Q: Getting shapeless records with specific keys to compile I'm wondering why the following code fails to compile: package app.models.world import java.util.UUID import shapeless._ import shapeless.ops.record.Selector import shapeless.record._ case class Vect2(x: Int, y: Int) case class Bounds(position: Vect2, size: Vect2) object WObject { type Id = UUID def newId: Id = UUID.randomUUID() object Fields { object id extends FieldOf[Id] object position extends FieldOf[Vect2] case class all[L <: HList](implicit _id: Selector[L, id.type], _position: Selector[L, position.type] ) object all { implicit def make[L <: HList](implicit _id: Selector[L, id.type], _position: Selector[L, position.type] ) = all[L] } } } import WObject._ /* World object */ abstract class WObject[L <: HList](val props: L)(implicit sel: Fields.all[L]) { def this(id: WObject.Id, position: Vect2) = this(Fields.id ->> id :: Fields.position ->> position :: HNil) def id = props(Fields.id) def position = props(Fields.position) lazy val bounds = Bounds(position, Vect2(1, 1)) } I'm getting following errors: [error] D:\work\scala\shapeworld\src\main\scala\app\models\WObject.scala:39: No field app.models.world.WObject.Fields.position.type in record L [error] def position = props(Fields.position) [error] ^ [error] D:\work\scala\shapeworld\src\main\scala\app\models\WObject.scala:36: type mismatch; [error] found : shapeless.::[shapeless.record.FieldType[app.models.world.WObject.Fields.id.type,app.models.world.WObject.Id],shapeless.::[shapeless.record.FieldType[app.models.world.WObject.Fields.position.type,app.models.world.Vect2],shapeless.HNil]] [error] (which expands to) shapeless.::[java.util.UUID with shapeless.record.KeyTag[app.models.world.WObject.Fields.id.type,java.util.UUID],shapeless.::[app.models.world.Vect2 with shapeless.record.KeyTag[app.models.world.WObject.Fields.position.type,app.models.world.Vect2],shapeless.HNil]] [error] required: L [error] this(Fields.id ->> id :: Fields.position ->> position :: HNil) [error] ^ [error] D:\work\scala\shapeworld\src\main\scala\app\models\WObject.scala:36: could not find implicit value for parameter sel: app.models.world.WObject.Fields.all[L] [error] this(Fields.id ->> id :: Fields.position ->> position :: HNil) [error] ^ [error] D:\work\scala\shapeworld\src\main\scala\app\models\WObject.scala:38: No field app.models.world.WObject.Fields.id.type in record L [error] def id = props(Fields.id) [error] ^ [error] four errors found [error] (compile:compile) Compilation failed [error] Total time: 3 s, completed 2014-09-17 13.29.15 Which are weird. 1) Why does position insist that there is no field if the selector should imply that? I took my reasoning from Passing a Shapeless Extensible Record to a Function (continued) 2) Why does the secondary constructor fail? The SBT project (56kb) can be found at https://www.dropbox.com/s/pjsn58dpqx1l4os/shapeworld.zip?dl=0 A: There are three small issues here. The first isn't Shapeless-specific—it's a general restriction on auxiliary constructors in Scala. You can't write the following, for example: scala> class Foo[A](a: A) { | def this(s1: String, s2: String) = this(s1 + s2) | } <console>:53: error: type mismatch; found : String required: A def this(s1: String, s2: String) = this(s1 + s2) ^ I.e. if the class is generic you can't provide a constructor that's not. That's pretty easy to work around with an extra method on the companion object, though. The second issue is that you need to track the record value types in your selectors in this case (using FieldOf will constrain the type during creation with ->>, but it's not going to provide the evidence you need when you're looking up a value by key). This is a pretty straightforward change: object WObject { type Id = UUID def newId: Id = UUID.randomUUID() object Fields { object id extends FieldOf[Id] object position extends FieldOf[Vect2] case class all[L <: HList](implicit _id: Selector.Aux[L, id.type, Id], _position: Selector.Aux[L, position.type, Vect2] ) object all { implicit def make[L <: HList](implicit _id: Selector.Aux[L, id.type, Id], _position: Selector.Aux[L, position.type, Vect2] ) = all[L] } } } Lastly you need to import the contents of sel: abstract class WObject[L <: HList](val props: L)(implicit sel: Fields.all[L]) { import sel._ def id: Id = props(Fields.id) def position: Vect2 = props(Fields.position) lazy val bounds = Bounds(position, Vect2(1, 1)) } And that's all (except for the method replacing the auxiliary constructor, which I'll leave as an exercise for the reader).
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Q: Best way to disable Android game install banner from C2 game url How to disable @Android google web app install banner ? On android 6 phones chrome started to display install banner, now our C2 games are installed to phone when user should be playing games on our website. We prefer to allow usage on website only. What setting should we change on page to prevent the installation. We have https site. A: window.addEventListener('beforeinstallprompt', function(e) { console.log('beforeinstallprompt Event fired'); e.preventDefault(); return false; });
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Q: In PHP, how can I add an object element to an array? I'm using PHP. I have an array of objects, and would like to add an object to the end of it. $myArray[] = null; //adds an element $myArray[count($myArray) - 1]->name = "my name"; //modifies the element I just added The above is functional, but is there a cleaner and more-readable way to write that? Maybe one line? A: Just do: $object = new stdClass(); $object->name = "My name"; $myArray[] = $object; You need to create the object first (the new line) and then push it onto the end of the array (the [] line). You can also do this: $myArray[] = (object) ['name' => 'My name']; However I would argue that's not as readable, even if it is more succinct. A: Here is another clean method I've discovered if you have multiple records within a foreach: $foo = []; array_push($foo, (object)[ 'key1' => 'fooValue', 'key2' => 'fooValue2', 'key3' => 'fooValue3', ]); return $foo; A: Do you really need an object? What about: $myArray[] = array("name" => "my name"); Just use a two-dimensional array. Output (var_dump): array(1) { [0]=> array(1) { ["name"]=> string(7) "my name" } } You could access your last entry like this: echo $myArray[count($myArray) - 1]["name"];
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
// // Copyright 2016 Pixar // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License") // with the following modification; you may not use this file except in // compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it: // Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with: // // 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade // names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor // and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of // the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file. // // You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is // distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific // language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License. // #include "pxr/usd/sdf/vectorListEditor.h"
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
My Python Development Environment, 2020 Edition - suraj https://jacobian.org/2019/nov/11/python-environment-2020/#atom-entries ====== marmada Does anyone else think this reflects badly on Python? The fact that the author has to use a bunch of different tools to manage Python versions/projects is intimidating. I don't say this out of negativity for the sake of negativity. Earlier today, I was trying to resurrect an old Python project that was using pipenv. "pipenv install" gave me an error about accepting 1 argument, but 3 were provided. Then I switched to Poetry. Poetry kept on detecting my Python2 installation, but not my Python3 installation. It seemed like I had to use pyenv, which I didn't want to use, since that's another tool to use and setup on different machines. I gave up and started rewriting the project (web scraper) in Node.js with Puppeteer. ~~~ lone_haxx0r Yes. As someone who has never dove deep into python, but has had some contact with it: the package manager ecosystem is the #1 thing keeping me away from it. npm sucks and all, but at least _it just works_ and doesn't get in my way as much. ~~~ heyoni What does npm do that python can’t? I’m curious. ~~~ Too npm is equivalent to combining pip and virtualenv into a single tool. This gives better ergonomics when switching between projects since you never have to "activate" your environment, it's always activated when standing in the project directory. ~~~ Pandabob Isn't this what Pipenv does? What has been a downer for me is that many of the cloud providers do not support pipfiles in their serverless app services (Elastic Beanstalk, App Engine etc.) ~~~ Pandabob On second thought, at least on GCP I should be able to put the pipfiles into .gcloudignore and just update the requirements.txt file with each new commit using git hooks, build scripts or a ci/cd tool. ------ madelyn I have never understood the need for all the different tools surrounding Python packaging, development environments, or things like Pipenv. For years, I have used Virtualenv and a script to create a virtual environment in my project folder. It's as simple as a node_modules folder, the confusion around it is puzzling to me. Nowadays, using setuptools to create packages is really easy too, there's a great tutorial on the main Python site. It's not as easy as node.js, sure, but there's tools like Cookiecutter to remove the boilerplate from new packages. requirements.txt files aren't very elegant, but they work well enough. And with docker, all this is is even easier. The python + docker story is really nice. Honestly I just love these basic tools and how they let me do my job without worrying about are they the latest and greatest. My python setup has been stable for years and I am so productive with it. ~~~ Twirrim I'm firmly set on virtualenv with virtualenvwrapper for some convenience functions. Need a new space for a project? mkvirtualenv -p /path/to/python projectname (-p only if I'm not using the default configured in the virtualenv config file, which is rare) From there it's just "workon projectname" and just "deactivate" when I'm done (or "workon otherprojectname") It has been stable and working for ages now. I just don't see any strong incentive to change. ~~~ babayega2 I have been doing this starting Ubuntu 14.04. it's been stable even when I upgraded now to 18.04 which has python 3 as default. The only downside compared with tool such as pipenv is the automatic update of packages that pipenv can offer and it's ability to be integrated into CI/CD pipelines. ------ Evidlo For those new or unfamiliar with python, I think the best solution is the simplest: pip and virtualenv ~~~ ramraj07 Seriously. The author is bending over backwards to accommodate poetry from every direction, from the stupidest installation instructions I've heard, to "can't transfer from requirements.txt" to "it doesn't work well with docker but doable". Like what exactly does it add that's worth all this complexity? Make you a maitai every hour? ------ f4stjack Eeeehhh I think I will be downvoted to hell and back for this but after I read the article I had the feeling of "why are you making this feel more complex than it needs to be?" I mean compared to Java and C# I have a MUCH MORE EASIER time to set up my development environment. Installing Python, if I am on a Windows box I mean, is enough to satisfy a lot of the requirements. I then clone the repo of the project and source venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt is enough to get me to start coding. ~~~ slig > "why are you making this feel more complex than it needs to be?" Because it's more complex if you have projects on multiple Python versions and if you want to lock your Python packages to specific versions. (Pip can bite you when different packages have different requirements for the same lib). ------ wp381640 If you're going to be using pyenv + poetry you should be aware of #571 that causes issues with activating the virtualenv [https://github.com/sdispater/poetry/issues/571](https://github.com/sdispater/poetry/issues/571) the OP himself has a fix for this in his own dotfiles repo: [https://github.com/jacobian/dotfiles/commit/e7889c5954daacfe...](https://github.com/jacobian/dotfiles/commit/e7889c5954daacfe0988fc05ff9e8e87eb1241b7) ~~~ jacobian Ha, I'd forgotten about that. Thanks for the reminder. (Though, how'd you find that? Mildly creepy that you know more about my dotfiles than I do!) ~~~ wp381640 I landed on that issue a while ago and your pull request was linked so I ripped your solution and added it to my own dotfiles :) ------ nunez > Although Docker meets all these requirements, I don't really like using it. > I find it slow, frustrating, and overkill for my purposes. How so? I've been using Docker for development for years now and haven't experienced this EXCEPT with some slowness I experienced with Docker Compose upon upgrading to MacOS Catalina (which turned out to be bug with PyInstaller, not Docker or Docker Compose). This is on a Mac, btw; I hear that Docker on Linux is blazing fast. I personally would absolutely leverage Docker for the setup being described here: multiple versions with lots of environmental differences between each other. That's what Docker was made for! ~~~ jsmeaton The build step for installing or upgrading a package can be a killer with nontrivial projects. ~~~ maksimum It seems like long builds are either (a) necessary or (b) user error. (a) If you have a tree of dependencies and you change the root, you should rebuild everything that depends on it to make sure it's still compatible. (b) if you placed your application into one of the initial Dockerfile layers, but then you're installing dependencies that don't depend on you, it's user error. What's the situation where your application needs to go first in the Dockerfile, and then you need to put a bunch of stuff that doesn't depend on your application? ------ gravypod The Dockerfile that's provided looks like it would be very slow to build. I always try to make Dockerfiles that install deps and then install my python package (usually just copy in the code and set PYTHONPATH) to fully take advantage of the docker build cache. When you have lots of services it really reduces the time it takes to iterate with `docker-compose up -d --build`-like setups. ------ analog31 In addition to the popular conda, it's worth checking out WinPython for scientific use. Each WinPython installation is an isolated environment that resides in a folder. To move an installation to another computer, just copy the folder. To completely remove it from your system, delete the folder. I find it useful to keep a WinPython installation on a flash drive in my pocket. I can plug it into somebody's computer and run my own stuff, without worrying that I'm going to bollix up their system. ------ ninetax Curious to hear other's experiences with pipenv vs poetry. Has anyone made the switch? ~~~ kndjckt I switched from pipenv to poetry over 1 year ago. I love it! The main reasoning was so that I could easily build and publish packages to a private repository and then easily import packages from both pypi and the private repository. Happy to answer more questions. ~~~ thehesiod I'd like to use poetry however ran into [https://github.com/sdispater/poetry/issues/1554](https://github.com/sdispater/poetry/issues/1554) We have a custom pypi server and need all requests to go through it, however haven't figured a way to make poetry always use our index server for all modules instead of pypi.org ~~~ _AzMoo Add a second source and it will prioritise that over pypi. [[tool.poetry.source]] name = "my-repo-name" url = "https://myrepo.url/" ------ perlgeek > On Linux, the system Python is used by the OS itself, so if you hose your > Python you can hose your system. I never manged to hose the OS Python on Linux, by sticking to a very simple rule: DON'T BE ROOT. Don't work as root, don't run `sudo`. On Linux, I use the system python + virtualenv. Good enough. When I need a different python version, I use docker (or podman, which is an awesome docker replacement in context of development environments) + virtualenv in the container. (Why virtualenv in the container? Because I use them outside the container as well, and IMHO it can't hurt to be consistent). ------ xchaotic I love Python syntax, but I still haven't found a sufficiently popular way that can deploy my code in the same set of setting s as my dev box (other than literally shipping a VM). So setting up a dev env is one problem, but deploying it so that the prod env is the same and works the same is another. ------ ausjke python -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate pip install -U pip pip install whatever # <do you stuff here> deactivate no need any third-party tools, venv is built-in the above steps always worked for me out of the box. ~~~ snypox But how about replacing all of these commands with two words? poetry install ~~~ ausjke which is another layer of abstraction and dependency that I do not really need, e.g poetry no longer maintained, poetry(or whatever) has an urgent bugfix,etc ------ Lucasoato This article is great, those are viable solutions for sure. One of the alternatives is conda: it's common among data scientists, but many of its features (isolation between environments, you can keep private repository off the internet) meet enterprise needs. ------ eximius I would generally reach for conda instead of this, but they seem quite comparable in aggregate. And, given that I've been trying NixOS lately and had loads of trouble and failing to get Conda to work, I will definitely give this setup a try. (I haven't quite embraced the nix-shell everything solution. It still has trouble with some things. My current workaround is a Dockerfile and a requirements.txt file, which does work...) ------ rullopat I like Python has a language, but when I see how clean are the tools of other similar languages, for example Ruby, compared to the clusterf __k of the Python ecosystem, it just make me want to close the terminal. I 'm always wondering how it became the language #1 on StackOverflow. ------ notus I recommend asdf for version management if you use more than one programming language ~~~ pritambaral [https://common-lisp.net/project/asdf/](https://common-lisp.net/project/asdf/) ? ~~~ rhizome31 [https://asdf-vm.com/](https://asdf-vm.com/) ------ anonu There are two things that I find a bit elusive with Python: 1\. Highlight to run 2\. Remoting into a kernel Both features are somewhat related. I want to be able to fire up a Python Kernel on a remote server. I want to be able to connect to it easily (not having to ssh tunnel over 6 different ports). I want connect my IDE to it and easily send commands and view data objects remotely. Spyder does all this but its not great. You have to run a custom kernel to be able to view variables locally. Finally, I want to be able to connect to a Nameko or Flask instance as I would any remote kernel and hot-swap code out as needed. ------ luord So far using docker and setup.py files is working for me, I've never felt they were particularly slow, so I'll keep using them. I gotta give poetry a try, though. ------ eivarv Why not just use conda for envs and deps (or env-specific pip), and install youtube-dl etc. via your platform's package manager? ~~~ cosmic_quanta In my experience, conda breaks quite often. Most recently, conda has changed the location where it stores DLLs (e.g. for PyQt), which broke pyinstaller- based workflows. In principle, it's a good idea; in practice, I'm not satisfied. On Windows, it's an easy solution, especially for packages that depend on non-python dependencies (e.g. hdf5). ------ nsomaru I’ve been manually deploying my projects for years. Can anyone comment on the Docker learning & troubleshooting story for python? ~~~ maksimum Docker + setuptools/pip + python is great for development and production. Docker is definitely worth learning, and is pretty easy to learn. ------ snorkasaurus I like pip-tools for venv requirements management, but I don't see it mentioned much. ~~~ globular-toast I use pip-tools. It fits in nicely as an additional component to the standard toolset (pip and virtualenv). But most people probably do not need to freeze environments so it's great to be able to _not_ use it for most projects. ------ frou_dh My sole use of Python is writing plugins (mostly single-user: me) for Sublime Text. It feels pretty comfy to effectively be on an island and far away from the hustle and bustle of the industrial Python tooling. ------ dang Related from 2018: [https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16439270](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16439270) ------ schainks I've moved to ASDF and haven't really looked back. It's working well with low fuss, and supporting far more than just python on my machine. ------ kovek I'll pay anyone who can assist me with my Python setup. Is there a service like this, where one can find a developer on demand? ~~~ abcininin I have been using a consistent setup that hasn't yet failed me for the past 2 years. 1\. Install Anaconda to your home user directory . 2\. create environment using (conda create --name myenv python=3.6) . 3\. Switch to the environment using (conda activate myenv) . 4\. Use (conda install mypackage), (pip install mypackage) in that priority order . 5\. Export environment using (conda env export > conda_env.yaml) . 6\. Environment can be created on an other system using (conda env create -f conda_env.yaml) . Anaconda: [https://www.anaconda.com/distribution/#download- section](https://www.anaconda.com/distribution/#download-section) . Dockerized Anaconda: [https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/user- guide/tasks/docker/](https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/user- guide/tasks/docker/) . ~~~ bmer I can vouch for this. Anaconda is especially good for simulation/data stuff (based on the focus on which packages are included by default). One pain point though: getting it to work with Sublime Text 3 requires you to set the `CONDA_DLL_SEARCH_MODIFICATION_ENABLE` environment variable to `1` on Windows. Not a flaw of Anaconda: it just pays attention to how to with multiple Python installations on Windows. ------ mrfusion Why pipx vs just using pip? ~~~ tedivm With pipx when you install things they go into isolated environments. With pip you're just installing things globally. This difference is important due to dependencies- if you have two different CLI tools you want to install but they have conflicting dependencies then pip is going to put at least one of them into an unusable state, while pipx will allow them to both coexist on the same system. ~~~ AdrienLemaire I haven't used pipx, but as far as I understand, pipx = pip + venv. If your pip executable is in a virtualenv, the "globally installed" is locally installed. pipx, poetry, pipenv and co are still nice wrappers to have, I suppose. It just feel less useful now that most of my projects are dockerized. ~~~ yrro pipx looks nice. Is there any way to persuade it to install 'wheel' before it installs the desired package? That way 'pipx install foo' can download and install wheels rather than downloading source distributions and building/installing them... ------ diminoten > Governance: the lead of Pipenv was someone with a history of not treating > his collaborators well. That gave me some serious concerns about the future > of the project, and of my ability to get bugs fixed. Doesn't seem fair. You're not abandoning requests, are you? ~~~ oefrha Just noticed requests moved from kennethreitz/requests to psf/requests. Interesting. Edit: From [https://www.python.org/psf/github/](https://www.python.org/psf/github/), > ... we have created a GitHub organization, @psf, to support and protect > projects that have outgrown ownership by their original author. ------ mlthoughts2018 This is so painful to see compared to using conda. ~~~ whalesalad 1\. The author of this post helped to create the Django framework and runs a successful Python consultancy. 2\. Conda is not used as much as you might think... it's really only used within the data science community. ~~~ mlthoughts2018 1\. Argument from authority doesn’t mean anything to me. I also don’t believe creating Django or running a Python consultancy endow someone with especially useful opinions of Python packaging tooling. (Not that the author isn’t knowledgeable, just you seem to think there’s an A implies B relationship between those two items and having good opinions about Python packaging, and there’s not). 2\. Conda is quite widely used outside of data science. It’s for example part of Anaconda enterprise offerings used by huge banks, government agencies, universities, etc., on large projects often with no use cases related to data science. Conda itself has no logical connection with data science, it’s just a package & environment manager. In each of my last 4 jobs, 2 at large Fortune 500 ecommerce companies, conda has been the environment manager used for all internal Python development. Still use pip a lot within conda envs, but conda is the one broader constant. ~~~ m000z0rz > huge banks, government agencies, universities > large Fortune 500 e-commerce companies Sorry, but argument from authority doesn't mean anything to me. In all seriousness though, you literally did not provide any logical reasons to think conda is better. ~~~ mlthoughts2018 Giving a counterexample is not argument from authority. I did not respond to the parent comment to discuss any feature of conda, only to dispel the wrong claim that only mostly data science projects rely on it.
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
Q: Transparent Background controls in PPC programming You know it is very easy to set transparent background of the control placed on the top of other control in WinForm by using the Parent method in C# like: LabelText.Parent = pictureBox1; But it does not work in the Windows Mobile programming. I thought there in an other way to do so. I want to set the Label's background transparent, which is placed on the picturebox. In the above image the back colour of the label is already set to transparent but it displays the white colour instade of transparent. A: You can get the kind of transparency you are looking for on the desktop version of .NET by overriding the Windows style flags for a control. You'd override CreateParams and turn on WS_EX_TRANSPARENT. That's however not available on CF. The simple solution is to just override the Paint event of the PictureBox and draw the text with Graphics.DrawText(). With the added benefit that this is a lot cheaper than a Label control.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Q: PHP SoapCLient, Soap call giving an error in Drupal I am getting the following error, when I try making a SOAP call. Warning: SoapClient::__doRequest() [soapclient.--dorequest]: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known in and the error HTTP-Could not connect to host Things that I have ensured : allow_url_fopen : is enabled. The WSDL is being accessed. The server is not down. I have set the SOAP time out to 15 seconds. A: The IP of the host you are connecting to cannot be resolved. See my answer in simplexml_load_file not working "php_network_getaddresses: failed: Name or service not known" for what to do.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
# galican stopwords a aínda alí aquel aquela aquelas aqueles aquilo aquí ao aos as así á ben cando che co coa comigo con connosco contigo convosco coas cos cun cuns cunha cunhas da dalgunha dalgunhas dalgún dalgúns das de del dela delas deles desde deste do dos dun duns dunha dunhas e el ela elas eles en era eran esa esas ese eses esta estar estaba está están este estes estiven estou eu é facer foi foron fun había hai iso isto la las lle lles lo los mais me meu meus min miña miñas moi na nas neste nin no non nos nosa nosas noso nosos nós nun nunha nuns nunhas o os ou ó ós para pero pode pois pola polas polo polos por que se senón ser seu seus sexa sido sobre súa súas tamén tan te ten teñen teño ter teu teus ti tido tiña tiven túa túas un unha unhas uns vos vosa vosas voso vosos vós
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Enantioselective Catalysis by Using Short, Structurally Defined DNA Hairpins as Scaffold for Hybrid Catalysts. A new type of DNA metal complex hybrid catalyst, which is based on single-stranded DNA oligonucleotides, is described. It was shown that oligonucleotides as short as 14 nucleotides that fold into hairpin structures are suitable as nucleic acid components for DNA hybrid catalysts. With these catalysts, excellent enantioinduction in asymmetric Diels-Alder reactions with selectivity values as high as 96 % enantiomeric excess (ee) can be achieved. Molecular dynamics simulations indicate that a rather flexible loop combined with a rigid stem region provides DNA scaffolds with these high selectivity values.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
DOD CIO Focuses on IT Projects that Support the Armed Forces’ Mission The IT professionals at the Department of Defense are learning to speak the language of the warfighter. John Zangardi, acting chief information officer of the DOD, said that one of his biggest jobs is to make sure that military personnel have the command and control assets that they need on the battlefield. That involves explaining IT systems and challenges in a way that they can understand its value and tackling cybersecurity challenges before they arise. “I have the responsibility not to put out the welcome mat for our adversaries,” said John Zangardi. (Photo: LinkedIn) “Cyber is a big deal,” Zangardi said at the Adobe Digital Government Symposium on Tuesday. “I have the responsibility not to put out the welcome mat for our adversaries.” The DOD plans to deploy Windows 10 by the end of 2017, expedite a barrier between DOD networks and the rest of the Internet, use and encourage other entities to use the Cyber Scorecard 2.0, understand the cost of the IT enterprise, and define the cyber responsibilities among the different DOD departments. Windows 10 has fewer security vulnerabilities than the previous DOD system, but some employees were averse to the idea of learning a new system. “Our typical response to the old system is to wait for years and beg and plead to keep the old one going,” Zangardi said. In order to deploy the Joint Regional Security Stack, which would put an obstacle between DOD systems and the rest of the Internet environment, Zangardi said that he’s had to work around bureaucratic acquisition challenges. Zangardi said he plans to encourage NATO countries to use similar frameworks as the Cyber Scorecard 2.0, which includes automated reports that can give agencies that latest information about their systems. Zangardi said that he’s been working for about two months with Adm. Michael Rogers, National Security Agency and U.S. Cyber Command head, to map out the cybersecurity responsibilities of each part of DOD. Zangardi is also working on a new pilot for the Defense Travel System in order to modernize and make it more user-centric to serve DOD civilians and the armed forces. “We need to give the experience that our employees have–we have to make it better,” Zangardi said.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Where to sell old computer Computers firmly in the everyday life and are used not only for work or study but also for entertainment. Their development is so fast that computers become obsolete within a couple of years after purchase. But how profitable to sell an old computer to buy a new one? Before you do the actual selling, it would be good to know what you sell. The most important characteristics of computer are: type and processor frequency; - type of the motherboard; - brand graphics card and amount of memory; - size of memory; - the number and size of hard drives. To get this information either from the sales receipt that you received, buying a computer, or using a special program or the operating system. Only after receiving information about the characteristics and components of computer, can understand how much it costs. 2 Next, you should decide what exactly you want to sell the entire computer (system unit + monitor) or just the system unit. Usually old monitors with ray tubes (like old TVs) is now useless. Peripherals: keyboard, mouse, headphones also not listed, in contrast to the good sound system. 3 To understand, what price should you ask for your old computer, you can use the Internet or newspaper ads. Just look up the cost of all the most important components in computer shops. Further, depending on the service life and remaining warranty, reduce the amount in half to two times. Most likely, this will be the market price of your computer. 4 If you take the time, the announcement of the sale can be placed in Newspapers free ads that are in every city. Just tell specified in the paper the technical details of your machine, the desired price, and leave a contact number. Often the free ads can be renewed several times, the money it take, so that your proposal will be published in the newspaper several times in a row. 5 Old computer can be put up for sale on the Internet. Or in social networks, which spread information quickly, or on the numerous message boards. Do not forget to specify the city, because no one will go behind your computer for 500 kilometers. In addition, you can set the announcement of the sale on the thematic computer forums. 6 Finally, many of the organizations involved in the repair and resale of used vehicles, buy old computers and accessories from the population. The price in this case is likely to be lower than you thought yourself, but the sale will happen immediately. It is not necessary to carry in such a relatively buying new computers, because the difference between the expected and the offered price in this case will be quite noticeable. Useful advice Don't forget to remove the extra hard drives before selling. Check optical drive (CD-ROM) for the presence there of forgotten discs. Is the advice useful? Print Where to sell old computer Search Присоединяйтесь к нам New advices Recommended article What to do if you have damaged the laptop keyboard Problems with the keyboard in the operation of laptop frequent. Let's think, why they occur,...
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef THRIFT_FATAL_CONTAINER_TRAITS_FOLLY_H_ #define THRIFT_FATAL_CONTAINER_TRAITS_FOLLY_H_ 1 #include <folly/FBString.h> #include <folly/container/F14Map.h> #include <folly/container/F14Set.h> #include <folly/small_vector.h> #include <folly/sorted_vector_types.h> #include <thrift/lib/cpp2/reflection/reflection.h> namespace apache { namespace thrift { template <typename C, typename T, typename A, typename S> struct thrift_string_traits<folly::basic_fbstring<C, T, A, S>> : thrift_string_traits_std<folly::basic_fbstring<C, T, A, S>> {}; template <class T, std::size_t M, class A, class B, class C> struct thrift_list_traits<folly::small_vector<T, M, A, B, C>> : thrift_list_traits_std<folly::small_vector<T, M, A, B, C>> {}; template <typename T, typename C, typename A, typename G, typename CT> struct thrift_set_traits<folly::sorted_vector_set<T, C, A, G, CT>> : thrift_set_traits_std<folly::sorted_vector_set<T, C, A, G, CT>> {}; template < typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename G, typename CT> struct thrift_map_traits<folly::sorted_vector_map<K, V, C, A, G, CT>> : thrift_map_traits_std<folly::sorted_vector_map<K, V, C, A, G, CT>> {}; template <class K, class H, class E, class A> struct thrift_set_traits<folly::F14ValueSet<K, H, E, A>> : thrift_set_traits_std<folly::F14ValueSet<K, H, E, A>> {}; template <class K, class H, class E, class A> struct thrift_set_traits<folly::F14NodeSet<K, H, E, A>> : thrift_set_traits_std<folly::F14NodeSet<K, H, E, A>> {}; template <class K, class H, class E, class A> struct thrift_set_traits<folly::F14VectorSet<K, H, E, A>> : thrift_set_traits_std<folly::F14VectorSet<K, H, E, A>> {}; template <class K, class H, class E, class A> struct thrift_set_traits<folly::F14FastSet<K, H, E, A>> : thrift_set_traits_std<folly::F14FastSet<K, H, E, A>> {}; template <class K, class T, class H, class E, class A> struct thrift_map_traits<folly::F14ValueMap<K, T, H, E, A>> : thrift_map_traits_std<folly::F14ValueMap<K, T, H, E, A>> {}; template <class K, class T, class H, class E, class A> struct thrift_map_traits<folly::F14NodeMap<K, T, H, E, A>> : thrift_map_traits_std<folly::F14NodeMap<K, T, H, E, A>> {}; template <class K, class T, class H, class E, class A> struct thrift_map_traits<folly::F14VectorMap<K, T, H, E, A>> : thrift_map_traits_std<folly::F14VectorMap<K, T, H, E, A>> {}; template <class K, class T, class H, class E, class A> struct thrift_map_traits<folly::F14FastMap<K, T, H, E, A>> : thrift_map_traits_std<folly::F14FastMap<K, T, H, E, A>> {}; } // namespace thrift } // namespace apache #endif // THRIFT_FATAL_CONTAINER_TRAITS_FOLLY_H_
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
So why did you use 1E4w3EkiUW4cs5C9gRUKdTJja9KUadAh2X multiple times then? Did you happen to be using your (scammer) friend's address over a period of 2 years? That makes absolutely no sense, I don't see why you'd use it for a signature campaign either. I'm sorry, but I just don't see your argument here working. There is an on-going Bitcoin Conspiracy where Gov't agents and shills make honest, innocent members of our community appear to be guilty of scams.Haven't you heard about it? FYI: We are planning a fun, harmless "10% Attack" on the ETH/ICO Bubble Game. So why did you use 1E4w3EkiUW4cs5C9gRUKdTJja9KUadAh2X multiple times then? Did you happen to be using your (scammer) friend's address over a period of 2 years? That makes absolutely no sense, I don't see why you'd use it for a signature campaign either. I'm sorry, but I just don't see your argument here working. There is an on-going Bitcoin Conspiracy where Gov't agents and shills make honest, innocent members of our community appear to be guilty of scams.Haven't your heard about it? So why did you use 1E4w3EkiUW4cs5C9gRUKdTJja9KUadAh2X multiple times then? Did you happen to be using your (scammer) friend's address over a period of 2 years? That makes absolutely no sense, I don't see why you'd use it for a signature campaign either. I'm sorry, but I just don't see your argument here working. There is an on-going Bitcoin Conspiracy where Gov't agents and shills make honest, innocent members of our community appear to be guilty of scams.Haven't your heard about it? So why did you use 1E4w3EkiUW4cs5C9gRUKdTJja9KUadAh2X multiple times then? Did you happen to be using your (scammer) friend's address over a period of 2 years? That makes absolutely no sense, I don't see why you'd use it for a signature campaign either. I'm sorry, but I just don't see your argument here working. There is an on-going Bitcoin Conspiracy where Gov't agents and shills make honest, innocent members of our community appear to be guilty of scams.Haven't your heard about it? It's the illuminati again, isn't it? * DiamondCardz turns on his record player, X-Files tune starts playing So why did you use 1E4w3EkiUW4cs5C9gRUKdTJja9KUadAh2X multiple times then? Did you happen to be using your (scammer) friend's address over a period of 2 years? That makes absolutely no sense, I don't see why you'd use it for a signature campaign either. I'm sorry, but I just don't see your argument here working. There is an on-going Bitcoin Conspiracy where Gov't agents and shills make honest, innocent members of our community appear to be guilty of scams.Haven't your heard about it? It's the illuminati again, isn't it? * DiamondCardz turns on his record player, X-Files tune starts playing So why did you use 1E4w3EkiUW4cs5C9gRUKdTJja9KUadAh2X multiple times then? Did you happen to be using your (scammer) friend's address over a period of 2 years? That makes absolutely no sense, I don't see why you'd use it for a signature campaign either. I'm sorry, but I just don't see your argument here working. There is an on-going Bitcoin Conspiracy where Gov't agents and shills make honest, innocent members of our community appear to be guilty of scams.Haven't your heard about it? I think that this thread is not longer needed. As Op is not giving any BTC to anyone. Stop fueling this madness. Snorek my friend! I clearly remember you shilling back in GAW days along with a few other accounts like Slark... which were linked to yourself via Bitcoin addresses (see the irony yet?). You probably wouldn't want Gleb to start looking into your sock drawer LOL. You are extremely lucky that your name didn't surface in EvilPanda's emails. I think that this thread is not longer needed. As Op is not giving any BTC to anyone. Stop fueling this madness. Snorek my friend! I clearly remember you shilling back in GAW days along with a few other accounts like Slark... which were linked to yourself via Bitcoin addresses (see the irony yet?). You probably wouldn't want Gleb to start looking into your sock drawer LOL. You are extremely lucky that your name didn't surface in EvilPanda's emails. We cannot find any registered user with this username? Are you Tymer007 ?? Yes Ok this is getting really confusing. Here is the best I can figure out: 1) Tymer posts their Bitcoin address on Bitcointalk in November 2013.2) Shortly thereafter Tymer and BitcoinStriker hook up and BitcoinStriker starts using Tymer's address because that's what friends do.3) BitcoinStriker also uses an address posted by HueSinger, who is either Tymer's alt or maybe there is some kind of threesome going on.4) Tymer/HueSinger turn out to be scammer(s) but BitcoinStriker is either oblivious to that fact or is ok with it.5) BitcoinStriker also uses Tymer's username, maybe cross-dresses too. We cannot find any registered user with this username? Are you Tymer007 ?? Yes Ok this is getting really confusing. Here is the best I can figure out: 1) Tymer posts their Bitcoin address on Bitcointalk in November 2013.2) Shortly thereafter Tymer and BitcoinStriker hook up and BitcoinStriker starts using Tymer's address because that's what friends do.3) BitcoinStriker also uses an address posted by HueSinger, who is either Tymer's alt or maybe there is some kind of threesome going on.4) Tymer/HueSinger turn out to be scammer(s) but BitcoinStriker is either oblivious to that fact or is ok with it.5) BitcoinStriker also uses Tymer's username, maybe cross-dresses too. This is the definite proof. There's nothing else to say beyond this, as it can't be refuted. There is absolutely no reason BitcoinStriker would have an account called Tymer in multiple places if he was not Tymer, so he must be him. So he is a scammer, unless he was hacked in 2014 and hasn't realized yet. This is the definite proof. There's nothing else to say beyond this, as it can't be refuted. There is absolutely no reason BitcoinStriker would have an account called Tymer in multiple places if he was not Tymer, so he must be him. So he is a scammer, unless he was hacked in 2014 and hasn't realized yet. Okay....I am so confused! What are the rules of this game. We figure out who's using whose bitcoin address, we associate them with an alternate username, and then we accuse them of scamming? If our accusations are proven then we win some bitcoin? What do the alternative lifestyles have to do with the subject? So, so confusing! I think the whole thing is one big conspiracy to avoid being "outed" or something! Right?
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Bristol Your best choice for Furnace and Air Conditioner Repair in Bristol IN Since 1919, A Good Neighbor Heating & Cooling is your best choice for repair, installation, and service in homes and buildings just like yours in the Middlebury, Indiana and the surrounding area. We take special pride in the craftsmen we train and employ--a fact you'll see in the reviews below. It's also noticeable immediately in the attitude and integrity our technicians bring to your job site. Our entire company works hard to make your experience with us hassle-free and enjoyable. You can also be assured that A Good Neighbor Heating & Cooling stands behind the work we do as well as complies with all local codes. This is why, as you can see by the map and reviews below, we are rated so highly for Furnace and Air Conditioner Repair in Bristol IN. Call us today at (574) 825-1677! Local Reviews for Bristol, IN A Good Neighbor Heating & Cooling Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars based on 56 customer reviews Great Service Kathy - Bristol, IN472 days ago Review of A Good Neighbor Heating & Cooling The two men were very polite and knowledgeable. They called before coming. They diagnosed the problem quickly. They explained and showed me the problem and the repair afterwards. Wore shoe booties! And they were very pleasant when talking to me. They both are exceptional Overall Experience 5 / 5 Quality Price Convenience Great prompt service! Linda - Bristol, IN609 days ago Review of A Good Neighbor Heating & Cooling Men were polite and professional. Overall Experience 5 / 5 Quality Price Convenience Great Service! stanley - Bristol, IN714 days ago Review of A Good Neighbor Heating & Cooling Adam & Ricardo were very good installing our new system. We had not had a new system for 20 yrs. They were both very knowledgeable on the product that they were installing in my home. They answered all my questions about this new system. The were very friendly also! My husband & I are glad that we had this company do our install. Overall Experience 5 / 5 Quality Price Convenience Great service and serviceman Peggy - Bristol, IN716 days ago Review of A Good Neighbor Heating & Cooling I would recommend Overall Experience 4 / 5 Quality Price Convenience Fixed jay - Bristol, IN1023 days ago Review of A Good Neighbor Heating & Cooling Overall Experience 4 / 5 Quality Price Convenience Awesome Price Vicki - Bristol, IN1101 days ago Review of A Good Neighbor Heating & Cooling Overall Experience 5 / 5 Quality Price Convenience Very prompt, courteous, and knowledgeable. An asset to your business/ Robert - Bristol, IN1103 days ago Review of A Good Neighbor Heating & Cooling Overall Experience 5 / 5 Quality Price Convenience Service with a smile Darrell - Bristol, IN1224 days ago Review of A Good Neighbor Heating & Cooling Had an issue with my furnace. Called the office and a service tech was scheduled almost immediately, including a time window for the service call to take place. Technician (Ric) was there within a couple of hours. Repaired the issue promptly and restored heat to my home. He was very personable throughout the entire process. A Good Neighbor Heating and Cooling indeed made me smile today. Overall Experience 5 / 5 Quality Price Convenience we are pleased with the efficient service .....very much.thanks! Dan - Bristol, IN1233 days ago Review of A Good Neighbor Heating & Cooling Overall Experience 5 / 5 Quality Price Convenience Great experience Tracey - Bristol, IN1240 days ago Review of A Good Neighbor Heating & Cooling Service tech was on time and gave a courtesy call before arriving. He was knowledgeable and professional. The price was great & I appreciated the write up and explanations given. Overall Experience 5 / 5 Quality Price Convenience Great service Candy - Bristol, IN1256 days ago Review of A Good Neighbor Heating & Cooling Rod was very nice and helpful Overall Experience 5 / 5 Quality Price Convenience Furnance Check-up Vicki - Bristol, IN1283 days ago Review of A Good Neighbor Heating & Cooling The service I received today was great service & also was a great price. I can feel safe & be warm this winter with the service my service tech did. He told us that our furnance was in great shape for the age of it. That was really great news! Overall Experience 5 / 5 Quality Price Convenience Quick Service Sabrina - Bristol, IN1299 days ago Review of A Good Neighbor Heating & Cooling I had an emergency and they were very quick to fit me in and take care of it. Overall Experience 5 / 5 Quality Price Convenience Great service! Michelle - Bristol, IN1301 days ago Review of A Good Neighbor Heating & Cooling Overall Experience 5 / 5 Quality Price Convenience very informative & helpful. A very good experience & good service. Steve - Bristol, IN1303 days ago Review of A Good Neighbor Heating & Cooling The price was very fair and the service was excellent. Overall Experience 5 / 5 Quality Price Convenience Excellent Ed - Bristol, IN1306 days ago Review of A Good Neighbor Heating & Cooling Great job! Overall Experience 5 / 5 Quality Price Convenience Ric was great very nice service person well informed did a fine job good man to have on the job. Mike truax
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Taking The Stress Out Of Gluten-Free Grain-Free & Dairy-Free Living Tag Archives: Goat Cheese I had no idea. According to the internet, soft cheeses freeze quite well, actually. This opens up all kinds of ideas for different types of goat and sheep’s milk cheeses. This cheese is mild and delicious. Not overly “goaty” like a lot of aged goat or sheep’s milk cheese. Perfect on crackers, toasted baguette slices, on top of a baked potato, in your favorite salad, sprinkled over your favorite pasta dish…the options are endless. You can make it sweet with zest and agave nectar or savory with herbs and spices. I’ve used sweetened goat cheese with breakfast crepes and it was amazing. Get creative! Goat’s Milk Cheese Logs *Makes four 4-5 inch logs 1 Gallon Raw Goat or Sheep’s Milk 3 Tablespoons Kosher Salt + more for seasoning later Juice of 10 Organic Lemons, about 1 Cup Fresh Lemon Juice About 2 Tablespoons Organic Chives, chopped About 2 Tablespoons Organic Flat Leaf Parsley, chopped About 1 1/2 Tablespoons Organic Thyme, chopped About 2 teaspoons Chopped Garlic ( I used the organic garlic that comes in the jar) Ground Pepper I have a new obsession. Making my own goat’s milk and sheep’s milk cheese! Once you try it, you won’t believe how incredibly easy it is. I’ve read that it’s important to use raw milk because pasteurized milk doesn’t clot the same way. If you’re able, I would suggest trying to find a local organic farm where you can buy the raw milk. And then of course, use organic lemons and organic herbs. I buy organic and all natural whenever possible. It just makes sense to eat pure, clean, food as much as I can. But as you probably already have experienced yourself…pure, locally grown food comes with a little sticker shock. I paid $16.58 for 1 gallon of raw goat’s milk. One gallon of goat’s milk made into cheese gives you about 12 ounces of cheese. That’s about $1.38 per ounce. Expensive, but really no more than you pay in a grocery store. And the satisfaction of making it yourself and knowing exactly what is in it and where the ingredients come from…priceless! So give it a try, you won’t be disappointed, I promise: In a large dutch oven or stainless steel pot (do not use aluminum) add several inches of water and bring to a boil. Boil for about 5 minutes to sanitize. I carefully sloshed it up and around the sides. Drain, add the milk and salt, stir. Heat to 185-190 degrees stirring frequently. Keep an eye on it so it doesn’t scald on the bottom of the pan. Meanwhile, line a large strainer with the cheesecloth. I used all of the cheesecloth in the small package I purchased. Just fold it over and make sure it drapes over the sides. Place the strainer over a deep bowl. When the milk reaches 185-190 ish degrees, remove from heat. Slowly stir in the lemon juice. It starts to curdle right away. Add a pinch of parsley, chives, and thyme, reserving the rest for after the cheese has drained. Allow to rest for 25 minutes in the pan. After it has rested, pour slowly into the cheesecloth. Allow to drain for about 30 minutes. Do yourself a favor though…keep an eye on it and don’t go check your blog or your Facebook page while you’re waiting for it to drain. Because you’ll end up with this: And more importantly this… Carefully pull the sides of the cloth in and twist into a ball, carefully squeezing out some more of the liquid. Allow to rest and drain for another 25 minutes or so checking and draining the bowl every so often so that it is not sitting in its own liquid. Remove the cheesecloth from the strainer and scrape the cheese off with a spoon into a bowl. Add the remaining herbs and garlic and stir to combine. Taste and add a bit more kosher salt and a few grinds of good peppercorns. On a clean working surface pull out a piece of plastic wrap and fold in half. Spoon goat cheese onto the middle of the plastic wrap in a small row. Gently roll up one side of the plastic wrap and snuggle it over the log. Roll the log to the other end of the plastic wrap, twist the ends tight and tuck under. Continue to do this with the remaining cheese or if you’re going to use it within a couple of days, you can also make it into one large log or any shape you like, really. Once all of the cheese has been rolled, refrigerate for three hours. Remove from fridge, roll in one more layer of plastic wrap, cover in tin foil, enclose in a freezer bag and freeze up to one month. This is a new adventure for me. Like a lot of people, we are major meat lovers. In an attempt to cut out some of the red meat in our lives, I’ve decided on Meatless Mondays and Fish Fridays with a couple of chicken or turkey dishes in between on the weekdays. And who knows? Maybe we’ll like this whole meatless thing so much we’ll have a few days during the week where we go “vegetarian”. We’ll save the red meat and delectable desserts for the weekends! There are all kinds of depressing statistics out there that you can Google. People who eat red meat several times a week have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and all different types of cancers. It can double your risk of arthritis, Alzheimer’s, and endometriosis. And I won’t even go into the whole organic versus non-organic thing. Hormones, genetically engineered corn feed…EEK! Anyway, as much as I love red meat, it’s time to switch it up a bit and it’s a welcome change. I’ll get to try a variety of new recipes and if I think they’re good, I’ll pass them on to you. Tonight’s meal was wonderful (if I do say so myself!), and I don’t feel like I was missing out on anything by having a meatless dinner. The salad was refreshing and the marinated garbanzo beans added a lot of flavor. The bruschetta was amazing and the goat cheese mixed with the tomatoes, fresh basil, garlic, and balsamic vinegar? Delectable! Marinated Chick Peas 1 Can of Chickpeas (Garbanzo beans), rinsed and drained Drizzle of Olive Oil Drizzle of Rice Vinegar 1/2 Tbsp. Fresh Basil, chopped 1 1/2 tsp. Fresh Oregano, chopped Ground Pepper Place the chickpeas, herbs, olive oil, vinegar, and pepper in a small bowl. Stir and allow to marinate for at least 1 hour. Veggie Salad I didn’t write down measurements for this. It will depend on how large your family is, and pretty much everyone knows how to make a salad. Baby Spring Mix Baby Spinach Romaine Lettuce Red Onion Yellow & Orange Bell Pepper Sugar Snap Peas, sliced in half lengthwise Broccoli English Cucumber Compari Tomatoes, quartered Sheep’s Cheese Bruschetta 1 Box Gluten Free Pantry French Bread & Pizza Mix 1 Tbsp. Dried Basil 1 Tbsp. Dried Oregano 1/2 Tbsp. Dried Garlic 4 Compari Tomatoes On The Vine, diced 2 Tbsp. Fresh Basil, chopped 2 Cloves Garlic, diced 1 1/2 Tbsp. Red Onion, diced Drizzle of Olive Oil Drizzle of Balsamic Crumbled Sheep’s Milk Cheese, about 1/4 block Preheat oven and mix the boxed bread mix according to the directions, except use olive oil instead of vegetable oil. I also used almond milk. Stop mixer and add the dried basil, oregano, and garlic. Mix on high for 1 more minute. I placed my dough in a french bread pan. If you don’t have a french bread pan you can try to make a mold out of heavy-duty aluminum foil (it makes 2 loaves) or bake it as directed on the box. This is what a french bread pan looks like: Once the bread is done, allow to cool for 30 minutes. Slice into bruschetta size slices and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Toast the bread on each side until it is lightly golden brown. While it’s cooling, prepare the topping. Place the tomatoes, fresh basil, garlic, red onion, drizzle of olive oil, and drizzle of balsamic vinegar in a small bowl. Stir and allow to rest for 10 minutes. Place about a tablespoon of the tomato mixture on each slice of toasted french bread. Next, add the crumbled sheep’s milk cheese. Place under the broiler until the cheese is bubbly and browning on the top. A lot of people consider chicken and salad to be a “diet” meal. Not me, and here’s why. First of all, chicken can be prepared at least one hundred different ways and I could certainly say the same for salad. If your idea of chicken and salad is steamed or heaven forbid…boiled chicken, and a plate full of iceberg lettuce, then you need to venture out into the world of flavor and variety. My husband recently returned from a skiing trip in Utah and brought me the most wonderful olive oil and balsamic vinegars. Wonderful doesn’t even come close to explaining the intense flavors. Unbelievable would maybe be a more appropriate description. A pleasantly shocking experience. I’ve tasted quite a few vinegars and oils over the years and these by far rank in at #1. My husband tried several different varieties and settled on 3 different bottles to bring home (wrapped inside his ski boots to keep them safe). California Garlic Olive Oil, Blackberry Ginger Balsamic Vinegar, and 18-Year Traditional Balsamic. Such an incredibly thoughtful gift for a foodie like me. The creative minds at Mountain Town Olive Oil Co. certainly know their stuff. I can’t wait until we have the opportunity to head their way together so I can taste every single thing they make. Mountain Town Olive Oil Co. Park City Utah Yesterday I stood in the kitchen the entire day making a “Thanksgiving” feast, pie included, for our Valentine’s Day dinner. I was looking forward to something simple tonight but wanted to prepare something that would support my new gifts from my husband nicely. Something simple, but full of flavor. Every single bite I took I had to tell my husband how good it was! I’m sure he was thankful that I was enjoying his gifts, but honestly, I couldn’t stop talking about it. Right now, I have the bottles sitting next to me as I type this and things keep running through my mind like, “What else can I eat with those right now?” It’s a good thing I’m out of GF bread. But tomorrow…well, tomorrow is another day where I’m already envisioning bread, olive oil, and balsamic vinegar for lunch…. Grilled Chicken Breasts & Vegetable Salad (This makes a large salad & 4 chicken breasts. I try to make a large salad every 4 days with different ingredients to keep in the fridge to munch on, making it easier to get our daily veggie requirements. There are 3 of us, but this meal would easily feed a family of 4 or 5 for dinner.) 4 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts, rinsed and dried Olive Oil, extra virgin Sea Salt & Pepper Smoked Paprika 1 tsp. Oregano 1 tsp. Thyme 4 Cups Romaine Lettuce, chopped or torn 4 Cups Spinach Leaves, stems removed 1 Cup Carrots, shredded 1 Cup Mushrooms, sliced 1/2 Cup Fresh Green Beans, diced 1 Cup Broccoli, sliced small 2 Green Onions, sliced 4 Compari Tomatoes, quartered About 1/4 Of A Goat Cheese Block, crumbled Your Favorite Olive Oil & Balsamic Vinegar Dry chicken breasts, place on plate and drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle with sea salt & pepper, and smoked paprika. Sprinkle with 1/2 of the oregano and thyme. Turn breasts over and repeat process. Set aside. When I went gluten-free, all I could think about was bread. Well, pretty much any carbohydrate that I wasn’t supposed to consume really. At first it seemed as though I would just have to learn to live with what was being sold in the small gluten-free isles at our local grocer or just go without. But then a wonderful thing happened! I started to educate myself about this whole gluten-free life. I visited new grocery stores, websites, and learned great gluten-free living tips from other allergen avoiding people. My whole world opened up and I started to experiment with other products and even started creating my own recipes. Not only could I eat well, but I was eating much healthier than I had been, and didn’t feel like I was missing out on all of the gluten foods I used to eat. This flat bread is made with a packaged focaccia mix called, Chebe. The product is also in my Product Reviews section if you’d like to learn more. One thing I realized when I was trying new products is that I didn’t always have to follow the directions on the package. So if you’re one of those sticklers for following a recipe or the directions on a package exactly, my advice to you is loosen up a bit, they aren’t the boss of you! Experiment, think of other ways you could use it, or other things you could add to it. Get creative and get cooking! With your hand, knead in bowl until the dough comes together and is somewhat smooth and formed into a ball. Set aside.Cut parchment paper to fit a baking sheet. Place parchment paper on counter and dust with gluten-free flour (I used Mama’s Almond). Place dough ball on floured parchment and sprinkle more flour on top of the dough. Roll dough out to fit parchment, leaving about 2 inches or so around. Place parchment and rolled dough on baking sheet. Place the remaining 2 tsp. of garlic in a small bowl or ramekin and add the 1/8 cup olive oil. Prick the dough all over with a fork. Brush dough with olive oil and garlic. Be generous. Bake for 20 minutes, remove and set aside. (If I’m making this for a party I bake the crust in the AM, let it cool, and cover it with plastic wrap on the counter until I’m ready to top and bake it again.) Sauce, Veggie, & Goat Cheese Topping For the sauce: While your crust is baking begin making the tomato sauce. 1 can of fire roasted tomatoes 1/4 cup sun-dried tomatoes 2 Tbsp. fresh basil, chopped 1 Tbsp. fresh oregano, chopped 3 cloves garlic, whole Place ingredients in order, in a blender and process until smooth. Set aside. Spread a generous amount of the prepared tomato sauce on the flat bread crust. You will probably have some left over, depending on how saucy you like your crust. If you do have left overs, I had about 3/4 of a cup, you can place it in a plastic container or plastic freezer bag and freeze it for next time. Next, layer the spinach first, then the mushrooms, zucchini, onions & peppers, and top with the goat cheese. Once I had it together I tossed it lightly with my fingers to mix the cheese into the peppers and onions. Bake in a 375 degree oven for 20-30 minutes until edges are golden and cheese is lightly bubbly. Sometimes I also like to put it under the broiler for another 8-10 minutes, I did not do that this time. If you do it will slightly brown your cheese and the edges of your veggies and is very good.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Letca Nouă Letca Nouă is a commune located in Giurgiu County, Romania. It is composed of three villages: Letca Nouă, Letca Veche and Milcovățu. References Category:Communes in Giurgiu County
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
This invention relates generally to databases for digital data storage and retrieval, and more particularly to the management of physical file system objects such as files and directories created or dropped on mirrored databases. Enterprises employ database systems comprising mirrored databases as a repository of the enterprise's stored data, and such systems provide architecture to support operational systems such as online transaction processing (OLTP). The databases generally have large sizes, store large volumes of data, and experience high numbers of operations. Mirrored databases comprise a primary database and a mirror database pair that are synchronized by redundantly writing the same data to both databases for backup and to assure high availability of the data if one of the databases fails (crashes). In the event of a crash, or loss of communications with a database, a mirror resynchronization process is performed by the system to manage the creation and deletion of file directories and file objects on both mirrors that store database data to restore the databases to a synchronized state. Mirror resynchronization will re-create file system objects that may not have been created and attempt to remove objects that were logically dropped while the mirror was down. Additionally, if a crash occurs during a transaction, physical file system objects that may have been created by aborted database transactions and those that may have been dropped by committed database transactions may remain. Mirror resynchronization needs to know which file system objects to clean up on the mirrors that were logically deleted and which file system objects to re-create that were logically created while the mirror was down. Frequently, this information is not readily available. The file systems used in databases typically do not support external local or distributed transactions, and have no mechanism for accurately and durably recording which file system objects are in use by the database. Moreover, some database systems do have a crash recovery undo so that there is no mechanism to remove physical objects by an aborted transaction during crash recovery. They can only do redo operations during crash recovery by replaying and redoing all work recorded in a transaction log, such as a Write Ahead Log (WAL), since a last database checkpoint. For large databases, this can be a very lengthy process. The database systems generally lose track of file directories and files used by the database when the database crashes, and physical files would be left around with old database data and would occupy disk space without the knowledge of the database, which can hamper performance. With mirrored databases, this situation is exacerbated. It is desirable to provide systems and methods that address this and other problems of resynchronization of mirrored databases following a database crash by facilitating cleanup of physical file system objects from the databases, and it is to these ends that the present invention is directed.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
新华网 北京 记者 赵晓辉 中国移动 北京地区 手机 资费 调整 方案 出台 手机 资费 价格 坚冰 打破 专家 指出 调整 应该 中国 手机 资费 较大 下调 空间 移动 通信 投入 前期 基站 建设 网络 之后 用户 增加 越多 通话 成本 越少 赛迪 顾问 电信 咨询 总监 接受 记者 采访 中国 手机 用户 飞速 增长 中国移动 北京地区 用户 已经 达到 左右 中国联通 北京地区 用户 多万 地区 手机 资费 价格 一直 保持 不变 电信 资费 投诉 移动 运营商 成为 众矢之的 用户 规模 越大 通话 成本 相对 越小 手机 用户 增加 资费 下调 已经 必然 趋势 信息产业部 公布 中国移动 资费 调整 方案 用户 拨打 电话 最低 话费 电话 最低 运营商 价格 调整 外界 舆论 压力 发展 战略 年前 中国 基础 电信 业务 领域 引入 竞争 成立 中国联通 之后 电信业 重组 中国移动 中国联通 成为 拥有 移动 运营 牌照 企业 移动 拥有 GSM 牌照 联通 经营 牌照 联通 用户数 移动 用户数 左右 力量 相差 较大 运营商 不能 构成 充分 竞争 移动 通信 时代 到来 会有 更多 运营商 介入 移动 通信 移动 通信 面临 竞争 压力 必然 导致 价格 下降 调整 资费 运营商 应对 时代 竞争 准备  他 牌照 发放 一次性 大幅 降价 运营商 失去 用户 信任 可能 造成 用户 流失 需要 未雨绸缪 运营 企业 保持 用户 增长 用户 增长 潜力 逐渐 转向 农村 低端 市场 中国移动 降价 举措 挖掘 低端 用户 发展 战略 体现 资费 调整 企业 申请 政府 审批 形式 实现 认为 资费 调整 企业 行为 政府 发挥 作用 越来越 履行 监管 职能 相对于 用户 取消 月租费 来电 免费 费降到 合理 价位 呼声 话费 调整 可谓 微乎其微 手机 资费 仍然 很大 下降 空间 信息产业部 电信研究院 交流 中心 主任 陈育平 表示 希望 更大 幅度 资费 变化  绎 认为 目前 调整 不会 运营商 造成 太大 影响 资费 调整 仅限 语音 业务 而今 运营商 发展 重点 数据 业务 下调 语音 话费 不会 影响 运营商 业绩
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Q: Why does my website link not show previews? So I own a website and previews will not show on various places where I put the URL. I was told to put a favicon on the site, and I did, but that doesn't work. I've tried using different variations of code, those don't seem to work either. Here's the head section on the index page: <head> <!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics --> <script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=UA-142179954-1"></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'UA-142179954-1'); </script> <title>Dieselworks</title> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/files/favicon.png" type="image/x-icon"> </head> Just want this site to show previews wherever it is linked. A: Sorry about the late response, kinda just forgot about this post. I did solve it however, here's what I did: <title>text</title> --title that goes on the tab and the preview <meta name="description" content="text"> --description for the preview <meta property="og:image" content="imageurl" /> --image to put on the preview Thanks for your help!
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
The invention is directed to an apparatus for digitally analyzing an electronic signal, and relates, more specifically, to a digital video analyzer for analyzing and visually displaying composite video waveforms of the type used in television broadcasting. In the usual television video signal, one complete picture is called a frame which, in turn, consists of two interlaced fields. A frame comprises 525 horizontal lines in the U.S. NTSC color TV system (625 lines in the European PAL color system). In order to reduce flicker effects, two fields of 262.5 horizontal lines a piece are used to scan all 525 horizontal lines. The 262.5 horizontal lines scanned by the first field of one frame comprises a scanning of every other line. During the next field, the remaining 262.5 lines are scanned. Associated with the scanning of each field is a portion of the video waveform which includes control signal for the period during which the electron beam is moved from the bottom of the screen to the top of the screen to begin scanning the next field. This interval comprises a plurality of vertical sync pulses, a plurality of equalization pulses, a plurality of horizontal sync pulses, and a vertical blanking signal. In the NTSC system, 60 fields per second are scanned; while in the PAL system, 50 fields per second are scanned. Each horizontal line comprises a horizontal blanking interval, within which occur a horizontal sync signal, followed by a color synchronization burst and then luminance and chrominance information. In the NTSC system, the full horizontal line has a period of approximately 63.56 microseconds, with the horizontal blanking and sync signal occupying a period ranging from 10.16 to 11.43 microsecond. The vertical blanking and synchronization interval occupies 21 horizontal lines or 1250 to 1333 microseconds. Upon consideration of the above signals, frequencies and pulsewidths, it is apparent that a wide range of signals, frequencies and time periods are present, all of which need to be monitored in order to provide a satisfactory video signal. In a typical television broadcast studio operation, a number of signal analyzing apparatus are required to monitor and analyze the video signal. Among these apparatuses are a picture monitor for viewing the actual picture content of the video signal, a field analyzer for displaying a full field of the composite video signal, an apparatus for viewing the signal characteristics of a selected single horizontal line, apparatus for detecting the chrominance signal within the selected line so that differential gain and phase measurements may be displayed, as well as a polar display of the chrominance difference signals obtained. In the past, each piece of signal information sought to be monitored required a separate piece of test equipment. Necessarily, this requirement reduces the ability for simultaneous viewing of the various picture parameters with respect to each other by station personnel. Typically, special test circuits used in conjunction with a studio oscilloscope are often used to monitor such picture parameters as the chrominance vector display, differential phase and differential gain, as well as the selected horizontal line. The field analyzer provided a visual display of a full field of the composite video signal. Typically, the field analyzer was an oscilloscope-type display of the composite video scanned at a field rate. The result was a near solid band of illumination across the oscilloscope screen with the vertical sync intervals appearing as non-illuminated columns, with those levels being present for a longer period having a higher intensity than those signal level present only for a short period within the waveform. In the past, selected lines of the composite video signal could be viewed using an oscilloscope; however, because a single line of the video signal is not repeated until a full field later, the scope display appears as a number of horizontal line waveforms traced over each other. As such, clean display of a single horizontal line is difficult to obtain. Additionally, because the desired horizontal line waveform will be swept just once across the oscilloscope screen, the intensity of the displayed waveform will be low. In a storage scope, a single horizontal line can be electrostatically preserved in a storage tube and displayed, however, the quality of the displayed waveform diminishes over time and can easily be obliterated by the wrong turn of a dial. The polar or vector display of the chrominance different signals was typically obtained using a vector scope which demodulated the composite video signal to derive the difference signals and converted the difference signals into a polar display format. A common characteristic of the above previous test equipment for monitoring the composite video signal is that their circuits and display signals were directed to the display of waveforms using an oscilloscope-type format, that is, deflecting a beam vertically as it is moved horizontally across the screen. In the past, some effort has been directed toward generating a signal format which is suitable for displaying a waveform using a raster-scanning type display. Typical of the patents directed to such apparatus for monitoring signal waveforms are Hess, et al., U.S. Pat. No. 4,145,706 and Schneider, U.S. Pat. No. 4,058,826. In Hess, the invention was directed to an apparatus for displaying a horizontal frequency-coupled input signal on the picture screen of a video display device such as domestic television receiver. With respect to composite video signal analysis, the above invention had limited breadth. As disclosed, the invention appears capable of displaying only the active line portion of the composite video signal. As such, the portion of the composite video signal such as horizontal sync and the colorburst synchronizing signal were not displayable. In Schneider, an apparatus is disclosed for displaying a waveform on a raster-scanning type display. However, the manner in which the horizontal display signal is generated requires that in order to view the display signal in the usual vertical axis--amplitude and horizontal axis--time orientations, the raster-scanning display device must be turned on its side. In none of the above apparatuses is it suggested or taught that substantially all of the various studio test equipment functions can be combined into a single digital video analyzing apparatus. Additionally, even when a satisfactory waveform display can be obtained using an oscilloscope-type display, the time periods necessary to display such a waveform, for example, one full horizontal line, are too long for direct conversion of such waveform for display on a raster-scanning type display. For example, because a full horizontal line of a composite video signal occupies approximately 64 microseconds of time, and because the active line of a raster-scanning type display is typically 54 microseconds, it is clear that in order to display the 64-microsecond waveform on the raster-scanning display, some portion of that waveform will have to be omitted. This practical 54-microsecond time period limitation on the duration of waveform which can be displayed on the raster-scanning display further limits the utilization of a raster-scanning type display in the monitoring of the various waveforms of interest. A further limitation of the prior test equipment apparatus was the single-color beam utilized to trace out a particular waveform on the visual display screen. If two or more waveforms were being monitored, the waveforms have to be physically separated on the screen so as to be distinguishable from each other. The present invention of a digital video analyzer takes the place of separate test instruments by accepting up to three synchronized or non-synchronized video signals for simultaneous display on a precision color video monitor in three distinct colors. Each signal can be independently stored in memory contained within the apparatus for later recall or for comparative evaluation, or as a signal source. A reference graticule, which is digitally generated, is automatically matched to each test mode. This permits fast and accurate measurement, and eliminates the need for calibration. The internal memory of the present invention permits spatial and time analysis of the video signal. Additionally, all waveform displays can be shown superimposed on the picture selected as the input source.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
Jehane Noujaim :: TED prize wish Visionary documentary filmmaker, TED Prize Winner, and Pangea Day founder Jehane Noujaim speaks to an audience of "the world's leading thinkers and doers" at the 2006 annual TED Conference. Watch and listen as she unveils her inspiring wish—to change the world through the power of film. 2006 TED Prize winner Jehane Noujaim is the gutsy filmmaker responsible for Control Room, an astonishing documentary about Al Jazeera's coverage of the Iraq war and the contrasting notions of truth expressed in the US media. In this hopeful talk, she unveils her wish: a global acceptance of diversity, mediated through the power of film. The first step? Getting people to understand each other. In 2003, Noujaim gained access to both sides of the story of the Iraq war for Control Room, a dichotomy she illustrates with provocative clips of Al Jazeera journalist Sameer Khader and U.S. press officer Josh Rushing. Noujaim ends by outlining her plans for Pangea Day, an event in which people all over the world can watch the same films at the same time. :: PANGEA DAY: May 10 is Pangea Day, "the day the world comes together through film." Its goal is to tap the power of film to strengthen tolerance and compassion while uniting millions of people to build a better future. Imagine! Kenya sings for IndiaOne component of Pangea Day is a series of anthems prompted by the desire of leading film-makers to change the way we think about other countries. What would you think of Kenyans singing the Indian national anthem? Australians singing the Lebanese national anthem? Japanese singing the Turkish national anthem? French people singing the US anthem? Watch this video set against the backdrops of Nairobi city and the beautiful landscape of Uhuru Park (Maasai country), in which a Kenyan choir sings the Indian national anthem. Find out more: www.pangeaday.orgPangea Day is a global event bringing the world together through film.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
797 F.Supp.2d 816 (2011) ESTATE OF John C. FAHNER, by Shirley FAHNER, duly appointed personal representative, of the Estate Fahner, Plaintiff, v. COUNTY OF WAYNE, a corporate subunit of Government, Sheriff Warren Evans, in his individual and official capacity, Undersheriff, Harold Cureton, in his individual and official capacity, Chief Director of Jails, Jeriel Heard, in his individual and official capacity, Jail Commander Malcolm D. Thompson, in his individual and official capacity, Sgt. Michael Long, 1661, in his individual and official capacity, Ofc. Mears, 2685, in his individual and official capacity, Cpl. C. Hall, 1437, in his individual and official capacity, Ofc. Brian Glatfelter, 3525, in his individual and official capacity, Sean Pollard a/k/a Shawn Johnson, Det. Clara Carter-Steele, in her individual and official capacity, Nurse Bernadine Tuitt, in her individual and official capacity, Lt. Kevin Semak, in his individual and official capacity, Jointly and Severally, Defendants. Case No. 2:08-cv-14344. United States District Court, E.D. Michigan, Southern Division. June 22, 2011. *822 David A. Robinson, Robinson Miller, P.C., Southfield, MI, for Plaintiff. Karie H. Boylan, Wayne County Corporation Counsel, Detroit, MI, for Defendants. OPINION AND ORDER GRANTING REMAINING DEFENDANTS' MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT PAUL D. BORMAN, District Judge. This matter comes before the Court on Defendants County of Wayne ("Wayne County" or the "County"), Sheriff Warren Evans, Undersheriff Harold Cureton, Chief Director of Jails Jeriel Heard, Jail Commander Malcolm Thompson, Sergeant Michael Long, Officer Matthew Mears, Corporal C. Hall, and Officer Brian Glatfelter's (collectively "Defendants") motion for summary judgment. (Dkt. No. 154.) There are two additional co-Defendants in this case, Nurse Bernadine Tuitt and Sean Pollard, a/k/a Shawn Johnson. Pollard is currently incarcerated for the murder of Plaintiff's decedent John Fahner, the incident which gave rise to this litigation. Nurse Tuitt was an employee of the Wayne County Jail at the time of the incident; she has failed to respond to Plaintiff's allegations, and the Court entered a default judgment against her on December 23, 2010. (Dkt. No. 170.) Thus, she is liable to Plaintiff on the claims asserted against her. Plaintiff has filed a response to the instant motion. (Dkt. No. 167.) Defendants have not filed a reply. For the following reasons, the Court GRANTS the remaining Defendants' motion. I. Background Plaintiff brings the following claims against the Defendants: Count 1: Violation of 42 U.S.C. § 1983 against all Defendants. Count 2: Supervisory Liability under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 against Defendants Heard, Thompson, Semak, Carter-Steele, and Long. Count 3: Gross Negligence (Michigan law) against all Defendants. Count 4: Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress (Michigan law) against all Defendants. These claims stem from the murder of prisoner John Fahner ("Fahner") in the Wayne County Jail ("WCJ") on June 27, 2006. Plaintiff, Shirley Fahner ("Plaintiff"), brought this action on behalf of Fahner as his personal representative. On June 27, Fahner, who was arrested on a bench warrant, was in the WCJ awaiting a court appearance for failing to appear in court on a criminal charge alleging that he wrote a bad check.[1] Pursuant to *823 WCJ policy, Fahner was placed in a holding cell on the first floor Registry area for what is known as "Court Pull" in the early morning of his scheduled court appearance. During Court Pull, inmates are placed in cells based on the judge they are scheduled to appear before that day. Sean Pollard ("Pollard"), a/k/a Shawn Johnson, was also then incarcerated at the WCJ and was scheduled to appear before the same judge as Fahner on June 27, and was placed in the same cell in Registry as Fahner. Approximately fifteen minutes after Pollard was placed in the cell, he savagely assaulted Fahner in an unprovoked attack. Pollard punched, kicked, and stomped on Fahner, who would later die from the injuries he sustained. Pollard is 5'10" tall and weighed 230 pounds; Fahner was 5'6" tall and weighed only 145 pounds. Pollard is a paranoid schizophrenic, for which he had been previously prescribed Depakote, Zyprexa, and Klonopin. Pollard alleges that at the time of the incident he had not taken his medication for nearly two months. This dispute centers around how Pollard was processed when he arrived at the WCJ on June 26, what Pollard told WCJ employees about his mental health problems, and the WCJ's policies and procedures regarding inmates scheduled for a court appearance. A. Pollard Arrives at WCJ on June 26, 2006 Pollard was transported to WCJ around 4:30 p.m., on June 26, 2006, and was processed by Deputy Mears at around 4:44 pm. Pollard's Mittimus (a writ ordered by the court directing the sheriff to convey the person identified to jail) identified him as Shawn Johnson, but also had the name Sean Pollard handwritten underneath the printed name Shawn Johnson. (Pl.'s Amended Br. in Resp. to Defs.' Mot. Ex. 1.) Despite the fact that both names, Johnson and Pollard, appeared on the Mittimus, Mears testified that he could not recall whether he put both names Shawn Johnson and Sean Pollard into the Inmate Management System ("IMS") on his computer when he booked Pollard, although he admitted that he would usually put in both names if two were listed.[2] (Pl.'s Br. Ex. 9, Deposition of Matthew C. Mears 25:1-13, 38:8-13, Oct. 29, 2009.) Whether Defendants knew that "Shawn Johnson" was really Pollard, and reviewed Pollard's criminal history is important because Pollard had an extensive history of incarceration in the WCJ system between 2002 and 2005. (Defs.' Br. 12-13.) A review of Pollard's history on June 27 (after Fahner was murdered) revealed that the WCJ had documented prior to the incident, that he was a paranoid schizophrenic, and listed medications he was prescribed for that condition. Pollard's WCJ history also indicated that he had several past instances of assaultive conduct, towards both other inmates and WCJ staff. Pollard testified that the officer who processed him called him out from his cell by the name Sean Pollard. (Pl.'s Br. Ex. 4, Deposition of Sean Pollard 12:21-13:11, *824 July 23, 2009.) Pollard described this deputy as a midsized black man, weighing about 250 pounds, with a small afro. (Id. at 14:3-8.) Mears, who processed Pollard, testified that he is white, 6'2" tall, and weighs about 280 pounds, but that in June of 2006 he said he believed he was about 40 pounds heavier. (Mears Dep. 14:25-15:4.) Elizabeth Canfield, an analyst for the State of Michigan LEIN Field Service Section, Criminal Records Division, indicated that no LEIN checks or searches were performed for either Shawn Johnson or Sean Pollard on June 26, 2006. (Pl.'s Br. Exs. 16 & 17.) Defendants claim that the LEIN system was down, not operating at that point. (Defs.' Br. 11.) The only evidence Defendants have produced to that effect is a "trouble ticket" from a Lt. Rosebomb of the Riverview police department which said "Lt. Rosebomb calling from the Riverview Police dept. States Lein is doun [sic]. Contacted Lein, lein was up. Asked Lt. if he contacted surrounding areas. He stated he did and they are up."[3] (Pl.'s Br. Ex. 11.) Accordingly, WCJ did not determine a LEIN match, and Mears gave Pollard a new Wayne County CIN under the name Shawn Johnson.[4] B. Pollard's Discussions With WCJ Staff About His Mental Health During his deposition, Pollard testified that he told two WCJ staff members that he had been diagnosed with mental health issues, that he had not taken his prescribed medications for an extended period of time, and that he had acted violently in the past when off his medications. Wayne County Sheriff's Lt. Kevin Semak testified that if Pollard had mentioned to any staff member that he had a history of mental health issues or that he felt he needed his medication, that staff member should have flagged his name and referred him to a mental health professional. (Pl.'s Br. Ex. 33, Deposition of Kevin Semak 45:6-11, Oct. 19, 2009.) After being processed by Deputy Mears at Registry, Pollard was taken to the second floor for medical questioning and to receive a TB test. Pollard remembered talking about his medications and mental illness with "a black, slim man." He said he thought the man weighed no more than 150 pounds and had a brown-skinned complexion. (Pollard Dep. 15:2-13.) However, when asked about his interactions with the officer who processed him, Pollard stated that he did not discuss his criminal history or mental health problems "until afterwards when they took the TB shots and called us to see if we took medications." (Id. at 14:17-21.) As stated above, Mears is white, 6'2" tall, and weighed over 280 pounds. (Mears Dep. 14:25-15:4.) Pollard testified that he also told someone on the medical staff about his mental health issues when his TB test was administered on June 26, 2006. (Pollard Dep. 18:8-20:23.) Defendant Bernadine Tuitt was the nurse who administered Pollard's TB test. (Pl.'s Br. Ex. 5.) When Pollard was given the WCJ's standard health access/authorization for medical treatment form on the second floor, he signed his name Sean Pollard, and Tuitt wrote "aka Shawn Johnson" above it. (Id.) The second paragraph of the medical treatment form stated: "[u]pon arrival you will be asked questions about your immediate *825 health needs." (Id.) Pollard testified that when he was asked about his mental health he told Tuitt "that I needed my medication for my mental illness and that I had a criminal history that related to not having my medication when I needed it." (Pollard Dep. 20:16-23.) Significantly, Nurse Tuitt had monitored and treated Pollard's mental health problems on previous occasions in 2003-04 when he had been incarcerated at the WCJ. (Pl.'s Br. Exs. 27-30.) In his deposition, Pollard explained that when he does not receive his medicine he becomes anxious, afraid, and violent. (Pollard Dep. 21:8-9.) Pollard testified that the medicines have an immediate effect on him, and that had he taken his medications, the incident would not have happened. (Id. at 22:2-15.) After the TB test, Pollard recalled being escorted to quarantine by a white officer, who had also transported him into the holding cell originally. (Id. at 23:4-12.) He was in quarantine by himself for about two or three hours. (Id. at 23:13-16, 25:23-26:4.) He testified that he was then taken back to the holding cell by a different white officer with black hair. (Id. at 23:17-21.) Pollard did not recall saying anything to that officer. (Id. at 24:12-14.) He did remember originally thinking that he was going to be transported to the mental floor where he is usually incarcerated, and where he is provided a cell to himself. (Id. at 24:25-25:10.) Pollard testified that he did not discuss going to the mental floor with any officers; he "took it for granted that's where [he] was going." (Id. at 25:11-13.) After the Fahner incident, Pollard was interviewed by psychiatrist Dr. Watson on September 22, 2006. Dr. Watson's report allegedly noted that Pollard told him that he had not had his medication for over a month. The report also indicated that Pollard had told jail staff that he needed his medication but was not attended to. (Id. at 26:15-27:18.) C. The Incident With John Fahner Pollard's assault of Fahner took place in the early morning hours of June 27, 2006, in holding cell 7 on the first floor of Division I Registry. Cell 7 was the designated holding cell for all inmates scheduled to appear that day before Wayne County Circuit Judge James Chylinski. Juan Cook was another inmate scheduled to appear before Judge Chylinski that day. (Pl.'s Br. Ex. 3, Deposition of Juan Cook 24:6-17, Feb. 8, 2010.) Cook testified that he was taken from quarantine to cell 7 in Registry at around 4:00 a.m. (Id.) Cook estimated that there were approximately 40 people in the cell by the time all the inmates from the various floors were rounded up, and that there were probably 300-400 prisoners in all of the Registry cells waiting to go to court. (Id. at 26:3-10.) He said that there were six officers working there at the time. (Id. at 26:11-15.) When he got into cell 7, he sat down to take a nap in a spot where he could see the bubble[5] where the officers worked. (Id. at 28:14-21.) Fahner sat down next to Cook. (Id. at 29:4.) Cook said Fahner was very slight and appeared scared. (Id. at 29:6-9.) At this time there were over 25 inmates in cell 7. (Id. at 21-23.) Cook testified that when Pollard came into the cell, he "didn't appear normal." (Id. at 30:9.) When asked to elaborate, he said "[h]e appeared to be a bug, a nutty person, a nut case." (Id. at 30:24-25.) Pollard came in and walked all the way around the cell staring *826 at everybody. (Id. at 31:19-25.) Pollard stopped in front of Fahner, and the two started talking casually. (Id. at 32:1-10.) Then all of a sudden, Pollard started to punch, kick, and stomp Fahner. (Id. at 32:13-25.) Cook estimated that Pollard had been in the cell for 5-7 minutes before the attack happened. (Id. at 71:7-8.) Cook stated that in his experience, people like Pollard prey on the smallest and weakest inmates. (Id. at 47:1-4.) Cook said that when he looked over at the bubble to see if someone was coming, the officers were sitting up there with the lights out: "all the officers that was working down there, they was sitting up in the bubble, some playing on the computer, playing them games on the computer, others sitting back reading newspapers or others nodding out, but they all sitting down." (Id. at 33:20-26.) Cook said that at some point Pollard stopped kicking Fahner and called for help saying "man down, help, help, man down." (Id. at 34:7-13.) According to Cook, it took the officers in the bubble 7-10 minutes to respond. (Id. at 34:12-13.) Cook testified that at first the officers did not think the incident was a big deal, but "when they realized and looked at the seriousness of what had happened, that's when they started running up in there." (Id. at 34:15-17.) The deputies allegedly started to clean up Fahner's blood immediately. (Id. at 40:6-8.) The deputies called EMS and huddled over Fahner. (Id. at 40:12-16.) The ambulance took Fahner out of the cell about 15 minutes after the first deputy arrived. (Id. at 75:12-15.) Cook testified that no guards patrolled around the cells between 3:45 a.m. (the time he arrived at cell 7) and the time Fahner was attacked. (Id. at 41:17-25.) Cook alleges that the deputies never patrol these cells as they do on the quarantine floors. (Id. at 42:1-16.) Later in the morning, a nurse allegedly came down to Registry looking for Pollard to give him his medication. (Id. at 45:10-16.) Cook testified that he believed she was coming to give Pollard his medication because she called out his name and was pushing the medicine cart. (Id. at 20-23.) D. The Subsequent Investigation Defendant Clara Carter-Steele was the lead detective of an Internal Affairs' ("IA") investigation of this incident. (Pl.'s Ex. 35, Deposition of Clara Carter-Steele 20:20-21:5, Feb. 1, 2010.) Carter-Steele testified that she investigated only the criminal aspects of the incident. When asked if there was anybody else that she knew of assigned to do an administrative investigation into the circumstances surrounding the incident, she replied "[n]ot to my recollection." (Id.) This directly contradicts the testimony of Defendant Lt. Kevin Semak who testified that there was an administrative component of the investigation, but that at its conclusion they were unable to identify any specific officers that had violated any polices or procedures. (Semak Dep. 30:21-31:24.) Carter-Steele's testimony is also inconsistent with a memo Jail Commander Malcolm Thompson sent to Semak assigning IA to investigate the incident to determine "if any laws were violated and/or if any departmental rules, regulations, policies, procedures or orders were violated." (Carter-Steele Dep. 55:22-57:4.) Carter-Steele, however, said that she concerned herself only with the events of June 27. (Id. at 26:2-6.) Mears testified that no one at Internal Affairs interviewed him about how Pollard was processed when he arrived at the WCJ. (Mears Dep. 61:4-20.) E. Relevant WCJ Policies WCJ policy is that if a prisoner is received at Registry and a review of his medical/criminal history shows that he has been diagnosed as a schizophrenic, that *827 inmate should be flagged to see a psychiatric nurse. (Carter-Steele Dep. 58:16-59:7.) Likewise, if an inmate mentions to a WCJ employee that he has a history of mental illness or needs medication, he should similarly be flagged. (Semak Dep. 45:6-11.) These policies are designed to ensure the safety of the inmate, other prisoners, and the staff. (Carter-Steele Dep. 58:4-7.) When inmates are received, they are designated as "preclassification" until they can formally be classified for long-term housing unless the individual is flagged. (Id. at 61:12-14.) It can take up to 72 hours for classification to occur. When inmates are assigned permanent housing, WCJ policy is to house prisoners with other inmates with similar characteristics. Deputy Eric Troszak testified that "[w]hat you want to do is have the same types of individuals with the same types of individuals based upon their criminal history." (Pl.'s Br. Ex. 12, Deposition of Eric Troszak 113:9-11, June 10, 2009.) He went on to explain that a classification officer would look at the inmate's "size, weight and age if they're going to be bunked with another individual in the same cell so if they're going to be housed in a double cell you want to make sure that you have same, as close as you can match, the same demographics." (Id. at 113:18-23.) One of these demographics is the risk profile used to classify prisoners based on the crime they were incarcerated, any history of violence if they have been incarcerated before, and any other behavioral assessments. There are eight security levels, but prisoners are also generally characterized as minimum, medium, or maximum risk. (Pl.'s Br. Ex. 25, Deposition of Chief Director Jeriel Heard 26:13-28:16, Oct. 20, 2009.) The reason for placing similar inmates together is to ensure the relative safety of each prisoner and the officers. (Troszak Dep. 115:4-8.) As far as mental health issues are concerned, the classification officer would not make any determinations; mental health professionals assess whether or not the inmate is mentally fit to be placed in the general population. (Id. at 114:2-22.) When inmates are scheduled to go to court, WCJ policy is to "pull" inmates in Division One going to court from their housing units and transport them to Registry at 3:00 a.m. the day of their scheduled appearance. (Pl.'s Resp. Ex. 36—Wayne County Operations Manuel, Registry, Court Appearances.) Inmates from Division Two are rounded up and transported to Registry by 5:00 a.m. (Id.) "All Inmates shall be placed in the holding cells according to their judge." (Id.) Chief Director Heard testified that this policy requires guards to "mix up" inmates in the holding cells regardless of their classification distinctions. (Heard Dep. 35:12-36:5.) Although all inmates are placed together according to the judge to whom they are scheduled for appearance, there are cells designated to hold prisoners that have not been cleared to be housed with the general population. For example, maximum security inmates are not cleared to be housed with other inmates. (Id. at 40:18-21.) Additionally, if an inmate is flagged as having mental health issues or is "more vulnerable" because they are in a wheelchair or on crutches they will not be placed in a holding cell with others. (Id. at 96:4-25.) Similarly, if a deputy has reason to believe that an inmate might pose a threat to other prisoners (i.e.: the inmate has been assaultive or aggressive towards another inmate), he should be separated. (Id. at 97:1-98:9.) With that said, Heard admitted that an inmate classified as a medium-risk prisoner for general housing would be placed in the same holding cell as a minimum-risk inmate if they were scheduled to see the same judge on that day. (Id. at 42:17-19.) *828 In the instant case, Fahner was a minimum-risk inmate held for writing a bad check, whereas Pollard had been charged with armed robbery and assault with intent to do harm less than murder. As such, Pollard would have been, at a minimum, classified as a medium-risk prisoner. (Id. at 31:7-32:25, 106:7-14.) Had officers discovered Pollard's true identity, as well as his past criminal and medical record (which included previous assaults against other inmates and WCJ staff), he would likely have been classified as a higher-risk inmate. II. Standard of Review Summary judgment is only appropriate if there are no genuine issues of material facts and the moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law. See Fed. R.Civ.P. 56(c). A genuine issue of material fact exists when there is "sufficient evidence favoring the non-moving party for a jury to return a verdict for that party." Anderson v. Liberty Lobby, Inc., 477 U.S. 242, 249, 106 S.Ct. 2505, 91 L.Ed.2d 202 (1986); see also Henderson v. Walled Lake Consol. Schs., 469 F.3d 479, 487 (6th Cir. 2006). When applying this standard, courts must view all materials, including all of the pleadings, in the light most favorable to the non-moving party. Matsushita Elec. Indus. Co. v. Zenith Radio Corp., 475 U.S. 574, 587, 106 S.Ct. 1348, 89 L.Ed.2d 538 (1986). The moving party bears the responsibility of establishing no issue of material fact exists. Celotex Corp. v. Catrett, 477 U.S. 317, 323, 106 S.Ct. 2548, 91 L.Ed.2d 265 (1986). Once the moving party meets its burden, the non-moving party must go beyond the pleadings and come forward with specific facts to demonstrate that there is a genuine issue for trial. Id. at 324, 106 S.Ct. 2548. The non-moving party must do more than show that there is some abstract doubt as to the material facts. It must present significant probative evidence the issue exists in order to defeat a motion for summary judgment. See Moore v. Philip Morris Cos., 8 F.3d 335, 339-40 (6th Cir.1993). III. Discussion Plaintiff has brought claims against Wayne County and several individuals who are executives or line employees at the WCJ for failing to prevent Fahner's death. There are essentially five aspects of Plaintiff's Complaint. First, Plaintiff argues that the individual Defendants were deliberately indifferent to the serious risk of bodily harm they knew placing Pollard in the same cell as Fahner presented. (Compl. ¶ 63.) At the same time, Plaintiff alleges that Defendant Wayne County's practices, policies, or customs also caused Fahner's death. (Id. ¶ 64.) Next, Plaintiff contends that Defendants Heard, Thompson, Semak, Carter-Steele, and Long are subject to supervisory liability under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 for their "reckless disregard and deliberate indifference in the supervision, hiring, training, and discipline of the individual officers." (Id. ¶ 73.) In Count III, Plaintiff alleges that all Defendants were grossly negligent in performing their duties. (Id. ¶¶ 76-81.) Finally, Plaintiff claims that Defendants are liable for intentional infliction of emotional distress ("IIED"). (Id. ¶¶ 82-85.) The Court will now address each of these claims in turn. A. Deliberate Indifference of the Individual Defendants 1. Qualified Immunity Defendants argue that the individual Defendants are entitled to summary judgment, in part, because of qualified immunity. (Defs.' Br. 19.) Qualified immunity protects government officials performing discretionary functions from liability for civil damages. Mitchell v. Forsyth, 472 U.S. 511, 526, 105 S.Ct. 2806, 86 *829 L.Ed.2d 411 (1985). Under the two-prong test announced in Saucier v. Katz, 533 U.S. 194, 121 S.Ct. 2151, 150 L.Ed.2d 272 (2001), qualified immunity does not shield government officials from liability if the plaintiff has alleged facts demonstrating that the defendant violated the plaintiff's federal rights, and that right was clearly established when the violation occurred. Id. at 200, 121 S.Ct. 2151. The United States Supreme Court modified the procedure outlined in Saucier in Pearson v. Callahan, 555 U.S. 223, 129 S.Ct. 808, 172 L.Ed.2d 565 (2009). The Pearson Court held that courts are free to address the two prongs in whatever order they deem most logical. Id. at 818. As a result, courts may choose to determine whether an allegedly violated right is clearly established before deciding whether the defendant violated it or not. Id. The Sixth Circuit has held that "[t]he right of an inmate to be protected from an attack by a fellow inmate" is clearly established. See, e.g., Doe v. Bowles, 254 F.3d 617, 620 (6th Cir.2001). As a result, the instant claim turns on whether Plaintiff has demonstrated that a genuine issue of material facts exists as to whether Defendants were deliberately indifferent to the risk Pollard posed to other inmates, including Fahner, in violation of the Eighth Amendment. Id. at 621. 2. Deliberate Indifference A state official's deliberate indifference to a substantial risk of serious harm to an inmate violates the Eight Amendment's prohibition on the wanton infliction of pain as punishment. See Farmer v. Brennan, 511 U.S. 825, 829, 114 S.Ct. 1970, 128 L.Ed.2d 811 (1994). Deliberate indifference "describes a state of mind more blameworthy than negligence." Farmer, 511 U.S. at 835, 114 S.Ct. 1970. The test for determining whether an officer was deliberately indifferent has both a subjective and an objective component. Comstock v. McCrary, 273 F.3d 693, 702 (6th Cir.2001). The objective component is satisfied if the plaintiff alleges that the medical need at issue is sufficiently serious. Id. at 702-03 (quoting Farmer, 511 U.S. at 834, 114 S.Ct. 1970). A serious medical need is "one that has been diagnosed by a physician as mandating treatment or one that is so obvious that even a lay person would easily recognize the necessity for a doctor's attention." Blackmore v. Kalamazoo County, 390 F.3d 890, 897 (6th Cir.2004). To satisfy the subjective criterion, the plaintiff must demonstrate that "the official being sued subjectively perceived facts from which to infer substantial risk to the prisoner, that he did in fact draw the inference, and that he then disregarded that risk." Comstock, 273 F.3d at 703. It is not enough for the plaintiff to allege that the officer should have recognized a serious medical risk existed. See Farmer, 511 U.S. at 838, 114 S.Ct. 1970 ("[A]n official's failure to alleviate a significant risk that he should have perceived but did not, while no cause for commendation, cannot under our cases be condemned as the infliction of punishment."). The United States Supreme Court has said that recklessly disregarding a known medical risk satisfies this requirement. Id. at 839-40, 114 S.Ct. 1970. Although the subjective component requires a finding of something more blameworthy than negligence, "it is satisfied by something less than acts or omissions for the very purpose of causing harm or with knowledge that harm will result" Id. at 835, 114 S.Ct. 1970. Knowingly failing to protect an inmate from a substantial risk of violence at the hands of other prisoners can satisfy this requirement. Bowles, 254 F.3d 617, 620-21 (quoting Walker v. Norris, 917 F.2d 1449, 1453 (6th Cir. 1990)). Where a *830 substantial risk or threat exists, the Sixth Circuit has explained that state actors cannot escape liability simply by demonstrating that they were unaware that there was a risk or threat to the plaintiff specifically. See e.g., Curry v. Scott, 249 F.3d 493, 507-08 (6th Cir.2001). In Curry, the Sixth Circuit stated: Plaintiffs may prove that the defendants had actual knowledge of a substantial risk "in the usual ways," according to the Supreme Court. That is, a factfinder may infer actual knowledge through circumstantial evidence, or "may conclude a prison official knew of a substantial risk from the very fact that the risk was obvious." * * * Furthermore, "actual knowledge" does not require that a prison official know a prisoner would, with certainty, be harmed, or that a particular prisoner would be harmed in a certain way. Id. at 506-07 (citations omitted). Fahner's murder was an objectively serious medical risk. See Glass v. Fields, No. 04-71014, 2007 WL 1500175, at *8 (E.D.Mich. May 22, 2007) (finding objective component satisfied where a detainee claiming to be insane and noted as prone to violence was placed in a holding cell with the plaintiff and kicked plaintiff in the face). As such, the only issue is whether Plaintiff has presented evidence from which a reasonable jury could infer that Defendants subjectively realized the risk of placing Pollard in the same holding cell as Fahner presented, and then deliberately disregarded that risk. The Sixth Circuit has instructed that "the subjective component of a deliberate indifference claim must be addressed for each officer individually." Phillips v. Roane County, Tenn., 534 F.3d 531, 542 (6th Cir.2008) (quoting Garretson v. City of Madison Heights, 407 F.3d 789, 797 (6th Cir.2005)) (quotation marks and brackets omitted). Plaintiffs may present general allegations, however, to prove that each individual defendant had the requisite mental state for a deliberate indifference claim. Id. a. Officer Mears Plaintiff claims that Pollard told Mears he had a history of mental illness and needed to take his medications when Mears processed Pollard after he arrived at WCJ on June 26, 2006. (Compl. ¶ 27.) Pollard's testimony contradicts this claim. While at the very least an issue of genuine fact exists as to whether Mears knew the person he believed was "Shawn Johnson" was also known as Sean Pollard, due to the fact that the Mittimus had both names on it, and Pollard testified that he called him up to Registry by the name Pollard, there does not seem to be any evidence indicating that Mears knew Pollard was a paranoid schizophrenic, that he had a history of assaulting inmates, or had not taken his medication recently. Pollard testified that he discussed his mental health with two WCJ employees. Pollard remembered talking about his medications and mental illness with "a black, slim man." He said he thought the man weighed no more than 150 pounds and had a brown-skinned complexion. (Id. at 15:2-13.) However, when asked about his interactions with the officer who processed him when he arrived (Mears), Pollard stated that he did not discuss his criminal history or mental health problems "until afterwards when they took the TB shots and called us to see if we took medications." (Id. at 14:17-21.) Pollard said that he told someone on the medical staff about his mental health issues when he was getting his TB test on June 26, 2006. (Id. at 18:8-20:23.) Defendant Bernadine Tuitt was the nurse who administered Pollard's TB test. (Pl.'s Br. Ex. 5.) Because Mears is white, 6'2" tall, and claimed he *831 weighed almost 320 pounds in June 2006 (Mears Dep. 14:25-15:4), no reasonable jury could infer that Mears is the slim black man Pollard talked to, or the nurse who administered his TB test. That nurse is Defendant Bernadine Tuitt. At oral argument, Plaintiff's counsel argued that a reasonable jury could find that Pollard told Mears about his criminal and mental health history based on Pollard's affidavit, in which he stated: "When I arrived at the Wayne County Jail, I told an officer that I had been off my medication over a month and had been in the Detroit Police Precinct for the last few days." (Pl.'s Resp. Ex. 31, Affidavit of Sean Pollard ¶ 3, May 19, 2009.) Although standing alone this general declaration could permit jurors to infer that Pollard told someone at WCJ, it does not allow the inference to be drawn that he told Mears, in light of his deposition testimony that explicitly contradicts such a finding, to wit, that he did not discuss his criminal history or mental health problems with the officer who processed him—Mears. Furthermore, although Mears was duty-bound under WCJ policy and procedure to run a LEIN check for both names that appeared on the Mittimus, there is evidence suggesting that he did not in fact run a search for Shawn Johnson or Sean Pollard. (Pl.'s Br. Exs. 16 & 17.) Indeed, one of Plaintiff's central arguments is that the information that would have alerted WCJ staff that Pollard was a threat was sufficiently linked to the name Shawn Johnson, and that running a check on either name "would have prevented the death of John Fahner." (Pl.'s Resp. 6.) Plaintiff also argues Mears should have identified Shawn Johnson as Sean Pollard, including using fingerprint scans. (Id. at 8-9.) Although the facts Plaintiff alleges demonstrate that Mears was perhaps grossly negligent in processing Pollard when he first arrived at WCJ on June 26, there is no evidence to suggest that he was aware of Pollard's mental health problems or propensity for violence. As a result, Plaintiff cannot satisfy the subjective component of the Farmer test and Mears is therefore entitled to summary judgment on Plaintiff's deliberate indifference claim. b. Nurse Tuitt The Court finds that Plaintiff has alleged sufficient facts from which a jury could find Nurse Tuitt was deliberately indifferent to the risk of serious harm Pollard posed to fellow inmates, including Fahner. Pollard claimed he told the nurse who administered his TB test the day he was processed that he was a paranoid schizophrenic and he had not taken his prescribed medications in at least a few days. (Pollard Dep. 18:8-20:23.) Nurse Tuitt was the one who gave Pollard the TB test and was charged with obtaining Pollard's medical information. (Pl.'s Br. Ex. 5.) As a result, Nurse Tuitt should have noted Pollard's medical history and flagged him to be reviewed by a mental health professional before deeming him fit to be placed in a cell with other inmates. (Troszak Dep. 111:13-15.) Significantly, Pollard testified that Nurse Tuitt, who dealt with him during the instant incarceration, had treated him for his mental problems during his previous WCJ incarcerations. The Court notes that although Defendant Nurse Tuitt was then an employee of the WCJ, she has failed to respond to Plaintiff's allegations, and the Court entered a default judgment against her on December 23, 2010. (Dkt. No. 170.) Accordingly, Plaintiff can proceed to execute the default judgment against Nurse Tuitt. c. Corporal Hall, Officer Glatfelter, Sergeant Long Defendants Hall, Glatfelter, and Long worked the midnight shift in Registry *832 the night/morning of Fahner's death. (Defs.' Br. 19.) Their only involvement was working the midnight shift in Registry and responding to the assault. (Id.) The Court finds that Plaintiff has not presented evidence from which a jury could find that these Defendants were deliberately indifferent to Fahner's medical needs. Plaintiff relied primarily on the testimony of Juan Cook, another inmate in holding cell 7 waiting to be transferred to court and sitting next to Fahner when the incident occurred, to establish what actions were taken in response to the attack. Cook said that when Pollard started assaulting Fahner he looked over at the bubble to see if someone was coming. He stated that the officers were sitting up there with the lights out. (Cook Dep. 33:22-26.) He testified that "all the officers that was working down there, they was sitting up in the bubble, some playing on the computer, playing them games on the computer, others sitting back reading newspapers or others nodding out, but they all sitting down." (Id. at 33:20-24.) When Pollard finally stopped beating Fahner and called for help, it allegedly took the officers in the bubble 7-10 minutes to respond. (Id. at 34:12-13.) Cook explained that "when [the officers] realized and looked at the seriousness of what had happened, that's when they started running up in there." (Id. at 34:15-17.) Cook's account of the Defendant's conduct demonstrates that they were perhaps negligent in performing their duties, but negligence cannot support a claim for deliberate indifference. There is no evidence that any of the officers were aware that Pollard was mentally unstable or prone to violence.[6] With respect to Defendants' response after the attack, there is again nothing alleged that rises beyond negligence. There is nothing to suggest that Defendants subjectively perceived Fahner to be at risk of serious harm. In fact, Cook testified that once they realized the seriousness of the situation Defendants came "running up in there." (Cook Dep. 34:15-17.) The evidence shows that Defendants called EMS which arrived at the jail cell within fifteen minutes. (Id. At 75:12-15.) d. Semak and Carter-Steele It appears that Semak and Carter-Steele's involvement was limited to the County's investigation of the incident after Fahner was murdered. For the reasons stated more thoroughly in Section III.B.2 infra, the Court holds that both Semak and Carter-Steele are entitled to summary judgment with respect to Plaintiff's deliberate indifference claims against them. B. Wayne County's Liability A plaintiff may bring a § 1983 claim against a municipality or local government. Monell v. Dep't of Soc. Servs., 436 U.S. 658, 694, 98 S.Ct. 2018, 56 L.Ed.2d 611 (1978). To prevail in such a suit, the plaintiff must show that the alleged violation of his federal rights was caused by a municipal policy or custom. Thomas v. City of Chattanooga, 398 F.3d 426, 429 (6th Cir.2005); see also Monell, 436 U.S. at 692, 98 S.Ct. 2018 (stating that the drafters of § 1983 intended only to impose liability on a government that "causes" an employee to violate another's rights under color of some official policy). A plaintiff asserting a § 1983 claim on the basis of municipal custom or policy must *833 identify the policy, connect the policy to the municipality, and show that the specific injury at issue was caused by the execution of that policy. Graham v. County of Washtenaw, 358 F.3d 377, 383 (6th Cir. 2004). The causal link must be strong enough to support a finding that the defendants' deliberate conduct can be deemed the "moving force" behind the violation. Id. (quoting Waters v. City of Morristown, 242 F.3d 353, 362 (6th Cir.2001)). In Thomas, the Sixth Circuit identified four ways a plaintiff may prove the existence of an illegal policy or custom. 398 F.3d at 429. The plaintiff can point to (1) the government's legislative enactments or official policies; (2) actions by officials with final decision-making authority; (3) a policy of inadequate training or supervision; or (4) a custom or practice of tolerating the violation of federal rights by its officers or agents. Id. Where no formal policy exists, the critical inquiry is whether there is a policy or custom that although not explicitly authorized "is so permanent and well settled as to constitute a custom or usage with the force of law." Jones v. Muskegon County, 625 F.3d 935, 946 (6th Cir.2010) (quoting McClendon v. City of Detroit, 255 Fed.Appx. 980, 982 (6th Cir.2007)). A municipality cannot be held liable pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1983 on a theory of respondeat superior. Monell, 436 U.S. at 691-95, 98 S.Ct. 2018; Phillips, 534 F.3d at 543 (quoting Shehee v. Luttrell, 199 F.3d 295, 300 (6th Cir.1999)). Here, Plaintiff has alleged that several polices and practices violated Fahner's constitutional rights. Plaintiff challenges the County's policies regarding: (1) placement of inmates in holding cells together; (2) monitoring detainees; (3) monitoring inmates suffering from mental illness; (4) training officers about how to monitor inmates suffering from mental illnesses; (5) ensuring adequate staff is on hand; (6) classifying inmates; (7) identifying incoming inmates suffering from mental health problems; (8) distributing medications to mentally ill inmates; and (9) WCJ's failure to investigate and discipline employees who violated inmates' constitutional rights. Plaintiff claims that these policies evidence that the County has a custom or practice of tolerating violations by its employees. (Compl. ¶ 64a-ee.)[7] 1. Failure to Supervise/Train To succeed on a claim for failure to supervise or train, the plaintiff must prove that: (1) the training or supervision was inadequate for the tasks the officer or employee was performing; (2) the inadequate training resulted from the defendant's deliberate indifference; (3) the inadequacy caused the injury. Ellis v. Cleveland Municipal Sch. Dist., 455 F.3d 690, 700 (6th Cir.2006). "To establish deliberate indifference, the plaintiff must show prior instances of unconstitutional conduct demonstrating that the County has ignored a history of abuse and was clearly on notice that the training in this particular area was deficient and likely to cause injury." Miller v. Sanilac County, 606 F.3d 240, 255 (6th Cir.2010) (quotation marks and citations omitted). Where failure to train and supervise claims are not couched as part of a pattern of unconstitutional practices, "a municipality may be held liable only where there is essentially a complete failure to train the police force, or training that is so reckless or grossly *834 negligent that future police misconduct is almost inevitable or would properly be characterized as substantially certain to result." Hays v. Jefferson County, 668 F.2d 869, 874 (6th Cir.1982) (internal citations omitted). Plaintiff has not alleged any past instances of unconstitutional conduct. As a result, any failure-to-train or failure-to supervise claims against Defendant Wayne County fail as a matter of law. Accordingly, Defendants are entitled to summary judgment with respect to such claims. 2. Investigating/Disciplining A failure to investigate misconduct and punish those responsible can be evidence of a policy of deliberate indifference. See, e.g., Leach v. Shelby County Sheriff, 891 F.2d 1241 (6th Cir.1989); Marchese v. Lucas, 758 F.2d 181 (6th Cir. 1985). "However, a municipality's failure to investigate claims of wrongful conduct does not per se mandate a conclusion that the municipality has a policy of tolerating violations of citizens' rights." McGuire v. Warner, No. 05-40185, 2009 WL 1210975, at *6 (E.D.Mich. Apr. 28, 2009) (quoting Morrison v. Bd. of Trs. of Green Twp., 529 F.Supp.2d 807, 825 (S.D.Ohio 2007)). The Sixth Circuit has stated that to establish a municipal liability claim based on an "inaction theory" the plaintiff must show: (1) the existence of "a clear and persistent pattern of illegal activity;" (2) that the defendant municipality had notice or constructive notice of the officer's conduct; (3) the defendant's "tacit approval of the unconstitutional conduct, such that their deliberate indifference in their failure to act can be said to amount to an official policy of inaction;" and (4) that the custom was the cause or direct link to the constitutional violation. Thomas, 398 F.3d at 429 (quoting Doe v. Claiborne County, 103 F.3d 495, 508 (6th Cir.1996)). In Leach, the Sixth Circuit affirmed the district court's ruling that the defendant county and sheriff were liable for the deliberate indifference to the serious medical needs of a paraplegic prisoner. The court noted that the plaintiff presented evidence of 14 other paraplegics who had previously suffered similar mistreatment at the jail. 891 F.2d at 1248. In addition to the multiple instances of past mistreatment of paraplegics, the court stated that "[f]urther evidence of a policy of deliberate indifference is found in the Sheriff's failure to investigate this incident and punish the responsible parties." Id. The court found that the sheriff's failure to investigate/discipline the allegedly abusive defendants in the particular instance at issue coupled with his failure to supervise and correct the jail's treatment of paraplegics in those past situations was sufficient to support the jury's finding that the sheriff was deliberately indifferent. Id. As a result, Leach did not involve a case where the failure to investigate/discipline alone was sufficient to support liability against a municipality or its top policy makers. See McGuire, 2009 WL 1210975, at *7. Marchese v. Lucas, 758 F.2d 181, 188-89 (6th Cir.1985), on the other hand, represents a case in which the Sixth Circuit has held that failing to investigate and impose discipline for the events that caused the plaintiff's injuries could lead to municipal liability under Monell; see also McGuire, 2009 WL 1210975, at *7. In Marchese, the plaintiff was severely beaten by police officers while being arrested after he pulled out a gun and pointed it at a policeman. The plaintiff alleged he sustained two beatings. First, as he was being brought into the station house while he was handcuffed and attempted to flee, and second, in his cell that night after one of the guards unlocked his cell and admitted an unidentified person to the cell who assaulted him with a hard object. Marchese, 758 F.2d at *835 182. Additionally, the individual officer defendants all testified that they had not received any training in the care, treatment, and handling of prisoners in their custody. Id. at 188. The Sixth Circuit upheld the Marchese jury verdict in favor of the plaintiff, holding that the district court did not err by failing to grant the sheriff or county's motion for a directed verdict or judgment notwithstanding the verdict on the plaintiff's failure to investigate, train, and discipline claims. Id. The court stated that the officers' conduct "obviously shocked the conscience" and concluded that the facts established that the "official policy" of the sheriff and Wayne County, as represented by him in police matters, did not require appropriate training and discipline or "serious investigation to discover the perpetrators or official sanctions" when an inmate is assaulted by officers. Id. The court found "official toleration, (if not complicity in instigation) of the midnight assault on the part of the command officers on duty at the station house that night . . . followed by a complete failure to initiate and conduct any meaningful investigation on the part of the Sheriff himself." Id. at 187-88. A subsequent Sixth Circuit decision found that failing to initiate an investigation regarding one isolated incident, without more, is insufficient to sustain a claim under Monell. See, e.g., Fox v. Van Oosterum, 176 F.3d 342, 348 (6th Cir.1999). In Fox, the Sixth Circuit affirmed the district court's grant of summary judgment regarding the plaintiff's failure to investigate claim with respect to the county and sheriff defendants "because [plaintiff] has not presented evidence indicating that [the sheriff's] decision was either part of a county policy or custom of refusing to investigate meritorious claims or anything other than an isolated, one-time event." Id. Subsequent district court decisions conclude that Marchese cannot be read to impose municipal liability any time there is a failure to investigate misconduct because that would eviscerate the requirements established in Monell, particularly the general rule that the policy or practice must cause the plaintiff's injury. See Tompkins v. Frost, 655 F.Supp. 468, 472 (E.D.Mich. 1987): Such an interpretation of Marchese is illogical. Wrongful conduct after an injury cannot be the proximate cause of the same injury. Moreover, Monell, forbids a finding of county liability except where the misconduct is pursuant to an official policy or custom and is also the "moving force" behind the plaintiff's injury. The misconduct by the county must also be either intentional or at the least, grossly negligent . . . . Marchese, in light of Monell and its progeny, makes a post-injury failure to investigate a fact which may permit an inference that the misconduct which injured the plaintiff was pursuant to an official policy or custom. Any other reading would permit respondeat superior liability for the failure to undertake an investigation and would thus by-pass the stringent proximate cause requirements. Id.; see also McGuire, 2009 WL 1210975, at *8-9 (granting the municipal and individual defendants summary judgment on the plaintiffs' failure to investigate claim because "Plaintiffs seek to impose liability on the municipal defendants in this case on the basis of a single instance where the Chief has not yet investigated a complaint"). Similarly, in Dubose v. Morristown, No. 2:07-cv-115, 2009 WL 1766008 (E.D.Tenn. June 22, 2009), the district court rejected the plaintiff's claim that the defendant jailor or sheriff were liable under § 1983 for failing to investigate officers the plaintiff *836 alleged beat him while he was in the drunk tank. Id., at *12. The plaintiff argued that the defendants "encouraged and condone[d]" the officers' actions by failing to investigate the incident. Id. The court found, however, found that "[p]laintiff offers nothing other than an allegation that the Sheriff and Inman did not investigate the events that occurred the night he spent in jail[,]" and held that "[t]his is not proof of a policy or custom of refusing to investigate." Id. Here, as in the cases described above, Plaintiff simply alleges that the County, Steele-Carter, and Semak failed to investigate whether any officers or nurses violated WCJ policies or procedures to support the claim that the County had a policy of failing to investigate and discipline officers for such violations. The facts of this case are distinguishable from Marchese, the only case where the Sixth Circuit found liability predicated solely on a municipal's failure to investigate one alleged instance of misconduct. Unlike the plaintiff in Marchese, Fahner was assaulted by another inmate, not WCJ staff. See Marchese, 758 F.2d at 187-88. Also, there is no evidence of "official toleration, (if not complicity in instigation)" of Pollard's attack by the County. See id. Furthermore, a review of the investigation from the County's perspective demonstrates that it was not deliberately indifferent and does not have a policy of failing to investigate incidents. Commander Malcolm Thompson sent Semak a memo requesting internal affairs to investigate the incident between Fahner and Pollard. (Semak Dep. 24:7-25:2.) As part of that order, Thompson asked internal affairs to "determine if any laws were violated and/or if any department rules, regulation, policies, procedures or orders were violated." (Id. (quotation marks omitted).) Although Carter-Steele testified that she did not ultimately investigate any WCJ employee conduct from the day before the incident when Pollard was processed, the fact that Thompson's orders were negligently carried out does not establish that the County had a practice of failing to investigate employee misconduct or discipline violating officers. Accordingly, the Court holds that Plaintiff has failed to establish facts from which a reasonable jury could find that the County had a policy, practice, or custom of failing to investigate employee misconduct or that any such failure caused Fahner's injuries. 3. "Court Pull" Policies Plaintiff also alleges that several policies surrounding how inmates are housed and monitored while they wait and prepare to be transferred to court, caused Fahner's death. (Compl. ¶ 64.) Specifically, Plaintiff alleges that WCJ failed "to establish and maintain a policy of forbearance from holding unclassified or pre-classified inmates in cells with other inmates" and "to establish and maintain a policy of forbearance from comingling inmates regardless of classification." (Id. ¶ 64aa, bb.) Plaintiff also claims that Defendants are liable for "[p]lacing Sean Pollard in registry holding cell without knowing his physical or mental state, and whether or not he presented a risk of harm to others, knowing that the failure to do so would result in the comingling of unclassified inmates in holding cells, and the comingling of dangerous, violent inmates with non-violent inmates, that would result in the violation of the Constitutional rights of inmates to be free from bodily harm." (Id. ¶ 64z.) Finally, Plaintiff contends that Defendants' policy of not doing rounds to check on inmates being held in Registry for Court Pull demonstrates that WCJ had a policy or custom of inadequately monitoring detainees. (Id. ¶ 64c.) *837 a. Commingling Prisoners To state a failure-to-protect claim against a prison official under the Eighth Amendment, the plaintiff must demonstrate "(1) that he is incarcerated under conditions posing a substantial risk of serious harm, and (2) that the prison official had the state of mind of deliberate indifference to inmate health or safety." Lyons v. Holden-Selby, 729 F.Supp.2d 914, 918 (E.D.Mich.2010) (quoting Farmer, 511 U.S. at 838, 114 S.Ct. 1970) (quotation marks omitted). The United States Supreme Court has explained that plaintiffs need not show that the defendant actually believed that a specific inmate was at risk from a specific attack; "it is enough that the official acted or failed to act despite his knowledge of a substantial risk of serious harm." Street v. Corr. Corp. of Am., 102 F.3d 810, 815 (6th Cir.1996) (quoting Farmer, 511 U.S. at 842, 114 S.Ct. 1970). The Farmer decision explained that if the plaintiff "presents evidence showing that a substantial risk of inmate attacks was longstanding, pervasive, well-documented, or expressly noted by prison officials in the past," and that the defendant was exposed to those facts, then such evidence could be sufficient to raise a genuine issue of material fact that the defendant had actual knowledge of the risk. Farmer, 511 U.S. at 842-43, 114 S.Ct. 1970. Defendants cannot be held liable, however, for not anticipating "hypothetical" risks of danger, even if they ultimately befall the plaintiff. See Lewis v. McClennan, 7 Fed.Appx. 373, 375 (6th Cir.2001) (holding that African-American plaintiff's claims that defendants should have known that placing him in a jail with a large population of white inmates put him at risk of being attacked were without merit because the plaintiff "ha[d] not alleged any specific facts which would show that he was in danger of being assaulted by the other inmates"). In Street, the Sixth Circuit held that a corrections official's motion for summary judgment should have been denied with respect to the plaintiff's failure-to-protect claim because there was evidence that the plaintiff's assailant (another inmate) asked the defendant guard "what would you do if I kicked [Street's] ass?" or "what would you do if I knock [Street] out?", after he had been told that the two prisoners had been involved in an argument earlier that day. 102 F.3d at 816. The court found that there were issues of fact as to whether those comments allowed the defendant to draw the inference that the plaintiff was at risk of serious harm and whether the defendant in fact drew such an inference. Id. The court, however, held that summary judgment was appropriate for other guards who were aware of the earlier argument but had not heard the specific comments described above. Id. at 817. This was true even though the other guards knew that the plaintiff's assailant had a history of violent incidents. Id. Plaintiff's complaint alleges that Defendants were deliberately indifferent by placing Pollard, an inmate Plaintiff claims Defendants knew was both violent and mentally unstable, in the same cell as Fahner. This however, claims too much. As the Court has already described, it appears that as a result of Mears' negligent booking when Pollard first arrived, none of the remaining Defendants were aware of either his past criminal record or his mental health history. Taking the facts in the light most favorable to Plaintiff, with the exception of Nurse Tuitt and an unidentified slim black deputy, Pollard did not tell anyone about his mental problems. Although it is WCJ's policy to have such inmates flagged if a WCJ employee becomes aware of such information, there is no evidence in the record to suggest that either Tuitt or the unidentified deputy alerted any of the Defendants about this *838 information. As a result, Defendants' deliberate indifference cannot be based on facts they did not actually know. Nevertheless, Plaintiff may still claim that Defendants were deliberately indifferent to the general risk posed by placing large inmates charged with violent crimes in the same cell as relatively diminutive inmates being held for non-violent crimes, as was the case here. The Court, however, concludes that these facts do not establish sufficient evidence from which a jury could find that the individual Defendants or WCJ's policies regarding Court Pull demonstrated deliberate indifference. Assuming a failure-to-protect claim can be directed at a municipality based on the theory that a policy, practice, or custom failed to protect a plaintiff, Plaintiff's allegations fail as a matter of law because they do not demonstrate that a substantial risk of inmate attacks resulting from the mixing of prisoners during Court Pull was "longstanding, pervasive, well-documented, or expressly noted by prison officials." See Farmer, 511 U.S. at 842-43, 114 S.Ct. 1970; Hester v. Morgan, 52 Fed.Appx. 220, 223 (6th Cir.2002) ("The mere fact that Turney Center housed some violent prisoners or that violence among the inmates would sometimes occur does not establish an Eighth Amendment violation. There is no evidence that the risk of inmate attacks was `longstanding, pervasive, well-documented or expressly noted by prison officials in the past.'") (citations omitted). There are times when housing decisions can trigger liability for failing to protect the incoming inmate. See, e.g., Wilson v. Wright, 998 F.Supp. 650, 657 (E.D.Va.1998) ("[A] prison official incurs Eighth Amendment liability if he or she in making a cell assignment knows of, and is deliberately indifferent to, a substantial risk of serious harm one inmate generally poses to any assigned cellmate."). In Wilson, the plaintiff was a 5'8", 136 pound white 19-year-old man sentenced for breaking and entering, burglary, and grand larceny, who was assigned to share a double cell with Robert Ramey, a 38-year-old, 6'1", 290 pound African American man serving a sentence for abduction-with-intent-to-defile and forcible sodomy of a 12-year-old boy. Id. at 652. Seven days after the plaintiff was transferred, he was raped by Ramey. Id. The defendant who made the cell assignment claimed that although the policy was to read both inmates' files before making a cell-assignment, she typically only read the incoming prisoner's. Id. The plaintiff's file rated him as "non-violent." Id. The file also included a psychologist's report on the plaintiff indicating that he suffered from anxiety and fear of being assaulted by more aggressive and larger inmates. Id. It also explained that part of this fear was caused due to a deformity of his lower spine which caused his buttocks to protrude, and which prompted many abusive remarks that were of a sexual nature. Id. Finally, it stated "[d]ue to his impulsivity, immaturity, and small stature he may well be victimized as he fears." Id. Ramey's file indicated that he was an inmate with a high propensity for violence and had a long history of disciplinary problems and violence while in prison. Id. Such problems included sexually assaulting cellmates, assaulting other inmates and guards, and disobeying orders. Id. at 653. With respect to court transfers, a recent case from the Northern District of Illinois, is factually analogous to the instant case. See Williams v. County of Cook, No. 09-C-0952, 2010 WL 3324718 (N.D.Ill. Aug. 19, 2010). In Williams, the plaintiff, a pre-trial detainee, claimed that the defendants failed to protect him from two assaults at the hands of other inmates. Id., at *1-2. At first, Williams was housed in *839 Division Ten, a maximum security unit. Id., at *2. Because he had been stabbed twice before (it is unclear whether he was stabbed while in prison) and gang members were forcing him to hold knives, he feared his life was in danger. As a result, Williams signed himself into protective custody. Id. He remained in protective custody until someone recognized him there and threatened him. When he informed an unidentified supervisor about the threat he told Williams that all he could do was sign himself out of the protective custody unit. Id. After he did that, Williams was returned to Division Ten. Id. Once there, Williams became so terrified that he barricaded himself in his cell and began feeling suicidal because he was without his psychotropic medication. Id. After speaking with a health care provider and promising to come out of his cell, Williams was reclassified as a minimum security inmate and transferred to protective custody. Id. Despite this reclassification, the plaintiff was transported to court along with the general population inmates. Id. Williams alleged that one of the inmates accompanying him to court attacked him. Id. After the incident he was written up (presumably for his role in the incident on the way to court), he was placed in the segregation unit where he was again exposed to inmates from the general population. Id., at *3. There were no incidents while Williams was in the segregation unit, and when the health care professional who reclassified him found out he was there, he ordered Williams to be returned to the minimum security protective custody unit. Id. The second assault Williams allegedly suffered came again during a court visit. Id. After his court hearing, Williams was placed in a "transition bullpen" while he waited for an officer to take him back to his housing unit. Id. During this time, 20-25 detainees approached him and asked him what gang he belonged to. Id. After he told them he did not belong to a gang, they struck, kicked, and stabbed him, requiring hospitalization for his injuries. Id. Despite these claims, the court held that "the complaint does not articulate colorable causes of action under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 against the movants with regard to either attack." Id., at *4.[8] In part, the court reasoned "the mere presence of general population inmates in the plaintiff's environs was not, alone, enough to create an objectively serious risk of harm." Id. The court further found that "[g]roup movement to the court is a regular task for correctional officials at a jail," and stated that "[i]f there is a rule against commingling protective custody and general population inmates during court visits, then correctional officials' purported heedlessness is no cause for commendation. But neither negligence nor gross negligence implicates the Constitution." Id., at *5-6. In the instant case, the Court finds that absent evidence that a substantial risk of inmate attacks resulting from the mixing of prisoners during Court Pull was "longstanding, pervasive, well-documented, or expressly noted by prison officials," Plaintiff's claims against Wayne County or the individual Defendants for deliberate indifference based on the existence or application of WCJ's Court Pull policies must fail as a matter of law. See Farmer, 511 U.S. at 842-43, 114 S.Ct. 1970. Plaintiff has not produced any evidence that there is a history of violence at WCJ between inmates *840 of different classifications or those that have not yet been classified at all during Court Pull. Nor has any evidence been presented demonstrating that any of the remaining individual Defendants read or heard anything that would indicate that Pollard posed a risk to other inmates or that Fahner was particularly susceptible to attack like the plaintiff in Wilson. The Court also notes that although WCJ policy is to cabin inmates according to their judge during Court Pull, Heard testified that the policies do not mix maximum security inmates from Division I and provide adequate flexibility for situations in which it is determined that a particular inmate needs to be segregated from the general population. (Heard Dep. 40:18-21, 96:4-25, 97:1-98:9.) Heard explained that "[i]f an inmate displays behavior that poses any threat to another inmate, then our policy allows that inmate to be separated and segregated based on their aggressive or assaultive behavior or threat of behavior." (Id. at 46:2-6.) As a result, any claim Plaintiff has for injuries Fahner suffered as a result of any unreasonable application of these policies sounds in negligence and cannot constitute deliberate indifference under Farmer. Accordingly, these claims fail as a matter of law. b. Monitoring in Registry Plaintiff claims that WCJ's policy of not having the guards do rounds in Registry demonstrates that it has a policy, practice, or custom of inadequately monitoring inmates awaiting to go to court. (Compl. ¶ 64c.) Lt. Semak testified during his deposition about WCJ's monitoring policies for Registry. He stated that unlike officers working floor security on general housing floors, officers working in the Registry do not have a responsibility to make rounds. (Semak Dep. 11:15-17.) When asked why not, he explained "[t]hey don't have set rounds. For maintaining security everybody in Registry is responsible to maintain security in Registry." (Id. at 12:8-11.) He added, "[t]hey're in and out of those cells so frequently that there's not a set specific that they have to do an hourly round." (Id. at 12:20-22.) First, the Court notes, as it did above when discussing the individual officers' liability for deliberate indifference, that any claim Plaintiff is making that the officers working in the Registry that night failed to adequately monitor cell 7 that night, sounds in negligence. In order for the County to be held liable, Plaintiff must prove that the policy of not requiring Registry officers to conduct hourly rounds caused Fahner's injuries. Plaintiff introduced the testimony of Juan Cook, another inmate in cell 7 on the night in question, to describe the conduct of the officers working in Registry. Cook estimated that in his cell there were approximately 40 people by the time all the inmates from the various floors were rounded up, and that between all the cells there were probably 300-400 prisoners in all of the cells in Registry waiting to go to court. (Cook Dep. 26:3-10.) He said that there were six officers working there at the time. (Id. at 26:11-15.) When he got into cell 7, he sat down to take a nap in a spot where he could see the bubble where the officers were. (Id. at 28:14-21.) Cook estimated that Pollard had been in the cell for 5-7 minutes before the attack happened. (Id. at 71:7-8.) Cook said that when he looked over at the bubble to see if someone was coming, the officers were sitting up there with the lights out. (Id. at 33:22-26.) He testified that "all the officers that was working down there, they was sitting up in the bubble, some playing on the computer, playing them games on the computer, others sitting back reading newspapers or others nodding out, but they all sitting down." (Id. at 33:20-24.) Cook said that *841 at some point Pollard stopped kicking Fahner and called for help saying "man down, help, help, man down." (Id. at 34:7-13.) According to Cook, it took the officers in the bubble 7-10 minutes to respond. (Id. at 34:12-13.) The Court finds that Plaintiff has failed to demonstrate a genuine issue of material fact exists as to whether WCJ's policy of not requiring the officers working in Registry to do hourly rounds caused Fahner's injuries. There are two crucial aspects of Cook's testimony that support this conclusion. First, Cook estimated that Pollard attacked Fahner 5-7 minutes after he entered cell 7. Obviously, Pollard was escorted to the cell by a guard. That means that even if WCJ required hourly rounds, another officer would not have been coming by in time to stop the assault. This assessment coincides with Semak's description of Registry's policies, and his testimony that the reason hourly rounds are not required in Registry is that officers are moving around in there so often transferring and preparing to re-admit inmates to and from court. (Semak Dep. 12:20-22.) Indeed, by Cook's estimate, there were almost 300-400 prisoners individually processed in Registry that night/morning. Even if the failure to require rounds is not cause to hold the County liable, Plaintiff could still argue that WCJ had a policy of inadequately monitoring the Registry by simply having too few guards or placing them in a position where supervision was obviously going to be a problem. Such arguments, however, must also fail due to the second important aspect of Cook's testimony. Cook stated that he was able to see all the officers in the bubble from cell 7 and describe what each of them was doing. (Cook Dep. 33:22-26.) Although the rest of Cook's testimony depicts the officers as inattentive and slow to respond, such evidence only demonstrates that those officers were negligently performing their duties. It does not speak to institutional policies, practice, or customs they followed which in turn caused Fahner's injuries. For these reasons, Plaintiff's claims against the County under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 fail as a matter of law. C. Supervisory Liability A supervisory employee cannot be held liable pursuant 42 U.S.C. § 1983 on a theory of respondeat superior. Monell, 436 U.S. at 691-95, 98 S.Ct. 2018; Phillips, 534 F.3d at 543 (quoting Shehee v. Luttrell, 199 F.3d 295, 300 (6th Cir. 1999)). In order for a supervisor to be liable, the plaintiff must show that the supervisor encouraged the specific misconduct at issue or in some way directly participated in it. Cardinal v. Metrish, 564 F.3d 794, 802-03 (6th Cir.2009) (quoting Combs v. Wilkinson, 315 F.3d 548, 558 (6th Cir.2002)); Bellamy v. Bradley, 729 F.2d 416, 421 (6th Cir.1984). Supervisory liability cannot be predicated on a showing that the defendants had the right and obligation to control employees. Bellamy, 729 F.2d at 421 (citing Hays, 668 F.2d at 872-74). Nor can it be based on "a mere failure to act." Combs, 315 F.3d at 558. Instead, it must be based upon "active unconstitutional behavior." Id. Here, Plaintiff has not alleged any facts indicating that any of the named supervisory Defendants—Heard, Thompson, Semak, Carter-Steele, or Long—were directly involved in the alleged Constitutional violations or that they encouraged any of the WCJ staff that may have been deliberately indifferent to Fahner's safety in this specific instance. See Cardinal, 564 F.3d at 802-03. Instead, Plaintiff claims "these defendants acted with reckless disregard and deliberate indifference in the supervision, hiring, training, and discipline of the individual [ ] officers." (Compl. ¶ 73.) It seems that Plaintiff has conflated *842 its supervisory liability allegations with claims for municipal liability under a failure-to-train theory. See Phillips, 534 F.3d at 543-44 ("The Estate's general allegations that the correctional officers and paramedics were not properly trained are more appropriately submitted as evidence to support a failure-to-train theory against the municipality itself, and not the supervisors in their individual capacities.") Although it is true that an individual supervisor may still be liable in her individual capacity under a failure-to-train theory, Plaintiff must allege facts demonstrating that the supervisor Defendants were directly involved or encouraged the specific misconduct at issue. See id. at 544. Because Plaintiff has failed to make such allegations, Plaintiff's claims against the supervisor Defendants fails as a matter of law. Accordingly, Defendants are entitled to summary judgment with respect to those claims. D. Gross Negligence Plaintiff claims that all Defendants are "individually and vicariously liable" for various acts or omissions that Plaintiff contends constitute gross negligence. (Compl. ¶ 79.)[9] Defendants argue that they are immune from liability for Plaintiff's state law claims under the Government Tort Liability Act ("GTLA"), Mich. Comp. Laws § 691.1407 ("Section 7"). (Defs.' Br. 17-18.) Because Section 7 differentiates between immunity for government agencies and individual officers, employees, or members, immunity for Defendant Wayne County City will be analyzed separately from that of the individual Defendants. See § 1407(1), (2). 1. Application of the GTLA to Defendant Wayne County In the GTLA, the Legislature clearly stated, "[e]xcept as otherwise provided in this act, a governmental agency is immune from tort liability if [it] is engaged in the exercise or discharge of a governmental function." Mack v. City of Detroit, 467 Mich. 186, 195, 649 N.W.2d 47 (2002) (quoting § 1407(1)). As a result, an agency is immune unless the GTLA specifically permits a civil suit by citizens. Id. In Mack, the Michigan Supreme Court identified five exceptions to governmental immunity for an agency. Id. at 195 n. 8, 649 N.W.2d 47. They are the "highway exception," Mich. Comp. Laws § 691.1405; the "motor vehicle exception," § 1405; the "public building exception," § 1406; the "proprietary function exception," § 1413; and the "governmental hospital exception," § 1407(4). Id. The Legislature has also codified one other exception, the "sewage disposal system event exception." § 1416. The plaintiff must plead facts in avoidance of governmental immunity. Mack, 467 Mich. at 204, 649 N.W.2d 47. Plaintiffs can accomplish this "by stating a claim that fits within a statutory exception or by pleading facts that demonstrate that the alleged tort occurred during the exercise or discharge of a non-governmental or proprietary function." Id. A "governmental function" is anything that is expressly or impliedly authorized by state law. Id. (quoting Mich. Comp. Laws § 691.1401(f)). In Mack, the court held that the management and operation of a police department was a well-established government function. Id. Similarly, operating a jail is a government function. As a result, because Plaintiff has not alleged that her claims fall within one of the statutory the Court finds *843 that Wayne County is immune from Plaintiff's state-law claims. 2. Application of the GTLA to the Individual Defendants The Michigan Supreme Court recently articulated the test for determining whether an individual defendant is entitled to governmental immunity under Michigan state law in Odom v. Wayne County, 482 Mich. 459, 760 N.W.2d 217 (2008). The Odom court clarified the intersection between Section 7 and Ross v. Consumers Power Co. (On Rehearing), 420 Mich. 567, 363 N.W.2d 641 (1984). Odom, 482 Mich. at 467-468, 760 N.W.2d 217. In 1984, Ross comprehensively described the common-law test for individual governmental immunity for all tort actions. Id. at 468, 760 N.W.2d 217. The court held that judges, legislators, and the highest executive officials of all levels of government were immune from all tort liability when acting within the scope of their governmental authority. Ross, 420 Mich. at 633, 363 N.W.2d 641. Lower-level officials were immune under the theory of qualified immunity if: their acts were taken during the course of employment and within the scope of that employment; they were taken in good faith; and they were discretionary/decisional, but not ministerial/operational. Id. at 633-34, 363 N.W.2d 641. In 1986, the Michigan State Legislature amended the GTLA in response to Ross. Odom, 482 Mich. at 468, 760 N.W.2d 217. Section 7(2) affords individual immunity to government officials "without regard to the discretionary or ministerial nature of the conduct in question," when the officer's actions were in the course of employment and (a) the employee "is acting reasonably believes he or she is acting within the scope of his or her authority;" (b) while discharging a governmental function; and (c) the conduct "does not amount to gross negligence that is the proximate cause of the injury or damage." Id. at 468-69, 760 N.W.2d 217. The Sixth Circuit recently instructed that under Michigan law, "[s]tatutory grants of government immunity should be broadly construed, with exceptions construed narrowly." Smith v. County of Lenawee, 600 F.3d 686, 690 (6th Cir.2010). In the instant case, the only issue is whether the gross negligence Plaintiff alleges was the proximate cause of Fahner's death. The Michigan Supreme Court has held that in order to be the proximate cause of an injury, the defendant's actions must be "the one most immediate, efficient, and direct cause of the injury or damage." Robinson v. City of Detroit, 462 Mich. 439, 462, 613 N.W.2d 307 (2000). In defending this construction, the Robinson court emphasized that the Michigan Legislature chose to use the definite article "the" as opposed to the indefinite article "a." Id. at 461-62, 613 N.W.2d 307 (quoting Hagerman v. Gencorp Auto., 457 Mich. 720, 753-54, 579 N.W.2d 347 (1998) (Taylor, J. dissenting)). Although a jury could consider many of the individual Defendants' actions grossly negligent, they are all entitled to immunity under the GTLA because under Michigan law none of those actions were the proximate cause of Fahner's death. Indeed, in this case it seems unmistakable that "the one most immediate, efficient, and direct cause of the injury or damage" sustained by Fahner was Pollard's assault. Recently, a United States District Judge in the Eastern District of Michigan applied Robinson to similar claims in Fletcher v. Michigan Department of Corrections, No. 09-13904, 2010 WL 1286310, at *7 (E.D.Mich. Mar. 30, 2010). In Fletcher, the plaintiff was bipolar and also suffered from other mental illnesses. Id., at *1. In 2006, a Livingston County Circuit Court judge issued a Maintenance Order requiring the plaintiff to be transferred to the *844 Center for Forensic Psychiatry ("CFP"). Id. Despite this order, the plaintiff was incarcerated at the Oakland County Jail ("OCJ") in October 2006 because CFP allegedly failed or refused to pick him up from Oakland County Circuit Court. While being held at OCJ, plaintiff claimed he was assaulted by a guard. The plaintiff brought several claims against a variety of defendants. As part of his complaint, the plaintiff accused individual employees at CFP of gross negligence. Id., at *6-7. The plaintiff argued that the individual defendants were not entitled to immunity under the GTLA because their gross negligence in failing to adhere to the Maintenance Order was the proximate cause of his injuries because as a result of their actions he was forced to remain at OCJ where he suffered the assault. Id., at *7. The district court, however, held that the plaintiff's gross negligence claims were barred because the proximate cause under Robinson was the assault and battery itself, "not any action or inaction by the individual Defendants." Id. In Basso v. State of Mich. Dep't of Corr., No. 08-cv-75, 2009 WL 929028, at *7-8 (W.D.Mich. Apr. 3, 2009), the Sixth Circuit came to a similar conclusion. In Basso, the plaintiff was a corrections officer who alleged that the warden and other Department of Corrections officers encouraged inmates to riot and assault him after he was allegedly transferred to a more dangerous shift in retaliation for criticizing the warden. Id. Even though the plaintiff suffered several serious injuries, the Sixth Circuit held that under Robinson, the plaintiff's injuries were most directly and immediately caused by the rioting inmates. Id., at *8. E. Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress To establish a claim for intentional infliction of emotional distress ("IIED"), the plaintiff must prove: "(1) extreme and outrageous conduct; (2) intent or recklessness; (3) causation; and (4) severe emotional distress." Duran v. The Detroit News, Inc., 200 Mich.App. 622, 629-30, 504 N.W.2d 715 (1993) (citing Roberts v. Auto-Owners Ins. Co., 422 Mich. 594, 602, 374 N.W.2d 905 (1985)). "The trial court must determine as a matter of law whether the defendant's conduct was so extreme and outrageous to withstand a motion for summary disposition." Id. Liability will only be found when the defendant's conduct is so outrageous and extreme that it goes beyond all bounds of decency and is "to be regarded as atrocious and utterly intolerable in a civilized community." Doe v. Mills, 212 Mich.App. 73, 91, 536 N.W.2d 824 (1995) (citing Linebaugh v. Sheraton Mich. Corp., 198 Mich. App. 335, 342, 497 N.W.2d 585 (1993)). The conduct must make the average member of the community exclaim "Outrageous!" when described to her. Id.; see also Roberts, 422 Mich. at 603, 374 N.W.2d 905. In Sperle v. Mich. Dep't of Corr., 297 F.3d 483 (6th Cir.2002) the plaintiff brought several claims against the Michigan Department of Corrections and several individual defendants, including one for intentional infliction of emotional distress, after his wife was murdered by an inmate at the Huron Valley Men's Facility ("HVMF"), a Michigan state prison. Id. at 486. The decedent was killed while working as the storekeeper at the HVMF. Id. The plaintiff argued that the defendants' failure to prevent the decedent's murder made them liable for IIED. Id. at 496. The Sixth Circuit affirmed the district court's conclusion that the plaintiff failed to make out a claim for IIED. Id. at 497. The court explained that even though the defendants may have been negligent in failing to protect the decedent, none of their actions "went beyond all possible bounds of decency such that they could be regarded as atrocious, and utterly intolerable *845 in a civilized community." Id. at 496 (quotation marks omitted). The court also emphasized that the defendants did not kill the plaintiff's wife, and any criticism of the HVMF's policies or the individual defendants' failure to protect her from coming into contact with her killer only related to errors of judgment. Id. Such negligence, the court held, fell short of the outrageous behavior required to sustain a claim for IIED. Id. at 497. In Garretson v. City of Madison Heights, 407 F.3d 789 (6th Cir.2005), the Sixth Circuit held that the plaintiff's allegations that police officers denied her insulin which resulted in her being hospitalized and treated for diabetic ketoacidosis the next day were insufficient to sustain a claim of IIED. 407 F.3d at 799. The court stated "Garretson has not offered proof that the officers intended to subject her to emotional distress by specifically denying her medical treatment. Nor has she shown that by allegedly neglecting her medical care, officers would expect her to experience emotional distress." Id. (emphasis in original). The Court holds that Plaintiff has failed to demonstrate sufficient facts from to support her claim for IIED. Negligently conducting intake procedures can hardly be described as outrageous conduct that goes beyond all possible bounds of decency, that must be regarded as atrocious, and is utterly intolerable in a civilized community. As in Sperle, Defendants did not kill the decedent, and any actions that ultimately led to Fahner's death cannot support Plaintiff's IIED claim. Additionally, it cannot be said that any of the alleged actions by Defendants were calculated to cause Fahner's death or to subject him to emotional stress. See Garretson, 407 F.3d at 799. For those reasons, the Court holds that Defendants are entitled to summary judgment on Plaintiff's IIED claim. IV. Conclusion For the reasons stated above, the Court GRANTS the remaining Defendants' motion for summary judgment. The Court notes that judgment has been entered against then-WCJ nurse Bernadine Tuitt. The Court finds that there is no evidence from which a jury could find that any of the individual Defendants (with the exception of Nurse Tuitt, who is not a party to the remaining Defendants' motion) were deliberately indifferent to the risk Pollard posed to Fahner, or Fahner's serious medical needs after the assault occurred. Additionally, Plaintiff's claims against the County for failing to train, supervise, investigate, or discipline fail as a matter of law. The Court further holds that Plaintiff has not presented sufficient evidence to support its claim for supervisory liability under section 1983, that the GTLA bars any recovery on Plaintiff's gross negligence claim, and that Plaintiff's allegations are insufficient to support a claim for IIED. SO ORDERED. NOTES [1] At oral argument, Plaintiff's counsel claimed that Fahner was in jail for failing to appear as a witness in a case where his sister-in-law wrote a bad check. [2] Any time a prisoner arrives at the WCJ, a deputy is required to search the IMS database to see if the inmate has a history that might reveal important medical or behavioral information that would affect how the individual is ultimately classified for general housing purposes, although Classification is a separate process which may not occur until 72 hours after the inmate is received. Deputies must also run a Wants and Warrants check through the Michigan State Law Enforcement Information Network ("LEIN") to see if there are any other outstanding warrants for the individual. [3] Riverview is a municipality located in Wayne County. [4] A CIN is a county identification number that is permanently assigned to an inmate the first time they enter the prison system. The number stays with that inmate throughout their entire "career" in the corrections system. [5] The bubble is the term used to describe the area where the officers and deputies in Division I Registry sit; it is an enclosed area with transparent windows all around. [6] The only fact that even suggests that these Defendants should have realized that Pollard was a paranoid schizophrenic was Cook's testimony that when Pollard was placed in the cell "[h]e appeared to be a bug, a nutty person, a nut case." (Cook Dep. 30:24-25.) There is nothing, however, to suggest (and Plaintiff does not allege) that the Defendants actually perceived Pollard as unstable or a risk to other inmates. [7] It is difficult to classify the allegations contained in the 31 sub-paragraphs found in both paragraphs 63 and 64 of the Complaint. Although the 31 sub-paragraphs are identical in both paragraphs, paragraph 63 is directed at "Defendants, and each of them," while paragraph 64 purports to articulate Wayne County's violations. Furthermore, the same 31 sub-paragraphs are listed in their entirety in Count I (simply titled "Violation of 42 U.S.C. 1983") and Count III (Gross Negligence) of his 24 page, 85 paragraph Complaint. [8] The court did, however, hold that the plaintiff's allegations that the defendants denied him access to his psychotropic medication could support a claim for deliberate indifference to his serious medical needs, and granted him leave to amend his complaint to include them. Id., at *9. [9] Again the same 31 sub-paragraphs are enumerated in Count III (Gross Negligence) of Plaintiff's Complaint. (Compl. ¶ 79.)
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
[Fall risk and fracture. Secondary prevention of falls after sustaining a fall-related fracture]. It has been known that the risk of subsequent fracture after low-trauma fracture is high. Thus the secondary prevention of falls and fractures is crucial. After sustaining fractures, the secondary fall prevention as well as the treatment for osteoporosis is required. The main approach is to modify the fall risks identified by the comprehensive and detailed assessments. When the modification of the intrinsic risk factors is limited, it is important to modify the behaviors in activities of daily living and the home environment to prevent falls.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
// Copyright Aleksey Gurtovoy 2000-2004 // Copyright Jaap Suter 2003 // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // // Preprocessed version of "boost/mpl/shift_left.hpp" header // -- DO NOT modify by hand! namespace boost { namespace mpl { template< typename Tag1 , typename Tag2 > struct shift_left_impl : if_c< ( BOOST_MPL_AUX_NESTED_VALUE_WKND(int, Tag1) > BOOST_MPL_AUX_NESTED_VALUE_WKND(int, Tag2) ) , aux::cast2nd_impl< shift_left_impl< Tag1,Tag1 >,Tag1, Tag2 > , aux::cast1st_impl< shift_left_impl< Tag2,Tag2 >,Tag1, Tag2 > >::type { }; /// for Digital Mars C++/compilers with no CTPS/TTP support template<> struct shift_left_impl< na,na > { template< typename U1, typename U2 > struct apply { typedef apply type; BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, value = 0); }; }; template< typename Tag > struct shift_left_impl< na,Tag > { template< typename U1, typename U2 > struct apply { typedef apply type; BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, value = 0); }; }; template< typename Tag > struct shift_left_impl< Tag,na > { template< typename U1, typename U2 > struct apply { typedef apply type; BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, value = 0); }; }; template< typename T > struct shift_left_tag { typedef typename T::tag type; }; template< typename BOOST_MPL_AUX_NA_PARAM(N1) , typename BOOST_MPL_AUX_NA_PARAM(N2) > struct shift_left : shift_left_impl< typename shift_left_tag<N1>::type , typename shift_left_tag<N2>::type >::template apply< N1,N2 >::type { }; BOOST_MPL_AUX_NA_SPEC2(2, 2, shift_left) }} namespace boost { namespace mpl { template<> struct shift_left_impl< integral_c_tag,integral_c_tag > { template< typename N, typename S > struct apply : integral_c< typename N::value_type , ( BOOST_MPL_AUX_VALUE_WKND(N)::value << BOOST_MPL_AUX_VALUE_WKND(S)::value ) > { }; }; }}
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Just another WordPress.com weblog Archive for January, 2010 Hey all, this is Chuck. Here are two boards that I made. They’re landscape designs around stormwater ponds near neighborhoods outside DC. The people at the Prince George’s County department of Public Works were blown the eff away, cause they only ever get to see nasty black and white cad drawings. The vegetation was drawn freehand over a cad drawing, scanned in, photoshopped for the rendering, then layered over google maps aerials and cad surveys. This is my artistry in the work place, but more organic projects to come. Please give me some suggestions for the layouts/renderings as well. Non-technical critique is as useful as photoshop tips, so all input is welcome, after all, that’s why we’re here. Peace Ya’ll! Chuck I’m not sure if the images will come through, so excuse my naivete with this interface. Five minutes ago I was a virgin blogger. It illustrates which sub-types of Cholinergic receptors are used by various organs. The figure, spinal chord, and brain was rendered in maya 2008 with a ramp shader that becomes transparent as the surface comes perpendicular to the camera; gives it a nice ghosty look. I didn’t model the male figure or the spinal chord; bought them awhile ago from turbosquid.com. I did, however, model the brain and brainstem. All the other organs I painted in photoshop with an intuos 2 wacom tablet. I know people who have done well on here, and I really like the community of artists better than the vastness of Ebay. It was really easy to set up, 20 cents to list an item, and you can write little paragraphs about each item. My basic plan is to keep the pieces I do as part of a series together for shows, and then sell the pieces that are somewhat unrelated on Etsy. Hello all! I’m starting this blog after several conversations with several people and several attempts to get something like this going. This is a community space for our art (and artsy) friends to post pictures of new work for feedback and interest, and to generally feel like our artwork has a place even when we’re waiting for shows and major reviews to happen. I hope this will be a helpful tool for everyone, and I hope we can find time to update often. I’m very much looking forward to seeing what you’re all up to, so post pictures of current work whether it is finished or not, little crafty projects that have your attention, snippets of writings, grants or programs that might be helpful to one and all, and any other life updates or personal websites. Feel free to give constructive criticism on the pieces you see and open up the conversation. I will be sending out the password to the blog to a few people that I feel would be able to contribute well, and feel free to pass it on to any trustworthy souls you would like to invite. Keep in mind that you’ll want to sign your name somewhere on your post so we know who is speaking. And hey, maybe someone will notice this blog and give us our big break! But for any sneakeroonies who might think otherwise, note that all work posted on here is copyright 2010 by the author/artist. I’m going to start us off with one of my most recent pieces that I’m excited about. It hasn’t been fired yet, but it is a white earthenware vessel that has elements of the organic and architectural to it. I like how the piece came together in an altered, yet more restrained fashion than many of my other pieces, and I will likely keep the surface decoration to a minimum so that it doesn’t become overpowering. That said, what do you think? Leave your feedback in the form of a reply! Also, I thought you might be interested in the little studio space I’ve carved out for myself. It’s in my basement, and my camera ran out of batteries before I could take a picture of the HUGE spider on the wall, one of the many things that gives me an excuse to watch tv instead. Other things in my life right now – just got a new laptop, which I LOVE! Another Toshiba for me and it’s awesome. Also looking in to volunteering with a local horse rescue group. My class for the first semester in teacher certification starts next week, though it’s just a basic literature class. Still, I’m excited to get back into school mode! I’ll keep working at the same time, and also keeping up the art side. If you’re ready to start your own update, just click “add new post” and git ‘er goin’. Don’t worry about having the perfect thing to share, we’re not fancy here. Personally, I just want to hear from you! Hope you’re all well and you find this dealie helpful. I love you all.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Monthly Archives: November 2015 Post navigation NEXT MEETING: December 4, 2015 It's Our Annual Holiday Auction! We won’t mince words. The money raised in this hour-and-a-half will fund our community programs and grants for the remainder of the year. It’s that important. Please be there early– at least by 12 PM. Bring friends or colleagues. Check out the auction items, drink, and eat. We want to start the Live Auction promptly at 12:30. Plan to spend more than you had planned to spend. That’s not a lack of fiscal discipline, it’s yielding to your better angels. (C’mon, you know you have them.) MEETING OF November 20, 2015 Welcome President Alan Blavins called the meeting to order, asked Program Coordinator Stacey Street to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance, and asked for a silent prayer for peace. Menehune Don Lau offered a holiday auction-themed the quote of the day: “It is better to give — and then buy it back.” Visiting Rotarians and Guests Jim Young introduced as his guest his lovely wife Linda Young. Special Events Stacey Street introduced and Alan Blavins inducted new member David Cole. David owns Bay Tree Publishing and is on the board for Masquers Playhouse. Welcome David! Who Is She? Announcements Webmaster Nick Despota and Holiday Auction Chief Don Lau told us that 50% of the club’s members are on the naughty list (see column on right of this page) for not donating an auction item for the Friday, December 4 Holiday Auction. If you’re still among the naughty, please redeem yourself by either: 1) Posting an item for auction. To do that visit our Holiday Auction page, scroll down for inspiration, then use the Post item button near the top, taking you to our auction donation form; or, 2) Donating at least $100 to the Club. If you prefer that, please go to the Auction page, then click the yellow Donate button below the page introduction. Community Services chair Joe Bagley reminded us that the 2015 Holiday Party mixer is Friday, December 11th, at the Richmond Art Center, from 4:30-7:30. All are invited for appetizers and a no-host bar. Please RSVP by Friday November 27 to shana@mshproperties.com or (925)324-1280. We’re folding into the event our annual Richmond Fire Department Holiday Toy Drive, so please bring an unwrapped new toy! Membership Committee member Pam Jones invited members to volunteer at Salute (1900 Esplanade, Marina Bay, Richmond) on Wednesday, November 25 at noon to help prepare the toiletries/necessities bags for Menbere Aklilu’s Giving Thanks Event for veterans and the needy. You can also volunteer during the event on Thursday, November 26 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Find out more here. Treasurer David Brown told us that for just $47, you can give a local child a bicycle and helmet. Use the Donate button (PayPal) on the right, or if you avoid all appeals from the right, click here. Happy 97th birthday Charlie Fender! He’s been a member since 1967 and has been married to Clovel for 73 years. Congratulations! Recognitions Happy and Sad Dollars Norm’s Nonsense PROGRAM Jim Young introduced Rev. Dr. David Vásquez Levy, President of Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, to talk about migrating faith. He explained: California and our nation were shaped by the aftermath of the Gold Rush, the Civil War, and the completion of the transcontinental railroad that connected east to west across the United States. Conflict and opportunity brought people from everywhere, gathering this “most heterogeneous mass of humanity ever assembled since the confusion of tongues.” People have migrated to California, and the United States following trade, just like Joseph in the book of Genesis, and people currently risking their lives to leave Central America, Africa, Syria, and elsewhere in the Middle East to find a better life. In this time of tragedy (the push of conflicts around the world), we must remember that, historically, people’s movements follow the trade routes (the pull toward opportunity) and the positives of migration (52% of Silicon Valley startups such as Yahoo, Intel, Google, and Amazon were founded or co-founded by foreign born people). Reflection is desperately needed to discover alternate ways to engage our increasingly interconnected world. The experiences of people on the move can offer wisdom and open our minds as we seek to find ways to respond to this time of unprecedented migration. In forming our policies and opinions, we must not forget that migration is at the core of our own story.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
--- author: - 'J. Devin$^{(1)}$' - 'F. Acero$^{(2)}$' - 'J. Ballet$^{(2)}$' - 'J. Schmid$^{(2)}$' bibliography: - 'article.bib' date: 'Received: 13 March 2018 / Accepted: 25 May 2018' title: 'Disentangling hadronic from leptonic emission in the composite SNR G326.3$-$1.8' --- [G326.3$-$1.8 (also known as MSH 15$-$5*6*) has been detected in radio as a middle-aged composite supernova remnant (SNR) consisting of an SNR shell and a pulsar wind nebula (PWN), which has been crushed by the SNR’s reverse shock. Previous $\gamma$-ray studies of SNR G326.3$-$1.8 revealed bright and extended emission with uncertain origin. Understanding the nature of the $\gamma$-ray emission allows probing the population of high-energy particles (leptons or hadrons) but can be challenging for sources of small angular extent.]{} [With the recent $\textit{Fermi}$ Large Area Telescope data release Pass 8 providing increased acceptance and angular resolution, we investigate the morphology of this SNR to disentangle the PWN from the SNR contribution. In particular, we take advantage of the new possibility to filter events based on their angular reconstruction quality. ]{} [We perform a morphological and spectral analysis from 300 MeV to 300 GeV. We use the reconstructed events with the best angular resolution (PSF3 event type) to separately investigate the PWN and the SNR emissions, which is crucial to accurately determine the spectral properties of G326.3$-$1.8 and understand its nature.]{} [The centroid of the $\gamma$-ray emission evolves with energy and is spatially coincident with the radio PWN at high energies (E $>$ 3 GeV). The morphological analysis reveals that a model considering two contributions from the SNR and the PWN reproduces the $\gamma$-ray data better than a single-component model. The associated spectral analysis using power laws shows two distinct spectral features, a softer spectrum for the remnant ($\Gamma$ = 2.17 $\pm$ 0.06) and a harder spectrum for the PWN ($\Gamma$ = 1.79 $\pm$ 0.12), consistent with hadronic and leptonic origin for the SNR and the PWN respectively. Focusing on the SNR spectrum, we use one-zone models to derive some physical properties and, in particular, we find that the emission is best explained with a hadronic scenario in which the large target density is provided by radiative shocks in H[i]{} clouds struck by the SNR.]{} Introduction ============ Supernova remnants (SNRs) and pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe) have long been considered potential sources of Galactic cosmic rays and have therefore been investigated over a wide range of energies. In SNRs, the fast shock wave propagating into the interstellar medium (ISM) or the circumstellar medium is thought to accelerate particles (electrons and protons), which gain energy through first order Fermi acceleration [@Bell:1978] also known as the Diffusive Shock Acceleration mechanism (DSA). In core-collapse SNRs, a very fast rotating and highly magnetized pulsar can give rise to a PWN, in which electrons and positrons from the pulsar wind are re-accelerated to relativistic energies at a termination shock. These Galactic accelerators have mostly been studied independently while in case of core-collapse SNRs, the SNR, the PWN and the pulsar are part of the same object. However, for systems with angular sizes smaller or comparable to the instrument point-spread function (PSF), it can be difficult to assess the origin of the emission, in particular at $\gamma$-ray energies where the angular resolution is comparatively much larger than in the radio and X-ray ranges. Although it can be challenging to understand their origin, these $\gamma$ rays allow probing the population of high-energy particles, such as accelerated electrons interacting with the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) or other target photons by Inverse Compton (IC) scattering, and also accelerated protons interacting with gas that produce neutral pions which decay into $\gamma$ rays. Morphological studies complementing purely spectral analyses have the potential to help identify multiple particle acceleration regions in one object such as interaction regions with surrounding clouds or the different emissions coming from the SNR and/or the PWN in composite objects. With an SNR shell and a PWN seen at radio wavelengths, the Galactic SNR G326.3$-$1.8 is a prototype of the so-called composite SNRs [@Mills; @Milne]. Its distance is estimated between 3.1 kpc [@Goss:1972] and 4.1 kpc [@Rosado:1996] as established by the H[i]{} absorption profile and H$\alpha$ velocity measurements respectively. @Temim:2013 estimated this SNR to be 16,500 years old with a shock velocity of 500 km s$^{-1}$, expanding in an ISM density of $n_{0}$ = 0.1 cm$^{-3}$. ![image](SNRradio_norm.pdf) ![image](Countmap_pixelsize_0_05.pdf) Figure \[fig:MOST\], obtained from radio observations [@MOSTcat:1996], shows a symmetric SNR shell with 0.3° radius and a PWN trailing the putative pulsar and likely crushed by the remnant’s reverse shock. Non-thermal radio emission has been reported with a spectral index of $\alpha$ = 0.34 for the shell and $\alpha$ = 0.18 for the nebula where $S_{\nu}$ $\propto$ $\nu^{-\alpha}$ [@Dickel:2000]. Optical H$\alpha$ filaments were observed in the southwest and northeast parts of the remnant, and appear to spatially correlate with the shell [@Vandenbergh:1979; @Dennefeld:1980] indicating the presence of neutral material at the shock front. The PWN component is highly polarized with a luminosity of L($10^{7} − 10^{11}$ Hz) ∼ $5 × 10^{34}$ erg s$^{−1}$ [@Dickel:2000]. The associated pulsar has not been detected but *Chandra* maps have revealed a point source embedded in the X-ray PWN located in the southwest of the radio nebula [@Temim:2013]. SNR G326.3$-$1.8 was also detected in X-rays by *ROSAT* [@Kassim:1993] and *ASCA* [@Plucinsky:1998] showing a complete shell that spatially correlates with the radio SNR while the width of the PWN in X-rays shrinks near the compact object. At higher energies, previous $\gamma$-ray studies have revealed emission with uncertain origin [@Temim:2013] and SNR G326.3$-$1.8 has only recently been found to be extended with the $\textit{Fermi}$-LAT data [@First_SNRcat:2016]. The latest Large Area Telescope data release Pass 8 [@Pass8:Atwood:2013] allows not only a claim of significant extension of the $\gamma$-ray emission, but also a study of the PWN and SNR contributions separately. This distinction might be crucial for understanding the underlying emission mechanisms and potentially distinguishing between hadronic and leptonic nature of the constituents. In this paper, we briefly describe the latest data release Pass 8 before presenting a morphological study of SNR G326.3$-$1.8. In particular, we investigate its energy-dependent morphology and model the emission with different templates. We also report a spectral analysis of our best models using two spatial components for the $\gamma$-ray emission and derive physical properties using one-zone models for the SNR spectrum. *Fermi*-LAT and Pass 8 description \[sec:Fermi\] ================================================ The Large Area Telescope (LAT) on board the $\textit{Fermi}$ satellite is a pair-conversion instrument sensitive to $\gamma$ rays in the energy range from 30 MeV to more than 300 GeV.\ Since the launch in August 2008, the $\textit{Fermi}$-LAT event reconstruction algorithm has been progressively upgraded to make use of the increasing understanding of the instrument performance as well as the environment in which it operates. Following Pass 7, released in August 2011, Pass 8 is the latest version of the $\textit{Fermi}$-LAT data release [@Pass8:Atwood:2013]. The enhanced reconstruction and classification algorithms result in improvements of the effective area, the PSF and the energy resolution. One major advance with respect to previous releases is the classification of detected photon events according to their reconstruction quality. The data set is hence divided into types of events with different energy or angular reconstruction qualities. The PSF selection divides the data into four parts: from PSF0 to PSF3, the latter being the quartile with the best angular resolution (68% containment radius of 0.4° at 1 GeV compared to 0.8° without selection). This type of event selection, combined with the large amount of data collected by the LAT since its launch, makes Pass 8 $\gamma$ rays a powerful tool to identify and study extended $\gamma$-ray sources. Data analysis\[sec:ata\] ======================== We perform a binned analysis using 6.5 years of data collected from August 4, 2008 to January 31, 2015, within a 10° $\times$ 10° region around the position of SNR G326.3$-$1.8. Since the object remains significant with $25\%$ of the data (more than 24$\sigma$ between 300 MeV and 300 GeV), we take advantage of the new PSF3 selection to limit contamination between the PWN and the SNR components as well as that from the Galactic plane. We select events between 300 MeV and 300 GeV, with a maximum zenith angle of 100° to reduce the contamination of the bright Earth limb. Time intervals during which the rocking angle of the satellite was more than 52° are excluded as well as those during which it passed through the South Atlantic Anomaly. We set the pixel size to 0.05° and divide the whole energy range (300 MeV – 300 GeV) into 30 bins. We use version 10 of the `Science Tools` (v10r0p5) and the `P8R2_V6` Instrument Response Functions (IRFs) with the `SOURCE` event class for the following analysis[^1]. The resulting count map of the 10° $\times$ 10° region centered on the position of the SNR is shown in Figure \[fig:Cmap\]. The $\gamma$-ray data around the source are modeled starting with the $\textit{Fermi}$-LAT 3FGL source catalog [@3FGL], complemented by the extended source FGES J1553.8$-$5325[^2] [@FGES:Pass8]. We first fit the point sources and extended sources within a 10° radius (additionally accounting for the most significant sources between 10° and 15°) simultaneously with the Galactic and isotropic diffuse emissions described by the files `gll_iem_v06.fits` [@GIEM_Fermi:2016] and `iso_P8R2_SOURCE_V6_v06_PSF3.txt` respectively [^3]. We then compute a residual test statistic (TS) map to search for additional sources. The TS is defined to test the likelihood of one hypothesis $\mathcal{L}_1$ (including a source) against the null hypothesis $\mathcal{L}_0$ (absence of source), such that: $$\hspace{2.5cm} \textrm{TS} = 2 \times (\log{\mathcal{L}_1 } - \log{\mathcal{L}_0}) \label{eq:TS}$$ This can be directly interpreted in terms of significance of hypothesis $1$ with respect to the null hypothesis $0$ in which the TS follows a $\chi^2$-law with $n$ degrees of freedom for $n$ additional parameters. To evaluate the significance of putative new sources, we compute a two-dimensional residual TS map that tests the hypothesis of a point source with a generic $E^{-2}$ spectrum against the null hypothesis at each point in the sky. The positions where the TS values exceed 25 (corresponding to a significance of more than $4\sigma$) are used as seeds to identify $\gamma$-ray sources in addition to the 3FGL. In that way, we iteratively add eleven sources in the 10° $\times$ 10° region and we fix their spectral parameters to their best-fit values found with `gtlike`. Figure \[fig:TSmap\_all\_sky\] shows the final residual TS map including all the sources. Note that the apparent diffuse residual emission (for which TS$_{\rm{max}}$ $\approx$ 17) disappears above 500 MeV. ![Residual TS map from 300 MeV to 300 GeV of a 10° $\times$ 10° region centered on the SNR and using the PSF3 events. The pixel size is 0.25° and the radio contours of the SNR are overlaid in white. The white circle is an FGES extended source. The white crosses are the 3FGL point sources and the red crosses are the sources added to the model. \[fig:TSmap\_all\_sky\]](TSmap_ALL_Sky_40pix.png) Morphological analysis\[sec:Morphological\_analysis\] ----------------------------------------------------- ### Extension\[sec:Extension\] The 3FGL catalog compiled by the $\textit{Fermi}$-LAT collaboration [@3FGL] has two point-like sources tentatively associated with the SNR, which we remove for our analysis. Since the creation of the first SNR catalog [@First_SNRcat:2016], G326.3$-$1.8 has been known to show extended $\gamma$-ray emission, and its radius has been determined to be $0.21^\circ$ using an extended uniform disk model, somewhat smaller than the $0.31^\circ$ radius of the radio shell but larger than the radio PWN. However, that analysis was based on only three years of data and made use of the former Pass 7 data release. With the latest Pass 8 data and using the PSF3 event type, we revisit the morphology of this SNR to understand the nature of the $\gamma$-ray emission. We start by finding the best position of a point source, modeling its emission as a power law and using the `pointlike` framework [@Kerr:2010] from 300 MeV to 300 GeV. Then, we investigate the extension of the $\gamma$-ray emission using a 2D-symmetric Gaussian and a disk with a uniform brightness. Table \[tab:Fit\_Pointlike\] shows the respective best-fit position and extension – if extended – for the different spatial models. The significance of a source extension is expressed in terms of the test statistic TS$_{\rm ext}$, where the hypothesis of the best-fit extended spatial model is tested against the null hypothesis of the best-fit point-like source. Given that in both hypotheses the localization of the source is optimized, the extended source model adds one degree of freedom – the source size – with respect to the point-source model. Thus, the significance can be directly interpreted as the square root $\sqrt{\rm{TS_{ext}}}$. As reported in Table \[tab:Fit\_Pointlike\], the $\gamma$-ray emission is extended with more than 13$\sigma$ confidence level and the uniform disk radius is found to be $r$ = $0.266^\circ$ $\pm$ 0.012$^\circ$. Figure \[fig:Best\_Disk\_Gaussian\] (left) shows the best-fit position and extension (68% containment radius $r_{68}$) for the disk and the Gaussian, plotted on the radio image, with the associated uncertainties. The centroid of each extended model is slightly shifted toward the radio PWN but is not coincident with its position. No significant residual emission appears in the residual TS map (not shown here) including either the disk or the Gaussian in the model. [l|ccccccc]{} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spatial model & RA$_{\rm{J2000}}$ ($^\circ$)& Dec$_{\rm{J2000}}$ ($^\circ$) & $r$ or $\sigma$ ($^\circ$) & $r_{68}$ ($^\circ$) & TS & TS$_{\rm ext}$\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Point source & 238.167 $\pm$ 0.009 & $-$56.181 $\pm$ 0.008 & — & — & 689.5 & —\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disk & 238.170 $\pm$ 0.012 & $-$56.152 $\pm$ 0.012 & 0.266 $\pm$ 0.012 & 0.218 $\pm$ 0.010 & 866.5 & 177.0\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gaussian & 238.157 $\pm$ 0.013 & $-$56.166 $\pm$ 0.012 & 0.134 $\pm$ 0.009 & 0.202 $\pm$ 0.014 & 863.4 & 173.9\ ![image](Best_fitted_Gaussian_and_Disk_300MeV_300GeV-crop.pdf){width="40.00000%"} ![image](Best_Fitted_Gaussians_5bands_new_version-crop.pdf){width="40.00000%"} ### Energy-dependent morphology\[sec:E\_dpd\_morpho\] Although the $\gamma$-ray emission can be adequately described with a one-component model, either a disk or a 2D-symmetric Gaussian, this stands in slight tension to the discovery of a hard point-like $\gamma$-ray source above 50 GeV [@2FHL] at the location of the PWN, clearly displaced from the center of the SNR shell. To investigate the morphology in more detail, we divide the data into five logarithmically spaced energy bins from 300 MeV to 300 GeV that we subsequently fit individually with `pointlike` using a 2D-symmetric Gaussian. Because the PSF width depends strongly on energy up to $\sim$ 10 GeV, and our energy bins are quite broad (half a decade), we need to adopt a specific spectral model for the source. We describe it with a power law with free spectral index. The normalizations of the source, the Galactic and isotropic diffuse emissions are let free while the spectral parameters of the other sources are fixed to their best-fit values. Figure \[fig:Best\_Disk\_Gaussian\] (right) depicts the results of the fitting procedure in the individual energy bands. At low energies (300 MeV – 1 GeV), the PSF ($r_{68}$ $\sim$ 0.4$^{\circ}$ at 1 GeV) is larger than the SNR radius. An extended source of the SNR size is compatible with the data but is not significantly better than a point source. The associated best-fit position lies outside the radio PWN. Between $1$ and $3$ GeV, the significance of the extension is more than 5$\sigma$ (the values are reported in Figure \[fig:TS\_and\_TSext\]) and the position of the Gaussian appears to be fairly consistent with the center of the radio SNR. At higher energies (from 3 to 30 GeV), the $\gamma$-ray morphology is still significantly extended (more than 5$\sigma$) and the centroid of the best-fit Gaussian gets closer to the radio PWN. Above 30 GeV, the $\gamma$-ray emission is not significantly extended and the best-fit position lies inside the radio PWN. ### Building a more detailed model This energy-dependent source morphology clearly requires a more detailed investigation beyond a one-component modeling. Since the PSF below 1 GeV is not small enough to resolve the SNR, the following morphological analysis uses data between 1 and 300 GeV. Electrons and positrons, accelerated in the PWN, that radiate by synchrotron emission are expected to also radiate in the GeV band by IC scattering on photon fields. Since this SNR is relatively young, particles are well-confined inside the PWN. [@Temim:2013] estimate the magnetic field to be $B_{\rm{PWN}}$ $\approx$ 34 $\mu$G when the SNR has already begun significantly compressing the PWN at an age of 19,000 years. The emission seen in the radio band should track the older accelerated electrons and we expect that the extension of the $\gamma$-ray emission should not be larger than the radio emission. We thus model the $\gamma$-ray emission from the PWN using its radio template (see Figure \[fig:Templates\], left panel), knowing that the magnetic field spatial distribution inside the PWN should only moderately impact our model given the small size of the PWN compared to the $\textit{Fermi}$-LAT PSF. ![\[fig:TS\_and\_TSext\]Test statistic of the source (black bars) and of extension (colored bars) for the best-fit Gaussian in individual energy bands.](TS_TSext_bis-crop.pdf) ![image](T4.png) ![image](TSmap_PWN_only2.png){width="50.00000%"} ![image](TSmap_SNRmask_only_1_300GeV.png){width="50.00000%"} Since the best-fit position of the $\gamma$-ray emission is consistent with that of the PWN at high energies, we first assume that the $\gamma$-ray emission comes only from the PWN. We model its spectrum as a power law and we perform a likelihood fit where the spectral parameters of the PWN, those of the nearest point source, the Galactic and isotropic diffuse emissions are free during the fit. The spectral parameters of the other sources are fixed to their best-fit values since they are further than $\sim$ 2° from G326.3$-$1.8. The fit gives a TS value of TS = 593.4, as reported in Table \[tab:LL\], with the number of additional free parameters compared to the model without source. [l|ccc]{} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spatial models & TS & N$_{\rm{dof}}$ & TS$_{\rm{PWN}}$\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Radio PWN & 593.4 & 2 & —\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Point source & 503.3 & 4 & —\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Point source + radio PWN & 661.4 & 6 & 158.1\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disk & 681.8 & 5 & —\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disk + radio PWN & 694.8 & 7 & 13.0\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Radio SNR & 667.3 & 2 & —\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Radio SNR + radio PWN & 683.0 & 4 & 15.7\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SNR mask & 670.3 & 2 & —\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SNR mask + radio PWN & 696.4 & 4 & 26.1\ Figure \[fig:TSmap\_PWN\] (left) depicts the 1° $\times$ 1° residual TS map from 1 to 300 GeV obtained by fixing the spectral parameters of the radio PWN and the nearest point source to their best-fit values. The TS map tests a putative point source. It shows qualitatively where there is missing signal, and extended emission can only be more significant than the peak of the TS map. The maximum TS value of the map is TS $\approx$ 60 indicating that this residual emission is clearly significant. The radio template of the PWN is thus not sufficient to describe the data. This confirms our previous results in the Section \[sec:E\_dpd\_morpho\], that show that the emission below 3 GeV lies outside of the radio contours of the PWN. To model the contribution of an additional component that seems to give rise to the low-energy part, we test several templates using first a simple disk component and then physically motivated templates (derived from the radio map of the SNR). We first use the `pointlike` framework to find the best position and extension of an additional source, described by a disk, when the PWN is already included in the model. The fit localizes the position near the center of the SNR at RA$_{\rm{J2000}}$ = $238.169^\circ$ $\pm$ $0.013^\circ$ and Dec$_{\rm{J2000}}$ = $-56.133^\circ$ $\pm$ $0.014^\circ$ with a radius $r$ = $0.295^\circ$ $\pm$ $0.013^\circ$, similar to the radio extension of the SNR ($0.31^\circ$). The significance of the extension is 5.8$\sigma$ (TS$_{\rm ext}$= 33.4), calculated with the TS value of the model including the point source and the radio PWN (reported in Table \[tab:LL\]). This rules out the hypothesis of a point-like source being responsible for the additional emission such as an active galactic nucleus behind the SNR. We further use the radio observations to derive two other templates for the SNR. First, we use the radio map replacing the contribution of the nebula by the average value of the radio emission around it (labeled “radio SNR”; see Figure \[fig:Templates\], center). From that, we also create another template, following the radio shock and filled homogeneously (called here “SNR mask”; see Figure \[fig:Templates\], right). [l|c|cc|cc]{} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Values from the fit & Disk only & radio PWN & Disk & radio PWN & SNR mask\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ $\Phi$ (ph cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$) $\times$ $10^{-8}$ & 2.70 $\pm$ 0.15 & 0.23 $\pm$ 0.11 & 2.43 $\pm$ 0.23 & 0.33 $\pm$ 0.11 & 2.31 $\pm$ 0.23\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ $\Gamma$ & 2.07 $\pm$ 0.04 & 1.74 $\pm$ 0.15 & 2.16 $\pm$ 0.06 & 1.79 $\pm$ 0.12 & 2.17 $\pm$ 0.06\ ![image](SED_Disk_with_TS_values_final-crop.pdf) ![image](SED_SNRmask_PWN_with_bars-crop.pdf) For all components, the $\gamma$-ray emission is described by a power law and the free spectral parameters are those of the components, the nearest point source, and those of the Galactic and isotropic diffuse emissions. The results from our maximum likelihood fit are given in Table \[tab:LL\] with the numbers of free parameters associated to the models (spectral and/or spatial).\ First, the TS values obtained using the one-component models (disk, radio SNR or SNR mask) alone are clearly higher than that obtained using only the radio PWN, indicating that the fit prefers a model more extended than the radio PWN. For comparison, Figure \[fig:TSmap\_PWN\] (right) depicts the residual TS map when only the SNR mask is included to the model, showing a residual emission coincident with the position of the PWN. In terms of test statistic, when adding a second component, the model with one component becomes the null hypothesis to test the significance of the second component. In Table \[tab:LL\], we compare the TS values obtained with each of the one-component models to the two-component models testing the improvement of the fit when adding the radio template of the PWN. The difference TS$_{\rm{PWN}}$ can be converted to a significance since in the null hypothesis (no PWN emission) it behaves as a $\chi^{2}$-law with two degrees of freedom. For all our extended models, the significance of adding the PWN lies between 3 and 4$\sigma$ and the maximum TS values are obtained for the model including the radio PWN with either the disk or the SNR mask. In terms of significance, our best model involves the radio PWN and the SNR mask since it requires fewer free parameters during the fit than the disk whose spatial components have been optimized. The lower TS value using the two radio templates (for the SNR and the PWN) indicates that the $\gamma$-ray emission does not entirely follow the synchrotron distribution and the fit prefers a more homogeneous structure for the shell, keeping in mind that this conclusion depends on the model we choose for the PWN. Spectral analysis\[sec:spectral\_analysis\] ------------------------------------------- To understand the underlying emission processes, we perform a spectral analysis from 300 MeV to 300 GeV using our best models found in the previous section: the disk alone and the radio PWN with either the SNR mask or the disk. Here the $\gamma$-ray emissions are still described with power laws since other spectral representations did not improve the fit. We do not take into account the energy dispersion (this induces a bias $\sim$ $-$ 5% on flux[^4]). Using `gtlike`, we perform a maximum likelihood fit leaving the same spectral parameters free as before. Table \[tab:Fit\] reports the results obtained from the fit. When we use the disk alone to describe the $\gamma$-ray emission, the photon index is found to be close to 2. Using differentiated models for the PWN and the SNR, the fit leads to a spectral separation between the two components: a softer spectrum for the remnant ($\Gamma \approx 2.16$ using the disk and $\Gamma \approx 2.17$ using the SNR mask) and a harder spectrum for the nebula ($\Gamma \approx 1.74$ and $\Gamma \approx 1.79$). The choice of the model for the remnant (either the disk or the SNR mask) has a very slight impact on the spectral study. To compute the spectral energy distribution (SED), we divide the whole energy range (300 MeV – 300 GeV) into six bins and impose a TS threshold of 1 per energy bin for the flux calculation; otherwise an upper limit is calculated. In each bin, the photon indexes of the sources of interest are fixed to 2 to avoid any dependence on the spectral models. The fluxes of the PWN and the SNR components are let free during the fit as well as those of the Galactic and isotropic diffuse emissions. All other sources are fixed to their best global model. Figure \[fig:SEDs\] shows the SED of the uniform disk (left) and the SED of the best-fit two-component model (right) using the radio PWN and the SNR mask. The colored error bars represent the statistical errors while the quadratic sums of the statistical and systematic errors [calculated using eight alternative Galactic diffuse emission models as explained in the first $\textit{Fermi}$-LAT supernova remnant catalog, @First_SNRcat:2016] are represented with black horizontal bars. The systematic errors are never dominant and are comparable to the statistical ones only in the first band. Note that the effective area uncertainty also induces systematic errors (10% between 100 MeV and 100 GeV). These SEDs clearly emphasize that two distinct morphologies give rise to two distinct spectral signatures, while the different emissions seem to be mixed when we use a single component model. The TS values in each energy bin highlight the different contributions of the two components: at low energy (E $<$ 10 GeV), the emission is dominated by the SNR while the contribution of the PWN becomes important above 10 GeV, bringing out the spatial and spectral distinctions between these two nested objects. Results and discussion ====================== For this entire section we assume the distance to the SNR is 4.1 kpc [@Temim:2013]. SNR spectrum ------------ To understand the observed $\gamma$-ray spectrum of the SNR, we perform multi-wavelength modeling using the one-zone models provided by the `naima` package [@naima]. From [@Dickel:2000] we take the five radio flux measurements of the shell. As there is no associated synchrotron emission in the X-ray domain, we use the *ROSAT* thermal flux reported by [@Kassim:1993] as an upper limit. We also use the TeV upper limit derived from H.E.S.S. with 14 hours of observational live time and assuming a photon index of 2.3 [@HESS:SNRpop:2018]. Assuming the Sedov phase, we derive the kinetic energy released by the supernova: $$\hspace{0.5cm} \frac{E_{\rm{SN}}}{10^{51} \hspace{0.1cm} \rm{erg}} = R_{12.5}^5 \times \Big(\frac{n_{0}}{ \textrm{cm}^{-3}}\Big) \times t_{4}^{-2} = 0.5$$ where $R_{12.5}$ = $R$/(12.5 pc) and $t_{4}$ = $t$/(10,000 yrs) taking $R$ = 21 pc, $t$ = 16,500 yrs and $n_{0}$ = 0.1 cm$^{-3}$ for a distance of 4.1 kpc. We take the inputs from [@Temim:2013] but do not derive the same explosion energy. Here we use the common values of $\xi$ = 2.026 (for $\gamma$ = 5/3) and $\rho_{0}$ = 1.4$m_{\rm{H}}n_{0}$ in the usual Sedov equation: $R^{5}$ = $\xi$ ($E_{\rm{SN}}$/$\rho_{0}$) $t^{2}$. The explosion energy and age depend on the distance, which is still uncertain. In addition, the density and temperature (the latter provides the shock speed estimate) were derived from a small region in the south of the SNR and it is not yet clear whether this region is representative of the rest of the SNR. (A Large Program with *XMM-Newton* on G326.3$-$1.8 is currently ongoing and will provide more constraints on the thermal emission across the SNR.) In this regard, the multi-wavelength modeling presented in this section is not to be viewed as a precise measurement of the properties of the accelerated particles but rather as showing that a simple self-consistent model can reproduce the observations. We describe the electron population as a broken power law spectrum with spectral indexes $\Gamma_{\rm{e,1}}$/$\Gamma_{\rm{e,2}}$ with an exponential cut-off. The break at energy $E_{\rm{b}}$ is assumed to be due to cooling so we set $\Gamma_{\rm{e,2}}$ = $\Gamma_{\rm{e,1}}$ + 1 while the cut-off defines the maximum attainable energy of the particles $E_{\rm{max,e}}$. The proton spectrum is described as a power law with spectral index $\Gamma_{\rm{p}}$ with an exponential cut-off $E_{\rm{max,p}}$. In our models we consider by default the CMB as the only photon seed for IC scattering.\ ### Leptonic scenario We first investigate the leptonic scenario for which we vary the values of the magnetic field $B$, the total energy budget in electrons $W_{\rm{e}}$ and protons $W_{\rm{p}}$, and the break and maximum energy of the particles. Figure \[fig:Fit\_naima\_SNR\_Lepto\] (left) shows one of the combinations that simultaneously fits the radio and the $\gamma$-ray data. Since this solution is not unique, we report in Table \[tab:Phys\_param\] the range of permitted values of these parameters. For clarity, we fix the total energy in protons to W$_{\rm{p}}$ = 5 $\times$ 10$^{49}$ erg (corresponding to 10% of $E_{\rm{SN}}$) and we report the range of permitted values of the electron-proton ratio $K_{\rm{e-p}}$. Since the maximum energy of protons is always higher than that of electrons, which suffer synchrotron losses, we use the maximum value of $E_{\rm{max,e}}$ as a lower limit for $E_{\rm{max,p}}$. To reproduce the radio spectral shape, we need a hard index for the electrons $\Gamma_{\rm{e,1}}$ = 1.8 (taking thus $\Gamma_{\rm{e,2}}$ = 2.8), while we keep $\Gamma_{\rm{p}}$ = 2 due to the lack of observational constraints. For a $B$ field between 10 and 20 $\mu$G, the $\gamma$-ray data can only be explained if the total energy in electrons reaches $W_{\rm{e}}$ = (2.5 – 7) $\times$ $10^{49}$ erg, which is clearly unreasonable since that requires a $K_{\rm{e-p}}$ between 0.5 and 1.4. If in order to reduce $W_{\rm{e}}$, we increase $B$ to higher values than expected for the compressed ISM, the $\gamma$-ray data cannot be fitted and the IC spectrum lies one order of magnitude below the data. Even if infrared and optical photon fields with energy density 0.26 eV cm$^{-3}$ each (the same as the CMB value, which is a reasonable estimate 100 pc below the Galactic plane) are added, an unrealistically large $W_{\rm{e}}$ is still required to fit the $\gamma$-ray data. Another inconsistency of that model is that the values of $E_{\rm{b}}$, $E_{\rm{max,e}}$ and $E_{\rm{max,p}}$ reported in Table \[tab:Phys\_param\] are not consistent with the magnetic field. Following @Parizot:2006, we use the synchrotron loss time: $$\centering \hspace{0.5cm} \tau_{\rm{sync}}=(1.25 \times 10^{3}) \times E_{\rm{TeV}}^{-1} B_{100}^{-2} \hspace{0.2cm} \textrm{yrs}$$ and the acceleration timescale: $$\hspace{0.5cm} t_{\rm{acc}}= 30.6 \times \frac{3r^2}{16(r-1)} \times k_{\rm{0}}(E) \times E_{\rm{TeV}}B_{100}^{-1}u_{\rm{sh,3}}^{-2} \hspace{0.2cm} \textrm{yrs}$$ with $r$ being the shock compression ratio, $k_0$ the ratio between the mean free path and the gyroradius, $B_{\rm{100}}$ and $u_{\rm{sh,3}}$ the magnetic field and the shock velocity in units of 100 $\mu$G and 1000 km s$^{-1}$, respectively. $k_{\rm{0}}$ $\geq$ 1 can be interpreted as the ratio of the total magnetic energy density to that in the turbulent field ($B_{\rm{tot}}^{2}/B_{\rm{turb}}^{2}$) and $k_0$ $\approx$ 1 has been found for young SNRs [@Uchiyama:2007]. For evolved systems, we expect the turbulent magnetic field to be smaller than the large-scale component (so that $k_0$ $>$ 1) and we adopt here $k_0$ = 10 for the highest-energy electrons. Taking $r$ = 4, we thus calculate $E_{\rm{b}}$ (equating $\tau_{\rm{sync}}$ = $t_{\rm{age}}$), $E_{\rm{max,e}}$ ($t_{\rm{acc}}$ = min$\{\tau_{\rm{sync}}, t_{\rm{age}}\}$) and $E_{\rm{max,p}}$ ($t_{\rm{acc}}$ = $t_{\rm{age}}$). For $B$ = 20 $\mu$G, we obtain $E_{\rm{b}}$ = 1.9 TeV, $E_{\rm{max,e}}$ = 2.3 TeV and $E_{\rm{max,p}}$ = 2.7 TeV. Figure \[fig:Fit\_naima\_SNR\_Lepto\] (right) shows the corresponding spectrum which implies an IC cut-off at too high energy and does not fit the $\gamma$-ray data. One noteworthy aspect of this source concerns the difficulty to explain its very high radio flux [114 Jy at 1 GHz, @Dickel:2000]. High radio fluxes are also found in middle-aged SNRs interacting with molecular clouds, such as W44 [230 Jy at 1 GHz, @Castelletti07:W44] and IC 443 [160 Jy at 1 GHz, @Milne71:IC443], where the highly compressed gas enhances the synchrotron emission. The particularly high total energy required in electrons to reproduce the SNR spectrum and the impossibility to fit the data with consistent values rule out a leptonic origin of the $\gamma$-ray emission and lead us to investigate the hadronic scenario. ### Hadronic scenario [@Vandenbergh:1979] has reported H$\alpha$ emission in the northeast and southwest regions of the SNR (see Figure \[fig:Naima\_Hadro\_Halpha\], left panel) and [@Dennefeld:1980] obtained a spectrum indicating an \[S II\]/H$\alpha$ ratio characteristic of a radiative shock. This is evidence of the interaction of the shock with neutral material where some regions of the SNR are entering the radiative phase while other parts are freely expanding in the ISM. As a consequence, we suggest to model the SNR spectrum with two contributions: - a radiative shock arising from the presence of clouds in the surroundings of the SNR - a main shock with a velocity of $u_{\rm{sh}}$ = 500 km s$^{-1}$ and expanding in an ISM density of $n_{\rm{0}}$ = 0.1 cm$^{-3}$ [@Temim:2013] Below we calculate the physical parameters associated with the radiative component. [@Uchiyama:2010] studied the non-thermal emission from crushed clouds in SNRs where re-acceleration of pre-existing cosmic rays can explain the observed GeV emission powered by hadronic interactions.\ Following this work, the strong shock driven into the clouds has a velocity of: $$\hspace{0.5cm} u_{\rm{sh,cl}} = k \sqrt{\frac{n_0}{n_{\rm{0,cl}}}} \times u_{\rm{sh}}$$ where $k$ = 1.3 is adopted as in [@Uchiyama:2010], $n_{0}$ and $n_{\rm{0,cl}}$ being the upstream ISM and clouds density respectively. For the upstream magnetic field in the clouds, we have: $$\hspace{0.5cm} B_{\rm{0,cl}} = b \sqrt{\frac{n_{\rm{0,cl}}}{\textrm{cm}^{-3}}} \hspace{0.1cm} \mu \textrm{G} \label{Bup}$$ where $b$ = $v_{\rm{A}}$/(1.84 km s$^{-1}$) with $v_{\rm{A}}$ being the Alfvén velocity, the mean value of which is thought to be roughly equal to the velocity dispersion observed in molecular clouds ($\sim$ 0.5 – 5 km s$^{-1}$), implying $b$ $\sim$ 0.3 – 3 [@HM:89]. As in [@Uchiyama:2010], we assume that the magnetic pressure in the cooled gas is equal to the shock ram pressure and we have: $$\hspace{0.5cm} \frac{B_{\rm{m}}^2}{8 \pi} = k^2 n_{\rm{0}} \mu_{\rm{H}} u_{\rm{sh}}^2 \label{press_eq}$$ where $\mu_{\rm{H}}$ is the mass per hydrogen nucleus and $B_{\rm{m}}$ the downstream magnetic field in the cooled regions: $$\hspace{0.5cm} B_{\rm{m}} = \sqrt{\frac{2}{3}} \times \Big(\frac{n_{\rm{m}}}{n_{\rm{0,cl}}}\Big) \times B_{\rm{0,cl}} \label{Bcool}$$ with $n_{\rm{m}}$ being the downstream density in the cooled regions. In this model, the compressed magnetic field is fixed to 158 $\mu$G by the pressure in the SNR (Eq \[press\_eq\]). This requires a large $W_{\rm{e}}$ in the clouds for the synchrotron emission to be consistent with the bright observed radio flux. We set $K_{\rm{e-p}}$ in the clouds to 0.03, which is large but still reasonable, since a lower $K_{\rm{e-p}}$ would result in an uncomfortably large W$_{\rm{p}}$. In any case, the cosmic-ray energy in the shocked clouds must be high. Thus, fitting simultaneously the $\gamma$-ray data and the radio data implies that the compressed density should be relatively low. From Eqs (\[Bup\],  \[press\_eq\],  \[Bcool\]), we have: $$\hspace{0.5cm} n_{\rm{m}} = \sqrt{\frac{3}{\pi \mu_{\rm{H}}}} \times \frac{B_{\rm{m}}^2}{4 b \times u_{\rm{sh,cl}}}$$ We adopt here the highest reasonable values $b$ = 3 and $u_{\rm{sh,cl}}$ = 150 km s$^{-1}$ (above which the shock would have no time to become radiative). Thus the downstream density in the cooled regions is $n_{\rm{m}}$ = 88.3 cm$^{-3}$. Taking $n_{\rm{0}}$ = 0.1 cm$^{-3}$, $u_{\rm{sh}}$ = 500 km s$^{-1}$ [@Temim:2013], $u_{\rm{sh,cl}}$ = 150 km s$^{-1}$ and $b$ = 3, we obtain for the upstream density and magnetic field in the clouds $n_{\rm{0,cl}}$ = 1.88 cm$^{-3}$ and $B_{\rm{0,cl}}$ = 4.11 $\mu$G. This relatively low density is in agreement with the non-detection of CO lines close to this SNR. The densities encountered in G326.3$-$1.8 (cloud and intercloud medium) would then be very similar to the Cygnus Loop [@Raymond:1988]. The electrons accelerated in the clouds will rapidly cool due to the strong magnetic field in the dense regions for which we derive the break energy of the particles by equating $\tau_{\rm{sync}}$ = $t_{\rm{age}}$/2 (time since the clouds were shocked). At the shock front, the downstream magnetic field is $B_{\rm{d,cl}}$ = $\sqrt{11}B_{\rm{0,cl}}$ = 13.6 $\mu$G, assuming a randomly directed field, and we derive the corresponding maximum energy of the particles, using $k_{\rm{0}}$ = 10 and $u_{\rm{sh,cl}}$ = 150 km s$^{-1}$ when equating $t_{\rm{acc}}$ = min$\{\tau_{\rm{sync}},t_{\rm{age}}/2\}$. For particles trapped in the clouds, we thus find $E_{\rm{b}}$ = 15.2 GeV and $E_{\rm{max,e}}$ = $E_{\rm{max,p}}$ = 82.7 GeV. Figure \[fig:Naima\_Hadro\_Halpha\] (right) shows the corresponding spectrum with the contributions from the main shock (solid lines) and the radiative shock (dashed lines). With such high magnetic field and density in the cooled regions, the radiative shock dominates the synchrotron and the $\gamma$-ray emission. Setting $K_{\rm{e-p}}$ = 0.03, the observed spectrum can be explained with $W_{\rm{p}}$ = 1.9 $\times$ $10^{49}$ erg (and thus $W_{\rm{e}}$ = 5.7 $\times$ $10^{47}$ erg), corresponding to 3.8% of $E_{\rm{SN}}$ transmitted to the re-accelerated protons in the clouds. To reproduce the radio spectral shape, we use harder indexes for the electrons at the radiative shock $\Gamma_{\rm{e,1}}$/$\Gamma_{\rm{e,2}}$ = 1.8/2.8 which is also observed in other radiative SNRs [@Ferrand:SNRcat][^5]. The $\gamma$-ray cut-off implied by $E_{\rm{max,p}}$ = 82.7 GeV fits the observed spectrum well. This is however largely coincidental. $k_{\rm{0}}$ is unconstrained, $t_{\rm{acc}}$ is unknown (we do not know when the clouds were shocked). [@Uchiyama:2010] predict an increase of the maximum energy by a factor of (($n_{\rm{m}}$/$n_{\rm{0}}$)/4)$^{1/3}$ = 2.27 due to adiabatic compression, which we did not enter into $E_{\rm{max,p}}$. The damping of Alfvén waves due to ion-neutral collisions also implies a break in the proton spectrum that we did not take into account because, with $B_{\rm{0,cl}}$ = 4.11 $\mu$G and $n_{\rm{0,cl}}$ = 1.88 cm$^{-3}$, it occurs around 100 GeV. Observationally, $E_{\rm{max,p}}$ must range between 30 and 100 GeV, which is in between other radiative SNRs such as W 44 or IC 443 [respectively 22 and 239 GeV, @Ackermann:13]. Since our model predicts that radiative shocks can explain the entire spectrum, we cannot assess observational constraints at the main shock. We take $B$ = 10 $\mu$G, implying $B_{\rm{ISM}}$ $\approx$ 3 $\mu$G (with $r$ = 4), to stay consistent with $B_{\rm{0,cl}}$ $>$ $B_{\rm{ISM}}$ but $B_{\rm{ISM}}$ could have been lower. We also use the typical 10% of $E_{\rm{SN}}$ going into protons but this and the value of $K_{\rm{e-p}}$ could also be reduced. For the particle spectra, we keep $\Gamma_{\rm{e,1}}$ = $\Gamma_{\rm{p}}$ = 2 and $\Gamma_{\rm{e,2}}$ = 3 since we have simple acceleration at the main shock and no observational constraints. The corresponding break and maximum energy are calculated following [@Parizot:2006] with $u_{\rm{sh}}$ = 500 km s$^{-1}$ and $k_{\rm{0}}$ = 10 as we did for the leptonic-dominated scenario. All the values used for the plot are reported in Table \[tab:Phys\_param\]. The entire SNR spectrum can thus be explained by the emission from radiative shocks. Although there is no clear correlation between the H$\alpha$ and the radio maps, this difference can be explained by the orientation of the magnetic field: where $B$ is perpendicular to the shock velocity, the synchrotron emission is largest (compression of the tangential component of the field) whereas optical emission should be enhanced when $B$ is parallel since the compression is no longer limited by the magnetic field. Quantitatively, the total energy required in the cosmic rays at the radiative shocks is large. Assuming 20% of the pressure in the radiative shocks is in the form of cosmic rays (the rest is mostly magnetic), it requires a surface covering factor close to 50% (consistent with the fact that we see little deviation from a uniform disk). This may be tested by deep H$\alpha$ imaging.\ PWN spectrum ------------ ![\[fig:PWN\_Temim\_comparison\] Comparison of the $\gamma$-ray PWN spectra where the model derived in [@Temim:2013] is multiplied by a factor of 0.45 to fit our data.](PWN_Comparison_Temim13_with_HESS_UL_final.pdf) We find that the largest fraction of the $\gamma$-ray emission comes from the SNR, presumably from the hadronic process. Nevertheless the PWN appears to contribute as well. We briefly and qualitatively discuss the impact of the PWN flux diminution on the physical parameters derived in [@Temim:2013] who assumed the entire $\gamma$-ray emission originates in the PWN, and based their analysis on the previous data release (Pass 7). Figure \[fig:PWN\_Temim\_comparison\] compares the two $\gamma$-ray spectra where the model of [@Temim:2013], who assumed a fully leptonic origin of the emission, is scaled to fit our data. The current flux corresponds to 45% of the previous one.\ If we approximate $W_{\rm{e}}$ $\approx$ $\int_{0}^{t_{\rm{age}}} \dot{E} dt$, $\dot{E}$ being the energy loss rate of the pulsar, we obtain: $$\hspace{3cm} W_{\rm{e}} \approx \dot{E_{0}}\frac{\tau_{\rm{0}} t_{\rm{age}}}{\tau_{\rm{0}} + t_{\rm{age}}}$$ where $\tau_0$ is the initial spin-down timescale of the pulsar and $\dot{E_{0}}$ the initial spin-down power. [@Temim:2013] derived $\tau_{0} \approx 2.1 \times 10^{4}$ years and $\dot{E_{0}}$ = 3 $\times$ 10$^{38}$ erg s$^{-1}$. We now require less than half of $W_{\rm{e}}$ leading to $\dot{E_{0}}$ = 1.35 $\times$ 10$^{38}$ erg s$^{-1}$ for the same age and initial spin-down time scale of the pulsar.\ In their 1-D model, the observed SNR radius is reached at an age of 19 kyrs for which they estimate the PWN magnetic field to be $B_{\rm{PWN}}$ = 34 $\mu$G. The decrease in $W_{\rm{e}}$ would thus also imply a higher magnetic field to still stay consistent with the radio flux of the PWN. However, a more nuanced interpretation is required given the complexity of this object. This will require more investigations and detailed modeling which are beyond the scope of this paper. Note also that the PWN spectrum derived in this analysis is model-dependent when considering the assumption made for the SNR. In any case, its flux is reduced compared to previous studies since the SNR contributes most of the $\gamma$-ray emission. Conclusions =========== We perform an analysis from 300 MeV to 300 GeV of the composite SNR G326.3$-$1.8 with the $\textit{Fermi}$-LAT Pass 8 data. We take advantage of the new PSF3 event class by selecting the events with the best angular reconstruction to limit mixture between the SNR and the PWN contributions and also emission from the Galactic plane. Using the `pointlike` and the `gtlike` frameworks, we confirm that the emission is significantly extended (more than 13$\sigma$) between 300 MeV and 300 GeV. We perform an analysis in five energy bands which shows that the morphology evolves with energy and the size shrinks towards the radio PWN at high energies (E $>$ 3 GeV). We thus investigate a more detailed morphology using the radio map of the PWN as a starting point. We find that it is clearly not sufficient to describe the $\gamma$-ray data and that an additional extended component is needed. We then test different models for an additional contribution such as a uniform disk, the radio map of the remnant and its homogeneously filled radio template, called here the SNR mask. Using the maximum likelihood fitting procedure starting at 1 GeV, we find that the model with the SNR mask and the radio PWN reproduces the $\gamma$-ray emission best. Modeling both $\gamma$-ray emissions by a power law from 300 MeV to 300 GeV, we obtain a spectral separation between the two components: a softer spectrum for the remnant ($\Gamma=2.17$ $\pm$ $0.06$) and a harder spectrum for the nebula ($\Gamma=1.79$ $\pm$ $0.12$). The corresponding SEDs also highlight their different contributions: the SNR dominates the low-energy part (300 MeV – 10 GeV) while the PWN protrudes at higher energies (E $>$ 10 GeV). Concerning the PWN spectrum, we briefly discuss the impact of the flux diminution (about 55%) compared to previous studies that assumed that the entire $\gamma$-ray emission may come from the PWN. The spectral modeling of the SNR emission disproves the leptonic scenario since it requires an unrealistic high energy budget in the electrons to fit the $\gamma$-ray data ($W_{\rm{e}}$ of several $10^{49}$ erg). As H$\alpha$ emission has been reported in this SNR, we suggest a spectral modeling where the main contribution arises from regions entering the radiative phase. The high magnetic field and density in the cooled regions lead to enhanced synchrotron and GeV emission that dominates the entire spectrum. The best-fit model involves a compressed magnetic field of 10 $\mu$G and 158 $\mu$G at the main and the radiative shock respectively. With 3.8% of the kinetic energy released by the supernova going into particles at the radiative shock, we find that an electron-proton ratio of $K_{\rm{e-p}}$ = 0.03 can adequately reproduce the observed spectrum. Although this ratio is slightly higher than one would expect, this is the most appropriate and consistent model we find that can simultaneously explain the high radio and $\gamma$-ray emissions from this SNR. In the future, CTA (Cherenkov Telescope Array) will give more insight into the properties of this source, providing better sensitivity above 30 GeV. [^1]: The Science Tools package and related documentation are distributed by the *Fermi* Science Support Center at https://fermi.gsfc.nasa.gov/ssc [^2]: From the *Fermi* Galactic Extended Source catalog [^3]: Available at <https://fermi.gsfc.nasa.gov/ssc/data/access/lat/BackgroundModels.html> [^4]: See <https://fermi.gsfc.nasa.gov/ssc/data/analysis/documentation/Pass8_edisp_usage.html> [^5]: Radio spectral indexes of some radiative SNRs, such as W 44 or IC 443, can be found at <http://www.physics.umanitoba.ca/snr/SNRcat/>
{ "pile_set_name": "ArXiv" }
The Apache Software Foundation ASF Legal Reports Purpose and Intended Audience This page includes a concatenation of the reports and resolution proposals made by the VP of Legal Affairs to the ASF Board of Directors, and may be of interest to committers wishing to follow the progress and history of legal policy issues. February 18, 2009 5. Additional Officer Reports B. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby] See Attachment 2 Sam confirmed that an open list was not a problem at this time, and noted that he is pleased with the sharing of the load; while Henri and Larry take on bigger shares than most (thanks!), nobody dominates and plenty of people contribute.. ----------------------------------------- Attachment 2: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee While traffic has picked up from last month, absolutely none of it should be of any concern to the board. Brief summary: * General questions on public domain and fair use * A question about a previously approved license (zlib/libpng) * Two questions on IP clearance, one quick and one more involved, both forwarded to the incubator * A JSR spec contained obsolete licensing terms (Geir quickly dove in) * An inquiry on trademark considerations, including the project logo and the ASF feather from committers on an ASF project working on a book. * An internal discussion on open letters. The list also attracts questions from users. While it is not something that we are set up to do (or, in fact, a service we intend to provide), it has not proven to be a problem in practice. Discussions of this nature from the past month: * Request for advice on a project desiring to use the Apache License and depend on code licensed under the GPL. * A webapp developer asked a question about the MySQL license * A developer of an application on sourceforge asked about how to structure his LICENSE file given that his project is based on an ASF project * A general question about defensive publication as a way to protect against patent trolls. * A general question on internal use of Apache projects January 21, 2009 5. Additional Officer Reports 2. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby] See Attachment 2 ----------------------------------------- Attachment 2: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee Very quiet month, nothing requiring board attention. Highlights: Naming discussion on JSecurity. Probably would not have given approval to that name in the first place, but given that the name has been in use for four years without an issue being raised, there isn't consensus on requiring a change. That being said the naming discussion was an inevitable bikeshed. Discussion of whether a given W3C license was category 'B' or 'X'. Given that the code in question was dual licensed with BSD, the question was moot. A discussion about a different W3C license and the policy of not allowing non-OSS code in SVN wandered off into nowhere as hypothetical discussions are want to do. There was a similar discussion about PDF CJK fonts, and it appears that the direction there will be to dynamically download the data vs polluting SVN. A question about dealing with the US Government was handled by Larry off-list. December 17, 2008 5. Additional Officer Reports 2. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby] See Attachment 2 People are encouraged to follow up on the first issue on legal-discuss. ----------------------------------------- Attachment 2: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee Most significant thread has the unfortunate subject line of "use of proprietary binaries". I say unfortunate, as it is unduly prejudicial. The essence of the pragmatism behind "category B" is to identify artifacts whose licenses, while different than our own, don't affect the ability of us developing our code under our license. As long as the dependency is clearly marked and we are not distributing these artifacts, we should be good. Related questions such as whether such artifacts can be checked into SVN, etc. should be examined in terms of infrastructure burden and potential to increase confusion, and not excluded as a blanket matter of policy. The context for the above is optional external APIs and compliance test suites. While we would all love for these to be open, that's not a requirement. The line in the sand is whether or not usage of such affects our ability to develop our code under our license. By contrast, redistribution of PDF CJK fonts, for which the license clearly states that the "contents of this file are not altered" was greeted warmly, albeit with a separate discussion about patents. Other threads: Does working on Sun RI automatically "contaminate" developer, and preclude them from working on ASF project? Answer: not in general, though specific PMCs may have specific rules in place depending on the nature of the project. Lenya website redesign - ensuring that the contributions are under the appropriate license. Obtaining licenses for testing purposes - original question dealt with WebSphere, but wondered off to TCKs. Branding question ("AskApache") referred to PRC. Continued discussion about Google Analytics. No consensus that there is a clear issue yet. A naming question for JSecurity lead to the inevitable bikeshedding... November 19, 2008 5. Additional Officer Reports 2. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby] See Attachment 2 ----------------------------------------- Attachment 2: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee It would be helpful to obtain a Notice of Allowance from Robyn in order to pursue registering the SpamAssassin Trademark. Sebastian Bazley updated the mailbox drop information on CCLAs to reflect our Wells Fargo lockbox. Discussed documenting privacy policies w.r.t. Google analytics and interpreting "internal use" as our project mailing lists. Parallel discussion occurred on site-dev. Advised Facelets to preserve NOTICEs and not to modify copyright claims in files that they copy. Jira item created for documenting the process for choosing names for ASF projects. Looks promising. Once again, a discussion of making section 5 of the Apache License, Version 2.0 more explicit via mailing list messages surfaced. Thankfully, it died quickly. My feeling is that what we have works for us for now, and shouldn't be changed unless there is a specific issue. A company offered Lucene access to archived blog data. There was a discussion concerning us hosting a copy of this, but this made some people uncomfortable w.r.t. potential copyright violations. Discussed w3c's copyright-documents-19990405.html. Overall doesn't look open source friendly, but we may be open to further discussion of checkin of unmodified sources with appropriate documentation. Reviewed Oracle's proposed revised JSR301 draft license September 17, 2008 5. Additional Officer Reports 2. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby] See Attachment 2 ----------------------------------------- Attachment 2: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee Things continue to run smoothly. I'm pleased with the number of active participants. An abstract question was asked about an ability to commit to a project given exposure to prior ideas from a previous employer. In general, such a situation causes us no major concerns, though the situation may vary based on the specific projects and specific employers in question. PDFBox was originally BSD licensed and obtained software grants from all of the primary authors. A question was asked regarding small contributions from people who they are no longer able contact. Given the size of the contributions in question, the original license, and the fact that reasonable efforts were made to locate such people, it was determined that this was not a concern. A FAQ was added that older versions of Apache software licensed under Apache Software License 1.0 are still licensed as such. Creative Commons Share-Alike Attribution version 3.0 license has been approved, provided the materials in question are unmodified. Previously, only the 2.5 version had been approved. A JIRA was opened on documenting release voting procedures. No owner. Larry helped resolve an issue where a company wished to rewrite our CCLA. Our policy is that we don't accept modified ICLAs or CCLAs. SyntaxHighlighter (LGPL) was approved for use on people.apache.org pages. Nobody seems to know the licensing status of BEA's StAX implementation, so most projects are simply routing around it. Larry has volunteered to register SpamAssassin trademarks. Given that the PRC and the SA PMCs are OK with this, if the board approves the expenditure, I'll tell him to proceed. David Crossley has produced a first draft of a project naming document. He's been on the list for over a year, and starting in July of this year has picked up his participation. Routine copyright/notice questions from Felix, CouchDB, JAMES and the Incubator. RSA's implementation of MD4/MD5 says one thing in their licensing headers and a quite different thing on their IETF IPR statement. I think we are covered, but we still need to settle how to document this properly. Bluesky inquired about moving away from some (unspecified) C++ Standard library implementation to STLPORT, presumably for licensing reasons. Everything I have heard to date indicates that we would be comfortable with either implementation. Google Analytics continues to be explored. Justin expressed an opinion that, while a bit stronger than I recall the board expressing, is one that I'm quite pleased and comfortable with: namely that we start from a presumption of data of this type being open to all, and work backwards from there -- making closed only what we must. A discussion has just started on the legal implications of contests involving prizes. If the prizes themselves are donated, and are substantial, we may have to consider such as targeted donations. August 20, 2008 5. Additional Officer Reports 3. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby] See Attachment 3 Jim asked if the board should request a status update regarding the 3rd party license policy. Sam indicated that this was not necessary based on the areas of consensus already are published on the web site, and the items being worked appear in JIRA. No action was taken. ----------------------------------------- Attachment 3: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee While comments were made on a half-dozen or so JIRA issues, none were either created or closed this month. I believe that this process is working smoothly, and does not warrant board attention. Notable discussions that occurred during this month: As reported elsewhere, Microsoft clarified their position on their Open Specification Promise. As near as I can tell, everybody feels that this completely resolves the issues surrounding the upcoming OOXML support by POI. The division of labor between the PRC, the incubator, and the Legal Affairs Committee continues to confuse people. My understanding is that the PRC is responsible for enforcing our claim to names, the incubator is responsible for IP clearance (including names), and the Legal Affairs Committee helps respond to claims made against the ASF. A GPL license question surfaced -- this started out with Xapian which is licensed under GPL v2 and confusion over what the FSF claims of "compatibility" with the Apache License means. Eventually this discussion wandered off into the territory of hypotheticals. GPL v2 remains on the ASF's restricted list (a.k.a. Category "X"). By contrast, syntax highlighter (licensed under the LGPL) was approved for the limited purposes of non-essential enhancement of online documentation. There was a brief discussion on "blanket" grants and "commit by proxy". This was resolved by citing the relevant sections of the ICLA which has explicit provisions for the enablement of submitting code on behalf of a third party. There was a brief discussion as to whether an ICLA sufficient when a person may have been exposed to ideas and alternate implementations from a previous employer. Our position is yes. Individual PMCs are welcome to set a higher bar for themselves. A permathread re-erupted: when are Apache License Headers needed? The general guidance is that they should be added whenever practical, but only where practical. There is an ongoing discussion about notice requirements when code is reused from other projects. July 16, 2008 5. Additional Officer Reports 2. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby] See Attachment 2 A brief discussion was had concerning ASF committers and members participating as Expert Witnesses. This is a decision that only the individual in question can make for themselves, but if there is any concern that there might involve an ASF vulnerability, then the individual is requested to include the ASF's legal VP and counsel in the discussion. ----------------------------------------- Attachment 2: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee Resolved issues: * Documentation about the Legal Affairs Committee has been added to the web site (primary source: board resolutions) * Cobertura reports can be included in Apache distributions * Yahoo! DomainKeys Patent License Agreement v1.2 does not raise any concerns. Significant Discussions: * Permathread about policy issue about shipping LGPL jars reoccurred. again this month. * We are Revisiting whether or not there should be a JIRA checkbox concerning whether or not there should be a "Grant license to the ASF" checkbox and what the default should be. Other: * Received another inquiry from the owners of the Abator trademark. June 25, 2008 5. Additional Officer Reports 2. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby] See Attachment 2 ----------------------------------------- Attachment 2: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee Another month with little controversy. At this point /legal/resolved.html contains the bulk of the content from the draft 3party text upon which there is wide consensus. This includes the discussion of category 'A', 'B', and 'X' licenses. Henri has a real talent for proposing text upon which people can find common ground. The wiki that was previously set up at my request is not seeing much use. Relevant documents that were previously there (as well as on people.apache.org home directories) have been migrated to the website proper. A JIRA area has been established for tracking legal issues, and this has resulted in a lot of activity and issues moving to closure. Two major areas of future focus: Nearer term is a sincere desire in a number of areas to be more proactive about obtaining suitable licenses for potential patents. This has caused problems as patent licensing issues are not as clear cut as copyright or trademark issues. I'm comfortable having the Legal Affairs Committee making the call that, for example, WSRP4J and POI pose acceptable risks for the foundation, and downstream help PMCs mitigate those risks should these assessments prove to be unfounded. Longer term, clarifying and documenting the various notice requirements (NOTICE, LICENSE, README) needs attention. May 21, 2008 5. Additional Officer Reports B. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby] See Attachment 2 ----------------------------------------- Attachment 2: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee A fairly quiet month. The iBATOR trademark infringement issue seems to have been resolved satisfactorily. Glassfish has now corrected the license issue with prior versions of their product (as of the last board report, they had only addressed the latest version). Andy Oliver is continuing to work quietly with myself and ASF council to see if we can identify and resolve his concerns with the Microsoft funding of Sourcesense to implement OOXML. WSRP4J appears to be in a roughly analogous place. There are no known actively enforced patents by either IBM or WebCollege that apply to this code, but a desire to preemptively and proactively get a license agreement. As indicated in the incubator report, nobody on the Legal Affairs Committee has expressed any concern with the changes proposed by Roy for the procedures for IP Clearance. Questions on compatibility with various licenses continue to pop up from time to time. No questions on third party licensing issues arose during the past month. April 16, 2008 5. Additional Officer Reports B. Apache Legal Affairs Committee [Sam Ruby] See Attachment 2 7. Special Orders A. Update Legal Affairs Committee Membership WHEREAS, the Legal Affairs Committee of The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) expects to better serve its purpose through the periodic update of its membership; and WHEREAS, the Legal Affairs Committee is an Executive Committee whose membership must be approved by Board resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following ASF member be added as a Legal Affairs Committee member: Craig Russell <craig.russell@sun.com> Special order 7A, Update Legal Affairs Committee Membership, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present. ----------------------------------------- Attachment 2: Status report for the Apache Legal Affairs Committee Sun has restored Apache License headers to the Jasper code with Glassfish V3. Craig Russell was instrumental in making this happen. I feel this issue is now closed. In related news, the Legal Affairs Commitee voted to add Craig to the committee, and it appears as resolution 7A on today's agenda. From time to time, I see a number of smaller items that come up on the legal mailing lists go unaddressed. I intend to continue to pursue expanding the Legal Affairs Committee membership. We received more information on the trademark concern, and this has resulted in Apache iBATIS beginning the process of renaming Apache iBATIS Abator to Apache iBATIS iBATOR. The Legal Affairs committee participated in a number of JCP and Harmony related discussions. This is already adequately covered by the report from the VP of JCP. The third party licensing policy continues to remain a draft and despite not being made into a policy, is still useful as a set of guidelines and hasn't prevented us from making meaningful progress on actual requests from podlings and PMCs, such as the request as to how Buildr is to treat dependencies covered under the Ruby license. There has been discussion regarding WSRP with respect to patents. While it isn't clear that there is a patent that reads on WSRP, but a member of the portals PMC sent a request inquiring as to how certain patents would be licensed by IBM and Web Collage. Upon review, the consensus seems to be that the agreement presented to us by Web Collage is not sufficient for our needs. POI has a situation where a committer has stated his intent to revert commits which were made several months ago based on a feeling that there may be patents which read on the code in question. Portions of the legal site are in flux, and meta discussion as to when and who can update the site occur from time to time. This is normal and healthy. March 19, 2008 5. Additional Officer Reports A. VP of Legal Affairs [Sam Ruby] See Attachment 1 ----------------------------------------- Attachment 1: Report from the VP of Legal Affairs The third party draft has been a significant distraction. This document serves a quite useful purpose -- as a guide. Shortly after this month's board meeting, I plan to publish a short document describing how it is useful as a guide and identifying a few places where hard distinctions it attempts to make are overreaching and will not (yet) be enforced. Meanwhile, focus will return to concrete, tangible, and near-term decisions. The first two of which which will be resolved this week deal with code licensed for use "in the creation of products supporting the Unicode Standard" and an optional LGPL "deployer" distributed in source form. Other activities: * WSRP4J is looking into potential patent claims * Ongoing crypto notice work * Discussion on maintenance of the year on copyright notices * Question as to whether we would allow projects to dual license (answer: no) * Discussion of various open specification pledges, particularly Microsoft's * OSGI bundle requirements will require ServiceMix to create, maintain, and distribute a small amount of CDDL licensed descriptions. * Continuing confusion over the split between the NOTICE and LICENSE files, this needs to be dealt with by the Legal Affairs Committee * Fielded a question from a non-profit that wanted to base their license off of ours. * A growing list of open legal questions, mostly related to third party licensing. * Glassfish still hasn't restored the Apache License headers to Jasper files, despite some encouraging words that they were going to. Yet another letter was sent to Simon Phipps and the legal contact at Sun he provided me with. February 20, 2008 5. Additional Officer Reports A. VP of Legal Affairs [Sam Ruby] See Attachment 1 Approved by General Consent. 7. Special Orders E. Update Legal Affairs Committee Membership WHEREAS, the Legal Affairs Committee of The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) expects to better serve its purpose through the periodic update of its membership; and WHEREAS, the Legal Affairs Committee is an Executive Committee whose membership must be approved by Board resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following ASF member be added as a Legal Affairs Committee member: Henri Yandell <bayard@apache.org> Special order 7D, Update Legal Affairs Committee Membership, was approved by Unanimous Vote. ----------------------------------------- Attachment 1: Report from the VP of Legal Affairs Last month, I mentioned a potential trademark infringment issue that was brought to our attention. I contacted the individual requesting more information, and have not heard back. Until I hear more, I have no plans of pursing this further. Sun continues to ignore our request that the licence headers be restored on the portions of Glassfish. I have sent a third request (the first was in September) that Sun follow the FSF's recommendations on this matter. If Sun continues to drag their feed on this matter, it is time to explore other options to get Sun to comply. While this work has been ongoing for some time, this month there has been a marked uptick in the export classification activities and general awareness of these ECCN related issues. Most of the efforts of this month were on trying to refine the ASF's Third Party Licensing policy, primarily by attempting to create an informal poll. I seeded this with three hypothetical positions, and mostly people were divided into two camps. One camp didn't see much of a dividing line between the first two positions, but clearly saw position three as distinct and reacted negatively towards it. The other saw little difference between positions two and three, but reacted equally negatively to position 1 as the first camp did to position 3. A bare minimum that I believe that we can achieve ready consensus on is a policy that all sofware developed at the ASF from here on is to be licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, and that we will take no actions that limit our ability to distribute our software under this license. Roy has indicated that this may not have been the policy in the distant past, but as near as I can tell, it has been the way that we have been operating for quite some time now, hence the conclusion that this should be able to readily gain consensus. One world view is that that bare minimum is not enough. One can argue that it makes little sense if our software is licensed under a pragmatic license if that sofware is entangled with dependencies that effectively eliminate all the pragmatic aspects of our license. The other world view is that our software is, well, soft; i.e., maleable. Our licensees are welcome to modify, combine, and optionally contribute back to our code bases. Furthermore, no matter how hard we try, our licensees are operate under a variety of different constraints or have a differing interpretations of license compatibility. Choosing between these two world views is difficult; but given that the former can only be executed if there are ample exceptions for "system" or "soft" dependencies -- concepts that are both undefinable and all too open to gaming -- clearly the latter is easiest to understand and administer. Or there is a belief that a "spec" from an industry consortia and with no independent implementations somehow makes copyright and patent issues less relevant. In any case, add to all this the evident divide, and the first world view becomes not only harder to understand and administer, it becomes absolutely unworkable. Simply put, an excemption for "system" dependencies that is based on a "I'll know it when I see it" policy doesn't work if a substantial portion of the people who may be drawn upon to express an opinion on the subject simply don't believe that any such distinction is either necessary or even makes sense as a policy. Therefore it appears that the only workable policy is one where we continue to require PMCs to compile a comprehensive set of LICENSEs to accompany each of our releases so that our licensees can make an informed decision. That, and perhaps to we can increase our efforts to educate PMCs as to the effects such dependencies have on community size. While this approach is workable, it is one that may be difficult to reverse. Hence, a slow and cautious approach is warranted. Should there be any as of yet unexpressed feedback, now would be a good time to provide it. I have reviewed the minutes for the meetings of 2005/06/22 and 2007/03/28 establishing the VP of Legal Affairs and the Legal Affairs Committee respectively, and believe that no board resolution and/or explicit approval is required for the Legal Affairs Committee to proceed on this matter. January 16, 2008 5. Additional Officer Reports A. VP of Legal Affairs [Sam Ruby] See Attachment 1 Request was made that legal/status be updated. Approved by General Consent. ----------------------------------------- Attachment 1: Report from the VP of Legal Affairs The requested FAQ additions have been completed and posted. These additions did attract quite a few comments of support, and everybody had more than ample time to comment. I've seen no negative fallout as of yet of these additions. I mention this because these additions were initially controversial, but my impression is that over time some of the participants simply got less vocal rather than converted. Jason Schultz has left his staff attorney position at the EFF. Fred von Lohmann of the EFF has agreed to support us in his place. We have been informed of a potential tradmark infringment issue. I shoud have more details by the next meeting. There is a backlog of items that need to be addressed, preferably in parallel rather than serially. Rather than waste report time on what I perceive to be the biggest item, namely competing the Third Party Licensing policy, time permitting, I've added a discussion item in the hopes that we can come to a quick consensus on the approach. If quick consensus isn't achievable here, then the hope is that this will serve as a heads up so that the interested parties can participate in the discussion on legal-discuss. Other items in the backlog: Third Party Licensing: Minor update to to add OSOA as category A Additional updates to cover notices of optional dependencies (log4cxx, apr) Need a policy on whether depencencies on Ruby Gems are permissable (Buildr) WSRP4J licensing issues (Portals) Fork FAQ November 14, 2007 5. Additional Officer Reports A. VP of Legal Affairs [Sam Ruby] No written report submitted. Brief discussion on the possibility of doing a BOF at ApacheCon. October 17, 2007 5. Additional Officer Reports A. VP of Legal Affairs [Sam Ruby] See Attachment 1 Approved by General Consent. ----------------------------------------- Attachment 1: Report from the VP of Legal Affairs After an extended quiet period, I thought I would collect up a few updates to the website, but that re-awoke the discussion. What's cool is that this time around, there actually are more people than Doug actually proposing actual wording. I'm convinced that we are continuing to make forward progress. Backlog of items include following up with Sun on following the licensing terms for Jasper, and a "fork FAQ". September 19, 2007 5. Additional Officer Reports A. VP of Legal Affairs [Sam Ruby] Brief discussion concerning the possible need to change the bylaws. We decided not to pursue such a change. Approved by General Consent. ----------------------------------------- Attachment 1: Report from the VP of Legal Affairs Relatively quiet (and short) month. I believe that we are making progress on the Y! proposed additions to the FAQ, and should be able to close shortly. Short summary of the key issue: while the ASF as a whole does not confer any official status to "subprojects", this proposed FAQ would officially recognize that a PMC may, in fact, produce a number of independent "products". Simon Phipps forwarded to me a writeup by the FSF on how to retain appropriate copyright headers on works derived from non-GPL codebases and incorporated into GPL codebases. I posted this link on legal-internal, and it didn't provoke any objections, so I asked Simon to follow these instructions on the Jasper/Glassfish code. I will follow up to ensure that this is done. August 29, 2007 5. Additional Officer Reports A. VP of Legal Affairs [Sam Ruby] See Attachment 1 Approved by General Consent. ----------------------------------------- Attachment 1: Report from the VP of Legal Affairs * Continuing to work on Yahoo! patent scope FAQ. * Updated web page concerning Apache License and GPL compatibility * Updated 3rd party policy, resolving Geronimo and MyFaces issue * Participated in two call with ASF council regarding JCK/FOU issue * Continuing to work with Sun over ASF license code issues in Glassfish My goal continues to be to delegate more of this. If necessary, I will recruit more people onto the legal committee in order to make this happen. July 18, 2007 5. Additional Officer Reports A. VP of Legal Affairs [Cliff Schmidt / Henning] See Attachment 1 Approved by General Consent. 7. Special Orders E. Update Legal Affairs Committee Membership WHEREAS, the Legal Affairs Committee of The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) expects to better serve its purpose through the periodic update of its membership; and WHEREAS, the Legal Affairs Committee is an Executive Committee whose membership must be approved by Board resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following ASF member be added as a Legal Affairs Committee members: Sam Ruby <rubys@apache.org> Special order 7E, Update Legal Affairs Committee Membership, was approved by Unanimous Vote. F. Change the Apache Vice President of Legal Affairs WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Cliff Schmidt to the office of Vice President, Legal Affairs, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Cliff Schmidt from the office of Vice President, Legal Affairs, and WHEREAS, the Legal Affairs Committee has recommended Sam Ruby as the successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Cliff Schmidt is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Legal Affairs, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Sam Ruby be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Legal Affairs, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special order 7F, Change the Apache Vice President of Legal Affairs, was approved by Unanimous Vote. ----------------------------------------- Attachment 1: Report from the VP of Legal Affairs As mentioned in last month's report, I wish to resign as VP of Legal Affairs. The Legal Affairs Committee has discussed possible replacements over the last month and have reached consensus on Sam Ruby, who is not currently on the committee. Therefore, I have prepared two resolutions for the board to vote on: one to add Sam to the committee (being a board/executive committee) and one to have him replace me as VP. There are no other issues requring board attention this month. June 20, 2007 5. Additional Officer Reports A. VP of Legal Affairs [Cliff Schmidt / Greg] See Attachment 1 Approved by General Consent. ----------------------------------------- Attachment 1: Report from the VP of Legal Affairs On May 31st, the FSF released its "last call draft" of the GPLv3. In this draft and its associated press releases, the FSF prominently states that there is no longer a concern about the Apache License being "incompatible" with the GPLv3. The compatibility issue is describing whether they see a problem with an Apache-Licensed component being included within a larger GPLv3-licensed work. This is what they no longer see a problem with. Of course, there would still be much concern and debate about the licensing restrictions of a larger Apache-Licensed work that included a GPLv3-licensed component. The only other issue to report is that the legal affairs committee has been up and running for well over a month. In fact, I coordinated approval of the FSF's proposed GPLv3 wording with the committee (although sadly didn't plan far enough advance to coordinate this report). I will soon be asking the committee for nominations and an election of a new VP of Legal Affairs, with a proposed resolution before the Board by next month's meeting. April 25, 2007 5. Other Reports A. VP of Legal Affairs [Cliff] See Attachment 1 Cliff indicated that, assuming the current "incompatibility" between GPLv3 and AL 2.0 is resolved, he does not foresee any further potential conflicts. Approved by General Consent. ----------------------------------------- Attachment 1: Report from the VP of Legal Affairs As I mentioned in my post to the board@ list shortly after last Board meeting, the FSF's third discussion draft of GPLv3 included a note that GPLv3 would not be compatible with the Apache License due to the indemnification provision. Both Larry Rosen and I have been in touch with the FSF and SFLC and expect this statement of incompatibility will soon be reversed without any change in the Apache License. The Board approved my resolution to establish a Legal Affairs Committee at last month's meeting. However, I have been lame in getting things started due to a shortage of available time in the last few weeks. I'll start getting the ball rolling this week. March 28, 2007 5. Additional Officer Reports A. VP of Legal Affairs [Cliff] I have proposed a new Legal Affairs Committee to distribute the current legal affairs workload to a coordinated group ASF members, to assign responsibility for legal policy deliberation and decision making to the same group under the supervision of the board, and to provide a structured means of participation and familiarization for those interested in taking over the Legal VP job one day. The resolution is on the agenda. It is currently written as an Executive committee, but we can discuss if that is best. I've worked with Geir on issues related to the JCK licensing problems, but I will let him report on that. 8. Special Orders C. Establish the Legal Affairs Committee WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to create an Executive Committee charged with establishing and managing legal policies based on the advice of legal counsel and the interests of the Foundation; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors believes the existing office of Vice President of Legal Affairs will remain a valuable role within the Foundation and would benefit from the creation of such a committee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that an ASF Executive Committee, to be known as the "Legal Affairs Committee", be and hereby is established pursuant to the Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Legal Affairs Committee be and hereby is responsible for establishing and managing legal policies based on the advice of legal counsel and the interests of the Foundation; and be it further RESOLVED, that the responsibilities of the Vice President of Legal Affairs shall henceforth include management of the Legal Affairs Committee as its chair; and be it further RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the Legal Affairs Committee: Cliff Schmidt Davanum Srinivas Garrett Rooney Geir Magnusson Jim Jagielski Justin Erenkrantz Noel Bergman Robert Burrell Donkin Roy Fielding William Rowe Special Order 6C, Establish the Legal Affairs Committee, was approved by Unanimous Vote. February 21, 2007 5. Additional Officer Reports A. VP of Legal Affairs [Cliff] The CLA FAQ proposed at last month's meeting was reviewed by our counsel. Small changes were made and an additional Q&A was added to clarify the future patent claims issue. The FAQs have been posted to legal-discuss where there is some discussion to make a very minor clarification. In short, I believe this issue is pretty much resolved. A pretty bad trademark violation was reported, which I forwarded to the PRC and assisted them in an initial draft (with a review through counsel). January 17, 2007 4. Officer Reports E. VP of Legal Affairs [Cliff] The only issue to report this month is the patent license FAQ. Following the plan I suggested in October, I've taken the FAQ proposed by Doug and agreed to by Roy (which addresses the concern for consistency with Roy's public statements on the topic while he served as ASF Chairman) and asked our counsel to review and advise. Barring any legal concerns from counsel, I recommend posting this FAQ. Incidentally, the question part of the FAQ is nearly identical to the one proposed in our September meeting; however, the answer no longer has the problem raised by some directors (that it was attempting to answer more than the question). December 20, 2006 4. Officer Reports E. VP of Legal Affairs [Cliff] CLA UPDATE: I sent an update to legal-discuss last week to let everyone know that the plan is to publish a document that describes the original intention behind some of the ambiguities in the CLA and then to discuss the idea of a new version. Roy has agreed to write the "original intention" doc based on what statements he had made about the CLA's interpretation while he was ASF chair. GPLv3 COMPATIBILITY: The SFLC contacted me about the latest proposed changes to the patent licensing in the next draft of GPLv3. I am reviewing now to ensure these changes would still allow Apache-Licensed works to be included in GPLv3-licensed works. STANDARDS LICENSING: I reviewed the BPEL specification patent licenses for Apache ODE. The licenses would not be acceptable by the ASF; however, there do not currently appear to be any patents to license. So, I see no problem with ODE implementing the BPEL spec. Another spec reviewed was the Yahoo-submitted IETF RFC on DomainKeys. Noel submitted this to legal-internal by Noel for review during ApacheCon US. I reviewed and commented on it there; while not ideal, it appears reasonable and should not hold back our development. My analyses for both BPEL and DomainKeys was approved by our legal counsel on legal-internal. November 15, 2006 4. Officer Reports E. VP of Legal Affairs [Cliff] Cliff reported that work is continuing on the "crypto export" clarifications for use within the ASF. Also being worked on is the standards licensing. Cliff noted that SenderID is covered under the Open Specification promise, and therefore removes any restrictions on use. October 25, 2006 4. Officer Reports E. VP of Legal Affairs [Cliff] Cliff reported that during ApacheCon, the CCLA issue was further discussed with many people, especially Roy and Doug Cutting. Both Roy and Doug were happy with the approach taken and Roy committed to "writing up" what his intents were with the CCLA, so that misinterpretation of the letter and spirit of the CCLA no longer exists. Cliff indicated his desire to create a sort of Legal Committee, similar to the PRC or Security Team, to allow for a wider range of volunteers to help with the various legal issues and questions still being worked on. His hope is also that this will provide an opportunity for him to resign from the VP of Legal Affairs position after a period of time. Cliff reported that a number of Universities and Colleges have contacted him regarding their own efforts in creating suitable licenses for their open source educational software. Cliff suggested that the ASF possible provide feedback and insights regarding our experiences with the AL as well as the iCLA and CCLAs. September 20, 2006 4. Officer Reports E. VP of Legal Affairs [Cliff] CRYPTO EXPORT DOCS: This work has been complete for over a month and projects are now starting to use the docs/process. At this stage it still requires me to work closely with the project to ensure they understand the docs, but the system is working. This will scale better as the docs are improved through experience. STANDARDS LICENSING: The standards patent covenant that I have mentioned giving feedback on over the last couple reports was made public about one week ago: the Microsoft "Open Specification Promise". While it is not perfect, I believe it should not block PMCs wishing to implement covered specifications. USPTO/OSDL's OSAPA: The Open Source As Prior Art initiative met in Portland, OR, last week for two days. I was able to join the group for the second day to learn a little about what is being planned. Will follow-up with email to board@. THIRD-PARTY LICENSING POLICY: Haven't gotten to this yet, but hoping to make minor revisions and make enforcement approach clear in doc (as described in previous reports) and then call it final, and ideally have it included in same email to committers as alerts on src header and crypto docs. (No change since last month) OSS PROJECT CODE MOVED TO ASF: When an incubating project's initial code base is submitted to the ASF, our CLA requires that "work that is not Your original creation" must be submitted "separately from any Contribution, identifying the complete details of its source and... conspicuously marking the work as "Submitted on behalf of a third-party: [named here]". This presents a problem when the code base is an existing OSS project with intermingled IP from various sources. One solution I've seen in the past is for the multiple authors to jointly sign the same grant; however, due to a few problems with this approach, I've worked with one set of initial contributors to create a script that uses svn blame/log and a mapping file (svn id or a rev # --> legal owner) to output an exhaustive set of annotations to satisfy this requirement. PATENT LICENSING IN CCLAS: I am late on getting this report done. I'm still having discussions with our lawyers and other members of the open source community on a daily / weekly basis. The goals of the report are to detail the ambiguities in the patent language of the current CCLA and to suggest that the board consider options, such as specific clarifications, revisions, and supplementary processes. These can be discussed at today's meeting if the board wishes; in addition, Doug Cutting would like the board to consider an FAQ to address some aspect of the CCLA's ambiguity. Cliff also reported that he will commit to having the 3rd Party issues complete by ApacheCon Austin. August 16, 2006 4. Officer Reports E. VP of Legal Affairs [Cliff] LICENSING HEADER: About to move the deadline back to Nov 1st due to my slowness in getting out an email to committers@ pointing to new policy. However, many projects are already switching over from pointers on legal-discuss. CRYPTO EXPORT DOCS: Lots of work with APR and especially James on fine-tuning the format for the email reports and web page. Have updated the docs to reflect this. Pretty much done now -- just need to include this on the committers@ email (see above re: license header). THIRD-PARTY LICENSING POLICY: Haven't gotten to this yet, but hoping to make minor revisions and make enforcement approach clear in doc (as described in previous reports) and then call it final, and ideally have it included in same email to committers as alerts on src header and crypto docs. (No change since last month) PATENT LICENSING IN CCLAS: I've continued to do some research and have some discussions with various companies and other open source organizations on this topic. I still hope to have a report comparing the options by the end of this month. STANDARDS LICENSING: A large software company will be soon be releasing a new patent license (actually a promise not to sue), under which several specifications will be covered. Much of our feedback has been incorporated into the latest draft. I expect we will be satisfied with the final result (TBA this month). July 19, 2006 4. Officer Reports E. VP of Legal Affairs [Cliff] LEGAL HOME PAGE: Have created new legal home page with links to docs relevant for users and committers. Also posting and linking to these legal reports for interested committers to track progress. Please let me know if there are any concerns about this. Will publicize the legal home page and its links on Friday in email to committers@. LICENSING HEADER: The final version is now posted, linked from the new legal web page: apache.org/legal. Email to committers will go out on Friday. CRYPTO EXPORT DOCS: A nearly final version of this is posted including a lengthy FAQ from various dev-list discussions. Last step is to work with dreid on project- specific RDF files that build final required web page. Hoping to have this also done and in email to committers on Friday. THIRD-PARTY LICENSING POLICY: Haven't gotten to this yet, but hoping to make minor revisions and make enforcement approach clear in doc (as described in previous reports) and then call it final, and ideally have it included in same email to committers as alerts on src header and crypto docs. PATENT LICENSING IN CCLAS: I've tried to keep the board aware enough of this discussion over the last 2-3 months to jump in as any director sees fit; however, recent discussions on board@ lead me to believe that I should request this to become an item of new business, rather than wait for another director to inquire more about it. I suggest a brief conversation on the topic today, followed by a more detailed presentation of the concerns of each side of the issue at some point in the near future. SFLC LETTER ON ODF: After clarifying with SFLC that we did not want their letter to represent an "Apache position" on ODF nor did we want our name used in any PR on the subject, I agreed to the text of their letter. Since publishing the letter several weeks ago, they appear to have honored my requests completely. STANDARDS LICENSING: I continue to have conversations with vendors on how they can improve the licensing of their essential patent claims for specifications that Apache would consider implementing. I'm actually seeing some progress/willingness to revise from vendors. June 27, 2006 4. Officer Reports E. VP of Legal Affairs [Cliff] LICENSING HEADER: I sent a summary of the resolution passed at last month's meeting to the legal-discuss list and am compiling a short FAQ based on questions from that thread. The summary and FAQ will be linked from a new apache.org/legal/ home page by the end of the week, and send a notification of the posting to committers@. I originally stated that the new header would need to be implemented on releases on or after August 1, 2006, but will push that date back one month, since I was slow to get this out to all committers. PATENT LICENSING IN CCLAS: There continues to be some degree of controversy over my statement on how the CCLA patent license should be interpreted. I continue to state that the patents are licensed for both the contribution and combinations of the contribution with the continuing evolution of the project. In other words, the ASF is not interested in contributions with strings attached (strings = restrictions on what it can be combined with). SFLC LETTER ON ODF: The SFLC has asked us to review a draft statement on the legal encumbrances of the OASIS ODF specification. If we agree with the draft, they would like to issue a statement that they are representing the positions on two of their clients, the ASF and FSF. May 24, 2006 4. Officer Reports E. VP of Legal Affairs [Cliff] LICENSING HEADER: I have submitted a resolution for the Board's consideration to set a new policy for source code headers. In brief, the headers will no longer include any copyright notice, only a licensing notice and a mention of the NOTICE file for copyright info. The NOTICE file will include the ASF's copyright notice, in addition to other required notices. Copyright notices in third-party components distributed within ASF products will not be touched. CRYPTO EXPORT POLICY: I have posted a crypto policy at http://apache.org/dev/crypto.html. The policy should answer most of our questions in this area, but will be gradually enhanced over time. GPLv3 COMPATIBILITY: After a close review of the first draft of GPLv3, I brought up potential incompatibility issues with the Apache License to the GPLv3 discussion committee that I serve on. The FSF's counsel hopes these issues can be addressed in the next draft. As I've said before, both the FSF and the SFLC continue to be unwavering in their dedication to ensure GPLv3 is compatible with Apache License v2. PATENT LICENSING IN CCLAS: I've spent a lot of time with one particular corporate legal staff lately with their questions of whether the CCLA implies that the set of all possible patent claims being licensed can be known at the time of contribution. It's obvious why a corporation would want the answer to be affirmative; however, such an answer would not protect the project's work from patent infringement claims by a contributor regarding how their contribution is combined with other things. It may be worth revising the (C)CLA language to make this more clear. ELECTRONICALLY SUBMITTED AGREEMENTS: Now allowed. See the Secretary's report. LICENSING AUDITS: I work closely with the Eclipse Foundation's IP Manager, who continues to inform me of apparent inconsistencies and inaccuracies in the licensing of ASF products. I've been asking PMCs to address these issues as they come up, but what we really need is an internal audit on each product to get these problems fixed. Before we can do that, we need complete documentation on the things an audit should look for and how they should be corrected. I will likely make this a priority for the "Docathon" at ApacheCon EU next month. THIRD-PARTY IP: Due to the issues above, I've neglected to make the few remaining changes to the draft licensing policy doc and publish the official version. As I mentioned last month, I intend to tell PMCs that all new products MUST conform to the policy, but that all existing products that do not currently conform need to only take one action over the next six months: report where/how they are not conforming so that the practical impact of the policy can be better understood without yet requiring substantial changes. The philosophy behind this "impact evaluation period" is that the policy was primarily intended to document the mostly unwritten rules today and to choose one rule when multiple exist across the ASF. Now that I've cleared the license header and crypto issues off the high priority list, I hope to focus exclusively (as much as possible) on getting the 1.0 version out. 6. Special Orders C. Establish guidelines for handling copyright notices and license headers. WHEREAS, the copyright of contributions to The Apache Software Foundation remains with the contribution's owner(s), but the copyright of the collective work in each Foundation release is owned by the Foundation, WHEREAS, each file within a Foundation release often includes contributions from multiple copyright owners, WHEREAS, the Foundation has observed that per-file attribution of authorship does not promote collaborative development, WHEREAS, inclusion of works that have not been directly submitted by the copyright owners to the Foundation for development does not present the same collaborative development issues and does not allow the owners to consider the Foundation's copyright notice policies; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that for the case of copyright notices in files contributed and licensed to The Apache Software Foundation, the copyright owner (or owner's agent) must either: remove such notices, move them to the NOTICE file associated with each applicable project release, or provide written permission for the Foundation to make such removal or relocation of the notices, and be it further RESOLVED, that each release shall include a NOTICE file for such copyright notices and other notices required to accompany the distribution, and be it further RESOLVED, that the NOTICE file shall begin with the following text, suitably modified to reflect the product name, version, and year(s) of distribution of the current and past releases: Apache [PRODUCT_NAME] Copyright [yyyy] The Apache Software Foundation This product includes software developed at The Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/). and be it further RESOLVED, that files licensed to The Apache Software Foundation shall be labeled with the following notice: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. and be it further RESOLVED, that for the case of works that have not been directly submitted by the copyright owners to the Foundation for development, the associated copyright notices for the work shall not be moved, removed, or modified. By Unanimous Vote, Special Order 6C, Establish guidelines for handling copyright notices and license headers, was Approved. April 26, 2006 4. Officer Reports E. VP of Legal Affairs [Cliff] Cliff reported that the 3rd Party License report will likely be officially released later on this month (April), at which point he will start on the Copyright/Header issues. Regarding the 3rd Party License report, it is fully expected that, even though discussed and reviewed, there will be further discussions upon release. The board's stand is that we should release it "as is" and retify things if required. All new projects will need to adhere to the policy; existing projects will be given time to bring their codebases up to policy standards. The board expressed their appreciation to Cliff for a Job Well Done. March 15, 2006 4. Officer Reports E. VP of Legal Affairs [Cliff] THIRD-PARTY IP: After nearly two months of review on the board@ list and one month of review by pmcs@, I've finally posted the latest draft of the third-party licensing policy to the legal-discuss list. My goal is to get all new comments or concerns collected by the end of the month, and resolve all issues to get a final, official, v1.0 release in April. I will also be trying to solicit user comments through the feather blog and a brief pointer sent to a few of the project user lists. However, I would also like to explicitly verify that there is a consensus from the Board in support of the guiding principles* behind the policy and the resulting license criteria**. *http://people.apache.org/~cliffs/3party.html#principles **http://people.apache.org/~cliffs/3party.html#criteria LICENSING HEADER, ETC: Now that the third-party policy doc is out there, my next major project is to draft and get our counsel to approve a document that updates our source code licensing header, describes where to place copyright notices, various third-party licenses, explains how to deal with crypto export issues, and more. Although I think it will be useful to our committers to have this all in one document, I won't hold up getting a resolution on the license header/copyright notice issue to wait for the rest of the document. January 18, 2006 4. Officer Reports E. V.P. of Legal Affairs [Cliff] GPLv3: I just finished attending the GPLv3 conference at MIT, during which the first "discussion draft" of the GPLv3 was presented. The most relevant news is that the current discussion draft includes a "License Compatibility" section that allows the inclusion of Apache-Licensed (v2.0) independent works within GPLv3-licensed programs. This section may change within the next year, but it remains clear that Eben and RMS will continue to make this sort of compatibility with the Apache License a priority. The other news is that I have accepted an invitation to represent the ASF on one the GPLv3 "discussion committees". THIRD-PARTY IP: I will be sending out a draft policy on third- party IP to the board@ list this Friday, January 20th. Cliff further reported that the Copyright Notice Policy was still being worked on, and will be finished some time after the completion of the 3rd Party License Policy Report. December 21, 2005 4. Officer Reports E. V.P. of Legal Affairs [Cliff Schmidt] PATENT ISSUES: I had a second meeting with Microsoft about possible improvements to the patent licenses that they have stated would apply to various WS specifications at OASIS. Details can be found in my summary post to legal-internal on 6 Dec 05 (Message-Id: <81007DBD-EBD8-45DC-8A35-0FB8F4F3FC11@apache.org>. I've since asked them about the possibility of issuing a Covenant not to enforce patent claims, similar to what they recently did for Office 2003 Reference Schemas. No response on that one just yet. GPLv3 COMPATIBILITY: Eben Moglen and RMS have each personally asked that the ASF participate in the GPLv3 input/feedback process, primarily to help ensure compatibility between the GPL and Apache licenses. I plan to attend the first GPLv3 conference at MIT in January for that purpose. THIRD-PARTY IP: After talking with 20+ ASF members at ApacheCon about a proposed licensing policy, I am now ready to float something formal by the membership. The short version is that I believe we need to draw the licensing line at the ability for our users to redistribute all parts of an official ASF distribution under their own license, as long as it does not violate the copyright owner's license. I'm working up a list of how this would impact the top 30 OSI- approved licenses and a few others, but I can tell you it would exclude both the LGPL and the Sun Binary Code License, which is currently used in Apache James. LAME LIST: In prior reports I said I expected to have a policy written on crypto export and copyright notices. I'm late on both. I am now able to projects with the correct procedure for crypto, but I still need to get it formally documented. November 16, 2005 4. Officer Reports E. V.P. of Legal Affairs [Cliff Schmidt] SFLC: Justin and I had a kick-off meeting with Eben and two of his lawyers. Justin and Greg are already working with one of them to handle any issues with our books and 501(c)(3) status. Justin is the point person for this work and will be handling ongoing status in his Treasurer's report. BXA/CRYPTO: The Perl folks sent out the required notification for the mod_ssl stuff. I've now taken their feedback and drafted a process document to run through counsel Jason has referred me to another EFF lawyer with more crypto export experience who has agreed to review it. COPYRIGHT NOTICS: Our counsel will be giving one final review on the copyright notice issue starting this Friday (during a monthly teleconference). Should have something ready within one week after that. LGPL: I'm still waiting on feedback from Eben on my Java/LGPL position paper that I sent him last month. He wanted to refrain from giving me feedback until discussing the matter with the FSF. I expect to have something any day now, since that meeting should have recently happened. I recommend we hold off any decision to allow distribution of LGPL components within non- incubating product JARs until getting this one last opinion from Eben and then bouncing it off the rest of our counsel. However, I do not think we should have any legal concern about separately distributing the LGPL and ASF component that depends on it; both Jason and Larry have signed off on this question. THIRD-PARTY IP: In the process of working on a document to get us to a comprehensive policy on what third-party software we will distribute and how, I have created a little matrix to summarize the issues across the most common licenses of interest to the ASF today. I will send this matrix to legal-discuss list today for discussion. It might also be helpful for discussing how LGPL is similar and different from licenses like the CPL and CDDL. ASF LEGAL POLICY DOC: All these issues and more are being written to live within a series of ASF legal policy documents that I am hoping to have approved at or soon after ApacheCon. HOUSEKEEPING: I've created a new directory /foundation/legal/ Board to include all Legal reports and approved resolutions with a README indicating that they are compiled there for convenience and with a pointer to the normative versions. October 26, 2005 4. Officer Reports E. V.P. of Legal Affairs [Cliff Schmidt] ADDITIONAL COUNSEL: I have signed an agreement with Eben Moglen of the Software Freedom Law Center to have them offer the ASF pro bono legal services. The first job will be to work with Justin on renewing our 501(c)(3) status and some of the thorny issues we need to resolve to get our books in order. BXA/CRYPTO: While I was working on a draft crypto policy, I was notified that the Perl PMC (and Tomcat?) may not have sent notification to the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS, formerly known as BXA). This has required me to try out specific guidance on these two projects, which will hopefully make the formal policy more robust. I'm still working with the Perl and Tomcat PMCs to help solve their immediate issues. Most of the relevant discussion has been cc'd to legal-internal. COPYRIGHT NOTICES: Last month I reported that I was getting general agreement from our counsel to move to a policy that requires only a licensing notice, but not a copyright notice at the top of each source file. I regret to say that I have made very little progress on this issue since last month. I'll have this ready for next board meeting. LGPL: Last month I reported that this issue needs to be addressed within the context of an overall policy stating what licenses are acceptable for ASF distributions to take dependencies on and distribute (see "Third Party IP" issue below). Ten days ago, I sent Eben Moglen (in his role as general counsel for the FSF) a five-page document (including a developer-focused FAQ) on my interpretation of exactly what the LGPL allows and does not allow related to Java dependencies and distribution requirements. He has not given me feedback on this yet, but has been talking about releasing a similar position paper on behalf of the FSF. THIRD-PARTY IP: Last month I reported that most of the licenses we thought we could sublicense under the Apache License (including the CPL) can really only be distributed under their own license. So, we now need to figure out what makes a license okay to include in an Apache distribution. I've made very little progress on this in the last month, but I hope to have a policy written, discussed, and ready for approval by the December board meeting. ASF LEGAL POLICY DOC: Although I did not make as much progress as I'd hoped on the copyright notice and third-party IP issues over the last month, I did write up and outline for an overall legal policy doc to address these issues and others. The outline (including a brief preview of where the document was probably headed) was sent to legal-discuss. September 21, 2005 4. Officer Reports E. V.P. of Legal Affairs [Cliff Schmidt] COPYRIGHT NOTICES: I have gotten Jason, Larry, Robyn, and even Eben Moglen to all agree that we should be fine with no copyright notice at the top of each source file, and instead just include a licensing notice similar to what Roy recently posted to the Board@ list. The issue that isn't quite solved yet is the mechanics of ensuring any COPYRIGHT file or section of the NOTICE file is in sync with the CLAs and agreements from outside contributors. BXA/CRYPTO: I now have an understanding of the open source exception to the crypto export requirements. I've read through the relevant docs at bxa.doc.gov, eff.org, and a legal opinion from McGlashan & Sarrail dated September 13, 2000, which I found in /foundation/Records/BXA. There was a minor (generally favorable) change to the TSU exception (the one that applies to open source) last December. The bottom line is that there appears to be no problem with distributing source or binaries as long as we give appropriate notice to the BXA/BIS. My next step is to get an updated opinion from Jason and publish guidelines to PMCs. LGPL: There's the legal requirements side of this issue and the policy side (as with so many things). I believe I have already completed the due dilligence on the legal requirements side; however, during conversations with Eben Moglen I've found that he plans to publish a document that is explicit about the issues or non-issues with Java and the LGPL. I will be sending him my view of these issues this week, which I hope will influence what ends up in his document. On the policy side, we need to stop treating the LGPL differently from other licenses, and instead determine what our policy is for taking dependencies on and distributing third-party IP. THIRD-PARTY IP: Any time we bring in third-party IP that is not licensed under the Apache License, we have two choices: a) sublicense the work under the Apache License (if we have the rights to do so), or b) distribute the Apache product under each applicable license and make that clear to our users. We've been trying to say we're only doing a) so far. However, in my view we are obviously not consistently doing this, nor do I think it is practical to do so. So, I'm now thinking the best way to address issues of shipping CPL, MPL, CDDL, LGPL, etc. is to stop trying to sublicense them under the Apache License and instead create and implement a policy that allows us to distribute products that contain IP under some set of license terms (including terms outside the scope of the Apache License). August 17, 2005 4. Officer Reports E. V.P. of Legal Affairs [Cliff Schmidt] I've inserted slightly edited versions of the same MPL/NPL and LGPL resolutions, which were tabled last month. Since last month's meeting, I have: - confirmed with a second member of ASF's legal counsel that the proposed LGPL policy does not put our product licensing at risk; - posted and discussed the proposed LGPL policy on the legal-discuss list, where no new concerns were raised about the licensing ramifications; however there was concern raised by both outside lawyers and Apache committers that dependencies on LGPL libraries was not in the best interests of some Apache users; - engaged with representatives of the Mozilla Foundation to discuss the proposed MPL/NPL licensing policy. While they have *not* yet formally indicated their agreement with our interpretation, they have not yet raised any new concerns. Future action items include resolving the BXA/crypto issue and investigating and proposing policies for the CPL, EPL, and CDDL licenses. Finally, one of my short-term objectives is to overhaul the legal STATUS file to reflect the current priorities and status. 6. Special Orders B. Allow redistribution of MPL- and NPL-licensed executables WHEREAS, some Project Management Committees (PMCs) within The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) expect to better serve their mission through the use and redistribution of the executable form of existing source code licensed under the Mozilla Public License (MPL) or Netscape Public License (NPL); and WHEREAS, it is the ASF's interpretation that the MPL and NPL licenses permit distribution of such executables under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0, provided the terms applicable to the associated source code have been complied with and that appropriate entries made in the ASF distribution's NOTICE file; and WHEREAS, the current ASF licensing policy discourages the distribution of intellectual property by the ASF under terms beyond those stated in the Apache License, Version 2.0. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that PMCs may use and redistribute the executable form of existing source code licensed under the MPL 1.0, MPL 1.1, NPL 1.0, or NPL 1.1; and be it further RESOLVED, that PMCs must ensure such redistribution only occurs after appropriate entries have been made in the ASF distribution's NOTICE file and only if the PMC finds that the MPL/NPL terms applicable to the associated source code appear to have been satisfied. Special Order 6B, Allow redistribution of MPL- and NPL-licensed executables, was Approved by Unanimous Consent. C. Allow product dependencies on LGPL-licensed libraries WHEREAS, some Project Management Committees (PMCs) within The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) expect to better serve their mission through the occasional dependency on existing LGPL-licensed libraries when no other practical alternative exists under terms covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0; and WHEREAS, research into the impact of distributing ASF products that depend on the presence of LGPL-licensed libraries indicates that the product licensing terms are not affected by such a dependency; and WHEREAS, the current ASF licensing policy discourages the distribution of intellectual property by the ASF under terms beyond those stated in the Apache License, Version 2.0. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that PMCs may develop and distribute products that depend on the presence of LGPL-licensed libraries when no other practical alternative exists under terms covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0; and be it further RESOLVED, that PMCs will register such use of an LGPL-licensed library with the Vice President of Legal Affairs prior to the PMC's next regularly scheduled Board report, and in no case less than two weeks prior to the distribution of the applicable product(s); and be it further RESOLVED, that PMCs will continue to reevaluate whether a practical alternative exists under terms covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0, which could be substituted in place of the LGPL-licensed library; and be it further RESOLVED, that PMCs must continue to ensure that they do not distribute LGPL-licensed libraries or any other intellectual property that is only available under licenses with terms beyond those stated in the Apache License, Version 2.0. Special Order 6C, Allow product dependencies on LGPL-licensed libraries, was Tabled. The main discussion points were whether the permission of dependencies invalidated the spirit of the ASF and the Apache License. Discussion was to be continued on the Board mailing list. July 28, 2005 4. Officer Reports E. V.P. of Legal Affairs [Cliff Schmidt] See Special Orders for two proposed resolutions. The first resolution allows PMCs to develop and distribute software that depends on the presence of LGPL-licensed libraries, *without* distributing the libraries themselves. After numerous discussions with the FSF, other LGPL licensors, and ASF counsel, Larry Rosen, it appears that such a policy should not impact the product licensing. In order to allow PMCs to apply this policy to all useful LGPL-licensed libraries, the resolution does not require the PMCs to get an agreement from each copyright owner, but instead requires the PMC to register the use of the particular LGPL library with the VP of Legal Affairs. See my post to the board@ list for more details ("My recommendation for an ASF policy on the LGPL"). The second resolution allows PMCs to redistribute MPL/NPL- licensed executables. The key difference between the MPL/NPL and the LGPL regarding redistribution requirements is that the MPL/NPL allows redistribution under any license (provided that the distributor complies with the applicable terms of the MPL/NPL); the LGPL requires redistribution of either the source or executable of the library to be licensed only under the LGPL. While the MPL 1.0, MPL 1.1, NPL 1.0, and NPL 1.1 are nearly identical in their treatment of redistribution of executables, it is important to note that the NPL licenses are not OSI- approved, as they discriminate in favor of Netscape, weakening the terms that Netscape has to comply with relative to other users. See my post to the board@ list for more details ("MPL/NPL Issue: My recommendation for an ASF policy on the MPL/NPL"). NOTE: Larry Rosen has agreed with my analysis of the MPL/NPL licenses as described in the referenced post; however, yesterday he suggested that I confirm that Mitchell Baker also agrees (author of the licenses). I have not yet received her response. This could be a reason to table this resolution. 6. Special Orders E. Allow product dependencies on LGPL-licensed libraries WHEREAS, some Project Management Committees (PMCs) within The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) expect to better serve their mission through the use of existing LGPL-licensed libraries as a product dependency; and WHEREAS, research into the impact of distributing ASF products that depend on the presence of LGPL-licensed libraries has indicated that the product licensing terms are not affected by such a dependency; and WHEREAS, the current ASF licensing policy continues to require all intellectual property distributed by the ASF be licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that PMCs may develop and distribute products that depend on the presence of LGPL-licensed libraries; and be it further RESOLVED, that PMCs will register such use of an LGPL-licensed library with the Vice President of Legal Affairs prior to the PMC's next regularly scheduled Board report, and in no case less than one week prior to the distribution of the applicable product(s); and be it further RESOLVED, that PMCs must continue to ensure they do not distribute LGPL-licensed libraries or any other intellectual property that cannot be strictly licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. Discussion occurred that raised questions: Is the FSF position public? Will downstream users be comfortable with this? The conclusion was to give 3rd parties time to react to this proposed resolution prior to voting on it. Resolution 6E was tabled with general consent. F. Allow redistribution of MPL- and NPL-licensed executables WHEREAS, some Project Management Committees (PMCs) within The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) expect to better serve their mission through the use and redistribution of existing software executables that are licensed under the Mozilla Public License (MPL) or Netscape Public License (NPL); and WHEREAS, research into the impact of distributing MPL- and NPL-licensed executables indicated that such distribution is allowed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0, only if specific entries made in the NOTICE file and if the associated source code complies with the applicable terms of the MPL/NPL; and WHEREAS, the current ASF licensing policy continues to require all intellectual property distributed by the ASF be licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that PMCs may use and redistribute software executables that are licensed under the MPL 1.0, MPL 1.1, NPL 1.0, or NPL 1.1; and be it further RESOLVED, that PMCs must ensure such redistribution only occurs after entries are made in the associated product's NOTICE file in compliance with the terms of the MPL/NPL, and that the associated source code also complies with the applicable terms of the MPL/NPL. Resolution 6F was tabled with general consent. Questions arose why MPL 1.0 was not ok before. It is suggested to get feedback from Mitchel Baker. Action Item: Review earlier arguments why MPL 1.0 was not ok. June 22, 2005 6. Special Orders B. Appoint a Vice President of Legal Affairs WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to appoint an officer responsible for legal affairs, including but not limited to streamlining communication between the Foundation's Project Management Committees, legal counsel, the Board and other parties pertaining to legal issues. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the office of "Vice President of Legal Affairs" be and hereby created, the person holding such office to serve at the direction of the Board of Directors, and to have primary responsibility of coordinating the Foundation's legal counsel pertaining to legal issues; and be it further RESOLVED, that Cliff Schmidt be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President of Legal Affairs, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. By Unanimous Vote, Cliff Schmidt was appointed as VP of Legal Affairs.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
An economical retroreflecting base material comprises substantially a monolayer of glass microspheres embedded in a polymeric binder layer, a specularly reflective layer covering the polymeric layer, and a pressure-sensitive adhesive layer by which the retroreflecting base material can be mounted onto a substrate such as a license plate blank. This composite is then dipped into a solution of resin which is allowed to harden to provide a transparent, weather-resistant cover film which brings the specularly reflective layer into proper focus. Although this dipping and hardening process is slow and labor-intensive, it is often used where labor costs are low, e.g., in prison industries. When higher retroreflective brightness is desired, the retroreflecting base material may be made as illustrated in FIG. 6 of U.S. Pat. No. 4,511,210 (Tung et al.), which base material includes a monolayer of glass microspheres 21, a spacing layer 23, a specularly reflective layer 24, and a pressure-sensitive adhesive layer 25. After adhering this to a substrate, the composite may be dipped into a solution of resin to provide a transparent cover film as described above and mentioned in Example 4 of the Tung patent. Much faster production rates are realized if the cover film is preformed as in Example 1 of the Tung patent. Also, the use of a preformed transparent cover film avoids the pollution that would be created upon drying a solution. The cover film of that Example 1 is polymethylmethacrylate which functions well when the retroreflective sheeting has a rigid, flat support such as a highway sign. However, that material is not sufficiently extensible to withstand the stretching encountered in the embossing of a license plate or the application to irregular surfaces. Another preformed transparent cover film that has been used is biaxially oriented poly(ethylene terephthalate) film, but its high strength has inhibited its use in retroreflective sheeting which is to undergo stretching as in the embossing of a license plate. Also, those preformed transparent cover films have required a second pressure-sensitive adhesive layer, the need for which tends to defeat the economy of the retroreflective sheeting. Furthermore, the second pressure-sensitive adhesive layer lies in the optical path and may degrade, thus reducing the optical efficiency. Because of the enclosed-lens nature of the above-described retroreflective sheetings, incident light rays are focused onto the specularly reflective layer irrespective of whether the front of the sheeting is wet or dry. This capability was first taught in U.S. Pat. No. 2,407,680 (Palmquist et al.), which discloses retroreflective sheeting that has been sold commercially for many years in large volume and to the general satisfaction of its users. In making retroreflective sheeting of the Palmquist patent, a transparent cover film is coated from solution, typically a thermoset resin such as an alkyd resin or an acrylic resin. However, to permit the retroreflective sheeting to be embossed, the cover film has been a thermoplastic resin such as plasticized polyvinyl chloride coated from solution.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" package="com.example" android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="1.0"> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW"/> <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="16" android:targetSdkVersion="22" /> <application android:name=".MainApplication" android:allowBackup="true" android:label="@string/app_name" android:icon="@mipmap/ic_launcher" android:theme="@style/AppTheme"> <activity android:name=".MainActivity" android:label="@string/app_name" android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenSize"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> </intent-filter> </activity> <activity android:name="com.facebook.react.devsupport.DevSettingsActivity" /> </application> </manifest>
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Phoenix College “Adopts” 22 Refugee Families for the Holidays For the past 13 years, Phoenix College’s staff, faculty and students have banded together during the holiday season to provide much needed assistance to locally-placed refugees. This year, 22 families will receive donations from the campus-wide effort. Since its inception, over 250 families have benefited from the efforts by Phoenix College in conjunction with local agencies, including: Refugee Focus, the International Rescue Committee, Catholic Charities, and Arizona Immigrant and Refugee Services. Each year, a list of new refugee families is compiled from the local agencies and several families are selected. Part of the selection criteria includes that the family has been in the United States for less than one year, according to PC faculty member Dr. Joseph Kimbuende, who is also the co-founder of the effort. “They are typically in need of the most help,” he said. This year, the selected families hail from Myanmar (Burma), Iraq, Somalia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central African Republic, Guinea, Cuba, Haiti, and Burkina Faso. PC’s Adopt-A-Family program was inspired by an act of generosity experienced by Dr. Kimbuende while studying at Northern Arizona University. Coming to the US from the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1986 to pursue his education, Dr. Kimbuende and his family lived very modestly. “There was a knock on the door one day and there were these strangers with gifts,” recalled Dr. Kimbuende. “It meant so much to us.” The unexpected generosity left a lasting impression. The yearly effort, which was started by Dr. Kimbuende and Pam Rogers, who is now retired, began small – only being able to assist one family the first year. Each year, more and more departments became involved and is now a true campus-wide effort with a wide-range of departments, employee groups and clubs joining in to adopt their own family. “People are very generous,” said Dr. Kimbuende. “We don’t know how to thank the staff and faculty for what they do.” Students also join the effort by collecting money to purchase gift cards for each family. The need is great and varied for refugee families; donations include everything from clothes and household goods to furniture and school supplies. Toys for the young ones are always on the list, too. Donations range from small to large and have previously included a laptop and a whole apartment’s worth of furniture. “Last year, someone was moving and donated their whole apartment,” recalled Dr. Kimbuende. “The woman had just moved into her apartment and it was empty. When she saw the furniture, tears started flowing down her face.” Beyond donating the items, the PC community also enjoys delivering the donations to the families. A caravan makes it way every year from the campus to each of the homes, each car packed with donated goods and members of the PC community. While Adopt-A-Family is a holiday tradition for PC, donations of new and gently-used item are accepted year-round to assist refugee families in need. If you are interested in donating, please contact Dr. Joseph Kimbuende at 602-285-7561. Phoenix College • 1202 W. Thomas Road • Phoenix, Arizona 85013 • 602.285.7777The Maricopa County Community College District is an EEO/AA institution and an equal opportunity employer of protected veterans and individuals with disabilities.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Functional analysis of the two interacting cyclase domains in ent-kaurene synthase from the fungus Phaeosphaeria sp. L487 and a comparison with cyclases from higher plants. We report here kinetic analysis and identification of the two cyclase domains in a bifunctional diterpene cyclase, Phaeosphaeria ent-kaurene synthase (FCPS/KS). Kinetics of a recombinant FCPS/KS protein indicated that the affinity for copalyl diphosphate is higher than that for geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGDP). ent-Kaurene production from GGDP by FCPS/KS was enhanced by the addition of a plant ent-kaurene synthase (KS) but not by plant CDP synthase (CPS), suggesting that the rate of ent-kaurene production of FCPS/KS may be limited by the KS activity. Site-directed mutagenesis of aspartate-rich motifs in FCPS/KS indicated that the (318)DVDD motif near the N terminus and the (656)DEFFE motif near the C terminus may be part of the active site for the CPS and KS reactions, respectively. The other aspartate-rich (132)DDVLD motif near the N terminus is thought to be involved in both reactions. Functional analysis of the N- and C-terminal truncated mutants revealed that a N-terminal 59-kDa polypeptide catalyzed the CPS reaction and a C-terminal 66-kDa polypeptide showed KS activity. A 101-kDa polypeptide lacking the first 43 amino acids of the N terminus reduced KS activity severely without CPS activity. These results indicate that there are two separate interacting domains in the 106-kDa polypeptide of FCPS/KS.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Until the causes of diabetic complications are known, presumably therapy should attempt to normalize glucose metabolism as well as glucose concentration. This requires an understanding of how glucose, insulin, and glucagon interact to regulate glucose metabolism in nondiabetic humans and how these interactions are influenced by NIDDM. The investigators will examine these questions by first testing the hypothesis that short term (overnight) changes in glycemic control alters insulin action and glucose effectiveness (i.e. the ability of glucose to stimulate its own uptake and to suppress its own release) in people with NIDDM. Having defined the conditions of study, the investigators will then examine the assumptions of several widely used models of glucose metabolism (e.g. the "cold" and "hot" minimal models). The investigators will determine whether, in the presence of "basal" insulin concentrations, increases in glucose concentration within the physiologic range result in linear suppression of hepatic glucose release and linear stimulation of disposal, whether NIDDM alters this relationship, whether hyperglycemia alters the kinetic as well as well as the absolute response to insulin, and whether NIDDM alters the inhibitory effects of glucose on its own clearance. The investigators also will use the triple tracer technique to examine the mechanism(s) by which glucose facilitates its own uptake in nondiabetic humans and to determine whether NIDDM alters glucose induced stimulation of transport and/or phosphorylation in muscle. The investigators will simultaneously use splanchnic catheterization to establish the contribution of splanchnic and extrasplanchnic tissues to glucose uptake and to test the hypothesis that NIDDM impairs glucose induced stimulation of glucose uptake in the splanchnic bed. The investigators will explore the interactions between insulin and glucagon by determining whether NIDDM alters the hepatic response to glucagon and by testing the hypotheses that lack of suppression of glucagon exacerbates hyperglycemia in people with NIDDM when insulin secretion is delayed and decreased but not when there is a rapid increase in insulin as occurs in nondiabetic humans after food ingestion. Finally, the investigators will determine whether the novel therapeutic agent GLP-1, in addition to increasing insulin secretion and suppression of glucagon, also improves insulin action and glucose effectiveness in people with NIDDM.
{ "pile_set_name": "NIH ExPorter" }
Pages 4.25.2009 8 comments: Anonymous said... If you want to simulate being a drunk driver, just pick up a baseball bat, go to a Wal Mart or a park or wherever there are many unsuspecting people of random age, sex, race, etc.; blindfold yourself, and just start running around and swinging the bat with all your might. Don't forget to swing low sometimes to allow yourself a chance to hit a kid. When you hit someone and bust their head open, or knock yourself cold running into something, stop. You've accomplished "drunk driver". Oh, don't forget to get mad at anyone who tries to figure out ways to take your bat from you. I always wonder what these folks were doing when arrested. Was it really bad stuff or just going home after a little partying? Were they a threat to others or just available to sop up several hours of a policeman's time to process through the system. Please realize the poor cop was off his more important duties while walking these people thought booking. Is it Protect and Serve or Arrest and Hassle? Hey 5:11, you quite possibly have to be the biggest drunk/small minded idiot on the planet. Yeah, lets criticize the police and accuse them of harassment for getting a drunk off the street. One that could have killed you, me, or our families. Kudos to you for being a credit to our species! Its pretty obvious that you, more than likely, got "harassed" for being a lush. Do us all a favor and go lay in the highway or something.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Storage systems may perform a garbage collection process to manage the storage of data blocks at the storage systems. For example, a storage system may include a solid-state storage device and may perform the garbage collection process with regards to the data blocks at the solid-state storage device. Such a garbage collection process may identify invalid data that is no longer used and valid that is still used in a particular data block. Subsequently, the valid data in the particular data block may be grouped with other valid data and may be re-written or stored at another data block at the solid-state storage device. The particular data block may then be erased so that subsequent data may be written to the particular data block at a later time.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
Q: Point Cluster in QGIS and Legend I am using the point cluster symbology in QGIS and have defined the size of each point based on the cluster size using @cluster_size in the size assistant. It looks great on my map, but I cannot figure out how to add the size symbology for the variable to my legend in the map composer to create a map for a presentation/publication. A: It's not possible to directly display data-defined symbol sizes in a legend. Here's a workaround. Duplicate the point layer (Layer panel > right click on layer name > Duplicate layer). Change symbology of the duplicate layer to "graduated" and for method choose "size." Choose any numerical field for column. Change the "Size from" starting value to 1mm, and the final value to the maximum number of points in a cluster. Change the number of classes to the maximum number of points in a cluster (same as final size value). Click "Classify." Change the legend text as desired, eg "1 point," "2 points" etc. The style settings for the duplicate layer look like this: Turn off the duplicate layer so you don't see it on the map. Use the duplicate layer in the print composer legend. The legend looks like this: You can use the controls under legend items to Change the way the layer name is displayed: highlight the layer name, click the pencil icon, type in the name of the original layer. Delete the name of the field from the legend: highlight the field name, click the red minus sign button.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Q: Fading with jquery in IE Im using fade in/out jquery on my site but it doesnt work in IE, banners[0].fadeOut(1000, "linear"); banners[1].fadeIn(1000, "linear"); banners is an array with my elements in. Ive checked other posts such as jquery IE Fadein and Fadeout Opacity Tried all of the suggestions such as setting the filter but no luck. My elements are positioned absolute too. My fading images are not transparent, they are just jpegs Any ideas? A: Maybe you shuld try different approach by adding different classes to your banners and NOT using array? Or try selecting it by index something like: $('.banners').index()===1{ //do something... } Or maybe even if statment if($(".banners")[0] == $(".banners")[0]) { //do something } Check this fiddle on IE : http://jsfiddle.net/FUMDW/
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Target Hosts Breastfeeding Nook Target has long supported nursing moms. Their policies encourage in store breastfeeding and if a mom needs to use a dressing room to pump or nurse it's made available. Recently Breastfeeding Mama Talk shared a new nursing nook set up in plain view in a Texas Target store. It was equipped with 2 comfy chairs, a table, nursing cover, boppy pillow and more. What a wonderful treat for moms who frequent this location! To search or rate a nursing room Target location in your area you can use the Moms Pump Here Nursing Room Locator App. To submit a local nursing nook you may also add it to our App or via the website. About the author MomsPumpHere with 7000+ nursing mothers rooms (lactation rooms) listed in the US and globally is the world's biggest, most popular, and trusted nursing room locator app and community site for thousands of nursing moms. Conceived in 2012 by mompreneurs Priya Nembhard and Kim Harrison.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
#ifndef PYCALL_H #define PYCALL_H 1 #if defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { #if 0 } /* satisfy cc-mode */ #endif #endif VALUE pycall_pyptr_new(PyObject *pyobj); PyObject *pycall_pyptr_get_pyobj_ptr(VALUE pyptr); VALUE pycall_pyobject_to_ruby(PyObject *pyobj); PyObject *pycall_pyobject_wrapper_get_pyobj_ptr(VALUE obj); #if defined(__cplusplus) #if 0 { /* satisfy cc-mode */ #endif } /* extern "C" { */ #endif #endif /* PYCALL_H */
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
In a semiconductor device manufacturing process, a cleaning processing for removing contaminants (e.g., particles or polymers) attached to a surface of a substrate is performed by causing a chemical liquid such as, for example, SC-1 (a mixed solution of ammonia water and hydrogen peroxide) to join with a flow of a gas and be sprayed to the surface of the substrate. When this cleaning processing is performed by using a sheet-type cleaning apparatus, the substrate is held by a substrate holder, which is called a spin chuck, to be rotated around a vertical axis. A chemical liquid is supplied to the substrate from a nozzle disposed above the rotating substrate. In a case of using a two-fluid nozzle for the chemical liquid supply, a collision position of the droplets sprayed from the two-fluid nozzle on the surface of the substrate moves between the center portion of the substrate and the peripheral portion thereof. In Japanese Patent Laid-Open Publication No. 2008-246319, a removal performance of contaminants is improved by increasing a temperature of droplets ejected from a two-fluid nozzle. However, in a case of performing a polymer removal, a sufficient removal performance may not be achieved only by the method of Japanese Patent Laid-Open Publication No. 2008-246319.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
INTRODUCTION ============ The prevalence of gastric varices (GVs) in patients with portal hypertension varies from 18% to 70% \[[@B1],[@B2]\]. Although gastric variceal hemorrhage (GVH) is less common than esophageal variceal hemorrhage, it tends to be more severe, requires more transfusions, and has a higher mortality rate (45%) \[[@B3]\]. GVH also has a high rebleeding rate of 34% to 89% \[[@B4]\]. Treatment options for GVH include endoscopic treatment (including sclerotherapy and band ligation), transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt creation, and balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration. Although limited data exist on the optimal management for GVH, the first-line treatment recently advocated for GVH is endoscopic obliteration using *N*-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate (NBC; Histoacryl, B. Braun Dexon GmbH, Spangenberg, Germany) \[[@B5],[@B6]\]. NBC polymerizes from liquid glue to a plastic cast on contact with blood in the varix; this can control active variceal bleeding \[[@B7]\]. NBC injection achieves primary hemostasis in 70% to 100% of patients with acute GVH and has a low complication rate \[[@B6],[@B8],[@B9]\]. Eighty percent of cases of rebleeding occur within 1 year \[[@B10]\]. Despite published reports, limited data exist on rebleeding rates according to time, predictors of bleeding-related death, and long-term efficacy and safety of endoscopic obliteration of GV with NBC. Therefore, we evaluated the long-term efficacy and safety of endoscopic gastric variceal obliteration (GVO) with NBC to treat GVH. The efficacy, prevalence of complications, ability to predict rebleeding, and bleeding-related death rate were analyzed. METHODS ======= Patients -------- Four hundred and fifty-five patients who were diagnosed with GVs and underwent variceal obliteration with NBC at Chonnam National University Hospital, Gwangju, Korea, from January 2004 to July 2013 were selected retrospectively. Patients diagnosed and treated at other institutions before referral to our center were excluded. The patients were followed until death or until July 2013. Patients\' demographics, etiology of GV, Child-Pugh score, endoscopic findings, effectiveness of endoscopic treatment, and clinical and endoscopic follow-up were recorded and analyzed. Endoscopic GV obliteration using NBC ------------------------------------ Patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding and features suggesting cirrhosis underwent upper endoscopy as soon as possible after admission (within 12 hours). Endoscopy was performed using a forward-viewing endoscope (GIF Q 260, Olympus, Tokyo, Japan). Histoacryl (NBC) was prepared as follows: the injection needle was primed with water followed by a 1:1 mixture of Histoacryl and Lipiodol (Guerbet, Roissy, France). The varices, depending on their size, were injected with a bolus of 1 to 4 mL of the solution. A disposable sclerotherapy needle (needle diameter, 2.3 mm; MTW, Endoskopie, Wesel, Germany) was used for injection. The catheter was introduced into the working channel of the endoscope and advanced. Following localization of the bleeding varix, the needle was exposed and inserted into the base of the varix, and an assistant injected the Histoacryl-Lipiodol mixture. After removal of the needle from the varix, the assistant injected normal saline to flush the remaining glue from the catheter. Both the endoscopist and endoscopy assistant used goggles as part of the universal precaution guidelines and to decrease the likelihood of accidental glue-induced damage to their eyes. Definition ---------- Active GVH was def ined as spurting or oozing of blood from a GV. Evidence of recent bleeding was defined as the presence of a white nipple or red plugs. GVs were categorized according to the classification system used by Sarin and Kumar \[[@B1]\]: a GOV type 1 (GOV1) appears as a continuation of esophageal varices (EVs), extending for 2 to 5 cm below the gastroesophageal junction whereas a GOV type 2 (GOV2) extends beyond the junction into the fundus of the stomach \[[@B1]\]. The morphology of the GV was classified according to the system proposed by Hashizume et al. \[[@B11]\]: tortuous (F1), nodular (F2), or tumorous (F3). Successful initial hemostasis was defined as cessation of bleeding with no recurrence for 2 days \[[@B10]\]. Rebleeding was defined as bleeding related to esophageal and GVs, a new onset of hematemesis, coffee grounds vomitus, hematochezia, or melena, with a pulse rate \> 100 beats per minute and blood pressure \< 90 mmHg after a 24-hour period of stable vital signs and normal hemoglobin concentration \[[@B12]\]. Bleeding-related death was defined as any death within 6 weeks of the index bleeding \[[@B13]\]. Ethics statement ---------------- Written informed consent was obtained from all patients regarding the nature and the purpose of the treatment, and this study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Chonnam National University Hospital. Statistical analysis -------------------- Continuous variables are expressed as means ± standard deviation. Student *t* test and Pearson chi-square test were used to compare the baseline characteristics of the patients. Factors that were significant on univariate analysis were entered into a stepwise multivariate analysis to determine which risk factors retained statistical significance and which were merely dependent on other factors. Kaplan-Meier analysis was used to examine the cumulative survival and time to death and the log-rank test was used to compare differences between groups. Null hypotheses of no difference were rejected if *p* values were \< 0.05, or equivalently, if the 95% confidence intervals of odds ratio estimates excluded one. We performed the statistical analysis using SPSS version 20.0 (IBM Co., Armonk, NY, USA). RESULTS ======= Baseline characteristics ------------------------ The baseline clinical characteristics and endoscopic findings of the enrolled patients are shown in [Tables 1](#T1){ref-type="table"} and [2](#T2){ref-type="table"}. The mean duration of follow-up was 582.8 days (range, 1 to 2,938). The mean age of patients was 57.65 years (range, 22 to 96). There were 379 males (83.3%) and 76 females (16.7%). One hundred and twenty-nine patients (28.4%) were positive for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), 33 (7.3%) were antibody-positive for hepatitis C virus, 217 (47.7%) were chronic alcohol drinkers, and 54 (11.9%) had a multifactorial liver disease. The patients\' Child-Pugh classes were: A, 23.5%; B, 54.9%; and C, 21.5%. One hundred and eighteen patients (25.9%) had concomitant hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Two hundred and forty-seven patients (54.3%) had a previous history of variceal bleeding. The form of GVs was F1 in 41 patients (9%), F2 in 190 (41.8%), and F3 in 224 (49.2%). Two hundred and eighty patients (61.5%) had GOV1 and 175 (38.5%) had GOV2. Results of sclerotherapy with NBC --------------------------------- The results of GVO with NBC are shown in [Table 3](#T3){ref-type="table"}. The overall success rate of initial hemostasis (no recurrent bleeding within 48 hours) was 96.9% (441/455). A mean dose of 1.02 ± 0.733 mL NBC was injected in each patient. Rebleeding occurred in 160 patients (35.2%) within 1 year. The bleeding-related death rate was 6.8% (31/455). Treatment-related complications occurred in 33.8% of patients (154/455). Rebleeding according to liver function and classification of GVs ---------------------------------------------------------------- The rates of rebleeding for F1, F2, and F3 GVs were 10%, 41.9%, and 48.1%, respectively. The rate of rebleeding was 65.6% for patients with GOV1 and 34.4% for patients with GOV2. The rates of rebleeding were 23.4% for patients with Child-Pugh class A liver disease, 55% for patients with class B, and 21.5% for patients with class C. Predictive factors for rebleeding according to time --------------------------------------------------- The analyses of potential predictive factors for rebleeding according to time are illustrated in [Table 4](#T4){ref-type="table"}. Univariate analysis showed that concomitant F3 EV (*p* = 0.011) and failure of initial hemostasis (*p* = 0.004) were associated with rebleeding within 2 weeks. On multivariate analysis, concomitant F3 EV (*p* = 0.018) and failure of initial hemostasis (*p*= 0.008) were associated with rebleeding within 2 weeks. Univariate analysis showed that concomitant F3 EV (*p* = 0.009), the red-color sign on concomitant EV (*p* = 0.001), serum sodium concentration \< 135 mEq/L (*p* = 0.046), and a previous history of variceal bleeding (*p* \< 0.001) were associated with rebleeding within 1 year. On multivariate analysis, the red-color sign on concomitant EV (*p* = 0.002) and previous history of variceal bleeding (*p* \< 0.001) were associated with rebleeding within 1 year. Cause of bleeding-related death ------------------------------- During the long-term follow-up, 31 patients (6.8%) died. Seventeen (54.8%) died of hepatic failure, nine (29%) of recurrent bleeding, three (9.7%) as a consequence of initial hemostasis failure, and two (6.5%) due to progression of HCC. Predictive factors for bleeding-related death --------------------------------------------- An analysis of potential predicting factors for bleeding-related death is shown in [Table 5](#T5){ref-type="table"} and [Figs. 1](#F1){ref-type="fig"},[2](#F2){ref-type="fig"},[3](#F3){ref-type="fig"}. Univariate analysis showed that a red-color sign on concomitant EV (*p* = 0.018), the Child-Pugh score (*p* \< 0.001), the model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) score ≥ 25 (*p* = 0.011), associated HCC (*p* \< 0.001), and failure of initial hemostasis (*p* = 0.001) were associated with bleeding-related death. On multivariate analysis, the Child-Pugh score (*p* \< 0.001), HCC (*p* = 0.001), and failure of initial hemostasis (*p* \< 0.001) were associated with bleeding-related death. DISCUSSION ========== The reported GVH-related mortality rate is \~30% in patients with portal hypertension \[[@B14],[@B15]\]. Furthermore, GVH can cause bacteremia and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, which can exacerbate decompensated liver function \[[@B16]\]. Therefore, prophylaxis and control of GVH are crucial for improving survival in portal hypertension patients. Although survival rates have improved, the bleeding related-mortality rate remains as high as 20% \[[@B17]\]. Hemorrhage from GVs is generally more serious and more often fatal than is hemorrhage from EVs \[[@B3]\]. Treatment of GVs is difficult, and the long-term efficacy and safety of the widely used NBC injection sclerotherapy have not been established. Although some recent studies have described the efficacy and safety of NBC sclerotherapy \[[@B8],[@B9],[@B10],[@B18]\], a study involving a larger population of patients was required. The present large retrospective study has demonstrated the long-term efficacy and safety of GVO using NBC for controlling GVH. The ability to obtain initial hemostasis, the low prevalence of serious complications, and the relatively favorable risk of rebleeding and bleeding-related death are all advantages of NBC sclerotherapy. The rate of initial hemostasis with NBC injection was 96.95%, which is consistent with the 90% to 97% reported by other studies \[[@B19],[@B20],[@B21]\]. Some studies have reported an early rebleeding rate of 0% to 28% within 48 hours \[[@B3],[@B7],[@B10]\] and rebleeding in 23.3% of patients from 3 days to 16 months after GVO \[[@B6]\]. Consistent with those reports, bleeding recurred in 5.3%, 6.8%, 12.7%, 27.5%, and 35.2% of our patients within 1, 2, 4 weeks, 6 months, and 1 year after NBC sclerotherapy, respectively. We also analyzed the predictive factors for rebleeding according to elapsed time after treatment, failure of initial hemostasis, and concomitant F3 EV within 2 weeks. A red-color sign on concomitant EV and previous history of variceal bleeding were associated with rebleeding within 1 year. Concomitant F3 EV and a red-color sign on concomitant EV were significant risk factors for acute and late rebleeding. Therefore, concomitant high-risk EV should be treated with prophylactic EV ligation after GVO as soon as possible. Inconsistent with other studies \[[@B3],[@B19]\], we found that the size of GV, location of GV (GOV1 vs. GOV2), and Child-Pugh score were not associated with rebleeding. We hypothesized that this difference was associated with frequent rebleeding due to concomitant EV, which may act as a confounding factor. The Child-Pugh score was not associated with rebleeding but was related to bleeding-related death. According to one study \[[@B13]\], the 6-week mortality rate of uncontrolled GV bleeding is 25% to 30%. Another study found a mortality rate of 12.5% due to rebleeding immediately after NBC sclerotherapy \[[@B6]\]. After controlling GVH with NBC, the bleeding-related death rate in our study was 6.8%, which is consistent with the other reports \[[@B8],[@B10]\]. The Child-Pugh score, concurrent HCC, and failure of initial hemostasis were most predictive of bleeding-related death. Some studies have shown that the Child-Pugh score and associated HCC are risk factors for bleeding-related death \[[@B6],[@B22],[@B23]\], while another study reported that MELD score is a risk factor \[[@B24],[@B25]\]; our study showed these relationships only on univariate analysis. Treatment-related complications occurred in 34.1% of our patients, a result comparable to previous reports. Our study had several limitations. First, it was a retrospective single-center study, so the results may not be generalizable to other patient populations. Second, follow-up endoscopy was not performed in all patients. In conclusion, NBC injection for treatment of GVH is a highly effective (96.9%) and safe method of achieving primary hemostasis. The complication rate was 33.8%, but most complications were not serious. Concomitant F3 EV and red-color sign on concomitant EV were significant risk factors for acute and delayed rebleeding. Therefore, concomitant high-risk EV should be treated with prophylactic EV ligation after GVO as soon as possible. The Child-Pugh score, concurrent HCC, and failure of initial hemostasis were significantly associated with the bleeding-related death rate. This study provides a comprehensive overview of the survival outcomes and prognostic factors of patients with GVH in a single center. The results may help physicians to select an effective treatment strategy for patients with GVH. KEY MESSAGE =========== The rate of initial hemostasis of gastric variceal obliteration using *N*-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate in patients with gastric variceal hemorrhage was 96.9%; rebleeding occurred in 35.2% of patients, and the bleeding-related death rate during the follow-up was 6.8%.Rebleeding occurred in 35.2% of patients within 1 year. Concomitant F3 esophageal varice (EV) and failure of initial hemostasis were associated with rebleeding within 2 weeks. Concomitant EV, red-color sign, association with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and previous history of upper gastrointestinal bleeding were associated with rebleeding within 1 year.Predictors for bleeding-related death were the Child-Pugh score, association with HCC, and failure of initial hemostasis. This study was supported by grants from Chonnam National University Hospital, Gwangju, Korea. No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported. ![Kaplan-Meyer analysis of bleeding-related deaths according to Child-Pugh classification by log-rank test (*p* \< 0.001). CPT, Child-Pugh-Turcott.](kjim-29-437-g001){#F1} ![Kaplan-Meyer analysis of bleeding-related deaths according to the absence or presence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) by log-rank test (*p* \< 0.001).](kjim-29-437-g002){#F2} ![Kaplan-Meyer analysis of bleeding-related deaths according to success or failure of initial hemostasis by log-rank test (*p* \< 0.001).](kjim-29-437-g003){#F3} ###### Baseline clinical characteristics of enrolled patients ![](kjim-29-437-i001) Values are presented as number (%), mean (range), or mean ± SD. MELD, model for end-stage liver disease. ###### Endoscopic findings of enrolled patients ![](kjim-29-437-i002) ###### Result of gastric variceal obliteration using *N*-butyl cyanoacrylate ![](kjim-29-437-i003) Values are presented as number (%) or mean ± SD. ###### Multivariate analysis of potential predictive factors for rebleeding according to time ![](kjim-29-437-i004) CI, confidence interval; EV, esophageal varice. ###### Multivariate analysis of potential predictive factors for bleeding-related death ![](kjim-29-437-i005) CI, confidence interval; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
[Peculiarities of forensic medical reconstruction of the mechanism of injuries in numerous victims of the explosion of a high-capacity blasting device]. The systemic analysis of forensic medical practice in Moscow during the past 15 years has demonstrated the scientific, practical, and social significance of expertise of peace-time blast injuries resulting from many terrorist attacks with the use of improvised high-capacity explosive devices that caused multiple human victims. The authors emphasize the current lack of objective forensic medical criteria for the reconstruction of the mechanism of injuries in numerous victims of the explosion of a high-capacity blasting device. It dictates the necessity of their development and substantiation of their practical application.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
#pragma once #include "il2cpp-config.h" #include "il2cpp-object-internals.h" namespace il2cpp { namespace icalls { namespace mscorlib { namespace System { namespace Security { namespace Cryptography { class LIBIL2CPP_CODEGEN_API RNGCryptoServiceProvider { public: static void RngClose(intptr_t handle); static intptr_t RngGetBytes(intptr_t, Il2CppArray *); static intptr_t RngInitialize(Il2CppArray *); static bool RngOpen(); }; } /* namespace Cryptography */ } /* namespace Security */ } /* namespace System */ } /* namespace mscorlib */ } /* namespace icalls */ } /* namespace il2cpp */
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Development and evaluation of an IgM-capture ELISA for detection of recent infection with bluetongue viruses in cattle. An IgM-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed for the detection of recent infection of bluetongue virus (BTV) in cattle. The test is based on the use of biotinylated capture anti-bovine IgM antibodies bound to a streptavidin-coated ELISA plate. The captured IgM antibodies were detected by application of BTV VP7 antigen and a VP7 antigen-specific monoclonal antibody. The IgM-capture ELISA was compared with the competitive ELISA by testing serum samples from groups of calves infected experimentally with five USA and 19 South Africa serotypes of BTV. The IgM-capture ELISA was able to detect bovine anti-VP7 antibodies from all animals infected with the 24 BTV serotypes at 10 days post-infection, whereas the competitive ELISA was not. When the detectable IgM diminished after 40 days post-infection by the IgM-capture ELISA, the IgG anti-VP7 antibodies remained high. The IgM-capture ELISA is sensitive and can be applied for the detection of recent infection of BTV in cattle.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
by phoenixortheflame Wow. This was the best dinner I’ve had in a long time. Seriously so good. Salads are so great to eat in the summer. Not only do they require little or no use of the oven, but they leave you feeling light, yet still satisfied. Both of these recipes came from Anna Getty’s easy green organic and I’ll include the recipes below. This was the first time I’ve used soba noodles, and definitely not the last time I’ll use them. They’re better than regular pasta and they’re made of buckwheat, so they’re suitable for people who have a sensitivity to gluten–just make sure the box says “100% buckwheat.” Anyway, I don’t have much time today, so check out the recipes below and give them a shot.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Waleed Abdullah Waleed Abdullah (; born April 19, 1986) is a Saudi Arabian association football player who currently plays as a goalkeeper for Al Nassr. He is Al-Shabab's first goalkeeper and was also the Saudi Arabia Olympic team's first goalkeeper during their participation in the 2008 Asian Olympic Qualifiers. He has been the 1st choice goalkeeper for the Saudi Arabia national football team since 2007. Club career Waleed Abdullah began playing on a regular basis with Al-Shabab in the 2007–08 season. In the 2006–07 season he was busy playing with the Saudi Olympic team in their qualifiers, so he had no chance of playing with Al-Shabab as their first goalkeeper. International career Olympic Team Waleed Abdullah played 11 games with the Olympic team during the 2008 Qualifiers, in which he helped the team reach the second round, and was close to qualifying had they won against Japan in Tokyo in the last game. Waleed's best game was against Japan in Tokyo, where he stopped many Japanese attacks and stopped the Japanese from scoring. Senior Team Waleed first joined the Saudi Arabia national football team for the AFC Asian Cup 2007. His first official game was a friendly against United Arab Emirates in June 2007, which ended 2-0 for Saudi Arabia. He also played another friendly against Oman, and it ended 1-1. Right before the beginning of the Asian Cup, Waleed received news of the death of his infant daughter. But he decided to stay with the national team, and was one of the players in Saudi Arabia's squad in the Asian Cup, but didn't get any play time during the cup itself. After the Asian Cup he was called up a couple of times, for a friendly against Ghana which ended 5-0 for Saudi Arabia, and the 2010 World Cup Qualifiers against Singapore which ended 2-0, and for the Uzbekistan qualifier on 26 March 2008. Honours Club Al-Shabab Saudi Professional League: 2011–12 King Cup: 2008, 2009, 2014 Saudi Super Cup: 2014 Federation Cup: 2008–09, 2009–10 Al-Nassr Saudi Professional League: 2018–19 External links Category:Living people Category:1986 births Category:Saudi Arabian footballers Category:Saudi Arabia international footballers Category:Association football goalkeepers Category:Sportspeople from Riyadh Category:Al-Shabab FC (Riyadh) players Category:Al-Nassr FC players Category:2007 AFC Asian Cup players Category:2011 AFC Asian Cup players Category:2015 AFC Asian Cup players Category:2019 AFC Asian Cup players Category:Saudi Professional League players
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Background ========== Superior vena cava (SVC) syndrome is extremely rare in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC). Direct primary tumor invasion (T4b tumor in the 6^th^TNM classification), huge mediastinum lymph node metastasis (LNM), or extended tumor thrombus can be causes of such exceptionally unusual manifestations \[[@B1]-[@B9]\]. SVC syndrome leads to various clinical symptoms, such as headache, facial flush and swelling, and varicose veins over the upper body surface, finally resulting in lethal outcomes if appropriate treatment is not administered \[[@B1],[@B4],[@B9]-[@B11]\]. In particular, tumor thrombus in the great vein can also be a cause of sudden death due to pulmonary embolism. In the past, such advanced DTCs were usually treated with palliative management because of the difficulty of the surgical approach. Thus, surgery for SVC syndrome has been exceptionally challenging in only selected patients \[[@B7],[@B12]\]. Recently, aggressive surgery has been performed occasionally to relieve SVC syndrome. Our search of the English-language literature found only sporadic reports of SVC resection and reconstruction with an expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) graft \[[@B2],[@B3],[@B8]\]. However, there are some concerns about the potential for vascular graft obstruction \[[@B8],[@B13],[@B14]\]. Our two patients were treated successfully with radical resection and reconstruction using autologous tissue, the left brachiocephalic vein or a pericardial patch, to reconstruct the interposition between the right brachiocephalic vein and the SVC. To our knowledge, this is the first report describing SVC reconstruction with autologous tissue to treat SVC syndrome in advanced DTC patients. Case presentation ================= Case 1 ------ A 74-year-old woman was referred to our institution for treatment of neck and mediastinum lymph node recurrence involving SVC. The patient initially underwent total thyroidectomy with bilateral modified neck dissection (MND) for primary papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) with cervical lymphadenopathy at another institution three years before our surgery. On our physical examination, only the cervical nodes were palpable. Computed tomography (CT) scan showed critical stenosis of the SVC due to the recurrent mediastinum LNM (Fig. [1A](#F1){ref-type="fig"}). This patient also presented with an elevated serum thyroglobulin (Tg) (707 ng/ml) without thyroglobulin antibody (TgAb) under TSH suppression (0.025 μIU/ml). Since the clinical symptoms from near total occlusion of SVC increased progressively, we subsequently performed radical resection to remove the recurrent mediastinum LNM and prevent further progression of SVC syndrome. Initially, we attempted to dissect only the mediastinum LNM with preservation of the great veins but could not remove such advanced lesions because of fixed invasion to the right brachiocephalic vein and SVC (Fig. [2A](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). Therefore, we subsequently attempted to perform radical resection followed by venous reconstruction. Temporary bypass using an ePTFE graft was placed between the distal site of the left brachiocephalic vein and the right auricle after resection of the left brachiocephalic vein (Fig. [2B](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). The left brachiocephalic vein was not involved macroscopically. After confirmation of the stable condition of the venous pathway under temporary bypass, the recurrent mediastinum LNM, right brachiocephalic vein and SVC were simultaneously resected. Intraluminal venous invasion of the mediastinum LNM was seen in the opened SVC (Fig. [2C](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). Next, vascular reconstruction was performed with the use of the already resected left brachiocephalic vein as autologous tissue (Fig. [2D](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). This autograft was placed between the distal site of the right brachiocephalic vein and the proximal site of the SVC. Finally, the ePTFE graft was removed after establishment of revascularization by autograft (Fig. [2E](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). There were no significant complications after this surgery. ![**A: Enhanced computed tomography (CT) reveals stenosis of the superior vena cava (SVC) due to invasion of the mediastinum lymph node metastasis (LNM)**. B: Postoperative CT scan shows the patency of the venous pathway after resection and reconstruction with the autograft (left brachiocephalic vein). Two arrows indicate the sites of distal and proximal anastomosis.](1477-7819-7-75-1){#F1} ![**A: Mediastinum LNM invading the posterolateral wall of right brachiocephalic vein and superior vena cava (SVC)**. B: Temporary bypass using an expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) graft was placed between left subclavian vein and right auricle after resection of the left brachiocephalic vein, which was not involved. C: Intraluminal invasion of mediastinum LNM in opened SVC. D: The right brachiocephalic vein and SVC were resected for complete removal of the invasive mediastinum LNM. The isolated left brachiocephalic vein was interposed to reconstruct the venous pathway between the right brachiocephalic vein and the SVC. E: Finally, the ePTFE graft as a temporary bypass was removed after confirmation of the flow in the reconstructed venous pathway.](1477-7819-7-75-2){#F2} Postoperative CT scan revealed that the reconstructed venous system was functioning well (Fig. [1B](#F1){ref-type="fig"}). Histopathological examination confirmed that the resected specimens were metastases from PTC and no portions of undifferentiated carcinoma were found. Unfortunately, lung metastasis with pleural effusion occurred 13 months later. We could not provide any additional effective treatments to alleviate the symptoms. Her general condition gradually became worse and then she consequently died of disease 19 months after our surgery. Our surgical intervention was considered to contribute to preventing the development of SVC syndrome or immediate death by tumor embolism. Case 2 ------ A 64-year-old man was referred to our institution for the treatment of SVC syndrome caused by extended tumor thrombus from a follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC). The patient initially underwent total thyroidectomy with ipsilateral MND for primary FTC with cervical lymphadenopathy at another institution. This patient initially presented with tumor thrombus in the left internal jugular vein via the brachiocephalic vein to the upper part of the SVC. However, only the left internal jugular vein was simultaneously resected and the extended tumor thrombus in the left brachiocephalic vein and SVC was not removed during the initial surgery. Three months later, the patient complained of facial flushing and hypervascularity by varicose veins over the upper body surface, suggesting the occurrence of SVC syndrome. RI therapy was planned, however the clinical symptoms became worse during the preparation (levothyroxine withdrawal) for RI therapy. Therefore the preparation was discontinued and levothyroxine was again administered. The patient was subsequently referred to our institution an additional three months later (i.e., six months after the initial surgery) and additionally presented with right arm swelling and edema as clinical manifestations, suggesting progression of the SVC syndrome. No local or regional lesions were palpable on physical examination. Preoperative CT scan showed extended tumor thrombus totally occupying the left brachiocephalic vein and SVC (Fig. [3A](#F3){ref-type="fig"}). The patient had an elevated serum Tg (25000 ng/ml) without TgAb under TSH suppression (0.039 μIU/ml). Thus, the tumor thrombus that persisted after the initial surgery led to the progressive development of SVC syndrome. ![**A: Extended tumor thrombus totally occupying in the left brachiocephalic vein and the SVC was evident**. B: Successfully reconstructed venous pathway.](1477-7819-7-75-3){#F3} We immediately performed radical resection and reconstruction to entirely relieve the SVC syndrome. In our surgical procedure, the extended tumor thrombus was successfully removed through resection of the right and left brachiocephalic veins and the SVC (Fig. [4A, 4B](#F4){ref-type="fig"}). Indeed, isolated thrombectomy was not possible because of tumor adhesion and invasion to the anterior intraluminal wall of the great veins; however a part of the posterior wall of these veins could be preserved somewhat (Fig. [4C](#F4){ref-type="fig"}). An autologous pericardial patch was then used to reconstruct the venous pathway between both the brachiocephalic veins and the right atrium (Fig. [4D](#F4){ref-type="fig"}). Macroscopic findings of the resected tumor thrombus and veins are shown in Fig. [4E](#F4){ref-type="fig"}. Clinically, the SVC syndrome improved immediately after our surgery. Postoperative CT scan showed that revascularization was successfully achieved with the reconstructed venous system (Fig. [3B](#F3){ref-type="fig"}). Histopathological examination and subsequent immunohistochemical analysis revealed positive staining for Tg in the cells from the tumor thrombus, confirming that the resected specimens were angio-invasion from the FTC. After the surgery, RI ablation could be safely performed and TSH suppression is currently being maintained with an appropriate dose of levothyroxine. There has been no disease progression during the eight months of follow-up since our surgical treatments. ![**A: Extended tumor thrombus in the left brachiocephalic vein and the SVC was apparent**. B: Tumor thrombus was macroscopically observed in the opened great veins. C: Thrombectomy alone was not possible because of the adhesion and invasion to the anterior intraluminal wall of the great veins; however a part of the posterior wall of these veins was able to be preserved. D: Pericardial patch was used to reconstruct the venous pathway between both brachiocephalic veins and the right atrium. E: Macroscopic finding of the resected tumor thrombus.](1477-7819-7-75-4){#F4} Review of the literature ------------------------ Table [1](#T1){ref-type="table"} summarizes the previous reports that describe the treatments and outcomes in DTC patients who exhibited extended tumor thrombus in the mediastinum great veins. The prognoses in such cases were principally unsatisfactory. However some treatments were effective in improving the progression of SVC syndrome and clinical outcomes. Thrombectomy was considered the most valuable surgical procedure when it was feasible. Our report is the first to use autologous graft as an alternative to the ePTFE graft that has generally been used for SVC reconstruction in DTC patients. ###### Tumor thrombus from differentiated thyroid caricnomas in the mediastinum great veins. **Authors** **Patients** **Pathology** **Location** **Therapy** **Outcomes** ------------------------------ ------ -------------- --------------- ---------------- ------------------------------------------- -------------- ----------- Kim *et al*. \[[@B1]\] 1966 64M FTC IJV to RA No surgery Death 18 days Thompson *et al*. \[[@B7]\] 1978 67F FTC IJV to RA Thrombectomy Alive 24 months Perez *et al*. \[[@B12]\] 1984 48F FTC IJV to SVC Thrombectomy Alive 4 months Niderle *et al*. \[[@B8]\] 1990 57M FTC IJV to RA Thrombectomy Alive 13 months 79F FTC IJV to RA Thrombectomy Alive 50 months 53F FTC IJV to RA Reconstruction (ePTFE graft) Thrombectomy Death 8 months Patel *et al*. \[[@B4]\] 1997 79F PTC IJV to SVC, PV Thrombectomy Death 12 days Onaran *et al*. \[[@B11]\] 1998 48M Hürthle IJV to SVC No surgery (biopsy), RI therapy Death 12 months Wiseman *et al*. \[[@B10]\] 2000 84M DTC? IJV to SVC Thrombectomy Death 12 months Koike *et al*. \[[@B16]\] 2002 26F PTC BCV to SVC Cardiopulmonary bypass Alive 8 months Hasegawa *et al*. \[[@B15]\] 2002 78F PTC IJV to RA Reconstruction (ePTFE graft) Death 36 days Motohashi *et al*. \[[@B3]\] 2005 64F PTC IJV to SVC Reconsrtuction (ePTFE graft) Alive 24 months Sugimoto *et al*. \[[@B2]\] 2006 61M PTC BCV to RA Thrombectomy, RI therapy Death 12 days Taib *et al*. \[[@B6]\] 2007 66F FTC IJV to RA Thrombectomy, RI therapy Alive 18 months 62F FTC IJV to RA Thrombectomy Alive 18 months 45F FTC IJV to BCV Thrombectomy Death 21 days Yamagami *et al*. \[[@B17]\] 2008 74M PTC IJV to RA No surgery, RI therapy, EBRT Alive 7 months Hyer *et al*. \[[@B5]\] 2008 81F FTC IJV to SVC Reconsrtuction (pericardial patch) Alive 66 months Wada *et al*. \[present\] \- 64M FTC IJV to SVC No surgery Alive 7 months PTC: papillary thyroid carcinoma, FTC: follicular thyroid carcinoma, ATC: anaplastic thyroid carcinoma, DTC: differentiated thyroid carcinoma, IJV: internal jugular vein, BCV: brachiocephalic vein, RA: right atrium, ePTFE: extended polytetrafluoroethylene (Gore-Tex) graft, RI: radioactive iodine, EBRT: external beam radiotherapy. Discussion ========== Since SVC syndrome caused by a mediastinum tumor from thyroid carcinoma is particularly rare, surgical intervention has been considered problematic and its indication remains controversial. Tumor thrombus within the SVC can be a cause of critical syndrome followed by lethal outcomes \[[@B1],[@B4],[@B7],[@B10],[@B11]\]. In the management of thyroid carcinoma, Thompson *et al*. firstly reported a case with successful resection of extended tumor thrombus in mediastinum great veins \[[@B7]\]. Perez *et al*. also reported a second case of successful resection of intraluminal SVC invasion \[[@B12]\]. Thus, the surgical approach to improve SVC syndrome has been challenged and SVC reconstruction has usually been performed with an ePTFE graft, interposed between the internal jugular vein and the right atrium, to reconstruct the venous pathway \[[@B2],[@B3],[@B8]\]. We performed SVC resection and reconstruction using autologous tissue without the use of an artificial vascular graft. In general, patients with SVC syndrome die of disease when surgical intervention is not applied. Patel *et al*. and Wiseman *et al*. reported poor prognoses in patients without surgery \[[@B4],[@B10]\]. Onaran *et al*. concluded that appropriate initial surgery might result in a disease-free state despite the residual presence of the tumor thrombus \[[@B11]\]. Niederle *et al*. reported three patients with SVC syndrome caused by tumor thrombus \[[@B8]\]. One patient underwent SVC reconstruction with an ePTFE graft, which was unfortunately occluded three months later, and another two patients were clinically asymptomatic after surgical treatment. Thus, aggressive surgery may be useful to relieve SVC syndrome and to prevent sudden death due to tumor embolism. Meanwhile, Hasegawa *et al*. reported immediate occurrence of intrapulmonary spread of the tumor after surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass, resulting in perioperative mortality due to respiratory failure \[[@B15]\]. Thus, surgical intervention for SVC syndrome remains controversial because of the treatment dilemma between perioperative morbidity and mortality with aggressive surgery and the poor prognosis with palliative therapy. ePTFE graft has been used to improve SVC stenosis or occlusion and provide long relief from SVC syndrome \[[@B2],[@B3]\]. Sugimoto *et al*. and Motohashi *et al*. recommended reconstruction of the SVC using an artificial graft as the treatment of choice \[[@B2],[@B3]\]. However, there are some concerns about poor long-term patency of this artificial graft. Occlusion of the vascular graft has occasionally been reported during the follow up period \[[@B8],[@B13],[@B14]\]. Shintani *et al*. reported poor long-term patency of an ePTFE graft to reconstruct the left brachiocephalic vein \[[@B14]\]. They preferably advocate isolated reconstruction of the right brachiocephalic vein. The use of Y grafts was not recommended because of the frequent occlusion of such grafts. Alimi *et al*. indicated that close observation of the artificial graft is essential to determine the potential for graft problems earlier, especially during the first year after reconstruction \[[@B13]\]. A tumor thrombus can sometimes be relatively easily removed by thrombectomy alone without simultaneous resection of the great veins. Koike *et al*. reported a young woman with PTC who was successfully treated with thrombectomy from the brachiocephalic vein \[[@B16]\]. Yamagami *et al*. also reported a very rare case presenting with huge tumor thrombus extending to the atrium that was effectively treated with tumor thrombectomy alone, without harvesting all of the associated great veins \[[@B17]\]. Some authors have suggested that positive ring sign, a thin rim of contrast medium surrounding the tumor thrombus on enhanced CT examination, indicates the feasibility of successful tumor thrombectomy \[[@B6]\]. This sign may be useful to make a decision regarding the surgical strategy. Unfortunately, our case with extended tumor thrombus did not show this sign and thrombectomy alone was considered impossible because of the fixed adhesion and invasion of the tumor to the intraluminal wall of the great veins. In our cases, we used autologous tissue, the brachiocephalic veins or a pericardial patch, to reconstruct the venous pathway. In fact, similar technique with autologous tissue has been used in the reconstruction of the SVC for other mediastinal malignancies \[[@B18],[@B19]\]. In the field of cardiovascular surgery, these autologous tissues are preferably used as conduits, because of their low thrombogenicity, although the long-term patency of these materials in such patients is still unknown. We believe their long-term patency to be superior if tumor recurrence does not occur. Endovascular therapy (EVT) may be primarily preferred as an initial treatment for SVC syndrome, because of the less invasiveness. Rizvi *et al*. concluded that EVT showed significant efficacy to relief the symptoms from SVC syndrome although surgical therapy remains for patients who are not eligible for EVT \[[@B20]\]. Charokopos *et al*. performed secondary EVT due to the thrombosis in a patient who underwent the SVC reconstruction with an ePTFE graft \[[@B21]\]. Thus, EVT may be considered useful less invasive treatment to improve SVC syndrome. Table [1](#T1){ref-type="table"} summarizes the clinical results in DTC patients who presented with tumor thrombus in the mediastinum great veins. Both histological types, FTCs and PTCs, exhibited tumor thrombi and almost half of the patients died of disease. The patient\'s age and gender did not appear to affect clinical outcomes. More recently published review articles summarize the results of SVC reconstruction in other benign and malignant diseases. Lanuti *et al*. concluded that SVC resection and reconstruction were acceptable in the selected patients with SVC syndrome \[[@B22]\]. Picquet *et al*. concluded that SVC reconstruction could be safely performed as an alternative treatment in patients who did not respond to more conservative therapies \[[@B23]\]. Radiotherapy is effective in the fraction of thyroid carcinomas. Therefore, RI therapy and external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) are recommended to improve SVC syndrome when feasible. Hyer *et al*. reviewed the results from previous studies and recommended the use of various treatment modalities, such as surgery, RI therapy, and EBRT \[[@B5]\]. Taib *et al*. reported two patients who were successfully treated with thrombectomy followed by RI therapy \[[@B6]\]. Wilford *et al*. reported that EBRT contributed remarkably the improvement of SVC syndrome \[[@B9]\]. However, the elevation of serum TSH levels during the preparation period for RI therapy may adversely affect the growth of the tumor and may worsen the SVC syndrome. One of our patients experienced such progression of SVC syndrome due to elevated TSH during the preparation period. The preparation was immediately discontinued and this patient was then referred to our institution and subsequently underwent radical resection and SVC reconstruction using an autologous pericardial patch. After our surgery, RI treatment could be safely performed. Conclusion ========== To our knowledge, the use of autologous tissue has never been reported for SVC reconstruction in advanced DTCs patients. This approach might become the treatment of choice in surgical intervention for SVC syndrome because of the tolerance against infection and the anti-thrombogenicity of these materials compared with artificial grafts. Herein, we report the successful treatment of two DTC patients presenting with SVC syndrome. Consent ======= Written informed consent was obtained from the patients for publication of these case reports and any accompanying images. A copy of the written consent is available for review by the Editor-in-Chief of this journal. Competing interests =================== The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Authors\' contributions ======================= NW obtained written informed consent from the patients and drafted the manuscript. All authors carried out at least a part of operation and participated in collection of clinical data. NW and MM participated in the development of manuscript. All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
THIRD DIVISION September 30, 2003 No. 1-02-1743 RICHARD J. GESKE, ) Appeal from the ) Circuit Court of Plaintiff-Appellant, ) Cook County. ) ) ) BARBARA A. GESKE, ) Honorable ) John E. Morrissey, Defendant-Appellee. ) Judge Presiding. JUSTICE SOUTH delivered the opinion of the court: This is the second appeal which arises from an order of the circuit court reopening its decision on defendant's motion for a directed finding upon remand and granting that motion. The chronology of events is as follows: On February 3, 1999, plaintiff, Richard J. Geske, filed a two-count complaint against defendant, Barbara A. Geske, alleging unjust enrichment and fraud.  Specifically, the complaint alleged that defendant had been unjustly enriched by depriving plaintiff of his ownership interests in property and income and had fraudulently entered into an agreement with plaintiff, thereafter defrauding him of his property and income interests.  A bench trial was commenced on June 5, 2001. At the conclusion of plaintiff's case- in-chief, defendant made a motion for a directed finding, which the trial court denied.  Immediately after that ruling, defense counsel rested without presenting testimony or documentary evidence, and after closing arguments the trial judge ruled in defendant's favor as to both counts of the complaint. On July 5, 2001, plaintiff filed a notice of appeal of the ruling to this court.  On March 7, 2002, in a unanimous Rule 23 order reversing and remanding the trial court's ruling, this court held in pertinent part: "Here, the defendant moved for a directed finding, each side argued the motion's merits, and the trial judge denied the motion.  In doing so, the trial judge did not merely determine that the plaintiff had made a prima facie case and, therefore, a judgment as a matter of law in the defendant's favor was improper.  Instead, the trial judge also took into account the credibility of the witnesses and the quality of the evidence and found that the plaintiff's evidence was sufficient to satisfy the required burden of proof. *** Accordingly, when the defendant rested without offering any additional evidence, the initial determination that the plaintiff had satisfied his required burden of proof was unchallenged.  Therefore, we hold that the trial judge erred in finding that the plaintiff had failed to satisfy his required burden of proof and entering a judgment in the defendant's favor." Geske v. Geske , No. 1-01-2512 (2002) (unpublished order under Supreme Court Rule 23). This court did not address any other issues raised by plaintiff and reversed and remanded the cause to the circuit court for further proceedings "not inconsistent with this order." A petition for rehearing filed by defendant was denied.   On remand, plaintiff filed a motion for "Entry of Order in Favor of Plaintiff on Counts of Unjust Enrichment and Fraud and For Entry of an Order for Damages Consistent with the Illinois Appellate Court's Ruling."  In her response to that motion, defendant pointed out that this court never directed the trial court to enter any findings, judgments or awards of damages for plaintiff.  Defendant asked the trial court to deny all relief, enter an order clarifying the reasons for its original finding or, in the alternative, reopen the proofs at the point at which the court denied plaintiff's motion for a directed finding and allow her to present evidence in support of her defense. The trial court denied plaintiff's motion and ruled in favor of defendant on both counts of her motion for a directed finding.  In rendering its decision, the court stated: "Let me say this.  There's no question that 2-1110 applies.  I frankly was not aware of the statute.  When you moved for a directed finding at the close of all the evidence *** you didn't, I'm virtually certain, cite the statute, and I *** applied the Pedrick standard.  I don't know whether I actually said that on the record, but there's no doubt that I did apply the Pedrick standard and that is the wrong standard in civil bench trials. *** Basically, the statute calls for a jury-type assessment; did the plaintiff establish his case by a preponderance of the evidence considering and weighing all of the evidence *** I just want to point out the difference between the standard for directed verdicts in bench trials.  We have to start out from that premise. *** [T]he Appellate Court was correct in pointing out that I did not apply [sic] correct standard. *** When [defense counsel] moved for a directed finding, she did not argue 2-1110.  Frankly, I wasn't aware of its existence when this case was tried.  Neither of the parties urged that that is the standard I was to apply.  I believe, [defense counsel], you argued that the Pedrick standard was the law for me to consider, and I obviously ruled from that legal position." The court went on to explain that when it originally ruled on defendant's motion for a directed finding by applying the incorrect standard, it had considered the evidence in the light most favorable to plaintiff, the nonmoving party, and denied the motion because it did not believe the evidence "so overwhelmingly" favored defendant, the moving party.  The trial judge acknowledged time and time again that he had made a mistake since the Pedrick standard does not apply in civil bench trials . The trial judge then reviewed his notes from the original trial, and after applying the correct standard, section 2-1110 of the Code of Civil Procedure (735 ILCS 5/2-1110 (West 2000)), and after considering the credibility of the witnesses and the weight and quality of the evidence granted defendant's motion for a directed finding, stating that he did not find plaintiff's testimony to be credible.  This second appeal followed. Plaintiff has raised three issues for our review: (1) whether questions of law presented and determined in a prior appeal become the law of the case and are binding on the parties and the trial court in any subsequent proceeding on remand; (2) whether the trial court can sua sponte reopen its decision of the defendant's motion for a directed verdict after remand when the trial court's decision was not appealed by the defendant; and (3) whether the trial court on remand must follow the opinion and mandate of the appellate court. In ruling on a motion for a directed finding or judgment, the court must consider all of the evidence, including any favorable to the defendant, and pass on the credibility of witnesses, draw reasonable inferences from the testimony, and generally consider the weight and the quality of the evidence.   Kokinis v. Kotrich , 81 Ill. 2d 151, 154 (1980).  On appeal, the decision of the trial court should not be reversed unless it is contrary to the manifest weight of the evidence.   Kokinis , 81 Ill. 2d at 154. On remand, the trial judge conceded that he had applied the wrong standard in his original ruling on the motion for a directed finding because he applied the Pedrick standard rather than section 2-1110.  In Pedrick v. Peoria & Eastern R.R. Co. , 37 Ill. 2d 494 (1967), our supreme court held that "verdicts ought to be directed and judgments n.o.v . entered only in those cases in which all of the evidence, when viewed in its aspect most favorable to the opponent, so overwhelmingly favors movant that no contrary verdict based on that evidence could ever stand."   Pedrick , 37 Ill. 2d at 510. Section 2-1110 of the Code of Civil Procedure (Code) states in pertinent part: "In all cases tried without a jury, defendant may, at the close of plaintiff's case, move for a finding or judgment in his or her favor.  In ruling on the motion the court shall weigh the evidence, considering the credibility of the witnesses and the weight and quality of the evidence.  If the ruling on the motion is favorable to the defendant, a judgment dismissing the action shall be entered.  If the ruling on the motion is adverse to the defendant, the defendant may proceed to adduce evidence in support of his or her defense ***."  735 ILCS 5/2-1110 (West 2000). Contrary to the Pedrick standard, which governs a motion for a directed verdict during a jury trial, under section 2-1110 the court is not to view the evidence in the light most favorable to the plaintiff.   Kokinis , 81 Ill. 2d at 154.  Rather, the circuit court must weigh all of the evidence, determine the credibility of the witnesses, and draw reasonable inferences therefrom.   Kokinis , 81 Ill. 2d at 154-55.   In Illinois there is a two-stage process when a trial court rules on a motion for a directed verdict at the close of the plaintiff's evidence in a bench trial. First, the judge must determine whether the plaintiff has made out a prima facie case.   Kokinis , 81 Ill. 2d at 154-55. Secondly, the judge, as the trier of fact, must weigh the evidence, and based on the weighing make a ruling.   Kokinis , 81 Ill. 2d at 154-55. If the plaintiff fails to make out a prima facie case, the defendant is entitled to judgment in his favor as a matter of law, and the court must enter a directed finding in favor of the defendant without going to the second stage under section 2-1110.   Kokinis , 81 Ill. 2d at 154-55.  If the plaintiff has presented at least some evidence on every element essential to the plaintiff's cause of action, the plaintiff has succeeded in making out a prima facie case, and the judge, as the trier of fact, must move on to the second stage of the process.   Kokinis , 81 Ill. 2d at 154-55. Trial courts have the inherent power to correct their previous rulings.   People v. Van Cleve , 89 Ill. 2d 298, 432 N.E.2d 837 (1982).  It would be absurd to suppose that trial judges who conclude they have made mistakes should not be free to correct them within an appropriate time frame.   Here, the trial judge acknowledged numerous times that he had made a mistake when he originally ruled on the motion for a directed finding by applying the Pedrick standard rather than the Kokinis -section 2-1110 standard.  We find, therefore, that having once determined he had erred by applying an incorrect standard, the trial judge had the inherent authority to reopen the motion for a directed finding and rule on it accordingly by applying the correct standard. Having determined that the judge was not in error in reopening the motion for a directed finding, we must now determine whether his decision that plaintiff had failed to establish a prima facie case was against the manifest weight of the evidence. Only two witnesses testified at trial, plaintiff and defendant.  According to the testimony there was an oral agreement between plaintiff and defendant that plaintiff would move back into the home, at defendant's request, in exchange for his helping her raise and care for their teenage daughter.  Plaintiff testified that defendant induced him to return to the premarital property by promising him that they would "share in everything."  Plaintiff lived in that home for 24 years, purchased automobiles, some of which were new, took vacations, and basically lived independently from defendant. Initially, the court noted that plaintiff's testimony was lacking in credibility. As to the first count of the complaint alleging unjust enrichment, the trial judge held that the oral agreement between plaintiff and defendant that plaintiff would move back into the marital abode to help defendant with the raising of their teenage daughter was unenforceable under the statute of frauds because it was not in writing and could not be performed within one year.  The court also found that the agreement was lacking in consideration. As to the second count of the complaint alleging fraud, the court held that plaintiff was required to establish an intentional  misrepresentation of fact upon which he was induced to rely by defendant which resulted in his pecuniary detriment.  The court found, however, that plaintiff lived independently and did not suffer any pecuniary or financial harm because he moved back into the marital home and had been "taken care of" since that time.  Consequently, the court ruled there was no misrepresentation and, therefore, no fraud, and that plaintiff had not sustained his burden of proof either in tort or contract.  In rendering its decision, the court stated: "The defendant was kind enough to her former husband to let him stay in her house, much to her chagrin, and your client [,] somehow feeling aggrieved, feeling that he was entitled to 'palimony,' if you will, under the guise of fraudulent misrepresentation came in and offered his testimony, which I found was largely not credible.  Your client was basically able to freeload off his ex-wife because she didn't have the nerve I guess or was too kind to put him out of her house.  There was no jural relationship between the parties after 1974 when the degree [sic] of divorce was entered. He paid rent and I guess in reviewing the evidence bought a conversion van at one time during this relationship, but he did little else.  He was really no more than a common law tenant." After reviewing the evidence and the record in this case, we find that the trial court's findings were not against the manifest weight of the evidence once it applied the section 2-1110 standard on remand. The court was in the best position to judge the credibility of the witnesses, observe their manner and demeanor while testifying and resolve the conflicts in their testimony.  For these reasons we shall not disturb those findings. Accordingly, the judgment of the circuit court is affirmed. Affirmed. HALL, J., concurs. HOFFMAN, J., dissents. PRESIDING JUSTICE HOFFMAN, dissenting: The facts relevant to a resolution of this appeal are not in dispute.  The plaintiff filed a two-count amended complaint against the defendant asserting claims for unjust enrichment and fraud.  The matter proceeded to trial without a jury.  At the close of the plaintiff's case-in-chief, the defendant moved for a directed finding pursuant to section 2-1110 of the Code of Civil Procedure (Code) (735 ILCS 5/2-1110 (West 2000)).  The trial court denied the motion.  Thereafter, the defendant rested without introducing any additional evidence.  Following a brief deliberation, the trial judge entered a judgment in favor of the defendant on both counts.  The plaintiff appealed, contending that the court's judgment was inconsistent with its denial of the defendant's motion for a directed finding.  We agreed, reversed the judgment, and remanded the matter to the circuit court for further proceedings.   Geske v. Geske , No. 1-01-2512 (2000) (unpublished order under Supreme Court Rule 23) (hereinafter referred to as " Geske I "). On remand, the trial court sua sponte vacated its order denying the defendant's motion for a directed finding at the close of the plaintiff's case-in-chief, granted the motion, and again entered judgment in favor of the defendant.  Thereafter, the plaintiff filed the instant appeal.  I would again reverse the trial court's judgment in this matter. When this court reverses an order of the circuit court and remands the cause for further proceedings, the circuit court is bound by our determination of all issues decided and may act only in conformity with our judgment.   Aardvark Art, Inc. v. Lehigh/Steck-Warlick , 284 Ill. App. 3d 627, 633, 672 N.E.2d 697 (1996).  I believe that the procedure employed by the circuit court in this case on remand was inconsistent with the determinations made by this court in Geske I . In Geske I , we held that "the trial judge erred in finding that the plaintiff had failed to satisfy his required burden of proof and entering a judgment in the defendant's favor."  As a consequence, we reversed the judgment entered in favor of the defendant and remanded the cause for further proceedings " not inconsistent " with our order. (Emphasis added.)   Geske I , No. 1-01-2512 (2000) (unpublished order under Supreme Court Rule 23).  On remand, the trial court vacated its order denying the defendant's motion for a directed finding at the close of the plaintiff's case-in-chief, granted the motion, and again entered judgment in favor of the defendant.  Implicit in the trial court's order is a finding that the plaintiff failed, in his case-in-chief, to satisfy his required burden of proof.  The finding is obviously inconsistent with our determination of the same issue in Geske I . When, as in Geske I , this court remands a cause to the circuit court with directions to proceed in a manner not incon­sistent with our order, the correctness of the trial court's action on remand is to be determined by reference to the content of our order.   PSL Realty Co. v. Granite Investment Co. , 86 Ill. 2d 291, 308, 427 N.E.2d 563 (1981).  The defendant asserts that the direction we gave in Geske I was "vague".  To be sure, we did not specifically direct the trial court to enter judgment in favor of the plaintiff.  However, our failure in this regard could in no instance be interpreted as permitting the trial court to enter judgment for the defendant predicated upon a finding wholly inconsistent with a determination that this court had made on the same issue. When we reversed the trial court's judgment for the defen­dant in Geske I and remanded the cause with a direction to conduct further proceedings not inconsistent with our order, I believe that only two options were available to the trial court.  It could have entered judgment in favor of the plaintiff or, in the exercise of its discretion, it could have reopened proofs and continued on with the trial.  Unfortunately, the trial court chose neither option and instead embarked upon a course of action which I believe was inconsistent with this court's prior order. I would reverse the judgment entered in favor of the defendant and remand this cause to the circuit court for further proceedings not inconsistent with our order in Geske I .  Consequently, I must respectfully dissent.
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
Empty Tomb Cookies If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting! Of all the Easter crafts ideas for kids that we enjoy every year, this recipe for an edible craft is the one that is my favorite. My daughter and I made this very special Easter recipe last year and it is a MUST! Not only did she thoroughly enjoy it, but every time she sees vinegar, she tells me that it is what they gave Jesus to drink when he was on the Cross. The memories it creates for me as a parent are absolutely priceless–I know that. But the visual memory markers it creates in her mind, keeping her focused on the Cross at a such a young age, well, that has a value all its own. Bradford and I had such a good time going through the recipe and explaining to her the symbolism in each ingredient. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did. Activity: Put pecans in a Ziploc bag and let children beat them with a wooden spoon, to break them into small pieces.Discussion: After Jesus was arrested, He was beaten by the Roman soldiers.Read: John 19:1-3. Activity: Let children smell vinegar. Add a teaspoon of vinegar to a mixing bowl.Discussion: When Jesus was thirsty on the cross, he was given vinegar to drink.Read: John 19:28,30 This is what her face looked like after she smelled it! Activity: Add egg whites to vinegar.Discussion: Eggs represent life. Jesus gave His life to give us life.Read: John 10:10-11 Activity: Sprinkle a little salt into each child’s hand. Let them taste it and brush the rest into the bowl with the egg and vinegar.Discussion: This represents the salty tears shed by Jesus’ followers, and the bitterness of our own sins.Read: Luke 23:27 Activity: Add one cup of sugar.Discussion: The sweetest part of the story is that Jesus died because He loves us. He wants us to know and belong to Him.Read: Psalm 34:8 Activity: Beat with a mixer on high speed for 12-15 minutes or until stiff peaks are formed.Discussion: The color white represents the purity in God’s eyes of those whose sins have been cleansed by Jesus.Read: Isaiah 1:18 We also have nut allergies in our home and I think I am going to try pretzels instead of pecans. Then the kids will still get to break up the pretzels. Can’t wait to share this with our 3 kids. We’ve made “resurrection rolls” before, but have not heard of these empty tomb cookies. Thanks so much for sharing! I wanted to thank you for sharing the recipe as well. We had a good time making the cookies Saturday night. My 6 year old was the most interested in helping me and we had a wonderful conversations. My husband and I started questioning my six year old about sin and if he understood what sin was and he did. Luke decided on 4/3/10 at 10:00pm to ask Jesus to forgive him of his sins and give him a clean heart. Thank you for sharing with us. Lori Burnett How wonderful! Thank you for sharing that Lori! Keep teaching him about Jesus. Especially about the assurance that nothing can ever separate us from Jesus once we believe. That we are sealed by the power of the Holy Spirit and we have become children off God! My children are in their teens and we have enjoyed these Tomb Cookies and the Resurrection Rolls for year, both are an Easter tradition at our house and they are both very yummy and can teach the real reason of Easter is more than the Easter Bunny. You leave it on at least til it is to the temperature that the recipe says and don’t turn it off until you actually have the merengue ready to go in. Also, don’t make them more than about a tablespoon or so in size. They may fall and not be “empty” inside, they may not be done, as well if they are too big. Pretzels are a great substitute my daughter makes pretzel sticks using large pretzels with pecans (sorry) caramel and chocolate drizzle, the combination is wonderful. You could also try Rice Krispies or Special K, of course coconut would make them more like macaroons. Will pass this site on. Thanks Do you know if I make these in advance with my son and then I put them in the oven after it was preheated later on (hours later) if they will still work? I so want to do this special activity with him tomorrow, but we have plans to go out for dinner and I want to know if we can do the cookies beforehand in the AM and then I can put them in the oven later on that evening? Amy – I am not sure, I have not tried, but I would think not. They would think they would loose their “fluff” from beating the egg whites if you refrigerated them before cooking. But, it is worth a try! Anyone know? Amy – I just had another idea! Just make them, put them in the oven, let it sit all day (as if you would overnight). Then if you need your oven for dinner, just remove the cookies BEFORE bed (maybe hide them from kids), then just place back in the oven before you go to bed and let them see it in the morning. It will work just the same. HOpe that helps! Wow Thank you so much.. We dont exactly celebrate Easter. We still let our kids do easter eggs and hunt but i couldnt find a fun way to show them what Holy week was all about. We dont exactly do passover but i am trying to find some fun ways to expalin that as well. This is GREAT! now i have something beautiful and yummy to share with my kids! THANK YOU SO MUCH! You sharing with us is such a blessing! There is a Montessori curriculum called Godly Play, where you tell the story in a special way using props and thoughtful questions at the end…I meditate on the passage so that I can tell the story in the way that I believe and with the passion of believing it. Our kids LOVE it and are always asking for godly play. We do this most Sundays as a family bible meditation, but Holy Week has at least three stories in it and then we have communion as a family together. For the Palm Sunday story you make green palm leaves cut out of fabric and silky fabric squares for the “coats” There is a felt backdrop, a felt “road” and a laminated outline of Jerusalem and Jesus on a donkey. After I tell the story and ask questions, the kids get to put down the leaves and coats and say “Hosanna in the highest-Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” I make a similar cookie at Christmas but they don’t use vinegar & they do use vanilla & chocolate chips. They are amazingly good. If I can come up with something the chocolate represents, I will have to try this with my daughter. 🙂 Thanks! These sound yummy!! We did Resurrection cookies last year, but have since discovered several food allergies – including wheat (which knocks out the ability to use biscuits like we did last year) and egg whites which knocks this one out 🙁 I love how each ingredient has a special meaning behind it!! I’d like to try this recipe in Sunday School class. Does anyone know about how many cookies this recipe makes? Can’t find the yield on any website. Not sure if I might need to double the recipe. Thanks! My grandmother taught me to make these (without the resurrection story). She called them Forgotten Cookies. But Grandmother would divide the meringue into parts and stir in choc chips, butterscotch chips, nuts and crushed candy canes into each of the different parts – for a lovely variety in each batch. Thank you for reminding me of the recipe. Also, my thoughts in reference to discussions about double batches or toaster ovens… Meringue doesn’t keep uncooked. It will fall flat after an hour or so. Whatever size batch you make needs to ALL fit into whatever oven you use in ONE go. It is also important not to open the oven at all (not a single crack) for the entire minimum 8 hour period. I want to explain and act out the preparation of the cookies to my Sunday school class If I was to make the cookies at home for them to actually eat and take them to church, will it still be hollow in the inside? Bad news, my cookies didnt come out empty in the middle, but the kids LOVED them, could someone tell me what I could have done wrong, I am not a baker and followed the instructions, however I did triple the receipe, should I have only made one batch at at time? Thanks for the advice. You may not have beat them enough. With that many egg whites, they probably didn’t fluff up enough, which kept them from being hollow inside. I find with baking it is not always easy to double or triple. Next time I’d recommend making them one batch at a time. So sorry they didn’t turn out right! But weren’t they still so yummy? 🙂 You may have put too much merengue in each mound. Since you turn the oven completely off, it cools down, which is fine for smaller merengues but larger ones would need constant low heat for a longer period. I hope to remember this by next year as I only make merenge cookies on Easter eve and that gives plenty of time to remember that they fell when I made them too big the year before! I pray they turn out hollow for you next time! 🙂 Hi Kelly. I really enjoyed this post – especially the pics (your daughter’s expression with the vinegar was precious. Bet she got the point!) and narrative. I did this Saturday with my husband and son (8 years old) and we all enjoyed it but my son LOVED it. It helped to get him up (so early) for sunrise service to remind him he had to unseal the “tomb”! One thing we did a liitle diffently (as I wrote down the scriptures from this and another website but didn’t strictly follow the “script”) and worked well for us was after the egg whites were whipped and bright white I said that Jesus was pure and without sin but that He took our sins on Himself (added the nuts). Samuel could see that it was no longer pure white. But, as we folded them in, they were covered with the white! Thought it was a neat analogy to being covered with Christ’s righteousness and shared verses about that. Then we proceeded as you outlined. Just thought you might like that too. Blessings, Rachael Trackbacks […] that she tasted it when she was learning about how Jesus died on the cross. If you missed it, I wrote a very long post on Empty Tomb Cookies and how to use them with step by step instructions and pictures. I hope you enjoy it! :: […] […] Here is a link to a great activity that may become a favorite tradition in your family. It requires a little planning and patience, but I think it will provide great opportunities for you to talk with your kids about what Easter is really about. It will also give your kids something sweet to look forward to on Easter morning. […] […] we worked through some family devotionals provided by our church. And then Mimi sent us this new idea for Empty Tomb Cookies. We did these the night before, making a few alterations. Although the […] […] you color with your grandchildren. If you are looking for a craft you can build an empty tomb or bake hollow cookies (I like the idea of leaving them in the oven over night). Of course cookies are not the point of […]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
1. Field of the Invention An embodiment relates to a method and a system for handover of a terminal in a radio communication system with hierarchy cell architecture in which macrocells and femtocells are overlapped on each other. More specifically, an embodiment relates to a method and a system for adaptively controlling handover between macrocell base stations, between femtocell base stations, or between femtocell base station and macrocell base station, when a serving base station has load increased or decreased by a predetermined degree. 2. Description of the Related Art A radio communication system uses electromagnetic waves for communication between stationed and mobile radio communication devices such as wireless mobile phone located within a communication coverage area or cell, or laptop computer having radio communication card therein. The base stations are deployed spatially in a geographical service area which is divided into radio cells, to provide radio coverage. In operation, the base stations send out information to a mobile terminal through a down-link radio signal generated therefrom. A terminal located at a predetermined cell sends out the information to a serving base station of the specific cell through up-link radio signal. The base station may have oriented antenna to further divide each cell into different cells or sectors, and each antenna covers one sector. This sectoring of cell increases communication capacity. A variety of radio communication systems, such as a portable device, a mobile phone, a wireless card, a mobile terminal (MT), a user equipment (UE), an access terminal (AT) or a subscriber station (SS), may include one or more base station network to communicate with one or more wireless devices. The base station may be called an access point (AP) or an access network (AN), or included as part of a network. Further, the radio communication system may include one or more access networks to control one or more base stations. In a radio communication network, a base station may be implemented in multi-tier architecture. By way of example, a base station may be located in a radio cell of another base station to provide the radio coverage of a small part of a radio cell. In this case, because another base station is located in a macrocell area, a larger cell can be considered as macrocell, while the smaller cell within the macrocell can be considered as microcell. This macrocell-microcell architecture may extend the radio coverage of a network, and increase radio frequency band and communication capacity of the network. One macrocell may include one or more microcells depending on need for radio coverage at the macrocell. Efforts have been made to increase cell capacity and thus support bidirectional service with high capacity service such as multimedia content, streaming, etc., and along with this, approaches to use high frequency band and decrease cell radius have also been made. Using cells such as picocell with narrow cell radius enables use of higher band than the frequency used in conventional radio communication system, and therefore, more information transmission is provided. However, cost increases because more base stations have to be installed in the same area. The femtocell has been recently suggested as one of the approaches to increase cell capacity using small cells. The femtocell refers to a small scale radio environment in which ultra-small base stations consuming low power are installed inside the home/office building. The femtocell is expected to contribute complete settlement of the next-generation mobile communication system, by providing improved service quality such as improved indoor service coverage and increased capacity. FIG. 1 is a view illustrating a conventional radio communication system, in which macrocells provided by a macro base station and femtocells provided by a femto base station are overlapped with each other. Referring to FIG. 1, the femto base station generally has smaller cell coverage than that of macro base station, and whole (not illustrated) or part of the cell coverage of the femto base station can be included in the cell coverage of the macro base station. FIG. 1 illustrates a situation in which a first terminal 301 and a second terminal 302 receive service from a first macro base station 110 applied as a serving base station. The terminals 301, 302 are mobile and the first terminal 301 is at a location where the cell coverage of the first macro base station 110 overlaps the cell coverage of the adjacent femto base station 200, and the second terminal 302 is at a location where the cell coverage of the first macro base station 120 overlaps the cell coverage of the second macro base station 120. As explained above, the terminals 301, 302 at locations of overlapping cell coverage between the respective base stations frequently determine whether to hand over to another base station. The first macro base station 110 (i.e., serving base station) or the terminals 301, 302 compare to determine if the strength of the signal (RSRPM_i or RSRPF_i) received from the adjacent base station (i.e., second macro base station 120) or the femto base station 200 to the terminals 301, 302 exceeds the sum of the strength of the signal (RSRPS_k) received from the serving base station (i.e., first macro base station 110) and the handover threshold, to thereby determine if it is necessary to hand over to the second macro base station 120 or to the femto base station 200. That is, if the strength of the signal (RSRPFj) received from the femto base station 200 is equal to or greater than the strength of the signal (RSRPS_k) received from the femto base station 200 by the handover threshold (HOMF), the first terminal 301 hands over from the first macro base station 110 to the femto base station 200. In the same situation, the second terminal 302 is at an area where the cell coverage of the first and second macro base stations 110, 120 overlap. In some situations, the strength of the signal (RSRPMj) received from the second macro base station 120 may be greater than the strength of the signal (RSRPS_k) received from the first macro base station 110, but with the difference that does not exceed the handover threshold (HOMM). In these situations, according to the above method for determining whether or not to hand over, the second terminal 302 does not hand over to the second macro base station 120, but keeps being served by the first macro base station 110. If the number of terminals in the same situation as the second terminal 302 increases, i.e., if the number of terminals which do not hand over to another base station increases, the traffic load of the serving base station 110 may increase to overload state. If this happens, terminals served by the serving base station can have interference therebetween, and the above-explained handover determining method can hardly solve the traffic overload, while the terminals have deteriorated QoS and transmission rates. Accordingly, a method and a system are necessary, according to which terminals 301, 302 can easily hand over to adjacent base stations 120 or 200 when the serving base station is overloaded.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
# Channel实现原理 为了给我们的扩展实现`Channel`做准备,这里,很有必要简单分析一下协程的`Channel`实现原理。核心点如下: ```shell 1、什么情况下可以pop 2、当channel不可以pop的时候,应该如何处理消费者协程 3、什么情况下可以push 4、当channel不可以push的时候,应该如何处理生产者协程 5、当channel可以pop的时候,应该如何通知消费者协程 6、当channel可以push的时候,应该如何通知生产者协程 ``` 如果解决了这些问题,就可以去实现`Channel`了。 什么情况下可以pop? 这个问题很简单,当`channel`里面有数据的时候。 消费者协程和生产者协程? 我们定义一个协程是消费者协程还是生产者协程,取决于这个协程**正在**执行哪种操作。如果这个协程**此时**正在执行`pop`操作,那么这个协程**此时**就是消费者协程;如果这个协程**此时**正在执行`push`操作,那么这个协程**此时**就是生产者协程。也就是说,协程是生产者还是消费者不是死的,是会随着协程的操作动态变化的。 当channel不可以pop的时候,应该如何处理消费者协程? 当`channel`不可以`pop`的时候,我们应该挂起这个消费者协程。当`Channel`为空的时候,消费者协程是不可以进行`pop`操作的,此时被`yield`出去。 什么情况下可以push? 这个问题很简单,当`channel`容器没有满的时候。 当channel不可以push的时候,应该如何处理生产者协程? 当`channel`不可以`push`的时候,我们应该挂起这个生产者协程。 当channel可以pop的时候,应该如何通知消费者协程? 首先,我们这里需要明白,是谁在通知消费者协程。是事件循环吗?不是的。 通知消费这协程的是生产者协程。当生产者协程`push`完数据的时候,此时`channel`必定是有数据的。然后,如果有消费者协程在等待`channel`的话,那么就唤醒第一个等待的那个消费者协程。(所以规则是:谁先等待`channel`,谁就先被唤醒) 当channel可以push的时候,应该如何通知生产者协程? 这个的原理和上一个问题的答案类似,不重复说了。一句话:**消费者通知的生产者协程**。 [下一篇:Channel创建](./《PHP扩展开发》-协程-Channel创建.md)
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Q: properties of the Greedy Algorithm (Graph Colouring) So I have shown, that for all n $\in N $ there is a graph $G$ with n vertices such that the Greedy Algorithm will colour it in exactly 2 colours. Further I have shown that for a Graph with diameter at least 3 there is an ordering of the vertices such that the Greedy Algorithm uses at least 3 colours. (both rather trivial tasks admittedly.) Apparently these 2 rather basic insights should give me some more interesting property though, and I m wondering what that could be. A: The conclusion would be that the greedy algorithm isn't optimal, in other words, it sometimes colors the graph in more than the minimal number of colors. One may ask whether a better algorithm exists. This leads to the concepts of NP-completeness, approximation algorithms and hardness of approximation.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Background ========== Lactulose is a synthetic sugar that is made of fructose and galactose and is not absorbed by humans or rodents because of lack of an enzyme that catalyzes the disaccharide. Lactulose, however, can be digested by bacteria in the colon, and hydrogen is produced as a byproduct \[[@B1]\]. A hydrogen breath test after oral administration of lactulose is clinically applied to examine small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, which is an underlying mechanism of irritable bowel syndrome \[[@B2]\]. Lactulose is also used to treat chronic constipation \[[@B3]\] and hepatic encephalopathy \[[@B4]\]. Lactulose is able to ameliorate dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced intestinal inflammation in rats \[[@B5]\]. The effect is likely due to alteration of intestinal microflora, because lactulose increases intestinal levels of *Lactobacillus*\[[@B6]\] and *Lactobacillus* prevents development of colitis in interleukin 10-deficient mice \[[@B7]\]. The effect of lactulose on DSS-induced colitis can also be ascribed to hydrogen production in the colon, because markers of oxidative stress are reduced in the lactulose-administered rats \[[@B5]\]. In addition, Chen and colleagues recently hypothesized that lactulose potentially ameliorates cerebral infarction by producing intestinal hydrogen \[[@B8]\]. We previously reported that *ad libitum* administration of hydrogen water abolishes development of parkinsonian symptoms in a rat model of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-induced Parkinson's disease (PD) \[[@B9]\]. As drinking a large amount of water is not easily accommodated by PD patients, we examined whether lactulose is able to increase breath hydrogen levels in PD patients. We additionally tested effects of lactulose on breath hydrogen levels and on development of 6-OHDA-induced PD in rats. Lactulose efficiently increased breath hydrogen levels in healthy subjects, PD patients, and rats. Lactulose, however, marginally ameliorated development of PD in rats. We also demonstrated that continuous inhalation of hydrogen gas had marginal effects, whereas intermittent inhalation had variable but overt effects on prevention of PD in rats. Materials and methods ===================== Hydrogen preparations --------------------- We made hydrogen-saturated water (1.6 ppm or 0.8 mM) for humans using the AquelaBlue electrolysis instrument (Miz Co. Ltd., Fujisawa, Japan). Hydrogen water for rats was provided by Blue Mercury Inc. (Tokyo, Japan). Pure air (200 ml, Japan Fine Products, Kawasaki, Japan) was equilibrated with 1 ml of hydrogen water, and the hydrogen concentration in the air was measured by a gas chromatograph connected to a semiconductor gas detector (EAGanalyzer GS-23, SensorTec Co. Ltd., Ritto, Shiga, Japan). The hydrogen concentrations of the AquelaBlue water were 1.4--1.6 ppm and those of the Blue Mercury water were 1.0--1.2 ppm. We purchased lactulose from Kowa Pharmaceuticals (Nagoya, Japan). Human studies ------------- The human studies were approved by the Ethical Review Committee of the Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine. Twenty-eight healthy subjects (38 ± 10 years; mean and SD) and 37 PD patients (59 ± 9 years) participated in the studies after appropriate informed consent was obtained. The participants refrained from all food, supplements, and drugs, except water, for at least 12 hours before the studies. For studies of hydrogen water, the healthy participants rested in a sitting position for at least 30 min and took 200 ml of hydrogen-saturated water. End-alveolar breath was obtained in a closed aluminum bag every 5 min for 60 min. For studies of lactulose, the healthy participants and PD patients took 6 g lactulose in 50 ml of water, which was the conventional dose in clinical practice. End-alveolar breath was obtained in a closed aluminum bag every 10 min for 180 min. The breath was immediately transferred to a gas-tight glass syringe and 1 ml was injected into EAGanalyzer GS-23 to measure hydrogen concentrations. Measurement of end-alveolar hydrogen concentrations in rats ----------------------------------------------------------- All rat experiments were approved by the Animal Care and Use Committee of the Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine. Male Sprague--Dawley rats (\~300 g) were anesthetized by an intraperitoneal injection of 330 mg/kg of chloral hydrate, and were inserted with a tracheal tube following tracheotomy. Lactulose (1.3 g/kg) was then intragastrically administrated through a gastric tube. We aspirated 1 ml tracheal gas and immediately injected 2 ml pure air to the trachea. The 2 ml pure water was aspirated in two seconds and was transferred to a closed aluminum bag containing 20 ml of pure air. The hydrogen concentrations were measured with EAGanalyzer GS-23. A rat model of 6-OHDA-induced Parkinson's disease ------------------------------------------------- We stereotactically infused 20 μg of 6-OHDA in 2 μl into the right striatum of seven-week-old male Sprague--Dawley rats (\~250 g) as previously described \[[@B9]\]. At four weeks after the surgery, we counted the number of clockwise turns in 30 min after intraperitoneal administration of 5.0 mg/kg of methamphetamine (Dainippon Sumitomo Pharmaceuticals, Osaka, Japan) The numbers of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-positive cells at the substantia nigra were counted by two blinded investigators at four weeks \[[@B9]\]. We used five different protocols of hydrogen administration. For controls (*n* = 5) and hydrogen water (*n* = 5), we used the data that we reported previously \[[@B9]\]. To confirm that we could still observe prominent effects of hydrogen water, we analyzed two additional rats with control water and two with hydrogen water. Lactulose (3.0 g) was dissolved in 100 ml drinking water. As \~250-g rats took \~25 ml of water per day, the rats took \~3.0 g/kg/day of lactulose, which was 10 times higher than the conventional dose of 0.3 g/kg/day for humans (18 g/day for 60 kg body weight). As the safe maximum dose of lactulose for rats was 12 g/kg/day, the rats well tolerated \~3.0 g/kg/day of lactulose without overt adverse effects including diarrhea. For continuous administration of 2% hydrogen gas, two rats were placed in a 20-liter air-tight chamber, which was continuously supplied with 8 liter/min of 2% hydrogen gas (Iwatani, Tokyo, Japan). For intermittent administration of 2% hydrogen gas, the 20-liter air-tight chamber was supplied serially with 2% hydrogen gas for 15 min and then room air for 45 min at 8 liter/min using a time controller. The one-hour cycle was repeated 12 times from 6 pm to 6 am to recapitulate the habit of drinking water once every hour in the dark \[[@B10]\]. Each hydrogen administration protocol was started 1 week before the surgery. We used the Prizm 4.0c (GraphPad Software, La Jolla, CA) for statistical analyses. Results ======= Lactulose increased breath hydrogen in humans --------------------------------------------- We first examined end-alveolar breath hydrogen concentrations after taking 200 ml hydrogen-saturated water in eight healthy subjects (Figure [1A](#F1){ref-type="fig"}). The hydrogen concentrations increased from 8.6 ± 2.1 (mean and SEM, *n* = 8) ppm to 32.6 ± 3.3 ppm in 10 min. The breath hydrogen concentration, however, became the basal levels in 45 min. ![**Temporal profiles of end-alveolar breath hydrogen concentrations in humans. (A)** Breath hydrogen concentrations after drinking 200 ml hydrogen-saturated water in 8 healthy subjects. Mean and SEM are indicated. **(B)** Average breath hydrogen concentrations after taking 6 g lactulose in 28 healthy subjects and 37 PD patients. The two curves are statistically different (*P* \< 0.0001 by two-way ANOVA). \**P* \< 0.05 by Bonferroni post-hoc test. Mean and SEM are indicated. Three representative temporal patterns of monophasic **(C)**, biphasic **(D)**, and no increases **(E)** of breath hydrogen concentrations after taking 6 g lactulose in PD patients.](2045-9912-2-15-1){#F1} We next examined lactulose-induced hydrogen production in 28 healthy subjects. After taking 6 g lactulose in 50 ml water, end-alveolar breath hydrogen concentrations started to increase at 70 min and reached 38.0 ± 4.2 (mean and SEM, *n* = 28) ppm at 180 min (Figure [1B](#F1){ref-type="fig"}). The hydrogen concentrations did not reach a plateau in the observation period of 180 min. PD patients (*n* = 37) also showed similar increases of breath hydrogen concentrations, but the average increases were about half of the healthy subjects (*P* \< 0.0001 by two-way ANOVA) (Figure [1B](#F1){ref-type="fig"}). Inspection of temporal profiles of hydrogen concentrations in healthy subjects and PD patients revealed that there are three temporal patterns (Figure [1C, D, and E](#F1){ref-type="fig"}). First, in 20 controls (71%) and 10 PD patients (27%), the hydrogen concentrations gradually increased in a monophasic manner (Figure [1C](#F1){ref-type="fig"}). Second, in 4 controls (14%) and 12 PD patients (32%), the hydrogen concentrations increased in a biphasic manner (Figure [1D](#F1){ref-type="fig"}). Third, in 4 controls (14%) and 15 PD patients (41%), the hydrogen concentrations remained essentially unchanged after lactulose intake (Figure [1E](#F1){ref-type="fig"}). The Fisher's exact test revealed that the temporal patterns are different between healthy subjects and PD patients (*P* \< 0.005). Lactulose increased breath hydrogen in rats ------------------------------------------- We next hoped to examine effects of lactulose-induced hydrogen production on prevention of PD in rats. We first examined whether lactulose was able to increase breath hydrogen concentrations in rats. We intragastrically administered 1.3 g/kg lactulose to \~300 g rats and measured breath hydrogen concentrations (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). The basal hydrogen concentrations were 23.3 ± 6.4 ppm (mean and SEM, *n* = 9). The concentrations started to increase at 1.5 hrs after ingestion of lactulose, and reached 124.5 ± 39.5 ppm at 6 hrs (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). ![**Temporal profiles of end-alveolar breath hydrogen concentrations after taking lactulose in rats.** Average breath hydrogen concentrations after intragastric administration of 1.3 g/kg lactulose in rats. Mean and SEM of 9 rats are indicated.](2045-9912-2-15-2){#F2} Lactulose marginally ameliorates PD in rats ------------------------------------------- We examined effects of lactulose on prevention of PD in rats. We infused 6-OHDA in the right striatum of 7-week-old male SD rats to make hemi-PD. Intraperitoneal injection of methamphetamine facilitates release of synaptic dopamine at the dopaminergic nerve terminals at the striatum, which causes the rat to turn clockwise. We counted the number of clockwise turns in 30 min at 4 weeks after the surgery, and quantified effects of hydrogen on prevention of development of PD (Figure [3A](#F3){ref-type="fig"}). We previously reported that control water failed to prevent PD development and the rats rotated 230 or more times in 30 min, whereas hydrogen water efficiently prevented development of PD and the rats rotated less than 50 times in 30 min \[[@B9]\]. We examined two additional rats with control water and two with hydrogen water to confirm that hydrogen water still had marked effects in our experimental system (Figure [3A](#F3){ref-type="fig"}). ![**Behavioral assays of 6-OHDA-infused rat model of hemi-Parkinson's disease.** Circles represent the number of turns in 30 min after intraperitoneal injection of methamphetamine in each rat in each group. Mean and SEM are indicated in blue. A red line represents a putative threshold of 50 turns to conclude that development of PD is ameliorated. Results of five rats with control water and five with hydrogen water that we reported previously are indicated by closed circles \[[@B9]\]. Two additional rats with control water and two with hydrogen water are newly analyzed for this report (open circles). The five groups are statistically different (*P* \< 0.001) by one-way ANOVA. The Dunnett's multiple comparison post-hoc test reveals that hydrogen water (\*\**P* \< 0.01) and intermittent hydrogen gas (\**P* \< 0.05) are different from controls.](2045-9912-2-15-3){#F3} The PD model rats (*n* = 5) started to take \~3.0 g/kg/day lactulose in drinking water one week before the surgery. As 60-kg humans take a maximum of 36 g/day of lactulose for hepatic encephalopathy, 3.0 g/kg/day is 5 times more than the amount that is used for humans. The rats, however, showed no side effects. We confirmed that the breath hydrogen concentrations at 4 weeks were as high as 120.0 ± 12.6 ppm (mean and SEM, *n* = 3) in the PD model rats. We counted the number of methamphetamine-induced clockwise turns, and found that lactulose marginally ameliorated motor deficits but without statistical significance (Figure [3A](#F3){ref-type="fig"}). We previously reported that infusion of 6-OHDA reduced the number of TH-positive cells at the substantia nigra to 40.2 ± 10.6% (mean and SD, *n* = 5), whereas hydrogen water increased the ratio to 83.0 ± 10.2% \[[@B9]\]. Lactulose failed to rescue the death of dopaminergic cells at the substantia nigra and the number of TH-positive cells remained as low as 37.0 ± 6.5% (mean and SD, *n* = 5), which was not statistically different from that of control water. Effects of continuous and intermittent hydrogen gas on a rat model of PD ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In order to simulate lactulose administration, the PD model rats (*n* = 5) were placed in a 2%-hydrogen chamber one week before the surgery and stayed for four weeks after the surgery. As we observed with lactulose, the continuous administration of hydrogen gas marginally ameliorated the number of clockwise turns but without statistical significance (Figure [2A](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). The differential effects of hydrogen water and continuous administration of hydrogen by lactulose and hydrogen gas prompted us to hypothesize that intermittent exposure to hydrogen may be essential to exert beneficial effects for PD. We thus developed a time-controlled gas chamber system, in which rats were serially exposed to 2% hydrogen for 15 min and then room air for the remaining 45 min (Figure [2B](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). The one-hour cycle was repeated from 6 pm to 6 am to recapitulate the rats' habit of drinking water in the dark. Rats (*n* = 6) were placed in the intermittent hydrogen gas chamber one week before the surgery and stayed for four weeks after the surgery. Four of the six rats favorably responded to intermittent hydrogen administration and the numbers of clockwise turns were decreased to less than 50, whereas the remaining two rats showed no effects (Figure [2A](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). The mean and SD of the numbers of turns were 151.8 ± 216.3, which was significantly lower than those of controls (*P* \< 0.05). Discussion ========== Lactulose efficiently increased the breath hydrogen levels in healthy subjects. Although the temporal profiles of breath hydrogen concentrations were more variable in PD patients, the increased hydrogen concentrations was on average about half of that of healthy subjects. We observed biphasic increases of breath hydrogen in 12 of the 37 PD patients. Biphasic increases of breath hydrogen in a hydrogen breath test suggests small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), but the increases of hydrogen concentrations in the PD patients were less than a commonly used threshold of 20 ppm for SIBO \[[@B2]\]. The difference in temporal profiles of the breath hydrogen concentrations between controls and PD patients, however, might be due to the difference in the ages of the two groups (38 ± 10 years vs. 59 ± 9 years). We additionally confirmed that rats also had increased breath hydrogen levels in a monophasic manner after taking lactulose, which underscored a notion that intestinal bacteria digest lactulose and produce hydrogen in humans and rats. In contrast to marked effects of *ad libitum* administration of hydrogen water on a rat model of PD, lactulose and continuous administration of 2% hydrogen gas had marginal effects. On the other hand, intermittent administration of 2% hydrogen gas had variable but overt effects. When a 60-kg person drinks 1000 ml of 72% saturated hydrogen water, the hydrogen concentration of the body water is expected to become 0.8 mmoles x 72% / (60 kg x 60%) = 0.016 mM (2% saturation), which is identical to the hydrogen concentration achieved by a person staying in a 2% hydrogen chamber. Although hydrogen in drinking water can bind to glycogen in the liver \[[@B11]\], hydrogen easily dissipates in exhalation (Figure [1A](#F1){ref-type="fig"}). On the other hand, a person in a 2% hydrogen chamber is exposed to 2% hydrogen for 24 hrs. The area under the curve of hydrogen concentrations in a hydrogen chamber is estimated to be thus \~100 times more than that with hydrogen water. Although a \~250-g SD rat takes \~25 ml of water per day, which is six times more than the amount that humans take, the rats placed in a hydrogen chamber were still exposed to much more amounts of hydrogen compared to the rats that took hydrogen water. Nevertheless, we observed a prominent protective effect against PD with hydrogen water but not with continuous inhalation of 2% hydrogen gas or lactulose. Lack of the dose response is also supported by our observation that intermittent inhalation of 2% hydrogen gas was more protective than continuous inhalation, although the amount of hydrogen was eight times less with intermittent hydrogen administration. Another line of evidence that supports lack of the dose response of hydrogen is intestinal production of hydrogen. Although no mammalian cells can produce hydrogen endogenously, hydrogen is produced by intestinal bacteria carrying hydrogenase. Production of hydrogen by lactulose is also achieved by these bacteria. We humans are able to make a maximum of 12 liters of hydrogen in our intestines \[[@B12],[@B13]\]. Nevertheless, oral administration of a small amount of hydrogen exhibits prominent effects. In a mouse model of Concanavalin A-induced hepatitis, elimination of intestinal bacteria by a cocktail of antibiotics worsened the hepatitis \[[@B14]\]. Restitution of a hydrogenase-negative strain of *E. coli* had no effects, whereas that of a hydrogenase-positive stain of *E. coli* ameliorated the hepatitis. This is the only report that addressed a beneficial effect of intestinal bacteria, but they also demonstrated that drinking hydrogen water was more effective than restitution of hydrogenase-positive bacteria. In addition to lactulose that we tested in our studies, we can easily increase hydrogen concentrations in our bodies by an α-glucosidase inhibitor, acarbose \[[@B15]\]; milk for lactase-deficient adults that constitute 75% of the worldwide population \[[@B16]\]; and an ingredient of curry, turmeric, which enhances the bowel movement \[[@B17]\]. These compounds, however, are unlikely to be effective for PD. Ohsawa and colleagues reported prominent effects of inhaled hydrogen gas for a rat model of cerebral infarction \[[@B18]\]. They demonstrated that the prominent effect of hydrogen is ascribed to a specific scavenging activity of hydroxyl radicals. Effects of inhaled hydrogen gas have been reported in 21 additional diseases, and similarly effects of drinking hydrogen water have been reported in 18 diseases since then \[[@B19]\]. Direct comparison of effects of *ad libitum* administration of hydrogen-saturated water and inhalation of 1% hydrogen gas on a mouse model of cisplatin-induced nephropathy demonstrated that the two modalities of hydrogen administration had similar effects \[[@B20]\]. A small amount of hydrogen is likely to be sufficient to ameliorate nephropathy and PD in rats, but an excessive amount of hydrogen may somehow negate a favorable effect for PD, although no adverse effects of hydrogen have been reported to date. Further studies are required to prove whether the lack of dose response is disease-specific or not. We previously reported that hydrogen attenuates phosphorylation of FcϵRI-associated Lyn and its downstream signaling molecules in rat RBL-2H3 mast cells \[[@B21]\]. We also demonstrated that hydrogen ameliorates an immediate-type allergic reaction not by a radical-scavenging activity but by direct modulation of signaling pathway(s). In addition, using murine RAW264 macrophage cells, we demonstrated that hydrogen reduces lipopolysaccharide/interferon-γ-induced nitric oxide (NO) production \[[@B22]\]. We found that hydrogen inhibits phosphorylation of ASK1 and its downstream signaling molecules, p38 MAP kinase, JNK, and IκBα without affecting ROS production by NADPH oxidase. Both studies point to a notion that hydrogen is a gaseous signaling modulator. The initial increase of hydrogen concentrations in rats drinking hydrogen water was expected to be faster than that of intermittent administration of 2% hydrogen gas, because we added 8 liter per min of 2% hydrogen gas to a 20-liter chamber. Prominent effects that we observed with hydrogen water may be ascribed to the pulsatile increase of hydrogen concentrations in rats. Conclusions =========== Lactulose is a safe and tolerable source of hydrogen production for healthy subjects and PD patients. Although lactulose also increases hydrogen levels in rats, lactulose and continuous inhalation of 2% hydrogen gas have marginal effects on prevention of 6-OHDA-induced PD. On the other hand, intermittent inhalation of hydrogen gas variably but overtly prevents development of PD, but not as efficiently as *ad libitum* administration of hydrogen water. Abbreviations ============= PD: Parkinson's disease; 6-OHDA: 6-hydroxydopamine. Competing interests =================== We have no competing interest to disclose. Authors' contributions ====================== MI^1^ performed rat experiments. MH and SG examined patients and acquired data. KY analyzed breath hydrogen in rats. MI^1^, MH, and KO organized data and wrote the paper. MH, MI^3^, MI^4^, and KO conceived the study. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Acknowledgements ================ This work was supported by Grants-in-Aid from the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare of Japan and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology of Japan.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
Q: Place string in front of underlined text in Word 2013 I have a bunch of questions with right (underlined) and wrong answers in a list like this: 1. What is love? - baby - don't - hurt - me where only the part with the right answer hurt is underlined. How can I replace the - with a + for the right answers? A: Start search, among the options; select to find underline (preparatory step to create the macro) Start recording a macro, select a Short-cut key for the macro Click to search for next occurence, exit the search dialog. Use the CTRL+SHIFT and cursor keys to remove underlining (did you want this?) Move the cursor to the -, delete and replace it with a + Repeat the search, to find next occurence (prepare for repeating the macro) End recording Now, replacing all the occurences is either hitting the shortcut key repeatedly until there is no more underlined text or alternatively, edit the macro to do the repeat (Press ALT+F11 to see the VBA editor, where you will find the code under [+]Module. Might be possible to search -.* with underline code appended, replace with + appended with tab and underline codes - with unix wild cards; never tried that though
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Nathan Patterson (footballer) Nathan Patterson (born 16 October 2001) is a Scottish footballer who plays as a defender for Scottish Premiership club Rangers. Career On 21 December 2019, Patterson signed a new Rangers contract, keeping him at the club until 2022. He made his debut on 17 January 2020 in a Scottish Cup match against Stranraer at Ibrox Stadium. References External links Category:2001 births Category:Living people Category:Scottish footballers Category:Association football defenders Category:Rangers F.C. players
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from south.utils import datetime_utils as datetime from south.db import db from south.v2 import SchemaMigration from django.db import models class Migration(SchemaMigration): def forwards(self, orm): # Removing unique constraint on 'RepositoryCommitter', fields ['project', 'data_import_attempt'] db.delete_unique(u'profile_repositorycommitter', ['project_id', 'data_import_attempt_id']) # Deleting model 'DataImportAttempt' db.delete_table(u'profile_dataimportattempt') # Deleting field 'Citation.data_import_attempt' db.delete_column(u'profile_citation', 'data_import_attempt_id') # Deleting field 'RepositoryCommitter.data_import_attempt' db.delete_column(u'profile_repositorycommitter', 'data_import_attempt_id') def backwards(self, orm): # Adding model 'DataImportAttempt' db.create_table(u'profile_dataimportattempt', ( ('failed', self.gf('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField')(default=False)), ('query', self.gf('django.db.models.fields.CharField')(max_length=200)), 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{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
DesaraeV will help you and your company become online savvy with website building, social media and technology tips. This blog discusses everything from interactive design, to communication strategy, and search engine optimization. Thursday, February 18, 2010 Dark Matter Matters is a blog by brand positioning expert Chris Gram who runs a strategic communications, design, and strategy firm. According to Chris Brogan and Chris Gram's Blog about page Chris spent his last 10 years at Red Hat, the world’s leading supplier of open source solutions, where he played a key role in building the Red Hat brand and culture. While reading Chris's blog I came across a post entitled, Brand positioning tip #7: don’t abandon your strengths, and a quote stating "one of the scariest brand positioning mistakes a company can make– abandoning the position that got them where they are before they’ve established a credible new position." He follows this up by stating that you need to clearly establish your new brand position in your CUSTOMER's mind, not yours or the clients, before you completely abandon the old brand position. What the hell is Brand Positioning? "The specific niche in which the brand defines itself as occupying in the competitive environment." --WOM Pro "As we have argued in our other revision notes on branding, it is the “added value” or augmented elements that determine a brand’s positioning in the market place. Positioning is how a product appears in relation to other products in the market" --Tutor2u This term becomes really relevant when we start trying to write up your strategy and determine that "voice" I keep telling you that you need. Without all the big terminology, brand positioning is your reputation, how others perceive you and why they think they need to buy your product or service over Joey next door's similar product. What is your angle? This question is the beginning of writing your brand's story and is integral to connecting with your customer. As always you are more then welcome to use any of my content, repost it, rewrite it, and broadcast it all I ask is that you link back to where you found it (http://interactivemedias.blogspot.com) I would also love to hear YOUR comments, questions or concerns of my posts and reviews! What do you think, its ok if our opinions don't match up! Leave a comment or let me know what you would like to learn more about and maybe it will become my next blog post or video blog. Also don't forget to subscribe to my video tutorials (on youtube or itunes) as well as subscribe to my blog posts on here so you can have the latest web tips, tricks and book reviews delivered directly to your inbox!
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Camp Kanesatake The website contains history of Camp Kanesatake in Southeast Michigan. Camp Kern and Camp Mirimichi (NO LONGER VALID) This website has nearly a complete memorabilia and photo history of these High Sierra camps founded in the 1930's. Camp La-No-Che Camp La-No-Che is located in Central Florida Council. This is virtually a complete collection of patches issued by the camp. Camp MassawepieMassawepie Staff Alumni Association and contains camp history and memorabilia (patches, neckerchiefs, etc.) for the Massawepie Scout Camps. The camp is located in the Adirondack Mountains, 12 miles from Tupper Lake, NY. It is currently celebrating its 50th anniversary (1952-2002) as the Boy Scout summer camp for the Otetiana Council, Rochester, NY. Camp Miakonda The website contains history and pictures from Camp Miakonda, which was purchased and built in 1917. There are probably few scout camps in America as storied as Erie Shores Council's (formerly Toledo Area) Camp Miakonda. Camp Osceola (now the H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation). The camp was opened in 1930 by the Kansas City Area Council of the BSA. The website also has a page of the pre-Camp Osceola patches from the 1920s and the patches of the Kansas City Tribe of Mic-O-Say.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
You have reached your daily practice limit but fun and learning doesn't have to stop. Create your Account on TurtleDiary.com and keep learning. Your Account will get you unlimited access to the free games and activities on TurtleDiary.com. School in US and Canada can join for FREE. So, create your account today! Alphabet Crossword Alphabet Crossword is a simple puzzle and vocabulary exercise for preschoolers. The game progresses from A to Z, teaching the child some common words associated with each alphabet. Kids have to fill the crossword puzzle by clicking and dropping the words in the corresponding blank spaces. Through this puzzle game, kids will build and expand their vocabulary as they learn new words, their spellings and their pronunciations.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Kylie Jenner was recently named the youngest billionaire in the world at the age of 21, officially dethroning Mark Zuckerberg and her boyfriend Travis Scott that the sweetest reaction to it Updated Mar 07,2019, 09:26 AM IST Travis Scott took to Twitter to congratulate his ‘Queen' Kylie Jenner after Forbes crowned her the youngest billionaire in the world at the age of 21 as she officially dethroned Mark Zuckerberg. The Astroworld singer shared a pic of Kylie from the Forbes interview on his Twitter with the simple phrase "QUEEN." Travis was recently accused of cheating on his girlfriend whom he dated for almost two years, and soon after Kylie reportedly found the messages in his DMs they had a huge fight, that even caused him to cancel his Astroworld concert in Buffalo; although, Travis has repeatedly denied those claims and says he cancelled the show due to being sick. Travis over the weekend did perform at his two New York City shows and even gave a shoutout to his "wifey", saying, "I love y'all. Thank y'all for coming out. Astroworld. I love ya, wifey! We out!" Kylie after she was deemed the youngest self-made billionaire of all time, well so we thought would throw a huge lavish party for her family and friends to celebrate the success. But that's not what happened. Kylie firstly thanked Forbes for the recognition, as she shared the post that Forbes shared and wrote, "thank you @forbes." She was then seen celebrated her friend Victoria Villarroel's birthday. Kylie, last July made headlines that also caused a controversy when she appeared on Forbes' cover. People were unhappy that Forbes categorised her as "self-made." Forbes calculated her net worth to be $900 million last year, and a few months later, she's hit the billion dollar mark - all thanks to launching Kylie Cosmetics in 2015, which was only four years ago.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Further Success in Cardiff The band continued its strong start to the 2018 contesting season, achieving 2nd place in the Championship Section at the opening contest of the 2018 Welsh League series, held at Willows High School in Cardiff on April 28th 2018. The band’s back row cornet section brought further silverware back to the Bont in winning the ‘Terry Hill Best Back Row Cornet Section Trophy’. In this Own Choice contest, adjudicated by Robert Childs and David Hirst, the band chose to perform ‘Sinfonietta No. 3’ by Etienne Crausaz. Full results for the section are below.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Star Trek Into Darkness Review Week: Sarah Ashley Captain’s log, Stardate-310389.15. It’s been one week and a day since I viewed JJ Abrams’ much anticipated sequel to Star Trek (2009). I have since received mixed reviews from both hardcore enthusiasts and general moviegoers and I find myself comfortably settled on one solid opinion… It was a very good movie. Anticlimactic? Sure is. Let me go on. JJ Abrams with his first Trek movie (remembering that he himself was never a Trek fan) successfully rebooted the series in a way that did what is seemingly impossible to do in nerd-dom: he didn’t piss off millions of fans. In fact, he introduced the next generation of fans (bah dum psssh!) to some very beloved characters. With Into Darkness, he continues the same thread of these great characters, backs it up with strong, punchy dialogue, and provides stunning visuals which is exactly what a movie going audience wants out of a summer blockbuster. The highlight of the film is in the actors performances. Once again Chris Pine channels early Shatner’s bravado and daring in a way that is downright charismatic. John Cho and Karl Urban’s Sulu and Bones (respectively) were well timed and most welcome in tense moments. Zachary Quinto is of course an impeccable and self-aware Spock, and Zoe Saldana brings that extra element of Uhura’s female confidence and sincerity to round out the main crew. But you already knew that if you saw the first movie. The real stars here though are Simon Pegg and Benedict Cumberbatch. Pegg earned himself more screen time in the sequel and made every second worth it, as he was responsible for more than just laughs, but also crucial movements in the action. His Scotty is truly the heart and soul of this take on the Enterprise. Cumberbatch was stunning as the villain, and no one could have played it like he did. I am already a fan of his from Sherlock the BBC TV series, but this dark deceptive character is startlingly different than the Asperger-like eccentric detective. One thing the Cumberbatch does really well – aside from, you know, just talking – is that he always presents his characters as thoughtful and ten steps ahead of everyone. Abrams did tone down the dreaded lens flare this time around, so even though it was present, it wasn’t excessive and I hope that critics can feel good about that. The 3D visuals were well worth it, and only in one segment in the beginning did they do the obnoxious 3D movie trick of having stuff shoot out at you. I will say that many of the plot points were predictable but that doesn’t mean that I didn’t enjoy the ride along the way. My biggest annoyance however (as a movie lover) was one short scene with a lovely, intelligent physicist in her underwear. It was a cheap way to create sexual tension between Carol and Kirk, and was clearly added to give all the straight dudes in the audience a nerd-on. I would have cared less if there was more Chris Pine in his underwear to balance it out. JJ, you owe me more half naked Chris Pine. THIS IS WHERE THE SPOILERS HAPPEN. GO AWAY IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THE MOVIE. Of course, this is where we mention that yes, the mysterious villain that we’ve clamoring to know has been Khaaaaaaaaaaaaan all along. This is some dicey discussion for the hardcore fans, so go read Eric Bricmont’s review for his problems with the pasty-white version of Khan. I do wonder why the writers didn’t create a new villain for this movie. It is a reboot after all, with an alternate timeline excuse to create someone awesome and innovative. Why do something that’s the same, but different sort of? Perhaps it was a reason to get Nimoy back (and I admit, I cheered when I saw him). Why didn’t they take the opportunity to redo storylines like the Doomsday Machine, the Gorn, or Balok (I’m sure Clint Howard isn’t doing anything right now…). This movie works very well for those who haven’t seen The Wrath of Khan though, and that counts for something. Despite all that, it still was a solid, entertaining, and well-constructed film. Abrams knows the bulk of the movie going audience and he plays that game well. He gets the best out of his actors, and he has successfully made Star Trek fresh, fun, and exciting. So just relax, Trekkies and Trekkists. This doesn’t erase anything that’s happened before. Remember, it’s an alternate universe. Like this: You may also like Let me start out by saying that I have never been a fan of Superman. I always thought the Christopher Reeve Superman films were hokey and childish, with no real sense of wonder nor intrigue into the psyche of what it means to be Kal-El/Superman. I’m in the minority when I say that I really enjoyed Superman Returns & have watched it several times since it came out. It was the closest to a “modern take” of Superman that we had, aside from the superior comics that had better stories to tell. Then the superhero movie genre changed, with Marvel’s Today, we at Business Owners Against Action Heroes (BOAAH), in partnership with the National Demolition Workers Labor Union, are announcing our support for H.R. 3548, otherwise known as the “Metropolis Act.” We believe that this piece of legislation is crucial to fully protect both businesses from the suffering caused by well-intentioned but mindless superheroes, renegade cops, and space robots enacting rampages of vigilante justice. Stop now if you haven’t seen the movie. Bookmark this, go watch it and then return. I love Star Trek. I love it. If you follow the blog then you already know I’m not a Trekkie, for Trekkie doesn’t even sum it up. I had to create an entire religion (Trekkism) to explain my devotion for the franchise. So in 2009, when J.J. Abrams released his rebooted version of the original series, I was skeptical. I remember the nervousness I felt watching the first few minutes, thinking to myself, “Ok, here we go. Please don’t screw this up!” By the end of the first 15 minutes, I could clearly see where he was going, with his alternate timeline/parallel universe. Later in the movie, they even take the time to spell it out on screen for anyone that hasn’t figured it out yet. This development in the plot was equal parts predictable and pleasing. Every fan in the audience was relieved; here was our out. Now Abrams could do whatever he wanted (within reason) and we could enjoy the ride.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: Everytime I run cluster.fork(), I get a Error: bind EADDRINUSE I'm using node.js, and using the cluster module. Everytime I run cluster.fork(), I always get a throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event Error: bind EADDRINUSE at exports._errnoException (util.js:746:11) at cb (net.js:1205:33) at rr (cluster.js:592:14) at Worker.<anonymous> (cluster.js:563:9) at process.<anonymous> (cluster.js:692:8) at process.emit (events.js:129:20) at handleMessage (child_process.js:324:10) at Pipe.channel.onread (child_process.js:352:11) I've been googling this, and I have no idea how this is happening because I'm not passing in any port numbers. Thanks EDIT: Posting code var setupWorkers = function() { if (cluster.isMaster) { // Fork workers. for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { cluster.fork(); } } and this is a function that is called in the app.js which I run by calling node app.js A: I was starting a server more than once with all the threads so the port was bound already
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Random Image 0092 Learn More: SCM104 View of the beach, waves and cliffs near 17th Avenue. The three-story building in the background is the Santa Maria del Mar Hotel, later known as Villa Maria del Mar. In April 1891, James Corcoran, Patrick Moran and Henry Johans donated land to the Catholic Ladies Aide Society to establish a resort for "Catholic women of restricted means." (Santa Cruz County. p. 59) To defray the costs of the building and grounds, the Hotel del Mar, as it was also known, was used a resort for paying guests during the summers, at least until 1896. The Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary purchased it in 1963 as a retreat home.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: Got EOFError during loading doc2vec model I could not load a doc2vec model on my computer and I got the following error. But, when I load that model on other computers, I can use that model.Therefore, I know the model was built correctly. what should I do. This is the code: # coding: utf-8 from gensim.models.doc2vec import Doc2Vec import gensim.models.doc2vec from gensim.models.doc2vec import LabeledSentence import os import pickle pth='/home/fatemeh/Step2/input-output/model/iterator' model= Doc2Vec.load(pth+'/my_model.doc2vec') This is the error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "CreateAnnoyIndex.py", line 16, in <module> model= Doc2Vec.load(pth+'/my_model.doc2vec') File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gensim-0.13.3-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/gensim/models/word2vec.py", line 1762, in load model = super(Word2Vec, cls).load(*args, **kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gensim-0.13.3-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/gensim/utils.py", line 248, in load obj = unpickle(fname) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gensim-0.13.3-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/gensim/utils.py", line 912, in unpickle return _pickle.loads(f.read()) EOFError A: I think your model causes the problem. Are you check with same model? I mean build in a same way. please see this page
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Fluorescein retinal angiographic studies of functional amblyopia. Bilateral fluorescein retinal angiographic studies were performed on six persons with unilateral functional strabismic amblyopia. The angiograms were studied using single-blind method for changes that might be attributable to the amblyopia. No such changes were found.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
More Views 5.8X5.8 Complete LED Grow Kit Quick Overview Purchase a bundled Complete Indoor Grow Kit and save up to $275 vs. the build your own kit option. Black Dog LED has taken all the guesswork out of selecting the best equipment for a home grow kit! Each Complete Indoor Grow Kit is created using the best the industry has to offer. We start with a genuine Black Dog LED PhytoMAX-2 1000 grow light. Next, we include the Sun Hut Fortress Tent, and dozens of other top quality products. Our Complete LED Grow Kit is designed to ensure maximum yields with minimal effort! All of the items below are required for the Complete LED Grow Kit and the associated discount. If you'd prefer, check out our Build Your Own Grow Room kit. For a limited time, the complete LED grow kits come with a free kit of Advanced Nutrients- over a $150 value!*Free nutrient pack only within the continental USA LED Grow Light Options For this larger tent, the PhytoMAX-2 1000 is the perfect choice. The 1000 priovides enough light to really drive yields in this huge tent, even all the way out to the corners . If you are looking to keep energy use low and don't need insane yields, then the PhytoMAX-2 800 is a great choice, it will deliver large yields in an easy to manage garden. Note: If you select the PhytoMAX-2 800 instead of the defualt 1000 you may want to decrease the CVault storage container count by 1. At 1050 actual watts and 1602 μMol/s total photon flux, the patent-pending PhytoMAX-2 1000 LED grow lights are the most powerful LED grow lights for sale worldwide. With PhytoMAX-2 we have delivered the most powerful and reliable, truly full-spectrum (365-750nm, UV to NIR) LED plant grow lights! The PhytoMAX-2 1000 uses only the highest-quality, latest-technology, top-bin LEDs to deliver Black Dog LED's proprietary full-cycle Phyto-Genesis Spectrum® evenly over the entire footprint, with unprecedented PAR levels, canopy penetration and yields! A free pair of Black Dog LED heavy duty ratcheting grow light hangers are included with every PhytoMAX-2 1000 light! Grow Containment Maintaining a proper growing environment is crucial for a successful, high-yielding grow. Indoor growing tents provide a convenient way to isolate your growing area so you can maintain proper temperature, humidity, light and odor containment while keeping out dust and insects. Sun Hut Fortress grow tents are the highest-quality, sturdiest tents we've used- and over many years of indoor growing, we've tried them all! Featuring easy assembly, easy access, rubberized bottoms to prevent water damage to floors, sturdy frames to hold lights, filters and fans, the Fortress tents are the best way to create a self-contained environment for your indoor garden. A gorilla could hang from these grow tents! Model numbers identify the approximate volume of the tent in cubic feet. Slide-SCROG kits are a unique, custom-built solution for our grow kits to provide adjustable support for your plants. “SCROG” ("Screen Of Green") is a common term used in the cultivating industry to describe a grid or net placed on your plants to help spread out the canopy, maximizing light penetration and providing support for the plants as the heavy flowers develop. Constructed from durable UV-stabilized plastic, our Slide-SCROG frame is height-adjustable with a ratchet system to provide an easy way to deploy the SCROG netting in your garden. Qty: Ventilation and Air Circulation The 20-watt Monkey Fan version 2.0 is the perfect small oscillating fan for your grow tent. Proper air flow throughout your indoor garden is key to strong and healthy plants. Static fans that do not oscillate don't work since you need intermittent air flow and this fan solves the problem in a convenient, easy to mount, and small package. Proper air flow can help create stronger stems and reduce the incidence of molds and mildews in your garden. The Max-Fan fan line is the most efficient and quiet line produced by the makers of the original Can-Fan. This 6 inch inline fan utilizes a special blade design that is capable of providing airflow equal to larger fans while using less energy. The Max-Fan 6 inch Inline fan also comes with a 3-speed controller built in. Can-Lite Air Filters set the standard for Long Life, Consistent Performance, and low CFM Loss. You can trust a Can-Lite carbon filter when you air needs to be clean! If you're looking for a slightly smaller filter, check out the 4 Inch Carbon Filter here. Phresh® Intake Filters provide intake air filtration, removing dust, pollen and other particulates, organic compounds and odors. These state-of-the-art carbon filters utilize the unique properties of RC-48 Australian activated carbon for maximum efficacy. Phresh® Carbon Filters are professional-grade air filtration systems designed for the serious grower as well as commercial applications. Metal ducting tape is the best solution when connecting ducting and other air-moving equipment. This moisture-resistant tape is designed to seal ducting and keep it sealed throughout heating and cooling cycles. Qty: Monitoring and Control Want to see your indoor LED garden as it would appear outside in natural daylight? Try Black Dog LED's Grow Glasses, created through an exclusive partnership with Method Seven. These LED glasses are the only ones available that will 100% correct our PhytoMAX-2® Phyto-Genesis Spectrum® for the human eye. Please note that these glasses color-correct for PhytoMAX-2 LED grow lights, not Universal Series and original PhytoMAX lights Maintaining proper temperature and humidity in your garden is crucial to maximizing yield. The Grozone Control HT-2 Controller keeps your garden’s temperature and humidity properly maintained through all plant life-cycle stages. Simply plug the ventilation fan in to the HT-2 controlled outlet and program the temperature and humidity levels that will trigger the fan to maintain ideal growing conditions. The large Blueprint Digital Hygro-Thermometer displays current relative humidity levels and temperature in Fahrenheit or Celsius and records high and low points for both variables. This unit is wall-mountable or freestanding and includes a remote sensor probe for second-zone temperature readings. Recording data about your grow on a daily basis will help you maintain an even tighter control of the process and improve future grows. The Black Dog LED Grow Planner Journal, designed in collaboration with Goldleaf®, helps you keep a daily record of plant health, every step of the way. Ideal for growers who wish to plan out their garden, rotation, and feeding schedule. Document important information about everything from watering schedules to terpene profiles. Refine your craft more easily with the Grow Planner. The Grower’s Edge Illuminated Microscope 60x is perfect for viewing your plants extra-close to determine their health, trichome ripeness, or to identify pests. Small and compact, it fits in your pocket! There’s nothing quite like the unique structure trichomes present when looking at them magnified. Monitoring and working with your plants is crucial in maintaining their health, but sometimes your window of availability doesn't happen when your plants’ lights are on. This rechargeable green LED headlamp provides high-powered green light where you need it, without interrupting your plants’ night period. Root Zone These pot elevators provide maximum aeration for the root zone of your plants, allowing air circulation under the pots. Leaving plants to sit in water for prolonged periods of time can be detrimental to their root health. Elevating the base of the plants ensures they drain properly and keeps the plants out of their own run-off to avoid salt build-up in the potting medium. These 13-inch plant pot risers are perfect for keeping your plants “high and dry” as well as allowing air to circulate under the pots for optimal root health. Traditional HID lighting produces large amounts of excess heat in the form of infrared radiation. With LED the reduction in this excess radiation reduces the evaporation and Smart Pots work to ensure proper plant cycling while allowing for the reduced energy consumption of LED lighting. Qty: Nutrient Measuring, Mixing, and Application If you are serious about taking care of your plants you need a pH meter and there simply isn't a better portable meter on the market than the Bluelab Combo Meter. Often referred to as "The Cadillac of Meters", the Bluelab Combo Meter measures pH, Conductivity, and Temperature. These 10ml garden syringes were originally designed for medical use, but they work wonders in a garden when dealing with precise measurements of nutrients. These graduated syringes are clearly labeled and easy to use. These 60ml plastic syringes provide precise, easy measuring and dosing of liquid nutrients. Measure Master gardening syringes are a perfect alternative to pouring liquids into a measuring cup or spoon, and eliminate the risk of splashing or spilling. Made from heavy-duty plastic with easy to read measurements. These 250ml graduated cylinders provide accuracy and precision when measuring out the nutrients for your garden. Made from polypropylene, these durable plastic measuring cylinders have a single metric scale with raised numerals for easy reading. Working on your garden involves having to mix up nutrients. An important part of the process is making sure you have properly mixed nutrients to avoid an unwanted chemical reaction and to ensure the nutrient mixture is properly homogenized. This plastic mixing spoon helps make quick work of mixing in even the largest bucket. Qty: Trimming, Drying, and Curing Proper plant maintenance is crucial for any garden to thrive and Pro-Snips garden trimming shears are perfect for aiding in that daily endeavor. Having both the straight and curved blades in your garden can help make pruning and trimming tasks easier. As your plants grow vigorously under the PhytoMAX®-2 LED grow lights, you’ll need reliable garden clippers to fine-tune growth, as well as for trimming the final harvest! Properly curing and storing your flowers is as important as ideal growing conditions to produce top-quality results. Neglecting these final steps can tarnish the final results of an otherwise stellar grow. The 4 liter CVault humidor container keeps all the contents as fresh as the day it was sealed up by retaining humidity. The commercial lid design features a ¼ inch wide silicone gasket to ensure an airtight seal. Qty: Electrical and Hardware These heavy-duty power strips are durable, reliable, and provide a convenient way to supply the power needed for your garden. This six-outlet power strip comes with a 12-foot cord and surge suppression. The Black Dog LED Adjustable Ratchets have metal gears and can can support 150 pounds. More than enough for our largest industrial grade LED grow light (the PhytoMAX 1000), or any of our smaller lights.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a wearing apparel. More particularly, the present invention relates a wearing apparel with a LED light module which has a predetermined flexibility to fix at the wearing apparel without substantially increasing the stiffness of the wearing apparel. 2. Discussion of the Related Art People such as joggers, cyclists or street cleaners, can be in danger especially in poor weather conditions or at dusk or night time. In such circumstances, they often wear a jacket with light reflective material affixed thereon. However, such jacket requires reflection of light from the vehicle and may not be easily seen and revealed the presence of the person. It is well known that the use of LED light on the wearing apparel to generate a safety light signal, wherein the LED light generally comprises a portable power supply, a circuit board, and a plurality of LEDs mounted on the circuit board. The LED light is fixed to the wearing apparel by affixing the circuit board on the garment of the wearing apparel. LED lights are one of the most popular enthusiasts do to the wearing apparel. The main advantages of LED lights are high energy efficiency, extremely long service life, and low heat generation comparing with other light generators. The LED lights have good environmental performance including high temperature and high humidity resistance. Because each LED comprises a solidstate chip embedded in epoxy, each LED is hard to break or burn out. However, the use of electronic components on the wearing apparel has several problems. The electronic components must be made of water resistance to prevent sweat, moisture, or rain on the wearing apparel. Any moisture entering into one of the electronic components will cause the malfunction of the LED light or even the short circuit of the LED light. In addition, the LED light must be lightweight to fix on the wearing apparel and must allow freedom of movement when the wearer wears the jacket. However, the LED light cannot be used for a windbreaker jacket which is a thin and lightweight jacket designed to resist wind chill and light rain and is commonly worn by a jogger. The LED light is too heavy, comparing with the weight of the windbreaker jacket, when the LED light is affixed thereto. Even though the circuit board can be made of soft material, the LED light will increase the stiffness of the windbreaker jacket. Therefore, the jogger will feel uncomfortable and will have less freedom of movement after wearing the windbreaker jacket. The LED light will also distort the ornamental design of the windbreaker jacket.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
899 F.2d 35 283 U.S.App.D.C. 227, 14 U.S.P.Q.2d 1240 BASILE, S.p.A., Appellant,v.Francesco BASILE, Appellee. No. 88-7228. United States Court of Appeals,District of Columbia Circuit. Argued Nov. 3, 1989.Decided March 20, 1990. Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of Columbia (Civil Action Number 86-03433). George M. Borababy, with whom Mary Elizabeth Bosco and V. Heather Sibbison, Washington, D.C., were on the brief, for appellant. Gary D. Krugman, with whom Cynthia Clarke Weber, Washington, D.C., was on the brief, for appellee. Before WILLIAMS and SENTELLE, Circuit Judges, and ROBINSON, Senior Circuit Judge. Opinion for the Court filed by Circuit Judge WILLIAMS. STEPHEN F. WILLIAMS, Circuit Judge: 1 The two concerns before us dispute who may use the name "Basile" on wristwatches. To avert the confusion that would otherwise prevail among consumers, the district court limited the second comer's use of the mark. We find its limitations inadequate, and remand the case for proceedings consistent with our opinion. 2 * Appellant Basile S.p.A. is an Italian design house which has since 1972 sold high-quality fashion apparel, and since 1977 leather goods and accessories, in the United States under the trademark "Basile". It has registered the mark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Between 1980 and 1986, this Basile did approximately $30 million worth of retail business in the U.S., advertising its wares in such upscale publications as Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, and Gentleman's Quarterly, and selling them in stores to match--Bloomingdale's, Neiman Marcus, and Giorgio of Beverly Hills. Although Basile S.p.A. has not as yet sold any watches in this country, it has run a trial edition of nearly 300 for its European customers, and it states an intention to follow on the heels of other tony designers (Calvin Klein, Gucci, Yves St. Laurent, Hermes) that have already added watches to their fashion lines. 3 Appellee Francesco Basile and his family have been making and selling watches in Italy since 1946, doing business there as Diffusione Basile di Francesco & Co., S.A.S. (To avoid confusion on these pages, we will hereafter refer to Basile S.p.A. as "Basile" and to Francesco as "Francesco Basile" or just plain "Francesco.") With prices ranging from $1500 on up to $20,000, Francesco plainly also caters to the creamier end of the market. In the United States, he had sold fewer than twenty of his watches before this action commenced, all during 1986. For these sales he used a composite trademark consisting of "Basile" and a "double B" design (two Bs, the second one reversed so that the rounded sides of the two meet in the logo's center).1 He also placed an ad in Town & Country; whether or not successful in stirring the interest of the gentry, it clearly aroused that of appellant. Basile promptly asked Francesco to stop using the mark in U.S. markets. See Joint Appendix ["J.A."] 36. The latter sought a declaratory judgment as to his rights to the name; the former countered with charges of unfair competition and trademark infringement in violation of its rights under common law and the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. Sec. 1114 (1988), seeking to enjoin Francesco from all uses of it. 4 The district court found that before Francesco's entry into the market Basile had established for the name a "secondary" and hence protectable meaning in connection with watches. See Mem. Op., No. 86-3433, at 4 & n. 2, 1988 WL 93110 (D.D.C. Aug. 29, 1988). Applying the standard test for mark infringement under the Act, see Polaroid Corp. v. Polarad Elec. Corp., 287 F.2d 492, 495 (2d Cir.1961), the court found that unrestricted use by Francesco would result in a likelihood of confusion between the two producers' goods and cause irreparable harm to Basile. Francesco does not contest these findings. 5 On the remedy, however, the district court's ruling fell well short of Basile's aim. The decision granted its request that Francesco be enjoined from using the name as it had appeared in his initial American models. But the court did not bar Francesco from all uses of his surname. On the contrary, it accepted in full his proposed modifications to the original mark as sufficient to eliminate the prospect of confusion. These modifications included a changed typestyle, enlargement of the "double B" design to twice the size of the "Basile" name, addition of the geographic designator "Venezia" to the mark, and the inclusion on all advertisements, packaging materials, warranty cards, etc., of the following "disclaimer" (with no specification of typeface size): 6 BASILE watches emanate exclusively from Diffusione Basile de Francesco Basile & Co., S.A.S. in Venice, Italy. Diffusione Basile is devoted solely to the manufacture and sale of fine watches throughout the world. 7 Mem. Op. 8-10. On appeal, Basile claims that the district court's order fails effectively to protect its trademark in the Basile name. II 8 "Once an individual's name has acquired a secondary meaning in the marketplace, a later competitor who seeks to use the same or similar name must take 'reasonable precautions to prevent the mistak[ing]' " of the two competitors' goods. Taylor Wine Co., Inc. v. Bully Hill Vineyards, Inc., 569 F.2d 731, 734 (2nd Cir.1978), quoting L.E. Waterman Co. v. Modern Pen Co., 235 U.S. 88, 94, 35 S.Ct. 91, 92, 59 L.Ed. 142 (1914). The sole question here is whether Francesco's modified use of the name will "prevent the mistake." We think not. 9 Common sense and experience make clear that under the district court's arrangement Francesco's watches will continue to be known as "Basile watches." As Learned Hand observed as district judge in the Waterman fountain pen case, considering a junior user's mark distinguished only by initials: 10 Now it is perfectly plain to any candid person that the ordinary buyer pays little attention to such prefixes as "L.E." and "A.A." ... The public means by the "Waterman" pen the [senior user's] pen; indeed, so the defendant concedes, being punctilious to avoid that name without its prefix. But the public by that very fact looks no further than the name. For myself, although I have used such pens for years, I am sure that I should not have had the least suspicion but that an "A.A. Waterman" pen was a "Waterman" pen.... 11 L.E. Waterman Co. v. Modern Pen Co., 193 F. 242, 247-48 (S.D.N.Y.1912), modified in part, 197 F. 534 (2d Cir.) (per curiam), aff'd 235 U.S. 88, 35 S.Ct. 91, 59 L.Ed. 142 (1914). See also Chickering v. Chickering & Sons, 215 F. 490, 497-98 (7th Cir.1914). 12 The tendency to mislead would be even more decided on our facts. The spoken version of the marks will not differ even by prefix; the disclaimer itself even uses the protected name, and only that name. Neither the changed typestyle nor the enhanced "double B" symbol can change this fact; we think it unlikely that watch buyers will ask for a "double B watch" when the simple "Basile watch" is at hand. (We do not suppose many watch buyers to be more sophisticated than Judge Hand was with respect to his pens.) Watches are known and called by the words that appear on their faces: Rolex, Timex, Omega, Movado--we can think of no exception. Nor do we think this confusion avoided by the inclusion of "Venezia," especially as Basile is also Italian, and we doubt many American buyers place it firmly or exclusively in Milan. See Carl Zeiss Stiftung v. VEB Carl Zeiss Jena, 433 F.2d 686, 706 (2d Cir.1970) (addition of reference to Jena, junior user's city of origin, not enough to dispel confusion). Assuming the adopted modifications diminish confusion at all, Francesco surely has not met the "heavy burden ... to come forward with evidence sufficient to demonstrate that [the] proposed materials would significantly reduce the likelihood of consumer confusion." See Home Box Office, Inc. v. Showtime/The Movie Channel Inc., 832 F.2d 1311, 1316 (2d Cir.1987). 13 Courts have rarely approved so mild a cure as that adopted by the district court here. They have routinely required second comers at a minimum to use full names, first as well as second in equal size. See, e.g., Waterman, 235 U.S. at 94, 35 S.Ct. at 92; Berghoff Restaurant Co., Inc. v. Lewis W. Berghoff, Inc., 499 F.2d 1183 (7th Cir.1974); Friend v. H.A. Friend & Co., 416 F.2d 526, 534 (9th Cir.1969); Walter Baker & Co. v. Baker, 87 F. 209 (C.C.S.D.N.Y.1898); Emilio Pucci Societa v. Pucci Corp., 10 U.S.P.Q.2d 1541, 1545, 1988 WL 135542 (N.D.Ill.1988). The more recent trend is to forbid any use of the name as part of the proprietor's trademark, permitting use only in a subsidiary capacity, and again with the first name attached. See Joseph Scott Co. v. Scott Swimming Pools, Inc., 764 F.2d 62 (2d Cir.1985) (junior user not permitted to include his name in company name); Taylor Wine, 569 F.2d at 736 (vineyard owner allowed to use name on wine bottles only in signature form); Gucci v. Gucci Shops, Inc., 688 F.Supp. 916, 927 (S.D.N.Y.1988) ("American Tourister [trademark] by Paolo Gucci [non-trademark]" suggested as acceptable use); see also Chickering, 215 F. at 493 ("ACOUSTIGRANDE made by Chickering Brothers" allowed). In either event, the junior user has almost uniformly been bound to display negative disclaimers. See Joseph Scott Co., 764 F.2d at 69 (disclaimer to be no less prominent than name); Taylor Wine, supra, aff'd after remand, 590 F.2d 701, 704 (same). Such was the result in Waterman, where the junior user was allowed to use his name only in conjunction with a negative disclaimer, in letters of the same size, on the pen itself. So much for Francesco's plea that forcing him to include the full name "Francesco Basile" on the watch would be an unreasonable or insupportable burden. See Brief of Appellee 12 ("[t]he name Francesco Basile simply does not fit onto a watch face"). 14 Perhaps anticipating our conclusion that the district court's remedy will not "prevent the mistake" between the two concerns, Francesco takes refuge in the precept that an individual has a "right" to do business under his own name. If some confusion persists under the challenged regime, he seems to say, that is an acceptable price for protecting the privilege. 15 A seller's right to use his family name might have carried the day against a risk of buyer confusion in an era when the role of personal and localized reputation gave the right a more exalted status. In Burgess v. Burgess, 3 De G.M. & G. 896, 903-04, 43 Eng.Rep. 351, 354 (1853), the plaintiff's son had followed him into the trade of making anchovy paste; Lord Justice Bruce said: "All the Queen's subjects have a right, if they will, to manufacture and sell pickles and sauces, and not the less that their fathers have done so before them. All the Queen's subjects have a right to sell these articles in their own names, and not the less so that they bear the same name as their fathers." See also Brown Chemical Co. v. Meyer, 139 U.S. 540, 544, 11 S.Ct. 625, 627, 35 L.Ed. 247 (1891) ("[a] man's name is his own property, and he has the same right to its use and enjoyment as he has to that of any other species of property"); Stix, Baer & Fuller Dry Goods Co. v. American Piano Co., 211 F. 271, 274 (8th Cir.1913). But even quite old decisions have enjoined a second comer's use of his name where necessary to prevent confusion. See, e.g., Thaddeus Davids Co. v. Davids Manufacturing Co., 233 U.S. 461, 472, 34 S.Ct. 648, 652, 58 L.Ed. 1046 (1914); Hat Corp. of America v. D.L. Davis Corp., 4 F.Supp. 613, 623 (D.Conn.1933). The commentators, moreover, have been scornful of protecting the second comer's right to use his name at the expense of customer confusion, anathematizing it as the "sacred rights" theory. See Milton Handler & Charles Pickett, Trade-Marks and Trade Names--An Analysis and Synthesis, 30 Colum.L.Rev. 168, 197-200 (1930); Harry D. Nims, UNFAIR COMPETITION AND TRADEMARKS Sec. 68 (4th ed. 1947); 3A Rudolf Callmann, UNFAIR COMPETITION, TRADEMARKS AND MONOPOLIES Sec. 21.35 (4th ed. 1983); Case Note, 38 Harv.L.Rev. 405, 406 (1925). 16 True, even recent decisions have invoked the right to use one's name, at least as an interest against which the senior user's are balanced. See Taylor Wine, 569 F.2d at 735; Friend, 416 F.2d at 531; Gucci, 688 F.Supp. at 927. But its weight has decidedly diminished. The courts are now consistent in imposing tighter restrictions on the second comer in the face of possible confusion (essentially by upping the reasonableness threshold of Waterman); any residual protection of the second comer's use of his own name seems amply explained by the more general principle that an equitable remedy should be no broader than necessary to correct the wrong. See, e.g., Soltex Polymer Corp. v. Fortex Indus. Inc., 4 U.S.P.Q.2d 1785, 1788 (2d Cir.1987) (citing Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Bd. of Educ., 402 U.S. 1, 16, 91 S.Ct. 1267, 1276, 28 L.Ed.2d 554 (1971), for the principle). Where the second comer had established no reputation under his own name, one court did not even purport to "balance." Bertolli, USA, Inc. v. Filippo Bertolli Fine Foods, Ltd., 662 F.Supp. 203, 206-07 (S.D.N.Y.1987). 17 This trend in the law unsurprisingly reflects trends in the marketplace. In a world of primarily local trade, the goodwill of an anchovy paste seller may well have depended on his individual reputation within the community. Indeed, one elderly decision tells us that an entrepreneur's failure to use his family name once risked "the reproach of doing business under false colors." Hat Corp., 4 F.Supp. at 623. By contrast, the court went on, "[i]n an age when by corporate activity, mass production, and national distribution, the truly personal element has been so largely squeezed out of business, there is naturally less legitimate pecuniary value in a family name." Id.; see also Handler & Pickett, 30 Colum.L.Rev. at 199. That was in 1933 and the point is more obvious today. Other than understandable pride and sense of identity, the modern businessman loses nothing by losing the name. A junior user's right to use his name thus must yield to the extent its exercise causes confusion with the senior user's mark. See Max Factor & Co. v. Factor, 226 F.Supp. 120, 128-29 (S.D.Cal.1963); David B. Findlay v. Findlay, 18 N.Y.2d 12, 271 N.Y.S.2d 652, 655-58, 218 N.E.2d 531, 534-35 (1966). 18 Here Francesco Basile's interest in the use of his name is peculiarly weak. He has no reputation in the United States as a watchmaker. Even in Europe he had until recently marketed his wares under the tradenames "BASMICH" and "BM," so we may infer that even his identity interests have been slight. (In fact we have been presented with the opinion of an Italian court which appears to prohibit Francesco from using his name in Italy. Diffusione Basile di Francesco Basile & C. s.a.s. v. Basile S.p.A., Judgment No. 9877 (Civil Court of Milan Apr. 28, 1988) (unpublished opinion appended to Brief of Appellant).) There is no suggestion that the watch industry is one where an individual proprietor's personal presentation of his wares plays a key commercial role, as may still be true of high fashion designers such as Yves St. Laurent and Christian Dior. Nor is it a business that has remained largely local in scope. Although none of these conditions would allow a second comer to use his own name at a serious cost of customer confusion, their absence means that Francesco's interest in his own name here is scarcely greater than his interest in the name Bulova. While finding no error in the district court's refusal to draw conclusions with respect to Francesco's intentions, see Mem. Op. 6, we think the only plausible motivation for his fight here is a wish to free-ride on Basile's goodwill, precisely what the law means to suppress. 19 We decide this case with all due respect for the district court, aware that its discretion in drafting an injunction runs broad. But to say that we may reverse only for an abuse of that discretion does not mean that we may do so only where the district court's solution is fanciful or irrational. See Omega Importing Corp. v. Petri-Kine Camera Co., 451 F.2d 1190, 1197 (2d Cir.1971). Rather, the result here springs from our "strong conviction that [the district judge] exceeded the permissible bounds of judgment." American Hospital Supply Corp. v. Hospital Products Ltd., 780 F.2d 589, 595 (7th Cir.1986). As we believe the ordered relief "render[ed] the Lanham Act protection meaningless," see United States Jaycees v. Philadelphia Jaycees, 639 F.2d 134, 143 (3d Cir.1981), we must reverse. We recognize that in N. Hess' Sons, Inc. v. Hess Apparel, Inc., 738 F.2d 1412 (4th Cir.1984) (per curiam), a sister circuit went far in acquiescing in a district court's rather feeble remedy, but on that aspect find Judge Rosenn's dissent more in line with the normal scope of review of injunctive relief. See id. at 1417. 20 * * * 21 If Francesco can on remand come up with some use of his name on his watch that will be free of confusion, so be it. But he should in any case not find himself genuinely aggrieved by our decision. He remains free to bring his wares to America under a different label, and whatever goodwill he creates will be associated with the name he selects. Bertolli, 662 F.Supp. at 207. Meanwhile we protect the valid interests of a markholder and the integrity of the fine-watch market. 1 Francesco had also registered his mark, but that is not legally significant in this context. Although Basile's registration is a predicate to its protection under the Lanham Act, the underlying right depends not on registration but rather on use. See Tillamook County Creamery Ass'n v. Tillamook Cheese and Dairy Ass'n., 345 F.2d 158, 160 & n. 2 (9th Cir.1965); Food Fair Stores v. Square Deal Market Co., 206 F.2d 482, 485-86 (D.C.Cir.1953)
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
the x'th term of 163, 403, 641, 877, 1111, 1343, 1573? -x**2 + 243*x - 79 What is the j'th term of 217, 227, 241, 259, 281, 307, 337? 2*j**2 + 4*j + 211 What is the r'th term of -611, -1300, -2139, -3206, -4579, -6336? -13*r**3 + 3*r**2 - 607*r + 6 What is the i'th term of 2, 27, 114, 299, 618, 1107, 1802, 2739? 6*i**3 - 5*i**2 - 2*i + 3 What is the c'th term of -8483030, -8483031, -8483032, -8483033, -8483034? -c - 8483029 What is the z'th term of -3532, -3522, -3512, -3496, -3468, -3422, -3352, -3252? z**3 - 6*z**2 + 21*z - 3548 What is the g'th term of 140, 45, -48, -139, -228, -315, -400? g**2 - 98*g + 237 What is the q'th term of 83, 111, 5, -301, -873, -1777, -3079, -4845? -11*q**3 - q**2 + 108*q - 13 What is the s'th term of 8486, 16953, 25420, 33887, 42354? 8467*s + 19 What is the c'th term of 53126, 53144, 53188, 53270, 53402? 2*c**3 + c**2 + c + 53122 What is the a'th term of -9297, -9294, -9291, -9288, -9285, -9282? 3*a - 9300 What is the a'th term of 118, 793, 1918, 3493, 5518? 225*a**2 - 107 What is the f'th term of 15463, 15487, 15511? 24*f + 15439 What is the d'th term of 198, 567, 938, 1311, 1686? d**2 + 366*d - 169 What is the p'th term of 1847, 1912, 1977? 65*p + 1782 What is the b'th term of -350, -602, -1030, -1640, -2438? -b**3 - 82*b**2 + b - 268 What is the w'th term of 82, 43, -114, -389, -782, -1293, -1922? -59*w**2 + 138*w + 3 What is the o'th term of -1670415, -1670413, -1670411? 2*o - 1670417 What is the u'th term of -65, -168, -295, -446, -621, -820, -1043? -12*u**2 - 67*u + 14 What is the n'th term of 273, 1307, 3043, 5493, 8669, 12583? 2*n**3 + 339*n**2 + 3*n - 71 What is the c'th term of -17069, -17071, -17073? -2*c - 17067 What is the d'th term of 14423, 28841, 43259, 57677, 72095? 14418*d + 5 What is the t'th term of 170, 651, 1442, 2531, 3906, 5555? -2*t**3 + 167*t**2 - 6*t + 11 What is the o'th term of 14335, 14332, 14329? -3*o + 14338 What is the v'th term of -724, -1423, -2122, -2821, -3520? -699*v - 25 What is the x'th term of -6993, -14666, -22341, -30018, -37697, -45378? -x**2 - 7670*x + 678 What is the q'th term of 646, 654, 664, 676, 690, 706? q**2 + 5*q + 640 What is the n'th term of -28211, -28208, -28205, -28202, -28199, -28196? 3*n - 28214 What is the c'th term of 1365775, 2731553, 4097331, 5463109? 1365778*c - 3 What is the y'th term of 258, 165, 20, -177, -426, -727, -1080? -26*y**2 - 15*y + 299 What is the z'th term of 13935, 55723, 125369, 222873? 13929*z**2 + z + 5 What is the k'th term of -440, -409, -366, -317, -268? -k**3 + 12*k**2 + 2*k - 453 What is the v'th term of 382, 3522, 12048, 28654, 56034, 96882, 153892, 229758? 449*v**3 - v**2 - 66 What is the w'th term of 1466, 2535, 3606, 4679, 5754? w**2 + 1066*w + 399 What is the f'th term of -17, -45, -135, -323, -645, -1137? -6*f**3 + 5*f**2 - f - 15 What is the q'th term of 63227, 63225, 63223? -2*q + 63229 What is the g'th term of 139, 1001, 3339, 7891, 15395? 123*g**3 + g + 15 What is the r'th term of 1240, 2467, 3662, 4825? -16*r**2 + 1275*r - 19 What is the f'th term of -1579, -1671, -1763, -1855? -92*f - 1487 What is the r'th term of -162, -358, -554, -750, -946, -1142? -196*r + 34 What is the x'th term of 568, 1137, 1702, 2263, 2820? -2*x**2 + 575*x - 5 What is the d'th term of 1304, 2401, 3498, 4595, 5692, 6789? 1097*d + 207 What is the g'th term of 6425, 12884, 19343, 25802? 6459*g - 34 What is the m'th term of -75, -100, -119, -132, -139, -140, -135? 3*m**2 - 34*m - 44 What is the k'th term of 912, 810, 538, 12, -852? -14*k**3 - k**2 - k + 928 What is the d'th term of -5921, -23745, -53477, -95117, -148665, -214121? -5954*d**2 + 38*d - 5 What is the l'th term of 868, 3444, 7714, 13660, 21264, 30508, 41374, 53844? -3*l**3 + 865*l**2 + 2*l + 4 What is the t'th term of -65861, -131724, -197585, -263444, -329301, -395156, -461009? t**2 - 65866*t + 4 What is the h'th term of -231, -682, -1351, -2238, -3343? -109*h**2 - 124*h + 2 What is the l'th term of 24775, 49546, 74319, 99094, 123871, 148650, 173431? l**2 + 24768*l + 6 What is the s'th term of -113, -177, -223, -245, -237? s**3 + 3*s**2 - 80*s - 37 What is the i'th term of 288, 2402, 8162, 19392, 37916, 65558? 304*i**3 - i**2 - 11*i - 4 What is the p'th term of -21053, -21013, -20973, -20933? 40*p - 21093 What is the k'th term of -408, -1515, -3364, -5961, -9312? -k**3 - 365*k**2 - 5*k - 37 What is the n'th term of 502, 490, 486, 490? 4*n**2 - 24*n + 522 What is the z'th term of 2716, 5744, 9080, 12724, 16676, 20936? 154*z**2 + 2566*z - 4 What is the b'th term of -74, -93, -182, -377, -714, -1229, -1958? -6*b**3 + b**2 + 20*b - 89 What is the w'th term of -184, -708, -1570, -2770, -4308, -6184, -8398? -169*w**2 - 17*w + 2 What is the y'th term of 633, 459, 285, 111? -174*y + 807 What is the j'th term of 77002, 154001, 231002, 308005, 385010, 462017? j**2 + 76996*j + 5 What is the d'th term of 553, 329, 105, -119? -224*d + 777 What is the y'th term of -7002, -7023, -7054, -7095, -7146? -5*y**2 - 6*y - 6991 What is the y'th term of 2194, 2180, 2160, 2134, 2102? -3*y**2 - 5*y + 2202 What is the r'th term of 9508, 9509, 9510? r + 9507 What is the a'th term of -562, -390, 80, 998, 2514, 4778? 25*a**3 - a**2 - 586 What is the r'th term of -13840, -27728, -41650, -55624, -69668? -3*r**3 + r**2 - 13870*r + 32 What is the d'th term of -375, -300, -225, -150, -75? 75*d - 450 What is the k'th term of -8332, -8331, -8316, -8281, -8220, -8127, -7996? k**3 + k**2 - 9*k - 8325 What is the f'th term of 17277, 34603, 51929, 69255, 86581, 103907? 17326*f - 49 What is the l'th term of 32092, 32076, 32060? -16*l + 32108 What is the p'th term of -17, 758, 2047, 3850? 257*p**2 + 4*p - 278 What is the a'th term of 860, 3383, 7570, 13421? 832*a**2 + 27*a + 1 What is the w'th term of 434, 685, 936, 1187? 251*w + 183 What is the c'th term of -102, -216, -350, -510, -702, -932, -1206? -c**3 - 4*c**2 - 95*c - 2 What is the p'th term of 126078, 126061, 126044, 126027, 126010, 125993? -17*p + 126095 What is the r'th term of 2607, 5175, 7759, 10365, 12999, 15667, 18375, 21129? r**3 + 2*r**2 + 2555*r + 49 What is the z'th term of -2656, -2638, -2608, -2566? 6*z**2 - 2662 What is the o'th term of -62039, -62038, -62037, -62036? o - 62040 What is the k'th term of 21422, 21365, 21304, 21239? -2*k**2 - 51*k + 21475 What is the s'th term of 327, 665, 1009, 1359? 3*s**2 + 329*s - 5 What is the q'th term of 673720, 673717, 673712, 673705, 673696? -q**2 + 673721 What is the r'th term of -29943, -59882, -89821, -119760? -29939*r - 4 What is the z'th term of -125, -467, -1067, -1949, -3137, -4655, -6527, -8777? -4*z**3 - 105*z**2 + z - 17 What is the i'th term of -52, -50, -10, 86, 256? 3*i**3 + i**2 - 22*i - 34 What is the j'th term of -241, -302, -377, -472, -593? -j**3 - j**2 - 51*j - 188 What is the n'th term of -266377, -266379, -266379, -266377, -266373, -266367? n**2 - 5*n - 266373 What is the w'th term of 331, 696, 1081, 1492, 1935, 2416, 2941? w**3 + 4*w**2 + 346*w - 20 What is the q'th term of 1069, 2170, 3271, 4372? 1101*q - 32 What is the k'th term of 538, 4288, 14500, 34414, 67270, 116308? 540*k**3 - 9*k**2 - 3*k + 10 What is the p'th term of 4411, 4413, 4413, 4411, 4407, 4401? -p**2 + 5*p + 4407 What is the v'th term of 947, 2350, 3753? 1403*v - 456 What is the d'th term of 815, 652, 379, -4, -497, -1100? -55*d**2 + 2*d + 868 What is the k'th term of -34954, -69907, -104860, -139813, -174766, -209719? -34953*k - 1 What is the p'th term of 12829, 51636, 116315, 206866, 323289? 12936*p**2 - p - 106 What is the f'th term of 48451, 48455, 48459? 4*f + 48447 What is the u'th term of -532, -4289, -14490, -34357, -67112, -115977, -184174, -274925? -537*u**3 + 2*u + 3 What is the r'th term of -57780, -57788, -57796, -57804, -57812, -57820? -8*r - 57772 What is the s'th term of -1590, -1539, -1460, -1353, -1218? 14*s**2 + 9*s - 1613 What is the c'th term of 89031, 89022, 89003, 88968, 88911, 88826? -c**3 + c**2 - 5*c + 89036 What is the p'th term of 834, 811, 732, 567, 286, -141, -744? -5*p**3 + 2*p**2 + 6*p + 831 What is the r'th term of -122, -323, -524, -725, -926, -1127? -201*r + 79 What is the y'th term of -2825, -5622, -8383, -11090, -13725, -16270, -18707, -21018? 3*y**3 - 2818*y - 10 What is the s'th ter
{ "pile_set_name": "DM Mathematics" }
Monday, October 26, 2015 To learn from history, declassify all the files It is a fact that there is no proper declassification policy in India. The greatest tragedy is that the ‘classified’ files are lying in the almirahs of various ministries, where no scholar, researcher or history-lover has access to During his meeting with 35 members of Subhas Chandra Bose’s family, the Prime Minister announced that his government had decided to declassify all files related to Netaji.Mr. Modi further tweeted that he will soon request foreign governments to declassify files on INA’s leader available with them: “Shall begin this with Russia in December."PTI commented: “The demands for declassification of secret files have been growing lately, especially after the Mamata Banerjee government in West Bengal recently declassified 64 files which were in its possession.”That is good news, but it is the tiny crest of a colossal iceberg. Netaji’s disappearance in Formosa or Lal Bahadur Shastri’s strange demise in Tashkent, are ‘scoopy’ parts of the history of modern India; however, millions of files await ‘declassification’ in different ministries and nothing is said or done about it.Incidentally, I always was wondered why Sardar Patel, who still could shoot sharp letters till December 12/13 of 1950, suddenly passed away 2 days later. Has any enquiry been made into this? It was anyway heartening to read Mr. Modi’s tweet: “there is no need to strangle history. Nations that forget their history lack the power to create it."This clearly raises the larger issue: the iceberg itself; i.e., the declassification of all historical documents older than 25 years, not just the ‘famous’ cases. Today, ‘classified’ files are lying in the record rooms of the Ministry of External Affairs, Defence or Home Affairs where no scholar, researcher or history lover has access.This is one of the greatest tragedies of Independent India. Why is it a tragedy for India? India is unable to properly assess her own history as long as all these files remain locked in the respective ministries’ almirahs. Why can’t Indian (or foreign) scholars be able to write India’s history from Indian archives and not from the British, US, Soviet (or even Chinese) declassified archival material, as it is the case today. The only history of Modern India has so far been written by ‘Court Historians’, not serving India, but their master(s).A few days after meeting the Bose family, Narendra Modi addressed the 10th annual convention of the Central Information Commission; he stated: “Secrecy could have been the norm during some old times but I don't think there is need of such secrecy now. Transparency brings in simplicity and speed in the working of the government.”He was of course speaking about the Right to Information Act, but his remarks could apply to history too. After the proscribed time gap has elapsed, scholars and the public at large should be allowed not only to look into a few ‘famous’ cases, but all aspects of the Nation’s history should be transparently made easily available. The Modi Sarkar has come with great hopes: many thought that the old policy of ‘political classification’ would change; but obviously, bureaucratic resistance, the general ‘tamas’ is not that easy to overcome.For example, soon after taking over as the new Defence Minister, Arun Jaitley informed the Rajya Sabha: “The Henderson Brooks Report on 1962 Indo-China war is a ‘top secret document’ and disclosure of any information about it would not be in the national interest.” When in the Opposition, he had himself vociferously been in favour of declassifying this very document.Incidentally, very few politicians noticed that the famous report written by the Anglo-Indian general, had already been ‘released’ by the old Australian journalist Neville Maxwell and was online since March 2014. One can only applaud when the Prime Minister speaks of Good Governance, Transparency and Accountability, but the fact remains, and it is quite appalling, that there is no proper professional declassification policy in India.One could argue, why is it so important for a nation to know its past? The simple answer is because a society is entitled to learn from its past mistakes …and past glory. For this, however, history has to be based on the nation’s own archival sources.To give an example in which I have been personally involved: the history of modern Tibet; you can find plenty of books based on American documents released under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), which ensures public access to all US government records. The FOIA legally carries a presumption of disclosure; the burden is on the government - not the public - to substantiate why information should not be released.One can also visit the India Office Records near London. The British have meticulously kept the records of the Raj, which are open to the general public for consultation and research.As a result, one gets a version of history of the Indo-Tibet or Sino-Indian relations only from the Western and the Chinese points of view, and not India’s. Isn’t it shocking?This example could be multiplied by any number of topics. Today, the Indian version of the post-Independence history of India is full of political clichés, as it has been written by ‘eminent’ historians serving one party only.Another drawback of the non-classification is that documents get lost in the ministries; for example the Himmatsinghji Report of 1951 on the defence of the Indian borders, is, according to a Government submission to the CIC, not ‘traceable’. The Public Record Rules, 1997, state that records that are 25 years or more must be preserved in the National Archives of India (NAI) and that no records can be destroyed without being recorded or reviewed. Legally, it's mandatory for each department to prepare a half-yearly report on reviewing and weeding of records and submit it to the NAI. This is valid for all the ministries including Ministry of External Affairs, Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Defence.While the personnel declassifying historical documents (fully or partially) should make sure that it does not jeopardize the security of the country, at the same time this should not be a pretext to block the due process of declassification, like it is often done.One genuine problem is the lack of ‘professionals’ to do the job.But there are certainly enough young talents in India, who could be trained and later assigned to work on declassification. India has an open-minded Foreign Secretary, who recently introduced the concept of ‘lateral entry’ into the Ministry; under this scheme or a similar one, it should not be difficult to find young scholars, who could work in a time-frame under the supervision of a senior historian.The first thing to do is to create a Historical Division in each important ministry; to put the Division under the care of a professional and reputed historian (with a team of concerned motivated youngsters) and give the latter full responsibility and the means to do the job. But has the bureaucracy the will to come out of the prevalent lethargy?As always, it is certainly easier to do nothing!
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Strange & wonderful marriage of poetry & sports, from Pierre Joris “Strange & wonderful marriage of poetry & sports … Best high five of the whole world cup! Poetry in Motion as Pussy Riot celebrate the 10th anniversary of the death of poet Dimitryi Prigov by incarnating one of his creations: the heavenly and the earthly policeman.Here a Pussy Riot performer/demonstrator high fives the French teenage-genius player MBappé who could turn out to be the greatest player since Pelé. (there’s also images around of an irate Croate player holding a PR member & asking the Russian police to take him away).” #FreeSentsov#SaveOlegSentsov “Pussy Riot released a statement, on Twitter, that claimed responsibility for the World Cup action. It also cited the Russian poet, artist, and performer Dmitri Aleksandrovich Prigov. Tomorrow will mark eleven years since his death. One of Prigov’s iconic creations, present in his poetry and performances, was the image of an ideal policeman, a just and ultimate authority that Pussy Riot’s statement dubbed the Heavenly Policeman. In contrast to the Heavenly Policeman, the statement suggested, stands the earthly policeman. “The Heavenly Policeman will protect a baby in her sleep, while the earthly policeman persecutes political prisoners and jails people for sharing and liking posts on social media.” (I am providing my own translation from the Russian original.)”
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Tablet PCs A tablet PC is the happy medium between laptops and smartphones: they are light and portable while sporting a large screen great for work, play or multitasking. While shopping for a new tablet, keep factors like screen size and keyboard access in mind. The average tablet screen size is between seven and 11 inches. Seven and eight inch tablets are easy to hold in one hand while browsing the internet and can also easily fit in a purse or bag. 10 inch and up tablets are better designed for watching movies, playing games/2636'>video games or typing, but may require a larger tote bag or carrying case. If you plan to type a lot on your tablet, consider a 2-in-1 or convertible model. Convertible tablets provide the versatility of writing emails with a detachable keyboard and also the ability to draw and design with the touchscreen. The touchscreen keyboard on a stand-alone tablet is perfect for basic tasks like shopping and playing games. The best tablets for kids are durable and inexpensive. Look for tablets for less than $100 that include bumpers and protected screens. Not only do kids tablets familiarize your child with technology but they often come preloaded with multiple learning apps and games.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
FactoryBot.define do factory :statistics_announcement do transient do release_date { nil } previous_display_date { nil } change_note { nil } end sequence(:title) { |index| "Stats announcement #{index}" } summary { "Summary of announcement" } publication_type_id { PublicationType::OfficialStatistics.id } organisations { FactoryBot.build_list :organisation, 1 } association :creator, factory: :writer association :current_release_date, factory: :statistics_announcement_date after :build do |announcement, evaluator| if evaluator.release_date.present? announcement.current_release_date.release_date = evaluator.release_date end if evaluator.change_note.present? announcement.current_release_date.change_note = evaluator.change_note end if evaluator.previous_display_date.present? announcement.statistics_announcement_dates << create( :statistics_announcement_date_change, current_release_date: announcement.current_release_date, release_date: evaluator.previous_display_date, ) end end end factory :cancelled_statistics_announcement, parent: :statistics_announcement do cancellation_reason { "Cancelled for a reason" } cancelled_at { Time.zone.now } end factory :unpublished_statistics_announcement, parent: :statistics_announcement do publishing_state { "unpublished" } redirect_url { "https://www.test.gov.uk/government/sparkle" } end factory :statistics_announcement_requiring_redirect, parent: :unpublished_statistics_announcement do end end
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Kimmy-Ann's Anecdote THis piece was started in a journaling session in my L.A. class in 6th grade. Tears sting her eyes as she thought of her past. Once upon a time Kimmy-Ann had real parents that loved her. Once upon a time she laughed with her sisterSo much happened in the past few years that she could write a biography. Her biological parents divorced almost seven years ago-about the time she turned six. She mostly lived with her mom for the first, year according to her confidential court papers. Her mom started dating and was out late almost every night asking a kind, old neighbor to baby-sit. So this was an unstable living condition for Kimmy-Ann. Her neighbor couldn’t take it anymore, watching the girl living without mom figure around the house. She called her friend, a social worker. She tried living with her dad and older sister, Emilie. Then, her dad met a woman who was a drug-addict. Pretty soon, Hamen, Kimmy-Ann’s dad, was on drugs, too and similar situation with Mera, her mom. Once again the kind, old neighbor called her friend the social worker and discussed further with her and Hamen’s lawyer. Emilie and Kimmy-Ann would be put up for adoption since none of their relatives are capable of adopting them. “We are very sorry, but we must separate you and Emilie,” the lawyer acknowledged. I’m very sorry but it’s for the best.” Suddenly frightened, Kimmy-Ann ran through that thought while chills racing down her spine. If you know what’s best, you wouldn’t separate Emile and me. She was hugging Emilie, eleven at that time. “Everything’s going to be okay. I promise to comeback for you.” Emilie got some money from her baby-sitting savings and bought Kimmy-Ann a necklace that matches up with hers. “I love you li’l sis. Please never forget me”, Emilie soothed, trying hard not to cry. Whatever, they thought and burst out crying frenziedly and hugging. Ever since, Kimmy-Ann lives with Aria and Hudson Namos. But then they divorced and Kimmy-Ann lives with Aria. Aria re-married to Ken Miky and had a baby girl named Lillian Miky. “She has the cutest black eyes ever,” she tweeted on Twitter. It was nearing Kimmy-Ann’s birthday and her friends were planning a surprise party for her. Aria was pregnant again and everyone was excited. Nothing can stop this “golden” season from blooming, Kimmy-Ann thought. The day has come. It’s April 27, Kimmy-Ann’s birthday. She triple checked her appearance in the mirror before her party. She had a rush of thoughts about her past. She remembered Emilie her long-lost sister, her biological mom and dad, the neighbor who called social services and let all this happen. Suddenly she had an urge to go visit them. Something twinkling caught her eye. “My name is Fairytwinkle,” the fairy informed. She was Kimmy-Ann’s fairy. All of the girls who went through hard times have a fairy. The fairy acted like a messenger for kids. “OMG! Mom, mom! There is a real live fairy in my room! ,” Kimmy-Ann tired to scream. But she was too in awe to do anything but whisper. Then there was a beautiful lullaby that came from the fairy. That calmed me down an iota. It sounded so familiar. Where had she heard that before? Finally, when Fairytwinkle saw that Kimmy-Ann calmed, she spoke again. “Your real parents sang that to you when you were a little girl,” the fairy breathed. “They are better now and would wish to see you.” Kimmy-Ann thought about it. She was excited and soon forgot her sadness. “What do they look like? What jobs do they have? ,” Kimmy-Ann fired at her. The glittering fairy stopped her. “Aria knows about it and your questions would be answered when you meet your parents. They are better parents and you might be moving in with them soon.” After that, she had a long talk with Aria. “You don’t have to ask me twice,” Kimmy-Ann replied. As she strolled toward the huge kitchen, her friends leaped out. “Surprise!” they all sang in unison “Happy birthday Kimmy-Ann!!” Kitty presented her gift, wristbands that said friends forever. Kathie gave her a scrapbook of all the times they spent together. Angie and Kristi gave her an immense collaged pop-up card. Kimmy-Ann almost cried. It was heart-breaking to realize that she would possibly have to leave her superb friends. Mom (Aria) wouldn’t tell my friends until I’m ready nor would she? I’ll ask her after the party; after my last party with Angie and Kitty, Kristi and Kathie. The party was enthusiastic with awesome DDR dancing, karaoke singing, and a huge pool slide. But Kimmy-Ann was still thinking about her parents. The thought that she would have to leave Lillian is clouding her thoughts. She must have had a notable despondent expression because they asked her to join them at the pool. She forgot her worries and indulged in the spirited activities. After splashing her friends with bucket after bucket of water, they culminated the party. Months past and Kimmy-Ann was doing great in school. She completely forgot about her trip to her biological parents’ homes. As Kimmy-Ann finished the rest of the year, she tried to shirk the thought. When the time came for Kimmy-Ann to go, Aria had another talk with her. Aria lavished Kimmy-Ann with a whole new wardrobe so that she would be less sullen. “I‘m ready,” Kimmy-Ann proclaimed when she arrived at Mera’s house; Aria trailing behind her, feeling awkward. Her mom looked the same physically, Kimmy-Ann thought. Mentally, she would find out soon enough. She ran over to the tactful old neighbor’s house, a block away, she was in the yard, happy to see Kimmy-Ann. “I just want to say thank you for making that phone call,” Kimmy-Ann thanked her. Everything is adequate. No, it’s more than adequate; it’s just right. Subscribe Get Teen Ink’s 48-page monthly print edition. Written by teens since 1989.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
A. Field of the Invention The present invention relates generally to a compound that can be used in compositions such as cosmetic skin care compositions. The compound can include an acid molecule attached to a glycerol or glycol molecule via an ester linkage. B. Description of Related Art With ageing, chronic exposure to adverse environmental factors, or malnutrition, the visual appearance, physical properties, and physiological functions of skin can change in ways that are considered visually undesirable. The most notable and obvious changes include the development of fine lines and wrinkles, loss of elasticity, increased sagging, loss of firmness, loss of color evenness or tone, coarse surface texture, and mottled pigmentation. Less obvious, but measurable changes which occur as skin ages or endures chronic environmental insult include a general reduction in cellular and tissue vitality, reduction in cell replication rates, reduced cutaneous blood flow, reduced moisture content, accumulated errors in structure and function, alterations in the normal regulation of common biochemical pathways, and a reduction in the skin's ability to remodel and repair itself. Many of the alterations in appearance and function of the skin are caused by changes in the outer epidermal layer of the skin, while others are caused by changes in the lower dermis. Several different approaches have been used to treat damaged skin caused by aging, environmental factors, chemicals, or malnutrition. These approaches can oftentimes have various drawbacks, such as significant irritation to the skin or skin toxicity.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
Street Dance Street Dance at SMB is a high energy, fun and technical class. Classes are designed to suit all ages and abilities and students will leave feeling fantastic! Students will learn technique, coordination and build confidence in a safe and friendly environment. Join our specialist street dance teacher Toni Leigh in her fun and rewarding sessions. Tots Street Dance Our Tots Street Dance class is designed for children age 2 - 4 Yrs. This class helps to develop coordination, social skills and basic dance technique. Whilst improving their fine and gross motor skills children will be learning steps and movements to popular up beat music. Tots Street Dance is a fantastic introductory class to get your children into the wonderful world of dance! Junior Street Dance Our Junior Street Dance class is perfect for age 5 – 9 yrs. Children will build a repertoire of moves, steps are broken down to a steady pace to suit all. Dances are choreographed to the latest tunes keeping the class fresh and exciting. All of our students will have the opportunity to take part in exams and perform in the annual SMB Dance show. Intermediate Street Dance Our intermediate Street Dance class focuses on building a wider knowledge of movements and steps. Students will learn how to execute and link combinations to a higher standard whilst having fun in a safe, friendly environment. Senior Street Dance Our senior Street Dance / Commercial Dance class focuses on developing a more in depth knowledge of steps, artistic style and performance skills. Students will have a mature approach to choreography and be able to bring their personality to movements. The senior class will run at a faster pace allowing students to be challenged and develop the ability to pick up new steps and movements quicker than in previous classes. Street Dance Team Join by annual audition only. Our Street Dance team train once a week alongside regular SMB classes and Body Conditioning. Our students train to a more advanced level, learning expertly choreographed street dance routines, to always be improving and taking their skills to the next level. We work at a fast pace, picking up choreography accurately and performing to a high standard. Students will learn how to engage with an audience and keep the level of performance consistent.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.waveprotocol.wave.model.wave.data; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.DocInitialization; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.version.HashedVersion; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.wave.ParticipantId; import java.util.Collection; public interface WaveletData extends ReadableWaveletData { /** * Factory for constructing wavelet data copies. * * @param <T> type constructed by this factory. */ interface Factory<T extends WaveletData> extends ReadableWaveletData.Factory<T> {} /** * Gets a document and its metadata from this wavelet. * * @return the requested document container, or null if it doesn't exist */ @Override BlipData getDocument(String documentName); /** * Creates a document in this wavelet. * * @param id identifier of the document * @param author author of the new document * @param contributors participants who have contributed to the document * @param content initial content of the document * @param lastModifiedVersion version of last worthy modification * @param lastModifiedTime epoch time of last worthy modification * @return the created document * @throws IllegalStateException if this wavelet already has a document * with the requested id */ BlipData createDocument(String id, ParticipantId author, Collection<ParticipantId> contributors, DocInitialization content, long lastModifiedTime, long lastModifiedVersion); /** * Adds a participant to this wavelet, ensuring it is in the participants * collection. The new participant is added to the end of the collection if it * was not already present. * * @param participant participant to add * @return false if the given participant was already a participant of this * wavelet. */ boolean addParticipant(ParticipantId participant); /** * Adds a participant to this wavelet at a specified position in the * participant list, ensuring it is in the participants collection. * Implementations of this interface may assume that this is an infrequently * used method and implement it inefficiently. * * @param participant participant to add * @param position position in participant list where to add the participant * @return false if the given participant was already a participant of this * wavelet, in which case its position is unaffected. * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code position < 0} or * {@code position > getParticipants.size()}. */ boolean addParticipant(ParticipantId participant, int position); /** * Removes a participant from this wavelet, ensuring it is no longer reflected * in the participants collection. * * @param participant participant to remove * @return false if the given participant was not a participant of this * wavelet. */ boolean removeParticipant(ParticipantId participant); /** * Set the version number of this wavelet. * * @param newVersion new version number * @return the old version number */ long setVersion(long newVersion); /** * Sets the distinct version of this wavelet. * * @param newHashedVersion new distinct version * @return the old distinct version */ HashedVersion setHashedVersion(HashedVersion newHashedVersion); /** * Sets the last-modified time of this wavelet. * * @param newTime new last-modified time * @return the old last-modified time */ long setLastModifiedTime(long newTime); }
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Surgical or conservative treatment in ARGP syndrome? A systematic review. The rectus-adductor syndrome is a common cause of groin pain. In literature the adductor longus is reported as the most frequent site of injury so that the syndrome can be fitted into the adductor related groin pain (ARGP) group. The aim of this study was to define what is the best treatment between surgical and conservative in athletes affected by ARGP in terms of healing and return to play (RTP) time. A systematic review was performed searching for articles describing studies on RTP time for surgical or conservative interventions for ARGP. A qualitative synthesis was performed. Only 10 out 7607 articles were included in this systematic review. An exploratory meta-analysis was carried out. Due to high heterogeneity of the included studies, raw means of surgery and conservative treatment groups were pooled separately. A random effects model was used. The results showed quicker RTP time for surgery when pooled raw means were compared to conservative treatments: 11,23 weeks (CI 95%, 8.18,14.28, p<0.0001, I^2=99%) vs 14,9 weeks (CI 95%, 13.05,16.76, p<0.0001, I^2 = 77%). The pooled results showed high statistical heterogeneity (I^2), especially in the surgical group. Surgical interventions are associated with quicker RTP time in athletes affected by ARGP, but due to the high heterogeneity of the available studies and the lack of dedicated RCTs this topic needs to be investigated with dedicated high quality RCT studies.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
UNPUBLISHED UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FOURTH CIRCUIT No. 04-2178 MICHAEL J. SINDRAM, Plaintiff - Appellant, versus S. RANDOLPH SENGEL; DIETRA Y. TRENT; MARK R. WARNER, Defendants - Appellees. Appeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, at Alexandria. James C. Cacheris, Senior District Judge. (CA-04-1-JCC) Submitted: December 9, 2004 Decided: December 14, 2004 Before NIEMEYER, WILLIAMS, and TRAXLER, Circuit Judges. Dismissed by unpublished per curiam opinion. Michael J. Sindram, Appellant Pro Se. Alexander Francuzenko, O’CONNEL, O’CONNELL & SARSFIELD, Rockville, Maryland; Martha Murphey Parrish, Assistant Attorney General, Richmond, Virginia, for Appellees Unpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit. See Local Rule 36(c). PER CURIAM: Michael J. Sindram appeals a district court order denying his motion for reconsideration under Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 60(b). We have reviewed the district court’s order and the record and find the appeal frivolous. Sindram failed to allege any proper grounds for reconsideration. Moreover, on appeal, he failed to specifically challenge the district court’s findings in this regard. Accordingly, we dismiss the appeal as frivolous.* We dispense with oral argument because the facts and legal contentions are adequately presented in the materials before the court and argument would not aid the decisional process. DISMISSED * We agree with the district court that Sindram has a history of filing vexatious and frivolous cases, many of which resulted in meritless appeals. If Sindram continues this conduct, which waste judicial resources, this court will consider ordering sanctions and a pre-filing injunction. - 2 -
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
Vyacheslav Vinnik Vyacheslav Vinnik (born 3 December 1939) is a Soviet sprint canoer who competed in the early 1960s. He won two medals at the 1963 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships in Jajce with a silver in the K-1 4 x 500 m and a bronze in the K-4 1000 m events. He also won 3 gold and 1 bronze medals in Edmonton, AB, Canada championship in July 2005. References Category:Living people Category:Soviet male canoeists Category:1939 births Category:ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships medalists in kayak
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Datastreams are transmitted, for example, as AMI (Alternate Mark Inversion) datastreams. In the AMI data transmission method, two lines are provided without DC component for the transmission of datastreams, the analog signals on one line being inverted with respect to the analog signals on the other line. In the text which follows, logical signals are signals, the signal level of which changes from one logical state to another logical state and the signals can assume a minimum datastream value, a baseline value or a maximum datastream value. In this arrangement, the minimum datastream value is called a logical “−1”, while the value of a baseline is called a logical “0” and the maximum datastream value is a logical “+1”. Between all of these signal values, transitions can take place, i.e. there are 0/1 data transitions, 1/0 data transitions, 0/−1 data transitions, 1/0 data transitions which will be called single-step data transitions in the text which follows. Furthermore, there are −1/1 data transitions and 1/−1 data transitions which will be called double-step data transitions in the text which follows. The information to be transmitted is digitized in such a manner that digital datastreams are provided with a multiplicity of the abovementioned data transitions. The reception and further processing of digital datastreams require that a reference clock signal can be derived directly from the digital datastream. Conventionally, a clock signal which is derived directly from detector data transitions, for example from a baseline value to a maximum datastream value or to a minimum datastream value or, respectively, a transition from a minimum datastream value to a maximum datastream value or conversely, is provided as the reference clock signal. In practice, the direct recovery of a reference clock from the datastream is made more difficult by the fact that the received digital datastreams have jitter i.e. are generally noisy and have “AMI code violations” (bipolar violations). Conventionally, for example, a time at which a datastream crosses a fixed threshold is taken as the time of a 0/1 data transition. A disadvantage of this conventional method consists in that bit-pattern-dependent distortion must be avoided, with the consequence that the frequency spectrum of the datastream must also contain frequency components above a center frequency of the useful signal. This leads to the further disadvantage that noise components are also carried and amplified which can corrupt the useful signal and increase the phase jitter. FIG. 2 shows a conventional method for determining a reference clock RT from a received digital datastream DS. In a datastream receiver E, a digital datastream DS is received and the received signal is supplied to an edge position detection device F which is supplied with a threshold value from a threshold setting device S. This threshold value can be provided as a positive value or as a negative value and the value is preferably between a minimum datastream value and a maximum datastream value. If the received digital datastreams supplied to the edge position detection device F exceeds or drops below this threshold value, a threshold intersection point between, for example, a 0/1 data transition (or another one of the abovementioned data transition) and the set threshold value is output as the reference clock phase RT. Furthermore, disturbances such as jitter, i.e. in general noise, band limiting due to the transmission channel etc. have a disadvantageous effect on the determination of a reference clock phase RT which, therefore, has large errors in such a conventional method of determination. In DE 3442613 A1, a synchronizing stage for obtaining a synchronizing signal is disclosed in which a biternary data sequence referred to a zero line can assume four different amplitude values, namely a maximum positive amplitude value, a maximum negative amplitude value, a positive amplitude value and a negative amplitude value. Although it is possible to obtain with the aid of the arrangement of DE 3442613 A1 a synchronizing signal which is independent of effects of jitter, the circuit arrangement disclosed is extremely complex and costly. Thus, to obtain the synchronizing signal, first, second and third threshold values must be in each case allocated to first, second and third threshold switches or comparators, different threshold switches being addressed depending on the detected edge. The method performed by means of the device of DE 3442613 A1 is extremely complex and is not suitable for reliable and, at the same time, simple recovery of a reference clock from a received digital datastream.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
Calcium reverses the inhibitory action of morphine on neuroeffector transmission in the mouse vas deferens. In the mouse vas deferens, the amplitude of excitatory junction potentials (e.j.p.s.) recorded intracellularly from smooth muscle cells was found to be proportional to stimulus intensity. Normorphine (0.4-2-10 microM) reduced the amplitude of these postsynaptic transients and shifted the stimulus-response curve to the right; i.e. in its presence, higher stimulus intensities were required to elicit an e.j.p. of a similar size to one generated in its absence. Naloxone (0.4 microM) reversed the inhibitory effect of normophine (2 microM). Membrane potentials were unaffected by the concentrations of normorphine employed in solutions of varying ionic compositions. Manoeuvres designed to increase intracellular free calcium, that is increasing the extracellular Ca+ ion concentration (from 2.5 to 5 or 10 mM), removing Mg2+ ions from a medium containing 5 mM Ca2+ or applying 4-aminopyridine (100 microM), enhanced the e.j.p. amplitude and reversed the inhibitory effect of normorphine. Lowering the concentration of Ca2+ ions (from 2.5 to 1 mM) or increasing the concentration of Mg2+ ions (from 1.2 to 4.8 mM) in the bathing solution reduced the amplitude of e.j.p.s. Short trains of impulses (3Hz) facilitated the amplitude of successive e.j.p.s., probably by elevating the intracellular Ca2+ ion concentration. The inhibitory effect of normorphine upon these transients was inversely proportional to the length of the train. It is concluded that the reversal of the effect of normorphine by calcium does not occur at the level of the opiate receptor, and that the opiate depresses the stimulated release of the excitatory transmitter by a reduction in the supply of Ca2+ ions to the stimulus-release coupling mechanism in the sympathetic nerve terminals.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Shawangunk Ridge family legacy preserves unique ecosystem and terrain Related NEW YORK, NY — October 8, 2014 — Seventy-five acres of rugged, undeveloped property bordering Minnewaska State Park Preserve has been acquired by the Open Space Institute. The property, which had been owned for decades by the Schneller family, is located on the southeastern boundary of the Sam’s Point section of the preserve. Preservation of the land will ensure protection of the vast, globally-rare pitch pine barrens that occur at Sam’s Point as well as a stretch of the Verkeederkill stream, which drains the eastern escarpment of the Shawangunk Ridge. OSI’s purchase of the property represents an ongoing commitment to preserving the Shawangunk Ridge and supporting the popular and stunningly beautiful state park. Over its 40-year history, through 40 individual transactions, OSI’s has doubled the size of Minnewaska, adding 13,000 acres to the 22,000-acre park. The two OSI-acquired properties are expected to be added to Minnewaska State Park in the next several years. “These acquisitions build on OSI’s decades of success in preserving the spectacular natural features of the Shawangunk Ridge, protecting its environmental resources and building Minnewaska State Park,” said Kim Elliman, OSI’s president and CEO. “We are grateful to our partners in the community with whom we work and, in particular, to the Schneller family who have been terrific stewards of these properties and whose dedication to the land will be appreciated for generations to come.” “Many thanks to OSI for their ongoing commitment to preserving the unique ecosystems and terrain along the Shawangunk Ridge,” said Jim Hall, executive director of the Palisades Interstate Parks Commission. “I also congratulate the Schneller family for the special legacy they are supporting through the sale of this land to OSI.” The Schneller property had been in the family since the 1970s, when it was purchased by Alfred Schneller, a World War II veteran who became a Conservation Officer for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Ever a conservationist, it was the late Alfred Schneller’s wish that the land become part of a larger protected area for the public to enjoy. In selling this family property to OSI, Alfred Schneller’s daughter Karen Schneller-McDonald, shared how deeply connected her family is to the rugged landscape, its fauna and plant life. As such, she noted how important it was for the family to honor her father’s request to preserve the property. “We hold land in trust. It’s left in our care for a time and then we pass it along to the next guardian. My sister and I honor our family’s legacy. With gratitude, we pass it on to the future.” What You Can Do Donate to support OSI’s work Become a part of our mission to safeguard at-risk places through your tax-deductible gift.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
973 So.2d 515 (2007) Kenneth James KENDRICK, Petitioner, v. James R. McDONOUGH, Secretary, Florida Department of Corrections, Respondent. No. 1D07-4099. District Court of Appeal of Florida, First District. December 17, 2007. Rehearing Denied February 7, 2008. *516 Kenneth James Kendrick, pro se, Petitioner. No appearance for Respondent. PER CURIAM. The petition for writ of mandamus and the motion for replevin are denied as procedurally barred. See Baldwin v. Crosby, 905 So.2d 250 (Fla. 1st DCA 2005). BROWNING, C.J., KAHN and ROBERTS, JJ., concur.
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
Q: Connect UIImageView to view controller display image from Images.xcassets with swift Sorry for the simplicity of this question, but I seem to be missing something on all the other similar questions. I have dragged in a UIImageView to a storyboard. I then created an Outlet named mainImage in my view controller. I have three images sets in my Images.xcassets named 0, 1 and 2. How do I display one of my images in my UIImageView using Swift. Eventually I will want to randomly pick an image but for now I'd like to learn how to display one. A: To set an image you can use UIImage(named: "imagename"); e.g. mainImage.image = UIImage(named: "imagename"); make sure that you place the correct image name.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Giant benign mesothelioma. Pleural mesothelioma is a rare neoplasm that is usually highly malignant, but benign mesotheliomas do occur; approximately 400 cases are described in the literature. We report the case of a young woman with a massive benign mesothelioma that filled the entire left hemithorax but was successfully resected with full reexpansion of the lung.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Q: SolrNet Combine SolrQueryByDistance and SolrQueryByField I try the following: Dim q = New SolrQueryByField("tag", keyword) With {.Quoted = False} Or New SolrQueryByField("cat", keyword) With {.Quoted = False} Or New SolrQueryByField("shortname", keyword) With {.Quoted = False} Dim loc As New Location(latitude, longitude) Dim qgeo = New SolrQueryByDistance("geo", loc, 10) searchresults = solr.Query(q And qgeo).Cast(Of BusinessSolr)().ToList Which dont work as of: Value of type 'SolrNet.SolrQueryByDistance' cannot be converted to 'SolrNet.AbstractSolrQuery'. (q and qgeo) Any idea, on how to do a combination of a fieldquery with a distance ? If possible in VB.NET. Tks a lot btw: I use Solr 4, SolrNet actual version A: I tried to recreate your scenario and experienced the same issue. In looking at the source code for SolrQueryByDistance, I see that it does not derive from the AbstractSolrQuery class and that is reason for this error. Could you use the Distance query as a Filter Query (limiting the results of the main query to only those items that are within the given distance)? If so, you can use the following: Dim q = New SolrQueryByField("tag", keyword) With {.Quoted = False} Or New SolrQueryByField("cat", keyword) With {.Quoted = False} Or New SolrQueryByField("shortname", keyword) With {.Quoted = False} Dim loc As New Location(latitude, longitude) Dim options = New QueryOptions() With { _ .FilterQueries = New ISolrQuery() {New SolrQueryByDistance("geo", loc, 10)} _ } searchresults = solr.Query(q, options).Cast(Of BusinessSolr)().ToList
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
In My Life (George Lamond album) In My Life is the second studio album by the Latin Freestyle artist George Lamond. It was released on September 15, 1992, by Columbia Records. The album spawned three singles, the first “Where Does That Leave Love,” reached #66 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100. The second single was a cover version of New Kids on the Block song "Baby, I Believe In You". The album’s third and final single, “I Want You Back” was released Spring, 1993 and made it to #33 on Billboards "Dance Club Songs". Track listing Category:1992 albums Category:George Lamond albums
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Cynthia Kear (Ho Ryu Ryo Tan) has been practicing Zen Buddhism for over 25 years and received dharma transmission from her heart teacher, Darlene Cohen, in 2010. Cynthia teaches throughout the Bay area, especially from her home temple.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Sabine Herold Sabine Herold (born 8 July 1981) is a French classical liberal activist and main spokeswoman of Alternative libérale, a French liberal/libertarian political party. Biography Herold was born in Reims, France. Her parents are both teachers. She is an alumna in public administration from the Institut d'études politiques de Paris and a master of business from HEC Paris. Since 2002, she has been the editor and spokeswoman of Liberté chérie (Beloved Freedom), a French libertarian think tank. Sabine Herold became known in 2003 when she led an 80,000 member protest advocating reforms in France and demanding a responsible attitude from trade unions. Her stand against the unions led to her being described as the 'new Joan of Arc'. She has often reflected upon the policy implemented by the British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and is commonly called "Mademoiselle Thatcher" by newspapers, a comparison that she considers to be a compliment. She married fellow Alternative libérale leader Édouard Fillias in September 2006. She was a candidate for the 2007 parliamentary elections in Paris against conservative Françoise de Panafieu. Books Liberté, liberté chérie (English: Liberty, Dear Liberty), Sabine Herold and Édouard Fillias, Les Belles Lettres, 2003, Le manifeste des alterlibéraux (English: Manifesto of the Alternative Liberals), Edouard Fillias, Aurélien Véron, Ludovic Lassauce, Jean-Paul Oury and Sabine Hérold References External links Interview of Sabine Herold Category:French women in politics Category:Sciences Po alumni Category:HEC Paris alumni Category:1981 births Category:Living people Category:People from Reims Category:Libertarianism in France Category:Liberal Alternative politicians Category:21st-century French women politicians
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[Novelties in advanced life support]. We present some of the most important developments in advanced life support incorporating the new international recommendations for resuscitation 2010. The study highlights aspects related to prevention and early detection of in-hospital cardiac arrest, resuscitation in the hospital, the new advanced life support algorithm, the techniques and devices for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, post-resuscitation care, assessment of the prognosis of patients who survive initially, and specific aspects of non-beating heart organ donation and the creation of cardiac arrest referral centers.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Pages Monday, April 29, 2013 Are you ready for the onslaught of Stalk my Noms? As I was doing the holiday posts and other stuffs. The normal weekly posts got neglected. Soz and My Bad! I was just looking at the pictures that I have and thought - Gosh I eat out quite a bit! There was a Saturday that I called the foodie day. We went out for dinner and lunch on the same day. It was like eat, eat, eat and eat day. For lunch, we went to Chef Lagenda in Flemington with lovely Sew Me Love. I think when we went, it was her 4th weekend in a row. Yes.. she went back for the 5th. She just cannot stay away. I ordered Hainanese Chicken rice for the boys. And Mick and I shared Curry laksa and don't be grossed out by the top right picture of Ipoh Combination Hor Fun or in Cantonese "Wat Tan Hor". I once ordered that infront of someone really Aussie and "white meat only". She told me that us Chinese will eat anything with look of fear mixed with disgust.... it reminded her of this Survivor episode where this Chinese contestant blitz some weird eating challenge. Ok don't knock it till you try it. The boys topped the trip off by asking to go to the toilet 6 times between the two of them. Seriously!! I'm sick of toilet trips, back to the nappies please! Salivating at Chef Lagenda We went home with our takeaway Tiramisu from a cafe next door and proceeded to veg out and wait for our 6pm duck fest. Serious duck lovers need to get to Simon's Peiking Duck in Box Hill South. I went with the hardcore foodie food bloggers before and though omgawd Mick will love this! At $55/65 per duck for a 3 course meal. I'm THERE in a Melbourne minute with Ling & Hubby from Best Beauty Blog and also Clinique IT Girl 2013!! I'm famous by association here people. Toss them pancakes at our plates Simon Pickles amused by pancake throwing display Simon is known as the duck nazi apparently and does not tolerate tardiness. We rocked up at 6pm sharp and there were already tables of people chowing their duck by then. There are only 2 sessions per night. 6 or 8pm. None of this fluffy 7 or 7.30pm bookings. Their advice was to get the duck order in asap so that we do not have to wait when the larger groups arrive. Oh yes please.. duckalicious.. bring it! Simon will come to your table and show you how to eat the peking duck pancakes. I was rather surprised that Pickles actually ate his and asked for another one. Maybe he liked the show that Simon put on next to the table. D nibbled at his "chicken". And again.. another 4 or 5 toilet trips for this one meal. Seriously. Enough already boys! Panfried XLB Shanghai Street A lot of people from work are surprised that I would bring the boys in for dumplings as Box Hill is closer. Well Box Hill is pretty crappy in comparison to this place on La Trobe Street and Russell. The boys get to watch them make the dumplings through a window in the restaurant. How much fun is that? I think this was after I had my hair done in Fitzroy and I told Mick.. c'mon it's Dumplings time! The dumpling making lady had told me to order Pan Fried Xiao Long Bao next time as I normally order the steamed ones. The skin is thicker to accomodate pan frying process. But yummy yum yum. Also I have to say that having gone with someone that doesn't eat pork, chicken XLB is weak in comparison. No no... please.. eat the pork. Popula Sushi Ivanhoe One of the strangest hole in a wall takeaway places in Ivanhoe must be Popula. It's Popula yes no R. It is indeed popular as I once rocked up to buy a sushi and sashimi plate but they said no no.. 1hour at least. I said what? It was like lost in translation divided by a sushi fridge and bar. It took several 1hour 1hour yells before I worked out that they were so behind with orders that it would take at least 1 hour if I wanted sushi. Erm no.. I was hungry and it was a Saturday.. I want sushi now lah! I ended up with sashimi pack and I can't remember what else we had for dinner. Anyway, on a weekday lunch time, they have prepared packs. The lunch pack above was $10 from memory. Delicious soft sushi rice moulded perfectly and does not fall apart. It is all done by hand and no machines here! If you live here, heck even if you don't. Seriously get yourself to Popula if you are a Japanese sushi fan. They do sushi platters for parties and they are definitely popula! Express Banquet at Red Spice Road QV seems to be a wind tunnel and labyrinth of abandoned shops. We were so happy when Red Spice Road opened! Finally no need to walk across Elizabeth street and uphill! This is our 3 dishes from the express banquet. For $25 per person (minimum 2) you get a choice of 3 dishes, rice and appetitsers (corn fritters). We chose Barramundi salad, Lamb curry and Tofu with Vegetables. Who would have thought the tofu would be a highly fought over dish? I was in my I am so deprived of mushrooms mode as nobody else in the family eats them (INSANE!) and my work BFF was also a mushie maniac. The barramundi salad was different and I kind of felt strange eating watermelon with rice. But I put that away in my belly too. The lamb curry sauce was great and so was the sweet potato. But the lamb was a little dry. I think I'm addicted to civilised lunches gossiping about makeup with BFF at RSR now! Thursday, April 25, 2013 I am sorry to bore all the non-makeup readers. But I am so excited that I did not put up a Stalk my Nom in between. The reason for my excitement is because I have wanted one of these since forever. Did I say forever? Yes.. people think I exaggerate but I don't. I think it has been a lemming for one and a half years. I had been voyeuring this storage box for a long time on the interwebs. Heck I joined a few competitions that were giving away these beautiful "Kardashian makeup storage". I don't even know where I saw these first and lord knows it was not from watching Keeping up with the Kardashians. Earlier this month, I joined in the Instagram competition hosted by TheMakeupBoxAU and you can see the picture that I had to repost. I try to avoid joining every single Instagram competition that I come across as it might annoy people who get a ton of the same pictures in their timeline. So I only selectively join the ones that I really want to win. This storage box was definitely reposted in my timeline as well so the competition was fierce! The competition ended on the 15th of April. I had my work laptop on as I had to submit something urgently that day. I looked at Instagram and was tagged that I won! I pretty much moon walk in my head and then proceeded to sms some people, post on facebook and Instagram. WOOOOHOOO! The other good news was I also submitted what I had to for work by 9pm, not too bad!. :) The ladies so kindly sent my makeup box the next day - so happy! When I received it, D came home from childcare and said this is the garage and put his toy cars in it. Mick said this is for Mummy's makeup. D told me that I can put makeup on certain drawers but this one - and he points to one is his garage shed for his cars. I said ok... knowing that I could not fill the box fully anyway. I left him an empty drawer. So here are before pictures. I am quite ashamed of my before .. so please do not judge and think lord Lingy what on earth, are you living with dust covered expensive makeup!? Drawerful of odds and ends plus nail polish Super old Dior GWP storage case Main Makeup Storage Random bits I found gathering dust! Also now known as Dior case of Storage Shame Now that I am hanging my head in shame, this is the after that I completed packing yesterday! I started in the morning while getting ready for work. And quite honestly being able to see what I have made me dabble in some makeup and put on some yesterday. Here is the bottom drawer which can accomodate the widest items. I can report that Hello Darling cannot be standing in this drawer but you can put two layers on. Note to all the nail polish manufacturers, square bottles store best! Kthx!! So the top flip top are all face products including my Real Techniques eye brush set. I also put odds and ends like my nail clippers and tweezers. Second drawer was lipsticks.. basically I have 1 or 2 in my handbag and this is the rest. Yeah.. that's it one layer of lip products so this drawer is half filled - actually I have not included my newly purchased lip butters. Next drawer is even more empty, there is one Shu Umuera cream, one YoungBlood unused and a Nars. Bad effort there Lingy... get shopping. Eyes drawer is full at the moment so I do not need any help there. Next drawer is D's garage shed so that one is a no-go zone for me. :) The last drawer is full except I could fit a second layer of Hello Darling polishes but where's the fun? It's nice to see all the colours at one go! The Glamour Flip Top Makeup Storage box can be purchased from The Makeup Box Shop. Thank you so much for picking me as the very very lucky winner. I am really so grateful. And honestly I am going to jump up now and do a moon walk to pick my nail polish colour! Monday, April 22, 2013 I have to confess that this is the first and only BB cream that I have tried. So I pretty much have no basis of comparison. I know BB creams have been the rage for ages - where have I been? BB, CC, DD ... the only double alphabet I am very well acquainted with is AA. My bra cup size. True story. So when I was sent the Body Shop BB Cream in the post as a care package, I jumped for joy. Woohoo!! I have been using this a lot since I received this. You can even see this in the first picture as the cap has marks on it, serves me right for not taking pictures prior to using. The comments from my friends include, you put on makeup today, it just makes you look like you have good skin, colour suits you quite well. So people have been noticing that I have used something different. Happy dance! The thing about BB cream is that it is so easy to use, I layer it on top of the serum and blend very easily and quickly. I usually pat on some face powder at mid day but overall I did not find it too oily as this is one complaint that I have heard from other BB cream users. Coverage of this BB cream is light to medium, I do see that it evens out my skin tone and hides any redness. But remember my weird forehead scar? You could still see a faint scar but it did not bother me. My skin felt brighter and it is light and was easy to blend by just using fingers. I had used it as if I was applying moisturiser and did not need much each time. The pump works really well and I was able to control very well the amount that I pumped each time. The downside to this is there is only one shade. I am lucky that it works for me but if you were darker toned than me, I would swatch this in a store first. I also think that in terms of other BB cream in the market it is comparatively expensive at AUD $48.95 for 30ml. I do believe in paying more for a good product than buying a lot of cheap things that do not work. But if you are heading to Asia I can tell you that this is much cheaper in Singapore. It retails for SGD $38 so stock up while you are over there. Price: $48.95 for 30ml I do consider this on the pricey side - but then everyone knows I am a spendthrift on skincare and makeup but tell me what you think. Purpose: I found it worked very well for me in terms of the colour shade and coverage. It is just easy to use and blended with just my fingers. It took no time at all and people did notice that I was wearing something. They also commented that it looks like I was wearing makeup or I had good skin. WOOHOO! I hope you can see the picture on the right after I had blended in the BB cream, the blue-ish veins were evened out and made it look smoother. Friday, April 19, 2013 I am a creature of routine so being on holiday throws me off. But the best thing about being in Singapore is tasty food at good prices (some places) available at anytime of the day that you want it. Well maybe not at all hours unlike Hong Kong. I have so much to blog but so little time. So to get back into routine of Stalking posts, I gotta do one big Nom brag post. Hold on tight.. One thing I have found about being in Singapore.. is that they ALWAYS bring the bill to the males. Dude my Mum's credit card was in the folder, why did you hand it to the only male on the table?? Another thing I realised is that if you are a tourist, nobody will let you pay in Singapore. This is one of the lovely meals that we had in Singapore that my friend suggested. The restaurant has shut down - sorry peeps. But to nom brag.. it was a fusion Euro-SEAsian place. Truffle Mac and Cheese.. for the win! Bosses Yummies! Another friend of mine A met us at Vivo City Bosses. The star dish of the restaurant were the salted egg yolk custard buns called Liu Sha Bao. I call them squirty molten lava buns. I managed to squirt custard everywhere and create so much mess. It was embarrassing but lord it tasted good. We also had a beautiful vegetarian tofu dish bottom left picture - which doesn't do justice to it. And on the bottom right is yummy pork belly. Mick said he could just sit and eat that one dish. Char Kway Teow is Mick's favourite Singaporean hawker food and for me I would probably pick Roti Prata as it is so expensive to have a roti prata here. Yes! Roti Prata for breakfast.. that's the schizzle. The two pictures on the right were from Wisma Food Court. You just cannot get decent oyster omelette in Melbourne. I tried the one at Taiwan cafe and it was blah. Imperial Treasure Dim Sum Prawn Chee Cheong Fun Can someone say DIM SUMMM (or to Aussies Yum Cha)?? On weekends most Chinese restaurants are booked out and you definitely have to call up and book a table. The highly acclaimed Tim Ho Wan had not opened yet when we were there. We went to Imperial Treasure at Great World City twice in 2 days. Yeappp.. that's how much we love it. The Siew Yoke (roast pork) is amazing and crisp and is very lean without being dry. I have not had pickled ginger with century eggs in years so I had to order it. Mick was like ??? and did not like it one bit. Excuse those Siew Mai and Beef Ball pictures that are missing a ball. I was feeding Pickles and forgot to take pictures before eating. The prawn Cheong Fun looked yummy... I am not sure as D ate one entire plate by himself. Sigh.. Loong Fatt Tau Sar Piah My Uncle waited 1.5hrs for Tau Sar Piah .. 1 and a half hours people! The box of goodies was still hot when I was eating. These are pastries filled with green bean pastes and there are two varieties - sweet and a salty version. My personal favourite is the salty. Heck to the yes... now where to find this in Melbourne? :( Get yourself to 639 Balestier Rd which is near Thomson Medical Centre. Do not get distracted by the other Tau Sar Piah stores along that road. Controversial Durian puffs You either hate or love durian. There is no in between. Lucky for me I love it.... these are what I believe to be choux pastries filled with durian paste. There were soft, yummy and fresh... and maybe smelly too. I can sense your nausea right now so I shall stop! LOL Ball Food I gotta add a ball food right? I love Takoyaki octupus balls so much! This was from the food court in Ion and we had our balls with bubble tea. Yum Yummmm.. Wednesday, April 10, 2013 This holiday sounds epic right? It's like a perpetual stalk fest. I have not even talked about the tourist activities or food yet! What does one do when on holiday in Singapore? We go to shops. And more shops. Hell yeah there's a tunnel linking two buildings, Singapore will put shops in there. We went to Marina Bay Sands one day because Mick had never been. I wanted to show him the faux Venice, ours is like a poor man's version and it's hilarious. Marina Bay Sands had a special event on during Earth Hour. Typical of Asia, let's have a light and water show to talk about Earth Hour!! You only go to Marina Bay Sands if you want one thing - repeat after me - high end luxury boutiques. Oh yeah now we are talking. The conversation went like this. Mick: Let's go to LV. Me: No it's ok. We walk past LV again at another level. Me: Let's go to LV. Mick: I TOLD YOU TO GO EARLIER! I am glad we entered through the bottom basement level because check this out! LV Maison Island Singapore Is it Louis Vuitton boutique or is it an art gallery? Oh right, let's just put art in here. Oh wait multi levels Louis Vuitton? Get out.. let's just put a lot of amazing lights here. ZOMG like ZOMG I had my eye on a pair of LV flat shoes for ages... It had embossed LV monogram and was not offensive in terms of price tag or the monogram design. When on holiday right? BUY BUY BUY. Anyway, Mick said he would buy this for me. But meanwhile I spy a gorgeous pair of heels. It was just crying out to be tried.. hey it's size 37. That's my size!! I have to say that I have never received better customer service from a LV store and I have to give props to Stefanie who whispered the price of the Sofia Coppola bag that I was eyeing. Spared me the embarrassment of WTFFFF out loud! So like I own them flats! I had a very good time even waiting for confirmation on whether LV Ion would hold onto this shoe for me. I had to go a size down to 36 as per adviced - which of course I didn't listen at first. We were offered drinks at LV. GET OUT! I usually get a slanty eye glance at Chanel Melbourne at best followed by we don't have you size while they stare blankly at me. We were sipping hot green tea while they wait to receive confirmation about stock at Ion. So here is Orchard Ion ... in full glory... I actually really really like this place. Because there is a variety of FOOD, high end and low end shops. It has everything.. and is linked to everywhere else. Like what else do you want people! You never have to leave this building ever. And a bit of history about Ion. There was nothing there. It was a train station facade and nothing else but empty land and grass. Orchard Ion Opposite Orchard Ion is a historical icon called Tangs. Seriously get yourself to Tangs Beauty Hall, it is amazing. Check what is at the front door. Hello beautiful Tom Ford Beauty Counters There isn't just one Tom Ford Counter... there are MANY. On the left side of the above picture are the Tom Ford couture perfumes. And the makeup items are on the right. I went with a list of things to buy for someone.. perfume, lipstick.. It felt very fun going up and saying I want this and that but I am not buying today. I am coming back this week, put it aside for me please. I went back another day with Pickles who wanted to come with me and Mum. Pickles thought he was in heaven being with the girls and trying out makeup. He told Mick later when he went home that we drew on the back of his hand. Everyone was swooning over him as you can expect. Mum and Pickles being pretty And these are the Tom Ford items that I bought.. althought the Violet Fatale lipstick was not for me. I also bought a Tom Ford Noir de Noir perfume that my work BFF had on her list which is SGD$320 for 50ml. Talk about luxury and opulent. Naked Coral and Violet Fatale Oh haiii pretttyyy Let me know if you are already sick of the holiday pictures! Because I have a lot more. Tuesday, April 9, 2013 Did you miss the Claw? I did.. I had really bad chipped nails but they seem to have got better recently. For this Claw, I went with a new colour that I bought. Well not that recently but you know... chipped nails :( I'm skipping holiday haul for now - next one I promise! And I even took the Claw out of the house. Yeappp.. not featuring my front yard this time. We went outside to 2 different places. One was Flower Temple in QV and the other was at the Country Dahlia farm at Winchelsea (out Geelong direction). I will talk more about the dahlia farm on Stalk my Weekend if I can get a chance to blog about it. So many topics, so little time! The picture above is from the dahlia farm. How pretty are dahlias! And what a romantic picture! Flower Temple Sneaky Claw Quick point and shoot before someone sees I used Manicare Beginning to End as base and top coat which was gifted to me. Now I might be going blind but I cannot for the life of me find Carousel on Hello Darling's website. Someone tell me I am blind because this is a very cute colour. It is pretty fluffy pink with gold highlights. I hope you can see this in the bottle picture on the left. Friday, April 5, 2013 Ok so here's one for the fashion folks as requested. I bought 3 pieces from Dorothy Perkins in Singapore. One was the bird necklace that D picked for me. And I bought a dress and a top. I have to declare that my Mum has the same dress, except in a smaller size. Darn her. The problem with going to a tropical hot and humid island is that you come back with all these lovely Summer items. You arrive back and become unmotivated to unpack. Dude, it's cold. I don't want to look at thin slinky dresses. Unfortunately, this dress will be put away until Summer. :( I pretty much wore the same 3 dresses while in Singapore and this is a great score. It's loose, cool-ish and easy to wear. I am sorry that I look like an "Auntie" going to the market with that hair. It is hot, very hot and humid, I just wanted my hair off my neck. Did I say HOT? Font and Back Please ignore the scar on my forehead as well. When on holiday I did not bother with makeup. I do not think there is anything worse than makeup in the humidity. Also a lesson about Singaporean friends, they will point it out to you and ask what happened to your forehead. And don't take offence because they ask as they care. Just be prepared for, "what happened to your head? Did you burn yourself with a straightener?" Boys eating their tarts I also bought this top because they were giving out vouchers and I think I was $2 short of a discount and tops were 20% off. It actually has a cut out at the back, nothing too raunchy but still. I kept my Rachel Zoe jacket on, also it has been freezing in Melbourne. Look .. coming back from Singapore, this place would be absolutely freezing. Mandatory yellow lighting tinged OOTD bathroom shot Do you like the funky sinks at our office bathroom? Hells to the yeah. The Dorothy Perkins top is sleeveless too.. Yet another Summer number. Birdie Necklace Tweet Tweet Here's the bird necklace on closeup and is a bird on both sides. It actually opens up as the feet is a hinge. Pickles has started grabbing it and saying tweet tweet. Tweet tweet to you too Pickles. Pondering and selfies go hand in hand I am sitting here posing and pondering my next post. I have the most lopsided face like evahs and my glasses obviously need adjusting or my face is screwy and unbalanced. Anyways, I'm pondering mmmm what should I blog next? Sorry, I might have to go back to the makeup. Have a stab, what lipstick am I wearing? The name starts with T and F and who else can charge $300 for 50ml of perfume in Melbourne? Yeap... our favourite designer once at Gucci and YSL. Now THAT was a fun shopping outing as I had a list of things to buy for other people. Wednesday, April 3, 2013 How good are Asian drug stores? You can randomly find Korean/Japanese makeup like Dolly Wink alongside European brands like Nuxe. Watson's and Guardian are everywhere in Singapore. Did I say everywhere? I always go in to have a quick browse. The aisles are always narrow in Singapore and the products always jump out and say BUY ME!! I am including some items that I picked up for other people as they are so cute! And other items that I bought .. well just because it was so much cheaper in Singapore. Oh Hurro Kitty!! Who can walk past any drugstore in Asia and not buy anything branded Hello Kitty! Hurro!!! This is the emergency medical kit for a friend. Includes Hurro Kitty bandaids (D calls them bandjades) and a Cold Pack. Zomg how cute! Silky Girl who knew of this brand? I thought I would pick up something cool, cheap and an "unknown" brand called Silky Girl for Vita. It was also reduced and on sale at 25% off. I picked up a lovely colour called Sugar Plum as she loves purple anything and can pull of lilac lipsticks! Turns out.. she already knows of this brand. DUH.... I was also asked to check out Silky Girl BB compact for her and to get a light yellow based beige. This is in Ivory which is the lightest shade. It says it's formulated for Asian skin though. LOL so I hope it works wonders for Vita! Lip Butters Macaroon, Cherry Tart, Sweet Tart I had 5 minutes before my massage appointment and what else do I browse but Watson's again. Wait wait... Buy 2 get 1 free? And Revlon Lip Butters were $15.90 each. So it's about $12 each which meant I paid $24 for these 3 lip butters. I have always wanted lip butters. I would browse on eBay and sort of never proceeded to purchase. So I grabbed these 3. I have a feeling that Macaroon is a mistake but I will live with it at $8. But is it me or does everyone love Sweet Tart? Sunscreen a Must in Asia ok! Repeat after me So guess who got sunburnt in Singapore at the Zoo.. yeap Mick did. He was the white caucasian tourist walking around sunburnt and all red for a week. LOL.... I should not laugh as it looked so painful. There is a massive waterplay area at the zoo. Think water slides, big fountains, small fountains spraying water, water guns and big structures that dumped down water at kids waiting below. The funny thing is, he had rubbed some sunscreen that was left on his hands after applying on the boys on his upper shoulder. There was a "M" mark left there. As we were also using the toddler sunscreen - yeah we are hopeless - I bought this cute little bottle of Nivea Toddler sunscreen. It was easy to apply and smelt great. I'm sticking to stealing the kid's small tube of sunscreen for awhile. I hope to post some of the fashion buys soon! They may include the family purchases and not just mine. Bear with me! Tuesday, April 2, 2013 Hurro! Guess what! I went on holiday without my work laptop and I could not bear looking at a computer the last 2 weeks. So I was absent from the blogging world. But I am back to grey and cold Melbourne. I call this trip my annual pilgrimage. So stalk my back to work outfit. Country Road grey skinny work pants that I bought before I went on holiday and forgot about them as it was so hot that I would look at black pants and melt. A fantastic blue top that I scored from a shop called Fond in Great World City in Singapore. I was sent there by my Mum who said I had to go buy the same dress as her because it was so cute and cheap. Mandatory dodgy mirror pic I am also wearing a necklace that D picked out for me in Dorothy Perkins at Wisma Singapore. I told him that Mummy had no money to buy it. He kept saying does it fit Mummy? Do you want to buy it with hopeful little eyes. We bought it one night as he kept telling Mick about the bird necklace. So cute! So I am wearing it today even though it clashes with the work tag I wear around my neck. Anddddd I came back to work to receive this. HERMES!!!! SO FANCY Before I left, work skincare/makeup BFF and I went on a rampage trying on all the Hermes perfumes at DJs. We sprayed it on cards and I quickly got confused and overwhelmed as I think the base notes are the same. So she emailed me while I was on holiday asking which one I liked. I was like erm.. I don't know! I got confused. She bought Kelly cache which by the way has an amazing twist bottle cap closure and this one. I picked the Un Jardin Apres La Mousson as I was going to buy this one at the airport to add to my ever growing stash! The smell of Mousson is more fruity like watermelon. Coincidentally she also prefers Kelly over this. Winners all around! I will be back with more shopping hauls. Like HAULS!! Think luxury high end haul! And stalk my noms while I was on holiday. SO MUCH to blog about.Anyone else missed me?
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Gordie Lockbaum Gordon Carl "Gordie" Lockbaum (born November 16, 1965) is an American former college football player, who was a standout "two-way" (both offensive and defensive) player in NCAA Division I-AA. College career Lockbaum was raised in Glassboro, New Jersey, and spent his prep years at Glassboro High School where he competed in football, baseball, and wrestling; he graduated in 1984. Lockbaum attended the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts, from 1984 to 1988, where he played wide receiver and halfback on offense, defensive back on defense, and was a kick returner on special teams. Lockbaum was a starting cornerback during his freshman season, and moved to strong safety as a sophomore. Before his junior season, the Holy Cross coaching staff (head coach Mark Duffner, offensive coordinate Tom Rossley, and defensive coordinator Kevin Coyle) decided to use Lockbaum on both offense and defense. He became the first two-way player since Leroy Keyes of Purdue in 1968. In Lockbaum's junior season of 1986, he rushed for 827 yards on 144 carries, caught 57 passes for 860 yards, and scored 22 touchdowns on offense; on defense he had 46 tackles, two fumble recoveries, and one interception; on special teams he returned 21 kickoffs for 452 yards. In a game against Dartmouth he scored six touchdowns, and in a game against Army he was on the field for 143 of 171 total plays. He was named WTBS college football player of the year, New Jersey Sports Writers Association college player of the year, and finished fifth in the Heisman Trophy balloting. In his senior season of 1987, he rushed for 403 yards on 85 carries, and caught 77 passes for 1152 yards, amassing 2041 all-purpose yards and again scoring 22 touchdowns, while continuing to play defense and special teams. He finished third in the Heisman Trophy balloting, second in the Maxwell Award voting, and was runner-up for the inaugural Walter Payton Award (Division I-AA player of the year). After the conclusion of the regular season, Lockbaum was selected for three all-star games; the Senior Bowl, the East–West Shrine Game, and the Blue–Gray Football Classic. He appeared in all three games, seeing the most action in the Shrine Game, where he played five positions (cornerback, free safety, strong safety, fullback, and wide receiver). Lockbaum was a two-time First Team All-America selection (1986 and 1987) as a defensive back. He still holds several Holy Cross offensive records, including most touchdowns in a season and most points in a season (22 and 132, respectively, accomplished in both 1986 and 1987). Lockbaum was inducted into the Glassboro High School Hall of Fame in 1989, the Holy Cross Varsity Club Hall of Fame in 1993, the College Football Hall of Fame in 2001, and the ECAC Hall of Fame in 2017. Professional career Lockbaum was selected in the 1988 NFL Draft by the Pittsburgh Steelers in the ninth round, and played for them during the preseason as a running back, but was released by the team in August of that year. In 1989, he was signed by the Buffalo Bills, who moved him to safety, but he was again released before the start of the regular season. In 1994, he played briefly for the Massachusetts Marauders of the Arena Football League. Personal life Lockbaum received a degree in economics from Holy Cross, and became an executive for an insurance company. His son, also nicknamed Gordie, played shortstop in the 2002 Little League World Series for the Worcester team that reached the US championship game, and later attended Amherst College where he was a defensive back on the football team. References Further reading External links 30 for 30 Shorts: The Throwback at ESPN.com Gordie Lockbaum Interview by Charter TV3 Central Mass. at YouTube Category:1965 births Category:Living people Category:People from Glassboro, New Jersey Category:Players of American football from Pennsylvania Category:Holy Cross Crusaders football players Category:College Football Hall of Fame inductees Category:Massachusetts Marauders players
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Configuring resources in complex and multiple computing environments such as in various stages of the deployment of software in a distributed computing environment is complex and challenging. In many cases, resource configuration changes such as creation and update of computing environments, monitors, and resources are manually created and updated by engineers. This process may be error-prone, resulting in inconsistencies in configurations between various environments, and may even result in deployment failures, such as where dependencies between resources may vary between different computing environments. As a result, engineers can spend several days configuring the systems and services needed to host even a simple service. Further, once deployed, updating an application, changing the configuration of the underlying systems and services, or deploying the application to additional systems or locations can also require substantial amounts of engineer time. For example, assume an enterprise wants to deploy a retail shopping website, where the website is backed by web-servers, application servers, and database applications deployed using services offered by a computing resource service provider. In many cases, engineers will manually configure and provision a variety of virtual machine instances (or classes of instances) with the desired web and application server applications, provide the content for these systems, configure network addresses, configure database and storage services, provision security mechanisms (e.g., provisioning SSL certificates on all public facing systems), configure administrative and role based access controls, configure and launch load balancing systems, scaling groups, as well as configure monitoring, logging, and reporting applications. Once deployed, adding features or updating the software used to provide a public facing service (e.g., the retail web site) can require similar levels of configuration and provisioning.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
In robot-controlled production of fiber reinforced plastic products, fiber thread pieces are fed out into a molding cavity while being oriented, so that the strength of the fibers is utilized efficiently in the finished product. Compressed air is used for the transport of the cut fiber pieces from the cutter to the molding cavity. If the pressure/speed of the compressed air is not sufficiently high at the center, static electricity will make fiber pieces stick to the vicinity of the cutter, so that the feeding out is stopped up. This may be economically seriously damaging if the operations at a production line, which depends upon the plastic details, is also influenced by the production loss. However, if air pressure/speed is too high at the molding cavity, fiber pieces may be oriented wrongly in the cavity, simply by being blown away from their intended location, or because they are deflected from the mold surface by having too high kinetic a energy. These problems can be reduced if it is possible to maintain an optimal distance between the feed out apparatus and the molding cavity. However, this is hardly ever possible, e.g. because of lack of space.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
Thanks to the good folks at UPROXX, Star Trek: The Next Generation fans can have a good laugh at their favorite beard rocking starship officer William Riker (Jonathan Frakes) in this gag reel from the show. Enjoy.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Various generic handheld measurement tools or gauges are generally known in the art to provide an indication as to the relative distance between points or components of an assembly, or again to ascertain a dimension, shape or size of a given product feature or component. While reasonably convenient in certain situations, use of such generic tools can prove cumbersome and inefficient in other contexts, particularly where reproducible and/or accurate measurements are not readily achievable given, for example, limited or reduced accessibility and/or visibility, or again where user-dependent measurement variability is commonly identified. An example of one such application is in the evaluation of an inner dimension of an opening, for example formed within a body surface. Such evaluations may have applications, for example, in the manufacturing industry where one or more components are to be assembled within a receiving body, and where manufacturing designs or requirements dictate a given gap tolerance between the component(s) and receiving body, or again, prescribe that such gap measurements be minimized and/or otherwise controlled. Currently, gap measurements of this type are generally achieved post-installation using handheld tools with limited ease or reproducibility. Similarly, reproducing reliable measurements for an opening dimension using such handheld tools, particularly in the context of irregular openings and/or those formed within irregular surfaces (e.g. non-planar surfaces), can be particularly difficult and cumbersome. In the manufacturing industry, customized measurement tools have been proposed to guide the fabrication process of various non-uniform components, for example as described in U.S. Pat. No. 2,319,569; to confirm sufficient freedom between co-located components in a confined space, such as described in Japanese Patent Application Publication No. 2010166698; or again to ascertain a non-uniform gap distance between substantially coplanar surfaces, as described in Korean Patent No. 679264. U.S. Pat. No. 6,490,804, on the other hand, describes a handheld gauge for measuring the shaft and flange mount of a starter for comparative purposes in providing replacement parts. While the above provide different examples of application-specific measurement tools, these solutions are not readily amenable to different situations and therefore, provide limited utility where application specifics differ from that originally intended by the tool design. Further, none of these tools provide a particularly attractive solution for the evaluation of a dimension of an opening, or for the evaluation of a gap defined between a component and a receiving body in which it is to be installed. Therefore, there remains a need for a measurement apparatus that overcomes some of the drawbacks of known apparatus, or at least, provides the public with a useful alternative. This background information is provided to reveal information believed by the applicant to be of possible relevance to the present invention. No admission is necessarily intended, nor should be construed, that any of the preceding information constitutes prior art against the present invention.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
YOUR CART Damask Monarch Butterfly baby shower invitation will be perfect for your mother to be.This listing is for a PRINTABLE JPEG file INVITATION DESIGN e-mailed to you. Wording on the invitation may be anything you like. Wording can also be in a foreign language like Spanish.A new baby Girlto snuggle and love,She'll be cute as a Bug! We're fluttering with excitement and happy to say,a sweet baby girl is on her way! Dresses, dolls, bows and curlsJoin us to celebrate a baby girl! HOW TO PLACE YOUR ORDER1. Click add to cart button to purchase.2. Choose 4x6 or 5x7 size invitation.3. Choose your colors. If you do not see the color you want I can match colors to your theme.4. Please e-mail me your wording and baby shower party information to LynnetteArt@gmail.comYou may change the wording on the invitation to be anything you like.5. I will e-mail you a proof to approve within 24 hours, usually less. A reasonable number of proofs will be made until you are 100% happy and Love Your Design! PLEASE NOTE: This file is for personal use only. You may not forward, share, sell or distribute the file. It is for non-commercial use only. Copyrighted by Lynnette
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[Cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC: a curative strategy for primary and secondary peritoneal tumors]. In patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis, cytoreductive surgery (CRS) and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) offers a chance for long term survival in well selected patients. During cytoreductive surgery, all macroscopically visible tumors needs to be resected before HIPEC is performed in the same procedure. The aim of HIPEC is eradication of microscopic tumor cells after radical surgery. Perioperative morbidity and mortality are comparable with other major surgical procedures. Patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis from tumors of the appendix, the colon or primary peritoneal mesothelioma are currently recommended for evaluation of CRS/HIPEC in an interdisciplinary setting.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }