[ "---\nauthor:\n- Karoline Busse\n- Sabrina Amft\n- Daniel Hecker\n- Emanuel von Zezschwitz\nbibliography:\n- 'bib.bib'\nsubtitle: 'Do Incentives Increase the Adoption Rates of Two-Factor Authentication?'", "\ntitle: '“Get a Free Item Pack with Every Activation!”'", "\n---\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nThe most widespread way to authenticate users is to require them to input a combination of an identifier such as a e-mail-address or a username as well as a password. ", "Often, these passwords are either very easy to guess [@adams1997making; @kelley2012guess] or can be disclosed through several other means, e.g. phishing, data leaks or insecure storage [@mirante2013understanding; @walters2014cyber]. ", "Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a security mechanism that was designed to help increase security [@joram2009multiple] by adding a second factor to the authentication instead of relying on secret knowledge, such as a passwords, as a single factor. ", "Common manifestations of this second factor include SMS and e-mail notifications, dedicated smartphone applications, or hardware tokens.", "\n\nWhen research looks into the process of adopting 2FA, usually the transition process and usability issues within larger organizations are accompanied, with a focus how users react and adopt to the change [@colnago2018its; @libicki2011influences; @weidman2017like]. ", "From these papers we know that 2FA is perceived as secure but annoying, and that forced 2FA adoption in the workplace sometimes leads to increase usage rates for personal accounts [@colnago2018its]. ", "Less research has been done for individuals who choose whether to adopt 2FA in their private life [@krol2015they].", "\n\nIn the past there have been attempts to increase the 2FA adoption rates by offering rewards to users who choose to do so. ", "This is especially widespread in the gaming sector and only very rarely found with other companies. ", "Possible incentives include e.g. visual benefits such as virtual pets or gameplay advantages such as premium currency or access to special ingame vendors (see Figure \\[fig:examples\\] for examples). ", "For most of these incentives, two rules apply: 1) They can only be received by complying and adopting 2FA, and 2) if the player chooses to deactivate 2FA again, the rewards are withdrawn from their access. ", "We argue that there are no obvious reasons why other sectors did not yet adopt incentives in the same way the gaming business did. ", "One hypothesis might be that users who play video games might tend to be more interested in IT and security mechanisms and are therefore faster to comply and activate 2FA. ", "Another reason could be that the accounts in this sector often do not only contain monetary value as players bought games, premium currency, or items; but also that players might have spent hundreds of hours to establish a rank or a well-working game status that is often very desired by criminals. ", "In fact, there is a huge market for valuable accounts as just buying a high-leveled status saves other users much time. ", "Due to this, video game accounts are often targeted by malicious actors [@marrujo2018fraud; @trend2015data].", "\n\nTypical incentives in video games are cosmetic modifications like redesigns for characters or items [@wow; @fortnite; @rainbowsixsiege], cosmetic companions [@gw2; @wow], gameplay advantages like larger inventories [@wow], in-game premium currencies [@swtor], multipliers on certain factors such as experience gains [@wildstar], or access to special items or in-game vendors [@swtor] (cf. ", "Figure \\[fig:examples\\]). ", "One notable exception is Valve’s store and community platform Steam. ", "Without the use of 2FA, item trades or sales between players are on hold for up to fifteen days before a trade is concluded [@steam]. ", "Similarly, Electronic Arts requires users to enable 2FA for their accounts before granting access to the online or mobile versions of FIFA Ultimate Team since 2015 [@fut].", "\n\nSince these kinds of incentive mechanics are almost exclusively found in the gaming sector, we assume that we can learn from their presumed success. ", "Therefore, we chose to investigate this topic further and posed the research question:\n\n> How can we transfer (successful) incentives for adopting two-factor authentication from gaming to non-gaming contexts?", "\n\nDuring the course of this study, we reached out to developer studios and publishers of video games that employ incentives for 2FA adoption. ", "Our goal was to get data on adoption rates before and after the introduction of an incentive. ", "In addition, we planned a short interview on 2FA and their experiences with it. ", "Sadly, no studio answered our request, and personal acquisition at the Gamescom 2018 convention did also not lead to any responses.", "\n\nIn response to this lack of data from the service provider side, we put strong emphasis on user research. ", "We conducted two survey studies with a gaming-focused ($N=462$) as well as a general population sample ($N=288$) about 2FA and incentives for adopting it. ", "From these surveys, we extracted design proposals for transferring incentive models from gaming to non-gaming contexts and tested these in a focus group study with three groups and a total of 15 participants.", "\n\nWe found that incentives increase the adoption rates for 2FA for services that employ them, but users rather self-report that they activated 2FA for security reasons and not for the incentives. ", "The most often encountered type of incentive in gaming contexts, namely cosmetic modifications or items, was perceived least attractive in our focus group study, suggesting that such approaches are not directly applicable to non-gaming contexts. ", "In contrast, small monetary or service-focused incentives were considered most attractive in a non-gaming scenario. ", "Through discussion and comments, we identified a security-privacy trade-off in users’ mental models when it comes to adapting 2FA, suggesting that offering users a selection of 2FA methods along with basic educational material would lead to higher adoption rates.", "\n\nRelated Work\n============\n\nTwo-Factor Authentication\n-------------------------\n\nWhile there is not much research about the combination of 2FA with incentives to adopt it, there are several studies concerning adoption rates, effectiveness and usability.", "\n\nIn 2014, Gunson et al. ", "conducted a study that compared single-factor authentication (1FA) to two-factor authentication (2FA) for automated banking purposes. ", "The 1FA mechanism required users to recall secret knowledge, a few digit PIN, on the telephone. ", "This is common procedure for telephone banking processes. ", "The 2FA group however was additionally tasked to enter a code that was transmitted through a hardware token. ", "The researchers found that while 2FA was perceived more secure, it was also reported to be less usable and convenient when compared to the 1FA mechanism as it took longer and required a bit more work [@gunson2011user].", "\n\nCristofaro et al. ", "made a more general survey in 2015, trying to compare different approaches to 2FA in terms of usability. ", "They conducted a survey that recruited 219 participants on Amazon MTurk and chose to compare three different kinds of 2FA: hardware security tokens, codes send via e-mail or SMS, and apps like Google Authenticator. ", "While all 2FA mechanisms were overall perceived as usable, most users did only adopt it because they were forced to do so (37-44% depending on the 2FA solution), while 35-53 % were using it voluntarily. ", "Only 9-19% responded that they use 2FA due to incentives [@cristofaro2013comparative].", "\n\nIn 2018, Colnago et al. ", "released a paper on how the *Duo* 2FA system was distributed at their university in Pennsylvania. ", "While students had the option to adopt the system, it was made mandatory for all of the universities employees. ", "They conducted two surveys, one before and one after the mandatory enrollment of the service, finding that most users perceived the system to be a bit annoying, but still easy to use. ", "It also became visible that after using Duo for a while, users became accustomed to 2FA and sometimes even started using it on other accounts as well [@colnago2018its].", "\n\nFrom this work, we can learn that 2FA poses an increase in cognitive load during the authentication process. ", "This disadvantage in perception can be offset in some cases by the increase in perceived security.", "\n\nGamification\n------------\n\nOffering in-ecosystem incentives can be considered a form of *gamification*.", "\n\nThe concept of gamification has been around since the 1980, but in 2011, Deterding et al. ", "analytically defined the term as\n\n> The use of design elements characteristic for games in non-game contexts.", " [@deterding2011from]\n\nThe approach of offering incentives can be considered a design element which is characteristic for games, such as a quest reward. ", "However, the contexts in which incentives for 2FA activation are already employed are all gaming-related, so this work aims at developing gamification approaches which incentivize 2FA activation outside of the gaming context.", "\n\nGamification in security has been mostly done for training and education purposes.", "\n\nFrancia et al. ", "for example developed two games about password strength and phishing awareness. ", "They used visual metaphors like walls made from different materials for symbolizing password strength. ", "The two games were self-explanatory and required only a short period of learning [@francia2014gamification]. ", "Additional work on educational games on phishing includes *Anti-Phishing Phil* by Sheng et al.", " [@Sheng2007anti], and *What.", "Hack* by Wen et al.", " [@Wen2017what].", "\n\nDabrowski et al. ", "evaluated their own approach of enhancing university security education with gamification elements, namely leaderboards and user ranks with additional incentive for achieving the highest rank. ", "The authors did both short-term and long-term evaluations of the system using surveys during and after the course. ", "Results show that the gamification elements motivate the course participants to intensively engage with the course material and raise general interest in security. ", "However, some of these effects were also attributed to the stereotype of “hacking” as something adventurous, as portrayed in the media [@dabrowski2015leveraging].", "\n\nIncreasing User Motivation With Incentives\n------------------------------------------\n\nIt is possible to use virtual rewards such as badges to motivate users, as Anderson et al. ", "showed in 2013. ", "In their study they used a website similar to Stack Overflow, generated several tasks that included different kinds of participation with the community and awarded badges for users that took part in it. ", "Their results show that not only did the badges increase the users’ motivation and participation rates, they were also able to predict to a certain degree what a user would do [@anderson2013steering].", "\n\nBarata et al. ", "conducted a study in 2013 where they added gamification elements to a master degree university course in engineering, including leaderboards, scores and levels. ", "When compared to the same course in the previous year and other university courses, results showed that students and teachers seemed more content with the course and their achievements. ", "Several other statistics such as attendance or preparation for courses also increased [@barata2013engaging].", "\n\nThese studies show that incentives can be a powerful tool to motivate and steer users, even if they only exist meaningfully within a single platform. ", "Based on the assumption that this could also be applied to incentives for 2FA that we find in video games, this is the first paper to study the feasibility of using incentives for increasing 2FA adoption for non-gaming services.", "\n\nOnline Surveys\n==============\n\nIn order to get a better overview on users’ attitudes towards incentives for adopting 2FA in gaming, we developed an online survey that was deployed in various online gaming communities in January and February 2018. ", "Afterwards, this survey was modified and deployed again on Amazon MTurk to recruit a more general sample in January and February 2019.", "\n\nMethodology\n-----------\n\nBased on our research question, we created a 14-question online survey consisting mostly of multiple choice and Likert-scale questions. ", "We asked participants what services from a pre-selected list they use, whether they have 2FA enabled for these services, and some general perception and usability questions regarding various 2FA methods. ", "Afterwards, we asked about different types of incentives and how they would influence adoption as well as deactivation of 2FA.", "\n\nWe distributed the survey via social media and through posts in the following subreddits: r/SampleSize, r/Blizzard, r/Steam, r/WoW and r/GuildWars2. ", "As this survey was conducted as part of a student project of one of our authors, we weren’t able to compensate the participants of this study. ", "After the survey was evaluated, a follow-up post with summarized results was posted in the respective communities as a token of appreciation.", "\n\nFor the general audience, some modifications were made to the survey. ", "First, a question about the term *valve* was included with different possible meanings provided to test whether or not the person would recognize it as the company behind the game marketplace Steam, followed by a second question that directly asked if the user enjoys playing video games. ", "These were added in order to be able to better differentiate between users that were similar to the participants of the first study, e.g., having an affinity for video games and maybe already familiar with incentives, or if they were part of a more general population. ", "We specifically asked about Valve and Steam, which might be best known to PC gamers, but less likely to console or mobile gamers. ", "This was a conscious decision because most of the games who employ 2FA mechanics are PC-centered or even exclusive, such as World of Warcraft. ", "In addition, questions and answer options regarding incentives were modified to include not only gaming-related options. ", "To counter-balance our participant’s mental load of this extended survey, we chose to change our Likert-scale questions from 7-point to 5-point, trading a finer resolution with (hopefully) more accurate answers. ", "The full question set of both surveys can be found in the Appendix.", "\n\nAfter a pre-test with 20 personal contacts which led to minor improvements in the survey design, we hosted the modified survey on Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) with the following participant requirements: Participants had to have a HIT approval rate of at least $90\\%$ and needed to be based either in Canada, Germany, the USA, or the United Kingdom. ", "We chose the geographic locations for potential participants in accordance with our demographic sample from the gaming-focused survey. ", "All MTurk participants were compensated with USD 2.00 for their work.", "\n\nResults\n-------\n\n### Gaming Community {#sec:res_gaming}\n\nFor our gaming-related sample, we could collect 594 data sets, from which 462 were valid. ", "The participants were on average $27$ years old ($\\sigma=7.2$). ", "Of all participants, $76\\%$ self-identified as male, $19\\%$ as female, and $4\\%$ as non-binary. ", "Most people were living in the United States of America ($36\\%$), $14\\%$ were from Germany, $7\\%$ from Canada, and $7\\%$ from the United Kingdom. ", "Other countries were represented by less than 5% of participants and are omitted here.", "\n\n Service Users Users with activated 2FA \n -------------- ---------- -------------------------- --\n Blizzard $56.7\\%$ $43.1\\%$ \n Discord $71.4\\%$ $26.0\\%$ \n Facebook $50.9\\%$ $24.5\\%$ \n GOG $25\\%$ $6.9\\%$ \n Guild Wars 2 $65.6\\%$ $55.0\\%$ \n Nintendo $23.4\\%$ $3.9\\%$ \n Origin $33.5\\%$ $11.0\\%$ \n PSN $17.3\\%$ $5.2\\%$ \n Reddit $87.7\\%$ $11.5\\%$ \n Slack $16.0\\%$ $4.3\\%$ \n Steam $88.1\\%$ $62.6\\%$ \n Telegram $13.2\\%$ $5.4\\%$ \n Twitter $43.3\\%$ $16.9\\%$ \n Wargaming $1.3\\%$ $0.6\\%$ \n WhatsApp $36.8\\%$ $6.1\\%$ \n Xbox Live $11.0\\%$ $4.1\\%$ \n\n : Usage and adoption rates for various gaming-related surveys within a gaming-centered population. ", "Both percentages in relation to all participants, $N=462$.[]{data-label=\"tab:usage_gaming\"}\n\nAt the beginning of the survey, we asked participants to check which services (from a pre-compiled list of 2FA-enabled services) they use and for which of them they have 2FA enabled. ", "The results are presented in Table \\[tab:usage\\_gaming\\]. ", "Only 21 participants stated that they do not use 2FA for any of their accounts. ", "Overall, gaming-related accounts have a higher adoption rate for 2FA than non-gaming accounts, with those that prominently offer an incentive (Blizzard, Guild Wars 2, Steam) having even higher rates. ", "The participants had the opportunity to add other services for which they use 2FA. ", "Twenty-three people named Google services like Google Mail, five mentioned online banking and one person claimed they would use 2FA on all their accounts if the service would support it. ", "Other online platforms mentioned were Dropbox, GitHub, GitLab, Microsoft services, e-mail provider and games like Star Wars: The Old Republic, Wildstar, EVE Online, and Final Fantasy XIV.", "\n\nRegarding different 2FA methods, SMS is the most widespread method of 2FA with 311 reported users ($67.3\\%$ of all participants). ", "Google Authenticator is used by $54\\%$ of the participants, while service specific apps are used by $50\\%$. A portion of $44.8\\%$ is using e-mail as a way of getting the second factor. ", "Hardware tokens are way less widespread with only $6.5\\%$ of participants using them.", "\n\nAfterwards, participants were asked to rate the different presented 2FA methods regarding their perception of how convenient the usage of those methods is and how secure they regard a method, both on a 7-point Likert scale.", "\n\nSMS was rated very convenient with an average score of $5.14$ ($\\sigma=1.88$, median=6), but received only an average rating of $4.85$ ($\\sigma=1.79$, median=5) in perceived security. ", "Receiving access codes via mail received an average convenience score of $4.55$ ($\\sigma=1.78$, median=5) and an average security rating of $4.11$ ($\\sigma=1.55$, median=4). ", "The Google Authenticator received both a slightly higher convenience rating ($\\mu=5.32$, $\\sigma=1.70$, median=6) as well as a slightly higher security rating ($\\mu=5.72$, $\\sigma=1.28$, median=6) on average compared to SMS. ", "Service specific applications were rated on average $4.79$ in convenience ($\\sigma=1.99$, median=5) and $5.77$ in security ($\\sigma=1.39$, median=6). ", "The lowest convenience score ($\\mu=3.38$, $\\sigma=1.97$, median=3), but the highest perceived security ($\\mu=6.17$, $\\sigma=1.40$, median=7) was given to hardware tokens.", "\n\nIn the next part of the survey, participants were asked about what motivates them to enable 2FA on their accounts. ", "The enhancement of the account security was a motivational aspect for $88.1\\%$ of participants. ", "The second most indicated motivation for using 2FA is a high monetary value attached to the corresponding account for a total of $50.9\\%$. The possibility of circumventing restrictions motivates $27.3\\%$ of participants, whereas visual bonuses are only able to attract $21.9\\%$ of participants. ", "Just $5\\%$ of participants stated that they have activated 2FA to gain gameplay advantages. ", "Afterwards, we presented hypothetical scenarios that might influence the adoption of 2FA and asked participants how likely they would enable it in the given situation. ", "In the first scenario the user would lose a functionality if 2FA would not be activated, as it has happened on Steam with their trade and market hold. ", "228 of the 462 participants ($49.4\\%$) stated that they would very likely activate 2FA ($\\mu=5.6$, $\\sigma=1.87$, median=6). ", "The next scenario was the introduction of gameplay advantages, if the user activates 2FA. ", "Of all participants, 237 ($51.3\\%$) stated that they would use 2FA in this case ($\\mu=5.61$, $\\sigma=1.93$, median=7). ", "In the last scenario the users were offered an exclusive visual in-game modification for using 2FA. ", "Only 181 of the asked people ($39.2\\%$) indicated they would very likely start using 2FA to gain said modification ($\\mu=5.01$, $\\sigma=2.09$). ", "This stands in contrast to the self-reported reasons for activating 2FA in practice, as reported above.", "\n\nGeneral Population Sample {#sec:res_general}\n-------------------------\n\nWhile we opened the recruitment to people from Canada and the UK, nobody from these countries participated in our survey. ", "Therefore, we got 313 participants in total, with 155 from the US and 158 from Germany. ", "After cleaning the data and removing participants who failed the attention check, we retained a total of 288 participants, with 146 being from the US and 142 from Germany. ", "The complete demographic data can be found in Table \\[tab:demographics\\].", "\n\n Gaming Sample General Sample\n -------------------- --------------- ----------------\n Total Participants $462$ $288$\n From the USA $36\\%$ $51\\%$\n From Germany $14\\%$ $49\\%$\n From Canada $7\\%$ $0\\%$\n From the UK $7\\%$ $0\\%$\n Male $76\\%$ $69\\%$\n Female $19\\%$ $31\\%$\n Non-binary $2\\%$ $0\\%$\n No gender data $2\\%$ $0\\%$\n Avg. ", "Age $26.5$ $32.3$\n Standard Deviation $7.2$ $9.5$\n\n : Demographic data from both surveys, reported after cleaning the data.[]{data-label=\"tab:demographics\"}\n\nWhile $92.7\\%$ of participants ($95.2\\%$ from US, $90.1\\%$ from Germany) stated that they enjoy playing video games, only $62.5\\%$ (US: $62.3\\%$, DE: $62.7\\%$) associated the term *valve* with video games. ", "For further analysis, we considered the sub-sample who recognized the company Valve as well as enjoyed gaming as our *gaming sub-sample* ($N=179$). ", "The average age for the gaming sub-sample is at 30 years, while the non-gaming sample average at 35 years. ", "While the gender ratio is equally divided on all mentioned genders for non-gamers ($53.2\\%$ female compared to $46.8\\%$ male), there is a much larger imbalance within the gaming sub-sample where $82.1\\%$ identified as male and only $17.3\\%$ as female.", "\n\nWhen asked whether participants use 2FA for at least one of their accounts, $85.7\\%$ agreed to do so (US: $85.6\\%$, DE: $85.9\\%$). ", "The adoption rate for people from the gaming sub-sample was $87.7\\%$. A detailed overview of account types and 2FA usage rates can be found in Table \\[tab:usage\\_general\\].", "\n\n Service Overall 2FA GSS 2FA\n ---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------\n Online Banking $94.8\\%$ $65.3\\%$ $96.1\\%$ $67.6\\%$\n Backup & Cloud $73.3\\%$ $14.6\\%$ $76.5\\%$ $17.9\\%$\n E-Mail $96.2\\%$ $40.3\\%$ $97.8\\%$ $41.3\\%$\n Social Media $88.5\\%$ $23.6\\%$ $88.3\\%$ $23.5\\%$\n Messaging $85.1\\%$ $11.8\\%$ $86.6\\%$ $12.8\\%$\n Online Games $73.6\\%$ $30.6\\%$ $88.3\\%$ $44.1\\%$\n Retail $89.9\\%$ $22.9\\%$ $91.6\\%$ $25.7\\%$\n Productivity $63.2\\%$ $8.0\\%$ $68.7\\%$ $9.5\\%$\n Hosting $23.6\\%$ $6.3\\%$ $27.9\\%$ $9.5\\%$\n\n : Usage and adoption rates for various gaming-related services from the general population sample ($N=288$), and its gaming sub-sample (GSS, $N=179$). ", "2FA adoption rates relate to the respective total $N$.[]{data-label=\"tab:usage_general\"}\n\nOverall, we can see that the gaming sub-sample has higher 2FA adoption rates throughout all categories. ", "Online games have the third highest 2FA adoption rate (after banking and e-mail) for the overall sample, while in the gaming sub-sample, they are placed second highest.", "\n\nAfter asking again about selected services, the participants were asked about what 2FA instruments they use. ", "Again, e-mail and SMS were the most common instruments, with $35.8\\%$ of participants using e-mail and $34.4\\%$ using SMS at least once a week (gaming sub-sample: $38.0\\%$ e-mail, $40.8\\%$ SMS).", "\n\nAs for convenience and perceived security, SMS was ranked most convenient ($\\mu_{all}=3.216$, $\\sigma_{all}=1.783$, $\\mu_{GSS}=3.380$, $\\sigma_{GSS}=1.697$) and most secure ($\\mu_{all}=2.984$, $\\sigma_{all}=1.685$, $\\mu_{GSS}=2.975$, $\\sigma_{GSS}=1.587$). ", "These ratings are a change from our first survey with a gaming population where Google Authenticator was ranked most convenient, and hardware tokens were ranked most secure (cf. ", "Section \\[sec:res\\_gaming\\]).", "\n\nFor each Likert scale question we conducted a Mann-Whitney-U test and compared the ratings of the gaming sample with those of the non-gaming sample. ", "The results were corrected using the Bonferroni-Holm method which shows that there are almost no significant differences concerning how both groups rate different 2FA methods. ", "A notable exception to this is the convenience of service specific 2FA apps (such as the Blizzard Authenticator), which was rated significantly higher by gamers (U = 7544, p < 0.001). ", "This implies that gamers are more comfortable or familiar using them.", "\n\nRegarding reasons for using 2FA, the large majority of $76.0\\%$ stated that their primary reason for using 2FA is account security. ", "This is again in line with the previous study where security was also the major concern for users.", "\n\nTo test which kind of incentive might be interesting for a general population we decided to phrase several ideas for incentives that were inspired by existing incentives, but modified to lose the direct gaming context and used a 5-point Likert scale to ask how likely participants would activate 2FA in this scenario. ", "While most of these examples were closely connected to the categories we find in gaming-related incentives, i.e. cosmetic enhancements, gameplay advantages, and sanctions, we also added incentives such as one-time payments, discounts, or physical gifts to complement the selection. ", "Results show that monetary incentives like one-time payments would be most interesting for our participants with an average score of $3.752$ ($\\sigma=1.385$, median=4). ", "When differentiating between the gaming and non-gaming sub-samples, we see that gamers are more interested in gaming-related incentives like gameplay advantages with an average Likert score of $3.38$ ($\\sigma=1.48$, median=3) in comparison to $2.67$ ($\\sigma=1.47$, median=2) for non-gamers. ", "This is supported by a Mann-Whitney-U test that shows a significant difference between the gaming and non-gaming sub-sample (U = 6568.5, p < 0.001). ", "There are no other outstanding differences in the ratings for other incentives. ", "In our first study, participants rated only three gaming-related incentives on a 7-point Likert scale. ", "The results suggested that all were well received by users, although loss of function ($\\sigma=5.60$) and gameplay advantages ($\\sigma=5.61$) attracted more users than visual modifications ($\\sigma=5.01$).", "\n\nA graphical overview on the attractiveness of various incentives is presented in Figure \\[fig:incentives\\]. ", "We can see a bimodal distribution for the permanent discount scenario with most participants of both groups finding it *very likely* that this kind of incentive would lead them to activate 2FA for an account. ", "Participants from both groups found sticker sets, which we thought would correspond closely to visual incentives found in online games, very unattractive as an incentive in general. ", "For the restriction scenario of keeping social media posts on hold for moderation unless a user has activated 2FA, we received very mixed answers.", "\n\nTo see whether incentives increase the adoption rate for 2FA, we looked again at adoption rates by service. ", "Although most gaming-related accounts we listed in the first survey were replaced by general services, we still asked about Steam and Blizzard accounts regarding 2FA. ", "While both have mediocre usage rates over the whole population with $54.9\\%$ for Steam and only $33.0\\%$ for Blizzard, both have high 2FA adoption rates when compared to other services. ", "Between the gaming and non-gaming sub-samples, we see again that Steam and Blizzard have comparably very high 2FA adoption rates for all specific accounts we asked within the gaming sub-sample, i.e. $22.9\\%$ of our gaming participants use 2FA for their Blizzard accounts and $35.2\\%$ for Steam while these values in the non-gaming sub-sample are between $3.7\\%$ and $5.5\\%$.\n\nThe 2FA adoption rates for both in the gaming sub-sample are also larger than the respective ones for all participants, where $16.3\\%$ stated to have 2FA activated for their Blizzard accounts and $23.3\\%$ use 2FA for Steam. ", "For both the whole population as well as the gaming sub-sample these values are only topped by online banking, where $45.1\\%$ of all participants employ 2FA, and $49.2\\%$ of participants within the gaming sub-sample. ", "Services such as Paypal, Amazon and Google Mail also have 2FA adoption rates between $28.8\\%$ and $36.3\\%$ for both groups. ", "The other 23 specific services in the list we provided achieved lower adoption rates of at most $16.2\\%$.\n\nOverall we performed Fisher’s exact tests to compare the general usage rates to the 2FA adoption rates between the gaming and non-gaming samples. ", "While we find no significant differences for specific websites, we find that participants from the gaming group are more likely to adopt 2FA for online game accounts in general (0.342, p = 0.004, Bonferroni-Holm corrected for multiple testing).", "\n\nDesign Space and Concepts for Non-Gaming Incentives\n===================================================\n\nFrom the surveys, we learned that account security and account value are seen as large motivators to adopt 2FA. ", "When it comes to incentive types, we see that both restrictive measures for non-adopters as well as financial or gameplay advantages are rated as convincing for the adoption of 2FA. ", "This was why we decided to pursue these incentive types further and draft non-gaming examples of these types. ", "In addition, we also decided to adopt an example for visual modifications, since these were the most common type of incentive seen in the gaming landscape.", "\n\nThe first step in transferring popular incentive types from gaming to non-gaming contexts was reflecting how the design space would change.", "\n\nOnline games have a closed economy and a fixed number of distinct items to acquire. ", "This nudges players to complete collections of items such as companion pets, and a 2FA incentive can easily hook into this mechanic. ", "When trying to transfer the incentive of visual modifications or companions, we searched for a similar mechanic that is of only cosmetic (i.e. not functional) value and that comes with a collection or completionist nudge. ", "We found that stickers in instant messaging are an increasingly popular cosmetic gimmick, and that some people exhibit a similar collection behaviour [@zhou2017goodbye]. ", "Therefore, we chose to select exclusive messenger stickers as a non-gaming incentive for adopting 2FA. ", "We thus created a mock-up of a WhatsApp conversation which features two users discussing and presenting an exclusive sticker that was obtained by activating 2FA.", "\n\nEconomic advantages were generally well-accepted by the survey participants (see also Figure \\[fig:incentives\\]); most participants stated that it would be very likely that they activated 2FA if they were either offered a discount in e.g. an online shop or if they received a one-time payment for activation. ", "In gaming, economic advantages as incentives for activating 2FA in gaming are less frequent and come in different implementations, such as more inventory space (cf. ", "Figure \\[fig:examples\\]). ", "As we found it hard to model an equivalently “powerful” incentive in a non-gaming context, we chose a discount for an online shop, which is also an economic advantage. ", "This keeps the design generally applicable as opposed to service-specific economic advantages like extra storage space for a file sharing service. ", "Therefore, we designed a mock-up of a popular German clothing shop website offering a 5% discount while 2FA using e-mail as the second factor was activated.", "\n\nWe were also very interested in restriction mechanisms such as those of Steam, so we additionally included a scenario which inhibited platform use without 2FA activated. ", "While other scenarios were possible, we chose post moderation and restrictions in a social network as an example. ", "Again, this was so that as many participants as possible would relate to the scenario. ", "We created two case mock-ups using Facebook as a template. ", "In the first, the user attempted to post a status update that included another user. ", "Since the second person had 2FA activated, but the first user did not, the mock-up does not allow the status to be posted. ", "In the second example, the user tried to post something in a public group but was once again stopped and made aware of the fact that before their post was published, a moderator needed to confirm it. ", "Both inhibitions could be circumvented by activating 2FA.", "\n\nTo summarize, we chose the following incentive types to design artifacts: Economic advantages, inhibited social media, and exclusive sticker sets. ", "All mock-ups can be found in Figure \\[fig:mockups\\].", "\n\nFocus Group Study\n=================\n\nIn order to get deeper insights into users’ attitudes towards 2FA in general and the various incentives we designed, we decided to conduct a focus group study. ", "Focus groups are group interviews of 3-6 participants which foster group discussion and are often used for getting impressions on new concepts or ideas [@baxter2015understanding]. ", "Since our goal was to explicitly evaluate new concepts for 2FA incentives in non-gaming contexts, we chose this method for our evaluation.", "\n\nMethodology\n-----------\n\nWe tested the mock-up designs (cf. ", "Figure \\[fig:mockups\\]) in a focus group study with 15 participants, who received EUR 10 as compensation for their participation.", "\n\nThe group interview contained discussion of general knowledge and usage experience of various 2FA methods, associated group rating exercises regarding simplicity, ease of use, security and likeliness of adoption. ", "Afterwards, real 2FA incentives as well as our mock-ups were presented and discussed.", "\n\nThree groups of participants were recruited through personal contacts and advertisements placed around the university campus. ", "All participants were between 18 and 29 years old and from Germany. ", "While the first group was an all-male assembly of five computer science students, the second group consisted of three women and two men, who also all studied computer science. ", "The third group featured three women and two men, all participants were not enrolled into a computer science program.", "\n\nIn the following, we present the most important arguments and findings from our different group sessions.", "\n\nResults\n-------\n\nAt the start of each session we asked participants to tell us what they knew about 2FA. ", "While both computer science groups were able to name different methods, the third group only knew about SMS and e-mail as well as some examples from banking contexts. ", "During the session, they seemed to have different misconceptions about what 2FA was and when it was used as they confused it with e-mails about suspicious account activities or SMS that included account activation codes.", "\n\n> Isn’t that sufficient? ", "I mean, you have registered with \\[your phone number\\], so it’s a kind of two-factor authentication when they send you the confirmation code via SMS and the phone processes this code. (", "A participant from group 3)\n\nWhen asked about the properties of different methods, there were major misconceptions about the security of SMS. ", "The method was perceived as very secure in all three groups with arguments such as *“since they only arrive on my phone and operate on the SIM card”*, or that *“you cannot read the code on the lock screen, and without my fingerprint nobody can access it”*. ", "All three groups also voiced concerns about e-mail being not secure enough as they either thought hacking an e-mail inbox was incredibly easy or that it was purely depending on their password strength. ", "This shows a lack of understanding even in the computer science groups that were otherwise able to explain not only the basic concepts of 2FA methods but in some cases also the underlying algorithms. ", "Interestingly, although SMS was perceived as more secure than e-mail, most participants seemed to prefer the usage of an e-mail-address for 2FA and did not want to disclose their number. ", "Authenticator apps like the Google Authenticator were mostly unknown by our focus group participants. ", "Some people who identified as gamers reported to use them, for example for their Blizzard accounts. ", "Hardware tokens were on the other hand very common, as many German banks require token-generated TANs for online banking transactions. ", "An example of such a token can be seen in Figure \\[fig:tan\\_generator\\]. ", "User sentiment about these generators was often negative, as our participants have experienced delays and hindrances in acquiring such a generator from their bank in the past. ", "In addition, they report problems in generating the TANs by holding the token in front of a flickering code on their computer screen that contains the transaction information. ", "For example, a participant from group 2 reported *“it’s a fifty-fifty chance”* if the device would actually work as intended. ", "Another participant stated\n\n> It depends on what kind of token you have. ", "If I think about my TAN generator, it’s horrible. (", "A participant from group 2)\n\nWhile most participants had no previous experience with hardware token, they were perceived as secure. ", "However, participants expressed concerns about this method as the token needs to be carried in person and could easily get lost. ", "Therefore they were rated as less convenient than other methods such as SMS.", "\n\n![", "A *SmartTAN Optic* TAN generator from a German bank. ", "The customer’s card is inserted into the device, transaction data is transmitted through optical sensors by holding the token in front of a flickering code on screen. ", "As a fallback mechanism, the data can also be entered through the device’s keypad. ", "After the relevant transaction data is displayed on the screen and acknowledged by the user, the device eventually displays the TAN.[]{data-label=\"fig:tan_generator\"}](smartTAN.jpg){width=\"35.00000%\"}\n\nIn addition, there were often different views on which methods participants would use in different cases. ", "We saw a clear differentiation between accounts where payment data was attached or shopping history was collected, for these accounts our participants would accept 2FA rather than for “unimportant” accounts such as credentials for online forums. ", "A de-facto consensus was the wish for a selection of 2FA methods, as then every user could cherry-pick the method they liked best.", "\n\nIn general, all groups seemed to agree that while rewards were an interesting approach, especially the sticker set was perceived as not good enough to weigh out the negative sides of 2FA usage, i.e. as the extra effort required and the potential disclosure of contact data. ", "They also rejected incentives that were “too good”: Group 2 and 3 voiced concerns that a company offering rewards for i.e. a phone number required for 2FA might have malicious intents such as selling the number or abusing it for unwanted advertisements.", "\n\n> I would be a little skeptic whether they would sell my \\[phone number\\] later on, especially when I get something in return for \\[enabling 2FA\\]. (", "A participant from group 2)\n\nParticipants found the shop discount scenario very appealing, especially since it used e-mail as the second factor instead of SMS or a custom solution. ", "Participants in group 1 and 2 explained that the shop would have their e-mail address anyway, so enabling 2FA in this case would not come with additional exposure of personal information. ", "One participant in group 2 argued that this might abuse the situation of lower income households, basically forcing them to adopt 2FA as they would be dependant on the discount.", "\n\nThe inhibition of social media in the Facebook example was partially accepted as a good incentive, although some participants in groups 2 and 3 were unsure about the benefit for the users and stated that they might not use the service at all in this case as they found the inhibition to be annoying.", "\n\nAll three groups stated that websites that either directly handled monetary purposes such as online banking or those that indirectly handled their bank data or valuable items such as Amazon or Steam were likely candidates for 2FA adoption. ", "Other personal information was also named, although participants deemed them not as important as websites that dealt with money. ", "A participant from group one even explicitly stated that he would not use 2FA for dating apps, although these might hold very intimate information about a user.", "\n\nAnother often mentioned aspect was that participants seemed to weigh the usefulness of 2FA against the potential benefits. ", "If a website did not hold important enough information or if a login with 2FA was required too often, they rejected 2FA usage in general. ", "However, for i.e. a bank account, users would even use their phone number as this was deemed important enough.", "\n\nFinally, participants argued that often there would be no need to lure users with rewards, but one for more explanations and educations on what 2FA is and why they should adopt it.", "\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nIn the following, we will discuss selected topics that emerged from the focus group interview and put them in context with our research question.", "\n\nGeneral Privacy and Security Perception of 2FA\n----------------------------------------------\n\nWe found grave misconceptions about the security of SMS. ", "SMS messages are sent in plain text and can be easily attacked with low equipment costs [@toorani2008solutions], which is why NIST declared them insecure as a second factor in 2016, but reverted the statement in a later update [@dudley2017rollback]. ", "Despite these security flaws, the participants in our survey as well as the focus group interviews tended to regard SMS as very secure and placed a lot of trust in the medium.", "\n\nSome participant statements in the survey and the focus groups suggest that there might be a differentiation between primitive mobile phone features that use a SIM card (i.e. calling, SMS), and smartphone features that resemble typical computer applications and behaviour (i.e. apps, messaging, and web browsing) within users’ mental models. ", "While the phone features might be regarded as more secure, the smartphone features come with similar risk perceptions as general internet and PC applications [@krombholz2019if]. ", "News coverage and vulnerability disclosures could have worked toward this narrative, because it is usually the phone operating system or selected apps that are portrayed as insecure, while there is no such coverage about primitive phone features.", "\n\nParticipants also had clear differentiation between which accounts were worth protecting with 2FA. ", "A common pattern in our focus groups was that when monetary value or sensitive payment data (e.g. SEPA account details) is connected to an account, it becomes worthy of securing it with 2FA. ", "In contrast, accounts which are rich with personal and intimate data but not associated with money are not deemed worthy of additional protection by our participants. ", "This confirms prior research on the monetary value of personal data [@DVDgeld; @Cvrcek2006study]\n\nThis conception about data being not as worthy as actual money has been discussed before [@grossklags200725], and it remains open if we as a professional community should see this as a need for better concepts and communication of those, or as a field where strict consumer protection is necessary to soften the impact of these user mental models.", "\n\nWhen it comes to handing over phone numbers, we saw some mix-up between account validation purposes and actual 2FA setup. ", "While companies usually employ account validation via SMS to restrict automated account creation and increase the advertising value of their users’ data, 2FA via SMS has the only purpose of making the account more secure. ", "We regard this tendency as very alarming, since we hypothesize that the practices for user data harvesting have the potential to negatively influence users’ mental models of 2FA’s security benefits.", "\n\nIncentives in Gaming\n--------------------\n\nWhile the adoption rate for 2FA in gaming services that offer incentives are rather high (cf. ", "Table \\[tab:usage\\_gaming\\]), we see only very small approval when asking directly about the influence of an incentive on adopting 2FA.", "\n\nIt could be that these gaming accounts in question are first and foremost seen as valuable accounts by our participants, since especially Massively Multiplayer Online game (MMO) accounts often contain hundreds of hours of playtime and an assortment of valuable items. ", "The side-economy of buying and selling actual accounts for often several hundred Dollars on marketplaces like eBay or special platforms like g2g [@g2g] gives this perception additional weight. ", "This might make the value of gaming accounts more visible than for example, social media accounts [@parizi2019security].", "\n\nAnother approach to explain this discrepancy could be increased advertising of 2FA through the measure of incentives. ", "Usually, gaming publishers release accompanying news and social media posts when introducing an incentive for 2FA adoption [@wownews; @fortnitenews; @rbsixnews], this generates publicity and might introduce players to the concept of 2FA who haven’t been in contact with this security measure before, thus raising awareness for account security in general. ", "These news are often further distributed by major gaming news websites such as Kotaku [@gw2news; @gtanews]. ", "Our findings from the focus group interviews where participants generally wished for more and better education on the subject of 2FA resound with this observation.", "\n\nBesides social media posts and press releases, visual incentives in an online game are also advertising in itself. ", "Players see new items, skins, or companions in-game and might start asking around or researching how to acquire them. ", "This way, they also eventually reach the information about account security and might become aware of the security benefits of adopting 2FA. ", "However, our focus group interviews have clearly shown that this mechanism only works in closed economies with a focus on collecting rare and different items. ", "In the general online world, the attractiveness of a sticker set incentive was made highly dependant on the target group, e.g. teenagers.", "\n\nInfluence of Incentives on Security\n-----------------------------------\n\nWhen an incentive allows for reliable distinction between users who have activated 2FA and those who have not, the service provider might endanger their users who have 2FA not enabled. ", "A well-designed incentive thus must not allow to filter users by 2FA activation.", "\n\nVisual incentives in games like skins, emotes, or mini pets can be disabled, switched out, or simply not used by players. ", "Access to restricted vendors is not visible to outsiders, the same goes for inventory space and in-game wallet.", "\n\nSteam’s trading hold time for 2FA-disabled accounts is visible to trading partners, but initiating a trade needs confirmation from both participating users.", "\n\nWhen designing incentives for non-gaming contexts, designers have to keep this security constraint in mind, especially for social features such as moderated posting.", "\n\nTransferability between Gaming and Non-Gaming Contexts\n------------------------------------------------------\n\nVideo games and especially MMOs have fixed and clear rules of *value* [@lehdonvirta2009virtual]. ", "Collecting a wide variety of items, especially rare items, is deemed an important meta-goal in online multiplayer games. ", "This pressure to collect is not as prominent in daily life in Western societies as it is in gaming communities, which has to be taken into account when discussing the transferability of incentives for 2FA.", "\n\nOur focus group results have shown that especially visual incentives work better in closed-economy contexts than in the daily online world, as sticker sets were dismissed as rather special or only suitable for a narrow audience like teenagers. ", "The general controversy about incentive types we saw in the group discussions suggests that maybe offering a range of incentives from which participants could pick the one they like best would be a golden way for non-gaming contexts. ", "However, this would come with increased setup costs for service providers.", "\n\nOur focus group results also indicate that there is a certain sweet spot about the power of an incentive. ", "Participants acknowledged the increased pressure on low-income customers in the context of discount incentives. ", "While all participants agreed that 2FA was a good thing in general, they were rather torn on incentives that de-facto pressured users into enabling 2FA because of powerful advantages. ", "In addition, we observed concerns about unfair advantages or even incentives as bait for data abuse. ", "When an incentive looked too good to be true, our participants turned skeptical and suspected a bait offer to gather phone numbers or the like. ", "Regarding the transfer of 2FA incentives into non-gaming contexts, incentives that offer discounts or in-ecosystem advantages such as more space in the cloud might work best.", "\n\nSuggested Incentives for the non-gaming Context\n-----------------------------------------------\n\nGamers have an overall higher adoption rate throughout all categories of services we asked about. ", "This could indicate that successfully adopting 2FA in at least one field lowers the bar for adoption in other fields.", "\n\nIn regard to our proposed examples for incentives mechanisms in non-gaming contexts (cf. ", "Figure \\[fig:mockups\\]), we found that the shop discount was the most attractive example for our focus group participants. ", "The monetary discount is a strong pull, and e-mail as a second factor is perceived as non-intrusive. ", "No additional user data disclosure is needed for setting up 2FA in this case, which was an aspect that our participants highlighted as positive.", "\n\nIn contrast, the other scenarios we proposed were dismissed as not very attractive (sticker set), and too restrictive (Facebook posting restrictions). ", "We were curious about the attractiveness of cosmetic incentives and thought the sticker feature of many modern messengers would be a good equivalent to gaming contexts, but it turned out that stickers have no such collection effect as weapon skins or mini pets in the gaming context might have.", "\n\nDrawing from these results, we propose the following design recommendations:\n\n- The industry should consider monetary benefits as we found that 2FA incentives for non-gaming contexts to be attached with monetary value where applicable and effective.", "\n\n- Services should offer a set of alternatives as second factors to suit users’ needs and their willingness to accept privacy trade-offs for enhanced account security.", "\n\n- Also, as we saw the wish for more education regarding 2FA, we strongly propose some educative text or media to accompany a 2FA campaign in non-gaming contexts, as users are usually not as tech-savvy as gaming populations.", "\n\nSuitable education is orthogonally important as it could help with clarifying and correcting divergent mental models about how 2FA works and what privacy risks are associated with it.", "\n\nLimitations\n===========\n\nAs every scientific work, this one is not without its limitations.", "\n\nFirst and foremost, all data we collected through our surveys and focus group study was self-reported. ", "It is known that people try to put themselves in a better light in such cases, especially when reporting about security and privacy practices and motivations. ", "This phenomenon could have skewed our results, so field study work is needed to confirm (or reject) our findings. ", "In addition, some users might not know that they already use some kind of 2FA in their daily lives, which would result in a skew in the other direction.", "\n\nWhile both surveys we conducted were similar, there were some modifications to the second run. ", "Furthermore, both samples were conducted on different platforms, several months apart and with different motivations as the gaming sample received no compensation whereas the general sample was rewarded with USD 2.00. ", "All of these differences might have had an influence on the answers our participants gave.", "\n\nOur focus groups only portray a very narrow cultural and demographic sample, since all participants were rather young and from Germany. ", "Students are known to be more tech-savvy and innovation-friendly in general, and German cultural and societal values like an emphasis on privacy [@krasnova2012self] might have influenced our results. ", "Further research with more diverse sets of participants is clearly needed and much appreciated.", "\n\nConclusion and Future Work\n==========================\n\nIn this paper, we presented the design, evaluation, and interpretation of three user studies about incentives for adopting two-factor authentication (2FA). ", "We conducted two surveys with multi-national samples, within a gaming-focused population and a general population sourced by crowdworking. ", "Based on the results of these surveys, we designed three novel concepts for incentive mechanisms in non-gaming contexts, namely a sticker set reward for a messenger application, the revocation of posting restrictions in certain areas of a social network, and a permanent discount for an online shop as long as the customer has 2FA enabled.", "\n\nWe found that there is no “one fits all” solution. ", "This confirms previous work on authentication [@Weir2009]. ", "Participants expressed needs to minimize the risk of losing access to a second factor as well as portability of said factor. ", "They were concerned about disclosing private information like phone numbers for SMS 2FA and favoured a selection of 2FA instruments to choose from, based on their needs and the perceived importance of the respective account they want to protect.", "\n\nFrom the three designs we proposed, the online shop discount incentive was considered most attractive, while the sticker set turned out uninteresting for most participants. ", "This suggests that the apparent effectiveness of cosmetic incentives which can be found in gaming contexts is not applicable per se to non-gaming contexts. ", "Furthermore, participants favoured a selection of different 2FA mechanisms instead of one “golden way”. ", "From these experiences, we formulated three actionable recommendations for deploying incentivized 2FA: Use monetary incentives where applicable, as they have the strongest pull. ", "Offer alternatives to suit users’ individual needs. ", "Educate about 2FA and its benefits in general.", "\n\nFuture research could attach here and evaluate different combinations of 2FA mechanisms that cover a wide range of audience. ", "In addition, field studies about the actual adoption likeliness and user behaviour in the wild are needed.", "\n\nWe thank all our survey and focus group participants. ", "Thanks to Matthew Smith for valuable feedback and supervision during the early conception of this work.", "\n\nPortions of the materials used are trademarks and/or copyrighted works of Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved by Epic. ", "This material is not official and is not endorsed by Epic.", "\n\nWorld of Warcraft ©2004 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. ", "World of Warcraft, Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.", "\n\nGaming Survey\n=============\n\n*Here we present the questionnaire for the first survey that was distributed in online gaming communities. ", "This survey was designed and conducted as part of a student project.*", "\n\nThe usage of services in the internet is rising. ", "Historically the user accounts of such services are secured by using a password. ", "To increase the security, two factor authentication (2FA) is used. ", "When 2FA is used, the user needs another information to login. ", "As an example, this could be a code provided via a mobile app or a SMS sent to a specified phone number. ", "In many online games or game services it is feature-wise beneficial for the user to activate 2FA. ", "The goal of this survey is to gather statistical data how the incentives or restrictions have influenced the 2FA adoption rate within the user base. ", "This survey should only take you a few minutes. ", "Thanks in advance for participating!", "\n\n#### 1. ", "Demographics {#demographics .unnumbered}\n\nPlease fill in your age, gender and your current country of residence. *", "free text entry*\n\n#### 2. ", "Which services do you use? {#", "which-services-do-you-use .unnumbered}\n\n- Blizzard Battle.net\n\n- Discord\n\n- Facebook\n\n- GOG.com\n\n- Guild Wars 2\n\n- Nintendo Account\n\n- Origin\n\n- Playstation Network\n\n- Reddit\n\n- Slack\n\n- Steam\n\n- Telegram\n\n- Twitter\n\n- Wargaming\n\n- WhatsApp\n\n- XBox Live\n\n- I don’t use any services on this list\n\n#### 3. ", "For which services do you have 2FA activated? {#", "for-which-services-do-you-have-2fa-activated .unnumbered}\n\nPlease mark the services you are actively using 2FA for.", "\n\n- Blizzard Battle.net\n\n- Discord\n\n- Facebook\n\n- GOG.com\n\n- Guild Wars 2\n\n- Nintendo Account\n\n- Origin\n\n- Playstation Network\n\n- Reddit\n\n- Slack\n\n- Steam\n\n- Telegram\n\n- Twitter\n\n- Wargaming\n\n- WhatsApp\n\n- XBox Live\n\n- Other (free text entry)\n\n- I do not have 2FA activated\n\n#### 4. ", "Which methods of 2FA do you use? {#", "which-methods-of-2fa-do-you-use .unnumbered}\n\n- SMS\n\n- Email\n\n- Google Authenticator\n\n- Specific app solution, e.g. Blizzard Authenticator\n\n- Hardware-Token\n\n- Other\n\n- I don’t use any 2FA methods\n\n#### 5. ", "How would you rate the following methods of 2FA regarding their convenience? {#", "how-would-you-rate-the-following-methods-of-2fa-regarding-their-convenience .unnumbered}\n\n(7-point Likert scale from *not convenient* to *very conventient* with *don’t know* option)\n\n- SMS\n\n- Email\n\n- Google Authenticator\n\n- Specific app solutions, e.g. Blizzard Authenticator\n\n- Hardware-Token\n\n#### 6. ", "How would you rate the following methods of 2FA regarding their security? {#", "how-would-you-rate-the-following-methods-of-2fa-regarding-their-security .unnumbered}\n\n(7-point Likert scale from *not secure* to *very secure* with *don’t know* option)\n\n- SMS\n\n- Email\n\n- Google Authenticator\n\n- Specific app solutions, e.g. Blizzard Authenticator\n\n- Hardware-Token\n\n#### 7. ", "Why did you activate 2FA? {#", "why-did-you-activate-2fa .unnumbered}\n\nPlease mark your primary reasons why you have activated 2FA.", "\n\n- Account security\n\n- High monetary value is attached to the account\n\n- Gameplay advantage, e.g. an exclusive in-game shop\n\n- Visual bonus, e.g. an exclusive in-game pet\n\n- To circumvent a restriction, e.g. Steams Community Market Trading hold\n\n- Other (free text entry)\n\n- I do not have 2FA activated\n\n#### 8. ", "If an incentive convinced you to activate 2FA, ... {#if-an-incentive-convinced-you-to-activate-2fa-... .unnumbered}\n\n... how easy was the activation of 2FA? (", "7-point Likert scale from *very hard* to *very easy* with *I wasn’t convinced* option)\n\n#### 9. ", "If an incentive convinced you to activate 2FA, ... {#if-an-incentive-convinced-you-to-activate-2fa-...-1 .unnumbered}\n\n... how convenient is the usage of 2FA? (", "7-point Likert scale from *not convenient* to *very convenient* with *I wasn’t convinced* option)\n\n#### 10. ", "How likely is it that you would activate 2FA in the following scenarios? {#", "how-likely-is-it-that-you-would-activate-2fa-in-the-following-scenarios .unnumbered}\n\n(7-point Likert scale from *not likely* to *very likely*)\n\n- You would lose a previously available feature for not activating 2FA (e.g. When Steams Community Market Trading hold was introduced)\n\n- You could gain a gameplay advantage for using 2FA (e.g. additional inventory slots, exclusive shop)\n\n- You could gain an exclusive visual modification for using 2FA (e.g. companion, special skin)\n\n#### 11. ", "What is the probability of you deactivating 2FA, if you could keep the gained benefit(s)? {#", "what-is-the-probability-of-you-deactivating-2fa-if-you-could-keep-the-gained-benefits .unnumbered}\n\n(7-point Likert scale from *not likely* to *very likely*) Probability of you deactivating 2FA\n\n#### 12. ", "Why would you deactivate 2FA? {#", "why-would-you-deactivate-2fa .unnumbered}\n\nPlease mark all applicable answers\n\n- I don’t like the additional steps required to login\n\n- I don’t care about the additional security layer\n\n- I think the account is safe enough without 2FA\n\n- Other (free text entry)\n\n- I would not deactivate it\n\nGeneral Population Survey\n=========================\n\n*Here we present the questionnaire for the second survey that was distributed on Amazon MTurk. ", "This survey was designed and conducted as part of a Master’s thesis.*", "\n\nThis survey will ask you questions about your online behavior and different security mechanisms as part of a research project at University of Bonn. ", "The results will be used to research and improve existing security mechanisms. ", "Please read the questions carefully and answer honestly. ", "We estimate this will take you 10-15 minutes.\\\nBy completing this survey you consent to the collection and evaluation of your answers. ", "This will only be shared as part of our project and only with researchers of University of Bonn. ", "The published results will be anonymized. ", "Leaving the survey without finishing it equals withdrawing your consent, although you can return to finish it as long as the project is not completed.\\\nIf you have any questions or feedback regarding this survey please feel free to contact Sabrina Amft, Karoline Busse or Emanuel von Zezschwitz.\\\nThank you for participating!", "\n\n#### 1. ", "Age {#age .unnumbered}\n\nPlease fill in your age. *", "natural number entry*\n\n#### 2. ", "Demographics {#demographics-1 .unnumbered}\n\nPlease fill in your gender and your current country of residence. *", "free text entry*\n\n#### 3. ", "What do understand under the term ’Valve’? {#", "what-do-understand-under-the-term-valve .unnumbered}\n\n- A metal piece used to block or release a pipe\n\n- The company behind a well-known game shop and different video games\n\n- A TV Show about metal works\n\n- A brand for summer clothing\n\n- None of the above\n\n#### 4. ", "Do you enjoy playing video games? {#", "do-you-enjoy-playing-video-games .unnumbered}\n\n*single selection*\n\n- Yes\n\n- No\n\n#### 5. ", "Which kinds of online services do you make use of? {#", "which-kinds-of-online-services-do-you-make-use-of .unnumbered}\n\n- Online-Banking\n\n- Backups and Clouds (e.g. Dropbox, Google Drive)\n\n- E-Mail (e.g. Gmail)\n\n- Social Media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter)\n\n- Messaging (e.g. Skype, Whatsapp)\n\n- Games (e.g. Battle.net)\n\n- Retail (e.g. Amazon, eBay)\n\n- Productivity (e.g. Google Docs)\n\n- Hosting-Services (e.g. Amazon Web Services)\n\n- Other (please specify)\n\n#### 6. ", "Please mark the services you actively use. {#", "please-mark-the-services-you-actively-use. ", ".unnumbered}\n\n- Amazon\n\n- Blizzard Battle.net\n\n- Discord\n\n- Dropbox\n\n- eBay\n\n- Facebook\n\n- Google Drive\n\n- Google Mail\n\n- Instagram\n\n- Kickstarter\n\n- LinkedIn\n\n- Nintendo Account\n\n- OneDrive\n\n- Online-Banking\n\n- Origin\n\n- Patreon\n\n- Paypal\n\n- Playstation Network\n\n- Reddit\n\n- Signal\n\n- Skype\n\n- Steam\n\n- Telegram\n\n- Twitch\n\n- Twitter\n\n- WhatsApp\n\n- XBox Live\n\n- Yahoo Mail\n\n- Youtube\n\n- I don’t use any services on this list\n\n- Other (please specify)\n\n#### Two-factor authentication (2FA) {#two-factor-authentication-2fa .unnumbered}\n\nis a security mechanism that requires a second piece of information (a second factor) if someone tries to log into an account. ", "This is used to increase confidence that the person requesting access is really you. ", "Such information is often a single-use code that is communicated via e.g. SMS, e-mail or apps such as Google Authenticator.", "\n\n#### 7. ", "Do you use two-factor authentication for any of your online accounts? {#", "do-you-use-two-factor-authentication-for-any-of-your-online-accounts .unnumbered}\n\n*single selection, participants who answered with No were forwarded to question 15.*", "\n\n- Yes\n\n- No\n\n- I don’t know\n\n#### 8. ", "Do you use two factor authentication (2FA) for the following? {#", "do-you-use-two-factor-authentication-2fa-for-the-following .unnumbered}\n\n- Online-Banking\n\n- Backups and Clouds (e.g. Dropbox, Google Drive)\n\n- E-Mail (e.g. Gmail)\n\n- Social Media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter)\n\n- Messaging (e.g. Skype, Whatsapp)\n\n- Games (e.g. Battle.net)\n\n- Retail (e.g. Amazon, eBay)\n\n- Productivity (e.g. Google Docs)\n\n- Hosting-Services (e.g. Amazon Web Services)\n\n- Other (free text answers from question 5)\n\n- Other (please specify)\n\n#### 9. ", "Please mark the services you are actively using 2FA for {#please-mark-the-services-you-are-actively-using-2fa-for .unnumbered}\n\n*Answers are carried over from question 6.*", "\n\n- Amazon\n\n- Blizzard Battle.net\n\n- Discord\n\n- Dropbox\n\n- eBay\n\n- Facebook\n\n- Google Drive\n\n- Google Mail\n\n- Instagram\n\n- Kickstarter\n\n- LinkedIn\n\n- Nintendo Account\n\n- OneDrive\n\n- Online-Banking\n\n- Origin\n\n- Patreon\n\n- Paypal\n\n- Playstation Network\n\n- Reddit\n\n- Signal\n\n- Skype\n\n- Steam\n\n- Telegram\n\n- Twitch\n\n- Twitter\n\n- WhatsApp\n\n- XBox Live\n\n- Yahoo Mail\n\n- Youtube\n\n- I don’t use any services on this list\n\n- Other (free text answers from question 6)\n\n- Other (please specify)\n\n#### 10. ", "How often do you use the following 2FA methods? {#", "how-often-do-you-use-the-following-2fa-methods .unnumbered}\n\n(5-point Likert scale with the options *Daily*, *Weekly*, *Monthly*, *Sometimes*, *I don’t use any 2FA mechanisms*)\n\n- SMS\n\n- E-Mail\n\n- Google Authenticator\n\n- Specific app solutions, e.g. Blizzard Authenticator\n\n- Hardware token e.g. a SmartCard or Yubikey\n\n#### 11. ", "How would you rate the following methods of 2FA regarding their convenience? {#", "how-would-you-rate-the-following-methods-of-2fa-regarding-their-convenience-1 .unnumbered}\n\n(5-point Likert scale from *very convenient* to *not convenient* with *I don’t know* option)\n\n- SMS\n\n- E-Mail\n\n- Google Authenticator\n\n- Specific app solutions, e.g. Blizzard Authenticator\n\n- Hardware token e.g. a SmartCard or Yubikey\n\n#### 12. ", "If you perceived the convenience of one or more methods to be low, please tell us why. {#", "if-you-perceived-the-convenience-of-one-or-more-methods-to-be-low-please-tell-us-why. ", ".unnumbered}\n\n*free text entry*\n\n#### 13. ", "How would you rate the following methods of 2FA regarding their security? {#", "how-would-you-rate-the-following-methods-of-2fa-regarding-their-security-1 .unnumbered}\n\n(5-point Likert scale from *very secure* to *not secure* with *I don’t know* option)\n\n- SMS\n\n- E-Mail\n\n- Google Authenticator\n\n- Specific app solutions, e.g. Blizzard Authenticator\n\n- Hardware token e.g. a SmartCard or Yubikey\n\n#### 14. ", "If you perceived the security of one or more methods to be low, please tell us why. {#", "if-you-perceived-the-security-of-one-or-more-methods-to-be-low-please-tell-us-why. ", ".unnumbered}\n\n*free text entry*\n\n#### 15. ", "What is the primary reason why you would activate 2FA? {#", "what-is-the-primary-reason-why-you-would-activate-2fa .unnumbered}\n\n*single selection*\n\n- Account security\n\n- High monetary value is attached to the account\n\n- Functional advantage, e.g. new or enhanced features\n\n- Visual bonus, e.g. a sticker set or an exclusive in-game pet\n\n- To circumvent a restriction\n\n- I don’t use 2FA\n\n- Other (please specify)\n\n#### 16. ", "If an incentive convinced you to activate 2FA, … {#if-an-incentive-convinced-you-to-activate-2fa .unnumbered}\n\n... how easy was the activation of 2FA? (", "5-point Likert scale from *very* to *not at all* with *I don’t know* option)\n\n... how convenient is the usage of 2FA? (", "5-point Likert scale from *very* to *not at all* with *I don’t know* option)\n\n#### 17. ", "How likely is it that you would activate 2FA in the following scenarios? {#", "how-likely-is-it-that-you-would-activate-2fa-in-the-following-scenarios-1 .unnumbered}\n\n(5-point Likert scale from *very likely* to *not likely* with *I don’t know* option)*first part of the question, item order was randomized*\n\n- You could gain a functional advantage for using 2FA (e.g. new features, exclusive shop)\n\n- You are offered a sticker set for your favorite social media/messenger\n\n- Posts including media (e.g. pictures) are kept on hold until reviewed by a moderator if 2FA is not activated\n\n- You receive a small physical gift as a thank-you (e.g. keychain of your choice)\n\n- You would lose a previously available feature (e.g. posting status updates, exclusive sales)\n\n- You could gain a gameplay advantage for video games such as World of Warcraft (e.g. additional inventory slots, exclusive shop)\n\n#### 18. ", "How likely is it that you would activate 2FA in the following scenarios? {#", "how-likely-is-it-that-you-would-activate-2fa-in-the-following-scenarios-2 .unnumbered}\n\n(5-point Likert scale from *very likely* to *not likely* with *I don’t know* option) *second part of the question, item order was randomized*\n\n- Please choose “very likely” for this question to let us know you’re still paying attention.", "\n\n- You could gain an exclusive visual modification for using 2FA (e.g. a pet or costume for video game characters)\n\n- You are offered a special offer (e.g. small permanent discount)\n\n- It is not possible to access or interact with certain profiles if you do not activate 2FA\n\n- You receive a one time bonus payment for using 2FA.", "\n\n#### 19. ", "What is the probability of you deactivating 2FA, if you could keep the gained benefit(s) from activating it? {#", "what-is-the-probability-of-you-deactivating-2fa-if-you-could-keep-the-gained-benefits-from-activating-it .unnumbered}\n\n(5-point Likert scale from *very high* to *very low*)\n\n#### 20. ", "What is the probability of you keeping 2FA active if otherwise you would loose the gained benefit(s) from activating it? {#", "what-is-the-probability-of-you-keeping-2fa-active-if-otherwise-you-would-loose-the-gained-benefits-from-activating-it .unnumbered}\n\n(5-point Likert scale from *very high* to *very low*)\n\n#### 21. ", "Why would you deactivate 2FA? {#", "why-would-you-deactivate-2fa-1 .unnumbered}\n\n- I don’t like the additional steps required to login\n\n- I don’t think that 2FA will help increase the security of my account\n\n- I don’t need additional security mechanisms\n\n- I would not deactivate it\n\n- It’s not working properly for me (e.g. delays with code delivery)\n\n- Other (please specify)\n\n#### 22. ", "Do you have any further remarks about this study or its topic? {#", "do-you-have-any-further-remarks-about-this-study-or-its-topic .unnumbered}\n\n*free text entry*\n\n#### 23. ", "Please enter the following code in Amazon MTurk to help us verify that you completed the survey {#please-enter-the-following-code-in-amazon-mturk-to-help-us-verify-that-you-completed-the-survey .unnumbered}\n\n*a code was shown* Yes, I copied the code to MTurk.", "\n\nThank you for completing this survey! ", "Your answers were transmitted, you may close the browser window or tab now.", "\n" ]
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[ "More Pedestrians Getting Injured While Distracted By Using Cellphones\n\nDENVER (CBS4)– More people are getting injured from distracted walking. ", "A new study out of Ohio State University shows that walking and talking or texting on a cellphone can be dangerous, and even deadly.", "\n\nPeople sent 135 billion texts a month in 2009. ", "In 2010 more than 1,500 people were injured while walking and using the cellphone.", "\n\n“There’s an increasing rate of injuries during the last six years related to cellphone use among pedestrians,” Jack Nasar with Ohio State University said.", "\n\nPedestrians walk into fountains and hanging plants. ", "Videos on YouYube make it seem almost funny, but researchers say it’s no joke.", "\n\n“People who were talking on cellphones were roughly twice as likely to walk unsafely into oncoming traffic as people who were not on cellphones,” Nasar said.", "\n\n“I got hit by a car one time. ", "I was crossing the street, or I thought it was my turn to cross the street, and it was not,” a woman on the 16th Street Mall in Denver said.", "\n\nResearchers say the brain doesn’t multitask well. ", "It goes from one thing to another.", "\n\n“Your eyes are open, but your brain isn’t. ", "Your brain is in the telephone, not in the environment,” Nasar said.", "\n\nThe study found that talking is more dangerous than texting. ", "Talking caused nearly 70 percent of injuries compared to nine percent while texting.", "\n\nOne video shows a man on the phone walk right off a train platform.", "\n\n“We know from following news around the country that various people have been hit by buses, trucks, cars while talking on their cellphones and walking,” Nasar said.", "\n\nResearchers also found that distracted walking caused more injuries than distracted driving.", "\n\nThe study found that young people and men suffered the most injuries from distracted walking." ]
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[ "Michele Anthony\n\nMichele Anthony is an American entertainment executive and the Executive Vice President of Universal Music Group.", "\n\nCareer\n\n1990-2012: Sony Music and 7H Entertainment\nAnthony first worked as a partner of the Beverly Hills entertainment law firm, Rosenfeld, Kassoy, & Kraus, with clients such as Rick Rubin, The Sugarcubes, The Pixies, Alice in Chains, Ozzy Osbourne, Guns N' Roses, Soundgarden, The Go-Go's, Kiss, The Eagles, and Mother Love Bone.", "\n\nIn 1990, she joined Sony Music as senior VP of domestic operations, and was responsible for managing the company's regional A&R offices, as well as overseeing new company projects and development. ", "In 1994, Sony Music named her the executive vice president, and she was later named COO in 2004. ", "She was appointed president of Sony Music Group in 2005. ", "She played a pivotal role in the signing of key artists such as Pearl Jam, Aerosmith, Rage Against the Machine, and The Offspring.", "\n\nIn 2006, she left Sony and founded 7H Entertainment, a consulting and management agency with clients that included Pearl Jam, Prince, Black Sabbath & Ozzy Osbourne, Bjork, Soundgarden and Macy Gray.", "\n\nUniversal Music Group\nAfter heading 7H for six years, Lucian Grainge, CEO of Universal Music Group, named Michele Anthony as executive vice president of Universal Music Group, a newly created role, in 2013. ", "Said Grainge, \"There are scarce executives in music with the depth of Michele’s experience on both the label and artist sides of the industry.\"", "\nAnthony serves on the company’s Executive Management Board and helps with the daily management of the labels and the company’s operations. ", "Among her responsibilities, she oversees the company’s Commercial Services Division which includes sales, live events, label merchandising, college marketing and fan and consumer engagement. ", "She also oversees UMG’s global brand partnerships, Universal Music Canada, and Universal Music Enterprises, UMG’s catalog division. ", "Additionally, she jointly oversees UMG’s film, television and theatrical projects.", "\n\nOther industry ventures\nMichele Anthony also chairs the Global Poverty Project (GPP) - Global Citizens Ticket Initiative and is an advisor for GPP’s Annual Central Park Global Citizen Festival. ", "She has served on the boards of several music industry organizations, including the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and Rock the Vote.", "\n\nIndustry honors\nIn 2014, Anthony topped Billboard's Women in Music list, credited with reviving the Island and Def Jam record labels, and helping to reshape the company’s strategy for the current marketplace. ", "In 2015, she was again named to Billboard's Women in Music list, credited for expanding revenue \"in areas of expertise that we either didn't have or that needed to be reimagined.\" ", "Anthony made the list again in 2016, credited with building UMG’s branding strategy, sponsorships, and digital marketing. ", "For almost twenty years, Anthony has been named one of the top women in entertainment in The Hollywood Reporter's annual \"Women in Entertainment\" issue.", "\n\nPersonal life\nMichele Anthony grew up in the music industry as her father, Dee Anthony, managed artists ranging from Tony Bennett to Peter Frampton. ", "She began working in his office at age 12 and by 14 she was on the road with Joe Cocker. \"", "It was a unique childhood that really gave me an education in the music industry,\" Anthony told Gillian G. Gaar in She's a Rebel: The History of Women in Rock & Roll. ", "She graduated from George Washington University, and also holds a J.D. from the University of Southern California. ", "In an interview with Billboard, she named her father and Gloria Steinem as the two biggest influences in her life and credits her mother for her work ethic.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:American entertainment industry businesspeople\nCategory:Universal Music Group" ]
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[ "Opinion filed June 18, 2009\n\n\n\n\n In The\n\n\n Eleventh Court of Appeals\n ____________\n\n No. ", "11-07-00167-CR\n __________\n\n MICHAEL LEE WOOD, Appellant\n\n V.\n\n STATE OF TEXAS, Appellee\n\n\n On Appeal from 39th District Court\n\n Haskell County, Texas\n\n Trial Court Cause No. ", "6153\n\n\n MEMORANDUM OPINION\n\n Michael Lee Wood appeals from a jury conviction for aggravated assault with a deadly\nweapon. ", "We affirm.", "\n Background Facts\n Appellant, Marcie Flores, and Alfredo Flores followed Maria Christina Navarette to the\nTime-Out Liquor Store in Haskell. ", "Marcie went into the store first. ", "Appellant followed her. ", "While\nappellant and Marcie were in the liquor store, James Craig Foster drove up to the drive-through\nwindow. ", "He saw appellant kicking Mickey Melton, the clerk of the store, in the head. ", "Foster yelled\n\fout, and appellant stopped kicking Melton and left the store. ", "Appellant’s shirt was covered in blood.", "\nMelton suffered serious injuries to his face, neck, and eye. ", "The police later stopped a vehicle\nmatching the description of the suspect vehicle. ", "Officer Donald Matthew Cunningham identified\nthe driver and front passenger as Marcie and Alfredo Flores. ", "While Officer Cunningham was talking\nto Alfredo, appellant exited the vehicle and fled on foot. ", "The next day, Chief of Police Thomas Paul\nBassett apprehended appellant walking down the street near Haskell City Hall.", "\n Appellant was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. ", "The indictment read\nin pertinent part as follows:\n MICHAEL LEE WOOD did then and there intentionally and knowingly, and\n recklessly cause serious bodily injury to Mickey Melton by kicking the said Mickey\n Melton about the head with Defendant’s foot and cutting the said Mickey Melton’s\n neck with a sharp object, the exact type and nature of sharp object is unknown to the\n Grand Jury at this time, and the Defendant did then and there use or exhibit a deadly\n weapon, to-wit: a sharp object, the exact type and nature is unknown at this time, that\n in the manner and means of its use was capable of causing serious bodily injury or\n death, during the commission of said assault.", "\nThe indictment also alleged two enhancements. ", "Appellant pleaded not guilty to the charge and not\ntrue to the enhancement paragraphs. ", "The jury found appellant guilty of aggravated assault with a\ndeadly weapon and one of the enhancements to be true, and it assessed his punishment at\nconfinement for life in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Institutional Division. ", "The trial\ncourt made an affirmative finding that a deadly weapon was used or exhibited in the commission of\nthe offense.", "\n Issues on Appeal\n Appellant raises six issues on appeal. ", "Appellant challenges the sufficiency of the evidence\nto prove that the sharp object used to cut the victim was unknown to the grand jury, contends that\nthe jury’s verdict was not unanimous, and asserts that the trial court erred in allowing evidence of\nhis prior conviction for escape and of his tattoos during the punishment phase. ", "Finally, appellant\nargues that the State’s closing argument at the punishment phase was improper.", "\n Sufficiency of the Evidence\n In determining if the evidence was sufficient, we ask whether, after viewing the evidence in\nthe light most favorable to the verdict, any rational trier of fact could find the essential elements of\n\n\n 2\n\fthe crime beyond a reasonable doubt. ", "Jackson v. Virginia, 443 U.S. 307, 319 (1979). ", "The\nsufficiency of the evidence is measured by the elements of the offense as defined by the\nhypothetically correct jury charge for the case. ", "Malik v. State, 953 S.W.2d 234, 240 (Tex. ", "Crim.", "\nApp. ", "1997). ", "A hypothetically correct charge is a charge that accurately sets out the law, is authorized\nby the indictment, does not unnecessarily restrict the State’s theories of liability, and adequately\ndescribes the particular offense for which the defendant was tried. ", "Id. A nonessential element\nallegation, such as an allegation that the object used to cause injury was unknown to the grand jury,\nmay properly be excluded from a hypothetically correct charge. ", "Richards v. State, 54 S.W.3d 348,\n350 (Tex. ", "App.—Houston [1st Dist.] ", "2001, pet. ", "ref’d). ", "When an indictment alleges that the manner\nand means of inflicting the injury is unknown and the evidence at trial does not establish the type of\nweapon used, a prima facie showing is made that the weapon was unknown to the grand jury.", "\nRosales v. State, 4 S.W.3d 228, 231 (Tex. ", "Crim. ", "App. ", "1999). ", "However, if the evidence at trial shows\nwhat object was used to inflict the injury, then the State must prove that the grand jury used due\ndiligence in attempting to ascertain the weapon used. ", "Id.\n Appellant’s sufficiency argument is twofold. ", "First, he argues that the evidence established\nwhat sharp object was used to injure Melton; therefore, the evidence is insufficient because the State\nfailed to prove that the grand jury used due diligence to identify the sharp object. ", "Appellant next\nargues that, because there was no evidence of the grand jury’s due diligence, the trial court erred in\ncharging the jury on aggravated assault by cutting Melton with a sharp object unknown to the grand\njury.", "\n The evidence at trial did not establish what sharp object caused Melton’s injury. ", "Dr. Ted\nDyer, a head and neck surgeon who treated Melton in the emergency room, testified that Melton’s\neye had been lacerated and his neck had been cut. ", "Dr. Dyer testified that Melton’s wounds could\nhave been caused by either a knife or the tops of broken bottles but that he did not know for sure\nwhat object was used. ", "Dr. David James Isbrand testified regarding Melton’s eye injury. ", "He testified\nthat the wound to Melton’s eye could have been caused by a blow to the eye with a fist, a knife, or\na broken bottle. ", "Melton testified that appellant grabbed him from behind and hit him over the head\nwith what he believed to be a broken bottle. ", "Melton also testified that he did not know if he was cut\nwith a knife or a bottle but that he thought it was a bottle.", "\n\n\n 3\n\f The evidence established that the means of inflicting Melton’s injuries was unknown. ", "The\ntestimony showed that either a knife or a broken bottle could have caused Melton’s injuries.", "\nBecause the evidence did not establish what type of sharp object was used to inflict the injury, the\nState did not need to prove that the grand jury used due diligence to ascertain the weapon used. ", "See\nRosales, 4 S.W.3d at 231. ", "We overrule appellant’s first two issues on appeal.", "\n Was the Jury Verdict Unanimous\n Appellant argues that the jury charge failed to require a unanimous verdict because the jury\ncould have found appellant guilty of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon by either kicking\nMelton in the head or by cutting him with a sharp object unknown to the grand jury. ", "Jury unanimity\nis required in all criminal cases to ensure that all jurors reach a consensus on the same act for a\nconviction. ", "Pizzo v. State, 235 S.W.3d 711, 714 (Tex. ", "Crim. ", "App. ", "2007). ", "Unanimity is required on\nthe essential elements of the offense but is not violated when the jury has the option of choosing\nbetween alternative modes of commission. ", "Id. at 715. ", "Different modes of committing an offense\nmay be presented in a jury instruction in the disjunctive even when the charging instrument alleged,\nin a single count, the different means in the conjunctive. ", "Kitchens v. State, 823 S.W.2d 256, 258\n(Tex. ", "Crim. ", "App. ", "1991).", "\n In this case, the charging instrument and the jury instruction alleged the different means of\ncommitting the offense in the conjunctive. ", "This means that the jury must have found appellant guilty\non both modes of committing the offense: by kicking Melton in the head and by cutting him with\na sharp object unknown to the jury.", "\n Appellant argues that no rational trier of fact could have found that appellant cut Melton with\na sharp object unknown to the jury and kicked Melton in the head. ", "We disagree. ", "Foster testified that\nhe saw appellant kicking Melton in the head. ", "Melton testified that appellant grabbed him from\nbehind, cut him with a broken bottle, pushed him on the ground, and kicked him in the head before\nhe lost consciousness. ", "The medical testimony established that the wounds to Melton’s neck were\ndeep enough to cut into the cartilage of the voice box and through all the muscles of the anterior\nneck. ", "The cut had come within a millimeter of cutting his jugular vein. ", "A rational trier of fact could\nhave found that appellant assaulted Melton by kicking him in the head and cutting him with a sharp\n\n\n\n\n 4\n\fobject. ", "There was no charge error, and the jury’s verdict was unanimous. ", "We overrule appellant’s\nthird issue on appeal.", "\n Punishment Evidence\n Prior Conviction.", "\n Appellant argues that the trial court erred in admitting his prior conviction for grand larceny1\nbecause his fingerprints were not on the order revoking probation. ", "In Texas, a defendant’s\nthumbprint or fingerprint must be on the judgment, the order revoking probation, or the docket sheet\nof the case. ", "TEX . ", "CODE CRIM . ", "PROC. ", "ANN . ", "art. ", "38.33 (Vernon 2005). ", "However, a judgment that does\nnot contain a defendant’s fingerprint is not void. ", "Sparkman v. State, 55 S.W.3d 625, 629 (Tex.", "\nApp.—Tyler 2000, no pet.). ", "To prove that a defendant has been convicted of a prior offense, the\nState must show that a prior conviction exists and that the defendant is linked to that conviction.", "\nFlowers v. State, 220 S.W.3d 919, 921 (Tex. ", "Crim. ", "App. ", "2007). ", "The State may prove both of these\nelements in a number of ways, including documentary proof that contains sufficient information to\nestablish both the existence of a prior conviction and the defendant’s identity as the person\nconvicted. ", "Id.\n In this case, appellant’s conviction was from a Wyoming judgment. ", "The State offered a\njudgment with appellant’s name, fingerprint card, and picture. ", "This was sufficient proof that\nappellant was convicted of a crime in Wyoming.", "\n Furthermore, that conviction was not used to enhance appellant’s punishment because the\njury found not true on that enhancement paragraph. ", "Therefore, appellant cannot show how he was\nharmed by the admission of that conviction. ", "We overrule appellant’s fourth issue on appeal.", "\n Evidence of Appellant’s Tattoos.", "\n During the punishment phase of appellant’s trial, Sheriff David Halliburton testified that\nappellant had a tattoo on each eyelid. ", "The word “Lying” was on one, and “Eyes” on the other.", "\nAppellant objected to the testimony stating that it was not relevant. ", "The trial court overruled the\nobjection. ", "The State mentioned the tattoos in its closing argument on punishment, arguing that they\nshowed appellant’s lack of respect for society.", "\n\n\n 1\n In appellant’s issue, he states that the prior conviction of escape was erroneously admitted; however, in his argument,\nhe refers to the conviction for grand larceny.", "\n\n 5\n\f At the punishment phase of a criminal trial, evidence may be presented as to any matter that\nthe court deems relevant to sentencing. ", "TEX . ", "CODE CRIM . ", "PROC. ", "ANN . ", "art. ", "37.07, § 3(a)(1) (Vernon\nSupp. ", "2008). ", "Appellant argues that his First Amendment constitutional right of free association was\nviolated when the trial court allowed evidence of his tattoos. ", "The First Amendment protects an\nindividual’s right to join groups and associate with others holding similar beliefs. ", "Dawson v.\nDelaware, 503 U.S. 159, 161 (1992). ", "However, the U.S. Constitution does not eliminate the\nadmission of evidence concerning one’s beliefs and associations at sentencing merely because those\nbeliefs and associations are protected by the First Amendment. ", "Id. at 165. ", "Such evidence may be\nadmissible if it is shown to be relevant to the issues involved in the case. ", "Id. at 167; Mason v. State,\n905 S.W.2d 570, 576 -77 (Tex. ", "Crim. ", "App. ", "1995). ", "In Dawson, evidence of the defendant having the\nwords “Aryan Brotherhood” tattooed on his hand was offered by the State. ", "The Court held that,\nbecause there was no evidence that the Aryan Brotherhood was a white racist prison gang associated\nwith violent escape attempts and murders of fellow inmates, the evidence of appellant’s tattoo was\nnot relevant. ", "Dawson, 503 U.S. at 165.", "\n This case differs from Dawson because appellant’s First Amendment right of free association\nwas not implicated since there was no evidence that he was in any type of group or gang. ", "The tattoos\nwere not used to show that appellant was associated with some group or gang but to show his\ndisregard for the truth and his moral character. ", "A person’s tattoos can reflect his character and\ndemonstrate a motive for his crime. ", "Conner v. State, 67 S.W.3d 192, 201 (Tex. ", "Crim. ", "App. ", "2001).", "\nThe trial court did not err in admitting evidence of appellant’s tattoos. ", "We overrule appellant’s fifth\nissue on appeal.", "\n Closing Argument on Punishment.", "\n Appellant argues that the prosecutor’s closing argument on punishment was improper. ", "The\nprosecutor stated that in his seven years experience this was the first random violent crime in the\ncommunity. ", "Appellant objected, and the trial court sustained the objection. ", "Appellant then asked\nfor an instruction for the jury to disregard and for a motion for mistrial. ", "The trial court instructed\nthe jury to disregard the prosecutor’s comment but denied the motion for mistrial. ", "The prosecutor\nwent on to argue:\n You get to decide, you get to decide what the community is going to tolerate.", "\n Because what you do tells me how significant you think this crime is. . . . ", "And I use\n\n\n 6\n\f what theses juries tell me in deciding what you all expect and what the community\n expects and what I should offer as a plea bargain in similar cases.", "\nAppellant again objected, and the trial court sustained the objection and gave the jury an instruction\nto disregard the statement. ", "Appellant asked for a mistrial, and the trial court denied the motion.", "\n There are four areas of permissible jury argument: (1) summations of the evidence;\n(2) reasonable deductions from the evidence; (3) responses to the defendant’s argument; and\n(4) pleas for law enforcement. ", "Rocha v. State, 16 S.W.3d 1, 21 (Tex. ", "Crim. ", "App. ", "2000).", "\n Here, the State’s argument was a proper plea for law enforcement. ", "The prosecutor asked the\njury to inform him on the community’s expectations. ", "A reference that asks the jury to represent the\ncommunity is a proper plea for law enforcement. ", " Rivera v. State, 82 S.W.3d 64 (Tex.", "\nApp.—San Antonio 2002, pet. ", "ref’d). ", "Further, appellant cannot show harm because the trial court\ngave a jury instruction to disregard. ", "Even if it was an improper jury argument, the trial court cured\nthe error by the instruction to disregard. ", "See Dinkins v. State, 894 S.W.2d 330, 357 (Tex. ", "Crim. ", "App.", "\n1995). ", "We overrule appellant’s sixth issue on appeal.", "\n Conclusion\n We affirm the trial court’s judgment.", "\n\n\n\n\n RICK STRANGE\n JUSTICE\n\n\nJune 18, 2009\nDo not publish. ", "See TEX . ", "R. APP . ", "P. 47.2(b).", "\nPanel consists of: Wright, C.J.,\nMcCall, J., and Strange, J.\n\n\n\n\n 7\n\f" ]
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[ "Gum Removal in St. Charles\n\nGetting That Gum Up & Removed!", "\n\nAre you struggling with a sticky problem? ", "Gum might be a saving grace after\nlunchtime, but for property owners, it’s a sheer nightmare. ", "The\nsubstance has a superglue effect on surfaces; many people resign themselves\nto the fact that it will be a permanent fixture on their parking lots\nor building floors.", "\n\nRestoring Your Property to Its Original Luster\n\nOur team at Wall 2 Wall Cleaning Service has good news: You aren’t\ndoomed to an aesthetic eyesore for years to come. ", "We’re proud to\nprovide local businesses with gum removal services that will leave your\nproperty shining and blemish-free. ", "Gum poses a unique problem, and traditional\ncleaning methods just won’t cut it.", "\n\nThis is why we go above and beyond, tapping into methods that guarantee\nsuccess. ", "Our technicians utilize time-tested\npressure washing techniques that remove even the most stubborn substances. ", "We stand out\nfrom competitors with our guaranteed-effective hot water method, which\ndelivers that thorough final touch to ensure top-notch results. ", "Simply\nput, we won’t take “no” for an answer: we methodically\nrid your surface of every piece of gum.", "\n\nWhen it comes to gum removal, pressure washing is your best friend. ", "And\nyou can always trust your favorite residential and commercial cleaner\nto combat your stickiest problems! ", "Call (314) 207-4434 to learn more." ]
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[ "Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders\nAppointment Phone: 301-571-0019\n\nBackground\n\nDr. Ralph V. Boccia is a hematologist affiliated with Sibley Memorial Hospital, Suburban Hospital, Shady Grove Adventist Hospital, Holy Cross Hospital and MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, where he is a clinical associate professor of medicine for the University, as well as the medical director of the International Oncology Network (ION) Clinical Research Program and the chairman of ION’s Medical Advisory Panel. ", "Dr. Boccia is board certified in hematology, medical oncology and internal medicine by the American Board of Internal Medicine. ", "He practices out of the Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders, of which he is the founder and medical director, located in Bethesda, Maryland and Germantown, Maryland.", "\n\nDr. Boccia earned his medical degree from the Autonomous University of Guadalajara School of Medicine. ", "He completed a residency in internal medicine at Kern Medical Center, followed by a fellowship in hematology, oncology and bone marrow transplant at the combined UCLA-Veterans Administration Program and The National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health.", "\n\nDr. Boccia is a member of the American College of Physicians, the American Society of Clinical Oncology, the American Society of Hematology and the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation.", "\n\nDr. Boccia has been listed as a Top Doctor by Washingtonian Magazine and Consumers’ Checkbook Magazine since 1992. ", "He has also been recognized as a Super Doctor by The Washington Post Magazine and a Regional Top Doctor for Washington, D.C., Baltimore and Washington-Baltimore by Castle Connolly.", "\n\nDr. Boccia has contributed to various articles with his research, published in journals such as Annals of Internal Medicine, Journal of Clinical Oncology and The Lancet." ]
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[ "1970–71 Mersin İdmanyurdu season\n\nMersin İdmanyurdu (also Mersin İdman Yurdu, Mersin İY, or MİY) Sports Club; located in Mersin, east Mediterranean coast of Turkey in 1970–71. ", "The 1970–71 season was the fourth season of Mersin İdmanyurdu (MİY) football team in Turkish First Football League, the first level division in Turkey. ", "They finished eleventh in the league. ", "They also took place in Turkish Cup and eliminated at second round.", "\n\nMehmet Karamehmet was president. ", "Erol Tarhan was general captain. ", "Mahir Turhan, Sezai Sak, Orhan Mutlu were executive committee member.", "\n\nPre-season\nMİY opened new season on 10.08.1970. ", "Preparation games:\n 23.08.1970 - Bursaspor-MİY.", "\n 05.09.1970 - Galatasaray-MİY: 2-0. ", "Saturday 17:00. ", "Ali Sami Yen Stadium, İstanbul. ", "Referees: Nazif Oturgan, Necmettin Çakan, Adnan Paksüt. ", "Galatasaray: Nihat (Yasin), Ekrem, Tuncay, Muzaffer, Aydın, Ahmet, Ergün, Uğur, Gökmen, Metin, Ayhan. ", "Goals: Metin 10', Gökmen 40'. ", "Coach: Coşkun Özarı. ", "MİY: Fikret, Taner, B.Erol, Cihat, Mustafa, Refik, Akın, Ayhan, Osman, İbrahim, Alp, Muharrem. ", "Coach: Bülent Giz.", "\n\n1970–71 First League participation\nFirst League was played with 16 teams in its 13th season, 1970–71. ", "Last two teams relegated to Second League 1971–72. ", "Mersin İY became 11th with 11 wins, and Osman Arpacıoğlu was most scorer player with 14 goals\n\nResults summary\nMersin İdmanyurdu (MİY) 1970–71 First League summary:\n\nSources: 1970–71 Turkish First Football League pages.", "\n\nLeague table\nMersin İY's league performance in First League in 1970–71 season is shown in the following table. ", "At the end of the season coach Bülent Giz declared that he will no longer train the team in the next season.", "\n\nNote: Won, drawn and lost points are 2, 1 and 0. ", "F belongs to MİY and A belongs to corresponding team for both home and away matches.", "\n\nResults by round\nResults of games MİY played in 1970–71 First League by rounds:\n\nFirst half\n\nSecond half\n\n1970–71 Turkish Cup participation\n1970–71 Turkish Cup was played for the 9th season as Türkiye Kupası by 25 teams. ", "Two elimination rounds (including one preliminary round) and finals were played in two-legs elimination system. ", "Mersin İdmanyurdu participated in 1970–71 Turkish Cup from the first round and was eliminated at second round by Eskişehirspor. ", "Eskişehirspor won the Cup for the first time.", "\n\nCup track\nThe drawings and results Mersin İdmanyurdu (MİY) followed in 1970–71 Turkish Cup are shown in the following table.", "\n\nNote: In the above table 'Score' shows For and Against goals whether the match played at home or not.", "\n\nGame details\nMersin İdmanyurdu (MİY) 1970–71 Turkish Cup game reports is shown in the following table.", "\nKick off times are in EET and EEST.", "\n\nSource: 1970–71 Turkish Cup pages.", "\n\nManagement\n\nClub management\nMehmet Karamehmet was club president.", "\n\nCoaching team\n\n1970–71 Mersin İdmanyurdu head coaches:\n\nNote: Only official games were included.", "\n\n1970–71 squad\nStats are counted for 1970–71 First League matches and 1970–71 Turkish Cup (Türkiye Kupası) matches. ", "In the team rosters four substitutes were allowed to appear, two of whom were substitutable. ", "Only the players who appeared in game rosters were included and listed in the order of appearance.", "\n\nSources: 1970–71 season squad data from maçkolik com, Milliyet, and Erbil (1975).", "\n\nNews from Milliyet:\n Akın, Muhlis and Naşit were transferred from Galatasaray, 14.07.1970. ", "\n Erol was included in \"Ümit milli takım\" (U-21 national team) for Balkan U-21 championship in Sofia between 8–15 June 1970.", "\n Transfers out: At end of the season Muharrem (Fenerbahçe), forward Osman (Fenerbahçe), Ayhan and Refik were transferred out. ", "Tarık went to Giresunspor in mid-season.", "\n\nSee also\n Football in Turkey\n 1970–71 Turkish First Football League\n 1970–71 Turkish Cup\n\nNotes and references\n\nCategory:Mersin İdman Yurdu seasons\nCategory:Turkish football clubs 1970–71 season" ]
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[ "<?", "xml version=\"1.0\"?", ">\r\n<doc>\r\n <assembly>\r\n <name>Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Workspaces</name>\r\n </assembly>\r\n <members>\r\n <member name=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Classification.", "ClassificationHelpers.", "GetClassification(Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "SyntaxToken)\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Determine the classification type for a given token.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n <param name=\"token\">The token.</param>\r\n <returns>The correct syntactic classification for the token.</returns>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"T:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Classification.", "Worker\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Worker is an utility class that can classify a list of tokens or a tree within a\r\n requested span The implementation is generic and can produce any kind of classification\r\n artifacts T T is normally either ClassificationSpan or a Tuple (for testing purposes) \r\n and constructed via provided factory.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "CodeGeneration.", "CSharpSyntaxGenerator.", "ShiftTrivia(Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "SyntaxNode,Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "SyntaxNode)\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Moves the trailing trivia from the node's previous token to the end of the node\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"T:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "CSharpWorkspaceResources\">\r\n <summary>\r\n A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"P:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "CSharpWorkspaceResources.", "ResourceManager\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"P:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "CSharpWorkspaceResources.", "Culture\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all\r\n resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"P:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "CSharpWorkspaceResources.", "CannotRetrieveTheSpanOfA\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Looks up a localized string similar to Cannot retrieve the Span of a null syntax reference..\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"P:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "CSharpWorkspaceResources.", "ExpectedStringOrCharLitera\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Looks up a localized string similar to Expected string or char literal.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"P:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "CSharpWorkspaceResources.", "ImplementInterface\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Looks up a localized string similar to Implement Interface.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"P:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "CSharpWorkspaceResources.", "NamespaceCanNotBeAddedIn\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Looks up a localized string similar to Namespace can not be added in this destination..\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"P:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "CSharpWorkspaceResources.", "NoAvailableLocationFoundTo\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Looks up a localized string similar to No available location found to add statements to..\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"P:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "CSharpWorkspaceResources.", "NodeDoesNotDescendFromRoo\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Looks up a localized string similar to Node does not descend from root..\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"P:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "CSharpWorkspaceResources.", "NodeNotInParentsChildLis\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Looks up a localized string similar to Node not in parent&apos;s child list.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"P:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "CSharpWorkspaceResources.", "OnlyAttributesConstructorI\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Looks up a localized string similar to Only attributes, constructor initializers, expressions or statements can be made explicit.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"P:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "CSharpWorkspaceResources.", "TriviaIsNotAssociatedWith\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Looks up a localized string similar to Trivia is not associated with token.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Extensions.", "ArgumentSyntaxExtensions.", "DetermineParameter(Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Syntax.", "ArgumentSyntax,Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "SemanticModel,System.", "Boolean,System.", "Threading.", "CancellationToken)\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Returns the parameter to which this argument is passed. ", "If <paramref name=\"allowParams\"/>\r\n is true, the last parameter will be returned if it is params parameter and the index of\r\n the specified argument is greater than the number of parameters.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Extensions.", "ExpressionSyntaxExtensions.", "CastIfPossible(Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Syntax.", "ExpressionSyntax,Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "ITypeSymbol,System.", "Int32,Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "SemanticModel,System.", "Boolean@)\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Adds to <paramref name=\"targetType\"/> if it does not contain an anonymous\r\n type and binds to the same type at the given <paramref name=\"position\"/>.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Extensions.", "ExpressionSyntaxExtensions.", "IsPartOfNamespaceDeclarationName(Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "SyntaxNode)\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Checks if the SyntaxNode is a name of a namespace declaration. ", "To be a namespace name, the syntax\r\n must be parented by an namespace declaration and the node itself must be equal to the declaration's Name\r\n property.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n <param name=\"node\"></param>\r\n <returns></returns>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Extensions.", "ExpressionSyntaxExtensions.", "HidingTypeParameterSymbolExists(Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "ISymbol,System.", "Collections.", "Generic.", "List{Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "ISymbol})\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Returns True if enclosingTypeParametersInsideOut contains a symbol with the same name as the candidateSymbol\r\n thereby saying that there exists a symbol which hides the candidate Symbol\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Extensions.", "ExpressionSyntaxExtensions.", "IsMemberAccessADynamicInvocation(Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Syntax.", "MemberAccessExpressionSyntax,Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "SemanticModel)\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Tells if the Member access is the starting part of a Dynamic Invocation\r\n </summary>\r\n <param name=\"memberAccess\"></param>\r\n <param name=\"semanticModel\"></param>\r\n <returns>Return true, if the member access is the starting point of a Dynamic Invocation</returns>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Extensions.", "ExpressionSyntaxExtensions.", "GetPredefinedKeywordKind(Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "SpecialType)\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Returns the predefined keyword kind for a given specialtype.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n <param name=\"specialType\">The specialtype of this type.</param>\r\n <returns>The keyword kind for a given special type, or SyntaxKind.", "None if the type name is not a predefined type.</returns>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Extensions.", "CommonSemanticModelExtensions.", "DecomposeName(Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Syntax.", "ExpressionSyntax,Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Syntax.", "ExpressionSyntax@,System.", "String@,System.", "Int32@)\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Decomposes a name or member access expression into its component parts.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n <param name=\"expression\">The name or member access expression.</param>\r\n <param name=\"qualifier\">The qualifier (or left-hand-side) of the name expression. ", "This may be null if there is no qualifier.</param>\r\n <param name=\"name\">The name of the expression.</param>\r\n <param name=\"arity\">The number of generic type parameters.</param>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Extensions.", "CommonSemanticModelExtensions.", "GenerateNameForArgument(Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "SemanticModel,Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Syntax.", "ArgumentSyntax)\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Given an argument node, tries to generate an appropriate name that can be used for that\r\n argument.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Extensions.", "CommonSemanticModelExtensions.", "GenerateNameForExpression(Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "SemanticModel,Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Syntax.", "ExpressionSyntax,System.", "Boolean)\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Given an expression node, tries to generate an appropriate name that can be used for\r\n that expression. ", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"T:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Extensions.", "OperatorPrecedence\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Operator precedence classes from section 7.3.1 of the C# language specification.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Extensions.", "SyntaxKindExtensions.", "Contains(Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "SyntaxKind[],Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "SyntaxKind)\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Determine if the given <see cref=\"T:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "SyntaxKind\"/> array contains the given kind.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n <param name=\"kinds\">Array to search</param>\r\n <param name=\"kind\">Sought value</param>\r\n <returns>True if <paramref name = \"kinds\"/> contains the value<paramref name= \"kind\"/>.</returns>\r\n <remarks>PERF: Not using Array.", "IndexOf here because it results in a call to IndexOf on the\r\n default EqualityComparer for SyntaxKind.", "The default comparer for SyntaxKind is the\r\n ObjectEqualityComparer which results in boxing allocations.</remarks>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Extensions.", "SyntaxNodeExtensions.", "GetEnclosingUsingDirectives(Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "SyntaxNode)\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Returns the list of using directives that affect <paramref name=\"node\"/>. ", "The list will be returned in\r\n top down order. ", " \r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Extensions.", "SyntaxNodeExtensions.", "GetAllPrecedingTriviaToPreviousToken(Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "SyntaxToken)\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Returns all of the trivia to the left of this token up to the previous token (concatenates\r\n the previous token's trailing trivia and this token's leading trivia).", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Extensions.", "SyntaxNodeExtensions.", "ContainsInterleavedDirective(Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "SyntaxNode,System.", "Threading.", "CancellationToken)\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Returns true if the passed in node contains an interleaved pp directive.", "\r\n \r\n i.e. The following returns false:\r\n \r\n void Foo() {\r\n #if true\r\n #endif\r\n }\r\n \r\n #if true\r\n void Foo() {\r\n }\r\n #endif\r\n \r\n but these return true:\r\n \r\n #if true\r\n void Foo() {\r\n #endif\r\n }\r\n \r\n void Foo() {\r\n #if true\r\n }\r\n #endif\r\n \r\n #if true\r\n void Foo() {\r\n #else\r\n }\r\n #endif\r\n \r\n i.e. the method returns true if it contains a PP directive that belongs to a grouping\r\n constructs (like #if/#endif or #region/#endregion), but the grouping construct isn't\r\n entirely contained within the span of the node.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Extensions.", "SyntaxNodeExtensions.", "SplitNodesOnPreprocessorBoundaries``1(System.", "Collections.", "Generic.", "IEnumerable{``0},System.", "Threading.", "CancellationToken)\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Breaks up the list of provided nodes, based on how they are interspersed with pp\r\n directives, into groups. ", " Within these groups nodes can be moved around safely, without\r\n breaking any pp constructs.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"F:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Extensions.", "SyntaxNodeExtensions.s_findSkippedTokenForward\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Look inside a trivia list for a skipped token that contains the given position.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"F:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Extensions.", "SyntaxNodeExtensions.s_findSkippedTokenBackward\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Look inside a trivia list for a skipped token that contains the given position.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Extensions.", "SyntaxNodeExtensions.", "GetSkippedTokens(Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "SyntaxTriviaList)\">\r\n <summary>\r\n return only skipped tokens\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Extensions.", "SyntaxNodeExtensions.", "FindTokenOnRightOfPosition(Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "SyntaxNode,System.", "Int32,System.", "Boolean,System.", "Boolean,System.", "Boolean)\">\r\n <summary>\r\n If the position is inside of token, return that token; otherwise, return the token to the right.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Extensions.", "SyntaxNodeExtensions.", "FindTokenOnLeftOfPosition(Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "SyntaxNode,System.", "Int32,System.", "Boolean,System.", "Boolean,System.", "Boolean)\">\r\n <summary>\r\n If the position is inside of token, return that token; otherwise, return the token to the left.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Extensions.", "SyntaxNodeExtensions.", "ChildThatContainsPosition(Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "SyntaxNode,System.", "Int32,System.", "Int32@)\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Returns child node or token that contains given position.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n <remarks>\r\n This is a copy of <see cref=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "SyntaxNode.", "ChildThatContainsPosition(System.", "Int32)\"/> that also returns the index of the child node.", "\r\n </remarks>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Extensions.", "SyntaxTokenExtensions.", "IsFirstTokenOnLine(Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "SyntaxToken,Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "Text.", "SourceText)\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Determines whether the given SyntaxToken is the first token on a line in the specified SourceText.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Extensions.", "SyntaxTokenExtensions.", "GetAllTrailingTrivia(Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "SyntaxToken)\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Retrieves all trivia after this token, including it's trailing trivia and\r\n the leading trivia of the next token.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Extensions.", "SyntaxTokenExtensions.", "FindLastTokenOfPartialGenericName(Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "SyntaxToken)\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Lexically, find the last token that looks like it's part of this generic name.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n <param name=\"genericIdentifier\">The \"name\" of the generic identifier, last token before\r\n the \"&amp;\"</param>\r\n <returns>The last token in the name</returns>\r\n <remarks>This is related to the code in <see cref=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Extensions.", "SyntaxTreeExtensions.", "IsInPartiallyWrittenGeneric(Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "SyntaxTree,System.", "Int32,System.", "Threading.", "CancellationToken)\"/></remarks>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Extensions.", "SyntaxTreeExtensions.", "FindTokenOnRightOfPosition(Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "SyntaxTree,System.", "Int32,System.", "Threading.", "CancellationToken,System.", "Boolean,System.", "Boolean,System.", "Boolean)\">\r\n <summary>\r\n If the position is inside of token, return that token; otherwise, return the token to the right.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Extensions.", "SyntaxTreeExtensions.", "FindTokenOnLeftOfPosition(Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "SyntaxTree,System.", "Int32,System.", "Threading.", "CancellationToken,System.", "Boolean,System.", "Boolean,System.", "Boolean)\">\r\n <summary>\r\n If the position is inside of token, return that token; otherwise, return the token to the left.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Extensions.", "TypeSyntaxExtensions.", "IsTypeInferred(Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Syntax.", "TypeSyntax,Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "SemanticModel)\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Determines whether the specified TypeSyntax is actually 'var'.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"F:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Formatting.", "LabelPositionOptions.", "LeftMost\">\r\n Placed in the Zeroth column of the text editor\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"F:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Formatting.", "LabelPositionOptions.", "OneLess\">\r\n Placed at one less indent to the current context\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"F:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Formatting.", "LabelPositionOptions.", "NoIndent\">\r\n Placed at the same indent as the current context\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"F:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Formatting.", "BinaryOperatorSpacingOptions.", "Single\">\r\n Single Spacing\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"F:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Formatting.", "BinaryOperatorSpacingOptions.", "Ignore\">\r\n Ignore Formatting\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"F:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Formatting.", "BinaryOperatorSpacingOptions.", "Remove\">\r\n Remove Spacing\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"T:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Formatting.", "FormattingResult\">\r\n <summary>\r\n this holds onto changes made by formatting engine.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"T:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Formatting.", "TriviaDataFactory\">\r\n <summary>\r\n trivia factory.", "\r\n \r\n it will cache some commonly used trivia to reduce memory footprint and heap allocation\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"T:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Formatting.", "TriviaDataFactory.", "ComplexTrivia\">\r\n <summary> \r\n represents a general trivia between two tokens. ", "slightly more expensive than others since it\r\n needs to calculate stuff unlike other cases\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"T:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "CSharpSyntaxTreeFactoryServiceFactory.", "CSharpSyntaxTreeFactoryService.", "PathSyntaxReference\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Represents a syntax reference that doesn't actually hold onto the \r\n referenced node. ", " Instead, enough data is held onto so that the node\r\n can be recovered and returned if necessary.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"T:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "CSharpSyntaxTreeFactoryServiceFactory.", "CSharpSyntaxTreeFactoryService.", "NullSyntaxReference\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Represents a syntax reference that was passed a null\r\n reference to a node. ", "In this case, we just hold onto the\r\n weak tree reference and throw if any invalid properties\r\n are accessed.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"T:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "CSharpSyntaxTreeFactoryServiceFactory.", "CSharpSyntaxTreeFactoryService.", "PositionalSyntaxReference\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Represents a syntax reference that doesn't actually hold onto the \r\n referenced node. ", " Instead, enough data is held onto so that the node\r\n can be recovered and returned if necessary.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"T:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "CSharpSyntaxTreeFactoryServiceFactory.", "CSharpSyntaxTreeFactoryService.", "RecoverableSyntaxTree\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Represents a syntax tree that only has a weak reference to its \r\n underlying data. ", " This way it can be passed around without forcing\r\n the underlying full tree to stay alive. ", " Think of it more as a \r\n key that can be used to identify a tree rather than the tree itself.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Rename.", "CSharpRenameConflictLanguageService.", "GetExpansionTargetForLocation(Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "SyntaxToken)\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Gets the top most enclosing statement or CrefSyntax as target to call MakeExplicit on.", "\r\n It's either the enclosing statement, or if this statement is inside of a lambda expression, the enclosing\r\n statement of this lambda.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n <param name=\"token\">The token to get the complexification target for.</param>\r\n <returns></returns>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Rename.", "CSharpRenameConflictLanguageService.", "GetSemanticModelForNode(Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "SyntaxNode,Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "SemanticModel)\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Gets the semantic model for the given node.", "\r\n If the node belongs to the syntax tree of the original semantic model, then returns originalSemanticModel.", "\r\n Otherwise, returns a speculative model.", "\r\n The assumption for the later case is that span start position of the given node in it's syntax tree is same as\r\n the span start of the original node in the original syntax tree.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Simplification.", "CSharpSimplificationService.", "NodesAndTokensToReduceComputer.", "Compute(Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "SyntaxNode,System.", "Func{Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "SyntaxNodeOrToken,System.", "Boolean})\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Computes a list of nodes and tokens that need to be reduced in the given syntax root.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"T:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Utilities.", "FormattingRangeHelper\">\r\n <summary>\r\n this help finding a range of tokens to format based on given ending token\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"T:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Utilities.", "SpeculationAnalyzer\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Helper class to analyze the semantic effects of a speculated syntax node replacement on the parenting nodes.", "\r\n Given an expression node from a syntax tree and a new expression from a different syntax tree,\r\n it replaces the expression with the new expression to create a speculated syntax tree.", "\r\n It uses the original tree's semantic model to create a speculative semantic model and verifies that\r\n the syntax replacement doesn't break the semantics of any parenting nodes of the original expression.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Utilities.", "SpeculationAnalyzer.#ctor(Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Syntax.", "ExpressionSyntax,Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Syntax.", "ExpressionSyntax,Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "SemanticModel,System.", "Threading.", "CancellationToken,System.", "Boolean,System.", "Boolean)\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Creates a semantic analyzer for speculative syntax replacement.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n <param name=\"expression\">Original expression to be replaced.</param>\r\n <param name=\"newExpression\">New expression to replace the original expression.</param>\r\n <param name=\"semanticModel\">Semantic model of <paramref name=\"expression\"/> node's syntax tree.</param>\r\n <param name=\"cancellationToken\">Cancellation token.</param>\r\n <param name=\"skipVerificationForReplacedNode\">\r\n True if semantic analysis should be skipped for the replaced node and performed starting from parent of the original and replaced nodes.", "\r\n This could be the case when custom verifications are required to be done by the caller or\r\n semantics of the replaced expression are different from the original expression.", "\r\n </param>\r\n <param name=\"failOnOverloadResolutionFailuresInOriginalCode\">\r\n True if semantic analysis should fail when any of the invocation expression ancestors of <paramref name=\"expression\"/> in original code has overload resolution failures.", "\r\n </param>\r\n </member>\r\n <member name=\"M:Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Utilities.", "SpeculationAnalyzer.", "ReplacementChangesSemanticsOfUnchangedLambda(Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Syntax.", "ExpressionSyntax,Microsoft.", "CodeAnalysis.", "CSharp.", "Syntax.", "ExpressionSyntax)\">\r\n <summary>\r\n Determines whether performing the syntax replacement in one of the sibling nodes of the given lambda expressions will change the lambda binding semantics.", "\r\n This is done by first determining the lambda parameters whose type differs in the replaced lambda node.", "\r\n For each of these parameters, we find the descendant identifier name nodes in the lambda body and check if semantics of any of the parenting nodes of these\r\n identifier nodes have changed in the replaced lambda.", "\r\n </summary>\r\n </member>\r\n </members>\r\n</doc>\r\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
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0.0016501650165016502, 0, 0, 0.012987012987012988, 0, 0.14285714285714285, 0.1, 0.05, 0, 0, 0.14285714285714285, 0.14285714285714285, 0.07407407407407407, 0, 0.14285714285714285, 0.14285714285714285, 0.004761904761904762, 0, 0, 0 ]
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[ "With Safari, you learn the way you learn best. ", "Get unlimited access to videos, live online training,\nlearning paths, books, tutorials, and more.", "\n\nWorking with WebSockets in PhantomJS\n\nThis recipe discusses how to open and work with a WebSocket connection in PhantomJS.", "\n\nGetting ready\n\nTo run this recipe, we will need a script that requests a host that also exposes WebSocket connections.", "\n\nNote\n\nAlthough PhantomJS version 1.9 does have WebSocket support, that support is limited to the hixie-76 draft of the protocol. ", "PhantomJS 2.0 is scheduled to include the more modern RFC 6455 version of WebSockets. ", "When writing scripts for PhantomJS that intend to use WebSocket connections, we must ensure that the server supports the hixie-76 version of the protocol." ]
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[ "The Magazine was founded in 2005. ", "It is the only Chinese cigar magazine in the world and currently has a national circulation of 30,000. ", "It focuses on promoting the cigar culture, cigar professional knowledge, cigar tastings, cigar news in China and abroad. ", "Furthermore, we invite famous domestic and overseas cigar factory managers and professional experts to write articles. ", "The specialty and practicality of the magazine is not only welcomed by Chinese cigar aficionados, but also recognized by Chinese cigar factories. ", "Moreover, it also serves as the best method of promotion for both domestic and overseas cigar brands and cigar accessories." ]
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[ "/*\n * RHQ Management Platform\n * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Red Hat, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.", "\n *\n * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n * the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License.", "\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", "See the\n * GNU General Public License for more details.", "\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.", "\n */\npackage org.rhq.enterprise.gui.content;\n\nimport java.util.", "ArrayList;\n\nimport javax.faces.application.", "FacesMessage;\nimport javax.faces.model.", "SelectItem;\n\nimport org.apache.commons.logging.", "Log;\nimport org.apache.commons.logging.", "LogFactory;\n\nimport org.rhq.core.domain.auth.", "Subject;\nimport org.rhq.core.domain.authz.", "Permission;\nimport org.rhq.core.domain.content.", "ContentSyncStatus;\nimport org.rhq.core.domain.content.", "Repo;\nimport org.rhq.core.domain.content.", "RepoSyncResults;\nimport org.rhq.core.domain.criteria.", "SubjectCriteria;\nimport org.rhq.core.domain.util.", "PageList;\nimport org.rhq.core.domain.util.", "PageOrdering;\nimport org.rhq.core.gui.util.", "FacesContextUtility;\nimport org.rhq.enterprise.gui.util.", "EnterpriseFacesContextUtility;\nimport org.rhq.enterprise.server.auth.", "SubjectManagerLocal;\nimport org.rhq.enterprise.server.content.", "ContentException;\nimport org.rhq.enterprise.server.content.", "RepoManagerLocal;\nimport org.rhq.enterprise.server.util.", "LookupUtil;\n\npublic class RepoDetailsUIBean {\n\n private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass());\n\n private Repo repo;\n\n public Repo getRepo() {\n loadRepo();\n return this.repo;\n }\n\n public String edit() {\n return \"edit\";\n }\n\n public void reloadRepo() {\n this.repo = null;\n loadRepo();\n }\n\n public boolean getCurrentlySyncing() {\n String syncStatus = getSyncStatus();\n if (!", "syncStatus.equals(ContentSyncStatus.", "SUCCESS.toString())\n && !", "syncStatus.equals(ContentSyncStatus.", "FAILURE.toString())\n && !", "syncStatus.equals(ContentSyncStatus.", "NONE.toString())\n && !", "syncStatus.equals(ContentSyncStatus.", "CANCELLED.toString())\n && !", "syncStatus.equals(ContentSyncStatus.", "CANCELLING.toString())) {\n return true;\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n public String getSyncStatus() {\n Subject subject = EnterpriseFacesContextUtility.getSubject();\n Integer id = FacesContextUtility.getRequiredRequestParameter(\"id\", Integer.class);\n String retval = LookupUtil.getRepoManagerLocal().calculateSyncStatus(subject, id);\n return retval;\n }\n\n public RepoSyncResults getSyncResults() {\n Subject subject = EnterpriseFacesContextUtility.getSubject();\n Integer id = FacesContextUtility.getRequiredRequestParameter(\"id\", Integer.class);\n return LookupUtil.getRepoManagerLocal().getMostRecentSyncResults(subject, id);\n }\n\n public String getPercentComplete() {\n Subject subject = EnterpriseFacesContextUtility.getSubject();\n Integer id = FacesContextUtility.getRequiredRequestParameter(\"id\", Integer.class);\n RepoSyncResults r = LookupUtil.getRepoManagerLocal().getMostRecentSyncResults(subject, id);\n String retval;\n if (r !", "= null && r.getPercentComplete() !", "= null) {\n retval = r.getPercentComplete().toString();\n } else {\n retval = \"0\";\n }\n return retval;\n }\n\n public boolean isRepositoryManager() {\n Subject subject = EnterpriseFacesContextUtility.getSubject();\n return LookupUtil.getAuthorizationManager().hasGlobalPermission(subject, Permission.", "MANAGE_REPOSITORIES);\n }\n\n public boolean isEditable() {\n Subject subject = EnterpriseFacesContextUtility.getSubject();\n return LookupUtil.getAuthorizationManager().canUpdateRepo(subject, getRepo().getId());\n }\n\n public boolean isInventoryManager() {\n Subject subject = EnterpriseFacesContextUtility.getSubject();\n return LookupUtil.getAuthorizationManager().isInventoryManager(subject);\n }\n\n public boolean getHasContentSources() {\n return getRepo().getContentSources().size() > 0;\n }\n\n public SelectItem[] getAvailableOwners() {\n SubjectManagerLocal subjectManager = LookupUtil.getSubjectManager();\n Subject subject = EnterpriseFacesContextUtility.getSubject();\n\n SubjectCriteria c = new SubjectCriteria();\n c.addFilterFsystem(false);\n c.addSortName(PageOrdering.", "ASC);\n PageList<Subject> subjects = subjectManager.findSubjectsByCriteria(subject, c);\n\n ArrayList<SelectItem> items = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(subjects.size());\n\n items.add(new SelectItem(null, \"--None--\"));\n\n for (Subject s : subjects) {\n SelectItem item = new SelectItem(s.getName(), s.getName());\n items.add(item);\n }\n\n return items.toArray(new SelectItem[items.size()]);\n }\n\n public String sync() {\n Subject subject = EnterpriseFacesContextUtility.getSubject();\n int[] repoIds = { FacesContextUtility.getRequiredRequestParameter(\"id\", Integer.class) };\n int syncCount = 0;\n try {\n syncCount = LookupUtil.getRepoManagerLocal().synchronizeRepos(subject, repoIds);\n } catch (Exception e) {\n FacesContextUtility.addMessage(FacesMessage.", "SEVERITY_ERROR, \"Error: \" + e.getMessage());\n log.error(\"Error synchronizing repo ID [\" + repoIds + \"]\", e);\n return \"edit\";\n }\n if (syncCount > 0) {\n FacesContextUtility.addMessage(FacesMessage.", "SEVERITY_INFO, \"The repository is syncing.\");", "\n } else {\n FacesContextUtility.addMessage(FacesMessage.", "SEVERITY_INFO, \"Nothing to sync for this repository.\");", "\n }\n return \"success\";\n }\n\n public String save() {\n Subject subject = EnterpriseFacesContextUtility.getSubject();\n RepoManagerLocal manager = LookupUtil.getRepoManagerLocal();\n\n try {\n updateRepoOwner(subject);\n manager.updateRepo(subject, repo);\n FacesContextUtility.addMessage(FacesMessage.", "SEVERITY_INFO, \"The repository has been updated.\");", "\n } catch (ContentException ce) {\n FacesContextUtility.addMessage(FacesMessage.", "SEVERITY_ERROR, \"Error: \" + ce.getMessage());\n return \"edit\"; // stay in edit mode on failure\n }\n\n return \"success\";\n }\n\n public String cancelSync() {\n Subject subject = EnterpriseFacesContextUtility.getSubject();\n RepoManagerLocal manager = LookupUtil.getRepoManagerLocal();\n Integer repoId = FacesContextUtility.getRequiredRequestParameter(\"id\", Integer.class);\n try {\n manager.cancelSync(subject, repoId);\n FacesContextUtility.addMessage(FacesMessage.", "SEVERITY_INFO, \"The synchronization has been cancelled.\");", "\n } catch (Exception ce) {\n FacesContextUtility.addMessage(FacesMessage.", "SEVERITY_ERROR, \"Error: \" + ce.getMessage());\n return \"success\"; // stay in edit mode on failure\n }\n\n return \"success\";\n }\n\n public String cancel() {\n return \"success\";\n }\n\n private void loadRepo() {\n if (this.repo == null) {\n Subject subject = EnterpriseFacesContextUtility.getSubject();\n Integer id = FacesContextUtility.getRequiredRequestParameter(\"id\", Integer.class);\n RepoManagerLocal manager = LookupUtil.getRepoManagerLocal();\n this.repo = manager.getRepo(subject, id);\n this.repo.setSyncStatus(manager.calculateSyncStatus(subject, id));\n if (repo.getOwner() == null) {\n repo.setOwner(new Subject());\n }\n }\n }\n\n private void updateRepoOwner(Subject loggedInSubject) {\n if (repo.getOwner().getName() == null) {\n repo.setOwner(null);\n } else if (repo.getOwner().getName().equals(loggedInSubject.getName())) {\n repo.setOwner(loggedInSubject);\n } else {\n SubjectManagerLocal subjectManager = LookupUtil.getSubjectManager();\n Subject s = subjectManager.getSubjectByName(repo.getOwner().getName());\n repo.setOwner(s);\n }\n }\n}" ]
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[ "Google recently introduced a new feature that will deliver good news when you ask it to. ", "It's in trial, but should be available for the Google Home and any other device with Google Assistant installed, such as Android phones or iPhones with the Assistant app.", "\n\nThe results are curated from the Solutions Journalism Network, a group that gathers positive and feel-good stories from around the world. ", "The results link directly to stories in outlets including The New York Times, BBC and NPR. ", "In a blog post, Google said it enabled the feature because \"it can feel like there are only problems out there,\" and it wants users to have a balanced media diet.", "\n\nI decided to give it a try.", "\n\nFirst, I just said \"OK Google, tell me something good\" through the Google Assistant on my phone. ", "Then, it delivered some heartwarming news. ", "Here's a sample of some of the results I got." ]
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[ "/**\n * @license\n * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.", "\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.", "\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.", "\n */\nimport '../../../styles/shared-styles';\nimport {GrTooltip} from '../../shared/gr-tooltip/gr-tooltip';\nimport {customElement, property} from '@polymer/decorators';\nimport {flush} from '@polymer/polymer/lib/legacy/polymer.dom';\nimport {GestureEventListeners} from '@polymer/polymer/lib/mixins/gesture-event-listeners';\nimport {LegacyElementMixin} from '@polymer/polymer/lib/legacy/legacy-element-mixin';\nimport {PolymerElement} from '@polymer/polymer/polymer-element';\nimport {htmlTemplate} from './gr-selection-action-box_html';\n\ndeclare global {\n interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {\n 'gr-selection-action-box': GrSelectionActionBox;\n }\n}\n\nexport interface GrSelectionActionBox {\n $: {\n tooltip: GrTooltip;\n };\n}\n\n@customElement('gr-selection-action-box')\nexport class GrSelectionActionBox extends GestureEventListeners(\n LegacyElementMixin(PolymerElement)\n) {\n static get template() {\n return htmlTemplate;\n }\n\n /**\n * Fired when the comment creation action was taken (click).", "\n *\n * @event create-comment-requested\n */\n\n @property({type: Object})\n keyEventTarget: Record<string, any> = document.body;\n\n @property({type: Boolean})\n positionBelow = false;\n\n /** @override */\n created() {\n super.created();\n\n // See https://crbug.com/gerrit/4767\n this.addEventListener('mousedown', e => this._handleMouseDown(e));\n }\n\n placeAbove(el: Text | Element | Range) {\n flush();\n const rect = this._getTargetBoundingRect(el);\n const boxRect = this.$.tooltip.getBoundingClientRect();\n const parentRect = this._getParentBoundingClientRect();\n if (parentRect === null) {\n return;\n }\n this.style.top = `${rect.top - parentRect.top - boxRect.height - 6}px`;\n this.style.left = `${\n rect.left - parentRect.left + (rect.width - boxRect.width) / 2\n }px`;\n }\n\n placeBelow(el: Text | Element | Range) {\n flush();\n const rect = this._getTargetBoundingRect(el);\n const boxRect = this.$.tooltip.getBoundingClientRect();\n const parentRect = this._getParentBoundingClientRect();\n if (parentRect === null) {\n return;\n }\n this.style.top = `${rect.top - parentRect.top + boxRect.height - 6}px`;\n this.style.left = `${\n rect.left - parentRect.left + (rect.width - boxRect.width) / 2\n }px`;\n }\n\n private _getParentBoundingClientRect() {\n // With native shadow DOM, the parent is the shadow root, not the gr-diff\n // element\n if (this.parentElement) {\n return this.parentElement.getBoundingClientRect();\n }\n if (this.parentNode !", "== null) {\n return (this.parentNode as ShadowRoot).host.getBoundingClientRect();\n }\n return null;\n }\n\n private _getTargetBoundingRect(el: Text | Element | Range) {\n let rect;\n if (el instanceof Text) {\n const range = document.createRange();\n range.selectNode(el);\n rect = range.getBoundingClientRect();\n range.detach();\n } else {\n rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();\n }\n return rect;\n }\n\n private _handleMouseDown(e: MouseEvent) {\n if (e.button !", "== 0) {\n return;\n } // 0 = main button\n e.preventDefault();\n e.stopPropagation();\n this.dispatchEvent(\n new CustomEvent('create-comment-requested', {\n composed: true,\n bubbles: true,\n })\n );\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "More than one in three European Jews have considered emigrating over the past five years because they no longer feel safe amid a surge in anti-Semitism, a European Union study showed on Monday.", "\n\nFollow Ynetnews on Facebook STRONG> and Twitter\n\n\n\nThe survey in 12 countries that are home to 96 percent of European Jews showed widespread malaise at a rise in hate crimes which Jewish communities blame in part on anti-Semitic comments by politicians that stoke a climate of impunity.", "\n\nFeelings of insecurity were particularly acute among Jews in France, followed by Poland, Belgium and Germany, the study by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) found.", "\n\nEuropean Parliament, Brussels\n\nFacing hostility online and at work or in graffiti scrawled on walls near synagogues, nine out of ten Jews living in nations which have been their home for centuries feel that anti-Semitism has worsened over the past five years, the study said.", "\n\n\"It is impossible to put a number on how corrosive such everyday realities can be, but a shocking statistic sends a clear message ... more than one third say that they consider emigrating because they no longer feel safe as Jews,\" FRA'S director Michael O'Flaherty was cited as saying in a foreword to the study.", "\n\nEU officials presenting the report in Brussels on Monday called on governments to do more to combat such hate, including commemorating the history of the Holocaust in which the Nazis killed at least six million Jews in Europe during World War Two.", "\n\nNazi symbols spray-painted in Spain\n\n\"What we need now is concrete action in the member states to see real change for Jews on the ground,\" European Commission deputy head Frans Timmermans told reporters. \"", "There is no Europe, if Jews don't feel safe in Europe.\"", "\n\nHungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and British opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn are among the most prominent EU leaders battling accusations of anti-Semitism by Jewish community leaders.", "\n\nWorries over the hostile rhetoric are underscored by government figures in several European countries showing a spike in violence against Jews.", "\n\nEtz Chaim Synagogue vadalized in anti-Semitic attack\n\nFollowing a number of high-profile attacks targeting Jews, soldiers and armed guards at the doors of synagogues or Jewish schools have become a familiar site in Europe.", "\n\nEighty-five percent of the 16,395 polled identified anti-Semitism as the biggest social and political problem, while almost a third said they avoid attending events or visiting Jewish sites.", "\n\nHowever, 79 percent of those who experienced harassment said they did not report the incidents to authorities.", "\n\nThe results showed a loss of faith in their governments' ability to keep them safe, the European Jewish Congress (EJC) said, causing Jews to feel torn between emigrating and cutting themselves off from their Jewish community.", "\n\n\"This is intolerable and a choice no people should have to face,\" EJC head Moshe Kantor said in a statement.", "\n\nA government spokeswoman in Germany said the results of the study were shocking, adding that the interior ministry \"isn't looking at it idly.\"" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nPrint NSError in try catch block\n\nI was curious if anyone knew how to use a try catch in objective c in order to print out a possible NSError received from a synchronousRequest.", "\nThe error that I am receiving is due to a non valid memory address. ", "my try catch looks like\n@try{\n NSLog(@\"%@\", err);\n }@catch(NSException *e){\n NSLog(@\"No error thrown\");\n }\n\nA:\n\nThe @catch block should contain the code that you want to run if there is an error.", "\n@try {\n // Do the request\n NSLog(@\"No error thrown\");\n} @catch (NSException *e) {\n NSLog(@\"%@\", err);\n}\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0055248618784530384, 0, 0.014925373134328358, 0.01834862385321101 ]
[ { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 516, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 510 } ]
[ "Q:\n\nIE bug: Button image background\n\nI'm dealing with a weird bug that I don't manage to fix.", "\nIt's a known bug and in fact I found on the Web several solutions, but unfortunately they don't work in my case!", "\nHere is a screenshot that shows how the button appears on the other browsers, instead on IE it appears completely white.", "\n\nThe CSS rules that I am using are the following:\nbackground:url('http://www.legrandclub.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Send-Message.jpg');\nwidth:113px;\nheight:25px;\nborder:0px;\n\nWhich additional rule should I use?", "\nThanks\n\nA:\n\nThe problem coming from bp.css, line ~660:\nfilter: progid:DXImageTransform.", "Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#ffffff', endColorstr='#ededed',GradientType=0 ); /* IE6-9 */\n\nThat gradient is drawn on top of everything else. ", "The rest of your button is hiding beneath it.", "\nNow that you know what the problem is, you should be able to solve it. ", "You need filter: none on #send_reply_button, or you need to otherwise override/remove the filter.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 938, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 921 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 464, "entity_type": "URL", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UrlRecognizer_140094861343568", "recognizer_name": "UrlRecognizer" }, "score": 0.6, "start": 393 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 642, "entity_type": "URL", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UrlRecognizer_140094861343568", "recognizer_name": "UrlRecognizer" }, "score": 0.5, "start": 630 } ]
[ "A meta-analysis of nonrandomized effectiveness studies on outpatient cognitive behavioral therapy for adult anxiety disorders.", "\nThe primary aim of this study was to assess the overall effectiveness of individual and group outpatient cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for adults with a primary anxiety disorder in routine clinical practice. ", "We conducted a random effects meta-analysis of 71 nonrandomized effectiveness studies on outpatient individual and group CBT for adult anxiety disorders. ", "Standardized mean gain effect sizes pre- to posttreatment, and posttreatment to follow-up are reported for disorder-specific symptoms, depression, and general anxiety. ", "The mean dropout from CBT is reported. ", "Outpatient CBT was effective in reducing disorder-specific symptoms in completer (d=0.90-1.91) and intention-to-treat samples (d=0.67-1.45). ", "Moderate to large (d=0.54-1.09) and small to large effect sizes (d=0.42-0.97) were found for depressive and general anxiety symptoms posttreatment. ", "Across all anxiety disorders, the weighted mean dropout rate was 15.06%. ", "Posttreatment gains for disorder-specific anxiety were maintained 12months after completion of therapy. ", "CBT for adult anxiety disorders is very effective and widely accepted in routine practice settings. ", "However, the methodological and reporting quality of nonrandomized effectiveness studies must be improved." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.004672897196261682, 0.006493506493506494, 0, 0.02564102564102564, 0.0070921985815602835, 0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0 ]
[ { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1137, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 1129 } ]
[ "Influence of triiodothyronine on the contractile effect of D-nor-pseudoephedrine.", "\nHere we contrast the vascular smooth muscle contractility produced by D-nor-pseudoephedrine, alone or combined with triiodothyronine, on the aorta and coronary vasculature of the rat. ", "At high concentrations (greater than those found in normal therapeutic dosing) D-nor-pseudoephedrine contracted the aorta. ", "In contrast, it produced vasodilation on pre-contracted aorta independently of the vasoconstrictor employed or the presence of vascular endothelium. ", "D-nor-pseudoephedrine increased coronary perfusion pressure, but the effect was smaller than the vasoconstriction produced by phenylephrine (a full alpha 1 adrenergic agonist), and was blocked by the pre-treatment with triiodothyronine. ", "These results suggest cardiovascular risks in the use of D-nor-pseudoephedrine for weight loss." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Familial cutaneous malignant melanoma is a genetically heterogeneous condition linked to chromosome 9p21 in many, but not all families ([Hussussian *et al*, 1994](#bib15){ref-type=\"other\"}; [Greene, 1999](#bib11){ref-type=\"other\"}). ", "To date, germline mutations in two high penetrance genes have been identified in some of these families, *CDKN2A/ARF* and *CDK4*. ", "The *CDKN2A/ARF* gene encodes two distinct proteins, p16^INK4^ and p14^ARF^, the result of alternative splicing of exons 1*α* and 1*β*, respectively. ", "The p16^INK4^ protein, which belongs to the INK4 family of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors, plays a key role in arresting cell cycle progression at the G1 phase by inhibiting cyclins CDK4 and CDK6 and subsequently blocking their ability to phosphorylate the retinoblastoma protein Rb ([Chin *et al*, 1998](#bib8){ref-type=\"other\"}). ", "The p14^ARF^ protein is also involved in cell cycle regulation by interacting with different substrates in the p53 pathway ([Pomerantz *et al*, 1998](#bib27){ref-type=\"other\"}), and by binding to MDM2, also in the Rb pathway with resultant cell cycle arrest in both G1 and G2 phases ([Xiao *et al*, 1995](#bib35){ref-type=\"other\"}; [Weber *et al*, 1999](#bib34){ref-type=\"other\"}; [Momand *et al*, 2000](#bib21){ref-type=\"other\"}). ", "In all, 20% of melanoma families were found to harbour genetic alterations at the *CDKN2A/ARF* gene ([Goldstein, 2004](#bib10){ref-type=\"other\"}). ", "The other gene involved in familial predisposition to melanoma, *CDK4* is a proto-oncogene that promotes cell cycle progression by phosphorylating the Rb protein. ", "Germline mutations in CDK4 were detected in three melanoma families ([Zuo *et al*, 1996](#bib38){ref-type=\"other\"}; [Soufir *et al*, 1998](#bib31){ref-type=\"other\"}).", "\n\nThe familial clustering of both melanoma and neural system tumours (NST) was first reported in 1993 by [Kaufman *et al* (1993)](#bib17){ref-type=\"other\"} in a single family with eight family members over three generations who were diagnosed with cutaneous melanoma, cerebral astrocytoma or both. [", "Azizi *et al* (1995)](#bib2){ref-type=\"other\"} surveyed 904 melanoma Jewish-Israeli patients for the occurrence of NST in their family pedigrees. ", "Melanoma-affected members within families, as well as first and second-degree relatives, were found to be at an increased risk for developing NST. ", "A total of 15 families with a clustering of melanoma and a variety of NST were identified, and 10 patients with two primary tumours, melanoma and NST, primarily meningioma were described ([Azizi *et al*, 1995](#bib2){ref-type=\"other\"}). ", "Similar familial clustering of melanoma and NST was described in French ([Bahuau *et al*, 1997](#bib4){ref-type=\"other\"}) and Finnish families ([Paunu *et al*, 2002](#bib25){ref-type=\"other\"}). ", "Recently, melanoma and NST association was confirmed by epidemiological and population-based studies in Scandinavia ([O\\'Neill *et al*, 2002](#bib24){ref-type=\"other\"}; [Hemminki *et al*, 2003](#bib13){ref-type=\"other\"}; [Nielsen *et al*, 2004](#bib23){ref-type=\"other\"}). ", "The familial clustering of melanoma and NST has been recognised and designated as the Melanoma and Neural System Tumour syndrome (MM-NST) (OMIM \\# 155755), and in a small subset of melanoma-NST kindreds germline mutations, mainly deletions affecting the CDKN2A/ARF gene and cosegregating with both tumours, were described.", "\n\nIn the present study, 42 Jewish, mainly Ashkenazi, melanoma families with (*n*=24) or without NST (*n*=18) were genotyped for germline sequence alterations in the CDKN2A/ARF and CDK4 genes. ", "Mutational screening of 24 families with co-occurrence of melanoma and NST is the largest analysis reported thus far.", "\n\nMATERIALS AND METHODS\n=====================\n\nPatients\n--------\n\nJewish families with a history of melanoma and NST were recruited to the study. ", "The inclusion criteria (based on OMIM\\'s definition) were a minimum of two cancers in the pedigree, one being melanoma and the other NST, or an individual harbouring both tumours.", "\n\nAdditional 18 Jewish melanoma families without NST, having at least two or more individuals with melanoma, or multiple melanomas in a single family member -- as minimal inclusion criteria -- were also included.", "\n\nThe families had been recruited between the years 1997 and 2003. ", "The study had been approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee of the Sheba Medical Center, Israel. ", "All participants signed a written informed consent prior to being enrolled in the study. ", "Demographic details, including country of birth of the probands, their parents and grandparents, were collected using a self-response questionnaire. ", "Classification to ethnic groups was done according to the country of birth of the grandparents on both the maternal and paternal sides, provided that one or both parents were either from the same origin, or Israeli-born. ", "Families with both sets of grandparents from Eastern and Central European countries were classified as Ashkenazi. ", "Families originating from Spain, North-Africa, Balkans, or Iraq, Iran, Yemen and Egypt were classified as Sephardic. ", "Every effort has been made to confirm the correct cancer type for affected members based on pathology report, patients\\' medical charts, operation reports and death certificate. ", "When these were not available, information regarding tumours that was obtained by history from several family members but not confirmed by a pathology report was designated as histological type not specified. ", "A dermatological examination assessing skin phenotype, atypical mole syndrome (AMS) score ([Newton Bishop *et al*, 1994](#bib22){ref-type=\"other\"}) and signs of dermato-heliosis was performed by one of three participating dermatologists and 10 ml of venous blood samples were withdrawn for DNA extraction.", "\n\nGenetic alterations detection\n-----------------------------\n\n### DNA preparation\n\nGenomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood leucocytes using the Puregene® Genomic DNA Isolation Kit (Gentra Systems, Minneapolis MN, USA), using the manufacturer\\'s recommended protocol.", "\n\n### Mutation analysis\n\nFor detecting *CDKN2A/ARF* and *CDK4* gene coding region sequence alterations, exons 1*α*, 1*β* and 2 of *CDKN2A/ARF* and exon 2 of *CDK4* were screened by dHPLC (denaturing high performance liquid chromatography), by using PCR and dHPLC analysis conditions previously described ([Laud *et al*, 2003](#bib18){ref-type=\"other\"}). ", "Briefly, PCR was carried out in a final volume of 20 *μ*l containing 100 ng genomic DNA, 1 × HotStar *Taq* DNA Polymerase buffer with 1.5 m[M]{.smallcaps} MgCl~2~ (Qiagen), 4 pmoles of each primer, 1 UI HotStar *Taq* DNA Polymerase (Quiagen) and 2.5 m[M]{.smallcaps} dNTPs. ", "For PCR amplification of each exon, a touch down protocol was used as follows: initial denaturation and HotStar *Taq* Polymerase activation at 95°C for 15 min; six cycles of 30 s at 95°C, 30 s at 66°C (the annealing temperature decreasing by 2°C at every two cycles), 30 s at 72°C; followed by 40 cycles of 30 s at 95°C, 30 s at 60°C and 30 s at 72°C. ", "Heteroduplex analyses were carried out on an automated dHPLC instrument (WAVE, Transgenomic, CA, USA). ", "DNA samples with known germline mutations at *CDKN2A/ARF* locus were used as positive controls.", "\n\nSamples displaying abnormal profiles were subsequently bidirectionally sequenced using the BigDye™ Terminator sequencing kit (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) according to the manufacturer\\'s instructions on an ABI Prism 377 instrument (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA).", "\n\n### CDKN2A/ARF deletion detection\n\nSince CDKN2A/ARF deletions were previously identified in melanoma-NST families ([Bahuau *et al*, 1998](#bib3){ref-type=\"other\"}, [Randerson-Moor *et al*, 2001](#bib29){ref-type=\"other\"}), deletions were sought only in this subset of families (*n*=24). ", "Deletion genotyping was performed using the D9S1748 microsatellite marker located adjacent to CDKN2A exon 1*β*. ", "The PCR amplifications were carried out in a final volume of 25 *μ*l, the reaction mix containing: 1 × HotStar *Taq* DNA polymerase buffer with 1.5 m[M]{.smallcaps} MgCl~2~ (Qiagen, Chatsworth, CA, USA), 1 UI HotStar *Taq* DNA polymerase (Qiagen), 4 pmoles of each primer and 0.2 m[M]{.smallcaps} dNTPs. ", "Primer sequences are available through The Genome Database (<http://www.gdb.org>). ", "The forward primer was fluorescently labeled with the 6-FAM at its 5′ extremity. ", "The PCR products were loaded on a 6%/7 [M]{.smallcaps} urea denaturing polyacrylamide gel in an ABI Prism 377 (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) device along with the ROX 350 (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) internal marker standard. ", "Genotypes were analysed using the GeneScan software (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA). ", "Since the homozygous status could possibly be due to the loss of an allele, homozygous samples were further analysed for allele dosage ([Barrois *et al*, 2004](#bib5){ref-type=\"other\"}) at the p14ARF locus by quantitative real-time PCR using an ABI Prism 7700 instrument (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA). ", "A TaqMan probe that anneals specifically to the exon 1*β* of the p14ARF gene, marked with a fluorescent reporter dye (FAM) and a quencher dye (TAMRA), was used. ", "By calculating the ratio initial copy number of p14ARF/initial copy number of GAPDH, we obtained the normalized gene dose. ", "The PCR was performed in triplicate for each sample in a final volume of 50 *μ*l, the reaction mix containing for the GAPDH gene 1 × TaqMan Universal Master Mix (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA), 15 pmoles of each primer and probe and 25 ng DNA. ", "For the exon 1*β* of CDKN2A, same quantities were used, with the exception of the TaqMan Universal Master Mix which was replaced by 1 × TaqMan PCR Core Reagent Buffer (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA), 2.5 m[M]{.smallcaps} dNTPs, 5% glycerol, 5 m[M]{.smallcaps} MgCl2 and 1.25 UI AmpliTaqGold DNA polymerase (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA). ", "Amplification conditions were: 2 min at 50°C, 10 min at 95°C (20 min for p14ARF) followed by 40 cycles of 15 s at 95°C and 1 min at 60°C. ", "We used as positive control the haploid cell line HL60 kindly provided by Juliette Moor and Julia Newton Bishop from Genetic Epidemiology Division, Cancer Research UK, St James\\'s University Hospital, Leeds, UK ([Randerson-Moor *et al*, 2001](#bib29){ref-type=\"other\"}).", "\n\nRESULTS\n=======\n\nClinical features of the study participants\n-------------------------------------------\n\nThe study population included (a) 25 probands and 11 unaffected relatives from 24 families with pedigrees displaying cutaneous melanoma and NST and (b) 20 probands from 18 melanoma families without NST, among them 13 families with pedigrees containing two or more melanoma-affected individuals and five families containing individuals with multiple melanomas. ", "Notably, the clinical features of two families (\\#107 and \\#121) have already been described earlier ([Azizi *et al*, 1995](#bib2){ref-type=\"other\"}). ", "Distribution by tumour type, number of tumours and family affiliation is presented in [Tables 1](#tbl1){ref-type=\"table\"} and [2](#tbl2){ref-type=\"table\"} (melanoma-NST families) and 3 (familial melanoma).", "\n\nAmong the melanoma-NST pedigrees, in 10/24 (42%) families there were two melanoma or two NST cases, and in the others in this category, there were one melanoma and one NST in each family ([Table 1](#tbl1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The male : female (M : F) ratio among the affected cases was 1. ", "The melanoma and NST were diagnosed at the age range of 22--74 years and 10--86 years, respectively. ", "Of the 24 families in this subgroup, 22 were of Ashkenazi origin, one out of 24 was Sephardic (\\#107), and one out of 24 heterogeneous (\\#121). ", "Major phenotypic features of the patients, available in 13 out of 25 probands, were variable with no specific pattern. ", "Additional cancers that were reported in this series included colon cancers in four families; breast cancer in three families; lung cancer in two families; liver cancer in two families; and renal, gastric, laryngeal, pleural and nonmelanoma skin cancer each in one family ([Table 2](#tbl2){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Examples of pedigrees showing melanoma families with NST are presented in [Figure 1](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\nAmong the 18 melanoma families without NST ([Table 3](#tbl3){ref-type=\"table\"}), the M : F ratio among the melanoma patients was 1 : 2, and the age at diagnosis was in the range of 25--88 years. ", "Of 18 families in this series, 17 were of Ashkenazi origin. ", "Family \\#321 was of heterogeneous Romanian (Ashkenazi)/Turkish-Greek (Sephardic) origin. ", "Major phenotypic features of the melanoma patients, not available for two out of 20 probands included dermato-heliosis and solar keratosis (15 out of 18), freckles (15 out of 18) and AMS ⩾2 (seven out of 18). ", "Additional cancers that were reported in this series included nonmelanoma skin cancer in three families; prostate cancer in three; breast cancer in five; pancreatic cancer in one; transitional cell carcinoma in one and lymphoma in one. ", "Examples of pedigrees showing melanoma families without NST are presented in [Figure 2](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\nMutational analyses of the CDKN2/ARF and the CDK4 genes for point mutations\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nOverall, nine samples displayed different chromatographic profiles. ", "Sequence analyses revealed a G to A transition at position 442 leading to a missense mutation at codon 148 (Ala148Thr) in all nine patients: patients \\#5, \\#83 and \\#115, all unrelated, among the melanoma-NST families ([Table 4](#tbl4){ref-type=\"table\"}); and patients \\#15, \\#111, \\#114, \\#116, \\#124, \\#134, all unrelated among the melanoma families without NST ([Table 5](#tbl5){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nDetection of CDKN2A/ARF gene deletions\n--------------------------------------\n\nA total of 30 individuals among the melanoma-NST families were genotyped using the D9S1748 microsatellite marker, located adjacent to exon 1*β* of *CDKN2A/ARF* gene on chromosome 9p21. ", "A total of 12 samples displayed a heterozygous status, that is, two alleles without genomic deletion ([Table 4](#tbl4){ref-type=\"table\"}); And 18 samples displaying homozygous profiles for this locus were selected for further analysis, since the homozygous status could indicate the loss of an allele by a large deletion encompassing exon 1*β*. ", "Gene dosage for these samples, as well as six samples not analysed for the D9S1748 microsatellite marker, showed no deletions, therefore, all individuals presented two alleles ([Table 4](#tbl4){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nDISCUSSION\n==========\n\nIn the present study, no *bona fide* pathogenic germline alterations were identified in the CDKN2A/ARF and CDK4 loci among 42 Jewish, primarily Ashkenazi Israeli families, with a seemingly inherited predisposition to cutaneous melanoma, and in some, clustering of melanoma with NST, for deletions and point mutations in the CDKN2A/ARF and CDK4 loci. ", "The only sequence variation identified in nine DNA samples was G to A transition at position 442 leading to a missense mutation at codon 148 (Ala148Thr). ", "The Ala148Thr missense mutation is considered as a polymorphism based on several observations: it has been previously reported in individuals from the general, average risk, population in ethnically diverse groups: 8% of the Jewish population ([Yakobson *et al*, 2000](#bib36){ref-type=\"other\"}), 4% of the population in Utah ([Kamb *et al*, 1994](#bib16){ref-type=\"other\"}) and 5% in the UK population ([Bertram *et al*, 2002](#bib6){ref-type=\"other\"}). ", "Furthermore, this missense mutation did not segregate with the phenotype in familial melanoma ([Hussussian *et al*, 1994](#bib15){ref-type=\"other\"}; [Harland *et al*, 1997](#bib12){ref-type=\"other\"}), and is situated outside the critical four ankyrin repeat domains of p16, and thus does not appear to have any effect *in vitro* on binding to CDK4 ([Ranade *et al*, 1995](#bib28){ref-type=\"other\"}; [Lilischkis *et al*, 1996](#bib19){ref-type=\"other\"}; [Harland *et al*, 1997](#bib12){ref-type=\"other\"}). ", "Ala148Thr was further analysed in twin studies as a candidate low penetrance polymorphism enhancing the risk of melanoma by increasing AMS score ([Zhu *et al*, 1999](#bib37){ref-type=\"other\"}). ", "However, the rate of this polymorphism in families with atypical mole phenotype was similar to general population ([Bertram *et al*, 2002](#bib6){ref-type=\"other\"}). ", "Thus, Ala148Thr is considered a p16 polymorphism and not a pathogenic mutation.", "\n\nGenetic mutations at the CDKN2A gene have been identified in 20% of melanoma families, most of these in exons 1*α* and 2 ([Goldstein, 2004](#bib10){ref-type=\"other\"}). ", "Several studies also implicated the ARF gene as underlying melanoma predisposition. ", "A 16 bp insertion in exon 1*β*, which affects the function of p14 but not p16, was described in a patient with multiple primary melanomas ([Rizos *et al*, 2001](#bib30){ref-type=\"other\"}). ", "A splice site mutation in exon 1*β*, which results in p14 haploinsufficiency, was also reported in two affected persons from melanoma kindred ([Hewitt *et al*, 2002](#bib14){ref-type=\"other\"}). ", "The negative mutation detection results in the present study among Jewish Ashkenazi melanoma families are not in line with the expected mutation rate, based on previously reported data in non-Jewish populations.", "\n\nAmong families with melanoma-NST association, the loss of function of CDKN2A/ARF can be a predisposing factor. ", "Segregation analysis of two melanoma-NST French families showed hemizygous germline deletion that ablated CDKN2A/ARF gene ([Bahuau *et al*, 1998](#bib3){ref-type=\"other\"}). ", "Analysis of 11 families with two or more cases of glioma revealed a hemizygous germline deletion in CDKN2A in one family with both glioma and melanoma ([Tachibana *et al*, 2000](#bib32){ref-type=\"other\"}). ", "In another melanoma family with NST (mainly astrocytoma), deletion was found in the CDKN2A/ARF exon 1*β*. ", "The deletion, leading to loss of ARF function, did not affect the coding region of p16 protein ([Randerson-Moor *et al*, 2001](#bib29){ref-type=\"other\"}). ", "Finally, a splice site substitution mutation trimming CDKN2A exon 2 and severely affecting both p16INK4A and p14ARF was described in a family with melanomas, neurofibromas and multiple dysplastic nevi ([Petronzelli *et al*, 2001](#bib26){ref-type=\"other\"}). ", "Constitutional CDKN2A locus alterations, somatic point mutations and deletions at CDKN2A were identified in NST ([Ueki *et al*, 1996](#bib33){ref-type=\"other\"}; [Bostrom *et al*, 2001](#bib7){ref-type=\"other\"}; [Ghimenti *et al*, 2003](#bib9){ref-type=\"other\"}). ", "Evidence was presented that deletion in ARF may be the underlying cause in the development of melanoma and NST ([Randerson-Moor *et al*, 2001](#bib29){ref-type=\"other\"}).", "\n\nYet, the lack of mutations at the genes analysed in this series of melanoma families with NST is commensurate with data from other melanoma-NST families genotyped for mutations: in a family with melanoma and optic nerve glioma, no mutations were identified in the *CDKN2A* gene ([Alao *et al*, 2002](#bib1){ref-type=\"other\"}). ", "Analysis of Swedish patients with multiple primary melanomas and NST was negative for the *CDKN2A* founder mutation *113insArg*, which usually explains all CDKN2A-associated familial melanoma in Sweden ([Nielsen *et al*, 2004](#bib23){ref-type=\"other\"}).", "\n\nIt is unlikely that the familial clustering of melanoma and NST is due to chance, as both tumours are relatively rare cancers in Israel, with age standardised incidence rates of 7.7 and 8.4 per 10^5^, respectively, in female subjects, and 7.6 and 10.3 per 10^5^, respectively, in male subjects ([Azizi *et al*, 1995](#bib2){ref-type=\"other\"}). ", "All the melanoma families with NST in the present series withstand the OMIM criteria for the melanoma-NST syndrome. ", "Yet, without identifying a mutation, cosegregating within the current series of families with both melanoma and NST, we cannot unequivocally determine the proportion of families that truly represent melanoma-NST syndrome. ", "However, 10 families (42% of the series), having at least two melanoma or two NST probands, are strongly suggestive of an inherited predisposition for developing melanoma and NST.", "\n\nLack of germline mutations in the CDKN2A/ARF and CDK4 loci has been recently reported by [Loo *et al* (2005)](#bib20){ref-type=\"other\"} among 22 Ashkenazi Jewish families with an apparent inherited predisposition to melanoma. ", "Taken together with the data reported herein, it appears that in over 60 Ashkenazi Jewish melanoma families, no germline alteration in CDKN2A/ARF and CDK4 loci underlie the apparent predisposition. ", "One caveat to the present study that should be pointed out is that germline alterations in noncoding regions such as intronic and promoter sequences not screened in the present and in previous studies cannot be ruled out as contributing to familial melanoma.", "\n\nIn conclusion, in the majority of Ashkenazi Jewish families with an inherited predisposition to melanoma with or without NST, CDKN2A/ARF and CDK4 loci are unlikely to be implicated in the predisposition to melanoma and the associated neural system tumours.", "\n\nCatalin Marian is a recipient of a 'Marie Curie\\' fellowship, EU ref. ", "no. ", "QLGA-GH-99-50406-15; his current address is Biochemistry Department, University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Timisoara, Romania. ", "Karine Laud is a recipient of an IGR postdoctoral fellowship. ", "This work was partly supported by PHRC regional Ile de France, Grant No. ", "AOR 01 091. ", "Alon Scope performed research as part of the requisite of the Scientific Council, Isreal Medical Association, for Dermatology Specialty.", "\n\n![", "Representative pedigrees of six Jewish families with melanoma and neural system tumours (NST). ", "Family codes of presented pedigrees (from left-to-right, top-to-bottom) -- \\#110, \\#116, \\#118, \\#114, \\#109, \\#101. ", "Striped squares and circles indicate male and female subjects with melanoma, respectively. ", "Crossed symbols indicate individuals with neural system tumours and upper quarter filled symbols represent the presence of other tumours. ", "Sample DNA code number and sequence alterations are indicated.](92-6602629f1){#fig1}\n\n![", "Representative pedigrees of four Jewish melanoma families without neural system tumours. ", "Family codes of presented pedigrees (from left-to-right, top-to-bottom) -- \\#312, \\#321, \\#325, \\#335. ", "Striped squares and circles indicate male and female subjects with melanoma, respectively. ", "Upper quarter filled symbols represent individuals with other tumours. ", "Sample DNA code number and sequence alterations are indicated.](92-6602629f2){#fig2}\n\n###### \n\nThe distribution of melanoma-NST pedigrees according to number of tumours\n\n ------------------------------------------------------------\n **No. ", "of tumours^a^** **Family \\#** **Total *n* (%)**\n ----------------------- ---------------- -------------------\n NST × 2\\ 120 1 (0.5)\n and MM × 2 \n\n      \n\n NST × 2\\ 116, 122, 113 3 (12.5)\n and MM × 1 \n\n      \n\n MM × 2\\ 105, 109, 110\\ 6 (25.0)\n and NST × 1 114, 118, 101 \n\n      \n\n MM × 1\\ 112, 117, 119\\ 14 (58.0)\n and NST × 1 102, 103, 104\\ \n 106, 108, 111\\ \n 115, 123, 124\\ \n 107, 121 \n\n      \n\n   Total 24 (100.0)\n ------------------------------------------------------------\n\nMM=melanoma, NST=neural system tumours.", "\n\n###### \n\nDistribution of melanoma-NST pedigrees by tumour type and family affiliation\n\n   **Proband** **Affected relatives** **Unaffected relatives** \n ----- ------------- ------------------------ -------------------------- -------- ---------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ----- ----- -----\n 116 115 F 68 64 (c) BCC (66) --- Mother Lung (uncle) 139 F 35\n           SCC (69)   \\(47\\) (x)        \n 120 218 M 51 51 (c) BCC --- --- Pleura (father) --- --- ---\n   219 M --- 16 (b) brother            \n 122 221 M 51 51 (g) --- --- Father (84) (x) Colon (mother) --- --- ---\n 110 5 M 52 45 (f) --- Sister (50) --- --- 4 M 15\n                   2 F 20\n                   3 M 21\n 105 88 F 58 68 (c) --- --- --- --- --- --- ---\n       67                \n 113 165 M 57 19 (x) BCC --- --- Lung (mother) 194 M 65\n         25       Liver (cousin)      \n 112 169 F 63 63 (e) --- --- --- --- --- --- ---\n 117 153 F 55 56 (c) --- --- --- Breast (mother) --- --- ---\n 109 27 M 67   --- --- Brother (a) --- 67 M 45\n   66 F 40   Daughter            \n 114 73 F 22   --- Mother (48) Mother (51,61) (e) --- 41 M 14\n 118 47 M 23   --- Mother (43) Mother (51) (b) --- --- --- ---\n 101 154 M 32   BCC (37) Mother (65) Mother (68) (f) --- 185 F 45\n 119 --- --- ---   --- Aunt Sister (d) Breast (sister, mother) 12 M 53\n 102 109 M 67   --- --- Grandson (24) (e) --- 133 F 45\n 103 6 M 40   --- --- Mother (71) (a) Colon (mother) BCC/SCC Larynx (father) Liver (grand-mother) --- --- ---\n 104 13 F 67   Colon --- Brother (a) Colon (brother) --- --- ---\n 106 160 M 74   --- --- Father (68) (x) --- 166 M 75\n 108 131 M 67   --- --- Brother (57) (x) --- --- --- ---\n 111 113 F 66   --- --- Mother (x) --- --- --- ---\n 115 137 F 24   --- --- Grand-mother (86) (x) --- --- --- ---\n 123 222 F 56   --- --- Father (84) (x) Colon (mother) --- --- ---\n 124 223 M 36   --- --- Cousin (30) (x) Renal (father) Gastric (aunt) --- --- ---\n 107 83 F 43   --- --- Daughter (10) (h) --- --- --- ---\n 121 220 F 37   --- --- Grand-father (x) Breast (mother) --- --- ---\n\nMM=melanoma.", "\n\nNST=neural system tumours, (a)=glioblastoma multiforme, (b)=oligodendroglioma, (c)=meningioma, (d)=glioma, (e)=neurilemmoma, (f)=malignant peripheral schwannoma, (g)=brain germinoma, (h)=medulloblastoma, (x)=NST, pathologic type unspecified.", "\n\n###### \n\nDistribution of Pedigrees of melanoma families without neural system tumours, by tumour type and family affiliation\n\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n   **Patient** **Affected relatives** \n ----- ------------- ------------------------ ---------------- --------------- ------------------- ----------------------\n 302 104 F 74 --- Cousin (72) ---\n\n 303 103 M 49\\ BCC\\ Brother ---\n (7 primary MM) SCC \n\n 305 100 F 74 BCC (75) Nephew ---\n\n 309 112 F 52 --- --- Pancreas (father)\n\n 310 111 F 45\\ --- --- ---\n 64 \n\n 311 105 F 48 --- Sister Breast (mother)\n\n 312 119 M 68 Prostate (68) Mother (83)\\ ---\n Brother (65)\\ \n Daughter (19) \n\n 317 116 F 60 --- Grandmother ---\n\n 319 114 M 36 --- Cousin ---\n\n 321 15 F 25 --- Grandfather (61)\\ TCC (cousin)\\\n Uncle Breast (grandmother)\n\n 322 124 M 66 Prostate --- Breast (mother)\n\n       67 \\(67\\)    \n\n 325 78 F 61\\ Breast (56) --- ---\n 61 \n\n   79 F 33 daughter    \n\n 327 121 M 86 --- --- ---\n\n   135 F 88 sister    \n\n 329 122 F 47\\ --- --- Lymphoma (mother)\n 62 \n\n 330 140 F 67\\ --- Daughter ---\n 71 \n\n 335 134 F 25 Breast Uncle\\ Breast (mother)\\\n Grandfather BCC (father)\n\n 337 141 M 64\\ Prostate (56) --- ---\n 65 \n\n 338 138 F 52\\ BCC (47) Daughter (32) ---\n 53 \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nMM=melanoma.", "\n\n###### \n\nMutation detection analysis in p16, p14 and CDK4 genes of melanoma-NST pedigrees (*n*=24)\n\n **Family \\#(*n*=24)** **DNA \\#(*n*=36)** **P16 sequencinganalysis** **P14 deletionanalysis byD9S1748** **QuantativeTaqMan analysisof p14** **p14sequencing** **CDK4sequencing**\n ----------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- ------------------- --------------------\n 101 154 WT Hmz 2n WT WT\n   185^a^ WT Htz ND WT WT\n 102 109 WT Htz ND WT WT\n   133^a^ WT Hmz 2n WT WT\n 103 6 WT Hmz 2n WT WT\n 104 13 WT Htz ND WT WT\n 105 88 WT Hmz 2n WT WT\n 106 160 WT Htz ND WT WT\n   166^a^ WT Htz ND WT WT\n 107 83 Ala148Thr Hmz 2n WT WT\n 108 131 WT Htz ND WT WT\n 109 27 WT Htz ND WT WT\n   66 WT Hmz 2n WT WT\n   67^a^ WT Hmz 2n WT WT\n 110 5 Ala148Thr Hmz 2n WT WT\n   4^a^ WT Hmz 2n WT WT\n   2^a^ WT Hmz 2n WT WT\n   3^a^ WT Htz ND WT WT\n 111 113 WT Hmz 2n WT WT\n 112 169 WT Htz ND WT WT\n 113 165 WT Hmz 2n WT WT\n   194^a^ WT Hmz 2n WT WT\n 114 73 WT Hmz 2n WT WT\n   41^a^ WT Htz ND WT WT\n 115 137 WT Hmz 2n WT WT\n 116 115 Ala148Thr Hmz 2n WT WT\n   139^a^ WT Hmz 2n WT WT\n 117 153 WT Hmz 2n WT WT\n 118 47 WT Htz ND WT WT\n 119 12^a^ WT Htz ND WT WT\n 120 218 WT ND 2n WT WT\n   219 WT ND 2n WT WT\n 121 220 WT ND 2n WT WT\n 122 221 WT ND 2n WT WT\n 123 222 WT ND 2n WT WT\n 124 223 WT ND 2n WT WT\n\nUnaffected relatives.", "\n\n###### \n\nMutation detection analysis in p16, p14 and CDK4 genes of pedigrees of melanoma families without neural system tumours (*n*=18)\n\n **Family \\#(*n*=18)** **DNA \\#(*n*=20)** **P16 sequencinganalysis** **P14 deletionanalysis byD9S1748** **QuantativeTaqMan analysisof p14** **p14sequencing** **CDK4sequencing**\n ----------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- ------------------- --------------------\n 302 104 WT ND ND WT WT\n 303 103 WT ND ND WT WT\n 305 100 WT ND ND WT WT\n 309 112 WT ND ND WT WT\n 310 111 Ala148Thr ND ND WT WT\n 311 105 WT ND ND WT WT\n 312 119 WT ND ND WT WT\n 317 116 Ala148Thr ND ND WT WT\n 319 114 Ala148Thr ND ND WT WT\n 321 15 Ala148Thr ND ND WT WT\n 322 124 Ala148Thr ND ND WT WT\n 325 78 WT ND ND WT WT\n   79 WT ND ND WT WT\n 327 121 WT ND ND WT WT\n   135 WT ND ND WT WT\n 329 122 WT ND ND WT WT\n 330 140 WT ND ND WT WT\n 335 134 Ala148Thr ND ND WT WT\n 337 141 WT ND ND WT WT\n 338 138 WT ND ND WT WT\n\n[^1]: These two authors contributed equally to this study.", "\n" ]
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[ " ACCEPTED\n 12-14-00344-CV\n TWELFTH COURT OF APPEALS\n TYLER, TEXAS\n 4/27/2015 1:58:05 PM\n CATHY LUSK\n CLERK\n\n NO. ", "12-14-00344-CV\n\n IN THE TWELFTH COURT OF APPEALS FILED IN\n 12th COURT OF APPEALS\n TYLER, TEXAS\n AT TYLER, TEXAS 4/27/2015 1:58:05 PM\n CATHY S. LUSK\n Clerk\n\n VICTOR LISSIAK, JR.,", "\n\n Appellant\n\n V.\n\n SW LOAN OO, L.P.,\n\n Appellee\n\n On Appeal from the 7th Judicial District Court, Smith County, Texas\nThe Honorable Kyle Russell Presiding in Trial Court Case Number 12-0384-A\n\n\n\n APPELLANT’S BRIEF\n\n\n THE HOLMES LAW FIRM, INC.", "\n Robert H. Holmes\n SBN 09908400\n 3401 Beverly Drive\n Dallas, Texas 75205\n Telephone: 214-384-3182\n Facsimile: 214-522-3526\n Email: rhholmes@swbell.net\n\n ATTORNEYS FOR APPELLANT\n\f IDENTITY OF PARTIES AND COUNSEL\n\n Appellant submits the following list of all parties to the trial court’s judgment, and\nthe names and addresses of all trial and appellate counsel pursuant to Tex, R. App.", "\nP. 38.1(a)\n\nAppellant (defendant in the trial court): Victor Lissiak, Jr.\n\nRepresented by (In Trial and On Appeal): The Holmes Law Firm, Inc.\n Robert H. Holmes\n SBN 09908400\n 3401 Beverly Drive\n Dallas, Texas 75205\n Telephone: 214-384-3182\n Email: rhholmes@swbell.net\n\nAppellee (Plaintiff in Trial Court): S.W. LOAN OO, L.P.\n\nRepresented by (In Trial and On Appeal): Stephen Sakonchick II\n Stephen Sakonchick II, P.C.\n 6501 Canon Wren Drive\n Austin, Texas 78746\n Telephone: 512-329-0375\n Facsimile: 512-697-2859\n Email: sakon@flash.net\n\n\n\n\n APPELLANT’S REQUEST FOR ORAL ARGUMENT\n\n Appellant, Victor Lissiak, Jr., respectfully request the opportunity to present\noral argument in connection with this appeal.", "\n\n\n\n ii\n\f TABLE OF CONTENTS\n\nIDENTITY OF PARTIES AND COUNSEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "ii\n\nAPPELLANT’S REQUEST FOR ORAL ARGUMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "ii\n\nTABLE OF CONTENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "iii\n\nTABLE OF AUTHORITIES.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "vi\n\nISSUES PRESENTED FOR REVIEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "xi\n\nSTATEMENT OF THE NATURE OF THE CASE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "xii\n\nINDEX OF ABBREVIATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "xiii\n\nSTATEMENT OF FACTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "1\n A. Underlying Transaction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "1\n B. Underlying Litigation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "5\n\nSUMMARY OF ARGUMENT.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "7\n A. Appellee did not meet its Burden of Proof on the Elements\nof its Claim; Therefore, the Burden Never Shifted to Appellant .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "7\n B. Alternatively, Appellant Raised Disputed Issues of Material Fact on\n Elements of Appellee’s Claim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "8\n C. Appellant Pled Affirmative Defenses, Supported by Competent Summary\n Judgment Proof, to Which Appellee did not Submit Competent Summary\n Judgment Proof to Disprove at Least One Element of All Affirmative Defenses\n .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "8\n D. Appellee’s Summary Judgment Proof was not Competent Summary\n Judgment Evidence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "8\n E. The Trial Court Abused its Discretion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "9\n\nARGUMENT AND AUTHORITIES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "9\n A. STANDARD OF REVIEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "9\n B. ISSUES PRESENTED FOR REVIEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "12\n\n\n\n iii\n\fISSUE NO. ", "1. ", "The trial court erred in granting a summary judgment\nbecause the were disputed fact issues on elements of Appellee’s\nclaim; therefore, the burden never shifted to Appellant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "14\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "1A. Holder in Due Course. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "15\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "1B.Validity/Authenticity of Signature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "16\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "1C. Failure of Consideration.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "20\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "1D. Cancellation of Note. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "22\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "1E. Doctrine of Estoppel.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "23\n\nISSUE NO. ", "2. ", "Alternatively, The trial court erred in granting a\nsummary judgment because Appellant raised disputed issues\nof material fact on elements of Appellee’s claim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "24\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "2A Holder in Due Course Status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "24\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "2B. Authenticity/Genuineness of Appellant’s Signature. . . . . . . ", "24\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "2C. Failure of Consideration.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "25\n\nISSUE NO. ", "3. ", "The trial court erred in granting a summary judgment\nbecause Appellant submitted competent summary judgment proof\nto create issue of the affirmative defenses pled by Appellant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "25\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "3A. Appellee Was Not a Holder in Due Course.. . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "26\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "3B. Authenticity/Genuineness of Appellant’s Signature. . . . . . . ", "26\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "3C. Failure of Consideration.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "26\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "3D. §3.401, Texas Business & Commerce Code,\n Cancellation of Debt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "27\n\n\n\n iv\n\f ISSUE NO. ", "3E. Promissory Estoppel.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "27\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "3F. Material Alteration/Cancellation by Payment Extension. . . ", "28\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "3G. §3.401, Texas Business & Commerce Code,\n Discharge of Liability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "29\n\nISSUE NO. ", "4. ", "The trial court erred in granting a summary judgment\nbecause Appellee’s summary judgment proof was not competent\nsummary judgment evidence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "31\n\nISSUE NO. ", "5. ", "The trial court erred in granting a summary judgment\nbecause the trial court abused its discretion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "33\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "5A. By Failing to Rule on Appellant’s Objections to\n the Summary Judgment Proof Offered by Appellee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "34\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "5B. By Failing to Require Appellee to meet Its Burden of Proof.34\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "5C. By Granting a Summary Judgment in the Face of\n Fact Issues Supporting the Elements of Appellant’s Affirmative defenses. ", "35\n\nCONCLUSION AND PRAYER FOR RELIEF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "35\n\nCERTIFICATE OF SERVICE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "36\n\nCERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "36\n\nAPPENDIX - Filed Separately\n\n\n\n\n v\n\f TABLE OF AUTHORITIES\n\nA. TABLE OF CASES\n\n1001 McKinney Ltd. v. Credit Suisse First Boston Mortg. ", "Capital,\n192 S.W.3d 20, 27 (Tex.", "App.–Houston [14th Dist.] ", "2005, pet. ", "denied). . . . . . . . ", "32\n\nAdvance Components, Inc. v. Goodstein, 608 S.W.2d 737, 739\n(Tex.", "App.–Dallas 1980, writ ref’d n.r.e.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "30\n\nAlejandro v. Bell, 84 S.W.3d 383, 388\n(Tex.", "App.–Corpus Christi 2002, no pet.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "14\n\nAmedisys, Inc. v. Kingwood Home Health Care, LLC, 437 S.W.3d 507, 511\n(Tex.2014). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "12, 13\n\nAustin Hardwoods Inc. v. Vanden Berqhe, 917 S.W.2d at 320, 325\n(Tex.", "App.–El Paso 1995, writ denied). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "28\n\nBastida v. Aznaran, 444 S.W.3d 98, 105 (Tex.", "App.–Dallas 2014, no pet.).. . . . . ", "14\n\nBelew v. Rector, 202 S.W.3d 849, 854 n. 4 (Tex.", "App.–Eastland 2006, no pet.). . ", "20\n\nBoerschig v. Southwestern Holdings, Inc., 322 S.W.3d 752, 762–63\n(Tex.", "App.–El Paso 2010, no pet.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "33\n\nBowen v. Briscoe, 453 S.W.2d 287, 289 (Tex.1970). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "30\n\nBraugh v. Corpus Christi Bank & Trust, 605 S.W.2d 691, 696\n(Tex.", "Civ.", "App.–Corpus Christi 1980, writ ref’d n.r.e.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "22\n\nBrownlee v. Brownlee, 665 S.W.2d 111, 112 (Tex.1984). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "25, 35\n\nBullock v. Kehoe, 678 S.W.2d 558, 559\n(Tex.", "App.–Houston [14th Dist.] ", "1984, writ ref’d n.r.e.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "28\n\nBurges v. Mosley, 304 S.W.3d 623, 628 (Tex.", "App.–Tyler 2010, no pet.). . . . . . . ", "22\n\n vi\n\fBurns v. Gonzalez, 439 S.W.2d 128, 133\n(Tex.", "Civ.", "App.–San Antonio 1969, writ ref’d n.r.e.).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "16\n\nCanfield v. Bank One, Texas, N.A. 51 S.W.3d 828\n(Tex.", "App. ", "6 Dist. ", "2001pet. ", "denied).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "19\n\nCasso v. Brand, 776 S.W.2d 551, 556 (Tex.1989). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "12\n\nCity of Houston v. Clear Creek Basin Auth., ", "589 S.W.2d 671, 678 n.5\n(Tex.1979). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "11, 12\n\nCont’l Dredging, Inc. v. De–Kaizered, Inc., 120 S .W.3d 380, 394–95\n(Tex.", "App.–Texarkana 2003, pet. ", "denied). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "30\n\nDiversicare Gen. Partner, Inc. v. Rubio, 185 S.W.3d 842, 846 (Tex.2005). . . . . ", "13\n\nDolcefino v. Randolph, 19 S.W.3d 906, 926-27\n(Tex.", "App.–Houston [14th Dist.] ", "2000, pet. ", "denied). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "14\n\nDowner v. Aquamarine Operators, Inc., 701 S.W.2d 238, 241–42 (Tex.1985). . ", "34\n\nEli Lilly & Co. v. Marshall, 829 S.W.2d 157, 158 (Tex.1992). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "34\n\nFederal Deposit Insurance Corp. v. Attayi, 745 S.W.2d 939, 944\n(Tex.", "App.–Houston [1st Dist.] ", "1988, no writ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "28\n\nFood Mach. ", "Corp. v. Moon, 165 S.W.2d 773, 775\n(Tex.", "Civ.", "App.–Amarillo 1942, no writ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "20\n\nGibbs v. General Motors Corp., 450 S.W.2d 827 (Tex.1970). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "11\n\nGooch v. Am. ", "Sling Co., 902 S.W.2d 181, 185\n(Tex.", "App.–Fort Worth 1995, no writ).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "21\n\nGoode v. Shoukfeh, 943 S.W.2d 441, 446 (Tex.1997). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "34\n\nGoodyear Tire & Rubber Co. v. Mayes, 236 S.W.3d 754, 755 (Tex.2007). . . . . . ", "13\n\n vii\n\fHanks v. GAB Bus. ", "Servs., ", "Inc., 644 S.W.2d 707, 708 (Tex.1982). . . . . . . . . . . . ", "29\n\nHarvey v. Harvey 40 S. W. 185 (Tex.", "Civ.", "App.1897). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "16\n\nHaynes v. City of Beaumont, 35 S.W.3d 166, 178\n(Tex.", "App.–Texarkana 2000, no pet.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "31\n\nHays v. First State Bank of Dell City, Tex.", "Civ.", "App., ", "377 S.W.2d 210, 212\n(Tex.", "App.–Amarillo, 1964 writ ref., ", "n.r.e.).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "23\n\nHiles v. Arnie & Co., P.C., 402 S.W.3d, 820, 832\n(Tex.", "App.–Houston [14th Dist.], ", "2013, pet. ", "denied). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "30\n\nHudspeth v. Investor Collection Serv. ", "Ltd. P’ship, 985 S.W.2d 477, 479\n(Tex.", "App.–San Antonio 1998, no pet.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "15\n\nIn re Kleven, 100 S.W.3d 643, 644\n(Tex. ", "App–Texarkana 2003 orig. ", "proceeding). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "34\n\nIn re Shredder Co., 225 S.W.3d 676, 679\n(Tex. ", "App–El Paso 2006 orig. ", "proceeding).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "34\n\nIn re Weekley Homes, L.P., 180 S.W.3d 127, 133 (Tex.2005). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "23\n\nLear Siegler, Inc. v. Perez, 819 S.W.2d 470, 471-72 (Tex.1991). . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "11\n\nLeBlanc v. Lamar State College, 232 S.W.3d 294, 301\n(Tex.", "App.–Beaumont 2007, no pet.).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "32, 33\n\nLee v. McCormick, 647 S.W.2d 735, 738 (Tex.", "App.–Beaumont 1983, no writ). . ", "16\n\nLimestone Prods. ", "Distrib. ", "v. McNamara, 71 S.W.3d 308, 311 (Tex.2002). . . . . . ", "11\n\nMcGraw v. Brown Realty Co., 195 S.W.3d 271, 276\n(Tex.", "App.–Dallas 2006, no pet.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "20\n\nMack Trucks, Inc. v. Tamez, 206 S.W.3d 572, 582 (Tex.2006). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "13\n\n viii\n\fMaykus v. Tex. ", "Bank & Trust Co. of Dallas, 550 S.W.2d 396, 398\n(Tex.", "Civ.", "App.–Dallas 1977, no writ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "21\n\nM.D. Anderson Hosp. & ", "Tumor Inst. ", "v. Willrich, 28 S.W.3d 22, 23\n(Tex.2000). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "12, 30\n\nMMP, Ltd. v. Jones, 710 S.W.2d 59, 60 (Tex.1986).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "12\n\nMustang Pipeline Co. v. Driver Pipeline Co., 134 S .W.3d 195, 196 & 199\n(Tex.2004). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "28, 30\n\nNeely v. Wilson, 418 S.W.3d 52, 59-60 (Tex.2013). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "11, 12, 13\n\nMMP, Ltd. v. Jones, 710 S.W.2d 59, 60 (Tex.1986).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "12\n\nNixon v. Mr. Prop. ", "Mgmt. ", "Co., 690 S.W.2d 546, 548-49 (Tex.1985). . . . . . . ", "12, 15\n\nOld Colony v. City of Quitman, 352 S.W.2d 452, 456 (Tex.1962). . . . . . . . . . . . ", "28\n\nPark Place Hosp. ", "v. Estate of Milo, 909 S.W.2d 508, 511 (Tex.1995). . . . . . . . . ", "11\n\nPriest v. First Mortgage Company of Texas, Inc., 659 S.W.2d 869, 871\n(Tex .Civ.", "App.–San Antonio 1983, writ ref’d n.r.e.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "22\n\nProvident Life & Acc. ", "Ins. ", "v. Knott, 128 S.W.3d 211, 215 (Tex.2003). . . . . . ", "12, 35\n\nReliance Ins. ", "Co. v. Dahlstrom Corp., 568 S.W.2d 733, 736\n(Tex.", "Civ.", "App.–Eastland 1978, writ ref’d n.r.e.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "28\n\nRoark v. Stallworth Oil & Gas, Inc., 813 S.W.2d 492, 496 (Tex.1991).. . . . . . . . ", "20\n\nShah v. Moss, 67 S.W.3d 836, 842 (Tex.2001).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "11\n\nState v. $90,235, 390 S.W.3d 289, 292 (Tex.2013). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "13\n\nSteiner v. Jester, 25 S. W. 411, (Tex.1894). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "16\n\n\n\n ix\n\fSwilley v. Hughes, 488 S.W.2d 64 (Tex.1972). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "11\n\nTown N. Nat’l Bank v. Broaddus, 569 S.W.2d 489, 491 (Tex.1978). . . . . ", "16, 19, 20\n\nTruestar Petroleum Corp. v. Eagle Oil & Gas Co., 323 S.W.3d 316, 319\n(Tex.", "App.–Dallas 2010, no pet.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "14\n\nUnited Concrete Pipe Corp.v. ", "Spin-Line Co., 430 S.W.2d 360, 365\n(Tex.1968). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "28\n\nUS Bank, N.A. v. Prestige Ford Garland Ltd. P’ship, 170 S.W.3d 272, 279\n(Tex.", "App.–Dallas 2005, no pet.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "21\n\nWal–Mart Stores, Inc. v. Gonzalez, 968 S.W.2d 934, 936 (Tex.1998). . . . . . . . . ", "32\n\nWesson v. Jefferson S&L Ass’n, 641 S.W.2d 903, 906 (Tex.1982). . . . . . . . . . . . ", "12\n\nWheeler v. White, 398 S.W.2d 93, 96–97 (Tex. ", "1965). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "23\n\nWilcox v. Hempstead, 992 S.W.2d 652, 656–57\n(Tex.", "App.–Fort Worth 1999, no pet.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "14\n\nWillis v. Nucor Corp., 282 S.W.3d 536, 547 (Tex.1980). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "14\n\nWilson v. Skaggs, 10 Tex. ", "298, 1853 WL 4340 (Tex.1853). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "16\n\nWright v. Robert & St. John Motor Co., 58 S.W.2d 67, 69 (Tex.1933). . . . . . . . . ", "21\n\nB. TABLE OF STATUTES\n\nTex.", "Bus. & ", "Com. ", "Code § 1.201(8). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "17\n\nTex.", "Bus. & ", "Com. ", "Code § 1.201 (21).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "15\n\nTex.", "Bus. & ", "Com. ", "Code § 1.202(a)(1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "15\n\nTex.", "Bus. & ", "Com. ", "Code § 1.206. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "17\n\n x\n\fTex.", "Bus. & ", "Com. ", "Code§ 3.302(a)(2)(iii). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "15\n\nTex.", "Bus. & ", "Com. ", "Code § 3.306. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "16, 19\n\nTex.", "Bus. & ", "Com. ", "Code § 3.308. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "17, 19\n\nTex.", "Bus. & ", "Com. ", "Code § 3.401(a). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "10, 12, 19, 22, 27\n\nTex.", "Bus. & ", "Com.", "C. § 3.605. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "10, 29\n\nTex.", "R. Civ. ", "P. 93(7).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "16\n\nTex.", "R. Civ. ", "P. 166a(f). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "32, 33\n\n ISSUES PRESENTED FOR REVIEW\n\nIssue No. ", "1. ", "Whether the trial court erred in granting a summary judgment because\nthe were disputed fact issues on elements of Appellee’s claim?", "\n\nIssue No. ", "2. ", "Alternatively, whether the trial court erred in granting a summary\njudgment because Appellant raised disputed issues of material fact on elements of\nAppellee’s claim?", "\n\nIssue No. ", "3. ", "Whether the trial court erred in granting a summary judgment because\nAppellant submitted competent summary judgment proof to create issue of the\naffirmative defenses pled by Appellant?", "\n\nIssue No. ", "4. ", "Whether the trial court erred in granting a summary judgment because\nAppellee’s summary judgment proof was not competent summary judgment\nevidence?", "\n\nIssue No. ", "5. ", "Whether the trial court erred in granting a summary judgment because\nthe trial court abused its discretion?", "\n\n STATEMENT OF THE NATURE OF THE CASE\n\n This appeal arising out of a cross-claim (CR238) filed by Appellee against\n\n xi\n\fAppellant, who were both defendants in a suit brought by J. Randolph Light against\n\nthe predecessor of Appellee, Stillwater National Bank (“SNB”) for “lender abuse”\n\nand breach of contract. ", "The cross-claim involves the suit for collection under a\n\npromissory note, the 2008 Note (CR215-217), allegedly executed by Appellant.", "\n\n What is ironic and inconsistent about the facts of the case is that Light sought\n\ncontribution from Appellant (CR1¶31-33) under a note dated the same date as the\n\n2008 Note but not executed by Appellant (CR95), and alleged that he had paid\n\nAppellant’s obligations to SNB (CR1¶32) and Appellee sought collection from\n\nAppellant under the 2008 Note, allegedly paid by Light (CR1¶32).", "\n\n The Appellant denied the authenticity of his purported signature on the 2008\n\nNote (CR242¶4.14) under which collection is sought. ", "In addition, Appellant raised\n\naffirmative defenses of holder in due course, failure of consideration, cancellation\n\nunder §3.401, Texas Business & Commerce Code, promissory estoppel, and\n\ndischarge of liability under §3.401, Texas Business & Commerce Code.", "\n\n(CR242¶¶4.1-4.13)\n\n Appellee filed a Motion for Summary Judgment with summary judgment proof\n\n(CR203),. ", "Appellant filed objections to the summary judgment proof (CR245-254)\n\nand a Response. (", "SCR2-422). ", "Appellant also submitted competent controverting\n\nsummary judgment proof by way of affidavits of Appellant (SCR24-27), Larry Don\n\n xii\n\f(CR29-61) and Robert H. Holmes (SCR63-215).", "\n\n The Trial Court granted Plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment without\n\nruling on Appellant’s objections to summary judgment submitted by the Appellee.", "\n\n(CR634).", "\n\n Appellee’s summary judgment proof was not competent. (", "CR245-254) The\n\nTrial Court abused its discretion in failing to rule on Appellant’s objections to\n\nAppellee’s summary judgment proof.", "\n\n Moreover, the Trial Court erred in granting the summary judgment in the face\n\nof sworn allegations of the authenticity of Appellant’s signature on the 2008 Note and\n\nsummary judgment proof supporting that allegation as well as supporting the other\n\naffirmative defenses of Appellant.", "\n\n INDEX OF ABBREVIATIONS\n\nThe record will be referred to herein as follows:\n\n Clerk’s Record.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "CR ___\n\n Supplemental Clerk’s Record. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", "SCR ___\n\nBy way of example, a reference to:\npages 14-17 of the Clerk’s Record will be cited as CR14-17.", "\npages 14-17 of the Supplemental Clerk’s Record will be cited as SCR14-17.", "\n\n\n\n\n xiii\n\f STATEMENT OF FACTS\n\nA. UNDERLYING TRANSACTION\n\n The Stretford at the Cascades Limited Partnership (“Stretford”) was organized to\n\nbe the development and marketing entity for a 72 unit high rise condominium\n\nresidential building in Tyler, Texas (“Project”) in 2005. (", "CR56¶¶9; SCR29¶2) The\n\ndeveloper was Lawrence C. Don (“Don”), who arranged for the purchase and\n\nfinancing for the Project; organized the group of investors in the Stretford; and\n\nengaged Appellant’s engineering firm be a part of the team to develop and construct\n\nthe Project. (", "SCR29¶3)\n\n Tyler-Stretford General Partner, LLC (“Tyler-Stretford”) whose members were\n\nDon, and J. Randolph Light, Jr. (“Light”) was organized to be the general partner of\n\nthe Stretford. (", "SCR29¶4) The primary investors in the Stretford were Light and Carl\n\nBlack (‘Black”). (", "SCR29¶4) Don and Light jointly requested Appellant be the tie-\n\nbreaking member of Tyler-Stretford management team, to which Appellant agreed.", "\n\nHowever, Appellant’s role was limited to engineering and construction matters.", "\n\n(SCR29¶9; SCR24¶6)\n\n Tyler-Stretford owned a 1.129% no profits or equity limited partnership in\n\nStretford. (", "SCR30¶¶7-9) Appellant held a 25% membership interest in the Tyler-\n\nStretford, giving him a .28225% no profits or equity interest in Stretford. (", "SCR30¶¶7-\n\n\n 1\n\f8) Appellant’s only financial interest in the Project was compensation for providing\n\nengineering services through his engineering firm, Viewtech, Inc. (SCR24¶9;\n\nSCR30¶9)\n\n Construction financing for the Project was arranged and funded with a loan from\n\nStillwater National Bank & Trust Company (“SNB”). (", "SCR25¶5; SCR29¶5) Capital\n\nwas invested by Light and Black, who were also guarantors, along with Don on the\n\nnotes to SNB. (", "SCR29¶5)\n\n In January 2008, it was realized additional funds were required to complete the\n\nProject. ", "Several budget estimates were generated for the cost of completion of the\n\nProject, both by SNB’s advisors and by third-party’s engaged by Stretford. ", "Interim\n\nfunds were required for the Project to continue while the budget analyses and\n\nrefinancing options were being reviewed, SNB agreed to provide short-term loans in\n\namounts matching cash contributions made by Stretford. ", "Stretford agreed to provide\n\nthe additional capital. (", "SCR30¶¶11-12)\n\n During the first ten months of 2008, Stretford funded an additional $2,500,000,\n\nin cash. (", "SCR30¶13) While dealing with the need for interim funds, Black, one of the\n\ntwo Stretford principals who had provided personal guarantees for portions of\n\nStretford’s $20,956,000.00 debt to SNB, challenged the validity of his signature on\n\none of the guaranty agreements bearing his signature. (", "SCR30¶14)\n\n\n 2\n\f As a result of Black’s disputing the validity of his signature on the guaranty\n\nagreement, SNB changed courses, stating it could not make the short-term matching\n\nloans directly to Stretford. (", "SCR30¶14-15) Without the additional loan funds\n\nconstruction on the Project would be stopped for lack of funds. ", "As an alternative,\n\nSNB agreed to make short-term loans to Light, Don and Appellant, evidenced by\n\npromissory notes executed by Light, Don and Appellant. ", "SNB required no security\n\nfor the loans, no loan applications, no proof of credit worthiness and no financial\n\nstatement from the makers of these short term notes. (", "SCR30¶16)\n\n February 20, 2008, SNB made the first short-term loan, in the amount of\n\n$1,200,000.00. (", "SCR30¶17; SRC 34) Two additional short-term loans, one March 28,\n\n2008 in the amount of $500,000.00 (SCR30¶18; SRC38) and another July 7, 2008 in\n\nthe amount of $800,000.00 (SCR30¶18; SRC42) were made. (", "cumulatively “Short-\n\nTerm Notes”). ", "Light, Don and Appellant executed the Short-Term Notes. (", "SCR34,\n\n38, 42)\n\n SNB told Light, Don and Appellant the Short-Term Notes would be satisfied and\n\npaid in full by consolidating and restructuring the Stretford loans, as soon as the\n\nbudget analyses and refinancing options were completed. (", "SCR24¶19; SCR31¶20)\n\nMarch 28, 2008, SNB advised Appellant and Don it would not be necessary to renew\n\nthe Short-Term Notes because the debts would be paid from the proceeds of a new\n\n\n 3\n\floan to the Stretford. (", "SCR26¶20; SCR31¶21)\n\n The Short-Term Notes were set up as “personal” loans to Light, Don and\n\nAppellant; however, Light, Don and Appellant received neither directly nor indirectly\n\nand did authorize the use of any proceeds advanced on the Short-Term Notes.", "\n\n(SCR26¶23; SCR31¶24) Contrary to the affirmative statements of SNB to the\n\ncontrary, without authorization from Light, Don or Appellant, SNB solely controlled\n\nthe use and disbursement of all loan proceeds from the Short-Term Notes.", "\n\n(SCR26¶¶24, 25; SCR31¶¶24, 25) Neither Light, Don nor Appellant received or had\n\nuse or benefit of the proceeds advanced under the Short-Term Notes. (", "SCR26¶¶24,\n\n25; SCR31¶¶24, 25)\n\n SNB extended the due dates on the Short-Term Notes to September 31, 2008,\n\nwithout Appellant’s or Don’s knowledge or approval. (", "SCR25¶18; SCR31¶19)\n\n In September 2008 Lissiak received a document titled Omnibus Agreement, an\n\nagreement between negotiated between SNB and Light, apparently contemplated to\n\nbe an agreement between Stretford, Light, Lissiak and Don, and SNB detailing the\n\nconsolidation and restructuring of all debts related to the Project (“Omnibus\n\nAgreement”). (", "CR365-401; 424-427) The Omnibus Agreement removed Appellant\n\nand Don from any future management role of the Project. (", "CR365-401; 424-427)\n\nAlong with the Omnibus Agreement, Appellant received a debt instrument\n\n\n 4\n\fconsolidating the Short-Term Notes into one new note in the amount of $2,500,000,\n\n“effective” September 30, 2008 (“2008 Note”). (", "CR424-427) Appellant did not sign\n\nthe Omnibus Agreement or the 2008 Note, his name was struck from the Omnibus\n\nAgreement in pen. (", "CR365-401; 424-427)\n\n While a likeness of Appellant’s signature appears on the 2008 Note, Appellant\n\ndoes not recall signing that debt instrument and disputes the authenticity/genuineness\n\nof his signature thereon in sworn pleadings. (", "SCR26¶26; SCR31¶27) While it is clear\n\nAppellant did not execute the Omnibus Agreement, a document of equal date of the\n\n2008 Note and related to the Omnibus Agreement, Appellant would not have\n\nexecuted the 2008 Note when Appellant was no longer a participant in the Project.", "\n\n(CR365-401, 424-427; 429-432)\n\n Appellant was unaware his name had been appended to the 2008 Note until Light\n\nbrought suit against Appellant and listed the 2008 Note in the petition as a note he\n\nhad discussions with SNB about. (", "SCR26¶¶26-28) Moreover, although Light\n\nmentions the 2008 Note in the fact section of his Petition, (CR1-49), Light avers in\n\nhis petition, Light paid the 2008 Note and the Short-Term Notes, and was bring suit\n\nagainst Appellant for contribution under the $2,500,000.00 note appended as Exhibit\n\n“E” to Light’s petition which was executed by Light alone. (", "CR1-49) That note of\n\nequal date did not reference Appellant or Don as makers and there were no blank\n\n\n 5\n\fspaces for Appellant or Don on the signatory page. (", "CR42-43) Neither Light nor SNB\n\never sought collection from Appellant for liability under the Short-Term Notes or the\n\n2008 Note. (", "CR 424-427; 429-432)\n\n In the lawsuit filed by Light on January 11, 2012 in the U.S. District Court,\n\nEastern District (Cause No. ", "4-11- CV-833), the predecessor of this lawsuit, Light\n\nattached copies of correspondence from and to SNB wherein Light requested SNB’s\n\nassistance with collections from Appellant on the Short-Term Notes; however, no\n\naction was taken by SNB. (", "CR424-427; 429-432)\n\n SNB renewed and extended the 2008 Note numerous times without Appellant’s\n\nknowledge, joinder, or approval, with “effective” dates of June 30, 2009, March 31,\n\n2010, and July 31, 2010, executed only by Light as new debt instruments. (“", "Renewal\n\nNotes”). (", "CR424-427; 429-432)\n\n SNB assigned eight debt instruments related to the Project to SWOO on or about\n\nDecember 13, 2011, which did not include the Short-Term Notes. (", "CR103¶¶8-16)\n\n SWOO marked paid and delivered all debt instruments executed by Stretford\n\nand/or Light, payable to SNB, assigned to SWOO, except the 2008 Note, which\n\nincluded the Renewal Notes. (", "SCR65-76)\n\nA. UNDERLYING LITIGATION\n\n February 20, 2012, Light and Stretford filed a First Amended Petition naming\n\n\n 6\n\fStarwood Capital Group, LLC as additional defendant and deleting Don. (", "CR-1)\n\n April 30, 2012, Light and Stretford filed a Second Amended Petition naming\n\nSWOO as a defendant in place of Starwood, (CR54) stating:\n\n “On that same date, [Appellant], Don, and Light entered into a Promissory\n\n Note consolidating the two previous Notes wherein the three of them, jointly\n\n and severally, promised to pay SNB the principal sum of $2,500,000.00,\n\n together with interest (the “2.5 Note”). ", "This 2.5 Note was executed in\n\n conjunction with a second amendment to the Omnibus Agreement pertaining\n\n to the Tyler Project. [", "Appellant] has wholly failed to meet his obligations under\n\n the 2.5 Note, leaving Light as the sole individual making payments. ", "As such,\n\n Light is entitled to contributions from [Appellant] for the payments he has\n\n made on [Appellant]’s behalf pursuant to said Promissory Note.”", "\n\nLight goes on in ¶¶ 17-19 to explain how he was forced to acquire Note 6721400\n\ndated 9/30/08 in the amount of $2,500,000.00, allegedly executed by Light, Don, and\n\nAppellant. (", "CR59¶¶17-19”). ", "Then Light states:\n\n “The 2.5 Note purports to be a joint and several Note signed by Light, Don and\n\n [Appellant]. ", "See Exhibit ‘E.’ By virtue of the payments made by Light on the\n\n 2.5 Note in connection with the Tyler project, [Appellant] received valuable\n\n benefits equal to at least the amount of payments made by Light. . . . ", "As a result\n\n\n 7\n\f of [Appellant]’s breach of his contribution obligations . . . .”", "\n\n(CR63,¶32) Light goes on to allege in the alternative:\n\n “ . . . . [", "Appellant] accepted Light’s assistance in meeting his obligations in\n\n connection with the Tyler Project Note, all while knowing he would have to\n\n repay the funds advanced. ", "Light has provided such assistance, and made\n\n payments to date in the amount of not less than $2.5 million. . . .”", "\n\n(CR64,¶35)\n\n May 21, 2012, SWOO filed counterclaims/cross actions (CR103) against Light\n\nand Stretford on various debt obligations, suing Light and Appellant under the\n\n“Principals Note” (CR106, ¶12) the 2008 Note. (", "CR109, ¶21)\n\n June 11, 2012, Suggestion of Don’s bankruptcy proceeding filed.", "\n\n January 15, 2013, Light Nonsuits Appellant. (", "CR156)\n\n January 28, 2013, Stretford Nonsuits SNB and SWOO. (", "CR163)\n\n January 29, 2013, SWOO Nonsuits Stretford. (", "CR164)\n\n September 12, 2013, Light Nonsuits SWOO. (", "CR174)\n\n September 12, 2013, SWOO Nonsuits Light. (", "CR175)\n\n November 15, 2013, Light Nonsuits SNB. (", "CR183)\n\n January 13, 2014, SWOO filed a Motion for Summary Judgment. (", "CR198)\n\n January 24, 2014, Appellant Answer to SWOO Crossclaim. (", "CR226)\n\n\n 8\n\f February 7, 2014, SWOO’s Supplemental Crossclaim against Appellant. (", "CR233)\n\n February 10, 2014, Appellant Amended Answer to SWOO’s Supplemental\n\nCrossclaim. (", "CR237)\n\n SUMMARY OF ARGUMENT\n\n Appellant brings this appeal on the granting of the Appellee’s Motion for\n\nSummary Judgment.", "\n\nA. APPELLEE DID NOT MEET ITS BURDEN OF PROOF; THEREFORE, THE BURDEN\nNEVER SHIFTED TO APPELLANT:\n\n 1. ", "Appellee was a holder in due course; and\n\n 2. ", "Appellant signed the 2008 Note.", "\n\nB. ALTERNATIVELY, APPELLANT RAISED DISPUTED ISSUES OF MATERIAL FACT\nON ELEMENTS OF APPELLEE’S CLAIM, TO WIT:\n\n 1. ", "holder in due course status of Appellee;\n\n 2. ", "authenticity/genuineness of Appellant’s signature on the 2008 Note; and\n\n 3. ", "failure of consideration.", "\n\nC. APPELLANT PLED AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES, SUPPORTED BY COMPETENT\nSUMMARY JUDGMENT PROOF, APPELLEE DID NOT SUBMIT COMPETENT SUMMARY\nJUDGMENT PROOF TO DISPROVE AT LEAST ONE ELEMENT OF ALL AFFIRMATIVE\nDEFENSES, TO WIT:\n\n 1. ", "holder in due course status of Appellee;\n\n 2. ", "authenticity/genuineness of Appellant’s signature on the 2008 Note;\n\n 3. ", "failure of consideration;\n\n 9\n\f 4. § ", "3.401, Texas Business & Commerce Code, cancellation of debt instrument;\n\n 5. ", "promissory estoppel;\n\n 6. ", "material alteration/cancellation by payment extension; and\n\n 7. § ", "3.605, Texas Business & Commerce Code, discharge of liability.", "\n\nD. APPELLEE’S SUMMARY JUDGMENT PROOF WAS NOT COMPETENT SUMMARY\nJUDGMENT EVIDENCE.", "\n\n Appellee’s summary judgment was from affiants who were not knowledgeable\n\nabout the facts they were testifying about, there was no foundation in the affidavits\n\nto show the affiants to have the knowledge of the facts to which they ere testifying.", "\n\nAppallant filed proper objections which were first not ruled upon, then over-ruled as\n\na matter of law when the trial court denied the Appemmant’s Motion for New Trial.", "\n\nE. THE TRIAL COURT ABUSED ITS DISCRETION.", "\n\n The trial court’s ruling in granting the summary judgment was arbitrary,\n\nunreasonable, and without reference to guiding principles:\n\n 1. ", "The trial court failed to consider the objections to summary judgment proof\n\nmade by the Appellant.", "\n\n 2. ", "The trial court failed to require the Appellee to meet its burden of proof.", "\n\n 3. ", "By granting a summary judgment in the face of fact issues supporting the\n\nelements of Appellant’s affirmative defenses.", "\n\n ARGUMENTS AND AUTHORITIES\n\n 10\n\fA. STANDARD OF REVIEW.", "\n\n The purpose of the summary judgment procedure is to permit the trial court to\n\npromptly dispose of cases involving unmeritorious claims or untenable defenses. ", "City\n\nof Houston v. Clear Creek Basin Auth., ", "589 S.W.2d 671, 678 n.5 (Tex.1979).", "\n\nHowever, a Court may not grant a properly contested summary judgment if there\n\nexists any genuine issue of material fact. ", "Swilley v. Hughes, 488 S.W.2d 64\n\n(Tex.1972); Gibbs v. General Motors Corp., 450 S.W.2d 827 (Tex.1970).", "\n\n When a movant files a motion for summary judgment based on the summary\n\njudgment evidence, the court can grant the motion only when the movant’s evidence,\n\nas a matter of law, either proves all the elements of the movant’s claim or disproves\n\nthe facts of at least one element of each of the nonmovant’s claims or defenses. ", "Park\n\nPlace Hosp. ", "v. Estate of Milo, 909 S.W.2d 508, 511 (Tex.1995); Lear Siegler, Inc. v.\n\nPerez, 819 S.W.2d 470, 471-72 (Tex.1991). ", "Even if the nonmovant does not file a\n\nresponse and the motion for summary judgment is uncontroverted, the movant must\n\nstill carry the burden of proof. ", "Clear Creek, 589 S.W.2d at 678. ", "When evaluating a\n\nmotion for summary judgment based on summary judgment proof, the trial court\n\nmust:\n\n Assume all the nonmovant’s proof is true. ", "Limestone Prods. ", "Distrib. ", "v.\n\n McNamara, 71 S.W.3d 308, 311 (Tex.2002); Shah v. Moss, 67 S.W.3d 836, 842\n\n\n 11\n\f (Tex.2001); M.D. Anderson Hosp. & ", "Tumor Inst. ", "v. Willrich, 28 S.W.3d 22, 23\n\n (Tex.2000); Nixon v. Mr. Prop. ", "Mgmt. ", "Co., 690 S.W.2d 546, 548-49 (Tex.1985).", "\n\n Make every reasonable inference in favor of the nonmovant. ", "Neely v. Wilson,\n\n 418 S.W.3d 52, 59-60 (Tex.2013); Provident Life & Acc. ", "Ins. ", "v. Knott, 128 S.W.3d\n\n 211, 215 (Tex.2003); M.D. Anderson, 28 S.W.3d at 23; Nixon, 690 S.W.2d at 548-\n\n 49.", "\n\n Resolve doubts about the existence of a genuine issue of a material fact against\n\n the movant. ", "Neely, 418 S.W.3d at 59-60; M.D. Anderson, 28 S.W.3d at 23; Nixon,\n\n 690 S.W.2d at 548-49.", "\n\n When the plaintiff moves for summary judgment on its own cause of action, the\n\nplaintiff must prove it is entitled to summary judgment by establishing each element\n\nof its claim as a matter of law. ", "MMP, Ltd. v. Jones, 710 S.W.2d 59, 60 (Tex.1986).", "\n\nIf the plaintiff does not conclusively establish all the elements necessary to its cause\n\nof action, summary judgment is improper. ", "Wesson v. Jefferson S&L Ass’n, 641\n\nS.W.2d 903, 906 (Tex.1982).", "\n\n When the movant does not meet its burden of proof, the burden does not shift to\n\nthe nonmovant and the summary judgment must be denied. ", "Amedisys, Inc. v.\n\nKingwood Home Health Care, LLC, 437 S.W.3d 507, 511 (Tex.2014); M.D.\n\nAnderson, 28 S.W.3d at 23; Clear Creek, 589 S.W.2d at 678. ", "The burden shifts to the\n\n\n 12\n\fnonmovant only after the movant has established it is entitled to summary judgment\n\nas a matter of law. ", "Amedisys, Inc, 437 S.W.3d at 511; State v. $90,235, 390 S.W.3d\n\n289, 292 (Tex.2013); Casso v. Brand, 776 S.W.2d 551, 556 (Tex.1989). ", "At that point,\n\nthe nonmovant must produce summary judgment evidence to raise a fact issue.", "\n\nAmedisys, 437 S.W.3d at 511.", "\n\n A motion for summary judgment is reviewed de novo. ", "Neely, 418 S.W.3d at 59.", "\n\nFurthermore, “[i]n reviewing a summary judgment, we consider all grounds presented\n\nto the trial court and preserved on appeal in the interest of judicial economy.”", "\n\nDiversicare Gen. Partner, Inc. v. Rubio, 185 S.W.3d 842, 846 (Tex.2005).", "\n\n In the de novo review of a trial court’s summary judgment, the appellate court\n\nconsiders all the evidence in the light most favorable to the nonmovant, crediting\n\nevidence favorable to the nonmovant if reasonable jurors could, and disregarding\n\ncontrary evidence unless reasonable jurors could not. ", "Mack Trucks, Inc. v. Tamez, 206\n\nS.W.3d 572, 582 (Tex.2006). ", "The evidence raises a genuine issue of fact if reasonable\n\nand fair-minded jurors could differ in their conclusions in light of all of the summary\n\njudgment evidence. ", "Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. v. Mayes, 236 S.W.3d 754, 755\n\n(Tex.2007).", "\n\n In the context of a summary judgment, if a party does not get a ruling on an\n\nobjection to summary judgment proof or object to the court’s refusal to rule and have\n\n\n 13\n\feither the ruling, or the objection to the refusal to rule, included in the appellate\n\nrecord, the objections are waived. ", "Wilcox v. Hempstead, 992 S.W.2d 652, 656–57\n\n(Tex.", "App.–Fort Worth 1999, no pet.). ", "However, a trial court implicitly rules on\n\nobjections to summary judgment evidence where a party complained in his motion\n\nfor new trial of the trial court’s refusal to rule on his objections. ", "Alejandro v. Bell, 84\n\nS.W.3d 383, 388 (Tex.", "App.–Corpus Christi 2002, no pet.); ", "Dolcefino v. Randolph,\n\n19 S.W.3d 906, 926-27 (Tex.", "App.–Houston [14th Dist.] ", "2000, pet. ", "denied).", "\n\n Defects in the substance of an affidavit or its attachments can be raised for the first\n\ntime on appeal. ", "Willis v. Nucor Corp., 282 S.W.3d 536, 547 (Tex.1980). ", "A conclusion\n\nin an affidavit unsupported by evidence is a defect in substance and an objection in\n\nthe trial court is not required to preserve the complaint for appellate review. ", "See id.\n\nat 548. ", "See also Bastida v. Aznaran, 444 S.W.3d 98, 105 (Tex.", "App.–Dallas 2014, no\n\npet.).", "\n\nB. ISSUES PRESENTED FOR REVIEW\n\nISSUE NO. ", "1. ", "THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN GRANTING A SUMMARY JUDGMENT\nBECAUSE THE WERE DISPUTED FACT ISSUES ON THE FOLLOWING ELEMENTS OF\nAPPELLEE’S CLAIM; THEREFORE, THE BURDEN NEVER SHIFTED TO APPELLANT:\n\n To prevail in a suit on a promissory note, a plaintiff must prove: (1) the note in\n\nquestion; (2) the defendant signed the note; (3) the plaintiff was the legal owner or\n\nholder of the note; and (4) a certain balance was due and owing on the note. ", "Truestar\n\n\n 14\n\fPetroleum Corp. v. Eagle Oil & Gas Co., 323 S.W.3d 316, 319 (Tex.", "App.–Dallas\n\n2010, no pet.); ", "Hudspeth v. Investor Collection Serv. ", "Ltd. P’ship, 985 S.W.2d 477,\n\n479 (Tex.", "App.–San Antonio 1998, no pet.).", "\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "1A. HOLDER VS. ", "HOLDER IN DUE COURSE.", "\n\n The holder of an instrument is a holder in due course if the holder takes the\n\n instrument: (1) for v–Dallas, 2008, pet. ", "denied).", "\n\n A person has “notice of a fact” when he has knowledge of it. ", "Id.; Tex. ", "Bus. &", "\n\nCom. ", "Code § 1.202(a)(1).", "\n\n To be a holder in due course, one must take without notice that an instrument is\n\noverdue. ", "Tex. ", "Bus. & ", "Com. ", "Code§ 3.302(a)(2)(iii).", "\n\n A “holder” is:\n\n (A) the person in possession of a negotiable instrument that is payable either to\n\n bearer or to an identified person that is the person in possession;\n\n (B) the person in possession of a negotiable tangible document of title if the goods\n\n are deliverable either to bearer or to the order of the person in possession; or\n\n (C) a person in control of a negotiable electronic document of title.", "\n\nTex. ", "Bus. & ", "Com. ", "Code § 1.201 (21).", "\n\n Where a sworn pleading denies that a party is a holder in due course the burden\n\nto prove the contrary is on the party claiming to be a holder in due course. ", "Nixon, 690\n\n\n 15\n\fS.W.2d at 548; Lee v. McCormick, 647 S.W.2d 735, 738 (Tex.", "App.–Beaumont 1983,\n\nno writ).", "\n\n It is undisputed, the 2008 Note was past due when SWOO acquired the 2008 Note;\n\ntherefore, SWOO is a holder, not a holder in due course.", "\n\n The defenses that can be asserted against a holder include all defenses of any party\n\nwhich would be available in an action on a simple contract, including without\n\nlimitation, want or failure of consideration, non-performance of any condition\n\nprecedent, delivery for a special purpose, and payment or satisfaction to such holder\n\nwould be inconsistent with the terms of a restrictive endorsement. ", "Tex. ", "Bus. & ", "Com.", "\n\nCode § 3.306; Town N. Nat’l Bank v. Broaddus, 569 S.W.2d 489, 491 (Tex.1978).", "\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "1B. VALIDITY/AUTHENTICITY OF SIGNATURE. ", "A Rule 93(7) verified\n\ndenial challenges the authenticity of the document and addresses the document’s\n\nadmissibility as an evidentiary issue. ", "Tex.", "R. Civ. ", "P. 93(7). ", "A sufficient sworn denial\n\nof the execution of a note, such as filed by Appellant in this case, imposes upon a\n\nplaintiff seeking to enforce payment on the note, the burden of establishing its\n\nexecution by the defendant or by one authorized to bind him. ", "Burns v. Gonzalez, 439\n\nS.W.2d 128, 133 (Tex.", "Civ.", "App.–San Antonio 1969, writ ref’d n.r.e.); ", "Wilson v.\n\nSkaggs, 10 Tex. ", "298, 1853 WL 4340 (Tex.1853); Steiner v. Jester, 25 S. W. 411,\n\n(Tex.1894); Harvey v. Harvey 40 S. W. 185 (Tex.", "Civ.", "App.1897).", "\n\n\n 16\n\f The UCC has codified that law, stating:\n\n “In an action with respect to an instrument, the authenticity of, and authority\n\n to make, each signature on the instrument are admitted unless specifically\n\n denied in the pleadings. ", "If the validity of a signature is denied in the pleadings,\n\n the burden of establishing validity is on the person claiming validity, but the\n\n signature is presumed to be authentic and authorized unless the action is to\n\n enforce the liability of the purported signer and the signer is dead or\n\n incompetent at the time of trial of the issue of validity of the signature.”", "\n\nTex. ", "Bus. & ", "Com. ", "Code § 3.308 (a).", "\n\n Under the UCC, the “burden of establishing” a fact means the burden of\n\npersuading the trier of fact that the existence of the fact is more probable than its\n\nnonexistence. ", "Tex. ", "Bus. & ", "Com. ", "Code § 1.201 (8).", "\n\n The UCC defines “presumption” with respect to a fact, or that a fact is\n\n“presumed,” to mean the trier of fact must find the existence of the fact unless and\n\nuntil evidence is introduced that supports a finding of its nonexistence. ", "Tex. ", "Bus. &", "\n\nCom. ", "Code § 1.206.", "\n\n In salient part, the UCC Comment to § 3.308 states:\n\n “. . . . ", "The purpose of the requirement of a specific denial in the pleadings is to\n\n give the plaintiff notice of the defendant’s claim of forgery or lack of authority\n\n\n 17\n\fas to the particular signature, and to afford the plaintiff an opportunity to\n\ninvestigate and obtain evidence. . . . ", "In the absence of such specific denial the\n\nsignature stands admitted, and is not in issue. . . . ", "The question of the burden\n\nof establishing the signature arises only when it has been put in issue by\n\nspecific denial. “", "Burden of establishing” is defined in Section 1-201. ", "The\n\nburden is on the party claiming under the signature, but the signature is\n\npresumed to be authentic and authorized except as stated in the second\n\nsentence of subsection (a). “", "Presumed” is defined in Section 1-201 and means\n\nthat until some evidence is introduced which would support a finding that the\n\nsignature is forged or unauthorized, the plaintiff is not required to prove that\n\nit is valid. ", "The presumption rests upon the fact that in ordinary experience\n\nforged or unauthorized signatures are very uncommon, and normally any\n\nevidence is within the control of, or more accessible to, the defendant. ", "The\n\ndefendant is therefore required to make some sufficient showing of the grounds\n\nfor the denial before the plaintiff is required to introduce evidence. ", "The\n\ndefendant's evidence need not be sufficient to require a directed verdict, but it\n\nmust be enough to support the denial by permitting a finding in the defendant's\n\nfavor. ", "Until introduction of such evidence the presumption requires a finding\n\nfor the plaintiff. ", "Once such evidence is introduced the burden of establishing\n\n\n 18\n\f the signature by a preponderance of the total evidence is on the plaintiff. ", "The\n\n presumption does not arise if the action is to enforce the obligation of a\n\n purported signer who has died or become incompetent before the evidence is\n\n required, and so is disabled from obtaining or introducing it. “", "Action” is\n\n defined in Section 1-201 and includes a claim asserted against the estate of a\n\n deceased or an incompetent.”", "\n\nTex. ", "Bus. & ", "Com. ", "Code § 3.308 cmt. ", "1.", "\n\n A person is not liable on an instrument unless the person:\n\n (1) signed the instrument; or\n\n (2) is represented by an agent or representative who signed the instrument and the\n\n signature is binding on the represented person under Section 3.402.", "\n\nTex. ", "Bus. & ", "Com. ", "Code § 3.401(a)\n\n Where the maker’s signature was forged, the maker cannot be liable since his valid\n\nsignature does not appear on the instrument. ", "Canfield v. Bank One, Texas, N.A. 51\n\nS.W.3d 828 (Tex.", "App. ", "6 Dist. ", "2001pet. ", "denied).", "\n\n When the holder of the note is not the payee and not a holder in due course the\n\nparty holds the note subject to all defenses available in an action on a simple contract.", "\n\nBroaddus, 569 S.W.2d at 491; Tex. ", "Bus. & ", "Com. ", "Code § 3.306. ", "Therefore, evidence\n\nis admissible that tends to prove a defense to the action on the promissory note, such\n\n\n 19\n\fas failure of consideration, non-performance of a condition precedent, delivery for a\n\nspecial purpose, fraud in the inducement, or other defenses which would be available\n\nin an action on a simple contract. ", "Broaddus, 569 S.W.2d at 491.", "\n\n As shown in the uncontroverted sworn summary judgment proof presented by\n\nAppellant, Appellant disputed the authenticity of his signature on the Note under\n\nsworn pleadings as well as sworn summary judgment proof.", "\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "1C. FAILURE OF CONSIDERATION.", "\n\n The affirmative defense of failure of consideration defeats a summary\n\n judgment if the nonmovant presents evidence he did not receive the consideration\n\n set forth in the agreement. ", "McGraw v. Brown Realty Co., 195 S.W.3d 271, 276\n\n (Tex.", "App.–Dallas 2006, no pet.). ", "A failure of consideration may be either partial\n\n or total. ", "A total failure of consideration is grounds for cancellation or recission of\n\n the contract. ", "Food Mach. ", "Corp. v. Moon, 165 S.W.2d 773, 775\n\n (Tex.", "Civ.", "App.–Amarillo 1942, no writ).", "\n\n Consideration is a present exchange bargained for in return for a promise.", "”Roark\n\nv. Stallworth Oil & Gas, Inc., 813 S.W.2d 492, 496 (Tex.1991). “", "It consists of either\n\na benefit to the promisor or a detriment to the promisee.” ", "Id. Failure of consideration\n\nis distinct from lack of consideration. ", "Belew v. Rector, 202 S.W.3d 849, 854 n. 4\n\n(Tex.", "App.–Eastland 2006, no pet.). ", "Failure of consideration generally “occurs when,\n\n\n 20\n\fbecause of some supervening cause after an agreement is reached, the promised\n\nperformance fails.” ", "US Bank, N.A. v. Prestige Ford Garland Ltd. P’ship, 170 S.W.3d\n\n272, 279 (Tex.", "App.–Dallas 2005, no pet.).", "\n\n When parties reduce their agreement to writing, the “written contract presumes\n\nthat there was consideration given for its execution.", "”Gooch v. Am. ", "Sling Co., 902\n\nS.W.2d 181, 185 (Tex.", "App.–Fort Worth 1995, no writ) (citing Wright v. Robert & St.\n\nJohn Motor Co., 58 S.W.2d 67, 69 (Tex.1933)).", "\n\n Appellant is not contesting consideration in the execution of the Short-Term\n\nNotes, but the failure of consideration thereafter.", "\n\n Because there is a presumption the Short-Term Notes were supported by\n\nconsideration, the burden was on Appellant to show none was actually received, thus\n\nthere was a failure of consideration. ", "Maykus v. Tex. ", "Bank & Trust Co. of Dallas, 550\n\nS.W.2d 396, 398 (Tex.", "Civ.", "App.–Dallas 1977, no writ). ", "Appellant did this\n\n(SCR26¶¶23-25; SCR31¶¶23-25)\n\n Appellant executed the Short-Term Notes in his individual capacity and SNB\n\nagreed to advance Appellant and the other makers of those notes, in their individual\n\ncapacities, the amount of money specifically delineated in each note; however, SNB\n\ndid not do that. ", "As shown in the uncontroverted summary judgment proof presented\n\nby Appellant, Appellant received no consideration from advances on the Short-Term\n\n\n 21\n\fNotes. (", "SCR26¶¶23-25; SCR31¶¶23-25)\n\n Appellee presented no evidence to raise a disputed fact issue on the elements of\n\nthis affirmative defense. (", "CR203)\n\n There was a total failure of consideration in the Short-Term Notes because SNB\n\ndid not advance the funds to Appellant or as directed by Appellant after the Short-\n\nTerm Notes were executed - a supervening cause arising after the execution of the\n\nShort-Term Notes. ", "Burges v. Mosley, 304 S.W.3d 623, 628 (Tex.", "App.–Tyler 2010,\n\nno pet.). ", "Thus, the 2008 Note fails likewise.", "\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "1D. CANCELLATION OF NOTE.", "\n\n Tex.", "Bus. & ", "Com.", "Code § 3.401(a) provides: “[n]o person is liable on an\n\n instrument unless his signature appears thereon.”", "\n\n An agreement to extend the time of payment of a negotiable instrument\n\n constitutes a new contract between the parties. ", "Priest v. First Mortgage Company\n\n of Texas, Inc., 659 S.W.2d 869, 871 (Tex .Civ.", "App.–San Antonio 1983, writ ref’d\n\n n.r.e.). ", "The execution of a renewal note is generally treated as a new contract,\n\n evidencing the existing debt. ", "Priest, 659 S.W.2d at 871; Braugh v. Corpus Christi\n\n Bank & Trust, 605 S.W.2d 691, 696 (Tex.", "Civ.", "App.–Corpus Christi 1980, writ\n\n ref’d n.r.e.).", "\n\n It is clear from the record shown in the CSA, Light alone renewed and\n\n\n 22\n\fextended the 2008 Note at least three times; therefore, whether the Renewal Notes,\n\nnotes which Appellant undisputed did sign as a co-maker, extinguished the Short-\n\nTerm Notes and/or the 2008 Note, are disputed fact issues, questions of fact for\n\nthe jury. ", "Hays v. First State Bank of Dell City, Tex.", "Civ.", "App., ", "377 S.W.2d 210,\n\n(Tex.", "App.–Amarillo, 1964 writ ref., ", "n.r.e.).", "\n\n Moreover, The Short-Term Notes were not transferred to SWOO and they no\n\nlonger exist - they were deemed to have been marked paid in full and returned to\n\nLight in the CSA (SCR65); therefore, it is a disputed fact issue to whether the\n\n2008 Note was extinguished by the terms of the Omnibus Agreement and/or the\n\nRenewal Notes. ", "Id.\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "1E. DOCTRINE OF ESTOPPEL\n\n Promissory estoppel is an equitable doctrine ordinarily used defensively to\n\nprevent “a party from insisting upon [its] strict legal rights when it would be\n\nunjust to allow [it] to enforce them.” ", "Wheeler v. White, 398 S.W.2d 93, 96–97\n\n(Tex. ", "1965); In re Weekley Homes, L.P., 180 S.W.3d 127, 133 (Tex.2005).", "\n\n SWOO is estopped by the acts of its predecessor, SNB, as SWOO is not a\n\nholder-in-due-course. ", "SNB promised Appellant and the other co-makers of the\n\nShort-Term Notes that if Appellant and the co-makers would execute the Short-\n\nTerm Notes in their individual capacities, SNB would: (i) disburse the funds\n\n\n 23\n\f advanced on the Short-Term Notes to the co-makers for their use on the Project\n\n as the co-makers deemed fit in their sole discretion, as set forth in the Short-Term\n\n Notes; and (ii) SNB would not seek payment from the co-makers, but would pay\n\n the Short-Term Notes by rolling the balances due on the Short-Term Notes into\n\n the refinancing of the Stretford debt. (", "SCR25-26¶¶19, 20; SCR25-26¶¶20, 21).", "\n\nISSUE NO. ", "2. ", "ALTERNATIVELY, APPELLANT RAISED DISPUTED ISSUES OF\nMATERIAL FACT ON ELEMENTS OF APPELLEE’S CLAIM.", "\n\n Legal arguments and disputed fact issues raised by Appellant on these issues are:\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "2A. HOLDER IN DUE COURSE.", "\n\n Legal arguments in §1A above.", "\n\n Fact issues raised:\n\n a. Appellant provided competent summary judgment evidence showing the\n\n 2008 Note was past due when acquired by SWOO. (", "CR104-106¶¶8-16)\n\n b. Appellee had knowledge the 2008 Note was in default when acquired by\n\n SWOO. (", "CR104-106¶¶8-16)\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "2B. AUTHENTICITY/GENUINENESS OF SIGNATURE.", "\n\n Legal arguments in §1B above.", "\n\n Fact issues raised:\n\n a. Appellant did not execute the 2008 Note. (", "SCR26¶¶27, 28; SCR31¶¶27, 28)\n\n b. Appellant was no longer a partner, member or participant in the Stretford\n\n 24\n\f Project when the 2008 Note was executed. (", "SCR181-216)\n\n c. Appellant did not execute the Omnibus Agreement. (", "SCR181-216)\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "2C. FAILURE OF CONSIDERATION.", "\n\n Legal arguments in § 1C above.", "\n\n Fact issues raised:\n\n a. Appellant did not receive any funds from advances under the Short-Term\n\n Notes. (", "SCR26¶¶24, 25; SCR31¶¶24, 25)\n\n b. Appellant did not receive any funds from advances under the 2008 Note.", "\n\n (SCR26¶¶24, 25; SCR31¶¶24, 25; CR365-401; 424-427)\n\nISSUE NO. ", "3. ", "THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN GRANTING A SUMMARY JUDGMENT\nBECAUSE APPELLANT SUBMITTED COMPETENT SUMMARY JUDGMENT PROOF TO\nCREATE ISSUES ON THE AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES PLED BY APPELLANT.", "\n\n If the party opposing a summary judgment relies on an affirmative defense, he\n\nmust come forward with summary judgment proof sufficient to raise an issue of fact\n\non each element of the defense to avoid summary judgment. ", "Brownlee v. Brownlee,\n\n665 S.W.2d 111, 112 (Tex.1984). ", "A defendant is not required to prove his affirmative\n\ndefense as a matter of law, he is only required to raise fact issue on each element of\n\nthe affirmative defense. ", "Id. Appellant filed a response to the Motion identifying his\n\naffirmative defenses, the law related thereto and provided competent summary-\n\njudgment evidence raising a fact issue on each element of his affirmative defenses.", "\n\n\n 25\n\f(SCR1-216 Specifically those fact issues raised by Appellant are:\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "3A. APPELLEE WAS NOT A HOLDER IN DUE COURSE.", "\n\n Fact issues raised.", "\n\n Appellant raised the following fact issues:\n\n a. the 2008 Note was in default when acquired by SWOO. (", "CR104-106¶¶8-16)\n\n b. SWOO had knowledge that the 2008 Note was in default when acquired by\n\n SWOO. (", "CR104-106¶¶8-16)\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "3B. AUTHENTICITY/GENUINENESS OF APPELLANT’S SIGNATURE\n ON THE 2008 NOTE.", "\n\n Legal arguments in §1B above.", "\n\n Fact issues raised:\n\n a. Appellant did not execute the 2008 Note. (", "SCR26¶¶27, 28; SCR31¶¶27, 28)\n\n b. Appellant was no longer a participant in the Stretford Project when the 2008\n\n Note was executed. (", "SCR181-216)\n\n c. Appellant did not execute the Omnibus Agreement. (", "SCR181-216)\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "3C. FAILURE OF CONSIDERATION.", "\n\n Legal arguments in §1C above.", "\n\n Fact issues raised:\n\n a. Appellant received no funds or benefits from advances under the Short-Term\n\n Notes. (", "SCR26¶¶24, 25; SCR31¶¶24, 25)\n\n 26\n\f b. Appellant received no funds or benefits from advances under the 2008 Note.", "\n\n (SCR26¶¶24, 25; SCR31¶¶24, 25; CR365-401; 424-427)\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "3D. § 3.401, TEXAS BUSINESS & COMMERCE CODE,\n CANCELLATION OF DEBT INSTRUMENT.", "\n\n Legal arguments in §1D above.", "\n\n Appellant raised the following fact issues:\n\n a. Appellant did not execute the Renewal Notes - three of them as shown in the\n\n second full paragraph of the renewal dated July 11, 2011. (", "SCR91@92 2nd\n\nparagraph)\n\n b. Appellant was not consulted about the Renewal Notes - none of them.", "\n\n (SCR27¶30; SCR31¶19)\n\n c. The Short-Terms Notes were marked paid and returned to Light. (", "SCR65-\n\n 167)\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "3E. PROMISSORY ESTOPPEL.", "\n\n Legal arguments in §1E above.", "\n\n Fact issues raised:\n\n a. Appellant was told by SNB the Short-Term Notes would be paid by new\n\n notes issued to the Stretford. (", "SCR25-27¶¶19, 20, 21; SCR31¶¶20, 21)\n\n b. Appellant relied on that representation. (", "SCR25-27¶¶19, 20, 21;\n\n SCR31¶¶20, 21)\n\n 27\n\f c. Appellee reliance on the representations caused Appellant injury - Appellant\n\n raised the following fact issues: (SCR25-27¶¶19, 20, 21, 33; SCR31¶¶20, 21)\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "3F. MATERIAL ALTERATION/CANCELLATION BY PAYMENT\n\nEXTENSION.", "\n\n Whether the note is materially altered by a payment extension is a question of\n\nlaw. ", "Austin Hardwoods Inc. v. Vanden Berqhe, 917 S.W.2d 320, 325\n\n(Tex.", "App.–El Paso 1995, writ denied); Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. v. Attayi,\n\n745 S.W.2d 939, 944 (Tex.", "App.–Houston [1st Dist.] ", "1988, no writ).", "\n\n A material alteration of a contract between a creditor and principal debtor is\n\none that either injures or enhances the risk of injury to the guarantor/co-maker.", "\n\nUnited Concrete Pipe Corp.v. ", "Spin-Line Co., 430 S.W.2d 360, 365 (Tex.1968);\n\nAttayi, 745 S.W.2d at 944. ", "Material alteration is an affirmative defense. ", "Bullock\n\nv. Kehoe, 678 S.W.2d 558, 559 (Tex.", "App.–Houston [14th Dist.] ", "1984, writ ref’d\n\nn.r.e.); ", "Reliance Ins. ", "Co. v. Dahlstrom Corp., 568 S.W.2d 733, 736\n\n(Tex.", "Civ.", "App.–Eastland 1978, writ ref’d n.r.e.). ", "The elements of the defense are\n\nthreefold: (1) a material alteration of the underlying contract; (2) made without a\n\nguarantor’s/co-maker’s consent; (3) which is to his detriment (i.e., is prejudicial\n\nto his interest). ", "Old Colony v. City of Quitman, 352 S.W.2d 452, 456 (Tex.1962);\n\nAustin Hardwoods, 917 S.W.2d at 326; Attayi, 745 S.W.2d at 944.", "\n\n\n 28\n\f Fact issues raised:\n\n a. There was a material alteration in the Short-Term Notes by the extension of\n\n the due date. (", "SCR27¶¶18-21, 28-31; SCR31¶¶19-23)\n\n b. Appellant was not consulted about the renewal and extension of the Short-\n\n Term Notes or the 2008 Note or any of the Renewal Notes. (", "SCR27¶30;\n\n SCR31¶19)\n\n c. The various renewals were to Appellant’s detriment. (", "SCR26¶22; CR1;\n\n CR238)\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "3G. § 3.605, TEXAS BUSINESS & COMMERCE CODE, DISCHARGE\nOF LIABILITY.", "\n\n Tex.", "Bus. & ", "Com.", "C. § 3.605 sets forth the acts by a holder that discharge a\n\nparty to an instrument is intended to discharge a co-maker of note only to the\n\nextent of his right of recourse against his fellow co-maker.", "\n\n When one party to a contract commits a material breach of contract, the other\n\nparty is discharged or excused from further performance. ", "Mustang Pipeline Co.\n\nv. Driver Pipeline Co., 134 S .W.3d 195, 196 (Tex.2004). ", "The covenant breached\n\nmust be part of mutually dependent promises in order to excuse further\n\nperformance by the non-breaching party. ", "Hanks v. GAB Bus. ", "Servs., ", "Inc., 644\n\nS.W.2d 707, 708 (Tex.1982). ", "Generally, the issue of whether a breach rises to the\n\nlevel of a material breach that will render the contract unenforceable presents a\n\n 29\n\fdispute for resolution by the trier of fact. ", "Hiles v. Arnie & Co., P.C.,\n\n14–12–00088–CV, 2013 WL 2120658, *8 (Tex.", "App.–Houston [14th Dist.] ", "Apr.\n\n25, 2013, pet. ", "filed) (citing Cont’l Dredging, Inc. v. De–Kaizered, Inc., 120\n\nS.W.3d 380, 394–95 (Tex.", "App.–Texarkana 2003, pet. ", "denied). ", "13.3. ", "The\n\ndetermination of whether a breach is a material breach of the contract necessarily\n\nturns on the facts of each case. ", "Advance Components, Inc. v. Goodstein, 608\n\nS.W.2d 737, 739 (Tex.", "App.–Dallas 1980, writ ref’d n.r.e.) ( ", "citing Bowen v.\n\nBriscoe, 453 S.W.2d 287, 289 (Tex.1970)). ", "Citing the Restatement (Second) of\n\nContracts, section 241 (1981), the Texas Supreme Court noted five circumstances\n\nsignificant in determining whether a failure to perform is material: (a) the extent\n\nto which the injured party will be deprived of the benefit which he reasonably\n\nexpected; (b) the extent to which the injured party can be adequately compensated\n\nfor the part of that benefit of which he will be deprived; (c) the extent to which the\n\nparty failing to perform or to offer to perform will suffer forfeiture; (d) the\n\nlikelihood the party failing to perform or to offer to perform will cure his failure,\n\ntaking account of the circumstances including any reasonable assurances; (e) the\n\nextent to which the behavior of the party failing to perform or to offer to perform\n\ncomports with standards of good faith and fair dealing. ", "Mustang Pipeline, 134\n\nS.W.3d at 199.", "\n\n\n 30\n\f Another factor relevant to assessing the materiality of the breach is the extent\n\n to which it reasonably appears to the injured party that delay may prevent or\n\n hinder him in making reasonable substitute arrangements. ", "Id. (citing Restatement\n\n (Second) of Contracts § 242 (1981)).", "\n\n Fact issues raised:\n\n a. SNB and Light jointly breached the agreement the Short-Term Notes would\n\n be rolled into new debt of the Stretford. (", "SCR26¶¶20, 21, SCR31¶¶19, 20, 21)\n\n b. SNB and Light conspired to keep Appellant liable by the renewal of the\n\n Short-Term Notes into the 2008 Notes, instead of rolling that debt into new\n\n debt of the Stretford. (", "SCR83)\n\n c. Had SNB followed through with its agreement, Light would have sole\n\n liability under his guaranty agreements to SNB for all debts of the Stretford.", "\n\n (SCR65-167)\n\nISSUE NO. ", "4. ", "THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN GRANTING A SUMMARY JUDGMENT\nBECAUSE APPELLEE’S SUMMARY JUDGMENT PROOF WAS NOT COMPETENT\nSUMMARY JUDGMENT EVIDENCE.", "\n\n Competent summary judgment proof must be clear, positive, direct, credible, free\n\nfrom contradiction, and susceptible of being readily controverted. ", "Tex.", "R. Civ. ", "P.\n\n166a(c); Haynes v. City of Beaumont, 35 S.W.3d 166, 178 (Tex.", "App.–Texarkana\n\n2000, no pet.). ", "Conclusory statements in affidavits are not competent evidence to\n\n\n 31\n\fsupport a summary judgment. ", "Id. A conclusory statement is one not providing the\n\nunderlying facts to support the statements. ", "Id. Speculative evidence is not competent\n\nsummary judgment evidence. ", "Wal–Mart Stores, Inc. v. Gonzalez, 968 S.W.2d 934,\n\n936 (Tex.1998). ", "Moreover, an to be competent summary judgment proof an affidavit\n\nmust be made on personal knowledge, and are conclusory as a matter of law if the\n\naffiant fails to provide underlying facts supporting the affiant’s statements. ", "Tex.", "R.\n\nCiv. ", "P. 166a(f); LeBlanc v. Lamar State College, 232 S.W.3d 294, 301\n\n(Tex.", "App.–Beaumont 2007, no pet.) (", "citing 1001 McKinney Ltd. v. Credit Suisse\n\nFirst Boston Mortg. ", "Capital, 192 S.W.3d 20, 27 (Tex.", "App.–Houston [14th Dist.]", "\n\n2005, pet. ", "denied)).", "\n\n Appellee’s summary judgment evidence consists of four affidavits: Brent A Bates,\n\nL. Read Mortimer, Anson Lang and Kyle A. Owens. (", "CR208-225)\n\n Bates, an employee of SNB, is merely a custodian of records, and not familiar with\n\nthe Stretford loan transactions other than in a custodial manner. ", "The Affidavit of\n\nBates provides no underlying facts supporting the conclusions in his affidavit that\n\nAppellant signed the 2008 Note, and he proffers no evidence on the issue of failure\n\nof consideration. (", "CR219) The statements in Affidavit of Bates about Appellant’s\n\nsignature and liability are conclusory as a matter of law. ", "Tex.", "R. Civ. ", "P. 166a(f);\n\nLeBlanc, 232 S.W.3d at 301.", "\n\n\n 32\n\f Mortimer, an employee of SWOO, is merely a custodian of records, and not\n\nfamiliar with the Stretford transactions at SNB in any manner. ", "The Affidavit of\n\nMortimer provides no underlying facts to support the conclusion in his affidavit that\n\nAppellant signed the 2008 Note, and he proffers no evidence on the issue of failure\n\nof consideration. (", "CR208) The statements in Affidavit of Mortimer about Appellant’s\n\nsignature and liability are conclusory as a matter of law. ", "Tex.", "R. Civ. ", "P. 166a(f);\n\nLeBlanc, 232 S.W.3d at 301.", "\n\n Lang, an employee of Situs Asset Management, is even more remote to the\n\nStretford transactions at SNB and his statements are hearsay and conclusions. ", "The\n\nAffidavit of Lang provides no underlying facts to support the conclusion in his\n\naffidavit that Appellant signed the 2008 Note, and he proffers no evidence on the\n\nissue of failure of consideration. (", "CR213) The statements in Affidavit of Mortimer\n\nabout Appellant’s signature and liability are conclusory as a matter of law. ", "Tex.", "R.\n\nCiv. ", "P. 166a(f); LeBlanc, 232 S.W.3d at 301.", "\n\n Owens an attorney with Hunton & Williams only has knowledge about the\n\nlitigation, and offers no evidence on the issues of liability of the Appellant. (", "CR224)\n\nISSUE NO. ", "5. ", "THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN GRANTING A SUMMARY JUDGMENT\nBECAUSE THE TRIAL COURT ABUSED ITS DISCRETION.", "\n\n A trial court abuses its discretion if its decision “is arbitrary, unreasonable, and\n\nwithout reference to guiding principles.” ", "Boerschig v. Southwestern Holdings, Inc.,\n\n 33\n\f322 S.W.3d 752, 762–63 (Tex.", "App.–El Paso 2010, no pet.); ", "Goode v. Shoukfeh, 943\n\nS.W.2d 441, 446 (Tex.1997); Downer v. Aquamarine Operators, Inc., 701 S.W.2d\n\n238, 241–42 (Tex.1985). ", "Specifically, the Trial Court abused its discretion in the\n\nfollow matters:\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "5A. BY FAILING TO RULE ON THE APPELLANT’S OBJECTIONS TO\n THE AFFIDAVIT OF BRENT A. BATES; OBJECTIONS TO THE AFFIDAVIT OF\n ANSON LANG; AND OBJECTIONS TO THE AFFIDAVIT OF READ MORTIMER.", "\n\n A trial court does not have the discretion to refuse to rule on objections filed.", "\n\n In re Shredder Co., 225 S.W.3d 676, 679 (Tex. ", "App–El Paso 2006 orig.", "\n\n proceeding). ", "The trial court must consider and rule on objections within a\n\n reasonable time. ", "In re Kleven, 100 S.W.3d 643, 644 (Tex. ", "App–Texarkana 2003\n\n orig. ", "proceeding). ", "It is error and abuse of discretion to refuse to rule on a pending\n\n objections. ", "Eli Lilly & Co. v. Marshall, 829 S.W.2d 157, 158 (Tex. ", "1992).", "\n\n However, since the trial court implicitly ruled on the Objections by overruling the\n\n Motion for New Trial the Trial Court’s implicit overruling was an abuse of\n\n discretion not founded in reference to guiding principles.", "\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "5B. BY FAILING TO REQUIRE APPELLEE TO MEET HIS BURDEN\n OF PROOF.", "\n\n When a plaintiff fails to meet its burden of proof on its , thus the burden did not\n\n shift to Appellant. ", "M. D. Anderson, 28 S.W.3d at 23; therefore, since SWOO was\n\n required to show there was no genuine issue of material fact and it was entitled to\n\n 34\n\f judgment as a matter of law and did not, Rule 166a(c); Knott, 128 S.W.3d at 215-\n\n 16, thus the Trial Court’s granting the summary judgment was an abuse of\n\n discretion not founded in reference to guiding principles.", "\n\n ISSUE NO. ", "5C. BY GRANTING A SUMMARY JUDGMENT IN THE FACE OF FACT\n ISSUE SUPPORTING THE ELEMENTS OF APPELLANT’S AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES.", "\n\n Appellee pled affirmative defenses and provided summary judgment proof in\n\n support of his affirmative defenses, which evidence was not controverted by the\n\n Appellee as required by law; therefore, Appellee was not entitled to summary\n\n judgment, Brownlee, 665 S.W2d at 112, thus the Trial Court’s granting the\n\n summary judgment was an abuse of discretion not founded in reference to guiding\n\n principles.", "\n\n CONCLUSION & PRAYER\n\n The Trial Court erred as set forth herein, Appellant respectfully request this\n\nHonorable Court to:\n\n 1. ", "Reverse the Summary Judgment and render judgment in favor of Appellant that\nAppellee take nothing.", "\n\n 2. ", "Alternatively, reverse the Summary Judgment and:\n a. remand this case for a new trial on all issues;\n b. remand the case to the Trial Court with instructions to conduct a jury trial\n on the disputed fact issues determined by this Honorable Court; or\n c. remand the case to the Trial Court with instructions to conduct a jury trial on\n the issues of misapplication of law by the Trial Court, as determined by this\n Honorable Court.", "\n\n\n 35\n\f Respectfully submitted,\n THE HOLMES LAW FIRM, INC.", "\n\n By: /s/ Robert H. Holmes\n Robert H. Holmes\n State Bar No. ", "09908400\n 3401 Beverly Drive\n Dallas, Texas 75205\n Telephone: 214-384-3182\n email: rhholmes@swbell.net\n ATTORNEY FOR APPELLANT\n\n\n APPELLANT’S RULE 9.4 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE\n\n This brief complies with the type-volume limitations of Rule 9.4 because it\ncontains words 7,463, excluding the parts of the brief exempted by the rule.", "\n\n /s/ Robert H. Holmes\n Robert H. Holmes\n\n CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE\n\n I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing instrument has been\ndelivered to the attorney of record for, by electronic service using eFileTexas, on\nApril 27, 2015.", "\n\n /s/ Robert H. Holmes\n Robert H. Holmes\n\n\n\n\n 36\n\f NO. ", "12-14-00344-CV\n\n IN THE TWELFTH COURT OF APPEALS\n\n AT TYLER, TEXAS\n\n\n VICTOR LISSIAK, JR.,", "\n\n Appellant\n\n V.\n\n SW LOAN OO, L.P.,\n\n Appellee\n\n On Appeal from the 7th Judicial District Court, Smith County, Texas\nThe Honorable Kyle Russell Presiding in Trial Court Case Number 12-0384-A\n\n\n\n APPENDIX TO APPELLANT’S BRIEF\n\n\n THE HOLMES LAW FIRM, INC.", "\n Robert H. Holmes\n SBN 09908400\n 3401 Beverly Drive\n Dallas, Texas 75205\n Telephone: 214-384-3182\n Email: rhholmes@swbell.net\n\n ATTORNEYS FOR APPELLANT\n\f INDEX TO APPENDIX\n\n1. ", "Order Granting Summary Judgment.", "\n\n2. ", "Amended Motion for New Trial.", "\n\n3. ", "Omnibus Agreement.", "\n\n4. ", "Settlement Agreement between Appellee and J. Randolph Light.", "\n\n5. ", "Tex. ", "Bus. & ", "Com. ", "Code § 1.201 (8) & (21).", "\n\n6. ", "Tex. ", "Bus. & ", "Com. ", "Code § 1.202(a)(1).", "\n\n7. ", "Tex. ", "Bus. & ", "Com. ", "Code § 1.206.", "\n\n8. ", "Tex. ", "Bus. & ", "Com. ", "Code§ 3.302(a)(2)(iii).", "\n\n9. ", "Tex. ", "Bus. & ", "Com. ", "Code § 3.306\n\n10. ", "Tex. ", "Bus. & ", "Com. ", "Code § 3.308\n\n11. ", "Tex. ", "Bus. & ", "Com. ", "Code § 3.401(a)\n\n12. ", "Tex.", "Bus. & ", "Com.", "C. § 3.605\n\fEXHIBIT “1”\n\f\f\fEXHIBIT “2”\n\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\fEXHIBIT “3”\n\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\fEXHIBIT “4”\n\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\for not asserted in the litigation styled J. Randolph Light, et al. ", "v. Stillwater National Bank &\n\nTrust Company, et al., ", "Cause No. ", "12-0384-A in the 7th District Court of Smith County, Texas,\n\nbut excludes any claims arising out of the performance or nonperformance of the Final\n\nSettlement Agreement providing for execution of this Mutual Release. ", "This Mutual Release is\n\nnot effective unless and until it has been fully executed by the parties hereto. ", "This Mutual\n\nRelease may be executed with one or more separate counterparts and by facsimile or pdf, each of\n\nwhich, when so executed, shall together constitute and be one of the same instrument.", "\n\nDATED: ____________________\n SW LOAN OO LP\n\n BY SW LOAN OO GP, LLC\n GENERAL PARTNER\n\n\n By: _________________________________\n\n Name: _________________________________\n\n Its: _________________________________\n\n\n\n _________________________________\n James Randolph Light, Jr.\n\n\n _________________________________\n Merrill Light\n\n\n _________________________________\n Paul Barringer Light\n\n\n _________________________________\n Thomas Gray Light\n\n\n\n\nFORMAL SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT - Page 13 of 16\n\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\f\fEXHIBIT “5”\n\fV.T.C.A., Bus. & ", "C. § 1.201 Page 1\n\n\n\n\n Effective: September 1, 2005\n\nVernon's Texas Statutes and Codes Annotated Currentness\n\n Business and Commerce Code (Refs & Annos)\n Title 1. ", "Uniform Commercial Code (Refs & Annos)\n Chapter 1. ", "General Provisions (Refs & Annos)\n Subchapter B. General Definitions and Principles of Interpretation (Refs & Annos)\n § 1.201. ", "General Definitions\n(a) Unless the context otherwise requires, words or phrases defined in this section, or in the\nadditional definitions contained in other chapters of this title that apply to particular chapters or parts\nthereof, have the meanings stated.", "\n\n(b) Subject to definitions contained in other chapters of this title that apply to particular chapters or\nparts thereof:\n\n (1) “Action,” in the sense of a judicial proceeding, includes recoupment, counterclaim, set-off, suit\n in equity, and any other proceeding in which rights are determined.", "\n\n (2) “Aggrieved party” means a party entitled to pursue a remedy.", "\n\n (3) “Agreement,” as distinguished from “contract,” means the bargain of the parties in fact, as\n found in their language or inferred from other circumstances, including course of performance,\n course of dealing, or usage of trade as provided in Section 1.303.", "\n\n (4) “Bank” means a person engaged in the business of banking and includes a savings bank,\n savings and loan association, credit union, and trust company.", "\n\n (5) “Bearer” means a person in control of a negotiable electronic document of title or a person in\n possession of a negotiable instrument, a negotiable tangible document of title, or a certificated\n security that is payable to bearer or indorsed in blank.", "\n\n (6) “Bill of lading” means a document of title evidencing the receipt of goods for shipment issued\n by a person engaged in the business of directly or indirectly transporting or forwarding goods. ", "The\n term does not include a warehouse receipt.", "\n\n\n\n © 2015 Thomson Reuters. ", "No Claim to Orig. ", "US Gov. Works.", "\n\fV.T.C.A., Bus. & ", "C. § 1.201 Page 2\n\n\n\n (7) “Branch” includes a separately incorporated foreign branch of a bank.", "\n\n (8) “Burden of establishing” a fact means the burden of persuading the trier of fact that the\n existence of the fact is more probable than its nonexistence.", "\n\n (9) “Buyer in ordinary course of business” means a person that buys goods in good faith, without\n knowledge that the sale violates the rights of another person in the goods, and in the ordinary\n course from a person, other than a pawnbroker, in the business of selling goods of that kind. ", "A\n person buys goods in the ordinary course if the sale to the person comports with the usual or\n customary practices in the kind of business in which the seller is engaged or with the seller's own\n usual or customary practices. ", "A person that sells oil, gas, or other minerals at the wellhead or\n minehead is a person in the business of selling goods of that kind. ", "A buyer in ordinary course of\n business may buy for cash, by exchange of other property, or on secured or unsecured credit, and\n may acquire goods or documents of title under a preexisting contract for sale. ", "Only a buyer that\n takes possession of the goods or has a right to recover the goods from the seller under Chapter 2\n may be a buyer in ordinary course of business. “", "Buyer in ordinary course of business” does not\n include a person that acquires goods in a transfer in bulk or as security for or in total or partial\n satisfaction of a money debt.", "\n\n (10) “Conspicuous,” with reference to a term, means so written, displayed, or presented that a\n reasonable person against which it is to operate ought to have noticed it. ", "Whether a term is\n “conspicuous” or not is a decision for the court. ", "Conspicuous terms include the following:\n\n (A) a heading in capitals equal to or greater in size than the surrounding text, or in contrasting\n type, font, or color to the surrounding text of the same or lesser size; and\n\n (B) language in the body of a record or display in larger type than the surrounding text, or in\n contrasting type, font, or color to the surrounding text of the same size, or set off from\n surrounding text of the same size by symbols or other marks that call attention to the language.", "\n\n (11) “Consumer” means an individual who enters into a transaction primarily for personal, family,\n or household purposes.", "\n\n (12) “Contract,” as distinguished from “agreement,” means the total legal obligation that results\n from the parties' agreement as determined by this title as supplemented by any other applicable\n laws.", "\n\n (13) “Creditor” includes a general creditor, a secured creditor, a lien creditor and any representative\n of creditors, including an assignee for the benefit of creditors, a trustee in bankruptcy, a receiver\n in equity and an executor or administrator of an insolvent debtor's or assignor's estate.", "\n\n\n © 2015 Thomson Reuters. ", "No Claim to Orig. ", "US Gov. Works.", "\n\fV.T.C.A., Bus. & ", "C. § 1.201 Page 3\n\n\n\n (14) “Defendant” includes a person in the position of defendant in a counterclaim, cross-claim, or\n third-party claim.", "\n\n (15) “Delivery,” with respect to an electronic document of title, means voluntary transfer of\n control, and with respect to an instrument, a tangible document of title, or chattel paper, means\n voluntary transfer of possession.", "\n\n (16) “Document of title” means a record that in the regular course of business or financing is\n treated as adequately evidencing that the person in possession or control of the record is entitled\n to receive, control, hold, and dispose of the record and the goods the record covers, and purports\n to be issued by or addressed to a bailee and to cover goods in the bailee's possession which are\n either identified or are fungible portions of an identified mass. ", "The term includes a bill of lading,\n transport document, dock warrant, dock receipt, warehouse receipt, and order for delivery of goods.", "\n An electronic document of title is evidenced by a record consisting of information stored in an\n electronic medium. ", "A tangible document of title is evidenced by a record consisting of information\n that is inscribed on a tangible medium.", "\n\n (17) “Fault” means a default, breach, or wrongful act or omission.", "\n\n (18) “Fungible goods” means:\n\n (A) goods of which any unit, by nature or usage of trade, is the equivalent of any other like unit;\n or\n\n (B) goods that by agreement are treated as equivalent.", "\n\n (19) “Genuine” means free of forgery or counterfeiting.", "\n\n (20) “Good faith,” except as otherwise provided in Chapter 5, means honesty in fact and the\n observance of reasonable commercial standards of fair dealing.", "\n\n (21) “Holder” means:\n\n (A) the person in possession of a negotiable instrument that is payable either to bearer or to an\n identified person that is the person in possession;\n\n (B) the person in possession of a negotiable tangible document of title if the goods are\n deliverable either to bearer or to the order of the person in possession; or\n\n (C) a person in control of a negotiable electronic document of title.", "\n\n\n © 2015 Thomson Reuters. ", "No Claim to Orig. ", "US Gov. Works.", "\n\fV.T.C.A., Bus. & ", "C. § 1.201 Page 4\n\n\n\n (22) “Insolvency proceeding ” includes an assignment for the benefit of creditors or other\n proceeding intended to liquidate or rehabilitate the estate of the person involved.", "\n\n (23) “Insolvent” means:\n\n (A) having generally ceased to pay debts in the ordinary course of business other than as a result\n of a bona fide dispute;\n\n (B) being unable to pay debts as they become due; or\n\n (C) being insolvent within the meaning of the federal bankruptcy law.", "\n\n (24) “Money” means a medium of exchange currently authorized or adopted by a domestic or\n foreign government. ", "The term includes a monetary unit of account established by an\n intergovernmental organization or by agreement between two or more countries.", "\n\n (25) “Organization” means a person other than an individual.", "\n\n (26) “Party,” as distinguished from “third party,” means a person that has engaged in a transaction\n or made an agreement subject to this title.", "\n\n (27) “Person” means an individual, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, limited\n liability company, association, joint venture, government, governmental subdivision, agency, or\n instrumentality, public corporation, or any other legal or commercial entity.", "\n\n (28) “Present value” means the amount as of a date certain of one or more sums payable in the\n future, discounted to the date certain by use of either an interest rate specified by the parties if that\n rate is not manifestly unreasonable at the time the transaction is entered into or, if an interest rate\n is not so specified, a commercially reasonable rate that takes into account the facts and\n circumstances at the time the transaction is entered into.", "\n\n (29) “Purchase” means taking by sale, lease, discount, negotiation, mortgage, pledge, lien, security\n interest, issue or reissue, gift, or any other voluntary transaction creating an interest in property.", "\n\n (30) “Purchaser” means a person that takes by purchase.", "\n\n (31) “Record” means information that is inscribed on a tangible medium or that is stored in an\n electronic or other medium and is retrievable in perceivable form.", "\n\n (32) “Remedy” means any remedial right to which an aggrieved party is entitled with or without\n resort to a tribunal.", "\n\n © 2015 Thomson Reuters. ", "No Claim to Orig. ", "US Gov. Works.", "\n\fV.T.C.A., Bus. & ", "C. § 1.201 Page 5\n\n\n\n\n (33) “Representative” means a person empowered to act for another, including an agent, an officer\n of a corporation or association, and a trustee, executor, or administrator of an estate.", "\n\n (34) “Right” includes remedy.", "\n\n (35) “Security interest” means an interest in personal property or fixtures which secures payment\n or performance of an obligation. “", "Security interest” includes any interest of a consignor and a\n buyer of accounts, chattel paper, a payment intangible, or a promissory note in a transaction that\n is subject to Chapter 9. “", "Security interest” does not include the special property interest of a buyer\n of goods on identification of those goods to a contract for sale under Section 2.401, but a buyer\n may also acquire a “security interest” by complying with Chapter 9. ", "Except as otherwise provided\n in Section 2.505, the right of a seller or lessor of goods under Chapter 2 or 2A to retain or acquire\n possession of the goods is not a “security interest,” but a seller or lessor may also acquire a\n “security interest” by complying with Chapter 9. ", "The retention or reservation of title by a seller of\n goods notwithstanding shipment or delivery to the buyer under Section 2.401 is limited in effect\n to a reservation of a “security interest.” ", "Whether a transaction in the form of a lease creates a\n security interest is determined pursuant to Section 1.203.", "\n\n (36) “Send” in connection with a writing, record, or notice means:\n\n (A) to deposit in the mail or deliver for transmission by any other usual means of communication\n with postage or cost of transmission provided for and properly addressed and, in the case of an\n instrument, to an address specified thereon or otherwise agreed, or if there be none to any address\n reasonable under the circumstances; or\n\n (B) in any other way cause to be received any record or notice within the time at which it would\n have arrived if properly sent.", "\n\n (37) “Signed” includes using any symbol executed or adopted with present intention to adopt or\n accept a writing.", "\n\n (38) “State” means a State of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the United\n States Virgin Islands, or any territory or insular possession subject to the jurisdiction of the United\n States.", "\n\n (39) “Surety” includes a guarantor or other secondary obligor.", "\n\n (40) “Term” means a portion of an agreement that relates to a particular matter.", "\n\n (41) “Unauthorized signature” means a signature made without actual, implied, or apparent\n\n © 2015 Thomson Reuters. ", "No Claim to Orig. ", "US Gov. Works.", "\n\fV.T.C.A., Bus. & ", "C. § 1.201 Page 6\n\n\n\n authority. ", "The term includes a forgery.", "\n\n (42) “Warehouse receipt” means a document of title issued by a person engaged in the business\n of storing goods for hire.", "\n\n (43) “Writing” includes printing, typewriting, or any other intentional reduction to tangible form.", "\n “Written” has a corresponding meaning.", "\n\nCREDIT(S)\n\nAmended by Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ", "ch. ", "542, § 1, eff. ", "Sept. 1, 2003; Acts 2005, 79th Leg., ", "ch. ", "122,\n§ 2, eff. ", "Sept. 1, 2005.", "\n\n\nCurrent through the end of the 2013 Third Called Session of the 83rd Legislature\n\n(C) 2015 Thomson Reuters. ", "No Claim to Orig. ", "US Gov. Works.", "\n\nEND OF DOCUMENT\n\n\n\n\n © 2015 Thomson Reuters. ", "No Claim to Orig. ", "US Gov. Works.", "\n\fEXHIBIT “6”\n\fV.T.C.A., Bus. & ", "C. § 1.202 Page 1\n\n\n\n\n Effective: September 1, 2003\n\nVernon's Texas Statutes and Codes Annotated Currentness\n\n Business and Commerce Code (Refs & Annos)\n Title 1. ", "Uniform Commercial Code (Refs & Annos)\n Chapter 1. ", "General Provisions (Refs & Annos)\n Subchapter B. General Definitions and Principles of Interpretation (Refs & Annos)\n § 1.202. ", "Notice; Knowledge\n(a) Subject to Subsection (f), a person has “notice” of a fact if the person:\n\n (1) has actual knowledge of it;\n\n (2) has received a notice or notification of it; or\n\n (3) from all the facts and circumstances known to the person at the time in question, has reason to\n know that it exists.", "\n\n(b) “Knowledge” means actual knowledge. “", "Knows” has a corresponding meaning.", "\n\n(c) “Discover,” “learn,” or words of similar import refer to knowledge rather than to reason to know.", "\n\n(d) A person “notifies” or “gives” a notice or notification to another person by taking such steps as\nmay be reasonably required to inform the other person in ordinary course, whether or not the other\nperson actually comes to know of it.", "\n\n(e) Subject to Subsection (f), a person “receives” a notice or notification when:\n\n (1) it comes to that person's attention; or\n\n (2) it is duly delivered in a form reasonable under the circumstances at the place of business\n through which the contract was made or at another location held out by that person as the place for\n receipt of such communications.", "\n\n(f) Notice, knowledge, or a notice or notification received by an organization is effective for a\nparticular transaction from the time it is brought to the attention of the individual conducting that\n\n © 2015 Thomson Reuters. ", "No Claim to Orig. ", "US Gov. Works.", "\n\fV.T.C.A., Bus. & ", "C. § 1.202 Page 2\n\n\n\ntransaction and, in any event, from the time it would have been brought to the individual's attention\nif the organization had exercised due diligence. ", "An organization exercises due diligence if it\nmaintains reasonable routines for communicating significant information to the person conducting\nthe transaction and there is reasonable compliance with the routines. ", "Due diligence does not require\nan individual acting for the organization to communicate information unless the communication is\npart of the individual's regular duties or the individual has reason to know of the transaction and that\nthe transaction would be materially affected by the information.", "\n\nCREDIT(S)\n\nAmended by Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ", "ch. ", "542, § 1, eff. ", "Sept. 1, 2003.", "\n\n\nCurrent through the end of the 2013 Third Called Session of the 83rd Legislature\n\n(C) 2015 Thomson Reuters. ", "No Claim to Orig. ", "US Gov. Works.", "\n\nEND OF DOCUMENT\n\n\n\n\n © 2015 Thomson Reuters. ", "No Claim to Orig. ", "US Gov. Works.", "\n\fEXHIBIT “7”\n\fV.T.C.A., Bus. & ", "C. § 1.206 Page 1\n\n\n\n\n Effective: September 1, 2003\n\nVernon's Texas Statutes and Codes Annotated Currentness\n\n Business and Commerce Code (Refs & Annos)\n Title 1. ", "Uniform Commercial Code (Refs & Annos)\n Chapter 1. ", "General Provisions (Refs & Annos)\n Subchapter B. General Definitions and Principles of Interpretation (Refs & Annos)\n § 1.206. ", "Presumptions\nWhenever this title creates a “presumption” with respect to a fact, or provides that a fact is\n“presumed,” the trier of fact must find the existence of the fact unless and until evidence is\nintroduced that supports a finding of its nonexistence.", "\n\nCREDIT(S)\n\nAmended by Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ", "ch. ", "542, § 1, eff. ", "Sept. 1, 2003.", "\n\n\nCurrent through the end of the 2013 Third Called Session of the 83rd Legislature\n\n(C) 2015 Thomson Reuters. ", "No Claim to Orig. ", "US Gov. Works.", "\n\nEND OF DOCUMENT\n\n\n\n\n © 2015 Thomson Reuters. ", "No Claim to Orig. ", "US Gov. Works.", "\n\fEXHIBIT “8”\n\fV.T.C.A., Bus. & ", "C. § 3.302 Page 1\n\n\n\n\n Effective:[See Text Amendments]\n\nVernon's Texas Statutes and Codes Annotated Currentness\n\n Business and Commerce Code (Refs & Annos)\n Title 1. ", "Uniform Commercial Code (Refs & Annos)\n Chapter 3. ", "Negotiable Instruments (Refs & Annos)\n Subchapter C. Enforcement of Instruments\n § 3.302. ", "Holder in Due Course\n(a) Subject to Subsection (c) and Section 3.106(d), “holder in due course” means the holder of an\ninstrument if:\n\n (1) the instrument when issued or negotiated to the holder does not bear such apparent evidence\n of forgery or alteration or is not otherwise so irregular or incomplete as to call into question its\n authenticity; and\n\n (2) the holder took the instrument:\n\n (A) for value;\n\n (B) in good faith;\n\n (C) without notice that the instrument is overdue or has been dishonored or that there is an\n uncured default with respect to payment of another instrument issued as part of the same series;\n\n (D) without notice that the instrument contains an unauthorized signature or has been altered;\n\n (E) without notice of any claim to the instrument described in Section 3.306; and\n\n (F) without notice that any party has a defense or claim in recoupment described in Section\n 3.305(a).", "\n\n(b) Notice of discharge of a party, other than discharge in an insolvency proceeding, is not notice of\na defense under Subsection (a), but discharge is effective against a person who became a holder in\ndue course with notice of the discharge. ", "Public filing or recording of a document does not of itself\nconstitute notice of a defense, claim in recoupment, or claim to the instrument.", "\n\n © 2015 Thomson Reuters. ", "No Claim to Orig. ", "US Gov. Works.", "\n\fV.T.C.A., Bus. & ", "C. § 3.302 Page 2\n\n\n\n\n(c) Except to the extent a transferor or predecessor in interest has rights as a holder in due course,\na person does not acquire rights of a holder in due course of an instrument taken:\n\n (1) by legal process or by purchase in an execution, bankruptcy, or creditor's sale or similar\n proceeding;\n\n (2) by purchase as part of a bulk transaction not in ordinary course of business of the transferor;\n or\n\n (3) as the successor in interest to an estate or other organization.", "\n\n(d) If, under Section 3.303(a)(1), the promise of performance that is the consideration for an\ninstrument has been partially performed, the holder may assert rights as a holder in due course of the\ninstrument only to the fraction of the amount payable under the instrument equal to the value of the\npartial performance divided by the value of the promised performance.", "\n\n(e) If (i) the person entitled to enforce an instrument has only a security interest in the instrument,\nand (ii) the person obliged to pay the instrument has a defense, claim in recoupment, or claim to the\ninstrument that may be asserted against the person who granted the security interest, the person\nentitled to enforce the instrument may assert rights as a holder in due course only to an amount\npayable under the instrument that, at the time of enforcement of the instrument, does not exceed the\namount of the unpaid obligation secured.", "\n\n(f) To be effective, notice must be received at a time and in a manner that gives a reasonable\nopportunity to act on it.", "\n\n(g) This section is subject to any law limiting status as a holder in due course in particular classes\nof transactions.", "\n\nCREDIT(S)\n\nAmended by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ", "ch. ", "921, § 1, eff. ", "Jan. 1, 1996.", "\n\n\nCurrent through the end of the 2013 Third Called Session of the 83rd Legislature\n\n(C) 2015 Thomson Reuters. ", "No Claim to Orig. ", "US Gov. Works.", "\n\nEND OF DOCUMENT\n\n\n © 2015 Thomson Reuters. ", "No Claim to Orig. ", "US Gov. Works.", "\n\fV.T.C.A., Bus. & ", "C. § 3.302 Page 3\n\n\n\n\n © 2015 Thomson Reuters. ", "No Claim to Orig. ", "US Gov. Works.", "\n\fEXHIBIT “9”\n\fV.T.C.A., Bus. & ", "C. § 3.306 Page 1\n\n\n\n\n Effective:[See Text Amendments]\n\nVernon's Texas Statutes and Codes Annotated Currentness\n\n Business and Commerce Code (Refs & Annos)\n Title 1. ", "Uniform Commercial Code (Refs & Annos)\n Chapter 3. ", "Negotiable Instruments (Refs & Annos)\n Subchapter C. Enforcement of Instruments\n § 3.306. ", "Claims to an Instrument\nA person taking an instrument, other than a person having rights of a holder in due course, is subject\nto a claim of a property or possessory right in the instrument or its proceeds, including a claim to\nrescind a negotiation and to recover the instrument or its proceeds. ", "A person having rights of a holder\nin due course takes free of the claim to the instrument.", "\n\nCREDIT(S)\n\nAmended by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ", "ch. ", "921, § 1, eff. ", "Jan. 1, 1996.", "\n\n\nCurrent through the end of the 2013 Third Called Session of the 83rd Legislature\n\n(C) 2015 Thomson Reuters. ", "No Claim to Orig. ", "US Gov. Works.", "\n\nEND OF DOCUMENT\n\n\n\n\n © 2015 Thomson Reuters. ", "No Claim to Orig. ", "US Gov. Works.", "\n\fEXHIBIT “10”\n\fV.T.C.A., Bus. & ", "C. § 3.308 Page 1\n\n\n\n\n Effective:[See Text Amendments]\n\nVernon's Texas Statutes and Codes Annotated Currentness\n\n Business and Commerce Code (Refs & Annos)\n Title 1. ", "Uniform Commercial Code (Refs & Annos)\n Chapter 3. ", "Negotiable Instruments (Refs & Annos)\n Subchapter C. Enforcement of Instruments\n § 3.308. ", "Proof of Signatures and Status as Holder in Due Course\n(a) In an action with respect to an instrument, the authenticity of, and authority to make, each\nsignature on the instrument are admitted unless specifically denied in the pleadings. ", "If the validity\nof a signature is denied in the pleadings, the burden of establishing validity is on the person claiming\nvalidity, but the signature is presumed to be authentic and authorized unless the action is to enforce\nthe liability of the purported signer and the signer is dead or incompetent at the time of trial of the\nissue of validity of the signature. ", "If an action to enforce the instrument is brought against a person\nas the undisclosed principal of a person who signed the instrument as a party to the instrument, the\nplaintiff has the burden of establishing that the defendant is liable on the instrument as a represented\nperson under Section 3.402(a).", "\n\n(b) If the validity of signatures is admitted or proved and there is compliance with Subsection (a),\na plaintiff producing the instrument is entitled to payment if the plaintiff proves entitlement to\nenforce the instrument under Section 3.301, unless the defendant proves a defense or claim in\nrecoupment. ", "If a defense or claim in recoupment is proved, the right to payment of the plaintiff is\nsubject to the defense or claim, except to the extent the plaintiff proves that the plaintiff has rights\nof a holder in due course that are not subject to the defense or claim.", "\n\nCREDIT(S)\n\nAdded by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ", "ch. ", "921, § 1, eff. ", "Jan. 1, 1996.", "\n\n\nCurrent through the end of the 2013 Third Called Session of the 83rd Legislature\n\n(C) 2015 Thomson Reuters. ", "No Claim to Orig. ", "US Gov. Works.", "\n\nEND OF DOCUMENT\n\n © 2015 Thomson Reuters. ", "No Claim to Orig. ", "US Gov. Works.", "\n\fV.T.C.A., Bus. & ", "C. § 3.308 Page 2\n\n\n\n\n © 2015 Thomson Reuters. ", "No Claim to Orig. ", "US Gov. Works.", "\n\fEXHIBIT “11”\n\fV.T.C.A., Bus. & ", "C. § 3.401 Page 1\n\n\n\n\n Effective:[See Text Amendments]\n\nVernon's Texas Statutes and Codes Annotated Currentness\n\n Business and Commerce Code (Refs & Annos)\n Title 1. ", "Uniform Commercial Code (Refs & Annos)\n Chapter 3. ", "Negotiable Instruments (Refs & Annos)\n Subchapter D. Liability of Parties\n § 3.401. ", "Signature\n(a) A person is not liable on an instrument unless the person:\n\n (1) signed the instrument; or\n\n (2) is represented by an agent or representative who signed the instrument and the signature is\n binding on the represented person under Section 3.402.", "\n\n(b) A signature may be made (i) manually or by means of a device or machine, and (ii) by the use\nof any name, including a trade or assumed name, or by a word, mark, or symbol executed or adopted\nby a person with present intention to authenticate a writing.", "\n\nCREDIT(S)\n\nAmended by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ", "ch. ", "921, § 1, eff. ", "Jan. 1, 1996.", "\n\n\nCurrent through the end of the 2013 Third Called Session of the 83rd Legislature\n\n(C) 2015 Thomson Reuters. ", "No Claim to Orig. ", "US Gov. Works.", "\n\nEND OF DOCUMENT\n\n\n\n\n © 2015 Thomson Reuters. ", "No Claim to Orig. ", "US Gov. Works.", "\n\fEXHIBIT “12”\n\fV.T.C.A., Bus. & ", "C. § 3.605 Page 1\n\n\n\n\n Effective: September 1, 2007\n\nVernon's Texas Statutes and Codes Annotated Currentness\n\n Business and Commerce Code (Refs & Annos)\n Title 1. ", "Uniform Commercial Code (Refs & Annos)\n Chapter 3. ", "Negotiable Instruments (Refs & Annos)\n Subchapter F. Discharge and Payment\n § 3.605. ", "Discharge of Secondary Obligors\n(a) If a person entitled to enforce an instrument releases the obligation of a principal obligor in whole\nor in part, and another party to the instrument is a secondary obligor with respect to the obligation\nof that principal obligor, the following rules apply:\n\n (1) Any obligations of the principal obligor to the secondary obligor with respect to any previous\n payment by the secondary obligor are not affected. ", "Unless the terms of the release preserve the\n secondary obligor's recourse, the principal obligor is discharged, to the extent of the release, from\n any other duties to the secondary obligor under this chapter.", "\n\n (2) Unless the terms of the release provide that the person entitled to enforce the instrument retains\n the right to enforce the instrument against the secondary obligor, the secondary obligor is\n discharged to the same extent as the principal obligor from any unperformed portion of its\n obligation on the instrument. ", "If the instrument is a check and the obligation of the secondary\n obligor is based on an indorsement of the check, the secondary obligor is discharged without\n regard to the language or circumstances of the discharge or other release.", "\n\n (3) If the secondary obligor is not discharged under Subdivision (2), the secondary obligor is\n discharged to the extent of the value of the consideration for the release, and to the extent that the\n release would otherwise cause the secondary obligor a loss.", "\n\n(b) If a person entitled to enforce an instrument grants a principal obligor an extension of the time\nat which one or more payments are due on the instrument and another party to the instrument is a\nsecondary obligor with respect to the obligation of that principal obligor, the following rules apply:\n\n (1) Any obligations of the principal obligor to the secondary obligor with respect to any previous\n payment by the secondary obligor are not affected. ", "Unless the terms of the extension preserve the\n secondary obligor's recourse, the extension correspondingly extends the time for performance of\n\n © 2015 Thomson Reuters. ", "No Claim to Orig. ", "US Gov. Works.", "\n\fV.T.C.A., Bus. & ", "C. § 3.605 Page 2\n\n\n\n any other duties owed to the secondary obligor by the principal obligor under this chapter.", "\n\n (2) The secondary obligor is discharged to the extent that the extension would otherwise cause the\n secondary obligor a loss.", "\n\n (3) To the extent that the secondary obligor is not discharged under Subdivision (2), the secondary\n obligor may perform its obligations to a person entitled to enforce the instrument as if the time for\n payment had not been extended or, unless the terms of the extension provide that the person\n entitled to enforce the instrument retains the right to enforce the instrument against the secondary\n obligor as if the time for payment had not been extended, treat the time for performance of its\n obligations as having been extended correspondingly.", "\n\n(c) If a person entitled to enforce an instrument agrees, with or without consideration, to a\nmodification of the obligation of a principal obligor other than a complete or partial release or an\nextension of the due date and another party to the instrument is a secondary obligor with respect to\nthe obligation of that principal obligor, the following rules apply:\n\n (1) Any obligations of the principal obligor to the secondary obligor with respect to any previous\n payment by the secondary obligor are not affected. ", "The modification correspondingly modifies any\n other duties owed to the secondary obligor by the principal obligor under this chapter.", "\n\n (2) The secondary obligor is discharged from any unperformed portion of its obligation to the\n extent that the modification would otherwise cause the secondary obligor a loss.", "\n\n (3) To the extent that the secondary obligor is not discharged under Subdivision (2), the secondary\n obligor may satisfy its obligation on the instrument as if the modification had not occurred, or treat\n its obligation on the instrument as having been modified correspondingly.", "\n\n(d) If the obligation of a principal obligor is secured by an interest in collateral, another party to the\ninstrument is a secondary obligor with respect to that obligation, and a person entitled to enforce the\ninstrument impairs the value of the interest in collateral, the obligation of the secondary obligor is\ndischarged to the extent of the impairment. ", "The value of an interest in collateral is impaired to the\nextent the value of the interest is reduced to an amount less than the amount of the recourse of the\nsecondary obligor, or the reduction in value of the interest causes an increase in the amount by which\nthe amount of the recourse exceeds the value of the interest. ", "For purposes of this subsection,\nimpairing the value of an interest in collateral includes failure to obtain or maintain perfection or\nrecordation of the interest in collateral, release of collateral without substitution of collateral of equal\nvalue or equivalent reduction of the underlying obligation, failure to perform a duty to preserve the\nvalue of collateral owed, under Chapter 9 or other law, to a debtor or other person secondarily liable,\nand failure to comply with applicable law in disposing of or otherwise enforcing the interest in\ncollateral.", "\n\n © 2015 Thomson Reuters. ", "No Claim to Orig. ", "US Gov. Works.", "\n\fV.T.C.A., Bus. & ", "C. § 3.605 Page 3\n\n\n\n\n(e) A secondary obligor is not discharged under Subsection (a)(3), (b), (c), or (d) unless the person\nentitled to enforce the instrument knows that the person is a secondary obligor or has notice under\nSection 3.419(c) that the instrument was signed for accommodation.", "\n\n(f) A secondary obligor is not discharged under this section if the secondary obligor consents to the\nevent or conduct that is the basis of the discharge, or the instrument or a separate agreement of the\nparty provides for waiver of discharge under this section specifically or by general language\nindicating that parties waive defenses based on suretyship or impairment of collateral. ", "Unless the\ncircumstances indicate otherwise, consent by the principal obligor to an act that would lead to a\ndischarge under this section constitutes consent to that act by the secondary obligor if the secondary\nobligor controls the principal obligor or deals with the person entitled to enforce the instrument on\nbehalf of the principal obligor.", "\n\n(g) A release or extension preserves a secondary obligor's recourse if the terms of the release or\nextension provide that:\n\n (1) the person entitled to enforce the instrument retains the right to enforce the instrument against\n the secondary obligor; and\n\n (2) the recourse of the secondary obligor continues as if the release or extension had not been\n granted.", "\n\n(h) Except as otherwise provided in Subsection (i), a secondary obligor asserting discharge under\nthis section has the burden of persuasion both with respect to the occurrence of the acts alleged to\nharm the secondary obligor and loss or prejudice caused by those acts.", "\n\n(i) If the secondary obligor demonstrates prejudice caused by an impairment of its recourse, and the\ncircumstances of the case indicate that the amount of loss is not reasonably susceptible of calculation\nor requires proof of facts that are not ascertainable, it is presumed that the act impairing recourse\ncaused a loss or impairment equal to the liability of the secondary obligor on the instrument. ", "In that\nevent, the burden of persuasion as to any lesser amount of the loss is on the person entitled to enforce\nthe instrument.", "\n\nCREDIT(S)\n\nAmended by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ", "ch. ", "921, § 1, eff. ", "Jan. 1, 1996; Acts 2005, 79th Leg., ", "ch. ", "95, § 14,\neff. ", "Sept. 1, 2005; Acts 2007, 80th Leg., ", "ch. ", "427, § 3, eff. ", "Sept. 1, 2007.", "\n\n\nCurrent through the end of the 2013 Third Called Session of the 83rd Legislature\n\n © 2015 Thomson Reuters. ", "No Claim to Orig. ", "US Gov. Works.", "\n\fV.T.C.A., Bus. & ", "C. § 3.605 Page 4\n\n\n\n\n(C) 2015 Thomson Reuters. ", "No Claim to Orig. ", "US Gov. Works.", "\n\nEND OF DOCUMENT\n\n\n\n\n © 2015 Thomson Reuters. ", "No Claim to Orig. ", "US Gov. Works.", "\n\f" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
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[ "Former President Barack Obama Barack Hussein ObamaObama calls on Senate not to fill Ginsburg's vacancy until after election Senate Republicans face tough decision on replacing Ginsburg Cruz: Trump should nominate a Supreme Court justice next week MORE’s intelligence chief issued revised procedures in 2013 that made it easier for executive branch officials to “unmask” the names of lawmakers or congressional staffers caught up in intelligence intercepts overseas, according to interviews and documents reviewed by The Hill.", "\n\nProcedures issued by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper in March 2013 formally supplanted a 1992 set of rules that made the dissemination of names of intercepted lawmakers or congressional aides an act of last resort.", "\n\nThe new standard allowed for a lawmaker’s or staffer’s name to be unmasked if “an executive branch recipient of intelligence” believed that learning “the identity of the Member of Congress or the Congressional staff is necessary to understand and assess the associated intelligence and further a lawful activity of the recipient agency,” according to a memo released earlier this month by the DNI's office with little public fanfare.", "\n\nADVERTISEMENT\n\nUnder the previous rules authorized by former President George H.W. Bush and his CIA director, Robert Gates, the CIA chief himself had to give “prior written approval” that the release of the identifying information had met “a legitimate foreign intelligence or counterintelligence need” that “cannot be satisfied in any other fashion.”", "\n\nIn the absence of such a finding, executive branch spy agencies had to redact or delete the name of any congressional employee from intelligence reports under a process known in the intelligence world as minimization. ", "The minimization practice exists to protect Americans’ privacy because most spy intercepts overseas are captured without a court-approved warrant required by the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution.", "\n\nIntelligence officials familiar with the process say there was no political motive behind the new standard and that the changes authorized by Clapper largely codified practices that had been adapting in the intelligence community over several years.", "\n\nCongressional leaders were consulted as practices within the intelligence community evolved following the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. ", "The placement in 2005 of a new director of national intelligence above the CIA in the intelligence community power structure was also a factor, the officials said.", "\n\n“The document we created in 2013 was essentially a way of incorporating those changes already in practice,” said Robert Litt, who oversaw the process as the Office of Director of National Intelligence general counsel.", "\n\nClapper's successor as DNI, former Sen. Dan Coats Daniel (Dan) Ray CoatsFBI chief says Russia is trying to interfere in election to undermine Biden The Hill's Morning Report - Sponsored by The Air Line Pilots Association - Trump, Biden renew push for Latino support Former Intel chief had 'deep suspicions' that Putin 'had something on Trump': book MORE (R-Ind.), reissued the 2013 congressional unmasking rules as an official directive on June 29, signaling the Trump administration is comfortable with the same procedures.", "\n\nYet the changes appear to have had a significant effect on the practice of unmasking.", "\n\nThe frequency of unmasking of Capitol Hill figures has increased in the last few years to as often as one per month, compared to a few per year historically, say sources in the intelligence community.", "\n\nThis has raised concerns in congressional circles.", "\n\nTwo 2016 GOP presidential candidates, Sens. ", "Rand Paul Randal (Rand) Howard PaulSecond GOP senator to quarantine after exposure to coronavirus GOP senator to quarantine after coronavirus exposure The Hill's Morning Report - Sponsored by National Industries for the Blind - Trump seeks to flip 'Rage' narrative; Dems block COVID-19 bill MORE (Ky.) and Lindsey Graham Lindsey Olin GrahamSenate Republicans face tough decision on replacing Ginsburg Democratic senator calls for eliminating filibuster, expanding Supreme Court if GOP fills vacancy What Senate Republicans have said about election-year Supreme Court vacancies MORE (S.C.), have said they believe their identities were unmasked by Obama intelligence officials. ", "The intelligence community has not confirmed that information publicly.", "\n\nObama’s former national security adviser Susan Rice came under fire from the right earlier this year over suggestions she had asked for the identities of Trump transition officials in documents. ", "Rice said she had not asked to unmask the names of Trump associates for political reasons.", "\n\nThe 1992 rules were designed to make the release of congressional identities a rare exception, recognizing the separation of powers clause in the Constitution that created co-equal legislative, judiciary and executive branches in U.S. government, officials told The Hill. ", "The rules also included a commitment that Congress in most cases be notified if one of its lawmakers or staff was unmasked by the intelligence community, according to a copy of the memo made public on the DNI’s web site. ", "Gates wrote in his memo that he would “resolve all close questions” in favor of notification.", "\n\nOfficials said the notification standards were left mostly intact by Clapper but actual practices inside intelligence agencies on who could seek and who could approve congressional unmaskings began evolving well before Clapper’s memo.", "\n\nThe DNI, for instance, took over from the CIA the approval process in the mid- to late 2000s, and intelligence analysts and intelligence community leaders expressed a need to more aggressively share the names of intercepted lawmakers or their aides to react to more complex threats, the officials said.", "\n\nBy 2013, Clapper wanted to memorialize the changes that had occurred in practice as a formal set of procedures that supplanted the Gates standards, according to Litt.", "\n\n“DNI Clapper very much wanted all ODNI processes to be documented in ODNI procedures rather than legacy CIA procedures,” Litt said\n\nClapper did not return a message seeking comment.", "\n\nLitt said by the time he drafted the 2013 rules, he did not believe he was changing policy, because the procedures had been evolving for years.", "\n\n“We believed we were formalizing simply what we had inherited,” he explained.", "\n\nBut Clapper’s March 29, 2013, memo to all spy agencies showed just how far the intelligence community’s protections of congressional privacy had changed from the 1992 Gates standard.", "\n\nGone was the \"last resort\" language from 1992 that mandated a congressional unmasking could occur only if the need “cannot be satisfied in any other fashion.”", "\n\nThe new guidance also empowered intelligence agencies that intercepted information from or about a congressional employee without a warrant to ask the DNI to unmask the name on their own — without a request from leaders — before disseminating an intelligence report if they believed it was “necessary” for others to “understand and assess” the intelligence reports.", "\n\nSuch proactive unmasking language was not contained in the 1992 rules.", "\n\nLikewise, the old rules required written authorization from only the CIA director. ", "The new rules allowed the DNI’s chief lawyer to make the decision in most cases.", "\n\nOfficials stressed that the Gang of Eight leadership group in Congress — the House Speaker, House minority leader, Senate majority leader, Senate minority leader and the bipartisan heads of both chambers’ intelligence committees — were consulted about the changes in rules and routinely are alerted when a congressional identity has been unmasked.", "\n\nThe officials acknowledged, though, that it was possible rank-and-file members of Congress were not alerted to the changing privacy standard or instances when a congressional employee has been unmasked.", "\n\nOfficials said the rule changes came at a time when threats to members of Congress and their staffs were increasing, including increasingly aggressive hacking and counterintelligence efforts by foreign powers.", "\n\nThey declined to be more specific, though Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.), the chairman of the subcommittee overseeing Eurasia policy, recently acknowledged he received a warning from the intelligence community in 2012 that Russia was trying to “recruit” him as an influence agent.", "\n\nRohrabacher also recently parted ways with his top staffer on the subcommittee because of concerns about Russian efforts to influence the panel.", "\n\nThe Clapper memo reflected other significant changes from the Gates procedures.", "\n\nFor instance, the 1992 rules exempted the president, vice president, the secretaries of Defense and State and the president’s national security adviser as the only executive branch officials who could request an unmasked congressional identity without first getting written approval from the CIA director.", "\n\nClapper’s procedures expanded that circle of exempted officials to include “the senior deputies and senior advisors for these named principles,” meaning, for instance, Obama’s deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes could request congressional unmaskings on behalf of Rice, his boss, as could the deputies and senior advisers to Secretary of State John Kerry John Forbes KerryThe Memo: Warning signs flash for Trump on debates Divided country, divided church TV ads favored Biden 2-1 in past month MORE and Defense Secretaries Ash Carter and Chuck Hagel Charles (Chuck) Timothy HagelWhile our foes deploy hypersonic weapons, Washington debates about funding Hillicon Valley: Democrats request counterintelligence briefing | New pressure for election funding | Republicans urge retaliation against Chinese hackers National security leaders, advocacy groups urge Congress to send election funds to states MORE.", "\n\nClapper’s rule did, however, put a limitation on the expanded circle of executive branch officials who could unmask without going through the normal procedures. ", "It did so by declaring “the dissemination of Congressional identities to these named principles pursuant to a special request does not authorize further dissemination of that information within the principles department or agency.”", "\n\nAn intelligence official directly familiar with the 2013 rules told the Hill, “We understood we were more than doubling the universe of those who could make special requests outside the normal de-minimization process and that language was added to ensure we did not accidentally create downstream leaking of information.”", "\n\nIf a special requestor wanted to share the unmasked congressional names more widely throughout their agency, they had to submit a “routine request” through the normal DNI channels to get permission, the new rules stated." ]
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"recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 9707 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 10252, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 10248 } ]
[ "Setting up blue-green deployment for your application in AWS ECS using Code Pipeline\n\n140 Views\n\nLet's assume that you have a Node.js application deployed on AWS ECS. ", "In this post, we will guide you through the process of adding a continuous integration workflow to that app using AWS Code Pipeline- with zero downtime. ", "Since we are talking about ECS, the Node.js application will be containerised and running inside a docker environment fronted by the Elastic Load Balancer." ]
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[ "Against green capitalism, in defense of ecological reintegration of man\n\nI would like you to engage in a small thought experiment. ", "Let us imagine we live in a small tribe on a forested island, that produces saws from trees. ", "The trees are then used to produce new saws. ", "The saws are relatively brittle and can chop down just ten trees, before it breaks down and a new one has to be produced.", "\n\nWe will estimate that it takes five trees to make a saw. ", "Four trees are used to melt the iron that’s used for the blade, one tree is used to produce the handle for the saw. ", "The other five trees that a saw can chop down are used by the tribe, to repair the huts they live in and to make a fire that’s used to cook food.", "\n\nSo far, the tribe can sustain its activities. ", "It chops down ten trees, uses five of those to make a new saw, then uses five trees to repair its huts and cook food. ", "What this means is that the tribe can continue to chop down trees, as long as there are trees. ", "The destruction continues unabated, until there is nothing left to destroy.", "\n\nBut now, let us presume that there are different types of trees to exploit for our tribe. ", "The trees our tribe is familiar with are known as “good trees”, there are a hundred of them left on their island. ", "There are also sick trees, that are sometimes rotten on the inside. ", "There are fifty of them. ", "One out of ten sick trees is too full of rotten wood to use, despite taking just as much effort to chop down.", "\n\nIn addition to the sick trees, there are fifty oak trees. ", "Oak trees are sacred to our tribe, so they don’t cut them down. ", "Their wood is also so hard, that a saw that attempts to chop down such trees can only chop down eight of them, before it breaks down.", "\n\nWhat happens when our tribe runs out of good trees? ", "Our tribe decides to cut down sick trees. ", "Our tribe is lucky, until it cuts down the tenth sick tree, whose wood is so degraded that it’s effectively useless. ", "Now the tribe is left with nine trees. ", "It uses five of them to prepare food to avoid starvation, then it has four trees left to produce a new saw. ", "It uses four of them to melt iron, but now is left without any tree to use for the handle. ", "The tribe can’t cut down any more trees and their society falls apart.", "\n\nBut now, let’s presume that after fifty good tribes have been cut down, someone comes up with a mechanism by which the tribe can use just four trees for cooking and repairing homes. ", "A little mound of dirt around the bowl ensures that less heat is lost to the environment and the water cooks faster. ", "The member of the tribe, who hoped to reduce his tribe’s reliance on wood, is treated as a hero.", "\n\nBut what happens? ", "Instead of collapsing after the good trees have been destroyed, the tribe can continue its destructive orgy on the island, chopping down fifty sick trees as well. ", "After all, although the pace at which good trees are chopped down may have slowed down, the sick trees became a viable resource to exploit as well.", "\n\nSimilarly, if our tribe discovered some technique to use three trees to melt the iron, the tribe would eventually be faced with the question of whether it should chop down its sacred oak trees or accept starvation and perish. ", "Quite clearly, the sacred oak trees would be lost.", "\n\nWhat we see here is Jevon’s paradox. ", "More efficient use of a resource means that more of the resource will be used. ", "This was first observed with coal use in Victorian era England. ", "This is in complete contrast to what we think happens. ", "For environmental considerations, we drive our cars less, eat less meat, stop drinking bottled water and stop heating our homes. ", "We use our resources more efficiently and waste less of them. ", "If Jevon’s paradox applies here too, our attempt to save our environment would merely mean increased destruction.", "\n\nLet’s return to our island. ", "One of our tribe’s elders has made some calculations. ", "She estimates that if more than sixty percent of the island’s trees are lost, the wind would be so hard that the other forty percent would eventually fall during storms. ", "With all trees gone, the wind will blow the fertile soil away, the island would become a barren rock and all life on the island would perish, including our villagers.", "\n\nWhat does our tribe’s elder recommend? ", "If she is ignorant, she would insist that the tribe has to build mounds around the cooking bowl, to ensure that the rate of trees lost is reduced by ten percent. ", "This ensures that our tribe buys itself some time, but eventually begins to exploit the sick trees too.", "\n\nBut what if our tribal elder is wise? ", "Our tribal elder tells the villagers who are cooking food to sacrifice some food to the Gods. ", "The villagers now have to cook more food. ", "Six trees are used in the process. ", "Just four trees are now left for those who have to produce a new saw. ", "Those tasked with producing the new saw fail to carry out their task. ", "The tribe can no longer continue to chop down trees.", "\n\nNow that its unsustainable lifestyle has been destroyed, the tribe is faced with a crisis. ", "This crisis is likely to be painful, but the earlier the crisis struck, the more trees were left on the island. ", "This means that whatever transition the tribe will have to make will hopefully go smoother. ", "An island with more trees should typically sustain more villagers.", "\n\nSo, as an analogy, perhaps if you really want to help avoid global warming, the best solution is not to ride a bus, but to buy an SUV. ", "Of course, this is not sufficient to persuade you. ", "The question you have to ask yourself however is as following: Do you live frugally because you think this will genuinely address climate change, or do you live frugally because it appeals to you at a deeper, guttural level?", "\n\nLiving frugally allows you to feel as if you are not morally complicit in the destruction. ", "In addition, it allowed your ancestors to perform tasks more efficiently than a competing tribe. ", "A frugal tribe that can feed ten people with a plot of land can typically conquer the land of a tribe that can feed just five people with a similar plot of land.", "\n\nSo what are you supposed to do with this information? ", "Are you supposed to swap your bicycle for an SUV? ", "This is not the point I am arguing. ", "Rather, my point is that mainstream environmentalism is unlikely to address our crisis. ", "Instead, a more radical and pervasive critique of the totality that we have come to inhabit is necessary.", "\n\nIf the impact we have on our environment is bad, the solution is not to be less wasteful in the processes we carry out. ", "Rather, the processes we carry out have to be rejected altogether and exchanged for processes that serve to enrich life, rather than to function as a burden on life. ", "This is in fact what non-human organisms do.", "\n\nAll organisms have an ecological niche, through which they help other lifeforms thrive. ", "Just like us, a beaver chops down a tree to build a bed for itself, but rather than building suburban neighborhoods with sterilized grass lawns and enormous parking lots to house the beds in, the beaver’s dam provides a habitat for young fish. ", "In addition, the bacteria that can thrive at the bottom of the beaver dam break down pesticides and remove excessive nutrients from the stream.", "\n\nWhat does it mean for us humans? ", "One outcome of this strain of thinking is to reconsider our role within our environment. ", "In what way can we sustain ourselves while serving to enrich life and help other species thrive? ", "Through permaculture principles it’s possible to restore degraded soils and restore life to a damaged environment.", "\n\nWhen large mammals that once inhabited the rainforests are gone, it’s clear that humans can play a meaningful biological role there. ", "This requires us to integrate into our environment, rather than to transform our environment to suit our wishes. ", "This is the difference between hunter-gatherers and industrial civilization. ", "Tribes that inhabit the rainforest can play a meaningful ecological role, as long as they do not have access to destructive modern technologies.", "\n\nSo what can humans in industrial civilization do? ", "We could stop the practice of bottom trawling, which was actually illegal in medieval times. ", "Instead we could build artificial coral reefs in the ocean and restore oyster reefs. ", "We could abandon tillage and transition to regenerative agriculture.", "\n\nIn addition to this, we could reimplement trade barriers and rely on locally produced food, whose seeds can be reused in their native environment. ", "This would encourage people to reintegrate into their native environment. ", "Free trade, globalization and supranationalism are hugely prohibitive to this goal. ", "It encourages migration of people into cities and foreign countries, away from lands with which they have a natural relationship. ", "It also replaces an organic sense of belonging with a spiritual emptiness that is medicated through consumerism and greed.", "\n\nI am quite convinced that people can intuitively understand what a healthy environment looks like. ", "The problem we face is not preordained, but rather, a consequence of the fundamental values of our culture, which favors isolation of mankind from nature over reintegration. ", "To put it bluntly, this culture teaches men that the goal in life for them to aspire to is to occupy some petty paper-pushing position in an office, rather than to stick their hands into the soil and become part of the living natural world. ", "Catastrophe is a choice we make.", "\n\nI’d say that Scotland and Denmark would be worth looking into. ", "Climate and culture are somewhat similar to Holland, but population density is lower.", "\n\nHolland could quite possibly be the worst place to live in right now, if you’re planning on surviving the collapse of civilization that is. ", "If you’re hoping to witness utter chaos on the other hand, Holland is a fine place to move to." ]
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[ "---\nabstract: |\n We simulate the evolution of binary systems with a massive primary star of $15 M_\\odot$ where we introduce an enhanced mass loss due to jets that the secondary star might launch, and find that in many cases the enhanced mass loss brings the binary system to experience the grazing envelope evolution (GEE) and form a progenitor of Type IIb supernova (SN IIb). ", "The jets, the Roche lobe overflow (RLOF), and a final stellar wind remove most of the hydrogen-rich envelope, leaving a blue-compact SN IIb progenitor. ", "In many cases without this jet-driven mass loss the system enters a common envelope evolution (CEE) and does not form a SN IIb progenitor. ", "We use the stellar evolutionary code <span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">MESA binary</span> and mimic the jet-driven mass loss with a simple prescription and some free parameters. ", "Our results show that the jet-driven mass loss, that some systems have during the GEE, increases the parameter space for stellar binary systems to form SN IIb progenitors. ", "We estimate that the binary evolution channel with GEE contributes about a quarter of all SNe IIb, about equal to the contribution of each of the other three channels, binary evolution without a GEE, fatal CEE (where the secondary star merges with the core of the giant primary star), and the single star channel.\\\n *Key words:* stars: jets — stars: supernovae: general — binaries: close — accretion disks\nauthor:\n- |\n Binyamin V. Naiman$^{1}$ Efrat Sabach$^{1}$[^1], Avishai Gilkis$^{2}$[^2], Noam Soker$^{1,3}$[^3]\\\n $^{1}$ Department of Physics, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 3200003, Israel\\\n $^{2}$ Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0HA, UK\\\n $^{3}$ Guangdong Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Shantou, Guangdong Province 515069, China\n- 'Binyamin V. Naiman, Efrat Sabach, Avishai Gilkis & Noam Soker'\ntitle:\n- '[[Type IIb supernovae by the grazing envelope evolution]{}]{}'\n- '[[Type IIb supernovae by the grazing envelope evolution]{}]{}'\n---\n\n\\[firstpage\\]\n\nstars: jets — stars: supernovae: general — binaries: close — accretion disks\n\nINTRODUCTION {#sec:intro}\n============\n\nType IIb supernovae (SNe IIb) {#subsec:SNIIb}\n-----------------------------\n\nSupernovae IIb (SNe IIb) are classified as core collapse supernovae (CCSNe) that have strong hydrogen lines at early times, days after explosion, which later substantially weaken and even disappear. ", "The weakening of the hydrogen lines results from a low mass hydrogen-rich envelope of the SN IIb progenitor. ", "This behaviour implies that the progenitor of the CCSN has a very small hydrogen mass at the time of explosion, $M_{\\rm H} \\simeq 0.03-0.5 M_\\odot$ (e.g., @Woosleyetal1994 [@Meynetetal2015; @Yoonetal2017]). ", "In their population synthesis study [@Sravanetal2018] take the hydrogen-rich envelope of the progenitor at the onset of explosion to have a mass of $0.01 M_\\odot \\le M_{\\rm H,env} \\le 1 M_\\odot$.\n\nSNe IIb amount to about $f_{\\rm IIb} \\simeq 11 \\%$ of all CCSNe [@Smithetal2011; @Shivversetal2017; @Grauretal2017b]. [", "@Grauretal2017b] find that the relative rates of SNe IIb do not depend much on the mass of their host galaxies. [", "@Sravanetal2018] take $f_{\\rm IIb,H} \\simeq 10-12 \\%$ in high metallicity stellar populations and $f_{\\rm IIb, L} \\simeq 20 \\%$ in low metallicity populations.", "\n\nThere is observational support for the binary scenario for the formation of SNe IIb. [", "@Kilpatricketal2017] fit a binary model for the progenitor of SN 2016gkg with an initial period of $P_i= 1000~$days, and initial stellar masses of $M_{1,i}=15M_\\odot$ and $M_{2,i}=1.5 M_\\odot$. The pre-explosion primary mass in their fitting is $M_{1,f}=5.2 M_\\odot$. [@Alderingetal1994] deduce from the photometry of the SN IIb 1993J that it better fits a binary progenitor, as suggested by [@Podsiadlowskietal1993]. [", "@Foxetal2014] argue that the flattened circumstellar matter around SN 1993J [@Mathesonetal2000] supports a binary progenitor. [", "@Fremlingetal2019] study the SN IIb ZTF18aalrxas, and find its hydrogen mass to be $\\approx 0.15 M_\\odot$, and argue that the zero age main sequence (ZAMS) mass of its progenitor was about $12 M_\\odot$. They further find massive CSM, and argue that only a binary interaction can explain all these properties. [", "@Soker2017] takes a mass loss in a flat disk or ring to support the grazing envelope evolution (GEE) route (section \\[subsec:GEE\\] below), as such a structure is found in Post-asymptotic giant branch intermediate binaries (post-AGBIBs; e.g., @Kastneretal2010 [@VanWinckel2017]), and the main sequence companion in some post-AGBIBs are observed to launch jets (e.g., @Wittetal2009 [@Gorlovaetal2012; @Thomasetal2013; @Gorlovaetal2015; @VanWinckel2017b]). ", "The companion orbits outside but close to the post AGB star.", "\n\n[@Claeys2011] who expand the work of [@StancliffeEldridge2009] find that binary evolution predicts only $\\approx 0.6 \\%$ of all CCSNe to be SN IIb, much lower than the observed fraction. ", "They could increase this fraction if they consider low angular momentum loss from the binary system and low accretion efficiencies by the companion, such that the specific angular momentum lost in the outflow is smaller than that of the binary system. [", "@OuchiMaeda2017] also share the conclusion of a large mass loss fraction. [", "@Soker2017] attributes the efficient mass removal from the binary system to jets that the companion star launches as it accretes mass from the SN progenitor. [", "@Soker2017] argues that the jets in the GEE scenario both remove mass from the primary stellar progenitor with relatively low specific angular momentum, and limit mass accretion onto the companion itself.", "\n\nIn their very recent population synthesis study [@Sravanetal2018] find that single and binary progenitors contribute about equally to the population of SNe IIb. ", "However, they fall short of explaining the rate of SNe IIb by a factor of more than 3 (also @Sravan2016). ", "Winds that are weaker than usually assumed remove less hydrogen-rich envelope gas after the end of the mass transfer process, and by that can reduce the discrepancy with observations [@Gilkisetal2019].", "\n\nThe main evolutionary channel that [@Sravanetal2018] consider is Roche lobe overflow (RLOF) mass transfer. ", "We assume that the vast majority, and possibly all, of SNe IIb are a result of binary interaction. ", "To boost the number of binary progenitors of SNe IIb we include two more evolutionary channels. ", "The first one is the GEE route, as proposed by [@Soker2017] and which is the subject of the present study. ", "The second evolutionary route is that where a main sequence companion ejects all the original hydrogen-rich envelope, and then is destroyed on to the core of the massive star. ", "The secondary star becomes the new low-mass hydrogen-rich envelope of the massive star [@Lohevetal2019]. [", "@Lohevetal2019] suggest this fatal common envelope evolution (FCEE) scenario to explain the SN IIb Cassiopeia A.\n\nA useful classification of SNe IIb progenitors is to extended progenitors (i.e., red supergiants @ChevalierSoderberg2010) and compact progenitors. [", "@Yoonetal2017] discuss blue progenitors, yellow supergiant progenitors, and red supergiant progenitors, and their formation via RLOF. ", "The first two groups are compact and have little hydrogen mass at explosion, $M_{\\rm H} \\la 0.15 M_\\odot$. The hydrogen mass at explosion of the red supergiant progenitors is $M_{\\rm H} \\ga 0.15M_\\odot$. Both stable and unstable mass transfer can form compact progenitors of SNe IIb, that make most of the SNe IIb. ", "The GEE cases that we simulate in the present study lead to the formation of blue-compact SN IIb progenitors, as post-GEE winds remove most of the hydrogen that is left after the GEE. [", "@Yoonetal2017] already noted that post-RLOF winds are efficient in removing most of the left-over hydrogen (see also @Gilkisetal2019). ", "Winds in higher metallicity populations are more efficient in removing mass, therefore leading to a higher ratio of SNe Ib to SNe IIb.", "\n\nBefore we turn to mimic the GEE in simulations, we briefly describe the basic properties of the GEE and the general motivation to introduce the GEE into binary stellar evolution. [", "@Soker2017] presents in more details some of the properties of the GEE that are relevant to the formation of SNe IIb.", "\n\nThe grazing envelope evolution (GEE) {#subsec:GEE}\n------------------------------------\n\nThere are several results that motivate the introduction of the GEE. (", "1) The observations of post-AGBIBs, where a secondary star is close but outside the envelope of a post-AGB star (e.g., @Manicketal2017 [@Oomenetal2018]) where traditional evolutionary calculations predict no binary systems (e.g., @Nieetal2012). (", "2) The observations that the companion in many post-AGBIBs launches jets, even wide jets (e.g., @Thomasetal2013). (", "3) The failure of most hydrodynamical simulations of the common envelope evolution (CEE) to eject the entire envelope in a consistent and persistent manner (e.g., @TaamRicker2010 [@DeMarcoetal2011; @Passyetal2012; @RickerTaam2012; @Nandezetal2014; @Ohlmannetal2016; @Staffetal2016MN8; @NandezIvanova2016; @Kuruwitaetal2016; @IvanovaNandez2016; @Iaconietal2017; @DeMarcoIzzard2017; @Galavizetal2017; @Chamandyetal2019; @Reichardtetal2019]). ", "These simulations might hint on the need for an extra energy source to eject the envelope.", "\n\nThe GEE posits that this extra energy source is the gravitational energy that is released by mass that the more compact companion accretes, and that jets carry this energy to the ambient gas (@Soker2016Rev for a review). [", "@BlackmanLucchini2014] suggest that the high momenta in bipolar planetary nebulae indicate that the companion can launch jets in a CEE. ", "From the theoretical side, the energy and the high entropy gas that the jets themselves can carry away from the accretion flow allows a high accretion rate (e.g., @Shiberetal2016 [@Staffetal2016MN; @Chamandyetal2018a]). ", "Without this energy removal the gas would build a high pressure zone near the accreting object. ", "Such a high pressure zone reduces the accretion rate (e.g. @RickerTaam2012 [@MacLeodRamirezRuiz2015]).", "\n\nIn the GEE jets that the more compact secondary star launches as it grazes the envelope of a giant star remove mass from the envelope [@SabachSoker2015; @Soker2015; @Shiberetal2017; @ShiberSoker2018; @LopezCamaraetal2019; @Shiberetal2019]. ", "The GEE occurs when the jets efficiently remove mass from the giant envelope near the orbit of the companion. ", "Such a mass removal can delay, and even prevent, the full CEE. ", "The interplay between mass loss, mass accretion, and mass removal by jets determines which one of these outcomes takes place. (", "1) The system enters a CEE. (", "2) The orbital separation substantially decreases as the binary system experiences the GEE. (", "3) The orbital separation does not change by much. (", "4) The orbital separation somewhat increases.", "\n\nWe would like to emphasise the differences between the GEE, that we propose as one of the main channels to form SN IIb progenitors, and the case of a RLOF that is usually discussed in the literature (section \\[subsec:SNIIb\\]). (", "1) In the RLOF process the gravity of the companion and the winds remove mass from the giant envelope. ", "Therefore, if the system loses synchronisation or if the giant expands further, the RLOF process by itself would not be able to prevent the system from entering a CEE. ", "In the GEE the extra energy source that the jets supply can remove more envelope mass and in some cases prevent the CEE. ", "The GEE, hence, substantially increases the parameter space for the formation of SNe IIb. (", "2) In the RLOF process most of the mass flows through the first Lagrangian point. ", "In the GEE the accretion process on to the companion is a combination of a RLOF and a Bondi-Hoyle-Lyttleton type accretion. (", "3) In the RLOF process the companion orbits well outside the giant envelope, while in the GEE the companion grazes the giant envelope. ", "We note that on average the orbital separation during the GEE can be smaller than the radius of the giant star since in the vicinity of the secondary star the jets remove envelope mass and the edge of the envelope at the secondary location is smaller.", "\n\nOur goal is to show that the GEE can increase the parameter space for the formation of SNe IIb. ", "Namely, to show that the jets of the GEE can prevent systems that otherwise would have entered a CEE from entering a CEE, and that the hydrogen mass at core collapse in some of these systems is that expected for SNe IIb. ", "In this, still preliminary, study we mimic the GEE by changing the parameters of mass transfer and mass loss with the <span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">mesa binary</span> code. ", "In section \\[sec:Mimicking\\] we describe our numerical scheme to mimic the GEE, and in section \\[sec:results\\] we present our results. ", "We summarise in section \\[sec:summary\\].", "\n\nMIMICKING THE GRAZING ENVELOPE EVOLUTION {#sec:Mimicking}\n========================================\n\nWe use the <span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">binary</span> module of the <span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">mesa</span> code (Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics, version 10398; @Paxtonetal2011 [@Paxtonetal2013; @Paxtonetal2015; @Paxtonetal2018]) to follow the evolution of binary systems. ", "Since our goal is to demonstrate that the GEE can extend the binary parameter space for the formation of SNe IIb, we limit the study to a small number of cases and to circular orbits. ", "We are not yet in a stage that allows us to explore the absolute number of SNe IIb that result from the GEE channel, because we did not converge yet on the exact scheme to use for jet-driven mass loss. ", "This is the second study of the GEE with <span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">mesa binary</span>, and we differ quite a lot from the scheme used in the first study with <span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">mesa binary</span> [@AbuBackeretal2018].", "\n\nWe evolve a binary system starting with two main sequence stars of ZAMS masses of $M_{1,0}=15 M_\\odot$ (the primary mass donor star) and a secondary star with an initial mass of $M_{2,0}=2.5 M_\\odot$ in most cases, while in some cases $M_{2,0}=2.0 M_\\odot$ and $M_{2,0}=3.0 M_\\odot$. The initial metallicity of the primary star is $Z=0.019$ and its initial rotation velocity is zero. ", "We treat the secondary star as a point mass and do not follow its evolution or change of structure as a result of mass accretion (see @AbuBackeretal2018). ", "We set the initial orbital separation to be in the range of $a=800-1200 R_\\odot$.\n\nThe system evolves according to mass loss, mass transfer, and tidal interaction (from @Hut1981, with the timescales of @Hurley2002 for convective envelopes). ", "These interactions can spin-up the primary star. ", "In that case the numerical code treats rotation according to the ‘shellular approximation’, where the angular velocity $\\omega$ is assumed to be constant for isobars (e.g., @Meynet1997).", "\n\nIf the stars achieve contact, i.e., the separation equals the sum of their radii, $$a=R_1+R_2, \n\\label{eq:aR1R2}$$ where in our simulations here $R_2=0$, in most cases we terminate evolution. ", "In some runs this condition is never met, and the evolution is terminated when the primary star almost reaches core collapse. ", "In some cases we do follow the system after the companion enters the envelope of the giant star, i.e., the system enters a CEE, although the calculation is much less accurate in that case. ", "When the companion enters the envelope the simple tidal formulae do not hold any more as the envelope is highly distorted (see simulations cited in section \\[subsec:GEE\\]). ", "As well, the accretion processes involves now the Bondi-Hoyle-Lyttleton type flow, and the formulae of the RLOF are not accurate.", "\n\nIn some simulations we do not introduce jets even when the two stars enter a CEE. ", "These serve for comparison. ", "In other cases we do introduce jets according to the assumption of the GEE (section \\[subsec:GEE\\]). ", "In both classes of simulations the mass transfer rate due to RLOF, $\\dot M_{\\rm KR}$, is according to [@Kolb1990]. ", "In most cases we assume that only a fraction $f_{\\rm acc,RL}=0.3$ of this mass is accreted, and the rest is lost by the system, a fraction of $f_{\\rm L,RL,1}=0$ is lost from the primary giant star, and a fraction of $f_{\\rm L,RL,2}=0.7$ is lost by the secondary (mass accreting) star. ", "The relation $f_{\\rm acc,RL} + f_{\\rm L,RL,1}+f_{\\rm L,RL,2}=1$ holds. ", "In two runs that we present in section \\[subsec:Cases\\] we take $f_{\\rm acc,RL}=1$.\n\nJets that the secondary star launches remove mass, according to our assumption, from the primary envelope and from the acceleration zone of its wind. ", "We assume that jets remove mass when the orbital separation is $$a<f_\\mathrm{GEE} \\left(R_1+R_2\\right),\n\\label{eq:fGEE}$$ where here $R_2=0$, and $f_\\mathrm{GEE}$ is the jet-activity separation factor for which we take values of $f_\\mathrm{GEE}=1.1- 1.5$ in the different runs. ", "When the condition of equation (\\[eq:fGEE\\]) is met, then in addition to the mass transfer $\\dot{M}_{\\rm KR}$ and mass loss rates of $f_{\\rm L,RL,1}\\dot M_{\\rm KR}$ and $f_{\\rm L,RL,2}\\dot M_{\\rm KR}$ from the primary and secondary stars, respectively, we include extra mass loss resulting from the effect of the assumed jets. ", "The expression for the total jet-driven mass loss rate is $$\\dot M_{\\rm L,jet} = f_{\\rm jet} \\dot M_{\\rm KR} \n\\frac{f_\\mathrm{GEE} - a/R_1} {f_\\mathrm{GEE} - 1} ; \n\\quad \\frac {a}{R_1}<f_{\\rm GEE}, \n\\label{eq:MLJ1}$$ where $f_{\\rm jet}$ is the jet-driven mass loss factor, and we calculate cases with $f_{\\rm jet}=2$ or $f_{\\rm jet}=4$. Half of the mass loss due to jets is from the giant primary star and half from the secondary star.", "\n\nWe take these values for $f_{\\rm jet}$ from the following consideration. ", "The secondary star accretes at a rate of $\\dot M_{2\\rm , acc}=f_{\\rm acc,RL} \\dot M_{\\rm KR}$, in our simulations. ", "We assume that the secondary launches a fraction of $\\eta_j \\approx 0.2$ of the accreted mass in jets, and that the jets have a velocity of about the escape velocity from the secondary star, $v_j \\simeq 700 {{~\\rm km}}{{~\\rm s}}^{-1}$. The escape velocity from the surface of the giant star in our simulations at the relevant time is $v_1 \\simeq 100 {{~\\rm km}}{{~\\rm s}}^{-1}$. For a maximum efficiency of energy conversion from jets to envelope removal, the jets can remove a mass at a rate of $\\dot M_{\\rm rem} \\approx \\eta_j (v_j/v_1)^2 f_{\\rm acc,RL} \\dot M_{\\rm KR}$, which we can scale to read $$\\frac{ \\dot M_{\\rm rem}}{\\dot M_{\\rm KR}} \\approx 3\n\\left( \\frac{\\eta_j}{0.2} \\right) \n\\left( \\frac{f_{\\rm acc,RL}}{0.3} \\right)\n\\left( \\frac{v_j}{7v_1} \\right)^2 .", "\n\\label{eq:fjet}$$ This corresponds to $f_{\\rm jet} \\approx 3$ when the mass removal occurs for $a=R_1$. The highest mass removal by jets that equation (\\[eq:MLJ1\\]) gives is when the secondary enters the giant envelope. ", "At that stage the interaction becomes more complicated and the efficiency might increase even more (section \\[subsec:Cases\\]).", "\n\nWe found that we need to reduce the time step when the jet activity begins. ", "We did so by setting the <span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">mesa</span> variable `varcontrol‘_target` to $10^{-5}$ (instead of the default value, $10^{-4}$).", "\n\nThe scheme for mass loss by winds follows [@deJager1988] when the effective surface temperature $T_\\mathrm{eff}$ is below $10^4\\,\\mathrm{K}$. For hot phases ($T_\\mathrm{eff} \\ge 1.1 \\times 10^4 \\,\\mathrm{K}$) we follow [@Vink2001] if the surface hydrogen mass fraction $X_\\mathrm{s}$ is above $0.4$ or [@Vink2017] when $X_\\mathrm{s} \\le 0.4$. For $1.1\\times 10^4\\,\\mathrm{K}>T_\\mathrm{eff} > 10^4\\,\\mathrm{K}$ we interpolate.", "\n\nRESULTS {#sec:results}\n=======\n\nPreventing the CEE and forming SNe IIb {#subsec:prevent}\n--------------------------------------\n\nOur aim in this subsection is to show that under the assumptions of the GEE, in some cases jets might prevent the system from entering a CEE and by that form a progenitor of a SN IIb. ", "For that we present the evolution of the orbital separation and masses of a binary system in two cases. ", "In one case we ignore any effects of jets and find that the system enters a CEE. ", "In the other case we introduce an enhanced mass loss rate by jets according to the assumptions of the GEE, and find that the system does not enter a CEE, and that the primary star reaches core collapse when its hydrogen content is that of a SN IIb.", "\n\nWe first present the evolution of a binary system with an initial circular orbit with a radius of $a_0=1000 R_\\odot$, and initial masses of $M_{1,0}=15 M_\\odot$ and $M_{2,0}=2.5 M_\\odot$. The primary starts with no rotation. ", "In run Jet($a_0,f_{\\rm GEE},f_{\\rm jet}$)=Jet(1000,1.2,4) we turn on the jets according to equation (\\[eq:MLJ1\\]) with $f_{\\rm GEE}=1.2$ and $f_{\\rm jet}=4$. In run NoJet(1000) we do not consider jets. ", "In section \\[sec:Mimicking\\] we list the other parameters of the simulations. ", "In all runs presented in sections \\[subsec:prevent\\] and \\[subsec:Numerical\\] $f_{\\rm acc,RL}=0.3$, i.e., the secondary star accretes $30\\%$ of the mass that the primary star transfers to it in the RLOF process.", "\n\nWe present the evolution of the masses and of the orbital separation with time for the two cases in Fig. ", "\\[fig:Jet1000p1n2p4Ev\\]. ", "To present the entire evolution on one graph, we split the horizontal time axis to three segments, each of a different timescale. ", "Initially the stars have a weak interaction between them and the orbital separation does not change much. ", "At about $t=1.213675 \\times 10^7 {{~\\rm yr}}$, the ratio $R_1/a$ becomes large enough for tidal interaction to act fast. ", "Tidal forces transfer orbital angular momentum to the spin of the giant star, and the orbital separation rapidly decreases. ", "Without jets the system enters a CEE as we mark on the figure, where we terminate the evolution (end of thick-red and thick-green lines). ", "In the case with jets, as depicted by the thin-black lines, the system does not enter a CEE, and the two stars are detached at explosion (end of graph). ", "Although the jets are active for only four years (thick magenta line on the middle horizontal axis) they manage to prevent the CEE (more in section \\[subsec:Numerical\\]).", "\n\n-2.0 cm\n\nThe jets prevent the CEE by removing mass from the system (section \\[sec:Mimicking\\]), a process that acts to increase the orbital separation. ", "If the ratio of orbital separation to primary (giant) radius, $a/R_1$, increases, the effect of the jets decreases (equation \\[eq:MLJ1\\]) and tidal forces decrease back this ratio. ", "If the ratio $a/R_1$ decreases then the mass removal rate by jets increases, a process that acts to increase orbital separation. ", "The outcome, as the GEE requires [@Soker2015], is that the orbital separation and primary radius are very close to each other during the GEE, as we see in the upper panel of Fig. ", "\\[fig:Jet1000p1n2p4Ev\\] in the last part of the middle time segment. ", "During part of this time jets are active, and in the rest the RLOF keeps the orbital separation and primary radius such that they evolve close to each other. ", "The final orbital separation is much smaller than the maximum radius the primary star has achieved.", "\n\nDuring the GEE the secondary star increases its mass, almost doubling it (thin blue line in the lower panel). ", "To prevent the expansion of the secondary star as a result of the high mass accretion, the jets must carry out large amounts of energy and to remove high entropy gas from the vicinity of the secondary star [@Shiberetal2016; @Chamandyetal2018a]. ", "As [@AbuBackeretal2018] already noted, the rotation of the accreting star (which we do not treat here) complicates the accretion process (e.g., @Kunitomoetal2017). ", "This process deserves its own study, but at present we note the following (see also also @AbuBackeretal2018). ", "Any large envelope that the secondary star might inflate will have high entropy. ", "The jets will remove a large fraction of this envelope, i.e., the jets will remove high entropy gas that will limit the expansion of the envelope of the secondary star. ", "Also, it is possible that the dense accretion disk allows the envelope to inflate along the polar directions, but the accretion process through the dense thin accretion disk continues, and therefore the jets are still active. ", "In any case, for our results to hold, it will be necessary to show by simulating the accretion process, that main sequence stars in the mass range $\\approx 1.5-3 M_\\odot$ can double their mass and still launch energetic jets.", "\n\nAfter the jets activity (the GEE) ends, the system continues to interact via RLOF. ", "This is seen in Fig. ", "\\[fig:Jet1000p1n2p4Ev\\] by the changing stellar masses that continues after the GEE ends. ", "At the end it is only the wind that removes part of the left-over envelope of the primary star. ", "The main activity of the GEE is to prevent the CEE, and by that allowing the formation of a SN IIb progenitor. ", "At the end of the GEE the hydrogen mass is $M_{\\rm GEE,H}=4.3 M_\\odot$, at the end of the final RLOF the hydrogen mass is $M_{\\rm RLOF,H}= 0.256 M_\\odot$, while at core collapse it is $M_{\\rm CCSN,H}= 0.058 M_\\odot$, fitting a SN IIb progenitor. ", "In Fig. ", "\\[fig:Jet1000p1n2p4HR\\] we present the evolution of the primary star of the Jet(1000,1.2,4) case on the HR diagram, from the main sequence to core collapse. ", "The period during which the jets are active, i.e., the GEE, is mark by a thick-red line. ", "As evident from both Fig. ", "\\[fig:Jet1000p1n2p4Ev\\] and Fig. ", "\\[fig:Jet1000p1n2p4HR\\] the SN IIb we obtain here is a blue-compact progenitor (a radius of about $16 R_\\odot$) as are most progenitors of SNe IIb (e.g., @Yoonetal2017).", "\n\n-0.0 cm\n\nNumerical limitations {#subsec:Numerical}\n---------------------\n\nThere are several numerical limitations in our usage of the <span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">mesa binary</span> code in relation to mimicking the GEE. ", "The two main problems are the large number of free parameters and the problem in dealing with systems that enter the CEE.", "\n\nThe GEE is a complicated interaction. ", "We here mimic the role of the jets with several free parameters. ", "These are the form of equation (\\[eq:MLJ1\\]), the intensity $f_{\\rm jet}$, the initial orbital separation of jet activity $R_1 f_{\\rm GEE}$, and the fraction of mass that is lost from each star (here we use half from each star). ", "In addition, there are also the parameters of the RLOF, e.g., $f_{\\rm acc,RL}$. As we have no good handle of these parameters, it is too early to conduct a systematic study of the parameter space.", "\n\nThe other problem is that the code does not handle well the evolution after the system enters the CEE, and it becomes almost impossible to include our mimicking of the GEE when the secondary star enters the envelope (for that we need full 3D hydrodynamical simulations). ", "We actually expect that in many cases when the secondary star does enter the CEE, the jets, or even the RLOF itself, will be very efficient at removing mass [@Shiberetal2017; @ShiberSoker2018; @LopezCamaraetal2019; @Shiberetal2019] and in some cases the system will exit the CEE and will experience the GEE. ", "This is particularly so when the primary rapidly expands and engulfs the secondary star, because in that case the very outer envelope is of very low density. ", "Although in the case we present in section \\[subsec:prevent\\] the jets are active only for 4 years, in reality we expect a longer activity while the secondary star enters the very outskirts of the giant envelope (see simulations cited above).", "\n\nIn many cases when we turn on the jets they remove mass from the giant primary star, something that causes the primary star to expand and swallow the secondary star. ", "In most cases we terminate the simulation at this stage for numerical reasons. ", "But as stated, we actually expect the system to experience the GEE along part of the evolution. ", "Some of these binary systems will end with an orbital separation much smaller than the maximum radius that the primary star has achieved along it evolution, similarly to the case we present in Fig. ", "\\[fig:Jet1000p1n2p4Ev\\].", "\n\nBecause <span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">mesa binary</span> cannot properly treat the CEE, namely the evolution of the secondary star inside the giant envelope, we terminate most simulations when the system does enter a CEE. ", "Nonetheless, we do present here in Fig. ", "\\[fig:Jet1000p1n1p4Ev\\] the evolution of two cases, one with and one without jets, where the system does enter the CEE and then exits the CEE. ", "We take a case, which we term Jet(1000,1.1,4), where we start the jets late when $a<1.1 R_1$, i.e., $f_{\\rm GEE}=1.1$ in equation (\\[eq:MLJ1\\]). ", "All other parameters are as in the Jet(1000,1.2,4) case that we present in section \\[subsec:prevent\\] and in Fig. ", "\\[fig:Jet1000p1n2p4Ev\\]. ", "The case without jets is the same as the NoJet(1000) case that we present there. ", "The results of these runs should be taken with very great caution because <span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">mesa binary</span> cannot properly treat the CEE. ", "However, we do expect that in the GEE the system can get in and out of the CEE, and so the qualitative behaviour might hold, at least for the case with jets [@Soker2017].", "\n\n-2.0 cm\n\nThe main results of these runs as evident from Fig. ", "\\[fig:Jet1000p1n1p4Ev\\] are that the system can remove enough mass to cause the primary star to shrink and cause the system to detach, i.e., exit the CEE, and eventually form a SN IIb progenitor. ", "In the case without jets the secondary gets deeper into the envelope (compare thick-green line of primary radius and thick-red line of orbital separation), while in the case with jets the secondary only grazes the envelope at four time periods owing to four expansions of the primary star (compare thin-blue line of primary radius and thin-black line of orbital separation). ", "This behaviour of several in-and-out phases is expected in some cases of the GEE. ", "In both cases the hydrogen mass at core collapse is $M_{\\rm CCSN,H}= 0.058 M_\\odot$, fitting a SN IIb progenitor. ", "This graph, however, presents another numerical limitation of the scheme we use to mimic the GEE with <span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">mesa binary</span>. ", "The orbital period of the binary system we use here is $P_{\\rm orb}\\simeq 0.86 (a/500)^{3/2} {{~\\rm yr}}$, where $a$ is the orbital separation. ", "We can see that the phases of the GEE last each for about $t_{\\rm GEE} \\approx 1~$month, much shorter than the orbital period. ", "The code treats the primary star as a spherical star, which cannot be the case when $t_{\\rm GEE}< P_{\\rm orb}$. This is another reason to treat these results with much caution.", "\n\nWe summarise this section as follows. ", "Although the results are very crude for the reasons we listed above, they do suggest that some systems might enter a CEE but then exit the CEE and by RLOF and wind mass removal form SN IIb progenitors. ", "Although the system in the present case exits the CEE and forms a SN IIb progenitor even without assuming the operation of jets, the jets seem to ease this processes. ", "Our results strengthen the case for an evolution route where some binary systems enter a CEE, but exit from it to form blue-compact SN IIb progenitors.", "\n\nOther cases {#subsec:Cases}\n-----------\n\nWe did not conduct a systematic search of the parameter space (see section \\[subsec:Numerical\\]). ", "However, we did try about 120 cases with and without jets. ", "For the prescription we use with <span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">mesa binary</span> and with the jets-induced mass removal according to equation (\\[eq:MLJ1\\]) we have some interesting findings that we describe below, comparing to the Jet(1000,1.2,4), Jet(1000,1.1,4) and NoJet(1000) cases that we present in sections \\[subsec:prevent\\] and \\[subsec:Numerical\\].", "\n\nIf we turn on the jets somewhat earlier than at $a=1.2 R_1$ (i.e., $f_{\\rm GEE} > 1.2$) the results do not change much. ", "The jets are active for somewhat a longer time, e.g., about 10-20 years for $f_{\\rm GEE}=1.4-1.5$. The star ends with a hydrogen mass at core collapse that is similar to the Jet(1000,1.2,4) case that we present in section \\[subsec:prevent\\].", "\n\nIn the Jet(1000,1.1,4) case that we present in section \\[subsec:Numerical\\] the primary expands as a result of mass removal by jets and for a very short time the system enters a CEE (Fig. ", "\\[fig:Jet1000p1n1p4Ev\\]). ", "If the jets are weaker, $f_{\\rm jet}=2$ instead of $f_{\\rm jet}=4$ in run Jet(1000,1.1,4) then the primary expands less and the system avoids a CEE, and ends with a blue-compact SN IIb progenitor.", "\n\nThe same effect of rapid primary expansion in response to mass removal by jets occurs when we simulate a system with initial orbital separation of $a_0=1200 R_\\odot$ instead of $a_0=1000 R_\\odot$. The primary swallows the secondary and we terminate the simulation. ", "Here we also expect that the jets will remove mass even when the secondary is inside the outskirts of the primary envelope, and this case also leads to a SN IIb progenitor. ", "For a case with $a_0=800 R_\\odot$ the system does not enter a CEE even without jets because the RLOF starts earlier and removes enough primary mass to prevent CEE. ", "The RLOF followed by the wind, without any jets, reduce the hydrogen mass in the primary star and this leads to the formation of a blue-compact SN IIb progenitor.", "\n\nWe find also that for a secondary mass of $M_2=3M_\\odot$ instead of $M_2=2.5M_\\odot$ in the cases that we present in Figs. ", "\\[fig:Jet1000p1n2p4Ev\\]-\\[fig:Jet1000p1n1p4Ev\\], even without jets the system avoids a CEE and the RLOF and the later wind remove enough mass to form a blue-compact SN IIb progenitor.", "\n\nIn a case with $M_2=2M_\\odot$ the evolution to a blue-compact SN IIb progenitor is different. ", "In Fig. ", "\\[fig:Jet1000p1n5p4EvM2F\\] we present the strong interaction time period of the Jet(1000,1.1,4,\\[2,1\\]) case, where $a_0=1000 R_\\odot$, $f_{\\rm GEE}=1.1$ (late jet interaction), $f_{\\rm jet}=4$, as in the Jet(1000,1.1,4) case we present in Fig. ", "\\[fig:Jet1000p1n1p4Ev\\], but here the secondary mass is $M_2=2M_\\odot$ instead of $2.5 M_\\odot$ as in the other figures, and the fraction of the RLOF mass that the secondary star accretes is $f_{\\rm acc,RL}= 1$, instead of $f_{\\rm acc,RL}= 0.3$ as in all other cases. ", "We also present the case without jets.", "\n\n-2.0 cm\n\nWe note the following behaviour in Fig. ", "\\[fig:Jet1000p1n5p4EvM2F\\]. ", "The jets remove mass from the primary star and this causes its expansion and the early formation of a CEE (thin lines in the figure), i.e., earlier than the case without jets (thick lines). ", "Both in the case with and without jets the initial spiralling-in takes place on a dynamical time of several months, in what is termed the plunge-in phase of the CEE (e.g., @Ivanovaetal2013, for a review). ", "Without jets the system continues with the CEE until we terminate the evolution. ", "In the case with jets, on the other hand, the jets remove enough mass and the system exits the CEE and starts a GEE, and then ends with mass removal only by the wind. ", "At core collapse the hydrogen mass is $M_{\\rm MCCSN,H}=0.062 M_\\odot$. Namely, in the case with jets the system experiences the GEE and leaves a SN IIb progenitor.", "\n\nFor the reasons we discuss in section \\[subsec:Numerical\\], we should take with caution the results we present in Fig. ", "\\[fig:Jet1000p1n5p4EvM2F\\]. ", "These reasons include large variations on time-scales shorter or about equal to the dynamical time scale, the inability of the code to treat a non-spherical giant star, and the inaccuracy in the accretion rate when the system enters a CEE. ", "The mass removal rate with jets does however make sense under our assumptions. ", "For $f_{\\rm acc,RL}= 1$ equation (\\[eq:fjet\\]) gives for the ratio of mass removal rate to mass transfer rate a value of of 10. ", "The maximum ratio we obtain in the Jet(1000,1.1,4,\\[2,1\\]) case in our simulation is 16, larger than 10 because $a<R_1$ in equation (\\[eq:MLJ1\\]). ", "This makes sense, as when the secondary star enters the envelope the mass accretion rate might be larger than the RLOF.", "\n\nThe results we present above strengthen the finding of sections \\[subsec:Numerical\\] in showing that the GEE can increase the parameter phase for the formation of SN IIb progenitors.", "\n\nSUMMARY {#sec:summary}\n=======\n\nWe used the stellar evolutionary code <span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">MESA binary</span> to follow the evolution of binary systems that might form SN IIb progenitors. ", "The new ingredient of the simulations is the introduction of an enhanced mass loss rate due to jets that we assume the secondary star might lunch, according to the assumptions of the GEE (section \\[subsec:GEE\\]). ", "In the present study we mimic the jet-driven mass loss according to equation (\\[eq:MLJ1\\]). ", "In section \\[subsec:Numerical\\] we discussed some limitations of the jet-driven mass loss prescription we used, and of the numerical code in general. ", "For example, our results when a binary system experiences a CEE should be treated with high caution, as the numerical code does not handle well such a situation. ", "In all our simulations the initial mass of the primary star is $M_{1,0}=15 M_\\odot$. We summarise our main findings below.", "\n\n1. ", " As other studies have shown (e.g., @Sravanetal2018) in some cases RLOF followed by a wind, even if the secondary star does not launch jets, can remove enough mass to form a SN IIb progenitor.", "\n\n2. ", " In some cases where without the effect of jets the system does enter a CEE that might prevent the formation of a SN IIb progenitor, the jet-driven mass loss might prevent the CEE altogether, as in the case that we present in Fig. ", "\\[fig:Jet1000p1n2p4Ev\\]. ", "Because of this jet-driven mass loss, instead of entering a CEE the system experiences a short phase, about four years, of GEE. ", "After that RLOF and then a wind remove most of the envelope mass to leave a blue-compact SN IIb progenitor (Fig. ", "\\[fig:Jet1000p1n2p4HR\\]).", "\n\n3. ", " In some cases even without jets the system might enter a CEE and exit from it. ", "RLOF and the wind remove enough mass to form a blue-compact SN IIb progenitor. ", "Short phase(s) of GEE owing to jet-driven mass loss ease this process as we show in Fig. ", "\\[fig:Jet1000p1n1p4Ev\\]. [", "@Sravanetal2018] assume that the hydrogen mass at explosion is that when the system enters the CEE. ", "But we found here that in some cases the final hydrogen mass is much lower than that at the onset of the CEE, and can fit that of a SN IIb progenitor. ", "Namely, this in-and-out of a CEE increases the parameter space of SN IIb progenitors even before the effects of jets are included.", "\n\n4. ", " In some cases without jet-driven mass loss the binary system enters and does not exit from a CEE. ", "Unless the system experience a fatal CEE that might lead to a SN IIb progenitor (@Lohevetal2019; section \\[subsec:SNIIb\\]), we do not expect that this system forms a SN IIb progenitor. ", "The introduction of jet-driven mass loss might bring the system to form a SN IIb progenitor by exiting it from the CEE into a GEE phase, as we show in Fig. ", "\\[fig:Jet1000p1n5p4EvM2F\\].", "\n\n5. ", " Overall, our results of the cases we present and tens of other cases that we do not present, show that the process of jet-driven mass loss that leads to episode(s) of GEE phases substantially increases the binary parameter space that leads to the formation of SN IIb progenitors. ", "This is in accord with the suggestion of [@Soker2017] of the GEE scenario for SN IIb, but some quantitative results are different. ", "For example, we find here the GEE phase to be much shorter than the expectation of [@Soker2017]. ", "In all the cases we have studied the SN IIb progenitors are blue-compact ones (rather than yellow or red progenitors).", "\n\nOur results bring us to try to crudely estimate the fraction of massive CCSN progenitors that experience the GEE. ", "We proceed as follows. ", "Following our discussion in section \\[sec:intro\\] we assume that post-AGB stars with intermediate orbital periods (post-AGBIB stars) are formed by the GEE. ", "We further assume that the post-red giant branch (post-RGB) stars that [@Kamathetal2016] study and have similar properties to post-AGBIB stars are also formed by the GEE. [", "@Kamathetal2016] estimate that these post-RGB stars comprise a fraction of 0.0045 of all RGB stars. ", "We also note that the fraction of binary (and higher multiple-stellar systems) of CCSN progenitors is about twice that of solar-like stars (e.g., @MoeDiStefano2017). ", "These numbers bring us to conclude that $\\approx 1 \\%$ of CCSN progenitors experience the GEE under our assumptions. ", "This amounts to $\\approx 10 \\%$ of SNe IIb. [", "@Sravanetal2018] conclude that at solar metallicty their binary channel can account for $0-2 \\%$ of all CCSNe being SNe IIb. ", "We estimate that the fraction of SN IIb progenitors that experience the GEE is about equal to that of binary systems that do not experience the GEE. ", "Namely, the GEE might account for $\\approx 0-2\\%$ of the CCSNe becoming SNe IIb.", "\n\n[@Soker2019FatalCEE] estimates that the fatal CEE scenario [@Lohevetal2019] might account for $1-3 \\%$ of all CCSNe. ", "Recent studies suggest that single star channels also contribute to the formation of SNe IIb (e.g., @Sravanetal2018).", "\n\nThese numbers from the four SN IIb channels add up to be below the required $\\approx 11 \\%$ fraction of SNe IIb out of all CCSNe. ", "We therefore re-scale these numbers to reach the required $\\approx 11 \\%$ fraction of SNe IIb out of all CCSNe. ", "Namely, we argue that the different channels must contribute more than what simple (and conservative) estimates (as we listed above) give. ", "This more optimistic estimate is based also on the conclusion (e.g., @Gilkisetal2019) that the post-RLOF mass loss rate by wind should be lower than what most studies have assumed, and this increases the number of SN IIb progenitors by channels that involve RLOF. ", "This brings us to suggest, for solar metallicity at least, that each of the following four SN IIb progenitor channels contributes about the same, that is, each channel contributes $\\approx 2-4 \\%$ of all CCSNe, to the formation of SNe IIb: (1) The binary evolution channel with RLOF but without GEE; (2) the GEE; (3) the fatal-CEE; and (4) the single-star channel.", "\n\nAcknowledgments {#acknowledgments .unnumbered}\n===============\n\nThis research was partially supported by the Israel Science Foundation and by a grant from Prof. Amnon Pazy Research Foundation. 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[ "Q:\n\nStyling Wordpress Dropdown Menu\n\nI'm trying to style a dropdown menu from the following php code that I inserted into my blog page... http://www.patagoniariverguides.com\n<?", "php $args = array(\n'show_option_all' => '',\n'show_option_none' => '',\n'orderby' => 'ID', \n'order' => 'ASC',\n'show_count' => 0,\n'hide_empty' => 1, \n'child_of' => 0,\n'exclude' => '',\n'echo' => 1,\n'selected' => 0,\n'hierarchical' => 0, \n'name' => 'cat',\n'id' => '',\n'class' => 'postform',\n'depth' => 0,\n'tab_index' => 0,\n'taxonomy' => 'category',\n'hide_if_empty' => false,\n\n); ?", "> \nThe menu that is displayed on the page is your typical generic grey dropdown menu. ", "I have been able to style it a little, but would like to fully customize the look. ", "\n\nI would like to remove the border radius\nWould like to change the appearance of the actual dropdown items\nWould like to change the arrow button\n\nAny ideas?", "\n\nA:\n\nIt looks like you're using a ready made navigation. ", "So you need to use the developer tools in any browser to sniff out the reasons its not working. ", "this will at least get you to see the navigation:\n.ubermenu > ul > li:hover > .ubermenu-submenu-drop{\n z-index: 999;\n min-height: 294px !", "important;\n opacity: 1;\n visibility: visible\n\n}\n\nYou may need to assign !", "important tags depending how your stylesheets are arranged.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "President Donald Trump suggested Wednesday his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort — on trial on federal bank fraud and tax charges — is being treated \"worse\" than \"Public Enemy Number One\" Al Capone.", "\n\nTrump's comparison of the treatment of Manafort and the notorious gangster, part of tweet storm attacking special counsel prosecutor Robert Mueller, is a sharp departure from longstanding practice by presidents of not weighing in on a criminal case because of the risk of swaying a jury or causing a mistrial.", "\n\n\"It's inappropriate ... for the president of the United States to be making comments like this on Twitter on an ongoing trial,\" said Richard Serafini, a former federal prosecutor now in private defense practice in Florida. \"", "It's just another violation of a norm, a longstanding norm,\" Serafini said. \"", "I mean, it's just not done.\"", "\n\nIn that same online diatribe, Trump questioned why the \"government\" hadn't told him when he hired Manafort in 2016 to run his campaign that the longtime Republican strategist was under investigation.", "\n\nTweet\n\nTweet\n\nManafort was sent to jail in June, when a judge revoked his bond after allegations he tried to tamper with witnesses. ", "He's been held in solitary confinement since then.", "\n\nMueller is investigating possible collusion by Trump campaign officials with Russians trying to interfere with the 2016 election. ", "But the charges against Manafort, to which he has pleaded not guilty, are unrelated to that issue. ", "Instead he is charged with crimes related to income earned for consulting work performed in Ukraine from 2005 to 2014." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nDuck punching in a property in python\n\nI'd like to be able to add a property http://docs.python.org/library/functions.html#property to an object (a specific instance of a class). ", " Is this possible?", "\nSome other questions about duck punching/monkey patching in python:\nAdding a Method to an Existing Object Instance\nPython: changing methods and attributes at runtime\nUPDATE: Answered by delnan in the comments\nDynamically adding @property in python\n\nA:\n\nFollowing code works :\n#!", "/usr/bin/python\n\nclass C(object):\n def __init__(self):\n self._x = None\n\n def getx(self):\n print \"getting\"\n return self._x\n def setx(self, value):\n print \"setting\"\n self._x = value\n def delx(self):\n del self._x\n x = property(getx, setx, delx, \"I'm the 'x' property.\")", "\n\ns = C()\n\ns.x = \"test\"\nC.y = property(C.getx, C.setx, C.delx, \"Y property\")\nprint s.y\n\nBut I am not sure you should be doing it.", "\n\n" ]
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[ { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 438, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 429 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 488, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 485 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 135, "entity_type": "URL", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UrlRecognizer_140094861343568", "recognizer_name": "UrlRecognizer" }, "score": 0.6, "start": 81 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 845, "entity_type": "URL", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UrlRecognizer_140094861343568", "recognizer_name": "UrlRecognizer" }, "score": 0.5, "start": 841 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 853, "entity_type": "URL", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UrlRecognizer_140094861343568", "recognizer_name": "UrlRecognizer" }, "score": 0.5, "start": 849 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 861, "entity_type": "URL", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UrlRecognizer_140094861343568", "recognizer_name": "UrlRecognizer" }, "score": 0.5, "start": 857 } ]
[ "Treatment patterns and overall survival among patients with unresectable, stage III non-small-cell lung cancer.", "\nAim: To analyze treatment patterns and overall survival (OS) across time (2009-2014) among patients with unresected, stage III non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). ", "Patients & methods: Stage III NSCLC patients aged ≥65 years who initiated therapy were identified using SEER-Medicare data. ", "Results: Among 4564 patients, 84% received chemotherapy (with or without radiotherapy), and 59% received chemoradiotherapy (CRT). ", "Carboplatin + paclitaxel was the most frequent regimen. ", "Median (interquartile range) OS among chemotherapy patients was 13.2 (6.0-28.9) months, and 14.8 (6.7-33.4) months among CRT patients. ", "Among CRT patients, there was no difference in OS across years of CRT initiation. ", "Conclusion: OS remained static across 2009-2014, indicating stagnancy in clinical outcomes for stage III NSCLC patients and a need for more effective therapeutic options." ]
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[ { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 195, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 186 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 334, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 325 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 849, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 840 } ]
[ "You are here\n\nFirst Early Spring Mowing (3-19-12)\n\nSpring appears to have arrived early and many homeowners are bringing out their lawn mowers to cut down flowering winter annual weeds and remove much of the old dead leaf canopy from the previous summer. ", "Every spring I receive calls asking if a lawn can be burned or mown very low (scalped) in early spring and the reply is yes but with reservations and restrictions.", "\n\nI strongly discourage burning, although close mowing or scalping can be of benefit to many lawns depending on turf species if done early when the turf is just breaking dormancy. ", "This practice is usually not very uniform, the liability risk is great, it creates an awful amount of smoke and soot to deal with, and many communities have ordinances that forbid it.", "\n\nLawns of bermudagrass or zoysia can be cut very low (scalped) since they have a strong network of rhizomes (below soil runners) and stolons (above ground stems) that will quickly replenish the turf canopy with new rejuvenated growth if soil and air temperatures are warm enough for growth.", "\n\nCentipede and St. Augustine lawns can also be cut slightly lower than their optimum mowing height but should not be scalped as they have only stolons to develop a new canopy. ", "Scalping, or close mowing, should not be a continuous process throughout the season but only once when the lawn begins its initial spring growth.", "\n\nSince there will be an excess of old clippings being removed, this may be a time to collect clippings rather than leaving them on the lawn. ", "These clippings should be utilized as compost and not considered trash to fill our landfills.", "\n\nMississippi State University is an equal opportunity institution. ", "Discrimination in university employment, programs or activities based on race, color, ethnicity, sex, pregnancy, religion, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, genetic information, status as a U.S. veteran, or any other status protected by applicable law is prohibited. ", "Questions about equal opportunity programs or compliance should be directed to the Office of Compliance and Integrity." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nLogback TimeBasedRollingPolicy with spring boot\n\nI wrote a TimeBasedRollingPolicy logback.xml, and while the log file is created succesfully, it seems to be reading it from the application.properties instead. ", "Here is my setup:\nlogback.xml\n<?", "xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?", ">\n<configuration>\n <include resource=\"org/springframework/boot/logging/logback/defaults.xml\"/>\n <include resource=\"org/springframework/boot/logging/logback/console-appender.xml\"/>\n\n <appender name=\"ROLLING-FILE\"\n class=\"ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.", "RollingFileAppender\">\n <encoder>\n <pattern>${FILE_LOG_PATTERN}</pattern>\n </encoder>\n <file>${LOG_FILE}</file>\n <rollingPolicy class=\"ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.", "TimeBasedRollingPolicy\">\n <!-- ", "daily rollover -->\n <fileNamePattern>${LOG_FILE}-%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log</fileNamePattern>\n </rollingPolicy>\n </appender>\n\n <root level=\"INFO\">\n <appender-ref ref=\"CONSOLE\"/>\n <appender-ref ref=\"ROLLING-FILE\"/>\n </root>\n\n</configuration>\n\napplication.properties\nlogging.path=/path/to/log/folder/\nlogging.file=${logging.path}myLog\nlogging.pattern.file=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n\n\nWhen I run my application, the log is successfully saved in the correct path, but only as myLog. ", "I would want it to be appended with the date (as in the logback.xml). ", "Note I do want to keep taking the logging.path and logging.file from the application.properties because I have multiple depending on the environment.", "\nThanks\n\nA:\n\n1) You need to set a logging.file or logging.path property, not both.", "\nSo logging.file=/path/to/log/folder/myLog should be enough to get a myLog log file in the specified path.", "\nThe spring boot documentation mentions that.", "\n2) This is the format pattern for the log rolling, not for the current log : \n <fileNamePattern>${LOG_FILE}-%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log</fileNamePattern> \n\nYou get this format automatically for the current log file when it is rolled/archived because the time limit defined by the pattern is reached. ", "In your case, it means everyday.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Marriage in a young adult mentally retarded population.", "\nMarriage was examined in a total population of mentally retarded young adults born in a 5-year period. ", "No one with severe retardation had married. ", "Among the mildly retarded, significantly fewer young people had married by age 22 than in a nonretarded comparison population, and the retarded young people who had married had significantly higher IQs than the remainder of the mildly retarded population. ", "The retarded females had significantly more problems in their marriages than nonretarded comparisons. ", "Nevertheless, the marriages of almost half the mildly retarded young women appeared to be working out well. ", "The retarded young men were not significantly different from nonretarded comparisons. ", "Marriages in which both partners were retarded had many problems." ]
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[ "This big match-up between conference leaders turned into a shootout. ", "Barrie was leading 7-2 at one point before the Spits closed to 7-5. ", "Hutchings added an empty netter to put the game away for the Colts.", "\n\nBarberio set a new career high for assists in a season Saturday. ", "He’s already set a high for points and is three off his previous best for goals. ", "He's light years ahead of his previous plus/minus best (plus-9).", "\n\nDeCoste extended his point streak to five games. ", "He’s registered a point in seven of his last nine games. ", "Panik scored early in the third to pull the Bulls within one at 4-3, but they couldn’t complete the comeback.", "\n\nUnexpected stat of the night: This was Hutchings’ first assist since January 2nd and second since December 18. ", "He had 34 assists last season. ", "Hutchings is a frequent visitor to the scoresheet, so the low assist (lately) total is a bit of a surprise. ", "This was a big road win for the Majors, who sit in second, (well) behind Barrie in the Eastern Conference. ", "Those two are in a class by themselves in the conference.", "\n\nHutchings (pictured) has four goals in his last three games and hit 60 points for the second straight season. ", "This was his ninth multi-goal game of the year. ", "He scored the game’s opening two goals, the second of which was shorthanded. ", "He leads the league in shorties with eight – twice as many as anyone else in the league. ", "He is tied for third in the league in goals with likely 2010 Top-2 pick Tyler Seguin of Plymouth." ]
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[ "Fake news is a buzzword of our time, but its impact can be significant. ", "Not only can it threaten our democracy, our confidence in governance, or our trust in journalism, but it has also been reported to distort children’s view of the world.", "\n\nIn a digital world, we can no longer take everything we read, hear or see at face value – no matter how reliable we believe the source. ", "Children are increasingly likely to encounter fake news; more young people than ever are using digital media as their main source of news, so they must be equipped with the skills to tell fact from fiction.", "\n\nTeens and tech: what happens when students give up smartphones? ", "Read more\n\nWhile critical literacy skills are part of every stage of the national curriculum in England, a new report from the National Literacy Trust shows that children are not retaining what they’ve been taught. ", "Some 20% of children aged between eight and 15 believe everything they read online is true, and 35% of UK teachers say pupils have cited fake news or false information found online as fact in their work.", "\n\nReading comprehension, a big part of the Key Stage 1 and 2 curriculums, is particularly important for preparing children to become critically literate. ", "It helps children accurately understand and interpret information by making connections between what they read and what they already know, working out what is important, and spotting the difference between fact and fiction. ", "Other curriculum areas help to build the foundation skills needed to develop strong critical literacy skills, such as reading a wide range of texts for different purposes, learning about inference, and identifying how language structures and presentation contribute to meaning.", "\n\nIn addition to building on the skills learned in primary school, these skills feature even more prominently in secondary school. ", "At Key Stage 3, it is a requirement to teach pupils to read critically and at Key Stage 4, pupils are taught to understand and evaluate texts by seeking evidence to support a point of view, to distinguish between statements that are supported by evidence and those that are not, and to identify bias and misuse of evidence.", "\n\nDespite this, the fact that children lack adequate critical literacy skills suggests that something is amiss. ", "This issue is at the heart of a new commission launched by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Literacy and the National Literacy Trust. ", "The Commission into Fake News and the Teaching of Critical Literacy Skills will look at the impact fake news has on children and young people, and how the skills needed to identify it are being taught. ", "The commission will make a series of recommendations to the government and the education sector in 2018 that will put critical literacy at the heart of the national curriculum.", "\n\nGirls like digital media while boys prefer print, finds study on reading habits Read more\n\nChildren need to be able to take what they learn in the classroom and apply it to real-life situations. ", "With fake news such a big threat to children’s lives, as well as being such a topical issue, bringing it into the classroom will give teachers the opportunity to further develop their pupils’ critical literacy skills, and give children an opportunity to discuss any news stories that worry them in a safe environment.", "\n\nThe National Literacy Trust has created some free teaching resources to help primary and secondary teachers introduce fake news into their classrooms. ", "One activity is to create a shared definition of fake news. ", "Your pupils will probably have a varied understanding of the term based on their own personal experiences, so a shared definition will help them better identify and discuss it.", "\n\nTo create your shared definition:\n\nUse the definition of fake news in the teaching resource to get you started\n\nAsk pupils to share examples of the different types of fake news stories they’ve seen and heard, and bring some examples to class\n\nCreate a fake-news glossary to include words that may be unfamiliar to your students, such as biased, hoax, propaganda, intentionally\n\nList different places where you can get news from, including newspapers, websites, social media channels, magazines, TV and radio programmes. ", "As you say each out loud, ask your students to clap if they trust that news source, then create a trusted places display\n\nTo inform the commission, and ensure that the views of teachers and pupils are at its heart, we’ve launched three new surveys. ", "Our teacher survey explores whether teachers think fake news is a problem in the classroom and asks how and where they believe critical literacy skills should be taught. ", "Our pupil surveys – one for primary and one for secondary – aim to find out what children and young people think about fake news, and include a quiz to see whether pupils can tell the difference between some real and fake news stories. ", "The surveys are open until 5 November.", "\n\n‘We’ve grown up with some frightening events’: UK teenagers' hopes and fears Read more\n\nWe need to work out what’s going wrong and how we can address it. ", "Your views will help us ensure that all children have the skills they need to navigate the digital world.", "\n\nFollow us on Twitter via @GuardianTeach, like us on Facebook, and join the Guardian Teacher Network for the latest articles direct to your inbox\n\nLooking for a teaching job? ", "Or perhaps you need to recruit school staff? ", "Take a look at Guardian Jobs, the education specialist" ]
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[ "1. ", "Background {#sec67027}\n=============\n\nNowadays drug dependence has become one of the main public health concerns worldwide ([@A12608R1]). ", "Indeed, drug dependence and abuse have been turned to personal, social, and health problems that intensively threat human resources ([@A12608R2]). ", "Drug abuse has a negative influence on many parts of life such as physical, psychological, social, economic, and familial aspects. ", "Results of a research that evaluated the role of the social and clinical variables in quality of life (QOL) of addicts showed that personality disorders, interpersonal conflicts within a family and with spouse, and the need for treatment of physical and mental disorders were significantly associated with lower QOL ([@A12608R3]).", "\n\nFindings of a study by Tracy et al. ", "suggested that the various domains of QOL of the addicts were less than that of normal subjects. ", "The history of injuries/traumas could significantly predict the level of QOL in mental and physical domains ([@A12608R4]). ", "QOL is defined in different ways such as health-related QOL (HRQOL). ", "The term HRQOL is used in measuring the influence of various irregularities, infirmity, and long-term as well as short-term illnesses in different populations. ", "In fact, HRQOL is used for evaluating daily life effects on health ([@A12608R5]). ", "The findings of the research by Khajedaluee et al. ", "demonstrated that drug abuse led to reduced HRQOL in all domains in comparison with control group and suggested that different aspects of HRQOL in addicted people were impaired ([@A12608R6]).", "\n\nMindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), which is aimed at reduction of psychologic symptoms of distress and enhancement of QOL, is increasingly applied in various settings in both mental and somatic healthcare ([@A12608R7], 8). ", "These interventions are aimed at cultivating an open-minded and nonjudgmental awareness of whatever is happening at each successive moment of perception. ", "The objects of perception, which is direct and prereflexive, include the whole range of possible phenomena from internal psychologic states and processes (thoughts, feelings, images, etc.) ", "and proprioceptive information from the body to the external stimuli entering the senses. ", "Phenomena are approached in an open, nonjudgmental, and accepting way. ", "It is \"the clear and single-minded awareness of what actually happens to us and in us at the successive moments of perception\" ([@A12608R9]). ", "Beneficial effects have been reported in diverse samples of patients and general population regarding quality of life, which state that MBSR can improve HRQOL ([@A12608R10], [@A12608R11]).", "\n\n2. ", "Objectives {#sec67028}\n=============\n\nThere were few studies regarding the effects of MBSR on drug-dependent individuals' HRQOL; therefore, the present study aimed to determine the MBSR influence on HRQOL of drug-dependent males in order to facilitate the treatment and to eliminate the existed barriers on their recovery process. ", "In other words, the following hypothesis was examined: MBSR is effective in increasing of HRQOL in drug-dependent males.", "\n\n3. ", "Patients and Methods {#sec67033}\n=======================\n\n3.1. ", "Subjects {#sec67029}\n-------------\n\nThis experimental study used a pretest-posttest controlled approach ([@A12608R12]). ", "The statistical population of this study was comprised of drug-dependent males in Tabriz, Iran. ", "After obtaining approval of the local ethic committee for clinical works and studies, study samples were recruited from an addiction treatment clinic. ", "The participants were 53 drug-dependent males who regularly attended the addiction treatment center. ", "All subjects were opium or heroin dependent and were under methadone maintenance treatment during the study. ", "The mean age of the participants was 36.8 years (range, 19-46). ", "Four subjects did not continue to process and therefore, the remaining 49 participants were randomly allocated to two groups: experiment, 24 patients; and control, 25 patients. ", "Subsequently, all participants answered the Short Form of Health Survey for HRQOL (SF-36). ", "Then the MBSR was performed for the experiment group while control group received no therapy. ", "At the end of the eighth sessions, the participants of both groups answered SF-36 for the second time.", "\n\n3.2. ", "Questionnaire {#sec67030}\n------------------\n\nThe SF-36 has eight scales including physical function, role physical, role emotional, vitality, mental health, social functioning, bodily pain, and general health. ", "The standard Farsi version of SF-36 with the reported coefficient ranging from 65% to 90% for the eight scales, which shows good inner persistency of these scales, was used. ", "Other measuring such as getting the validity was considered, which verified suitability of the tool in this population ([@A12608R13]).", "\n\n3.3. ", "Brief Manual for the Use of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy {#sec67031}\n--------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe training sessions were arranged according to the described MBSR program by Kabat-Zinn ([@A12608R7]). ", "The treatment period included eight sessions of group training, which were held as 90-minute group sessions weekly. ", "During these sessions, experimental subjects were trained to gain an ability to keep themselves away from their thoughts and feelings and instead, focus on the changes occurring in their body and mind. ", "Clients were encouraged to adopt a new way of being and relating to their thoughts and feelings, while placing little emphasis on altering or challenging specific cognitions. ", "In some sessions, poems with mindfulness content were used for clients to help them in concentration. ", "Poems by Iranian poets (Sohrab Sepehri, Nader Naderpour, and Shafiee Kadkani) were also used. ", "In addition, audio tapes and books concerning deep relaxation were used to guide clients in performing mindfulness exercises at home. ", "It should be noted that once the study was terminated, for ethical reasons, the control group also received the MBSR.", "\n\n3.4. ", "Data Analysis {#sec67032}\n------------------\n\nThe scores of SF-36 scales obtained at pretest and posttest were analyzed using the independent-samples t test and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) by SPSS 22.", "\n\n4. ", "Results {#sec67034}\n==========\n\nThe independent-samples t-test was conducted to compare experimental and control groups at the pretests for each SF-36 scale. ", "There was no statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the experimental and control groups at any SF-36 scale before starting the study (P \\> 0.05), implying that the two groups were comparable in terms of HRQOL before the study. ", "ANCOVA was performed to compare experimental and control groups at each SF-36 scale at the end of study ([Table 1](#tbl17117){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nThe posttest mean SF-36 scores of all scales for the experimental group were higher in comparison with the controls ([Figure 1](#fig13024){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "However, the mean scores for scales of role emotional, vitality, mental health, social functioning, and bodily pain were significantly different between study groups (P \\< 0.05). ", "Thus, the research hypothesis that \"MBSR is effective in increasing HRQOL in drug-dependent males\" was confirmed for these scales.", "\n\n###### Comparisons Between Mean Scores of Groups at Posttest ^[a](#fn13831){ref-type=\"table-fn\"},[b](#fn13832){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}^\n\n SF-36 No. ", " Mean ± SD df Mean Square F P value ɳ^2^ Observed Power\n ------------------------ ----- ---------------- ---- ------------- ------- --------- ------- ----------------\n **Physical Function** 1 60.17 3.28 0.077 0.066 0.426\n E 24 55.83**±**9.93 \n C 25 52.36**±**9.00 \n **Role Physical** 1 59.423 1.830 0.183 0.038 0.263\n E 24 52.25**±**6.96 \n C 25 50.84**±**8.99 \n **Role Emotional** 1 172.78 6.21 0.016 0.119 0.685\n E 24 69.46**±**5.61 \n C 25 65.20**±**6.84 \n **Vitality** 1 495.42 21.97 0.000 0.323 0.996\n E 24 57.25**±**8.25 \n C 25 52.32**±**7.65 \n **Mental Health** 1 769.84 11.11 0.002 0.195 0.904\n E 24 59.38**±**9.16 \n C 25 50.60**±**8.75 \n **Social Functioning** 1 248.2 5.63 0.022 0.109 0.642\n E 24 70.04**±**6.83 \n C 25 64.88**±**9.84 \n **Bodily Pain** 1 241.97 5.71 0.021 0.110 0.648\n E 24 64.96**±**5.87 \n C 25 60.44**±**6.94 \n **General Health** 1 61.12 1.99 0.165 0.042 0.282\n E 24 52.75**±**6.75 \n C 25 49.68**±**7.19 \n\n^a^ Abbreviations: E; experimental group, C; control group, SD; standard deviation; and df, degree of freedom.", "\n\n^b^Significance level is \\< 0.05. ", "ɳ^2^ stands for squared partial eta.", "\n\n![", "Posttests Mean Scores for SF-36 Scales](ircmj-16-09-12608-i001){#fig13024}\n\n5. ", "Discussion {#sec67035}\n=============\n\nAccording to our results, MBSR was a useful method for enhancing the HRQOL in drug-dependent males. ", "This finding was in agreement with those of previous studies that reported the effectiveness of MBSR on HRQOL; however, they concerned those other than drug-dependent males. ", "In a study on outpatients with breast and prostate cancer, Carlson et al. ", "reported the significant effect of MBSR on overall QOL, symptoms of stress, and sleep quality improvements ([@A12608R10]). ", "In a research by Nyklicek and Kuijpers, the experiment group showed significantly stronger reductions of perceived stress and vital exhaustion as well as stronger improvement of QOL and mindfulness in comparison to controls ([@A12608R11]). ", "In a meta-analysis study, Grossman et al. ", "reported that MBSR might help a broad range of individuals to cope with their clinical and nonclinical problems ([@A12608R14]).", "\n\nFindings of the present study confirmed the association of cultivating a more mindful way of being with less emotional distress and a more positive state of mind. ", "Increased awareness of thoughts and emotions, acceptance, and compassion appear to promote optimal HRQOL. ", "The awareness of drug-dependent individuals of their negative and positive emotions appears to play an important role in their recovery and adjustment to their states. ", "However, additional well-designed studies using larger samples of drug-dependent individuals and active control groups are needed to replicate and verify the mental health benefits of mindfulness meditation training. ", "The findings of this study supported a relationship between cultivating a more mindful way of being and a tendency to experience better HRQOL. ", "Considering a relationship between poor HRQOL and addiction ([@A12608R6]), the development of short-term efficient therapeutic techniques such as MBSR for increasing HRQOL is crucial. ", "The generalization of the results of the present study was limited by the small sample; hence, future research should focus on larger and more heterogeneous samples of individuals with substance use disorders.", "\n\nWe would like to thank all of the participants, Dr. Bahman Tabatabaei who was the Head of Addiction Treatment Clinic of Milad, and our colleague, Mr. Abolfazl Seyfi who help us in the process of research.", "\n\n**Authors' Contributions:**Both authors were involved in designing the study, data collection and analysis, results interpretation, and manuscript preparation.", "\n\n**Funding/Support:**The funding organization was Addiction Treatment Clinic of Milad, which had no role in the design and conduct of the study, collection, management, and analysis of the data, preparation, review, and approval of the manuscript.", "\n" ]
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[ "1. ", "Introduction {#sec1}\n===============\n\nSnapping of the pes anserinus tendon is uncommon, but there are several case reports \\[[@B1]--[@B4]\\]. ", "However, identifying the specific structure responsible for the snapping remains difficult, because there are multiple causes in the affected area, and sometimes, even normal structures cause the snapping. ", "Those without an obvious abnormality are called snapping pes syndrome (SPS) \\[[@B5]\\].", "\n\nUltrasonography (US) is a useful diagnostic tool \\[[@B5]--[@B8]\\], because snapping occurs during joint motion, and only US can visualize the snapping dynamically. ", "However, despite evaluating snapping dynamically with US, both semitendinosus and gracilis tendons were resected or harvested without clarifying which is the true cause in almost all reports.", "\n\nAn SPS case that was specifically diagnosed with US and lidocaine injection and treated with selective, minimally invasive surgery is presented.", "\n\n2. ", "Case Presentation {#sec2}\n====================\n\nA 26-year-old man visited a nearby hospital with the chief complaint of acute right knee pain and restricted extension without any apparent cause. ", "Intra-articular injection and drug therapy did not improve the symptom. ", "Therefore, he came to our department the following day. ", "The same symptoms had occurred several times since the age of 17 years, and each time, he reduced it by himself, but this time he could not. ", "He did not have any specific sports or daily activities which cause snapping.", "\n\nPhysical examination showed no redness, swelling, or ballottement in the right knee; range of motion restricted to extension -20° and flexion 120° due to severe pain; and tenderness in the medial joint space and proximal part of the medial tibial condyle.", "\n\nRadiographs, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging showed no evidence of intra- or extra-articular abnormalities (Figures [1](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}-[3](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "However, US showed snapping of the gracilis tendon. ", "It was not possible to reproduce the snapping symptom due to pain, but when each tendon of the pes anserinus was slid manually under US, the pain was reproduced only in the gracilis tendon ([](#supplementary-material-1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Thus, lidocaine injection was performed under US guidance. ", "Since selective injection of the local anaesthetic to only the gracilis tendon allowed the patient to fully extend the knee without pain, SPS was diagnosed. ", "However, the injection\\'s effect disappeared in half a day, and severe pain reappeared. ", "Therefore, surgery was performed.", "\n\nUnder general anaesthesia, gracilis tendon snapping was confirmed visually ([](#supplementary-material-1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "The distal attachment of the gracilis tendon was released ([Figure 4](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}), and the snapping disappeared. ", "Immediately after the surgery, the patient could walk and fully extend the knee without pain. ", "There was no recurrence at the 10-month follow-up. ", "The Lysholm score improved from 35 before surgery to 100 at 10 months after surgery.", "\n\n3. ", "Discussion {#sec3}\n=============\n\nThe results of this case highlight two important clinical issues. ", "First, it was possible to accurately diagnose the specific structure responsible with dynamic US and lidocaine injection.", "\n\nA past report suggested a reasonable hypothesis for the cause of SPS \\[[@B9]\\]. ", "They hypothesized that the combination of repetitive overloading and abnormalities in the accessory band of the pes anserinus tendon, which stabilizes the tendons, causes SPS. ", "Another review paper also suspected the deficiency of the accessory band as a cause of SPS \\[[@B10]\\]. ", "However, anatomical studies showed that both gracilis and semitendinosus have several accessory bands \\[[@B11]\\] with high variability \\[[@B12]\\]. ", "Additionally, although US is useful to visualize and diagnose the snapping phenomenon, it is difficult to draw out the accessory band itself. ", "These anatomical features make it more difficult to specifically diagnose the responsible structure of SPS in the clinical situation. ", "In the present case, although we could not reveal anatomical abnormalities of the accessory band, lidocaine injection was used in combination with US, and the gracilis was finally diagnosed as the main cause of the snapping. ", "With this specific diagnosis, it was possible to reduce unnecessary tendon detachment and avoid functional loss.", "\n\nSecond, releasing only the distal attachment of the tendon solved the symptom of SPS. ", "Treatment for SPS usually consists of tenotomy with or without partial resection of both gracilis and semitendinosus tendons \\[[@B5], [@B7], [@B8], [@B13]\\] ([Table 1](#tab1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "In these reports, the unnecessary tendon may have been resected because the responsible structure was not specifically identified. ", "Additionally, a recent report suggested that releasing only the distal attachment suffices \\[[@B14]\\]. ", "Therefore, resecting both gracilis and semitendinosus tendons is highly invasive and may result in functional loss. ", "In the present case, we identified the gracilis tendon as the responsible structure and released only the distal attachment of it. ", "The difference in hamstring muscle strength and in the long-term results between resecting and releasing of the distal attachment is unclear, but surgical invasiveness may be less with releasing of the distal attachment. ", "To our knowledge, this is the first report that specifically diagnosed the responsible structure of SPS and that was treated with selective, minimally invasive surgery.", "\n\n4. ", "Conclusion {#sec4}\n=============\n\nA patient with SPS caused by the gracilis tendon was specifically diagnosed by US and lidocaine injection. ", "Selective, minimally invasive surgery resulted in resolution of the patient\\'s symptom with no recurrence at the 10-month follow-up.", "\n\nThe authors would like to thank Yoshino Kudo for her valuable assistance with the editing of this manuscript.", "\n\nConflicts of Interest\n=====================\n\nThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.", "\n\nAuthors\\' Contributions\n=======================\n\nSurgery was performed by YK, TS, and MA. ", "MA was the major contributor in writing the manuscript. ", "YK, HS, HK, KS, TS, IW, TK, NM, and YS supervised the whole work. ", "All authors read and approved the final manuscript.", "\n\nSupplementary Materials {#supplementary-material-1}\n=======================\n\n###### \n\nMovie 1: confirmation of snapping phenomenon on ultrasonography. ", "When the gracilis tendon was manually slid, the snapping phenomenon was reproduced.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### \n\nMovie 2: snapping phenomenon under general anaesthesia. ", "The snapping phenomenon was visually confirmed under general anaesthesia.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n![", "Preoperative radiographs of the knee. ", "Radiographs showed no abnormalities.](CRIOR2020-1783813.001){#fig1}\n\n![", "Three-dimensional reconstructed computed tomography images. ", "There was no anatomical abnormalities in the bone and pes anserinus.](CRIOR2020-1783813.002){#fig2}\n\n![", "Magnetic resonance imaging of the knee. ", "There was no evidence of intra- or extra-articular abnormalities.](CRIOR2020-1783813.003){#fig3}\n\n![", "Surgically identified gracilis tendon. ", "In the operation, the gracilis tendon was identified, and only the distal attachment was released.](CRIOR2020-1783813.004){#fig4}\n\n###### \n\nDiagnostic measures and surgical procedures of previous reports.", "\n\n Author Diagnostic measures Surgical procedure\n ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------\n S.R. Bollen et al. ", " US Resected both ST and G\n C.E. Rainey et al. ", " US Resected both ST and G\n B. de la Hera Cremades et al. ", " US Resected both ST and G\n S.A. Shapiro et al. ", " US Resected both ST and G\n Present case US and lidocaine injection Released only the distal attachment of G\n\nUS: ultrasonography; ST: semitendinosus tendon; G: gracilis tendon.", "\n\n[^1]: Academic Editor: Koichi Sairyo\n" ]
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[ "Last October, a grim press release arrived in the inbox of Lindy Washburn, a health reporter for the Bergen Record, in northern New Jersey. ", "The release said that six children had died from an adenovirus outbreak in the Wanaque Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation. ", "Each of the children, some as young as two years old, had been dependent on ventilators to breathe; some of them were prone to seizures. “", "They were really medically complex kids,” Washburn said. ", "By the end of 2018, eleven children had died from the virus and thirty-six more had become sick.", "\n\nThe New Jersey Department of Health announced the news as an unavoidable tragedy. ", "At the Record, the reporting team assigned to the story—Washburn and Scott Fallon, an environment reporter—wanted to know how the state had dealt with the situation. “", "The state was responsible on two ends, both as the payer for the care and as the inspector for it,” Washburn said. “", "There needs to be light shed in the middle of that relationship.” ", "There may have been a third form of responsibility, Fallon added: “Some of these children may not have had families with guardians, and the state may have been their guardian as well. ", "We don’t know.”", "\n\nRECENTLY: The New York Times heavily criticized for article on Trump’s impeachment\n\nThe reporting team began to file public-record requests with the state health department. ", "First, Washburn sought communications between the department and Wanaque Center personnel. “", "We didn’t know exactly what they had said, and we didn’t know exactly who got the call and how it worked its way up the chain of command and what the department did,” Washburn said. “", "You can’t really judge whether they’d done the right thing if you don’t know what they did.”", "\n\nBut the state denied her request, citing an ongoing investigation. ", "So Washburn filed a second, similar request directly to the office of the health department’s commissioner. ", "The state denied most of that request—sending only press clippings and unhelpful redacted materials—this time because her wording was “overbroad and nonspecific.” ", "In late October, as the virus continued to spread, Shereef Elnahal, then the state’s health commissioner, wrote an editorial for the Record defending the department’s decision not to release information that might “allow the public to triangulate the identities of patients.” ", "He chided the paper for its persistence in seeking records, saying that Record reporters should respect the privacy of families of the deceased. ", "To “receive questions from the public about your loved one’s situation, because enough details were available to identify your family,” he wrote, “would be unfathomable.”", "\n\n“That infuriated me,” Fallon said. ", "Reporting on tragedy, said Fallon, who covered 9/11, is the daily work of many journalists. “", "We know how to do this,” he went on. “", "We know the right way to do it and the wrong way to do it. ", "We’re professionals.”", "\n\nSign up for weekly emails from the United States Project\n\nEarlier that month, a state senate hearing helped Washburn and Fallon piece together a timeline of events. ", "But by December, they still hadn’t received any records, and the Record decided to sue the New Jersey Department of Health for violating the Open Public Records Act, known as OPRA.", "\n\nDonna Leusner, a Department of Health spokesperson, said that her office “endeavors to be as transparent as possible,” citing press conferences, news releases, and a website of adenovirus resources as evidence. ", "She declined to comment on the extended back-and-forth over the Wanaque Center beyond the arguments Elnahal made in his editorial. ", "After the suit was filed, the Department of Health began sending the Record hundreds of pages of documents, at a slow drip—most of them unusable to the reporters. ", "Some were press clippings, talking points, and other media-related documents; other pages were almost fully blacked out.", "\n\n“They were going beyond blotting out the name of the person to encompass a lot of the information that was relevant to an accountability investigation, and that didn’t have anything to do with patient privacy,” Washburn said. ", "Through lawyers, the state argued, “a tremendous amount of communication between the parties has occurred in a good-faith attempt to resolve this matter.”", "\n\n“I think that they just kept hoping that we wouldn’t push for more,” CJ Griffin, the Record’s lawyer, said. ", "She negotiated—“you never want to look like you’re not being cooperative,” she explained—hoping that the department might eventually send documents with fewer redactions. ", "But in its correspondence, the state consistently argued that many of the requested records were exempt from OPRA because they were “deliberative,” meaning that they showed government employees discussing policy proposals or otherwise trying to reach a decision. (", "A law bars the release of material revealing how officials make policy.) ", "Griffin, however, believes that these records involved policy-implementing––not policymaking—and that journalists should be entitled to them.", "\n\nRecently, almost a year after the suit was filed, Griffin lost patience. ", "She has handled a lot of freedom-of-information cases, and said, “I don’t know that I’ve had many where it’s been a year, basically, between the time we filed the case and the time the hearing is.” ", "A hearing is now set for late December, when the judge will consider making any records public. ", "Griffin predicts a decision won’t come until January or February.", "\n\nThe grieving parents are hoping the Record wins its case. “", "My clients, they are all wanting to get the truth,” Paul da Costa, a lawyer representing some of the children’s families, said. “", "And ultimately the Department of Health has information that may not be readily disclosed by the Wanaque Center.” ", "The Record’s lawsuit, then, “may be the only means by which my clients can get that factual information and evidence.”", "\n\nICYMI: Why a lot of critics are wrong about Rachel Maddow\n\nHas America ever needed a media watchdog more than now? ", "Help us by joining CJR today\n\nSavannah Jacobson is a CJR Delacorte Fellow. ", "Follow her on Twitter @srjacobson1." ]
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[ "Arts Of The Contact Zone Essay\n\nWhen first reading Mary Louise Pratt s essay, Arts of the Contact Zone, one may feel overwhelmed by the level of writing and philosophy it is composed of. ", "She uses terms and phrases such as autoethnography, imagined community, and safe house in this work to help demonstrate the reasoning of her thoughts and feelings about historical and actual events she speaks about. ", "In her essay Mary Louise Pratt talks about transculturation and ethnography. ", "She speaks about imaginary spaces where differences and inequalities are sensed, and even recognized. ", "These imaginary spaces are called the contact zones, and many people encounter the contact zones to teach, learn or even contradict the ideas and theories that are under scrutiny and objection today.", "\n\nIn the first few paragraphs of this essay, the reader is introduced to a term coined and repeated by Pratt throughout the piece, contact zones. ", "She uses this term to refer to social spaces where cultures meet, clash, and grapple with each other, often in contexts of highly asymmetrical relations of power, such as colonialism, slavery, or their aftermaths as they are lived out in many parts of the world today (Pratt 584). ", "A contact zone can be positive, for example a classroom where students are from different backgrounds. ", "This gives people a way to talk and discuss certain aspects of history. ", "It provides an opportunity for identifying with the ideas, interests and even history of others. ", "This requires correspondence and interaction between people. ", "On the other hand, a contact zone can be negative, such as colonialism. ", "A country taking over another native community is oppression, rather than an exchange of ideas. ", "This is what the Andeans, specifically Guaman Poma, tried to explain to their conquerors, the Spanish. ", "Both of these situations will be discussed later in this essay.", "\n\nPratt s essay opens in speaking about her son s admiration for collecting and trading baseball cards. ", "She emphasizes how her son s entertaining and simple hobby gave him the opportunity to learn so many of life s lessons. ", "For example, trading the cards gave him a sense of fairness and trust. ", "He learned about exchange and arithmetic, and patterns and order by arranging the cards.", "\n\nFollowing the anecdote about her son, Pratt introduces the reader to a discussion about Guaman Poma. ", "Guaman Poma, an Adean, wrote a letter to King Philip III of Spain in1613 that was some twelve hundred pages long. ", "This text contained information about Inca history, customs, laws, public offices, dynasties and their leaders. ", "The letter by Poma is divided into two parts. ", "The first part, Nueva Coronica, was the main writing apparatus through which the Spanish presented their American conquests to themselves (Pratt 585). ", "Mary Louise Pratt refers to Poma s first part of the letter as an autoethnographic text. ", "The basic purpose behind this type of text is to challenge a dominant belief system and the writers use the framework of the system to their advantage, using the language of the dominant civilization or the conqueror. ", "Poma did that successfully, however his efforts to change the mind of King Philip III were useless, because the letter never reached him. ", "The second part of the letter, Bien gobierno y justicia, states that good government and justice can only be achieved through collaboration between the Inca and the Spanish.", "\n\nGuaman Poma s text is created with the language of his invaders, the Spanish. ", "It is important to point out that he does not simply imitate or reproduce it; he selects and adapts it along Andean lines to express Andean interests and aspirations (Pratt 589). ", "This process is called transculturation, where devices are pulled from the language or part of another person to get a point across.", "\n\nTowards the end of the essay, Pratt speaks of a course at Stanford University on different cultures, ideas and values. ", "This class attracted many different students from varying backgrounds. ", "Every student, no one was excluded, saw how the world described their cultures, ideas and views. ", "The students experienced pain, rage and disbelief, but at the same time, they were able to experience the joys of the contact zone: wonder, revelation, mutual understanding and new wisdom. ", "Here, Pratt also introduces the idea of a safe house. ", "A safe house can be described as a therapeutic group or social space where one s feelings are validated, rather than being challenged. ", "A safe house is opposite of a contact zone, because a contact zone can be an uncomfortable situation at times. ", "From this can also stem the idea of an imagined community. ", "This idea is based upon common and assumed stereotypes and generalizations. ", "For example, a person living in a country does not actually know each citizen of the nation, but perceives a general image of what a citizen is like.", "\n\nIt is at this point that the reader may be confused at where all these situations are similar and what they have in common. ", "Pratt s son s baseball card hobby, Guaman Poma s letter, and the class on culture and values at Stanford University all had one unifying theme. ", "Each situation was a contact zone. ", "As stated before, a contact zone can be a positive or negative experience. ", "In the situation of with her son s collection, his interaction with other baseball card collectors and his passion for this hobby, helped him gain a better knowledge not only of baseball, but also of life. ", "Guaman Poma s letter speaks of the contact zone between the Spanish and the Incas. ", "It is obvious that this was a negative encounter. ", "The Spanish conquered the Andean people and enforced new laws and policies that were inequitable and unsolicited to them. ", "There was no exchange of ideas or values. ", "Finally, the situation of the Stanford University class was the most apprehensible to me. ", "Each students ideas and values were discussed and examined, both from positive and negative view points. ", "The students had an opportunity to learn from each other, and the students had an opportunity to learn from themselves. ", "These examples of a contact zone give the reader a lesson on the working and understanding of a contact zone.", "\n\nIn conclusion, it was evident that Mary Louise Pratt s essay, Arts of the Contact Zone, introduces us to a phrase and possible a situation that we may encounter, but be unfamiliar with. ", "A contact zone is a place where cultures, ideas and views meet, which can be a positive or negative encounter. ", "Whatever it may be, it is a chance to contrast will preexisting ideas or opinions of a person of a group of people about language, communication and culture. ", "A person to challenge a belief system could use an autoethographic text. ", "Through transculturation, using the text and belief system of the dominant group, can make a profounder effect on the reader, however, the text will be interpreted differently by people in different positions in the contact zone. ", "Often times, one may experience rage and discomfort, and other times one may experience revelation and mutual understanding. ", "Finally, when a person s beliefs and values are challenged, they have a tendency to return to a safe house, where they are accepted and validated. ", "This is the basic working of the contact zone.", "\n\n“The Vulnerable Culture” by Saumil Gandhi PDF In the past and to this day, the Indian culture has been under the constant influence of the western world. ", "This influence that was first welcomed is now slowly but surely becoming a … Continue reading →" ]
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[ " No. ", "85-43\n IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA\n\n 1985\n\n\n\nWEST-I'IONT COMMUNITY CARE, INC .,", "\n Petitioner and Appellant,\n\n\nBOARD OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL\nSCIERCES; DEPARTPIEUP OF IZEALTH AND\nENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES; JEAN K.\nK o M and MARJORIE ANDERSON,\n ~ ~\n C\n Respondents and Respondents.", "\n\n\n\n\nAPPEAL FROM: District Court of the First Judicial District,\n In and for the County of Lewis & Clark,\n The Honorable Henry Loble, Judge presiding.", "\n\nCOUNSEL OF RECORD:\n\n For Appellant:\n J. Cort Harrington, Jr. argued, Helena, Montana\n\n For Respondents:\n Allen B. Chronister argued, Agency Legal Services,\n Dept. ", "of Justice, Helena, Montana\n Luxan & Murfitt; Patrick Melby argued for Koma\n & Anderson, Helena, Montana\n\n\n\n -- -\n\n\n\n\n Submitted: July 2, 1985\n Decided: July 30, 1985\n\n\nFiled: 314. (", "1 fgos\n\n\n\n Clerk\n\fMr. Justice Frank B. Morrison, Jr., delivered the Opinion of\nthe Court.", "\n West-Mont Community Care, Inc. , (West-Mont) appeals the\nJanuary 3, 1985, order of the First Judicial District Court\naffirming an order of the Board of Health and Environmental\nSciences (Board) which granted respondents, Jean Komac and\nMarjorie Anderson, a certificate of need for a home health\ncare agency in Lewis and Clark County. ", " We affirm the order\nof the District Court, although for a reason different than\nthat relied on by the court.", "\n On January 30, 1984, Jean Komac and Marjorie Anderson,\nd/b/a Independent Home Health Care (Independent), filed an\napplication with Montana's Department of Health and Environ-\nmental Sciences (Department) for a certificate of need to\n\nestablish a home health care agency in Lewis and Clark Coun-\nty. ", " The Department denied Independent's application, stating\nthat Lewis and Clark County's home health care needs were\nalready being met by West-Mont Community Care. ", " Independent\nwould only be duplicating West-Mont ' s services, to\nWest-Mont's detriment.", "\n\n Independent appealed the Department's decision to the\nBoard of Health and Environmental Sciences .", "\n (Board) The\nBoard overturned the Department's decision, stating that both\nstate and federal law required the Department to consider the\neffect of competition on the provision of home health care\nservices when reviewing a certificate of need and that the\nDepartment had failed to do so. ", " Then, relying on the compe-\ntition criterion, the Board granted the certificate of need.", "\n West-Mont appealed the decision of the Board to District\nCourt and lost. ", " West-Mont now appeals to this Court, con-\n\ntending that the federal criterion of competition has never\nbeen properly adopted by Montana and that, therefore, the\n\fBoard erred in basing its decision to grant the certificate\n\nof need on the competition factor.", "\n Specifically, West-Mont raises the following issues on\nappea 1:\n 1. ", " When the Montana Legislature incorporated b y refer-\nence \"Title 42, CFR, Part 123, as amended\" in\nS; 50-5-304 (1)(n), MCA, it either:\n\n a. Intended to incorporate 42 CFR, Part 123 as it\nexisted on July 1, 1979, which does not contain competition\nas a review criterion; or\n b. Intended to include future amendments to 42 CFR,\n\nPart 123, which would be an unconstitutional delegation of\nlegislative authority to the Secretary of Health and Human\n\nSer~~ices.", "\n 2. ", " If incorporation of the federal rules is discretion-\nary rather than mandatory, the criterion of competition still\nmay not be considered as it has never been properly adopted\npursuant to the Montana Administrative Procedures Act.", "\n 3. ", " For purposes of certificate of need review, does\n\"need\" include \"need for competition\" under the Montana\nstatutes alone?", "\n 4. ", " Is the Board's finding that Independent's applica-\ntion will not have an adverse effect on the existing home\nhealth agency and is consistent with Montana's health systems\n\nplan supported by reliable, probative and substantial evi-\ndence on the whole record?", "\n 5. ", " Is the Board's finding that there are no less cost-\nly, qua lity-equiva lent, or more effective methods of provid-\ning Independent's proposed services clearly erroneous?", "\n The case was orally argued to this Court on May 16,\n\n1985. ", " At that time Mr. Patrick Melby, attorney for Indepen-\ndent, advised this Court that the Department of Health and\n\fEnvironmental Sciences was considering the adoption of an\nadministrative rule which would incorporate into the State's\nreview criteria for a certificate of need the specific feder-\nal regulations at issue, including the need for competition.", "\nThose rules were adopted by the Department on May 30, 1985.", "\nIn light of this development, the parties were asked to brief\nthe following additional issue:\n \"May this Court consider an administra-\n tive rule promulgated by the respondent\n Department of Health and Environments 1\n Sciences after filing of the notice of\n appeal wherein there is adopted now\n existing federal regulations which may be\n material to the cause and may the same be\n considered by this Court in the determi-\n nation of this cause?\"", "\n Our resolution of this issue renders consideration of\nWest-Mont's issues one through three unnecessary.", "\n Generally, an appellate court must apply the law in\neffect at the time it renders its decision. ", " Thorpe v. Hous-\ning Authority of the City of Durham (1969), 393 U.S. 268, 89\nS.Ct. ", " 518, 21 L.Ed.2d 474. ", " Montana followed this principle\nin Wilson v. State Highway Commission (1962), 140 Mont. 253,\n370 P.2d 486. ", " There, after judgment for the Highway Commis-\nsion was entered in the trial court, the legislature enacted\na statute granting the Highway Commission the authority to\nperform the act at issue. ", " This Court held the appeal of the\ntrial court judgment to be moot, stating:\n \"We are of the opinion that this case\n does not present any justiciable issues.", "\n The above-cited statute resolved the\n question of whether the Commission had\n power to rent the use of the unused right\n of way by expressly granting such power.", "\n Likewise, the statute disposed of the\n constitutional question by requiring that\n the Commission secure rent from the\n unused right of way. ", " There is nothing\n left for this court to decide. ", "We do not\n deem it necessary to rule upon the legal-\n ity of the administrative procedure which\n is no longer in effect, and which no\n longer controls the rights of the\n\f parties. ", " . .", "\n . \" ", "Wilson, 140 Mont.\n 257, 370 P.2d at 488.", "\n at\n\n\n This principle applies to administrative regulations as\nwell as statutes.", "\n \" ' [I]f subsequent to the judgment and\n before the decision of the appellate\n court, a law intervenes and positively\n changes the rule which governs, the law\n must be obeyed, or its obligation denied.", "\n If the law be constitutional, * * * I\n know of no court which can contest its\n obligation. .. ", " .'", "\n \"This same reasoning has been applied\n where the change was constitutional,\n statutory, or judicial. ", " Surely it 9-\n plies with equal force where the change\n is made\n - - pursuant-to- administrative agency\n % an\n acting legislative authoriza-\n tion.\" ", "Thorpe, 393 U.S. at 282, 89 S.Ct.", "\n at 526, 21 L.Ed.2d at 484, quoting Chief\n Justice Marshall in United States v.\n Schooner Peggy (1801), 1 Cranch 103, 110,\n 2 L.Ed. ", "49, 51. ", " (emphasis supplied)\n (footnotes omitted)\n Retroactive application of new rules is impermissible\nonly if it \"takes away or impairs vested rights acquired\nunder existing laws or creates new obligations or imposes new\nduties in respect to transactions already past.\" ", " Castles v.\nState ex rel. ", "Montana Department of Highways (1980), 187\n\nMont. 356, 360, 609 P.2d 1223, 1225, citing City of Harlem v.\nState Highway Commission (1967), 149 Mont. 281, 284, 425 P.2d\n718, 720. ", " There is no retroactive application problem here\nas no vested rights are involved. ", " \"[Ilt is well established\nthat the rights which may 'vest1 through reliance on a gov-\nernment permit are no greater than those specifically granted\nby the permit itself.\" ", " Santa Monica Pines, Ltd. v. Rent\nControl Board of the City of Santa Monica (Cal. ", "1984) , 679\nP.2d 27, 32. ", " West-Mont's permit to operate a home health\ncare agency certainly does not guarantee West-Mont that it\nwill always operate as a monopoly, free of competition.", "\nRather, the operation of a home health care agency is a\n\fprivilege subject to conditions imposed by the State of\nMontana through its certificate of need program. ", " See Peti-\ntion of Morris (1978), 175 Mont. 456, 575 P.2d 37, where we\nheld the practice of law to be a privilege burdened with\nconditions.", "\n We would not apply the new rules to this case if such\napplication would, in any way, prejudice West-Mont. However,\nthe application of the new rules does not deprive West-Mont\nof a fair hearing. ", " It is undisputed that the Board thought\nit was to consider the competition criterion. ", " Each party had\nan adequate opportunity to present its case on that issue at\nthe administrative hearing. ", " In fact, nearly all the testimo-\nny and evidence offered by each party centered around the\ncriteria of cost and competition.", "\n In Wilson, supra, a permit had not yet been issued.", "\nThis Court ordered that the new rule be considered when\ndetermining whether or not to issue the permit. ", " Here, al-\nthough the certificate of need has been issued (pending this\nappeal), the Board considered the competition criterion when\ndetermining whether or not to issue the certificate of need.", "\nThere was no harm or prejudice to West-Mont.\n West-Mont alleges in its supplemental brief that the\nDepartment failed to properly incorporate 42 CFR 123.412 into\nA.R.M. § 16.32.110. ", " We do not agree. ", " The federal regulation\nis properly cited. ", " The administrative rule indicates that\nthe criteria in the federal regulation are to be adopted in\nMontana. ", " To require a listing of the criteria would defeat\nthe rationale for allowing the incorporation of other materi-\nal in the Administrative Rules of Montana, the saving of\nspace and money. ", " The cite in and of itself provides the\npublic with the needed information on where the material is\nlocated.", "\n\f W e h o l d t h a t A.R.M. 5 16.32.110, a d o p t e d May 3 0 , 1985,\n\nis t h e proper rule t o be considered by t h i s Court in the\n\ndetermination of this cause. ", " Therefore, this Court will\n\nc o n s i d e r t h e need f o r c o m p e t i t i o n when d e t e r m i n i n g w h e t h e r o r\n\nn o t t h e e v i d e n c e p r e s e n t e d t o t h e Board s u p p o r t s t h e i s s u a n c e\n\no f a c e r t i f i c a t e o f need t o I n d e p e n d e n t .", "\n\n West-Mont o b j e c t s t o two o f t h e B o a r d ' s f i n d i n g s o f f a c t\n\non t h e b a s i s t h a t t h e y a r e n o t s u p p o r t e d by r e l i a b l e , p r o b a -\n\nt i v e and s u b s t a n t i a l e v i d e n c e on t h e whole r e c o r d and t h a t\nthey a r e c l e a r l y erroneous. ", " Those f i n d i n g s a r e :\n\n \"10. ", " There are no less costl-y,\n quality-equivalent or more effective\n methods o f p r o v i d i n g t h e p r o p o s e d servic-\n es. ", " [ $ 50-5-304 (1) ( d ) , MCA]\n\n\n\n \"14. ", " The e s t a b l i s h m e n t o f I n d e p e n d e n t\n w i l l n o t have an adverse f i n a n c i a l impact\n o n t h e e x i s t i n g h e a l t h c a r e s y s t e m and i s\n not inconsistent with joint planning\n e f f o r t s by h e a l t h c a r e p r o v i d e r s i n t h e\n area. ", " [ § 50-5-304 (1) ( f ) , MCA] \"\n\n The t r i a l c o u r t judge a f f i r m e d t h o s e f i n d i n g s , stating\n\nsimply t h a t :\n\n \"The C o u r t s h a l l n o t d i s t u r b t h e f i n d i n g s\n o f t h e Board w i t h r e s p e c t t o t h e c r i t e r i a\n found i n S e c t i o n 50-5-304 (1) ( a ) , ( c ) ,\n ( a ) , and (f). ", " There i s s u b s t a n t i a l\n evidence t o support t h e i r findings.\"", "\n\n W e agree with the t r i a l court. ", " \" I f t h e record contains\n\nsupport for the factual d e t e r m i n a t i o n s made by t h e a g e n c y ,\n\nt h e c o u r t s may n o t weigh t h e e v i d e n c e . ", " They a r e bound by t h e\n\nfindings of the agency.\" ", " City of Billings v. Billings\n\nF i r e f i g h t e r s L o c a l No. ", " 521 (Mont. 1 9 8 2 ) , 651 P.2d 627, 632,\n\n3 9 St.Rep. 1844, 1849. ", " T h e r e i s ample e v i d e n c e i n t h e r e c o r d\n\nt o s u p p o r t t h e f i n d i n g s o f t h e Board.", "\n\n Regarding finding of fact no. ", " 10, West-Mont contends\n\nt h a t I n d e p e n d e n t ' s p l a n n e d service i s n o t o f a q u a l i t y e q u i v -\n\nalent to that of West-Mont because Independent does not\n\fintend t o hire a nursing supervisor. ", " However, Jean Komac\n\ntestified a t t h e h e a r i n g b e f o r e t h e Roard t h a t I n d e p e n d e n t\n\nplans on hiring two n u r s i n g s u p e r ~ r i s o r s t o work alternate\n\nshifts. ", " Those s u p e r v i s o r s would a l s o p r o v i d e d i r e c t s e r v i -\n\nces, b u t would n o t be s u p e r v i s i n g a t t h e same t i m e . ", " (See\n\ntranscript, pp. ", " 117-118. ) ", " There i s s u f f i c i e n t evidence f o r\n\nt h i s C o u r t t o a f f i r m t h e d e c i s i o n o f a Board w i t h e x p e r t i s e\n\nin the area that such an arrangement w i l l provide quality\n\ns e r v i c e t o Independent's clientele.", "\n\n With r e s p e c t t o f i n d i n g o f f a c t no. ", " 1 4 , West-Mont a l l e g -\n\nes t h a t t h e Board f a i l e d t o c o n s i d e r t h a t I n d e p e n d e n t would\n\nbe duplicating services offered by West-P4ont , contrary t o\nM o n t a n a ' s H e a l t h Systems P l a n . ", " While M o n t a n a ' s H e a l t h Sys-\n\nt e m s P l a n d o e s n o t e n c o u r a g e d u p l i c a t i o n o f s e r v i c e s , it d o e s\n\nallow for duplicating where it is deemed appropriate.", "\n\nPolson, Missoula and Great Falls all have competing home\n\nhealth care agencies. ", " An a u d i t o r from B l u e C r o s s t e s t i f i e d\n\nthat the competition has little adverse effect on those\n\nagencies.", "\n\n \" I t d e p e n d s b a s i c a l l y on a c o u p l e o f\n factors. ", " I t d e p e n d s on t h e i r f i n a n c i a l\n acumen. ", " I f t h e y can handle it, i f they\n can handle t h e competition, then t h e y ' r e\n g o i n g t o become more e f f i c i e n t . ", " I f they\n c a n n o t become more e f f i c i e n t , t h e n t h e y\n w i l l not survive.\" ", " T r . ", "p. 2 2 .", "\n\n I n a d d i t i o n , t h e r e was s u b s t a n t i a l t e s t i m o n y i n d i c a t i n g\n\nt h a t c o m p e t i t i o n i n t h e home h e a l t h c a r e f i e l d i n Lewis and\n\nC l a r k County would r e d u c e t h e c o s t o f t h e s e r v i c e , w i t h no\n\na d v e r s e e f f e c t on p a t i e n t s e r v i c e s .", "\n\n The a u d i t o r q u o t e d p r e v i o u s l y a l s o t e s t i f i e d t h a t :\n\n \". . . ", " I would b e v e r y l e e r y t o s a y t h a t\n i n s t i t u t i n g two home h e a l t h a g e n c i e s i n a\n community would have a d e t r i m e n t a l e f f e c t\n on p a t i e n t services. ", " I n my own p e r s o n a l\n o p i n i o n , I cannot i n any conscience say\n t h a t t h i s would n o t b e a good t h i n g . ", " I\n t h i n k it would b e a good t h i n g t o have\n\f t h i s competition. ", " I t makes b o t h home\n health a g e n c i e s more e f f i c i e n t . ", " It\n serves t h e p a t i e n t s b e t t e r b e c a u s e w e\n have a d r i v e , a r e a l need t o p e r f o r m\n a g a i n s t each other. ", " And t h a t ' s s i m p l y my\n opinion. ", " I t h i n k t h e community a s w e l l\n a s HCFA -- a n o t h e r t h i n g I should mention\n i s HCFA i s on a c o s t d r i v e r i g h t now, t o\n r e d u c e c o s t s p a i d t o p r o v i d e r s o f servic-\n es. ", " A s f o r t h e i r goal, i n reaching t h i s\n goal, instituting a competition-type\n s i t u a t i o n would p r o b a b l y b e a good t h i n g .", "\n I t would p r o b a b l y serve t h e i r p u r p o s e s\n quite well.\" ", " T r . ", "p. 28.", "\n\n Mr. Robert Johnson, Director of the Lewis and Clark\n\nCounty H e a l t h D e p a r t m e n t , t e s t i f i e d a s f o l l o w s :\n\n \"Q Bob, d o you h a v e an o p i n i o n o f wheth-\n e r o r n o t c o m p e t i t i o n i n t h e home h e a l t h\n c a r e a r e a would a d v a n c e t h e p u r p o s e s o f\n quality assurance in those services?", "\n\n \"A No, I don't t h i n k t h a t it would\n a f f e c t t h e q u a l i t y much. ", " I h a v e no\n q u e s t i o n r i g h t now t h a t West l l o n t Home\n Health Care i s providing high q u a l i t y\n s e r v i c e s and I t h i n k t h a t t h o s e a g e n c i e s\n a r e r e g u l a t e d t o t h e e x t e n t by v a r i o u s\n f e d e r a l and s t a t e a g e n c i e s t h a t t h e i r\n q u a l i t y o f service i s r e l a t i v e l y g u a r a n -\n teed. ", " I t h i n k , however, t h a t t h e r e a l\n i s s u e , f o r m e i n my o p i n i o n , a t l e a s t , i s\n c o s t , t h e charge f o r t h a t service.", "\n\n \"Q Y o u ' r e saying t h a t competition i n\n home h e a l t h c a r e would a d v a n c e t h e p u r -\n poses of c o s t e f f e c t i v e n e s s ?", "\n\n \"A I think so.\" ", " Tr. ", " pp. ", " 66-67.", "\n\n There i s s u b s t a n t i a l c r e d i b l e evidence i n t h e r e c o r d t o\n\ns u p p o r t t h e B o a r d ' s d e t e r m i n a t i o n t h a t a c e r t i f i c a t e o f need\n\nshould be i s s u e d t o Independent.", "\n\n Affirmed.", "\n\fWe concur: ,/\n\n\n ief Justice\n\f" ]
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[ "The objectives of the project as a whole are to stimulate technological and institutional changes to\ndemonstrate inter-fuel substitution and energy efficiency improvement as means to support the country\nobjectives. ", "The total project aims at encouraging and introducing more rapid transition from coal to gas\nand introducing more energy efficiency in residential buildings.", "\n\nThe total project has the following components:\n\na coal-to-gas conversion component, involving investments in about 30 non-industrial small to medium\nsize heat plants (boilers) for their conversion from coal to natural gas. ", "The projects are for residential\nhouses and public buildings; the new technologies include gas fired cogeneration unit of heat and\nelectricity, condensing boilers as well as conventional gas fired boilers;\n\nan energy efficiency component, involving investments in insulation of buildings and the installation\nof energy efficient equipment in some hundred new residential units;\n\nThe AIJ component of the project is funded with a grant of 1.1 million USD from the Department of Natural\nResources and Environmental Affairs of the Government of Norway. ", "Non-AIJ related financing of the project\nincludes grant of 25 million USD from the GEF and further 22 million USD from the Polish National Fund for\nEnvironmental Protection and Water Management (National Fund, NF), Voivodeship Funds (VF), Environmental\nProtection Bank (BOS) and private investors in Poland.", "\n\nThe portion of the project funded by the Government of Norway functions as an AIJ demonstration project\nwith the objective of assisting Parties to the UNFCCC in gaining experience on how the mechanism of AIJ\nmight work. ", "The project is administered by the World Bank and is related to other Bank operations in\nPoland. ", "The GEF funding is separate from the AIJ financing.", "\n\nThe overall project has an estimated lifetime of 17 years and will give substantial reductions in\ngreenhouse gas emissions and at the same time reduce pollution. ", "It has been planned in a manner consistent\nwith national priorities for sustainable energy development.", "\n\nA. 2) Participants/actors:\n\nThe donor country is the Government of Norway, represented by the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign\nAffairs (RNMFA), Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs. ", "The host is the Government of\nPoland, represented by the Ministry of Environment (MoE), Economic Department.", "\n\nThe entity responsible for co-ordination and reporting on AIJ activities in Poland is the National Fund for\nEnvironmental Protection and Water Management (NF), JI-Secretariat. ", "The implementing agency is the\nEnvironmental Protection Bank (BOS). ", "Within the World Bank, the Department for Central and Eastern Europe\nis charged with management of the project, while the Global Environment Department assists in development\nof the AIJ component.", "\n\nThe host investors are the private boiler owners, public entities and self-governments.", "\n\nPlease fill in one table for each participant/actor. ", "For individuals fill in as from item\n\"Function within activity\".", "\n\n9 projects under Energy Efficiency in New Residential Buildings Component, updated 31st of December\n1999,\n\n4 projects under Coal to Gas Conversion Component are specified in list of \"stand-by\"\nprojects.", "\n\nItem\n\nPlease fill in if applicable\n\nGeneral description:\n\nPoland's energy economy is dominated by coal, which is domestically produced. ", "The related\ngreenhouse gas emissions and air pollution problems are huge.", "\n\nThe share of coal was 77% in 1991, while the share of oil and gas was 21%, one of the lowest in\ncontinental Europe. ", "A shift towards an oil and gas share of 53 to 73% has been estimated by the\nWorld Bank to lead to at least 50% reduction in the carbon dioxide emissions.", "\n\nOne of the reasons for the widespread use of coal is the use for space heating. ", "The use of gas for\nspace heating was earlier prohibited and the use of oil was held back by various measures. ", "The aim\nwas to limit foreign exchange expenditures on energy imports. ", "Coal for space heating is used both\nin district heating systems, block heating plants (heating several apartments) and in individual\nheating in stoves. ", "District heating companies own about 16 GW coal fired boilers, consuming about 6\nmillion tons of coal per year. ", "About 3,2 GW of this capacity is, by the World Bank, considered\nsuitable for replacement with gas fired boilers.", "\n\nRemoval of the direct regulation of fuel use will result in a shift from coal to gas or oil. ", "Coal\nwill for reasons of price remain the preferred fuel for relatively large boilers, where economies\nof scale offsets the higher costs of coal handling and emission control equipment. ", "Also in small\nboilers, coal has until recently been the preferred fuel for economic reasons, but higher coal\nprices will reduce its use in the long term.", "\n\nEnvironmental standards have been and will be further strengthened for sulphur, particulates and\nnitrogen oxide, and effective enforcement will be phased in over many years. ", "This will accelerate\nthe price-driven conversion of small boilers from coal to gas. ", "The emission standards are\nadministered by local authorities and linked to these is a system of fees and fines. ", "Emissions of\nsulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and particulates, as well as carbon dioxide are taxed. ", "The fees on\ncarbon dioxide are only of symbolic nature. ", "The other fees could have some albeit small effects on\nconversions from coal to gas.", "\n\nThere are several obstacles to conversions from coal to gas. ", "They include lack of access to\nfinancing, budgetary procedures of publicly owned heating companies, and lack of price incentives.", "\nCost savings in heat production are not felt by consumers because heat prices are subsidised. ", "Only\nthe local authorities have a well defined interest in reducing costs but often lack the financial\nmeans for investment.", "\n\nFor the immediate future, the conversion of coal to gas will not be financially attractive without\ntaking into account the global warming considerations and/or local pollution effects.", "The same\n\nDescription of the other Energy Efficiency Projects\n\nBesides projects described in the Appendix III, for which BOS SA signed preliminary agreement on\napplying for AIJ/GEF grant with developers. ", "These developers are cooperating with Energy Auditor.", "\nEnergy Audits are expected to be completed soon.", "\n\nTheir projects are following:\n\n10 multifamily buildings (75 apartments and area 4168,6 m2 totally) in Gdansk -\nproject of \"Towarzystwo Inwestycyjne - Investing S.A.\" (the request covered 37\nmultifamily buildings of total amount 17553,83 m2 and 10 single family buildings - but\nbecause of too late date of completion they can not be covered by GEF grant),\n\n1 multifamily building (7-8 floors) with area of 5267 m2 and 94 apartments in\nWroclaw, Ciepla 15 Street - project of „ARCHICOM\" firm.", "\n\nc) Methodological work will be required to define lifetime of activities.", "\n\nd) Methodological work will be required to determine for each types of activity what the minimum\ndata requirements are.", "\n\nA. 4) Cost (to the extent possible):\n\nThe project has a 1.1 million USD grant from the Government of Norway, a contribution of about 22 million\nUSD from Poland and a 25 million USD grant from the GEF. ", "The Polish sources for funding vary, but are most\noften a package of funding from the boiler owners themselves, the National Fund for Environmental\nProtection and Water Management (NF), Environmental Protection Bank (BOS) and provincial authorities.", "\n\nItem\n\nYear 1\n\nYear 2\n\n...\n\nYear X\n\nCost of the project in USD:\n\n48 mill\n\nAIJ component in USD:\n\n1.1 mill\n\nUSD per avoided ton of CO2 equivalent:\n\nHigh efficiency gas boilers\n\nBetween 11 and 43\n\nCondensing boiler\n\nAbout 60\n\nHousing projects\n\nBetween 90 and 120\n\nDescribe briefly how costs are determined:\n\nThe value of the amount granted to the individual project was calculated, in particular:\n\nadditional cost of investment and exploitation of boiler during 17 years in comparison with\n\ncost of new coal boiler plus a difference of cost of new condensing gas boiler as well as\n\npartial cost of modernisation of heating system.", "\n\nThe grant will allow the boiler owners to have a profitable percentage of return of the capital.the same\n\nA. 5) Mutually agreed assessment procedures:\n\nDescribe the procedures, including name of organisations involveda):\n\n5.1) General Agreement\n\nThe Government of Poland has received grant funds from the Government of Norway and from the GEF.", "\n\nThe World Bank is acting as Trustee of GEF Norwegian funds for the project.", "\n\nOn behalf of the Government of Poland, the Minister of EPNR&F is a grantee of this fund. ", "The\nMoE, through its Department of Ecological Policy, is responsible for: (a) overall co-ordination and\nimplementation of this project; and (b) monitoring and reviewing project activities and products to\nassure that they are of a high quality and are accomplished in a cost- effective and timely manner.", "\n\nRecognising the complexity of Joint Implementation Program, the Minister of EPNR&F has\nestablished the Polish Secretariat for Joint Implementation in NF.", "\n\nBOS is acting as the Implementing Agency for this project and as administrator of project\nactivities and funds to be used solely for the purposes of the project.", "\n\nThe sameA monitoring plan to provide data for evaluation of the quantity of greenhouse gas emissions as\nwell as other environmental benefits the operating costs and the energy savings have been established.", "\n\n5.2.1) MONITORING OBJECTIVE\n\nThe objective of environmental monitoring for the coal-to-gas conversion component of the project is to\nprovide data for evaluation of pollutant emission reduction, to assess effectiveness of the operating costs\nassociated with conversion of coal fired boilers to natural gas ones and to evaluate energy saving.", "\nMonitoring should ensure detailed evaluation of revenues and benefits to be reaped from the project’s\nimplementation.", "\n\n5.2.2) COURSE OF REALISATION\n\nTo ensure use of unified data collecting procedures and their analysis, there will be one contractor\nselected by competitive bidding, responsible for preparation and carrying out monitoring all over the\ncountry at the realisation stage of the coal-to-gas conversion component of the project. ", "The above\nmentioned contractor will implement the monitoring program under supervision of the Ministry of\nEnvironmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry (MoE) represented by the State Environmental\nInspectorate (PIOS).", "\n\nThe latter's role will consist mainly in working out the rules for monitoring performance, approval of\na monitoring implementation plan for each facility, occasional inspection of work in progress, and\nverification of all the reports submitted.", "\n\nPIOS will supervise environmental monitoring for all the facilities involved in the project and will\nevaluate results obtained in effect of individual implementation of fuel conversion projects. ", "The role of\nEnvironmental Protection Bank (BOS), which is the Implementing Agency for the project, will focus on\nundertaking the necessary actions ensuring that monitoring of old boilers prior to the conversion can take\nplace before their modification and on administration and management of the pertinent activity.", "\n\n5.2.3) SCOPE OF WORK\n\nTo attain the project’s objectives the contractor will undertake the following actions:\n\nit will ensure taking all measurements in conformity with the Polish standards,\n\nit will determine the detailed program of measurement, collecting and processing of the monitored data\nin co-operation with the PIOS.", "\n\nThe program should contain in particular:\n\n5.2.3.1) Technical monitoring plan\n\nTechnical monitoring of coal fired boiler rooms subject to conversion to gas fuel at the\nimplementation phase and following realisation.", "\n\nMonitoring’s objective is an ecological economic and energy-wise evaluation of the effectiveness of\nconversion of about 30 non-industrial coal fired boiler rooms of up to l5 MW output to gas fired high\nefficiency boilers or combined heat and power generation facilities.", "\n\nTechnical monitoring includes evaluation of the technical state of boilers and their instrumentation,\nauxiliaries, quantities of fuel and electrical energy used, fuel and water balance, quantity of thermal and\nelectric energy produced and efficiency of heat transmission and use by recipients.", "\n\n5.2.3.2) Emissions monitoring plan\n\nEcological monitoring of the selected pollution emissions sources to determine effects of conversion\nfrom solid to gas fuel.", "\n\nThe assumptions pertain to about 30 small and medium non-industrial boiler rooms (hereinafter to be\nreferred to as the facilities) with a thermal output of under 5MW per boiler unit presently using solid\nfuel, predominantly coal.", "\n\nThe scope of these assumptions includes parametric identification of the above mentioned facilities in the\naspect of ecological change resulting from conversion from solid to gas fuel.", "\n\nThe ecological monitoring goal is evaluation of reduction of pollution emitted into the atmosphere by the\nabove mentioned facilities, which will be an effect of fuel conversion as well as equipment modernisation,\non the basis of technical and emission measurements prior to and following conversion.", "\n\nRealisation of the goal as defined should take place in stages, also for reasons of effective control\nsupported by modern data collecting techniques.", "\n\n5.2.3.3) Performance report format\n\nIn regard of contents of the report on realisation of conversion of coal fired boiler rooms\nto gas fired ones.", "\n\nThe report should outline in a concise form progress of realisation of coal fired boiler rooms’\nconversion to the gas fired ones inclusive of the realisation stages and guidelines offered in and\n5.2.3.2) to \"MONITORING PLAN FOR COAL-TO-GAS CONVERSION PROJECT\".", "\n\nThe report's content should include a brief description of individual events accompanying project\nrealisation illustrated with tables and diagrams.", "\n\nIt should end up with conclusions useful for improvement of realisation of the other projects of the same\ntype and for the final evaluation of ecological, economic and technical effectiveness achieved as a result\nof boiler room reconstruction in connection with conversion from coal to gas fuel.", "\n\n5.2.4) LOGISTICS\n\nAfter the contract is effective, BOS and the Contractor will develop a mutually acceptable schedule for the\npre-conversion monitoring of old coal-fired boiler facilities selected for conversion to gas-firing under\nthe project, including a monitoring schedule of the heat distribution and transfer systems and the end-user\nbuilding facilities supplied by the old boilers.", "\n\nSimilarly, BOS and the Contractor will develop a schedule for the post-conversion monitoring of new\nfacilities and their associated heat distribution, transfer and end-use systems.", "\n\nSuch schedules (Preconversion Monitoring Schedule and Post-Conversion Monitoring Schedule) will include\norganisational solutions guaranteeing the starting date for the pre-conversion and post-conversion\nmonitoring activities at each individual project site and the access of the contractor to the individual\nproject site to carry out such activities.", "\n\nBOS will notify the Contractor at least 3 weeks prior to the proposed monitoring start date of each\nindividual project site.", "\n\n5.2.5) REPORTING\n\nWithin 6 weeks after the contract is effective, the Contractor shall develop a standard form, acceptable to\nPIOS, for reporting pre-conversion and post-conversion monitoring activity and results for individual\nconversion project, including a standard environmental report form.", "\n\nThe Contractor together with the Boiler Owner and the Boiler Owners' Representative shall prepare and\nsubmit to BOS a monitoring report in accordance with the above mentioned standard form, for each individual\nproject realised.", "\n\nBOS will ensure timely distribution of the individual reports to the concerned authorities.", "\n\n5.2.6) VERIFICATION\n\nVerification of the individual monitoring reports will be done by PIOS with use of its field branches and\nthe team of experts participating in the Monitoring Program. ", "PIOS will establish a system of verification\nprocedures which should be applied once a year to all the projects and for some, at random.", "\n\nPIOS will prepare for the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry a report on\nverification of each individual project and the GEF Program in as entirety.", "\n\nThe Secretariat-JI will send the above mentioned reports to the World Bank, the Norwegian Government and\nthe UNFCCC - Secretariat.", "\n\nB. Governmental acceptance, approval or endorsement\n\nB.1) Letters of endorsement will be sent accordingly.", "\n\nB. 2) This report is a jointjoint report:\n\nX Yes, this project has been endorsed by the following parties: the Polish Ministry of\nEnvironmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs,\nsigned on 30 September 1993.The same\n\nB. 3) General short comment by the government(s) if applicable:\n\nThe items of the report describing the project, its implementation and its effects, have been completed by\nthe Government of Poland. ", "The investor specific items have been completed by the Government of Norway. ", "The\nWorld Bank, as the project administrator, has provided assistance and advice in the preparation of the\njoint report. ", "The same\n\nC. Compatibility with and supportiveness of national economic development and socio-economic and\nenvironmental priorities and strategies\n\nDescribe (to the extent possible) how the activity is compatible with and supportive of national\neconomic development and socio-economic and environment priorities and strategies.", "\n\nPoland seeks energy security through stable energy deliveries at socially acceptable prices and\nwith a minimal damage to the environment. ", "Among the priority actions are to diversify the primary\nenergy supplies and to comply with international environmental agreements to reduce air pollution\nand greenhouse gas emissions. ", "This project is designed to be fully-integrated and consistent with\nthe goals and development strategies of the government of Poland.", "\n\nAIR PROTECTION\n\nThis is based on:\n\nthe \"Implementation Program of the National Environmental Policy till the year to\n2000\",\n\nThe aim of the undertakings concerning the air pollution control is to achieve reductions of\npollutant emissions into the atmospheric air by both improving the fuel quality parameters and\nreplacing fuel, by installing equipment that reduces the flue gas emissions of pollutants, by\nmodernising and replacing technologies and by conserving energy.", "\n\n1) Directions:\n\nSupport for the undertakings leading to reductions of the emissions into the atmospheric air of\ngas and particulate pollutants, by means of the modernisation and upgrading of the fuel production\nand burning technologies.", "\n\nSupport for the undertakings related to the rationalisation of heat systems, including the\nrecovery of heat, national production of highly efficient heating equipment, combined with the use\nof unconventional energy sources.", "\n\n2) Selection criteria for projects in the field of air protection\n\nelimination of low-stack emissions;\n\nsupporting projects connected with the construction of systems supplying gas and district\nheating to spas, tourist destinations and protected areas;\n\nimproving heating efficiency, especially linked to the elimination of household stoves and\nexisting local boilers with low efficiency and poor technical condition through a comprehensive\nmodification of heating systems;\n\ncontrol of gaseous and ash emissions from power generation and large hard and (lignite) brown\ncoal-fired energy cogeneration plants, especially having an impact on Poland's international\ncommitments;\n\nimproving energy efficiency;\n\nmodification of industrial processes in order to improve energy efficiency and reduce harmful\nemissions;\n\npromoting non - conventional energy source projects;\n\nsupporting modern technical solutions limiting the environmental impact of and transport, in\nparticular city transport, in the context of exhaust fumes, noise and vibration emissions including\nsupport in equipping monitoring services;\n\ncontrolling non-ionising electromagnetic radiation. ", "the same\n\nD. Benefits derived from the activities implemented jointly project\n\nWhenever possible, quantitative information should be provided. ", "Failing that, a qualitative description\nshould be given. ", "If quantitative information becomes available, it could be submitted using the update(s).", "\n(If the amount of quantitative information is too large, the source could be indicated.)", "\n\nItem\n\nPlease fill in\n\nDescribe environmental benefits in detail:\n\nThe sameAnticipated global benefits of the total project include a 65 % reduction in CO2\nemissions by converting small coal fired boilers to gas firing, and a 28 % CO2 reduction\nby increasing efficiency in new residential buildings. ", "Local benefits include virtual elimination\nof sulphur dioxide (SO2) and particulates and significant reduction in nitrogen oxides\n(NOx) emitted by the converted boilers.", "\n\nE. Calculation of the contribution of activities implemented jointly projects that bring about real,\nmeasurable and long-term environmental benefits related to the mitigation of climate change that would not\nhave occurred in the absence of such activities\n\nThe project cost-effectiveness expressed in the size of the grant per ton of CO2 equivalents is\nfor the typical high efficiency gas-fired boiler between 11 and 43 USD, while the cost of avoided emissions\nfrom a condensing boiler would be about 60 USD. ", "For the housing projects, the costs would seem to vary\nbetween 90 and 120 USD per ton of CO2 equivalents. ", "As new practices and energy saving equipment\nbecome more common in Poland, prices are expected to drop considerably and thus help fulfil the objective\nof the project more cost-effectively.", "\n\nUncontrolled emissions from black coal mines in Poland are assumed to average 20-25 m3 per ton\nof coal produced. ", "The advantage of reduced emissions of methane from coal mining is not included in the\ncalculations of emission benefits. ", "Also the lifetime of the new gas-fired boilers has in the calculation of\nemission benefits conservatively been estimated to last for 17 years.the same\n\nE. 1) Estimated emissions without the activity (project baseline):\n\nDescription of the baseline or reference scenario, including methodologies applied:\n\nThe sameIn the absence of the total project, reengineering and replacement of existing coal fired boilers\nonly at the end of their service life would be the most common choice of boiler owners due to a low\ninvestment price and the familiarity with coal technology. ", "A shift to new coal fired boilers was chosen as\nthe baseline knowing that this is a conservative choice for calculating the probable emission saving. ", "The\nabatement effect is thus the difference in emissions between new coal-fired boilers and new gas-fired\nboilers.", "\n\nE. 2) Estimated emissions with the activity:\n\nDescription of the scenario, including methodologies applied:\n\nThe sameFor both the reference case and the \"with project\" cases, CO2 emissions were\nestimated based on: (a) annual heat demand (which is the same for the with project and reference cases);\n(b) efficiency of heat supply facilities (coal-fired boilers, gas-fired condensing boilers or cogeneration\nunits); (c) unit emission factors for gas, LFO and coal; (d) share of heat produced by the cogeneration\nunit and the peak boilers. ", "Additional CO2 emission credits were attributed to the cogeneration\nunits, resulting from the displacement of the electricity now generated from coal in the national power\nsystem at 34 percent efficiency.", "\n\nF. Bearing in mind that the financing of activities implemented jointly shall be additional to financial\nobligations of Parties included in Annex II to the Convention within the framework of the financial\nmechanism as well as to current official development assistance flows, please indicate\n\nThe same\n\nSource of project funding\n\nincluding pre-feasibility stage\n\n(For each source one line)\n\nAmount\n\n(converted to US dollars)\n\nGovernment of Norway1\n\n1.1 mill USD\n\nGEF\n\n25 mill USD\n\nPoland (NFEP&WM, VFEP&WM, BOS, owner’s contribution)\n\n22 mill USD\n\n1The contribution of the Government of Norway is provided from a separate budget line, the\nNorwegian Climate Fund, which has been established separate from, and in addition to, the development\nassistance accounts and will not be reported as part of Norway's ODA. ", "This contribution is provided in\naddition to meet Norway's financial commitments under UNFCCC.", "\n\nThe Norwegian co-financing was provided in addition to the Norwegian contribution to the GEF in 1993. ", "The\navailability of extra Norwegian co-financing served to expand the project scope beyond what would have been\nundertaken in the absence of this funding. ", "Specifically, the extra Norwegian resources resulted in an\nincrease in the targeted number of boiler installations to be converted by the project. ", "In effect, the\nNorwegian co-financing is covering the non-GEF financed portion of the (expanded) total incremental cost\nfinancing requirement and is additional to the financial obligations under the Convention and to regular\ndevelopment financing. ", "The Norwegian government is not seeking emission credits from its investment in the\nproject.", "\n\nG. Contribution to capacity building, transfer of environmentally sound technologies and know-how to\nother Parties, particularly developing country Parties, to enable them to implement the provisions of the\nConvention. ", "In this process, the developed country Parties shall support the development and enhancement of\nendogenous capacities and technologies of developing country Parties.", "\n\nThe sameDescribe briefly the transfer of environmenally sound technology and know-how including where\nappropriate the type of technology, terms, education, capacity building, etc.", "\n\nThe introduction of improved technologies would facilitate the Government's efforts to pursue its\nenvironmental priorities and standards aggressively and to take full advantage of the macroeconomic\nconditions and other incentives that induce energy efficiency and conservation.", "\n\nWith largely decontrolled coal prices, a proper gas pricing policy, rising labour costs, and proper set-up\nand enforcement of environmental fees and fines that reflect the true costs of environmental damage,\ncoal-to-gas conversion would become a financially attractive and self supporting option. ", "The activity could\nbe made more self-sustaining if support were provided to develop an independent power market based on small\ngas-fired cogeneration systems, high-efficiency boilers and advanced energy-efficient building equipment -\ninsulation, glazing, lighting and appliances - that are widely available.", "\n\nThe scope for using innovative technologies such as high-efficiency gas-fired boilers and packaged\ngas-fired cogeneration units and for integrating improvements in heat energy supply, distribution, and\ntransfer systems and in end-use efficiency in buildings to improve the cost- effectiveness of the abatement\nof CO2 emissions needs to be demonstrated through pilot investments. ", "Although the technologies\nare well-established, their development in Poland and in other Central and Eastern European countries has\nso far been limited.", "\n\nThe present activity is designed as a catalyst to stimulate self-replicable technological and institutional\nchanges that would promote coal-to-gas conversion in small and medium-size boilers and induce more\nenergy-efficient practices in the architectural design and operation of new residential buildings. ", "The\ntechniques, once successfully demonstrated in Poland, are replicable in the large number of\ncoal-dependent/intensive transition economies that have access to gas supplies.", "\n\nInstitutional Strengthening. ", "The proposed project would contribute to a strengthening of Poland's\ncapacity, at the national and local levels and in the areas selected for project-supported conversion\nactivities, to: (a) plan and implement, on a national basis, the innovative and cost-effective types of\nenvironmental improvement activities being supported under the proposed project; (b) develop experience\nwith the design, installation and operation of interventions to improve the heat supply system; (c) create\nan institutional capability to assess global externalities such as CO2 emission abatement in\nproject analyses; and (d) improve the implementation of public awareness programs for energy efficiency and\nconservation.", "\n\nH. Additional comments, if any, including any practical experience gained or technical difficulties,\neffects, impacts or other obstacles encountered\n\nFill in as appropriate:\n\nH. 1) Any practical experience gained:\n\n1) MANAGEMENT AND PROGRAM EXECUTION\n\na) Information concerning STAP performance:\n\nBOS SA used the temporary consultations of STAP during the stated period;\n\nThe meeting of STAP members was held on 29th November 1999. ", "The following projects: Debno Lubuskie,\nKudowa Zdroj, Zielona Gora and Jarocin have been recommended for AIJ/GEF grant financing as stand-by\nprojects.", "\n\na working meeting of all STAP members took place between 26 - 29 August 1996. ", "STAP members reviewed 25\napplications for funding aimed at boiler houses modernisation. ", "15 applications were approved for\nImplementation (including 12 high efficiency boilers and 3 cogenerations). ", "The report was made and\nsubmitted to BOS and MoE,\n\nthe report of energy auditor relating to energy efficiency improvement in new residential buildings was\napproved by 3 STAP members (1 foreign among them), within the framework of the energy efficiency for new\nresidential buildings component.", "\n\nb) Description of consulting services and contractors:\n\ncontract with energy auditor (NAPE) has been supervised;\n\ncontract with COWI Consulting Engineers and Planners (Denmark), acting as boiler owners'\nrepresentative, has been supervised;\n\ncontract with the new consultants (boiler owners’ representative) - Energoprojekt Katowice\n(acting as a new boiler owners' representative) has been supervised;\n\nthe financial audit covering the fiscal year 1998 by the company Pricewaterhouse Coopers has been\nperformed with positive result;\n\nconsultations of the experts accepted by WB, were carried out during evaluation of the tender documents\nfor the modernization boiler houses.", "\n\na contract with consultant for preparation of TOR for energy auditor has been concluded,\n\nTAG members have been asked to give their opinion on funds allocation (27 applications) aimed at boiler\nhouses modernisation,\n\nenergy auditor has been chosen - the National Energy Conservation Agency (NECA) and contract with this\nfirm has been signed within the framework of the energy efficiency for new residential buildings component,\n\na bidding documents have been prepared and 5 firms have been chosen (agreed with the World Bank) and\nthese firms have been asked to submit their offer for boiler owner representative.", "\n\nc) Description of the marketing plan implementation:\n\norganisational entities of BOS SA were dealing with marketing under the current activity of central and\nregional bank's entities using previously prepared materials - rules and procedures for getting AIJ/GEF\ngrant applications and leaflets informing on AIJ/GEF project;\n\nthe leaflet on efficient use of energy in new residential buildings was distributed among habitants\n(containing advises how to use house’s equipment). ", "This material contains guidelines how to use the\nhouse devices to reduce the consumption of heat, electricity and water;\n\nunder a cooperation with journalists from Dziennik Baltycki (popular newspaper at the north of Poland)\nthe articles on the Subcomponent „Energy Efficiency in new residential buildings\" were\npublished:\n\nin „Przegl¹d Targowy” on June 22, 1999;\n\nin the supplement „Rynek budowlany\" to the Dziennik Baltycki (number from September 1999);\n\nmarketing activities including mass-media (interviews on AIJ/GEF Project and certain individual\nprojects) were undertaken during ceremonies of signing the „turn-key\" contracts.", "\n\norganisational entities of BOS were dealing with marketing under the current activity of central and\nregional bank's entities using previously prepared leaflets informing about this project, and contacts\nwith environmental protection departments of Voivodeship Authorities and the National Fund of Environmental\nProtection.", "\n\nMoE has prepared the environmental monitoring program (approved by the World Bank),\n\nall activities concerned with bidding procedure to select a company responsible for technical and\nenvironmental monitoring of the boilers have been commenced by the GEF Project Office.", "\n\ne) Training program implementation:\n\nThe staff of GEF Project Office has been provided the BOS SA branches' employees, local experts,\nTAG members and investors with an updated information.", "\n\ntraining of specialists under the GEF project did not take place,\n\nthe employees of GEF project office BOS have been providing the bank branch workers, local experts and\nTAG members with up-to-date information.", "\n\nf) Characteristics of the management system:\n\nAIJ/GEF Project is implemented under the existed BOS SA structure, which consists of the GEF Project\nOffice in the headquarters and the experimented local branches of the Bank. ", "GEF Project Office co-operates\nwith MoE - Economic Department, the projects are co-financed by National Fund and Voivodeship Funds.", "\nImplementation of the projects is realised in direct co-operation with two consulting companies acting as\nboiler owners’ representatives: COWI from Denmark and Energoprojekt Katowice. ", "GEF Office co-operate\nwith the representants of the World Bank.", "\n\nMinister has assigned his plenipotentiary and an Economic Department to supervise the implementation of\nthe GEF Project instead of Ecological Policy Department. ", "GEF Project is implemented under the existing BOS\nstructure which consists of the GEF project office in the headquarters and the local branches of the Bank.", "\n\nUnder the „Coal-to-Gas Conversion\" component, in reporting period, the five investments were\ncompleted, i.e. Piotrkow Trybunalski (grant amount 718,000 USD), Sopot (80,000 USD). ", "There is a few\ninvestments being at the last stage of realisation, i.e. Siemianowice Slaskie (1,304,000 USD), Pruszcz\nGdanski (216,000 USD) and Ciechanow (555,000 USD). ", "The investment in Ostrow Wielkopolski has just started -\nfirst project of cogeneration. ", "A grant agreement has been signed with Krakow, Prabuty, Wabrzezno and Tarnow\n(total grant amount 3,074,000 USD), it were projects from the reserve list. ", "STAP has approved for\nrealisation the following projects: Debno Lubuskie, Kudowa Zdroj, Zielona Gora, Jarocin. ", "Funds being in\nreserve and funds saved after a bid process and savings as a result of changes in the exchange rates are\ngoing to be spent on the investments mentioned above. ", "The projects of cogeneration are priority;\n\nPlanned expenditures on the modernisation of high efficiency boilers in relation to modernised seemed\nto be satisfactory (90%). ", "All funds planned to be spent on the high efficiency system will be disbursed.", "\nThe low level of disbursement in generally resulting from a very low expenditures spent on cogeneration\nsystems. ", "Amount of disbursement are going to be changed in the future, because four cogeneration projects\nare at the different stage of implementation (the next projects are prepared). ", "Two projects are most\nadvanced: after contract signing in Ostrow Wielkopolski and after bid evaluation in Swiebodzice disbursed\ncirca 40 % of planned expenditures on Cogeneration Systems;\n\nIn the frame of the component „Energy Efficiency in New Residential Buildings\" the\ninvestment in Czestochowa has been completed in the reporting period and the money has been disbursed (87,6\nUSD);\n\nUnder the category of consulting services, money was spent only for the representative of the boiler\nowners` representative (COWI and Energoprojekt-Katowice);\n\nMoreover, on the monitoring (14% of the contract amount) and on the financial\naudit-PricewaterhouseCoopers, money was disbursed;\n\nBOS SA was paid a fee of 6% of the total amount in the reporting period.", "\n\nA contract between MPEC and BOS concerning modernisation of the boiler house in Cracow, at Œw. ", "Jana\nstreet has been signed under the pilot project. ", "A turn key bidding invitation has been published.", "\n\nH. 2) Technical difficulties:\n\nOrganisational and investment problems arose:\n\nFinancial schedule of the implementation of projects with high efficiency gas boilers was performed.", "\n\nSucceeding projects are being in reserve. ", "These projects will be implemented at the beneficiary’s\nrisk connected with the change of exchange rate. ", "GEF Project Office updated financial and disbursement in\nconnection with the use of contingency funds schedule for the implementation of these projects.", "\n\nRealisation of this plan with the monitoring program can be completed till March 31, 2002.", "\n\nIn connection with mentioned above and previous coordination (of Economic Department, MoE, with\nrepresentatives of the World Bank), Minister of Environment asked for the extension of Closing Date to\nSeptember 30, 2002 (6 months after completion date of the project).", "\n\nan execution of the pilot project at the Polytechnic University in Cracow is under threat. ", "It is impossible\nto publish an invitation for a bid aimed at an investment realisation due to the insufficient financial\nresources supplementary to the grants (the National Fund was unable to determine whether it could allocate\nits financial resources to the project).", "\n\npreliminary valuation shows that providing small boiler houses (below 1.0 MW) with the grants is\nuneconomical from the National Fund's effectiveness point of view (costs of servicing per each\nindividual project - e.g. hiring the boiler owner representative are higher than the granted amount).", "\nAdditionally, the complex and time-consuming procedure is troublesome to an investor who has to operate\nwith domestic inflation still running high, and grant's value is small. ", "Due to this fact, 2\napplications approved by STAP would probably not be effected.", "\n\nthe complex and time- consuming procedure resulted in the resignation of prevailing part of the boiler\nowners from GEF grant approved by STAP.", "\n\nmodernisation of any boiler house is impossible in 1997 without an efficient reconciliation system of\nthe needed documents between the World Bank and the Polish partner and without taking into account the\nspecific of the Polish economy. ", "The prompt selection of the firm which would carry out the environment\nmonitoring is also essential in order to conduct a modernisation of any boiler house in 1997.", "\n\nH. 3) Negative impacts and/or effects encountered:\n\nThe same\n\nWhenever possible, quantitative information should be provided. ", "Failing that, a qualitative description\nshould be given. ", "If quantitative information becomes available, it could be submitted using the update(s).", "\n(If the amount of quantitative information is too large, the source could be indicated.)", "\n\nItem\n\nPlease fill in\n\nDescribe environmental negative impacts/effects in detail:\n\nDo quantitative data exist for evaluation of environmental negative impacts/effects?", "\n\nno\n\nDescribe social/cultural negative impacts/effects in detail:\n\nDo quantitative data exist for evaluation of social negative impacts/effects?", "\n\nno\n\nDescribe economic negative impacts/effects in detail:\n\nDo quantitative data exist for evaluation of economic negative impacts/effects?", "\n\nno\n\nH. 4) Other obstacles encountered: n/a\n\nH. 5) Other: n/a\n\nAppendix I\n\nCoal to Gas Conversion Component\n\nDescriptions of 2612 IpProjects recommended by STAP and BOS S.A. and approved by Minister of\nEnvironment for funding from AIJ/GEF grant. ", "Projects are in different phases of implementation i.e. from the\nsigning of grant agreements to the investment realisation.", "Updated 30th of November 1999\n\n7. ", "Installation of gas- oil boiler house above the cost of installation of boiler house with\ncapacity of 90%.", "\n\n1. ", "Financing plan\n\nGEF – 5.5%, Own means – 94.5%\n\n2. ", "Project costs\n\n1 187 000 USD\n\n3. ", "Accomplishment of:\n\n- orders\n\n- expenditures\n\nEnergy Auditor verified all documents connected with the procurement of energy efficiency measures,\nsubmitted by the developer and established the final AIJ/GEF grant amount at 65 296.40 USD.", "\n\n4. ", "Project Implementation performance\n\nThe building is completed and commissioned. ", "The final AIJ/GEF grant amount (65 296.40 USD) was\ncalculated by Energy Auditor and reimbursed to the Developer. ", "Monitoring report is being prepared\nby Energy Auditor.", "\n\nEnergy Auditor verified all documents connected with the procurement of energy efficiency measures,\nsubmitted by the developer and established the final AIJ/GEF grant amount at 43 707.20 USD.", "\n\n4. ", "Project Implementation performance\n\nThe building is completed and commissioned. ", "The final AIJ/GEF grant amount (43 707.20 USD) was\ncalculated by Energy Auditor and reimbursed to the Developer. ", "Monitoring report is being prepared\nby Energy Auditor.", "\n\n1. ", "Improvement of the roof's insulation level to U=0.17 W/(m2K) – additionally\nenlargement of an insulation with a thickness of 12 cm;2. ", "Improvement of the basement floor's\ninsulation level to U=0.27 W/(m2K) – additionally enlargement of an insulation\nwith a thickness of 9cm;\n\nEnergy Auditor verified all documents connected with the procurement of energy efficiency measures,\nsubmitted by the developer and established the final AIJ/GEF grant amount at 43 933.89 USD.", "\n\n4. ", "Project Implementation performance\n\nThe building is completed and commissioned. ", "The final AIJ/GEF grant amount (43 933.89 USD) was\ncalculated by Energy Auditor and reimbursed to the Developer. ", "Monitoring report is being prepared\nby Energy Auditor.", "\n\n5. ", "Project cost-effectiveness\n\n98.0 USD/tCO2\n\n6. ", "Planned environmental benefits\n\n30 tCO2/year\n\nProject nr. ", "4\n\nItem\n\nPlease fill in if applicable\n\nGeneral description:\n\nHousing Estate \"ZIELONKI\" composed of 21 single family buildings, built as 5 range\nbuildings" ]
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[ "If you have wrecked your 1968 Dodge Charger , or you are restoring/repairing a 1968 Dodge Charger\nautomobile, you came to the right auto store. ", "You can find here all Dodge 1968 Charger exterior and popular\nmechanical parts at discount price. ", "Our 1968 Dodge Charger body parts are available without paint\n(black/primary color) so you can match the color of your existing Dodge Charger 's paint. ", "Note\nthe 1968 Dodge Charger headlight or taillight assembly, can be installed without any paint work.", "\n\nOur aftermarket discounted Dodge Charger parts are the same quality you would find when purchasing new\nOEM Dodge parts. ", "However our aftermarket Dodge parts are available to you at wholesale price and guarantee\nto fit your 1968 Dodge Charger vehicle as the original parts. ", "Shop now!", "\n\nENJOY SMOOTH COMFORTABLE RIDE, REDUCED FRICTION, AND IMPROVED HANDLING WITH MONROE MONRO-MATIC PLUS SHOCKS. ", "THESE DAMPERS ARE EQUIPPED WITH SELF-LUBRICATING FLUID SEALS TO RETAIN GAS WITHOUT EXCESSIVE WEAR FOR LONGER SERVICE LIFE AT AN ECONOMICAL PRICE.", "\n\nMETRO MOULDED ROLL-UP QUARTER WINDOW WEATHERSTRIP SEALS, SET OF 2, REARMade from rubber with an advance EPDM formula that has a superior ozone and UV resistance; Molded using high heat and 40 to 125 tons of pressure for a cleaner, smoother look, and longer life; Replaces OE numbers 2811622 and 2811623; Ships in 1-2 business days; With 15-year Metro Moulded Warranty.", "\n\nRESTORE OE MONOTUBE PERFORMANCE OR UPGRADE FROM AN OE TWIN TUBE WITH KYB GAS-A-JUST SHOCK ABSORBERS. ", "THESE MONOTUBES ARE SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED TO INCREASE YOUR PERFORMANCE AND STABILITY BY PROVIDING UP TO 30 PERCENT MORE DAMPING THAN TWIN TUBE SHOCK ABSORBERS. ", "MOREOVER, GAS-A-JUST SHOCKS CONTAIN HIGH PRESSURE DOUBLE ACTION TECHNOLOGY THAT ALLOWS THEM TO AUTOMATICALLY ADJUST TO CHANGING DRIVING CONDITIONS FOR INCREDIBLE GAINS IN STABILITY, HANDLING, CONTROL, AND RIDE COMFORT. ", "PERFECT FOR VEHICLES WITH RADIAL TIRES AND THOSE DRIVEN TO THEIR PERFORMANCE LIMITS.", "\n\nUNIVERSAL FENDER MOUNT ANTENNA, MANUAL, BLACK4-section mast; 1200 mm cable; With top and side key; A high quality universal fender mount antenna; May require modification or other adjustment to your vehicle upon installation; Backed by 1-year, unlimited-mileage warranty.", "\n\nFits:\n\n1966 - 1978 Dodge Charger\n\nBrand:\n\nReplacement\n\nPart No:\n\nRB501606\n\nRetail Price:\n\n$7.02\n\nDiscount Price:\n\n$5.62\n\nDescription:\n\nTRUSTBUILT UNIVERSAL TOP MOUNT ANTENNA, MANUAL, BLACK1370 mm cable; A high quality antenna; May require modification or other adjustment to your vehicle upon installation; With 2 years limited Trustbuilt warranty.", "\n\nTRUSTBUILT UNIVERSAL ANTENNA, MANUAL, STAINLESS STEEL, POLISHED3-section mast; Top or side mount; A high quality antenna; May require modification or other adjustment to your vehicle upon installation; With 2 years limited Trustbuilt warranty." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nhow do i map a finite-many down to 1 with a priority\n\nMy input document has a finite number of possible values. ", " Those values need to be read as an aggregate and the highest existing priority reported as a single value. ", " So for instance:\nif my possible input tags were: (but not all of them are always present and an order is not garunteed)\n<SomeInput>A</SomeInput>\n<SomeInput>B</SomeInput>\n<SomeInput>C</SomeInput>\n<SomeInput>D</SomeInput>\n\nand my priority was A, then B, then C, then D. In this case I would want my output to be:\n<SomeOutput>A</SomeOutput>\n\nin the case of:\n<SomeInput>D</SomeInput>\n<SomeInput>B</SomeInput>\n\nshould yield:\n<SomeOutput>B</SomeOutput>\n\nThanks in advance\n\nA:\n\nUse:\n/*/*[. ", "eq min(/*/*/string())][1]\n\nHere is a complete transformation:\n<xsl:stylesheet version=\"2.0\" xmlns:xsl=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform\">\n <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration=\"yes\" indent=\"yes\"/>\n <xsl:strip-space elements=\"*\"/>\n\n <xsl:template match=\"/*/*[. ", "eq min(/*/*/string())][1]\" priority=\"2\">\n <someOutput><xsl:apply-templates/></someOutput>\n </xsl:template>\n <xsl:template match=\"/*/*\"/>\n</xsl:stylesheet>\n\nWhen this transformation is applied on the following XML document (the provided fragment, wrapped into a single top element to make it a wellformed XML document):\n<t>\n <SomeInput>A</SomeInput>\n <SomeInput>B</SomeInput>\n <SomeInput>C</SomeInput>\n <SomeInput>D</SomeInput>\n</t>\n\nthe wanted, correct result is produced:\n<SomeOutput>A</SomeOutput>\n\nWhen the same transformation is applied on this XML document:\n<t>\n <SomeInput>D</SomeInput>\n <SomeInput>B</SomeInput>\n</t>\n\nagain the wanted, correct result is produced:\n<SomeOutput>B</SomeOutput>\n\n" ]
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[ "Eighteen months ago Google launched an offline mode for YouTube users in India. ", "Now, the company is finessing the feature with a \"Smart Offline\" option that schedules videos to be downloaded overnight. ", "That's useful in India because many carriers offer cheaper data rates during the early hours. ", "So when a user finds a clip they like, they can add it to their queue and go to bed knowing it'll be ready the following day. ", "It sounds pretty handy, especially for people who live or travel to places with poor connectivity. ", "The new option is rolling out to Airtel and Telenor customers today -- Google says it hopes to bring it to everyone in India \"eventually.\"" ]
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[ "Best Reactions I've Seen To Ripple's Meteoric Rise\n\nDon't buy the hype." ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'Inference in popular nonparametric Bayesian models typically relies on sampling or other approximations. ", "This paper presents a general methodology for constructing novel tractable nonparametric Bayesian methods by applying the kernel trick to inference in a parametric Bayesian model. ", "For example, Gaussian process regression can be derived this way from Bayesian linear regression. ", "Despite the success of the Gaussian process framework, the kernel trick is rarely explicitly considered in the Bayesian literature. ", "In this paper, we aim to fill this gap and demonstrate the potential of applying the kernel trick to tractable Bayesian parametric models in a wider context than just regression. ", "As an example, we present an intuitive Bayesian kernel machine for density estimation that is obtained by applying the kernel trick to a Gaussian generative model in feature space.'", "\nauthor:\n- |\n Ferenc Huszár\\\n University of Cambridge Simon Lacoste-Julien\\\n University of Cambridge\nbibliography:\n- 'bibliography/Bayesian\\_kernel.bib'\ntitle: A Kernel Approach to Tractable Bayesian Nonparametrics\n---\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nThe popularity of nonparametric Bayesian methods has steadily risen in machine learning over the past decade. ", "Bayesian inference in almost all current nonparametric models relies on approximations which typically involve Markov chain Monte Carlo, or more recently variational approximations [@Blei2004]. ", "There is an ever-growing interest in developing nonparametric Bayesian methods in which inference and prediction can be expressed in closed form and no approximations are needed. ", "Such methods would be quite useful and desired in many applications, but are unfortunately rare at present. ", "Perhaps the only known example is Gaussian process (GP) regression. ", "In GP regression [@Rasmussen2006], the posterior predictive distribution is a tractable Gaussian with parameters that can be computed from data exactly in polynomial time. ", "The method is widely adopted and also has favourable frequentist asymptotic properties [@vanderVaart2008]. ", "But what is the secret behind the remarkable algorithmic clarity of GP regression? ", "What makes closed-form computations possible? ", "We argue that the key is that GP regression is also a *kernel machine*: the method is arrived at by applying the kernel trick in a parametric Bayesian model, namely linear regression (see [e.g. ]{}Chapter 2 in [@Rasmussen2006])\n\nKernel methods [@Hofman2008; @Scholkopf2002] use a simple trick, widely known as the kernel trick, to overcome the limitations of a linear model: the observations ${\\bm{x}_i\\in\\mathcal{X}}$ are first embedded in a feature space $\\mathcal{F}$ using a nonlinear mapping ${\\varphi:\\mathcal{X} \\mapsto \\mathcal{F}}$. A linear algorithm is then applied on the embedded representations $\\bm{\\phi}_n = \\varphi(\\bm{x}_n)$ instead of the observations themselves. ", "If the algorithm only makes use of scalar products $\\langle\\bm{\\phi}_n,\\bm{\\phi}_m\\rangle$, then by replacing all scalar products by tractable *kernel* evaluations ${k(\\bm{x}_n,\\bm{x}_m) := \\langle\\bm{\\phi}_n,\\bm{\\phi}_m\\rangle}$, the expressive power can be substantially increased with only a minor increase in computational costs. ", "Notably, the kernel trick allows one to construct nonparametric machine learning methods from parametric ones.", "\n\nDespite its popularity in “non-Bayesian” studies, the kernel trick is rarely considered as a construction tool in Bayesian nonparametrics. ", "GP regression is a rare, if not the only example. ", "GPs are therefore often called *Bayesian kernel machines*. ", "In this paper, we consider finding new examples of Bayesian kernel machines, [i.e. ]{}broadening the intersection between kernel machines and nonparametric Bayesian methods. ", "For Bayesian nonparametrics, the kernel approach offers invaluable closed-form computations and a rigorous analysis framework associated with reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS). ", "For kernel machines, a Bayesian formulation offers benefits, such as novel probabilistic approaches to setting kernel hyperparameters and means of incorporating such methods in hierarchical Bayesian models [@Rasmussen2002; @Chu2007; @Adams2009].", "\n\nIn this paper, we present a methodology for finding novel Bayesian kernel machines, following the recipe of GP regression:\n\n1. ", " Start with a simple Bayesian model of observations.", "\n\n2. ", " Derive exact Bayesian inference in the model.", "\n\n3. ", " Express the posterior predictive distribution in terms of dot products and apply the kernel trick.", "\n\nThe crucial point is finding the basic model in step 1, in which both steps 2 and 3 are possible. ", "Fortunately, this search is guided by intuitive orthonormal invariance considerations that will be demonstrated in this paper. ", "We present an example Bayesian kernel machine for density estimation, based on the linear Gaussian generative model underlying principal component analysis (PCA) [@Roweis1999]. ", "We show that the kernel trick can be applied in the Bayesian method by choosing prior distributions over the parameters which preserve invariance to orthonormal transformations.", "\n\nThe rest of the paper is organised as follows. ", "In Sec.", " \\[sec:genmodel\\], we review Bayesian inference in a Gaussian generative model and discuss consequences of applying the kernel trick to the predictive density. ", "We consider the infinite dimensional feature spaces case in Subsec.", " \\[sec:infinite\\_dimensional\\]. ", "In Sec.", " \\[sec:experiments\\], we present experiments on high dimensional density estimation problems comparing our method to other Bayesian and non-Bayesian nonparametric methods.", "\n\nA Gaussian model in feature space\\[sec:genmodel\\]\n=================================================\n\nAssume that we have observations $\\bm{x}_i$ in a $d$-dimensional Euclidean space and that our task is to estimate their density. ", "In anticipation of the sequel, we embed the observations $\\bm{x}_i$ into a high-dimensional feature space $\\mathcal{F}$ with an injective smooth nonlinear mapping ${\\varphi:\\mathcal{X} \\mapsto \\mathcal{F}}$. Our density estimation method is based on a simple generative model on the ambient feature space of the embedded observations $\\bm{\\phi}_i=\\varphi(\\bm{x}_i)$. For now, think of $\\mathcal{F}$ as a $D$-dimensional Euclidean space and $\\bm{\\phi}_i$ as *arbitrary elements* of $\\mathcal{F}$ ([i.e. ]{}they are not necessary constrained to lie on the *observation manifold* $\\mathcal{O} = \\left\\{\\varphi(\\bm{x}) : \\bm{x}\\in\\mathcal{X}\\right\\}$). ", "We suppose that $\\bm{\\phi}_i$ were sampled from a Gaussian distribution with unknown mean $\\bm{\\mu}$ and covariance $\\bm{\\Sigma}$: $$\\bm{\\phi}_{1:N}\\vert \\bm{\\mu},\\bm{\\Sigma} \\sim \\mathcal{N}\\left(\\bm{\\mu},\\bm{\\Sigma}\\right)\\mbox{, i.\\,i.\\,d.}\\label{eqn:genmodel_obs}$$ The notation $\\bm{\\phi}_{1:N}$ is used to denote the set of vectors $\\bm{\\phi}_{1}$ up to $\\bm{\\phi}_{N}$.\n\nNow we will consider estimating parameters of this model in a Bayesian way. ", "In Bayesian inference, one defines prior distributions over the parameters and then uses Bayes’ rule to compute the posterior over them. ", "Importantly, now we also require that the resulting Bayesian procedure is still amenable to the kernel trick. ", "We therefore start by discussing a necessary condition for kernelisation which can then guide our choice of prior distributions.", "\n\nThe kernel trick requires that the algorithm be expressed solely in terms of scalar products $\\langle\\bm{\\phi}_i,\\bm{\\phi}_j\\rangle$. Scalar products are invariant under orthonormal transformations of the space, [i.e. ]{}if $\\mathcal{A}$ is an orthonormal transformation then $\\left\\langle \\bm{u},\\bm{v} \\right\\rangle = \\left\\langle \\mathcal{A}\\bm{u},\\mathcal{A}\\bm{v} \\right\\rangle$ for all $\\bm{u}$, and $\\bm{v}$ in the space. ", "Thus, if one wants to express an algorithm in terms of scalar products, it has to be – at least – invariant under orthonormal transformations, such as rotations, reflections and permutations. ", "It is well known that PCA has this property, but, for example, factor analysis (FA) does not [@Roweis1999], thus one cannot expect a kernel version of FA without any restrictions.", "\n\nAnother desired property of the method is analytical convenience and tractability, which can be ensured by using conjugate priors. ", "The conjugate prior of the Gaussian likelihood is the *Normal-inverse-Wishart*, which in our case has to be restricted to meet the orthonormal invariance condition: $$\\label{eqn:genmodel_mean}\n\\begin{split}\n \\bm{\\Sigma};\\:\\sigma_0^{2}, {\\alpha}&\\sim \\mathcal{W}^{-1}\\left(\\sigma^{2}_0\\bm{I},{\\alpha}\\right) \\\\ \\bm{\\mu}\\vert\\bm{\\Sigma},{\\beta}&\\sim \\mathcal{N}\\left(\\bm{0},\\frac{1}{{\\beta}}\\bm{\\Sigma}\\right) ,\n\\end{split}$$ where $\\mathcal{W}^{-1}$ and $\\mathcal{N}$ denote the inverse-Wishart and Gaussian distributions with the usual parametrisation. ", "The general Normal-inverse-Wishart family had to be restricted in two ways: firstly, the mean of $\\bm{\\mu}$ was set to zero; secondly, the scale matrix of the inverse-Wishart was set to be spherical. ", "These sensible restrictions ensure that the marginal distribution of $\\bm{\\phi}$ is centered at the origin and is spherically symmetric and therefore orthonormal invariance holds, which is required for kernelisation.", "\n\nHaving defined the hierarchical generative model in eqns.", " –, our task is to estimate the density of $\\bm{\\phi}$’s given the previous observations $\\bm{\\phi}_{1:N}$, which in a Bayesian framework is done by calculating the following posterior predictive distribution: $$\\begin{gathered}\n p(\\bm{\\phi}\\vert\\bm{\\phi}_{1:N};\\sigma_0^{2},{\\alpha},{\\beta}) = \\\\\n \\int p(\\bm{\\phi}\\vert \\bm{\\mu},\\bm{\\Sigma})p(\\bm{\\mu},\\bm{\\Sigma}\\vert\\bm{\\phi}_{1:N};\\sigma_0^{2},{\\alpha},{\\beta}) d\\bm{\\mu}d\\bm{\\Sigma}\\end{gathered}$$\n\nBy straightforward computation, it can be shown that the posterior predictive distribution is a $D$-dimensional [student-$\\mathcal{T}$ ]{}distribution of the form (with the dependence on hyper-parameters made implicit): $$\\begin{aligned}\n &p(\\bm{\\phi}\\vert\\bm{\\phi}_{1:N}) \\propto \\label{eqn:postpredictive} \\\\\n &\\left( \\gamma + {{\\tilde{\\bm{\\phi}}^{\\mbox{\\sf \\scriptsize T}}}\\left(\\sigma_0^{2}\\bm{I} + \\tilde{\\bm{\\Phi}}\\left(\\bm{I} - \\frac{\\bm{1}{\\bm{1}^{\\mbox{\\sf \\scriptsize T}}}}{N+{\\beta}}\\right){\\tilde{\\bm{\\Phi}}^{\\mbox{\\sf \\scriptsize T}}}\\right)^{-1}\\tilde{\\bm{\\phi}}}\\right)^{-\\frac{1 + N + {\\alpha}}{2}} . ", "\\notag\\end{aligned}$$ where $\\gamma = \\frac{1+{\\beta}+N}{{\\beta}+N}$, $\\tilde{\\bm{\\phi}} = \\bm{\\phi} - \\frac{N\\bar{\\bm{\\phi}}}{N+{\\beta}}$, $\\tilde{\\bm{\\Phi}} = \\left[\\bm{\\phi}_1 - \\bar{\\bm{\\phi}},\\ldots,\\bm{\\phi}_N - \\bar{\\bm{\\phi}}\\right]$, $\\bar{\\bm{\\phi}} = \\frac{1}{N}\\sum_{n=1}^{N}\\bm{\\phi}_n$ is the empirical mean in feature space and $\\bm{1}$ is a $N\\times1$ vector of ones.", "\n\nIn order to obtain an expression which only contains scalar products, we invoke Woodbury’s matrix inversion formula [@Hager1989]: $$\\begin{aligned}\n &p(\\bm{\\phi}\\vert\\bm{\\phi}_{1:N}) \\propto \\left( \\gamma + \\frac{{{\\tilde{\\bm{\\phi}}^{\\mbox{\\sf \\scriptsize T}}}\\tilde{\\bm{\\phi}}}}{\\sigma_0^2} \\:- \\right. ", "\\label{eqn:postpredictive_Woodbury} \\\\\n &\\left. {{", "\\tilde{\\bm{\\phi}}^{\\mbox{\\sf \\scriptsize T}}} \\tilde{\\bm{\\Phi}} \\left(\\sigma_0^{4}\\left(\\bm{I} + \\frac{\\bm{1}{\\bm{1}^{\\mbox{\\sf \\scriptsize T}}}}{{\\beta}}\\right) + \\sigma_0^2{{\\tilde{\\bm{\\Phi}}^{\\mbox{\\sf \\scriptsize T}}}\\tilde{\\bm{\\Phi}}}\\right)^{-1}{\\tilde{\\bm{\\Phi}}^{\\mbox{\\sf \\scriptsize T}}}\\tilde{\\bm{\\phi}}} \\right)^{-\\frac{1 + N + {\\alpha}}{2}}. ", "\\notag\\end{aligned}$$\n\nKernel trick\n------------\n\nUntil now, we assumed that $\\bm{\\phi}$ was an arbitrary point in $D$-dimensional space. ", "In reality, however, we only want to assign probabilities  to points on the so-called observation manifold, $\\mathcal{O} = \\left\\{\\varphi(\\bm{x}) : \\bm{x}\\in\\mathcal{X}\\right\\}$, [i.e. ]{}to points that can be realised by mapping an observation $\\bm{x}\\in\\mathcal{X}$ to feature space $\\bm{\\phi} = \\varphi(\\bm{x})$. Restricted to $\\mathcal{O}$, we can actually make use of the kernel trick, assuming as well that $\\bm{\\phi}_i=\\varphi(\\bm{x}_i)$ for the previous observations. ", "Indeed, Eq.", "  then only depends on $\\bm{x}_{1:N}$ and $\\bm{x}$ through ${{\\tilde{\\bm{\\phi}}^{\\mbox{\\sf \\scriptsize T}}}\\tilde{\\bm{\\phi}}}$, ${\\tilde{\\bm{\\phi}}^{\\mbox{\\sf \\scriptsize T}}}\\tilde{\\bm{\\Phi}}$ and ${{\\tilde{\\bm{\\Phi}}^{\\mbox{\\sf \\scriptsize T}}}\\tilde{\\bm{\\Phi}}}$, which can all be expressed in terms of pairwise scalar products ${\\bm{\\phi}_n^{\\mbox{\\sf \\scriptsize T}}}\\bm{\\phi}_m = \\langle\\varphi(\\bm{x}_n),\\varphi(\\bm{x}_m)\\rangle = k(\\bm{x}_n,\\bm{x}_m)$ as follows:\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n {{\\tilde{\\bm{\\phi}}^{\\mbox{\\sf \\scriptsize T}}}\\tilde{\\bm{\\phi}}} &= k(\\bm{x},\\bm{x}) - 2\\frac{\\sum_i k(\\bm{x},\\bm{x}_i)}{N + {\\beta}} + \\frac{\\sum_{i,j} k(\\bm{x}_i,\\bm{x}_j)}{\\left(N + {\\beta}\\right)^{2}} \\label{eqn:kernelexpressions} \\\\\n \\left[{\\tilde{\\bm{\\phi}}^{\\mbox{\\sf \\scriptsize T}}}\\tilde{\\bm{\\Phi}}\\right]_{n} &=\n \\begin{aligned}[t]\n k(\\bm{x},\\bm{x}_n) &- \\frac{\\sum_i k(\\bm{x},\\bm{x}_i)}{N} \\\\\n &+ \\frac{\\sum_{i,j} k(\\bm{x}_i,\\bm{x}_j) - N\\sum_i k(\\bm{x}_n,\\bm{x}_i)}{N\\left(N+{\\beta}\\right)} \\\\\n \\end{aligned} \\notag \\\\\n \\left[{{\\tilde{\\bm{\\Phi}}^{\\mbox{\\sf \\scriptsize T}}}\\tilde{\\bm{\\Phi}}}\\right]_{n,m} &=\n \\begin{aligned}[t]\n k(\\bm{x}_n,\\bm{x}_m) &- \\frac{\\sum_i k(\\bm{x_n},\\bm{x}_i) + \\sum_i k(\\bm{x_m},\\bm{x}_i)}{N} \\\\\n &+ \\frac{\\sum_{i,j} k(\\bm{x}_i,\\bm{x}_j)}{N^2}\n \\end{aligned} \\notag\\end{aligned}$$\n\nAs said previously, we are only interested in points in the (curved) observation manifold. ", "The restriction of the predictive distribution  to the observation manifold induces the same density function $q(\\bm{\\varphi}(\\bm{x}) \\vert \\bm{x}_{1:N}) = p(\\bm{\\varphi}(\\bm{x}) \\vert\\bm{\\phi}_{1:N})$ (which is now unnormalised), but with respect to a $d$-dimensional Lebesgue base measure in the geodesic coordinate system of the manifold. ", "Finally, we map the density $q(\\bm{\\varphi}(\\bm{x}) \\vert \\bm{x}_{1:N})$ back to the original input space by implicitly inverting the mapping $\\varphi$, yielding the (unnormalised) predictive density $q_k(\\bm{x} \\vert \\bm{x}_{1:N})$ defined on the input space. ", "By doing so, we need to include a multiplicative Jacobian correction term which relates volume elements in the tangent space of the manifold to volume elements in the input space $\\mathcal{X}$: $$\\begin{gathered}\n \\label{corrected_density}\nq_k(\\bm{x} \\vert \\bm{x}_{1:N}) = \\\\\nq(\\bm{\\varphi}(\\bm{x})\\vert\\bm{x}_{1:N}) \\cdot \\det\\left( \\left\\langle\\frac{\\partial\\varphi(\\bm{x})}{\\partial x^i} , \\frac{\\partial\\varphi(\\bm{x})}{\\partial x^j}\\right\\rangle \\right)^{\\frac{1}{2}}_{i,j=1,\\ldots, d} .\\end{gathered}$$ This formula can be be derived from the standard change-of-variable formula for densities, as we show in the Appendix \\[sec:change\\_of\\_variable\\].", "\n\nat (10pt,10pt) ;\n\nat (0.85in,1.5in) [**A**]{};\n\nat (10pt,5pt) [-1]{}; at (1.02in,0in) [$x$]{}; at (1.43in,5pt) [1]{};\n\nat (5pt,15pt) [0]{}; at (0in,0.82in) \\[rotate = 90\\][$p(x)$]{}; at (5pt,1.47in) [3]{};\n\nat (+0.85in,1.5in) [**B**]{};\n\nat (+10pt,5pt) [-1]{}; at (+0.82in,0in) [$\\phi^1$]{}; at (+1.43in,5pt) [1]{};\n\nat (+5pt,15pt) [0]{}; at (+0in,0.82in) \\[rotate = 90\\][$\\phi^2$]{}; at (+5pt,1.47in) [1]{};\n\nat (+0.85in,1.5in) [**C**]{};\n\nat (+10pt,5pt) [-1]{}; at (+0.82in,0in) [$x$]{}; at (+1.47in,5pt) [1]{};\n\nat (+5pt,15pt) [0]{}; at (+5pt,1.47in) [3]{};\n\nat (+0.85in,1.5in) [**D**]{};\n\nat (+10pt,5pt) [-1]{}; at (+0.82in,0in) [$x$]{}; at (+1.43in,5pt) [1]{};\n\nat (+5pt,15pt) [0]{}; at (+0in,0.82in) \\[rotate = 90\\][$p(x)$]{}; at (+5pt,1.47in) [3]{};\n\nSo what exactly did we gain by applying the kernel trick? ", "Despite the fact that the simple density model in the whole feature space is unimodal, in the local coordinate system of the non-linear observation manifold, the predictive density may appear multimodal and hence possess interesting nonlinear features. ", "This is illustrated in Fig.", " \\[fig:illustration\\_2D\\]. ", "Assume that we observe draws from a complicated distribution, which cannot be conveniently modelled with a linear Gaussian model (Fig.", " \\[fig:illustration\\_2D\\].A). ", "We map observations to a two dimensional feature space using the mapping $\\varphi^1(x)=x,\\varphi^2(x)=(x)^2$ hoping that the embedded observations are better fitted by a Gaussian, and carry out inference there (Fig.", " \\[fig:illustration\\_2D\\].B). ", "Note how all possible observations in the original space get mapped to the observation manifold $\\mathcal{O}$, which is now the parabola $\\phi^2=(\\phi^1)^2$. The outcome of inference is a posterior predictive distribution in feature space, which takes a [student-$\\mathcal{T}$ ]{}form. ", "To obtain the predictive distribution in the observation space we have to look at the magnitude of the predictive distribution along the observation manifold. ", "This is illustrated by the contour lines in panel B. The restricted predictive distribution is then “pulled back” to observation space and has to be multiplied by the Jacobian term (Fig.", " \\[fig:illustration\\_2D\\].C) to yield the final estimation of the density of the observed samples (Fig.", " \\[fig:illustration\\_2D\\].D). ", "Remarkably, our method computes the unnormalised density estimate (before the Jacobian term is added, Fig.", " \\[fig:illustration\\_2D\\].C) directly from the data (Fig.", " \\[fig:illustration\\_2D\\].A). ", "All intermediate steps, including the inversion of the mapping, are *implicit* in the problem formulation, and we never have to work with the feature space directly. ", "As the method essentially estimates the density by a [student-$\\mathcal{T}$ ]{}in feature space, we shall call it *kernel [student-$\\mathcal{T}$ ]{}density estimation*.", "\n\nInfinite dimensional feature spaces \\[sec:infinite\\_dimensional\\]\n-----------------------------------------------------------------\n\nOf course, we constructed the previous toy example so that the simple normal model in this second order polynomial feature space is able to model the bimodal data distribution. ", "Should the data distribution be more complicated, [e.g. ]{}would have three or more modes, the second order features would hardly be enough to pick up all relevant statistical properties. ", "Intuitively, adding more features results in higher potential expressive power, while the Bayesian integration safeguards us from overfitting. ", "In practice, therefore, we will use the method in conjunction with rich, perhaps infinite dimensional feature spaces, which will allow us to relax these parametric restrictions and to apply our method to model a wide class of probability distributions.", "\n\nHowever, moving to infinite dimensional feature spaces introduces additional technical difficulties. ", "As for one, Lebesgue measures do not exist in these spaces, therefore our derivations based on densities with respect to Euclidean base measure should be reconsidered. ", "For a fully rigorous description of the method in infinite spaces, one may consider using Gaussian base measures instead. ", "In this paper, we address two specific issues that arise when the feature space is large or infinite dimensional.", "\n\nFirstly, because of the Jacobian correction term, the predictive density $q_k$ in input space is still not fully kernelised in . ", "We note though that this term is the determinant of a small $d\\times d$ matrix of inner products, which can actually be computed efficiently for some kernels. ", "For example, the all-subsets kernel [@Cristianini2004] has a feature space with exponential dimension $D=2^d$, but each inner product of derivatives can be computed in $\\mathcal{O}(d)$. But what about nonparametric kernels with infinite $D$? ", "Interestingly, we found that shift invariant kernels – for which $k(\\bm{x},\\bm{y}) = k(\\bm{x}+\\bm{z},\\bm{y}+\\bm{z})$ for all $\\bm{z}$ – actually yield a *constant Jacobian term* (see proof in the Appendix \\[sec:Jacobian\\_shift\\]) so it can be safely ignored to obtain a fully kernelised – although unnormalised – predictive density $q_k(\\bm{x} \\vert \\bm{x}_{1:N}) = q(\\bm{\\varphi}(\\bm{x})\\vert\\bm{x}_{1:N})$. This result is important, as the most commonly used nonparametric kernels, such as the squared exponential, or the Laplacian fall into this category.", "\n\nThe second issue is normalisation: Eq.", "  only expresses the predictive distribution up to a multiplicative constant. ", "Furthermore, the derivations implicitly assumed that $\\alpha>D-1$, where $D$ is the dimensionality of the feature space, otherwise the probability densities involved become improper. ", "This assumption clearly cannot be satisfied when $D$ is infinite. ", "However, one can argue that even if the densities in the feature space are improper, the predictive distributions that we use may still be normalisable when restricted to the observation manifold for $\\alpha>d-1$. Indeed, the two-dimensional [student-$\\mathcal{T}$ ]{}is normalisable when restricted to the parabola as in Fig.", " \\[fig:illustration\\_2D\\] for all $\\alpha>0$ rather than $\\alpha>1$ (to show this, consider $N=0$ so that  takes the simple form $q(\\bm{\\phi}) = (\\textrm{cnst.}+ {\\bm{\\phi}^{\\mbox{\\sf \\scriptsize T}}}\\bm{\\phi})^{-\\frac{1+\\alpha}{2}}$). ", "So although distributions in feature space may be improper, the predictive densities may remain well-defined even when nonparametric kernels are used.", "\n\nGiven these observations, we thus decide to *formally* apply equation  for our predictive density estimation algorithm, ignoring the normalisation constant and also the Jacobian term when shift-invariant nonparametric kernels are applied.", "\n\nat (0in,4pt) [![", "image](figures/fantasy_lowalpha){width=\"2.1in\"}]{}; (0in,0pt) – (0.15in,0pt); at (1.05in,2.25in) [**A**: $\\alpha = 0.01,\\beta = 0.01$]{}; at (2.15in,4pt) [![", "image](figures/fantasy_medalpha){width=\"2.1in\"}]{}; (2.15in,0pt) – (2.85in,0pt); at (3.2in,2.25in) [**B**: $\\alpha = 3,\\beta = 0.01$]{}; at (4.3in,4pt) [![", "image](figures/fantasy_largealpha){width=\"2.1in\"}]{}; (4.3in,0pt) – (6in,0pt); at (5.35in,2.25in) [**C**: $\\alpha = 10, \\beta = 0.01$]{};\n\nFinally, we want to emphasize that the method does not imply nor does it require that arbitrary distributions, when embedded in rich Hilbert spaces, will look exactly like Gaussian or [student-$\\mathcal{T}$ ]{}measures. ", "Instead, the method uses the potentially infinitely flexible family of Gaussian measures to approximately model distributions in the feature space, and uses Bayesian integration to address model-misspecification via explicit representation of uncertainty. ", "As demonstrated in Fig.", " \\[fig:illustration\\_2D\\], the richness and flexibility of the density model stems from projecting the distribution onto a nonlinear observation manifold, allowing us to overcome limitations of Gaussian measures, such as unimodality.", "\n\nRelated work\n============\n\nOur method is closely related to kernel principal component analysis [@Scholkopf1998 kPCA] as both of them essentially use the same underlying generative model (Eq.", " \\[eqn:genmodel\\_obs\\]). ", "While our method is based on Bayesian inference, kPCA performs constrained maximum likelihood estimation [@Rosipal2001] of parameters $\\bm{\\mu}$ and $\\bm{\\Sigma}$. kPCA is a very effective and popular method for nonlinear feature extraction. ", "Its pitfall from a density estimation perspective is that it does not generally induce a sensible probability distribution in observation space. ", "To understand this, consider performing kPCA of order one ([i.e. ]{}recover just a single nonlinear component) on the toy data in [Fig.", " \\[fig:illustration\\_2D\\].A]{}. ", "The solution defines a degenerate Gaussian distribution in feature space which is concentrated  along a line, roughly the long axes of the equiprobability ellipses in [Fig.", " \\[fig:illustration\\_2D\\].B]{}. ", "As such a distribution can intersect the observation manifold at most twice, the predictive distribution in observation space will be a mixture of two delta distributions. ", "This degeneracy can be ruled out by recovering at least as many nonlinear components as the dimensionality of feature space, but this is clearly not a viable option in infinite or large dimensional feature spaces. ", "The Bayesian approach sidesteps the degeneracy problem by integrating out the mean and covariance, thereby averaging many, possibly degenerate distributions to obtain a non-degenerate, smooth [student-$\\mathcal{T}$ ]{}distribution in feature space, which results in a smooth density estimate in observation space.", "\n\nAnother particularly interesting related topic is that of *characteristic kernels* [@Sriperumbudur2008]. ", "A positive definite kernel $k(x,x') = \\langle\\varphi(x),\\varphi(x')\\rangle$ is called characteristic if the mean element $\\mu_\\pi = \\mathbb{E}_{\\mathbb{X} \\sim \\pi}[\\varphi(\\mathbb{X})]$ uniquely characterises any probability measure $\\pi$. From a density estimation perspective, this suggests that estimating a distribution in observation space boils down to estimating the mean in a characteristic kernel space. ", "The kernel moment matching framework [@Song2008] tries to exploit characteristic kernels in a very direct way: parameters of an approximating distribution are chosen by minimising maximum mean discrepancy in feature space. ", "Our method can be interpreted as performing Bayesian estimation of first and second moments in feature space, therefore one may hope that work on characteristic kernels will help us further study and understand properties of the algorithm.", "\n\nThe Gaussian process has been used as a nonparametric prior over functions for unsupervised learning tasks in several studies, such as in Gaussian process latent variable models [@Lawrence2004 GPLVMs] or the Gaussian process density sampler [@Adams2009 GPDS]. ", "What sets the present approach apart from these is that while they incorporated Gaussian processes as a building block in an unsupervised model, we re-used the construction of GP regression and explicitly applied the kernel trick in an parametric unsupervised method. ", "The GPDS method relies on Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods for so called doubly-intractable distributions [@Murray2006]. ", "These methods can be used to sample from the posterior over hyper-parameters of probabilistic methods where normalisation is intractable. ", "In particular, they could be used to integrate out the hyper-parameters ${\\alpha},{\\beta}$ and $\\sigma_0$, of our method. ", "We emphasise that while MCMC is a crucial component of the GPDS, inference in our model is essentially closed-form.", "\n\nExperiments\\[sec:experiments\\]\n==============================\n\nA common way to examine properties of unsupervised learning models is to draw *fantasy datasets* from the generative model. ", "The kernel [student-$\\mathcal{T}$ ]{}model can be simulated as follows: first, we fix $\\bm{x}_1=\\bm{0}$ for convenience. ", "Our generative model with shift-invariant kernels define an improper prior over the whole space when there is no observation (as it should since only difference between points is meaningful for shift invariant kernels). ", "Then we draw each subsequent $\\bm{x}_n$ from the kernel [student-$\\mathcal{T}$ ]{}predictive distribution $q_{k}(\\bm{x}_n\\vert\\bm{x}_{1:n-1};\\sigma_o,{\\alpha},{\\beta})$ conditioned on previous draws. ", "Sampling from the predictive distribution is possible via hybrid Monte Carlo [@Neal2010].", "\n\nFig.", " \\[fig:fantasy\\] shows example fantasy datasets for different settings of parameters. ", "We observe that the generative process has an approximate clustering property, in which it behaves similarly to the Chinese restaurant process. ", "We also note that the “checkerboard - like” eigenfunctions of the squared exponential kernel induce a tree like refinement of the space, in which the method is similar to Dirichlet diffusion trees.", "\n\nThe performance of density models where the normalisation constants are not available – similar examples in the past included Markov random fields [@Haluk1987] and deep belief nets – is hard to evaluate directly. ", "These density models are typically used in unsupervised tasks, such as reconstruction of missing data, novelty detection and image denoising, where the important quantity is the shape of the distribution, rather than the absolute density values. ", "In the following, we consider three such unsupervised tasks that are indicative of the model’s performance: novelty detection, assessment of reconstruction performance and the recently introduced task of relative novelty detection [@Smola2009]. ", "The purpose of these experiments is to demonstrate, as proof of concept, that the method is able to model relevant statistical properties in high dimensional data.", "\n\nNovelty detection\n-----------------\n\nNovelty detection, recognition of patterns in test data that are unlikely under the distribution of the training data, is a common unsupervised task for which density estimation is used. ", "Here, we considered the problem of detecting mislabelled images of handwritten digits given a training set of correctly labelled images from the USPS dataset. ", "The dataset consists of 7291 training and 2007 test images, each of which is a labelled, $16\\times 16$ gray-scale image of a handwritten digit (0-9).", "\n\nWe modelled the joint distribution of the image (a 256 dimensional vector) and the label (a ten dimensional sparse vector, where the $l^{\\mbox{th}}$ element is $1$ and the rest are $0$’s if the label is $l$) by a kernel [student-$\\mathcal{T}$ ]{}density (*[kst]{}*). ", "We used a squared exponential kernel with length-scale chosen to be the median distance between data-points along digit dimensions and length-scale $1$ along the label dimensions. ", "We trained the algorithm on a randomly selected subset of available training data and calculated predictive probabilities on a test dataset composed of 100 correctly labelled and 100 mislabelled test points. ", "Digit-label pairs with predictive probability under a threshold were considered *mislabelled*. ", "We compared the performance of our method to two baseline methods, kernel density estimation (*kde*, also called Parzen window estimate) and Dirichlet process mixtures of Gaussians (*dpm*), based on the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AuC) metric. ", "Hyper-parameters of all three methods were chosen by grid search so that the average AuC was maximised on a separate validation set. ", "Table \\[tab:digits\\_results\\] summarises the results of this comparison based on ten randomised iteration of the experiment with 2000 training and 200 test samples. ", "We found that *[kst]{}* outperformed both competing methods significantly ($p<0.01$, two sample T-test). ", "The performance of *dpm* was substantially worse than that of the other two, which demonstrates that general mixture models are very inefficient in modelling high dimensional complex densities. ", "To investigate the difference between the performance of *kde* and *[kst]{}*, we carried out a second sequence of experiments where the size of the training set ranged from 10 to 400. ", "Fig.", " \\[fig:AUC\\_and\\_Confusion\\] shows average AuC values as a function of training set size. ", "We observed that the two algorithms perform similarly for small amounts of training data, the difference in performance becomes significant ($p<0.05$) for 60 training points or more.", "\n\nLabel reconstruction\\[sec:classification\\]\n------------------------------------------\n\nIn these experiments, we considered learning the classification of handwritten digits. ", "In order to assess the density modelling capabilities of our method, we posed this problem as an image reconstruction problem [^1]. ", "Again, we augmented the gray-scale image with 10 additional ‘pixels’ representing a sparse coding of the labels 0-9. ", "We first trained our density model on the augmented images on randomly selected training subsets of various sizes. ", "Then, on a separate subset of test images we computed the probability of each label 0-9 conditioned on the image by computing the joint probability of the image with that label and renormalising. ", "For each image we assigned the label for which the conditional predictive probability was the highest (maximum *a posteriori* reconstruction). ", "Results of comparison to *kde* and *DPM* with 2000 training and 400 test points are shown in [Fig.", " \\[fig:AUC\\_and\\_Confusion\\]]{}. ", "As measure of performance, we used average confusion, [i.e. ]{}the fraction of misclassified test images. ", "We again found that *kst* outperformed both other methods, and now the advantage of our method compared to *kde* is more substantial. ", "Fig.", " \\[fig:AUC\\_and\\_Confusion\\] shows confusion of *[kst]{}* and *kde* as a function of the number of training examples. ", "The difference between the two methods becomes significant ($p<0.01$) for 60 training examples or more.", "\n\nRelative novelty detection\n--------------------------\n\nFinally, we considered the problem of relative novelty detection [@Smola2009], for which we re-used the experimental setup in [@Smola2009]. ", "The data consists of two $200\\times 200$ color satellite images, the *background* and the *target* (Fig.", " \\[fig:satellite\\].A–B). ", "The task is to detect novel objects on the target image relative to the background image. ", "Treating RGB values in each non-overlapping $2\\times 2$ patches as data points, we estimated the density over such patches in both the background ($\\hat{q}(\\bm{x})$) and in the target ($\\hat{p}(\\bm{x})$) images. ", "A patch $\\bm{x}$ was identified as relatively novel if the ratio $\\hat{p}(\\bm{x})/\\hat{q}(\\bm{x})$ was above a certain threshold. ", "The results produced by our algorithm are similar to that obtained by using state of the art novelty detection algorithms (c.f.", " Fig.", " 2 in [@Smola2009]), even though here we only used a 3% random subsample of available image patches to estimate target and background densities.", "\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\n#### Summary\n\nIn this paper, we considered applying the kernel trick as a tool for constructing nonparametric Bayesian methods, and suggested a general recipe for obtaining novel analytically tractable *Bayesian kernel machines*. ", "The starting point is a suitably simple parametric Bayesian model in which inference is tractable. ", "We have demonstrated how arguments based on orthonormal invariance can be used to guide our choice of models that are amenable to kernel trick. ", "Having defined the basic model, one needs to express posterior predictive distributions in terms of kernel evaluations, then apply the kernel trick in those equations. ", "By using kernels with infinite dimensional feature spaces, novel tractable nonparametric Bayesian methods may be obtained in this way.", "\n\nTo illustrate our general approach, we studied the problem of density estimation and presented kernel [student-$\\mathcal{T}$ ]{}density estimation, a novel Bayesian kernel machine for density modelling. ", "We followed our general methodology to arrive at a closed form expression that is exact up to a multiplicative constant. ", "We also carried out numerical experiments to investigate the performance of the method. ", "The results demonstrate that the method is capable of estimating the distribution of high dimensional real-world data, and can be used in various applications such as novelty detection and reconstruction. ", "The most apparent limitation of the kernel [student-$\\mathcal{T}$ ]{}density model is the intractability of its normalisation constant. ", "Nevertheless, the unnormalised density can still be used in a variety of unsupervised learning tasks, such as image reconstruction or novelty detection. ", "As other kernel methods, our algorithm has cubic complexity in the number of training points, though sparse approximations [@Fine2001] can be used to construct faster algorithms for large-scale applications. ", "Another advantage of the kernel approach is that the expressions can be formally extended to define non-trivial discrete distributions over [e.g. ]{}graphs, permutations or text.", "\n\n#### Conclusions and future work\n\nWe believe that the present paper opens the door for developing a novel class of Bayesian kernel machines. ", "The methodology presented in this paper can be applied in further problems to obtain nonparametric methods based on parametric Bayesian models. ", "Investigating merits and limitations of this general approach in various statistical estimation and decision problems is certainly an interesting theme for future research. ", "One particularly exciting direction that we plan to pursue is a Bayesian two-sample hypothesis test analogous to the frequentist test based on characteristic kernels [@Sriperumbudur2008]. ", "For hypothesis testing, one needs to apply the kernel trick to a *ratio* of marginal likelihoods, rather than to a predictive density, which enables cancellations which simplify the issues with normalisation or Jacobians. ", "Other potentially fruitful directions include semi-supervised regression and Bayesian numerical analysis [@OHagan1992].", "\n\n#### Acknowledgements\n\nWe would like to thank Zoubin Ghahramani, Carl Rasmussen, Arthur Gretton, Peter Orbanz and Le Song for helpful discussions. ", "In particular, the proof in Appendix \\[sec:Jacobian\\_shift\\] is mainly due to Le Song. ", "Part of this work was supported under the EPSRC grant EP/F026641/1. ", "Ferenc Huszár is supported by Trinity College Cambridge.", "\n\n[^1]: We could have considered more general image reconstruction tasks, but reconstructing labels equips us with intuitive measures of loss, such as confusion and AuC.\n" ]
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[ "Vortex\n\nVortex är en tillverkare av exklusiva gaming tangentbord. ", "Målet är att kunna erbjuda snyggt designade produkter av hög kvalitet med många unika funktioner till ett attraktivt pris. ", "Företaget grundades 2010 och sett till de flesta av sina konkurrenter är de ganska nya i branschen. ", "De har fått kämpa för att lyckas sticka ut från mängden. ", "2015 gjorde Vortex flera stora förändringar för att deras tangentbord skulle bli ännu bättre. ", "Bland annat har de utvecklat Vortex POK3R som är ett minst sagt speciellt mekaniskt gaming tangentbord. ", "Det är extremt litet och minimalistiskt. ", "Själva talar de om \"hacker size\" när de beskriver formfaktorn. ", "Dessutom kan tangentbordet anpassas på en helt ny nivå. ", "Varje enskild tangent kan programmeras beroende på hur de egna behoven ser ut. ", "Produkten visar att Vortex är ett kreativt företag som inte tvekar att prova nya, spännande lösningar.", "\n\n\n\nTrots att Vortex gaming tangentbord kan se lite annorlunda ut jämfört med konkurrenternas har de inte kompromissat med kvaliteten. ", "Tangentborden har starka chassin gjorda av aluminium som säkerställer att de är robusta och hållbara. ", "Vortex använder Cherry MX brytare för sina mekaniska tangentbord och de är kända för att ge otroligt bra känsla. ", "Att flera av deras produkter är väldigt små och lätta gör dem även väldigt mobila. ", "För den som tycker om LAN eller att tävla i e-sport är det perfekt med tangentbord som är lätta att ha med sig.", "\n\n\n\nHos oss hittar du Vortex bästa gaming tangentbord, inte minst den omtyckta Vortex POK3R-serien. ", "Tangentbordet finns i flera olika varianter, bland annat Vortex POK3R PBT med tangenter i PBT-plast som ger en något annorlunda känsla jämfört med ABS-plast. ", "Alla produkter från Vortex är kända för sin kvalitet och kommer klara många års flitigt användande. ", "Tänk också på att den minimalistiska formfaktorn kan spara mycket utrymme vid datorn. ", "Ibland är det skönt att ha mer plats för andra tillbehör och då kan en produkt från Vortex vara ett utmärkt val." ]
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[ "Description:\nSpirulina is obtained from a plant in form of blue-green algae that springs from warm, fresh water bodies………..CLICK & SEE\nSpirulina is a cyanobacterium that can be consumed by humans and other animals. ", "There are two species, Arthrospira platensis and Arthrospira maxima.", "\n\nArthrospira is cultivated worldwide; used as a dietary supplement as well as a whole food; and is also available in tablet, flake and powder form. ", "It is also used as a feed supplement in the aquaculture, aquarium and poultry industries.", "\n\nBlue-green algae have a high protein, iron, and other mineral content which is absorbed when taken orally. ", "Blue-green algae are being researched for their potential effects on the immune system, swelling (inflammation), and viral infections.", "\n\nChlorella is another form of algae that is sometimes confused with spirulina. ", "The fundamental difference between spirulina and chlorella is that spirulina is many thousands of years older and does not possess the hard cell wall that makes chlorella closer to being a plant than algae.", "\n\nChlorella is an excellent way to detoxify our body from mercury, which most of you are contaminated with if you’ve ever had dental fillings, received a vaccine, used certain types of cookware or eaten fish. ", "Spirulina simply is unable to remove heavy metals like chlorella does, as it lacks a cell membrane.", "\n\nChlorella has also been proven to be of benefit to those who suffer from degenerative disease. ", "This report, however, will focus on the specific benefits that can be attributed to spirulina in particular.", "\n\n“Blue-green algae” describes a large and diverse group of simple, plant-like organisms found in salt water and some large fresh water lakes.", "\n\nBlue-green algae products are used for many conditions, but so far, there isn’t enough scientific evidence to determine whether or not they are effective for any of them.", "\n\nBlue-green algae are used as a source of dietary protein, B-vitamins, and iron. ", "They are also used for weight loss, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), hayfever, diabetes, stress, fatigue, anxiety, depression, and premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and other women’s health issues.", "\n\nBlue-green algae are commonly found in tropical or subtropical waters that have a high-salt content, but some types grow in large fresh water lakes. ", "The natural color of these algae can give bodies of water a dark-green appearance. ", "The altitude, temperature, and sun exposure where the blue-green algae are grown dramatically influence the types and mix of blue-green algae in the water.", "\n\nSome blue-green algae products are grown under controlled conditions. ", "Others are grown in a natural setting, where they are more likely to be contaminated by bacteria, liver poisons (microcystins) produced by certain bacteria, and heavy metals. ", "Choose only products that have been tested and found free of these contaminants.", "\n\nYou may have been told that blue-green algae are an excellent source of protein. ", "But, in reality, blue-green algae is no better than meat or milk as a protein source and costs about 30 times as much per gram.", "\n\nProtein:\nDried spirulina contains about 60% (51–71%) protein. ", "It is a complete protein containing all essential amino acids, though with reduced amounts of methionine, cysteine and lysine when compared to the proteins of meat, eggs and milk. ", "It is, however, superior to typical plant protein, such as that from legumes.", "\n\nThe U.S. National Library of Medicine said that spirulina was no better than milk or meat as a protein source, and was approximately 30 times more expensive per gram\n\nVitamin B12 controversy:\nSpirulina is not considered to be a reliable source of Vitamin B12. ", "Spirulina supplements contain predominantly pseudovitamin B12, which is biologically inactive in humans. ", "Companies which grow and market spirulina have claimed it to be a significant source of B12 on the basis of alternative, unpublished assays, although their claims are not accepted by independent scientific organizations. ", "The American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada in their position paper on vegetarian diets state that spirulina cannot be counted on as a reliable source of active vitamin B12. ", "The medical literature similarly advises that spirulina is unsuitable as a source of B12.", "\n\nAn Immune-System Power-Boost — Spirulina’s Impact on Candida and AIDS:\nAccording to a study done by the Department of Aquataculture in Taiwan,4 spirulina shows significant immune-boosting properties. ", "Researchers exposed white shrimp to seawater containing a hot-water extract of spirulina before transferring them to seawater with a pH level of 6.8. ", "The control group was not exposed to spirulina.", "\n\nThe shrimp exposed to the spirulina seawater showed a faster and more promising recovery rate to the high levels of pH than those not given the dose of spirulina first.", "\n\nNow, let’s take a look at what this immune-system boosting power can mean for us:\n\nCandida:\nIf we have an autoimmune disease such as Crohn’s disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, Lupus or fibromyalgia, chronic candida yeast can both cause and worsen your symptoms. ", "Spirulina has been shown to encourage and support the growth of healthy bacterial flora in our gut, which can help keep candida overgrowth under control.", "\n\nHIV and AIDS:\nDrugs such as AZT used to treat HIV and AIDS patients can actually cause the symptoms they are supposed to cure. ", "However, spirulina has been shown to help inactivate the human immunodeficiency virus associated with HIV and AIDS.", "\n\nSeasonal Allergy:\nMillions of people are allergic to pollen, ragweed, dust, mold, pet dander, and a myriad other environmental contaminants, ensuring the makers of Kleenex will always stay in business.", "\n\nUnfortunately, many people who have allergic rhinitis treat it with prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs that often do more harm than good. ", "Antihistamines are designed to suppress our immune system, which leads to decreased resistance to disease and dependence on the drug. ", "Certain asthma drugs have been linked to serious side effects as well.", "\n\nThis is where natural methods such as the use of spirulina come in. ", "According to one study, patients treated with spirulina reported relief of symptoms commonly associated with allergic rhinitis, such as nasal discharge and congestion, sneezing and itching, when given spirulina.", "\n\nBlood Pressure Balancing:\nAccording to a study done by the Department of Biochemistry in Mexico,7 4.5 grams of spirulina given each day was shown to regulate blood pressure among both women and men ages 18-65 years with no other dietary changes made during the six weeks the experiment was run.", "\n\nLowers Stroke Risk:\nIn a study done at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology in India, it was found that a dosage of 180mg/kg of spirulina had a protective effect on the brain and nervous system of rats exposed to high amounts of free radicals, compared to rats not given the spirulina before the experiment. ", "This lab test shows the promising effect of spirulina on stroke prevention.", "\n\nPotential Adverse Reactions:\nSpirulina is a safe source of protein, nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that has been used for centuries. ", "Though there are no known side effects associated with spirulina, our body may react to it based on our current state of health. ", "Let’s take a look at some of those reactions, what they mean, and what you can do to alleviate them.", "\n\nThe most prominent reactions one may experience are:*Slight Fever –– The high protein content in spirulina increases metabolism, which may elevate body temperature.", "\n\n*Dark Green Waste Matter — Spirulina can remove accumulated waste product in our colon, which may cause darker stool. ", "Also, spirulina is high in chlorophyll. ", "This will also turn waste matter green.", "\n\n*Excessive Passing of Gas — This may indicate that your digestive system is not functioning properly or you have an extreme build-up of gas.", "\n\n*Feelings of Excitement — Our body is converting protein into heat energy, which may cause temporary feelings of restlessness.", "\n\n*Breakouts and Itchy Skin — This is caused by colon cleansing process and is only temporary.", "\n\n*Sleepiness— This is caused by the detoxification process and may indicate our body is exhausted and needs better rest.", "\n\nRemember, our body may go through an adjustment period with spirulina, and our best bet to reduce reaction is to dose gradually to see how our body will react. ", "Water intake should be increased and , stress levels should be reduced, we should eat according to our nutritional type, and get plenty of rest.", "\n\nImportant Contraindications for Spirulina:\nEven though spirulina is entirely natural and generally considered a healthful food, there are some contraindications we need to be aware of. ", "No one should take spirulina if he or she has a severe seafood or iodine allergy. ", "And, if one is pregnant or nursing or have hyperthyroidism, it is adviced to consult with the healthcare provider before taking spirulina." ]
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[ "Optimal design of an RSPUDT-based SAW filter with constant group delay.", "\nThis paper describes the application of resonant single-phase unidirectional transducers (RSPUDTs) to the development of low-loss SAW filters with constant group delay in transition bands as well as in the passband. ", "A low-loss SAW filter with constant group delay was designed and fabricated on a 128 degrees YX-LiNbO3 substrate. ", "Experimental results were in good agreement with the design; the group delay deviation of 20 ns was realized over the range of +/-8 MHz at the center frequency of 512 MHz. ", "The minimum insertion loss and -3 dB bandwidth were 4.3 dB and 8.5 MHz, respectively. ", "The application of this technique is also extended to develop high-performance wideband filters employing quasi-slanted interdigital transducers." ]
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[ "The Crimson Cord: Rahab's Story (Daughters of the Promised Land, Book 1)\n\nWife to a gambler who took one too many risks, Rahab finds herself sold as a slave to cover her husband's debt. ", "Forced into prostitution, she despairs of ever regaining her freedom and her self-respect. ", "But when Israelite spies enter Jericho and come to lodge at her house, Rahab sees a glimmer of hope and the opportunity of a lifetime. ", "In one risky moment, she takes a leap of faith, puts her trust in a God she does not know, and vows to protect the spies from the authorities.", "\n\nThe Prophetess: Deborah's Story\n\nOutspoken and fearless, Deborah has faith in God but struggles to see the potential her own life holds. ", "As an Israelite woman, she'll marry, have a family, and seek to teach her children about Adonai - and those tasks seem to be more than enough to occupy her time. ", "But God has another plan for her. ", "Israel has been under the near constant terror of Canaan's armies for 20 years, and now God has called Deborah to deliver her people from this oppression. ", "Will her family understand?" ]
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[ "Today I decided to wear a salmon pink jumper I bought last month, and therefore needed a very specific lipstick shade to go with it as not everything works well with this colour. ", "Technically, I could have worn a coral shade but that would have made my outfit and makeup look very matchey-matchey, so instead, I chose a lovely red-pink shade from MAC.", "\n\nBefore I go any further, I feel I need to tell you that this shade was from MAC’s Flamingo Park limited edition collection released this time last year, and therefore isn’t available any more. ", "Soorrrrryy! ", "And the reason I’m saying this now is because I’ve a feeling you’re going to like this one.", "\n\nNice To Meet You, is a Cremesheen lipstick and is a gorgeous deep pink with a red undertone. ", "It has a very soft glossy shimmer to the finish, and although isn’t opaque, gives very good coverage to the lips too.", "\n\nThis is the kind of shade that is perfect for this time of year; when Spring is beginning to arrive and you want to start getting slightly brighter with your lippy but don’t want to go too bold either. ", "The tone is lovely and rich, and one that I could wear over and over again, but sadly as we all know, I can’t (well for the rest of the year anyway)!", "\n\nAs you can see from the photos, this lipstick has been very well worn and loved. ", "It actually belongs to my mum who very kindly gave it to me on loan for the day and I have to say, I’m a little bit jealous I don’t own it myself! ", "It’s been her favourite go-to shade all year and I can really see why after wearing it for the day.", "\n\nThat’s the worst thing about limited edition collections, isn’t it? ", "Just when you fall in love with something it’s no longer available. ", "Sigh…\n\nDid any of you try this shade when it was released? ", "And what are your thoughts on limited edition ranges? ", "I’d love to know so as always, please comment below!", "\n\nAnd while you’re at it, please come follow me over on my social media pages too! ", "I’m on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter." ]
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[ "During each race I’m commentating on there’s always been a tell-tale internal gauge which reveals what l thought about it: I’m occasionally struggling to think of what to say next, or I can be caught by surprise when I see the on screen graphic ‘final lap’ and have to shut up because Crofty needs to do the grand finale as they cross the line.", "\n\nI wouldn’t pretend that Sunday’s Austrian GP was an all-time great or a classic, but I found it entertaining and the race seemed to pass quickly.", "\n\nPeople are going to say ‘well, you would say that, you’re an insider’, but I enjoyed the race and I’m not shy to say so.", "\n\nUp front, the fight for victory was pretty so-so and one-sided. ", "I received a tweet after the race complaining that the TV coverage was focused on the midfield but, if it was, that was because much of the action there was just brilliant. ", "In particular, the overtakes into turn two and turn five because they were being made without the assistance of DRS. ", "We saw lots of skilful side-by-side racing and to watch them all attacking so hard was fun.", "\n\nSure, it would have been nice if some of those fights were for the lead, and it wasn’t a race that we will be talking about for years to come, but some of the reactions about the Austrian GP on social media was about a race l just didn’t recognise.", "\n\nMartin Brundle with one-time F1 rivals Gerhard Berger and Jean Alesi on the Austrian GP grid\n\nI saw comments about ‘boring fuel saving’. ", "That’s nonsense because it’s not an especially tough track on fuel and the early safety car meant they could run flat out. ", "Massa v Vettel was full throttle, as was the scary battle between Verstappen and Maldonado.", "\n\nThere was even a big shunt, in which thankfully nobody was hurt. ", "l did find it somewhat ironic that it featured Kimi Raikkonen after he, quite reasonably, complained that the F1 wasn’t “dangerous” enough. ", "Yet there he was sliding along the wall complete with a McLaren trying to join him in the cockpit.", "\n\nIt was an incident very reminiscent of the accident a couple of years ago in Spa when Romain Grosjean’s Lotus flew over the top of Fernando’s Ferrari, albeit at far greater speed.", "\n\nUnfortunately, it has become a mantra at the moment to put F1 down – especially from within. ", "Red Bull are great marketeers and so I can only assume that there is an end-goal to what they are very publicly saying about Renault and F1.", "\n\nBut the problem is that we have let the genie out of the bottle and everyone – the fans, the press, social media – are now ready to bash F1 because we’ve given it a bash ourselves. ", "I just don’t understand why we have done that because the result is that everyone is now looking at F1 from a negative perspective.", "\n\nIn the distant past I’ve been called to the diminutive headmaster’s office to have my collar felt for being even mildly negative about F1. ", "How things change.", "\n\nDuring the build-up to the Austrian GP, Sky Sports F1's Martin Brundle is accosted by a fan in the pitlane, unaware that the cameras were live During the build-up to the Austrian GP, Sky Sports F1's Martin Brundle is accosted by a fan in the pitlane, unaware that the cameras were live\n\nSilverstone will be a full house next week, but the crowds were significantly down at the Red Bull Ring last weekend and this current spiral of negativity will be very difficult to reverse.", "\n\nWhat it would need is a successful overhaul of the regulations and event format (and we have to open back up the engine regulations to let Renault and Honda catch up, if they know how) and l don’t see that occurring in the foreseeable future unless something happens like Red Bull quit or a couple of teams fold. ", "Only then will everyone focus on the big picture again.", "\n\nOn the flip side, we’ve been here before with F1 and it’s generally the case that two or three great races on the bounce will quieten everyone down.", "\n\nAmid all this doom and gloom it seems to have gone almost unnoticed that heading into round nine of the championship Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg are separated by just 10 points – the equivalent of a fifth-place finish – at the top of the world championship. ", "As l said to Nico after the race, I felt that other than for one lap in qualifying he had the weekend covered.", "\n\nThe only shame was that it didn’t rain because l genuinely believe that either of the two Toro Rosso boys, Max Verstappen and Carlos Sainz, could have finished on the podium. ", "They were extraordinary in the wet in practice and looked like they were in a different category.", "\n\nAs for the under-pressure Raikkonen, Ferrari must now be seriously thinking about what the future holds for him. ", "He just dropped it under power, spinning the rear wheels and then careering into the McLaren and barriers. ", "It was very odd because we saw this issue with his start/launch map mode time after time last season, and now it seems to have returned, as it did in Canada too.", "\n\nFerrari must be pondering what they are going to do because there are any number of younger, cheaper, more compliant and possibly better alternatives around. ", "Think of Romain Grosjean, or Nico Hulkenberg, or Valtteri Bottas, while Felipe Nasr is also doing a good job at Sauber.", "\n\nMcLaren's Fernando Alonso and the Ferrari of Kimi Raikkonen crash on the opening lap of the Austrian GP, leaving one car on top of the other McLaren's Fernando Alonso and the Ferrari of Kimi Raikkonen crash on the opening lap of the Austrian GP, leaving one car on top of the other\n\nThere’s a lot of great talent in the sport right now. ", "I went around the track on Friday afternoon to do my piece for commentary and l ended up staying there for another 20 minutes until the end of the session for my own pleasure watching the cars. ", "It was quite thrilling – and that’s the message we need to be spreading.", "\n\nSticking the boss of Honda at the back of the goldfish bowl in the McLaren garage instead of taking him out on track to watch and enjoy the cars on the limit summed up what a poor job we are currently doing of selling F1. ", "I never see a key person trackside.", "\n\nSo now to Silverstone, a venue where they are clever enough to sweat the asset. ", "Silverstone gives something to British motorsport and the industry all day, every day. ", "We’ve lost the French GP, the German GP and now we’re hearing there’s a doubt around the Italian GP.", "\n\nSilverstone needs more credit for what it brings to F1, but no doubt it will take a hiding at some point over the next two weeks. ", "I’ve been to over 500 GPs and it’s one of the better venues to say the least.", "\n\nSee you there, or ‘from there’ on Sky F1.", "\n\nMB" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nMany old questions getting additional proftpd/vsftpd tags\n\nThere seems to be a rash of questions recently getting resurrected by the addition of either a vsftpd or a proftpd tag.", "\nLet me be clear: I don't refer to previously-untagged questions; those are being discussed separately. ", " This question refers specifically to questions over a few months old which already have tags on, one of which is usually ftp, and which often already have an accepted answer, getting an additional tag, thus raising them to the front page.", "\nIn one sense, this is good, because it makes the tag usage more accurate. ", " In another, it's bad because it's cluttering up the front page. ", " In yet another, it's fairly pointless, because the questions all mention the relevant daemon in their body text so the internal search engine will still dig them up in response to a daemon-specific query.", "\nI was sort of hoping the community could take a viewpoint on whether this is a good idea or not, so that if there's a clear view against it, a friendly mod could have a quiet word with any user who seems particularly keen to edit in this way - or that if there's a clear view for it, I can stop worrying and shut up!", "\n\nA:\n\nAs I've been the one doing much of the proftpd, vsftpd, and pureftpd retagging, I feel I should explain why I've been doing it. ", " I'm the author of proftpd, and have lately been spending much time on SO, trying to discover some of the oft-asked questions/pain points with my project, so that I can address them if I can. ", " And of course, as I see some of the FTP-related questions, I try to answer them along the way. ", " I'm also paying attention to similar questions for other FTP servers, to see what other features/issues come up for them.", "\nWhen I do these searches, I have found that the SO tagging feature has been most useful.", "\nI have certainly not meant to cause any consternation, with regard to having old posts \"boosted\" by the recent edit to appearing on the front page. ", " If there had been a way to add the (in my eyes) useful tag without having these old posts appear on the front page, I would have gladly chosen that option.", "\nMy intent was not for SEO from e.g. search engines like Google et al, but mainly for discoverability, within SO itself, for anyone else like myself, who might discover FTP-related issues via the tags. ", " Especially since FTP is not one of the most popular/common questions on SO, it can sometimes be difficult to find them.", "\n\nA:\n\nYes, I think this particular kind of retagging is a good thing.", "\n\nA:\n\nPersonally I'm ambivalent. ", "I don't think it's especially useful and nor is it especially harmful to he particular questions.", "\nWhere I do have an irritation is them being pushed en masse to the front page by the way that the review system works.", "\nWhen a single player goes on an editing spree it is relatively easy to point them at this or something similar and slow them down. ", "\nUnfortunately the current issue is that the second reviewer is effectively pushing them all to the front page. ", "Orchestrating a number of reviewers to only push a few will be near impossible. ", "\nI think he solution is to try and get SE/SO to change the way that edits approved in a short space of time are pushed to the front page e.g. batch them over several hours. ", "That though seems like an exercise in waiting for hell to freeze over.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Keeping track of what you are grateful for may sound like like something Oprah Winfrey suggested decades ago.", "\n\nBut today, several new studies suggest that practicing gratitude isn’t just for the Pollyannas of the world. ", "Here are three benefits to being grateful:\n\nGratitude is about focusing on other people, says Dr. Jo-Ann Tsang, a psychology professor at Baylor University, who led a study which will appear in the July 2014 issue of the journal Personality and Individual Differences.", "\n\n“Previous research that we and others have done finds that people are motivated to help people that help them–and to help others as well. ", "We’re social creatures, and so focusing on others in a positive way is good for our health,” Tsang said in a statement.", "\n\n…\n\nIn that study, which appears in an upcoming issue of Psychological Science, participants were given the opportunity to receive immediate cash or wait for a larger check that would be mailed later. ", "Prior to making their selection, participants were randomly assigned to write about an event that made them grateful, happy, or neutral." ]
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[ "Don't miss out on a lower price on this hotel\n\nGet an overview of this hotelUpscale hotel on the beach, with 4 outdoor swimming pools\n\nPopular property highlights\n\nBreakfast included\n\nFree self parking\n\nFree valet parking\n\nFree WiFi\n\nIndoor pool\n\nLocation\n\nLocated in Sarigerme, this beachfront hotel is on the riverwalk, 0.6 mi (0.9 km) from Sarigerme Beach, and within 12 mi (20 km) of Asi Koyu and Sulungur Lake. ", "Alexandria Train Station is 7.8 mi (12.6 km) away.", "\n\nHotel Features\n\nCatch some rays at the beach or spend the day relaxing at Hilton Dalaman Sarigerme Resort & Spa's full-service spa. ", "Then enjoy a meal at one of the hotel's 5 restaurants.", "\n\nRoom Amenities\n\nAll 410 rooms boast deep soaking tubs and offer free WiFi and free minibar items. ", "Balconies and 24-hour room service are standard, as are LCD TVs with cable channels.", "\n\nHilton Dalaman Sarigerme Resort & Spa\n\nHotel Amenities\n\nAll-Inclusive Details\n\nAll-inclusive room rates at Hilton Dalaman Sarigerme Resort & Spa are available. ", "These rates are higher because they include onsite food and beverages in the room rate (some restrictions may apply).", "\n\nActivities and facilities/equipment\n\nLand activities\n\nFitness facilities\n\nMiniature golf\n\nSoccer\n\nLessons/classes/games\n\nAerobics\n\nBartending\n\nDancing\n\nPilates\n\nYoga\n\nEntertainment\n\nOnsite entertainment and activities\n\nAccess to onsite clubs\n\nOnsite live performances\n\nTheme parties\n\nNot included\n\nMotorized water sports\n\nSailboats\n\nScuba-diving certification\n\nScuba-diving excursions\n\nScuba-diving lessons\n\nSnorkeling excursions\n\nSnorkeling gear\n\nTennis lessons\n\nWindsurfing equipment\n\nPremium food items\n\nPremium and/or non-domestic beverages\n\nBottled wine\n\nBottled liquor\n\nRoom service\n\nAirport transfers\n\nChildcare\n\nLaundry/dry cleaning services\n\nSpa/beauty facilities and services\n\nActivities and services offered by independent operators\n\nOffsite tours\n\nTransportation to offsite activities\n\nHotel Amenities\n\nSome rates at Hilton Dalaman Sarigerme Resort & Spa are all-inclusive. ", "These rates include onsite meals and beverages, and may include taxes and gratuities. ", "Additional charges may apply for meals at some restaurants, special dinners and dishes, certain beverages, and other amenities.", "\n\nSpend the day at the beach and work on your tan with sun loungers (chaise longues) or relax in the shade with umbrellas. ", "At Hilton Dalaman Sarigerme Resort & Spa you can cool off in one of the 4 outdoor swimming pools and indulge in a pampering afternoon at the full-service spa.", "\n\nGuests can enjoy a complimentary breakfast. ", "Dining is available at one of the hotel's 5 restaurants and guests can grab coffee at the coffee shop/café. ", "The property also has a snack bar/deli. ", "Guests can unwind with a drink at one of the hotel's bars, which include 2 poolside bars and 2 bars/lounges. ", "Public areas are equipped with complimentary wireless Internet access. ", "This luxury hotel also offers a complimentary water park, a complimentary children's club, and a children's pool. ", "Complimentary self parking and valet parking are available on site.", "\n\nLibrary\n\nWaterslide\n\nWater park\n\nNumber of outdoor pools - 4\n\nBabysitting or childcare\n\nElevator/lift\n\nChildren's club\n\nIndoor pool\n\nTurkish bath/Hammam\n\nPorter/bellhop\n\nFree self parking\n\nDry cleaning/laundry service\n\nFree valet parking\n\nNumber of meeting rooms - 11\n\nTerrace\n\nLuggage storage\n\nSupervised childcare/activities\n\nHair salon\n\nATM/banking\n\nConcierge services\n\nGift shops or newsstand\n\nConference center\n\nSnack bar/deli\n\nShopping on site\n\nOutdoor tennis courts - 6\n\nTotal number of rooms - 410\n\nOne meeting room\n\nNumber of floors - 4\n\nNumber of buildings/towers - 1\n\nAirport transportation (surcharge)\n\nBeach bar\n\nCoffee/tea in common areas\n\nNumber of bars/lounges - 2\n\nNumber of poolside bars - 2\n\nFull-service spa\n\nFree water park access\n\nBeach umbrellas\n\nFree breakfast\n\nConference space\n\nBilliards or pool table\n\nSpa treatment room(s)\n\nTours/ticket assistance\n\nCoffee shop or café\n\nFree pool cabanas\n\nBeach sun loungers\n\nFree WiFi\n\nPool sun loungers\n\nSteam room\n\nSauna\n\nBabysitting or childcare (surcharge)\n\nHealth club\n\nChildren's club (free)\n\nNightclub\n\nSupervised childcare/activities (surcharge)\n\nChildren's pool\n\nSpa services on site\n\nNumber of restaurants - 5\n\n24-hour business center\n\nLaundry facilities\n\nBeach towels\n\nArcade/game room\n\nWedding services\n\nGarden\n\nMultilingual staff\n\nFamily Friendly Amenities\n\nFamily Hotel\n\nWater park access (complimentary)\n\nOutdoor pools\n\nIndoor pool\n\nChildren's pool\n\nWaterslide\n\nFree Wi-Fi\n\nOutdoor tennis courts\n\nChildren's club (free)\n\nSnack bar/deli\n\nLaundry facilities\n\nBabysitting or childcare (surcharge)\n\nArcade/game room\n\nPlayground on site\n\nMiniature golf on site\n\nCribs/infant beds (complimentary)\n\nInternet\n\nAvailable in all rooms:\nFree WiFi\n\nAvailable in some public areas:\nFree WiFi\n\nParking\n\nFree self parking,\nFree valet parking\n\nRoom Amenities\n\nBalcony\n\nAir conditioning\n\nPhone\n\nFree bottled water\n\nMinibar (stocked, free items)\n\nDaily housekeeping\n\nPrivate bathroom\n\nHair dryer\n\nDeep soaking bathtub\n\nBathtub or shower\n\nDesk\n\nIron/ironing board\n\nIn-room safe\n\nCable TV service\n\nFree WiFi\n\nRoom service (24 hours)\n\nLCD TV\n\nFree cribs/infant beds\n\nYard\n\nWhere to Eat\n\nGuests are offered a complimentary buffet breakfast.", "\n\nSarigerme Main Restaurant - This buffet restaurant specializes in international cuisine and serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner.", "\n\nNearby Things to Do\n\nOutdoor tennis courts, a health club, complimentary bicycles, and a water park with waterslides are featured at the hotel. ", "4 outdoor swimming pools are on site along with an indoor pool. ", "In addition to a children's pool, other recreational amenities include a sauna.", "\n\nThe recreational activities listed below are available either on site or nearby; fees may apply.", "\n\nSnorkeling on site\n\nFree bicycles on site\n\nFishing on site\n\nMiniature golf on site\n\nParasailing nearby\n\nTennis lessons on site\n\nBeach volleyball on site\n\nKayaking on site\n\nWater skiing on site\n\nWindsurfing nearby\n\nYoga classes/instruction on site\n\nPilates classes on site\n\nPlayground on site\n\nRacquetball/squash on site\n\nSegway rental/tour on site\n\nBoat tours nearby\n\nFitness classes on site\n\nBasketball on site\n\nScuba diving on site\n\nSpa Services\n\nElysion Spa has 22 treatment rooms. ", "Services include massages, facials, body scrubs, and body treatments. ", "The spa is equipped with a sauna and Turkish bath/hammam. ", "A variety of treatment therapies are provided, including aromatherapy and Ayurvedic.", "\n\nSauna in spa\n\nNumber of treatment rooms 22\n\nManicures and pedicures\n\nBody treatments\n\nBody scrubs\n\nFacial treatments\n\nAromatherapy treatments\n\nMassages\n\nAyurvedic treatments\n\nAccessibility\n\nIf you have requests for specific accessibility needs, please note them at check-out when you book your room.", "\n\nHotel Policies\n\nCheck-in\n\n24-hour airport shuttle service is available on request. ", "Contact the property in advance to make arrangements.", "\n\nCheck-out\n\nCheck-out time is noon\n\nPayment types\n\nChildren and extra beds\n\nChildren are welcome.", "\n\nKids stay free! ", "One child 11 years old or younger stays free when using existing bedding.", "\n\nRollaway/extra beds are not available.", "\n\nFree cribs (infant beds)!", "\n\nPets\n\nPets not allowed\n\nYou need to know\n\nExtra-person charges may apply and vary depending on property policy.", "\n\nGovernment-issued photo identification and a credit card or cash deposit are required at check-in for incidental charges.", "\n\nSpecial requests are subject to availability upon check-in and may incur additional charges. ", "Special requests cannot be guaranteed.", "\n\nNo rollaway/extra beds available\n\nFees\n\nThe charges below are included in your overall room price:\n\nResort fee\n\nWe have included all charges provided to us by the property. ", "However, charges can vary, for example, based on length of stay or the room you book.", "\n\nOptional extras\n\nThe following fees and deposits are charged by the property at time of service, check-in, or check-out.", "\n\nAirport shuttle fee: TRY 200 per vehicle (one way)\n\nThe above list may not be comprehensive. ", "Fees and deposits may not include tax and are subject to change.", "\n\nHotel Name\n\nHilton Dalaman Sarigerme\n\nHilton Dalaman Sarigerme Ortaca\n\nHilton Dalaman Sarigerme Resort\n\nHilton Dalaman Sarigerme Resort Ortaca\n\nHilton Sarigerme Resort\n\nHilton Sarigerme\n\nWe should mention\n\nThis property offers transfers from the airport (surcharges may apply). ", "Guests must contact the property with arrival details before travel, using the contact information on the booking confirmation. ", "Reservations are required for massage services and spa treatments. ", "Reservations can be made by contacting the hotel prior to arrival, using the contact information on the booking confirmation. ", "A resort fee is included in the total price displayed. ", "One child 11 years old or younger stays free when occupying the parent or guardian's room, using existing bedding.", "\n\nOops!", "\n\nSorry, we are currently having problems connecting to our server. ", "You can still download the app by clicking on the app-store buttons in our app page. ", "Thank you!", "\n\nWe are having trouble processing your phone number. ", "Try using this format: {{phoneNumberFormat}}. ", "Thank you!", "\n\nIt looks like you just tried to enter a non-{{countryName}} phone number. ", "Unfortunately, at this time we are only supporting {{countryName}} numbers. ", "Please enter your number in the following format: {{phoneNumberFormat}}. ", "Thank you!", "\n\nThank you! ", "A text with the download link has been sent to your mobile device\n\nGet the FREE Expedia App:\n\nBy providing your number, you agree to receive a one-time automated text message with a link to get the app. ", "Our app offers promotions and booking services. ", "No purchase necessary. ", "Standard text message rates may apply." ]
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[ "I have been using Gmail since 2004 but the new Outlook.com service looks extremely tempting both in terms of features and also the user-interface which I think is far superior to that of Gmail. ", "I am not switching yet but as an experiment, I have connected my primary Gmail account with Outlook today and plan to use Microsoft’s web mail service exclusively for a week or so.", "\n\nMeanwhile, after spending time with Outlook for about a day now, I found several unique and useful features in Outlook.com that you will surely miss inside Gmail.", "\n\n#10. ", "Sign-in with a Temporary Password\n\nYou can sign-in without entering your account password.", "\n\nIf you have connected your mobile phone to your Hotmail / Outlook account, you can sign-in from any computer without using your actual password. ", "Click the ”Sign in with a single-use code” link on the login screen and Microsoft will send you a temporary password in a text message that expires after first use.", "\n\nThis is useful when you are logging from a public computer. ", "Gmail has two-step verification which adds one more layer of security.", "\n\n#9 Unlimited Storage Space for your Mails and Attachments\n\nGmail offers 10 GB of storage space for free accounts. ", "Outlook offers virtually unlimited storage that expands.", "\n\nMicrosoft Outlook includes email storage that expands to provide you with as much storage space as you need. ", "Your inbox capacity will automatically increase as you need more space. [", "Storage Limits]\n\nThe maximum size of an email message (including attachments) that you can receive in Outlook is 25 MB which is similar to Gmail.", "\n\n#8 Easily Recover your Deleted Mails\n\nYou can recover email that might have been accidently deleted from your Outlook inbox.", "\n\nOutlook makes it easy for you to recover your deleted messages even if you have permanently emptied your Trash bin. ", "Open the “Deleted” folder in Outlook and click the link that says “recover deleted messages.”", "\n\nI am not sure how long Outlook keeps your deleted messages but this might be an extremely handy feature in case you accidentally empty the Delete folder. ", "Your Gmail account doesn’t offer any sort of message recovery.", "\n\n#7 Get Disposable Email Addresses inside Outlook\n\nIf you are to share your email address will a less trustworthy website, you often use a disposable email address without revealing your primary address.", "\n\nHotmail and now Outlook, lets you create temporary email aliases that are just regular email addresses but you can delete them or create new ones whenever required. ", "You can also rename an existing alias without deleting.", "\n\nTo create an email alias, open Outlook Mail Settings and choose Create an Alias under Managing your Account.", "\n\nGmail supports periods and plus signs in usernames but these addresses are permanent in nature. ", "You can however find support for email eliases in Gmail for Google Apps.", "\n\n#6. ", "Use HTML and CSS in your Rich Emails\n\nBoth Gmail and Outlook services offer a WYSIWYG editor to help you compose rich-text emails with images, headings, aligned text and other formatting.", "\n\nHowever, Outlook also offers an HTML editor where you can write, or rather code, email messages directly in HTML and CSS Styles. ", "While you are writing a new email, or replying to an existing one, go to Options and choose “Edit in HTML.”", "\n\nYour Gmail or Outlook’s WYSIWYG editor doesn’t support tables or custom CSS sytems but now you can easily add them to your email messages without resorting to any workarounds.", "\n\n#5. ", "Block Emails from Particular Addresses or Domains\n\nSome people love sending email forwards and other useless messages that do not deserve a place in your mailbox. ", "Your web mail’s spam filter won’t block these emails as they are most coming from “real” people.", "\n\nYou can create filters in Gmail to block such people (or domains) permanently but Outlook has a simple solution.", "\n\nYou can block emails from specific senders or all messages originating from a par domain\n\nSelect a message and choose “Sweep” -> Delete -> Block all future messages.", "\n\nFor bulk additions, go to your Outlook setting and choose Safe and Blocked Senders under “Preventing Junk Mail.” ", "Here you can specify domain names (like @mail.ru or @com.cn) or individual email addresses and messages from these blacklisted address will be automatically deleted.", "\n\n#4. ", "Send Large Files and Email Attachments\n\nWith Outlook (and Gmail), you can send any number of file attachment provided the overall size of the message is less than 25 MB. ", "The alternative is that you upload the file to Google Drive or Dropbox and include the download link in your message.", "\n\nOutlook is more tightly integrated with SkyDrive and if you try attaching a file that exceed the 25 MB limit, it will automatically send it via SkyDrive.", "\n\n#3. ", "Quickly Find the Space-Hogging Emails\n\nLocate the big emails easily and recover space in Outlook with a click.", "\n\nThis is one feature that Gmail users would love to have - the ability to sort emails by size. ", "You can delete the messages that have big attachments - maybe video files and large presentations - and thus recover space with a click.", "\n\n#2. ", "Social Done Right\n\nGoogle has integrated a social network into my mailbox that could be growing but none of my friends and family members use it. ", "On the other hand, Outlook is tightly integrated with Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn that most of us actually use.", "\n\n#1. ", "Outlook is fast\n\nThe most impressive thing about the new Outlook.com, other than the beautiful UI, is its speed. ", "It feels fast and though Microsoft is calling Outlook.com a preview version, it has been pretty stable for me.", "\n\nThese are first impressions but will have more to share in a week or so. ", "Stay tuned." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nEnsure correct execution order in a plugin/module architecture\n\nImagine a simple module-based architecture, there is the Core system that contains an array of random values. ", "It's possible to create modules/plugins that will interact with this array.", "\n\nPlugin A wants to prepend a value in some global array\nPlugin B wants to the same but a different value\nPlugin C will put a value to the end\n\nPlugin A and Plugin B both want their data to be in the beginning of the array by definition. ", "Of course it's not possible, but now it completely depends on the execution order, and if the order changes the program behavior will be different.", "\nHow would a plugin tell the core system that it really really needs to have this value in the first element of the array. ", "What would the core do if both plugins specify that it \"really really needs to be like that\". ", "\nIdeally a plugin doesn't care and doesn't know about other plugins, imagine there are 20 plugin. ", "It would be a mess if you would try to consider each other plugin in every plugin.", "\nI thought about adding a relevance based rating. ", "For instance each plugin that interacts with the array need to specify an relevance value (an enum for example) that will specify how important it is that the change needs to be exactly like that, or if it doesn't matter.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou really only have two options here:\n\nAdd a priority (or relevance as you called it) when the plugins register themselves / their action\n\nor\n\nLast/First one wins approach. ", "Whatever plugins registers last/first will be the the one that gets the spot at the top of your structure\n\nYou can't really do anything else (besides randomly deciding) if you can't solve this contradiction on the requirements side (which is where the real problem is)\n\n" ]
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[ "\"Since I was the only black kid at my school,\" \"I thought people stared at me all the time because they were fascinated with me.\" \"", "Check it out.\" \"", "His skin.\" \"", "Was your hair always like this?\" \"", "Do you know Gary Coleman?\" \"", "But I found out they were just scared of me.\" \"", "She didn't come out of that classroom for a whole week.\" \"", "Can you tell me what's going on?\" \"", "There's rumor about the fight.\" \"", "I had a fight with Caruso, the school bully.\" \"", "He beat me so bad,\" \"I had to take the Underground Railroad home.\" \"", "Fight!\" \"", "Fight!\" \"", "But somehow that story turned into this story.\" \"", "Chris hit him in the jaw so hard, my tooth fell out.\" \"", "Chris knocked Caruso's eye out, put it back, and then knocked it out again.\" \"", "Chris beat the snot out of him.\" \"", "You can check his nose-- no snot!\" \"", "Chris chased him home, knocked out his family, then took their house.\" \"", "Now, when a rumor like this gets started, you never know where it's going to end up.\" \"", "Are you sure about this?\" \"", "Yes, sir.\" \"", "After Chris kicked his teeth out, he said,\" \"\"And I better not see you trying to smile, cracker.\"\" \"", "Cracker...\" \"Yes, sir.\" \"", "Cracker.\" \"", "Dr. Raymond was the school principal, and the last thing I needed was for him to think I was making trouble.\" \"", "Thanks kid.\" \"", "That kid snitched so much, he made more money than the teachers.\" \"", "Raise it up.\" \"", "Higher.\" \"", "Higher!\" \"", "Right there, it's good.\" \"", "All right.\" \"", "My brother Drew loved karate, and he didn't take lessons.\" \"", "All he had to do was see somebody do something, and then he could copy it.\" \"", "Today, you'd call that a \"music producer.\"\" \"", "Chris!\" \"", "Breathe, breathe!\" \"", "Ahhhh...\" \"What are you doing?\" \"", "Practicing karate.\" \"", "What are you going to do with karate?\" \"", "My father didn't see the reason of learning anything that didn't get you a job.\" \"", "So how's school, Chris?\" \"", "You working on anthropology or paleontology, something complicated, I bet.\" \"", "My mother thought I was learning all kinds of things 'cause I went to a white school.\" \"", "Nope, it's just regular arithmetic.\" \"", "Y'all hear that?\" \"", "White kids are working on arithmetic.\" \"", "Around here, they're still doing math.\" \"", "My mother always thought bigger words meant something better.\" \"", "Okay, say the blessing, baby.\" \"", "Where's the meat?\" \"", "We don't have any.\" \"", "Didn't you buy some porchops?\" \"", "No, that meat was too expensive.\" \"", "I know we got some canned Spam or some Vienna sausage or bacon...\" \"or beef jerky.\" \"", "Some... mean, what kind of meal is that without meat?\" \"", "It's a vegetarian meal.\" \"", "Do I look like a vegetarian to you?\" \"", "I work 60 hours a week.\" \"", "I lift papers and boxes all night.\" \"", "I don't want vegetables.\" \"", "I need meat.\" \"", "Didn't you get paid today?\" \"", "I quit my job yesterday.\" \"", "Oh, I need you to be home early on Thursday so I can pick up my check.\" \"", "How come you quit?\" \"", "They were disrespecting me, Julius.\" \"", "My father always worked two jobs, which made my mother so comfortable, she'd quit her job over anything.\" \"", "Check, please?\" \"", "And I mean anying.\" \"", "Now, do I look like I have your check?\" \"", "All that hollering at people.\" \"", "I don't need this.\" \"", "My husband has two jobs.\" \"", "I don't need to be here right now.\" \"", "Hold my calls.\" \"", "Who are you hollering at?\" \"\"", "Hold my calls.\"\" \"", "Hold your own damn call!\" \"", "I do not need this!\" \"", "My man has two jobs!\" \"", "My mother seemed to always find work when she needed it, so my father didn't complain that much.\" \"", "That's okay, baby.\" \"", "I guess all those other people are just crazy.\" \"", "That look means \"I know I'm wrong, but I'll be damned if I'll admit it.\"\" \"", "How about steak sauce?\" \"", "We got steak sauce?\" \"", "Hey, killer.\" \"", "Oh!\" \"", "Oh...!\" \"", "I've heard what you've been saying, Meadowlark.\" \"", "What?\" \"", "I haven't been saying anything!\" \"", "You don't think I have enough problems without people thinking\" \"I'm going around stomping other people's teeth out?\" \"", "Do I need that?\" \"!\" \"", "Then who's been saying it then?\" \"", "There's \"Got your back\" guys and \"I'll be back\" guys.\" \"", "Greg!\" \"", "Greg was a \"I'm running like a bitch\" guy.\" \"", "You two, in my office now.\" \"", "Dr. Raymond hated his job because he didn't get paid enough.\" \"* ", "Relax, don't do it, when you want to go to it... *\" \"So he blew off steam by dancing the nights away with a few close friends.\" \"* ", "Relax, don't do it, when you want to step to it *\" \"* Relax, don't do it... *\" \"You think I like calling you into my office?\" \"", "That's not a rhetorical question.\" \"", "What's a rhetorical question?\" \"", "It's a question that doesn't need an answer because you already know the answer when you ask it.\" \"", "Who asked you?\" \"", "Exactly.\" \"", "Now let me be clear.\" \"", "If I have any more trouble from either of you, you're going to detention.\" \"", "Detention was a step up from my old school.\" \"", "In my old school, if you did something wrong you had to fight the principal.\" \"", "You want to fight so bad?\" \"!\" \"", "Fight me!\" \"", "I ain't scared of you!\" \"", "Well, bring it!\" \"", "Bring it!\" \"", "Oh, no, you didn't!\" \"", "Come on!\" \"", "You, you, you...!\" \"", "You should have seen what happened when he tried to suspend her.\" \"", "Why am I in trouble?\" \"", "You heard.\" \"", "He beat me up.\" \"", "No, I didn't.\" \"", "And he called me a white cracker.\" \"", "Can you believe this cracker?\" \"", "You got a point, son.\" \"", "Any more trouble, that's detention.\" \"", "Ain't this about a bitch?\" \"", "What's this?\" \"", "Meat.\" \"", "Fresh sausage links.\" \"", "I got a deal from the meat man.\" \"", "In Bed-Stuy, \"getting a deal\"\" \"meant you bought something that was stolen.\" \"", "Now, everybody knew the stuff was stolen, which was cool, as long as it wasn't stolen from you.\" \"", "Hey!\" \"", "This is mine!\" \"", "Julius, look at all of this.\" \"", "We'll be eating sausage every meal for a whole week.\" \"", "If you hadn't quit your job, maybe we'd have a little variety.\" \"", "Huh?\" \"", "Meat is good for society.\" \"", "He said you beat him up?\" \"", "Yeah, and I mean, like, Raymond believed it.\" \"", "A hundred kids saw me getting chased home.\" \"", "And now, everyone's afraid of me.\" \"", "Caruso's already beaten the heck out of me every day, and I can't even try to defend myself without gettin' sent to detention.\" \"", "You know, I can't take this.\" \"", "Well, why don't you just punch him in the face?\" \"", "You did do it before.\" \"", "I didn't just walk up there and pow, punch him in the face.\" \"", "I had a plan... which didn't include getting beat down, chased home and sent to detention.\" \"", "It was like I was getting my ass kicked for getting my ass kicked.\" \"", "Back at home, my mother was cooking.\" \"", "I never knew how many meals you could make with sausage.\" \"", "Chicken-fried sausage, sausage on a stick, kung-pao sausage-- but the was only one problem.\" \"", "I hate sausage.\" \"", "Oh, come on, baby.\" \"", "You haven't even tried it.\" \"", "That's 'cause I hate sausage.\" \"", "That look means\" \"\"There's a smack over here, if you want it.\"\" \"", "Can she just eat her vegetables?\" \"", "I thought vegetables wasn't a meal.\" \"", "Now, I should send you to Africa, since you don't want to eat.\" \"", "My mother could deal with a lot of things, but a child who wouldn't eat wasn't one of it.\" \"", "You're going to sit there until you eat that sausage.\" \"", "That look means \"I'm still thinking about knocking you out of that chair.\"\" \"", "Go to bed, girl.\" \"", "People go to war over a lot of things:\" \"oil, land, lies, but this one started over sausage.\" \"", "Geez, what was that?\" \"!\" \"", "At school, Caruso tortured me every chance he got.\" \"", "A battery!\" \"", "A 'D' They're packing heavy.\" \"", "Come on, man.\" \"", "Let's just go.\" \"", "No, no!\" \"", "I'm getting tired of him.\" \"", "Look out!\" \"", "Get out of here!\" \"", "If I'd have had a brick, I'd have hit him.\" \"", "Maybe he didn't see who threw it.\" \"", "Now, where was these guys when Tupac got shot\" \"* Everybody hates Chris. *\" \"", "After being beat down and set up by Caruso, detentio was about the safest place I could be, as long I followed the rules.\" \"", "The rules are clearly posted.\" \"", "I suggest you read them.\" \"", "The rules were simple:\" \"you talk...\" \"Ten minutes of detention.\" \"", "If you eat...\" \"Ten minutes of detention.\" \"", "If you sleep...\" \"Ten minutes of detention.\" \"", "If you did anything in detention other than sit down and shut up...\" \"Ten minutes of detention.\" \"", "Since I was the new guy in detention, everybody tried to get me in more trouble.\" \"", "What?\" \"", "Ten minutes.\" \" ", "But for what?\" \" ", "20 minutes.\" \"", "I didn't tell my mother I was in detention because then she'd come up to school.\" \"", "And there's nothing worse than a mad black woman at an all-white school.\" \"", "I thought I told you to be here, so I pick up my check.\" \"", "I missed my bus.\" \"", "What were you doing that you missed your bus?\" \"", "Uh, I... uh, I just forgot?\" \"", "Oh.\" \"", "So you forgot to come home?\" \"", "I'll look pathetic and she'll take pity.\" \"", "Uh-uh.\" \"", "What's this?\" \"", "It's a bucket and a mop... for mopping.\" \"", "Do the steps, the bathroom and the hall.\" \"", "This will help you to remember to get your butt home on time.\" \"", "I'm going to pick up my check.\" \"", "After two days, Tanya hadn't taken a bite of sausage.\" \"", "And after having it for breakfast, lunch and dinner, she wasn't the only one who hated it.\" \"... ", "mm!\" \"", "Now, this is good.\" \"", "Isn't it good, baby?\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Yeah, it's good.\" \"", "Mmm!\" \"", "It's better than those sausage-o's we had this morning,\" \"I'll tell you that.\" \"", "Well, anybody want some cake?\" \"", "Does it have sausage in it?\" \"", "We didn't usually have cake, but my mother was trying to get at Tanya.\" \"", "Can I have some cake?\" \"", "You can have some sausage.\" \"", "I told you.\" \"", "Sausage.\" \"", "Another day, another sausage\" \"Look, Tonya, if you don't want sausage, then you're probably better off eating lunch at school, then.\" \"", "I hate school lunch.\" \"", "You want some sausage?\" \"", "Xie xie nin, Mama.\" \" ", "What?\" \" ", "It's \"Thank you, Mom\" in Chinese.\" \"", "When my brother got into something, he got into it.\" \"", "You know, he's getting Asian girls to this very day.\" \"", "Eh!\" \"", "Chris.\" \"", "I didn't get my check yesterday because I Was late getting over there.\" \"", "I need you to have your behind home on time.\" \"", "Do you understand me, boy?\" \"", "Yes, ma'am.\" \"", "How many days did you get?\" \"", "Three.\" \"", "Ooh, I better get in there.\" \"", "I can't be late getting home today.\" \"", "You are late.\" \"", "Ten minutes.\" \"", "But I was right outside the door.\" \"", "Outside is not inside.\" \"", "20 minutes.\" \"", "Bu..\" \"Would you like to try for minutes?\" \"", "I wonder how many minutes I'd get for knocking her upside the head with this book?\" \"", "Mo..\" \"Eh!\" \"", "School...\" \"Don't...!\" \"", "But...\" \"Eh!\" \"", "That look means, \"Get in this house before I smack the wax out your ears.\"\" \"", "Baby, just try it.\" \"", "It's good.\" \"", "After a few days of sausage for breakfast, lunch and dinner, would you believe my mother started running out of ideas?\" \"", "Mmm!\" \"", "Sausage and Pop Tarts.\" \"", "You're eating the sausage.\" \"", "Can I talk to you for a minute?\" \"", "Excuse me children, your father would like to talk to me.\" \"", "Let's talk.\" \"", "Baby, if she doesn't eat they could call child welfare on us.\" \"", "Mm-mm, Julius, that little girl is testing me.\" \"", "And if I let her tell me what she will and won't eat;\" \"the next thing you know, she'll be telling me what she will and won't wear.\" \"", "Then, the next thing you know, she'll be telling me when she will and won't come home!\" \"", "And then the next thing you know, she's going to end up pregnant-- and I ain't taking care of no babies.\" \"", "My mother always thought anything that Tanya did wrong would eventually get her pregnant.\" \"", "And she ain't taking care of no babies.\" \"", "But it's been two days.\" \"", "Oh, Julius, it's been three days.\" \"", "Right.\" \"", "Three days.\" \"", "Did you feed her something?\" \"", "Here's a peanut butter sandwich.\" \"", "When your mama comes down, talk to the side, so she can't smell your breath.\" \"", "And eat the crust.\" \"", "I don't like crust!\" \"", "I don't like crust.\" \"", "Just eat it, girl.\" \"", "Would you believe my father had to come back and finish the crust?\" \"", "I'm sorry, baby.\" \"", "Julius!\" \"", "I understand what you're trying to do.\" \"", "We can put her on punishment.\" \"", "Whatever.\" \"", "I mean...\" \"but we have to feed her.\" \"", "The next time, why don't you let somebody know before you buy a whole crate of sausage!\" \"", "Thank you!\" \"", "Next time why don't you let somebody know when you quit your job.\" \"", "I'm sorry?\" \"", "Hey, uh...\" \"I-I was going tell you...\" \" I'm going to get chicken next time.\" \" ", "Okay.\" \"", "My man got some hook-up on the chicken.\" \"", "Dr. Raymond pulled me out of detention because he thought talking to me would keep me out of trouble.\" \"", "Son, I know things are rough for you here.\" \"", "But just because you don't have a father...\" \"But I do have a father.\" \"", "Well, when your mother is on drugs...\" \"My mom's not on drugs.\" \"", "I understand, but being born a crack baby is no excuse.\" \"", "I wasn't born a crack baby.\" \"", "Look, son.\" \"", "I'm trying to help you.\" \"", "I know it's rough, but I suggest you try to fit in.\" \"", "And the next time you throw a battery, that's an automatic suspension.\" \"", "Why do I have to get suspended?\" \"", "Caruso's the one that started it.\" \"", "He's calling me names and beating butt every chance he gets.\" \"", "And I never called him a \"cracker.\"\" \"", "Are you sure about this?\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Good.\" \"", "To this day, I don't know if he believed me or he thought I was packing.\" \"", "Stay out of trouble.\" \"", "So what happened?\" \"", "Oh.\" \"", "Raymond let me go.\" \"", "But he thinks I'm a crack baby.\" \"", "Listen, I just want to get home.\" \"", "My mother is making spaghetti tonight.\" \"", "It was the only time that week she made a meal that actually went with sausage.\" \"", "Hey, it's Tenspeed and Brownshoe.\" \"", "What, no detention today?\" \"", "Look, why don't you just leave me alone?\" \"", "I mean, what do you want me to do?\" \"", "Go around and tell everybody that you beat the heck out of me?\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Fine.\" \"", "I'm just getting tired of you messing with me.\" \"", "Oh, \"I'm just getting tired of you messing with me.\"\" \"", "You just can't reason with a bully.\" \"", "I don't care.\" \"", "Greg...\" \"I told you, running like a bitch.\" \"", "I know it looks like I'm taking the high road, but all I'm doing is buying me.\" \"", "Remember, bullies are kind of like dogs.\" \"", "They usually don't chase you unless you run.\" \"", "What are you doing?\" \"", "I'm getting revenge.\" \"* ", "You can't hide *\" \"Think he went outside?\" \"!\" \"", "Just how long is he going to wait to stop this?\" \"", "All of you.\" \"", "In my office.\" \"", "Now.\" \"", "Pick that stuff up.\" \"", "Despite numerous internal injuries, seeing Caruso go to detention still felt good.\" \"", "That night, I got home on time, my mother got her check, but Tanya still wouldn't eat her sausage.\" \"", "Baby, just try it, okay?\" \"", "But I don't like it.\" \"", "But if you don't try it, you'll never know.\" \"", "I didn't used to like your father, and now I do.\" \"", "And I definitely didn't like you, Tanya.\" \"", "I never liked Drew.\" \"", "And I hated your mother.\" \"", "Come on, baby, you can do it.\" \"", "Just try it.\" \"", "A little bit.\" \"", "Okay.\" \"", "It's good.\" \"", "Now I'd love to sit here and tell you that we had the sort of loving family that worked out all its problems with love, compassion and patiente... that we ended every day with hugs and laughter... but here's what really happened that night:\" \"Baby, just try it, okay?\" \"", "But I don't like it.\" \"", "You're going to eat this sausage!\" \"", "Do you hear me?\" \"!\" \"", "God, do you think\" \"I'm playing with you?\" \"!\" \"", "Oh, no!\" \"", "No!\" \"", "Rochelle!\" \"", "No!\" \"", "Rochelle!\" \"", "Rochelle, no, no, no, no!\" \"", "It took us about an hour to get my mother off of Tanya's behind, but eventually, Tanya did eat her sausage.\" \"", "And as for my mother, well, to this very day, she still ain't raising no babies.\"" ]
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[ "Tensile bond strength of four adhesive systems to dentin.", "\nTo assess, in vitro, the tensile bond strength to dentin of the following adhesive systems: Single Bond (3M), One Coat Bond (Coltène), Clearfil Liner Bond 2 V (Kuraray) and Etch & Prime 3.0 (Degussa). ", "Thirty third molars, extracted according to therapeutic indication, were used. ", "The roots were removed at the cement-enamel junction level and the crowns were sectioned in a mesial-distal direction, obtaining buccal and lingual halves. ", "The dental portions were included in self-cured acrylic resin, abraded on a lathe under water spray and polished to 400 and 600 grit. ", "The adhesive systems were applied on dentin according to manufacturers' instructions and resin-based composite (Z100) cones were bonded. ", "For each adhesive system, 15 specimens were prepared, stored in distilled water at 37 degrees C during 24 hrs and submitted to tensile bond strength tests on a universal testing machine (EMIC DL-2000) at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. ", "The mean tensile bond strength to dentin (MPa +/- SD) were statistically different (ANOVA, Tukey's tests, P < or = 0.01, shown by asterisks) from each other: (1) Clearfil Liner Bond 2 V* = 24.8 +/- 3.3; (2) One Coat Bond** = 20.4 +/- 2.0; (3) Single Bond** = 18.1 +/- 2.4; (4) Etch & Prime 3.0*** = 5.8 +/- 2.4." ]
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[ "\n968 P.2d 1231 (1998)\n1998 OK CR 54\nGary Roland WELCH, Appellant,\nv.\nSTATE of Oklahoma, Appellee.", "\nNo. ", "F-96-692.", "\nCourt of Criminal Appeals of Oklahoma.", "\nOctober 5, 1998.", "\nRehearing Denied December 2, 1998.", "\nJoe P. Robertson, Tulsa, for Appellant at trial.", "\nBen Loring, District Attorney, Alicia Littlefield, Assistant District Attorney, Miami, for the State at trial.", "\nDavid Autry, Oklahoma City, for Appellant on appeal.", "\nW.A. Drew Edmondson, Attorney General of Oklahoma, Robert Whittaker, Assistant Attorney General, Oklahoma City, for the State on appeal.", "\n\n\n*1238 OPINION\n\nLUMPKIN, Judge:\n¶ 1 Appellant Gary Roland Welch was tried by jury and convicted of First Degree Murder (21 O.S.1991, 701.7), Case No. ", "CRF-94-302, in the District Court of Ottawa County. ", "The jury found the existence of three aggravating circumstances and recommended the punishment of death. ", "The trial court sentenced accordingly. ", "From this judgment and sentence Appellant has perfected this appeal.[1]\n¶ 2 Appellant and co-defendant Claudie Conover were convicted of the first degree murder of Robert Hardcastle. ", "The District Court granted a motion for severance and Appellant was tried approximately ten (10) months after co-defendant Conover. ", "The facts of this case are set forth in Conover v. State, 933 P.2d 904 (Okl.", "Cr.1997).", "\n\n\n*1239 PRE-TRIAL ISSUES\n\n¶ 3 In his sixth assignment of error, Appellant contends the trial court never acquired subject matter jurisdiction over the case as the Information failed to allege all of the elements of malice murder; specifically, the element of \"malice aforethought.\" ", "The felony Information filed against Appellant read in pertinent part:\nMURDER IN THE FIRST DEGREE TITLE 21-701.7\n. . . ", "That said defendants, on the day and year aforesaid, in the County and State aforesaid, while acting in concert, each with the other, did unlawfully, willfully, and feloniously, without authority of law, and with a premeditated design to effect the death of one Robert Hardcastle, a human being, did then and there kill one Robert Hardcastle by means of a knife having a sharp and pointed blade, and a broken bottle which was sharp, with which the said defendants did cut, slash and stab the body of the said Robert Hardcastle, causing mortal wounds in the body of the said Robert Hardcastle from which mortal wounds the said Robert Hardcastle did languish and die, . . . (", "O.R.1).", "\n¶ 4 This is the same felony Information filed against co-defendant Claudie Conover. ", "We have previously found this Information sufficiently provided notice of the charge against the defendant and apprised him of what he must defend against at trial. ", "Conover, 933 P.2d at 909-10. ", "Appellant has not persuaded us to alter that view. ", "We have also previously rejected Appellant's additional claim that Parker v. State, 917 P.2d 980, 986 (Okl.", "Cr.1996) should not be applied to his case. ", "Id. at 910. ", "Accordingly, this assignment of error is denied.", "\n\nFIRST STAGE TRIAL ISSUES\n\nA.\n¶ 5 In his first assignment of error, Appellant contends he was denied a fair trial by the improper admission of hearsay testimony. ", "Larry Davis testified at trial that while he and co-defendant Conover were visiting, they heard \"banging\" noises coming from the victim's half of the duplex. ", "Davis testified that he commented to his wife and Conover that he hoped the victim was \"winning his wrestling match.\" ", "Conover said something to the effect that \"someone's getting a spanking over a deal.\" ", "The State sought to admit Conover's statement as that of a co-conspirator under 12 O.S.1991, 2801(4)(b). ", "The trial court initially sustained Appellant's objection finding the evidence insufficient to support the existence of a conspiracy. ", "The State reserved the right to recall the witness after it had established the existence of the conspiracy. (", "Tr. ", "Vol.5, pp. ", "1162-64). ", "Near the end of its case-in-chief, the State again attempted to introduce the statement. ", "This time the court admitted the statement and overruled Appellant's objections finding the existence of a conspiracy had been established and that the statement was made during and in furtherance of the conspiracy.", "\n¶ 6 Now on appeal, Appellant asserts the trial court ruling was error as the evidence did not support the finding of a conspiracy. ", "We agree. ", "A statement which is offered against a party and made by his co-conspirator during the course and in furtherance of their conspiracy is admissible and is not hearsay. ", "12 O.S.1991, 2801(4)(b)(5). ", "See also Omalza v. State, 911 P.2d 286, 295-96 (Okl.", "Cr.1995). ", "A co-conspirator's statements satisfy the requirements of reliability and are admissible as non-hearsay substantive evidence only where the trial court finds: [1] a conspiracy existed; [2] both the defendant and the alleged co-conspirator declarant were parties to the conspiracy; [3] the statements were made during the duration of the conspiracy; and [4] the statements furthered the goals of the conspiracy. ", "Id. at 296. ", "The conspiracy must be proven by a preponderance of evidence and the trial court may consider the alleged hearsay statements in reaching its decision. ", "Id. \"In a conspiracy prosecution, the critical inquiry is whether the circumstances, acts, and conduct of the parties are of such a character that the minds of reasonable men may conclude therefrom that an unlawful agreement exists.\" ", "State v. Davis, 823 P.2d 367, 370 (Okl.", "Cr.1991) quoting United States *1240 v. Kendall, 766 F.2d 1426, 1431 (10th Cir. ", "1985).", "\n¶ 7 Here, there was no evidence of an agreement or joint plan to kill the victim, nor was there evidence that Conover's statement was made during or in furtherance of that plan. ", "At most, the evidence showed joint action between the two defendants in running down the victim and beating him to death, conduct which occurred after Conover's statement was made. ", "Therefore, we find the trial court erred in admitting the statement under the co-conspirator exception.", "\n¶ 8 However, we do not find the statement itself inadmissible. ", "Under 21 O.S.1991, 2803(1) a statement describing or explaining an event or condition made while the declarant was perceiving the event or condition, or immediately thereafter is exempted from the hearsay prohibition and is admissible as a present sense impression. ", "Conover's statement was made immediately upon hearing the noise coming from next door and offered an explanation for that noise. ", "Therefore, any error in admitting the statement under the co-conspirator exception was harmless as the statement was properly admissible as a present sense impression. ", "Further, as the comment falls under a well established exception to the hearsay rule, there was no violation of Appellant's right of confrontation. ", "Accordingly, this assignment of error is denied.", "\n\nB.\n¶ 9 In his second assignment of error, Appellant asserts the prosecutor improperly inquired into the details of his prior convictions and infringed upon his right to silence when he asked why Appellant had not come forward at Conover's trial \"to help your buddy out.\" ", "Initially, we review only for plain error as no objection was raised by Appellant to these inquiries.[2]Simpson v. State, 876 P.2d 690, 698 (Okl.", "Cr.1994).", "\n¶ 10 Cross-examination as to prior convictions is allowed for the purpose of impeaching a defendant's credibility. ", "12 O.S. 1991, 2609. ", "However, that inquiry is limited and the prosecutor may not go into the details of the convictions. ", "Little v. State, 79 Okl.", "Cr. ", "285, 154 P.2d 772 (1945). ", "See also Britt v. State, 721 P.2d 812, 816 (Okl.", "Cr. ", "1986). ", "Any error in the prosecutor's inquiry in this case must be deemed invited error as Appellant initially raised the issue during his direct examination. ", "Appellant testified on direct examination that he had spent \"some time\" in the penitentiary, that he was released from the reformatory at Granite in March of 1988, and that he had spent only his last ninety (90) days of a twenty-one (21) month sentence at Granite. ", "The prosecutor's inquiry on cross-examination into the offense for which Appellant was serving time at Granite, the details of that offense and other prior convictions was invited. ", "This Court has long held that an appellant cannot complain of error which he has invited, and that reversal cannot be predicated upon such error. ", "Pierce v. State, 786 P.2d 1255, 1259-60 (Okl.", "Cr.1990); Dutton v. State, 674 P.2d 1134, 1139 (Okl.", "Cr.1984).", "\n¶ 11 Also during cross-examination, the prosecutor inquired as to whether Appellant was aware that co-defendant Conover had been charged with first degree murder, whether he had been subpoenaed as a witness for Conover's trial and whether Appellant had \"come forward in that case and testify as to what transpired to help your buddy out.\"", "\n¶ 12 Reference to Appellant's post-arrest silence, albeit used solely for impeachment purposes on cross-examination, is a violation of Appellant's rights under the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. ", "Wood v. State, 748 P.2d 523, 526 (Okl.", "Cr. ", "1987). ", "However, such violation is subject to a harmless error analysis. ", "Id. Appellant testified on re-direct that he was subpoenaed to testify at Conover's trial but was never called *1241 to testify. ", "Considering that testimony and the substantial evidence of Appellant's guilt, we conclude the error was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt. ", "Accordingly, this assignment of error is denied.", "\n\nC.\n¶ 13 Appellant complains in his third assignment of error that a demonstration re-enacting the crime was reversible, prejudicial error. ", "He claims the demonstration lacked relevance and that the danger of unfair prejudice far outweighed any probative value.", "\n¶ 14 State's witness Donnie Nading testified that he observed the assault on the victim as he drove past the area. ", "He testified to seeing Appellant and another man attack the victim and to observing Appellant stab the victim. ", "With Mr. Nading's assistance and that of Officer Pendley, the prosecutor attempted to demonstrate the assault. ", "Over Appellant's objections, the court allowed the prosecutor to take the position of the victim, Officer Pendley to take the position of co-defendant Conover and Mr. Nading to be Appellant.", "\n¶ 15 This Court has previously upheld demonstrations which were based on the evidence presented at trial and not theatrical demonstrations. ", "Brown v. State, 777 P.2d 1355, 1358 (Okl.", "Cr.1989) (prosecutor used a police officer during closing argument to illustrate the position of the decedent seated in a chair when shot in the neck and back by appellant.) ", "See also Woodruff v. State, 846 P.2d 1124, 1136 (Okl.", "Cr.), ", "cert. ", "denied, 510 U.S. 934, 114 S.Ct. ", "349, 126 L.Ed.2d 313 (1993) (police officer demonstrated use of the garrotte on the neck of an Assistant District Attorney).", "\n¶ 16 Here, the demonstration was relevant in illustrating the events which occurred in the ditch as Mr. Nading watched from his van. ", "Testimony concerning these events was contradictory as Appellant claimed he acted in self-defense and denied stabbing the victim. ", "The demonstration was brief and not so prejudicial as to outweigh the probative value of helping the jury understand the State's theory of the commission of the offense and in particular, Appellant's role in the offense. ", "Therefore, we find no error in the demonstration.", "\n\nD.\n¶ 17 In his fourth assignment of error, Appellant challenges the jury instructions and finds error in the trial court's failure to give instructions on the lesser included offenses of second degree depraved mind murder and first degree manslaughter by means of a dangerous weapon. ", "An instruction on second degree murder was requested by Appellant but refused by the trial court finding the evidence insufficient to support such an instruction. ", "Appellant's request has preserved the issue for appellate review.", "\n¶ 18 Initially, second degree depraved mind murder is not a lesser included offense of first degree malice murder. ", "Willingham v. State, 947 P.2d 1074, 1081 (Okl.", "Cr. ", "1997). ", "Therefore, the trial court did not err in refusing to give the instruction.", "\n¶ 19 Appellant's complaint about the lack of an instruction on first degree manslaughter by means of a dangerous weapon is not well taken as the record shows that such an instruction was given. (", "Instruction No. ", "25, O.R.404).", "\n¶ 20 Further, Appellant argues that by failing to instruct the jury on lesser included offenses, the trial court failed to provide the jury with the option of convicting him of a non-capital offense as required by Schad v. Arizona, 501 U.S. 624, 111 S.Ct. ", "2491, 115 L.Ed.2d 555 (1991) and Beck v. Alabama, 447 U.S. 625, 100 S.Ct. ", "2382, 65 L.Ed.2d 392 (1980). ", "Neither Beck nor Schad require that a jury in a capital case be given a third, non-capital option where the evidence absolutely does not support that option. ", "Regardless, the jury in this case was given a third, non-capital option of first degree manslaughter, as well as the alternative sentences of life imprisonment and life without parole. ", "Therefore, the jury was not prevented from considering a non-capital option. ", "Accordingly, this assignment of error is denied.", "\n\n\n*1242 SENTENCING STAGE ISSUES\n\n\nA.\n¶ 21 In his seventh assignment of error, Appellant challenges the victim impact evidence. ", "In the first of his several arguments, Appellant asserts admission of the victim impact evidence was in plain violation of the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution and outside the scope of 22 O.S.1991, 984.", "\n¶ 22 This argument has previously been rejected in Ledbetter v. State, 933 P.2d 880, 889-90 (Okl.", "Cr.1997) and Cargle v. State, 909 P.2d 806, 828 (Okl.", "Cr.1995). ", "Cargle sets out the basis the United States Supreme Court has utilized to find the Eighth Amendment is not violated by victim impact evidence and that the Fourteenth Amendment has the potential to be implicated if appropriate restrictions are not placed on victim impact evidence.", "\n¶ 23 This Court has held victim impact evidence admissible as long as it is \"restricted to the `financial, emotional, psychological, and physical effects,' or impact, of the crime itself on the victim's survivors; as well as some personal characteristics of the victim.\" ", "Ledbetter, 933 P.2d at 889-90 quoting Cargle, 909 P.2d at 828.", "\n[I]ts use should be limited to showing how the victim's death is affecting or might affect the victim's survivors, and why the victim should not have been killed ....; victim impact evidence should be restricted to those unique characteristics which define the individual who has died, the contemporaneous and prospective circumstances surrounding that death, and how those circumstances have financially, emotionally, psychologically, and physically impacted on members of the victim's immediate family. ", "Id.\n\nThe opinion of a member of the victim's immediate family regarding a recommended sentence has also been held admissible. ", "Hain v. State, 919 P.2d 1130,1144 (Okl.", "Cr. ", "1996). ", "However, such opinion will be viewed by this Court with a heightened degree of scrutiny. ", "Willingham, 947 P.2d at 1086.", "\n¶ 24 Turning to the specific victim impact evidence introduced in this case, it is substantially the same as that admitted in Conover. ", "933 P.2d at 918-19, n. 6. ", "Trial counsel in the present case did not object to the introduction of the victim impact evidence generally but did raise contemporaneous objections to the victim impact statements arguing they went beyond the statutory scope of victim impact evidence. ", "The objections were overruled.", "\n¶ 25 In Conover, we found the victim impact evidence weighed the scales too far in favor of the prosecution. ", "Id. We found such statements as the victim was \"butchered like an animal\", and that two men \"butchered him\" have no place in a victim impact statement. ", "Id. at 920.", "\nAssuming statements like this are not prohibited under the rules of hearsay, such statements are inflammatory descriptions designed to invoke an emotional response by the jury. ", "Such comments do not fall under the statutory provision permitting statements on the manner in which the crime was perpetrated. ", "These type of statements are emotionally charged personal opinions which are more prejudicial than probative.", "\nId. (footnote omitted). ", "We further stated:\n[c]omments about the victim as a baby, his growing up and his parents' hopes for his future in no way provide insight into the contemporaneous and prospective circumstances surrounding his death; nor do they show how the circumstances surrounding his death have financially, emotionally, psychologically, and physically impacted a member of the victim's immediate family.", "\nId. at 921. ", "However, we also found several statements were properly admitted including Mrs. Hardcastle's reference to taking care of the victim's twin grandsons, nursing them through nightmares and answering their questions about their father. ", "This evidence was found relevant to show the emotional, psychological, and physical impact of the victim's death. ", "Id. The effect of the improperly admitted evidence was not addressed in light of the need to remand the case for resentencing due to the denial of the appellant's right to confrontation. ", "Id. The same statements found improper in Conover are present in *1243 this case. ", "The effect of this improperly admitted evidence will be addressed in the Mandatory Sentence Review.", "\n¶ 26 Appellant also complains the victim impact evidence was replete with hearsay and the witnesses testified to things of which they had no personal knowledge. ", "Specifically, Appellant directs us to references to his criminal record and that he planned the homicide. ", "The Evidence Code prohibition of hearsay applies in second stage proceedings in capital cases and unless a hearsay statement falls within one of the recognized exceptions to the hearsay rule, it is not admissible in second stage proceedings. ", "Ledbetter, 933 P.2d at 895. ", "In Conover, we said that Mrs. Hardcastle's reference to appellant's prior conviction was error if she had no personal knowledge of the prior conviction and because such a statement did not show the financial, emotional, psychological, and physical effects of the victim's death nor is it relevant to the circumstances surrounding the victim's death. ", "933 P.2d at 922. ", "We find the same comment error in this case, the effect of which will be discussed in the Mandatory Sentence Review.", "\n¶ 27 Appellant further argues that victim impact evidence functions as \"superaggravating evidence.\" ", "This claim was rejected in Cargle wherein we found evidence supporting an aggravating circumstance and victim impact evidence are different kinds of evidence addressing two separate purposes. ", "909 P.2d at 828, fn. ", "15. ", "Appellant has not persuaded us to reconsider the issue.", "\n¶ 28 Appellant also asserts the victim impact evidence was inadmissible due to the trial court's failure to conduct an in-camera hearing on the evidence as required by Cargle, his failure to receive adequate notice of the evidence, the witnesses' improvising on the stand and failure to adhere to their written statements, and the giving of their testimony in a narrative instead of a question and answer format.", "\n¶ 29 In Cargle, this Court held that the State should file a Notice of Intent to Produce Victim Impact Evidence, detailing the evidence sought to be introduced; and an in-camera hearing should be held by the trial court to determine the admissibility of the evidence as it relates to 12 O.S.1991, 2403. ", "909 P.2d at 828. ", "The evidence sought to be introduced should be limited to the evidence listed in the prosecutor's notice filed before trial, and, although not required, the trial court may wish to consider whether a question-and-answer format may be a preferable method of controlling the way relevant victim impact evidence is presented to a jury. ", "Id.\n¶ 30 In the present case, approximately one year before trial, the State filed a Notice of Victim Impact Statement listing the three witnesses who testified as well as seven other witnesses who did not testify, with brief summaries of their testimony included. ", "The State also provided Appellant with the written statements prepared by the three witnesses who did testify. ", "Although the record does not reflect when these written statements were provided to the defense, no objection was raised on the basis of lack of notice. ", "Appellant was provided sufficient notice of the victim impact evidence. ", "See Ledbetter, 933 P.2d at 894.", "\n¶ 31 An in-camera hearing on the admissibility of the evidence was not held but when the victim impact evidence was met with a defense objection at trial, all of the evidence offered by the State was admitted. ", "The failure of the trial court to hold the in-camera hearing was error. ", "However, it is a trial error subject to a harmless error analysis. ", "Bartell v. State, 881 P.2d 92, 98-99 (Okl.", "Cr.1994).", "\n¶ 32 The purpose of the in-camera hearing is to allow the trial judge the opportunity to rule on the admissibility of the victim impact evidence prior to its presentation to the jury. ", "The defense objections in this case gave the trial court that same opportunity and all of the evidence offered by the State was admitted. ", "Therefore, the failure to make that same ruling prior to trial in an in-camera hearing is harmless error. ", "However, when the trial court fails to follow the procedures for an in-camera hearing it opens up the potential for reversible error if inadmissible evidence which creates prejudice is presented to the jury. ", "Fortunately we do not have that problem here.", "\n*1244 ¶ 33 The three witnesses who testified did so in a narrative form. ", "We find no error as Cargle provided that either a question and answer format or a narrative format is permissible. ", "909 P.2d at 828. ", "The option of using either method to present victim impact evidence makes the fact that a testifying witness added to his or her written statement inconsequential. ", "Here, Ed Hardcastle, the victim's father, stated on the stand that he had heard the testimony concerning Appellant's attempt to kill a witness and her children and he wondered if his grandchildren had been with their father at the time of the homicide if they would have been butchered. ", "He also commented that Appellant showed no remorse for what he had done, that his lawyer would ask for a reduced sentence, for mercy, but that his son was shown no mercy. ", "The fact that his comments were not included in his written statement does not make them improper. ", "It is the content of his comments which determine their admissibility.", "\n¶ 34 Looking to the statements themselves, the comment to \"look at a man that shows no remorse for what he's done\" can be described as proper characterization and opinion of the defendant. ", "Ledbetter, 933 P.2d at 890. ", "However, the rest of the statements were not comments on the `financial, emotional, psychological, and physical effects,' or impact, of the crime itself on the victim's survivors, but emotionally charged personal opinions which were more prejudicial than probative. ", "Their admission was error, the effect of which will be discussed in the Mandatory Sentence Review.", "\n¶ 35 Finally, Appellant challenges the jury instruction on victim impact evidence arguing it failed to limit and channel the jury's discretion in evaluating victim impact evidence. ", "The instruction given in this case was that approved in Cargle, 909 P.2d at 828-29. ", "Appellant has not persuaded us to reconsider our endorsement of this instruction. ", "Accordingly, this assignment of error is denied.", "\n\nB.\n¶ 36 Appellant contends in his eighth assignment of error that the trial court's failure to give an instruction listing specific mitigating evidence was error in violation of the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments. ", "Appellant argues the absence of such an instruction prevented the jury's full consideration of the specific mitigating circumstances offered. ", "Appellant's submission to the trial court of a written requested instruction on the subject has preserved the issue for appellate review.", "\n¶ 37 Appellant asserts this Court has recognized that an instruction of the type offered by him is appropriate and should be given when requested, citing as authority \"Notes on Use\" to Oklahoma Uniform Jury Instructions-Criminal (OUJI-Cr) (2nd) 4-79. ", "However, this Court also recognizes that the second edition OUJI-Cr did not go into effect until approximately four (4) months after Appellant's trial and we have not applied them retroactively. ", "12 O.S.Supp.1996 577.2. ", "Appellant offers no other authority in support of his argument that the failure to give such an instruction is error. ", "Rather, he relies on Penry v. Lynaugh, 492 U.S. 302, 109 S.Ct. ", "2934, 106 L.Ed.2d 256 (1989) and other cases which find that a court may not give instructions which preclude or inhibit the jury's evaluation of mitigating evidence.", "\n¶ 38 The present case is distinguishable from Penry in that we are not faced with instructions which improperly limit the jury's consideration of certain evidence but with the absence of an instruction specifically directing their consideration of certain evidence. ", "The absence of that type of instruction in light of the instructions which were given during the second stage did not deny Appellant a fair sentencing proceeding. ", "The record shows the jury was instructed that mitigating circumstances were those which, in fairness and mercy, may be considered as extenuating or reducing the degree of the defendant's moral culpability or blame and that the determination of what are mitigating circumstances was solely for the jury to resolve under the facts and circumstances of the case. (", "Instruction No. ", "7, O.R. 432). ", "The jury was also instructed that before it could impose the death sentence it must first find an aggravating circumstance beyond a reasonable doubt and that the aggravating circumstance *1245 must outweigh the mitigating evidence. ", "Under these instructions, we find the jury was not prevented from considering the evidence nor is there a reasonable likelihood the jury failed to consider the evidence offered in mitigation. ", "Therefore, the failure to give an instruction specifically listing the mitigating evidence does not warrant reversal or modification of sentence.", "\n\nC.\n¶ 39 In his ninth assignment of error, Appellant contends the trial court erred in failing to give an instruction explaining the difference between life imprisonment and life without parole as requested by the jury in two notes sent out during deliberations. ", "Appellant asserts that under 22 O.S.1991 894 the court had an affirmative duty to provide further guidance to the jury and the failure to do so resulted in prejudicial error.", "\n¶ 40 Section 894 provides that when the jury has a question after it has started deliberations, they must be conducted into open court to receive their response in the presence of the defendant and all counsel concerned. ", "The record does not reflect that the jury was brought into the courtroom to receive the court's response.", "\n¶ 41 Initially, Appellant asks this Court to presume prejudice because the record is silent as to the court's actions upon receiving the questions. ", "Only the written versions of the jury's questions and the court's responses have been included in the record. ", "There is no indication that Appellant objected to the court's method of responding to the questions. ", "It is well established that it is Appellant's burden to ensure a sufficient record is provided to this Court to determine the issues raised. ", "Hill v. State, 745 P.2d 410, 411 (Okl.", "Cr.1987). ", "This Court does not assume error from a silent record. ", "Id. Further, absent an objection as to the court's failure to follow section 894, the issue is not properly preserved for appellate review. ", "Brown v. State, 777 P.2d 1355, 1359 (Okl.", "Cr. ", "1989).", "\n¶ 42 Therefore, reviewing only for plain error, this Court has found a violation of 22 O.S.1991, 894, in failing to call the jury into the courtroom in the presence of, or after notice to, the district attorney and defense counsel, error subject to harmless error review. ", "Such a violation can be harmless in the absence of any prejudice to the defendant. ", "Fisher v. State, 736 P.2d 1003, 1007 (Okl.", "Cr.1987); Givens v. State, 705 P.2d 1139, 1142 (Okl.", "Cr.1985); Wilson v. State, 534 P.2d 1325, 1327 (Okl.", "Cr.1975).", "\n¶ 43 Here, the jury asked \"Can life without parole be reduced by appeal or pleas in the future\" and \"Has anybody ever be (sic) released with the sentencing of life without parole.\" ", "The court's response to both questions was \"I am not allowed to answer this question.\" ", "Appellant asserts the judge should have instructed the jury that the sentence of life without possibility of parole means exactly what it says and that the jury is to presume that any sentence given to Appellant would be carried out according to the plain meaning of that sentence. ", "He argues that under Johnson v. State, 928 P.2d 309, 319 (Okl.", "Cr.1996) the trial courts should be permitted to fully define what the sentence means to allay juror confusion or misunderstanding.", "\n¶ 44 In Johnson, the jury asked \"[w]e need to know! ", "Is life without parole firm — Does it mean he can never be paroled?\" ", "The trial court responded \"It is inappropriate for you to consider the question asked.\" ", "Id. at 319. ", "This Court found the trial court's response error as it was a misstatement of law, citing to Mayes v. State, 887 P.2d 1288 (Okl. ", "Cr.1994), that the law is clear, the jury must consider the distinctions between life, life without parole and death as it reaches the sentencing decision. ", "However, this Court found such error did not require reversal as prior case law made it clear that:\n. . . [", "i]n this jurisdiction the jury is not to be told of the inner workings of the parole system, even when it must compare two life sentences: one with the possibility of parole, and one without the possibility of parole. ", "In none of these cases [McGregor v. State, 885 P.2d 1366 (Okl.", "Cr.1994); McCracken v. State, 887 P.2d 323 (Okl.", "Cr. ", "1994) and Mayes v. State, 887 P.2d 1288 (Okl.", "Cr.1994)] did the trial judge give a responsive answer to the jury's question. *", "1246 Likewise, the judge's answer in this case was non-responsive. ", "The ultimate effect of all of these responses was to force the jurors back to the plain language of the instructions. ", "From the standpoint of what the jurors must do following the trial judge's response, we find no meaningful behavioral difference flowing from the approved responses in McCracken, McGregor, and Mayes which could be summarized as, \"I am not going to answer that question\", and the response in the case before us which could be summarized as, \"Don't ask.\" ", "We therefore find the trial judge's response in this case to be harmless beyond a reasonable doubt.", "\nId. at 1320.", "\n¶ 45 In Mayes, relied upon in Johnson, the jury sent out a note from deliberations asking, \"if life without parole was given was there ever a possibility of release from prison\". ", "887 P.2d at 1316. ", "The trial judge responded saying the instructions were self-explanatory. ", "This Court found no error in the court's response stating there is no requirement for a trial judge to explain the Oklahoma parole process to a jury. ", "Id. at 1318.", "\n¶ 46 In McCracken, the jury sent out a note asking, \"Does Life without Parole mean exactly that? ", "He would never under any circumstances, get out of prison?\" ", "The trial court responded, \"I will instruct you again to look at your instructions. ", "The law in Oklahoma provides a person convicted of Murder in the First Degree is punishable by death, by life without parole or life. ", "You may retire and deliberate further.\" ", "887 P.2d at 334. ", "This Court found the instructions self-explanatory and that the trial court did not err by refusing a defense instruction setting forth Article VI, Section 10 of the state constitution which prohibits the governor from granting parole to a person who receives a sentence of life without parole. ", "Id.\n¶ 47 In McGregor, the trial court did not respond to the jury's question \"about what would happen to McGregor if he were sentenced to life without parole.\" ", "885 P.2d at 1383. ", "Relying on Mayes this Court found no plain error as the trial court is not required to explain the Oklahoma parole process. ", "Id.\n¶ 48 The court's response to the jurors' questions in this case was non-responsive and as such forced the jury to fall back on the plain meaning of the instructions — instructions which merely set out the three punishment options of death, life without parole and life imprisonment. (", "O.R.437). ", "While the trial court could have specifically referred the jury back to those instructions, it was not required to further define the punishment options or explain the parole process. ", "We find the jury was not confused or misled by the court's response as Appellant has failed to show that when the jury returned its verdict on punishment that it was confused or misunderstood any of the three punishment options. ", "Finding no prejudice occurred to Appellant, the error was harmless and this assignment of error is denied.", "\n\nD.\n¶ 49 In his tenth assignment of error, Appellant challenges the aggravating circumstances found in this case.[3] Initially, he argues the evidence was insufficient to support the aggravator of \"especially heinous, atrocious or cruel\", that the trial court failed to properly instruct the jury on this aggravator, and that the aggravator is unconstitutionally vague and overbroad. ", "Further, he argues the aggravator of \"continuing threat\" has been applied by this Court in an overbroad and unconstitutionally vague manner, that the evidence supporting this aggravator was insufficient, that the jury was not properly instructed on the manner in which it should evaluate the evidence of unadjudicated acts and that other improper evidence was wrongly admitted in the penalty phase.", "\n¶ 50 When the sufficiency of the evidence of an aggravating circumstance is challenged on appeal, the proper test is whether there was any competent evidence to support the State's charge that the aggravating circumstance existed. ", "In making this determination, this Court should view the evidence in the light most favorable to the *1247 State. ", "Bryson, 876 P.2d at 259; Romano v. State, 847 P.2d 368, 387 (Okl.", "Cr.1993), cert. ", "granted and case aff'd; Romano v. Oklahoma, 512 U.S. 1, 114 S.Ct. ", "2004, 129 L.Ed.2d 1 (1994). ", "Evidence supporting a finding that a murder was especially heinous, atrocious or cruel requires proof that the death was preceded by torture or serious physical abuse. ", "Neill v. State, 896 P.2d 537, 555 (Okl.", "Cr.1994), cert. ", "denied, 516 U.S. 1080, 116 S.Ct. ", "791, 133 L.Ed.2d 740, (1996).", "\n¶ 51 Appellant challenges the torture aspect, both mental and physical, of this aggravator. ", "He argues that as the wounds were rapidly inflicted, that although some wounds were fatal and others were superficial, that as the victim was still standing when police arrived and as the attack was provoked by the victim, this case is indistinguishable from Nguyen v. State, 769 P.2d 167 (Okl.", "Cr.1988); Cheney v. State, 909 P.2d 74 (Okl.", "Cr.1995); Brown v. State, 753 P.2d 908 (Okl.", "Cr.1988) and Hayes v. State, 845 P.2d 890 (Okl.", "Cr. ", "1992). ", "Cases in which this Court found there was no evidence of torture or serious physical abuse sufficient to support the \"especially heinous, atrocious or cruel\" aggravator.", "\n¶ 52 In Berget v. State, 824 P.2d 364, 373 (Okl.", "Cr.1991), cert. ", "denied, 506 U.S. 841, 113 S.Ct. ", "124, 121 L.Ed.2d 79 (1992) we stated that torture may include the infliction of either great physical anguish or extreme mental cruelty. ", "See also Neill, 896 P.2d at 555. ", "The \"torture creating extreme mental distress must be the result of intentional acts by the defendant. ", "The torture must produce mental anguish in addition to that which of necessity accompanies the underlying killing. ", "Analysis must focus on the acts of the defendant toward the victim and the level of tension created.\" ", "Cheney, 909 P.2d at 80. ", "The mental torture element is confined to cases in which the victim is terrorized for a significant period of time before death. ", "Id. at 81.", "\n¶ 53 In the cases relied upon by Appellant, this Court found the evidence did not show that the victims suffered prior to their deaths. ", "In the present case, the evidence showed that the victim was conscious as he was attacked with a knife and a broken beer bottle and desperately sought to run away from his attacker and defend himself. ", "He was able to talk with the first officer who responded to the scene and identify Appellant as the assailant. ", "Therefore, unlike the cases cited by Appellant, there was no need for the jury to speculate as to whether the victim remained conscious after the infliction of the initial wounds or whether he suffered mental anguish.", "\n¶ 54 Further, the evidence in this case showed the victim did not die immediately, but was left to languish from multiple knife wounds. ", "Leaving a victim to linger and languish after he was stabbed is sufficient to support this aggravator. ", "See McCracken, 887 P.2d at 332. ", "Therefore, we find sufficient evidence of the victim's mental torture and conscious physical suffering to support this aggravator.", "\n¶ 55 Appellant next argues the trial court's instructions on this aggravator did not limit the jury's consideration to constitutional objective considerations. ", "Appellant's objection at trial to the instruction on this aggravator has preserved the issue for appellate review. ", "The jury was instructed the phrase \"especially heinous, atrocious or cruel\" is directed to those crimes where the death of the victim is preceded by torture of the victim or serious abuse rather than serious physical abuse as set out in the uniform jury instruction. (", "emphasis added). ", "See OUJI-Cr. ", "436 (1st ed.). ", "Appellant contends that without the modifier \"physical abuse\" the jury could have interpreted the aggravator in an unconstitutionally vague and overbroad manner. ", "He also asserts such misinstruction was critical as the element of torture was not involved in this case.", "\n¶ 56 This deviation from the uniform instruction is error. ", "Johnson v. State, 928 P.2d 309, 318 (Okl.", "Cr.1996). ", "However, we are not persuaded the error lessened the standard of proof which the jury had to apply to find this aggravator or that it misled the jury into interpreting the aggravator in an unconstitutional manner. ", "Id.; see also Richie v. State, 908 P.2d 268, 278 (Okl.", "Cr.1995). ", "The term \"serious abuse\" controls the standard of proof, and that term was given to the jury. ", "Johnson, 928 P.2d at 318. ", "Further, under the evidence presented at trial, torture *1248 as it is ordinarily understood was involved, and there is no indication the jury understood the phrase \"serious abuse\" in any sense other than as \"serious physical abuse.\" ", "Therefore, we find the error harmless as it did not lessen the standard of proof and thus could have had no impact on the sentencing decision. ", "Simpson, 876 P.2d at 698-99.", "\n¶ 57 Appellant also poses the question whether the term \"serious physical abuse\" serves to sufficiently limit this aggravator at trial and on appeal. ", "That question was answered in the affirmative in Stouffer v. State, 742 P.2d 562, 564 (Okl.", "Cr.1987), cert. ", "denied, 484 U.S. 1036, 108 S.Ct. ", "763, 98 L.Ed.2d 779 (1988). ", "Relying on Robinson v. State, 900 P.2d 389 (Okl.", "Cr.1995) Appellant argues this Court has effectively negated the narrowing definition approved in Stouffer by finding only momentary consciousness following a gun shot wound is sufficient to show great physical anguish or extreme mental cruelty. ", "Appellant's argument is not well taken as the evidence in Robinson showed the victim was shot twice in the back as he was running away. ", "The victim fell and turned over, asking \"what is going on?\". ", "The appellant walked up to the victim, shot him twice and calmly walked away, leaving the wounded victim to linger and languish. ", "The victim remained conscious long enough to tell bystanders to call an ambulance. ", "This Court found the evidence showed the victim was in conscious pain for a period of time and that such evidence was sufficient to bring the crime within the definition of \"especially heinous, atrocious or cruel\" as narrowed by Stouffer.", "\n¶ 58 Appellant's further argument, that the aggravator is unconstitutionally vague and overbroad was rejected in Williamson v. State, 812 P.2d 384, 407 (Okl.", "Cr. ", "1991), cert. ", "denied, 503 U.S. 973, 112 S.Ct. ", "1592, 118 L.Ed.2d 308 (1992), and we find no reason to hold differently now. ", "Accordingly, the \"especially heinous, atrocious or cruel aggravator\" facially and as applied in this case is constitutionally valid.", "\n¶ 59 Appellant next challenges the aggravating circumstance of \"continuing threat\". ", "While recognizing this Court has previously rejected such constitutional attacks, he asks this Court to revisit the issue. ", "Although Appellant presents a very thorough argument, he has failed to convince us that our finding of the validity of this aggravator as set forth in Valdez v. State, 900 P.2d 363, 381 (Okl.", "Cr.1995) and Bryson, 876 P.2d at 259 should be reconsidered. ", "As we noted in Roberts v. State, 910 P.2d 1071, 1083 n. 7 (Okl.", "Cr.1996) this Court is aware that one federal district court has concluded the use of unadjudicated crimes can result in a constitutional violation. ", "See Williamson v. Reynolds, 904 F.Supp. ", "1529 (E.D.Okla.1995), overturned on other grounds, Williamson v. Ward, 110 F.3d 1508 (10th Cir.1997) (the 10th Circuit specifically finding that \"consideration of evidence of unadjudicated crimes in imposing the death sentence does not violate a petitioner's due process rights,\" quoting Hatch v. Oklahoma, 58 F.3d 1447, 1465 (10th Cir.1995)). ", "Further, the United States Supreme Court has generally approved the constitutionality of the \"continuing threat\" aggravator. ", "See Jurek v. Texas, 428 U.S. 262, 96 S.Ct. ", "2950, 2956, 49 L.Ed.2d 929, 938 (1976). ", "See also Tuilaepa v. California, 512 U.S. 967, 114 S.Ct. ", "2630, 2637, 129 L.Ed.2d 750 (1994).", "\n¶ 60 Appellant additionally argues that evidence of unadjudicated offenses was wrongly admitted in support of the \"continuing threat\" aggravator. ", "Appellant asserts the error was compounded by an instruction which did not properly instruct the jury on the use of this evidence.", "\n¶ 61 This Court has previously upheld the use of unadjudicated offenses to support the \"continuing threat\" aggravator. ", "Hain, 919 P.2d at 1141; Paxton v. State, 867 P.2d 1309, 1325 (Okl.", "Cr.1993), cert. ", "denied, 513 U.S. 886, 115 S.Ct. ", "227, 130 L.Ed.2d 153 (1994). ", "Instruction No. ", "11, challenged on appeal, was not met with an objection therefore, we review only for plain error.", "\n¶ 62 The following instruction was given to the jury:\nThere has been evidence of other unadjudicated acts of violent conduct offered by the State in support of the aggravating circumstance that the defendant would commit *1249 acts of violence that would constitute a continuing threat against society.", "\nThere is no legal requirement that criminal charges must be filed before you as a jury can consider allegations of criminal conduct by the defendant with respect to this circumstance, nor is it necessary there be a final conviction for such unrelated criminal conduct. ", "Whether the defendant committed these alleged crimes is a matter to be determined by you the jury, based upon the evidence presented to you in open court. (", "O.R.436).", "\n¶ 63 Appellant argues this instruction allowed the jury to use the evidence of unadjudicated offenses without even making a finding that he had committed the offense beyond a reasonable doubt, thus unconstitutionally lessening the State's burden of proof with respect to this aggravating circumstance.", "\n¶ 64 Instruction No. ", "11 is not a uniform (OUJI-Cr) instruction. ", "In fact the uniform instructions do not set forth an instruction explaining or defining unadjudicated acts. ", "Appellant has cited no authority requiring such an instruction or mandating such an instruction. ", "The instruction given was an accurate statement of the law as a final conviction is not necessary for prior criminal activity to be relevant to the \"continuing threat\" aggravator. ", "See Paxton, 867 P.2d at 1322. ", "Further, the existence of the aggravating circumstance in general must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt, not the individual pieces of evidence which make up the aggravator. ", "Contrary to Appellant's argument, the instruction does not allow the jury to use evidence of unadjudicated acts for \"whatever purpose the jury chose.\" (", "Appellant's brief, pg. ", "75) It specifically directs the jury that such evidence was to be considered only as it pertained to the aggravating circumstance of \"continuing threat\". ", "We find the instruction does not constitute plain error.", "\n¶ 65 Appellant further complains about other evidence admitted to prove the \"continuing threat\" aggravator. ", "Initially, he complains about testimony from Miami Police Chief Gary Anderson that he had arrested or had contact with Appellant on numerous occasions and that his reaction upon hearing of Appellant's involvement in the homicide was \"it was bound to happen sooner or later.\" ", "He argues that the lack of pre-trial notice for this testimony violated his Eighth Amendment right to a reliable sentencing proceeding.", "\n¶ 66 Title 21 O.S.1991, 701.10, provides that \"[o]nly such evidence in aggravation as the state has made known to the defendant prior to his trial shall be admissible\" during second stage proceedings. ", "We have held that section 701.10, along with Okla. Const. ", "art. ", "II, 20, requires the State to provide a capital defendant with \"a summary of the evidence intended to support the alleged aggravating circumstances, and a list of witnesses the State might call\" and not a detailed description of anticipated second stage evidence. ", "Walker v. State, 887 P.2d 301, 316-17 (Okl.", "Cr.1994); see also Wilson v. State, 756 P.2d 1240, 1245 (Okl.", "Cr.1988). ", "The purpose of this pre-trial notice requirement is \"to allow the defendant time to present a defense or an explanation for alleged criminal misconduct.\" ", "Walker, at 316-17. ", "Stated in more general terms, its purpose is \"to apprise the defendant of evidence relevant to sentencing which will be introduced for the first time in the sentencing hearing.\" ", "Id. \"[F]ailure to object to lack of notice, either at a pre-trial hearing or at the time the challenged evidence is offered, will result in waiver of this statutory right.\" ", "Id.\n¶ 67 Neither challenged comment was met with an objection as to insufficient notice. ", "Appellant's failure to object on the lack of notice, grounds that he raises now on appeal, waives all but plain error review of the issue.", "\n¶ 68 Chief Anderson was listed on the State's initial List of Second Stage Witnesses (O.R.78). ", "A summary of his testimony was provided in the State's Summary of Witness Testimony filed approximately one year prior to trial. (", "O.R.84). ", "The summary stated that the testimony would be consistent with police reports provided to Appellant and as present at the scene. ", "Anderson was again listed on an Amended List of Second Stage Witnesses and Summary of Witness Testimony filed *1250 March 22, 1996. (", "O.R.290, 297). ", "Based upon this record, Appellant had sufficient notice of Anderson's testimony.", "\n¶ 69 Appellant further argues the second challenged comment was a personal opinion, not relevant to the issues. ", "Anderson's comment that \"it was bound to happen sooner or later\" was a spontaneous remark which in light of the evidence did not prejudice Appellant.", "\n¶ 70 Appellant next complains that a public drunk incident which occurred while he was a juvenile was improperly used during second stage proceedings as it could not have been used to enhance punishment under 21 O.S.1991, 51. ", "The enhancement of punishment in a non-capital case and the sentencing stage of a capital trial serve entirely separate purposes. ", "Carter v. State, 879 P.2d 1234, 1250 (Okl.", "Cr.1994), cert. ", "denied, 513 U.S. 1172, 115 S.Ct. ", "1149, 130 L.Ed.2d 1107 (1995); Paxton, 867 P.2d at 1322. ", "Here, evidence of the prior unadjudicated offense was specifically admitted to support the aggravating circumstance of \"continuing threat.\" ", "The enhancement of punishment was not an issue in this case. ", "The jury was thoroughly informed, through argument and instructions, as to the consideration to be given the unadjudicated offenses. ", "Therefore we find no error in the admission of this evidence.", "\n¶ 71 Finally, Appellant finds error in the admission of testimony by a jailer that Appellant enjoyed watching violent movies and got excited while watching them. ", "Appellant's objection to the testimony preserved the issue for appellate review. ", "We find this testimony relevant in proving Appellant's propensity for violence and the existence of a probability that Appellant would commit criminal acts of violence that would constitute a continuing threat to society. ", "Based upon the foregoing, we find Appellant was not denied a reliable sentencing proceeding by the admission of improper evidence. ", "Accordingly, this assignment of error is denied.", "\n¶ 72 In his eleventh assignment of error, Appellant challenges the second stage jury instructions. ", "He acknowledges that several of his arguments have been previously rejected by this Court, but presents them again to preserve them for future appeals and to urge this Court to reconsider the arguments.", "\n¶ 73 First, he asserts the instructions failed to inform the jury that its findings regarding mitigating circumstances did not have to be unanimous. ", "This argument has previously been rejected in Bryson, 876 P.2d at 262; Pickens v. State, 850 P.2d 328, 339 (Okl.", "Cr.1993), cert. ", "denied 510 U.S. 1100, 114 S.Ct. ", "942, 127 L.Ed.2d 232 (1994). ", "We are not persuaded to hold differently now.", "\n¶ 74 Next, he asserts the instructions on the issue of mitigation permitted the jury to ignore mitigating evidence altogether, and seriously diminished the effect of mitigating evidence presented in this case. ", "In Instruction No. ", "7 the jury was instructed that mitigating circumstances are those which \"may be considered\" as extenuating or reducing the degree of blame. ", "Appellant contends that using such permissive language instead of the mandatory language of \"must be considered\" allowed the jury to disregard mitigating evidence[4]. ", "This same instruction was given in Pickens wherein we rejected the argument that the instruction allowed the jury to ignore mitigating evidence. ", "850 P.2d. ", "at 339.", "\n¶ 75 Appellant also argues the trial court erred in failing to instruct the jury that it could consider a sentence of life or life without parole even though they had found the existence of one or more aggravating circumstances. ", "This argument has consistently been rejected as this Court has held that the trial court is not required to inform the jury that they may disregard the aggravating circumstances and impose a life sentence. ", "Valdez, 900 P.2d at 385; Bryson, 876 P.2d at 262.", "\n¶ 76 Appellant next asserts the instructions on the manner in which the jury *1251 was to weigh aggravating circumstances was erroneous and set forth an improper burden of proof. ", "He complains that Instruction No. ", "8, which is verbatim OUJI-Cr 440 (1st ed.) ", "improperly permitted the jury to weigh the totality of the aggravating circumstances against each individual mitigating circumstance rather than weighing the aggregate mitigating factors against each separate aggravating circumstance as required by 21 O.S.1991, 701.11. ", "Appellant's objection to Instruction No. ", "8 has preserved the issue for appellate review.", "\n¶ 77 Specific standards for balancing aggravating and mitigating circumstances are not constitutionally required. ", "Zant v. Stephens, 462 U.S. 862, 103 S.Ct. ", "2733, 77 L.Ed.2d 235 (1983); see also Mitchell v. State, 884 P.2d 1186, 1206 (Okl.", "Cr. ", "1994). ", "Whether aggravators outweigh mitigating circumstances is left to the jury's discretion. ", "Johnson v. State, 731 P.2d 993, 1004 (Okl.", "Cr.1987), cert. ", "denied, 484 U.S. 878, 108 S.Ct. ", "35, 98 L.Ed.2d 167 (1987). ", "Instruction No. ", "8 informed the jury that a finding of aggravating circumstances beyond a reasonable doubt is not by itself sufficient to assess the death penalty. ", "Rather, the aggravating circumstances must clearly outweigh any mitigating circumstances before the death penalty may be imposed. ", "This Court has held similar instructions constitutional, rejecting the argument now made by Appellant. ", "Mitchell, 884 P.2d at 1206; Revilla v. State, 877 P.2d 1143, 1153 (Okl.", "Cr.1994), cert. ", "denied, 513 U.S. 1096, 115 S.Ct. ", "764, 130 L.Ed.2d 661 (1995). ", "Accordingly, this assignment of error is denied.", "\n\nPREJUDICIAL PHOTOGRAPHS CLAIM\n¶ 78 In his fifth assignment of error, Appellant challenges the admissibility of photographs of the victim and autopsy slides. ", "He argues that since he did not contest the cause or manner of death, the photos and slides had little, if any, probative value. ", "Specifically, Appellant directs our attention to State's Exhibits No. ", "5 and 9. ", "These are color photographs, 11 X 14 inches in size showing a full body view of the victim and a close-up of the victim's head, respectively. ", "Appellant also directs us to eighteen (18) slides illustrating wounds to the victim.", "\nThese are the same photographs and slides found admissible in Conover, 933 P.2d at 912-913. ", "Appellant's arguments have not persuaded us to change that view.", "\n¶ 79 Appellant further asserts admission of the photographs and slides denied him a fair sentencing proceeding. ", "As the exhibits were properly admitted during the first stage of trial, and as they were relevant in establishing the aggravating circumstance of \"especially heinous, atrocious or cruel\", we find they did not deny Appellant a fair sentencing proceeding. ", "Accordingly, this assignment of error is denied.", "\n\nINEFFECTIVE ASSISTANCE OF COUNSEL CLAIM\n¶ 80 In his twelfth assignment of error, Appellant contends he was denied the effective assistance of counsel by trial counsel's failure to cross-examine the victim impact witnesses on certain aspects of the victim's character, specifically that he was a convicted drug dealer. ", "Appellant also claims counsel was ineffective by failing to cross-examine into that same area during the first stage testimony of Detective Pendley and to otherwise bring this evidence before the jury.", "\n¶ 81 Trial counsel is presumed competent to provide the guiding hand that the accused needs, and therefore the burden is on the accused to demonstrate both a deficient performance and resulting prejudice. ", "Strickland v. Washington, 466 U.S. 668, 104 S.Ct. ", "2052, 2064, 80 L.Ed.2d 674 (1984). ", "Strickland sets forth the two-part test which must be applied to determine whether a defendant has been denied effective assistance of counsel. ", "First, the defendant must show that counsel's performance was deficient, and second, he must show the deficient performance prejudiced the defense. ", "Unless the defendant makes both showings, \"it cannot be said that the conviction... resulted from a breakdown in the adversary process that renders the result unreliable.\" ", "Id. at 687, 104 S.Ct. ", "at 2064. ", "Appellant must demonstrate that counsel's representation was unreasonable under prevailing *1252 professional norms and that the challenged action could not be considered sound trial strategy. ", "Id. at 688-89, 104 S.Ct. ", "at 2065-66.", "\n¶ 82 When a claim of ineffectiveness of counsel can be adjudicated on the ground of lack of prejudice, that course should be followed. ", "Id. at 696, 104 S.Ct. ", "at 2070, 80 L.Ed.2d at 699. ", "Concerning the prejudice prong, the Supreme Court, in interpreting Strickland, has held:\n[an appellant] alleging prejudice must show \"that counsel's errors were so serious as to deprive the defendant of a fair trial, a trial whose result is reliable.\" ", "Strickland, 466 U.S., at 687, 104 S.Ct., ", "at 2064; see also Kimmelman v. Morrison, 477 U.S. 365, 374, 106 S.Ct. ", "2574, 2582, 91 L.Ed.2d 305 (1986) (\"The essence of an ineffective-assistance claim is that counsel's unprofessional errors so upset the adversarial balance between defense and prosecution that the trial was rendered unfair and the verdict rendered suspect\"); Nix v. Whiteside, 475 U.S. [157], at 175, 106 S.Ct. [", "988], at 998[, 89 L.Ed.2d 123 (1986)]. ", "Thus, an analysis focusing solely on mere outcome determination, without attention to whether the result of the proceeding was fundamentally unfair or unreliable, is defective. ", "To set aside a conviction or sentence solely because the outcome would have been different but for counsel's error may grant the defendant a windfall to which the law does not entitle him. ", "See [United States v.] Cronic, 466 U.S. [648], at 658, 104 S.Ct. [", "2039], at 2046[ 80 L.Ed.2d 657 (1984)].", "\nLockhart v. Fretwell, 506 U.S. 364, 369-70, 113 S.Ct. ", "838, 842-43, 122 L.Ed.2d 180, 189 (1993) (footnote omitted). ", "Although we must consider the totality of the evidence which was before the factfinder, our \"ultimate focus of inquiry must be on the fundamental fairness of the proceeding whose result is being challenged.\" ", "Strickland, at 695, 104 S.Ct. ", "at 2069; Fisher v. State, 736 P.2d 1003, 1012 (Okl.", "Cr.1987), cert. ", "denied 486 U.S. 1061, 108 S.Ct. ", "2833, 100 L.Ed.2d 933 (1988).", "\n¶ 83 In the present case, apart from a reference to an \"NCIC\" report in the original record, there is nothing in the record to indicate the victim had been convicted of any crime, including a drug crime. ", "Further, Appellant's defense was that of self-defense, specifically denying the use or any involvement with drugs. ", "He testified that while co-defendant Conover was visiting the Davises he just happened to remember that the victim lived next door and went over talk to him about tattoos. ", "During their conversation, the victim suddenly attacked and Appellant was forced to defend himself. ", "To introduce evidence that the victim was involved with drugs would have only weakened Appellant's defense of self-defense in light of the evidence showing Appellant had been looking for drugs prior to arriving at the victim's home. ", "Further, if evidence had been presented that the victim had drugs and drug paraphernalia in his home at the time of the murder, it would only have served to strengthen the State's theory that Appellant killed the victim when he failed to provide the drugs. ", "Based upon this record, counsel's failure to introduce any evidence in the first stage of trial concerning the victim's involvement with drugs appears to have been a strategic decision. ", "Counsel seemed to focus the defense on self-defense and purposely avoid the role illegal drugs may have played in the case. ", "Focusing and narrowing the defense based upon the State's evidence is a valid strategy. ", "This Court has declined to second guess trial strategy on appeal. ", "Smith v. State, 650 P.2d 904, 908 (Okl.", "Cr.1982). ", "That the strategy proved unsuccessful is not grounds for branding counsel ineffective. ", "Absent a showing of incompetence, the appellant is bound by the decisions of his counsel and mistakes in tactic and trial strategy do not provide grounds for subsequent attack. ", "Davis v. State, 759 P.2d 1033, 1036 (Okl.", "Cr. ", "1988).", "\n¶ 84 Further, any failure to bring out evidence of the victim's involvement with illegal drugs during the second stage of trial was also a strategic decision. ", "While victim impact witnesses are subject to the same rules of cross-examination as other witnesses, the decision to cross-examine relatives of the victim on negative aspects of the victim's character is a matter best left to trial counsel who observes the witnesses and jury first hand. ", "The pursuit of such an issue could have a *1253 devastating effect on the Appellant's plea for a sentence of less than death. ", "The failure to obtain explicit admissions from the victim impact witnesses did not deny Appellant a reliable sentencing proceeding.", "\n¶ 85 Appellant also asserts counsel was ineffective in his failure to object to improper cross-examination of Appellant regarding his prior convictions and his post-arrest silence, and in his failure to object to \"flawed\" sentencing instructions on \"especially heinous, atrocious or cruel\" and \"continuing threat\".", "\n¶ 86 In Proposition II, we discussed the prosecutor's inquiry into Appellant's prior convictions and post-arrest silence. ", "We found no error in the inquiry into the prior convictions and harmless error in the inquiry into his post-arrest silence. ", "Therefore, counsel's failure to object to the two lines of inquiry did not prejudice Appellant as it did not affect the fundamental fairness of the trial. ", "Further as discussed in Proposition X, the instructions given to the jury on the aggravating circumstances of \"especially, heinous, atrocious or cruel\" and \"continuing threat\" did not deny Appellant a reliable sentencing hearing. ", "Therefore, counsel's failure to object to these instructions did not prejudice Appellant. ", "Accordingly, we find Appellant was not denied the effective assistance of counsel and this assignment of error is denied.", "\n\nACCUMULATION OF ERRORS CLAIM\n¶ 87 In his final and thirteenth assignment of error, Appellant contends that, even if no individual error merits reversal, the cumulative effect of such errors warrants either reversal of his conviction or a modification of his sentence. ", "We have reviewed Appellant's complaints and found any errors harmless beyond a reasonable doubt. ", "Therefore, there can be no cumulative error. ", "Error relating to victim impact evidence admitted in the second stage is addressed in the mandatory sentence review below.", "\n\nMANDATORY SENTENCE REVIEW\n88 Pursuant to 21 O.S.1991, 701.13(C), we must determine (1) whether the sentence of death was imposed under the influence of passion, prejudice or any other arbitrary factor, and (2) whether the evidence supports the jury's finding of the aggravating circumstances as enumerated in 21 O.S.1991, 701.12. ", "Turning to the second portion of this mandate, the jury found the existence of three (3) aggravating circumstances: 1) the murder was especially heinous, atrocious or cruel; 2) the defendant was previously convicted of a felony or felonies involving the use or threat of violence to the person; and 3) the existence of a probability the defendant would commit criminal acts of violence that would constitute a continuing threat to society. ", "21 O.S.1991, 701.12(4),(1),(7).", "\n¶ 89 As discussed previously, we have found the aggravator of \"continuing threat\" and \"especially heinous, atrocious or cruel\" supported by sufficient evidence. ", "Appellant does not contest the sufficiency of the evidence as it pertains to the \"prior violent felony\" aggravator. ", "However, we have reviewed the evidence and find the aggravator is supported by evidence of prior convictions for Aggravated Assault and Battery on a Police Officer and Assault and Battery with a Dangerous Weapon, After Former Conviction of a Felony. ", "Paxton, 867 P.2d at 1325.", "\n¶ 90 Turning to the mitigating evidence, Appellant presented four (4) witnesses, including his wife, mother, friend, and a licensed clinical psychologist. ", "These witnesses testified that Appellant's mental capacity was impaired by a combination of substance abuse and childhood trauma; that he has family members and friends who love him and who will, if he is not put to death, visit him and maintain a relationship with him; the mental impairment Appellant suffers from is controllable by medication and deprivation of drugs and alcohol; and Appellant benefits from a controlled environment such as that provided in prison. ", "We find the aggravating circumstances sufficiently outweigh the mitigating evidence presented by Appellant at trial.", "\n¶ 91 We now address the first question: whether the sentence of death was imposed under the influence of passion, prejudice or any other arbitrary factor. ", "As noted *1254 above in our discussion of Proposition VII, we found error in the amount and type of victim impact evidence presented to the jury. ", "However, as our discussion of the aggravating circumstances shows, the victim impact evidence was not the only evidence presented during the sentencing stage. ", "As discussed in Cargle, any error in the admission of victim impact evidence is a trial error \"which may therefore be quantitatively assessed in the context of other evidence presented in order to determine whether its admission was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt.\" ", "909 P.2d at 835 quoting Bartell v. State, 881 P.2d 92, 98 (Okl.", "Cr.1994). ", "909 P.2d at 835. ", "In the present case, the jury was properly instructed on the use of victim impact evidence and Appellant received sufficient notice of the victim impact evidence to be introduced. ", "Further, given the fact that we have determined, independently of the victim impact evidence, there was sufficient evidence to support three aggravating circumstances, we can safely hold that portion of the victim impact evidence which was improperly admitted was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt as the improperly admitted evidence does not undermine the reliability of the verdict as to the sentence imposed.[5]\n¶ 92 Having reviewed the evidence and applicable law, we find the sentence of death was not imposed under the influence of passion, prejudice or any other arbitrary factor. ", "Accordingly, finding no error warranting reversal or modification, the judgment and sentence of the trial court is AFFIRMED.", "\nJOHNSON, J., concurs.", "\nCHAPEL, P.J., STRUBHAR, V.P.J., and LANE, J., concur in results.", "\nSTRUBHAR, Vice Presiding Judge, Concur in Results:\n¶ 1 I concur in results by reason of stare decisis. ", "I continue to believe that a trial court should provide a meaningful answer to questions from a jury when they ask about the meaning of life without parole.", "\n¶ 2 In addition, although harmless, I believe it error to have given Instruction No. ", "11 which is not a uniform (OUJI-CR) instruction.", "\nNOTES\n[1] Appellant's Petition in Error was filed in this Court on September 6, 1996, and an Amended Petition in Error was filed March 17, 1997. ", "Appellant's brief was filed February 24, 1997. ", "The State's brief was filed June 24, 1997. ", "The case was submitted to the Court July 8, 1997. ", "Oral argument was held October 21, 1997.", "\n[2] In footnote number 18 of his appellate brief, Appellant asserts, in the alternative, that trial counsel's failure to object to the inquiries in question constituted ineffective assistance of counsel. ", "This reference is insufficient to raise the issue of ineffective assistance of counsel and we therefore do not address that claim at this time.", "\n[3] Appellant does not challenge the third aggravator returned, that he had been previously convicted of a felony involving the use or threat of violence.", "\n[4] Instruction No. ", "7 reads in its entirety: Mitigating circumstances are those which, in fairness and mercy, may be considered as extenuating or reducing the degree of moral culpability or blame. ", "The determination of what are mitigating circumstances is for you as jurors to resolve under the facts and circumstances of this case. (", "O.R.432).", "\n[5] In a Motion for Leave to File Supplemental Authority, Appellant asserts that the recent case of Willingham v. State, 947 P.2d 1074 (Okl.", "Cr. ", "1997) compels vacation of his death sentence on the grounds of improper victim impact evidence. ", "We have reviewed Willingham and find it is not in conflict with our decision in this case.", "\n" ]
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[ "List of 2011 UCI Professional Continental and Continental teams\n\nListed below are the UCI Professional Continental and Continental Teams that compete in road bicycle racing events of the UCI Continental Circuits organised by the International Cycling Union (UCI). ", "The UCI Continental Circuits are divided in 5 continental zones, America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania.", "\n\n__TOC__\n\nUCI Professional Continental Teams \nAccording to the UCI Rulebook, \"a professional continental team is an organisation created to take part in road events open to professional continental teams. ", "It is known by a unique name and registered with the UCI in accordance with the provisions below.", "\n The professional continental team comprises all the riders registered with the UCI as members of the team, the paying agent, the sponsors and all other persons contracted by the paying agent and/or the sponsors to provide for the continuing operation of the team (manager, team manager, coach, paramedical assistant, mechanic, etc.).", "\n Each professional continental team must employ at least 14 riders, 2 team managers and 3 other staff (paramedical assistants, mechanics, etc.) ", "on a full time basis for the whole registration year.\"", "\n\nList of 2011 UCI Africa Tour professional teams\n\nList of 2011 UCI America Tour professional teams\n\nList of 2011 UCI Asia Tour professional teams\n\nList of 2011 UCI Europe Tour professional teams\n\nList of 2011 UCI Oceania Tour professional teams\n\nUCI Continental Teams \n\nAccording to the UCI Rulebook, \"a UCI continental team is a team of road riders recognised and licensed to take part in events on the continental calendars by the national federation of the nationality of the majority of its riders and registered with the UCI. ", "The precise structure (legal and financial status, registration, guarantees, standard contract, etc.) ", "of these teams shall be determined by the regulations of the national federation.\"", "\n\nRiders may be professional or amateur. ", "The nation under which the team is registered is the nation under which the majority of its riders are registered, a rule which men's continental teams share with women's teams.", "\n\nList of 2011 UCI Africa Tour teams\n\nList of 2011 UCI America Tour teams\n\nList of 2011 UCI Asia Tour teams\n\nList of 2011 UCI Europe Tour teams\n\nList of 2011 UCI Oceania Tour teams\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:2011 in road cycling\n2011" ]
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[ "Situated on a triangular plot of land between a river and a road, this house in Japan’s Horinouchi may look odd, but its interiors hold a delightful surprise – it’s actually more spacious than it looks from outside.", "\n\nDubbed “the house in Horinouchi”, Mizuishi Architect Atelier maximised the space at every available possibility: high ceilings, skylights, huge bay windows leading to a balcony. ", "On the ground floor is the bedroom and bath, with stairs leading to the second floor’s open plan living area, kitchen and spare bedroom. ", "Narrow stairs leads to a loft, which serves as a child’s room. ", "And as we have come to expect from the Japanese, the space is smartly utilised, its decor minimal and tasteful, sparse yet homey.", "\n\nImages © Mizuishi Architect Atelier" ]
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[ "Coupling of methylmercury uptake with respiration and water pumping in freshwater tilapia Oreochromis niloticus.", "\nThe relationships among the uptake of toxic methylmercury (MeHg) and two important fish physiological processes-respiration and water pumping--in the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) were explored in the present study. ", "Coupled radiotracer and respirometric techniques were applied to measure simultaneously the uptake rates of MeHg, water, and oxygen under various environmental conditions (temperature, dissolved oxygen level, and water flow). ", "A higher temperature enhanced MeHg influx and the oxygen consumption rate but had no effect on the water uptake, indicating the influence of metabolism on MeHg uptake. ", "The fish showed a high tolerance to hypoxia, and the oxygen consumption rate was not affected until the dissolved oxygen concentration decreased to extremely low levels (below 1 mg/L). ", "The MeHg and water uptake rates increased simultaneously as the dissolved oxygen level decreased, suggesting the coupling of water flux and MeHg uptake. ", "The influence of fish swimming performance on MeHg uptake was also investigated for the first time. ", "Rapidly swimming fish showed significantly higher uptake rates of MeHg, water, and oxygen, confirming the coupling relationships among respiration, water pumping, and metal uptake. ", "Moreover, these results support that MeHg uptake is a rate-limiting process involving energy. ", "Our study demonstrates the importance of physiological processes in understanding mercury bioaccumulation in fluctuating aquatic environments." ]
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[ "Bioengineering and the patch test.", "\nSeveral non-invasive techniques based on different physical principles have been developed to investigate skin function and have been used for patch test assessment. ", "In the present paper, the advantages and the defects of these methods are described in the light of the more recent data available in literature. ", "Meanwhile, the eye and the fingers still remain the simplest method to assess skin irritancy. ", "Bioengineering techniques could provide efficient recording systems for monitoring skin color, skin blood flow and barrier function damage, useful to the investigator rather than to the clinician." ]
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[ "Album Review\n\nInfamous Stringdusters At Their Best\n\nThere’s just something about bluegrass music that brings people together. ", "It’s warm and inviting, and often invites dancing and celebration. ", "There’s an inherent joy in bluegrass, even when it takes on a more melancholic tone. ", "Maybe it’s the swooning fiddle or the familiarity of it. ", "And the five-piece Infamous Stringdusters do it so, so well. ", "Their new record Laws of Gravity presents pitch-perfect, polished bluegrass, with the tightest harmonies and instrumentals you can imagine. ", "Laws of Gravity is a solid, cohesive outing for the Virginia-based band who’s last record was a collaboration project with an impressive roster of female artists.", "\n\nLaws of Gravity is more than just a great bluegrass album. ", "It’s also a solid country record, with comfy, lived-in vocals and guitar-playing. ", "With songs about the importance of coming together, appreciating our homes and the things that ground us, and freedom, it also feels like a particularly important record during this pivotal time in our nation’s history. ", "And truly, what is more cathartic for humans than music? ", "Laws of Gravity offers its best bluegrass with “Freedom”, a gorgeous spitfire of a tune about living in the moment and breaking free of the things that keep us down. ", "The harmonies, fiddle and banjo play off each other so seamlessly and beautifully, the song practically soars.", "\n\n“Back Home” is a slowed down country stunner about the pains of being homesick and heartsick. “", "This Ol’ Building” is a song of resilience and strength when you’re up against everything, and when the chorus builds in a series of rounds to a dramatic, a capella conclusion, the message is delivered, powerful and potent.", "\n\nLaws of Gravity listens like a complete album with a strong voice and signature. ", "The Infamous Stringdusters are a united front, creating their most glowing melodies yet." ]
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[ "For Hire\n\nAs part of our social enterprise we offer hire of our spaces and buses for use by the community when they are not being used for programs and services.", "\n\nOur hire fees generally cover any costs associated with hiring and maintaining the spaces and any profits from hire are used to offer additional programs for older people or people living with disability or enable us to waive co-payments for participants who are facing severe financial hardship.", "\n\nWe have room hire options available at both the Holdsworth Street Centre and Gaden Centre & Cafe. ", "We also make our buses available for hire by community groups and schools.", "\n\nClick on the relevant link below for more information about hire options or call 9302 3600 to discuss your needs and we can recommend an option for you.", "\n\nThe Club Room and kitchen at the Holdsworth Centre, with access to toilets including a change table, can be hired for Children’s Parties on Saturday mornings, Saturday afternoons, Sunday afternoons and some public holidays.", "\n\nPlease note: The playground itself is always open to the general public, but we do make extra equipment available to party hirers.", "\n\nImportant: You must read and comply with the procedures below to be able to go ahead with a party at Holdsworth Community Centre.", "\n\nOur children’s party booking form with terms and conditions can be downloaded here.", "\n\nYou must print, sign and return the booking forms with payment or credit card details to secure a booking. ", "We will hold a tentative booking for a maximum of 48 hours.", "\n\nThe Centre has buses available for casual hire by community groups when not in use for centre programs.", "\n\nThe buses (ranging from 10 to 24 seats plus driver) are modern vehicles with seatbelts, air conditioning, power steering, fabric seats, automatic aeroplane doors, sound systems, microphone, First Aid and Spill Kits. ", "There is a distance limit of 200km from the vehicle’s garaging point at Edgecliff. ", "Some buses are equipped for one or two wheelchairs (with automatic hoist).", "\n\nHirers must provide their own driver who is required to hold a minimum NSW LR or MR, HR, HC, MC Licence." ]
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[ { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 933, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 925 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 942, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 934 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 952, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 944 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 963, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 953 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 982, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 965 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1519, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 1511 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 2076, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 2070 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 2102, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 2092 } ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow far can I throw a small object?", "\n\nHow far can a character throw an object? ", "Looking at the PHB a long ranged basic attack can be made 10 squares away (with a -2 to the attack roll) with a random object weighing about 1 pound.", "\nBut what if I'm not throwing to hit a specific square or a creature in a specific square, but rather throwing an object just to get it away from me? ", "With that same 1 pound specification what's the ruling on how far it can be thrown?", "\nAnd if you could tell me where you found the information at that would great!", "\n\nA:\n\nGM discretion. ", "For a competition, you could compare Athletics checks. ", "For a given distance, the GM should set a DC. ", "For rough ballparks, a baseball weights half that with a thrown Guinness World Record of 445 feet.", "\n\nA:\n\nThere is no official answer.", "\n4e is not a simulationist system, so it doesn't try to come up with rules to cover every possible situation. ", "Instead it gives you a set of tools, and you apply whatever seems the most reasonable for the matter at hand.", "\nI would recommend using an Athletics skill check, probably something similar to a jump attempt where the distance you throw the object is based on your skill check result. ", "A reasonable distance might be a number of squares equal to your skill check result, or possibly squares equal to half your skill check result (at high levels).", "\nFor example, if you had a +10 athletics skill and you rolled a 13 on the die, you would have a skill check result of 23 and so would throw the object 23 squares (115 feet, a little under 40 yards) if using the result or 12 squares (60 feet, 20 yards) if using half the result.", "\n\n" ]
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[ { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 660, "entity_type": "LOCATION", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 658 } ]
[ "Outcome of Various Treatments for Posttransplant Hepatitis B Virus Recurrence.", "\n\nMedLine Citation:\n\nPMID:\n23344522\nOwner:\nNLM\nStatus:\nPublisher\n\nAbstract/OtherAbstract:\n\nBACKGROUND: Currently, no treatment guidelines are available for posttransplant hepatitis B virus (HBV) recurrence. ", "We retrospectively evaluated the rate of clearance of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) from serum according to various treatment regimens in two large Korean liver transplantation centers. ", "METHODS: Between 1996 and 2008, HBV recurred in 59 patients among 933 HBV liver recipients (6.3 %). ", "Patients with HBV recurrence were divided into four groups according to their treatment: group L (lamivudine-based therapy n = 21) and group N [new nucleos(t)ide analogue (NA)-based therapy, n = 38]. ", "Intravenous hepatitis B immunoglobulin (ivHBIG) had been simultaneously administered to 10 patients in group L and 26 patients in group N. The mean posttransplant follow-up duration and time to HBV recurrence were 69 (14-152) months and 37 (3-120) months. ", "RESULTS: Overall, 22 patients (37.3 %) showed seronegative conversion of HBsAg for a median 8 months after treatment (range 1-15 months). ", "The seroclearance rate was significantly higher in group N (n = 20, 52.6 %) than in group L (n = 2, 9.5 %) (p < 0.000). ", "The time to seroconversion did not differ between group L (7 months, range 5-16) and group N (7 months, range 1-15) (p = 0.428). ", "Subgroup analysis showed that the HBsAg seroconversion rate was much higher for patients given combined ivHBIG and new NAs (15/26 patients, 58.0 %) than the others (p = 0.006). ", "CONCLUSIONS: Seroclearance of HBsAg could be achieved using new NAs in half of the patients after posttransplant HBV recurrence. ", "Combined ivHBIG may add a synergistic effect to new NAs for clearing HBsAg." ]
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[ "FAQ\n\nListed are some of the most common questions we are asked but if this page does not answer your questions please contact us via email atonearmy.philanthropy@gmail.comor tweet us@GladiatorDash\n\n​\n\nNote: All participant entrance fees are non-refundable and will be considered a donation\n\nto Still Creek Ranch if the race is cancelled\n\nGENERAL GLADIATOR DASH INFO:\n\nWhat's the Endurance Race?", "\n\nThe Endurance Race is a new endurance heat in which gladiators who run the most laps around the course wwins a worthy prize! ", "This heat begins at 7:30 a.m. and the gladiator will keep track of their laps on a tally board.", "\n\nI'm not an athlete, should I still sign up?", "\n\nAbsolutely; the course is designed to ensure all participants, of all skill levels, are able to participate and have a blast!", "\n\nI can't swim. ", "Can I still participate?", "\n\nThere are two swim stations this year throughout the course. ", "Like all obstacles, they are challenge by choice. ", "There will be an alternate route that you can take to avoid the swimming all together.", "\n\nWhat if it's raining?", "\n\nRain only makes the dash better! ", "Come prepared to get dirty. ", "For dangerous weather - a final decision will be made 1 hr prior the start of the event.", "\n\nCan I bring my dog?", "\n\nOf course! ", "It is your responsibility to watch after your dog One Army | Gladiator Dash will not be responsible.", "\n\nWhen will I get my Gladiator Dash t-shirt?T-shirt pickup starts one hour before the first wave on race day. ", "We will also have two days the week prior to the event to pick up shirts and bibs so you won't have to wait in line on race day.", "\n\nCan I come and watch?Spectators are encouraged to cheer on the participants. ", "Parking is $2/car and the course is designed so that many obstacles are viewable. ", "Bring cameras to capture the moment!", "\n\nWe will have a secure gear check area at the check-in tables, including a key wall. ", "Otherwise you can leave valuables in your car.", "\n\nWhat should I bring to Gladiator Dash?", "\n\nBring a photo I.D. and your wallet for food afterwards!We recommend bringing an extra change of clothes, shoes and towel. ", "We will have some exciting surprises going on after your race you won't want to miss!", "\n\nWhen should I arrive on race day?", "\n\nWe recommend arriving at least one hour in advance in order to ensure proper time to park, check-in, and prepare for the race!", "\n\nDo I have to sign a waiver?", "\n\nWhen you registered online, you acknowledged our waiver forms! ", "However, If you are signing up on race day, you must sign a waiver in which you acknowledge that by participating in Gladiator Dash 2020 you expose yourself to certain risks, including the risk of personal injury. ", "For legal reasons, we suggest that you read and understand the waiver before you sign it on event day.", "\n\nREGISTRATION:\n\nHow do I register a team (or register with a team)?", "\n\nPick a creative name and make sure everyone on the team uses it during the registration process.", "\n\nIs there a minimum or maximum number of participants per team?", "\n\nYour team can be as big or small as you want. ", "No maximum or minimum.", "\n\nCan I sign up the day of the event?", "\n\nAbsolutely! ", "Signups will be $30 on the day of the race. ", "To unleash your inner gladiator and get an early registration price, sign up by clicking on the register tab now!", "\n\nIs there an age requirement to participate in Gladiator Dash?", "\n\nYou must be at least 18 years old to participate. ", "If you are below 18, a parent or guardian must come to Gladiator Dash with the young gladiator, sign a waiver at the registration table and the parent/guardian must run the race with the young gladiator OR be present at the race at all times while the young gladiator is present.", "\n\n​\n\nWe will continually add answers to questions. ", "If you have any additional questions, please" ]
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[ "Iraq Campaign\n\nIraq Campaign may refer to:\n\nIraq War, a war that lasted from 2003 to 2011\nIraq Campaign Medal" ]
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[ "Attorney General Greg Abbott, the leading candidate for the Republican nomination for Texas governor, holds a single-digit lead over the likely Democratic nominee, state Sen. Wendy Davis of Fort Worth, according to the latest University of Texas/Texas Tribune Poll.", "\n\nIn a head-to-head race, Abbott got 40 percent of registered voters to Davis’ 34 percent, with 25 percent of the voters undecided. ", "In a three-way general election, he would get 40 percent, Davis would get 35 percent and Libertarian Kathie Glass would get 5 percent.", "\n\n“What you’ve got is a race in which, for the first time in a long time, the Democrat is as well-known as the Republican at the outset of the race,” said poll co-director Daron Shaw, a professor of government at the University of Texas at Austin.", "\n\n“These numbers are not evidence that the underlying fundamentals are changing in Texas,” said Jim Henson, who co-directs the poll and heads the Texas Politics Project at UT-Austin. “", "We have not seen a big change in party identification, and we don’t see any large-scale shifts in the underlying attitudes that are forming.”", "\n\nDavis is the only Democrat in the race right now, but Abbott faces a five-candidate Republican primary. ", "According to the poll, he would win that primary race handily: Half of the Republicans polled said they would vote for Abbott. ", "His opponents — Lisa Fritsch, Tom Pauken, Miriam Martinez and Larry Kilgore — combined for only 8 percent, while 42 percent said they haven’t decided how they would vote in the GOP primary.", "\n\nDavis holds a lead over Pauken in a potential head-to-head race, according to the survey, getting 38 percent to his 34 percent, with 28 percent undecided. ", "When Glass was added to that mix, Davis got 36 percent, Pauken 33 percent and Glass 6 percent, with 25 percent undecided.", "\n\n“I’m a little surprised that Pauken is so nowhere,” Shaw said. “", "I thought he would be the main challenger, and he may well be, but there’s nothing in the data to suggest that.”", "\n\nThe number of respondents with no impression of Abbott, who launched his gubernatorial bid in July, shrunk to 18 percent from 31 percent in June. ", "The spread between those with favorable impressions, now at 36 percent, and unfavorable ones, at 24 percent, remained about the same. ", "The rise of Davis from June to October is evident in the sheer numbers of people who have an impression of her now: 37 percent have a favorable impression, while 24 percent have an unfavorable one. ", "Only 16 percent said they have no opinion or don’t know of her. ", "In the June survey, taken before her 11-hour filibuster of an omnibus abortion bill, 58 percent were in that last category, while 11 percent had favorable impressions and 12 percent had unfavorable ones.", "\n\nIn the head-to-head race between the two, Davis is predictably ahead with Democrats, 67 percent to 8 percent, and Abbott is predictably ahead with Republicans, 74 percent to 6 percent. ", "Independent registered voters were split 32 percent to 31 percent in favor of Abbott.", "\n\n“We’re so used to see the Republican gubernatorial candidate running from a position of incumbency,” Henson said. “", "Greg Abbott, while well-known, is not a household name. ", "At least the race starts that way. ", "That was evident before the rise of Wendy Davis, and it’s a stark contrast now that she has become so well-known in the wake of the filibuster.", "\n\n“This far out, there is always an element of these results that is about name recognition,” he said.", "\n\nIn the second state race on the GOP primary ballot — for lieutenant governor — the UT/TT Poll found incumbent David Dewhurst in front, with 26 percent, but his rivals for the position combined for an anti-incumbent vote of 28 percent. ", "State Sen. Dan Patrick had 13 percent, Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson had 10 percent and Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples had 5 percent.", "\n\n“Dewhurst has had a good month or so, and the others have not been able to get a lot of traction,” Shaw said. “", "A four-way race is a complicated thing. ", "A candidate has to say, ‘Do I want to go after Dewhurst, which benefits the other two and hurts me because I went negative?’ ", "Nobody really wants to do the dirty work of going after him, because they’ll get the damage of going negative.”", "\n\nFewer Democratic candidates have announced plans to run for state office, and there were no Democratic primary contests to poll.", "\n\nIn other 2014 statewide races:\n\n• Nearly half of the Republican haven’t made up their minds in the primary for U.S. Senate. ", "Incumbent John Cornyn got 39 percent, and two of his declared rivals — Dwayne Stovall and Erick Wyatt — combined to get 13 percent of the respondents. ", "Linda Vega, who is also seeking the GOP nomination, entered the race after the poll was under way.", "\n\nVoters’ favorable impressions of Cornyn have slipped since June, dropping to 25 percent from 31 percent. ", "The percentage with an unfavorable view, now at 30 percent, remained about the same, but a greater number of voters took a neutral position on that question.", "\n\n• The three-way Republican primary for attorney general is a statistical toss-up, with Railroad Commissioner Barry Smitherman at 11 percent, state Sen. Ken Paxton at 10 percent and state Rep. Dan Branch at 5 percent. ", "The vast majority of Republican voters — 74 percent — remain undecided.", "\n\n• Undecided was the big winner in the Republican primary contest for comptroller of public accounts, too, with 75 percent. ", "Debra Medina, the only candidate in the race who has run statewide before, got 14 percent, followed by former state Rep. Raul Torres of Corpus Christi at 5 percent, state Sen. Glenn Hegar of Katy at 4 percent and state Rep. Harvey Hilderbran of Kerrville at 2 percent.", "\n\nThe University of Texas/Texas Tribune internet survey of 1,200 registered voters was conducted Oct. 18-27 and has an overall margin of error of +/- 3.3 percentage points. ", "Results among self-identified Republican primary voters carry a margin of error of +/- 5.02 percentage points; among Democratic primary voters, +/- 6.03 percentage points. ", "Numbers in the charts might not add up to 100 percent, because of rounding.", "\n\nThis is one of six stories on the latest University of Texas/Texas Tribune Poll. ", "Tomorrow: Ted Cruz and the 2016 presidential race." ]
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[ "Gempol–Pandaan Toll Road\n\nGempol-Pandan Toll Road is a toll road in East Java, Indonesia. ", "This highway connects Gempol and with Pandaan of Pasuruan Regency. ", "The toll road is opened in May, 2015.This toll road is a continuation of the Surabaya–Porong Toll Road that will be connected to Pandaan-Malang Toll Road.", "This toll was built to help lessen the traffic congestion on the existing inter-city roads connecting Surabaya and Malang.", "\n\nToll gate\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Toll roads in Indonesia\nCategory:Transport in East Java" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIndex of the center of a group in the group is not a prime number\n\nThe question is to prove index of $Z(G)$ in $G$ is not a prime number. ", " \nWe know that $|G:Z(G)|=|G:C_G (x)||C_G (x):Z(G)|$ where $C_G (x)$ means centralizer of $x \\in G$\nI want to mention that we do not want to use $G⁄Z(G)$ theorem. ", "\nWe may assume that $|G:Z(G)|=p$ where $p$ is a prime.", "\n\nA:\n\nAs you said, we know that $|G:Z(G)|=|G:C_G(x)|\\cdot|C_G(x):Z(G)|$ for any $x\\in G$.\nLet's suppose that $|G:Z(G)|$ is prime. ", "This means that $G$ is non-abelian. ", "So we can take an element $x\\in G\\setminus Z(G)$. Using the above formula, we know that either\n$$|G:C_G(x)|=1\\quad\\text{and}\\quad|C_G(x):Z(G)|=p$$\nor\n$$|G:C_G(x)|=p\\quad\\text{and}\\quad|C_G(x):Z(G)|=1$$\nsince $p$ is prime.", "\nWe cannot be in the first state of affairs because $|G:C_G(x)|=1$ implies that $x$ is in the center contrary to our choice that $x\\in G\\setminus Z(G)$.\nIn addition, we cannot be in the second state of affairs because $|C_G(x):Z(G)|=1$ implies that $C_G(x)=Z(G)$. The contradiction arises from the fact that $x$ commutes with itself; and since the elements that commute with $x$ are precisely the elements of the center, we have that $x\\in Z(G)$. This is the same contradiction as before.", "\nADDENDUM\nI'm going to elucidate the $G/Z(G)$ argument, since it's much more general and I believe it's important for you to understand. ", "Let $Z=Z(G)$ to save on space.", "\nSuppose $G$ is a group such that $G/Z$ is cyclic. ", "Let $aZ$ be a generator for $G/Z$ for some $a\\in G$ (recall all elements of $G/Z$ are cosets of $Z$). ", "Since $Z$ is normal, we have that for all $a,b\\in G$ that $aZ\\cdot bZ=(ab)Z$ (this is the property that allows us to give a natural binary operation on $G/Z$).", "\nIn particular, this means that all elements of $G/Z$ are of the form $a^nZ$ for some $n\\in\\Bbb Z$. Now let $x, y\\in G$. The projection map takes these elements to $xZ$ and $yZ$ respectively. ", "From what we just learned, we know that $xZ=a^nZ$ and $yZ=a^mZ$ for some $n$ and $m\\in\\Bbb Z$. This means that $x$ and $a^n$ lie in the same coset of $Z$; the same applies to $y$ and $a^m$. \nThis in turn implies that there is an $h_1$ and an $h_2\\in Z$ such that $x=a^nh_1$ and $y=a^mh_2$.\nNow we just compute:\n$$xy=a^nh_1a^mh_2=a^na^mh_2h_1=a^ma^nh_2h_1=a^mh_2a^nh_1=yx$$\nSince $x$ and $y$ were arbitrary, $G$ is abelian.", "\n\nA:\n\nHint: Every group of prime order is cyclic, so the quotient\n$$G / Z(G)$$ is cyclic. ", "It's a general fact if $G / Z(G)$ is cyclic, then $G$ is abelian, which leads to a contradiction. ", "If you haven't shown this general fact, try it.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nNo module named sip when running QGIS from Python\n\nI have QGIS Valmiera 2.2.0 installed and started a simple python script using this documentation.", "\nI had a hard time because always when I used\nfrom qgis.core import *\n\nI got the message ImportError: No module named qgis.core. ", "I fixed that with the statement \nsys.path.extend([r\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\QGIS Valmiera\\apps\\qgis\\python\"])\nusing the correct python path. ", "Then I expected it to work but I ran into the next error message:\nImportError: No module named sip\n\nI tried to do the same again, adding subfolders of qgis, which might be connected to sip, but without success. ", "\nsys.path.extend([r\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\QGIS Valmiera\\apps\\Python27\",\n r\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\QGIS Valmiera\\apps\\Qt4\",\n r\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\QGIS Valmiera\\apps\\Python27\\sip\",\n r\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\QGIS Valmiera\\apps\\Python27\\sip\\PyQt4\",\n r\"C:\\Users\\Downloads\\sip-4.16.7\\sip-4.16.7\"])\n\nThe sip.exe, which I guess it is looking for, is actually located in the C:\\Program Files (x86)\\QGIS Valmiera\\apps\\Python27 path. ", "\nIs there anything missing in the pre-installed functionality or what might be the problem?", "\nThanks for any hints!", "\nUPDATE:\nFor anyone interested: I did the following steps for installing sip library, without final success so far:\n\nInstalled pip as described in this tutorial: http://quantumofgis.blogspot.de/2014/11/qgis-standalone-and-python-modules.html\nTried pip install sip giving error InsecurePlatformWarning\nTried pip install --allow-external sip giving You must give at least one requirement to install\npip install --allow-external \"sip>=4.16\"\npip install http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyqt/files/sip/sip-4.16.7/sip-4.16.7.zip giving \nIOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'c:\\users\\user\\appdata\\local\\temp\\pip-d92iiw-build\\setup.py'\nCommand \"python setup.py egg_info\" failed with error code 1 in c:\\users\\user\\appdata\\local\\temp\\pip-d92iiw-build\nTried installing contained configure.py from pip-d92iiw-build manually. ", "Also no success\n\nA:\n\nGot it working now thanks to the answer to my question here.", "\nActually, it seems like the sip library is really packed with the QGIS distribution but for running a script there it's not only necessary to setup PATH and PYTHONPATH correctly but also to call o4w_env.bat, otherwise it will not be found.", "\nSo it is possible to use the bat script from the answer for setting up everything and then calling the python script afterwards which will then be able to use sip and everything.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 768, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 751 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1671, "entity_type": "LOCATION", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 1662 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1781, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 1776 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1476, "entity_type": "URL", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UrlRecognizer_140094861343568", "recognizer_name": "UrlRecognizer" }, "score": 0.6, "start": 1397 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1757, "entity_type": "URL", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UrlRecognizer_140094861343568", "recognizer_name": "UrlRecognizer" }, "score": 0.6, "start": 1685 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 210, "entity_type": "URL", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UrlRecognizer_140094861343568", "recognizer_name": "UrlRecognizer" }, "score": 0.5, "start": 203 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 277, "entity_type": "URL", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UrlRecognizer_140094861343568", "recognizer_name": "UrlRecognizer" }, "score": 0.5, "start": 270 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 320, "entity_type": "URL", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UrlRecognizer_140094861343568", "recognizer_name": "UrlRecognizer" }, "score": 0.5, "start": 314 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 638, "entity_type": "URL", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UrlRecognizer_140094861343568", "recognizer_name": "UrlRecognizer" }, "score": 0.5, "start": 632 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1871, "entity_type": "URL", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UrlRecognizer_140094861343568", "recognizer_name": "UrlRecognizer" }, "score": 0.5, "start": 1863 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1897, "entity_type": "URL", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UrlRecognizer_140094861343568", "recognizer_name": "UrlRecognizer" }, "score": 0.5, "start": 1889 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 2025, "entity_type": "URL", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UrlRecognizer_140094861343568", "recognizer_name": "UrlRecognizer" }, "score": 0.5, "start": 2013 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 2345, "entity_type": "URL", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UrlRecognizer_140094861343568", "recognizer_name": "UrlRecognizer" }, "score": 0.5, "start": 2339 } ]
[ "Q:\n\niOS Obj-C double to NaN in one hop on stack trace\n\nI've got a valid double that is turning into NaN as it is passed to a method. ", "I have no idea how this is happening, but have a look at this:\n\nNotice posInSeconds is a double with a valid numerical value.", "\nOne step up on the stack trace\n\nI'm not an Obj-C expert by any means, but this makes absolutely no sense to me.", "\n\nA:\n\nThere is a mismatch in the types between the header and implementation. ", "\nThe compiler is passing one type (possibly an implicit cast to int), and reinterprets the same bits as something else (a double) on the other side.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 103, "entity_type": "LOCATION", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 100 } ]
[ "Thanksgiving is a tradition for celebrating life. ", "Sadly, during the holiday season, more than 45 millions turkeys will be slaughtered for their meat, many of them treated with extreme cruelty.", "\n\nIn 2013, an undercover investigator from activist group Compassion Over Killing recorded a documentary, illustrating the brutality and harsh living conditions that turkeys are forced to undergo inside Hargin Inc., a breeding facility farm in Minnesota, including squalid, cramped surroundings that cause many hens to suffer from extreme ailments.", "\n\nIn fact, the vast majority of these birds will spend their entire lives confined to sheds and subject to inhumane exploitation. ", "The process of artificially inseminating the hens is a violent and frightening procedure in which the birds are grabbed by the legs, held upside down and stabbed in the genitals with a plastic tube to inseminate them.", "\n\nWatch this shocking video to see for yourself:" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
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[ { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 12, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 0 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 82, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 64 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 200, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 196 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 444, "entity_type": "LOCATION", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 435 } ]
[ "Mucosal alterations in human chronic chagasic esophagopathy.", "\nPatients diagnosed as having chronic chagasic esophagopathy were divided into three groups on the basis of radiologic findings: group I, no dilation; group II, moderate dilation, and group III, extensive dilation. ", "Stasis esophagitis was more frequent in group III, with a significant increase in basal layer thickness when compared with groups I and II. ", "The pathogenesis of basal layer hyperplasia may have been due to stasis of ingested food and to myenteric denervation of the viscera. ", "This hyperplasia may be an intermediate condition explaining the higher frequency of cancer among patients with chagasic megaesophagus." ]
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[ { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 120, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 98 } ]
[ "Q:\n\ndispatcher calls code from another app occasionally\n\nWe just upgraded some of our apps (from 1.3) to cakephp 2.2 and refactored the code. ", "our basic server setup looks like \n\nhtdocs/subdomain.domain/cakeapp1/...\nhtdocs/subdomain.domain/cakeapp2/...\n\nsometimes we receive errors, which are due to the problem, that cake internally decides to call code from within another app folder. ", "so, we call a route from cakeapp1 and all of a sudden, in the middle of the stack trace, cake calls files from cakeapp2. ", "\nso, although no code in cakeapp1 references the \"client\" table for example, we receive following error:\nMissing Database Table\nTable clients for model Client was not found in datasource default.", "\n\nStack Trace\n/home/www/subdomain.domain/cakeapp2/lib/Cake/Model/Model.php line 3180 → Model->setSource(string)\n/home/www/subdomain.domain/cakeapp2/lib/Cake/Model/Model.php line 2631 → Model->getDataSource()\n/home/www/subdomain.domain/cakeapp2/app/Model/AppModel.php line 22 → Model->find(string, array)\n/home/www/subdomain.domain/cakeapp2/app/Controller/AppController.php line 237 → AppModel->find(string, array)\n/home/www/subdomain.domain/cakeapp2/app/Controller/AppController.php line 41 → AppController->__initializeAppSettings()\n[internal function] → AppController->beforeFilter(CakeEvent)\n/home/www/subdomain.domain/cakeapp2/lib/Cake/Event/CakeEventManager.php line 246 → call_user_func(array, CakeEvent)\n/home/www/subdomain.domain/cakeapp2/lib/Cake/Controller/Controller.php line 670 → CakeEventManager->dispatch(CakeEvent)\n/home/www/subdomain.domain/cakeapp2/lib/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php line 183 → Controller->startupProcess()\n/home/www/subdomain.domain/cakeapp2/lib/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php line 161 → Dispatcher->_invoke(UsersController, CakeRequest, CakeResponse)\nAPP/webroot/index.php line 92 → Dispatcher->dispatch(CakeRequest, CakeResponse)\n\nAnother error is, that a plugin (debugkit) is not found. ", "debugkit is embeded in cakeapp1, but not used in cakeapp2, so it's obvious, that an error is raised in this app. ", "the error itself is saved to cakeapp2/tmp/log/error.log - and NOT to cakeapp1, where the original code should be executed.", "\nhas anyone else experienced same problems? ", "the huge problem is, that the error occurs doesn't occur on every page view. ", "but it's reproduceable on different browsers/machines. ", "after calling another url, and re-calling the errored url again, everything's fine again.", "\nwas there any change in cakephp2 concerning the usage of cakephp in a subfolder hosting-scenario?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou have APC enabled thus causing Cake to use APC as cache engine by default. ", "Currently you haven't changed the $prefix used for cache configs in your app/Config/core.php causing same settings to be used by both apps. ", "Change them to unique values and your issue will be solved.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "Wednesday, October 14, 2015\n\nWith Marvel and DC trying to reach out to new readers, one of the unintentional effects is a growing connection between American comics and manga. ", "Many of these new, younger readers are anime and manga fans, and comic book and anime conventions have become so intertwined that it's common to find Goku hanging out with Superman at a cosplay panel. ", "The announcement at NYCC of an Attack on Titan anthology written and drawn by western creators came as no surprise. ", "But getting into manga is as difficult as starting with Marvel or DC without the advantage of multiple entry points to the same story. ", "Starting with the wrong title might put a reader off of the genre entirely.", "\n\nThat's why I've decided to start a new feature: \"Entry Plug,\" wherein I give my suggestions on manga for comic book fans who are new to manga and anime. ", "This month marks the Japanese premiere and simultaneous American streaming of a perfect starter anime and manga for newcomers.", "\n\nOne-Punch Man is a series with a genesis closer to Dr. McNinja than to Naruto. ", "It began as a web comic written and crudely drawn by manga-ka ONE; you can see the original untranslated online. ", "These strips effectively became storyboards for Yusuke Murata to redraw the entire comic and make it look like a real manga. ", "Murata is also the artist of Eyeshield 21, a manga about a Japanese high school's American football team, and this blending of cultures made him perfect to work on One-Punch Man.", "\nThe primary reason why I consider One-Punch Man to be one of the best entry points is because it parodies Japanese and American comic book tropes simultaneously. ", "The hero Saitama has already trained to become extremely powerful before the series began; he can now defeat any villain with ... well, one punch. ", "It's a deconstruction of the constantly-training protagonist of shonen anime: what if the Dragon Ball Z villains never did get harder to defeat? ", "At the same time, it feels like the premise of an Elseworld (or one of Warren Ellis' dark superhero fantasies from Avatar Press): what if Superman finally did defeat all the criminals? ", "Saitama has the bald head of an anime character but the clothes of a traditional superhero, marking a visual blend as well.", "\n\nTwo glimpses of Saitama's backstory are provided in the second and final chapters of the first volume. ", "In his youth, he was aimless and prone to daydreaming, making him an ill fit in a world of slightly older punks and piggy-bank monsters that steal lunch money. ", "He hasn't found his path as an adult, either, until one final taunt by a crab monster sets him on his path. ", "These flashbacks make it clear that he's back to drifting through life after reaching the acme of his training. ", "The first couple of chapters are stand-alones, and the comic almost feels like a gag-a-day strip until Genos shows up halfway through.", "\n\nA spoof of Astro Boy, Genos is a super-powerful cyborg looking for a master, a task Saitama reluctantly takes on simply because Genos won't go away otherwise. ", "He's also the source of the best joke in the book: a full two pages of rambling, redundant explanation of his backstory while Saitama nearly collapses from the giant wall of text above him. ", "It's probably even funnier in Japanese but it translates well enough as executed. ", "In general, One-Punch Man has some of the best word bubble placement I've seen in manga, combined with translators who did a great job fitting the dialogue into the space provided. ", "Adding to the comic book feel are sound effects that look closer to John Workman's effects than to traditional manga.", "\n\nGenos's introduction pits him against Mosquito Girl, the best of the many excellent monsters in this volume of One-Punch Man. ", "Her ability to control mosquitoes goes beyond its similarities to Ant-Man's powers in a horrifying series of pages involving a thief who blunders into her insect cloud. (", "It's particularly creepy as a Florida resident.) ", "Some of the other monsters are anime references: the very first one seen is clearly Piccolo from Dragon Ball Z with horns, while the Giant Brother is based on the titular creatures from Attack on Titan.", "\n\nONE even followed one of American comics' primary rules: when in doubt, put a gorilla in your comic. ", "Armored Gorilla is one of several fighters from the \"House of Evolution,\" a subplot which continues in the next volume. ", "Due to the weekly nature and shorter stories, One-Punch Man occasionally feels a little too quick or undeveloped, but that's a function of the medium rather than the quality. ", "Unlike other manga I've read, more than enough happens in this volume to make it feel like a worthwhile purchase.", "\n\nLater chapters help with the world-building; the anime will likely move some plot elements around to compensate. ", "The anime keeps Saitama's facial animation -- or lack thereof -- intact as well. ", "Murata's hyper-detailed style stands in stark contrast to the extremely plain face and head of Saitama, which ends up enhancing his emotions. ", "Whether you're a fan of anime, superheroes, or superhero parodies, you'll find a lot to like in One-Punch Man. ", "You can find it at local comic book stores; just go to the very end of the One Piece section and it should be right there.", "\n\nI hope you've enjoyed this first \"Entry Plug\" article. ", "You can consider my Dragon Ball Z review from two years ago a prequel as it can also serve as a good starting point. ", "Future articles include Attack on Titan, Gundam: The Origin, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, and Parasyte. ", "Feel free to leave any further suggestions in the comments. ", "The ideal criteria are manga that can appeal to comic book fans and are readily available (preferably in book form but I'll consider scanlations).", "\n\nHaha love the \"When in doubt put a Gorilla in there\" line XDYes, I was surprised there was manga review on this and pleasantly surprised you liked it. ", "One Punch Man has been one of my favorite manga's for the past two-three years and I seriously can't wait to own it all! ", "Also, they play the Superman angle (strongest in the universe) really well and in comedy, plus Badass action.", "\n\nAbout Me\n\nInterested in advertising on Collected Editions, want to sponsor a pitch for your graphic novel, like to contribute a review, or just want to chat about trade paperbacks? ", "Send an email to collectededitions at yahoo d-o-t com." ]
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[ "Probably better if they hold off on the debut for now. ", "There's no place to put him.", "\n\nMaddox got promoted because they needed someone to rescue this disastrous storyline. ", "He's totes adorbs, but I highly doubt he'll be built up to fan favorite after his run as Bad Ref. ", "And I'm assuming nobody wanted him to debut as Fandango, amirite?", "\n\nWell, they could always MAKE a place to put him. ", "But then again, that's what non lazy people do, I shouldn't expect Vince and WWE creative to understand that.", "\n\nSeriously, with all the dead weight on this roster, they can't find ANYTHING for him? ", "Sandow, Ryback and Cesaro just squashed people for months, what's wrong with that? ", "They all got a direction/angle/feud eventually. ", "Just have him beat people up and cut promos, better than wasting his talent by not even showing it.", "\n\nEpisode 94 - Best & Worst Mission Impossible Films\n\nThis week we take a wild ride though the Mission Impossible films in the lead up to Rogue Nation! ", "The highs, the lows, the hair. ", "Plus we talk the X-Men and Fantastic Four films crossing over, Spectre, Pixels, an Emoji film and a sequel to Jurassic World." ]
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[ "\"You're lost.\" \"", "I am not lost.\" \"", "I just don't know exactly where we are.\" \"", "Maybe I should steer for a while.\" \"", "Whoa.\" \"", "I am a little buzzed.\" \"", "Man, you are so cute when you're hammered.\" \" ", "I am not hammered.\" \" ", "You sure are.\" \"", "Hey, look.\" \"", "I am busy here.\" \"", "Land.\" \"", "You see?\" \"", "We're not lost, we're just on some creepy island penal colony.\" \"", "You know what?\" \"", "I am going to go and find that bar.\" \" ", "Ok.\" \" ", "Ok.\" \"", "Woof.\" \"", "Woof.\" \"", "Hey, wait up.\" \"", "I have just got to finish tying up here.\" \"", "Ow.\" \"", "Hello?\" \"", "Hello?\" \"", "Luke?\" \"", "Jenny?\" \"", "Jen?\" \"", "There it is.\" \" ", "What?\" \" ", "There it is.\" \"", "You excited?\" \"", "Three final exams, two biology labs and a term paper due in four days and I let you convince me to go for a party weekend.\" \"", "It's my duty as the irresponsible brother.\" \"", "To make sure I never get into medical school?\" \"", "The burden of the smart guy.\" \"", "I got two words for you Communications Major.\" \"", "I am a fan of the five-year program.\" \"", "This is why I had to study in the library.\" \"", "Noah has turned our dorm room into prime happy-hour real estate.\" \"", "Because I read the brochure that said it's Ok to have fun in college.\" \" ", "I have fun.\" \" ", "You have fun, when?\" \"", "Baby, you will have the last laugh when you're a doctor... and they're stuck living off of ramen noodles and unemployment cheques.\" \"", "Oh.\" \" ", "That's not a bad thing.\" \" ", "Bill Gates never went to college.\" \"", "Just fly the plane, Maverick.\" \"", "Gosh, Mattie, this place is incredible.\" \"", "I can't believe it's yours.\" \"", "Ours.\" \"", "It's \"ours.\"\" \"", "God, it must really suck being a trust-fund baby, huh?\" \"", "When my uncle died, I only got Sonics season tickets.\" \"", "Our Uncle Frank wasn't rich.\" \"", "This house was all he owned.\" \" ", "Lived here for... what?\" \" ", "20 years.\" \"...", "20 years, doing nothing but studying birds, watching animals...\" \"Talking to trees, guzzling whisky.\" \"", "Yeah, he was a little eccentric.\" \"", "Johnny and our uncle never really got each other.\" \" ", "No one ever gets me.\" \" ", "I got you.\" \"", "You got me so much, you dropped my ass.\" \"", "Hey...\" \" Come on.\" \" ", "Oh.\" \"", "Sorry, man.\" \"", "Overgrown chic.\" \"", "I love it.\" \"", "Come on, let's get inside.\" \"", "Man, I missed this place, Johnny.\" \"", "Ah, the zip line.\" \"", "I am going on that.\" \"", "Here we are.\" \"", "Home sweet home, huh?\" \" ", "I love it.\" \" ", "Wow.\" \"", "How long has it been since you guys were here?\" \"", "God, ten...\" \"How old were you when you sunk Uncle Frank's car in the bay?\" \"", "I was 12 and bored.\" \"", "12.\" \"", "So... 13 years.\" \"", "I am surprised he left us the place.\" \"", "He was afraid you'd burn it down.\" \" ", "I still can.\" \" ", "Poor house.\" \"", "Check out the wine cellar.\" \"", "Whoa.\" \" ", "An M5 Medoc?\" \"", "God, this is fancy.\" \" ", "Yes, yes.\" \"", "In M5 I was still playing with Rainbow Brite.\" \"", "Yeah?\" \"", "And looking good doing it.\" \" ", "We can't get into his wine, it's...\" \" What?\" \"", "It's...\" \"I don't know.\" \"", "It's disrespectful or something.\" \"", "You know what?\" \"", "Let's all be quiet.\" \"", "Lucky for you guys I came prepared.\" \" ", "What you got?\" \" ", "Anybody know what time it is?\" \" ", "What time is it?\" \" ", "What time is it?\" \"", "Margarita-30.\" \"", "Where's the blender?\" \"", "Come on, baby.\" \"", "Chips, salsa... hot dogs, beer...\" \"Soy milk?\" \"", "Flaxseed oil?\" \"", "Kasha?\" \"", "What the hell is kasha?\" \"", "That's Nikki's.\" \"", "She's a health-food nut.\" \"", "Her body looks like no vegetarian I have ever seen.\" \"", "Ooh.\" \"", "Have a good time.\" \"", "Don't be a little vagina this weekend.\" \"", "Ok, that's offensive, A, and B, I am going to have a good time.\" \" ", "You still remember how to do this?\" \" ", "Yes.\" \"", "Go.\" \"", "Ah, the memories.\" \"", "The car that was once a submarine.\" \"", "Give the nozzle a turn.\" \"", "If you smell gas, run.\" \"", "Thank you.\" \"", "Hey, look.\" \"", "The keys are still in the car.\" \"", "That thing hasn't been used for ages.\" \"", "It's never going to start.\" \"", "Given your history, it's probably a good thing.\" \"", "German engineering at its finest.\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "Oh.\" \"", "Oh...\" \"What's wrong?\" \"", "The only thing separating me from my immediate personal happiness is John and Matt's skill with a generator.\" \"", "Then we'd better start drinking these... before they go...\" \"Yes.\" \"", "That's what I am talking about.\" \"", "That's what...\" \"Why, blender?\" \" ", "What happened?\" \" ", "What do we do?\" \"", "I saw the fuse box in the basement.\" \" ", "You know how to fix a fuse?\" \" ", "Hell, no.\" \"", "You?\" \" ", "No.\" \" ", "Well... maybe we could figure it out together.\" \"", "Ok, Ok... a young, handsome brother takes blonde little bad girl into the dark, dusty basement with him.\" \" ", "I got it.\" \" ", "Ok, you go ahead.\" \"", "Young... attractive... virgin... pushes obnoxious asshole in the basement.\" \"", "Are you really a virgin?\" \"", "Wouldn't you like to know?\" \"", "Er... yes.\" \"", "Ooh.\" \"", "Vintage.\" \"", "Here's the fuse box.\" \" ", "Look, there's the fuse.\" \" ", "New one?\" \"", "Yeah...\" \"Oh.\" \"", "You see?\" \"", "That one's blown.\" \" ", "This one?\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \" ", "Sorry.\" \" ", "Dude.\" \"", "It was this thing.\" \"", "I am sorry.\" \" ", "You scared?\" \" ", "No.\" \"", "Where is this?\" \" ", "Oh.\" \"", "Got it.\" \"", "Got the fuse.\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \" ", "Should I put it in?\" \" ", "Oh, God, yeah.\" \"", "Eugh.\" \" ", "Ok, here's the master switch.\" \" ", "Ok, try it.\" \" ", "Ready?\" \" ", "Yeah...\" \"Yes.\" \" ", "You weren't supposed to find that.\" \" ", "Why?\" \"", "It's just a secret attic for make-out parties.\" \"", "You were nine the last time you came here, silly.\" \"", "And?\" \"", "I was a very early bloomer.\" \"", "If everybody knew the Matt that I know, it'd be so hard to keep you to myself.\" \"", "No, it wouldn't.\" \"", "Which room should we take?\" \"", "The one farthest from my brother's?\" \"", "Ideal.\" \"", "Two years and it's still awkward.\" \"", "I apologised to him a thousand times about us, but he's still mad.\" \"", "He's not mad, he's John.\" \"", "Are you trying to fulfil some adolescent fantasies?\" \"", "I might be.\" \"", "Uh-uh.\" \"", "There.\" \" ", "A secret make-out party.\" \" ", "Uh-oh.\" \"", "It's on.\" \"", "You know you're going to kill yourself.\" \"", "You will never believe what I found in the attic.\" \"", "Ah.\" \"", "Ah, the house flag.\" \"", "We were such dorks.\" \"", "At least one of us has changed, huh?\" \" ", "That rope's got to be 20 years old.\" \" ", "It feels Ok to me.\" \"", "John, really.\" \"", "Hemp like that deteriorates.\" \"", "I brought climbing rope with me.\" \"", "You can string it with a Dynaloc.\" \"", "Whoo.\" \" ", "Once a brute, always a brute.\" \" ", "Whoo.\" \"", "Sometimes it stuns me that you two are related.\" \"", "Usually people who live on the edge like that die young.\" \"", "Johnny wouldn't be caught dead dying.\" \"", "It would make him look bad.\" \"", "What?\" \"", "All work and no play.\" \"", "You sound like Johnny.\" \"", "Well, he wants you to enjoy yourself too.\" \" ", "Right.\" \" ", "He does.\" \"", "Remember when we were 13 and he threw you your first boy-girl party?\" \" ", "When your mum went out of town?\" \" ", "I do.\" \"", "And we played Truth or Dare and watched, er...\" \"What was that called?\" \"\"", "Wild On Ibiza\"?\" \" ", "And he dared you to kiss me.\" \" ", "And I did.\" \"", "Then I cried.\" \"", "I don't think my male ego ever recovered from that.\" \"", "I think you're doing just fine.\" \" ", "You think?\" \" ", "Yeah...\" \"Have fun, Ok?\" \" ", "Did you ever...\" \" No.\" \"", "We have been friends for a long time, plus I got with too many of her girls.\" \" ", "Too many.\" \"", "What's too many?\" \" ", "For a chick, any is...\" \" Any is too many?\" \" ", "Any is too many.\" \"", "Hi.\" \"", "Ok...\" \"Whoa.\" \"", "Nice shot, Robin Hood.\" \"", "That's so white of you.\" \" ", "You want to give it a shot?\" \" ", "What?\" \" ", "Do you want to try?\" \" ", "Er... no.\" \"", "All right.\" \"", "See?\" \"", "It's that easy.\" \"", "You guys hear that?\" \"", "Oh, my God.\" \"", "It's so cute.\" \"", "Where is it from?\" \" ", "You better leave that thing alone.\" \" ", "Can I see it?\" \"", "He just peed on you.\" \"", "It's a boy.\" \"", "It can't be more than 8 or 9 weeks old.\" \"", "You go, Dr. Ruth.\" \"", "What kind of dog is that?\" \"", "Well, it looks like a German Shepherd, but he's big.\" \"", "Really big.\" \"", "I thought we were the only ones on the island.\" \"", "He was probably abandoned by some boaters.\" \"", "Hey, guys, I have an idea.\" \"", "Hold on.\" \"", "Ssh.\" \"", "I have an idea, a good idea.\" \" ", "Let's eat him.\" \" ", "You're such a dick.\" \"", "I am serious.\" \"", "We will put him on the target...\" \"I got my iPod.\" \"", "Please, please.\" \"", "Here's to that.\" \"", "You like it here, huh?\" \"", "Let's keep him with us tonight, you guys.\" \"", "You like it here?\" \"", "Wait, wait.\" \"", "No TV, no phone, no Maxim?\" \"", "Some people like a break from civilisation.\" \"", "All right.\" \"", "Sure.\" \"", "I am for the whole kumbaya-granola thing, as long as when it's over, there's a fifth of Jager and internet porn waiting for me.\" \"", "Noah, sometimes it amazes me that you're still single.\" \"", "Here's to being single, seeing double, sleeping triple...\" \" and to multiple orgasms.\" \" ", "Yeah, by yourself.\" \"", "Ooh.\" \"", "Oh.\" \"", "What's that in the cellar?\" \"", "You hear that?\" \" ", "Is that an M5 Medoc calling me?\" \" ", "Yes.\" \"", "You are going to drink the cheap stuff and you are going to like it.\" \"", "You are a cruel, cruel man.\" \"", "But I still love you.\" \"", "Uh-uh.\" \"", "That cute stuff's not going to work on me.\" \"", "I am a cat person.\" \"", "Cheap enough?\" \"", "That little sucker growled at me.\" \"", "You piss on that rug, you're dead.\" \"", "Hey.\" \"", "He was just kidding.\" \"", "Come back.\" \"", "Meanies.\" \"", "That dog is weird.\" \"", "He just growled at me for no good reason.\" \"", "I said I liked cats.\" \"", "I wasn't talking about the musical.\" \"", "This little dog is harmless.\" \"", "Chicken.\" \"", "Don't worry, he will come back.\" \"", "He knows there's food here.\" \"", "You want to find him?\" \" ", "I wanted to sleep with him.\" \" ", "You were sleeping with me.\" \"", "She was going to make love to me and then sleep in your bed.\" \"", "That's Ok.\" \"", "I see cancer patients every Thursday.\" \"", "That's my charity work for the week.\" \"", "Oh.\" \"", "Funny.\" \"", "The folks got jokes tonight.\" \"", "You all want some?\" \"", "Here, pup.\" \"", "Where are you?\" \" ", "You see him?\" \" ", "Uh-uh.\" \"", "This is bringing me back memories from Ghost in the Graveyard.\" \"", "Remember?\" \"", "When we were ten?\" \"", "I don't remember that.\" \" ", "Yeah, you were too cool back then.\" \" ", "I am still too cool.\" \" ", "Right.\" \" ", "Over there.\" \"", "There he is.\" \"", "Hey, pup, there you are.\" \"", "There you are.\" \"", "Come here.\" \"", "Sara.\" \"", "You Ok?\" \"", "Here.\" \"", "Ok?\" \"", "It bit me.\" \"", "All right, you're Ok.\" \"", "You're Ok.\" \"", "Come on, let's go.\" \"", "It just attacked you, unprovoked?\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Came out of nowhere.\" \"", "It was probably just protecting its young but the rules say you got to treat any bite by an unknown animal as a possible rabies infection.\" \"", "But listen, you will not get rabies.\" \"", "I know what I am talking about.\" \"", "There isn't a single case of somebody who's gone through a proper post-exposure treatment who's then contracted the disease.\" \"", "Isn't that where they got to stick a bunch of needles under your skin?\" \"", "It's a little simpler than that.\" \" ", "A little simpler?\" \" ", "I think we should get the plane ready.\" \" ", "You want to leave?\" \" ", "We should get Sara to a doctor.\" \"", "Remember when I got that rabies shot because of that bat in the Bahamas?\" \"", "You don't have to start right away.\" \" ", "You really don't, if you're feeling Ok.\" \" ", "Is that true?\" \"", "As long as you have your first shot within a week, yes.\" \"", "But... there's no pressure.\" \"", "Well, then I am cool.\" \"", "I will be fine, you guys.\" \" ", "She's fine.\" \" ", "Sara?\" \"", "Mattie, the point of this weekend was for you to live a little, so don't use this as an excuse.\" \"", "That's bullshit.\" \"", "Yeah, it's true, I am fine.\" \"", "I mean, really.\" \"", "It was scary.\" \"", "Nothing that a little drinking can't cure.\" \"", "Could someone give me a drink?\" \"", "I need a drink.\" \" ", "Are you sure?\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "Sure I am sure.\" \"", "What are you thinking about?\" \"", "There was this company who leased some land on the other side of the island, a couple of miles away.\" \"", "Anyway, they built a compound for training dogs.\" \"", "When I was little, my uncle used to walk me over there and we'd play with all the little puppies.\" \"", "I think that's when I decided I wanted to be a vet.\" \"", "About a year ago one of the dogs got rabies.\" \"", "It started spreading and all the dogs got it, and my uncle told me they had to put them down.\" \" ", "That's horrible.\" \" ", "Mmm.\" \"", "So I assumed they had been killed, but after seeing that dog today...\" \"So you think some of them survived?\" \"", "That's just it.\" \"", "If they had rabies and escaped, they would have been dead a long time ago.\" \"", "In dogs, rabies is always fatal.\" \"", "So, what are you saying?\" \"", "I don't know.\" \"", "Oh.\" \"", "Sorry.\" \"", "I didn't see you.\" \"", "What are you doing?\" \"", "I couldn't sleep.\" \" ", "You?\" \" ", "Me, neither.\" \"", "You look like an angel.\" \"", "Ow.\" \"", "Damn it.\" \"", "Easy, tiger.\" \"", "Go away.\" \"", "Go away.\" \"", "So, how about doing some swimming today?\" \"", "Maybe hang out by the dock?\" \"", "Maybe when your leg feels better?\" \"", "I am fine.\" \"", "How did I wind up dating an outdoorsy type?\" \"", "I don't know.\" \"", "I think it's a lot better than living in a library.\" \"", "I am outdoorsy as long as beautiful women in thongs are involved.\" \"", "Do you ever get tired of making an ass of yourself?\" \"", "Not really.\" \"", "I figure it's a part of my charm.\" \"", "Yo.\" \"", "Excuse me.\" \"", "I am still hungry.\" \" ", "Knock yourself out.\" \" ", "I will make more.\" \"", "No, that's cool.\" \" ", "Morning, guys.\" \" ", "Good morning.\" \"", "Boys and their toys.\" \"", "I thought I'd take a walk in the woods and find something to shoot.\" \"", "I hope you mean something inanimate.\" \" ", "Gosh, no, I thought I'd hunt for Bambi.\" \" ", "Just checking.\" \"", "I am going to come with you.\" \"", "I haven't been around the island for years.\" \" ", "You guys want to come?\" \" ", "Noah, come on.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Yeah, why not?\" \"", "Enjoy your breakfast.\" \"", "Actually, I think I am going to stay here.\" \"", "I am not keen on that dog running around.\" \" ", "Ok.\" \"", "We will be careful.\" \" ", "Keep him away from Thumper, too.\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "No deer.\" \"", "No droppings.\" \"", "You hear anything?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "It makes you wonder where all the animals are.\" \"", "Are you guys trying to freak me out or something?\" \"", "Is this like a game you play?\" \"", "What?\" \" ", "No, I am serious.\" \" ", "He's referring to inanimate animals.\" \"", "You think Sara is feeling Ok?\" \"", "I hope so.\" \" ", "She's looking pretty good these days.\" \" ", "Don't.\" \" ", "What?\" \" ", "Don't go there.\" \"", "Why not?\" \"", "She's obviously into me, so why shouldn't I just go for it?\" \" ", "Really?\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "Because I have seen how you treat women.\" \"", "Because you're good at saving them doesn't always mean I am the one that ruins them.\" \" ", "Brother in love.\" \" ", "It's all right, man.\" \" ", "Are you feeling all right?\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "Are you sure?\" \"", "I made out with John.\" \" ", "So that's what's bothering you?\" \" ", "Kind of, yeah.\" \" ", "Why?\" \" ", "Nice.\" \"", "I don't know.\" \"", "I guess I thought the rabies was settling in.\" \"", "Very funny.\" \"", "No, actually, I feel fine.\" \"", "I feel great.\" \"", "I have got like this adrenaline inside.\" \"", "From John kissing you?\" \" ", "Maybe.\" \" ", "Well, might as well.\" \" ", "You have liked him since you were 14.\" \" ", "How did you know?\" \"", "Who doesn't know that?\" \"", "Everybody knows.\" \"", "Oh, really?\" \"", "Ok, then I hate everybody right now.\" \"", "Any day, Mcknight.\" \"", "Can a brother not get some alone time?\" \"", "Damn.\" \"", "Nice doggy.\" \"", "Nice doggy.\" \"", "Good boy.\" \"", "Oh.\" \"", "Ok, Ok...\" \"It's fine.\" \"", "It's fine.\" \"", "John.\" \"", "Matt.\" \"", "Hey.\" \"", "Oh.\" \"", "Oh.\" \"", "Oh.\" \" ", "What happened?\" \" ", "What are you doing?\" \"", "The dogs on this island are not friendly.\" \" ", "You afraid of a dog?\" \" ", "No, dogs, man.\" \"", "Plural.\" \" ", "How many?\" \" ", "Three, but it sounded like more.\" \"", "You hear that?\" \"", "You believe me now?\" \"", "Oh.\" \"", "They don't want you here.\" \"", "The dogs, they don't want you here.\" \"", "Help.\" \" ", "Get back.\" \" ", "We got to help him.\" \"", "What's up?\" \"", "Nothing.\" \"", "The house.\" \" ", "Hey.\" \" ", "Go to the house.\" \" ", "What?\" \" ", "Here they come.\" \"", "What?\" \"", "Run.\" \" ", "Run to the house.\" \" ", "Oh, my God.\" \"", "Run.\" \"", "Run.\" \"", "Hurry up.\" \"", "Come on, you guys.\" \"", "Hurry up.\" \"", "Hey.\" \"", "Mattie, no.\" \"", "This ought to be fun.\" \" ", "Argh.\" \"", "Argh.\" \" ", "Damn.\" \"", "Damn it.\" \"", "Son of a bitch.\" \"", "God, I am so sorry, Nikki.\" \"", "That's Ok.\" \"", "For all I know, you could have saved my life.\" \"", "I don't know if I am the life-saving kind.\" \"", "I couldn't save that guy in the woods.\" \" ", "I thought we were the only ones here.\" \" ", "He came out of nowhere.\" \"", "They ripped the shit out of him.\" \"", "I know.\" \"", "Death by dog is brutal.\" \"", "None of this makes sense.\" \"", "There's no reason dogs could do this.\" \"", "These have the characteristics of a rabid dog.\" \" ", "But if they had rabies, they'd be dead.\" \" ", "Then what is it?\" \" ", "You know that dog compound?\" \" ", "The seeing-eye dog facility, yeah.\" \"", "What if they were actually training attack dogs, right?\" \"", "A year ago they shut the compound down because of a rabies outbreak.\" \"", "So, attack dogs plus a weird strain of rabies equals what?\" \"", "Scary-ass Lassies, that's what.\" \" ", "Relax.\" \" ", "They don't want us here.\" \"", "That's what the dude in the woods said.\" \"", "Twice.\" \"", "Who cares?\" \"", "We need to be focusing on getting the hell out of here.\" \"", "I am in serious need of some painkillers... and there's something wrong with Sara.\" \"", "You feel it, don't you?\" \" ", "Is something wrong with you?\" \" ", "It comes and goes.\" \"", "We have got to be smart here, smarter than these dogs.\" \"", "Everybody just shut up.\" \"", "You're all driving me crazy right now.\" \"", "Wild dogs?\" \"", "Nikki's right, we got to get out of here.\" \"", "Sara needs help and we're going to do that.\" \"", "But first, we will stay in here where it's safe, let the dogs disperse, then get in the plane and get the hell out...\" \"I don't want to be here any more.\" \"", "What do we do?\" \"", "We get out of here.\" \"", "Ready?\" \"", "The dogs are on the dock.\" \"", "It's like they know we want to leave.\" \"", "You got to be kidding me.\" \"", "What?\" \" ", "The plane's drifting away.\" \" ", "It can't be.\" \"", "I tied it myself.\" \"", "Look, then.\" \"", "Shit.\" \"", "If it hits the channel, it's lost.\" \"", "The dogs are gone.\" \"", "You guys, you guys...\" \" I don't want to go out there.\" \" ", "You're going.\" \"", "You will have to swim.\" \"", "No one else can bring the plane back.\" \" ", "I know.\" \" ", "Just give me this.\" \"", "For your brother being a screw-up, he's stepping up and being a badass.\" \"", "I can't believe this.\" \"", "They chewed through it on purpose.\" \"", "Listen, I don't know what the hell is going on around here but dogs can't think like that.\" \"", "They can't plan.\" \"", "If a dog chews through rope, it's because dogs like chewing rope.\" \"", "Come on, John.\" \"", "He's almost there.\" \"", "Shit.\" \" ", "Come on, swim back, man.\" \" ", "Swim.\" \" ", "The dogs.\" \" ", "Hurry.\" \" ", "Stop looking back.\" \" ", "Swim.\" \"", "Swim faster.\" \"", "You're fine.\" \"", "Bitch.\" \"", "Back to the house.\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "Hurry up.\" \"", "Go.\" \"", "Go.\" \"", "Hurry up.\" \"", "Go.\" \"", "Run.\" \"", "Go.\" \"", "Go.\" \"", "Get inside.\" \"", "Come on, get up the stairs.\" \"", "Shut the door.\" \"", "Shut the door.\" \"", "But how did the dogs even get on the plane?\" \"", "I once saw a dog balance a marshmallow on his nose.\" \"", "Still no service.\" \" ", "You're running a fever.\" \" ", "I am?\" \"", "Don't worry, it wouldn't be rabies yet.\" \"", "It could be some other kind of infection.\" \"", "Great.\" \"", "All right, pros and cons.\" \"", "What are the negatives?\" \"", "Negatives?\" \"", "Well, everything.\" \"", "It's dangerous just trying to get to the garage.\" \"", "We don't know if the car will start or what we will find across the island.\" \" ", "Whatever got that guy here.\" \" ", "With our luck, he parasailed in.\" \"", "The compound has got to have some kind of communications system.\" \"", "Hopefully it's not equipped with some crazy Old Yellers.\" \"", "Look, we can't stay here.\" \"", "We got to get off this island.\" \"", "Ok.\" \"", "Ok?\" \"", "Ok, damn.\" \"", "All right, eeny...\" \"Meeny...\" \"Miney...\" \"I will go.\" \" ", "lt will lift right off.\" \" ", "I don't want you to go.\" \" ", "I don't want anyone to go.\" \" ", "I will be fine.\" \"", "I will be really quiet.\" \"", "How much do you weigh?\" \"", "You know how much I weigh, baby.\" \"", "You're not doing this.\" \"", "Speed climbing champion three years running.\" \"", "I weigh 120 pounds.\" \"", "I could do this with my hands tied.\" \"", "You were injured badly.\" \"", "I know my limits.\" \"", "This cable can't support you.\" \"", "I know what I am talking about.\" \"", "Think about it.\" \"", "I mean it.\" \"", "Think about it.\" \" ", "You didn't get any on the handles?\" \" ", "No, you will be fine.\" \" ", "Be careful.\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "You got to be kidding me.\" \"", "They're here.\" \"", "Hurry, Nikki.\" \"", "Hey.\" \"", "Hey.\" \"", "Hey.\" \"", "Dogs.\" \"", "Dogs.\" \"", "Dogs.\" \"", "Dogs, over here.\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "Piece of shit.\" \" ", "Hey.\" \"", "Are you Ok?\" \" ", "Yeah, I am fine.\" \"", "Just seems like it's going to be dinnertime over here soon.\" \"", "Hang on.\" \"", "We got something worked out.\" \"", "Come on, guys.\" \" ", "Let's go.\" \" ", "Yep.\" \" ", "Good?\" \" ", "More slack.\" \"", "Watch yourself.\" \" ", "You didn't hit her this time.\" \" ", "I am going to tie the line to the rope.\" \" ", "Pull it across.\" \" ", "All right.\" \"", "Here it is.\" \"", "All right, pull it, pull it.\" \"", "Hurry.\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "Behind you.\" \"", "Jump.\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "Nice shot.\" \"", "We got one, man.\" \"", "Come on, pull.\" \"", "Bring her in, bring her in.\" \"", "Get off the harness.\" \"", "Hey.\" \"", "You have to talk to me.\" \"", "I am not in pain but...\" \"I think I am in trouble.\" \" ", "I am so sorry for this, Sara.\" \" ", "Don't be.\" \"", "It's not your fault.\" \" ", "Yes, it is.\" \" ", "Matt.\" \"", "It's Ok.\" \"", "This is Ok?\" \"", "None of this is Ok.\" \"", "We should have left this morning.\" \"", "We should never even have come here.\" \"", "I didn't know this was supposed to happen.\" \"", "Of course you didn't.\" \"", "Because you don't think, you just do, only this time you dragged all of us down with you.\" \"", "Nikki, just let it happen.\" \"", "Does this make you feel better?\" \"", "Lay it all on me.\" \"", "I am the fuck-up.\" \"", "Mum knows it.\" \"", "Dad knew it.\" \"", "It's never you.\" \"", "It's always me.\" \"", "It is always you.\" \"", "I wasn't given the room to make mistakes.\" \" ", "That room was filled with yours.\" \" ", "I just wanted you to have fun.\" \"", "Bullshit.\" \"", "You wanted me to act like you.... ....because if there's two of us it would make you seem less of a disappointment.\" \"", "It must be nice to have your life so together.\" \"", "Dad would be proud.\" \"", "What's up?\" \"", "You all right?\" \" ", "How you doing?\" \" ", "I am all right.\" \"", "You know, er... when our Dad got sick I knew Matt was pissed at me for bailing, but I just didn't know what to do.\" \"", "After he died, I tried to make it up to him.\" \"", "I tried to be around more.\" \"", "I just didn't know he hated me so much.\" \"", "He doesn't hate you as much as he thinks he does.\" \" ", "All evidence to the contrary.\" \" ", "He loves you, John.\" \"", "He's here for you.\" \"", "Mr. Responsible skipped school, a week away from his finals, just to spend a weekend with his big brother.\" \" ", "He can't say no to you.\" \" ", "Yeah, look where it got him.\" \"", "None of this is your fault.\" \"", "You will get through this.\" \"", "Besides, you're a hard guy to stay angry at.\" \" ", "Yeah?\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "Even I don't hate you quite as much as I used to.\" \"\"", "Quite.\"\" \"", "I really love him, you know.\" \"", "I know.\" \"", "I am glad.\" \" ", "Hey.\" \" ", "Want a sip?\" \"", "Uh-huh.\" \"", "Your uncle had very eclectic musical tastes.\" \"", "That's putting it nicely.\" \" ", "Thank you.\" \" ", "Cheers.\" \"", "Hey.\" \"", "You're going to be fine.\" \"", "I feel awful.\" \"", "Why?\" \"", "You guys have been wanting to do that for years.\" \"", "You will both recover.\" \"", "I hope so.\" \" ", "You ready to turn this mother out?\" \" ", "Yes.\" \" ", "Ready?\" \" ", "Come on, Mr. DJ.\" \"", "The fuse?\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "I will get it.\" \"", "I know where it is.\" \" ", "I will come with you.\" \" ", "No, no.\" \"", "Relax, relax.\" \"", "Each of you has your job.\" \"", "You're the future doctor.... ...smart and calm under pressure.\" \"", "You're the Eagle Scout in black sheep's clothing.... ...quick with a weapon and handy with a sea plane.\" \"", "You're the perky, athletic one very randy to have around.\" \"", "And you... you look incredibly sexy in a bikini.\" \"", "Now where does all that leave moi?\" \"", "I am the one who knows where the fuse box is.\" \"", "He's in need of psychiatric help.\" \"", "Why have they always got to put the fuse box in the basement?\" \"", "Damn.\" \"", "Ok.\" \"", "Oh.\" \"", "You're mine, baby.\" \"", "Oh.\" \"", "You got to be kidding me.\" \"", "Almost, baby.\" \"", "Stay with Sara.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Matt, slide that over here.\" \"", "They're coming through the door, Nikki.\" \"", "Hurry.\" \"", "Come on, come on.\" \"", "Come on, hurry up.\" \"", "Get Sara and get upstairs now.\" \"", "Get upstairs.\" \"", "Get upstairs.\" \"", "Get to the attic.\" \"", "Oh no.\" \"", "Hurry up.\" \"", "Matt.\" \"", "Grab this.\" \" ", "Ok?\" \" ", "Let's go, let's go.\" \"", "Hurry.\" \"", "Let's go.\" \"", "Get the rope.\" \" ", "You Ok?\" \" ", "My shoulder.\" \"", "Oh, my God.\" \"", "You got bitten.\" \"", "None of this seems real.\" \"", "I can't believe that Noah is dead.\" \"", "Ok, look, we will get out of here.\" \"", "We will get you guys to a doctor,\" \"Whatever it is, they're going to figure it out.\" \"", "Go away.\" \" ", "Hey, Sara, please...\" \" Get off me.\" \" ", "I am so sorry.\" \" ", "That's Ok.\" \" ", "You know I didn't mean that.\" \" ", "That's Ok.\" \"", "Come here.\" \"", "I am sorry.\" \"", "I am going to get you out of here.\" \" ", "I promise.\" \" ", "Ok.\" \"", "I just don't feel right.\" \"", "I know.\" \"", "You will be all right.\" \"", "Johnny.\" \"", "AMCS.\" \"", "Army Mountain Combat School, that's who leased the compound.\" \" ", "So they were training attack dogs?\" \" ", "Could be experiments that went wrong.\" \"", "Why would Uncle Frank have these papers?\" \"", "Uncle Frank wouldn't be involved with something like this.\" \" ", "He was an animal rights activist.\" \" ", "keep telling yourself that.\" \"", "They probably told him what he told me that the dogs got rabies, it spread, and that's why they had to put them all down.\" \"", "Well, they missed a few.\" \" ", "Clear?\" \" ", "Yeah, we're good.\" \"", "You guys get in the room.\" \"", "Stay there.\" \" ", "Be careful.\" \" ", "I will.\" \"", "What's that smell?\" \"", "They have marked their territory.\" \"", "We're the ones trespassing now.\" \"", "You ready for this?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "You?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Jesus, Matt.\" \"", "Matt.\" \"", "What is he doing?\" \"", "Is he insane?\" \"", "He's not afraid.\" \"", "So sad.\" \"", "I have waited ten years for him to notice me.\" \"", "What are you talking about?\" \"", "It feels over.\" \"", "It's not over.\" \"", "Don't talk like that.\" \"", "Pop the clutch.\" \"", "Shit.\" \"", "Come on, Mattie.\" \"", "Come on, Mattie.\" \" ", "Give me the bow.\" \" ", "Here.\" \"", "Heads up, Mattie.\" \"", "Come on, come on.\" \"", "We need more speed.\" \"", "Hold on.\" \"", "Better work this time.\" \" ", "Cool.\" \" ", "Piece of cake.\" \"", "They don't like the noise.\" \"", "Let's go.\" \"", "I don't think I am going to make those finals, Johnny.\" \"", "Shit.\" \"", "Hold on to him.\" \"", "Sara won't come down.\" \"", "You have got to help.\" \"", "I got it, Mattie.\" \" ", "I tried everything.\" \" ", "Get in.\" \"", "Sara.\" \" ", "Sara.\" \" ", "Go away.\" \" ", "No.\" \" ", "Get out.\" \" ", "No.\" \" ", "I won't make it.\" \"", "I don't care.\" \"", "Get up.\" \"", "On your feet.\" \"", "Get out of my house.\" \" ", "John, out the window.\" \" ", "I am not leaving.\" \"", "You understand?\" \"", "If I break eye contact, it's over.\" \"", "I will be right behind you.\" \" ", "Gone?\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "You Ok?\" \"", "Sara.\" \" ", "Sara.\" \" ", "No, no.\" \" ", "No.\" \" ", "Come on.\" \"", "That fence didn't used to be here.\" \"", "We will break through it with the car.\" \"", "What if the fence is the only thing standing between us and those dogs?\" \"", "That's true.\" \"", "Ok...\" \"Ok, but we will leave the car running.\" \"", "If we turn it off, we don't know if it will start again.\" \"", "The car's not going to get us off this island.\" \"", "Well, if we need to, it will get us the hell out of here.\" \"", "Come on.\" \"", "There's got to be a radio here.\" \"", "It's no good if there's no power.\" \" ", "Look.\" \" ", "Solar panel.\" \" ", "We could hook onto that, right?\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \" ", "Were you ever here?\" \" ", "No, not inside.\" \"", "Looks like an attack-protection suit.\" \"", "What the hell is all this stuff?\" \"", "This was not a training facility.\" \"", "Something else was going on here.\" \"", "They weren't training anything.\" \"", "They were genetically redesigning them.\" \"", "They were playing God.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Let's keep moving.\" \"", "Here's a radio.\" \"", "No power.\" \"", "All right, how do we hook in to the solar power?\" \"", "The batteries have to be around here somewhere.\" \"", "Down here.\" \" ", "Batteries.\" \" ", "All right, good.\" \"", "I am going to check the main first.\" \"", "Hit the breaker.\" \"", "These batteries are never going to charge.\" \"", "They're too rusted.\" \"", "Look.\" \"", "No, they're the old lead-acid kind.\" \"", "They will hold a charge forever.\" \"", "Positive to positive.\" \"", "Negative to negative.\" \"", "Just like a car.\" \"", "You good?\" \" ", "Nice.\" \" ", "Right.\" \"", "How do you know all this?\" \"", "You'd be surprised what an irresponsible fuck-up can pick up over the years.\" \"", "Ok, here we go.\" \"", "Does it Work?\" \" ", "It's dead.\" \" ", "Still no signal.\" \"", "Give me that cell phone.\" \"", "Open the back.\" \"", "We can hook up this phone to the radio tower.\" \"", "It's a giant antenna.\" \"", "By itself, a cell gives you two, three miles, but a tower like that gives you over 100.\" \"", "We attach the cell phone... here to the radio antenna.\" \"", "Shit.\" \"", "No signal.\" \"", "Wait a minute, guys.\" \"", "Look right there, on the radio tower.\" \" ", "There's a cable detached.\" \" ", "I will go.\" \" ", "We got to stick together.\" \" ", "I will go.\" \"", "You guys stay here.\" \"", "Once I connect the cables, you're going to see this signal.\" \"", "When you see the signal, you want to turn on the antenna amplifier here.\" \"", "All right.\" \"", "Hey...\" \"Be careful.\" \"", "We're going to get out of here.\" \"", "What's wrong?\" \"", "Baby, calm down, sit down.\" \"", "It's just...\" \"What happened to Sara is going to happen to me.\" \"", "Matt, don't talk like that.\" \"", "You're going to drive yourself crazy.\" \"", "What's wrong?\" \"", "What?\" \"", "They're inside.\" \"", "What are you talking about?\" \"", "For the dogs to survive being put down they would have had to find a way to escape.\" \"", "If they found a way out of the compound...\" \"They found their way back in.\" \"", "John.\" \"", "Argh.\" \"", "Oh, my God.\" \"", "Give Cujo my best.\" \"", "Nikki.\" \" ", "Nikki.\" \" ", "No.\" \"", "Stop it.\" \"", "Listen.\" \"", "Listen to me.\" \"", "There is a boat on the other side of this fence.\" \"", "It's our only way out.\" \"", "We're not getting off this island, John.\" \"", "Need a ride?\" \" ", "I thought you were dead.\" \" ", "Any ideas?\" \"", "Hang on.\" \"", "Come on.\" \" ", "You Ok?\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "Go.\" \"", "John, get the boat started.\" \"", "Jump on.\" \"", "What do you think's going to happen to you guys?\" \"", "Find a doctor that can cure it.\" \" ", "What if he can't?\" \" ", "He has to.\" \"", "I need some sleep.\"" ]
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[ "In his first interview since the arrest, given a week ago, Childs contended that he did nothing illegal while working for the city and argued that his actions, depicted as criminal by prosecutors, were in line with standard network security practices. ", "The criminal court case before him prevented him from commenting in much detail on the case, but he outlined his defense in recently filed court documents, describing a tense July 9 standoff with police and city officials.", "\n\nThat afternoon Childs \"unwittingly\" found himself in a surprise meeting in the city's Hall of Justice, where he maintained network facilities. ", "At the meeting were his boss, DTIC Chief Operations Officer Richard Robinson, San Francisco Police Department CIO Greg Yee and human resources representative Vitus Leung. ", "On the phone were engineers, listening in to confirm whether the passwords he gave were correct.", "\n\nThey were not, and within days Childs was charged with disrupting computer services and faced further counts of unauthorized network access. ", "He faces seven years in prison if convicted.", "\n\nThe July 9 meeting was the culmination of a long-simmering dispute between Childs and his managers, who had been seeking administrative passwords to the network since at least February. ", "Childs had refused to provide the passwords, apparently because he feared that they would be shared with management or outside contractors, according to court filings.", "\n\nEven though it went against the orders of his supervisors, Childs was doing his job by refusing to hand over the passwords to a roomful of people, his attorney Richard Shikman argued in the filings. \"", "The response to suspend him was arguably legal. ", "The response to prosecute him is not,\" he wrote.", "\n\nThe Terry Childs case can seem like a cautionary tale of the power wielded by the people in charge of computer systems. ", "Or it can seem like a poignant reminder of how dedicated employees can be thwarted at the whim of management.", "\n\nChilds is no angel. ", "He has already served four years in Kansas prison on aggravated robbery and aggravated burglary charges, stemming from an incident that occurred when he was a teenager.", "\n\nThree of the charges against Childs in the San Francisco case stem from modems that were found in his office.", "\n\nProsecutors said these modems provided illegal access to the city's network, but in court filings, Childs' lawyer said they were used for work. ", "One was set up to dial out to Childs' pager any time a problem popped up on the city's network. ", "The second was a DSL modem that had been set up even before Childs was hired at DTIS, used to connect to the Internet and test access to the city's network. ", "The third was for emergency use only, designed to connect city computers to a disaster recovery site so that the city's network could be up and running in the event of an emergency.", "\n\n\"The existence, use and nature of modems are within the scope of the employment of a network engineer,\" his attorney argued in court filings.", "\n\nChilds may have felt justified in refusing to hand over the passwords to strangers, but obviously something happened to lead up to the tense July 9 showdown, said Bruce Schneier, a noted computer security expert and chief security technology officer at BT. \"", "That's not a normal day at the office,\" he said. \"", "It does seem strange. ", "It feels like there is more to the story than we know.\"", "\n\n\"The passwords are owned by the city, so as an employee he's obligated to give them up to his boss,\" Schneier added.", "\n\nIf he had to do it all over again, that's exactly what Terry Childs would do. \"", "I'd have gotten out before it came to this,\" he said last week. \"", "I have a great house ... and I'm on the verge of losing it since I'm in here. ", "I'm out of a job, and don't know what'll happen with all this.\"", "\n\nChilds's lawyer has moved that the charges against him be dropped. ", "A hearing on that motion is set for Feb. 27." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCounting sentences *not* lines of a text file\n\nFor an assignment I need to find the number of sentences of a text file (not the lines). ", "That means at the end of string I will have '.' ", "or '!' ", "or '?'. ", "After struggling a lot I wrote a code, which is giving an error. ", "I do not see any mistake though. ", "If anyone can help me, that will be highly appreciated. ", "Thanks\nHere is my code\nfh1 = fopen(nameEssay); %nameEssay is a string of the name of the file with .txt\nline1 = fgetl(fh1); \n\n% line1 gives the title of the essay. ", "that is not counted as a sentence\nessay = [];\nline = ' ';\nwhile ischar(line)\n line =fgetl(fh1);\n essay = [essay line];\n %creates a long string of the whole essay\nend\n\nsentenceCount=0;\nallScore = [ ];\n\n[sentence essay] = strtok(essay, '.?!');", "\n while ~isempty(sentence)\n sentenceCount = sentenceCount + 1;\n sentence = [sentence essay(1)];\n\n essay= essay(3:end); %(1st character is a punctuation. ", "2nd is a space.)", "\n while ~isempty(essay)\n [sentence essay] = strtok(essay, '.?!');", "\n end\n\nend\nfclose(fh1);\n\nA:\n\nIf you count number of senteces, based on '.' ", "or '!' ", "or '?', ", "you can just calculate the number of these characters in essey. ", "Thus, if essay is array containing characters you can do:\nessay = 'Some sentece. ", "Sentec 2! ", "Sentece 3? ", "Sentece 4.';", "\n\n% count number of '.' ", "or '!' ", "or '?' ", "in essey.", "\nsum(essay == abs('.')) ", "\nsum(essay == abs('?'))", "\nsum(essay == abs('!'))", "\n\n% gives, 2, 1, 1. ", "Thus there are 4 sentences in the example.", "\n\nIf you want senteces, you can use strsplit as Dan suggested, e.g.\n[C, matches] = strsplit(essay,{'.','?', '!'}, '", "CollapseDelimiters',true)\n\n% gives\nC = \n\n 'Some sentece' ' Sentec 2' ' Sentece 3' ' Sentece 4' ''\n\nmatches = \n\n '.' ", " '!' ", " '?' ", " '.'", "\n\nAnd calculate the number of elements in matches. ", "For the example last element is empty. ", "It can be filtered out easly.", "\n\nA:\n\nregexp handles this nicely:\n>> essay = 'First sentence. ", "Second one? ", "Third! ", "Last one.'", "\nessay =\nFirst sentence. ", "Second one? ", "Third! ", "Last one.", "\n>> sentences = regexp(essay,'\\S.*?[\\.\\!\\?]','match')\nsentences = \n 'First sentence.' ", " 'Second one?' ", " 'Third!' ", " 'Last one.'", "\n\nIn the pattern '\\S.*?[\\.\\!\\?]', ", "the \\S says a sentence starts with a non-whitespace character, the .*? ", "matches any number of characters (non-greedily), until a punctuation marking the end of a sentence ([\\.\\!\\?]) ", "is encountered.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1171, "entity_type": "LOCATION", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 1166 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1507, "entity_type": "NRP", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 1499 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1514, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 1511 } ]
[ "Inspired by Mobile Commerce Interface by Bilal Mechairia\n\nBottle mockups by forgraphic\n\nIf you enjoyed this demo you might also like:\n\nRoom Display\n\nDual View Slideshow" ]
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[ "Acute resistive exercise does not affect ambulatory blood pressure in young men and women.", "\nResistive exercise elicits a pressor response that results in a dramatic increase in blood pressure (BP) during the exercise. ", "However, it is not known if the BP elevation persists after resistive exercise. ", "This study examined the effects of an acute resistive exercise session on 24-h ambulatory BP in sedentary (5 men, 6 women), resistance-trained (6 men, 6 women), and endurance-trained (4 men, 6 women) young subjects (age 22 +/- 3.2 yr) with normal BP. ", "Two 24-h ambulatory BP recordings were made on each subject, one after two sets of resistive exercise on 12 weight machines and one after 48 h without prior exercise. ", "Systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial BP and heart rate (HR) were not different in the hours after and for up to 24 h after the single resistive exercise session compared with the control day. ", "There also was no difference in the ambulatory BP or HR response after the single session of resistive exercise based on the training status of the subjects. ", "Thus, the elevated BP that occurs during resistive exercise does not persist in the 24 h after acute resistive exercise in sedentary, resistance-trained, or endurance-trained, young, normotensive men and women." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "/* define if glog doesn't use RTTI */\n/* #undef DISABLE_RTTI */\n\n/* Namespace for Google classes */\n#define GOOGLE_NAMESPACE google\n\n/* Define if you have the `dladdr' function */\n/* #undef HAVE_DLADDR */\n\n/* Define if you have the `snprintf' function */\n#define HAVE_SNPRINTF\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <dlfcn.h> header file. */", "\n#define HAVE_DLFCN_H\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <execinfo.h> header file. */", "\n/* #undef HAVE_EXECINFO_H */\n\n/* Define if you have the `fcntl' function */\n#define HAVE_FCNTL\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <glob.h> header file. */", "\n#define HAVE_GLOB_H\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <inttypes.h> header file. */", "\n#define HAVE_INTTYPES_H 1\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the `pthread' library (-lpthread). */", "\n#define HAVE_LIBPTHREAD\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <libunwind.h> header file. */", "\n/* #undef HAVE_LIBUNWIND_H */\n\n/* define if you have google gflags library */\n#define HAVE_LIB_GFLAGS\n\n/* define if you have google gmock library */\n/* #undef HAVE_LIB_GMOCK */\n\n/* define if you have google gtest library */\n/* #undef HAVE_LIB_GTEST */\n\n/* define if you have libunwind */\n/* #undef HAVE_LIB_UNWIND */\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <memory.h> header file. */", "\n#define HAVE_MEMORY_H\n\n/* define to disable multithreading support. */", "\n/* #undef NO_THREADS */\n\n/* define if the compiler implements namespaces */\n#define HAVE_NAMESPACES\n\n/* Define if you have the 'pread' function */\n#define HAVE_PREAD\n\n/* Define if you have POSIX threads libraries and header files. */", "\n#define HAVE_PTHREAD\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <pwd.h> header file. */", "\n#define HAVE_PWD_H\n\n/* Define if you have the 'pwrite' function */\n#define HAVE_PWRITE\n\n/* define if the compiler implements pthread_rwlock_* */\n#define HAVE_RWLOCK 1\n\n/* Define if you have the 'sigaction' function */\n#define HAVE_SIGACTION\n\n/* Define if you have the `sigaltstack' function */\n#define HAVE_SIGALTSTACK 1\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdint.h> header file. */", "\n#define HAVE_STDINT_H 1\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdlib.h> header file. */", "\n#define HAVE_STDLIB_H\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <strings.h> header file. */", "\n#define HAVE_STRINGS_H\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <string.h> header file. */", "\n#define HAVE_STRING_H\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <syscall.h> header file. */", "\n/* #undef HAVE_SYSCALL_H */\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <syslog.h> header file. */", "\n#define HAVE_SYSLOG_H\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/stat.h> header file. */", "\n#define HAVE_SYS_STAT_H\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/syscall.h> header file. */", "\n#define HAVE_SYS_SYSCALL_H\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/time.h> header file. */", "\n#define HAVE_SYS_TIME_H\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/types.h> header file. */", "\n#define HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H 1\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/ucontext.h> header file. */", "\n#define HAVE_SYS_UCONTEXT_H\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/utsname.h> header file. */", "\n#define HAVE_SYS_UTSNAME_H\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <ucontext.h> header file. */", "\n#define HAVE_UCONTEXT_H\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <unistd.h> header file. */", "\n#define HAVE_UNISTD_H 1\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <unwind.h> header file. */", "\n#define HAVE_UNWIND_H 1\n\n/* define if the compiler supports using expression for operator */\n#define HAVE_USING_OPERATOR\n\n/* define if your compiler has __attribute__ */\n#define HAVE___ATTRIBUTE__\n\n/* define if your compiler has __builtin_expect */\n#define HAVE___BUILTIN_EXPECT 1\n\n/* define if your compiler has __sync_val_compare_and_swap */\n#define HAVE___SYNC_VAL_COMPARE_AND_SWAP\n\n/* Define to the sub-directory in which libtool stores uninstalled libraries.", "\n */\n/* #undef LT_OBJDIR */\n\n/* Name of package */\n/* #undef PACKAGE */\n\n/* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */", "\n/* #undef PACKAGE_BUGREPORT */\n\n/* Define to the full name of this package. */", "\n/* #undef PACKAGE_NAME */\n\n/* Define to the full name and version of this package. */", "\n/* #undef PACKAGE_STRING */\n\n/* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */", "\n/* #undef PACKAGE_TARNAME */\n\n/* Define to the home page for this package. */", "\n/* #undef PACKAGE_URL */\n\n/* Define to the version of this package. */", "\n/* #undef PACKAGE_VERSION */\n\n/* How to access the PC from a struct ucontext */\n/* #undef PC_FROM_UCONTEXT */\n\n/* Define to necessary symbol if this constant uses a non-standard name on\n your system. */", "\n/* #undef PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE */\n\n/* The size of `void *', as computed by sizeof. */", "\n#define SIZEOF_VOID_P 8\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the ANSI C header files. */", "\n#define STDC_HEADERS 1\n\n/* the namespace where STL code like vector<> is defined */\n#define STL_NAMESPACE std\n\n/* location of source code */\n#define TEST_SRC_DIR \".\"", "\n\n/* Version number of package */\n/* #undef VERSION */\n\n/* Stops putting the code inside the Google namespace */\n#define _END_GOOGLE_NAMESPACE_ }\n\n/* Puts following code inside the Google namespace */\n#define _START_GOOGLE_NAMESPACE_ namespace google {\n\n#define GOOGLE_GLOG_DLL_DECL\n\n/* isn't getting defined by configure script when clang compilers are used\n and cuases compilation errors in stactrace/unwind modules */\n#ifdef __clang__\n# define NO_FRAME_POINTER\n#endif\n" ]
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[ "Decreasing prevalence of Trichuris trichiura (whipworm) in the Northern Territory from 2002 to 2012.", "\nTo observe the prevalence, disease associations, and temporal trends in Trichuris trichiura (whipworm) infection in the Northern Territory between 2002 and 2012. ", "Retrospective observational analysis of consecutive microbiologically confirmed cases of T. trichiura infection among members of the NT population from whom a faecal sample was obtained for testing by NT Government health care facilities between 1 January 2002 and 31 December 2012. ", "Annual prevalence of T. trichiura infection; age, sex, Indigenous status and place of residence of infected patients; percentage of infected patients with anaemia (haemoglobin level, ≤ 110 g/L) and eosinophilia (eosinophil count, ≥ 0.5 × 10(9)/L). ", "417 episodes of T. trichiura infection were identified over the 11 years from 63 668 faecal samples. ", "The median age of patients was 8 years (interquartile range [IQR], 3-36 years). ", "Patients were predominantly Indigenous (95.3%; P = 0.001) and from three main geographical areas (Victoria Daly, East Arnhem Land and West Arnhem Land). ", "Infections were associated with anaemia (40.2%) and eosinophilia (51.6%). ", "There was a downward trend in the prevalence of T. trichiura infection diagnosed at NT Government health care facilities, from 123.1 cases (95% CI, 94.8-151.3 cases) per 100,000 Indigenous population in 2002 to 35.8 cases (95% CI, 21.8-49.9 cases) per 100,000 Indigenous population in 2011. ", "T. trichiura is the most frequently identified soil-transmitted helminth infecting patients in NT Government health care facilities. ", "Cases are identified predominantly in Indigenous patients in remote communities. ", "We have observed a declining prevalence of whipworm infection in the NT." ]
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[ "Allen West has intrigued me for some time so when I saw that he had published a book I was interested in reading it. ", "As a black conservative (some people would say that is an oxymoron), his perspective on politics is considered somewhat out of the mainstream. ", "In his book Guardian of the Republic, Lt. ", "Colonel West has a chance to explain how his political and personal ideals came to be and to explain them in detail.", "\n\nKnowing nothing about the Samurai, his subtitle of “An American Ronin’s Journey to Faith, Family and Freedom” puzzled me. ", "I have to confess that, even after he explained it, I didn’t find it moving. ", "The book waxes and wanes in pace so I found it a bit challenging to stay with, and readers who are expecting a biography may find it difficult to stay with as he discusses political philosophy. ", "The philosophical ideas are critical to explaining West’s ideals and stance on various issues, and anyone eho wants to be an informed voter needs to have a basic understanding of the original intent of the Founding Fathers. ", "This book gives the conservative position a historical context.", "\n\nI am grateful for a chance to hear Allen West articulate his views and the reasons behind his principles. ", "No matter what you think of his politics, this book is a great look into the reasons behind them. ", "I gave the book three stars because I found the writing choppy, but Lt. ", "Colonel West has my admiration for his principles and values.", "\n\n***I received a complementary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nAdding Custom Font in CSS/HTML?", "\n\ntrying to add a custom font into my wordpress website but it's just not working. ", "I tried using one of the plugins but I only see the change in font in 'edit mode' but when i actually go on the public webaddress the font does not load.", "\nI've converted futura condensed light into the various types and added this in my style.css on the theme I'm using\n@font-face {\n font-family: 'Conv_futura-condensedlight-normal';\n src: url('fonts/futura-condensedlight-normal.eot');\n src: url('fonts/futura-condensedlight-normal.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),\n url('fonts/futura-condensedlight-normal.woff') format('woff'),\n url('fonts/futura-condensedlight-normal.ttf') format('truetype'),\n url('fonts/futura-condensedlight.svg#Conv_futura-condensedlight-normal') format('svg');\n font-weight: normal;\n font-style: normal;\n}\n\nand also added this\nh7{font-family: 'Conv_futura-condensedlight-normal';}\n\nOn the page where I want the text to change I have:\n<h7>LOGIN</h7>\n\nbut the text does not change..\nI've also uploaded the files into the fonts folder in the theme directory (where other fonts are)\nCan't seem to find the bug. ", "Help would be appreciated!", "\n\nA:\n\nTry @font-face for custom fonts. ", "Use below code.", "\n@font-face {\nfont-family: 'MyWebFont';\nsrc: url('webfont.eot'); /* IE9 Compat Modes */\nsrc: url('webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), /* IE6-IE8 */\n url('webfont.woff2') format('woff2'), /* Super Modern Browsers */\n url('webfont.woff') format('woff'), /* Pretty Modern Browsers */\n url('webfont.ttf') format('truetype'), /* Safari, Android, iOS */\n url('webfont.svg#svgFontName') format('svg'); /* Legacy iOS */\n}\n\nand specify it as below :\nfont-family: 'MyWebFont', Fallback, sans-serif;\n\nRefer : https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/using-font-face/\n\n" ]
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[ "The company updated Messenger on Wednesday with more than 100 new emoji characters \"to better reflect gender and skin tones.\" ", "Facebook also updated its existing set so that all its emoji will appear exactly the same across Messenger, regardless of device or platform." ]
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[ "Which is the nearest to 1? ", " (a) t (b) 5 (c) 3 (d) 0\nd\nLet g = -5.3 + 5.2. ", "Let o = 60 - 56. ", "Which is the nearest to g? ", " (a) 5 (b) 0.16 (c) o\nb\nLet m(h) = -h**3 - 36*h**2 + 118*h + 37. ", "Let d be m(-39). ", "Let l = 0.183 - 6.203. ", "Let i = -0.02 - l. Which is the closest to d? ", " (a) 0.2 (b) i (c) 2/5\na\nLet n = -0.135 + 79.135. ", "Let u = n + -78.9. ", "What is the nearest to u in 1/4, -5, 0?", "\n0\nLet c = -72.1 - 772.9. ", "Let h = 841 + c. What is the closest to -0.1 in -2/33, h, 5, 1?", "\n-2/33\nLet h(f) = -f**3 - 6*f**2 - 2*f + 5. ", "Let q be h(-5). ", "Let k be (-16)/(-30) - (-2)/q. ", "Suppose 0 = -16*g - 7708 + 7596. ", "What is the nearest to k in 2/13, 1/4, g?", "\n1/4\nLet p = 1.1 - -8.9. ", "Let j = 10.4 - p. Let f be 18/(-30) - (7/(-9) + 10/(-45)). ", "Which is the closest to f? ", " (a) 1/5 (b) -4 (c) j\nc\nLet z = 574.9 + -4. ", "Let g = -571 + z. Let x be 4/6 + 4/(-9). ", "What is the nearest to g in x, 0.5, 8?", "\nx\nLet h = -18.1 - -17.1. ", "Let y = 0.153 + -0.353. ", "What is the closest to h in y, -63, -2/9?", "\n-2/9\nSuppose 0 = -z - 2*z. ", "Let n be 6/(-64)*6*3948/5922. ", "What is the nearest to 0.1 in -1/6, z, n, 0.12?", "\n0.12\nLet i = 1591 + -1583. ", "What is the nearest to i in 0, -8, 1, 0.4?", "\n1\nLet g(z) = 2*z**3 - 4*z**2 + 2*z - 4. ", "Let h be g(3). ", "Let i be (36/(-15))/((-4)/h). ", "Let l be (-1*4/i)/(6/(-9)). ", "What is the closest to 2/3 in l, 11, 5/3?", "\nl\nLet h(w) = -4*w + 95. ", "Let l be h(24). ", "Let p = 672 + -672. ", "Which is the nearest to l? ", " (a) 19 (b) p (c) 2\nb\nLet f = 6683/60 - 445/4. ", "Let w = 0.07 + -5.07. ", "Which is the closest to -4? ", " (a) 6 (b) f (c) w\nc\nLet a = -17 - 49. ", "Let s = -92 + 154. ", "Let n = a + s. What is the nearest to -2/35 in -5, -1, n?", "\n-1\nLet h = 634.9 + -691. ", "Let c = h - -55.9. ", "What is the nearest to c in 5, -0.4, 1, -1/5?", "\n-1/5\nLet o = -122677/4 + 30669. ", "Which is the nearest to -7/6? ", " (a) o (b) 7 (c) 4\na\nLet h = -2605 - -2617. ", "Which is the closest to -2/3? ", " (a) 34 (b) 0 (c) h (d) -0.5\nd\nLet j = 5.5 - 7. ", "Let n = 3.5 + j. Let m = 23/63 - 2/63. ", "Which is the nearest to m? ", " (a) 0.3 (b) n (c) -1/2\na\nLet b be -2 + (-10)/(1 - 3). ", "Suppose 2*t + b*m = 5*m - 20, t - 5*m + 30 = 0. ", "Let p = -3/5 - -1/10. ", "What is the closest to -0.3 in 6, t, p?", "\np\nLet y = -209 - -414. ", "Let s = y - 205.4. ", "What is the closest to s in 5/4, -4, -3?", "\n5/4\nLet l = -2.1698 + 2.2698. ", "Which is the closest to l? ", " (a) -4 (b) 2 (c) -0.6\nc\nLet i(t) = 3*t + 41. ", "Let w be i(-11). ", "Which is the nearest to w? ", " (a) 0.2 (b) -0.5 (c) 7\nc\nLet i = 11411/34 + -671/2. ", "What is the closest to i in 30, -1/2, -2?", "\n-1/2\nLet y be (-2 + 1 + -1)/7. ", "Let w = -233969/408 + -11624/51. ", "Let a = 801 + w. What is the nearest to a in y, -1/2, -0.2?", "\ny\nLet u = -10530 - -21063/2. ", "Let n be 3/(-6) - 25/10. ", "Which is the nearest to 0? ", " (a) u (b) n (c) 1/6\nc\nLet a = -559 + -45. ", "Let z = -604 - a. What is the nearest to 23 in -3, z, -1/7?", "\nz\nLet m = 137 + -141. ", "Let g be (-3 + (0 - 2))*4/(-170). ", "Which is the closest to 0.1? ", " (a) 0.09 (b) m (c) g\na\nLet k = 2845 - 2959.9. ", "Let n = 95 - -20. ", "Let p = n + k. What is the closest to 0 in -3, -1, p?", "\np\nLet z(x) = 25*x - 53. ", "Let q be z(2). ", "Let t be ((-4)/13)/(q - -1). ", "Let g = 0.9 - 1.3. ", "Which is the nearest to 2? ", " (a) t (b) 3/4 (c) g\nb\nLet z = -2429/4846 - -3/2423. ", "What is the nearest to z in -0.3, 0.4, 2, -87?", "\n-0.3\nLet o be ((-2)/18)/(40/120). ", "Which is the closest to 2/5? ", " (a) o (b) -10 (c) -3 (d) -0.054\nd\nLet j(o) = 8*o + 33. ", "Let p be j(-4). ", "What is the nearest to 11 in -2, 2/19, 4, p?", "\n4\nLet f = 0.2 + -0.1. ", "Let y = -0.3 - 2.7. ", "Let k = 13013 + -13009. ", "Which is the nearest to f? ", " (a) -0.02 (b) y (c) k\na\nLet v be ((-6852)/1710 - -5) + -1. ", "Let z = 289/570 + v. What is the closest to -0.2 in -0.68, z, -1/5?", "\n-1/5\nLet g be 8 + (-238 + 10)/19. ", "Which is the nearest to -1? ", " (a) 29 (b) -1/2 (c) g\nb\nLet h = -1746.6 - -1307. ", "Let m = 440 + h. Let r = 2 + -1. ", "Which is the closest to r? ", " (a) m (b) 0.2 (c) -0.1\na\nLet k = 776 - 779. ", "Which is the nearest to -1? ", " (a) 0.02 (b) 5 (c) -5 (d) k\na\nLet m = 45.3 + -41. ", "Let x = m + -4.6. ", "Let b be ((-6)/(-8))/(234/(-48)). ", "What is the closest to -1 in 0.5, b, x?", "\nx\nLet i(y) = -5*y**2 - 37*y - 73. ", "Let n be i(-4). ", "What is the nearest to 16 in 2, 0, -0.3, n?", "\n2\nLet m = 3462.09 + -3463. ", "Let r = -3.5 + -1.5. ", "What is the nearest to 1 in m, -4, r?", "\nm\nLet m = 0.1 + 0.1. ", "Let o = -317 + 344.3. ", "Let v = 27.2 - o. What is the nearest to -3/4 in -2/7, v, m?", "\n-2/7\nLet v be (-3)/(-4 - (-15)/3 - -3). ", "Let o be 21/56*10/(-3). ", "What is the nearest to v in o, 2, 0.4?", "\no\nLet w = -4502.4 - -4494.4. ", "What is the closest to 8 in 1/5, -2, w, 2/3?", "\n2/3\nLet y = -23.57 - -23.61. ", "Which is the closest to y? ", " (a) 6 (b) 0.02 (c) 5/4\nb\nLet q = 18.6 - 18. ", "Let k = q + -0.9. ", "Let i = -4.92 + 8.92. ", "Which is the closest to k? ", " (a) -3 (b) i (c) -4\na\nLet h be ((-8)/(-80))/((-1)/(-4)). ", "Let u = -0.3 - 0.7. ", "Suppose 30*o - 13*o - 11*o + 24 = 0. ", "What is the closest to u in h, o, 5/11?", "\nh\nLet v = -0.168 - 0.032. ", "Let d = -47 - -48. ", "Which is the nearest to d? ", " (a) v (b) -6/11 (c) -2/5\na\nLet p = 1499 + -5999/4. ", "Let l = 3 - 2.7. ", "What is the closest to 1/4 in p, -1/7, l?", "\nl\nLet k = -2172 + 2172. ", "Let n = 124 - 501/4. ", "What is the nearest to 5 in n, k, -9/7?", "\nk\nLet b = -0.8 + -0.2. ", "Let k = -65760.1 + 65760. ", "Let p be -1 + (-1)/(-4)*2. ", "What is the nearest to k in b, 2, p?", "\np\nLet i = -380/1629 + 2/181. ", "Which is the closest to -1.05? ", " (a) i (b) 0 (c) -0.04\na\nLet q be ((-3)/18)/1 + 544/960. ", "Let p = -0.022 - -4.022. ", "What is the nearest to -1 in 0, p, q?", "\n0\nLet v = -34197 - -68393/2. ", "Which is the nearest to -0.1? ", " (a) v (b) 4/9 (c) -2/7 (d) -171.8\nc\nLet n be 6/4 + ((-145)/(-90) - 2). ", "Which is the nearest to n? ", " (a) 1/4 (b) -0.23 (c) -0.4\na\nLet d = 20610.4 - 20610.6. ", "Let m = 6 - 6.4. ", "What is the closest to m in d, 3, -1/4?", "\n-1/4\nLet t(z) = -z**3 - 11*z**2 - 14*z + 24. ", "Let s be t(-9). ", "Let y = -10 - s. Let o = -0.1 - -0.2. ", "Which is the nearest to y? ", " (a) -1/5 (b) 1 (c) o\nb\nSuppose -47*z + 5*q = -45*z + 10, 3*q - 6 = 2*z. ", "Which is the closest to 0? ", " (a) 3 (b) 0.4 (c) z (d) 0.5\nc\nLet f = -3.26 - -1.26. ", "Suppose -2*u - u + 9 = 2*j, -2*u - 5*j + 17 = 0. ", "Which is the closest to u? ", " (a) 0 (b) f (c) -1/5\na\nLet v be (-16)/40*170/(-4). ", "Let r(u) be the first derivative of u**2 - 34*u - 1. ", "Let i be r(v). ", "Which is the closest to 0? ", " (a) i (b) -0.3 (c) -3\na\nLet r = -38.544 + 39.544. ", "Let v = 9 + -5. ", "What is the nearest to r in -0.1, v, -3/2?", "\n-0.1\nLet f(c) = -18*c**2 - 130*c - 46. ", "Let u be f(-7). ", "What is the closest to 6 in u, -2, -4, 0?", "\n0\nLet g = 262.001 + -262. ", "Let x = -0.399 - g. Let t = -0.1 + 0.4. ", "What is the closest to 2 in x, t, 3?", "\n3\nLet z = 7117/4 + -1780. ", "Which is the nearest to 0? ", " (a) z (b) -2/21 (c) -0.5 (d) 6/13\nb\nLet q = -51 + 32. ", "Let w = q - -18.51. ", "Let p = w + 0.89. ", "Which is the nearest to 0? ", " (a) p (b) 0.3 (c) -4\nb\nLet r be 3/(-10)*(1100/40)/(-11). ", "Which is the closest to 1? ", " (a) -0.2 (b) 9 (c) r (d) -9\nc\nLet m = 1.45 - 30.65. ", "Let x = m + 28.9. ", "Suppose -5*p = -4*k - 18, -2*k = 3*p - 3*k - 8. ", "What is the nearest to p in x, -8, -5?", "\nx\nSuppose -19*o + 519 - 13 = 27*o. ", "Which is the nearest to 0? ", " (a) o (b) 0.03 (c) 0.4\nb\nLet o = -339 - -338.968. ", "Let k = -0.012 - o. What is the nearest to 2/5 in k, 2/13, -3?", "\n2/13\nLet c = -255/262 + 62/131. ", "What is the nearest to 0.2 in -2, -1/4, c, 12?", "\n-1/4\nLet t = 1.9 + -19.1. ", "Let v = t + 17. ", "Let w = -199 - -196. ", "Which is the nearest to -0.2? ", " (a) v (b) -0.06 (c) w\na\nLet n = -2731 + 2732. ", "Which is the closest to 0.49? ", " (a) -3 (b) -5 (c) n (d) -1\nc\nLet h = 0.078 - 0.04. ", "Let s = h + 0.462. ", "Let v = -22 + 22.4. ", "Which is the nearest to 3? ", " (a) 2/9 (b) s (c) v\nb\nLet k = 1 - 14. ", "Let u = k + 62. ", "Let r = -45 + u. Which is the nearest to 0? ", " (a) r (b) -5 (c) -3/5\nc\nLet i be (-30)/28 + 3/2. ", "Let u = -248.7 + 248.6. ", "Suppose 6*p + 176 = -5*p. ", "What is the closest to u in p, i, 3?", "\ni\nLet l be (-180)/144*(-4)/(-1 - -21). ", "What is the closest to l in 4, -2786, -0.4?", "\n-0.4\nLet r be (0 - 41)/((-1)/(-5)). ", "Let u be -3*(r/(-40) - 5). ", "Let z = -1/13 + -37/26. ", "Which is the nearest to -0.3? ", " (a) z (b) u (c) 2/7\nb\nLet h = -17177.8 - -17172.8. ", "Let y be 18/112 + 8/(-28). ", "What is the closest to -0.5 in h, y, -2/3, 1?", "\n-2/3\nLet x = -19.1 - -19. ", "What is the nearest to 384/5 in -3/4, 0.4, x, 4?", "\n4\nSuppose 19685 = -207*t - 159370. ", "Which is the closest to 0.2? ", " (a) t (b) 3 (c) 0.5\nc\nLet n(d) = 207*d - 10975. ", "Let z be n(53). ", "What is the closest t" ]
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[ "\n\n\n\nProduced by Annie R. McGuire\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n[Illustration: Book Cover]\n\n\n\n\n[Illustration]\n\n\n\n\nTHE BOY TRAVELLERS IN THE FAR EAST\n_PART FOURTH_\n\n * * * * *\n\nADVENTURES OF TWO YOUTHS IN A JOURNEY\nTO\nEGYPT AND THE HOLY LAND\n\nBY\nTHOMAS W. KNOX\n\nAUTHOR OF\n\"THE YOUNG NIMRODS\" \"CAMP-FIRE AND COTTON-FIELD\" \"OVERLAND THROUGH ASIA\"\n\"UNDERGROUND\" \"JOHN\" \"HOW TO TRAVEL\" ETC.", "\n\nIllustrated\n\nNEW YORK\nHARPER & BROTHERS, FRANKLIN SQUARE\n1883\n\n\n\n\nEntered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1882, by\nHARPER & BROTHERS,\nIn the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.", "\n\n * * * * *\n\n_All rights reserved._", "\n\n\n\n\nPREFACE.", "\n\n\nThe favorable reception, by press and public, accorded to \"The Boy\nTravellers in the Far East\" is the author's excuse for venturing to\nprepare a volume upon Egypt and the Holy Land. ", "He is well aware that\nthose countries have been the favorite theme of authors since the days\nof Herodotus and Strabo, and many books have been written concerning\nthem. ", "While he could not expect to say much that is new, he hopes the\nform in which his work is presented will not be found altogether\nancient.", "\n\nThe author has twice visited Egypt, and has made the tour of Palestine\nand Syria. ", "The experiences of Frank and Fred in their journeyings were\nmainly those of the writer of this book in the winter of 1873-'74, and\nin the spring of 1878. ", "He has endeavored to give a faithful description\nof Egypt and the Holy Land as they appear to-day, and during the\npreparation of this volume he has sent to those countries to obtain the\nlatest information concerning the roads, modes of travel, and other\nthings that may have undergone changes since his last journey in the\nLevant.", "\n\nIn addition to using his own notes and observations, made on the spot,\nhe has consulted many previous and some subsequent travellers, and has\nexamined numerous books relating to the subjects on which he has\nwritten. ", "It has been his effort to embody a description of the Egypt of\nold with that of the present, and to picture the lands of the Bible as\nthey have appeared through many centuries down to our own time. ", "If it\nshall be found that he has made a book which combines amusement and\ninstruction for the youth of our land, he will feel that his labor has\nnot been in vain.", "\n\nMany of the works consulted in the preparation of this book are\nmentioned in its pages. ", "To some authors he is indebted for illustrations\nas well as for descriptive or historical matter, the publishers having\nkindly allowed the use of engravings from their previous publications.", "\nAmong the works which deserve acknowledgment are \"The Ancient\nEgyptians,\" by Sir Gardner Wilkinson; \"The Modern Egyptians,\" by Edward\nWilliam Lane; the translation of \"The Arabian Nights' Entertainments,\"\nby the same author; \"From Egypt to Palestine,\" by Dr. S. C. Bartlett;\n\"The Land and the Book,\" by Dr. W. M. Thomson; \"Boat Life in Egypt,\" and\n\"Tent Life in Syria,\" by William C. Prime, LL.D.; \"The Khedive's Egypt,\"\nby Edwin De Leon; \"The Desert of the Exodus,\" by Professor E. H. Palmer;\n\"Dr. Olin's Travels in the East;\" \"Our Inheritance in the Great\nPyramid,\" by Piazzi Smith; and \"The Land of Moab,\" by Dr. H. B.\nTristram. ", "The author is indebted to Lieutenant-commander Gorringe for\ninformation concerning Egyptian obelisks, and regrets that want of space\nprevented the use of the full account of the removal of \"Cleopatra's\nNeedle\" from Alexandria to New York.", "\n\nWith this explanation of his reasons for writing \"The Boy Travellers in\nEgypt and the Holy Land,\" the author submits the result of his labors to\nthose who have already accompanied Frank and Fred in their wanderings in\nAsia, and to such new readers as may desire to peruse it. ", "He trusts the\nformer will continue, and the latter make, an acquaintance that will\nprove neither unpleasant nor without instruction.", "\n\n * * * * *\n\nP.S.--This volume was written and in type previous to July, 1882.", "\nConsequently the revolt of Arabi Pasha and the important events that\nfollowed could not be included in the narrative of the \"Boy Travellers.\"", "\n\n T. W. K.\n\n\n\n\nCONTENTS.", "\n\n\n CHAPTER I.\n\n FROM BOMBAY TO SUEZ.--THE RED SEA, MECCA, AND MOUNT SINAI. ", " 13\n\n CHAPTER II.", "\n\n SUEZ.--WHERE THE ISRAELITES CROSSED THE RED SEA.--THE SUEZ CANAL. ", " 24\n\n CHAPTER III.", "\n\n FROM SUEZ TO CAIRO.--THROUGH THE LAND OF GOSHEN. ", " 38\n\n CHAPTER IV.", "\n\n STREET SCENES IN CAIRO. ", " 52\n\n CHAPTER V.\n\n A RAMBLE THROUGH THE BAZAARS OF CAIRO. ", " 65\n\n CHAPTER VI.", "\n\n MOSQUES, DERVISHES, AND SCHOOLS.--EDUCATION IN EGYPT. ", " 78\n\n CHAPTER VII.", "\n\n THE CITADEL.--THE TOMBS OF THE CALIPHS.--THE NILOMETER.--THE\n ROSETTA STONE. ", " 90\n\n CHAPTER VIII.", "\n\n WONDERS OF THE EGYPTIAN MUSEUM OF ANTIQUITIES. ", " 104\n\n CHAPTER IX.", "\n\n THE PYRAMIDS OF GIZEH AND SAKKARA.--MEMPHIS AND THE APIS\n MAUSOLEUM. ", " 117\n\n CHAPTER X.\n\n AN ORIENTAL BATH.--EGYPTIAN WEDDINGS AND FUNERALS. ", " 133\n\n CHAPTER XI.", "\n\n ASCENDING THE NILE.--SIGHTS AND SCENES ON THE RIVER. ", " 145\n\n CHAPTER XII.", "\n\n SUGAR PLANTATIONS AND MILLS.--SNAKE-CHARMERS.--SIGHTS AT\n BENI-HASSAN. ", " 155\n\n CHAPTER XIII.", "\n\n SIOOT, THE ANCIENT LYCOPOLIS.--SCENES ON THE RIVER. ", " 167\n\n CHAPTER XIV.", "\n\n GIRGEH AND KENEH.--THE TEMPLES OF ABYDUS AND DENDERAH.--AN\n EGYPTIAN DANCE. ", " 177\n\n CHAPTER XV.", "\n\n ARRIVAL AT LUXOR.--THE GREAT TEMPLE OF KARNAK. ", " 190\n\n CHAPTER XVI.", "\n\n THE RAMESEUM, MEDINET ABOO, AND THE VOCAL MEMNON. ", " 204\n\n CHAPTER XVII.", "\n\n THE TOMBS OF THE KINGS.--RECENT DISCOVERIES OF ROYAL MUMMIES. ", " 214\n\n CHAPTER XVIII.", "\n\n HAREM LIFE IN THE EAST.--FROM LUXOR TO ASSOUAN. ", " 226\n\n CHAPTER XIX.", "\n\n A CAMEL JOURNEY.--THE ISLAND OF PHILÆ, AND THE FIRST CATARACT\n OF THE NILE. ", " 240\n\n CHAPTER XX.", "\n\n FROM ASSOUAN TO ALEXANDRIA.--FAREWELL TO EGYPT. ", " 253\n\n CHAPTER XXI.", "\n\n VOYAGE FROM EGYPT TO PALESTINE.--JOURNEY FROM JAFFA TO RAMLEH. ", " 267\n\n CHAPTER XXII.", "\n\n FROM RAMLEH TO JERUSALEM.--THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE. ", " 280\n\n CHAPTER XXIII.", "\n\n IN AND AROUND JERUSALEM. ", " 295\n\n CHAPTER XXIV.", "\n\n FROM JERUSALEM TO BETHLEHEM.--CHURCH AND GROTTO OF THE NATIVITY. ", " 310\n\n CHAPTER XXV.", "\n\n FROM BETHLEHEM TO MAR SABA AND THE DEAD SEA. ", " 326\n\n CHAPTER XXVI.", "\n\n FROM THE DEAD SEA TO THE JORDAN, JERICHO, AND JERUSALEM.--THE\n VALLEY OF THE JORDAN. ", " 342\n\n CHAPTER XXVII.", "\n\n FROM JERUSALEM TO NABULUS.--HISTORIC PLACES ON THE ROUTE. ", " 355\n\n CHAPTER XXVIII.", "\n\n FROM NABULUS TO NAZARETH, SAMARIA, JENIN, AND THE PLAIN OF\n ESDRAELON. ", " 368\n\n CHAPTER XXIX.", "\n\n ASCENT OF MOUNT TABOR.--AROUND AND ON THE SEA OF GALILEE. ", " 385\n\n CHAPTER XXX.", "\n\n FROM GALILEE TO DAMASCUS.--A RIDE THROUGH DAN AND BANIAS. ", " 399\n\n CHAPTER XXXI.", "\n\n SIGHTS AND SCENES IN DAMASCUS. ", " 411\n\n CHAPTER XXXII.", "\n\n DAMASCUS TO BEYROOT.--THE RUINS OF BAALBEC.--FAREWELL. ", " 425\n\n\n\n\nILLUSTRATIONS.", "\n\n\n A Scene in Egypt. ", " _Frontispiece._", "\n Coast of the Red Sea. ", " 13\n View in Jeddah, on the Red Sea. ", " 17\n Captain Burton in Native Dress. ", " 19\n Encampment of Pilgrims at Mount Arafat, near Mecca. ", " 20\n View of Medina (from a Drawing by a Native Artist). ", " 21\n Scene near Suez. ", " 22\n Travelling in the Sinai Desert. ", " 23\n A Shop in Suez. ", " 25\n The Northern End of the Gulf of Suez. ", " 26\n \"Ayoon Moosa\"--the Wells of Moses. ", " 28\n Preaching in a Mosque. ", " 29\n A Landing-place on the Fresh-water Canal. ", " 31\n Oriental Ships of Ancient Times. ", " 32\n Ferdinand De Lesseps. ", " 34\n Suez Canal and Eastern Egypt. ", " 35\n Night Scene on Lake Menzaleh. ", " 37\n Camel and Young. ", " 38\n Desert Scene in Eastern Egypt. ", " 40\n The Modern Shadoof. ", " 41\n An Ancient Shadoof. ", " 42\n A Sakkieh, or Water-wheel. ", " 42\n A Ploughman at Work. ", " 43\n An Ancient Plough. ", " 44\n An Egyptian Thrashing-machine. ", " 45\n Ancient Process of Treading out the Corn. ", " 45\n Egyptian Lentils. ", " 46\n The Pyramids. ", " 47\n A Question of Backsheesh. ", " 48\n A Street in Cairo. ", " 50\n A Projecting Window. ", " 51\n A Caliph of Egypt on his Throne. ", " 53\n Part of Old Cairo. ", " 54\n A Peddler of Jewellery. ", " 56\n A Lady in Street Dress. ", " 57\n A Woman Carrying Water. ", " 57\n The Fountain of a Mosque. ", " 58\n A Beggar at the Way-side. ", " 59\n A Man Carrying his Keys. ", " 60\n An Oriental Band of Music. ", " 61\n The Nay (Flute) and Case. ", " 62\n Ancient Egyptian Playing the Nay. ", " 62\n The Tamboora. ", " 63\n A Darabookah. ", " 63\n Coffee-pot and Cups. ", " 64\n Oriental Shopkeeper Examining his Books. ", " 65\n Interior of a Caravansary. ", " 66\n Gate-way of a Caravansary. ", " 67\n A Street in a Bazaar at Cairo. ", " 68\n Shopping Scene in the Hamzowee. ", " 70\n Eastern Necklaces. ", " 71\n Weighing Gold in the Jewellers' Bazaar. ", " 71\n Kitchen Utensils. ", " 73\n Basin and Ewer. ", " 74\n Bottle for Rose-water. ", " 75\n Oriental Guns. ", " 75\n Bab-el-Nasr. ", " 76\n Street Scene near the Bab-el-Nasr. ", " 77\n The Mosque of Tooloon. ", " 78\n Mihrab, Pulpit, and Candlestick in a Mosque. ", " 79\n A Begging Dervish. ", " 81\n A Whirling Dervish. ", " 82\n Performance of the Whirling Dervishes. ", " 83\n A Whirler in full Action. ", " 84\n Arabic Writing, with Impression of a Seal. ", " 85\n Scene in a Primary School. ", " 86\n Instruction at Home. ", " 87\n Entrance to the El-Azhar. ", " 88\n Professors of the El-Azhar. ", " 89\n The Citadel, Cairo, with Mosque of Mohammed Ali. ", " 90\n View from the Citadel, Cairo. ", " 92\n The Tombs of the Caliphs. ", " 94\n The Tomb of Keit Bey. ", " 95\n The Ferry at Old Cairo. ", " 96\n The Dress of an Egyptian King. ", "Form of Crown and Aprons. ", " 98\n Menes. ", " 99\n Rameses II., ", "from an Inscription. ", " 99\n Meneptah, the supposed Pharaoh of the Exodus. ", " 100\n The Name of Egypt in Hieroglyphics. ", " 101\n Ptolemy in Hieroglyphics. ", " 101\n The Rosetta Stone, with Specimen Lines from the Inscription. ", " 102\n Specimens of the Three Forms of Writing Used by the Egyptians. ", " 102\n Dedication of the Pylon of a Temple. ", " 103\n Egyptian Sculptors at Work. ", " 104\n Wooden Statue Found at Sakkara. ", " 105\n Wooden Dolls. ", " 106\n Children's Toys. ", " 107\n Positions in Playing Ball. ", " 107\n Balls of Leather and Porcelain. ", " 108\n Playing Ball Mounted. ", " 108\n Playing Checkers. ", " 109\n Sand-bag Exercise. ", " 109\n A Bull-fight. ", " 110\n Goddesses of Truth and Justice. ", " 110\n The Name of Apis, an Egyptian God, in Hieroglyphics. ", " 111\n King and Queen Offering to the Gods. ", " 111\n Different Forms of Mummy Cases. ", " 112\n Transporting a Mummy on a Sledge. ", " 112\n Goddess of Truth, with her Eyes Closed. ", " 113\n Lady's Head-dress on a Mummy Case. ", " 113\n Rings, Bracelets, and Scarabæi. ", " 114\n Stone Scarabæus with Wings. ", " 114\n Jeweller with Blow-pipe. ", " 115\n Egyptian Goldsmiths (from a Painting at Thebes). ", " 115\n Golden Baskets (from the Tomb of Rameses III.). ", " 116\n Dresses of Women of Ancient Egypt. ", " 116\n Camels and their Burdens. ", " 117\n Old Mode of Transport on the Nile. ", " 118\n Near View of the Pyramids. ", " 119\n The Battle of the Pyramids.--\"Forty centuries look down on you\". ", " 121\n Egyptian Captives Employed at Hard Labor. ", " 122\n Removing Stone from the Quarries. ", " 123\n Cutting and Squaring Blocks of Stone. ", " 124\n Section of the Great Pyramid. ", " 125\n The Sphinx. ", " 126\n The Sphinx by Moonlight. ", " 127\n Egyptian Captives Making Bricks. ", " 128\n Ploughing and Sowing. ", " 129\n Taking it Easy. ", " 129\n A Hunting Scene. ", " 130\n Bronze Figure of Apis. ", " 131\n Huntsman with Dogs and Game. ", " 131\n An Arched Tomb at Sakkara. ", " 132\n Central Room of the Bath. ", " 134\n The Man who didn't Like it. ", " 135\n The Barber. ", " 137\n The Bath among the Ancient Egyptians. ", " 138\n A Khatibeh, or Marriage-broker. ", " 140\n Preparing for the Wedding. ", " 141\n A Marriage Procession at Night. ", " 142\n Unveiling the Bride. ", " 143\n Blind Musicians among the Ancient Egyptians. ", " 144\n View on the Nile near Cairo. ", " 145\n Ancient Boat on the Nile. ", " 146\n A Village on the Bank of the River. ", " 148\n General View of an Eastern City. ", " 149\n A Plague of Flies. ", " 151\n A Kangia. ", " 151\n The Captain. ", " 152\n A Gourd Raft. ", " 154\n The Raft seen from Below. ", " 154\n View on a Sugar Plantation. ", " 156\n Interior of a Sugar-mill. ", " 158\n A Secure Point of View. ", " 159\n Interior of a Tomb at Beni-Hassan. ", " 161\n Section of a Tomb. ", " 162\n Spinning and Weaving. ", " 163\n Artists at Work. ", " 164\n Fishing Scene at Beni-Hassan. ", " 164\n An Ancient Donkey. ", " 165\n A Respectable Citizen. ", " 165\n An Old Inhabitant. ", " 166\n A Scene near Sioot. ", " 167\n A Scene in the Bazaars. ", " 168\n Room in an Oriental House. ", " 170\n An Oriental Gentleman. ", " 170\n An Egyptian Lamp. ", " 171\n Pigeon-houses. ", " 173\n The Oriental Pigeon. ", " 173\n A Watchman's Booth. ", " 174\n Inflated Skin Raft (from Assyrian Sculpture). ", " 174\n An Ancient Life-preserver. ", " 175\n Modern \"Keleks,\" or Skin Rafts. ", " 176\n Girgeh. ", " 177\n Scene during the Inundation. ", " 178\n A Camel on his way to Pasture. ", " 179\n Heads of Captives of Rameses II. ", " 180\n A Lunch-party of Other Days. ", " 181\n Ancient Potters at Work. ", " 183\n Ancient Vases, Cups, and Water-jars. ", " 184\n Date-palms, near Keneh. ", " 185\n Ancient Dancers and Musicians. ", " 186\n A Modern Musician. ", " 186\n An Egyptian King on his Throne. ", " 187\n Front of the Temple at Denderah. ", " 188\n Egyptian Prince Carried in a Palanquin. ", " 189\n A Complete Egyptian Temple. ", " 191\n A \"Baris,\" or Funeral-boat. ", " 192\n An Egyptian War-chariot of Ancient Times. ", " 194\n Luxor from the Water. ", " 195\n Entrance to the Temple of Luxor. ", " 197\n Approach to Karnak from Luxor. ", " 198\n The Great Hall of Karnak. ", " 199\n Grand Court-yard of the Temple. ", " 200\n A Body of Archers. ", " 201\n Making a List of Captives. ", " 201\n Obelisk and part of Grand Hall at Karnak. ", " 202\n Egyptian Soldiers. ", " 203\n Dry Footing. ", " 204\n Ruins in Old Thebes. ", " 205\n Grand Hall of the Memnonium. ", " 206\n View in the Memnonium, with Ruined Statue of Rameses the Great. ", " 207\n The Phalanx of the Sheta. ", " 208\n Medinet Aboo. ", " 209\n An Egyptian War-boat. ", " 210\n The Colossi during an Inundation. ", " 211\n Egyptian Priests clad in Leopard-skins. ", " 212\n Rear View of the Colossi, with Luxor in the Distance. ", " 213\n Sacred Musicians, and a Priest Offering Incense. ", " 214\n Valley of the Tombs of the Kings. ", " 215\n View in Belzoni's Tomb. ", " 216\n An Egyptian Harper. ", " 219\n A Chair from Bruce's Tomb. ", " 220\n Section of Papyrus. ", " 222\n Coffin and Mummy of a Royal Princess. ", " 223\n Coffin of Queen Nofretari. ", " 224\n Coffin of Rameses II. ", " 225\n An Oriental Lady at Home. ", " 226\n Eastern Ladies Listening to Music. ", " 228\n An Oriental Dancing Girl. ", " 230\n An Eastern Story-teller. ", " 231\n A Reception in a Harem. ", " 233\n Sculptures Mutilated by the Persians. ", " 234\n A Thing of Beauty. ", " 235\n View in the Temple of Edfoo. ", " 236\n Hagar Silsilis. ", " 237\n The Foot of the First Cataract. ", " 238\n The Ship of the Desert. ", " 241\n Bedouin Arabs with their Camel Herds. ", " 242\n Camels (from an Assyrian Sculpture). ", " 243\n A Bactrian Camel in Good Condition. ", " 243\n Foot and Stomach of the Camel. ", " 244\n Head of a Camel. ", " 244\n The Dromedary Regiment of Napoleon I. 245\n View of Philæ from the Head of the Cataract. ", " 247\n The Bank of the River below Philæ. ", " 248\n Pharaoh's Bed and the Ruins of the Temple. ", " 249\n View from Philæ, looking Up the River. ", " 250\n The Papyrus Jungles of the Nile. ", " 251\n An Ancient Poultry-shop. ", " 253\n An Arab and his Camel. ", " 255\n Colossal Heads in Front of the Temple of Abou Simbel. ", " 256\n Public Square at Khartoom. ", " 258\n Egyptian Soldiers on Camels. ", " 259\n The Barrage of the Nile. ", " 262\n General View of Alexandria. ", " 262\n Cleopatra's Needle at Alexandria. ", " 264\n Pompey's Pillar. ", " 265\n View of Alexandria from the Sea. ", " 266\n Front of an Eastern Summer-house. ", " 268\n One of the Dragomen. ", " 269\n Joppa. ", " 271\n A Second-class Horse. ", " 272\n The City Gate of Jaffa. ", " 273\n Women at a Well. ", " 275\n Public Fountain at Jerusalem. ", " 276\n One of the Wells of Beersheba, with its Watering-troughs. ", " 277\n Interior of a Cistern. ", " 278\n Cistern Under the Temple of Jerusalem. ", " 278\n A Syrian Horseman. ", " 280\n The Tower of Ramleh (from Thomson's \"The Land and the Book\"). ", " 282\n Road in the Foot-hills. ", " 284\n View of Jerusalem from the East. ", " 285\n Plan of Jerusalem. ", " 287\n The Church of the Holy Sepulchre. ", " 290\n Ground-plan of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. ", " 291\n The Holy Sepulchre. ", " 292\n Ancient Arch in Jerusalem. ", " 295\n Arms of Jerusalem. ", " 297\n Knights of St Catherine. ", " 297\n The Via Dolorosa. ", " 298\n The Damascus Gate. ", " 299\n View of the Mosque of Omar and the Mount of Olives. ", " 301\n Wall at South-east Corner of the Temple Area. ", " 303\n Wailing-place of the Jews. ", " 304\n The Pool of Bethesda. ", " 306\n The Pool of Siloam. ", " 307\n Quarries Under Jerusalem. ", " 308\n View on the Mount of Olives. ", " 311\n Gethsemane. ", " 312\n A Sycamore-tree. ", " 313\n The Road from Jerusalem to Bethlehem. ", " 315\n The Tomb of Rachel. ", " 316\n Entrance to Bethlehem. ", " 317\n View in Bethlehem. ", " 319\n Interior of the Church of the Nativity. ", " 321\n The Place of the Nativity. ", " 322\n The Manger. ", " 323\n Adoration of the Wise Men. ", " 323\n The Flight into Egypt. ", " 324\n An Arab Encampment. ", " 327\n A Bedouin Sheik. ", " 328\n Modern Bedouins of Mount Sinai. ", " 329\n Scene in the Wilderness. ", " 330\n An Arab Guard in Palestine. ", " 331\n Mar Saba (from Thomson's \"The Land and the Book\"). ", " 332\n Russian Pilgrims in the Holy Land. ", " 334\n Road to the Dead Sea. ", " 334\n The Dead Sea from the North. ", " 335\n Map of the Dead Sea. ", " 337\n Lynch's Expedition to the Dead Sea. ", " 338\n Lynch's Levelling Party. ", " 339\n The Cavern of Usdum. ", " 340\n Reeds and Rushes on the Jordan. ", " 342\n An Arab Skirmish in the Land of Moab. ", " 343\n Bathing-place of the Pilgrims (from Thomson's \"The Land and\n the Book\"). ", " 345\n Source of the Jordan. ", " 347\n Passage of the Israelites. ", " 347\n Map of the Jordan. ", " 348\n Recent Aspect of the Plain of Jericho. ", " 350\n Ain-es-Sultan, or Fountain of Elisha (from Thomson's \"The Land\n and the Book\"). ", " 351\n The Village of Bethany. ", " 353\n The Hotel-keeper. ", " 355\n Scene on the Overland Route from Jerusalem. ", " 357\n By Babel's Stream. ", " 358\n The Grapes of Eshcol. ", " 359\n Hebron. ", " 360\n Street Scene in Bireh. ", " 362\n A Native Group at a Fountain. ", " 363\n Beasts of Burden. ", " 365\n Roof of a House in Nabulus. ", " 366\n The Woman of Samaria. ", " 367\n View of Nabulus. ", " 369\n An Ancient Olive-press. ", " 370\n Women Working an Olive-press. ", " 370\n Ancient Lamps (Matt. ", "xxv. ", "1). ", " 371\n Modern Lamps. ", " 371\n Samaritans Bearing Tribute--an Assyrian Sculpture (2 Kings\n xvii. ", "3). ", " 372\n Sebustieh, the Ancient Samaria. ", " 374\n View of Jenin, the Ancient Engannim. ", " 376\n Map of the Valley of Esdraelon. ", " 377\n The Plan of Nazareth. ", " 378\n View of Nazareth. ", " 380\n The Annunciation. ", " 382\n The Country near Nazareth, with the Town in the Distance. ", " 383\n Home of a Cave-hermit in Palestine. ", " 386\n Mount Tabor. ", " 387\n Distant View of Kefr Kenna. ", " 388\n The City and Lake of Tiberias. ", " 390\n Map of the Sea of Galilee. ", " 392\n Magdala and Plain of Gennesaret. ", " 393\n Herod's Plan of Attack. ", " 394\n Battle with the Robbers. ", " 395\n A Galilee Fishing-boat. ", " 396\n Ruins at Tell Hum. ", " 397\n View of the Lake from the Western Shore. ", " 398\n The Rock Partridge. ", " 399\n The Plain of Huleh. ", " 400\n Huts near Lake Huleh. ", " 401\n An Army of Kedesh. ", " 402\n Head-spring of the Jordan near Hasbeiyah. ", " 405\n Map of the Sources of the Jordan. ", " 406\n Terebinth-tree at Banias. ", " 406\n Substructions of the Castle of Banias. ", " 407\n View from the Castle of Banias. ", " 409\n A Street in Damascus. ", " 410\n General View of Damascus. ", " 411\n Interior of a House in Damascus. ", " 413\n Bedouin Camp near Damascus. ", " 416\n A Scene in Damascus. ", " 419\n Portrait of Abd-el-Kader. ", " 420\n Sword-blades of Damascus. ", " 421\n Damask Goods. ", " 422\n Attack on the Citadel of Damascus before the Invention of\n Gunpowder. ", " 423\n Paul Led into Damascus. ", " 424\n A Caravan near Damascus. ", " 425\n The River among the Rocks. ", " 426\n The Fijeh Source of the Abana. ", " 427\n The Ruins of Baalbec. ", " 429\n Modern Wine-press. ", " 431\n Bridge Over the Litany. ", " 432\n The Cedars of Lebanon. ", " 433\n View of Beyroot, looking toward the Harbor. ", " 435\n Mission School in Syria. ", " 436\n Fountain at Beyroot. ", " 437\n Lebanon. ", " 438\n MAP OF EGYPT. ", " _Front Cover._", "\n MAP OF THE HOLY LAND. ", " _Back Cover._", "\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER I.\n\nFROM BOMBAY TO SUEZ.--THE RED SEA, MECCA, AND MOUNT SINAI.", "\n\n\n\"Here we are in port again!\" ", "said Fred Bronson, as the anchor fell from\nthe bow of the steamer and the chain rattled through the hawse-hole.", "\n\n\"Three cheers for ourselves!\" ", "said Frank Bassett in reply. \"", "We have had\na splendid voyage, and here is a new country for us to visit.\"", "\n\n\"And one of the most interesting in the world,\" remarked the Doctor, who\ncame on deck just in time to catch the words of the youth.", "\n\n\"Egypt is the oldest country of which we have a definite history, and\nthere is no other land that contains so many monuments of its former\ngreatness.\"", "\n\nTheir conversation was cut short by the captain, who came to tell them\nthat they would soon be able to go on shore, as the Quarantine boat was\napproaching, and they could leave immediately after the formalities were\nover.", "\n\nWhen we last heard from our friends they were about leaving Bombay under\n\"sealed orders.\" ", "When the steamer was fairly outside of the beautiful\nharbor of that city, and the passengers were bidding farewell to Colaba\nLight-house, Dr. Bronson called the youths to his side and told them\ntheir destination.", "\n\n\"We are going,\" said he, \"to Egypt, and thence to the Holy Land. ", "The\nsteamer will carry us across the Indian Ocean to the Straits of\nBab-el-mandeb, and then through these straits into the Red Sea; then we\ncontinue our voyage to Suez, where we land and travel by rail to Cairo.\"", "\n\nOne of the boys asked how long it would take them to go from Bombay to\nSuez.", "\n\n\"About ten days,\" was the reply. \"", "The distance is three thousand miles,\nin round numbers, and I believe we are not to stop anywhere on the way.\"", "\n\nThe time was passed pleasantly enough on the steamer. ", "The weather was so\nwarm that the passengers preferred the deck to the stifling cabins, and\nthe majority of them slept there every night, and lounged there during\nthe day. ", "The boys passed their time in reading about the countries they\nwere to visit, writing letters to friends at home, and completing the\njournal of their travels. ", "In the evenings they talked about what they\nhad seen, and hoped that the story of their wanderings would prove\ninteresting to their school-mates in America, and to other youths of\ntheir age.[1]\n\n[1] \"The Boy Travellers in the Far East.\" ", "Parts I., II., ", "and III.", "\nAdventures of Two Youths in a Journey to Japan, China, Siam, Java,\nCambodia, Sumatra, the Malay Archipelago, Ceylon, Burmah, Borneo, the\nPhilippine Islands, and India. ", "By Thomas W. Knox. ", "Published by Harper &\nBrothers, New York.", "\n\n[Illustration: COAST OF THE RED SEA.]", "\n\nSoon after entering the Red Sea they passed the island of Perim, a\nbarren stretch of rock and sand, crowned with a signal station, from\nwhich the English flag was flying. ", "As they were looking at the island,\nand thinking what a dreary place it must be to live in, one of the\npassengers told the boys an amusing story of how the English obtained\npossession of it.", "\n\n\"Of course you are aware,\" said he, \"that the English have a military\npost at Aden, a rocky peninsula on the shore of Arabia, about a hundred\nand twenty miles from the entrance of the Red Sea. ", "They bought it from\nthe Sultan of that part of Arabia in 1839 by first taking possession,\nand then telling him he could name his price, and they would give him\nwhat they thought best, as they were determined to stay. ", "Aden is a very\nimportant station for England, as it lies conveniently between Europe\nand Asia, and has a fine harbor. ", "The mail steamers stop there for coal,\nand the government always keeps a garrison in the fort. ", "It is one of the\nhottest and most unhealthy places in the world, and there is a saying\namong the British officers that an order to go to Aden is very much like\nbeing condemned to be shot.", "\n\n\"Soon after the Suez Canal was begun the French thought they needed a\nport somewhere near Aden, and in 1857 they sent a ship-of-war to obtain\none. ", "The ship touched at Aden for provisions, and the captain was\ninvited to dine with the general who commanded at the fort. ", "During\ndinner he became very talkative, and finally told the general that his\ngovernment had sent him to take possession of Perim, at the entrance of\nthe Red Sea.", "\n\n\"Perim was a barren island, as you see, and belonged to nobody; and the\nEnglish had never thought it was worth holding, though they occupied it\nfrom 1799 to 1801. ", "As soon as the French captain had stated his business\nin that locality the general wrote a few words on a slip of paper, which\nhe handed to a servant to carry to the chief of staff. ", "Then he kept his\nvisitor at table till a late hour, prevailed on him to sleep on shore\nthat night, and not be in a hurry to get away the next morning.", "\n\n\"The French ship left during the forenoon and steamed for Perim. ", "And you\nmay imagine that captain's astonishment when he saw a dozen men on the\nsummit of the island fixing a pole in the ground. ", "As soon as it was in\nplace they flung out the English flag from its top, and greeted it with\nthree cheers. ", "In the little note he wrote at the dinner-table the\ngeneral had ordered a small steamer to start immediately for Perim and\ntake possession in the name of the Queen, and his orders were obeyed.", "\nThe French captain was dismissed from the navy for being too free with\nhis tongue, and the English have 'hung on' to Perim ever since.\"", "\n\nThe Doctor joined them as the story of the occupation of Perim was\nconcluded. ", "There was a laugh over the shrewdness of the English officer\nand the discomfiture of the French one, and then the conversation turned\nto the Red Sea.", "\n\n\"It may properly be called an inlet of the Indian Ocean,\" said the\nDoctor, \"as it is long and narrow, and has more the characteristics of\nan inlet than of a sea. ", "It is about fourteen hundred miles long, and\nvaries from twenty to two hundred miles in width; it contains many\nshoals and quicksands, so that its navigation is dangerous, and\nrequires careful pilotage. ", "At the upper or northern extremity it is\ndivided into two branches by the peninsula of Mount Sinai; the western\nbranch is called the Gulf of Suez, and is about one hundred and eighty\nmiles long, by twenty broad. ", "This gulf was formerly more difficult of\nnavigation than the Red Sea proper, but recently the Egyptian government\nhas established a line of beacons and light-houses along its whole\nlength, so that the pilots can easily find their way by day or at\nnight.\"", "\n\nOne of the boys asked why the body of water in question was called the\n_Red_ Sea.", "\n\nThe Doctor explained that the origin of the name was unknown, as it had\nbeen called the Red Sea since the time of Herodotus and other early\nwriters. ", "It is referred to in the Hebrew Scriptures as _Yam Suph_, the\nSea of Weeds, in consequence of the profusion of weeds in its waters.", "\nThese weeds have a reddish color; the barren hills that enclose the sea\nhave a strong tinge of red, especially at the hours of sunset and\nsunrise, and the coral reefs that stretch in every direction and make\nnavigation dangerous are often of a vermilion tint. \"", "You will see all\nthese things as you proceed,\" he continued, \"and by the time you are at\nSuez you will have no difficulty in understanding why this body of water\nis called the _Red_ Sea.\"", "\n\nThe boys found it as he had predicted, and the temperature for the first\ntwo days after passing Perim led Frank to suggest that the name might be\nmade more descriptive of its character if it were called the Red-hot\nSea. ", "The thermometer stood at 101° in the cabin, and was only a little\nlower on deck; the heat was enervating in the extreme, and there was no\nway of escaping it; but on the third day the wind began to blow from the\nnorth, and there was a change in the situation. ", "Thin garments were\nexchanged for thick ones, and the passengers, who had been almost faint\nwith the heat, were beginning to shiver in their overcoats.", "\n\n\"A change of this sort is unusual,\" said the gentleman who had told them\nof the seizure of Perim, \"but when it does come it is very grateful.", "\nOnly in January or February is the Red Sea anything but hot; the winds\nblow from the sandy desert, or from the region of the equator, and\nsometimes it seems as though you were in a furnace. ", "From December to\nMarch the thermometer averages 76°, from thence to May it is 87°, and\nthrough the four or five months that follow it is often 100°. ", "I have\nfrequently seen it 110° in the cabin of a steamer, and on one occasion,\nwhen the simoom was blowing from the desert, it was 132°. ", "Steamers\ngoing north when the south wind is blowing find themselves running just\nwith the wind, so that they seem to be in a dead calm; in such cases\nthey sometimes turn around every ten or twelve hours and run a few miles\nin the other direction, so as to let the wind blow through the ship and\nventilate it as much as possible. ", "The firemen are Arabs and <DW64>s,\naccustomed all their lives to great heat, but on almost every voyage\nsome of them find the temperature of the engine-room too severe, and die\nof suffocation.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: VIEW IN JEDDAH, ON THE RED SEA.]", "\n\nOur friends passed by Jeddah, the port of Mecca, and from the deck of\nthe steamer the white walls and towers of the town were distinctly\nvisible. ", "Frank and Fred would have been delighted to land at Jeddah and\nmake a pilgrimage to Mecca, but the Doctor told them the journey was out\nof the question, as no Christian is allowed to enter the sacred city of\nthe Moslems, and the few who had ever accomplished the feat had done so\nat great personal risk.", "\n\n[Illustration: CAPTAIN BURTON IN NATIVE DRESS.]", "\n\n\"The first European who ever went there was Burckhardt, in 1814,\" said\nDr. Bronson. \"", "He prepared himself for his travels by studying the Arabic\nlanguage, and went in the disguise of an Arab merchant, under the name\nof Sheikh Ibrahim ibn Abdallah. ", "Then he travelled through Syria, Asia\nMinor, and Egypt for several years, and became thoroughly familiar with\nthe customs of the people, so that he was able to pass himself\nsuccessfully as a learned Moslem. ", "Captain Burton went to Mecca in 1852,\nand since his time the city has been visited by Maltzan, Palgrave, and\ntwo or three others. ", "Captain Burton followed the example of Burckhardt\nand wore the Arab dress; he spoke the language fluently, but in spite of\nthis his disguise was penetrated while he was returning to Jeddah, and\nhe was obliged to flee from his companions and travel all night away\nfrom the road till he reached the protection of the seaport.\"", "\n\n\"What would have happened if he had been found out?\" ", "Frank inquired.", "\n\n\"The mob of fanatical Moslems would have killed him,\" was the reply.", "\n\"They would have considered it an insult to their religion for him to\nenter their sacred city--the birthplace of the founder of their\nreligion--and he would have been stoned or otherwise put to death. ", "Some\nEuropeans who have gone to Mecca have never returned, and nothing was\never heard of them. ", "It is supposed they were discovered and murdered.\"", "\n\n\"What barbarians!\" ", "exclaimed Fred.", "\n\n\"Yes,\" replied the Doctor; \"but if you speak to any of them about it,\nthey will possibly reply that Christian people have put to death those\nwho did not believe in their religion. ", "They might quote a good many\noccurrences in various parts of Europe in the past five hundred years,\nand could even remind us that the Puritans, in New England, hanged three\nmen and one woman, and put many others in prison, for the offence of\nbeing Quakers. ", "Religious intolerance, even at this day, is not entirely\nconfined to the Moslems.\"", "\n\nFrank asked what could be seen at Mecca, and whether the place was\nreally worth visiting.", "\n\n[Illustration: ENCAMPMENT OF PILGRIMS AT MOUNT ARAFAT, NEAR MECCA.]", "\n\n\"As to that,\" the Doctor answered, \"tastes might differ. ", "Mecca is said\nto be a well-built city, seventy miles from Jeddah, with a population of\nabout fifty thousand. ", "The most interesting edifice in the place is the\n'Caaba,' or Shrine, which stands in the centre of a large square, and\nhas at one corner the famous 'Black Stone,' which the Moslems believe\nwas brought from heaven by the angels. ", "Burckhardt thought it was only a\npiece of lava; but Captain Burton believes it is an aerolite, of an oval\nshape, and about seven feet long. ", "The pilgrims walk seven times around\nthe Caaba, repeating their prayers at every step, and they begin their\nwalk by prostrating themselves in front of the Black Stone and kissing\nit. ", "The consequence is that it is worn smooth, as the number of pilgrims\ngoing annually to Mecca is not less than two hundred thousand. ", "The\npilgrimage is completed with the ascent of Mount Arafat, twelve miles\neast of Mecca; and when a Moslem returns from his journey he is\npermitted to wear a green turban for the rest of his life. ", "The\npilgrimage is an easier matter than it used to be, as there are steamers\nrunning from Suez and other points to carry the pilgrims to Jeddah, and\nfrom there they can easily accomplish their journey to Mecca and return\nin a couple of weeks.\"", "\n\nFrank asked how far it was from Mecca to Medina, the place where\nMohammed died and was buried.", "\n\n\"Medina is about two hundred and fifty miles north of Mecca,\" said the\nDoctor, \"and is only a third the size of the latter city. ", "It is next to\nMecca in sanctity, and a great many pilgrims go there every year. ", "The\ntomb of the Prophet is in a large mosque, in the centre of the city, and\nthere is an old story that the coffin of Mohammed is suspended in the\nair by invisible threads hanging from heaven. ", "Captain Burton visited\nMedina, and reports that the Moslems have no knowledge of the story, and\nsay it must have been invented by a Christian. ", "The tomb is in one side\nof the building, but no one is allowed to look upon it, not even a\nMoslem; the most that can be seen is the curtain surrounding it, and\neven that must be observed through an aperture in a wooden screen. ", "The\ncustodians say that any person who looks on the tomb of the Prophet\nwould be instantly blinded by a flood of holy light.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: VIEW OF MEDINA (FROM A DRAWING BY A NATIVE ARTIST).]", "\n\nSo much for the two holiest places in the eyes of the Moslems. ", "Frank and\nFred concluded that they did not care to go to Mecca and Medina, and the\nformer instanced the old fable of a fox who despised the grapes which\nwere inaccessible, and denounced them as too sour to be eaten.", "\n\nAs they entered the Gulf of Suez the attention of the boys was directed\nto Mount Sinai, and they readily understood, from the barrenness and\ndesolation of the scene, why it was called \"Mount Sinai in the\nWilderness.\" ", "With a powerful telescope not a sign of vegetation was\nanywhere visible.", "\n\nIt was late in the forenoon of a pleasant day when the ship came to\nanchor, as we have described in our opening lines. ", "The Quarantine doctor\ncame on board, and was soon convinced that no reason existed why the\npassengers, who chose to do so, might not go on shore. ", "Doctor Bronson\nand his young friends bargained with a boatman to carry them and their\nbaggage to the steps of the Hotel de Suez for a rupee each. ", "The town,\nwith the hotel, was about two miles from the anchorage, and the breeze\ncarried them swiftly over the intervening stretch of water. ", "Half a dozen\nsteamers lay at the anchorage, waiting for their turn to pass the Canal;\nand a dozen or more native craft, in addition to the foreign ships, made\nthe harbor of Suez appear quite picturesque. ", "The rocky hills behind the\ntown, and the low <DW72>s of the opposite shore, glistened in the bright\nsunlight; but the almost total absence of verdure in the landscape\nrendered the picture the reverse of beautiful. ", "Not a tree nor a blade of\ngrass can be seen on the African side of the Gulf, while on the\nopposite shore the verdure-seeking eye is only caught by the oasis at\nthe Wells of Moses, where a few palm-trees bid defiance to the shifting\nsands of the desert.", "\n\n[Illustration: SCENE NEAR SUEZ.]", "\n\nSuez appeared to our friends a straggling collection of flat-roofed\nhouses and whitewashed walls, where the sea terminates and the desert\nbegins. ", "Before the construction of the Canal it was little better than\nan Arab village, with less than two thousand inhabitants; at present it\nis a town of ten or twelve thousand people, the majority of whom are\nsupported, directly or indirectly, by the Canal or the railway. ", "There\nhas been a town of some sort at this point for more than three thousand\nyears, but it has never been of much importance, commercially or\notherwise. ", "The situation in the midst of desert hills, and more\nespecially the absence of fresh water, have been the drawbacks to its\nprosperity. ", "There is little to be seen in its shops, and for that little\nthe prices demanded are exorbitant. ", "Few travellers remain more than a\nday at Suez, and the great majority are ready to leave an hour or two\nafter their arrival.", "\n\n[Illustration: TRAVELLING IN THE SINAI DESERT.]", "\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER II.", "\n\nSUEZ.--WHERE THE ISRAELITES CROSSED THE RED SEA.--THE SUEZ CANAL.", "\n\n\nFrank and Fred were impatient to see the Suez Canal, which enables ships\nto pass between the Red and Mediterranean Seas. ", "In going from the\nanchorage to the town they passed near the southern end of the Canal,\nand from the veranda of the hotel they could see steamers passing\napparently through the sandy desert, as the position where they stood\nconcealed the water from sight. ", "As soon as they had secured their rooms\nat the hotel, they started out with the Doctor to make a practical\nacquaintance with the great channel from sea to sea.", "\n\n[Illustration: A SHOP IN SUEZ.]", "\n\nThere was a swarm of guides and donkey-drivers at the door of the hotel,\nso that they had no difficulty in finding their way. ", "At the suggestion\nof the Doctor they followed the pier, nearly two miles in length, which\nleads from the south part of the town to the harbor; the water is very\nshallow near Suez, and this pier was built so that the railway trains\ncould be taken along side the steamers, and thus facilitate the transfer\nof passengers and freight. ", "The pier is about fifty feet wide, and has a\nsolid foundation of artificial stone sunk deep into the sand. ", "At the end\nof the pier are several docks and quays belonging to the Canal and\nrailway companies, and there is a large basin, called Port Ibrahim,\ncapable of containing many ships at once. ", "The Canal Company's\nrepair-shops and warehouses stand on artificial ground, which was made\nby dredging the sand and piling it into the space between the pier and\nthe land, and Frank thought that not less than fifty acres had thus been\nenclosed.", "\n\nA line of stakes and buoys extended a considerable distance out into the\nhead of the Gulf, and the Doctor explained that, in consequence of the\nshallowness near the land, the Suez Canal began more than a mile from\nthe shore. ", "The sand-bar is visible at low tide, and when the wind blows\nfrom the north a large area is quite uncovered. ", "A channel was dredged\nfor the passage of ships, and the dredging-machines are frequently in\nuse to remove the sand which blows from the desert or is swept into the\nchannel by the currents.", "\n\nAt the end of the long pier is a light-house; and while our friends\nstood there and contemplated the scene before them, the Doctor reminded\nthe boys that in all probability they were in sight of the spot where\nthe hosts of Pharaoh were drowned after the Israelites had crossed over\nin safety.", "\n\n\"That is very interesting,\" said Frank; \"but is this really the place?\"", "\n\n\"We cannot be absolutely certain of that,\" was the reply, \"as there are\ndifferent opinions on the subject. ", "But it was in this neighborhood\ncertainly, and some of those who have made a careful study of the matter\nsay that the crossing was probably within a mile of this very spot.\"", "\n\nThe eyes of the boys opened to their fullest width at this announcement,\nand they listened intently to the Doctor's remarks on the passage of the\nIsraelites through the Red Sea.", "\n\n\"You will remember,\" said the Doctor, \"that the Bible account tells us\nhow the Lord caused a strong wind to blow from the north, which swept\naway the waters and allowed the Israelites to pass over the bed of the\nsea. ", "After they had crossed, and the hosts of Pharaoh pursued them, the\nwind changed, the waters returned, and the army of the Egyptian ruler\nwas drowned in the waves. ", "The rise of the tide at this place is from\nthree to six feet, and the sand-bank is only slightly covered when the\ntide is out; now, when the wind blows from the north with great force\nthe water is driven away, and parts of the sand-bank are exposed. ", "On\nthe other hand, when a strong wind blows from the south, the water is\nforced upon the sand-bank, and the tide, joined to this wind, will make\na depth of six or seven feet where a few hours before the ground was\ndry. ", "This is the testimony of many persons who have made careful\nobservations of the Gulf of Suez, and the miracle described in the Bible\nis in exact accordance with the natural conditions that exist to-day.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE NORTHERN END OF THE GULF OF SUEZ.]", "\n\n\"One modern writer on this subject says he has known a strong north-east\nwind to lay the ford dry, and be followed by a south-west wind that\nrendered the passage impossible even for camels. ", "M. De Lesseps, the\nprojector of the Suez Canal, says he has seen the northern end of the\nsea blown almost dry, while the next day the waters were driven far up\non the land. ", "In 1799 Napoleon Bonaparte and his staff came near being\ndrowned here in a sudden change of wind, and fatal accidents occur once\nin a while from the same cause. ", "On the map prepared by the officers of\nthe maritime canal to show the difference between high and low water,\nyou will see that the conditions are just as I have stated them.", "\n\n\"Some writers believe,\" the Doctor continued, \"that the sea was farther\ninland three thousand years ago, and that the crossing was made about\nten miles farther north than where we now stand. ", "There is some\ndifficulty in locating all the places named in the biblical story of the\nexodus, and it would be too much to expect all the critics to agree on\nthe subject. ", "The weight of opinion is in favor of Suez as the\ncrossing-place of the Israelites, and so we will believe we are at the\nscene of the deliverance of the captives and the destruction of the\nhosts of Pharaoh. ", "It is a mistake to suppose that Pharaoh was himself\ndrowned in the Red Sea; it was only his army that suffered destruction.\"", "\n\nFrom the point where this conversation took place they went to the\nWaghorn Quay, just beyond. ", "It was named in honor of Lieutenant Waghorn,\nwho devoted several years to the establishment of the so-called\n\"overland route\" between England and India. ", "Through his exertions the\nline of the Peninsular and Oriental steamers was established, and the\nmails between England and India were regularly carried through Egypt,\ninstead of taking the tedious voyage around the Cape of Good Hope. ", "He\ndied in London in poverty in 1850; since his death the importance of his\nservices has been recognized, and a statue to his memory stands on the\nquay which bears his name. ", "At his suggestion the name of \"overland\nroute\" was given to this line of travel between England and India,\nthough the land journey is only two hundred and fifty miles, to\ndistinguish it from the \"sea route\" around the Cape of Good Hope.", "\n\nFrom Waghorn Quay it was only a short distance to the Canal, and as they\nreached its bank a large steamer was just entering on its way to the\nMediterranean. ", "Frank observed that she was moving very slowly, and asked\nthe Doctor why she did not put on full steam and go ahead.", "\n\n\"That would be against the rules of the Canal Company,\" was the reply.", "\n\"If the steamers should go at full speed they would destroy the Canal in\na short time; the 'wash' or wake they would create would break down the\nbanks and bring the sand tumbling into the water. ", "They must not steam\nabove four miles an hour, except in places where the Canal widens into\nlakes, and even there they cannot go at full speed.\"", "\n\n\"Then there are lakes in the Canal, are there?\" ", "Fred inquired.", "\n\n\"I'll explain that by-and-by,\" the Doctor responded. \"", "Meantime look\nacross the head of the Gulf and see that spot of green which stands out\nso distinctly among the sands.\"", "\n\nThe boys looked in the direction indicated and saw an irregular patch of\nverdure, on which the white walls of several houses made a sharp\ncontrast to the green of the grass and the palm-trees that waved above\nthem.", "\n\n[Illustration: \"AYOON MOOSA\"--THE WELLS OF MOSES.]", "\n\n\"That spot,\" said the Doctor, \"is known as 'Ayoon Moosa,' or 'The Wells\nof Moses.' ", "It is an oasis, where several wells or springs have existed\nfor thousands of years, and it is supposed that the Israelites halted\nthere and made a camp after their deliverance from Egypt. ", "As the\npursuing army of Pharaoh had been destroyed before their eyes, they were\nout of danger and in no hurry to move on. ", "The place has borne the name\nof 'The Wells of Moses' from time immemorial; there is a tradition that\nthe largest of them was opened by the divining-rod of the great leader\nof the Hebrews in their escape from captivity, and is identical with\nMarah, described in Exodus, xv. ", "23. ", "The wells are pools of water fed by\nsprings which bubble in their centre; the water in all of them is too\nbrackish to be agreeable to the taste, but the camels drink it readily,\nand the spot is an important halting place for caravans going to or from\nthe desert.\"", "\n\nThe Doctor farther explained that Suez was formerly supplied with water\nfrom these wells, which was brought in goat-skins and casks on the backs\nof camels. ", "The springs are seven or eight miles from Suez in a direct\nline, and the easiest way of reaching them is by a sail or row boat to\nthe landing place, about two miles from the oasis. ", "Since the opening of\nthe fresh-water canal in 1863 this business of supplying the city has\nceased, and the water is principally used for irrigating the gardens in\nthe oasis. ", "Most of the fresh vegetables eaten in Suez are grown around\nthe springs, and there is a hotel there, with a fairly good restaurant\nattached to it. ", "The residents of Suez make frequent excursions to the\nWells of Moses, and almost any day a group of camels may be seen\nkneeling around the principal springs.", "\n\nOur friends returned along the quay to Suez, and strolled through some\nof the streets of the town. ", "There was not much to be seen, as the shops\nare neither numerous nor well stocked, and evidently are not blessed\nwith an enormous business. ", "They visited a mosque, where they were\nobliged to take off their shoes, according to the custom of the East,\nbefore they could pass the door-way; the custodian supplied them with\nslippers, so that they were not required to walk around in their\nstockinged feet. ", "When you go on a sight-seeing tour in an Egyptian city,\nit is well to carry your own slippers along, or intrust them to your\nguide, as the Moslems are rigid enforcers of the rule prohibiting you to\nwear your boots inside a mosque.", "\n\n[Illustration: PREACHING IN A MOSQUE.]", "\n\nThe principal attraction in the mosque was a group to whom a mollah, or\npriest, was delivering a lecture. ", "The speaker stood in a high pulpit\nwhich was reached by a small ladder, and his hearers stood below him or\nsquatted on the floor. ", "What he said was unintelligible to our friends,\nas he was speaking in Arabic, which was to them an unknown tongue. ", "The\naudience was apparently interested in his remarks, and paid no attention\nto the strangers except to scowl at them. ", "In some of the mosques of the\nEast Christians are not admitted; this was the rule half a century ago,\nbut at present it is very generally broken down, and the hated infidel\nmay visit the mosques of the principal cities of Egypt and Turkey,\nprovided he pays for the privilege.", "\n\nThey returned to the hotel in season for dinner. ", "The evening was passed\nin the house, and the party went to bed in good season, as they were to\nleave at eight o'clock in the morning for Cairo. ", "They were at the\nstation in due time for departure, and found the train was composed of\ncarriages after the English pattern, in charge of a native conductor who\nspoke French. ", "By judiciously presenting him with a rupee they secured a\ncompartment to themselves.", "\n\nWhile they were waiting for the train to move on the Doctor told the\nboys about the \"overland route\" through Egypt.", "\n\n\"The route that was established by Lieutenant Waghorn was by steamship\nfrom England to Alexandria, and thence by river steamboats along the\nNile to Cairo. ", "From Cairo, ninety miles, to Suez the road was directly\nthrough the desert, and passengers were carried in small omnibuses,\ndrawn by horses, which were changed at stations ten or fifteen miles\napart. ", "Water for supplying these stations was carried from the Nile and\nkept in tanks, and it was a matter of heavy expense to maintain the\nstations. ", "The omnibus road was succeeded by the railway, opened in 1857,\nand the water for the locomotives was carried by the trains, as there\nwas not a drop to be had along the route. ", "This railway was abandoned and\nthe track torn up after the construction of the Canal, as the expense of\nmaintaining it was very great. ", "In addition to the cost of carrying water\nwas that of keeping the track clear of sand, which was drifted by the\nwind exactly as snow is drifted in the Northern States of America, and\nsometimes the working of the road was suspended for several days by the\nsand-drifts. ", "The present railway follows the banks of the Maritime Canal\nas far as Ismailia, and thence it goes along the Fresh-Water Canal, of\nwhich I will tell you.", "\n\n\"The idea of a canal to connect the Mediterranean and Red Seas is by no\nmeans a modern one.\"", "\n\n\"Yes,\" said Frank, \"I have read somewhere that the first Napoleon in\n1799 thought of making a canal between the two seas, and his engineers\nsurveyed the route for it.\"", "\n\n\"You are quite right,\" responded the Doctor, \"but there was a canal long\nbefore the time of Napoleon, or rather there have been several canals.\"", "\n\n\"Several canals!\" ", "exclaimed Frank. \"", "Not several canals at once?\"", "\n\n[Illustration: A LANDING-PLACE ON THE FRESH-WATER CANAL.]", "\n\n\"Hardly that,\" said the Doctor, with a smile; \"but at different times\nthere have been canals between the two seas. ", "They differ from the\npresent one in one respect: the maritime Canal of to-day runs from one\nsea to the other, and is filled with salt-water, while the old canals\nconnected the Nile with the Red Sea, and were constantly filled with\nfresh-water. ", "The Fresh-Water Canal of to-day follows the line of one of\nthe old canals, and in several places the ancient bed was excavated and\nthe ancient walls were made useful, though they were sadly out of\nrepair.\"", "\n\nOne of the boys asked how old these walls were, to be in such a bad\ncondition.", "\n\n\"We cannot say exactly how old they are,\" was the reply, \"and a hundred\nyears or so in our guessing will make no difference. ", "According to some\nauthorities, one of the rulers of ancient Egypt, Rameses II., ", "conceived\nand carried out the idea of joining the two seas by means of the Nile\nand a canal, but there is no evidence that the work was accomplished in\nhis time. ", "The first canal of which we have any positive history was made\nby Pharaoh Necho I. about 600 B.C., or nearly twenty-five hundred years\nago. ", "It tapped the Nile at Bubastis, near Zagazig, and followed the line\nof the present Fresh-Water Canal to the head of the Bitter Lake. ", "The Red\nSea then extended to the Bitter Lake, and the shallow places were\ndredged out sufficient to allow the passage of the small craft that were\nin use in those days. ", "The canal is said to have been sixty-two Roman\nmiles long, or fifty-seven English ones, which agrees with the surveys\nof the modern engineers.", "\n\n\"This canal does not seem to have been used sufficiently to keep it from\nbeing filled by the drifting sand, as it was altogether closed a hundred\nyears later, when it was re-opened by Darius; the latter made a\nsalt-water canal about ten miles long near the south end of the Bitter\nLake, to connect it with the Red Sea. ", "Traces of this work were found\nwhen the Fresh-Water Canal was made, and for some distance the old track\nwas followed. ", "Under the arrangement of the canals of Necho and Darius,\nships sailed up the Nile to Bubastis, and passed along the canal to the\nBitter Lake, where their cargoes were transferred to Red Sea vessels.", "\nAbout 300 B.C. Ptolemy Philadelphus caused the two canals to be cleared\nout, and connected them by a lock, so that ships could pass from the\nfresh to the salt water, or _vice versa_.", "\n\n[Illustration: ORIENTAL SHIPS OF ANCIENT TIMES.]", "\n\n\"Four hundred years later (about 200 A.D.), according to some writers, a\nnew canal was made, tapping the Nile near Cairo, and connecting with the\nold one, which was again cleared out and made navigable. ", "Another canal,\npartly new and partly old, is attributed to the seventh century, and\nstill another to the eleventh century; since that time there has been\nnothing of the sort till the Maritime Canal Company found it necessary,\nin 1861, to supply the laborers on their great work with fresh-water.", "\nThey cleared out the old canal in some places, and dug a new one in\nothers as far as the Bitter Lake; afterward they prolonged it to Suez,\nwhich it reached in 1863, and at the same time they laid a line of iron\npipes from Ismailia to Port Said, on the Mediterranean. ", "It would have\nbeen impossible to make and maintain the Maritime Canal without a supply\nof fresh-water, and thus the work of the Egyptians of twenty-five\nhundred years ago became of practical use in our day.", "\n\n\"Look on this map,\" said the Doctor, as he drew one from his pocket and\nhanded it to the youths, \"and you will see the various points I have\nindicated, together with the line of the Maritime Canal, and of the\nFresh-Water Canal which supplies this part of Egypt with water.\"", "\n\nSeveral minutes were passed in the study of the map. ", "Before it was\nfinished the train started, and in a short time our friends were busily\ncontemplating the strange scene presented from the windows of their\ncarriage.", "\n\nThe railway followed very nearly the bank of the Fresh-Water Canal,\nwhich varied from twenty to fifty feet in width, and appeared to be five\nor six feet deep. ", "Beyond it was the Maritime Canal, a narrow channel,\nwhere steamers were slowly making their way, the distances between them\nbeing regulated by the pilots, so as to give the least possible chance\nof collision. ", "Considering the number of steamers passing through the\nCanal, the number of accidents is very small. ", "Frank could not understand\nhow steamers could meet and pass each other, till the Doctor explained\nthat there were \"turnouts\" every few miles, where a steamer proceeding\nin one direction could wait till another had gone by, in the same way\nthat railway-trains pass each other by means of \"sidings.\" ", "Then there\nwas plenty of space in Lake Timsah and the Bitter Lake, not only for\nships to move, but to anchor in case of any derangement of their\nmachinery.", "\n\nFrom the information derived from the Doctor, and from the books and\npapers which he supplied, Frank and Fred made up the following account\nof the Suez Canal for the benefit of their friends at home:\n\n[Illustration: FERDINAND DE LESSEPS.]", "\n\n\"The Canal is one hundred miles long, from Suez, on the Red Sea, to Port\nSaid, on the Mediterranean. ", "Advantage was taken of depressions in the\ndesert below the level of the sea, and when the water was let in, these\ndepressions were filled up and became lakes (Timsah and Bitter Lakes),\nas you see on the map. ", "There were thirty miles of these depressions; and\nthen there was a marsh or swamp (thirty miles across), called Lake\nMenzaleh, which was covered during the flood of the Nile, and only\nneeded a channel to be dug or dredged sufficiently deep for the passage\nof ships. ", "The first spadeful of earth was dug by Ferdinand de Lesseps at\nPort Said on the 25th of April, 1868, and the completed Canal was opened\nfor the passage of ships on the 16th of November, 1869. ", "About forty\nsteamers entered it at Port Said on that day, anchored in Lake Timsah\nfor the night, and passed to the Red Sea on the 17th. ", "M. de Lesseps\nprojected the Canal while he was serving in Egypt as French Consul, and\nit was through his great energy and perseverance that the plan was\nfinally carried out. ", "The Canal was distinctively a French enterprise,\nand was opposed by England, but as soon as it was completed the English\nGovernment saw its great importance, and bought a large amount of stock\nthat had hitherto been held by the Egyptian Government.", "\n\n[Illustration: SUEZ CANAL AND EASTERN EGYPT.]", "\n\n\"The line of the Canal where digging was necessary was through sand, but\nin many places it was packed very hard, so that pickaxes were needed to\nbreak it up. ", "Much of the sand was removed by native laborers with\nshovels and baskets; but after the first two years it was necessary to\nsubstitute machinery for hand labor. ", "Excavating and dredging machines\ndriven by steam were put in operation, and the work was pushed along\nvery rapidly; the channel through Lake Menzaleh was made by floating\ndredges equipped with long spouts that deposited the sand two or three\nhundred feet from where they were at work, and the dry cuttings at\nhigher points were made by similar excavators mounted on wheels. ", "At one\nplace, just south of Lake Timsah, there was a bed of solid rock, where\nit was necessary to do a great deal of blasting, and the last blast in\nthis rock was made only a few hours before the opening of the Canal.", "\n\n\"The cost of the work was nearly $100,000,000, of which about\none-third was paid by Egypt, under the mistaken impression that the\nCanal would be beneficial to the country. ", "The Khedive, or Viceroy of\nEgypt, spent nearly $10,000,000 on the festivities at the opening of the\nCanal, and this foolish outlay is one of the causes of the present\nbankruptcy of the country. ", "Palaces and theatres were built for this\noccasion, roads were opened that were of no use afterward, and an\nenormous amount of money was spent for fireworks, music, banquets, and\npresents of various kinds to all the guests. ", "The Empress of France was\npresent at the opening of the Canal, and distinguished persons from all\nparts of the world were invited and entertained in princely style.", "\n\n\"In 1870, the first year the Canal was in operation, 486 vessels passed\nthrough it; in the next year the number was 765, and it steadily\nincreased till it became 1264 vessels in 1874, 1457 in 1876, and 2026 in\n1880. ", "More than two-thirds of the entire number of ships passing the\nCanal are English, and in some years they have been fully three-fourths,\nwhile the French are less than one-thirteenth of the total number.", "\nFrance, which expected much from the Canal, has realized very little;\nwhile England, which opposed its construction, has reaped nearly all the\nbenefit therefrom.[2]\n\n[2] In 1881 the receipts were 51,080,355 fr., ", "which is 11,239,866 fr. ", "in\nexcess of the receipts for 1880. ", "The number of English vessels that\npassed through the Canal was not only larger than the total for all\nother nations, it was nearly four times as large as that total, and the\nEnglish percentage also showed an increase over the former year. ", "The\nnumber of English ships was 2256. ", "France ranked next, but she had only\n109 ships--about one-twentieth what England had. ", "Then came Holland, with\n70 ships; Austria, with 65; Italy, with 51; Spain, with 46; and Germany,\nwith 40. ", "Egypt had only 11--the same number that Turkey had; Norway had\n10 and China 4. ", "Ten years ago the amount of coal supplied at Port Said\nwas 126,000 tons; in 1881 it was 506,000 tons, or four times as much;\nand while the British proportion of the tonnage in 1871 was 64 per cent.", "\nof the total, it was 82 in 1881. ", "Of share prices some equally\ninteresting figures may be given. ", "With a nominal value of 500 fr., ", "they\nhad fallen in 1863 to 220 fr. ", "In 1869, the year the Canal was opened,\nthey rose to 663 fr.; ", "in 1880 they had reached 715 fr., ", "and before the\nyear closed had touched 1327 fr. ", "They advanced to 1700 fr. ", "in June of\nthe following year, and between that month and January, 1882, went\nrapidly on to 3500 fr., ", "but fell ere the middle of the month to 2100 fr.", "\nIn 1881 the dividend on the shares was 9 per cent.; ", "for 1882 it will\nprobably be 12, so that 2100 fr., ", "a point to which the shares were\nforced in a time of panic, even with dividends of 12 per cent., ", "would\nstill be far higher than the actual value of the shares.", "\n\n\"By the original charter the company was allowed to charge ten francs\n(two dollars) a ton on the measurement of each ship going through the\nCanal, and ten francs for each passenger. ", "The revenue, after deducting\nthe expenses of operating, amounts to about five per cent. ", "on the\ncapital of the company, and the officers think it will be seven or eight\nper cent. ", "before many years.", "\n\n\"The following figures show the dimensions of the Canal:\n\n Feet\n Width at water-line, where the banks are low 328\n Width at water-line in deep cuttings, where the banks are high 190\n Width at bottom of the Canal 72\n Depth of water in the Canal 26\n\n[Illustration: NIGHT SCENE ON LAKE MENZALEH.]", "\n\n\"The scenery on the Canal is not particularly interesting, as one soon\ngets tired of looking at the desert, with its apparently endless stretch\nof sand. ", "At Ismailia and Kantara there has been an attempt at\ncultivation, and there are some pretty gardens which have been created\nsince the opening of the Fresh-Water Canal, and are kept up by\nirrigation. ", "But nearly all the rest is a waste, especially on the last\ntwenty-seven miles, through Lake Menzaleh to Port Said. ", "If you make this\nride on one of the small steamers maintained by the Canal Company you\nfind that one mile is exactly like any other, and you are soon glad\nenough to seek the cabin and go to sleep.", "\n\n\"Here are some figures showing the saving in distances (in nautical\nmiles) by the Canal:\"\n\n Via Cape of Good Hope. ", " Via Canal. ", " Saving.", "\n England to Bombay 10,860 6020 4840\n New York to Bombay 11,520 7920 3600\n St. Petersburg to Bombay 11,610 6770 4840\n Marseilles to Bombay 10,560 4620 5940\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER III.", "\n\nFROM SUEZ TO CAIRO.--THROUGH THE LAND OF GOSHEN.", "\n\n\n[Illustration: CAMEL AND YOUNG.]", "\n\nThere is little to relieve the monotony of the desert between Suez and\nIsmailia beyond the view of the two canals, and the ships and boats\nmoving on their waters. ", "Occasionally a line of camels may be seen\nwalking with a dignified pace, or halted for the adjustment of their\nloads, or for some other purpose. ", "In every direction there is nothing\nbut the desert, either stretching out into a plain or rising in\nmountains, on which not a particle of verdure is visible. ", "Under the\nbright sun of the Egyptian sky the sands glittered and sparkled till the\nlight they reflected became painful to the eyes of the observers. ", "The\nprudent Doctor had bought some veils in the bazaar of Suez, and now\nbrought them from the recesses of his satchel for the use of the\ndelighted boys as well as for his own.", "\n\nThe color of the desert mountains on the southern horizon varied from\nwhite to yellow and purple, and from yellow and purple back again to\nwhite. ", "Frank said that some of them seemed to be composed of amethysts\nand garnets, mixed and melted together in a gigantic crucible. ", "The\nDoctor told him he was not the first to make such a description, as the\nidea had occurred to previous travellers, some of whom thought the\nmountains were composed of all kinds of precious stones mingled with\nglass. ", "The dazzling appearance of these elevations had led many persons\nto explore them in search of gems; but of all these explorers none had\never found the fortune he sought.", "\n\nAs they approached Ismailia there were signs of vegetation on the banks\nof the Fresh-Water Canal, and near the town they came to some pretty\ngardens which have been created since the opening of the Canal. ", "While\nthe works of the Canal were in progress Ismailia was an active town,\nwith a considerable population, but at present many of its buildings are\nunoccupied, and there is a general appearance of desolation. ", "There are a\nfew cottages near the banks of Lake Timsah, and of late years the town\nhas obtained popularity with some of the European residents of Cairo,\nwho go there for the sake of the salt-water bathing. ", "The air is clear\nand dry, the water is of the deep blue of the united seas, and is\ngenerally of an agreeable temperature, while it has the smoothness of an\ninland lake, and is not popular with sharks or any other disagreeable\ninhabitants of tropical waters. ", "The current created by the changes of\nthe tide between the two seas is sufficient to keep the water from\nbecoming stagnant, but is not strong enough to interfere with navigation\nor disturb the bather.", "\n\n[Illustration: DESERT SCENE IN EASTERN EGYPT.]", "\n\nAfter a brief halt at the station the train moved off in the direction\nof Cairo, and for an hour or more the views from the windows of the\nrailway-carriage were remarkable in their character. ", "On one side of the\ntrain the naked desert filled the picture, with its endless stretch of\nsand; on the other the gardens on the banks of the Fresh-Water Canal\nwere marvels of luxuriance. ", "The richest soil in the world lay side by\nside with the most desolate, and our friends agreed that they had never\nseen so marked a contrast during a ride on a railway train. ", "The Doctor\nexplained that the abundant vegetation was due to the wonderful\nfertilizing power of the Nile water, and said it was no wonder that the\nancient Egyptians worshipped the river, and attributed all their wealth\nand prosperity to its influence.", "\n\nAt Zagazig the train stopped an hour or more for dinner, and there was a\nchange of carriages for the passengers destined for Cairo. ", "Zagazig is\nthe junction of the lines for Cairo and Alexandria, and since the\nopening of the railway the town has become of considerable importance.", "\nA great deal of cotton is raised in the vicinity, and in some years not\nless than fifty thousand tons of that article are sent from the station.", "\nThe country around here is very fertile, and is said to be the Goshen of\nthe Bible. ", "The ruins of the ancient town of Bubastis are about a mile\nfrom Zagazig, but they are so slight as to be unworthy a visit. ", "Bubastis\nwas an important place two thousand years ago, and was famous for a\nfestival to which more than half a million pilgrims went every year.", "\n\nFor the remaining fifty-two miles from Zagazig to Cairo the route lay\nthrough a fertile country, and only occasional glimpses were afforded of\nthe desert. ", "Boats and barges were moving on the Canal, some of them\ncarrying the local products of the country to Cairo or Ismailia, while\nothers were laden with coal and other foreign importations which find a\nmarket among the Egyptians. ", "The boys were interested in the processes of\nirrigating the lands, and eagerly listened to the Doctor's explanation\nof the matter. ", "Before reaching Zagazig they had seen some men at work\ndipping water by means of buckets suspended from poles, and emptying it\ninto basins formed by excavations on the banks; they were told that this\napparatus for hoisting water was called a \"shadoof,\" and had been in use\nfrom the most ancient days of Egypt.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE MODERN SHADOOF.]", "\n\n\"The simplest form of shadoof,\" said the Doctor, \"is the one you are\nlooking at. ", "It consists of two posts of wood or sun-dried mud,\nsupporting a horizontal bar, on which the pole suspending the bucket is\nbalanced in the centre. ", "A lump of mud on one end of the pole balances\nthe weight of the bucket on the other, and enables the man who operates\nit to lift his burden with ease. ", "The bucket is made of rushes woven so\ntightly as to hold water, and at the same time be as light as possible,\nand it is dipped and raised with great rapidity. ", "Water is lifted from\nsix to eight feet by the shadoof. ", "If a higher elevation is needed, a\nsecond and even a third or a fourth may be used; on the upper part of\nthe Nile I have seen half a dozen of them in operation on a series of\nsteps, one above the other.", "\n\n[Illustration: AN ANCIENT SHADOOF.]", "\n\n\"You will see representations of the shadoof on the walls of the temples\nand tombs of Egypt, and the conclusion is certain that the form has not\nchanged in the least in three thousand years. ", "When the Nile is at its\nheight there is no need of anything of the sort, as the water flows all\nover the land, and the entire country is inundated. ", "As soon as the river\nfalls it is necessary to raise water by artificial means, as the growing\nplants in the fields would soon perish under the hot sun of Egypt\nwithout a supply of moisture. ", "Then the shadoof comes in play, and the\nmore the river descends the greater is the number demanded. ", "In some\nparts of the country the _sakkieh_ is used in place of the shadoof, and\nthe result is the same.\"", "\n\nFred wished to know the difference between the shadoof and the sakkieh.", "\n\n[Illustration: A SAKKIEH, OR WATER-WHEEL.]", "\n\n\"The sakkieh,\" said the Doctor, \"is a wheel operated by a beast of\nburden--a horse, camel, mule, donkey, or ox. ", "The animal walks in a\ncircle, and turns a horizontal wheel which has cogs connected with an\nupright wheel, bearing a circle of earthen buckets on its rim. ", "These\nbuckets dip in water as the wheel turns; their mouths are then brought\nuppermost, and they raise the water and pour it into a trough. ", "Where the\nwater must be raised to a great height from a well, or from the side of\na perpendicular bank, two wheels are used, one at the spot where the\nanimal walks, and the other at the surface of the water. ", "A stout band or\nrope passes over the wheels, and to this band buckets are attached to\nlift the water. ", "I have seen water raised fifty or sixty feet by this\nprocess, the ox or mule walking patiently for hours, until it was his\nturn to be relieved.\"", "\n\nWhile the Doctor was talking the train passed a sakkieh, which was being\nturned by a pair of oxen driven by a small boy. ", "The boys observed that\nthe eyes of the animals were blindfolded by means of a piece of cloth\ndrawn over their heads, and they naturally wished to know the reason of\nit.", "\n\n\"It is the custom of the country,\" was the reply. \"", "The animals are\nbelieved to work better when their attention is not drawn to things\naround them, and they are less likely to be frightened if anything\nunusual happens in their neighborhood. ", "This is particularly the case\nwith the native buffalo and with the mule, and the practice of\nblindfolding the latter animal is not unknown in our own country. ", "On the\nWestern plains and among the Rocky Mountains it is the custom to throw a\nblanket over the head of a pack-mule when he is being saddled and is\nabout to receive his burden. ", "He stands perfectly quiet during the whole\noperation; while, if he were not temporarily deprived of sight, he would\nbe very restive, and perhaps would break away from his driver, and\nscatter things around him very miscellaneously.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: A PLOUGHMAN AT WORK.]", "\n\nJust beyond the sakkieh they saw a man driving a pair of bullocks in\nfront of a plough, and as the implement was lifted from the ground in\nturning they had an opportunity of seeing how it was made.", "\n\n\"It is nothing but a wooden point,\" said Frank, \"like the end of a small\nlog or stake.\"", "\n\n\"Yes,\" echoed Fred, \"and there is only one handle for the man to grasp.", "\nWonder what he would think of our two-handled ploughs of iron in\nAmerica!\"", "\n\n\"He would probably decline to use it,\" the Doctor responded, \"as he\nneeds one hand for managing his goad, and could not understand how he\ncould control a goad and an American plough unless nature had equipped\nhim with three hands.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: AN ANCIENT PLOUGH.]", "\n\n\"That the plough is the same here to-day that it was three thousand\nyears ago, we have proof in the pictures of agriculture on the walls of\nthe tombs at Thebes. ", "The ancient implement is identical with the modern\none, the propelling force is the same, and the principal difference we\ncan see is in the costume of the ploughman.\"", "\n\n\"The plough only scratches the earth,\" said Fred; \"and if the soil was\nnot very rich they would soon find out they needed something that would\nstir up the ground a little deeper.\"", "\n\n\"Sometimes,\" said the Doctor, \"you will see several ploughs following\neach other in the same furrow. ", "The object is to accomplish by this\nrepeated ploughing what we do by a single operation.\"", "\n\nClose by the field where the man was ploughing another was planting\ngrain or something of the sort, and another a little farther on was\ncutting some green stalks that looked like our Indian-corn. ", "The Doctor\nexplained that the stalks were probably intended for feed for cattle,\nand that the article in question was known as \"doora\" among the natives,\nand was a close relative of the corn grown in America.", "\n\n\"But how funny,\" said Frank, \"that they should be ploughing, planting,\nand reaping, all in sight of each other!\"", "\n\n\"That is one of the peculiarities of the country,\" said the Doctor, with\na smile. \"", "You must remember that they do not have cold and frost, as we\ndo, and the operations of agriculture go on through the whole year.\"", "\n\n\"All the year, from January to January again?\" ", "said Fred.", "\n\n\"Yes,\" was the reply, \"though some attention must be paid to the change\nof seasons in order to get the best crops. ", "From two to five crops,\naccording to the article planted, can be raised in the course of the\nyear, provided always that there is a constant supply of water for\nirrigating the fields. ", "When a crop is ready for gathering it is\nharvested, and the ground is immediately ploughed and planted again.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: AN EGYPTIAN THRASHING-MACHINE.]", "\n\nAs if to emphasize what the Doctor was saying, the train carried them\npast a thrashing-floor where the scriptural process of \"treading out the\ncorn\" was going on. ", "There was a floor of earth, which had been packed\nvery hard and made smooth as possible, and on this floor the pair of\noxen were walking in a circle and dragging a sort of sled, with rollers\nbetween the runners, on which a man was perched in a high chair. ", "The\nstraw which had been deprived of its grain was heaped in the centre of\nthe circle, ready for removal; the Doctor explained that the grain was\nseparated from the chaff by throwing it in the air when the wind was\nblowing, and such a thing as a winnowing-machine was practically unknown\nin Egypt.", "\n\n[Illustration: ANCIENT PROCESS OF TREADING OUT THE CORN.]", "\n\nAttempts have been made to introduce modern implements and machinery for\nagricultural purposes, but they have generally failed. ", "The Khedive\nexpended a large amount of money for the latest improvements in farming;\nhe had a large farm near Cairo, on which the purchases were placed, but\nit was soon found that the implements were unpopular with the natives,\nand they were abandoned. ", "They lay for some years in one of the sheds of\nthe establishment, and were finally sold as old iron.", "\n\n[Illustration: EGYPTIAN LENTILS.]", "\n\nThe sight of the ploughs, shadoofs, thrashing-machines, and other aids\nof agriculture naturally led to a conversation on the products of Egypt.", "\nThe boys learned that two kinds of corn were grown there--doora, which\nthey had seen, and millet, which has a single ear on the top of a stalk.", "\nEgyptian wheat has been famous for many centuries, and is still\ncultivated, though to a less extent than formerly, as much of the ground\nonce devoted to wheat is now given up to cotton. ", "Coffee is grown in some\nlocalities, and so are indigo and sugar; there is a goodly variety of\nbeans, peas, lentils, and the like, and watermelons, onions, and\ncucumbers are easily raised. ", "The tobacco crop is of considerable value;\ngrapes are abundant, and there are many fruits, including dates, figs,\napricots, oranges, peaches, lemons, bananas, and olives. ", "The methods of\nagriculture are very primitive, and in many instances slovenly; and if a\nthousand English or American farmers could be sent to Egypt to instruct\nthe natives in the use of foreign implements, and teach them to till\ntheir farms on the Western plan, the value of Egyptian products would be\ndoubled. ", "But, to make the plan successful, it would be necessary to\ndevise some means of compelling the natives to use the methods and\nmachines that the strangers would bring among them, and this would be a\ndifficult task.", "\n\nThe train halted several times, and finally came to Kallioob station,\nwhere it united with the direct line from Cairo to Alexandria. \"", "Now,\"\nsaid the Doctor, \"keep a sharp lookout on the right-hand side of the\ncarriage and tell me what you see.\"", "\n\nIn a few minutes Frank gave a shout of delight, and called out,\n\n\"There they are--the Pyramids! ", "the Pyramids!\"", "\n\nFred saw them almost at the same moment, and joined his cousin in a\ncheer for the Pyramids, of which he had read and heard so much.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE PYRAMIDS.]", "\n\nThere they were, pushing their sharp summits into the western sky, to\nwhich the sun was declining, for it was now late in the afternoon.", "\nClearly defined, they rose above the horizon like a cluster of hills\nfrom the edge of a plain; and as our friends came nearer and nearer the\nPyramids seemed to rise higher and higher, till it was difficult to\nbelieve that they were the work of human hands, and were only a few\nhundred feet in height. ", "In a little while the attention of the youths\nwas drawn to the minarets of the Mosque of Mohammed Ali and the high\nwalls of the Citadel, on the summit of the hill that overlooks and\ncommands the city of Cairo. ", "Their glances turned from pyramids to\nmosque, and from mosque back again to pyramids, and from the sharp\noutline of the Mokattam Hills to the glistening sands of the Western\nDesert. ", "Near by were the rich fields of the Valley of the Nile, and now\nand then the shining water of the old river was revealed through\nopenings among the fringe of palms; the mud-built villages of the\nEgyptians passed as in a panorama, the white walls of the houses of\nCairo took the place of the more primitive structures, groups of men and\ncamels, and other beasts of burden, were seen wending their way to the\ngreat city or returning from it. ", "The population grew more dense, the\nhouses and gardens assumed a more substantial appearance, roads gave way\nto streets, and gardens to blocks of houses, and all too soon for our\nexcited travellers the train rolled into the station at Cairo, and the\njourney to the wonderful City of the Caliphs had been accomplished.", "\n\nFrom the sentimental to the practical the transition was instantaneous.", "\nHardly had the train halted before the carriages were surrounded by a\ncrowd of hotel runners, dragomen, guides, and other of the numerous\nhorde that live upon the stranger within the gates. ", "Doctor Bronson had\ntelegraphed to the Hotel du Nil to send a carriage and a guide to meet\nhis party at the station; the guide was there with a card from the\nmanager of the hotel, and at once took charge of the strangers and their\nbaggage, and showed the way to the waiting carriage. ", "Frank said he\nshould advise all his friends on their first visit to Cairo to follow\nthe Doctor's example, and thus save themselves a struggle with the\nunruly crowd and a vast amount of annoyance. ", "The worst feature of a\njourney in Egypt is the necessity of a constant fight with the great\nswarm of cormorants that infest all public places where travellers are\nlikely to go; many a journey that would have been enjoyable with this\nevil removed has been completely spoiled by its presence.", "\n\n[Illustration: A QUESTION OF BACKSHEESH.]", "\n\nFrom the moment when you touch Egyptian soil till the moment when you\nleave it there is little rest from the appeals of the beggar, and the\ndemands, often insolent, of those who force themselves and their\nservices upon you. ", "The word \"backsheesh\" (a present) is dinned into your\nears from morning till night; it is with you in your dreams, and if your\ndigestion is bad you will have visions of howling Arabs who beset you\nfor money, and will not be satisfied. ", "Giving does no good; in fact it is\nworse than not giving at all, as the suppliant generally appeals for\nmore; and if he does not do so he is sure to give the hint to others\nwho swarm about you, and refuse to go away. ", "If you hire a donkey or a\ncarriage, and give the driver double his fare, in order to satisfy him,\nyou find you have done a very unwise thing. ", "His demand increases, a\ncrowd of his fellows gather around, all talking at once, and there is an\neffort to convince you that you have not given half enough. ", "Not\nunfrequently your clothes are torn in the struggle, and if you escape\nwithout loss of money or temper you are very fortunate.", "\n\nThe railway-station at Cairo is an excellent place to study the\ncharacter of the natives, and to learn their views regarding the money\nof others, and the best modes of transferring it to their own pockets.", "\n\nFrom the station our friends drove through the new part of Cairo, where\nthe broad streets and rows of fine buildings were a disappointment to\nthe youths, who had expected to see quite the reverse.", "\n\n\"Don't be impatient,\" said the Doctor, \"we shall come to the narrow\nstreets by-and-by. ", "This part of Cairo is quite modern, and was\nconstructed principally under Ismail Pacha a few years ago. ", "He had a\nfancy for making a city on the plan of Paris or Vienna, and giving it\nthe appearance of the Occident instead of the Orient. ", "In place of the\nnarrow and sometimes crooked streets of the East he caused broad avenues\nto be laid out and tall buildings to be erected. ", "The new city was to\nstand side by side with the old one, and for a time it seemed as though\nthe Eastern characteristics of Cairo would be blotted out. ", "But the money\nto carry on the improvements could not be had, and the new part of Cairo\nhas an unhappy and half desolate appearance. ", "The natives preferred the\nold ways, and there was not a sufficient influx of foreigners to\npopulate the new city. ", "It had grown rapidly for a few years, but\nsuddenly its growth was suspended, and here it has been ever since.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: A STREET IN CAIRO.]", "\n\nThey passed several public and private buildings that would have done\nhonor to any European city, and if it had not been for the natives\nwalking in the streets, riding on donkeys, or now and then conducting a\nstately camel, they might easily have believed themselves far away from\nEgypt. ", "Suddenly the scene changed; they passed the new theatre, where\nIsmail Pacha delighted to listen to European operas performed by\nEuropean companies; they crossed the triangle known as the Square of\nIbrahim Pacha, and containing a bronze statue of that fiery ruler; and\nby a transition like that of the change in a fairy spectacle, they were\nin one of the crowded and shaded streets of the City of the Caliphs.", "\nThey had entered the \"Mooskee,\" one of the widest and most frequented\nstreets of the part of Cairo that has not succumbed to Western\ninnovations, and retains enough of its Eastern character to remain\nunpaved.", "\n\nThe speed of their carriage was reduced, and a boy who had been riding\nat the side of the driver jumped down, and ran ahead shouting to clear\nthe way. ", "The boys thought they were travelling in fine style to have a\nfootman to precede them, but the Doctor told them it was the custom of\nthe country to have a runner, called a \"syce,\" to go before every\ncarriage, and clear the way for it. ", "The syce carried a stick as the\nbadge of his office, and when he was in the employ of an official he had\nno hesitation in striking right and left among those who were in the\nway. ", "High officials and other dignitaries employed two of these\nrunners, who kept step side by side, and were generally noticeable by\nthe neatness of their dress. ", "No matter how fast the horses go the syce\nwill keep ahead of them, and he does not seem at all fatigued after a\nrun that would take the breath out of an American.", "\n\n[Illustration: A PROJECTING WINDOW.]", "\n\nThey met other carriages; they met camels and donkeys with riders on\ntheir backs, or bearing burdens of merchandise, and they passed through\ncrowds of people, in which there were many natives and some Europeans.", "\nThe balconies of the houses projected over the street, and in some\nplaces almost excluded the sunlight, while their windows were so\narranged that a person within was entirely concealed from the view of\nthose without. ", "The boys observed that the carving on the windows\nrevealed a vast amount of patience on the part of the workmen that\nexecuted it, and they wondered if all the windows of Cairo were like\nthose they were passing. ", "Some of the walls were cracked and broken, as\nthough threatening to fall; but the windows appeared so firmly fixed in\ntheir places that they would stay where they were when the rest of the\nbuilding had tumbled.", "\n\nWhile they were engrossed with the strange sights and sounds around\nthem, the carriage halted at the head of a narrow lane, and our three\nfriends descended to walk to the hotel.", "\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER IV.", "\n\nSTREET SCENES IN CAIRO.", "\n\n\nFrank and Fred were up in good season on the morning after their arrival\nin Cairo. ", "While waiting for breakfast they read the description of the\ncity, and familiarized themselves with some of the most important points\nof its history, which they afterward wrote down to make sure of\nremembering them. ", "Here is what they found:\n\n[Illustration: A CALIPH OF EGYPT ON HIS THRONE.]", "\n\n\"The city known as 'Cairo' (_Ky_-ro) to Europeans is called\nMasr-el-Ka_he_rah by the Arabs, the word _Kaherah_ meaning 'victorious.'", "\nIt was founded about the end of the tenth century by a Moslem general\nwho had been sent from Tunis to invade Egypt; he signalled his victory\nby building a city not far from Fostat; the latter is called\nMasr-el-Ateekah, or Old Cairo, and was formerly the capital; but the new\ncity grew so fast that it became the capital very soon after it was\nfounded. ", "It has gone through a good many sieges, and had a prominent\nplace in the history of the Crusades; the great Moslem conqueror, Yoosef\nSalah-ed-Deen (known to us as Saladin), built strong walls around Cairo,\nand founded the citadel on the hill at the southern end. ", "The city is\nabout two miles broad by three in length, and stands on a plain\noverlooked by the range of the Mokattam Hills; the new quarter of\nIsmaileeyah was recently added, and when that is included, the Cairo of\nto-day will be nearly twice the extent of the city of fifty years ago.", "\nCairo was the city of the Caliphs, or Moslem rulers, down to 1517; from\nthat time till it was captured by the French, in 1798, it was the chief\ncity of the Turkish province of Egypt. ", "The French held it three years,\nwhen it was captured by the Turks and English; ten years later Mohammed\nAli became an almost independent ruler of the country, and from his time\nto the present Egypt has been ruled by his family, who pay an annual\ntribute to Turkey, and are required to do in certain things as they are\nordered by the Sultan. ", "Cairo is still the capital of Egypt; the Viceroy\nor Khedive lives there except during the hottest part of summer, when he\ngoes to Alexandria, where he has a palace.", "\n\n\"The word 'Khedive' comes from the Persian language, and means 'ruler'\nor 'prince.' ", "It was adopted by Ismail Pacha, and continued by his\nsuccessor; the English word which is nearest in meaning to Khedive is\n'Viceroy,' and the head of the Egyptian government is generally called\nthe Viceroy by Europeans. ", "He should be addressed as 'Your Highness.'", "\n\n\"Some of the most interesting stories of the 'Arabian Nights'\nEntertainments' are laid in Cairo, and the reader of those anecdotes\nwill learn from them a great deal of the manners of the times when they\nwere written. ", "We are told that the translation by Edward William Lane is\nthe best. ", "Lane was an Englishman, who was a long time in Cairo. ", "He\nlearned the language of the people, wore their dress, and lived among\nthem, and he wrote a book called 'The Modern Egyptians,' which\ndescribes the manners and customs of the inhabitants of Cairo better\nthan any other work. ", "When we are in doubt concerning anything, we shall\nconsult 'The Modern Egyptians' for what we want. ", "Lane's translation of\nthe 'Arabian Nights' occupied several years of his time, and was mostly\nmade while he lived in Cairo. ", "We have read some of these stories, and\nfind them very interesting, and often envy Aladdin, with his wonderful\nlamp and his magic couch, and would very much like to sit down with\nSinbad the Sailor and listen to the account of his adventures.", "\n\n[Illustration: PART OF OLD CAIRO.]", "\n\n\"There are so many things in Cairo which we want to see that we will not\ntry to make out a list in advance. ", "We have engaged a guide to show us\naround, and shall trust to him for a day or two. ", "At the end of that time\nwe hope to know something about the city, and be able to go around\nalone.\"", "\n\nEvery evening, while the boys were in Cairo, was devoted to the journal\nof their experiences during the day. ", "They have allowed us to copy from\nit, and we can thus find out where they went and what they did. ", "As there\nwere so many things to describe the labor was divided, and while Frank\nwas busy over one thing, Fred occupied himself with another. ", "Let us see\nwhat they did:\n\n\"It is the custom to ride on donkeys when going about Cairo, as many of\nthe streets are so narrow that you cannot pass through them with\ncarriages. ", "We had the best we could secure, and very nice they were\nunder the saddle, but we soon learned that it required some skill to\nride them. ", "The guide rode ahead, and we noticed that he did not put his\nfeet in the stirrups as we did; while we were wondering the meaning of\nit, Frank's donkey stumbled and fell forward, and Frank went sprawling\nin the dust over the animal's head.", "\n\n\"We all laughed (Frank did not laugh quite as loud as the rest, but he\ndid the best he could), and so did the people in the street where the\naccident happened. ", "Frank was up in an instant, and so was the donkey;\nand when we were off again the guide said that the donkey had a habit of\nstumbling and going down in a heap. ", "If you have your feet in the\nstirrups when he goes down, you can't help being thrown over the\nanimal's head; but if you ride as the guide does, your feet come on the\nground when the donkey falls, and you walk gracefully forward a few\nsteps till the boy brings your animal up for you to mount again.", "\n\n\"We immediately began learning to ride with our feet free, and an hour's\npractice made us all right.", "\n\n\"The donkeys all have names, generally those that have been given to\nthem by travellers. ", "We have had 'Dan Tucker,' 'Prince of Wales,'\n'Chicken Hash,' and 'Pinafore,' and in the lot that stands in front of\nthe hotel there are 'General Grant,' 'Stanley,' 'New York,' and 'Mince\nPie.' ", "They are black, white, gray, and a few other colors, and sometimes\nthe boys decorate them with hair-dye and paint so that they look very\nfunny. ", "The donkey-boys are sharp little fellows, though sometimes they\nkeep at the business after they have become men. ", "They generally speak a\nlittle English; there are two at our hotel that speak it very well, and\nknow the city perfectly, so that when we take them along we have very\nlittle need of a guide. ", "They will run all day as fast as the donkey can,\nsometimes holding him by the bridle, but generally close behind, ready\nto <DW8> or strike him if he does not go fast enough.", "\n\n\"The saddle is a curious sort of thing, as it has a great hump in front\ninstead of a pommel, and there is not the least support to the back any\nmore than in an English riding-pad. ", "They explain the peculiarity of the\nsaddle by saying that the donkey's shoulders are lower than his back,\nand the hump keeps you from sliding forward.", "\n\n\"About the best thing we have yet seen in Cairo is the people in the\nstreets. ", "They are so odd in their dress, and they have so many curious\ncustoms, that our attention is drawn to them all the time. ", "We can't say\nhow many varieties of peddlers there are, but certainly more than we\never saw in any other place, not excepting Tokio or Canton, or any of\nthe cities of India. ", "We will try to describe some of them.", "\n\n[Illustration: A PEDDLER OF JEWELLERY.]", "\n\n\"Here is an old woman with a crate like a flat basket, which she\ncarries on her head. ", "It is filled with little articles of jewellery, and\nshe goes around in the harems and in the baths frequented by women, as\nthey are her best customers. ", "The guide says her whole stock is not worth\na hundred francs, and if she makes a franc a day at her business she\nthinks she is doing well.", "\n\n\"There are women who sell vegetables, fruits, and sweetmeats, which they\ncarry in the same way as the one we have just described. ", "They are\nwrapped from head to foot in long cloaks or outer dresses, and they\ngenerally follow the custom of the country and keep their faces covered.", "\nThe oldest of them are not so particular as the others, and we are told\nthat the custom of wearing the veil is not so universal as it was twenty\nor thirty years ago.", "\n\n[Illustration: A LADY IN STREET DRESS.]", "\n\n\"There is no change of fashion among the women of Egypt. ", "They wear the\nsame kind of garments from one year to another, and as all are veiled,\nexcept among the very poorest classes, they all look alike. ", "Every lady,\nwhen she goes out, covers her face with the _yashmak_ or veil, so that\nonly her eyes are visible; her body is wrapped in a black mantle which\nreaches the ground, and, though she looks at you as if she knew you, it\nis impossible to penetrate her disguise. ", "We are told that when the\nEuropean ladies residing here wish to call on each other, and have\nnobody to escort them, they put on the native dress, and go along the\nstreets without the least fear that anybody will know them.", "\n\n\"The wives of the high officials have adopted some of the fashions of\nEurope in the way of dress; they wear boots instead of slippers, and\nhave their dresses cut in the Paris style, and they wear a great deal of\njewellery mounted by Parisian jewellers. ", "Their hats or bonnets are of\nEuropean form; but they cling to the veil, and never go out-of-doors\nwithout it, though they often have it so thin that their features can be\nseen quite distinctly. ", "We have seen some of them riding in their\ncarriages, and if they had been friends of ours we think we should have\nrecognized them through their thin veils.", "\n\n\"How much we wish we could understand the language of the country!", "\nDoctor Bronson says the peddlers on the streets have a curious way of\ncalling out their wares, quite unlike that of the same class in other\ncountries. ", "For instance, the water-carrier has a goat-skin on his back\nfilled with water, and as he goes along he rattles a couple of brass\ncups together, and cries out, 'Oh ye thirsty! ", "oh ye thirsty!' ", "A moment\nafter he repeats the call, and says, 'God will reward me!' ", "And sometimes\nhe says, 'Blessed is the water of the Nile!' ", "Those who drink the water\nhe offers usually give him a small piece of money, but if they give\nnothing he makes no demand, and moves on repeating his cry.", "\n\n\"The seller of lemons shouts, 'God will make them light, oh lemons!'", "\nmeaning that God will lighten the baskets containing the lemons. ", "The\norange peddler says, 'Sweet as honey, oh oranges!' ", "And the seller of\nroasted melon-seeds says, 'Comforter of those in distress, oh\nmelon-seeds!' ", "Behind him comes a man selling flowers of the henna-plant,\nand his cry is, 'Odors of Paradise, oh flowers of henna!' ", "The\nrose-merchant says, 'The rose is a thorn--it bloomed from the sweat of\nthe Prophet!' ", "We could make a long list of these street cries, but have\ngiven you enough to show what they are.", "\n\n[Illustration: A WOMAN CARRYING WATER.]", "\n\n\"Every few steps we meet women carrying jars of water on their heads.", "\nMany of the houses are supplied in this primitive way, and the\nemployment of carrying water supports a great many people in this\nstrange city of the East. ", "Of late years pipes have been introduced, and\nan aqueduct brings water from the Nile, so that the occupation of the\nbearer has been somewhat diminished. ", "But the public fountain still\nexists, and the people gather there as they did in the days of the\nBible. ", "Every mosque has a fountain in the centre of its court-yard, not\nso much for supplying water for those who wish to carry it away as to\nfurnish an opportunity for the faithful to wash their hands before\nsaying their prayers. ", "Some of these fountains are large, and protected\nfrom the sun by a marble canopy. ", "But the public fountains at the street\ncorners are generally quite exposed to the weather, and many of them are\nquite small.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE FOUNTAIN OF A MOSQUE.]", "\n\n\"We walked slowly along the street during our first excursion, as there\nwere many sights to attract our attention, and we did not wish to miss\nanything. ", "Two or three times we narrowly escaped being run over by\ncamels or donkeys. ", "The camels move along in a very stately way, and do\nnot turn out unless ordered to do so by their drivers. ", "They have a\nwicked expression in their eyes, and seem quite willing to knock over a\nstranger who gets in their way. ", "Sometimes the crowd of people was so\ndense that it was not easy to move among them; but everybody was\ngood-natured, and there was no jostling or rudeness of any kind. ", "There\nwere a good many beggars sitting in little nooks where they were not in\ndanger of being run over, and quite often we met blind men who were\nfeeling their way along by means of long sticks. ", "They called out\nsomething in Arabic, and the people made way for them, so that none of\nthem were hurt.", "\n\n[Illustration: A BEGGAR AT THE WAY-SIDE.]", "\n\n\"The portion of the Mooskee where you enter it from the new part of\nCairo contains a good many European shops, so that you do not come at\nonce into the old-fashioned Orient. ", "But as you go along the scene\nchanges; the shops of the merchants are open to the streets, and the\nshopmen sit there cross-legged, in full view of everybody, so that you\ndo not have to turn out of the way to see what there is to buy.", "\n\n\"When you think of an Oriental shop you must not picture to yourself an\nestablishment like those on Broadway or other great streets in New York,\nwhere dozens or hundreds of clerks are employed to wait on customers,\nand where the population of a small town might all be attended to at\nonce. ", "A shop in Cairo or any other city of the East is generally about\nsix feet square, and often not so large, and it requires only one man to\ntend it, for the simple reason that he can reach everything without\nmoving from his place, and there would be no room for any one else.", "\nSometimes he has an assistant, but if so, he does nothing himself except\nsit still and talk to the customers, while the assistant does all the\nwork of showing the goods. ", "The front of the shop is open to the street,\nand the floor is about as high as an ordinary table, so that when the\ngoods are spread on the floor the customer can examine them as he stands\noutside. ", "We shall see more of these shops when we get to the bazaars.", "\n\n[Illustration: A MAN CARRYING HIS KEYS.]", "\n\n\"While we were standing near a shop we saw the owner shutting it up,\nwhich he did by folding some wooden doors, very much like the wooden\nwindow-shutters we have at home; then he fastened them with a great\npadlock, and started off with the key, which must have weighed a pound\nat least. ", "While we wondered at the size of the lock and key, the Doctor\ncalled our attention to a man with a cluster of wooden sticks over his\nshoulder, and told us that the sticks were the keys of a house. ", "What\nfunny things they were! ", "Each of them was nearly if not quite a foot\nlong, and had a lot of wooden pegs near the end; the pegs fit into\ncorresponding holes in a wooden bolt, in the same way that the\ndifferent wards of a key fit into a lock, but the whole thing is so\nsimple that it does not require much skill for a burglar to get into a\nhouse. ", "The keys are so large that they must be slung over the shoulder\nor fastened to the belt, since they cannot go into an ordinary pocket.", "\n\n\"The Doctor proposed that we should sit down in front of a _café_ and\ndrink some of the famous coffee of the East. ", "Of course we were glad to\ndo so, and our guide took us to a place in a side street where he said\nthey made excellent coffee, and we could have some music along with it.", "\n\n\"We were quite as interested in the music as in the coffee, and thought\nof the old adage about killing two birds with one stone. ", "We heard the\nmusic before we reached the place, and what odd music it was!", "\n\n[Illustration: AN ORIENTAL BAND OF MUSIC.]", "\n\n\"'That is a regular band of music,' said the guide, 'such as the\ncoffee-houses keep to attract customers, and the rich people hire to\nplay for them when they give an entertainment. ", "You see there are four\npieces, and I'll explain what they are, beginning from the left.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE NAY (FLUTE) AND CASE.]", "\n\n\"'The man on the left is playing on a _nay_, or flute, which is a reed\nabout eighteen inches long, with a mouthpiece at one end. ", "It has six\nholes for the fingers, and is blown in a peculiar way, so that a person\nnot accustomed to the nay would be unable to make any sound with it at\nfirst.'", "\n\n[Illustration: ANCIENT EGYPTIAN PLAYING THE NAY.]", "\n\n\"Frank asked if there was any other kind of flute. ", "The guide told him\nthere were several, but this was the most common. ", "The Doctor added that\nthis form of instrument was very old, as it could be seen pictured on\nsome of the monuments of ancient Egypt, and appeared to have been used\nexactly as it is to-day. ", "Some forms of it were blown into sidewise, as\nwith the European flute, while others were blown at the end.", "\n\n\"'The man next to the end is playing on a _kemenjah_ or fiddle,' said\nthe guide. '", "The body of it is made of a cocoa-nut-shell, with a piece of\nfish-skin or some other thin membrane stretched over it, and the\n\"bridge\" rests on this thin covering. ", "There are only two strings, and\nthey are vibrated by means of a bow, just like what you see at home,\nthough the shape is a little different. ", "The long top-piece of the fiddle\nis of wood, while the lower end is of iron, and rests on the floor or\nground. ", "The performers are quite skilful, and it would surprise you to\nknow how much music they can get out of a fiddle with only two strings.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE TAMBOORA.]", "\n\n\"'The next man has a _tamboora_, or lute, which corresponds to the\nguitar, or banjo of Western countries. ", "There are many sizes and shapes\nof this instrument, but the most common is the one you are looking at.", "\n\n\"'The most perfect tamboora is about four feet long, and has ten strings\nand forty-seven stops. ", "Some of them cost a great deal of money, as they\nare made of valuable woods, and inlaid with ivory and mother-of-pearl.", "\nThe form in use by the man in the band is called the _ood_, to\ndistinguish it from the other varieties of the tamboora. ", "It is about two\nfeet long, and you observe that the handle bends back very sharply to\naccommodate the fingers of the player. ", "A smaller variety of this\ninstrument is called the _sadz_, and very often forms part of a\nsoldier's equipment. ", "As you travel about Egypt you will often see a\nsoldier playing on the sadz, which he accompanies with his voice.", "\n\n[Illustration: A DARABOOKAH.]", "\n\n\"'The next and last man of the party has a _darabookah_, a sort of drum,\nwhich he holds under his left arm while he plays on it with the fingers\nof his right hand. ", "The body of the instrument is of earthen-ware or of\nwood, and a skin or membrane is stretched over the large end. ", "It has\nchanged its shape very little in three thousand years. ", "You see pictures\nof the darabookah on the walls of the tombs, and on other ancient\nmonuments of Egypt, and the manner of playing it is the same as of old.'", "\n\n\"So much, for the band of music, which I am sure will interest you. ", "We\nsat down on little chairs, so low that it seemed like sitting on the\nfloor, and then coffee was brought to us in little brass cups about as\nlarge as an egg shell, but a great deal thicker. ", "Each cup had a holder\nof brass filigree work, with a knob or handle at the bottom, and we were\nexpected to grasp the latter, and not to touch the cup with our hands.", "\nThe coffee was in a pot, also of brass, and the whole service--pot,\ncups, and holders--was on a tray of the same material. ", "The trays, with\nthe brightly-polished utensils upon them, looked very pretty, and we\nresolved to buy some of these coffee services to send to our friends at\nhome.", "\n\n\"We can't say much for the coffee, though possibly we may come to like\nit in time. ", "It is made much thicker than with us, and if you let it\nstand for a minute before drinking, you will find a sediment at the\nbottom like fine dust. ", "The servants stand ready to take away the cups as\nsoon as you are done drinking, and they do it by holding out both hands,\nbringing one beneath and the other on top of the cup and holder. ", "We\nwatched them for some time, and did not once see them take hold of a cup\nas one would do in America. ", "While waiting they stood with their hands\ncrossed at the waist, and we were told that this is the proper attitude\nfor a servant in Egypt.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: COFFEE-POT AND CUPS.]", "\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER V.\n\nA RAMBLE THROUGH THE BAZAARS OF CAIRO.", "\n\n\nFrom the _café_ Doctor Bronson and his young friends continued their\nexcursion in the direction of the bazaars, which both the boys were\nimpatient to visit. ", "They had heard and read of the bazaars of Cairo, and\nthe strange things to be seen in them, and as they went along the Doctor\nsupplemented what they already knew by an explanation of the differences\nbetween Oriental and Occidental shopping.", "\n\n[Illustration: AN ORIENTAL SHOPKEEPER EXAMINING HIS BOOKS.]", "\n\n\"In our own land,\" said Doctor Bronson, \"as well as in most countries of\nEurope, you find shops and stores scattered about so as to catch as much\ncustom as possible. ", "As a general thing a tradesman endeavors to set up\nhis business in a block or street where there is no one in the same\nline, and it is only in rare instances that you see two establishments\nof the same kind side by side. ", "But in the East all the men in a certain\nline of trade gather together, and out of this tendency we have the\nbazaars of Cairo and Constantinople. ", "Suppose you go out in New York or\nChicago in search of a book, a coat, a pair of shoes, a piece of silk,\nsome perfumes, and an article of jewellery. ", "You might find them all in a\nsingle walk of a few hundred yards, as it is quite possible that a\nbook-store, a clothing-store, a shoemaker's shop, and the other\nestablishments might be found in a single block. ", "But in Cairo you would\nneed to visit several bazaars or collections of shops; the book-stores\nare all in one place, the clothing-stores in another, the shoemakers in\nanother, and so on through the list. ", "It would take hours to accomplish\nwhat you would do at home in a few minutes, and there is nothing better\nthan this system of shopping to illustrate the Oriental disregard of\ntime. ", "The shops in any given bazaar are pretty much alike, and contain\nalmost identically the same articles; the customers wander from one shop\nto another, and spend a great deal of time in bargaining and examining\nthe goods. ", "Time is of no consequence either to them or to the dealers,\nand you will often wonder how the latter can possibly make a living.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: INTERIOR OF A CARAVANSARY.]", "\n\nAs the Doctor finished his remarks the guide called their attention to a\nlarge gate-way, and at his suggestion they passed inside. ", "They found\nthemselves in a broad court, which was formed by a series of rooms\nrunning round a square, and opening toward the enclosed space. ", "Goods\nwere piled in many of these rooms; in the court-yard there were boxes\nand bales scattered about, and several camels with burdens on their\nbacks were standing quietly, or being led by their owners according to\nthe will of the latter. ", "Near one side of the square there was a fountain\nlike a pile of whitewashed bricks, and a horse was drinking from a\ntrough in front of it.", "\n\n[Illustration: GATE-WAY OF A CARAVANSARY.]", "\n\nThe guide explained that the place they had entered was a caravansary or\ninn (usually called a _khan_), and that it might be taken as a fair\nsample of the Oriental hotel. \"", "The rooms,\" said he, \"are let out to\ntravellers or merchants for a small sum, and the keeper will provide\nfood for man and beast, just as a tavern-keeper would in America. ", "The\nrooms have no furniture, nothing but the bare walls, and floors; the\noccupant spreads his carpet and bedding on the floor, and if he has any\nmerchandise he piles it up, and can, if he chooses, convert the place\ninto a shop. ", "There are stables for camels and other beasts of burden on\nthe side opposite the entrance; if you go into them you will find a\nsmall platform over the farther end of each compartment, and the trough\nor manger is directly beneath it. ", "The drivers sleep on these platforms,\nso as to be near their animals, to prevent their being stolen, and to\nlook after them generally.\"", "\n\nFrank asked if the Eastern caravansary of the present day was like the\nsame institution mentioned several times in the Bible.", "\n\n\"There can be little doubt that it is,\" the Doctor answered, \"as the\ncustoms of the country have changed very little from Bible times to our\nown. ", "It was just such a place as this where our Saviour was born, and\nthe trough or manger where he was cradled was like any one of the\nfeeding-troughs in this caravansary.\"", "\n\nWhile they were looking at the rooms and other parts of the caravansary,\nthe _khanjy_, or keeper, came forward and asked what they wanted. ", "The\nguide explained that they were strangers who wished to see the place,\nand he accompanied the explanation with a small backsheesh. ", "The khanjy\nsaid they might remain as long as they liked; but they had seen all\nthere was of interest about the place, and soon withdrew.", "\n\n[Illustration: A STREET IN A BAZAAR AT CAIRO.]", "\n\nSoon after leaving the khan they entered the cloth bazaar, where the\nshops were principally filled with cloths of different kinds. ", "The\nmerchants endeavored to attract their attention, and the runners were at\ntimes so troublesome that the Doctor instructed the guide to say that\nthey had not come there to buy, but simply to look around. ", "He took the\nopportunity to tell the boys that the word _bazaar_ is Persian, and\nmeans \"a collection of shops,\" while the Arabic word of the same meaning\nis _sook_. \"", "We thus have,\" said he, \"the 'Sook el Hamzowee,' the 'Sook\nel Attarin' (drug bazaar), the 'Sook-es-Soudan' (bazaar for Soudan\nproducts), and many others whose character we shall learn by-and-by.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: SHOPPING SCENE IN THE HAMZOWEE.]", "\n\n\"We are now,\" said the guide, \"in the 'Sook el Hamzowee,' or cloth\nmarket, though a more literal translation would make it 'the market of\nthe Christians.' ", "The merchants here are all Christians, either Syrians\nor Copts, and they close their places on Sunday. ", "Many of the cloths here\nare of European manufacture, and the merchants are just as keen as their\nMoslem competitors in demanding exorbitant prices for their wares. ", "The\nman you see running up and down with a roll of cloth on his head is a\n_dallal_, or auctioneer; he is shouting out the last offer for the goods\nhe is carrying, and is asking if anybody will give more. ", "If he receives\na new offer he instantly calls it out, and when nobody will give any\nmore he shouts for the owner of the goods to come and close the\ntransaction.\"", "\n\nOur friends encountered several of these auctioneers in the course of\ntheir walk, and Frank remarked that there was a fine opportunity for\nfraud if anybody chose to practise it. ", "He thought that while out of\nsight round a corner the piece of cloth might be exchanged for a cheaper\none of the same general appearance, and the purchaser would be\ndefrauded.", "\n\n\"Not much chance of that,\" responded the Doctor; \"these fellows are\naltogether too sharp to be imposed on in that way; and if an auctioneer\nshould play that trick once, and be detected, he would be forbidden to\ncome into the bazaars to practise his profession.\"", "\n\nThe narrow street that formed the double row of shops in the bazaar was\ncovered with an arched roof containing openings for admitting the light.", "\nThe Doctor said that the dealers did not object to the sombre aspect of\nthe place, as it made their goods appear finer than when submitted to\nthe full glare of day. \"", "You may sometimes notice,\" said he, \"that the\ntailors of New York and other American cities take their customers to\nthe rear of the shop when exhibiting materials, rather than to the front\nwhere the light is strongest. ", "The reason is the same there as here;\ntextile fabrics have a finer appearance under a subdued light than under\na powerful one.\"", "\n\nFrom the Hamzowee the promenade was continued through other bazaars,\ntill the youths had seen a great deal more than they were likely to\nremember. ", "They went through the bazaar of the jewellers, which consists\nof a series of narrow lanes, rather irregularly connected, and in many\nplaces not more than a yard in width; Frank thought the place was\noriginally intended for a labyrinth, and his opinion was confirmed when\nthey came around in their wanderings to the point whence they started.", "\nFrank wanted to buy something for his sister and Miss Effie, but was\nrestrained by the Doctor, who advised him to postpone his purchases till\nhe was better acquainted with the ways of dealing with the jewellers.", "\n\n[Illustration: EASTERN NECKLACES.]", "\n\nWe may as well record at this point that he returned another day, and\nbought some necklaces which he thought would be prized at home, and the\nresult proved the correctness of his theory. ", "For his sister he chose a\nnecklace consisting of a string of gold coins about as large as silver\nfive-cent pieces, with one in the centre much larger than the rest. ", "For\nMiss Effie he selected one of curiously shaped links, with tiny globes\nbetween them, while from the lower point of each link there hung a\nheart-shaped plate of gold that was intended to sparkle whenever the\nwearer moved. ", "There were many of these necklaces for sale in the bazaar,\nand Frank had no difficulty in finding one that suited his taste.", "\n\nThe boys found that they could not buy things in a hurry in the bazaars\nof Cairo. ", "As before stated, time is of no consequence to an Oriental,\nand he expects to spend an hour at least over a bargain. ", "Frank had been\nproperly instructed, and so when he set out to buy the necklace for his\nsister he carelessly asked the price of one he was looking at.", "\n\nThe dealer named a figure, and Frank shook his head.", "\n\nThe dealer named another figure, five or ten per cent. ", "lower. ", "Frank\nagain shook his head, and then the dealer asked what he would give.", "\n\nFrank offered about a third of the price that had been demanded\noriginally.", "\n\nIt was now the dealer's turn to refuse, and he did so. ", "He emphasized his\nrefusal by putting the necklace back into the show-case, which he\ncarefully locked.", "\n\n[Illustration: WEIGHING GOLD IN THE JEWELLERS' BAZAAR.]", "\n\nFrank offered a little advance on his first proposal, but the dealer\nagain declined it, and our friends moved away. ", "Just as they did so the\ndealer named a lower price than he had yet asked for the article, but to\nno purpose, however.", "\n\nThey went a few steps and stopped at another shop. ", "While they were\nlooking at something it contained they were called back by the merchant\nwith whom they originally talked, and the bargaining was renewed.", "\n\nThe dealer slowly lowered his figures, and Frank as slowly advanced his\noffer. ", "In fifteen or twenty minutes they met, and Frank secured the\nnecklace at a little more than half what had been demanded originally.", "\nThe Doctor told him he had done very well, and could be trusted to deal\nwith the Orientals.", "\n\n\"Remember,\" said the Doctor, \"that these people are never in a hurry,\nand consequently you must be like them if you are to deal with them.", "\nThey think it absolutely necessary to pass a certain time over a\ntransaction, and do not understand our Western habits of coming to terms\nat once. ", "You have bought that necklace for a certain price, and it is\nsafe to say that the merchant has made a good profit by the transaction.", "\nIf you had offered him that figure at first he would have refused it,\nand continued to refuse, as he would thereby have missed the necessary\nchaffering and haggling.", "\n\n\"When I first visited Egypt I was sometimes impatient of delay, and used\nto tell the dealers I had only one price to give, and would not bargain\nwith them. ", "I thought I could bring them to terms, though my friends told\nme I could not. ", "One day I went to the Hamzowee, and tried to buy a\n_cafieh_, or silk handkerchief, in gaudy colors, and embroidered with\ngold, which was worth about fifteen francs. ", "The merchant demanded\nthirty-five francs for it. ", "I offered him sixteen, and he fell to thirty\nat once.", "\n\n\"I did not raise my bid, but repeated my offer two or three times. ", "He\nfell to twenty-five francs, and would not go lower. ", "I did not rise above\nsixteen, and he allowed me to go away. ", "A friend of mine stood by, but\npretended not to know me, and when I had finished my effort and gone he\nbegan to bargain for the cafieh, just as you bargained for the necklace.", "\nHe offered five francs to begin with, and by spending half an hour over\nthe matter he bought the article for fifteen francs, or one less than\nhad been refused from me!", "\n\n\"There was a shrewd old Syrian who used to come around the hotels to\npeddle silk goods. ", "Knowing the fondness of English and Americans for the\none-price system, he would say, when exhibiting an article worth twenty\nfrancs,\n\n\"'If you want to bargain for it, it is fifty francs; but if you want the\nlast price, without bargaining, it is thirty-five francs.'", "\n\n\"Strangers were occasionally tricked in this way, and gave him his price\nwithout question, if they wanted the article; but those who had been a\nweek or two in the country knew better, and began to bargain with\nthirty-five francs as the asking price. ", "The result would be that they\nwould bring him down to twenty francs after the usual amount of\nhaggling. ", "You must bargain for everything here when dealing with\nnatives, and they are not to be believed if they say they have only one\nprice. ", "I have heard a man offer an article in about these words, after a\nbargain had been progressing for some time:\n\n\"'The very lowest I can sell this for--I give you my word of honor it\ncost me that--is fifty francs. ", "I will take nothing less than fifty\nfrancs, and you need not offer me anything under it.'", "\n\n\"You believe he is not speaking the truth, and offer him thirty. ", "He\ndeclares that the thing cost him fifty, but he will take forty-five, and\nabsolutely nothing less. ", "You offer him thirty-five--he falls to forty,\nand the bargain is concluded.\"", "\n\nFrank profited by the advice, but carried the lesson too far. ", "When he\nwent the next day to the post-office to send some letters to America,\nthe clerk weighed the letters, and told him the postage amounted to two\nfrancs and a half. ", "The youth offered one franc and a half, and on the\nclerk refusing to accept it he turned to walk away. ", "Suddenly realizing\nthe mistake he had made, he returned, bought the necessary stamps,\naffixed them to the letters, and dropped them in the letter-box.", "\n\nThe journal kept by the youths contained the following record of their\nadventures in the bazaars:\n\n\"In the bazaar of the jewellers, or rather of the gold and silver\nsmiths, we saw the men at work with implements as primitive as those of\nthe jewellers of India. ", "The bellows of the silversmith was nothing more\nthan a conical bag of goat-skin open at one end, where the air was\npumped in by a skilful manipulation of a pair of handles. ", "At the other\nend was an iron tube, which carried the air to a lump of clay supporting\na charcoal fire. ", "A few hammers and pincers constituted the entire 'kit'\nof the workman, but with them he managed to turn out articles of many\ndifferent shapes. ", "We were told that strangers are liable to be swindled,\nas the dealers often sell plated-ware and declare it is solid, and the\ngovernment stamp to indicate its genuineness cannot be relied on. ", "When a\nwealthy native desires an article of fine gold or silver he buys the\nmetal, and then has the jeweller go to his house and work directly under\nhis eye, so that there can be no cheating.", "\n\n[Illustration: KITCHEN UTENSILS.]", "\n\n\"From the jewellers' bazaar we went to the 'Sook-en-Nahhasin,' or bazaar\nof the coppersmiths, where we saw some trays of copper and brass, and a\ngreat many pots and utensils for the kitchen and domestic use generally.", "\nWe bought a couple of ink-and-pen holders, such as the Arabs write with:\nthere is a long handle for containing the little reeds which they use as\npens, and a bottle at the end for holding ink. ", "The apparatus is stuck\ninto the waist-belt, and you see it worn by a great many people.", "\n\n[Illustration: BASIN AND EWER.]", "\n\n\"There were many shapes and sizes of the kitchen utensils, and all were\nmade of brass or copper. ", "There were tongs and shovels very much like our\nown stewpans, with and without handles, and a little pot with a long\nhandle, in which they make coffee. ", "One of the prettiest things we saw\nfor household use was a basin and ewer, or pitcher, for washing the\nhands after dinner. ", "The Doctor explained the manner of using it, and\nsaid it was carried round the table by a servant, who poured water on\nthe hands of each guest, and allowed it to run into the basin after the\nablution was performed. ", "There is a perforated cover in the centre of the\nbasin, and it has a cup in the top for holding a ball of scented soap.", "\nThe ewer has a long slender spout opposite the handle, and there is a\nperforated cover to keep out the flies and other undesirable things.", "\n\n[Illustration: BOTTLE FOR ROSE-WATER.]", "\n\n\"In the perfume bazaar we were welcomed by a variety of agreeable odors,\nand by the shop-keepers and their runners, who tried to sell us ottar of\nrose and oil of sandal-wood, which are the perfumes most sought by\nstrangers. ", "Every shop promised to give us the genuine article, and said\nthere was no other place where it could be bought. ", "The Doctor says it is\nsimply impossible to get the real ottar of rose anywhere in the bazaar,\nno matter what price you pay, and consequently it is best to be moderate\nin your figures. ", "The veritable perfume is worth, at the place of\nmanufacture, about fifty dollars an ounce, and therefore, when you buy\nit for two or three or five dollars an ounce, you can hardly expect to\nget the best. ", "It is very funny to hear the strangers at the hotel talk\nabout their purchases of ottar of rose. ", "Each one knows a place, which\nhas been shown him in strict confidence, where the genuine perfume can\nbe bought; but it can only be obtained on a promise not to reveal the\nlocality, or some similar nonsense. ", "If you ever come to Egypt this ottar\nof rose business will afford you much amusement if you are careful to\nmanage it properly.", "\n\n[Illustration: ORIENTAL GUNS.]", "\n\n\"The shoe bazaar and the arms bazaar were not particularly interesting,\nas the former contained little else than a great lot of shoes, and the\nlatter had a miserable collection of weapons that were hardly worth\ncarrying away. ", "Formerly the arms bazaar was a favorite spot for\nvisitors, as there were many old and curious things to be found there,\nbut nearly everything worth buying up was secured long ago. ", "We saw some\nOriental guns with funny shaped stocks. ", "The Doctor says the barrels of\nthese weapons are nearly all from Europe, while the stocks are of\nEgyptian or other Oriental manufacture. ", "There is a strong prejudice\nagainst explosive caps, and if you give a gun with a percussion-lock to\na native, he will have it changed as soon as possible to a flint-lock.", "\nThey rarely use shot, and the best of the native sportsmen would hardly\nthink of shooting a bird on the wing.", "\n\n[Illustration: BAB-EL-NASR.]", "\n\n\"From the bazaars we continued our walk to the Bab-el-Nasr, or 'Gate of\nVictory,' one of the most important gates of Cairo. ", "It was built in the\neleventh century, and is mostly of hewn stone, with winding stairways\nleading to the top, holes for cannon and small arms, and is so large and\nstrong that it was selected by Napoleon as the central point of defence\nwhile he held the city. ", "It is a little fort in itself, and we were very\nglad to have the opportunity of examining it.", "\n\n\"We gave a little backsheesh to the gate-keeper, and he allowed us to go\nto the top, where we had a view of the nearest part of the city, and of\nthe heaps of rubbish lying outside the gates. ", "There were several\nwolfish-looking dogs prowling among the dust-heaps, and they growled as\nthey caught sight of us, and saw that we were not natives. ", "The dogs of\nCairo have a great hatred of foreigners, as we shall have occasion to\nsay by-and-by.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: STREET SCENE NEAR THE BAB-EL-NASR.]", "\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER VI.", "\n\nMOSQUES, DERVISHES, AND SCHOOLS.--EDUCATION IN EGYPT.", "\n\n\n[Illustration: THE MOSQUE OF TOOLOON.]", "\n\nFrom the Bab-el-Nasr our friends returned, by the direction of the\nguide, through a street that led them past several of the famous mosques\nof Cairo. ", "They entered the Mosque of Tooloon, which is the oldest in the\ncity, and said to be modelled after the Kaaba at Mecca; according to the\nhistorians it was built about A.D. 879, and there are several legends\nconcerning it. ", "One is that it stands on the spot where Abraham\nsacrificed a goat in place of his son, and another puts it on the site\nwhere Noah's ark ran aground, though the general belief of the Moslems\nlocates the latter event near Moosool, in Syria.", "\n\nThe mosque has been neglected in the latter centuries of its existence,\nand at present is not specially inviting. ", "It covers a very large area\n(about six hundred square feet), and consists of a series of arcades\nrunning around a court-yard, which has a fountain in the centre. ", "On the\neast side there are five rows of these arcades, but on the other three\nsides there are only two rows. ", "The west, north, and south sides are\nused as lodgings for poor people, and their continual begging renders a\nvisit the reverse of agreeable. ", "The east side is the holiest part of the\nedifice, but at the time our friends went there it was not easy to\ndiscover that it was any more respected than the other sections.", "\n\nThe guide said there were not far from four hundred mosques in Cairo,\nand that a good many of them were in ruins, and not likely to be\nrepaired. ", "The government does not build any new ones, as it has more\npractical uses for its money, and the followers of Mohammed seem to be\ngrowing more and more indifferent to religious observances every year.", "\nThe Moslem Sabbath is on Friday; the mosques are tolerably filled on\nthat day, but during the rest of the week the attendance is very light.", "\nFormerly it was difficult or even dangerous to enter some of the\nmosques, but at present the whole matter can be arranged on payment of a\nbacksheesh. ", "Once in a while a fanatic insults a stranger, but he is\ngenerally suppressed immediately by his friends.", "\n\n[Illustration: MIHRAB, PULPIT, AND CANDLESTICK IN A MOSQUE.]", "\n\nFrank and Fred found that the general plan of the mosques was the same,\nand the difference was mainly in the outer walls and the style of\narchitecture. ", "In every mosque there is a _mihrab_, or alcove, usually\nopposite the entrance, and this mihrab points toward Mecca, so that the\nfaithful may know how to direct their faces when saying their prayers.", "\nNear the alcove is a pulpit with a steep flight of steps ascending to\nit, and over the pulpit there is generally a column, like the spire of a\nchurch in miniature. ", "On each side of the alcove is an enormous\ncandlestick, and there is generally a frame with swinging lamps, not\nmore than eight or ten feet from the floor. ", "There are many of these\nlamps, and also a great many ostrich eggs, and altogether they present a\ncurious effect.", "\n\nThere is very little interior decoration in the mosque, as the religion\nof Mohammed forbids its believers to make a representation of anything\nthat has life. ", "It was formerly very difficult to induce a Moslem to\nallow his portrait to be made. ", "The writer of this book once sought in\nvain to induce a wild native of Central Asia to sit for his photograph,\nthe reason being that the man feared the portrait might get to Paradise\nahead of him, and prevent his own admission within the gates. ", "The more\nintelligent of the Moslems pay no heed to this superstition, but the\ndecorators of the mosques adhere to it most carefully, consequently all\nthe ornamentation of the walls consists of scroll-work or of sentences\nfrom the Koran.[3]\n\n[3] It is said that this injunction was made by Mohammed in order to\nprevent his converts lapsing again into the idolatry from which he had\nconverted them. ", "He enjoined them against making a representation of any\nliving thing, as they might be confronted with it at the Day of\nJudgment, and required, under penalty of perpetual banishment from\nParadise, to endow it with life.", "\n\nFrom the Mosque of Tooloon our friends went to the Mosque of Sultan\nHassan, which is considered the finest in the city. ", "It was built of\nstone taken from the pyramids of Gizeh, and was begun in the year 1356.", "\nAccording to the traditions it occupied three years in building, and was\nconsidered so fine that the Sultan ordered the hands of the architect to\nbe cut off, in order that he should not be able to construct another\nequal to it. ", "The story is of doubtful authenticity, and has been told in\nvarious ways, and concerning other buildings in many parts of the world.", "\nWhether it be true or not, the building is certainly a fine one, and has\nbeen greatly admired during all the centuries that it has been in\nexistence. ", "One of its minarets is the tallest in Cairo, and probably in\nall the lands where the Moslem religion prevails. ", "It is two hundred and\neighty feet high, and from its top there is a fine view of Cairo, but,\nunfortunately, it is considered unsafe, and no one is allowed to ascend\nit.", "\n\nBy the time they had finished with the Mosque of Sultan Hassan our\nfriends were weary, and glad to return to the hotel. ", "The next day was\nFriday, the Moslem Sunday, and at the suggestion of the Doctor they went\nto see the whirling dervishes, who perform only on that day. ", "We will let\nthe boys tell the story of their visit to these singular people.", "\n\n\"The dervishes are religious devotees corresponding to the monks of the\nCatholic Church, whom they resemble in some of their practices. ", "They are\nsupposed to be wholly occupied with religious matters, and there are\nseveral branches or orders of them, who are distinguished by their\ndress. ", "They have property set apart for their use, and some of the\nsocieties are very wealthy; the most numerous, and at the same time the\nrichest, are the Mevlevies, who can be recognized by their tall caps of\ngray felt, with jackets and robes of the same color. ", "The lower part of\nthe robe is like a lady's skirt, as it is made in folds, and will spread\nout into a large circle when the wearer whirls rapidly. ", "They are the\nmost respectable of all the orders of dervishes, and some of them are\nmen of education and former high position.", "\n\n[Illustration: A BEGGING DERVISH.]", "\n\n\"There are many independent dervishes who are simply religious beggars,\nbelonging to no sect or order: they go around soliciting charity, or sit\nat the street corners or in public places, dressed in a way to attract\nattention. ", "We passed one yesterday who had the saw of a saw-fish in one\nhand and an instrument resembling a child's rattle in the other; a\ncocoa-nut shell hung on his breast, to hold the donations of the\ncharitable, and he sat on a box that resembled a rude bird-cage. ", "He was\nextremely dirty in appearance, his legs were bare, and his hair was long\nand uncombed; he stared at us, and shouted something we did not\nunderstand, and when we passed by without giving him anything, he shook\nhis rattle in an angry way. ", "The guide says these men often go into the\nhouses of rich people, and the latter are afraid to turn them out\nbecause of their so-called holy character. ", "They are the most impudent\nbeggars you can find anywhere, and many of them are said to be thieves\nand murderers, who disguise their true character under the cloak of\nreligion.", "\n\n\"We went to see the Mevlevies, and on the way to their temple the Doctor\ntold us that the whirling was a part of their religious observance, like\nthe dancing of the Shakers in America, and the practices of other sects,\nwhose fervor is often followed by insensibility. ", "The dizziness that\nresults from whirling is considered a state of religious devotion, and\nthe most suited to the contemplation of heavenly things, and hence\ntheir efforts to throw themselves into this ecstatic condition.", "\n\n[Illustration: A WHIRLING DERVISH.]", "\n\n\"When we entered their mosque we removed our shoes, or rather exchanged\nthem for the slippers we had brought along, as we knew beforehand that\nwe would need them. ", "The building was circular, with a railed space in\nthe centre; outside of the rail the floor was covered with matting, but\ninside it was polished like the floor of a dancing-hall.", "\n\n\"Some of the dervishes were already seated in the ring when we entered,\nand others came in soon after. ", "When all was ready the sheik or chief of\nthe party rose and stood in the centre of the floor; the others bowed to\nhim one after another, and then stood near the railing, with their arms\nfolded and their heads bent slightly forward. ", "All were barefoot, having\nleft their shoes at the door.", "\n\n\"Half a dozen dervishes were in a little balcony overlooking the floor,\nand when the chief gave the signal that all was ready three of them\nbegan to play upon flutes, such as we have already described, and three\nupon tambourines. ", "Then the dervishes on the floor began to whirl; the\nmusic, at first slow, soon quickened, and the dancers or whirlers\nquickened their movements with it.", "\n\n\"Before getting into motion each man extended his arms, holding the palm\nof the right hand upward while he turned down that of the left. ", "We asked\nthe reason of this peculiar position of the hands, but the guide could\nnot tell us. ", "He simply said that they always did so, and he did not know\nwhy.", "\n\n[Illustration: PERFORMANCE OF THE WHIRLING DERVISHES.]", "\n\n\"As they whirled, their skirts spread out so that they resembled wheels,\nor rather cones four or five feet in diameter. ", "They kept their hands\nalways in the same position, and as they whirled they moved slowly\naround the floor; it was a wonder that they didn't run against each\nother, but they didn't. ", "The music went on, and so did the dancers, and\nthey kept up their whirl for half an hour or more. ", "We looked for some of\nthem to fall down; but they were accustomed to this kind of work, and\nwouldn't oblige us. ", "Nobody fell; and finally, at a signal from their\nsheik, one after another stopped, made a low bow to him, and retired to\nthe edge of the circle. ", "We had seen enough, and so came away.", "\n\n[Illustration: A WHIRLER IN FULL ACTION.]", "\n\n\"Another day we went to see a sect called the howling dervishes; they\nare much like the Mevlevies, except that they howl instead of whirl.", "\nThey sat on the floor in a circle, and began to pronounce the names of\nDeity ninety times each, and as there are ninety-nine different names\nfor God in the Arabic language, you can readily see that there were a\ngreat many words altogether. ", "They bow each time they pronounce a word,\nand very soon after commencing they rose to their feet, joined hands\ntogether, and became greatly excited. ", "They bent their bodies nearly\ndouble at every utterance, their turbans fell off, their hair flew\nwildly about, they stripped off their upper garments, perspired freely,\nand some of them, after a time, actually frothed at the mouth like mad\ndogs. ", "We did not stay to see the end of the performance, but were told\nthat it continued till the fanatics were exhausted, and one after\nanother fell insensible to the floor.", "\n\n\"Let us turn to something more agreeable.", "\n\n\"Frequently while going around the city we have passed near\nschool-rooms, where boys were studying their lessons under direction of\ntheir teachers, and once we went inside and saw a school in operation.", "\nIt reminded us of the one we saw at Allahabad, in India,[4] as the boys\nwere seated on the floor in front of their teacher, and were studying\ntheir lessons aloud. ", "Each boy had a wooden tablet like a large slate,\nwith some sentences on it in Arabic, which he was to commit to memory.", "\nThey rock back and forward as they study, as the motion is thought to\nassist the memory. ", "When a dozen boys are repeating their lessons all at\nonce you can imagine what a din they keep up. ", "The sentences they learn\nare from the Koran, and as soon as they can repeat the first chapter of\nthe sacred book they learn the last but one, and then the one preceding;\nthe second chapter of the book is the one learned last of all, and when\nthey can repeat the whole of the Koran their education is considered\ncomplete, unless they are intended for occupations where they must know\nhow to write. ", "For instruction in writing they go to another school, or\nhave special teachers at home. ", "The teacher receives a small sum of money\nfrom the parents of each boy at the end of every week, and the room\nwhere he keeps his school is generally the property of a mosque, and\ncosts nothing for rent.", "\n\n[4] \"The Boy Travellers in Ceylon and India,\" pp. ", "447, 448.", "\n\n\"Mr. Lane tells of a teacher who could not read or write, but managed to\nkeep a school for some years without being found out. ", "He could repeat\nthe Koran from memory, and under pretence that his eyes were weak he\nused to have the lessons written by the head boy or monitor. ", "When people\nbrought letters for him to read he made the same excuse, or gave some\nother reason for avoiding an exposure of his ignorance.", "\n\n[Illustration: ARABIC WRITING, WITH IMPRESSION OF A SEAL.]", "\n\n\"Doctor Bronson says girls are rarely taught to read, except among the\nwealthy inhabitants, and not always even them. ", "One of us asked him if\nthere were no schools at all for girls.", "\n\n\"'Yes,' he answered, 'but there are not many, and it is only within a\nfew years that they have been established. ", "One of the wives of Ismail\nPacha took hold of the matter, and opened a school in an unoccupied\npalace of the Khedive. ", "Invitations were given for parents to send their\ndaughters to be educated, but for three weeks not a pupil came.", "\nGradually the prejudice was overcome, and in a few months there were\nthree hundred pupils hard at work, while a great many who wished to come\nwere unable to obtain admission for want of room. ", "There are now several\nschools for girls in Cairo, and there is hardly a large town in Egypt\nwithout one or more.'", "\n\n\"We next asked what was taught in the schools for girls.", "\n\n\"'More than half the time,' said the Doctor, 'is devoted to instruction\nin household duties, embroidery, and plain sewing, so that the girls can\nbecome intelligent servants or wives. ", "Then they are taught to read and\nsometimes to write, and if they show any marked aptitude for music,\nthere are music-teachers for their special benefit. ", "It was the idea of\nIsmail Pacha that the best way to improve the condition of his people\nwas to make them intelligent, and to begin the work with the girls who\nare to be the mothers of the next generation of Egyptians.", "\n\n\"'It was also his idea that the abolition of slavery would be hastened\nby training a class of household servants to take the places of the\nslaves. ", "The indications thus far are that his idea was an excellent one,\nand the education of the girls of the working-classes of the people will\ngo far in the right direction.", "\n\n[Illustration: SCENE IN A PRIMARY SCHOOL.]", "\n\n\"'The Khedive also did much toward giving Egypt a system of public\nschools like those of Europe and America. ", "He appointed two Europeans to\nsuperintend the matter, and gave large sums of money for establishing\nschools that could be free to all, in addition to the primary schools\nalready described. ", "Foreign teachers were employed, together with the\nmost intelligent native ones that could be found, and the system has\nalready made great progress. ", "The course in the lower schools covers four\nyears of study, and after that the pupils may enter one of the higher\nschools and study medicine, engineering, surveying, law, mechanical\nconstruction, and the like. ", "Those who can pay for their instruction may\ndo so, but any pupil can enter whether he has money or not. ", "Those who do\nnot pay are liable to be called into the government service, and many of\nthem are assigned to teach in the lower schools.", "\n\n\"'The American and English missionaries have schools in various parts of\nEgypt, and have done a great deal toward the cause of education. ", "For a\nlong time they labored under many disadvantages; but of late years the\ngovernment has recognized the importance of their services, and made\nlarge donations in lands and money for their schools. ", "Miss Whately, the\ndaughter of Archbishop Whately, has a school here in Cairo, which she\nhas established by her own exertions, for the purpose of educating the\ngirls of the lower classes; she devotes her entire time to this work of\ncharity, and I am happy to say that she is fully appreciated by the\nnative as well as the foreign population. ", "It is quite possible that the\nexample of this self-sacrificing woman led the wife of the Khedive to\nestablish the schools already mentioned.", "\n\n[Illustration: INSTRUCTION AT HOME.]", "\n\n\"'Probably the largest school in Egypt,' the Doctor continued, 'is the\nreligious one attached to the Mosque El-Azhar. ", "The building is of no\ngreat consequence as a work of architecture, as it consists of a series\nof porticos of different periods of construction; but it has long been\ncelebrated as a university for Moslem instruction, and has had an\nuninterrupted career of more than eight hundred years.", "\n\n\"'It is not only the largest school in Egypt, but probably the largest\nin the world, as it has more than ten thousand students.'", "\n\n[Illustration: ENTRANCE TO THE EL-AZHAR.]", "\n\n\"Ten thousand students in one school?", "\n\n\"Yes, ten thousand students; the last year for which I have seen the\nfigures there were ten thousand seven hundred and eighty students, and\nthree hundred and twenty-one professors. ", "The students are from all parts\nof the world where the religion of Mohammed prevails; but naturally the\ngreat majority of them are from Egypt. ", "They remain from three to six\nyears at the university, and pay no fees for instruction. ", "The professors\nhave no salaries, but depend upon presents from the pupils who can\nafford to make them, and upon what they can earn by private teaching,\nwriting letters, and similar work. ", "The poor pupils support themselves in\nthe same way. ", "Many of them sleep in the mosque, and the building has an\napartment set aside for students from each country or province of Egypt.", "\nThere is a library for the use of students in each of these apartments,\nand the university formerly had a large revenue, but it was taken away\nby Mohammed Ali, and has never been restored.", "\n\n\"'The instruction in the university is mostly religious. ", "When his\nreligious course is ended the student is instructed in law, which is\nalways based on the Koran; after that he devotes some attention to\npoetry, and, if any time remains, he may learn something of geometry,\narithmetic, and other miscellaneous knowledge. ", "Many of the students stay\nin Cairo, to become professors in the El-Azhar or other schools; but\nthose from foreign lands generally return home when their course of\nstudy is over, in order to give their own people the advantages of the\nsuperior wisdom they have acquired.'\"", "\n\n[Illustration: PROFESSORS OF THE EL-AZHAR.]", "\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER VII.", "\n\nTHE CITADEL.--THE TOMBS OF THE CALIPHS.--THE NILOMETER.--THE ROSETTA\nSTONE.", "\n\n\n[Illustration: THE CITADEL, CAIRO, WITH MOSQUE OF MOHAMMED ALI.]", "\n\nDoctor Bronson told his young friends that the finest general view of\nCairo, and the surrounding region, was from the Citadel, at the southern\nend of the city. ", "They went there several times, generally a little while\nbefore sunset, and the impression they received is well described in the\nfollowing letter from Frank to his mother:\n\n[Illustration: VIEW FROM THE CITADEL, CAIRO.]", "\n\n\".... The view from the hill where the Citadel stands has been called\nthe finest in the world, or certainly one of the finest, and in all our\ntravels we do not remember anything that can surpass it. ", "We stood on the\nplatform of the Mosque of Mohammed Ali, and had the great city of Cairo\nspread at our feet. ", "Immediately below us was an open square, with groups\nof people and camels moving slowly about. ", "Just beyond was the beautiful\nMosque of Sultan Hassan, and beyond the mosque was the plain covered\nwith cupolas and flat roofs, seamed with streets and avenues, dotted\nwith waving palm-trees, and revealing open spaces here and there, to\ngive diversity to the picture. ", "Beyond the city was the bright green of\nthe rich Valley of the Nile. ", "In front of us was the famous old river of\nEgypt, like a broad, irregular belt of silver, reflecting the light of\nthe setting sun, and forming a sharp contrast with the land through\nwhich it flows. ", "Across the green fields, which were stippled with the\nwhite walls of palaces or dotted with the brown villages of the\npeasants, our gaze rested on the yellow desert, backed by the Libyan\nmountains which form the western horizon. ", "From the edge of the desert\nthe great pyramids rose in all their grandeur, and it was not difficult\nfor us to realize their enormous proportions. ", "From other points the\npyramids had appeared to be almost on a level with the valley of the\nriver, but as we viewed them from the Citadel we could see that they\nstood on a rocky platform fully a hundred feet in height.", "\n\n\"Doctor Bronson says every traveller should make his plans so as to come\noften to the Citadel, and there can be no better time for the view than\nat sunset. ", "In the morning there is liable to be a haze on the landscape,\nand at noon there is too much glare of light, especially when the eye is\nturned toward the desert. ", "At sunset the colors of the Egyptian sky are\nat their best. ", "You may have wondered sometimes, when looking at pictures\nof Egypt, whether there is really as much color as the artists give us.", "\nWe can assure you that no painting we have yet seen is at all\nexaggerated, and if you could have a sunset view from the Citadel of\nCairo you would fully agree with us.", "\n\n\"The Citadel was built by the great conqueror Saladin, and stone for its\nconstruction was brought from the pyramids and from the ruins of\nMemphis, a few miles farther up the river. ", "The spot was not wisely\nchosen, as the hill is commanded by a higher one just back of it. ", "On\nthis latter hill Mohammed Ali placed his cannons, and compelled the\nsurrender of the Citadel, and consequently of Cairo. ", "There are two roads\nleading up to the Citadel, one a broad carriage-way, and the other a\nnarrow lane. ", "We went by one and came by the other. ", "In the latter--the\nnarrow lane--the guide showed us a spot which has an historic interest,\nand perhaps you would like to hear about it:\n\n\"There was a body of soldiers in Egypt called the Mamelukes, and they\nruled the country for several centuries. ", "They chose the governors of the\nprovinces, and could place one of their number on the throne at any time\nthey wished; in fact, they controlled the country, and the nominal ruler\nwas obliged to do as they wished. ", "When Napoleon came here in 1798 they\nfought him in the famous Battle of the Pyramids, and were defeated; many\nof them were killed, and others fled to Upper Egypt, but enough\nremained to give trouble. ", "When Mohammed Ali came to Egypt, after the\nFrench had been driven out by the English, the Mamelukes made him\nunderstand that he could do nothing without them. ", "He soon determined to\ndo something with them, and get rid of their interference.", "\n\n\"He sent invitations for the chiefs--four hundred and seventy in all--to\ncome to the Citadel on the first day of March, 1811, to a grand banquet,\nwhere they would discuss the plans for a campaign into Nubia. ", "They came\nat the appointed hour, and assembled in the narrow lane I told you of,\nwaiting for the upper gate to open. ", "When they were all in the lane the\nlower gate was shut, and there they were in a trap! ", "Then the Albanian\nsoldiers of Mohammed Ali began to fire on the Mamelukes from the\nloop-holes and the top of the walls. ", "All were killed except one man,\nEnim Bey, who made his horse leap through a gap in the wall. ", "The horse\nwas killed by the fall, but his rider's life was saved. ", "This was the end\nof the power of the Mamelukes in Egypt.", "\n\n\"Fred says Mohammed Ali reminds him of the Spanish warrior who said, on\nhis death-bed,\n\n\"'I leave no enemies behind me; I've shot them all!'", "\n\n\"The mosque, which was begun by Mohammed Ali and finished by his\nsuccessors, is on the site of the palace erected by Saladin. ", "It is built\nof alabaster, from the quarries up the Nile, and though faulty in many\npoints of its architecture, is an interesting structure. ", "It is sometimes\ncalled the 'Alabaster Mosque,' and as we went through it our admiration\nwas excited by the richness of the materials of which it is composed.", "\nThe tomb of Mohammed Ali is in one corner of the building, and is\nsurrounded with a handsome railing, but there is nothing remarkable\nabout the tomb itself. ", "Close by the mosque is the palace; but it is in a\nhalf-ruined condition, and contains only a few rooms worth visiting.", "\n\n\"We went to Joseph's Well, which is a shaft nearly three hundred feet\ndeep in the limestone rock; the tradition is that it is the well into\nwhich Joseph was cast by his brethren, but it probably gets its name\nfrom 'Yoosef,' which was the other name of Saladin the Conqueror. ", "There\nwas a well here when Saladin built the Citadel, but it was choked with\nsand, and the great ruler ordered it to be cleared out and made useful.", "\nIt is probable that the well was originally made by the ancient\nEgyptians, and, if so, it may be the one into which Joseph was cast by\nhis brethren. ", "There is a sakkieh for raising water in this well, but it\nis of little importance at present, as the Citadel is now supplied by\nmeans of a steam-pump.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: THE TOMBS OF THE CALIPHS.]", "\n\nFrom the Citadel our friends went to \"the Tombs of the Caliphs,\" which\nextend along the east side of the city, and are conveniently reached by\nthe Bab-el-Nasr. ", "They are supposed to be the burial-places of the\ncaliphs or sultans who ruled from the thirteenth to the sixteenth\ncentury. ", "Some of them are or were magnificent structures, while others\nare comparatively plain in appearance. ", "Down to the beginning of this\ncentury they had large revenues for keeping them in repair, and were\nguarded by the descendants of the sheiks and their followers, who had\ncharge of them during their days of glory. ", "Their revenues were taken\naway by Mohammed Ali, and since the time of that ruthless despot the\ncustodians of the tombs have lived by what they could beg from visitors.", "\nBeyond the Citadel is a similar necropolis, called \"the Tombs of the\nMamelukes.\"", "\n\nEvidently the buildings were erected, in most instances, without regard\nto cost, and before they began to decay they were to be ranked among the\ntriumphs of Moslem architecture. ", "Some of the domes and minarets are\nstill magnificent, particularly those marking the resting-place of\nSultan Barkuk and Keit Bey. ", "The latter is considered the finest of all,\nand is the one most frequently drawn or painted by artists.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE TOMB OF KEIT BEY.]", "\n\nThe boys paid a second visit to the tomb of Keit Bey, and carried along\ntheir sketching materials. ", "They found the architecture more difficult to\nrepresent than they had supposed, and Frank made two or three attempts\nat the graceful minaret before he succeeded in satisfying himself. ", "The\nminaret is one of the finest in Cairo; it rises from a corner of the\nbuilding, and has three stages or balconies, which diminish as they\napproach the top. ", "The summit is shaped like a pear, and is usually\ndisfigured with poles, from which flags are hung on days of festivals.", "\nThe dome bears a marked resemblance to that of the Taj Mahal at Agra, in\nIndia, and terminates in a sharp spire instead of the conventional\nhalf-moon that generally surmounts a Moslem edifice. ", "While Frank was\nbusy with the structure, Fred made a sketch of several camels that were\nhalted in front of the famous mausoleum, and the work of the two youths\nwas afterward united into a single picture.", "\n\nAn early day was devoted to the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities at\nBoulak, a suburb of Cairo, and practically a part of the city. ", "An\nexcursion was made to Old Cairo, and from there by ferry to the island\nof Rhoda. ", "On the latter is the famous Nilometer, or instrument for\nmeasuring the depth of water in the Nile; it is a square well, connected\nwith the river, so that the water can freely rise and fall within it. ", "In\nthe centre of the well is a stone column, marked like a scale, with the\nold Arabic measures: the _dra_, or ell, was the unit of measurement, and\nwas 21-1/8 inches in length, divided into 24 _kirat_. ", "The height of the\ncolumn is 17 ells, or about 30 feet, and the Nile at its lowest point\ncovers about 7 ells of this length. ", "When the water mounts to 15-2/8 ells\nthe river is considered full, and the whole valley of the Lower Nile can\nbe inundated. ", "The embankments that restrain the water are then cut with\na great many ceremonies, and the prospect of an abundant harvest causes\ngeneral rejoicing.", "\n\nDoctor Bronson explained to the youths that the taxation each year was\nbased on the height of the water at the inundation, and the Nilometer\nwas the official evidence of the condition of the river. ", "Inscriptions on\nsome of the monuments show that the ceremonies of cutting the banks were\nestablished as early as the fourteenth century before the Christian\nera, and the taxation was based on the height of water in ancient times\nas at present. ", "The Nilometer was exclusively in charge of the priests,\nand the people were not allowed to see it. ", "It was the object of the\nauthorities to tax the people as heavily as possible, and there is good\nreason to believe that the priests made false statements concerning the\nheight of the water, and no one could contradict them. ", "The Arab and\nTurkish rulers did the same thing, and the practice is continued to the\npresent time; at the period of the inundation the Nilometer is closed to\nthe public, and every one must depend upon the figures of the officer in\ncharge. ", "As he owes his position to the government, it is pretty certain\nthat he does what the government desires, and reports the river at the\nhighest figure whether it is so or not.", "\n\nThe guide pointed out the spot at the end of the island where the infant\nMoses was found by the daughter of Pharaoh. ", "The boys thought the place\nwas pretty enough for the historical event to have occurred there, but\nwere in some doubt as to the correctness of the guide's information.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE FERRY AT OLD CAIRO.]", "\n\nBefore the construction of the bridge over the Nile the principal\ncrossing of the river was by the ferry at Old Cairo. ", "At present it is\nnot so much in use; but there is yet a considerable business transacted\nthere, and the stranger will generally find a crowd of men and camels\nwaiting to be taken to the other side.", "\n\nThe evening previous to the visit to the museum at Boulak was devoted to\na study of the history of ancient Egypt, so that the youths would have\nan understanding of the interesting collection of antiquities in that\nestablishment. ", "At the Doctor's suggestion Frank and Fred wrote a brief\naccount of what they had learned, and placed it on the pages of their\njournal. ", "Here is what they prepared:\n\n[Illustration: THE DRESS OF AN EGYPTIAN KING. ", "FORM OF CROWN AND APRONS.]", "\n\n\"The history of ancient Egypt is full of interest, and has been a\nsubject of a great deal of study by many learned writers. ", "Herodotus, who\nhas been called 'the father of history,' and flourished in the fifth\ncentury before the Christian era, was the first of these writers, and\nsome of the discoveries of the present time have been based on his\nrecords. ", "Another Greek writer, Manetho, lived two centuries later than\nHerodotus, but, unfortunately, the greater part of his works have not\ncome down to us. ", "A large part of the history of ancient Egypt has been\nobtained from the inscriptions on the walls of the temples and tombs,\nand from the writings upon papyrus scrolls, and the linen in which\nmummies were rolled. ", "In modern times there have been many explorers and\nwriters who have devoted years of study to the subject, and consequently\nwe know more of ancient Egypt than of any other country of antiquity. ", "If\nyou wish to know more than we can tell you now about the people that\nlived here four thousand years ago, we refer you to the works of\nWilkinson, Poole, Mariette, Lepsius, Belzoni, Bunsen, Brugsch, and many\nothers. ", "There are books enough on Egypt to keep you busy a whole year,\nand perhaps two years, just to read them through. ", "We are reading 'The\nAncient Egyptians,' by Sir Gardner Wilkinson, and find it very\ninteresting.", "\n\n[Illustration: MENES.]", "\n\n\"The first King of Egypt that we know about was Menes, who founded the\nCity of Memphis. ", "There is a difference of opinion among the writers as\nto the date when he existed; Wilkinson, Poole, and others say he lived\nabout 2700 B.C., Bunsen says it was 3623 B.C., and Mariette thinks it\nwas 5004 B.C. The reason why they make this difference is because some\nof them believe the dynasties, or families of kings, of ancient Egypt\nsucceeded one another, while others believe some of them ruled at the\nsame time in different parts of the country. ", "The difference between the\n'successive' and the 'contemporaneous' theories, when you add up the\nperiods of all the dynasties, is more than two thousand years. ", "Down to\nthe seventeenth dynasty the figures are uncertain; from the seventeenth\nto the twenty-first it is agreed that the dynasties were successive, but\nthere is some difference about their dates; while from the twenty-first\ndynasty to the Christian era there is no dispute.", "\n\n\"Perhaps this is dry reading; if so, you had better go over it\ncarefully, and then skip.", "\n\n\"Whether King Menes lived seven or five thousand years ago makes very\nlittle difference to us, and probably to him, as he is dead now. ", "To\navoid confusion we will take the theory of Wilkinson, and suppose it was\nonly five thousand years ago that the first dynasty began. ", "That will\nseem more neighborly, and bring us so near to Menes that we can almost\nimagine we knew him personally. ", "Just think of it--only five thousand\nyears ago!", "\n\n\"Some of the dynasties of ancient Egypt lasted two hundred years and\nmore, while others were much less, the shortest dynasty being seventy\ndays. ", "During the fourth dynasty, which lasted two hundred years, the\nPyramids of Gizeh were built (about 2400 B.C.). ", "In the twelfth dynasty\nmany monuments and temples were erected, and many of the famous tombs\nwere made; Abraham, and afterward Joseph, came to Egypt, and several\nimportant events of Egyptian history belong to this dynasty. ", "The\neighteenth dynasty lasted nearly two hundred and fifty years (in the\nsixteenth, fifteenth, and fourteenth centuries B.C.), and was the most\nbrilliant of all the periods of ancient Egypt. ", "Thebes and other cities\nwere in the height of their glory, the armies made great conquests, the\ntemples at Karnak and Thebes were built, and the obelisks that are\nto-day the wonder of the world were brought from Syene, and erected\nwhere they could attest the power of the rulers of the land. ", "The\ninscriptions on the monuments say that during the reign of Thothmes\nIII., ", "one of the kings of the eighteenth dynasty, 'Egypt placed her\nfrontier where she pleased.'", "\n\n[Illustration: RAMESES II., ", "FROM AN INSCRIPTION.]", "\n\n\"During the nineteenth dynasty one king, Rameses II. (", "or 'The Great'),\nreigned sixty-seven years, and left many monuments that remain to this\nday. ", "One of his predecessors in the same dynasty, Sethi I., built\nseveral magnificent temples, and made the first canal from the Nile to\nthe Red Sea. ", "The flight of the Israelites from bondage occurred in this\ndynasty during the reign of Meneptah. ", "He is generally known in history\nas the Pharaoh of the Exodus; and it is well to explain here that\nPharaoh was the Egyptian word for 'king,' and is properly prefixed to\nthe name of the ruler. ", "The Egyptians would say 'Pharaoh Rameses,'\n'Pharaoh Necho,' and the like, just as we say 'King George,' or 'King\nCharles.'", "\n\n[Illustration: MENEPTAH, THE SUPPOSED PHARAOH OF THE EXODUS.]", "\n\n\"In the twenty-seventh dynasty Egypt was taken by the Persians, and held\nby them one hundred and twenty years. ", "Then the Egyptians made a\nsuccessful rebellion, and drove out their oppressors till the\nthirty-first dynasty, when the Persians came back again. ", "In the\nthirty-second dynasty (332 B.C.) Alexander the Great conquered Egypt,\nand founded Alexandria. ", "The Greeks ruled the country for three hundred\nyears, till the time of Cleopatra, at the beginning of the Christian era\n(thirty-fourth dynasty), when it became a Roman province, and what is\ncalled 'Ancient Egypt' came to an end. ", "As we are not concerned now with\nmodern Egypt, we will close our historical record and take breath.\"", "\n\nWith this brief outline of the history of ancient Egypt in their minds\nthe boys were able to make an intelligent observation of the museum at\nBoulak. ", "On their way thither the Doctor gave them a history of the\nMuseum which owed its existence to the labors of Mariette Bey.[5]\n\n[5] It was the good fortune of the author of this volume to form the\nacquaintance of Mariette Bey in Egypt, in 1874, and to meet him again in\nParis a few years later. ", "The death of this eminent archæologist is\ngreatly regretted by all students of the history of ancient Egypt.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE NAME OF EGYPT IN HIEROGLYPHICS.]", "\n\n\"In the early half of this century,\" said the Doctor, \"many of the tombs\nof the ancient Egyptians were explored, and their contents carried away\nto the museums of Europe. ", "In 1850 the French Government sent an officer,\nAuguste Edouard Mariette, to examine the ruins of Memphis. ", "His mission\nwas successful, as he discovered the Serapeum, or tombs of the Sacred\nBulls, and opened one of the principal temples of the long-ruined city.", "\nIn 1856 the Egyptian Government appointed him Director of the Department\nfor the Preservation of Egyptian Antiquities, with the title of Bey, and\ngave him a liberal allowance of money for carrying on his work. ", "Through\nhis efforts an order was made forbidding the exportation of antiquities,\nand establishing a museum near Cairo for their preservation. ", "So much has\nbeen found that the museum at Boulak has been filled, and a new and\nlarger building has been erected on the opposite side of the Nile, to\nwhich the collection will be transferred. ", "Many interesting discoveries\nhave been made, and every year reveals something new. ", "Much light has\nbeen thrown on the history of ancient Egypt, and many questions that\nwere formerly matters of dispute have been set at rest. ", "It is safe to\nsay that we have learned more about ancient Egypt through the labors of\nMariette Bey than through those of all other explorers combined, with\nthe possible exception of Champollion.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: PTOLEMY IN HIEROGLYPHICS.]", "\n\nFrank asked who Champollion was, and what he discovered.", "\n\n\"I know,\" said Fred; \"he discovered the Rosetta Stone, and told what was\nwritten on it.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: THE ROSETTA STONE, WITH SPECIMEN LINES FROM THE\nINSCRIPTION.]", "\n\n\"He did not discover the Rosetta Stone,\" the Doctor answered, \"but he\ntranslated it. ", "The stone was found at Rosetta, in 1799, by a French\nengineer, and when the English came to Egypt they sent it to the British\nMuseum. ", "It was a slab, with an inscription upon it in three languages.", "\n\n\"Previous to that time nobody could make anything out of the Egyptian\nhieroglyphics; there were plenty of them, but no one was able to read a\nsyllable, or even a letter. ", "A key was wanted, and Champollion found it\nin the Rosetta Stone.", "\n\n\"The inscription was in three languages, one of them being Greek, and\nthe other two the hieroglyphic and demotic, or common language of the\nancient Egyptians. ", "The Greek inscription proved to be a decree of one of\nthe Ptolemies, about the beginning of the Christian era. ", "The name of the\nking occurred several times, and Champollion observed that certain\ncharacters appeared at about the same intervals in the hieroglyphic and\ndemotic versions as the royal title in the Greek. ", "With this as a\nstarting-point he went to work and built up a grammar and dictionary of\nthe language of ancient Egypt. ", "He found the key that had been missing\nfor nearly two thousand years--the key to unlock the mysteries of the\nlanguage of the people who built the pyramids and the great temples at\nThebes.", "\n\n\"It is no wonder that the Rosetta Stone is considered one of the most\nprecious treasures of the British Museum, and that the name of\nChampollion is revered by every student of history.", "\n\n\"I cannot give you a better definition of the forms of writing among the\nEgyptians than by quoting the words of Mr. Prime. '", "There were,' he\nsays, 'three styles of manuscript and sculpture--hieroglyphic, hieratic,\nand demotic. ", "The first was a language of complete pictures, the second\nof outlines derived from the first, and the third was the character for\nthe people--a species of running-hand derived from the others. ", "The first\nwas the style of the monumental sculptures; the second of the priestly\nwritings; the third was for the ordinary transactions of the people.'", "\n\n[Illustration: SPECIMENS OF THE THREE FORMS OF WRITING USED BY THE\nEGYPTIANS.]", "\n\n\"And here,\" said the Doctor, as he opened a book and exhibited a page\nwith some characters upon it, \"we have specimens of the three languages,\none taken from the walls of a temple, and the other two from rolls of\npapyrus.\"", "\n\nThe boys looked at the printed page, and readily distinguished the\ndifference between the three kinds of writing. ", "While they were\ndiscussing its curious features the carriage halted in front of the\nentrance to the museum, and the dialogue was suspended.", "\n\n[Illustration: DEDICATION OF THE PYLON OF A TEMPLE.]", "\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER VIII.", "\n\nWONDERS OF THE EGYPTIAN MUSEUM OF ANTIQUITIES.", "\n\n\nBoulak is the port of Cairo, as the great city does not stand on the\nbanks of the Nile, but a couple of miles away from it. ", "Before the days\nof the railway Boulak was a place of considerable importance, as it was\nthe point of arrival and departure for the steamers plying between Cairo\nand Alexandria, and at the present day it is the station for steamers\nascending the Nile. ", "It was chosen as the site of the Museum of\nAntiquities on account of the convenience of landing statues and other\nheavy objects directly from the boats that had brought them down the\nriver, and the museum was erected on the very bank of the stream. ", "But\nthe position was found insecure, on account of the tendency of the Nile\nto change its channel, and for several years the safety of the treasures\naccumulated under the direction of Mariette Bey has been seriously\nthreatened.", "\n\n[Illustration: EGYPTIAN SCULPTORS AT WORK.]", "\n\nOur friends passed through the gate-way, and found themselves in a\ngarden filled with large statues and sphinxes. ", "Their attention was\nattracted to the colossal statue of a king in a sitting posture, and\nclose to it were several sphinxes. ", "The Doctor explained that the figure\nrepresented one of the kings of the twelfth dynasty. ", "Some of the\nsphinxes came from Karnak, and once formed part of the great avenue\nleading to the temple, while others were from Tanis and Sakkara. ", "The\nstatue of the king was of solid granite and admirably carved, leaving no\ndoubt that the Egyptians were well advanced in the art of the sculptor.", "\nOn the walls of the temples at Karnak there are several pictures that\nshow how the makers of royal statues performed their work, and the\nmethods in vogue seem to have been almost identical with those of modern\nsculptors.", "\n\nWe have neither time nor space for describing all that our friends saw\nin the museum, and can only refer to the objects of greatest importance.", "\nAs they had talked about the Rosetta Stone, and the key it gave to the\ntranslation of the language of the ancient Egyptians, the Doctor led the\nway to the \"Tablet of Tanis,\" in the first hall of the museum, and told\nthe youths to observe it closely.", "\n\n\"It is,\" he explained, \"a more perfect stone than the one found at\nRosetta, as it is in a fine state of preservation, while the Rosetta one\nwas badly defaced. ", "Here is a decree in three languages--Greek,\nhieroglyphic, and demotic--and the translation confirms the correctness\nof Champollion's theory, which I have already explained. ", "It was found in\n1866 by Doctor Lepsius, and you see that it is regarded of great\nimportance, as it is framed and covered with glass to protect it from\npossible injury.\"", "\n\nFrank asked what was the language of the decree, and how old it was.", "\n\n\"According to the translation,\" said Doctor Bronson, \"it was made by an\nassembly of priests in the Temple of Canopus, on the 7th of March, 238\nB.C. It praises the king for having brought back the image of the gods\nfrom Asia, gained many victories, established peace, and averted famine\nby importing corn; and it ordains that festivals shall be held in all\nthe temples of Egypt in honor of Princess Berenice, who died a short\ntime before the date of the assembly. ", "The inscription closes with a\ndeclaration that the decree shall be engraved on stone in three\nlanguages, just as you see it here, and there is no doubt that the stone\nwe are looking at was prepared in obedience to this order.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: WOODEN STATUE FOUND AT SAKKARA.]", "\n\nIn another room the Doctor halted in front of a wooden statue, and\nwaited for the youths to fix their attention upon it. ", "They were not long\nin doing so, nor in expressing their admiration for its wonderfully\nlife-like appearance. ", "When they had looked at it a few moments the\nDoctor explained what it was.", "\n\n\"It is probably the oldest wooden statue in existence,\" said he, \"and\nsome persons think it is the oldest statue of any kind in the world. ", "It\nrepresents a _sheik el belyd_, or village chief, and was found in a tomb\nat Sakkara. ", "Mariette Bey says it belongs to the fourth dynasty, and is\nnot far from six thousand years old.\"", "\n\n\"Six thousand years old!\" ", "said both the youths in a breath.", "\n\n\"Yes, six thousand years old,\" was the answer; \"but, as I told you,\nthere was a difference of opinion among the Egyptologists; it may be\nmore modern than that, and not over four thousand years old.\"", "\n\n\"Even if it is only four thousand,\" responded Frank, \"it is antique\nenough to be very interesting.\"", "\n\n\"Yes,\" the Doctor continued, \"we needn't trouble ourselves about a\nmatter of twenty centuries. ", "We will split the difference, and call it\nfive thousand years.\"", "\n\n\"How life-like it looks!\" ", "exclaimed Fred. \"", "It almost appears as if it\nwere ready to speak to us. ", "And what an expression about the eyes!\"", "\n\n\"The eyes are unequalled in any modern statue,\" said the Doctor. \"", "You\nobserve that they are set in rims of bronze, which serve for eyelids;\nthe eye itself is made of opaque quartz, like ground glass, and there is\na piece of rock-crystal in the centre, which forms the pupil. ", "If you\nlook closely you see a glittering point below the crystal, which makes\nthe eye sparkle as though its owner were about to smile. ", "There is\nnothing of modern times that equals it.\"", "\n\nOne of the boys asked if the statue was in the condition in which it was\nfound. ", "The Doctor said the feet had been restored, so that the figure\ncould be placed upright, and the stick in the left hand was modern. \"", "In\nall other respects,\" said he, \"the statue is just as it was found, and\nit is a rule of the museum to keep everything as nearly as possible in\nits original condition.\"", "\n\nOther statues were examined, and at length the boys stopped in front of\na case containing several small articles of wood and stone.", "\n\n\"What are these things?\" ", "said Frank, pointing to one corner of the case.", "\n\n\"And these? ", "and these?\" ", "said Fred, as his eye wandered from one thing to\nanother.", "\n\n[Illustration: WOODEN DOLLS.]", "\n\n\"They are mostly toys for children,\" the Doctor answered. \"", "You see that\nthe ancient Egyptians tried to amuse their little ones just as parents\nin America try to do to-day.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: CHILDREN'S TOYS.]", "\n\nThe collection of toys was an interesting one. ", "Here was a rude figure of\na man supposed to be washing, or kneading dough, and he was made to move\nhis hands up and down an inclined board by means of a string, like a\n\"jumping-jack\" of to-day. ", "A wooden crocodile was there, with his\nunder-jaw moving up and down at the will of the child who owned it, and\nthere were several wooden dolls, some well modelled, and others painted\nin brilliant colors, intended to catch the juvenile eye.", "\n\nThe sight of the toys naturally brought up a question relative to the\ngames played by the ancient Egyptians.", "\n\n[Illustration: POSITIONS IN PLAYING BALL.]", "\n\n[Illustration: BALLS OF LEATHER AND PORCELAIN.]", "\n\n\"There is abundant evidence,\" the Doctor remarked, \"that the Egyptians\nwere familiar with many games which are popular at the present time. ", "We\nare not aware that they had base-ball clubs five thousand years ago, and\nthere is no proof that they went about the country playing for\n'gate-money;' but that they used to play ball we know very well from the\npictures on the walls of the tombs, and from sculptures elsewhere. ", "And,\nfurthermore, the balls they played with have been found at Thebes, some\nof them covered with leather like our own, and stuffed with bran or\ncorn-husks, or of stalks of rushes plaited together into a solid mass.", "\nThere were also balls covered with strips of leather of different\ncolors, as we have them to day, and several have been found of glazed\nearthen-ware, on which the colors were laid before the ball was baked.", "\n\n[Illustration: PLAYING BALL MOUNTED.]", "\n\n\"The positions they took in playing ball are the same that you will see\nat base-ball matches in America. ", "There is one picture of a curious game,\nin which it was the custom for some of the players to mount on the backs\nof the others, probably on account of the latter failing to catch the\nball when it was thrown at them, or for some other forfeit. ", "They also\nhad the trick of throwing two or more balls in the air and catching\nthem, just as you see jugglers performing in our own time. ", "If you want\nto believe that there is nothing new under the sun, you will go a long\nway toward it by studying the life and manners of the Egyptians of the\ndays that are gone.", "\n\n[Illustration: PLAYING CHECKERS.]", "\n\n\"They had the game of draughts or checkers almost identical with the one\nwe play to-day. ", "They did not play at cards, so far as we know. ", "In fact,\ncards were invented in comparatively modern days, and the tradition is\nthat they were originally made for the amusement of an insane king. ", "The\nEgyptians had the game of \"mora,\" and from them it probably descended to\nthe Italians, with whom it is a national amusement. ", "They were skilful in\nwhat we call 'the Indian club exercise,' and one of the pictures\nrepresents men raising heavy weights, after the manner of the professors\nof gymnastics in New York or Chicago. ", "Sometimes they used bags of sand\ninstead of clubs or stones, but the result was the same in each case--an\nexhibition of strength.", "\n\n[Illustration: SAND-BAG EXERCISE.]", "\n\n\"There are pictures that show bull-fights and rowing-matches, together\nwith other amusements of the same sort. ", "Wrestlers were as numerous as\nthey are to-day, and probably quite as skilful, and endowed with similar\nstrength; but we have nothing to prove to us that they travelled with\nthe circus, or that an Egyptian Barnum existed with his wonderful\nhippodrome. ", "Many of the wrestlers were women, and some of the pictures\nrepresent them showing feats of strength of which the men might be\nproud.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: A BULL-FIGHT.]", "\n\nFrom the room of the toys our friends wandered to another which\ncontained, among other things, several mummies, together with the cases\nin which they had reposed. ", "Some of the mummies were wholly and others\nonly partially unrolled, and the boys eagerly examined the remains of\nthe ancient inhabitants of the land. ", "While they were doing so, Doctor\nBronson explained the process by which bodies were preserved by the\nEgyptians, and their reasons for devoting so much time and attention to\nthe preservation of the dead.", "\n\n[Illustration: GODDESSES OF TRUTH AND JUSTICE.]", "\n\n\"The ancient Egyptians,\" said he, \"had a great many gods: the list is so\nlong that it would not be worth while to name them all, as you could not\nremember them; and, besides, it would take more time than we have to\nspare. ", "Each of the gods had distinct attributes, and was represented in\na form unlike the others; some of them had the heads of birds, beasts,\nor reptiles, but their bodies were of human shape. ", "They are thus\nrepresented on the walls of temples, and the evidences are that the\nignorant classes believed the gods had the shapes ascribed to them.", "\nThere was one supreme deity who had power over all the other gods, and\nhis shape was not represented. ", "The Egyptians believed in the immortality\nof the soul, in the responsibility of every one for his individual acts,\nand in a future state of rewards and punishments.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE NAME OF APIS, AN EGYPTIAN GOD, IN HIEROGLYPHICS.]", "\n\n\"They believed that the soul after death took its flight from the body\nand passed to another world, where it was judged according to its deeds,\nand received its proper punishment or reward. ", "In course of time it could\nreturn to the body it had inhabited, and the length of the period of\nabsence was determined by the god before whom it had been brought to be\njudged. ", "Of course no one was expected to know the length of the\nseparation of soul and body. ", "It was certain to be for a long period (not\nless than three thousand years), and therefore it was necessary to\npreserve the body from decay. ", "This, in brief, is the outline of the\nreligion of the ancient Egyptians, and the reason of their careful\npreservation of the bodies of their friends.", "\n\n[Illustration: KING AND QUEEN OFFERING TO THE GODS.]", "\n\n\"As the possessor of the greatest wealth the king was more carefully\nembalmed than his humble subjects; the process of embalming was a secret\nwith certain classes of men, and its professors were looked upon with\ngreat respect. ", "The whole work occupied seventy days, and consisted in\npreserving the body by means of strong salts, and the application of\nvarious kinds of aromatic spices, peppers, and the like. ", "The bodies of\nthe rich were carefully wrapped in fine linen, and sometimes hundreds of\nyards were used for a single operation. ", "The fingers and toes were\nseparately wrapped, and at each turn of the linen aromatic oils were\npoured on the cloth so as to saturate it thoroughly. ", "A wooden case, into\nwhich the body fitted closely, was made for it, and covered with a\nhistory of his life, or with extracts from the 'Book of the Dead.'", "\nAnother case was placed outside the first, and the whole was then\nenclosed in a stone coffin or sarcophagus. ", "Then, with suitable\nceremonies, the mummy was laid away to await the day of the return of\nthe spirit, and the consequent resurrection.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: DIFFERENT FORMS OF MUMMY CASES.]", "\n\nWhile the Doctor was making this explanation the boys were examining the\nmummy that lay before them. ", "He was a very quiet mummy, and made no\nobjection to being handled, though the case was different with the\nattendant in charge of the place. ", "The latter intimated that visitors\nwere not expected to touch anything they saw, but if they wished to look\ninto the box he would open it for them. ", "The hint was taken, and a franc\nslipped into his hand; the result was our friends had the pleasure of\nexamining the specimen to their complete satisfaction.", "\n\n[Illustration: TRANSPORTING A MUMMY ON A SLEDGE.]", "\n\nThere was an odor of gums and spices as the box was opened, but it was\nnot by any means overpowering. ", "The Doctor said the substances had lost a\ngood deal of their strength in three thousand years, and it was a wonder\nthat any odor at all was perceptible. ", "Some of the linen wrappings had\nbeen unwound, so that portions of the dried flesh of the mummy were\nperceptible. ", "It resembled wood in a state of decay more than anything\nelse, and a very brief inspection was all that our friends cared for.", "\nThe inscription on the lid of the case was more interesting than was the\noccupant within, and Fred remarked that the mummy must have been a\nperson of great consequence to need so much door-plate on the outside.", "\n\"And to think,\" he added, \"that he was shut up for thirty centuries, and\nhad no friends to call and see him!\"", "\n\n[Illustration: GODDESS OF TRUTH, WITH HER EYES CLOSED.]", "\n\nFrank repeated some lines which were originally addressed to a mummy in\nBelzoni's Museum, in London, many years ago:\n\n \"And thou hast walked about--how strange a story!--\n In Thebes's streets, three thousand years ago.", "\n When the Memnonium was in all its glory,\n And time had not begun to overthrow\n Those temples, palaces, and piles stupendous,\n Of which the very ruins are tremendous.", "\n\n \"Speak! ", "for thou long enough hast acted dummy.", "\n Thou hast a tongue--come, let us hear its tune.", "\n Thou'rt standing on thy legs above-ground, mummy,\n Revisiting the glimpses of the moon;\n Not like pale ghosts or disembodied creatures,\n But with thy bones, and legs, and limbs, and features.", "\n\n \"Tell us, for doubtless thou canst recollect,\n To whom should we ascribe the Sphinx's fame?", "\n Was Cheops or Cephrenes architect\n Of either pyramid that bears his name?", "\n Was Pompey's Pillar really a misnomer?", "\n Had Thebes a hundred gates, as sung by Homer?\"", "\n\n\"Good-bye, sweetheart, good-bye!\" ", "said Fred, as Frank paused, and the\nDoctor turned away from the relic of other days.", "\n\n[Illustration: LADY'S HEAD-DRESS ON A MUMMY CASE.]", "\n\n\"You're wrong there,\" said the Doctor; \"he has not a sweet heart, but a\nsolid one.\" ", "Turning to the attendant, he asked him in French to show the\nscarabæus and other things that came from the mummy at the time the case\nwas opened.", "\n\n[Illustration: RINGS, BRACELETS, AND SCARABÆI.]", "\n\nThe attendant pointed to a glass case close at hand, containing some\nnecklaces, and representations of beetles carved in stone. ", "Among them\nwas a scarabæus, or beetle, in jasper (one of the hardest stones in the\nworld), about three inches long and two in width. ", "The rounded portion\nrepresented the back of a beetle with the wings folded, while the flat\nsurface beneath was covered with hieroglyphics, with an oval line drawn\naround them.", "\n\n[Illustration: STONE SCARABÆUS WITH WINGS.]", "\n\n\"The scarabæus,\" said the Doctor, \"was the symbol of resurrection among\nthe ancient Egyptians, and hence we find it very frequently used about\nthe mummies, and the places where they were laid away to rest. ", "This\nlarge one was deposited in place of the heart of our desiccated friend\nin the box, and these necklaces, principally composed of scarabæi, were\naround his neck. ", "This flat one lay upon his breast in direct contact\nwith the flesh; the circle in the centre represents the sun; on each\nside of it is the asp, a snake that was sacred to one of the gods, and\nthe outstretched wings on either side are to indicate the power of the\nsoul to take flight from the body. ", "The Egyptians had some process of\ncutting stone that is unknown to us, as the carving of these scarabæi,\nin the hardest materials as we find them, would defy the skill of modern\nlapidaries.\"", "\n\nAfter a general survey of the contents of the case the party moved to\nanother room, where a quantity of gold and silver ornaments were\nconspicuously displayed.", "\n\n[Illustration: JEWELLER WITH BLOW-PIPE.]", "\n\nAs they halted in front of the collection, the Doctor explained that the\njewels they were looking at were found in the coffin (and with the\nmummy) of Aah-Hotep--a queen who is supposed to have been the wife of\none of the kings of the eighteenth dynasty. ", "The show-case of a modern\njeweller could not have been more attractive, and the boys were\nenchanted with the beauty of the articles displayed as well as with the\nexquisite workmanship.", "\n\n[Illustration: EGYPTIAN GOLDSMITHS (FROM A PAINTING AT THEBES).]", "\n\nThere was a bracelet with gold figures engraved on blue glass, in\nimitation of lapis lazuli; there was a large bracelet, hinged in the\ncentre, representing a vulture, its wings composed of bits of lapis\nlazuli, carnelian, and green glass, in a gold setting, and its back\nornamented with lines of small turquoises; and there was a gold chain\nnearly three feet long, with a scarabæus at the end. ", "This chain, with\nthe other treasures of the queen, was exhibited at the Paris Exposition\nof 1867, and attracted much attention. ", "It is composed of links curiously\nwoven and twisted together, and a committee of French jewellers who\nexamined it said that if it were broken they did not believe there was a\njeweller of modern days who could properly mend it! ", "And to think that\nthis chain was made many centuries ago!", "\n\n[Illustration: GOLDEN BASKETS (FROM THE TOMB OF RAMESES III).]", "\n\nWe have not time to describe all the wonderful things in the case of\nAah-Hotep, nor in the other cases near it. ", "Our friends lingered long\namong the treasures of the museum, and when the shadows indicated the\nhour for closing, and the attendants hinted that the official day was at\nan end, they were in no mood for departure. ", "They all agreed that\nhereafter they should hold the ancient Egyptians in great respect, and\nregretted that the arts and accomplishments they seem to have possessed\nare, in great measure, lost to the world.", "\n\n[Illustration: DRESSES OF WOMEN OF ANCIENT EGYPT.]", "\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER IX.", "\n\nTHE PYRAMIDS OF GIZEH AND SAKKARA.--MEMPHIS AND THE APIS MAUSOLEUM.", "\n\n\nThe day after the visit to the museum was devoted to an excursion to the\npyramids. ", "An early start was made, so as to have all the time possible\nfor seeing the great works which bear the names of Cheops and Cephren.", "\n\nDown to a few years ago the traveller on his way to the pyramids was\nobliged to cross the Nile by ferry, and make his land journey on foot or\non the back of a donkey. ", "But at present the bridge over the river at\nBoulak, and the carriage-road all the way to the foot of the pyramids,\nhave made the excursion comparatively easy. ", "A ride of two hours\nsuffices, as the distance is not over ten or twelve miles, and the route\nis along the level ground of the Nile Valley. ", "The last two or three\nhundred yards must usually be made on foot, as the sand covers the road,\nand makes the progress of a carriage exceedingly difficult, even when\nempty. ", "The sand is drifted by the action of the wind, exactly as snow is\nwhirled in the Northern States of America, and sometimes drifts will\nform in a few hours several feet in depth.", "\n\n[Illustration: CAMELS AND THEIR BURDENS.]", "\n\nThe boys looked with interest on the troops of camels they met, just\nafter leaving Cairo, carrying great loads of freshly-cut grass for\nfeeding the donkeys and other beasts of burden in the city. ", "Although the\nroads were good, the natives seemed to prefer the old ways of\ntransportation, and almost the only vehicles to be seen were the\ncarriages carrying visitors to the pyramids. ", "As they drew nearer, our\nfriends began to realize the great height of those structures; while\nthey were yet an hour's drive from their base, it seemed to Frank and\nFred that they would be there in ten or fifteen minutes. ", "The optical\nillusion was partly due to the clear atmosphere, and partly to the\nimmensity of the piles of stone. ", "There was a house two stories high\nclose to one of the pyramids; it seemed a mere speck against the great\nmass, and revealed the contrast more plainly than could be done in\nwords. ", "It was like placing a cigar-box in front of an ordinary dwelling,\nand comparing the one with the other.", "\n\n[Illustration: OLD MODE OF TRANSPORT ON THE NILE.]", "\n\nA mile or two from the pyramids they passed some villages of natives;\ntwo or three dozen Arabs swarmed from these villages and surrounded the\ncarriage, keeping even pace with its progress, no matter how fast the\nhorses went. ", "They had an eye to making something out of the strangers,\nand were quite indifferent to suggestions that their company was not\nwanted.", "\n\n[Illustration: NEAR VIEW OF THE PYRAMIDS.]", "\n\nWe will let the youths tell the story of their visit to the pyramids:\n\n\"When we reached the stone platform at the base of the pyramids the\ndriver unharnessed his horses and removed the pole from his carriage.", "\nThe Arabs gathered about us to assist in making the ascent, and they\nproved the most persistent and annoying rascals we have yet seen. ", "The\nhackmen and their kindred at Niagara Falls are politeness itself\ncompared with the Arabs at the pyramids.", "\n\n\"There is a sheik or chief of the Arabs, and he expects two shillings\nfrom each visitor who ascends the pyramids, and two more if he goes\ninside. ", "For this sum he furnishes two men to assist you; half a dozen\nwill offer to go, but two are enough. ", "If you are liable to be thirsty,\nit is well to employ a boy to carry a _gargolet_ (or bottle) of water,\nand you may also let him carry your overcoat.", "\n\n\"There are three pyramids in the group at Gizeh, and they are called\nrespectively, in order of size, the Great, the Second, and the Third.", "\nThe Great Pyramid is the one usually ascended by visitors; in fact, it\nis the only one they ascend, as it the highest; and, besides, the ascent\nof the others is much more dangerous. ", "Perhaps you will wonder why it is\nso.", "\n\n\"When the pyramids were finished, they were covered with a casing of red\ngranite, which was fitted into the steps between the blocks of\nlimestone; the limestone came from the quarries on the other side of the\nriver, but the red granite was brought from Assouan, at the first\ncataract of the Nile, and was consequently much more costly than the\nother material. ", "When Cairo was founded and built, much of the stone\nneeded for it was taken from the pyramids, and from the ruins of\nMemphis; all the granite casing of the First Pyramid was removed, and\nsome of that of the Second, but enough remains on the latter to make the\nascent quite difficult.", "\n\n\"As soon as a bargain had been made, and the men were selected to\naccompany us, we started up the north-east corner of the huge pile. ", "The\nblocks of stone are so large that the ascent is by a series of steps\nfrom two to four feet high, rarely less than three feet. ", "Imagine a long\nstairway, with steps as high as an ordinary dining-table, and remember\nthat you must gain an elevation of four hundred and eighty feet before\nyour journey is ended. ", "The Arabs go ahead of you, indicating the points\nwhere you are to put your feet, and pulling you up by the arms. ", "We\nreached the top in about fifteen minutes, and then the whole crowd of\nArabs gave a loud hurrah, and demanded pay for it.", "\n\n\"Originally the pyramid had a sharp apex, but it has been torn away, so\nthat the top is now an irregular platform, about thirty feet square, and\nmakes a comfortable resting-place after the fatigue of the ascent. ", "We\nwere tired enough when we got there, and quite willing to sit down. ", "The\nArabs kept bothering us for money, and would give us no peace till we\ntold the men who accompanied us that we would give them a good\nbacksheesh on condition that they kept all the rest away from us, and if\nthey failed to do so they would not have a penny. ", "The plan worked very\nfairly, but did not save us altogether from annoyance.", "\n\n\"We were disappointed with the view from the top, and this is said to be\nthe case with most travellers. ", "There was the desert on one side, and the\nrich Valley of the Nile on the other; to the eastward, and across the\nriver, were the walls of Cairo, with the Mokattam and other hills behind\nit; on the south was the valley of the river, with the double line of\ndesert closing in upon it; while to the north was the Delta, spreading\nout toward the Mediterranean, and contrasting sharply with the clear\nblue sky above it.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE BATTLE OF THE PYRAMIDS.--\"FORTY CENTURIES LOOK DOWN\nON YOU.\"]", "\n\n\"The walls and domes and minarets of Cairo gave an Oriental aspect to\nthe view in that direction, and told us, if nothing else had been needed\nto do so, that we were in the land of the Moslem. ", "But the most\nnoticeable thing in the landscape was the contrast between the desert\nand the Delta--between the most fertile soil in the world and the most\nbarren. ", "There is no middle ground; at one place lies the richest of all\nrich earths, and six inches away it is the driest and most unproductive\nsand. ", "You may sit at the dividing line, and while you rest one hand on\nthe dark green carpet of grass growing from the black alluvium, you can\ngather the gray sand with the other. ", "It is the perfection of fertility\non one side, and the perfection of desolation on the other. ", "Probably\nthere is not, nor can there be, anywhere else in the world a sharper\ncontrast in a picture drawn by nature.", "\n\n\"The Doctor had a magnifying-glass in his pocket, and we looked at some\nof the sand with it. ", "It is not composed of angular fragments with sharp\ncorners, such as you will see in the sand which you dig from the ground\nat home, but every particle is worn as smooth as the marbles that boys\nplay with, or as the 'cobble-stones' with which our streets are paved.", "\nMany centuries of attrition under the winds of Africa have done the\nwork.", "\n\n\"Do you want to know how large the Great Pyramid is?", "\n\n\"Well, it is about seven hundred and forty feet square, and four hundred\nand eighty feet high. ", "It covers an area of nearly thirteen acres, and\ncontains eighty-nine million cubic feet of stone. ", "What do you suppose\nyou could do with that amount of stone?", "\n\n[Illustration: EGYPTIAN CAPTIVES EMPLOYED AT HARD LABOR.]", "\n\n\"You could build a wall four feet high and two feet thick--a good wall\nfor a farm or yard--all the way from New York to Salt Lake City; in\nround figures, two thousand miles! ", "If you wanted a good solid wall,\ntwelve feet high and four feet thick, from Cincinnati to St. Louis\n(three hundred and forty miles), you would find the stone for it in this\nGreat Pyramid! ", "And if New York City is in danger of an attack, and wants\nto surround the whole of Manhattan Island (twenty-one miles around) with\na wall forty feet high and twenty feet thick, here is the material to do\nit with. ", "And remember that all this stone was hewn from the quarries,\nand moved and set up, centuries before the power of steam was known!", "\n\n[Illustration: REMOVING STONE FROM THE QUARRIES.]", "\n\n\"Of course we asked the Doctor to tell us how the pyramids were built,\nbut he says it is a conundrum he cannot answer. ", "Various engineers have\nmade theories as to the mode of building the pyramids; but no sooner\ndoes one demonstrate how the work was done than somebody else shows how\nthe theory is incorrect. ", "Doctor Bronson says it is generally conceded\nthat the Egyptians must have had a knowledge of some mechanical power of\nwhich we are ignorant. ", "One of the most convenient theories is, that as\nfast as a course of stone was laid, the earth was heaped up so as to\nform an inclined plane or road, and that this road was repeatedly\nincreased till the top was reached. ", "Then, as the top was finished, and\nthe granite casing placed in position, the earth was taken away, and the\npyramid stood out in all its glory.", "\n\n\"But we've kept you waiting while we talked about the size of the\npyramid. ", "We've been resting from the fatigue of the ascent, so you must\nnot be impatient.", "\n\n\"One of the Arabs proposed to run from where we were to the top of the\nSecond Pyramid in ten minutes; it seemed impossible for him to do it,\nbut on our offering him five francs he started. ", "How he jumped down from\nblock to block, ran across the open space, and then mounted to the top\nof the Second Pyramid! ", "Of course he has been practising every day, at\nleast during the season of visitors, and knows just what he can do. ", "The\nDoctor says this is one of the regular performances of the Arabs at the\npyramids; everybody who has written about the place in the last fifty\nyears speaks of it, and the only reason why Herodotus does not mention\nit is that in his day it was impossible to ascend the pyramids, their\ngranite casing being complete and uninjured, and there were no Arabs in\nexistence. ", "These Arabs are the most impudent fellows in the world, and\nHerodotus didn't lose anything by their absence. ", "They have always had a\nbad reputation, and not unfrequently have been guilty of downright\nrobbery; their demands for backsheesh are extremely insolent, and if\nthey do not always threaten violence with words, they do so in their\nmanner.", "\n\n\"The man who built the pyramid was not there to meet us; he has been\ndead some time, how long we don't know exactly, but it is a good while.", "\nAccording to history the Great Pyramid was built by Cheops, one of the\nkings of Memphis, who belonged to the fourth dynasty, and ruled fifty\nyears; Mariette assigns him to 4235 B.C., and Wilkinson to 2450 B.C.\nEither date allows him plenty of time to be dead, and for the\ncorrectness of Napoleon's remark to his soldiers at the Battle of the\nPyramids, 'forty centuries look down upon you!' ", "Three hundred thousand\nmen were employed twenty years in its construction, and some authorities\nsay it was not completed till after Cheops's death. ", "When he had passed\nthrough the hands of the embalmers his mummy was taken to the inside of\nthe pyramid, to the chamber prepared for it, and there stowed away.", "\nLet's go and see where it was.", "\n\n[Illustration: CUTTING AND SQUARING BLOCKS OF STONE.]", "\n\n\"We descend the pyramid by the way we came, and in another quarter of an\nhour are on the ground again. ", "Then we walk about half-way along the\nnorth face of the pyramid and some distance up the side to a hole about\nthree and a half feet square, descending at an angle of twenty-six\ndegrees. ", "It is hot and wearisome to go inside the pyramid, and most\npersons say it is much worse than the ascent to the top. ", "We go about\nsixty feet down an incline, then ascend at the same angle nearly three\nhundred feet, and finally come to an apartment called the King's\nChamber; it measures thirty-four feet by seventeen, and is about\nnineteen feet high. ", "The sides are of polished granite, and the only\nfurniture is an empty coffin of stone, too large to be removed.", "\n\n\"There is another room smaller than this directly beneath, and called\nthe Queen's Chamber, and there are some other small rooms of no\nconsequence. ", "The dust chokes us, the heat threatens to melt us, the\nArabs keep up a frightful din--ten times as bad as they do outside--and\naltogether we are glad to get out again.", "\n\n\"The Arabs used to have the trick of taking away the lights, and\nleaving visitors in the black darkness, where they might easily become\nlunatics in a short time. ", "They would stay away till they thought their\nvictim was badly frightened, and then they shouted from the passage-way\nthat they would only bring a light on condition of a heavy backsheesh.", "\nMany a person has been robbed in this way, and not a season passes\nwithout an outrage of this sort. ", "Several times the government has been\nobliged to punish these rascals. ", "They behave comparatively well for a\nshort while after receiving punishment, but very soon they begin their\noutrages again.", "\n\n[Illustration: SECTION OF THE GREAT PYRAMID.]", "\n\n\"The passage by which we enter the pyramid continues at the same angle\nfor more than three hundred feet, and it is so straight that you can see\nthe sky from the farther end, as though looking through the tube of a\ntelescope. ", "It is said that the north star was visible through this\npassage-way two thousand years ago, but its position has changed so that\nit is now out of range.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE SPHINX.]", "\n\n\"From the pyramid we went to see the Sphinx, which is about a quarter of\na mile away in a south-easterly direction. ", "It had originally the head of\na man, the breast of a woman, and the body of a lion. ", "But only the head\nand part of the back are now visible, the rest being covered by sand. ", "By\nsome it is thought to be as old as the Great Pyramid, or even older,\nwhile others believe it was made in the eighteenth dynasty, or long\nafter the pyramids were built. ", "The whole figure was hewn from the solid\nrock, and there was formerly a temple between the paws and directly\nbeneath the head of the Sphinx.", "\n\n\"We walked around it, and one of us climbed up as far as he could\nwithout too much danger of a fall. ", "It is an enormous head, as you will\nunderstand when we tell you that the width of the face is 13 feet 8\ninches, the ear is 4-1/2 feet long, the nose 5-1/2, and the mouth 7-1/2.", "\nFrom the top of the head to the pavement below was 66 feet, and the\nlength of the body is 140 feet. ", "It is 30 feet from the top of the\nforehead to the bottom of the chin, and the front paws are 55 feet long.", "\nDon't these figures give you an idea of the grandeur of the Sphinx?", "\n\n\"How it has suffered in the five thousand years it has looked out on the\nunchanging landscape of Egypt! ", "Large portions of the rock have been hewn\naway, or have broken off by the action of the elements on the soft\nlimestone; but, worse yet, the great solemn face has been wantonly\nruined by the hand of man. ", "An Arab fanatic tried to destroy it, then the\nMamelukes used it for a target for rifle practice, several explorers\nhave dug into it, and the Arabs of the present day have no hesitation in\nbreaking off pieces of the head for any one who will pay for them. ", "One\nof them climbed up to the face while we were there, and wanted to break\noff some fragments for us; but we told him to come down at once, as we\nwould neither buy the pieces nor allow him to do any farther injury to\nthe ancient monument, which is, next to the pyramids, the most\ninteresting in this part of Egypt. ", "There were plenty of pieces on the\nground in front of the Sphinx, and we picked up a few of them to carry\naway as souvenirs of our visit.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE SPHINX BY MOONLIGHT.]", "\n\n\"We went to a temple not far from the Sphinx, which was discovered and\nexcavated by Mariette Bey, but has since been partly filled by the\ndrifting sand. ", "It is built of red granite and alabaster, and is supposed\nto be as old as the Sphinx, and to have some relation to its worship.", "\nThe shaping and polishing of the hard granite is quite equal to that of\nany stone-cutter of the present day, and our admiration was excited at\nevery step. ", "A sitting figure of Cephren, the builder of the Second\nPyramid, was found in this temple, and is now in the museum at Boulak.", "\nIt was hewn from a single block of green breccia, or diorite, an\nexceedingly hard stone, and all the details of the work are as finely\nfinished as that of the most careful sculptor in marble. ", "Eight other\nstatues were found at the same time, and all bear evidence of the\nexcellence of the Egyptian workers in stone four or five thousand years\nago.", "\n\n\"We visited two or three tombs in the neighborhood of the Sphinx, but\nafter what we had seen they were not especially interesting. ", "The whole\nstone platform where the pyramids stand is full of tombs; but they have\nall been examined and their contents removed.", "\n\n[Illustration: EGYPTIAN CAPTIVES MAKING BRICKS.]", "\n\n\"We carried our lunch with us from the hotel, and ate it after visiting\nthe Great Pyramid, and before going to examine the Sphinx. ", "The Arabs\ncrowded around, and almost threatened to eat our lunch for us, and\nourselves into the bargain; we tried in vain to drive them away, and\nfinally drew a circle in the sand enclosing our carriage, and about ten\nfeet from it, and stationed a couple of Arabs inside with sticks to keep\nout the rest. ", "The sticks were strong, and so were the men who wielded\nthem. ", "The Doctor told our guards they would get no backsheesh if they\nfailed to keep the rest out of the ring, and with this promise before\nthem they succeeded. ", "It is interesting to see how ready these men are to\npound their most intimate friends for the sake of a little money. ", "The\nmore we see of the nature of these natives the more we despise it:\nperhaps they are not altogether to blame, and are only practising the\nlesson of rascality they have learned through centuries of oppression.", "\n\n\"We returned to Cairo by the carriage-road, and were followed a long way\nby the Arabs shouting for backsheesh. ", "A couple of days later we made an\nevening excursion there in order to see the Sphinx and pyramids by\nmoonlight, and were well repaid for the journey. ", "Many travellers go out\nthere very early in the morning, so as to see them by sunrise; but we\nwere too much fatigued with our work every day to leave our beds two or\nthree hours before daybreak.", "\n\n\"The day after our trip to Gizeh we went to Sakkara and Memphis. ", "There\nis very little to be seen of Memphis, as the stone was mostly taken away\nfor building Cairo, and the site of the city is frequently overflowed in\nthe inundations of the Nile. ", "The chief object of interest is a statue of\nRameses the Great, originally forty-two feet high, but now lying on the\nground, and about half covered with water. ", "Unfortunately its face is\ndownward, so that we could not see its features; but it is said to be a\nfine work of art, and it is a great pity that it cannot be removed and\nplaced on its feet again.", "\n\n[Illustration: PLOUGHING AND SOWING.]", "\n\n\"At Sakkara there are several pyramids. ", "One of them is of sun-dried\nbricks instead of stone; it is built in a series of five steps, or\ndegrees, and for this reason is known as the 'Step-pyramid.' ", "Some\nauthorities say it was built in the first dynasty, and is consequently\nthe oldest pyramid in the world; others think it belongs to the fifth\ndynasty, and therefore is later than the structures at Gizeh. ", "Tradition\nsays it was built by the labor of the children of Israel when they were\ncaptives in Egypt, and it was here they complained that they were\ncompelled to make 'bricks without straw.' ", "The history of the pyramid is\nvery obscure, and one theory may be just as good as another. ", "The\nstructure is less than two hundred feet high, and, as the ascent is\ndangerous, and the view from the top of no consequence after that from\nGizeh, we did not climb it.", "\n\n[Illustration: TAKING IT EASY.]", "\n\n\"The things of greatest importance at Sakkara are the tombs. ", "They cover\nan area nearly four miles long by a mile in width, and there is little\ndoubt that the necropolis of Sakkara is the most extensive in all Egypt.", "\nMany tombs that were opened have been filled up again by the sand; at\npresent there are only two which are shown to visitors, but they are so\nlarge and interesting that nobody misses the others. ", "One is the tomb of\nTih, a priest of Memphis, who lived during the fifth dynasty, or about\nfive thousand years ago; its walls are covered with inscriptions showing\nthe manners and customs of the time, and it is said that we have learned\nmore from this tomb than from any other about the life of the ancient\nEgyptians.", "\n\n\"The sculptures show the owner of the tomb, Mr. Tih, in a great many\noccupations. ", "According to the custom of the period, he built the tomb\nduring his lifetime, and made it all ready for use after death. ", "An\nancient writer says, 'The Egyptians call their houses hostelries, on\naccount of the short period during which they inhabit them; but they\ncall their tombs eternal dwelling-places.' ", "This tomb was built in Tih's\nlifetime, and made ready for his long occupation by representing the\nscenes of his terrestrial existence.", "\n\n[Illustration: A HUNTING SCENE.]", "\n\n\"We have the priest of Memphis engaged in agriculture, or, rather, he is\npresent while his men are in the fields ploughing, sowing, harvesting,\nthrashing grain, driving oxen, donkeys, and other animals, and\nperforming other ordinary work. ", "We see him hunting, fishing, sailing in\nboats, listening to music, witnessing dances, and otherwise amusing\nhimself; and we see him worshipping in the temple, and superintending\nsacrifices of oxen, according to the religious practices of his day. ", "The\nsculptures are so numerous that it would take a ream of paper to\ndescribe all of them; they show that the artists knew their work, and\nmany of them had a sense of the ridiculous that would secure them good\nsituations on the comic papers of to-day.", "\n\n[Illustration: BRONZE FIGURE OF APIS.]", "\n\n\"After seeing the tomb of Tih we went to the Apis Mausoleum, or tombs of\nthe sacred bulls. ", "You know that Apis, or the sacred bull, was worshipped\nas a divinity at Memphis; he was kept in a temple during his lifetime,\nand a magnificent tomb was given him after his death. ", "The site of the\nApis Mausoleum was unknown for many centuries; it was found by Mariette\n(in 1860) through the writings of one of the Greek historians. ", "While\nclearing away the sand in a certain place he found a sphinx, and he then\nremembered a passage in Strabo, which says:\n\n\"'There is also a Serapeum in a very sandy spot, where drifts of sand\nare raised by the wind to such a degree that we saw some sphinxes buried\nup to their heads, and others half covered.'", "\n\n[Illustration: HUNTSMAN WITH DOGS AND GAME.]", "\n\n\"This was a hint to the explorer, and he acted on it by following up the\nline of sphinxes till he came to the entrance of the great tomb. ", "The\nguide showed us into the tomb, and then lighted candles, by which we\nexplored a series of long galleries cut in the solid rock; altogether\nthere are more than four hundred yards of these galleries, and they have\non each side of them niches, like large rooms, for holding the coffins\nof the bulls. ", "Some of these rooms are empty; but there still remain\ntwenty-four coffins of solid granite in the places where they were left\nmany years ago. ", "The coffins are not all of the same size, but generally\nabout thirteen feet long, eight wide, and eleven high; most of their\ncovers are pushed aside or altogether removed, and it was evident, when\nthe tomb was opened by Mariette Bey, that the place had been plundered,\nas nothing was found in the coffins except the mummy of a bull in one of\nthem.", "\n\n\"There was a ladder by the side of one of the coffins, so that we\nclimbed into it, and found that four or five persons could sit there\ncomfortably. ", "And think that these coffins were of solid blocks of\ngranite, and were brought down the Nile from Assouan, and put in the\nrooms made for them! ", "How they were put there nobody can tell; a thousand\nmen worked for three weeks to take out one of these coffins, under the\ndirection of an engineer, and, with all sorts of pulleys and apparatus,\nhe only got it a short distance along the gallery. ", "The enterprise was\nthen abandoned, and the coffin stands where they left it.", "\n\n\"Irreverent visitors sometimes call these tombs the 'bull pits,' and\nthey speak of the necropolis of Sakkara as the 'bone-yard.' ", "But there\nare no bulls here at present, and the tombs of the surrounding region\nhave been so thoroughly explored and plundered, that it would not be\neasy to find any bones in them.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: AN ARCHED TOMB AT SAKKARA.]", "\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER X.\n\nAN ORIENTAL BATH.--EGYPTIAN WEDDINGS AND FUNERALS.", "\n\n\nThe excursions to Gizeh and Sakkara had not been altogether free from\ndust, and, consequently, the suggestion of an Oriental bath was not out\nof place. ", "The boys had heard of the baths of Damascus and\nConstantinople, and the wonderful tales of travellers concerning them;\nthe Doctor said the baths of Cairo were exactly like those of the cities\nmentioned, and they could satisfy their curiosity by trying one.", "\n\nThe guide advised them to go early in the forenoon, and accordingly they\nleft the hotel a little after ten o'clock. ", "The Doctor had no fondness\nfor the genuine Oriental bath, and the youths made the excursion in the\ncompany of their guide. ", "A short walk brought them to the establishment,\nwhich was in a gloomy-looking building, surmounted with a large central\ndome and several smaller domes. ", "Frank could not understand the\npeculiarity of the bath architecture till he went inside, and found that\nthe principal room was lighted by the central dome, while the others\ngave light to the smaller apartments. ", "The windows were so small that the\nlight was quite dim, and in some places only served, as Fred expressed\nit, to make the darkness visible.", "\n\nThe office of the bath-keeper was close to the entrance, and here the\nguide paid for the admission of the youths; they had left all their\nvaluables at the hotel, and consequently had no use for the chest where\nthe watches and purses of the bathers were deposited. ", "Near the keeper\nwas a cupboard, from which he took a supply of towels for the youths,\nand they were then directed to the dressing, or, rather, the undressing\nroom, where they were assigned to couches, and exchanged their clothing\nfor towels. ", "According to the custom of the establishment, one towel was\nwrapped around the head and the other about the waist, and thus arrayed\nour young friends were hardly to be recognized.", "\n\nFrom the dressing-room they passed to a smaller apartment, which was\nwell but not uncomfortably warmed, and here they remained some minutes\nin order to become accustomed to the temperature. ", "The bathing\nestablishment is heated by means of fires under the floor, and in the\nmore modern buildings by iron pipes around the sides of the rooms. ", "An\nattendant took charge of each of the boys, and, when they were ready to\nmove on, conducted them to the large central room of the place.", "\n\nFrank gave an amusing account of his experience in the hands of the\n_tellak_, or bath attendant, who took charge of him:\n\n\"He was a strong man,\" said Frank, \"about forty years old, and his head\nwas shaved as smooth as a door-knob. ", "He wore a towel around his waist,\nand carried another flung over his shoulder. ", "He brought me a pair of\nwooden clogs, which I could not easily keep on my feet, though I tried\nhard to imitate the example of the people around me, and appear as\nthough accustomed to them all my life. ", "They tell us that there is a\nfashion about wearing these clogs, just as much as in putting on an\novercoat or a necktie, and that you are liable to be treated rudely if\nyou violate the custom. ", "Perhaps they have so many foreigners in this\nbath that they don't mind a little awkwardness; anyway we couldn't keep\nthe clogs in place, and nobody was uncivil.", "\n\n[Illustration: CENTRAL ROOM OF THE BATH.]", "\n\n\"We stayed in the anteroom till we got a little warm, and then went into\nthe central one. ", "And wasn't it hot!", "\n\n\"People were reclining on the marble floor, or on a platform at one\nside; we were led to the platform, and our conductors made signs for us\nto lie down, and as they did so they spread towels for us to recline on,\nand brought small cushions for our heads. ", "We did as they directed, and\nlay there for a while looking at the water playing in a fountain in the\ncentre of the room, or counting the little windows in the roof. ", "We\ncounted them several times over, but couldn't make them come out twice\nalike.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE MAN WHO DIDN'T LIKE IT.]", "\n\n\"Pretty soon there was something like a howl from one side of the\nplace, and we looked over to see what it was. ", "An attendant was at work\non a man who appeared like a foreigner, and was evidently trying to give\nhim the worth of his money. ", "Armed with a small brush, he went over the\nflesh of his victim very much as a boot-black makes a first-class shine.", "\nThe stranger looked like a boiled lobster, and the expression of his\nface was much as though he was about to be sent to prison for life.", "\n\n\"To confirm my belief that he was a foreigner, he made a remark in\nEnglish, which, of course, the attendant did not understand, but went on\nscrubbing harder than ever. ", "He seemed too weak to use his hands to stop\nthe performance, but finally gathered strength enough to seize the\nbrush, and motion to the performer that he had had enough. ", "Then he was\ntaken to another part of the room and laid on a marble slab, where he\nwas handled more gently.", "\n\n\"While we were smiling at the misery of the Englishman the perspiration\nwas oozing out of us at every pore, in consequence of the great warmth\nof the place. '", "Our turn next,' Fred whispered, as our attendants began\nto manipulate our limbs, to find out whether they were in a proper\ncondition for operating on.", "\n\n\"Fred was right, as our tellaks evidently considered us sufficiently\ncooked for their purpose. ", "They began by kneading us with their hands and\nknuckles, and went over our bodies so vigorously that we thought they\nwould make holes in our flesh, though they didn't do anything of the\nsort. ", "Then they rubbed us down with brushes, and left us a few minutes;\nthe rubbing and kneading increased the flow of perspiration, and when\nthis had gone on long enough, they made us sit on little wooden frames\nclose to a fountain in one of the side alcoves. ", "Then they soaped our\nheads and rubbed them vigorously with their hands, and kept pouring on\nwater while the rubbing was progressing; they repeated the operation\ntwice, and then brought some fibres of palm-leaves, which they used with\nsoap and water for polishing our limbs, and they finished the\nperformance with the brush, just as they had done with the Englishman.", "\n\n\"The brushing was the severest part of the process, and was followed by\ngreat quantities of water thrown over us till we were thoroughly rinsed.", "\nThe water was warm enough to be quite comfortable, and sometimes a\nlittle too warm, but we said nothing, as we wanted to have the bath just\nas it is given to others. ", "Basin after basin of warm water was poured\nover us, and finally we were wrapped in dry towels that completely\ncovered us, and thick towels were folded around our heads till we looked\nlike turbaned Turks. ", "Then we were taken to our couches, where we rested,\nand became cool enough to go out-of-doors again with safety.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE BARBER.]", "\n\n\"Coffee was brought to us as soon as we lay down, and we found it very\nrefreshing. ", "We stayed there at least half an hour before the guide\nsuggested that it would be safe to dress and go back to the hotel. ", "We\nfelt a little weak and weary, but had the satisfaction of knowing that\nwe were as clean as water, soap, heat, and scrubbing could make us. ", "A\nbarber tried to do up our hair, but did not succeed very well, as the\nOriental head-dressing is not exactly like our own. ", "But he was desirous\nof making himself useful, and so we let him try his skill.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE BATH AMONG THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS.]", "\n\n\"The bath of to-day is much like that of thousands of years ago, as can\nbe seen by the pictures on the walls of the tombs. ", "The bath is the\nfavorite resort of the women, and many of them spend the whole day\nthere, or at least a large part of it. ", "The baths for women are much more\nnumerous than those for men; many of them are set apart on different\ndays of the week for different religious sects, and sometimes families\nor parties of friends hire the bath for themselves, so that they shall\nnot be disturbed by others.", "\n\n\"Doctor Bronson says a good deal of nonsense has been written by\ntravellers concerning the baths of the East. ", "He says better and more\ncomfortable bathing establishments may be found in Paris, London, or New\nYork than in Constantinople or Cairo, and the number is increasing every\nyear.", "\n\n\"The Oriental bath is recommended for a good many things besides\ncleanliness, although the latter is the great consideration. ", "It will\ncure colds and slight touches of rheumatism, is excellent for many\nmaladies of the skin, improves the digestion, and has often restored\ninvalids whom medicine had failed to benefit. ", "Doctor Bronson has a\nfriend in New York who suffers occasionally from gout, and whenever he\nfeels it coming upon him he goes straight to a Turkish bath, and, as he\nsays, 'boils it out.' ", "One should be very careful, after taking a bath,\nnot to go too soon into the open air, for fear of catching cold.\"", "\n\nWhile on their way from the bath to the hotel the youths encountered a\nprocession, and naturally asked the guide what it was.", "\n\n\"That is a wedding,\" was the reply; \"somebody is going to be married,\nand this is part of the ceremony.\"", "\n\nIt occurred to Frank on the instant that his sister and Miss Effie might\nbe interested in the subject of weddings, and here would be an\nopportunity to write something to please them. ", "Accordingly, he made note\nof all he saw in the procession, interrogated the guide, and even took a\npeep within the pages of \"The Modern Egyptians,\" to assure himself that\nhe had made no mistake. ", "As there may be others besides Mary and Effie\nwho want to know the matrimonial customs of Egypt, we will make an\nextract from Frank's account:\n\n\"The procession that we saw was composed of the family and friends of\nthe bride on their way to the bath, where they would remain several\nhours. ", "There were four musicians in front, and right behind them were\nsix of the married friends of the bride, walking in couples; behind\nthese were several young girls, and all the party had their faces\ncovered with long veils that reached nearly to the ground. ", "The married\nwomen wore robes of black material, but the girls were in striped or\nwhite shawls, so that it was easy to know at a glance whether one of\nthem was married or single.", "\n\n\"Of course you want to know how the bride looked. ", "She was close behind\nthe young girls, but I can't describe her appearance, as she walked\nunder a canopy of pink silk, supported on four poles, carried by as many\nmen. ", "It was like a small tent, and opened in front; the other sides were\ncompletely closed, so that our only view of the bride was just a glimpse\nthrough the opening of the canopy. ", "Even if we had more than a glimpse of\nher, it would have done no good, as she was wrapped from head to foot in\na red cashmere shawl, and whether she was seventeen or seventy years old\nwe could not say. ", "The guide said she had a pasteboard crown on her head,\nand the shawl was hung over it so as to conceal her face and all the\njewellery she wore. ", "Of course she could not see anything, and so a\ncouple of women were walking inside the canopy, and just behind her, to\ntell her how to keep pace with the rest of the procession.", "\n\n\"There were a couple of musicians behind the canopy, and then came a\nstring of idle persons, just as we see a procession followed at home. ", "We\nwatched them as long as they were in sight, and were told they would\nspend several hours at the bath, where a feast had been ordered, and\npossibly an entertainment by dancers and singers hired for the occasion.", "\nThen they would go home to the house of the bride's parents, and on the\nfollowing day the bride would be carried by a similar procession to the\nhouse of the bridegroom.", "\n\n\"Now we'll go back to the beginning, and see how marriages are arranged\nin Egypt.", "\n\n\"The guide says such a thing as an 'old bachelor' in Egypt is never\nheard of, as every man is expected to get married whether he wants to or\nnot. ", "Matches are made here much easier than in America, as it is not at\nall necessary for the parties to be acquainted, and consequently they\ncannot have any objections to marrying each other. ", "There are regular\nmarriage-brokers who arrange everything, and thus save a great deal of\ntrouble and perplexity.", "\n\n\"When a man wishes to marry he tells his mother, or some near female\nrelative; she goes directly to the relatives of any marriageable girls\nshe knows of, or perhaps she engages a _khatibeh_, or woman who makes a\nbusiness of negotiating marriages. ", "The two go together to houses where\nthere are young girls to be married, and when they find one that suits\nthe mother's eye they begin talking business at once.", "\n\n\"They ask how much property the girl has, how old she is, and what she\ncan do, and then go away without any positive promise to come again. ", "If\nthe young man does not like the account they bring the matter is\ndropped, but if he is pleased with it he makes a present to the broker,\nand sends her again to confer with the girl and her parents. ", "Her parents\nhave the right to arrange the whole matter without consulting the girl,\nunless she is over fifteen years of age; in the latter case she may\nchoose her husband for herself, but her parents have still a good deal\nto say about it.", "\n\n[Illustration: A KHATIBEH, OR MARRIAGE-BROKER.]", "\n\n\"The broker does not confine herself very closely to the truth in\ndealing with either party. ", "She will describe a girl of ordinary\nappearance as the greatest beauty in the world, and will represent an\nequally ordinary man as handsome, graceful, and well educated, with\nplenty of money which he is ready to throw at the feet of his bride. ", "And\nall this when she does not know whether he has any money or not, and has\nnever seen or heard of him till the day she was engaged to find a bride.", "\nIt is the object of the broker to make a commission. ", "Doctor Bronson says\nshe is not unlike some brokers he has known in New York, and other\ncities of America.", "\n\n\"The girl must have a _wekeel_, or deputy, to arrange a marriage for\nher, and to sign the contract. ", "This office is filled by her father, if\nliving, or by some masculine relative or guardian; and when the\npreliminaries have been arranged by the broker, the bridegroom goes with\ntwo or three friends to meet the wekeel and sign the contract.", "\n\n\"The first thing is to fix the amount of the dowry of the bride, and\nthey spend a good deal of time haggling over it, just as they do in\nevery transaction where money is concerned. ", "The wekeel demands more than\nhe expects to receive, and the bridegroom offers less than he expects to\ngive. ", "The amount varies according to the position and property of the\nparties; for those in fair circumstances it is usually a little over a\nhundred dollars. ", "It is arranged that the money shall be paid to the\nbride's deputy when the marriage contract is signed, which is generally\nwithin a couple of days.", "\n\n[Illustration: PREPARING FOR THE WEDDING.]", "\n\n\"When the contract is finished and the money paid over, the day is\nfixed--generally a couple of weeks later--for bringing the bride to the\nbridegroom's house. ", "The time is consumed in preparations for the\nwedding; the amount of the dowry, and generally a great deal more, is\nspent in furniture and clothing for the bride, and all these articles\nare her property, and cannot be taken from her if she is divorced. ", "The\nbridegroom gives a dinner and party to his friends, and for two or three\nnights before the wedding the street where he lives is hung with\nlanterns, and otherwise decorated, so that everybody may know that a\nwedding is about to take place.", "\n\n[Illustration: A MARRIAGE PROCESSION AT NIGHT.]", "\n\n\"The bride goes to the bath in the procession I have described in the\nfirst part of this letter, and afterward she is taken to the house which\nis to be her home. ", "This procession is in the night, and therefore it\ncarries a good many torches, and sometimes the effect is very pretty.", "\nMeantime the man is at the mosque saying his prayers, and when he comes\nhome he finds his bride there with her friends.", "\n\n[Illustration: UNVEILING THE BRIDE.]", "\n\n\"She is still closely veiled, and in nine cases out of ten the two have\nnever met. ", "After a feast, which he has ordered before going to the\nmosque, he is permitted to raise her veil, and has an opportunity to\nlook for the first time on the features of his wife. ", "No matter how much\neither of them may be disappointed in the appearance of the other, they\nare expected to smile and seem happy.", "\n\n\"In some parts of the East the bridegroom comes to the house accompanied\nby torches and music, and with a small boy walking at his side dressed\nlike himself, and instructed to imitate all his motions. ", "He carries a\nfolded handkerchief held close to his face, and the boy does the same; a\nlittle behind them is a girl mounted on a horse, and dressed like the\nbride, and attended by two men who are supposed to be her guards. ", "When\nthis procession approaches the house, the friends of the bride light\ntheir lamps and go out a short distance to meet the procession. ", "It is\nprobably from this custom that we have the passage of Scripture which\nsays, 'Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.'\"", "\n\nWhile Frank was busy with his account of the wedding-party, Fred was\noccupied with another and sadder procession he had seen the same day.", "\nWhile walking in the Mooskee he met a funeral-party on its way to the\ncemetery, near the Tombs of the Caliphs, and his curiosity led him to\nascertain some particulars concerning funerals in the East.", "\n\n[Illustration: BLIND MUSICIANS AMONG THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS.]", "\n\n\"The procession that I saw,\" said Fred, \"was led by half a dozen blind\nmen, who walked slowly two and two together, and chanted the Moslem\nconfession of faith--'There is no god but God, and Mohammed is the\napostle of God!' ", "Behind them came several men who were relatives of the\ndeceased, and then there was an open space of three or four yards.", "\nBeyond the open space were four boys in pairs; the front pair carried a\ncopy of the Koran on a small frame or desk, covered with an embroidered\nhandkerchief, and the second pair had their hands empty.", "\n\n\"Then came the coffin on a bier, supported on the shoulders of four men,\nand covered with a red shawl; the bearers were changed every few\nminutes, and those who were relieved took their places in the group\nbehind the blind men. ", "Behind the bier were several women, who frequently\nshrieked as if in great grief. ", "I was told that some of them were the\nfamily of the dead man, and the rest were mourners who had been hired,\naccording to the custom of the country. ", "From long practice in their\nprofession they were able to shriek louder than the real mourners.", "\n\n\"The funeral of a rich man is sometimes preceded by three or four camels\nladen with provisions that are to be given at the tomb to any poor\npeople who may ask for them. ", "Then there will be a good many people in\nthe procession, including men who have been invited to the funeral, and\nmembers of several religious sects, each delegation being not less than\nfour. ", "Sometimes the flags of some of the orders of dervishes will be\ncarried in the procession, and the line is closed by servants leading\ntwo or three horses.", "\n\n\"The party generally stops at a mosque, where prayers are said, and the\nfirst chapter of the Koran is repeated by a priest, and then it moves on\nto the cemetery. ", "The ceremony at the tomb is very brief, and consists of\na few prayers and the wailing of the hired mourners. ", "The blind men and\nboys who have accompanied the procession receive their pay as soon as\nthe body is laid in the ground, and then the funeral is supposed to be\nended.\"", "\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER XI.", "\n\nASCENDING THE NILE.--SIGHTS AND SCENES ON THE RIVER.", "\n\n\nHaving explored Cairo and its neighborhood to their satisfaction, our\nfriends turned their attention to the Nile. ", "They wished to make a voyage\nup the mysterious river as far as the first cataract. ", "The time at their\ndisposal did not permit them to plan a more extended journey.", "\n\nThey found on investigation that there were two ways of ascending the\nNile, and each had its advantages and disadvantages.", "\n\n[Illustration: VIEW ON THE NILE NEAR CAIRO.]", "\n\nThe old way of making the journey is by sailing-boat, or dahabeeah. ", "The\nmore modern system is by steamboat, and before many years it will be\npossible to go by rail along the banks of the river to the first\ncataract, and ultimately to Khartoum and Gondokaro, if the present\nscheme of railways in Egypt is carried out.", "\n\n[Illustration: ANCIENT BOAT ON THE NILE.]", "\n\nThe most comfortable form of travel on the Nile is by dahabeeah, but it\nis also the most expensive, and requires more time than the steamboat.", "\nFrom Cairo to the first cataract and back will require from six to eight\nweeks by dahabeeah, and if the journey is prolonged to the second\ncataract, two or three weeks must be added. ", "Three weeks will cover the\nround trip to the first cataract and back by steamboat, and five weeks\nwill include the second cataract.", "\n\nFor the steamboat trip you have no trouble except to buy your ticket, go\non board at the appointed day and hour, and submit patiently to the\nvarious impositions devised by the contractors who manage the business.", "\nThe movements of the boat are carefully arranged beforehand, and the\ntime for visiting the various temples, tombs, and other interesting\nthings on the journey, is all on the schedule of the dragoman or\nconductor. ", "Travellers of various nationalities are herded together, and\nmust move at the beck and call of the conductor. ", "There is a printed\nprogramme of the places to be visited and the hours for visiting them,\nand if no accident happens you can count on being back in Cairo in\ntwenty days and four hours from the time of starting.", "\n\nA facetious traveller, who made the Nile journey by steamboat, says that\nthe conductor of his party had a private programme on which was marked\nthe time to be devoted to sentiment as well as to sight-seeing. ", "As they\napproached the great hall of the Temple of Karnak the conductor glanced\nat his programme and said,\n\n\"Gentlemen, prepare for sublime emotion!\"", "\n\nOf course due preparations were made, and when the grandeur of the hall\nwas visible they gave utterance to the regulation number of \"ohs!\" ", "and\n\"ahs!\" ", "When these were ended, and silence came again, the guide looked\nat his watch and called out,\n\n\"Five minutes for sublime emotion!\"", "\n\nWhen time was up they moved on. ", "At another place they had \"five minutes\nfor musing on the decayed glories of ancient Egypt,\" and at another\nthey were requested to \"think of the havoc that the centuries have\nwrought.\"", "\n\nIn travelling by dahabeeah you charter the boat, and make up your own\nparty. ", "In a general way you are your own master, and can say where, and\nfor how long, you will stop. ", "During the winter the wind blows pretty\nsteadily from north to south, so that you sail up the Nile with the\nbreeze in your favor. ", "On the return the great sail is lowered, and the\ncrew row the boat with the current. ", "Their rowing is just enough to give\nsteerage-way, and the flowing river brings you safely back to Cairo.", "\n\nThe steamboat fare to the first cataract and back is £50 ($250), and to\nthe second cataract £80 ($400). ", "This includes meals, guides, donkeys,\nand some of the fees for seeing temples and tombs, but does not include\nsaddles for riding the aforesaid donkeys, nor does it embrace the use of\na chair for the deck of the boat. ", "There are constant demands for\nbacksheesh for various things, and the passengers are expected to make\nup a liberal purse at the end of the voyage for distribution among the\nofficers, crew, and servants. ", "About £5 ($25) will be needed for these\ninevitable \"extras.\"", "\n\nThe dahabeeah journey will usually cost $1500 for two persons to the\nfirst cataract and back, and $2000 for four persons; about $500 should\nbe added in each case for the second cataract. ", "For these figures you can\nget a large, well-fitted boat, and will be entitled to live with every\npossible comfort. ", "Smaller and plainer boats may be had for less money,\nand the food supplied by the dragoman will be correspondingly less\nluxurious. ", "Prices vary according to the season, and the number of\ntravellers desiring to make the journey, and it sometimes happens that a\ngood boat may be had for less than the figures named above.", "\n\nThe dahabeeah journey can be made by time or by the course; either way\nis not altogether satisfactory, and a traveller who has made it by one\nmethod generally advises his friends to try the other. ", "If you go by\ntime, the dragoman manages to delay you as much as he can, and will\ninvent unheard-of excuses for stopping the boat; if you go by the\ncourse, he hurries you along altogether too rapidly, and you often find\nthat you have sailed by a place you specially desired to visit. ", "All\nthings considered, the best plan is to charter the boat by the course,\nwith a stipulation for a certain number of days for stoppages at the\ninteresting points. ", "From fourteen to twenty days are the ordinary\nstipulations for stoppages, and the whole journey can be made from Cairo\nto the first cataract and back in about fifty days. [", "For forms of\ncontract see Murray's \"Hand-book for Egypt.\"]", "\n\nA dahabeeah journey would have made our friends too late for their\ncontemplated trip to Palestine and Syria, and so they decided to go by\nsteamboat.", "\n\nThey left Boulak one pleasant afternoon a few minutes past three\no'clock, and steamed slowly up the river. ", "The boys sat beneath the\nawning that covered the deck and watched the gray walls of Cairo, the\npalaces and hovels, the gardens of the island of Rhoda, and the green\nfields that stretched out from the western bank till they met the\nglistening sands of the desert near the platform where the Pyramids of\nGizeh rise toward the sky. ", "On the other side of the river the Mokattam\nhills bounded the horizon, and marked the beginning of the Libyan\nDesert; the tufted palm-trees waved here and there, sometimes in\nclusters or groups, and at others standing solitary in the surrounding\nwaste. ", "On the land there were trains of stately camels, and on the water\nthe boats of the natives ploughed slowly along, many of them laden till\ntheir gunwales were dangerously near the water. ", "As the boat steamed\nonward, the Citadel of Cairo, with the slender minarets of the Mosque of\nMohammed Ali, faded away in the distance, the broad valley became more\nand more enclosed, the hills seemed to shut in upon the river, and when\nthe sun went down the great pyramids were little more than specks on the\nhorizon, and just visible through the palm-trees.", "\n\nHaving seen the Doctor and his young friends well under-way toward the\nSouth, we will rely for a while on the journal which was kept by Frank\nand Fred. ", "After recording their departure from Cairo, and briefly\ndescribing the scenes on the river, the journal says:\n\n[Illustration: A VILLAGE ON THE BANK OF THE RIVER.]", "\n\n\"We were told that the steamers did not run at night on account of the\nliability to get on sand-bars, and the possibility of collisions with\nsailing boats. ", "True to the promise, the boat came to anchor soon after\nsunset; or, rather, it was brought to the bank and made fast. ", "We were\njust below a small village, and wanted to go to see it, but the guide\nsaid it was unsafe to venture there after dark, on account of the number\nof dogs prowling about. ", "Egyptian dogs have a great antipathy to\nforeigners, as we have already learned, and are not to be carelessly\napproached.", "\n\n\"The Orientals regard the dog as an unclean beast, and do not keep him\nfor a pet, as is the custom of Europe and America. ", "Consequently, nearly\nall the dogs you see around an Eastern city are houseless and homeless,\nand a very ordinary set of curs they are. ", "There are great numbers of\nthem, and they manage to pick up a living by serving as scavengers, and\nby stealing whenever they have a chance. ", "They do not disturb the\nnatives, but have such a hatred for strangers that they are often\ndangerous; they have no terror for sticks and whips, and the only way to\ndrive them is by pelting them with stones. ", "In the daytime they rarely do\nmore than bark and growl; but at night they are bolder, and as they can\nsneak up to you under cover of the darkness, you must look out for their\nteeth.", "\n\n[Illustration: GENERAL VIEW OF AN EASTERN CITY.]", "\n\n\"We were off by daybreak the next morning, and as there was a mist\nhanging over the river the scenery was of no special consequence. ", "About\neight o'clock we stopped at a village to get some milk; Fred and I\nfollowed the conductor, and were soon in a tangle of narrow lanes and\nmud huts that seemed a perfect labyrinth. ", "The dogs barked, chickens\ncackled and flew to shelter, as if they knew that the advent of\nstrangers was the signal for them to be killed, and two or three cows\ntook fright at our appearance and ran into the houses. ", "We made a\nsensation, but evidently the natives were not pleased at our visit, to\njudge by their scowling faces.", "\n\n\"For several hours we steamed on in what is said to be a very\nuninteresting part of the river, and certainly one hour was very much\nlike another. ", "The villages had a family resemblance to each other--the\nbanks were generally low and crumbling, and the barren hills were not\nagreeable resting-places for the eye. ", "Donkeys, camels, and Arabs,\nsucceeded by camels, Arabs, and donkeys, were the moving sights on\nshore, in contrast to the numerous boats that dotted the river.", "\nSand-bars and islands relieved the monotony of the river, and there were\noccasional tufts of palm-trees fringing the bank or rising against the\ngray hills of the desert.", "\n\n\"Many of the boats on the river were dahabeeahs on their way southward\nwith pleasure parties, and they are fitted up with great luxury, as we\nhad a chance to observe. ", "They usually carry the national flag of the\nparty that charters them, and it is always a pleasure to us to see the\nStars and Stripes floating over one of these boats.", "\n\n\"We stopped about noon to repair some slight damage to the machinery,\nand it happened that a large dahabeeah was tied up to the bank close to\nwhere the steamer was made fast. ", "A gentleman came from her to the\nsteamer; very soon we found he was a Mr. W----, an artist from New York,\nand, though he and Doctor Bronson had never met before, they had a good\nmany mutual acquaintances. ", "The result was we were invited to visit the\ndahabeeah, with the understanding that the steamer would give warning of\nher readiness to leave by blowing her whistle.", "\n\n\"The dahabeeah is built somewhat after the model of the ships of a\ncentury ago--that is, she is low forward, and has a high cabin aft. ", "The\nforward part is appropriated to the crew, and the stern to the\npassengers, the sailors only going there for handling the sails or\nperforming other work. ", "The cabin is entered from the deck, and\nconsisted, in this instance, of a saloon the whole width of the boat,\nwith sofas on each side, and nicely fitted with chairs and mirrors.", "\nBeyond the saloon there were four single cabins; at the stern there was\na larger cabin and a bath-room, besides a good-sized closet where linen\nand other things were kept. ", "Between the saloon and the entrance there\nwas a pantry on one side and a room for the dragoman on the other; the\ngalley or kitchen was near the bow of the boat, and the provisions were\nstowed in the hold, or kept in the store-room at the stern.", "\n\n[Illustration: A PLAGUE OF FLIES.]", "\n\n\"We stayed a little while in the saloon and then went on deck, or to the\nroof of the cabin, which was covered with an awning. ", "The air was cooler\nhere than in the cabin, and, besides, the flies were not as abundant.", "\nLet us remark here that the worst annoyance of the Nile voyage is the\nnumber of flies that you have to fight; they are one of 'the plagues of\nEgypt' now, as they were in the time of Moses, and there is no way of\nbeing rid of them.", "\n\n\"Mr. W---- told us that when the wind was light the flies covered the\nboat and greatly annoyed them; but they had curtains for the saloon and\nthe small rooms, and could protect their faces by means of nets drawn\naround their hats. ", "The crew, at such times, wrapped their burnouses\naround their heads, or sat with switches in their hands to keep away the\npests. ", "Either mode of getting rid of the annoyance was uncomfortable;\nit was stifling hot with the head covered, and it required continual\nexertion to make the switch effective.", "\n\n[Illustration: A KANGIA.]", "\n\n\"Our new acquaintance called attention to a freight-boat that lay just\nbeyond his dahabeeah, and to the general resemblance between the two.", "\n'That boat,' said he, 'is called a _kangia_, and is sometimes used for\ntravelling purposes by the natives, and by tourists whose purses are\nlimited. ", "You see it has the shape and style of the dahabeeah, but is\nmuch smaller, and the cabin can only accommodate one or two persons\nwithout crowding. ", "A friend of mine once made the Nile trip in a kangia,\nand said he had a good time; but he was young and vigorous, and spoke\nsufficient Arabic to get along without a dragoman. ", "The kangia wouldn't\ndo for persons liable to be incommoded by scanty fare and poor quarters,\nand I shouldn't recommend it.'", "\n\n[Illustration: THE CAPTAIN.]", "\n\n\"While he was telling us that his crew consisted of twelve men and a\ncaptain, besides the dragoman, two cabin servants, and a cook--that\nthere were four of them in the party, two Americans and two Englishmen,\nand giving us other information--the whistle sounded, and we returned to\nthe steamer. ", "The wind freshened as we went on board, and the dahabeeah\nstarted close behind us, and came ploughing along in our rear. ", "She could\nnot sail as fast as we steamed, and in an hour or more we lost sight of\nher in a bend of the river.", "\n\n\"In the afternoon we passed a cliff on the east bank of the river, where\nthere is a Coptic convent; its inmates are in the habit of visiting\npassing boats to beg for backsheesh, and as we approached the cliff we\nsaw a dozen or more of their heads in the water. ", "Four of them managed to\nget into the small boats that we towed astern, and they did it while we\nwere going along at full speed.", "\n\n\"How do you suppose they managed it?", "\n\n\"They got out into the river as near as they could to where the steamer\nwould pass without being liable to be struck by her wheels. ", "As soon as\nthe wheel was past them they swum with all their might directly toward\nthe boat, and in this way several succeeded in grasping the skiffs and\nclimbing into them. ", "They do not swim like ourselves, with both hands\ntogether, but strike out hand-after-hand, or, to express it more\nplainly, 'dog-fashion.'", "\n\n\"These men were entirely without clothing, and when they received any\nmoney they put it in their mouths. ", "We gave one of them so many copper\ncoins that his cheeks were filled almost to bursting, and when he dived\noff the boat to go home with his load he appeared as though suffering\nfrom a bad case of inflamed jaw.", "\n\n\"The Doctor says the Copts are supposed to be the descendants of the\nancient Egyptians, and their features closely resemble those that we\nfind pictured on the walls of the temples and tombs. ", "The most of them\nare Christians, and they form about a sixteenth of the population of\nEgypt: their ancient language is used in the churches for reading\nprayers, just as the Catholics use Latin, and the Russians Sclavonic. ", "In\ndaily life they speak Arabic: they are better educated than the rest of\nthe people, and are largely employed in shops and in the government\noffices, and frequently go into business for themselves on an extensive\nscale.", "\n\n\"The Copts were converted to Christianity very early in the history of\nthat religion, but their doctrines were so mixed up with Eastern\nsuperstitions and practices that they were denounced by the Church in\nthe sixth century. ", "They have several convents that are supported by\ndonations, and the occupants never omit an opportunity to beg. ", "The men\nthat climbed into our skiffs kept calling out 'backsheesh, howadji--ana\nChritiana' (a present, gentlemen--I am a Christian), and these words\nseemed to be their whole stock in trade.", "\n\n\"We did not leave the region of pyramids behind us when we lost sight of\nGizeh and Sakkara. ", "We passed in sight of the Pyramid of Meidoon, which\nis older than the Pyramids of Gizeh, and disputes antiquity with those\nof Sakkara. ", "The Arabs call it the False Pyramid, as it is built over a\nlarge rock, which forms a considerable part of its solid contents. ", "There\nare tombs all around it, and many of them have been explored. ", "Two\nstatues were found there which belong to the third dynasty, and are\nwonderfully life-like in appearance. ", "Quite recently the pyramid has been\nopened, and discoveries made that throw considerable light on the\nancient history of the country. ", "We have no time to visit Meidoon, and\nperhaps we shall have had enough of antiquities before our voyage on the\nNile is ended.", "\n\n[Illustration: A GOURD RAFT.]", "\n\n\"We have seen boats of all sizes and shapes; some of them seem to be\nperfect reproductions of the craft used by the ancient Egyptians, and\nothers are more modern. ", "We saw a man fishing on what appeared to be a\nraft just large enough to hold him, and it seemed a wonder that his\nweight did not sink it. ", "While we were looking at it, Doctor Bronson\nexplained that it was supported by empty gourds beneath a flooring of\nreeds, the gourds being kept from floating away by means of a slight\nnet-work. ", "Later on we had a chance to examine one of these frail\nstructures, and make a sketch of it.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE RAFT SEEN FROM BELOW.]", "\n\n\"Beyond Meidoon we passed a good many sugar plantations, and saw the\nsteam rising from the engines that drive the heavy machinery. ", "On the\nbanks of the river there were many _shadoofs_ and _sakkiehs_ at work,\nand now and then we saw steam-pumps puffing away, to raise water for\nirrigating the fertile land. ", "Many of the large cultivators find it\neconomical to raise water by steam-power rather than by the old system\nof hand-labor, though the high price of coal makes steam-pumping very\ncostly.", "\n\n\"We are told that no coal is found in Egypt, the entire supply needed\nfor the railway and other modes of consumption being imported from\nEngland. ", "The government has spent considerable money in looking for\ncoal, but thus far has found only a few small beds, that will not pay\nfor working. ", "Perhaps they will find some one of these days, and thus\nsave a heavy outlay of money every year for imported coal. ", "Private\nparties have no inducement to search for this valuable mineral, as the\ngovernment would immediately take possession of a coal-mine, and if the\ndiscoverer ventured to object, he might spend the rest of his life in\nprison for his impudence.\"", "\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER XII.", "\n\nSUGAR PLANTATIONS AND MILLS.--SNAKE-CHARMERS.--SIGHTS AT BENI-HASSAN.", "\n\n\nThe first regular halt of the steamer was at Beni-sooef, where the\npassengers were allowed two hours by the printed schedule. ", "Of course\nthey went on shore at once, and devoted themselves to sight-seeing until\nrecalled by the whistle. ", "The town has a population of about five\nthousand, and is the capital of a province of the same name. ", "Frank and\nFred strolled through the bazaars, but were disappointed, as there was\nnothing to be found there which they had not already seen in the bazaars\nof Cairo. ", "The trade of the place has diminished considerably, and\nBeni-sooef is of less importance to-day than it was three or four\ncenturies ago.", "\n\nAt Minieh, the next halting-place, they had an opportunity to visit a\nsugar-mill, and eagerly embraced it. ", "Minieh is the centre of the sugar\nculture in Egypt, and the first sugar-mill in the country was erected\nhere and is still in operation. ", "Of late years some very large mills have\nbeen built, employing hundreds of people, and during the height of the\nseason they present a busy scene.", "\n\nThe mill visited by our friends was one of the largest. ", "It was so\nconstructed that, from the time the cane enters the crushers till the\ndry sugar is taken out, there is no lifting or handling of the material,\nexcept in a few instances. ", "The machinery is all of French manufacture,\nand very expensive. ", "A large amount of sugar is manufactured here every\nyear; but there is no profit in the business, partly owing to the great\ncost of the mills, and partly, it is whispered, in consequence of the\nfrauds of the managers.", "\n\n[Illustration: VIEW ON A SUGAR PLANTATION.]", "\n\nThe sugar culture is in the hands of the Khedive, and about two hundred\nand fifty thousand acres of land are devoted to it, chiefly on the west\nbank of the Nile between Cairo and Sioot. ", "There are more mills than are\nreally needed for the amount of sugar made, and there is a large\nquantity of machinery which has never been put up, but lies neglected\nand rusting on the banks of the river. ", "There is a system of railways for\nbringing the cane to the mills, and connected with the line of railway\nfrom Cairo up the Nile. ", "The labor on the sugar estates is very poorly\npaid, and more frequently is not paid at all. ", "The laborers are gathered\nfrom the villages along the river, and compelled to work three months on\nthe sugar estates when they should be cultivating their own fields at\nhome.", "\n\nFrank and Fred could not understand this mode of conducting business\ntill the Doctor explained it to them after their return to the steamer.", "\n\n\"You observed,\" said the Doctor, \"that the laborers included both sexes,\nand all ages from five years old to fifty or sixty.\"", "\n\n\"Yes,\" answered one of the youths; \"and I saw that they did not take\nmuch interest in their work, and appeared to be half starved.\"", "\n\n\"You will not be surprised at it,\" replied Doctor Bronson, \"when I tell\nyou they are never paid in money, with the exception of the chiefs of\ngangs, and the men in charge of the machinery.", "\n\n\"They receive a daily allowance of bread; it is not such bread as we are\naccustomed to, but simply coarsely ground wheat flour, containing a\nliberal proportion of mud and chopped straw, and very carelessly baked.", "\nWith so bad a quality you might suppose the quantity would be abundant,\nbut it is not; a laborer can devour his day's allowance at a single\nmeal, and frequently it is not enough to satisfy his hunger.\"", "\n\n\"But is that all they get?\" ", "one of the boys asked.", "\n\n\"That is frequently all they get,\" was the reply. \"", "True, they are\npromised something more, but they do not often receive it.", "\n\n\"According to an official report on the subject,\" the Doctor continued,\n\"the wages of hands in the factories are fixed at fifteen cents a day\nfor a man, and eight cents for a boy, while those of the field hands are\neight cents for a man, and five for a boy. ", "And when they are paid at all\nit is invariably in _kind_--that is, in grain, sugar, or molasses, at a\nhigh price--and not in money. ", "It is difficult for them to sell these\narticles, and the best they can do is to eat them, or perhaps barter\nthem off for something more desirable. ", "Not one laborer in twenty has\nanything to show for his work on the sugar estates or in the factories\nexcept his thin cheeks, and the bones half protruding from his skin.\"", "\n\n\"It is no wonder,\" said Fred, \"that they begged so hard for backsheesh,\nand that they seemed, unlike the Arabs of Cairo, to be very grateful\nwhen we gave them some small coins.\"", "\n\nFrank thought it very strange that the sugar culture in Egypt should be\nunprofitable when the labor cost next to nothing. ", "The Doctor answered\nthat it would undoubtedly pay handsomely whenever it was honestly and\neconomically managed, but from present indications there was no prospect\nof a change for the better.", "\n\n[Illustration: INTERIOR OF A SUGAR-MILL.]", "\n\nAfter visiting the sugar-mill our friends went to the market-square of\nMinieh, where a juggler was amusing a crowd of natives with his tricks.", "\nHis performances were not remarkable for any particular skill, but they\nserved to entertain the people, though he did not succeed in drawing\nmuch money from them. ", "After pretending to swallow knives, coins, and\nother inconvenient and indigestible things, he drew some snakes from a\nbasket and twined them around his neck.", "\n\nEverybody was inclined to stand at a respectful distance during this\npart of the show. ", "Whenever the juggler wished to enlarge the circle of\nspectators, he put the snake on the ground, and the crowd immediately\nfell back without being invited to do so. ", "The snake was a huge fellow,\nseven or eight feet long, and perfectly black. ", "The Doctor said he was\nnot dangerous, so far as his bite was concerned, as he belonged to the\nfamily of constrictors, and killed his prey by tightening his coils\naround it.", "\n\n[Illustration: A SECURE POINT OF VIEW.]", "\n\nDoctor Bronson farther explained to the youths that the snake-charmers\nof Egypt are a peculiar class. ", "They give exhibitions in the streets in\nfront of houses, and when they do so the favorite place for seeing the\nshow is an upper window or balcony, as in that case the spectator is out\nof the reach of any possible harm. ", "There are several snakes in Egypt,\nbut only two or three of them are poisonous. ", "The _cobra di capella_, the\nfamous hooded snake of India, is often carried about by the performers;\nbut he is imported from the land of his nativity, and does not belong to\nthe Valley of the Nile. ", "Before he is used for show purposes he is\ndeprived of his fangs, and is therefore harmless, but it is not a\npleasing sight to see him strike as though he meant serious business.", "\n\nThe Egyptian snake-charmers have a way of making a living by going to\nhouses, and pretending to discover that snakes are concealed about the\nwalls. ", "They offer to remove them for a stipulated sum, and their\nproposal is generally accepted. ", "Then they begin a sort of incantation,\ncalling upon the snake to come forth, and threatening him with death if\nhe does not. ", "In a little while the snake falls from the ceiling or from\na crack in the wall, and is picked up by the performer and exhibited to\nthe family as proof of his skill, and that he has earned his money.", "\n\n\"Of course it is strongly suspected,\" the Doctor continued, \"that the\ncharmer secretly liberates the snake, or hires a confederate to do so,\nin order that he may obtain pay for catching him. ", "This is undoubtedly\nthe case in many instances, as the performer generally operates in a\nroom where there is little light, and nobody is inclined to come near\nhim for fear of being bitten. ", "But not infrequently he has to perform in\nan open court-yard where there are many spectators, and sometimes he is\ntaken suddenly to a house, and carefully examined before he begins\noperations. ", "His trick, if it be one, has never been discovered, and the\nEgyptian snake-charmer may be considered, on the whole, quite as skilful\nas his fellow-craftsman in India.\"", "\n\nOne of the most deadly serpents of Egypt is the asp, which was made\nfamous centuries ago by Cleopatra. ", "There is another poisonous snake\ncalled the _naya_; it is of a greenish-brown color, and has a hood that\nexpands like that of the Indian cobra when the snake is enraged. ", "Some\nauthorities suppose that the serpent with which Cleopatra killed\nherself, after the death of Marc Antony, is none other than the naya.", "\nThis is the snake which appears so often among the Egyptian\nhieroglyphics, and it was worshipped as the representative of one of the\ndivinities in the days of the Pharaohs. ", "A person who is bitten by a naya\ngenerally dies in a few minutes, and thus far no antidote has been\ndiscovered for its poison.", "\n\nSight-seeing among the temples and tombs of Upper Egypt began at\nBeni-Hassan, about fifteen miles above Minieh. ", "The boat touched at the\nlanding-place, and the natives came down in dozens, bringing their\ndonkeys for the tourists to ride to the tombs, three miles away. ", "The\nnatives had a most villainous appearance, and the donkeys, while no\ndoubt more honest than their owners, were, if possible, less\nrespectable, so far as looks were concerned. ", "The people at Beni-Hassan\nhave long had a bad reputation, and they were so notorious for their\nthievery during the reign of Ibrahim Pacha that he sent a military force\nto destroy their village and scatter its occupants. ", "The village has been\nrebuilt, and the people have assembled again, but neither has improved\nby the severe lesson given by the son of Mohammed Ali.", "\n\nFrank and Fred selected two of the donkeys, and their saddles were\nbrought out and placed on the beasts. ", "The Doctor likewise obtained a\ndonkey; but he afterward said that the most agreeable way of riding the\nanimal was to walk by his side. ", "His donkey had a habit of sitting down\nsuddenly, very much to the inconvenience of the rider, and no doubt\ninduced by the weight of the latter. ", "Frank had not gone a dozen yards\nbefore he was pitched over the head of his steed, to the great amusement\nof Fred. ", "While the latter was laughing over the discomfiture of his\ncousin, he found himself stretched on the sand, and speedily concluded\nthat the similarity of position left no farther reason for being amused.", "\nThey remounted with greater caution; but it was observed that they had\nquite enough of saddle exercise on their way to the tombs, and concluded\nto walk back to the boat.", "\n\nThe rest of the party met with varied mishaps on their way to the tombs,\nbut nobody was seriously hurt, and all were inclined to laugh over the\nincidents of the ride, particularly those that happened to others. ", "It is\na curious circumstance that it is much more ludicrous to see some one\nelse pitched over the head of a donkey, and left sprawling in the sand,\nthan to be pitched over and sprawled yourself. ", "Of course we refer only\nto Egypt in commenting on this matter; but it has been said in America\nthat the fun of a mishap or a practical joke is never as apparent to the\nvictim of it as to his friends.", "\n\nBut the troubles of the ride were forgotten when the party reached the\ntombs which they went to see.", "\n\n[Illustration: INTERIOR OF A TOMB AT BENI-HASSAN.]", "\n\nThe tombs of Beni-Hassan are hewn in the solid rock, some in a cliff\noverlooking the Nile, and others in a valley running back from the\nriver. ", "The rock is a soft limestone, which is very easy to quarry, and\nsome geologists think it was even softer five thousand years ago than at\npresent. ", "A great deal of labor was devoted to it, and the inscriptions\non the walls are so numerous that very little space is left uncovered.", "\nSome of the tombs are entered through door-ways on a level with the\nfloor, and others can only be reached by means of ladders.", "\n\n[Illustration: SECTION OF A TOMB.]", "\n\nThe tombs are cut with pillars and vaulted roofs, in imitation of\nbuildings; they belong to the eleventh and twelfth dynasties of ancient\nEgypt, and are therefore older than the tombs and temples of Thebes, but\nmore modern than the Pyramids of Sakkara and Gizeh. ", "They were made for\nthe resting-places of kings and priests, but were rifled of their\ncontents centuries ago; their chief value at present is in the\nsculptures, which represent many of the trades and occupations of the\nancient Egyptians, and thus throw a vivid light on their daily life.", "\n\nFrank wrote the following in his note-book on his return to the steamer:\n\n\"We have been able to see to-day how the ancient Egyptians lived, and\nwhat they did; and it seems as if I have only to close my eyes and\nimagine myself carried back five thousand years. ", "There are barbers at\nwork on their customers, and closely reminding us of the barbers of\nto-day; there are shoemakers cutting the leather, and preparing the\nthread for stitching shoes and sandals together; and there are spinners\nand weavers at work, the former using the spindle just as it is now used\nin nearly all countries, and will probably be used as long as the world\nstands.", "\n\n[Illustration: SPINNING AND WEAVING.]", "\n\n\"There are glass-blowers and jewellers employed at their trades, both\nusing the familiar blow-pipe, and evidently understanding it as\nperfectly as one could wish. ", "Painters are busy with their brushes, some\nmaking pictures on panels or on sheets of papyrus, and others engaged in\ncoloring statues or decorating walls. ", "There are tailors and carpenters,\nboat-builders and stone-cutters, and there is a series of pictures\nrepresenting the whole process of preparing flax, and making it into\ntwine and cloth. ", "One man brings water to fill a tank, in which other men\nare placing the flax; beyond the tank two men are beating the flax after\nit has been properly soaked; others are twisting the fibres into yarn;\nothers make the yarn into ropes or cloth; and, lastly, two men hold up a\npiece of cloth that has just been finished. ", "No description in words\ncould be more clear than is this pictorial representation.", "\n\n[Illustration: ARTISTS AT WORK.]", "\n\n\"But industry is not the only thing seen on the walls of the tombs of\nBeni-Hassan. ", "Musicians are playing on instruments of different kinds.", "\nMen and women are dancing or singing, others are seated at table or\naround fish-ponds, and others are playing ball, throwing heavy stones,\nor engaged at games similar to our chess or backgammon. ", "They knew how to\nenjoy themselves fifty centuries ago no less than now. ", "There are\nunpleasant things, too, depicted on the walls of the tombs: some of the\ntortures of prisoners are shown, and in one of the paintings several\npeasants are being held on the ground while a man strikes them across\nthe shoulders with a heavy whip.", "\n\n[Illustration: FISHING SCENE AT BENI-HASSAN.]", "\n\n\"In one of the tombs there is a picture representing the arrival of some\nstrangers, and their presentation to the King. ", "This was long thought to\nbe the arrival of Joseph and his brethren; but as the tombs are known to\nhave been made several hundred years before Joseph was born, the\npictures must refer to somebody else. ", "There are thirty-seven figures in\nall in this group, and their faces and style of dress show that they\ncame from some other country than Egypt.", "\n\n[Illustration: AN ANCIENT DONKEY.]", "\n\n\"We found a picture of a donkey with a saddle on his back exactly like\nthe one he wears to-day for carrying burdens. ", "There are several\nrepresentations of this patient little beast, not only at Beni-Hassan,\nbut in the tomb of Tih, at Sakkara; in the latter whole droves are\nshown, so that the donkey must have been a common beast of burden in\nancient, as he his in modern Egypt. ", "If there were any doubt on the\nsubject it could be settled by reference to the Old Testament, where the\ndonkey, or ass, is frequently mentioned.", "\n\n\"The conductor interrupted us in the middle of our studies of the\nsculptures, and said it was time to move on. ", "We went to several tombs\nand found something interesting in all of them; we have not time to\ndescribe a tenth of what we saw, and, if you want to learn more about\nthe place, we must refer you to the descriptions by Wilkinson and\nothers. ", "These gentlemen spent a long time here making sketches, and\ntaking impressions by means of wet paper; as far as we know, their\ndescriptions are accurate, though they do not always agree as to the\nexact meaning of the hieroglyphics which are above some of the pictures.", "\n\n[Illustration: A RESPECTABLE CITIZEN.]", "\n\n\"When we came back to the boat we were annoyed by the natives begging\nfor backsheesh; they were nearly as persistent as the Arabs at the\npyramids, and if we had been a small party they might have been\ninsolent. ", "As soon as we were on board the steamer they gathered on the\nbank close to it, and kept up such a howl that one of the passengers\nthrew a few copper coins for them to scramble after.", "\n\n\"How they rolled over each other, and tossed the dust in the air! ", "Every\ntime a coin was thrown, there was a rush for it, and the rule seemed to\nbe that might made right. ", "The small children were pushed aside by the\nlarger boys, and several times they would fight for the possession of a\npenny till both the combatants were exhausted, and had to stop to take\nbreath.", "\n\n\"Some coins were thrown into the shallow water at the stern of the boat,\nand instantly the boys flung off their scanty clothing and plunged in.", "\nThey would not go far out from the bank, or, rather, they would not try\nto find coins in any depth where they could not wade; the water of the\nNile is not at all transparent, and it was probably because they could\nnot see to any depth that they refused to dive. ", "We fastened a coin in a\npiece of wood and threw it far out into the river; half a dozen of the\nboys swum for it, and there was a very pretty race between them to get\nthe prize. ", "It was far better than the rough scramble on the bank, and we\nrepeated the performance several times till the boat was ready to start\nfrom the landing-place.", "\n\n\"These boys are excellent swimmers, and now that the crocodiles have\npretty well disappeared from the Nile below the first cataract, they do\nnot run much risk in exercising in the water. ", "Doctor Bronson says there\nwere many crocodiles in the river thirty years ago, but they have been\nhunted so much by tourists that very few of them are left.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: AN OLD INHABITANT.]", "\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER XIII.", "\n\nSIOOT, THE ANCIENT LYCOPOLIS.--SCENES ON THE RIVER.", "\n\n\nFrom Beni-sooef the steamer proceeded to Sioot, or Asyoot, a city of\ntwenty-five thousand inhabitants, and one of the most important places\nof Upper Egypt. ", "It is about two miles back from the river, from which\nwater is brought by a canal, and the roadway passes along a high\nembankment lined with shade-trees. ", "Just at the entrance of the city\nthere is a picturesque gate-way, which reminded our friends of some of\nthe gates of Cairo. ", "The city is on the site of the ancient Lycopolis,\nand has borne its present name for more than two thousand years.", "\nNevertheless it is called a modern town by most of the writers on\nEgyptian history, and is not allowed any claim to antiquity.", "\n\n[Illustration: A SCENE NEAR SIOOT.]", "\n\n\"At the landing-place of Sioot,\" said the boys in their journal, \"we\nfound better donkeys than at Beni-sooef, and were able to ride with\nsome degree of comfort. ", "We went first to some tombs which are cut in\nthe side of the mountain overlooking the valley, and were the\nburial-places of the ancient Lycopolis. ", "There are a good many of them,\nand they were formerly well filled with mummies, but at present the\nmummies are gone, and the tombs contain nothing worth carrying away.", "\nAccording to the historical accounts the inhabitants of Lycopolis\nworshipped the wolf as a divinity, and when the tombs were plundered a\ngood many mummies of wolves were found in them.", "\n\n\"The view from the mountain where these tombs were excavated is very\npretty, as it embraces a considerable extent of the Nile Valley; some\nwriters have called it the finest in all Egypt, as there is an unbroken\nview for several miles of beautiful green such as you find nowhere else\nin the world. ", "Dean Stanley was charmed with the spot, and compared the\nmud villages that are scattered among the luxuriant fields to the marks\nof a soiled foot on a rich carpet. ", "The mountain has an additional\ninterest to many people, as the caves in its sides were the homes of the\nearly Christians during the periods of persecution.", "\n\n[Illustration: SCENE IN THE BAZAARS.]", "\n\n\"We had been told that the bazaars of Sioot were almost as fine as those\nof Cairo, though naturally less extensive, and so we hurried down from\nthe mountain in order to see as much as possible of the place.", "\n\n\"It happened to be market-day when we were there, much to our delight,\nas it enabled us to see what the country-people had brought in for sale.", "\nThe market square was crowded with people, and also with donkeys and\ncamels, and we had to keep both eyes wide open to escape being run over\nor knocked down. ", "The camels were specially dangerous, as they seemed to\nhave adopted the motto of the donkey dancing among the chickens--'Let\neverybody look out for his own feet!' ", "They had great loads of\nsugar-canes or fresh cut grass, and as these loads stuck out on each\nside they needed a wide path, and took it too. ", "It was a wonder that they\ndidn't kill somebody, or, at any rate, do a good deal of damage, but\nsomehow they didn't.", "\n\n\"All over the square were groups of men and women with heaps of\nsugar-cane, palm-stalks, beans, pease, wheat, and other products of the\nsoil for sale. ", "Nobody seemed to be in a hurry, and every transaction\nrequired a great deal of bargaining before it was concluded. ", "All around\nthe edge of the square was a fringe of solemn old Arabs, whose entire\noccupation appeared to be to sit on the ground and smoke their pipes.", "\nThe stem of each pipe was about four feet long and made of a hollow\nreed, and when a man is engaged in smoking one of these pipes he can do\nvery little else. ", "In this part of the world the pipe is a very\ncumbersome thing, and occupies the entire attention of the smoker.", "\n\n\"One of the most interesting parts of the market at Sioot was the place\nwhere donkeys were sold. ", "We went to see them, and asked the prices; but\nas the natives knew we did not want to buy any, they put the figures\nabsurdly high. ", "We found out that good ones could be bought for thirty or\nforty dollars--just good common donkeys for every-day wear; but if you\nwanted a fancy animal, you must go much higher. ", "A hundred dollars would\nbuy a handsome one, with a great deal of 'style' and corresponding\nstrength, and there were some for which two hundred dollars had been\nrefused. ", "A two hundred dollar donkey is something that only the wealthy\ncan afford.", "\n\n[Illustration: ROOM IN AN ORIENTAL HOUSE.]", "\n\n\"We had a chance to go into a fine house, and of course we embraced it\nat once. ", "We passed through a gate-way with a lofty arch, and entered a\nnarrow passage that led to the principal room of the building. ", "They tell\nus that this passage-way is generally made crooked, in order that people\non the street cannot look inside when the doors are open by any chance;\nthis is especially the case with the women's apartments, into which no\nman except the master is allowed to look under any pretence, and great\ncare is taken that he shall not do so. ", "We were shown into the\nreception-room, which had low windows that only let in a dim light: we\nwondered at this, until our guide explained that it was desirable to\nexclude the heat as much as possible, and therefore the windows were\nmade low and the walls very thick. ", "At one end of the room there was a\nplatform six inches higher than the floor; there was an alcove in the\nmiddle of this platform, which was supposed to face toward Mecca, and,\nconsequently, it was the place of worship at the hours when prayers were\nsaid.", "\n\n\"There were no chairs in the room, and no tables whatever; the only\nfurniture we saw were some divans like wide sofas, and on these we were\ninvited to sit while the servants brought coffee for us to drink. ", "There\nwere heavy cushions at the back of the divans, and these are arranged so\nthat they can be moved around just as one may desire in order to make\nhimself comfortable. ", "The Orientals sit cross-legged on these divans, and\nnot after our style; and if you invite them to occupy an arm-chair they\nwill quite likely double up into it, and put their feet beneath them. ", "It\nis torture for them to sit as we do, just as it is torture for us to sit\nin the Oriental way.", "\n\n[Illustration: AN ORIENTAL GENTLEMAN.]", "\n\n\"The ordinary mode of sitting on one of these divans is to get into a\ncorner, or rather to make one by piling two of the cushions together\nacross the divan. ", "If an Oriental gentleman receives you, it is quite\nlikely you will find him sitting as we have described, with his feet\ngathered under him, and his shoes lying where he can easily step into\nthem in case he wishes to rise. ", "In this position he will sit for hours\nperfectly contented, or, what is quite as likely, he will fall back on\nthe divan and go to sleep. ", "The divans are occupied pretty much all the\ntime, as they are used to sit upon during the day, and form\nsleeping-couches by night. ", "As they are rarely less than three feet wide,\nare well stuffed, and covered with cloth resembling chintz, they are not\nto be despised, and form excellent substitutes for beds.", "\n\n[Illustration: AN EGYPTIAN LAMP.]", "\n\n\"There was a handsome lamp in the hall-way of the house, and the Doctor\ntold us it was much like the lamps that are used for decorating the\nmosques. ", "It hung under a wooden frame in the shape of a six-pointed\nstar. ", "The ornamentation upon the outside of the body of the lamp was in\ncurious patterns of arabesque design; the light was given by a series of\nlittle cups hanging on the outside, and not by the lamp itself. ", "Each\ncup was partly filled with oil, and a tiny wick floated on its surface,\nand gave out a small blaze of light. ", "It reminded us of the floating\nwicks for burning in a sick-room at home, and we readily understood why\nthere were so many of them. ", "A single flame would not have been enough to\nlight the hall-way, and it was only by employing a great many that the\nproper illumination could be secured.", "\n\n\"On leaving the house we went to the bazaars, which were crowded with\npeople, partly because it was market-day, when so many country people,\nmen and women, came to town, and partly because of the large party of\nstrangers that had landed from the steamboat, and were sure to be in the\nbazaars before continuing their journey.", "\n\n\"We bought some fans of ostrich feathers, which were offered for about\nhalf of what they would cost in Cairo. ", "Sioot is one of the\nstarting-points of the caravan routes to the regions where ostriches\nabound, and it is only natural that these things should be cheaper here\nthan farther down the river. ", "We also bought some cups and saucers, and a\nfew pipe-bowls, made of a fine clay peculiar to the neighborhood of\nSioot, and highly prized throughout Egypt. ", "Of course we were obliged to\nbargain a long time to save ourselves from being cheated. ", "It is of no\nuse to tell these people you are in a hurry, and must have the lowest\nprice at once; they cannot understand you, and will lose the chance of\nselling their goods rather than change their mode of dealing.", "\n\n\"Leaving Sioot we found ourselves in a region where the river winds\nconsiderably. ", "The wind blowing from the north does not choose to follow\nall the bends of the Nile. ", "A boat sailing up the stream will have a fair\nwind one hour and an adverse one the next, and when she finds both wind\nand current against her she must wait for a change in the breeze, or\nsend the crew out with the tow-line. ", "Towing up stream is slow work, but\nit is better than no progress at all. ", "Ten or fifteen miles a day may be\nmade by it, and sometimes as many as twenty miles, and if the passengers\nhave a fondness for hunting they can indulge it very easily. ", "Sometimes a\nwalk of a few miles will cover a whole day's journey of the dahabeeah\nwhile she is working around a bend, and even the steamer is not averse\nto gaining distance while her passengers are on shore.", "\n\n\"Towing is the hardest part of the occupation of the crew of a Nile\nboat. ", "They are harnessed like horses, and attached to a rope which is\ntaken to the bank. ", "The captain remains on board to steer the craft, and\nif the sailors are remiss in their work he shouts to them in a voice the\nreverse of pleasing; and while it is a laborious task for the men it is\na severe trial to the passengers, this dragging along at a snail's pace,\nand listening to the imprecations of the captain, which grate harshly\non the ear, even though they are uttered in an unknown tongue.", "\n\n[Illustration: PIGEON-HOUSES.]", "\n\n\"We wound along the river, sometimes close to the cliffs that form the\neastern bank, and sometimes in the midst of a fertile plain, with the\ndesert at a distance. ", "We passed several villages, and the conductor told\nus their names; but as they were all pretty much alike, we did not think\nit worth while to write them down. ", "An interesting feature of the\nvillages was the great number of pigeon-houses, some of them standing by\nthemselves, and others built on the tops of dwellings. ", "The pigeons are\nkept in great flocks. ", "Sometimes they are owned in common by a whole\nvillage, while at others they are the private property of individuals.", "\nThe guano from the pigeon-houses is carefully saved for enriching the\nmelon patches; and, where the house is the common property of the\nvillage, the key is kept by the sheik or chief. ", "Some of the houses are\nlike square towers, with a great many holes where the birds enter, and\nthe inside of the walls is full of niches, where the pigeons make their\nnests. ", "Others are of a circular shape, and have protuberances on the top\nlike chimneys, which are filled with holes for admitting the pigeons,\nbut too small for the hawks and other birds of prey that pursue them.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE ORIENTAL PIGEON.]", "\n\n\"The pigeons get their living in the fields around the village, and\nsometimes they do a great deal of damage. ", "When the grain begins to ripen\nthe people erect booths in the midst of the fields, where men are\nstationed to frighten away the birds. ", "They are armed with slings, with\nwhich they can throw stones to a considerable distance, and they keep up\nthe alarm by blowing horns and making other noises. ", "That the ancient\nEgyptians had the same practices we learn from the paintings in the\ntombs, where men are represented standing on platforms and using the\nsling to frighten away the thieving birds.", "\n\n[Illustration: A WATCHMAN'S BOOTH.]", "\n\n\"The abundance of pigeons in this part of Egypt is shown by the\nfrequency with which the bird appears on our table. ", "We have broiled\npigeon for breakfast, cold pigeon for lunch, and roast pigeon for\ndinner. ", "We do not have cold pigeon for supper, and probably this can be\naccounted for by the fact that we do not have any supper at all. ", "They\ngive us a cup of tea and a piece of dry cake in the evening, and it is\nquite possible that if anybody asked for pigeon he would be\naccommodated; but nobody seems to want it.", "\n\n\"We met some funny-looking rafts a few miles above Sioot, and wondered\nwhat they could be. ", "They did not appear to be made of logs, or barrels,\nor anything of the sort, and yet they were floating along, and each\ncarried two or three men. ", "What do you suppose they were?", "\n\n\"Doctor Bronson said they were made up of large jars for holding water,\nand were principally from a town called Ballas. ", "The jars are arranged in\nrows, with the mouth uppermost, and when enough of them have been put\ntogether to form a raft, they are enclosed in a frame of poles and\nreeds; then they are ready to float down the river to Cairo, where they\nare sold. ", "The jar is made of a porous clay that lets the water filter\nslowly through it. ", "Every few hours the men in charge of the raft must\nbail out their conveyance, which they do by means of a sponge or bunch\nof reeds lowered into each jar. ", "Unless they do this the raft would soon\ntake in water enough to sink it, and not only would the jars be lost,\nbut the men would run the risk of being drowned into the bargain.", "\n\n[Illustration: INFLATED SKIN RAFT (FROM ASSYRIAN SCULPTURE).]", "\n\n\"It seemed so funny to make up a raft in this way, but the Doctor\ninformed us that the idea was a very old one. ", "He said it was in practice\namong the ancient Assyrians, as there were pictures on the walls of\ntheir temples of men rowing rafts made of inflated skins, which were\npreferred to jars on account of their obviating the necessity of\nfrequent bailing.", "\n\n\"We thought of the scriptural phrase, and asked, 'Is there anything new\nunder the sun?'", "\n\n[Illustration: AN ANCIENT LIFE-PRESERVER.]", "\n\n\"'There are fewer new things than you might suppose,' was the Doctor's\nreply. '", "Perhaps you think the inflated life-preserver is a modern\ninvention, but it isn't. ", "The Assyrians had it centuries ago; and we\nlearn from their sculptures that their warriors used to swim across\nrivers on the skins of goats that were filled with air, just as we fill\nthe life-preservers that we buy in New York or London. ", "I believe that a\npatent was granted to the modern inventor, but the Assyrian was\nthousands of years ahead of him.'", "\n\n\"One of us suggested that perhaps the modern inventor was honest, and\nthought he really had made an entirely new thing.", "\n\n\"'That is quite likely,' the Doctor answered. '", "Many a man has applied\nfor a patent on something that he had honestly invented; he thought it\nout himself, and kept it from the knowledge of everybody else till he\nsent his model to the Patent-office. ", "Then he learned to his surprise\nthat his invention was an old one, and either secured already, or had\nbeen so long in use that no one could get a patent for it. ", "The experts\nin the Patent-office at Washington could tell you of hundreds of\ninstances of this kind, and they could also tell you that it not\nunfrequently happens that two or three persons in different parts of the\ncountry, and wholly unknown to each other, have hit upon the same thing\nat almost the same moment, without the least suspicion that either of\nthem knew what the other was doing.", "\n\n\"'One instance that occurs to me is of the use of chloroform and similar\nsubstances for preventing pain during surgical operations. ", "There were no\nless than four claimants to the honor of the discovery of anæsthetics,\nand monuments have been erected to the memory of two of these gentlemen.", "\nThere is no ground for believing that either of them encroached on the\nother, for their experiments were quite independent, and in different\nparts of the country, and each believed he was the first in the field.", "\nThe invention of printing by means of movable types is claimed for two\nmen; the steam-engine had two or three inventors, and so had the system\nof electric telegraphy. ", "A curious circumstance is that many things which\nhave been considered new in our times were known to the ancients. ", "Samuel\nColt received a patent for the revolving pistol, when the same weapon\nhad been made in Europe two or three centuries ago; and patents have\nbeen taken out for the invention of things that were afterward found in\nthe ruins of Pompeii, where they had been buried for 1800 years. ", "Of\ncourse there are many new things under the sun, but not everything is\nnew that appears so when we first see it.'\"", "\n\n[Illustration: MODERN \"KELEKS,\" OR SKIN RAFTS.]", "\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER XIV.", "\n\nGIRGEH AND KENEH.--THE TEMPLES OF ABYDUS AND DENDERAH.--AN EGYPTIAN\nDANCE.", "\n\n\n[Illustration: GIRGEH.]", "\n\nThe first halting-place above Sioot was Girgeh, which may be considered\nthe Arabic for George, as the place was named in honor of the saint\nwhose history is intimately connected with the dragon. ", "St. George is the\npatron saint of the Christians of Egypt, and there was a Coptic convent\nat Girgeh, four or five centuries ago, that was named after him. ", "It\nsupported two hundred monks and had a large revenue; but its inhabitants\ndied during a visitation of the plague, and for some time the buildings\nwere without tenants. ", "At present there is a small convent or monastery\nat Girgeh, and it is said to be the oldest establishment of the kind in\nEgypt. ", "The superior is a European, but the rest of the members are\nnative Egyptians. ", "Formerly the town was some distance back from the\nriver, but the Nile has so changed its course that Girgeh is now on the\nvery brink of the stream, and some of its houses have been washed away.", "\n\nIt was announced that the party would land at Girgeh to visit the ruins\nof the ancient Abydus, or Thinis, twelve miles away; during their\nabsence the boat would proceed to Bellianeh, where they would find it at\nthe end of their excursion. ", "The start was made immediately after\nbreakfast, not without considerable opposition on the part of the\ndonkeys, and a wrangle with the natives over the question of backsheesh.", "\n\n[Illustration: SCENE DURING THE INUNDATION.]", "\n\nThe road lay through fields of sugar-cane, pease, beans, and other\nproducts of the Egyptian soil; many of them were in blossom, and the\nboys thought the scene was the richest they had yet encountered during\ntheir visit to the country. ", "Frank remarked the great contrast between\nthe luxuriant fields and the miserable villages of the natives. ", "The\nvillages here, as elsewhere in the valley, are generally built on\nmounds, so as to keep them out of the reach of the water when the river\noverflows its banks. ", "During the season of the inundation the whole\ncountry is overflowed, and the natives cannot go from their villages\nexcept in boats, or unless they choose to swim. ", "Cattle seek the mounds\nfor safety; and sometimes, when the banks give way, and the river rises\nsuddenly, many of them are drowned. ", "The people go out with boats to\nsecure their goats, cows, and oxen, and the scene is a very active one.", "\nUntil the water subsides the villages are indiscriminately filled with\nlive stock and their owners, and sometimes there is an animated contest\nbetween them for the right of occupation.", "\n\nAt every village the children came out and begged for backsheesh, and\ntheir appearance was quite in keeping with the squalid aspect of the mud\nhuts where they lived. ", "Frank wondered that they managed to reach the\nage of ten years in such habitations, and the Doctor replied that it was\na proof that the human race is capable of living anywhere, if it will\nonly try.", "\n\n[Illustration: A CAMEL ON HIS WAY TO PASTURE.]", "\n\nThere was the usual excitement among the cows and chickens at the\npresence of the strangers; in two or three cases the cows broke the\nropes by which they were tethered, and scampered into the villages as\nthough they feared immediate conversion into beef. ", "The boys observed\nthat the cows were required to cut their own fodder; they were tethered\nin the rich grass, and required to eat the spot entirely clean before\ntheir locations were changed. ", "Evidently it was not the custom to allow\nthem to run loose and help themselves. ", "Now and then the tall form of a\ncamel was visible, either carrying a burden of some sort or tethered\nout, like the cows and oxen.", "\n\nA ride of three hours brought the party to the object of their\nexcursion, the Temple of Abydus. ", "Frank and Fred will tell us about it.", "\n\n\"The Temple of Abydus is one of the most interesting in Egypt, as it is\nquite extensive, and its architectural character is excellent. ", "We\nadmired its vast proportions, the massive pillars covered with\nsculptures, and the walls that were everywhere blazing with\nhieroglyphics representing scenes of the country's glory. ", "And while we\nwere studying all these things we looked around for the Doctor, and\ncould not find him.", "\n\n\"Pretty soon he re-appeared, and said the historical interest of the\nplace was in a narrow passage-way leading from the second hall to a\nsmall inner chamber.", "\n\n\"We went there with him, and he pointed to the eastern wall of the\npassage. ", "There were some hieroglyphics we could not understand, and we\nasked what they were.", "\n\n[Illustration: HEADS OF CAPTIVES OF RAMESES II.]", "\n\n\"'They are the names of seventy-six kings,' said the Doctor, 'to whom\nSethi I., the founder and builder of the temple, and father of Rameses\nII., ", "is offering homage. ", "The list begins with Menes, the founder of the\nfirst dynasty, and ends with the name of Sethi. ", "Rameses II. ", "is offering\nhomage with his father, and for this reason it has been supposed that\nthe list was made by Rameses after Sethi's death. ", "The list is called\n\"The Tablet of Abydus,\" and is of great value to the writers on Egyptian\nhistory; a similar list, but badly mutilated, was found in a temple near\nhere, and carried to the British Museum. ", "There is some dispute as to\nwhether it is a full or only partial list of the kings of Egypt, but in\neither case it is of great historical interest.'", "\n\n\"Abydus was second only to Thebes in importance, and was for a long time\nthe capital of Egypt. ", "Several temples, or rather their ruins, have been\ndiscovered here, and it is thought that others are still buried in the\nsand. ", "A great many tombs have been opened, and where their contents were\nof any consequence they were carried to the museum at Cairo, or sent to\nthe large collections in Europe.", "\n\n\"One of the temples that we visited was in a very ruined state; it must\nhave been a magnificent structure in the days of its perfection, as the\nwalls were lined with alabaster and covered with beautiful sculptures,\nall painted in colors that still remain. ", "Some of the smaller rooms in\nthe great temple were roofed with large stones placed on their edges, an\narch was made in the stones, and then the whole of the cut surface was\ncovered with hieroglyphics, which are as perfect as the day they were\nmade. ", "The sand that buried these temples for so many centuries was in\none way their preserver.", "\n\n[Illustration: A LUNCH-PARTY OF OTHER DAYS.]", "\n\n\"We took our lunch in the great hall of the temple, and it was an odd\nsight to see a group of Americans, English, and other modern people\nseated among the columns of this ancient edifice, engaged in picking the\nflesh from the bones of chickens, or devouring sandwiches, or slices of\ncold beef. ", "Doctor Bronson leaned against one of the columns, and his\nhunger made him quite forget that his shoulders pressed upon the feet of\na sculptured king, who had been patient and chickenless for many hundred\nyears, and was totally unmoved by the incidents of modern days. ", "Wonder\nif they had sandwiches and kindred things in the time of Sethi I., and\nis it possible that they used silver-plated knives and forks, or drank\ncold tea from glass tumblers?", "\n\n\"Of the great city that once stood here nothing remains but heaps of\nrubbish, ruined temples and tombs, and a miserable village with a few\ndozen inhabitants, who live by what they can extort from visitors.", "\n\n\"We returned to the steamer at Bellianeh by a road only half as long as\nthat from Girgeh. ", "The route was pretty much the same, as it lay through\nrichly-tilled fields, and passed near several small villages of mud huts\nand muddy inhabitants. ", "At Bellianeh there was the usual crowd of\nbeggars, and we varied the monotony by throwing copper coins into heaps\nof dust, where the children scrambled for them.", "\n\n\"Just by the stern of the boat there was a dust-heap about forty feet\nhigh, and very steep on the sides; one of the passengers threw a coin so\nthat it struck about midway from top to bottom of the heap, and what a\nscramble there was for it! ", "Those at the top rolled down, and those below\nclimbed up. ", "During the struggle they raised a perfect cloud, and several\nof them tumbled into the river.", "\n\n\"Somebody got the money, and then they made signs for trying it again.", "\nAnother copper was thrown, and then another, and the children evidently\nenjoyed the fun, and wanted it kept up as long as the boat remained.", "\n\n\"While they were in the midst of the sport two or three men, who\nappeared to be elders of the village, came with whips and ordered the\nboys away. ", "The passengers sent the conductor to argue with them to let\nthe sport go on; his argument was very short, and consisted in giving\neach man a franc to go away. ", "They accepted the money and walked off. ", "The\ninstant they were out of sight the performance was renewed, and it\ncontinued till the boat swung out and moved up the river. ", "We had several\nswimming matches, like those we had farther down the Nile. ", "Some of the\nboys were very expert swimmers, and seemed as much adapted for the water\nas for the land.\"", "\n\nFrom Bellianeh the steamer proceeded to Keneh, an important town on the\neast bank of the Nile, and the terminus of a caravan road from Kosseir,\non the Red Sea. ", "Formerly it had a considerable trade with the Red Sea,\nbut since the opening of the Suez Canal, and the facilities it affords\nfor steam communication with Alexandria, the business has declined very\ngreatly. ", "At one time it supplied a large part of the Arabian coast with\ncorn, which was carried on camels to Kosseir, and then shipped to the\npoints where it was wanted.", "\n\nThe town stands a couple of miles back from the river, and is on the\nsite of an ancient city, though it contains no ruins of any consequence.", "\nAt the landing-place Frank saw a large pile of jars or water-bottles\nmade of porous clay, and, on asking about them, he learned that a\nconsiderable trade in these articles was carried on from Keneh, which\nhad the reputation of making them better than any other place on the\nNile.", "\n\nOf course this assertion excited his curiosity, and led him to wonder\nwhy the potters of Keneh should be more expert than other men in the\nsame occupation.", "\n\n\"It is not the potters, but the material they work with,\" replied the\nDoctor, \"that makes the superiority of the water-bottles of Keneh.\"", "\n\n\"How is that?\"", "\n\n\"Close to the town there is a bed of clay,\" was the response, \"which is\nsaid to be peculiarly adapted to the manufacture of these bottles. ", "It is\nmixed with the ashes of halfa grass in certain proportions, and must be\nwell mixed while both substances are in a dry state. ", "Then the mixture is\nmoistened, and is ready for the potter. ", "We will see one of the\nestablishments where the work is performed.\"", "\n\nOn their way to the town our friends visited a shed where several\npotters were engaged at their trade. ", "The soft clay was placed on a\nhorizontal wheel, which was turned rapidly either by the hand or the\nfoot of the workman; while it revolved with its plastic burden the\nfingers of the potter gave the bottle its shape, and the whole operation\nwas very quickly accomplished. ", "Then the bottle was carefully removed,\nand placed where it could dry in the open air, and the wheel was ready\nfor fashioning another.", "\n\n[Illustration: ANCIENT POTTERS AT WORK.]", "\n\nThe Doctor explained that the modes of making these bottles had changed\nvery little in five thousand years, as they could see by the pictures on\nthe walls of the tombs. ", "The ancient Egyptians were familiar with the\nwheel and its uses; the potter of the time of Rameses II. ", "manipulated\nthe clay in the same manner as his descendant of to-day, and he\ndoubtless knew the necessary proportions of clay and sifted ashes for\nmaking his composition.", "\n\n[Illustration: ANCIENT VASES, CUPS, AND WATER-JARS.]", "\n\nThe boys had already observed the porous character of the Egyptian\nwater-bottle. ", "It allows the water to pass through so freely that the\noutside is constantly wet; in the dry air of Egypt this outside water\nevaporates rapidly, and every student of natural philosophy knows that\nevaporation produces coolness. ", "Especially is this the case if the bottle\nis placed where there is a current of air, as the evaporation is greatly\nincreased by the action of the wind. ", "One day the boys made an experiment\nwith one of these bottles with the following result:\n\nThe temperature of the air was 81° Fahrenheit, and so was that of the\nwater with which the bottle was filled. ", "It was hung in a shady place,\nwhere there was a good draught, and in half an hour a thermometer\nlowered into the bottle showed that the water had fallen to 63°, or\neighteen less than the surrounding temperature.", "\n\nThis process, or a similar one, is in use in all hot countries. ", "Doctor\nBronson told the youths that he had seen bottles very like the Egyptian\nones in Mexico and South America. ", "In some cases, where the material was\nnot porous, the coolness was produced by wrapping a piece of cloth\naround a bottle, and keeping it constantly wet while hanging in a\ncurrent of air.", "\n\n[Illustration: DATE-PALMS, NEAR KENEH.]", "\n\nAnother feature of Keneh that attracted attention was the remarkably\nfine dates that were offered for sale. ", "The dates of Keneh have an\nexcellent reputation in the markets of Cairo and Alexandria, and\ngenerally bring a high price. ", "They are not pressed into a solid mass,\nlike most of the dates sold in America, but each one is separate from\nthe others, and only the best are selected for packing. ", "Our friends\nbought several boxes of these dates, and kept them in their rooms on the\nsteamboat with the intention of taking them to Cairo; but, like many\nother good intentions, their scheme fell through, as the sweetness and\ndelicate flavor of the contents of the boxes were temptations that could\nnot be resisted. ", "Continual dropping is said to wear away stone, and Fred\nremarked that continual nibbling would wear away the best box of dates\never known.", "\n\nThe boat was to remain at the landing during the night and until the\ngreater part of the following day, and so our friends had the evening\nfor seeing Keneh. ", "An invitation came for some of the passengers to visit\nthe German Consulate, and witness a characteristic dance of the country.", "\nThe invitation included Doctor Bronson, and Frank, and Fred, and at the\nappointed hour the party set out. ", "On reaching the Consulate, they were\nushered into a large hall that seemed to have been fitted up for the\nspecial entertainment of Europeans, as it was furnished with chairs\ninstead of divans, and the consul, though a native, was in European\ndress.", "\n\n[Illustration: ANCIENT DANCERS AND MUSICIANS.]", "\n\nAfter a little delay the dance was announced, and the dancers made their\nappearance. ", "There were four of them, and they were accompanied by two\nmusicians, one playing the nay, and the other the darabookah, both of\nwhich have been already described. ", "The musicians settled on the floor in\none corner of the apartment, and the dancers stepped to the middle of\nthe room. ", "At a signal from the master of the house the dance began.", "\n\n[Illustration: A MODERN MUSICIAN.]", "\n\nThe dancers were young women, who were rather fantastically dressed.", "\nThey wore \"rings on their fingers and bells on their toes,\" as the old\nnursery rhyme has it, and their heads and necks were covered with a\nprofusion of jewellery, consisting principally of gold and silver coins\nstrung closely together, and so arranged that they jingled every time\nthe wearers moved. ", "A richly embroidered jacket, and a long skirt which\nnearly touched the floor, were the outer garments worn by the dancers.", "\nThe dresses of the four were precisely alike, and the Doctor said the\ncostume was pretty much the same all through Egypt, where fashions\nrarely change from one year to another.", "\n\nThe boys had read of the wonderful beauty of the Egyptian dancers, and\nthe great novelty of the scene they were about to witness. ", "The Doctor\nsaid nothing, but there was a smile on his features when the dance\nbegan. ", "He knew that the youths were doomed to be disappointed, and in\nthe first pause of the dance he asked them what they thought of it.", "\n\n\"If that is what they call dancing,\" said Frank, \"I'm glad to know it.", "\nIt seems more like the efforts of people learning to skate.\"", "\n\n\"About as lively as the performance of the figures on a hand-organ,\"\nFred remarked. \"", "I wonder why travellers have written so much nonsense\nabout it.\"", "\n\n\"Some travellers have described the Egyptian dance in the most\nenthusiastic language,\" answered the Doctor, \"and others thought they\nmust do the same. ", "It requires considerable courage to fly in the face of\nopinions that have been given over and over again by others, and\nconsequently the fashion that was set long and long ago has been kept\nup.", "\n\n\"I have seen a good many dances in Egypt,\" he continued, \"and never yet\nknew one that approached the most of the descriptions I have read.", "\nSometimes the girls are fairly pretty, but the great majority are of an\nordinary type, and the dancing consists of that gliding and sliding from\nside to side which you have just witnessed. ", "It is more suggestive of\nskating than of what is called dancing in Western countries.\"", "\n\nThe dance was resumed after a brief rest, and it continued with several\nintermissions for something over an hour. ", "Coffee was served two or three\ntimes in the course of the evening, and when the entertainment was ended\nour friends returned to the steamer. ", "Before they retired the conductor\ncollected five francs from each passenger who had attended the dance, in\norder to remunerate the consul for his outlay. ", "He said the consul went\nthrough the form of inviting strangers to an entertainment, but expected\nthem to pay for it in a roundabout way.", "\n\n\"Not at all unusual in the East,\" the Doctor remarked, \"and certainly no\none could expect a consul to spend his money in the entertainment of\nevery party of strangers that comes along. ", "We can imagine we were his\nguests, and forget that we have paid for what we saw. ", "The illusion is\nvery thin, but it does no harm to any one.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: AN EGYPTIAN KING ON HIS THRONE.]", "\n\nThe next day was devoted to an excursion to the Temple of Denderah,\nwhich is on the opposite side of the Nile from Keneh, and a ride of\nabout an hour from the landing. ", "The party was ferried over in the\nordinary boats of the natives, and found donkeys waiting on the bank\nwith the usual crowd of importunate natives.", "\n\nThe Temple of Denderah is the most modern in all Egypt, as it was built\nless than two thousand years ago. ", "After one is accustomed to the\npyramids, and similar structures of forty or fifty centuries, and comes\nto the Temple of Denderah, he hesitates to rub against it for fear the\npaint is not sufficiently dried.", "\n\nBut however much he may dislike the newness of the building, he can\nhardly fail to admire its solidity, and the magnificence of its halls\nand porticos. ", "It is the best preserved of all the temples, as its walls\nand columns are practically uninjured, and the roof is almost entire. ", "A\nmound of rubbish extends quite around it, and from a little distance the\nentrance of the temple is quite invisible.", "\n\n[Illustration: FRONT OF THE TEMPLE AT DENDERAH.]", "\n\nThe entrance is through a fine portico of twenty-four columns. ", "On the\nceiling of this portico is a zodiac, which has been the subject of a\ngreat deal of discussion, as it was supposed to show that the signs of\nthe zodiac were used by the ancient Egyptians. ", "Recent discoveries show\nthat it is of Roman origin, and less ancient than was at first believed.", "\nEvery student of Egyptology has had something to say about it, and we\nmay safely remark that there are more opinions on the subject than there\nare signs in the zodiac itself.", "\n\nConsiderable time was spent in the inspection of the temple, and in\nadmiring the sculptures on the walls. ", "Among them is a portrait of\nCleopatra, which is supposed to have been made in the lifetime of that\nhistoric lady, and may therefore be regarded as a fair likeness of her.", "\nIt does not represent her as a pretty woman, and therefore we may doubt\nwhether she was as handsome as the artists of modern times have tried to\nmake her. ", "Some of those who wish to believe she was very pretty say the\nportrait at Denderah was made by an artist who never saw her, and did\nhis work from an inaccurate likeness.", "\n\n[Illustration: EGYPTIAN PRINCE CARRIED IN A PALANQUIN.]", "\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER XV.", "\n\nARRIVAL AT LUXOR.--THE GREAT TEMPLE OF KARNAK.", "\n\n\nFrank and Fred were impatient to get away from Keneh, as their next halt\nwas to be at Luxor, the ancient Thebes, where the steamer would remain\nthree days, to enable them to see the monuments of ancient Egypt in that\nvicinity.", "\n\nAs the boat wound along the river in the direction of Thebes, the youths\nwere watching from the deck for the first indications of their proximity\nto that wonderful city. ", "Suddenly the sharp eyes of Fred caught sight of\na sort of tower in the distance, and he at once called his cousin's\nattention to his discovery.", "\n\n\"Yes, and there's another, and another!\" ", "shouted Frank; \"and the walls\nof a great building, too.\"", "\n\n\"That must be Karnak,\" said Fred. \"", "You know they told us Karnak was a\nmile or more below Thebes, and its ruins were the first we would see.\"", "\n\n\"You are quite right,\" said the Doctor, who just then came up. \"", "That is\nKarnak, or rather it is what remains of the great temple which, even in\nits ruin, is one of the wonders of the world.\"", "\n\n\"What a pity it is in ruins,\" one of the youths remarked. \"", "Wouldn't it\nbe nice if some rich man would amuse himself and spend his money by\nbuilding a temple like what this once was? ", "It would be so interesting\nand instructive.\"", "\n\n\"I'm afraid you are not likely to find the rich man who will do it,\"\nsaid the Doctor, with a smile. \"", "It would take a vast amount of money,\nand he would be open to the charge of trying to revive the heathenism of\nthe ancient Egyptians, and instructing the people of our time in\nidolatrous practices.\"", "\n\n\"I never thought of that,\" was the reply; \"but any way I would like to\nsee an Egyptian temple just as it was finished, and before it began to\ngo to ruin.\"", "\n\n\"If a picture will satisfy you,\" the Doctor answered, \"you have only\nto refer to Sir Gardner Wilkinson. ", "He has made a drawing of an ancient\ntemple, and reproduced it as exactly as he could from the materials in\nhis possession, and from a personal visit to the best preserved temples\nto be found in the country.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: A COMPLETE EGYPTIAN TEMPLE.]", "\n\nFrank ran below for a copy of the book, and soon returned with it. ", "As\nthey neared the ruins of Karnak the youths compared the scene before\nthem with the printed picture, and tried to imagine themselves carried\nback to the time of Rameses and Sethi, when the temple was perfect, and\nnot a stone of the vast mass had been displaced from its proper\nposition.", "\n\n[Illustration: A \"BARIS,\" OR FUNERAL-BOAT.]", "\n\n\"A procession is approaching the temple,\" said the Doctor, \"in one of\nthe celebrations for which the ancient Egyptians were famous. ", "You see it\npassing along a raised causeway to the gate which admits to the grand\nenclosure; it carries banners with the devices of the King, and midway\nbetween the gate and the building at the end of the causeway you see one\nof the sacred boats in which the souls of the dead are ferried over the\nlake that separates this world from the next. ", "This lake is symbolized by\na small lake, or basin, in the enclosure of the temple; you see it in\nthe fore-ground of the picture, and if it had not usually become filled\nwith sand you would find it in all our visits to the ruins of these\ntemples. ", "A part of the funeral ceremony consisted of ferrying the mummy\nover the sacred lake in a _baris_, or funeral-boat; there were generally\nseveral boats in a procession, and that containing the mummy was usually\ntowed by one of the others.", "\n\n\"The wall of the enclosure was made high enough to prevent those on the\noutside from seeing what went on within. ", "It is supposed that the priests\nwished to keep their rites and ceremonials to themselves, and were only\nwilling to be seen when they had made proper preparations. ", "Sometimes\nthere were two and sometimes four gates, but generally there was only\none point of entrance, which was always carefully guarded.", "\n\n\"The procession is just passing the outer gate-way, and leaving the\npaved road which leads to it. ", "The gate-way consists of two massive\ntowers, or _propylæ_ connected at the top by a broad platform, and the\npassage beneath is amply large enough for all the wants of the\nprocessions that enter the place. ", "Beyond the gate-way is another paved\nroad, guarded on each side by a row of sphinxes, with their faces turned\ntoward the causeway, and never deserting it for an instant, with their\nsolemn stare. ", "Sometimes the outer causeway was protected by sphinxes the\nsame as the inner one, but this was the case only with the most\nimportant temples. ", "At the end of this road we generally find a couple of\nobelisks, and close beyond them is a second propylon, more massive and\nmuch taller than the one at the entrance. ", "Passing this propylon we enter\nan open court surrounded with a columned portico, and having a third\npropylon extending across its centre. ", "Passing this court-yard we reach\nthe great hall, whose roof, supported by many columns hewn from solid\nstone, admits only a dim and sombre light. ", "Here the procession halts\nwhile the ceremonies for which it came are completed.", "\n\n\"Bear in mind,\" the Doctor continued, \"that the temple among the ancient\nEgyptians was not strictly a place of religious worship, like the\ntemples of the Greeks and Romans and the churches of modern days; it was\na building erected by a king in honor of the divinities who were\nbelieved to have brought him prosperity in conquering his enemies or\nwhose favor he sought. ", "For this reason we always know by what king a\ntemple was built, as he is always represented in the first place in the\nprocessions, and all the sacrifices and other ceremonies are in his\nname.", "\n\n\"You observe that there is a grove on both sides of the temple; the\nEgyptians always surrounded their temples with groves, and generally the\ntrees were set out in rows. ", "The divinities were supposed to linger about\nthe trees, and certain deities were believed to shun a treeless spot.", "\nPerhaps some of the respect for trees was due to the difficulty of\nkeeping them alive. ", "Egypt is not a land of forests, and trees do not\nflourish here except with much care and attention.\"", "\n\nDuring this conversation about Egyptian temples the steamer steadily\nmade her way toward Karnak and Luxor; she passed the ruins of Karnak,\nand soon drew up to the landing at the modern town. ", "Luxor is a wretched\nplace of about four thousand inhabitants, and if it were not for the\nreputation of the spot, and the number of strangers visiting it every\nwinter, the town would soon cease to exist. ", "The inhabitants live almost\nentirely on what they obtain from visitors, and they drive quite a\nprosperous trade in mummies and other antiquities, besides finding a\ngood market for the few things raised in their gardens.", "\n\nAs soon as the boat was made fast to the bank the passengers hurried to\nland. ", "The natives met them with donkeys for hire, and with all sorts of\nantiquities for sale. ", "Frank and Fred were rather puzzled with the way in\nwhich the natives pressed their wares upon the strangers, and Frank made\nan entry in his note-book as follows:\n\n\"They are a silent people here, and when they have anything to sell they\ncome in front of you, without saying a word, and hold the article\ndirectly before your eyes. ", "If you wish to examine it you do so, and if\ndesirous of buying you ask the price.", "\n\n[Illustration: AN EGYPTIAN WAR-CHARIOT OF ANCIENT TIMES.]", "\n\n\"The figure named is in no way a criterion of the value of the goods; a\nnative will ask fifty dollars for something he would gladly sell for as\nmany cents; you must judge for yourself how much you are willing to pay,\nand then make your offer. ", "Most likely it will be refused, and the\nrefusal is almost as silent as was the exhibition of the article. ", "The\nman lowers it and walks away, but in five minutes he will come around\nagain and repeat his performance. ", "He asks less this time, perhaps, and\nyou offer a little more, and he again goes away. ", "You may come to terms\nafter a time, but it seems to make no difference to him whether you do\nor not.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: LUXOR FROM THE WATER.]", "\n\nDoctor Bronson said that possibly the silence of the natives was due to\nthe fact that nearly all their antiquities were false, and they wanted\nthe articles to do as much of the lying as they could. \"", "There are,\" he\nremarked, \"very few chances of getting anything genuine at Luxor; at\npresent no excavations are in progress, and even if there were any,\neverything they bring to light should go to the government. ", "They do a\nlarge business here in antiquities, and there certainly is no way of\nsupplying the demand except by manufacture. ", "It is currently reported\nthat many of these things are made in England and France, and sent out\nhere for sale; and it is also believed that there are factories here\nwhere false scarabæi are manufactured. ", "Let me tell you something that\nhappened when I was here some years ago:\n\n\"A man offered some scarabæi for sale, and declared they were genuine;\nto satisfy any doubts on that point, he offered to bring the certificate\nof the English consul, or we might go with him to the Consulate and hear\nfor ourselves. ", "But it was whispered that the consul and the native were\nin partnership, and when we became satisfied that such was the case we\nsuspended negotiations.", "\n\n\"Next it was whispered that the native had a factory where he\nmanufactured the articles he offered for sale; we had a curiosity to see\nthe inside of a factory of antiquities, and, on the theory that\nbacksheesh will do anything in this country, we offered the man five\nfrancs to show it to us.", "\n\n\"He denied having any factory, and we increased our offer; he still\ndenied, and we increased again till we reached twenty francs, where we\nstopped.", "\n\n\"He again denied having a factory, and we made him a last offer of\ntwenty-five francs, and then walked away.", "\n\n\"He became indignant, and as we retreated he said to us, with great\nemphasis, 'Not for ten napoleons will I let you see it.'", "\n\n\"He thus virtually admitted the existence of the factory, but of course\nit was not policy for him to allow foreigners to enter it. ", "The story\nwould be sure to leak out and ruin his business.", "\n\n\"The fabrications are very cleverly executed, and sometimes the experts\nare deceived by them. ", "The consuls are safer to deal with than the\nordinary peddlers, but even they are frequently as bad as the rest. ", "The\nbest rule is to buy nothing, except at a very low price, or wait till\nyour return to Cairo, where you can purchase in the shops, and have the\nopinion of the experts.\"", "\n\nThe Doctor called on the American vice-consul, as he had been told that\nthat worthy had some superior donkeys which he kept for hire; the rumor\nproved correct, and for a price a little above that demanded by the\nowners of ordinary beasts, the Doctor and his young companions were\nprovided with \"consular donkeys\" during their stay at Luxor.", "\n\nAn hour or two were devoted to an inspection of Luxor and its temple,\nand then the party set out for Karnak. ", "The Temple of Luxor is greatly\ndilapidated; much of the building is in ruins, and portions of it are\ncovered with the wretched huts of the Arabs. ", "The English Consulate is\nbuilt in one part of it, and the rubbish and sand around the rest are\ngreatly to its detriment. ", "At the side of the principal entrance there\nare two statues of enormous size, but only a small part of them can be\nseen, as the most of the figures are buried in the sand.", "\n\nWe will read the account of the visit to Karnak as it was given by Frank\nand Fred in their letters and journals. ", "Lest they should forget\nsomething, they wrote until a late hour in the evening, and declined the\ninvitation of one of the consuls to attend a native dance at his house.", "\nThey had quite enough of the dance at Keneh.", "\n\n\"We rode from Luxor to Karnak along a path through fields and across\nopen spaces of uncultivated ground. ", "There did not seem to be much of a\nroad, and we were rather taken aback when told that there was once an\navenue of sphinxes, six thousand feet long (the avenue, not the\nsphinxes), all the way from Luxor to Karnak. ", "What a magnificent avenue\nit must have been, and wouldn't it have been fun to ride along it from\none end to the other! ", "As we approached Karnak we came upon a few of the\nsphinxes still in their places; there were just enough of them to show\nwhat the avenue might have been in the days of its glory, and we\nwondered if the like would ever be seen again. ", "All the sphinxes are much\nbroken, and those that we saw had the heads of rams. ", "Frank suggests that\nyou could hardly expect anything else when the temple was built to\ncelebrate the exploits of Rameses the Great. (", "He worked hard on that\njoke, although it is so poor.)", "\n\n[Illustration: ENTRANCE TO THE TEMPLE OF LUXOR.]", "\n\n\"We came to the propylon, or gate-way, which consisted of two enormous\ntowers, each of them large enough to make a temple. ", "There were six of\nthese entrances; and to show you on what a scale this temple was, please\nlook at the figures. ", "One of the peristyles was 370 feet long, 50 feet\ndeep, and 140 feet high. ", "Some of them have partly fallen, but the others\nare very well preserved.", "\n\n\"As we have said, when talking of the Pyramids and other things, if you\ndon't like figures you can look them over, and then skip. ", "We are going\nto pelt you with a few handfuls of them, as it is impossible to give\neven a faint idea of the extent of this Temple of Karnak without them.", "\n\n[Illustration: APPROACH TO KARNAK FROM LUXOR.]", "\n\n\"Here are the dimensions of this enormous work: From one end of the\nspace where the temple stands to the other is 1180 feet, and it is about\n600 feet from one side to the other. ", "The enclosing wall is 25 feet thick\nand from 60 to 100 feet high, so that it formed quite a fortification in\nthe days before the invention of gunpowder. ", "A small army could find\nplenty of room inside the walls of Karnak, and be able to repel a force\nof ten times its strength.", "\n\n\"All the space included within the walls is covered with ruins of a most\nmagnificent architecture, and it is not difficult to imagine that you\nare in the heart of a great city of past ages, rather than in the ruins\nof a single building. ", "In one place there are the fragments of a fallen\nobelisk, and close by it is an obelisk, upright and uninjured, 92 feet\nhigh and 8 feet square at the base. ", "It is said to be the largest\nexisting obelisk, and the inscriptions show that it was made and set up\nin its place inside of seven months. ", "Remember that it was hewn from the\nquarries at Assouan, and brought here in a single block. ", "If you want to\nknow how the ancient Egyptians did it, we give up the conundrum at once.", "\n\n\"Never mind the obelisk just now; we want to show you into the great\nhall of the temple. ", "And such a hall as it is!", "\n\n\"Stop and think of it as you read the figures, and see if they don't\ntake away your breath.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE GREAT HALL OF KARNAK.]", "\n\n\"It is the grandest hall in the world! ", "It is 329 feet long and 170 feet\nbroad, and down its centre there are two rows of columns, twelve in all,\neach of them 60 feet high, without counting capital and pedestal, and 12\nfeet in diameter. ", "Then there are one hundred and twenty-two other\ncolumns arranged in fourteen rows, seven on each side of the two central\nrows, so that the whole room seems to consist of little else than\ncolumns. ", "What a capital place for a game of hide-and-seek! ", "How the\nEgyptian children must have enjoyed it if they were permitted to play\nhere, which we very much doubt!", "\n\n[Illustration: GRAND COURT-YARD OF THE TEMPLE.]", "\n\n\"These one hundred and twenty-two columns are each 42 feet high and 9\nfeet in diameter. ", "Altogether there are one hundred and thirty-four\ncolumns in the hall of the temple, and they are all closely covered with\nsculptures. ", "They once supported a roof, but it is nearly all gone now,\nand some of the columns have fallen. ", "The stones used in building the\ntemple were of great size, and they lie around us in all directions;\nthey do not appear very large till you come close up to them, and then\nyou seem dwarfed into nothing by their greatness. ", "Everything is on so\ngrand a scale that you forget the dimensions of individual things until\nyou are side by side with them.", "\n\n\"Some writers have said that there is as much stone here as in the Great\nPyramid at Gizeh. ", "Certainly there is a vast amount; but it is so\nscattered, and in such irregular masses, that you cannot easily make an\nestimate of it. ", "At any rate, it is a much finer work than that of\nbuilding the Great Pyramid, as the whole of the walls, the columns, the\nsides of all the rooms, in fact everywhere that a plain surface was\npresented, is covered with sculpture or painting. ", "The pyramid impresses\nyou with its vastness, and so does Karnak; but the latter has another\nimpression--that of beauty and artistic effect--which the pyramid has\nnot. ", "The stones used in the construction of Karnak are many of them much\nlarger than those in the pyramids; they show that the builders must have\nbeen very skilful engineers, and that their work covered a long period\nof years.", "\n\n[Illustration: A BODY OF ARCHERS.]", "\n\n\"We looked at the sculptures till our eyes were weary. ", "At every step\nsomething new was revealed, and we seemed to be living in the days of\nthe great kings of Egypt. ", "The most of the sculptures represent battle\nscenes and kindred subjects; and the deeds of the kings are so well\nillustrated that anybody who has time and patience to study them can\neasily make out the whole history of a campaign. ", "Here the king is\nmarching out with his army, some on foot, and others on horseback or in\nchariots, and bearing the swords, spears, and other weapons in use at\nthat time. ", "Next we see him attacking a fortress or crossing a river;\nnext he is putting the enemy to flight and securing the captives; and,\nfinally, he is returning in triumph, and coming to the temple to offer\nthanks to the divinity who has protected and favored him.", "\n\n[Illustration: MAKING A LIST OF CAPTIVES.]", "\n\n\"The sculptures here, and at other temples in the vicinity of Thebes,\nshow pretty certainly that the ancient Egyptians were accustomed to make\nhuman sacrifices. ", "There is a large picture representing the king\nstriking off the heads of a group of captives, and sometimes the hands\nand feet of slain enemies are cut off and piled before the king, to show\nhow great the slaughter has been. ", "Frequently the king is represented\nmuch larger than those that surround him, and the artists took the\nprecaution to label each king with his name, so that there could be no\nmistake as to his identity. ", "They also put labels on most of the battle\nscenes, and thus greatly assisted our study of Egyptian history.", "\n\n[Illustration: OBELISK AND PART OF GRAND HALL AT KARNAK.]", "\n\n\"Who built the great Temple of Karnak?", "\n\n\"There has been and still is much dispute among Egyptian scholars on\nthis subject: it is now generally agreed that it was the work of no one\nking, but rather of several. ", "There is a difference of two hundred and\nfifty years between the earliest and latest sculptures, and it is\nbelieved that from the beginning to the completion of the temple was\nnearly three centuries. ", "On the walls, columns, and obelisks are the\nnames of kings of the eighteenth and nineteenth dynasties, and they are\nso conspicuous that it is pretty certain the building of the temple\ncovered these two periods in Egyptian history. ", "Thothmes III. ", "and Rameses\nII. ", "and III. ", "are prominently represented, and some of the inscriptions\nshow that portions were added to the temple much later than any of the\nrulers mentioned.", "\n\n\"It is supposed that the present temple is on the site of an older one,\nand that four thousand years at least must be given for its antiquity.", "\nThe Arabs have a tradition that Noah visited the temple after the Flood,\nand we may fairly believe that portions of it were finished before Jacob\nwent to Egypt with his family. ", "It was an old structure when Moses led\nthe Israelites out of captivity, and its decay had begun when Christ was\nborn at Bethlehem. ", "Shishak, or Sheshonk, who plundered Jerusalem and led\nthe King of Judea captive, is represented on its walls, and there is a\npicture showing his return with his train of unhappy prisoners. ", "Do you\nwonder that we stand astonished amid the ruins of Karnak, which are\nolder than the Bible, and older than any of the histories that have come\ndown to our hands?", "\n\n\"We spent the afternoon among the ruins, and then returned to Luxor. ", "The\nevening was bright with the growing moon, and so we determined to see\nKarnak by moonlight. ", "If any reader of these lines should hereafter be at\nLuxor when the moon favors, we advise him by all means to go there under\nits light, as he will find an effect that is not visible when the sun is\nin the sky. ", "It is impossible to describe, and so we will not attempt a\ndescription; the play of light and the darkness of the shadows are\nsurpassingly beautiful, and some of the columns and broken walls seem\neven more gigantic than at other times. ", "There is an Arab village close\nto the ruins, but not within the temple itself; the only inhabitants are\nowls and jackals, who resent your intrusion with their peculiar cries,\nand seem to consider themselves the rightful heirs of the kings so long\ndead and gone.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: EGYPTIAN SOLDIERS.]", "\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER XVI.", "\n\nTHE RAMESEUM, MEDINET ABOO, AND THE VOCAL MEMNON.", "\n\n\n[Illustration: DRY FOOTING.]", "\n\nThe morning after the visit to Karnak an early start was made for the\nother side of the river. ", "The party was ferried across in a couple of\nnative boats to a sand-bank that pushed out some distance from the\nshore; the boats grounded in the shallow water, and our friends were\ncarried on the backs of several Arabs, who gladly accepted the chance to\nearn a few pennies by a temporary conversion into beasts of burden.", "\nEverybody landed dry and unharmed with the exception of one unfortunate\nindividual, whose bearer stumbled just before reaching the solid earth.", "\nLuckily the accident resulted only in a slight wetting. ", "The Arab carrier\ndemanded a large backsheesh because he waited so long before falling!", "\n\nThere are several temples on the west bank of the Nile, the most\nprominent of them being the Rameseum, or Memnonium, and Medinet Aboo.", "\nThese two were on the same general plan as the Temple of Karnak, though\nless extensive; but, even when compared with Karnak, they are entitled\nto very high rank as works of Egyptian art and architecture. ", "In the\nneighborhood there are half a dozen or more smaller temples, each\npossessing an historical and artistic interest peculiar to itself.", "\n\nIt was a busy time for our friends, as they had a great deal to see in a\nfew hours. ", "What they saw we will learn from their accounts:\n\n\"We had a delightful ride on the donkeys that were waiting on the bank\nas we arrived, our way lying through fields such as we have already\ndescribed, and afterward passing over a stretch of barren ground--the\nborder of the Libyan Desert. ", "Doctor Bronson told us while we were riding\nalong that this was formerly the Libyan suburb of Thebes, and that the\nancient city stood on both sides of the river. ", "Sir Gardner Wilkinson\nsays it was about five miles long by three in width. ", "It was in its most\nflourishing condition during the eighteenth dynasty, and it began to\ndecline in the eighth century before the Christian era. ", "There is a great\ndeal of dispute as to its population; but it is said that it could send\nout twenty thousand horsemen to battle, and its walls were pierced with\na hundred gates. ", "Its ruins are scattered over a large area, and its\nburial-grounds are so enormous that several days would be required for\neven a slight examination of them.", "\n\n[Illustration: RUINS IN OLD THEBES.]", "\n\n\"According to some writers the greater part of the population was on the\neastern or Luxor side, while the western section was the residence of\nthe kings and royal households; and, consequently, many of the temples\nwere built there. ", "For the same reason the tombs of the kings were on the\nwestern side, but were placed a considerable distance from the river,\nwhere the character of the limestone rock was such that it could be\nreadily excavated. ", "Much of the site of the city is now overflowed every\nyear at the time of the inundation, and in this portion there are only a\nfew traces of the buildings that once stood there.", "\n\n\"We went through some of the small temples, and then came to the\nRameseum, or Memnonium. ", "It owes its first name to the fact that it was\nfounded by Rameses the Great, and its second to its dedication to the\nworship of Memnon. ", "It is grand enough to have half a dozen names instead\nof two, and the honor can certainly be divided between Rameses and\nMemnon without any fear that either of them will suffer.", "\n\n[Illustration: GRAND HALL OF THE MEMNONIUM.]", "\n\n\"It was in the usual form of the Egyptian temples, and its grand court\nwas not far from fifty yards square. ", "Many of the columns have\ndisappeared, or lie in ruins, but enough of them remain to show the\nmagnificence of the original structure.", "\n\n\"The great object of curiosity here is the statue of Rameses the Great,\nwhich stood in the court-yard, and is now overturned and broken. ", "There\nare some mysteries about it, and we will try to name them.", "\n\n\"In the first place, no one can guess how the Egyptians managed to take\nsuch a huge block of granite from the quarries and convert it into a\nstatue. ", "It was a single piece of stone, and represented the King sitting\non his throne (the usual position of Egyptian statues) with his hands\nresting on his knees, and his face in that calm repose that a great\nruler ought to exhibit when he has everything his own way. ", "And how large\ndo you suppose it was?", "\n\n[Illustration: VIEW IN THE MEMNONIUM, WITH RUINED STATUE OF RAMESES THE\nGREAT.]", "\n\n\"We used a tape-line to be sure we were right in our estimates, and\nfound that the figure was twenty feet across the shoulders and fifteen\nfeet from shoulder to elbow. ", "The foot was eleven feet from toe to heel,\nand the other parts of the statue were in proportion. ", "The throne and\nlegs are a good deal broken up, but the upper part of the statue down to\nthe waist is in comparatively good condition. ", "Engineers have calculated\nthat the whole statue, when perfect, weighed nearly nine hundred tons,\nor nearly three times as much as the largest obelisk at Karnak.", "\nCommander Gorringe says that the obelisk he transported from Egypt to\nAmerica, and set up in Central Park, New York, weighs two hundred and\ntwenty-four tons, so you see what a big thing was this statue of\nRameses, which the Egyptians brought down the river from Assouan and set\nup in Thebes thousands of years ago.", "\n\n\"When the Persians conquered Egypt, and destroyed many of its cities,\nthey overturned the statue of Rameses the Great, and proceeded to break\nit up; and another of the mysteries is how they managed to break it, as\ngunpowder was not then invented, and there is nothing to show that they\npossessed any powerful explosives. ", "But break it they did; and it is only\nbecause it was so large, or they were called away on other business,\nthat they left any part of it for us to open our eyes about.", "\n\n\"If possessing the largest statue ever known in ancient or modern times\nmakes one happy, Rameses ought to have been as jolly as he was great.", "\nBut perhaps he did not enjoy himself much, after all, as he seems to\nhave been a cruel tyrant, who oppressed his people, and compelled his\nprisoners of war to build the temples that remain to mark his greatness.", "\nThe inscriptions around this and other temples show him to have been\nfull of cruelty: he sacrificed prisoners with his own hand, or caused\nthem to be put to death in his presence; and there is one picture\nwherein he is putting out the eyes of several captives, who are held by\ncords passed through their nostrils. ", "On the whole, though we should have\nliked to look upon Rameses in his great temple, we are not at all sorry\nthat he belonged to an age long past. ", "If he was a good man for his time,\nit was certainly not a good time to live in.", "\n\n\"We have wished ever so much that we could read the inscriptions on the\nwalls of the temple; but, after all, we need not feel so badly that we\ncannot do so, because many learned men have made translations for us.", "\nThe pictures tell us a great deal, even without the hieroglyphics; they\nmake it certain that the King was the most important personage at the\ntime he lived, and if we believed what they represent, we should\nconclude that he did all the fighting, and his army only stood and\nlooked on. ", "One picture shows him sending a shower of arrows among the\nenemy and putting them to flight; and in another he is pulling down the\nwalls of a fort, as though it was nothing but a toy house built of\ncorn-cobs.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE PHALANX OF THE SHETA.]", "\n\n\"There is a picture which is called 'The Phalanx of the Sheta,' which we\ncould not make much of till it was explained to us, and then we saw\nthere was a good deal in it. ", "We enclose a drawing of it, so that you can\nsee how the Egyptians represented things on a plain surface without\nperspective.", "\n\n\"The phalanx is represented as a reserve corps close by a fortified\ntown, which is surrounded by double ditches for protection against an\nenemy. ", "On each side of the town there is a bridge over the ditches, and\nthere are men in the towers of the fort, as if they were expecting to be\nattacked. ", "The soldiers in the phalanx are armed with short swords or\nknives, and with spears. ", "Doctor Bronson says the swords have a very\nclose resemblance to the famous bowie-knife of the South-western States\nof North America, and it is possible that the inventor of that weapon\ngot his idea from the ancient Egyptians. ", "Only the front and rear ranks\nhave weapons, and what the men in the middle are holding out their hands\nfor we cannot guess.", "\n\n[Illustration: MEDINET ABOO.]", "\n\n\"We stayed at the Rameseum as long as possible, and would gladly have\nignored the whistle of the conductor summoning us to move on, had we not\nfeared missing other important sights. ", "We went next to the Temple of\nMedinet Aboo, or rather to the temples, as there are two of them\ntogether, one much smaller than the other. ", "The small temple was the work\nof several kings, and some of the later ones altered the plans of their\npredecessors, so that the architecture is not altogether harmonious.", "\n\n\"Heaps of ruins lie all around, and there is a broken statue of Rameses\nII. ", "much smaller than the one we saw at the first temple we visited. ", "The\nsculptures on the walls are less interesting than in the Memnonium, and\nwe did not spend much time over them.", "\n\n\"The great Temple of Medinet Aboo has a raised platform in front, and we\nwere quite interested in the view from this platform of the plain where\nThebes once stood, and the various objects scattered over it. ", "From the\nplatform we passed into the temple through a wide gate-way, and found\nourselves in a large court-yard enclosed by broken walls. ", "From the\ncourt-yard we went into what is said to have been the palace of the\nking. ", "The conductor called our attention to the sculptures on the walls,\nwhich are quite peaceful in their character, and show that the place was\nmore a private residence than a temple.", "\n\n\"The pictures represent the great ruler in his retirement; in some of\nthem he is playing a game of draughts, similar to those at Beni-Hassan\nand other places; he is receiving garlands of flowers from the hands of\nthe ladies of his court, or they are cooling him with fans; and in\nnearly every instance he is represented seated in a chair while all\naround him are standing. ", "Nobody was allowed to sit in the presence of\nthe king, if we may believe these pictures, and it is quite probable\nthat he required all the rules of etiquette to be rigidly observed.", "\n\n\"In the front of the temple there are pictures of a different sort,\nwhere the king is represented sacrificing prisoners or making war on his\nenemies. ", "In the large halls of the temple there is a series of battle\npictures which reminded us of those at Karnak, and they show the\ncaptives brought from various countries so clearly that the conquests\nof the kings may be readily traced. ", "In one of the pictures the right\nhands of the slain are cut off and piled up in order that the king may\nsee them, and an officer counts them while a scribe notes down their\nnumber. ", "Other pictures show the captured horses, and spears and other\nweapons piled up and counted, and we may believe the Egyptians were\nquite systematic in their mode of keeping accounts.", "\n\n[Illustration: AN EGYPTIAN WAR-BOAT.]", "\n\n\"On one of the walls there is a picture of a fight in galleys or\nwar-boats, and it is said to be the only one of the kind in Egypt. ", "There\nare plenty of boats in their paintings and sculpture, but with this\nexception they are all engaged in peaceful pursuits. ", "In spite of their\ncutting off the hands of the slain for the purpose of arithmetic, the\nEgyptians seem to have had some humanity about them after all. ", "The\npicture of the naval engagement shows them to have been victorious, and\nthey are doing all they can to save the men in the sinking ships of\ntheir enemies. ", "Then the king distributes rewards to his officers and\nsoldiers, and the army marches back to Thebes.", "\n\n\"Perhaps you have had enough of the achievements of the kings who lived\nthree thousand years ago, and the monuments they left behind them. ", "Well,\nthere's the whistle, and we'll say good-bye to Medinet Aboo.", "\n\n\"What school-boy has not read about the Vocal Memnon at Thebes--the\nsitting statue that greeted the morning sun with its voice? ", "Here it is,\non the plain, some distance in front of the Rameseum, and it is supposed\nthat an avenue of similar figures once led from the position of the\nVocal Memnon up to the temple. ", "There are two statues side by side, and\nthey are known as 'the Sitting Colossi,' or simply 'the Colossi,' and\nare sufficiently large to be seen at a long distance.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE COLOSSI DURING AN INUNDATION.]", "\n\n\"Each statue rises about fifty feet from a pedestal at least ten feet\nhigh, so that when they were erected they were doubtless more than sixty\nfeet above the ground; but the inundations of the Nile have deposited\nthe earth around them, and the pedestals are completely surrounded. ", "When\nthe river is at its height the two figures seem to be sitting in a lake.", "\nThey were hewn from single blocks of sandstone; but one of them was\ninjured, either by an earthquake or by the Persian invaders, and was\nreconstructed with blocks of stone of the same character as the\noriginal.", "\n\n\"They were made to represent Amunoph III., ", "and were not, as many\nsuppose, intended for divinities. ", "The one nearest the north was known as\nthe Vocal Memnon, that uttered a sound every morning when the rays of\nthe sun fell upon it.", "\n\n\"Sometimes it was obstinate, and for several days refused to speak.", "\nKings, and princes, and other great men made long journeys to see, and\nespecially to hear it, and they waited patiently day after day, too, for\nits utterance.", "\n\n\"Sometimes, when a very great personage like the Emperor Hadrian came,\nit gave forth its utterance twice on the same morning. ", "Then the whole of\nThebes talked of the wonder, and the Emperor was regarded with special\nreverence.", "\n\n\"We went to see and hear it, and we did not go at sunrise, as was\nnecessary to do three thousand years ago.", "\n\n\"We went in the afternoon, and for half a franc an Arab climbed up the\nstatue and struck a stone that lies in the lap of the figure. ", "We beat\nthe Emperor Hadrian completely, as we heard the sound a dozen times\ninstead of twice, and if we had given the Arab a franc he would have\nbeen delighted to pound the stone for half an hour.", "\n\n[Illustration: EGYPTIAN PRIESTS CLAD IN LEOPARD-SKINS.]", "\n\n\"The sound is what we call a metallic one, like that of a poorly tuned\nbell. ", "The whole trick is clearly apparent. ", "A priest was concealed in a\nniche behind the stone, where nobody could see him from the ground, and\nhe could strike the stone at the proper moment without fear of\ndiscovery. ", "Perhaps he went to sleep occasionally, and then the sound was\nnot heard; or it is possible he was in league with the hotel-keepers of\nThebes, and wished people to stay in town a week or two, instead of\nfinishing their visit in a day and taking the train to the next place.", "\nAt any rate, the Colossi have ceased to be among the wonders of the\nworld. ", "For thirty centuries they have looked out on the plain of Thebes.", "\nWhat a pity it is they cannot open their stony lips and tell us what has\npassed around them during all that period of time--what changes they\nhave witnessed, and what generations have come and gone since they first\nbegan their long vigil!\"", "\n\n[Illustration: REAR VIEW OF THE COLOSSI, WITH LUXOR IN THE DISTANCE.]", "\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER XVII.", "\n\nTHE TOMBS OF THE KINGS.--RECENT DISCOVERIES OF ROYAL MUMMIES.", "\n\n\n\"From temples to tombs,\" wrote one of the boys in his journal, \"the\ntransition is a natural one. ", "The kings built the temples, and recorded\ntheir exploits on the walls. ", "When they were done with temples and all\nother earthly things, they were carried to their tombs and laid away to\nrest. ", "We saw their temples yesterday, and to-day we have made an\nexcursion to their tombs.", "\n\n[Illustration: SACRED MUSICIANS, AND A PRIEST OFFERING INCENSE.]", "\n\n\"The tombs of the kings are about three miles from the river, and the\nroad to them is along a valley as barren as any part of the desert can\npossibly be. ", "It must have been a weary route for the funeral processions\nfrom Thebes to this desolate spot, and it is probable that the kings\ndeferred their journeys there as long as possible. ", "The way is impassable\nfor carriages, and so we rode on donkeys, as we have done in most of our\nEgyptian excursions.", "\n\n[Illustration: VALLEY OF THE TOMBS OF THE KINGS.]", "\n\n\"The tombs are scattered along a narrow valley of barren mountains at\nthe edge of the Libyan Desert, or, rather, just within its borders;\nthey are excavated in the solid rock, and some of them are very large.", "\nEvery few years a new discovery is made, and the government allows any\nexplorer to search for tombs under certain conditions: the conditions\nare now so onerous that few private researches have been undertaken for\nsome time, and none are likely to be till the laws are changed. ", "In the\nearly part of the century several English, French, German, and other\nexplorers were on the ground, and some of their discoveries were of\ngreat interest. ", "The tombs they opened are generally known by the names\nof those who found them, though several have lost that distinction\nthrough a system of numbering adopted by Sir Gardner Wilkinson. ", "The\nguides usually point them out by their numbers. ", "About thirty tombs in\nall have been opened, and it is certain there are ten or twelve more\nthat have not been discovered. ", "Strabo, the Greek historian, who came\nhere about the beginning of the Christian era, says he saw forty tombs;\nbut some have conjectured that he included those in another valley, and\nknown as the Tombs of the Queens.", "\n\n[Illustration: VIEW IN BELZONI'S TOMB.]", "\n\n\"We didn't have time to see the whole twenty-five, and it would not\nhave been worth while for us to do so, as several of them have no\nparticular interest. ", "We went first to number seventeen, which is also\nknown as Belzoni's tomb; it was discovered by Belzoni, an Italian\ntraveller, and the most of its contents were carried to England, and are\nnow in the British Museum. ", "Perhaps you may wonder why these tombs are so\ndifficult to find, but the reason is this:\n\n\"When a king died, and had been properly turned into a mummy, the\nfuneral rites were performed, and he was taken to the excavation in the\nrock prepared for him. ", "When he was packed away in his stone coffin the\nentrance to the tomb was sealed up, and the side of the mountain broken\naway; all trace of the tomb or the entrance of it was destroyed; and\nthere is a rumor that the men who performed the work were killed, in\norder to prevent any revelations. ", "Doubtless the locality of the tombs\nwas known to a good many people; but the knowledge of it would be\ngradually lost, especially when the country was devastated by wars, and\nthe whole population, in some instances, swept away. ", "Certainly the most\nof these tombs were unknown for a thousand years or so previous to the\npresent century, with a few exceptions where the Arabs had accidentally\nhit upon them, though many of them had been plundered and again closed\nduring the Greek and Roman period. ", "Belzoni was guided in his search by\nan incident which the Arabs had told him of the sinking of the earth in\nconsequence of a rain, and the disappearance of water at a certain\npoint. ", "This led him to suspect that there might be a tomb there, and by\ndigging away the fallen fragments of rock on the side of the mountain he\ncame upon the entrance.", "\n\n\"There is a general similarity in these tombs, and so we will not weary\nyou with repetitions by describing them all.", "\n\n\"The tomb has a narrow entrance, from which there is a descending\npassage-way, and sometimes a staircase. ", "There are long halls and lateral\nchambers, and now and then the real resting-place of the king is beneath\nthe main hall, which contained a bogus mummy intended to mislead any\nunauthorized visitor. ", "The Egyptians exhausted their brains in devices to\nconceal the royal mummies, and it is quite possible that in some cases\nthey have succeeded. ", "When Belzoni opened the tomb that bears his name he\ncame upon a staircase at the end of the passage, which he descended;\nthere he found a horizontal chamber terminating in another staircase,\nand at its foot was an oblong chamber, or pit, of considerable depth.", "\n\n\"This appeared to be the end of the tomb, and it was, as an Hibernian\nmight say, full of emptiness.", "\n\n\"Belzoni was disappointed, as his search had been fruitless. ", "While\nwondering what to do next, he struck his hammer against the wall at the\ntop of the pit, and found that it gave forth a hollow sound. ", "He reasoned\nthat the sound indicated a chamber beyond, and that the apparently solid\nrock was only a wall of masonry, carefully covered with stucco and\nhieroglyphics.", "\n\n\"He sent out for the best battering-ram that could be procured, and it\nsoon came in the shape of a log cut from a palm-tree. ", "With this log he\nknocked down the wall and opened a way into the actual tomb. ", "The\ninscriptions on the walls were found quite unharmed, and so was the\nalabaster coffin, which is now in London, but contained nothing of\nconsequence when discovered. ", "The tomb appears to be one of those that\nwas partially plundered within a few hundred years of its occupation by\nthe royal mummy, and again closed up.", "\n\n\"The total distance from the entrance to the farthest point in Belzoni's\ntomb is four hundred and seventy feet, and the perpendicular descent of\nthe various stairways and inclines is one hundred and eighty feet. ", "We\nhad a fatiguing walk through it, in consequence of the unevenness of the\nway and the fragments of broken and fallen rock. ", "The air was somewhat\nstifling, partly owing to its confined character, and partly from the\neffect of our torches and candles. ", "We burnt a good deal of magnesium\nwire to light up the halls, and reveal the beautiful inscriptions that\nwere around us in all directions except beneath our feet. ", "Remember that\nthere was hardly a foot of space without inscriptions. ", "The walls of this\ntomb afford material for a year's study, and hard study at that.", "\n\n\"Some of the inscriptions refer to the daily occupations of the\nEgyptians, others to the deeds of the kings of Egypt, and others to the\nfuneral ceremonies attending the death of a king. ", "These last are by far\nthe most numerous, and there are long extracts from the 'Book of the\nDead,' showing the progress of the soul after it leaves the body.", "\n\n\"One inscription shows the soul passing to Amenthes, where, after a\nshort halt, it was ordered to the Hall of Justice. ", "On its way to this\nhall it was attacked by demons and wild beasts, but all these were\ndriven away if the body had been properly provided with prayers written\non the rolls of papyrus and the scarabæi that are always found with the\nmummies.", "\n\n\"Another picture represents the soul in the Hall of Justice, where its\nheart is placed in one scale and the Goddess of Truth in the other. ", "Two\nof the gods superintend the weighing, and a third makes a note of the\nresult. ", "The god Osiris (with forty-two councillors) pronounces sentence.", "\nThe heart was found heavy, and therefore the spirit was ordered to the\nregions of the blessed, where it was to pass through centuries of\nhappiness and then return to the mummy, which would be restored to life.", "\nOf course they always found that the heart of the king was of the proper\nweight; it would have been dangerous for the artist to discover it too\nlight, and thereby condemn it to suffer long tortures as a punishment\nfor its sins before it could pass to a state of rest, and get ready to\nreturn to the mummy that waited for it.", "\n\n\"Belzoni's tomb was made for King Sethi I., whose temple we visited from\nGirgeh. ", "Portions of it were left unfinished, and some of the drawings\nare incomplete. ", "This condition of the wall is to be regretted for some\nreasons, but is very fortunate in other respects, as it shows how the\nEgyptian artists performed their work. ", "The draughtsman made the outlines\nin red chalk, and they were then inspected by the chief artist, who\ncorrected any errors or made alterations with a black crayon; the marks\nwere then followed by the sculptor, and were afterward with the\nproper pigments. ", "In some cases the wall was laid out in squares before\nthe figures were drawn, but this does not seem to have been the\nuniversal rule, and there is abundant evidence that the Egyptian\nartists were accomplished in what we call 'free-hand' drawing.", "\n\n[Illustration: AN EGYPTIAN HARPER.]", "\n\n\"From this tomb we went to that of Rameses III. ", "It was discovered by\nBruce, the famous traveller in Egypt and Abyssinia, and usually bears\nhis name, though it is sometimes called 'the Harper's Tomb,' from the\nfigure of a man playing on a harp, which is painted on one of the walls.", "\nIt is much easier to visit than Belzoni's, and its chief interest lies\nin the great number of agricultural, pastoral, and other scenes depicted\non the walls. ", "The daily life of the people is very clearly shown, and we\nhave an excellent idea of what the ancient Egyptians did, how they\nlived, and what were their articles of furniture, dress, and the like.", "\nWe were astonished to see pictures of sofas, chairs, tables, and other\nadornments of the house that would be considered luxurious at the\npresent time. ", "Doctor Bronson says the designers of modern furniture\nmight learn a great deal by coming here and copying the pictures on the\nwalls.", "\n\n[Illustration: A CHAIR FROM BRUCE'S TOMB.]", "\n\n\"We saw half a dozen tombs of the kings, and then went to the tombs of\nthe Assaséef. ", "Perhaps you'd like to know what they are?", "\n\n\"They were the tombs of certain high-priests of Thebes, who are reputed\nto have been very wealthy and powerful, and certainly they must have\nbeen pretty nearly as important as the king under whom they lived. ", "Their\ntombs are even larger than any of the tombs of the kings: the greatest\nof the Assaséef tombs has a lineal distance from the entrance to the\nfarthest point of eight hundred and sixty-two feet, and the floors of\nthe various passages, rooms, and pits include an area of about an acre\nand a quarter. ", "Isn't that a pretty large tomb for one person--even\nthough he included the members of his family and a few personal friends?", "\n\n\"We lighted our torches at the entrance, and then began a long walk\nthrough the interior, though we did not visit all the side chambers and\nnarrow rooms, of which there are a great many. ", "The sculptures on the\nwalls are inferior to those in Belzoni's and Bruce's tombs, and we did\nnot spend much time over them.", "\n\n\"Several times some of our torches were put out by the bats, of which\nthere are great numbers in the tomb. ", "It was quite as bad for the bats as\nfor the torches, as they could not fly into the flame without risk of\nhaving their wings singed. ", "They flew in our faces, and were anything but\nagreeable. ", "One of our party said he had heard of receiving 'a bat in the\neye,' but never before experienced the sensation. ", "He had a dozen of them\nat least before he got out of the place.", "\n\n\"From this place we went to some private tombs, and then to the tombs of\nthe queens, but only visited one of each. ", "Neither of these was\nparticularly interesting after what we had seen, though they contained\nthe usual profusion of mural paintings, which we had no time for\ninspecting. ", "The best of the paintings and sculptures have been copied by\nWilkinson and others, and we may study them at our leisure when we get\nhome, and our friends who are interested in the subject can do the same\nthing. ", "In one of the tombs we found the work of an artist who evidently\nhad the spirit of fun in him, as there were several caricatures of no\nmean order. ", "In one picture a boat has collided with another, and a whole\nlot of cakes and other eatables are overturned on the rowers. ", "We find\ncaricatures occasionally, but not often, and, on the whole, the\nEgyptians seem to have been a serious people.", "\n\n\"We got back all right to the bank of the river, where the boats were\nwaiting to ferry us over to Luxor. ", "So ends our sight-seeing at Thebes,\nas we leave to-morrow morning to continue our journey up the Nile. ", "We\nhave had no accident beyond a few slight tumbles and bruises, and have\nobtained a store of information that will severely tax our memories to\nretain. ", "Let us hope that we can remember it, and be able to impart our\nknowledge to others; if we can, we shall be rewarded a thousand times\nover for the trouble we have taken, and for the fatigues of our visits\nto the temples and tombs of this famous city of thirty centuries ago.\"", "\n\nSince the travels of our friends in Egypt an event has occurred of great\ninterest to all who have any familiarity with the history of the land of\nthe Pharaohs. ", "It will be noted that Frank and Fred, during their visits\nto the tombs of the kings, and to the museum at Boulak, did not see the\nmummy of any royal personage, if we except that of Queen Amen-Hotep,\nwhich was found by Mariette Bey, together with the remarkable collection\nof jewellery described in Chapter VIII.", "\n\nRemembering that no mummy of a king had been found down to the date of\nthe journey of our friends in Egypt, and that all the royal tombs when\nopened were found to have been previously visited by vandals as\nfree-handed as those of modern days, we can appreciate the importance of\nthe announcement, toward the end of 1881, that a new tomb had been\nopened and found to contain the mummies of several kings, together with\nthose of other royal personages. ", "The following description is taken from\na recent publication, the details having been derived from the reports\nof M. Maspero, the able successor of Mariette Pasha:\n\n \"For the last ten years or more it had been suspected that the\n Theban Arabs (whose main occupation is tomb-pillage and\n mummy-snatching) had found a royal sepulchre. ", "Objects of great\n rarity and antiquity were being brought to Europe every season by\n travellers who had purchased them from native dealers living on the\n spot; and many of these objects were historically traceable to\n certain royal dynasties which made Thebes their capital city. ", "At\n length suspicion became certainty. ", "An English tourist, passing\n through Paris, presented Professor Maspero with some photographs\n from a superb papyrus which he had then lately bought at Thebes\n from an Arab named Abd-er-Ranoul. ", "This papyrus proved to be the\n Ritual, or funereal sacred book, written for Pinotem I., third\n priest-king of the twenty-first dynasty. ", "Evidently, then, the tomb\n of this sovereign had been discovered and pillaged. ", "In January,\n 1881, the late lamented Mariette Pasha died at Cairo, and was\n succeeded by Professor Maspero, the present Conservator of\n Antiquities to H.H. the Khedive. ", "Professor Maspero at once resolved\n to get to the bottom of the Theban mystery; and, with that object\n chiefly in view, proceeded last April to Upper Egypt upon his first\n official trip of inspection. ", "Arriving at Luxor he straightway\n arrested the said Abd-er-Ranoul. ", "Threats, bribery, persuasion were,\n however, tried in vain, and Abd-er-Ranoul was consigned to the\n district prison at Keneh, the chief town of the province. ", "Here for\n two months he maintained an obstinate silence. ", "In the mean while\n Professor Maspero offered a reward of £500 for the discovery of\n the secret, and returned to Europe. ", "Scarcely had he embarked when\n the elder brother of Abd-er-Ranoul went privately before the\n Governor of Keneh, offered to betray the secret, and claimed the\n reward.", "\n\n [Illustration: SECTION OF PAPYRUS.]", "\n\n \"The governor telegraphed immediately to Cairo; and Herr Emil\n Brugsch, Keeper of the Boulak Museum (whom Professor Maspero had\n deputed to act for him in any case of emergency), was forthwith\n despatched to Thebes. ", "Here he was conducted to a lonely spot in the\n most desolate and unfrequented part of the great necropolis which\n extends for between three and four miles along the western bank of\n the Nile. ", "Hidden behind an angle of limestone cliff, and masked by\n a huge fragment of fallen rock, he beheld the entrance to a\n perpendicular shaft descending to a depth of thirty-nine feet. ", "At\n the bottom of this shaft opened a gallery two hundred and forty\n feet in length, leading to a sepulchral vault measuring\n twenty-three feet by thirteen. ", "In this gallery and vault were found\n some thirty-six mummies, including more than twenty kings and\n queens, besides princes, princesses, and high-priests, to say\n nothing of an immense store of sacred vessels, funereal statuettes,\n alabaster vases, and precious objects in glass, bronze,\n acacia-wood, etc. ", "The treasure thus brought to light consisted of\n some six thousand items, not the least valuable of which were four\n royal papyri. ", "Professor Maspero, in his official report, warmly\n eulogizes the energy with which Herr Emil Brugsch, by the aid of\n five hundred native laborers, exhumed, packed, shipped, and brought\n to Cairo the whole contents of this now famous hiding-place.", "\n\n [Illustration: COFFIN AND MUMMY OF A ROYAL PRINCESS.]", "\n\n \"The following are the principal royal mummies found in this\n recently opened tomb:\n\n \"King Rasekenen-Taaken and Queen Ansera, of the seventeenth\n dynasty.", "\n\n \"King Ahmes Ra-neb-Pehti, Queen Ahmes Nofretari, Queen Aah-Hotep,\n Queen Merit-Amen, Queen Hontimoo-hoo, Prince Se Amen, Princess\n Set-Amen, King Amen-Hotep I., King Thothmes I.,* King Thothmes II.,", "\n King Thothmes III., ", "Queen Sitka, all of the eighteenth dynasty.", "\n\n [Illustration: COFFIN OF QUEEN NOFRETARI.]", "\n\n \"King Rameses I.,* King Sethi I., King Rameses II., ", "of the\n nineteenth dynasty.", "\n\n [The asterisk indicates that the mummy is missing.]", "\n\n \"Queen Notem-Maut, King and High-priest Pinotem I., King Pinotem\n II., ", "Prince and High-priest Masahirti, Queen Hathor Hout-Taui,\n Queen Makara, Queen Isi-em-Kheb, Princess Nasi-Khonsu, Prince\n Tat-f-Ankh, Nebseni, a priest, Noi-Shounap, a priest, of the\n twenty-first dynasty.", "\n\n \"In some instances the mummy reposes in its original mummy-case,\n and sometimes in two or three mummy-cases, the whole enclosed in an\n enormous outer sarcophagus. ", "In others, only the mummy case is left,\n the mummy having been destroyed or abstracted. ", "Farther, some\n mummies are found in mummy-cases not their own, or in mummy-cases\n which have been altered and usurped for their use in ancient times.", "\n\n \"There can be no doubt that the vault in which these various\n mummies and funereal treasures were found was the family sepulchre\n of the kings of the twenty-first dynasty. ", "This dynasty was founded\n by Her-Hor, High-priest of Amen of the great Temple of Amen at\n Thebes, who, toward the close of the twentieth dynasty, at a time\n the throne of the last Ramessides was tottering to its foundations,\n either inherited the crown by right of descent or seized it by\n force.", "\n\n \"The close of the twentieth dynasty was an epoch of great internal\n trouble and disorder. ", "During the reigns of the last four or five\n kings of that line there had been little security for life and\n property in Thebes; and organized bands of robbers committed\n constant depredations in the more retired quarters of the\n necropolis, attacking chiefly the tombs of great personages, and\n venturing even to break open the sepulchres of the royal dead.", "\n Hence it became the sacred duty of the reigning monarch to take\n every possible precaution to insure the mummies of his predecessors\n against profanation and pillage.", "\n\n \"We accordingly find that Her-Hor caused the sepulchres of his\n predecessors to be periodically visited by a service of regularly\n appointed Inspectors of Tombs, whose duty it was to report upon the\n condition of the royal mummies; to repair their wrappings and\n mummy-cases when requisite; and, if necessary, to remove them from\n their own sepulchres into any others which might be deemed more\n secure. ", "All of them seem to have been moved several times: at one\n time the tomb of Queen Ansera, at another time the tomb of Sethi\n I., at another time the tomb of one of the Amen-Hoteps would seem\n to have been selected as the chosen hiding-place of several royal\n mummies, all of whom had been removed from their own original\n sepulchres by order of Her-Hor or his successors. ", "The mummy of\n Rameses II. (", "to whose memory, as the supposed Pharaoh of the\n oppression of the Hebrews, so strong an interest attaches) appears\n to have been removed more frequently, and to have suffered more\n vicissitudes of fortune than any of the others. ", "That his sepulchre\n in the Valley of the Tombs of the Kings had been violated by\n robbers can scarcely be doubted, for his original mummy-cases were\n either destroyed or damaged beyond repair.", "\n\n \"All the mummies were eventually consigned to the tomb of the\n Her-Hor family near the end of the twenty-first dynasty. ", "Professor\n Maspero believes this final measure to have been taken during the\n reign of King Menkheperra, the last sovereign but one of the\n Her-Hor line. ", "Menkheperra himself is not among those found in the\n vault; neither is his son and successor, Pinotem III. ", "Having\n piously deposited all these revered and deified Pharaohs and other\n royal personages in the last home of his own immediate ancestors,\n Menkheperra evidently closed the vault forever, and was himself\n content to be buried elsewhere.", "\n\n \"It is interesting to learn from the reports of Professor Maspero\n and Herr Brugsch the heights of some of the famous kings of Egypt.", "\n Raskenen, it seems, was among Egyptian kings like Saul in Israel.", "\n He measured six feet one inch, and very few of his descendants took\n after him in this particular. ", "Ashmes, for instance (his grandson),\n measured only five feet six inches, and the great Thothmes III.", "\n five feet seven inches. ", "Thothmes II. ", "approached the stature of his\n ancestor, but Sethi I. was no more than five feet nine inches. ", "It\n is satisfactory to learn that Rameses II. ", "was taller than his\n father, and not, like Thothmes III., ", "a little man, by any means,\n for his mummy wants but one inch of six feet.", "\n\n [Illustration: COFFIN OF RAMESES II.]", "\n\n \"One of the most interesting objects in the collection is the\n coffin of Rameses II. ", "The face of the king is represented on the\n lid, and the hands are in high relief, grasping the Osirian scourge\n and crook, but the face is not from the studio of the artists who\n carved the walls of Abydus, and designed the sitting figures of\n Aboo-Simbel. ", "On the breast is a legend which includes two royal\n cartouches or ovals, with an inscription in that hieratic or\n cursive hieroglyphic writing which is so difficult to read. ", "The\n names in the ovals are easily read, however--'Ra-messes-mer-Amen'\n in one, 'Ra-user-Ma Setep-en-Ra' in the other.", "\n\n \"Considerable interest attaches to the mummy of King Pinotem, as it\n was the latest of all the royal collection. ", "Pinotem was the third\n king of the twenty-first dynasty, who reigned as nearly as possible\n a millennium B.C. In addition to the royal mummies, a multitude of\n objects bearing cartouches will throw great light upon the\n succession of these kings; and the tent of Pinotem, of leather,\n embroidered and , and covered with hieroglyphics, cannot\n fail to clear up some historical difficulties as to the\n priest-kings of Thebes. ", "His face has an Ethiopian cast of features,\n and he is believed to have been descended from the princes of Egypt\n who came from the South. ", "The lips are slightly parted, and the\n upper teeth are almost visible. ", "The absence of the eyeball is\n indicated by the way in which the eyelids are sunken; and the\n nostrils are forcibly distended, in consequence of the method\n employed by the embalmers for the removal of the brain, which was\n effected by means of a hooked instrument passed up through the\n nose. ", "The expression is, nevertheless, not unpleasing. ", "The shrouds\n are of somewhat coarse texture; and a few withered flowers may be\n observed stuck through the bands which hold the wrappings\n together.\"", "\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER XVIII.", "\n\nHAREM LIFE IN THE EAST.--FROM LUXOR TO ASSOUAN.", "\n\n\nA surprise was in store for Frank and Fred when they returned from their\nexcursion to the tombs of the kings.", "\n\nSeveral ladies of the party had declined to visit the tombs, partly on\naccount of the fatigue of the journey, and partly because they had been\ninvited to see the harem of the English consul at Luxor, and did not\nwish to miss the opportunity of learning how the women of the East pass\ntheir time. ", "When our friends returned to the boat the ladies had only\nbeen back a short time from the harem, and there was an active\ninterchange of accumulated information until dinner was announced.", "\n\nAfter dinner Frank tried to persuade one of the ladies to write an\naccount of what she saw in the harem, as he wished to send it home for\nhis sister and Miss Effie to read. ", "She was unwilling to write, but\npromised that she would tell him the next day, while they were steaming\nup the river, and then he might write it out for himself.", "\n\nFrank accepted the conditions, and next morning he sat down, pencil in\nhand, to take the story from the lady's lips. ", "He thought it would be\nmore interesting in her words than in his, and, as he was a rapid\nwriter, he managed to get down a good part of the story just as she told\nit.", "\n\nHere is the result of his work:\n\n\"We went to the office,\" said the lady, \"and found the consul was all\nready for us. ", "We walked from there to his house, which is quite pretty\nwhen you get inside of it, and has a nice little garden on a balcony;\nfrom this balcony we went into the harem, accompanied by the consul's\nson, who speaks English. ", "The consul remained outside with the husband of\none of the ladies, as it would have been a great outrage upon Oriental\netiquette for a foreign gentleman to step inside the sacred spot.", "\n\n\"The son of the consul only stayed long enough to introduce us, and then\nwe were left to take care of ourselves. ", "There were half a dozen women,\nsome of them the wives of the consul, and others married to his son: we\ncouldn't remember them all separately, and so when the young man left us\nwe didn't know which was which. ", "But it was of no particular consequence\nthat we forgot, as we had to do all our talking by signs; the women\nspoke only Arabic, and not one of us knew a dozen words of that\nlanguage. ", "The only word I could think of was _empshy!_ (", "clear out!),", "\nwhich you say to beggars when you want to be rid of them, and that\nwasn't exactly the kind of language to use when you are introduced to\nstrangers.", "\n\n[Illustration: AN ORIENTAL LADY AT HOME.]", "\n\n\"When we entered the room they saluted us in Arabic, and invited us to\nsit on the carpet, which we did as well as we could. ", "There were divans\naround the sides of the room, and a fine carpet in the centre, and we\nsat more on the carpet than on the divans. ", "We wanted to do as nearly\nlike our entertainers as we could, and when they invited us to the\ncarpet we thought it would be rudeness to decline. ", "Of course we were\nrather awkward about it, and laughed at our clumsiness, so as to give\nthem a chance to laugh with us if they wanted to.", "\n\n\"They were dressed loosely in the flowing robes such as you see the Arab\nwomen wear in the streets, but they had no veils on their faces. ", "There\nwas one who did not seem to be more than fifteen years old, and I\npresume she was the favorite wife of the consul's son. ", "She wore a dress\nembroidered more richly than any other, and the material was of a costly\nsilk. ", "I wanted to ask her where it was made, and how much it cost, as I\nfancied it would be a nice one to take home and excite the envy of my\nfriends. ", "But then, you know, it might have been impolite to put such a\nquestion, and, besides, I didn't know how to ask in Arabic. ", "All things\nconsidered, I didn't ask at all.", "\n\n\"As soon as we sat down on the carpet they began to examine us; they\nlooked very intently into our faces, they scanned our clothing and\nboots, loosened our hair, took out our ear-drops, and appeared as\ncurious and innocent as children. ", "We returned the compliment by\nexamining them, and they seemed greatly pleased that we did so.", "\n\n\"What excited their curiosity more than anything else was Mrs. ----'s\nhair. ", "They pinched it and twisted it in all sorts of ways, passed it\nthrough their hands, and were not contented until they satisfied\nthemselves that it grew naturally on her head. ", "Even then they kept\ntouching it and looking at it closely every few minutes, all the time we\nwere in the harem.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: EASTERN LADIES LISTENING TO MUSIC.]", "\n\nFrank made a memorandum, for the benefit of his sister and Miss Effie,\nthat the lady in question was English, and had hair of the purest\nblonde. ", "It was rich and glossy, of the hue of old gold, and was\ndoubtless the first hair of the kind these Arab ladies had ever seen. ", "It\nwas no wonder that their curiosity was roused by it. ", "Black hair is\nuniversal among the Arabs, and the tricks of the bleachers of London and\nNew York are unknown in Egypt.", "\n\n\"Before we knew what they were doing,\" the lady continued, \"they had our\nheads in their laps, and were staining our eyelids. ", "They wanted to stain\nour finger-nails and tattoo our chins, but we declined the honor, as we\ndid not like the effect of the coloring matter, which will not wash off.", "\nIt remains on for several days, and when it begins to wear off it makes\nthe hands very dingy. ", "They were as much amused at the whiteness of our\nfinger-nails as we were at the dark color of theirs.", "\n\n\"They wore their hair loose, with bands around the head to keep it in\nplace, and the youngest of them had a very rich head-dress with many\npieces of gold attached to it. ", "They served us with pipes and coffee soon\nafter we entered, and seemed much surprised at our refusal to smoke. ", "One\nof us tried a few whiffs from a nargileh, and it made them laugh very\nmuch when the smoke choked her and set her to coughing.", "\n\n\"Our visit lasted about half an hour. ", "They embraced us when we came\naway, but did not offer to kiss us, and the last thing they did was to\ngive a farewell pinch to Mrs. ----'s hair. ", "They intimated by signs that\nthey would like to come to the boat to see us; but of course that would\nnot be according to Eastern usage, and they are not at all likely to\ncome.\"", "\n\nFrank gathered other details about the life of Eastern women which he\nappended to his account of the visit we have just described. ", "A few of\nthem will not be out of place in this narrative.", "\n\n\"According to all I can learn,\" wrote Frank, \"the life of an Eastern\nwoman must be very monotonous. ", "She goes out very little, and after she\nis married can only rarely visit her relatives. ", "Day and night her place\nis in the harem, and she never speaks to any man except her husband--not\neven to his most intimate friends or to her own brothers. ", "The time must\nhang very heavily on her hands, especially when, as is generally the\ncase, she is unable to read, and cannot obtain the consolation which\nbooks afford.", "\n\n[Illustration: AN ORIENTAL DANCING GIRL.]", "\n\n\"I have told you of the marriage ceremonies among the modern Egyptians;\nthey are practically the same in most of the Moslem countries, and have\nthe same result among all except the poorer classes. ", "The wife of a man\nwho can afford the expense of a harem passes the most of her time there,\nand only goes out on rare occasions. ", "Ladies of her own rank may call on\nher, and she can return their visits, but they are not very frequent,\nand she passes the most of the time entirely among the other women of\nher house. ", "These include the servants or slaves, and possibly the other\nwives of her husband.", "\n\n\"Speaking of other wives, let me say here that, according to the Koran,\nan Arab or Turk may have four wives, provided he can take care of them,\nbut by custom he sometimes has more. ", "Doctor Bronson says the intercourse\nof the East with Europe has caused a great many men to adopt the customs\nof the latter country and have only one wife. ", "Some of the high officers\nof Egypt have done so, and they are occasionally seen in public with\ntheir wives, which is a great innovation upon the old habits of the\nland.", "\n\n\"Where a man has two or more wives each of them is entitled to separate\napartments, and to servants whose whole business is to wait on her;\nconsequently, a harem is an expensive luxury, and there are not many who\ncan afford it. ", "Perhaps the saving of expense has something to do with\nthe spread of European ideas among the Orientals. ", "And then, too, there\nare apt to be quarrels among the occupants of the harem which the master\nis called upon to settle, and with a sufficient number of them his life\nis anything but a happy one.", "\n\n[Illustration: AN EASTERN STORY-TELLER.]", "\n\n\"The amusements of the ladies of the harem consist of music and\nstory-telling, and for this there are professional narrators and\nperformers who go from house to house, and are paid for their services.", "\nOf course these are women, as no man except the master of the house can\nenter the harem. ", "Their visits are always welcome, as they greatly assist\nin passing away the time. ", "When a story-teller is present the women\ngather about her, and sometimes the master of the house is seated in a\nbalcony, where he can hear the performance and look upon the assemblage\nbelow. ", "For the musical entertainments there are generally two or more\nperformers, one of them playing on the flute and the other on the\nguitar. ", "Then there are women who sing in addition to playing, or, if\nsingers cannot play, they bring their own accompanists.", "\n\n\"A lady in Moslem countries gives a party very much like one in New\nYork, with the difference that all the visitors are ladies. ", "Generally\nthese parties are in the afternoon, though they sometimes take place in\nthe evening. ", "In either case the guests come at an appointed hour and are\nreceived by the hostess, who is in evening costume and without a veil.", "\nHer visitors having come through the streets on their way to the house\nare of course veiled when they arrive, but the veil is laid aside with\nthe shawls and cloaks, and the guests make themselves at home, very much\nas in Christian countries.", "\n\n\"If the hostess is the wife of an official, or merchant having business\nwith foreigners, she sends invitations to their wives or sisters--in\nfact, to any ladies she knows, whether they are of her religion or not.", "\nIn this way European ladies are introduced to the harems, and it often\nhappens that warm friendships are formed between women of different\nreligions, just as they are formed among men.", "\n\n[Illustration: A RECEPTION IN A HAREM.]", "\n\n\"When there is a large party, some are seated on the divans and others\non the carpet. ", "Coffee and cigarettes are served, and those who desire\npipes to smoke can be accommodated, as the long-stemmed nargileh abounds\nin every harem, and is very much in use. ", "Conversation is very brisk, and\nit is said that the ladies of the East are quite as fluent with their\ntongues as their Western sisters.", "\n\n\"After a little time has been devoted to conversation the hostess gives\na signal, and the entertainment provided for the occasion begins. ", "If the\nlady has slaves that can sing they seat themselves on the floor and\nbegin a song, but if there is not sufficient talent among them a party\nof professionals is especially engaged. ", "The singing is followed by\ndancing, and this is almost always by professional dancing girls, and\nthe affair is said to be much like the one we saw at Keneh.", "\n\n\"Dancing follows singing, and singing follows dancing, and now and then\na story-teller is introduced for the amusement of those who like them.", "\nSweetmeats and cakes are liberally served, and so are coffee and\nsherbet, which are taken from tiny cups such as we would disdain in our\nown country.", "\n\n\"In addition to these amusements they have cards and checkers, and many\nof the Eastern ladies are said to be very skilful at these games. ", "In\nvarious ways the afternoon or evening is worn away, and, if the affair\nis a specially fine one, a supper is served on a large platter placed on\na stand in the centre of the room. ", "It consists mostly of preserved\nfruits and other dainties, and is not so extensive as the supper at a\nparty of the same sort in America. ", "Nobody is expected to leave until\nsome of the most fashionable or distinguished ladies give the signal.", "\nThe hostess pretends to be very sorry to have them go, but is no doubt\nwishing to herself that they would make haste and leave her alone.", "\n\n\"So much for harem life in Egypt. ", "I'm sorry I can't tell more about it,\nbut all my information must come from somebody else, and therefore you\nmust consider it second-hand. ", "The condition of women in the East is\nimproving, but it is yet far behind that of Europe and America. ", "The\nprogress is more rapid in Egypt than in Turkey and other Moslem lands,\nand the example of the rulers of this country in establishing schools\nfor girls will have an effect in the right direction. ", "But it will take a\nlong time to overcome the prejudices that exist in consequence of the\nreligion of the East, not only among the men but among the women\nthemselves. ", "Many of the Egyptian and Turkish ladies have told their\nforeign visitors that they would not desire to change places with them:\nthey enjoy their life of indolence and seclusion, as it gives them a\nfeeling of protection they would not have if the customs of Europe\nprevailed among them.\"", "\n\nEsneh was the first stopping-place above Luxor, and the object of\ninterest was a temple partly cleared out and partly covered by the\nhouses of the town. ", "The only part to be seen was the portico, which was\nreached by a flight of steps descending to it. ", "Nobody knows the extent\nof the temple, as it was covered for many hundred years with heaps of\nrubbish. ", "The attempts to clear it out were made quite recently, but\nenough has not been excavated to give even the outline of the original\nedifice.", "\n\n[Illustration: SCULPTURES MUTILATED BY THE PERSIANS.]", "\n\nThe boys observed here, as they had already done at Luxor and other\nplaces, that the sculptures were frequently injured by the destruction\nof the faces of the figures that had been engraved with so much care.", "\nThey asked the Doctor how this was done, and he thus explained it:\n\n\"The Persians,\" said he, \"had a great objection to seeing figures on the\nwalls of the temples, and when they overran Egypt they mutilated them in\nthe way you perceive. ", "Happily the sculptures were so numerous that they\ndid not have sufficient time to destroy them all, or even a goodly\nportion of them.", "\n\n\"The early Christians, in their zeal for removing the evidences of\npaganism, continued the work which the Persians began. ", "In some instances\nthey plastered the figures over so as to conceal them, and thus\nunintentionally caused them to be preserved. ", "Where the plaster is\nremoved the figures are found in excellent condition.\"", "\n\nIt did not require a long time for the visit to the Temple of Esneh, as\nthe curiosity of the travellers concerning Egyptian temples had\nsomewhat diminished since their stay at Thebes, and the many\nexplorations they had made. ", "After seeing the temple they strolled\nthrough the town, and listened to the songs of a group of Arabs at the\n_cafés_ which line the bank of the river near the landing-place.", "\n\nJust as the whistle of the steamer gave the signal for continuing the\njourney, Frank's attention was attracted by what he pronounced a thing\nof beauty.", "\n\n[Illustration: A THING OF BEAUTY.]", "\n\nIt was not a girl, or a painting, or a temple, or even a scarabæus: it\nwas a mule.", "\n\nBoth the boys pronounced it the handsomest beast of the kind they had\nseen in Egypt, and were sorry their time was so limited they could not\nstudy the animal closely. ", "Its color was pure white, and Fred suggested\nthat the mule was probably kalsomined every morning, and was evidently\ntreated with great care.", "\n\nThe animal was the property of the governor, and his trappings were in\nkeeping with his fine appearance. ", "Some of the travellers regarded the\nsaddle quite as much as they did the animal that carried it. ", "Frank said\nhe could understand why the Arabs are such excellent horsemen, when the\nsaddles are so formed that it is very difficult to throw a rider out of\nthem.", "\n\n[Illustration: VIEW IN THE TEMPLE OF EDFOO.]", "\n\nFrom Esneh to the foot of the first cataract there was no incident of\nimportance. ", "The boat stopped at two or three places where there were\nruined temples, the most interesting being that of Edfoo. ", "It was cleared\nout in 1864 by order of the Egyptian Government, and the rubbish that\nhad been there thousands of years lay piled around it. ", "The rubbish had\ntended to the preservation of the sculptures, and after the clearing was\ncompleted they were found to be in better condition than in most of the\nother temples.", "\n\nThe general plan of the building was much like that of the Temple of\nDenderah, and it was dedicated to the worship of the hawk. ", "In the\nsanctuary is a cage hewn from a single block of granite, which was once\nthe home of the sacred bird, who, no doubt, received the adoration of\nthe faithful much against his will. ", "He would have preferred freedom and\na flock of chickens to the homage of the Egyptians, unless he was unlike\nthe hawks of modern days.", "\n\n[Illustration: HAGAR SILSILIS.]", "\n\nAt Hagar Silsilis, or \"the Rock of the Chain,\" the boat stopped to give\nan opportunity for seeing the quarries, whence great quantities of stone\nwere taken for the construction of the temples at Esneh, Edfoo, Karnak,\nand other places. ", "The excavations where the stones were cut have been\npartly filled by drifting sand, but enough of them remain to show how\nthe work was done. ", "The Nile is here only a little more than a thousand\nfeet wide at its narrowest part, and there is a tradition that when\nancient Egypt was threatened with invasion a chain was stretched across\nthe river to prevent the passage of hostile boats. ", "Frank made a hasty\nsketch of the place, and included in his drawing the column of rock\nwhere the chain is said to have been fastened.", "\n\nThere was once a flourishing town at this place, but at present little\nremains of it; and even the ruins have been so covered with sand that\nthey cannot be readily found. ", "The desert comes down on both sides of the\nriver at Hagar Silsilis, and the fertile land of the Nile disappears\naltogether. ", "To the stranger ascending the river for the first time it\nseems as though he had reached the head of the Nile, and his journey was\nto come suddenly to an end; but a turn of the stream undeceives him, and\nhis eye rests upon a more agreeable scene.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE FOOT OF THE FIRST CATARACT.]", "\n\nOn and on went the boat, and the scenery became more and more\npicturesque as the sandstone formation disappeared and granite took its\nplace. ", "The barren shores of Hagar Silsilis were forgotten in the\nfertility of the soil below Assouan and the brightness of the verdure on\nthe island of Elephantine, which lies at the foot of the first cataract\nof the Nile. ", "The hills around the cataract were crowned with little\nshrines and tombs of Moslem saints, and there was a fringe of barren\nhills directly back of the town in sharp contrast to the fertility of\nthe soil below it. ", "The sun shone brightly on the water, which appeared\nquiet as a lake enclosed in the mountains; the black rocks that rose\nhere and there on the bank of the river seemed to threaten danger to any\nboat that ventured near them, since it was not easy to know what might\nbe concealed below the surface. ", "Beyond Elephantine Island the river was\nbroken and lost, and our friends had no difficulty in comprehending that\nthey were in a part of the Nile quite unlike anything they had seen\nbefore.", "\n\nThe steamer swung sharply around at the foot of the island, and in a few\nminutes was at the landing-place of Assouan, the Syene of the ancients.", "\n\nNot only were our friends among new scenes of rocks and hills, but the\ncrowds of natives that welcomed them were different from any they had\nseen before. ", "It was a mingling of Arabs and Nubians: the former were\nnothing new, but the latter had put in an appearance for the first time.", "\nThey were scantily dressed, their skins were black as ink, and their\nwoolly hair was done up in little ringlets, like pen-holders, and\napparently soaked in grease. ", "The goods they offered for sale were\nostrich feathers, Nubian dresses, arrows, old coins, knives, and kindred\nthings, and they were as shrewd in making bargains as their friends the\nArabs. ", "Whips and canes of the hide of the hippopotamus were liberally\noffered, and nearly every passenger made purchases of these articles.", "\n\nThe hippopotamus whip is called a _courbash_ by the Arabs, and has the\nreputation of being the most cruel whip in the world. ", "It is much like\nthe \"green hide\" that was in use in the Southern States of North America\nduring the days of slavery, and a blow from it is to be dreaded and long\nremembered by man or beast.", "\n\nIt was late in the afternoon when our friends arrived at Assouan, and\nthere was only time to stroll through the bazaars before sunset. ", "Plans\nwere made for an excursion to the island of Philæ on the following day,\nand everybody went early to bed.", "\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER XIX.", "\n\nA CAMEL JOURNEY.--THE ISLAND OF PHILÆ, AND THE FIRST CATARACT OF THE\nNILE.", "\n\n\nFrank and Fred were destined to enjoy a novelty in the way of\ntravelling. ", "They were to make their excursion to the island of Philæ on\nthe backs of camels.", "\n\nIt is about five miles from Assouan to Philæ, and the road is chiefly\nthrough the rocky desert, or along the equally rocky bank of the river.", "\nThe travellers had the choice of camels or donkeys for the journey, and\nthe two youths unhesitatingly decided in favor of the former.", "\n\n\"You can ride almost any time on a donkey,\" said Fred, \"but it isn't\nevery day you can have a camel.\"", "\n\n\"I quite agree with you,\" Frank replied. \"", "We'll have a jolly ride of it,\nand have a good story to tell when we get home.\"", "\n\nThe boys went out before breakfast and found, close to the\nlanding-place, a group of camels waiting for the proposed excursion.", "\nThey were all lying or kneeling on the ground, and the boys walked\naround them with the air of having been familiar with camels all their\nlives. ", "Finally they selected two, and at the suggestion of the drivers\nFrank proceeded to mount his new beast of burden, just to try his\nqualities.", "\n\n\"I began,\" said Frank, afterward, in telling the story to the Doctor--\"I\nbegan by patting the camel on the head, and saying 'good fellow! ", "good\nfellow!' ", "He returned my kindness by trying to bite me, and if I had not\njumped quickly to one side he would have had a good nip at my arm. ", "The\ndriver then stood by his head, and I proceeded to take my seat in the\nsaddle, which resembled a wood-sawyer's 'horse' with a blanket thrown\nacross it.", "\n\n\"As soon as I was in place I seized the front and rear of the saddle;\nthe driver then pulled at the halter, and said something that sounded\nlike '_heyda! ", "heyda!_'", "\n\n\"The camel began to move as though there was a small earthquake under\nhim. ", "There were three motions--a surge backward, a surge forward, and\nthen a backward plunge that brought him to a level.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE SHIP OF THE DESERT.]", "\n\n\"I could not see exactly how it was done; but Fred, who was looking on,\nsaid the camel rose on half his fore-legs, then on all of his hind-legs,\nand lastly on the remaining half of his fore-legs. ", "This will account for\nthe three motions that were required to bring him up standing.\"", "\n\n\"Yes,\" answered the Doctor, \"and he kneels in the reverse way--half the\nfore-legs, all the hind-legs, and then half the fore-legs. ", "He is always\nmade to kneel for receiving his burden or being relieved of it. ", "He makes\na great fuss when he is being loaded, and leads you to suppose that the\nburden placed on him is much more than he can bear. ", "The older the camel\nthe more noise does he make.\"", "\n\n\"He must have thought I weighed a ton at least,\" Frank responded, \"for\nhe began groaning and bellowing as soon as I entered the saddle, and did\nnot stop till he was on his feet. ", "Then he concluded it was no use\nprotesting any more and became quiet.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: BEDOUIN ARABS WITH THEIR CAMEL HERDS.]", "\n\nThe boys did not learn till after the commencement of their journey that\nthe saddles on which they rode were nothing more than pack-saddles for\ntransporting freight around the cataract, and their beasts of burden\nwere the ordinary freight camels, and not those kept exclusively for\nriding. ", "A blanket was thrown over the saddle, but it did not conceal the\ninequalities of it, and long before their return the youths would have\nbeen quite willing to exchange their poetic camels for prosaic donkeys.", "\nThe last mile of Frank's ride was performed on foot, and it would have\nbeen a difficult matter to persuade him to try the excursion over again\nunder similar conditions.", "\n\n[Illustration: CAMELS (FROM AN ASSYRIAN SCULPTURE).]", "\n\nThe regular saddle for camel riding is a sort of dish, in which you sit\nwith your feet crossed around the pommel or hanging over the side. ", "You\ncan have a pair of stirrups attached if you like, for resting the feet,\nand they are by no means to be despised. ", "An excellent plan for a long\njourney is to sling a couple of boxes or a pair of well-stuffed bags\nacross a common pack-saddle, and cover them with mattresses and\nblankets, so as to make a platform about six feet broad; then put up\nyour bed in a roll and fasten it to the back of the saddle, to form a\ncomfortable rest, and with a pair of stirrups fastened to the saddle-bow\nyou can select your own position for riding. ", "If the sun is hot you can\nspread an umbrella; and if you have been fortunate in your selection of\na camel, and his motion is easy, you will find no difficulty in reading\nand even in sleeping, though a nap on the back of a camel is not\naltogether safe.", "\n\nThe camel has a peculiar rocking motion that is a great strain on the\nspine of the inexperienced rider. ", "He does not feel it much till the\nsecond day, and then, as Fred expressed it, he feels as though he had a\nback-bone of glass, or some other brittle substance.", "\n\n[Illustration: A BACTRIAN CAMEL IN GOOD CONDITION.]", "\n\nDuring the first part of the journey each of the boys watched the camel\nof the other, in order to understand the motions of his limbs and to\nobserve the peculiarities of his feet. ", "The Doctor explained that the\nfoot of the camel is wonderfully adapted to travelling over the sands of\nthe desert. ", "It is divided into two lobes, and each lobe is armed with a\nstout claw, like the point of the ox's hoof. ", "The foot is like a great\nsponge, and when placed on the ground it spreads out very wide, but is\nimmediately contracted when raised. ", "It thus presents a broad surface to\nthe sand or mud, and where the ground is steep and slippery it clings\nlike the foot of a fly on a window-pane. ", "The strong claw assists its\nadhesion, and consequently the camel can climb the side of a mountain\nwhich is impassable to a well-shod horse.", "\n\n[Illustration: FOOT AND STOMACH OF THE CAMEL.", "\n\n1, Fore-foot; 2, sole; 3, hind-foot, side; 4, structure of the stomach.]", "\n\nHis nostrils are formed so that he can close them at will to keep out\nthe drifting sand, and his stomach is so contrived that it will hold a\nsupply of water sufficient for six or eight days. ", "There are numerous\ncells or cups in the animal's stomach, and when he has plenty of time\nfor drinking he fills all these cells, and thus accumulates a store for\nfuture use. ", "His scent is very keen, and he can discover water at a great\ndistance, and will sometimes break his halter and rush in search of a\npool or spring of whose existence his master is not aware. ", "He can get\nalong with a very small quantity of food, and can, moreover, lay in a\nsupply for hard times.", "\n\n[Illustration: HEAD OF A CAMEL.]", "\n\nWhen he is not at work, and has good pasturage, the camel becomes fat,\nand his hump is especially round and full--it is a mass of fat; and when\nhe is overworked and poorly fed, as he generally is in the desert, the\nfat goes away from the hump to nourish the rest of the body. ", "This is\nparticularly noticeable of the camels in Asia Minor, where they are in\nvery active use till they get worn to skeletons, and are then turned out\nto rest and recover their fat.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE DROMEDARY REGIMENT OF NAPOLEON I.]\n\nCamels are not unfrequently used by the Egyptian Government for military\npurposes, not only for carrying provisions and other munitions of war,\nbut for mounting troops in regions where it is necessary to make long\nmarches over the desert. ", "Napoleon Bonaparte, during his expedition to\nEgypt in 1798, organized a regiment of this kind, and found it of great\nservice. ", "Officers and men were mounted on camels or dromedaries, and on\none occasion they made a march of ninety miles without halting for food\nor rest. ", "Napoleon was greatly pleased at the success of his scheme, as\nit enabled him to move his men more rapidly than by any other means.", "\n\nIt required some time for the party to set out on the ride from Assouan,\nas there was a good deal of difficulty in getting everybody comfortably\nseated. ", "As we have before stated, Frank and Fred selected their camels\nbefore breakfast, and the Doctor did not take many minutes for making\nhis choice. ", "The three set out in advance of the rest, and proceeded to\nthe quarries that furnished the stone for the obelisks, the coffins of\nthe sacred bulls, and many other things that have become famous in the\nhistory of ancient Egypt.", "\n\nIn the quarries is an obelisk partly finished, but not completely\ndetached from its bed. ", "According to measurements, it would have been\nninety-five feet long and eleven feet square at the base. ", "Nobody can\ntell by what king it was ordered, or why it was never finished and\nremoved. ", "A crack extends across it, but the general belief is that it\nwas made long after the abandonment of the work. ", "A little distance from\nthe quarries is a large coffin which became injured during its removal,\nand was consequently given up.", "\n\nThe stone is of that peculiar red granite known as sienite, and admits\nof a very high polish. ", "In response to a question by one of the youths,\nthe Doctor said that ordinary granite is composed of mica, felspar, and\nquartz, while in sienite there is little or no mica, and its place is\nfilled by hornblende. ", "Sienite is harder than most of the other granites,\nand this quality, combined with its color, causes it to be preferred for\nornamental work. ", "He farther remarked that the rocks around Assouan are\nnot exclusively sienite; on the contrary, they are mostly true granite,\nwith occasional variations of porphyry. ", "Some geologists assert that four\nor five kinds of rock may be found there, and interesting specimens may\nbe gathered for mineralogical cabinets.", "\n\nThe process of quarrying among the ancients was easy to comprehend,\nowing to the unfinished state of the obelisk to which we have referred.", "\nA crevice or trench was cut in the rock, and then wedges of dry wood\nwere driven in; water was applied to the wedges; the wood swelled, and\nfinally its great expansive force caused the rock to split asunder. ", "It\nwas slow work, but generally sure. ", "The same plan is still in use in some\nparts of India, and the stones for the construction of King Solomon's\nTemple at Jerusalem were quarried in the same way.", "\n\nFrom the quarries the ride was continued to the bank of the Nile,\nopposite the island of Philæ. ", "The boys were elated to think they were\nreally in Nubia, a country of which they had read and heard, but\nconsidered so far away that they were not very likely to see it. ", "They\nhad crossed the boundary between Egypt and Nubia, and, by a free use of\ntheir imaginations, found no great difficulty in placing themselves in\nCentral Africa.", "\n\n[Illustration: VIEW OF PHILÆ FROM THE HEAD OF THE CATARACT.]", "\n\nThe approach to Philæ was the occasion of many expressions of\nadmiration, as the scenery was different from any on which their eyes\nhad yet rested. ", "The river is set in an irregular basin of desert hills,\nand their barren sides contrast, in a very marked degree, with the\nwaving palms on the famous isle. ", "The rocks of the cataract serve to\nrender the picture still more fantastic, and as the whole scene bursts\nsuddenly into view, it gives an impression to be long remembered.", "\nRemarkable as the view is from the bank of the Nile, it is still unequal\nto that from the ruins of the temple on the island itself.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE BANK OF THE RIVER BELOW PHILÆ.]", "\n\nWhile waiting for the boat to carry them over to Philæ, Frank and Fred\namused themselves with the antics of the natives in the water. ", "They had\nobserved several short logs on the bank as they arrived, and wondered\nwhat they were for. ", "As soon as they had dismounted the Doctor explained\nthe uses of these pieces of wood.", "\n\n\"They are the ferry-boats of the natives,\" said he, \"and are the common\nproperty of the inhabitants.\"", "\n\nFrank asked what he meant by ferry-boats, and how it was possible to use\na short log for crossing a river.", "\n\n\"Wait a moment and you'll see,\" replied the Doctor. \"", "There's a boy\nmaking ready to launch one.\"", "\n\nA Nubian urchin of ten or twelve years removed his very scanty clothing\nand made it into a bundle, which he placed on the top of his head; then\nhe rolled one of the logs--a stick six feet long and ten inches in\ndiameter--into the river and sprung in after it. ", "Using the log as a\nfloat to support himself, he paddled away, and was soon on the island.", "\n\nOther boys and men followed his example; but, instead of swimming to the\nisland, they remained around the landing-place till the boat started,\nand then they accompanied it. ", "The Doctor told the youths that when a\nnative wishes to cross he makes a bundle of his clothing to tie on his\nhead, and then swims over, leaving the log on the bank for his own or\nsome other person's return. ", "He takes the first log that comes in his\nway, and everybody does likewise. \"", "You see,\" he continued, \"how the logs\nserve as public ferry-boats.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: PHARAOH'S BED AND THE RUINS OF THE TEMPLE.]", "\n\n\"We crossed the river,\" said Frank in his journal, \"in a _kangia_, or\nnative boat, such as we have already described, and as the wind was\nfavorable it was not long in making the passage. ", "We landed just below\nthe ruins of the temple, in what is called 'Pharaoh's bed,' but were\nunable to ascertain if any of the monarchs of that name ever slept\nthere, and, if so, how late they slept. ", "We thought the place a very\npretty one, and Fred wished he could sit down and write some verses\nabout it, as everything around seemed to favor such a performance.", "\nDoctor Bronson says the island of Philæ has been the theme of the poets\nfor many centuries, and farthermore, that a great deal of poetical prose\nhas been composed concerning it. ", "On learning this Fred concluded that he\ncould not improve on what had been done before him, and wisely desisted\nfrom the attempt.", "\n\n\"From the landing-place we went to the ruins of the temple, where we\nspent a couple of hours. ", "The building seems to have been the work of\nseveral architects at different periods, as it is very irregular in\nshape, and the floors are not all on the same level. ", "It is more modern\nthan any of the temples we have yet seen, as none of the dates which\nhave been found upon it are earlier than the thirtieth dynasty, or about\n400 B.C. The propylon towers are sixty feet high, and there is a fine\nview from their top. ", "We climbed up without difficulty, though in some\nplaces the steps are considerably broken. ", "The solidity of the towers has\npreserved them from serious injury.", "\n\n\"The colors on the walls and towers are better preserved than in the\nother temples, and some of them are exceedingly beautiful. ", "At the time\nthe temple was built the lotos flower seems to have been very popular\namong the artists, as it was extensively used in the ornamentation, and\nfor the tops of the pillars that supported the roof of the grand hall.", "\n\n[Illustration: VIEW FROM PHILÆ LOOKING UP THE RIVER.]", "\n\n\"Philæ was one of the most sacred spots known to the ancient Egyptians,\nas it was the resting-place of the god Osiris, to whom they attributed\nthe annual overflow of the Nile, and the consequent fertility of the\nland. ", "There was a fable that his body was deposited beneath the\ncataract, and that once a year he rose and 'troubled the waters' so that\nthe Nile burst its banks, and spread over the land of Egypt, to insure\nan abundant harvest.", "\n\n\"The temple was dedicated to this god, and to his wife and sister Isis.", "\nOn the monuments she has many titles: sometimes she is called 'Mistress\nof Heaven,' at others 'Regent of the Gods,' and at others 'The Eye of\nthe Sun.' ", "Both Isis and Osiris represented the good and beautiful on\nearth, and perhaps it is for this reason that the lovely island was\nchosen as the site of their temple.", "\n\n\"We had an agreeable surprise in two ways: we found the papyrus plant\nrepresented on the walls of the temple, and the guide took us to a spot\nnear the ruins where the papyrus was growing. ", "We had often heard of this\nplant, and longed to see it. ", "You know, probably, that it was the\nsubstance from which the Egyptians made their scrolls, whereon most of\ntheir writing was done, and it is from 'papyrus' that our modern word\n'paper' is derived.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE PAPYRUS JUNGLES OF THE NILE.]", "\n\n\"The plant that we saw was a small one, or rather there was a little\ncluster of small plants growing in a pond among other aquatic products.", "\nIt is uncertain whether the papyrus ever grew naturally in this part of\nEgypt; at all events, it is not easy to find it at present, except where\nit is artificially cultivated. ", "In Abyssinia and farther up the Nile the\npapyrus grows in marshy ground, and sometimes little else can be seen\nfor miles and miles. ", "It has a mass of roots that spread out in the mud,\nand throw up a cluster of stalks from five to ten feet high. ", "The plant\nis a very graceful one, and it is no wonder that the Egyptians made free\nuse of it in their ornamentation.", "\n\n\"In making paper from the papyrus plant the Egyptians used to cut it\ninto thin slices, which they laid side by side, and then covered with\nother slices at right angles to the first. ", "In this form it was slightly\nmoistened and pressed down, and the sheet could be made of any size by\nsimply extending it and connecting the edges. ", "It was used for many other\npurposes than the manufacture of paper: boats, baskets, and boxes were\nmade from the papyrus plant; cordage was spun from the fibres, the pith\nwas eaten as food, a salve was made from the pulp and applied to sores,\nand the roots were burnt as fuel in houses, or fashioned into useful or\nornamental articles. ", "Altogether the papyrus seems to have been nearly as\nuseful to the inhabitants of Egypt three thousand years ago as the\nbamboo is to the native of China and Japan to-day.", "\n\n\"Wherever there was space to scratch or write a name on the walls, we\nfound that previous travellers had not scrupled to convert the Temple of\nPhilæ into an autograph album. ", "Names of those who had come there in the\nlast two hundred years were visible in great numbers; the most prominent\nmemorial of this kind was a tablet recording the occupation of Philæ by\nGeneral Desaix's army at the time Egypt was held by Napoleon I. This\ntablet was defaced by some Englishmen in 1848, but was afterward\nrestored by French visitors, and has since been undisturbed.", "\n\n\"When it was time to leave the island we again entered our boat, and\nwere taken to the cataract. ", "The famous cataract of the Nile is nothing\nmore than a rapid, or rather a succession of rapids, with an aggregate\nfall of not more than fifteen feet. ", "The river divides into a series of\nchannels among the rocks, and boats are taken through these channels\nwithout much trouble, though with a considerable expenditure of time and\nmuscle, with the aid of tow-ropes and Arabs. ", "The Arabs at the cataract\nare about as skilled in rascality as their brethren of the pyramids;\nthey can easily take a boat up in a single day, but manage to consume\nthree or four days in the operation, and extort a great deal of\nbacksheesh for not being longer about it. ", "The descent of the falls takes\nonly a few minutes, as the principal rapid is about two hundred feet\nlong by seventy wide: the water foams and rushes furiously, but with a\nskilful pilot there is no danger. ", "Accidents happen occasionally, but\nthey are almost invariably due to bad management.", "\n\n\"We stood on the bank and saw a dozen Arabs 'shoot the rapids,' which\nthey did on the short logs they use as ferry-boats. ", "It was apparently\ndangerous, and we did not grudge the backsheesh they demanded when the\nshow was over. ", "They slid down very gracefully, and probably the risk was\nno greater for a good swimmer than is the process of coasting downhill\nfor a school-boy. ", "Travellers' tales in the early part of the century\nrepresented the cataract of the Nile to be something like Niagara, when,\nin fact, it is not much worse than a large mill-race. ", "The place is\nrather picturesque, on the whole, and we are very glad to have seen it.", "\n\n\"From Mahatta, a little village at the head of the falls, we returned by\nthe bank of the river to Assouan. ", "Our ascent of the Nile is ended, and\nwe will now turn our faces to the northward.\"", "\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER XX.", "\n\nFROM ASSOUAN TO ALEXANDRIA.--FAREWELL TO EGYPT.", "\n\n\nA part of the next day was passed on the island of Elephantine, opposite\nAssouan. ", "By reference to the books in their possession, Frank and Fred\nlearned that Elephantine was a place of considerable importance two or\nthree thousand years ago, and a large town once stood there. ", "Its ruins\nare now covered by a modern village, whose inhabitants are all Nubians;\nin fact, there are no Arabs living on the island, and it is said that\nElephantine has been the home of none but Nubians from time immemorial.", "\nFrank asked for the elephants, but could not learn that any had ever\nbeen seen there; he concluded that the island received its name from the\nentire absence of the largest of animals, or even of any fossil remains\nof him.", "\n\n[Illustration: AN ANCIENT POULTRY-SHOP.]", "\n\nThere were two temples, or rather their ruins, on the island at the\nbeginning of the present century--but they were destroyed in order that\nthe stone could be utilized for building the houses of Assouan. ", "A\ngate-way of one of them is yet standing, and there are some walls built\nby the Romans, who are said to have made Elephantine a military post.", "\n\nThe Nubians offered Roman coins, polished stones, and other curiosities\nfor sale; the coins were supposed to have been dug up on the island, but\nthere was an appearance of newness about them which revealed their\nfalsity. ", "The quantity of false coins increases year by year, and in many\ninstances the Arabs do not take the trouble to submit them to the\naction of acids, in order to give them an antiquated look. ", "The\nmanufacturers of antiquities in Cairo and Luxor generally manage to make\ntheir goods have an appearance of genuineness; but sometimes the demand\nis unexpectedly great, and they rush off their fabrications in a hurry.", "\nOn several occasions Roman coins were offered to our friends that did\nnot appear to have been out of the mint more than a day or two. ", "One of\nthem bought a copper denarius of the time of the Emperor Hadrian that\nwas bright and fresh as though stamped an hour before; it was so new\nthat the oil used for facilitating its passage through the mint had not\nbeen worn off, and was easily perceptible to the fingers.", "\n\nThe boys regretted their inability to go farther than the first cataract\nof the Nile, and as the steamer headed down the river they gave a\nlonging and lingering look behind them. ", "They were consoled with the\nreflection that they had seen a great deal in their journey from Cairo,\nand were farther relieved when Doctor Bronson informed them that\ncomparatively few travellers ever went beyond the first cataract. \"", "Down\nto within twenty years,\" said he, \"the island of Philæ was the _Ultima\nThule_ of nearly all tourists on the Nile, and any one who had\npenetrated farther was regarded as a sort of Mungo Park or Dr.\nLivingstone. ", "Once in a while somebody went to the second cataract, two\nhundred and forty miles above the first, and on rare occasions an\nEnglishman or other foreigner visited Khartoom, at the junction of the\nBlue and White Nile. ", "Bayard Taylor was one of these adventurous\ntravellers, and he went some distance up the White Nile to the country\nof the Shillook <DW64>s.\n\n\"In 1850,\" he continued, \"very little was known of the Nile beyond the\npoint reached by our enterprising countryman. ", "Exploring parties had been\nup the river considerably beyond the Shillook region, but in most\ninstances the explorers had died while beyond the limits of\ncivilization, or their accounts were insignificant. ", "For a long time it\nwas supposed that the Blue Nile was the principal stream, and as its\nhead-waters had been reached by the famous traveller Bruce, he was\ncredited with the discovery of the sources of the mysterious river. ", "But\nit was afterward found that the White Nile was the longer of the two and\nthe greater in volume, and many lives were sacrificed in the attempt to\nfind its origin. ", "The discovery and exploration of the lakes of Central\nAfrica, where the Nile rises, belongs to our day; and the names of\nBurton, Speke, Grant, Livingstone, Stanley, Baker, Long, and others,\nwill go down in history for solving a mystery which has puzzled the\nworld for centuries.\"", "\n\nOne of the boys asked what they would have seen in case they had been\nable to ascend the Nile a few hundred miles farther?", "\n\n[Illustration: AN ARAB AND HIS CAMEL.]", "\n\n\"That is a difficult question to answer,\" was the Doctor's reply, \"but I\nwill try to meet it. ", "The second cataract is much like the first, and is\na succession of rapids rather than a fall. ", "It is two hundred and forty\nmiles from Assouan to Wady Halfa, a village at the second cataract, and\nthe point where nearly all tourists who go beyond here turn back. ", "On the\nway thither you pass a few ruined temples and other remains of ancient\nEgypt; but there are none of great importance, with the exception of\nAbou Simbel, which ranks next after the pyramids and the temples of\nThebes. ", "There are two temples there hewn in the solid rock, and dating\nfrom the time of Rameses the Great. ", "A good deal of the history of that\nmonarch has been gathered from the sculptures in these temples, and the\ndoor-way of the principal one of them is guarded by a couple of enormous\nstatues that recall the Sitting Colossi of Thebes. ", "They have been\npronounced the finest statues of their size in all Egypt, and certainly\nI do not know of any that can rival them in grandeur and beauty.", "\n\n[Illustration: COLOSSAL HEADS IN FRONT OF THE TEMPLE OF ABOU SIMBEL.]", "\n\n\"These statues were formed by cutting away the solid rock, just as the\nstatues of the temples of Ellora, in India, were made. ", "Like most of the\nroyal statues of Egypt, they represent the king seated on his throne.", "\nThey are partly covered with the sand that has drifted about them, and\nsometimes little more than the heads of the figures are visible. ", "They\nare said to be sixty-six feet high without their pedestals. ", "A friend of\nmine measured the head of one of them, and gave me the following notes:\nLength of the nose, 3 feet 5 inches; height of the forehead, 28 inches;\nwidth of the mouth, 8 feet; length of the ear, 3 feet.", "\n\n\"The head of the statue is twelve feet high, without including the cap\nor crown that covers it. ", "Compare these figures with the measurements of\nthe broken figure of Rameses at the Memnonium, and you will realize the\ngrandeur of the work.", "\n\n[Illustration: PUBLIC SQUARE AT KHARTOOM.]", "\n\n\"The second cataract is more difficult of passage than the first, and\ncan only be accomplished when the Nile is at its full height. ", "Above it\nthe river makes a wide bend, and, as the navigation is difficult, the\nland route to the Upper Nile is preferable. ", "Travellers leave the Nile\nat Korosko, nearly a hundred miles below Wady Halfa, and cross the\ndesert to Khartoom. ", "It is a journey of eight days by camels, and there\nis only one oasis on the route where water can be procured. ", "Khartoom is\na town of considerable size--about twenty thousand inhabitants--and has\na curiously mixed population of Egyptians, Nubians, Turks, Arabs, and\nhalf a dozen other races and tribes. ", "It has a fine trade in ivory,\nostrich feathers, and other products of Central Africa, and formerly was\nthe centre of the slave-trade between Egypt and the regions to the\nsouth. ", "The situation is said to be quite picturesque, as it is on the\nangle between the Blue and White Nile, and the boats from both these\nrivers lie at its banks.", "\n\n\"From Khartoom there is good navigation on the Nile for a long distance,\ntill the _Sudd_, or bank of reeds, is reached. ", "The river is blocked by a\ngreat mass of aquatic plants, which have drifted down and accumulated so\nthat they cover several miles of the course of the stream. ", "Imagine a\nsmall brook in which a load of hay has been overturned, and you have an\nidea of what the Sudd is like.", "\n\n[Illustration: EGYPTIAN SOLDIERS ON CAMELS.]", "\n\n\"Beyond the Sudd the principal town is Gondokoro, in Abyssinia, and as\nwe go farther up the Nile we enter the countries of the savage rulers of\nCentral Africa. ", "You can read about them in the works of Livingstone,\nStanley, and other travellers who have gone there, and then--\"\n\n\"Dinner is ready!\" ", "said one of the stewards, and the description of\nAfrica by the Doctor was indefinitely postponed.", "\n\nThe return voyage to Cairo was quickly made, as the steamer halted but a\nfew times, and then only briefly, at some of the principal points. ", "There\nwas no time for sight-seeing, as all of the visits to temples and tombs\nwere planned for the upward journey. ", "The principal incidents of the trip\nwere a few slight quarrels among the passengers, growing out of the\ngeneral lack of something to do, and a glimpse of a crocodile. ", "Everybody\nhad been on the lookout for crocodiles during the voyage up the river,\nbut none had been seen. ", "The presence of these inhabitants of the Nile\nhad been nearly forgotten, when suddenly one afternoon somebody on deck\ncalled out,\n\n\"Crocodile!\"", "\n\nInstantly there was a rush from seats and lounging places, and those who\nhappened to be in the cabin came out as though a shell had exploded\namong them. ", "Some ran one way and some another, and several went to the\nwrong side of the boat.", "\n\nThe crocodile was lying on a sand-bank two hundred yards or more from\nthe course of the steamer. ", "He was evidently enjoying a sun-bath when\ndisturbed by the sound of the paddle-wheels, and concluded that the\nwisest plan for him to follow was to drop into the water.", "\n\nWhile he remained quiet he could easily have been mistaken for a\nblackened log, but as soon as he was in motion there was no doubt on the\nsubject. ", "Creeping rather than walking, he was soon at the edge of the\nwater, and, without pausing to see what it was that disturbed him, he\ndisappeared beneath the surface of the river.", "\n\nThe Doctor told the boys that many persons made the tour of the Nile\nnowadays without getting a single glimpse of a crocodile below the first\ncataract. ", "Above Assouan crocodiles are more frequent, and beyond\nKhartoom they are so abundant that dozens of them may be counted in a\nsingle day. ", "Thirty years ago they were numerous in the vicinity of\nThebes and Keneh, and it was dangerous to venture into the water lest\nthey might take a notion to a breakfast on humanity. ", "On the upper part\nof the Nile, in the vicinity of Gondokoro, they are large and ferocious,\nand hardly a day passes that they do not carry off a native who has\nincautiously ventured into the river or near its edge.", "\n\nIt is the ambition of every tourist who ascends the Nile in a dahabeeah\nto bring back the skin of at least one crocodile as a trophy. ", "The best\nway of killing this kind of game is to shoot him when he is taking his\nnap on a sand-bank; and if proper caution is observed, and the position\nis favorable, the sportsman may approach within forty or fifty yards\nwithout disturbing his prey. ", "The scales of the reptile are so thick and\nhard that an ordinary rifle-ball glances off as from an iron plate. ", "The\nonly vulnerable point is behind the fore-leg, and a good chance for a\nshot is not always presented.", "\n\nOf late years considerable havoc has been made among crocodiles by means\nof explosive bullets, which burst as they strike and tear a hole in the\ncrocodile, in addition to making a general disturbance internally if the\nproper spot has been reached.", "\n\nA large package of letters was at the hotel in Cairo for our friends,\nand they sat till far into the night perusing and discussing these\nwelcome missives. ", "Everybody at home was well, and there were lots of\ncongratulations for Frank and Fred over the intelligent use they had\nmade of their time, and their interesting accounts of what they had seen\nin their travels. ", "The presents for Mary and Miss Effie were greatly\nadmired by those young ladies as well as by their friends, and one of\nthe letters contained a polite intimation that similar selections in\nfuture would be as cordially welcomed. ", "There was a renewal of the\nsuggestion that the letters and journals of the youths ought to go into\na book. ", "Mrs. Bassett said the village editor had printed all the letters\nin his paper, and they had been so highly praised that he was sure they\nought to be preserved in a more permanent form.", "\n\n\"Well,\" said Fred, \"it seems as though we were to become authors whether\nwe want to or not.\"", "\n\n\"I don't see any harm in it,\" responded his cousin. \"", "Authors may do some\ngood in the world if they make good books, can't they?\"", "\n\n\"Of course they can,\" was the reply; \"and if we become authors we'll try\nto make books that nobody can object to.\"", "\n\n\"I'm afraid you are counting on an impossibility,\" said Doctor Bronson,\nwho had overheard the conversation. \"", "What will please one will not\nplease another, and you can never do your work so that somebody will not\nfind fault with it. ", "And there are some critics who prefer to say\nspiteful things, and will search a book from beginning to end to find\nsomething they can object to. ", "If you ever write a book you must expect\nabuse. ", "Do your work well, satisfy your own conscience, give your book to\nthe public, and leave the result to take care of itself.\"", "\n\nWhen the perusal of the letters was over the youths went to bed and\nslept soundly, despite many dreams of friends at home, mingled with\npyramids, temples, tombs, mummies, Arabs, deserts, valleys, and other\nthings and places that had come under their observation since their\narrival in Cairo. ", "They were up in good time the next morning arranging\nfor speedy departure from the City of the Caliphs, as the Doctor had\ninformed them it was necessary to take the afternoon train for\nAlexandria.", "\n\n\"Here is our plan,\" said the Doctor, as they sat down to breakfast. \"", "We\nwill take the train at noon, and be in Alexandria four hours later; the\ndistance is a hundred and twenty miles, and the train is a fast one. ", "We\nwill have a day in Alexandria, and then take the steamer for Jaffa. ", "From\nJaffa we will go to Jerusalem, and from that city make the tour of the\nHoly Land, arranging our route according to circumstances.\"", "\n\nThe boys were delighted with the proposal, and were ready at the\nappointed time. ", "There were no incidents of consequence in the railway\njourney. ", "The boys looked earnestly at the pyramids and the tall minarets\nof the Mosque of Mohammed Ali as the train bore them away toward the\nsea, and left Cairo behind them. ", "They were bidding farewell to ancient\nEgypt, and we cannot wonder that they had many regrets in so doing.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE BARRAGE OF THE NILE.]", "\n\nThey passed near the \"Barrage,\" an extensive structure which was\nintended for a dam across the Nile to check the overflow of water during\nthe inundation, and retain it till it was wanted for purposes of\nirrigation after the falling of the river. ", "This great work was projected\nand begun during the time of Mohammed Ali, and an immense amount of\nmoney has been expended upon it. ", "It consists of a long line of arches\nacross the river, and the plan was to arrange gates at the openings of\nthe arches, so that the flow of the water could be checked or allowed at\npleasure. ", "It has never been completed: the engineers say there was an\nerror in the original calculations, and if the arches were closed, so as\nto raise the river to the proposed height, the force of water would\nsweep away the entire structure.", "\n\nThe Barrage has been partially utilized, and it is said that the\ngovernment contemplates its completion by strengthening the work, so\nthat it will retain the water as desired. ", "There is no doubt that it\nwould be of great advantage to Lower Egypt, as it would largely increase\nits productiveness. ", "There is a story that Abbas Pacha once suggested to\na French engineer to pull down the pyramids and use the material for\nconstructing the Barrage. ", "The engineer was horrified at the idea, as he\nsaid it would cause him to be execrated by the whole world, and his name\nwould go down to posterity covered with disgrace for having destroyed\nthe finest monument of ancient Egypt.", "\n\nOur friends passed through Tantah, a town of considerable importance,\ncontaining many handsome houses, and a palace where the Khedive\noccasionally passes a few days. ", "Three times a year, in the months of\nJanuary, April, and August, a fair is held at Tantah which lasts eight\ndays. ", "Sometimes as many as two hundred thousand people come to this\nfair; their ostensible object is to pray at the tomb of a Moslem saint,\nbut the most of their time is passed in amusements and in trading. ", "There\nis a large business in camels, horses, and general merchandise, and in\nformer times a good many slaves were sold there. ", "All around the town\nthere are tents and booths devoted to singing and to the performances of\njugglers, snake-charmers, and others whose living is derived from the\namusement they furnish to the public.", "\n\nThe train swept along the bank of the Mahmoodieh Canal, which connects\nAlexandria with the Nile; it is fifty miles long and a hundred feet\nwide, and was built in less than a year by order of Mohammed Ali. ", "Two\nhundred and fifty thousand men were employed upon it, and of this number\ntwenty thousand died of hunger, plague, and cholera. ", "For several miles\nthe route of the railway lay through a marsh, and as they neared\nAlexandria our friends caught a glimpse of Lake Mareotis, a shallow body\nof water, whose principal use is to supply the Alexandria market with\nfish.", "\n\n[Illustration: GENERAL VIEW OF ALEXANDRIA.]", "\n\nPompey's Pillar came into view, and so did the domes and minarets of\nAlexandria. ", "There was the usual crowd of porters, guides, and the like\nat the railway-station, and with some difficulty the Doctor and the\nyouths made their way through the dense assemblage, and drove to the\nhotel. ", "The boys found that the streets were paved with large blocks of\nstone, but the pavement was broken in many places, and had much need of\nrepair. ", "In rainy weather there are deep holes filled with mud, and the\nincautious pedestrian runs a great risk of taking an involuntary and\nvery disagreeable bath.", "\n\nThe morning after their arrival the party started out to see Alexandria\nand engage passage for Jaffa. ", "The passage was secured, and then there\nwas leisure for visiting the points of interest in and around the city.", "\n\n[Illustration: CLEOPATRA'S NEEDLE AT ALEXANDRIA.]", "\n\nThere is comparatively little remaining of the great city of Alexandria,\nwhich once contained half a million inhabitants, and boasted of the\nfinest library in the world. ", "The library was burnt, the buildings\ndisappeared, the city dwindled in importance, till at the end of the\nlast century its population was barely six thousand. ", "Since 1798 it has\nbeen steadily reviving, till it now contains nearly a quarter of a\nmillion inhabitants, of whom a fourth are Europeans. ", "It is the\ncommercial capital of Egypt, and the viceroy lives there during the\nsummer. ", "Of its ancient monuments Pompey's Pillar is almost all that can\nbe found. ", "There are some tombs near the city, but they are scarcely\nworth visiting: there were formerly two obelisks near the water's edge,\nbut they have gone, one to England and the other to the United States.", "\nThe latter was removed by Commander H. H. Gorringe, of the United States\nNavy--the cost of the work being paid by Mr. W. H. Vanderbilt--and has\nbeen set up in Central Park, New York. ", "It was famous in history as\nCleopatra's Needle; the obelisk that was taken to England and set up on\nthe bank of the Thames above Waterloo Bridge had been lying prostrate\nfor centuries.", "\n\n[Illustration: POMPEY'S PILLAR.]", "\n\nPompey's Pillar is a single shaft of red granite, seventy feet high and\nabout ten in diameter, standing on a broad base and crowned with a\ncapital, the whole rising a hundred feet from the ground. ", "It is supposed\nthat a statue once stood on the top, and there are some old pictures of\nAlexandria where a statue appears on the pillar.", "\n\nFrank and Fred wanted to climb to the top of the column, but were unable\nto see how they could do so, as there is no ladder or stairway, and the\nshaft is polished like a pane of glass.", "\n\nThe Doctor told them it had been twice ascended in the present\ncentury--once by an enterprising woman, and once by a party of sailors.", "\nIn each case a kite was flown so that it came against the top of the\npillar, then the string was used to draw up a cord, the cord drew up a\nrope, and the rope drew up a ladder. ", "The ascent is easy enough when the\nladder is properly secured, but it trembles so much that a steady head\nand strong hand are requisite to insure safety.", "\n\nAfter seeing the pillar the three visitors wandered through the bazaars,\nwhich repeated, on a small scale, the sights of the bazaars of Cairo.", "\nThey spent an hour or more in the great square in the centre of the\ncity, where there are several rows of shade-trees and some bronze\nstatues, and they visited two or three private gardens, which were very\npretty, and contained rare varieties of plants. ", "They went to the\ncelebrated \"Pharos,\" which is one of the earliest light-houses ever\nknown to mariners, and was built by Ptolemy Philadelphus at enormous\nexpense. ", "It is said to have been a square building of white marble in\nseveral stories, each smaller than the one below it. ", "A winding road led\nto the top, and, according to history, Cleopatra once drove a pair of\nhorses to the summit, and then drove them down again. ", "The name of the\n\"Pharos\" is perpetuated in the French word for light-house (_phare_),\nbut very little of the ancient structure exists to-day. ", "It is still\nmaintained as a light-house, and is a welcome sight to ships seeking the\nharbor of Alexandria.", "\n\nAt an early hour the next morning a procession left the door of the\nhotel and proceeded in the direction of the harbor. ", "It was composed as\nfollows:\n\nFrank Bassett and Fred Bronson mounted on donkeys, and attended by the\ndrivers of the little beasts.", "\n\nDoctor Bronson similarly mounted and escorted.", "\n\nA servant from the hotel superintending the transportation of the\nbaggage of the trio on the backs of a couple of Arab porters.", "\n\nA miscellaneous array of beggars, peddlers, and their kindred, shouting\nfor backsheesh.", "\n\nThere were at least twenty individuals in the party, not counting the\ndonkeys; but a good many of the beggars dropped off after a few dozen\nyards. ", "Their places were taken by others, so that there was no material\nloss of numbers on arrival at the landing, where the baggage was placed\nin a boat, after a gift of a couple of francs to a customs official, to\nsave it from inspection. ", "From the shore to the boat was a short journey,\nand any possible monotony was prevented by the boatmen. ", "They had made a\nbargain to carry our three friends on board the steamer for five francs;\nabout half-way they stopped rowing and demanded ten francs, which were\nrefused.", "\n\nThen the fellows turned, and threatened to row to the shore again, but\nthe Doctor prevented this performance by proposing to hand them over to\nthe police. ", "They did not proceed until he rose to his feet and shouted\nfor the police-boat, and then they concluded it was best to do as they\nhad agreed. ", "The boatmen of Alexandria are worse than those of any other\nport of the Mediterranean, and it is a disgrace to the Egyptian\nGovernment that they are allowed to continue their practices.", "\n\n[Illustration: VIEW OF ALEXANDRIA FROM THE SEA.]", "\n\nAnd now behold our friends safely on board the French steamer. ", "The smoke\npours from her funnels, the anchor is lifted, the engine throbs, the\nscrew revolves, churning the water into foam--the entrance of the harbor\nis passed, the shore fades from sight, and Egypt is left behind.", "\n\n_Bon voyage!_", "\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER XXI.", "\n\nVOYAGE FROM EGYPT TO PALESTINE.--JOURNEY FROM JAFFA TO RAMLEH.", "\n\n\nThe steamer stopped a few hours at Port Said, the northern terminus of\nthe Suez Canal, and the second morning after her departure from\nAlexandria she dropped anchor in front of Jaffa. ", "The time at sea between\nAlexandria and Jaffa is from twenty to thirty hours, according to the\nspeed of the steamer and the state of the weather. ", "There are three\ncompanies--one carrying the French flag, one the Austrian, and one the\nRussian--each making a fortnightly service from Alexandria; and there\nare several irregular lines, so that a traveller may be reasonably sure\nof being able to go from Egypt to the Holy Land every four or five days.", "\nThe French steamers are the best, the Austrian the next in order, and\nthe Russian and the irregular steamers the worst of all.", "\n\nThe steamer that carried our friends anchored about a mile from land,\nand the Doctor explained to the youths that there is no harbor at Jaffa\nwhich a ship can enter. ", "In a calm sea, or when the wind blows from the\nnorth or east, passengers may land or embark with safety; but if a\nwesterly or southerly wind is blowing a landing is impossible. ", "In winter\nthe prevailing wind is from the west, and many a traveller who takes his\nticket for Jaffa in that season has the vexation of being carried past\nthe port, for the simple reason that he cannot be put on shore.", "\n\nFortunately for our friends the sea was perfectly calm when they came to\nanchor, and there was no hinderance to their going on shore. ", "The steamer\nwas quickly surrounded by boats, and a bargain was made with one of them\nfor transportation to land. ", "The strong arms of the Arab boatmen sent the\nlittle craft spinning over the water; the oars rose and fell together as\nthe men kept time by a song that was a trifle monotonous to the ears of\nFrank and Fred. ", "But never mind its monotony; it carried the travellers\nfrom ship to shore, and every moment the walls of Jaffa became more and\nmore distinct through its measured cadence.", "\n\nThey seemed to be heading for some jagged rocks that jutted a little\ndistance from the line of the shore. ", "The sharp eyes of the boys\ndiscovered an opening in the rocks, and when the boat was within a few\nyards of it the men paused in obedience to a signal from the steersman.", "\nThen, watching the rise and fall of the waves, they dashed forward at\nthe proper moment through the opening ten or twelve feet wide, and were\nborne into the smooth water of the little harbor. ", "There is a wider\nentrance farther to the north, but it is rendered dangerous by several\nsunken rocks, and the narrow one is generally used by the boatmen.", "\n\n[Illustration: FRONT OF AN EASTERN SUMMER-HOUSE.]", "\n\n\"This harbor is mentioned several times in Scripture,\" said Doctor\nBronson, while the boatmen were waiting the proper moment to enter. \"", "It\nwas here that Hiram, King of Tyre, sent ships laden with wood from\nLebanon for the use of King Solomon in building his temple at Jerusalem,\nand some of the apostles, when they went out to preach the gospel\nthrough the world, sailed away from Jaffa or Joppa, as it was then\ncalled. ", "According to tradition, the prophet Jonah sailed from Joppa just\nbefore he was swallowed by the whale. ", "And there is another tradition\nthat Andromeda was chained to the rocks at the entrance of the harbor,\nin order that a sea-monster might devour her. ", "The correctness of this\nlatter tradition was maintained until the sixteenth century by the\nexhibition of the chains and rings by which she was held.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: ONE OF THE DRAGOMEN.]", "\n\nDoctor Bronson saved himself a wrangle with the boatmen by putting his\nparty in the care of the _commissionnaire_ of the hotel where he was\ngoing, and asking him to arrange everything. ", "This plan is advisable for\nall travellers arriving at Jaffa, and they are also recommended to pay\nno attention to the dragomen that crowd around them on the ship, and\ndesire to make contracts for accompanying the strangers to Jerusalem.", "\nWait till you get on shore, and don't make a bargain in a hurry.", "\n\nThe _commissionnaire_ attended to the baggage of the party, paid the\ncustomary fees to the boatmen and the officials of the Custom-house, and\nthen escorted the strangers to the Jerusalem Hotel, which is, or was at\nthat time, the best hotel in the place. ", "It is a short distance out of\nthe town, and in the German colony; its proprietor, a German, was the\nvice-consul of the United States of America, and his official position\nenabled him to be of service to travellers from beyond the Atlantic.", "\nThrough his recommendation our friends were joined by three other\nAmericans who wished to make the tour of the Holy Land, and the rate for\na party of six would be less for each person than if it consisted of\nhalf that number, or even four or five.", "\n\nNegotiations were begun immediately. ", "Several contractors wished to be\nengaged, and the choice fell on a Syrian named Ali Solomon, or Solyman,\nwho was strongly recommended both by the consul and by those who had\npreviously employed him. ", "After considerable bargaining the following\nterms were agreed upon:\n\nThe contractor, or dragoman, was to provide all requisites for the\njourney. ", "There were to be three double tents--one for every two\npersons--servants, beds, food, English saddles, horses for riding and\ncarrying the baggage. ", "He was to engage sufficient escort when needed,\nand pay all fees and backsheesh of every kind, except when the party\nvisited churches, convents, and the like. ", "Whenever the party stopped in\nhotels or convents, instead of remaining in camp, he was to pay for\ntheir food and lodging. ", "The horses were to be sound and kind, and if any\nof them became disabled the dragoman was to provide proper substitutes\nfree of extra charge. ", "The party could go where it pleased, change its\nroute as often as it liked, select its own day for leaving any city or\ntown, and, if the contract was closed anywhere but in Jaffa, the\ndragoman was to have a fair allowance for the return journey. ", "In case of\ndispute, the matter could be referred to the American or any other\nconsul at the most convenient point.", "\n\nWhile on the road the food should consist of coffee or tea in the\nmorning, with eggs and bread-and-butter; luncheon at noon, of chicken\nor other cold meat, eggs, bread, cheese, and fruit; and dinner should be\nas good as the hotel dinner. ", "In Jerusalem the party should choose for\nitself the hotel where it would stop.", "\n\nIn consideration of the above, each person of the party was to pay\ntwenty francs, or sixteen English shillings ($4) per day. ", "One-third of\nthe money was to be paid before starting, one-third when the journey was\nhalf over, and the balance on the return to Jaffa, or the discharge of\nthe dragoman at some other point.[6]\n\n[6] The above is the contract, with some slight change of phrases, that\nwas made by the party of six of which the author was a member when he\nvisited the Holy Land. ", "It should be remarked that it was not in the\nheight of the travelling season, and consequently the terms were lower\nthan usual. ", "A party of six or more can generally secure everything as\nabove stated for twenty-five francs (twenty shillings) each person\ndaily. ", "The tourist agencies charge thirty shillings per day, and require\nthe whole amount to be paid in advance, and they generally manage to\nbring in a large bill for \"extras\" at the end of the journey. ", "An\nexcellent form of contract can be found in Baedeker's \"Hand-book for\nPalestine and Syria.\"", "\n\nThere is not much to be seen in Jaffa, and it was decided to start in\nthe afternoon and spend the night at Ramleh, nine miles away. ", "While the\ndragoman went to bring horses for the travellers to ride, our friends\nwent out to \"do\" Jaffa. ", "Dinner was to be served at one o'clock, and they\nwere to be on the road a couple of hours later.", "\n\nThey visited the house of Simon the Tanner--or, rather, one of the\nseveral houses which claim that distinction--mentioned in the New\nTestament (Acts ix. ", "43). ", "It is well to remark here that all through the\nHoly Land the locations of houses, tombs, and other places of scriptural\nor other historic interest, are frequently changed. ", "In regard to the\nhouse of Simon the Tanner, at Jaffa, it is said that its location\ndepends somewhat on the liberality of the owner or tenant toward the\nguides who conduct strangers about the town. ", "The Latin convent is\nclaimed to be on the site of the house, and so is a small mosque near\nthe light-house. ", "The Christian guides generally conduct strangers to the\nformer spot, while the Moslems indicate the latter. ", "There is no reason\nto believe that any part of the original house is in existence.", "\n\n[Illustration: JOPPA.]", "\n\nA walk through the bazaars, a visit to an orange-grove, and a narrow\nescape from being trampled in the mud by a line of camels in a narrow\nstreet, completed the inspection of the ancient Joppa. ", "One of the most\ninteresting features to Frank and Fred were the heaps of oranges piled\nin the market-place. ", "Jaffa is famous all through the Levant for its\noranges, which are an important article of export; and in the season\nwhen they ripen there is a very large trade in this delicious fruit.", "\nOur friends bought a dozen for two or three cents, and pronounced them\nthe finest oranges they had ever seen.", "\n\n[Illustration: A SECOND-CLASS HORSE.]", "\n\nWhen they returned to the hotel they found some forty or more horses\nfrom which they were to make their selection. ", "Half an hour was spent in\ntrying the steeds and the saddles on their backs, and when this\noperation was ended the rejected horses were led away, while the\nselected ones were fastened in front of the hotel at the Doctor's\nsuggestion. ", "Some of the owners wanted to take the horses away, in order\nto feed them before their departure for Ramleh; but the Doctor ended the\ndiscussion by saying that any desired nourishment could be given where\nthe animals were standing.", "\n\n\"It is a common trick,\" said he to the boys, \"to change the horses after\nyou have made your selection. ", "We have picked out good horses, and I\nthink we shall be satisfied with them; these fellows would very likely\nbring us animals of the same color and general appearance, and we should\nfind them vicious, weak, bad in gait, or with some other defects. ", "We\nwill keep our horses directly under our eyes till we are away from here;\nwhen we are once on the road they are not likely to try the substitution\ntrick.\"", "\n\n\"But wouldn't they tell you so, if they had changed the horses?\" ", "said\none of the boys.", "\n\n\"Not a bit of it,\" answered the Doctor, with a laugh. \"", "They would\ndeclare there had been no change whatever; and as we would not be\nfamiliar with the horses after seeing them only once, we would not be\ncertain of the deception till too late to rectify it.\"", "\n\n\"What dreadful story-tellers they must be!\" ", "was the very natural comment\non the Doctor's assertion.", "\n\n\"Yes,\" he responded; \"and do you know how they account for it\nthemselves?\"", "\n\nNeither of the youths had ever heard the explanation, and so the Doctor\ngave it.", "\n\n\"The Arabs say that when the Father of Lies came on earth to distribute\nhis goods he had nine bagfuls. ", "He spread one bag of lies in Europe, and\nthen started for Asia and Africa. ", "He landed in Egypt one evening,\nintending to scatter a bagful over that country and Syria, and then go\non the next day to Asia; but while he slept the Arabs stole all his\nremaining stock, and distributed it among themselves. ", "This accounts for\nthe great difficulty they have in telling the truth.\"", "\n\n\"This propensity among them,\" continued the Doctor, \"is practically\nuniversal, as an Arab who can tell the straightforward truth is very\ndifficult to find. ", "If you ask a question of an Arab, and he has no\ninterest in deceiving you, he may possibly give you the correct answer\nif he happens to know it, though he is by no means sure to do so; if he\ndoes not know the answer, he will give you the first that his\nimagination suggests, and he would be very much surprised if you told\nhim he had done wrong.\"", "\n\nAs soon as dinner was over the travellers arranged their baggage, each\nof them packing what clothing and other things he wanted in a valise or\nbag, and leaving the trunks to be kept till their return, or sent up the\ncoast to Beyroot, according to the instructions they would send from\nJerusalem to the keeper of the hotel. ", "Each of them carried a suit of\nclothing in addition to the one he was wearing--an overcoat, a\nmackintosh, or light rubber coat, for rainy weather, and a limited\nsupply of under-garments, socks, handkerchiefs, and other necessities of\nevery-day life. ", "The dragoman said that almost anything they would want\ncould be bought in Jerusalem, and there was no use in carrying things\nalong simply on the ground that they might possibly be needed. ", "Frank and\nFred remembered the previous injunctions of the Doctor about travelling\nin \"light marching order,\" and reduced their baggage to a very low\ncondition.", "\n\nAll was ready before three o'clock, and they were off for their first\nride in the Holy Land.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE CITY GATE OF JAFFA.]", "\n\nThere was a little restiveness among the horses at starting, and it\nthreatened, at one time, very serious results to the riders of the\nanimals. ", "Evidently they had not been very actively employed for the past\nfew days. ", "The Doctor said their freshness would wear away before they\nhad gone far into the country, and the principal thing to do was to keep\nthem from injuring any of the party or doing harm to themselves. ", "At the\nsuggestion of Ali, Frank and Fred put their horses to a gallop for a\ncouple of miles, and the exercise had a visible effect in reducing the\nliveliness of the steeds.", "\n\nThe boys were well satisfied with their horses, which were full of\nspirit, and very easy under the saddle. ", "Frank said he intended to see if\nhe could not get up a friendship with his horse, but the Doctor told him\nit would be of little use to do so, as the horses of Palestine are\nchanged around so often among tourists that they do not have an\nopportunity for becoming intimately acquainted with any of their riders.", "\nThe youth soon after abandoned the attempt when his horse tried to bite\nhim, and contented himself with treating the animal kindly, and holding\nhim well in check whenever there was any manifestation of temper.", "\n\n[Illustration: WOMEN AT A WELL.]", "\n\nUntil they got clear of the town the road was anything but agreeable,\nas it was paved with mud and otherwise encumbered. ", "Orange groves were\nall around them for quite a distance, and the general aspect of the\nplace was pleasing. ", "They passed near a well where several women were\nengaged in filling their water-jars, after the manner recorded in\nScripture. ", "The boys realized the fidelity of the descriptions they had\nread in their Sunday-school days, and Frank remarked that evidently the\nEast had changed very little in many of its features since the time of\nChrist.", "\n\nFrank thought the dress of the women was very picturesque, and the\nflowing robes reminded him of the outer garments of the women of Japan.", "\nFred said he could understand why the women of Syria had such graceful\nfigures; there could be no stooping or bending forward when one was\ncarrying a jar of water on her head. ", "He thought it would not be a bad\nplan if some of the American schools for young women would adopt the\nplan of having their pupils walk with slight weights on their heads, so\nas to teach them the value of an erect position.", "\n\nFrom Jaffa to Ramleh the country is flat or slightly undulating; most of\nit appears quite fertile, but there are numerous spots so deeply covered\nwith sand that they are unfit for cultivation. ", "There are some villages\nalong or near the road; but, on the whole, the population is quite\nscattered, and the country could support more inhabitants than it has at\npresent.", "\n\nA couple of miles out from Jaffa the party halted a few minutes in order\nto tighten some of the saddle-girths, which had worked loose, and to\narrange a few other matters about the travelling-gear. ", "As the incident\nof the well was fresh in the minds of the youths they spoke of it, and\nthe time of the halt was utilized by the Doctor in a short lecture upon\nthe wells of the Holy Land.", "\n\n\"In most parts of Palestine,\" said he, \"the water is very scarce, and\nthe possession of a spring or permanent stream is a matter of great\nimportance. ", "Fierce fights have occurred for the ownership of springs,\nand sometimes the feuds that have arisen from this cause have lasted\nhundreds of years. ", "The existence of a fine spring has often determined\nthe site of a town or village, and every precaution is exercised to\nprevent the waste of the precious liquid.", "\n\n[Illustration: PUBLIC FOUNTAIN AT JERUSALEM.]", "\n\n\"For public uses the water is made to flow into a fountain, with a stone\ntrough in front of it. ", "The women go to the fountain to fill their jars\nfrom the stream that flows through the stone, and the horses and cattle\nare driven there to drink from the trough. ", "If from any cause the spring\ndries up there is great distress, and if there is no other water in the\nimmediate neighborhood the site of the village or town must be\nabandoned. ", "Many of the ruined towns which we find in Palestine to-day\nwere given to desolation in consequence of the drying up of springs or\nstreams.", "\n\n[Illustration: ONE OF THE WELLS OF BEERSHEBA, WITH ITS\nWATERING-TROUGHS.]", "\n\n\"The scarcity of running water led to the digging of wells, and we find\nthem mentioned in the earliest books of the Bible. ", "There are many wells\nof this sort in the country, and some of them are thousands of years\nold. ", "We read in Genesis of the wells that were dug by Abraham and his\ndescendants, where the flocks were watered. ", "The wells of Beersheba which\nwere made by the servants of Isaac (Gen. xxvi. ", "32, 33) can be seen\nto-day, and the stone watering-troughs from which the flocks drank are\nwhere they have stood for thousands of years. ", "In some of the ancient\nwells there are stone steps leading down to the water, while in others\nthe water was drawn to the surface by means of buckets at the ends of\nropes. ", "The ropes made deep channels in the stone where they rubbed\nagainst it. ", "Some of the wells have been dry for hundreds of years, but\nthe stones that surround them remain undisturbed.", "\n\n[Illustration: INTERIOR OF A CISTERN.]", "\n\n\"Where there are no running streams or springs, and the nature of the\nground does not favor the digging of wells, the people rely upon\ncisterns to supply their wants. ", "A cistern is simply a large excavation\nin the earth or rock; if in the former, it is lined with stone and\ncement to make it water-proof, but if it is hewn in the solid rock no\nsuch precaution is necessary. ", "Water is collected here during the rainy\nseason and treasured up for use in the dry summer. ", "Some of the cisterns\nare of great extent, and will hold water sufficient for great numbers of\npeople during several months. ", "They are found all through the country;\nand even where there is a stream of water the whole year round it is\noften the custom to keep cisterns filled with water, to guard against an\nunusual drought. ", "Some of the cities of the East have vast cisterns\nbeneath them, and if you ever go to Constantinople you will see the\ncistern of 'The Thousand and One Pillars,' which gets its name from the\nnumber of columns that support the roof.", "\n\n[Illustration: CISTERN UNDER THE TEMPLE OF JERUSALEM.]", "\n\n\"There is a cistern under the Temple of Jerusalem,\" continued the\nDoctor, \"that was hewn from the solid rock. ", "Portions of the rock were\nleft standing to form a support for the temple, and they have performed\ntheir work so well that no part has ever given way.\"", "\n\nAs the Doctor paused it was announced that the horses were ready, and in\na few minutes the cavalcade was again in motion.", "\n\nA tower on the right of the road attracted the attention of the youths.", "\nThe Doctor told them it was the station of a watchman, and that it was\nhis duty to guard the fields and vineyards from depredations by men or\nbeasts, and to preserve order along the road.", "\n\n\"There are eighteen of these towers,\" said he, \"between Jaffa and\nJerusalem, about two miles apart, and the men in them are supposed to\nhave control of the road, and to protect travellers from danger. ", "The\nwatch-tower is an institution of the East, and its use dates from a very\nearly period.\"", "\n\n\"Yes,\" replied one of the boys; \"I have read about watch-towers in the\nBible, and we saw in Egypt how watchmen were stationed to guard the\nfields in ancient times the same as they guard them now.\"", "\n\n\"You will find them referred to many times in the Bible,\" was the reply,\n\"and there has been no change in the custom. ", "If you want to refresh your\nmemory on the subject read the fifty-second chapter of Isaiah, and you\nwill find a description that might have been written yesterday instead\nof many centuries ago.\"", "\n\nOver the undulating plain of Sharon our friends continued their journey,\npassing groves of olive and orange trees, fields of grain, and\noccasional stretches of barren ground. ", "In places the route was shaded by\nsycamore and cypress trees, and the fields were protected by hedges of\ncactus. ", "A well-grown hedge of this plant makes an excellent fence, as it\nis impervious to man or beast, and it flourishes admirably in the soil\nof Palestine.", "\n\nFrom the third watch-station the town of Ramleh was visible, with a huge\ntower rising over it. ", "The view was very pretty, as Ramleh is situated in\nthe midst of luxuriant groves and orchards of olives and sycamores\ninterspersed with palm-trees.", "\n\nAs they neared the town one of the horses became restive, and made a\ndash for a cactus hedge. ", "He regretted his imprudence when the sharp\nspines of the plant entered his hide, and stopped so short that he\nnarrowly missed throwing his rider over his head and into the thorny\nbushes. ", "The other horses shared in the excitement, and for a few moments\nthere was a scene of confusion among them. ", "Happily no accident resulted,\nand the party entered Ramleh at a dignified pace.", "\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER XXII.", "\n\nFROM RAMLEH TO JERUSALEM.--THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE.", "\n\n\nAll the dragomans had told the travellers before leaving Jaffa that\nthere was a small hotel at Ramleh, kept by a German, where a dozen or\ntwenty persons could be accommodated, and there were convents of the\nLatin and Russian churches which served as hotels. ", "They might have their\nchoice, provided the place where he first applied was not already full.", "\nThe boys thought it would be more interesting to go to one of the\nconvents than to a hotel, and the rest of the party agreed with them;\naccordingly, it was arranged that they should spend the night either at\nthe Latin or Russian establishment. ", "When they were within a couple of\nmiles of Ramleh Ali rode ahead at a gallop to arrange the matter,\nleaving the travellers to follow more leisurely.", "\n\n[Illustration: A SYRIAN HORSEMAN.]", "\n\nA messenger met them at the entrance of the town with the announcement\nthat they were to put up at the Russian convent. ", "As they rode along the\nDoctor explained to the boys that the \"convents\" were more properly\nhostelries, or hotels for the accommodation of pilgrims on their way to\nand from the holy places of the country. ", "They are sustained by the\nchurches to which they belong. ", "Those who can afford to pay for their\nentertainment are expected to do so, the same as at a hotel: but no bill\nis presented, nor is any payment demanded. ", "Poor pilgrims are received\nfree, but their accommodations are much inferior to those for the\ntraveller with a well-lined purse. ", "The large number of Russians, Greeks,\nand other Christians annually visiting Palestine renders the maintenance\nof these convents a necessity.", "\n\nOur friends found the Russian convent so much like a hotel that they\nwould never have known the difference if they had not been told of it.", "\nThe lower story of the building served as a stable; the second story was\nreached by a flight of steps on the outside, which brought them to an\nopen court surrounded by rooms that greatly resembled the cells of a\nprison. ", "But the rooms were comfortably though plainly furnished, and as\nthe youths were fatigued with their ride, and the other exertions of the\nday, they had no difficulty in sleeping. ", "There was an hour to spare\nbefore supper, and the party went to see the curiosities of the place.", "\nFrank said they would take a walk to get up an appetite, to which Fred\nretorted that he thought the ride was enough to satisfy any reasonable\nbeing on that score.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE TOWER OF RAMLEH (FROM THOMSON'S \"THE LAND AND THE\nBOOK\").]", "\n\nThe principal sight of Ramleh is the Tower, which is visible for quite a\ndistance, and forms a conspicuous landmark. ", "Its history is not\ndefinitely known, but it is supposed to have been originally the tower\nof a Christian church. ", "The church was destroyed by the Moslems, and the\ntower left standing, in order that it might serve as the minaret of the\nmosque erected on the site of the Christian edifice. ", "The Tower is about\na hundred feet high altogether, and its summit can be reached by means\nof steps in the interior. ", "Ivy and other vines give it an appearance of\nage and neglect, and on the top bushes have sprung up from seeds carried\nthere by the birds.", "\n\nDoctor Thomson gives a fine view of this structure in \"The Land and the\nBook,\" and says he was once detained for some time at Ramleh. ", "Nearly\nevery day he ascended to the summit of the Tower, and was enchanted with\nthe view. ", "He wrote as follows in his journal:\n\n\"The view from the top of the Tower is inexpressibly grand. ", "The whole\nplain of Sharon, from the mountains of Judea and Samaria to the sea, and\nfrom the foot of Carmel to the sandy deserts of Philistia, lies spread\nout like an illuminated map. ", "Beautiful as vast, and diversified as\nbeautiful, the eye is fascinated, and the imagination enchanted,\nespecially when the last rays of the setting sun light up the white\nvillages which sit or hang upon the many-shaped declivities of the\nmountains. ", "What a paradise was here when Solomon reigned in Jerusalem,\nand sung of 'the roses of Sharon!'\"", "\n\nOur friends ascended the Tower and found that the description was by no\nmeans overdrawn. ", "The mountains on one side, the undulating ground at\ntheir feet, the plain between them and the waters of the\nMediterranean--all were there, and above them spread the clear blue dome\nof the sky of the East. ", "They lingered till the lengthening shadows told\nthem the sunset was near and it was time to depart.", "\n\nDescending from the Tower, they were shown some vaults beneath the site\nof the mosque that once stood here. ", "According to tradition, these vaults\nwere the sepulchres of many Christian martyrs, and there is reason to\nbelieve that the underground chambers were formerly much more extensive\nthan at present, many of them having been filled up and abandoned.", "\nVarious attempts have been made to identify Ramleh with some of the\nplaces named in sacred history, but none of them have been successful.", "\nSome writers think it was the Arimathea mentioned in the Bible, and the\nmonks claim that the Latin church occupies the site of the house of\nJoseph of Arimathea. ", "The Arab writers say the town was founded in the\neighth century by one of their rulers, and they assert that its name is\npurely Arabic, and without the slightest trace of any other language.", "\nDr. Bronson suggested that it was hardly worth their while to\ninvestigate the origin of Ramleh, and, after looking at the bazaar, and\nstudying the exterior of a few of the principal buildings, they returned\nto the Russian convent, and prepared for a good rest, with the view of\nmaking an early start for Jerusalem in the morning.", "\n\nThey were up long before daybreak--they breakfasted by the light of a\nweak candle--and, just as the sun was preparing to show himself at the\neastern horizon, they mounted their horses, and rode away in the\ndirection of the Holy City.", "\n\nAt the edge of the town they found a row of beggars drawn up at the\nroadside, or, rather, squatted on the ground, and imploring the\ntravellers for charity. ", "Several were blind, and others had lost their\nhands or fingers, and held up the mutilated stumps to attract attention.", "\nThe guide said that some of them were lepers; but the majority had\ncaused their hands to be cut off, or it had been done by their parents,\nin order to fit them for the mendicant profession.", "\n\nFrank gave a small coin to one of the beggars, and immediately all that\ncould walk joined in pursuing the travellers, who only escaped annoyance\nby quickening the speed of their horses. ", "The Doctor said it was one of\nthe misfortunes of thus attempting to be charitable in Syria, that you\nare immediately beset by all the beggars in sight. ", "The one to whom you\nhave made a donation joins in the assault, and clamors for more, and\nsometimes he is more persistent than any of the rest. ", "A traveller is apt\nto have his heart hardened under such circumstances, and, as it is\nimpossible for him to give to everybody, he very soon settles the matter\nby refusing to give at all. ", "The government has suppressed the beggars of\nRamleh by moving them to other localities. ", "The most of them find their\nway back again before long, and the places of those who do not return\nare speedily filled by others.", "\n\n[Illustration: ROAD IN THE FOOT-HILLS.]", "\n\nFor three hours the route was much like that of the day before--though,\nas they approached the mountains, the land was less fertile, and the\nproducts of the plain gave place to those of the higher ground. ", "At\nBab-el-Wady, or the Gate of the Glen, they entered the mountains, and\nleft the low land of Sharon behind them. ", "Occasionally looking back, they\nfound they were steadily rising, as the land lay lower and lower at each\nview, and the shining waters of the Mediterranean occupied a larger\nspace in the horizon. ", "The guide pointed out the ruins of a village which\ntradition asserts was the residence of the thief who became penitent on\nthe cross. ", "The region was once a resort of robbers, and down to the\nbeginning of the present century, and even later, it had a very bad\nreputation. ", "There is a small hotel at the entrance of the valley. ", "The\nguide had arranged that luncheon should be served here, and the result\nof the morning's ride made everybody ready to sit down as soon as the\ntable was prepared.", "\n\nThey were now among the hills of Judea, and during the rest of their\njourney an abundance of historical events were brought to their notice.", "\nJob's Well was pointed out on the right of the road, and beyond it, on\nthe crest of a hill, was a dilapidated building called Job's Monastery.", "\nThe guide called their attention to the village of Abu Gosh, and said\nits modern name was given to it in the early part of the present\ncentury. ", "According to the historians it is identical with Baalah,\nmentioned in Joshua xv. ", "9, and was famous as the place where the Ark of\nthe Covenant was deposited for a long time. ", "There is an old church near\nthe village, but they did not stop to examine it. ", "They were anxious to\nsee the Holy City as soon as possible, and every moment of delay was\nof great importance.", "\n\nThe road was dreary enough as it wound among the rocky hills; it was so\ncrooked in many places that it could only be made out for short\ndistances in advance of the party, and sometimes the hills seemed to\nthreaten to shut them in altogether. ", "Every little while they came upon\nnarrow valleys, where stretches and patches of arable land were utilized\nas much as possible for the production of garden vegetables or for\nminiature plantations of olive-trees. ", "Here and there villages clung to\nthe hill-sides, the houses rising one above another in terraces, and\nsuggesting a series of broad steps on which a giant of the stature of\nGoliath might take a walk.", "\n\n[Illustration: VIEW OF JERUSALEM FROM THE EAST.]", "\n\nAs they wound up one of the ascents the guide said they would see\nJerusalem from the summit. ", "Everybody was in haste for the view, and it\nhappened that Frank and Fred were in advance when the crest of the hill\nwas reached. ", "Frank rose in his stirrups, waved his cap with a loud\nhurrah, and his example was followed by his cousin. ", "As they reached the\ntop of the hill they stopped, and in less than a minute their comrades\nwere with them. ", "All gazed in admiration at the Holy City. ", "There it lay,\nbathed in the sun of Palestine, and crowning the rocky hills where it\nhas stood for many centuries, the wonder of the civilized world and the\ngoal which many a Christian pilgrim has struggled to reach. ", "For several\nminutes not a word was spoken. ", "The towers and walls, the hills of\nIsrael, the domes and minarets, all were there, and recalled the\npictures with which all students of Christianity are familiar.", "\n\nWhen the silence was broken, one of the party repeated the lines of\nTasso which describe the first view of Jerusalem by the Crusaders:\n\n \"Winged is each heart, and winged every heel;\n They fly, yet notice scarce how fast they fly,\n But by the time the dewless meads reveal\n The golden sun ascended in the sky,\n Lo! ", "towered Jerusalem salutes the eye.", "\n A thousand pointing fingers tell the tale--\n 'Jerusalem!' ", "a thousand voices cry;\n 'All hail, Jerusalem!' ", "Hill, down, and dale\n Catch the glad sound, and shout 'Jerusalem, all hail!'\"", "\n\nIt was a ride of less than an hour from the hill-top to the Jaffa gate\nof Jerusalem. ", "They passed the building of the Russian convent and of the\nGreek monastery, but had no care for anything else than the Holy City,\nand to get inside its walls. ", "The gate was open, the Turkish guard did\nnot stop them, and in a few minutes they were at the door of the\nMediterranean Hotel. ", "They were weary with their ride, but the excitement\nof the occasion made the youths forget their fatigue. ", "Frank proposed\nthat they should set out at once for the Temple of Solomon, and he was\nwarmly seconded by Fred. ", "They yielded at once to the suggestion of\nDoctor Bronson that they had better wait till the whole party could go\ntogether, and see the city on a systematic plan.", "\n\nWe will not follow our friends in all their wanderings around Jerusalem,\nbut refer our readers to the accounts which were written by the youths\nfor the benefit of their friends at home. ", "After describing the ride from\nJaffa, the experience on the road, and their arrival at Jerusalem, they\nwrote as follows:\n\n\"Jerusalem disappoints us a little, as we had expected wider and cleaner\nstreets than we find here. ", "We were partly prepared for this, as we have\nbeen in the cities of Egypt, and spent a few hours at Jaffa, but it is\nour candid opinion that Jerusalem is worse than Cairo, Suez, or any\nother city we have visited. ", "The streets are very narrow, the pavement is\nbad, and nobody seems to care whether they are clean or not. ", "Some of\nthe side streets and alleys would do honor to New York, and Doctor\nBronson says they remind him of home more than anything else he has seen\nhere.", "\n\n[Illustration: PLAN OF JERUSALEM.]", "\n\n\"You may think Jerusalem is a large city; if you do you have made a\nmistake. ", "The population is estimated between twenty and twenty-four\nthousand, and the best authorities say it does not exceed the latter\nfigure. ", "The Moslems do not take the census as we do; they count the\nfamilies, and then make an average of the number in each family, and\nthey don't do that very often. ", "On the basis of twenty-four thousand\ninhabitants, they count thirteen thousand Moslems, seven thousand\nChristians, and four thousand Jews. ", "The city was much larger in ancient\ntimes than it is at present. ", "We cannot say exactly when it had its\ngreatest population, as the old writers do not agree; but it was quite\nlikely in the reign of King Solomon. ", "The population at that time has\nbeen placed as high as half a million, but was probably not over half\nthat number. ", "We need not trouble ourselves on the subject, as it is the\nmodern Jerusalem we are looking at now.", "\n\n\"Jerusalem has suffered more from wars than any other city in the world,\nor, at all events, more than any city we have seen. ", "It has been captured\nno less than seventeen times, if we may believe the historians, and some\nof them say that on several occasions the inhabitants have been\nslaughtered, the buildings destroyed, and the ground sown with salt. ", "The\nquestion that comes up to us is, 'Where did they get the salt for that\npurpose?' ", "Most of these terrible events in the history of Jerusalem\noccurred hundreds, and some of them thousands, of years ago. ", "The traces\nof the old walls of Jerusalem are visible in many places, and any\nvisitor can easily satisfy himself that the city was once much larger\nthan it is at present.", "\n\n\"As soon as we had brushed up a little after our ride from Ramleh we\nwent out to see the city and take a stroll through the streets of this\ninteresting place.", "\n\n\"Near the front of the hotel is the Tower of David on Mount Zion, along\nwith several other buildings. ", "There is a good deal of dispute as to the\nantiquity of the tower, and whether it is really the one built by King\nDavid or not. ", "The general belief is that the foundations are the same,\nwhile the superstructure is more modern. ", "The Church of Mount Zion was\nfounded during the fourth century, but has been rebuilt two or three\ntimes, its present form having been given to it four or five hundred\nyears ago. ", "Near the church is a monastery, and its inmates call\nthemselves the Guardians of Mount Zion. ", "A hospital is attached to the\nmonastery, and there is a lodging-house where poor pilgrims are received\nand cared for during their stay in Jerusalem.", "\n\n\"We went down the Street of David, which passes in front of the\nMediterranean Hotel, and leads from the Jaffa Gate to Mount Moriah. ", "We\ntold the guide that we wanted to see the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.", "\nWhen we had gone a short distance on the Street of David we turned to\nthe left into Christ Street, and in a few minutes were in front of the\nchurch that is revered as the burial place of our Saviour.", "\n\n\"There is an open space in front like a little square surrounded by\nbuildings. ", "We were reminded of the money-changers in the Temple as we\napproached the church. ", "The space in front of it was filled with peddlers\nand beggars, principally the former, and there was hardly a moment when\nwe were free from their importunities. ", "The goods offered for sale were\nphotographs, and curiosities from various parts of the Holy Land,\ntogether with rosaries, charms, and similar trifles made from\nolive-wood, the seeds of the olive-tree, or mother-of-pearl. ", "To judge by\nthe numbers of these itinerent merchants they must do a good business\namong the visitors to this sacred spot.", "\n\n\"Wherever we stood to look at the building before us we were surrounded\nby these fellows, and we thought how little the customs of the East have\nchanged since Christ came on earth. ", "The guide said the peddlers paid a\nlicense for the privilege of selling their goods here, and it is more\nthan probable that the beggars have a similar authority for their\nimportunities.", "\n\n\"The church was closed when we arrived, and we learned that it was only\nopen on certain hours of the day. ", "There have been so many quarrels among\nthe monks that the building has been put in the care of a Moslem guard,\nand the key is kept by a Moslem official. ", "There is great jealousy\nbetween the different sects--Latin, Greek, and Armenian--and the Moslems\nhave been obliged to step in to keep the peace! ", "More than once there\nhave been such fierce quarrels that blows have been struck, and blood\nhas been shed within the walls of the church!", "\n\n\"We did not enter the church at that time, but as we visited it\nafterward, and went through all parts of it, we may as well describe it\nwhile we are here.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE.]", "\n\n\"To begin with, there has been a great deal of controversy concerning\nthe spot where the church stands, some authorities contending that it is\nwhere Christ was buried, while others insist that the Golgotha mentioned\nin the Scriptures was a considerable distance outside the walls. ", "There\nare many traditions concerning it, and it would take more time than we\ncan spare to give even a short account of them. ", "So we will drop the\ndiscussion of the question, and tell what we saw. ", "If you want more\ninformation you will find plenty of books on the subject.", "\n\n\"We paid a backsheesh to the Moslem custodians who were stationed at the\nentrance, and one of them accompanied us to see that we did not disturb\nanything, and also in the expectation of a fee when we were through with\nhis services.", "\n\n[Illustration: GROUND-PLAN OF THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE.", "\n\n1. ", "Principal door; 4. ", "Tomb of Godfrey; 5. ", "Tomb of Baldwin; 6. ", "Tomb of\nMelchizedek; 7. ", "Chapel of Adam and John the Baptist; 8. ", "Tomb of Adam;\n11. ", "Place where the Virgin Mary stood while the body was anointed; 13.", "\nChapel of the Angel; 17. ", "Tombs of Joseph and Nicodemus; 19. ", "Greek\n\"Centre of the World;\" 27. ", "Where Christ appeared to Mary Magdalene; 28.", "\nWhere Mary Magdalene stood; 30. ", "Part of the Pillar of Flagellation; 32.", "\nWhere Christ appeared to his Mother after the resurrection; 33. ", "Place of\nthe recognition of the Cross; 35. ", "Place of Christ's bonds; 36. ", "Chapel of\nthe Virgin; 38. ", "Chapel of Longinus the Centurion; 39. ", "Chapel of the\nMocking; 41. ", "Chapel of St. Helena; 42. ", "Chapel of the Penitent Thief; 44.", "\nChapel of the Finding of the Cross.]", "\n\n\"Close to the entrance of the church we came to the Stone of Unction,\nwhere the body of Christ was laid to be anointed (John xix. ", "38-40). ", "It\nis a slab of marble surrounded with an iron railing. ", "The guide said it\nwas above the real stone, in order that the latter might not be injured\nby the thousands of pilgrims that come here, and are frequently desirous\nof carrying away some relic of the place.", "\n\n\"A short distance beyond this place we came to the spot where the Virgin\nMary stood while the Saviour's body lay on the Stone of Unction. ", "We\npaused there only a moment, and then went to the next and greatest\nobject of interest, the Holy Sepulchre.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE HOLY SEPULCHRE.]", "\n\n\"The sepulchre is in the rotunda of the church, which has been\nreconstructed several times, and has changed a good deal in shape since\nthe original building was erected. ", "The sepulchre is a small building,\ntwenty-six feet by eighteen, entirely of marble, and with holes in the\nroof, to allow the escape of the smoke from the lamps which burn here\ncontinually. ", "We first entered what is called the Angel's Chamber. ", "It has\nin the centre a stone set in marble, and the priests in charge of the\nplace say it is the stone that was rolled from the mouth of the\nsepulchre by the angel. ", "It is probable that the stone has been changed\nmany times since the crucifixion. ", "The Armenians claim that they have the\nreal stone in their monastery on Mount Zion, and the Latin monks accuse\nthem of having stolen it.", "\n\n\"The sepulchre is entered from the Angel's Chapel. ", "It is about seven\nfeet square, and has the sepulchral couch at one side covered with a\nmarble slab. ", "The space is so small that we could not all go inside at\nonce, and the rule is that not more than three or four shall be\nadmitted together. ", "The inside of the room is divided among four\nreligious bodies--the Copts, Greeks, Armenians, and Latins. ", "The Copts\nhave four lamps burning there, and the other three sects have each\nthirteen. ", "They take turns in the performance of religious services in\nthe altar, and when they are thus engaged the Moslem guard stands near\nto see that there is no interference.", "\n\n\"We found it was not easy to believe that the sepulchre was hewn in the\nsolid rock, as the monks declare it to have been. ", "Every foot of space is\nso completely covered with marble that no part of the original rock is\nvisible. ", "The marble was placed here hundreds of years ago, when the\ntraditions were more authentic than at present, and perhaps it is not\nworth while to dispute them.", "\n\n\"From the Holy Sepulchre we went to many places of interest to all\nstudents of Christianity; they were so numerous that it was impossible\nto remember all of them, and we went about so rapidly that we did not\neven have time to make a complete list. ", "We therefore refer to our\nguide-book, and will try to give their names, but without pretending to\nfollow the order in which we saw them.", "\n\n\"It seemed very odd to us that so many places mentioned in Scripture\nshould all be found under the roof of a single church. ", "But, whatever may\nbe our opinions concerning their authenticity, they were all very\ninteresting, and we shall long retain the memory of what we saw and\nheard while within the walls of this famous building. ", "We thought we were\nthere not more than half an hour, but found we had passed over two hours\nin the visit: you can see how much we were absorbed in the subject when\nthe time flew away so fast.", "\n\n\"Here are the places and objects that were pointed out:\n\n \"THE CHAPEL OF THE APPARITION, where Christ appeared to his mother\n after the resurrection.", "\n\n \"THE COLUMN OF THE SCOURGING.", "\n\n \"THE LATIN SACRISTY, containing the sword, spurs, and cross of\n Godfrey de Bouillon.", "\n\n \"FRAGMENT OF A COLUMN, said to occupy the centre of the world.", "\n\n \"THE PRISON OF CHRIST, where he was kept while his cross was being\n made ready for the crucifixion.", "\n\n \"CHAPEL OF ST. ", "LONGINUS, the soldier who pierced the side of Christ\n after his death.", "\n\n \"CHAPEL OF THE PARTING OF THE RAIMENT.", "\n\n \"COLUMN OF THE DERISION, where Christ stood when he was crowned\n with thorns.", "\n\n \"CHAPEL OF ST. ", "HELENA, containing the seat where the Empress Helena\n sat while the cross was being sought for. ", "Near it is the Chapel of\n the Finding of the Cross, and the spot is indicated where the cross\n was discovered. ", "The Chapel of St. Helena is reached by descending\n twenty-nine steps from the floor of the church, and the Chapel of\n the Cross is a cavern in the rock, thirteen steps farther down.", "\n\n\"From this spot we ascended to the floor of the church and were taken\nto Golgotha, or Mount Calvary, by an ascent of about fifteen feet.", "\nRemember that everything we have mentioned is under the roof of the\nchurch, or, rather, of the different buildings that have been erected to\nmake up the church. ", "An architect who goes through it can readily\nperceive that the construction was not all of the same period, and that\nseveral men must have planned the various portions. ", "The first chapel on\nMount Calvary was erected by the Emperor Constantine, but it has been\nrebuilt two or three times, so that little if anything remains of it.", "\n\n\"The first chapel we entered in this part of the church was that of the\nRaising of the Cross. ", "They showed us the hole in the rock where the\ncross stood, and about five feet on either side were the crosses of the\ntwo thieves. ", "The cleft in the rock, mentioned in Matt. ", "xxvi. ", "51, was\npointed out in this chapel, and then we went to the next where Christ\nwas nailed to the cross, the positions being indicated by pieces of\nmarble in the floor. ", "Beyond this is the Chapel of the Agony, which is\nreached by a short stairway; it is a small chapel, and belongs to the\nLatin monks, while the Chapel of the Raising of the Cross is the\nproperty of the Greeks.", "\n\n\"Every day when the church is open to the public a good many pilgrims\ncome there to worship at the sepulchre of the founder of Christianity.", "\nAt Easter and other festivals the number is very large, and sometimes\nthe building is densely crowded. ", "For a long time the Moslems used to\nmake all visitors pay heavily for the privilege of entering the church,\nbut of late years they have not been permitted to extort backsheesh. ", "We\nwent there at an hour when the church was closed, and were,\nconsequently, obliged to pay the custodian before the key was produced.", "\n\n\"We did not go to the cistern of the Empress Helena, as it would have\nprolonged our stay somewhat, and our time was limited. ", "While we were in\nthe Chapel of the Finding of the Cross the guide told us the tradition\nof how the Empress Helena, the mother of Constantine, directed the\nexcavation, and was present when the three crosses were unearthed. ", "A\nwoman suffering from an incurable disease was brought and placed upon\ntwo of them without any benefit; as soon as she touched the third she\nrose and walked away in perfect health. ", "By this it was determined which\nwas the true cross, and from that time its fragments have been\ndistributed among the cathedrals and churches of Europe and other\ncountries.\"", "\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER XXIII.", "\n\nIN AND AROUND JERUSALEM.", "\n\n\nWe will continue the account of the sights of Jerusalem, as given by\nFrank and Fred in their journal:\n\n\"One of the first places we asked for after the Church of the Holy\nSepulchre was Mount Zion, which we reached by a short walk. ", "On our way\nwe passed through the Street of the Christians, where there are several\nbazaars; they are much inferior to the bazaars of Cairo, and the display\nof goods does not amount to much. ", "The guide took us to several shops\nwhere carvings of olive-wood are sold. ", "There is a great variety of these\narticles, and some of them are of great beauty and high price. ", "To judge\nby the number and extent of the shops, we should think that the\nprincipal occupation of the inhabitants of Jerusalem is the manufacture\nand sale of wood-carvings.", "\n\n[Illustration: ANCIENT ARCH IN JERUSALEM.]", "\n\n\"We visited the Muristan, or site of the Hospital of the Knights of St.\nJohn, who were also known as the Order of the Hospitallers. ", "There is not\na great deal to see here, as the buildings are mostly in a state of\ndecay, and some of the ground is covered with rubbish accumulated from\nthe ruins. ", "It is said that a monastery was formed here by the Emperor\nCharlemagne; afterward some rich merchants established a church and\nmonastery on the spot, and later on the Hospitallers erected a convent\nwhere pilgrims were received and cared for. ", "Perhaps you would like to\nknow something about the Knights of St. John. ", "We'll tell you what we've\nread and heard about them:\n\n\"The order was founded in the eleventh century, and established on the\nspot we have just visited. ", "There were two hospitals or convents, one for\nmen and one for women; but in the course of time the convent for women\nwas removed to another part of the city, and the ground became the\nexclusive possession of the 'Knights Hospitallers of St. John of\nJerusalem.' ", "That was their official name, and under it they built\nhospitals or convents for pilgrims to the Holy Land in most of the\nseaport cities of Europe and along the Eastern shores of the\nMediterranean.", "\n\n\"They not only took care of the pilgrims, but they joined in wars\nagainst the infidels, and fought on many battle-fields. ", "A great number\nof noblemen from all parts of Europe joined the order, and they had a\nregular constitution and a long list of laws, which all were bound to\nobey. ", "They had a military organization, and did a great deal of\nfighting, but were finally conquered and expelled from Jerusalem; then\nthey went to the Island of Rhodes, where they lived about two hundred\nyears, and were known as the Knights of Rhodes. ", "They were besieged twice\nby the Turks, and were finally compelled to leave that island and go to\nMalta, where they built a strong fortress, and were known as the Knights\nof Malta. ", "The organization practically came to an end in 1798, when\nNapoleon captured Malta and sent away the Grand-master. ", "Since that time\nthere have been several attempts to revive the order, but none have\namounted to anything.", "\n\n[Illustration: ARMS OF JERUSALEM.]", "\n\n\"The costume of the knights was a black dress, with a white cross on the\nleft breast, and you often see the insignia in jewellery and other\nornaments under the name of the 'Cross of Malta.' ", "Since their time the\ncross has been applied to the Crusaders' 'Arms of Jerusalem,' in which\nthere is the Maltese cross with the crowns of the three wise men and the\nstar of Bethlehem below, while there are two branches of the palm-tree\nand the word 'Jerusalem' above. ", "These crosses are for sale here, and not\nunfrequently the pilgrims have the 'Arms of Jerusalem' tattooed on their\nwrists, to prove that they have been in the Holy Land.", "\n\n[Illustration: KNIGHTS OF ST. ", "CATHERINE.]", "\n\n\"Every order of knighthood in the Holy Land had its peculiar costume and\ndevice, and all of them had a patron saint. ", "The Knights of St.\nCatherine, for example, wore on their shields as well as on their\nbreasts a picture of a section of a wheel pierced by a dagger or sword.", "\nThe legend is that St. Catherine was ordered to be put to death by\ntorture on a wheel, but as soon as she was placed on it the wheel was\nmiraculously broken, and the executioner beheaded her. ", "Immediately the\nbody and head were seized by angels and carried to Mount Sinai; its\nlocality was revealed to a monk in a dream, and the next day he and his\nbrethren carried it to a convent that had been established in the\nwilderness near the mountain, and piously buried it. ", "The building has\never since been known as the Convent of St. Catherine, and is of great\nassistance to pilgrims and others who go to Mount Sinai.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE VIA DOLOROSA.]", "\n\n\"We passed along the Via Dolorosa, and were shown the spot where Christ\nrested his cross on his way to the crucifixion on Mount Calvary. ", "Then we\ntraversed the street of the Gate of the Column, and followed the guide\ntill he brought us to the Damascus Gate. ", "We ought to explain right here\nthat there are seven gates in the walls of Jerusalem. ", "The most in use\nare the Damascus and Jaffa gates, for the reason that nearly all\nvisitors to the Holy City enter and depart by one or the other. ", "As their\nnames imply, the Damascus Gate is on the road to the city of that name,\nwhile the Jaffa Gate is the nearest to the Mediterranean. ", "The latter is\nalso called the Hebron Gate, for the reason that travellers to Hebron\ndepart through it.", "\n\n\"There are two gates wholly or partly walled up; they are the Golden\nGate, on Mount Moriah, and the so-called Gate of Herod. ", "The other gates\nof most consequence are St. Stephen's, which is supposed to be near the\nspot where Stephen was stoned to death, and the Zion Gate, which leads\nfrom Mount Zion in the direction of David's tomb.", "\n\n\"To make the circuit of the walls of Jerusalem would require a walk of\nabout two and a half miles, but owing to the nature of the ground a\npedestrian could not keep at all times close to the line he wished to\nfollow. ", "The present walls were made by Sultan Suleiman in 1542, but many\nparts of them were standing before his time, and some of the foundations\nare the same as they were two thousand years ago. ", "Jerusalem has not\nmaterially changed in its general characteristics since the time of\nChrist, and consequently it has not been difficult to identify many of\nthe places mentioned in the Bible.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE DAMASCUS GATE.]", "\n\n\"We thought the Damascus Gate was very picturesque when we looked at it\nfrom the outside, and Doctor Bronson said it was considered the finest\nof all the gates of Jerusalem. ", "Its Arab name is _Bab-el-Amud_, or Gate\nof the Column, and it is constructed so that it can be easily defended\nagainst an enemy. ", "It was built about three hundred years ago, and is\nsupposed to stand on the foundations of one of the ancient gates, and\nthere is a story that a stream of water may sometimes be heard flowing\nbeneath it.", "\n\n\"There was quite a group of people outside of the Damascus Gate, some on\nfoot, some on horses, and others on camels. ", "A peddler of cakes and other\nedible things had set up his shop at the side of the road, and was\nengaged in weighing out his merchandise to those who wanted it. ", "Instead\nof Fairbanks's scales he used the old-fashioned balances; he was not at\nall in a hurry, and as soon as his customers were gone he sat down in\nthe shadow of a little shelter he had erected, and was evidently resting\nfrom his labors. ", "A dog that had been sitting a little distance away\nembraced the opportunity, and made off with one of the cakes before the\nowner could interfere to stop him. ", "The dogs of Jerusalem are quite as\nbad as those of Cairo, and ready to steal whenever there is the least\nchance of doing so.", "\n\n\"We will take a leap through the air from the Damascus Gate to Mount\nZion, which we started out to see. ", "We went to the Armenian monastery,\nwhich is also called the House of Caiaphas, and saw the stone which was\nsaid to have been rolled away from the door of the Holy Sepulchre, the\nspot where Peter stood when he denied his Master, and the yard where the\ncock crew at the time of the denial. ", "The monks also showed us the prison\nof Christ, and other points of interest. ", "Doctor Bronson says the most of\nthese things are on very poor authority, but, of course, we gave no\nindication of any doubt concerning them while we were inside the\nmonastery.", "\n\n\"Continuing our walk on Mount Zion, we came to a building inhabited by a\nlot of insolent Arabs, who demanded backsheesh before they would permit\nus to enter. ", "They showed us an upper room which is said to have been the\nscene of the Last Supper, and the traditions concerning it are on better\nauthority than those of the Armenian monastery. ", "The tomb of David is\nunder this building, but is not shown to visitors; the coffin is\nsupposed to be in a deep vault under the foundations, but no one is\npermitted to go there.", "\n\n\"There is a story that a wealthy Jew came here once and wanted to say\nhis prayers at the tomb of David. ", "The monks, who then had possession of\nthe place, refused permission for him to do so, and as he went away he\nvowed he would be revenged on them. ", "The next year he came back with an\norder from the Sultan expelling the monks and giving the place to the\nMoslems, and they have had it ever since. ", "The Jew said his prayers at\nthe tomb, and then the vault was closed to everybody.", "\n\n\"We saw several other points of interest here, and then returned to the\nhotel. ", "Our next excursion was along the Street of David to Mount Moriah,\nto see the site of Solomon's Temple and what remains of it. ", "Down to\nquite recently no Christians were allowed to visit the Haram, or Sacred\nEnclosure on Mount Moriah, where the temple once stood, and which is now\noccupied by the Mosques of Omar and El-Aksa. ", "Even now it is generally\nnecessary to be accompanied by a policeman, or a janizary from the\nConsulate of your country, to protect you from insult. ", "We had a janizary\nfrom the American Consulate, and experienced no difficulty in seeing\nwhat we wished to, though we were obliged to give quite an amount of\nbacksheesh to get along.", "\n\n[Illustration: VIEW OF THE MOSQUE OF OMAR AND THE MOUNT OF OLIVES.]", "\n\n\"The Haram includes nearly a fourth of the space enclosed in the walls\nof Jerusalem, and the Mosque of Omar rises so high in the air that it is\nthe principal object in any outside view of the city. ", "It is supposed to\nhave been built by Sultan Omar. ", "There is some doubt on the subject, but\nthere can be no doubt that it is a very beautiful building, and the\narchitect knew what he was about when he planned it. ", "The mosque is on\nthe highest part of the hill, and on the thrashing-floor that King David\nbought for fifty shekels of silver; on the inside the rock is preserved\nin its original state and enclosed in a railing. ", "From its position, and\nalso from having the original rock preserved as we have described, the\nbuilding is called the _Kubbet-es-Sukrah_, or Dome of the Rock. ", "It is an\noctagonal structure, and each of the eight sides is sixty-seven feet\nlong.", "\n\n\"Doctor Bronson says this is probably the most interesting spot in the\nworld, as it is revered by the adherents of three religions who have\nregarded it as a holy place through many centuries. ", "The Jews revered it,\nas we learn from the Old Testament, and from many events in modern as\nwell as ancient history; the New Testament tells us its intimate\nconnection with the story of Christ's coming on earth; and the Moslems\nconsider it the holiest place next to the Kaaba at Mecca. ", "They believe\nMohammed came here in person, and at one time commanded his followers\nto turn their faces toward Jerusalem when saying their prayers. ", "It is\nfor this reason that they refused to allow Jews and Christians to visit\nthe temple grounds, just as they will not allow them to go to Mecca at\nthe present time.", "\n\n\"The Haram, or temple enclosure, is about one thousand six hundred feet\nlong by one thousand wide: it is not a regular quadrangle, and\nconsequently this measurement is not exact. ", "There are several buildings\nthere in addition to the two mosques, but none are of much consequence,\nand we did not visit them. ", "We were allowed to walk through the Mosque of\nOmar, and went from there to the Mosque El-Aksa. ", "We were greatly\ninterested in the architecture of the buildings, and quite as much in\nthe story of the guide who accompanied us.", "\n\n\"At the Kubbet-es-Sukrah he pointed out the place where Abraham was\nabout to slay Isaac as a sacrifice, and the spot where the ark of the\ncovenant was deposited, besides other places interesting to readers of\nthe Bible. ", "Then he showed us the footprint of Mohammed, where his foot\nlast touched the earth before he ascended to heaven, and the marks of\nthe hands of the angel who held the rock down to prevent its ascent with\nthe Moslem prophet. ", "In a cavern under the rock he showed the places,\nwhich are marked by small altars, where Abraham, David, Solomon, and\nElijah offered up their prayers, and he pointed to an impression in the\nceiling which is said to have been made by Mohammed's head.", "\n\n\"The Moslems have a great many traditions concerning the rock, and it is\nvery evident that they have allowed their imagination free-play in\ndescribing it. ", "They say the rock was brought here from heaven, and that\na river from Paradise flows beneath it and waters the palm on which it\nrests. ", "They also declare that the trumpet of the last judgment will\nsound from this rock; and one of their stories is that the rock is\nsuspended over a deep abyss without any support. ", "Our guide was a native\nChristian, but it seemed to us that he had told these stories so often\nthat he half believed them, in spite of their opposition to his own\nreligious faith.", "\n\n[Illustration: WALL AT SOUTH-EAST CORNER OF THE TEMPLE AREA.]", "\n\n\"From the buildings above-ground we went to the excavations and\nsubterranean passages beneath. ", "There was formerly some dispute as to the\nexact position of Solomon's Temple, owing to the difficulty of making\nexplorations; but within the last twenty years many discoveries have\nbeen made, and the work of laying out the exact position of the Temple\nis still going on. ", "The American and English societies engaged in it are\nentirely harmonious, and every year they are throwing new light on\nsubjects of great importance to students of the Bible. ", "They have spent\nlarge amounts of money in excavations among the substructions of the\nTemple, and settled many points of dispute. ", "Anybody who wishes the\ndetails of what has been accomplished is referred to the book of Captain\nWarren on 'The Recovery of Jerusalem,' and to the reports of the\nPalestine Exploration Society.", "\n\n\"Provided with candles and torches, we went among the substructions that\nwere made to level the ground and prepare it for the building of the\nTemple. ", "The arches and pillars would be no discredit to a modern\narchitect, and in some places we saw large blocks that must have\nrequired powerful machinery for their transportation. ", "These underground\nvaults have not all been opened, and their full extent is not yet known.", "\nDuring the time of the Crusaders these vaults were used as stables, and\nthe holes where the halters of the horses were fastened may be seen\nto-day. ", "In some places there are roots of trees that have run a long\ndistance underground in search of water. ", "The trees are evidently of\ngreat age, but we could hardly accept the statement of the guide that\nthey were as old as the Temple itself.", "\n\n\"We returned to the open air after half an hour beneath the Temple, and\nfound that our eyes were dazzled by the sudden flood of light. ", "We\nlooked over the walls into the Valley of Jehoshaphat, and stood almost\nholding our breath as we saw the Mount of Olives, the Garden of\nGethsemane, the Tomb of Absalom, and other objects whose names were\nfamiliar to us all. ", "Below us was the bed of the brook Kedron, but dry\nand dusty as though no brook had ever flowed there. ", "In winter, and after\nheavy rains, it is full of water; but ordinarily there is only a slender\nthread, and it disappears altogether in time of drought.", "\n\n[Illustration: WAILING-PLACE OF THE JEWS.]", "\n\n\"When we were through with our visit to the site of the Temple we went\nto the Wailing-place of the Jews, which is supposed to be part of the\nwall of the original Temple. ", "It is a very solid wall of large stones,\nand has been a sacred spot with the Jews for many hundreds of years.", "\nThey come here from all parts of the earth to weep over the downfall of\ntheir race, and the destruction of the Holy Temple. ", "On Fridays they are\nseen in greatest number; but at almost any time there are several of\nthem standing there with their faces against the wall, reading or\nreciting their prayers in a low, wailing tone.", "\n\n\"We had hoped to see many of them there but were disappointed, as our\nvisit was not on a Friday. ", "There were six or eight in all, and they did\nnot look up when we entered the narrow court on which the wall fronts.", "\nThey were all, to judge from their dress, inhabitants of Jerusalem, and\nnot, as often happens, pilgrims from distant lands. ", "One of the gentlemen\nconnected with the Palestine Exploration Fund told us that he had seen\ntwo or three hundred Jews at the Wailing-place on a single occasion, and\nthat they came from all the countries of Europe. ", "In some places the\nstones have been worn smooth by the kisses of devout lips, and there is\nno doubt that the majority of those who come here to mourn are earnest\nin the expression of their grief.", "\n\n 'Oh, weep for those who wept by Babel's stream,\n Whose shrines are desolate, whose land a dream!", "\n Weep for the harp of Judah's broken spell--\n Mourn--where their God hath dwelt the godless dwell?'", "\n\n\"The Pool of Bethesda is at one end of the Haram enclosure, and, of\ncourse, we paid it a visit. ", "Isn't it curious that there has been a city\nhere all these many centuries in a place where there are no wells?", "\nJerusalem depends altogether upon cisterns and pools for its water, and\nit is said that in the sieges of the city the inhabitants have never\nsuffered for want of water, while the attacking armies have sometimes\nbeen compelled to bring their supplies of it from long distances. ", "Some\nof the cisterns are very large, and hewn in the solid rock, while others\nare built of masonry and lined with cement. ", "They are filled with water\nfrom the roofs during the rainy season, and great care is exercised to\nprevent its being wasted.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE POOL OF BETHESDA.]", "\n\n\"The Pool of Bethesda is oblong in shape, and on one side there are\nsteps leading down to the water, of which there was very little at the\ntime of our visit. ", "The monks say it is the Bethesda of the New\nTestament, and they also call it the Sheep Pool. ", "We looked in vain for\nthe five porches, or arches, and were told that there is a doubt as to\nthis being the real Pool of Bethesda, which some authorities locate at a\ndeep shaft, or cistern, with an intermittent spring at the bottom,\noutside the walls of the Haram.", "\n\n\"Having seen this historic place we naturally asked for the Pool of\nSiloam. ", "The guide said it was outside the walls, and we would see it\nwhen we made the circuit of Jerusalem, which we did.", "\n\n\"We descended to the brook Kedron, in the Valley of Jehoshaphat, which\nwe have already mentioned. ", "The valley is a good deal choked with\nrubbish, which has been accumulating there during many centuries, and\nthe tomb of Absalom is surrounded by a heap of small stones, which have\nbeen thrown there by the Jews. ", "Every Jew who goes by the place thinks he\nshould throw a stone at the tomb, and you can readily understand what\nthe result has been. ", "Doctor Bronson says this is a reversal of the old\nproverb that a continual dropping will wear away stone. ", "The continual\ndropping of pebbles around the tomb of Absalom has heaped up a great\nmass of stone instead of wearing it away.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE POOL OF SILOAM.]", "\n\n\"The Pool of Siloam is in the Valley of Kedron, at the south-eastern\ntermination of Mount Zion, where a little brook joins it, but is not a\npart of the main stream of Kedron. ", "There is no Biblical place around\nJerusalem more clearly identified than this. ", "Doctor Thomson says it is\nbeyond question the pool where the man born blind was sent by Christ to\nwash, in order that he might receive sight. ", "It is mentioned many times\nin history, and its waters are known to flow irregularly. ", "The fact has\nbeen verified by several travellers, and was positively stated by the\nguide who took us there.", "\n\n\"The sides are broken down in several places, and a good deal of rock\nhas fallen in. ", "There is a recess at one corner where steps go down to\nthe bottom, and we found several women descending these steps to bring\nwater from the pool. ", "As we looked from one end of the pool the walls of\nJerusalem formed the background of the picture, and we carried our\nthoughts back to the time when the blind man came from the city to wash\nin the water of Siloam, that he might bear witness to the miracle\nperformed by the Saviour of mankind.", "\n\n\"There is a small village near the pool. ", "Its inhabitants are said to be\nMoslems, and they derive quite a revenue from the backsheesh they extort\nfrom visitors. ", "We did not remain long at the place, as there were many\ninteresting things to be seen in our walk, and our time was precious.", "\n\n[Illustration: QUARRIES UNDER JERUSALEM.]", "\n\n\"We visited several tombs hewn in the solid rock, but they did not seem\nof much consequence when compared with the tombs we had seen in Egypt.", "\nOf more interest were the quarries, which extend a considerable way\nbeneath the city, and are supposed to have furnished the stone from\nwhich the Temple of King Solomon was built.", "\n\n\"We entered them near the Damascus Gate, descending into a hole that\nsloped rapidly downward, and soon found ourselves in what might have\nbeen a chamber of a natural cavern. ", "The marks of the chisels and other\ntools of the workmen were plainly to be seen, and there were pillars of\nrock left standing to support the roof. ", "We must have gone seven or eight\nhundred feet from the entrance before reaching the end, and in many\nplaces the way was so rough that we climbed rather than walked along. ", "At\nthe point farthest from the entrance there is a stone that was evidently\nabandoned when a few hours' additional labor would have detached it. ", "The\nindications are that the process of quarrying stone was the same in\nJerusalem as in Egypt. ", "Wedges of wood were driven into channels and\ngrooves and then swelled, by being wet with water, till their expansive\nforce became too great for the stone to resist.", "\n\n\"Parts of these quarries are directly beneath the city, and they are so\nextensive that some writers have declared that the whole of Jerusalem\nmight be buried in them. ", "There is a tradition that a passage once led\nfrom the Temple to the quarries, but there is good reason to doubt its\nexistence. ", "We wandered about for some time in the quarries, and were\nglad when the guide brought us once more to the light of day.\"", "\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER XXIV.", "\n\nFROM JERUSALEM TO BETHLEHEM.--CHURCH AND GROTTO OF THE NATIVITY.", "\n\n\nOur friends made an excursion to the Mount of Olives, going out of\nJerusalem by St. Stephen's Gate, and descending into the Valley of the\nKedron, which lies between the hill and the city. ", "Going down the hill\nfrom the gate they came in sight of the chapel and tomb of the Virgin, a\nlow and certainly very old building, which is annually visited by great\nnumbers of pilgrims. ", "There are serious doubts as to its authenticity,\nsince it is not mentioned in history till the eighth century, and there\nis no inscription about it to indicate that it was the tomb of the\nMother of Christ.", "\n\nThe first object of interest was the Garden of Gethsemane; and for many\nvisitors it is of more consequence than any other spot in the immediate\nvicinity of Jerusalem, as it is so intimately connected with the final\nscene of the Saviour's life. ", "Frank and Fred could hardly restrain their\nimpatience as they approached it; and we are safe in saying that every\nmember of the little party quickened his steps as he approached the\ngate. ", "But as soon as they were inside all haste was abandoned, and every\nvoice was hushed as each one recalled the incidents of Christ's visits\nto Gethsemane with his disciples, together with the scene of his agony\nand betrayal.[7]\n\n[7] Matt. ", "xxvi. ", "30-56; Mark xiv. ", "26-52; Luke xxii. ", "39-53; John xviii.", "\n1-14.", "\n\n[Illustration: GETHSEMANE.]", "\n\nThere are seven or eight olive-trees in the garden, and the monk in\ncharge of the place points out the spot where Christ prayed, together\nwith that where his apostles slept during the prayer. ", "The \"Grotto of the\nAgony\" is a small cave, and the place where the apostles slept is\nsupposed to be indicated by the marks of their bodies on the stone. ", "The\nmonks claim that the olive-trees are the same that were standing in the\ntime of Christ; they are certainly very old, and some are of great size,\nbut we may well doubt if they have existed nearly two thousand years.", "\nBut there is little question that this is really the original garden;\nbut beyond this fact the statements of the monks should be received\nwith hesitation. ", "The garden belongs to the Latin monks; the Greeks have\nstarted a Garden of Gethsemane of their own farther up the side of the\nMount of Olives, but are cautious about admitting visitors, as the trees\nhave not grown sufficiently large to be passed off as the original ones\nof the beginning of the Christian era.", "\n\n[Illustration: VIEW ON THE MOUNT OF OLIVES.]", "\n\nHere is Frank's memorandum concerning the visit to the Mount of Olives:\n\n\"From the Garden of Gethsemane we ascended the <DW72> by a steep path\nwhich carried us to the summit in fifteen or twenty minutes, or would\nhave done so if we had not stopped several times on the way to look back\nat Jerusalem. ", "The summit of the hill is said to be two hundred and\ntwenty feet above Mount Moriah, and consequently we looked down on the\nHoly City, and had its entire outline before us. ", "We could trace the\ncourse of the brook Kedron, the Valley of Hinnom, the hills of Zion and\nMoriah, the village of Siloam, near the celebrated pool, and directly in\nfront of us lay the Haram enclosure, where once stood the Temple of\nSolomon, but now occupied by the mosques we have already described. ", "To\nthe east, and far below us, were the blue waters of the Dead Sea, with\nthe mountains of Moab bounding the horizon. ", "Owing to the clearness of\nthe atmosphere the Dead Sea appeared close to us, and it seemed not an\nimpossibility to shoot a rifle-ball from where we stood so that it would\nfall upon its surface. ", "The wilderness of Judea, the valley of the\nwinding Jordan, the 'Mountain of Offence,' the 'Hill of Evil Counsel,'\nthe heights of Bethlehem, and other places named in Scripture were\npointed out by the guide. ", "In fact, the view from the Mount of Olives\nincludes so much of which we have read, that it is impossible to recall\neverything without a great effort of memory. ", "For the biblical interest\nof the spot I cannot do better than quote the following:\n\n \"'No name in Scripture calls up associations at once so sacred and\n so pleasing as that of Olivet. ", "The \"Mount\" is so intimately\n connected with the private life of the Saviour that we read of it\n and look at it with feelings of deepest interest and affection.", "\n Here he sat with his disciples, telling them of wondrous events yet\n to come--of the destruction of the Holy City, of the sufferings,\n the persecutions, and the final triumph of his followers (Matt,\n xxiv.); ", "here he related the beautiful parables of the \"Ten Virgins\"\n and the \"Five Talents\" (Matt, xxv.); ", "here he was wont to retire on\n each evening for meditation and prayer, and rest of body, when\n weary and harassed by the labors and trials of the day (Luke xxi.", "\n 37); and here he came on the night of his betrayal to utter that\n wonderful prayer, \"O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup\n pass from me: nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt\" (Matt.", "\n xxvi. ", "39); and when the cup of God's wrath had been drunk, and\n death and the grave conquered, he led his disciples out again over\n Olivet as far as to Bethany, and after a parting blessing ascended\n to heaven (Luke xxiv. ", "50, 51; Acts i. 12).'", "\n\n[Illustration: A SYCAMORE-TREE.]", "\n\n\"The hill is covered in many places with olive-trees, and certainly\nmerits its name. ", "There are also fig, almond, sycamore, and a few other\ntrees familiar to the traveller in Palestine, and every foot of the\nground that will produce anything is carefully cultivated. ", "Several\nchurches have been erected on the summit, the first as early as the\nfourth century, and the last in 1834. ", "We went through the present\nbuilding, which is known as the Church of the Ascension; there is\nnothing remarkable about its architecture, but it is a substantial\nstructure, and will last a long time unless destroyed by invaders, like\nsome of its predecessors. ", "In the centre there is a sort of dome, which\nis known as the Chapel of the Ascension, and is supposed to mark the\nspot where Christ rose to heaven.\"", "\n\nAn entire forenoon was devoted to the visit to the Mount of Olives, and\nin the afternoon the party started for Bethlehem, a ride of less than\ntwo hours.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE ROAD FROM JERUSALEM TO BETHLEHEM.]", "\n\nThey went out by the Jaffa Gate, passing the Hill of Evil Counsel and\nthe Lower Aqueduct, and winding among rocky hills similar to those by\nwhich they had come from Ramleh to the Holy City. ", "They passed the\nconvent of Mar Elyas, but did not stop to visit it, and their attention\nwas constantly absorbed by the ancient and modern monuments scattered\nalong the route. ", "Their first halt was made at the tomb of Rachel, which\nis an insignificant building, with a dome above it, of the general type\nof the better class of tombs in Palestine.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE TOMB OF RACHEL.]", "\n\nThe tradition concerning the tomb of the mother of Benjamin (Gen. xxv.", "\n19) has been well preserved through thirty centuries, and many\ngenerations have worshipped at this spot. ", "It has been revered alike by\nJews, Christians, and Moslems, and the spectacle is not infrequent of\nthe adherents of three religions kneeling in harmony before this\nvenerable structure. ", "During the halt of our friends one of the party\nread aloud from the Bible the story of the death of Rachel. ", "All remained\nsilent, and with uncovered heads, till the touching narrative was ended.", "\n\nFrom the tomb of Rachel the way led over hills and into valleys, and\nfinally climbed the ridge on which Bethlehem stands. ", "The situation of\nthe place is quite picturesque. ", "The town stands on a steep hill-side,\nand when looked at from a distance of half a mile or more, it presents\nthe appearance of a series of terraces. ", "The houses are low, and the\nroofs almost invariably flat; in this respect it has the general aspect\nof a Syrian town, and the position on the side of a hill gives an\nopportunity for thorough drainage.", "\n\n[Illustration: ENTRANCE TO BETHLEHEM.]", "\n\nThe most conspicuous building in the picture, as one approaches\nBethlehem, is the monastery connected with the Church of the Nativity,\nand the whole structure appears more like a fortress than a religious\nestablishment. ", "Bethlehem would be of little consequence were it not for\nits biblical interest, as there are no natural or other attractions, and\nthe streets are badly kept. ", "The convent and church remind the stranger\nof the castles on the Rhine and Danube, and with a little play of the\nimagination he may think he is looking at the crags of Drachenfels or\nthe ruins above the Iron Gate. ", "But as he ascends the last of the hills,\nand passes the massive gate-way leading into the streets, he finds that\nBethlehem is not unlike Jaffa, Jerusalem, and the other towns of the\nHoly Land that he has visited.", "\n\nAli had sent the tents ahead in the morning, and when our friends\narrived everything was ready for them. ", "There is no hotel at Bethlehem,\nand consequently travellers must sleep in tents, or be lodged at one of\nthe convents. ", "It was the time of the Christmas festivities, and all the\nconvent accommodation had been secured by pilgrims and others, so that\nthe camp became a necessity for Doctor Bronson's party.", "\n\nThis was the first glimpse of tent life in the Holy Land for Frank and\nFred, and they were delighted with it, but at the same time a trifle\ndisappointed. \"", "I thought we would have to 'rough it' in this country,\"\nsaid Frank, \"but I don't see much rough work in this.\"", "\n\n\"Nor I either,\" replied his cousin, as he examined the tents and their\nequipment. \"", "Just look at it,\" said he, \"and say whether this meets your\nideas of wild life.\"", "\n\nTogether they made an inventory of what was before them. ", "There were\nthree tents for the six travellers, and each tent was large enough for\namply accommodating two persons with space for dressing and moving\nabout. ", "One tent was arranged for a dining-room, and the dinner was\nnearly ready to be served. ", "There was a table large enough for six to be\nseated, and there were camp-chairs for all. ", "Ali explained that after\ndinner was over the table would be removed, and two beds set up, as in\nthe other tents. ", "The height of luxury seemed to be reached when Frank\npointed to the carpet which covered the ground beneath each tent, and\nwas a welcome protection for slippered feet.", "\n\n\"Real beds, chairs, tables, carpets, and all the comforts of a home,\"\nsaid Frank; \"there isn't hardship enough here to make it interesting.\"", "\n\n\"I thought,\" said Fred, \"we might have to sleep on the ground in the\nopen air, or beneath a tent like the shelter of the Bedouin. ", "Then we\ncould eat dates which we gathered ourselves from the trees, or perhaps\nwe could get some of the grapes that we see in the pictures in our\nSunday-school books. ", "Here we are on fare like what we get at the hotel,\nand it isn't wild life at all.\"", "\n\n\"Wait a little,\" said the Doctor, with a smile. \"", "We haven't fairly begun\nyet, and you may see some hard times before you are through with the\ncountry. ", "Quite likely we may have a storm some night, and if it proves\nto be a regular old-fashioned Syrian storm, such as I once saw here,\nyou'll have all you want.\"", "\n\nAli interrupted them to say there would be sufficient time before dinner\nto visit the \"Milk Grotto,\" which was quite near their camp.", "\n\nAccordingly they went there, and found a cavern that was reached by a\nflight of steps from the ground above. ", "The roof is eight or ten feet\nabove the floor, and the room, which is fitted up as a chapel, is about\nten feet by fifteen. ", "The tradition is that the Holy Family was concealed\nhere during its flight into Egypt, and consequently the place is visited\nby most of the Christian pilgrims that come to Bethlehem.", "\n\n[Illustration: VIEW IN BETHLEHEM.]", "\n\nThey returned to the camp to dinner, and then went to the Church of the\nNativity. ", "Every step of the way they were beset by peddlers of ornaments\nmade of olive-wood, mother-of-pearl, and other things, just as they had\nbeen surrounded by the same class of men in Jerusalem. ", "The inhabitants\nof Bethlehem drive a large trade among the pilgrims, and are chiefly\nengaged in the manufacture and sale of souvenirs of the place.", "\n\nThe Church of the Nativity is not of itself a large building, but the\nconvents connected with it, and belonging to the three rival sects of\nGreeks, Latins, and Armenians, cover a broad area. ", "The church measures\nabout a hundred and twenty feet in length by a little less in breadth.", "\nIt is divided by Corinthian columns supporting horizontal architraves in\nsuch a way that the interior consists of a nave and four aisles. ", "It is\none of the oldest churches in the world, as it was erected in the\nbeginning of the fourth century, and, though repaired from time to time,\nit is generally believed to retain its original form and\ncharacteristics.", "\n\nThe building is now in a somewhat dilapidated condition, and the roof,\nwhich has been several times restored, threatens to fall in. ", "At least\nthat was the case when our friends went there, and one of the boys\nasked, very naturally, why it was allowed to be in such a condition,\nwhen it was one of the most venerated churches in all Christendom, and\nthere ought to be no lack of money for its preservation.", "\n\n\"The trouble is,\" the Doctor answered, \"the religious sects are so\njealous of each other that they prevent the repair and preservation of\nthe church. ", "No two of the three sects--Greek, Latin, and Armenian--will\nconsent that the third shall have the honor of repairing it, and they\nwill not agree upon an architect to whom the work can be intrusted\nwithout interference from any of them.", "\n\n\"The church and the grotto of the Nativity, directly beneath it, are\nparcelled out among the three sects. ", "Each has its own altars where\nservices are performed, and there are other altars which are common to\nall, but at different hours. ", "Several times there have been fights in the\nsacred grotto between these rival monks. ", "A few years ago one of the\nsects set fire to some decorations that had been placed in the grotto by\nanother, and the whole place was filled with smoke, and the walls were\ndisfigured.\"", "\n\nOne of the boys asked if there was any bloodshed in this affair.", "\n\n\"Yes,\" was the reply; \"I believe two or three of the monks were killed,\nand others severely wounded. ", "It was necessary to call in the Turkish\nsoldiers to suppress the disturbance, and the hostility among the\nChristians is so great that a guard is kept there constantly to preserve\norder.", "\n\n\"It is said that the Crimean War owed its origin, in part, to a quarrel\nabout the possession of the Church of the Nativity, and on several\noccasions the peace of Europe has been threatened by disputes for a few\nsquare inches of the floor of the sacred grotto!\"", "\n\n[Illustration: INTERIOR OF THE CHURCH OF THE NATIVITY.]", "\n\nDuring the above conversation the party had been walking through the\nchurch, admiring the beauty of the columns that support the roof, and\nlistening to the chanting of the service at one of the altars in the\nside aisles. ", "Pilgrims were kneeling at the shrines, or seated near the\ncolumns, and several monks were moving among them, or guiding strangers\naround the building. ", "The Latin monks were easily distinguished from the\nothers by their shaven heads, which contrasted in a marked degree with\nthe tall hats of the Greeks and Armenians; and the boys observed that\nnone of the rival sects said a word to either of the others. ", "Evidently\nthere was a bitter hatred between them, and although they were all to\nbe considered devout Christians, they did not follow the injunction of\ntheir Master to love one another.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE PLACE OF THE NATIVITY.]", "\n\nThe Doctor explained that there were two stairways descending into the\ngrotto; that on the right being exclusively used by the Greeks and\nArmenians, while the other belonged to the Latins. ", "As their guide was of\nthe Latin Church they descended by the stairway on the left, and soon\nfound themselves in the spot revered throughout all Christendom--the\nplace where the founder of our religion was born.", "\n\nNear the foot of the stairway they came to a niche in the wall of rock,\nand in front of it was a marble slab set in the floor, with a silver\nstar in the centre. ", "On the star was the inscription:\n\n\"HIC DE VIRGINE MARIA JESUS CHRISTUS NATUS EST.\"", "\n\n(\"Here Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary.\")", "\n\nReverentially they gazed at the star--the star of Bethlehem. ", "Pious\npilgrims knelt and kissed it; the monks as they entered bowed low before\nit; voices were hushed, and the air was filled with adoration. ", "The low\nroof, the wall of \"living rock,\" the swinging censers, the glowing\nlamps, all seemed to tell that the place was one of sanctity, and\nearthly thoughts should here give way to those of heaven.", "\n\nOver the star sixteen lamps of silver were burning, and they burn there\nfrom beginning to end of the year, and year after year their light is\nnever allowed to become dim. ", "The quarrels of the factions rage over the\nsilver star; the lamps are parcelled among them--six to the Greeks, and\nfive each to the Armenians and Latins. ", "Over the star is an altar which\nbelongs to them alternately; it is ordinarily kept plain, and is only\ndressed by each sect when its turn comes to possess it.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE MANGER.]", "\n\nIn his next letter to his mother Frank described the visit to the Grotto\nof the Nativity and the church above it. \"", "We first,\" said he, \"looked at\nthe silver star, to which the eyes of the whole Christian world are\nturned, and after several minutes spent in front of it our attention was\ndirected to the Chapel of the Manger. ", "It is a little to the right of the\nplace of the Nativity, and is a recess cut in the rock. ", "The tradition is\nthat Christ was once laid in this manger, and a few feet away from it is\nthe Chapel of the Magi, where the three wise men came to adore him.", "\n\n[Illustration: ADORATION OF THE WISE MEN.]", "\n\n\"The whole grotto is about forty feet by twelve, and the ceiling is ten\nor twelve feet high in most places. ", "There are several passages and\nchambers connected with it; in one of the chambers is the Altar of the\nInnocents, which is supposed to be erected over the spot where the\nchildren slain by order of King Herod were buried. ", "In another chamber\nare the altars and tombs of Jerome and Paula, who founded the Convent of\nthe Nativity; along the sides of the principal grotto there are several\noratories, which are said to correspond to the stalls in the original\nstable where the animals were tied.", "\n\n\"Every inch of the walls of the grotto is covered with richly\nembroidered cloth, and it is difficult to believe that the place was\nhewn from the rock. ", "There are many lamps hanging from the ceiling,\nseveral of them adorned with jewels, and evidently costing a great deal\nof money. ", "They are the gifts of kings and princes, and it is said that\nthere is not room enough in the grotto to display a quarter of the\nsplendid things that are sent here.", "\n\n\"Before we left the grotto we had an opportunity of seeing how the\ndifferent sects regard each other. ", "The Latins were holding a service at\nthe Altar of the Nativity, and while they were engaged at it the\nstairway on the right, which belongs to the Greeks and Armenians, was\ncrowded with the monks of those orders. ", "Their manner was anything but\nreverential; during the service they whispered and laughed, and several\ntimes their laughter was not only visible but audible across the grotto\nto where we stood.", "\n\n\"One thing that jarred heavily on our feelings was the presence of two\nTurkish soldiers with bayonets fixed on their rifles; they belonged to\nthe guard that has charge of the church, and two of them are constantly\non duty in the Grotto of the Nativity, and close to the altar. ", "The rest\nof the company was above in the church, and ready to be called upon at\nany moment to quell a disturbance. ", "While the Latins were holding their\nservice the men on duty were relieved: the tramp of the soldiers down\nthe stairs and along the grotto, together with the clash and clang of\ntheir weapons, sounded strangely with the chant of the monks paying\nhomage to the founder of our religion. ", "Isn't it dreadful to think that\nonly by force can order be maintained in this holy place?\"", "\n\n[Illustration: THE FLIGHT INTO EGYPT.]", "\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER XXV.", "\n\nFROM BETHLEHEM TO MAR SABA AND THE DEAD SEA.", "\n\n\nAnother visit was paid to the Church of the Nativity on the following\nmorning, and then the party took a stroll through the streets of\nBethlehem while the tents and baggage were being packed for removal to\nthe next camping-ground. ", "A little before noon they started for a ride to\nthe Convent of Mar Saba, halting for a few moments to look at the well\nfor whose waters King David longed when he was in the Cave of Adullum.", "\n\nThey stopped at the Grotto of the Shepherds, the place where the keepers\nof the flocks were told of the coming of Christ. ", "Frank and Fred thought\nit a little singular that the shepherds should have been watching in a\ngrotto when their flocks would naturally be above-ground, and they ought\nto be near their flocks. ", "The Doctor said this was the spot where\ntradition asserted that the shepherds were told of the coming of Christ;\nthere was a church and monastery there for several centuries, and it was\nnot until the time of the Crusades that any mention was made of a\ngrotto. ", "The authorities are pretty fairly agreed as to the locality, and\nit is hardly worth our while to make any objections.", "\n\nThe custodian of the place brought the key, and they descended the steps\nleading to the cavern. ", "The place is fitted up as a chapel, and contains\na dozen or more paintings and several fragments of ancient mosaics.", "\nThere are a few broken columns and other remains of the old church, but,\naside from its historical interest, the place is by no means remarkable.", "\n\nThe ride from the grotto to Mar Saba was through a rough region, and in\nsome places the road wound along steep hill-sides, where a false step\nmight have thrown horse and rider hundreds of feet to the bottom of a\nravine. ", "In the valleys, and on many of the <DW72>s, there were fields and\ngardens, but the greater part of the country was a scene of desolation.", "\nThe guide said they were coming into the region of the Bedouins, but\nwould be in no danger until after passing Mar Saba. ", "Even there they were\nentirely safe, as an escort had been engaged who would meet them at the\nconvent, and accompany them the rest of the journey till they returned\nto Jerusalem.", "\n\n[Illustration: AN ARAB ENCAMPMENT.]", "\n\nTurning a sharp bend in the road they came suddenly upon an encampment\nof Bedouins. ", "There were half a dozen tents, none of them more than four\nor five feet high, and anything but comfortable to live in. ", "Frank\nthought their own camp was much to be preferred to the home of these\nwandering Arabs, and he wondered how the natives managed to pass their\nlives there. ", "The Doctor explained that the Bedouins were shepherds, and\nconsequently were obliged to move with their flocks in search of\npasturage; for many centuries they had been wanderers over the land, and\nrefused to live in villages, and, as they had never known the comforts\nof civilization, they did not miss anything.", "\n\nA dozen half-naked children rushed from the tents, and shouted \"hadji!", "\nhadji!\" (", "pilgrims! ", "pilgrims!)--several dogs barked, and there was a good\ndeal of commotion in the camp. ", "Some of the children came to the path in\nfront of the travellers, and demanded backsheesh with an insolent air;\nnobody paid any attention (or money) to them, and as none of the party\nwished to stop among these ill-tempered nomads, the camp was soon left\nbehind. ", "The most dignified of the Bedouins was an old man, apparently\nthe sheik or chief, who sat in front of the tents as immovable as a\nstatue. ", "He was holding his pipe with the bowl resting on the ground and\nriveted his eyes on the travellers, evidently meditating whether it was\nworth his while to demand tribute.", "\n\n[Illustration: A BEDOUIN SHEIK.]", "\n\nFrank took a rapid note of the appearance of the sheik, so that he might\nknow him again: \"A large cloak of gray material, with the sleeves and\nskirt of a white caftan showing beneath it--cloak fastened at the neck\nby a clasp and cord with red tassels, a beard white as snow and not\nclosely trimmed, and a head-dress of a _cafeeah_, or Syrian kerchief,\nheld in place by cords of twisted camel's-hair. ", "A face browned by\nexposure and its natural hue, and a pair of eyes so keen that they might\npierce a hole through a blanket.\" ", "Such was the Bedouin sheik that our\nfriends encountered.", "\n\nOne of the boys asked the Doctor if this was a part of the race of Arabs\nthat made it unsafe for travellers to go through their country.", "\n\n\"Yes,\" answered the Doctor. \"", "I do not know that this particular camp\nindulges in robbery, but the chances are that it does. ", "The Bedouins of\nSyria and Palestine have their own notions about the rules of life, and\nwith the most of them robbery is not incompatible with honesty.\"", "\n\nThe boys laughed at this idea, and then the Doctor explained his\nmeaning.", "\n\n[Illustration: MODERN BEDOUINS OF MOUNT SINAI.]", "\n\n\"You are aware,\" said he, \"that among the Indians of our Western plains\nit is perfectly legitimate and honorable to steal horses; we might come\nnearer home and say that many respectable men in New York and other\ncities do not think they have done anything wrong when they persuade\ntheir friends to buy the stocks or other property that they wish to\nsell. ", "The rules of honesty vary in different parts of the world, and the\nstandard of one country or people will not always answer for another.", "\n\n\"Plundering travellers or tribes weaker than his own has been the\npractice of the Bedouin from time immemorial. ", "He considers it perfectly\nlegitimate, and points with pride to the property he has stolen,\nprovided he is in no danger of being seized for the theft.", "\n\n\"He is always ready to be bought off, provided he can make more in that\nway than by stealing. ", "Sometimes the government lays a heavy hand on him,\nand compels him to abandon his practices; but as these people can always\nflee to the deserts, where regular troops cannot follow, it is very\ndifficult to conquer them. ", "Some of the tribes have never been subdued,\nbut live in perfect independence far away from the cities and towns.", "\n\n\"The Bedouin has the single virtue of hospitality, and a stranger who\nhas been received in his tent is entirely safe so long as he remains\nthere. ", "The Bedouin will protect him and his property, and instances of\nviolation of the rules of hospitality are very rare. ", "But it sometimes\nhappens that he will find out what road his guest intends to travel, and\nthen send his friends forward, or even go himself, to rob and perhaps\nmurder the man who was the night before sleeping safely in his tent.", "\nThere is a superstition among many of the Arab tribes that if they eat\nsalt with a stranger they are forbidden to harm him afterward; from this\ncomes the remark you often hear about two persons having eaten salt\ntogether, and therefore they must be friends.", "\n\n\"The Arabs in this part of Palestine,\" Doctor Bronson continued, \"were\nformerly very bold robbers, and committed many outrages. ", "They have been\nseverely chastised on several occasions, but their evil practices have\nnever been quite broken up. ", "They claim to own the country, and therefore\ninsist on their right to levy toll or tribute from everybody passing\nthrough it. ", "This would not be so bad if the amount of toll was uniform,\nbut their practice has been to take everything the traveller possesses,\neven to his clothing and sometimes his life.", "\n\n\"Of late years the business has been systematized, and the Bedouins have\nmade a compromise with the government, so that any traveller can have a\nsafe-conduct through their country by paying for it. ", "A sheik of the\ntribe with several of his followers lives in Jerusalem; they are kept\nthere as hostages for the good behavior of their brethren in the Valley\nof the Jordan, and before one of them can leave the city another must\ncome there to take his place. ", "In case a traveller under escort is\nrobbed, the sheik must make good his loss.", "\n\n[Illustration: SCENE IN THE WILDERNESS.]", "\n\n\"The price of a safe-conduct to the Jordan and Dead Sea has been fixed\nat five francs for each person of a party, and the guides and servants\nare not to be counted.", "\n\n\"When we came to Jerusalem, Ali went to the sheik and paid him thirty\nfrancs--five francs for each of us--for the safe-conduct for the party.", "\nAn escort of one or two men will meet us at Mar Saba, and go with us the\nrest of the way. ", "He is responsible for our safety, and his presence with\nus indicates that we have paid the proper black-mail, and are therefore\nnot to be molested.", "\n\n[Illustration: AN ARAB GUARD IN PALESTINE.]", "\n\n\"Formerly it was necessary to engage a dozen or more of these fellows to\nact as a guard. ", "It was really another and more expensive form of\nblack-mail, as the men were of no actual use, and would run away if\nattacked, leaving the traveller to his fate. ", "It made no difference to\nthem whether he was killed or not; and as they had usually received a\npart of their pay in advance, it was not worth their while to stay and\ntake the risk of being killed in his defence.", "\n\n\"A great deal of nonsense has been written about the noble character of\nthe Bedouin Arabs, their bravery, scrupulous honor, and other\ncommendable qualities. ", "Of course there are exceptions, and it would be\nstrange indeed if a people numbering many thousands should all be\nrascals. ", "But, taken as a whole, the Bedouins are a race of thieves, and\ntheir few redeeming traits are not sufficient to offset their bad\nqualities.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: MAR SABA (FROM THOMSON'S \"THE LAND AND THE BOOK\").]", "\n\nIt was some time before sunset when they reached the Convent of Mar\nSaba, and found their tents pitched a few hundred yards from the walls\nof the building. ", "Seen from the outside the edifice is more like a\nfortress than a religious establishment, as it has a series of bastions\nand towers, and its walls are thick enough to stand a long siege from\nanything except artillery.", "\n\nDoctor Bronson told the boys that the monastery was founded in the fifth\ncentury by St. Sabas, or Saba, and is therefore among the oldest\nbuildings of the kind in the East. ", "It has an exposed position in the\nwilderness, and has been captured several times and plundered, the last\noccasion being about fifty years ago. ", "In the seventh century it was\ntaken by the Persians, and all the inmates were massacred; but the more\nmodern captors have been satisfied with robbery, and sometimes the sale\nof the monks as slaves.", "\n\nAli had obtained a permit to visit the monastery from the Greek Superior\nat Jerusalem. ", "He told the travellers that they must stop when forty or\nfifty feet from the gate, and wait till the letter had been presented. ", "A\ndozen monks came to the top of the walls and surveyed the party, while\nthe letter was attached to a string and drawn up. ", "The permit proved to\nbe all right, and a small door was opened by which one after another the\nstrangers were taken inside. ", "No Arab is ever admitted under any\npretence, and consequently Ali remained outside while the party was\nconducted through the place by one of the brethren who spoke French.", "\n\n[Illustration: RUSSIAN PILGRIMS IN THE HOLY LAND.]", "\n\nThey saw the cavern where St. Saba lived on friendly terms with a lion,\nthe tomb where he was buried, the church, the bones of the monks killed\nby the Persians, and the rooms occupied by the brethren, and also by\npilgrims from the Jordan on their way to Jerusalem. ", "A tall palm-tree\nbends over the summit of the roof of one of the towers. ", "It is said to\nhave been planted by St. Saba in person, but, whether this be so or not,\nthe tree is certainly of very great age.", "\n\nThere are about sixty monks in the convent, the most of them Russians,\nand all adherents of the Greek Church. ", "They eat nothing but vegetables,\nand fast often, and the result is they are thin and feeble. ", "When not\nengaged at their devotions they employ their time in carving ornaments,\ncrosses, and the like, from olive-wood and mother-of-pearl, which are\nsold to visitors or sent to Jerusalem. ", "No woman is ever permitted to\ncross the threshold of Mar Saba, not even to escape the terrible storms\nwhich ravage the country at certain seasons. ", "Harriet Martineau, Ida\nPfeiffer, and other lady travellers tell how they were denied admission,\nand slept in a tower near the monastery, or in their tents in camp. ", "The\naccommodations of the tower are very limited, and it is entered by a\ndoor which must be reached by a rope-ladder, since it is about twenty\nfeet from the ground.", "\n\nAs our friends completed their visit they gave a couple of francs to the\nbrother who had conducted them through the place. ", "The other brethren had\nspread their wares on the floor of the court-yard, and were waiting for\nthe chance of selling something; but nobody wished to buy. ", "As they gave\nthe money to the monk he asked if it was for himself or the convent.", "\nWhen they said it was for himself he repeated the question in a loud\nvoice, so that his companions could hear it and the answer which\nfollowed. ", "Another franc was then added \"for the convent,\" and\nimmediately each of the monks gathered his possessions from the floor,\nand disappeared into an inner room. ", "The strangers were shown through the\nlittle door, and, after a short stroll among the desolate surroundings\nof the convent, they returned to their camp.", "\n\n[Illustration: ROAD TO THE DEAD SEA.]", "\n\nThe dragoman roused the party before daylight, and by the time the hills\nwere fairly lighted up they were off for the Dead Sea.", "\n\nThey descended to the Valley of the Kedron, which is overlooked by the\ntowers of Mar Saba, and ascended the stream for a short distance to a\nsuitable crossing-place, when they turned to the eastward.", "\n\nAnother encampment of Bedouins was passed, and then another; the road\nlay among hills wilder and more desolate, if possible, than that of the\nday before, and in some places it was so rocky as to be really\ndangerous. ", "On two or three occasions horses fell with their riders, but\nfortunately without doing any serious injury. ", "Frank had his foot jammed\nvery hard against a rock around which he was passing, and the thickness\nof his boot barely saved him from injury. ", "Not a year passes without\naccidents of more or less severity in this part of the way, and our\nfriends heard afterward of broken legs and arms among the tourists of\nthe preceding year. ", "The guides and tourist agencies take great pains to\nconceal these occurrences, and it is only through the consuls or other\ndisinterested persons, apart from the victims and their friends, that\naccidents are ever heard of.", "\n\nThey descended rapidly, and it was apparent to all that the Dead Sea was\nfar below the level of Jerusalem and Bethlehem.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE DEAD SEA FROM THE NORTH.]", "\n\nSuddenly they came to a break in the hills, and before them lay the Dead\nSea, its surface smooth as glass, and reflecting the rays of the sun\nwith dazzling distinctness. ", "On the opposite side were hills as steep as\nthose they were descending, and away to the left was the Valley of the\nJordan, with the famous river winding through it in numberless curves\nand zigzags that were shown by the trees fringing its banks. ", "They were\nlooking on the waste of waters that covers the buried cities of the\nplain. ", "It seemed close at their feet; but as they proceeded they found\nhow deceptive was their vision, as it was yet a long ride before its\nbanks were reached.", "\n\nThe boys were eager to stand upon the shores of this wonderful body of\nwater, and as they rode along Frank refreshed his own memory and that of\nhis cousin by repeating the information he had stored up concerning it.", "\n\n\"It is the lowest body of water in the world,\" said he; \"I mean it is\nnearer the centre of the earth than any other. ", "It is 1310 feet below the\nsurface of the Mediterranean, and 3697 feet lower than Jerusalem, and it\nhas been sounded in a good many places, and found to be of an average\ndepth of 1000 feet.\"", "\n\n\"I have heard all that,\" replied Fred, \"and more too. ", "It is supposed to\ncover what was once a plain, and, according to tradition and the Bible,\nthe cities of Sodom and Gomorrah are under its waters. ", "They were\ndestroyed for the wickedness of their inhabitants, and the only one of\nthem who was saved was Lot.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: MAP OF THE DEAD SEA.]", "\n\n\"You are right,\" responded Frank; \"and the name of the sea in Arabic is\n_Bahr Lut_, or 'Lot's Lake.' ", "Its other names have been the Salt Sea, the\nSea of Asphalt, the Eastern Sea, and the Dead Sea. ", "It is forty-six miles\nlong, and about ten broad at its widest part.\"", "\n\nFarther conversation was prevented by a kicking-match among the horses,\ncausing a commotion that lasted several minutes. ", "As soon as it was ended\nthe ride was resumed, and they reached a sloping stretch of ground\nbetween the hills and the water. ", "There was an Arab encampment not far\nfrom the shore, and the swarthy Bedouins formed a picturesque addition\nto the scene.", "\n\nThe boys were agreeably disappointed to find the shore of the Dead Sea\nthe reverse of desolate; it is true there was not a great deal of\nvegetation, and the little that existed was not of a useful kind.", "\nNevertheless, where they had expected nothing would grow, they found\nplenty of bushes and reeds, which continued up to within a hundred feet\nor so of the water's edge.", "\n\nThey halted and dismounted close to the shore, and Ali brought a cup of\nwater for the travellers to taste. ", "They found it exceedingly bitter, and\none of the boys asked the Doctor the cause of this remarkable flavor.", "\n\n\"The water,\" said he, \"is intensely salt, containing twenty-six per\ncent. ", "of solid matter, which is four per cent. ", "more than Great Salt Lake\nin Utah. ", "Lake Elton, in Russia, is said to contain thirty per cent., ", "and\nif so, it surpasses the Dead Sea, and is the only lake that does.", "\n\n\"The solid elements in the water of the Dead Sea are principally\nchloride of sodium (common salt) and chloride of magnesium, and there is\nmore of the latter than the former. ", "It is the magnesium that gives the\nbitter taste; and the next ingredient is chloride of calcium, which\ngives it an oily feeling that you will perceive when you bathe in it.", "\nThere are half a dozen other ingredients, but they are so small in\nquantity that it is not worth while to mention them.\"", "\n\nThe eyes of the boys brightened at the suggestion of a bath in the Dead\nSea, and they immediately consulted Ali on the subject. ", "The dragoman\nsaid it was easy enough, as they were in no danger of drowning, and\ncould make a dressing, or, rather, an undressing room of the bushes a\nlittle farther along the shore, where they would not be disturbed by the\nArabs.", "\n\nThe vote for a bath was carried almost unanimously. ", "The Doctor was the\nonly one who declined the experiment, and, as he had been there before,\nhe had no curiosity to satisfy.", "\n\n\"Be very careful not to get the water in your eyes,\" he said to the\nyouths, as they entered the sea. \"", "It will not do any serious harm, but\nwill make them smart and burn very disagreeably for hours.\"", "\n\nThey heeded his injunction, and limped over the flinty stones, which\nthreatened to cut their feet at every step. ", "Once in the water they\nexperienced a novel sensation; no effort was needed to keep them above\nthe surface, and they floated very much as corks are seen to float in a\nbasin of ordinary water. ", "Ali tossed an egg to them, and it floated with\nfully a third of its bulk exposed. ", "They could not get their feet more\nthan a few inches below the surface, and they found it more difficult to\nswim than they had supposed, in consequence of the great buoyancy of the\nwater. ", "They could paddle around with the greatest ease, but swimming was\nanother affair.", "\n\nA few minutes of the bath was enough by way of experiment. ", "There was a\ngreat sputtering when Frank happened to get some of the water in his\nmouth. ", "Fred laughed at his cousin's mishap, but immediately wished he\nhad not done so. ", "While in the midst of an audible smile he unexpectedly\nrolled over, and caught more of the bitter waters than he had bargained\nfor. ", "As soon as he could speak he suggested that he had had bath enough,\nand, Frank agreeing with him, they returned to the shore. ", "The rest of\nthe party were there already, and acting on the advice of Ali they dried\nthemselves speedily and vigorously with the towels he held in readiness.", "\n\nUnless removed immediately, the water is apt to cause a prickling and\nburning sensation which continues several hours. ", "It is sure to leave an\noily feeling that is disagreeable but not painful, and does not usually\ndisappear until a fresh-water bath is taken. ", "This may be had in the\nJordan, and is taken by most travellers if time and circumstances\npermit.", "\n\n[Illustration: LYNCH'S EXPEDITION TO THE DEAD SEA.]", "\n\nDuring the bath Ali had spread out the mid-day lunch, and it was eaten\nwith a hearty relish. ", "The Doctor embraced the opportunity to say it was\nnot until 1837 that anybody discovered the Dead Sea to be lower than the\nMediterranean. ", "Some English surveyors ascertained it, and the matter\nattracted so much attention that ten years later an American expedition\nwas sent to survey the Jordan and the Dead Sea; it was commanded by\nLieutenant Lynch, of the United States Navy, and was thoroughly equipped\nfor its work.", "\n\n[Illustration: LYNCH'S LEVELLING PARTY.]", "\n\n\"Lieutenant Lynch,\" said the Doctor, \"landed at the Bay of Acre in\nMarch, 1848, carried his boats on trucks drawn by camels over the\nmountains of Lebanon, and launched them in the Lake of Gennesaret. ", "From\nthis lake the party descended the Jordan to the Dead Sea, spent three\nweeks in a survey of that body of water, and then 'levelled' the route\nto the Mediterranean, in order to settle the question of the relative\nheights. ", "They found that no fish or living thing belongs to the water of\nthe Dead Sea, and all fish from the Mediterranean or the ocean die very\nsoon after being placed in it. ", "Ducks swim in the water without injury,\nbut it is fatal to them to be plunged beneath it. ", "As it contains nothing\nfor them to eat, they have no inducement to dive.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE CAVERN OF USDUM.]", "\n\n\"At the southern end of the Dead Sea is the Mountain of Usdum, which\ncontains a cavern three or four hundred feet deep, in which there are\ndeposits of salt. ", "There are other salt deposits in the neighborhood, and\nit is believed that the Dead Sea derives its saltness from the\ndissolving of these deposits, and also from the substances brought down\nby the River Jordan.\"", "\n\n\"Every lake without any outlet is salt, is it not?\" ", "Fred asked.", "\n\n\"Certainly,\" replied the Doctor; \"it is a rule of nature that has no\nexception. ", "All water from springs, brooks, and rivers contains salt\ngathered from the earth, and sometimes the quantity is considerable. ", "It\nis the slight amount of salt that makes water palatable; if you taste of\npure distilled water you will find it 'flat,' and its purity is what\nmakes it so.", "\n\n\"The salt brought down from the land gradually accumulates; the water\npasses off by evaporation, but the salt remains. ", "As time goes on the\nsaltness of the water increases, so the scientific men tell us, and\nperhaps millions of years hence the ocean may be as strongly impregnated\nas the Dead Sea. ", "Who can tell?\"", "\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER XXVI.", "\n\nFROM THE DEAD SEA TO THE JORDAN, JERICHO, AND JERUSALEM.--THE VALLEY OF\nTHE JORDAN.", "\n\n\n[Illustration: REEDS AND RUSHES ON THE JORDAN.]", "\n\nIt was a ride of less than two hours from the Dead Sea to the Jordan;\nthe ground was level and the horses in good spirits, so that the whole\nparty indulged in the luxury of a gallop. ", "The course of the Jordan was\nindicated by trees and great masses of reeds, but the stream was so\ncompletely concealed by them that its waters were not revealed until\nrein was drawn at the bathing-place of the pilgrims.", "\n\nThe boys could hardly restrain their impatience to reach the waters of\nthe river that is so intimately connected with the history of\nChristianity. ", "Of course they made immediate preparations for a bath,\naccording to the custom of the great majority of visitors; the water was\nso cold that they remained in it only a few minutes, and were glad to\nresume their clothing and make a calm study of the scene.", "\n\n\"The river at this point,\" wrote Frank in his journal, \"is about a\nhundred feet wide, and flows with a current so swift that we could\nhardly stand against it. ", "We waded and swum to the other side; swimming\nwas preferable to wading, as the bottom is composed of sharp stones,\nwhich are very disagreeable to walk upon. ", "The guide said the stream was\nswollen by recent rains, and at least a foot deeper than at its ordinary\nstage.", "\n\n\"There is a ford at this bathing-place, and another higher up. ", "Caravans\nand single travellers going from the east to the west bank, or _vice\nversa_, usually pass by one of these fords, and sometimes a large party\nmay be seen here. ", "It is not safe to venture on the other side without a\nstrong guard, as the Arabs are far worse than those between here and\nJerusalem, probably because they are not under so much restraint by the\ngovernment.", "\n\n[Illustration: AN ARAB SKIRMISH IN THE LAND OF MOAB.]", "\n\n\"Several explorations have been attempted of the Land of Moab, as the\ncountry east of the Jordan is called, but only a few of them have\nsucceeded. ", "In most instances parties have been compelled to return just\nafter crossing the border, and before they had accomplished anything of\nwhat they went to see. ", "The Arabs are treacherous, and often violate\ntheir promises after they have received heavy backsheesh to permit\ntravellers to go on without disturbance. ", "If you want to know more of\nthis region we advise you to read 'The Land of Moab,' by H. B. Tristram,\none of the few travellers who has explored it. ", "Another interesting work\non this subject is 'The Desert of the Exodus,' by E. H. Palmer, and\ndon't forget 'The Land and the Book,' which we have already mentioned.", "\n\n\"Mr. Tristram tells in his book how narrowly he escaped being robbed,\nand perhaps murdered, by one of the tribes that roam over the country.", "\nIt often happens that there is a quarrel between two tribes, and when\nany parties from one encounter the other there is certain to be\nbloodshed. ", "If strangers happen to be under the escort of the defeated\nparty they must share its fate, and consequently it is not an easy\nmatter to select a guard that can carry you through safely.", "\n\n\"When Mr. Tristram's party started from Hebron there were two tribes\nfrom which it was necessary to choose an escort, or rather to whom to\npay black-mail. ", "The choice fell upon the Jehalin tribe, and, after a\ngood deal of negotiation, a contract was made and signed with them.", "\n\n\"Hardly had they entered the Land of Moab when they met a large band of\nthe Beni Atiyeh, a tribe with a very bad reputation, and the number was\nso great that it was nonsense to think of fighting them. ", "The dragoman\nwent forward to parley with them, and was stripped of his outer\ngarments, satchel, money-bag, and belt, before he could speak a word;\nthe sheik of the escort went at the same time and with better success,\nas he managed to get the ear of the chief of the Atiyeh. ", "Two or three of\nthe men of the escort who ventured to the front were knocked down, and\nfor a little while there was a good prospect of a very serious result to\nthe travellers.", "\n\n\"It turned out that the Beni Atiyeh were on good terms with the Jehalin,\nand on the payment of a heavy backsheesh they allowed the party to go\non. ", "It would have been far otherwise if Mr. Tristram had chosen his\nescort from the other tribe that offered its services, as there was a\nbitter quarrel between it and the Beni Atiyeh, and there would have been\nno chance of an escape. ", "No mercy would have been shown to the\ntravellers, and possibly the Arabs would have justified their cruelty by\nreferring to the old adage, 'A man is known by the company he keeps.'", "\n\n[Illustration: BATHING-PLACE OF THE PILGRIMS (FROM THOMSON'S \"THE LAND\nAND THE BOOK\").]", "\n\n\"You must know there are two bathing-places on the Jordan; one is\nvisited by the Latins and the other by the Greeks, and each Church\nclaims that its bathing-place is the spot where Christ was baptized by\nJohn. ", "Mr. Thomson thinks that neither is correct, and that the scene of\nthe baptism was considerably farther up the river than any of the\npresent sites. ", "He argues that, according to the historical record,\nChrist came from Galilee, and was baptized by John, and then returned to\nGalilee; the road from Galilee reaches the Jordan much farther north\nthan the present bathing-places, and though it is possible he came to\nthis point it is hardly probable.", "\n\n[Illustration: SOURCE OF THE JORDAN.]", "\n\n\"The bank of the river is fringed with willow, tamarisk, and other trees\nand bushes, and there are several pretty spots here for forming a camp.", "\nWe wanted to stay here for the night, but our guide had sent the tents\nby a short route from Mar Saba to the neighborhood of the ancient\nJericho, and after a halt of an hour or so we mounted our horses and\nrode away from the river.", "\n\n\"Doctor Bronson says it is quite probable that the passage of the Jordan\nby the Israelites, described in Joshua iii. ", "and iv., ", "occurred at the\nbathing-place we have visited, or certainly not far from it. ", "According\nto the biblical account they passed the river 'right against Jericho,'\nand this expression is supposed to mean that they crossed the Jordan at\nthe point nearest to that city.", "\n\n[Illustration: PASSAGE OF THE ISRAELITES.]", "\n\n\"During our halt one of our party read the account of this interesting\nevent while the rest listened. ", "It was not at all difficult for us to\nimagine the scene when the Israelites came down from their camp in the\nhills of Moab, and took their position on the banks of the Jordan. ", "Here\nthey halted for the night, and on the next day, when all was ready, the\nark of the covenant, borne on the shoulders of the priests, was advanced\nto the edge of the river; as the feet of the bearers touched the water\nit receded, and in a few minutes the bed of the stream was dry. ", "Then the\nark was carried to the middle of the channel, and it remained there in\ncharge of the priests till the whole host had gone over.", "\n\n\"When the last of the procession had passed, Joshua called to the\npriests to bring the ark from the bed of the river, and they did so. ", "The\nwaters at once resumed their course, and the Jordan flowed on as before.", "\nOf course the monuments of stones which were erected by the Israelites\nto commemorate their crossing disappeared hundreds of years ago, and we\nhave only the geographical localities to guide us; but, as we heard the\ndescription of the event, and looked around us, we felt certain that the\nspot where the Israelites crossed over Jordan, after their escape from\nEgypt, and their wanderings in the wilderness, could not be far away.", "\n\n[Illustration]\n\n\"Before we go on to Jericho let me say something about the famous river\nwe have just visited.", "\n\n\"The Jordan is about a hundred miles long in a direct line, but its\ncourse is so crooked that the actual length of the stream is a great\ndeal more; nobody has ever measured it accurately, and therefore I can't\nsay how much it winds about. ", "One authority says it is sixty-four miles\nin a direct line from the Dead Sea to the Lake of Tiberias, and two\nhundred miles by the windings of the river. ", "The head-spring of the\nHasbany (the parent of the Jordan) is seventeen hundred feet above the\nlevel of the Mediterranean; the mouth of the Jordan, where it enters the\nDead Sea, is, therefore, about three thousand feet lower than its\nsource, so the Jordan has a great fall for so short a river.", "\n\n\"The Hasbany and several other streams unite in the Lake of Hooleh, and\nfrom the outlet of that lake the river is called the Jordan. ", "It has a\nrapid fall to the Lake of Tiberias; and as it goes out of that lake it\nbegins its tortuous course, which can be surpassed by very few rivers in\nthe world. ", "Between the Lake of Tiberias and the Dead Sea there are\ntwenty-seven cascades or rapids; all of them are so great that it is\nquite impossible for boats to make the ascent, and it is not by any\nmeans safe to attempt to descend them. ", "Lieutenant Lynch started with\nthree boats, one of wood and the others of iron. ", "The wooden boat was\nbought in the Lake of Tiberias, while the iron ones were brought from\nthe United States. ", "The iron boats were a good deal battered by the\nthumps they received during the voyage, but the exploring party brought\nthem to the Dead Sea, and used them for completing their work. ", "The\nwooden boat was ruined, and abandoned before half the journey had been\naccomplished.", "\n\n\"The Valley of the Jordan is called the 'Ghor' by the natives. ", "The word\nmeans a depression or hollow, and the valley may be regarded as a plain\nsixty miles long, and from five to ten miles wide, enclosed by\nmountains. ", "The mountains on both sides are very steep, and the Valley of\nthe Jordan is not unlike some of the deep gorges or ravines in our\nWestern States and Territories. ", "It is broader near the Dead Sea than\nfarther up. ", "The land is generally fertile, and capable of supporting a\nlarger population than it contains at present. ", "According to the accounts\nin the Old Testament, it was far more productive in ancient times than\nit is to-day. ", "It contains ruins of cities that once were populous, and\nit is very certain that the land of Canaan has greatly diminished in\nimportance since the children of Israel came to it and settled.", "\n\n\"There were then as now wandering tribes of shepherds, and their customs\nhave changed very little in all the centuries that have passed; but\nthere were more people living in settled places, and the biblical story\nshows that Jericho was a walled town with gates, which were shut at\nnight. ", "The flax drying on the roof of Rahab's house shows that that\nplant was cultivated, and the cord by which she let down the spies tells\nus very plainly that the people understood the art of spinning. ", "We read\nthe Bible very carefully while in the Jordan Valley, and have derived a\ngreat many useful hints from it, and much information.", "\n\n\"We wished we could have been here at the time of the annual visit of\nthe pilgrims, which occurs at Easter, and is a curious sight. ", "There are\npilgrims here in fair numbers through the whole year, and they all\nconsider it a religious duty to bathe in the Jordan. ", "The great festival\nis in April, and at that time several thousand pilgrims leave Jerusalem\nimmediately after the close of the Easter festivities and come down to\nthe Plain of Jericho, where they encamp for the night. ", "They come from\nall parts of Europe, and there is a good representation from Asia as\nwell. ", "You can see many varieties of costume, and hear a jargon of\nlanguages that might remind you of the Tower of Babel.", "\n\n\"The camp is a scene of confusion, and long before morning a disorderly\nprocession is formed, thousands of torches are waved, and the great\ncrowd presses forward in order to enter the sacred stream at daybreak.", "\nHundreds of people are in the river at the same moment, and not a year\npasses without some of them being swept away and drowned in the swift\ncurrent. ", "Men, women, and children are crowded together indiscriminately,\nand the wonder is that so few accidents occur. ", "The whole ceremony is\nover in two or three hours, and then the pilgrims turn back from the\nJordan and return to Jerusalem.", "\n\n[Illustration: RECENT ASPECT OF THE PLAIN OF JERICHO.]", "\n\n\"Just as we left the Jordan it began to rain, and we had a disagreeable\nride to Riha, which some writers consider the site of Gilgal; others\nthink it marks the position of ancient Jericho; but the general opinion\nis that Jericho was farther to the west. ", "The modern Jericho is a village\nof fifty or sixty houses, and its inhabitants are a degenerate race of\npeople, who live by a little agriculture and by what they can beg or\nsteal from visitors. ", "We found our tents pitched a little out of the\nvillage, and were a good deal annoyed by the natives, who crowded around\nus and could not be driven away. ", "The children begged for backsheesh, and\nthe men wanted to amuse us with a 'fantasia,' or dance, but we had been\ntold it was a stupid performance, and declined to witness it.", "\n\n[Illustration: AIN-ES-SULTAN, OR FOUNTAIN OF ELISHA (FROM THOMSON'S \"THE\nLAND AND THE BOOK\").]", "\n\n\"There is a tower near the village, which is called by some 'The House\nof Zaccheus,' but the indications are that it was not built till the\ntime of the Crusades, long after Zaccheus was laid in his grave. ", "We did\nnot have time to visit it, nor did we go to the Ain-es-Sultan, or\nSultan's Spring, which is also known as the Fountain of Elisha. ", "It is a\nfine spring, the water rather warm in temperature, as we are told, and\nvaries but little in volume throughout the year. ", "Biblical students who\nhave been here say there can be no doubt it is the very fountain which\nwas healed by the prophet Elisha, and is therefore well entitled to bear\nhis name. ", "There are several aqueducts by which the water was once\ncarried over the plain, and used for irrigating the fields, but they are\nnow so much ruined as to be of little consequence.", "\n\n\"What a night we had in our camp! ", "The rain ceased about sunset, but\nduring the night it came on again, and fell as though a thunder-cloud\nhad burst above us. ", "It poured and poured, and not only did it rain, but\nthe wind blew like a gale at sea. ", "Fred and I remembered what we had said\nat Bethlehem the first night we slept in the tents. ", "We concluded we were\ngoing to have all the storm we wanted, and more than once wished\nourselves safely lodged in a solid house.", "\n\n\"The ground was soaked with water, and became so soft that it would not\nhold our tent-pegs against the wind. ", "The rain came in through the\ncanvas, the pegs gave way, and about midnight down came the cold and\nsloppy cloth in our faces.", "\n\n\"We shouted for help, and the dragoman came with his men and managed to\nfix things up a little, but it was slow and disagreeable work with the\nheavy rain falling, and the night as black as the inside of an\nink-bottle. ", "They had one miserable lantern that did little more than\nenable us to see the darkness, and by the time they had the tent\narranged so that we could crawl under it we were wet nearly to the skin.", "\n\n\"We tried to laugh it off, but 'twas no use trying. ", "We couldn't either\nof us see the fun of it, and couldn't get to sleep again. ", "There we lay\ntill morning wondering what would happen next.", "\n\n\"The Doctor's tent went down like ours, but he had a thick water-proof\ncoat and a large wrapper of the same material, so that he was not so\nbadly off as we were. ", "He didn't escape, though, nor did any of the\nothers, and when daylight came we all looked as if the best thing would\nbe to wring us out and hang us up to dry. ", "We were a sorry looking\nbreakfast-party, but pulled ourselves together and managed to eat\nsomething. ", "Fortunately the rain stopped, but there came a new trouble.", "\n\n\"When we went into camp there was a little brook close by us which we\nwere to cross in the morning. ", "The heavy rain swelled this brook into a\nsmall torrent that was absolutely dangerous to ford, as one might easily\nbe swept down with the current and drowned.", "\n\n\"So we went up the bank about a mile, and while the horses were driven\nthrough the water our party walked over an old aqueduct which wasn't the\nsafest bridge in the world, but a great deal better than no bridge at\nall. ", "The channel of the aqueduct was about a foot wide, and the sides\neighteen or twenty inches high; the whole structure was at least fifty\nfeet above the torrent that dashed below us like the rapids of Niagara.", "\nWe walked very carefully, as the least misstep might have sent us\ntumbling over the side, with an excellent prospect of being killed by\nthe fall or drowned in the roaring water. ", "It is hardly necessary to say\nwe were all heartily glad to be on the safe side of the stream.", "\n\n\"We had a ride of five hours from this bridge to the gates of Jerusalem,\nand such a five hours we do not care to have again.", "\n\n\"Before the end of the first hour it came on to rain, and by the middle\nof the second hour the rain had changed to snow. ", "And with the rain and\nsnow there was a high wind, and as we wound among the hills we had it in\nall directions, now in our faces, and a few minutes later blowing at our\nbacks.", "\n\n\"The guide repeatedly called our attention to places of scriptural or\nother interest. ", "We tried to look at them, but I fear we were more\nconcerned about the weather than with what lay around us. ", "But we\nremember among other things that the route from Jerusalem to Jericho has\nthe same character now that it had eighteen centuries ago, and we had an\nescort to protect us from falling among thieves. ", "We halted a few minutes\nat the ruined khan which is said to be the site of the inn to which the\ngood Samaritan carried the wounded and plundered traveller whom he found\nby the way-side.", "\n\n\"The guide told us that a few years ago an English traveller was robbed\nby the Arabs at this very spot, and the scriptural description will\nexactly cover his case: 'They stripped him of his raiment, and wounded\nhim, and departed, leaving him half dead.'", "\n\n[Illustration: THE VILLAGE OF BETHANY.]", "\n\n\"Our road was steadily upward, as Jerusalem is nearly three thousand\nseven hundred feet higher than the Dead Sea, and we were not far above\nthe level of that body of water when we started from Jericho. ", "At several\npoints we were on the old road built by the Romans; we went by Bethany,\nwhich we did not stop to look at, and wound around the Mount of Olives,\nand down through the Valley of the Brook Kedron, which we crossed near\nGethsemane. ", "Then we entered Jerusalem by the Gate of the Tribes, and\nrode along the nearly deserted streets to the door of the hotel.", "\n\n\"We were all so benumbed and stiff with the cold that we needed\nassistance to descend from our horses, and we could not keep our steps\nstraight as we entered the building. ", "A good fire and a hot dinner\nbrought us to ourselves again, and we laughed over our troubles and\nbegan to think they did not amount to much, after all.", "\n\n\"It is very unpleasant to be soaked with rain and chilled with the cold,\nbut somehow when you get dry and warm again you don't feel so badly. ", "We\nshall forget all about the storm and its disagreeable features, but\nwe'll remember the Dead Sea, the Valley of the Jordan, the site of\nJericho, Bethany, the inn of the good Samaritan, and a dozen other\nhistoric things we have seen since we left our camp at Mar Saba and\ndescended into the deepest valley in the world. ", "Anyway we'll try to\nforget the storm, but I can't help shuddering just a little when I think\nof it--it was so cold, and the rain was so wet!", "\n\n\"The rain and snow are still falling as I write in my journal in the\npublic room of the hotel at Jerusalem. ", "We've sent our clothes to the\nkitchen to be dried, and we're dressed in such things as we've been able\nto borrow in the house, and a funny-looking group we are. ", "The Doctor has\nput on a coat much too short in the sleeves, and says he feels as though\nhe had gone into a ready-made clothing store and been served with the\nfirst garment that came to hand. ", "Fred is nicely gotten up in an Arab\ncostume, fez and all; he's trying to speak the language, but isn't very\nsuccessful. ", "I'm in part of a suit belonging to one of the gentlemen of\nthe Palestine Exploration Fund, who happens to be stopping here; but the\nmost conspicuous garment of my wardrobe is a large blanket, with the\nword 'Tigre' on the outside in big letters. ", "It once belonged to the\nFrench steamer of that name, and was left here by a traveller; I may be\nplacarded as a tiger while wearing this blanket, but feel very far from\nwhat that beast is supposed to be.\"", "\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER XXVII.", "\n\nFROM JERUSALEM TO NABULUS.--HISTORIC PLACES ON THE ROUTE.", "\n\n\nDuring the night after the incidents described in our last chapter the\nstorm cleared away, and the sky at sunrise was without a cloud.", "\nEverybody had slept well and recovered from the fatigue of the journey,\nand the exposure to rain and snow. ", "Frank and Fred were quite ready to\nmake a fresh start, and laughed over the troubles of the previous day as\nthe merest trifle in the world.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE HOTEL-KEEPER.]", "\n\nDoctor Bronson had a long conference with the dragoman and the keeper of\nthe hotel, together with the American consul, who happened to be\nstopping in the house. ", "It resulted in an announcement that the party\nwould start the following morning for Damascus.", "\n\nOf course the decision gave great delight to the youths. ", "The Doctor made\nthe following explanation of the plan for the new journey:\n\n\"Ali tells me that the heavy storm we have just passed through will be\nin our favor, as there is a good prospect of fair weather to follow it\nfor a week or ten days. ", "It is not the right season for the 'long route,'\nas the ride from Jerusalem to Damascus is called, and the majority of\ntravellers at this time of year prefer the 'short route.'", "\n\n\"Perhaps I may as well say here that if we followed the latter we would\nreturn to Jaffa and take steamer for Beyroot. ", "There we land, and proceed\nby carriage-road to Damascus, and when we have done with that famous\ncity we go back to Beyroot the way we came, and are through with Syria.", "\nI had thought of taking the short route, but as we are now well\naccustomed to the ways of travel, and have proved our abilities to\nendure the severities of a winter storm, I am inclined to the long one.", "\nOur American companions have left the whole arrangements in my hands,\nand I have decided that we will go through to Damascus by the overland\nway.\"", "\n\nFrank asked how much time they would take on the journey.", "\n\n\"The ordinary time consumed in it,\" the Doctor answered, \"is seventeen\ndays; it may be extended as much as we choose, since we hire the\ndragoman by the day, and he is to provide us with everything; and it may\nbe shortened three or four days. ", "I have arranged that he is to get us\nthrough in fourteen or fifteen days, and he will do so if we are not\ndelayed by storms or accidents.", "\n\n\"The best time of the year for this journey is in spring, between 'the\nearly and the latter rain' which the Bible mentions. ", "The country is then\nin its best condition, the climate is delightful, and the chance of fine\nweather far better than now. ", "But as we cannot suit the season to\nourselves we will run the risk; with stout hearts and plenty of\nwater-proof clothing we ought to go through without difficulty.", "\"[8]\n\n[8] The author begs to inform the reader that the incident of the storm\nbetween Jericho and Jerusalem was his own experience in a visit to the\nHoly Land. ", "He did not make the overland journey between Jerusalem and\nDamascus, and consequently the description of the route followed by\nFrank and Fred is not given from personal observation.", "\n\nThe afternoon was devoted to making a few purchases of articles likely\nto be needed on the journey, the completion of letters, and a few sights\nthat had not been made during the first visit to the city. ", "Doctor\nBronson engaged a trusty man, who was recommended by the consul, to go\nto Jaffa and take the baggage of the party to Beyroot, where he would\ndeliver it to the proprietor of the hotel to await their arrival. ", "This\nwas thought to be safer than ordering it sent forward as ordinary\nfreight, and trusting to the agents of the steamer to deliver it.", "\nSteamship agents in the Levant are not worthy of the fullest confidence,\nas the writer of this book can bear witness. ", "Travellers are advised to\nlook carefully after their own affairs, and be wary of the oleaginous\ntongues of those from whom they purchase tickets.", "\n\nAs soon as the arrangements had been completed Ali disappeared from the\nhotel, and was not again seen till evening. ", "He was busy with his\npreparations for the journey, as it was necessary for him to hire\nadditional horses, and secure a stock of provisions sufficient to carry\nthem through to Damascus with what he could purchase on the route. ", "The\npack-train, with the tents and provisions, was sent away in advance. ", "The\nparty had a long ride before it for the next day, and before nine\no'clock everybody was in bed.", "\n\n[Illustration: SCENE ON THE OVERLAND ROUTE FROM JERUSALEM.]", "\n\nThey were off by daybreak, leaving the city by the Damascus Gate, which\nwe have already seen in their company. ", "They passed near the tombs of the\nkings, and descended into the Valley of the Brook Kedron, which is here\nmuch smaller than where they crossed it at Mar Saba. ", "They met a few\nnatives on their way to the city, with trains of donkeys laden with\nvegetables and grain for sale in the markets of Jerusalem, and in one\nplace they were crowded against a rough wall by a line of camels that\nkept the road to themselves in the manner for which those animals are\nfamous. ", "The road, though used for centuries, is impassable for wheeled\nvehicles, and the beasts of burden that traverse it follow in the\nfootsteps of those who preceded them ages and ages ago.", "\n\nIn several places the route was over rocky ridges, where all the earth\nhad been swept or washed away, leaving the ledges entirely bare. ", "Frank\nobserved that the feet of the camels had worn broad holes in the rock;\nthe Doctor recalled to him the proverb hitherto quoted, that a continual\ndropping will wear away stone, and said the feet of the camels had\ndropped for hundreds of years in the same places, so that it was no\nwonder the stones were worn away.", "\n\nFrom Jerusalem to Nabulus is a ride of eleven hours; it is customary for\ntravellers to pass the night at Bireh or Ramallah, as the majority of\ntourists are unwilling to make the entire journey in a single day. ", "But\nour party had tested its ability to endure fatigue, and determined\nwithout hesitation to reach Nabulus before night if possible. ", "It was for\nthis reason that an early start was made, and the halts along the road\nwere few and short.", "\n\n[Illustration: BY BABEL'S STREAM.]", "\n\nThe farewell view of the Holy City was taken from the side of the Hill\nof Scopus, which was reached by ascending from the Valley of the Kedron.", "\nIts domes and minarets stood out clear and distinct under the deep-blue\nsky of Palestine, and every member of the party was reluctant to turn\naway his eyes from the place which is sacred in the thoughts of every\nChristian, and familiar to his ears since he first heard the stories of\nthe Crucifixion and the Resurrection of the Saviour of mankind. ", "Frank\ncalled to mind the words of the Israelite by Babel's stream: \"If I\nforget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning. ", "If I do\nnot remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth.\"", "\n\nFrom the crest of Scopus they looked down upon a broad plain or plateau,\nwhere the first view seemed to be one of desolation. ", "Limestone rocks\nwere spread in ridges, one beyond the other, until they appeared to\nleave but little space for arable land. ", "Close observation showed that\nbetween every ridge and its neighbor there was a strip of soil which\nmight be made productive with a little care and industry, and the sides\nof the hills and valleys were terraced till they sometimes resembled a\nseries of broad steps.", "\n\n\"This land is full of promise,\" one of the boys remarked.", "\n\n\"Yes,\" responded the Doctor, \"and by cultivation it can be made to\nanswer the scriptural description. ", "The Land of Promise was a land of\n'vines, and fig-trees, and pomegranates; a land of oil-olive, and\nhoney,' as we read in the eighth chapter of Deuteronomy.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE GRAPES OF ESHCOL.]", "\n\n\"Observe what this land might be rather than what it is. ", "The fig-tree\nand the olive would grow and bear fruit in the spaces between the ridges\nof rock, and the vines might clamber up the sides of the terraces, and\nbe as luxuriant as they were in the days when the spies visited Eshcol,\nand brought back the famous grapes described in the Bible and\nrepresented in the books of our infancy.\"", "\n\nFred asked if such grapes were found at present, and where Eshcol was\nsupposed to be.", "\n\n[Illustration: HEBRON.]", "\n\n\"There is some doubt on that score,\" was the reply, \"but it is generally\nbelieved that the Brook of Eshcol was in the neighborhood of Hebron.", "\nThere are extensive vineyards at Hebron, and their grapes are larger and\nfiner than in most places in the Holy Land. ", "The clusters are often very\nlong, but nobody in these modern days has ever seen them so large that\nit would require the strength of two men to carry one of them.", "\n\n\"The Bible does not say that it required their strength to carry this\nburden. ", "Read the passage in Numbers xiii. ", "23, and you will find it says,\nthey 'cut down from thence a branch with one cluster of grapes, and they\nbare it between two upon a staff; and they brought of the pomegranates,\nand of the figs.' ", "Remember that a bunch of grapes cannot be carried in a\nsack like pomegranates and figs, but must be suspended, so as to\npreserve the fruit from injury. ", "The spies had a long way to travel, and\nthere was no other mode of transporting the fruit of the vines of Eshcol\nthan the one described.\"", "\n\nThe guide called attention to the village of Shafut, a little distance\nfrom the route, and said it was supposed by some to occupy the site of\nthe ancient Mizpeh. ", "A little farther along on the other side of the road\nwas a rounded hill, which has been identified by some writers as the\nsite of Nob, mentioned several times in the Old Testament. ", "Beyond it is\nTuliel-el-Ful (Hill of Beans), where once stood Gibeah, the scene of\nseveral important incidents described in Judges, Samuel, and other books\nof the Bible. ", "Doctor Bronson said it was quite probable that the meeting\nof David and Jonathan took place in the valley between these two points,\nand the scriptural account certainly carries out his theory.", "\n\nThey passed Er-Ram, which corresponds to the Ramah of Benjamin (1 Kings\nxv. ", "17), and was formerly a populous city, but is now a miserable\nvillage. ", "As they rode along, one of the boys recalled the murder of the\ndescendants of Saul, and the devotion of Rizpah, who spread sack-cloth\non the rocks, and watched by the bodies of her sons all through the\nsummer days to prevent their being devoured by birds.", "\n\n\"Yes,\" responded Fred; \"and don't you remember the picture we saw at the\nCentennial Exhibition in Philadelphia representing the scene?\"", "\n\nFrank remembered it perfectly, and said the painting and the engravings\nthat have been made of it would now have a renewed interest for him\nsince he had looked upon the spot where the incident happened.", "\n\nAs they passed Ramah, Fred referred to the passage in the Book of Judges\nwhere Deborah is said to have dwelt under a palm-tree \"between Ramah and\nBethel, in Mount Ephraim.\" ", "Very naturally he asked if they were near\nBethel.", "\n\n\"We are not far from it,\" answered the Doctor, \"though it is not on our\nroad. ", "The village of Betin, the ancient Bethel, is a couple of miles\nfrom our route, and can be reached most easily from Bireh. ", "There is\nnothing of consequence to be seen there, and it is only for its historic\nassociations that the place is worth visiting. ", "It is a village of three\nto four hundred inhabitants, and they are no better than the average of\nthe people we have thus far met.", "\n\n\"There is another biblical site, too, a little off our road,\" the Doctor\ncontinued; \"I refer to Seilun, the ancient Shiloh.", "\n\n\"In spite of the completeness of its description the site of Shiloh was\nunknown for centuries, and was only identified in the last forty years.", "\nIt is described in the Book of Judges as being 'on the north side of\nBethel, on the east of the highway that goeth up from Bethel to Shechem,\nand on the south of Lebonah.' ", "Exactly in such a position there is a mass\nof ruins covering a considerable extent, and it is now agreed by\nbiblical students that they are the ruins of Shiloh.", "\n\n\"Now that I have told you what it was, perhaps you can say why Shiloh\nwas famous?\"", "\n\n\"I'll try,\" Fred responded, and after a pause of some minutes he was\nready to reply. ", "He let his horse fall out of the line while thinking on\nthe subject, and it is just possible he glanced into the guide-book he\ncarried in his satchel. ", "We may remark, by-the-way, that every traveller\nin the Holy Land has his guide-book in readiness, and if his memory is\nat fault at any time he has a good authority to refer to. ", "It saves a\nvast amount of 'reading up;' and you sometimes find a man who makes a\npretence of great learning, when the fact is he has been drawing freely\nfrom the portable authority in his possession.", "\n\n\"Shiloh was the place where the tabernacle of the Lord was first set up\npermanently in Canaan,\" said Fred, \"and the Israelites came here to\nreceive their shares of the promised land. ", "The infant Samuel was\ndedicated here to the Lord by his mother, and it was at Shiloh where\nEli dropped dead when he heard his sons had been killed in battle.", "\nThere was a festival here in honor of the ark. ", "It was held every year;\nand once while the maidens were dancing at this festival the Benjamites\nrushed in suddenly and carried off two hundred of them. ", "There were\nseveral other incidents of less importance in the history of Shiloh, and\nit seems to have been destroyed long before the beginning of the\nChristian era.\"", "\n\n\"I know where you found all that,\" Frank whispered; \"and you ought to be\nvery grateful to the man who hunted it out for you: 'Murray's Guide,'\npage 312.\"", "\n\n\"Quite right,\" replied Fred, \"but some of it runs over on page 313.\"", "\n\nWith this candid acknowledgment of a fact which many persons seek to\nconceal, or even do worse about, they changed the subject of\nconversation. ", "The author has in his possession a book of travels by a\nprominent member of the Church, in which there are numerous pages and\nparagraphs taken bodily from other works, and especially from\nguide-books. ", "Its writer even goes so far as to say that all measurements\ngiven in his book were made by himself, and can be relied upon. ", "It is\nobservable that he agrees exactly with the guide-book, even in two or\nthree instances where the latter is known to be at fault; and yet that\nman would probably refuse to tell a falsehood for a dollar!", "\n\n[Illustration: STREET SCENE IN BIREH.]", "\n\nOur friends halted an hour at Bireh, the ancient Beeroth, to rest their\nhorses and partake of a much desired and well earned dinner. ", "It was\nspread on the table of a little inn close to the entrance of the\nvillage, and the most of the materials composing it had been brought\nfrom Jerusalem in the saddle-bags of the dragoman. ", "Bireh is on the\nsummit of a ridge, and had been in sight for some time before the party\ndrew rein at its gates. ", "It is a considerable village, with a population\nof seven or eight hundred, nearly all of whom are Moslems. ", "There are the\nruins of a church which was built by the Knights Templar when the\nCrusaders held Jerusalem. ", "Parts of the walls and roof are standing, and\nnot far off is a khan which is supposed to have been a Christian hospice\nwhen the knights lived here.", "\n\n[Illustration: A NATIVE GROUP AT A FOUNTAIN.]", "\n\nDuring the halt a hasty visit was paid to the church, and also to the\nkhan, and a glance was taken among the ruins that lay scattered about.", "\nClose to their halting-place was a mosque of much later date than the\nchurch, and there were groups of women and girls around a fountain which\nthe mosque protects. ", "The Doctor remarked that Beeroth was one of the\nfour cities of the Gibeonites whose people made a covenant with the\nIsraelites through false representations, and became hewers of wood and\ndrawers of water for the conquerors of the land.", "\n\nOn the road again, after saying farewell to Bireh, the travellers had a\nride of little more than an hour to Ain Yebrud. ", "They passed many\norchards of fig and olive trees, and found the country more productive\nin appearance, at least, than nearer Jerusalem. ", "The road now descended\ninto a narrow and wild valley, with steep cliffs rising above on either\nside, and with numerous terraces which were formerly cultivated, but are\nnow of little use.", "\n\nSuddenly at a bend in the road they came to a spring which flowed from\nthe side of a cliff. ", "The cool appearance of the water brought them to a\nhalt, and they dismounted. ", "Frank asked the name of the place.", "\n\n\"This is Ain el-Haramiyeh,\" the guide answered.", "\n\n\"Which means?\"", "\n\n\"The Robbers' Spring.\"", "\n\n\"It has borne this name for centuries,\" said Doctor Bronson, \"and very\nproperly too. ", "This valley has long been considered a dangerous place,\nand we do not wish to remain long at the spring. ", "Hardly a year passes\nwithout a robbery in this vicinity, and not infrequently the plundered\ntraveller is killed if he offers any resistance.\"", "\n\nHaving satisfied their thirst, the party resumed their saddles and rode\non. ", "At the very next bend in the road they met half a dozen Arabs, who\ndemanded backsheesh in a surly tone, and laid their hands menacingly on\nthe long guns they were carrying. ", "No attention was paid to their wishes,\nand in a few minutes they were left out of sight.", "\n\nThey passed the branch of the road that leads to Shiloh; the boys were\ndesirous of visiting the place, but the Doctor told them they could not\nwell spare the time, and besides there was very little to be seen.", "\n\"There is a heap of ruins,\" said he, \"and the hills in the neighborhood\nare such masses of broken rocks that it is not easy to move about among\nthem. ", "Travellers frequently miss their way among the rocks, and besides\nyou would be liable to a good deal of annoyance from the natives. ", "They\nare insolent in their demands for backsheesh, and flourish knives and\nguns in a very disagreeable way. ", "If you show the least desire to\nconciliate them they increase their rudeness, and sometimes they resort\nto actual violence. ", "So we won't go to Shiloh.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: BEASTS OF BURDEN.]", "\n\nAscending and descending from valley to ridge, and from ridge to valley,\npassing among terraces and through little orchards of fig and olive\ntrees, winding among fields which are planted with corn in summer,\nlooking now and then on flocks of goats carefully tended by their\nkeepers as they fed on the hill-sides, meeting or passing little groups\nof natives, who eyed them longingly or suspiciously, and were\nsuspiciously eyed in return, the party continued on its way. ", "Frank and\nFred thought it was not a good sign that all the men they met were\narmed, some with guns, some with pistols or knives, and many with all\nthree weapons together. ", "They asked the Doctor about it, and he thus\nexplained the matter:\n\n\"I think I have told you before about the existence of blood-feuds not\nonly in this country but in various parts of the world. ", "We have them in\nAmerica among our native Indian races; they exist in France and Italy,\nespecially in the latter, where they are known as 'the vendetta.'\"", "\n\n\"I remember them,\" said Fred, \"but perhaps Frank doesn't know.\"", "\n\n\"In this part of the Holy Land there are blood-feuds that have lasted\nhundreds of years. ", "A man of one tribe or family has been killed by a man\nof another--the losing party proceeds to take revenge by killing a\nperson of the offending one, then the latter takes its revenge, and so\nthe fight goes on. ", "These feuds exist between tribes, villages, or\nfamilies, and are perpetuated through centuries. ", "Every man goes armed,\nbecause he fears to be killed by some avenger of blood, and he is\nconstantly on the lookout both to slay and to prevent being slain.\"", "\n\n\"Why don't they come to a sensible arrangement among themselves, and put\nan end to the quarrelling?\" ", "one of the boys asked.", "\n\n\"It is a matter of religion with them,\" said the Doctor, \"and also of\nfamily pride. ", "Doubtless you could get one tribe to make an end of its\nfeuds if another would do so _first_; but the great difficulty is to\nfind the one who will be the first to act. ", "These blood-feuds may be said\nto be commanded by the Koran, and they existed in the time of the Old\nTestament. ", "In fact, they were so numerous that the children of Israel\nappointed six cities where any person who had killed another 'unawares\nand unwittingly' might take refuge from the avenger of blood. ", "These\ncities are named in the twentieth chapter of Joshua, and there is a\nfuller account of the customs of the time in this matter of blood\nrevenge in the nineteenth chapter of Deuteronomy. ", "We are approaching one\nof the cities of refuge, and shall spend the night there. ", "Nabulus is the\nancient Shechem, which was one of the six places to which I just\nreferred.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: ROOF OF A HOUSE IN NABULUS.]", "\n\nThey were on the crest of a ridge looking down upon a plain bounded on\nits farthest side by a broken chain of mountains. ", "In an opening between\ntwo mountains the guide indicated the position of Nabulus, and far to\nthe north was Mount Hermon; Gerizim and Ebal were the two mountains\nbetween which lay Nabulus, and the rays of the declining sun bathed them\nwith golden light of that peculiar richness rarely seen away from the\ntropics. ", "The hills around the plain were terraced with orchards of\nolive-trees, while the broad stretch of level ground had every\nindication of fertility. ", "Taken as a whole, the scene was one of the\nprettiest that our friends had looked upon since leaving Egypt.", "\n\n\"We are in the land of Ephraim,\" said the Doctor, \"and you can realize\nhow much Ephraim was blessed in comparison with Judah and Benjamin. ", "The\nsoil is more fertile, and the inhabitants have an easier life of it than\nin the neighboring districts: what was true of it in the days of the\npatriarchs is true at present. ", "Ephraim is indeed blessed with 'the good\nthings of the ancient mountains.'\"", "\n\nAs they descended to the plain and crossed it in the direction of\nNabulus there was a manifest impatience on the part of the youths. ", "The\nguide had told them they were coming to Jacob's Well, and their\ncuriosity was roused to its highest point.", "\n\nThey found a cistern about ten feet square hewn in the solid rock; the\nrecent rains had partly filled it, but the guide said it was generally\ndry in summer. ", "Its depth is about eighty feet, but was formerly much\ngreater. ", "A church was built over it at the time of the Crusades, but it\nis now in ruins, and a considerable part of the material is supposed to\nhave fallen into the well.", "\n\nNight was approaching. ", "The lengthening shadows warned our friends not to\ntarry long on their way; but they rested while Doctor Bronson read in\nhis clear, impressive voice the fourth chapter of John, containing the\nbeautiful story of Jesus at the well of Jacob, and his conversation with\nthe woman of Samaria.", "\n\nA ride of less than half an hour brought them to the walls of Nabulus;\nthe white tents ready to receive them on the camping-ground outside the\ntown were a welcome sight.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE WOMAN OF SAMARIA.]", "\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER XXVIII.", "\n\nFROM NABULUS TO NAZARETH, SAMARIA, JENIN, AND THE PLAIN OF ESDRAELON.", "\n\n\n\"Nabulus or Nablous, the ancient Shechem,\" wrote Frank in his journal,\n\"is nearly as large as Jerusalem, though not so well situated. ", "It has\nabout thirteen thousand inhabitants, if the guide-book is to be trusted,\nand almost all of them are Moslems. ", "There are one hundred and fifty\nSamaritans here, and five or six hundred Christians belonging mostly to\nthe Greek Church, and there are a few Jews and other people not included\nin the above list. ", "The town appears more prosperous and active than\nJerusalem, and it is evident that the people are more industrious, and\nrely less on what they can make out of strangers.", "\n\n[Illustration: VIEW OF NABULUS.]", "\n\n\"We have walked through the town and looked at the bazaars, which are\nmuch like those of Jerusalem and Jaffa. ", "The streets are so badly paved\nand full of dirt that we could easily believe we were again in the\nneighborhood of the Tower of David and Mount Moriah. ", "The guide told us\nthat the town had considerable trade with the country east of the\nJordan, and a good deal of wool and cotton found its way from here to\nthe seaboard, whence it was shipped to England and France. ", "The country\nin the vicinity produces large quantities of olives, and there are more\nthan twenty factories engaged in making soap from olive-oil. ", "We passed\none of these soap factories, and found the smells that arose from it\nwere anything but agreeable.", "\n\n\"Seeing the olive-trees and the soap factories has made us desirous of\nknowing something about the manner of extracting the oil. ", "Here is what\nwe have learned on the subject:\n\n\"The custom of the country is not to allow any picking of the fruit of\nthe tree until a day has been appointed by the authorities. ", "If any\nolives fall to the ground before this date, they are gathered and\npreserved in brine or oil for eating, as they are the fattest olives\nfrom the trees, and fully ripe when they fall.", "\n\n\"On the day appointed for the gathering of the olives a public crier\ngoes out and announces it. ", "Then the people go to the orchards and gather\nthe olives by beating or shaking the trees, very much as they gather the\nlower grades of apples in the New England States. ", "The best olives are\npicked out for eating, and only the poorer ones are pressed for oil.", "\n\n\"Ten or twelve gallons of oil are often made from the product of a\nsingle tree, and an acre of good olive-trees will give a crop worth a\nhundred dollars. ", "A good crop is only gathered every other year, and the\nolive seems to have its 'off season,' like the American apple and peach.", "\n\n[Illustration: AN ANCIENT OLIVE-PRESS.]", "\n\n\"We have seen several olive-presses, and they are very simple. ", "There is\na stone pan about six feet across and twelve inches deep, with a hole at\none side for the escape of the oil. ", "A roller of stone, with a hole\nthrough the centre for a long handle, is placed in the pan, and the\napparatus is complete.", "\n\n[Illustration: WOMEN WORKING AN OLIVE-PRESS.]", "\n\n\"The olives are thrown into the pan, and then two men (or women) grasp\nthe opposite ends of the handle and walk around in a circle; the weight\nof the roller crushes the olives, and after a while the oil flows slowly\nfrom the hole in the side of the pan. ", "When the olives are crushed to a\npulp, and no more oil will flow, the mass is mixed with water and placed\nin bags of coarse cloth. ", "The remaining oil is forced out by treading\nwith the feet, or by crushing in a press with heavy weights. ", "The\nprocess of extracting oil from the olive was well known to the ancient\ninhabitants of the country, and is often mentioned in the Bible.", "\n\n[Illustration: ANCIENT LAMPS (MATT. ", "XXV. ", "1).]", "\n\n[Illustration: MODERN LAMPS.]", "\n\n\"A great deal of olive-oil is sent from Palestine to other countries. ", "It\nis an important article of food for the inhabitants, and takes the place\nof butter, and also of animal fat for cooking purposes. ", "It is used for\ngiving light, and is burnt in flat lamps of terra-cotta or other ware;\nsome of the lamps are covered while others are open, and in either case\nthere is a lip or projection at one side for the wick. ", "In ancient times\nthe wealthy inhabitants had lamps of silver and gold; and they are\nmentioned among the adornments of Solomon's Temple as having been made\nof the latter material. ", "We have seen great numbers of these Eastern\nlamps, of terra-cotta, tin, and occasionally of brass. ", "The lamps carried\nby the Ten Virgins--'five of them were wise, and five were foolish'--were\nundoubtedly of the exact form as those of to-day.", "\n\n\"So much for one of the industries of Nabulus, and of the land of the\nBible generally.", "\n\n\"We went to the great mosque, which was once a Christian church, built\nby the Crusaders, and afterward belonging to the Knights of St. John. ", "In\nanother part of the town is the _Jama-el-Kadra_, a mosque which is\nasserted to stand on the spot where the brethren of Joseph brought his\ncoat to Jacob. ", "It was formerly a church, like the great mosque, and the\nguide pointed out some of the crosses of the Crusaders that the Moslems\nhad not been able to obliterate altogether. ", "Then we went to the quarter\nof the Samaritans, which was the most curious of all the sights of\nNabulus.", "\n\n\"The origin of the Samaritans is described in 2 Kings xvii. ", "24-41, and\nthe present sect at Nabulus is supposed to be descended from them. ", "Two\nhundred years ago there were small bodies of them in Cairo, Damascus,\nand one or two other places, but the only one now in existence is that\nwhich we are describing.", "\n\n[Illustration: SAMARITANS BEARING TRIBUTE--AN ASSYRIAN SCULPTURE (2\nKINGS XVII. ", "3).]", "\n\n\"They preserve their ancient faith and form of worship, and they have a\ntemple on Mount Gerizim, above the town, where annually they celebrate\nthe Feast of the Passover and eat of the Paschal lamb. ", "They showed us a\ncopy of the Pentateuch, which is claimed to be the oldest in existence.", "\nThe high-priest who held and opened it says it was written by a grandson\nof Aaron. ", "There is good reason to doubt that it is more than a thousand\nyears old, and the case containing it belongs to the fourteenth or\nfifteenth century. ", "They would not let us unroll and examine it, and so\nwe must accept the statement of others, who have had a better\nopportunity, that the parchment is fifteen inches wide and from twenty\nto thirty yards long, and contains the whole of the first five books of\nthe Old Testament.\"", "\n\nThere was not time to spare for the ascent of Mount Gerizim, which rises\nabove Nabulus, and is ascended chiefly for the view from the summit. ", "The\ntop of the mountain is covered with ruins, and the spot is pointed out\nwhere Abraham was about to slay Isaac when his hand was stopped by\ndivine interposition. ", "There have been Jewish temples, Roman castles,\nChristian churches, and Moslem mosques on Mount Gerizim, and, as Frank\nstates in his journal, the Samaritans go there to celebrate the Feast of\nthe Passover, and perform other ancient rites.", "\n\nThe party made a late start from Nabulus in the direction of Jenin and\nNazareth. ", "As they rode from their camp Doctor Bronson called the\nattention of the boys to the fact that the streams east of the town\nflowed into the Mediterranean, while those to the west found their way\ninto the Jordan and the Dead Sea. ", "The route lay through a region of\npleasing valleys and plains not unlike those they had seen the day\nbefore, and for part of the way they followed an ancient road which the\nguide said belonged to the time of the Romans, or might even be older\nby a few centuries. ", "There was a succession of olive and fig orchards,\ninterspersed with gardens and fields, and the terraces on the hill-sides\nshowed that not a foot of arable soil had been overlooked. ", "There were\nnumerous villages clinging to the hill-sides, or nestled among the\nrocks, and altogether the landscape was full of picturesque effects.", "\n\n[Illustration: SEBUSTIEH, THE ANCIENT SAMARIA.]", "\n\nThrough scenes like these they made their way for two hours and more,\nwhen the guide called their attention to a village on the side of a\nbroad hill. ", "Immediately in front of them was the ruin of a Roman\ngate-way, with two of its arches standing, and not far from the gate-way\nwas a group of natives with the ever present camel. ", "Old olive-trees were\non the <DW72>s and through the valley, and covered the hill where stood\nthe village to which the guide pointed.", "\n\n\"That is Sebustieh,\" said the Doctor, \"a modern village on the site of\nancient Samaria.\"", "\n\n\"I've been reading about it as we rode along,\" said Fred. \"", "It is the\nspot where King Omri placed the capital of the kingdom of Israel, and\nwhere Ahab built the temple of Baal after marrying Jezebel, the daughter\nof the King of Sidon. ", "We can find much of the history of Samaria in the\nBooks of the Kings in the Old Testament. ", "The names of the prophets\nElisha and Elijah are connected with Samaria, and it was here that King\nHerod the Great devoted much time and effort to make the most beautiful\ncity of Palestine.\"", "\n\nWhen Fred had finished his account of Samaria the travellers moved on.", "\nThey reached the village in a quarter of an hour or so, and were taken\nat once to the ruined Church of St. John, which is now used as a mosque.", "\nThe inhabitants gathered around the door, and at first refused\npermission for the strangers to enter; but the dragoman had taken the\nprecaution to bring a permit from the Governor of Nabulus, and to engage\na soldier from the same official. ", "The permit and the soldier had the\neffect of opening the doors, and also of keeping the natives in order.", "\nThe modern residents of Samaria have none of the qualities of the good\nSamaritan of scriptural renown, and show no hesitation at the robbery of\ntravellers when the latter are without protection.", "\n\nThe tomb of John the Baptist is pointed out in the space enclosed by the\nwalls of the church, but the tradition concerning it is on very doubtful\nauthority. ", "The places of his imprisonment and execution are also shown,\nbut there is no mention of them by the early writers until after the\nthird century.", "\n\nThe summit of the hill is covered with ruins, and there is an open\nspace once surrounded with columns, of which fifteen are still in\nposition, but without their capitals. ", "Partly down the hill are the\nremains of the colonnade erected by King Herod, and intended to form the\ngreat street of the city. ", "There were two rows of these columns about\nfifty feet apart, and they were more than half a mile in length: enough\nof the columns are standing to give an idea of the original magnificence\nof the place.", "\n\n[Illustration: VIEW OF JENIN, THE ANCIENT ENGANNIM.]", "\n\nLeaving Sebustieh, our friends continued their ride, and just about\nsunset came to Jenin, where the tents were ready for them. ", "It began to\nrain as they arrived, but as there was no wind, and the clouds soon\nbroke away, nobody suffered any special inconvenience.", "\n\nFrank was about to ask a question concerning their camping-place, when\nthe Doctor proceeded to give the desired information.", "\n\n\"Jenin,\" said he, \"is the ancient Engannim, and is just at the entrance\nof the Plain of Esdraelon. ", "The plain is sometimes called the\nbattle-field of Palestine, and was probably the ancient Plain of\nJezreel. ", "The battle in which Saul and Jonathan his son were slain took\nplace a little beyond here, near the modern village of Zerin, the\nancient Jezreel.\"", "\n\nThe evening was passed in reading about the battles that had taken place\nin the neighborhood, and in studying the map of the Plain of Esdraelon.", "\nWhen they left the wretched village the next morning, and looked upon\nthe beautiful plain spread below them, the boys were full of enthusiasm\nabout the region they were traversing, and showed an excellent knowledge\nof the positions indicated on the map.", "\n\n\"That must be Taanach,\" said Frank, pointing to a rounded hill on the\nleft, as they looked down the valley.", "\n\n\"Yes,\" replied the Doctor, \"that is Taanach, and beyond it is Megiddo,\nwhich you readily perceive is a strong point for an army to occupy.\"", "\n\n\"That's what we read about last night,\" said Fred. \"", "Taanach was one of\nthe points where Joash was held back in his attacks on the Canaanites,\nand it was afterward the head-quarters of Sisera, who also held Megiddo.", "\nMegiddo was where Joash was killed in a battle with the Egyptians, as we\nread in 2 Chronicles, chap. ", "xxv., ", "and back of it are the hills of\nManasseh.\"", "\n\nThe road from Jenin passed near the base of Mount Gilboa, and as our\nfriends followed the ridge on which their track lay they found\nthemselves on the water-shed between the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean.", "\nThey passed the village of Zerin, the ancient Jezreel, where Jezebel was\nthrown to the dogs, and where Ahab's palace is supposed to have stood.", "\nTo the east of the village is the spring of Harod and the fountain of\nJezreel, where Saul's army made its last camp. ", "It is on the <DW72> of\nMount Gilboa, and directly in front of the position where the\nPhilistines were posted before the battle. ", "By going still farther to the\nnorth we come to Endor, where Saul had his interview with the witch.", "\nMost of these points lay too far from the road to allow time for a\nvisit, but they were visible from the high points of the route, or their\npositions were easily indicated.", "\n\n[Illustration: MAP OF THE VALLEY OF ESDRAELON.]", "\n\nOther battles than those of the Bible were recalled by this ride over\nthe plain, and among the hills that bordered it. ", "The guide pointed out\nthe spot where Saladin defeated the Hospitallers and Templars when he\nconquered Palestine, and also where Napoleon Bonaparte and Kleber\ndefeated a Turkish army much larger than their own. ", "The Doctor said they\nwere not far from where Nebuchadnezzar's army was encamped when Judith\ncut off the head of Holofernes, and a little farther away was the scene\nof the defeat of the Jews by the army of Vespasian.", "\n\n\"No wonder it is called the battle-field of Palestine,\" said he, \"when\nit has been the scene of so much warfare. ", "No other part of the country\nhas been traversed by so many armies as this, and in no other place have\nso many historic battles been fought. ", "There is hardly an acre of the\nPlain of Esdraelon that has not been moistened by the blood of the\nvictims of war. ", "The soil is fertile, or would be if it were well\ncultivated, but it has shared the fate of other parts of Palestine, and\nis suffering from neglect.\"", "\n\nAt the suggestion of the guide they made a slight détour from their\nroute in order to visit the village of Nain, which is celebrated in\nScripture as the scene of the raising of the widow's son (Luke vii.", "\n7-15). ", "There is nothing of interest in the village itself, and it is\nprobably no larger in population than it was two thousand years ago. ", "The\nhill-sides near it are fairly honey-combed with tombs, but hardly any of\nthem are of modern date.", "\n\nMount Tabor was in full view from the road for a considerable time, and\nso were other hills and mountains mentioned in sacred history. ", "From the\nPlain of Esdraelon to Nazareth the road wound through a broken country,\nand in many places it was quite steep. ", "Nazareth is about four hundred\nfeet higher than the plain, and consequently the ascending parts of the\nroute preponderated over the descents. ", "The town is surrounded by hills,\nand is not visible until quite close at hand, in consequence of its\nsecluded position.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE PLAN OF NAZARETH.", "\n\n1. ", "New quarter of the Latin Convent; 2. ", "Church of the Annunciation; 3.", "\nProtestant Church; 4. ", "Protestant Parsonage; 5. ", "Protestant Mission\nSchool; 6. ", "Protestant Missionary's House: 7. ", "Convent of French Nuns; 8.", "\nThe \"Mensa Christi;\" 9. ", "House of the Mufti; 10. ", "House of the Turkish\nGovernor; 11. ", "Mosque; 12. ", "Mission Hospital.]", "\n\nDoctor Bronson explained to his young companions that Nazareth is not\nmentioned in the Old Testament, though some writers have attempted to\nidentify it as having a history earlier than the Christian era.", "\nAccording to the biblical account it was a small village at the time of\nour Saviour's birth, and the name of Nazarene was used in derision. ", "The\nmodern name of the place is En-Nasira, and down to the time of\nConstantine it was almost exclusively occupied by Samaritan Jews. ", "Its\npresent population is estimated at six or eight thousand: nearly half\nthe inhabitants are Moslems, and the balance are separated into various\nChristian sects, of which the orthodox Greeks are the most numerous. ", "The\ntown is divided into the Moslem quarter, the Greek quarter, and the\nLatin quarter, and the various Christian sects are under the protection\nof foreign powers, though generally subject to Turkish rule.", "\n\n[Illustration: VIEW OF NAZARETH.]", "\n\nIt was on Saturday evening that our friends reached Nazareth, and very\nproperly they determined to remain there till Monday. ", "The tents were\npitched in a little grove just outside the town, and in a picturesque\nposition, where all the surroundings were agreeable to the eye. ", "The\nguide offered to lodge them in the Latin convent; but they preferred the\nfreedom and comfort of the tents, and wisely concluded that a visit to\nthe convent would be all they would need of it. ", "So many pilgrims visit\nNazareth that both the Greeks and Latins have found it necessary to\nmaintain establishments there for the benefit of their adherents. ", "The\npoor are lodged gratuitously, but those who can afford to make payment\nare expected to do so at the same rate as in a hotel.", "\n\nThe evening was passed in reading, by the light of candles, the story of\nthe Annunciation, as given in the New Testament, and in commenting upon\nthe identification of the spot by modern Christians. ", "Doctor Bronson said\nthere could be no doubt whatever that this was the place described in\nthe Bible, though there might be some question as to the exact spot in\nNazareth where the event occurred. ", "He said it was a curious circumstance\nthat for three centuries after the birth of Christ there was not a\nChristian inhabitant in Nazareth, and the first Christian pilgrimage was\nmade there not earlier than the sixth century. ", "In the sixth or seventh\ncentury two churches were built there, and from that time the place has\nbeen a prominent one in the history of the religion of Bethlehem.", "\n\nIn good time next morning all were out of bed and ready to start for the\nLatin convent, where service was to be held. ", "We will let one of the\nyouths tell the story of what they saw and heard:\n\n\"The convent is supposed to be on the site of the house of the Virgin\nMary; at any rate the Latin monks press that claim for it, and it is not\ndisputed by the Greeks, though the latter say that the angel first\nappeared to Mary at the fountain and not in her house. ", "Consequently, the\nGreek Church of the Annunciation is over the fountain, while the Latin\none is above the site of the house where the Virgin dwelt.", "\n\n\"The Latin convent is on the side of the hill, and is a prominent\nfeature in the picture of Nazareth. ", "There are several buildings\nclustered together, and at first sight we were reminded of the Church of\nthe Nativity at Bethlehem and its massive surroundings. ", "There is a high\nwall surrounding the buildings, and the gate through which we passed is\nheavy enough to resist the attack of any ordinary band of Arabs. ", "We\nentered a court-yard which was open to the sky, and then passed to\nanother and smaller one directly in front of the church. ", "The sacred\nbuilding is about seventy feet by fifty, and was completed in its\npresent form a century and a half ago. ", "Several churches have stood here,\nand the materials of each have been used in the erection of its\nsuccessor, so that we may fairly believe that some parts of the first\nchurch of Nazareth are to be seen here.", "\n\n\"The interior of the building consists of a nave and aisles, formed by\nfour piers that support the roof. ", "The whole of the interior is covered\nwith paintings and tapestry representing scenes in the Saviour's life,\nand there is a fine organ and an altar dedicated to the angel Gabriel.", "\nWe did not spend much time over this part of the church, as we were all\nimpatient to descend to the Grotto of the Annunciation, which is below\nthe floor.", "\n\n\"There is a stairway of fifteen marble steps between the first two\ncolumns as you enter the church, and down this stairway we went, after a\nbrief inspection of the decorations of the walls and a glance at the\nhigh altar.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE ANNUNCIATION.]", "\n\n\"At the foot of the steps we entered the so-called 'Chapel of the\nAngels,' which contains shrines dedicated to St. Joachim and the angel\nGabriel. ", "Beyond the shrines is an opening or passage leading to the\nChapel of the Annunciation, which is an apartment fifteen feet by ten,\nas near as we could judge, and has a marble altar showing the spot where\nMary stood during the Annunciation. ", "A column near the entrance marks the\nposition of the angel, and a little distance from it is a fragment of a\ncolumn hanging from the roof, and said to be suspended by miraculous\npower. ", "We wanted to examine it closely, but the monk in charge of the\nplace hurried us on, and evidently did not wish a careful inspection of\nthe hanging column.", "\n\n\"Beyond the Chapel of the Annunciation is the Chapel of Joseph, and\nfarther on is a small cavern hewn from the solid rock, and said to have\nbeen the kitchen of Mary.", "\n\n\"The general arrangement of the altars, lamps, and decorations was a\nconstant reminder of Bethlehem, and when the monks began their service\nwe found it was very nearly the same. ", "As soon as the ceremony was over\nin the grotto it was announced that the hour for service in the church\nhad arrived, and we all went to attend it. ", "The congregation numbered two\nor three hundred persons, including the twenty-five or thirty Italian\nand Spanish monks in charge of the convent, and perhaps fifty pilgrims,\nwhile the balance was made up of our party and the Latin Christians\nliving at Nazareth. ", "The notes of the organ sounded finely through the\nold church, and when we remembered that we were on the spot where the\nChristian world believes the coming of our Saviour was announced to his\nmother, we were deeply impressed with the solemnity of the occasion.", "\n\n\"Let me tell you here the story of the _Santa Casa_, or Holy House, as\nwe heard it from the monks, and as it is told in the history of the\nCatholic Church since the fifteenth century:\n\n\"'The house in which Mary lived was carried away by angels, who lifted\nit from its foundations and bore it away when the infidels conquered the\ncountry and began the expulsion of the Christians. ", "They carried it, in\nA.D. 1291, to the heights overlooking Finme, in Hungary. ", "It rested there\nabout three years, and was then transported to the coast of Italy, where\nit remained five or six months. ", "A third and last removal occurred in the\nyear 1294 or 1295 to the place where it now stands in the town of\nLoretto, twelve miles south of Ancona, and three miles from the\nsea-shore.' ", "Great numbers of pilgrims are said to go there every year to\nsee it, and the building is carefully preserved from injury. ", "The Latin\nmonks believe the story implicitly, and they point out the exact\nposition which the house formerly occupied.", "\n\n\"We went from the church to see the house and workshop of Joseph, now\nfitted up as a chapel, and in possession of the Latins; and then we\nvisited the 'Chapel of the Table of Christ,' where there is a table of\nsolid rock, on which Jesus and his disciples are said to have eaten\nfrequently. ", "From this place we went to the synagogue where he was\nteaching when the Jews drove him out, and to the rock where they were\nabout to cast him down. ", "From there we went to the Fountain of the\nVirgin, where the Greeks have their Church of the Annunciation. ", "When we\nhad seen this we were told that the round of the holy places of Nazareth\nwas complete, unless we wished to see the 'Mount of the Precipitation,'\nabout two miles away.", "\n\n\"We declined the journey, as there is a great deal of doubt concerning\nthe accuracy of the tradition. ", "Doctor Bronson said we should not miss\nthe view from the hill back of Nazareth, and so we climbed there a\nlittle before sunset and had a magnificent prospect.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE COUNTRY NEAR NAZARETH, WITH THE TOWN IN THE\nDISTANCE.]", "\n\n\"The best point for the view was said to be Neby Ismail, and we\ncertainly have seen nothing finer in all Palestine. ", "The hills are less\nbarren than in most other parts of the country that we have visited, and\nthe plains and valleys present an appearance of fertility. ", "Mounts Tabor,\nHermon, and Carmel were in the picture, and beyond the latter we had a\nglimpse of the blue waters of the Mediterranean bounding the western\nhorizon. ", "Then we looked down on the Plain of Esdraelon and on the upper\nValley of the Jordan, and lingered as long as time would permit. ", "I\ncannot begin to tell you of the thoughts and associations that crowded\nupon us in looking upon the place so intimately connected with the life\nof the Saviour, and the scenes of so many other events that form a part\nof our Bible history.\"", "\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER XXIX.", "\n\nASCENT OF MOUNT TABOR.--AROUND AND ON THE SEA OF GALILEE.", "\n\n\nOn Monday morning the party made a good start in the direction of Mount\nTabor and the Sea of Galilee. ", "The tents were sent direct to the\ncamping-ground which had been selected for the night, while the\ntravellers made a detour to the summit of the historic mountain.", "\n\nThey looked back from the crest of a ridge on the road, and had a fine\nview of Nazareth. ", "An hour's ride from this point through a wooded valley\nbrought them to the foot of Mount Tabor, the _Jebel-et-Tur_ of the\nArabs, and a famous name in biblical history. ", "Unlike many of the\nmountains of Palestine it is covered with trees to the summit, and the\nruins scattered about its sides show that it has been the home of many\npeople through numerous generations.", "\n\n\"We had a zigzag ride up the side of Mount Tabor,\" said the youths, in\ntheir journal, \"and made frequent stoppages for our horses to take\nbreath. ", "When we reached the top we found it was not a peak, but a sort\nof rounded ridge, half a mile long and a quarter of a mile wide. ", "All the\nspace on the summit is covered with ruins, and there have evidently been\ntowns, temples, fortresses, and other buildings on this commanding spot.", "\nWe learn from the Bible (Joshua xix. ", "22) that Tabor was occupied when\nthe Israelites first came into the country, and it is probable that\nthere was a town here at that time. ", "In another place (Judges iv.) ", "we\nlearn that Deborah ordered Barak to gather an army here; and it was from\nTabor that the Israelites marched when they defeated Sisera. ", "From that\ntime down to the Christian era Tabor continued to be an important point,\nand was the scene of several battles. ", "In the fourth century it was\nregarded as the scene of the Transfiguration, and many pilgrimages were\nmade to it by the early Christians. ", "Hermits formerly dwelt here in\ncaves, and subsisted on the charity of visitors.", "\n\n[Illustration: HOME OF A CAVE-HERMIT IN PALESTINE.]", "\n\n\"Several convents and churches were established on Mount Tabor, and the\nCrusaders built a monastery on the summit, which was afterward destroyed\nby the infidels. ", "There are two monasteries here now, but they are not\nof much consequence; one belongs to the Latins and the other to the\nGreeks, and, as we did not wish to show any partiality, we visited both\nof them. ", "There is great hostility between the monks of the two\nestablishments, and those who visit one are generally excluded from the\nother. ", "Each party claims that the scene of the Transfiguration was on\nthe spot where its own church stands. ", "Both these statements are\ngenerally disbelieved; and it is the opinion of the majority of those\nwho have investigated the matter that the great event occurred elsewhere\nthan on Mount Tabor.", "\n\n[Illustration: MOUNT TABOR.]", "\n\n\"Our ride from Nazareth had given us a good appetite, and we were quite\nready for the lunch which Ali brought for us in his saddle-bags. ", "While\nengaged in satisfying our hunger we enjoyed the view from the summit of\nthe mountain; it includes Hermon and Carmel--the latter almost hiding\nthe thin strip of the Mediterranean, and itself partly concealed by the\nnearer ranges of hills. ", "Looking to the east we saw a part of the Lake of\nTiberias, and beyond it the chain of the Hauran Mountains; and, as we\nturned toward the southern horizon, the guide pointed out the mountains\nof Gilead. ", "Apparently at our feet was the Plain of Esdraelon, with its\nancient battle-fields, and on the hills around us were Endor, Nain, and\nhalf a dozen other villages of less importance. ", "The deep Valley of the\nJordan was revealed for a considerable distance, and we realized more\nthan ever before how great is the depression where the river flows. ", "The\ntop of Tabor is more than two thousand feet above the level of the\nMediterranean, while the surface of the lake is six hundred and forty\nfeet below it. ", "Consequently, we looked down nearly two thousand seven\nhundred feet to the waters on whose banks we were to pass the night.", "\n\n\"While descending Mount Tabor we disturbed several partridges and other\nbirds, and one of us thought we had a glimpse of a fox darting among the\ntrees. ", "The guide said there were several kinds of game here, but nobody\npaid much attention to it, since it was not easy to get at. ", "The Arabs\nsometimes catch hares and partridges in traps, but the foxes are too\ncunning to be taken in that way.", "\n\n\"Down and down we went, and from Tabor to Tiberias it was a descending\nroad the most of the way. ", "We passed the _Khan el-Tujar_, or Caravansary\nof the Merchants, which is very much in ruins, but was evidently a\nstrong place at the time of its erection, three hundred years ago. ", "It\nwas built by the Pacha of Damascus for the protection of the merchants\nfrom the robbers, who frequently plundered the caravans and made the\nroad dangerous. ", "A market is held here once a week, and the people from\nTiberias, Nazareth, and other places in the neighborhood come to sell\ntheir wares, but we could not learn that they had much to sell.", "\n\n[Illustration: DISTANT VIEW OF KEFR KENNA.]", "\n\n\"Cana of Galilee, where the water was turned into wine, is off our road,\nand we had to be satisfied with the indication of its position. ", "It is\nnow called Kefr Kenna, and has a population of five or six hundred, half\nof whom are Moslems and the rest Greek Christians. ", "The Greeks have a\nchurch in which they show one of the jars or water-pots in which the\nmiracle was performed. ", "There is another Kenna or Cana between Nazareth\nand Mount Carmel, and some authorities think it was the scene of the\nmiracle, and not the one we have been talking about.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE CITY AND LAKE OF TIBERIAS.]", "\n\n\"As we rode down the hills we had a full view of the sea or lake of\nTiberias, which is also called the Sea of Galilee, and the sea or lake\nof Gennesaret, and known to the Arabs as _Bahr Tabariyeh_. ", "It is smaller\nthan you might suppose from its importance in history; it is thirteen\nmiles long and less than seven in width, and in the midst of a region\nwith very few inhabitants. ", "As we looked at it, it seemed little more\nthan a pond, and the hills beyond it were bare and desolate. ", "The\nfertility of the region must be far less now than it was in the time of\nour Saviour, and it is the general opinion that the country has\nundergone many changes. ", "We passed the ruins of several villages and\ntowns, and for nearly all the time of our journey the evidences were all\naround us that a great many people once lived here.", "\n\n\"The most populous town on the banks of the lake is Tiberias, but it has\nnot more than two thousand inhabitants, and the majority of them have a\npoverty-stricken appearance. ", "Like all the people of Palestine, they\nbegged persistently for backsheesh, and would not leave us till we\nthreatened to appeal to the Governor and ask for a guard to protect us.", "\nWe noticed that a great number of them were Jews, and several spoke to\nus in German; this roused our curiosity, and we asked the Doctor what it\nall meant. ", "He explained it to us in this way:\n\n\"'Tiberias is like Jerusalem in one respect--it is a sacred place with\nthe Jews, many of whom believe that the Messiah will rise from the\nwaters of the lake and establish his throne on one of the hills back of\nthe little town. ", "For this reason many Jews of Poland and Germany make\npilgrimages to Tiberias, and some of them remain to pass their lives in\nthe sacred spot. ", "They are generally a worthless and lazy lot, and are\nsupported by the charity of visitors and by money sent by wealthy Jews\nof Europe.'", "\n\n\"More than half the inhabitants of Tiberias are Jews; the rest are\nMoslems and Christians in about equal proportions. ", "The Latins and Greeks\nhave churches here; one of them is dedicated to St. Peter, and the\nmiracle of the draught of the fishes is said to have taken place in\nfront of the town. ", "There was a terrible earthquake here in 1837, which\nthrew down large parts of the walls and killed great numbers of the\npeople. ", "There has been no attempt to repair the damages, and it would be\neasy to ride into Tiberias without taking the trouble to enter by the\ngates.", "\n\n\"Our tents were pitched on a little cleared space outside the walls and\nclose to the lake, and after it became dark we indulged in a swim in the\nwaters of Galilee. ", "The next morning we went to the warm baths for which\nTiberias was once celebrated, and tried them for a little while; but the\nsmell of sulphur was so strong that we did not much enjoy our visit.", "\nThese baths were famous among the Romans, and were believed to possess\nmany curative qualities; the water is very salt and bitter to the taste,\nand is certainly disagreeable enough to be good for invalids, provided\nthey can stand it. ", "We put a thermometer into the water, and found its\ntemperature 144° Fahrenheit. ", "There are four springs altogether, and\nthere is a building over the largest of them. ", "The baths are taken almost\nentirely by strangers, as the residents of Tiberias have an antipathy\nfor water except for drinking purposes: they never bathe except when\nthey tumble into the lake accidentally, or are thrown there by the\nvisitors whom they annoy.", "\n\n\"We spent an hour among the ruins of the ancient Tiberias, which covered\na much larger area than its modern successor. ", "The city was founded by\nHerod near the beginning of the Christian era, and he called it Tiberias\nin honor of the Roman emperor of that name. ", "It had a palace and a\nrace-course, and, if we may judge by the extent of its ruins, it was a\nplace of no ordinary importance. ", "It was captured several times in the\nwars that devastated the country, but has never ceased to be regarded\nwith special veneration by the Jews. ", "Many pious Jews come here to die:\nthe location is unhealthy on account of fevers and other diseases, and\nconsequently the mortality is great, and the town is exactly suited to\ntheir wants.\"", "\n\nOf course the whole party was desirous of taking a voyage on the lake,\nand they sent Ali to engage a boat with that object in view. ", "According\nto the biblical account there were many vessels there during our\nSaviour's time, but at present there are only three boats, and rarely\nmore than two of these are afloat at once. ", "The lake abounds in fish,\nand, if there was a sufficient population to buy and pay for the\nproceeds of the work, a dozen or a hundred fishermen could do a good\nbusiness. ", "But with nobody to eat them it would be idle to catch the\nfish; and as the natives do not understand sport for its own sake, the\nfinny inhabitants are not seriously disturbed.", "\n\nAli secured a boat for the excursion, and it was arranged that the rest\nof the day should be spent on the lake. ", "The saddle-horses were to go\nwith the baggage-animals to Tell Hum, where the camp would be formed for\nthe night. ", "Everybody was delighted with this arrangement, and the youths\ncould hardly restrain their impatience to be off on the voyage over the\nSea of Galilee.", "\n\nThe boat was of the Oriental pattern, and without any deck or awning to\nprotect the travellers from the sun, which generally beats down on the\nwaters with a good deal of energy. ", "Umbrellas were brought into\nrequisition, and thus equipped, and with provisions to satisfy their\nhunger when the hour came for the mid-day meal, the six strangers and\ntheir dragoman took seats in the stern of the boat and pushed away from\nland.", "\n\n[Illustration: MAP OF THE SEA OF GALILEE.]", "\n\nIt was the plan of the party to make the circuit of the lake, and visit\npoints of interest whenever the wind favored and it was safe to do so.", "\nAli told them that as they had no escort, and had no arrangements for\npaying backsheesh, for the plain reason that there was no one at\nTiberias with whom they could negotiate, it would not be judicious to\nland on the eastern shore. ", "The country is in possession of the Bedouins,\nwho have no hesitation at plundering the traveller of all that he has\nabout him, and then demanding a heavy backsheesh to let him go. ", "On this\nstatement of affairs it was unanimously agreed that nobody cared to land\non the eastern shore.", "\n\nThe boat followed the coast to the vicinity of Kerak, which is close to\nthe exit of the Jordan, and then turned to the north and east in the\ndirection of Kalat el-Hosn. ", "On the maps this place is generally laid\ndown as Gamala; it is a heap of ruins, and has been without inhabitants\nsince the city of Gamala was destroyed by Vespasian, and the surrounding\nregion of Gamalatis passed under his control.", "\n\nThen they went northward past the ruins of Kersa, or Kheusa, situated in\na narrow valley. ", "A steep bank comes down to the lake close by Kersa, and\nsome authorities have endeavored to identify it as the place where the\nherd of swine ran down to the sea. ", "There is no other point where there\nis so steep a bank as this coming down to the water. ", "The theory of its\nidentity is based entirely on its being the most convenient spot for a\nherd of swine to commit suicide.", "\n\n[Illustration: MAGDALA AND PLAIN OF GENNESARET.]", "\n\nFrom Kersa they crossed the lake to Magdala, or Mejdel, whose chief\nclaim to distinction arises from its having been the birthplace of Mary\nMagdalene. ", "The town is principally in ruins, and there are only a few\nhuts there occupied by miserable Arabs, whose chief occupation is to beg\nfor backsheesh. ", "The region around is, or might be, fertile, but Magdala\nis the only inhabited spot in the Plain of Gennesaret, and nobody cares\nto engage in agriculture of any sort. ", "That the ground is fertile is\nproven by the abundance of thistles, weeds, and bushes with which it is\ncovered, and the thickets of oleander and other trees, together with\noccasional clusters of palms. ", "One of the boys said it seemed as though a\ncurse rested on the land. ", "Doctor Bronson assented to this view, and\nadded that the Turkish Government had a great deal to do with the\nmatter, as its exorbitant taxes on all kinds of industry was an\neffectual barrier to anything like honest work.", "\n\nAs they sailed northward from Magdala, Doctor Bronson pointed out a\nvalley leading from the Plain of Gennesaret, and asked the guide what it\nwas.", "\n\nAli replied that it was called Wady Haman.", "\n\n\"I thought so,\" answered the Doctor. \"", "By going up that valley we might\nvisit the caverns which are mentioned by Josephus and other writers.\"", "\n\nFrank asked for what these caverns were celebrated, and how large they\nwere.", "\n\n\"They are partly natural and partly artificial,\" was the reply, \"and are\nlarge enough to shelter five or six hundred persons. ", "The openings are\nprotected by walls, and at every exposed point there is a bastion or\nsomething of the kind, so that the occupants could defend themselves\nwith great ease.", "\n\n\"They are mentioned in the Bible, but more fully in the works of\nJosephus, who calls them fortified caverns. ", "They have been occupied at\ndifferent times as resorts of robbers, or as strongholds of regular\nsoldiers, and in either case it was a matter of great difficulty to take\nthem. ", "In the time of Herod the Great they were held by robbers, who\nplundered all the surrounding country, and made themselves so\ntroublesome that the king determined to get rid of them.", "\n\n[Illustration: HEROD'S PLAN OF ATTACK.]", "\n\n\"He sent his soldiers to attack them, but the position of the robbers\nwas so strong that they repelled every assault. ", "Finally he ordered some\nstrong boxes to be made, and suspended over the face of the cliff by\nmeans of iron chains, and when all was ready he filled the boxes with\nsoldiers, and lowered them down in front of the caves.", "\n\n[Illustration: BATTLE WITH THE ROBBERS.]", "\n\n\"The robbers were taken by surprise, but they quickly came to their\nsenses, and made a desperate resistance. ", "The soldiers were victorious;\nand the robbers that escaped death by the spear, or being thrown over\nthe cliff, were soon made prisoners, and their business was broken up.", "\nAt the present time the caves are unoccupied, except by a few beggars,\nwho live upon what they get from visitors.", "\n\n\"Back of the caverns are the ruins of the ancient city of Arbela, which\nis doubtless the Beth-Arbel mentioned in Hosea x. 14. ", "The ruins are\novergrown with reeds and vines, and are not worth the time and trouble\nof visiting them.\"", "\n\nFrom Magdala the boat made a straight course for the mouth of the\nJordan, and was carried rapidly forward by a strong breeze from the\nsouth. ", "The dragoman said that the lake was liable to be swept by sudden\nwinds, like the majority of inland waters surrounded by mountains, and\nhe predicted that the favoring breeze they had just caught might leave\nthem altogether by the time they reached the point for which they were\nheading. ", "Sure enough it did so; and as they entered the mouth of the\nriver there was not enough to carry them against the current. ", "The\nboatmen took to their oars, and in a little while they were a couple of\nmiles from the lake and in front of the ruins of Bethsaida.", "\n\nThe ground for quite a distance is covered with the remains of\ndwellings, the most of them so overgrown with weeds and bushes that\nthey must be sought for in order to be found. ", "Bethsaida means \"house of\nfish,\" or \"fish-marke;\" and there was another village of the same name\nnear Capernaum, so that much confusion has arisen concerning them. ", "It\nwas probably near the Bethsaida on the Jordan, where we now are, that\nthe miracle of feeding the multitude was performed, as described in the\nninth chapter of Luke, while it was to the other Bethsaida that Christ\nsent away his disciples, and went up into the mountain to pray.", "\n\nAs the boat descended the river to reach the lake again Doctor Bronson\nread from the Bible the account of the stilling of the tempest, and the\nevents connected with it. ", "All were agreed that the miracle must have\nbeen performed near the western shore, and close by Capernaum, and the\nscriptural description seemed to tally exactly with the configuration of\nthe land and lake. ", "It was easy to imagine the scene, especially as the\nwind by which they had been blown from Magdala had ceased entirely, and\n\"there was a great calm.\" ", "By steady rowing the boat was brought to Tell\nHum a little before sunset, and the voyage around the Sea of Galilee was\nat an end.", "\n\nNear Tell Hum the guide called the attention of the youths to a man on\nthe shore standing motionless as a statue, and holding a scoop-net with\na long handle.", "\n\nWhile they watched him he brought the net to the water with a rapid\nsweep, and then lifted it almost in the same motion. ", "As he swung it to\nland a fish was seen vainly struggling to escape from the meshes of the\nnet.", "\n\n[Illustration: A GALILEE FISHING-BOAT.]", "\n\nAli explained that they had witnessed one of the modes of fishing\npractised by the natives. ", "They watch along the shore, and when a fish\ncomes near enough he is secured by a rapid motion of the net, and it\nmust be very rapid too. ", "Another plan of catching fish is to render them\ninsensible by poison, and then gather them as they float on the surface\nof the water. ", "Europeans have some hesitation at eating fish caught in\nthis way, but the natives are not so fastidious. ", "Sometimes fish are\ncaught in traps in the mouths of the little streams flowing into the\nlake or along the shore, but nobody troubles himself about seeking in\ndeep water.", "\n\nFrank wanted to know what kinds of fish were taken in the lake, but the\ninformation he obtained was not very clear. ", "Ali questioned the boatmen,\nand, as near as he could make out, the fishes of the Lake of Tiberias\nare the _binni_, or carp, and the _mesht_, or _coracinus_, which belongs\nto the cat-fish family. ", "The latter are the most abundant, and sufficient\nfor the wants of a population much larger than exists at present near\nthe lake.", "\n\n[Illustration: RUINS AT TELL HUM.]", "\n\nThey landed at Tell Hum, where they paid and dismissed the boatmen, and\nthen strolled a short time among the ruins before going to their tents.", "\nA large town or city once stood here, and that it was an important place\nwith the Jews is shown by the ruins of their synagogue, which must have\nbeen an edifice of considerable extent and excellent proportions. ", "One\nwriter says it was among the finest buildings in Palestine, and the\nfragments now on the ground reveal some admirable specimens of\nsculpture. ", "Frank and Fred tried to take the measurements of a part of\nthe wall of the building, but were unable to do so on account of the\ngreat number of weeds and vines that covered the ground. ", "They found\nseveral blocks nine or ten feet long, and broad in proportion, that\nevidently formed a part of the foundations.", "\n\nDoctor Bronson told them that Tell Hum was thought by some to be the\nCapernaum of the New Testament; others believe Capernaum was farther to\nthe south, and make Tell Hum identical with Chorazin. ", "The latter theory\nis sustained by its proximity to Bethsaida. ", "The words of Christ, \"Woe\nunto thee, Chorazin! ", "woe unto thee, Bethsaida!\" ", "would seem to indicate\nthat they were near each other. ", "Tell Hum is about two miles from\nBethsaida, while nearly the same distance farther on is Khan Minyeh,\nwhich is claimed by several authorities to have been the Capernaum of\nthe New Testament.", "\n\nAs they sat in front of their tents while the sun was dipping below the\nhorizon, our friends naturally talked of the country around them, and\ncompared it with what it probably was two thousand years ago. ", "The\nreflection was not a cheering one, and they were not at all sorry to\nchange to a more agreeable topic.", "\n\nThe full-moon rose over the eastern mountains. ", "As it ascended, and threw\nits light on the lake, the ruggedness of the hills was softened, the\nplacid waters became like a sheet of silver, the stars were reflected as\nin a mirror, and the sky was without a cloud. ", "The picture was one to be\nlong remembered, and each one of that little party regretted that the\ntime was near for them to bid it farewell.", "\n\n[Illustration: VIEW OF THE LAKE FROM THE WESTERN SHORE.]", "\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER XXX.", "\n\nFROM GALILEE TO DAMASCUS.--A RIDE THROUGH DAN AND BANIAS.", "\n\n\n[Illustration: THE ROCK PARTRIDGE.]", "\n\nEverybody was out of bed before daylight, and prepared for an early\nstart. ", "Before the sun was up the tents had been folded and packed, and\nthe travellers were in the saddle and riding away from Tell Hum. ", "From\nthe summit of a hill they looked back upon Gennesaret, which lay far\nbelow them, with its waters sparkling in the sunlight, and its surface\nundisturbed by a single boat. ", "Then they rode on again. ", "Around them were\nthe rugged hills of Palestine, and every few minutes they disturbed the\npartridges that have their homes among the rocks. ", "Frank recalled to\nmemory the passage in Samuel, \"as one doth hunt a partridge in the\nmountains.\" ", "The guide said that in some parts of the country these birds\nare so abundant that they do a great deal of damage; they dig up and\ndevour the freshly-sown wheat, and when the crops are ripening they feed\nupon the grain, and are often to be seen in large flocks.", "\n\nThe road was rough and steep, and led steadily upward. ", "Frank thought\nthat when the engineers laid it out they selected the worst places they\ncould find, and Fred replied that he did not believe it had any\nengineers at all. \"", "Even the mules and horses would have done better,\"\nFred continued. \"", "You know it is said in America that the buffaloes were\nthe first road-makers, as it has been found that the buffalo trails in\nthe Rocky Mountains are always through the lowest passes, and avoid the\nroughest places. ", "Now if the beasts of burden in this country had laid\nout the roads they would have done better than the men who undertook the\nwork.\"", "\n\nIt was a weary ride along this road, and frequently the travellers\ndismounted, partly out of compassion for their horses, and partly\nbecause riding was dangerous where the rocks were worn smooth or\nmoistened by recent rains. ", "Ruins of towns and villages were seen in\nseveral places, and some of the cliffs were pierced with caverns that\nformerly gave shelter to robbers or were the homes of hermits. ", "Three\nhours of climbing brought them to Safed, which is one of the holy cities\nof the Jews, and has a population of three or four thousand.", "\n\nThe town is on a mountain, and commanded by a castle that is said to\nhave been built in the time of the Crusades, but is now sadly in ruins.", "\nDown to the beginning of 1837 it was in good condition, and so were the\nhouses where the people dwelt; the earthquake, on the first day of that\nyear, wrought terrible destruction to Safed, as it overthrew nearly all\nthe buildings, and killed, according to the estimates, five thousand of\nthe inhabitants. ", "The town was divided into the Christian, Moslem, and\nJewish quarters; the Jewish quarter suffered most, and it is said that\nfour-fifths of those killed by the earthquake belonged to the religion\nof King Solomon. ", "Mr. Thomson, who visited Safed soon after the\nearthquake, says not a single Jewish house remained when the shocks\nwere ended, and several persons were saved from the rubbish two or three\ndays after the occurrence; they had been unable to extricate themselves,\nand suffered greatly from hunger and thirst. ", "Others were less fortunate,\nand perished of hunger beneath the fallen débris of the houses where\nthey had resided.", "\n\nThere was nothing of special interest in Safed, as the town is nearly\nall modern, having been rebuilt since the earthquake. ", "Some authorities\nthink Safed was the \"city set on a hill\" which was referred to by Christ\nin his Sermon on the Mount (Matt. ", "v. 14). ", "Certainly the position would\nseem to justify such a belief, as it is visible for quite a distance\nfrom nearly all directions, and the view from it is a wide one.", "\n\nOur friends halted briefly for a contemplation of the scene, which\nincludes the Lebanon and Hermon ranges of mountains, the countries of\nSamaria, Carmel, and Galilee to the sea-coast, the Valley of the Jordan,\nthe land of Gilead, Moab and Bashan, and the whole area of rugged hills\nin which the Sea of Tiberias is enclosed. ", "They were reminded of the view\nfrom Tabor, especially as they looked downward nearly three thousand\nfeet before their vision reached the waters of deep Galilee. ", "The guide\nindicated many points of historic interest, and the list became so long\nthat the attempt to remember everything was soon abandoned.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE PLAIN OF HULEH.]", "\n\nFrom Safed they rode on through a rough and desolate region, where they\nwere often compelled to turn aside to avoid great masses of rock that\nfilled the way. ", "For quite a distance they were in sight of Lake Huleh,\nor Merom, and the youths regretted that time did not permit them to\nvisit the lake and make a voyage upon it. ", "Their regret was not very\nserious when Doctor Bronson told them that Huleh was an insignificant\nbody of water less than five miles long, and surrounded by a marsh, so\nthat its banks were not easy of access. ", "It is mentioned in the Old\nTestament as \"the waters of Merom,\" and it was on the bank of Merom, or\nnear it, that the events occurred which are mentioned in the eleventh\nchapter of Joshua.", "\n\n[Illustration: HUTS NEAR LAKE HULEH.]", "\n\nThe lake is at the end of a plain twelve or fifteen miles long by four\nor five wide; this plain is cultivated by the Arabs who dwell upon\nit, and by some speculators of Damascus, who hire men to till the soil\nand allow them a share of the product. ", "The ground is quite fertile, and\nhas been long celebrated for the abundance of its yield.", "\n\n[Illustration: AN ARMY OF KEDESH.]", "\n\nLate in the afternoon they came to Kedesh, the ancient Kedesh-Naphtali,\nwhere they were to pass the night. ", "Beyond the historic interest of the\nplace, and the rains that were scattered for a considerable extent over\nthe ground, Kedesh offered no special attractions, as the modern village\nis neither large nor clean. ", "The ruins show that there were some large\nbuildings here, and by consulting their Bibles and other books Frank and\nFred learned that Kedesh was the seat of a prince of Canaan, and\nafterward belonged to the tribe of Naphtali. ", "Barak, the famous general\nof Deborah, was born here, and for several centuries his tomb was\npointed out, as was also that of Deborah, the prophetess. ", "The boys had\nseen so many ruins that a brief inspection satisfied them, and they went\nto bed soon after dark.", "\n\nAn early start was made from Kedesh, as there was a point of interest\nfive hours from that place, and the guide had suggested that they would\nhalt there for their mid-day meal. ", "The country was rough, and the road\nwound among the hills, with frequent ascents and descents; but many of\nthe <DW72>s were wooded, and the path was often enclosed by vines and\nother plants, that gave evidence of a fertile soil. ", "In the early spring,\nwhen the flowers are opening, the air is filled with rich odors, and the\ntraveller forgets the rugged hills of Judea, and feasts his eyes on the\nbeauty of the scenes that surround him.", "\n\nThe party halted a few moments at Hunin, a small village near a fortress\nwhich is said to have no history. ", "Nobody can tell when or by whom it was\nbuilt; at any rate, there is no historical record of it, and the only\nopinions as to its antiquity are derived from the building itself. ", "The\nfoundations are very ancient, and the structure reveals the work of\nRomans, Saracens, Crusaders, Turks, and Arabs. ", "Hunin has not been\nidentified with any biblical spot, though Doctor Robinson thinks it may\nhave been the Beth-rehob mentioned in the eighteenth chapter of Judges.", "\n\nFrom Hunin they went down and down a long distance to the Plain of\nHuleh, and finally reached their halting-place; it bears the modern name\nof Tell el-Kady (\"the Hill of the Judge\"), and is undoubtedly the site\nof Dan, frequently mentioned in the Bible.", "\n\n\"From Dan to Beersheba,\" said Fred, as he slid from his saddle to the\nground. \"", "What is the meaning of that phrase which everybody knows?\"", "\n\n\"This was the most northern town of the Israelite kingdom,\" replied the\nDoctor, \"and Beersheba the most southern. ", "To go from Dan to Beersheba\nwas to go from one end of Palestine to the other, just as we say in\nAmerica, 'from Maine to California,' or 'from Boston to Brownsville.'\"", "\n\n\"Then we are at the northern end of Palestine,\" said Frank, \"and close\nto the frontier of Syria?\"", "\n\n\"Exactly so,\" was the reply; \"and to-morrow we shall bid farewell to\nwhat is called the Holy Land. ", "We are only three miles from the boundary,\nand our camp to-night will be where we can throw a stone from one region\ninto the other.\"", "\n\nWith this understanding of their position the boys proceeded to examine\nthe site of Dan. ", "While they were doing so the Doctor explained that the\nword \"Dan\" in Hebrew means \"Judge,\" which is exactly the signification\nof the Arabic \"Kady.\" ", "The place is called \"the Hill,\" because it is a\nhill or mound shaped like the summit of a mountain, and about eighty\nfeet higher than the surrounding plain. ", "It is thought to have been once\nthe crater of a volcano, and its shape certainly justifies that belief.", "\nThe diameter of the cup or basin on the top of the mound is about half a\nmile; the whole area is covered with ruins, but they are so overgrown\nwith vines and brush that an examination is difficult.", "\n\nFrank was ready in a few moments with a brief account of Dan, which he\nran off very glibly, as follows:\n\n\"The place was originally a Phoenician colony under the name of Laish,\nand was a populous city. ", "A wandering band of Danites captured it, and\nnamed it after the founder of their tribe; they set up a graven image\nwhich they had stolen, and, as they had also stolen a priest along with\nthe idol, they had a good basis for a system of religion.", "\n\n\"You can read in the eighteenth chapter of the Book of Judges how the\nDanites captured Laish, and stole their gods and the priest. ", "You can\nread in Genesis xiv. ", "how Abraham pursued the plunderers of Sodom to Dan,\nand recovered what they had stolen; and in the twelfth chapter of the\nFirst Book of Kings you will learn how Jeroboam set up a golden calf in\none of the temples of the Danites, and established its worship.", "\n\n\"But there is something which has been preserved down to our day,\" Frank\ncontinued; \"here is one of the sources of the Jordan. ", "The Danites and\nthe golden calf have been gone for many centuries, but the fountain of\nthe Jordan is not exhausted. ", "It may say with the brook, in the words of\nthe poet--\n\n \"'Men may come and men may go,\n But I go on forever.'\"", "\n\nFollowing the directions of the guide, Frank and his companions went to\nthe western side of the mound, where they found a pool or basin about\nfifty yards across, in which the water bubbled as in a fast-flowing\nspring. ", "It was, indeed, a spring, and the flow was large enough to form\na stream thirty feet wide and two feet deep. ", "The guide said it was the\nlargest of all the sources of the Jordan, but the stream it formed was\nnot so long as that from Banias, and the latter again is shorter than\nthe Hasbany, which rises near Hasbeiyah. ", "The stream rising at Dan is\ncalled the Lesser Jordan on the maps, and unites with the Greater Jordan\na few miles below, while all meet in Lake Huleh, as we have already\nlearned.", "\n\n[Illustration: HEAD-SPRING OF THE JORDAN NEAR HASBEIYAH.]", "\n\nThere is another spring inside the basin on the top of the hill, but it\nis much smaller than the great fountain. ", "There was a fine oak-tree close\nto this spring, and it furnished a grateful shade to the travellers\nwhile they were taking their well-earned lunch. ", "A halt of something more\nthan an hour found them ready to move on, and it was an easy ride of\nthree or four miles from Dan to Banias, or Cesarea-Philippi.", "\n\n[Illustration]\n\nHere they were at the source of the Greater Jordan, which issues from a\ncave and forms a brook about half the volume of that which has its\nsource at Dan. ", "There are several mills on the brook, and just below the\ntown is a large terebinth-tree, which forms an important feature in\nevery picture of the place. ", "It is the favorite resort of beggars and\nother idlers, and the traveller who halts beneath it is sure to be\nimplored for backsheesh.", "\n\n[Illustration: TEREBINTH-TREE AT BANIAS.]", "\n\nBanias is in a picturesque spot; it is surrounded by mountains, and is\nat the base of a cone crowned by a castle, which is or was one of the\nstrongest in all Syria. ", "The ruins of the city lie all around the base of\nthe cone, and some of them show that the buildings were of great extent.", "\nThe city was of Phoenician origin, and contained temples dedicated to\nthe worship of the heathen deity _Pan_, from which it was named Paneas.", "\nThis afterward became Banias, and in the time of the Romans the worship\nof the Greek god was continued. ", "The name was changed to\nCesarea-Philippi, first in honor of Cæsar, and secondly to distinguish\nit from the other Cesarea on the sea-coast.", "\n\n\"We read in the New Testament,\" said the Doctor, \"that Christ came into\nthe coasts of Cesarea-Philippi. ", "Here he asked his disciples, 'Whom do\nmen say that I, the Son of man, am?' ", "And then followed the question,\n'Whom say ye that I am?'", "\n\n\"You know what Peter replied to this. ", "And then Christ spoke the words\nthat have become memorable in the history of the religion that he\nfounded:\n\n \"'Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and\n the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. ", "And I will give\n unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou\n shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever thou\n shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.'", "\n\n\"These words,\" the Doctor continued, \"have a greater significance than\nyou might suppose. ", "They are the foundation of the Roman Catholic Church.", "\nPeter, the disciple to whom they were spoken, became the head of the\nChurch, and the first Pope. ", "All his successors have been regarded as the\ninheritors of his divine authority; and the efforts of the Catholic\nChurch, from the time of our Saviour till the present, have been\ndirected to the maintenance of the principles involved in this short\npassage of Scripture. ", "Volumes have been written to sustain it, and other\nvolumes to show its fallacy; but the words remain unchanged, and the\npower of the Church still exists.", "\n\n\"Dean Stanley and others maintain that the words refer to the rock or\ncliff on which the Castle of Banias stands, and certainly the position\nis a commanding one. ", "Another scriptural reference to the high mountain\nwhere Jesus went with three of his disciples, 'and was transfigured\nbefore them,' is easy to understand when we look from the ruins of\nBanias to the heights of Mount Hermon, which almost overshadow the\nsource of the Jordan.\"", "\n\nThe next morning the party was off at daybreak to visit the Castle of\nBanias, which is known to the Arabs as _Kul'at-es-Subeibeh_. ", "It is about\na thousand feet above the town, and, consequently, has a position that\nmust have been of great importance before the invention of artillery.", "\nThe path is narrow and difficult, and the spot is one of those where a\nhundred men could successfully defend themselves against an army.", "\n\n[Illustration: SUBSTRUCTIONS OF THE CASTLE OF BANIAS.]", "\n\nA couple of hours were spent in the castle, and even at the end of this\ntime there was a great deal that had not been seen. ", "The castle is on the\ncrest of a peak, and the space it occupies may be roughly set down as a\nthousand feet long by two hundred in width. ", "There are great cisterns for\nholding water, so that a garrison could not be made to suffer by thirst,\nand there are immense store-rooms in the cellars for protection against\na long siege. ", "The walls are unusually thick and strong, and many of the\nhewn stones are ten or twelve feet long, and with proportional width and\ndepth. ", "Taken altogether, the Castle of Banias is one of the wonders of\nPalestine, and is better preserved than the majority of its fortresses\nor other works of the architect.", "\n\n[Illustration: VIEW FROM THE CASTLE OF BANIAS.]", "\n\nThe view from the top of the principal tower is quite extensive; it is\nshut in on the north by the higher mountains, but is open at the south\nin the direction of the Valley of the Jordan. ", "An opening in the\nmountains of Bashan reveals the Huleh morass, with patches of water, and\nthe lake beyond it, while the chain of the mountains of Galilee closes\nthe view. ", "Farther down is the depression of the Sea of Galilee; and the\nspectator, whose imagination is easily set at work, can follow the\ntortuous course of the Jordan till he reaches its termination over the\nburied cities of the plain.", "\n\nFrom Banias to Damascus, direct, is a ride of twelve hours. ", "It was\nthought to be too great an undertaking for the party to make the entire\ndistance in a single day, and therefore they decided to camp at Artuz,\nwhich would shorten the journey to nine hours, and leave the remaining\nthree hours for the next morning. ", "It is a good plan to arrange one's\njourney so as to arrive in these Eastern cities early in the day, and\nnot at night. ", "There is a good deal in favor of a pleasant impression of\na city, and certainly this is not to be had in the hours of darkness,\nand when you are thoroughly fatigued by a long ride.", "\n\nThere was nothing of special interest on the route, with the exception\nof the spot where Paul was converted, as we read in the ninth chapter of\nthe Acts of the Apostles. ", "It is at the place where the traveller from\nTiberias gets his first view of Damascus, with its domes and minarets\nrising from the fertile plain--dotted with villages set in rich\norchards, and gardens watered by the Pharpar and Abana, flowing down\nfrom the mountains which guard them. ", "The life-giving power of water is\nseen nowhere in all Syria to better advantage than from this point, and\nit is no wonder that Naaman exclaimed, \"Are not Pharpar and Abana,\nrivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel?\"", "\n\nThere was little sleep in the tent of Frank and Fred that night, as the\nyouths were impatient to be in Damascus, the wonderful city of the East,\nabout which they had read and dreamed, but until quite recently had\nnever expected to see. ", "Here they were at last, beneath the shadows of\nHermon, the lofty ridge of Anti-Lebanon, and amid the gardens of Artuz,\nwhich are the promises of the richness of the plain before them.", "\n\nThe desert and the mountains are behind them, while in front is one of\nthe oldest existing cities of the world, and one that has been little\nchanged during the centuries of its existence. ", "As was Damascus two\nthousand years ago, so almost is the Damascus of to-day. ", "It is no wonder\nthat the youths were sleepless that night; nor that they rose before the\ndawn, that they might see the rays of the rising sun gilding the\nminarets of Damascus and spreading its effulgence over the fertile land.", "\n\n[Illustration: A STREET IN DAMASCUS.]", "\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER XXXI.", "\n\nSIGHTS AND SCENES IN DAMASCUS.", "\n\n\nThe party remained three days at Damascus, and found the time none too\ngreat for seeing this wonderful city. ", "Frank devoted each evening to\nwriting an account of what they had seen during the day, and we are at\nliberty to copy the greater part of his story:\n\n[Illustration: GENERAL VIEW OF DAMASCUS.]", "\n\n\"When we reached the city we went directly to Dmitri's Hotel, which is\nthe only establishment of the kind in Damascus. ", "Dmitri is a Greek, and\nwas formerly a dragoman. ", "He knows the country very well, and his house\nis quite as comfortable as one could expect to find in this far-off\nplace. ", "The building was once the property of a wealthy resident of\nDamascus, and is in the truly Oriental style. ", "There is a large\ncourt-yard with a fountain in the centre, and the rooms of the house\nmostly open from this court. ", "When we speak of a fountain, remember we\nare talking of an Oriental one, which is a large tank of stone with\nwater flowing in at one side from a pipe and flowing out at the other.", "\n\n[Illustration: INTERIOR OF A HOUSE IN DAMASCUS.]", "\n\n\"On the right of the fountain there is an open recess, where it is\npleasant to sit in a warm afternoon; it contains chairs and divans, and\nis altogether an attractive spot. ", "On the opposite side of the court is\nthe parlor, which we entered by an ordinary door. ", "There is a marble\nfloor about six feet wide, and as long as the room is broad, and on each\nside of this marble floor there are steps to the rest of the room, which\nis about two feet higher. ", "The marble part is entirely bare, with a small\nfountain in the centre, but the rest is richly carpeted, and has plenty\nof divans and large chairs. ", "The chairs do not properly belong here, as\nthey are not Oriental, but are kept out of regard for the wants of\nEuropean visitors.", "\n\n\"How high do you suppose the ceiling is in the centre of this parlor?", "\n\n\"We had a curiosity to know, and so we measured it. ", "Dmitri supplied us\nwith ladders and a cord, and after a good deal of trouble we ascertained\nthat it lacked only a few inches of thirty feet!", "\n\n\"We have been much interested in the house, as it is one of the best\ntypes we have seen of the Oriental dwelling. ", "There are finer houses than\nthis in Damascus, but it is not easy for a foreigner to see more of them\nthan the outside walls. ", "Some of the houses have cost a great deal of\nmoney, even in this country where labor is very cheap.", "\n\n\"Having looked at the house, we will go into the streets and take a\nglance at the distinctive features of Damascus.", "\n\n\"To begin with, Damascus is supposed to have a population of one hundred\nand ten to one hundred and twenty thousand. ", "Nobody can tell exactly, as\nthe census is never taken as we take it in America, and quite probably\nnobody cares very much to know what it is. ", "Here is the most accurate\nstatement of the subject that we can find:\n\n \"Eighty-nine thousand five hundred Moslems, twelve thousand\n Christians, five thousand Jews, and about five thousand Druses,\n Bedouins, and other miscellaneous classifications. ", "About half the\n Christians belong to the Greek Orthodox Church, and the rest are\n Latins, Maronites, Syrians, and Armenians.", "\n\n\"As you are well aware, Damascus is one of the oldest cities in the\nworld. ", "It is mentioned in the fifteenth chapter of Genesis, and very\noften in other books of the Bible, but the scriptural references do not\ntell us how old it is. ", "The traditions of the Jews, Christians, and\nMoslems concerning the origin of Damascus do not agree, but by sifting\nthem down, and harmonizing as much as possible, we may suppose it was\nfounded by Uz, the son of Aram, and was a well-established city before\nthe birth of Abraham. ", "The kings of Syria lived here for more than\nthree hundred years; one of them was conquered by King David, but the\nsubjection did not last long. ", "Afterward it was conquered by the\nAssyrians and added to their empire, and subsequently it was a\npossession of Persia.", "\n\n\"It would take several pages for me to tell you the history of Damascus,\nand as it might be tedious, and you can find it in any good\nencyclopædia, we will take a jump of three thousand years or less and\ncome down to our own times. ", "The most exciting event of modern days in\nDamascus was the massacre of the Christians in 1860, when five or six\nthousand people were killed for no other reason than their belief in the\nreligion of Bethlehem. ", "The whole of the Christian quarter was burnt, not\na house being left uninjured. ", "About half of it has been rebuilt, but\nsome of the buildings are very frail, and it will be a long time before\nthis portion of Damascus resumes its former appearance.", "\n\n\"Our guide through the streets was a Christian whose father was killed\nat the time of the massacre. ", "The family managed to escape to the\nmountains, where they wandered for days, and were very near starvation.", "\nIn addition to the thousands who were killed, there were many who died\nof wounds and starvation, while hundreds of women and children were sold\ninto slavery.", "\n\n\"We asked Doctor Bronson how it all happened, and he said it was an\naffair of international politics growing out of the Crimean War, and the\nsupport that England gave to the Turkish Government against Russia. ", "The\nTreaty of Paris, after the Crimean War, contained a clause which was\nintended to prevent foreign intervention in the affairs of Turkey, and\nallow the Sultan to control his Christian subjects. ", "As a Moslem\ngenerally believes that the best thing to do with an adherent of any\nother religion than his own is to kill him, the result of this unhappy\nprovision of the treaty was to cause the Moslems to slaughter the\nChristians among them.", "\n\n\"The massacres began in the mountains of Lebanon, and extended to\nDamascus and other places. ", "It is thought that not far from twenty\nthousand Christians were butchered in Syria during the month of July,\n1860. ", "The Turkish Government permitted the inhuman work to go on, and in\nseveral cases its officers encouraged it, particularly at Damascus and\nHasbeiyah. ", "The news of the affair aroused the whole of Europe. ", "France\nsent an army to occupy the Lebanon district, and protect the Christians,\nand since that time there have been no repetitions of the dreadful\nscenes, though there is no feeling of friendliness between the\nChristians and Moslems.", "\n\n\"So much for a bit of the history of Damascus. ", "The massacre of 1860 was\nnot by any means the only one of which this city has been the scene.", "\nThere was a greater than this when the conqueror Tamerlane, in 1401,\ncaptured the city, and, after plundering it, caused large numbers of the\ninhabitants to be killed. ", "Though many of the buildings were destroyed,\nthey were soon rebuilt; and it is said to be a curious feature of\nDamascus that it has prospered under all rulers and all forms of\ngovernment. ", "It has changed comparatively little in appearance, and when\nany part has been destroyed, by accident or in warfare, it rises again\nalmost the same as before, though the reconstruction sometimes requires\nmany years.", "\n\n\"We followed the advice of our guide, who said that, as the weather was\nfine, we had best take advantage of it to go outside the city and see\nthe walls and other curiosities. ", "He went for donkeys, and, as soon as\nthey came, off we started.", "\n\n\"We started off in more ways than one, as every member of the party had\na tumble before he had gone a mile. ", "The little animals are not so large\nas their brethren of Cairo, nor as sure of foot. ", "They seemed to be fond\nof stumbling, and didn't care what the result was to their riders.", "\nFortunately their size saved us from any injury, as we had very little\ndistance to fall from their backs to the ground.", "\n\n\"We went first to Bab-Shurkey, or the Eastern Gate, which is one of the\nhistoric entrances of Damascus.", "\n\n\"It is not a very handsome piece of architecture, though it may have\nbeen so centuries ago. ", "There was once a fine portal of Roman\nconstruction, but it was walled up more than eight centuries ago, and\nhas remained closed ever since. ", "The entrance now used was formerly one\nof the side arches of the Roman gate-way. ", "We climbed to the top for a\nview of the city, and certainly the scene was a picturesque one, and\namply repaid us for the trouble.", "\n\n\"We looked along the 'street called Straight,' by which St. Paul entered\nDamascus. ", "It has the same name to-day as it had in Paul's time, but is\nnot exactly the same street. ", "Perhaps you wonder what I mean?", "\n\n\"Well, during the Roman period, and down to the time the Moslems took\nthe city, this street was a hundred feet wide, and was divided by three\nrows of columns, corresponding to the three arches at the Eastern Gate.", "\nThe two side arches have been built up, but not very regularly, and the\nstreet from being straight is crooked. ", "It runs in a sort of wavy line\nfrom one side of the city to the other, and its houses are so close to\neach other in some places that you might shake hands from a window with\nyour neighbor over the way.", "\n\n\"There are several places where the opposite windows are not a yard\napart, and as they project over the street it is easy to sit concealed\nand see everything that goes on below you. ", "We went into one of the\nhouses, and were permitted to look from a window, and very funny it\nseemed to be thus suspended in mid-air.", "\n\n\"The most prominent objects in the view from the top of the gate were\nthe desolate portions of the Christian quarter which I have already\nmentioned. ", "They lay quite near where we stood, and our guide indicated\nthe position of the Protestant and other churches that were burnt, and\nthe mission schools and hospitals which met the same fate. ", "Farther along\nwere the roofs and domes of the city. ", "The great mosque was an important\nfeature in the view, together with the battlements of the castle just\nbehind it.", "\n\n\"From the gate we went along the base of the walls, where we saw masonry\nof all ages from the Romans down to the Turks. ", "The foundations are\nunmistakably Roman, so the Doctor says, and the highest part of the\nwalls, which were built only a few years ago, are as unmistakably\nTurkish. ", "The guide showed us the place where St. Paul escaped from\nDamascus, as described in Second Corinthians, 'and through a window in a\nbasket was I let down by the wall, and escaped.' ", "The guide said there\ncould be no doubt about the spot, as the window was there until a few\nyears ago, when a Moslem owner of the property ordered it to be filled\nwith brick and closed!", "\n\n\"Not far from this place is the tomb of George the Porter, who assisted\nPaul to escape, and was martyred and canonized in consequence. ", "A little\nfarther on is the Christian cemetery, and beyond it is the foreign\ncemetery, which contains several English and American graves. ", "Looking\nfrom the cemetery toward the city we noticed that there were houses on\nthe walls, as in the time of the Bible; it was easy to understand how\nPaul was lowered from the wall, and how Rahab, who dwelt on the town\nwall of Jericho, let down the spies that had been exploring the Promised\nLand.", "\n\n\"In several places the city has grown beyond the walls, and sometimes it\nis not easy to distinguish the interior from the exterior. ", "This is\nparticularly the case with the Meidan, which is just outside the walls,\nand is quite a mile long by half a mile in width. ", "Compared with the rest\nof Damascus the paint is hardly dry on it, as it is not two hundred\nyears old, and many of its buildings have actually been erected within\nthe present century. ", "The principal street is about a hundred feet wide,\nand nearly straight. ", "When the annual caravan to Mecca sets out on its\njourney the scene is a magnificent one along this street, as there is a\ngay procession of thousands of people, preceded by the camel with the\nsacred canopy, and the officials and priests in their richest dress. ", "Our\nguide says the procession diminishes every year, as the journey can be\nmade far more easily by steamers from Beyroot than by land. ", "It takes at\nleast thirty days to go by land, and about a week or ten days by sea.", "\n\n\"We went to the Moslem cemetery, where we saw among other things the\ntombs of two of Mohammed's wives and his daughter Fatima. ", "The cemetery\nreminded us of the burial-places of Cairo, but we missed the splendor of\nthe tombs of the Mamelukes, and also of the tombs of the Caliphs.", "\n\n[Illustration: BEDOUIN CAMP NEAR DAMASCUS.]", "\n\n\"We timed our excursion so that we should be at the Salahiyeh hills,\nwhich overlook Damascus from the east, a little before sunset. ", "It is a\nride of about an hour through a village and up a gentle road to a point\nfrom which Damascus can be seen spread at the spectator's feet.", "\n\n\"There lay the city embowered in its gardens, and tinted by the rays of\nthe setting sun that changed every moment. ", "It was more like a vision of\nParadise than anything we had seen in the country, and we realized the\nforce of the remark attributed to Mohammed, as he gazed upon Damascus\nfrom these hills:\n\n\"'Man can enter Paradise but once; if I pass into Damascus I shall be\nexcluded from the other Paradise reserved for the faithful.'", "\n\n\"According to the legend, he then turned away and never entered the city\nhe had come so far to see.", "\n\n\"The Arabs regard Damascus with reverence, and often speak of it as\nenthusiastically as did Mohammed on the occasion I have mentioned. ", "It\nis, indeed, a beautiful and an interesting city, and ranks next to\nCairo, which it greatly resembles in many things. ", "Something must be\nallowed for Oriental exaggeration or we shall make too much of Damascus;\nand Doctor Bronson says the city, from its position, is the cause of a\ngreat deal of the admiration bestowed upon it. ", "We asked him how it was,\nand he explained it in this way:\n\n\"Bear in mind that Damascus is in a fertile plain watered by the Pharpar\nand Abana, flowing from the mountains and never failing in any season of\nthe year. ", "These rivers are carried through Damascus, and consequently\nthe city has an abundance of water at all times.", "\n\n\"Now, bear again in mind that, though in a fertile plain, the city is on\nthe edge of a desert, and the traveller who comes here from the east has\ntraversed a region of barrenness. ", "For days and days he has seen no trees\nor other green things, water has been scanty and poor, and he must take\ngreat precautions to save himself from perishing by thirst. ", "Is it any\nwonder that when he comes to Damascus, in the midst of its luxuriant\ngardens, and sees the fountains flowing at every street-corner and\nsparkling in every dwelling, he must think he has entered Paradise, or\nwill doubt whether he is awake or dreaming?", "\n\n\"As the sun went down behind the range of Anti-Lebanon we descended the\nhills and re-entered the city. ", "There was nothing to be seen in the\nevening. ", "Damascus goes early to bed, and so went we.", "\n\n\"Next morning we were out in good season, and off for our round of\nsight-seeing. ", "We visited the historic places of Damascus, including the\nhouse of Ananias the high-priest, and other buildings connected with St.\nPaul's stay in the city; and we went outside of the eastern gate a short\ndistance to the leper hospital, which is supposed to stand on the site\nof the house of Naaman the leper. ", "Some of the patients were in front of\nthe building, and were sad objects to look upon. ", "Some were blind, others\nwere much swollen about the face, hands, feet, or limbs, and there was\none whose face was covered with scales. ", "The guide said that the edges of\nthese scales when lifted revealed raw and inflamed flesh, and many of\nthe patients were masses of sores. ", "We did not wish to go inside,\nalthough we were assured that there was no danger of contracting the\ndisease.", "\n\n[Illustration: A SCENE IN DAMASCUS.]", "\n\n\"Doctor Bronson says this dreadful disease was once very common in\nEurope, and nearly every city and town had its leper hospitals. ", "From the\nsixth to the thirteenth centuries it was spread from one end of Europe\nto the other, particularly after the wars of the Crusades. ", "An order of\nchivalry, under the name of the Knights of St. Lazarus (named after\nLazarus the beggar), had for its special mission the care of victims of\nleprosy, and after they were expelled from Jerusalem in the twelfth\ncentury they established a hospital at Paris. ", "If you have been in Paris\nyou will remember the _Gare St. Lazare_, the terminal station of the\nWestern Railway, which is close by the _Rue St. Lazare_, and a walk of\nfive or six minutes from the Grand Opera House. ", "The leper hospital of\nParis was in this neighborhood, and the name of the order of monks that\nfounded it is preserved in the street and railway-station.", "\n\n\"Leprosy has almost entirely disappeared from Europe; it is seen\noccasionally in Scandinavia and Italy, and a few cases have been\nreported in Spain. ", "It exists in the East, but is not so prevalent as it\nwas a thousand years ago, and once in a while you will hear of a leper\nin America and the islands of the Pacific Ocean. ", "Doctor Bronson says he\nwas once invited by Professor Pardee, Dean of the Medical College of New\nYork, to see a case of leprosy from one of the mountain counties of\nVirginia. ", "The patient was a <DW64>, and, as far as the doctors could\nascertain, he was suffering from leprosy of the same type as we find\nto-day in Damascus.", "\n\n[Illustration: PORTRAIT OF ABD-EL-KADR.]", "\n\n\"We passed the house of Abd-el-Kader, the Arab chief who fought the\nFrench in Algeria for a long time, but was finally conquered, and\nrequired to choose some place not in Africa for his residence. ", "He\nselected Damascus, and has lived here ever since, with the exception of\nan occasional visit to Paris, where he is always treated with a great\ndeal of respect. ", "At the time of the massacre in 1860 he sheltered a\ngreat many Christians in his house, and did everything in his power to\nstop the bloodshed. ", "When the war broke out between France and Germany he\noffered his military services to the country that had conquered him, but\nthe government did not think it good policy to accept them.", "\n\n\"The bazaars of Damascus are so much like those of Cairo that it is\nunnecessary to describe them, as the picture of one will be almost\nidentically that of the other. ", "The mode of bargaining is the same; and\nif there is any difference at all in testing a stranger's patience it\nis in favor of Damascus.", "\n\n\"One of our party wanted to buy some of the silk handkerchiefs for which\nSyria is famous, and we stopped in the silk bazaar for that purpose. ", "The\nmerchant asked twenty francs, and the buyer offered six; after\nchaffering for a full hour they met at twelve francs, and the\ntransaction was closed.", "\n\n\"The merchant then unrolled a piece of silk, which he assured us was of\nnative manufacture. ", "While he was praising it, and declaring he was\noffering it for half its value, he unrolled a little farther, when out\ndropped from the end of the roll a ticket with the name of a French\nmanufacturer at Lyons!", "\n\n\"He took it in as hastily as he could, but was not quick enough to\nprevent our seeing and reading it. ", "This confirmed what we had heard\nbefore, that a great deal of the silk sold in Constantinople, Cairo,\nBeyroot, Damascus, and other Oriental places as native manufacture, is\nmade in Europe in imitation of the genuine article. ", "The counterfeit is\nso well executed that it cannot be distinguished from the genuine except\nby an expert, and frequently the only difference is in favor of the\nfinish of the European goods.", "\n\n\"We went through one bazaar after another, and were offered all sorts of\narticles we did not want, together with a few that we did. ", "What we most\nwanted were the genuine Damascus blades, and we looked for them in the\narms bazaar for quite a while.", "\n\n[Illustration: SWORD-BLADES OF DAMASCUS.]", "\n\n\"They offered us a good many swords, but none that came up to the\nstories of the ancient weapons, which could be tied in a knot or doubled\nup into a loop without the least injury. ", "They asked a hundred dollars\nfor one, but fell slowly to twenty, and as this seemed too cheap for an\narticle once worth at least a thousand dollars, we declined to buy.", "\n\n\"While we were looking at these weapons Doctor Bronson told us of the\noriginal Damascus blades, about which so much has been written. ", "He said\nthey were made in the early centuries of the Christian era, and the art\nwas lost when Tamerlane carried the artisans away after his capture of\nthe city. ", "It was said they could be bent into many shapes, would cut\nthrough wood and iron without being marred or indented, and the old\nwarriors frequently divided their victims in two from head to foot with\na single stroke of one of these famous weapons. ", "A good deal must be\nallowed for Oriental exaggeration, but there is no doubt that the\nDamascus blade was the finest ever constructed. ", "It all depended upon the\nsteel and the process of making it.", "\n\n\"We asked the Doctor if anybody in modern times had been able to produce\nanything like the swords of Damascus.", "\n\n\"'A great many attempts have been made,' said he, 'but none have\ncompletely succeeded. ", "The nearest approach to success was by General\nAnosoff, a Russian officer in charge of the steel and iron works at\nZlatoust, in Siberia. ", "After many years of experiments he managed to\nproduce weapons with nearly all the qualities of the original Damascus\nblades; he succeeded in making Damascus steel by four different\nprocesses, the most practical being that of melting iron in crucibles,\nwith one-twelfth its weight of graphite, and some other things you can\nlearn about in any good book on steel manufacture. ", "The blades of General\nAnosoff were superior to any other modern ones in toughness, elasticity,\nand keenness of edge, and they had those peculiar marks known as\n\"watering,\" exactly like the ancient blades.'", "\n\n[Illustration: DAMASK GOODS.]", "\n\n\"From the arms bazaar we went to the great mosque, and then to the\nCitadel, passing on the way a shop devoted to the sale of those peculiar\nfabrics known as damask, which detained us a few minutes. ", "Damascus for\ncenturies had the monopoly of the manufacture of this article, but it is\nnow all over Europe, and the city retains little more than the name. ", "We\nasked to be shown the factory where it was made, but they said the\nworkmen were out for a holiday, and the place was closed, but if we\ncalled around next week they could oblige us. ", "Of course they knew we\nwould be off in a day or two, as nobody remains long here, and so we\ncould only smile and thank them for their politeness. ", "But we didn't buy.", "\n\n\"The mosque occupies an area of five hundred feet by three hundred, and\nis an imposing building, on the whole, though inferior to some of the\nMoslem edifices we saw at Cairo. ", "The central dome is a hundred and\ntwenty feet high, and rests on four massive pillars; the shrine on the\neastern side is elaborately carved, and there is a cave beneath it in\nwhich the head of John the Baptist is said to be preserved in a golden\ncasket.", "\n\n[Illustration: ATTACK ON THE CITADEL OF DAMASCUS BEFORE THE INVENTION OF\nGUNPOWDER.]", "\n\n\"Back of the mosque is the Citadel, which was once a strong fortress,\nbut is now little better than a ruined pile of brick and stone. ", "Most of\nthe rooms are unfit for occupation, and we were not allowed to go\ninside. ", "The castle played a prominent part in the defence of Damascus\nbefore the invention of artillery, but it is of no consequence now that\nwe have gunpowder and the weapons for using it.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: PAUL LED INTO DAMASCUS.]", "\n\n\n\n\nCHAPTER XXXII.", "\n\nDAMASCUS TO BEYROOT.--THE RUINS OF BAALBEC.--FAREWELL.", "\n\n\nFrom Damascus to Beyroot there is the only good wagon road in all Syria;\nit was built by a French company under a concession from the Turkish\nGovernment, and is a fine specimen of engineering skill. ", "Twice a day a\ndiligence or stage-coach runs each way; the distance is nearly a hundred\nmiles, and the journey is made in about thirteen hours. ", "The company has\nits own freight-wagons, and sends a train out every day to carry\nmerchandise at certain fixed rates. ", "A heavy toll is levied on all\nparties using the road, whether for passengers or freight, or even for\nsaddle-animals, and it is an odd sight to see trains of camels and\nhorses plodding through the rocks and mud of the old bridle-path side by\nside with the macadamized road.", "\n\n[Illustration: A CARAVAN NEAR DAMASCUS.]", "\n\nFrank and Fred wanted to travel by this modern road, but their\nenthusiasm was a trifle dampened by the suggestion of the Doctor.", "\n\n\"We are going from here to Baalbec,\" said the Doctor, \"where we will see\nthe ruins of the Temple of the Sun. ", "The place is about twenty miles from\nthe carriage-road, and will require an outfit of saddle-horses and a\ndragoman from Shtora, the nearest point on the road. ", "I have thought it\nbest to arrange with Ali to accompany us to Baalbec, and from there to\nShtora, where he can leave us, and we can then have a ride on the\ncompany's route to the sea-coast. ", "This will give you an experience of\ncarriage travelling in Syria, and put us to less trouble than any other\nplan we could adopt.\"", "\n\nOf course there was no dissenting voice when the scheme of the good\nDoctor was propounded, and the whole party announced its readiness to\nmove whenever he gave the word.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE RIVER AMONG THE ROCKS.]", "\n\nThey started in the afternoon for a ride of about four hours to the\nFountain of Fijeh, one of the sources of the Abana. ", "For an hour they\nfollowed the road of the French company, and then turned away to the\nright among chalky hills so rugged and bare as to have in places the\nappearance of snow. ", "Sometimes they looked down upon little valleys rich\nwith orchards of olive and fig trees, and a moment later there was\nhardly a green thing to be seen. ", "In many places the river wound among\nrocks so steep that a safe passage to the edge of the water was\nimpossible to find. ", "One of the villages that they passed was perched on\na hill-side so abrupt that it was only to be reached by a winding path.", "\nThe scenery was of the wildest character, and the boys were glad that\nthe Doctor had determined upon this route instead of the more prosaic\none of the French company's road.", "\n\nThe antiquity of Damascus was shown by an engineering work between two\nof the villages near the Barada; it is an ancient aqueduct which was\nevidently made to carry water from the Fijeh Fountain to Damascus. ", "The\nname of its builder is unknown, but tradition says it was made by\nZenobia, Queen of Palmyra, about the middle of the third century. ", "It was\nnever completed, and from the excellence of the water-supply of Damascus\nit was evidently not needed.", "\n\nBeyond this aqueduct they wound up a narrow valley or glen, and the\ngreater part of the way were compelled to follow a path cut in the\nsloping rock. ", "The guide pointed out a spot where the season before a\ntraveller fell from his horse, and was so severely injured against the\nrocks that he lived only a few hours. ", "The place was favorable to\naccidents, and it seemed to the boys a remarkable circumstance that a\nsingle week should pass in the season of travel without loss of life.", "\n\nThe valley widened a little, but still retained its precipitous or\nsharply sloping sides; the widenings gave opportunities for fig and\nolive orchards to find a footing, and by-and-by they came to a small\nvillage, where the guide called a halt and the party dismounted.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE FIJEH SOURCE OF THE ABANA.]", "\n\nThey were at Ain Fijeh, or the Fountain of Fijeh, one of the sources of\nthe Abana. ", "It has a right to be called the principal source, as it is\nmuch larger than any other, though at a lower elevation. ", "Frank and Fred\npronounced it one of the finest springs they had seen in the country,\nand recalled their visit to the source of the Jordan at Dan.", "\n\nThe spring comes from a cave in a limestone rock, and pours out with a\nforce which suggests a great pressure of water behind it. ", "Directly above\nthe mouth of the cave are the remains of a temple, with portions of the\nwalls standing, and there is a similar building, not quite so badly\ninjured, a little way to the right. ", "The fountain is large enough to form\nat once a stream three or four feet deep and twenty-five or thirty in\nwidth, which goes dashing over the rocks as though it had been flowing\nfor miles down the side of a mountain. ", "The banks of the stream are lined\nwith bushes, and it is impossible to get a view of any distance through\nthem owing to their density.", "\n\nThe camp had been formed on the bank of the stream where there was an\nopen space, and our friends slept through the night lulled by the\nmurmurs of the waters, and the sighing of the wind among the trees that\nencircled their camping-ground. ", "An early start was made in the morning\nfor another ride among the cliffs of Anti-Lebanon. ", "The route was much\nlike that of the day before, and carried them to a higher elevation,\nwhere they often enjoyed views of great extent.", "\n\nThey passed the ruins of Abila, a Roman city of considerable importance\nat the beginning of the Christian era, and then they wound up and up\ntill the ridge of the mountain was passed, and the descent began to the\nplain where Baalbec stands. ", "It was a long ride, and in some places a\ndreary one, and when they reached the famous Temple of the Sun the night\nhad fallen, and the stars were out in the sky.", "\n\nWe will call upon Fred for a description of Baalbec and its wonderful\nruins:\n\n\"We were very tired when we got to Baalbec, and did not care much for\nruins or anything else. ", "But a good sleep refreshed us, and when we\nstarted out for our day's work you would not have suspected we were the\nworn-out travellers of the night before. ", "That shows the effect of a good\nsleep in the pure air of the mountains of Syria.", "\n\n\"The pillars and columns of the temple that are still in position can be\nseen a long way off, and nobody needs the words of the guide to know\nwhat they are. ", "Our camp was right in the centre of the ruins, and so we\nhad a view of them by night as we rode in among them. ", "They seemed\nenormously large then, and, strange to say, they didn't appear much\nsmaller when we had daylight for looking at them. ", "The fact is they are\nimmense, and the most stupendous thing we have seen since we left Egypt.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE RUINS OF BAALBEC.]", "\n\n\"Nobody knows when these temples were built; but it is generally\nbelieved that the city to which they belonged was the Heliopolis of the\nGreeks and Romans. ", "There is no authentic history of the place earlier\nthan the fourth century, but coins of Heliopolis have been found of the\nsecond century, which show it was then a Roman city. ", "There are three\ntemples here, and they bear the names of 'The Great Temple,' 'The Temple\nof the Sun,'and 'The Circular Temple.' ", "We have been through them, or,\nrather, of what remains of them, and to say we have been impressed by\ntheir grandeur is to convey a very faint idea of our feelings. ", "We have\nseen nothing in the country to compare with them, and our admiration for\ntheir builders is as great as it can possibly be.", "\n\n\"It would take many pages for me to describe the courts, and porticos,\nand portals, and other parts or accessories of these temples at Baalbec,\nand I should turn your head into an ant-hill of figures long before I\ncould get through. ", "You would be constantly reminded of what we told you\nof the temples of Karnak and Thebes, in Egypt, and perhaps you might\ngrow impatient before I reached the end. ", "Rather than run the risk of\nanything of the kind I'll jump all that, and come at once to what kept\nus in a string of exclamation points all the time we were walking among\nthe ruins.", "\n\n\"The great wonder of Baalbec was the size of the stones used in the work\nof construction. ", "Wherever you go, whether in the vaulted arches beneath\nthe platform, through the subterranean passages that were used as\nstables in the Middle Ages, or among the walls and the rows of columns\nin court and portico, the immensity of the stones takes away your\nbreath. ", "Hewn stones twelve, fifteen, or twenty feet long, and\nproportionally wide and high, are in the walls, and as regularly laid up\nas though they were common bricks.", "\n\n\"When you have become accustomed to these, the guide takes you to where\nthere are blocks, not a few but many, varying from twenty-four to thirty\nfeet long, and proportionally wide and deep. ", "Some of them are way up in\nthe air at the tops of columns sixty or seventy feet high, and you can't\nhelp wondering what kind of machinery must have been used to get them\nthere.", "\n\n\"You get tired of saying 'Here's another,' 'Look at this,' 'See this\none,' and similar expressions, and then you tell the guide as much. ", "You\nare tired of seeing so many of these great blocks.", "\n\n\"Then he takes you round to the western wall, and points to a section of\nit. ", "Your eyes follow the direction of his hand.", "\n\n\"In that wall, twenty feet above the ground, are three stones, lying end\nto end. ", "They are thirteen feet square at the ends, and their respective\nlengths are sixty-three, sixty-three and three-quarters, and sixty-four\nfeet.", "\n\n\"Stop and think how large one of the stones is. ", "Measure off sixty-four\nfeet in the garden, and then look thirteen feet up the side of the\nhouse, and another thirteen feet along the ground; then you'll have some\nidea of these immense stones. ", "Mark Twain says, in 'The Innocents\nAbroad,' that each of these stones is about as large as three\nstreet-cars placed end to end, but a third higher and wider than a\nstreet-car; or it might be better represented by two railway\nfreight-cars of the largest pattern coupled together.", "\n\n\"In the quarries whence these stones were taken, a mile from the\ntemples, is another stone considerably larger, but it has never been\nmoved or even detached from the bed-rock, and, therefore, Doctor Bronson\nsays it doesn't count.", "\n\n\"You ask how these stones were moved and laid into the walls and\nplatforms. ", "We'll tell you as soon as we find out.", "\n\n\"The people that built these temples knew some things we don't know,\njust as the ancient Egyptians did. ", "But we can console ourselves with the\nreflection that we have many things of which they were ignorant. ", "We have\nsteamships and railways, the telephone and telegraph, glass in our\nwindows, umbrellas, oysters on the half shell, ice-cream,\nready-made-clothing stores, pug-dogs, and I don't know what else. ", "We are\nfar more comfortable than they were, and if we could only satisfy our\ncuriosity about their modes of moving these enormous blocks of stone\nthere would be nothing to envy them for.", "\n\n\"So much for Baalbec. ", "We spent the forenoon there, and made a thorough\nexamination of the ruins; then we had a substantial lunch and started\nfor Shtora, twenty miles away. ", "Our route was along the Plain of Buka,\nwhich lies between Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon, and is a fertile strip of\nland from two to five miles wide. ", "There are few trees on the plain, in\nspite of the fertility of the soil. ", "Rain had fallen the night before,\nand the soil was sticky, like that of some of our Western prairies, so\nthat lumps were continually forming on our horses' feet. ", "We passed\nseveral villages, and also a good-sized town called Zahleh; it lies at\nthe foot of the <DW72> of the Lebanon mountain, and is surrounded with\norchards and vineyards.", "\n\n\"The guide said that Zahleh was the most important wine-producing place\nin the Lebanon district; he pointed out a wine-press close by the side\nof our road, and as we wanted to rest the horses a few moments, to say\nnothing of ourselves, we stopped long enough to look at it.", "\n\n[Illustration: MODERN WINE-PRESS.]", "\n\n\"It didn't take long for us to examine the machinery used for making\nwine. ", "There was a wooden box, about ten feet square and four feet deep,\nstanding on short posts, and having a ladder against the side. ", "The box\nis filled with grapes, which are brought in baskets, and then half a\ndozen men climb up the ladder, steady themselves by means of cords\nhanging from the ceiling, and tread out the juice with their naked feet.", "\nThe juice runs from a spout in one side-end of the box, and is caught in\na tub, whence it is put into casks or jars and left to ferment. ", "The\nancient Egyptians used almost identically the same sort of press, and\nthe mode of preparing the wine has not been varied at all since the days\nof the Bible.", "\n\n[Illustration: BRIDGE OVER THE LITANY.]", "\n\n\"Our route was quite near the river Litany, and once we crossed it on a\nbridge of a single arch, which was said to have been built long ago--how\nlong ago we could not ascertain. ", "The last three or four miles of our\nride was along a carriage-road, and just at dusk we reached Shtora,\nwhere we were to pass the night.", "\n\n\"The hotel at Shtora was kept by a Greek with an Italian wife, and they\nmade us quite comfortable in a rough way. ", "We had cots for beds and\nplenty of covering, and they gave us an excellent supper and an equally\nexcellent breakfast. ", "Doctor Bronson had arranged at Damascus for a\nspecial carriage to be ready at Shtora to carry us over the Lebanon to\nBeyroot; the carriage came while we were at supper, and the\nhotel-keeper, who was also agent of the road company, told us we could\nstart at seven o'clock in the morning, and be in Beyroot by two in the\nafternoon.", "\n\n\"We were off at the hour named, and soon were climbing the eastern <DW72>\nof the Lebanon. ", "Up and up we went, the air growing colder as we\nascended, and calling into use all the overcoats and wraps we could\nmuster. ", "From the zigzags of the road we looked down on the plain we had\nleft: at times it seemed as though we could toss a pebble into the\nLitany, which was reduced to a winding thread in the green carpet of\nBuka. ", "The mountain grew more and more desolate with every mile of our\nascent, and when we stopped to change horses at the station we walked a\nlong way in advance in an effort to get warm.", "\n\n\"We had said good-bye to Ali and his horses at Shtora, and our only\nguide now was the Arab driver, whose knowledge of French was confined to\na few words. ", "We tried in vain to learn the names of the places we were\npassing. ", "We especially wanted to know if we were near the famous grove\nof the cedars of Lebanon, but our efforts were unrewarded.", "\n\n[Illustration: THE CEDARS OF LEBANON.]", "\n\n\"At the first station where we changed horses the manager, a Frenchman,\nsaid the cedars were several miles to the north, over a rough and\ndifficult road which was inaccessible to carriages. ", "He said the grove\nwas less than half a mile square, and contained about four hundred trees\nof all sizes. ", "Most of the trees are young, and not more than a dozen are\nof any great antiquity. ", "The largest is about forty feet in\ncircumference, and it is supposed to be the oldest; and there are thirty\nor forty which are each from three to five feet in diameter.", "\n\n\"This is the grove from which the timber for Solomon's Temple is\nsupposed to have been taken. ", "There were formerly many cedar groves in\nSyria, but the most of them have been cut down, or have disappeared from\nclimatic causes. ", "No care is taken of the few cedars that remain;\nvisitors cut and hack them as much as they please. ", "The Arabs take the\nbranches for fuel, and the goats nibble the young shoots so that no new\ntrees can grow. ", "In a hundred years, or perhaps less, the famous cedars\nof Lebanon will have ceased to exist.", "\n\n\"Now we are on the summit of Lebanon, five thousand six hundred feet\nabove the level of the Mediterranean! ", "The sea is far below us, its\ndark-blue surface filling the western horizon, and between us and the\nwater is the <DW72> of Lebanon and the belt of coast. ", "The driver gathers\nhis reins, turns down the brake a little--just enough to steady the\ncarriage, but not sufficient to impede the progress of the horses. ", "Away\nthey go at a rapid trot, and occasionally at a gallop. ", "The ride was\ntedious as we slowly ascended the other side of Lebanon, and this\nexhilarating speed is an admirable contrast.", "\n\n[Illustration: VIEW OF BEYROOT, LOOKING TOWARD THE HARBOR.]", "\n\n\"Down, and down, and down! ", "The air grows warmer, the clouds that were\nhovering about the mountain-top are breaking, and the sunlight comes\npouring through the rifts, warming our shivering frames and gilding the\nrocks with a tint of gold. ", "The spots of green on the ground below us\ngrow every minute till they develop into villages and orchards, and one,\nclinging at the edge of the sea, is larger than any of the others. ", "The\ndriver waves his hand toward this spot and pronounces the word\n'Beyroot.' ", "There lies the city where our wanderings in Palestine and\nSyria will come to an end.", "\n\n\"The Mediterranean sparkled in the sunlight, its blue surface stippled\nwith white sails or darkened by the trail of smoke from the funnels of a\nsteamer. ", "An irregular streak of foam marked where the waves broke along\nthe beach and separated land from sea. ", "In one hour of our descent the\nchill of winter was exchanged for the genial air of spring, and in\nanother hour spring was turned to summer. ", "Oranges and citrons were on\nthe trees, olives and figs abounded, the fields were luxuriant, and it\nseemed a dream that we had come so quickly from one climate to another.", "\n\n\"We drove to the principal hotel, and our ride was at an end. ", "After\narranging our toilets, for which we found ample materials in the welcome\ntrunks that had been sent from Jaffa, we went out for a view of Beyroot.", "\n\n\"We found the streets were not unlike those of Jaffa, Jerusalem, or\nDamascus in their general features, so far as the old part of the city\nis concerned. ", "We had expected this, and therefore were not\ndisappointed; but we had not expected to find the streets in the new\npart of Beyroot as wide and handsome as they are. ", "The place has an\nappearance of prosperity and activity more than any other we have seen\nsince leaving Alexandria; it has a large European population, and a good\nmany factories, business houses of various kinds, and kindred\nestablishments, all conducted by foreigners. ", "The entire population is\nsaid to be more than eighty thousand, and some authorities declare it to\nbe little, if any, short of one hundred thousand. ", "About a third of the\ninhabitants are Moslems; the remaining two-thirds include native\nChristians, Jews, Druses, and a good many foreign nationalities.", "\n\n\"Beyroot is the ancient Berytus, and some authorities identify it with\nBerothah or Berothai of the Bible. ", "It is a very old city, as we have no\ndistinct record of the time when it was founded, and it is known to have\nbeen destroyed and rebuilt one hundred and forty years before the\nChristian era. ", "It has always been a fairly prosperous city, but the\nperiod of its greatest advance has been within the past twenty years.", "\n\n\"We hired a carriage for a drive along the coast to Nahr el-Kelb--Dog\nRiver--passing the spot where St. George killed the dragon. ", "If you have\nany doubt about the truth of the story, you can be convinced by\nborrowing an English twenty-shilling piece and studying the picture of\nthe performance represented on one side of the coin. ", "Dog River runs\nthrough a rocky ravine, and on its sides there are Greek, Roman,\nAssyrian, and Egyptian inscriptions. ", "They are supposed to commemorate\nthe occupation of the country by the armies of the various nations\nrepresented: the Assyrian sculptures are estimated to date back at least\ntwenty-five centuries, while the Egyptian are of a period at least six\nhundred years older.", "\n\n[Illustration: MISSION SCHOOL IN SYRIA.]", "\n\n\"We returned from Dog River the way we came, and then drove to one of\nthe mission schools of the city. ", "Beyroot is an important field of\nmissionary enterprise, and one result is that the proportion of persons\nwho cannot read and write is smaller than in any other city of Syria.", "\nThe American Protestant Mission has a fine array of buildings, and, in\naddition to the ordinary schools of instruction, it has a theological\nseminary and a literary and medical college; then it has a\nprinting-office, where a great deal of useful matter is printed,\nincluding a weekly newspaper, and it has established schools in the\nvillages of the Lebanon and through other parts of the country. ", "Many\nfamous men have been connected with this mission in the past fifty\nyears, and their labors have been warmly appreciated by the supporters\nof the enterprise.", "\n\n\"Then there are the British Syrian schools, supported by English\ndonations, and there is a school maintained by the Church of Scotland.", "\nThe French have several schools, orphan asylums, convents, and churches;\nthe Germans have a good representation in the same way; and the\nRussians, Italians, and Greeks have not been behind the other\nnationalities of Beyroot in providing educational advantages. ", "It is\nprobable that more money has been expended in Beyroot in missionary\nenterprises than in any other city of its size in the entire East.", "\n\n[Illustration: FOUNTAIN AT BEYROOT.]", "\n\n\"I must not forget the beautiful bay on which the city stands. ", "It is a\nfine body of water of semicircular shape, opening to the north; as you\nlook from the anchorage the city seems to rise in a series of terraces\ntill it reaches the enclosing hills backed by lofty Lebanon. ", "From any of\nthe hills back of the town, or from the front of the old sea-wall, there\nis a splendid view over the water. ", "Our hotel veranda fronts on the bay,\nand we have greatly enjoyed the charming panorama it affords.", "\n\n\"But here I must stop. ", "Frank has just come in to say that the steamer is\nsmoking furiously at her anchorage, and we must go on board in half an\nhour. ", "So, good-bye for the present.", "\n\n\"And good-bye to Egypt and the Holy Land.", "\n\n\"We have enjoyed our journey ever and ever so much. ", "We have seen many\nthings of biblical, historical, and present interest, and we trust that\nthe lessons they teach have not fallen on inattentive ears.", "\n\n\"And, so trusting and believing, it is sad for us to write\n\n\"THE END.\"", "\n\n[Illustration: LEBANON.]", "\n\n\n\n\nINTERESTING BOOKS FOR BOYS\n\n * * * * *\n\nTHE BOY TRAVELLERS IN THE FAR EAST. ", "Part I. Adventures of Two Youths in\na Journey to Japan and China. ", "By THOMAS W. KNOX. ", "Copiously Illustrated.", "\n8vo, Cloth, $3.00.", "\n\nTHE BOY TRAVELLERS IN THE FAR EAST. ", "Part II. ", "Adventures of Two Youths in\na Journey to Siam and Java. ", "With Descriptions of Cochin-China, Cambodia,\nSumatra, and the Malay Archipelago. ", "By THOMAS W. KNOX. ", "Copiously\nIllustrated. ", "8vo, Cloth, $3.00.", "\n\nTHE BOY TRAVELLERS IN THE FAR EAST. ", "Part III. ", "Adventures of Two Youths\nin a Journey to Ceylon and India. ", "With Descriptions of Borneo, the\nPhilippine Islands, and Burmah. ", "By THOMAS W. KNOX. ", "Copiously\nIllustrated. ", "8vo, Cloth, $3.00.", "\n\nTHE BOY TRAVELLERS IN THE FAR EAST. ", "Part IV. ", "Adventures of Two Youths in\na Journey to Egypt and Palestine. ", "By THOMAS W. KNOX. ", "Copiously\nIllustrated. ", "8vo, Cloth, (_Just Ready._)", "\n\nHUNTING ADVENTURES ON LAND AND SEA. ", "Part I. The Young Nimrods in North\nAmerica. ", "A Book for Boys. ", "By THOMAS W. KNOX. ", "Copiously Illustrated. ", "8vo,\nCloth, $2.50.", "\n\nHUNTING ADVENTURES ON LAND AND SEA. ", "Part II. ", "The Young Nimrods Around\nthe World. ", "A Book for Boys. ", "By THOMAS W. KNOX. ", "Copiously Illustrated.", "\n8vo, Cloth, $2.50.", "\n\nTHE HISTORY OF A MOUNTAIN. ", "By ÉLISÉE RECLUS. ", "Illustrated by L. Bennett.", "\n12mo, Cloth, $1.25.", "\n\nWHAT MR. ", "DARWIN SAW IN HIS VOYAGE ROUND THE WORLD IN THE SHIP \"BEAGLE.\"", "\nIllustrated. ", "8vo, Cloth, $3.00.", "\n\nFRIENDS WORTH KNOWING. ", "Glimpses of American Natural History. ", "By ERNEST\nINGERSOLL. ", "Illustrated. 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(_", "In Press._)", "\n\nCAMP LIFE IN THE WOODS; AND THE TRICKS OF TRAPPING AND TRAP MAKING.", "\nContaining Comprehensive Hints on Camp Shelter, Log Huts, Bark Shanties,\nWoodland Beds and Bedding, Boat and Canoe Building, and Valuable\nSuggestions on Trappers' Food, &c. With Extended Chapters on the\nTrappers' Art, containing all the \"Tricks\" and Valuable Bait Recipes of\nthe Profession; Full Directions for the Use of the Steel Trap, and for\nthe Construction of Traps of all Kinds; Detailed Instructions for the\nCapture of all Fur-Bearing Animals; Valuable Recipes for the Curing and\nTanning of Fur Skins, &c. By W. HAMILTON GIBSON, Author of \"Pastoral\nDays.\" ", "Illustrated by the Author. ", "16mo, Cloth, $1.00.", "\n\nTHE MORAL PIRATES. ", "By W. L. ALDEN. ", "Ill'd. ", "16mo, Cloth, $1.00.", "\n\nTHE CRUISE OF THE \"GHOST.\" ", "By W. L. ALDEN. ", "Illustrated. ", "16mo, Cloth,\n$1.00.", "\n\nHOW TO GET STRONG, AND HOW TO STAY SO. ", "By WILLIAM BLAIKIE. 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(", "Founded on the Early Life of\nFerguson, the Shepherd-Boy Astronomer, and intended to show how a Poor\nLad became Acquainted with the Principles of Natural Science.) ", "By HENRY\nMAYHEW. ", "16mo, Cloth, $1.25.", "\n\nYOUNG BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. ", "A Story to show how Young Benjamin Learned the\nPrinciples which raised him from a Printer's Boy to the First Ambassador\nof the American Republic. ", "By HENRY MAYHEW. ", "Illustrated. ", "16mo, Cloth,\n$1.25.", "\n\nTHE WONDERS OF SCIENCE; or, Young Humphry Davy (the Cornish Apothecary's\nBoy who Taught himself Natural Philosophy, and eventually became\nPresident of the Royal Society). ", "The Life of a Wonderful Boy. ", "By HENRY\nMAYHEW. ", "16mo, Cloth, $1.25.", "\n\nSCIENCE FOR THE YOUNG. ", "By JACOB ABBOTT. ", "Illustrated. ", "4 vols.:", "\n_Heat._--_Light._--_Water and Land._--_Force._ ", "12mo, Cloth, $1.50 each.", "\n\nROUND THE WORLD; including a Residence in Victoria, and a Journey by\nRail across North America. 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0.02040816326530612, 0.07142857142857142, 0.007518796992481203, 0, 0, 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0, 0.0031545741324921135, 0, 0, 0.0035335689045936395, 0.00510204081632653, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0, 0.006622516556291391, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004901960784313725, 0.004784688995215311, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0, 0.014925373134328358, 0.0056657223796034, 0.015209125475285171, 0, 0.005434782608695652, 0.005865102639296188, 0.012195121951219513, 0.011627906976744186, 0.004545454545454545, 0, 0, 0.014492753623188406, 0.018518518518518517, 0, 0, 0.008064516129032258, 0.004149377593360996, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014184397163120567, 0, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0.006172839506172839, 0.00625, 0, 0, 0, 0.010362694300518135, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005780346820809248, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006578947368421052, 0, 0, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0, 0.003424657534246575, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0034602076124567475, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0.006211180124223602, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006172839506172839, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00625, 0.004166666666666667, 0, 0.005952380952380952, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007751937984496124, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0, 0, 0.005128205128205128, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005555555555555556, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006711409395973154, 0.002932551319648094, 0.009433962264150943, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0, 0.0044444444444444444, 0.008064516129032258, 0, 0, 0.006711409395973154, 0.018518518518518517, 0, 0, 0, 0.012987012987012988, 0, 0, 0.017543859649122806, 0.00847457627118644, 0, 0, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0.007633587786259542, 0.010869565217391304, 0, 0.006756756756756757, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006060606060606061, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015625, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0045662100456621, 0, 0, 0.030303030303030304, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.003861003861003861, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0625, 0.01818181818181818, 0, 0, 0, 0.004201680672268907, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005, 0, 0, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0.006493506493506494, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00625, 0, 0, 0.0025188916876574307, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0, 0.007246376811594203, 0, 0.0038910505836575876, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.003703703703703704, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007142857142857143, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0025188916876574307, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0, 0, 0.007751937984496124, 0.00684931506849315, 0, 0.016666666666666666, 0.008333333333333333, 0, 0, 0.00847457627118644, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0045871559633027525, 0, 0, 0, 0.009009009009009009, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005865102639296188, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006993006993006993, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005291005291005291, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014925373134328358, 0.012345679012345678, 0.009174311926605505, 0.004975124378109453, 0.018518518518518517, 0, 0.0037313432835820895, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004608294930875576, 0.0189873417721519, 0, 0, 0, 0.005952380952380952, 0.01092896174863388, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0.00980392156862745, 0, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.006289308176100629, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008333333333333333, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0, 0.014084507042253521, 0.015625, 0, 0.006369426751592357, 0.006329113924050633, 0, 0.010830324909747292, 0.013513513513513514, 0.006666666666666667, 0.006622516556291391, 0, 0.006172839506172839, 0, 0, 0, 0.005988023952095809, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0.007692307692307693, 0, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0.005434782608695652, 0, 0, 0.005154639175257732, 0.009852216748768473, 0.007633587786259542, 0.011904761904761904, 0.005, 0.0049504950495049506, 0, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.004098360655737705, 0, 0, 0.0041841004184100415, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007407407407407408, 0, 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0.004347826086956522, 0.006711409395973154, 0, 0, 0.02304147465437788, 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0.0066518847006651885, 0, 0, 0, 0.0072992700729927005, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009009009009009009, 0.004484304932735426, 0, 0.00684931506849315, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006896551724137931, 0.010309278350515464, 0.010416666666666666, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0.008733624454148471, 0, 0.006578947368421052, 0.006825938566552901, 0, 0, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0.006535947712418301, 0.018957345971563982, 0, 0, 0, 0.007142857142857143, 0.010256410256410256, 0, 0.017241379310344827, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0.007462686567164179, 0, 0, 0.03125, 0, 0.009009009009009009, 0, 0, 0.0053475935828877, 0.010752688172043012, 0.007936507936507936, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0.00398406374501992, 0, 0.004405286343612335, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0, 0, 0.006896551724137931, 0, 0, 0, 0.008, 0.006211180124223602, 0.005780346820809248, 0.005952380952380952, 0.014285714285714285, 0.0064516129032258064, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0.010416666666666666, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0, 0, 0.058823529411764705, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0, 0.017543859649122806, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004651162790697674, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00398406374501992, 0, 0.03225806451612903, 0, 0, 0.0049504950495049506, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00641025641025641, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004739336492890996, 0, 0, 0.008928571428571428, 0, 0, 0, 0.019230769230769232, 0, 0.01020408163265306, 0, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0.00390625, 0, 0, 0, 0.0078125, 0, 0, 0, 0.008771929824561403, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00904977375565611, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0, 0, 0, 0.007142857142857143, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.002421307506053269, 0, 0, 0.006172839506172839, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0070921985815602835, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.002702702702702703, 0, 0, 0, 0.005115089514066497, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004291845493562232, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0.0064516129032258064, 0, 0, 0.008, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014925373134328358, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004807692307692308, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0031645569620253164, 0.011904761904761904, 0, 0, 0.007462686567164179, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.021505376344086023, 0, 0.006622516556291391, 0.003215434083601286, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.002881844380403458, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0.014925373134328358, 0.012903225806451613, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004739336492890996, 0.007194244604316547, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008583690987124463, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006666666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0.00273224043715847, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008928571428571428, 0, 0, 0, 0.005376344086021506, 0, 0, 0, 0.010810810810810811, 0, 0.010380622837370242, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0070921985815602835, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00625, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014285714285714285, 0, 0, 0.008888888888888889, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006097560975609756, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006711409395973154, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.017241379310344827, 0, 0, 0.00303951367781155, 0.003952569169960474, 0, 0.002793296089385475, 0.006493506493506494, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005405405405405406, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006024096385542169, 0, 0.00975609756097561, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004291845493562232, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0038022813688212928, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00881057268722467, 0, 0, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008, 0, 0, 0, 0.0051813471502590676, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014084507042253521, 0.007751937984496124, 0, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0, 0.007352941176470588, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010638297872340425, 0, 0, 0.010869565217391304, 0.005747126436781609, 0.007042253521126761, 0, 0, 0.005263157894736842, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00558659217877095, 0.008064516129032258, 0, 0, 0.006944444444444444, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0.014388489208633094, 0.005747126436781609, 0, 0.017543859649122806, 0, 0, 0.004545454545454545, 0.00684931506849315, 0.009345794392523364, 0, 0, 0.008695652173913044, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.019230769230769232, 0.006896551724137931, 0.00684931506849315, 0, 0, 0, 0.007547169811320755, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0.011764705882352941, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0.00819672131147541, 0.009950248756218905, 0, 0, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0.006944444444444444, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00641025641025641, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0.012578616352201259, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012269938650306749, 0, 0, 0.005405405405405406, 0, 0.006097560975609756, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0136986301369863, 0, 0, 0.013157894736842105, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0, 0.007751937984496124, 0, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0035335689045936395, 0, 0, 0.058823529411764705, 0.013157894736842105, 0, 0.01015228426395939, 0.0064516129032258064, 0, 0.0078125, 0, 0.0051813471502590676, 0.016597510373443983, 0, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005050505050505051, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01020408163265306, 0.05405405405405406, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006756756756756757, 0, 0.021052631578947368, 0, 0.007575757575757576, 0.0048543689320388345, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0037313432835820895, 0.0056179775280898875, 0, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0.004830917874396135, 0.00625, 0, 0.007142857142857143, 0.006369426751592357, 0.007194244604316547, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0, 0, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0.024390243902439025, 0.00909090909090909, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0, 0.007246376811594203, 0.006289308176100629, 0, 0.028037383177570093, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011764705882352941, 0, 0, 0.0048543689320388345, 0, 0, 0, 0.02, 0, 0, 0, 0.005714285714285714, 0, 0, 0, 0.005917159763313609, 0, 0, 0.020833333333333332, 0.017467248908296942, 0.005813953488372093, 0.006993006993006993, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0.05405405405405406, 0.01904761904761905, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0, 0.014492753623188406, 0.003472222222222222, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0.0029154518950437317, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010362694300518135, 0.0049261083743842365, 0, 0, 0, 0.00911854103343465, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004975124378109453, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0029239766081871343, 0.009009009009009009, 0.00684931506849315, 0.008264462809917356, 0, 0.02608695652173913, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0, 0, 0.004291845493562232, 0, 0.007518796992481203, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007575757575757576, 0.006578947368421052, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0, 0.005988023952095809, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006134969325153374, 0, 0, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1111111111111111, 0, 0, 0.011235955056179775, 0.007633587786259542, 0.005291005291005291, 0, 0, 0, 0.004761904761904762, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007352941176470588, 0.00975609756097561, 0, 0, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0.013333333333333334, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004273504273504274, 0, 0, 0, 0.007352941176470588, 0.005649717514124294, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.003816793893129771, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00625, 0.0031746031746031746, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004424778761061947, 0, 0, 0.005434782608695652, 0.007246376811594203, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004784688995215311, 0, 0, 0, 0.0026666666666666666, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0.005434782608695652, 0.006134969325153374, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0078125, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.003676470588235294, 0.013157894736842105, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005555555555555556, 0, 0, 0.004761904761904762, 0, 0, 0.005376344086021506, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013953488372093023, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005494505494505495, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0038461538461538464, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004672897196261682, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0, 0.01652892561983471, 0, 0.0070921985815602835, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.024096385542168676, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006289308176100629, 0, 0, 0.007575757575757576, 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0, 0.004761904761904762, 0, 0, 0, 0.016260162601626018, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004739336492890996, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009708737864077669, 0, 0, 0, 0.006430868167202572, 0, 0.005797101449275362, 0.0033783783783783786, 0, 0.014563106796116505, 0.006944444444444444, 0, 0.011049723756906077, 0.009389671361502348, 0.014084507042253521, 0.006024096385542169, 0, 0.0078125, 0.0056179775280898875, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007751937984496124, 0.016666666666666666, 0.005747126436781609, 0.03286384976525822, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0, 0.036585365853658534, 0.013824884792626729, 0, 0, 0, 0.0053475935828877, 0.0031645569620253164, 0, 0.002652519893899204, 0, 0, 0.00510204081632653, 0, 0.004132231404958678, 0.004901960784313725, 0, 0.006024096385542169, 0.009009009009009009, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01020408163265306, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008064516129032258, 0.00663716814159292, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008928571428571428, 0, 0, 0.011428571428571429, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013605442176870748, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007518796992481203, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01092896174863388, 0.0064516129032258064, 0, 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004132231404958678, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00641025641025641, 0, 0.006666666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00881057268722467, 0, 0.006535947712418301, 0, 0, 0, 0.007142857142857143, 0, 0, 0.00625, 0.021739130434782608, 0.011904761904761904, 0, 0.007142857142857143, 0, 0.007692307692307693, 0, 0, 0, 0.008438818565400843, 0, 0, 0.007518796992481203, 0, 0.008064516129032258, 0, 0, 0, 0.009259259259259259, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007575757575757576, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.039473684210526314, 0.025974025974025976, 0, 0, 0, 0.009708737864077669, 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0, 0, 0.007142857142857143, 0.007142857142857143, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005050505050505051, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005555555555555556, 0, 0.01818181818181818, 0, 0, 0.005917159763313609, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006329113924050633, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006756756756756757, 0.007936507936507936, 0, 0.007692307692307693, 0, 0.013793103448275862, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006024096385542169, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01020408163265306, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007352941176470588, 0, 0, 0, 0.009259259259259259, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005291005291005291, 0.005076142131979695, 0.006172839506172839, 0.00558659217877095, 0.007751937984496124, 0, 0, 0.00398406374501992, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006535947712418301, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005681818181818182, 0.005263157894736842, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011764705882352941, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0.0045045045045045045, 0, 0, 0.006993006993006993, 0.004484304932735426, 0, 0, 0.007407407407407408, 0.0036363636363636364, 0, 0.004310344827586207, 0.004651162790697674, 0.009259259259259259, 0.007782101167315175, 0, 0.004484304932735426, 0, 0.021505376344086023, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006024096385542169, 0.008968609865470852, 0, 0.008658008658008658, 0, 0, 0.0078125, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0, 0, 0.02654867256637168, 0, 0.005235602094240838, 0, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0.008928571428571428, 0, 0.006172839506172839, 0.007352941176470588, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006993006993006993, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0072992700729927005, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009478672985781991, 0.008771929824561403, 0, 0.005434782608695652, 0.010638297872340425, 0, 0, 0, 0.009009009009009009, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014084507042253521, 0.007407407407407408, 0, 0, 0.006024096385542169, 0, 0, 0, 0.007633587786259542, 0.005235602094240838, 0, 0.0056179775280898875, 0, 0.013605442176870748, 0, 0.005952380952380952, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004830917874396135, 0.007692307692307693, 0.008658008658008658, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.019230769230769232, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013513513513513514, 0, 0.010869565217391304, 0.005434782608695652, 0, 0, 0.007407407407407408, 0.005376344086021506, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006134969325153374, 0, 0.006993006993006993, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0.015503875968992248, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005405405405405406, 0, 0, 0, 0.06666666666666667, 0, 0.015625, 0.0106951871657754, 0.013793103448275862, 0.0033222591362126247, 0, 0.005952380952380952, 0, 0.004608294930875576, 0, 0, 0, 0.0058823529411764705, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007246376811594203, 0.007042253521126761, 0, 0.006756756756756757, 0, 0, 0.0053475935828877, 0.00423728813559322, 0, 0.0078125, 0, 0, 0, 0.010050251256281407, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.002777777777777778, 0, 0, 0, 0.010752688172043012, 0.007462686567164179, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0.0064516129032258064, 0, 0, 0.005076142131979695, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00510204081632653, 0.018518518518518517, 0.010869565217391304, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004347826086956522, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.003076923076923077, 0, 0, 0.012578616352201259, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01744186046511628, 0, 0.003236245954692557, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004761904761904762, 0.007142857142857143, 0.005649717514124294, 0, 0.005128205128205128, 0.005813953488372093, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004347826086956522, 0, 0.008928571428571428, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0049261083743842365, 0, 0, 0, 0.0051813471502590676, 0.005649717514124294, 0, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0.006802721088435374, 0, 0, 0, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0.007662835249042145, 0, 0, 0.013513513513513514, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0070921985815602835, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012269938650306749, 0, 0.01680672268907563, 0, 0, 0.008620689655172414, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0.011111111111111112, 0, 0.01092896174863388, 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0, 0, 0, 0.00909090909090909, 0, 0, 0.018518518518518517, 0, 0.006060606060606061, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005319148936170213, 0, 0, 0.0053475935828877, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008771929824561403, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006993006993006993, 0, 0.024691358024691357, 0.010869565217391304, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005050505050505051, 0, 0, 0.015503875968992248, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.003067484662576687, 0, 0, 0, 0.01282051282051282, 0, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0.006211180124223602, 0.005319148936170213, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0.006535947712418301, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0, 0.01020408163265306, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005917159763313609, 0.00625, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0.0056179775280898875, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0.007462686567164179, 0.0136986301369863, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004524886877828055, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0035335689045936395, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0.030303030303030304, 0.02564102564102564, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0.015151515151515152, 0, 0, 0, 0.014285714285714285, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0.014492753623188406, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0.005291005291005291, 0, 0, 0, 0.006289308176100629, 0, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0, 0, 0.004830917874396135, 0.007042253521126761, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0, 0, 0.013513513513513514, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012875536480686695, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007462686567164179, 0, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0, 0, 0.01020408163265306, 0, 0, 0.004048582995951417, 0.011111111111111112, 0.017543859649122806, 0, 0, 0.005208333333333333, 0.0037313432835820895, 0, 0.03125, 0, 0, 0.00641025641025641, 0, 0, 0.006944444444444444, 0, 0.007194244604316547, 0.016666666666666666, 0, 0.006896551724137931, 0.007194244604316547, 0, 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0.005319148936170213, 0, 0, 0.011363636363636364, 0.015503875968992248, 0, 0, 0, 0.004166666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0.003472222222222222, 0, 0.005714285714285714, 0, 0, 0.005681818181818182, 0, 0, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0.005555555555555556, 0, 0.005, 0, 0, 0.004739336492890996, 0.006329113924050633, 0, 0.005154639175257732, 0.010526315789473684, 0.006802721088435374, 0, 0, 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0, 0.0045045045045045045, 0.004484304932735426, 0.004016064257028112, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0036900369003690036, 0, 0, 0.005235602094240838, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00980392156862745, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004672897196261682, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0.00980392156862745, 0.01020408163265306, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010752688172043012, 0.003787878787878788, 0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0, 0.011299435028248588, 0, 0.007042253521126761, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.003424657534246575, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005555555555555556, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.045454545454545456, 0.005235602094240838, 0.005376344086021506, 0, 0, 0.015957446808510637, 0.004219409282700422, 0, 0.058823529411764705, 0.05555555555555555, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006622516556291391, 0, 0.013333333333333334, 0.00847457627118644, 0, 0.004830917874396135, 0, 0.005208333333333333, 0, 0.004424778761061947, 0.00980392156862745, 0, 0.0047169811320754715, 0, 0.008771929824561403, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0, 0, 0.003861003861003861, 0, 0.006493506493506494, 0, 0.005208333333333333, 0.005714285714285714, 0, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008064516129032258, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0045045045045045045, 0.006329113924050633, 0, 0.0047169811320754715, 0.009345794392523364, 0.00847457627118644, 0.005434782608695652, 0, 0.00909090909090909, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0.005988023952095809, 0.007042253521126761, 0.015151515151515152, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0, 0, 0.007407407407407408, 0, 0, 0.005494505494505495, 0.027777777777777776, 0.011904761904761904, 0, 0.006802721088435374, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009259259259259259, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.003816793893129771, 0.017543859649122806, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.022727272727272728, 0.005235602094240838, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0, 0, 0, 0.006493506493506494, 0, 0, 0.02564102564102564, 0, 0.01098901098901099, 0, 0, 0, 0.004545454545454545, 0.011152416356877323, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0.0035842293906810036, 0, 0.0035335689045936395, 0, 0, 0, 0.021739130434782608, 0.004273504273504274, 0, 0, 0.010416666666666666, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0045045045045045045, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006289308176100629, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007246376811594203, 0, 0, 0.0024875621890547263, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008771929824561403, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006756756756756757, 0.008547008547008548, 0, 0, 0.007692307692307693, 0, 0, 0, 0.005, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006993006993006993, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006289308176100629, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.017142857142857144, 0, 0, 0.02247191011235955, 0, 0, 0, 0.005847953216374269, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008928571428571428, 0, 0, 0.006802721088435374, 0.006097560975609756, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009950248756218905, 0.0045871559633027525, 0, 0.007142857142857143, 0, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0, 0.0040650406504065045, 0, 0, 0.004608294930875576, 0, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0.006896551724137931, 0, 0, 0.009708737864077669, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004901960784313725, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.016666666666666666, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007692307692307693, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0, 0, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0, 0.007936507936507936, 0.006369426751592357, 0, 0, 0.010416666666666666, 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0, 0.007142857142857143, 0, 0.0049504950495049506, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006289308176100629, 0, 0, 0.09090909090909091, 0, 0.007936507936507936, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011764705882352941, 0, 0.005405405405405406, 0, 0, 0, 0.006211180124223602, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006711409395973154, 0, 0, 0.006756756756756757, 0.006134969325153374, 0.007042253521126761, 0, 0, 0.006369426751592357, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004329004329004329, 0, 0, 0.014150943396226415, 0.006802721088435374, 0.003367003367003367, 0, 0, 0, 0.025210084033613446, 0, 0, 0.005434782608695652, 0, 0, 0.005681818181818182, 0, 0, 0.0072992700729927005, 0.013157894736842105, 0.002331002331002331, 0, 0, 0, 0.0034129692832764505, 0.007407407407407408, 0, 0, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0.009009009009009009, 0, 0.0034482758620689655, 0.005050505050505051, 0, 0.007462686567164179, 0, 0.004608294930875576, 0, 0.008771929824561403, 0.0047169811320754715, 0, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0.00390625, 0, 0, 0, 0.010416666666666666, 0.004830917874396135, 0.014598540145985401, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011627906976744186, 0.01098901098901099, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006369426751592357, 0.004524886877828055, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008264462809917356, 0, 0, 0, 0.003115264797507788, 0, 0.00909090909090909, 0, 0, 0.008333333333333333, 0.004081632653061225, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014388489208633094, 0, 0.006134969325153374, 0, 0, 0.004132231404958678, 0, 0.008333333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011049723756906077, 0, 0.009345794392523364, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0.00847457627118644, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0031446540880503146, 0.0047169811320754715, 0, 0, 0, 0.020689655172413793, 0, 0.0072992700729927005, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00641025641025641, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0055248618784530384, 0, 0.010416666666666666, 0.01282051282051282, 0, 0.00392156862745098, 0.0072992700729927005, 0.004901960784313725, 0.011428571428571429, 0, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0, 0.008, 0, 0.005780346820809248, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005405405405405406, 0.006369426751592357, 0, 0.006578947368421052, 0, 0.012903225806451613, 0.014285714285714285, 0, 0.004975124378109453, 0, 0, 0, 0.007407407407407408, 0, 0.008928571428571428, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011695906432748537, 0, 0, 0.03076923076923077, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0, 0, 0.00641025641025641, 0, 0, 0.014184397163120567, 0.005649717514124294, 0, 0, 0.00909090909090909, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007017543859649123, 0.005847953216374269, 0, 0, 0, 0.0072992700729927005, 0, 0.00510204081632653, 0, 0, 0.008928571428571428, 0, 0.004694835680751174, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0.2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00558659217877095, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0, 0.006993006993006993, 0.00641025641025641, 0, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005, 0, 0.011904761904761904, 0, 0, 0, 0.006097560975609756, 0.004219409282700422, 0.012048192771084338, 0.0043859649122807015, 0, 0, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0.01639344262295082, 0.017142857142857144, 0.01098901098901099, 0.005291005291005291, 0.013888888888888888, 0.006944444444444444, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0078125, 0, 0.018518518518518517, 0.007751937984496124, 0, 0.007936507936507936, 0.019801980198019802, 0, 0.013793103448275862, 0.00684931506849315, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0.0070921985815602835, 0.018518518518518517, 0.024691358024691357, 0.0196078431372549, 0, 0, 0.0048543689320388345, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0.0078125, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014285714285714285, 0.004651162790697674, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004878048780487805, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0, 0, 0.03333333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0, 0.08333333333333333, 0.02857142857142857, 0.08333333333333333, 0, 0.014634146341463415, 0.0070921985815602835, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0, 0.006369426751592357, 0, 0.005, 0.00510204081632653, 0.0044444444444444444, 0.006211180124223602, 0, 0.0058997050147492625, 0.013605442176870748, 0, 0.006369426751592357, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0056179775280898875, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0041841004184100415, 0, 0, 0.011976047904191617, 0.005555555555555556, 0, 0.0038461538461538464, 0, 0.010471204188481676, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006872852233676976, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0.005747126436781609, 0, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0.00847457627118644, 0, 0.006134969325153374, 0.0078125, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01098901098901099, 0, 0, 0.006756756756756757, 0, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0.0072992700729927005, 0, 0.021897810218978103, 0, 0.0072992700729927005, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0, 0.0049504950495049506, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0, 0.014388489208633094, 0.004098360655737705, 0.0049504950495049506, 0.011111111111111112, 0.006211180124223602, 0.00641025641025641, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005555555555555556, 0, 0.005319148936170213, 0, 0, 0.007692307692307693, 0, 0.01775147928994083, 0.020833333333333332, 0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005681818181818182, 0, 0, 0, 0.005154639175257732, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007462686567164179, 0.005319148936170213, 0, 0, 0.008771929824561403, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004291845493562232, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010869565217391304, 0.006172839506172839, 0, 0, 0, 0.013071895424836602, 0, 0.006024096385542169, 0, 0, 0.0091324200913242, 0.006802721088435374, 0.045454545454545456, 0, 0, 0.01282051282051282, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0078125, 0, 0.006993006993006993, 0, 0, 0.007407407407407408, 0, 0.006097560975609756, 0.010752688172043012, 0.005847953216374269, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010638297872340425, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00847457627118644, 0.005128205128205128, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010810810810810811, 0, 0.015228426395939087, 0.016129032258064516, 0.02127659574468085, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0.015789473684210527, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0, 0, 0.005714285714285714, 0, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0, 0.01775147928994083, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0032679738562091504, 0, 0.006557377049180328, 0, 0.007936507936507936, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0, 0.009202453987730062, 0.006211180124223602, 0, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0, 0.004830917874396135, 0.0106951871657754, 0.02564102564102564, 0, 0, 0, 0.01834862385321101, 0, 0.013333333333333334, 0.02, 0, 0.00558659217877095, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0.006172839506172839, 0.00392156862745098, 0.024691358024691357, 0, 0.008620689655172414, 0.006024096385542169, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0, 0.01098901098901099, 0.006756756756756757, 0.006369426751592357, 0, 0, 0.009852216748768473, 0, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0.011673151750972763, 0.007751937984496124, 0.008620689655172414, 0, 0.004545454545454545, 0, 0.004807692307692308, 0.011299435028248588, 0, 0, 0, 0.012987012987012988, 0.005813953488372093, 0, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0, 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0.014492753623188406, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0, 0.025, 0, 0, 0, 0.018867924528301886, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0.006535947712418301, 0.006097560975609756, 0.0036496350364963502, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0, 0.007042253521126761, 0.012987012987012988, 0.004201680672268907, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005263157894736842, 0.008264462809917356, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0, 0.008695652173913044, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007142857142857143, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007575757575757576, 0, 0.006369426751592357, 0.0035971223021582736, 0.006944444444444444, 0, 0, 0.004807692307692308, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009478672985781991, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006711409395973154, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004651162790697674, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006134969325153374, 0, 0, 0.0072992700729927005, 0, 0.006756756756756757, 0, 0.007692307692307693, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015503875968992248, 0.006622516556291391, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.003134796238244514, 0, 0.0072992700729927005, 0, 0.004784688995215311, 0.009302325581395349, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006472491909385114, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007518796992481203, 0, 0.007518796992481203, 0.004672897196261682, 0.006578947368421052, 0, 0, 0.028735632183908046, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007352941176470588, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005649717514124294, 0.003952569169960474, 0, 0.007352941176470588, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007692307692307693, 0.018018018018018018, 0, 0.005291005291005291, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004784688995215311, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.023529411764705882, 0, 0.013793103448275862, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00823045267489712, 0.00625, 0.005747126436781609, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007692307692307693, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006134969325153374, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0035971223021582736, 0.004329004329004329, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.041666666666666664, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0036363636363636364, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00303951367781155, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00641025641025641, 0, 0, 0, 0.005208333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.016666666666666666, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013245033112582781, 0, 0.006097560975609756, 0.0037313432835820895, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007575757575757576, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0072992700729927005, 0.003816793893129771, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0, 0, 0.015151515151515152, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0, 0.03571428571428571, 0.012345679012345678, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0, 0.03389830508474576, 0.03076923076923077, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0, 0.038461538461538464, 0.05, 0, 0, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0.047619047619047616, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0.05263157894736842, 0.023255813953488372, 0.06666666666666667, 0, 0.05, 0, 0.03571428571428571, 0, 0, 0, 0.03571428571428571, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03571428571428571, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0.03571428571428571, 0, 0, 0.09090909090909091, 0, 0.023008849557522124, 0.037037037037037035, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0.0625, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0.0625, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0.0196078431372549, 0.024390243902439025, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0.05, 0, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0, 0.0625, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0.04, 0, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0.058823529411764705, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0.006134969325153374, 0.058823529411764705, 0.05263157894736842, 0.037037037037037035, 0.00684931506849315, 0, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0.023121387283236993, 0, 0.058823529411764705, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.041666666666666664, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0, 0, 0.03125, 0.03571428571428571, 0.03571428571428571, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0, 0.058823529411764705, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0.05555555555555555, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0.047619047619047616, 0.034482758620689655, 0, 0.047619047619047616, 0, 0, 0, 0.011904761904761904, 0, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0.043478260869565216, 0, 0.05, 0, 0.043478260869565216, 0, 0, 0.03225806451612903, 0.043478260869565216, 0, 0, 0.015625, 0, 0.05, 0, 0.043478260869565216, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0, 0, 0.02564102564102564, 0, 0, 0.047619047619047616, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0.021505376344086023, 0.07142857142857142, 0.015625, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0.07142857142857142, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0.0136986301369863, 0.043478260869565216, 0, 0.04, 0, 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0.02654867256637168, 0, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0, 0.05263157894736842, 0, 0.05, 0.02702702702702703, 0, 0.0392156862745098, 0, 0.058823529411764705, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0, 0.058823529411764705, 0, 0.08, 0.037037037037037035, 0.019801980198019802, 0.015625, 0.026041666666666668, 0.031746031746031744, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0.05263157894736842, 0.011764705882352941, 0, 0.02531645569620253, 0.02702702702702703 ]
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[ "Evaluation of genotoxity and mutagenicity of DL-p-chlorophenylalanine, its methyl ester and some N-acyl derivatives.", "\nDL-p-chlorophenylalanine (PCPA) and its derivatives were evaluated for genotoxic effects using Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis strains lacking various DNA-repair mechanisms in spottest and in suspension test. ", "The mutagenic activity of studied compounds was determined by the Ames test. ", "Reverse mutation test was performed with Salmonella typhimurium strains TA98, TA100, TA1535 and TA1537 without S9 mix. ", "0.02 M nitrosomethylurea (NMU) standard mutagen was used as a positive control. ", "The results showed that the parent nonessential amino acid PCPA had no detectable genotoxic and mutagenic activities in bacteria. ", "The methyl ester of this amino acid and its N-phenylacetyl derivative possessed weak genotoxicity. ", "Meanwhile N-sec-butyloxycarbonyl, N-benzyloxycarbonyl, N-(p-nitrophenylacetyl) and N-(p-nitrophenoxyacetyl) derivatives of DL-p-chlorophenylalanine exhibited appreciable genotoxicity. ", "Among the seven tested compounds only N-benzyloxycarbonyl and N-(p-nitrophenoxyacetyl) derivatives of DL-p-chlorophenylalanine have been found to be mutagenic. ", "Only parent PCPA possessed antimutagenic properties in respect of nitrosomethylurea. ", "The structural modification, which strongly affects genotoxicity and mutagenicity perhaps may be due to steric hydrance of the substituents, causing interference with enzyme and DNA interactions." ]
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[ "The percentage of eligible Americans who showed up to the polls in November dipped slightly to the lowest rate in sixteen years, led by a sharp drop-off in the number of black voters casting ballots.", "\n\nNew data released Wednesday by the Census Bureau shows an estimated 61.4 percent of Americans over the age of 18 cast ballots, down from the 61.8 percent who voted in 2012 and well below the 63.8 percent who voted in 2004, the recent high-point of voter participation.", "\n\nWhite voters were most likely to turn out; 65.3 percent of whites told Census Bureau surveyors they voted in 2016, more than a full percentage point higher than their participation rate in 2012.", "\n\nBut voter turnout among black voters fell almost seven percentage points, to 59.4 percent, the Census figures show — after hitting an all-time high of 66.2 percent in 2012.", "\n\nFewer than half of Asian Americans and Hispanic Americans turned out to vote; 49 percent of Asians and 47.6 percent of those of Hispanic origin showed up to the polls last year.", "\n\nDemographers point to declining black turnout and relatively low Hispanic turnout — two voting blocs on whom Democrats are increasingly reliant — as two of a handful of reasons Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton Hillary Diane Rodham ClintonBarr criticizes DOJ in speech declaring all agency power 'is invested in the attorney general' Virginia Democrat blasts Trump's 'appalling' remark about COVID-19 deaths in 'blue states' The Hill's Campaign Report: Biden asks if public can trust vaccine from Trump ahead of Election Day | Oklahoma health officials raised red flags before Trump rally MORE fell short in a handful of key battleground states last year.", "\n\nADVERTISEMENT\n\nBlack turnout fell 2 points and Hispanic turnout tumbled by a whopping 34 points in Michigan, a state President Trump won by just over 10,000 votes after Clinton fell short of matching President Obama's vote totals in Detroit.", "\n\n\n\nIn Wisconsin, another state Trump barely won, fewer than half of black voters cast a ballot; four years ago, when Obama carried the state, 78 percent of blacks voted.", "\n\nTurnout among black voters fell seven points in Florida, and turnout among Hispanic voters there, who make up critical voting blocs stretching from Miami-Dade County to Orlando, fell eight points. ", "That ended a streak of four consecutive elections in which black and Hispanic voters showed up in increasing numbers. ", "At the same time, white voters, who disproportionally backed Trump, turned out at a slightly higher rate in Florida than they had in 2012.", "\n\n\"These numbers point up a fairly pervasive decline in black turnout along with modest though uneven gains for whites,\" said William Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institute. ", "The declining turnout and Republicans' success in winning over more white voters \"helped to explain shifts to Trump in several swing states.\"", "\n\nNovember's contests were decided by an electorate that looked whiter than what many demographers had expected. ", "Between 1980 and 2012, the share of the electorate made up of non-Hispanic whites dropped from 87.6 percent to 73.7 percent; in 2016, demographers expected that number to drop again, as the diverse millennial generation takes on a larger role in the body politic, replacing older generations that were less racially diverse.", "\n\nBut the Census Bureau data shows that 73.3 percent of the electorate in 2016 was made up of non-Hispanic whites, a statistically insignificant drop from four years before. ", "The unexpected stasis, even as the country becomes more racially diverse, is explained by the drop in minority turnout.", "\n\nThat made 2016 only the second election since 1980 that the share of the electorate made up of non-Hispanic whites did not decline by a significant margin.", "\n\nThe decline in black participation is all the more stark after 2012, when for the first time the Census Bureau said blacks voted at a higher share than non-Hispanic whites. ", "Still, the percentage of blacks who voted in 2016 was six points higher than the recent nadir, in 1996, when only 53 percent of blacks cast a ballot.", "\n\nThe data offers both hope and warning signs to Democrats plotting their political comeback, and Republicans trying to hold on to their victories.", "\n\nOn one hand, the data shows Democrats can chart a path back to political power by boosting turnout even at the margins among Hispanic and black voters. ", "The party does not need to replicate Obama's 2008 and 2012 turnout machines; it simply needs to come close in large urban centers in key states like Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Florida.", "\n\nOn the other, it shows the demographic shift that threatens to doom Republicans — who are more reliant than ever on white voters — is manifesting itself more slowly in the electorate than in the population as a whole. ", "That fact gives Republicans time to build new inroads to minority communities, where the party has struggled to attract support.", "\n\nYounger voters grew as a share of the electorate, both as more millennials reach voting age and as they become turnout targets for both parties. ", "Michael McDonald, a political scientist at the University of Florida, said turnout among voters between 18 and 29 years of age grew by 2.5 percentage points, the largest increase of any age group.", "\n\nBut older voters are still much more likely to cast a ballot: More than 70 percent of those over the age of 65 voted in November, far higher than the 43.4 percent of 18-29 year olds who voted. ", "Two-thirds of those between the ages of 45 and 64 voted, according to Frey's analysis.", "\n\nThe Census Bureau's data relies on a survey the agency conducts to supplement the much larger Current Population Survey.", "\n\nOther surveys have concluded that a smaller number of eligible voters actually cast ballots: One study for the group Nonprofit Vote, in which McDonald took part, found 60.2 percent of the nation's 231 million eligible voters cast a ballot in November.", "\n\nThat figure was higher than the percentage of eligible voters who turned out in presidential elections between 1972 and 2000, though it fell below the recent pinnacle achieved in 2008." ]
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[ "For the year to date, Airbus leads Boeing 1015 to 379 in terms of firm aircraft orders – a staggering lead of 636 aircraft, thanks in no small part to the success of the A320neo. ", "Both manufacturers have large numbers of commitments for their revamped narrowbodies that are still to be confirmed as firm orders – around 425 for the A320neo and 496 for Boeing’s B737 MAX, with Boeing promising “hundreds” more commitments to come. ", "All indicators are present that this could be another record year of ordering, just as the global economy teeters on the brink of another recession and as Europe and America’s airlines reduce capacity and ground aircraft. ", "But the long-term trend shows the world's two largest airframers dovetail each other.", "\n\nIn the annual battle over firm orders, Airbus has pipped Boeing for the last three years running, although ordering has not approached the dizzy heights of 2007, when Airbus booked 1341 orders to Boeing's 1413.", "\n\nAirbus and Boeing firm orders: 1997-2010*\n\nSource: CAPA – Centre for Aviation and manufacturers’ reports\n\n*Note: Boeing's orders and deliveries include McDonnell Douglas orders and deliveries following the 1997 merger between the two US manufacturers. ", "Boeing maintained McDonnell Douglas' commercial aircraft business in a separate legal entity for 10 years. ", "Boeing maintained production of the MD-80, MD-90 and MD-11, as well as producing the MD-95 as the B717. ", "These orders and deliveries are included in the analysis.", "\n\nLevelling out the orders over a five-year average reveals there is actually very little difference in the number of outright orders between the two manufacturers. ", "Based on this five-year moving average, Airbus and Boeing firm orders have been essentially level pegging over the last five to six years.", "\n\nAirbus and Boeing firm orders, five-year average: 1997-2010\n\nSource: CAPA – Centre for Aviation and manufacturers’ reports\n\nAircraft deliveries are, however, a different story.", "\n\nOver the 1990s, Airbus closed the gap in manufacturing capabilities compared to Boeing and has out-delivered its rival every year since 2003.", "\n\nAirbus and Boeing aircraft deliveries: 1997-2010\n\nSource: CAPA – Centre for Aviation and manufacturers’ reports\n\nSince Airbus has caught up to Boeing, difference in delivery numbers is typically small – usually no more than 20-30 aircraft. ", "A notable exception was 2008, when Boeing suffered a machinists strike, blowing the output difference to over 90 aircraft. ", "Delivery rates in the medium-term future should increase significantly as both airframers look to increase narrowbody production – partially to avoid losing new orders to forthcoming entrants including the BombardierCSeries, ComacC919, Irkust MS-21 and Sukhoi Superjet – and introduce their new medium/long-haul twin-jets, the A350 XWB and B787. ", "Boeing planned to assemble 10 B787s a month – effectively assembling an aircraft every three days by snapping together fuselage barrels with wings – but will likely not achieve that rate until 2013 at the earliest. ", "When Boeing meets that target, it will be thanks to an additional assembly line in Charleston, South Carolina, which over the long-term will help boost production and deliveries.", "\n\nAirbus and Boeing aircraft deliveries, five-year average: 1993-2010\n\nSource: CAPA – Centre for Aviation and manufacturers’ reports\n\nLooking at a five-year moving average for deliveries, Airbus’ lead is more decisive.", "\n\nWhat is also apparent is the greater exposure to the boom/bust cycle Boeing, the more mature airframer, has experienced. ", "Airbus deliveries have grown constantly since the late 1990s, but Boeing’s deliveries have weathered a number of peaks and troughs, partially attributable to it ending production of older aircraft like the B757 or slowing down on other aircraft types, like the B767 and B747, whereas Airbus – with the exception of the A300 and A310 – has not replaced any of its aircraft families with entirely new ones, as Boeing has. ", "Airbus has also developed its current family more recently than Boeing, largely making its aircraft still relevant for the market. ", "Only one of its aircraft types – the four-engined A340 – has lost relevance to the market as its competitor, the twin-engined B777, offers greatly improved fuel efficiency. ", "Orders for the A340 dropped significantly in 2007 when the price of fuel skyrocketed.", "\n\nNarrowbodies – the big growth area\n\nMuch of the heat and light between the manufacturers over the past decade has involved widebody aircraft – notably the A330, A380, B777 and B787 – in part because of the high margins airframers earn from them, but the real commercial activity has been around the typically lower margin single-aisle, short haul units.", "\n\nAirbus’ deliveries advantage has been mostly in the narrowbody segment. ", "Since the late 1990s, when Boeing began to wind down B757 production, Boeing’s narrowbody production lead over Airbus. ", "In 2003, Airbus delivered almost 400 more narrowbodies than Boeing.", "\n\nAirbus and Boeing narrowbody deliveries: 1997-2010\n\nSource: CAPA – Centre for Aviation and manufacturers' reports\n\nWith both Airbus and Boeing increasing aircraft production, particularly in the narrowbody segment, deliveries are set to steadily increase for at least the next two to three years.", "\n\nAirbus and Boeing both plan to push narrowbody output to above 40 narrowbodies per month. ", "Airbus has already confirmed plans to raise output from 36 to 42 aircraft per month by late 2012 and is looking at developments to 44 and possibly 50 aircraft per month. ", "Boeing’s ramp-up will lag Airbus slightly: B737 production will go from 31.5 aircraft per month to 35 per month from early 2013, 38 per month in 1H2013 and 42 per month from 2014.", "\n\nBoth airframers will eventually be producing around 500 narrowbodies per year. ", "With backlogs of more than 2000 aircraft in their respective narrowbody portfolios and revamped versions due to come into service in late 2015 (A320neo) and 2017 (B737 MAX), drawing down these backlogs is not a concern.", "\n\nMare narrowbody orders are set to flow. ", "Reports have recently emerged that United Continental Holdings is in talks with Airbus and Boeing for an order for 100 to 200 aircraft. ", "Aviation Capital Group has confirmed it is working on B737 MAX and A320neo orders. ", "Boeing is promising “hundreds” more B737 MAX orders and commitments before the end of the year and Airbus will be looking to convert its hundreds of A320neo commitments into firm orders.", "\n\nWant more analysis like this? ", "CAPA Membership gives you access to all news and analysis on the site, along with access to many areas of our comprehensive databases and toolsets.", "Find out more and take a free trial.", "\n\nYou may also be interested in the following articles...\n\nOne area where United Airlines has made important strides during the last few years is in overhauling its balance sheet. ", "Its efforts have gained some recognition from credit agencies for its progress in paring down debt and improving leverage ratios; but similarly to its rival American Airlines – attaining an investment-grade credit rating is not a huge priority for United. ", "The airline believes it can achieve some benefits that investment-grade companies enjoy with the current state of its balance sheet.", "\n\nIn order to sustain the progress it has made in balance sheet repair United plans to amend its aircraft order book to slash capex commitments during the next couple of years, including the deferral of 61 Boeing narrowbodies. ", "United is hinting that other fleet changes could be under consideration, including deals similar to the agreement it forged during 2015 to lease used Airbus A319s.", "\n\nThis is Part 2 in a two-part series reviewing United’s financial and revenue-generating opportunities.", "\n\nDuring the past year Air Canada has found itself defending its double-digit capacity growth, stressing that 90% of its capacity in 2015, 2016 and 2017 is being deployed to its international network – an entity the company believes is far from reaching maturity. ", "Recently the airline has outlined plans to introduce a raft of new long haul flights to Europe and Asia operated by Air Canada mainline and its low cost arm – Air Canada rouge.", "\n\nAir Canada stresses the pillars of its international expansion – Boeing 787 widebodies and the establishment of its low cost subsidiary rouge – enable the company to enter international markets it once considered unviable due to higher costs. ", "During the summer of 2018 rouge will nearly reach its 50 aircraft cap, and Air Canada needs to start determining if there are further opportunities to grow its low cost unit. ", "Those evaluations will partially dictate Air Canada’s overall growth levels beyond 2018.", "\n\nIn the short term Air Canada is not seeing any broad changes in consumer behaviour, reflected in its solid booking curves. ", "Weaker markets in Western Canada, hit by the downturn in the oil sector, are stabilising as capacity cuts have resulted in a rational supply-demand scenario.", "\n\nThis is Part 1 in a two part series on Air Canada. ", "The second instalment will focus on the airline’s costs and balance sheet management." ]
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[ "You are here\n\nMississippi Shop Owner's Condition Improving\n\nPublished July 14, 2011\n\nSTARKVILLE, MS (BRAIN)—Much has transpired since Jan Morgan, co-owner of Boardtown Bikes, was biking on Mississippi’s Highway 50 when a car struck her from behind, carrying her 200 yards on the car's hood before stopping.", "\n\nThe most important thing is that Jan’s condition is improving, according to her husband and co-owner David Morgan. “", "She still has a way to go but things are looking brighter,” David told Bicycle Retailer and Industry News yesterday.", "\n\nClick on above link to find out more details on Jan’s progress through a blog site David has set up.", "\n\nWhat upset David and most cyclists in Mississippi the most is that the driver can only be charged with a misdemeanor. ", "It can't be a felony, according to the district attorney because, “the motorist didn’t leave the scene, wasn’t impaired, and didn’t intentionally or negligently hit Morgan.”", "\n\nMississippi did win a major battle when the John Paul Frerer Bicycle Safety Act, requiring at least 3 feet when passing a cyclist on the road, was passed. ", "The law officially took effect on July 1.", "\n\nWhile this is a step in the right direction, David feels like steeper charges need to exist in collisions involving cyclists.", "\n\n“My wife and anyone else is much more valuable than road kill,” David said in one of his latest blog posts. “", "We unfortunately have to convince our lawmakers of this. ", "I cannot prove this was cell phone related but something surely had the woman that did this distracted, and she was on a cell phone when she got out of the car (and back in it?)”", "\n\nBike Walk Mississippi is proactively trying to better protect cyclists on the state’s roadways. ", "For one thing, the organization is drafting a letter to the district attorney, urging him to better enforce “the laws of due care and asking him to prosecute based on laws that go beyond the 3 feet law.”", "\n\n“Bike Walk Mississippi has a lot of things in the works that will benefit us all,” David said." ]
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