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The Occupational Information Network (O*NET) cites training and development specialists as having a bright outlook, meaning that the occupation will grow rapidly or have several job openings in the next few years.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: 13-1151.00 - Training and Development Specialists", "Skip navigation", "Occupation Quick Search:", "Updated 2019", "# Summary Report for:13-1151.00 - Training and Development Specialists", "Design and conduct training and development programs to improve individual and organizational performance.", "May analyze training needs.", "The occupation code you requested, 13-1073.00 (Training and Development Specialists), is no longer in use.", "In the future, please use 13-1151.00 (Training and Development Specialists) instead.", "Sample of reported job titles:", "Computer Training Specialist, Corporate Trainer, E-Learning Developer, Job Training Specialist, Management Development Specialist, Senior Instructor, Supervisory Training Specialist, Technical Trainer, Trainer, Training Specialist", "View report: Summary Details Custom", "Tasks | Technology Skills | Tools Used | Knowledge | Skills | Abilities | Work Activities | Detailed Work Activities | Work Context | Job Zone | Education | Credentials | Interests | Work Styles | Work Values | Related Occupations | Wages & Employment | Job Openings | Additional Information", "## Tasks", "5 of 17 displayed", "All 17 displayed", "Assess training needs through surveys, interviews with employees, focus groups, or consultation with managers, instructors, or customer representatives.", "Design, plan, organize, or direct orientation and training programs for employees or customers.", "Offer specific training programs to help workers maintain or improve job skills.", "Present information using a variety of instructional techniques or formats, such as role playing, simulations, team exercises, group discussions, videos, or lectures.", "Obtain, organize, or develop training procedure manuals, guides, or course materials, such as handouts or visual materials.", "Monitor, evaluate, or record training activities or program effectiveness.", "Develop alternative training methods if expected improvements are not seen.", "Evaluate training materials prepared by instructors, such as outlines, text, or handouts.", "Evaluate modes of training delivery, such as in-person or virtual to optimize training effectiveness, training costs, or environmental impacts.", "Keep up with developments in area of expertise by reading current journals, books, or magazine articles.", "Negotiate contracts with clients including desired training outcomes, fees, or expenses.", "Attend meetings or seminars to obtain information for use in training programs or to inform management of training program status.", "Monitor training costs and prepare budget reports to justify expenditures.", "Select and assign instructors to conduct training.", "Schedule classes based on availability of classrooms, equipment, or instructors.", "Supervise, evaluate, or refer instructors to skill development classes.", "Devise programs to develop executive potential among employees in lower-level positions.", "Find occupations related to multiple tasks", "back to top", "## Technology Skills", "5 of 28 displayed Show 6 tools used", "All 28 displayed Show 6 tools used", "Access software — Citrix", "Analytical or scientific software — IBM SPSS Statistics", "Application server software — Oracle WebLogic Server", "Business intelligence and data analysis software — Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition", "Computer based training software — Adobe Systems Adobe Captivate; Articulate Rapid E-Learning Studio; Halogen eLMS; SumTotal Systems ToolBook (see all 48 examples)", "Customer relationship management CRM software — Blackbaud The Raiser's Edge ; Microsoft Dynamics", "Data base management system software — MySQL ; Oracle PL/SQL", "Data base user interface and query software — Blackboard; Data entry software ; FileMaker Pro; Microsoft Access", "Desktop publishing software — Adobe Systems Adobe InDesign ; Microsoft Publisher", "Development environment software — Adobe Systems Adobe ActionScript", "Document management software — Adobe Systems Adobe Acrobat ; HP Trim; Interwoven software", "Electronic mail software — IBM Notes ; Microsoft Outlook", "Enterprise resource planning ERP software — Oracle PeopleSoft ; Oracle PeopleSoft Financials; SAP", "Graphics or photo imaging software — Adobe Systems Adobe Creative Cloud ; Adobe Systems Adobe Illustrator ; Adobe Systems Adobe Photoshop ; Microsoft Visio (see all 6 examples)", "Human resources software — Human resource management software HRMS; Oracle Taleo", "Internet browser software — Web browser software", "Medical software — Epic Systems", "Object or component oriented development software — Advanced business application programming ABAP", "Office suite software — Google Drive ; Microsoft Office", "Operating system software — Oracle Solaris", "Presentation software — Microsoft PowerPoint ; Prezi", "Project management software — Microsoft Project ; Microsoft SharePoint", "Spreadsheet software — Microsoft Excel", "Video conferencing software — Cisco Systems WebEx; Microsoft NetMeeting", "Video creation and editing software — Adobe Systems Adobe AfterEffects ; Apple Final Cut Pro", "Web page creation and editing software — Adobe Systems Adobe Dreamweaver", "Web platform development software — Backbone.js ; Drupal ; Hypertext markup language HTML ; JavaScript (see all 5 examples)", "Word processing software — Microsoft Word", "Hot Technology — a technology requirement frequently included in employer job postings.", "back to top", "## Tools Used", "5 of 6 displayed Show 28 technology skills", "All 6 displayed Show 28 technology skills", "Desktop computers", "Laser printers", "Liquid crystal display projector — Liquid crystal display LCD projectors", "Notebook computers — Laptop computers", "Overhead projectors — Overhead display projectors", "Personal computers", "back to top", "## Knowledge", "5 of 8 displayed", "All 8 displayed", "Education and Training — Knowledge of principles and methods for curriculum and training design, teaching and instruction for individuals and groups, and the measurement of training effects.", "English Language — Knowledge of the structure and content of the English language including the meaning and spelling of words, rules of composition, and grammar.", "Customer and Personal Service — Knowledge of principles and processes for providing customer and personal services.", "This includes customer needs assessment, meeting quality standards for services, and evaluation of customer satisfaction.", "Administration and Management — Knowledge of business and management principles involved in strategic planning, resource allocation, human resources modeling, leadership technique, production methods, and coordination of people and resources.", "Personnel and Human Resources — Knowledge of principles and procedures for personnel recruitment, selection, training, compensation and benefits, labor relations and negotiation, and personnel information systems.", "Communications and Media — Knowledge of media production, communication, and dissemination techniques and methods.", "This includes alternative ways to inform and entertain via written, oral, and visual media.", "Psychology — Knowledge of human behavior and performance; individual differences in ability, personality, and interests; learning and motivation; psychological research methods; and the assessment and treatment of behavioral and affective disorders.", "Sociology and Anthropology — Knowledge of group behavior and dynamics, societal trends and influences, human migrations, ethnicity, cultures and their history and origins.", "back to top", "## Skills", "5 of 21 displayed", "All 21 displayed", "Instructing — Teaching others how to do something.", "Learning Strategies — Selecting and using training/instructional methods and procedures appropriate for the situation when learning or teaching new things.", "Active Listening — Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times.", "Speaking — Talking to others to convey information effectively.", "Monitoring — Monitoring/Assessing performance of yourself, other individuals, or organizations to make improvements or take corrective action.", "Reading Comprehension — Understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work related documents.", "Social Perceptiveness — Being aware of others' reactions and understanding why they react as they do.", "Critical Thinking — Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems.", "Writing — Communicating effectively in writing as appropriate for the needs of the audience.", "Coordination — Adjusting actions in relation to others' actions.", "Judgment and Decision Making — Considering the relative costs and benefits of potential actions to choose the most appropriate one.", "Active Learning — Understanding the implications of new information for both current and future problem-solving and decision-making.", "Service Orientation — Actively looking for ways to help people.", "Time Management — Managing one's own time and the time of others.", "Operations Analysis — Analyzing needs and product requirements to create a design.", "Complex Problem Solving — Identifying complex problems and reviewing related information to develop and evaluate options and implement solutions.", "Persuasion — Persuading others to change their minds or behavior.", "Systems Analysis — Determining how a system should work and how changes in conditions, operations, and the environment will affect outcomes.", "Systems Evaluation — Identifying measures or indicators of system performance and the actions needed to improve or correct performance, relative to the goals of the system.", "Management of Personnel Resources — Motivating, developing, and directing people as they work, identifying the best people for the job.", "Negotiation — Bringing others together and trying to reconcile differences.", "back to top", "## Abilities", "5 of 18 displayed", "All 18 displayed", "Oral Expression — The ability to communicate information and ideas in speaking so others will understand.", "Oral Comprehension — The ability to listen to and understand information and ideas presented through spoken words and sentences.", "Speech Clarity — The ability to speak clearly so others can understand you.", "Written Comprehension — The ability to read and understand information and ideas presented in writing.", "Written Expression — The ability to communicate information and ideas in writing so others will understand.", "Deductive Reasoning — The ability to apply general rules to specific problems to produce answers that make sense.", "Inductive Reasoning — The ability to combine pieces of information to form general rules or conclusions (includes finding a relationship among seemingly unrelated events)", "Near Vision — The ability to see details at close range (within a few feet of the observer).", "Speech Recognition — The ability to identify and understand the speech of another person.", "Originality — The ability to come up with unusual or clever ideas about a given topic or situation, or to develop creative ways to solve a problem.", "Problem Sensitivity — The ability to tell when something is wrong or is likely to go wrong.", "It does not involve solving the problem, only recognizing there is a problem.", "Fluency of Ideas — The ability to come up with a number of ideas about a topic (the number of ideas is important, not their quality, correctness, or creativity).", "Information Ordering — The ability to arrange things or actions in a certain order or pattern according to a specific rule or set of rules (e.g., patterns of numbers, letters, words, pictures, mathematical operations).", "Category Flexibility — The ability to generate or use different sets of rules for combining or grouping things in different ways.", "Far Vision — The ability to see details at a distance.", "Time Sharing — The ability to shift back and forth between two or more activities or sources of information (such as speech, sounds, touch, or other sources).", "Memorization — The ability to remember information such as words, numbers, pictures, and procedures.", "Selective Attention — The ability to concentrate on a task over a period of time without being distracted.", "back to top", "## Work Activities", "5 of 29 displayed", "All 29 displayed", "Training and Teaching Others — Identifying the educational needs of others, developing formal educational or training programs or classes, and teaching or instructing others", "Getting Information — Observing, receiving, and otherwise obtaining information from all relevant sources.", "Establishing and Maintaining Interpersonal Relationships — Developing constructive and cooperative working relationships with others, and maintaining them over time.", "Communicating with Supervisors, Peers, or Subordinates — Providing information to supervisors, co-workers, and subordinates by telephone, in written form, e-mail, or in person.", "Thinking Creatively — Developing, designing, or creating new applications, ideas, relationships, systems, or products, including artistic contributions", "Interacting With Computers — Using computers and computer systems (including hardware and software) to program, write software, set up functions, enter data, or process information.", "Updating and Using Relevant Knowledge — Keeping up-to-date technically and applying new knowledge to your job.", "Making Decisions and Solving Problems — Analyzing information and evaluating results to choose the best solution and solve problems.", "Coaching and Developing Others — Identifying the developmental needs of others and coaching, mentoring, or otherwise helping others to improve their knowledge or skills.", "Interpreting the Meaning of Information for Others — Translating or explaining what information means and how it can be used.", "Organizing, Planning, and Prioritizing Work — Developing specific goals and plans to prioritize, organize, and accomplish your work.", "Analyzing Data or Information — Identifying the underlying principles, reasons, or facts of information by breaking down information or data into separate parts.", "Developing Objectives and Strategies — Establishing long-range objectives and specifying the strategies and actions to achieve them.", "Provide Consultation and Advice to Others — Providing guidance and expert advice to management or other groups on technical, systems-, or process-related topics.", "Developing and Building Teams — Encouraging and building mutual trust, respect, and cooperation among team members.", "Documenting/Recording Information — Entering, transcribing, recording, storing, or maintaining information in written or electronic/magnetic form", "Identifying Objects, Actions, and Events — Identifying information by categorizing, estimating, recognizing differences or similarities, and detecting changes in circumstances or events.", "Evaluating Information to Determine Compliance with Standards — Using relevant information and individual judgment to determine whether events or processes comply with laws, regulations, or standards.", "Scheduling Work and Activities — Scheduling events, programs, and activities, as well as the work of others.", "Selling or Influencing Others — Convincing others to buy merchandise/goods or to otherwise change their minds or actions.", "Monitor Processes, Materials, or Surroundings — Monitoring and reviewing information from materials, events, or the environment, to detect or assess problems", "Processing Information — Compiling, coding, categorizing, calculating, tabulating, auditing, or verifying information or data.", "Resolving Conflicts and Negotiating with Others — Handling complaints, settling disputes, and resolving grievances and conflicts, or otherwise negotiating with others.", "Communicating with Persons Outside Organization — Communicating with people outside the organization, representing the organization to customers, the public, government, and other external sources.", "This information can be exchanged in person, in writing, or by telephone or e-mail.", "Coordinating the Work and Activities of Others — Getting members of a group to work together to accomplish tasks.", "Judging the Qualities of Things, Services, or People — Assessing the value, importance, or quality of things or people", "Guiding, Directing, and Motivating Subordinates — Providing guidance and direction to subordinates, including setting performance standards and monitoring performance.", "Estimating the Quantifiable Characteristics of Products, Events, or Information — Estimating sizes, distances, and quantities; or determining time, costs, resources, or materials needed to perform a work activity.", "Monitoring and Controlling Resources — Monitoring and controlling resources and overseeing the spending of money.", "back to top", "## Detailed Work Activities", "5 of 15 displayed", "All 15 displayed", "Coordinate training activities.", "Develop training materials.", "Conduct surveys in organizations.", "Train personnel to enhance job skills.", "Evaluate training programs, instructors, or materials.", "Evaluate effectiveness of personnel policies or practices.", "Update professional knowledge.", "Negotiate contracts with clients or service providers.", "Monitor financial indicators.", "Prepare financial documents, reports, or budgets.", "Supervise employees.", "Train personnel on managerial topics.", "Coordinate personnel recruitment activities.", "Advise others on human resources topics.", "Train personnel in organizational or compliance procedures.", "Find occupations related to multiple detailed work activities", "back to top", "## Work Context", "5 of 21 displayed", "All 21 displayed", "Electronic Mail — 97% responded \"Every day.\"", "Telephone — 77% responded \"Every day.\"", "Face-to-Face Discussions — 74% responded \"Every day.\"", "Indoors, Environmentally Controlled — 83% responded \"Every day.\"", "Work With Work Group or Team — 64% responded \"Extremely important.\"", "Contact With Others — 60% responded \"Constant contact with others.\"", "Coordinate or Lead Others — 44% responded \"Extremely important.\"", "Freedom to Make Decisions — 42% responded \"Some freedom.\"", "Duration of Typical Work Week — 53% responded \"More than 40 hours.\"", "Structured versus Unstructured Work — 44% responded \"Some freedom.\"", "Public Speaking — 56% responded \"Once a week or more but not every day.\"", "Importance of Being Exact or Accurate — 42% responded \"Very important.\"", "Time Pressure — 56% responded \"Once a week or more but not every day.\"", "Spend Time Sitting", "— 47% responded \"About half the time.\"", "Letters and Memos — 37% responded \"Once a week or more but not every day.\"", "Physical Proximity — 39% responded \"Slightly close (e.g., shared office).\"", "Responsibility for Outcomes and Results — 33% responded \"", "High responsibility.\"", "Impact of Decisions on Co-workers or Company Results — 39% responded \"Important results.\"", "Frequency of Decision Making — 39% responded \"Once a week or more but not every day.\"", "Frequency of Conflict Situations — 47% responded \"Once a month or more but not every week.\"", "Level of Competition — 64% responded \"Moderately competitive.\"", "back to top", "## Job Zone", "Job Zone Four: Considerable Preparation Needed", "Most of these occupations require a four-year bachelor's degree, but some do not.", "Related Experience", "A considerable amount of work-related skill, knowledge, or experience is needed for these occupations.", "For example, an accountant must complete four years of college and work for several years in accounting to be considered qualified.", "Job Training", "Employees in these occupations usually need several years of work-related experience, on-the-job training, and/or vocational training.", "Job Zone Examples", "Many of these occupations involve coordinating, supervising, managing, or training others.", "Examples include real estate brokers, sales managers, database administrators, graphic designers, chemists, art directors, and cost estimators.", "SVP Range", "(7.0 to < 8.0)", "back to top", "## Education", "Percentage of Respondents", "Education Level Required", "Bachelor's degree", "Master's degree", "Post-baccalaureate certificate", "back to top", "## Credentials", "back to top", "## Interests", "All 4 displayed", "Interest code: SAC", "Want to discover your interests?", "Take the O*NET Interest Profiler at My Next Move.", "Social — Social occupations frequently involve working with, communicating with, and teaching people.", "These occupations often involve helping or providing service to others.", "Artistic — Artistic occupations frequently involve working with forms, designs and patterns.", "They often require self-expression and the work can be done without following a clear set of rules.", "Conventional — Conventional occupations frequently involve following set procedures and routines.", "These occupations can include working with data and details more than with ideas.", "Usually there is a clear line of authority to follow.", "Enterprising — Enterprising occupations frequently involve starting up and carrying out projects.", "These occupations can involve leading people and making many decisions.", "Sometimes they require risk taking and often deal with business.", "back to top", "## Work Styles", "5 of 16 displayed", "All 16 displayed", "Cooperation — Job requires being pleasant with others on the job and displaying a good-natured, cooperative attitude.", "Dependability — Job requires being reliable, responsible, and dependable, and fulfilling obligations.", "Initiative — Job requires a willingness to take on responsibilities and challenges.", "Adaptability/Flexibility — Job requires being open to change (positive or negative) and to considerable variety in the workplace.", "Integrity — Job requires being honest and ethical.", "Attention to Detail — Job requires being careful about detail and thorough in completing work tasks.", "Self Control — Job requires maintaining composure, keeping emotions in check, controlling anger, and avoiding aggressive behavior, even in very difficult situations.", "Achievement/Effort — Job requires establishing and maintaining personally challenging achievement goals and exerting effort toward mastering tasks.", "Concern for Others — Job requires being sensitive to others' needs and feelings and being understanding and helpful on the job.", "Independence — Job requires developing one's own ways of doing things, guiding oneself with little or no supervision, and depending on oneself to get things done.", "Persistence — Job requires persistence in the face of obstacles.", "Leadership — Job requires a willingness to lead, take charge, and offer opinions and direction.", "Social Orientation — Job requires preferring to work with others rather than alone, and being personally connected with others on the job.", "Stress Tolerance — Job requires accepting criticism and dealing calmly and effectively with high stress situations.", "Analytical Thinking — Job requires analyzing information and using logic to address work-related issues and problems.", "Innovation — Job requires creativity and alternative thinking to develop new ideas for and answers to work-related problems.", "back to top", "## Work Values", "All 3 displayed", "Relationships — Occupations that satisfy this work value allow employees to provide service to others and work with co-workers in a friendly non-competitive environment.", "Corresponding needs are Co-workers, Moral Values and Social Service.", "Achievement — Occupations that satisfy this work value are results oriented and allow employees to use their strongest abilities, giving them a feeling of accomplishment.", "Corresponding needs are Ability Utilization and Achievement.", "Independence — Occupations that satisfy this work value allow employees to work on their own and make decisions.", "Corresponding needs are Creativity, Responsibility and Autonomy.", "back to top", "## Related Occupations", "5 of 10 displayed", "All 10 displayed", "11-2021.00", "Marketing Managers", "11-2031.00", "Public Relations and Fundraising Managers", "11-3121.00", "Human Resources Managers", "11-3131.00", "Training and Development Managers", "Bright Outlook", "11-9199.01", "Regulatory Affairs Managers", "13-1071.00", "Human Resources Specialists", "13-1111.00", "Management Analysts", "13-1161.00", "Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists", "21-1091.00", "Health Educators", "25-1122.00", "Communications Teachers, Postsecondary", "back to top", "## Wages & Employment Trends", "Median wages (2018)", "$29.26 hourly, $60,870 annual", "State wages", "Employment (2016)", "283,000 employees", "Projected growth (2016-2026)", "Faster than average (10% to 14%)", "Projected job openings (2016-2026)", "State trends", "Top industries (2016)", "Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services", "Health Care and Social Assistance", "Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics 2018 wage data", "and 2016-2026 employment projections", "\"Projected growth\" represents the estimated change in total employment over the projections period (2016-2026).", "\"Projected job openings\" represent openings due to growth and replacement.", "back to top", "## Job Openings on the Web", "back to top", "## Sources of Additional Information", "All 1 displayed", "Disclaimer:", "Sources are listed to provide additional information on related jobs, specialties, and/or industries.", "Links to non-DOL Internet sites are provided for your convenience and do not constitute an endorsement.", "Occupational Outlook Handbook: Training and development specialists", "back to top", "Was this page helpful?", "Job Seeker Help", "(", "Share:", "Link to Us", "Cite this Page", "13-1151.00 - Training and Development Specialists by U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.", "Follow us:", "About this Site", "• Privacy", "• Disclaimer", "Site updated August 6, 2019" ]
{ "id": "train25213", "claim_title": "Training and development", "claim_section": "Occupation.", "claim_context": "" }
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Her alternate costumes were not a high priority for the team, so their artists had high creative freedom.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: The 3rd Birthday Interview Dives Into The Game With Director Hajime Tabata | Siliconera", "40 captures", "20 Mar 2011 - 23 Sep 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Alexa Crawls", "Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive.", "Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.", "Collection: Alexa Crawls", "Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive.", "Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.", "The Wayback Machine -", "Got a Tip?", "# The 3rd Birthday Interview Dives Into The Game With Director Hajime Tabata", "By Spencer . March 16, 2011 . 5:39pm", "After finishing Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, Hajime Tabata went on to reimagine Aya Brea, the lead character in the Parasite Eve series.", "Since ten years have lapsed since the last game in the series Tabata and the team decided to focus on Aya's return.", "The Parasite Eve series has many fans.", "How do you feel about the fan expectations?", "Hajime Tabata, Director:", "We also had many fans in Japan who were very excited about the return of Aya.", "I hope we can continue to develop Aya with our dedicated fan base.", "As a character, how did you envision Aya Brea in The 3rd Birthday?", "Regardless of the game being on the PSP, we challenged ourselves to portray Aya in a realistic manner in every aspect of the game.", "As a result, I think we were able to develop Aya's distinctive characteristics in a realistic fashion.", "What inspired The 3rd Birthday's story?", "There was a 10 year gap after the release of PE2, and we couldn't simply create a sequel, so we decided to create a title for Aya's return.", "For that reason, we believed that in order for Aya to stand apart on her own, we needed to reimagine Aya and not create a simple reboot of the PE series.", "The story evolved around this concept of \"Aya's comeback.\"", "How did you come up with the designs for the costumes?", "Some of the costumes were designed to get through the more difficult game modes, but because they were designed as bonus features (Easter eggs), there were no specific inspirations for the designs.", "The artists (which we had several of) were able to design the costumes with creative freedom.", "However, the fundamental requirement was for the costumes to be interesting, stand out on the PSP system, and maintain a sense of realism when damaged/torn.", "The 3rd Birthday and Mindjack use a similar body switching mechanic.", "Were you aware Mindjack was in development?", "I found out about Mindjack during the development of this title, but that did not affect our production.", "The Overdive System is the integral feature in this title, while also being a vital tactical action necessary to progression.", "It is also a way in which to obtain DNA that strengthens Aya.", "Therefore, the Overdive System and Mindjack's system are fundamentally different in terms of the approach in design.", "How did you design levels to utilize body switching?", "We created each stage while focusing on minute details and elements, while asking questions like \"What types of surprises are in store?\", \"How often will a player need to use the Overdive System to get through a stage?\", \"How much pressure should be applied to the player?\", \"Which enemies should appear?\", \"What about the timing and placing of enemy encounters?\" when deciding upon the layout and direction for each 3D map.", "What was the most difficult part about developing a third person shooter?", "Realizing the hardware and control limitations of the PSP, the game was designed to have firearms as the fundamental attack action within a lock-on action system.", "That's why the development differs from the development of a traditional TPS game.", "We also faced many difficulties outside of development.", "If you had more development time what would you have added to the game?", "If we had been given more time on this project from the beginning, we would have switched platforms from the PSP to a home console.", "I would have then liked to have created a shooting-based survival RPG game, where the player is placed in an even more desperate situation, facing insurmountable odds and having to continually fight to survive.", "What would you like to do with the next game?", "As I mentioned earlier, if given the opportunity to create another game within this franchise, I would like to create what I call a \"cinematic shooter RPG\" on a home console of the highest quality possible.", "We've successfully revamped the series with this title [The 3rd Birthday], so I'm certain that we can have Aya Brea flourish in a subsequent game as the fans are garnering for.", "For your fans, please tell us something new about Final Fantasy Type-0.", "Nothing has been decided upon yet for the North American release.", "However, Final Fantasy Type-0 is a challenging game of high quality.", "Therefore, everyone on the staff hopes gamers around the world give it a try and really enjoy the experience, so we hope to have your continued support!", "Read more stories about Hexadrive & Interviews & PSP & Square Enix & The 3rd Birthday on Siliconera.", "Be Careful, Aya!", "There Are Twisted EverywhereThe 3rd Birthday Director Would Make T3B A Console Game, If He Had More TimeUse Aya's Sniper Rifle To Scan For Weak Points In The 3rd BirthdayAn Overload Of Screenshots From The 3rd Birthday", "\"We also had many fans in Japan who were very excited about the return of Aya.", "I hope we can continue to develop Aya with our dedicated fan base.\"", "great to see many fans are picking up the series(such as myself)", "\"that in order for Aya to stand apart on her own, we needed to reimagine Aya and not create a simple reboot of the PE series.", "The story evolved around this concept of \"Aya's comeback.\"", "well she looks sexier now if you ask me :P", "\"The Overdive System is the integral feature in this title, while also being a vital tactical action necessary to progression.", "It is also a way in which to obtain DNA that strengthens Aya\"", "love the overdrive system, the diving feature is one of my favorite moves ^^", "im actually surprised they did not mention Deus Ex HR in the customization part.", "i feel they have some sort of connection to be honest O_O", "Transhumanism and Mitochondria :D", "\"I would like to create what I call a \"cinematic shooter RPG\" on a home console of the highest quality possible.\"", "yes please, i want my Aya Shower Scene on HD!!!!!!!!!!! :D", "Omegosh, I read the whole comment then LOL'd at the end >.<", "…Contrary to what I said I'd do, I read the story synopsis for 3rd Birthday", "People, CITIZENS OF SILICONERA!!!", "Empower me.", "Grant me your burning hearts and firey spirits so that I may dispense divine judgment, and neutralize this injustice from the world we love!", "Citizens…", "….WEAPOOOOONS!!!", "…*waits for everyone to give me weapons*", "agreed, they botched it up in ways I never imagined they could do.", "-hands over the Masamune-", "[The Hunter] Doomrider", "Go forth, Champion of Siliconera! Wield my spear proudly, for it will assist you in your noble task!", "Here my son.", "I give to you the greatest weapon that ever exists, wield it wisely for it has within it the power to tear asunder a million worlds", "*Presents to you the Excalipoor*", "No way that guy is so annoying. :P", "]", "[!.jpg]", " Charles Lupula", "Get your own weapon.", "This one's mine.", " Dave Vileta", "Maybe this is only because the interviewee's thoughts were translated, but Tabata was particularly brief on details.", "And I find this is true of many interviews with Japanese developers.", "They often make obvious statements like \"We hope/want to…\" or \"I'm certain that…\", followed by something we were already well aware of, or could've easily inferred.", "Is this merely a Japanese sensibility?", "Their way of saying \"further info is confidential\"?", " Gmoya Jp", "I love the PE series it's one of my generation series XD!", "4rd best series next to FF MANA CHRONO -PE!", "cant wait to get this also!", "Pretty weak interview, to be honest.", "You should have been more aggressive.", "Why did he turn Aya into a fanservice symbol?", "Why did he RUIN THE PLOT?", "Etcetera.", "Did he even play the first two games?", "Somehow, I doubt it.", "Interesting interview.", "I haven't actually played any of the games yet but since they're on PSN, I can finally get them!", "… the last bit worries me a bit, though.", "I thought Type-0 was pretty much set to be released outside Japan eventually?", "Video game stories from other sites on the web.", "These links leave Siliconera.", "### Popular", "Dead Or Alive 5 Ultimate Will Also Be Released As A Freemium Game For PS3", "Here Are First HD Screenshots Of Tales of Symphonia Chronicles", "A Young Engineer Meets A Cyborg Girl In This JRPG", "Tekken's Lily Returns In Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode's New Episode", "Capcom Made Chibi Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies Characters", "Scorpion To Join Injustice: Gods Among Us As DLC, Martian Manhunter Teased", "Linca And Marion From Atelier Ayesha Are In Atelier Escha & Logy", "Shin Megami Tensei IV Was Made To Show That Social Games Aren't Everything" ]
{ "id": "train24371", "claim_title": "The 3rd Birthday", "claim_section": "Development.", "claim_context": "Nomura was among the first to suggest this feature originally. \n Nomura worked on the character designs for the main cast. He was originally only going to work on Aya and Eve, but after seeing the settings for the other characters, he offered to design them too. The team wanted to emphasize the character's sexuality. As part of this, the team included a scene where Aya takes a shower. This was inspired by a similar scene in \"Parasite Eve II\". When the title was being developed for PSP, the team's main challenge with the character was to make her look as realistic as possible while retaining her established physical traits. Using this new realism, the team wanted to portray the fear felt by humans when faced with such threats through Aya. Achieving this realism proved one of the most difficult aspects of development." }
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The following year, the game was named Game Design of the Year at the Korea Games Conference and won the Global Award from Japan Game Awards 2012 at the Tokyo Game Show.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Sledgehammer Games | Blog: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Awarded Game Design of the Year by The Korea Games Conference", "(meta data) AUTHOR: Sledgehammer", "14 captures", "30 Nov 2012 - 14 Mar 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Alexa Crawls", "Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive.", "Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.", "Collection: Alexa Crawls", "Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive.", "Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.", "The Wayback Machine -", "# Home", "###### Sign up for Updates", "Contact Us", "## Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Awarded Game Design of the Year by The Korea Games Conference", "The Korea Games Conference winners were selected today, and we're proud to announce that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 was awarded the top honor for Game Design of the Year.", "We're extremely happy that Michael Condrey and Joe Salud were in attendance at the show, and were able to accept the award on behalf of everyone at Sledgehammer Games.", "We'd like to thank all the developers that worked on the game, and the support we constantly receive from fans and communities across the world.", "From everyone at the studio, thanks to the officials at Korea Games Conference for this honor.", "Written by Sledgehammer Games", "Categories Modern Warfare 3", "« Return to Blog", "### Categories", "PeopleCultureModern Warfare 3Question of the Week", "View all", "### Contributors", "###### Glen Schofield", "GM/CEO", "###### Michael Condrey", "######", "VP/COO", "Terms of Use", "Privacy Policy", "© 2010 Activision Publishing, Inc.", "Activision and Sledgehammer Games are registered trademarks of Activision Publishing, Inc.", "All rights Reserved", "(meta data) TITLE: Sledgehammer Games | Blog: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Awarded Game Design of the Year by The Korea Games Conference", "(meta data) AUTHOR: Sledgehammer", "14 captures", "30 Nov 2012 - 14 Mar 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Alexa Crawls", "Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive.", "Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.", "Collection: Alexa Crawls", "Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive.", "Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.", "The Wayback Machine -", "# Home", "###### Sign up for Updates", "Contact Us", "## Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Awarded Game Design of the Year by The Korea Games Conference", "The Korea Games Conference winners were selected today, and we're proud to announce that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 was awarded the top honor for Game Design of the Year.", "We're extremely happy that Michael Condrey and Joe Salud were in attendance at the show, and were able to accept the award on behalf of everyone at Sledgehammer Games.", "We'd like to thank all the developers that worked on the game, and the support we constantly receive from fans and communities across the world.", "From everyone at the studio, thanks to the officials at Korea Games Conference for this honor.", "Written by Sledgehammer Games", "Categories Modern Warfare 3", "« Return to Blog", "### Categories", "PeopleCultureModern Warfare 3Question of the Week", "View all", "### Contributors", "###### Glen Schofield", "GM/CEO", "###### Michael Condrey", "######", "VP/COO", "Terms of Use", "Privacy Policy", "© 2010 Activision Publishing, Inc.", "Activision and Sledgehammer Games are registered trademarks of Activision Publishing, Inc.", "All rights Reserved" ]
{ "id": "train32497", "claim_title": "Michael Condrey", "claim_section": "Career.", "claim_context": "The following year, his senior thesis on applying biotechnology to conservation biology was published in the \"Molecular Ecology\". After serving as scuba diving instructor and boat captain in the Cayman Islands, he began work on a graduate degree in Seattle. It was there that launched his game development career, beginning with a summer job at Electronic Arts during the peak of Seattle's gaming explosion. Condrey later relocated to Redwood City at the EA-owned studio Visceral Games, where he became studio chief operations officer, as well as senior development director on the 2008 title \"Dead Space\". He also worked on three other successful EA franchises: Need for Speed, FIFA, and the James Bond game series. \n In November 2009, Condrey and Visceral Games colleague Glen Schofield founded Sledgehammer Games, a subsidiary of Activision operating under the company's independent studio model. Condrey likened the opportunity to work with Activision and \"Call of Duty\" to a baseball player getting a call from the New York Yankees or a filmmaker hearing from Steven Spielberg After an initial attempt to create their own \"Call of Duty\" title, Condrey and Schofield collaborated with Infinity Ward on \"Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3\". The game grossed $1 billion in worldwide sales in its first 16 days and took the Best Shooter prize at the 2011 Spike Video Game Awards." }
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That same year he resigned his Fellowship to become President of Queen's College in Galway.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Our History & Heritage - NUI Galway", "NUI Galway", "#### Courses", "Choosing a course is one of the most important decisions you'll ever make!", "View our courses and see what our students and lecturers have to say about the courses you are interested in at the links below.", "View Courses", "University Life", "#### University Life", "Each year more than 4,000 choose NUI Galway as their University of choice.", "Find out what life at NUI Galway is all about here.", "Read about life at NUI Galway", "About NUI Galway", "#### About NUI Galway", "Since 1845, NUI Galway has been sharing the highest quality teaching and research with Ireland and the world.", "Find out what makes our University so special – from our distinguished history to the latest news and campus developments.", "About NUI Galway", "Colleges & Schools", "#### Colleges & Schools", "NUI Galway has earned international recognition as a research-led university with a commitment to top quality teaching across a range of key areas of expertise.", "Colleges and Schools", "Research & Innovation", "#### Research & Innovation", "NUI Galway's vibrant research community take on some of the most pressing challenges of our times.", "Business & Industry", "#### Guiding Breakthrough Research at NUI Galway", "We explore and facilitate commercial opportunities for the research community at NUI Galway, as well as facilitating industry partnership.", "Alumni, Friends & Supporters", "#### Alumni, Friends & Supporters", "There are over 90,000 NUI Galway graduates Worldwide, connect with us and tap into the online community.", "Community Engagement", "#### Community Engagement", "At NUI Galway, we believe that the best learning takes place when you apply what you learn in a real world context.", "That's why many of our courses include work placements or community projects.", "Real Learning", "### Gateway Pages", "Prospective Students", "Current Students", "OÉ Gaillimh", "### Quicklinks", "OÉ Gaillimh", "AHigh Contrast", "Students & Staff", "#### Students", "Office 365 (Email)", "Student Information Desk", "Fees & Grants", "Academic Skills Hub", "Student Services", "Student Volunteering", "Students' Union", "#### Staff", "Office 365 (Email)", "Campus Directory", "Financial Management (Agresso)", "Academic Records", "Human Resources", "Academic Terms Dates", "Information Solutions & Services (IT Services)", "Buildings & Estates", "Committees' Intranet", "Service Desk", "Colleges & Schools", "About NUI Galway▻Who We Are", "▻Our History & Heritage", "# Our History & Heritage", "Expand all", "## Our History", "From Queen's College to National University of Ireland, the University's past is intertwined with the history of Galway and Ireland.", "## Early Beginnings", "The Quadrangle first opened its doors to 68 students on 30th October 1849 and the University, then known as Queen's College was born.", "The University was one of three Queen's Colleges, the others located in Cork and Belfast.", "The Quadrangle building, built in local limestone in a Tudor Gothic architectural style, is modelled on Christ Church at the University of Oxford.", "The 'Quad' still stands proudly at the heart of the University today as a testament to its past.", "It is now used primarily for administrative purposes and houses the offices of the President and the Vice-Presidents.", "In the first academic year, 1849 -1850, the University began with three faculties, Arts, Medicine and Law but there were also schools of Agriculture and Engineering.", "Female students later joined the student body and in 1906 Alice Perry graduated from the college, believed to be the first female engineering graduate in the world to receive a first class honours degree in civil engineering", "There are many historical buildings on campus, such as the James Mitchell Museum, established in 1952.", "This geological museum contains high quality collections sampling a significant diversity of the planet's geology, with a fine display of fossils, minerals and rocks.", "## Changing with the Times", "The University has had three different names:", "In 1849, it was called Queen's College Galway", "In 1908, it was changed to University College Galway, or UCG for short", "In 1997, it was changed again to National University of Ireland Galway, or NUI Galway for short", "Newer parts of the University sprang up in the 1970s, including the iconic Arts/Science Concourse designed by architects Scott Tallon Walker.", "The 1990s also saw considerable development including the conversion of an old munitions factory into a student centre.", "Since 2000, the University has invested €400 million in new buildings and facilities across campus.", "The early 2000s saw the addition of the Cairnes Building, Áras Moyola and the award-winning Engineering Building, all located in the north campus.", "In recent years, we have added:", "a new Biomedical Science research centre", "the Institute for Lifecourse and Society", "the O'Donoghue Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance", "and the new Human Biology building", "As the capital development programme draws to a close, we are adding new residences on campus for over 900 students, as well as developing the Quadrangle - our very first building - into a centre for public and civic engagement.", "## University Presidents through the Years", "###", "Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh - 2018-", "Professor Ó hÓgartaigh's term of office commenced in January 2018.", "A native of Galway city and a graduate of NUI Galway, Professor Ó hÓgartaigh came to the University from UCD, where he was Professor of Accounting and Dean of Business at UCD.", "### Dr. James Browne - 2008-2018", "An Engineering graduate of NUI Galway, Dr. Browne is a former Dean of Engineering and Deputy-President of the University with a record of achievement in academic leadership, strategic planning and change management.", "###", "Dr. Iognáid G. Ó Muircheartaigh - 2000-2008", "Dr. Ó Muircheartaigh's term co-incided with development of a number of world-class research centres (eg. NCBES, REMEDI, DERI, Huston School of Film & Digital Media) and the construction of major new buildings, such as the Sports Centre, Áras Moyola, the IT Building and the Orbsen Building.", "Widely known as 'Iggy', key achievements of his term include a new approach to the promotion of third level education through Irish and the amendment of the 1929 Act.", "### Dr. Patrick F. Fottrell - 1996-2000", "Dr. Fottrell introduced the first strategic plan for the university in 1997 called Strategic Plan 2006, which resulted in the strengthening of research activities in the university and secured the development of the NUI Galway as a world-class university.", "### Dr. Colm", "ó hEocha, 1975-1996", "Under Dr. ó hEocha's leadership, student numbers doubled, research flourished and the present modern campus took shape.", "### Dr. Martin J. Newell, 1960-1975", "An esteemed professor of Mathematics in UCG, Dr. Newell became President in 1960 and implemented many changes to the University, its campus and particularly to the curriculum by adding many new disciplines.", "### Monsignor Pádraig de Brún, 1945-1959", "Pádraig de Brún, was formerly a professor of Mathematics in Maynooth before he became President of UCG to which he brought his passionate belief in the importance of the Irish language.", "### Monsignor John Hynes, 1934-1945", "John Hynes, a Professor of Archaeology was instrumental in securing funding for UCG at a time of acute financial crisis and ensured the survival of the university.", "### Alexander Anderson, 1899-1934", "Alexander Anderson oversaw the transition from Queen's College Galway, a University of the United Kingdom to UCG, the designated Gaelic University of Saorstát Éireann and an increase in the student body from 100 to 600 people.", "### William Joseph M. Starkie, 1897-1899", "William Starke had a background in Ethics, History, English literature and Classical studies, and during his time as President of UCG, he published many studies on Irish education and the Classics.", "### Thomas William Moffett, 1877-1897", "Thomas William Moffett was a Professor of Logic and Metaphysics and held the chair of History and English Literature before becoming President of UCG.", "He wrote and lectured extensively on Economics.", "### Edward Berwick, 1849-1877", "Edward Berwick ,with a background in Law, led the university through very difficult times and defended Queen's College against its many detractors, so ensuring the survival of the college", "### The Rev. Joseph W. Kirwan, 1845-1849", "A thoughtful and eloquent speaker Rev. Kirwan held a Docorate of Divinity was the first President of Queen's College Galway.", "### Quick facts", "NUI Galway Has Over:", "18,000 students", "3,000 international students from 115 countries", "2,500 staff members", "120 links with universities across the globe", "90,000 alumni in 107 countries", "170 years experience providing university education", "NUI Galway Is:", "Ireland's top University for graduate employability with 96% of our graduates employed or in further study within six months of graduating", "The largest and oldest university in the west of Ireland", "NUI Galway is world leading for research in:", "Biomedical Science and Engineering", "Web Science", "Human Rights", "Marine Science, Energy and Environmental Science", "Applied Social Sciences and Public PolicyHumanities, in particular literature, Theatre and Irish Studies", "Learn More", "### Latest news", "Read the latest news about the University." ]
{ "id": "train19148", "claim_title": "W. J. M. Starkie", "claim_section": "Life.", "claim_context": "He was the fifth son of William Robert Starkie JP (1824–1897) and Francis Powers Starkie. He spent his early years at Creggane Manor in Rosscarbery near Cork with his four older brothers and younger sister, Edyth Starkie, who became a painter and was married to Arthur Rackham. After a short time at Clongowes Wood College he entered Shrewsbury School, Shropshire in 1877 and was the only Roman Catholic in the school. He became one of the Shrewsbury (Rowing) crew and was also Head of School before he went to Trinity College, Cambridge in 1880. Three years later he took his First in the Classical Tripos, and then abandoned the chance of a Fellowship to set off and wander in Italy and Greece. \n On his return to Ireland he chose to lead an academic career. Obliged to begin again as a freshman at Trinity College, Dublin, he won the first classical scholarship, the Berkeley gold medal for Greek and was later awarded the Madden Prize, which allowed him to travel in Palestine and Persia. In 1890, having obtained the highest recorded marks in classics, he became a Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College. In 1897 he published \"The Wasps of Aristophanes\", or \"Vespae\" which became the first of the Aristophanic works which established his distinction in the field." }
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In 2019, the APL proposed Dragonfly mission was selected as the fourth NASA New Frontiers mission.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: NASA selects Titan drone for next New Frontiers mission -", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2019-06-27", "# NASA selects Titan drone for next New Frontiers mission", "by Jeff Foust — June 27, 2019", "NASA's Dragonfly mission will arrive at Titan, Saturn's largest moon, in 2034, flying across its surface to study how the planet's conditions might resemble those on Earth before life formed.", "Credit: NASA/JHUAPL", "WASHINGTON — NASA announced June 27 it will send a spacecraft to Titan, the largest moon of Saturn, to fly across its surface to study how life there, and on the early Earth, could have developed.", "The agency said it selected Dragonfly as the next mission in its New Frontiers line of medium-class planetary science missions.", "Dragonfly was one of two finalists, along with the Comet Astrobiology Exploration SAmple Return (CAESAR) mission, the agency picked in December 2017 for study.", "Dragonfly is scheduled for launch in 2026, arriving at Titan in 2034.", "The spacecraft will touch down in dune fields in the moon's equatorial regions.", "From there Dragonfly, effectively a drone the size of a Mars rover and equipped with eight rotors, will fly from location to location across the surface of the moon.", "Scientists plan to have Dragonfly makes its way to a crater called Selk about 80 kilometers in diameter.", "\"We think that, at Selk Crater, the three ingredients you need for life were mixed together,\" said Curt Niebur, lead program scientist for New Frontiers at NASA, during a NASA webcast announcing the mission.", "Those ingredients are water, organic compounds and energy.", "\"We want to get Dragonfly to that crater so we have a chance to directly investigate what happened when you mix those three things together.\"", "Studying Selk Crater and other locations on Titan should help scientists understand what conditions were like on the early Earth when life formed, he added.", "\"We can't go back in time on Earth and learn the lessons about the chemistry that eventually led to life, but we can go to Titan and we can pursue those questions.\"", "Dragonfly is designed to fly about 175 kilometers across Titan over two and a half years.", "The spacecraft will use a radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG) to generate electrical power, storing it in a battery for use during flight and other mission activities.", "\"Flying on Titan is actually easier than flying on Earth,\" said Elizabeth \"Zibi\" Turtle, the principal investigator for Dragonfly at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab.", "Titan's atmosphere, she said, is four times denser at the surface than on Earth, and the moon's gravity is one-seventh that of Earth.", "\"It's the best way to travel, and the best way to go long distances.\"", "Dragonfly will make extensive use of drone technology developed terrestrially, she said.", "\"This is actually technology that is very mature on Earth,\" she said in a later media teleconference.", "\"Really what we're doing with Dragonfly is innovation, not invention.", "We're applying technologies that already exist to another planet.\"", "Convincing NASA of that, however, was not easy.", "Thomas Zurbuchen, NASA associate administrator for science, said that when the agency received the original Dragonfly proposal, if identified about 10 significant risks in its design.", "\"The science was so compelling that, when we looked at all the risks that were there, and there quite a number of them, we basically said we want to give them a chance.\"", "The Phase A study completed by the Dragonfly team eliminated those risks.", "One concern identified by reviewers was that a \"vacuum cleaner\" system used to collect materials for analysis by instruments inside the spacecraft could get clogged or contaminated by hydrocarbon materials commonplace on Titan.", "Niebur said the mission made \"some big design changes\" to lower the risk of clogging.", "Another area was demonstrating that Dragonfly could fly as expected on Titan, including its ability to fly autonomously.", "\"We can literally test as we fly\" here on Earth, Turtle said.", "\"We can really demonstrate its capability by flying here on Earth before we fly on Titan.\"", "One change from the original proposal is a one-year slip in the mission's launch date, from 2025 to 2026.", "That change will give the Dragonfly team more development time, although doesn't delay the mission's arrival at Titan since the original trajectory had a longer cruise period.", "\"The team could benefit greatly by some additional time to work through some of the challenges,\" Lori Glaze, director of NASA's planetary science division, said.", "\"From our perspective, this gives this mission the greatest chance of success.\"", "NASA hasn't selected a launch vehicle for Dragonfly, and launch costs, along with post-launch operations, aren't included in the $850 million cost cap for this New Frontiers competition.", "Dragonfly will use flybys of Venus and Earth after launch to reach Titan.", "Dragonfly was, anecdotally, the favorite among many planetary scientists over CAESAR.", "That mission would have flown to comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, the same comet studied by the European Space Agency's Rosetta mission, and collected samples of the comet's nucleus for return to Earth.", "Zurbuchen said that he selected Dragonfly for three reasons, one of them being its science.", "\"The science is compelling,\" he said.", "\"We have questions about this world out there, Titan, that frankly only now we know how to ask.\"", "A second factor was the work it did to mitigate risks, and the third was the strong leadership of the mission.", "Zurbuchen praised CAESAR and its team, led by Steve Squyres, best known for being principal investigator for the Mars Exploration Rovers and chairing the latest planetary science decadal survey.", "\"He has been a very aspirational leader for many of us,\" Zurbuchen said of Squyres.", "\"For many of us, he set the standard of what it means to build an integrated team.\"", "CAESAR, or a mission like it, could propose for later competitions, although Glaze said the next New Frontiers competition won't be until about 2022.", "\"Some of the best ideas take multiple shots on goal before they become reality,\" Zurbuchen said.", "DragonflyNASANew FrontiersTitan", "## Most Read", "Chandrayaan-2:", "India's lunar maneuvers continueAir Force soliciting bids for small, medium satellite launch programMarshall selected to lead NASA human lunar lander program", "## Upcoming Events", "#### Upcoming Events", "See Allarrow", "#### Nanotech Conferences", "#### Spaceport Norway 2019", "#### PhiWeek Bootcamp 2019" ]
{ "id": "train11264", "claim_title": "Applied Physics Laboratory", "claim_section": "Research.:Space.", "claim_context": "APL has built and operated many spacecraft, including the TRANSIT navigation system, NEAR, Geosat, ACE, TIMED, CONTOUR, MESSENGER, Van Allen Probes, the New Horizons mission to Pluto, the Parker Solar Probe mission to the outer corona of the Sun, and STEREO." }
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In 2017, Domingo joined Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences as a member of the Actors' Branch.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: The Academy Continues to Push Inclusion with Record 774 Member Invites | IndieWire", "(meta data) AUTHOR:", "Back to IndieWire", "# Barry Jenkins and Jordan Peele Among the 774 Invited to Join the Academy As It Pushes for Inclusion", "## Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele, Elle Fanning, Monica Bellucci, Barry Jenkins, Kristen Stewart and Gal Gadot are among a diverse international group of invites.", "Anne Thompson", "Jun 28, 2017 3:36 pm", "Barry Jenkins", "Daniel Bergeron", "View Gallery26 Photos", "The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences continues its quest to diversify its largely white male membership ranks and Wednesday's announcement of its annual invitation list numbered a record 774.", "Among them are \"Moonlight\" director Barry Jenkins and \"Get Out\" director Jordan Peele.", "(They can both choose between the writer and director branches.)", "Writer-actress-producer Brit Marling (Netflix's \"The OA\") also landed an invite from the writers branch, along with British actor Simon Pegg (\"Shaun of the Dead\").", "Indian stars invited include Aimir Khan, Irrfan Khan, Salman Khan, Amitabh Bachchan and his daughter in law, Aishwarya Rai.", "Other international stars receiving the nod include Monica Bellucci, Maggie Cheung, Gal Gadot, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Naomie Harris, and Rinko Kikuchi.", "READ MORE: Netflix's Next Big Move? Hacking the Oscars", "American adds include Leslie Jones, Kristen Stewart, Dwayne \"The Rock\" Johnson, Colman Domingo, Viggo Mortensen, Mike Mills, Shari Redstone, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Joss Whedon, Elle Fanning, John Cho, Jon Hamm, Donald Glover, Channing Tatum, Rebel Wilson, Keegan-Michael Key, Gil Birmingham, Adam Driver, and Rami Malek.", "Couples making the cut are Anna Faris and Chris Pratt; Carina Lau and Tony Leung; and \"Moonlight\" producer Adele Romanski and cinematographer James Laxton.", "Naomie Harris", "Daniel Bergeron", "Under the leadership of CEO Dawn Hudson and president Cheryl Boone Isaacs, the 90-year-old Academy has been adding more younger members, women, and people of color to its 17 branches.", "But after the 2016 #OscarsSoWhite controversy, the AMPAS became even more aggressive about asking its branch leadership to recommend new members.", "While the Academy seeks candidates who have \"demonstrated exceptional achievement in the field of theatrical motion pictures,\" it's trying to move the needle toward inclusion, even while the industry itself continues to predominantly hire white men.", "It has been slow going.", "Joining the august organization is a singular honor, but many of last year's new members were surprised to learn of their inclusion — mainly because they hadn't applied for membership.", "At the heart of the Academy's complex diversity issue is how much the Oscars reflect the way that the Academy likes to view itself.", "And the Academy voters did far better with their 2017 Oscar nominations than they had the year before, when given 20 opportunities, their 6,000 members failed to nominate any actors of color at all.", "Jon Hamm", "Daniel Bergeron", "Last year, they expanded their invite list and the needle actually moved.", "More than 40 percent were international, from 59 countries around the world.", "These changes were most dramatic in the Academy's largest branch, the actors: 29 percent of its 69 invites were white, versus 68 percent of 2015 invites.", "So this year, the Academy, which now has a membership of 7,000, invited 774 new members.", "Many are international, and 39 percent are women, which would move the total membership to 28 percent.", "People of color comprise 30 percent of the new class, so that they would now represent 13 percent of Academy members.", "Seven branches invited more women than men.", "Now, the question is: What changes will the new membership bring to the Oscar nominations going forward?", "Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news!", "Sign up for our Email Newsletters here.", "Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news!", "Sign up for our Email Newsletters here.", "This Article is related to: Awards and tagged Academy Of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Barry Jenkins, Jordan Peele", "Loading comments...", "## Most Popular", "### 'Spider-Man' Conflict: Stan Lee's Daughter Defends Sony, Says Disney Execs Treated Her Father Horribly", "### 'Captain Marvel': Brie Larson Triggers Fanboys Once Again By Brandishing Thor's Hammer", "### Christina Hendricks Reveals It's Her Hand on the 'American Beauty' Poster", "### Rian Johnson on 'Last Jedi' Backlash: I Honored the Original Trilogy By Subverting It", "## Podcasts", "Listen to these IndieWire podcasts.", "IndieWire: Screen Talk", "### Why 'Parasite' Could Be a Major Oscar Contender — IndieWire's Movie Podcast", "IndieWire: Screen Talk", "### 'The Irishman' Trailer: How This Early Look at Scorsese's Latest Sets Oscar Expectations", "IndieWire: Screen Talk", "### The Emmy Race for Limited Series Promises to Be Just As Dramatic As Its Nominees", "## IndieWire Toolkit", "Interviews with leading film and TV creators about their process and craft.", "### 'Midsommar': How Ari Aster and Pawel Pogorzelski Created a Technicolor Fairy Tale Nightmare", "### How Do Independent Filmmakers Make a Living? 20 BAMcinemaFest Directors on Day Jobs That Pay the Bills", "### Miguel Sapochnik's 'Game of Thrones' Rise: From Pissing Off Creators to Being Their Go-To Director", "Get The Latest IndieWire Alerts And Newsletters Delivered Directly To Your Inbox", "## Newswire", "### Juntos Films Production House Launches in Chile with Ambitious Slate (EXCLUSIVE)", "1 hour ago", "### 'The Mandalorian': See First Trailer for Disney+ 'Star Wars' Series", "Rolling Stone", "9 hours ago", "### President Donald Trump On CNN Hiring Of Andrew McCabe: \"Disgraceful!\"", "6 hours ago", "### Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 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{ "id": "train18141", "claim_title": "Colman Domingo", "claim_section": "Life and career.", "claim_context": "In 2010, Domingo's self-penned, one-man autobiographical play \"A Boy and His Soul\" premiered Off-Broadway at the Vineyard Theater, for which he won a Lucille Lortel Award for Outstanding Solo Show. He was also nominated for a Drama Desk Award and a Drama League Award. \n Domingo starred as Billy Flynn in \"Chicago\", the longest running revival on Broadway, and in the final collaboration by Kander and Ebb of \"The Scottsboro Boys,\" directed by Susan Stroman on Broadway in Fall 2010. For the latter role, he was nominated for the Tony Award for Best Performance by an Actor in a Featured Role in a Musical, in May 2011. When \"The Scottsboro Boys\" opened in London in Fall 2013, Domingo was nominated for the Olivier Award for Best Performance in a Supporting Role in a Musical in April 2014. He was nominated for the Fred Astaire Award for Best Principal Dancer on Broadway in 2011. \n In 2015, Domingo began appearing in a recurring role on AMC's post-apocalyptic, zombie series \"Fear the Walking Dead\", as a character named Victor Strand. In December 2015, it was announced that Domingo was promoted to series regular for Season 2 of the series." }
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Twenty One Pilots first played the song live at the Brixton Academy for their concert "A Complete Diversion", on stage with a flaming car and yellow petals from the original music video.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Everything that went down at Twenty One Pilots' Brixton show", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2018-09-12T22:22:01+00:00", "Link to home", "Music News", "Music Interviews", "Album Reviews", "Album Release Dates", "Live reviews", "Emerging Artists", "New Music", "Film News", "Film Reviews", "Film Blogs", "Film Interviews", "Film Release Dates", "TV News", "TV Blogs", "TV Interviews", "Song Stories", "Basement Sessions", "90 Second Interviews", "NME Special Issues", "Ultimate Music Guides", "History Of Rock", "The Gig Guide", "NME AAA", "NME Radio", "Discount Codes", "Type to search", "Press enter or click on the search icon", "Trending:", "NME Blogs", "# Burning cars and backflips: what went down at Twenty One Pilots' Brixton show", "Hannah Mylrea", "Sep 13, 2018 5:45 pm BST", "Credit: Adam Elmakias", "The Trench era is officially here", "After over a year away, last night Twenty One Pilots' made their triumphant live return at the O2 Academy in Brixton.", "Performing in a fairly intimate venue (at least, compared to their upcoming stadium shows), the duo debuted songs from their fifth album 'Trench' to an army of devoted fans.", "If you couldn't get in, here's what went down:", "### They brought the Heavydirtysoul car", "The beginning of the 'Trench' era was visually marked in the 'Jumpsuit', with the car from the band's 'Heavydirtysoul' video still on fire.", "So for the start of the band's new live experience Tyler and Josh obviously wheeled the car onto the stage at the Brixton academy and lit it on fire.", "Twenty One Pilots put a freaking burning car on stage tonight", "— Jon Mahon (@jonmahonn) September 12, 2018", "twenty one pilots literally had a car on fire on stage ok", "— ᄃΛЯΛ (@stonedangvish) September 13, 2018", "### The new stage show is madly brilliant", "We knew it would be; but the band pulled out all the stops for their one-off show in Brixton.", "Aside from the Heavydirtysoul-car, there was a wicked lightshow, CO2 cannons and a shed-load of Trench-era confetti.", "### The backflips are back", "Because would it be a Twenty One Pilots' show without them?", "View this post on Instagram", "♥️♥️♥️", "A post shared by Emily Carter (@emilycrtr) on Sep 12, 2018 at 3:22pm PDT", "### The yellow confetti is here", "As the band finished with their usual closer, 'Trees'; but instead gone is the red confetti from the last album; instead the finale is now adorned with the yellow 'Trench'-era confetti.", "I love two (2) men covered in yellow confetti✨#ACompleteDiverstion #TwentyOnePilots #TheGroup #Pcas", "— Søme Alien saw tdc ☀️⭕️ (@SomeAlien1) September 13, 2018", "### And now there's going to be a third Wembley show", "The guys used their Brixton show to announce a third date at Wembley Arena next year.", "that after selling out their two Wembley arena shows in three hours, the only thing to do would be to add on another night.", "Tyler told the adoring audience: \"we are coming back in March to play a full thing.", "And we just thought maybe tonight-there's two sold out nights already happening…sold out in like three hours, which is unbelievable.", "But right now, I'm announcing – I talked to Josh on the way over here today and said, \"Hey, let's do a third night\" so we're gonna do a third night.\"", "thanks for hanging out with us tonight in brixton.", "we added a third show at wembley next year.", "register for first access at", "— twenty one pilots (@twentyonepilots) September 12, 2018", "## The setlist was banging", "The first live show of the 'Trench' era featured a truly excellent set list, with live debuts of the four tunes already released from the upcoming album, as well as a host of old favourites.", "Check out footage from last night below:", "Twenty One Pilots // Levitate – Live in London", "", "— Strife Magazine (@StrifeMagazine) September 12, 2018", "Twenty One Pilots – Nico And The Niners // Live in London", "— Strife Magazine (@StrifeMagazine) September 12, 2018", "Twenty One Pilots played:", "Heavydirtysoul (Intro)", "Jumpsuit (live debut)", "Levitate (Live debut)", "We Don't Believe What's on TV", "The Judge", "Nico and the Niners (Live debut)", "Lane Boy", "Holding on to You", "Stressed Out", "My Blood (Live debut)", "Car Radio", "### The Big Read – Brockhampton: \"Shia LaBeouf is our idol and inspiration\"" ]
{ "id": "train22832", "claim_title": "Jumpsuit (song)", "claim_section": "Live performances.", "claim_context": "" }
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In most cases the Steam Machine vendors simply found that there was not as great a market for the product, since it was trying to bridge consoles and home computers, while they found most consumers would flock to one extreme or the other.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: What happened to Steam Machines? | PC Gamer", "(meta data) AUTHOR:", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "THE GLOBAL AUTHORITY ON PC GAMES", "No Man's Sky: Beyond", "Borderlands 3", "Ark: Genesis", "WoW classic", "Upcoming PC Games", "PC Gamer is supported by its audience.", "When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.", "Learn more", "# What happened to Steam Machines?", "In light of Valve removing a link to Steam Machines from the front page of Steam, we've republished this article, originally written in July 2017.", "On September 23rd, 2013, Valve announced SteamOS: A Linux-based operating system just for PC gaming.", "Two days later, it hit us with another surprise: Steam Machines, a line of pre-built PCs from multiple manufacturers that would sit under our TVs like consoles and run this new OS.", "Forget PlayStations and Xboxes and especially Windows 8, which Valve boss Gabe Newell called \"a catastrophe for everyone in the PC space.\"", "Valve was going to invade the living room with an open-source island that Microsoft couldn't control.", "##### DIY Steam Machine", "Want to build your own Steam Machine?", "Check out our gaming PC build guide.", "The announcement was received well, but just under four years later, Steam Machines have hardly taken off.", "Alienware still has one starting at $450, Syber is selling them with GTX 1060s, and 3XS offers custom SteamOS builds.", "But's Steam Machine is no longer for sale.", "The Maingear Drift now defaults to Windows, with SteamOS as a secondary option.", "The Zotac NEN is out of stock on Newegg, with a few available on Amazon for nearly a grand a piece.", "The Digital Storm Eclipse is listed as 'coming soon' on Steam, but has already come and gone.", "\"Nobody was buying it with SteamOS,\" Digital Storm marketing manager Rajeev Kuruppu tells me over the phone.", "The manufacturer had already been building the Eclipse—which is still available with Windows—when Valve pitched SteamOS, and added a Steam Machine build mid-project.", "That version has since been axed, and Digital Storm no longer has an active relationship with Valve.", "\"I think over time as the demand from customers wasn't there we basically had no reason to speak with Valve,\" says Kuruppu.", "Digital Storm is still open to working with Valve, so long as its customers want what Valve is putting out.", "Right now, they don't.", "## The timeline", "SteamOS isn't dead.", "Its most recent update came just last month, and a few newer games such as XCOM 2, Stardew Valley, and Hollow Knight support it.", "But the Steam Machine revolution never came to pass.", "After speaking to three PC builders and collecting news stories from the past four years, I've put together a brief timeline to illuminate what happened to the project that was going to put Steam at the center of PC gaming.", "September 2013: SteamOS, Steam Machines, and the Steam Controller are announced.", "December 2013: SteamOS 1.0 'alchemist' releases.", "It's buggy and missing features, essentially offering a hard-to-install Steam Big Picture Mode over a generic Debian desktop, with some third-party drivers.", "It also doesn't support AMD graphics cards.", "January 2014:", "An update to SteamOS alchemist adds AMD graphics support.", "May 2014:", "The Steam Controller is delayed to 2015.", "June 2014:", "The Alienware Steam Machine is ready to go, but SteamOS and the controller still aren't.", "Dell decides to ship it as the Alienware Alpha with Windows.", "March 2015:", "Valve announces the HTC Vive and Steam Link.", "June 2015:", "A preview of SteamOS 'brewmaster' is released.", "July 2015: Windows 10 releases.", "November 2015:", "The first Steam Machines from Alienware, Zotac, and Cyberpower are shipped.", "Ars Technica reports that games suffer a framerate loss on SteamOS vs Windows 10.", "Tom's Guide writes: \"Steam Machines were an interesting idea... three years ago.\"", "June 2016:", "Fewer than 500,000 Steam Machines have been sold.", "SteamOS didn't have a performance increase on any or many games.", "SteamOS didn't have a growing library of games.", "Kevin Wasielewski", "The first fumble is clear: SteamOS wasn't nearly ready when it was announced, and installing early preview builds inspired little confidence.", "Then, after lukewarm reception of the first Steam Controller—billed as a major part of the 'Steam Universe' that would make mouse and keyboard-optimized games easy to play from the couch—Valve pushed the release to 2015.", "Alienware went ahead with a Windows 10 build of what would later be its Steam Machine, and by the time SteamOS shipped in late 2015, the hype had subsided.", "More than one partner abandoned the project before ever releasing a Steam Machine.", "\"We didn't want to offer customers an experience of only the SteamOS and therefore only a small percentage of games that they can play,\" Origin CEO Kevin Wasielewski tells me in an email.", "The company had previously announced a system that dual-booted Windows 10 and SteamOS.", "\"I don't recall when it happened, but at some point we decided to offer a living room PC with Windows only.", "SteamOS didn't have the hardware support to be a fully customizable high end PC.", "SteamOS didn't have a performance increase on any or many games.", "SteamOS didn't have a growing library of games.\"", "It also didn't help that tension around Windows 8 was somewhat alleviated by free upgrades to Windows 10, despite criticism of the Universal Windows Platform and the state of the Windows Store.", "In November of 2016, Alienware co-founder Frank Azer told PC Gamer: \"We still offer SteamOS and the Steam Machine platform with the new version of the Alpha—the new Steam Machine R2—and we still sell hundreds of units, thousands of units every month.", "But it's not a major initiative for us like it was two years ago because it's not necessary right now.", "We're in a good place with Windows.\"", "Valve's own Steam Link may have also worked against the Steam Machines initiative, according to PC builder iBuyPower.", "\"While everyone's ramping up in the middle [of the development of Steam Machines], Valve announces that they're going to have their Steam Link, which is essentially what we're building but now at this very low cost, very small unit that just connects to your PC,\" says iBuyPower marketing manager Michael Hoang.", "\"And then you can just play your games through your television instead of buying a whole new unit, which is what they originally pitched for SteamOS and for all the OEMs.", "So, in a way, it was almost kind of like Valve pitched us this new great idea, that 'Hey, you guys can do all this,' but then at the same time they were working on their own technology to say, 'Hey, maybe buying a whole separate machine wasn't a good idea, let's just buy a small little stream unit that you can stream directly from your PC to your TV and buy our controller.'\"", "The Steam Link allows users to stream games from their PC to their TV.", "## Losing touch", "Hoang's timeline of events, while the dates are fuzzy, charts a burst of excitement followed by slow development, lack of communication from Valve, and an overall failure that iBuyPower doesn't intend to repeat.", "\"We even sent Gabe [Newell] a Revolt 1, just out of the blue,\" says Hoang about the beginning of the project.", "\"We sent him a system, did custom packaging and everything, and he was really happy and very impressed with what we were doing.", "And it looked like we were kind of the forerunners for the Steam Machine, and we were, because we launched it first, and they also helped announce it with us.", "So we were very excited.", "We got that press, we got that recognition from Valve, and their promise that they were going to continue making SteamOS, making sure that all the games were getting ported over to Linux.", "So everyone had high hopes, the whole community had high hopes.\"", "But Valve grew quieter throughout the project, according to Hoang, though he was unable to find email records from the time.", "\"We were heavily reliant on [Valve's] updates to make sure the SBX was successful,\" he said.", "\"But, yeah, they would say, 'OK, we're still working on the updates,' and that's it.", "That's the end of the email.", "Or [they would] just be unresponsive ...", "And we knew at that point, 'OK, they're not doing anything, they don't plan on updating SteamOS ever.'\"", "You have your console, you have your PC gamers, we're right in between.", "We're right in the middle where no one can really claim which one this is.", "Michael Hoang", "Valve did update SteamOS, and continues to, but over two years passed between the announcement and the release, and even then it wasn't ready.", "Ars Technica's November 2015 report that games suffered performance losses on SteamOS compared to Windows 10 was especially damaging—why would savvy PC gamers switch?", "And why would console gamers choose a Steam Machine rather than buying a desktop gaming PC, or even a Windows laptop?", "Origin's Wasielewski points out that nearly any PC is just an HDMI cable short of being a living room PC.", "\"Laptops are so powerful now that I use my laptop all the time to hook up to my TV and play some local co-op games,\" he says.", "And while iBuyPower initially thought a Steam Machine could expand its customer base to include console gamers, Huong discovered they were actually inventing an entirely new demographic target.", "\"We started thinking, 'Hey, you know, we're actually creating a middle-tier niche for this at this point,'\" says Hoang.", "\"You have your console, you have your PC gamers, we're right in between.", "We're right in the middle where no one can really claim which one this is.", "So now we're creating a new demographic that has never been created, so we have to do everything from the ground up at this point.", "And it was very, very hard to convince people, well, do I want to be a PC gamer?", "Do I want to stick with just being console?", "Or this new thing in the middle.\"", "The SBX featured an RGB LED strip.", "What's the best thing to come of iBuyPower's SBX?", "The LED strip, says Hoang, which looked really nice.", "Otherwise, it was \"learning what not to do,\" because even when iBuyPower pivoted from SteamOS to Windows 8 in 2014, it still wasn't satisfied with the SBX: they'd built something counter to their ethos, a box with a custom motherboard that was hard for customers to upgrade.", "The SBX was a misstep in Hoang's eyes, who's now more excited about tempered glass LED side panels.", "And he feels Valve benefited from that misstep.", "\"They pretty much took all the things they learned from us, all the things they learned from all system integrators and OEMs, and just kind of cherry picked what they wanted to do,\" says Hoang after noting that, aside from the Steam Link, adding Big Picture Mode to Steam on Windows also cut into the appeal of SteamOS.", "## The future of SteamOS", "iBuyPower has no plans to build another PC that its customers can't easily upgrade, and if it were to build an SBX2, Hoang says they'd do it on their own terms.", "Unless PC gamers start demanding SteamOS, it's clear they'll stick with Windows.", "That also goes for Wasielewski and Kuruppu.", "If Valve wants its revolution, it'll have to create demand for SteamOS on its own.", "\"The fundamental reasons that Valve cares about SteamOS haven't gone away, and we continue our work to expand it,\" Valve said in a statement to PC Gamer.", "I had asked if SteamOS was still a priority, how many people were working on it, and if Windows 10 changed Valve's approach.", "\"The launch of Steam Machines taught us a lot about what Steam customers value in hardware.", "Right now we're continuing to work on SteamOS as a product, with over 96 updates and 3,525 games released.", "We have many incentives for those making SteamOS titles and we see a bright future for SteamOS, especially in VR.\"", "The comment about VR is interesting, as the new tech is clearly Valve's present focus.", "If SteamOS can provide a better VR experience than Windows, and VR technology proves itself more popular in the future, perhaps the OS has a shot of resurging with a new round of 'SteamVR Machines.'", "But the success of SteamVR isn't a sure thing, either.", "\"We're optimistic.", "We think VR is going great.", "It's going in a way that's consistent with our expectations,\" said Newell in a February roundtable interview, as reported by Polygon.", "\"We're also pretty comfortable with the idea that it will turn out to be a complete failure.\"", "Is HTC, maker of the Vive headset which works with SteamVR, comfortable with that idea, even after setting up a $1.5 billion investment fund for VR development with the Shenzhen Municipal Government?", "I doubt it.", "But in the case of VR, at least, Valve seems more passionate about the project, and is developing its own VR games—something it hasn't done in support of SteamOS, except to bring Dota 2 and CS:GO to Linux.", "(Though presumably all future Valve games will come to Linux.)", "For now, SteamOS hasn't broken out of the small—though growing—niche of Linux gaming to become an actual competitor to Windows.", "It may get updates, and may have 3,525 games, but PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds isn't one of them, and neither are Nier: Automata, Black Desert Online, Prey, nor The Witcher 3—these are all current Steam top sellers.", "With any new platform comes the same contradiction: why go through the trouble of supporting SteamOS if few use it, and why use it if few games support it?", "Breaking Microsoft's grip on both console and PC gaming seems more and more like a fantasy.", "Microsoft and Sony know how to solve that contradiction—with money—but SteamOS is supposed to be the antithesis of platform exclusivity: it's open-source, it doesn't run on hardware made by Valve or sold at a loss, and as of now it has no major exclusives.", "Without using console sales techniques, it has to rely on organic adoption.", "While I was excited at the prospect of SteamOS back in 2013, breaking Microsoft's grip on both console and PC gaming (especially now with its whole Xbox One lineup coming to Windows 10) seems more and more like a fantasy.", "And doing so by hacking away at Ubuntu while hardware partners take on the burden of selling Linux PCs to average consumers seems, in hindsight, doomed to fail.", "Yet if public opinion again turns against Microsoft—more than usual, that is—perhaps Valve will get a second window of opportunity.", "If it does, I wonder if it will have to take on more of the risk to convince PC builders and game developers to come along for a second ride, and if it's equipped to do that.", "Valve is seen as a small giant, but we're talking a private company probably worth a few billion dollars compared to Microsoft, which earned $85.32 billion in revenue in 2016 alone.", "When it comes to the future of PC gaming, it's still clear who the Goliath is.", "#### Tyler Wilde", "Tyler has been writing about and editing writing about games for over 10 years.", "When he's not organizing his inbox, you can find him attempting to aerial in Rocket League, playing medic in Battlefield 1, or spending hours in RPG character creation screens instead of actually playing them.", "See comments", "### Topics", "Best of", "### Recommended", "#### This Fallout 76 player lives underneath the map", "### PC Gamer Newsletter", "Sign up to get the best content of the week, and great gaming deals, as picked by the editors.", "Hardware Buying Guides", "Latest Game Reviews", "#### The best G-Sync Compatible FreeSync monitors for 2019", "#### The best G-Sync monitors for 2019", "#### The best 4K monitors for gaming for 2019", "#### The best CPU cooler 2019", "#### Best gaming monitors for 2019", "#### Cybertron CLX Ra gaming PC review", "#### Origin EVO16-S gaming laptop review", "#### Ion Fury review", "#### LucidSound LS25 gaming headset review", "#### Age of Wonders: Planetfall review" ]
{ "id": "train42948", "claim_title": "Steam Machine (hardware platform)", "claim_section": "Reception.", "claim_context": "By June 2016, seven months after the official release, fewer than half a million units had been sold. In response to the sales figures, Ars Technica described the unit as dead on arrival. Valve has yet to release an actual sales figure. While some vendors still offer Steam Machine options, or configurations that can be installed with SteamOS, other vendors have discontinued their products by the end of 2016. In an article published in July 2017, \"PC Gamer\" lists several factors why Steam Machines did not take off as Valve had anticipated. SteamOS itself was not seen as ready for everyday and gaming use in its initial builds and Valve has been unresponsive at times towards Steam Machine makers to release updates, while concurrently, Microsoft had announced its free rollout of Windows 10, making that an incentive over Valve's software. Valve also had delayed the Steam Controller release to 2015, which also subsequently delayed the Steam Machine release. Further, the Steam Machine makers felt that the Steam Link, produced by Valve, competed with concept of Steam Machines and was a much more cost-attractive product." }
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Five objects dating from around 150 AD, were inside including a glass jug with a Mediterranean stamp and samian ware dishes used for libations.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Romano-British sarcophagus found in the 1820s | Burial Mound in the Lea Valley | Archaeology & Geology | Topics | Harpenden History", "(meta data) COPYRIGHT: Design and code &copy; Community Sites 2004-2014", "7 captures", "24 Apr 2014 - 31 Mar 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "These crawls are part of an effort to archive pages as they are created and archive the pages that they refer to.", "That way, as the pages that are referenced are changed or taken from the web, a link to the version that was live when the page was written will be preserved.", "Then the Internet Archive hopes that references to these archived pages will be put in place of a link that would be otherwise be broken, or a companion link to allow people to see what was originally intended by a page's authors.", "The goal is to fix all broken links on the web.", "Crawls of supported \"No More 404\" sites.", "Collection: Wikipedia Near Real Time (from IRC)", "This is a collection of web page captures from links added to, or changed on, Wikipedia pages.", "The idea is to bring a reliability to Wikipedia outlinks so that if the pages referenced by Wikipedia articles are changed, or go away, a reader can permanently find what was originally referred to.", "This is part of the Internet Archive's attempt to rid the web of broken links.", "The Wayback Machine -", "Skip to content | Privacy and cookies", "Home > Topics > Archaeology & Geology > Burial Mound in the Lea Valley >", "Browse the site", "User name:", "Password:", "Forgot password?", "More about...", "Archaeology & Geology", "Next meeting", "Next exhibition", "Proposal for new houses in Moreton Avenue- 1905", "Akrill House", "St George's School - a brief history by Joe Pennell" ]
{ "id": "train00258", "claim_title": "Harpenden", "claim_section": "History.", "claim_context": "There is evidence of pre-Roman Belgic farmers in the area. In 1867 several items were found including a bronze escutcheon, rams-head shaped mounts, and a bronze bowl. \n There are Roman remains in land around Harpenden, for instance the site of a mausoleum in the park at Rothamsted. A tumulus near the river Lea was opened in the 1820s and it contained a stone sarcophagus of Romano-Celtic origin." }
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Rains is endorsed by Conklin Guitars and performs with a custom made 8 string electric bass, which provides a wide pitch range for composition.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Song Exclusive: \"Boomerang\" by You Bred Raptors? – No Treble", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2014-10-23", "Skip to main content", "No Treble", "HomeBass Videos", "# Song Exclusive: \"Boomerang\" by You Bred Raptors?", "by Kevin Johnson", "Thursday, October 23rd, 2014", "The cello/bass/drums trio You Bred Raptors? is getting ready to release their new album Grant, and we've got an exclusive on the first full song from the release.", "Accompanying the single release of \"Boomerang\" is a play-through video by bassist Peat Rains, who utilizes the full range of his 8-string Conklin bass.", "The bassist shares that he actually wrote the song on a 4-string before fleshing it out on his extended range bass that is tuned from F# to E.", "Grant is available for pre-order and will be released on November 18th.", "### Get the Daily Bass Video in your inbox.", "Sign up to get the daily bass video delivered to you.", "### More from No Treble", "### On the Road (Again) with Peat Rains from You Bred Raptors?: Part 2", "### On the Road (Again) with Peat Rains from You Bred Raptors?: Part 1", "### You Bred Raptors? Begin Summer Tour", "### Share your thoughts Cancel reply", "Mike Matthews", "I dig.", "What I find cool is that I would never play (& maybe can't play) like that.", "YBR always makes me think, besides WoW that is, about medieval times, excessive beer drinking, and a big ole turkey leg fresh off a grill.", "Or maybe a big ole raptors leg fresh off the grill… either way time to heat up my grill ; )", "### New for 2019!The No Treble Flexfit Logo Cap", "On sale now!", "## The Latest Buzz", "Concerts & Tours", "### Mr. Bungle Announces Reunion Tour", "Bass Videos", "### Vulfpeck: Live at LOCKN' 2019", "New Albums", "### Charlie Wooton Project Releases \"Blue Basso\"", "Accessories & Strings", "### Mooer Audio Introduces the CT-01 Clip-On Tuner", "Bass Videos", "### Khruangbin: Live at LOCKN' 2019", "In Memoriam", "### In Memoriam: Larry Taylor", "Concerts & Tours", "### Phish Announces Fall Tour, Mike Gordon Teases New Album With Leo Kottke", "Pedals & Effects", "### SUNN O))) and EarthQuaker Devices Announce Second Run of the Life Pedal", "Bass Videos", "### Sean Fairchild: Unemployable Elite", "### Frédéric Leclercq Leaves DragonForce" ]
{ "id": "train17966", "claim_title": "You Bred Raptors?", "claim_section": "Musical Style.", "claim_context": "The music of You Bred Raptors? is all instrumental and the songs have a heavy, post-rock, experimental, film score-like sound." }
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He did not play the last two matches of the series but England managed to win those matches and the series 4–0.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Full Scorecard of England vs West Indies 4th ODI 2017 - Score Report |", "27/09Result4th ODI (D/N), West Indies tour of England at The Oval, Sep 27 2017", "West IndiesWest IndiesWI356/5", "EnglandEnglandENG258/5 (35.1/35.1 ov, target", "253)Player of the Match", "Evin LewisWest IndiesSummarySummaryScorecardScorecardReportReportCommentaryCommentaryCoverageCoverageStatisticsStatisticsHawk-EyeHawk-Eye27/09Result4th ODI (D/N), West Indies tour of England at The Oval, Sep 27 2017", "West IndiesWest IndiesWI356/5", "EnglandEnglandENG258/5 (35.1/35.1 ov, target", "253)Player of the Match", "Evin LewisWest IndiesSummarySummaryScorecardScorecardReportReportCommentaryCommentaryCoverageCoverageStatisticsStatisticsHawk-EyeHawk-Eye", "## West Indies Innings", "BATSMENRB4s6sSRCH Gaylec Root b Woakes240050.00 0.4 taken at first slip!", "Excellent delivery, in the channel outside off, across the left hander, takes the outside edge and it's a neat catch to his left by Joe Root 2/1 E Lewisretired hurt176130177135.38SD", "Hope", "†c", "†Buttler", "b Woakes111120100.00 2.5 given caught behind", "but", "he reviews instantly.", "Nice delivery, just outside off on a good length forcing him to play.", "Well, there's a big spike on UltraEdge so this will stay out!", "Not sure what Hope thought, bat was well away from pad on this occasion 19/2 MN Samuelslbw b Woakes170014.28 6.1 this time he's given!", "No review left.", "Once again he goes right across his crease, misses as he aims to work to the leg side.", "Taken above the knee roll.", "Straight enough, but was it high?", "Umpire's call on height.", "Clipping the bails 33/3 JN Mohammedc †Buttler b Rashid46714064.78 28.2 dragged down, Mohammed drops back to cut but nicks to the keeper!", "Possibly off the toe, an audible edge, though, and Buttler's immediate celebration was followed by Rod Tucker's finger going up.", "England have the breakthrough 150/4 JO Holder (c)c Billings b Plunkett776244124.19 49.6 full toss taken at deep midwicket, doesn't quite have the legs to finish the innings with a six...", "Billings safely under it 356/5 R Powellnot out281522186.66Extras15 (lb 3, w 12)TOTAL356/5 (50 Overs, RR: 7.12)Did not bat: AR Nurse, JE Taylor, AS Joseph, ML CumminsFall of wickets: 1-2 (Chris Gayle, 0.4 ov), 2-19 (Shai Hope, 2.5 ov), 3-33 (Marlon Samuels, 6.1 ov), 4-150 (Jason Mohammed, 28.2 ov), 4-318* (Evin Lewis, retired not out ), 5-356 (Jason Holder, 49.6 ov)BowlingOMRWEcon0s4s6sWDNBCR Woakes1007137.10339300JT Ball1006806.80204210LE Plunkett1006716.70264340MM Ali917007.77234420JE Root1010010.0022000AU Rashid1006716.70266140", "## England Innings", "BATSMENRB4s6sSRJJ Royc †SD Hope b Joseph8466112127.27 17.4 edged behind!", "Out of nowhere, really.", "Back of a length outside off, Roy trying to run it to third man and he's gifted his wicket.", "A comeback century goes begging, but a very fine innings nonetheless 126/1 JM Bairstowc †SD Hope b Joseph39512076.47 21.2 guided to the keeper!", "Almost a carbon copy of Roy's wicket, Bairstow just trying to guide a short-of-a-length delivery to third man and finds the gloves of Hope 144/2 JE Rootc †SD Hope b Joseph14152093.33 23.2 he's been given caught behind!", "Joseph has three...dropped in short, that's normally meant runs today, but this time he gets a thin bottom edge...", "more toe end, in fact 157/3", "EJG Morgan (c)c sub (KA Hope) b Joseph191730111.76 25.6 what a catch!", "And what a day for Joseph.", "Short on leg stump, Morgan picks it up with a pull, doesn't even try to keep it down.", "Kyle Hope, the sub, leaps at long leg and plucks it out of the sky 177/4", "JC Buttler †not out433550122.85SW Billingsc Gayle b Joseph240050.00 27.1", "Gayle has grabbed a blinder at slip and it's five for Joseph!", "Billings again moving across his crease, aims to work a short-of-a-length delivery to the leg side, gets an outside edge which is going to Gayle's right.", "He dives low and grabs it inches off the turf.", "Brilliant stuff 181/5 MM Alinot out482562192.00Extras9 (lb 4, nb 2, w 3)TOTAL258/5 (35.1 Overs, RR: 7.33)Did not bat: CR Woakes, AU Rashid, LE Plunkett, JT BallFall of wickets: 1-126 (Jason Roy, 17.4 ov),", "2-144 (Jonny Bairstow, 21.2 ov), 3-157 (Joe Root, 23.2 ov), 4-177 (Eoin Morgan, 25.6 ov), 5-181 (Sam Billings, 27.1 ov)BowlingOMRWEcon0s4s6sWDNBJE Taylor704806.85218000JO Holder905205.77235010AS Joseph8.105656.85206111ML Cummins604908.16136101AR Nurse3039013.0034210R Powell201005.0020000", "# Match Details", "#### Kennington Oval, London", "#### Series", "West Indies tour of England 2017", "#### Toss", "England , elected to field first", "#### Player Of The Match", "Evin Lewis", "#### Series result", "England led the 5-match series 3-0", "#### Match number", "ODI no", ". 3916", "#### Season", "#### Hours of play (local time)", "12.30 start, First Session 12.30-17.00 Interval 17.00-17.45, Second Session 17.45-21.15", "#### Match days", "27 September 2017 - day/night match (50-over match)", "#### Umpires", "Rod TuckerRob Bailey", "#### TV Umpires", "Simon Fry", "#### Reserve Umpire", "Michael Gough", "#### Match Referee", "Javagal Srinath", "# Match Notes", "West Indies innings", "Powerplay 1: Overs 0.1 - 10.0 (Mandatory - 55 runs, 3 wickets)Over 2.5: Review by West Indies (Batting), Umpire - RJ Bailey, Batsman - SD Hope (Struck", "down)West", "Indies: 50 runs in 9.1 overs (55 balls), Extras 1Powerplay 2: Overs 10.1 - 40.0 (Mandatory - 170 runs, 1 wicket)Drinks: West Indies - 82/3 in 16.0 overs (E Lewis 46, JN Mohammed", "18)4th Wicket: 50 runs in 59 balls (E Lewis 28, JN Mohammed 18, Ex 4)E Lewis: 50 off 52 balls (7 x", "4)West", "Indies: 100 runs in 20.4 overs (124 balls), Extras 64th Wicket: 100 runs in 114 balls (E Lewis 56, JN Mohammed 39, Ex", "5)West", "Indies: 150 runs in 28.1 overs (169 balls), Extras 10E Lewis: 100 off 94 balls (13 x 4)Drinks: West Indies - 196/4 in 35.0 overs (E Lewis 104, JO Holder", "20)West", "Indies: 200 runs in 36.2 overs (218 balls), Extras 125th Wicket: 50 runs in 48 balls (E Lewis 25, JO Holder 23, Ex 2)Powerplay 3: Overs 40.1 - 50.0 (Mandatory - 131 runs, 1 wicket)West Indies: 250 runs in 41.5 overs (251 balls), Extras 135th Wicket: 100 runs in 81 balls (E Lewis 55, JO Holder 47, Ex", "3)JO Holder: 50 off 47 balls (3 x 4, 3 x 6)E Lewis: 150 off 120 balls (16 x 4, 5 x", "6)West Indies: 300 runs in 44.1 overs (265 balls), Extras 155th Wicket: 150 runs in 95 balls (E Lewis 85, JO Holder 61, Ex 5)E Lewis retired hurt at 318/4 (176, 46.2 overs)West Indies: 350 runs in 49.4 overs (298 balls), Extras 15Innings Break: West Indies - 356/5 in 50.0 overs (R Powell 28)", "England innings", "Powerplay 1: Overs 0.1 - 10.0 (Mandatory - 57 runs, 0 wicket)England: 50 runs in 8.2 overs (50 balls), Extras 11st Wicket: 50 runs in 50 balls (JJ Roy 37, JM Bairstow 13, Ex", "1)JJ Roy: 50 off 46 balls (8 x 4)England: 100 runs in 14.6 overs (90 balls), Extras 51st Wicket: 100 runs in 90 balls (JJ Roy 70, JM Bairstow 28, Ex 5)Drinks: England - 108/0 in 16.0 overs (JJ Roy 72, JM Bairstow 31)England: 150 runs in 22.2 overs (136 balls), Extras 8England: 200 runs in 29.5 overs (181 balls), Extras", "9Drinks: England - 201/5 in 30.0 overs (JC Buttler 24, MM Ali", "10)6th Wicket: 50 runs in 36 balls (JC Buttler 20, MM Ali 30, Ex 0)England: 250 runs in 34.2 overs (208 balls), Extras", "9Rain: England - 258/5 in 35.1 overs (JC Buttler 43, MM Ali 48)When the match was called off the par-score was 252 with England on 258 for 5", "# Match Coverage", "All Match News", "## Lewis' spectacular century, and high totals after early wickets", "Stats highlights from Evin Lewis' 130-ball 176, and West Indies' superb recovery after being 33 for 3 at The Oval", "## Lewis helps West Indies find their groove", "Evin Lewis' masterful innings could signal the way for a West Indies revival in the 50-over format", "## Need to pace innings better - Law", "Stuart Law has called on West Indies' batsmen to focus on getting their tempo right as he looks for improvements in the 50-over format", "## West Indies' chance to exploit rocked England", "The fourth ODI is unlikely to be the major talking point at The Oval, but West Indies must win to give themselves something to play for at the end of the tour", "## Lewis, Joseph denied by England's late DLS dash", "A late ram-raid of a sixth-wicket partnership between Jos Buttler and Moeen Ali enabled England to overcome a sensational innings from Evin Lewis and a maiden five-wicket all by Alzarri Joseph to claim the one-day series", "# Unleashing sixes", "No. of sixes hit by Evin Lewis, all coming after the completion of century, in just 36 balls", "He had hit no sixes till his century in 94 balls.", "# Record stand", "Previous biggest 5th wicket partnership for West Indies in ODIs, between Darren Bravo and Pollard v SA last year.", "Lewis and Holder have went past that stand.", "# ABOUT COOKIES", "To help make this website better, to improve and personalize your experience and for advertising purposes, are you happy to accept cookies and other technologies?", "More Info Here", "Cookie Choices", "(meta data) TITLE: Full Scorecard of England vs West Indies 5th ODI 2017 - Score Report |", "29/09Result5th ODI (D/N), West Indies tour of England at Southampton, Sep 29 2017", "West IndiesWest IndiesWI288/6", "EnglandEnglandENG294/1 (38/50 ov)Player of the MatchJonny BairstowEnglandSummarySummaryScorecardScorecardReportReportCommentaryCommentaryCoverageCoverageStatisticsStatisticsHawk-EyeHawk-Eye29/09Result5th ODI (D/N), West Indies tour of England at Southampton, Sep 29 2017", "West IndiesWest IndiesWI288/6", "EnglandEnglandENG294/1 (38/50 ov)Player of the MatchJonny BairstowEnglandSummarySummaryScorecardScorecardReportReportCommentaryCommentaryCoverageCoverageStatisticsStatisticsHawk-EyeHawk-Eye", "## West Indies Innings", "BATSMENRB4s6sSRCH Gaylec Plunkett b Curran402915137.93 7.2", "Gayle shimmies in the crease, full and straight, a slower ball from Curran, chipped down the ground - and Plunkett holds a blinder!", "First ODI wicket for Curran and it's the Big One, really canny bowling, Gayle losing control as he looked to clear the ropes again, back-of-the-hand delivery and Plunkett sprinted back from mid-off to hold it diving full length 52/1 KA Hopec & b Plunkett33383086.84 14.4", "pitched", "up", ", KHope drives, pops off the face... and Plunkett takes another fabulous grab, one-handed and low to his left!", "A breakthrough out of nowhere and West Indies have lost Hope for the penultimate time on this tour!", "Mistimed drive but it still went quickly, only for the big man to stoop and conquer 86/2 SD Hope †c Billings b Ball72954175.78 43.5 length outside off, Hope carves over the off side...", "but this one sails straight to the man on the boundary!", "Billings steadies himself and holds on above his head and Ball finally gets some reward for his flogging.", "Fine innings from Hope but he goes tying to lift the scoring 221/5 MN Samuelsst †Buttler b Ali32601053.33 31.3 down the pitch and gone!", "The pressure tells, Samuels knew he had to get cracking, he advances down the pitch, the ball slides on rather than spins, beats the outside edge and a regulation stumping 143/3 JN Mohammed (c)c Root b Rashid25301183.33 39.5 steps out, tries to hit down the ground... but it's not got the elevation and Root takes a running catch wide of long-off!", "Mohammed punches his bat in frustration, maybe got done in the flight and the shot skewed short of the rope", "195/4 SW Ambrisnot out382740140.74R Powell b Plunkett11901122.22 47.3 bowled him with a full toss, off stump smashed on its back!", "Plunkett roars, the ultimate comeback...", "big ole swing from Powell but he fails to connect and hears the crack of doom behind him", "253/6", "AR Nursenot out311232258.33Extras6 (w 6)TOTAL288/6 (50 Overs, RR: 5.76)Did not bat: AS Joseph, JE Taylor, ML CumminsFall of wickets: 1-52 (Chris Gayle, 7.2 ov),", "2-86 (Kyle Hope, 14.4 ov), 3-143 (Marlon Samuels, 31.3 ov), 4-195 (Jason Mohammed, 39.5 ov), 5-221 (Shai Hope, 43.5 ov), 6-253 (Rovman Powell, 47.3 ov)BowlingOMRWEcon0s4s6sWDNBJT Ball1019419.40226610TK Curran1016216.20316220LE Plunkett1005425.40263120AU Rashid1014214.20322010MM Ali1003613.60320100", "## England Innings", "BATSMENRB4s6sSRJJ Roylbw b Cummins9670111137.14 21.2 full and straight, hit on the pads - given!", "No hundred for Roy, he doesn't review but takes the applause for an impressive innings...", "Just played around it really, Cummins got it on target and, finally, gets the breakthrough.", "He was driving with a slightly angled bat, would have taken middle and leg 156/1 JM Bairstownot out141114170123.68JE", "Rootnot", "out464421104.54Extras11 (lb 2, w 9)TOTAL294/1 (38 Overs", ", RR: 7.73)Did not bat: EJG Morgan (c), JC Buttler †, SW Billings, MM Ali, TK Curran, AU Rashid, LE Plunkett, JT BallFall of wickets: 1-156 (Jason Roy, 21.2", "ov)BowlingOMRWEcon0s4s6sWDNBJE Taylor805206.50206000AS Joseph705407.71168000ML Cummins807018.75188050AR Nurse805607.00125000MN Samuels4041010.2562200R Powell301906.3341000", "# Match Details", "#### The Rose Bowl, Southampton", "#### Series", "West Indies tour of England 2017", "#### Toss", "England , elected to field first", "#### Player Of The Match", "Jonny Bairstow", "#### Player Of The Series", "Moeen Ali", "#### Series result", "England won the 5-match series 4-0", "#### Match number", "ODI no", ". 3918", "#### Season", "#### Hours of play (local time)", "12.30 start, First Session 12.30-16.00 Interval 16.00-16.45, Second Session 16.45-20.15", "#### Match days", "29 September 2017 - day/night match (50-over match)", "#### ODI debut", "Tom CurranSunil Ambris", "#### Umpires", "Michael GoughSimon Fry", "#### TV Umpires", "Rod Tucker", "#### Reserve Umpire", "Tim Robinson", "#### Match Referee", "Javagal Srinath", "# Match Notes", "West Indies innings", "Rain: West Indies - 0/0Powerplay 1: Overs 0.1 - 10.0 (Mandatory - 65 runs, 1 wicket)West Indies: 50 runs in 6.4 overs (40 balls), Extras 11st Wicket: 50 runs in 40 balls (CH Gayle 40, KA Hope 9, Ex 1)Powerplay 2: Overs 10.1 - 40.0 (Mandatory - 130 runs, 3 wickets)Drinks: West Indies - 94/2 in 18.0 overs (SD Hope 15, MN Samuels", "3)West", "Indies: 100 runs in 21.1 overs (127 balls), Extras 33rd Wicket: 50 runs in 93 balls (SD Hope 21, MN Samuels 27, Ex", "2)West", "Indies: 150 runs in 33.6 overs (204 balls), Extras", "4Drinks: West Indies - 174/3 in 38.0 overs (SD Hope 43, JN Mohammed", "22)SD Hope: 50 off 79 balls (2 x 4)4th", "Wicket: 50 runs in 48 balls (SD Hope 26, JN Mohammed 25, Ex 0)Powerplay 3: Overs 40.1 - 50.0 (Mandatory - 93 runs, 2 wickets)West Indies: 200 runs in 41.2 overs (248 balls), Extras", "5West Indies: 250 runs in 47.2 overs (284 balls), Extras 6Innings Break: West Indies - 288/6 in 50.0 overs (SW Ambris 38, AR Nurse 31)", "England innings", "Powerplay 1: Overs 0.1 - 10.0 (Mandatory - 71 runs, 0 wicket)Over 7.2: Review by West Indies (Bowling), Umpire - MA Gough, Batsman - JJ Roy (Struck down)England: 50 runs in 7.5 overs (47 balls), Extras 11st Wicket: 50 runs in 47 balls (JJ Roy 36, JM Bairstow 16, Ex 1)Powerplay 2: Overs 10.1 - 40.0 (Mandatory - 223 runs, 1 wicket)JJ Roy: 50 off 43 balls (7 x 4)England: 100 runs in 14.2 overs (86 balls), Extras 11st Wicket: 100 runs in 86 balls (JJ Roy 62, JM Bairstow 37, Ex", "1)Drinks: England - 111/0 in 16.0 overs (JJ Roy 70, JM Bairstow", "40)JM Bairstow: 50 off 48 balls (5 x 4)England: 150 runs in 20.2 overs (122 balls), Extras 11st Wicket: 150 runs in 122 balls (JJ Roy 91, JM Bairstow 59, Ex 1)England: 200 runs in 28.2 overs (170 balls), Extras 92nd Wicket: 50 runs in 47 balls (JM Bairstow 17, JE Root 25, Ex", "8)Drinks: England - 228/1 in 32.0 overs (JM Bairstow 91, JE Root", "32)JM", "Bairstow: 100 off 90 balls (10 x 4)England: 250 runs in 34.1 overs (205 balls), Extras 92nd Wicket: 100 runs in 83 balls (JM Bairstow 54, JE Root 37, Ex 9)", "# Match Coverage", "All Match News", "## Bairstow hundred sets up stroll to 4-0", "Jonny Bairstow made his second century of the Royal London series to help England to a resounding victory over West Indies", "## Pride prime motivator in overshadowed finale", "West Indies will be without Jason Holder and Evin Lewis as they seek to end their tour of England with a victory", "England INNINGSRBJJ Roylbw9670JM Bairstownot out141114JE Rootnot out4644EJG MorganJC ButtlerSW BillingsMM AliTK CurranAU", "RashidLE PlunkettJT BallEXTRAS(lb 2, w 9)TOTAL294 (1 wkt; 38 ovs)West Indies", "BOWLINGOMRWEconJE Taylor8.005206.50AS Joseph7.005407.71ML Cummins8.007018.75(5w)AR Nurse8.005607.00MN Samuels4.0041010.25R Powell3.001906.33", "# ABOUT COOKIES", "To help make this website better, to improve and personalize your experience and for advertising purposes, are you happy to accept cookies and other technologies?", "More Info Here", "Cookie Choices" ]
{ "id": "train14520", "claim_title": "David Willey (cricketer)", "claim_section": "International career.:2017 India, West Indies.", "claim_context": "In the first ODI, Willey made an unbeaten ten runs before taking figures of 2–47 as England lost by three wickets. He took 0–32 in the second ODI as India won by 15 runs. In the final ODI he took figures of 1–8 but was injured, although England won by five runs. \n In September, Willey started the first match of the ODI series against West Indies by taking a figure of 1–39 as England won the match by seven wickets. He was selected for the next match but he could not play as the match was abandoned due to rain after only two balls were played Willey took a figure of 1–34 as England defeated West Indies again in the third match." }
[ [ 28, 29 ] ]
The company was relaunched as Vie at Home as the Virgin Group had paid £8.8 million to remove the Virgin name, and written off £21 million in loans.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Richard Branson failures unmasked | News | EN for Business", "(meta data) COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2006- Excel Publishing Company Limited", "5 captures", "02 Apr 2011 - 07 Jun 2011", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Alexa Crawls", "Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive.", "Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.", "Collection: Alexa Crawls", "Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive.", "Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.", "The Wayback Machine -", "Skip to content", "### User login", "Username: *", "Password: *", "Create new account", "Request new password", "## Entrepreneurs Panel", "Home » News", "# Richard Branson failures unmasked", "The failures of three of Sir Richard Branson's companies have been revealed.", "According to reports in the Times Sir Richard accumulated operating losses of more than £300 million from the Virgin Megastores retail business.", "The 125 UK stores were sold two years ago to Zavvi, which went into administration at the end of 2008.", "Virgin Holdings, a company that owns a number of Sir Richard's businesses, submitted its accounts for the year to the end of March 2008 only last week and they reveal the full extent of the Megastore losses.", "The accounts show that the company's profits plummeted from £151.7 million in 2007 to a loss of £227.3 million after being hit with a one-off operating loss of £324.3 million.", "A Virgin Group spokesman told the Times that this was because of losses accumulated over many years at the Megastores, which were formally written off when the business was sold.", "Virgin Holdings, which includes Sir Richard's profitable rail and airline businesses, wrote off nearly £21 million when it sold Virgin Vie cosmetics to a management buyout.", "It paid a further £8.8 million to remove the Virgin name from the company.", "Meanwhile, accounts for Barfair, another Virgin holding company, reveal that the assets of Virgin Bride were sold for only £1 after the closure of its last store in Manchester.", "##### Permalink", "Richard Branson", "Printer-friendly version", "#### Well fit", "Thinking of refurbishing your office? Or moving into a new shell?", "EN asks what you need to know about office fit-outs.", "#### Break for cover", "Believe it or not, and despite storm clouds threatening, the market for insurance could be a lot worse.", "EN explains.", "#### Buying a business", "Considering buying a business?", "EN presents ten things to think about beforehand", "#### The end of the innocence", "With the Bribery Act set to come into force in July, has the Government's final guide to compliance allayed fears over the legislation?", "#### Cruise line", "Keeping the toffs from fighting with the oiky entrepreneurs after dinner is far from the only challenge involved in running a cruise line.", "EN examines the real Plimsoll line...", "#### Amanda Lyne", "Amanda Lyne's company, ACAL Energy, hit the headlines earlier this year when it received a £1 million grant from government agency the Carbon Trust to fund the development of its cell system which, if it comes to fruition, holds out the hope of replacing traditional car engines with an alternative that runs on air and hydrogen.", "More Five Minute Interviews", "#### Charles Hunt", "His old business was goosed but the founder of Duvet and Pillow Warehouse didn't let that get him down.", "Kirsty Hewitt emerges from under her polyester quilt as Charles Hunt reveals...", "More Best Deals", "## Venue Finder", "#### Hilton London Metropole", "Find Venues", "Search this site:" ]
{ "id": "train43005", "claim_title": "Vie at Home", "claim_section": "History.", "claim_context": "The licence covered Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Indonesia, Korea, India and China. Virgin Vie Spa Treatment Rooms opened in Cape Town, South Africa in February 2002. By October 2002, Virgin Cosmetics employed around 7,000 consultants. The company withdrew from the Asian market in April 2003, closing all nine stores in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore. Virgin Cosmetics began to open factory outlets across the UK in September 2003. In September 2005, the company launched in South Africa, recruiting over 1000 consultants in 12 months. The company was rebranded as Virgin Vie at Home in September 2006. It launched a direct selling business in the United Arab Emirates in December 2006. \n In January 2009, Virgin Vie At Home was sold in a management buyout to Ratan Daryani and Ros Simmons." }
[ [ 14, 15 ], [ 0, 14, 15 ] ]
Upper Merion Township is home to Valley Forge National Historical Park, which consists of the site where General George Washington and the Continental Army made their encampment at Valley Forge during the winter of 1777-78 in the American Revolutionary War.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Valley Forge National Historical Park (U.S. National Park Service)", "Skip to global NPS navigation", "Skip to park navigation", "Skip to main content", "Skip to park information", "Skip to footer", "National Park Service Logo", "National Park Service", "### Explore This Park", "Valley Forge", "National Historical Park", "## Alerts In Effect", "#### Contact Us", "# Determined to Persevere", "Valley Forge was the site of the 1777-78 winter encampment of the Continental Army.", "The 3,500-acres of monuments, meadows, and woodlands commemorate the sacrifices and perseverance of the Revolutionary War generation.", "The park honors and celebrates the ability of citizens to pull together and overcome adversity during extraordinary times.", "Read More", "### Hike Miles of Trails", "Explore more than 30 miles of trails in the park, including through the meadows of the Grand Parade.", "### Historic Tales", "Participate in interactive stories with the expert storytellers.", "### Calendar", "Find descriptions of upcoming events and programs on our calendar.", "### Things To Do", "Explore the park and make new discoveries!", "### Plan Your Visit", "Find directions, explore things to do, learn about operating hours and more.", "### History and Significance", "Learn about the history and significance of Valley Forge.", "### Places", "Explore the park buildings, structures and monuments.", "### Park Film", "Watch the official park film, \"Valley Forge: A Winter Encampment\"", "### Maps and Brochures", "Download park maps, including trail maps and brochures.", "### Volunteer Opportunities", "Learn more about volunteer opportunities in the park.", "### Junior Ranger", "Explore and learn about Valley Forge to Become a Junior Ranger!", "### The Valley Forge Muster Roll", "Search a database for the names of soldiers that served at Valley Forge.", "### Museum Collections", "Explore various collections of pictures, books, documents, and artifacts.", "### Permits and Reservations", "Learn more about park permits and reservations for large groups.", "### Wildlife Watchers", "Be a citizen scientist at Valley Forge.", "It's easy to do!", "### Photos and Multimedia", "View official park photos, the park film and more.", "Last updated: July 16, 2019", "## A World to Discover", "Find an Adventure", "Discover Valley Forge", "A Forge, Farms and Fortitude", "History and Culture", "America's Backyard", "Make a Difference", "Volunteer In The Park", "### Contact the Park", "#### Mailing Address:", "1400 North Outer Line Drive", "King of Prussia, PA", "#### Phone:", "(610) 783-1000", "#### Contact Us", "### Tools", "Site Index" ]
{ "id": "train15157", "claim_title": "Upper Merion Township, Pennsylvania", "claim_section": "Notable sights.", "claim_context": "" }
[ [ 53 ], [ 146, 149, 151, 154 ], [ 53, 146, 149, 151, 154 ] ]
A package containing both games was then released physically on a Blu-ray disc.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Beyond: Two Souls and Heavy Rain Are PS4 Bound - IGN", "(meta data) COPYRIGHT: IGN Entertainment, Inc.", "57 captures", "18 Jun 2015 - 02 Jun 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Alexa Crawls", "Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive.", "Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.", "Collection: Alexa Crawls", "Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive.", "Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.", "The Wayback Machine -", "Xbox One", "Xbox 360", "Wii U", "Wikis + Cheats", "Xbox One", "Wii U", "Official Gameplay Trailer", "Now Reading", "Beyond: Two Souls and Heavy Rain Are PS4 Bound", "Game of Thrones: Season 5 Review", "Batman: Arkham Knight Review", "Daily Deals: 1TB Xbox One With Free Game, Logitech Mouse With $40 Steam Credit, Jurassic Park 3D Blu-ray $10", "Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Gameplay Demo - E3 2015", "IGN's Best of E3 2015 Awards", "The Brink: Series Premiere Review", "Marvel Eyeing Thor 1 Director for Third Film?", "Watch Everything on Fallout 4 from E3 2015", "Why Nintendo Didn't Show Zelda at E3 2015", "Watch Everything on VR from E3 2015", "True Detective: Season 2 Premiere Review", "Watch Everything on Star Wars Battlefront from E3 2015", "Nintendo of America Boss Says VR Isn't Fun", "Final Fantasy VII Remake - Teaser Trailer - Rewind Theatre", "Star Wars Rebels: Season 2 Premiere Review", "6 Big Screen Dads We Wish We Had", "Miles Morales to Star in New Spider-Man Comic", "Man Spends Six Years Crocheting Mario Bros. 3 Map", "Kelly Sue Deconnick Departs Captain Marvel", "More Mass Effect Andromeda Details Coming Later This Year", "Beyond: Two Souls /", "16 Jun 2015", "# Beyond: Two Souls and Heavy Rain Are PS4 Bound", "Two Souls and a Heavy Rain.", "By Wesley Copeland", "Update: Beyond: Two Souls and Heavy Rain are both coming to PlayStation 4 in North America as well, according to Quantic Dream's Twitter account.", "No other concrete details have been released, but the developer said more information is on its way sometime in the future.", "Quantic Dream's Beyond: Two Souls and Heavy Rain are coming to PlayStation 4 in Europe and PAL territories.", "The news comes via the European PlayStation blog.", "At this point, there's no details about a release window or whether both games will see a release outside of the aforementioned PAL regions.", "Needless to say, we've reached out to Sony and will update should we back.", "Upon release, both games will be available digitally or as a discounted double pack.", "More from the Sony Conference", "E3 2015: Horizon: Zero Dawn's Incredible Balance of Action and RPG", "E3 2015: Sony is Backing Shenmue 3 Development", "E3 2015: Uncharted 4's Extended E3 Demo Is Incredible", "E3 2015: Star Wars Saga Starter Pack Featuring Boba Fett Coming Exclusively to PS4, PS3", "E3 2015: Star Wars: Battlefront - First Co-op Multiplayer Details", "E3 2015: Rigs Announced For Project Morpheus", "In our review of Beyond: Two Souls we said it's \"compelling enough, principally thanks to a remarkable performance from Ellen Page,\" before saying that \"Playing Beyond is a memorable experience, yes, but a good video game it is not; and while the credits were rolling I admit to thinking I would have been happier to sit back and watch a movie version that was eight-and-a-half hours shorter.\"", "Conversely, in our review of Heavy Rain we said: \"Overall, it's a fairly traditional murder-mystery yarn but individual sequences twist and turn with such recklessly inventive bravado - effortlessly shifting from downbeat stoicism to dazzling action - that it's thoroughly captivating.\"", "Is Beyond: Two Souls Getting Remastered for PS4?", "Wesley Copeland is a freelance news writer, but you probably already guessed that.", "For more obvious statements, you should probably follow him on Twitter.", "IN THIS ARTICLE", "Beyond: Two Souls", "Released Oct. 8th, 2013", "Wiki Guide", "Beyond Characters", "Aiden,", "Jodie Holmes,", "Nathan Dawkins,", "Ryan Clayton,", "Gameplay Details", "Pre-", "Order Bonuses", "77 Pages", "IGN Recommends", "Batman: Arkham Knight Review", "Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Gameplay Demo - E3 2015", "IGN's Best of E3 2015 Awards", "Nintendo of America Boss Says VR Isn't Fun", "True Detective: Season 2 Premiere Review", "Star Wars Rebels: Season 2 Premiere Review", "Watch Everything on Star Wars Battlefront from E3 2015", "Watch Everything on Fallout 4 from E3 2015", "You must be to post a comment.", "blog comments powered by Disqus", "(meta data) TITLE: Beyond: Two Souls Coming to PS4 on Nov. 24th, Heavy Rain Out Next Year – PlayStation.Blog", "54 captures", "20 Nov 2015 - 02 Jun 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Mount Dora High School", "Mount Dora High SchoolArchive-It Partner Since: Oct, 2010Organization Type: K-12 Program SchoolsOrganization URL:", "Collection: YouTube Controversy", "In the past few years, the YouTube platform has transformed into a giant corporate mess.", "Creators find themselves fighting YouTube in order to stay relevant and get paid.", "This is because those YouTubers aren't creating content that is \"family friendly.\"", "Since the content isn't \"family friendly,\" creators find their videos \"de-monetized,\" or without ads.", "They find themselves demontized because the companies that provide YouTube with ads became upset when they found that many of their ads were being showcased on videos that promoted racism.", "YouTube isn't handling the problems their creators are being exposed to, and this generates conversation among YouTubers.", "Now, many of them have lost hope in the company itself.", "Favoritism from YouTube is abundant, with them putting ads mostly on YouTube creators that are politically correct and don't create controversy.", "The content creators are aware of this.", "Although, some YouTubers that are being promoted don't even create clean content, but they're still being monetized, despite the way YouTube has become.", "The Wayback Machine -", "Join Now", "#", "# PlayStation.", "Blog", "PS Vita", "PlayStation Plus", "PlayStation Store", "# Beyond: Two Souls Coming to PS4 on Nov. 24th, Heavy Rain Out Next Year", "Posted by Guillaume de Fondaumiere", "Quantic Dream co", "CEO", "Hello, PlayStation fans.", "I'm pleased to announce that Beyond: Two Souls is coming to PS4 next week, complete with graphical improvements and new fan-requested features.", "You'll be able to download it from PlayStation Store starting November 24th for $29.99.", "Players will have another chance to experience the story of Jodie Holmes (played, excellently, by Ellen Page), a young woman who possesses supernatural powers through her psychic link to an invisible entity.", "Holmes' journey is intertwined with the complex Dr. Dawkins (brought to life by the inimitable Willem Dafoe), on PS4.", "The PS4 edition of the game features a number of improvements:", "Enhanced 1080p graphics including motion blur, bloom and depth of field effects, as well as improved lighting and shadows.", "The game also makes use of the DualShock 4 speaker to improve immersion when playing as the Entity.", "Decisions are highlighted at the end of each scene and compared with those made by other players.", "You can now play the game in chronological order right from the start – a much requested feature in the PS3 version!", "Increased difficulty in certain fight scene, combined with improved controls for action sequences.", "Includes the \"Enhanced Experiments\" DLC.", "Update:", "An earlier version of this post stated that players would have to complete the game before being able to play it in chronological order.", "This feature is unlocked from the start of the game.", "We can also now confirm that Heavy Rain will be coming to PS4 digitally next year on March 1st.", "For those attending PlayStation Experience this year, you'll be able to get hands-on time with both Beyond: Two Souls and Heavy Rain.", "What's more, those who purchase Beyond: Two Souls digitally will be entitled to download Heavy Rain on PS4 when it releases at a discount.", "We really hope you enjoy revisiting these games or experiencing them for the first time!", "beyond: two soulsheavy rainPlayStation 4playstation gamesrelease date", "# Add Your Own", "## Comments", "PAGE 1", "Next »", "Gorvi said:", "November 19th, 7:04 am", "Any chance of a physical package with the two games bundled together?", "x--ZombieGuy--x said:", "November 19th, 8:25 am", "Yes, confirmed on the .FR PlayStation Blog", "~I had to translate the page to English~", "\"We are also able to confirm that The Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls Collection, announced in June this year, will be available at all dealers from March 2, 2016 (and March 4 in the UK)\"", "Avidtar said:", "November 19th, 8:38 am", "A phsical package containing both games is planned,however,it is looking like a late march 2016 release..", "Theses titles were already in development for ps4,guessing the heavy rain title brought a few problems to the table,hence the late release of it.", "I think both titles were planned for a christmas release…", "ixnine said:", "November 19th, 8:43 am", "I'd gladly pay $59.99 for a physical 2 pack of these games.", "I technically still have plenty of HDD space on my PS4, I just prefer physical media.", "SGC1974 said:", "November 19th, 11:50 am", "I was hoping that beyond:two souls would be release on disc for PlayStation 4", "Dope22 said:", "November 25th, 8:48 pm", "I didn't get the chance to play them on my PS3, so this is good to hear.", "I really wanted to play Heavey rain.", "I too would like it to be in physical media but since I just got the 1TB PS4, I say, bring it on!!!!", "Kakuja_ScareCrow said:", "November 28th, 9:19 pm", "Both titles will be available as individual digital releases, with a two-game bundle also available both digitally and physically.", "Pabloo1010 said:", "November 19th, 7:06 am", "Oh nice!", "Can we please play chronologically from the get go? :)", "Popbot said:", "November 19th, 7:26 am", "I would like the same update to this announced feature", "Future-Islands said:", "November 19th, 8:11 am", "Yes, I agree.", "I think this would be best for new players and more enjoyable for those of us that want to re-play", "Future-Islands said:", "November 19th, 12:05 pm", "Did they update the post?!", "It says right from the start now.", "unbane said:", "November 19th, 7:08 am", "Why not both in pack?", "What price for unit?", "NX_Nytrux said:", "November 19th, 7:08 am", "No physical edition?", "My HDD is suffering.", "maxcoronel2014 said:", "November 19th, 7:20 am", "@NX_Nytrux both physical an digital games take the EXACT same install size on console.", "Popbot said:", "November 19th, 7:29 am", "i also prefer physical games as well due to hard drive constraints.", "I know they take up the same amount of space but its easier to delete a game and reinstall it later from a disc for those of us that have slow internet.", "I live in an area where the fastest tier offerred (which i have) just isnt fast enough to download massive games from PSN quickly.", "NX_Nytrux said:", "November 19th, 7:29 am", "Yeah, but the disc is my backup for future reinstall.", "Mercenary09 said:", "November 19th, 7:08 am", "I wish you guys would release a retail disc with both of them on it for like $39.99.", "I really like that you brought them to PS4 but having them at retail would have been a good idea as well.", "Tuber8 said:", "November 19th, 7:11 am", "I was hoping for a cross-buy copy if already owned digitally on the PS3, but barring that, I'm surprised there's no discount for people who already own the PS3 version digitally.", "Steam has discounts for re-releases of games if previously owned (Sleeping Dogs and Van Helsing come to mind immediately), I was hoping PSN would do something similar.", "maxcoronel2014 said:", "November 19th, 7:20 am", "Wow, I didnt see that coming.", "Never had the chance to try it on PS3, so its very welcomed.", "fudgenasty21 said:", "November 19th, 7:23 am", "i really want to buy these games but only on a disc.", "my internet is to slow for these big game file.", "and i see I'm not the only person hoping for a double pack disc release.", "make it happen sony", "KidCommando said:", "November 19th, 7:26 am", "I would buy a physical copy, but I'm not buying a digital one.", "TeamGreen615 said:", "November 19th, 8:30 am", "Same here.", "I only buy classics or games that are on sale at a price that's too good to turn down.", "Heija_angel said:", "November 19th, 7:27 am", "Yeey was realy looking forward to this one on the PS4.", "Nice supprice it's verry soon.", "I only hoped for a hard copy.", "@Guillaume, is there a hard copy comming for this one?", "UltimateI911 said:", "November 19th, 7:31 am", "With the Euro at almost 1:1 in exchange with USD, I'll just import if I still feel like buying it next year.", "Popbot said:", "November 19th, 7:32 am", "In the original press release (found here: It was stated that a physical edition would be available in the EU.", "Will this physical edition come out here as well?", "note: this press release stated that the ENTIRE release would be limited to EU originally but later it was specified that it would get a NA release as well.", "as we're seeing with today's announcement.", "hawjboi2009 said:", "November 19th, 7:34 am", "i won't be home on November 24 to buy it and download it.", "i am going visit to my sister in another state.", "is there pre-order for this game ?", "trent82 said:", "November 19th, 7:34 am", "I just wanted to chime in to say that I would also greatly prefer a physical version of these games.", "Whether it is a double pack or individual releases doesn't matter.", "OMGmyFACE said:", "November 19th, 7:43 am", "I'm in agreement with most of the people here: I'd be interested in a physical purchase but a digital one (for the same price because it costs the same to release digitally?) is out of the question unless it's the ~only~ way we can experience it and, well, both of these games came out already.", "Still unhappy about the Yakuza 5 digital release but, you know, Sega.", "Dangeresque92 said:", "November 19th, 7:46 am", "I can't wait for Quantic Dream to announce the game they make after \"Detroit\"- \"PSILoveYouXOXO: A Journey\"", "Dionysus-Jones said:", "November 19th, 7:48 am", "You know who is REALLY excited about this news?", "That guy on Playstation Live who constantly streams the dinner date scene from this game off-screen!", "Callahan09 said:", "November 19th, 7:48 am", "I second the notion of a physical bundle of the 2 games.", "Please!?", "MisterAxle said:", "November 19th, 10:05 am", "Actually, I'd prefer SEPARATE physical copies of the two games.", "It would be annoying to have one or the other out of place on my game shelf.", "I like to keep that thing organized, yo.", "This ain't a bucket of LEGOs! :v", "JerseyDevil1313 said:", "November 19th, 7:52 am", "Another Remaster…. Gee Thanks??", "Hey how about fixing the PS4 by :", "1-Make it backwards compatible", "2-Remove Online play Paywall from behind PSMinus OR chill out on the shovelware and add some AAA Titles to PSminus", "3-Improve controller durability and battery life", "4-add standard 1tb hdd", "Keeping in mind both the XB1 AND PS4 are already outdated with inferior hardware, I have to say Microsoft has done circles around sony these past 2 years from everything i've seen, read and heard….", "Just saying.", "I own PS3 and 4 along with a gaming PC; I Never use the PS4, sometimes i play Ps3, 90% of my gaming and gaming purchases are on PC/Steam.", "Cyas when you announce the yearly Outdated Triple A for xmas and to hook in the day one adopter subs for another year of junk mail.", "Good day and happy gaming everyone :)", "Hiroshima711 said:", "November 19th, 8:23 am", "If they make it backwards compatible will you actually be playing any of your old games on it?", "Also if you play/purchase 90% of your games on the PC then why you are wanting them to remove the paywall on the PS4 since it clearly doesn't impact you in anyway since you don't even game on it.", "Sure it's terrible they decided to lock it behind a paywall, but you have to remember we have to blame Microsoft who you clearly praised in your post for making such a feature a reality when they did it with Xbox Live.", "MisterAxle said:", "November 19th, 10:06 am", "None of those are issues that need to be \"fixed.\"", "But you did leave out:", "-Allow changing of our freaking PSN IDs.", "Fnord said:", "November 19th, 2:32 pm", "PS4 will never get PS3 backward compatibility.", "There simply isn't the horsepower in the PS4 to emulate the Cell.", "Any hopes of that happening just need to be put away.", "Online play will likely never be free again, either.", "You can thank Microsoft for that.", "I'd imagine that some AAA games will start making their way to Plus in the not too distant future, however.", "It's just kind of crazy to expect big games on the service this soon into its life.", "The Vita didn't get much in the way of AAA games until it had been out a while, either.", "Controller durability isn't an issue in my experience.", "Take care of your stuff.", "Battery life, on the other hand…", "There's already a TB SKU for the PS4.", "TomHoang said:", "November 19th, 7:56 am", "Beyond Two Souls is one of my favorite PS3 games and possibly my favorite game of all time.", "But I'll hold off on this purchase because the Bloodborne DLC comes out on the same day.", "Hoping for that physical package with Heavy Rain.", "Come on guys, we got Sony to make a physical copy for Gravity Rush Remastered, let's do the same for this!!", "Exebiel said:", "November 19th, 7:57 am", "Please PlayStation, answer us!", "Physical Edition when?", "many of my friends are done with the HDD capacity and many of then can't afford to buy a Nyko Data Bank or a total HDD replacement, understand us please.", "Hoping to your answer, thanks!", "Hiroshima711 said:", "November 19th, 8:25 am", "A physical edition doesn't make a difference in hard drive space, since all PS4 games install on your hard drive whether it's physical or digital.", "MisterAxle said:", "November 19th, 10:13 am", "@Hiroshima711: Please stop repeating yourself on this issue.", "Most folks are well aware of the fact that all games install to the HDD, not just digitally licensed copies.", "However, installation and reinstallation are vastly different between a digital license and a physical game–both with regard to HDD space management AND download time.", "All of that also ignores the relevant consumer ownership rights issues inherent to the digital/physical debate.", "You literally own nothing when you pay for a digital license.", "Kakuja_ScareCrow said:", "November 28th, 9:23 pm", "We're really excited to finally reveal that two classic Quantic Dream games are coming to PlayStation 4 only for Europe and the PAL region – we're bringing both Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls to a PS4 near you soon.", "Both titles will be available as individual digital releases, with a two-game bundle also available both digitally and physically.", "Late march", "FifthDream said:", "November 19th, 8:03 am", "Awesome.", "Never had a chance to play these before, and have always wanted to.", "Great news.", "BrianMcGuinness said:", "November 19th, 8:09 am", "Beyond was so good, but I felt it was overlooked because it was released very close to the PS4's release.", "It's definitely worth picking up.", "Great story.", "snakeeyes211 said:", "November 19th, 8:11 am", "We need physical copies of both of those games .", "Future-Islands said:", "November 19th, 8:12 am", "I'm looking forward to Heavy Rain!", "Have always wanted to give that title a go.", "cronqvist said:", "November 19th, 8:13 am", "I'm gonna complain about the lack of a physical release that includes both games like the one being released in Europe.", "Hopefully Sony will listen to fans like they did with Gravity Rush Remastered.", "I've already played (and loved) Heavy Rain, and I'm looking forward to playing the Beyond remaster.", "PanTheMan16 said:", "November 19th, 2:11 pm", "As someone who feels that Heavy Rain is one of the greatest games in the history of PlayStation, I found Beyond to be a massive disappointment.", "Although they are story-driven games, Heavy Rain really lays it on with some stressful moments and challenging button presses.", "In Beyond, you basically just press circle for the entire game.", "sealum01 said:", "November 19th, 8:17 am", "I'm looking forward to this one, and at such an outstanding price!", "I'm enjoying a bit of PSNow at the moment, but hopefully I'll be able to get to this soon!", "BlaqMagiq24 said:", "November 19th, 8:18 am", "I NEED a physical copy of both games.", "Not a fan of digital only at all.", "Otherwise I will be waiting until these games are super cheap.", "ChameleonX said:", "November 19th, 8:19 am", "Will owners of the digital version of Beyond: Two Souls for PS3 get a discount for the PS4 version?", "Gamer4Lyfe said:", "November 19th, 8:20 am", "To Quantic Dream & Sony,", "Physical retail disc release for both Beyond Two Souls & Heavy Rain or I am simply not buying.", "I do not support digital distribution.", "Why physical disc?", "1. I can replay these games when I am 80 years old & not worry when these titles are no longer on servers.", "And I don't want to stream my games via a PS Now or whatever it's called in the future.", "2. I am a collector & love to have my disc cases displayed.", "3. I can delete & reinstall at my convenience.", "MisterAxle said:", "November 19th, 9:47 am", "Disc version or get out.", "kupomogli said:", "November 19th, 11:26 pm", "Same here.", "I was interested in this but if there's no physical release I'm not getting it.", "Same with Bloodborne the Old Hunters and Yakuza 5(which you guys are the reason it's over in the US in the first place.)", "I'm a huge Yakuza fan, finished the first two and platinumed Yakuza 3 and 4, but unless I buy it for $10 or less, I'm not touching a game I won't be able to play after PSN eventually shuts down on the PS3.", "twinspectre said:", "November 19th, 8:20 am", "f pathetic", "twinspectre said:", "November 19th, 8:23 am", "\"Our Focus is on the new Games\" – SCEE President Jim Ryan and this isn't a new game", "Sony is again Arrogant people", "Give us at least PS1 and PS2 backward compatibility DIGITAL and RETAIL", "Stegocephalian said:", "November 19th, 8:33 am", "Quantic Dream is not Sony.", "And that's not what \"arrogant\" means.", "twinspectre said:", "November 19th, 8:38 am", "i would appreciate if you guys stop defending these corporations thanks", "btw Heavy Rain and Beyond is Sony's IP", "Stegocephalian said:", "November 19th, 9:12 am", "I wasn't defending anyone, just showing you that your comment was wrong in every way it could be wrong.", "twinspectre said:", "November 19th, 9:28 am", "my comment wasn't wrong, i think your comment is wrong since you said QD is not Sony", "but the IPs are owned by Sony", "so Sony can do whatever they want with their IPs.", "twinspectre said:", "November 19th, 9:29 am", "EDIT. Yes QD is not owned by Sony, But the Ips are owned by Sony", "TomHoang said:", "November 19th, 9:54 am", "Why do you think that remastering games and focusing on new games at the same time isn't possible?", "Most of the time, the remasters are done by different studios, not the original makers of the game.", "Like the Uncharted Nathan Drake Collection was done by Bluepoint, not Naughty Dog.", "This remaster was probably done by another studio because Quantic Dream is working on Detroit.", "There's not reasonable argument you can make against remasters because they take little to no effort to release, and they don't affect other game projects.", "Besides, no one is forcing you to buy it.", "twinspectre said:", "November 19th, 10:07 am", "Nobody is forcing you to buy, the same thing was said about microtransaction and dlc and look what we have today", "i quoted what the president of SCEE said when people asked him why we don't have BC on PS4", "now, i know PS3 games can't be emulated, but why they didn't included the PS1 and PS2 BC?", "Fnord said:", "November 19th, 2:35 pm", "You do realize that the release of Beyond and Heavy Rain on PS4 is basically setting the table for the release of Quantic Dreams' NEW game, don't you?", "ROLO_ONFIRE said:", "November 19th, 8:25 am", "I loved playing Heavy Rain with the PS Move, but with Beyond lacking this option I never played it", "Noobing4Fun said:", "November 19th, 8:39 am", "How is the discount for Heavy Rain going to work?", "Will they send us a voucher code?", "GoPens35 said:", "November 19th, 8:55 am", "After you complete Beyond you will recieve instructions to walk around a public place screaming Jason, Cage will find you himself and give you some change.", "AizawaYuuichi said:", "November 20th, 12:48 am", "More than likely it will be similar to how PS+ works.", "With the digital license for Beyond attached to your account, you'll see the discounted price on Heavy Rain when it releases.", "I doubt you'll have to do anything extra.", "J_dubtster said:", "November 19th, 8:51 am", "Glad to see more PS3 games are coming to PS4, any chance the Jak and Daxter Collection will come to PS4?", "Don't care for another graphical improvement, I just want it playable on PS4.", "medenko1975 said:", "November 19th, 8:55 am", "yay :)", "joseph2411 said:", "November 19th, 8:57 am", "It would be great if the \"play in chronological order\" was unlocked from the start", "doglesby14 said:", "November 19th, 9:06 am", "Getting this.", "It's odd.", "I just put my Jodie avatar back about a week ago and then this news shows up.", "Sweet.", "Just one question.", "Will it preload?", "whereymyconary said:", "November 19th, 9:21 am", "But beyond in chronical order will make the illusion of decision even more apparent that it really had none.", "Platted the game and got really bored that my decision always cause the exact same thing to happen next.", "Anyways excited for heavy rain that's probably one of top favorite games from the PS3.", "Kind of glad the physical is coming in March cause that's an easy wait for me since I wouldn't by Beyond ever again unless it was in a bundle.", "roberticus420 said:", "November 19th, 9:24 am", "I JUST BOUGHT IT ON PS3 YESTERDAY!!!! WHY WOULD YOU GUYS ANNOUNCE THIS 5 DAYS BEFORE IT COMES OUT!?!?!?!", "fudgenasty21 said:", "November 19th, 9:35 am", "this was announced quietly last june", "GoPens35 said:", "November 19th, 10:07 am", "I don't think it was announced for NA then though, I remember there being a lot of is it coming here questions.", "dkarlowicz10 said:", "November 19th, 2:39 pm", "If a game like Beyond Two Souls get announced for Europe, it always (for the most part) comes to US at some point.", "When this was announced for Europe in June, I presumed that it would also come here.", "AriesSiren said:", "November 19th, 9:55 am", "The chronological order needs to be available from the start for people that already played it through why can't developers just get things right?", "You shouldn't have to force somebody to do something they already have done . completely lost my sale.", "Stupid", "RPGCrazied said:", "November 19th, 9:59 am", "Why no disc release for the US?", "Only way I will buy it.", "GoPens35 said:", "November 19th, 10:10 am", "Ages old Sony proverb \"Anything worth doing is worth doing wrong\".", "tech_boy_103 said:", "November 19th, 10:20 am", "I never got a chance to play beyond two souls in 2013 because I was saving up for ps4 and heavy rain I will play again on ps4 and all my ps4. Or all Digital and it's the future", "Fuhr31 said:", "November 19th, 10:21 am", "I really don't understand why people support these re-releases, especially for the prices they sell them at.", "I just don't", "Oh well, I guess this is what we get this generation of gaming.", "dkarlowicz10 said:", "November 19th, 2:41 pm", "Because:", "1) they might not have had a PS3 and PS4 might be their first console.", "2) might have not had a chance to play this even if they did have a PS3 (me).", "3) might one the remaster (or port) on the next console.", "Welmosca said:", "November 19th, 10:46 pm", "They're sheeps,most don't even realize the evil they're contributing to…", "PS4 generation is proving itself the worse ever,more and more.", "Recycled games like these are a cancer in the gaming community…", ".PS3 generation already brought irreversible sickness into the gaming community,it took some time though.", "PS4 is only in its 2nd year and we already have a thing such as recycled PS3 games…can't imagine what the future hold for us.\"Gaming\" is walking to the abyss.", "Monterossa said:", "November 19th, 10:22 am", "I want the bath scene.", "TreasureReserved said:", "November 19th, 11:16 am", "Slow internet here.", "Definitely looking forward to a physical retail release.", "Preferably both games in one package would be super.", "JanusDS said:", "November 19th, 11:38 am", "I probably won't buy it again but for people who do get it, I hope you guys improve the camera controls with Jodie and instead of the camera constantly trying to force itself in the direction of where you're \"supposed\" to go and it feeling like you have to fight against it to freely look around, just let the player have complete control over the camera.", "Also when playing as Aiden, it would be nice if the camera angle didn't affect his up and down movement since you had buttons for that and that's really how it should be.", "It got very annoying navigating around with him when you're trying to move around through walls on the same vertical plane and look around but every time you move while looking up or down he also moves in that direction or the opposite if moving backwards.", "You have the buttons to make him move up or down, which is perfect and exactly why he shouldn't move up and down based on the view.", "I might also wait and see, if you guys do a physical release with both games, that would be cool and I would almost certainly buy that.", "It would really be great if those improvements I mentioned in Beyond were present because they were my only real gripes about the gameplay.", "iREVOLTER said:", "November 19th, 11:58 am", "So are you saying that requested fan feature will be available only for PS4 ver. of the game?", "And QD nor Sony aren't going to update the PS3 version of the game with the features?", "That's because we need to pay second time for the PS4 edition with this fan requested feature, BIG disappointment here!", "I remember than updates and patches were free, now this new trend is terrifying.", "plaztiksyke said:", "November 19th, 1:12 pm", "I am so excited for this.", "Despite their minor flaws, these are the kind of games that I stick to PlayStation for.", "I'm so glad 360 and Wii owners who got a PS4 will be able to experience them.", "I hope that Puppeteer gets a PS4 version soon, as well.", "I'm glad there will be a discount when buying them both.", "Will Heavy Rain include both the Move and DualShock control schemes?", "Will Beyond include support for the mobile app?", "Will Heavy Rain use the touchpad or any other DS4 features?", "I'd *love* to see the Kara and Dark Sorcerer demos as pause-able experience on PS4.", "Marlond2014 said:", "November 19th, 1:24 pm", "Will this be a physical copy soon?", "PAGE 1", "Next »", "Comments are closed.", "We close the comments for posts after 30 days", "### PlayStation Store", "PS Plus", "PS Video", "PS Music", "PS Now", "PS Vue", "# Follow PlayStation:", "# Subscribe", "Subscribe to our feed", "## Bluepoint Games", "A look inside the studio behind the remaster of February 2018's Shadow of the Colossus.", "## Far Cry 5 Gameplay", "More than 20 minutes of new Far Cry 5 gameplay revealed.", "## Dreams", "See the new trailer for Media Molecule's ambitious project, launching in 2018.", "## Monster Hunter", "Prepare for the hunt in Monster Hunter: World out January 26th", "Close Comment CardX", "We Value Your Opinion!", "Would you be willing to answer a few brief questions about PlayStation.Blog?", "Yes, I would", "No thanks", "Don't ask again" ]
{ "id": "train42467", "claim_title": "Beyond: Two Souls", "claim_section": "Release.", "claim_context": "Two changes were made amounting to 5–10 seconds of gameplay. \n Immediately after the game was released, nude images of Jodie, actress Ellen Page, surfaced on the Reddit online community. The game did include one nude scene of Jodie—showering, shown at an angle that preserves the character's modesty—however the leaked images were full-frontal. Industry analysts deduced that a person in possession of a developer PlayStation 3 that allowed quality assurance features such as \"free camera\" mode had used the special PlayStation to create and upload the images. Sony immediately took steps to remove them, asking for the community's assistance and explaining that the images were of a digital model and not of Page, who had a \"no nudity\" policy in titles she appeared in. The images were removed from the website. \n In June 2015, Quantic Dream announced a PlayStation 4 version of \"Beyond: Two Souls\" for North America, Europe, and the PAL region alongside \"Heavy Rain\". The PlayStation 4 version of \"Beyond: Two Souls\" was released on 24 November, with the remaster of \"Heavy Rain\" following on 1 March 2016." }
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In 2016 the studio's second film, "Henry", won the Emmy for Outstanding Original Interactive Program.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Oculus' Virtual Reality Film Henry Just Won an Emmy | WIRED", "(meta data) AUTHOR: Angela Watercutter", "#### Get Our Newsletter", "##### WIRED's biggest stories delivered to your inbox.", "##### This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.", "Angela Watercutterculture09.08.1603:27 pm", "# Oculus' Virtual Reality Film Henry Just Won an Emmy", "Oculus Story StudioAngela Watercutterculture09.08.1603:27 pm", "# Oculus' Virtual Reality Film Henry Just Won an Emmy", "Oculus Story Studio", "For a few years now, virtual reality filmmakers have fought for recognition and acceptance among traditional directors and studios.", "Last night, Oculus' filmmaking arm, Story Studio, got a taste of the kind of validation they've been looking for: an Emmy for its animated VR experience Henry.", "The award, for Outstanding Original Interactive Program, isn't the first Emmy to be given to a VR project—that distinction goes to the Sleepy Hollow VR experience—but it is the first original VR short to be given such an honor.", "It is also, according to Story Studio creative director Saschka Unseld, \"what every storyteller hopes for: to have the world validate the risks we were worried to take.\"", "Henry, released last year and directed by Pixar vet Ramiro Lopez Dau, tells the story of a lonely hedgehog who throws himself a birthday party.", "It's a fairly simple tale, but it set out to prove there could be an emotional connection fostered in VR that was different than what viewers experience looking at movies or TV.", "When you look at Henry in Henry, he looks back, and it's simultaneously intense and heartbreaking.", "\"From the start we've wanted to show that VR is an art form—a place that welcomes storytellers and that even at this very, very early stage it can be a powerful tool for storytelling,\" Dau says.", "\"This Emmy validates that vision.", "We hope this represents a tipping point for the VR industry.\"", "Oculus Story Studio's next project, Dear Angelica, is slated for release later this year.", "#emmys#Oculus", "#### Most Popular", "##### Three Years of Misery Inside Google, the Happiest Company in Tech", "Nitasha Tikusecurity", "##### How a 'NULL' License Plate Landed One Hacker in Ticket Hell", "Brian Barrettsecurity", "##### A Brief History of Vanity License Plates Gone Wrong", "Brian BarrettMore StoriesView Comments" ]
{ "id": "train23106", "claim_title": "Oculus Story Studio", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "Oculus Story Studio was an original animated virtual-reality film studio that was a division of Oculus VR. The studio was started by Oculus VR to pioneer animated virtual reality filmmaking and educate, inspire, and foster community for filmmakers interested in VR. \n Story Studio was founded in 2014 by Pixar veterans Saschka Unseld and Max Planck, as well as producer Edward Saatchi. The studio was publicly announced and premiered its first film, Lost, at the 2015 Sundance Film Festival." }
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Crocker had served as the Australian High Commissioner to India between 1952 and 1955 and again from 1958 to 1962.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Obituary - Sir Walter Russell Crocker - Obituaries Australia", "Australian Dictionary of Biography", "People Australia", "Indigenous Australia", "Women Australia", "Labour Australia", "# Obituaries Australia", "Tip: searches only the name field", "Tip: use double quotes to search for a phrase", "Tip: lists of awards, schools, organisations etc", "About Us", "Contact Us", "Advanced Search", "Faceted Browse", "### Browse People:", "Date of Birth", "Date of Death", "### Browse Lists:", "Educational Institutions (Higher)", "Educational Institutions (School)", "Military Service", "Passenger Ships", "Political Activisms", "Rural Properties", "Social Issues", "Stately Homes", "## Crocker, Sir Walter Russell (1902–2002)", "by John Farquharson", "Sir Walter Crocker, 1952", "National Library of Australia, 40277822", "Sir Walter Crocker, who died in Adelaide on November 14, aged 100, rendered signal service to Australia for many years as a highly respected envoy, as well as serving with distinction for more than nine years as Lieutenant-Governor of South Australia.", "During an exciting and adventurous life at home and abroad, he filled many other roles as a decorated military officer in World War II, scholar, colonial administrator, farmer and author.", "An independent thinker, not reticent in speaking his mind, he attracted many friends and admirers during a public career spanning well over 60 years.", "However, he also had his critics who, at times, found him exasperating, abrasive and not a little waspish.", "Yet he survived in public regard despite the controversy he occasionally stirred through clumsy criticism of touchy subjects, not least religion.", "And in November 1991, then aged 90, he came out in support of a right-wing group protesting against Australia's first Nazi war-crimes case, even taking part in a demonstration outside Adelaide Magistrates Court.", "He claimed the case was a waste of taxpayers' money and that it was driven by revenge, not justice.", "Moreover the accused had committed no crimes against Australians anywhere.", "Although he could be cutting when he chose, Sir Walter was fundamentally an erudite man who espoused his views intelligently and with sincerity.", "With an underlying commitment to traditional values, went polished manners in an English gentleman style and a beguiling charm.", "Max Harris, poet, editor and publisher, once described Crocker as 'a symbol of the compleat civilised man', while journalist and author Stewart Cockburn called him 'a radical with a sense of form'.", "Cockburn added that it was 'a measure of the richness and complexity of his character that he had defied all efforts to stitch neat labels on him'.", "Essentially, he was an urbane Anglo-Australian who took to English culture and style as to the manner born.", "He gloried in the twenties and thirties when it still seemed that the sun would never set on the British Empire and that era's ordered lifestyle.", "For all that, his background could not have been more grassroots Australian.", "He was born on March 25, 1902 in Broken Hill, New South Wales, into a pioneering farming family from South Australia's mid-north.", "Raised on his father's grazing property about 32 km from Terowie, he completed his primary education at Peterborough State school before being prepared for matriculation by a private tutor.", "He went on to a distinguished academic career at Adelaide, Oxford and Stanford (USA) universities.", "After nine years of universities, Crocker made a visit to Japan.", "But he was looking for a life of action in place of study, preferably a life of action connected with Empire responsibilities.", "Having something of a Kiplingesque approach to duty, he joined the British colonial service and was sent to Nigeria as a political officer.", "However sickness, coupled with dissatisfaction with the progress in carrying out official policy, turned him in 1934 to the League of Nations' International Labour Office in Geneva.", "He stayed with the ILO, where he was assistant to the director-general, until the outbreak of World War II when he joined the British Army.", "He served as an intelligence officer in the West African command, rising to Lieutenant-Colonel, and was awarded the Croix de Guerre and the Belgian Ordre du Lion.", "After the war, he took a brief spell back in Australia on the family farm before answering a call from R. G. Casey (later Lord Casey), then Governor of Bengal, to help with relief measures during the famine then ravaging that part of India.", "This led in 1946 to him being offered the post of first head of the African section in the United Nations secretariat.", "He remained with the UN in New York until 1949 when he took up an appointment as Professor of International Relations at the Australian National University in Canberra.", "During his term at the ANU he acted as vice-chancellor in 1951.", "From 1952, there followed 18 years with the then Department of External Affairs as a senior diplomat and at that time one of Minister Casey's inner advisory group.", "His first posting was as High Commissioner to India.", "Later he served as Ambassador to Indonesia (1955-56), High Commissioner to Canada (1956-58 and another stint as High Commissioner to India (1958-62).", "He retired in 1970 as Australian Ambassador to Italy, having, in the intervening years, also served as Ambassador to the Netherlands and Belgium (1962-65) and Ethiopia, Uganda and Kenya (1965-67).", "But even as a senior diplomat his independence of mind kept breaking through.", "In the early 1970s he was probably ahead of his time in advocating a rapprochement with China.", "He saw advantages to Australia in such a move and was openly critical of Australia's 'undue obsequiousness' to American foreign policy, the then Government's non-recognition of China and Australia's involvement in the Vietnam War.", "On the domestic front, he attacked the extent to which overseas interests had been allowed to gain control of Australia's mineral resources.", "With such views, it was perhaps not surprising that during the 1972 Federal election campaign he was a signatory, along with Kenneth Myer, of the Myer department store chain, and several other leading citizens and academics, to a widely published letter calling for Labor to be given a chance in government.", "It was probably these sorts of opinions which precluded him from the top job in External Affairs.", "But they were no barrier to him being named by the Dunstan Government as Lieutenant-Governor of South Australia in 1973.", "Sir Mark Oliphant, who was succeeded by Sir Douglas Nicholls, was Governor when Crocker took up his unexpected role.", "Then during the illness and subsequent resignation of Sir Douglas, he became acting Governor for six months or so until the appointment of the Reverend Keith Seaman in 1977.", "He stepped down as Lieutenant-Governor in 1982.", "Sir Walter published 10 books, including two volumes of memoirs (Australian Ambassador, 1971 and Travelling Back, 1981) and a biography of veteran South Australian Premier, Sir Thomas Playford, 1982.", "He admired Playford as a man and politician and believed that, during his lifetime, only one other political figure could be compared to him - Robert Menzies.", "But, apart from Casey, who he regarded as the best minister he had served under, he was not so impressed with other politicians such as Barwick, McMahon and McEwen.", "He was also to acknowledge that the Whitlam Government 'did not turn out as most of us would have wished'.", "A royalist who believed there was no advantage in Australia becoming a republic, he liked to work out his own conclusions about life, people, politics and affairs of the day.", "He had a great love of Italy and bought a house in Tuscany, where he intended to retire.", "However, the tug of his native hearth was too strong and he opted to return to South Australia for which he had always had a sense of pride in belonging.", "He also liked the quality of life there and felt it had pioneered some great social advances.", "In 1951 Crocker married Claire Ward, daughter of a headmaster of Adelaide's Prince Alfred College, but the marriage was later dissolved.", "They had two sons, who survive him.", "Sir Walter Russell Crocker, born March 25 1902; died November 14 2002.", "### Original publication", "Age (Melbourne), 27 November 2002", "Sydney Morning Herald, 2 December 2002", "### Additional Resources", "memoirs, MS 5019 (National Library of Australia)", "Trove search", "'Fellowships Awarded', Advertiser (Adelaide), 18 May 1928, p 15", "review of 'Light on the Dark Continent', Advertiser (Adelaide), 6 September 1947, p 18", "is to marry, Advertiser (Adelaide), 15 August 1951, p 6, column A", "'Professor to be Indian High Commissioner, Sydney Morning Herald, 15 March 1952, p 2", "### Related Entries in NCB Sites", "view family tree", "Crocker, Robert Langdon (brother)", "Lindsay, Michael Francis (supported)", "### Citation details", "John Farquharson, 'Crocker, Sir Walter Russell (1902–2002)', Obituaries Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, accessed 24 August 2019.", "© Copyright Obituaries Australia, 2010-2019", "Sir Walter Crocker, 1952", "National Library of Australia, 40277822", "### Life Summary [details]", "##### Birth", "25 March 1902 Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia", "##### Death", "14 November 2002 Adelaide, South Australia, Australia", "##### Education", "Peterborough State School (SA)University of AdelaideOxford UniversityStanford University (USA)", "##### Occupation", "defence forces personnel (British)diplomatlieutenant-governorpublic servant", "##### Military Service", "World War II", "##### Awards", "Croix de Guerre (France)Ordre du LionCommander of the Order of the British EmpireKnight Commander of the Order of the British Empire", "##### Workplaces" ]
{ "id": "train20417", "claim_title": "Nehru: A Contemporary's Estimate", "claim_section": "Crocker.", "claim_context": "" }
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After being heavily involved in theatre he transitioned from acting to writing/directing and went to learn filmmaking at the School of Visual Arts in New York.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Shubhashish Bhutiani on 'Mukti Bhawan' and the funny side of waiting for death | News India Times", "(meta data) AUTHOR: Shilpa Jamkhandikar", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2017-03-31T12:51:55+00:00", "Search Home BREAKING NEWS Shubhashish Bhutiani on 'Mukti Bhawan' and the funny side of waiting for...BREAKING NEWSENTERTAINMENT", "# Shubhashish Bhutiani on 'Mukti Bhawan' and the funny side of waiting for death", "By Shilpa Jamkhandikar - March 31, 20170Shubhashish Bhutiani (Photo: Reuters)", "Of the many things Varanasi is known for, so-called salvation homes that cater to the terminally ill best exemplify Hinduism's holiest city.", "Drawing from the belief that people who die there allow their soul to escape a cycle of death and rebirth, many who seek 'mukti' check into these accommodations to wait for death.", "Shubhashish Bhutiani's \"Mukti Bhawan\" (titled \"Hotel Salvation\" in English) provides a window into the lives of these people and their loved ones.", "The movie, which premiered at the Venice Film Festival last year and releases in Indian theatres on April 7, tells the story of a son who takes his father to die in Varanasi.", "Bhutiani spoke to Reuters about the film.", "How did you come up with the idea for \"Mukti Bhawan\"?", "A:", "I had moved back to India after studying in the U.S. and working at a few jobs.", "I wanted to travel around the country, so I backpacked across India and my last stop was Varanasi.", "I had heard about these…", "I am just going to use the word hotel even though they are not really hotels.", "In the local language they call them bhawans.", "They have many qualities of a hotel and the word works for translation purposes.", "My entry point into this world was just from a place of fascination.", "When I went there, it was not with the agenda of making a film, but just to see a place that was so unique.", "I became touched by people's stories of why they come there and what this place means for them and one particular incident stayed with me, of a son who brings his father to die there.", "That compelled me to write something around it.", "(Photo: Reuters)", "What does the film say about the idea of 'mukti'?", "A: It is certainly not something that every character in the film believes in.", "Only the patriarch of the family is firm about this belief.", "His son (Adil Hussain's character) is too caught up in his own life to think about these things – it is how we in the cities are.", "I don't see this as a religious or a spiritual film.", "It is told from a human perspective.", "It deals with modern times and where we stand with our traditions and how it impacts us.", "It brings out humor too, because who knows when death will come?", "It brought a smile to my face – these people who are predicting their death.", "But how can you know really?", "Is humor an essential element of the story?", "A: It is not a conscious effort as much as a feeling I had.", "If you have a hotel that is giving you 15 days to die, I think that is funny.", "Someone is putting a time limit on that, when you can never know.", "I have tried for most of the humour to come out of the situations itself.", "Can you talk about your choice of cast, especially Lalit Bahl who we haven't seen after his brilliant performance in \"Titli\"?", "A: He got this role because I saw him in \"Titli\" and I was looking for someone intimidating.", "I still auditioned him and all, but he was always in my mind when I was writing the film.", "Given the number of senior actors in your film, did you feel your age (he's 25) got in the way?", "A: I don't know… I do have some experience.", "And I also see directing as a job.", "My job is to get the best out of everybody and make the film that I set out to make.", "I try to focus on that more and what I want to do.", "I don't focus on the position.", "Did you shoot at an actual mukti bhawan?", "A: There are two-three mukti bhawans in Banaras and I wanted to adopt several characteristics of each of them.", "They all had different elements that I loved.", "One was by the river, one had a rule board of what the guests could and could not do; one was livelier, where people sat in the courtyard in the evenings.", "Also, I wanted control of the space and didn't want to disturb anybody.", "If I went to a real place, they are doing their thing.", "You didn't want to get in the way of death?", "A: Yeah, you could say that (laughs).", "But we found a place that fit all our requirements – it was by the river, had a courtyard and we could make our own Mukti Bhawan out of it.", "That is where we shot.", "#### RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR", "### Rajkummar Rao delivers pitch-perfect performance", "### 'Badrinath Ki Dulhaniya': progressiveness skewed toward men", "### Bollywood needs to take risks to make better films: Vikramaditya Motwane", "### LEAVE A REPLY Cancel reply", "Please enter your comment!", "Please enter your name here You have entered an incorrect email address!Please enter your email address here", "Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.", "Yes, I would like to receive emails from DESI TALK Headlines!.", "Sign me up!", "By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive marketing emails from: DESI TALK Headlines!, 115 west 30th St., New York, NY, 10001,", "You can revoke your consent to receive emails at any time by using the SafeUnsubscribe® link, found at the bottom of every email.", "Emails are serviced by Constant Contact", "#### MOST POPULAR", "### North American Debut of Fashion Designer Shravan Kummar", "June 6, 2017", "### Telangana man Mubeen Ahmed shot in California, in critical condition", "June 8, 2017", "### Indian American student Sayak Banerjee missing in California", "April 28, 2017", "### Two Indian American men charged with posing as DHS agents, defrauding...", "June 8, 2017", "#### HOT NEWS", "### India's Independence Movement source of inspiration for Indian-American politicians and activists", "August 13, 2019", "### India accuses Pakistan of helping militants infiltrate Kashmir", "August 14, 2019", "### Tennis: Indian players want safety guarantees for Pakistan trip – Bhupathi", "August 14, 2019", "### Games: Britain seeks to assuage India over Commonwealth shooting row", "August 14, 2019" ]
{ "id": "train27052", "claim_title": "Shubhashish Bhutiani", "claim_section": "Biography.", "claim_context": "Shubhashish Bhutiani grew up in a small Himalayan town in India where he attended Woodstock School." }
[ [] ]
The Carteret ministry was the ministry that was in office between 1742 and 1744 following the defeat of Sir Robert Walpole's ministry by a margin of 1 vote.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: III. The Second Whig Opposition, 1722-42 | History of Parliament Online", "# History of Parliament Online", "Home Research > Surveys > 1715-1754 > Iii. the second whig opposition, 1722-42", "## Go To Section", "1386-1421", "1422-1504", "1509-1558", "1558-1603", "1604-1629", "1640-1660", "1660-1690", "1690-1715", "1715-1754", "1754-1790", "1790-1820", "1820-1832", "# III. The Second Whig Opposition, 1722-42", "Published in The History of Parliament: the House of Commons 1715-1754, ed. R. Sedgwick, 1970Available from Boydell and Brewer", "When the news of the reconstruction of the ministry on a Townshend-Walpole-Sunderland basis was released in February 1721, it was", "said with great confidence that though Sunderland is forced to submit to these things, yet he will have his party in the ministry, which he is now endeavouring to set up, by making, if he can prevail upon him to accept, Carleton president, and to make another secretary of state in whom he can confide.", "But the other party say he has no power.1", "Sunderland's superior interest at court, which had so far enabled him to 'remove from one office to another, still retaining the character and influence of prime minister',2 was sufficient to procure the appointment of his supporters, Lords Carleton and Carteret, to the posts of lord president and secretary of state, vacated by Townshend's promotion and Craggs's death a few days later.", "But it did not save him from mortifying defeats in matters relating to Walpole's province, the House of Commons,3 or prevent Walpole, as head of the Treasury, from using government money and patronage to bring his own supporters into Parliament when a new one was called on 13 Mar. 1722.4", "On 31 Mar., when the returns of all the English boroughs, except those in Cornwall, were in, the Duke of Newcastle reported to Sunderland that", "all the elections, where I have any concern, both in north and south, except those for the counties of Sussex and Nottingham, are now over ...", "All our boroughs in Nottinghamshire have gone as we wished, though the contest at Nottingham was stronger than I could have imagined ...", "Of the twenty-eight Members for the county of Sussex, we have but three we can properly call Tories.", "Asking Sunderland 'to acquaint the King with the success of our endeavours for his service', he hoped in a week or ten days to wait upon 'you at your country seat in Piccadilly'.5 Less than three weeks later Sunderland's death from pleurisy on 19 Apr. left Townshend and Walpole masters of the field.", "The returns of the counties, Wales, Cornwall, and Scotland, most of which came in during April, did not materially change the size of the majority already obtained by the Whigs in the English boroughs.", "In the counties the Tories gained three seats; in Wales there was no change; in the venal Cornish boroughs the Whigs won 37 out of 44 seats, a gain of five; another six were gained in Scotland, where the contest was not between Whigs and Tories but between two rival Whig factions, one headed by the Duke of Argyll and his brother, Lord Ilay, the other, known as the Squadrone, headed by the Duke of Roxburghe.", "A Jacobite thus describes the conduct of the elections in Scotland:", "Very few of the King's [i.e. the Pretender's] friends would stand candidates amongst the Commons, and the truth on't is we thought it of no great importance, knowing well that few or none of them would be returned, though elected by ever so great a majority.", "And it happened that the sheriffs made what returns they pleased, even of the Whigs.", "Such as were in the Crown's nomination returned those the ministry recommended, and those that were hereditary, as they stood severally affected to the Argyll or Squadrone faction; so that in a manner the sheriffs and not the barons or burgesses made choice of the greatest part of the Scots Members that went to the House of Commons,", "whom he elsewhere refers to as 'a parcel of people of low fortunes, that could not subsist without their board wages (which at ten guineas a week during each session was duly paid them) or mere tools and dependents'.6", "The Squadrone were defeated by the Duke of Argyll, who secured", "very near the whole Scots in the House of Commons, and all of them in the House of Lords, except Montrose, Roxburghe, Tweeddale, and Rothes ...", "Those of the Scots in the House of Commons that are not Argyll's men act as individuals, and but a very few by Roxburghe's interest.7", "The general election resulted in the return of 379 Whigs to 178 Tories, a Whig gain of 38 over the results of the 1715 election.", "154 contests, 35 more than in 1715, produced the record number of 99 petitions, only 24 of which were heard, resulting in the replacement of nine Tories by Whigs, who gained one more on a double return.", "Thus after petitions the new House of Commons consisted of 389 Whigs and 169 Tories, a government majority of 220.", "The first session of the new Parliament opened on 9 Oct. 1722, three months earlier than the usual time under Walpole, owing to the discovery of the Atterbury plot, on information supplied by the Duke of Orleans, the Regent of France.", "Onslow, who took part in the parliamentary prosecutions of the conspirators, describes the handling of this affair:", "When this intimation was given from the Regent (who it was said did it on condition that no one should die for it) the difficulty of getting to the bottom and fixing the evidence of it still remained, but when that was effected, in a great measure by Mr. Walpole's dexterity, who had the chief part in unravelling this dark mystery, the prosecution was as difficult to manage as the other, from the want in most of the cases of legal proofs to convict the criminals at law, and from the necessity not to let them go without some degree of punishment that might be a security to the Government against the like attempts for the future, and worthy of the notice the Government had taken of this.", "This he also undertook and carried through in Parliament with great skill and clearness and made it serve another purpose too he always aimed at, the uniting of the Whigs against the Tories as Jacobites, which all of them gave too much handle for on this and many other occasions, and making therefore combinations between them and any body of Whigs to be impracticable; and it had that effect for some time.", "Onslow adds that 'the Whigs almost universally fell in with the prosecutions and made the greatest disproportion in the numbers upon the divisions in the House of Commons I ever knew there'.8", "The bills of pains and penalties against Atterbury and his agents were carried by an average of 264 to 102.", "After the end of this session, George Baillie, the only member of Sunderland's Treasury board who had kept his place under Walpole, wrote, 10 July 1723:", "Walpole doubtless has secret enemies, who envy him and would be ready on occasion to join with others against him, but besides his parts he carries the bag, has provided for all that went out with him last, has the recommending to the most valuable posts, as well as to a multitude of small ones that all depend upon the revenue.", "These make his interest so strong that he has nothing to apprehend, unless it be from the too great majority of Whigs in Parliament, for it is impossible to satisfy them all, and the discontented may join with the Tories who are pretty numerous in the House of Commons.9", "This forecast was borne out in April 1725, when William Pulteney, having been passed over for the office of secretary of state, 'set himself at the head of the opposition to the Court, and meditated nothing but the ruin of Sir Robert Walpole, to whose account he placed the irremissible sin of putting the Duke of Newcastle into that employment he had pretended to'.10", "An occasion for opposition was presented to Pulteney in September 1725, when Europe was brought to the brink of a general war by the treaty of Hanover, an Anglo-French alliance, negotiated by Townshend, to preserve the balance of power against an Austro-Spanish alliance concluded earlier that year.", "On 29 Nov. 1725 Walpole reported to Townshend in Hanover that 'the Pulteneys', that is William and his cousin, Daniel, who had accompanied him into opposition,", "build great hopes upon the difficulties they promise themselves will arise from the foreign affairs, and especially from the Hanover treaty", "I had a curiosity to open some of their letters and find them full of this language.", "The last foreign mail brought a letter from Count Stahremberg [the Emperor's ambassador at London] to William Pulteney giving him great expectations of the materials he should furnish him with, when it might be done with safety, and very strong in general terms upon what is transacting with you.", "Daniel fills all his inland correspondence with reflections of the same kind, and gives all their fools great hopes of doing wonders; their only two topics are the civil list and the Hanover treaty; but I cannot learn they have gained a man but righteous Sir Joseph [Jekyll].11", "On the Address at the opening of the next session, 20 Jan. 1726, Pulteney spoke 'not to oppose it, only to show in what a sad condition we were in to go to war, for though peace had been so long, yet not one shilling of the debt was paid, that we owed 50 million'.12", "He followed this up with a motion by Daniel Pulteney, 9 Feb., for an inquiry into the national debt, which was rejected by 262 to 89, the Tories being 'generally with the minority ... but not many Whigs'.13", "In a debate on the treaty, 17 Feb., 'the anti-courtiers', as they called themselves, took the line that 'it was not prudent to break with the Emperor and Spain in in order to aggrandize France and that it would draw us into a war to support his Majesty's foreign dominions, which was against the Act of Succession', but a motion assuring the King that the House would stand by him if Hanover were attacked was carried by 285 to 107.", "In a debate on a vote of credit, 25 Mar., to enable the King to engage additional seamen and promote such alliances as he thought fit, which was carried by 270 to 89, it was insinuated that Pulteney", "by correspondence had assured the Germans that the treaty of Hanover with France and Prussia would never go down with the House of Commons, which was one reason the Emperor gave us the trouble of this day's debate, and that the minister that made it would be fallen upon as well as another minister [Walpole], as he was called, for embezzling the public money.", "At the opening of the next session, 17 Jan. 1727, Pulteney and the Tory leaders moved for the omission from the Address of words desiring the King 'to put the kingdom in a posture of defence' against the threat of an invasion to restore the house of Stuart.", "They all owned their zeal and readiness to keep out the Pretender but doubted the fact of the invasion and thought it [a] gloss of the ministers in the Speech to draw people into a greater expense, and that those words justified the conduct of the ministers and tended to a vote of credit ...", "The whole debate on one side [i.e. the government] ran of the ingratitude of the Emperor and the danger of quarrelling with Spain and the taking away our India trade [by the Ostend Company], on the other side [the opposition] the uncertainty of the friendship of France.", "The Address was carried by 251 to 85, Sir Edward Knatchbull, though still a Tory, voting in the majority, 'being fully convinced of the danger we were in, and if we receded we were outdone, though we were but in a very bad condition to go on'.", "On 25 Jan. a motion for increasing the army from 16,000 to 26,000 men was carried by 250 to 85.", "The argument against it was that we were in a sufficient posture of defence, that we had increased the seamen 10,000, and that an increase of land forces was unnecessary, especially since it was owned by Sir Robert Walpole in the debate the first day that the design of sending the Pretender here was known long before the Hanover treaty, and that was but last year, when the King, not the ministry, demanded no more troops than were the year before, and since the addition was thought unnecessary even then, when the design was known, it was unnecessary now, and might be made use of to the oppression of our country and danger of our liberties.", "Two days later the committee of ways and means agreed by 190 to 81 to double the land tax, causing Knatchbull to observe 'so we have a standing army and four shillings in the pound'.", "On 6 and 7 Feb. opposition Whig motions for papers relating to the restitution of Gibraltar and the sending of a squadron to the Baltic were defeated by 204 to 97 and 196 to 99.", "A motion by Pulteney, 21 Feb., repeating a demand, which had already been refused, for a detailed account of a sum of £125,000 spent on secret service under last year's vote of credit, was rejected by 235 to 110, Knatchbull going out before the division,", "not knowing which way to vote, for as a further inquiry would have been of ill consequence and must have been a sort of remonstrance to the Crown at that ticklish juncture, so I thought the not having an account of that money would be so bad a precedent that any ministry hereafter might by a vote of credit get a larger sum in their power to dispose of without account and might be applied to any purpose whatsoever if no account was to be rendered of it.", "A vote of censure on Walpole moved by one of Pulteney's followers, Sir John Rushout, 7 Mar., was disposed of by putting the question for the orders of the day, which was carried by 248 to 124, Knatchbull and several other Tories voting with the majority, seeing 'plainly there was nothing warranted by the evidence to justify the personal question'.", "On 13 Mar., an address condemning a memorial attacking the Government, published by the imperial minister in London, was carried nem. con., after the House had shown itself against a Tory proposal, supported by Pulteney, that the King should be asked to supply facts showing the allegations of the memorial to be false.", "The only other important divisions of this session, on another vote of credit, 12 Apr., and on a proposal to balance the budget from the sinking fund, 26 Apr., were carried by 229 to 109 and 207 to 89.", "After the rising of Parliament, 15 May, Walpole's brother, Horace, thus summed up the proceedings of the late session:", "All questions were carried by a great majority, and with a good will on the part of the Whigs, who have been in a manner unanimous, excepting some few, but very few, not amounting to ten at most, who followed Mr. Pulteney, who has had no success in his opposition and got no other reputation than that of endeavouring to sacrifice the public good to his own private resentment.14", "The death of George I brought little comfort to Pulteney, who emerged from the ensuing general election with a following of only 15, including himself and Daniel Pulteney, in a House consisting of 424 Whigs and 130 Tories, four seats being vacant owing to double returns, which were decided in favour of three Whigs and a Tory.", "114 contests, 40 less than in 1722, produced 61 petitions, 24 of which were heard, resulting in a Whig gain of three seats, so that the new House of Commons consisted of 415 ministerial supporters, 15 opposition Whigs, and 128 Tories, a government majority of 272, the largest since George I's accession.", "By the end of the first session of the new Parliament, during which the opposition vote averaged only 87, the Emperor and Spain had agreed to the preliminaries of a general peace treaty, leaving all outstanding questions to be settled by a congress at Soissons.", "But at the opening of the next session, 21 Jan. 1729, the King's Speech stated that, as no reply had so far been received from Vienna and Madrid to proposals for a provisional treaty, the fate of Europe was still in suspense.", "Nevertheless, an address promising continued support for the Government's foreign policy was carried by 249 to 87, only Tories voting against it;15 on 31 Jan. estimates for the same number of troops as before were carried without a division, after a debate showing that 'the opposers were disunited'; on 5 Feb. an opposition motion casting doubt on the fidelity of France as an ally was rejected by 235 to 80, a majority so considerable that the chiefs of the Tories, Sir William Wyndham and Sir John Hynde Cotton, went out of town, and it was thought that the session would be short, since all opposition was ineffectual.", "Outside Parliament, however, the economic consequences of the treaty of Hanover had given rise to", "a prodigious clamour against Sir Robert, particularly in the City.", "Trade, they say, was never known at so low an ebb; the exchange against us everywhere, 6 or 7 per cent, except to Portugal; and 'tis computed by some eminent merchants that we every week send fifty thousand pounds in specie out of the kingdom.", "As a proof of this, the payment of the Hessian troops comes to £11,000 more this year than it did the last by the difference of the exchange; and if something is not done in a very short time our credit, they say, will be gone, and the nation drained of money.", "In spite of the increased cost, the re-engagement of the 12,000 Hessians was carried on 7 Feb. by 298 to 91.", "On 14 Feb. a proposal to balance the budget by taking £1,200,000 out of the sinking fund was approved by 257 to 90, but a week later, 21 Feb., on a merchants' petition asking for redress against the depredations committed on them by the Spaniards in the West Indies, the Opposition gained 38 votes, including that of Sir George Savile, one of the Whig knights of the shire for Yorkshire.", "The division was upon a complaint the merchants have made to the House upon account of the loss of their ships; and the question was whether it should be heard by a committee of the whole House or a private [i.e. a select] committee.16", "The object of the ministry was to prevent the House from ordering reprisals, which would have prejudiced the prospects of making peace.", "In this they were successful, at the cost of seeing the opposition vote rise from its previous highest level of 91 to 129, 133, and 145 in successive divisions, in the last of which the government majority fell to 35 (180 to 145).", "The sudden deterioration of the parliamentary situation is reflected in a message sent by Townshend, with the approval of the King, to Cardinal Fleury, the head of the French Government, on 21 Feb., the date on which the merchants' petition was presented, warning him that it had become 'evident to us all here that this nation will not long bear the present uncertain state of things'.", "The Cardinal, Townshend's message ran, would be", "mistaken if he thinks that the Parliament is influenced by money to be thus unanimous in the supporting his Majesty in all he has done", "This zeal proceeds from the chief men in both Houses being convinced that the measures his Majesty has hitherto taken are right; but these persons, though they have heartily concurred in what has been done hitherto, are under the greatest anxiety at the uncertain state of our affairs; and will not be kept much longer in suspense.", "We shall raise £3,500,000 this year, which is about £1,500,000 more than our ordinary expenses in time of peace; and if we are not able to give assurances, at least privately, to the Members of weight and interest in both Houses before they are prorogued, that matters are agreed and concerted between his Majesty and France, in such a manner that they may depend upon either seeing an honourable end soon put to our present disturbances by negotiation, or that the allies of Hanover have taken measures to do themselves justice by force of arms, the King's credit and influence in this Parliament will be entirely lost, which is an extremity the King must never suffer himself to be drove to.", "The confusions and misfortunes that attended the reigns of King Charles the first, and the second, and King James in differing with their Parliaments, are too recent and too notorious to be forgot.", "If therefore his Eminence is not to be prevailed upon to open himself confidently to his Majesty, and to lay down such methods as appear proper for bringing the allies of Hanover out of this state of uncertainty (which is the only circumstance that makes the Parliament uneasy under the present burdens), the King must determine in that case, by lessening his expenses abroad, to ease the nation of the greatest part of the additional taxes they now bear.17", "Towards the end of this session Walpole's parliamentary difficulties were increased by an application to Parliament for £115,000 to make good a deficiency of the civil list funds, which he had opposed 'so long and so strenuously that the King had intimated to him if he could not or would not do it, his Majesty would find those who were both able and willing'.", "The application was carried by 241 to 115, 69 Whigs voting against it.18", "During the recess the opposition leaders entertained", "such a sanguine and certain persuasion that it would be impossible to have a peace with Spain, and consequently that the British commerce would have still continued in an uncertain and precarious state, without satisfaction or revenge, that they had concerted their measures to call the ministers to an account for their indolence and neglect in suffering so patiently the insults of the Spaniards; and as this was a very popular point to a nation jealous of their honour, as well as of their privileges of trade, it had created a great ferment among all sorts of people, gentlemen as well as merchants.19", "When this concert or coalition of the two opposition parties was effected, the ministry, as George II subsequently observed, 'were divided and torn by contention among themselves; that was at a time when Townshend was in place, and was giving Walpole all the trouble he could, both in the Parliament and in my closet'.", "The arguments used by the opposition chiefs to win over supporters from the Government are shown by Hervey's account of an attempt by Pulteney during the recess to induce him 'to quit the Administration, which he assured him could not possibly subsist six weeks longer'.", "Their affairs abroad, said he, go so ill that the ministers know not which way to turn themselves.", "They are afraid to make war and unable to make peace.", "Then the quarrel between Lord Townshend and Sir Robert Walpole has so shattered their strength at home by the subdivision of the before divided Whig party that their mutual endeavours to ruin each other must end in the ruin of both.", "The Queen is hated, the King despised, their son both the one and the other, and such a spirit of disaffection to the family and general discontent with the present Government is spread all over the kingdom that it is absolutely impossible for things to go on in the track they are now in.", "Pulteney went on to outline the opposition plans for the forthcoming session:", "Twenty or thirty gentlemen of the first consideration will get up one after another and declare the Act of Settlement broken by the continuation of the Hessian troops in the English pay for the defence of Hanover.", "Other items in the Opposition's indictment of the ministry would be", "the monstrous expense at which we have annually been of late neither to make war nor secure peace; the unpopularity of our standing army at home, besides that abroad; the state of Dunkirk and Gibraltar, the melancholy decay of domestic trade, the losses sustained by our merchants in the Indies, the insults offered there to them by the Spaniards, the cruelties exercised upon them, and the injuries they sustained unrevenged, the loss of our fleet and so many brave seamen before Porto Bello under Admiral Hosier, who was sent thither with his hands tied up and was forced to suffer the galleons to pass under his nose unmolested ... together with the ridicules of our vast chargeable pacific useless ridiculous fleet at Spithead.", "Before the opening of the next session, 13 Jan. 1730, Walpole had succeeded in concluding the treaty of Seville with Spain, which by enabling him to reduce the armed forces", "extremely facilitated the business of the Court this year in Parliament, strengthened the power and credit of Sir Robert, both in the one and the other, and revived the spirit of all his friends, followers and adherents.20", "In the division on the Hessians, 4 Feb. 1730, which was carried by 248 to 169, compared with 298 to 91 in the previous session, 83 Whigs voted in the minority, a gain of 14 on the number voting against the Government on the civil list arrears in 1729.21", "On 10 Feb. the Opposition sprang a surprise by producing evidence that Dunkirk harbour had been repaired, contrary to the provisions of the treaty of Utrecht, on which 'the whole House was in a flame and the ministry stronger pushed than they had ever been on any occasion before'.", "By procuring a fortnight's adjournment of the debate the ministry gained time to obtain from the French Government an order for the demolition of any such works, with the result that when the matter came again before the House, 27 Feb., a motion thanking the King for securing this undertaking from France was carried by 27 to 149.", "On this the 'Dunkirk storm, that was very near shipwrecking the Administration, entirely blew over',22 terminating Walpole's parliamentary difficulties for the rest of the session, at the end of which his troubles at court were also ended by Townshend's resignation, leaving him undisputed prime minister.", "Walpole's premiership inaugurated a new type of prime minister, seated in the House of Commons, as first lord of the Treasury and chancellor of the Exchequer, with the dual function of 'minister with the King in the House of Commons', and 'minister for the House of Commons in the Closet'.", "At this time the King was still the effective head of the Government; ministers regarded and referred to him as their 'Master' and themselves as his 'servants'; the 'Closet', where the most important of them worked with him, was a higher political level than the Cabinet; the Government of the day and their supporters were known as the 'Court'; and the symbol and sign of real ministerial power was 'habitual, frequent, familiar access' to the King.", "By creating a minister who, in Pitt's words, 'went directly' between the King and the House of Commons, Walpole supplied a link, hitherto missing, between the two centres of political power.23", "Walpole introduced this innovation by electing to remain in the House of Commons when, in 1721, he entered on his long period of office as head of the Treasury.", "Hitherto all first class ministers had been peers, or if, like Harley, St. John, and Stanhope, they had risen to the highest political offices while in the House of Commons, they had taken the first opportunity of transferring themselves to the House of Lords.", "Thus ministerial representation in the House of Commons had been confined to underlings, who could not speak with authority, or, as in Addison's case, could not speak at all.", "As a result the relations of the legislature with the executive had been characterized by chronic friction, the House of Commons became periodically unworkable, and the political system generally displayed the familiar symptoms associated with the divorce of power from responsibility.", "Walpole's decision to remain in the House of Commons, for most of the time as the only cabinet minister there, had important effects on his functions and status.", "At first he confined himself to his own province, domestic affairs and the House of Commons, leaving foreign affairs to Townshend.", "Hervey describes how the treaty of Hanover in 1725 showed that this position was untenable:", "When Sir Robert found the clamour against this treaty so great at home, and the difficulties so many in which it entangled us abroad, he began to think it necessary to take some cognisance of what gave him immediately more trouble than all his own affairs put together.", "For though Lord Townshend only was the transactor of these peace and war negotiations, yet the labouring oar in their consequences always fell on Sir Robert; it was he was forced to stand the attacks of parliamentary inquiry into the prudence of making these treaties; it was he was to provide the means necessary to support them; on him only fell the censure of entering into them, and on him lay all the difficulty of getting out of them.24", "In contrast to ministers like Godolphin, Townshend, and Sunderland, whose primacy was solely derived from their personal credit with the sovereign, Walpole's arose from the situation in which he was placed.", "Their status rested on the precarious foundation of royal favour; his was firmly rooted in his parliamentary duties.", "The weakness of their position is illustrated by the complaint of the Duke of Newcastle, whose appointment in 1754 represented an attempt to revert to the pre-Walpole type of prime minister, that George II had told him to confine himself to the Treasury, saying 'you know there is no such thing as first minister in England, and therefore you should not seem to be so'.", "It would have been impossible for George II, nor would he have wished, to have taken this line with Walpole, whose claim to interfere outside his own department rested on his being required to defend in the House of Commons all the actions of the Government.", "The association of the position of prime minister with the Treasury did not arise from any special importance attached to public finance.", "The explanation, as Hardwicke told George II after Newcastle's expostulation, was that", "the head of the Treasury was indeed an employment of great business, very extensive, which always went beyond the bare management of the revenue; that it extended through both Houses of Parliament, the Members of which were naturally to look thither; that there must be some principal person to receive applications, and to hear the wants and the wishes and the requests of mankind, with the reasons of them, in order to lay them before H..M. for his determination; that it was impossible for the King to be troubled with all this himself.25", "In addition to the control of public patronage, which was distributed to Members of Parliament and through them to their constituents, the Treasury carried with it a further source of political power, the secret service money, which was used to supplement places and other open favours and as an election fund.", "In short, the Treasury played the part of a modern party machine, a function still vestigially surviving in the practice of appointing the government whips to be lords of the Treasury.", "In eighteenth-century terminology, 'the power of the Treasury, the secret service, and the House of Commons' went to make up 'the plenitude of power'26 enjoyed by Walpole and after him by Pelham, Grenville, North, and the younger Pitt.", "In modern terms, he combined the positions of prime minister, leader of the House of Commons, and party manager.", "His success in curing the disorders which afflicted the body politic when he entered Parliament lay in his dual role of 'minister with the King in the House of Commons' and 'minister for the House of Commons in the Closet' his influence in each place being strengthened by his influence in the other, combining the two indispensable requisites for orderly and stable government under eighteenth-century conditions, namely that the ministry should be acceptable to both the great centres of political power, the Crown and the House of Commons.", "The causes and consequences of Walpole's taking over control of foreign policy from Townshend are shown by the army and navy figures, which, after rising from 18,000 and 10,000 respectively in 1725, the year of the Hanover treaty, to 26,000 and 29,000 in 1727, were brought back to their pre-Hanover level in 1730, the year of Townshend's resignation.", "The 12,000 Hessians were retained till Townshend's policy had been finally liquidated by the treaty of Vienna with the Emperor, negotiated by Walpole in 1731, when they were carried for the last time by a majority of 85 (249 to 164), compared with one of 79 (248 to 169) in 1730.", "In the same session the army estimates for 18,000 troops were carried by a majority of 104 (240 to 136).", "Next year, when the King's Speech announced that the general tranquillity of Europe had been restored, but no further reductions were made in the army, the government majority fell to 70 (241 to 171) on the army estimates, 77 Whigs voting in the minority, including the Speaker.", "Thenceforth an opposition motion for a reduction of the army to 12,000 men became a hardy annual.", "A further consequence of the restoration of peace was the reduction of the land tax from four shillings to two shillings in 1730.", "In 1732 Walpole reduced it to one shilling, its lowest level since the Revolution, proposing next year to make good the loss of revenue by transferring the collection of duties on wines and tobacco from the customs to the excise, thereby securing an additional revenue of £500,000, the equivalent of a shilling on land, by the diminution of smuggling.", "But, in Adam Smith's words, 'faction, combined with the interest of smuggling merchants, raised so violent, though unjust a clamour against that bill', which was depicted as the beginning of a general excise on all the necessaries of life, that Walpole decided to withdraw it after his majority had fallen in successive divisions from 61 (265 to 204)27 on 14 Mar. 1733, to 17 on 10 Apr., when a petition from the city of London, the centre of the agitation, praying to be heard by counsel against it, was rejected by 214 to 197.", "On the withdrawal of the bill, his majority promptly recovered to 100.", "Next year the land tax returned to two shillings.", "At the dissolution the House of Commons consisted of 342 ministerial supporters, 86 opposition Whigs,28 and 130 Tories, a government majority of 126.", "Thus during this Parliament Pulteney's party had increased by 71.", "Of these, 48 had gone into opposition on the Hanover treaty in 1729-30.", "The remaining 23 included two Powletts, three Stanhopes, and three Dalrymples, who had followed the heads of their families, the Duke of Bolton, Lord Chesterfield, and Lord Stair, when these three peers were dismissed in 1733 for opposing the excise bill.", "The general election of 1734 resulted in the return of 326 ministerial Whigs, 83 opposition Whigs,29 and 149 Tories.", "Notwithstanding the severe Act passed in the year 1729 to prevent bribery and corruption in elections, yet money, though it had been formerly more openly given, was never more plentifully issued than in these.", "Every election that went against the Court the King imputed to the fault of those who lost it, and much too frequently, and too publicly, accused the Whigs of negligence; saying, at the same time, that if the Tories had had a quarter of the support from the Government that the Whigs had received from it for twenty years together, they would never have suffered the Crown to be pushed and the Court to be distressed in the manner it now was; and generally added to these declarations, that he could not help saying, for the honour of the Tories, that they were always much firmer united, and much more industrious and circumspect, than the Whigs.", "... Sir Robert Walpole was now in Norfolk, pushing the county election there, which the Whigs lost by six or seven voices, to the great triumph of the Opposition ... whilst his enemies were working against him at Richmond, and persuading the King and Queen that the majority of the new Parliament would infallibly be chosen against the Court.", "... Many who lost their elections, and particularly the Duke of Dorset (whose eldest son was thrown out in Kent), imputed every miscarriage of the court candidates to the excise scheme.", "But as soon as Sir Robert came back he set everything right, resumed his power, and effaced every impression that had been made either in the mind of the King or Queen to his disadvantage, or in distrust of the new Parliament.", "On election petitions the Government made a net gain of four seats at the expense of the Tories, in the process", "losing several questions on these points that were most industriously solicited, warmly debated, and strenuously pushed", "That which made the defeat of the Court and the triumph of the Opposition more remarkable on these occasions was that most of these disgraces happened at the bar of the House, and on debates that lasted not only several days, but till nine, ten, and eleven o'clock at night.30", "Thus the new House of Commons consisted of 330 ministerial supporters, 83 opposition Whigs, and 145 Tories, a government majority of 102 compared with 272 at the same stage of the previous Parliament.", "Apart from election petitions, the chief business of the first session of the new Parliament was to vote the supplies requested in the King's Speech for the augmentation of the forces necessitated by the outbreak of the war of the Polish succession.", "The Address, promising the necessary supplies, was carried, 29 Jan. 1735, by 265 to 185, which was regarded as 'a vast minority, considering the question.", "In the beginning of the last Parliament they used to divide near 100 less.", "If this minority increases in the same proportion 'twill soon be very formidable.'", "On 7 Feb. a motion for increasing the number of seamen to 30,000 was carried after an opposition motion for keeping the number at 20,000 had been rejected by 256 to 183, the first division for many years on this matter.31", "A week later an increase of the army to 25,000 men was carried by 261 to 208.", "Finally, a subsidy of £80,000, in consideration of which Denmark undertook to furnish 6,000 troops to the King if he entered the war, was voted by 270 to 178 after a debate in which the 'old story of the Hessians was revived ... and the beaten topic of lavish treaty-making ministers again displayed and laboured'.", "Next year the conclusion of peace in Europe, which enabled Walpole to reduce the forces,", "made the opposition to the measures of the Court this session very languid ...", "Mr. Pulteney, partly from a very ill state of health, and partly, as some people thought, from being weary of the opposing part he had so long unsuccessfully acted, withdrew himself the greatest part of the session from all attendance in the House of Commons.32", "In 1737 the only question on which Walpole was seriously pressed was Pulteney's motion for an increase of the Prince's allowance from £50,000 to £100,000, which was rejected by 234 to 204, 35 ministerial supporters voting against the Government, who were saved from defeat by the abstention of 45 Tories.33", "When Parliament reassembled, 24 Jan. 1738, the elder Horace Walpole wrote:", "As far as I can see at present it has the appearance of a short and quiet sessions.", "What is most certain is that the affair of the Prince will scarce be stirred.", "The opponents being a body composed of men of different principles and different views, are much disjointed ... and we imagine that the Prince's servants that are Whigs will vote with the Court that used to do so.", "On 14 Feb. he reported:", "Our business ... goes on so fast and glib that we go to dinner every day at 3 o'clock, and indeed I foresee nothing at present that should prevent our rising by the end of April.34", "On 3 Mar. this tranquillity was dispelled by another merchants' petition for redress against Spanish depredations, which gave rise to an agitation for action to protect British interests, even at the cost of a war with Spain.", "As in 1729 and 1733 this agitation was taken up by the city of London, who hated Walpole because, according to his opponents, 'he never did anything for the trading part of it, nor aimed at any interest there but a corrupt influence over the directors and governors of the great moneyed companies'.35 After the merchants had given evidence, Pulteney moved resolutions asserting British rights in terms so specific that, as Walpole pointed out, 'it would put ministers who should treat with Spain under the greatest difficulties, since they would not dare to recede from the resolves of that House in any point, and would make the King of Spain more obstinate to see himself so prescribed to'.", "The motion was rejected by 256 to 209, in favour of a modified version moved by Walpole, which was carried on report by 224 to 163.36", "When Parliament reassembled, 1 Feb. 1739, the King's Speech announced the conclusion of an Anglo-Spanish convention which would be laid before the House in due course, providing for the payment of compensation to the merchants by Spain, other matters in dispute being left to be settled by plenipotentiaries.", "On a motion of thanks, which was carried by 230 to 141, Pulteney", "began the debates in a most flaming manner, entered into the particulars of a thing that he did not know ... and intimated that the first question should be to censure instead of to approve ...", "The servants of the Prince were the most earnest on this occasion and the Opposition concerted at his house.", "Thereupon the Prince and the Duke of Argyll went into opposition carrying with them respectively eight and four ministerial members.37", "The publication of the convention produced a fresh crop of petitions against it, one from the city of London, complaining of the failure to secure a renunciation of the Spanish claim to search English ships on the high seas.", "After evidence from the petitioners had been heard the convention was approved by 260 to 232, 'the fullest House and the longest sitting' for many years, 100 Whigs voting against it.38", "During the recess the city of London, at a meeting in common hall, thanked their Members for their conduct in Parliament, particularly in opposing the convention, also instructing them to make the passing of a bill to reduce the number of placemen in the House of Commons a previous step to the passing of any money bills.", "Commenting on this and other anti-ministerial demonstrations in the same quarter, Walpole said, 6 Oct. 1739, 'that if the city of London showed their inclinations against him in this public manner there was no standing against it, and he should think himself bound to yield',39 referring to the impending declaration of war on Spain.", "At the opening of the new session, 15 Nov. 1739, Pulteney, by 'professing his zeal for the King and royal family, and his resolution to support even the ministers in this war ... visibly gave great uneasiness to his Tory confederates'.40", "On 29 Jan. 1740 an opposition motion for the introduction of a bill for reducing the number of placemen in the House of Commons was rejected by 222 to 206, 88 Whigs voting for it.41", "On 21 Feb. Pulteney moved for all papers relating to the convention to be laid before the House.", "In his opening of this motion he acquainted the House that his intention was to follow the precedent in 1715 made by Sir R. Walpole, when he [Pulteney] joined with him [Walpole] in impeaching Queen Anne's ministry, and therefore if he succeeded in his question of having those papers laid before the House, should afterwards move for a secret committee of 21 to whom these papers might be referred.", "This gave rise to 'a very long and warm debate', in which Walpole is reported by a Tory Member to have", "applied it personally to himself, called upon those who were his friends to stand by him, said he was now upon his trial, and desired either acquittal or judgment; that in his ludicrous hours he had drawn articles against himself, and could not find any but what there was some resolution or vote of Parliament for; that the only use of this question was to see who should be uppermost.", "By this personal harangue he kept his mercenaries together.42", "The motion was defeated by 247 to 196.", "By the opening of the next and last session, Dodington had gone into opposition, carrying with him five Members, four of whom he had brought in for Weymouth and Winchelsea by his interest in the Treasury.43", "On 10 Dec. 1740 he made 'a long laboured discourse' against an increase of the army, which was carried by 252 to 197.44 On 13 Feb. 1741 an opposition Whig motion for an address to the King to remove Walpole from his presence and councils for ever was negatived by 290 to 106, nearly a hundred Members, 'partly Tories and partly Whigs in the Opposition', going out before the division or voting in the majority, 'as disapproving of such an attack'.45", "The last action of this Parliament was to approve a motion, 8 Apr. 1741, for a vote of credit to enable the King to fulfil his obligations to the house of Austria, and to assure him of their resolution to support him against any attacks that might be made on his foreign dominions.", "Pulteney said that", "he approved the address in almost every part of it, and doubted only of the propriety of assuring his Majesty they will support his foreign dominions, considering the Act of Settlement, which required the King should not enter into a war for the sake of any foreign dominions not belonging to the crown of Great Britain.", "Though this he said he thought reasonable to be done, yet no occasion to do it so early.", "However he would not object to this if insisted on.", "But he mentioned that he had always thought it the first principle with us to support the Austrian family as the only means of securing the liberty of Europe.", "But not many years ago in 1725 we seemed to think otherwise by the Hanover treaty formed on purpose to depress the house of Austria and raise France.", "This made Sir R. Walpole and Horace Walpole both stand up, and both averred that it was most certain truth that at that time the Emperor had been misled into a disgust with the English nation, and had by separate and private articles actually engaged with Spain to set the Pretender on our throne, give Gibraltar to Spain, and establish the Ostend India trade.", "This was so formidable that the Dutch and other allies thought the Hanover treaty necessary, which was only defensive, not offensive.", "On the whole the motion was carried without any person speaking against it.46", "When Parliament was dissolved, 27 Apr. 1741, the House of Commons consisted of 300 ministerial supporters, 115 opposition Whigs,47 and 143 Tories.", "The general election of 1741 produced only 94 contests, less than at any other since George I's accession.", "286 ministerial supporters, 131 opposition Whigs, and 136 Tories were elected, five seats being unfilled owing to double returns.", "The reduction of Walpole's majority from 42 at the end of the last Parliament to 19 in the new House of Commons was caused by defeats in Cornwall and Scotland, partly offset by gains in the rest of the country.", "In Cornwall he lost ten seats which he had held at the dissolution, seven to the Prince's election manager, Thomas Pitt, and three to the 2nd Lord Falmouth, the son of Walpole's former Cornish election manager.", "In Scotland, where he held only 19 seats compared with 30 at the dissolution, his defeat was attributed to his election manager, Lord Ilay, who was said to have allowed the Opposition, headed by his brother, the Duke of Argyll, to gain at least ten seats, covering his tracks so successfully that Walpole could not accuse him.48", "Another blow was that the coalition of the opposition parties which had not been expected to survive the behaviour of the Tories on the motion for Walpole's removal, was revived by a letter from the Pretender to his supporters ordering them to vote against Walpole.49", "Walpole's position was further weakened by the disloyalty of two of his colleagues, Lord Wilmington, who, as Spencer Compton, had expected to succeed him at George II's accession, and the Duke of Dorset, to whom he had administered the following rebuke in 1737:", "Those who wish me well are perpetually reproaching me with the lenity I show towards those who are known not to do so, and add that it is an encouragement to all who only interestedly adhere to me to act the same double underhand part that my Lord Wilmington, Dodington, and yourself have done for some years past.", "Nor do those whom you may fancy wish you well scruple to join with those whom you doubt not wish you ill in saying that though in open opposition there is something bold, honourable, and manly, yet in the game you are thought to play there is nothing but meanness, timidity, and dishonour", "If therefore I take your characters from my friends, I must look upon you as men who betray me whilst you act with me, and if from your own as men who wish me ill but dare set no step to do me harm.", "I could have described these two opinions in a much shorter way, but the two words made use of on this occasion are too coarse to repeat; and for my Lord Wilmington, I assure you 'old woman' is the most honourable title I have heard is given him by those who are most my enemies.", "The Duke of Dorset", "took all this very patiently, but denied the justice of the charge, thanked Sir Robert for not laying him aside, and made all sorts of professions of gratitude, attachment, and the etcetera compliments that are continually chimed in the ears of those who have power by those who are bending the knee to its altars,50", "which did not prevent him and Wilmington from continuing to wish Walpole ill, without daring to go into open opposition.51", "When Parliament met, 1 Dec. 1741, 23 seats were vacant by deaths, double elections, and double returns,52 reducing the House of Commons for the next three weeks to 535 Members, 276 of whom were government supporters, 124 opposition Whigs, and 135 Tories.", "Thus Walpole's effective majority was only 16, allowing for the Speaker, who did not vote when in the chair.", "With parties so evenly balanced, the Opposition had instituted a club to look after election petitions, on which, as Dodington observed, 'the whole depends.", "... Therefore all earliest endeavours must be used to ... make it infamous to desert an election'.53", "In previous Parliaments Walpole had been able to prevent opposition petitions from being heard by having them referred to the committee of privileges and elections, whose chairman, a government nominee, saw to it that most of them were shelved.", "On this occasion the Opposition decided to open their campaign by putting up an inoffensive Whig lawyer, Dr. George Lee, against Walpole's candidate, Giles Earle, the late chairman, whose caustic tongue had made him many enemies, 'especially among the Scotch'.", "Another opposition object was to secure that their more important petitions should be heard at the bar of the House on fixed dates, particularly one from Westminster, where the high bailiff, as the returning officer, had called in the Guards to protect him while declaring two ministers to have been duly elected, after preventing many of their opponents from voting by closing the poll.", "A petition against the return of two ministerial supporters for Pulteney's borough of Hedon was also expected to be 'an ugly affair for the Court', for Pulteney had engaged the Sackville family, 'but the King was so hot with his Grace [the Duke of Dorset] about his sons [Lord Middlesex, Lord George and Lord John Sackville], that I believe they will not venture to follow their inclinations ... to vote for Pulteney.'54", "Before these matters came up a trial of strength took place on a petition from the mayor of Bossiney, complaining that, though he was the returning officer, the sheriff, appointed not by the King but by the Prince as Duke of Cornwall, had sent the precept for the election to the late mayor, whose return of two opposition candidates he had accepted, rejecting that of the present mayor in favour of two ministerial candidates.", "On 9 Dec. a ministerial motion that the clerk of the Crown should attend the House on 11 Dec. with the return, in order that it should be taken off the file and that of the present mayor filed in its place, was carried by a majority of only seven (222 to 215), five opposition Members voting for it.", "On 11 Dec. the ministerial candidates were awarded the seats, after a debate prolonged till two in the morning by successive divisions, in the first of which the ministry had a majority of only six (224 to 218).", "Between the debates pressure was brought to bear on the opposition defectors to reverse their votes, but only one complied.55", "Thenceforth, however, there were no more opposition defections.", "This pyrrhic victory, as it was regarded, since 20 and 19 more of Walpole's supporters than of his opponents had not voted in the two decisive divisions, so that but for the opposition defectors he would have been in a minority,", "was followed by two defeats: one on 14 Dec., when an opposition motion fixing a date for hearing a petition against the ministerial Member for Denbighshire at the bar of the House was carried by 202 to 193, after which Walpole gave up attempting to prevent opposition petitions from being heard; the other on 16 Dec., when Lee defeated Earle for the chairmanship of the elections committee, thus ensuring that opposition petitions would be given priority by the committee.", "In this division six ministerial Members voted against the Government, 12 more of whose supporters than their opponents abstained.", "Among the ministerialists not recorded as voting were two of Dorset's sons, Lord Middlesex and Lord John Sackville.56", "On 18 Dec. Walpole secured majorities ranging from 10 to 24 for amending opposition motions demanding papers relating to current negotiations with foreign powers; but four days later he met with a series of defeats in a debate lasting till half past four in the morning on the Westminster petition, the House resolving by 220 to 216 that the election was void; by 217 to 215 that the high bailiff had acted illegally, for which he was ordered into custody; and by 206 to 200 that it was illegal to call in troops during an election.57", "During the Christmas recess Walpole attempted to win over the Prince by persuading the King to offer him the additional £50,000 a year for which he had gone into opposition.", "The Prince refused to come to terms until his father dismissed Walpole, who told his attorney-general, Sir Dudley Ryder, on 8 Jan. that", "this was putting an end to all treaty; that he was sure the King would never upon any terms by such force remove him.", "And as for himself, for him to remove himself would be sneaking and look like guilt.", "Besides, to remove into the House of Peers and leave himself to be baited in the House of Commons without being there to defend himself would not be very safe, though he had had intimations within these two days that if he would go there he should be quiet and have no attempt made against him.", "That he was determined to stand it out to the last.", "That lord chancellor was acting a part to save himself, and had been promised not to be removed, but he was sure that if he himself was to be out, as the Prince would be then master of the King, the present chancellor could not hold it and Murray would have the seals.", "He said he had made a very exact computation of the numbers on each side in the House of Commons, and was satisfied that setting aside all doubtful votes he had now a clear majority of 19, excepting one who would at most only keep out of the way.", "That he had lately brought over several and by new elections before the sitting again, he should have as many more as would make a majority of 34.", "That however he was satisfied people would not be so mad as to come into schemes to distress the Government.", "That the first attempt by the Opposition would be to get a secret committee appointed for inquiring into the state of the nation.", "That the next would be to postpone the consideration of the army bill till the state of the nation was gone through.58", "Next day, however, his son Edward estimated that when Parliament reassembled on 18 Jan. the government majority would be only 15 or 16, adding, 'Mr. Dodington will lay £1,000 he himself has got over seven of our friends.", "I believe he does the Duke of Dorset great wrong'.59", "On 21 Jan. an opposition motion for a secret committee was defeated by a majority of only three (253 to 250), though on paper Walpole had a majority of 17.60", "The same day a ministerial candidate was returned by a majority of nearly a thousand at a by-election for Yorkshire, the largest constituency in the country, where the Opposition had won both seats at the general election.", "But on election petitions in the House of Commons Walpole met with nothing but reverses, beginning with a double return for Berwickshire, on which, Horace Walpole writes, the Opposition 'gained so many of our votes that at ten at night we were forced to give it up without dividing', whereupon they 'moved to punish the sheriff and as we dared not divide, they ordered him into custody'.61", "After losing two more double returns and two election petitions without venturing to divide, Walpole made a stand on a ministerial petition against the return of two opposition Members for Chippenham, which was heard on 28 Jan., when, in the words of one of his staunchest supporters, Lord Hartington, writing on 30 Jan.,", "we debated a point in relation to the disqualifying of voters till twelve o'clock, when we lost it by one [236 to 235], though there never was a clearer case in the world.", "Lord Doneraile voted against us, and unless our affairs change much for the better, I don't imagine we shall often have him again.", "However, we may, for all this, carry the election.", "But we have a parcel of such shabby fellows that will not attend.", "To speak plainly, I am afraid we have only a majority of about 14; and as a great many of our people will not attend elections, and that others make a point of it, they will I really think get the better of us by determining all the elections in their own favour.", "On 2 Feb. Hartington reported that Walpole had", "hitherto kept up his spirits tolerably well, but I think I can perceive that he is now uneasy; and indeed I am afraid he has very good reason to be so; for I really believe, and so do most of his friends, that the other party in three weeks time must get a majority by the alterations in elections; for we have a great many people that have declared they will not attend them any more.", "Lord Middlesex for one; and Lord John [Sackville] has hardly attended any yet ...", "As for Sir Thomas Lowther, I cannot say much for him, he seems to be a great deal biased by Sir James.62", "By this time Walpole had decided to resign, communicating his decision to a few Members in the House after losing the final division on the Chippenham petition by sixteen (241 to 225).", "One of these Members, Sir Dudley Ryder, has left the following record of his interview with Walpole on this occasion:", "Sir Robert called me to him into Speaker's Chamber and told me the King would tomorrow send message to the House to adjourn.", "That he himself was to be made Earl of Orford.", "That a compromise was made with the Lord Carteret and Pulteney that Sir Robert was to go out of the Treasury and lord president [Wilmington] to come into it, and the adjournment was to be in order to adjust the new Administration.", "He said that all the Cabinet Council had told the King his affairs could not go on as long as Sir Robert continued in post, and that it would be most advisable for himself and the King that he should quit.", "The King had told them all he would never part with him till he himself desired it.", "That he himself, finding the clamours raised and the difficulty of carrying matters in the House of Commons, and those friends of his, particularly lord chancellor [Hardwicke] and Duke of Newcastle, not standing by him, he has agreed to quit, and the Prince has been informed of it, and is well pleased and promises for all his servants to assist in carrying on the business of Parliament.", "He complained of lord chancellor and Duke of Newcastle, especially the former, whose obligations to him he said were very great.", "However, they have assured him he should be safe, and proposed likewise an Act of Indemnity at the end of the session.", "He told lord president of it, that he was to be at the Treasury, which he received with all joy imaginable; desired Sir Robert would assist him, and he would do whatever Sir Robert pleased.", "He said the King expressed great kindness to him, and when he kissed hands in the closet on his promise of this dignity, the King would not let him kneel but took him about the neck and said he had no other man in England that he could talk his mind to so freely.", "He said he believed they would not long hold together and would in a short time make great havoc among his present friends, which he was very sorry for.", "He spoke as if he pretty much resented the usage his friends of the Cabinet had given him, and that lord chancellor and the Duke of Newcastle had made up the matter with Lord Carteret quarter of a year ago.", "He then told me he was much concerned about his natural daughter; her being called only Miss Walpole would be carrying the name of bastard on her face.", "He was therefore desirous of having a patent of precedence granted to her that she might be called and take the same rank as if legitimate.", "And desired to know my sentiments as to the legality of it.", "I told him that there could be no doubt of the legality of it, and the prudence of it he alone could judge of.", "He told me likewise that the King had offered him a pension of £4,000 a year during his life, which was accordingly to be granted.", "He said he was sure the lord chancellor would not hold the seals very long.63", "Thus, as Horace Walpole wrote some twelve years later, 'the Parliament which overthrew Sir R. W. was carried against him by his losing the majority of the Scotch and Cornish boroughs'.", "Previously he had laid the blame on Newcastle and Hardwicke, alleging that 'by a confederacy with the chiefs of the Opposition, they overturned Sir Robert Walpole'.64", "In fact, as has been seen, the immediate cause of Walpole's fall was his losing a majority in the House of Commons owing to the refusal of a few ministerial Members to attend election petitions.", "There is no evidence that any of these men were attached to Newcastle, whose correspondence shows that he would not have countenanced such behaviour;65 whereat as least two of the Duke of Dorset's three sons deliberately did not attend, a course consistent with 'the double underhand part' acted for many years by their father, in conjunction with Wilmington.", "Newcastle and Hardwicke were indeed concerned to save themselves from becoming involved in Walpole's ruin, but not, as Dorset and Wilmington were, to bring it about.", "### Ref Volumes: 1715-1754", "### Author: Romney R. Sedgwick", "### End Notes", "1. HMC Portland, v. 616.", "2. Yorke, Hardwicke, ii. 96.", "3. See BRODRICK, St. John, and STANHOPE, Charles.", "4. See THOMPSON, William (Scarborough).", "5. Sunderland (Blenheim) mss.", "6. Lockhart Pprs.", "ii", ". 82, 139.", "7. HMC Polwarth, iii. 285; see appendix IX.", "8. HMC 14th Rep. IX, 462, 513.", "9. HMC Polwarth, iii. 285.", "10. Hervey, Mems. 6.", "11. Coxe, Walpole, ii. 492-3.", "12. Knatchbull Diary, on which this account of the sessions of 1726-30 is based, except where otherwise indicated.", "13. Coxe, Walpole, ii. 495-6.", "14. Coxe, Walpole, ii. 515; see note X, p. 86.", "15. HMC Egmont Diary, iii. 330.", "16. Carlisle, 57-58; see also p. 7.", "17. Coxe, Walpole, ii. 638-41.", "18. Hervey, Mems. 94-95, 100-1; see also notes XI, XII, and XIII, pp. 86-87.", "19. Coxe, Walpole, ii. 671-2; see also p. 38.", "20. Hervey, Mems. 105-7, 110, 151.", "21. See notes XII and XIII, pp. 86-87.", "22. Hervey, Mems. 115-17.", "23. Yorke, Hardwicke, ii. 238, 245; Newcastle to William Murray, 28 Sept. 1754, Add. 32736, f. 594; Dodington Diary, 371.", "24. Hervey, Mems. 83.", "25. Yorke, Hardwicke, ii. 223-6.", "26. Ibid. ii. 206-8.", "27. See notes XII and XIII, pp. 86-87.", "28. See note XIV, p. 87-88.", "29. See note XV, p. 88.", "30. Hervey, Mems. 291-5, 417-20.", "31. HMC Carlisle, 147-51.", "32. Hervey, Mems. 416, 529.", "33. Dodington Diary, 469.", "34. HMC 14th Rep. IX, 10-12; see note XVI, pp. 88-89", "35. Hervey, Mems. 178.", "36. HMC Carlisle, 57-59, where the letters of 7 and 14 Mar. are misdated 1729, the date of the previous merchants' petition on the same matter; HMC 14th Rep. IX, 239-40.", "37.", "HMC 14th Rep. IX, 25-26, 46; see note XX, p. 91, and WALPOLE, Robert.", "38. Harley Diary, 8 Mar. 1739; See also notes XVII and XVIII, pp. 89-90.", "39. Sir Dudley Ryder's diary, 6 Oct. 1739, Harrowby mss; see note XIX, pp. 90-91.", "40. Henry Pelham to Duke of Devonshire, 17 Nov. 1739, Devonshire mss.", "41. See notes XVII and XVIII, pp. 89-90.", "42. Harley Diary, 21 Feb. 1740.", "43. See under BUBB, George, and note XX, p. 91.", "44. Harrowby mss 10 (L. Inn), 10 Dec. 1740.", "45. See note XXI, pp. 91-95.", "46. Harrowby mss 10 (L. Inn), 8 Apr. 1741.", "47. See note XX, p. 91.", "48. See MUNRO, Robert; Walpole, Mems. Geo. II, i. 276.", "49. See p. 71.", "50. Hervey, Mems. 653-4.", "51. See note XXII, pp. 95-96.", "52. See note XXIII, p. 96.", "53. Coxe, Walpole, iii. 573, 582.", "54. Walpole to Mann, 3 Dec. 1741.", "55. See note XXIV, pp. 96-97.", "56. See note XXV, pp. 97-99.", "57. See note XXVI, p.99.", "58. Harrowby mss 10 (L. Inn), 8 Jan. 1742.", "59. Coxe, Walpole, iii. 586; see also note XXVII, pp. 99-101.", "60. See note XXVIII, pp. 101-2.", "61. To Mann, 22 Jan. 1742.", "62. Coxe, Walpole, iii. 590-1; see also notes XXIX and XXX, pp. 102-3.", "63. Harrowby mss 10 (L. Inn), 2 Feb. 1742.", "64. Walpole to Mann, 25 Feb. 1742; II, i. 160, 166-7.", "65. See WHITE, John." ]
{ "id": "train44017", "claim_title": "Carteret ministry", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "" }
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In 1991 John Drummond criticised Kennedy publicly, calling him "a Liberace for the nineties" and noting specifically his "ludicrous" clothes and "self-invented accent".
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Kennedy hits back at arts elitism | UK news | The Guardian", "(meta data) AUTHOR:", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2000-08-29T19:42:29-0400", "Skip to main content", "The Guardian - Back to home", "Support The Guardian", "Available for everyone, funded by readers", "Search jobs", "Sign in", "current edition:", "US edition", "UK politics", "Northern Ireland", "UK news", "# Kennedy hits back at arts elitism", "Paul Kelso", "Tue 29 Aug 2000 19.42 EDT", "The slumbering debate surrounding elitism within classical music and the arts was reawakened yesterday when the violinist Nigel Kennedy accused Sir John Drummond, former head of the Edinburgh festival and BBC Radio 3, of cultural elitism and \"the typical arrogance of a self-appointed guardian of the arts world\".", "Mr Kennedy, a Brummie whose flamboyant clothes and haircuts, and unashamedly populist approach to symphonic work brought him enormous success and a public profile almost unprecedented among classical musicians, was responding to comments made last week by Sir John at the Edinburgh book festival.", "Speaking at the launch of his memoirs, Tainted by Experience, Sir John, 65, described Kennedy's clothes as \"ludicrous\" and mocked his accent as \"self-invented\".", "He criticised the government for dumbing down the arts and accused Tony Blair and his cabinet of philistinism and a fetish for dismissing anything that might be seen as elitist.", "\"They [the government] know nothing about culture and they don't really care.", "You can tell what kind of a man the prime minister is by his choice on Desert Island Discs.", "Rock bands that have disappeared, Rule Britannia, and Ivanhoe - I suppose that was the last book he read,\" said Sir John.", "But in a letter to the Times, which last week serialised Sir John's memoirs, Mr Kennedy, 43, hit back.", "\"Whatever pivotal positions Drummond may have held, his comments merely serve to demonstrate the typical arrogance of a self-appointed guardian of the arts world,\" he wrote.", "\"For me, the cause of this dumbing down is a natural rebellion against the ill-informed classical music administrators who consciously encourage exclusivity, refusing to embrace those outside their spectacularly precious world.", "\"However much people like Drummond might dismiss Vanessa-Mae, for instance, she has done more to enable people to listen to symphonic instruments than Drummond ever did.\"", "Mr Kennedy recalled Sir John's \"pompous tirades\" and recounts a performance of the Berg violin concerto, a work concerned with death, for which he wore a black cape.", "\"I was possibly a little paler than usual and the deep red mark on my neck (a painful condition that most violinists who practise several hours a day suffer from) was also noticeable.", "Drummond took the opportunity to fume publicly over my vampire-like appearance.", "I never did learn what he thought of my performance or the depth of his own knowledge of the Berg.\"", "Sir Colin Davis, chief conductor of the London Symphony Orchestra, declined to comment on the feud, but said: \"It's a mistake to consider classical music in any form as elitist.", "Very few of the supremely gifted performers and composers who gave us this music were of any consequence at all...", "It isn't a question of elitism, rather it is one of intellect and imagination and zest for life.", "The elitism label gives it a class thing which it should not have.\"", "Culture clash: Violinist versus 'arrogant' Sir John", "Nigel Kennedy, 43", "• Educated at Yehudi Menuhin school", "• Debut at the Royal Festival hall with the Philharmonia Orchestra aged 21 in 1977", "• Once claimed Jimi Hendrix was as important as Mahler; sprayed his Jaguar car claret and blue, the colours of his beloved Aston Villa", "• His recording of Vivaldi's Four Seasons sold 2m copies, prompting a stream of \"personality\" violinists, including Vanessa-Mae", "Sir John Drummond, 65", "• Educated at Canford school and Trinity college, Cambridge.", "• Joined BBC in 1958, rising to become assistant head of music and arts", "• Director of the Edinburgh international festival 1978-1983", "• Controller of Radio 3 1987-1992", "• Director of the Proms 1986-1995", "UK news", "Nigel Kennedy", "Reuse this content" ]
{ "id": "train38922", "claim_title": "Nigel Kennedy", "claim_section": "Early life and musical career.:Image and controversies.", "claim_context": "Kennedy's persona is seen by some as abrasive and limiting to his career. They cite as an example his use of a mockney accent instead of the received pronunciation he had when he was interviewed as a child in 1964 on the BBC's \"Town and Around\"." }
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The station also provides coverage of Iowa State University football, basketball, and wrestling.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Sports – 88.5 KURE", "## 88.5 KURE", "Ames Alternative", "Skip to content", "# Category: Sports", "[staff-twitter]", "## ISU WBB vs Baylor 2018", "January 30, 2018", "## ISU MBB vs Tennesse Broadcast", "January 30, 2018", "## ISU MBB vs Baylor Broadcast", "January 16, 2018", "## The Utah Jazz sign former Cyclone guard Naz Long to a two-way contract", "December 27, 2017", "By: Jordan Hamann SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH- The Utah Jazz, a member of the western division of the National Basketball Association (NBA), has officially", "## Iowa State achieves seventh straight against Alcorn State", "December 11, 2017", "By: Mary Rominger Hoping to keep the winning streak alive after a huge victory against Iowa last Thursday, the Cyclones (7-2, 0-0 Big 12)", "## Cyclone women's basketall star, Monica Huelman Zaruba, passes away at the age of 40", "December 11, 2017", "By: Jordan Hamann Tonight all of Cyclone Nation is feeling the shock and sadness as one of its own passed away.", "Former Iowa State", "## CYHAWK SERIES: Meyer and the Hawkeyes take down Iowa State as the Cyclones drop their fourth-straight", "December 7, 2017", "By: Jordan Hamann AMES, IOWA", "— The first-half for the Cyclones offensively just was not there.", "Bridget Carleton, the junior guard for the Cyclones, who…", "## Mind Over Matter: Gordon Hayward's Future", "October 22, 2017", "By: Isaac Carson", "During the first game of the NBA season Tuesday night, we witnessed Gordon Hayward, the small forward for the Boston Celtics,", "## Iowa State handily defeats Kansas 45-0", "October 15, 2017", "By: Dylan Ryan", "On rainy day in Ames the Cyclones destroyed the Jayhawks by a score of 45-0.", "In the winning effort David Montgomery…", "## Opinion: Future of the Brooklyn Nets", "October 9, 2017", "By: Isaac Carson", "The Vegas Odds book has the Brooklyn Nets' over under at 20½ wins on the year.", "This is absurd based on", "## Posts navigation", "#### Upcoming Events", "Gold Standard", "August 23, 2019 at 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm", "Featuring two hours of live mixed songs from various EDM genres.", "I provide commentary and often features special guest appearances.", "- with Peter Flynn", "Gold Standard", "August 30, 2019 at 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm", "Featuring two hours of live mixed songs from various EDM genres.", "I provide commentary and often features special guest appearances.", "- with Peter Flynn", "Gold Standard", "September 6, 2019 at 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm", "Featuring two hours of live mixed songs from various EDM genres.", "I provide commentary and often features special guest appearances.", "- with Peter Flynn" ]
{ "id": "train00413", "claim_title": "KURE", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "KURE (88.5 FM) is a radio station licensed to Community Media Broadcasting in Ames, Iowa, United States. The station serves the Iowa State community, Ames, and surrounding areas. The broadcast license is currently owned by Community Media Broadcasting. The station has been led by its general manager Miranda Cheers since spring 2017. The station features a variety of programming, including most genres of music, talk shows, and coverage of ISU sporting events. Hip-hop, electronica, rock, americana, classical, and jazz are just a few of the music genres played by KURE's constantly rotating staff of student DJ's. Music played at KURE is selected by DJs with some influence from a board of student music reviewers. Sections of non-primetime schedule that are not covered by a dedicated DJ are filled by an automated music system, which staff have nicknamed \"Ottobot\"." }
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On the day of the vote, it emerged that the owner of Northwich Victoria had been declared bankrupt and therefore failed the FA's Fit and Proper Persons test.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Crystal Palace Supporters' Trust » Blog Archive » Supporters Direct Media Briefing (Dec 3rd)", "Crystal Palace Supporters' Trust Working together to build a better club", "# Supporters Direct Media Briefing (Dec 3rd)", "3rd December, 2012", "## PST launch Community Share Issue", "Following last month's great news that the Pompey Supporters' Trust had been confirmed as preferred bidders for Portsmouth FC, PST officially launched their Community Share Issue on November 19th.", "Described on the SD website as \"a landmark day for supporters of football everywhere\", the share issue underpins PST's ambition of creating the biggest community club in the UK.", "To find out more about their plans, visit the Community Pompey website, and follow PST on Twitter.", "You can also view an update from PST's Colin Farmery by visiting the SD YouTube channel.", "SD Europe launches position paper in", "BrusselsOn November 7th, SD Europe launched a position paper, 'The Heart of the Game: Why Supporters are Vital to Improving Governance in Football', at an event hosted by Ivo Belet MEP at the European Parliament in Brussels.", "Representatives from the supporter ownership movement in eleven European countries were present at the event, along with football's key stakeholders.", "To find out more about the event and to listen to a recording of the discussions, click here.", "The paper sets out our key policy positions, and provides evidence of how supporter ownership and involvement can help improve European football.", "Recommendations include: a revival of the members' association model of club ownership, expansion of existing national networks of organised supporters' groups, and the implementation of club licensing and financial fair play-type rules in all European leagues.", "The paper is available in English, with French, German and Italian versions to come.", "To find out more about SD's work in Europe, visit our website.", "Supporters Direct News Reminder: Membership Fees", "Don't forget: SD membership fees are increasing to £100 from January 1st 2013, a change passed at the 2012 SD AGM.", "If your Trust/Club are currently out of SD membership or are due to renew by the end of the year, please make sure you do this before December 31st otherwise the cost will increase to the higher fee.", "To check your trust's membership status, or for further membership information, please contact Vicki Goodfellow, via email or on 020 7273 1592.", "Coming next month: Supporters Direct Survey!", "During December we will be sending all Trusts/Clubs in England and Wales our latest Survey, which will cover a number of topics as well as providing you with a chance to have your say on issues affecting your Trust/Club.", "As ever, the more respondents we receive the better the results will be in terms of influencing our work over the next year, so please keep an eye on your inboxes.", "## East of England Secretary's Training, January 20th 2013", "If your Trust is based in the East of England, January 20th is a date for your diary, as this season's Secretary's Training is to be held on that date at a venue TBC.", "The event will provide practical advice and support to existing Trust Secretaries, and will be delivered by SD's Legal and Constitutional Affairs Manager, Jacqui Forster.", "Places are limited so please confirm your attendance in advance – for more information, please contact Vicki Goodfellow.", "Notice of Election: England & Wales Council, Rugby League Advisory Group Nominations are now being sought in the election to the Supporters Direct England and Wales Football Council, and to the Rugby League Advisory Group.", "To find out more, please visit the SD website.", "FA Asset Transfer Guidance", "In response the ongoing Localism agenda the FA have produced a \"Guide to Asset Transfers\" aimed at community football clubs that have opportunities to take control of assets that may currently be held by the public or private sector.", "SD receives several mentions as experts on sports cooperatives and raising capital finance for cooperatives; it also includes a case study on Enfield Town's new stadium and how they have applied an asset lock to ensure the stadium is protected for future generations of their fans to enjoy plus the wider community.", "We will be supplementing this by running a workshop for FA Development staff in the New Year.", "In response to the Localism Act SD are currently producing a guide on how sports stadia can be listed as Assets of Community Value.", "Designation as an Assets of Community Value would enable community groups to have a moratorium period to submit a bid to purchase these assets if they was ever put up for sale.", "For further information on opportunities from the Localism Act please contact Tom Hall.", "To view a copy of the Guide please visit our website.", "Trust News Fisher FC's Back to Bermondsey campaign at critical stage", "Fisher's campaign to return to their traditional home, the Surrey Docks Stadium, has reached a crucial stage as the ground and surrounding land is about to be sold off.", "The supporter owned club are continuing to work alongside SD, Simon Hughes MP and other stakeholders to ensure the Fish are able to return home and play a role in their local community.", "To find out more, visit their website.", "Northwich Victoria supporters vote to start new club – 1874 Northwich FC", "At an open meeting earlier this month, supporters of Northwich Victoria voted overwhelmingly in favour of starting a new club under democratic supporter ownership – a hugely significant moment.", "Their convictions were given further credence when current club owner Jim Rushe fell foul of the Fit and Proper Persons' Test shortly after – Twohundredpercent rounds up the story.", "To find out more, visit the NVST website.", "FC United to launch Football Youth Academy", "FC United of Manchester have officially teamed up with Manchester College to launch their new jointly run Football Youth Academy, which will open its doors to the first group of players in September 2013 at a new state-of-the-art community facility at FC United's planned new stadium in Moston.", "To find out more, take a look at this video from FCUM's YouTube channel.", "Two new Championship Trusts", "The ranks of Championship Supporters' Trusts have grown this month, with Rovers Trust (Blackburn Rovers) and CAS Trust (Charlton Athletic) both off and running.", "Rovers Trust were launched at an event held at Blackburn Cathedral, whilst CAS Trust will celebrate the 20th anniversary of their club's return to the Valley at an event on December 5th.", "Welcome to both Trusts!", "Bradford City to launch Supporters' Board", "Bradford City have announced the formation of a Supporters' Board, which has been developed with advice and support from Supporters Direct, following an initial meeting between the Bradford City Supporters' Trust and the club.", "To find out more, click here.", "Argyle Trust to repeat Christmas Foodbank Appeal", "The Plymouth Foodbank was set up as a community project to help those in need throughout the year.", "On Saturday 8th December the Argyle Fans' Trust is holding a Christmas Foodbank Appeal at the home match against York City.", "Fans will be asked to donate food and money to help ensure the Foodbank can help as many people as possible this winter.", "To find out more, click here.", "Iron Trust receive support from Chairman Scunthorpe United Chairman Steve Wharton has called on supporters to back the Iron Trust, as they continue to work towards a future for the club which places supporters at its heart.", "With over 200 members, the Trust are currently establishing a structured relationship with the club, are shareholders, and hope to be represented on the Board of Directors.", "Fred Keenor Statue unveiled Standing proud at the Cardiff City Stadium is the 15ft high tribute to Fred Keenor, captain of the Bluebirds' 1927 FA Cup winning team.", "Hundreds of fans gathered around the statue to see Carla Shore and Yassin Mohamed, pupils from Fred's old school, Stacey in Roath, pull a cord to release a Welsh flag and unveil the statue, the construction of which was coordinated by the Cardiff City Supporters' Trust.", "To find out more, click here.", "News from ScotlandSD Scotland Conference held at Falkirk Stadium On November 25th the annual SD Scotland Conference was held at Falkirk Stadium, with keynote speeches from SFL Chief Executive David Longmuir, SD Chief Executive David Lampitt, Head of SD Scotland Paul Goodwin, Professor Stephen Morrow and Stephen Pressley.", "To catch up on the event, visit the Scottish Fans website.", "David Longmuir outlines proposals for reconstruction", "As part of the Scottish Fans Glasgow Roadshow on November 26th, SFL Chief Executive David Longmuir outlined his proposals for reconstruction of the Scottish League, as part of his ongoing efforts to learn the views of all stakeholders.", "To find out more, click here.'Saving Scottish Football' now available – all proceeds go to charityOur", "Head of Scotland, Paul Goodwin, has published a book: 'Saving Scottish Football'.", "The book outlines his personal views on the game in Scotland with suggestions on how it can be improved and put back on track.", "All proceeds go the Prostate Cancer Research.", "To find out more and to purchase the book, click here.", "Scottish Council welcomes Richard Atkinson Earlier this month, the SD Scottish Council welcomed Richard Atkinson as the newest member.", "Richard's experience includes the recent bid made by fans' group '10000Hours' to purchase the majority shareholding of St Mirren FC.", "To find out more, visit the Scottish Fans website.", "Killie Trust update on community ownership", "Earlier this week the Killie Trust issued a press release, which updated members and interested parties on their efforts to bring community ownership to the club.", "To find out more, visit their website.", "News from Europe", "UEFA reiterates support SD's work in Europe", "Following the launch of SD Europe's position paper in Brussels, at which UEFA was represented by Senior Advisor to the President William Gaillard, UEFA covered the event and reiterated their continuing support for the work that SD is doing in Europe.", "To find out more, click here.", "Fourth meeting of EU Expert Group in Good Governance", "As a key stakeholder in the field, representing the interests of fans and supporters across the continent, SD Europe holds observer status on the EU Expert Group (XG) in Good Governance.", "As one of the main organizations working to promote better governance and sustainable practice in sport, SD Europe supports the XG in a number of areas, particularly: the fight against match-fixing; stakeholder involvement; increasing transparency; and issues relating to agents and player transfers.", "The XG's fourth meeting will be held on December 13th – to find out more, visit our website.", "EC Project Workshop held in Cork", "\"I am very encouraged to see football supporters coming together like this for the first time to develop ways of addressing the long-term challenges facing football in Ireland.\"", "Those were the words of Irish President Michael D. Higgins, praising the work done earlier this month at the first of six workshops relating to the SD-coordinated, EC-funded project, 'Improving Football Governance through Supporter Involvement and Community Ownership'.", "To find out more about the weekend, visit our website.", "EU budget debate – what does it mean for sport?", "Much has been made of the recent summit between European leaders in Brussels, which ended without agreement.", "This will not only have political implications, but also potentially for the sports movement in Europe.", "Whilst a funding cut for the newly-established sport budget remains an (unlikely) option, delays in negotiations at European Council level could result in some future funding programmes, particularly Erasmus 4 All, being delayed.", "However, there remains broad support across the European Parliament for future sport funding streams, and it is hoped that next year's negotiations will prove more fruitful.", "SLO Update: FAQs, additional translations and interview now available", "As the Supporter Liaison Officer project continues to develop across Europe, many of you will be interested in how the position works on a day-to-day basis, as well as the recruitment process.", "SD has produced some FAQs, which aim to answer some of the queries received in recent months.", "The SLO section of our website also contains a new interview with Vibeke Kilian, the SLO at Aarhus in Denmark, and additional translations of the handbook.", "Be Sociable, Share!", "### Leave a Reply Cancel reply", "Join the Trust", "Shopping online", "Searching online", "Join us on Facebook", "Join us on Twitter", "Main page", "Background to the initiative", "Training Ground News", "Steve Parish", "Financing the project", "## BBC Football News", "Xabi Alonso: Former Liverpool player on Arsenal and Jurgen KloppFormer Liverpool midfielder Xabi Alonso gives his thoughts of their chances against Arsenal and their current manager Jurgen Klopp.", "Fernando Torres:", "Former Liverpool and Chelsea striker retires after final matchSpanish", "World Cup-winning striker Fernando Torres plays his final professional match before retirement.", "Phil Neville says Bury face biggest day in their history as they bid to avoid expulsionEngland women's manager Phil Neville says his family are \"devastated\" about what his happening at Bury.", "Rangers:", "Uefa orders Ibrox section to close after 'sectarian singing'Rangers have been ordered by Uefa to close a section of Ibrox for Thursday's Europa League meeting with Legia Warsaw following \"racist behaviour - which includes sectarian singing\".", "Fantasy football tips:", "BBC Sport and Fantasy 606 help for gameweek threeBBC Sport and the Fantasy 606 podcast provide some hints, tips and recommendations to help you pick your fantasy team for gameweek three." ]
{ "id": "train32993", "claim_title": "Northwich Victoria F.C.", "claim_section": "History.:2010s, management split and ground crisis.:1874 Northwich Football Club.", "claim_context": "A breakaway club, 1874 Northwich F.C., was founded by the Northwich Victoria Supporters Trust on 15 November 2012, following a vote by its membership to break away from Northwich Victoria and form a new, community-owned team, initially playing in Winsford." }
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Peter S. Vincent, a former senior lawyer and counter-terrorism official with the US Department of Homeland Security and US Department of Justice and current Assistant Director General for BORDERPOL, on the other hand said in a 2017 interview about the due diligence practices among citizenship by investment programs, "If we’re looking for a model, not just for the European Union but for the entire world, I would look to a country like Malta".
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Malta Should Mentor Caribbean CIPs on Due Diligence, Says Thomson Reuters General Counsel - Investment Migration Insider", "(meta data) AUTHOR: Investment Migration Insider", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2017-11-23T11:39:05+00:00", "Wednesday, August 21, 2019", "Latest:", "Cyprus CIP and US EB-5 Most Common Programs in China-Market, Analysis Shows", "Greek Golden Visa Stakeholders Rejoice as New Govt. Eliminates VAT on Property Investment", "Warnings to Caribbean Politicians Who Seek to Make CIPs Political Footballs During Elections", "The Crisis in China's Investment Immigration Market: Part 2", "25% of Dominica's GDP and Half of Govt. Revenue to Come From CIP This Year", "### Investment Migration Insider", "The Investment Migration Knowledge Platform", "Editor's Picks Influencers Interviews", "# Malta Should Mentor Caribbean CIPs on Due Diligence, Says Thomson Reuters General Counsel", "November 23, 2017December 4, 2017", "caribbean, citizenship by investment, due diligence, malta, peter vincent, price war, thomson reuters", "Peter S. Vincent, General Counsel for Thomson Reuters and an avid watcher of due diligence practices among citizenship by investment programs, says he is concerned about how the Caribbean price war is affecting due diligence standards in the region, and holds up Malta as a textbook example of how to conduct effective and reliable due diligence.", "\"If we're looking for a model, not just for the European Union but for the entire world, I would look to a country like Malta,\" said Vincent in an interview with Investment Migration Insider, referring to the due diligence practices of the Malta Residence Visa Programme and the Malta Individual Investor Programme.", "Malta's agencies, he added, should look beyond their own borders and \"essentially mentor other countries, including those in the Caribbean basin that are still trying to develop their programs […]\"", "Vincent also said he was \"greatly concerned about this race to the bottom\", referring to the recent trend of price cuts among Caribbean CIP countries.", "While the Caribbean countries had been preaching the need for working together on information sharing and vetting practices, he explained, they had not, in his opinion, followed up with action.", "Describing himself as initially holding a cynical and skeptical view of citizenship by investment programs, Peter Vincent says that because he has had the chance to speak with leading figures in the industry over the last few years, he has \"become more and more comfortable with the degree of safeguards that are being put in place in order to minimize and mitigate risks to the global infrastructure.\"", "He further urges companies and individuals within the investment migration industry to educate governments – particularly from the US, Canada, and the EU – about citizenship by investment and to be more proactive in doing so.", "This approach, explains Vincent, would help counteract the industry's sometimes negative perception, which he suspects arises from a lack of understanding.", "###### Our readers are the best-informed professionals in the investment migration industry.", "###### Get the most important stories delivered.", "Once a week, we'll send you a curated newsletter with the most important stories.", "###### Want updates every day?", "###### Be the first in your company to know about breaking investment migration news", "← Grenada Cuts Price for Citizenship, Removes Contribution Requirement For Parents", "Malta Ready to Take Lead on Global Due Diligence Cooperation Among CIPs →", "### Private area subscribers", "[swpm_login_form]", "### Editor's Picks", "Editor's Picks Europe", "### Greek Golden Visa Stakeholders Rejoice as New Govt. Eliminates VAT on Property Investment", "August 20, 2019 Editor", "Comments Off on Greek Golden Visa Stakeholders Rejoice as New Govt. Eliminates VAT on Property Investment", "Editor's Picks Industry Trends", "### As Hong Kong Impasse Intensifies, Investment Migration Firms Report Surge in Inquiries", "August 14, 2019 Editor", "Comments Off on As Hong Kong Impasse Intensifies, Investment Migration Firms Report Surge in Inquiries", "Editor's Picks Europe", "### What All RCBI-Professionals Need to Know About ETIAS, Europe's Upcoming Travel Authorization System", "August 12, 2019 Editor", "Comments Off on What All RCBI-Professionals Need to Know About ETIAS, Europe's Upcoming Travel Authorization System", "Editor's Picks Europe", "### Publication of New Citizens' Personal Data: A Welcome Europe-wide Trend towards Restriction", "August 6, 2019 Editor", "Comments Off on Publication of New Citizens' Personal Data: A Welcome Europe-wide Trend towards Restriction", "Editor's Picks", "### How to Reach Nearly 30,000 Investment Migration Agents and Clients on a Budget", "August 1, 2019 Editor", "Comments Off on How to Reach Nearly 30,000 Investment Migration Agents and Clients on a Budget", "If it matters to the investment migration industry, it's in IMI.", "Get a curated summary of the most important stories once a week.", "Want updates every day?", "Be the first in your company to know about breaking investment migration news", "### OpinionView All", "Asia-Pacific Opinion", "### On Japanese Citizenship and Naturalization Policies and How They May Change", "July 16, 2019 Editor", "Comments Off on On Japanese Citizenship and Naturalization Policies and How They May Change", "Caribbean Opinion Truth to Power", "### Wealth Planning and CBI Are Separate Worlds, But This is About to Change", "July 6, 2019 Editor", "Comments Off on Wealth Planning and CBI Are Separate Worlds, But This is About to Change", "### How Investment Migration Firms Can Capitalize on Clients' Demand for Education", "June 21, 2019 Editor", "Comments Off on How Investment Migration Firms Can Capitalize on Clients' Demand for Education", "Opinion Truth to Power", "### Carlyle Rogers: CBI Has No Place in the Current Geopolitical Debate on Immigration", "June 15, 2019 Editor", "Comments Off on Carlyle Rogers: CBI Has No Place in the Current Geopolitical Debate on Immigration", "Opinion Opinion of the Editor", "### The Problem With Offering Passports in Country X as a Perk For Home Buyers in Country Y", "June 14, 2019 Editor", "Comments Off on The Problem With Offering Passports in Country X as a Perk For Home Buyers in Country Y", "### Intel & DataView All", "China Intel & Data", "### Cyprus CIP and US EB-5 Most Common Programs in China-Market, Analysis Shows", "August 21, 2019 Editor", "Comments Off on Cyprus CIP and US EB-5 Most Common Programs in China-Market, Analysis Shows", "Europe Intel & Data", "### Latvia's Golden Visa Back From Doldrums, Courtesy of Vietnamese Investors", "August 8, 2019 Editor", "Comments Off on Latvia's Golden Visa Back From Doldrums, Courtesy of Vietnamese Investors", "Europe Intel & Data", "### Portugal Golden Visa Applications Reach 16-Month High in July as Brazilian Investors Rival Chinese", "August 6, 2019 Editor", "Comments Off on Portugal Golden Visa Applications Reach 16-Month High in July as Brazilian Investors Rival Chinese", "Asia-Pacific Intel & Data", "### Vanuatu Eyes Record CBI-Revenue in 2019, Reaching 75% of Budget Target by End of April", "August 5, 2019 Editor", "Comments Off on Vanuatu Eyes Record CBI-Revenue in 2019, Reaching 75% of Budget Target by End of April", "Asia-Pacific Editor's Picks Intel & Data", "### With More Than 100,000 Participants, Malaysia's M2H Is The World's Biggest Golden Visa", "July 30, 2019 Editor", "Comments Off on With More Than 100,000 Participants, Malaysia's M2H Is The World's Biggest Golden Visa", "### Tajick's TakeView All", "Industry Trends Tajick's Take", "### Long Processing Times Among Golden Visas is an Unnecessary Curb on RCBI-Demand", "July 24, 2019 Editor", "Comments Off on Long Processing Times Among Golden Visas is an Unnecessary Curb on RCBI-Demand", "Editor's Picks Opinion Tajick's Take", "### Startup Visas: Governments Want Them, But Your Clients Don't", "May 7, 2019 Editor", "Comments Off on Startup Visas: Governments Want Them, But Your Clients Don't", "Asia-Pacific Tajick's Take", "### Remembering the Dead Part 2 – Citizenship by Investment Programs of Yesteryear", "January 16, 2019 Stephane Tajick", "Comments Off on Remembering the Dead Part 2 – Citizenship by Investment Programs of Yesteryear", "Tajick's Take", "### Tajick: Remembering the Dead Part 1 – Residence by Investment Programs of Yore", "January 7, 2019 Stephane Tajick", "Comments Off on Tajick: Remembering the Dead Part 1 – Residence by Investment Programs of Yore", "North America Policy Updates Tajick's Take", "### Quebec to Cut QIIP Selection by Up to 65% in 2019, CSQ Wait-Time to Double", "December 9, 2018 Editor", "Comments Off on Quebec to Cut QIIP Selection by Up to 65% in 2019, CSQ Wait-Time to Double", "### Follow us on Instagram", "This website uses cookies to improve your experience.", "We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish.", "Accept Read MorePrivacy & Cookies Policy" ]
{ "id": "train41290", "claim_title": "Christian Kälin", "claim_section": "Career.", "claim_context": "\n Kälin and Henley & Partners have worked with the governments of Antigua and Barbuda, Austria, Australia, Cyprus, Greece, Grenada, Malta, Montenegro, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, and Thailand. Kälin states that \"citizenship is inherently unjust\". \n In 2010, Kälin was introduced to SCL Group and its CEO Alexander Nix during the St. Kitts and Nevis 2010 election campaign. Both sides claimed that there was never a formal working relationship between them and that the exchange of ideas and information that took place between them was a natural and normal consequence of their operating in the same region and countries since many years. \n In June 2012, a former SCL operative emailed Kälin about \"interesting developments\" in Malta: \"I can introduce you to the opposition leader, if that helps, he's young, very purposeful and open to international investment, and many say he'll win\". In May 2017, it was revealed that Kälin consulted with Malta's Prime Minister, Joseph Muscat, and Minister of Justice, Owen Bonnici together with law firm Mishcon de Reya, to write to the investigative journalist, Daphne Caruana Galizia, in an attempt to get her to remove speculative and defamatory blog posts. Daphne Caruana Galizia was a fierce critic of Malta's citizenship by investment program, accusing the Maltese government and Henley & Partners of collusion." }
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The film premiered on August 7, 2018 at the TCL Chinese Theatre in Los Angeles.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Inside 'Crazy Rich Asians' Premiere: Director and Cast Talk #GoldOpen, Sequel Plans | Hollywood Reporter", "(meta data) AUTHOR: Chris Gardner", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2018-08-08T14:08:50", "12 captures", "09 Aug 2018 - 22 Jun 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "These crawls are part of an effort to archive pages as they are created and archive the pages that they refer to.", "That way, as the pages that are referenced are changed or taken from the web, a link to the version that was live when the page was written will be preserved.", "Then the Internet Archive hopes that references to these archived pages will be put in place of a link that would be otherwise be broken, or a companion link to allow people to see what was originally intended by a page's authors.", "The goal is to fix all broken links on the web.", "Crawls of supported \"No More 404\" sites.", "Collection: GDELT", "A daily crawl of more than 200,000 home pages of news sites, including the pages linked from those home pages.", "Site list provided by The GDELT Project", "The Wayback Machine -", "# The Hollywood Reporter", "Heat Vision", "Live Feed", "The Race", "Behind the Screen", "Bastard Machine", "Rambling Reporter", "The Fien Print", "Site Tools", "Log in", "Daily Edition", "Heat Vision", "Live Feed", "The Race", "Behind the Screen", "Bastard Machine", "Rambling Reporter", "The Fien Print", "August 08, 2018", "2:08pm PT", "Chris Gardner", "# Inside 'Crazy Rich Asians' Premiere: Director Jon M. Chu, Cast Talk #GoldOpen, Sequel Plans", "Emma McIntyre/Getty", "The cast and filmmakers behind Warner Bros. Pictures' 'Crazy Rich Asians' convened at TCL Chinese Theatre on Tuesday night for the L.A. premiere and then at Dream Hollywood for the afterparty.", "The tour-bus business in Hollywood is a big deal, especially around Hollywood Boulevard, where camera-toting tourists pack the decks to cruise the city — rarely leaving for their respective journeys before they've checked out the famous handprints, autographs and street vendors in front of the historic TCL Chinese Theatre.", "When Adele Lim was 11 years old, she was one of those tourists.", "Visiting from Malaysia with her family, Lim checked out the city from a tour bus and recalls being intimidated by all the \"sophisticated and beautiful\" people she saw on the sidewalks outside the theater.", "\"I never thought I would be able to get here again, not really to Hollywood but just America,\" Lim says while standing on the emerald carpet outside the theater Tuesday night, minutes before the premiere of Warner Bros. Pictures' highly anticipated Crazy Rich Asians.", "Not only did she make it back to the United States, Lim has built a successful career as a television writer and producer.", "She also arrived to the big event as a co-writer of Crazy Rich Asians (with Peter Chiarelli) based on the book by Kevin Kwan.", "\"I've been a TV writer but never written for Asians and now I have a movie celebrating our culture opening at the Chinese Theatre I can't even begin to process that.", "It might hit me a week from now.", "It's just a surreal experience.\"", "Lim's story is similar to ones told by almost every cast member and producer up and down the line ahead of the screening, held a week before the official opening Aug. 15.", "Not necessarily the geography of it all, but the emotions surrounding being involved with a film that celebrates Asian culture and talent the way this one does.", "\"I've been pinching myself for the last week,\" says castmember Nico Santos, \"it's been really emotional.", "I never thought I would be here.", "I was born and raised in the Philippines and came to American when I was 16.", "I remember watching red carpets and premieres and I never thought I would ever be a part of something like that.", "Not only to now be at a movie premiere, but to be in a film that means so much to the culture, it's really overwhelming.\"", "That's another word that got thrown around a lot Tuesday night — but in a good way.", "Crazy Rich Asians — directed by Jon M. Chu and produced by Nina Jacobson, Brad Simpson and John Penotti — stars Constance Wu, Henry Golding, Michelle Yeoh, Awkwafina, Ken Jeong and Jimmy O. Yang (among many others) in the story of a native New York woman who travels with her boyfriend to meet his rich and discerning family in Singapore.", "It's based on the first installment of Kevin Kwan's series of three books and hopes are high that it could launch a franchise for the studio, if audiences show up.", "\"It's so much bigger than all of us,\" explains Yang, who will be hosting a screening organized to help boost the film's box-office returns on opening weekend.", "The movement is being called #GoldOpen — a reference where gold equals No. 1 — and is supported by 100-plus creative leaders, digital entrepreneurs, influencers and others who are buying out entire movie theaters to screen the film.", "Those participating include digital entrepreneur Bing Chen, ice-skating duo Alex and Maia Shibutani, Asian Americans in Media, the Asian American Artists Foundation, producer Janet Yang and dozens of others.", "Chu is laying down cash as well.", "He estimates that it costs anywhere between $3,000 to $4,000 to pay for an entire theater and \"hopefully, I'll be buying out more than one theater,\" he tells THR.", "\"[#GoldOpen] is a group of business people, individuals, people in tech and people in entertainment, they want to support the movement and they're giving tickets away to people who should be seeing this movie — underserved communities and schools and students who should be watching this, that's who we're serving with this.\"", "Producer Jacobson says that the film could also end up serving the next generation of talent.", "\"Representation is power,\" she says.", "\"And when you open a door, many other people can walk through it.", "We're just one story, but you hope that if people are inspired from seeing this, seeing the posters, seeing the movie in theaters, that they will be inspired to tell their own stories and pursue their own roles either in front of the camera or behind it.\"", "Now's the time, says star Golding, who arrived to the premiere in a DBS Superleggera, Aston Martin's newest sports car, marking the first time the model has been seen on the streets of North America.", "The flashy moment was just one of many during a celebratory — and rich — evening.", "There were Lamborghinis, old Hollywood looks and an energetic afterparty at Dream Hollywood.", "Boldfaced names in attendance included Yara Shahidi, Lena Waithe, Kumail Nanjiani, Emily V. Gordon, Harry Shum and others.", "\"If you're going to put your money where your mouth is, this is the movie to put it on,\" Golding notes.", "\"Jon did a phenomenal job — not only did he make a romantic comedy for the ages, but he made a joyful, amazing movie.\"", "A film comprising talent from all over the world, too.", "\"This is a very international cast that came together from Australia, England, Asia, Singapore, Malaysia, America, and we just bonded,\" Yeoh tells THR.", "\"Everybody was exchanging stories about how difficult it is to make movies, what it's like being Asian American and the problems everybody faced.", "The group stayed connected and I think this bond will last for a long, long time.\"", "Much more immediate is the potential for a sequel, which means everyone will be watching the returns closely come next weekend.", "Says Kwan: \"I am trying not to freak out but I have so much faith in this movie.\"", "Adds Chiarelli: \"This is an entertaining movie that if you have a soul, you will like.", "I believe in my heart that it's a movie for everybody and if we can slip these types of films past the goalie and get these movies made, it's a win for everyone.\"", "But ultimately, it's the studio's call, says Chu.", "\"We have lots of plans if the audience shows up,\" he explains.", "\"We have more stories to tell.", "We have other stories outside of the Crazy Rich Asians world that are ready to be told too from filmmakers and storytellers who haven't had their stories told yet.\"", "He's even on board to tell another installment of this one.", "\"I will do whatever they ask me to do,\" he says, proudly.", "\"This is so important to me.", "I will push things aside.\"", "Chris Gardner", "comments powered by Disqus" ]
{ "id": "train01219", "claim_title": "Crazy Rich Asians (film)", "claim_section": "Release.:Theatrical.", "claim_context": "\"Crazy Rich Asians\" was released in the United States on August 15, 2018, after previously having been scheduled for August 17. An early screening was held in April 2018 at the Theatre at Ace Hotel in Los Angeles, garnering strong emotional reactions from the audience; other advance screenings were held in San Francisco, Washington D.C., and New York City." }
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In October 2017, di Grassi was announced as one of sixteen drivers selected to participate in the Audi Sport TT Cup series-ending Race of Legends at the Hockenheimring.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Audi organise the 'Race of Legends' to bid farewell to the TT Cup - TouringCarTimes", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2017-10-14T16:02:32+00:00", "3 captures", "10 Dec 2017 - 08 Oct 2018", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "These crawls are part of an effort to archive pages as they are created and archive the pages that they refer to.", "That way, as the pages that are referenced are changed or taken from the web, a link to the version that was live when the page was written will be preserved.", "Then the Internet Archive hopes that references to these archived pages will be put in place of a link that would be otherwise be broken, or a companion link to allow people to see what was originally intended by a page's authors.", "The goal is to fix all broken links on the web.", "Crawls of supported \"No More 404\" sites.", "Collection: Wikipedia Near Real Time (from IRC)", "This is a collection of web page captures from links added to, or changed on, Wikipedia pages.", "The idea is to bring a reliability to Wikipedia outlinks so that if the pages referenced by Wikipedia articles are changed, or go away, a reader can permanently find what was originally referred to.", "This is part of the Internet Archive's attempt to rid the web of broken links.", "The Wayback Machine -", "Photo:", "# Audi organise the 'Race of Legends' to bid farewell to the TT Cup", "2 months ago", "Tamara Aller", "Audi Sport is ending the Audi TT Cup after three seasons, and bit it farewell by hosting a special final race this weekend with a 'Race of Legends', featuring some of the most prominent Audi DTM drivers in their history.", "The TT Cup was originally created to help aspiring young drivers reach touring car and GT competitions.", "Polish driver Jan Kisiel was the first champion in 2015, with Finnish Joonas Lappalainen crowned last year.", "British driver Phillip Ellis took this year's edition, after winning this morning's race at Hockenheim.", "The list of drivers for the Audi TT Cup Legends Race is as follows:", "– Tom Kristensen", "– Rinaldo Capello", "– Hans-Joachim Stuck", "– Emanuele Pirro", "– Frank Biela", "– Marcel Fässler", "– Lucas di Grassi", "– Marco Werner", "– Stèphane Ortelli", "– Jean-Marc Gounon", "– Vanina Ickx", "– Rahel Frey", "– Frank Stippler", "– Lucas Luhr", "– Filipe Alburquerque", "– Christian Abt", "There will be a 20-minute qualifying session today at 18:10 CET, with a 30-minute race scheduled for tomorrow morning at 12:45 CET.", "### Recent DTM news", "## 07", "#### Joel Eriksson eyes DTM debut with BMW in 2018", "## 13", "#### DTM cars make Super GT appearance in season finale at Twin Ring Motegi", "#### Goodbye to the WTCC, TCR and ETCC", "…and welcome to the WTCR", "## 6", "#### Volvo understood to be readying a TCR car for 2018", "## 7", "#### World Touring Car Cup made official as WTCC, TCR combine in two-year deal", "## 6", "#### WTCR boss can't guarantee manufacturers won't be involved in the series", "## 7", "#### WTCR explains 26-car limit and entry fee hike for inaugural season", "## 8", "#### Jeff Smith to miss 2018 after latest surgery", "## 6", "#### Three races per weekend confirmed for the 2018 WTCR", "## 7", "#### WTCC release tribute video to mark the end of the Super 2000 era", "## 10", "#### Clio Cup champion Mike Bushell returns to BTCC with Team HARD", "## 8", "#### Joel Eriksson eyes DTM debut with BMW in 2018", "## 7", "#### Yann Ehrlacher selected as one of six drivers for Audi in the Young Driver Test", "## 19", "#### Jens Marquardt: \"We are pushing to get next year's regulations ready soon\"", "## 19", "#### Manufacturers confident the DTM has a bright future with Class One", "## 18", "#### Robert Wickens leaves the DTM to compete in Indycar", "## 18", "#### Gerhard Berger and Masaaki Bandoh: \"Class One is the future for touring cars\"", "## 18", "#### Gary Paffett: \"I would be open to staying in the DTM with another manufacturer\"", "## 16", "#### Marco Wittmann praises new champion René Rast", "## 16", "#### René Rast: \"This is the biggest achievement of my racing career\"", "## 15", "#### René Rast wins the 2017 DTM title as Marco Wittmann wins the race", "## 15", "#### Frank Stippler wins 'Race of Legends' at Hockenheim", "## 15" ]
{ "id": "train44253", "claim_title": "Lucas di Grassi", "claim_section": "Pirelli test driver and sports car racing (2011–present).:2015–present.", "claim_context": "On Audi's orders, di Grassi took part in the Norisring round of the Audi Sport TT Cup as a guest driver, finishing second in the first race and won the second. \n The trio matched Porsche for pace at the 6 Hours of Nürburgring and ended the duel in second, but a wheel bearing failure in Mexico City put the car out of contention. At the 6 Hours of Circuit of the Americas two weeks later the trio led before electrical failure cost them fifty seconds but the switch to di Grassi had him push hard for second overall. Another strong performance came at Fuji where the car led for the majority of the race until the No. 6 Toyota of Kamui Kobayashi took over first place and held onto it despite the trio's advances. Di Grassi took the lead at Shanghai but a refuelling rig issue lost him time, meaning he could only manage fifth. He, Jarvis and Duval dominated the 6 Hours of Bahrain to win Audi's final World Endurance Championship race, and their efforts throughout the season earned them second in the drivers' standings with 147.5 points. \n Di Grassi was offered a contract to race for Toyota at the 2017 6 Hours of Spa-Francorchamps and the 24 Hours of Le Mans but he was not granted clearance by Audi to race in LMP1. He was later slated to co-drive the No. 51 AF Corse Ferrari 488 GTE at Le Mans but was ruled out due to an ankle injury he sustained in a football match." }
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In 2017, a further feasibility study will be undertaken into the possibility of an underground light rail system.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Underground light rail studied for Bristol", "Follow @TransportXtra", "by Landor LINKS |", "About us |", "Contact us |", "Cookie Notice", "Register Free", "My Homepage", "Local Transport Today is the authoritative, independent journal for transport decision makers.", "Analysis, Comment & News on Transport Policy, Planning, Finance and Delivery since 1989.", "View issue archive", "779 - 16 Aug 19", "778 - 2 Aug 19", "777 - 19 Jul 19", "776 - 5 Jul 19", "775 - 21 Jun 19", "774 - 7 Jun 19", "773 - 24 May 19", "772 - 10 May 19", "771 - 26 Apr 19", "770 - 12 Apr 19", "769 - 29 Mar 19", "768 - 15 Mar 19", "767 - 1 Mar 19", "766 - 15 Feb 19", "765 - 1 Feb 19", "764 - 18 Jan 19", "763 - 8 Jan 19", "762 - 17 Dec 18", "761 - 23 Nov 18", "760 - 9 Nov 18", "759 - 26 Oct 18", "758 - 12 Oct 18", "757 - 28 Sep 18", "756 - 14 Sep 18", "755 - 31 Aug 18", "754 - 20 Aug 18", "753 - 3 Aug 18", "752 - 20 Jul 18", "751 - 6 Jul 18", "750 - 22 Jun 18", "749 - 8 Jun 18", "748 - 25 May 18", "747 - 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21 Jul 05", "421 - 7 Jul 05", "420 - 23 Jun 05", "419 - 9 Jun 05", "418 - 26 May 05", "417 - 12 May 05", "416 - 28 Apr 05", "415 - 14 Apr 05", "414 - 31 Mar 05", "413 - 17 Mar 05", "412 - 3 Mar 05", "411 - 17 Feb 05", "410 - 3 Feb 05", "409 - 20 Jan 05", "408 - 6 Jan 05", "407 - 16 Dec 04", "406 - 2 Dec 04", "405 - 18 Nov 04", "404 - 4 Nov 04", "403 - 21 Oct 04", "402 - 7 Oct 04", "401 - 23 Sep 04", "400 - 9 Sep 04", "391 - 6 May 04", "392 - 21 Feb 00", "Xtra - 1 Jan 00", "Media Monitor", "Business Briefing", "#### Your Free 2 week Trial of TransportXtra has now finished.", "Your Free 2 week Trial of TransportXtra has now finished.", "You will continue to receive the latest news alerts as specified in your email preferences.", "To continue reading articles in full, and stay up to date with the latest industry intelligence: subscribe today", "local transport today", "# Underground light rail studied for Bristol", "### LIGHT RAIL", "01 September 2017", "Bristol: VAL system?", "Bristol: VAL system?", "Bristol City Council has ordered a study of an underground light rail system for the conurbation, which could use driverless vehicles.", "The \"pre-feasibility study\" will \"identify the viability of light rail underground systems to provide a rapid transit system across the West of England\".", "The West of England authorities are Bristol, South Gloucestershire, Bath and North East Somerset, and North Somerset.", "Bristol says the study should investigate a system...", "+75% more", "# Subscribe today to read this article in full...", "### Benefits of subscribing to Local Transport Today Subscription + TransportXtra &", "25 issues a year", "Essential reading for public and private sector transport professionals in the UK and beyond", "Stay ahead of the competition – hear it first", "Written by leading experts in the transport industry", "Additional publications throughout the year covering specific subjects Smarter Travel, Get Britain Cycling and Data and Modelling", "Includes full online access to and searchable archive", "### Magazine + Online", "### Pay Monthly", "£26.00", "### Fixed Term", "1 Year Subscription £206.00", "3 Year Subscription (Save 20%) £494.40", "### Online Only", "### Pay Monthly", "£19.50", "Price shown ex VAT.", "Monthly subscription amount charged monthly to registered card.", "### Fixed Term", "1 Year Subscription £156.00", "30 Day Subscription £36.00", "90 Day Subscription £72.00", "Invoice option available on fixed-term subscription.", "Subscriptions begin from receipt of payment.", "Related Articles", "Also read", "Back up active travel words with cash, MPs tell ministers", "2 Aug 2019Bristol rapid transit: no decision on mode", "2 Aug 2019Where does the public fit in to Bristol's transport priorities?", "2 Aug 2019AppyParking secures £7.6m in investor funding", "1 Aug 2019£3.6 billion Towns Fund to support 'forgotten' towns and boost buses", "30 Jul 2019Support for a Cambridge congestion charge", "9 Jul 2019Streets Systems gets £25k funding boost", "26 Jun 2019DfT part-funds A120 Herts bypass", "7 Jun 2019Sustrans Cymru backs workplace parking levy", "3 Jun 2019Scottish Parliament takes workplace parking levy evidence from Nottingham", "3 Jun 2019", "City pilots use of wi-fi data to enhance pedestrian modelling", "8 Dec 2017Run EV charging cables over footways, Hants tells residents", "19 Jul 2019Cambs CA wants franchise influence", "19 Jul 2019E-scooters rule, ok?", "16 Aug", "2019Bristol underground is pie in sky, say Tories", "19 Jan 2018Nextbike to deliver 5,000 bikes for W Mids dock-based system", "3 Apr 2018House of Commons Transport Committee investigates pavement parking", "9 Jul 2019Lane leads intelligent transport at PBA", "19 Jul 2019Grayling throws a spanner in STB plans for statutory status", "19 Jul 2019Britain's first climate assembly agrees action on housing, transport and green space with local council", "22 Jul 2019", "Latest Jobs", "Senior Transport Officer", "Derbyshire County Council", "County Hall, Matlock£27,914 - 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{ "id": "train11261", "claim_title": "Transport in Bristol", "claim_section": "Future developments.", "claim_context": "Since 2000 the city council has included a light rail system in its Local Transport Plan, but has so far been unable to fund the project. The city was offered European Union funding for the system, but the Department for Transport did not provide the required additional funding. In November 2016, the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership began a consultation process on their Transport Vision Summary Document, outlining potential light rail/tram routes from the city centre to Bristol Airport, the eastern and north west fringes of the city, and a route along the A4 road to Bath." }
[ [ 45, 46, 47 ], [ 39, 45, 46, 47 ] ]
In 1944, Morgenthau proposed the Morgenthau Plan for postwar Germany, calling for Germany to lose its heavy industry, and the Ruhr "should not only be stripped of all presently existing industries, but so weakened and controlled that it can not in the foreseeable future become an industrial area".
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Suggested Post-Surrender Program for Germany", "140 captures", "19 May 2010 - 30 Sep 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Alexa Crawls", "Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive.", "Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.", "Collection: Alexa Crawls", "Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive.", "Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.", "The Wayback Machine -", "## Text Version", "Suggested Post-Surrender Program for Germany", "1. Demilitarization of Germany.", "It should be the aim of the Allied Forces to accomplish the", "complete demilitarization of Germany in the shgortest possible period", "of time after surrender", "This means completely disarming the German", "Army and people (including the removal or destruction of all war", "material), the total destruction of the whole German armament industry,", "and the removal or destruction of other key industries which are basic", "to military strength.", "2. Partitioning of Germany.", "(a) Poland should get that part of East Prussia which doesn't", "go to the U.S.S.R. and the southern portion of Silesia as indicated", "on the attached map, (Appendix A).", "(b) France should get the Saar and the adjacent territories", "bounded by the Rhine and the Moselle Rivers.", "(c) As indicated in part 3 an International Zone should be", "created containing the Ruhr and the surrounding industrial areas", "(d) The remaining portion of Germany should be divided into", "two autonomous, independent states, (1) a South German state comprising", "Bavaria, Wuerttemberg, Baden and some smaller areas and (2) a North", "German state comprising a large part of the old state of Prussia,", "Saxony, Thuringia and several smaller states.", "There shall be a custom union between the new South German", "state and Austria, which will be restored to her pre-1938 political", "borders", "3. The Ruhr Area.", "(The Ruhr, surrounding industrial areas, as shown", "on the attached map, including the Rhineland, the Keil Canal, and all", "German territory north of the Keil Canal.", "Here lies the heart of German industrial power, the cauldron of", "wars.", "This area should not only be stripped of all presently existing", "industries but so weakened and controlled that it can not in the fore-", "seeable future become an industrial area.", "The following steps will", "accomplish this:", "(a) Within a short period, if possible not longer than 6 months", "after the cessation of hostilities, all industrial plants and equipment", "not destroyed by military action shall either be completely dismantled", "and removed from the area or completely destroyed.", "All equipment shall", "be removed from the mines and the mines shall be throughly wrecked.", "It is anticipated that the stripping of this area would be", "accomplished in three stages:", "(i) The military forces immediately upon entry into the area", "shal destroy all plants and equipment which cannot be removed.", "View Original", "View Next Page", "Return to Folder IndexReturn to Box Index" ]
{ "id": "train08496", "claim_title": "Henry Morgenthau Jr.", "claim_section": "The Morgenthau Plan.", "claim_context": "" }
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She later became a Korean human rights activist who campaigned against sexual slavery and war rape.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: South Korea's 'comfort women' demand apology from Japan for wartime abuse | World News | Sky News", "Skip to content", "Watch Live", "Watch Live", "# South Korea's 'comfort women' demand apology from Japan for wartime abuse", "As many as 200,000 women across Asia were forced into prostitution and sexually abused by Japanese soldiers during World War II.", "### Lisa Holland", "Senior news correspondent", "Fill 2 Copy 11", "Created with Sketch.", "Sunday 27 August 2017 11:21, UK", "JapanSouth Korea", "Enduring pain of wartime 'comfort women'", "Why you can trust Sky News", "Renewed efforts are being made in South Korea to get a formal apology from Japan over the wartime use of women as sex slaves.", "Some estimates suggest there were as many as 200,000 so-called \"comfort women\" abused by Japanese soldiers across Asia as sex slaves, although exact numbers are not known.", "Victims feel the Japanese government has never sincerely made amends for the acts of its soldiers.", "Supporters want justice for the women - now in their 80s and 90s - before it is too late.", "A statue commemorating 'comfort women' in front of the Japanese embassy in Seoul", "There are a growing number of statues in honour of the women in America and Germany.", "In the South Korean capital Seoul there are regular demonstrations calling for direct compensation from the Japanese government and a formal apology.", "Han Kuk-Yom, chairwoman of The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery for Japan, told Sky News: \"We want the Japanese government to accept history - they used 200,000 women across Asia as sex slaves.", "### More from Japan", "#### Fukushima nuclear plant to run out of space for radioactive water by 2022", "#### Japanese convenience store apologises after rat video goes viral", "#### Japan successfully tests flying car which hovers steadily for a minute", "#### Nara deer: Nine dead animals found to have plastic in their stomachs", "#### Japan: One million people told to evacuate as heavy rain hits Japan", "#### Japan restarts commercial whaling after a 31-year hiatus", "\"We want them to acknowledge what they did. \"", "There are just 36 comfort women still alive in South Korea - a dwindling number of elderly ladies who still have no peace.", "Female victims of Japanese wartime abuses, now in their 80s and 90s, continue to suffer", "We went to a house in Seoul where two of the women live together - their friend, who also lived here, passed away recently.", "Kim Bok-Dong is 91.", "She says she was kept as a sex slave for eight years by the Japanese - taken when she was 15 and used in \"comfort stations\" across Asia.", "She said: \"They told us we were going to factories but put us into a military camp in Taiwan.", "\"We went to Guandong in China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Sumatra, Indonesia, Singapore.", "They dragged us around for eight years.", "\"I was in Singapore when Japan surrendered.", "The Japanese said we were free to go, but we didn't know where to go.", "We had no idea where we were.", "Then they put us into the US military camp and we waited there for months, then we came back to Korea.", "\"My mother couldn't tell anyone about it because it was so shameful.", "\"She used to say, 'How can I see my ancestors in the next life when I have a daughter who I failed to protect?'", "It disturbed my mother so much she had a breakdown, which I think killed her.\"", "Supporters want justice for the women before it is too late", "Even in her 90s, Kim Bok-Dong is a woman still suffering from what happened to her.", "She said: \"If this hadn't happened I would have had a normal life.", "\"I could have got married.", "I would have had children.", "I would have looked after my parents.", "That's what I wish had happened.", "As a woman how could I have wished for more than that?", "\"It is something that will live with me forever.\"", "For a long time Japan insisted women went with them as willing prostitutes - a notion the victims find abhorrent.", "Kim Bok-Dong said: \"The Japanese continue to deny it.", "We need Japan to finally admit it.", "If you do something wrong you should apologise.", "\"Legally they should compensate us.", "That's what we fight for.", "You came here and I'm talking to you - please let people know.\"", "Japan's Prime Minster offered what he called a \"resolution\" a few years ago, but supporters of the \"comfort women\" say it was not enough.", "## More stories" ]
{ "id": "train14880", "claim_title": "Kim Bok-dong", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "\n Kim Bok-dong (19 April 1926 – 28 January 2019) was among many young women forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese Imperial Army." }
[ [ 16, 17 ], [ 14, 16, 17 ] ]
In 2010, the Pan Asian Repertory Theatre released a statement explaining their decision to produce a play by Lauren Yee titled "Ching Chong Chinaman", a term which has at times been used in doggerel verse with racist overtones.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: ching chong chinaman, chin chin chinaman - Seedy Songs and Rotten Rhymes - the poetry of the playground", "14 captures", "06 Dec 2010 - 09 Sep 2021", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "The Internet Archive discovers and captures web pages through many different web crawls.", "At any given time several distinct crawls are running, some for months, and some every day or longer.", "View the web archive through the Wayback Machine.", "Collection: Wikipedia Outlinks July 2011", "Crawl of outlinks from started July, 2011.", "These files are currently not publicly accessible.", "The Wayback Machine -", "← Online Dictionary of Playground Slang", "# Seedy Songs and Rotten Rhymes - the poetry of the playground", "All dictionariesBuzzwords: The 'honey on the language vine'.Dictionary of Playground Slang (Online)Gay Slang DictionaryGhastly GamesHymns and Arias (well ok - Dirty Ditties, Rug…It's time, it's time, it's time for a Nursery…Limericks - The Poetry of the PeopleSeedy Songs and Rotten Rhymes - the poetry of…Wriggly Wigglies 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z", "# ching chong chinaman, chin chin chinaman", "(ed: yet another poem with slight racist overtomes highlighting a play on words:)", "Ching Chong Chinaman sitting on the grass, Along came a bumblebee and stung him on his..", "Ask no questions, tell no lies, I saw a policeman doing up his...", "flies are a nuisance, bugs are even worse, And this is the end of my silly little verse.", "(this another version, a rhyme from someone who's daughter went off to a City Farm to learn how to milk a cow.", "He seemed think this would make a nice career for her - though I think that was his sarcasm kicking in!)", "Ching chong china man went to milk a cow.", "Ching chong china man didnt know how.", "Ching chong china man pulled the wrong tit.", "Ching chong china man got covered in shit.", "(Yet another version with a slightly different name:)", "Chin Chin Chinaman", "Chin chin chinaman bought a little shop And all he sold was peppermint rock He wee'd in a bottle and called it pop Chin chin chinaman bought a little shop", "(And Ginevra sent in the following from 1970's Sydney:)", "Ching Chong Chinaman sitting on the fence, Trying to make a dollar out of 55 cents But he missed, Missed, Just like this.", "Note: It accompanied a clapping game, but she's forgotten the sequence.", "Anyone help out here?", "See also: ▶chinky chinky charlie, ▶rule britannia, ▶arsehole song, ▶johnny was a wankerSource: circa. 1950's, UK" ]
{ "id": "train43453", "claim_title": "Chinaman (term)", "claim_section": "Controversy.", "claim_context": "In 2001, the \"Chicago Sun-Times\" was chastised by William Yashino, Midwest director of the Japanese American Citizens League, for using the term \"Chinaman\" in two of its columns. Yashino wrote, in a letter to the editor on May 16, 2001, that the term is derogatory and demeaning to Chinese Americans and Asian Americans, and that it marginalizes these communities and inflames public sentiment. \n In March 2007, media mogul Ted Turner used the term in a public speech before the Bay Area Council of San Francisco, California. Community leaders and officials objected to his use of the term, and immediately called for an apology. In a statement released by his spokesman on March 13, 2007, Turner apologized for having used the term, stating that he was unaware that the term was derogatory. Vincent Pan, director of the organization Chinese for Affirmative Action, said it was \"a bit suspect\" for someone involved in domestic and world politics like Turner to be unaware that the term is derogatory. Yvonne Lee, a former commissioner of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission, said the apology was the first step, but wanted Turner to agree to further \"dialogue between different communities\".\n On April 11, 2008, golf announcer Bobby Clampett apologized for referring to golfer Liang Wen-Chong as \"the Chinaman\" during the Masters golf tournament at Augusta National Golf Club. Clampett, working the Internet broadcast of Amen Corner, made the comment after Liang missed the cut. According to the \"St. Louis Post-Dispatch\", Clampett was taken off the broadcast after the comment." }
[ [] ]
He jumped well throughout the race and went clear with three fences to jump, then easily drew clear to win by 36 lengths.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Race Result 3:05 KEMPTON PARK Saturday 26 December", "1 capture", "02 Oct 2017", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "These crawls are part of an effort to archive pages as they are created and archive the pages that they refer to.", "That way, as the pages that are referenced are changed or taken from the web, a link to the version that was live when the page was written will be preserved.", "Then the Internet Archive hopes that references to these archived pages will be put in place of a link that would be otherwise be broken, or a companion link to allow people to see what was originally intended by a page's authors.", "The goal is to fix all broken links on the web.", "Crawls of supported \"No More 404\" sites.", "Collection: Wikipedia Near Real Time (from IRC)", "This is a collection of web page captures from links added to, or changed on, Wikipedia pages.", "The idea is to bring a reliability to Wikipedia outlinks so that if the pages referenced by Wikipedia articles are changed, or go away, a reader can permanently find what was originally referred to.", "This is part of the Internet Archive's attempt to rid the web of broken links.", "The Wayback Machine -", "Bet Slip", "My Bet Slip", "How to use My Betslip", "Placing a Single Bet", "Placing a Multiple Bet", "Manage bookmakers", "Simply click a price on Race Passes and we'll take you off to place your bet with your favourite bookmaker.", "You can also place single bets from the Bet Slip – just click the price in the Bet Slip.", "Our Bet Slip allows you to build up your selections before you begin placing multiple bets with your favourite bookmakers.", "Click the +BET button to add your selections and then, when you're ready, hit 'Bet Now' to go to your chosen", "bookmaker's site and place your bets.", "Select the bookmaker prices you want to display on Race Passes by switching the toggles between show and hide", "in the Bookmaker Manager, or use the Currently Showing selection screen", "We will automatically display the best", "odds from your chosen bookmakers.", "Note that Betfair Exchange prices are available to logged in customers", "only and are not included in the best odds calculation.", "You currently have no selections.", "Sign In", "NEXT RACES:", "2:00 Sed2:10 Tip2:20 Ayr2:30 Sed2:40 Sou2:45 Tip", "<< GO BACK TO RESULTS", "Race Pass Options", "# KEMPTON PARK0305", "### HUNTINGDON", "| Going: SOFT | Briefing", "### KEMPTON PARK", "| Going: GOOD to SOFT | Briefing", "### WINCANTON", "| Going: SOFT | Briefing", "### WOLVERHAMPTON", "| Going: ALL-WEATHER STANDARD | Briefing", "### LEOPARDSTOWN", "| Going: GOOD to SOFT | Briefing", "### LIMERICK", "| Going: HEAVY | Briefing", "Not Started", "Starting Soon", "In-Play", "Today's Going Reports & Non Runners", "Go to Race Passes", "Go to Horse Racing Results", "## 3:05 Saturday 26 December 2009", "Unlock this Race", "### WILLIAM HILL KING GEORGE VI CHASE (Grade 1) (1)", "Distance : 3m", "Prize : £114,020", "Age : 4yo+", "Race Type : Chase", "Going : Gd/Sft", "Race Type : Chase", "Race Reports", "Running Notes", "Horse Name", "Horse Name", "Hi/Lo", "Jockey & Trainer", "(Equip)", "(OR)", "(Place)", "0. KAUTO STAR (FR)", "0. KAUTO STAR (FR)", "R. Walsh", "11-10", "b g", "VILLAGE STAR (FR)", "- KAUTO RELKA (FR)", "PORT ETIENNE (FR)", "J: R. Walsh", "T: Paul Nicholls", "Age: 9", "Wgt: 11-10", "Eq: (t)", "Paul Nicholls", "(t)", "Subscribe to see the Premium Race Report for KAUTO STAR (FR) in this race", "Log in to see the Running Notes for KAUTO STAR (FR) in this race", "My Timeform available only to Registered users", "0. MADISON DU BERLAIS (FR)", "0. MADISON DU BERLAIS (FR)", "Tom Scudamore", "11-10", "b g", "INDIAN RIVER (FR)", "- ANAIS DU BERLAIS (FR)", "DOM PASQUINI (FR)", "J: Tom Scudamore", "T: David Pipe", "Age: 8", "Wgt: 11-10", "Eq: (s)", "David Pipe", "(s)", "Subscribe to see the Premium Race Report for MADISON DU BERLAIS (FR) in this race", "Log in to see the Running Notes for MADISON DU BERLAIS (FR) in this race", "My Timeform available only to Registered users", "0. BARBERS SHOP", "0. BARBERS SHOP", "Barry Geraghty", "11-10", "b g", "SADDLERS' HALL (IRE)", "- CLOSE HARMONY", "J: Barry Geraghty", "T: Nicky Henderson", "Age: 7", "Wgt: 11-10", "Eq: (s)", "Nicky Henderson", "(s)", "Subscribe to see the Premium Race Report for BARBERS SHOP in this race", "Log in to see the Running Notes for BARBERS SHOP in this race", "My Timeform available only to Registered users", "0. NACARAT (FR)", "0. NACARAT (FR)", "Sam Thomas", "11-10", "SMADOUN (FR)", "- GERBORA (FR)", "ART BLEU", "J: Sam Thomas", "T: Tom George", "Age: 8", "Wgt: 11-10", "Tom George", "Subscribe to see the Premium Race Report for NACARAT (FR) in this race", "Log in to see the Running Notes for NACARAT (FR) in this race", "My Timeform available only to Registered users", "0. IMPERIAL COMMANDER (IRE)", "0. IMPERIAL COMMANDER (IRE)", "Paddy Brennan", "11-10", "b g", "FLEMENSFIRTH (USA)", "- BALLINLOVANE", "LE MOSS", "J: Paddy Brennan", "T: Nigel Twiston-Davies", "Age: 8", "Wgt: 11-10", "Nigel Twiston-Davies", "Subscribe to see the Premium Race Report for IMPERIAL COMMANDER (IRE) in this race", "Log in to see the Running Notes for IMPERIAL COMMANDER (IRE) in this race", "My Timeform available only to Registered users", "0. ALBERTAS RUN (IRE)", "0. ALBERTAS RUN (IRE)", "A. P. McCoy", "11-10", "b g", "- HOLLY GROVE LASS", "LE MOSS", "J: A. P. McCoy", "T: Jonjo O'Neill", "Age: 8", "Wgt: 11-10", "Jonjo O'Neill", "Subscribe to see the Premium Race Report for ALBERTAS RUN (IRE) in this race", "Log in to see the Running Notes for ALBERTAS RUN (IRE) in this race", "My Timeform available only to Registered users", "0. TARTAK (FR)", "0. TARTAK (FR)", "Denis O'Regan", "11-10", "b g", "AKHDARI (USA)", "- TARTAMUDA (FR)", "J: Denis O'Regan", "T: Tom George", "Age: 6", "Wgt: 11-10", "Tom George", "Subscribe to see the Premium Race Report for TARTAK (FR) in this race", "Log in to see the Running Notes for TARTAK (FR) in this race", "My Timeform available only to Registered users", "0. OUR VIC (IRE)", "0. OUR VIC (IRE)", "Timmy Murphy", "11-10", "b g", "OLD VIC", "- SHABRA PRINCESS", "BUCKSKIN (FR)", "J: Timmy Murphy", "T: David Pipe", "Age: 11", "Wgt: 11-10", "Eq: (b)", "David Pipe", "(b)", "Subscribe to see the Premium Race Report for OUR VIC (IRE) in this race", "Log in to see the Running Notes for OUR VIC (IRE) in this race", "My Timeform available only to Registered users", "0. OLLIE MAGERN", "0. OLLIE MAGERN", "Tom Molloy", "11-10", "b g", "- OUTFIELD", "J: Tom Molloy", "T: Nigel Twiston-Davies", "Age: 11", "Wgt: 11-10", "Nigel Twiston-Davies", "Subscribe to see the Premium Race Report for OLLIE MAGERN in this race", "Log in to see the Running Notes for OLLIE MAGERN in this race", "My Timeform available only to Registered users", "0. SANDYMAC (IRE)", "0. SANDYMAC (IRE)", "Andrew Glassonbury", "11-3", "b m", "OSCAR (IRE)", "- MOLLY OWEN (IRE)", "J: Andrew Glassonbury", "T: Gary Moore", "Age: 9", "Wgt: 11-3", "Gary Moore", "Subscribe to see the Premium Race Report for SANDYMAC (IRE) in this race", "Log in to see the Running Notes for SANDYMAC (IRE) in this race", "My Timeform available only to Registered users", "0. DEEP PURPLE", "0. DEEP PURPLE", "Paul Moloney", "11-10", "b g", "HALLING (USA)", "- SEAL INDIGO (IRE)", "GLENSTAL (USA)", "J: Paul Moloney", "T: Evan Williams", "Age: 8", "Wgt: 11-10", "Evan Williams", "Subscribe to see the Premium Race Report for DEEP PURPLE in this race", "Log in to see the Running Notes for DEEP PURPLE in this race", "My Timeform available only to Registered users", "0. RACING DEMON (IRE)", "0. RACING DEMON (IRE)", "Graham Lee", "11-10", "b g", "OLD VIC", "- ALL SET (IRE)", "J: Graham Lee", "T: Henrietta Knight", "Age: 9", "Wgt: 11-10", "Henrietta Knight", "Subscribe to see the Premium Race Report for RACING DEMON (IRE) in this race", "Log in to see the Running Notes for RACING DEMON (IRE) in this race", "My Timeform available only to Registered users", "0. MASTER MEDIC (IRE)", "0. MASTER MEDIC (IRE)", "Robert Walford", "11-10", "b g", "DR MASSINI (IRE)", "- NAME A REASON (IRE)", "BUCKSKIN (FR)", "J: Robert Walford", "T: R. H. & Mrs S. Alner", "Age: 8", "Wgt: 11-10", "R. H. & Mrs S. Alner", "Subscribe to see the Premium Race Report for MASTER MEDIC (IRE) in this race", "Log in to see the Running Notes for MASTER MEDIC (IRE) in this race", "My Timeform available only to Registered users", "All 13 ran.", "Winning Owner: Mr Clive D. Smith", "Time: 6m 7.01s", "Premium Race Report available only to Race Passes customers" ]
{ "id": "train02440", "claim_title": "Kauto Star", "claim_section": "Racing career.:2009/10 season.:King George VI Chase.", "claim_context": "On Boxing Day 2009 at Kempton Park, Kauto Star attempted to win his fourth consecutive King George VI Chase." }
[ [ 66 ], [ 65, 66 ] ]
For secondary schooling she attended Matthew Flinders Girls High School, Geelong.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Dave's Diary - 12/1/06 - Mia Dyson", "DAVE'S", "DIARY - 12 JANUARY 2006 - MIA DYSON", "DYSON FROM SURF COAST TO TV", "\"Met", "a pretty girl in Gower, only her first time/ I'd been there two years", "and had two more in line.\"", "- Roll Me Out - Mia Dyson.", "raised singer songwriter and guitarist Mia Dyson has a healthy penchant", "for including her family in music that has won her national exposure.", "There's luthier dad Jim who carved out her distinctive sound in the", "slide guitars that he toiled over.", "And her mother eulogised in her tune Rivers Wide and a late", "octogenarian grandfather who was the source of No Other.", "But it was a disparate family who inspired the single Roll Me Out", "- a staple on JJJ-FM and community radio.", "Dyson sourced her tune after a concert at the Deer Park gaol for women.", "She personalised the story of a woman, ostracised in her central Victorian", "hometown for being gay, and institutionalised after being gaoled for", "a minor crime.", "But, unlike", "Allan Caswell tune, On The Inside, it hasn't earned massive royalties", "as a TV show theme.", "\"I met", "these characters at Deer Park when I performed there but used the name", "Gower - the prison farm - in the song,\" Aria Award blues-roots winner", "Dyson, 24, told Nu Country TV.", "\"A lot of women find love in the prison - especially matriarchs who", "run prisons and take new prisoners under their wings", "I met some incredible", "people in there.", "One grew up in a small town in Victoria.", "Being a dyke", "her sentence was out of proportion to the crime.", "But when she was in there", "she learned her criminal trade.", "She got an 18 month sentence and then", "had to learn how to survive.\"", "Dyson didn't", "organise a reality TV gaol break to publicise her new video shot at home", "without her song subjects.", "\"It's a low budget video clip by a friend of mine who is a film director,\"", "says Dyson.", "\"It's not going to be story telling - most will concentrate on the", "chorus about having a good time", "It features a lot of musicians and other", "friends.\"", "The artist recorded No Other, featuring her dad, in the bungalow", "at the Moonee Ponds house her grandparents called home for 59 years.", "\"We recorded most of the album in the 8 ball room at the back of", "their home,\" says Mia of the house from where her grandfather would", "take nostalgia tram trips until he died at 87.", "\"He trekked across town on trams to places like South Melbourne,", "where he grew up, and Glen Iris and check out how things changed", "I was", "compelled to write the song because my grandmother, who is now 85, never", "spent a day apart from him when he was alive.", "He was a jack of all trades,", "brush and furniture maker.\"", "also eulogised her mother's artistic support in Rivers Wide.", "\"She had incredible taste in music,\" says Dyson, \"she", "fed me art, music and literature, was the main bread winner and held", "the family together.\"", "But a childhood friend and musical mentor inspired I Meant Something", "To You Once.", "Dyson and her friend were among a trio of musicians and songwriters", "who flew under the radar at Mathew Flinders High School in Geelong", "and never became Sweethearts Of Swing.", "\"She", "was incredibly talented,\" Dyson recalled.", "\"At 15 I looked up to her and aspired to be like her.", "We wrote songs", "but our music teachers didn't know about that.", "She went on a bender after", "high school", "and", "lost her way.", "She's now an activist, doing incredible", "stuff.\"", "Ironically, Dyson was long unaware of fellow roots musician Xavier Rudd", "who lived at nearby Jan Juc when she was on the Surf Coast.", "\"I had no idea who he was until he followed me into the Cricket Pavilion", "at Port Fairy folk festival,\" says Dyson.", "\"As I was finishing my solo set for about 50 people the crowd started", "flocking in to see him.", "He came back afterwards and gave me couple of supports on his gigs.\"", "Dyson hopes", "to release her music in the highly competitive world market but has no", "plans to emulate fellow ARIA winner Keith Urban and move overseas.", "The singer has performed on three continents but is building a growing", "market here in Australia", "\"I did some showcases for record labels and booking agents in the", "U.S. and Canada", ",\" she revealed.", "\"I played in Toronto, Vancouver, London and Edinburgh.\"", "/ back to diary" ]
{ "id": "train41890", "claim_title": "Mia Dyson", "claim_section": "Life and career.", "claim_context": "Mia Dyson was born in 1981 in a mud brick home built by her parents near Daylesford. Her father, Jim Dyson, is a blues guitarist and luthier. The family moved to Torquay when she was eight." }
[ [ 56, 57 ] ]
Before his election in 2008, Porter was working as a lecturer at Curtin University and the University of Western Australia as well as retaining, part-time, his position as senior prosecutor at the DPP.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Christian Porter MP | Meet Christian", "# CHRISTIAN PORTER MP", "## Federal Member for Pearce", "# CHRISTIAN PORTER MP", "## FEDERAL MEMBER FOR PEARCE", "Meet Christian", "About Pearce", "Our Community", "Local Governments", "Local News", "Portfolio News", "Media Releases", "What's On", "Have Your Say", "Stronger Communities Programme", "Small Business Survey", "Help Fight Labor's Retiree Tax", "Online Office", "Request a Flag", "Request a Congratulatory Message", "Useful Links", "Contact Christian", "# Christian Porter MP", "Meet Christian", "About Pearce", "Our Community", "Local Governments", "Local News", "Portfolio News", "Media Releases", "What's On", "Have Your Say", "Stronger Communities Programme", "Small Business Survey", "Help Fight Labor's Retiree Tax", "Online Office", "Request a Flag", "Request a Congratulatory Message", "Useful Links", "Contact Christian", "# CHRISTIAN PORTER MP", "## Federal Member for Pearce", "# CHRISTIAN PORTER MP", "## FEDERAL MEMBER FOR PEARCE", "# Meet Christian", "## Christian was born and raised in Western Australia and calls yanchep home with his wife Jennifer, son Lachlan and DAUGHTER FLORENCE.", "Christian Porter has been Australia's Attorney-General since December 2017.", "Following the May 2019 election, he has also taken on responsibility for the Industrial Relations portfolio and has become Leader of the House.", "He previously served as Minister for Social Services.", "As Attorney-General, Christian played a key role in the modernisation of Australia's national security laws with the successful passage of the Espionage and Foreign Interference, and Foreign Influence and Transparency Scheme legislation, which represent the most substantial reforms to Australia's national security legislation since the 1970s.", "Christian is also currently focused on reforming the family court system to help families save time and costs in family law disputes.", "In Social Services, Christian steered the critical transition of the National Disability Insurance Scheme from trial to national roll out and oversaw a suite of welfare reforms which, combined with strong job growth, saw 140,000 fewer people relying on welfare – resulting in the lowest level of welfare dependency in working age Australians since the 1980s.", "Prior to entering Federal Parliament, Christian was a Minister in the Western Australian State Government, holding the portfolios of Attorney-General, Minister for Corrective Services and Treasurer.", "As WA Treasurer, Christian delivered successive budget surpluses, reduced recurrent expenditure growth by more than 6 per cent and was central to delivering funding for key projects such as the new Perth Stadium and Elizabeth Quay.", "As WA Attorney-General, Christian reformed the jury system and pursued a range of legislative reforms that significantly reduced all reported crime.", "Christian holds a Bachelor of Economics, a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Western Australia, as well as a Master of Science (Political Theory) from the London School of Economics.", "Prior to politics, Christian worked as a lawyer in both the commercial and government settings; beginning his career at Clayton Utz and then later working as a Senior State Prosecutor for the Director of Public Prosecutions WA, where he prosecuted criminal trials for the State.", "He has also lectured at the University of Western Australia in law, public policy and economics and, immediately before entering Federal Parliament, Christian was a Professor of Law at Curtin University.", "## WATCHChristian's Maiden Speech", "Read transcript" ]
{ "id": "train48791", "claim_title": "Christian Porter", "claim_section": "Background and early career.", "claim_context": "Porter's father was Charles \"Chilla\" Porter, who during the 1970s and 1980s was director of Western Australia's Liberal Party. His grandfather, Sir Charles Robert Porter, was a Queensland Liberal state MP between 1966 and 1980 and served in the ministry of Joh Bjelke-Petersen. \n Porter was educated at Hale School, then at the University of Western Australia where he graduated Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Arts with first-class honours in politics, before completing a Bachelor of Laws degree. Porter later studied at the London School of Economics for a Master of Science in political theory, from which he graduated at the top of his class with distinction. Prior to entering Parliament, Porter worked predominantly as a lawyer, starting as a commercial litigator at Clayton Utz before moving to public practice. He spent a year as an advisor to the Federal Minister for Justice and then began working for the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions as a senior state prosecutor." }
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According to "TechCrunch", as of March 2017, Whisper has a total of 17 billion monthly pageviews on its mobile and desktop websites, social channels and publisher network, with 250 million monthly users across 187 countries.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Whisper launches new tool to automate article creation from its user-generated content – TechCrunch", "(meta data) AUTHOR: Jonathan Shieber", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "# Whisper launches new tool to automate article creation from its user-generated content", "Jonathan Shieber", "2 years", "After months spent watching other anonymous messaging and sharing apps come and go, Whisper is coming back to the market with a new product, a massive readership and a reinvigorated approach to sharing its content.", "The Los Angeles-based company is ready for its close-up once again.", "It's quietly been building an advertising business that has gotten write-ups in Advertising Age and AdWeek, as well as a profile of its artificial intelligence content moderation tool, but has remained mum about the new direction the company is taking.", "This new Whisper is less focused on the kind of gossip that made headlines on the service three years ago (and led to this contentious interview with TechCrunch co-founder Michael Arrington).", "Today the company has launched a new, automated service that will provide the same kind of embedded content that Whisper was initially pitching to publications (with human editors).", "\"We're using AI tech that we've been working on for a while and automatically embedding that content into publishers' sites,\" Michael Heyward, Whisper founder and chief executive, said.", "\"There's a revenue share for publishers.", "We traffic all the ads and pass it back to the publishers,\" he says.", "Here's an example of how the new text looks on a publisher's site.", "Eye Opening Confessions from 'Dreamer' Immigrants – Perspectives from Whisper from Whisper Official on Vimeo.", "The company's product is currently being used by Tronc (the former Tribune Co.), and is the latest in a series of revenue-generating moves for Whisper.", "\"We've been quietly building up our ad business for the last year and a half,\" says Heyward.", "\"There's two parts to the business.", "We're working with brands like Coca-Cola, Disney, Dove, or Hulu, which involves buying branded content that users make.\"", "Here's a user's Whisper commenting on the marketing campaign for the Poltergeist remake from a few year's ago.", "Anytime a user on Whisper chooses an image skin, it can be populated with a branded image.", "The company has also built up a network of sites it works with and is serving ads programmatically against different brand ad-buys.", "Now, Whisper is taking off the covers on its new AI service to bring Whisper content to other publications.", "It was this project for which Whisper originally hired former Gawker editor Neetzan Zimmerman.", "He was tasked with finding ways to bring Whisper content to the masses, leveraging his talent as a \"master of virality.\"", "Now, like so many white-collar jobs to come, Zimmerman is being replaced with an AI.", "In a blog post published today, Heyward explained how the AI service, called Eliot, will work within its new \"Perspectives\" product.", "\"Eliot\" takes structured and unstructured data that is scanned on a company's website and identifies key topics, places and people associated with the story, according to Heyward.", "The AI engine then generates a contextually relevant story or video.", "Heyward gave the example of a potential TechCrunch package where startup founders share what it's really like after raising money.", "All of this content is accessible via a widget that a publisher can embed onto their site.", "Heyward attributes Whisper's continued survival to its lack of reliance on a social graph or a geo-located filter (unlike its competitors Secret and YikYak).", "\"There are also a lot of use cases that you see with YikYak and Secret — and even going back to Juicy Campus — that are products which are built on top of your friend graph,\" Heyward said.", "\"That is what allows for all of the really bad use cases around anonymity.", "Because Whisper doesn't integrate with your address book and it's not about that explicit audience piece…", "What you're left with is people talking about themselves or talking about ideas or events.\"", "According to data shared by the company, Whisper now has more than 250 million people viewing its stories, videos and posts each month.", "Primarily from its Facebook page, which counts several million followers.", "Roughly 17 billion Whisper posts are viewed each month.", "Now available in 187 countries, the Whisper app is available in English, Spanish, German, Portuguese, French and Indonesian — and is on both iOS and Android." ]
{ "id": "train37872", "claim_title": "Whisper (app)", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "\n Whisper is a proprietary iOS and Android mobile app available without charge. It is a form of anonymous social media, allowing users to post and share photo and video messages anonymously, although this claim has been challenged with privacy concerns over Whisper's handling of user data. The postings, called \"whispers\", consist of text superimposed over an image, and the background imagery is either automatically retrieved from Whisper's own search engine or uploaded by the user. The app, launched in March 2012, is the main product of the media company WhisperText LLC, which was co-founded by CEO Michael Heyward, the son of the entertainment executive Andy Heyward, and Brad Brooks, who is the CEO of mobile messaging service TigerText. Since 2015, the service has sought to become more of a brand advertising platform, with promotional partnerships with Netflix, NBCUniversal, Disney, HBO, and MTV." }
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Delia Monica Duca (born 1986) is Romanian beauty pageant titleholder who was crowned Miss Universe Romania 2012 and represented her country at the Miss Universe 2012 pageant.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Miss Romania Della Monica Duca | Photos: Miss Universe 2012's Most Bizarre National Costumes |", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "##", "MY ACCOUNT", "SIGN IN", "SIGN OUT", "TIME Health", "The TIME Vault", "TIME Labs", "The Goods", "Shop TIME", "Press Room", "TIME Guide to Happiness", "The 100 Most Influential People", "Guns in America", "Next Generation Leaders", "Person of the Year", "Space Explorers: The ISS Experience", "Privacy Policy", "Your California Privacy Rights", "Terms of Use", "Ad Choices", "TIME Apps", "TIME for Kids", "Reprints and Permissions", "Site Map", "Customer Service", "© 2019 TIME USA, LLC", "All rights reserved.", "Sign InSubscribe", "Fashion & Beauty", "# Photos: Miss Universe 2012's Most Bizarre National Costumes", "On Dec. 19, women from around the world competed at the 61st annual Miss Universe pageant.", "Here's a look at the contestants' wacky—and occasionally tacky—national ensembles", "26 of 31", "nextView All", "## Miss Romania Della Monica Duca", "By William Lee Adams @willyleeadamsDec. 16, 2012Darren Decker / Miss Universe Organization / Handout / Reuters", "The golden orbs that snake up Miss Romania's nude body suit pay homage to Romanian sculptor Constantin Brancusi and his \"Column of the Infinite.\"", "That sculpture honors Romanian heroes from World War I.", "Her costume honors the female form.", "Next Miss South Africa Melinda Bam", "## Full List", "### Photos: Miss Universe 2012's Most Bizarre National Costumes", "Miss Puerto Rico Bodine KoehlerMiss Angola Marcelina VahekeniMiss Guam", "Alyssa Cruz AgueroMiss Trinidad and Tobago Avionne MarkMiss St. Lucia Tara EdwardMiss Bolivia Yessica MoutonMiss Honduras", "Jennifer AndradeMiss Jamaica", "Chantal ZakyMiss Spain Andrea HuisgenMiss", "Botswana Sheillah MolelekwaMiss British Virgin Islands Abigail HyndmanMiss Peru Nicole FaveronMiss Brazil Gabriela MarkusMiss USA", "Olivia CulpoMiss Thailand", "Nutpimon Farida WallerMiss Denmark Josefine HewittMiss Venezuela Irene Sofia Esser QuinteroMiss Switzerland Alina BuchschacherMiss Russia Elizabeth GolovanovaMiss Nigeria", "Isabella Ojong AyukMiss China Ji Dan XuMiss Mexico Karina GonzalezMiss Netherlands", "Nathalie den DekkerMiss Malaysia Kimberley LeggettMiss Australia Renae AyrisMiss Romania Della Monica DucaMiss South Africa Melinda BamMiss Israel Lina MakhuliMiss Philippines Janine TugononMiss Canada Adwoa Yamoah", "### SubscribePopular Among Subscribers", "#### Japan's Booming Sex Niche: Elder Porn", "#### Young Kids, Old Bodies", "#### Benedict Cumberbatch Talks Secrets, Leaks, and Sherlock", "#### Obama's Trauma Team", "Get all access to digital and printSubscribe", "Most Popular", "From Style & Design", "Keira Knightley's Chanel Ad 'Too Sexy' for Kids50 Years Later: How Cleopatra Continues to Influence Fashion TodayHow to Walk Like a Model in Four Easy Steps: Q+A With Casting Director Natalie JoosWe", "Tried This: Living Proof HaircarePhotos: Miss Universe 2012's Most Bizarre National Costumes", "From", "### Connect With TIME", "### City Guides", "An insider's guide to the essential city — where to sleep, eat and play.", "Select a city below:", "#### North America", "#### Europe", "#### Africa", "#### Middle East", "DubaiTel Aviv", "#### Asia", "#### Australia and Oceania", "#### Latin America and Caribbean" ]
{ "id": "train03469", "claim_title": "Delia Duca", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "" }
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Hirshberg left the CEO position in March 2018, and the position remains open as of February 2019.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg is leaving in March | GamesBeat", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2018-01-18T19:20:03+00:00", "55 captures", "18 Jan 2018 - 06 Sep 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "These crawls are part of an effort to archive pages as they are created and archive the pages that they refer to.", "That way, as the pages that are referenced are changed or taken from the web, a link to the version that was live when the page was written will be preserved.", "Then the Internet Archive hopes that references to these archived pages will be put in place of a link that would be otherwise be broken, or a companion link to allow people to see what was originally intended by a page's authors.", "The goal is to fix all broken links on the web.", "Crawls of supported \"No More 404\" sites.", "Collection: Wikipedia Near Real Time (from IRC)", "This is a collection of web page captures from links added to, or changed on, Wikipedia pages.", "The idea is to bring a reliability to Wikipedia outlinks so that if the pages referenced by Wikipedia articles are changed, or go away, a reader can permanently find what was originally referred to.", "This is part of the Internet Archive's attempt to rid the web of broken links.", "The Wayback Machine -", "# Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg is leaving in March", "Dean Takahashi@deantak January 18, 2018 11:20 AM", "Above: Eric Hirshberg, CEO of Activision Publishing, is bringing back Call of Duty XP.", "Image Credit: Activision", "## MOST READ", "Starlink: Battle for Atlas hands-on — Going in hot with Nintendo's Starfox character on the Switch", "Beyond Spotify and iZettle: How Sweden became Europe's capital of startup exits", "Microsoft releases new Windows 10 preview with To-Do ink support, Sticky Notes 3.0, and delay snip", "How Shadow of the Tomb Raider guides players without the white-paint trail", "CEO Robin Jung tells why Pearl Abyss bought Eve Online maker", "## UPCOMING EVENTS", "BLUEPRINT:", "Oct. 9 - 11", "VB Summit:", "The best in AI.", "An invite-only executive event.", "Oct. 22 - 23", "Eric Hirshberg, the CEO of Call of Duty and Destiny publisher Activision Publishing, will leave his job after eight years in March.", "Hirshberg just announced to his team that he is leaving, and Activision has confirmed the departure.", "Hirshberg ran a major division of Activision Blizzard, and he reported to Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick.", "At Activision Publishing, Hirshberg was responsible for game series such as Call of Duty, Destiny, and Skylanders.", "Those franchises are some of the biggest in gaming.", "\"Serving as Activision's CEO has been an honor and a thrill,\" said Hirshberg in a statement.", "\"This is an amazing company. One which routinely delivers epic experiences for our fans on a scale that no one else can.", "I have nothing but admiration for the incredible team I have had the privilege to lead.", "And I have nothing but appreciation for Bobby for giving me this transformational opportunity, and also for having the vision and conviction to champion a creative person for a leadership role on this scale.\"", "Kotick thanked Hirshberg for his service.", "\"During Eric's tenure we've had historic performance and great successes,\" said Kotick, in a statement.", "\"He is an inspiring leader, and we will all miss his creativity and tenacity very much.", "He is leaving the team, the franchises and the business in a great place, and he goes with my full support and appreciation.\"", "Hirshberg has had a great run, and it is ending on a high note.", "As of December 21, Call of Duty: WWII and Destiny 2 were the No. 1 and No. 2 top-selling console games of 2017 in North America, based on revenue.", "Additionally, Call of Duty was the top video game franchise for the ninth year in a row in North America, and eight of the last nine years globally, based on revenue.", "Activision Blizzard is actively conducting a search for the next CEO of Activision.", "Under Hirshberg, Activision launched Destiny with developer Bungie in 2014, and in 2013, Activision launched Skylanders, which pioneered the toys-to-life category of games.", "Under Hirshberg, Activision also launched fan-favorite games such as Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, which became the top-selling remastered collection in PS4 history.", "One of the biggest hits was Call of Duty: Black Ops II, which generated $1 billion in sales in 15 days.", "His team also doved into esports with the first $1 million Call of Duty Championship in 2011 and creation of the Call of Duty World League in 2015.", "Part of what he brought to the job was a creative advertising executive's perspective.", "Hirshberg wasn't a game developer or game executive when he took the job.", "The marketing campaigns for his games reflected that creative view.", "He helped the titles rise above hardcore gaming enthusiasts to mass audiences.", "Under the tag line, \"there's a soldier in all of us,\" Black Ops commercials billed the game as one that any weekend warrior could play.", "The Modern Warfare 3 TV commercials promoted the game as playable by both veterans and newcomers, or \"noobs.\"", "These ads showed that creative marketing could elevate a game to the level of a cultural phenomenon.", "Hirshberg said in an interview in 2012 that he believed games were not products, but brands.", "While people buy products, they \"buy into brands,\" he said." ]
{ "id": "train29697", "claim_title": "Activision", "claim_section": "History.:Post-merger developments (2009–present).", "claim_context": "Activision Publishing established Sledgehammer Games in November 2009. Formed earlier in 2009 by Glen Schofield and Michael Condrey, former Visceral Games leads that had worked on \"Dead Space\", Sledgehammer intended to develop a \"Call of Duty\" spin-off title fashioned after the gameplay in \"Dead Space\". However, in early 2010, legal issues between Infinity Ward and Activision Blizzad led to several members of Infinity Ward leaving, and Activision assigned Sledgehammer to assist Infinity Ward in the next major \"Call of Duty\" title, \"Modern Warfare 3\". Since then, Sledgehammer, Infinity Ward, and Treyarch share development duties for the flagship series, with support from Raven and other studios as necessary. \n In February 2010, Activision Blizzard reported significant losses in revenue stemming from a slow down in \"Guitar Hero\" sales and from its more casual games. Subsequently Activision Publishing shuttered Red Octane, Luxoflux and Underground Development as well as laid off about 25% of the staff at Neversoft. Within the same year, Activision shuttered Budcat Creations in November 2010, and Bizarre Creations in February 2011. \n" }
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On May 25, 2006, Yahoo's image search was criticized for bringing up sexually explicit images even when SafeSearch was active.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: ", "Yahoo! image search exposes school to porn | The Register ", "66 captures", "30 Jun 2006 - 26 Apr 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Alexa Crawls", "Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive.", "Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.", "Collection: 51_crawl", "this data is currently not publicly accessible.", "The Wayback Machine -", "Skip to content", "Biting the hand that feeds IT", "Cash 'n' Carrion", "Reg Hardware", "Reg Developer", "Channel Register", "### News Tools", "Newsletters & Feeds", "Reg Mobile", "Reg Desktop News Alerts", "### Reg Shops", "Reg Merchandise", "Books/Online Learning", "Mobile Gadgets", "### Top Stories", "RIAA told to pay legal fees for harrassed defendant", "BBC: Death by a thousand top-slices", "Wikipedia black helicopters circle Utah's Traverse Mountain", "Secret mailing list rocks Wikipedia", "CD copying OK, DRM circumvention not OK", "Read more top stories", "### Related Whitepapers", "Desktop Support : The Hub of IT", "Watch the webcast of The Register's recent desktop support seminar", "Round Table Discussion on Virtualization", "The Reg editors, readers and industry experts discuss virtualization", "Building the Virtualized Enterprise with VMware Infrastructure", "Achieve your cost-saving goals", "The Register's Virtualization Study Results", "Tony Lock on the findings of The Register's Virtualization Study", "Licensing in a Virtualized World", "Dale Vile on Licensing in a Virtualized World", "Virtualization Management", "John Gilmartin on Virtualization Management", "The Register » Music and Media »", "## Yahoo! image search exposes school to porn", "### Safe! Mode! Useless!", "By Chris Williams → More by this authorPublished Thursday 25th May 2006 13:34 GMT", "Green Computing - Where do you stand?", "Vulnerable young minds were nearly exposed to an eye-popping smut gallery by Yahoo!'s image search – running in safe mode.", "A school in Shanghai was set to ask students to enter \"www\" as a search term as part of a class project about the internet.", "On a dry run however, the teacher noticed the search via both and produced an array of net sleaze, along with a picture of a car full of bloody animal carcasses.", "Ray Miles, network coordinator at the British school said: \"These adult images were not entirely what the teacher at the school was hoping to see when doing some research on the World Wide Web, and it is a good job he brought it to our attention before the senior school was let loose on this project!", "Needless to say we have banned the students from accessing Yahoo! until further notice!\"", "The school contacted Yahoo! to complain.", "The company acknowledged the problem and said it had \"escalated the issue to our engineering team for review\".", "A spokesperson told The Reg: \"Yahoo! is aware of this issue and is working to resolve it as quickly as possible.\"", "Just nobody tell the kids.®", "Track this type of story as a custom Atom/RSS feed or by email.", "### Related stories", "Was Julie Amero wrongly convicted?", "(14 February 2007)British men prefer porn to sex (30 May 2006)Ebay! cuddles! up! to!", "Yahoo! (25 May", "2006)Search", "results lead to malicious sites (16 May 2006)ICANN chokes off .xxx porn registry (11 May 2006)3", "Italy faces porn probe (8 May 2006)Yahoo! upgrades ads (8 May 2006)Adult", "film", "industry trials burnable content (21 April 2006)", "Post to Slashdot", "Digg this", "Add to", "Previous Article", "Next Article", "Microsoft Forefront makes defending your systems easier.", "Learn how at", "What's your take on the great Green rush?", "Join the debate here.", "The Microsoft Partner Program: Click to see your Map to Success", "Meet the fast-growing demand for notebooks with HP", "Download industry whitepapers and research - free of charge", "Join Nortel's Partner Program", "Microsoft System Center - Designed For Big", "Boost online sales with EV SSL Certificates from VeriSign", "Deliver HP blade servers to your midsize customers", "Defy All Challenges - Microsoft® Visual Studio 2008", "Promote your Events and Training courses for free", "Latest Mobile Gadgets", "Making mobility manageable", "Targeted Trojans: A new online threat to businesses", "The implications of Hyperconnectivity", "Managing the Performance and Availability of .NET Applications", "'Samsung i620 Value Pack (Unlocked, QWERTY, Black)'", "HTC MTeoR Smartphone", "Sony Ericsson K810i Value Pack", "'E-TEN glofiish M800 (Unlocked, QWERTY, GPS)'", "'Samsung Q1U-V Q1 Ultra (800MHz,1GB,60GB,Vista Home)'", "'Nokia N73 Music Edition (Unlocked, Black)'", "'HTC Advantage X7501 (Unlocked, QWERTY, No Conference Cam)'", "Roundtable discussion", "Watch online NOW", "Top 20 stories", "All The Week's Headlines •", "Archive", "© Copyright 2008" ]
{ "id": "train06873", "claim_title": "Yahoo!", "claim_section": "Criticism.", "claim_context": "Human rights groups also accuse Yahoo of aiding authorities in the arrest of dissidents Li Zhi and Jiang Lijun. In April 2017, Yahoo was sued for failing to uphold settlement agreements in this case. Yahoo pledged to give support to the families of those arrested and create a relief fund for those persecuted for expressing their views online with Yahoo Human Rights Trust. Of the $17.3 million allotted to this fund, $13 million had been used for a townhouse in Washington, DC and other purchases. \n In September 2003, dissident Wang Xiaoning was convicted of charges of \"incitement to subvert state power\" and was sentenced to ten years in prison. Yahoo Hong Kong connected Wang's group to a specific Yahoo e-mail address. Both Xiaoning's wife and the World Organization for Human Rights sued Yahoo under human rights laws on behalf of Wang and Shi. \n As a result of media scrutiny relating to Internet child predators and a lack of significant ad revenues, Yahoo's \"user created\" chatrooms were closed down in June 2005." }
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Before Abellio and Serco's Northern franchise came to an end, unit 158906 received a refurbishment on one of its carriages which included free Wi-Fi, destination displays that tell the expect time of arrival and USB ports on each table.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: 158 STAY CONNECTED (CONCEPT) – Rail Order", "9 captures", "04 Apr 2016 - 29 Nov 2018", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "These crawls are part of an effort to archive pages as they are created and archive the pages that they refer to.", "That way, as the pages that are referenced are changed or taken from the web, a link to the version that was live when the page was written will be preserved.", "Then the Internet Archive hopes that references to these archived pages will be put in place of a link that would be otherwise be broken, or a companion link to allow people to see what was originally intended by a page's authors.", "The goal is to fix all broken links on the web.", "Crawls of supported \"No More 404\" sites.", "Collection: Wikipedia Near Real Time (from IRC)", "This is a collection of web page captures from links added to, or changed on, Wikipedia pages.", "The idea is to bring a reliability to Wikipedia outlinks so that if the pages referenced by Wikipedia articles are changed, or go away, a reader can permanently find what was originally referred to.", "This is part of the Internet Archive's attempt to rid the web of broken links.", "The Wayback Machine -", "Skip to content", "Get in touch", "01724 292 860", "# 158 STAY CONNECTED (CONCEPT)", "### Northern Rail – 158 Stay Connected Project", "Rail Order demonstrates its capabilities from concept to full installation on Northern Rail's 158 STAY CONNECTED concept train.", "To find out more and arrange a journey on-board 158 STAY CONNECTED please contact Rail Order on", "## Overview", "### Remit", "Identify innovative on-train solutions to aid and improve the 'on-train passenger experience'.", "### Solution", "In partnership with Northern Rail, Rail Order were given the opportunity to showcase a number of on-train solutions on Northern Rail's 158906.", "Passenger Information Systems", "Wi-", "Fi", "USB Power Points", "Air Purification", "Rail Order were asked to scope and lead the overall project from concept to completion incorporating:", "### Completion", "Successful installation was completed in December 2015.", "Trials are still ongoing and both TOC and passenger feedback continues to remain extremely positive highlighting Rail Order's capabilities of being a 'Total Solutions Provider'.", "## Technologies Installed", "### Beagle Passenger Information System", "A 'Real-Time' Darwin fed Passenger Information System", "Beagle has the ability to keep on-board passengers updated on their journey by providing real-time information including station specific departure board details on approach.", "Beagle is operated by entering route head codes into the Driver Interface Unit (DIU).", "TFT Screen - Flush mounted to a custom fabricated luggage shelf unit", "LED Scroller - Mounted in a custom fabricated unit secured above the vestibule door nearest the driver cab", "PA Announcer - Sited in the fabricated luggage shelf unit", "DIU - Sited inside the cab area 'second man' side", "View More", "## Technologies Installed", "### On-board Wi", "Fi", "AIB's plug and play system offers future proof bolt on opportunities such as HD CCTV and other on-train 2 way communication links.", "Through multi sim, continuity of connection is dramatically improved reducing drop outs considerably.", "Significantly cheaper both in hardware and installation", "Allows for multiple MNOs, GPS and GSM-R connections to be combined which improves the service quality to the customer", "Allows for TOCs to have control over the system including the potential to generate additional revenue via marketing & landing pages", "Has the scope for other 'ad on' features such as remote vpn access so that live LANs systems can be accessed such as CCTV and PIS systems.", "View More", "## Technologies Installed", "### USB Power Sockets", "Giving passengers the opportunity to grab a 'quick charge' on their portable devices whilst travelling, these simple USB charge points ensure passengers have the ability to charge up when needed.", "A total of 16 twin socket USB charge points were installed above each table, flush into the panelling.", "Ability to retrofit", "Brushed aluminium design", "Easy fit/replace barrel", "Enhances Passenger Experience / Improved NPRS Score Ratings", "View More", "## Technologies Installed", "### Air Pure Sterilisation Units", "An innovative technology which guarantees to eliminate odours and control infections in all enclosed spaces without the use of chemicals or filters.", "Two of these units were installed, one central in the saloon and one in the disabled toilet.", "Air passes through the system and odours are neutralised using ozone and UV light technology.", "Common viruses such has MRSA, SARS and FLU are eradicated.", "Improves overall cleanliness", "Around the clock protection", "Neutralises odours", "View More", "## Design, Engineering, Installation & Certification", "### Design", "The design brief incorporated:", "Rail compliance", "Passenger focused", "Informative and ease of use", "On-train integration including none intrusive components and power demand limitation", "### Engineering", "Retrofit secure housing", "None intrusive cable runs", "Standalone system circuit", "Low power demand requirements", "### Certification", "VAB approval", "Rail compliance certification", "### Installation", "Each system was installed by Rail Order installers, tested and approved by ESG / Ricardo Rail and signed off by Northern Rail.", "## Marketing", "The 'refresh' of 158906 was a highly prestigious project for Northern Rail.", "In order to maximise impact, 158906 was rebranded to advertise the new technologies on-board including twitter hashtags in order to effectively collate customer feedback.", "Twitter Feedback", "### Leave a Comment Cancel reply", "#### Services", "#### Search", "Search for:", "#### TWITTER", "Tweets by @RailOrder", "#### News", "Panasonic acquires UK technology systems integrator Alan Dick Communications & Rail Order", "Rail Order offer comprehensive repair and refurbishment service", "Siemens adopts green cable solution with Rail Order", "Rail Order launches 'ER' service for electrical components" ]
{ "id": "train45357", "claim_title": "Northern Rail (Serco-Abellio)", "claim_section": "History.", "claim_context": "As a result, the contract signing was delayed, and the services operated by First North Western and Arriva Trains Northern did not transfer to Northern until 12 December 2004. \n In May 2010 the Department for Transport confirmed that Northern had met the performance targets, and the franchise was extended for two years until September 2013. In May 2012 the Department for Transport granted Northern a six-month extension until 31 March 2014. In March 2013 the Secretary of State for Transport announced the franchise would be further extended to February 2016. \n In August 2014, the Department for Transport announced Abellio, Arriva and Govia had been shortlisted to bid for the next franchise. \n On 9 December 2015, it was announced that Arriva trading as Northern had been awarded a new franchise to run from 1 April 2016 through to March 2025. \n" }
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On June 27, 22-year-old Robert Allen was named as a person of interest in the case, and was later arrested on July 26.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Police Name Person of Interest in XXXTentacion Murder: Report | Pitchfork", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2018-06-27T17:06:56", "14 captures", "27 Jun 2018 - 30 Sep 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "The Internet Archive discovers and captures web pages through many different web crawls.", "At any given time several distinct crawls are running, some for months, and some every day or longer.", "View the web archive through the Wayback Machine.", "Collection: Live Web Proxy Crawls", "Content crawled via the Wayback Machine Live Proxy mostly by the Save Page Now feature on", "Liveweb proxy is a component of Internet Archive's wayback machine project.", "The liveweb proxy captures the content of a web page in real time, archives it into a ARC or WARC file and returns the ARC/WARC record back to the wayback machine to process.", "The recorded ARC/WARC file becomes part of the wayback machine in due course of time.", "The Wayback Machine -", "Skip to contentSearch queryHome The LatestReviewsBest New MusicFeaturesArtistsVideoEventsChicago/ParisHome The LatestReviewsBest New MusicFeaturesArtistsVideoEventsChicago/Paris", "# news", "by Matthew StraussAssociate EditorRap2 hrs ago", "# Police Name Person of Interest in XXXTentacion Murder: Report", "## The Broward County Sheriff's Office reportedly believes 22-year-old Robert Allen is connected to the shooting of X on June 18", "XXXTentacionJahseh Dwayne Onfroy aka XXXTentacion, December 2017 mugshot (Miami Dade County Corrections via Getty Images)", "The Broward County Sheriff's Office has named another person of interest in the murder of XXXTentacion, TMZ and local ABC affiliate WPLG report.", "Police are reportedly searching for a 22-year-old man named Robert Allen, whom they believe is connected to the fatal shooting, which occurred on Monday, June 18 in South Florida.", "Previously, on Wednesday, June 20, police arrested the 22-year-old Dedrick Devonshay Williams, booking him for first-degree murder.", "Following Williams' arrest, TMZ reported that a judge signed arrest warrants for two other suspects.", "XXXTentacion, born Jahseh Dwayne Onfroy, had been leaving a motorsports store in Deerfield Beach, Florida when he was approached by two armed suspects and shot, the Broward County Sheriff's Office has said.", "Detectives believe the shooting to have been a random robbery, according to Onfroy's lawyer.", "Today (June 27), there is a public memorial for Onfroy at Sunrise, Florida's BB&T Center.", "It includes an open-casket viewing.", "### Artists In This Story", "### Tags In This Story" ]
{ "id": "train08461", "claim_title": "Murder of XXXTentacion", "claim_section": "Investigation.", "claim_context": "Shortly following the announcement of Onfroy's death, Broward County Sheriff's Office offered a $3,000 bounty for any information leading to the arrest of any suspects. Originally, many fans of Onfroy's, numerous internet users and local residents suspected local Florida rappers Soldier Kidd and Soldier Jojo to be the killers of Onfroy due to several suspicious Instagram posts made by the pair with specific details that corroborated with witness reports, but these accusations were later dropped when Dedrick Williams and Michael Boatwright (the alleged shooter) were arrested. \n On June 20, 2018, the Broward County Sheriff's Office arrested 22-year-old Dedrick Devonshay Williams in connection with Onfroy's murder. Williams was driving in his silver 2004 Honda before a traffic stop occurred. Williams was detained in the car chase that followed. Williams was identified by clothing he wore on June 18, which included orange sandals and a white tank top. The police matched images from security footage to recent pictures from Williams’ Instagram feed, which featured “the same or similar bright orange sandals”. He was also identified by employees who saw him enter RIVA Motorsports to buy a neoprene mask. After Williams' arrest, two more active warrants were issued." }
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Involved with a number of Trinidadian clubs, Mattis made two penalty saves in the 2014 First Citizens Cup for San Juan Jabloteh, knocking out Defence Force from the tournament.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Mattis stars as Jabloteh eliminates Defence Force on penalties - Wired868", "(meta data) AUTHOR:", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "Tuesday , August 20 2019", "## Wired868Wired868 for smart sport news and satire", "Breaking News", "Usain's last lap; happy 33rd birthday, Bolt from the Caribbean blue", "Media monitor: An off-Monday for voice, vision and print?", "You're kidding!", "Gordon rages as Jabloteh labour to win over Prisons; but coos over 14-year-old debutant, Faustin", "Enill grabs spotlight as Defence Force and Rangers play to goalless draw in La Horquetta", "Noble: The Women of Laventille are made scapegoats for society's ills", "Daly Bread: Delusions, deceivers and duds; how 'Marlene mess' exposes long-standing state deficiencies", "Sancho: T-League won't clash with Ascension; Piper explains transfer policy", "Dear Editor: Our children deserve better than Nelson Mandela Park", "Ascension Rd 5: La Horquetta invite Matura to red christening; Police FC arrest Rosa Nation", "Corneal: They're operating by guess; you can't play trial and error with the future of our football!", "Home / Volley / Local Football / Mattis stars as Jabloteh eliminates Defence Force on penalties", "# Mattis stars as Jabloteh eliminates Defence Force on penalties", "Lasana Liburd", "Tuesday 14 October 2014", "Local Football, Volley", "Comments Off on Mattis stars as Jabloteh eliminates Defence Force on penalties", "National Security Minister and ex-Defence Force captain Gary Griffith provoked inter-island tension again this week with an undiplomatic reference to Jamaicans living illegally in Trinidad and Tobago.", "There might have been revenge of sorts at the Marvin Lee Stadium in Macoya tonight as San Juan Jabloteh, with five Jamaicans in its ranks, handed Defence Force an embarrassing early elimination from the First Citizens Cup in the qualifying round.", "Shane Mattis was the pick of the lot with two penalty saves from Richard Roy and Rodell Elcock as Jabloteh edged the Army/Coast Guard outfit 3-2 on penalties after a 1-1 tie in regulation time.", "Photo: San Juan Jabloteh goalkeeper Shane Mattis saves a penalty kick from Defence Force defender Rodell Elcock in First Citizens Cup action in Macoya.Looking on is referee Cyrstal Sobers.(Courtesy", "Allan V Crane/Wired868)", "Jabloteh will now play DIRECTV W Connection at 6 pm on Friday evening in the quarterfinal round at the Ato Boldon Stadium in Couva.", "The First Citizens Cup fixtures could not have been crueller to Jabloteh who ought to have been given an additional day's rest and been allowed to play on Saturday evening instead.", "But, for now, the \"San Juan Kings\" would savour an encouraging result against one of the country's best teams on paper.", "In truth, it was a dire affair punctuated with careless passes and topped off with woeful penalty kicks.", "There were 11 penalty attempts in total on the night; and just five were converted while three missed the target altogether.", "Defence Force poacher Devorn Jorsling, of all people, made the first gaffe as he pulled his spot kick wide in the 27th minute after a referee Crystal Sobers penalised a challenge from Jabloteh captain Jevon Morris on opposing winger Ross Russell Jr.", "And, in the 74th minute, the Jabloteh players thought they had secured the match when Andell Noray finished with a cracking left footer in the top corner after a pass from strike partner and Jamaican Sterling Newton.", "Russell's delivery from the left flank was a rare bit of quality on the night and, two minutes from time", ", Defence Force finally capitalised as Roy brought down a cross and finished with a spanking volley into the far corner.", "Photo: San Juan Jabloteh forward Andell Noray (number 7) bends a free kick towards goal against Defence Force.(Courtesy Allan V Crane/Wired868)", "Roy's first penalty was saved by Mattis though and Jabloteh held its nerve in the shoot-out to emerge 3-2 winners and book a quarterfinal berth against knockout specialist, W Connection.", "(Teams)", "Defence Force (4-2-3-1): 28.Andre Marchan (GK); 13.Marvin Jones, 6.Rodell Elcock, 8.Curtis Gonzales, 21.Aklie Edwards; 4.Dave Long, 15.Jerwin Balthazaar; 23.Kerry Joseph (16.Kellon Serrette 76), 10.Josimar Belgrave (18.Sean Narcis 65), 17.Ross Russell Jr; 9.Devorn Jorsling (26.Richard Roy 65).", "Unused substitutes: 25.Sheldon Clarke (GK), 5.Devin Jordan, 12.Jemel Sebro, 22.Jamali Garcia.", "Coach: Ross Russell", "San Juan Jabloteh (4-3-3): 30.Shane Mattis (GK); 18.Jevon Morris (captain), 6.Dario Holmes, 24.Adrian Reid 4.Garth Thomas; 19.Dillon Kirton, 12.Brendon Boucaud (16.Nyron Jones 84), 17.Fabian Reid; 7.Andell Noray, 8.Newton Sterling (15.Duran Dilworth 75), 9.Johan Peltier (14.Shaquille Bertrand 62).", "Unused substitutes: 36.Raheem Belgrave (GK), 10.Kerry Baptiste, 25.Troy Moses.", "Coach: Keith Jeffrey", "Referee: Crystal Sobers", "First Citizens Cup qualifier", "San Juan Jabloteh 1 (Andell Noray 74), Defence Force 1 (Richard Roy 88) at Macoya", "*–Jabloteh won 3-2 on penalties", "Quarterfinal fixtures", "(October 17)", "San Juan Jabloteh v W Connection, 6 pm, Ato Boldon Stadium;", "Central FC v Point Fortin Civic, 8 pm, Ato Boldon Stadium;", "(October 18)", "St Ann's Rangers v Police FC, 5 pm, Marvin Lee Stadium;", "Caledonia AIA v North East Stars, 7 pm, Marvin Lee Stadium.", "### More from Wired868", "Foreign legion:", "Central FC fly in 12 players on three-week contracts for Caribbean CupRBNYL:", "Lu Ann's revenge, Cunupia collar little Lamsee and Sadiki leads Police routVideo:", "Wired868 offers a taste of RBNYL football action at Constantine ParkMarcano magic motors Central; Nathan doing as Jabloteh triumph in CFU openerMVP Mattis defies Civic as Jamrock Jabloteh takes Toyota ClassicPenalty rules: Central and Stars set up Cup final date", "2013/14 First Citizens Cup 2014 First Citizens Cup 2014/15 Pro League Andell Noray Defence Force Richard Roy San Juan Jabloteh Shane Mattis 2014-10-14", "Lasana Liburd", "Tags 2013/14 First Citizens Cup 2014 First Citizens Cup 2014/15 Pro League Andell Noray Defence Force Richard Roy San Juan Jabloteh Shane Mattis", "### About Lasana Liburd", "Lasana Liburd is the CEO and Editor at and a journalist with over 20 years experience at several Trinidad and Tobago and international publications including Play the Game, World Soccer, UK Guardian and the Trinidad Express.", "Previous Princesses face mighty USA in opening W/Cup qualifier tomorrow", "Next WICB refuses to renegotiate with West Indies cricket team", "### Check Also", "## Gordon rages as Jabloteh labour to win over Prisons; but coos over 14-year-old debutant, Faustin", "San Juan Jabloteh head coach Keith Jeffrey is abroad at present and his assistant, Marvin …", "#### Search", "Search for:", "#### Subscribe", "Email Address", "### Usain's last lap; happy 33rd birthday, Bolt from the Caribbean blue", "Tuesday 20 August 2019", "### Media monitor: An off-Monday for voice, vision and print?", "You're kidding!", "Tuesday 20 August 2019", "### Gordon rages as Jabloteh labour to win over Prisons; but coos over 14-year-old debutant, Faustin", "Monday 19 August 2019", "### Enill grabs spotlight as Defence Force and Rangers play to goalless draw in La Horquetta", "Sunday 18 August 2019", "### Noble: The Women of Laventille are made scapegoats for society's ills", "Sunday 18 August 2019", "### Daly Bread: Delusions, deceivers and duds; how 'Marlene mess' exposes long-standing state deficiencies", "Sunday 18 August 2019", "### Marlene hogs headlines again; Mr Live Wire gets 'word on the street' on the arrested MP", "Thursday 8 August 2019 5", "### Marlene muddle in their words: Does buck stop with Rowley? Or Integrity Commission?", "Monday 12 August 2019 4", "### 'They're trying to vilify me'!", "Griffith responds to WPC complaint of verbal abuse, intimidation", "Sunday 11 August 2019 4", "### Invasion of Privacy; Why release of alleged Justice Lucky recording should concern us all", "Wednesday 7 August 2019 3", "### Simonette: Sorry for embarrassing your government; DUI senator resigns", "Monday 12 August 2019 3", "### Ten-man Soca Warriors lose 1-0 to 176th ranked St Vincent, T&T yet to win in 2019", "Sunday 11 August 2019 2", "Stephen Ghisyawan: I agree with Mr Daly 100%.", "It's time to reopen the Landate issue...", "Christopher Durity: Really interesting that this issue of \"transfers\" only came up after 5 rounds of...", "Earl Best: Let me start by saying that I don't live in PoS but I sympathize with the childr...", "Anbrat: The situation described at the Nelson Mandela Play Park is but a minuscule part...", "Mohan Ramcharan: It just goes to show that you cannot legislate integrity…...", "Mohan Ramcharan: Actually Earl, integrity has been defined socially, legally and philosophically...", "Soca Warriors", "David John Williams", "Central FC", "W Connection", "2018 World Cup", "Keith Rowley", "Jack Warner", "People's Partnership", "Stephen Hart", "Trinidad and Tobago police", "Kamla Persad-Bissessar", "Women Soca Warriors", "Raymond Tim Kee", "Defence Force", "Trinidad and Tobago media", "Martin Daly", "Dennis Lawrence", "Ministry of Sport", "Keith Look Loy", "Kenwyne Jones", "Jan-Michael Williams", "Olympics 2016", "Earl Best", "#### Featured Video", "#### Instagram Slider", "4 days ago", "by wired868", "Blessings...", "Police FC attacker Adriel Kerr (right) celebrates his item against FC Santa Rosa during Ascension Invitational action at the Larry Gomes Stadium on 11 August 2019.", "Photo: Annalicia Caruth/Wired868", "2 days ago", "by wired868", "Dribble down dey...", "Terminix La Horquetta Rangers winger Hayden Tinto (right) tries to wriggle free from Defence Force right back Jerome McIntyre during Ascension Invitational action at Phase 2 La Horquetta on 17 August 2019.", "Photo: Allan V Crane/CA-Images/Wired868", "6 days ago", "by wired868", "Phase Two feeling irie?", "Reggae artiste Isasha (top) wows the crowd at the Phase 2 Recreation Ground in La Horquetta on 10 August 2019, after an Ascension Invitational contest between La Horquetta Rangers and Matura ReUnited.", "Photo: Allan V Crane/CA-Images/Wired868", "6 days ago", "by wired868", "NFA president Anthony Harford (left) shares some conversation with Sarita Harrylal during an Ascension Invitational contest between Terminix La Horquetta Rangers and Matura Reunited on 10 August 2019 in Phase 2, La Horquetta.", "Photo: Allan V Crane/CA-Images/Wired868", "1 week ago", "by wired868", "Run at em!", "Terminix La Horquetta Rangers attacker Jomoul Francois (centre) runs at the Matura ReUnited defence during Ascension Invitational action at the Phase 2 Recreation Ground in La Horquetta.", "Photo: Allan V Crane/CA-Images/Wired868", "2 days ago", "by wired868", "Volley...", "Defence Force captain Jerwyn Balthazar (centre) executes an improvised volley during Ascension Invitational action against La Horquetta Rangers at Phase 2 La Horquetta on 17 August 2019.", "Balthazar's effort rebounded off the bar as both teams played to a goalless draw.", "Photo: Allan V Crane/CA-Images/Wired868", "1 day ago", "by wired868", "Hold him!", "Defence Force defender Curtis Gonzales (second from left) grabs hold of La Horquetta Rangers winger Hayden Tinto (far right) while teammates Hashim Arcia (centre) and Jerwyn Balthazar act as peacemakers during Ascension Invitational action at Phase 2 La Horquetta on 17 August 2019.", "Photo: Allan V Crane/CA-Images/Wired868", "2 days ago", "by wired868", "Brown bomber...", "Jabloteh midfielder Jodel Brown (left)", "tries to hold off Prisons midfielder Richard Scoon during Ascension Invitational action at Bourg Mulatresse on 18 August 2019.", "Photo: Allan V Crane/CA-Images-Wired868", "1 day ago", "by wired868", "Future trouble...", "Fourteen year old midfielder Jabloteh midfielder Jaheim Faustin (left)", "lines up a shot while Prisons defender Kylon Gay looks on during Ascension Invitational action at Bourg Mulatresse on 18 August 2019.", "Photo: Allan V Crane/CA-Images-Wired868", "2 days ago", "by wired868", "Save!!!", "Defence Force custodian Aaron Enill dives to his left to keep out a penalty kick by Terminix La Horquetta Rangers attacker Tyrone Charles during Ascension Invitational action at Phase 2 La Horquetta on 17 August 2019.", "Photo: Allan V Crane/CA-Images/Wired868", "5 hours ago", "by wired868", "Teteron Wall...", "Defence Force players (from left) Jerome McIntyre, Hashim Arcia, Trevin Latapy, Jerwyn Balthazar and Reon Moore for a defensive wall during Ascension Invitational action against La Horquetta Rangers at Phase 2 La Horquetta on 17 August 2019.", "Photo: Allan V Crane/CA-Images/Wired868", "6 days ago", "by wired868", "Don't doubt 'Duff'...", "Morvant Caledonia defender Radanfah Abu Bakr (foreground) celebrates his team's equalising goal during Ascension Invitational action at Serpentine Road on 11 August 2019.", "Photo: Allan V Crane/CA-Images/Wired868", "#### Find us on Facebook", "#### Archives", "Select Month", "August 2019", "July 2019", "June 2019", "May 2019", "April 2019", "March 2019", "February 2019", "January 2019", "December 2018", "November 2018", "October 2018", "September 2018", "August 2018", "July 2018", "June 2018", "May 2018", "April 2018", "March 2018", "February 2018", "January 2018", "December 2017", "November 2017", "October 2017", "September 2017", "August 2017", "July 2017", "June 2017", "May 2017", "April 2017", "March 2017", "February 2017", "January 2017", "December 2016", "November 2016", "October 2016", "September 2016", "August 2016", "July 2016", "June 2016", "May 2016", "April 2016", "March 2016", "February 2016", "January 2016", "December 2015", "November 2015", "October 2015", "September 2015", "August 2015", "July 2015", "June 2015", "May 2015", "April 2015", "March 2015", "February 2015", "January 2015", "December 2014", "November 2014", "October 2014", "September 2014", "August 2014", "July 2014", "June 2014", "May 2014", "April 2014", "March 2014", "February 2014", "January 2014", "December 2013", "November 2013", "October 2013", "September 2013", "August 2013", "July 2013", "June 2013", "May 2013", "April 2013", "March 2013", "February 2013", "January 2013", "December 2012", "November 2012", "October 2012", "September 2012", "August 2012", "July 2012", "June 2012", "May 2012", "April 2012", "March 2012", "February 2012", "January 2012" ]
{ "id": "train49119", "claim_title": "Shane Mattis", "claim_section": "Career.:Trinidad and Tobago.", "claim_context": "" }
[ [ 6, 7, 11, 25 ] ]
Their second album, "Nights In The Dark", was released in 2015, once again via Don Giovanni Records.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: California X - Nights In The Dark - LP Review - Overblown", "(meta data) AUTHOR:", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2014-11-13T21:51:45+00:00", "Search Home Reviews Album Reviews California X – Nights In The Dark – LP ReviewReviewsAlbum Reviews", "# California X – Nights In The Dark – LP Review", "By Jamie Coughlan - January 13, 2015", "When Amherst, Massachusetts indie rock quartet California X dropped their self titled debut LP in 2013 they came under some degree of skepticism due to their absolute disregard for attempting to hide their influences in any way.", "To be fair, if their scuzzed up Dinosaur Jr-esque fuzz stomp had been a tired rehash of their neighbours more famous din (J Mascis and crew also hail from Amherst) these doubts would have had some merit.", "To their credit, the powerful lo-fi indie grunge of California X's debut easily dismissed these concerns.", "They stormed through their debut with such unrestrained enthusiasm and epic tunes that the band seemed like peers, rather than descendents, of Dinosaur Jr's enormous classic rock influenced lo-fi alternative rock.", "At first it seems that the band's follow up, Nights in the Dark, aims to follow the same tried and tested formula.", "The record's opening track, and title track, carelessly mingles Neil Young feedback squeal with early 90s tunesmithery, while \"Red Planet\" sounds like Weezer if they left the edges unpolished for once.", "Then a curve ball.", "Third track \"Ayla's Song\" is a delicate, gently plucked instrumental acoustic guitar number, hinting at the groups willingness to push beyond their good old reliable lo-fi big guitar jam band shtick.", "Typically, as if embarrassed by the ambition, the track ends abruptly with band leader Lemmy's grunt, and the band segues into the mid tempo stomp of \"Hadley, MA\".", "\"Blackrazor (pt 1)\" has ambition in an alternative direction.", "Recalling a fuzzed up cover of Neil Young's \"Cortez the Killer\", the track lopes and trudges its way through swampy minor chords and enormous early 70s guitar solos.", "This here is a band full of beans, and possessing the chops to pull off their ambitions.", "You can hear the band's enormous smiles as they plunder their way through another inspired jam.", "Shit, if I could play guitar that sounded like J Mascis jerking off Tony Iommi, I'd be grinning too.", "Elsewhere pianos make a brief but welcome cameo appearance on the contemplative \"Garlic Road\", while \"Blackrazor (pt 2)\" brings some Sabbath sized riffs sans the hamfisted malevolance.", "After a brief 37 minutes, the record closes out on \"Summer Wall (pt 2)\".", "A total 'driving off into the sunset' track, it's a victory lap for a band that has crafted what should prove to be one of the most effortlessly enjoyable records of 2015.", "On Nights in the Dark, California X are clearly confident they can shake off any derogatory and demeaning comparisons to Amhert's \"other\" band, and, fuck it, if they fail, they're going to have a damn good time regardless.", "Nights in the Dark is out on January 13th via Don Giovanni Records.", "#### RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR", "### California X Interview: \"I Don't Get The Mascis Thing\"", "### California X Stream Raucous/Poppy \"Nights In The Dark\"", "#### Podcasts", "### The Creative Process Podcast – Ep 11: Happyness", "Jamie Coughlan - October 26, 20170", "New album Write in is out now via Moshi Moshi and Bar/None Records.", "Talking to me today is Jonny Allen, who plays guitar, bass, and sings...", "### The Creative Process Podcast – Ep 10: And So I Watch...", "October 9, 2017", "### The Creative Process Podcast – Ep 9: Cloud Nothings", "October 2, 2017", "### The Creative Process Podcast – Ep 8. Unsane", "September 25, 2017", "### The Creative Process Podcast – Ep 7: Ufommamut", "September 18, 2017", "#### Interviews", "### Festival Preview: Indietracks 2019", "Leona Irvine - July 12, 20190", "Tick tock, not long to go now before we crack open the good times at my favourite festival, that being Indietracks of course.", "Located...", "### Wander Interview: \"Asian Americans share this alternative lifestyle in art &...", "February 18, 2019", "### Mono Interview: \"We have the same hunger as when we were...", "February 13, 2019", "### Floral Interview: \"I feel perfectly neutral\"", "February 12, 2019", "### Le Trouble Interview: \"Contains the usual exaggerations & flights of fancy\"", "February 11, 2019", "#### Track by Tracks", "### The Magnapinna – 'This Is No Wave' | Track by Track", "Jamie Coughlan - December 11, 20180", "The Magnapinna's This Is No Wave EP is out now.", "Hailing from Cork in Ireland, The Magnapinna are the...", "### Mi Mye – 'The Mountain Forces the Future, and the Force...", "October 8, 2018", "### MNHM – 'Of Empires Past' | Track by Track", "June 19, 2018", "### Mono Club – 'Sky High and Submarine' | Track by Track", "April 17, 2018", "### November Might Be Fine – 'South' | Track by Track", "April 10, 2018", "#### Lists", "### 5 Top Tricks To Promote Your Music", "Overblown Webzine - August 8, 20190", "### Ways That You Can Become Your Best Self This Summer", "Jamie Coughlan - August 2, 20190", "### Top 5 Shoegaze Albums of 2019 (So Far)", "Jamie Coughlan - July 10, 20190", "### Top 10 Japanese Albums Of 2019 (So Far)", "Sam Rosean - July 8, 20190", "### The 5 Best Noise Rock Albums of 2019 (So Far)", "Jamie Coughlan - June 29, 20190 MORE STORIES", "### California X Stream Raucous/Poppy \"Nights In The Dark\"", "Jamie Coughlan - November 13, 20140" ]
{ "id": "train21392", "claim_title": "California X", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "California X are a punk rock band formed in 2012 in Amherst, Massachusetts by Lemuel Gurtowsky. They released their debut album in 2013 on Don Giovanni Records." }
[ [ 38 ], [ 13, 38 ], [ 26, 38 ], [ 5, 38 ], [ 13, 26, 38 ], [ 5, 13, 38 ], [ 5, 26, 38 ], [ 5, 13, 26, 38 ] ]
It has been customary to paint the Indalo symbol on the front of houses and businesses to protect them from evil (similar to Kokopelli of the south-western US) and is considered to be a god totem.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Indalo Man ancient symbol, Almeria province, Andalucía, Southern Spain", "SEE & DO", "Search!", "# Almeria Province - Indalo Man", "The Indalo Man, an ancient symbol", "The Indalo Man is an ancient symbol found in the province of Almeria over 100 years ago.", "Also know to some as the \"Indalo Puppet\", it was first found somewhere in the Las Velez mountain range of northern Almeria province in a caved known as La Cueva de los Letreros (Cave of the Signboards), near Velez Blanco by Antonio Gongónia y Martinez in 1868.", "The cave itself was made a National Historic Monument in 1924.", "The symbol is said to date back to Neolithic times and seems to depict a man holding a rainbow in his arms, over his head.", "The original symbol was also placed along another of symbols, including horned men and animals.", "It is believed to date back some 4500 years.", "Some believe that the Indalo represents a prehistoric god holding the rainbow in his open arms in an apparent pact of protection with man.", "Others believe that the true meaning has been lost.", "The Indalo became a local \"good charm\" symbol and over time, it was used to ward away bad luck and even the \"evil eye\".", "The symbol's rebirth in popularity coincided with the rebirth of the area.", "Mojacar's fortunes began to change around the middle of the 19th century when its population began to decline.", "The reasons were numerous.", "The region (technically Europe's only desert) began to suffer severely from droughts and many residents began to leave.", "Some went northward to seek employment in the factories of industrialising Catalunya while others immigrated to distant places like the Americas.", "De-population had led to less than 300 inhabitants living in the Mojacar area during the mid-20th century.", "Running water, electricity, and telephone service all lagged other areas in Spain.", "Farms and homes were left abandoned to decay.", "The old town began to resemble more of a ghost town than the vibrant centre that it once was.", "Then suddenly, Mojacar region began to see a rebirth.", "It first began with the influx of Almerian artists like Jesús de Perceval, a disciple of the Barcelonan philosopher, Eugenio d'Or.", "In the mid-1950s, de Perceval founded the Movimiento Indaliano, choosing the figure as its emblem.", "\"Indalo\" is derived from the Latin, \"Indo Eccius\", which means \"Messenger of the Gods\" although once again, many believe that the original meaning of the symbol has been lost.", "The original group included musicians, artists, writers, poets but mostly painters.", "Mojacar was becoming a renowned artists' colony and its symbol became more and more visible.", "This was also the beginning of the propagation of the Indalo as a local emblem.", "The 1960s was also the time that the local government began to offer free land to anyone that would agree to construct a dwelling while adhering to certain conditions.", "This offer and the growing popularity of the region attracted not only international artists but also many counter-culturists who where looking for a special place in the sun.", "Mojacar was just the place and to many of these new mojaqueros (as residents of Mojacar call themselves), the symbol of the Indalo seemed the perfect mythical icon to represent their new-found home.", "The construction of Mojacar Playa (beach) was also beginning at this time.", "Until now, the region was famous for the hillside town and its surrounding farms but now the natural beauty of the Mediterranean Sea and its beautiful sandy beaches was becoming the main attraction.", "Now the region was beginning to bustle with holiday-seekers, eager to enjoy their time playing in the sand and surf.", "The Indalo symbol became even more popular as it was incorporated into the ever-increasing number of businesses and consumer goods.", "Its use multiplied and the Indalo became more of a provincial emblem than just a local one.", "Over the next few years, the Indalo symbol saw a great increase in its popularity with it being painted on the front of houses and business as a good luck totem.", "It very much became the symbol of this region of Almeria and Mojacar in particular.", "So the Indalo has taken on a new level of symbolism in its long existence.", "First known as a protector or good luck charm, its adoption by the intellectual/artistic community of the Mojacar area during the mid-20th century has also made it synonymous with rejuvenation, rebirth, and hope.", "The symbol has now been adapted as not only representative for the Mojacar region but also for the whole province of Almeria which embraces it widely.", "It now adorns everything from t-shirts to key-chains, from pottery to jewellery.", "The Indalo has come a far way from its ancient origins on a dark cave wall.", "## Useful Links", "Car HireCompare Car Hire rates from leading rent-a-car websites on Costa del Sol.", "## Related Pages", "The City of Almeria", "The Villages of Almeria", "The Natural Parks of Almeria", "The Costa Almeria", "##### Highlights", "#### Horseracing on the beach", "Horseracing on the golden sands of Sanlúcar de Barrameda 9, 10, 11 & 25, 26, 27 August 2019", "#### Malaga Feria", "Malaga Feria is taking place so don't forget to take a fan!", "#### Parador Hotels", "Imagine spending the night in a Spanish castle, or how would you like to stay in an ancient monastery or a convent?", "#### Car Hire in Andalucia", "The major international Car rental companies have offices in most Andalucian cities and at the major airports such as Malaga Airport.", "More Hightlights" ]
{ "id": "train47758", "claim_title": "Indalo", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "The Indalo is a prehistoric magical symbol found in the cave of \"Los Letreros\" (\"The Signboards\") in Sierra de María-Los Vélez Natural Park in Vélez Blanco, Almería, Spain." }
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The role garnered Keaton a 2008 Screen Actors Guild nomination for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Television Movie or Miniseries.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: The 14th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards | Screen Actors Guild Awards", "Skip to main content", "Body:", "#sagawards", "## Search form", "## Awards", "# The 14th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards", "## Film", "#### Outstanding Performance by a", "### Cast in a Motion Picture", "View Cast", "View Cast", "View Cast", "View Cast", "View Cast Watch Speech Read Speech", "3:10 to Yuma", "American Gangster", "Into The Wild", "Recipient No Country For Old Men", "#### Outstanding Performance by a", "### Male Actor in a Leading Role", "Watch Speech Read Speech", "George Clooney", "Michael Clayton", "Recipient Daniel Day-Lewis", "There Will Be Blood", "Ryan Gosling", "Lars and the Real Girl", "Emile Hirsch", "Into The Wild", "Viggo Mortensen", "Eastern Promises", "#### Outstanding Performance by a", "### Female Actor in a Leading Role", "Watch Speech Read Speech", "Cate Blanchett", "Elizabeth: The Golden Age", "Recipient Julie Christie", "Away From Her", "Marion Cotillard", "La Vie En Rose", "Angelina Jolie", "A Mighty Heart", "Ellen Page", "#### Outstanding Performance by a", "### Male Actor in a Supporting Role", "Watch Speech Read Speech", "Casey Affleck", "The Assassination of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford", "Recipient Javier Bardem", "No Country For Old Men", "Hal Holbrook", "Into The Wild", "Tommy Lee Jones", "No Country For Old Men", "Tom Wilkinson", "Michael Clayton", "#### Outstanding Performance by a", "### Female Actor in a Supporting Role", "Watch Speech Read Speech", "Cate Blanchett", "I'm Not There", "Recipient Ruby Dee", "American Gangster", "Catherine Keener", "Into The Wild", "Amy Ryan", "Gone Baby Gone", "Tilda Swinton", "Michael Clayton", "## Television", "#### Outstanding Performance by an", "### Ensemble in a Drama Series", "View Cast", "View Cast", "View Cast", "View Cast", "View Cast Watch Speech Read Speech", "Boston Legal", "The Closer", "Grey's Anatomy", "Mad Men", "Recipient The Sopranos", "#### Outstanding Performance by an", "### Ensemble in a Comedy Series", "View Cast", "View Cast", "View Cast", "View Cast Watch Speech Read Speech", "View Cast", "30 Rock", "Desperate Housewives", "Recipient The Office", "Ugly Betty", "#### Outstanding Performance by a", "### Male Actor in a Drama Series", "Watch Speech Read Speech", "Recipient James Gandolfini", "The Sopranos", "Michael C. Hall", "Jon Hamm", "Mad Men", "Hugh Laurie", "James Spader", "Boston Legal", "#### Outstanding Performance by a", "### Female Actor in a Drama Series", "Watch Speech Read Speech", "Glenn Close", "Recipient Edie Falco", "The Sopranos", "Sally Field", "Brothers & Sisters", "Holly Hunter", "Saving Grace", "Kyra Sedgwick", "The Closer", "#### Outstanding Performance by a", "### Male Actor in a Comedy Series", "Watch Speech Read Speech", "Recipient Alec Baldwin", "30 Rock", "Steve Carrell", "The Office", "Ricky Gervais", "Jeremy Piven", "Tony Shalhoub", "#### Outstanding Performance by a", "### Female Actor in a Comedy Series", "Watch Speech Read Speech", "Christina Applegate", "Samantha Who?", "America Ferrera", "Ugly Betty", "Recipient Tina Fey", "30 Rock", "Mary-Louise Parker", "Vanessa Williams", "Ugly Betty", "#### Outstanding Performance by a", "### Male Actor in a Television Movie or Miniseries", "Watch Speech Read Speech", "Michael Keaton", "The Company", "Recipient Kevin Kline", "As You Like It", "Oliver Platt", "The Bronx is Burning", "Sam Shepard", "JOHN TURTURRO", "The Bronx is Burning", "#### Outstanding Performance by a", "### Female Actor in a Television Movie or Miniseries", "Watch Speech Read Speech", "ELLEN BURSTYN", "Mitch Albom's For One More Day", "Debra Messing", "The Starter Wife", "Anna Paquin", "Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee", "Recipient QUEEN LATIFAH", "Life Support", "VANESSA REDGRAVE", "The Fever", "Gena Rowlands", "What If God Were The Sun?", "## Stunts", "#### Outstanding Performance by a", "### Stunt Ensemble in a Motion Picture", "Watch Speech Read Speech", "The Bourne Ultimatum", "I Am Legend", "The Kingdom", "PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: AT WORLD'S END", "#### Outstanding Performance by a", "### Stunt Ensemble in a Television Series", "Watch Speech Read Speech", "The Unit", "Back to top" ]
{ "id": "train32450", "claim_title": "Michael Keaton", "claim_section": "Career.:2000–2014.", "claim_context": "On New Year's Day of 2004, he hosted the PBS TV special \"Mr. Rogers: America's Favorite Neighbor\". It was released by Triumph Marketing LLC on DVD September 28, 2004. In 2006, he starred in \"Game 6\", about the 1986 World Series bid by the Boston Red Sox. He had a cameo in the Tenacious D short film \"Time Fixers\", an iTunes exclusive. The 9-minute film was released to coincide with \"Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny\". Keaton reportedly was cast as Jack Shephard in the series \"Lost\", with the understanding that the role of Jack would be a brief one. Once the role was retooled to be a long-running series regular, Keaton withdrew. The part was then given to actor Matthew Fox. The show ran for six seasons, with the Shephard role continuing throughout. Keaton starred in the 2007 TV miniseries \"The Company\", set during the Cold War, in which he portrayed the real-life CIA counterintelligence chief James Jesus Angleton." }
[ [ 19 ] ]
A house is already constructed on a hill in the current site of the house as a British colonial government quarters.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Agnes Keith House | Sabah, Malaysian Borneo", "104 captures", "01 Dec 2013 - 18 May 2022", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Internet Archive", "The Internet Archive discovers and captures web pages through many different web crawls.", "At any given time several distinct crawls are running, some for months, and some every day or longer.", "View the web archive through the Wayback Machine.", "Collection: Live Web Proxy Crawls", "Content crawled via the Wayback Machine Live Proxy mostly by the Save Page Now feature on", "Liveweb proxy is a component of Internet Archive's wayback machine project.", "The liveweb proxy captures the content of a web page in real time, archives it into a ARC or WARC file and returns the ARC/WARC record back to the wayback machine to process.", "The recorded ARC/WARC file becomes part of the wayback machine in due course of time.", "The Wayback Machine -", "Search Search: Contact Us +60 88 212121", "Other Languages 简体中文 繁體中文 日本語 한국어", "### Popular Places", "# Agnes Keith House", "This British colonial government quarters, called Newlands, was once occupied by famous American writer, Agnes Newton Keith, who penned Land Below The Wind in 1939.", "The house became home to Agnes and her family, Henry (also referred to as Harry) George Keith, who was the Conservator of Forests and their son, George.", "View on Map Share on Facebook Tweet This", "Today the house has turned into a heritage house, providing interesting insights to life during British North Borneo.", "It is furnished with a reproduction of colonial furniture and antiques.", "A gallery on the first floor tells the story of this remarkable woman, her books and her family.", "Agnes Keith HouseAgnes Keith House - Living roomAgnes Keith House - Dining area\"The new house is beautiful.", "Round trippers on world boats would come up to see it, carrying their cameras and calling, Why look!\"", "(Agnes Keith, White Man Returns, 1951, p.87)", "#### Further Contact", "Sabah Museum: +6088-225033/ 253199Sandakan Heritage Museum: +6089", "-222679", "+60 88 225 033 +60 88 253 199 Last reviewed: January 17, 2019", "TripAdvisor Traveler Rating", "339 Reviews", "## Other Attractions around Sandakan", "St. Michael's and All Angels Church, Sandakan Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre Sandakan Memorial Park Rainforest Discovery Centre (RDC) Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre Labuk Bay Proboscis Monkey Sanctuary Sandakan Heritage Trail" ]
{ "id": "train22112", "claim_title": "Agnes Keith House", "claim_section": "History.", "claim_context": "" }
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She quit the show after pregnancy.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: ", "Actress Varada Jishin to quit Pranayam serial on Asianet", "-", "Vinodadarshan", "", "# Actress Varada Jishin to quit Pranayam serial on Asianet", "Actress Varada Jishin known for her role as Lekshmi in Malayalam serial Pranayam informed her fans that she is going to leave the serial as she is expecting a new member to her family.", "The last episode with her as Lakshmi in Pranayam serial will be aired on January 6th, 2017.", "It will be the 445th episode of the serial.", "Pranayam is the remake of popular hindi serial Ye Hai Mohabbatein on Star TV and tells love story of the Sharan and Lekshmi.", "Varada plays the role of Lekshmi and Srinish Aravind portrays the character Sharan.", "The onscreen chemistry between the two actors and their super natural acting made the serial worth to watch.", "Actress Varada is known to malayali audience though her Television serials.", "She made her debut as Television Actress through Surya TV Serial Snehakoodu.", "Later she did Hridam Sakhi .", "She is known for her title tole as Amala in Mazhavil Manorama Television Serial Amala.", "She is also the anchor of Asianet plus show Raree Rareram Raro.", "Following the success of Amala, she grabbed the role of Lekshmi in Pranayam Serial.", "She was also part of Malayalam movies Sultan (2008), Makante Achan (2009), Uthara Swayamvaram (2010), Valiyangadi (2010), Kaadhalikkalama ( Tamil- 2012), Ajantha (2014).", "Varada married Actor Jishin Mohan on May 25, 2014.", "The marriage function was a very simple one attended by close friends and relatives.", "They are expecting their first child by March 2017.", "That is the reason for leaving the serial Pranayam.", "Varada and her co-star Srinish shared this news on facebook page as given below.", "Update: Varada and Jishin are blessed with a baby boy named 'JIAN' on 23 March 2017", "Who will replace Varada in Pranayam Serial?", "(Dr)Divya Nair will play the role of Leakshmi in Pranayam Serial staring from January 7th, 2016.", "She has acted in many serials and is known for her role in Asianet serial Padasaram", "Actress Divya Nair replaces Varada in Pranayam Serial.", "Actress Varada's detailed post on the reason for leaving the serial", "The hero of the serial Srinish Aravind also congratulated Varada and thanked her for the support.", "#### No comments", "Subscribe to:", "Post Comments", "## Trending Now", "Flowers Top Singer-Anchor, contestants,& Judges | Show Launched on 1 October 2018", "Seetha Kalyanam Serial Cast | Actors & actresses of Asianet Malayalam Serial", "Neelakuyil Serial Cast - Asianet serial Neelakkuyil actors, actresses & story line", "Bhramanam Serial Cast &Crew | Actors Actresses of Malayalam Serial on Mazhavil Manorma", "Mounam Sammadham 3 | Cast, Actors & Actresses of Asianet Plus Malayalam Serial", "## Featured Post", "### Onam 2019 Movies in Malayalam Channels", "## Don't Miss", "## Recent Comments", "Loading...", "## Follow Us on Facebook", "Powered by Blogger." ]
{ "id": "train37861", "claim_title": "Varada Jishin", "claim_section": "Career.", "claim_context": "While studying in plus two (higher secondary), she modeled for a calendar and soon advertisements followed. Then she anchored for a local telvison channel in her hometown Thrissur, followed by programs in Jeevan TV and Kairali TV. She made her acting debut in the film \"Vaasthavam\" in 2006. She appeared as heroine in the film \"Sultan\" in 2008. It was from \"Sultan\" that she took the stage name Varada, as per the suggestion of writer-director A. K. Lohithadas (who was a mentor of the film's director). She made her television debut with \"Snehakoodu\" on Surya TV. Varada got a breakthrough with the title role in the serial \"Amala\" on Mazhavil Manorama. Then she appeared as heroine in the serial \"Pranayam\" on Asianet, which was a remake of the Hindi soap opera \"Yeh Hai Mohabbatein\"." }
[ [ 31 ] ]
While Pinnacle Entertainment intended to replace it with a $1.5–2 billion casino resort, the company canceled its construction plans and sold the land for $29.5 million.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Former Sands Casino Hotel site sells for $29.5 million | News |", "(meta data) AUTHOR: Anjalee Khemlani", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2013-11-06T10:49:00-05:00", "####", "####", "#### Thank you for Reading.", "Please purchase a subscription to continue reading.", "Thank you for reading", "If you are a current subscriber you are granted an all-access pass to the website and digital newspaper replica.", "Please click Sign Up or Login to activate your digital access.", "If not, please click Sign Up to subscribe and continue to enjoy valuable local news and information, or you can come back at the end of your 30-day period for another 10 free articles.", "A subscription is required to continue reading.", "Thank you for reading", "Please click Get Started.", "If you are a current subscriber you are granted an all-access pass to the website and digital newspaper replica.", "If not, we ask that you purchase a subscription and continue to enjoy valuable local news and information, or you can come back at the end of your 30-day period for another 10 free articles.", "Your current subscription does not provide access to this content.", "Sign Up", "Log In", "### Please sign up or sign in", "Please support local journalism by becoming a digital subscriber or adding digital to your newspaper subscription.", "If you're already a subscriber, click below to continue.", "Get Started", "#### Let's Confirm You're In Our Delivery Area", "Please confirm you are in our delivery area", "Zip Code", "# Former Sands Casino Hotel site sells for $29.5 million", "By JENNIFER BOGDAN, Staff Writer", "#### Anjalee Khemlani", "Nov 6, 2013", "Pinnacle Entertainment has sold the former Sands Casino Hotel oceanfront site for $29.5 million.", "Ben Fogletto", "#### Anjalee Khemlani", "You don't have any notifications.", "Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device.", "##### Topics", "#### Breaking News" ]
{ "id": "train40695", "claim_title": "Atlantic City, New Jersey", "claim_section": "History.:Modern day challenges.", "claim_context": "Nicknamed \"The Tunnel Project\", Steve Wynn planned the proposed 'Mirage Atlantic City' around the idea that he would connect the $330 million tunnel stretching 2.5 miles (4.0 km) from the Atlantic City Expressway to his new resort. The roadway was later officially named the Atlantic City-Brigantine Connector, and funnels incoming traffic off of the expressway into the city's marina district and the city of Brigantine. \n Although Wynn's plans for development in the city were scrapped in 2002, the tunnel opened in 2001. The new roadway prompted Boyd Gaming in partnership with MGM/Mirage to build Atlantic City's newest casino. The Borgata opened in July 2003, and its success brought an influx of developers to Atlantic City with plans for building grand Las Vegas style mega casinos to revitalize the aging city. \n Owing to economic conditions and the late 2000s recession, many of the proposed mega casinos never went further than the initial planning stages. One of these developers was Pinnacle Entertainment, who purchased the Sands Atlantic City for $250-$270 million, closed it in November 11, 2006 with plans to replace it with a larger casino. The following year, the resort was demolished in a dramatic, Las Vegas styled implosion, the first of its kind in Atlantic City." }
[ [ 100, 102 ], [ 100, 101, 102 ] ]
A synthesiser was used on several tracks, chosen for its sparse and refined sound.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Dave McCullough, Sounds - January 14th 1984 - Sproutology", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2016-02-20T09:47:44+00:00", "Loading...", "## Sproutology", "### We also serve who only stand and wait; Prefab Sprout relics and rarities", "Skip to content", "Posted on February 20, 2016March 12, 2016", "by admin", "# Dave McCullough, Sounds – January 14th 1984", "# CALL ANY VEGETABLE", "### Are PREFAB SPROUT soon to become the apple of everybody's eye?", "Dave McCullough digs around", "MY IMAGINARY brief reads: travel to the Columbia Hotel, the hotel where the stars stay when they're in Town (It is full of twisted, neurotic ghosts) and elevate one Paddy McAloon to the status you elevated Julian Cope, McCulloch, Bono and others two years ago.", "For Prefab Sprout have signed to CBS; the imaginary brief sees them being interviewed at length, or rather sees young Paddy being grilled at length, intellectually, stylistically.", "In this brief He Is An Individual reads the same thing as He Will Sell Records.", "Outside the Columbia, where it is pouring with rain, sits Roddy Frame, one of the 'line' himself, couched in the back of a spanking big new Jaguar XJS, peak-capped chauffeur in the front waiting to whiz him off to destinations unknown.", "These days I find Roddy and his muse about as fascinating as a Berni steak house.", "Images matter.", "Inside the Columbia I approach the sincere nice and affable Paddy with the thought that the day Kitchenware decided to spill the beans concerning the origin of Prefab Sprout's 'wacky' name\" (and I don't intend to help the plan here), was the day, for me, that Prefab Sprout sort of PASSED AWAY.", "An illiterate fanzine recently asked Paddy what he wanted for Christmas.", "He answered an apple and an orange: on the table in front of him at the Columbia is a half peeled orange and an intact apple.", "IS IT RIGHT playing with Elvis Costello?", "\"Yes, yes.", "Why do you ask?", "Of course it's right!\"", "He's a 'Classic Entertainer', a 'Classic Songsmith' – is that where your own horizons stop?", "\"Ah ah . . .\"", "What does it mean to get into the charts?", "\"What does it mean?", "I you've made something of class, or that you've written a song with a wee bit of . . . resonance to it, don t you think it's fantastic if it gets into the charts?\"", "I see rock as having three stages, the first is the Cave Man stage, where most musics belong, the second stage is where things are good, musically – where you are.", "But something in your album 'Swoon' makes me peek through to the third and last stage, which is . . . the Harrod's bombing, changing-the-world, the confusion that is around us.", "\"We're too subtle to talk about things like that in our songs in the way you suggest.", "Nobody'll ever think that way about us.", "But I've got no desire for us to be put into an Acquired Taste category, or under Elvis's wing . . .\"", "Would you like to be a respectable Men At Work, your album played by XR3i drivers on the way home from the office?", "\"No.", "I don't have any contempt for that.", "I know what you mean, 'Elvis likes you', you've immediately got a little niche there, you're seen as Elvis's little band.", "You can't help that.", "\"It's similar if you're compared to Aztec Camera.", "You've got to outlive all that, you've got to know that if your stuff's really worthy it'll outshine that . . .\"", "Why don't you outlive it in the present – by not doing it?", "Kitchenware at present seem to be making certain reflections upon you – playing with Elvis and Aztec.", "You're getting strangled in that niche.", "\"I think when 'Swoon' comes out all these comparisons will be blown away.", "Absolutely.", "I used to get DEAD annoyed at the comparisons – but I understand now that if I were trying to describe a new group to you, I'd have to use certain reference points.", "\"They're just reference points: that's all, leave it at that.", "I'm not going to worry because I know I'm going to get it anyway.", "I couldn't care less . . .", "After the album you'll be seen as Aztec Camera are seen now – something static and respectable.", "\"How is Elvis seen, do you think?\"", "As the class version of that.", "\"What is the alternative to that?", "Even if you do something radical in its approach, or something beautiful in music, it'll still get played on the cassette on the way home from the office if it's THAT radical or that beautiful.", "WE play 'Swoon' in the car!\"", "We want glory, we want fury, we want loudness and guitars this year.", "Not a dated delicacy.", "\"How do you define fury?", "Is it in the way you play your guitar, in the way you tune it?", "Don't you see loud and ferocious things in pastel-shaded things like 'Cruel' or Elegance' off our album?", "Did you hear that?\"", "Those two songs stand out on the album.", "The rest of the album seems to reflect a self-deceiving independence you've been given by CBS.", "Because, it was self- produced, it sounds 'Indie'.", "It would have been better with a big production and a big sound.", "Equals glory . . .", "\"Surely that would have made us even more Men At Work, cassette-in-the-car-like?", "I don't know who we'll work with next time, you see 'Swoon' was done with Dave of the Kane Gang, he's great but we'll maybe want someone to guide it better next time . . .\"", "Do you think 'Swoon' could be CBS's cheapskate way of working with you?", "\"Yeah, yeah . . . I don't think CBS see us as a massive singles success.", "In their words they don't think we're going to be Michael Jackson.", "We're seen as a tasty albums group.", "I don't mind that; all I mind is that it's going to be PLAYED in places!", "\"I think that's great.", "We didn't even have to change the name of the group, any of that stuff.", "I just think I'd rather see us doing it than someone else . . .\"", "Of course.", "But that's not an end in itself – 'I'm pleased we're playing Madison Square Gardens instead of someone else.'", "It's a spiralling wrong.", "\"How do you change the world?", "The only thing I hope to do is to make people feel about records the way I once felt.", "The way I felt is, the world is a beautiful place if people can do this, if it can give you a certain feeling.", "\"I hate using words like 'inspiration' or 'positive' cos they're so corny, but there's so much negativity about it almost makes you want to.\"", "You're right.", "It's today's chique.", "From the Cramps to Julie Burchill to the current Orwellising. . .", "\"Julie Burchill!", "She's got that type of attitude, which we all have at times, of I'm better than most other people.", "That's dangerous because when you do meet someone as strong as yourself you tend to thrash them to bits like you have done everybody else.", "\"She plays a game of tennis with no-one.", "I'm sure she's insecure.", "Have you heard her voice?", "It's so weedy.", "But when she writes!", "Think of the rigorous self-examination she must undergo every time she fries an egg, makes toast . . .\"", "I'm disappointed with your album.", "\"I don't know how you can be disappointed with 'Swoon'!", "I don't understand this line of questioning, at all!\"", "The synth sounds so weedy on it . . .", "\"I don't think it's weedy at all.", "I think it's dead sparse and refined.\"", "It's cheap.", "\"DAVE! It was DONE cheaply!", "Dave, it was done before we signed to CBS.", "What did you want us to do?\"", "A voice says: you should never play live.", "\"That's just (slaps thigh in frustration) . . . That's such a music journalist thing to say.", "Why should we never play live?", "That's a really insular thing to say, that's putting us above everyone else.", "Why not play live?\"", "Groups don 't realise how grotty gigs are for an audience.", "Understandably, because they enjoy playing so much.", "\"You're speaking to the wrong person here on this.", "From a personal point of view, I never go to gigs, I'm your totally arch ungigging person.", "\"I like records, that's all that interests me.", "I was so snotty when I was younger.", "I wouldn't play in pubs because I don't and still don't make beer-stomping music.", "\"Gigs are fun, I enjoyed Birmingham last night, but I'd rather be at home writing.", "I'm a writer, gigs take up time.\"", "Why aren't you at home writing?", "\"That's such a precious attitude! – You can't yet round it, that's why.\"", "Prefab Sprout should be as special as their name (once was).", "\"Did you read James Joyce?", "Someone once asked him, 'Where are you going for your holidays?' and he answered, 'Where honest people make an honest living'.", "I think that's bloody great.", "\"Let's get away from this precious attitude!", "Let's get back to the, dare-I-say-it, to the streets.", "\"I'm out there earning a living for several people.", "I've got my brother, Wendy, Keith, Paul to think of – these are noble names to me and to have them working in 1984, that in itself is great.\"", "It sounds bloody terrible to me.", "\"Why?\"", "It sounds like Mensi.", "There's something much more noble which you have to go towards and which you are capable of getting – in 'Cruel', 'Elegance'. '", "\"I'm not going to lose that, don't worry.", "It all takes place in the writing; gigs I admit, if you want to talk in priorities, are secondary.", "That doesn't mean that when I play I'll be lackadaisical though . . .", "\"Keith says we lack the sense of bread and circuses when we play live – geeing up the crowd.", "That's just not me.", "I think it should be enough that I just go out there and play for people.", "I wish I could afford not to go on the road.\"", "End of statement.", "Good statement.", "\"WHAT DO I do when Elvis Costello goes around saying he likes our records? What do I do?. . .\"", "Tell him to F. off.", "\"Why should I do that? . . .\"", "He's a modern fake.", "He's his own little Camden Town 'Good Music Society'. . .", "\"I daren't say this or I'll get shot.", "In Costello's songs sometimes and in my own song-writing, thing's like 'Diana', there's something I don t like . . .", "I don't like songs that create their own little Us and Them syndrome.", "Bob Dylan stopped doing it thirty years ago . . .\"", "What do you mean?", "\"Triggering a response in an audience live.", "You mention Ronald Reagan and they'll cheer.", "You play a song called 'Diana', which is our song, and they'll think it's anti- Royalist.", "In fact, it's not!", "\"That's my attitude, you know, 'we're all vaguely left wing, we alI go home after the gig to the nice Hi-Fi, smoke a bit of something – I hate it.", "I don't understand how I'm going to get round it.\"", "PADDY MCALOON, destined for stardom, probably possessor of Album Of The Year in lesser minds than mine, is self-flagellating nice.", "The good thing is he knows his problem.", "The bad thing is the problem is there at all.", "How is he going to get round it?", "He might get round it by TRYING to do so and letting it be seen that he's trying.", "Although that in itself could be dangerously static and posed.", "Paddy McAIoon is twenty six years old.", "He hopes to marry his girlfriend who teaches in a secondary modern school in the North East.", "His father owns a garage which he and his brother used to work in.", "If Paddy contributes to the aimless continuance of middle spread rock 'n' roll then he ought to be damned forever more.", "Have you met Billy Joel?", "\"I've met people who've met his girlfriend.", "Tenuous rock connections here folks!\"", "At the close of the interview the intact apple is still intact.", "## Post navigation", "Previous Dave McCullough, Sounds – April 16th 1983Next Ian Pye, Melody Maker – January 28th 1984", "### Leave a Reply Cancel reply", "Your email address will not be published.", "Required fields are marked *", "Name *", "Email *", "Notify me of follow-up comments by email.", "Notify me of new posts by email.", "This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.", "Learn how your comment data is processed.", "## Subscribe to Blog via Email", "Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.", "Join 417 other subscribers", "Email Address", "## Most Popular Posts", "Sproutmash… The Ultimate Prefab Sprout Song Ranking", "2019 Interview Tracker – Sodajerker is BRILLIANT", "Paddy on George Michael", "The Essential Non Album Tracks – Where to find them", "It is happening again…", "John Birch's book", "## Random Sprout", "Q Magazine, Mark Cooper – December 1988Joseph Fox Music View #91- 1990The Beat (HMV House Magazine) – Simon Potter, May 1985Let's Lobby the BBC – 30 Years of Steve McQueenBanana Yoshimoto v. Paddy McAloon, GQ Magazine Japan, April", "2000Pelo Magazine (Argentina) Translation – December 1986Time Out – January 1984In which an obsessive compulsive Sprout completist earnestly entreats you to understand…Ebay Item of the Week – April 22nd, 2019" ]
{ "id": "train31727", "claim_title": "Swoon (Prefab Sprout album)", "claim_section": "Background and recording.", "claim_context": "Prefab Sprout were signed by Keith Armstrong's Kitchenware Records in March 1983, after Armstrong heard their music played in the Newcastle branch of HMV he managed. Their two singles were reissued by Kitchenware and attracted notice including laudation from Elvis Costello. \n After the departure of Michael Salmon, the band recorded their debut album in a 24-track studio in Edinburgh on a budget of £5,000. It features session drummer Graham Lant, and was produced by fellow Kitchenware artist David Brewis of The Kane Gang. The songs were written over a 7-year period, and the album was titled \"Swoon\", standing for 'Songs Written out of Necessity'. McAloon mostly avoided the material the band had been playing live for the preceding years, and instead favoured his more recent complex material, that would \"only work on tape\".\n The basic tracks were recorded in just one day, and put the band under intense pressure. During a session, McAloon made a crying Wendy Smith sing two words over and over for three hours. McAloon wrote piano parts for the songs despite being unable to play the instrument, and recorded the parts with the aid of drop-ins." }
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The archway is ascribed to Sir Christopher Wren, one of the most highly acclaimed English architects in history who is most recognised for designing St Paul’s Cathedral on the top of Ludgate Hill.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: ", "Cathedral History Timeline - St Paul's Cathedral", "", "History & Collections", "Cathedral Timeline", "Back to Home", "Today at the Cathedral View More", "Morning Prayer", "Doors open for sightseeing", "Last entry for sightseeing", "Choral Evensong", "Evening opening for Summer Lates", "Last entry for Summer Lates", "EXPLORE THE COLLECTIONS", "# Cathedral History Timeline", "604-1559", "1560-1711", "1721-1905", "1905-present", "### 604-1559", "#### Foundation, Loss and Reconstruction | Medieval Splendour", "604–1087: Foundation, Loss and Reconstruction", "Christianity reached Roman Britain in the second-century AD.", "A number of Roman artefacts - pots, tiles and glass - have been found", "in excavations around St Paul's, however no evidence has emerged that the site of St Paul's, as once believed, was ever used for a", "Roman temple.", "The official withdrawal of Roman administration in 410 AD did not end Christian belief in England but it was to be", "almost two hundred years before St Paul's Cathedral was founded.", "The two names most associated with the establishment of the first", "St Paul's are Saint Mellitus and Saint Erkenwald.", "The former, a monk who arrived in Britain with Saint Augustine on a mission from", "Rome instigated by Pope Gregory the Great, founded St Paul's in 604 AD.", "The latter was the Abbot of Chertsey whose consecration as", "Bishop of London in 675 AD, following the city's brief return to paganism, confirmed the return of the Roman Church to London.", "The", "earliest Cathedral buildings were relatively short-lived structures, repeatedly damaged by fires and Viking attacks.", "It was the", "Cathedral begun in about 1087 AD by Bishop Maurice, Chaplain to William the Conqueror, which would provide the longest standing", "home for Christian worship on the site to date, surviving for almost six hundred years.", "1087–1559: Medieval Splendour", "The Cathedral quire was the first part of the new building to be completed in 1148, enabling the Cathedral to function as a place", "of worship as quickly as possible", "Up to the Reformation of the Church in England St Paul's was a Catholic cathedral in which the", "celebration of the Mass, the preaching of sermons, the veneration of many saints, shrines, reliquaries, chapels, the observance of", "Saints' feast days, masses for the dead said in chantry chapels, a wooden cross known as a rood, and a chapel devoted to The", "Virgin, all played a part in the liturgical life of the building.", "A great deal of public activity also took place; although not", "always welcomed by those looking after the Cathedral, trade, sports and ball games were common and a north/south route through the", "Cathedral transepts was used as a general thoroughfare.", "Paul's Cross was an important feature of Cathedral life from at least the", "mid thirteenth-century", "It was an outdoor covered pulpit from which proclamations were made and leading prelates expounded, often", "controversially, on theology and politics.", "It ceased to be used in the 1630s, and stood in the north churchyard until 1642.", "The Cathedral School was re-established with new statutes just to the east of Paul's Cross in 1512 by John Colet (1466–1519) a", "Renaissance scholar and friend of Erasmus who viewed education as prerequisite for spiritual regeneration.", "All of these enterprises, the spiritual, the educational, and the civic, took place within or beside the largest building in", "medieval England: longer, taller and wider than the present building and richly decorated.", "The reign of King Henry VIII saw the beginning of the end for many aspects of the religious life of the building associated with", "Roman Catholicism.", "The shrine of St Erkenwald was plundered and waves of iconoclasm followed in which shrines and images were", "destroyed.", "The full suppression of Catholic worship and fittings was carried out under Edward VI by the first Protestant Bishop of", "London, Nicholas Ridley, who was martyred by Mary I's government in 1555.", "After a restoration of Catholic rites under Mary, settled", "Protestant worship was confirmed finally under Elizabeth I's first Bishop of London, Edmund Grindal, in 1559.", "Read more about this era", "View featured artefacts", "#### Featured events from this era", "The first St Paul's is built and consecrated", "See enlarged image", "The first wooden church dedicated to St Paul's is built by Mellitus, Bishop of the East Saxons.", "It burns down in", "675 and is rebuilt soon after.", "The third St Paul's built in stone", "See enlarged image", "The second St Paul's is destroyed by the Vikings before a new, third church is built in stone.", "After more destruction the Cathedral is rebuilt by the Normans", "See enlarged image", "Following another fire the Cathedral is rebuilt by the Normans, who are determined to create the longest and", "tallest Christian church in the world.", "It is finished in 1240.", "King Richard II's body is brought to St Paul's", "See enlarged image", "Having been starved to death in captivity after his overthrow by Henry IV, King Richard II's body is put on display", "in St Paul's.", "King Henry V's body is brought to St Paul's", "See enlarged image", "Following his death in France, great warrior king, Henry V's body lies in state at St Paul's.", "King Henry VI's body is brought to St Paul's", "See enlarged image", "After his death in captivity at the Tower of London, King Henry VI's body is displayed at St Paul's.", "He is buried", "at Chertsey Abbey, before later being re-interred in Windsor.", "Katherine of Aragon marries Prince Arthur", "See enlarged image", "Heir to the English throne, Prince Arthur, marries Katherine of Aragon at St Paul's.", "Arthur dies before", "becoming king and Katherine goes on to marry his younger brother, the future King Henry VIII.", "St Paul's School is founded", "See enlarged image", "St Paul's School is founded by the Cathedral's Dean, John Colet.", "Erasmus, a friend of Colet, writes textbooks", "for the school.", "Colet is Dean of St Paul's from 1505 until his death.", "William Tyndale's English Bible is burned", "See enlarged image", "The Bishop of London speaks out against William Tyndale's English translation of the Bible and copies are burned at", "St Paul's.", "One of three remaining copies is still housed at the Cathedral.", "Evil May Day Riots sweep London", "See enlarged image", "Turning against wealthy foreigners, Londoners riot across the city, with St Paul's at the centre of the troubles as", "a place where vitriolic speeches are made.", "### 1560", "-1711", "#### Reformation to Conflagration | A New Cathedral for London", "1560–1666: Reformation to Conflagration", "The new form of worship continued at St Paul's in the wake of the Reformation, with the choir singing in English instead of Latin", "at Mattins and Evensong according to the new Book of Common Prayer", "The Cathedral already had a long history as a place of", "commemoration and some of the grandest tombs were still to be added to the building in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth", "centuries", "One of the most remarkable monuments from this period still survives, that of John Donne (1572–1631), the poet and", "clergyman who, after a raffish youth, went on to become Dean of St Pauls from 1621 until his death", "During his lifetime, St Paul's", "and Paul's Cross were leading centres of a newly confident and thriving Protestant culture in England.", "The physical destruction wrought during the Reformation had only been the start of a series of threats to the fabric.", "In June 1561", "lightning struck the Cathedral spire igniting a fire which destroyed the steeple and roofs, the heat and falling timbers causing", "such damage to the Cathedral structure that it would never fully recover.", "Plans were made for restoration and the architect Inigo", "Jones (1573–1652) was engaged to carry out work in 1633, but his work was left incomplete at the outbreak of the English Civil War", "in 1642.", "Parliamentary forces took control of the Cathedral and its Dean and Chapter dissolved; the Lady Chapel became a large", "preaching auditorium, while the vast nave was used as a cavalry barracks", "with, at one point, 800 horses stabled inside.", "By the 1650s the building was in a serious state of disrepair and it was only after the Restoration in 1660 of King Charles II", "(1630–1685) that repair was once again considered in earnest as an architectural proclamation of the restored Church of England and", "the monarchy.", "Leading architects wrestled with the how to restore the medieval structure and were often in disagreement. Inspired", "by his travels in France and his knowledge of Italian architecture, Christopher Wren (1632–1732) proposed the addition of a dome to", "the building, a plan agreed upon in August 1666", "Only a week later The Great Fire of London was kindled in Pudding Lane, reaching", "St Paul's in two days", "The wooden scaffolding contributed to the spread of the flames around the Cathedral and the high vaults", "fell, smashing into the crypt, where flames, fuelled by thousands of books stored there in vaults leased to printers and", "booksellers, put the structure beyond hope of rescue.", "1666–1711: A new Cathedral for London", "Sir Christopher Wren was a brilliant scientist and mathematician and Britain's most famous architect.", "The building he designed to", "replace the pre-Fire Cathedral is his masterpiece.", "Nine years of planning were required to ensure that the new design would meet", "the requirements of a working cathedral; the quire was to be the main focus for liturgical activity, a Morning Chapel was required", "for Morning Prayer, vestries were needed for the clergy to robe, a treasury for the church plate, a home had to be planned for the", "enormous organ, bell towers were essential, and the interior had to be fitted for the grandest of occasions and ceremonies.", "The", "building which Wren delivered in thirty five years fulfilled all these needs and provided a symbol for the Church of England, the", "renewed capital city, and the emerging empire.", "Construction commenced in 1675: the process involved many highly skilled draughtsmen and craftsmen and was pursued in phases,", "largely dependent on the availability of funding and materials.", "Portland stone predominated but other types of stone were necessary", "as well as bricks, iron and wood.", "All of the building accounts, contracts and records of the rebuilding commission survive, and", "many original drawings", "A detailed history of the design of the cathedral can be found in the online Wren Office Drawings catalogue", "written by Dr Gordon Higgott (2012).", "Christopher Wren lived to see the building completed: the last stone of the Cathedral's", "structure was laid on 26 October 1708 by two sons named after their fathers, Christopher Wren junior and Edward Strong (the son of", "master mason)", "The first service had already been held in 1697 – a Thanksgiving for the Peace between England and France.", "Read more about this era", "View featured artefacts", "#### Featured events from this era", "Old St Paul's spire collapses", "enlarged image", "The spire of Old St Paul's, which had once made it the tallest building ever constructed in the world, collapsed", "after being struck by lightning.", "It was never rebuilt.", "Elizabeth I visits St Paul's", "See enlarged image", "Following the defeat of the Spanish Armada off the south coast of England, Queen Elizabeth I visits St Paul's.", "Gunpowder Plotters executed at St Paul's", "See enlarged image", "After a failed attempt to blow up Parliament, four of the infamous Gunpowder Plotters are executed at St Paul's in", "a bloody display intended to warn those that may attempt future treason.", "John Donne becomes Dean of St Paul's", "enlarged image", "Metaphysical poet, John Donne, becomes Dean of St Paul's, He is best remembered for his meditation on the human", "condition: 'No man is an island, entire of itself...never send to ask for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for", "thee.'", "St Paul's burns in the Great Fire of London", "See enlarged", "After standing for five centuries, the fourth St Paul's is destroyed in the Great fire of London.", "The", "fire burned for four days, destroying 13,200 houses and 87 parish churches.", "Miraculously, fewer than 20 people", "lost their lives.", "Christopher Wren is hired to re-build St Paul's", "See enlarged image", "Up-and-coming architect, Christopher Wren, is hired to rebuild St Paul's after the Great Fire.", "Wren goes through", "many different designs and plans for the new Cathedral, before he is finally given the go-ahead", "The first service is held in the new St Paul's", "See enlarged image", "22 years into its 35 year construction, the first service is held in the new quire of Wren's St Paul's.", "The", "first service is one of thanksgiving for peace, following the end of a war between England and France.", "The new St Paul's is formally declared complete", "enlarged image", "After 35 years of building, Christopher Wren's brave new domed Cathedral is declared formally complete by", "Parliament.", "London had a new icon.", "### 1721-1905", "#### Memorialising the Greats | St Paul's in the Age of Industry", "1712–1795: Perilous painting and memorialising the Greats", "The violent and iconoclastic transition from Roman Catholicism and the debate over the reformed faith which followed were", "tumultuous.", "The Cathedral was built at a time when the Civil War and Protectorate had again heightened sensitivity to the", "confluence of art and Protestantism.", "What constituted appropriate decoration for the Cathedral was the subject of great debate.", "After a competition Sir James Thornhill was chosen to provide a decorative scheme for the interior of the Cathedral dome in 1715", "and immediately began work to produce eight scenes from the life of St Paul.", "Working precariously over fifty metres from the ground", "he completed the work within two years and was soon commissioned to continue his scheme into the lantern and onto the drum beneath", "the dome", "Daily rounds of worship were observed within view of the new murals, but despite the efforts to enliven the interior of the", "building, St Paul's proved an unpopular venue with the Hanoverian dynasty and royal attendance dwindled; after George I's visit in", "1715 no monarch came again for seventy-four years.", "The capture of the French fortress of Louisburg during the course of the Seven", "Years War was marked by an impressive service in 1758, but it would not be until 1789 that George III marked his recovery with a", "special Thanksgiving service attended by thousands.", "A monument to the philanthropist and prison reformer John Howard which was placed on the Cathedral floor in 1795 was the first of a", "host of sculptures commemorating the lives of clergy, writers, artists, scientists and military figures which were to populate", "vacant floor and wall space in the next century.", "Two of the most distinguished military commanders of the Napoleonic Wars were", "commemorated with state funerals and later great monuments on the church floor: Admiral Horatio Nelson in 1806 and Arthur Wellesley", "Duke of Wellington in 1852, both of whom are interred in the Cathedral crypt.", "1800–1905 Heat, light and colour: St Paul's in the age of industry", "Institutional reform was matched by physical changes to St Paul's in the nineteenth-century.", "Queen Victoria lamented that St Pauls", "was \"most dreary, dingy and un-devotional\" adding her voice to the general criticism of the Cathedral for being, dark, dirty and", "cold .The Cathedral Chapter took steps to make the building more inviting and began work on the so called \"completion of the", "decoration\"", "While the use of vivid mosaic in the dome and the quire area were being explored, and programmes of stained glass were", "designed", "The rearrangement of the quire by the Surveyor F C Penrose (1817–1903) was the most significant of many changes to the", "interior made under his supervision", "By removing the screen dividing the quire from the nave many more people were able to", "participate in services", "Great Victorian Deans, especially Henry H Millman and Robert Gregory, seized the opportunity to hold", "routine worship under the dome and in the nave, as well as in the quire – thus for the first time actively making the whole of the", "vast building a place of worship and Christian teaching.", "The full ceremonial potential of St Paul's was also realised by this", "reordering, something anticipated in the state funeral for Nelson, and confirmed with that for Wellington.", "Victorian philanthropy more generally flourished at a reinvigorated St Paul's.", "During the first half of the nineteenth-century", "Maria Hackett (1783–1874) devoted her time and money to a campaign to improve the living and educational conditions of boy", "choristers in St Paul's and other cathedrals and Anglican choral foundations", "In 1860 the Chapter of St Paul's presented William", "Weldon Champneys (1807–1875), to the vicarage of St Pancras, where he developed the schools, ragged schools, and Sunday schools and", "provided an invalids dinner table", "The Canons of St Paul's focused on the welfare of the thousands of clerks and warehousemen who", "worked in the vicinity of the Cathedral through the Amen Court Guild.", "At the end of the century St Paul's had one of its most", "dynamic of English cathedral Chapters, with the many facets of the life of the Cathedral attaining new levels of distinction and in", "1897 the organisation of the Diamond Jubilee Thanksgiving Service for Queen Victoria (1819–1901) proved an outstanding success.", "Read more about this era", "View featured artefacts", "#### Featured events from this era", "Sir Christopher Wren dies at the age of 91", "See enlarged image", "Having contributed so much to the post-Fire rebuilding of London, Sir Christoper Wren dies at the grand age of 91.", "Buried in a simple tomb in the crypt, his epitaph reads: '...if you seek his monument, look around you.'", "Thanksgiving Service for George III's return to health", "enlarged image", "The first royal visit to St Paul's for over half a century sees a service of Thanksgiving for King George III, who", "has returned to health after his 'madness'.", "First Cathedral floor memorial is unveiled", "enlarged image", "The first memorial is erected on the Cathedral floor, to noted prison reformer, John Howard.", "This memorial is", "followed by many more statues to soldiers, sailors, artists and priests", "Sir Joshua Reynolds is buried at St Paul's", "See enlarged", "Founder of the Royal Academy, Sir Joshua Reynolds is buried at St Paul's.", "Numerous other RA presidents and other", "notable artists are also later buried at the Cathedral", "Admiral Lord Nelson is buried at St Paul's", "See enlarged image", "After his death at Trafalgar, Horatio Nelson, now a national hero, is given a grand state funeral at St Paul's.", "Many thousands pack St Paul's for the occasion.", "He is buried in the crypt, directly under the centre of the dome", "13,000 come for the funeral of the Duke of Wellington", "See enlarged", "St Paul's closes for six weeks as the Cathedral prepares for the funeral of Arthur, Duke of Wellington.", "13,000 pack", "inside to pay their respects to the Waterloo victor.", "'Great Paul' is hung in the south west tower", "enlarged image", "'Great Paul' sets off from a foundry in Loughborough before being hung in the south west tower of St Paul's.", "To", "this day it remains the largest bell ever cast in the UK.", "National celebration at Victoria's Diamond Jubilee", "See enlarged", "The nation celebrates as Queen Victoria marks 60 years on the throne with a service at St Paul's, Too frail to come", "inside, the whole service is held on the west steps, with the Queen remaining in her carriage.", "### 1905-present", "#### Defending the Building | Royal Events and Social Reformers", "1906–1960 Belt and Braces: Strengthening the Dome and Defending the Building", "Cracks had appeared in some parts of the Cathedral as a result of settlement even before the Cathedral was topped-off in 1710 and", "concern over the structural stability of the Cathedral persisted in to the early years of the twentieth-century.", "After various", "investigations, fears culminated in the Corporation of London's serving of a dangerous structure notice to the Dean on Christmas", "Eve 1924: the Cathedral was closed from 1925 to 1930 while the piers and dome were strengthened under the supervision of the", "surveyor Walter Godfrey Allen (1891–1986).", "Some of the strengthening interventions may have been excessive; however they were to", "provide valuable structural support when the Cathedral suffered two significant bomb strikes during the Second World War.", "St Paul's Watch, the group of volunteers who defended the Cathedral during The Blitz, enabled the continuation of services as", "normally as possible throughout the war years", "At the end of the conflict, on 8 May 1945, ten consecutive services were held in", "thanksgiving for peace, each attended by over three thousand people.", "The last of the services focused on the work of the St Paul's", "Watch.", "In the years that followed St Paul's played an important role in commemorating those who had sacrificed their lives and in", "reconciliation", "The American Memorial Chapel was constructed and consecrated in the presence of President Eisenhower (1890–1969)", "and on 21st October 1958, Theodor Heuss (1884–1963), President of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1949 to 1959, visited St", "Paul's to present an altar set with the words \"The German people have asked me to hand to you, Mr Dean, and to the Chapter of St", "Paul's Cathedral this crucifix and these two candlesticks.", "Our gifts are a token of our sincere wish to serve, together with the", "British People, the cause of Peace in the World\".", "1960–2012: Royal events and Social reformers", "With the major structural issues resolved and war damage repaired, the Cathedral continued to welcome world leaders, thinkers,", "theologians, politicians and the public", "in pursuit of hope for a better society", "Canon John Collins (1905–1982), who had been a", "leader in the drive for post-war reconciliation, campaigned tirelessly for peace, human rights, and nuclear disarmament, and", "against apartheid in South Africa", "Dr Martin Luther King (1929–1968) stopped at St Paul's to speak from the west steps en route to", "collect his Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, and his widow Coretta Scott King (1927–2006) became the first woman to preach in a statutory", "service in St Paul's", "On January 30th, 1969 the Cathedral Choir was joined by Indian singers and instrumentalists, and addresses", "were given to mark the centenary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi (1869–1948) the champion of non-violent resistance, civil rights", "and freedom across the world.", "Continuing this tradition, in 2012 the Dalai Lama (b. 1935) was welcomed to receive the Templeton", "prize ('for Progress Toward Research or Discoveries about Spiritual Realities')", "The St Paul's Institute was established in 2003 to", "foster an informed Christian response to the most urgent ethical and spiritual issues of our times and engaged with the Occupy", "Protests of 2011/12 seeking constructive debate on financial ethics.", "The wedding in St Paul's of HRH the Prince of Wales to Lady Diana Spencer gripped the nation and much of the world in 1981, and", "Queen Elizabeth II officially marked both her Golden and Diamond Jubilees with Thanksgiving services in St Paul's Cathedral.", "There", "have been occasions for national mourning", ": in 1965 Winston Churchill (1874–1965) who had led Britain during the war received a", "state funeral, a ceremony reserved for heads of state and others who have given significant leadership in the defence of the", "nation", "A large ceremonial funeral was held for former Prime Minister, Baroness Thatcher, in 2013.", "Vast crowds gathered at St", "Paul's following the terrorist attacks on New York on September 11 2001, as London expressed its solidarity with the people of New", "York at a time of grief", "and the victims of the 7/7 bombings were mourned in special services in 2005. The Diamond Jubilee and the", "special summer service at St Paul's celebrating the Paralympic Games made 2012 a spectacular year for the Cathedral.", "Read more about this era", "View featured artefacts", "#### Featured events from this era", "Suffragettes plant a bomb in St Paul's", "See enlarged image", "A Virger finds a bomb under the Bishop's throne in the quire.", "The 'enormous bomb' was planted by Suffragettes at", "the very height of their campaign for equality.", "Crowds gather as peace in Europe is declared", "See enlarged image", "As the Great War of 1914-18 ends, St Paul's becomes a focal point for a grieving nation.", "A year later, a grand", "service of Thanksgiving for the end of the War is attended by the King and Queen.", "St Paul's becomes a symbol of Wartime resistance", "See enlarged", "As bombs rain down over London in the Blitz, St Paul's stands tall above the burning city.", "Prime Minister Winston", "Churchill declares that St Paul's 'must be saved at all costs'", "Victory in Europe sees thousands flock to St Paul's", "See enlarged image", "As the second great World War is declared over in Europe, St Paul's - which has miraculously escaped destruction -", "once again becomes a focus for the nation in celebration and grief.", "American Memorial Chapel is dedicated", "See enlarged image", "An American Memorial Chapel, a gift from the people of Britain to the Americans stationed here who lost their lives", "in WW2, is opened by President Eisenhower at the very east end of the Cathedral.", "Martin Luther King preaches at St Paul's", "See enlarged image", "En-route to Oslo to collect his Nobel Peace Prize, Dr Martin Luther King Jr preaches at St Paul's.", "His widow,", "Coretta Scott King, later becomes the first woman to preach at a statutory service in St Paul's.", "Funeral of Sir Winston Churchill", "See enlarged image", "The funeral of Wartime leader, Sir Winston Churchill is held at St Paul's.", "World leaders and dignitaries packed St", "Paul's for the ceremony before he was buried in Bladon, Oxfordshire", "HM The Queen celebrates her Silver Jubilee", "See enlarged", "After 25 years on the throne, HM The Queen comes to St Paul's to celebrate her Silver Jubilee.", "A beautiful new cope", "designed by Beryl Dean showing the churches of London, is worn by the Bishop", "Prince Charles marries Lady Diana Spencer", "enlarged image", "In a ceremony watched by millions around the world, Prince Charles marries Lady Diana Spencer at St Paul's.", "It is", "the first wedding of an heir to the throne here for 480 years, following the marriage of Prince Arthur to Catherine of", "Aragon in 1501", "HM The Queen celebrates her Golden Jubilee", "See enlarged image", "Arriving in the gold State Carriage, HM The Queen celebrates 50 years on the throne at a service in St Paul's", "HM The Queen celebrates her Diamond Jubilee", "See enlarged image", "After 60 years on the throne, HM The Queen comes to St Paul's for her third jubilee service of thanksgiving.", "'Diamond Choir' of children from across the UK if formed especially for the occasion.", "Wheelchair basketball is played under the dome", "See enlarged image", "To mark the opening of the 2012 Paralympic Games a grand service is held at St Paul's, which even includes a game", "of wheelchair basketball", "under the dome", "Funeral of Baroness Thatcher", "See enlarged image", "The funeral of former Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, is held at St Paul's.", "HM The Queen attends and The Bishop", "of London preaches." ]
{ "id": "train12325", "claim_title": "King's Bench Walk, London", "claim_section": "Buildings in King's Bench Walk.", "claim_context": "These buildings were destroyed during the Great Fire of London in 1666. The buildings that replaced them were also destroyed in the subsequent London fire of 1677. \n Before the fires of 1666 and 1677, 4 King’s Bench Walk, with what is now 5 and 6 King's Bench Walk was known as King's Bench Buildings. 4 King's Bench Walk is located opposite the Inner Temple Library. Like the other buildings on the row, it was rebuilt in 1678 following the London fire of 1677. The building bears an inscription that documents these events;\n \"\"Conflagratam Ano 1677. Fabricatam Ano 1678. Richardo Powell Armiger Thesaurar\"\" The inscription can be seen on four separate tiles divided by doric triglyphs placed above the arched doorway to number four which also mentions Richard Powell being treasurer of the Inner Temple when 4 King's Bench Walk was rebuilt in 1678. \n" }
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However, neither the manager of the store nor the developer have said anything about it since 2014.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: More changes coming to Winrock » Albuquerque Journal", "(meta data) AUTHOR: Jessica Dyer | Journal Staff Writer", "### Delivery alert", "There may be an issue with the delivery of your newspaper.", "This alert will expire at NaN.", "Click here for more info.", "Remember Me", "Recover password", "# Albuquerque Journal", "SUBSCRIBE NOW", "For only $10", "Sign In", "Sign Out", "Success! — Manage subscriptions", "Sign up for our Newsletters", "Vote for RRO 2019 Readers' Choice!", "# More changes coming to Winrock", "##### By Jessica Dyer / Journal Staff Writer", "###### Friday, October 31st, 2014 at 5:00pm", ".......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........", "Courtesy of Pegasus Retail", "The current site plan for Winrock Town Center, which now includes Ulta Beauty and a relocated Sports Authority.", "(This is as of Oct. 31, 2014)", "", "Fri Oct 31 14:57:48 -0600 2014 1414789064 FILENAME: 181257.jpg", "Winrock's massive makeover will include some lipstick, hairspray and perfume.", "Ulta Beauty — an Illinois-based cosmetics chain — is signing on to open a 10,000-square-foot store at the Uptown property, according to Pegasus Retail President Anthony Johnson, whose firm handles Winrock's leasing.", "It will go next to the forthcoming Nordstrom Rack.", "Ulta, Nordstrom Rack and DSW will be part of a new building on the property's southern end.", "The stores will go above a two-level underground parking garage.", "They should open in 2016, according to the latest timeline.", "And it's not the only change slated for that side of the development.", "Sports Authority will head southward, leaving its existing 65,000-square-foot Winrock site for a new 35,000-square-foot store inside the former Bed Bath & Beyond.", "Johnson said Sports Authority will implement its newest store prototype and get a new facade that will \"set the tone for what's going to happen across the entire (Winrock) facade, all the way to Nordstrom Rack.\"", "Nordstrom Rack and Sports Authority will ultimately serve as bookends for a row of retailers facing Interstate 40.", "Johnson said he's close to completing leases for tenants who will fill the gaps between the two.", "\"It's a really cool lineup that's going to face the freeway, and it's going to forever change the way Albuquerque sees Winrock,\" he said.", "Albuquerque's Goodman Realty Group is redeveloping Winrock.", "The planned overhaul includes residences, a hotel, a centralized park with a lake and a mix of shopping and dining options.", "There is also a proposal to consolidate Dillard's — which now operates two separate stores at Winrock — into a single, new building north of the existing men's Dillard's, though officials have said that plan would hinge on a number of factors.", "Goodman Realty has owned Winrock since 2007, and CEO Gary Goodman said he liked the idea of \"doing something really different with it.\"", "\"In the difficult years that ensued, 2008, 2009, 2010 up to today, it just became very clear that a large development had to be more than just a shopping center,\" he said in a recent interview.", "While recession slowed progress, activity has increased in recent years with the addition of three new restaurants — including a 25,200-square-foot Dave & Buster's that opens to the public Monday — and last fall's debut of Regal Cinemas' 16-screen IMAX theater.", "##### Contact the writer.", "TOP |" ]
{ "id": "train02018", "claim_title": "Winrock Town Center", "claim_section": "Redevelopment.:2012-present.", "claim_context": "Winrock Inn was the first part of the mall to be demolished because it attracted criminal activity. And the Winrock 6, then branded as a United Artists theater under the ownership of Regal Entertainment Group, closed its doors in 2013 and was demolished that same year. BJ's and Genghis Grill both opened in 2012, while Dave and Buster's, which took over the site of the original Winrock 6, opened on November 3, 2014. Adjacent to BJ's, a Joe's Crab Shack was proposed, which would've been their first location in New Mexico. However, they withdrew in 2015. Instead, a Red Robin opened there in March 2017. \n The first phase of the project, a Regal 16-screen IMAX and RPX Theatre, had its grand opening on November 15, 2013. \n Rumors have speculated about the merging of the two Dillard's stores into a single, new stand-alone building that would be built west of the current Women's store and north of the current Men's store." }
[ [ 18, 19, 22, 23 ], [ 18, 19, 23, 26 ], [ 14, 18, 19, 23, 26 ], [ 14, 18, 19, 22, 23 ] ]
He composed the music to the national anthem of Greenland, Nunarput utoqqarsuanngoravit ("Our Country, Who's Become So Old" in English).
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Greenland –", "Generic selectors", "Exact matches only", "Exact matches only", "Search in title", "Search in title", "Search in content", "Search in content", "Search in posts", "Search in posts", "Search in pages", "Search in pages", "Filter by Categories", "# Greenland", "Part of the Kingdom of Denmark, Greenland has a local anthem adopted in 1916 well before autonomy.", "Since 1979, when home rule was granted, the government has also recognized the anthem used by the local Kalaallit people, \"Nuna asiilasooq\" (The Land of Great Length) as a secondary anthem.", "Special thanks to: Kunuunnguaq Fleischer for some of this information and Klaus Caussmacher for the lyrics and sheet music.", "### Title", "\"Nunarput utoqqarsuanngoravit\" (Kalaallisut)", "\"Our Country, Who's Become So Old\" (English translation)", "### Lyricist", "Henrik Lund", "### Composer", "Jonathan Petersen", "### Adopted", "### Sheet music", "Music with Kalaallisut lyrics", "### Music", "### Lyrics", "Kalaallisut lyrics", "1. Nunarput, utoqqarsuanngoravit", "niaqqut ulissimavoqq qiinik.", "Qitornatit kissumiaannarpatit", "tunillugit sineriavit piinik.", "2. Akullequtaastut merletutut", "ilinni perotugut tamaani", "kalaallinik imminik taajumavugut", "niaqquit ataqqinartup saani.", "3. Atortillugillu tamaasa pisit", "ingerlaniarusuleqaagut,", "nutarterlugillu noqitsigisatit siumut,", "siumut piumaqaagut.", "4. Inersimalersut ingerlanerat", "tungaalitsiterusuleqaarput,", "oqaatsit \"aviisit\" qanoq kingunerat", "atussasoq erinigileqaarput.", "5. Taqilluni naami atunngiveqaaq,", "kalaallit siumut makigitsi.", "Inuttut inuuneq pigiuminaqaaq,", "saperasi isumaqaleritsi.", "English translation", "1. Our country, who's become so old", "your head all covered with white hair.", "Always held us, your children,", "in your bosom providing the riches of your coasts.", "2. As middle children in the family", "we blossomed here Greenland,", "we want to call ourselves before your proud", "and honourable head.", "3. With a burning desire to develop", "what you have to give, renewing,", "Removing your obstacles our desire", "to move is forward, forward.", "4. The way of matured societies", "is our zealous goal to attain;", "the effect of speech and letters", "we long to behold.", "5. Humbleness is not the course", "Greenland wake up and be proud!", "A dignified life is our goal;", "couragously take a stand.", "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.", "See our FAQ for details." ]
{ "id": "train48216", "claim_title": "Jonathan Petersen", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "Jonathan Petersen (7 May 1881 – 22 August 1961) was a Greenlandic songwriter." }
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He was quickly picked up by AZ, where he went through the several youth teams.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Mikhail Rosheuvel, de koning van de assist -", "Registreer je nu en maak ook gebruik van deze functionaliteit!", "Ga naar je inbox", "Registreer je nu en maak ook gebruik van deze functionaliteit!", "Bekijk alle meldingen", "Registreer je nu en maak ook gebruik van deze functionaliteit!", "Bekijk de berichten op je profiel", "Registreer je nu en maak ook gebruik van deze functionaliteit!", "Bekijk alle meldingen", "Onthouden | Vergeten? | Registreer", "Live voetbal", "# Exclusief interview: Mikhail Rosheuvel, de koning van de assist", "30 december 2011 13:31 | Bron: Sipke", "Een aantal weken geleden ging het gerucht", "dat", "aanvaller", "Mikhail Rosheuvel de overstap zou maken naar de Eredivisie", "Clubs als NAC Breda en sc Heerenveen zouden interesse hebben in de rappe vleugelspeler van Almere City FC.", "Het is niet vreemd dat Mikhail zijn naam wordt genoemd bij deze verenigingen, want de aanvaller draait tot dusver een goed seizoen.", "De speler heeft al elf assists op zijn naam staan en scoorde vier maal.", " zocht de speler op en portretteerde hem", "In de F-jes van amateurvereniging Zaanlandia viel de snelle Rosheuvel voor het eerst op.", "Ajax scout de speler al op jonge leeftijd, maar na een seizoen in Amsterdam was hij al weer klaar.", "De toen piepjonge Rosheuvel was blijkbaar niet goed genoeg in die tijd.", "Bij Hellas Sport, ook een amateurvereniging uit Zaandam, werd Mikhail plots opgemerkt door een andere eredivisionist.", "Alkmaar Zaanstreek, kortweg AZ, ging met de rechtsbuiten aan de haal.", "\"Ik heb alle jeugdelftallen mogen door lopen en heb fijne jaren gekend in de Kaasstad, maar tot een wedstrijd in het belofte-elftal is het nooit gekomen.", "De toenmalige trainer aldaar zag het niet in mij zitten.", "Ik was volgens hem niet goed genoeg en daarom mocht ik gaan.\"", "Bij FC Omniworld groeide en bloeide de vleugelspits op.", "\"Op amateurbasis mocht ik het gaan proberen in Almere.", "Het resulteerde in vele speelminuten en vele wedstrijden voor mijn persoon.", "Dat was enorm plezierig kan ik je mededelen.", "Nadat de club een naamsverandering was ondergaan ging het helemaal van een leien dakje.", "Een contract volgde en ik was profvoetballer.", "Ik geniet dagelijks van mijn werk, wat ik voornamelijk ook zie als mijn grote passie c.q. hobby.", "Ik ga er helemaal voor en wil ver komen in de voetballerij.", "Omdat ik na dit seizoen transfervrij ben, is de kans redelijk groot aanwezig dat ik volgend seizoen bij een andere club zal spelen.", "Bij welke club dat zal zijn is nog niet bekend.", "Je hoort natuurlijk wel de nodige geruchten, maar op dit moment kan ik er nog niets mee.\"", "De watervlugge aanvaller wil graag de stap", "naar de Eredivisie maken.", "Mikhail: \"Ik sta voor alle clubs open.", "Het zal wel een club moeten zijn waar ik thuis hoor, waar ik mij lekker voel en waar ik mij kan blijven doorontwikkelen.", "Ik ben pas 21 jaar, ben een jonge speler, dus kan nog veel leren.\"", "Mikhail Rosheuvel is een speler die het moet hebben van zijn actie en zijn voorzet.", "\"Ik ben een rechtsbuiten die altijd op zoek naar de actie, maar ben ook me bewust van het feit dat de voorzet altijd goed moet zijn.", "Eenzelfde type speler als Oussama Assaidi is, die vergelijking wordt namelijk veel gemaakt omdat hij afkomstig is van FC Omniworld, ben ik niet zo zeer.", "Ik kijk meer naar types als Theo Walcott van Arsenal en naar Derk Boerrigter van Ajax.", "Van deze personen probeer ik veel op te steken.", "Naast mijn goede actie en voorzet kan ik ook wel een doelpuntje scoren.", "Aan met name mijn linkerbeen en aan het 'koppen' zal ik moeten werken.", "Bij Almere City FC krijgt de jonge aanvaller alle ruimte om zich te ontwikkelen.", "\"Almere City is een warme, gemoedelijke, kleine club die een soort opleidingsinstituut is voor jonge getalenteerde voetballers.", "Je krijgt er alle vrijheden om je te ontwikkelen.", "De trainers en de staf kunnen het goed vinden met de jonge gasten", "en", "weten precies waar ze ze moeten kneden zeg maar.", "Zeker twee keer per week ga ik na de training nog even door met de spitsen.", "Lekker oefenen op de voorzet en het diepgaan zonder bal.", "Het is bijzonder prettig om de juiste 'feeling' te hebben na zo'n training.", "Ik ben blij dat het zijn vruchten afwerpt, want met de elf assists ben ik dik tevreden.\"", "Almere City FC staat momenteel in het linkerrijtje van de Jupiler League.", "De club wil graag stappen maken", "Mikhail:", "\"Voor dit seizoen is de doelstelling het linkerrijtje.", "We staan daar nu, en moeten dat nu ook vast gaan houden.", "De club kiest bewust voor de geleidelijke weg naar boven.", "Ooit spelen in de Eredivisie is een doel, maar vooralsnog moeten we blij zijn met de positie waar op wij nu staan.\"", "\"In de club zelf is wel het een en ander gaande als je met name kijkt naar de jeugd.", "De samenwerking met een grote club als Ajax is heel belangrijk.", "De jeugd maakt grote sprongen.", "Wanneer een jeugdige speler het niet redt in Amsterdam, dan ga je naar Almere.", "Doe je het daarna weer goed in Almere dan kan het zomaar zo zijn dat je weer terugkeert naar de grote broer.", "De trainers, de staf en de mensen rondom de club hebben alle kwaliteiten om van deze club een grote club te maken.", "Ik zie dat dagelijks met mijn eigen ogen, en weet dan ook zeker dat het goed zal komen met Almere City FC.\"", "Sipke Tjerkstra", "Happy New Year all!!", "Voorspel nu voetbaluitslagen!", " applicatie", "Download nu de applicatie en blijf op de hoogte van het laatste voetbalnieuws.", "Wekelijks digitaal sportmagazine voor desktop en ipad.", "klik hier voor gratis toezending", "## Reacties (4)", "Rang: Semi-prof| 30-12-2011 13:34 |", "Mikhail zou een goede speler kunnen zijn voor", "sc Heerenveen, als Assaidi en/of Narsingh zou", "vertrekken bij de Friezen.", "Rang: Sterspeler| 30-12-2011 15:03 |", "Vraag het met af hoor.", "Het is een leuke speler,", "maar hij blinkt niet elke week uit.", "Maar goed,", "we hebben het in een korte periode al gezien", "met spelers als Boerrigter en Wildschut, dus", "wie weet", "Rang: Vedette| 30-12-2011 15:35 |", "Wildschut bakt er anders vrij weinig van bij", "VVV, dus dat is niet echt een vergelijking.", "Ken", "deze speler niet echt goed, ben benieuwd hoe", "zijn carrière gaat verlopen.", "Mitchel de Groot", "Rang: Amateur| 30-12-2011 17:24 |", "Ben ik niet helemaal met je eens. Yanic", "Wildschut is een zeer snelle en technische", "voetballer waarbij het soms aan zijn", "mentaliteit schort, maar ik denk dat Wildschut", "van een zeer onschatbare waarde kan zijn", "voor", "VVV-Venlo als hij maar goed gebruikt wordt.", "Bij", "FC Zwolle kon Wildschut zijn voorzetten kwijt", "op Sjoerd Ars, maar bij VVV zal hij de ballen", "op het hoofd van Musa moeten leggen???? Uchebo", "centraal in de spits met Wildschut en Musa op", "de flanken.", "##", "Registreer om een reactie te kunnen plaatsen | Klik hier", "Laatste nieuws", "Divisie nieuws", "Nederlandse Kroaat duikt op bij Greuther F...", "Blessure Narsingh lijkt mee te vallen", "'Als Milik zo speelt, staat hij elke week...", "Hiddink: 'Jonge spelers hebben momenteel e...", "NEC moet boete betalen na transfervrije ov...", "Bendtner mislukt bij Wolfsburg: 'Helpt ons...", "Jurjus richt zich op De Graafschap: 'Nog n...", "'Jonge spelers spelen in hun eerste wedstr...", "Hiddink boos om druk schema: 'Ze doen er n...", "Scheidsrechter luidt noodklok: 'Schrikbewi...", "PSV hint op komst Afellay: 'Deur altijd op...", "Geblesseerde Ajax-aanvaller laat nog op zi...", "UEFA steunt tegenkandidaat Blatter", "'Al-Ahli zou voor Schaken een mooie club z...", "Kansen voor de sportwereld met legaliseren...", "Meer nieuws", "Uitslagen Jupiler League vrijdag 19 septem...", "Mühren: 'Dit had niemand verwacht, maar he...", "Fortuna Sittard staat rechtsback niet af a...", "Castelen ziet Jupiler League niet zitten e...", "'Zitten hier wel meer fans dan bij Jong FC...", "Jeugdproduct Ajax tekent bij RKC: 'Smaakte...", "Oud ADO-trainer vindt nieuwe 'mooie, ambit...", "Degradant Roda hoopt op komst transfervrij...", "Steijn moet winnaarsmentaliteit terug bren...", "Jonge Feyenoorder tekent bij FC Den Bosch", "Excelsior apetrots op verkoop topscorer Ve...", "NEC opgelucht: 'Boekhoorn blijft op achter...", "FC Oss vindt 'gedreven trainer en harde we...", "VVV hecht veel waarde aan WK-prestaties du...", "'Stop gezet omdat ik hoger mik dan VVV en...", "Meer nieuws", "Laatste reacties", "Meeste reacties", "Neem een kijkje op ons Forum!", "Janssen: 'Ik lig goed in de groep en heb g...", "Artikel: Vitesse weet weer wat winnen is", "Stanley Tailor in de belangstelling van cl...", "Pfaff denkt aan trainersfunctie bij RBC", "Arsenal wint en laat Barcelona weer voelen...", "Veendam laat geen spaan heel van hekkenslu...", "Artikel: Op de Stip: Is Rotterdam te redden?", "Interview: David Meul, het rustpunt van Ca...", "Interview: Oebele Schokker, de Maradona va...", "Volg Voetbalinfo nu ook op Twitter.", "Het nieuws, de artikelen en interviews zijn altijd direct te volgen via Twitter!" ]
{ "id": "train07644", "claim_title": "Mikhail Rosheuvel", "claim_section": "Career.", "claim_context": "Rosheuvel was born in Amsterdam. He was added to the Ajax youth academy at a young age due to his impressive skill and speed. However, after only a single year in the club he was sent away." }
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Starks made his UFC debut less than two weeks removed from his last fight as a short-notice replacement for injured Brad Tavares against fellow UFC newcomer Dustin Jacoby at UFC 137.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: MMA NEWS - UFC® 137 Updates", "UFC® 137 Live on Pay-Per-View", "Buy Tickets", "How to Watch", "Fight Card", "UFC® 137 Live on Pay-Per-View", "Join Newsletter", "Invalid e-mail address.", "Please enter a valid e-mail address.", "Country / Region:", "United States", "Latin America", "New Zealand", "United Kingdom", "United States", "United States (Latino)", "Click the 'Like' button to become a fan of UFC!", "No, Thank You", "Would you like to subscribe to the UFC Newsletter?", "Email:", "Invalid e-mail address.", "Please enter a valid e-mail address.", "# Credeur Injured, Tavares Takes on Jacoby Oct. 29", "October 05, 2011", "Comments ()", "Up-to-the-minute news about the fight card for UFC 137, slated for October 29th at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas.", "Click below for more fight updates:Battle on the BayouUFC 135UFC on Versus 6UFC 136UFC on Fox 1UFC 138UFC 139UFC 140", "UFC 141", "The UFC 137 fight card has undergone yet one more revision with Tim Credeur being forced to withdraw due to injury, UFC president Dana White announced today.", "His opponent Brad Tavares will instead face UFC newcomer Dustin Jacoby, a 6-0 middleweight out of Springfield, Illinois.", "Camozzi Returns to the UFC Against Francis Carmont updated September", "12A", "UFC newcomer faces a returning veteran as Francis \"Limitless\" Carmont and TUF alumni Chris Camozzi will go to war at UFC 137.", "Carmont, a French striker who trains with event headliner Georges St-Pierre in Montreal, has long fought at light heavyweight but will make his promotional debut at 185 pounds against the TUF alumnus.", "Musical Chairs at UFC 137 - Diaz vs. Penn Set for Vegas updated September", "8If", "UFC fans didn't get enough blockbuster news this week, company President Dana White delivered some more Thursday evening with the announcement that Strikeforce welterweight champion Nick Diaz is not only remaining in the UFC fold after being pulled from his UFC 137 title bout with Georges St-Pierre (due to missing two pre-fight press conferences this week) but that he will still be fighting on October 29th.", "The opponent for the Stockton native's first Octagon bout since 2006? Former two division world champion BJ Penn.", "The bout came to fruition after Penn's original foe for the UFC 137 event in Las Vegas, Carlos Condit, was moved up to replace Diaz against GSP.", "And by popular demand, White made the new bout happen, tweeting \"This is crazy but here we go again!", "You wanted it so you got it.", "Penn vs Diaz Oct 29th in Vegas.\"Diaz Out, Condit in to Face GSPA wild week for the Ultimate Fighting Championship just got wilder on", "Wednesday afternoon, as UFC President Dana White revealed in a Las Vegas", "press conference that the man challenging for UFC welterweight champion", "Georges St-Pierre's title on October 29th in Las Vegas won't be", "Strikeforce 170-pound king Nick Diaz, but \"The Natural Born Killer,\"", "Carlos Condit.", "The shocking news came after Diaz no-showed a press conference in", "Toronto Tuesday and did the same thing in Vegas.", "And after not returning", "phone calls, White decided to pull the Stockton, California native from", "the main event of UFC", "137.Cowboy in for Stout, Faces Siver at UFC 137 updated August", "29After the Monday removal of Sam Stout from his UFC 137 bout with Dennis Siver", ", rising lightweight star Donald \"Cowboy\" Cerrone has stepped up to the plate yet again, verbally agreeing to take on the streaking contender from Germany in the October 29th bout in Las Vegas.", "Cerrone is currently riding a five fight winning streak that includes three UFC victories and two post-fight awards for KO of the Night and Fight of the Night.", "Siver has notched four straight wins, and is coming off back-to-back victories over George Sotiropoulos and Matt Wiman.", "Curran's Back, Meets \"Young Guns\" at UFC 137", "After a seven year absence, veteran Jeff Curran will return to the Octagon on October 29th in Las Vegas to take on bantamweight contender Scott \"Young Guns\" Jorgensen at UFC 137.", "Curran, whose last UFC appearance was a decision loss to Matt Serra at UFC 46, has since gone 19-6 and is remembered for a five fight WEC stint in 2007-09.", "The \"Big Frog\" has won four of his last five, but will be tested by former WEC title challenger Jorgensen, who is fresh from a first round knockout of Ken Stone in June.", "Fan Faves Danny Boy and Stripper Ramsey to Fight", "A lightweight match between the tough-as-nails Daniel \"Danny Boy\" Downes and TUF 13 runner-up Ramsey Nijem has been verbally agreed to for the UFC 137 fight card, UFC president Dana White confirmed today.", "Crazy Tim to Face Tavares at 137 July", "21Verbal agreements are in for a middleweight bout between \"Crazy\" Tim Credeur vs. Brad Tavares at UFC 137, Dana White confirmed.", "Credeur — Louisiana's first Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt — hit the public eye as a member of the TUF 7 house; Hawaiian Tavares was a season 11 standout.", "At that same event, two longtime veterans will look to establish themselves in the ever-deepening featherweight division as Bart Palaszewski and Tyson Griffin have verbally agreed to meet.", "Siver vs. Stout, Fire vs. Truth at UFC 137 updated July", "16UFC president Dana White today confirmed a hotly-speculated-about lightweight bout to take place at UFC 137.", "\"A potential Fight of the Year candidate has been verbally agreed to between hard-hitting Dennis Siver and Sam \"Hands of Stone\" Stout,\" he said.", "Also at UFC 137, a light heavyweight matchup has been verbally agreed to as Eliot \"The Fire\" Marshall will welcome Brandon \"The Truth\" Vera back to the Octagon.", "Condit vs. Penn Added to UFC 137 updated July", "15The", "title fight between GSP and Nick Diaz won't be the only showcase for elite 170-pounders this fall in Las Vegas.", "A match between two of the best welterweights in the world has been set as \"Natural Born Killer\" Carlos Condit will take on BJ \"The Prodigy\" Penn at UFC 137.The", "two hinted at the matchup on Twitter this last week.", "Condit, who is coming off a first-round KO of the Night victory over the previously-undefeated Dong Hyun Kim, tweeted to Penn on Monday that \"The people have spoken @bjpenndotcom, they want to see us scrap, let's give em what they asked for.\"Penn - who had previously been exchanging barbs with Jon Fitch about a possible rematch of their UFC 127 main event draw, responded with: \"@CarlosCondit Yup.", "Let's do it! October 29th.\"", "Dana White confirmed today that both men have verbally accepted the bout.", "Cro Cop/Big Country, Kongo/Mitrione", "This Oct. updated July", "14Roy \"Big Country\" Nelson and Mirko Cro Cop, fan favorites for both their in-cage performances and their out-of-ring personas, have agreed a Las Vegas battle this fall.", "UFC president Dana White confirmed today that PRIDE legend Cro Cop and TUF winner Nelson have verbally agreed to a heavyweight matchup at UFC 137 on October 29.Those", "aren't the only star heavyweights on the UFC 137 roster - White also confirmed today that Cheick Kongo and Matt Mitrione have agreed to a bout on the same card.", "\"Both men are coming off big knockout wins at UFC Live in June,\" he said.", "Roop to Welcome Hioki to Octagon at 137 updated June", "1Highly regarded featherweight phenom Hatsu Hioki lands in the Octagon on October 29th to begin his quest for the title.", "Welcoming him to UFC and looking to take out another top contender will be the always dangerous George Roop", "Both fighters have verbally agreed to the UFC 137 bout.", "GSP vs. Diaz Superfight set for October updated June", "1UFC", "President Dana White's tweet Wednesday afternoon was short and sweet – \"U wanted it!", "U GOT IT!!!\"", "What the fans wanted was a showdown between UFC welterweight champion Georges St-Pierre and the STRIKEFORCE welterweight title holder, Nick Diaz.", "So on October 29 at the Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas, the UFC 137 Superfight becomes a reality.", "Unbeaten since 2007, St-Pierre has taken on and beaten all comers, barely losing a round in the process.", "Since regaining his title from Matt Serra in 2008, he has turned back the challenges of Jon Fitch, BJ Penn, Thiago Alves, Dan Hardy, Josh Koscheck, and Jake Shields.", "But this fall, he will face off against the man many believe has the style to dethrone him, Shields' longtime training partner Diaz.", "A proud native of Stockton, California, Diaz, like GSP, has not lost since 2007.", "Along the way, the UFC vet has defeated Frank Shamrock, Scott Smith, Mach Sakurai, KJ Noons, and Paul Daley, and with his world-class striking skills and jiu-jitsu game improving with each fight, he is on track to shock the world on October 29th.", "### Comments", "## Related Topics", "Georges St", "-Pierre", "BJ Penn", "Fight Card Updates", "UFC 137", "NO SHOW", "## Related News", "UFC® 137 Live on Pay-Per-View", "St-Pierre vs. Condit", "Saturday, October 29", "Las Vegas, Nevada", "Buy Tickets", "How to Watch", "## Media", "Georges St-Pierre continues to evolve as a fighter to take on Carlos Condit, a man he knows is dangerous... but nothing he hasn't seen before.", "Oct 11, 2011", "An intriguing matchup as Jorge Santiago may be one of the few men able to neutralize Demian Maia's jiu jitsu.", "Maia has been improving his striking but Santiago should have the advantage on the feet.", "Oct 8, 2011", "Expect a fast-pace striking battle as the flashy kicks of Anthony Pettis meet the power punches of Jeremy Stephens.", "Oct 8, 2011", "Tiequan Zhang will represent a whole country of fighters as he looks to prove that China is ready to compete in MMA.", "Zhang will take on Darren Elkins who will be making his second appearance at featherweight.", "Oct 8, 2011", "Here we go again!", "UFC® 136 hits hard with two title fights and a major middleweight contender bout.", "Preview the most talent-packed card in years!", "Sep 27, 2011", "UFC lightweight champion and perennial underdog Frankie Edgar grew up in the competitive atmosphere of Toms River, NJ.", "See how defeat fueled his mental toughness and ultimate rise to the top.", "Dec 30, 2010", "UFC president Dana White makes an unprecedented announcement at the UFC 137 press conference - see highlights from his media session.", "Sep 7, 2011", "See some of the fastest fight finishes in UFC history!", "Jul 21, 2011", "#### More on UFC", "NEW STYLES", "AVAILABLE NOW", "Host a", "UFC party", "BUY UFC 137", "TIX NOW ON", "BECOME A", "MEMBER TODAY" ]
{ "id": "train44669", "claim_title": "Clifford Starks", "claim_section": "Mixed martial arts career.:Ultimate Fighting Championship.", "claim_context": "" }
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He was born in Ohrady near Dunajská Streda, Slovakia, and represented the clubs Inter Bratislava and "Dukla Prague".
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Imrich Bugár Biography and Olympic Results | Olympics at", "27 captures", "06 Apr 2011 - 17 Apr 2020", "About this capture", "COLLECTED BY", "Organization: Alexa Crawls", "Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive.", "Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.", "Collection: Alexa Crawls", "Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive.", "Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.", "The Wayback Machine -", "S-R:", "MLB |", "NBA ·", "CBB |", "NFL ·", "CFB |", "NHL |", "Athlete Search:", "You Are Here >", "Olympics at >", "Athletes >", "Imrich Bugár", "# Imrich Bugár", "Full name: Imrich Bugár", "Gender: Male", "Height: 6'5\" (196 cm)", "Weight: 265 lbs (120 kg)", "Born: April 14, 1955 in Ohrady, Trnava, Slovakia", "Affiliations: Inter Bratislava/Dukla Praha", "Country: Czechoslovakia", "Sport: Athletics", "Medals: 1 Silver (1 Total)", "## Biography", "Personal Best: DT – 71.26 (1985)", "## Results", "Glossary ▪ CSV ▪ PRE", "1980 Summer", "Men's Discus Throw", "1988 Summer", "Men's Discus Throw", "1992 Summer", "Men's Discus Throw", "20 QR", "## Men's Discus Throw", "Glossary ▪ CSV ▪ PRE ▪ Event History ▪ Mouseover for column descriptions", "1980 Summer", "Final Round", "1980 Summer", "Final Round", "Round One", "1980 Summer", "Final Round", "Round Two", "1980 Summer", "Final Round", "Round Three", "1980 Summer", "Final Round", "Round Four", "1980 Summer", "Final Round", "Round Five", "1980 Summer", "Final Round", "Round Six", "1980 Summer", "Qualifying Round", "1980 Summer", "Qualifying Round", "Round One", "1980 Summer", "Qualifying Round", "Round Two", "1980 Summer", "Qualifying Round", "Round Three", "1988 Summer", "Final Round", "1988 Summer", "Final Round", "Round One", "1988 Summer", "Final Round", "Round Two", "1988 Summer", "Final Round", "Round Three", "1988 Summer", "Qualifying Round", "1988 Summer", "Qualifying Round", "Group A", "1988 Summer", "Qualifying Round", "Group A Round One", "1988 Summer", "Qualifying Round", "Group A Round Two", "1988 Summer", "Qualifying Round", "Group A Round Three", "1992 Summer", "Qualifying Round", "1992 Summer", "Qualifying Round", "Group A", "1992 Summer", "Qualifying Round", "Group A Round One", "1992 Summer", "Qualifying Round", "Group A Round Two", "1992 Summer", "Qualifying Round", "Group A Round Three" ]
{ "id": "train01237", "claim_title": "Imrich Bugár", "claim_section": "Career.", "claim_context": "" }
[ [ 46, 152 ], [ 46, 152, 168 ], [ 6, 11, 46, 159 ], [ 6, 11, 159, 160, 167 ], [ 6, 11, 152, 160, 167 ], [ 6, 11, 152, 160, 167, 168 ] ]
He is also the director of the Swedish Institute for Disability Research and Linnaeus Centre HEAD (Hearing and Deafness) at Linköping University.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Jerker Rönnberg - Linköping University", "About LiU", "Work at LiU", "#####", "Research projects", "Research environments", "# Jerker Rönnberg", "I have been interested in the human memory for a long time.", "Working memory is important for ourcommunication skills, especially for people with impaired hearing.", "My current research focuses primarily on hearing loss and working memory capacity.", "# Cognitive Hearing Science", "My research group has developed the research area of cognitive hearing science that describes and models the brain´s work during high cognitive load communication situations.", "The research has contributed to applications for both the hearing aid industry and hearing care.", "## Cognitive abilities for communication", "To get a comprehensive picture of communicative disability, one needs to relate cognitive abilities to communicative potential and circumstances.", "Prediction studies and experimental manipulations have proven to be fruitful.", "In our division, we have studied the communicative potential of persons with cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury, epilepsy, intellectual disability, using some core cognitive concepts that typically draw on memory functions.", "More recently, I have shown that working memory capacity plays a key role for deafened speech-readers, sign language users, for users of cochlear implants and for hearing aid users, especially when signal processing in the hearing aid is more advanced and/or when listening conditions are challenging.", "## We listen and understand with the brain", "Imagine yourself at a party, chatting one on one with another guest.", "You struggle to hear everything the person is saying amid the din of surrounding conversation.", "And even though you miss a word here and there, you have enough context to understand the gist of what the person is saying.", "In this type of situation, you're relying on different kinds of knowledge stored in your brain, including contextual cues and relevant memories, to process the information you're receiving.", "This knowledge use is critical not only for people trying to converse in a noisy ballroom, but especially for people who struggle with hearing impairments.", "Imagine repeating the above mental processes in just about every conversation you have.", "We have named the research area Cognitive Hearing Science (CHS).", "CHS acknowledges the intergral role cognition plays in communication.", "Specifically, CHS examines the way our minds process the auditory signals being sent to the brain, factoring in the complexity of what we are listening to and the quality of the listening conditions.", "## Modelling the signal-cognition interface in communication", "In a model that I and colleagues have developed, Ease-of-Language Understanding (ELU) under adverse or distracting listening conditions is assumed to depend on the complex interactions between working memory capacity (WMC), attention, and executive functions, and episodic and semantic long-term memory.", "This kind of approach has already proven to be fruitful for a more comprehensive grasp of the subtle interplay between bottom-up (sensory) and top-down (cognitive) processes, including both online processes and long-term changes (negative or positive) due to hearing impairment/deafness and aging.", "The model has played an important role in the development of the new area of Cognitive Hearing Science.", "## Long-term effects of hearing impairment", "One prediction of the ELU model is that when the input to the ear is sufficiently poor, or when the person is hearing impaired, there is an increased probability that the phonological-lexical activation in long-term memory will fail, i.e., there is a mismatch between input to the brain and the representations stored in the brain.", "This will trigger working memory activity, attempting to reconstruct and fill in what has been misheard.", "Working memory will therefore be constantly exercised, while long-term memory will be relatively more disused: when some items are not encoded, neither will they be stored ore retrieved as frequently as working memory is exercised.", "The general consequence is that long-term memory will decline, but working memory capacities will remain.", "We have shown this to be true with different type of memory tasks and for purely visuospatial materials in a large data base, the UK Biobank.", "## VideosShow/Hide content", "## Optimal hearing aid fitting", "In this interview Jerker Rönnberg describes the new research field of cognitive hearing science, and that he would like to see more cognitive tests, such as memory tests for optimal hearing aid fitting.", "## VideoShow/Hide content", "## We hear with our ears, but listen and understand with our brains.", "The video is about our research on hearing loss and deafness, and the brain's role in our hearing and how everyday life can be made easier for people with hearing loss.", "## Research programs, commissions etc.Show/Hide content", "## Research projects / programs", "The Linnaeus HEAD research program", "The n200 longitudinal project on cognitive aging, hearing loss, and dementia", "The sensory-cognitive communication factor: preserving social interaction and health in aging", "## Commissions / Awards", "National Committee for psychology, Academy of Sciences", "The Stuart Gatehouse Memorial Lecture", "Invited participant in the international project: Towards a comprehensive model of human memory", "## Social media", "## PublicationsShow/Hide content", "### 2019", "Mary Rudner, Mark Seeto, Gitte Keidser, Blake Johnson, Jerker Rönnberg", "(2019)", "Poorer Speech Reception Threshold in Noise Is Associated With Lower Brain Volume in Auditory and Cognitive Processing Regions", "Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research", ", Vol", ". 62", ", s. 1117-1130", "Continue to DOI", "Rina Blomberg, Henrik Danielsson, Mary Rudner, Goran B. W. Soderlund, Jerker Rönnberg", "(2019)", "Speech Processing Difficulties in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder", "Frontiers in Psychology", ", Vol", ". 10", "Continue to DOI", "Adriana Zekveld, Sophia E. Kramer, Jerker Rönnberg, Mary Rudner", "(2019)", "In a Concurrent Memory and Auditory Perception Task, the Pupil Dilation Response Is More Sensitive to Memory Load Than to Auditory Stimulus Characteristics", "Ear and Hearing", ", Vol", ". 40", ", s. 272-286", "Continue to DOI", "Josefine Andin, Peter Fransson, Örjan Dahlström, Jerker Rönnberg, Mary Rudner", "(2019)", "The neural basis of arithmetic and phonology in deaf signing individuals", "Language, Cognition and Neuroscience", ", Vol", ". 34", ", s. 813-825", "Continue to DOI", "Jerker Rönnberg, Emil Holmer, Mary Rudner", "(2019)", "Cognitive hearing science and ease of language understanding", "International Journal of Audiology", ", Vol", ". 58", ", s. 247-261", "Continue to DOI", "Mary Rudner, Henrik Danielsson, Björn Lyxell, Thomas Lunner, Jerker Rönnberg", "(2019)", "Visual Rhyme Judgment in Adults With Mild-to-Severe Hearing Loss", "Frontiers in Psychology", ", Vol", ". 10", "Continue to DOI", "Shahram Moradi, Björn Lidestam, Hoi Ning Ng, Henrik Danielsson, Jerker Rönnberg", "(2019)", "Perceptual Doping: An Audiovisual Facilitation Effect on Auditory Speech Processing, From Phonetic Feature Extraction to Sentence Identification in Noise", "Ear and Hearing", ", Vol", ". 40", ", s. 312-327", "Continue to DOI", "### 2018", "Adriana A Zekveld, Marieke Pronk, Henrik Danielsson, Jerker Rönnberg", "(2018)", "Reading Behind the Lines: The Factors Affecting the Text Reception Threshold in Hearing Aid Users.", "Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research", ", Vol", ". 61", ", s. 762-775", "Continue to DOI", "Carine Signoret, Rina Blomberg, Örjan Dahlström, Mary Rudner, Jerker Rönnberg", "(2018)", "Modulation of the neural expectation violation marker during speech perception in noise.", "Carine Signoret, Rina Blomberg, Örjan Dahlström, L. Møller Andersen, D. Lundqvist, Mary Rudner, Jerker Rönnberg", "(2018)", "Resolving discrepancies between incoming auditory information and linguistic expectations", "Neuroscience 2018", "## Research projectsShow/Hide content", "### Ear, memory and dementia", "Hearing loss may cause reduced speech comprehension,", "memory problems and possibly contribute", "to dementia", "We study the relationship between hearing, cognition and communication over time and thus any connections to the development of dementia.", "### Attention and working memory in persons with ADHD", "Does noise increase the attention of people with ADHD?", "The finding is that white noise does not disturb, but actually helps with concentration of people with ADHD.", "We want to investigate this further and make tests based on several theories.", "## NewsShow/Hide content", "### The latest in hearing research at Linköping conference", "Leading researchers in hearing will gather in Linköping 18-21 June to discuss the role the brain plays in hearing.", "Visiting researchers include guests from the Netherlands, who will describe the correlation between the eye and listening.", "### Driving or talking?", "The brain concentrates on one thing at a time", "When we are busy with something that requires the use of sight, the brain reduces hearing to make it easy for us.", "This is the conclusion of a study conducted by researchers from Linköping University in collaboration with others.", "### The flexibility of the brain in deaf people is mapped out", "The brains of deaf people, with and without sign language experience, activate differently when they observe sign language communication.", "For the first time, this phenomenon has been studied in a direct comparison of these two groups.", "The results are sensational and published in Nature Communications.", "## Research environmentsShow/Hide content", "### Linnaeus Centre Head", "Most people take for granted being able to hear and talk with others, but it is not obvious to everyone.", "Our focus is to create new knowledge that helps people with hearing loss to communicate in everyday life.", "### Swedish institute for disability research", "Lots of people take for granted being active and able to participate in everyday life, but it´s not obvious to everyone.", "Our focus is to increase the knowledge about disability and contribute to improve the situation of persons with disabilities.", "### Disability Research Division", "Our focus", "with other groups, such as people with developmental disabilities and autism", "#### Tags Show/Hide content", "Swedish Institute for Disability Research", "Linnaeus Centre HEAD", "Ear, Memory and Dementia", "Attention and working memory in persons with ADHD", "Hearing impairment", "Hearing aid", "Disability Research Division (AHV)", "Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning (IBL)", "Linköping University (LIU)", "Jerker Rönnberg (jerro51)", "We use cookies on this website to provide you with the best possible user experience.", "By continuing to use this site you accept the use of cookies.", "For more information about the use of cookies and how LiU is handling your personal data, see About this website" ]
{ "id": "train18194", "claim_title": "Jerker Rönnberg", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "Jerker Rönnberg (born in 1953) is a Swedish professor of psychology with the emphasis on disability science at Linköping University. \n Rönnberg was born in Backe, Sweden. He was awarded a Ph.D. in psychology at Uppsala University in 1980, became a reader (docent) at Umeå University in 1981 and a senior lecturer at Linköping University in 1983. From 1983 to 1984 he was a visiting researcher at the University of Toronto. Since 1997 he is a professor at Linköping University." }
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On 8 January 2015, Andrew Adamson is set to direct "Inherit the Earth," with Oren Uzeil writing the script.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Kornél Mundruczó to Direct 'Inherit the Earth' (EXCLUSIVE) – Variety", "(meta data) AUTHOR: Brent Lang", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2018-08-21T23:15:00+00:00", "Read Next: Film Review: 'Fiddler: A Miracle of Miracles'", "Subscribe Today!", "Variety Intelligence Platform", "August 21, 2018 4:15PM PT", "# Sony Taps Kornél Mundruczó to Direct 'Inherit the Earth' (EXCLUSIVE)", "CREDIT: SEBASTIEN NOGIER/EPA/REX/Shutterstock", "Kornél Mundruczó has been tapped to direct \"Inherit the Earth,\" Variety has learned.", "The science-fiction film has been in development for several years at Sony Pictures in different iterations.", "At one point, \"Ouija: Origin of Evil\" director Mike Flanagan had been attached to write and direct the film.", "\"Inherit the Earth\" was initially picked up as a spec script by the studio in 2011.", "Michael Bay's Platinum Dunes was heavily involved in the project.", "At the time, the film was described as centering on Earth's last survivor, a young girl, and the group of robots who protect her from a pack of highly evolved zombies.", "It was inspired by a graphic novel.", "The project is described by insiders as being in very early stages, so it is unlikely to get a greenlight any time soon.", "It's also unclear if the plot outlines will change dramatically.", "The initial deal was made as the success of AMC's \"The Walking Dead\" and Sony's own \"Zombieland\" had spurred intense interest in all things undead.", "Mundruczó's wife, Kata Weber, will write the new screenplay.", "The Hungarian actor and director's credits include \"Jupiter's Moon,\" \"White God,\" and \"Tender Son: The Frankenstein Project.\"", "Weber wrote the screenplays for \"Jupiter's Moon\" and \"White God,\" and has acted in several films.", "Mundruczó is represented by CAA, Novo Entertainment, and United Agents in the U.K.", "### Popular on Variety", "Loading comments...", "### Most Viewed", "### Cult Sci-Fi Novel 'Metro 2033' to Be Adapted as Movie (EXCLUSIVE)", "### Film Review: 'Jacob's Ladder'", "### Album Review: Taylor Swift's 'Lover'", "### Must Read", "### Inside the Spider-Man Split: Finger-Pointing and Executive Endgames", "### Album Review: Taylor Swift's 'Lover'", "### Hasbro Acquires Entertainment One in $4 Billion All-Cash Deal", "### Sign Up for Daily Insider Newsletter", "Please fill out this field with valid email address.", "### More Film", "### Alfredo Castro, Mia Maestro, Leonor Varela Cast in Francisca Alegria's Debut (EXCLUSIVE)", "SANTIAGO, Chile — The much anticipated feature debut of Chilean Francisca Alegria, renowned for her magical short \"And the Whole Sky Fit in the Dead Cow's Eye,\" has firmed up its cast and shooting dates.", "Argentine thesp Mia Maestro (\"The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn\"), Chile's Leonor Varela (\"Dallas,\" \"Blade 2\"), Alfredo Castro (\"From Afar,\" \"Museum\") [...", "### Haugesund: Nordic Distribution Panel Analyzes Recent Success Story 'Queen of Hearts'", "HAUGESUND, Norway — On Wednesday morning, shortly before this year's New Nordic Films Works in Progress screening was due to begin, a handful of industry veterans sat for a panel that picked up right where last year's WIP program left off.", "Presented in collaboration with Europa Distribution, the panel – called \"The Value Chain: A [...", "### Rafe Spall Leads Cast of Oscar Nominated Josh Lawson's 'Long Story Short'", "Rafe Spall, whose credits include \"The Big Short\" and \"Shaun of the Dead,\" leads the cast of romantic comedy \"Long Story Short.\"", "Studiocanal will handle worldwide sales on the film, which starts to shoot on Monday in Sydney, Australia.", "The movie is written and directed by Josh Lawson, who was Oscar nominated last year for [...]", "### Cult Sci-Fi Novel 'Metro 2033' to Be Adapted as Movie (EXCLUSIVE)", "Russia's TNT-Premier Studios Company, TV-3 Channel and Central Partnership Film Company – all part of Gazprom Media – have come together to produce a movie based on Dmitry Glukhovsky's sci-fi novel \"Metro 2033,\" which has also been adapted as a video game.", "Filming is due to start next year.", "The Russian premiere of the movie [", "...", "### 'Beforeigners'' Anne Bjornstad on HBO's First Norwegian Original Series", "HAUGESUND, Norway — HBO Europe's first Norwegian original series, which debuted Aug. 21 exclusively across HBO's territories, has garnered rave reviews in the Norwegian press.", "It is also a perfect fit for HBO's brand and goal to create bold, smart and author-driven shows.", "Produced by Endemol Shine's Norwegian prodco Rubicon TV, \"Beforeigners\" is helmed by [...]", "### Sarajevo's True Stories Market: Documenting the Atrocities of War", "Reconciliation and dealing with the tragedies of the Yugoslav Wars has been a major focus of the Sarajevo Film Festival and its CineLink Industry Days event in recent years.", "The True Stories Market, launched in 2016, aims to connect filmmakers with organizations that are researching and documenting the Yugoslav Wars that spanned 1991 to 2001 [", "...", "### Ena Sendijarevic's 'Take Me Somewhere Nice' Wins Top Prize in Sarajevo", "\"Take Me Somewhere Nice,\" Bosnian director Ena Sendijarević's coming-of-age story about a teen raised in the Netherlands who returns to Bosnia to visit her ailing father, won the top prize at the Sarajevo Film Festival Thursday night, earning the Amsterdam-based helmer the coveted Heart of Sarajevo Award.", "The jury heralded the \"beautifully photographed, acted, scripted [...]", "### More From Our Brands", "### 'Baskets' Review: Zach Galifianakis' Sweet Series Finale Bids Adieu to a Happy Clown", "### 'Lover': All The Ways Taylor Swift's New Album Connects To Her Past 6 – 'Daylight' Lyrics & More", "### Hands-on video shows Apple's leaked iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 designs in real life", "### Uniqlo to Bow First Print Magazine With Fall Collection", "### Stay In Shape And Out Of Traffic With A Commuter Bike" ]
{ "id": "train38585", "claim_title": "Michael Bay's unrealized projects", "claim_section": "2010s.:\"Inherit the Earth\" film.", "claim_context": "On 22 February 2011, Bay will produce the sci-fi film \"Inherit the Earth,\" through Platinum Dunes with JT Petty writing the film for Columbia Pictures." }
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During the 2016 presidential election, Strider was fired after several months working at Correct the Record after being the subject of allegations of harassment.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Hillary Clinton Chose to Shield a Top Adviser Accused of Harassment in 2008 - The New York Times", "(meta data) AUTHOR:", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2018-01-13T14:46:16-05:00", "Skip to contentSkip to site indexPoliticsPolitics|Hillary Clinton Chose to Shield a Top Adviser Accused of Harassment in 2008", "Supported by", "# Hillary Clinton Chose to Shield a Top Adviser Accused of Harassment in 2008", "ImageHillary Clinton campaign's Senior Adviser for Faith Based Operations, Burns Strider, in 2008.CreditCreditJeremy Lange for The New York Times", "By Maggie Haberman and Amy Chozick", "Jan. 26, 2018Leer en español", "WASHINGTON — A senior adviser to Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign who was accused of repeatedly sexually harassing a young subordinate was kept on the campaign at Mrs. Clinton's request, according to four people familiar with what took place.", "Mrs. Clinton's campaign manager at the time recommended that she fire the adviser, Burns Strider.", "But Mrs. Clinton did not.", "Instead, Mr. Strider was docked several weeks of pay and ordered to undergo counseling, and the young woman was moved to a new job.", "Mr. Strider, who was Mrs. Clinton's faith adviser, was a founder of the American Values Network and sent the candidate scripture readings every morning for months during the campaign, was hired five years later to lead an independent group that supported Mrs. Clinton's 2016 candidacy, Correct the Record, which was created by a close Clinton ally, David Brock.", "He was fired after several months for workplace issues, including allegations that he harassed a young female aide, according to three people close to Correct the Record's management.", "Mr. Strider did not respond to multiple requests for comment.", "Those familiar with the accounts said that, over the years, a number of advisers urged Mrs. Clinton to sever ties with Mr. Strider, and people familiar with what took place did not want to see Mrs. Clinton blamed for the misconduct of men she was close to.", "The complaint from the young woman was initially brought to Jess O'Connell, who was the national director of operations for the Clinton campaign.", "Ms. O'Connell, who is currently the chief executive officer of the Democratic National Committee, handled the investigation and advised the Clinton campaign manager, Patti Solis Doyle, that Mr. Strider should be fired, according to three people familiar with the events.", "Ms. O'Connell told colleagues that she was concerned that the young woman making the allegations should not be demoted when she was moved from Mr. Strider's supervision.", "The woman requested to have no more interactions with Mr. Strider, and she was moved to a different job within the campaign, reporting directly to Mike Henry, the deputy campaign manager.", "The investigation into Mr. Strider's conduct was described as brief, but it included a review of a number of emails he sent the young woman, who had shared an office with him.", "A spokesman for Mrs. Clinton provided a statement from Utrecht, Kleinfeld, Fiori, Partners, the law firm that had represented the campaign in 2008 and which her advisers said has been involved on sexual harassment issues.", "\"To ensure a safe working environment, the campaign had a process to address complaints of misconduct or harassment.", "When matters arose, they were reviewed in accordance with these policies, and appropriate action was taken,\" the statement said.", "\"This complaint was no exception.\"", "Late Friday night, more than a day after The New York Times reached out to her aides for comment, Mrs. Clinton posted on Twitter that she was \"dismayed when it occurred.\"", "She added that she called the woman on Friday \"to tell her how proud I am of her and to make sure she knows what all women should: we deserve to be heard.\"", "Mrs. Clinton did not address why she ignored advisers' recommendations that she fire Mr. Strider.", "The woman's experience and the reaction to it have not been previously reported.", "Until now, former Clinton associates were unwilling to discuss the events for publication.", "But that changed after the start of the #MeToo movement, in which dozens of men across the country and across different industries have been fired or suspended for sexual misconduct.", "This account was based on interviews with eight former campaign officials and associates of Mrs. Clinton's.", "They said that Ms. Solis Doyle, the campaign manager, and other senior campaign officials discussed the situation involving Mr. Strider and Mrs. Clinton's response at the time.", "Some of them were troubled that he was allowed to remain on the campaign.", "The complaint against Mr. Strider was made by a 30-year-old woman who shared an office with him.", "She told a campaign official that Mr. Strider had rubbed her shoulders inappropriately, kissed her on the forehead and sent her a string of suggestive emails, including at least one during the night, according to three former campaign officials familiar with what took place.", "The complaint was taken to Ms. Doyle, the campaign manager, who approached Mrs. Clinton and urged that Mr. Strider, who was married at the time, be fired, according to the officials familiar with what took place.", "Mrs. Clinton said she did not want to, and instead he remained on her staff.", "Ms. Doyle was fired shortly after that in a staff shake-up in response to Mrs. Clinton's third-place finish in the 2008 Iowa caucuses.", "And Mr. Strider never attended the mandated counseling, according to two people with direct knowledge of the situation.", "The woman who made the accusation against Mr. Strider in 2008 has not spoken publicly about it.", "She, like most campaign staff members, signed a nondisclosure agreement that barred employees from publicly discussing internal dynamics on the campaign, according to two people with direct knowledge of the contract.", "Reached by a reporter, she declined to comment.", "Ms. Solis Doyle also declined to comment.", "Mrs. Clinton's candidacy has been cited as an inspiration for the #MeToo movement, but she has not played a visible role in it.", "After several Hollywood actresses told The Times and The New Yorker that Harvey Weinstein, a longtime friend and donor to the Clintons, had harassed or assaulted them, Mrs. Clinton spoke out against his behavior, saying in a statement that she was \"shocked and appalled by the revelations.\"", "Weeks later the actress Lena Dunham, one of Mrs. Clinton's most visible celebrity supporters in her 2016 presidential bid, told The Times that she warned two Clinton campaign aides against associating with Mr. Weinstein.", "\"I just want you to know that Harvey's a rapist and this is going to come out at some point,\" Ms. Dunham said she told the campaign.", "Nick Merrill, the communications director for Mrs. Clinton, said at the time Ms. Dunham spoke publicly that she was mistaken.", "\"As to claims about a warning, that's something staff wouldn't forget,\" he said.", "A version of this article appears in print on , Section A, Page 13 of the New York edition with the headline: Clinton Opted to Shield Adviser Accused as Harasser.", "Order Reprints | Today's Paper |", "Subscribe", "### Related Coverage", "## Hillary Clinton Ignited a Feminist Movement. By Losing.", "Jan. 13, 2018Image", "## Site Index", "### news", "### opinion", "### arts", "### living", "### more", "### Subscribe" ]
{ "id": "train07895", "claim_title": "Burns Strider", "claim_section": "Sexual harassment claims.", "claim_context": "According to a January 2018 \"New York Times\" report, a co-worker accused Strider of repeatedly sexually harassing her while working for the campaign. The co-worker filed a complaint to the campaign, and Clinton herself decided to keep Strider on the campaign." }
[ [] ]
One of the most popular programs is the "Sew Like a Pro" series, which teaches basic through advanced sewing skills.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Hot Topics Noncredit Courses | Fashion Institute of Technology", "skip to con tent", "# Hot Topics Noncredit Courses", "We know you're busy.", "That's why FIT's Center for Continuing and Professional Studies", "has noncredit courses that will fit your demanding schedule.", "Consider working towards one of our many noncredit certificate programs.", "VIEW AVAILABLE NONCREDIT COURSES AND REGISTER BELOW", "Career InsightsPersonal growth, branding and exploration.", "Career Insights (SXU)", "Creative Workforce of the Future", "Online CoursesTake an online course from wherever you are.", "Online Courses (OL sections)", "Creative Business Ownership (CEO)", "Brand Management Strategies (SXB)", "Data Analytics: Retail Marketing (SXY)", "Omni-Channel Management (SXR)", "Design and Business SoftwareDigital solutions popular in fashion business and design.", "Computer Training: Business (CTB)", "Computer Training: Design (CTD)", "Computer Technology: Patternmaking (CTP)", "Fashion Career EssentialsShort courses offering business methods presented by industry experts.", "Fashion Business (SXF)", "Fashion Technology (FTS)", "Sustainable Design Entrepreneurs (SUS)", "Tools of the Trade (TOT)", "Talks and Tours: Fashion ResourcesFashion-related trend and cultural influence lectures plus visits.", "Talks and Tours: Fashion Resources (SXT)", "Product Development / ManufacturingFit, quality, and logistics training for anyone involved in sourcing.", "Intimate and Swimwear (SXL)", "Product Development (SXP)", "Technical Design (SXQ)", "Creative Service BusinessesCareer training for servicing clients in fields that require art and design fundamentals.", "Art Business Education (ABE)", "Color Specialist (SXC)", "Fashion Events Planning and Publicity (SXE)", "Fashion Styling (SXS)", "Image Consulting (SXI)", "Remote Pilot (RPT)", "Wardrobe Technician / Costume Design (SXG)", "Design and Fine Craft StudiosHands-on workshops for artistic enrichment.", "Pet Product Design (SXW)", "Professional Skills Workshops: Jewelry (SXK)", "Wearable Art and Design (SXW)", "REQUEST INFORMATION", "REQUEST CATALOG", "REGISTER NOW", "School Closing/Emergency Information", "## Room Assignments", "Please click on your course category and find your course listed with room assignment.", "Listings are updated daily with any changes.", "Campus Map", "## Noncredit Office Hours", "Monday - Thursday 9am-6:45pm236 West 27th Street, Store Front", "## Connect With Us", "Back to Top" ]
{ "id": "train44955", "claim_title": "Fashion Institute of Technology", "claim_section": "Academics.", "claim_context": "Seventeen majors are offered through the School of Art and Design, and ten through the Jay and Patty Baker School of Business and Technology leading to the A.A.S., B.F.A., or B.S. degrees. The School of Liberal Arts offers a BS degree in art history and museum professions and a BS degree in film and media. The School of Graduate Studies offers seven programs leading to the Master of Arts, Master of Fine Arts or Master of Professional Studies degree. In addition to the degree programs, FIT offers a wide selection of non-credit courses through the Center for Professional Studies." }
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Peter de Jersey played Gooper in Tennessee Williams´ "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" at the Novello Theatre, London, performing alongside James Earl Jones, Phylicia Rashad and Adrian Lester.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Theatre review | Cat On a Hot Tin Roof | Novello, London | Stage | The Guardian", "(meta data) AUTHOR:", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2009-12-01T20:13:59-0500", "Skip to main content", "The Guardian - Back to home", "Support The Guardian", "Available for everyone, funded by readers", "Search jobs", "Sign in", "current edition:", "US edition", "Art & design", "TV & radio", "# Cat On a Hot Tin Roof", "4 /", "5 stars", "4 out of 5 stars.", "Novello, London", "Michael Billington", "Tue 1 Dec 2009 20.13 EST", "First published on Tue 1 Dec 2009 20.13 EST", "Cat On a Hot Tin Roof.", "Photograph: Tristram Kenton", "What difference does it make that Tennessee Williams's play is performed by a black cast in Debbie Allen's Broadway production?", "It undoubtedly gives the work a new dynamic.", "But ethnicity matters less than emotional firepower and an awareness of the essential Williams conflict between lies and truth; and both are abundantly present in this exhilarating evening.", "The real bonus is the presence of the titanic James Earl Jones as Big Daddy; and his second-act, father-son confrontation with Adrian Lester's Brick is one of the high water-marks of the London year.", "Jones gives us all the brutal coarseness and volcanic vulgarity of this Mississippi plantation-owner who believes his cancer is in remission: rejoicing in his apparent new lease of life, Jones does little hip-swinging shimmies and obscene pelvic thrusts.", "But the brilliance of Jones's performance lies in his revelation of the vulnerability of this domestic tyrant.", "Probing the reason for Brick's alcholism and its connection with the death of his friend Skipper, Jones takes on the look of a wounded therapist.", "And the sudden stabs of pain with which Jones punctuates the scene acquire a shattering force when Big Daddy finally confronts the truth of his condition.", "This second act is the core of Williams's play: that, while we zealously strip away the protective illusions of others, we cling assiduously to our own.", "Lester, in this respect, makes a fine foil to Jones's Big Daddy.", "He makes you realise that Brick's obsessive drinking springs from an evasion of reality: the truth he cannot face is that his relationship with the dead Skipper transcended pure friendship.", "The irony of Lester's cry that \"mendacity is the the system that we live in\" is that it applies most of all to himself.", "But Allen's fine production brings out Williams's savage comedy as well as his emotional pain.", "Sanaa Lathan's incredibly sultry Maggie, long banished from Brick's bed, is both a mountain of sexual frustration and an unstoppable talker who drives her husband to hide his head in the pillows.", "Phylicia Rashad's excellent Big Mama is also both a pathetic victim of her husband's cruelty and a woman who, as someone said of Ethel Merman, is like a brass band going by.", "And there is good support from Peter de Jersey as Brick's elder brother whose grasping nature is explained by his lack of parental love.", "As in any good Williams production, one emerges moved by the author's compassion.", "Reuse this content" ]
{ "id": "train30863", "claim_title": "Peter de Jersey", "claim_section": "Career.", "claim_context": "From 2000 to 2003, de Jersey played Steve Waring in \"Holby City\", until the character was involved in a car crash and subsequently died in hospital. Other television appearances include \"Doctors\" and \"Dalziel and Pascoe\". In the \"New Tricks\" episode \"Father's Pride\", he appeared alongside fellow \"Holby City\" actor Jeremy Sheffield. \n He appeared with the Royal Shakespeare Company in 2008-09, where his parts included Orlando to Samantha Bond's Rosalind, Horatio to David Tennant's Hamlet, and Oberon in \"A Midsummer Night's Dream\". Having performed with the National Theatre in Helen Edmundson's adaptation of Leo Tolstoy's \"War and Peace\", de Jersey was praised highly for his portrayal of Antiochus in \"Believe In What You Will\". He also acted in \"Rough Crossings\", the theatre adaptation by Caryl Phillips from Simon Schama's book. His recent work involves a supporting role in the 2008 film \"The Bank Job\", in which he portrayed Michael X, and playing the general Cominius in the Donmar Warehouse's 2013-14 production of \"Coriolanus\"." }
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Further more, 100 more feeder bus services were bought in first phase; feeding passengers to the remaining 18 buses from far flung areas.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Multan's Feeder Bus Service to be operational in July | The Express Tribune", "(meta data) AUTHOR:", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "Daily Express", "The Express Tribune", "Urdu E", "Paper", "English E", "Paper", "Watch Express News Live", "Sunday, 25 Aug 2019", "Today's Paper", "beta 2.1", "Sunday, 25 Aug 2019", "Today's Paper", "## Multan's Feeder Bus Service to be operational in July", "# Multan's Feeder Bus Service to be operational in July", "100 air-condit­ioned buses will transp­ort around 75,000 commut­ers on daily basis", "By Shahram Haq", "Published: June 30, 2017", "Transport authorities restore buses removed after inauguration of Metro feeder buses.", "PHOTO:EXPRESS", "LAHORE:", "To facilitate Metro Bus passengers, the Feeder Bus Service (FBS) will ply 100 air-conditioned buses on different routes in July.", "At least, 75,000 commuters will benefit with the new service.", "The Punjab Mass Transit Authority (PMTA) is in a process of initiating operations of the integrated public transport system (feeder routes) in Multan City in July this year.", "In the first phase of the project, eleven feeder routes will be added to the Multan Metro Bus system by operating 100 air-conditioned buses.", "These buses are expected to transport around 75,000 commuters on daily basis.", "New Metro Bus Route: Construction work gains momentum", "These feeder routes will have fare, operational and physical integration with metro bus line to ensure running of a fully integrated transport system within the city.", "The official contractor for operating buses on feeder routes is Veda Transit Solutions.", "Lahore was the first city where PMTA started feeder route air-conditioned busses connecting almost entire metro bus track with 200 feeder buses provided and operated by Daewoo Pakistan.", "Multan will be the second city where feeder routes will be connected with metro bus track.", "Veda Transit Solutions Chief Operating Officer Abdur Rehman told The Express Tribune, \"The first batch of buses to run under the project has already arrived at Multan and the remaining buses are waiting to be transported from Karachi to Multan soon on completion of depots facilities and related infrastructure.\"", "He added, \"The team of engineers also arrived along with the buses to provide technical assistance in terms of driver's training and setting up maintenance operations which have been completed.\"", "He maintained, \"The feeder route operations are expected to commence in July and Veda is ready to start operating buses with full commitment.\"", "OLMT construction disrupts gas for 12 hours", "In February 2016, the Punjab Mass-Transit Authority had inked an agreement with Daewoo Pakistan for procurement, operation and maintenance of feeder buses for integrated bus operations in Lahore.", "These buses were to hit Lahore's roads in April last year, but the project was stalled owing to disagreements between the authority and the operator on contractual terms.", "The issue was later resolved amicably and the operator ordered new buses.", "Published in The Express Tribune, June 30th, 2017.", "Read more:", ", Metro bus", ", Transport", "#### Recommended Stories", "OLMT construction disrupts gas for 12 hours", "SNGPL was shifting 12-inch pipeline disrupting metro train works.", "New Metro Bus Route: Construction work gains momentum", "Work on Peshawar Mor-New Islamabad Airport Metro Bus Service will be completed by August", "SC reserves verdict in Orange Line Metro Project case", "Civil society contends project will damage heritage sites", "Student dies in Metro Bus accident in Rawalpindi", "Driver arrested and booked for manslaughter and rash driving", "## Facebook Conversations", "#### Connect With Tribune News", "Like Us On Facebook", "Follow Us On Twitter", "#### Get news delivered to your inbox", "Your Email Address", "#### Most Read", "1 Kashmir may provide spark for Pakistan-India nuclear war: US think tank", "2 Indian govt officer resigns over brutal Kashmir conditions", "3 Hamza Ali Abbasi, Naimal Khawar Khan tie the knot", "4 Fiscal slippages in first year to haunt Imran Khan's govt", "5 Senate chairman cancels UAE visit after Modi honoured", "6 'Modi is a terrorist': Kashmiris protest in front of UN headquarters", "7 'Blank pages will speak loudly': Syed Ali Geelani condemns information blockade in IOK", "8 Time for Naya Pakistan to take a radical U-turn", "9 Automakers urge PTI govt not to liberalise used car imports", "10 FATF and Pakistan", "#### Recent Slideshows", "Comic Wisdom - by Sabir Nazar (August 2019)", "Comic Wisdom - by Sabir Nazar (July 2019)", "Comic Wisdom - by Sabir Nazar (June 2019)", "Comic Wisdom - by Sabir Nazar (May 2019)", "More in Punjab", "Unchecked extraction to blame for depleting groundwater" ]
{ "id": "train35348", "claim_title": "Multan Metrobus", "claim_section": "Operational problems of project.", "claim_context": "Multan metro bus service was started with 47 buses. However, the service was unable to meet its target of 90,000+ passengers. After commence losses, ten buses were sent to the Lahore metro project. Nevertheless, the remaining 37 buses were still unable to attain viable passengers . To prevent the service from collapse, 19 buses were parked and strength was reduced to 18." }
[ [ 55 ], [ 55, 59 ] ]
Kolomoyskyi is the leading partner of the Privat Group and a "de facto" chairman of the FC Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Football: Jonathan Wilson on Ukraine's new superclub | Football | The Guardian", "(meta data) AUTHOR:", "(meta data) PUBLISHER:", "(meta data) PUBLISHED DATETIME: 2007-08-28T07:22:23-0400", "Skip to main content", "The Guardian - Back to home", "Support The Guardian", "Available for everyone, funded by readers", "Search jobs", "Sign in", "current edition:", "US edition", "Live scores", "# Three's a crowd for Dynamo and Shakhtar", "At long last a third side has emerged in Ukraine to threaten the age-old duopoly of Dynamo Kyiv and Shakhtar Donetsk, says Jonathan Wilson.", "Step forward Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk", "Jonathan Wilson", "Tue 28 Aug 2007 07.22 EDT", "First published on Tue 28 Aug 2007 07.22 EDT", "Dynamo.", "Dynamo.", "Dynamo.", "Dynamo.", "Dynamo.", "Dynamo.", "Dynamo.", "Dynamo.", "Dynamo.", "Shakhtar.", "Dynamo.", "Dynamo.", "Shakhtar.", "Shakhtar.", "Dynamo.", "Ever since Tavriya Simferapol surprised everybody by winning the first title following fragmentation, Ukrainian football has been crying out for a third force and, at last, it seems as though they may have one.", "\"I would not be surprised,\" Andriy Husyn said earlier this month, \"if Dnipro win the league.\"", "That may not sound like anything outrageous, but the fact that the former Dynamo Kyiv midfielder's assertion was not greeted by gales of laughter is itself telling.", "Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk may not win the Ukrainian title this season, but, having won six and drawn one of their opening seven games, scoring 14 and conceding three, it does at least look as though they're going to be in the mix, even if Sunday's goalless draw at home to Zakarpattya allowed Shakhtar to pull level on points at the top of the table.", "Most significantly, Dnipro won 3-1 away at Dynamo, despite falling behind, and then put four past Metalurh Donetsk, who are themselves widely expected to be challenging for European qualification this season.", "The playmaker Serhiy Nazarenko, a footballer of sublime touch and great imagination who is habitually called into the national squad but rarely called onto the pitch by Oleh Blokhin, has been in superb form, scoring five goals already this season, four of them stroked in from outside the box.", "Oleh Shelayev, a national team regular who was left out in coach Oleh Protasov's first season, is now established as a commanding presence at the back of the midfield, while the central defender Andriy Rusol and the goalkeeper Maksym Startsev complete a strong spine.", "The great revelation, though, has been the forward Andriy Vorobey, who had effectively been sent into exile by Mircea Lucescu at Shakhtar.", "Given a second chance, he has responded with three goals and performances of persistent energy that have opened the way for the Russian forward Sergey Samodin to score four of his own.", "Dnipro's emergence as a genuine force has been long expected.", "They had seemed to be making progress under the late Yevhen Kucherevskyi.", "They were fourth in the league in 2003, and third in 2004, and that year they beat Hamburg and Dinamo Zagreb before going down 1-0 to Marseille in the third round of the Uefa Cup.", "There was a sense of stagnation as they slipped back to fourth in 2005 and, amid rumours that a number of players were suffering from what Ukrainians call \"star-sickness\", Kucherevskyi was replaced by Protasov.", "A native of Dnipropetrovsk and a star at Dnipro in the mid-80s (although he left before the 1988 title success)", ", the former forward was a popular appointment, and he has been wise enough largely to follow his predecessor's blueprint.", "Kucherevskyi, the coach who led them to the title, was suspicious of foreign players, a distrust based on his experiences in Russia with Arsenal Tula when he was sent to Brazil with a budget to sign six players, only to find on his return that his board had bought another half-dozen, deciding his signings lacked the necessary exoticism.", "Protasov, similarly, has largely confined himself, if not exclusively to Ukrainian players, then at least to players from the former USSR, a policy reinforced by the relative failures of the midfielders Davidson, a Brazilian, and Mladen Bartulovic, a Serbian.", "Instead he has preferred to promote local talent.", "Dmytro Lyopa, a 19-year-old midfielder, has impressed in a series of substitute appearances, most notably in the final quarter against Dynamo and against GKS Belchatow of Poland in the Uefa Cup, when he salvaged a draw from the home leg by laying on an equaliser for Nazarenko.", "Although opportunities have been limited, there are high hopes too for Yevhen Shakhov, probably Ukraine's best forward at Under-18 level.", "Stability of philosophy and personnel is all very well, but Dnipro have also benefited from a financial stability rare in the former Communist bloc.", "The club is owned by Ihor Kolomoyskyi, the founder of Pryvatbank and a dollar-billionaire listed by Forbes as the 799th-richest man in the world.", "He may lag some way behind the Shakhtar owner, Rinat Akhmetov (214th), and he does not go in for Akhmetov-style marquee signings, but Dnipro's budget is not that much less than Dynamo's and is arguably more wisely deployed.", "They will benefit too from their imminent move from their present home at the Stadium Meteor to the 33,000-capacity Dnipro Stadium, which will host games at Euro 2012.", "Just as importantly, Kolomoyskyi has proved himself adept at negotiating the difficult waters of Ukrainian football politics.", "He has risen to be vice-president of the Football Federation of Ukraine (FFU), deputy to Hrihoriy Surkis, a former president of Dynamo and brother to Dynamo's present chairman, Ihor.", "That the relationship between Kolomoyskyi and the Surkises is healthy would seem to be confirmed by the fact that Dynamo's shirt sponsors are Pryvatbank.", "Dnipro have been involved in noticeably few refereeing controversies - either as beneficiaries or victims - in recent years, which the conspiracy theorists would have you believe is not coincidental.", "Dnipro's other great strength is Protasov, a disciplinarian with a smiling face.", "The mood at the club is relaxed, but there are reports of draconian fines for those who step out of line.", "It is also an advantage that his coaching experience has come in Greece and Cyprus; there is no danger of him suffering the sort of post-Lobanovskyi hangover with which Dynamo seem perpetually to be struggling.", "So, can they win it?", "The doubters point out that Dnipro have a history of playing well against Shakhtar and Dynamo, only to drop points against lesser sides, and Sunday's draw against Zakarpattya was perhaps an indication that old habits could be returning.", "Last season they drew 14 times, often in games they had dominated.", "It had been hoped that the arrival of Vorobey would give them the cutting edge to overcome that, but Sunday showed just how reliant they are on Nazarenko for creativity.", "That may be their undoing in the end, but at the moment they lead Dynamo by nine points and appear to be Shakhtar's closest rivals.", "They may not win the title, but the eternal duopoly at least could be coming to an end.", "European club football", "Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk", "Dynamo Kyiv", "Shakhtar Donetsk", "Reuse this content" ]
{ "id": "train23808", "claim_title": "Ihor Kolomoyskyi", "claim_section": "Abstract.", "claim_context": "Template:Eastern Slavic name \n Ihor Valeriyovych Kolomoyskyi (Ukrainian: Ігор Валерійович Коломойський; Russian: Игорь Валерьевич Коломойский, Igor Kolomoisky; Hebrew: איגור קולומויסקי; born 13 February 1963) is a Ukrainian billionaire business oligarch and the former Governor of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. \n Kolomoyskyi is rated as the second or third richest person in Ukraine (after Rinat Akhmetov and/or Viktor Pinchuk) since 2006. and 377th richest person in the world according to the \"Forbes\" magazine list of billionaires (as of 2011). In March 2015 \"The Economist\" listed his net worth as $1.36 billion." }
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There is no watershed for radio broadcasting: stations are forbidden from broadcasting content which glorifies violence, undue coarse language, or undue sexually explicit material.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Canadian Association of Broadcasters' Code of Ethics (2002) · Canadian Broadcast Standards Council", "Search / Recherche", "Canadian Broadcast Standards Council", "# Canadian Association of Broadcasters' Code of Ethics (2002)", "The purpose of this Code of Ethics is to document the realization by proprietors and managers of broadcasting stations, networks and specialty services (\"broadcasters\"), that, as an integral part in the media of communications of this nation, their first responsibility is to the radio listeners and television viewers of Canada for the dissemination of information and news, the supply of a variety of entertainment programming to meet the various tastes of listeners and viewers, and the necessity for ethical business standards in dealing with advertisers and their agencies.", "It is recognized that the most valuable asset of a broadcaster is public respect, which must be earned and can be maintained only by adherence to the highest possible standards of public service and integrity.", "The electronic form of publication known as private commercial broadcasting is a highly competitive business devoted to provision of service to the public in all its interests – business, political, recreational, informational, cultural and educational – for profit.", "Revenues from advertising make possible non-government broadcasting and make all types of programmes available to the Canadian people including news, information, education, and entertainment.", "Each broadcaster is responsible for the programming of the licensed station, network or service.", "This responsibility can only be met by bringing influence to bear upon all who have a hand in the production of programs including sponsors, producers of live and recorded programs, advertising agencies and talent agencies.", "Clause 1 – General Programming", "Recognizing the varied tastes of the public it shall be the responsibility of broadcasters to so program the various stations, networks and services that, as far as possible, all groups of listeners and viewers shall have from these, some part of the programming devoted to their special likes and desires.", "Clause 2 – Human Rights", "Recognizing that every person has the right to full and equal recognition and to enjoy certain fundamental rights and freedoms, broadcasters shall ensure that their programming contains no abusive or unduly discriminatory material or comment which is based on matters of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status or physical or mental disability.", "Clause 3 – Sex-Role Stereotyping", "Recognizing that stereotyping images can and do have a negative effect, it shall be the responsibility of broadcasters to exhibit, to the best of their ability, a conscious sensitivity to the problems related to sex-role stereotyping, by refraining from exploitation and by the reflection of the intellectual and emotional equality of both sexes in programming.", "Broadcasters shall refer to the Sex-Role Portrayal Code for Television and Radio Programming [since March 17, 2008, replaced by the Equitable Portrayal Code] for more detailed provisions in this area.", "Clause 4 – Children's Programs", "(1) Recognizing that programs designed specifically for children reach impressionable minds and influence social attitudes and aptitudes, it shall be the responsibility of broadcasters to provide the closest possible supervision in the selection and control of material, characterizations and plot.", "(2) Nothing in the foregoing shall mean that the vigour and vitality common to children's imaginations and love of adventure should be removed.", "It does mean that such programs should be based upon sound social concepts and presented with a superior degree of craftsmanship, and that these programs should reflect the moral and ethical standards of contemporary Canadian society and encourage pro-social behaviour and attitudes.", "Broadcasters should encourage parents to select from the richness of broadcasting fare the best programs to be brought to the attention of their children.", "(3) Broadcasters shall refer to the CAB Violence Code for special provisions relating to the depiction of violence in children's programming.", "Clause 5 – News", "(1) It shall be the responsibility of broadcasters to ensure that news shall be represented with accuracy and without bias.", "Broadcasters shall satisfy themselves that the arrangements made for obtaining news ensure this result.", "They shall also ensure that news broadcasts are not editorial.", "(2) News shall not be selected for the purpose of furthering or hindering either side of any controversial public issue, nor shall it be formulated on the basis of the beliefs, opinions or desires of management, the editor or others engaged in its preparation or delivery.", "The fundamental purpose of news dissemination in a democracy is to enable people to know what is happening, and to understand events so that they may form their own conclusions.", "(3) Nothing in the foregoing shall be understood as preventing broadcasters from analyzing and elucidating news so long as such analysis or comment is clearly labeled as such and kept distinct from regular news presentations.", "Broadcasters are also entitled to provide editorial opinion, which shall be clearly labeled as such and kept entirely distinct from regular broadcasts of news or analysis.", "(4) Broadcasters shall refer to the Code of Ethics of the Radio and Television News Directors of Canada (\"RTNDA\") [since 2011 renamed the Radio Television Digital News Association (\"RTDNA\")] for more detailed provisions regarding broadcast journalism in general and to the CAB Violence Code for guidance with respect to the depiction of violence, graphic reporting of delicate subject matter or the use of explicit language in news and public affairs programming on television.", "Clause 6 – Full, Fair and Proper Presentation", "It is recognized that the full, fair and proper presentation of news, opinion, comment and editorial is the prime and fundamental responsibility of each broadcaster.", "This principle shall apply to all radio and television programming, whether it relates to news, public affairs, magazine, talk, call-in, interview or other broadcasting formats in which news, opinion, comment or editorial may be expressed by broadcaster employees, their invited guests or callers.", "Clause 7 – Controversial Public Issues", "Recognizing in a democracy the necessity of presenting all sides of a public issue, it shall be the responsibility of broadcasters to treat fairly all subjects of a controversial nature.", "Time shall be allotted with due regard to all the other elements of balanced program schedules, and the degree of public interest in the questions presented.", "Recognizing that healthy controversy is essential to the maintenance of democratic institutions, broadcasters will endeavour to encourage the presentation of news and opinion on any controversy which contains an element of the public interest.", "Clause 8 – Religious Programming", "Broadcasters should endeavour to make available to the community adequate opportunity for presentation of religious messages and should also endeavour to assist in all ways open to them the furtherance of religious activities in the community.", "Recognizing the purpose of the religious broadcast to be that of promoting the spiritual harmony and understanding of humanity and of administering broadly to the varied religious needs of the community, it shall be the responsibility of each broadcaster to ensure that its religious broadcasts, which reach persons of all creeds and races simultaneously, shall not be used to convey attacks upon another race or religion.", "Clause 9 – Radio Broadcasting", "Recognizing that radio is a local medium and, consequently, reflective of local community standards, programming broadcast on a local radio station shall take into consideration the generally recognized access to programming content available in the market, the demographic composition of the station's audience, and the station's format.", "Within this context, particular care shall be taken by radio broadcasters to ensure that programming on their stations does not contain:", "(a) Gratuitous violence in any form, or otherwise sanction, promote or glamorize violence;", "(b) Unduly sexually explicit material; and/or", "(c) Unduly coarse and offensive language.", "Clause 10 – Television Broadcasting", "(a) Programming which contains sexually explicit material or coarse or offensive language intended for adult audiences shall not be telecast before the late viewing period, defined as 9 pm to 6 am.", "Broadcasters shall refer to the CAB Violence Code for provisions relating to the scheduling of programming containing depictions of violence.", "(b) Recognizing that there are older children watching television after 9 pm, broadcasters shall adhere to the provisions of Clause 11 below (viewer advisories), enabling viewers to make an informed decision as to the suitability of the programming for themselves and their family members.", "(c) In order to provide viewers with the benefit of Canadian program classification and viewer advisories not available on foreign distant signals, broadcasters which have CRTC-permitted substitution rights over programming which is imported into their markets before the late viewing period, may employ substitution, notwithstanding Clause 10(a).", "(d) Broadcasters shall take special precautions to advise viewers of the content of programming intended for adult audiences, which is telecast before 9 pm in accordance with Clause 10(c).", "(Note: To accommodate the reality of time zone differences, and Canadian distant signal importation, these guidelines shall be applied to the time zone in which the signal originates.)", "(e) Promotional material which contains sexually explicit material or coarse or offensive language intended for adult audiences shall not be telecast before 9 pm.", "(f) Advertisements which contain sexually explicit material or coarse or offensive language intended for adult audiences, such as those for theatrically presented feature films, shall not be telecast before 9 pm.", "Clause 11 – Viewer Advisories", "To assist consumers in making their viewing choices, when programming includes mature subject matter or scenes with nudity, sexually explicit material, coarse or offensive language, or other material susceptible of offending viewers, broadcasters shall provide a viewer advisory", "(a) at the beginning of, and after every commercial break during the first hour of programming telecast in late viewing hours which contains such material which is intended for adult audiences, or", "(b) at the beginning of, and after every commercial break during programming telecast outside of late viewing hours which contains such material which is not suitable for children.", "Suggested language for suitable viewer advisories is outlined in Appendix A.", "The suggestions are meant as possible illustrations; broadcasters are encouraged to adopt wording which is likeliest to provide viewers with the most relevant and useful information regarding the programming to which it applies.", "Clause 12 – Contests and Promotions", "All on-air contests and promotions shall be conceived and conducted fairly and legitimately and particular care shall be taken to ensure that they are not misleading, potentially dangerous or likely to give rise to a public inconvenience or disturbance and that any prizes offered or promises made are what they are represented to be.", "Clause 13 – Advertising (General Principles)", "(a) Recognizing the service that commercial sponsors render to listeners and viewers in making known to them the goods and services available in their communities and realizing that the story of such goods and services goes into the intimacy of the home, it shall be the responsibility of broadcasters and their sales representatives to work with advertisers and agencies in improving the technique of telling the advertising story so that these shall be simple, truthful and believable, and shall not offend prevailing community standards of tolerability.", "(b) Advertising is to be made most effective not only by the use of an appropriate selling message but by earning the most favourable reaction of the public to the sponsor by providing the best possible programming.", "Nothing in the foregoing shall prevent the dramatization of the use, value or attractiveness of products and services.", "While appropriate legislation protects the public from false and exaggerated claims for drugs, proprietary medicines and foods, it shall be the responsibility of broadcasters and their sales representatives to work with the advertisers of these products and the advertising agencies to ensure that their value and use are told in words that are not offensive.", "Recognizing also that advertising appeals or commentaries by any advertiser that cast reflection upon the operation of a competitor or other industry or business are destructive of public confidence, it shall be the responsibility of broadcasters, so far as it lies within their power to do so, to prevent such advertising appeals or commentaries from being broadcast.", "(c) Broadcasters shall refer to the CAB Violence Code with respect to the rules on the advertising of promotional material or advertisements containing scenes of violence.", "Broadcasters shall also adhere to the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards, the Gender Portrayal Guidelines, the Broadcast Code for Advertising to Children, all of which are administered by Advertising Standards Canada, and the Code for Broadcast Advertising of Alcoholic Beverages [which is administered by the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission].", "The aforementioned Codes and Guidelines are all subject to endorsement by the Canadian Association of Broadcasters from time to time.", "Clause 14 – Advertising (Details)", "(a) Broadcasters recognize that they are responsible for the acceptability of advertising material they broadcast.", "All commercials must conform to applicable laws and regulations.", "(b) Broadcasters shall ensure that advertising material within a newscast is clearly distinguishable from the news information adjacent to it.", "To this end, any commercial message broadcast within a newscast should not be read by the newsreader.", "(c) Broadcasters shall ensure that there is no influence by advertisers, or the perception of such influence, on the reporting of news or public affairs, which must be accurate, balanced, and objective, with fairness and integrity being the paramount considerations governing its reporting.", "Clause 15 – Prohibition of Subliminal Devices", "Broadcasters must take all reasonable steps to avoid broadcasting any advertising material or program that makes use of any subliminal technique or device, which means any technique or device that is used to convey or attempt to convey a message to a person by means of images or sounds of very brief duration, or by any other means, without that person being aware that such a device is being used, or being aware of the substance of the message being conveyed or attempted to be conveyed.", "Clause 16 – Community Activities", "It shall be the responsibility of each broadcaster to serve to the utmost of its ability the interests of its particular community and to identify itself actively with worthwhile community activities.", "Clause 17 – Education", "While recognizing that all programs possess, by their very nature, some educational value, broadcasters will do all in their power to make specific educational efforts as useful and entertaining as possible.", "To that end, they will continue to use their time and facilities and to cooperate with appropriate educational groups in an attempt to augment the educational and cultural influences of school, institutions of higher learning, the home and other institutions devoted to education and culture.", "When practical, advantage should be taken of opportunities to consult such institutions on what suitable material is available and how it may best be presented.", "Where practical, factual material for public enlightenment should be included by broadcasters, advertisers and their agencies.", "Clause 18 – Employees", "(a) Each broadcaster shall endeavour to secure the highest calibre of persons who are qualified for and suitable to the duties for which each is hired.", "Every attempt shall be made to make service in the broadcasting industry an attractive and permanent career, permitting employees to contribute through their manner of living and personal achievements to the station's prestige in the community.", "Each employee shall receive, in addition to minimum guarantees provided by applicable legislation, fair remuneration and treatment in accordance with the standards prevailing in the particular community at any time.", "The general intent of this section is realization that any industry is most often judged by the type of employees it attracts, the manner in which they conduct themselves and are able to live and the opinion of the industry for which they work.", "Recognizing this as a valuable asset, the broadcaster will do everything possible to maintain and further the best type of staff relations.", "(b) Broadcasters should refer to the Employment Equity Act, the Employment Equity Regulations, 1986, the 1992 Policy on Gender Portrayal (P.N. CRTC 1992-58, September 1, 1992) and Implementation of an Employment Equity Policy (P.N. CRTC 1992-59, September 1, 1992) for the rules and policies relating to employment equity issues.", "Appendix A – Viewer Advisories", "Broadcasters may preface their advisories with the following:", "\"As a member of the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council, CXXX -TV is pleased to provide this viewer advisory.\"", "\"As a member of the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council, CXXX-TV is providing this advisory to assist its viewers in making their program choices\"", "The following are examples of advisories pertaining to sexually explicit material, coarse or offensive language intended for adult audiences, or other subject matter.", "They are provided as a guide to assist broadcasters in fulfilling their obligations to the CAB Code of Ethics, to ensure their viewers are provided with adequate information in making their program selection.", "Each broadcaster is encouraged to develop and implement advisories which are suitable for its market and which will ensure that its programming is broadcast to a suitable audience.", "\"The following program contains scenes of coarse language and is not suitable for younger children.\"", "\"The following program contains sexually explicit material intended for adult audiences.", "Viewer discretion is advised.\"", "\"The following program contains sexually explicit material.", "Viewer discretion is advised.\"", "\"The following program contains scenes of violence, coarse language and nudity intended for adult audiences.", "Viewer discretion is advised.\"", "\"The following program deals with mature subject matter and is intended for adult audiences.", "Viewer discretion is advised.\"", "\"The following program deals with mature subject matter and contains scenes of nudity and coarse language.", "Viewer discretion is advised." ]
{ "id": "train36694", "claim_title": "Watershed (broadcasting)", "claim_section": "By country.:Canada.", "claim_context": "The Code of Ethics of the Canadian Association of Broadcasters specifies that broadcasters may not air programming \"which contains sexually explicit material or coarse or offensive language intended for adult audiences\" outside of the \"late viewing period\", defined as programming beginning at 9:00 p.m. (programs that begin before this time must be considered pre-watershed even if they run into this hour), and ending 6:00 a.m. the next day. In regards to time zones, the watershed is based on the time zone from which the signal originates." }
[ [] ]
AIP also warns that it can take as long as 120 days for a charity to actually receive a text donation and that wireless carriers may limit the number of times per month a user can donate via text.
[ "(meta data) TITLE: Charity Ratings | America's Most Independent, Assertive Charity Watchdog | CharityWatch", "## America's most independent,", "## assertive charity watchdog", "## Which Civil Rights & Reproductive Health", "## charities are Top-Rated?", "## Humanitarian Crisis:", "## Yemen", "## Reported Charity Salaries", "## May Not Tell the Full Story", "## Crowdfunding Popularity Continues to", "## Soar Despite Risks to Donors", "## Conflicts of Interest Are a Red Flag for Donors", "## See CharityWatch's Latest", "## Relief Alerts & Hot Topics", "## Costly and Continuous Kars4Kids Ads", "## Disguise Charity's Real Purpose", "## Checkout the CharityWatch Hall of Shame for", "## the Personalities Behind Charity Scandals", "A to F", "Charity Ratings", "Top-Rated Charities", "Tips & Articles", "Hot Topics", "# Give Thoughtfully", "CharityWatch, founded 25 years ago as the American Institute of Philanthropy (AIP), is America's most independent, assertive charity watchdog.", "CharityWatch does not merely repeat what a charity reports using simplistic or automated formulas.", "We dive deep to let you know how efficiently a charity will use your donation to fund the programs you want to support.", "CharityWatch exposes nonprofit abuses and advocates for your interests as a donor.", "Learn More About Our Ratings", "Detailed information about the charities which earn Top-Rated status from CharityWatch is now available to the public.", "## California AG Accuses Another Aid Charity of Misleading Donors with Inflated Gifts-in-Kind Reporting", "The office of the California Attorney General OAG is committed to protecting generous donors from the harm caused by misleading...", "Read More...", "## Is the United Way Relevant in the Internet Age?", "In the Internet age where giving directly to charity only requires a few clicks of a mouse or touches on...", "Read More...", "## Unboxing HeroBox", "The mission of HeroBox is simple Through its website at herobox org the charity matches deployed soldiers wish lists for...", "Read More...", "## CharityWatch Calls for Veterans Charity to 'Adopt' Better Accountability", "CharityWatch has identified a history of troubling financial reporting by AdoptaPlatoon Soldier Support Effort that earned it Question Mark ratings...", "Read More...", "More Features", "\"CharityWatch has warned in advance of coming scandals at Feed the Children, Central Asia Institute, and Wounded Warrior Project.", "Barrons, 06/18/2016", "More Praise", "\"Circle of Friends for American Veterans and the Center for American Homeless Veterans, received 'Fs' from CharityWatch, a nonprofit organization that uses an A+ to F scale to rate nonprofits based on their financial transparency and spending habits.", "'It's somewhat of a minefield for donors to locate a high-performing veterans charity,' said Daniel Borochoff, president of CharityWatch.", "The Center for Public Integrity, 12/13/2017", "In the News" ]
{ "id": "train33901", "claim_title": "Mobile donating", "claim_section": "Drawbacks to mobile giving.", "claim_context": "Mobile giving can be a convenient way to donate to charity, but charity watchdog group the American Institute of Philanthropy has warned that there are some pitfalls to cell phone giving, including concerns that service providers may charge fees or take a cut of the donations." }