo Democracy Dies in Darkness My Post My Reading List Newsletters & alerts Gift subscriptions Contact us Help desk Politics", "# Carson sees no 'path forward' for presidential bid", "Add to list", "On my list Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson says he does not see \"a path forward\" for his presidential campaign.", "Here's a look back at some of the things he has said since announcing in May 2015 that he was seeking the Republican nomination.", "(Sarah Parnass/The Washington Post)", "By Robert Costa and Robert Costa National political reporter covering the White House, Congress and campaigns Ben Terris Ben Terris", "Feature reporter covering national politics March 2, 2016", "Ben Carson, the retired neurosurgeon who briefly led the Republican presidential race before his campaign began an extended public implosion, told his supporters in a statement Wednesday afternoon that he does not see a \"path forward\" and will not attend Thursday's debate in Detroit.", "But Carson did not formally suspend his campaign.", "Instead, he said in the statement that he has decided to make a speech about his political future on Friday at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland, just outside Washington.", "\"I do not see a political path forward in light of last evening's Super Tuesday primary results,\" the Wednesday statement said.", "\"However, this grassroots movement on behalf of 'We the People' will continue.", "Along with millions of patriots who have supported my campaign for President, I remain committed to Saving America for Future Generations.\"", "The announcement served as an acknowledgment that Carson's candidacy is all but over following a disappointing showing in the 11 states that held contests Tuesday.", "The decision follows months of candidate stumbles, staff infighting and strategy shifts derailing what had once appeared to be an unstoppable journey to conservative superstardom.", "It also marks the coming departure of the only high-profile African American candidate in the 2016 presidential race.", "View Graphic", "Carson, 64, burst onto the political scene in early 2013 when, addressing the typically non­partisan National Prayer Breakfast, he spoke about the dangers of political correctness, put forward the idea of a flat tax and criticized President Obama's health-care law.", "What stood out was that he did so right beside a steely-faced Obama.", "That week, the Wall Street Journal ran an editorial titled \"Ben Carson for President.\"", "By August of that year, there was a \"National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee.\"", "Before he launched his presidential bid last May, the group had raised close to $16 million, gotten a half-million signatures encouraging Carson to run and had 30,000 active volunteers across the country, according to organizers.", "The media whirlwind was hardly his first brush with fame.", "Before he took the conservative world by storm, Carson was famous for an up-from-his-bootstraps life story, from impoverished childhood to a high-profile neurosurgery career.", "He was, at 33, the youngest major division director in Johns Hopkins Hospital history, and he was the first pediatric neurosurgeon to successfully separate twins conjoined at the head.", "He wrote a best-selling book, \"Gifted Hands,\" about his life, which later became a television movie.", "[The surgery that made Ben Carson famous — and its complicated aftermath]", "The same bluntness that catapulted him into contention in a year that favored plain-spoken insurgents and outsider candidates earned him criticism as well.", "He found himself in political hot water for calling the Affordable Care Act the \"worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery,\" saying that the United States now is \"very much like Nazi Germany\" and predicting that allowing same-sex marriage could lead to legalized bestiality.", "Even his political team admitted from the start that perhaps he needed to work on his messaging.", "\"If I could create the Webster's dictionary of words Dr. Carson could use in the campaign, there would be some words I'd leave out,\" his former campaign chairman, Terry Giles, told The Washington Post before Carson officially jumped into the race.", "Later, when Donald Trump grabbed headlines, the usually mild-mannered Carson was urged to dial it up and take the mogul on more aggressively.", "Carson resisted that advice as well.", "Until the end, he sought to offer himself to Republicans as a calm and steady hand, untouched by Washington.", "Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson, who has yet to win a state in the Republican race, said he was \"not quite ready to quit\" after poor performance on Super Tuesday.", "(Reuters)", "\"Many people told me that this business is corrupt, that it's evil, that it's how it'll always be,\" Carson said in a phone interview Monday.", "\"But I don't believe that we have to accept that.", "We should rail against that, fight against it, and get something that's decent and inspirational.\"", "His performance may have played a role in his political undoing.", "Even as his \"politically incorrect\" style played well in places with staunchly conservative ­bases, his apparent unfamiliarity with many policy fundamentals, particularly on national-security issues, made some voters wary.", "[Ben Carson slashes staff as funds dry up]", "His support dropped precipitously in the weeks after two terrorist attacks late last year, bringing him from second place just behind Trump to fourth or fifth place in most national polls.", "\"Unfortunately, Paris happened.", "San Bernardino happened,\" he told The Post late last year.", "\"Somehow the narrative has been projected that if you're soft-spoken and mild-mannered, there is no way you can deal with terrorism, with national security, that you're not a strong person.\"", "It wasn't just Carson's often unfiltered and unseasoned approach that cost him; his advisers' did as well, as internal feuds played out publicly, and candidate and campaign deficits were spotlighted in unusually detailed media admissions by some staffers and advisers.", "Disagreements within the campaign's highest ranks broke out into the open on numerous occasions, highlighting a persistent and sharp division between Armstrong Williams — Carson's longtime business manager, who was not formally part of the campaign — and Barry Bennett, the Republican operative who led it.", "As Carson fell from top-tier status, he publicly blamed campaign aides for his drop in the polls — calling some of them overpaid and ineffective — and vowed a staff shake-up in an interview arranged by Williams without Bennett's knowledge.", "Carson backtracked hours later, but within days, several of his most experienced campaign hands, including Bennett, had resigned.", "A new campaign chairman was named: retired Army Maj. Gen. Robert F. Dees — previously a Carson policy adviser who, like the candidate himself, had never before been involved in a political campaign.", "The departure of a string of senior aides didn't end the behind-the-scenes drama.", "Within weeks, reporters were sent a list of the only staffers they were to contact for campaign comment and for candidate interview requests — a list that pointedly did not include Williams.", "[Flashback: Why is Ben Carson toying with a long-shot presidential bid?]", "The Carson campaign war chest, which had been flush with cash after solid fundraising quarters earlier in the race, began shrinking dramatically amid questions about how the money was being spent.", "Carson made further sweeping changes last month, cutting staff salaries and shrinking his traveling entourage.", "\"We had to get a much better check on the finances.", "I was appalled when I did a deep dive and saw what was going on.", "We saw that and stopped it,\" Carson said in the Monday interview.", "The mild-mannered candidate soon lashed out at individuals he accused of sabotaging his presidential bid, including rival Ted Cruz of Texas, whose campaign falsely circulated the idea that Carson was going to quit the race on the night of the Iowa caucuses.", "He followed up a distant fourth-place showing in Iowa with last-place showings in New Hampshire and in South Carolina, a state he had once said would be a special focus.", "He polled poorly again in the 11 GOP primaries and caucuses Tuesday night.", "When asked Monday whether he would ever reenter politics if he left the race, Carson chuckled at the prospect.", "\"I'm certainly not looking for something to do,\" he said, adding that his plan after leaving medicine in 2013 was to retire to Palm Beach, Fla., with his wife.", "\"I'm not going to disappear,\" he said.", "\"But yes, if I didn't think the country needed what we're doing, I'd be there.\"", "Most Read Politics 1 With the global economy slowing and the U.S.-China trade war escalating, Trump arrives at G-7 with a list of grievances 2", "Trump's company could save millions if interest rates fall as he demands 3", "Some Pennsylvania Democrats regret not voting in 2016.", "They say they'll be sure to cast a ballot in 2020.", "4 Analysis These are frustrating days for governors seeking the presidency 5", "Trump and Johnson look to use G-7 summit to fortify their relationship amid skepticism of both leaders Opinion", "Let's 'gut check' all of Trump's vulgar, unpresidential statements Opinion", "Trump's trade war shows the reality of 'America First' in action", "Subscriber sign in", "### We noticed you're blocking ads!", "Keep supporting great journalism by turning off your ad blocker.", "Or purchase a subscription for unlimited access to real news you can count on.", "Try 1 month for $1 Unblock ads", "Questions about why you are seeing this?", "Contact us" ]
{ "id": "train41631", "claim_title": "Ben Carson 2016 presidential campaign", "claim_section": "Campaign.:Early 2016.", "claim_context": "The campaign released a statement on the crash: “A van transporting three campaign volunteers and a Carson campaign employee hit a patch of ice and flipped on its side where it was struck by another vehicle.” In response, Carson cancelled campaign stops in South Carolina and California, and instead chose to be with Joplin's family at a hospital in Omaha, Nebraska.\n In the Iowa Caucuses on February 1, Carson came in 4th place with 9% of the vote (over 17,000 popular votes), thus earning 3 delegates. However, a significant controversy arose when CNN said that Carson was taking a break from the campaign trail. Members of Ted Cruz's campaign caught wind of the story, and began telling voters at the caucuses that Carson had dropped out. Carson accused Cruz's campaign of doing this explicitly to switch potential Carson voters to Cruz, an accusation that front runner Donald Trump also began to use against Cruz. Carson leveled these accusations at Cruz consistently over the next few days, particularly during the 8th GOP debate in New Hampshire on February 6. Carson suffered a poor showing at the New Hampshire primary, polling at 2.3%, and receiving 0 delegates. During the debate on February 6, he apparently missed his introduction from the moderator, and could be seen waiting apprehensively offstage while other candidates passed by. On March 2 following the Super Tuesday primaries, Carson announced that he did \"not see a political path forward\" and would not attend the next Republican debate in Detroit." }
[ [ 9, 23 ], [ 9, 23, 24 ], [ 9, 12, 15, 18 ], [ 9, 12, 15, 18, 23, 24 ] ]
He joined the Economic Freedom Fighters to implement the party's policies.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: EFF names W Cape candidates | IOL News", "# EFF names W Cape candidates", "Politics / 25 March 2014, 10:45am / Jason Felix", "Cape Town-140324.", "The EFF (Western Cape branch) announced the W.Cape list of candidates for the 2014 Provincial Elections at the Ritz Hotel this morning.", "From left in the front row: Commissar Bernard Joseph, Commissar Nazier Paulsen(Premier Candidate) and Commissar Veronica Mente.", "reporter:Warda Meyer.", "Photo: jason boud", "Cape Town -", "A lecturer, provincial government employees, former ANC members and a trade unionist are all on the Economic Freedom Fighters Western Cape list of candidates.", "The party announced on Monday that Nazier Paulsen would be its Western Cape premier candidate for the May 7 elections.", "Paulsen, a software engineering and project management lecturer at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, was voted in at the party's elective conference in January.", "\"These men and women form part of the new revolutionary provincial government that will lead our people to better prosperity,\" he said.", "Candidates had been selected on the basis of their integrity.", "\"None of the members who joined this party joined to be on a candidate list.", "We are here to serve the people and only the people.", "Because we are still a new party, we had input from the national leadership.", "It was sort of a filter-down process, but most of the candidates are from the province,\" he said.", "Paulsen said his election campaign would focus on informal settlements, schools affected by gang violence, and land.", "\"We have too many informal settlements in the province.", "There is land available all over the province - why can it not be utilised?", "\"It's because the majority of the land belongs to the capitalists.", "We believe in land appropriation and it's what we will be pushing in Parliament.\"", "Bernard Joseph, a former Cope member and a Community Safety Department employee, said he had joined the party to implement \"its radical change\".", "Joseph is third on the party's candidate list.", "\"I moved to the EFF from Cope, where there was no leadership and no movement.", "At the EFF we have a vibrant team of young and old men and women determined to take the province forward.", "\"The DA in the Western Cape is doing exactly what the ANC is doing at the national government level,\" he said.", "Former ANC and SACP member Veronica Mente, who is second on the list, said: \"I stand for the change the EFF wants to bring about in the country.", "That change will be radical.", "In the Western Cape, we have a gang problem, and the state of township schools is dire.", "We will focus on that.\"", "Among the candidates are Yerushka Chetty, Nimrod Mlindi, Novume Ralarala, Melikhaya Xego, Florence Daniels, Andre Timotheus, Patricia Booi and Ayanda Gladile.", "Cape Times", "Read next on IOL", "Trending on IOL", "#WomenChangingTheWorld#PublicProtector#StateCaptureInquiry", "## Daily Newsletter Sign Up", "Email Address:Sign UpView All Newsletters", "### Related Articles", "### SABC in U-", "turn after Malema interview uproar" ]
{ "id": "train33259", "claim_title": "Bernard Joseph (politician)", "claim_section": "Political career.", "claim_context": "He was a member of the Congress of the People before he joined the Economic Freedom Fighters. Joseph said that he left the party because he felt that the party lacked leadership and movement." }
[ [ 16, 18 ], [ 18, 19 ], [ 16, 18, 19 ], [ 16, 17, 18 ], [ 16, 17, 18, 19 ] ]
The oldest law school in the Southwestern United States, USC Law had its beginnings in 1896, and was officially established as a school of the university in 1900.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: History of USC Gould | USC Gould School of Law", "# History of USC Gould", "ABOUT USC GOULD", "A MESSAGE FROM THE DEAN", "HISTORY OF USC GOULD", "HISTORICAL TIMELINE", "MEDIA CONTACTS", "EXPERTS DIRECTORY", "MEDIA ADVISORIES", "FACULTY IN THE NEWS", "BOARD OF COUNCILORS", "ABA REQUIRED DISCLOSURES", "VISIT US", "SOCIAL MEDIA", "CONTACT US", "STAFF DIRECTORY", "Founded in 1900, USC Gould School of Law was Southern California's first law school.", "Previously, attorneys had to be imported to serve the burgeoning region's legal needs.", "Then, in 1896, a group of ambitious apprentices formed \"a school of permanent character\" to educate lawyers of exceptional quality.", "The Los Angeles Law School was incorporated in 1898 and became a part of USC in 1900.", "Since the school's inception, USC Gould has maintained a richly diverse student body, with women, ethnic minorities and international scholars among our earliest graduates.", "We helped pioneer the concepts of clinical and interdisciplinary legal education.", "And our accomplished graduates have long served leadership roles in private practice, on the bench, and in public service, business and teaching.", "This distinguished history continues at USC Gould, as our students and alumni carry forward the tradition of innovation, equity and excellence.", "Today, the school is global in reach, influence and renown.", "View a historical timeline of USC Gould.", "## Diverse Voices", "Women have played a prominent role at USC Gould from the start.", "Five women were among the 36 legal apprentices who established the school, and self-made agricultural magnate Harriet W.R. Strong served on the institution's original 11-member board of trustees.", "In 1911, USC Gould graduated a dozen female lawyers and launched the nation's first women's law student organization, Phi Delta Delta.", "By 1930, with 120 alumnae, the school was an established leader in preparing women for the legal profession.", "Arguably the most renowned American female lawyer from the 1920s through the 1940s, Mabel Walker Willebrandt, JD 1916, LLM 1917, served as assistant U.S. attorney general during U.S. President Warren G. Harding's administration.", "Other distinguished alumnae from the school's early years include the first female district attorney in the United States, the first female Asian-American justice on the California Supreme Court, and the first woman elected to Congress from California, who was also the first woman to chair the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.", "We were the first leading law school to appoint a female dean, Dorothy W. Nelson, LLM 1956, who served from 1968 until 1980, when she was appointed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.", "The school has maintained an ethnically diverse student body from the earliest days, with the first African-American graduate, Clarence B. Thompson, earning his JD in 1904.", "Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Armenian and Russian Jewish students also matriculated in the early 1900s.", "The first Japanese national to graduate from USC Gould, Sei Fujii, JD 1911, worked for decades to address racially discriminatory laws.", "You Chung Hong, JD 1924, LLM 1925, became the first Chinese-American admitted to practice in California — and later the nation's foremost Chinese civil rights attorney.", "In 1927, the school's first female African-American student earned her law degree.", "The first Latino student followed in 1930 — and was later appointed to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.", "By the 1940s, USC African-American graduates were being appointed to judgeships and serving as Los Angeles city attorneys.", "In 1943, African-American alumni established the John M. Langston Bar Association in reaction to the racism of other bar associations.", "A USC Gould alumnus became the nation's first Armenian-American federal judge, while another became the first woman and first African-American to serve as district attorney for Los Angeles County, the largest local prosecutorial office in the nation.", "## Innovator in Legal Education", "USC Gould pioneered the concepts of public interest, experiential and interdisciplinary legal education.", "The first modern legal aid program was founded out of a USC Gould clinic, while the school initiated a nationwide shift by introducing an interdisciplinary curriculum to the study of law.", "In 1929, we established the Legal Clinic at USC, in which students gained hands-on training in the delivery of legal services to the poor.", "It served as a model for other law schools across the country in both experiential learning and public interest programs.", "By the time the clinic became the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles in 1937, USC Gould students and faculty had assisted more than 19,000 clients representing dozens of countries.", "Thirty years later, in 1967, USC Gould housed what would become California's oldest and largest legal services support center — the Western Center on Law and Poverty.", "In 1965, with the groundbreaking course Law, Language and Ethics, USC Gould became the first to incorporate an interdisciplinary curriculum into legal studies.", "The school would soon add concepts from psychology, politics, medicine, economics, history and other fields.", "This launched a new, nationwide paradigm regarding how lawyers are trained.", "In other educational innovations, USC Gould was the second top 20 law school to introduce an online LLM degree and the first to offer a graduate certificate in business law.", "## Influential Alumni", "USC Gould alumni are partners in the world's largest law firms, head major international companies, and serve leadership roles in government and public service organizations.", "Graduates have become governors, U.S. senators and members of Congress, and mayors of cities large and small.", "Nearly 500 of our alumni have served as state or federal judges, including the first African-American judge west of Chicago, the earliest Latinos on the bench, and the first Asian-American judge and first female judge in Southern California.", "By the late 1980s, USC Gould graduates dominated the California Supreme Court, holding four of the seven positions.", "## The Gould Heritage", "The law school is named in honor of the Gould family.", "Judge James Gould was a noted legal scholar and one of the teachers and proprietors of Litchfield Law School, the first law school in the United States.", "His descendant Charles Winthrop Gould, a distinguished New York lawyer, bequeathed the family estate to his nephew, Col. John W. Barnes, who earned his LLB in 1927 and his LLM in 1929, both at USC.", "When Barnes died in the mid-1940s, he left the Gould estate in trust to the university.", "The full gift came in the mid-1960s, when USC Law became USC Gould School of Law.", "## RECENT NEWS", "Alumni Spotlight Q&A: Jennifer Westhoff Zayas", "August 19, 2019", "Meet Jennifer Westhoff Zayas (JD 2013), vice president of business and legal affairs at Annapurna Pictures.", "Alumni Spotlight Q&A: Naader Banki", "August 19, 2019", "The entertainment and media associate at Manatt discusses his how law school lessons apply to his career.", "In Memoriam: Cory Montelus", "August 18, 2019", "A message from Dean Andrew T. Guzman to the USC Gould School of Law community" ]
{ "id": "train33405", "claim_title": "USC Gould School of Law", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "The University of Southern California Gould School of Law (USC Gould), located in Los Angeles, California, is a law school within the University of Southern California." }
[ [ 26 ] ]
The series filmed in the Spanish cities Seville, Cáceres, Almodóvar del Río, Santiponce, Zumaia and Bermeo.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: GAME OF THRONES TO BEGIN PRODUCTION ON SEASON SEVEN THIS SUMMER — HBO & Cinemax PR — Medium", "(meta data) AUTHOR:", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "27 captures", "19 Jul 2016 - 07 Sep 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "These crawls are part of an effort to archive pages as they are created and archive the pages that they refer to.", "That way, as the pages that are referenced are changed or taken from the web, a link to the version that was live when the page was written will be preserved.", "Then the Internet Archive hopes that references to these archived pages will be put in place of a link that would be otherwise be broken, or a companion link to allow people to see what was originally intended by a page's authors.", "The goal is to fix all broken links on the web.", "Crawls of supported \"No More 404\" sites.", "Collection: Wikipedia Near Real Time (from IRC)", "This is a collection of web page captures from links added to, or changed on, Wikipedia pages.", "The idea is to bring a reliability to Wikipedia outlinks so that if the pages referenced by Wikipedia articles are changed, or go away, a reader can permanently find what was originally referred to.", "This is part of the Internet Archive's attempt to rid the web of broken links.", "The Wayback Machine -", "HBO PROfficial Medium account for the @HBO and @Cinemax Corporate Communications team.", "Jul 182 min read", "### EMMY®- AND GOLDEN GLOBE-WINNING HBO SERIES GAME OF THRONES TO BEGIN PRODUCTION ON SEASON SEVEN THIS SUMMER", "LOS ANGELES, July 18, 2016 — The Emmy®- and Golden Globe-winning series GAME OF THRONES will begin shooting its next season later this summer, it was announced today by Casey Bloys, president, HBO programming.", "Production of the seven-episode seventh season will be based in Northern Ireland, while additional portions will be filmed in Spain and Iceland, with debut slated for summer 2017 on HBO.", "\"Now that winter has arrived on GAME OF THRONES, executive producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss felt that the storylines of the next season would be better served by starting production a little later than usual, when the weather is changing,\" said Bloys.", "\"Instead of the show's traditional spring debut, we're moving the debut to summer to accommodate the shooting schedule.\"", "Season seven directors will include Mark Mylod, Jeremy Podeswa, Matt Shakman and Alan Taylor.", "Locations for shooting in Spain will include Sevilla, Caceres, Almodovar del Rio, Santiponce, Zumaia and Bermeo.", "Last week, GAME OF THRONES received 23 Primetime Emmy® nominations, the most of any nominee for the third year in a row.", "This year's nominations include Outstanding Drama Series, 2 for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series (Peter Dinklage, Kit Harington), 3 for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series (Emilia Clarke, Lena Headey, Maisie Williams), Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series (Max von Sydow), 2 for Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series (Miguel Sapochnik, Jack Bender) and Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series (David Benioff and D.B. Weiss).", "Season seven credits:", "The executive producers of GAME OF THRONES are David Benioff, D.B. Weiss, Carolyn Strauss, Frank Doelger and Bernadette Caulfield; co-executive producers, Guymon Casady, Vince Gerardis, George R.R. Martin and Bryan Cogman; producers, Chris Newman, Greg Spence and Lisa McAtackney.", "Follow @HBOPR for more news and information.", "Don't miss HBO PR's next storyHBO PR" ]
{ "id": "train43001", "claim_title": "Game of Thrones (season 7)", "claim_section": "Production.:Filming.", "claim_context": "Filming began on August 31, 2016, at Titanic Studios in Belfast, and ended in February 2017. In an interview with the showrunners, it was announced that the filming of the seventh season would be delayed until later in the year due to necessary weather conditions for filming. The showrunners stated \"We're starting a bit later because, you know, at the end of this season, winter is here, and that means that sunny weather doesn't really serve our purposes any more. We kind of pushed everything down the line so we could get some grim, gray weather even in the sunnier places that we shoot.\" \n Girona, Spain, did not return as one of the filming locations. Girona stood in for Braavos and parts of King's Landing. It was later announced that the seventh season would film in Northern Ireland, Spain and Iceland, with filming in Northern Ireland beginning in August 2016." }
[ [ 39 ], [ 39, 47 ] ]
He competed in the marathon at the 1932 Summer Olympics.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Michele Fanelli Bio, Stats, and Results | Olympics at", "50 captures", "31 Jan 2012 - 18 Apr 2020", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "The Internet Archive discovers and captures web pages through many different web crawls.", "At any given time several distinct crawls are running, some for months, and some every day or longer.", "View the web archive through the Wayback Machine.", "Collection: Live Web Proxy Crawls", "Content crawled via the Wayback Machine Live Proxy mostly by the Save Page Now feature on", "Liveweb proxy is a component of Internet Archive's wayback machine project.", "The liveweb proxy captures the content of a web page in real time, archives it into a ARC or WARC file and returns the ARC/WARC record back to the wayback machine to process.", "The recorded ARC/WARC file becomes part of the wayback machine in due course of time.", "The Wayback Machine -", "Sports-Reference:", "Baseball ·", "(college) ·", "(college) ·", "Hockey ·", "Olympics ·", "S-R Blog ·", "Question or Comment?", "AD FREE", "You Are Here > OLY Home > Athletes > Michele Fanelli", "News: Widgets - Our Stats, Your Site »post", "Support us without the ads?", "Go Ad-Free.", "# Michele Fanelli", "Full name: Michele Fanelli", "Gender: Male", "Height: 5-5 (166 cm)", "Weight: 123 lbs (56 kg)", "Born: September 14, 1907 in Orta Nova, Foggia, Italy", "Died: December 13, 1989", "Affiliations: Audace CS Roma", "Country: Italy", "Sport: Athletics", "## Biography", "Michele Fanelli finished eighth in the 1934 European Championships marathon.", "Personal Best: Mar – 2-33:30 (1941).", "## Results", "1932 Summer", "Los Angeles", "Men's Marathon", "## Men's Marathon", "Event History", "1932 Summer", "Los Angeles", "Final Standings", "2-49:09", "id: 71,962" ]
{ "id": "train29416", "claim_title": "Michele Fanelli", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "\n Michele Fanelli (14 September 1907 – 13 December 1989) was an Italian long-distance runner." }
[ [ 270, 271 ], [ 270, 271, 279 ], [ 256, 270, 271 ] ]
The WSIAT was formerly known as the Workers' Compensation Appeals Tribunal (WCAT) which was established Oct 1, 1985 by the Ontario government.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: OWTL | Workers' Compensation Law - A Documentary History in Ontario", "Ontario Workplace Tribunals Library", "The Library of the:", "Ontario Labour Relations Board, Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal, Pay Equity Hearings Tribunal", "We're here to help", "The library is available to workers, employers, and their representatives as they deal with issues in labour relations, employment standards, pay equity and workers' compensation.", "We are open to the public Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 5pm", "505 University Avenue, 7th Floor,", "Toronto, Ontario", "M5G 2P2", "(Please deliver all post and packages to the WSIAT mailroom on 5th floor)", "(One block north of the", "St. Patrick subway station)", "tel: 416-314-3700", "e-mail:", "fax: 416", "326-", "3558", "text resize: A A A", "Contact Us", "Site Map", "Ontario Government", "Site Search:", "# Workers' Compensation Law A Documentary History in Ontario", "Display and print this document in Portable Document Format (PDF).", "(25 kb)", "To do this, you must have Adobe Acrobat® Reader (version 4 or higher) installed on your computer.", "You can download this free software from the Adobe web site.", "Workers' Compensation Law | Origins and Foundations i", "## TABLE OF CONTENTS", "ORIGINS & FOUNDATIONS", "From the law of Employers' Liability to Workers' Compensation Law", "The Meredith Reports", "Commissioned and Task Force Reports: 1932 - 1973", "FIRST MAJOR REFORM", "Background: 70s - 80s", "Changes in the 1980s and 1990s", "Weiler Report", "Proposing the Creation of an Independent Appeals Tribunal", "Workers' Compensation Reform, 1988", "1991 - Standing Committee on Resources Development-Services delivery", "Task Force on Vocational Rehabilitation", "75th Anniversary Symposium", "Other Key Studies and Reports Released During the 1980s and Early 1990s", "SECOND MAJOR REFORM (MID 1990'S - PRESENT)", "Premier's Labour Management Advisory Committee (PLMAC)", "1994 - The Royal Commission on Workers' Compensation", "Standing Committee on Resources Development Submissions", "BOOKS, STUDIES AND ARTICLES", "(Prepared in 2009)", "#####", "Workers' Compensation Law | Origins and Foundations 1", "## ORIGINS & FOUNDATIONS", "### From the law of Employers' Liability to Workers' Compensation Law", "Workers' compensation was established in Ontario in 1914 following an examination of workers' compensation schemes by Sir William Ralph Meredith.", "Prior to this, workers had to sue their employers in court to get compensated for their injuries.", "In 1886, the Legislative Assembly enacted the Workmen's Compensation for Injuries Act,1 which was essentially an employer liability act.", "In 1910, Sir W. R. Meredith was appointed to head a Royal Commission to investigate workers' compensation, which resulted in the Workmen's Compensation Act of 1914 which went in effect Jan. 1, 1915.", "The administration of the workers' compensation system was given to an independent agency, initially called the Workmen's Compensation Board (the name was changed to \"Workers' Compensation Board\" in 1981).", "Workmen's Compensation for Injuries Act,S.O. 1886, 49 Vict., c. 28", "Workmen's Compensation Act, S.O. 1914, c. 25", "Report on workmen's compensation for injuries", "Mavor, James. -- Toronto: Warwick Bros. & Rutter, 1900", "This report was submitted to the Legislative Assembly by James Mavor, a professor of political philosophy at the University of Toronto in 1900.", "He recommended that Ontario should observe British and Continental reforms before taking any steps to establish a no-fault workers' compensation system.2", "### The Meredith Reports", "The interim report by Ralph W. Meredith summarizes the laws of European countries, provinces of Canada, and U.S. states covering workers' compensation at the time of writing (1912).", "An analysis of principles and comparison of systems follows along with the Minutes of Evidence taken before Meredith.", "1 S.O. 1886, 49 Vict., c. 28", "2 See The law of employers' liability in Ontario 1861-1900: the search for a theory.", "/ Tucker, Eric.", "-- Osgoode Hall law journal.", "1984 v.22(2) p.216-280.", "1984.", "MF 3674", "#####", "Workers' Compensation Law | Origins and Foundations 2", "Meredith's final report submitted to Sir John Morison Gibson, Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Ontario.", "Meredith proposed that a workers' compensation system be set up based on the following principles:", "Security of Payment", "No fault system", "Collective liability", "Administration by an independent agency", "#### All of Ralph W. Meredith's Reports", "Interim report on laws relating to the liability of employers to make Compensation to their Employees for Injuries received in the course of their employment, which are in force in other countries, and as to how far such laws are found to work satisfactorily", "Meredith, Ralph W. -- Toronto: L.K. Cameron, 1912.", "Second interim report on laws relating to the liability of employers ..", "Meredith, Ralph W. -- Toronto: L.K. Cameron, 1913.", "Final report on laws relating to the liability of employers ..", "Meredith, Ralph W. -- Toronto: L.K. Cameron, 1913.", "Final report on laws relating to the liability of employers to make compensation to their employees for injuries received in the course of their employment which are in force in other countries . . . with appendixes", "Meredith, Ralph W. -- Toronto: L.K. Cameron, 1913.", "### Commissioned and Task Force Reports: 1932 - 1973", "#### 1932 – Middleton", "Report of the Commissioner in the matter of The Workmen's Compensation Act", "Middleton, W.E. / Ontario.", "The Workmen' Compensation Commission.", "-- Toronto: King's Printer, 1932.", "#### Roach", "Report on the Workmen's compensation act ; report of the Hon. Justice Roach, commissioner appointed to inquire into and report upon, and to make recommendations regarding the Workmen's Compensation Act upon subjects other than detail administration", "Roach, Mr Justice. / Ontario.", "Commission to inquire into and report upon and to make recommedations regarding the Workmen's Compensation Act upon subjects other than detail administration.", "-- Toronto: Baptist Johnston, 1950.", "#####", "Workers' Compensation Law | Origins and Foundations 3", "\"Appointed as Commissioner in October 1949 by the Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario, Wilfred Daniel Roach examined scales of compensation, payment of claims, industrial diseases, assessments, appeals, accident prevention, merit rating, rehabilitation, investments, and composition of the Board.\"", "#### McGillivray", "Report of the Royal Commission in the matter of the Workmen's Compensation Act", "McGillivray, George A. / Ontario. Royal Commission in the Matter of the Workmen' s Compensation Act.", "Ontario, 1967.", "\"This Royal Commission inspected all phases of the Ontario Board's operation and concluded that the revised administrative structure implemented in 1965 was operating smoothly.", "The inquiry resulted in forty-one recommendations for improving the system.\"", "\"The system\" referred to was the Board's internal appeal process.", "The Ontario workers' compensation system remained relatively stable through the 1960's.", "However, late in that decade, a period of intensive debate about the workers' compensation system began.", "#### 1973 The Task Force", "The administration of workmen's compensation in Ontario", "Ontario.", "Workers' Compensation Board. -- Toronto: The Task Force, 1973.", "Task Force members: A. R. Ard, R.D. Johnston, Michael Starr", "Report of the Task Force Workmen's Compensation Board, 1972", "This Task Force was appointed in January 1973 by the Honourable Fern Guindon, Ont. Minister of Labour.", "It proposed a major reorganization of the WCB, pointing out that its organization lacked sensitivity and effectiveness and advocated for a stronger service orientation.", "3", "4 supra.", "5 supra.", "#####", "Workers' Compensation Law | First Major Reform 4", "## FIRST MAJOR REFORM", "### Background: 70s - 80s", "By the late 60s and early 70s, the compensation system was perceived by injured workers to contain a number of fundamental flaws.", "In 1974, injured workers joined together to form the Union of Injured Workers (UIW), in an effort to bring pressure on the government and the WCB.", "Of critical importance to the Union was the question of permanent partial disability awards – pensions.", "On February 11, 1980, the Minister of Labour announced the appointment of Professor Paul C. Weiler to make recommendations with respect to the workmen's compensation system in Ontario.", "(The law reform debate was largely framed around processes emanating from the appointment of Professor Paul Weiler to study the system. )", "1984 - Bill 101 brought changes to benefits for injured workers, the administrative structure of the WCB, and the establishment of four independent new bodies.", "1989 -Bill 162 introduced the dual-award system (compensation for economic and non-economic loss), new vocational rehabilitation and re-employment provisions.", "The year 1989 marked the 75th anniversary of the Workers' Compensation Act in Ontario.", "The last half of the 1980s witnessed a significant transformation of the workers' compensation system in Ontario.", "This overhaul affected every aspect of the system: legislative, organizational, operational, financial and cultural.6", "### Changes in the 1980s and 1990s", "#### Legislation", "Workers' Compensation Act, R.S.O. 1980, c.539 (pre-1985)", "Workers' Compensation Amendment Act, 1984 (No. 2), S.O. 1984 c. 58 (Bill 101) (pre-1989)", "Workers' Compensation Amendment Act, 1989, S.O. 1989, c. 47 (Bill 162) (post-1989)", "Workers' Compensation Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. W. 11 (pre-1997)", "#### Bill 101, 1984(Effective April 1, 1985)", "Benefits:", "Did not include the dual award wage loss system for permanent partial disability compensation.", "Various amendments broadened the scope of supplementary awards to the existing permanent pension.", "6 Workers' compensation in Ontario : system in transition, 1985 - 1990 /", "zz", "No Author.", "-- Toronto: Workers' Compensation Board, 1990.", "KF 3615 ZB3 W67 1990 1-2", "#####", "Workers' Compensation Law | First Major Reform 5", "Administration:", "WCTA was created as an independent body to serve as the final level of appeal from decisions of the WCB.", "IDSP was created as an independent agency to recommend on compensation criteria for occupational diseases (Occupational Disease Panel by Bill 165-/abolished by Bill 99)", "Office of the Worker Adviser & Office of the Employer Adviser established", "The name of the Board was changed from the \"Workmen's\" to the Workers' Compensation Board.", "#### 1990 amendments- Bill 162, 1988 (R.A July 26, 1989-Effective January 2, 1990)", "The second half of the implementation of the Weiler proposals began in June 20, 1988, with the tabling of Bill 162.7 Bill 162 comprehensively reformed the system of compensation for permanent disabilities and enacted for the first time strong re-employment provisions.", "Bill 162, an Act to Amend the Workers' compensation Act, is the most significant change to the Act since its inception.", "It contained three main initiatives: 1) the dual – award model of disability compensation, 2) vocational rehabilitation, and 3) re-employment obligations.8", "Several new time limits were included in the Act and some benefits payment periods were restricted.", "#### Towards Weiler and the First Major Reform", "The report known as the \"Grey Paper\" was prepared for the WCB by Ken Harding, former secretary of the Association of Canadian Workers' Compensation Boards in 1979.", "It would be studied with a view to restructuring the compensation system in Ontario.", "It was perceived as extremely narrow and subjective by the Injured Workers Consultants (IWC), which called on the government to institute a broad enquiry of the whole system by an independent source.", "Current concerns in workmen's compensation.", "[WCB Grey Paper]", "Workmen's Compensation Board WCB Ontario.", "-- Paper prepared by WCB.", "Tabled in the Legislature, Dec 19, 1979 by Hon Mr Elgie.", "21 p.and appendices.", "Journals of the House.", "1979.", "The 1978 actuarial report prepared by the Wyatt Company, raised questions about the financial soundness of the workers' compensation system.9", "The report recommended that a much more broadly-based study was needed to resolve what were perceived to be controversial items in the workers' compensation system.", "7 See Dee, Garth, \"A Short History of Workers' Compensation\" p. 14", "8 Backgrounder MF 8962", "9 Examination of the Financial Structure of the Workmen's Compensation Board and an Assessment of the Actuarial Deficit (Toronto: Wyatt Co., 1978)", "#####", "Workers' Compensation Law | First Major Reform 6", "Examination of the financial structure of the Workmens' Compensation Board and an assessment of the actuarial deficit : report.", "Ontario.", "Ministry of Labour Wyatt Company. --", "Toronto: The Company, 1978.", "### Weiler Report", "Professor Paul Weiler was commissioned by the Honourable Robert G. Elgie, Ont. Minister of Labour, to review the system of Workers' Compensation in Ontario.", "\"Recommendations were submitted respecting the decision-making procedures of the WCB, the scheme of compensating injured workers, the method of financing compensation, the relationship between the WCB and the OS&H division of the Ministry of Labour, the role of workers advisors, and the decentralization of claims adjudication.\"", "10 11", "#### First Report", "In his first report, Weiler reviewed the philosophical underpinnings of workers' compensation; he outlined the issues and made a number of proposals aimed at overhauling the benefit system and the administrative structure of workers' compensation.", "On November 18, 1980, Labour Minister Elgie tabled Weiler's first report, Reshaping workers' compensation for Ontario.", "Reshaping workers' compensation for Ontario", "Weiler, Paul C. -- Toronto: Ministry of Labour, 1980.", "Reshaping workers' compensation for Ontario", "Weiler, Paul C. -- Toronto: Ministry of Labour, 1980b.", "#### Second Report", "Weiler's second report addressed the issues of how industrial disease should be handled within worker's compensation, the relationship of this program to others involved in the compensation and prevention of disabling injuries to Ontario workers, and systemic reform.", "The second report pointed the way toward consideration of a system of universal disability compensation as one possible solution.", "10", "11 For more background on the context and goals of the Weiler report, see Will injured workers get a fair hearing? : an educational forum on workers' compensation and the Weiler Study : current problems and issues.", "/ Weiler, Paul C. Toronto: Committee on the Weiler Study, 1980.", "KF 3615 ZB3 C65 1980.", "This background paper was prepared by the Committee on the Weiler Study for the Educational Forum held Sunday, June 8th, 1980 in Toronto.", "It included an overview of problems with the Ontario WCB, a discussion of perceived racism and sexism at the Board, the relationship of workers' compensation and educational health and safety, the precursors to the Weiler study, an analysis of the financial workings of compensation, a look at legislation in Saskatchewan and British Columbia.", "#####", "Workers' Compensation Law | First major Reform 7", "Protecting the worker from disability : challenges for the eighties", "Weiler, Paul C. / Ontario.", "Ministry of Labour.", "-- Toronto: Ministry of Labour, 1983.", "#### Third Report", "In this Report Weiler re", "-examined the original dual-award proposal in light of the debate since 1980 and changes in the compensation system.", "He recommended a new variant of the dual award system, moving from an \"actual wage loss\" system to a \"projected wage loss\" proposal.", "Permanent partial disability : alternative models for compensation", "Weiler, Paul C. / Ontario.", "Ministry of Labour.", "-- Toronto: Ministry of Labour, 1986.", "Summary of the Weiler report on workers' compensation benefits for permanent partial disability.", "[Dual award]", "Weiler, Paul.", "-- Ontario.", "Ministry of Labour?", "December 1986 11p.", "[possibly part of press release with Weiler 3rd report] 1986.", "Professor Weiler in Phase II of his study entitled Protecting the Worker from Disability: Challenges for the Eighties, issued in April of 1983, gave considerable attention to the compensation of occupational disease in Ontario.", "The research for Professor's Weiler's study was done by Dr. Annallee Yassi and her findings are detailed in this document.", "Occupational disease and workers' compensation in Ontario : report prepared for Paul Weiler in his study of workers compensation in Ontario.", "Weiler, Paul C.; Yassi, Annalee. / Ontario.", "Ministry of Labour.", "-- Toronto: Ministry of Labour, 1983.", "#### Responses", "Responses to the study of the workmen's compensation system in Ontario (Weiler report)", "Weiler, Paul C. Toronto, 1980.", "#### Submissions", "Submissions to the study of the workmen's compensation system in Ontario (Weiler report)", "Toronto, 1981.", "Submission of the Ontario Federation of Labour to Professor Paul C. Weiler].", "Ontario Federation of Labour.", "1981 10 29.", "Coverage since 1915 of industrial diseases under the Workmen's Compensation Act, Ontario.", "Workers' Compensation Board", "#### Commentaries", "This report was prepared for the Minister of Labour, Robert G. Elgie, pursuant to arrangements made with Professor Paul. C. Weiler, by Professor Terence G. Ison.", "Compensation for industrial disease under the Workers' Compensation Act of Ontario", "Ison, Terence G. / Ontario.", "Industrial Disease Standards Panel.", "-- Toronto: Industrial Disease Standards Panel, 1989.", "#####", "Workers' Compensation Law | Origins and Foundations 8", "Terms of reference for the review of the Ison Report (dated Feb.28,1989) entitled: 'Compensation for industrial disease under the Workers' Compensation Act of Ontario.'", "Industrial Disease Standards Panel. 1989.", "re: Ison Report.", "[Weiler's review of Professor Ison's report on compensation for industrial disease, prepared for the I.D.S.P.]", "Weiler, Paul.", "1989.", "##", "### Proposing the Creation of an Independent Appeals Tribunal", "#### White Paper – 1981 & 1983", "The Minister of Labour, Elgie, introduced this White Paper on June 25, 1981.", "The White Paper is a two-part Ministry response to the Weiler Report.", "The first half consists of a 71 page distillation of Weiler's recommendations into 21 major proposals.", "The second part is draft legislation putting these proposals into legislative language.", "The White Paper proposed the creation of an independent appeals Tribunal and increased access by workers to documents concerning them.", "These recommendations were adopted in Bill 101, which established the Workers' Compensation Appeals Tribunal.", "WCAT became operational on 1 October 1989.12", "White paper on the Workers' Compensation Act", "Weiler, Paul C. / Wyatt Company.; Ontario. Workers' Compensation Revision Commitee.", "Toronto, 1981.", "White paper on the Workers' Compensation Act", "Weiler, Paul C. / Ontario.", "Workers' Compensation Revision Committee.", "Ontario.", "Ministry of Labour Ontario.", "-- -- 2nd ed. -- Toronto: The Ministry, 1983.", "#### Standing Committee on Resources Development", "The Standing Committee on Resources Development has frequently examined the operations of the Ontario Workers' Compensation Board.", "Between 1980 and 1988, the Standing Committee reviewed the Board's Annual Report on a regular basis.", "The Standing Committee also held public hearings in 1984 and 1989 to assist in its review of Amendments to the Workers' Compensation Act (Bills 101 and 162, respectively).\"", "13", "12 See Workers' Compensation in Ontario: a decade of reform.", "/ Derstine, Dirk Nathu Shamash.", "-- University of Toronto Faculty of Law review.", "1990 v.48 p.22-47.", "1990.", "(p. 36)", "13 See GP WSI Report Stand. Com. Res. Dev. 1991", "#####", "Workers' Compensation Law | First Major Reform 9", "On September 8, 1982, The Standing Committee on Resources Development began hearings on the Weiler Report and White Paper with a mandate to invite briefs and public appearances on WCB reform.", "This is the final report of the Standing Committee on Resources Development with respect to the Weiler Report and the Government White Paper.", "Report on 'Reshaping workers' compensation for Ontario' by Paul C. Weiler - 1980 ('The Weiler Report') and ' Government of Ontario White paper on the Workers' Compensation Act' - 1981 ('The White paper') : final report", "Weiler, Paul C. / Ontario.", "Ministry of Labour.", "Ontario.", "Legislative Assembly.", "Standing Committee on Resources Development.", "-- Toronto: Ontario Pub. Centre, 1983.", "[Transcripts of the Standing Committee on Resources Development re Annual Report, Workers' Compensation Board, 1983].", "Ontario. Legislative Assembly. Standing Committee on Resources Development.", "1983.", "GP WSI Transcripts Stand. Com. Res. Dev. 1983", "Report on the 1984 Annual Report of the Workers' Compensation Board", "Laughren, Floyd. / Ontario. Legislative Assembly. Standing Committee on Resources Development.", "Toronto, 1985.", "In keeping with the statutory requirement of s. 85 of the Workers' Compensation Act, the WCB's report was referred to the Standing Committee on Resources Development.", "NOTE: In 1984 the practice differed from previous years in two respects: groups were invited to comment on the report in public hearings and the Committee made a decision that a report of its own would come out of its deliberations.", "[Submission of 1985 10 08 to the Standing Committee on Resources Development on the Workers' Compensation Board Annual Report 1984].", "Employers' Council on Workers' Compensation. 1985 10 08.", "[Transcripts of the Standing Committee on Resources Development re Annual Report, Workers' Compensation Board, 1984].", "Ontario.", "Legislative Assembly. Standing Committee on Resources Development.", "1984.", "Pursuant to s. 85 of the Workers' Compensation Act, the Board filed its 1985 annual report with the Minister of Labour, who in turn submitted it to the Legislative Assembly.", "Report on the 1985 Annual Report of the Workers' Compensation Board", "Laughren, Floyd. / Ontario.", "Legislative Assembly. Standing Committee on Resources Development.", "Toronto, 1987.", "The Committee held public hearings in Toronto from March 9 to March 13, 1987.", "The Committee recommended the establishment of a Royal Commission to review the workers' compensation system in Ontario with the objective of making recommendations to the government for a new Workers' Compensation Act.", "#####", "Workers' Compensation Law | First Major Reform 10", "Hansard.", "Official Report of Debates.", "Legislative Assembly of Ontario.", "Standing Committee on Resources Development.", "Annual Report.", "Workers' Compensation Board, 1985", "Ontario.", "Legislative Assembly.", "Standing Committee on Resources Development.", "-- Toronto: Legislative Assembly of Ontario, 1987.", "Submissions to the Standing Committee on Resource Development on the Annual Report of the Workers' Compensation Board, 1985.", "Ontario. Legislative Assembly. Standing Committee on Resources Development.", "Ontario, 1987.", "Hansard.", "Official Report of Debates.", "Legislative Assembly of Ontario.", "Standing Committee on Resources Development.", "Annual Report.", "Workers' Compensation Board, 1986", "Ontario.", "Legislative Assembly.", "Standing Committee on Resources Development.", "-- Toronto: Legislative Assembly of Ontario, 1988.", "Submissions to the Standing Committee on Resource Development on the Annual Report of the Workers' Compensation Board, 1986.", "Ontario. Legislative Assembly. Standing Committee on Resources Development.", "Ontario.", "1988.", "#### Office of the Worker Adviser", "Report to the Standing Committee on Resources Development", "Ontario.", "Office of the Worker Adviser.", "Ontario.", "Legislative Assembly.", "Standing Committee on Resources Development.", "-- Toronto: The Office. 1987.", "#### Standing Committee on Resources Development - Bill 101", "Hansard. Official Report of Debates. Legislative Assembly of Ontario.", "Bill 101", "Ontario. Legislative Assembly.", "-- Toronto: Legislative Assembly of Ontario, 1984.", "[Transcripts of the Standing Committee on Resources Development re Workers' Compensation Amendment Act (Bill 101)].", "Ontario. Legislative Assembly. Standing Committee on Resources Development.", "1984.", "GP WSI Bill 101 Transcripts Stand. Com. Res. Dev. 1984", "[Exhibits submitted to the Standing Committee on Resources Development re Workers' Compensation Amendment Act (Bill 101)].", "#####", "Workers' Compensation Law | First Major Reform 11", "### Workers' Compensation Reform, 1988", "On June 20, 1988, Minister of Labour Gregory Sorbara introduced to the Legislative Assembly amendments to the Worker's Compensation Act.", "This publication includes the amendments (Bill 162), the Minister's statement to the Assembly, and some background material.", "Workers' compensation reform, 1988", "Toronto: Ministry of Labour, 1988.", "#### WCB Green Paper", "The Green paper process was initiated by Mr Sorbara, Minister of Labour in 1988, during the Bill 162 debates.", "The purpose was to study important aspects of workers' compensation law not dealt with by Bill 162.14", "Labour's positions on matters raised during the green paper external committee discussions on workers compensation reform.", "Ontario Federation of Labour ( OFL) July 4, 1989 15 p. 1989.", "Re: the Green Paper on workers' compensation.", "[Board's views on topics which might be included for discussion in the Green Paper]", "Elgie, Robert G. -- Workers' Compensation Board (Ontario).", "Letter to Minister of Labour from Robert G Elgie.", "June 15, 1989.", "6p. 1989.", "#### Standing Committee on Resources Development- Bill 162", "Agenda re hearings on Bill 162, an Act to Amend the Workers' Compensation Act", "Ontario.", "Legislative Assembly.", "Standing Committee on Resources Development.", "-- Toronto: The Committee, 1989.", "Hansard re: Bill 162, Workers' Compensation Amendment Act, 1988", "Toronto: Legislative Assembly of Ontario, 1989.", "[Transcripts of the Standing Committee on Resources Development regarding Bill 162, Workers' Compensation Amendment Act - February 27 - July 10, 1989]", "Ontario.", "Legislative Assembly.", "Standing Committee on Resources Development.", "-- Toronto: The Committee, 1989.", "Submissions to the Standing Committee on Resources Development regarding Bill 162, Workers' Compensation Amendment Act, 1988", "Toronto: The Committee, 1989.", "14 WCB Green Paper. / zz No Author.", "-- I.A.V.G.O. reporting service newsletter.", "1990 v. 3(5) p.2. 1990", "source May 18, 1980", "#####", "Workers' Compensation Law | First Major Reform 12", "### 1991 Standing Committee on Resources Development-Service delivery", "In April 1991 the New Democratic Member for Muskoka-Georgian Bay, Mr. Dan Waters used his party's privilege under the provisions of Standing Order 123 to ask the Standing Committee on Resources Development to conduct \"a review of the procedures of the Workers' Compensation Board which impede the provision of efficient services to workers and employers.\"", "Report under standing order 123 on service delivery at the Workers' Compensation Board Ontario.", "Legislative Assembly.", "Standing Committee on Resources Development.", "-- Toronto: The Committee, Legislative Assembly of Ontario, 1991.", "In 1992, the Interim report of the Operational Review was tabled.", "Operational review of service performance : interim report", "Ontario.", "Workers' Compensation Board. -- Toronto: The Board, 1992.", "### Task Force on Vocational Rehabilitation", "\"After much outcry about the way rehabilitation was being administered in the province, the government created the Task Force on rehabilitation in 1986.", "The task force comprised of employer and employee representatives, and representatives of the medical community.\" 15", "This is the report produced by the members of the Task Force on Vocational Rehabilitation.", "The government tabled this report in April 1988.", "The report recommended comprehensive reform of the nature and delivery of vocational rehabilitation services.", "An injury to one is an injury to all.", "Towards dignity and independence for the injured worker.", "Task Force on the Vocational Rehabilitation Services of the Workers' Compensation Board", "Minna, Maria; Majesky, W. / Ontario.", "Ministry of Labour.", "Ontario.", "Task Force on the Vocational Rehabilitation Services of the Workers' Compensation Board.", "Toronto, 1987.", "An injury to one is an injury to all : towards dignity and independence for the injured worker : a summary of a report submitted to the Minister of Labour on September 2, 1987", "Ontario.", "Task Force on the Vocational Rehabilition Services of the Workers' Compensation Board.", "-- Toronto: Ministry of Labour, 1987.", "Submission to the Ontario Task Force on Vocational Rehabilitation by the Ontario Federation of Labour.", "Ontario Federation of Labour, 1986 33 p. OFL 1986.", "15 Dirk Derstine, Shamash Nathu, (1990), \"Workers' Compensation in Ontario: A Decade of Reform\" 48 University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review 22 [MF 4238]", "#####", "Workers' Compensation Law | First major Reform 13", "An injury to one is an injury to all.", "[Labour view of current state of workers compensation in Ontario includes comments on bill 162", "Ontario Federation of Labour OFL. -- OFL / FTO 32nd Annual Convention. November 28-Dec 1, 1988.", "Document 5. 7p. 1988.", "Report of the Chairman's Task Force on Service Delivery and Vocational Rehabilitation", "Minna, Maria. / Ontario.", "Workers' Compensation Board.", "Task Force on Service Delivery and Vocational Rehabilitation.", "-- Toronto: The Task Force, Workers' Compensation Board, 1992.", "Action plan : the WCB's response to the report of the Chairman's Task Force on Service Delivery and Vocational Rehabilitation", "Ontario.", "Workers' Compensation Board.", "Task Force on Service Delivery and Vocational Rehabilitation.", "-- Toronto: Workers' Compensation Board, 1992.", "Strengthening vocational rehabilitation : a vocational rehabilitation program review : a discussion paper for consultation.", "Ontario.", "Workers' Compensation Board. -- Toronto: The Board, 1992.", "##", "### 75th Anniversary Symposium", "In 1989, the Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) hosted a symposium, which brought together leading authorities to discuss subjects such as legislative changes to workers' compensation, new approaches to medical and vocational rehabilitation, and organizational change in large public agencies.", "This commemorative book includes the text of presenters', guest speakers' panelists' and chairman's remarks.", "The Workers' Compensation Board of Ontario 75th anniversary symposium Toronto: The Board, 1989.", "#####", "Workers' Compensation Law | First Major Reform 14", "### Other Key Studies and Reports Released During the 1980s and Early 1990s", "Committee report on proposed worker's compensation legislation.", "Canadian Bar Association - Ontario.", "D Kevin Carroll, chairman.", "-- Canadian Bar Association - Ontario.", "1984.", "(Report comments, from the law profession's point of view, on a number of documents proposing changes to the 1984 Workers' Compensation Legislation.)", "Feasibility study with respect to a workers' compensation program for workers under federal jurisdiction : phase I, report.", "Ottawa: Ministry of Labour, 1983.", "Project on compensation for personal injury and death : research paper : compensation for loss of working capacity.", "Reaume, Denise. / Ontario Law Reform Commission.", "-- Toronto: Ontario Law Reform Commission, 1987.", "Report on compensation for personal injuries and death", "Ontario Law Reform Commission.", "-- Toronto: Ministry of the Attorney General, 1987.", "Legislative history of industrial disease entitlement.", "A report to the Medical and Occupational Disease Policy Branch.", "Webster, Michael.", "-- Workers' Compensation Board (Ontario). August, 1991. 111p. 1991.", "Report of the Occupational Disease Task Force", "West, Leigh; King A; Rickwood, R. / Ontario.", "Occupational Disease Task Force.", "-- Toronto: The Task Force, 1993.", "#####", "Workers' Compensation Law | Second Major Reform 15", "## SECOND MAJOR REFORM (MID 1990s - PRESENT)", "### Legislation", "Bill 165-An Act to Amend the Workers' Compensation Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Act, S.O. 1994, c. 24", "Bill 15- Workers' Compensation and Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Act, 1995, S.O. 1995, c.5", "Bill 99, Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c. 16, Sch.A.", "(Effective January 1, 1998).", "The Bill received second reading on April 24, 1997, and was referred to the Standing Committee on Resources Development for Public hearing during the period June 9, 1997 to August 14, 1997.", "On October 10, 1997, Bill 9916 was given royal assent.", "### Premier's Labour Management Advisory Committee (PLMAC)", "As a result of conflicting pressures, in the spring of 1993, a committee composed of trade union and business leaders, the \"Premier's Labour Management Advisory Committee\" (PLMAC) was given the responsibility to develop legislative proposals.", "Package of materials including: PLMAC [Premier's Labour Management Advisory Committee] WCB reform framework.", "PLMAC WCB reform conceptual agreement.", "News clippings.", "Office of the Minister of Labour.", "(Ontario).", "March 5, 1994. 5p.", "CAW/TCA Canada.", "March 7, 1994.", "5p.", "1994.", "Technical summary of workers' compensation reform.", "[PLMAC]", "Ontario Ministry of Labour.", "April, 1994. 4p. 1994.", "### 1994 - The Royal Commission on Workers' Compensation", "On November 4, 1994, Labour Minister Shirley Coppen officially launched the Royal Commission on workers' compensation.", "Ms. Coppen named Lynn William, as chief commissioner, and David C. Smith and Jalynn Bennett as vice-commissioners.", "16 Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c. 16, Sch.", "A.", "The full title of the Act is, An Act to serve the financial stability of the compensation system for injured workers, to promote the prevention of injury and disease in Ontario workplaces and to revise the Workers' Compensation Act and make related amendments to other Acts.", "#####", "Workers' Compensation Law | Second Major Reform 16", "Order in Council 3267/94.", "[Terms of reference for the Ontario Royal Commission on Workers Compensation.]", "and proclamation of members of the Commission.", "Ontario. Executive Council.", "November 16, 1994. 5p. 1994.", "GP WSI Summaries/Reports Royal Com. 1995", "The Royal Commission began to receive submissions and to hold hearings.", "Following the 1995 general election, the new government scrapped the Royal Commission17 and appointed C. Jackson as Minister without portfolio, responsible for workers' compensation.", "The members of the Commission briefed Minister Jackson but did not issue any report on their findings.", "Summaries / reports on the public hearings of the Royal Commission on the Workers' Compensation Board of Ontario", "Ontario.", "Royal Commission on the Workers' Compensation Board of Ontario.", "-- Toronto: Ontario Federation of Labour, 1995.", "The Report on New Directions for Workers' Compensation Reform, by Minister Jackson, outlined a set of recommendations for extensive changes to the workers' compensation system based on the comprehensive review of the Ontario's workers' compensation system he conducted since his appointment in July of 1995 as Minister Responsible for WCB Reform.", "These recommendations formed the basis for the introduction by the Minister of Labour, on November 26, 1996, of Bill 99.", "New directions for workers' compensation reform", "Jackson, Cam. / Ontario. Minister Without Portfolio Responsible for Workers' Compensation Reform.", "-- Toronto: Minister Without Portfolio Responsible for Workers' Compensation Reform, 1996.", "Related Materials Regarding The Report on New Directions for Workers' Compensation Reform", "New directions for workers' compensation: a discussion paper.", "The Honorourable Cam Jackson, Minister Without Portfolio, Responsible for Workers' Compensation Reform. January, 1996 52p. 1995.", "Minister Cam Jackson's discussion paper New Directions for Workers' Compensation Reform.", "Comment by S.R. Ellis, Q.C. Tribunal Chair.", "Ellis, S. Ronald. -- Workers' Compensation Appeals Tribunal (Ontario).", "March 1996.", "12p, and 26p. appendix.", "1996.", "Final-level appeal processes in workers' compensation systems.", "Minister Cam Jackson review.", "Notes by S.R. Ellis.", "Ellis, S. Ronald. -- Workers' Compensation Appeals Tribunal (Ontario). December 1995 31p. and 6p. appendix. 1995.", "17 See Dee, Garth p. 18", "#####", "Workers' Compensation Law | Second Major Reform 17", "Private sector solutions for workers' compensation problems : a report to Cam Jackson, Minister without Portfolio Responsible for WCB Reform", "Insurance Bureau of Canada.", "-- Toronto: Insurance Bureau of Canada, 1996.", "Private sector solutions for workers' compensation problems.", "A report to Cam Jackson Minister without portfolio responsible for WCB reform.", "Insurance Bureau of Canada.", "March 8, 1996. 51p. 1996.", "### Standing Committee on Resources Development Submissions", "#### Standing Committee on Resources Development Submissions -Bill 165", "Submission to the Standing Committee on Resources Development Bill 165.", "Proposed changes to the Ontario Workers' Compensation Act.", "CAW / TCA Canada. September 6, 1994. 36p. 1994.", "#### Standing Committee on Resources Development Submissions -Bill 99, 1997", "Bill 99 : workers' compensation reform act : review and analysis of proposed changes to the Workers' Compensation Act", "L.A. Liversidge & Associates.", "--", "Toronto: L.A. Liversidge & Associates, 1997.", "KF 3615 ZB37 L58 1997 c.1-2", "Bill 99. Workers' Compensation Reform Act.", "Review and analysis of proposed changes to the Workers' Compensation Act.", "L.A. Liversidge & Associates Ltd. January 27, 1997. 1997.", "## BOOKS, STUDIES AND ARTICLES", "Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Act and commentary : 2009 edition.", "Dee, Garth; Newhouse, Gary.", "-- 2009 -- Markham, ON: LexisNexis Butterworths, 2008.", "Workers' compensation : foundations for reform.", "Gunderson, Morley;", "Hyatt, Douglas.", "-- Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000.", "Workmen's compensation for injuries act, 1892, 55 Vict. cap. 30 (0.) : and the Revised statute of Ontario (1887), chapter 135, commonly known as Lord Campbell's act / with copious notes by George Smith Holmested", "Holmested, George Smith.", "-- Toronto: Bingham's Print, 1893.", "#####", "Workers' Compensation Law | Books, Studies and Articles 18", "The Workmen's compensation acts, 1925 to 1940 : with notes, rules, orders, regulations and schemes.", "Willis, Walter Addington.", "-- -- Being the 33rd ed., of 'Willis' Workmen's Compensation Acts'.", "-- London ;Winnipeg: Butterworth, 1940.", "W.C.B. pension history in Ontario.", "Dee, Garth (compiler) --", "In the matter of Mario Villanucci.", "Workers' Compenastion Appeals Tribunal. no. 85 A 0545. Decision 915.", "1986.", "Part of Exhibit 6. 1986.", "The workmen's compensation movement in Ontario.", "Piva, Michael J. -- Ontario history. 1975 v.67 )1) p.39-56.", "1975.", "Workers' Compensation in Ontario: a decade of reform.", "Derstine, Dirk Nathu Shamash. -- University of Toronto Faculty of Law review.", "1990 v.48 p.22-47.", "1990.", "Justice for injured workers: a community responds to government 'reform'.", "McCombie, Nick. -- Canadian community law journal. 1984 v.7 p.136-173 1984.", "Justice for injured workers: the struggle continues.", "Biggin, P Buonastella, O Endicott, M McKinnon, J Spano, S Ublansky, D. -- Journal of law and social policy.", "1995 v.11. p41-77.", "1995.", "[Bill 162 and other documents relating to legislative history: Key workers' compensation reform proposals: chronology and background notes.]", "Various 1988 1989. 1989.", "History of legislative reform of workers' compensation in Ontario.", "Elgie, Robert G. -- Rapport (WCB) 1989 v.11(2) p.75-6. 1989.", "Poverty law in Ontario: the year in review.", "Workers compensation.", "[Includes comment on PLMAC reform proposals and Bill 165]", "Ellsworth,Randal Morrison, Ian Keene, Judith Rapsey, Paul Pearce, Gweyneth.", "-- Journal of law and social policy.", "1994 v.10 p.24-35.", "1994.", "This nuisance of litigation: the origins of workers'-compensation in Ontario.", "Risk, R. C. B. -- In David H. Flaherty, ed., Essays in the History of Canadian Law. p. 418 - 491 1983.", "The law of employers' liability in Ontario 1861-1900: the search for a theory.", "Tucker, Eric. -- Osgoode Hall law journal. 1984 v.22(2) p.216-280. 1984.", "Report to the Occupational Disease Advisory Panel.", "Changes to Schedule 3 Regulation of Workplace Safety and Insurance Act.", "Summary by year, 1914 - 2001.", "Lowe, Grant. -- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. (Ontario).", "Occupational Disease Response Strategy.", "February 12, 2002.", "9p. 2002.", "Issues in workers' compensation appeals system reform", "Hyatt, Douglas E. -- Workplace injuries and diseases: essays in honour of Terry Thomason.", "W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 2005. p.117-140.", "2005.", "[VF 11471]", "1 S.O. 1886, 49 Vict., c. 28", "2 See The law of employers' liability in Ontario 1861-1900: the search for a theory.", "/ Tucker, Eric.", "-- Osgoode Hall law journal.", "1984 v.22(2) p.216-280.", "1984.", "MF 3674", "3", "4 supra.", "5 supra.", "6 Workers' compensation in Ontario : system in transition, 1985 - 1990 /", "zz", "No Author.", "-- Toronto: Workers' Compensation Board, 1990.", "KF 3615 ZB3 W67 1990 1-2", "7 See Dee, Garth, \"A Short History of Workers' Compensation\" p. 14", "8 Backgrounder MF 8962", "9 Examination of the Financial Structure of the Workmen's Compensation Board and an Assessment of the Actuarial Deficit (Toronto: Wyatt Co., 1978)", "10", "11For more background on the context and goals of the Weiler report, see Will injured workers get a fair hearing? : an educational forum on workers' compensation and the Weiler Study : current problems and issues.", "/ Weiler, Paul C. Toronto: Committee on the Weiler Study, 1980.", "KF 3615 ZB3 C65 1980.", "This background paper was prepared by the Committee on the Weiler Study for the Educational Forum held Sunday, June 8th, 1980 in Toronto.", "It included an overview of problems with the Ontario WCB, a discussion of perceived racism and sexism at the Board, the relationship of workers' compensation and educational health and safety, the precursors to the Weiler study, an analysis of the financial workings of compensation, a look at legislation in Saskatchewan and British Columbia.", "12 See Workers' Compensation in Ontario: a decade of reform.", "/ Derstine, Dirk Nathu Shamash.", "-- University of Toronto Faculty of Law review.", "1990 v.48 p.22-47.", "1990.", "(p. 36)", "13 See GP WSI Report Stand. Com. Res. Dev. 1991", "14 WCB Green Paper. / zz No Author.", "-- I.A.V.G.O. reporting service newsletter.", "1990 v. 3(5) p.2. 1990", "source May 18, 1980", "15 Dirk Derstine, Shamash Nathu, (1990), \"Workers' Compensation in Ontario: A Decade of Reform\" 48 University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review 22 [MF 4238]", "16 Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c. 16, Sch.", "A.", "The full title of the Act is, An Act to serve the financial stability of the compensation system for injured workers, to promote the prevention of injury and disease in Ontario workplaces and to revise the Workers' Compensation Act and make related amendments to other Acts.", "17 See Dee, Garth p. 18", "[Back to top]" ]
{ "id": "train05201", "claim_title": "Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal", "claim_section": "History.", "claim_context": "" }
[ [ 13, 22 ] ]
The first, "Binti: Home", was released on January 31, 2017.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Binti: Home |", "(meta data) AUTHOR:", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "#", "## Science fiction.", "Fantasy.", "The universe.", "And related subjects.", "# Main menu", "Skip to content", "Log In", "## Binti: Home", "Nnedi Okorafor", "Tue Jan 24, 2017 10:00am", "1 comment", "2 Favorites [+]", "It's been a year since Binti and Okwu enrolled at Oomza University.", "A year since Binti was declared a hero for uniting two warring planets.", "A year since she found friendship in the unlikeliest of places.", "And now she must return home to her people, with her friend Okwu by her side, to face her family and face her elders.", "But Okwu will be the first of his race to set foot on Earth in over a hundred years, and the first ever to come in peace.", "After generations of conflict can human and Meduse ever learn to truly live in harmony?", "Nnedi Okorafor's Binti: Home is the thrilling sequel to her Hugo and Nebula-winning novella, Binti—available January 31st from Publishing.", "\"Five, five, five, five, five, five,\" I whispered.", "I was already treeing, numbers whipping around me like grains of sand in a sandstorm, and now I felt a deep click as something yielded in my mind.", "It hurt sweetly, like a knuckle cracking or a muscle stretching.", "I sunk deeper and there was warmth.", "I could smell the earthy aroma of the otjize I'd rubbed on my skin and the blood in my veins.", "The room dropped away.", "The awed look on my mathematics professor Okpala's face dropped away.", "I was clutching my edan, the points of its stellated shape digging into the palm of my hands.", "\"Oh, my,\" I whispered.", "Something was happening to it.", "I opened my cupped palms.", "If I had not been deep in mathematical meditation, I'd have dropped it, I'd not have known not to drop it.", "My first thought was of a ball of ants I'd once seen tumbling down a sand dune when I was about six years old; this was how desert ants moved downhill.", "I'd run to it for a closer look and squealed with disgusted glee at the undulating living mass of ant bodies.", "My edan was writhing and churning like that ball of desert ants now, the many triangular plates that it was made of, flipping, twisting, shifting right there between my palms.", "The blue current I'd called up was hunting around and between them like a worm.", "This was a new technique that Professor Okpala had taught me and I'd gotten quite good at it over the last two months.", "She even called it the \"wormhole\" current because of the shape and the fact that you had to use a metric of wormholes to call it up.", "Breathe, I told myself.", "The suppressed part of me wanted to lament that my edan was being shaken apart by the current I was running through it, that I should stop, that it I would never be able to put it back together.", "Instead, I let my mouth hang open and I whispered the soothing number again, \"Five, five, five, five, five.\"", "Just breathe, Binti, I thought.", "I felt a waft of air cross my face, as if something passed by.", "My eyelids grew heavy.", "I let them shut…", "…I was in space.", "Infinite blackness.", "Weightless.", "Flying, falling, ascending, travelling through a planet's ring of brittle metallic dust.", "It pelted my skin, fine chips of stone.", "I opened my mouth a bit to breathe, the dust hitting my lips.", "Could I breathe?", "Living breath bloomed in my chest from within me and I felt my lungs expand, filling with it.", "I relaxed.", "\"Who are you?\" a voice asked.", "It spoke in the dialect of my family and it came from everywhere.", "\"Binti Ekeopara Zuzu Dambu Kaipka of Namib, that is my name,\" I said.", "Pause.", "I waited.", "\"There's more,\" the voice said.", "\"That's all.", "I said.", "That's my name.\"", "\"No.\"", "The flash of anger that spurted through me was a surprise.", "Then it was welcome.", "I knew my own name.", "I was about to scream this when…", "…I was back in the classroom.", "Sitting before Professor Okpala.", "I was so angry, I thought.", "Why was I so angry?", "It was a horrible feeling, that fury.", "Back home, the priestesses of the Seven might even have called this level of anger unclean.", "Then one of my tentacle-like okuoko twitched.", "Outside, the second sun was setting.", "Its shine blended with the other sun's, flooding the classroom with my favorite color, a vibrant combination of pink and orange that the native people of Oomza Uni called \"ntu ntu\".", "Ntu ntu bugs were an Oomza insect whose eggs were a vibrant orange-pink that softly glowed in the dark.", "The sunlight shined on my edan, which floated before me in a network of current, a symmetry of parts.", "I'd never seen it disassemble like this and making it do so had not been my intention.", "I'd been trying to get the object itself to communicate with me by running current between its demarcations.", "Okpala claimed this often worked and I wanted to know what my edan would say.", "I had a moment of anxiety, frantically thinking, Can I even put it back together?", "Then I watched with great relief as the parts of my edan that had detached slowly, systematically, reattached.", "Whole again, the edan set itself down on the floor before me.", "Thank the Seven, I thought.", "Both the blue from the current I still ran around it and the bright ntu ntu shined on Okpala's downturned face.", "She had an actual notebook and pencil in hand, so earth basic.", "And she was writing frantically, using one of the rough thick pencils she'd made from the branch of the tamarind-like tree that grew outside the mathematics building.", "\"You fell out of the tree,\" she said, not looking up.", "This was how she referred to that moment when you were treeing and then suddenly were not.", "\"What was that about?", "You finally had the edan willing to open itself.\"", "\"That's what it was doing?", "That was a good thing, then?\"", "She only chuckled to herself, still writing.", "I frowned and shook my head.", "\"I don't know…something happened.\"", "I bit my lip.", "\"Something happened.\"", "When she looked up, she caught my eye and I had a moment where I wondered whether I was her student or piece of research.", "I allowed my current to fade, shut my eyes and rested my mind by thinking the soothing equation of f(x) = f(-x).", "I touched the edan.", "Thankfully, solid again.", "\"Are you alright?\" Professor Okpala asked.", "Despite medicating with the soothing equation, my head had started pounding.", "Then a hot rage flooded into me like boiled water.", "\"Ugh, I don't know,\" I said, rubbing my forehead, my frown deepening.", "\"I don't think what happened was supposed to happen.", "Something happened, Professor Okpala.", "It was strange.\"", "Now Professor Okpala laughed.", "I clenched my teeth, boiling.", "Again.", "Such fury.", "It was unlike me.", "And lately, it was becoming like me, it happened so often.", "Now it was happening when I treed?", "How was that even possible?", "I didn't like this at all.", "Still, I'd been working with Professor Okpala for over one Earth year and if there was one thing I should have learned by now it was that working with any type of edan, no matter the planet it had been found on, meant working with the unpredictable.", "\"Everything comes with a sacrifice,\" Okpala liked to say.", "Every edan did something different for different reasons.", "My edan was also poisonous to Meduse; it had been what saved my life when they'd attacked on the ship.", "It was why Okwu never came to watch any of my sessions with Okpala.", "However, touching it had no such effect on me.", "I'd even chanced touching my okuoko with my edan.", "It was the one thing that let me know that a part of me may now have been Meduse, but I was still human.", "\"That was isolated deconstruction,\" Professor Okpala said.", "\"I've only heard of it happening.", "Never seen it.", "Well done.\"", "She said this so calmly.", "If she's never seen it happen before, why is she acting like I did something wrong, I wondered.", "I flared my nostrils to calm myself down.", "No, this wasn't like me at all.", "My tentacle twitched again and a singular very solid thought settled in my mind: Okwu is about to fight.", "An electrifying shiver of rage flew through me and I jumped.", "Who was trying to bring him harm?", "Calmly, I said, \"Professor, I have to go.", "May I?\"", "She paused, frowning at me.", "Professor Okpala was Tamazight, and from what my father said of selling to the Tamazight, they were a people of few but strong words.", "This may have been a generalization, but with my professor, it was accurate.", "I knew Professor Okpala well, there was a galaxy of activity behind that frown.", "However, I had to go and I had to go now.", "She held up a hand and waved it.", "\"Go.\"", "I got up and nearly crashed into the potted plant behind me as I turned awkwardly toward my backpack.", "\"Careful,\" she said.", "\"You're weak.\"", "I gathered my backpack and was off before she could change her mind.", "Professor Okpala was not head professor of the mathematics department for nothing.", "She'd calculated everything probably the day she met me.", "It was only much much later that I realized the weight of that brief warning.", "The moment the house-sized elevator rumbled opened I ran out, my sandaled feet slapping the smooth off-white marble floor.", "The room was vast and high ceilinged with rounded walls, all cut into the thick tooth-like marble.", "I coughed, my lungs burning.", "Wan, a Meduse-like person, was feet away, engulfed in a great lavender plume of its breathing gas.", "It didn't have Okwu's hanging tentacles, but Wan still looked like a giant version of the jellyfish that lived in the lake near my home on Earth.", "Wan also spoke Okwu's language of Meduse.", "I'd been down here plenty of times to meet Okwu, so it knew me, too.", "\"Wan, tell me where Okwu is,\" I demanded in Meduse.", "It puffed its gas down the hallway.", "\"There,\" Wan said.", "\"Presenting to Professor Dema against Jalal today.\"", "I gasped, understanding.", "\"Thanks, Wan.\"", "But Wan was already heading to the elevator.", "I lifted my wrapper above my ankles and sprinted down the hallway.", "To my left and right, students from various parts of the galaxy were working on their own final projects of protective weaponry, the assignment this quarter.", "Okwu's was body armor, its close classmate Jalal's was electrical current.", "Okwu and Jalal were taught together, stayed in the same dorm and worked closely together on their projects.", "And today, they were being tested against each other, as was the way of Oomza Weapons Education.", "I was fascinated by the competitive push and pull of weapons learning, but I was glad mathematics was more about harmony.", "Okwu being Okwu—a Meduse of rigid cold honor, focus, and tradition—loved his program.", "The problem was that Okwu hated his professor and Professor Dema hated Okwu.", "Okwu was Meduse and Professor Dema, a human woman, was Khoush.", "Their people had hated and killed each other for centuries.", "Tribal hatred lived, even in Oomza Uni.", "And today that hatred, after simmering for a year, was coming to a head.", "I reached the testing space just as Okwu, encased in a metallic skin, brought forth its white and sharp stinger and pointed it at Professor Dema.", "Feet away, Professor Dema stood, carrying a large gun-like weapon with both her hands and a snarl on her lips.", "This was not the way final exams were supposed to go.", "\"Okwu, what are you doing?\" Jalal demanded in Meduse.", "She stood to the side, clutching a series of what looked like thick fire-tipped sticks with her mantis-like claws.", "\"You'll kill her!\"", "\"Let us finish this once and for all,\" Okwu growled in Meduse.", "\"Meduse have no respect,\" Okwu's professor said in Khoush.", "\"Why they allowed you into this university is beyond me.", "You're unteachable.\"", "\"I've tolerated your insulting remarks all quarter.", "Let me end you.", "Your people should not plague this university,\" Okwu said.", "My lungs were laboring from the gas Okwu was copiously pluming out as it prepared to attack its professor.", "If it didn't stop doing this, the entire room would be filled with it.", "I could see Professor Dema's eyes watering as she resisted coughing, as well.", "I knew Okwu.", "It was doing this on purpose, enjoying the strained look on Professor Dema's face.", "I had only seconds to do something.", "I threw myself before Okwu, pressing myself to the floor before its okuoko which hung just below its weaponized casing.", "I looked up at Okwu, its tentacles were soft and heavy on the side of my face.", "Meduse immediately understand prostration.", "\"Okwu, hear me,\" I said in Khoush.", "Since arriving at the university, I'd taught Okwu to speak Khoush and Himba and it hated the sound of both.", "My theory is that this was partially due to the fact that for Okwu the sound of any language was inferior to Meduse.", "On top of this, Okwu had to produce the words through the tube between its okuoko that blew out the gas it used to breathe in air-filled atmospheres, and doing so was difficult and felt unnatural.", "Speaking to Okwu in Khoush was irritating to it and thus the best way to get its attention.", "I called up a current, treeing faster than I ever could have back home.", "I'd learned much from Professor Okpala in the last year.", "My okuoko tickled, the current touching them and then reaching for Okwu's okuoko.", "Suddenly, I felt that anger again, and some part of me deep down, firmly accused, \"Unclean, Binti, you are unclean!\"", "I gnashed my teeth as I fought to stay in control.", "When I could not, I simply let go.", "My voice burst from me in a clear and loud; in Khoush, I shouted, \"Stop! Stop it right now!\"", "I felt my okuoko standing on end, writhing like the clusters of mating snakes I often saw in the desert back home.", "I must have looked like a crazed witch; I felt like one, too.", "Immediately, Okwu brought down its stinger, stopped pluming gas and moved away from me.", "\"Stay there, Binti,\" it said.", "\"If you touch my casing, you will die.\"", "Professor Dema brought down her weapon, as well.", "Silence.", "I lay there on the floor, mathematics cartwheeling through my brain, current still touching my only true friend on the planet even after a year.", "I felt the tension leave the room, leaving myself, too, finally.", "Tears of relief fell down the corners of my eyes as my strange random anger drained away.", "My okuoko stopped writhing.", "There were others in the cavernous workspace, watching.", "They would talk, word would spread and this would be another reminder to students, human and non-human, to keep their distance from me, even if they liked me well enough.", "Okwu.", "Its close classmate Jalal put down her weapons and hopped back.", "Professor Dema threw her gun to the floor and pointed at Okwu.", "\"Your casing is spectacular.", "You will leave it here and download your recipe for it to my files.", "But if we meet outside this university where I am not your teacher and you are not my student, one of us will die and it will not be me.\"", "I heard Okwu curse at her in Meduse so deep that I couldn't understand exactly what it said.", "Before I could admonish Okwu's crudeness, Professor Dema snatched up her weapon and shot at Okwu.", "It made a terrible boom that shook the walls and sent students fleeing.", "Except Okwu.", "The wall directly to its left now had a hole larger than Okwu's nine-foot tall five-foot wide jellyfish-like body.", "Chunks and chips of marble crumbled to the floor and dust filled the air.", "\"You didn't miss,\" Okwu said in Khoush.", "Its tentacles shook and its dome vibrated.", "Laughter.", "Minutes later, Okwu and I left the Weapons City Inverted Tower Five.", "Me with ringing ears and a headache and Okwu with a grade of Outstanding for his final project in Protective Gear 101.", "Once on the surface, I looked at Okwu, wiped marble dust and otjize from my face and said, \"I need to go home.", "I need to go on my pilgrimage.\"", "I felt the air close to my skin; once I got back to my dorm room and wash up, I'd re-", "apply my otjize.", "I'd take extra time to palm roll a thick layer onto my okuoko.", "\"Why?\" Okwu asked.", "I'm unclean because I left home, I thought.", "If I go home and go through pilgrimage, I will be cleansed.", "The Seven will forgive me and I'll be free of this toxic anger.", "Of course, I didn't say any of this to Okwu.", "I only shook my head and stepped into the field of soft water-filled maroon plants that grew in the field over the Inverted Tower Five.", "Sometimes, I came here and sat on the plants, enjoying the feeling of buoyancy that reminded me of sitting on a raft in the lake back home.", "\"I'll come, too.\"", "Okwu said.", "I looked at him.", "\"You'll land in a Khoush airport, if you're even allowed on the ship.", "And they'll", "…\"", "\"The treaty,\" it said.", "\"I'll go as an ambassador for my people.", "No Meduse has been on Earth since the war, for war's sake.", "I'd be coming in peace.\"", "It thrummed deep in its dome and then added, \"But if they make war, I will stir it with them, like you stir your otjize.\"", "I grunted.", "\"No need for that, Okwu.", "The peace treaty should be enough.", "Especially if Oomza Uni endorses the trip.", "And you come with me.\"", "I smiled.", "\"You can meet my family!", "And I can show you where I grew up and the markets and…yes, this is a good idea.\"", "Professor Okpala would certainly approve.", "A harmonizer harmonized.", "Bringing Okwu in peace to the land of the people its people had fought would be one of the ten good deeds Okpala had insisted I perform within the academic cycle as part of being a good Math Student.", "It would also count as the Great Deed I was to do in preparation for my pilgrimage.", "Excerpted from Binti: Home © Nnedi Okorafor, 2017", "This excerpt originally appeared on io9.", "#### citation", "## 1 Comment", "skip to newest", "skip to unread", "## Subscribe to this thread", "Receive notification by email when a new comment is added.", "You must be a registered user to subscribe to threads.", "## Comment Preview", "## Post a Comment", "All comments must meet the community standards outlined in's Moderation Policy or be subject to moderation.", "Thank you for keeping the discussion, and our community, civil and respectful.", "Hate the CAPTCHA?", " members can edit comments, skip the preview, and never have to prove they're not robots.", "Join now!", "## Latest Posts", "Stubby the Rocket", "Spy Film 355 Featuring Jessica Chastain, Lupita Nyong'o Gets 2021 Release Date", "15 hours ago", "Stubby the Rocket", "Peter Capaldi to Star in BBC Ghost Story Drama for Christmas", "15 hours ago", "Emily Roberson", "Read an Excerpt from Lifestyles of Gods and Monsters", "15 hours ago", "Paul Weimer", "Defying Genre Expectations: Troy Carrol Bucher's Lies of Descent", "16 hours ago", "Fabio Fernandes", "Gene Wolfe's The Shadow of the Torturer: Part 1", "17 hours ago", "Megan N. 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Donaldson 4 hours", "agokoshieo on Is the Capitol Couture Clothing Line Sending the Wrong Message to Hunger Games Fans? 5 hours agotitaanzink on End All Wars — Wonder Woman (2017) 5 hours agoRick ward on Discovery Channel Sending Authors Myke Cole and Michael Livingston to Analyze Evidence of Alien Contact 5 hours agoGerry Quinn on Gene Wolfe's The Shadow of the Torturer: Part 1", "5 hours agoJenny Islander on The Stubborn, Unshakeable Optimism of Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 6 hours agoKirth Girthsome on Gene Wolfe's The Shadow of the Torturer: Part 1 6 hours agomore comments" ]
{ "id": "train10196", "claim_title": "Binti (novel)", "claim_section": "Sequels.", "claim_context": "The novella has two sequels." }
[ [ 9, 11 ], [ 9, 10, 11 ], [ 6, 9, 11 ], [ 6, 9, 10, 11 ] ]
One of Bert's last recording sessions was with Eric Clapton for Paul Wassif's 2011 album "Looking Up Feeling Down".
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Paul Wassif - Looking Up Feeling Down | Eric Clapton Music News", "Eric Clapton Music News", "The only source on the web for real-time, up to date information about music of Eric Clapton :-)", "You are here: Home / CD / Paul Wassif – Looking Up Feeling Down", "# Paul Wassif", "– Looking Up Feeling Down", "May 4, 2011", "By Justin", "Paul Wassif – Looking Up Feeling Down", "Paul Wassif's debut album, 'Looking Up Feeling Down' is out now on iTunes..", "The album is a collection of self penned songs and reworked traditional classics, distinguished by Paul's inspiring and versatile guitar work, be it finger picking, slide or electric.", "The album features guest appearances from Bert Jansch and Eric Clapton, performing together for the first time, and also features Evan Jenkins, The Watson Brothers, Robin Clayton, Steve Counsel, Seamus Beaghen and Lynn Glaser.", "Born in Bristol, England, Paul's early career in Punk/Rock band The London Cowboys, followed by various stints in NY bands with New York Dolls members Jerry Nolan and Sylvain Sylvain, could not be more different in style and substance to the melodic country/blues that now identifies Paul's music.", "Paul has also collaborated on Bert Jansch's two latest albums; Edge of A Dream, in a sparkling guitar duet on the track 'Black Cat Blues', featured on the soundtrack of 'Calendar Girls' and on the highly acclaimed album The Black Swan, Paul performed on three tracks and co-wrote one track.", "01. Build Another Band", "02. 900 Miles", "03. Please Don't Leave", "04. I Missed It All", "05. Blues Stay Away from Me", "06. Lonely Highway", "07. Preacher's Trick", "08. Ballad of Rose Connelly", "09. Rosemary Lane", "10. Just for You", "11. Southbound Train", "12. Looking Up Feeling Down", "The album will released 1st June 2011.", "No related posts.", "Filed Under: CD, Upcoming Releases Tagged With: 2011, Bert Jansch, CD, Paul Wassif", "#### Recent Posts", "Eric Clapton – Nippon Budokan – Tokyo, Japan – April 19, 2016", "Eric Clapton – Nippon Budokan – Tokyo, Japan – April 18, 2016", "Eric Clapton – Nippon Budokan – Tokyo, Japan – April 16, 2016", "Eric Clapton – Nippon Budokan – Tokyo, Japan – April 15, 2016", "Eric Clapton – Nippon Budokan – Tokyo, Japan – April 13, 2016", "#### Recent Comments", "Gordon Noronha on Eric Clapton – RAH – London, UK – May 23,", "2015M. van der Klooster on Eric Clapton – Royal Albert Hall, London – Thursday 14 May – Saturday 23 May", "2015tam mcmurray on Eric Clapton – The SSE Hydro – Glasgow – June 21,", "2014Dwayne Wladyka on Eric Clapton – Aichi Prefectural Gymnasium – Nagoya, Japan – February 25, 2014Evan Bloomer on Eric Clapton – Zalgiris Arena – Kaunas, Lithuania – June 4, 2013", "#### Archive", "April 2016 (5)", "May 2015 (9)", "October 2014 (1)", "July 2014 (1)", "June 2014 (5)", "May 2014 (3)", "April 2014 (1)", "March 2014 (3)", "February 2014 (8)", "January 2014 (2)", "November 2013 (2)", "July 2013 (1)", "June 2013 (10)", "May 2013 (15)", "April 2013 (10)", "March 2013 (13)", "February 2013 (1)", "December 2012 (2)", "November 2012 (5)", "October 2012 (4)", "September 2012 (2)", "June 2012 (1)", "May 2012 (2)", "February 2012 (1)", "December 2011 (7)", "November 2011 (8)", "October 2011 (10)", "September 2011 (4)", "August 2011 (3)", "July 2011 (1)", "June 2011 (7)", "May 2011 (18)", "April 2011 (6)", "March 2011 (10)", "February 2011 (11)", "January 2011 (3)", "December 2010 (7)", "November 2010 (12)", "October 2010 (15)", "September 2010 (7)", "August 2010 (4)", "July 2010 (11)", "June 2010 (17)", "May 2010 (9)", "April 2010 (3)", "March 2010 (10)", "February 2010 (11)", "January 2010 (5)", "December 2009 (12)", "November 2009 (1)", "October 2009 (2)", "September 2009 (4)", "August 2009 (2)", "July 2009 (2)", "June 2009 (2)", "May 2009 (7)", "April 2009 (6)", "March 2009 (8)", "February 2009 (15)", "January 2009 (3)", "December 2008 (1)", "November 2008 (2)", "October 2008 (6)", "September 2008 (2)", "August 2008 (13)", "July 2008 (2)", "June 2008 (12)", "May 2008 (11)", "April 2008 (1)", "March 2008 (1)", "February 2008 (4)", "December 2007 (2)", "November 2007 (5)" ]
{ "id": "train49075", "claim_title": "Bert Jansch", "claim_section": "Final years and death: 1992–2011.", "claim_context": "After recording, he accompanied Babyshambles' lead singer Pete Doherty on several acoustic gigs, and performed on the Pete and Carl Reunion Gig, where ex-Libertines and Dirty Pretty Things singer Carl Barat joined Doherty on stage. \n In 2009, he played a concert at the London Jazz Cafe to celebrate the release of three of his older albums (\"LA Turnaround\", \"Santa Barbara Honeymoon\" and \"A Rare Conundrum\") on CD format. However, later that year, due to an unexpected illness, he had to cancel a 22-date North American tour that was due to start on 26 June. Jansch's website reported: \"Bert is very sorry to be missing the tour, and apologises to all the fans who were hoping to see him. He is looking forward to rescheduling as soon as possible.\" \n Jansch opened for Neil Young on his \"Twisted Road\" solo tour in the US and Canada, starting on 18 May 2010. He also performed at Eric Clapton's Crossroads festival in June 2010. These were Jansch's first shows since his illness." }
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In 2017 the University of Leicester excavated a large fort dating from 54 BC; it was the previous lack of such evidence that had prevented historians from fixing the exact site of Caesar's landing.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Caesar's invasion of Britain began from Pegwell Bay in Kent, say archaeologists | UK news | The Guardian", "(meta data) AUTHOR:", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2017-11-29T01:30:27-0500", "Skip to main content", "The Guardian - Back to home", "Support The Guardian", "Available for everyone, funded by readers", "Search jobs", "Sign in", "current edition:", "US edition", "UK politics", "Northern Ireland", "Roman Britain", "This article is more than 1 year old", "# Caesar's invasion of Britain began from Pegwell Bay in Kent, say archaeologists", "This article is more than 1 year old", "Nearby excavations reveal remains of an ancient defensive base, bones and iron weapons, which suggest bay as most likely landing spot for Roman fleet", "Ian Sample Science editor", "Wed 29 Nov 2017 01.30 EST", "Last modified on Thu 30 May 2019 11.32 EDT", "Julius Caesar's army landing in Britain.", "Archaeologists believe that the wide, shallow Pegwell Bay on Kent's easterly tip, is the most likely landing spot.", "Illustration: Alamy", "Julius Caesar's invasion of Britain was launched from the sandy shores of Pegwell Bay on the most easterly tip of Kent, according to fresh evidence unearthed by archaeologists.", "Researchers named the wide, shallow bay the most likely landing spot for the Roman fleet after excavators found the remains of a defensive base dating to the first century BC in the nearby hamlet of Ebbsfleet, near Ramsgate.", "## We came, we saw, we detected: relics from Caesar era among amateur finds", "Read more", "The ancient base covered more than 20 hectares and would have been ideally placed to protect the 800 ships the Roman army had to haul ashore when they were battered by a storm soon after they arrived from France in 54BC.", "\"This is the first archaeological evidence we have for Julius Caesar's invasion of Britain,\" said Andrew Fitzpatrick, a researcher at the University of Leicester.", "\"It's a large defended site that dates to the first century BC.\"", "Archaeologists got their first glimpse of the Roman base while excavating land ahead of a new road project.", "They uncovered a deep defensive ditch that looks similar to Roman defences found at Alesia in France, site of the decisive battle in the 52BC Gallic war.", "Further excavations uncovered bones that appear to have been damaged in fights and iron weapons, including a Roman pilum or javelin.", "The archaeologists believe the site included a Roman fort and served to protect Caesar's ships from attackers coming from the north.", "\"The main purpose of the site is to defend the fleet,\" Fitzpatrick said.", "The Roman general's own account of the invasion describes how the fleet set off from France on the night of 4 July but got swept eastwards by currents when the wind failed.", "Early the next morning, the crew spotted England and rowed west to reach land at about noon.", "Caesar landing map", "The fleet was left at anchor at an even and open shore, Caesar wrote, but a high tide combined with a storm to wreak havoc on the ships, which broke anchor and smashed into one another.", "The general had the ships drawn onto the beach and set thousands of craftsmen to repair the damage.", "Pegwell Bay had not been considered a viable landing site before because it lies on the Isle of Thanet, which was separated from mainland England until the middle ages by the Wantsum Channel.", "But the discovery of the Roman base makes the bay the most likely landing spot, Fitzpatrick said.", "\"The Wantsum Channel wouldn't have been a barrier to such accomplished engineers as the Roman army,\" he said.", "Pegwell Bay is the only large bay on the east coast of Kent with an open sandy shore that could accommodate the vast fleet, the archaeologists believe.", "With at least 20,000 men and two thousand horses to disembark, the ships would have taken up more than a kilometre of beach when they arrived.", "The British originally opposed the landing but on seeing the size of the fleet, retreated to higher ground, in positions that are now thought to be on the Isle of Thanet around Ramsgate.", "While the Roman general returned to France without leaving an occupying army, the treaties Caesar set up between Rome and British royal families led to rulers of the south east of England becoming client kings of Rome.", "Those allegiances may have aided the invasion by the emperor Claudius nearly 100 years later in AD43.", "\"This was the beginning of the permanent Roman occupation of Britain, which included Wales and some of Scotland, and lasted for almost 400 years, suggesting that Claudius later exploited Caesar's legacy,\" said Colin Haselgrove at the University of Leicester.", "The findings will be explored as part of BBC Four's Digging for Britain on Wednesday 29 November.", "Roman Britain", "Reuse this content" ]
{ "id": "train11435", "claim_title": "Pegwell Bay", "claim_section": "History.", "claim_context": "Archaeologists suggest that Pegwell Bay was the site of both the Roman invasions of Britain by Julius Caesar." }
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He was placed on injured reserve on December 28, 2018 with an ankle injury.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Bengals Make Player Moves Before Week 17", "Skip to main content", "## Advertising", "## Primary nav", "GAME PASS", "## Action related nav", "GAME PASS", "News Home", "Hobson's Choice", "Roster News", "Week In Review", "## Advertising", "## Bengals News", "Presented by", "Friday, Dec 28, 2018 12:34 PM", "# Bengals Make Player Moves Before Week 17", "The Bengals today placed WR Tyler Boyd, CB Dre Kirkpatrick and LB Jordan Evans on the Reserve/Injured list.", "To fill their positions on the active roster, the team signed three players off the practice squad — HB Quinton Flowers, OT Kent Perkins and WR Hunter Sharp.", "Boyd, a third-year player, started the team's first 14 games this season before suffering a knee injury in Game 14 vs. Oakland.", "He has 76 receptions for 1028 yards (both team highs) and seven touchdowns.", "Boyd's 1000-yard season was the first of his career and the 27th in team history.", "Kirkpatrick, a seventh-year player who has started 13 games this season, suffered a shoulder injury last week at Cleveland.", "He has 41 tackles (35 solos), and his nine passes defensed are second most on the team behind CB William Jackson (12).", "Evans, a second-year player, has played in 14 games this season with five starts.", "He suffered an ankle injury in Game 14 vs. Oakland.", "Evans ranks fifth on team with 59 total tackles (38 solos).", "He also has 1.5 sacks, one interception and three passes defensed, as well as two special teams tackles.", "Flowers (5-10, 211), a rookie, joined the Bengals in May as a college free agent out of the University of South Florida.", "After an exemplary career as a QB at USF, he converted to HB as a pro and has spent the entire season on the Bengals' practice squad.", "Flowers set 42 school records at USF, including school and American Athletic Conference records for total offense (11,802 yards), and he finished his college career as one of only four players in FBS history to post at least 8000 passing yards and 3500 rushing yards.", "Perkins (6-5, 305), a first-year player out of the University of Texas, was originally a college free agent signee of the Bengals in 2017.", "After spending much of his rookie season on Cincinnati's practice squad, Perkins was signed to the active roster late in the year and played in the season finale at Baltimore, where he saw brief time on offense.", "Perkins also has spent the entire 2018 season on the Bengals' practice squad.", "Sharp (5-11, 198), a first-year player out of the University of Utah, joined the Bengals as a free agent on Nov. 20.", "He entered the NFL as a college free agent signee of the Philadelphia Eagles in 2016, and has also spent time with Denver, the N.Y. Giants and Buffalo.", "Sharp has played in three career games, with one start, and has five catches for 54 yards and a TD.", "## Related Content", "### Week In Review: Combine Coverage", "A look back at the coverage from the NFL Combine and how the Bengals are evaluating future players.", "### Throwback Turner Fits Into Taylor's Run", "Jim Turner may be the oldest coach on Zac Taylor's staff of millennials, the post-Freezer Bowl generation born when the Bengals had already made a Super Bowl.", "But deep down, Turner, 54, Taylor's key-piece-in-the-puzzle offensive line coach.", "### Bengals Hire Six Assistant Coaches", "The Bengals announced the hiring of six assistants for the team's 2019 coaching staff.", "The new assistants include Nick Eason (defensive line), Tem Lukabu (linebackers), Brad Kragthorpe (offensive assistant), Jordan Kovacs (defensive quality control), Todd Hunt (assistant strength and conditioning) and Garrett Swanson (assistant strength and conditioning).", "### Notebook: Ross Intrigues Callahan; Flexibility Rules; Senior Simmons", "Count Bengals offensive coordinator Brian Callahan firmly in the John Ross Camp.", "Wednesday morning head coach Zac Taylor and director of player personnel Duke Tobin shot down the Ross trade rumors and Wednesday afternoon Callahan outlined why.", "### Paging Same Page", "The new face of the Bengals' management team made its national debut Wednesday during the NFL scouting combine and Duke Tobin and Zac Taylor were on the same page.", "They have been.", "Enough so that when some people at Paul Brown Stadium have gone looking for one of them, they have hurriedly coined a name.", "### Combine Hits: Bengals Douse Ross Reports; Quez, Eifert on radar", "That John Ross trade story surfacing Tuesday as the NFL descended on the scouting combine with how both sides were seeking a new start took one of the sides by surprise.", "### Some Things Change At Combine And Some Things Don't", "Darrin Simmons, the Bengals' meticulous special teams coordinator for the past 16 seasons, prepares for this week's trip to Indianapolis and the NFL scouting combine recalling the way it is and was.", "### How They Performed: Bengals at the 2018 NFL Combine", "A look back at how the Bengals 2018 draft class performed in various drills at the NFL Scouting Combine.", "### Mixon Prepared to Carry On (and on and on)", "Even though he rushed for the most yards by a Bengal in a decade and gave the club its first AFC rushing championship ever, that wasn't Joe Mixon's favorite stat from 2018.", "### Mayor Cranley, Commissioner Driehaus Declare Feb. 25 \"Zac Taylor Day\" In Cincinnati", "Cincinnati Mayor John Cranley and Hamilton Commissioner Denise Driehaus officially welcomed Bengals head coach Zac Taylor and declared Feb. 25 \"Zac Taylor Day.\"", "### Hobson's Choice: Pointing To a New Dey", "As new head coach Zac Taylor continues to build his staff, the readers weigh in.", "### Bengals To Receive Three Compensatory Picks in 2019 NFL Draft", "With the inclusion of the compensatory picks, the Bengals will have 11 selections total for the 2019 Draft.", "## Advertising", "Big left arrow icon", "Big right arrow icon", "Close icon", "Copy Url", "Three dots icon", "Down arrow icon", "Email icon", "Email icon", "Exit Fullscreen icon", "External link icon", "Facebook logo", "Football icon", "Facebook logo", "Instagram logo", "Snapchat logo", "YouTube logo", "Grid icon", "Key icon", "Left arrow icon", "Link icon", "Location icon", "Mail icon", "Open icon", "Phone icon", "Play icon", "Radio icon", "Rewind icon", "Right arrow icon", "Search icon", "Select icon", "Selected icon", "TV icon", "Twitter logo", "Twitter logo", "Up arrow icon", "User icon", "Audio icon", "Tickets iconAdd to calendar iconNFC icon", "AFC icon", "NFL icon", "Carousel IconList ViewWebsite", "Caret downCaret up" ]
{ "id": "train12859", "claim_title": "Jordan Evans (American football)", "claim_section": "Professional career.:2018.", "claim_context": "On January 8, 2018, the Cincinnati Bengals announced their decision to hire former Detroit Lions’ defensive coordinator Teryl Austin as the new defensive coordinator after it was left vacant by the departure of Paul Guenther to the Oakland Raiders. Evans entered training camp slated as a starting outside linebacker. Head coach Marvin Lewis named Evans the starting weakside linebacker to begin the regular season, alongside Nick Vigil and middle linebacker Preston Brown. Evans started in place of Vontaze Burfict who was serving a four-game suspension. \n On October 23, 2018, Evans collected a season-high 11 combined tackles (seven solo), deflected a pass, made 1.5 sacks, and made his first career interception during a 37–34 win against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in Week 8. Evans intercepted a pass by Buccaneers’ quarterback Jameis Winston, that was intended for tight end Cameron Brate, and returned it for a seven-yard gain during the third quarter. On November 13, 2018, the Cincinnati Bengals announced their decision to fire defensive coordinator Teryl Austin after they lost 51–14 to the New Orleans Saints in Week 10. Head coach Marvin Lewis stated he would take over duties as defensive coordinator for the remainder of the season." }
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On the other hand, Ronald A. Lindsay and Eddie Tabash defended the decision of a joint conference, and Susan Gerbic wrote afterwards she was "completely impressed" by how well the two camps overlapped (citing the creation–evolution controversy as the most important common ground), and "have to work together".
[ "(meta data) TITLE: CFI Summit: Highlights - CSI", "22 captures", "12 Jul 2014 - 07 Apr 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "The Internet Archive discovers and captures web pages through many different web crawls.", "At any given time several distinct crawls are running, some for months, and some every day or longer.", "View the web archive through the Wayback Machine.", "Collection: Hackernews crawl number 0", "Hacker News Crawl of their links.", "The Wayback Machine -", "More Options", "##", "### Search CSI:", "#### Latest Issue", "The January/February 2016 Skeptical Inquirer", "#### Archive", "Past Skeptical Inquirer articles now available online", "#### Skeptical Briefs", "Selected articles from CSI's quarterly newsletter", "#### Special Articles", "CSI's web-only exclusives", "#### Guide for Authors", "A guide to submitting content for Skeptical Inquirer", "Tweets by @SkeptInquiry", "### News & Announcements", "Skeptical Inquirer Is Now Available Digitally", "February 18, 2016", "Skeptical Inquirer is now available digitally on Apple Newsstand and on all other major platforms through the Pocketmags app.", "Deniers are not Skeptics", "December 5, 2014", "Public discussion of scientific topics such as global warming is confused by misuse of the term \"skeptic.\"", "Skeptic Authors Steven Salzberg and Joe Nickell to Receive Balles Prize in Critical Thinking", "June 14, 2013", "Forbes columnist Steven Salzberg and author-investigator Joe Nickell will each be awarded the 2012 Robert P. Balles Prize in Critical Thinking, to be presented by the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry at the CFI Summit in October.", "# CFI Summit: Highlights", "### Conference Report", "### Kendrick Frazier", "#### Skeptical Inquirer Volume 38.2, March/April 2014", "### Skeptics, Humanists Come Together in Tacoma in First Joint ConferenceSkepticism, Humanism, or Both?", "It was billed as the CFI Summit—An International Congress in the Pacific Northwest, and it was a kind of experiment.", "\"The time has come: humanists, skeptics, and other critical thinkers coming together to work together for a more rational world.\"", "That was the meeting's call to action, as the first joint conference of the Center for Inquiry and its affiliate organizations, the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI, publisher of the Skeptical Inquirer) and the Council for Secular Humanism (CSH, publisher of Free Inquiry), convened in a stylish, modernist hotel in Tacoma, Washington, October 24–27, 2013.", "The conference thus included/subsumed what otherwise CSI would have called CSICon 3, following the first CSICon in New Orleans in 2011 and CSICon 2 in Nashville in 2012.", "The weather outside was foggy, though the talk inside was anything but, as skeptic and humanist speakers explored all the areas in which their interests and passions overlap, and a few that some may (and others may not) wish to keep separate.", "We offer two reports.", "SI Editor Kendrick Frazier highlights several representative sessions1 that may be of particular interest to SI readers, and skeptic Susan Gerbic offers a more personal, impressionistic account of the conference.", "The opening plenary session, \"Humanism, Skepticism, and Inquiry,\" was a theme of much of the conference and the point of continuing discussion throughout.", "Is it about time the two major arms of the Center for Inquiry—skeptics with their love of science and evidence-based inquiry and humanists with their naturalistic philosophy and distrust of religious intrusions in public life—come together, at least once a year, in a conference like this?", "Or are there still good reasons that the two groups keep their own separate conferences?", "If you drew two circles representing the interests and values of members of the two groups, they'd probably overlap by about two-thirds or three-fourths.", "But the overlap isn't total.", "Philosopher Paul Kurtz, who founded CSI and CSH, considered both organizations and their missions equally important.", "Yet while", "he himself embraced all their values and goals in one over-arching personal philosophy, he, for various practical reasons, including the wishes of many", "members, kept the two organizations and their conferences separate, with the later-created Center for Inquiry as mainly a logistical and administrative", "connective", "Panelists in the opening session on \"Humanism, Skepticism, and Inquiry\" take questions.", "(Photo: Brian Engler)", "Ronald A. Lindsay, now the CEO and president of all three organizations, opened the plenary session with an explication of what they all have in common: a", "commitment to critical thinking and a conviction that beliefs should not outstrip the evidence.", "He suggested that there are no irreconcilable differences", "between skepticism and humanism", "\"They are compatible. . . .We need to examine all things carefully and go where the evidence takes us.", "That unifies us.\"", "Ray Hyman and Daniel Loxton took a contrary view.", "Hyman, a founding Fellow of CSICOP (now CSI), said, \"The real problem is the perception.\"", "He referred to", "a sometimes \"uneasy tension\" between the skeptics and humanists and an early concern in the organizations' histories in which skeptics became upset at what", "they considered \"religion bashing\" by some humanists and some humanists became upset at what they considered skeptics' bashing of parapsychology.", "In", "Hyman's recollection this led to Kurtz's determination to keep the two groups' conferences separate.", "Hyman also noted that in the skeptic movement a lot of", "people can be at least somewhat religious and still good scientific skeptics.", "\"Skeptics are more inclusive by nature,\" he said.", "\"It's probably not a good", "idea to mix these two groups.\"", "Lindsay quickly emphasized—as did CFI Board Chairman Edward Tabash later in the conference—that CFI doesn't \"bash\" religion but examines it.", "It emphasizes", "that religion should not have a privileged place in society exempt from critical scrutiny.", "Loxton, though, echoed Hyman's theme.", "Loxton, editor of the Skeptic Society's Junior Skeptic and author of several books (including some on", "evolution), has become a kind of informal historian of the skeptic movement.", "He says he feels intimately connected to both traditions, skeptic and humanist", "(he is both).", "Nevertheless, said Loxton, \"I am a CSICOP-style skeptic\" and noted that the creation of CSICOP filled a large gap in scholarship.", "\"I care", "about keeping scientific skepticism unencumbered and independent,\" he said.", "\"It doesn't matter what we believe.", "The question is what we can demonstrate to", "be so.", "Skepticism matters.\"", "Barry Kosmin, founding member of the Institute for the Study of Secularism in Society and Culture at Trinity College (and a board member of all three", "organizations)", "described what he calls \"The Rising Secular-Skeptic Generation,\" based on his national surveys of college students (the latest this summer", "carried out in collaboration with CFI)", "The 2013 survey found that only 32 percent of college students self-describe themselves as religious.", "Twenty-eight", "percent refer to themselves as secular (males more prominent in this group) and 32 percent as spiritual (females more prominent).", "His point is that \"a", "large constituency of millions of young people is emerging\" favorable to the viewpoints of CFI.", "Michael De Dora, director of CFI's Office of Public Policy in Washington, D.C.", "(Photo: Brian Engler)", "Michael De Dora, director of CFI's Office of Public Policy in Washington, DC, said he thinks skeptics and humanists can work best together.", "They have", "complementary values on many issues, he said.", "He agreed that CFI presents a bit of a challenge because it is a \"mish-mash\" of many things, but that can be", "overcome.", "Some other panelists, like Ophelia Benson (an author and Free Inquiry columnist) and Mark Hatcher (CFO of Black Atheists of America) expressed", "impatience with the whole debate.", "Instead of emphasizing this internal issue, Hatcher urged focusing on a far bigger, external problem, endemic to both", "groups: \"We are terrible at communication.\"", "He said both humanists and skeptics need to take a lesson from the churches.", "\"Churches do things correctly as", "far as communications", "They have found the beat.", "They have found the rhythm and how the heart works.", "If you want people engaged, you've got to get your", "finger on the beat.", "If we do, we have the advantage of actually having facts.\"", "Bill Cooke, director of CFI's transnational programs, also spoke out with some impatience.", "In Kenya and Uganda, where he has worked on behalf of CFI,", "\"there are serious issues of life and death\" that involve both parts of the organization, including the skeptic side, such as belief in witchcraft that", "often leads to murders.", "\"There this issue is irrelevant.\"", "The discussions continued a while longer in this way, all polite and civil.", "If any fireworks were expected, none were set off.", "By conference-end, it seemed", "most everyone, skeptic or humanist, had learned a little bit about the other's concerns, and in fact found that their issues tended to blend one in to", "another in a more or less seamless way.", "### Zack Koplin, Young Education Activist", "Zack Koplin is the amazingly dedicated and self-possessed college student from Rice University who as a high school student in Louisiana fought vigorously", "against efforts to introduce creationist teachings into the schools", "He gave an inspiring lecture about his fight for science in Louisiana, Texas, and", "across the country.", "\"Louisiana has an addiction to creationism,\" he said.", "The state's Science Education Act \"is so open-ended you can bring anything into it.", ". . . It's not", "about critical thinking", "It's really a creationism law.\"", "Even Governor Bobby Jindal has said it's about creationism, Koplin said.", "\"It's crystal clear this", "is only about teaching creationism.\"", "In Texas, official reviewers of science textbooks include fellows of the creationist Discovery Institute and the Institute for Creation Research.", "\"The", "publishers have resisted so far,\" said Koplin, but he wasn't sure whether their resistance would continue to succeed.", "The problem in both states is \"backwards, antiscience legislators.\"", "Louisiana passed a voucher system that takes money from the public schools and gives it", "to creationist schools", "He said $4 million of public money was taken away that way the first year.", "\"I want scientists who have been educated well,\" Koplin concluded.", "As for the sometimes nasty attacks he has encountered from creationists, he has endured", "them, \"", "but sometimes you want to just go to sleep for a week.\"", "### Bill Nye, \"The Science Guy\"", "Bill Nye delivers the summit's keynote talk.", "(Photo: Brian Engler)", "At the evening banquet, conference attendees filled the round dinner tables.", "Looming at the back were four empty rows of folding chairs spanning the entire", "width of the ballroom", "A bad sign?", "No, as it turned out.", "As dinner ended and the time neared for Bill Nye's keynote talk, suddenly the doors at the back", "opened and in rushed an exuberant crowd of mostly local people, including a fair number of youngsters.", "The talk had been advertised on the sides of city", "buses, and outside the banquet hall CFI sold tickets for just his talk.", "(He was still in a leg brace from his Dancing with the Stars appearances,", "and it was now just a few days before his November 7 appearance on a typically witty episode of the CBS television comedy The Big Bang Theory", "pitting Bill Nye \"The Science Guy\" against Bob Newhart as \"Dr. Proton.\")", "Nye's was a rousing talk, roaming over how we determined the age of the Earth at 4.6 billion years (\"Why then try to pretend the Earth is 10,000 years old?", "Amazing!\"), the makeup of the universe (\"90 percent hydrogen, 8 percent helium, 2 percent 'everything-", "elsium'\"), the fragility of the atmosphere, our spacecraft now soaring on beyond the edge of the solar system, and some of our external views of Earth from", "distant space", "All this led to a passionate advocacy for interest in science and science education.", "And that led in turn to Nye's frequently repeated", "mantra: \"We can change the world!\"", "By midway through his talk the audience was thoroughly with him.", "Their chants \"We can change the world\" reverberated", "along with his.", "Example: \"If we can harness the energy of young people and get them passionate about science, it is reasonable to think that we can . . . change the", "world!\"", "\"It is with great joy and reverence and passion that I talk about the impact of science education.\"", "He ended by showing the Cassini spacecraft's new view", "of Earth from beyond Saturn as a tiny dot barely visible in the distance far past Saturn's rings, an outside-in view of the solar system that provides", "sobering cosmic perspective.", "\"We are a speck on a speck, orbiting a speck.\"", "But by our experiencing \"the passion and joy and beauty of science . . . we can", "change the world!\"", "There followed an especially lively Q&A period.", "Most all the questions came from the newly arrived audience members, and two nearly moved Bill Nye to", "tears by their stories of how he has inspired them to pursue a lifetime interest in science", "Said one person: \"You have been a major influence to me", "personally", "Thank you for being who you are.\"", "\"I have tried to influence young people,\" Nye said.", "\"The scientific method is the best idea humans ever had.\"", "It should be easy to draw people in, he added, because science deals with some of humanity's most profound questions.", "Among them: \"Where did we come from?\"", "and \"Are we alone?\"", "\"We are made of stars,\" he concluded.", "\"If that doesn't fill you with some sort of joy . . . I don't believe it!\"", "### Leonard Mlodinow and New Point of Inquiry Hosts", "Josh Zepps interviews Leonard Mlodinow on a live edition of Point of Inquiry.", "(Photo: Brian Engler)", "Physicist and writer Leonard Mlodinow (author of The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives, winner of CSI's 2008 Balles Prize", "for critical thinking)", "gave a lecture presentation on the topic of his new book, Subliminal: How Your Mind Rules Your Behavior.", "He presented", "recent research from cognitive psychology and the new field of social neuroscience about the automatic aspects of our consciousness, which happen without", "our awareness or intention.", "\"Our perceptions, memories, and social judgments are all constructed by our unconscious, from limited data,\" said Mlodinow.", "Even with just perception, it", "is a process of construction.", "\"Your retina sees things fuzzily and incomplete\"—he showed examples from experiments.", "\"Your brain sharpens and fills in.", "Your", "unconscious mind does this for you, and it's a great gift.\"", "This happens with hearing as well.", "He played the Led Zeppelin song \"Stairway to Heaven\" backward.", "You seem to hear \"Satan\" three times and also \"666\"—if", "that is suggested to you.", "Similar things happen with all our other senses (experiments show how a light touch can create a sense of trust and even lead to", "higher tips to waitresses).", "Memory is of course a reconstructive process as well.", "\"Just like vision, your brain takes the gist of memory and reconstructs", "it.\"", "He described how we all do what psychologists call motivated reasoning.", "\"We look for data that supports what we want to believe.\"", "This explains why people", "can come to vastly different judgments even when the factual evidence before them is the same.", "\"They've generally sincerely judged the evidence", "differently—it's unconscious.\"", "The new Point of Inquiry team: Lindsay Beyerstein, producer Joshua Billingsley, and Josh Zepps.", "(Photo: Brian Engler)", "Laboratory tests show these processes in various ways.", "Experiments, for example, show that in elections, seventy percent of the candidates judged to be", "\"more competent looking\" won.", "At the end of that afternoon, Mlodinow was back on stage.", "The occasion this time was the first interview (and before a large live audience) with the new", "cohosts of CFI's weekly Point of Inquiry podcast, Josh Zepps and Lindsay Beyerstein.", "An Australian, Zepps joins the CFI podcast as a founding host", "and producer at online talk network HuffPost Live, after hosting stints with Bloomberg TV, the Discovery Channel, and as anchor for CBS's Peabody", "Award–winning Channel One News.", "Zepps conducted the interview with Mlodinow, who got the chance to expand some about the fact that most of our thinking", "comes from the unconscious and about motivated reasoning (\"thinking like a lawyer, not a scientist.\")", "The other cohost, Lindsay Beyerstein, is an investigative journalist and staff writer for In These Times.", "Longtime SI readers will remember her", "late father, psychologist and CSI Fellow and Executive Council member Barry Beyerstein.", "She interviewed conference lunch speaker Katherine Stewart (author", "of The Good News Club: The Christian Right's Stealth Assault on America's Children) on religious extremism and how the Christian right has managed", "to gain so much influence actually operating in public schools.", "These two interviews are online at", "### Note", "1. Noteworthy skeptic-related sessions I've not reported on here include Eugenie C. Scott's lecture presentation on science education, \"Keeping the Good", "Stuff In\"; Scott Lilienfeld's lecture presentation on the subject of his book Brainwashed: The Seductive Appeal of Mindless Neuroscience (topic of", "our November/December 2013 cover article); the pre-conference Skeptics Mini-Toolbox workshop (Ray Hyman, Harriet Hall, and Loren Pankratz); and a Skeptical", "Breakout session I moderated on \"Skeptical Investigation and Activism\" (Joe Nickell, Benjamin Radford, James Underdown, and Susan Gerbic).", "### Kendrick Frazier", "Kendrick Frazier is editor of the Skeptical Inquirer and a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.", "He is editor of several anthologies, including Science Under Siege: Defending Science, Exposing Pseudoscience.", "(meta data) TITLE: CFI Summit: Impressions - CSI", "27 captures", "13 Jul 2014 - 25 Sep 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "The Internet Archive discovers and captures web pages through many different web crawls.", "At any given time several distinct crawls are running, some for months, and some every day or longer.", "View the web archive through the Wayback Machine.", "Collection: Wide Crawl Number 15: Started Oct 1st, 2016 - Ended May 8th, 2017", "Web wide crawl.", "The Wayback Machine -", "More Options", "##", "### Search CSI:", "#### Latest Issue", "The July/August 2016 Skeptical Inquirer", "#### Archive", "Past Skeptical Inquirer articles now available online", "#### Skeptical Briefs", "Selected articles from CSI's quarterly newsletter", "#### Special Articles", "CSI's web-only exclusives", "#### Guide for Authors", "A guide to submitting content for Skeptical Inquirer", "Tweets by @SkeptInquiry", "### News & Announcements", "Skeptical Inquirer Is Now Available Digitally", "February 18, 2016", "Skeptical Inquirer is now available digitally on Apple Newsstand and on all other major platforms through the Pocketmags app.", "Deniers are not Skeptics", "December 5, 2014", "Public discussion of scientific topics such as global warming is confused by misuse of the term \"skeptic.\"", "Skeptic Authors Steven Salzberg and Joe Nickell to Receive Balles Prize in Critical Thinking", "June 14, 2013", "Forbes columnist Steven Salzberg and author-investigator Joe Nickell will each be awarded the 2012 Robert P. Balles Prize in Critical Thinking, to be presented by the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry at the CFI Summit in October.", "# CFI Summit: Impressions", "### Conference Report", "### Susan Gerbic", "#### Skeptical Inquirer Volume 38.2, March/April 2014", "Back from the CFI Summit, I am completely impressed.", "Not only was there no obvious twerking, but there was no drama, and in our tight little community of", "scientific skeptics that is a wonderful thing.", "I will say very little here about the lectures, as I didn't really attend them.", "My agenda was not passive; I", "went to network and recruit people to join my Skeptic Action and GSoW projects (Guerilla Skepticism on Wikipedia, see SI Interview, March/April 2012).", "The Summit was the same week as Halloween.", "For years now I have been saying I will dress up \"next year,\" and when that year arrives it doesn't seem to", "happen", "Now I'm bald from the chemo killing my breast cancer and felt that finally \"next year\" was \"this year.\"", "So I went all out: I changed costumes twice", "a day", "Cleopatra, Medusa, Che Guevara, and many, many odd hats.", "For the costume party I was a phrenology dummy.", "Susi Beyerstein, Jeanine DeNorma, and Herb", "Masters had the honor of drawing the wonders of the brain all over my head in eyeliner.", "I took second prize (best skeptical costume, though).", "The", "cleverness from our community to come up with great skeptical costumes was really delightful.", "Susan Gerbic gives activism instruction to Jeff and Jon Taylor-Kantz, Suzi Beyerstein, and Ray Hyman.", "(Photo by James Underdown)", "I wasn't sure what my reception would be; since I was a speaker, should I reflect a more professional attitude?", "Well, it isn't every day you get a pass to", "blame everything on the chemo, so I just went with it, and no one cared.", "In fact it was extra wonderful.", "CFI was more than helpful—Wi-Fi, food, electricity", "at a free table", "The general attendees loved the outfits and hats.", "All day, every day people came over to talk about what I was wearing.", "The mood was", "great; so many people were attending their first skeptic/humanist conference, and they were excited to be able to see fun like-minded people who wanted to", "meet them also.", "Not only was this happening in their backyard (the Pacific Northwest), but the quality of the speakers, great food, Wi-Fi, and tables in", "the lecture room really spoiled them.", "The Hotel Murano was a lovely place, glass art everywhere, just like staying in an art museum.", "My goal was to hang out with attendees, network, photograph, and recruit.", "I was also able to spend quality time with many people teaching them how to use", "Web of Trust and Rbutr and to edit Wikipedia for skeptical activism, which is my specialty.", "Because of my unique position, I was able to listen, observe,", "and talk about the event with lots of people.", "Now, after some reflection, I would like to share my opinion on the big question organizations like CFI want", "an answer to.", "In many quarters there seems to be an attitude that humanism and skepticism should be kept separate.", "We are too different and don't understand why \"they\"", "would be interested in what they are doing, when what \"we\" are doing is so much more important.", "The general opinions are that skeptics are naysayers and", "\"Bigfoot skeptics.\"", "All that nonsense has been long ago debunked so why should anyone care anymore?", "And humanists (also called atheists) are too focused on", "social issues, don't follow the scientific method, and believe all kinds of antiscience things (Bill Maher is an example).", "The theme of the CFI Summit this year was to open this debate and hope to come up with some kind of answer.", "After all, times are tough, we have to watch", "our dollars", ", and if thousands were attending these conferences and all seats were filled, then I'm sure the separate conferences would happen.", "We could", "even throw conferences focused on specific topics like UFOs, atheism, medical quacks, and so on, but at the moment we don't have that luxury.", "So how do we", "best spend our conference dollars?", "Jeanine DeNorma and Suzi Beyerstein turn Susan into a phrenology dummy for the Halloween costume contest.", "(Photo by Herb Masters)", "Clearly, I did hear lots of people (usually first time conference attendees) state that they were attending an atheist conference.", "Some people said they", "were telling their families that they were attending a science conference, because I suppose they wanted to avoid backlash.", "For two hours on Thursday there", "were competing workshops, one on \"Atheism and Naturalism\" and the other on a \"Skeptic's Toolbox.\"", "On Friday I was part of a panel that discussed", "investigation and activism, while in a different area the humanists discussed measuring unbelief", "The rest of the conference we all met together in one big", "room with various topics, scientific as well as humanist.", "Here is what I discovered.", "The initial opinion from the skeptics, that the humanists were not interested in scientific skepticism and that they held", "antiscience opinions, was unfounded.", "I never once heard a humanist with this opinion.", "They seemed just as interested in psychics and medical quackery as", "any skeptic.", "And while the skeptics might have felt a bit hurt that there were more antireligion type lectures at the conference, they were happy to join", "in the conversations once they attended, the exception being when the lecture seemed angry or ranting about religion.", "Some of the lectures were difficult", "to decide what camp they fell into.", "Eugenie Scott and Zack Kopplin's lectures about creationism in the classroom and legislature were common ground.", "Katherine Stewart's research into the Good News Clubs in America was also gripping for both groups.", "There were also lectures discussing legislation as well", "as psychology of belief, important topics to understanding what we are up against.", "Topics like creationism in the schools and antiscience medical claims", "hit home to both camps.", "Many good points were made, one of which is that on college campuses today, atheism is hot, and we should be emphasizing this while they are interested.", "Another point made was that sometimes more doors will open when we are focused on science and not religion.", "Schools are more likely to allow in a skeptic", "group than an antireligion one", "Debbie Goddard stated the obvious when we were discussing leaving CFI magazines in public places for people to find.", "She", "said she suspects that more people are likely to pick up a magazine on ghosts or vampires to browse through, than an issue devoted to humanism.", "Possibly it", "is just easier to use science and skepticism to start the discussion with people.", "And that is what we are trying to do after all: start a discussion.", "Learn to edit Wikipedia with Medusa.", "(Photo by Brian Engler)", "I've learned that some churches are using cryptozoology as real to disprove evolution.", "What happens to that theory when the child looks up Nessie on", "Wikipedia and discovers that Mom and Dad have that all wrong, and find that \"Evidence of its existence is anecdotal\"?", "Followed with plenty of citations", "that child can follow to the investigations and evidence our skeptic community has left there for them to find?", "This is why people start questioning their", "religion, small questions that start a snowball of questions.", "This is what happened to me.", "But didn't I say earlier that people aren't interested in", "Bigfoot skepticism?", "Someone should tell the 87,841 people who visited the Loch Ness page last month that no one cares about that stuff anymore.", "I totally understand that religion is hot news right now.", "(When has it not been lately?)", "It seems like you can almost draw a line from most social problems", "back to people's unquestioning belief in something that has no scientific basis to it.", "They cling and fight to hold tight those tenets.", "We have to find", "lots of ways to have these conversations.", "Brian Dunning from the Skeptoid podcast tells us that maybe the best way to have these uncomfortable", "discussions is to find a topic you both can agree on and work your way to the hot topic when you are ready.", "Talk about what evidence means, how to question", "something correctly, just keep talking and listening to each other.", "On the thirty-minute van ride back to the airport I think the point was much clearer.", "Joe Nickell, Leonard Tramiel, and I totally engaged the four", "strangers also traveling with us.", "We had great conversations about Bigfoot and UFOs and what evidence means.", "They were thrilled to hear stories about Bill", "Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson.", "We were the cool kids in that van, and when the city bus rolled by with Bill Nye and the CFI Summit advertisement on it we", "were beyond the cool club.", "One woman said, \"I wanna hang out with you guys.\"", "I suspect we would not have had the same reception if we were talking about", "religion", "Yet, if we had the time, the conversation might have gone in that direction.", "And they would have been more receptive to it if done in that order.", "So back to CFI's theme this year.", "Can we find common ground in our community?", "Should we combine conferences at least until the time we have grown so large", "we are holding them in mega-church halls?", "My opinion is that we have to work together.", "We overlap so much and we are such a small community in comparison", "to others", "We need to find a way to respect each other's passions, and talk to each other, not tweet at each other when we have a complaint.", "Face-to-face", "contact at these conferences is very important.", "The networking, training, and bouncing of ideas off each other is what is needed.", "Yes, we have to continue", "to grow and grow and grow.", "But first we need to start thinking of ways to stay together and find the common ground.", "Then maybe we can start making more", "efficient progress", "Yes, conferences might lose money.", "It's difficult to find the right formula in the right location at the right time of the year.", "And what works this year", "might not the next", "I doubt we are clever enough to figure it out.", "What I do know is that the one-on-one contact recharges our batteries.", "People like", "Harriet Hall (Skepdoc), Lindsay Beyerstein (cohost of Point of Inquiry), and myself came from CSI's Skeptic's Toolbox.", "We weren't primarily", "authors or lecturers, just people with a passion for the skeptical movement who decided it was our turn to step up.", "You can't buy that fire, but sometimes", "you might have to kick the embers to keep us (and others) out there fighting what seems to be an insurmountable world of woo.", "Conferences are essential.", "Oh yeah, a couple more things, at the end of every lecture the same question came up.", "What can I do to help?", "The main answer we heard was \"give money.\"", "Very little happens without money; apparently it is pretty powerful.", "Besides that, pay attention to your local elections, especially school boards where", "your vote can make a big difference.", "And the most obvious activism advice was to follow Skeptic Action on Facebook,", "Twitter, or Google+ and join the GSoW team.", "### Susan Gerbic", "Affectionately called the Wikipediatrician, Susan Gerbic is the cofounder of Monterey County Skeptics and a self-proclaimed skeptical junkie.", "Susan is also founder of the Guerrilla Skepticism on Wikipedia (GSoW) project.", "You can contact her at" ]
{ "id": "train22166", "claim_title": "CSICon", "claim_section": "History.:2011–present: CSICon.", "claim_context": "This is certainly no exception. You have my sincere gratitude. I suspect, however that a couple of those beards were fake. But I’m in a forgiving mood at the moment. I’m frankly very touched. I’ll see you at the next CSICon. Thank you all.\" \n In October 2013, CSICon 3 was held as part of a larger CFI conference, including the Council for Secular Humanism (CSH), called the CFI Summit in Tacoma, Washington. This combined congress was an experiment, as some people like Ray Hyman and Daniel Loxton feared or argued the goals and focus of skepticism and humanism differed too much from each other to be discussed at a single conference." }
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They participate in the Devon Greater Horseshoe Bat Project alongside Devon Wildlife Trust, Clinton Devon Estates, Devon County Council and others.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: ", "Project Partners - Devon Greater Horseshoe Bat Project - Devon Greater Horseshoe Bat Project", "", "# Project Partners", "## Current Partners", "### Bat Conservation Trust", "The leading UK organisation solely devoted to the conservation of bats and the landscapes on which they rely.", "### Blackdown Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Partnership", "Over 80 organisations and a small staff team working together to protect the Blackdown Hills AONB, a special landscape on the Devon and Somerset border, rich in wildlife, beauty and heritage.", "### Clinton Devon Estates", "Clinton Devon Estates is a 21st century rural estate and property business.", "Responsible stewardship and sustainable development are at the heart of everything we do.", "Our mission is: \"to secure the long term prosperity of the Estates and the people who live and work on them in ways which care for the countryside and engage with the wider community\"", "### Devon Bat Group", "An organisation for bat enthusiasts to come together, gather and share knowledge and enjoy these wonderful animals – helping to conserve them and their habitats", "### Devon Biodiversity Records Centre", "Devon Biodiversity Records Centre is the central repository for species, habitat and geological data within the county.", "It values and supports the recording community whilst working closely with stakeholders, clients and the wider public.", "### Devon Communities Together", "Devon Communities Together, the community council for Devon, is a champion for its people and environment – helping communities help themselves.", "We are engaged in a wide range of projects, services and funding opportunities that support our vision of dynamic communities shaping their own futures.", "### Devon County Council", "Devon County Council is the county council administering the English county of Devon.", "Based in the city of Exeter, the council covers the non-metropolitan county area of Devon.", "Members of the council (councillors) are elected every four years to represent the electorate of each county division, almost all being nominated by the major national political parties.", "### Devon Wildlife Trust", "Devon Wildlife Trust is hosting the bat project.", "An independent charity concerned with the conservation of all wildlife across Devon.", "### East Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty", "East Devon AONB Partnership aims to conserve and enhance the landscape, wildlife and historic character of the area, whilst encouraging understanding and appreciation.", "### Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group South West", "FWAG South West seeks to support, enthuse & inspire fellow farmers to value the environmental assets on their land & use them to secure sustainable & profitable businesses for the future.", "### Natural England", "The government's advisor on the natural environment.", "We provide practical advice, grounded in science, on how best to safeguard England's natural wealth for the benefit of everyone.", "Our remit is to ensure sustainable stewardship of the land and sea so that people and nature can thrive.", "It is our responsibility to see that England's rich natural environment can adapt and survive intact for future generations to enjoy.", "### North Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty", "North Devon AONB aims to conserve and enhance the landscape, wildlife and historic character of the area, whilst encouraging understanding and appreciation.", "### North Devon Biosphere", "Developing partnerships and managing projects for a sustainable future in north Devon, the North Devon Biosphere team work to maintain our world class environment and the high quality of life we get from it.", "We are here to help and advise and facilitate partnerships and projects.", "### South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty", "Part of the family of protected landscapes across Britain, South Devon AONB stretches from Berry Head in Brixham to Jennycliff in Plymouth.", "It is a special landscape which provides a range of benefits to people and wildlife.", "### Vincent Wildlife Trust", "The Vincent Wildlife Trust has been at the forefront of mammal conservation for 40 years.", "The Trust has made major contributions to the conservation of the otter, dormouse, water vole, polecat, pine marten and bat species – especially the greater and lesser horseshoe bats.", "### Torbay Coast and Countryside Trust", "We are a local, independent charity that safeguards over 1750 beautiful acres of green space across Torbay.", "We are the stewards of the most important natural places in the Bay – including Berry Head Nature Reserve, Cockington Country Park, Occombe Farm and various woodlands, cliffs and coastal walks.", "### University of Sussex", "The University of Sussex is in the county of Sussex, near Brighton.", "### Tamar Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty", "The Tamar Valley AONB team work with others to ensure that the AONB is managed in a way that conserves and enhances its unique cultural identity and outstanding natural beauty for the benefit of all the people who live, work and visit the area, now and in the future.", "## Funders", "### Main Funder – National Lottery Heritage Fund", "### Disney Conservation Fund", "### Other Funders", "The late Mr Charles Tony Fuller", "North Devon AONB Sustainable Development Fund (SDF)", "Countryside Stewardship Facilitation Fund", "Wildlife Acoustics", "West Devon Borough Council", "## Charitable Trusts", "### Trusts:", "D'Oyly Carte Charitable Trust", "St Mary's Charity", "The Hawthorn Trust", "Spear Charitable Trust", "29th May 1961 Charitable Trust", "Thank you for taking an interest!", "## Please sign up to our mailing list", "Devon Greater Horseshoe Bat Project", "We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website.", "If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it.", "Ok" ]
{ "id": "train31509", "claim_title": "Devon Bat Group", "claim_section": "Group members and activities.", "claim_context": "The Group members range from people who are interested in learning more about bats and those wanting to join in group activities to professional ecologists. Activities include roost visits, organising bat box schemes, with regular box checks, and bat surveys. Educational talks, arranging bat walks and caring for sick and injured bats are also organised by DBG members. Members with bat licences carry out Bat Roost Visitor work for Natural England. General Group meetings are held every three months and the DBG also has local sections in Exeter, Plymouth and North Devon to organise more local activities. \n The group works in partnership with many other organisations across Devon. At several reservoirs across Devon, they have worked with the South West Lakes Trust to monitor bat populations at Roadford Lake and other reservoirs." }
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In 2008 Farhadi was criticized in the pages of "Kabul Press" for his salary of US$290,500 (equivalent to $365,617 in 2021) (then about Afs. 1,000) while employed as the director of the Interim Afghanistan National Development Strategy because of how his salary outstripped the pay of average Afghan citizens.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Exorbitant Salaries for Consultants and Officials in Afghanistan – Kamran Mir Hazar | Work and Poetry", "(meta data) AUTHOR:", "## Exorbitant Salaries for Consultants and Officials in Afghanistan", "August 5, 2012 11:13 am by", "By Kamran Mir Hazar and Robert Maier", "Published in Kabul Press (Saturday 21 June 2008)", "This article is based on a letter signed by Mohammad Amin Farhang, former Minister of the Economy and current Minister of Commerce to an official of the World Bank in Kabul showing Afghan economic advisor, Adib Farhadi, as director Interim Afghanistan National Development Strategy (I-ANDS) had received an annual salary of $290,500.", "This is $100,000 more than the U.S. Senate Majority Leader, and is an example of the huge payments made to certain well-connected, but dubiously qualified officials and consultants installed by NGOS and government organizations in Afghanistan.", "Funds come primarily from international financial organizations such as the World Bank and USAID.", "In this document, the World Bank is requested to renew the contract of Mr. Farhadi for another year, but at a lower annual salary of $198,000.", "The salary of an ordinary clerk in Afghanistan is 2,500 Afghani ($50), per month or $600 annually.", "Adib Farhadi's salary is 484 times that amount.", "Recently, the government of Afghanistan agreed to increase the salary of government employees (but still not implemented, and many have not received the $50 salary for several months.)", "The $290,500 annual salary of Adib Farhadi is excessive not only in Afghanistan but elsewhere.", "For instance, an experienced economic expert, substantially more qualified than Adib Farhadi in the US receives one third of Adib Farhadi's annual salary then must pay approximately 30% as tax back to the government.", "The $290,500 annual salary that Adib Farhadi received is at least twice what an economic expert in countries like Norway which have the highest income levels.", "A Norwegian economic expert must also pay nearly 50% of taxes back to the government, so Adib Farhadi's salary is four times more than an expert in a country with the highest incomes in the world.", "It is shameful when the Minister of Economy of a country who should be sensitive and try to balance the salaries, requests an amount for one person that could support hundreds of working families of Afghanistan.", "Adib Farhadi is not only paid by the World Bank but it is alleged that he receives additional compensations from other sources too.", "### Farhadi's Alleged False Educational Credentials", "Concerning the credentials of Mr. Farhadi, that would qualify him for such elevated positions and salaries, there are serious questions regarding the validity and suitability of his claimed degrees from Kabul University, East Carolina University in North Carolina, a PhD from \"Virginia Theological University,\" a non-accredited on-line organization with no advertised phone number, and a suspect \"NYU/Columbia University/ Princeton University Consortium Degree.\"", "There is information that he has received or is receiving a PhD from New York University, but records are unclear at this time.", "Farhadi has been a close associate of Mr. Barnett Rubin, of New York University, who is accepted by many in the media and U.S. government as one of the world's leading experts on Afghanistan.", "It has been reported that the American University in Washington, D.C. rejected Mr. Farhadi's application to it's law school, due to questions concerning the validity of his diploma and transcripts from Kabul University, even though his tuition would have been paid in full by USAID.", "### Excessive pay throughout Afghan government sanctioned by global institutions", "Appointing people for high economic positions is one of the apparent realities of an increasingly unpopular government in Afghanistan, with the possible collusion of international organizations such as the World Bank, USAID, and certain American institutions of higher education.", "Additional cases of people like Minister Farooq Wardak, who occupy four key positions at the same time and receive several types of salary, are suspect.", "Apart from these salaries they have informal salaries that are received from the intelligence services of different countries or from the international civil NGOs who tolerate and enable Afghan authorities in this gross misappropriation of public wealth.", "The anonymous source who provided this document to Kabul press has emphasized that salaries of people like Farooq Wardak, Dawoodzai, Hamyoon Hamid Zada and other members of Karzai's administration are nearly the same as Adib Farhadi's; not less than $290,000 per year.", "Kabuli Children must play in the ruins, while consultants and government administrators are paid first-world level salaries.", "Additional articles in will follow up on the activities, qualifications, and methodologies of excessive, unwarranted, and possibly illegal payments to individuals of funds meant for the urgent reconstruction and development of Afghanistan.", "Taxpayers around the world have been asked to send billions of dollars to Afghanistan.", "Who gets the money?", "We will tell you in this continuing series.", "Translated by Amin Wahidi", "### Leave a Reply Cancel reply", "Your email address will not be published.", "Required fields are marked *", "Name *", "Email *", "#### Related Posts", "##### Does this poem have the power to leave the palace?", "##### Back to the primitive past: Pashtuns stoning, trampling with horses and burning their victims with impunity", "##### Censorship in Afghanistan: Death to journalists", "##### Afghanistan goes back in time", "##### Afghanistan's Ulama Council wages war against women", "##### Asadullah Khalid's Mafia", "Search for:", "#### A short poem", "With Haiku Body", "Boiling liberty like tea", "She offers a glass", "Con cuerpo de Haikú", "Hirviendo la libertad como el té", "Ella ofrece un vaso", "Me trup Haiku", "Duke zier lirinë si çaj", "Ajo ofron një gotë", "Со Хаику Труп", "Вриејќи слободата", "како чај", "таа нуди чаша", "© Kamran Mir Hazar", "#### Bio", "Español – Kamran Mir Hazar", "Kamran Mir Hazar", "Português – Kamran Mir Hazar", "Privacy Policy", "هزاره گی/ دری – کامران میرهزار", "The World Poetry Festival in Caracas, Venezuela", "#### Tags", "Kamran Mir HazarTweets by kamranmirhazar" ]
{ "id": "train00207", "claim_title": "Adib Farhadi", "claim_section": "Professional work.", "claim_context": "As of 2016, Farhadi is an assistant professor, director of economic development and governance at Global Initiatives and coordinator of executive education program at University of South Florida. In 2012 Farhadi was a visiting scholar at Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). Farhadi has championed targeting aid for Afghans to what the Afghan themselves need rather than the donors' preferences, as he had in 2012 while a researcher with the Australia New Zealand School of Government's Institute for Governance (ANZIG). \nCirca 2002, Farhadi served as the executive director of Afghanistan National Development Strategy, director of Economic Affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Minister of Commerce & Industry, Chief Negotiator for WTO accession and senior advisor to the New Silk Road Initiative for the Afghan government." }
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Country Party leader John McEwen served as Prime Minister from 19 December 1967 to 10 January 1968, pending the election of a new leader of the Liberal Party of Australia.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: ", "John McEwen - Australia's PMs - Australia's Prime Ministers", "", "(meta data) PUBLISHER: corporateName=National Archives of Australia; address=Queen Victoria Terrace, Parkes, ACT 2600; contact=+61 2 6212 3600", "Site map |", "Glossary |", "Contact us", "# AUSTRALIA'S PRIME MINISTERS", "##### Choose another PM", "Year1901–03 Barton1903–04 Deakin1904–04 Watson1904–05 Reid1905–08 Deakin1908–09 Fisher1909–10 Deakin1910–13 Fisher1913–14 Cook1914–15 Fisher1915–23 Hughes1923–29 Bruce1929–32 Scullin1932–39 Lyons1939–39 Page1939–41 Menzies1941–41 Fadden1941–45 Curtin1945–45 Forde1945–49 Chifley1949–66 Menzies1966–67 Holt1967–68 McEwen1968–71 Gorton1971–72 McMahon1972–75 Whitlam1975–83 Fraser1983–91 Hawke1991–96 Keating1996–07 Howard2007–10 Rudd2010–13 Gillard2013–13 Rudd2013–15 Abbott2015–18 Turnbull2018– Morrison", "Home > Australia's PMs >", "John McEwen", "# John McEwen", "John McEwen was Prime Minister from 19 December 1967 to 10 January 1968 following the death of Harold Holt.", "His term as Prime Minister came near the end of his 37 years in parliament.", "The moment of office: John McEwen is sworn in by Governor-General Lord Casey at Yarralumla on 19 December 1967.", "NAA: A1200, L68079", "Though only briefly Prime Minister, McEwen served as deputy Prime Minister for twelve years, in the governments of Robert Menzies, Harold Holt and John Gorton.", "He was acting Prime Minister many times in the years from 1958 to 1971.", "McEwen held the key ministerial responsibilities of Commerce and Trade for 20 years from 1949 to 1971.", "During this time the portfolio emphasis moved away from agriculture and into the broader industry area.", "Though a farmer and Country Party leader, McEwen also moved the emphasis from low tariffs to protection of manufacturing industries.", "Back to top", "##### Plus", "> Fast facts on John McEwen", "> Timeline: significant events for John McEwen", "##### Find records", "The researcher's portal to records on Australia's prime ministers", "Search for institutions with records on John McEwen" ]
{ "id": "train19337", "claim_title": "Holt Government", "claim_section": "Death of Holt.", "claim_context": "On 17 December 1967, Holt disappeared in heavy surf while swimming off Cheviot Beach, near Melbourne, becoming the third Australian Prime Minister to die in office. He was not formally declared missing until 19 December." }
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"Panzer Dragoon Zwei" was released in March 1996 in Japan.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: ソフトウェア一覧(セガ発売) | セガサターン | セガハード大百科 | セガ", "309 captures", "08 Aug 2018 - 11 Oct 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "These crawls are part of an effort to archive pages as they are created and archive the pages that they refer to.", "That way, as the pages that are referenced are changed or taken from the web, a link to the version that was live when the page was written will be preserved.", "Then the Internet Archive hopes that references to these archived pages will be put in place of a link that would be otherwise be broken, or a companion link to allow people to see what was originally intended by a page's authors.", "The goal is to fix all broken links on the web.", "Crawls of supported \"No More 404\" sites.", "Collection: Wikipedia Near Real Time (from IRC)", "This is a collection of web page captures from links added to, or changed on, Wikipedia pages.", "The idea is to bring a reliability to Wikipedia outlinks so that if the pages referenced by Wikipedia articles are changed, or go away, a reader can permanently find what was originally referred to.", "This is part of the Internet Archive's attempt to rid the web of broken links.", "The Wayback Machine -", "セガ 製品情報サイト", "ゲームセンター/", "施設", "SEGA ID", "よくある ご質問", "##", "スマホゲーム", "###", "新作・おすすめゲーム", "プロサッカークラブをつくろう!", "ロード・トゥ・ワールド", "共闘ことばRPG コトダマン", "D×2 真・女神転生 リベレーション", "オルタンシア・サーガ -蒼の騎士団-", "###", "関連情報", "## PC・家庭用ゲーム", "Xbox One・Xbox 360", "Nintendo Switch", "Wii U・Wii", "PS Vita", "###", "新作・おすすめゲーム", "世界樹の迷宮X(クロス)", "ペルソナ3", "ダンシング・ムーンナイト", "###", "関連情報", "■ メガドラ30周年・ドリキャス20周年 アリバーサリー", "記念イベント・クッズ等 ご紹介!", "■ セガハード大百科", "セガに現存する資料をもとに、歴代のセガハードをご紹介します!", "■ セガ アーカイブス", "なつかしの名作ゲームをダウンロード購入して楽しめます!", "■ ゲームソフト購入アンケート", "##", "アーケードゲーム", "###", "新作・おすすめゲーム", "Fate/Grand Order Arcade", "SEGA World Drivers Championship", "CHUNITHM STAR PLUS", "三国志大戦 狼主の双剣", "StarHorse3 SeasonVII GREAT JOURNEY", "###", "関連情報", "■ ダーツライブ", "■ セガプラザ", "セガのプライズ情報はここでチェック!人気アイテムが続々登場中♪", "## ゲームセンター/", "施設", "Orbi(オービィ", "###", "施設など", "SEGA VR AREA ABENO", "###", "イベント・キャンペーン", "セガコラボカフェ きららファンタジア", "セガコラボカフェ", "ラブライブ!サンシャイン!!", "スクフェス感謝祭2018", "もっとエンジョイ♪キャンペーン", "## TOY", "### TOY商品", "ディズニー ツムツム おみせやさんごっこシリーズ", "HOMESTAR(ホームスター", "##", "プライズ", "くじ/", "その他グッズ", "###", "プライズ・くじ", "インクレディブル・ファミリー ジャック・ジャック メガジャンボもちもちフェイスクッション", "名探偵コナン プレミアムフィギュア\"赤井秀一\"", "\"ディズニー", "ツムツム\" にぎやかハンバーガー スペシャルクッション", "アベンジャーズ/インフィニティ・ウォー リミテッドプレミアムフィギュア#アイアンスパイダー", "## アニメ・CG映像", "### アニメ・CG映像", "名探偵コナン ゼロの執行人", "セガハード大百科", "TOP >", "セガサターン > ソフトウェア一覧(セガ発売)", "##", "セガサターン", "##", "セガ及びセガの許諾を受けたソフトライセンシー各社より発売されたセガサターン専用ソフトの一覧です。", "####", "##### セガサターン専用CD-ROM(セガ発売", "パチンコハンドル型コントローラー(SANKYO FF:TEN研究所発売)対応", "「電車でGO!」専用コントローラ(タカラ発売)対応", "レーティング(18歳以上推奨", "12月 2日", "12月 2日", "真説・夢見館 扉の奥に誰かが…", "12月 9日", "クロックワークナイト~ペパルーチョの大冒険・上巻~", "GOHTA ~", "イスマイリア戦役~", "PEBBLE BEACH GOLF LINKS~スタドラーに挑戦", "▶タイトル情報", "4月 1日", "アイルトン・セナ パーソナルトーク~Message for the future", "ヴァーチャル ハイドライド", "完全中継プロ野球 グレイテストナイン", "ブルーシード ~奇稲田秘録伝~", "クロックワークナイト~ペパルーチョの大冒険・下巻~", "ワールドアドバンスド大戦略 ~鋼鉄の戦風~", "ウイングアームズ ~華麗なる撃墜王~", "バーチャファイターCGポートレートシリーズVOL.1", "サラ・ブライアント", "バーチャファイターCGポートレートシリーズVOL.2", "ジャッキー・ブライアント", "X JAPAN Virtual Shock 001", "セガ インターナショナル ビクトリーゴール", "11月 2日", "F-1", "ライブインフォメーション", "ばくばくアニマル ~世界飼育係選手権~", "バーチャファイターCGポートレートシリーズVOL.3", "結城晶", "バーチャファイターCGポートレートシリーズVOL.4", "パイ・チェン", "12月 1日", "12月 8日", "バグ! ジャンプして、ふんづけちゃって、ぺっちゃんこ", "12月 8日", "バーチャファイターCGポートレートシリーズVOL.5", "ウルフ・ホークフィールド", "12月 8日", "バーチャファイターCGポートレートシリーズVOL.6", "ラウ・チェン", "ゴジラ -列島震撼-", "▶Xbox 360/Xbox One(リメイク・移植版)", "バーチャファイターCGポートレートシリーズVOL.7", "舜帝", "バーチャファイターCGポートレートシリーズVOL.8", "リオン・ラファール", "2月 2日", "NINKU -忍空- ~強気な奴等の大激突!", "Jリーグ", "プロサッカークラブをつくろう!", "おまかせ! 退魔業(セイバーズ)", "3月 1日", "3月 1日", "バーチャファイターCGポートレートシリーズVOL.9", "影丸", "3月 1日", "バーチャファイターCGポートレートシリーズVOL.10", "ジェフリー・マクワイルド", "ワールドアドバンスド大戦略 作戦ファイル", "パンツァードラグーン ツヴァイ", "▶PS3(リメイク・移植版", ") ▶タイトル情報", "トア ~精霊王紀伝~", "SEGA AGES VOL.1", "宿題がタントア~ル", "月花霧幻譚 TORICO", "7月 5日", "NiGHTS into dreams...(ナイツ・イントゥ・ドリームス", "▶PS3(リメイク・移植版) ▶Xbox 360/Xbox One(リメイク・移植版)", "▶タイトル情報", "8月 9日", "SEGA AGES VOL.2", "スペースハリアー", "SEGA AGES", "アウトラン", "SEGA AGES アフターバーナーⅡ", "▶PS Vita(PSPダウンロードソフト) ▶タイトル情報", "11月 1日", "11月 8日", "クリスマスナイツ 冬季限定版", "▶PS3(リメイク・移植版) ▶Xbox 360/Xbox One(リメイク・移植版)", "▶タイトル情報", "ビクトリーゴール WORLD WIDE edition", "パンツァードラグーン", "Ⅰ & Ⅱ", "SEGA AGES", "廊下にイチダントア~ル", "テラ ファンタスティカ", "人造人間ハカイダー ラストジャッジメント", "電脳戦機バーチャロン FOR SEGANET", "デジタルダンスミックス Vol.1", "安室奈美恵", "▶PS3(リメイク・移植版", ") ▶タイトル情報", "デイトナUSA CIRCUIT EDITION", "バグ・トゥー! もっともっとジャンプして、ふんづけちゃって、ぺっちゃんこ", "サクラ大戦 花組通信", "▶タイトル情報", "SEGA AGES", "ファンタジーゾーン", "SEGA AGES メモリアルセレクションVOL.1", "3月 7日", "新世紀エヴァンゲリオン 2nd Impression", "マンクスTT スーパーバイク", "ADVANCED WORLD WAR", "千年帝国の興亡", "プロ野球 グレイテストナイン'97", "▶タイトル情報", "5月 2日", "機動戦艦ナデシコ~やっぱり最後は「愛が勝つ」?~", "ソニック ジャム", "▶タイトル情報", "mr.BONES(ミスター・ボーンズ)", "7月 4日", "8月 1日", "ロスト・ワールド ジュラシック・パーク", "全日本プロレス FEATURING VIRTUA", "SEGA AGES", "コラムス アーケードコレクション", "サクラ大戦 蒸気ラジヲショウ", "▶タイトル情報", "Jリーグ", "プロサッカーチームをつくろう!2", "SEGA AGES メモリアルセレクションVOL.2", "セガ ツーリングカー チャンピオンシップ", "12月 4日", "▶タイトル情報", "シャイニング・フォースⅢシナリオ1", "王都の巨神", "AZEL -パンツァードラグーンRPG-", "2月 5日", "プロ野球チームもつくろう!", "バーチャコップ スペシャルパック", "SEGA AGES", "パワードリフト", "▶タイトル情報", "3月 5日", "セガ ワールドワイドサッカー'98", "プロ野球 グレイテストナイン'98", "4月 2日", "SEGA AGES", "ファンタシースターコレクション", "4月 2日", "ドラゴンフォースⅡ", "神去りし大地に", "4月 4日", "サクラ大戦2~君、死にたもうことなかれ", "▶PS Vita(PSPダウンロードソフト) ▶タイトル情報", "シャイニング・フォースⅢシナリオ2", "狙われた神子", "少女革命ウテナ いつか革命される物語", "ワールドカップ'98 フランス~Road to Win", "7月 2日", "SEGA AGES", "ギャラクシーフォースⅡ", "DEEP FEAR", "8月 6日", "8月 6日", "シャイニング・フォースⅢシナリオ3", "氷壁の邪神宮", "機動戦艦ナデシコ The blank of 3years", "SEGA AGESアイラブミッキーマウス", "ふしぎのお城大冒険アイラブドナルドダック グルジア王の秘宝", "せがた三四郎 真剣遊戯", "ソニック3D", "フリッキーアイランド", "▶タイトル情報", "東日本大震災 被災地・被災者の方々への支援", "SEGA ID", "セガプレスSP WEBSITE", "PAGE TOP" ]
{ "id": "train04933", "claim_title": "Panzer Dragoon II Zwei", "claim_section": "Development.", "claim_context": "The team received no help from Sega's technical division on \"Panzer Dragoon II Zwei\", and did not use any Sega-developed tools such as the Sega Graphics Library operating system; instead, Team Andromeda's programmers created all the development tools used to create the game. The team also refined the design elements created for the first game, pushing for a higher and more stable frame rate. A notable element was the water effects, which were created using a combination of parallax scrolling and layers, allowing a look impossible on the 3D-focused PlayStation without exceeding the hardware limits of the Saturn. The Pandora's Box mode was created by a single programmer and it was included later in development after getting the team's approval. Music composition was led by Yayoi Wachi. Additional tracks were composed by Tomonori Sawada, Junko Shiratsu and Teruhiko Nakagawa. In contrast to the purely orchestral and electronic score of the first game, \"Zwei\" added ethnic elements. \"Panzer Dragoon Saga\" composer Saori Kobayashi attributed Wachi's shift away from the first game's musical style with shaping her future compositions for the series. \n" }
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Throughout the state, rainfall totals ranged from light to moderate, with precipitation from the storm peaked at 13.98 inches (355 mm) in the Everglades portions of Miami-Dade County.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Hurricane Andrew- August 1992", "(meta data) AUTHOR: David Roth", "Hurricane Andrew - August", "23-28, 1992", "A tropical wave moved off the west coast of Africa on the 14th of", "August.", "It moved", "quickly westward, steered by a warm core high to its north.", "Narrow spiral bands began", "to develop around a center of rotation on the 16th.", "At that", "point, the system had likely", "become a tropical depression.", "The easterly verticial wind shear", "over the system weakened", "on the 17th", ", and the system continued to develop into a tropical storm.", "An upper low east of Bermuda steered Andrew more to the north and", "weakened the", "system.", "On the 21st, the southern extent of the upper trough", "pinched off into a new", "upper low to Andrew's southwest, creating a much more favorable upper", "environment.", "This development, in combination with a", "surface high near the southeast", "coast of the United States, turned Andrew more to the west and rapid", "ensued.", "In 42 hours, Andrew had strengthen from essentially a", "strong tropical wave", "northeast of the Caribbean to a major hurricane as it continued to", "barrel westward", "towards Florida.", "It moved across the Bahamas and into south Florida as a category 5", "hurricane on the", "Saffir-Simpson scale, weakening as it went over the Everglades during", "its four hour", "transit over the Sunshine State.", "Its track arced northwest in the", "Gulf of Mexico, and", "the hurricane never regained its former intensity.", "Shearing as it", "made landfall along", "the Louisiana coast, it struck the Mouth of the Atchafalaya Basin early", "on the morning", "of the 26th", "As it moved northeast and weakened, it accelerated", "through the eastern", "United States, merging into a frontal band as it closed in on the", "Mid-Atlantic.", "Its track is below, produced by the National", "Hurricane Center.", "The graphics below show the storm total rainfall for", "by the National Climatic Data", "Center in Asheville, NC and South Florida Water Management.", "The", "first row of maps show the detail in", "South Florida near Andrew's track.", "Below is the calendar for Daily Precipitation Maps.", "Note that", "the 24-hour periods end", "at 12z that morning.", "We" ]
{ "id": "train01993", "claim_title": "Effects of Hurricane Andrew in Florida", "claim_section": "Impact.:Miami-Dade County.", "claim_context": "The building suffered more than $24 million in damage and forced the company to abandon corporate offices during one of its more significant product promotions. Nearby at the Charles Deering Estate, 16 ft (4.9 m) waves ravaged the property. The natural areas were devastated, while only the farthest inland section of the Richmond Cottage remained standing. Damage to repair the estate cost approximately $7.2 million. A large boat was littered ashore in a canal south of Deering Bay, where water levels were 14 ft (4.3 m) above normal. Many boats in southeast Florida were damaged from high tides produced by the storm, most notably, the Belzona Barge was damaged, which was a 215 ft (66 m), 350-ton barge. At the Boca Chita Key Historic District, a bridge and stone wall were destroyed. In addition, the powerful seas also extensively damaged coral reef systems offshore of southeast Florida. It is estimated that the storm caused at least $500 million in losses to boats. At Homestead Air Reserve Base (then known as Homestead Air Force Base), a barometric pressure of 922 mbar (27.2 inHg) was measured, making Andrew the most intense hurricane to strike Florida since the Labor Day hurricane of 1935 and the strongest tropical cyclone to make landfall in the United States since Hurricane Camille in 1969." }
[ [ 44, 45 ], [ 43, 44, 45 ] ]
Computers were also in short supply, and the few that were in use were outdated and obsolete.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Vacancies squeeze county Sheriff's Department", "2 captures", "08 Mar 2014 - 08 Feb 2017", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "The Internet Archive discovers and captures web pages through many different web crawls.", "At any given time several distinct crawls are running, some for months, and some every day or longer.", "View the web archive through the Wayback Machine.", "Collection: Live Web Proxy Crawls", "Content crawled via the Wayback Machine Live Proxy mostly by the Save Page Now feature on", "Liveweb proxy is a component of Internet Archive's wayback machine project.", "The liveweb proxy captures the content of a web page in real time, archives it into a ARC or WARC file and returns the ARC/WARC record back to the wayback machine to process.", "The recorded ARC/WARC file becomes part of the wayback machine in due course of time.", "The Wayback Machine -", "Maryland Community Newspapers Online", "Vacancies squeeze county Sheriff's Department", "Jan. 21, 2000", "The Bowie Star: Community News", "by Eyobong Ita", "Staff Writer", "January 20, 2000", "The Prince George's County Sheriff's Department has not hired deputies and civilian personnel since Dec. 12, 1994, leaving the agency with inadequate manpower created by 92 vacant positions, The Bowie Star has learned.", "Due to a lack of funds to replace former personnel, sheriff deputies in the department have for years been subjected to heavy workloads and mandatory overtime, prompting many to quit and take up jobs in other counties, according to information obtained from agency records.", "Sixty-six sheriff deputies have quit within the last six years, including three who left in the first week of this month -- Byron Simms, Mark Roccaporiore and Howard Ferguson.", "Twenty-four civilians also left -- including Anitra Jenkens, a public safety staff who also left in the first week of this month, according to the agency's data.", "While some of the personnel routinely retired, majority of the deputies left to other agencies due to the additional workload imposed on them in an administrative effort to make up for the vacancies.", "\"Some of them may have been overworked,\" County Sheriff Alonzo Black II admitted Jan. 10.", "\"In other words, there have been times during the last year that I had to implement mandatory overtime.", "I've had people working 16 hours a day.\"", "Most of the deputies work the eight hours in court and another eight serving warrants, according to The Star's findings, which were confirmed by Black.", "\"Some of the people may be tired of doing that [working 16 hours] because they don't spend time with their families.", "Some have problems at home because they don't spend time with their kids and spouses, therefore they become discouraged because this [mandatory overtime] doesn't give them much time to do anything.\"", "At least 20 deputies have left since Black was elected to head the county agency in November 1998, according to department statistics obtained by The Star.", "The agency had 284 sworn deputies and civilian personnel in December 1994.", "As of Wednesday, 192 personnel -- 138 deputies and 54 civilians -- were left, according to the department's data.", "Thousands of warrant orders are issued annually by judges in the county courts.", "For instance, the department received 29,064 criminal orders in 1999, including 6,200 restraining orders on domestic violence cases.", "Besides inadequate staffing, the county's sheriff department has repeatedly failed to meet national accreditation standards, a situation that has deprived the agency of several state and federal grants.", "Other county public safety agencies -- the county police department, fire department and the department of corrections -- are nationally accredited.", "Black said last week that national accreditation for the department is one of his goals.", "\"Let's just say that before I came on board there was no interest in raising the standard, but I want to raise the standard so that we will be seen as a premier law enforcement agency in Prince George's County, in the state and in the country,\" said Black, a former prosecuting attorney in the county's Circuit and District courts.", "\"In order to be accredited we must raise the standards of the office, and in order to do that we must have adequate manpower and adequate funding.\"", "Lack of funds has also denied the agency of adequate computers needed for effective recording and execution of warrants and other personnel details.", "Out of an estimated 200 computers needed in the department, 56 were recently installed.", "A year ago, there were only a few old ones, according to agency statistics.", "The funding problem of the sheriff department can be traced to pending litigation in Charles County that started in the Prince George's County Circuit Court with four separate parties.", "After the county executive decided to slash the department's budget for the fiscal year starting July 1, 1996, then County Sheriff James Aluisi reassigned sheriff deputies from serving \"take-up\" warrants to landlords and tenants to focus on domestic violence cases.", "\"I chose to have my deputies focus on areas where safety and lives of people were involved, rather than serve eviction notices,\" Aluisi said Wednesday.", "\"It's not true that the county was having financial problem because other agencies kept their budget while I had a 40 percent reduction of my budget, and the county's financial officer testified in court that there were funds.\"", "Months before the 1996 fiscal year started, Southern Management -- owners of a county apartment complex -- sued the sheriff department and the office of the county executive for failure to serve warrants for eviction notices promptly, making it difficult for them and other landlords to remove defaulting tenants.", "They argued that they were losing money because the affected tenants lived in the apartment without paying their rents.", "Aluisi responded by suing the office of the county executive for not providing him with adequate funds needed to hire enough personnel for the department.", "The apartment owners later withdrew the suit against the county when the office of the county executive explained to them that the sheriff department had enough funds to serve the warrants since the budget cut would not be effective until July, according to county attorney Sean Wallace.", "The office of the county executive then counter", "sued the sheriff department and the state separately.", "In one suit, it alleged that Aluisi was mismanaging the department.", "In the other suit, it insisted that the state was responsible for paying the services of sheriff deputies in the courthouse.", "\"I found out that the state of Maryland was legislatively responsible to pay the cost of security in the District Court since 1971, but the people of Prince George's County have been paying the cost of District Court security,\" County Executive Wayne Curry said Jan. 10.", "\"We are the only jurisdiction treated that way, so I went [to Annapolis] and asked for help, for the state to pay its fair share of the cost of District Court cost.\"", "In 1997, Judge Steven Chappelle, a judge in Charles County, was brought in to handle the case since he was not from the county.", "Chappelle ruled at the Prince George's County Circuit Court that the county was liable for the court costs for sheriff deputies.", "The county appealed, and in June the Appeals Court ruled that while the county was responsible for paying sheriff deputies for serving warrants, the state was responsible for paying for the courthouse security provided by sheriff deputies.", "The order required the state to pay the county more than $100,000 annually in payment dating back to 1971, and to pay for future security provided by the deputies from July 1999.", "The state filed a motion challenging that ruling by the Appeals Court.", "Chappelle will hear the state's motion on Feb. 23 in Charles County Circuit Court.", "Meanwhile, the case against Sheriff Aluisi automatically ended when Black succeeded Aluisi 14 months ago.", "\"It's very distressing because we cannot move the Sheriff's Department forward in dealing with a lot of the warrants and a lot of the vital things that must be taken care of by the department,\" said Del. Joanne C. Benson (D-Dist. 24) of Landover, chair of the county's law enforcement committee, which oversees the salaries of the sheriff department.", "Benson said.", "\"It's very difficult to do it when you don't have adequate staffing but because of the litigation and the way its been handled in court right now they cannot hire the people to do the job.\"", "Black said that despite a problem he described as \"very challenging\" because of the suit that has left him with inadequate personnel, he has accomplished a lot in the area of serving warrants.", "Out of 29,064 criminal warrant orders issued in 1999, 27,501 were served, according to the sheriff department's statistics dated January 5.", "Also, 71 percent of the 6,200 warrant orders issued for domestic violence cases last year were served, while six of the warrants were recalled by the court, according to Sgt. Bill Ament, public information officer at the sheriff department.", "The court recalled six warrants and the Warrants Review Board disposed of 96 warrants, Ament said of the board set up by Sheriff Black to examine the validity of outstanding warrants.", "\"The reality is that we started this initiative with close to 40,000 warrants in January 1999, now we have about 38,000,\" Ament said.", "\"That doesn't sound significant until you consider how much work and personnel are needed to execute one warrant.\"", "When Aliusi sued the county five years ago, his relationship with County Executive Curry went sour.", "On Jan. 10, Curry and Aluisi's successor [Black] hugged publicly and announced that they have formed a new partnership that would resolve the problem.", "\"The new sheriff and I hopefully will be the beneficiary of this unified approach to fairness, to equity and to justice.\"", "Black said he has formed an alliance with Curry and the county council to resolve staffing problems in his department, adding that more computers are being installed at the department to upgrade its technology.", "\"I anticipate that between now and June we'll be hiring more deputies and administrative personnel to enhance the manpower we need,\" Black said.", "## Top Jobs", "See all jobs", "## Search Directories", "Search all directories", "Place a classifieds ad now", "## Resources", "About us", "Contact us", "Gazette jobs", "Prince George's", "## Search Directories", "Search all directories", "or pick a category below to search now", "Pick One", "Childcare Assistance", "Childcare Wanted", "Convalescent Home Offered", "Convalescent Home Wanted", "Day Camps", "Domestic Help Wanted", "Domestic Services Offered", "Music Instruction" ]
{ "id": "train26109", "claim_title": "Prince George's County Sheriff's Office", "claim_section": "History.:1994–2000: Funding cuts and vacancies.", "claim_context": "From December 12, 1994, to January 2000, the PGSO did not hire any new deputies or civilian employees, leaving the agency with 92 vacant positions that needed to be filled. Over that period, 66 deputies left the agency, some retiring routinely, others leaving due to increased workloads caused by vacant positions. In some cases, deputies worked sixteen hours in one day, eight in courtrooms, and eight serving warrants. In December 1994, the agency had 248 deputies, whereas on January 20, 2000, it only had 192 deputies, with 20 leaving from November 1998 to January 2000. In July 1996, the county government decreased the amount of funding the PGSO was receiving. Unlike the PGPD at the time, the PGSO was not nationally accredited and still is not, as of January 2015." }
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He competed in the 20 km individual event at the 1976 Winter Olympics.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Heinrich Mehringer Bio, Stats, and Results | Olympics at", "18 captures", "15 Dec 2012 - 18 Apr 2020", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "The Internet Archive discovers and captures web pages through many different web crawls.", "At any given time several distinct crawls are running, some for months, and some every day or longer.", "View the web archive through the Wayback Machine.", "Collection: Live Web Proxy Crawls", "Content crawled via the Wayback Machine Live Proxy mostly by the Save Page Now feature on", "Liveweb proxy is a component of Internet Archive's wayback machine project.", "The liveweb proxy captures the content of a web page in real time, archives it into a ARC or WARC file and returns the ARC/WARC record back to the wayback machine to process.", "The recorded ARC/WARC file becomes part of the wayback machine in due course of time.", "The Wayback Machine -", "Sports-Reference:", "Baseball ·", "(college) ·", "(college) ·", "Hockey ·", "Olympics ·", "S-R Blog ·", "Question or Comment?", "AD FREE", "You Are Here > OLY Home > Athletes > Heinrich Mehringer", "News: Widgets - Our Stats, Your Site »post", "Support us without the ads?", "Go Ad-Free.", "# Heinrich Mehringer", "Full name: Heinrich Mehringer", "Gender: Male", "Height: 5-10.5 (180 cm)", "Weight: 154 lbs (70 kg)", "Born: February 23, 1952 in Tegernsee, Bayern, Germany", "Affiliations: SC Kreuth, Kreuth, Tegernsee (GER)", "Country: West Germany", "Sport: Biathlon", "## Biography", "Heinrich Mehringer was on the West German biathlon relay team that won a bronze medal at the 1978 World Championships.", "He also competed for West Germany at the 1976 Worlds, the team placing fourth.", "## Results", "1976 Winter", "Men's 20 kilometres", "West Germany", "1976 Winter", "Men's 4 × 7.5 kilometres Relay", "West Germany", "## Men's 20 kilometres", "Event History", "S1T", "S2T", "S3T", "S4T", "1976 Winter", "West Germany", "Final Standings", "1-18:49.15", "1-16:49.15", "1-12:44.98", "## Men's 4 × 7.5 kilometres Relay", "Event History", "S1M", "S2M", "1976 Winter", "West Germany", "Final Standings", "id: 95,351" ]
{ "id": "train14085", "claim_title": "Heinrich Mehringer", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "\n Heinrich Mehringer (born 23 February 1952) is a German biathlete." }
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In March 2011, Mushe Semu became party president, succeeding Lidetu.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Emotional Farewell as Lidetu Steps Down - EDP", "Ethiopian Democratic Party", "# Emotional Farewell as Lidetu Steps Down", "March 27, 2011", "Source Ethiopian reporter", "Lidetu Ayelew, president of the Ethiopian Democratic Party (EDP), handed over his role to secretary general of the party, Mushe Semu on the fifth general assembly of the party held Sunday, March 20.", "The decision was made according to the bylaws of the party, which place a four-year, two-term limit to the presidential position, as Mushe disclosed.", "Lidetu came to the position after former party president Dr. Admassu Gebeyehu completed his two terms as party leader four years ago.", "A vote by members of the party had instated Lidetu to the position.", "In his farewell speech, Lidetu claimed that EDP was the only party with term limits on the leadership position.", "\"Opposition parties should exercise leadership transition while still an opposition,\" he proclaimed.", "\"Otherwise, it's foolish to think they will do so once in Arat Kilo [Grand Menelik Palace].\"", "In what seemed to be a summary of the ups and downs Lidetu faced during his tenure in the political limelight – from being labeled the Ethiopian \"Mandella\" to a \"power seeker\" – his farewell was an emotional one.", "He maintained that he was glad with the roles he played in various positions, especially in what he claimed as spearheading the promotion of dialog between the ruling party and opposition camps.", "He also claimed stake in raising the public awareness about matters of the state and rights of citizens, particularly in the run-up to the elections in 2005.", "\"For any [party] envisioning beyond the attainment of political power, that is a great achievement,\" he said.", "He further told gathered party members, well-wishers and the media that his 18 years in politics constituted three quarters of his life so far, and this succession of position does not mean the end of his involvement in Ethiopian politics.", "\"I ravel in it,\" he asserted, \"and I can't just throw it away.", "It's my calling.\"", "The farewell speech concluded with apologies on the part of Lidetu for party members, and of the incumbent, the Ethiopian Peoples' Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), whom he might have offended during his stretch.", "\"You can't please everybody in politics,\" he said in a final note.", "EDP was established 11 years ago.", "Lidetu had served as the general secretary under Admassu's presidency before taking up the role of the presidency.", "Filed Under: English Tagged With: Lidetu Ayalew", "#### Recent Posts", "የኢዴፓ ኦዲትና ኢንስፔክሽን አባላት በኢዴፓ ብሄራዊ ምክር ቤት ላይ የተጣለው እገዳ እንዲነሳ ጠይቁ", "ናሁ ቲቪ – ነጻ ውይይት ከአቶ ልደቱ አያሌው ጋር", "ለኢትዮጵያ ብሄራዊ ምርጫ ቦርድ ሰብሳቢ", "የወቅቱን የኢህአዴግ የስራ አስፈፃሚ ኮሚቴ ግምገማ አስመልክቶ ከኢዴፓ የተሰጠ መግለጫ!", "ENN – ከአቶ ልደቱ አያሌው ጋር የተደረገ ቃለ መጠይቅ (ክፍል 2)", "#### Categories", "Select Category", "ከሌሎች ምንጮች", "ፖሊሲና ደንብ" ]
{ "id": "train48371", "claim_title": "Ethiopian Democratic Party", "claim_section": "Electoral performance.", "claim_context": "It was one of the few to take their seats in parliament, splitting with the remainder of the coalition. \n There were soon inner power struggles within the CUD, however. Former Chairman Hailu Araya had backed the leadership of Berhanu Nega, but was defeated in the Party Congress in August. Lidetu and Mushe were suspended from the CUD Central Council in October, and the party central committee voted to leave the coalition. \n Lidetu was a victim of character assassination and defamation following the 2005 elections by the former CUD leaders. However, the election campaign in 2010 revealed that Lidetu and his party were not behind the unsuccessful unity. Despite this vindication, the party did not win any seats in the election, with the opposition overall winning only one seat. \n UEDP-Medhin at present uses its original name EDP - Ethiopian Democratic Party." }
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They also offer delivery for products at Walmart Canada stores, Staples Canada and M&M Food Market.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Walmart launches 1-hour grocery delivery in GTA with Instacart partnership | CTV News ", "CTV News", "Live Now:", "CTV News Channel", "HOT TOPICS Tourist deaths", "Newlywed death", "Toronto Blue Jays", "### Sections", "CTV News", "Sci-Tech", "Real Estate", "5 Things to Know", "Cannabis Canada", "Politics: Don Martin", "Photo Galleries", "### Sections", "CTV News on the Go", "Captured on Camera", "### Shows", "CTV National News", "Power Play", "CTV QP", "Pop Life", "### LIVE", "CTV News LIVE", "CTV News App", "Video Help", "### Region", "Northern Ontario", "Prince Albert", "Red Deer", "Vancouver Island", "### News Programs", "CTV National News", "### CTV News Channel", "Power Play", "Pop Life", "### Follow CTV News", "### Contact", "Contact CTV News", "### Subscribe", "RSS Feeds", "Breaking news alerts", "### SECTIONS", "About Bell Media", "CTV News App", " Contests", "CTV News Stox", "CTV News Channel", "What's on CTV News Channel", "CTV Schedule", "### BIOS", "CTV National News Team", "CTV News Digital Team", "CTV News Channel", "W5 Team", "# Walmart launches 1-hour grocery delivery in GTA with Instacart partnership", "The Canadian Press", "Published Thursday, September 13, 2018 11:07AM EDT", "MISSISSAUGA, Ont. --", "Walmart Canada says it is starting to roll out one-hour grocery delivery today for customers in parts of the Greater Toronto Area.", "The discount grocer says it's partnered with Instacart, a California-based company, to provide the service.", "Shoppers use the Instacart website or app to place their order, which is then picked out and delivered by Instacart employees.", "The one-hour delivery offering will expand to Winnipeg on Sept. 27, and possibly to other markets later.", "Walmart Canada already offers next-day delivery, as well as the option to order online and pick up in-store, in parts of the GTA.", "Many Canadian grocers have recently started to grow their e-commerce offerings as they face increased pressure after tech titan Amazon acquired Whole Foods Market.", "Loblaw Companies Ltd. also partnered with Instacart to offer home delivery and plans to \"blanket the country\" with online grocery services this year.", "Sobeys Inc., on the other hand, signed a partnership deal with British company Ocado Group to build a customer fulfillment centre that will store food and automate the food selection process.", "Its service will launch in the GTA in about two years.", "## Related Stories", "Walmart Canada orders 30 more Tesla semi-trucks, aims to shed diesel", "Report Error", "### In-Depth from BNN Bloomberg", "## How to manage and make the most of your personal finances", "## Bubble, boom or bust? Latest real estate news", "## Canada's emerging marijuana industry", "### Top Video", "## Trudeau and Trump talk trade during meeting at G7 summit", "## Brazil military brings aid to wildfire stricken Amazon", "## Anti-immigration billboard supporting Bernier to be removed", "### Don't Miss", "## Polluting the mind: Study on bad air and mental health", "## Colts quarterback Andrew Luck departs NFL in shocking move", "## Here's why Taylor Swift is re-recording her old albums", "### More news from Business", "## China lets currency sink to 11-year low after Trump threats", "Pot gummies a priority for cannabis edibles producers", "Asian shares tumble as U.S.-China trade war renews uncertainty", "Banana industry on alert after disease arrives in Colombia", "Five things to watch for in the Canadian business world this week", "Target teams up with Disney to open shops", "### Join the conversation...", "### BNN BLOOMBERG VIDEOS _", "WATCH:", "Richard Croft's Top Picks", "WATCH:", "Richard Croft's Past Picks", "WATCH:", "Richard Croft's Market Outlook", "WATCH:", "Investors should be turning to fixed income amid this U.S. rate environment: Ian Winer", "### MOST READ", "## Retired Canadian found dead at his home in Mexico", "## Texas newlyweds killed in crash minutes after their marriage", "## 'Jeopardy!' champ scolds 'surprisingly awful Canadians' in Seattle", "## Father of suspected B.C. killer seeks access to video taken before son's death", "## N.C. police handcuff homeowner in his boxers after house alarm accidentally tripped", "## Here's your first look at the trailer for the 'Breaking Bad' movie", "### MOST WATCHED", "## Car causes dramatic crash during high-speed chase", "Air Date: August 25, 2019", "## CTV National News for Sunday, August 25, 2019", "Air Date: August 25, 2019", "## Teen girl attacked at Surrey salon", "Air Date: August 25, 2019", "## CTV National News: Trump and Trudeau meet at G7", "Air Date: August 25, 2019", "## PM Trudeau attends bilateral meetings at G7", "Air Date: August 24, 2019", "## Taylor Swift fighting for her musical liberation", "Air Date: August 25, 2019" ]
{ "id": "train16030", "claim_title": "Instacart", "claim_section": "History.:Partnerships.", "claim_context": "In November 2017, Instacart announced a partnership with Loblaw Companies to begin delivery from select Loblaws, Real Canadian Superstore, and T&T Supermarket locations in Toronto and Vancouver. By the end of 2018, Instacart will deliver from these banners in 16 Canadian markets." }