The activity in Western Australia is compounding the human tragedy of shark attacks.
The activity in Western Australia is adding to the human tragedy of shark attacks.
She has a series of adventures as Johansson until she is eventually found out and, in the end, dies in a car crash.
She has many adventures as Johansson and, in the end, dies in a car crash.
Americans think that 33% of their population are immigrants, when in fact it is only 14%.
Americans think that 33% of their population are immigrants but it is really only 14%.
Almost 60 years after Ray Kroc opened his rst restaurant in Des Plaines, Illinois, consumers are losing their appetite for a Big Mac and fries.
Almost 60 years since Ray Kroc opened his rst restaurant in Des Plaines, Illinois, consumers are losing their appetite for a Big Mac and fries.
Along with new names, the scientists must propose two-letter symbols for the elements.
Scientists must find new names for the elements but, also, they must suggest two-letter symbols for the elements.
All youre going to achieve, I think, is to worry people unnecessarily.
All youre going to achieve, I think, is to worry people.
Here, at the central African countrys rst ice- cream parlour, customers can buy scoops in sweet cream, passion fruit, strawberry and pineapple avours.
Here, at the central African countrys rst ice-cream shop, customers can buy ice cream in sweet cream, passion fruit, strawberry and pineapple avours.
According to the study, those born in the 1990s are making 4% fewer car trips and travelling 18% fewer miles per year, on average, than members of previous generations did at the same stage in their lives.
According to the study, people born in the 1990s are making 4% fewer car trips and travelling 18% fewer miles per year, on average, than older generations did at the same time in their lives.
On some sites, there was an option to click, saying: Id like kids someday, but you would read the persons profile and think: You will never have time!
On some sites, there was an option to click saying: Id like kids someday, but I read the persons profile and thought: You will never have time!
You dont realize how safe Vienna is until you head abroad, said Hartlauer.
You dont realize how safe Vienna is until you go abroad, said Hartlauer.
She recently deleted her Twitter account and deactivated her Facebook account two years ago after realizing she didnt like everyone knowing what I was doing.
She has deleted her Twitter account and deleted her Facebook account two years ago when she realized that she didnt like everyone knowing what I was doing.
Whenever I hear someone saying, Oh, I cant lose weight, I say: Sellotape.
When I hear someone say, Oh, I cant lose weight, I say: Sellotape.
It is outrageous that anyone can steal an artists work and get away with it.
It is outrageous that anyone can steal an artists work without punishment.
It was important to me to leave an organization in the strongest possible shape and I believe I have done so.
It was important to me to leave an organization in the strongest possible condition and I believe I have done so.
I make around 20 a shift but would only be given 10-15 of that money.
I make around 20 a shift in tips but often I only get 10-15 of that money.
One waiter, who doesnt work for PizzaExpress but has worked for 11 years for another restaurant chain, said that at least a third of his income is from tips.
He doesnt work for PizzaExpress but has worked for 11 years for another restaurant chain.
In a statement, Prince Charles said: Both my wife and I are overjoyed at the arrival of my first grandchild.
Prince Charles said: Both my wife and I are overjoyed at the arrival of my first grandchild.
Doctors are delighted at the move.
Doctors are delighted at the scheme.
And, then, there is the isolation being in the 1%, it turns out, can be lonely.
And, then, there is the isolation being in the 1% can be lonely.
Food waste is happening in countries where people can afford to throw away food.
Food waste is happening in countries where people have more money, so they can throw away food.
It has been the greatest experience of my working life being alongside Alex and a great honour to be able to call him a friend.
Working with Alex has been the greatest experience of my working life and it is a great honour to be able to call him a friend.
The chance to click on international news websites, communicate with friends and family overseas and use sites like Facebook and Twitter has created a massive buzz.
The chance to visit international news websites, communicate with friends and family overseas and use sites like Facebook and Twitter has created a lot of excitement.
Rob Yarrell, national manager of the National Aquarium of New Zealand in Napier, said: Octopuses are famous escape artists.
Rob Yarrell, national manager of the National Aquarium of New Zealand in Napier, said: Octopuses are famous for their ability to escape.
The industry accepts individuals with a very wide range of academic quali cations and skills.
The industry accepts people with a very wide range of quali cations and skills.
It is a majestic rectangle of strong bone and leathery esh, a head that expresses pure strength.
It is a majestic rectangle of strong bone, a head of pure strength.
After the man pulled me out of the water, Dusty swam away but, then, she came back and was bobbing vertically next to me, looking at me.
After the man pulled me out of the water, Dusty swam away but, then, she came back and looked at me.
With his Icelandic wife, Kristin, Cardew is appealing against a decision by the National Registry in the capital Reykjavik not to renew their ten-year-old daughter Harriets passport on the grounds that it does not recognize her first name.
With his Icelandic wife, Kristin, Cardew is appealing against a decision by the National Registry in the capital Reykjavik the registry decided not to renew the Cardews ten-year-old daughter Harriets passport because it does not recognize her first name.
Our properties have told us its important to be able to reorganize staff rotas quickly to respond to the weather and zero-hours contracts allow us to do this.
Its important to be able to reorganize staff rotas quickly to respond to the weather and zero-hours contracts allow us to do this.
The conventional school starting time works for 10-year-olds but not 16- to 18-year-olds.
The normal school starting time works for 10-year-olds but not for 16- to 18-year-olds.
Brands dont want to commit to paying so that rich factory owners who have just pocketed the profits and not been spending on their factories for years continue to do so.
Companies dont want to pay so that rich factory owners can continue to just take the profits and not spend on their factories for years.
The thought of children across the country running every day because of something weve done is phenomenal.
The thought of children across the country running every day because of something weve done is amazing.
They have got tipping right in Italy, where people dont add a service charge but usually round up their bill so, if they get a meal for 19, they leave a 20 note and dont ask for change.
They have got tipping right in Italy, where customers dont add a big tip but usually round up their bill so, if their meal is 19, they leave a 20 note and dont ask for change.
For the older teenagers, it might be more sensible to start the school day at 11am or even later.
For the older teenagers, it might be better to start the school day at 11am or even later.
Im always given a scenario, such as buying something from a speci c department or a new product range, but, within that framework, I can often buy whatever I want and keep it.
Im always given a speci c task, such as buying something from a speci c department or a new product range, but I can often buy whatever I want and keep it.
Children that get a high-quality rst experience, which develops their physical literacy, are those that will have greater agility, balance and coordination, and are more likely to develop an enjoyment of physical activity and excel in sport as they grow up, he said.
Children that get a high-quality rst experience will have greater agility, balance and coordination, and are more likely to develop an enjoyment of physical activity and be good at sport as they grow up, he said.
The use of all-body suits is expensive they cost about 30,000 and can be uncomfortable, and Anderson and his colleagues are now looking at low-cost alternatives.
All-body suits are expensive they cost about 30,000 and they can be uncomfortable, so Anderson and his colleagues are now looking at cheaper alternatives.
Elsewhere, there has been a glut of goals: 28 in the rst eight games almost three times as many as at the same stage in South Africa in 2010.
And, there have been lots of goals: 28 in the rst eight games almost three times as many as at the same stage in South Africa in 2010.
All around the subway, bacteria associated with cheeses brie, cheddar, parmesan and the mozzarella of ubiquitous New York pizza turned up.
All around the subway, there were bacteria from cheeses brie, cheddar, parmesan and the mozzarella found on New York pizza.
Amazon has applied for dozens of new domains, including .shop, .song, .book and .kindle.
Amazon has applied for many new domains, including .shop, .song, .book and .kindle.
I think people will think it is really cute.
I think people will think the ad is really cute.
Autism is a developmental disorder seen in more than one in 100 people.
Autism is a disorder that one in 100 people have.
Like her grandfather, Erdmann said, she also liked culture and travelling around the world.
Erdmann said she also liked culture and travelling around the world, just like her grandfather.
This gift that we are born with to reach out and hear things hundreds of metres away, all these incredible sounds is in danger of being lost through a generational amnesia, he said.
This gift that we are born with the ability to hear things hundreds of metres away, all these incredible sounds might be lost, he said.
About 22% of Japanese work more than 49 hours a week, compared with 16% of US workers and 11% in France and Germany, according to data compiled by the Japanese government.
About 22% of Japanese work more than 49 hours a week, compared with 16% of US workers and 11% in France and Germany, according to data from the Japanese government.
In the most senior roles, female directors received bonuses of 36,270 over the past 12 months, compared with 63,700 awarded to male directors.
Female directors received bonuses of 36,270 over the past 12 months, compared with 63,700 received by male directors.
It has just over 3,000 beds for visitors, compared with tens of thousands on an island such as Rhodes.
It has just over 3,000 beds for visitors Rhodes, for example, has tens of thousands of beds.
When the mirror is warmed up, it releases heat at a speci c wavelength of infrared light that passes easily through the atmosphere and out into space.
When the mirror is warmed up, it releases heat at a speci c wavelength of infrared light that goes easily through the atmosphere and out into space.
At a pool in Bristol, she taught me some simple exercises to help me hold my breath for longer while swimming underwater.
At a swimming pool in Bristol, she taught me some simple ways to help me hold my breath for longer while swimming underwater.
Illegal downloading is a kind of moral squalor and theft, as much as reaching in to someones pocket and stealing their wallet is theft, says author Philip Pullman.
Illegal downloading is morally wrong, and it is theft, the same as putting your hand in someones pocket and stealing their wallet is theft, says author Philip Pullman.
So, it better be good.
So my book had better be good.
Leifert and his colleagues conclude that many antioxidants have previously been linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and certain cancers.
Leifert and his colleagues conclude that many antioxidants reduce the risk of serious diseases, including diseases of the heart and certain cancers.
In Inuvik, where much of the population is Inuit, the Muslim community has sought to strike a balance between Ramadan and the local culture and traditions.
In Inuvik, where most of the population is Inuit, the Muslim community has tried to find a balance between Ramadan and the local culture and traditions.
Worst thing about the job: Expect to be away from home at least six months of the year.
Worst thing about the job: You will be away from home for at least six months of the year.
South American Indians have chewed coca 3 leaves for centuries.
South American Indians have chewed coca 3 leaves for hundreds of years.
The project has now grown into the Grow2Feed Liberia Fish Farm, with 12 tanks, which, when fully stocked, will each have 5,000 fish providing up to 200,000 fish per year, serving a community of 1,200 predominantly HIV-positive people, including King and his family.
The project is now a fish farm with 12 tanks, each with 5,000 fish and will give up to 200,000 fish per year to a community of 1,200 mainly HIV-positive people, including King and his family.
His eye is a sad black dot in his massive wrinkled face as he wanders the reserve with his guards.
His eye is a sad black dot in his big face as he walks around the reserve with his guards.
So, just like our mouse, it is quite possible we can associate what we happen to have in our mind with bad or good high-variance ongoing events.
So, just like our mouse, it is quite possible we can associate what we have in our mind with bad or good events.
If it sounds familiar, its because the online world has been using techniques like these for years.
If it sounds familiar, its because the internet has been using techniques like these for years.
Hannah, a 41-year-old City lawyer, has conducted nearly 500 visits for the Mystery Dining Company in her spare time without receiving remuneration or travel expenses.
Hannah, a 41-year-old lawyer, has made nearly 500 visits for the Mystery Dining Company in her spare time without receiving pay or travel expenses.
The other group did a ten-minute warm-up on the bike, followed by four minutes of Tabata intervals, four times a week plus one 30-minute session of steady exercise with two minutes of intervals.
The other group did a ten-minute warm-up on the bike, then four minutes of Tabata training, four times a week plus one 30-minute session of exercise with two minutes of Tabata.
About 780 more children are preparing to enter school in 2017.
About 780 more children are preparing to start school in 2017.
Search Google Images and one of the first hits is a picture of a large, naked man wearing them in the shower.
If you search Google Images for Google Glasses, one of the first pictures is of a large, naked man wearing them in the shower.
Around the rainbow Theres no better place to see a rainbow than from a plane.
Around the rainbow The best place to see a rainbow is from a plane.
From all across Rwanda, and even parts of neighbouring Burundi, people ock to the southern town of Butare to a little shop called Inzozi Nziza (Sweet Dreams).
From all across Rwanda, and even from Burundi, people are coming to the southern town of Butare to a little shop called Inzozi Nziza (Sweet Dreams).
Without their contribution, the history of this great club would not be as rich.
Without them, the history of this great club would not be as rich.
For a man famous in his own lifetime, there is little documentary evidence for Shakespeares life and times.
Shakespeare was famous in his own lifetime but there is little documentary evidence about Shakespeares life and times.
What is societys attitude concerning the acceptability of certain forms of violence against women?
In some societies, are certain forms of violence against women acceptable?
In Elmas, the scheme has provoked mixed reactions.
In Elmas, the scheme has got mixed reactions.
I dont even know how much it costs; I dont know even know if Im going to buy it.
I dont even know how much it costs.
Another protest march, near Rios Maracana Stadium, was met with a similarly heavy police response.
Another protest march, near Rios Maracana Stadium, also had a heavy police response.
He admits he doesnt know much about France but says that the classes are slowly helping him understand the country as well as the language.
He says he doesnt know much about France but the classes are slowly helping him understand the country and the language.
He gets what all referees hope for every time they referee a match.
He gets what all referees want every time they referee a match.
The new home is likely to come with a hot tub, with almost a third (29%) putting that on their shopping list.
The new home is likely to have a hot tub, with almost a third (29%) putting that on their shopping list.
The first three repetitions will feel easy but the last two will feel impossibly hard.
The first three repetitions will feel easy but the last two will feel impossible.
It was the highest rescue yet performed on Everest and highlights the exponential rise in helicopter flights in recent years.
It was the highest rescue ever on Everest and highlights the increase in helicopter flights in recent years.
That same day, he climbed up to the summit of Everest itself, reaching the top in complete darkness early on Sunday.
Later that day, he climbed to the summit of Everest, and reached the top in complete darkness early on Sunday.
The women are outnumbered around ten to one by men in the Calais encampment and most feel uncomfortable attending classes with male students they dont know, the volunteers say.
Most of the women feel uncomfortable going to classes with male students they dont know, the volunteers say.
As a society, we have shown we are prepared to take action to increase organ donation and to provide hope to those people waiting every week for a transplant.
We have shown we are ready to take action to increase organ donation and to give hope to those people who wait every week for a transplant.
Footage showed frightened Japanese supporters rushing from the area holding their children, as the sound of shots perhaps rubber bullets or tear gas was heard.
Frightened Japanese supporters ran from the area holding their children, when they heard shots perhaps rubber bullets or tear gas.
His manuscript, now delivered, will be sealed and placed alongside Atwoods in a wood-lined room in Oslos new public library, which will open in 2019.
They will seal his manuscript and put it next to Atwoods manuscript in a room in Oslos new public library, which will open in 2019.
The Scottish government is also supportive.
The Scottish government also supports the idea.
Ever since it introduced $2 items on its dollar menu, it has gained a reputation for being more expensive than its rivals, while many consumers complain that service is slower.
But, since it introduced $2 items on its dollar menu, people think it is more expensive than its rivals and many consumers complain that service is slower.
Whether that ambition is achieved remains to be seen but exporting solar energy could have stabilizing effects within and between countries, according to the Moroccan solar energy agency (Masen).
Exporting solar energy could have stabilizing effects within and between countries, according to the Moroccan solar energy agency (Masen).
Solar energy will make up a third of Moroccos renewable energy supply by 2020, with wind and hydro taking the same share each.
Solar energy will make up a third of Moroccos renewable energy supply by 2020.
Hearing that subtle click is harder if theres a lot of noise around you.
It is harder to hear that click if theres a lot of noise around you.
Coldplay is probably the last one to come up and that was ten years ago.
Coldplay is probably the last one and that was ten years ago.
Each year, 1.3bn tonnes of food, about a third of all that is produced, is wasted, including about 45% of all fruit and vegetables, 35% of sh and seafood, 30% of cereals, 20% of dairy products and 20% of meat.
This includes about 45% of all fruit and vegetables, 35% of sh and seafood, 30% of cereals, 20% of dairy products and 20% of meat.
The retailers use of the contracts was followed by details of a string of other companies using the deals, including cinema chain Cineworld and Buckingham Palace, which uses them for its 350 summer workers.
Other companies using the contracts include cinema chain Cineworld and Buckingham Palace, which uses the contracts for its 350 summer workers.
At a pool in Bristol, she taught me some simple exercises to help me hold my breath for longer while swimming underwater.
At a swimming pool in Bristol, she taught me some simple ways to help me hold my breath for longer while swimming underwater.
Since the outbreak of the crisis in 2009, Kethea has lost 70 of its 500 staff.
Since the economic crisis began in 2009, Kethea has lost 70 of its 500 staff.
Smokers are the key group for e-cigarette rms because seven out of ten vapers are smokers.
Smokers are the key group for e-cigarette companies because seven out of ten vapers are smokers.
Schools should teach navigation and map reading as life skills, he wrote.
Schools should teach navigation and map reading, he wrote.
On average, they did not enjoy the experience.
Most of them did not enjoy the experience.
The only reason to stop would be if it hurts my health, Karim said.
I would only stop if it hurt my health, Karim said.
For three-and-a-half years, all pupils at St Ninians Primary have walked or run a mile each day.
For three-and-a-half years, all the pupils at St Ninians Primary School have walked or run a mile each day.
To add to the companys problems, McDonalds hamburgers were recently named the worst in America in a poll of more than 32,000 American diners, who said they would rather eat a burger at Five Guys, Smashburger or Fuddruckers.
Another problem is that McDonalds hamburgers were recently named the worst in America in a poll of more than 32,000 American diners they said they would rather eat a burger at Five Guys, Smashburger or Fuddruckers.
Its a much more complex, multifaceted environment, says Benedict Evans, a digital media specialist at Enders.
Its much more complex, says Benedict Evans, a digital media specialist.
Im a romantic at heart.
Im a romantic.
And it looks terrible for the whole sport when people are collapsing, ball kids are collapsing, people in the stands are collapsing.
And it looks terrible for the whole sport when people are collapsing, ball kids are collapsing, people watching are collapsing.
In Stirling alone, 30 schools have already started or are to start the daily mile.
Just in Stirling, 30 schools have already started or are going to start the daily mile.