ive finally realized somethingfirst all ill apologize errors post submitting mobile doubt many people read anyway im sure im apologizing im even bothering put throwaway nevertheless ive battling severe depression anxiety past eight years now selfharm selfhate like job recently admit needed help finally decided medicate myself intensify feelings ive increasingly paralyzing panic attacks self mutilating almost every day since hate feeling like this honestly like remember like genuinely happy thats realized really want earth anymore yes amazing support system theyre thing keeping here im years old ill graduating college soon ive heart broken truly believe im worth loved hate see every single day look mirror im unpopular even lonely im tired sad time ive missed classes count want get go life thing holding ending knowing badly would hurt others guess ill continue hurt means hurting end im loss guess im really looking answer sort needed let out
try kill real according cruel ultimatumi mean yeah like heavily depends future look like anyways whether not know follow ultimatum still shit might hit fan yeah guess ill happen i hope course
every time happier feel sadder feel after hate feeling happy feels foreign
im probably going kill myself months ago fiance years overjoyed find pregnant told everyone right away weeks later got argument wedding plans threatened get abortion begged to week went snow trip work friends came back told wanted get abortion told got abortion calling wedding would never see again got pregnant intentionally hormones going crazy felt jerked around left night come back week went crazy got hit hard hormones got upset one night punched face hard could several times hungry would reduce tears one thing place sent rage even told one woman pulled close car would rip limb limb violent person im even mean person ive worked customer service entire adult life people would general call really friendly warm person knew pregnancy hormones help it boobs hurting gained lbs crying time fiance asshole meanwhile gotten horrible job hated commuting hours get to get healthcare another months applied dshs denied poverty line found pregnant shitty fiance shitty job healthcare then seemed like stroke luck time got fired practically danced door knowing qualified prenatal care thought apparently working long enough get unemployment prenatal care job fiance healthcare own finally decided pony money ultrasound determined baby fine shockingly calm voice said wed like talk termination shocked thought sure saw baby would change mind said that sort choked know do felt cornered hopeless even job healthcare would own took pills loneliest feeling world told hed stay go work left me bad reaction pills nearly died alone shower ill never forget cold felt awful giant clots blood matter falling me hot water hitting would turn cold got drain body temperature low walk able alert neighbor using nearby broom bang ceiling drove er spent days hospital going home sans baby sans boyfriend sans job sans dignity supposed tell everyone o nevermind know whole were getting married baby well no were not bring it lied told everyone miscarriage still together decided table getting married but explain weve broken up would people break miscarriage meanwhile income help hormones flux think spent first week drunk bed literally leave bed days time even moved liqour bedroom go kitchen finally one night felt good enough go went local bar friend everyone shocked see drinking tell everyone lost it got drunk night went home drank whole bottle wine bottle vicodin bottle benedryl bottle nyquil sometime next night realized back hospital neighbor drove er cd gotten stuck playing came check me got home saw apartment covered vomit blood nyquil literally smeared walls weak clean spent another two weeks bed mother got ticket visit san francisco pretty okay time there really made point trying make nice me mother done pretty shitty things past really saint ways spared expense got massages went pony rides even signed musical therapy class there went bars restaurants parties drank smoked pot went dancing felt lot better got home took week got home little things like cleaning apartment trying make little attempts getting life back tried go dshs get assistance told qualify counseling wanted tell want die think redflag time really going it want take ride ambulance agreed went home got home sat stared matting razors hour pounding beer beer crying miss baby wanted want killed hands feel like monster hate want die want die no really want die seriously cant stand living knowing happened want kill myself mother says severe post partum depression im sure right hormones hit hard but think ive always way never good enough excuse really til now teenager used cut long used self mutilate ways think deep always hated life always hated myself hated child sense helplessness ignorance shame came it hated teenager like child aware shitty everything theres still nothing it ive liked adult part least since but im turning year lost fiance since baby job ambition hope dreams life is over mean say life known it life ive ever wanted gone forever theres getting back always shrouded decaying memory this believe afterlife im going get see baby again believe im going go other side want go dirt never come back hate breathing hate eating hate wiping ass hate knowing me cant bring even look work even want job want die think time dominates everything do already tried oding work im afraid cutting wrists messy im afraid wont work whoever finds find huge gruesome pool blood think im going drive ocean jump cliffs want make sure theres remains time end coming back another apartment full blood vomit nyquil theres nothing left here theres reason pretending like everything going okay turn around tomorrow im going find good job one everyone keeps telling ill pregnant time know know were broken up disaster im disaster failed first attempt havent tried yet days think wont mean think lot think id actually every get screw loose think may it may depends much drink may drink enough ill get courage done
failed everything matters mei want complete waste life end fucking stupid euthanasia illegal here would give money blow every god damn person company way kill painlessly
believe it want pull trigger cant deal knowing unknown ahead time fucked lolive reading posts forum past weeks breaks heart time get weird feeling comfort knowing one wants commit redflag planning redflag quite based many different events happened life feel really want go it bought gun new sig mm legion guess want go style also want make sure bullet maximum destruction ive read enough human anatomy base brain know want aim gun practiced putting gun mouth pulling trigger however cant get brain accept real bullet condition able pull trigger think im afraid happens next tell next basically nothingness exist anymore thought seems illogical cant comprehend nonexistence anyone else problems way getting past instinctive need survive thanks readinglistening
join discord server chats homework venting hobbies memes gaming politics if that music etc dm interested
tell friendsthrowaway account reasons met vast majority friends internet kill im sure theyd ever know title says tell im killing let slowly forget me
hows everyone checkpoint dont forget save
spoilers aheadbr br it really unfortunate movie well produced turns bebr br such disappointment thought full silly clichs andbr br that basically tried hard br br to american guys there many spend yourbr br time jumping girlfriends bed making monkeybr br sounds married girls many suddenlybr br gone prudes nymphos overnightbut yourbr br husband french would really ask someonebr br being la fac know speak french wouldntbr br you use common word like universit br br i lived france sort know understandbr br europe and love it german roommate found thisbr br pretty insulting overall looked like movie funded thebr br european parliament tried hard basically allbr br sorts differences tried tie together not bad thing inbr br itself result best awkward fact ridiculoustoobr br many clashes really happen end thebr br moviethe last minutesruined rest xavierbr br talk erasmus students meets back paris doesbr br he walk off run away job thatbr br freedom end new europe supposed rest onbr br a bunch people smoke shag day whatbr br its made of br br besides acting pretty horrible cant believe judithbr br godrches role acting made look likebr br emanuelle bart much first thought xavier ok butbr br with retrospect think pretty bad br br and thats really bad technically opening creditsbr br scenes hes asking papers needs reallybr br good except sound editing around british siblings thebr br soundtrack great too form good contentbr br pretty horrible
anyone else ssris feeling like completely blocked creative thinking might coincidence creativity really bad now like cant think things anymoreim prozac btw
inb no trans feel way could choose gender would get birth would love one want die gender
nobody believes ill itive decided give life school relationship girlfriend going shit told ive tried kill thought college thought joking told itd okay went last night told scared losing drifting apart scared felt way girl told thatd wed talk tomorrow stopped talking halfway night still read messages think make day
internet service provider isp make long story short one access isp know u use incognito mode still keeps ur history must figure access plz cox helps all thank you
lets sing songs d comments song title replies lyrics please cooperate
anyone thoughts this get suicide ideation comes mind benzoheroin od
reasons liveall reasons live people husband son mum sisters best friend none meant walk life them push them weight fact feels like cant breathe
counts redflag attemptif someone take like mg ibuprofen even knew wouldnt kill knew dangerous body weight would count redflag attempt would like self destructive behaviour self harm
found ammo box no messing around drugs knives actually kill now best part missed anyone
redflag planon throwaway account cause cant find post main acc probably time ill post anyway could write whole books worth stuff theres really anytime explain ive set certain intervals time likely end attempting redflag im planning day day im giving years see kind change im pretty sure ill kick bucket cant explain feel life isnt inherently bad im good health mentally cant find anything good myself beat constantly one world cares all im saying cause refuse open anyone longer expect anything good bad happen go motions dont tell anyone feel hold everything hate appearing weak even though im trying hard man try hard stoic void feelings eats soul none friends give shit me dont know anyone irl know one girl every time tried talk gave advice always hear understand itll get better basically means nothing boyfriend sometimes take kind meaningful interaction someone shes normally phone im blabbering idiot nothing offer wish instead understand someone would would instead try lend hand meet me talk me ask day nope redflag becomes tantalizing world disconnected shit im caught middle one would care left it people never say anything face moment die theyll go oh great guy sycophants post social media look like good person im invisible everyone thats price pay existing really want get better somewhere me light follow really hope doesnt come taking well might
whole body hurts head feels swollen chronic pain combined panic attacks depression mix probably going loose job help kids bullying making videos comparing head egg jesus christ feel worthless cannot keep
kinda obvious im hereive dealing bipolar depression years best friend killed around year half ago ive talked mom lot since seeing suffer knowing mom would suffer similarly killed thing preventing it sometimes feel like pressure ironically causes additional duress edit really know im posting here im sitting room alone guess want feel less lonely thoughts bit jumbled turned drugs reddit seeking help
hello want feel less lonely server need you yes you pm link also say frog sent me please really need this lgbt friendly
kyrei eleison ego defeceruntalea iacta est die cast please understand present wish subdued it written letter wanted write little girl decision final she everyone else better without taint regrets adding another failure huge pack sorrow everyone might give damn failing little girl seeing grow up man love babe much reason message ask simple wish thank you thank letting part community this cannot say owe let acta sopa pipa form cencorship prevail keep internet alive free yourselves children future fight bitter end reddit chan gag memebase win cyber war believe all thank you oh small ps favourite movie whos afraid virginia woolf check out roles richard burton elizabeth taylor planted transcend every movie comes today
would guys interested watching like minutes videos forza horzion like first boss response comments filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler
anime year good swear animes point year
fuck full beard bold defined eyebrows blond hair blue eyes strong jawline big dick athletic still virgin meet western beauty standards men goes show looks everything
im drunkhow vreatve help idk breathw drankw lor od alcohol pleasehelo cant breathe k cant breathe help e
cant get aheadits secret problems pile up grow grow successes quickly fade problem one deal sits there finally fixed cant remember last time ahead problems immediate worries issues future ability plan it prepare instead problem problem lost job little two years ago ive keep head water problems pile up teeth rotten ive unable buy anything relax enjoy like movie video game moms tv broke cant help computer broke phone finally job bit budgeting start improve get tooth pulled save new computer hell maybe one better old one finally get ahead car moms car broke fifty three love her needs taken care of me walk work car jobs forty minutes away needs taken care though working poverty wages whole life one whos taking care past two years stuck payday loans almost four years thought could pay back helping get them maybe help get ahead too piles up cant see end it two incomes poverty wages eventually get cars road eventually get new tv computer occasionally treats along way like video games movies theres hopeful thats nothing goes wrong true two beaters breaking continue run without issue theres accident sudden cancer diagnosis plan get ahead take years much go wrong six months moms entire life already tell going mine too wish librarian fantasy world book shelves ten rows high almost form maze museum section curious artifacts glass containers plaques hours sitting forgotten corner reading book eating lunch thats life wish had instead broken useless self
ever wanted trigger depressionanxiety feel okay little long feel like somethings off itch needs scratched
aita dealing ex girlfriend way didthis whole thing happened seems showed true problems now m started dating old friend rd grade f long distance bother much time sucked able see like young notredflag were something grew around mom military got deployed lot also planning going military week thought bother much would talk phone early hours go school things fine while started acting strange first pay mind right set leave go spend thanksgiving fathers side familybig thing trust mom father mom hated due time military together best friend tells everything going behind back cheated multiple times multiple different guys girls one days birthday rest day before day of day birthday found information sick honestly made upset confused emotions confronted everything huge fight much truly loved girl decided going give second chance believed said would change ended going spending time family honestly overall great time left kind sad moment everything stayed fine while worst part came hit like bus said sent guy photos meaning send genuinely seemed upset apologized it forgave looking back wish ended things found everything her later finds best friend one told everything also forgot mention would tell best friend helped cheating time open relationship found furious called screamed it well asked logins everything gave except one damning all hated going messages time something felt like needed asked give login last piece social media lied saying nothing it oh worse yet come pushed giving login eventually cracked let specifically looking one person deleted messages unadded him well best part go find messages time best friend start scrolling found everything needed screenshot everything messages cheating dates times stamped logs point utterly destroyed especially around time coming prom already bought suit plane ticket out already bought dress hid everything needed evidence needed case tried spin things mefast forward week comes prom feelings period least none like before completely killed side me set forth plane executed almost perfectly flies bring back house things best eyes like nothing wrong guess skill almost whole time darkest times people never knew except best friend well taking prom worst mistake made absolutely ruined me take home days later go take airport leave gets plane cannot talk me blocked everything go contact send everything cheating friends familyreally sent home wanted know exactly kind person daughter friend was cheated ton different guys girls worst part guys friends boyfriends disgusting cousin cheated with went contact found sister tried kill successful simply told problem anymore years later present day seem still bad feelings ended come find dad facebook ended turning okay breakup ended taking life one people left letter told dad sorry lost daughter truly care want letter got upset blew me still haunts me asshole responsible someone taking life sorry long felt like needed give almost whole story left red flags saw sooner change outcome advice would helpful thank taking time read this wrong
sister pro kam sister pro kam do like barely talks dad men thats much hates men
getting worsei used hit head really hard got headaches blurry vision fantasize cutting today threw tantrum scratched arms nails really old best friend dead told rapist fault his wish rapist dead wish new girl friend told rape matter dead happiness makes miserable want kill myself die fault want gone badly hate skin want body back body broken me cant sex without panic attacks cant get aroused easily cant orgasm anymore since started abusing me supportive friends wish dead badly cant keep anymore know im probably going start cutting know thats going lead worse things ive tried get counseling help many times work always tell im depressed refer someone else constant support arms burning much
last visit sonthree years ago wife left taking year old son her parents wealthy money family immediately moved place go family thousand miles away since get days christmastime weeks summer made ultimate mistake trying keep relationship alive friend father summer last ask see okay that man moved far better father figure ever though love ever could decided take last week vacationhe comes weeksand explain mistakes try dad culture shock expects full leniency always visiting friend thing works people children resent you least case resorting this turn teens year old cool friend telling him turning loose surrendering son another man better me boards aircraft tell love him watch plane takeoff head car kiss picture carried key chain since left life beg god watch him ask quarter almighty actions fact believe deserve nothing short hell leave parking lot alive absolutely wanting attention sympathy save one man one long distance father parenting mistakes would worth it kids need parents want parents find friends could stupid cannot step one someone else damn sure will losing child another father something maybe live with cannot pray please good boy got dealt bad dad thank letting tell story
damp garage conversion ruined life need painless way end itwas dpm down dad built rushed ignorant damage caused me years ago used fit healthy confident strong get girls developed awful taste mouth teeth rotting barely breath time stomachs agony everything eat makes worse nothing comes tests get told head tongue always coated nothing gets rid it ive lost friends love life family lived ill months got ignored doctors again got point got angry frustrated much started kicking home got sectioned still toldim deluded put antipsyhcotic drugs came out still nochangestarted kicking sectioned again still help tests still clear family still think im mental got nosupport anyone tried therapy walks treat big detoxes tried spending s health food fitness etc ultimately ive lost everything theres nothing do still kick off im irrationally angry cant keep waking like this ive lost whole personal it mind im still intelligent still aware amo expected live like anymore theres avenues go down
turned rick amp morty high iq copypasta family guy fair high iq understand family guy humour extremely subtle without solid grasp theoretical physics jokes go typical viewers head theres also brian griffins nihilistic outlook deftly woven characterisation personal philosophy draws heavily narodnaya volya literature instance fans understand stuff intellectual capacity truly appreciate depths jokes realise theyre funny say something deep life consequence people dislike family guy truly idiots course appreciate instance humour peters existential catchphrase anything misogynistic towards wife cryptic reference turgenevs russian epic fathers sons im smirking right imagining one addlepated simpletons scratching heads confusion david a goodmans genius wit unfolds television screens fools pity them yes way family guy tattoo no cannot see it ladies eyes only even demonstrate theyre within iq points preferably lower beforehand nothin personnel kid
hate good reason bad things kept happening last year worst one fault girlfriend depressed months got overwhelmed broke worst moment ever since regret fucking day hate myself three weeks break argument blocked again hated even more found covid ive hella worried reached her apologized asked doing fine want hear ever hates hate fucking self would everything fix done see smile fix something like this know do first relationship ever ruined coward find crying everyday yall questions suggestions please let know please go hard me im already broken
finding happiness anythingi happy since girlfriend years broke back ago cannot life find anything makes life worth living really know im trying wish could feel way felt fucking gross incel dude want life back genuinely want stop always miserable theres nothing waiting misery theres nothing pot gold end rainbow want done
mightve eaten live bugs eating look bowl theres fucking half dead bug god felt fucking sick think spat another one bathroom idk ate im scared feel sick im lol edit im scared eat anything rn ive calmed lol
gun redflag questionif killed boyfriends gun would get trouble law im considering option want cause legal problems im gone
whats point living ugly skinny short manlike really point im years old top terrible social skills zero confidence for obvious reasons barely friends never job never girlfriend virgin feel incompetent literally look like year old im certain undiagnosed adhd depression anxiety obvious reasons also eczema asthma atopic dermatitis my scalp eyebrows itch hyperhidrosis thyroid issues plethora food environmental allergies struggle hygiene phimosis a tight foreskin tight frenulum foreskin barely retract try best clean thoroughly smell quite unpleasant times hair gets greasy fucking quickly feet start smell quickly im exactly ugly take care myself would viewed ugly society features compliment other skin part clear high cheekbones chiseled jawline haircut looks good however head small big eyes big nose hump big lips also look horrible smile teeth showing avoid that seems like problems stem ugly short could worse though make suffering better sure things improve life life still fucking suck know need improve life many things want do seems pointless hate course im college im pretty much forced work familys store live them literally dictate life across country even see friends anymore feel weak like alien seriously dealt shitty hand get better see people complain short theyre like fucking short try barely foot literally lose fight year old born attractive eyes society count fucking lucky life seems like endless suffering born attractive talented born rich family genetic lottery also grovel work shitty rest life die drift fantasy world tend dream ideal version appearance wouldve loved have living life likely never able live reality hits im back again ugly short man nobody gives fuck you people say what see instagram facade yeah right people see instagram who even models women men attractive enjoying lives partying travelling constantly updating stories stop trying make feel better even want work normal job as adhd something interest torture life already feels like torture dreams singer even social media star im goodlooking talented enough that hear people age talking partying travelling sorts stuff absolutely nothing understand people care please stop telling us follow suicidal ideations struggles simple getting help especially literally one turn to were still pandemic im actually planning killing myself really would mean hurting family small circle friends have keep telling get better followthrough plans anyone adhd depression know fucking sucks meaningless existence is probably missed stuff life fucking sucks see getting better im lying feel better point
sleep socks onand feel sleeping socks on i tried first time heavy long socks felt really nice woke up benefits according healthline prevent hot flashes women find wearing socks helpful cooling core body temperature improve cracked heels wearing cotton socks moisturize help keep heels drying out increase potential orgasms according the bbchttpsnewsbbccoukhihealthstm researchers accidentally discovered wearing socks increased participants ability achieve orgasm percent decrease chance raynauds attack raynauds disease affected areas skin usually toes fingers lose circulation start throb swell wearing socks night help prevent attack keeping feet warm blood circulating
get k likes awards ill delete account think supposed delete regularly never got attention child im trying make it im going edit out probably
plan dont courageits quite tough put thoughts together maybe thats way move somehow since long time ive struggling intrusive suicidal thoughts whats sometimes connected concrete plans sometimes not course lot periods wasnt bad dont feel saying good okay im good life least others people perspective good job cool place nice living conditions one could say shouldnt complain all feel since quite time something going wrong cant bear anymore nothing specific mind right now thats overwhelms much knowing exactly whats problem would try solve it ive long dont feel makes sense anymore try chase this im sure im writing call help let know plan tried reach help im kind people hundreds friends everywhere spread across europe one neighbourhood more point behaviour wrong relationships buried family also lives quite far away makes contacts difficult really wanted get specialists help felt still made sense didnt enough courage own friend rather ignored fact asked help reaching someone fixed mind thoughts dont make sense try deal own right dont feel anything last days really tough me yesterday went day trip going town always helped felt like existence makes real sense im calling emergency trips doesnt help anymore dont feel neither good bad things nothing mind whatever happens impact me plan simple simpler better bridge call emergency tell something strange happening cant know im calling myself otherwise sure try discourage me dont think cause much trouble people that sure now dont even feel make difference many people around me probably even make everything better last days cleaned open projects easy possible people keep going dont think anything else minimize consequences idea im really writing this sorry keeping long wanted put everything thinking about thanks take care
say mario party ruins friendships obviously none played demotion gun game bo
okay know mrbeast clickbait u check channel livestream scheduled one hour put anything u want moon bucks
guys watch gay porn get rid morning wood since im straight watching gay porn turns sexually find get rid morning wood much faster wait normally suggest anyone try next time need get rid boner
never thought trying play college sport would ruin lifein high school optimistic going played sports clubs generally fun lot really bright future not athletics all decision ruined mentally less two years later dropped quit job second acl tear look back wonder wtf life didnt quit first one id still mental health likely wouldnt retorn it lack motivation do anything ive lost muscle body lay bed parents force get up ive already gained quite bit weight legs feel like shit used hopes dreams reason theyre gone dont care them want knee fixed lack motivation discipline exercise dont want kill myself dying anything like sleep could go that
im probably going commit redflag every day mind
cant cryi cant cry vent feel bad feel numb happy know im happy im probably going kill fucking ass want people know sit like fuck dont give shit anymore ive tried everything people wont care nobody does fuck mr smith fuck system fuck people
nightmares looking mirrorive pretty fascinated recurring nightmares ive past years involve looking mirror seeing someone reflection sometimes even see people already know real life last night dream slightly different looked mirror reflection all kind ironic think able see reflection least dreams considering spend lot time looking mirror soon come home soon wake go bed etc again ive already solved mystery dream turns out see mirror reflection ive spent time socializing people real life words dream trying tell soul im nonexistent entity earth nobody earth acknowledging fact exist theres nobody tell real here you ive socially isolated years im nothing animated piece meat blood bone living dead trapped worlds makes wonder point even dying considering im metaphysically already dead nobody would care nobody ever cared begin with maybe became celebrity things would different id real girl real human then curse goes on guess
first way remake good japanese society quite different plays major part film explained opening narration adds humor well warmth movie slew different supporting characterspersonalities part making movie wonderful movie full comedy vulgar anyway like todays grossout comedies yet still laughing loud reality is real life choice work go school withetc movie truly emphasizes shows natural good people overcome petty differences mention makes great subplot much humor story dance actually story good one that back stories place actually support main storyline truly well written film dancing great too happen fan movie dancing sort aspect however movie goes beyond dance fact that story first happens written dancing japanse society highly recommendedbr br
wonder much itll hurt stab myselfill bleed death leave miserable world behind
im closei think killing daily basis thoughts past couple months now thing stopping right children say thing really mean thats it sometimes though feel like maybe would better without anyway deserve someone better anyway husband cheated one family members apologized trying hard make me thats even really though family knew never told me lot well almost everyone life completely lied this absolutely one life with exception kids really me care me come big family find life completely change damaging think ways this kids find anyone else think stay sibling come back house hang myself call police one them finds me close think live way anymore cant it
religious ppl here ive thinking religion recently believe god gives faith
online school redflaging much nsw back lockdown month means online learning attended classes except maths far fuck maths gives much redflag fuck ever going use knowledge area parallelogram future need psychology degree knowhow statistics also fuck mood shifts want run away god fucking damn
want die im tired keep strugglingthe title says all life ive struggling make ends meet im poor family certain thirdworld country since little knew need break away poverty need make parents proud despite circumstances born into fast forward years later im studying local university im nowwas rock supports friends helping way can caring them havehad loving girlfriend everyone believes persevere never many friends never used social apps then one month beforei argument girlfriend little know would come bite rear later sooner three days ago final exam semester combinations loneliness due absence life fatigue boxing stress papers yet come anger dissatisfaction seeing friends ones came depend things get rough playing games generally rowdy hit face overcame feelings retreated solitary first friends came check time passed reluctance say anything fear ridiculing thinking feelings started isolate turn even talking day went back respective hometowns first blamed abandoning smoke cleared out realized brought myself blame feels right reasons im still struggling commit redflag thoughts disappointing parents passion boxing sorry long postrant needed vent everything me tldr want live im slowly losing reasons to
admit approached movie sense expectation dread louis de bernieres bestselling novel one favourites anyone read realise way hell screen adaptation faithful br br all way found convincing movie unsuccessful stripped books plot back far render redundant ending however much better novel could stop thinking movie afterwards still plusses john tolls magnificent cinematography stephen warbecks great score etc felt outweigh initial negatives cages miscasting heavily diluted scriptbr br but two days later queuing see corelli although perfect admit movie best anyone could expected cage actually brilliant role even de berniere concerned fully rounded character carefree spirit gives way shattered remorse spot on complements superb double act penelope cruz john hurt perfectly david morrissey quietly effective weber nazi officer trying reconcile feelings newfound italian friends inbred superiority complex around him fine grecoitalian supporting cast bring de bernieres sundrenched world cepholonia dazzlingly alivebr br on leaving cinema second time around finally let go passion novel prevented fully appreciating story ww cepholonia cinematic terms hat goes john madden who despite almost expected critical drubbing receiving british critics any director major success like shakespeare love behind always target moaning ninnieshas managed transfer terrifically difficult book big screen heart verve humanity the core virtues novel fact created another classic love story probably fully appreciated dust settled years nowbr br if fan book like me hard try make mistake initial viewing try erase book mind two hours bathe glorious mediterranean atmosphere discover corelli pelagia mandras dr iannis first time pretend watching something made original screenplay guarantee disappointed br br in fact eagerly waiting copy delightful movie video dvdbr br
actual point sub even used proper purpose im gonna real here majority posts get attention karma awards things pet died feeling confident posts selfie first time really shitty meme feeling suicidal once sorry know internet majority outright bullshit yet due general age democratic feel need take safest option instead question validity posts believe take advantage genuinely form social mental issue actual services help well dedicated subreddits argument played said person wants support backing peers respect think probably approach situation less wanting attention extravagant pictures stories rather approach discussion conversation joined subreddit thinking would discussing debating issues involving peers accomplish well passive support need directing proper services not filling attention karma take want
thought racism wasnt thing america im disappointed im eastern europe always thought like racist place earth rest world nice accepting saw movies people colours assumed everyone living peace racism simply doesnt exist usa im disappointed right
pulled first allnighter recently feel anything different till dusk sunrise came felt like intergalactic nova cluster forming eliminating black holes body dunno rn
since puberty comfortable naked males sure exactly why ended using shorts showering mostly physical training seeing naked males makes uncomfortable like girl trapped male body lol
haha im literally failure in im putting much effort can still failing every class failure definition guess doomed follow forgotten middle child stereotype sooner later
day writing something positive happened today went local lake best friend
ive wavering suicidal thoughts since im almost nothing going right im ready give uptitle remember miserable far back consciously remember remember calling redflag hotline hung making excuses everything lady end saying trying help ive loser forever always picked on always forgotten always pushed aside im black sheep family theyre bunch pious christian straight white baptist fanatics im white bisexual atheist mom constantly tells need god tell anything personal dad brushes tells need happy tell anything personal ive downward fucking spiral since graduated high school moved parents got slapped paying stupid amount rent every month failed college programming class lost scholarship flopped around looking jobs dropped out took credit card debt fix car struggled paying rent lease ran out kept flopping around one job next moved back parents crashed car thats mention health issues ive got exact issues mom fibromyalgia though diagnosed benign tumor growing inside femoral neck hip causing suffer basically constant back hip neck pain today im living parents nowhere else go sleeping air mattress relying parents bicker constantly sort travel staffing agency im currently employed work thats within affordable travel range much job interview past months despite efforts send applications even know fuck decided write this think anyone gives shit sure hell dont im ready give put bullet skull even privilege parents firearms wat do
normallyid take meat clever cleverly cut buttholes hour today blessing kill name blowjob cost what damn lost train concentration center none oj pulp like advertised watch reservoir dawgs today lol
keep thinking detailsive suicidal long remember im lately ive thinking little details redflag involves id wipe computerphoneipod clean sell theres money funeral create apology letters close family members friends plan body found method redflag spontaneous thought was
cant sleep anymorea month ago mom passed away arms sudden wouldnt wake still breathing even moved arms flat back whole night always trouble breathing laying back she tube chest kidney dialysis propped head back thats started choking opened eyes grabbing arms stopped breathing awhile cpr minutes waiting ambulance worked seen message help hershe low blood sugar slipped coma normally would awake see message taken new med mood two days prior messaged siblings came visit found pmwhile still alive last thought falling asleep worried dismissing thought thinking itd fine start living myself kids woke crying cant sleep screaming crying numbers pulses cpr cant stop seeing eyes struggling breathe grabs arms siblings also taken unjustly year ago bullied mom lot giving false information make look bad would less chance getting back dead continue get away it proven wrong many times get hoops jump over court judge also called past mom dead risk losing kids forever chance seeing again mom died waiting kids come home also feel like now things happen all feel wrong feeling things mom could saved easily failed neglecting night failing cpr propping neck back making unable breathe people lose people time pretty common therefore stop baby right want die hear see anymore want rest hope somewhere go somewhere
every day im losing moremy mind turning absolute goo word recall shit social skills shit fuck quarantine dont care people die virus never never meet im going insane
ever think made worst mistake remember didnt host gender reveal party burned thousands acres cries poor air quality near me
please dont end ityou may nothing left family could passed abandoned you dog may died im talk need vent always reach me
absolutely notredflagly loved movie saw cant wait come dvd beautifully welldrawn masterpiece always amazed intricately drawn work ghibli studios br br others commented sosuke calling risa first name never calls father first name unless speaking someone else get impression risa mother never even mentioned implied anyone quite obvious stepmother makes promise come home gets upset finds empty car mother must died infant mentions nursed risa coupled father sea lot abandonment issues everyone also talks mature is usually occurs child loses parent
anyone get decent nights sleep last night looking yall since couldnt sleep dog licking balls night
produced little song school project much thought id show guys see think lmk link working httpsdrivegooglecomfiledewy_kvvvilateilgxhfmdfgjiv_qviewhttpsdrivegooglecomfiledewy_kvvvilateilgxhfmdfgjiv_qview school project made feel like wannabe soundcloud producer
cat dying dream live th floor apartment living room windows looking street dream opened window look outside cat jumped window second opened it fell car blood came him ran outside still car sitting suprised shocked foot broken blood paw dreams realistic blood mean deserve this scared
telling jokes corona gone day theres joke today im sorry come back tomorrow edit ok ill tell joke httpswwwredditcomrteenagerscommentslsxetelling_jokes_until_corona_gone_day__theres_a
feel like dyinghi family doctor revealed mother depressed ssri medication im legal adult expected information classified anyways mother told grandmother told uncle told cousins told mutual friends everybody knows im incredibly embarrassed ashamed completely enraged doctor cannot believe information got everyone want kill myself anyone somehow convince might bad seems
part two things normalised accepted mainstream eating discharge using moisturiser ghanaian culture something lot women and men get discharge form women life do many health benefits many people know also makes skin smooth
anyone wish shotgun know end maybe soon
dear humanityits funny life worksit really roll dice people live brilliant successful lives climbing way top people live lives heartache painthey turn art become successful too people ordinary blessed family maybe single parent thrive overcome odds people born terminal illness mental illness disabilities whatever else succeed got people like mepeople tried everything could fought way everything hadonly enough nowhere random reddit page venting see outcome death this treat people well treat people respect treat unfortunate encourage love give boost anyway realize one single species end day planet doesnt belong us belong planet significant otherout arm around say much love never know tomorrow bring make significant food breakfast lunch dinner whatever feel like dobuy flowerstake datesmake smile laugh help feel motivated like anything alllet know always there ignorant arrogant thought could help everyone hate people hurt tried make number one priority help others anyway could thought needed love world took responsibility impossible seen comingbut alas allowed ignorance arrogance blind me fault take ownership foolishness recovering botched surgery killed franki wish did finally got better tried start monthly disabilitynatural disasters struck hometown leaving many home car everything lucky regard day disasters happened car stolenprobably someone desperate isme years oldtried make something happen lifenow failed therefore officially failure want life end figuring way how wish well justdo best world filled hate hostility lies deceit cruelty
sleep p n decent amount physical pain mainly left arm cant sleep side usually would im laying hella uncomfortable unable fall sweet void sleep
tell forget person tell solution problem im gonna give fingers
camhs experiencetoday first assessment camhs child adolescent mental health services officially diagnosed severe depression really want break confidentiality tell parents redflag attempt thoughts really want trust parents would understanding im absolutely terrified theyll call parents let know before do im legally cant tell without breaking consent right dont quite understand works
friend cheated girlfriend really dont know do hes probably closest friend told cheated her also told broke up shes become pretty good part friend group im really sure situation stay friends him need give forgiveness hes said feels like piece shit ive made sure tell as friend really shouldnt again enough much im really confused guess advice welcome
im using reddit lightmode ill use dark mode ill end jail racist
whats effort put something else procrastinating procrastinating homework often procrastinate working stuff needed while example day pretty deeply cleaned room not quite deep clean got rid stuff clean another time photoshoped friend thanos avoiding math assignment whats something put lot effort procrastinating
anybody elses mental health completely destroyed october every year since started depression depression rapidly increases throughout mid late october usually peaking early november anyone else similar issues
parents bought car drive werent looking car yet saw sale much since years old research bought it wanted tell friends couldnt figure word without sounding like bragging because none drive either im putting here
getting worseim still thats alright guess im still dropping regards esteem determination hope left me ive made cheesy post before ill spare tge detail time vent want vent about ive gotten point becoming hard get bed im eating much all nan entire life final stages cant breathe without moan airways expand make things worse take prescription drugs every hours hardly mentally already miss much woman was outlet nobody cares make things worse got midterm im averaging dreams going university shattered well whatever reason keep pushing though landwhale aunt joined pos uncle honestly toxic entire family uncle related nan blood lets stay around kicked once aunt told nan terrible mother abandoning child nothing done though kill im afraid snap late now everything bottled long im breaking point
anticipatory griefis normal anticipatory grief redflag im preparing leaving birthday card fianc every birthday ill gone
america country created europeans get independed hate eurpeans bad thing anything
im done planeteverytime give heart someone crush it im tired trying find love everything shattered front continuously never never happy logical conclusion come taking life thing kept going long hyped game album trivial piece media confuses people try convince people kill theres literally nothing redeeming life least me im really looking sympathy post im mostly explaining im choosing am really plan writing note anything anyone wondering refer post since little ever wanted wife someone love me age ive numerous online relationships ended disaster inb comments saying online relationships work care im going cold approach people public way many false rape accusations hard commit redflag prison cell identify nonbinary make sense someone born male im expected make first move everything lose person receiving end nothing lose world unfair ridiculous really worth it know life relationships thats ive ever really wanted perhaps like ive said post perhaps think incel something stupid like that really care anyone thinks me point nothing lose ive watched devolve super caring nice naive person cold monster cares nothing see reason keep existing theres nothing makes happy except one thing struggle hard obtain point im done trying juice aint worth squeeze were regardless thank taking time read have peace
would appreciate suggestions alternative rredflagwatchthis place advertises
pushups decide to day sets pushups situps
fuck thisi hate much hate life fighting anxiety good could nothing ever changes really dont want hurt family god hate world sick all tomorrow tonight im going take knife cut deep wrist pain nothing compared anxiety hope life god hope tortured way tortured me fuck god
hate myselfwhy mother put world get
goodbyeim years old lowpaying job cant stand girlfriend years k debt k student loans k credit card debt k taxes k various stuff assets crappy car small apartment full crappy furniture real talents skills ive spent last years life dicking around internet watching tv instead socializing learning stuff friends none respect me parents assholes saw therapist finally last week like much canceled appointment week sick literally reason killed years leading want whoever latest girl reject think her im that done
breakthe break fun spending entire time sitting room bed crying door locked looks like head back school i could take knife beside reasons jam throat slide across bleed horrible pain really better two considering go back school guy wants slit throat anyways reasons seriously really want gather enough courage time ill it
rating cokes cokes allowed interested pepsi
anyone gives flying fuck made lyrics made tune yet supposed lofiraphiphop umm think ofit like kaash paiges music u know cocoa butter kisses girl circles kayla think know this loved start think noticed master heart say distance makes heart grow fonder theres lie think last without longer id waited little talk you confront you maybe id fully love saying already before waited wouldve loved even more think possible guess theres always know oh know love love love youuuu know know wish loved respond texts wondered really worth time know little hours seems pretty small know time respond knew half sentence meant much give need baby bring dopamine high self esteem yet always cycle bicycles first ignoring yet say busy second apologizing get tizzy last forgiving cuz else would girl im blind go circles wish true loved