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[ "Introduction\n============\n\nSystemic sclerosis (SSc) is a rare, multisystem disease showing a large individual variability in the extent of skin and organ involvement as well as in disease progression and prognosis. ", "SSc is predominantly a female-oriented disease with reported female to male ratios between 3 : 1 and 6 : 1, most likely influenced by ethnical and regional factors \\[[@B1; @B2; @B3; @B4; @B5; @B6]\\]. ", "The annual incidence was estimated to range between 0.6 and 19 cases per million populations, depending on methodological differences in case definition and ascertainment, the time period, different genetic and ethnic backgrounds. ", "Accordingly, reported prevalence rates were reported between 4 and 242 cases per million populations \\[[@B5], [@B7; @B8; @B9; @B10; @B11]\\]. ", "It has also been reported that SSc occurs significantly more frequent in families with SSc than in the general population. ", "As of yet, the strongest risk factor identified for SSc is a positive family history of SSc. ", "However, the absolute risk for each family member remains rather low (\\<1%) \\[[@B12]\\]. ", "SSc is associated with a markedly increased mortality, depending on racial differences, presence and severity of internal organ involvement, age at diagnosis and gender \\[[@B5]\\]. ", "Thus, the reported 5 yr survival rates vary considerable between 50% and 80% \\[[@B8], [@B13]\\].", "\n\nIn 1980, the ACR published preliminary classification criteria showing a 97% sensitivity and 98% specificity for SSc to classify patients with established disease \\[[@B14]\\]. ", "During recent years, a descriptive sub-classification of lcSSc *vs* dcSSc, based on a number of clinical characteristics elaborated by Le Roy *et al*. ", "\\[[@B15]\\], has been widely accepted and used in clinical practice. ", "However, none of these classifications are satisfactory for daily clinical practice. ", "For instance, a subset of patients presents with virtually no scleroderma, but has RP, pulmonary hypertension or other scleroderma features as well as ACAs or other scleroderma-associated autoantibodies. ", "This subset has been described as SSc (scleroderma) sine scleroderma \\[[@B16], [@B17]\\]. ", "Also, a significant number of patients belong to a subgroup with symptoms of SSc occurring simultaneously with those of other CTDs like myositis, SS or lupus erythematodes. ", "These patients are often classified as scleroderma overlap syndrome and are characterized by typical autoantibodies, e.g. most frequently anti-U1-RNP- or anti-PmScl-antibodies \\[[@B18]\\]. ", "Furthermore, due to improved health care and activity of patients' associations, patients present earlier in the course of the disease with symptoms suggestive of, but not conclusive for a diagnosis of definite SSc, e.g. RP and scleroderma-specific ANAs; these symptoms have been described as UCTD \\[[@B19], [@B20]\\].", "\n\nTo date, there exist no data on the occurrence of these additional disease subsets in a large population. ", "In order to improve clinical care and to develop recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of SSc, the German Network for Systemic Scleroderma (DNSS) was established in October 2003, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). ", "A core activity of this network is a patient registry that comprises centres in all parts of Germany as well as one centre in Graz (Austria). ", "A major goal of the network was to ensure acquisition of patients with different disease presentations and clinical variants of this heterogenous disease. ", "This goal was not only facilitated by a country-wide network, but also by cooperation of different subspecialties being primarily involved in the care of patients with SSc in Germany, i.e. rheumatologists, dermatologists, pulmonologists and nephrologists.", "\n\nThis report is a large cross-sectional analysis of SSc disease subsets extending over the classification of Le Roy on a nationwide basis. ", "The data presented herein strongly indicate that an improved classification is needed. ", "Together with international registries such as EULAR Scleroderma Trials and Research (EUSTAR) \\[[@B21]\\], the data form a basis for clinical trials and evidence-based recommendations for diagnosis and therapy.", "\n\nPatients and methods\n====================\n\nThe DNSS was founded in October 2003 on a grant by the BMBF. ", "The network is based on different subspecialties consisting of dermatologists, rheumatologists, pulmonologists and nephrologists from altogether 27 centres. ", "Among these, 10 are rheumatological centres (Aachen, Bad Bramstedt, Baden-Baden, Bad Nauheim, Berlin, Freiburg, Hamburg, Heidelberg, Regensburg and Treuenbrietzen), 12 are dermatological centres (Berlin, Dresden, Göttingen, Cologne, Mainz, Minden, Munich, Münster, Regensburg, Ulm, Wuppertal and Würzburg) and in two centres the Departments of Dermatology and Rheumatology jointly register their patients (Düsseldorf and Tübingen). ", "In addition, a pulmonary centre each in Giessen and Graz, and a nephrological centre in Cologne-Merheim took part, adding their expertise with regard to the specific complications of pulmonary or renal involvement of SSc.", "\n\nThe ethics committee of the coordinating centre, i.e. the Cologne University Hospital, gave a positive vote on a patient information and consent form for the registry. ", "On the basis of this document, informed patient consent as well as the approval of the local ethics committees in all participating centres was obtained prior to registering patients. ", "By April 2007, more than 1483 SSc patients had been registered.", "\n\nIn 2003, a disease- and organ-specific questionnaire was designed with the consent of all network members, including information on gender, date of birth, height, weight, family history for inflammatory rheumatic disease signs and symptoms of organ involvement of skin, heart, lung, gastrointestinal tract, kidney, musculoskeletal system, nervous system and characteristic laboratory data such as ANA.", "\n\nTwo reference documents were prepared to ensure consistency of registered patients' data in the network centres. ", "These documents included definitions of questionnaire items and recommendations for diagnostic procedures.", "\n\nOrgan involvement was defined as follows: RP was characterized by recurrent spasms of small digital arterioles/arteries at fingers and toes, usually triggered by cold and emotional stress. ", "Clinically a sudden pallor of individual digits was followed by reactive hyperaemia, in severe cases also by cyanosis \\[[@B22]\\]. ", "Age at RP onset was considered to be the age at which this symptom appears. ", "We defined the first non-RP onset as the time/age when the first skin changes (puffy fingers, sclerodactily, truncal scleroderma) developed and the second non-RP onset as the time/age at which first organ lesions occurred. ", "All registered patients were asked for the date/age when RP, skin changes and organ manifestations were noticed/diagnosed.", "\n\n*Skin involvement* was evaluated using the Rodnan skin score that assesses the skin thickness by clinical palpation of 17 body areas on a scale of 0--3 \\[[@B23], [@B24]\\]. ", "Thickening and fibrosis of the skin as one of the first recognized phenomenon in SSc still forms the basis of most classification criteria and proposed subsets of the disease \\[[@B15], [@B25], [@B26]\\]. ", "With respect to these symptoms the participants of the centres were trained several times by meetings of the network or EUSTAR-organized Rodnan skin score courses (Budapest, January 2005; Bad Nauheim, January 2007) to ensure standardized and correct performance of skin scoring within the network.", "\n\n*Digital tip ischaemia* was associated with digital pitting scars, ulcerations or gangrene, or both.", "\n\n*Pulmonary manifestation* was established, when pulmonary interstitial fibrosis and/or isolated pulmonary hypertension were found. *", "Isolated pulmonary hypertension* was defined as clinical evidence of right heart failure and/or increased mean pulmonary arterial pressure (PAPm \\>25 mmHg at rest or PAPm \\>30 mmHg during exercise) as determined by right heart catheterization. ", "In addition, an estimated right ventricular systolic pressure (RVSP) \\>40 mmHg as determined by echocardiography was used to define likely PAH. ", "Patients with dyspnoea \\[New York Heart Association (NYHA) Grade II and upwards\\] show often isolated impairments of carbon monoxide transfer factor (TLCO) with \\<75% of the predictive values with the forced vital capacity \\<80%. *", "Pulmonary interstitial fibrosis* was defined as SSc associated, when other possible causes of lung fibrosis were excluded and bilateral fibrosis confirmed by chest X-ray, high-resolution CT scan and/or restrictive pulmonary abnormalities on pulmonary function tests (TLC \\<80%) were found.", "\n\n*Gastrointestinal involvement* was defined as gastrointestinal motility disturbance, dysphagia, nausea, malabsorption, oesophageal stenosis, gastro-oesophageal reflux or intestinal pseudo-obstruction. *", "Oesophageal dysphagia and reflux* were suggested by subjective symptoms like not able to swallow liquid or hard food as well as intermittent heart burn and by the oesophageal manometric examination and gastroscopy.", "\n\n*Kidney involvement* was defined as the presence of renal insufficiency encompassing renal insufficiency due to acute renal crisis (age-related creatinine clearance \\<80 ml/min). ", "For the diagnosis of proteinuria we used a urine microelectrophoresis that indicated very early disturbances in the renal filter function (albuminuria ≥30 mg/24 h or ≥20 mg/l; proteinuria ≥300 mg/24 h or ≥200 mg/l).", "\n\n*Cardiac disease* was defined as one of the following: palpitations, conduction disturbance and diastolic dysfunction on the echocardiogram.", "\n\n*Skeletal muscle disease* was defined as proximal muscle weakness or atrophy recorded on clinical evaluation and raised serum muscle enzyme levels. ", "The item musculoskeletal system ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}) summarizes musculoskeletal involvement (with muscle weakness, atrophia and CK elevation) as well as articular involvement (with synovitis, joint contractures). ", "T[able]{.smallcaps} 2.Patient characteristicsTotalMissing datalcSScdcSScOverlap-S.Undiff. ", "Scl.", "Scl. ", "sine Scl.", "Number of patients, *n* (%)1483 (100)0 (0)674 (45.5)484 (32.7)162 (10.9)130 (8.8)22 (1.5)Female83.40.287.876.184.284.390.9Male16. case history17.219.820.223.525.824.118.8ANA positive90.4192.993.995.283.595Scl 70 positive27. positive36.4161.511.216.434.735SSc-associated antibodies32.5127.631.668.535.530Elevated acute-phase reactants (\\>30 mm/h)15.916.313.417.814.817.74.5Percentage of organ involvement by SSc subsetsRP94.40.196.394.295.989.395.5Skin involvement87.80.391.597.682.36063.6PAH15.80.114.918. fibrosis34.50.120.856.130.618.259.1Oesophagus600.159.269.361.235.572.7Stomach14.20.215.315.614.38.327.3Intestine5. system47.51.444.956.667.644.645.5Nervous system6. organ24.17.223.734.124.418.515Percentage of present symptoms by SSc subsetsDigital ulcers24.42.223.834.421.29.933.3Synovitis15.13.411.719.222.714.933.3Joint contractures26.1322.639.721.815.722.2Tendon friction rubs8.33.26.613.19.98.327.8CK elevation9.22.85.512.122.86.711.1Muscle weakness27.7224.733.540.422.333.3Muscle atrophy16.9314.321.425.49.116.7Dysphagia, reflux60.41.960.869.2634361.1Satiety, nausea16.53.617.916.420.619.833.3Diarrhoea, constipation24.23.627. insufficiency13.72.616.515.68.38.322.2Proteinuria9.53.18.915.29.76.711.1Dyspnoea31.223240.423.318.250Palpitations22.32.823.120.121.523.127.8Conduction block12.92.610.819.210.38.316.7Diastolic dysfunction14.13.414.9199.18.317.6Lung restrictive disease23.72.816.140.718.61033.3Polyneuropathy84.96.888.85.90Trigeminal neuralgia1. (≤ 75%24.851.923.631.42110.89.1mRSS (mean ± [s.d.]{.smallcaps})9.2 ± ± 6.215.2 ± 10.96.9 ± 7.92.7 ± 4.30.6 ± 0.8\n\n*Articular involvement* was defined as synovitis with swelling, with or without tenderness to palpation, in one or more joints. ", "We also recorded any kind of joint contracture (limitation in active as well as passive movements) or tendon friction rubs. ", "Nervous system involvement was defined as trigeminal neuralgia, carpal tunnel syndrome or polyneuropathy. ", "Sicca symptoms were defined as decreased secretion of one or more adenoids and the masticatory organ was characterized by microstomia, defined as obvious decreased mouth opening clearly detected by the investigators due to the disease and/or fibrosis of the lingual frenulum.", "\n\nTo ensure the detection of disease heterogeneity, the registry defined additional distinct subsets apart from lcSSc and dcSSc, i.e. overlap syndrome, UCTD with features of scleroderma and SSc sine scleroderma.", "\n\nThe dcSSc was defined as a progressive form with an early onset of RP, usually within 1 yr of onset of skin changes. ", "This subset is characterized by rapid involvement of trunk, face, proximal and distal extremities. ", "Very frequently, anti-Scl 70 (anti-topoisomerase-I) antibodies are present \\[[@B15]\\].", "\n\nThe lcSSc was defined by skin affection of the extremities distal to the knee and elbow joints, facial skin and occurrence of RP. ", "These patients often (50--70%) have ACAs \\[[@B15]\\].", "\n\nOverlap syndrome was defined as a disease occurring with clinical aspects of SSc (according to the ACR criteria) or main symptoms of SSc simultaneously with those of other CTDs/other autoimmune diseases such as dermatomyositis, SS or lupus erythematodes. ", "These patients are mostly positive for anti-U1-RNP- or anti-PmScl-antibodies \\[[@B18]\\].", "\n\nSclerosis (scleroderma) sine scleroderma was defined by a positive RP, no skin alterations, pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), cardiac, pulmonary and gastrointestinal involvement \\[[@B16], [@B17], [@B26]\\].", "\n\nUndifferentiated SSc was defined as positive RP (at least bicolour) and at least one further feature of SSc (typical nail-fold capillary alterations, puffy fingers, pulmonary hypertension) and/or detectable scleroderma-specific autoantibodies without fulfilling the ACR criteria for SSc \\[[@B19], [@B20]\\].", "\n\nData recording and statistical analyses\n---------------------------------------\n\nThe DNSS maintains a centralized online patient registry that includes all SSc-patient data in a standardized four-page DNSS questionnaire. ", "The Central Office for Coordination (CoC) was set up at the Department of Dermatology and Venerology at the University of Cologne and acts as data manager. ", "The DNSS cooperates closely with the Cologne Center for Clinical Studies (KKSK) that developed a DNSS online patient registry using the MACRO software for Clinical Trials (Infermed Ltd., London). ", "Seven clinical centres currently use the option to register their patients online. ", "The remaining centres perform their registrations on paper and send the filled-in questionnaires to the central office for coordination, where the registration forms are validated and entered into the online registry.", "\n\nThe analysis is a cross-sectional study. ", "The data were statistically analysed using Microsoft Office Excel 2003 and SPSS 14.0 for Windows for tabular and graphic representation. ", "Statistical evaluation was performed using contingency table tests (χ^2^-test or Fisher\\'s exact *t*-test) to describe significant differences or associations. ", "When multiple tests were performed, only *P*-values \\<0.0001 are mentioned. ", "Bivariate analysis was performed for comparison of subtypes. ", "For most data sets, \\<2% of data were missing ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "However, in some sets the percentage of missing data is higher, e.g. family case history, masticatory organ, DLCO. ", "This is largely due to the fact that these parameters were added to the questionnaire after the registry was initiated.", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nAs of February 2007, a total of 1483 patients had been enrolled in the registry. ", "The female to male ratio was 5:1. ", "The mean age was 55.7 ± 13.7 yrs (±[s.d.]{.smallcaps}). ", "On average, female patients 56.1 ± 13.9 yrs were older than male 53.9 ± 12.4 yrs patients. ", "A family history of rheumatic diseases was reported by 17.2% of all patients ([Table 1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}) and was significantly associated with a lower mean age and earlier disease onset of RP, skin involvement and internal organ involvement ([Fig. ", "1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "F[ig]{.smallcaps}. ", "1.Mean ages of RP onset and organ involvement by family history. ", "T[able]{.smallcaps} 1.Distribution of age, onset of organ involvement and disease subsetsAge (yrs)Age at RP onset (yrs)Age at skin involvement (yrs)Age at organ involvement (yrs)Total55.7 ± 13.744.3 ± 15.647.9 ± 14.450.3 ± 14.2Family case history53.7 ± 13.041.5 ± 15.446.1 ± 14.047.9 ± 13.6Female56.0 ± 13.944.2 ± 15.848.1 ± 14.650.5 ± 14.5Male53.9 ± 12.445.1 ± 14.647.0 ± 13.449.1 ± 12.4Overlap-S.50.9 ± 13.540.5 ± 15.743.6 ± 15.545.0 ± 14.6Undiff. ", "Scl.54.7 ± 12.546.8 ± 14.649.6 ± 12.550.9 ± 13.3Scl. ", "sine Scl.54.1 ± 15.842.7 ± 14.948.1 ± 14.348.2 ± 16.0dcssc54.1 ± 14.144.5 ± 15.246.4 ± 14.348.6 ± 14.3lcSSc58.5 ± 12.744.7 ± 15.849.9 ± 14.052.2 ± 13.7[^1]\n\nA detailed analysis of age at disease onset, skin and organ involvement for the different disease subsets is shown in [Table 1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\nDisease presentation in different subsets\n-----------------------------------------\n\nThe frequency of the disease subsets is shown in [Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "The most frequent subset was the limited cutaneous form (45.5%), followed by the diffuse cutaneous type (32.7%), overlap syndrome (10.9%) and undifferentiated form (8.8%). ", "SSc sine scleroderma was found in 1.5% of all registered patients. ", "The description of skin involvement in patients characterized as sclerosis sine scleroderma represents the presence of puffy fingers and not sclerodactily. ", "However, due to the low frequency in the registry, this subset was excluded from further statistical analysis. ", "The female to male ratio ranged from 3.2 : 1 in dcSSc to 7.2 : 1 in lcSSc and was around 5 : 1 in overlap syndrome and the undifferentiated subset.", "\n\nThe time interval between the onset of the RP and skin and internal organ involvement varied significantly between disease subsets ([Fig. ", "2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}), being shortest for the dcSSc variant and longest for the lcSSc disease variant. ", "On average, skin involvement preceded internal organ involvement in all subsets. ", "F[ig]{.smallcaps}. ", "2.Mean time interval between RP onset and organ involvement by disease.", "\n\nOrgan involvement for the different disease subsets is shown in [Fig. ", "3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "Here, the dcSSc subset shows the highest frequencies for pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary hypertension, kidney and heart involvement. ", "Kidney involvement was more common in the diffuse subset (*P* \\< 0.001), but did not reach the level of significance (*P* \\< 0.0001). ", "Clinically prominent symptoms as digital ulcers, joint contractures, proteinuria, conduction blocks and restrictive pulmonary function were also most frequent in the dcSSc subset. ", "In contrast, gastrointestinal involvement did not show significant differences between the subsets of dcSSc, lcSSc and overlap syndrome. ", "F[ig]{.smallcaps}. ", "3.Relative frequency of organ involvement by different subsets.", "\n\nPulmonary fibrosis had a frequency of 56.1% in dcSSc compared with 30.6% in overlap syndrome and 20.8% in lcSSc. ", "Pulmonary hypertension was also most frequent with 18.5% in dcSSc compared with 14.9% in lcSSc and 8.2% in overlap syndrome. ", "A finding of interest was a substantial proportion of patients with isolated pulmonary hypertension without lung fibrosis both in the dcSSc and lcSSc subsets (27.7% *vs* 60%; *P* \\< 0.001).", "\n\nDigital ulcers were reported most frequently in the dcSSc subset (34.4%), but also to a significant degree in overlap syndrome patients (21.2%). ", "Oral involvement was reported in 34.1% of patients with dcSSc and in 23.7% of patients with lcSSc. ", "Involvement of the nervous system presenting as polyneuropathy was reported in 6--8% of patients with no difference between subsets. ", "Trigeminal neuralgia was reported in percentages around 1--3% for all subsets.", "\n\nMusculoskeletal symptoms were most prominent in patients with overlap syndrome, with signs such as CK elevation and synovitis being more frequent when compared with other subsets (*P* \\< 0.0001). ", "CK elevation was reported significantly more often in 22.8% of overlap syndrome patients compared with 12.1% in the dcSSc subset and 5.5% in the lcSSc subset (*P* \\< 0.0001), respectively.", "\n\nDifferences between medical subspecialties\n------------------------------------------\n\nDifferent disease characteristics and different disease subsets may determine which specialist provides primary care to the patient, e.g. rheumatologist or dermatologist. ", "Interestingly, regarding the four major subsets a significant difference in subset frequency was only found for the overlap syndrome. ", "Overlap syndrome, which is usually characterized by prominent musculoskeletal involvement, was more frequently diagnosed in rheumatological centres (*P* \\< 0.01). ", "The frequency of dcSSc and lcSSc in the two specialties showed no significant difference.", "\n\nResults of the analysis of organ involvement and symptoms of patients presenting to rheumatological or dermatological clinics are shown in [Fig. ", "4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "Symptoms indicating prominent involvement of the musculoskeletal system (including joint contractures, synovitis, muscle weakness and atrophy) were more prevalent in rheumatological centres (*P* \\< 0.001). ", "This was also found for subjective symptoms such as sicca complaints, palpitations and signs such as diastolic dysfunction or arterial hypertension. ", "Digital ulcers were equally prevalent in dermatological vs rheumatological centres (25.5% *vs* 23.8%; *P* \\< 0.05). ", "F[ig]{.smallcaps}. ", "4.Relative frequency of organ involvement of SSc patients in dermatological and rheumatological centres.", "\n\nIn contrast, pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary hypertension, conduction blocks or digital ulcers were equally prevalent in rheumatological and dermatological centres.", "\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nSSc is characterized by a remarkable disease heterogeneity in organ involvement, severity and prognosis. ", "The 1980 ACR criteria were established to classify patients with definite disease. ", "In clinical practice, the classification of lcSSc *vs* dcSSc \\[[@B15]\\] is nowadays widely used. ", "However, a significant number of patients belongs to subgroups, which do not fit into this classification, e.g. who are presenting with symptoms of SSc occurring simultaneously with symptoms of other CTDs such as myositis, SS or lupus erythematodes. ", "These patients have been classified as scleroderma overlap syndrome being characterized by typical autoantibodies, e.g. detectable anti-U1-RNP- or anti-PmScl-antibodies \\[[@B18]\\], although the usefulness of this category is controversial. ", "Also, due to improved health care, patients present early in the disease course with symptoms suggestive but not yet sufficient to diagnose definite SSc (e.g. RP and scleroderma-specific ANA).", "\n\nIn SSc, as in other rare diseases, large registries are a prerequisite to identify more uniform cohorts of patients to be able to recruit patients into clinical studies with comparable criteria for outcome measurement. ", "Nevertheless, previous studies also suggested that, even with standardized definitions in larger registries, there may be considerable heterogeneity in patient samples reflecting, e.g. genetic and ethnic heterogeneity, the profile of centres with a propensity of referral cases or less-severe community cases. ", "Therefore, in an attempt to reduce the referral bias, this network tried to broaden the clinical scope of the patients being registered by relying on several medical subspecialties, i.e. rheumatological, dermatological, pulmonary and nephrological centres with a long-standing expertise in the care of SSc patients.", "\n\nDepending on the study, the percentage of SSc patients with the diffuse type of the disease varies considerably (33.8% \\[[@B9]\\]; 17% \\[[@B26]\\]; 44.6% \\[[@B27]\\]; 36.9% \\[[@B21]\\]) with the percentage of this study (32.7%) being well within this range. ", "The observed variation may be partly due to regional differences in the patient population, as e.g. Afro-American individuals have been found to suffer from the diffuse disease type more frequently than a Caucasian population as in this study. ", "The lower percentage in our study can also be attributed to the fact that this study considers more subsets, distinguishing not only between the limited and diffuse type of the disease but also between overlap syndromes and undifferentiated disease. ", "Accordingly, the limited disease variant was found in 45.5%, which is lower when compared with previous studies of e.g. 57.5% in Walker *et al*. ", "\\[[@B21]\\] or 55.8% in Ferri *et al*. ", "\\[[@B28]\\]. ", "In our study, patients not fitting into the categories of Le Roy *et al*. ", "\\[[@B15]\\] were classified into three additional subsets. ", "Here, we can show that 10.9% of patients belonged to the overlap syndrome subtype and 8.8% of patients to the undifferentiated subset, indicating that in clinical practice a considerable number of patients (i.e. ∼20%) present with clinical symptoms that are not fully compatible with the definition of Le Roy (1988) for the limited and diffuse cutaneous subset. ", "The patients with overlap syndrome can certainly be included into the Le Roy categories; however, they clearly have a different course of the disease. ", "Thereby, in the present study, we have made the attempt to use the cohort available to test the hypothesis, whether these patients could represent a distinct subset. ", "The data of this cohort indicate that the clinical presentation is different and the subset appears to influence the choice of the care provider (i.e. patients with overlap syndrome were predominantly taken care by rheumatologists) as well as the therapeutic approach (Hunzelmann *et al*., ", "2008, unpublished observation). ", "The data of this cohort therefore support the view to consider overlap syndrome as a distinct entity.", "\n\nThe average age of disease onset (defined as onset of RP) of about 44.3 yrs was similar to the value described previously in the EUSTAR cohort \\[[@B21]\\]. ", "Notably, a family history of rheumatic diseases was significantly associated with a lower mean age and earlier disease onset of RP, skin involvement and internal organ involvement, underlining the potential role of common genetic traits in the pathophysiology of rheumatic diseases. ", "However, a comparison with other studies is difficult due to variations in the definition of diagnosis and disease onset. ", "The female to male ratio of 5.08 is in the range of previous reports (7.4 \\[[@B28]\\]; 3.2 \\[[@B9]\\]). ", "The values for involvement of the kidney (10.5%), the heart (14.6%), the lung (34.5%) and the oesophagus (60%) in this report are also within the range of previous data \\[[@B9], [@B21], [@B27], [@B28]\\]; however, marked differences could be elucidated between disease subsets.", "\n\nThe detection frequency of anti-topoisomerase (27.6%) autoantibodies corresponds well with previous data in the study of Ioannidis *et al*. ", "\\[[@B27]\\] (25.3%) but is less than that reported in the EUSTAR registry (∼40%). ", "This study also confirms the results of Walker *et al*. ", "\\[[@B21]\\], which indicates that, to a significant degree (28.6%), pulmonary hypertension may occur in the diffuse subset without pulmonary fibrosis, underlining the necessity to screen for pulmonary hypertension irrespective of the subset.", "\n\nPatients with the subset of scleroderma sine scleroderma were described in 1.5% of registered patients. ", "However, these patients had similar characteristics than the limited subtype and not a specific antibody profile i.e. a preponderance of ACAs. ", "Nevertheless, our study supports the results of Poormoghim *et al*. ", "\\[[@B16]\\], which concluded that this subset is a clinical variant of the limited subtype and should not be considered a distinct disorder.", "\n\nOral involvement characterized by decreased mouth opening and resulting in poor dental status was reported in 34.1% of dcSSc patients indicating an important, to date underrated contribution to disease-associated morbidity and a need for specialized care. ", "Trigeminal neuralgia, which has been reported to be associated with the dcSSc subset \\[[@B15]\\], appeared at a low frequency but markedly higher than that in the general population (0.1/1000).", "\n\nSSc is a multisystem disease and a number of subspecialties are involved in the care of SSc patients. ", "Care for these patients differs from country to country, depending on the history as well as the financial and organizational structure of the health care system. ", "In Germany, rheumatologists and dermatologists have traditionally taken care of SSc patients. ", "It can be hypothesized that this registry, in contrast to registries established by rheumatologists, may therefore include more patients with mild disease, as patients with limited organ involvement (e.g. RP, acrosclerosis) may first be seen by a dermatologist. ", "Indeed, the data of the registry show a trend to less severe organ involvement in patients presenting in dermatological centres, whereas rheumatological centres are more often seeing patients with overlap syndromes. ", "This result is supported by the data of the registry demonstrating that patients with prominent musculoskeletal symptoms and gastrointestinal involvement are more common in rheumatological centres. ", "Interestingly, patients had similar lung involvement regarding fibrosis and pulmonary hypertension in dermatological and rheumatological centres, which might reflect the relatively good correlation of skin fibrosis with the extent of lung fibrosis \\[[@B29]\\].", "\n\nComparing the data of this registry with recently published data of the pan-European EUSTAR registry, it is apparent that patients in this nationwide registry on average are less severely affected by the disease and on average have a longer disease duration, also in comparison with previous studies. ", "Although ethnic differences cannot be totally excluded, this presumably reflects more efficient and better recruitment of less severely affected patients.", "\n\nThis cross-sectional nationwide analysis of SSc patients demonstrates that a sizeable number of patients belongs to subsets other than the limited and diffuse cutaneous form of SSc. ", "Continuous analysis of a growing body of data will provide substantial information for improvement of disease classification assessment of prognosis in the different subsets and the development of evidence-based recommendations for diagnosis and treatment.", "\n\n![](", "ken179b1.jpg)\n\nThe authors gratefully acknowledge the work of A. Fehr and B. Damm at the central office in keeping the Network going.", "\n\n*Funding*: This study was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) (01GM0310). ", "Funding to pay the Open Access publication charges for this article was provided by Koeln Fortune.", "\n\n*Disclosure statement*: T.K. has received research support from Actelion. ", "All other authors have declared no conflicts of interest.", "\n\n[^1]: Values expressed as mean ± [s.d.]{.smallcaps} Overlap-S: Overlap syndrome; Undiff. ", "Scl: Undifferentiated scleroderma; Scl. ", "sine Scl.: ", "sclerosis (scleroderma) sine scleroderma; dcSSc: diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis; lcSSc: limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis.", "\n" ]
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[ "/*!", "\n * \\copy\n * Copyright (c) 2009-2013, Cisco Systems\n * All rights reserved.", "\n *\n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions\n * are met:\n *\n * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright\n * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.", "\n *\n * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright\n * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in\n * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the\n * distribution.", "\n *\n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS\n * \"AS IS\" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT\n * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS\n * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ", "IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n * COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT,\n * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING,\n * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;\n * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER\n * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT\n * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN\n * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE\n * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.", "\n *\n *\n * \\file parse_mb_syn_cavlc.c\n *\n * \\brief Interfaces implementation for parsing the syntax of MB\n *\n * \\date 03/17/2009 Created\n *\n *************************************************************************************\n */\n\n\n#include \"parse_mb_syn_cavlc.h\"\n#include \"decode_slice.h\"\n#include \"error_code.h\"\n#include \"mv_pred.h\"\n\nnamespace WelsDec {\n#define MAX_LEVEL_PREFIX 15\n\ntypedef struct TagReadBitsCache {\n uint32_t uiCache32Bit;\n uint8_t uiRemainBits;\n uint8_t* pBuf;\n} SReadBitsCache;\n\nvoid GetNeighborAvailMbType (PWelsNeighAvail pNeighAvail, PDqLayer pCurDqLayer) {\n int32_t iCurSliceIdc, iTopSliceIdc, iLeftTopSliceIdc, iRightTopSliceIdc, iLeftSliceIdc;\n int32_t iCurXy, iTopXy = 0, iLeftXy = 0, iLeftTopXy = 0, iRightTopXy = 0;\n int32_t iCurX, iCurY;\n\n iCurXy = pCurDqLayer->iMbXyIndex;\n iCurX = pCurDqLayer->iMbX;\n iCurY = pCurDqLayer->iMbY;\n iCurSliceIdc = pCurDqLayer->pSliceIdc[iCurXy];\n if (iCurX !", "= 0) {\n iLeftXy = iCurXy - 1;\n iLeftSliceIdc = pCurDqLayer->pSliceIdc[iLeftXy];\n pNeighAvail->iLeftAvail = (iLeftSliceIdc == iCurSliceIdc);\n pNeighAvail->iLeftCbp = pNeighAvail->iLeftAvail ? ", "pCurDqLayer->pCbp[iLeftXy] : 0;\n } else {\n pNeighAvail->iLeftAvail = 0;\n pNeighAvail->iLeftTopAvail = 0;\n pNeighAvail->iLeftCbp = 0;\n }\n\n if (iCurY !", "= 0) {\n iTopXy = iCurXy - pCurDqLayer->iMbWidth;\n iTopSliceIdc = pCurDqLayer->pSliceIdc[iTopXy];\n pNeighAvail->iTopAvail = (iTopSliceIdc == iCurSliceIdc);\n pNeighAvail->iTopCbp = pNeighAvail->iTopAvail ? ", "pCurDqLayer->pCbp[iTopXy] : 0;\n if (iCurX !", "= 0) {\n iLeftTopXy = iTopXy - 1;\n iLeftTopSliceIdc = pCurDqLayer->pSliceIdc[iLeftTopXy];\n pNeighAvail->iLeftTopAvail = (iLeftTopSliceIdc == iCurSliceIdc);\n } else {\n pNeighAvail->iLeftTopAvail = 0;\n }\n if (iCurX !", "= (pCurDqLayer->iMbWidth - 1)) {\n iRightTopXy = iTopXy + 1;\n iRightTopSliceIdc = pCurDqLayer->pSliceIdc[iRightTopXy];\n pNeighAvail->iRightTopAvail = (iRightTopSliceIdc == iCurSliceIdc);\n } else {\n pNeighAvail->iRightTopAvail = 0;\n }\n } else {\n pNeighAvail->iTopAvail = 0;\n pNeighAvail->iLeftTopAvail = 0;\n pNeighAvail->iRightTopAvail = 0;\n pNeighAvail->iTopCbp = 0;\n }\n\n pNeighAvail->iLeftType = (pNeighAvail->iLeftAvail ? ", "pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMbType[iLeftXy] : 0);\n pNeighAvail->iTopType = (pNeighAvail->iTopAvail ? ", "pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMbType[iTopXy] : 0);\n pNeighAvail->iLeftTopType = (pNeighAvail->iLeftTopAvail ? ", "pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMbType[iLeftTopXy] : 0);\n pNeighAvail->iRightTopType = (pNeighAvail->iRightTopAvail ? ", "pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMbType[iRightTopXy] : 0);\n}\nvoid WelsFillCacheNonZeroCount (PWelsNeighAvail pNeighAvail, uint8_t* pNonZeroCount,\n PDqLayer pCurDqLayer) { //no matter slice type, intra_pred_constrained_flag\n int32_t iCurXy = pCurDqLayer->iMbXyIndex;\n int32_t iTopXy = 0;\n int32_t iLeftXy = 0;\n if (pNeighAvail->iTopAvail) {\n iTopXy = iCurXy - pCurDqLayer->iMbWidth;\n }\n if (pNeighAvail->iLeftAvail) {\n iLeftXy = iCurXy - 1;\n }\n\n //stuff non_zero_coeff_count from pNeighAvail(left and top)\n if (pNeighAvail->iTopAvail) {\n ST32 (&pNonZeroCount[1], LD32 (&pCurDqLayer->pNzc[iTopXy][12]));\n pNonZeroCount[0] = pNonZeroCount[5] = pNonZeroCount[29] = 0;\n ST16 (&pNonZeroCount[6], LD16 (&pCurDqLayer->pNzc[iTopXy][20]));\n ST16 (&pNonZeroCount[30], LD16 (&pCurDqLayer->pNzc[iTopXy][22]));\n } else {\n ST32 (&pNonZeroCount[1], 0xFFFFFFFFU);\n pNonZeroCount[0] = pNonZeroCount[5] = pNonZeroCount[29] = 0xFF;\n ST16 (&pNonZeroCount[6], 0xFFFF);\n ST16 (&pNonZeroCount[30], 0xFFFF);\n }\n\n if (pNeighAvail->iLeftAvail) {\n pNonZeroCount[8 * 1] = pCurDqLayer->pNzc[iLeftXy][3];\n pNonZeroCount[8 * 2] = pCurDqLayer->pNzc[iLeftXy][7];\n pNonZeroCount[8 * 3] = pCurDqLayer->pNzc[iLeftXy][11];\n pNonZeroCount[8 * 4] = pCurDqLayer->pNzc[iLeftXy][15];\n\n pNonZeroCount[5 + 8 * 1] = pCurDqLayer->pNzc[iLeftXy][17];\n pNonZeroCount[5 + 8 * 2] = pCurDqLayer->pNzc[iLeftXy][21];\n pNonZeroCount[5 + 8 * 4] = pCurDqLayer->pNzc[iLeftXy][19];\n pNonZeroCount[5 + 8 * 5] = pCurDqLayer->pNzc[iLeftXy][23];\n } else {\n pNonZeroCount[8 * 1] =\n pNonZeroCount[8 * 2] =\n pNonZeroCount[8 * 3] =\n pNonZeroCount[8 * 4] = -1;//unavailable\n\n pNonZeroCount[5 + 8 * 1] =\n pNonZeroCount[5 + 8 * 2] = -1;//unavailable\n\n pNonZeroCount[5 + 8 * 4] =\n pNonZeroCount[5 + 8 * 5] = -1;//unavailable\n }\n}\nvoid WelsFillCacheConstrain1IntraNxN (PWelsNeighAvail pNeighAvail, uint8_t* pNonZeroCount, int8_t* pIntraPredMode,\n PDqLayer pCurDqLayer) { //no matter slice type\n int32_t iCurXy = pCurDqLayer->iMbXyIndex;\n int32_t iTopXy = 0;\n int32_t iLeftXy = 0;\n\n //stuff non_zero_coeff_count from pNeighAvail(left and top)\n WelsFillCacheNonZeroCount (pNeighAvail, pNonZeroCount, pCurDqLayer);\n\n if (pNeighAvail->iTopAvail) {\n iTopXy = iCurXy - pCurDqLayer->iMbWidth;\n }\n if (pNeighAvail->iLeftAvail) {\n iLeftXy = iCurXy - 1;\n }\n\n //intraNxN_pred_mode\n if (pNeighAvail->iTopAvail && IS_INTRANxN (pNeighAvail->iTopType)) { //top\n ST32 (pIntraPredMode + 1, LD32 (&pCurDqLayer->pIntraPredMode[iTopXy][0]));\n } else {\n int32_t iPred;\n if (IS_INTRA16x16 (pNeighAvail->iTopType) || (MB_TYPE_INTRA_PCM == pNeighAvail->iTopType))\n iPred = 0x02020202;\n else\n iPred = 0xffffffff;\n ST32 (pIntraPredMode + 1, iPred);\n }\n\n if (pNeighAvail->iLeftAvail && IS_INTRANxN (pNeighAvail->iLeftType)) { //left\n pIntraPredMode[ 0 + 8 ] = pCurDqLayer->pIntraPredMode[iLeftXy][4];\n pIntraPredMode[ 0 + 8 * 2] = pCurDqLayer->pIntraPredMode[iLeftXy][5];\n pIntraPredMode[ 0 + 8 * 3] = pCurDqLayer->pIntraPredMode[iLeftXy][6];\n pIntraPredMode[ 0 + 8 * 4] = pCurDqLayer->pIntraPredMode[iLeftXy][3];\n } else {\n int8_t iPred;\n if (IS_INTRA16x16 (pNeighAvail->iLeftType) || (MB_TYPE_INTRA_PCM == pNeighAvail->iLeftType))\n iPred = 2;\n else\n iPred = -1;\n pIntraPredMode[ 0 + 8 ] =\n pIntraPredMode[ 0 + 8 * 2] =\n pIntraPredMode[ 0 + 8 * 3] =\n pIntraPredMode[ 0 + 8 * 4] = iPred;\n }\n}\n\nvoid WelsFillCacheConstrain0IntraNxN (PWelsNeighAvail pNeighAvail, uint8_t* pNonZeroCount, int8_t* pIntraPredMode,\n PDqLayer pCurDqLayer) { //no matter slice type\n int32_t iCurXy = pCurDqLayer->iMbXyIndex;\n int32_t iTopXy = 0;\n int32_t iLeftXy = 0;\n\n //stuff non_zero_coeff_count from pNeighAvail(left and top)\n WelsFillCacheNonZeroCount (pNeighAvail, pNonZeroCount, pCurDqLayer);\n\n if (pNeighAvail->iTopAvail) {\n iTopXy = iCurXy - pCurDqLayer->iMbWidth;\n }\n if (pNeighAvail->iLeftAvail) {\n iLeftXy = iCurXy - 1;\n }\n\n //intra4x4_pred_mode\n if (pNeighAvail->iTopAvail && IS_INTRANxN (pNeighAvail->iTopType)) { //top\n ST32 (pIntraPredMode + 1, LD32 (&pCurDqLayer->pIntraPredMode[iTopXy][0]));\n } else {\n int32_t iPred;\n if (pNeighAvail->iTopAvail)\n iPred = 0x02020202;\n else\n iPred = 0xffffffff;\n ST32 (pIntraPredMode + 1, iPred);\n }\n\n if (pNeighAvail->iLeftAvail && IS_INTRANxN (pNeighAvail->iLeftType)) { //left\n pIntraPredMode[ 0 + 8 * 1] = pCurDqLayer->pIntraPredMode[iLeftXy][4];\n pIntraPredMode[ 0 + 8 * 2] = pCurDqLayer->pIntraPredMode[iLeftXy][5];\n pIntraPredMode[ 0 + 8 * 3] = pCurDqLayer->pIntraPredMode[iLeftXy][6];\n pIntraPredMode[ 0 + 8 * 4] = pCurDqLayer->pIntraPredMode[iLeftXy][3];\n } else {\n int8_t iPred;\n if (pNeighAvail->iLeftAvail)\n iPred = 2;\n else\n iPred = -1;\n pIntraPredMode[ 0 + 8 * 1] =\n pIntraPredMode[ 0 + 8 * 2] =\n pIntraPredMode[ 0 + 8 * 3] =\n pIntraPredMode[ 0 + 8 * 4] = iPred;\n }\n}\n\nvoid WelsFillCacheInterCabac (PWelsNeighAvail pNeighAvail, uint8_t* pNonZeroCount, int16_t iMvArray[LIST_A][30][MV_A],\n int16_t iMvdCache[LIST_A][30][MV_A], int8_t iRefIdxArray[LIST_A][30], PDqLayer pCurDqLayer) {\n int32_t iCurXy = pCurDqLayer->iMbXyIndex;\n int32_t iTopXy = 0;\n int32_t iLeftXy = 0;\n int32_t iLeftTopXy = 0;\n int32_t iRightTopXy = 0;\n\n PSlice pSlice = &pCurDqLayer->sLayerInfo.sSliceInLayer;\n PSliceHeader pSliceHeader = &pSlice->sSliceHeaderExt.sSliceHeader;\n int32_t listCount = 1;\n if (pSliceHeader->eSliceType == B_SLICE) {\n listCount = 2;\n }\n //stuff non_zero_coeff_count from pNeighAvail(left and top)\n WelsFillCacheNonZeroCount (pNeighAvail, pNonZeroCount, pCurDqLayer);\n\n if (pNeighAvail->iTopAvail) {\n iTopXy = iCurXy - pCurDqLayer->iMbWidth;\n }\n if (pNeighAvail->iLeftAvail) {\n iLeftXy = iCurXy - 1;\n }\n if (pNeighAvail->iLeftTopAvail) {\n iLeftTopXy = iCurXy - 1 - pCurDqLayer->iMbWidth;\n }\n if (pNeighAvail->iRightTopAvail) {\n iRightTopXy = iCurXy + 1 - pCurDqLayer->iMbWidth;\n }\n\n for (int32_t listIdx = 0; listIdx < listCount; ++listIdx) {\n //stuff mv_cache and iRefIdxArray from left and top (inter)\n if (pNeighAvail->iLeftAvail && IS_INTER (pNeighAvail->iLeftType)) {\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][6], LD32 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[listIdx][iLeftXy][3]));\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][12], LD32 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[listIdx][iLeftXy][7]));\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][18], LD32 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[listIdx][iLeftXy][11]));\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][24], LD32 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[listIdx][iLeftXy][15]));\n\n ST32 (iMvdCache[listIdx][6], LD32 (pCurDqLayer->pMvd[listIdx][iLeftXy][3]));\n ST32 (iMvdCache[listIdx][12], LD32 (pCurDqLayer->pMvd[listIdx][iLeftXy][7]));\n ST32 (iMvdCache[listIdx][18], LD32 (pCurDqLayer->pMvd[listIdx][iLeftXy][11]));\n ST32 (iMvdCache[listIdx][24], LD32 (pCurDqLayer->pMvd[listIdx][iLeftXy][15]));\n\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][6] = pCurDqLayer->pDec->pRefIndex[listIdx][iLeftXy][3];\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][12] = pCurDqLayer->pDec->pRefIndex[listIdx][iLeftXy][7];\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][18] = pCurDqLayer->pDec->pRefIndex[listIdx][iLeftXy][11];\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][24] = pCurDqLayer->pDec->pRefIndex[listIdx][iLeftXy][15];\n } else {\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][6], 0);\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][12], 0);\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][18], 0);\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][24], 0);\n\n ST32 (iMvdCache[listIdx][6], 0);\n ST32 (iMvdCache[listIdx][12], 0);\n ST32 (iMvdCache[listIdx][18], 0);\n ST32 (iMvdCache[listIdx][24], 0);\n\n\n if (0 == pNeighAvail->iLeftAvail) { //not available\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][6] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][12] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][18] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][24] = REF_NOT_AVAIL;\n } else { //available but is intra mb type\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][6] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][12] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][18] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][24] = REF_NOT_IN_LIST;\n }\n }\n if (pNeighAvail->iLeftTopAvail && IS_INTER (pNeighAvail->iLeftTopType)) {\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][0], LD32 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[listIdx][iLeftTopXy][15]));\n ST32 (iMvdCache[listIdx][0], LD32 (pCurDqLayer->pMvd[listIdx][iLeftTopXy][15]));\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][0] = pCurDqLayer->pDec->pRefIndex[listIdx][iLeftTopXy][15];\n } else {\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][0], 0);\n ST32 (iMvdCache[listIdx][0], 0);\n if (0 == pNeighAvail->iLeftTopAvail) { //not available\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][0] = REF_NOT_AVAIL;\n } else { //available but is intra mb type\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][0] = REF_NOT_IN_LIST;\n }\n }\n\n if (pNeighAvail->iTopAvail && IS_INTER (pNeighAvail->iTopType)) {\n ST64 (iMvArray[listIdx][1], LD64 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[listIdx][iTopXy][12]));\n ST64 (iMvArray[listIdx][3], LD64 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[listIdx][iTopXy][14]));\n ST64 (iMvdCache[listIdx][1], LD64 (pCurDqLayer->pMvd[listIdx][iTopXy][12]));\n ST64 (iMvdCache[listIdx][3], LD64 (pCurDqLayer->pMvd[listIdx][iTopXy][14]));\n ST32 (&iRefIdxArray[listIdx][1], LD32 (&pCurDqLayer->pDec->pRefIndex[listIdx][iTopXy][12]));\n } else {\n ST64 (iMvArray[listIdx][1], 0);\n ST64 (iMvArray[listIdx][3], 0);\n ST64 (iMvdCache[listIdx][1], 0);\n ST64 (iMvdCache[listIdx][3], 0);\n if (0 == pNeighAvail->iTopAvail) { //not available\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][1] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][2] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][3] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][4] = REF_NOT_AVAIL;\n } else { //available but is intra mb type\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][1] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][2] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][3] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][4] = REF_NOT_IN_LIST;\n }\n }\n\n if (pNeighAvail->iRightTopAvail && IS_INTER (pNeighAvail->iRightTopType)) {\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][5], LD32 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[listIdx][iRightTopXy][12]));\n ST32 (iMvdCache[listIdx][5], LD32 (pCurDqLayer->pMvd[listIdx][iRightTopXy][12]));\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][5] = pCurDqLayer->pDec->pRefIndex[listIdx][iRightTopXy][12];\n } else {\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][5], 0);\n if (0 == pNeighAvail->iRightTopAvail) { //not available\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][5] = REF_NOT_AVAIL;\n } else { //available but is intra mb type\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][5] = REF_NOT_IN_LIST;\n }\n }\n\n //right-top 4*4 block unavailable\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][9], 0);\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][21], 0);\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][11], 0);\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][17], 0);\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][23], 0);\n ST32 (iMvdCache[listIdx][9], 0);\n ST32 (iMvdCache[listIdx][21], 0);\n ST32 (iMvdCache[listIdx][11], 0);\n ST32 (iMvdCache[listIdx][17], 0);\n ST32 (iMvdCache[listIdx][23], 0);\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][9] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][21] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][11] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][17] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][23] = REF_NOT_AVAIL;\n }\n}\n\nvoid WelsFillDirectCacheCabac (PWelsNeighAvail pNeighAvail, int8_t iDirect[30], PDqLayer pCurDqLayer) {\n\n int32_t iCurXy = pCurDqLayer->iMbXyIndex;\n int32_t iTopXy = 0;\n int32_t iLeftXy = 0;\n int32_t iLeftTopXy = 0;\n int32_t iRightTopXy = 0;\n\n if (pNeighAvail->iTopAvail) {\n iTopXy = iCurXy - pCurDqLayer->iMbWidth;\n }\n if (pNeighAvail->iLeftAvail) {\n iLeftXy = iCurXy - 1;\n }\n if (pNeighAvail->iLeftTopAvail) {\n iLeftTopXy = iCurXy - 1 - pCurDqLayer->iMbWidth;\n }\n if (pNeighAvail->iRightTopAvail) {\n iRightTopXy = iCurXy + 1 - pCurDqLayer->iMbWidth;\n }\n memset (iDirect, 0, 30);\n if (pNeighAvail->iLeftAvail && IS_INTER (pNeighAvail->iLeftType)) {\n iDirect[6] = pCurDqLayer->pDirect[iLeftXy][3];\n iDirect[12] = pCurDqLayer->pDirect[iLeftXy][7];\n iDirect[18] = pCurDqLayer->pDirect[iLeftXy][11];\n iDirect[24] = pCurDqLayer->pDirect[iLeftXy][15];\n }\n if (pNeighAvail->iLeftTopAvail && IS_INTER (pNeighAvail->iLeftTopType)) {\n iDirect[0] = pCurDqLayer->pDirect[iLeftTopXy][15];\n }\n\n if (pNeighAvail->iTopAvail && IS_INTER (pNeighAvail->iTopType)) {\n ST32 (&iDirect[1], LD32 (&pCurDqLayer->pDirect[iTopXy][12]));\n }\n\n if (pNeighAvail->iRightTopAvail && IS_INTER (pNeighAvail->iRightTopType)) {\n iDirect[5] = pCurDqLayer->pDirect[iRightTopXy][12];\n }\n //right-top 4*4 block unavailable\n}\n\nvoid WelsFillCacheInter (PWelsNeighAvail pNeighAvail, uint8_t* pNonZeroCount,\n int16_t iMvArray[LIST_A][30][MV_A], int8_t iRefIdxArray[LIST_A][30], PDqLayer pCurDqLayer) {\n int32_t iCurXy = pCurDqLayer->iMbXyIndex;\n int32_t iTopXy = 0;\n int32_t iLeftXy = 0;\n int32_t iLeftTopXy = 0;\n int32_t iRightTopXy = 0;\n\n PSlice pSlice = &pCurDqLayer->sLayerInfo.sSliceInLayer;\n PSliceHeader pSliceHeader = &pSlice->sSliceHeaderExt.sSliceHeader;\n int32_t listCount = 1;\n if (pSliceHeader->eSliceType == B_SLICE) {\n listCount = 2;\n }\n\n //stuff non_zero_coeff_count from pNeighAvail(left and top)\n WelsFillCacheNonZeroCount (pNeighAvail, pNonZeroCount, pCurDqLayer);\n\n if (pNeighAvail->iTopAvail) {\n iTopXy = iCurXy - pCurDqLayer->iMbWidth;\n }\n if (pNeighAvail->iLeftAvail) {\n iLeftXy = iCurXy - 1;\n }\n if (pNeighAvail->iLeftTopAvail) {\n iLeftTopXy = iCurXy - 1 - pCurDqLayer->iMbWidth;\n }\n if (pNeighAvail->iRightTopAvail) {\n iRightTopXy = iCurXy + 1 - pCurDqLayer->iMbWidth;\n }\n\n for (int32_t listIdx = 0; listIdx < listCount; ++listIdx) {\n //stuff mv_cache and iRefIdxArray from left and top (inter)\n if (pNeighAvail->iLeftAvail && IS_INTER (pNeighAvail->iLeftType)) {\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][6], LD32 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[listIdx][iLeftXy][3]));\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][12], LD32 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[listIdx][iLeftXy][7]));\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][18], LD32 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[listIdx][iLeftXy][11]));\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][24], LD32 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[listIdx][iLeftXy][15]));\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][6] = pCurDqLayer->pDec->pRefIndex[listIdx][iLeftXy][3];\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][12] = pCurDqLayer->pDec->pRefIndex[listIdx][iLeftXy][7];\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][18] = pCurDqLayer->pDec->pRefIndex[listIdx][iLeftXy][11];\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][24] = pCurDqLayer->pDec->pRefIndex[listIdx][iLeftXy][15];\n } else {\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][6], 0);\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][12], 0);\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][18], 0);\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][24], 0);\n\n if (0 == pNeighAvail->iLeftAvail) { //not available\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][6] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][12] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][18] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][24] = REF_NOT_AVAIL;\n } else { //available but is intra mb type\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][6] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][12] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][18] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][24] = REF_NOT_IN_LIST;\n }\n }\n if (pNeighAvail->iLeftTopAvail && IS_INTER (pNeighAvail->iLeftTopType)) {\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][0], LD32 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[listIdx][iLeftTopXy][15]));\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][0] = pCurDqLayer->pDec->pRefIndex[listIdx][iLeftTopXy][15];\n } else {\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][0], 0);\n if (0 == pNeighAvail->iLeftTopAvail) { //not available\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][0] = REF_NOT_AVAIL;\n } else { //available but is intra mb type\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][0] = REF_NOT_IN_LIST;\n }\n }\n if (pNeighAvail->iTopAvail && IS_INTER (pNeighAvail->iTopType)) {\n ST64 (iMvArray[listIdx][1], LD64 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[listIdx][iTopXy][12]));\n ST64 (iMvArray[listIdx][3], LD64 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[listIdx][iTopXy][14]));\n ST32 (&iRefIdxArray[listIdx][1], LD32 (&pCurDqLayer->pDec->pRefIndex[listIdx][iTopXy][12]));\n } else {\n ST64 (iMvArray[listIdx][1], 0);\n ST64 (iMvArray[listIdx][3], 0);\n if (0 == pNeighAvail->iTopAvail) { //not available\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][1] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][2] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][3] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][4] = REF_NOT_AVAIL;\n } else { //available but is intra mb type\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][1] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][2] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][3] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][4] = REF_NOT_IN_LIST;\n }\n }\n if (pNeighAvail->iRightTopAvail && IS_INTER (pNeighAvail->iRightTopType)) {\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][5], LD32 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[listIdx][iRightTopXy][12]));\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][5] = pCurDqLayer->pDec->pRefIndex[listIdx][iRightTopXy][12];\n } else {\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][5], 0);\n if (0 == pNeighAvail->iRightTopAvail) { //not available\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][5] = REF_NOT_AVAIL;\n } else { //available but is intra mb type\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][5] = REF_NOT_IN_LIST;\n }\n }\n //right-top 4*4 block unavailable\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][9], 0);\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][21], 0);\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][11], 0);\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][17], 0);\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][23], 0);\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][9] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][21] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][11] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][17] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][23] = REF_NOT_AVAIL;\n }\n}\n\nint32_t PredIntra4x4Mode (int8_t* pIntraPredMode, int32_t iIdx4) {\n int8_t iTopMode = pIntraPredMode[g_kuiScan8[iIdx4] - 8];\n int8_t iLeftMode = pIntraPredMode[g_kuiScan8[iIdx4] - 1];\n int8_t iBestMode;\n\n if (-1 == iLeftMode || -1 == iTopMode) {\n iBestMode = 2;\n } else {\n iBestMode = WELS_MIN (iLeftMode, iTopMode);\n }\n return iBestMode;\n}\n\n#define CHECK_I16_MODE(a, b, c, d) \\\n ((a == g_ksI16PredInfo[a].iPredMode) && \\\n (b >= g_ksI16PredInfo[a].iLeftAvail) && \\\n (c >= g_ksI16PredInfo[a].iTopAvail) && \\\n (d >= g_ksI16PredInfo[a].iLeftTopAvail));\n#define CHECK_CHROMA_MODE(a, b, c, d) \\\n ((a == g_ksChromaPredInfo[a].iPredMode) && \\\n (b >= g_ksChromaPredInfo[a].iLeftAvail) && \\\n (c >= g_ksChromaPredInfo[a].iTopAvail) && \\\n (d >= g_ksChromaPredInfo[a].iLeftTopAvail));\n#define CHECK_I4_MODE(a, b, c, d) \\\n ((a == g_ksI4PredInfo[a].iPredMode) && \\\n (b >= g_ksI4PredInfo[a].iLeftAvail) && \\\n (c >= g_ksI4PredInfo[a].iTopAvail) && \\\n (d >= g_ksI4PredInfo[a].iLeftTopAvail));\n\n\nint32_t CheckIntra16x16PredMode (uint8_t uiSampleAvail, int8_t* pMode) {\n int32_t iLeftAvail = uiSampleAvail & 0x04;\n int32_t bLeftTopAvail = uiSampleAvail & 0x02;\n int32_t iTopAvail = uiSampleAvail & 0x01;\n\n if ((*pMode < 0) || (*pMode > MAX_PRED_MODE_ID_I16x16)) {\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_MB_DATA, ERR_INFO_INVALID_I16x16_PRED_MODE);\n }\n\n if (I16_PRED_DC == *pMode) {\n if (iLeftAvail && iTopAvail) {\n return ERR_NONE;\n } else if (iLeftAvail) {\n *pMode = I16_PRED_DC_L;\n } else if (iTopAvail) {\n *pMode = I16_PRED_DC_T;\n } else {\n *pMode = I16_PRED_DC_128;\n }\n } else {\n bool bModeAvail = CHECK_I16_MODE (*pMode, iLeftAvail, iTopAvail, bLeftTopAvail);\n if (0 == bModeAvail) {\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_MB_DATA, ERR_INFO_INVALID_I16x16_PRED_MODE);\n }\n }\n return ERR_NONE;\n}\n\n\nint32_t CheckIntraChromaPredMode (uint8_t uiSampleAvail, int8_t* pMode) {\n int32_t iLeftAvail = uiSampleAvail & 0x04;\n int32_t bLeftTopAvail = uiSampleAvail & 0x02;\n int32_t iTopAvail = uiSampleAvail & 0x01;\n\n if (C_PRED_DC == *pMode) {\n if (iLeftAvail && iTopAvail) {\n return ERR_NONE;\n } else if (iLeftAvail) {\n *pMode = C_PRED_DC_L;\n } else if (iTopAvail) {\n *pMode = C_PRED_DC_T;\n } else {\n *pMode = C_PRED_DC_128;\n }\n } else {\n bool bModeAvail = CHECK_CHROMA_MODE (*pMode, iLeftAvail, iTopAvail, bLeftTopAvail);\n if (0 == bModeAvail) {\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_MB_DATA, ERR_INFO_INVALID_I_CHROMA_PRED_MODE);\n }\n }\n return ERR_NONE;\n}\n\nint32_t CheckIntraNxNPredMode (int32_t* pSampleAvail, int8_t* pMode, int32_t iIndex, bool b8x8) {\n int8_t iIdx = g_kuiCache30ScanIdx[iIndex];\n\n int32_t iLeftAvail = pSampleAvail[iIdx - 1];\n int32_t iTopAvail = pSampleAvail[iIdx - 6];\n int32_t bLeftTopAvail = pSampleAvail[iIdx - 7];\n int32_t bRightTopAvail = pSampleAvail[iIdx - (b8x8 ? ", "4 : 5)]; // Diff with 4x4 Pred\n\n int8_t iFinalMode;\n\n if ((*pMode < 0) || (*pMode > MAX_PRED_MODE_ID_I4x4)) {\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_MB_DATA, ERR_INVALID_INTRA4X4_MODE);\n }\n\n if (I4_PRED_DC == *pMode) {\n if (iLeftAvail && iTopAvail) {\n return *pMode;\n } else if (iLeftAvail) {\n iFinalMode = I4_PRED_DC_L;\n } else if (iTopAvail) {\n iFinalMode = I4_PRED_DC_T;\n } else {\n iFinalMode = I4_PRED_DC_128;\n }\n } else {\n bool bModeAvail = CHECK_I4_MODE (*pMode, iLeftAvail, iTopAvail, bLeftTopAvail);\n if (0 == bModeAvail) {\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_MB_DATA, ERR_INVALID_INTRA4X4_MODE);\n }\n\n iFinalMode = *pMode;\n\n //if right-top unavailable, modify mode DDL and VL (padding rightmost pixel of top)\n if (I4_PRED_DDL == iFinalMode && 0 == bRightTopAvail) {\n iFinalMode = I4_PRED_DDL_TOP;\n } else if (I4_PRED_VL == iFinalMode && 0 == bRightTopAvail) {\n iFinalMode = I4_PRED_VL_TOP;\n }\n }\n return iFinalMode;\n}\n\nvoid BsStartCavlc (PBitStringAux pBs) {\n pBs->iIndex = ((pBs->pCurBuf - pBs->pStartBuf) << 3) - (16 - pBs->iLeftBits);\n}\nvoid BsEndCavlc (PBitStringAux pBs) {\n pBs->pCurBuf = pBs->pStartBuf + (pBs->iIndex >> 3);\n uint32_t uiCache32Bit = (uint32_t) ((((pBs->pCurBuf[0] << 8) | pBs->pCurBuf[1]) << 16) |\n (pBs->pCurBuf[2] << 8) | pBs->pCurBuf[3]);\n pBs->uiCurBits = uiCache32Bit << (pBs->iIndex & 0x07);\n pBs->pCurBuf += 4;\n pBs->iLeftBits = -16 + (pBs->iIndex & 0x07);\n}\n\n\n// return: used bits\nstatic int32_t CavlcGetTrailingOnesAndTotalCoeff (uint8_t& uiTotalCoeff, uint8_t& uiTrailingOnes,\n SReadBitsCache* pBitsCache, SVlcTable* pVlcTable, bool bChromaDc, int8_t nC) {\n const uint8_t* kpVlcTableMoreBitsCountList[3] = {g_kuiVlcTableMoreBitsCount0, g_kuiVlcTableMoreBitsCount1, g_kuiVlcTableMoreBitsCount2};\n int32_t iUsedBits = 0;\n int32_t iIndexVlc, iIndexValue, iNcMapIdx;\n uint32_t uiCount;\n uint32_t uiValue;\n\n if (bChromaDc) {\n uiValue = pBitsCache->uiCache32Bit >> 24;\n iIndexVlc = pVlcTable->kpChromaCoeffTokenVlcTable[uiValue][0];\n uiCount = pVlcTable->kpChromaCoeffTokenVlcTable[uiValue][1];\n POP_BUFFER (pBitsCache, uiCount);\n iUsedBits += uiCount;\n uiTrailingOnes = g_kuiVlcTrailingOneTotalCoeffTable[iIndexVlc][0];\n uiTotalCoeff = g_kuiVlcTrailingOneTotalCoeffTable[iIndexVlc][1];\n } else { //luma\n iNcMapIdx = g_kuiNcMapTable[nC];\n if (iNcMapIdx <= 2) {\n uiValue = pBitsCache->uiCache32Bit >> 24;\n if (uiValue < g_kuiVlcTableNeedMoreBitsThread[iNcMapIdx]) {\n POP_BUFFER (pBitsCache, 8);\n iUsedBits += 8;\n iIndexValue = pBitsCache->uiCache32Bit >> (32 - kpVlcTableMoreBitsCountList[iNcMapIdx][uiValue]);\n iIndexVlc = pVlcTable->kpCoeffTokenVlcTable[iNcMapIdx + 1][uiValue][iIndexValue][0];\n uiCount = pVlcTable->kpCoeffTokenVlcTable[iNcMapIdx + 1][uiValue][iIndexValue][1];\n POP_BUFFER (pBitsCache, uiCount);\n iUsedBits += uiCount;\n } else {\n iIndexVlc = pVlcTable->kpCoeffTokenVlcTable[0][iNcMapIdx][uiValue][0];\n uiCount = pVlcTable->kpCoeffTokenVlcTable[0][iNcMapIdx][uiValue][1];\n uiValue = pBitsCache->uiCache32Bit >> (32 - uiCount);\n POP_BUFFER (pBitsCache, uiCount);\n iUsedBits += uiCount;\n }\n } else {\n uiValue = pBitsCache->uiCache32Bit >> (32 - 6);\n POP_BUFFER (pBitsCache, 6);\n iUsedBits += 6;\n iIndexVlc = pVlcTable->kpCoeffTokenVlcTable[0][3][uiValue][0]; //differ\n }\n uiTrailingOnes = g_kuiVlcTrailingOneTotalCoeffTable[iIndexVlc][0];\n uiTotalCoeff = g_kuiVlcTrailingOneTotalCoeffTable[iIndexVlc][1];\n }\n\n return iUsedBits;\n}\n\nstatic int32_t CavlcGetLevelVal (int32_t iLevel[16], SReadBitsCache* pBitsCache, uint8_t uiTotalCoeff,\n uint8_t uiTrailingOnes) {\n int32_t i, iUsedBits = 0;\n int32_t iSuffixLength, iSuffixLengthSize, iLevelPrefix, iPrefixBits, iLevelCode, iThreshold;\n for (i = 0; i < uiTrailingOnes; i++) {\n iLevel[i] = 1 - ((pBitsCache->uiCache32Bit >> (30 - i)) & 0x02);\n }\n POP_BUFFER (pBitsCache, uiTrailingOnes);\n iUsedBits += uiTrailingOnes;\n\n iSuffixLength = (uiTotalCoeff > 10 && uiTrailingOnes < 3);\n\n for (; i < uiTotalCoeff; i++) {\n if (pBitsCache->uiRemainBits <= 16) SHIFT_BUFFER (pBitsCache);\n WELS_GET_PREFIX_BITS (pBitsCache->uiCache32Bit, iPrefixBits);\n if (iPrefixBits > MAX_LEVEL_PREFIX + 1) //iPrefixBits includes leading \"0\"s and first \"1\", should +1\n return -1;\n POP_BUFFER (pBitsCache, iPrefixBits);\n iUsedBits += iPrefixBits;\n iLevelPrefix = iPrefixBits - 1;\n\n iLevelCode = iLevelPrefix << iSuffixLength; //differ\n iSuffixLengthSize = iSuffixLength;\n\n if (iLevelPrefix >= 14) {\n if (14 == iLevelPrefix && 0 == iSuffixLength)\n iSuffixLengthSize = 4;\n else if (15 == iLevelPrefix) {\n iSuffixLengthSize = 12;\n if (iSuffixLength == 0)\n iLevelCode += 15;\n }\n }\n\n if (iSuffixLengthSize > 0) {\n if (pBitsCache->uiRemainBits <= iSuffixLengthSize) SHIFT_BUFFER (pBitsCache);\n iLevelCode += (pBitsCache->uiCache32Bit >> (32 - iSuffixLengthSize));\n POP_BUFFER (pBitsCache, iSuffixLengthSize);\n iUsedBits += iSuffixLengthSize;\n }\n\n iLevelCode += ((i == uiTrailingOnes) && (uiTrailingOnes < 3)) << 1;\n iLevel[i] = ((iLevelCode + 2) >> 1);\n iLevel[i] -= (iLevel[i] << 1) & (- (iLevelCode & 0x01));\n\n iSuffixLength += !", "iSuffixLength;\n iThreshold = 3 << (iSuffixLength - 1);\n iSuffixLength += ((iLevel[i] > iThreshold) || (iLevel[i] < -iThreshold)) && (iSuffixLength < 6);\n }\n\n return iUsedBits;\n}\n\nstatic int32_t CavlcGetTotalZeros (int32_t& iZerosLeft, SReadBitsCache* pBitsCache, uint8_t uiTotalCoeff,\n SVlcTable* pVlcTable, bool bChromaDc) {\n int32_t iCount, iUsedBits = 0;\n const uint8_t* kpBitNumMap;\n uint32_t uiValue;\n\n int32_t iTotalZeroVlcIdx;\n uint8_t uiTableType;\n //chroma_dc (0 < uiTotalCoeff < 4); others (chroma_ac or luma: 0 < uiTotalCoeff < 16)\n\n if (bChromaDc) {\n iTotalZeroVlcIdx = uiTotalCoeff;\n kpBitNumMap = g_kuiTotalZerosBitNumChromaMap;\n uiTableType = bChromaDc;\n } else {\n iTotalZeroVlcIdx = uiTotalCoeff;\n kpBitNumMap = g_kuiTotalZerosBitNumMap;\n uiTableType = 0;\n }\n\n iCount = kpBitNumMap[iTotalZeroVlcIdx - 1];\n if (pBitsCache->uiRemainBits < iCount) SHIFT_BUFFER (\n pBitsCache); // if uiRemainBits+16 still smaller than iCount?? ", "potential bug\n uiValue = pBitsCache->uiCache32Bit >> (32 - iCount);\n iCount = pVlcTable->kpTotalZerosTable[uiTableType][iTotalZeroVlcIdx - 1][uiValue][1];\n POP_BUFFER (pBitsCache, iCount);\n iUsedBits += iCount;\n iZerosLeft = pVlcTable->kpTotalZerosTable[uiTableType][iTotalZeroVlcIdx - 1][uiValue][0];\n\n return iUsedBits;\n}\nstatic int32_t CavlcGetRunBefore (int32_t iRun[16], SReadBitsCache* pBitsCache, uint8_t uiTotalCoeff,\n SVlcTable* pVlcTable, int32_t iZerosLeft) {\n int32_t i, iUsedBits = 0;\n uint32_t uiCount, uiValue, iPrefixBits;\n\n for (i = 0; i < uiTotalCoeff - 1; i++) {\n if (iZerosLeft > 0) {\n uiCount = g_kuiZeroLeftBitNumMap[iZerosLeft];\n if (pBitsCache->uiRemainBits < uiCount) SHIFT_BUFFER (pBitsCache);\n uiValue = pBitsCache->uiCache32Bit >> (32 - uiCount);\n if (iZerosLeft < 7) {\n uiCount = pVlcTable->kpZeroTable[iZerosLeft - 1][uiValue][1];\n POP_BUFFER (pBitsCache, uiCount);\n iUsedBits += uiCount;\n iRun[i] = pVlcTable->kpZeroTable[iZerosLeft - 1][uiValue][0];\n } else {\n POP_BUFFER (pBitsCache, uiCount);\n iUsedBits += uiCount;\n if (pVlcTable->kpZeroTable[6][uiValue][0] < 7) {\n iRun[i] = pVlcTable->kpZeroTable[6][uiValue][0];\n } else {\n if (pBitsCache->uiRemainBits < 16) SHIFT_BUFFER (pBitsCache);\n WELS_GET_PREFIX_BITS (pBitsCache->uiCache32Bit, iPrefixBits);\n iRun[i] = iPrefixBits + 6;\n if (iRun[i] > iZerosLeft)\n return -1;\n POP_BUFFER (pBitsCache, iPrefixBits);\n iUsedBits += iPrefixBits;\n }\n }\n } else {\n for (int j = i; j < uiTotalCoeff; j++) {\n iRun[j] = 0;\n }\n return iUsedBits;\n }\n\n iZerosLeft -= iRun[i];\n }\n\n iRun[uiTotalCoeff - 1] = iZerosLeft;\n\n return iUsedBits;\n}\n\nint32_t WelsResidualBlockCavlc (SVlcTable* pVlcTable, uint8_t* pNonZeroCountCache, PBitStringAux pBs, int32_t iIndex,\n int32_t iMaxNumCoeff,\n const uint8_t* kpZigzagTable, int32_t iResidualProperty, int16_t* pTCoeff, uint8_t uiQp,\n PWelsDecoderContext pCtx) {\n int32_t iLevel[16], iZerosLeft, iCoeffNum;\n int32_t iRun[16];\n int32_t iCurNonZeroCacheIdx, i;\n\n\n int32_t iMbResProperty = 0;\n GetMbResProperty (&iMbResProperty, &iResidualProperty, 1);\n const uint16_t* kpDequantCoeff = pCtx->bUseScalingList ? ", "pCtx->pDequant_coeff4x4[iMbResProperty][uiQp] :\n g_kuiDequantCoeff[uiQp];\n\n int8_t nA, nB, nC;\n uint8_t uiTotalCoeff, uiTrailingOnes;\n int32_t iUsedBits = 0;\n intX_t iCurIdx = pBs->iIndex;\n uint8_t* pBuf = ((uint8_t*)pBs->pStartBuf) + (iCurIdx >> 3);\n bool bChromaDc = (CHROMA_DC == iResidualProperty);\n uint8_t bChroma = (bChromaDc || CHROMA_AC == iResidualProperty);\n SReadBitsCache sReadBitsCache;\n\n uint32_t uiCache32Bit = (uint32_t) ((((pBuf[0] << 8) | pBuf[1]) << 16) | (pBuf[2] << 8) | pBuf[3]);\n sReadBitsCache.uiCache32Bit = uiCache32Bit << (iCurIdx & 0x07);\n sReadBitsCache.uiRemainBits = 32 - (iCurIdx & 0x07);\n sReadBitsCache.pBuf = pBuf;\n //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n if (bChroma) {\n iCurNonZeroCacheIdx = g_kuiCache48CountScan4Idx[iIndex];\n nA = pNonZeroCountCache[iCurNonZeroCacheIdx - 1];\n nB = pNonZeroCountCache[iCurNonZeroCacheIdx - 8];\n } else { //luma\n iCurNonZeroCacheIdx = g_kuiCache48CountScan4Idx[iIndex];\n nA = pNonZeroCountCache[iCurNonZeroCacheIdx - 1];\n nB = pNonZeroCountCache[iCurNonZeroCacheIdx - 8];\n }\n\n WELS_NON_ZERO_COUNT_AVERAGE (nC, nA, nB);\n\n iUsedBits += CavlcGetTrailingOnesAndTotalCoeff (uiTotalCoeff, uiTrailingOnes, &sReadBitsCache, pVlcTable, bChromaDc,\n nC);\n\n if (iResidualProperty !", "= CHROMA_DC && iResidualProperty !", "= I16_LUMA_DC) {\n pNonZeroCountCache[iCurNonZeroCacheIdx] = uiTotalCoeff;\n //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n }\n if (0 == uiTotalCoeff) {\n pBs->iIndex += iUsedBits;\n return ERR_NONE;\n }\n if ((uiTrailingOnes > 3) || (uiTotalCoeff > 16)) { /////////////////check uiTrailingOnes and uiTotalCoeff\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_MB_DATA, ERR_INFO_CAVLC_INVALID_TOTAL_COEFF_OR_TRAILING_ONES);\n }\n if ((i = CavlcGetLevelVal (iLevel, &sReadBitsCache, uiTotalCoeff, uiTrailingOnes)) == -1) {\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_MB_DATA, ERR_INFO_CAVLC_INVALID_LEVEL);\n }\n iUsedBits += i;\n if (uiTotalCoeff < iMaxNumCoeff) {\n iUsedBits += CavlcGetTotalZeros (iZerosLeft, &sReadBitsCache, uiTotalCoeff, pVlcTable, bChromaDc);\n } else {\n iZerosLeft = 0;\n }\n\n if ((iZerosLeft < 0) || ((iZerosLeft + uiTotalCoeff) > iMaxNumCoeff)) {\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_MB_DATA, ERR_INFO_CAVLC_INVALID_ZERO_LEFT);\n }\n if ((i = CavlcGetRunBefore (iRun, &sReadBitsCache, uiTotalCoeff, pVlcTable, iZerosLeft)) == -1) {\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_MB_DATA, ERR_INFO_CAVLC_INVALID_RUN_BEFORE);\n }\n iUsedBits += i;\n pBs->iIndex += iUsedBits;\n iCoeffNum = -1;\n\n if (iResidualProperty == CHROMA_DC) {\n //chroma dc scaling process, is kpDequantCoeff[0]? ", "LevelScale(qPdc%6,0,0))<<(qPdc/6-6), the transform is done at construction.", "\n for (i = uiTotalCoeff - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\n //FIXME merge into rundecode?", "\n int32_t j;\n iCoeffNum += iRun[i] + 1; //FIXME add 1 earlier ?", "\n j = kpZigzagTable[ iCoeffNum ];\n pTCoeff[j] = iLevel[i];\n }\n WelsChromaDcIdct (pTCoeff);\n //scaling\n if (!", "pCtx->bUseScalingList) {\n for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {\n pTCoeff[kpZigzagTable[j]] = (pTCoeff[kpZigzagTable[j]] * kpDequantCoeff[0]) >> 1;\n }\n } else {\n for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {\n pTCoeff[kpZigzagTable[j]] = ((int64_t) pTCoeff[kpZigzagTable[j]] * (int64_t) kpDequantCoeff[0]) >> 5;\n }\n }\n } else if (iResidualProperty == I16_LUMA_DC) { //DC coefficent, only call in Intra_16x16, base_mode_flag = 0\n for (i = uiTotalCoeff - 1; i >= 0; --i) { //FIXME merge into rundecode?", "\n int32_t j;\n iCoeffNum += iRun[i] + 1; //FIXME add 1 earlier ?", "\n j = kpZigzagTable[ iCoeffNum ];\n pTCoeff[j] = iLevel[i];\n }\n WelsLumaDcDequantIdct (pTCoeff, uiQp, pCtx);\n } else {\n for (i = uiTotalCoeff - 1; i >= 0; --i) { //FIXME merge into rundecode?", "\n int32_t j;\n iCoeffNum += iRun[i] + 1; //FIXME add 1 earlier ?", "\n j = kpZigzagTable[ iCoeffNum ];\n if (!", "pCtx->bUseScalingList) {\n pTCoeff[j] = (iLevel[i] * kpDequantCoeff[j & 0x07]);\n } else {\n pTCoeff[j] = (iLevel[i] * kpDequantCoeff[j] + 8) >> 4;\n }\n }\n }\n\n return ERR_NONE;\n}\n\nint32_t WelsResidualBlockCavlc8x8 (SVlcTable* pVlcTable, uint8_t* pNonZeroCountCache, PBitStringAux pBs, int32_t iIndex,\n int32_t iMaxNumCoeff, const uint8_t* kpZigzagTable, int32_t iResidualProperty,\n int16_t* pTCoeff, int32_t iIdx4x4, uint8_t uiQp,\n PWelsDecoderContext pCtx) {\n int32_t iLevel[16], iZerosLeft, iCoeffNum;\n int32_t iRun[16];\n int32_t iCurNonZeroCacheIdx, i;\n\n int32_t iMbResProperty = 0;\n GetMbResProperty (&iMbResProperty, &iResidualProperty, 1);\n\n const uint16_t* kpDequantCoeff = pCtx->bUseScalingList ? ", "pCtx->pDequant_coeff8x8[iMbResProperty - 6][uiQp] :\n g_kuiDequantCoeff8x8[uiQp];\n\n int8_t nA, nB, nC;\n uint8_t uiTotalCoeff, uiTrailingOnes;\n int32_t iUsedBits = 0;\n intX_t iCurIdx = pBs->iIndex;\n uint8_t* pBuf = ((uint8_t*)pBs->pStartBuf) + (iCurIdx >> 3);\n bool bChromaDc = (CHROMA_DC == iResidualProperty);\n uint8_t bChroma = (bChromaDc || CHROMA_AC == iResidualProperty);\n SReadBitsCache sReadBitsCache;\n\n uint32_t uiCache32Bit = (uint32_t) ((((pBuf[0] << 8) | pBuf[1]) << 16) | (pBuf[2] << 8) | pBuf[3]);\n sReadBitsCache.uiCache32Bit = uiCache32Bit << (iCurIdx & 0x07);\n sReadBitsCache.uiRemainBits = 32 - (iCurIdx & 0x07);\n sReadBitsCache.pBuf = pBuf;\n //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n if (bChroma) {\n iCurNonZeroCacheIdx = g_kuiCache48CountScan4Idx[iIndex];\n nA = pNonZeroCountCache[iCurNonZeroCacheIdx - 1];\n nB = pNonZeroCountCache[iCurNonZeroCacheIdx - 8];\n } else { //luma\n iCurNonZeroCacheIdx = g_kuiCache48CountScan4Idx[iIndex];\n nA = pNonZeroCountCache[iCurNonZeroCacheIdx - 1];\n nB = pNonZeroCountCache[iCurNonZeroCacheIdx - 8];\n }\n\n WELS_NON_ZERO_COUNT_AVERAGE (nC, nA, nB);\n\n iUsedBits += CavlcGetTrailingOnesAndTotalCoeff (uiTotalCoeff, uiTrailingOnes, &sReadBitsCache, pVlcTable, bChromaDc,\n nC);\n\n if (iResidualProperty !", "= CHROMA_DC && iResidualProperty !", "= I16_LUMA_DC) {\n pNonZeroCountCache[iCurNonZeroCacheIdx] = uiTotalCoeff;\n //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n }\n if (0 == uiTotalCoeff) {\n pBs->iIndex += iUsedBits;\n return ERR_NONE;\n }\n if ((uiTrailingOnes > 3) || (uiTotalCoeff > 16)) { /////////////////check uiTrailingOnes and uiTotalCoeff\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_MB_DATA, ERR_INFO_CAVLC_INVALID_TOTAL_COEFF_OR_TRAILING_ONES);\n }\n if ((i = CavlcGetLevelVal (iLevel, &sReadBitsCache, uiTotalCoeff, uiTrailingOnes)) == -1) {\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_MB_DATA, ERR_INFO_CAVLC_INVALID_LEVEL);\n }\n iUsedBits += i;\n if (uiTotalCoeff < iMaxNumCoeff) {\n iUsedBits += CavlcGetTotalZeros (iZerosLeft, &sReadBitsCache, uiTotalCoeff, pVlcTable, bChromaDc);\n } else {\n iZerosLeft = 0;\n }\n\n if ((iZerosLeft < 0) || ((iZerosLeft + uiTotalCoeff) > iMaxNumCoeff)) {\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_MB_DATA, ERR_INFO_CAVLC_INVALID_ZERO_LEFT);\n }\n if ((i = CavlcGetRunBefore (iRun, &sReadBitsCache, uiTotalCoeff, pVlcTable, iZerosLeft)) == -1) {\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_MB_DATA, ERR_INFO_CAVLC_INVALID_RUN_BEFORE);\n }\n iUsedBits += i;\n pBs->iIndex += iUsedBits;\n iCoeffNum = -1;\n\n for (i = uiTotalCoeff - 1; i >= 0; --i) { //FIXME merge into rundecode?", "\n int32_t j;\n iCoeffNum += iRun[i] + 1; //FIXME add 1 earlier ?", "\n j = (iCoeffNum << 2) + iIdx4x4;\n j = kpZigzagTable[ j ];\n pTCoeff[j] = uiQp >= 36 ? ((", "iLevel[i] * kpDequantCoeff[j]) * (1 << (uiQp / 6 - 6)))\n : ((iLevel[i] * kpDequantCoeff[j] + (1 << (5 - uiQp / 6))) >> (6 - uiQp / 6));\n }\n\n return ERR_NONE;\n}\n\nint32_t ParseInterInfo (PWelsDecoderContext pCtx, int16_t iMvArray[LIST_A][30][MV_A], int8_t iRefIdxArray[LIST_A][30],\n PBitStringAux pBs) {\n PSlice pSlice = &pCtx->pCurDqLayer->sLayerInfo.sSliceInLayer;\n PSliceHeader pSliceHeader = &pSlice->sSliceHeaderExt.sSliceHeader;\n PPicture* ppRefPic = pCtx->sRefPic.pRefList[LIST_0];\n int32_t iRefCount[2];\n PDqLayer pCurDqLayer = pCtx->pCurDqLayer;\n int32_t i, j;\n int32_t iMbXy = pCurDqLayer->iMbXyIndex;\n int32_t iMotionPredFlag[4];\n int16_t iMv[2];\n uint32_t uiCode;\n int32_t iCode;\n int16_t iMinVmv = pSliceHeader->pSps->pSLevelLimits->iMinVmv;\n int16_t iMaxVmv = pSliceHeader->pSps->pSLevelLimits->iMaxVmv;\n iMotionPredFlag[0] = iMotionPredFlag[1] = iMotionPredFlag[2] = iMotionPredFlag[3] =\n pSlice->sSliceHeaderExt.bDefaultMotionPredFlag;\n iRefCount[0] = pSliceHeader->uiRefCount[0];\n iRefCount[1] = pSliceHeader->uiRefCount[1];\n\n bool bIsPending = GetThreadCount (pCtx) > 1;\n\n switch (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMbType[iMbXy]) {\n case MB_TYPE_16x16: {\n int32_t iRefIdx = 0;\n if (pSlice->sSliceHeaderExt.bAdaptiveMotionPredFlag) {\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //motion_prediction_flag_l0[ mbPartIdx ]\n iMotionPredFlag[0] = uiCode;\n }\n if (iMotionPredFlag[0] == 0) {\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetTe0 (pBs, iRefCount[0], &uiCode)); //motion_prediction_flag_l1[ mbPartIdx ]\n iRefIdx = uiCode;\n // Security check: iRefIdx should be in range 0 to num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1, includsive\n // ref to standard section ", "iRefCount[0] is 1 + num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1.", "\n if ((iRefIdx < 0) || (iRefIdx >= iRefCount[0]) || (ppRefPic[iRefIdx] == NULL)) { //error ref_idx\n pCtx->bMbRefConcealed = true;\n if (pCtx->pParam->eEcActiveIdc !", "= ERROR_CON_DISABLE) {\n iRefIdx = 0;\n pCtx->iErrorCode |= dsBitstreamError;\n } else {\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_MB_DATA, ERR_INFO_INVALID_REF_INDEX);\n }\n }\n pCtx->bMbRefConcealed = pCtx->bRPLRError || pCtx->bMbRefConcealed || ! (", "ppRefPic[iRefIdx]\n && (ppRefPic[iRefIdx]->bIsComplete || bIsPending));\n } else {\n WelsLog (& (pCtx->sLogCtx), WELS_LOG_WARNING, \"inter parse: iMotionPredFlag = 1 not supported. \");", "\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_MB_DATA, ERR_INFO_UNSUPPORTED_ILP);\n }\n PredMv (iMvArray, iRefIdxArray, LIST_0, 0, 4, iRefIdx, iMv);\n\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetSe (pBs, &iCode)); //mvd_l0[ mbPartIdx ][ 0 ][ compIdx ]\n iMv[0] += iCode;\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetSe (pBs, &iCode)); //mvd_l1[ mbPartIdx ][ 0 ][ compIdx ]\n iMv[1] += iCode;\n WELS_CHECK_SE_BOTH_WARNING (iMv[1], iMinVmv, iMaxVmv, \"vertical mv\");\n UpdateP16x16MotionInfo (pCurDqLayer, LIST_0, iRefIdx, iMv);\n }\n break;\n case MB_TYPE_16x8: {\n int32_t iRefIdx[2];\n for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {\n if (pSlice->sSliceHeaderExt.bAdaptiveMotionPredFlag) {\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //motion_prediction_flag_l0[ mbPartIdx ]\n iMotionPredFlag[i] = uiCode;\n }\n }\n\n for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {\n if (iMotionPredFlag[i]) {\n WelsLog (& (pCtx->sLogCtx), WELS_LOG_WARNING, \"inter parse: iMotionPredFlag = 1 not supported. \");", "\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_MB_DATA, ERR_INFO_UNSUPPORTED_ILP);\n }\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetTe0 (pBs, iRefCount[0], &uiCode)); //ref_idx_l0[ mbPartIdx ]\n iRefIdx[i] = uiCode;\n if ((iRefIdx[i] < 0) || (iRefIdx[i] >= iRefCount[0]) || (ppRefPic[iRefIdx[i]] == NULL)) { //error ref_idx\n pCtx->bMbRefConcealed = true;\n if (pCtx->pParam->eEcActiveIdc !", "= ERROR_CON_DISABLE) {\n iRefIdx[i] = 0;\n pCtx->iErrorCode |= dsBitstreamError;\n } else {\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_MB_DATA, ERR_INFO_INVALID_REF_INDEX);\n }\n }\n pCtx->bMbRefConcealed = pCtx->bRPLRError || pCtx->bMbRefConcealed || ! (", "ppRefPic[iRefIdx[i]]\n && (ppRefPic[iRefIdx[i]]->bIsComplete || bIsPending));\n }\n for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {\n PredInter16x8Mv (iMvArray, iRefIdxArray, LIST_0, i << 3, iRefIdx[i], iMv);\n\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetSe (pBs, &iCode)); //mvd_l0[ mbPartIdx ][ 0 ][ compIdx ]\n iMv[0] += iCode;\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetSe (pBs, &iCode)); //mvd_l1[ mbPartIdx ][ 0 ][ compIdx ]\n iMv[1] += iCode;\n WELS_CHECK_SE_BOTH_WARNING (iMv[1], iMinVmv, iMaxVmv, \"vertical mv\");\n UpdateP16x8MotionInfo (pCurDqLayer, iMvArray, iRefIdxArray, LIST_0, i << 3, iRefIdx[i], iMv);\n }\n }\n break;\n case MB_TYPE_8x16: {\n int32_t iRefIdx[2];\n for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {\n if (pSlice->sSliceHeaderExt.bAdaptiveMotionPredFlag) {\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //motion_prediction_flag_l0[ mbPartIdx ]\n iMotionPredFlag[i] = uiCode;\n }\n }\n\n for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {\n if (iMotionPredFlag[i] == 0) {\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetTe0 (pBs, iRefCount[0], &uiCode)); //ref_idx_l0[ mbPartIdx ]\n iRefIdx[i] = uiCode;\n if ((iRefIdx[i] < 0) || (iRefIdx[i] >= iRefCount[0]) || (ppRefPic[iRefIdx[i]] == NULL)) { //error ref_idx\n pCtx->bMbRefConcealed = true;\n if (pCtx->pParam->eEcActiveIdc !", "= ERROR_CON_DISABLE) {\n iRefIdx[i] = 0;\n pCtx->iErrorCode |= dsBitstreamError;\n } else {\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_MB_DATA, ERR_INFO_INVALID_REF_INDEX);\n }\n }\n pCtx->bMbRefConcealed = pCtx->bRPLRError || pCtx->bMbRefConcealed || ! (", "ppRefPic[iRefIdx[i]]\n && (ppRefPic[iRefIdx[i]]->bIsComplete || bIsPending));\n } else {\n WelsLog (& (pCtx->sLogCtx), WELS_LOG_WARNING, \"inter parse: iMotionPredFlag = 1 not supported. \");", "\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_MB_DATA, ERR_INFO_UNSUPPORTED_ILP);\n }\n\n }\n for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {\n PredInter8x16Mv (iMvArray, iRefIdxArray, LIST_0, i << 2, iRefIdx[i], iMv);\n\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetSe (pBs, &iCode)); //mvd_l0[ mbPartIdx ][ 0 ][ compIdx ]\n iMv[0] += iCode;\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetSe (pBs, &iCode)); //mvd_l1[ mbPartIdx ][ 0 ][ compIdx ]\n iMv[1] += iCode;\n WELS_CHECK_SE_BOTH_WARNING (iMv[1], iMinVmv, iMaxVmv, \"vertical mv\");\n UpdateP8x16MotionInfo (pCurDqLayer, iMvArray, iRefIdxArray, LIST_0, i << 2, iRefIdx[i], iMv);\n }\n }\n break;\n case MB_TYPE_8x8:\n case MB_TYPE_8x8_REF0: {\n int32_t iRefIdx[4] = {0}, iSubPartCount[4], iPartWidth[4];\n uint32_t uiSubMbType;\n\n if (MB_TYPE_8x8_REF0 == pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMbType[iMbXy]) {\n iRefCount[0] =\n iRefCount[1] = 1;\n }\n\n //uiSubMbType, partition\n for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetUe (pBs, &uiCode)); //sub_mb_type[ mbPartIdx ]\n uiSubMbType = uiCode;\n if (uiSubMbType >= 4) { //invalid uiSubMbType\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_MB_DATA, ERR_INFO_INVALID_SUB_MB_TYPE);\n }\n pCurDqLayer->pSubMbType[iMbXy][i] = g_ksInterPSubMbTypeInfo[uiSubMbType].iType;\n iSubPartCount[i] = g_ksInterPSubMbTypeInfo[uiSubMbType].iPartCount;\n iPartWidth[i] = g_ksInterPSubMbTypeInfo[uiSubMbType].iPartWidth;\n\n // Need modification when B picture add in, reference to 7.3.5\n pCurDqLayer->pNoSubMbPartSizeLessThan8x8Flag[iMbXy] &= (uiSubMbType == 0);\n }\n\n if (pSlice->sSliceHeaderExt.bAdaptiveMotionPredFlag) {\n for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //motion_prediction_flag_l0[ mbPartIdx ]\n iMotionPredFlag[i] = uiCode;\n }\n }\n\n //iRefIdxArray\n if (MB_TYPE_8x8_REF0 == pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMbType[iMbXy]) {\n memset (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pRefIndex[0][iMbXy], 0, 16);\n } else {\n for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {\n int16_t iIndex8 = i << 2;\n uint8_t uiScan4Idx = g_kuiScan4[iIndex8];\n\n if (iMotionPredFlag[i] == 0) {\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetTe0 (pBs, iRefCount[0], &uiCode)); //ref_idx_l0[ mbPartIdx ]\n iRefIdx[i] = uiCode;\n if ((iRefIdx[i] < 0) || (iRefIdx[i] >= iRefCount[0]) || (ppRefPic[iRefIdx[i]] == NULL)) { //error ref_idx\n pCtx->bMbRefConcealed = true;\n if (pCtx->pParam->eEcActiveIdc !", "= ERROR_CON_DISABLE) {\n iRefIdx[i] = 0;\n pCtx->iErrorCode |= dsBitstreamError;\n } else {\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_MB_DATA, ERR_INFO_INVALID_REF_INDEX);\n }\n }\n pCtx->bMbRefConcealed = pCtx->bRPLRError || pCtx->bMbRefConcealed || ! (", "ppRefPic[iRefIdx[i]]\n && (ppRefPic[iRefIdx[i]]->bIsComplete || bIsPending));\n\n pCurDqLayer->pDec->pRefIndex[0][iMbXy][uiScan4Idx ] = pCurDqLayer->pDec->pRefIndex[0][iMbXy][uiScan4Idx + 1] =\n pCurDqLayer->pDec->pRefIndex[0][iMbXy][uiScan4Idx + 4] = pCurDqLayer->pDec->pRefIndex[0][iMbXy][uiScan4Idx + 5] =\n iRefIdx[i];\n } else {\n WelsLog (& (pCtx->sLogCtx), WELS_LOG_WARNING, \"inter parse: iMotionPredFlag = 1 not supported. \");", "\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_MB_DATA, ERR_INFO_UNSUPPORTED_ILP);\n }\n }\n }\n\n //gain mv and update mv cache\n for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {\n int8_t iPartCount = iSubPartCount[i];\n uint32_t uiSubMbType = pCurDqLayer->pSubMbType[iMbXy][i];\n int16_t iMv[2], iPartIdx, iBlockWidth = iPartWidth[i], iIdx = i << 2;\n uint8_t uiScan4Idx, uiCacheIdx;\n\n uint8_t uiIdx4Cache = g_kuiCache30ScanIdx[iIdx];\n\n iRefIdxArray[0][uiIdx4Cache ] = iRefIdxArray[0][uiIdx4Cache + 1] =\n iRefIdxArray[0][uiIdx4Cache + 6] = iRefIdxArray[0][uiIdx4Cache + 7] = iRefIdx[i];\n\n for (j = 0; j < iPartCount; j++) {\n iPartIdx = iIdx + j * iBlockWidth;\n uiScan4Idx = g_kuiScan4[iPartIdx];\n uiCacheIdx = g_kuiCache30ScanIdx[iPartIdx];\n PredMv (iMvArray, iRefIdxArray, LIST_0, iPartIdx, iBlockWidth, iRefIdx[i], iMv);\n\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetSe (pBs, &iCode)); //mvd_l0[ mbPartIdx ][ subMbPartIdx ][ compIdx ]\n iMv[0] += iCode;\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetSe (pBs, &iCode)); //mvd_l1[ mbPartIdx ][ subMbPartIdx ][ compIdx ]\n iMv[1] += iCode;\n WELS_CHECK_SE_BOTH_WARNING (iMv[1], iMinVmv, iMaxVmv, \"vertical mv\");\n if (SUB_MB_TYPE_8x8 == uiSubMbType) {\n ST32 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[0][iMbXy][uiScan4Idx], LD32 (iMv));\n ST32 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[0][iMbXy][uiScan4Idx + 1], LD32 (iMv));\n ST32 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[0][iMbXy][uiScan4Idx + 4], LD32 (iMv));\n ST32 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[0][iMbXy][uiScan4Idx + 5], LD32 (iMv));\n ST32 (iMvArray[0][uiCacheIdx ], LD32 (iMv));\n ST32 (iMvArray[0][uiCacheIdx + 1], LD32 (iMv));\n ST32 (iMvArray[0][uiCacheIdx + 6], LD32 (iMv));\n ST32 (iMvArray[0][uiCacheIdx + 7], LD32 (iMv));\n } else if (SUB_MB_TYPE_8x4 == uiSubMbType) {\n ST32 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[0][iMbXy][uiScan4Idx ], LD32 (iMv));\n ST32 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[0][iMbXy][uiScan4Idx + 1], LD32 (iMv));\n ST32 (iMvArray[0][uiCacheIdx ], LD32 (iMv));\n ST32 (iMvArray[0][uiCacheIdx + 1], LD32 (iMv));\n } else if (SUB_MB_TYPE_4x8 == uiSubMbType) {\n ST32 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[0][iMbXy][uiScan4Idx ], LD32 (iMv));\n ST32 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[0][iMbXy][uiScan4Idx + 4], LD32 (iMv));\n ST32 (iMvArray[0][uiCacheIdx ], LD32 (iMv));\n ST32 (iMvArray[0][uiCacheIdx + 6], LD32 (iMv));\n } else { //SUB_MB_TYPE_4x4 == uiSubMbType\n ST32 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[0][iMbXy][uiScan4Idx ], LD32 (iMv));\n ST32 (iMvArray[0][uiCacheIdx ], LD32 (iMv));\n }\n }\n }\n }\n break;\n default:\n break;\n }\n\n return ERR_NONE;\n}\nint32_t ParseInterBInfo (PWelsDecoderContext pCtx, int16_t iMvArray[LIST_A][30][MV_A],\n int8_t iRefIdxArray[LIST_A][30], PBitStringAux pBs) {\n PSlice pSlice = &pCtx->pCurDqLayer->sLayerInfo.sSliceInLayer;\n PSliceHeader pSliceHeader = &pSlice->sSliceHeaderExt.sSliceHeader;\n PPicture* ppRefPic[2];\n ppRefPic[LIST_0] = pCtx->sRefPic.pRefList[LIST_0];\n ppRefPic[LIST_1] = pCtx->sRefPic.pRefList[LIST_1];\n int8_t ref_idx_list[LIST_A][4];\n int8_t iRef[2] = { 0, 0 };\n int32_t iRefCount[2];\n PDqLayer pCurDqLayer = pCtx->pCurDqLayer;\n int32_t iMbXy = pCurDqLayer->iMbXyIndex;\n uint8_t iMotionPredFlag[LIST_A][4];\n int16_t iMv[2];\n uint32_t uiCode;\n int32_t iCode;\n int16_t iMinVmv = pSliceHeader->pSps->pSLevelLimits->iMinVmv;\n int16_t iMaxVmv = pSliceHeader->pSps->pSLevelLimits->iMaxVmv;\n memset (ref_idx_list, -1, LIST_A * 4);\n memset (iMotionPredFlag, (pSlice->sSliceHeaderExt.bDefaultMotionPredFlag ? ", "1 : 0), LIST_A * 4);\n iRefCount[0] = pSliceHeader->uiRefCount[0];\n iRefCount[1] = pSliceHeader->uiRefCount[1];\n\n bool bIsPending = GetThreadCount (pCtx) > 1;\n\n MbType mbType = pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMbType[iMbXy];\n if (IS_DIRECT (mbType)) {\n\n int16_t pMvDirect[LIST_A][2] = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } };\n SubMbType subMbType;\n if (pSliceHeader->iDirectSpatialMvPredFlag) {\n //predict direct spatial mv\n int32_t ret = PredMvBDirectSpatial (pCtx, pMvDirect, iRef, subMbType);\n if (ret !", "= ERR_NONE) {\n return ret;\n }\n } else {\n //temporal direct 16x16 mode\n int32_t ret = PredBDirectTemporal (pCtx, pMvDirect, iRef, subMbType);\n if (ret !", "= ERR_NONE) {\n return ret;\n }\n }\n } else if (IS_INTER_16x16 (mbType)) {\n if (pSlice->sSliceHeaderExt.bAdaptiveMotionPredFlag) {\n for (int32_t listIdx = LIST_0; listIdx < LIST_A; ++listIdx) {\n if (IS_DIR (mbType, 0, listIdx)) {\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //motion_prediction_flag_l0/l1[ mbPartIdx ]\n iMotionPredFlag[listIdx][0] = uiCode;\n }\n }\n }\n for (int32_t listIdx = LIST_0; listIdx < LIST_A; ++listIdx) {\n if (IS_DIR (mbType, 0, listIdx)) {\n if (iMotionPredFlag[listIdx][0] == 0) {\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetTe0 (pBs, iRefCount[listIdx], &uiCode)); //motion_prediction_flag_l1[ mbPartIdx ]\n ref_idx_list[listIdx][0] = uiCode;\n // Security check: iRefIdx should be in range 0 to num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1, includsive\n // ref to standard section ", "iRefCount[0] is 1 + num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1.", "\n if ((ref_idx_list[listIdx][0] < 0) || (ref_idx_list[listIdx][0] >= iRefCount[listIdx])\n || (ppRefPic[listIdx][ref_idx_list[listIdx][0]] == NULL)) { //error ref_idx\n pCtx->bMbRefConcealed = true;\n if (pCtx->pParam->eEcActiveIdc !", "= ERROR_CON_DISABLE) {\n ref_idx_list[listIdx][0] = 0;\n pCtx->iErrorCode |= dsBitstreamError;\n } else {\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_MB_DATA, ERR_INFO_INVALID_REF_INDEX);\n }\n }\n pCtx->bMbRefConcealed = pCtx->bRPLRError || pCtx->bMbRefConcealed || ! (", "ppRefPic[listIdx][ref_idx_list[listIdx][0]]\n && (ppRefPic[listIdx][ref_idx_list[listIdx][0]]->bIsComplete || bIsPending));\n } else {\n WelsLog (& (pCtx->sLogCtx), WELS_LOG_WARNING, \"inter parse: iMotionPredFlag = 1 not supported. \");", "\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_MB_DATA, ERR_INFO_UNSUPPORTED_ILP);\n }\n }\n }\n for (int32_t listIdx = LIST_0; listIdx < LIST_A; ++listIdx) {\n if (IS_DIR (mbType, 0, listIdx)) {\n PredMv (iMvArray, iRefIdxArray, listIdx, 0, 4, ref_idx_list[listIdx][0], iMv);\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetSe (pBs, &iCode)); //mvd_l0[ mbPartIdx ][ 0 ][ compIdx ]\n iMv[0] += iCode;\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetSe (pBs, &iCode)); //mvd_l1[ mbPartIdx ][ 0 ][ compIdx ]\n iMv[1] += iCode;\n WELS_CHECK_SE_BOTH_WARNING (iMv[1], iMinVmv, iMaxVmv, \"vertical mv\");\n } else {\n * (uint32_t*)iMv = 0;\n }\n UpdateP16x16MotionInfo (pCurDqLayer, listIdx, ref_idx_list[listIdx][0], iMv);\n }\n } else if (IS_INTER_16x8 (mbType)) {\n if (pSlice->sSliceHeaderExt.bAdaptiveMotionPredFlag) {\n for (int32_t listIdx = LIST_0; listIdx < LIST_A; ++listIdx) {\n for (int32_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {\n if (IS_DIR (mbType, i, listIdx)) {\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //motion_prediction_flag_l0/l1[ mbPartIdx ]\n iMotionPredFlag[listIdx][i] = uiCode;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n for (int32_t listIdx = LIST_0; listIdx < LIST_A; ++listIdx) {\n for (int32_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {\n if (IS_DIR (mbType, i, listIdx)) {\n if (iMotionPredFlag[listIdx][i] == 0) {\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetTe0 (pBs, iRefCount[listIdx], &uiCode)); //motion_prediction_flag_l1[ mbPartIdx ]\n int32_t iRefIdx = uiCode;\n // Security check: iRefIdx should be in range 0 to num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1, includsive\n // ref to standard section ", "iRefCount[0] is 1 + num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1.", "\n if ((iRefIdx < 0) || (iRefIdx >= iRefCount[listIdx]) || (ppRefPic[listIdx][iRefIdx] == NULL)) { //error ref_idx\n pCtx->bMbRefConcealed = true;\n if (pCtx->pParam->eEcActiveIdc !", "= ERROR_CON_DISABLE) {\n iRefIdx = 0;\n pCtx->iErrorCode |= dsBitstreamError;\n } else {\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_MB_DATA, ERR_INFO_INVALID_REF_INDEX);\n }\n }\n ref_idx_list[listIdx][i] = iRefIdx;\n pCtx->bMbRefConcealed = pCtx->bRPLRError || pCtx->bMbRefConcealed || ! (", "ppRefPic[listIdx][iRefIdx]\n && (ppRefPic[listIdx][iRefIdx]->bIsComplete || bIsPending));\n } else {\n WelsLog (& (pCtx->sLogCtx), WELS_LOG_WARNING, \"inter parse: iMotionPredFlag = 1 not supported. \");", "\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_MB_DATA, ERR_INFO_UNSUPPORTED_ILP);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n // Read mvd_L0 then mvd_L1\n for (int32_t listIdx = LIST_0; listIdx < LIST_A; ++listIdx) {\n // Partitions\n for (int32_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {\n int iPartIdx = i << 3;\n int32_t iRefIdx = ref_idx_list[listIdx][i];\n if (IS_DIR (mbType, i, listIdx)) {\n PredInter16x8Mv (iMvArray, iRefIdxArray, listIdx, iPartIdx, iRefIdx, iMv);\n\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetSe (pBs, &iCode)); //mvd_l{0,1}[ mbPartIdx ][ listIdx ][x]\n iMv[0] += iCode;\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetSe (pBs, &iCode)); //mvd_l{0,1}[ mbPartIdx ][ listIdx ][y]\n iMv[1] += iCode;\n\n WELS_CHECK_SE_BOTH_WARNING (iMv[1], iMinVmv, iMaxVmv, \"vertical mv\");\n } else {\n * (uint32_t*)iMv = 0;\n }\n UpdateP16x8MotionInfo (pCurDqLayer, iMvArray, iRefIdxArray, listIdx, iPartIdx, iRefIdx, iMv);\n }\n }\n } else if (IS_INTER_8x16 (mbType)) {\n if (pSlice->sSliceHeaderExt.bAdaptiveMotionPredFlag) {\n for (int32_t listIdx = LIST_0; listIdx < LIST_A; ++listIdx) {\n for (int32_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {\n if (IS_DIR (mbType, i, listIdx)) {\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //motion_prediction_flag_l0/l1[ mbPartIdx ]\n iMotionPredFlag[listIdx][i] = uiCode;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n for (int32_t listIdx = LIST_0; listIdx < LIST_A; ++listIdx) {\n for (int32_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {\n if (IS_DIR (mbType, i, listIdx)) {\n if (iMotionPredFlag[listIdx][i] == 0) {\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetTe0 (pBs, iRefCount[listIdx], &uiCode)); //motion_prediction_flag_l1[ mbPartIdx ]\n int32_t iRefIdx = uiCode;\n // Security check: iRefIdx should be in range 0 to num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1, includsive\n // ref to standard section ", "iRefCount[0] is 1 + num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1.", "\n if ((iRefIdx < 0) || (iRefIdx >= iRefCount[listIdx]) || (ppRefPic[listIdx][iRefIdx] == NULL)) { //error ref_idx\n pCtx->bMbRefConcealed = true;\n if (pCtx->pParam->eEcActiveIdc !", "= ERROR_CON_DISABLE) {\n iRefIdx = 0;\n pCtx->iErrorCode |= dsBitstreamError;\n } else {\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_MB_DATA, ERR_INFO_INVALID_REF_INDEX);\n }\n }\n ref_idx_list[listIdx][i] = iRefIdx;\n pCtx->bMbRefConcealed = pCtx->bRPLRError || pCtx->bMbRefConcealed || ! (", "ppRefPic[listIdx][iRefIdx]\n && (ppRefPic[listIdx][iRefIdx]->bIsComplete || bIsPending));\n } else {\n WelsLog (& (pCtx->sLogCtx), WELS_LOG_WARNING, \"inter parse: iMotionPredFlag = 1 not supported. \");", "\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_MB_DATA, ERR_INFO_UNSUPPORTED_ILP);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n for (int32_t listIdx = LIST_0; listIdx < LIST_A; ++listIdx) {\n for (int32_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {\n int iPartIdx = i << 2;\n int32_t iRefIdx = ref_idx_list[listIdx][i];\n if (IS_DIR (mbType, i, listIdx)) {\n PredInter8x16Mv (iMvArray, iRefIdxArray, listIdx, iPartIdx, iRefIdx, iMv);\n\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetSe (pBs, &iCode)); //mvd_l0[ mbPartIdx ][ 0 ][ compIdx ]\n iMv[0] += iCode;\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetSe (pBs, &iCode)); //mvd_l1[ mbPartIdx ][ 0 ][ compIdx ]\n iMv[1] += iCode;\n WELS_CHECK_SE_BOTH_WARNING (iMv[1], iMinVmv, iMaxVmv, \"vertical mv\");\n } else {\n * (uint32_t*)iMv = 0;\n }\n UpdateP8x16MotionInfo (pCurDqLayer, iMvArray, iRefIdxArray, listIdx, iPartIdx, iRefIdx, iMv);\n }\n }\n } else if (IS_Inter_8x8 (mbType)) {\n int8_t pSubPartCount[4], pPartW[4];\n uint32_t uiSubMbType;\n //sub_mb_type, partition\n int16_t pMvDirect[LIST_A][2] = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } };\n if (pCtx->sRefPic.pRefList[LIST_1][0] == NULL) {\n SLogContext* pLogCtx = & (pCtx->sLogCtx);\n WelsLog (pLogCtx, WELS_LOG_ERROR, \"Colocated Ref Picture for B-Slice is lost, B-Slice decoding cannot be continued!\");", "\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_SLICE_DATA, ERR_INFO_REFERENCE_PIC_LOST);\n }\n bool bIsLongRef = pCtx->sRefPic.pRefList[LIST_1][0]->bIsLongRef;\n const int32_t ref0Count = WELS_MIN (pSliceHeader->uiRefCount[LIST_0], pCtx->sRefPic.uiRefCount[LIST_0]);\n bool has_direct_called = false;\n SubMbType directSubMbType = 0;\n\n //uiSubMbType, partition\n for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetUe (pBs, &uiCode)); //sub_mb_type[ mbPartIdx ]\n uiSubMbType = uiCode;\n if (uiSubMbType >= 13) { //invalid uiSubMbType\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_MB_DATA, ERR_INFO_INVALID_SUB_MB_TYPE);\n }\n pSubPartCount[i] = g_ksInterBSubMbTypeInfo[uiSubMbType].iPartCount;\n pPartW[i] = g_ksInterBSubMbTypeInfo[uiSubMbType].iPartWidth;\n\n // Need modification when B picture add in, reference to 7.3.5\n if (pSubPartCount[i] > 1)\n pCurDqLayer->pNoSubMbPartSizeLessThan8x8Flag[iMbXy] = false;\n\n if (IS_DIRECT (g_ksInterBSubMbTypeInfo[uiSubMbType].iType)) {\n if (!", "has_direct_called) {\n if (pSliceHeader->iDirectSpatialMvPredFlag) {\n int32_t ret = PredMvBDirectSpatial (pCtx, pMvDirect, iRef, directSubMbType);\n if (ret !", "= ERR_NONE) {\n return ret;\n }\n\n } else {\n //temporal direct mode\n int32_t ret = PredBDirectTemporal (pCtx, pMvDirect, iRef, directSubMbType);\n if (ret !", "= ERR_NONE) {\n return ret;\n }\n }\n has_direct_called = true;\n }\n pCurDqLayer->pSubMbType[iMbXy][i] = directSubMbType;\n if (IS_SUB_4x4 (pCurDqLayer->pSubMbType[iMbXy][i])) {\n pSubPartCount[i] = 4;\n pPartW[i] = 1;\n }\n } else {\n pCurDqLayer->pSubMbType[iMbXy][i] = g_ksInterBSubMbTypeInfo[uiSubMbType].iType;\n }\n }\n if (pSlice->sSliceHeaderExt.bAdaptiveMotionPredFlag) {\n for (int32_t listIdx = LIST_0; listIdx < LIST_A; ++listIdx) {\n for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {\n bool is_dir = IS_DIR (pCurDqLayer->pSubMbType[iMbXy][i], 0, listIdx) > 0;\n if (is_dir) {\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetOneBit (pBs, &uiCode)); //motion_prediction_flag_l0[ mbPartIdx ]\n iMotionPredFlag[listIdx][i] = uiCode;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { //Direct 8x8 Ref and mv\n int16_t iIdx8 = i << 2;\n if (IS_DIRECT (pCurDqLayer->pSubMbType[iMbXy][i])) {\n if (pSliceHeader->iDirectSpatialMvPredFlag) {\n FillSpatialDirect8x8Mv (pCurDqLayer, iIdx8, pSubPartCount[i], pPartW[i], directSubMbType, bIsLongRef, pMvDirect, iRef,\n iMvArray, NULL);\n } else {\n int16_t (*mvColoc)[2] = pCurDqLayer->iColocMv[LIST_0];\n iRef[LIST_1] = 0;\n iRef[LIST_0] = 0;\n const uint8_t uiColoc4Idx = g_kuiScan4[iIdx8];\n if (!", "pCurDqLayer->iColocIntra[uiColoc4Idx]) {\n iRef[LIST_0] = 0;\n int8_t colocRefIndexL0 = pCurDqLayer->iColocRefIndex[LIST_0][uiColoc4Idx];\n if (colocRefIndexL0 >= 0) {\n iRef[LIST_0] = MapColToList0 (pCtx, colocRefIndexL0, ref0Count);\n } else {\n mvColoc = pCurDqLayer->iColocMv[LIST_1];\n }\n }\n Update8x8RefIdx (pCurDqLayer, iIdx8, LIST_0, iRef[LIST_0]);\n Update8x8RefIdx (pCurDqLayer, iIdx8, LIST_1, iRef[LIST_1]);\n FillTemporalDirect8x8Mv (pCurDqLayer, iIdx8, pSubPartCount[i], pPartW[i], directSubMbType, iRef, mvColoc, iMvArray,\n NULL);\n }\n }\n }\n //ref no-direct\n for (int32_t listIdx = LIST_0; listIdx < LIST_A; ++listIdx) {\n for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {\n int16_t iIdx8 = i << 2;\n int32_t subMbType = pCurDqLayer->pSubMbType[iMbXy][i];\n int8_t iref = REF_NOT_IN_LIST;\n if (IS_DIRECT (subMbType)) {\n if (pSliceHeader->iDirectSpatialMvPredFlag) {\n Update8x8RefIdx (pCurDqLayer, iIdx8, listIdx, iRef[listIdx]);\n ref_idx_list[listIdx][i] = iRef[listIdx];\n }\n } else {\n if (IS_DIR (subMbType, 0, listIdx)) {\n if (iMotionPredFlag[listIdx][i] == 0) {\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetTe0 (pBs, iRefCount[listIdx], &uiCode)); //ref_idx_l0[ mbPartIdx ]\n iref = uiCode;\n if ((iref < 0) || (iref >= iRefCount[listIdx]) || (ppRefPic[listIdx][iref] == NULL)) { //error ref_idx\n pCtx->bMbRefConcealed = true;\n if (pCtx->pParam->eEcActiveIdc !", "= ERROR_CON_DISABLE) {\n iref = 0;\n pCtx->iErrorCode |= dsBitstreamError;\n } else {\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_MB_DATA, ERR_INFO_INVALID_REF_INDEX);\n }\n }\n pCtx->bMbRefConcealed = pCtx->bRPLRError || pCtx->bMbRefConcealed || ! (", "ppRefPic[listIdx][iref]\n && (ppRefPic[listIdx][iref]->bIsComplete || bIsPending));\n } else {\n WelsLog (& (pCtx->sLogCtx), WELS_LOG_WARNING, \"inter parse: iMotionPredFlag = 1 not supported. \");", "\n return GENERATE_ERROR_NO (ERR_LEVEL_MB_DATA, ERR_INFO_UNSUPPORTED_ILP);\n }\n }\n Update8x8RefIdx (pCurDqLayer, iIdx8, listIdx, iref);\n ref_idx_list[listIdx][i] = iref;\n }\n }\n }\n //mv\n for (int32_t listIdx = LIST_0; listIdx < LIST_A; ++listIdx) {\n for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {\n int8_t iPartCount = pSubPartCount[i];\n int16_t iPartIdx, iBlockW = pPartW[i];\n uint8_t uiScan4Idx, uiCacheIdx;\n\n uiCacheIdx = g_kuiCache30ScanIdx[i << 2];\n\n int8_t iref = ref_idx_list[listIdx][i];\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][uiCacheIdx] = iRefIdxArray[listIdx][uiCacheIdx + 1] =\n iRefIdxArray[listIdx][uiCacheIdx + 6] = iRefIdxArray[listIdx][uiCacheIdx + 7] = iref;\n\n uint32_t subMbType = pCurDqLayer->pSubMbType[iMbXy][i];\n if (IS_DIRECT (subMbType)) {\n continue;\n }\n bool is_dir = IS_DIR (subMbType, 0, listIdx) > 0;\n for (int32_t j = 0; j < iPartCount; j++) {\n iPartIdx = (i << 2) + j * iBlockW;\n uiScan4Idx = g_kuiScan4[iPartIdx];\n uiCacheIdx = g_kuiCache30ScanIdx[iPartIdx];\n if (is_dir) {\n PredMv (iMvArray, iRefIdxArray, listIdx, iPartIdx, iBlockW, iref, iMv);\n\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetSe (pBs, &iCode)); //mvd_l0[ mbPartIdx ][ subMbPartIdx ][ compIdx ]\n iMv[0] += iCode;\n WELS_READ_VERIFY (BsGetSe (pBs, &iCode)); //mvd_l1[ mbPartIdx ][ subMbPartIdx ][ compIdx ]\n iMv[1] += iCode;\n WELS_CHECK_SE_BOTH_WARNING (iMv[1], iMinVmv, iMaxVmv, \"vertical mv\");\n } else {\n * (uint32_t*)iMv = 0;\n }\n if (IS_SUB_8x8 (subMbType)) { //MB_TYPE_8x8\n ST32 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[listIdx][iMbXy][uiScan4Idx], LD32 (iMv));\n ST32 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[listIdx][iMbXy][uiScan4Idx + 1], LD32 (iMv));\n ST32 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[listIdx][iMbXy][uiScan4Idx + 4], LD32 (iMv));\n ST32 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[listIdx][iMbXy][uiScan4Idx + 5], LD32 (iMv));\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][uiCacheIdx], LD32 (iMv));\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][uiCacheIdx + 1], LD32 (iMv));\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][uiCacheIdx + 6], LD32 (iMv));\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][uiCacheIdx + 7], LD32 (iMv));\n } else if (IS_SUB_8x4 (subMbType)) {\n ST32 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[listIdx][iMbXy][uiScan4Idx], LD32 (iMv));\n ST32 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[listIdx][iMbXy][uiScan4Idx + 1], LD32 (iMv));\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][uiCacheIdx], LD32 (iMv));\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][uiCacheIdx + 1], LD32 (iMv));\n } else if (IS_SUB_4x8 (subMbType)) {\n ST32 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[listIdx][iMbXy][uiScan4Idx], LD32 (iMv));\n ST32 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[listIdx][iMbXy][uiScan4Idx + 4], LD32 (iMv));\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][uiCacheIdx], LD32 (iMv));\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][uiCacheIdx + 6], LD32 (iMv));\n } else { //SUB_MB_TYPE_4x4 == uiSubMbType\n ST32 (pCurDqLayer->pDec->pMv[listIdx][iMbXy][uiScan4Idx], LD32 (iMv));\n ST32 (iMvArray[listIdx][uiCacheIdx], LD32 (iMv));\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n return ERR_NONE;\n}\n} // namespace WelsDec\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nEnumerable disjoint subsets whose union is equal to the union of the sets\n\nI'm given that two sets, $A$ and $B$ are enumerable. ", "I have to show that there exist subsets $A \\supset C$ and $B \\supset D$ ($C$ and $D$ also enumerable) such that $C$ and $D$ are disjoint and $A\\cup B = C \\cup D$. I was thinking to take $A=B=\\{0,1\\}$ and define $C=\\{n : f(n)=1\\}$, $D=\\{n: f(n)=0\\}$. \nDo you think this is right? ", "\n\nA:\n\nThis answer assumes that enumerable means recursively enumerable.", "\nHere is an enumerator for $C$:\n\nRun enumerators for $A,B$ in parallel.", "\nWhenever the enumerator for $A$ outputs a word, check whether the word has already been enumerated by the enumerator for $B$; if it hasn't, output it and continue.", "\n\nThe enumerator for $D$ is defined symmetrically.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Nazario and Irvin-Kent, who in real life is Nazario’s science teacher, were playing out an engineering scenario to help fifth graders learn basic engineering concepts involving simple machines.", "\n\nTo move his potato, Nazario used a wheel and axle, an inclined plane, and a pulley, trying out four designs over the last six weeks. ", "On Saturday, he and about 60 other fifth graders who have designed similar machines will be at Harvard with their parents to demonstrate what they’ve learned and what they’ve built.", "\n\nPozo, a research and education specialist with the school, and Basu, a postdoctoral fellow in the lab of David Weitz, Mallinckrodt Professor of Physics and Applied Physics, are among seven volunteers who have been helping as part of a SEAS outreach program to the Hennigan Elementary School in Jamaica Plain. ", "The program is part of a broader outreach effort led by Kathryn Hollar, director of educational programs for SEAS, that brings Harvard science to local public schools to nurture students’ natural desires to invent and to ignite their interest in scientific discovery.", "\n\n“We’re here trying to get students to learn more by doing with their hands,” Pozo said. “", "By us showing them, they know what a simple machine is, they know what an inclined plane is, a pulley …”\n\nNazario’s class was the first of three for Pozo and Basu during a recent visit. ", "The project helps students with MCAS test preparation, bolstering book learning with hands-on reinforcement.", "\n\nHennigan School principal Maria Cordon said the partnership with Harvard is part of a broader strategy at the school to convey a sense of college readiness that brings the elementary school and university students into regular interaction, so the youngsters come to see college as a place they might be some day. ", "It also aligns with Harvard Public Affairs & Communications’ role in cultivating relationships between local schools and Harvard faculty, students, and staff to support teaching and learning.", "\n\nIn addition to acting as role models for Hennigan students, the SEAS scientists and engineers provide Irving-Kent with expertise. ", "As a science teacher, Irvin-Kent said, she welcomes the help with engineering concepts. ", "She also welcomes the help teaching. ", "As Pozo and Basu work with small groups or individual students, Irving-Kent is free to move around the room and look for others who need her.", "\n\n“This is what engineering is; this is great,” Irving-Kent said. “", "It opens their eyes to new things.”", "\n\nTo prepare for the exercise, the students studied simple machines for several weeks and then designed their own. ", "They had to build their machines out of materials provided by the class. ", "Some working alone, some in teams, the students used plastic wheels and small pulleys, string, duct tape, piles of books, stools, and plastic cafeteria trays to move their potatoes — represented by plastic paint bottles — the required distance.", "\n\nAlong the way, Pozo, Basu, and others from Harvard asked questions, offered advice, and lent helping hands, as when Pozo hurriedly cut a hole in a cardboard box at Nazario’s direction, as he rushed toward completion moments before Irvin-Kent asked for a demonstration.", "\n\nPozo, the first in his family to go to college and a veteran of the war in Afghanistan who was wounded while helping a comrade to safety, said that because his background is similar to theirs, it helps the children relate to him and see that college is within their reach.", "\n\n“I was just like them,” Pozo said. “", "The opportunities are there, if you want them.”", "\n\nIn a new study, Harvard researchers looked at pollen and honey samples collected from the same set of hives across Massachusetts. ", "Findings show they contain at least one pesticide implicated in Colony Collapse Disorder.", "\n\nA team of researchers from Harvard and Seoul National University has unveiled a novel robotic insect that can jump off the surface of water. ", "In doing so, they have revealed new insights into the natural mechanics that allow water striders to jump from rigid ground or fluid water with the same amount of power and height.", "\n\nCall it magic, but the rain held off while Harry Potter creator J.K. Rowling delivered the keynote address this afternoon (June 5) at Harvard University’s annual meeting of the Harvard Alumni Association.", "\n\nHarvard hosted a Step UP/Project TEACH event for students and parents from the Hennigan Elementary School in Jamaica Plain and the E. Greenwood Leadership Academy in Hyde Park. ", "The effort is part of a program to show young students what college is like, particularly in the sciences." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to a mounting platform assembly for a stand device, which is capable of fast positioning and fixing an object, such as a camera, to the stand device.", "\n2. ", "The Prior Arts\nIn general, when using a camera or video camera to photo or shoot, a user usually holds the camera or video camera by hands. ", "However, the hands of the user may shake or sway so as to make the resulted pictures vague. ", "Therefore, in order to keep the stability in taking a photograph, a mounting platform assembly is often used to fix the camera to a stand device. ", "After the camera has been fixed, it can be used to stably shoot by time lapse or remote control. ", "Especially, some bulkier and heavier cameras or video cameras need to be supported by stand devices to smooth the shooting. ", "Also, the camera to be fixed to a stand device is often mounted to a mounting platform assembly.", "\nReferring to FIG. ", "1, a conventional mounting platform assembly 10 comprises a supporting base 11, a connecting platform 12 and a screw rod 13. ", "The supporting base 11 is mounted on general stand devices. ", "The connecting platform 12 is mounted on the supporting base 11. ", "The screw rod 13 is projected from a top surface of the connecting platform 12, such that the screw rod 13 can be threadedly connected with a screw hole or a connecting member provided on a bottom of a camera. ", "In this way, the fixing of the camera is achieved.", "\nHowever, in order to fix a camera to the conventional mounting platform assembly 10, the user must align the screw hole provided on the bottom of the camera with the screw rod 13, such that the screw rod 13 can be threaded into the screw hole and thus be fixed thereto. ", "When detaching the camera from the mounting platform assembly 10, the user needs to operate conversely such that the screw rod 13 can be threaded out of the screw hole. ", "As a result, no matter assembling or disassembling, the above operation is very inconvenient. ", "In some cases having special requirements, for example, a reporter or ecological photographer may miss very important scenes if he or she does not complete the assembling of the camera as soon as possible and timely take the shoot. ", "Therefore, it is necessary for the photographers to have a stand device with a mounting platform assembly that can be fast assembled/disassembled and safely fixed with the camera. ", "Although a mounting platform assembly, which has been changed to a sliding-type structure and can be fast assembled with a camera, is proposed, they are not provided with any safety positioning means. ", "Thus, the camera connected thereon is liable to slide out of the mounting platform assembly. ", "It still has a problem not able to achieve the safe fixation of the camera." ]
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[ "В январе Банк России неожиданно отозвал у RMG лицензию за проведение сомнительных операций и неоднократное в течение года нарушение антиотмывочного законодательства, а именно седьмой статьи, требующей должным образом идентифицировать клиентов. ", "Поводом для отзыва лицензии могла послужить связь RMG с зеркальными сделками российского офиса Deutsche Bank, говорили тогда два источника «Ведомостей», близкие к RMG. ", "RMG был одним из крупнейших контрагентов Deutsche Bank. ", "Тогда Горбатов говорил, что не понимает причин отзыва лицензии и RMG прекратила отношения с Deutsche в 2014 г. ", "Горбатов говорил, что в конце декабря 2015 г. ", "RMG получила от ЦБ вопросы относительно двух компаний-нерезидентов, Ergo Invest и Chadborg, в контексте операций с Deutsche Bank. «", "Но это не наши клиенты. ", "Могу только предположить, что это клиенты или контрагенты наших контрагентов», - сказал в январе Горбатов «Ведомостям». ", "Телефон Горбатова на звонки «Ведомостей» на момент публикации статьи не отвечал." ]
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[ "# -*- mode: TCL; fill-column: 75; tab-width: 8; coding: iso-latin-1-unix -*-\n#\n#\t$Id: FloatEnt.tcl,v 1.4 2004/03/28 02:44:57 hobbs Exp $\n#\n# FloatEnt.tcl --\n#\n#\tAn entry widget that can be attached on top of any widget to\n#\tprovide dynamic editing. ", "It is used to provide dynamic editing\n#\tfor the tixGrid widget, among other things.", "\n#\n# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Ioi Kim Lam.", "\n# Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Tix Project Group.", "\n# Copyright (c) 2004 ActiveState\n#\n# See the file \"license.terms\" for information on usage and redistribution\n# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.", "\n#\n\ntixWidgetClass tixFloatEntry {\n -classname TixFloatEntry\n -superclass tixPrimitive\n -method {\n\tinvoke post unpost\n }\n -flag {\n\t-command -value\n }\n -configspec {\n\t{-value value Value \"\"}\n\t{-command command Command \"\"}\n }\n -default {\n\t{.entry.highlightThickness\t0}\n }\n}\n\n#----------------------------------------------------------------------\n#\n#\tInitialization bindings\n#\n#----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nproc tixFloatEntry:InitWidgetRec {w} {\n upvar #0 $w data\n\n tixChainMethod $w InitWidgetRec\n}\n\nproc tixFloatEntry:ConstructWidget {w} {\n upvar #0 $w data\n\n tixChainMethod $w ConstructWidget\n set data(w:entry) [entry $w.entry]\n pack $data(w:entry) -expand yes -fill both\n}\n\nproc tixFloatEntry:SetBindings {w} {\n upvar #0 $w data\n\n tixChainMethod $w SetBindings\n tixBind $data(w:entry) <Return> [list tixFloatEntry:invoke $w]\n}\n\n#----------------------------------------------------------------------\n#\n#\tClass bindings\n#\n#----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nproc tixFloatEntryBind {} {\n tixBind TixFloatEntry <FocusIn> {\n if {[focus -displayof [set %W(w:entry)]] ne [set %W(w:entry)]} {\n\t focus [%W subwidget entry]\n\t [set %W(w:entry)] selection from 0\n\t [set %W(w:entry)] selection to end\n\t [set %W(w:entry)] icursor end\n }\n }\n}\n\n#----------------------------------------------------------------------\n#\n#\tPublic methods\n#\n#----------------------------------------------------------------------\nproc tixFloatEntry:post {w x y {width \"\"} {height \"\"}} {\n upvar #0 $w data\n\n if {$width == \"\"} {\n\tset width [winfo reqwidth $data(w:entry)]\n }\n if {$height == \"\"} {\n\tset height [winfo reqheight $data(w:entry)]\n }\n\n place $w -x $x -y $y -width $width -height $height -bordermode ignore\n raise $w\n focus $data(w:entry)\n}\n\nproc tixFloatEntry:unpost {w} {\n upvar #0 $w data\n\n place forget $w\n}\n\nproc tixFloatEntry:config-value {w val} {\n upvar #0 $w data\n\n $data(w:entry) delete 0 end\n $data(w:entry) insert 0 $val\n\n $data(w:entry) selection from 0\n $data(w:entry) selection to end\n $data(w:entry) icursor end\n}\n#----------------------------------------------------------------------\n#\n#\tPrivate methods\n#\n#----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nproc tixFloatEntry:invoke {w} {\n upvar #0 $w data\n\n if {[llength $data(-command)]} {\n\tset bind(specs) {%V}\n\tset bind(%V) [$data(w:entry) get]\n\n\ttixEvalCmdBinding $w $data(-command) bind $bind(%V)\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "When Liz Schmitt, a 50-year-old professor in New York’s 24th District, heads to the polls in a few weeks, she’ll have a choice to make.", "\n\nRepublican Rep. John Katko (R-N.Y.) is facing off against Democrat Dana Balter in her district. ", "The race, which the Cook Political Report says leans Republican, has focused on issues like the economy and healthcare—but it’s Katko’s views on net neutrality that could end up costing him a voter.", "\n\nThat’s because Katko supports the Federal Communications Commission‘s (FCC) decision to repeal net neutrality in 2017. ", "In a letter sent to Schmitt, he wrote that he believes “FCC regulation of the internet as a utility could inhibit innovation and progress.”", "\n\nThat may not be a surprising position given the $32,250 he’s reportedly received from internet service providers (ISPs). ", "But it’s an unpopular one: His opposition to net neutrality even resulted in a Syracuse man leaving him a death threat via voicemail.", "\n\nNet neutrality is a basic principle of the web that all internet traffic should be treated equally by ISPs. ", "The protections ban an ISP like Verizon from slowing down Netflix in favor of speeding up its own streaming service. ", "These rules also have been heralded by communities of color and disenfranchised people for allowing them to have equal access to the internet because their connectivity isn’t offered in tiers like cable subscriptions.", "\n\nBalter has promised, if she wins, to try to reinstate net neutrality.", "\n\nNet neutrality is important to Schmitt, so Katko’s support of the FCC’s repeal of the 2015 Open Internet Order, which enshrined net neutrality rules, is a deal-breaker.", "\n\n“It’s probably going to determine my vote in the 24th District, it’s probably what is swinging it,” Schmitt told the Daily Dot on the phone.", "\n\n“There are tons of controversial issues where I would agree with one candidate over the other. ", "Things like gun control and healthcare—it’s hard to come to a consensus, people have some really strong feelings about that. ", "But net neutrality is overwhelmingly popular with the electorate, so it should be a no-brainer. ", "The fact that it’s not makes you really have to question a candidate that’s not going to wholeheartedly be behind something that over 80 percent of Americans want to have.”", "\n\nSchmitt isn’t alone.", "\n\nThe Daily Dot spoke with voters across the country who say net neutrality—and the Congressional Review Act (CRA) efforts in Congress to overturn the FCC’s repeal of the protections—is among their highest priority in determining who they vote for this November. ", "A number of these voters have been active in the past year, fighting the FCC’s efforts, and working with advocacy groups to raise awareness about the issue.", "\n\nThey’re among the overwhelming majority in the United States supporting net neutrality protections. ", "A poll conducted by Mozilla and Ipsos in February found that 76 percent of voters strongly or somewhat supported net neutrality, while a separate poll from the University of Maryland in late 2017 found more than 80 percent of voters opposed the FCC’s plan to repeal the rules.", "\n\nA more recent poll from Morning Consult—released less than a month ahead of the midterm elections—found that 54 percent of voters ages 18 to 29 said a candidate’s support for net neutrality was very or somewhat important, up from below 50 percent in May.\n\nThe support for net neutrality tracks along with other more talked-about 2018 midterms topics.", "\n\nA Kaiser Family Foundation poll in mid-October found that a high number of voters thought healthcare (71 percent), the economy (64 percent), and gun policies (60 percent) were “very important” for their midterm voting decisions. ", "But other issues like immigration, tax reform, and foreign policy hovered in the 50 percent to 55 percent range, putting net neutrality—according to Morning Consult’s poll—in the same arena among voters.", "\n\nMidterms are referendums on the administration’s first two years in office, and President Donald Trump sets the American agenda daily via Twitter. ", "He’s overseen a political climate fraught with emotion and unorthodox opinions. ", "In an election that will highlight so many partisan issues of identity, how heavy will a free and open internet weigh on the minds of voters?", "\n\nNet neutrality is a ‘litmus test’\n\nAdvocates say that any politician who opposes net neutrality protections isn’t keeping in mind their constituents.", "\n\n“Net neutrality is a huge deal for me because, to me, it’s a direct reflection of how committed a representative is to his or her constituents as opposed to the people they are taking money from,” Ben Vogel, a 22-year-old research scientist, tells the Daily Dot. “", "Net neutrality is such a popular thing among actual constituents, but not popular among ISPs—but they have the lobbying money. ", "To me, it’s a simple litmus test of how devoted a representative is going to be to their constituents.”", "\n\nVogel, who will be voting in a district that Rep. Tom Garrett (R-Va.) is vacating, says he will be voting for Leslie Cockburn, a Democrat who has come out in support of net neutrality. ", "Cockburn’s opponent, Denver Riggleman, says he does not support net neutrality.", "\n\n“I honestly think it’s the easiest decision to make,” Vogel says. “", "Either vote on behalf of your constituents or vote on behalf of the people who aren’t your constituents. ", "It should be an easy decision, but if Congresspeople make the wrong decision, they should absolutely be worried about their re-election campaigns. ", "It’s a big deal.”", "\n\nKirt Thomas, a 55-year-old voter in Missouri’s 4th District, says net neutrality is among many issues that will drive him to the polls—but he says the issue was so important to him that he joined a group of people who met with Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.) a few months ago to implore her to support the CRA.", "\n\nHartzler has made no public comments about net neutrality, although she has received $10,500 in campaign donations from the telecom industry, according to the Verge.", "\n\nThomas agrees that net neutrality acts as a barometer for who he’ll vote for.", "\n\n“Supporting [net neutrality] speaks to a fundamental philosophy of who and what I’d like to see in office,” he says. “", "For instance, somebody who is against net neutrality is probably somebody who is against other things that I would believe in.”", "\n\nSchmitt feels similarly, adding that she has lobbied Katko’s office about net neutrality and that a vote in favor of saving the protections through the CRA petition—curently trying to gather enough votes in the House—could influence her vote.", "\n\n“If he actually signed the petition, yeah, that would really make a difference,” she says of Katko. “", "As it stands right now, I won’t vote for him. ", "I don’t agree with all of his positions because I tend not to be Republican… But if he actually listened to his constituents this time and actually did the right thing, that would weigh on me quite a bit.”", "\n\nYet the opinions of voters like Schmitt don’t appear to be on some Republican lawmakers’ radars.", "\n\nRep. Greg Walden (R-Ore.), the chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, told Politico in early October that he thinks net neutrality is low on the list of priorities for most voters.", "\n\n“I think if you go survey on the issues that voters care about, it’s number 38 out of 37,” he told the news outlet. “", "Some voters care about it, yeah, but they didn’t see the end-of-the-world dire predictions come true that the other side says would.”", "\n\nVoters like Schmitt, Vogel, and Thomas, and others across the country have been voicing their support for restoring net neutrality. ", "Many candidates seem content to ignore them.", "\n\nNot a ‘left-right issue’\n\nIn June, nearly 50 protests were organized across the country where advocates met with lawmakers urging their support for the CRA. ", "Meanwhile, activists have launched websites that show voters their local House of Representatives members’ stance on the issue, helping to educate them as they head to the polls.", "\n\nBill Glover, a 50-year-old software engineer and consultant, says he met with the staff for his representative, Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-Texas) to discuss the issue. ", "He wasn’t successful in changing the Republican’s stance, so now, Glover’s volunteering on the campaign for Greg Sagan, a Democrat who is challenging Thornberry. ", "Sagan also says he supports net neutrality.", "\n\n“Net neutrality is one of those fundamental issues that, if we don’t pay attention to it, affects all of the other issues we’re dealing with, from civil liberties all the way to the economy,” Glover says.", "\n\nAll of the voters the Daily Dot spoke to for this story say they’ll likely vote for Democrats this election cycle. ", "However, many of them stressed that they did not believe net neutrality should be a choice between Democrats and Republicans.", "\n\nOver the summer, the Senate voted 52 to 47 to push through its own CRA and set up a fight in the House. ", "During that vote, several Republicans bucked the rest of their party and voted to overturn the FCC decision, too.", "\n\nWhile none of the Republican senators who voted to support the CRA are up for reelection, numerous senators who voted against it are facing challengers next month.", "\n\nSen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas)—who once called net neutrality “Obamacare for the internet”—is facing a challenge from Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-El Paso) in what has become one of the most widely watched races in the country. ", "O’Rourke has taken a vastly different stance than the junior incumbent senator.", "\n\nLast year O’Rourke called the FCC’s repeal of the protections “dangerous for our very democracy” in a video posted on Facebook.", "\n\nThat stark difference in the stances on net neutrality between the two candidates has not gone unnoticed by some voters who support the protections.", "\n\n“It’s a big deal. ", "It’s been so rare to have a candidate that actually seems to get it,” Glover, of Texas, says. “", "He has the technical background, he understands what he is talking about when he talks about things like net neutrality. ", "We’re not going to ever get ‘the internet is a series of tubes’ out of somebody like O’Rourke; he knows what he’s doing. ", "It’s really encouraging hearing him talking about these things in a knowledgeable and concise way.”", "\n\nThe bipartisanship that was shown during the Senate vote has been less bountiful in the House. ", "Only one Republican representative has said he will vote to overturn the FCC’s net neutrality decision, while at least one more allegedly promised to do so before backing out.", "\n\nRep. Mike Coffman (R-Colo.) was the first Republican to sign onto the discharge petition for the CRA in the House.", "\n\nCoffman’s decision to break ranks with House Republicans and support the effort to overturn the FCC’s decision was appreciated by Zach Amdurer, a 31-year-old physician’s assistant in Colorado, who belongs to “Defend Net Neutrality Colorado,” a Facebook group.", "\n\n“You have to give him credit for it—that he understood there is something wrong with making some sites work faster for some people and slower for other people,” Amdurer says. “", "It gives you a strange kind of indecisiveness where on one hand you really don’t support what the Republican party has done as a whole with net neutrality… There are some times when you have to commend someone for doing the right thing, and this is one of those rare moments that I’ve felt [that.]”", "\n\nUltimately, however, Amdurer says, despite his net neutrality position, other factors will lead to him voting against Coffman.", "\n\n“While net neutrality has been very, very important, this one issue, while it unites all people and is one of the reasons so many were against the repeal… it’s not enough. ", "There are so many things that have been rolled back,” he says.", "\n\nCoffman has gone further than his House counterparts and introduced a bill, the 21st Century Internet Act, that would ban throttling, blocking, and paid prioritization. ", "The bill was announced at the same time the Colorado lawmaker said he would sign onto the CRA efforts in what he called an “all of the above” approach.", "\n\n“Net neutrality is an issue with incredibly wide support,” Coffman said in a statement to the Daily Dot. “", "Consumers, small businesses, and tech startups all need and deserve open access to the Internet without unnecessary interference from ISP’s. ", "Our economy relies on a free and open Internet and we need to take immediate action to preserve this critical economic engine. ", "My bill seeks to establish this principle, and I appreciate all the support I have received since its introduction.”", "\n\nThe lack of bipartisanship for members of the House to follow their Senate colleagues has frustrated some voters.", "\n\n“This isn’t a left-right issue,” Noah Stepro, a 37-year-old history professor and pastor in California, says. “", "Nobody has anything to gain by making the internet not neutral—regular people have nothing to gain from this. ", "You, me, it doesn’t matter if you’re a Republican or Democrat—it’s not benefiting you.”", "\n\nRichard Aronson, a 62-year-old retired computer programmer and game designer in California, says he appreciates the efforts his representative—Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.)—has made to listen.", "\n\nAronson says he disagrees with a lot of McClintock’s policies. ", "However, he believes McClintock—who, in 2015, described net neutrality protections as “the notion that the latest cat video is of equal importance to a teleconference consultation for a heart patient”—has sought input on the issue since then.", "\n\n“I’m inclined not to vote for him, but… he’s holding roundtables, he invited me to attend an online roundtable,” Aronson says. “", "I’ll give him credit for recognizing he’s got a lot of rural constituents and that we are being hurt more by the repeal of net neutrality more than people who can pick a different ISP.”", "\n\nMeanwhile, Maxwell French, a 34-year-old small business owner in New York’s 21st District, says while the issue shouldn’t be partisan, it didn’t shock him that it has appeared to become that way.", "\n\n“At its core [net neutrality] is really a corporation-versus-people issue, but it turns into a partisan issue,” French says. “", "I think, in part, because the way party politics shape up, one side will tend to seize on something that appears valuable politically; and Democrats obviously have picked up on the fact that a lot of their base is unhappy with the way the Republican side of things have basically ignored their constituents and what they want.”", "\n\nFrench adds that he’s disappointed with his state representative Elise Stefanik’s (R-N.Y.) views on net neutrality.", "\n\nFollowing the FCC’s repeal of the rules, Stefanik said she supported Congress passing legislation that “codifies in law the principles of net neutrality” while also ensuring “that companies can invest in robust broadband infrastructure.”", "\n\nIn a statement to the Daily Dot, Stefanik’s office says she supports “codifying the standards of net neutrality into law,” but added that she does “not support the use of a CRA to reinstate net neutrality standards as this would simply reinstate regulations that could be overturned by another administration.”", "\n\nMany other lawmakers have called for a legislative solution to net neutrality, which activists believe is not as strong of an option as restoring the rules the FCC rescinded. ", "Earlier this month Josh Tabish, of internet rights advocacy group Fight for the Future, told the Daily Dot legislation would be a “trap” where “ISP-friendly lawmakers” could “gut any good net neutrality bill that hits the House Energy & Commerce Committee’s desk.”", "\n\nRegardless of how the midterms will determine the future of net neutrality, some voters have vowed to continue fighting for it moving forward—arguing that the fight for net neutrality, and this year’s midterms, could have drastic impacts on the future.", "\n\n“I’m of an older generation, but I have grandchildren, and their friends are extremely reliant on [the internet] as a source of communication,” Carolene Logue, a 77-year-old California resident, says. “", "I think it is the future and so often, in my experience, until the future hits you on the head, sometimes you don’t pay attention to it.”", "\n\nREAD MORE:" ]
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[ "Mortar shells fired from Syria fall in Turkey\n\nHATAY – Anadolu Agency\n\nThe shells were reportedly fired from the Syrian town of Kasab, which regime forces are trying to recapture. ", "DHA Photo\n\nA number of mortar shells landed on March 23 in Turkey’s Hatay province, close to the Syrian border, as a result of a fight between Syrian opposition and regime forces for control of a border town, Anadolu Agency correspondents at the scene reported.", "The shells were reportedly fired from the Syrian town of Kasab, which regime forces are trying to recapture after it was seized by the opposition armed group the Free Syrian Army (FSA) on March 22.Three mortar shells landed in the Yayladağı district of Hatay.", "Turkish troops near the border retaliated by firing mortar shells, authorities said.", "Turkey and Syria share a border of more than 800 km. ", "Tension between the two has escalated since the latter shot down a Syrian jet on March 23 after it crossed into Turkish airspace.", "The war between the Free Syrian Army and forces loyal to the embattled President Bashar al-Assad had been in an uneasy stalemate since late 2013. ", "The civil war, which entered its fourth year last week, has claimed more than 140,000 lives, according to the London-based Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR)." ]
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[ "Myuna Farm\n\nMyuna Farm is a public community farm where adults and children can experience hands on contact with farm animals and native wildlife. ", "Situated in Doveton, Victoria, Australia alongside the Dandenong Creek.", "\n\nActivities \nThe farm has a train for children to ride to the outer sections of the farm. ", "It is a popular venue for children and hosts an annual Christmas carol event. ", "The farm offers an atmosphere of River Gums, Wetlands and natural birdlife within the confines of a Suburban landscape.", "\n\nDifferent activities are offered including and Animal Display Center offering a hands on experience with baby animals, Bird aviaries housing a collection of Australian Birds and paddocks offering a range of animals, including native animals such as Emus and Kangaroos.", "\n\nMyuna Farm hosts the local Doveton Show annually, A volunteer run community event coinciding with the Melbourne Show.", "\n\nThe train ride will take you to the wetlands where you can view Melbourne's largest Grey-headed flying fox colony containing up to 18,000 bats.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \nOfficial Myuna Farm Site\nDoveton Show\n\nCategory:Farms in Australia\nCategory:Tourist attractions in Melbourne" ]
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[ "Our Logo600se flies on 710mm blades at 1500-1600 rpm at 18lbs/8kg. ", "I've flown in temps well below 0F/-20C. I was worried about the plastic getting brittle but I haven't experienced any problems yet.", "\n\nAs far as optimal payload for blade size, in my humble opinion you want the heli to be at the upper weight limit that you are comfortable auto-rotating. ", "The heavier the disc loading the better the heli handles turbulence.", "\n\nAs far as optimal payload for blade size, in my humble opinion you want the heli to be at the upper weight limit that you are comfortable auto-rotating. ", "The heavier the disc loading the better the heli handles turbulence.", "\n\n+1.", "\n\nSmaller blades CAN carry good payloads, but they will auto like a cement truck...\n\nOur Logo600se flies on 710mm blades at 1500-1600 rpm at 18lbs/8kg. ", "I've flown in temps well below 0F/-20C. I was worried about the plastic getting brittle but I haven't experienced any problems yet.", "\n\nAs far as optimal payload for blade size, in my humble opinion you want the heli to be at the upper weight limit that you are comfortable auto-rotating. ", "The heavier the disc loading the better the heli handles turbulence.", "\n\nJust remember there are a lot of factors when considering auto rotations. ", "In full size helicopters there is something called a \"dead man's curve\", it's basically a curve on a height/speed graph where if you are below the curve, then you won't have the energy to do an auto rotation. ", "Basically the slower you are flying, the higher you need to be; and the lower you are flying, the faster you need to go in order to successfully auto rotate. ", "Weight and disc loading are huge factors in this graph.", "\n\nAs we increase the weights of these A/P machines we are starting to see more full scale behavior (more so then even \"scale\" r/c helis). ", "Dead man's curve and transitional lift are really important to understand for a successful auto rotation or just successful flight on a heavy A/P machine. ", "For example coming out of a steep decent with a very heavily loaded helicopter is not as easy to do, you need to carry speed and fly it out of the dive more like an airplane, similar to what a full size helicopter will do.", "\n\nWhen you fly a heavy A/P machine you may at first think, wow this feels really heavy, but that is because you are still flying it like a normal model helicopter. ", "When you start flying it like a full size helicopter you will be amazed at how much weight you can really carry and still have a good margin of control." ]
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[ "A possible food festival, revival of the annual sidewalk sale and a business recruitment venture are in the works.", "\n\nBERGENFIELD — Local merchants are breathing new life into the borough's downtown, with plans for a possible food festival, revival of the annual sidewalk sale and a recruitment venture aimed at making it easier to open a business.", "\n\nFunds for those projects and more are incorporated in a spending plan of $187,000 that was recently approved by the Borough Council – the first budget the Special Improvement District, a public-private partnership created to improve the local business climate, has had in more than a year.", "\n\n“We’re very excited and very optimistic to work with the borough to deliver what we always intended downtown to be,” said the SID's executive director, Stuart Koperweis.", "\n\nLeaders of the SID, which was established in 1997, presented a $192,000 budget to the council last year. ", "But questions of conflict arose when some council members felt they may have to recuse themselves from voting on the budget, either because they rent downtown properties or because they were associated with someone who did business for the SID.", "\n\nIf the council members had recused themselves, the budget would not have received enough votes to pass. ", "Borough Attorney John Schettino recommended that the rarely applied “doctrine of necessity” be invoked, so that conflicted council members could vote.", "\n\nThe SID budget was approved on March 21 by a vote of 4-2, with council members Ora Kornbluth and Thomas Lodato dissenting.", "\n\nThe budget is supported by $162,000 in taxes assessed to downtown property owners. ", "The remaining $25,000 is surplus left over from 2015, the last year the SID was active.", "\n\nIt includes $67,000 for capital improvements, $50,000 for marketing and special events, $43,000 for economic development and $27,000 for administration.", "\n\n“The idea would be to streamline the process,” O’Reilly said. “", "This would allow pop-up businesses to come in and close after the season. ", "It’s a long, drawn-out process for these people.”", "\n\nO’Reilly estimated the vacancy rate of downtown storefronts to be about 10 percent. ", "He cited a particular business – a tattoo parlor – that needed more than a year to get up and running in one of those empty stores.", "\n\n“That’s just too long,” O’Reilly said. “", "We’re reviewing the inspection process to see how we can make it easier.”", "\n\nA man jogs past the local movie theater.(Photo11: Mitsu Yasukawa/NorthJersey.com)\n\nO’Reilly said it was too early to say whether the SID would continue to host classic car shows, which were a summertime staple for years.", "\n\nBut Koperweis, who is also executive director of the Business District Alliance of Fort Lee, said the SID is planning an event that would be a “shot in the arm” for shop owners.", "\n\nCustomers would get stamped on something like a bingo card when they visit each downtown business. ", "The more stamps they collect, he said, the more prizes they would be eligible to receive.", "\n\nAsked if the SID board feels added pressure to produce results this year, O’Reilly said, “Any time you’re given public money, that pressure is there to make sure it’s well-spent. ", "I think we’ve had ‘make it, or break it’ years before, but now, I think, there’s a better understanding of what SID is capable of. ", "We can’t wave a magic wand and turn downtown Bergenfield into what it was in the ’60s, ’70s and ’80s.”", "\n\nMayor Norman Schmelz said approval of the SID's budget is a “win for all taxpayers” because, without the SID, residents would have to foot the bill for holiday decorations and lamppost pennants, among other things.", "\n\n“We would’ve passed that burden onto them,” the mayor said. “", "Downtowns aren’t anything like they used to be, but we’re making ours as aesthetic as possible to attract new businesses.”" ]
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[ "It is well known to apply coatings to the surface of a body so as to obtain surface properties which differ from those of the body. ", "This may be done to achieve a variety of improvements, such as increased toughness, high temperature capability, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance. ", "By providing surface coatings of the appropriate characteristics, it is possible to substantially lower the cost of an article built to specific property requirements. ", "For example, ceramics have frequently been utilized to provide a surface coating over a less temperature resistant metallic article to permit use of that article in higher temperature environments. ", "In addition, ceramic materials are frequently utilized to provide enhanced strength in metal matrix composites by inclusion in the form of powders, fibers, and whiskers. ", "There is also a need for ceramic coated fibers for use in metal matrix composites, particularly those fibers coated with oxides, mixed oxides, or doped oxides, which coatings serve as diffusion or chemical barriers.", "\nIn the past, various processes have been used to deposit ceramic materials upon a substrate. ", "These include the application of glazes, enamels, and coatings; hot-pressing materials at elevated pressure and temperature; and vapor deposition processes such as evaporation, cathodic sputtering, chemical vapor deposition, flame spraying, and plasma spraying. ", "In addition, electrophoresis has been attempted, as have other specialized techniques, with limited success in application.", "\nFor example, the enamelling industry has used the electrodeposition of ceramic materials for some time. ", "In the application of a ceramic coating by this technique, a ceramic material is milled or ground to a small particulate or powder size, placed into suspension, and electrophoretically deposited on the substrate. ", "Another traditional method is the deposition of a ceramic coating from a slurry made up of a powder in suspension, usually in an aqueous medium. ", "A major problem with these techniques is that powder particle sizes below about 2 microns were difficult to obtain, thus limiting the quality of coatings produced, as well as the possibility of application to a wire or fibrous substrate.", "\nSol-gel technology has recently evolved as a source of very fine sub-micron ceramic particles of great uniformity. ", "Such sol-gel technology comprises essentially the preparation of ceramics by low temperature hydrolysis and peptization of metal oxide precursors in solution, rather than by the sintering of compressed powders at high temperatures.", "\nIn the prior art, much attention has been given to the preparation of sols of metal oxides (actually metal hydroxide or metal hydrate) by hydrolysis and peptization of the corresponding metal alkoxide, such as aluminum sec-butoxide [Al(OC.sub.4 H.sub.9).sub.3 ], in water, with an acid peptizer such as hydrochloric acid, acetic acid, nitric acid, and the like. ", "The hydrolysis of aluminum alkoxides is discussed in an article entitled \"Alumina Sol Preparation from Alkoxides\" by Yoldas, in American Ceramic Society Bulletin Vol. ", "54, No. ", "3 (1975), pages 289-290. ", "This article teaches the hydrolysis of aluminum alkoxide precursor with a mole ratio of water:precursor of 100:1, followed by peptization at 90.degree. ", "with 0.07 moles of acid per mole of precursor. ", "After gelling and drying, the dried gel is calcined to form alumina powder.", "\nIn U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,532,072, of Segal, an alumina sol is prepared by mixing cold water and aluminum alkoxide in stoichiometric ratio, allowing them to react to form a peptizable aluminum hydrate, and peptizing the hydrate with a peptizing agent in an aqueous medium to produce a sol of an aluminum compound.", "\nIn Clark et al, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,801,399, a method for obtaining a metal oxide sol is taught whereby a metal alkoxide is hydrolysed in the presence of an excess of aqueous medium, and peptized in the presence of a metal salt, such as a nitrate, so as to obtain a particle size in the sol between 0.0001 micron and 10 microns.", "\nIn Clark et al, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,921,731, a method is taught for ceramic coating a substrate, such as a wire, by thermophoresis of sols of the type prepared by the method of U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,801,399. ", "In addition, Clark et al, in abandoned U.S. patent application 06/841,089filed Feb. 25, 1986, teach formation of ceramic coatings on a substrate, including filaments, ribbons, and wires, by electrophoresis of such sols. ", "However, the examples of this application indicate that the coatings obtained using electrophoresis were uneven, cracked, and contained voids or bubbles, and often peeled, flaked off, and/or pulled apart. ", "Throughout, the evolution of hydrogen bubbles at the cathode during electrophoresis was noted.", "\nIt is thus seen that a need exists for ceramic coated fibers having uniform surface layers of metal oxide. ", "There is a particular need for ceramic coated fibers for use as reinforcing elements in metal matrix composites." ]
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[ "Every so often, a paper comes along that brings clarity to an issue. ", "Clarity is not necessarily a final resolution, but rather a conceptual framework for productively addressing that issue. ", "Such a paper could be based on a breakthrough discovery, an intriguing observation, a flash of intuition, or a systematic analysis. ", "An excellent example of the latter is in this issue of *The Journal of Cell Biology* ([Hotary et al. ", "2000](#Hotaryetal2000){ref-type=\"bib\"}). ", "With a deceptively simple experimental layout, [Hotary et al. ", "2000](#Hotaryetal2000){ref-type=\"bib\"} explore the relative role of soluble versus membrane-anchored matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) in tissue morphogenesis. ", "In their in vitro morphogenesis and matrix invasion models, the conclusion is clear cut: membrane-anchored (MT-MMPs), not soluble MMPs, effectively regulate cell migration through extracellular matrix and affect self-organization of cells into tubular structures ([Fig. ", "1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nCell migration through the matrix is a key component of morphogenesis, i.e., how tissue or organs attain their shape. ", "It is truly an invasive process, whereby cells move into and possibly colonize new territory, and that is why one can speak of cell invasion and morphogenesis in the same breath, and test them with the same assay ([Hotary et al. ", "2000](#Hotaryetal2000){ref-type=\"bib\"}). ", "According to their differentiated type, the migratory cells may give rise to new structures within the matrix they invaded, e.g., tubules, alveoli, or acini, shaping tissues and organs. ", "It is evident, then, why we would like to know the molecular details of migration through the matrix: what motivates cells to migrate, how they do it, how is the process controlled.", "\n\nThere is general agreement that MMPs are important in the execution of migration through the matrix and of invasion, based on abundant data correlating invasive phenomena with the presence of MMPs ([Stetler-Stevenson et al. ", "1993](#Stetler-Stevensonetal1993){ref-type=\"bib\"}; [Werb 1997](#Werb1997){ref-type=\"bib\"}). ", "In recent years, mainly via isolation of gelatinolytic activities and homology cloning, the burgeoning protein family of MMPs has come to include, in man, close to 20 members ([Table](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Several of these degrade collagens ([Table](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}), the most abundant components of the extracellular matrix, though fine substrate specificity is still at issue ([Koshikawa et al. ", "2000](#Koshikawaetal2000){ref-type=\"bib\"}). ", "The majority of MMPs are secreted proteins generally requiring activation for enzymatic activity. ", "A few are true transmembrane proteins, the membrane-type metalloproteinases or MT-MMPs, which are expressed at the cell surface in activated form.", "\n\nDoes the MMP structural diversity reflect functional redundancy or specialization? ", "With their systematic expression of proteinases in select cell types, followed by challenge of specified complex extracellular matrices, [Hotary et al. ", "2000](#Hotaryetal2000){ref-type=\"bib\"} addressed this fundamental question and came away with an unexpected mechanistic insight ([Fig. ", "1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Key to this accomplishment was their effort to merge modern trends from the fields of proteinase biochemistry, cell migration, tumor invasion, and morphogenesis. ", "Such multidisciplinary approaches often electrify fields and, as in most cell biology problems today, are badly needed in MMP research at this junction. ", "For historical reasons, and because MMPs have been for the most part characterized in biochemistry laboratories, the emphasis of the field has been on enzymatic activities, mechanisms of activation, kinetics and substrate specificity ([Nagase and Woessner 1999](#NagaseandWoessner1999){ref-type=\"bib\"}). ", "The combined output of several outstanding groups has produced an extraordinary in depth understanding of MMP structure--function relationships, of intricate activation mechanisms and proteinase interactions with natural or man made inhibitors, and provided a solid foundation for MMP enzyme biochemistry ([Docherty et al. ", "1992](#Dochertyetal1992){ref-type=\"bib\"}; [Strongin et al. ", "1993](#Stronginetal1993){ref-type=\"bib\"}; [Morgunova et al. ", "1999](#Morgunovaetal1999){ref-type=\"bib\"}). ", "In contrast, the cell biology of MMPs has lagged behind. ", "Targeted gene disruption by homologous recombination has produced MMP knockout mouse strains with phenotypes ranging from the mild to the dramatic ([Itoh et al. ", "1998](#Itohetal1998){ref-type=\"bib\"}; [Vu et al. ", "1998](#Vuetal1998){ref-type=\"bib\"}; [Holmbeck et al. ", "1999](#Holmbecketal1999){ref-type=\"bib\"}). ", "Attempts to explain these phenotypes in molecular terms have further raised our discomfort for the currently poor understanding of MMPs in terms of their cell biology. ", "The [Hotary et al. ", "2000](#Hotaryetal2000){ref-type=\"bib\"} paper is an important step towards bridging the gap between enzyme biochemistry and whole organism analyses of MMP phenotypes. ", "Their findings already begin to make some sense of the fact that soluble MMP knockout mice present themselves with mild developmental phenotypes, whereas MT1-MMP knockout mice display severe abnormalities in bone formation, angiogenesis and collagen turnover, leading to dwarfism, dysmorphic skull, and precocious death ([Holmbeck et al. ", "1999](#Holmbecketal1999){ref-type=\"bib\"}; [Zhou et al. ", "2000](#Zhouetal2000){ref-type=\"bib\"}). ", "Thus, the next wave in this arena should be analyzing the effects of MMPs on cell behavior in complex model systems, allowing us to dissect the in vivo functions of MMPs in greater detail.", "\n\nMigration through the matrix may be a property also of neoplastic cells, even though they may have originated from nonmigratory cells. ", "Contrary to morphogenesis, the results of neoplastic cell migration are often disastrous: tumor invasion and metastasis set in. ", "Important questions then arise: do neoplastic cells in fact migrate through the matrix and ultimately invade tissues by the same mechanisms as normal cells? ", "And, how do they acquire ability to migrate? ", "A result of [Hotary et al. ", "2000](#Hotaryetal2000){ref-type=\"bib\"} offers an opportunity for reflection on possible answers. ", "In their system, the genesis of tubular structures requires invasion of the matrix, and MT-MMPs appear critical for this. ", "However, express too much of them, and the morphogenetic program is lost. ", "Rather, nondescript matrix invasion takes place ([Fig. ", "1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "This result suggests that intriguingly simple rules may determine whether matrix invasion will give rise to organized structure. ", "Admittedly, this hypothetical conclusion may stretch data interpretation a little too far, but it could nonetheless stimulate appropriate experimentation for testing its validity. ", "The attractiveness of this hypothesis is that it may offer some mechanistic underpinning to the process of cancer invasion.", "\n\nThe stakes in MMP research are high because of their involvement in human pathology, e.g., cancer invasion, metastasis, or tissue degenerative diseases, ([Matrisian 1992](#Matrisian1992){ref-type=\"bib\"}; [Stetler-Stevenson et al. ", "1993](#Stetler-Stevensonetal1993){ref-type=\"bib\"}). ", "There have been substantial investments in identifying drug targets based on our knowledge of soluble MMPs ([Nelson et al. ", "2000](#Nelsonetal2000){ref-type=\"bib\"}). ", "The payoff, though, is still below expectations. ", "Inhibitors of MMPs are being taken all the way to Phase III clinical trials, e.g., for cancer treatment. ", "Not all results are in yet, but thus far outcomes are less than spectacular ([Yip et al. ", "1999](#Yipetal1999){ref-type=\"bib\"}). ", "In hindsight, was too much being asked of the soluble MMPs? ", "Perhaps. ", "In fairness, though, soluble MMPs used to be the only game in town and, being secreted, their expression, handling, and characterization is easier than membrane-bound proteins. ", "The membrane-anchored forms of MMPs, of which MT1-MMP is the best known, are late arrivals. ", "Furthermore, the fact that MT1-MMP physiologically activates MMP2 (a soluble collagenase), might have distracted investigators from looking at it as an MMP in its own right ([Sato et al. ", "1994](#Satoetal1994){ref-type=\"bib\"}). ", "For instance, substrates for MT1-MMP are not well understood. ", "There had been signs in the field that some fresh looks were necessary, and the [Hotary et al. ", "2000](#Hotaryetal2000){ref-type=\"bib\"} paper may crystallize this mood, signaling a shift in focus towards membrane-anchored MMPs and providing impetus for new experimental frameworks.", "\n\nA major challenge facing us remains: How do MMPs operate? ", "The matrix surrounding the cells, of which collagens tend to be a dominant component, is often thought of as a physical barrier constraining movement. ", "MMPs, several of which show collagenolytic activity, can degrade the matrix, creating openings. ", "A long-standing view maintains that matrix degradation should be enough to form such openings, but not too much so as to reduce traction. ", "Such a view is easily accepted because it is rooted in human experience in the macroscopic world: ever got your car stuck in mud (SUV owners need not reply)? ", "On the other hand, traction may take on a whole different meaning on the scale at which cells operate. ", "Efforts to quantify the mechanical properties of extracellular matrices should help define whether or not a substrate is permissive for migration, and one should be prepared for surprises. ", "After all, overexpression of MT1-MMP disrupts tubulogenesis, but enhances invasion ([Fig. ", "1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Thus, proteinases may affect cell detachment, cell--cell adhesion, receptor-matrix interactions, or, perhaps, the way cells perceive surrounding matrix ([Giannelli et al. ", "1997](#Giannellietal1997){ref-type=\"bib\"}; [Koshikawa et al. ", "2000](#Koshikawaetal2000){ref-type=\"bib\"}; [Pozzi et al. ", "2000](#Pozzietal2000){ref-type=\"bib\"}), in addition to removing mechanical barriers.", "\n\nAn intriguing result of [Hotary et al. ", "2000](#Hotaryetal2000){ref-type=\"bib\"} is that altering a topogenic signal had no effect on the ability of MT1-MMP to disrupt tubulogenesis, suggesting that its delivery by intracellular transport mechanisms to precise locations on the cell surface does not matter much. ", "One cannot discount the possibility that MMPs wandering across the plasma membrane are recruited to hot spots of activity by polarized receptors ([Brooks et al. ", "1996](#Brooksetal1996){ref-type=\"bib\"}). ", "More radically, though, we might have to revisit the well-rooted concept that, for effectiveness, proteinases must be concentrated at the leading edge of invading cells. ", "Again, this concept derives its popularity more from an anthropomorphic view of how a moving cell should be engineered, than from hard data. ", "An alternative view could be that proteolysis of the close pericellular matrix, whether or not focused at a hot spot, sets in motion morphogenetic programs. ", "Maintaining an open mind ([Werb 1997](#Werb1997){ref-type=\"bib\"}) and looking for informative model systems should be a high priority.", "\n\nHaving made all of these considerations, it is still surprising that, in the Hotary experiments, none of the seven soluble MMPs had any effect on tubulogenesis in collagen gels, particularly since most of these MMPs are well characterized collagenases ([Table](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Could it be that soluble MMPs, stimulated by SF/HGF, were already at a maximum in that system, so that no further disruptive effects were detectable upon overexpression? ", "This is possible but unlikely, because the disruptive effects on tubulogenesis of MT1-MMP overexpression required membrane anchoring, seemingly regardless of expression levels. ", "Could it be that soluble MMPs are generally not included in morphogenetic programs because of their lack of spatial specificity? ", "Time will tell, though the available knockouts of two major collagenases, MMP2 and MMP9, would already suggest that their participation in morphogenesis is not essential. ", "Thus, MMP2 deficient mice display minor growth retardation, but appear to develop normally otherwise ([Itoh et al. ", "1998](#Itohetal1998){ref-type=\"bib\"}). ", "In MMP9 deficient mice, vascularization of growth plates causes skeletal defects eventually overcome after birth by compensation ([Vu et al. ", "1998](#Vuetal1998){ref-type=\"bib\"}).", "\n\nIn summary, to identify which MMPs are important in matrix invasion, [Hotary et al. ", "2000](#Hotaryetal2000){ref-type=\"bib\"} took the direct route: express them one at a time in informative, albeit complex, cell model system, and see what happens. ", "The difficulty of this approach lays not in its conception, but rather in committing to its elaborate execution. ", "Hence, the considerable lag from the time reagents first became available to the time one laboratory produced the experimental data. ", "In retrospect, what was required was the blending of several distinct skills in one place, and an effort thorough enough to allow for meaningful side by side comparisons. ", "The study reported in this issue ([Hotary et al. ", "2000](#Hotaryetal2000){ref-type=\"bib\"}) did just that, and the reward is an insight that, though glimpsed at by others, remained unproven: membrane-anchored MMPs, the MT-MMPs, play a primary role in cellular invasion of collagenous matrices and, at the right levels of expression, may promote tubulogenesis. ", "Final answer? ", "Yes, in this system, based on the thoroughness of the Hotary study and the permutations they tested. ", "For generalization or textbooks status, this conclusion is definitely one to be reckoned with and to be falsified, in a popperian sense, using other in vitro, and more importantly in vivo systems. ", "Along this road, no doubt, the cell biology of MMPs holds in reserve many surprises for us.", "\n\n###### \n\nThe Matrix Metalloproteinase Family\n\n MMPnumber Common name Substrate\n ------------------- ----------- -------------------------- -----------------------------------------\n Secreted 1 Interstitial collagenase Collagens\n 2 Gelatinase A Gelatin, collagens, laminin-5\n 3 Stromelysin 1 Collagens, laminin-1, fibronectin\n 7 Matrilysin Gelatin, fibronectin, laminin-1\n 8 Neutrophil collagenase Collagens\n 9 Gelatinase B Gelatin, collagens\n 10 Stromelysin 2 Collagens, laminin-1, fibronectin\n 11 Stromelysin 3 Alpha-1--antiproteinase\n 12 Macrophage elastase Elastin\n 13 Collagenase 3 Collagens\n 18 Collagenase 4 ?", "\n 19 None ?", "\n 20 Enamelysin ?", "\n Membrane anchored 14 MT1-MMP Pro-MMP2, gelatin, collagens, laminin-5\n 15 MT2-MMP Pro-MMP2, gelatin\n 16 MT3-MMP Pro-MMP2, collagens\n 17 MT4-MMP TNF-α\n\n![", "Schematic representation of a proposed correlation between expression of membrane-anchored MMPs (MT-MMPs), invasion, and tubulogenesis (drawing by N. Koshikawa, based on results published in this issue by [Hotary et al. ", "2000](#Hotaryetal2000){ref-type=\"bib\"}).](JCB0005099.f1){#F1}\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nEmbedding html5 video with opengraph on facebook\n\nI have built a web site for our student tv station and the concept is pretty similar to youtube. ", "We would like for our videos to be playable directly in facebook when shared, with the videos themselves still hosted on our server and our stats being updated.", "\nThe player on the site uses videojs and is all working with the html5 video tag. ", "There is also an embeddable version of the player that can run in an iframe. ", "Ideally I'd like this to be used on facebook but don't think it's possible. ", "This is what I've attempted at the moment with the og:video:type value set to text/html and og:video set to the embeddable player url and it doesn't appear to work. ", "Here is an example page, and here is the embeddable player for it.", "\nThe only other ways I've seen is to specify a url to the video file, or a url to a flash player.", "\nAll of our videos are rendered at different qualities/resolutions and on our site and embeddable player there is a quality selection bar that changes the video url in the player. ", "However it looks like with opengraph and facebook there is no way of giving it the urls to the different qualities or having the user pick the one they want on facebook, meaning we're stuck with forcing everyone to watch at one of the qualities. ", "Is this right?", "\nSo then the only other option that appears to be available is building a custom flash player which has quality selection built into it. ", "From what I can tell this is what youtube is doing. ", "Is this the only option though because I don't want to build a custom flash player for Facebook to then decide in a few months that they're not supporting flash anymore?", "\nI realise similar questions have been asked already but I couldn't find a definite answer and some of them were over a year old.", "\nThanks.", "\n\nA:\n\nFacebook is currently trialing iframes with YouTube. ", "Hopefully the support will be rolled out to everyone soon.", "\nMore info at this question: Embedding video player html5 iframe in facebook share like YouTube\n\n" ]
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[ "// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\n// found in the LICENSE file.", "\n\n#ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_UI_COCOA_AUTOFILL_LAYOUT_VIEW_H_\n#define CHROME_BROWSER_UI_COCOA_AUTOFILL_LAYOUT_VIEW_H_\n\n#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>\n\n#include <memory>\n\nclass SimpleGridLayout;\n\n// A view that carries its own layout manager. ", "Re-layouts on setFrame:.", "\n@interface LayoutView : NSView {\n @private\n std::unique_ptr<SimpleGridLayout> layout_;\n}\n\n// Sets a layout manager and takes ownership of it.", "\n- (void)setLayoutManager:(std::unique_ptr<SimpleGridLayout>)layout;\n\n// Return a pointer to layout manager, still owned by the view.", "\n- (SimpleGridLayout*)layoutManager;\n\n// Re-layout subviews according to layout manager.", "\n- (void)performLayout;\n\n// Query the layout manager for the best height for specified |width|.", "\n- (CGFloat)preferredHeightForWidth:(CGFloat)width;\n\n@end\n\n#endif // CHROME_BROWSER_UI_COCOA_AUTOFILL_LAYOUT_VIEW_H_\n" ]
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[ "Find Christian jobs, church jobs, Christian employment opportunities and job development for your career calling. ", "Read articles and use employment tools, to help you find that perfect job with a Christian company or organization all FREE at Crosswalk.com!", "\n\nDealing with the Dreaded Annual Job Review\n\nWe’ve all seen the studies. ", "Some indicate that the average person will hold a half dozen jobs during their lifetime. ", "I saw one survey that suggested many young people will have five or six career changes during their working years. ", "Another study conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor tells us that baby-boomers born between 1957 and 1964 held an average of 10.5 jobs each between the ages of 18 and 40.", "\n\nThe “Greatest Generation” believed in loyalty. ", "Many went to work immediately after school (or the end of the Second World War) and stayed with the same company until they retired at sixty five. ", "In return, most companies were loyal to those same employees; often paying wages to people who no longer increased the bottom line.", "\n\nAs most Boomers, Gen-Xer’s, Gen-Yer’s, and Millennium Babes know all-to-well—this ain’t your father’s world! ", "Things have changed. ", "Today, one of the most important job skills is the ability to constantly affirm your employer’s decision to hire you in the first place. ", "As a modern day employee, you are also a salesperson—and the product you’re selling is Brand You!", "\n\nI used to tell my employees that the best job security they could ever develop was to become so good at what they did that I needed them more than they needed me. ", "So to be a good salesman of Brand You it’s important to learn how to present yourself and validate the job you’re doing. ", "This usually plays out in the dreaded annual job review. ", "To do this right, it’s important to know some of the basics. ", "So class, by way of review, here are some things to remember when they’ve called you in for the annual “chat:”\n\n1. ", "Come prepared. ", "Bring written notes and documentation of what you have done. ", "Include sales and production data. ", "A list of goals that were set at a previous time—and how you have achieved those goals.", "\n\n2. ", "Do some personal PR. ", "One of the best employees I ever had made it a point to arrive at every review with a list of the things he had done for the firm and how his efforts had improved our productivity, reputation or bottom line.", "\n\n3. ", "Remember, this should not be an adversarial meeting. ", "When an employee goes in expecting the worst—usually that’s what he gets. ", "Think of this simply as a visit. ", "Nothing more. ", "After all, most human interactions go about the way their participants expect them to go.", "\n\n4. ", "Don’t be defensive. ", "A good interviewer may ask some probing questions. ", "Don’t be put off or offended. ", "It’s appropriate for a company that invests tens of thousands of dollars in its employees to ask lots and lots of questions. ", "Anything else would be irresponsible on their part.", "\n\n5. ", "Be calm. ", "Answer questions succinctly and with a cool confidence. ", "Some good interviewers will intentionally try to rattle employees. ", "You’re the only one in the room who can control your own actions—so do it. ", "Be pleasant, even if your interviewer is snarling. ", "Smile even if she frowns. ", "And if he goads you a little—don’t take the bait.", "\n\n6. ", "Take criticisms as ways to improve your performance. ", "Even if your interviewer is honest (or, rude) enough to openly discuss your flaws and inadequacies, take it in stride. ", "Your best bet is to honestly acknowledge the deficiency and ask for suggestions on how to improve your performance.", "\n\n7. ", "Ask for clarifications. ", "Most interviewers appreciate employees who ask (and write notes) for clarification. ", "This tells your interviewer that you are taking their comments seriously. ", "And, it gives you a “to do list” when you leave the meeting.", "\n\n8. ", "Be truthful. ", "Answer questions honestly. ", "Don’t place false blame. ", "Be straight. ", "Then no matter whatever happens you maintain the most important thing—a clear conscience.", "\n\n9. ", "When criticized, avoid making excuses. ", "Excuses don’t go very far with most people. ", "Admit it when the interviewer has a legitimate gripe. ", "NOTE: It is almost always a mistake for you to blame one of your subordinates. ", "If you do, your interviewer will feel like his criticism has fallen on deaf ears; or worse, that you don’t understand that anything that happens on your watch is your responsibility.", "\n\n10. ", "Write a written rebuttal. ", "If you are convinced that your interviewer is being incorrectly negative in your assessment, consider writing a polite, yet clear, and concise rebuttal. ", "Ask that it be attached to your interviewer’s report. (", "Of course this won’t be particularly valuable if your interviewer is also the owner of the company!)", "\n\n11. ", "This brings me to my final point: Even paranoid people are right sometimes. ", "If you get the sense that nothing you can say is going to appease your interviewer, it may be time to check the handwriting on the wall. ", "There comes a time when the wisest thing to do is brush up the resume and start looking for greener pastures.", "\n\nOriginally posted in Crosswalk Careers on May 8, 2008.", "\n\nSteve Diggs presents the No Debt No Sweat! ", "Christian Money Management Seminar at churches and other venues nationwide. ", "Visit Steve on the Web at www.stevediggs.com or call 615-834-3063. ", "The author of several books, today Steve serves as a minister for the Antioch Church of Christ in Nashville. ", "For 25 years he was President of the Franklin Group, Inc. Steve and Bonnie have four children whom they have home schooled. ", "The family lives in Brentwood, Tennessee.", "\n\nA complete financial compendium, 19 chapters• What you can do today to get out of debt and kill the Debt Monster• A,B,C's of handling your money God's way• How to save, invest, and retire wisely• How mutual funds work• How to stop fighting over money• What to teach your kids about money• Learn how home & car buying, college financing and insurance work.• How to develop a budget that works -- forever!• Features simple charts, graphs, and easy-to-use forms." ]
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[ "Bluegreen Resort Mountain Run at Boyne Looks Forward to Evenings at the Gazebo\n\nShare Article\n\nBluegreen’s resort Mountain Run at Boyne looks forward to Evenings at the Gazebo, a free concert series in Boyne, Michigan.", "\n\nBoca Raton, FL (PRWEB)May 25, 2011\n\nBluegreen Corporation (NYSE: BXG), a leading provider of Colorful Places to Live and Play, today announced its Boyne, Michigan resort, Mountain Run at Boyne, looks forward to pointing guests towards the Evenings at the Gazebo concert series that will take place through the summer of 2011. ", "Evenings at the Gazebo will take place every Wednesday, from June 22 through August 31, 2011.", "\n\nThe free concert series is sponsored by the Boyne Area Chamber of Commerce, and will be held from 6 p.m. until 9 p.m. at Old City Park in downtown Boyne City. ", "Each week, a different band will perform for the crowd. ", "The lawn allows for lawn chairs and blankets, providing ample space for families and loved ones.", "\n\n“We look forward to Evenings at the Gazebo every year, because it is both a great community event within Boyne, Michigan and a family-friendly and entertaining attraction for our Bluegreen guests,” says Aimee Blackford, General Manager of Bluegreen’s Mountain Run at Boyne. “", "While our mountainside resort offers luxurious vacation villas and an abundance of onsite activities for our guests to enjoy, we like to point them to community events so they can get the full Boyne experience.”", "\n\nThe Bluegreen resort, Mountain Run at Boyne, offers guests one-, two- and combined three-bedroom vacation villas to enjoy. ", "In addition to the luxurious vacation villas, the resort is situated on the side of Boyne Mountain, which provides a variety of year-round forms of entertainment, from mountain biking to hiking and skiing.", "\n\nABOUT BLUEGREEN CORPORATION\nFounded in 1966 and headquartered in Boca Raton, FL, Bluegreen Corporation (NYSE:BXG) is the leader in providing Colorful Places to Live and Play through its vacation ownership resort and residential real estate business segments. ", "Our more than 3,500 employees are passionate about delivering extraordinary experiences for our owners, travelers and business partners. ", "Since 1996, Bluegreen has managed, marketed and sold a flexible, real estate-based vacation ownership plan with more than 222,600 owners, over 54 owned or managed resorts, and access to more than 4,000 resorts worldwide. ", "Since 1985, Bluegreen Communities has developed master-planned residential and golf communities primarily in the southern and southeastern U.S., and has sold over 55,000 home sites. ", "We also offer a portfolio of comprehensive, turnkey, fee-for-service resort management, financial services, customer generation and sales solutions to third-party developers and lenders. ", "For more information, visit us online at http://www.bluegreencorp.com. ", "See what Bluegreen owners are saying on Facebook or follow us on Twitter." ]
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[ "2006 BWF World Junior Championships – Girls' doubles\n\nThe Girls' doubles tournament of the 2006 BWF World Junior Championships is a badminton world junior individual championships for the Eye Level Cups, held on November 6–11. ", "The defending champion of the last edition were Tian Qing and Yu Yang from China. ", "The Chinese pair Ma Jin and Wang Xiaoli won the gold medal in this event after beat Hong Soo-jung and Sun In-jang of South Korea in straight games with the score 21–13, 21–18.", "\n\nSeeded \n\nMa Jin / Wang Xiaoli (Champion)\nWang Siyun / Liao Jingmei (Semi Final)\nLily Siswanti / Richi Puspita Dili (Second Round)\nHsieh Pei-Chen / Lee Tai-An (Quarter Final)\nDanielle Barry / Emma Rodgers (Second Round)\nChanida Julrattanamanee / Kittitharakul Ancheera (Third Round)\nErica Pong / Victoria Na (Second Round)\nGabrielle White / Mariana Agathangelou (Third Round)\n\nDraw\n\nFinals\n\nTop Half\n\nSection 1\n\nSection 2\n\nBottom half\n\nSection 3\n\nSection 4\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n Tournament Draw at www.koreabadminton.org\n\nCategory:2006 BWF World Junior Championships\nCategory:2006 in youth sport" ]
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[ "We like to think of ourselves as experts in most things but that doesn't mean we don't listen to what our readers say too.", "\n\nWe recently put five of the best smartphones through their paces to see which one takes the best photos and as part of that test we thought it'd be interesting to also get your views. ", "So we gave you all the chance to vote in a blind test featuring the Apple iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, Samsung Galaxy S6, HTC One M9 and LG G4.", "\n\nYou jumped at the chance, voting in your thousands across the seven categories in the test.", "\n\nWe've now tallied up all the votes and want to present them to you before we reveal our own verdict. ", "Scroll down to see the full breakdown, and stay tuned for our own opinion in the next few days.", "\n\n(NB You can view 100% versions of each image by clicking the gear icon in the top right of each picture)" ]
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[ "Marie-Thérèse Paquin\n\nMarie-Thérèse Paquin, was born July 4, 1905 in Montreal, Quebec, and died in the same city on May 9, 1997. ", "She was a concert pianist and piano professor.", "\n\nBiography \nPaquin studied piano with Alfred La Liberté. ", "She had a brilliant career as a member of a quartet for 20 years. ", "She was pianist for the Montreal Symphony Orchestra from 1936 to 1964. ", " She played under the direction of many great names such as Pierre Monteux, Charles Münch, Igor Stravinski, Wilfrid Pelletier, J.J. Gagnier, Jean-Marie Beaudet and Jean Deslauriers.", "\n\nHonneurs \n1980 - Member of the Order of Canada\n1982 - Prix Calixa-Lavallée\n1987 - Chevalier de l'Ordre national du Québec\n\nSources \n \n Marie-Thérèse Paquin, C.M., Membre (1980) de l'Order of Canada\n Marie-Thérèse Vintrin-Paquin (1905 – 1997), Chevalière (1987) de l'Ordre national du Québec\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:1905 births\nCategory:1997 deaths\nCategory:Canadian pianists\nCategory:Canadian women pianists\nCategory:French Quebecers\nCategory:Knights of the National Order of Quebec\nCategory:Members of the Order of Canada\nCategory:Musicians from Montreal\nCategory:20th-century Canadian pianists\nCategory:20th-century women musicians\nCategory:Women classical pianists" ]
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[ "Daniel Island, South Carolina (CNN) If Jeb Bush's campaign is struggling to stay afloat, he didn't show it on Saturday.", "\n\nA day after slashing salaries and cutting campaign staff, the former Florida governor got an enthusiastic reception and delivered one of his strongest campaign performances to date. ", "He tore into Donald Trump repeatedly and roused some in the crowd to their feet on answers about the military and foreign policy.", "\n\nBush took part in a town hall series hosted by South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, drawing an audience of more than 500 people, about twice the number Bush normally attracts on the campaign trail.", "\n\nRep. Trey Gowdy, who led the daylong Benghazi hearing on Thursday, also headlined the event and joined Scott on stage to help ask questions.", "\n\nBush got one of his biggest responses from the crowd when he lamented the state of politics in Washington and argued that Trump is not the kind of leader that could break through the gridlock.", "\n\n\"If this election is about how we're going to fight to get nothing done, then ... I don't want any part of it. ", "I don't want to be elected president to sit around and see gridlock just become so dominant that people literally are in decline in their lives. ", "That is not my motivation,\" he said.", "\n\n\"I've got a lot of really cool things I could do other than sit around, being miserable, listening to people demonize me and me feeling compelled to demonize them. ", "That is a joke. ", "Elect Trump if you want that,\" Bush added.", "\n\nLess than 24 hours before, Bush's campaign announced a major reshuffling of its resources, saying it was cutting some salaries by 40% and letting go of some people in order to shift more focus on the campaign's ground game in the early voting states.", "\n\nIt was a big move by Bush's campaign as he's fighting to regain the lead after rivals Trump and Ben Carson have held onto the top spots in the polls for weeks.", "\n\nSpeaking to reporters before the event, Bush assessed the changes as normal adjustments that campaigns need to make, citing the \"new phenomenon\" of \"the rise of candidates that have had no practical experience in politics\" as a reason for his decision.", "\n\n\"In business, when you anticipate how things are going to be, you anticipate them, you don't wait for them,\" he said.", "\n\nAs for the whisper campaign that he's falling apart, Bush was more frank.", "\n\n\"Blah blah blah, Blah,\" he said. \"", "That's my answer.\"", "\n\nHe went on to point to other candidates like Rudy Giuliani and Hillary Clinton in 2008, who were expected to take their parties' nominations but failed in the end.", "\n\nPhotos: Jeb Bush's life Photos: Jeb Bush's life Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush waves as he takes the stage as he formally announces he is joining the race for president with a speech June 15, 2015, at Miami Dade College in Miami. ", "Hide Caption 1 of 21 Photos: Jeb Bush's life Former Florida governor Jeb Bush shakes hands with attendees after speaking at the 42nd annual Conservative Political Action Conference on February 27 in National Harbor, Maryland. ", "Hide Caption 2 of 21 Photos: Jeb Bush's life Bush takes a selfie with a guest at a luncheon hosted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs on February 18 in Chicago. ", "Bush delivered his first major foreign policy speech at the event. ", "Hide Caption 3 of 21 Photos: Jeb Bush's life Bush hands out items for Holiday Food Baskets to those in need outside the Little Havana offices of CAMACOL, the Latin American Chamber of Commerce on December 17 in Miami. ", "Hide Caption 4 of 21 Photos: Jeb Bush's life Bush waves to the audience at the Tampa Bay Times Forum in Tampa, Florida, on August 30, 2012, on the final day of the Republican National Convention. ", "Hide Caption 5 of 21 Photos: Jeb Bush's life Bush (left) and wife Columba Bush attend the 2012 Lincoln Center Institute Gala at Frederick P. Rose Hall, Jazz at Lincoln Center on March 7, 2012, in New York City. ", "Hide Caption 6 of 21 Photos: Jeb Bush's life President Barack Obama (left) speaks about Bush (center) while visiting Miami Central Senior High School on March 4, 2011 in Miami, Florida. ", "The visit focused on education. ", "Hide Caption 7 of 21 Photos: Jeb Bush's life Bush (left) speaks with Brazilian President in charge Jose Alancar during a meeting at Planalto Palace in Brasilia, April 17, 2007. ", "Bush was in Brazil to speak about sugar and ethanol business. ", "Hide Caption 8 of 21 Photos: Jeb Bush's life Then-Texas Governor Rick Perry (center) testifies as Bush (right) and then-Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano (left) listen during a hearing before the House Committee on Homeland Security on Capitol Hill October 19, 2005. ", "Hide Caption 9 of 21 Photos: Jeb Bush's life Bush gives a thumbs up signal from his car as he leaves a local polling station after casting his vote in Coral Gables, Florida, November 5, 2002. ", "Hide Caption 10 of 21 Photos: Jeb Bush's life Bush walks out of the West Wing after meeting with his brother, then-President George W. Bush, at the White House January 9, 2002. ", "Governor Bush participated in the signing ceremony of the Everglades Protection Agreement. ", "Hide Caption 11 of 21 Photos: Jeb Bush's life Then-Mexican President Vincente Fox (left) and Bush hold a press conference September 7, 2001, in Miami. ", "Fox visited Florida to attend the Americas Conference and deliver a speech to speak about issues such as immigration. ", "Hide Caption 12 of 21 Photos: Jeb Bush's life Then-President George W. Bush (right) is greeted by Jeb Bush on March 21, 2001, at Orlando International Airport in Orlando, Florida. ", "President Bush was in Orlando to attend the American College of Cardiology Annual Convention. ", "Hide Caption 13 of 21 Photos: Jeb Bush's life Bush speaks during a press conference at the Carandolet Government Palace in Quito, January 18, 2006. ", "Bush and a businessmen delegation were in a two-day visit to talk about a free trade agreement. ", "Hide Caption 14 of 21 Photos: Jeb Bush's life Bush speaks to reporters after meeting with the Florida State Cabinet at the Florida State Capitol Building November 16, 2000, in Tallahassee, Florida. ", "Hide Caption 15 of 21 Photos: Jeb Bush's life Then-President George W. Bush (left) and Jeb Bush (right), raise their arms onstage following a rally at the Florida State Fairgrounds, October 25, 2000, in Brandon, Florida. ", "Hide Caption 16 of 21 Photos: Jeb Bush's life Jeb Bush (left) and then-President George W. Bush stand with their arms around each other's shoulders at a rally in Miami, Florida, September 22, 2000. ", "Hide Caption 17 of 21 Photos: Jeb Bush's life Then-President George W. Bush (right) and Jeb Bush go through the line for strawberries during a stop at the Stawberry Festival March 12, 2000 in Plant City, Florida. ", "Hide Caption 18 of 21 Photos: Jeb Bush's life The Bush family, (left to right) former U.S. President George W., former Florida Governor Jeb, former President George H.W. and his wife Barbara, watch play during the Foursomes matches September 25, 1999 at The Country Club in Brookline, Massachusetts the site of the 33rd Ryder Cup Matches. ", "Hide Caption 19 of 21 Photos: Jeb Bush's life Former President George H.W. Bush (second left), his wife Barbara Bush (left), their son Jeb Bush (center), then-first lady Hillary Clinton (second right), and former then-President Bill Clinton (right) look up to see the U.S. Army Golden Knights parachute team November 6, 1997 at the conclusion of the dedication ceremony of the George Bush Library in College Station, Texas. ", "Hide Caption 20 of 21 Photos: Jeb Bush's life Portrait of the Bush family in front of their Kennebunkport, Maine house August 24, 1986. ", "Pictured, back row: Margaret holding daughter Marshall, Marvin Bush, Bill LeBlond. ", "Pictured, front row: Neil Bush holding son Pierce, Sharon, George W. Bush holding daughter Barbara, Laura Bush holding daughter Jenna, Barbara Bush, George Bush, Sam LeBlond, Doro Bush Lebond, George P. (Jeb's son), Jeb Bush holding son Jebby, Columba Bush and Noelle Bush. ", "Hide Caption 21 of 21\n\nPressed with questions about Trump, especially the real estate mogul's recent slipping in the polls in Iowa to Carson, Bush grew tired of talking about his rival. \"", "I'm past Donald Trump,\" he said.", "\n\nBut that certainly wasn't true in the town hall a few minutes later, when Bush repeatedly needled Trump, gaining applause and laugh lines for going after the candidate who's currently dominating the GOP field in South Carolina. ", "According to a recent CNN/ORC poll , Trump came in first at 36%. ", "Bush had 6%.", "\n\n\"There's a lot of big personalities on the stage. ", "A lot of them. ", "One in particular,\" he said, before throwing his arms up to mock one of Trump's favorite words. \"", "Huge, huge, huge!\"", "\n\nOn a more serious note, he blasted Trump for saying that he would send refugees back to Syria if he becomes president.", "\n\n\"If we don't stand for people that will die because of their faith, wow, we have really lost our way. ", "I think Donald Trump is dead wrong on this, and I am right,\" Bush said, before adding that he's anticipating a Twitter attack from Trump now that he's said that.", "\n\nIt was Bush's second trip to South Carolina this month, a state that he has already predicted he'll win.", "\"You can take it to the bank,\" he said during a stop here last month. ", "He opened up his third office in the state recently and has eight paid staffers on the ground, with plans to add more.", "\n\nIt's a state that was good to his brother's run for president in 2000.", "\n\nThe audience often broke out into cheers, whistling and occasionally some people stood up while applauding Bush's answers. ", "When he first stepped on stage, a woman from the crowd yelled out: \"We love you, Jeb!\" ", "She was followed by a man across the room: \"And your brother!\"", "\n\n\"And my mother,\" Bush added.", "\n\nAs he was shaking hands afterward, he was swarmed by voters, with many of them telling him to hang in there.", "\n\n\"Don't give up,\" one voter pleaded with Bush. \"", "We are for you. ", "Don't give up.\"", "\n\nAnother told Bush that his weight loss -- he's dropped more than 40 pounds in the past year due to his the paleo diet -- was looking good on him.", "\n\n\"I'm svelte,\" Bush replied, with a stride in his step. \"", "I'm a fighting machine.\"", "\n\nCorrection: An earlier version of this story mistakenly stated that South Carolina shares a border with Florida. ", "It does not." ]
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[ "High energy density mixed polymeric phase from carbon monoxide and nitrogen.", "\nCarbon monoxide and nitrogen are among the potentially interesting high-energy density materials. ", "However, in spite of the physical similarities of the molecules, they behave very differently at high pressures. ", "Using density functional theory and structural prediction methods, we examine the ability of these systems to combine their respective properties and form novel mixed crystalline phases under pressures of up to 100 GPa. ", "Interestingly, we find that CO catalyzes the molecular dissociation of N2, which means mixed structures are favored at a relatively low pressure (below 18 GPa), and that a three-dimensional framework with Pbam symmetry becomes the most stable phase above 52 GPa, i.e., at much milder conditions than in pure solid nitrogen. ", "This structure is dynamically stable at ambient pressure and has an energy density of approximately 2.2 kJ g(-1), making it a candidate for a high-energy density material, and one that could be achieved at less prohibitive experimental conditions." ]
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[ "Confiscation Proceedings Solicitors London & Sheffield\n\nThe law in respect of recovering proceeds of crime can be draconian and tend to be strictly enforced.", "\n\nIf you have been convicted of a criminal offence, and the prosecuting authority believes that criminal activity has allowed you to make purchases that you would otherwise not have been able to make, you can be asked to make declarations in relation to your earnings. ", "If you are not able to demonstrate that money or goods have been legitimately acquired, confiscation proceedings can be brought to recover this property. ", "For those who have already been convicted of an offence, this can be a very difficult experience, as this would be in addition to the sentence imposed by the court. ", "Even in cases where there has been no criminal conviction, civil recovery proceedings may be pursued to recover funds that the authorities suspect may be the proceeds of crime.", "\n\nIn either case, those who are subject to such orders face a significant challenge to defend themselves against these proceedings, and to retain possession of their savings, properties and possessions. ", "The Criminal Defence Team at Wilford Smith specialise in providing legal representation in relation to all types of crime, and can provide you with the strongest defence in confiscation proceedings to help you retain your assets. ", "We take pride in our reputation for unique representation, giving our clients a service that is exceptionally strategic and results driven. ", "Contact our specialist Criminal Defence Team today to find out how we can help.", "\n\nWhat is a Confiscation Order?", "\n\nIf there has been a conviction for a criminal offence, either after a trial or by way of a guilty plea, the prosecuting authority may seek a Confiscation Order. ", "This gives the court powers to confiscate assets from you if they believe they are a benefit resulting from criminal activity. ", "The Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA) 2002 makes it a criminal offence for anyone to use any property, including money, goods or shares, that has been obtained as a result of criminal activity. ", "According to POCA, a court is required to decide if any assets or property that you own, or any expenditure that you have made in the six years prior to your conviction, were the result of criminal activity.", "\n\nHow will the prosecuting authority decide whether to pursue a Confiscation Order?", "\n\nWhen deciding if your lifestyle has been funded by criminal activity, the court will have to take into consideration three factors:\n\nthe type of crime that you have committed, for example drug trafficking, blackmail or money laundering;\n\nwhether any other crimes committed by you in the previous six years have enabled you to benefit from a sum of £5000 or more; and\n\nwhether there is evidence to show that an offence was committed for over six months.", "\n\nIf the prosecution case is that the assets that you own were acquired through criminal means, you will be required to prove otherwise. ", "If you are not able to do so, the prosecuting authority may pursue a court order so that these assets can be confiscated.", "\n\nWhat does the prosecuting authority need to prove to successfully seek a Confiscation Order?", "\n\nOne of the most challenging aspects of defending yourself against an application for a Confiscation Order is that the prosecuting authority does not have to prove that certain property is the proceeds of crime. ", "Rather it only needs to be demonstrated that, on the balance of probability, money or goods have come into your possession because of criminal activity. ", "You will then be left with the complex task of establishing that this property has come into your possession legitimately. ", "The court is able to make ‘assumptions’ about how certain assets came into your possession, and after looking at what assets are held and their value, the court can then make a Confiscation Order for their removal. ", "With a heavy burden of proof on the defendant to justify retention of these assets, it is vitally important to receive the right legal advice. ", "The Criminal Defence Solicitors at Wilford Smith are experienced in acting for clients whose assets have been confiscated, or who are facing confiscation proceedings. ", "We can work on your behalf, taking a ruthless approach to challenging every detail of a Confiscation Order, from the initial application through to enforcement.", "\n\nCan I have my property confiscated even if I have not been convicted of an offence?", "\n\nYes, prosecuting authorities and investigators have civil asset recovery powers under POCA 2002, which enable them to initiate recovery proceedings where they have identified property they believe to be proceeds of crime, even if there has not been a conviction for a criminal offence. ", "Authorities with these powers include the National Crime Agency (NCA), the Serious Fraud Office (SFO), HMRC and the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). ", "These powers can be used when it has been decided that it is in the public interest not to pursue a criminal conviction, or in cases where an individual has been found not guilty in court.", "\n\nWhy choose Wilford Smith?", "\n\nWilford Smith’s Criminal Defence Team appears in court regularly, and with years of experience in handing the most complex financial cases on behalf of our clients, we are best placed to advise you on challenging orders made under POCA. ", "Our experienced Criminal Defence Lawyers are committed to providing a high-level service for our clients by developing robust defence strategies, ensuring the best possible outcome in any case. ", "We know how distressing confiscation proceedings can be for you and your family, so we will ensure you are given understanding and pragmatic advice as part of our client-focused and highly personal service.", "\n\nContact our Confiscation Solicitors in England and Wales\n\nOur Criminal Defence Solicitors are based in Sheffield and London and advice and represent clients throughout England and Wales. ", "Contact us today on 0808 169 5677 to find out how we can help." ]
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[ "The Truth about the Plateau in Stroke Recovery\n\nThe Truth about the Plateau in Stroke Recovery\n\nAs a stroke survivor, you may have heard someone say, “You’ve reached a plateau,” or “You’re plateauing.” ", "A plateau is high flat land, so what does it have to do with your stroke recovery?", "\n\nImmediately after you have a stroke is when everything is at the very worst. ", "You may be paralyzed, confused, and unable to speak. ", "Each day you get better as your brain heals, recovering from the shock of the stroke. ", "The progress in the first few weeks or months is often rapid— a steadily upward line on the recovery chart.", "\n\nBut then the slope of that line may start to grow more horizontal. ", "The change doesn’t come as fast or as spontaneously. ", "As that line flattens out, you’ll start to hear about a plateau in your progress. ", "After you’ve reached it, it may feel like you’re stuck—unable to climb any higher. ", "Therapists may start to suggest your therapy will end. ", "Doctors might say this is the best you’ll ever be. ", "And you know what? ", "They might be right— if you believe them.", "\n\nThe Myth of the Plateau in Stroke Recovery\n\nLots of stroke survivors keep improving, years after their stroke. ", "They say the plateau doesn’t exist – it’s a myth! ", "But doctors are saying it’s real – that recovery slows or stops. ", "So is the plateau in stroke recovery true, or is it a myth?", "\n\nIt’s both. ", "While it’s true that spontaneous recovery in the brain does slow down after a period of time post-stroke, the key word there is spontaneous. ", "That means it happens without you even trying. ", "If you’re riding the wave of recovery, thinking each day is going to be better than the last, there will come a point when that stops being true. ", "When you see that you’re not getting better, you may start to feel sad and hopeless. ", "And then things really stop getting better. ", "In fact, they may start to get worse because you’re depressed.", "\n\nThe myth part of the plateau concept is that there’s nothing you can do about it. ", "The brain can and will continue to change and improve if you work at it. ", "Progress is absolutely possible years after stroke with focused exercises toward specific goals. ", "It’s just not as easy as it was early on. ", "You have to set a target, break it down into steps, and work on it repetitively. ", "You may need to work on just one goal at a time. ", "But you can make progress. ", "You have to maintain your hope and motivation, and you’ll start to see change again.", "\n\nUps and Downs in Stroke Recovery\n\nThere are always ups and downs in stroke recovery. ", "Some days your skills may take a dip, or even a dive. ", "If you’re tired, sick, overwhelmed, or stressed, your speech or mobility may suffer. ", "These downturns may last a few hours, a few days, or even a few weeks. ", "But over time, they’ll get better. ", "If they don’t, it’s a good signal to go talk to your doctor or therapist to see if something else may be causing the decline. ", "Usually, you’ll return to your best abilities once you’re rested or relaxed.", "\n\nThere are also exciting upturns, like when a full sentence comes out perfectly, or your finger moves in a way it never has before. ", "This spark of recovery may only last a moment, but it’s good news. ", "It often means your brain is ready for the next step.", "\n\nWith all the daily ups and downs, the important thing to focus on is the overall trend of recovery. ", "What can you do today that you couldn’t do a month ago? ", "How much better do you sound now than six months ago? ", "Keeping a journal, a video diary, or weekly recordings of yourself can really help you to see the progress over time that you may not notice day-to-day.", "\n\nTactus Therapy apps make it easy to track your progress. ", "You can send detailed reports after each session, then compare when you’re ready. ", "Try our aphasia apps for free to see how you can keep your stroke recovery going.", "\n\nWhat to Do When You Reach a Plateau in Stroke Recovery\n\nSince we know that progress can stall out, it’s important to understand how to jump-start recovery again. ", "Here are some things you can try to get things moving again:\n\nSet a new functional goal\n\nLearn to set SMART goals: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. ", "When you’re working systematically toward something that matters to you, your motivation will stay high.", "\n\nGet the latest cutting-edge treatments by being part of the research studies that will inform therapists. ", "It may not always work, or you may be part of a control/placebo group, but it feels good to help others and you may just luck out with a great new treatment!", "\n\nTry a new therapist\n\nIt may not be you who’s stuck— it may be your therapist. ", "Starting therapy with a new clinician can bring fresh eyes and a different bag of tricks to help you solve your problems.", "\n\nJoin a stroke or aphasia group\n\nSupport groups can help in so many ways: friendship, inspiration, and exercises. ", "It helps to know you’re not alone in stroke recovery. ", "If there are none in your area, try an online group, like #2 on this list.", "\n\nLearn a new hobby or skill\n\nUsing your mental and physical abilities in fun activities can reap benefits in other areas of your life. ", "Take up the piano and you may see improvement in buttoning your shirt. ", "Join a bridge group to strengthen your math and attention skills you need to manage your finances.", "\n\nVolunteer\n\nGet out and help others to add purpose to your life. ", "Babysitting, dog walking, or visiting lonely elders can give you more chances to speak without feeling judged. ", "Community gardens and food banks offer a chance to get out of the house and help.", "\n\nTake a break\n\nSometimes taking a break from therapy can let your brain recharge and refocus, while giving you time to do things you enjoy. ", "Having fun is therapeutic too, and it can inspire new functional goals.", "\n\nDon’t get discouraged\n\nEveryone recovers at different rates. ", "Don’t compare your recovery to others. ", "Hope is the most powerful drug there is, so do everything you can to hold onto it.", "\n\n3 Comments\n\nJoanne Donnellan\nOctober 26, 2016 at 11:32 pm\n\nI so appreciate these articles. ", "This one is particularly relevant to my husband’s situation. ", "I have learned so much about stroke in the last\n14 months and your articles help explain many things that I don’t yet understand.", "\nThanks so much!", "\n\nAudi Cathcart\nOctober 27, 2016 at 5:39 am\n\nNice article.", "\n\nMark\nNovember 17, 2016 at 5:45 am\n\nMy daughter would agree with this article and add that necessity is another factor. ", "She had her severe stroke 25 years ago at age 8. ", "At 33 she’s married and the working mother of two sets of twins. ", "Improvements continue as she needs them, that and finding ways of working around problems.", "\n\nSubscribe to Blog via Email\n\nEnter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email." ]
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[ "Scales can often seem a chore but Ukulele Mike demonstrates a relatively simple exercise that will strengthen and improve the flexibility of your left-hand fingers. ", "This looks like an exercise that will make a difference while being easy to learn for beginners and for those with less flexible hands.", "\n\nWhat better way to remember a great performer than to keep playing their music. ", "Here is an easy ukulele lesson on how to play the strumming pattern for George Michael’s CarelessWhisper given by guitarist and ukulele player Eric Blackmon.", "\n\nManitoba Hal demonstrates a great variation of an old favourite on the baritone ukulele. ", "This should also be of interest to other uke players as you can play the same chord forms with the usual GCEA tuning in the Key of C." ]
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[ "Article 2: By what means God is made known unto us.", "\n\nfont size\n\nWe know him by two means: first, by the creation, preservation and government of the universe; which is before our eyes as a most elegant book, wherein all creatures, great and small, are as so many characters leading us to contemplate the invisible things of God, namely, his power and divinity, as the apostle Paul saith, Romans 1:20. ", "All which things are sufficient to convincemen, and leave them without excuse. ", "Secondly, he makes himself more clearly and fully known to us by his holy and divine Word, that is to say, as far as is necessary for us to know in this life, to his glory and our salvation." ]
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[ "Minuets in G major and G minor (Petzold)\n\nThe Minuets in G major and G minor, BWV Anh.", " 114 and 115, are a pair of movements from a suite for harpsichord by Christian Petzold, which, through their appearance in the 1725 Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach, used to be attributed to Johann Sebastian Bach. ", "These Minuets are among the best known pieces of music literature. ", "The 1965 pop song \"A Lover's Concerto\", of which millions of copies were sold, is based on the first of these Minuets.", "\n\nHistory\nIn the late 17th century Christian Petzold became organist at the () of Dresden. ", "By the time Johann Sebastian Bach started to visit Dresden, Petzold was well acquainted with several of the city's musicians, including the violinist Johann Georg Pisendel, with whom Bach was also acquainted. ", "In 1720, Petzold composed the music for the inauguration of the new Silbermann organ of the . ", "Bach gave a concert on that organ when he visited Dresden in September 1725. ", "Petzold died in 1733: as organist of the he was succeeded by Bach's son Wilhelm Friedemann.", "\n\nIn the Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach\nThe second Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach was started in 1725. ", "It opened with two harpsichord suites, that is, the Partitas BWV 827 and 830, composed and written down by Johann Sebastian Bach. ", "Anna Magdalena Bach likely received the notebook from her husband in the autumn of 1725, as a present for either her birthday (22 September) or their wedding anniversary (3 December). ", "Nos.", " 3 to 11 in the notebook are keyboard pieces written down by Anna Magdalena, likely shortly after she was given the volume. ", "No.", " 3, the first piece after the two seven-movement Partitas, is a Minuet in F major by an unknown composer (likely not Bach), adopted as No.", " 113 in the second annex (, Anh.), ", "that is the annex of doubtful compositions, in the (BWV). ", "Petzold's Minuets in G major and G minor, BWV Anh.", " 114 and 115, are the next two entries in the notebook (Nos.", " 4 and 5). ", "These pieces may have been brought back from Dresden by Johann Sebastian when he visited this city in September 1725.", "\n\nBach likely intended the simple binary dances contained in Anna Magdalena's notebooks, including the Minuets entered without composer indication, as teaching material, likely rather for his younger children than for his wife.", "\n\nPetzold's harpsichord music\nFrom the early 1720s Petzold owned a state-of-the-art harpsichord manufactured by Silbermann. ", "In Johann Gottfried Walther's Lexicon, published in 1732, Petzold is mentioned as a composer of \"good keyboard pieces\" (). ", "Some of Petzold's harpsichord music appeared in 1729 collections:\n Georg Philipp Telemann included a harpsichord suite by Petzold in the last five issues of .", "\n A collection of 25 concertos for unaccompanied harpsichord by Petzold was copied as .", "\n\nHeinrich Raphael Krause was a student in Leipzig from 1720, before becoming cantor in Olbernhau in 1725. ", "Johann Benjamin Tzschirich was a student in Grimma when he started to copy harpsichord pieces collected by Krause in an album in 1726. ", "Tzschirich came to study in Leipzig in 1729, and became a lawyer in Bitterfeld in 1736. ", "Meanwhile he had continued to add pieces to his harpsichord music manuscript, including compositions by Bach (part of BWV 914), Friedrich Wilhelm Zachow, Telemann, Johann Kuhnau and others. ", "One of the last pieces he entered, likely around the time when moving to Bitterfeld (1735–1736), was a Suite by Petzold containing, together with eight other movements, the G major/G minor combined Minuet, otherwise only known as Nos. ", "4 and 5 of Anna Magdalena Bach's second notebook. ", "Tzschirich may have had access to a score of Petzold's Suite via the Bachs.", "\n\nMinuets\nIn Tzschirich's manuscript, the Minuet pair in G major and G minor is preceded by five other movements of Petzold's Suite, respectively a Prelude, an Allemande, a Courante, a Sarabande and a Bourrée. ", "After the double Minuet, Petzold's Suite continues with a Gigue and a Passepied with Trio. ", "According to the manuscript, the Minuets are to be performed da capo, in this order:\n (=first Minuet, G major)\n (=second Minuet, G minor)\n (repeat the first Minuet)\nBoth the G major and the G minor Menuets, in time, consist of 32 measures, each with a repeat sign at the end of the 16th measure (for a repeat of the first half of the piece), and another at the end of the Menuet (for a repeat of the second half). ", "There are a few minor differences between these Minuets as they appear in Tzschirich's manuscript and how they are written down in Anna Magdalena's second notebook.", "\n\nMinuet in G major, BWV Anh. ", "114\nThe Minuet in G major, BWV Anh. ", "114, as found in the second notebook of Anna Magdalena Bach (No.", " 4, p. 44):\n\nThe first eight measures in modern notation:\n\nMinuet in G minor, BWV Anh. ", "115\nThe Minuet in G minor, BWV Anh. ", "115, as found in the second notebook of Anna Magdalena Bach (No.", " 5, p. 45):\n\nReception\nIn 1880, C. F. Peters published Nos. ", "4 and 5 of Anna Magdalena Bach's second notebook as two of \"twenty easy piano pieces\" () from that manuscript. ", "The Bach-Gesellschaft published the Minuets in 1894. ", "After the publication of several anthologies, all the pieces of the second notebook were published in a single volume in 1904.", "\n\nIn 1904, Max Seiffert published a description of Tzschirich's harpsichord music manuscript, however, without substantial analysis of its content: the correspondence of Petzold's double Minuet contained in it with the G major/G minor Minuets of Anna Magdalena Bach's notebook remained unnoticed. ", "In the first edition of the , published in 1950, the two Minuets were included as doubtful compositions in Anh.", " II, along with nearly 20 other anonymous keyboard compositions of Anna Magdalena Bach's second notebook (BWV Anh.", " II 113–132). ", "In 1957, Anna Magdalena's notebooks were published in Vol.", " V/4 of the New Bach Edition. ", "Without having access to other primary sources for the G major and G minor Minuets than Anna Magdalena Bach's notebook, Georg von Dadelsen, the editor of the New Bach Edition volume, remarked that the Minuets and 115 appeared to belong together.", "\n\nOutside the context of scholarly literature, and despite being marked as doubtful in the BWV, the Minuets were still generally considered as compositions by Bach. ", "The melody from the 1965 pop song \"A Lover's Concerto\", written by American songwriters Sandy Linzer and Denny Randell, was based on the Minuet in G major. ", "The song was recorded by The Toys and reached number 2 in the US Billboard Hot 100 and number 5 in the UK Singles Chart. \"", "A Lover's Concerto\" sold more than two million copies and was awarded gold record certification by the R.I.A.A.\n\nHans-Joachim Schulze published an article, dedicated to Georg von Dadelsen, in the of 1979 (issued 1980), in which he described Petzold's (harpsichord suite) contained in Tzschirich's manuscript, and its Minuet pair corresponding to BWV Anh.", " 114/115. ", "Consequently, from the next edition of the (1990), the Minuets were attributed to Petzold and moved from Anh.", " II to Anh.", " III, that is the of spurious works, their full BWV numbers thus becoming and .", "\n\nIn the 1984 film Electric Dreams, the piece is the basis for a duet, or a friendly musical duel, between cellist Madeline and Edgar, the computer. ", "This song from the movie soundtrack, titled \"The Duel,\" was composed and performed by Giorgio Moroder.", "\n\nNotwithstanding their status as pieces for beginners, the Minuets and 115 were recorded by renowned performers (on harpsichord unless otherwise indicated), including:\n Gustav Leonhardt recorded \"2 Minuets ... BWV Anh.", " 114 & Anh.", " 115: Also attributed to Christian Pezold (...)\" in September 1988 (issued 1989).", "\n E. Power Biggs, performing the Minuets on organ, included in The Biggs Bach Book (issued 1990).", "\n Igor Kipnis, included the Minuets in The Notebook of Anna Magdalena Bach (issued 1992).", "\n Richard Egarr recorded \"2 Minuets, BWV Anh. ", "114–5 (from Clavier-Büchlein für Anna Magdalena Bach [1725])\" in 1995 (issued 1997).", "\n\nThe 1995 film Mr. Holland's Opus has a scene in which the title character, a high school music teacher, explains to his students the connection between \"A Lover's Concerto\" and the Minuet in G major. ", "He incorrectly identifies the piece as written by Bach, which is appropriate given the scene is set in 1965 when the public still believed the tune to be written by Bach.", "\n\nIn 1988, Dadelsen published a facsimile of Anna Magdalena's second notebook. ", "Richard Jones published the short pieces, edited with piano fingering, of Anna Magdalena's 1725 notebook in 1997. ", "In 21st-century publications the Minuets BWV Anh.", " 114 and 115 are usually correctly identified as Petzold's. ", "In the 2010s, digital facsimiles of the Minuets as written down by Anna Magdalena Bach became available at Bach Digital and at the website of the Berlin State Library.", "\n\nReferences\n\nSources\n\nExternal links\n\n \n\nCategory:Bach: spurious and doubtful works\nCategory:Compositions for harpsichord\nCategory:Compositions in G major\nCategory:Compositions in G minor\nCategory:Articles containing video clips" ]
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[ "Glycosylation profiling of therapeutic antibodies in serum samples using a microfluidic CD platform and MALDI-MS.", "\nThe serum clearance rate of therapeutic antibodies is important as it affects the clinical efficacy, required dose, and dose frequency. ", "The glycosylation of antibodies has in some studies been shown to have an impact on the elimination rates in vivo. ", "Monitoring changes to the glycan profiles in pharmacokinetics studies can reveal whether the clearance rates of the therapeutic antibodies depend on the different glycoforms, thereby providing useful information for improvement of the drugs. ", "In this paper, a novel method for glycosylation analysis of therapeutic antibodies in serum samples is presented. ", "A microfluidic compact-disc (CD) platform in combination with MALDI-MS was used to monitor changes to the glycosylation profiles of samples incubated in vitro. ", "Antibodies were selectively purified from serum using immunoaffinity capture on immobilized target antigens. ", "The glycans were enzymatically released, purified, and finally analyzed by MALDI-TOF-MS. ", "To simulate changes to glycan profiles after administration in vivo, a therapeutic antibody was incubated in serum with the enzyme α1-2,3 mannosidase to artificially reduce the amount of the high mannose glycoforms. ", "Glycan profiles were monitored at specific intervals during the incubation. ", "The relative abundance of the high mannose 5 glycoform was clearly found to decrease and, simultaneously, that of high mannose 4 increased over the incubation period. ", "The method can be performed in a rapid, parallel, and automated fashion for glycosylation profiling consuming low amounts of samples and reagents. ", "This can contribute to less labor work and reduced cost of the studies of therapeutic antibodies glycosylation in vitro and in vivo." ]
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[ "The World's First Underwater Bar Doesn't Serve Booze, So What's the Point\n\nThere is a venue in Mexico claiming to be the first on earth to offer a rather unusual tourist attraction. ", "Nope, it's not a swim-up bar... those are a dime a dozen in tropical locations. ", "Instead, it's a bar that's fully submerged underwater. ", "But here's the rub about this underwater bar: It serves no booze.", "\n\nOK, we get it. ", "That makes sense: It's pretty hard to drink underwater while wearing an oxygen helmet.", "\n\nWhile you're underwater you can play giant Jenga, shoot a bubble gun, dance, and take photos with fun props.", "\n\nThe bar is in an aquarium though — not the open sea. ", "The Clear Lounge explains the scenario like a scene from a futuristic movie: \"You’ll feel the weightlessness of the underwater world all around you, while the colorful lights and bubbles, mixed with refreshing, aromatic oxygen, exhilarate your senses. ", "It’s a whole body, multi-sensory experience.\"", "\n\nIt also comes with a $67 cover charge... with the first so-called \"oxygen smoothie\" free.", "\n\nJet Set is Bravo's launch pad for the most extravagant, luxurious, and unforgettable travel experiences. ", "Ready for takeoff? ", "Then Like us on Facebook to stay connected to our daily updates." ]
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[ "Depravity (album)\n\nDepravity is the second full-length release by metalcore band A Plea for Purging. ", "It was released on hardcore and metal label, Facedown Records and was produced by Joey Sturgis (The Devil Wears Prada, Attack Attack!). ", "The album received generally positive reviews.", "\n\nTrack listing \nAll tracks by A Plea for Purging\n\n \"Descension\" - 0:27\n \"Retribution\" - 3:37\n \"Malevolence - 4:00\n \"Holocausts\" - 3:48\n \"Motives\" - 3:23\n \"Devourer\" - 4:29\n \"Prevaricator\" - 4:27\n \"Traitor\" - 4:12\n \"Misanthropy\" (featuring guest vocals by Devin Leach of Alert The Sky) - 3:18\n \"Reputation\" - 4:35\n \"Depravity\" - 6:34\n\nB-sides\n \"Live Your Life\" - 4:53 cover of \"Live Your Life\" by T.I. feat. ", "Rihanna)\n\nPersonnel\n A Plea for Purging\nAndy Atkins - vocals\nBlake Martin - guitar, clean vocals on \"Reputation\" \nTyler Wilson - guitar\nJohn Wand - bass\nAaron Eckermann - drums\nGuest musicians\nDevin Leach (ex-Alert the Sky) - vocals on \"Misanthropy\"\nProduction\nProduced, Mixed, Mastered, Additional vocals and programming by Joey Sturgis\nEngineered by Joey Sturgis and Andy Walker\nLayout design by Dave Quiggle\nPhotography by Taylor Foiles\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n\"A Plea For Purging : Depravity\" SoundFaithMusic.com.", "\n\nCategory:Facedown Records albums\nCategory:2009 albums\nCategory:A Plea for Purging albums\nCategory:Albums produced by Joey Sturgis" ]
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[ "\n299 U.S. 302 (1936)\nKAMMERER ET AL.", "\nv.\nKROEGER, SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS OF OHIO, ET AL.[*]", "\nNo. ", "522.", "\nSupreme Court of United States.", "\nMotion to dismiss distributed November 28, 1936.", "\nDecided December 21, 1936.", "\nAPPEAL FROM THE SUPREME COURT OF OHIO.", "\n*303 Mr. John W. Bricker, Attorney General of Ohio, filed a brief in support of the motion to dismiss.", "\nMessrs. Gilbert Bettman and W.S. McConnaughey were on the brief for appellants in opposition to the motion to dismiss.", "\nPER CURIAM.", "\nThese seven appeals present the same question. ", "Under §§ 687 to 687-23, 115 Ohio Laws 3, § 1, et seq., ", "effective February 27, 1933, the Superintendent of Building and Loan Associations of the State of Ohio took possession of the assets of the above-mentioned associations, respectively, for the purpose of liquidation. ", "The Superintendent sought authority to borrow money from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to pay off claims alleged to be prior to the shareholders' claims against such associations and to pledge the assets as security. ", "Appellant shareholders, on behalf of all the shareholders of the respective associations, through their counsel, successfully opposed the Superintendent's applications. ", "Thereupon appellants filed applications for the allowance of their counsel fees and expenses out of the assets of the associations. ", "The Common Pleas Court of Montgomery County, on motion of the Superintendent, struck these applications from the files upon the ground that under the Ohio statutes the court did not have jurisdiction to consider or allow such fees. ", "Motions for new trial and rehearing were overruled. ", "The Court of Appeals of Montgomery County sustained the ruling of the Court of Common Pleas. ", "Appellants then appealed as of right to the Supreme Court of Ohio and that court dismissed the appeals on the ground that \"no debatable constitutional question\" was involved. ", "131 O.S. 330; 2 N.E. (2d) 823.", "\nWe find no basis for the contention that in denying appellants' claim to be paid their counsel fees and expenses *304 out of the assets in the hands of the liquidator, upon the ground that the court was without jurisdiction to make such an allowance, any right of the appellants under the Federal Constitution has been infringed. ", "The question is one of state practice and remedy. ", "The motions to dismiss the appeals are granted and the appeals are dismissed for the want of a substantial federal question. ", "Iowa Central Ry. ", "Co. v. Iowa, 160 U.S. 389, 393; Standard Oil Co. v. Missouri, 224 U.S. 270, 280, 281; McDonald v. Oregon Navigation Co., 233 U.S. 665, 669, 670; Gasquet v. Lapeyre, 242 U.S. 367, 369, 370; Enterprise Irrigation District v. Canal Co., 243 U.S. 157, 166.", "\nDismissed.", "\nMR. ", "JUSTICE STONE took no part in the consideration or decision of this case.", "\nNOTES\n[*] Together with No. ", "523, Wuist et al. ", "v. Kroeger et al.; ", "No. ", "524, Fischer et al. ", "v. Kroeger et al.; ", "No. ", "525, Cotterill et al. ", "v. Kroeger et al.; ", "No. ", "526, Kelsey et al. ", "v. Kroeger et al.; ", "No. ", "527, Kimmel et al. ", "v. Kroeger et al.; ", "and No. ", "528, Reichert et al. ", "v. Kroeger et al. ", "Appeals from the Supreme Court of Ohio.", "\n" ]
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[ "ponedeljek, 30. ", "maj 2016\n\nLike In a Fairytale..\n\nTime to start a new weekly theme over here at the Craft Heaven Shop Inspirational Blog..Old, New, Borrowed, Blue..\nLet's see how our DT Barbara interpreted it..\n\nThis is Barbara's phenomenal card for today..\n\nSeems to be in a fairytale, right?", "\n\nShe chose to use some stunning Maja Design papers from the Vintage Romance collection..\n\nThe Together Forever 12x12 sheet and some others from the 6x6 Paper Pad..\n\nThe base of the card was made using a Magnolia die from the PopUp Box and Barbara also used one of the Vintage Square dies that are just amazing..\n\nThere's a beautiful 4'' doily behind the image and various die-cuts..\nThis is the second time that we see Barbara use Prom Tilda with Flowers from the We Made It Collection 2016..\nShe's just too gorgeous not to use over and over again..\nOnce again Barbara coloured her with Distress Inks and then sealed the image with the Distress Micro Glaze..\nThen she used some Stickles and Liquid Pearls on the image and around her to add some more interest..\n\nAll the paper edges are distressed and Barbara loves to use her sewing machine to add that elegant touch to her creations..\n\nHere's a close-up of the gorgeous WOC flowers and our amazing Lace Fleur..\nYou can see some Gesso here and there.. That really adds that shabby feel to the whole thing..\n\nAnd a final view of this stunning project..\n\nDon't forget to join our Facebook Giveaway guys..\nWe're almost ready to pick the winner..\nGood luck and see ya soon!" ]
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[ "From the Blog\n\nGuest Blog Post From Client Stephanie~Arkansas Women’s Photographer\n\nToday I’m sharing very personal stories of both myself and my client Stephanie. ", "I hope you’ll take a few minutes and read to the end.", "\n\nIn 2014 I booked a boudoir experience over the phone. ", "We tried hard to get together in person before her Full Day Of Sexy, but it just wasn’t to be. ", "This is one of the few times I haven’t met my client in person or on video chat in advance of photographing her. ", "The day she arrived I noticed she looked unlike how she had described herself to me. ", "I was a little taken back that her perception could be so different than the beautiful woman who was bringing her wardrobe case in the door. ", "She was visibly nervous, to the point of shaking. ", "Ashley & I put her in the makeup chair and began our comfortable rapport. ", "Eventually Stephanie settled down and began to get more comfortable with the idea of what we were doing. ", "By the end of the day she owned her space and was suggesting poses.", "\n\nAt her image reveal she was ecstatic with the results and I breathed a sigh of relief. ", "I also have insecurities at times…What if I can’t show a woman her beauty? ", "What if she just refuses to see it? ", "What if I don’t do her justice with my images?", "\n\nA while later we were scheduled for pick up of her products. ", "I sat in my office that day, working away and awaiting her return. ", "I’m not sure why I was filled with self doubt on this particular day but I was. ", "It had nothing to do with Stephanie’s planned visit or her experience. ", "I thought about if I was doing what I was meant to do in the world. ", "I was thinking of giving up on my dreams. ", "Anyway, who cared what I was doing?", "\n\nThen, I heard a door open. ", "A confident walk got progressively louder as it came closer. ", "I looked up and Stephanie rounded the corner into my space. ", "I remember thinking, “She is glowing!” ", "She was so put together and fashionable! ", "She had on makeup! ", "As we moved through the product presentation she told me how her self esteem had skyrocketed, that she was thinking of starting a business and that she had never felt better in her skin! ", "Moments before I was considering giving up. ", "This interaction is absolutely gave me the courage to continue my path of empowering women. ", "I was so new at it at that time. ", "I didn’t have the confidence and clear vision I have now. ", "How many women would I have not assisted on their path if not for Stephanie? ", "There are so many. ", "If I had given up that day none of my art I hold so dear now would have been made.", "\n\nA couple of years later Stephanie was faced with the hardest and most important battle of her life. ", "She persisted. ", "She won. ", "And in that process she found a cause. ", "Many women who suffer the loss of their breasts have reconstruction surgery because they believe they have no alternative. ", "Stephanie chose to live her life without breasts. ", "She now champions women being fully informed of their options. ", "She did all this with the utmost grace. ", "I’m so proud to call her my friend. ", "Please read her story as it follows and share and comment your support.", "\n\nThank you, Marsha\n\nFrom Stephanie:\n\nFar too many women use words such as, “ugly”, “gross”, “fat” and on and on with such horrible words to describe themselves. ", "Glamour magazine did a survey on women’s body image. ", "They found that a shocking 97% of women struggle with their body image. ", "These thoughts often lead to a low self-esteem. ", "Media, which has only been heightened by the rise of social media, shows us & promotes these unrealistic goals. ", "It is as if we are looking into a broken mirror.", "\n\nI was no different. ", "I, like so many, had experienced some of life’s struggles that only contributed to my poor self-esteem. ", "In my younger years, I’d spend hours pouring over Vogue, Glamour, Cosmo and on and on imagining and plotting how I could look just like those models. ", "So, the first time I met with Marsha I was not confident. ", "In fact, I thought I would be the one that the pictures are just not good. ", "I was not a model. ", "I was not a 20 something. ", "I was a mom with two children. ", "When I looked into my “broken mirror”, I wasn’t able to see beauty. ", "But, my experience with Marsha would shake my own beliefs in myself. ", "She would challenge me to look into that mirror differently. ", "I had a truly wonderful day with Marsha, as well as the beautiful makeup and hair from Ashley Gregory, two very talented women. ", "We had fun. ", "We laughed. ", "As the day progressed, I felt this unknown feeling rumble inside me. ", "I felt some confidence. ", "I actually, dare I say, felt “pretty.” ", "I no doubt left Marsha’s studio a different woman than when I had entered that morning.", "\n\nThe next step was the picture reveals. ", "I was filled with such excitement. ", "But, still a bit of stubbornness with a hint of doubt, “I bet she was disappointed in the pictures and maybe only found a couple “okay” ones.” ", "However, when she put those photos up on the screen, I was literally brought to tears. ", "Those photos were beautiful. ", "Looking back at me were photos of a truly beautiful woman. ", "I can say confidently that I am very proud of those photos and will forever cherish them.", "\n\nMarsha is blessed with an amazing talent. ", "She is more than a photographer. ", "She can look through her lens and see true beauty. ", "She is able to use the camera as a medium to reach women and help to show them all their true beauty. ", "She reaches so many women and I believe reaches us on a deeper level. ", "Yes, the photos are stunning but the fact that it touches our inner self and challenges us to look at ourselves differently is as much a part of the experience.", "\n\nBut, my journey doesn’t end there.", "\n\nIn January 2016, I was diagnosed with Stage 3, Triple Negative Breast cancer. ", "As part of my treatment, I underwent a bilateral mastectomy. ", "I, along with my families support, made the decision to not undergo breast reconstruction. ", "This means I live my life without breasts … no reconstruction, no prosthetics. ", "I desperately wanted to return to living my life as quickly as possible. ", "I wasn’t willing to undergo multiple surgeries, each with risks of there own. ", "And, in the end, the fact is … a woman’s beauty truly is more than skin deep. ", "Our breasts, any size or shape is not what defines us as a woman. ", "I felt confident in this decision. ", "I believe that a portion of this confidence came from my initial photo shoot with Marsha. ", "I grew from there & knew that I would be just as beautiful without breasts as with.", "\n\nAbout Us\n\nFreedom Boudoir is the passion and vision of Marsha Foster. ", "Photography can provide healing, confidence and love.", "\n\nAt Freedom Boudoir, our desire is to give women an exceptional, luxurious, and intimate photography experience that empowers them to see their own beauty and liberates them to live life to the fullest." ]
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[ "FYI\n\n\nVince\n\n---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/10/2000 \n02:54 PM ---------------------------\n\n\n\"Edna OConnell\" <esai@ma.ultranet.com> on 01/10/2000 11:23:42 AM\nPlease respond to esai@ma.ultranet.com\nTo: \"ednao@esaibos. ", "com (E-mail)\" <ednao@esaibos.com>\ncc: (bcc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT)\nSubject: New ESAI \"Flow of Funds\" Report\n\n\n\n\nDear Clients:\n\nAttached is a new ESAI report that takes the analysis of trends in financial\nmarkets one step further: into equity market valuations of energy companies.", "\nWe intend to issue this report monthly.", "\n\nThere is an enormous amount of information about money flows behind this\nreport. ", "For the sake of brevity, we have presented only a selection of what\nwe evaluate to derive these new forecasts of energy index prices. ", "Please\ndirect feedback to Ed Krapels at ekrapels@esaibos.com. \"", "\n\n\nEdna O'Connell\nOffice Manager\nESAI\n301 Edgewater Place, Suite 108\nWakefield, MA 01880\n(781) 245-2036\n(781) 245-8706\nednao@esaibos.com\n\n - Jan 2000.pdf" ]
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[ "Biologically active estrogen receptor-beta: evidence from in vivo autoradiographic studies with estrogen receptor alpha-knockout mice.", "\nEstrogen receptor-1 (ER beta) messenger RNA (mRNA) has been detected in the brain of wild-type and estrogen receptor-alpha knockout (ER alphaKO) mice. ", "The present study used in vivo autoradiography to evaluate the binding of 125I-estrogen, a compound with a similar affinity for both ERs to ascertain whether ER beta mRNA is translated into biologically active receptor. ", "Mice were injected with 125I-estrogen, and sections were mounted on slides and opposed to emulsion. ", "After exposure, labeled cells were seen in ER alphaKO brain regions where ER beta is expressed (preoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus; bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; amygdala; entorhinal cortex; and dorsal raphe). ", "Competition studies with 17beta-estradiol eliminated binding in the ER alphaKO brain, whereas 16alphaIE2, an ER alpha selective agonist and dihydrotestosterone had no effect. ", "In contrast, competition studies with 16alphaIE2 in wild-type mice eliminated 125I-estrogen binding to ER alpha and resulted in a pattern of residual binding comparable to that seen in the ER alphaKO brain. ", "The results demonstrate that residual estrogen binding sites are present in regions of the ER alphaKO brain where ER beta is expressed, brain regions that were also seen after eliminating binding to ER alpha in wild-type mice. ", "These data provide the first evidence that ER beta mRNA is translated into a biologically active protein in the rodent brain." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nC++0x initializer list example\n\nI would like to see how this example of existing code would be able to take advantage of the C++0x initializer list feature.", "\nExample0:\n#include <vector>\n#include <string>\nstruct Ask {\n std::string prompt;\n Ask(std::string a_prompt):prompt(a_prompt){}\n};\nstruct AskString : public Ask{\n int min;\n int max;\n AskString(std::string a_prompt, int a_min, int a_max):\n Ask(a_prompt), min(a_min), max(a_max){}\n};\nint main()\n{\n std::vector<Ask*> ui;\n ui.push_back(new AskString(\"Enter your name: \", 3, 25));\n ui.push_back(new AskString(\"Enter your city: \", 2, 25));\n ui.push_back(new Ask(\"Enter your age: \"));\n}\n\nWould it support something like this:\nExample1:\nstd::vector<Ask*> ui ={\n AskString(\"Enter your name: \", 3, 25),\n AskString(\"Enter your city: \", 2, 25),\n Ask(\"Enter your age: \")\n };\n\nOr must it have literals like this?:", "\nExample2:\nstd::vector<Ask*> ui ={\n {\"Enter your name: \", 3, 25},\n {\"Enter your city: \", 2, 25},\n {\"Enter your age: \"}\n };\n\nIf so how would the difference between AskString and Ask be handled?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou last examples wouldn't be allowed as you ask for pointers but try to provide local temporary objects instead.", "\nstd::vector<Ask*> ui ={\n new AskString{\"Enter your name: \", 3, 25},\n new AskString{\"Enter your city: \", 2, 25},\n new Ask{\"Enter your age: \"}\n };\n\nThat would be allowed and there would be no type ambiguity.", "\nThat would be right too :\nstd::vector<Ask*> ui ={\n new AskString(\"Enter your name: \", 3, 25),\n new AskString(\"Enter your city: \", 2, 25),\n new Ask(\"Enter your age: \")\n };\n\nAnd your example is more like :\nstd::vector<Ask> ui ={ // not pointers\n {\"Enter your name: \"},\n {\"Enter your city: \"},\n {\"Enter your age: \"}\n };\n\nstd::vector<AskString> uiString ={ // not pointers\n {\"Enter your name: \", 3, 25},\n {\"Enter your city: \", 2, 25},\n {\"Enter your age: \", 7, 42}\n };\n\nand again there would be no ambiguity on the types.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "National Register of Historic Places listings in Armstrong County, Texas\n\n__NOTOC__\n\nThis is a list of the National Register of Historic Places listings in Armstrong County, Texas.", "\n\nThis is intended to be a complete list of properties and districts listed on the National Register of Historic Places in Armstrong County, Texas. ", " The locations of National Register properties and districts (at least for all showing latitude and longitude coordinates below) may be seen in a map by clicking on \"Map of all coordinates\".", "\n\nThere are 4 properties and districts listed on the National Register in the county, including 1 National Historic Landmark\n\nCurrent listings\n\n|}\n\nSee also\n\nNational Register of Historic Places listings in Texas\nRecorded Texas Historic Landmarks in Armstrong County\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Armstrong County, Texas\nArmstrong County\n*" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCorrelations between functions and asymptotes - if assuming that they are true, why are they true?", "\n\nWhen I was playing with numbers, I found that it appears to be true that only if given the fact that some arbitrary function has asymptotes at any $x=\\pm n_{a+a\\,\\ldots}$ it satisfies the function\n$$g=\\frac{1}{(x\\pm n_{a+a_0})(x\\pm n_{a+a_1})\\ldots}$$ \nThis fact can also be used when you want to find the asymptotes of a function; take for example the function \n$$y=\\frac{x^2-1}{x^2-4}$$\nSimplify the denominator,\n$$\\frac{x^2-1}{(x-2)(x+2)}$$\nAs we in the denominator have that $(x-2)$ and $(x+2)$ there exists asymptotes at $x=2$ and $x=-2$ respectively.", "\n\nIf assuming that this is true, why is this true? ", "I understand that there exists a correlation between $x=\\pm n_{a+a_0}$ and $(x\\pm n_{a+a_0})$. \n\nLeft as a comment:\nIt may only be very simple explanation(s) to what I have \"found\", but if anyone have the time I would like to hear the explanation(s) anyways for clarification. ", "I have only just recently learned what asymptotes is, and that only in a very intuitive way (they didn't even speak about limits). ", "Sorry for eventual \"unmathematicalness\" in my reasoning further up.", "\n\nA:\n\nFor any rational function $f(x)=\\frac{g(x)}{h(x)}$, there are vertical asymptotes at the zeros of $h$, which are the points $x$ such that $h(x)=0$. This is because $f$ is undefined at these points.", "\nIt is not true that every function with vertical asymptotes can be written in the form you describe; consider $f(x)=\\tan x$. \n\n" ]
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[ "Chemokines and angiogenesis.", "\nChemokines mediate the ingress of leukocytes, including neutrophils and monocytes, into the inflamed synovium. ", "Among the four known chemokine families, C-X-C and C-C chemokines seem to be of outstanding importance in this process. ", "Angiogenesis, the formation of new vessels, is also important in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis. ", "In this review, the authors discuss the role of the most important chemokines in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid synovitis. ", "The most relevant angiogenic factors and angiogenesis inhibitors involved in rheumatoid arthritis are also discussed. ", "Because certain chemokines may also play a role in neovascularization, chemokines and the process of angiogenesis are described in this context as well. ", "Apart from discussing the pathogenic role of these factors, the authors also review the important relevance of chemokines and angiogenesis for therapeutic intervention." ]
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[ "The present invention relates to a new and distinct cultivar of Zonal Geranium plant, botanically known as Pelargonium×hortorum, and hereinafter referred to by the name ‘Share’.", "\nThe new Zonal Geranium is a product of a planned breeding program conducted by the Inventor in Dresden, Germany. ", "The objective of the breeding program was to develop new Zonal Geraniums that flower well under partial shade conditions.", "\nThe new Zonal Geranium originated from a cross-pollination made by the Inventor in 2001 of two proprietary selections of Pelargonium×hortorum, not patented. ", "The cultivar Share was discovered and selected by the Inventor as a flowering plant within the progeny from the stated cross-pollination in a controlled environment in Dresden, Germany in 2002.", "\nAsexual reproduction of the new cultivar by terminal cuttings in a controlled environment in Dresden, Germany since January, 2002 has shown that the unique features of this new Zonal Geranium are stable and reproduced true to type in successive generations of asexual reproduction." ]
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[ "Post by CBJ » Tue, 13. ", "Dec 11, 19:18\n\nStock Exchanges\n\n\n\nThe Stock Exchange in X3: Albion Prelude is not just a single station. ", "The Stock Exchange feature consists of a series of Stock Exchange stations, also known as local exchanges, that are spread across the X Universe.", "\n\n\n\nStock Exchange Stations\n\n\n\nStock Exchange Stations are usually located in \"core\" sectors and can be visually identified by the Stock Exchange signage outside. ", "Each local exchange serves a group of surrounding sectors owned by the same race as the sector in which the Stock Exchange station is located. ", "As an example, the Argon Prime exchange serves the surrounding Argon sectors.", "\n\n\n\nTrading\n\n\n\nLocal exchanges will need to be \"unlocked\" before you can trade shares at them. ", "Each race will have it's own unique requirements to unlock local exchanges owned by that race. ", "You can see the requirements for unlocking a local exchange by opening the Stock Exchange station's standard Info menu. ", "Some races require missions to be completed, others may involve a payment of some kind, while still others are based on a particular trade or fight ranking that must be achieved.", "\n\n\n\nYour reputation with each race will also be a factor. ", "You must maintain at least a neutral reputation with a race in order to be able to trade shares at their local exchanges, so any race that is hostile to you will not let you use their local exchanges at all. ", "They won't, however, confiscate any shares you already hold at their local exchanges if your reputation drops at any time, so you can regain access to them later by improving your reputation.", "\n\n\n\nYou can trade shares at a given local exchange by physically docking there yourself. ", "Alternatively you can trade shares remotely if you have at least one asset (it can be a ship, a satellite, or even a station) within scanner range of an unlocked Stock Exchange.", "\n\n\n\nLocal exchange share prices are calculated by getting the Products and Resources from the sectors served by the exchange and evaluating these to generate a share price and index value. ", "The lower the index value the greater the demand, and hence the higher the share price.", "\n\n\n\nThe trading of shares costs a small transaction fee each time you buy or sell shares. ", "This fee is 2% of the total transaction amount in credits. ", "Each time you sell shares for a profit, you will gain a small increase in your trade ranking and possibly a reputation increase with the race that controls that Stock Exchange. ", "Any such increases are based on the profit made, not the total value of the transaction.", "\n\n\n\nTrade Information\n\n\n\nMost Stock Exchange related activities are accessed from the Player menu on the sidebar. ", "From here you can view the main Stock Exchange menu, as well as the Corporate and Company menus that deal with the Corporations and Companies that are found in the X Universe respectively. ", "There are also a number of Broker Settings here that you can adjust to match your personal preferences.", "\n\n\n\nFinally, no Stock Exchange would be complete without graphs! ", "A series of Graphs have been made available so you can view your current commodity shares at a glance. ", "These allow you to view just information relating to one local exchange, or from all of the local exchanges at which you currently hold shares.", "\n\n\n\nRequirements\n\n\n\nThere are a number of requirements that must be fulfilled before you can start using the Stock Exhange feature, and individual local exchanges within it:\n\n\n\n• The ship you are flying needs a Trading System Extension installed, even if you are docked at a Stock Exchange station.", "\n\n• A Stock Exchange station has to be known to you before it will become available for trading.", "\n\n• A local stock exchange must be unlocked in order to use it (see Stock Exchange station Info menu for details of requirements).", "\n\n• You need at least one asset within scanner range of a Stock Exchange station in order to trade shares there.", "\n\n• You have to maintain at least a neutral reputation with a race if you want to trade shares at their local stock exchanges.", "\n\n\n\nShares\n\n\n\nThe Stock Exchange allows the trading in shares of four different types.", "\n\n\n\nCommodity shares are the shares that are available from the local exchanges. ", "These are shares in the products and resources that can be found throughout the X-Universe. ", "Each exchange will only list shares for products or resources that can be found in its area.", "\n\n\n\nAlso part of Commodity Shares are \"Naturals\", wares that are not normally used in the game. ", "These are shares in items you won't find at stations, but they are the kinds of things you might expect to find in shops or specialty outlets located on stations. ", "The share prices for these items are also based on the supply and demand for them; the more visitors a station gets, the more demand there is.", "\n\n\n\nAs you discover each Corporation HQ, shares in that Corporation will become available from the Corporation / Company Index menu. ", "The current value of a Corporation's assets will determine its share price.", "\n\n\n\nAs the X-Universe is a rather large place, the inhabitants need businesses to supply them with goods and services. ", "Businesses that become big enough may become Companies, and some of these Companies may apply for listing on the Stock Exchange. ", "Company share prices can fluctuate quite quickly as consumer confidence in their daily activities changes.", "\n\n\n\nLocal Stock Exchange\n\n\n\nThe Local Stock Exchange menu is accessed from the Player menu on the sidebar. ", "After choosing a local exchange from the list of those that are currently available to you (the one associated with the sector you are currently in will be listed with three asterisks next to its name, and those at which you currently hold shares will be shown in green) you will be presented with a large and possibly rather daunting-looking menu!", "\n\n\n\nThe first section of the menu shows you how much money you have and details of the local exchange that you selected from the list. ", "Selecting the entry with the local exchange sector name in the menu will display a list of the sectors that are served by that exchange. ", "Note that it will only show sectors that are known to you, so further exploration may result in that list growing.", "\n\n\n\nThe second section gives you access to a graph showing the shares that you currently own at this local exchange, and also provides some simple options for expanding and collapsing the other parts of the menu.", "\n\n\n\nThe final section is a large and colourful table full of numbers, which may seem daunting at first, but which you will become very familiar with if you decide to trade seriously on the Stock Exchange. ", "The lines in this section represent the types of shares you can trade in at this local section, and are grouped into categories. ", "If you are not interested in a particular category then you can collapse that section of the menu by selecting the group heading menu line for that category. ", "Similarly if you are only interested in one category then you can collapse all the others.", "\n\n\n\nFor each individual share, selecting that share will take you directly to a menu where you can buy or sell that share. ", "However, you probably won't want to do that until you have at least some idea what the numbers across the page next to it mean, so here is a quick explanation of what all those columns of numbers mean:\n\n\n\n• Supply: total available amount of this item in this exchanges area.", "\n\n• Demand: total required amount of this item in this exchanges area.", "\n\n• Min Cr: minimum number of Credits this item's shares will trade for.", "\n\n• Max Cr: maximum number of Credits this item's shares will trade for.", "\n\n• Index: the most important entry to watch in this menu (see below)!", "\n\n• Trend Line: the \"^\" and \"v\" symbols next to the Index tell you what movement there has been.", "\n\n• Trading At: price at which the shares for this item are currently trading.", "\n\n• Bought At: if you own shares in this item at this exchange, the average you paid for those shares.", "\n\n• Owned Shares: the number of shares you own for this item at this exchange.", "\n\n• Shares Avail: the total number of shares currently available for this item at this exchange.", "\n\n• Net Profit: the net profit, after fees, that you would make if you sold all your shares in this item right now.", "\n\n\n\nAs mentioned in the list above, the Index value is very important. ", "It tells you whether the shares are high or low in value in relative terms. ", "An Index value of between 0 and 49 is likely to be a good time to sell, while an Index value of between 50 and 100 will probably be a good time to buy. ", "An index value of 100 is considered the optimum for buying, with any number greater than that representing over-supply.", "\n\n\n\nRight at the bottom of the menu are totals for the columns showing the number of shares you own and the net profit.", "\n\n\n\nCorporation and Company Indexes\n\n\n\nIn addition to the ware-based shares in the Local Stock Exchange menu, you can also trade in Corporation and Company shares using the Corporation and Company Indexes menu. ", "The structure of this menu is very similar, as are the meanings of the columns displayed.", "\n\n\n\nThe two most obvious differences are the ability to switch the menu between Buying and Selling modes, and the fact that there are no columns for Supply and Demand since the shares do not correspond to individual wares.", "\n\n\n\nDetailed Summary of Shares Owned\n\n\n\nIf you want to review your share portfolio across all the local stock exchanges at which you have traded, the Detailed Summary of Shares Owned provides you with a breakdown. ", "Again, this menu follows the same structure, with the same data columns, but this time it focusses entirely on the shares that you own and does not show any data for other shares that you might be interested in buying.", "\n\n\n\nThe shares in this menu are grouped according to the local exchange at which they are held, and since it is possible to hold shares in the same item at different local exchanges, it is also possible that you may see the same items listed in more than one group. ", "As with the Local Stock Exchange menu, groups can be collapsed and expanded to allow you to focus on those you are currently interested in.", "\n\n\n\nThere are totals at the bottom of each group, and also a grand total at the bottom of the menu as a whole, which tells you the total number of shares that you hold in your portfolio across all local exchanges, and the total net profit that you would make if you were to sell them all immediately.", "\n\n\n\nBuying and Selling\n\n\n\nFrom any of the above menus, selecting a menu line showing shares for a particular item will take you to a menu where you can buy and/or sell shares. ", "This is where you get to part with all your hard earned credits or cash in on your last investment, or of course make a terrible loss!", "\n\n\n\nThe top part of the menu provides you with information to help you decide how many shares to buy or sell. ", "At the bottom of the menu are the options to actually initiate a transaction. ", "The text of those options will tell you whether you can buy, sell or both. ", "Buying and selling involves using the \"trade bar\" that you will be familiar with from the standard station Trade menu, including all the usual functionality such as the ability to type in the quantity you want.", "\n\n\n\nTransaction Reports\n\n\n\nSeveral transaction reports are available to help you keep track of your investment history. ", "Each report features sorting options, the ability to output data to a logfile for further analysis outside the game, and a means to delete entries from the transaction history, either individually or as a whole.", "\n\n\n\nThe report data itself is fairly self-explanatory, with columns for information such as where and when each transaction took place, what was bought or sold, and all the relevant numbers involved.", "\n\n\n\nIf all this is just too much information, you can always turn off the reports individually using the Broker Settings menu!", "\n\n\n\nGraphs\n\n\n\nSeveral graphs relating to your Stock Exchange activities are available from the Graphs menu, which can be found under the Advanced option in the Player sidebar menu. ", "The graphs that will be available here depend on your trading history.", "\n\n\n\nThe Local Stock Exchange graph is the same one that you can view from the Local Stock Exchange menu, and offers a list of local exchanges for you to choose from. ", "The Commodity Shares Owned graph displays the numbers of shares that you currently own at all local exchanges, grouped by exchange and share category. ", "The Current Shares Owned graph displays all shares you own at all exchanges as a single bar graph, grouped by share category." ]
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[ "Today, Carnival Cruise Line announced the Carnival Legend will be repositioning to Tampa, Florida, in October 2019. ", "The ship will primarily sail seven night cruises from Tampa and is replacing the Carnival Miracle, which currently sails 7 night cruises from Tampa. ", "Prior to arriving at Tampa, the Carnival Miracle will sail Alaska in summer 2018, return to Australia for the fall/winter of 2019, and return to Alaska for summer of 2019 as well. ", "After the Alaska cruise season in 2019, the Carnival Legend will sail a 16 night Hawaii voyage departing Vancouver on September 26, 2019. ", "This cruise will end in Los Angeles. ", "On October 12, 2019, the Carnival Legend will begin its repositioning with a 15 night Panama Canal cruise departing Los Angeles that ends in Tampa. ", "Although the Carnival Legend will primarily sail seven night cruises from Tampa, Carnival has a few special voyages planned for the ship. ", "For example, on January 25, 2020, Carnival has an 8 night partial Panama Canal transit cruise from Tampa. ", "Another different itinerary is a 14 night Panama Canal cruise departing Tampa on December 1, 2019. ", "More details about these cruises can be found on Carnival's website. ", "As of the time of writing this, the Carnival Legend is in dry-dock. ", "Carnival's press release today said the ship is receiving Guy's Burger Joint, Blue Iguana Cantina, Red Frog Rum Bar, Blue Iguana Tequila Bar, upgrades to Camp Ocean, upgrades to Circle C, and work to the ship's retail spaces. ", "This means the Carnival Legend will have several popular Fun Ship 2.0 features when it arrives in Tampa in October 2019.", "\n\nFor more information, check out Carnival's website and Carnival's press release. ", "Click here for Carnival's press release. ", "This link will open in a new window away from RyG's Cruise Guide." ]
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[ "The invention relates to a valve drive of an internal combustion engine for actuating a gas-exchange valve. ", "Its motion follows the lift of a cam and also the lift of a hydraulic force-applying device superimposed on and independent of the lift of the cam. ", "For this purpose, a piston of the force-applying device can move relative to a housing of the force-applying device from a first end position to a second end position in a pressure chamber formed by the piston and the housing through timed-variable feeding of a pressure-adjustable hydraulic medium from a hydraulic medium line.", "\nValve drives according to this class, in which the lift of the gas-exchange valve is comprised of superimposing a lift originating from the cam and a variable, adjustable lift of a hydraulic force-applying device, which acts on the motion of the gas-exchange valve independent of the cam, are known in the state of the art. ", "For example, DE 101 56 309 A1 describes a cup-tappet valve drive with a hydraulic force-applying device. ", "This is used to superimpose a lift generated by the cam on a lift of the gas-exchange valve independent of the cam. ", "For this purpose, between the inside of the cup base and the valve shaft there is a pressure piston, whose relative motion relative to the cup tappet is generated through a volume change of a pressure chamber bordering the pressure piston. ", "The pressure chamber is connected, on one side, via channels in the interior of the cup tappet and also in the tappet guide of the internal combustion engine to a hydraulic medium supply that is adjustable in pressure or volume flow.", "\nIn DE 43 18 293 A1, also according to this class, a finger lever drive with a pivot support is proposed, whose bearing point for the finger lever can be lowered by regulating the hydraulic medium out of the pressure chamber of the force-applying device by means of a control valve. ", "By lowering the bearing point, the cam lift is sub-divided kinematically onto the bearing point and the gas-exchange valve, which reduces the lift transmitted to the gas-exchange valve.", "\nAlthough with the previously mentioned valve drive an essentially variable influence of the valve lift originating from the cam is already possible, wherein partially also means for braking the piston motion are provided for reaching the end positions, the previously known systems have a few disadvantages. ", "For example, the piston of DE 101 56 309 A1 is embodied as a stepped piston, which forces hydraulic medium from an annular space located on the cup bottom with a cylindrical annular section. ", "For reaching the end position, the piston is here braked by forcing the hydraulic medium out of the annular space via guide gaps between the annular section and annular space. ", "Such a construction, however, requires the double fitting of the components, resulting in the hydraulic force-applying device being associated with considerable production and quality-assurance expense and consequently high manufacturing costs. ", "Moreover, the piston is then prevented from leaving the end position at a high acceleration and thus as quickly as possible, because the annular space first must be refilled with hydraulic medium via the narrow guide gaps.", "\nIn DE 43 18 293 A1, a ball check valve is located between the housing of the pivot support and the hydraulic medium supply. ", "This is arranged, however, in the cylinder head of the internal combustion engine in a way that is not easy to assemble and is also limited in throughput according to principle. ", "In this respect, here a high acceleration of the piston can be realized only to a limited extent when it leaves its end position.", "\nIn the two publications noted above, the braking profile of the piston when reaching the end position dependent on the viscosity and thus, in particular, on the temperature of the hydraulic medium, is further to be viewed as disadvantageous. ", "Both forcing the hydraulic medium via annular gaps, as provided in DE 101 56 309 A1, and also connecting the pressure chamber to a relatively long choke line according to DE 43 18 293 A1 leads to a considerable dependency of the braking profile on the viscosity of the hydraulic medium. ", "This dependency, however, is in no way desired. ", "In addition, the very wide operating temperature span of the internal combustion engine would lead to extremely different braking profiles of the piston, which could be equalized only with high electro-hydraulic control expense." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSelenium - SendKeys(\"@\") write an \"à\"\n\nI'm starting to use Selenium to test my website, but when i'm testing it on Internet Explorer, the function SendKeys(\"@\") write \"à\" instead of \"@\". ", "\nOtherwise, it's working well on Chrome and FF. ", "\nIf you have the answer........... :) \nHere is my code: \n IWebElement loginInput = driver.", "FindElement(By.", "Id(\"login-inputEl\"));\n loginInput.SendKeys(\"test@test.fr\");\n\nTy!", "\n\nA:\n\nI got the solution, in order to write an \"@\" with selenium in IE Driver!", "\nWith a french keyboard, you need to press the graph key \"ALT GR\" and the key \"à\" to get an \"@\", then, you'll need to tell Selenium to do the same action. ", "\nloginInput.", "SendKeys(\"test\"); // the beginning of my email adress\nvar actions = new OpenQA.Selenium.", "Interactions.", "Actions(driver);\nactions.", "KeyDown(Keys.", "Control).KeyDown(Keys.", "LeftAlt); // I press my graph key \"ALT GR\"\nactions.", "SendKeys(\"à\"); // Then, my key \"@\"\nactions.", "KeyUp(Keys.", "Control).KeyUp(Keys.", "LeftAlt); // I release my key\nactions.", "Build().Perform(); // execute\nloginInput.", "SendKeys(\"test.fr\"); // the end of my email adress\n\n" ]
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[ "774 F.2d 1341\nPenelope HATTERAS, Plaintiff-Appellant,v.SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, Lee Brown and City ofHouston, Defendants-Appellees.", "\nNo. ", "85-2077\n\nSummary Calendar.", "\nUnited States Court of Appeals,Fifth Circuit.", "\nOct. 30, 1985.", "\nHaynes & Fullenweider, Clinard J. Hanby, Donald Burger, Houston, Tex., ", "for plaintiff-appellant.", "\nMadeleine Dabney, Barbara R. Hunt, Houston, Tex., ", "for Southwestern Bell.", "\nJohn Fisher, Asst. ", "City Atty., ", "Robert J. Collins, Houston, Tex., ", "for Brown and City of Houston.", "\nAppeals from the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas.", "\nBefore REAVLEY, TATE and HILL, Circuit Judges.", "\nOPINION\nROBERT MADDEN HILL, Circuit Judge:\n\n\n1\nPenelope Hatteras brought suit in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas, claiming a violation of her constitutional rights under 42 U.S.C. Sec. ", "1983. ", " Named as defendants were Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. (Southwestern Bell), the City of Houston (the City), and Lee Brown, the Chief of Houston Police (Chief Brown). ", " The district court entered summary judgment without opinion in favor of all three defendants.1\n\n\n2\nSometime prior to Chief Brown's eventful letter of September 12, 1984, Penelope Hatteras was indicted for promotion of prostitution in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas. ", " On September 12, 1984, Chief Brown sent a copy of Hatteras' indictment to an official of Southwestern Bell and requested the disconnection of five telephone numbers allegedly used by Hatteras in her illegal enterprise. ", " Southwestern Bell complied with Chief Brown's directive, disconnecting the five numbers as well as two others on September 21. ", " A day after Hatteras' phones went dead, Southwestern Bell mailed notice that it had exercised its contractual right under Subsections VII B(5)(7) and X E(2) of the Texas General Exchange Tariff, Section 26 (the Tariff)2 to terminate service. ", " In her suit Hatteras claims that she has been deprived of her property without pretermination notice or hearing, in violation of her due process rights under the fourteenth amendment.", "\n\n\n3\nA section 19833 claim has two elements: a deprivation of rights secured by the Constitution or federal law and action under color of state law. ", " Flagg Brothers Inc. v. Brooks, 436 U.S. 149, 155, 98 S.Ct. ", "1729, 56 L.Ed.2d 185 (1978). ", " We assume without deciding that defendants acted under color of state law4 and that Hatteras' telephone service was a protectible property interest.5 See Paul v. Davis, 424 U.S. 711, 98 S.Ct. ", "1729, 56 L.Ed.2d 185 (1976); Board of Regents v. Roth, 408 U.S. 564, 92 S.Ct. ", "2701, 33 L.Ed.2d 548 (1972). ", " Finding, however, that Hatteras did not suffer a deprivation of her property without due process and has no recovery under section 1983, we affirm.6\n\nI.\n\n4\nGenerally, a hearing must be made available before the state or its agents deprive a citizen of her property. ", " See Fuentes v. Shevin, 407 U.S. 67, 92 92 S.Ct. ", "1983, 32 L.Ed.2d 556 (1972). ", " The right to a pretermination hearing, however, is not absolute. ", " Mitchell v. W.T. Grant Co., 416 U.S. 600, 94 S.Ct. ", "1895, 40 L.Ed.2d 406 (1974). ", " \"[T]he timing and nature of the required hearing will depend on appropriate accommodation of the competing interests involved. ", " These include the importance of the private interest and the length or finality of the deprivation, the likelihood of governmental error, and the magnitude of the governmental interest involved.\" ", " Logan v. Zimmerman Brush Co., 455 U.S. 422, 434, 102 S.Ct. ", "1148, 1157, 71 L.Ed.2d 265 (1982) (citations omitted).", "\n\n\n5\nThe importance of Hatteras' property interest cannot be minimized. ", " It is probably essential to her business which, if she is innocent of the crime charged, is a perfectly legitimate escort service. ", " This interest, however, must be measured against the government's interest in protecting its citizenry from ongoing criminal activity. ", " Chief Brown's letter to Southwestern Bell was not prompted by an inarticulable suspicion but rather by an indictment returned against Hatteras in a United States District Court.", "\n\n\n6\nWhere the charge of misconduct is supported by an indictment,7 we believe that the relatively small risk that telephone customers such as Hatteras have been mistakenly accused is outweighed by the state's interest in protecting the public welfare without the attendant delay of a pretermination hearing. ", " See, e.g., Ewing v. Mytinger & Casselberry, Inc., 339 U.S. 594, 70 S.Ct. ", "870, 94 L.Ed. ", "1088 (1950) (libel of suspectedly misleading articles), cited with approval in Loudermill, --- U.S. at ----, 105 S.Ct. ", "at 1493 n. 7, 84 L.Ed.2d at 504 n. 7; North American Cold Storage Co. v. Chicago, 211 U.S. 306, 29 S.Ct. ", "101, 53 L.Ed. ", "195 (1908) (seizure and destruction of allegedly tainted foodstuffs), cited with approval in Loudermill, --- U.S. at ----, 105 S.Ct. ", "at 1493 n. 7, 84 L.Ed.2d at 504 n. 7; see also Goss v. Lopez, 419 U.S. 565, 95 S.Ct. ", "729, 42 L.Ed.2d 725 (1975) (principal allowed to forego pretermination hearing in suspension of child who was disruptive to the class).", "\n\nII.", "\n\n7\nWe conclude that Hatteras' Due Process Rights were not violated when she was denied notice and hearing prior to the termination of her service under the Tariff.8\n\n\n8\nThe summary judgment of the district court in favor of the defendants is AFFIRMED.", "\n\n\n\n1\n The district court rendered its judgment in response to defendants' motions to dismiss under Rule 12(b). ", " Because the record comes to us replete with documentary evidence, we treat the district court's dismissal as a summary judgment. ", " See Rule 12(c)\n\n\n2\n Subsection VII B(5)(7) of the Tariff, Section 26, stipulates that \"[T]he Telephone Company may discontinue service which is used ... in any fraudulent or unlawful manner ...\" Subsection X E(2) provides that \"[t]he service is furnished subject to the condition that it will not be furnished if any law enforcement agency, acting within its jurisdiction, advises that such service is being used or will be used in violation of law, or if the Telephone Company receives other evidence convincing to it that such service is being or will be so used.\"", "\n\n\n3\n 42 U.S.C. Sec. ", "1983 creates a cause of action against any \"person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State ... subjects, or causes to the subjected, any citizen of the United States ... to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws [of the United States].\"", "\n\n\n4\n Whether there is state action is a \"necessarily fact-bound inquiry.\" ", " Lugar v. Edmonson Oil Co., 457 U.S. 922, 939, 102 S.Ct. ", "2744, 2755, 73 L.Ed.2d 482 (1982). ", " Hatteras has produced regulations of Southwestern Bell which call for disconnection of customers' lines at the request of the police. ", " In addition, Hatteras has alleged that the Houston police regularly and routinely requested discontinuation of service to persons under indictment. ", " We believe that these allegations raise a genuine question of fact on the issue of state action. ", " Adickes v. S.H. Kress & Co., 398 U.S. 144, 152, 90 S.Ct. ", "1598, 1605, 26 L.Ed.2d 142 (1970) (private party acts under color of state law if his behavior makes him a \"willful participant in joint action with the state or its agents\"); Auster Oil & Gas, Inc. v. Stream, 764 F.2d 381, 387 (5th Cir.1985) (\"Nominally private conduct constitutes 'state action' if the connection between the state and the acts justifies treating the private actor as an agent of the state or otherwise warrants attributing her behavior to the state\") (citations omitted). ", " Were it not for the fact that we dispose of the case on other grounds, we would remand the case to the district court for its full consideration\n\n\n5\n Although we do not reach the question whether Hatteras enjoyed a property right in her telephone service we take special note of Cleveland Board of Education v. Loudermill, --- U.S. ----, ----, 105 S.Ct. ", "1487, 1493, 84 L.Ed.2d 494, 503 (1985), relied upon by Hatteras. ", " We also note that Wisconsin v. Constantineau, 400 U.S. 433, 91 S.Ct. ", "507, 27 L.Ed.2d 515 (1971), Paul v. Davis, 424 U.S. 693, 708, 96 S.Ct. ", "1155, 1164, 47 L.Ed.2d 405 (1976), Goss v. Lopez, 419 U.S. 565, 95 S.Ct. ", "729, 42 L.Ed.2d 725 (1975), Morrissey v. Brewer, 408 U.S. 471, 92 S.Ct. ", "2593, 33 L.Ed.2d 484 (1972), and Bell v. Burson, 402 U.S. 535, 91 S.Ct. ", "1586, 29 L.Ed.2d 90 (1971), strongly support Hatteras' position that she had a protectible interest\n\n\n6\n Hatteras, in her brief to this Court, has likened the termination of her telephone service to a seizure. ", " See, e.g., Camden County Beverage Co. v. Blair, 46 F.2d 648 (1930). ", " Hatteras would be entitled to no greater protections in an application to recover seized property or in a forfeiture proceeding after her criminal trial than those which she enjoys as a result of having been deprived of property pursuant to the Tariff. ", " This opinion therefore does not speak to the viability of Hatteras' theory nor to the fourteenth amendment protections which inure to the individual whose property has been seized\n\n\n7\n We do not mean to imply that other, equally reliable, indicia of guilt would not be adequate\n\n\n8\n Hatteras has not urged that the procedural protections made available to her after the termination of her service are constitutionally inadequate. ", " We therefore express no opinion on that matter\n\n\n" ]
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[ "Logo Design\n\nLogo Design is known for its creativity and offers a powerful digital experience that connects the brand with the target customers. ", "We have expertise to design logo and other marketing collaterals by blending the techniques and technology altogether in our work." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nAngular2 http get request with header fails\n\nI am trying to do a simple get request via angular2 http like this: (the token is present also retrieved from a post to my api)\nlet idToken = localStorage.getItem('id_token');\nlet authHeader = new Headers();\nif (idToken) {\n authHeader.append('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + idToken);\n}\nreturn this._http.get('http://someapicall-to-my-custom-api', {headers: authHeader})\n.map(response => response.json())\n.subscribe(\n data => console.log(data),\n error => console.log(JSON.stringify(error)),\n () => console.log('Completed')\n);\n\nIf i call my api without the headers it returns a good result. ", "The moment i add the header i only runs through the error in subscribe. ", "The problem is that i need to start sending the header with it to get some protected data and so far that is failing.", "\nIn the console i see no usefull information at all i just see this:\n{\"_body\":{\"isTrusted\":true},\"status\":200,\"ok\":true,\"statusText\":\"Ok\",\"headers\":{},\"type\":3,\"url\":null}\n\nOn the GET request to the api i see no 200 ok but i do when i didnt add the headers. ", "Also there are no response headers. ", "\nIf i try to use postman to do the same, it works without problems in that program.", "\nI hope someone can point me into the right direction. ", "Could it be my api? ", "How can i debug this?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou also need\nAccess-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization\n\nSee also CORS: Autorization is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers\n\n" ]
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[ "[Methicillin resistant yellow staphylococci].", "\nThe incidence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Norway is extremely low. ", "Isolation of such strains is nearly always associated with import. ", "From December 1993 to January 1997 at the Ullevål University Hospital Department of Medical Microbiology, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from 22 persons in Oslo (17 patients and five healthy carriers). ", "A cluster of ten infected persons was detected (five patients and five carriers (nurses)) who were infected with strains showing an unusual antibiotic resistance pattern. ", "All of the cluster strains except for beta-lactams were resistant to fucidic acid and sensitive to other antistaphylococcal agents. ", "The cluster was associated with two hospitals. ", "The five patients were all admitted to the same intensive care unit during the period May to July 1995. ", "Four of the five patients (one died) were referred to the same department in a long-term care hospital for rehabilitation and training. ", "Problems concerning epidemiological investigation and control are discussed." ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'We consider the dynamics of a movable mirror (cantilever) of a nonlinear optical cavity. ", "We show that a $\\chi^{(3)}$ medium with a strong Kerr nonlinearity placed inside a cavity inhibits the normal mode splitting (NMS) due to the photon blockade mechanism. ", "This study demonstrates that NMS could be used as a tool to observe the photon blockade effect. ", "We also found that the backaction cooling of the movable mirror is reduced in the presence of the Kerr medium.'", "\naddress:\n- '$^{1}$Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007, India'\n- '$^{2}$Department of Physics, ARSD College, University of Delhi (South Campus), New Delhi-110021, India'\nauthor:\n- 'Tarun Kumar$^{1}$, Aranya B. Bhattacherjee$^{2}$ and ManMohan$^{1}$'\ntitle: 'Dynamics of a movable micro-mirror in a nonlinear optical cavity'\n---\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nThe interaction between a movable mirror and the radiation field of an optical cavity has recently been the subject of extensive theoretical and experimental investigations. ", "These optomechanical systems couple the mechanical motion to an optical field directly via radiation pressure buildup in a cavity. ", "The coupling of mechanical and optical degrees of freedom via radiation pressure has been a subject of early research in the context of laser cooling [@hansch; @wineland; @chu] and gravitational-wave detectors [@caves]. ", "Recently there has been a great surge of interest in the application of radiation forces to manipulate the center-of-mass motion of mechanical oscillators covering a huge range of scales from macroscopic mirrors in the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) project [@corbitt1; @corbitt2] to nano-mechanical cantilevers[@hohberger; @gigan; @arcizet; @kleckner; @favero; @regal], vibrating microtoroids[@carmon; @schliesser] membranes[@thompson] and Bose-Einstein condensates [@brennecke; @murch]. ", "The quantum optical properties of a mirror coupled via radiation pressure to a cavity field show interesting similarities to an intracavity Kerr-like interaction [@fabre]. ", "Recently, in the context of classical investigations of nonlinear regimes, the dynamical instability of a driven cavity having a movable mirror has been investigated [@marquardt]. ", "Theoretical work has proposed to use the radiation-pressure coupling for quantum non-demolition measurements of the light field [@braginsky].", "\n\nIt has been shown that ground state cooling of micro-mechanical mirror is possible only in the resolved side band regime (RSB) where the mechanical resonance frequency exceeds the bandwidth of the driving resonator [@marquardt; @braginsky]. ", "The cooling of mechanical oscillators in the RSB regime at high driving power can entail the appearance of normal mode splitting (NMS) [@dobrindt]. ", "Recently, it was shown that an optical parametric amplifier inside a cavity considerably improves the cooling of a micro-mechanical mirror by radiation pressure [@huang].", "\n\nIn this paper, we consider the dynamics of a movable mirror interacting with a nonlinear optical cavity mode and predict novel properties of the dynamics of the system. ", "Giant optical Kerr nonlinearities are obtained by placing a $\\chi^{(3)}$ medium inside a cavity[@Imamoglu]. ", "This gives rise to a strong nonlinear interactions between photons. ", "A single photon in a cavity can block the injection of a second photon due to a photon blockade effect. ", "We show that due to the photon blockade mechanism, as the Kerr nonlinearity is increased, the NMS progressively decreases.", "\n\nThe Model\n=========\n\nWe consider an optical Kerr medium with $\\chi^{(3)}$ nonlinearity inside a Fabry-Perot cavity with one fixed partially transmitting mirror and one movable totally reflecting mirror in contact with a thermal bath in equilibrium at temperature $T$, as shown in Fig.1. ", "The movable mirror is treated as a quantum mechanical harmonic oscillator with effective mass $m$, frequency $\\Omega_{m}$ and energy decay rate $\\Gamma_{m}$. The system is also coherently driven by a laser field with frequency $\\omega_{L}$ through the cavity mirror with amplitude $\\epsilon$. It is well known that high-Q optical cavities can significantly isolate the system from its environment, thus strongly reducing decoherence and ensuring that the light field remains quantum-mechanical for the duration of the experiment. ", "We also assume that the induced resonance frequency shift of the cavity and the nonlinear interaction coefficient $\\eta$ are much smaller than the longitudinal mode spacing, so that we restrict the model to a single longitudinal mode $\\omega_{c}$. We also assume that $\\Omega_{m}<<\\pi c/L$ (adiabatic limit); $c$ is the speed of light in vacuum and $L$ the cavity length in the absence of the cavity field. ", "The total Hamiltonian of the system in a frame rotating at the laser frequency $\\omega_{L}$ can be written as\n\n![", "Optomechanical realization of parametric coupling of a mechanical oscillator to a optical mode of a nonlinear cavity.[]{data-label=\"figure1\"}](figure_1.eps)\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{eff}\nH&=& \\hbar (\\omega_{c}-\\omega_{L})a^{\\dagger}a-\\hbar g_{m} a^{\\dagger}a q+\\left(\\dfrac{p^2}{2m}+m\\Omega_{m}^{2}q^{2} \\right) \\nonumber \\\\&+& i \\hbar \\epsilon (a^{\\dagger}-a)+\\hbar \\eta a^{\\dagger 2} a^{2}\\,\\end{aligned}$$\n\nHere $a$ and $a^{\\dagger}$ are the annihilation and creation operators for the cavity field respectively. ", "Also $q$ and $p$ are the position and momentum operators for the movable mirror. ", "The parameter $g_{m}= \\omega_{c}/L$ is the coupling parameter between the cavity field and the movable mirror and $\\eta$ is the anharmonicity parameter and is proportional to the third-order nonlinear susceptibility $\\chi^{(3)}$ of the Kerr medium: $\\eta=3\\hbar\\omega_{c}^{2} Re[\\chi^{(3)}]/2\\epsilon_{0}V_{c}$, $\\epsilon_{0}$ is the dielectric constant of the medium and $V_{c}$ is the volume of the cavity. ", "The input laser field populates the intracavity mode which couples to the movable mirror through the radiation pressure. ", "The field in turn is modified by the back-action of the cantilever. ", "It is important to notice the nonlinearity in Eqn. (", "\\[eff\\]) arising from the coupling between the intracavity intensity and the position operator of the mirror. ", "The system we are considering is intrinsically open as the cavity field is damped by the photon-leakage through the massive coupling mirror and the mirror is connected to a bath at finite temperature. ", "In the absence of the radiation-pressure coupling, the cantilever would undergo a pure Brownian motion driven by its contact with the thermal environment. ", "The motion of the system can be described by the following quantum Langevin equations:\n\n$$\\dot q= \\dfrac{p}{m}$$\n\n$$\\dot p=-m \\Omega_{m}^{2}q+\\hbar g_{m} a^{\\dagger} a-\\Gamma_{m} p+\\xi$$\n\n$$\\dot a=i(\\omega_{L}-\\omega_{c})a+i g_{m} q a+\\epsilon -2i \\eta a^{\\dagger}a^{2}-\\kappa a+\\sqrt{2\\kappa} a_{in}.$$\n\nHere $a_{in}$ is the input vacuum noise operator and it obeys the following correlation functions:\n\n$$<\\delta a_{in}(t) \\delta a^{\\dagger}_{in}(t')>=\\delta(t-t')$$\n\n$$<\\delta a_{in}(t) \\delta a_{in}(t')>=<\\delta a^{\\dagger}_{in}(t) \\delta a^{\\dagger}_{in}(t')>=0.$$\n\nThe force $\\xi$ is the Brownian noise operator resulting from the coupling of the movable mirror to the thermal bath, whose mean value is zero, and has the following correlation function at temperature $T$:\n\n$$<\\xi(t) \\xi(t')>=\\dfrac{\\hbar \\Gamma_{m} m}{2 \\pi}\\int \\omega e^{-i \\omega (t-t')}\\left[\\coth{\\left(\\dfrac{\\hbar \\omega}{2 k_{B} T} \\right)}+1 \\right] d\\omega,$$\n\nwhere $k_{B}$ is the Boltzmann constant and $T$ is the thermal bath temperature. ", "The steady state values of $p$, $q$ and $a$ are obtained as:\n\n$$p_{s}=0,$$\n\n$$q_{s}=\\dfrac{\\hbar g_{m} |a_{s}|^{2}}{m \\Omega_{m}^{2}},$$\n\n$$a_{s}=\\dfrac{\\epsilon}{\\kappa+i(\\Delta+2 \\eta |a_{s}|^{2})},$$\n\nwhere $\\Delta=\\omega_{c}-\\omega_{L}-g_{m}q_{s}$ is the effective cavity detuning which includes the radiation pressure effects. ", "Here $q_{s}$ denotes the new equilibrium position of the mirror while $a_{s}$ denotes the steady state amplitude of the cavity field. ", "Both $q_{s}$ and $a_{s}$ displays multistable behaviour due to the nonlinear interaction between the mirror and the cavity field. ", "From the above equations we clearly see how the mirror dynamics affects the steady state of the intracavity field. ", "The coupling to the mirror shifts the cavity resonance frequency and changes the field inside the cavity in a way to induce a new stationary intensity. ", "The change occurs after a transient time depending on the response of the cavity and strength of the coupling to the mirror.", "\n\nDynamics of small fluctuations\n==============================\n\nHere we show that the coupling of the mechanical oscillator and the cavity field fluctuations in the presence of the Kerr medium leads to the inhibition of the normal mode splitting (NMS). ", "The optomechanical NMS however involves driving two parametrically coupled nondegenerate modes out of equilibrium. ", "The NMS does not appear in the steady state spectra but rather manifests itself in the fluctuation spectra of the mirror displacement. ", "To this end, we write each canonical operator of the system as a sum of its steady-state mean value and a small fluctuation with zero mean value, $a \\rightarrow a_{s}+ \\delta a$, $p \\rightarrow p_{s}+\\delta p$, $q \\rightarrow q_{s}+\\delta q$ and linearize to obtain the following Heisenberg-Langevin equations for the fluctuation operators\n\n$$\\label{fluc1}\n \\dot \\delta q=\\dfrac{\\delta p}{m},$$\n\n$$\\label{fluc2}\n \\dot \\delta p= -m \\Omega_{m}^{2} \\delta q+\\hbar g_{m} (a_{s} \\delta a^{\\dagger}+ a_{s}^{*} \\delta a)-\\Gamma_{m} \\delta p+\\xi,$$\n\n$$\\label{fluc3}\n \\dot \\delta a=-i \\Delta \\delta a +i g_{m} a_{s} \\delta q-2i\\eta (2 |a_{s}|^{2} \\delta a-a_{s}^{2} \\delta a^{\\dagger})-\\kappa \\delta a + \\sqrt{2\\kappa} \\delta a_{in}.$$\n\nHere we will always assume $\\Gamma_{m}<<\\kappa$. Eqns. (", "\\[fluc1\\], \\[fluc2\\], \\[fluc3\\]) and their Hermitian conjugates constitute a system of four first order coupled operator equations, for which the Routh-Hurwitz criterion implies that the system is stable for the following conditions:\n\n$$(\\Delta+4 \\eta |a_{s}|^{2})^{2}+\\kappa^{2}+ \\Omega_{m}^{2}+2 \\Gamma_{m} \\kappa +2i \\eta (a_{s}^{2}-a_{s}^{*2})(\\kappa+\\Gamma_{m})-2 \\eta^{2}(a_{s}^{4}+a_{s}^{*4})>0,$$\n\n$$\\Gamma_{m}(\\Delta+4 \\eta |a_{s}|^{2})^{2}+2 \\Omega_{m}^{2}\\left\\lbrace \\kappa+i \\eta (a_{s}^{2}-a_{s}^{*2})\\right\\rbrace - \\Gamma_{m} \\eta^{2}(a_{s}^{2}+a_{s}^{*2})^{2}>0,$$\n\n$$\\Omega_{m}^{2}\\left\\lbrace [\\kappa+i \\eta (a_{s}^{2}-a_{s}^{*2})]^{2}+[\\Delta+4 \\eta |a_{s}|^{2}]^{2} \\right\\rbrace + \\dfrac{\\hbar g_{m}^{2} \\eta}{m}(a_{s}^{2}+a_{s}^{*2})^{2}-\\Omega_{m}^{2} \\eta^{2}(a_{s}^{2}+a_{s}^{*2})^{2}-\\dfrac{2 \\hbar g_{m}^{2} |a_{s}|^{2}}{m}(\\Delta+4 \\eta |a_{s}|^{2})>0.$$\n\nThe study of these conditions reveals the point at which the system enters an unstable regime. ", "Here, we will restrict ourselves to the stable regime.", "\n\nWe now transform to the quadratures: $\\delta x=\\delta a^{\\dagger}+\\delta a$, $\\delta y=i(\\delta a^{\\dagger}-\\delta a)$, $\\delta x_{in}=\\delta a_{in}^{\\dagger}+\\delta a_{in}$ and $\\delta y_{in}=i(\\delta a_{in}^{\\dagger}-\\delta a_{in})$. The position fluctuations of the movable mirror in Fourier space is given by\n\n$$\\delta q(\\omega)=\\dfrac{1}{d(\\omega)}\\left\\lbrace [(\\kappa-i \\omega)^{2}+\\delta '^{2}] \\xi (\\omega)-i \\hbar g_{m} \\sqrt{2 \\kappa}[(\\omega+i \\kappa+\\delta)a_{s}^{*} \\delta a_{in}+(\\omega+i \\kappa-\\delta)a_{s} \\delta a_{in}^{\\dagger}]\\right\\rbrace,$$\n\nwhere $d(\\omega)=m[\\Omega_{m}^{2}-\\omega^{2}-i \\omega \\Gamma_{m}][(\\kappa-i \\omega)^{2}+\\delta'^{2}]-2 \\hbar g'^{2}_{m} \\delta''$, $\\delta'^{2}=\\Delta'^{2}-4 \\eta'^{2}$, $\\Delta'=\\Delta+4 \\eta'$, $\\eta'=\\eta |a_{s}|^{2}$, $\\delta=\\Delta+2 \\eta'$, $\\delta''=\\Delta'-\\eta'$ and $g'_{m}=g_{m}|a_{s}|$. In the above equation for $\\delta q$, the term proportional to $\\xi(\\omega)$ arises from thermal noise, while the term proportional to $g_{m}$ originates from radiation pressure. ", "The displacement spectrum is obtained from\n\n$$S_{q}(\\omega)=\\dfrac{1}{4 \\pi} \\int d\\Omega e^{-i(\\omega+\\Omega)t} <\\delta q(\\omega) \\delta q(\\Omega)+\\delta q(\\Omega)\\delta q(\\omega))>,$$\n\ntogether with the correlation functions:\n\n$$<\\delta a_{in}(\\omega) \\delta a_{in}^{\\dagger}(\\Omega)>=2 \\pi \\delta(\\omega+\\Omega)$$\n\n$$<\\xi(\\omega) \\xi(\\Omega)> =2 \\pi \\hbar \\Gamma_{m} m \\omega \\left[ 1+coth(\\dfrac{\\hbar \\omega}{2 k_{B}T})\\right] \\delta(\\omega+\\Omega).$$\n\nThe displacement spectrum in Fourier space is finally obtained as:\n\n$$S_{q}(\\omega)=\\hbar |\\chi|^{2}\\left\\lbrace m \\Gamma_{m} \\omega \\coth{\\left( \\dfrac{\\hbar \\omega}{2 k_{B} T}\\right) }+\\dfrac{4 \\kappa g'^{2}_{m}(\\omega^{2}+\\kappa^{2}+\\delta^{2})}{(\\kappa^{2}+\\delta'^{2}-\\omega^{2})^{2}+4 \\kappa^{2} \\omega^{2}}\\right\\rbrace,$$\n\nwhere,\n\n$$\\chi^{-1}(\\omega)=m [\\Omega_{eff}^{2}-\\omega^{2}]-i \\omega \\Gamma_{eff},$$\n\n$$\\Omega_{eff}^{2}=\\Omega_{m}^{2}-\\dfrac{4 \\hbar g'^{2}_{m} \\delta'' (\\kappa^{2}+\\delta'^{2}-\\omega^{2})}{(\\kappa^{2}-\\omega^{2}+\\delta'^{2})^{2}+4 \\kappa^{2} \\omega^{2}},$$\n\n$$\\Gamma_{eff}=m \\Gamma_{m}+\\dfrac{4 \\hbar g'^{2}_{m} \\delta'' \\kappa}{(\\kappa^{2}-\\omega^{2}+\\delta'^{2})^{2}+4 \\kappa^{2} \\omega^{2}}.$$\n\n![", "Plot of the displacement spectrum $S_{q}(\\omega)$ for two values of the nonlinear coefficient: $\\eta'=0$(thin line) and $\\eta'=0.04$ (thick line). ", "Parameters used are: $\\Gamma/\\Omega_{m}=0.01$, $\\kappa/\\Omega_{m}=0.1$, $g_{m}'/\\Omega_{m}=0.1$ and $\\Delta/\\Omega_{m}=1$. Clearly for a finite value of $\\eta$ the NMS slowly becomes less prominent.[]{data-label=\"figure2\"}](nms_kerr.eps)\n\nAny information about the mirror’s modified motion can be obtained from the study of $S_{q}(\\omega)$. An immediate observation reveals that $S_{q}(\\omega)$ is peaked at a frequency $\\Omega_{eff}$. In the expression for $S_{q}(\\omega)$, the first term represents the contribution due to the thermal contact with the bath while the second term is attributed to the contribution due to radiation pressure. ", "In the absence of radiation pressure any dependence from the effective detuning $\\Delta$ vanishes and the resulting spectrum is simply that of a harmonic oscillator undergoing Brownian motion at temperature $T$. In fig.2, we show the plot of $S_{q}(\\omega)$ as a function of $\\omega/\\Omega_{m}$ for $\\eta'=0$(thin line) and $\\eta'=0.04$(thick line). ", "In the absence of Kerr nonlinearity, a clear NMS is observed in the displacement spectrum. ", "The NMS is associated to a mixing between the mechanical mode and the fluctuation around the steady state of the cavity field. ", "In the presence of finite Kerr nonlinearity, we notice the absence of NMS. ", "The absence of NMS in the presence of Kerr nonlinearity is understood as follows: If $\\eta>>\\kappa,\\epsilon$, the applied field will couple the vacuum state to the Fock state with single photon resonantly. ", "The higher lying photon-number states may be neglected since they are out of resonance. ", "Now if initially a photon from the driving field is injected in the cavity with a probability determined by the drive strength. ", "However, injection of a second photon will be blocked, since the presence of two photons in the cavity will require an aditional $\\hbar \\eta$ energy, which cannot be provided by the pump laser. ", "Only after the first photon leaves the cavity can a second photon be injected. ", "The strong interactions between the photons therefore causes a photon (Kerr) blockade of cavity transmission and this drastically reduces the photon number fluctuation. ", "In any case if $\\eta<\\kappa,\\epsilon$, the cavity would contain more than one photon and the above argument is still valid due to the photon-photon repulsion. ", "We now return to the linearized Heisenberg-Langevin equations (\\[fluc1\\], \\[fluc2\\], \\[fluc3\\]) and calculate the corresponding eigenfrequencies that determine the dynamics of NMS. ", "In particular, we focus on the following: (i) $\\kappa< \\Omega_{m}/2$, (ii) $g_{m}<\\Omega_{m}/2$, (iii) $\\Gamma_{m}<<\\kappa$ and (iv) $\\Delta-\\Omega_{m}<<\\Omega_{m}$. The two eigenfrequencies are found to be:\n\n$$\\omega_{\\pm}=\\dfrac{\\Delta_{\\eta}+\\Omega_{m}-i \\kappa-i \\Gamma_{m}}{2} \\pm \\sqrt{g_{m,eff}^{2}-\\dfrac{\\left( i(\\Delta_{\\eta}-\\Omega_{m})+(\\kappa-\\Gamma_{m})\\right)^{2} }{4}},$$\n\nwhere, $\\Delta_{\\eta}=\\Omega_{m}+6 \\eta'$ and $g_{m,eff}=2 g_{m} a_{s} \\sqrt{\\dfrac{\\hbar}{m \\Omega_{m}}}$. There is another pair of eigenfrequencies $-\\omega_{\\pm}^{*}$. For $\\eta'=0$, $\\Delta=\\Omega_{m}$ and $\\kappa>>\\Gamma_{m}$, the square root term of $\\omega_{\\pm}$ is real for $g_{m,eff}>\\kappa/2$ and shows NMS. ", "On the other hand, for $\\eta' \\neq 0$, NMS is exhibited for $\\Delta=\\Omega_{m}-6 \\eta'$.\n\nNext we analyze the influence of the Kerr nonlinearity on the backaction cooling of the movable mirror. ", "The effective temperature is defined by the total energy of the movable mirror, $k_{B} T=\\dfrac{1}{2}m \\Omega_{m}^{2}<q^{2}>+\\dfrac{<p^{2}>}{2m}$ [@huang], where $<q^{2}>=\\dfrac{1}{2\\pi}\\int S_{q}(\\omega)d\\omega$, $<p^{2}=\\dfrac{1}{2 \\pi} \\int S_{p}(\\omega) d \\omega>$ and $S_{p}(\\omega)=m^{2} \\omega^{2} S_{q}(\\omega)$. This basically means that the effective temperature is proportional to the displacement spectrum. ", "From Fig.2, we observe that the displacement spectrum for $\\eta \\neq 0$ is always more than that for $\\eta=0$. From this we conclude that $T_{eff}(\\eta \\neq 0)$ $>$ $T_{eff}(\\eta=0)$. We can come to this conclusion also from the fact that there is a reduction in the number of photons (hence radiation pressure) in the cavity due to photon-photon repulsion due to the presence of the Kerr medium and hence an increase in the temperature of the movable mirror. ", "An important point to note is that in order to observe the NMS, the energy exchange between the two modes(mechanical and photon number fluctuation) should take place on a time scale faster than the decoherence of each mode. ", "Also the parameter regime in which NMS may appear implies cooling. ", "On the negative detuning side, the observation of NMS is prevented by the onset of parametric instability.", "\n\nTo demonstrate that the dynamics investigated here are within experimental reach, we discuss the experimental parameters from [@schliesser2]: From [@schliesser2],the mechanical frequency $\\Omega_{m}=2 \\pi \\times 73.5 Mhz$ and $\\Gamma_{m}=2 \\pi \\times 1.3 Khz$. The coupling rate $g_{m}=2 \\pi \\times 2.0 Mhz$. From [@Imamoglu], the Kerr nonlinearity is numerically estimated to be about $\\eta=100Mhz$ for extremely strong photon-photon repulsion. ", "Here we take $\\eta=2 \\pi \\times 3 Mhz$. The energy of the cavity mode decreases due to the photon loss through the cavity mirrors, which leads to a reduced atom-field coupling. ", "Photon loss can be minimized by using high-Q cavities. ", "Our proposed detection scheme relies crucially on the fact that coherent dynamics dominate over the losses. ", "It is important that the characteristic time-scales of coherent dynamics are significantly faster than those associated with losses (the decay rate of state-of-art optical cavities is typically 17 kHz [@Klinner06]).", "\n\nConclusions\n===========\n\nIn summary we have analyzed the influence of a Kerr medium on the dynamics of a micro-mechanical movable mirror. ", "We have shown that as the Kerr nonlinearity increases, the normal mode splitting (NMS) progressively weakens. ", "This is attributed to the photon blockade mechanism which decreases the photon fluctuations due to photon-photon repulsion. ", "Further we found that the temperature of the micro-mechanical mirror is enhanced due to the presence of the Kerr medium.", "The present scheme could also be used to detect the photonic repulsion effect.", "\n\n[99]{}\n\nT. W. Hansch and A. L. Schawlow, Optics Comm. [**", "13**]{}, 68 (1975). ", "D. J. Wineland, R. E. Drullinger and F. L. Walls, Phy. ", "Rev. Letts. [**", "40**]{}, 1639 (1978). ", "S. Chu, L. Hollberg, J. E. Bjorkholm, A. Cable and A. Ashkin, Phy. ", "Rev. Letts. [**", "55**]{}, 48 (1985). ", "C M Caves, Phys. ", "Rev. Letts, [**45**]{}, 75 1980, R. Loudon, Phys. ", "Rev. Letts, [**47**]{}, 815 (1981). ", "T. Corbitt and N. Mavalvala, J. Opt. ", "B: Quantum Semi-class. ", "Opt. [**", "6**]{}, S675 (2004). ", "T. Corbitt et al., ", "Phy. ", "Rev. Letts. [**", "98**]{}, 150802 (2007). ", "C. Höhberger-Metzger and K. Karrai, Nature [**432**]{}, 1002 (2004). ", "S. Gigan et al., ", "Nature [**444**]{}, 67 (2006). ", "O. 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[ "sparksals:\nI've posted in the past about our Canadian Club and how we celebrate Canadian holidays. ", "The next event is Canada Day and a potluck BBQ is planned. ", "All the events are potluck so that the hostess isn't overrun by the cost of being hostess. ", "This works out very well - for the most part. ", "Last event was an Italian night. ", "Everyone brought pasta, different wines, italian veggie dishes etc. ", "A good time was had by all.", "\n\nAnyway, when the notice goes out for the event, the person handling the mail list says to RSVP in both the affirmative or negative. ", "We know that literally, RSPV means to send your regrets, but we do ask for a response either way and we clearly specify a date and that a yes or a no is required. ", "A reminder is also sent to people who have not responded asking if they will attend. ", "Most people are very good about this and we appreciate that even if they cannot come, it's nice that the event is acknowledged. ", "It is also done this way because there are alot of snowbirds in the group, so that we know they will not be in town for a certain period of time. ", "What's funny is those people we know are not in town always give the courtesy of an email back that they can't make it! ", "However, one person in particular always ignores the invites and reminders.", "\n\nOver the course of this club's evolution, there have been chronic non-rsvp'ers who never respond to any invites. ", "We decided that after three in a row of not responding at all, that they will be removed from the list as we assume they are not interested in participating. ", "If they ask to be put back on, they are of course welcome to come back. ", "It's just alot of trouble organizing these events, the same people do it all the time, the same people attend and then there's the people to take it for granted, never offer to host.", "\n\nThis one lady, I'll call Debbie, is one of the chronic non-rspv'ers. ", "Debbie was removed from the list a couple events ago and recently emailed me to ask if anything was planned. ", "I forwarded her message on to the hostess, who happens to be the person who maintains the mail list - I'll call her Sally. ", "Sally didn't want to, but she emailed Debbie back and told her of the event that was two days away. ", "Debbie said she would attend with her husband and she would bring X dish. ", "Wouldn't you know, they did not show up, they did not even call to cancel and they did not even email Sally after the fact to apologize for not attending. ", "Of course, Sally was furious and rightfully so.", "\n\nSo, now we are planning Canada Day. ", "After Debbie enquired about the Italian event, said she would attend and then didn't have the courtesy to call, she was removed from the list again. ", "She just emailed me the other day to ask if anything is planned for Canada Day. ", "I haven't responded yet.", "\n\nWe work hard to maintain this club. ", "If it weren't for a select few individuals and those who host, the club would not continue. ", "Debbie's lack of RSVPs, saying she will come and then not showing up when we are relying upon her potluck dishes have become extremely annoying. ", "Of course, we understand that things happen, but in Debbie's case this is a chronic problem and it appears she has absolutely no respect for the time and effort it takes to plan these things.", "\n\nWould it be rude to ignore her email? ", "Sure, we could assign her something easy that we do not rely upon, but that is not fair to the other members of the group who are reliable. ", "I'm tempted to email her back and tell her that her chronic non-rsvp'g and the fact she was a no-show got her removed from the list. ", "Of course, I know that would not be polite.", "\n\nSally thinks we should give Debbie a taste of her own medicine so she knows what it's like not to get a response! ", "Quite frankly, I do agree with Sally on this one.", "\n\nSo, how do we handle this in a polite and fair manner? ", "Would it be rude to tell her why she doesn't get the invites anymore? ", "Would it be rude to tell her she was rude not to show without the courtesy of a phone call to cancel? (", "BTW, I know the answer to the last question! ", "lol)\n\nChocolate Cake:\nI would first arrange that anyone who is dropped for failing to RSVP 3x in a row, should have a mandatory \"time out period\" of 4-5 events so they may not just re-new immediately. ", "Also, I would change 3x down to 2x.", "\n\nFor this case, her no-show after an affirmative RSVP should entitle her to a one-way ticket to no longer being in the group. ", "If you want to give her one more chance, tell her that she's out for another 3 events and then can try again, but that it will be her last chance.", "\n\nsparksals:\n\n--- Quote from: Chocolate Cake on June 19, 2007, 06:46:58 PM ---I would first arrange that anyone who is dropped for failing to RSVP 3x in a row, should have a mandatory \"time out period\" of 4-5 events so they may not just re-new immediately. ", "Also, I would change 3x down to 2x.", "\n\nFor this case, her no-show after an affirmative RSVP should entitle her to a one-way ticket to no longer being in the group. ", "If you want to give her one more chance, tell her that she's out for another 3 events and then can try again, but that it will be her last chance.", "\n\n--- End quote ---\n\nWho would think that a group of adults would have to resort to this, eh? ", "I feel booting her out is sort of like Jr. High, but at the same time, we are tired of her showing absolutely no respect for the trouble it takes to maintain this group.", "\n\nDon't get me wrong, we have alot of great people who I call friends. ", "I really enjoy the events that we have and we are all at the point of hugging hello and goodbye when we see each other. ", "It really is a great group comraderie for those who regularly attend and we always welcome new members with open arms.", "\n\nLisbeth:\nI think Debbie should be told that she is no longer being invited because of her tendency to either fail to RSVP or to RSVP and then not show up. ", "I'd word it like, \"Debbie, when we invite you and you either don't RSVP or RSVP and then don't show up, we end up having to pay for food you don't consume, as well as worry about you and wonder if you are okay. ", "We've decided that as this isn't okay with us, we are not issuing you invitations anymore.\"", "\n\nsparksals:\n\n--- Quote from: KeenReader on June 19, 2007, 09:51:52 PM ---I think Debbie should be told that she is no longer being invited because of her tendency to either fail to RSVP or to RSVP and then not show up. ", "I'd word it like, \"Debbie, when we invite you and you either don't RSVP or RSVP and then don't show up, we end up having to pay for food you don't consume, as well as worry about you and wonder if you are okay. ", "We've decided that as this isn't okay with us, we are not issuing you invitations anymore.\"", "\n\n--- End quote ---\n\nKR - as always such a diplomat, and one who gets the point across in an eloquent, but firm manner." ]
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[ "Welcome to Raids, the new interactive feature that was introduced in Pokémon only a week before this article was posted. ", "Given that it is a new expansive feature, it’s needless to say that fans everywhere have been really excited to try out raids, and get their first taste of just how hard they can be. ", "So, how are Raids stacking up so far? ", "Well, that’s all down to perspective. ", "Do you live somewhere with a ton of people, or are you in the middle of nowhere and have to fight these battles by yourself?", "\n\nWhilst the latter is indeed an unpleasant experience due to how hard the bosses are, if you do manage to complete a Raid by yourself then it definitely feels rewarding! ", "You get special items which include, but are not limited to, new Technical Machines (which have been highly requested amongst fans). ", "Having control over your Pokémon’s moves in this was is a very important addition, and one that will go down as one of the better items in the game (though I’m yet to get one myself!). ", "But, we’re going to focus on the interactive part of the Raids. ", "What do they have to bring to the table, in terms of collaboration and interaction with other players? ", "Again, it will depend on where you live, so it is hard to say how Raids are affecting Pokemon GO globally, but I can give you my take on this.", "\n\nPersonally, I have never spoken to anyone playing Pokémon GO before. ", "One man much older than me noticed that I was playing once and shouted over to me from across the road! ", "I smiled as it’s nice to see people out of the ‘norm’ recognising and playing Pokemon GO! ", "This shows how huge the game itself is. ", "However apart from that, there have been no other massive features in GO itself. ", "Until Raids, that is.", "\n\nEver since Raids have been released to the public, I’ve interacted with several different people whilst I have been out and about encountering Raids. ", "Not necessarily during the battles (because those require some decent focus), but definitely after them! ", "We spoke about the Raids, talked about our teams and I’ve got to say, it was great! ", "It’s really nice to see people finally being sociable whilst playing GO! ", "I am aware however, that this goes back to my point about the location you are playing in. ", "I know of some friends who were approached by several people whilst playing pre-Raids, however I am willing to bet this is going to happen even MORE now due to how truly interactive Raids make Pokémon GO!", "\n\nIt’s great seeing the diversity of people who play too. ", "All ages, genders, you name it you’ll encounter it! ", "Everyone is checking out Raids at least once per day with their free raid pass. ", "Whilst this system definitely can be improved, I think so far they have done an amazing job for an early release. ", "It’s really great. ", "I’m still waiting to see Tyranitar, however I’ve seen a lot of Magikarp bosses, which is hilarious!", "\n\nDid you know? ", "Magikarp can be a raid BOSS in Pokémon GO! ", "pic.twitter.com/cwsjmXzEXq — The PokéCommunity (@pokecommunity) June 26, 2017\n\nThe game prides itself on getting you out and interacting with other players, an area it was struggling with until Raids were introduced. ", "This feature is downright fun and great to play, but most of all it’s amazing for meeting and interacting with other players! ", "Not only can you help out other trainers, you also have the chance to meet some new friends what you may have never come across before. ", "If that isn’t the spirit of Pokémon GO, I don’t know what is.", "\n\nNevermind that Charizard at the PokéStop two miles out that everyone rushes to then leaves, I’m all about those Raids.", "\n\nEdited by bobandbill, Radiating and Volpe Artica." ]
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[ "Review of methods for measuring and comparing center performance after organ transplantation.", "\nThe assessment of outcomes after transplantation is important for several reasons: it provides patients with data so that they can make informed decisions about the benefits of transplantation and the success of the transplant unit; it informs commissioners that resources are allocated properly; and it provides clinicians reassurance that results are acceptable or, if they are not, provides early warning so that problems can be identified, corrections can be instituted early, and all interested parties can be reassured that scarce resources are used fairly. ", "The need for greater transparency in reporting outcomes after liver transplantation and for comparisons both between and within centers has led to a number of approaches being adopted for monitoring center performance. ", "We review some of the commonly used methods, highlight their strengths and weaknesses, and concentrate on methods that incorporate risk adjustment. ", "Measuring and comparing outcomes after transplantation is complex, and there is no single approach that gives a complete picture. ", "All those using analyses of outcomes must understand the merits and limitations of individual methods. ", "When used properly, such methods are invaluable in ensuring that a scarce resource is used effectively, any adverse trend in outcomes is identified promptly and remedied, and best performers are identified; they thus allow the sharing of best practices. ", "However, when they are used inappropriately, such measurements may lead to inappropriate conclusions, encourage risk-averse behavior, and discourage innovation." ]
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[ "/* uboot.h - declare variables and functions for U-Boot support */\n/*\n * GRUB -- GRand Unified Bootloader\n * Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n *\n * GRUB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n * (at your option) any later version.", "\n *\n * GRUB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the\n * GNU General Public License for more details.", "\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n * along with GRUB. ", " If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.", "\n */\n\n#ifndef GRUB_UBOOT_UBOOT_HEADER\n#define GRUB_UBOOT_UBOOT_HEADER\t1\n\n#include <grub/types.h>\n#include <grub/dl.h>\n\n/* Functions. ", " */\nvoid grub_uboot_mm_init (void);\nvoid grub_uboot_init (void);\nvoid grub_uboot_fini (void);\n\nvoid grub_uboot_return (int) __attribute__ ((noreturn));\n\ngrub_addr_t grub_uboot_get_real_bss_start (void);\n\ngrub_err_t grub_uboot_probe_hardware (void);\n\nextern grub_addr_t EXPORT_VAR (start_of_ram);\n\ngrub_uint32_t EXPORT_FUNC (grub_uboot_get_machine_type) (void);\ngrub_addr_t EXPORT_FUNC (grub_uboot_get_boot_data) (void);\n\n\n/*\n * The U-Boot API operates through a \"syscall\" interface, consisting of an\n * entry point address and a set of syscall numbers. ", "The location of this\n * entry point is described in a structure allocated on the U-Boot heap.", "\n * We scan through a defined region around the hint address passed to us\n * from U-Boot.", "\n */\n\n#define UBOOT_API_SEARCH_LEN (3 * 1024 * 1024)\nint grub_uboot_api_init (void);\n\n/*\n * All functions below are wrappers around the uboot_syscall() function,\n * implemented in grub-core/kern/uboot/uboot.c\n*/\n\nint grub_uboot_getc (void);\nint grub_uboot_tstc (void);\nvoid grub_uboot_putc (int c);\nvoid grub_uboot_puts (const char *s);\n\nvoid EXPORT_FUNC (grub_uboot_reset) (void);\n\nstruct sys_info *grub_uboot_get_sys_info (void);\n\nvoid grub_uboot_udelay (grub_uint32_t usec);\ngrub_uint32_t grub_uboot_get_timer (grub_uint32_t base);\n\nint EXPORT_FUNC (grub_uboot_dev_enum) (void);\nstruct device_info * EXPORT_FUNC (grub_uboot_dev_get) (int index);\nint EXPORT_FUNC (grub_uboot_dev_open) (struct device_info *dev);\nint EXPORT_FUNC (grub_uboot_dev_close) (struct device_info *dev);\nint grub_uboot_dev_write (struct device_info *dev, void *buf, int *len);\nint grub_uboot_dev_read (struct device_info *dev, void *buf, grub_size_t blocks,\n\t\t\t grub_uint32_t start, grub_size_t * real_blocks);\nint EXPORT_FUNC (grub_uboot_dev_recv) (struct device_info *dev, void *buf,\n\t\t\t\t int size, int *real_size);\nint EXPORT_FUNC (grub_uboot_dev_send) (struct device_info *dev, void *buf,\n\t\t\t\t int size);\n\nchar *grub_uboot_env_get (const char *name);\nvoid grub_uboot_env_set (const char *name, const char *value);\n\n#endif /* ! ", "GRUB_UBOOT_UBOOT_HEADER */\n" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention related to a unit injector.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nThe present applicant has proposed a unit injector comprising a plunger driven by an engine, a high pressure fuel chamber filled with fuel which is pressurized by the plunger, a fuel supply port open to the high pressure fuel chamber when the plunger is at the compressing operation start position, and closed by the plunger when the fuel compressing action by the plunger is started, a needle moved in accordance with the fuel pressure in the high pressure fuel chamber to open a valve opening when the fuel pressure exceeds a predetermined pressure, a variable volume chamber filled with fuel and having a volume which is changed by an actuator, a spill valve controlling the spillage of fuel in the high pressure fuel chamber in response to the fuel pressure in the variable volume chamber, a fuel charging port formed on the inner circumferential wall of a plunger bore and in communication with the variable volume chamber, and a fuel charging bore formed in the plunger. ", "One end of the fuel charging bore is open at the outer circumferential wall of the plunger, and the other end of the fuel charging bore is open to the high pressure fuel chamber. ", "When the plunger is at the fuel compressing operation start position, the fuel charging port is connected to the fuel charging bore, and while the fuel compressing action by the plunger is carried out the fuel charging port is closed by the plunger (Japanese Utility Model Application No. ", "63-1707).", "\nIn this unit injector, since the fuel charging port is connected to the fuel charging bore when the plunger is at the fuel compressing operation start position, the fuel in the high pressure fuel chamber is fed into the variable volume chamber via the fuel charging bore and the fuel charging port, whereby the variable volume chamber is charged with fuel. ", "Then, while the fuel compressing action by the plunger is carried out, the fuel charging port is closed by the plunger.", "\nHowever, when the fuel in the high pressure fuel chamber is pressurized and thus reaches a high pressure, a part of the fuel under high pressure leaks through the clearance between the plunger and the plunger bore. ", "At this time, even if the fuel charging port is closed by the plunger, the thus leaked fuel under high pressure flows into the fuel charging port, and as a result, since the pressure of fuel is the variable volume chamber becomes high, the spill valve is actuated although the actuator is not operated, this result in a problem in that it becomes impossible to properly control the fuel injection by the actuator." ]
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[ "Lesbians: HB2 Encouraged Fertility Clinic to Reject Us\n\nA female couple alleges a Charlotte fertility clinic turned them away because of North Carolina's recently-passed anti-LGBT law and, in response, they're joining the lawsuit against the legislation.", "\n\nKelly Trent and Beverly Newell say their appointment at a fertility clinic was abruptly canceled after HB 2 passed last month, with the unnamed clinic explicitly saying they don't service same-sex couples. ", "Trent and Newell have now joined the lawsuit against the bill, which is being spearheaded by Lambda Legal, ACLU, and ACLU of North Carolina.", "\n\n\"Beverly and Kelly deserve to feel secure in knowing that when they go about their daily lives in Charlotte and interact with businesses open to the public, any discrimination they encounter is illegal. ", "HB2 robs them of that,\" Chris Brook, legal director of the ACLU of North Carolina, said in a statement. \"", "This law gives people the green light to discriminate against LGBT people and sends a daily message that LGBT people across the state are not worthy of dignity and respect.\"", "\n\nPassed in response to Charlotte enacting discrimination protections for LGBT people, HB 2 rescinded Charlotte's ordinance, banned all LGBT-inclusive municipal protections, mandated transgender people use restrooms that correspond with their birth certificate instead of their gender identity, and made it difficult to file a discrimination claim within the state." ]
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[ "Methods: Randomized, double-blinded, placebo controlled trial involving infants, less than 3 months of age, presenting to the emergency department meeting clinical criteria for a lumbar puncture. ", "All patients were administered the J-tip and randomized to either treatment with 1% lidocaine or an equivalent amount of sterile normal saline prior to lumbar puncture.", "\n\nPain, Measured as Units on a Scale [ Time Frame: on average the first hour in emergency department at 4 time points during entire lumbar puncture procedure. ] [ ", "Designated as safety issue: No ]\n\nPain scores at time of needle insertion using neonatal facial coding score. ", "The scale has five components; cry, brow bulge, eye squeeze; nasolabial fold and open month. ", "Each component is either present or absent, with a value of 0 or 1 given. ", "Minimum score of 0 and a maximum score of 5 possible\n\nSecondary Outcome Measures:\n\nLength of Cry [ Time Frame: On average the first hour in the emergency department; from needle stick to end of lumbar puncture ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]\n\ncry video recorded and measured after needle stick until pt stopped crying\n\nHeart Rate [ Time Frame: On average the first hour in the emergency department, at 4 time points during lumbar puncture procedure. ] [ ", "Designated as safety issue: No ]\n\nAll patients were administered the J-tip and randomized to either treatment with 1% lidocaine or an equivalent amount of sterile normal saline prior to lumbar puncture. ", "Vital signs were recorded during the procedure. ", "Facial expressions were video recorded\n\nOther Name: jtip is the brand name for 1% buffered lidocaine needleless injection\n\nPlacebo Comparator: normal saline via needleless injection\n\nneedleless injection of normal saline prior to lumbar puncture\n\nDrug: jtip needleless lidocaine injection\n\nAll patients were administered the J-tip and randomized to either treatment with 1% lidocaine or an equivalent amount of sterile normal saline prior to lumbar puncture. ", "Vital signs were recorded during the procedure. ", "Facial expressions were video recorded\n\nOther Name: jtip is the brand name for 1% buffered lidocaine needleless injection\n\nDetailed Description:\n\nBackground: Lumbar puncture is an essential procedure in the emergency department for the evaluation of meningitis. ", "Subcutaneous injection of lidocaine prior to lumbar puncture for local anesthesia is not a pain free procedure. ", "The J-Tip Device allows an intradermal needle-free jet injection of 1% buffered lidocaine. ", "This study compares needle-free jet injection of lidocaine to saline in reducing pain prior to lumbar puncture in infants.", "\n\nMethods: Randomized, double-blinded, placebo controlled trial involving infants, less than 3 months of age, presenting to the emergency department meeting clinical criteria for a lumbar puncture. ", "All patients were administered the J-tip and randomized to either treatment with 1% lidocaine or an equivalent amount of sterile normal saline prior to lumbar puncture. ", "Vital signs were recorded during the procedure. ", "Facial expressions as well as crying times were video recorded from start to finish. ", "Independent reviewers assigned pain scores based on the validated Neonatal Facial Coding System with possible scores ranging from 0-5.", "\n\nEligibility\n\nAges Eligible for Study:\n\nup to 90 Days (Child)\n\nGenders Eligible for Study:\n\nBoth\n\nAccepts Healthy Volunteers:\n\nNo\n\nCriteria\n\nInclusion Criteria:\n\nfever in infants less than 3 months\n\nExclusion Criteria:\n\ntoxic appearance, altered level of consciousness, age greater than 3 months or less than 4kg of weight\n\nContacts and Locations\n\nChoosing to participate in a study is an important personal decision. ", "Talk with your doctor and family members or friends about deciding to join a study.", "\nTo learn more about this study, you or your doctor may contact the study research staff using the Contacts provided below.", "\nFor general information, see Learn About Clinical Studies.", "\n\nPlease refer to this study by its ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT01224431" ]
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[ "Former Phoenixville High and Vanderbilt University football star lineman Rob Lohr has signed a rookie free agent contract with the National Football League’s Kansas City Chiefs.", "\n\nLohr, a 6-foot-4, 292-pounder, was a three-year starter at Vanderbilt as a defensive tackle but had some nagging injuries during his senior season in 2012. ", "He did start 38 consecutive games for Vanderbilt, which finished 9-4 in the Southeast Conference and won the 2012 Music City Bowl, the Commodores’ second straight bowl appearance.", "\n\nThe three-year starter totaled 30 tackles with 11 tackles for loss and two quarterback sacks during his senior season. ", "He ranks among the all-time Vandy defensive tackles with 31.5 tackles for loss and 11 sacks.", "\n\nAt Phoenixville under head coach Bill Furlong, Lohr starred as a defensive end and tight end and was selected as the Pioneer Athletic Conference’s Defensive Player of the Year as a senior.", "\n\nAdvertisement\n\n“It’s been a pretty crazy week, but I can’t complain,” said Lohr during a telephone interview Wednesday afternoon.", "\n\nWork will start quickly for Lohr.", "\n\n“They are flying me out there next Thursday for a rookie mini-camp,” said Lohr. “", "Then will come OTAs, which are organized team activities. ", "We practice and start workouts.", "\n\n“It is a quick transition, but I am ready to get back into football.”", "\n\nThe Chiefs have a new head coach in Andy Reid, former longtime head coach of the Philadelphia Eagles.", "\n\n“I actually was able to speak with him on draft day,” said Lohr. “", "They called me on draft day and said they were going to give me an opportunity. ", "I spoke to my agent, and we felt it was a good fit for me with their depth. ", "I think I can make a difference.”", "\n\nThe Chiefs are rebuilding in a big way so Lohr has a solid chance to stick with the team. ", "If he does, Lohr will join former Phoenixville standout linebackers Neal Olkewicz and Rick Kraynak as National Football League players in modern times during the 1980s. ", "Olkewicz was a free agent out of the University of Maryland who became a longtime starting middle linebacker with the Washington Redskins when they were in their Super Bowl glory years. ", "Olkewicz owns two championship rings and has a third one as a runner-up.", "\n\nKraynak, who starred at the University of Pittsburgh when the Panthers were ranked as high as number one in the country during the quarterback Dan Marino era, was drafted by the Eagles and also played for the Atlanta Falcons during his NFL career.", "\n\n“I would say, yes, it’s kind of been a distant goal,” said Lohr. “", "I didn’t think I could make it when I was in high school. ", "It just kind of happened. ", "You find out you can compete at a really high level.”", "\n\nBy playing in the rugged Southeastern Conference with the likes of national powers Alabama, LSU, Florida, Georgia and Tennessee enabled Lohr to be noticed among some of the elite players the nation has to offer.", "\n\n“Obviously, playing in the SEC and with the success we have had here at Vanderbilt the last few seasons, that definitely helps get me to the next level,” said Lohr.", "\n\nDefensive lineman also rank in premium status these days with the nature of the NFL game. ", "The emphasis on passing offenses requires defenses to apply as much pressure on quarterbacks as possible.", "\n\nLohr was able to provide that pressure while playing at an interior position in college, where the Commodores used a 4-3 alignment under head coach James Franklin.", "\n\nAt Kansas City, Reid and his staff want to employ a 3-4 scheme in which Lohr will line up as a defensive end on the outside, which is where he first made his name at Phoenixville.", "\n\n“It is a new technique, but it is the best chance I have of succeeding, especially as a free agent,” said Lohr. “", "It is a lot harder to make it. ", "My goal is to stay on the team.”", "\n\nBy playing outside, Lohr will be able to utilize his current size and mobility as opposed to the many behemoths who play along the offensive and defensive lines at the NFL level." ]
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[ "The present invention relates generally to methods of forming polycrystalline thin films and, more particularly, to methods using optical annealing and lateral crystallization.", "\nPolycrystalline silicon thin films are used to form thin-film transistors (TFTs) for pixel-switching elements and other integrated circuits that are simultaneously fabricated on display substrates. ", "These thin films and TFTs can provide for the fabrication of integrated circuits on various substrates, for example, glass, plastic, or metal. ", "These thin films and TFTs may also be used for non-display applications as well. ", "Possible non-display applications include, sensors, ASICS, memory modules, or printer heads, for example.", "\nPolycrystalline silicon, also known as poly-Si, films may be produced by crystallizing amorphous silicon, or microcrystalline silicon. ", "Quality poly-Si films can be produced using lateral growth processes, also referred to as lateral crystallization. ", "Quality poly-Si films can then be used to produce high performance poly-Si TFTs. ", "The quality of the films and the resulting TFTs depends to a great extent on the crystal characteristics." ]
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[ "<?", "php\n// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/\n//\n// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n// (at your option) any later version.", "\n//\n// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the\n// GNU General Public License for more details.", "\n//\n// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n// along with Moodle. ", " If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.", "\n\n/**\n * Discussion exporter class.", "\n *\n * @package mod_forum\n * @copyright 2019 Ryan Wyllie <ryan@moodle.com>\n * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later\n */\n\nnamespace mod_forum\\local\\exporters;\n\ndefined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();\n\nuse mod_forum\\local\\entities\\discussion as discussion_entity;\nuse mod_forum\\local\\exporters\\post as post_exporter;\nuse mod_forum\\local\\factories\\exporter as exporter_factory;\nuse core\\external\\exporter;\nuse renderer_base;\n\n/**\n * Discussion exporter class.", "\n *\n * @copyright 2019 Ryan Wyllie <ryan@moodle.com>\n * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later\n */\nclass discussion extends exporter {\n /** @var discussion_entity $discussion Discussion to export */\n private $discussion;\n\n /**\n * Constructor.", "\n *\n * @param discussion_entity $discussion Discussion to export\n * @param array $related The related export data\n */\n public function __construct(discussion_entity $discussion, array $related = []) {\n $this->discussion = $discussion;\n\n return parent::__construct([], $related);\n }\n\n /**\n * Return the list of additional properties.", "\n *\n * @return array\n */\n protected static function define_other_properties() {\n return [\n 'id' => ['type' => PARAM_INT],\n 'forumid' => ['type' => PARAM_INT],\n 'pinned' => ['type' => PARAM_BOOL],\n 'locked' => ['type' => PARAM_BOOL],\n 'istimelocked' => ['type' => PARAM_BOOL],\n 'name' => ['type' => PARAM_TEXT],\n 'firstpostid' => ['type' => PARAM_INT],\n 'group' => [\n 'optional' => true,\n 'type' => [\n 'name' => ['type' => PARAM_TEXT],\n 'urls' => [\n 'type' => [\n 'picture' => [\n 'optional' => true,\n 'type' => PARAM_URL,\n ],\n 'userlist' => [\n 'optional' => true,\n 'type' => PARAM_URL,\n ],\n ],\n ],\n ],\n ],\n 'times' => [\n 'type' => [\n 'modified' => ['type' => PARAM_INT],\n 'start' => ['type' => PARAM_INT],\n 'end' => ['type' => PARAM_INT],\n 'locked' => ['type' => PARAM_INT],\n ],\n ],\n 'userstate' => [\n 'type' => [\n 'subscribed' => ['type' => PARAM_BOOL],\n 'favourited' => ['type' => PARAM_BOOL],\n ],\n ],\n 'capabilities' => [\n 'type' => [\n 'subscribe' => ['type' => PARAM_BOOL],\n 'move' => ['type' => PARAM_BOOL],\n 'pin' => ['type' => PARAM_BOOL],\n 'post' => ['type' => PARAM_BOOL],\n 'manage' => ['type' => PARAM_BOOL],\n 'favourite' => ['type' => PARAM_BOOL]\n ]\n ],\n 'urls' => [\n 'type' => [\n 'view' => ['type' => PARAM_URL],\n 'viewlatest' => [\n 'optional' => true,\n 'type' => PARAM_URL\n ],\n 'viewfirstunread' => [\n 'optional' => true,\n 'type' => PARAM_URL,\n ],\n 'markasread' => ['type' => PARAM_URL],\n 'subscribe' => ['type' => PARAM_URL],\n 'pin' => [\n 'optional' => true,\n 'type' => PARAM_URL,\n ],\n ],\n ],\n 'timed' => [\n 'type' => [\n 'istimed' => [\n 'type' => PARAM_BOOL,\n 'optional' => true,\n 'default' => null,\n 'null' => NULL_ALLOWED\n ],\n 'visible' => [\n 'type' => PARAM_BOOL,\n 'optional' => true,\n 'default' => null,\n 'null' => NULL_ALLOWED\n ]\n ]\n ]\n ];\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the additional values to inject while exporting.", "\n *\n * @param renderer_base $output The renderer.", "\n * @return array Keys are the property names, values are their values.", "\n */\n protected function get_other_values(renderer_base $output) {\n\n $capabilitymanager = $this->related['capabilitymanager'];\n $urlfactory = $this->related['urlfactory'];\n $favouriteids = isset($this->related['favouriteids']) ? ", "$this->related['favouriteids'] : [];\n\n $forum = $this->related['forum'];\n $forumrecord = $this->get_forum_record();\n $user = $this->related['user'];\n $discussion = $this->discussion;\n\n $groupdata = null;\n if ($discussion->has_group()) {\n $groupsbyid = $this->related['groupsbyid'];\n $group = $groupsbyid[$discussion->get_group_id()] ?? ", "null;\n\n // We may not have received the group if the caller doesn't want to include it in the export\n // or if it's been deleted and the discussion record hasn't been updated.", "\n if ($group) {\n $groupdata = [\n 'name' => $group->name,\n 'urls' => [],\n ];\n\n // If not hiding the group picture, and the group has a picture then use it. ", "Fallback to generic group image.", "\n if (!", "$group->hidepicture &&\n ($url = get_group_picture_url($group, $forum->get_course_id(), true))) {\n\n $groupdata['urls']['picture'] = $url;\n } else {\n $groupdata['urls']['picture'] = $output->image_url('g/g1')->out(false);\n }\n\n if ($capabilitymanager->can_view_participants($user, $discussion)) {\n $groupdata['urls']['userlist'] = (new \\moodle_url('/user/index.php', [\n 'id' => $forum->get_course_id(),\n 'group' => $group->id,\n ]));\n }\n }\n }\n\n $viewfirstunreadurl = $urlfactory->get_discussion_view_first_unread_post_url_from_discussion($discussion);\n $data = [\n 'id' => $discussion->get_id(),\n 'forumid' => $forum->get_id(),\n 'pinned' => $discussion->is_pinned(),\n 'locked' => $forum->is_discussion_locked($discussion),\n 'istimelocked' => $forum->is_discussion_time_locked($discussion),\n 'name' => format_string($discussion->get_name(), true, [\n 'context' => $this->related['context']\n ]),\n 'firstpostid' => $discussion->get_first_post_id(),\n 'times' => [\n 'modified' => $discussion->get_time_modified(),\n 'start' => $discussion->get_time_start(),\n 'end' => $discussion->get_time_end(),\n 'locked' => $discussion->get_locked()\n ],\n 'userstate' => [\n 'subscribed' => \\mod_forum\\subscriptions::is_subscribed($user->id, $forumrecord, $discussion->get_id()),\n 'favourited' => in_array($discussion->get_id(), $favouriteids) ? ", "true : false,\n ],\n 'capabilities' => [\n 'subscribe' => $capabilitymanager->can_subscribe_to_discussion($user, $discussion),\n 'move' => $capabilitymanager->can_move_discussion($user, $discussion),\n 'pin' => $capabilitymanager->can_pin_discussion($user, $discussion),\n 'post' => $capabilitymanager->can_post_in_discussion($user, $discussion),\n 'manage' => $capabilitymanager->can_manage_forum($user),\n 'favourite' => $capabilitymanager->can_favourite_discussion($user) // Defaulting to true until we get capabilities sorted\n ],\n 'urls' => [\n 'view' => $urlfactory->get_discussion_view_url_from_discussion($discussion)->out(false),\n 'viewfirstunread' => $viewfirstunreadurl->out(false),\n 'markasread' => $urlfactory->get_mark_discussion_as_read_url_from_discussion($forum, $discussion)->out(false),\n 'subscribe' => $urlfactory->get_discussion_subscribe_url($discussion)->out(false)\n ]\n ];\n\n if (!", "empty($this->related['latestpostid'])) {\n $data['urls']['viewlatest'] = $urlfactory->get_discussion_view_latest_post_url_from_discussion(\n $discussion,\n $this->related['latestpostid']\n )->out(false);\n }\n\n if ($capabilitymanager->can_pin_discussions($user)) {\n $data['urls']['pin'] = $urlfactory->get_pin_discussion_url_from_discussion($discussion)->out(false);\n }\n\n if ($groupdata) {\n $data['group'] = $groupdata;\n }\n\n $canviewhiddentimedposts = $capabilitymanager->can_view_hidden_posts($user);\n $canalwaysseetimedpost = $user->id == $discussion->get_user_id() || $canviewhiddentimedposts;\n $data['timed']['istimed'] = $canalwaysseetimedpost ? ", "$discussion->is_timed_discussion() : null;\n $data['timed']['visible'] = $canalwaysseetimedpost ? ", "$discussion->is_timed_discussion_visible() : null;\n\n return $data;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the legacy forum record from the forum entity.", "\n *\n * @return stdClass\n */\n private function get_forum_record() {\n $forumdbdatamapper = $this->related['legacydatamapperfactory']->get_forum_data_mapper();\n return $forumdbdatamapper->to_legacy_object($this->related['forum']);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a list of objects that are related.", "\n *\n * @return array\n */\n protected static function define_related() {\n return [\n 'legacydatamapperfactory' => 'mod_forum\\local\\factories\\legacy_data_mapper',\n 'context' => 'context',\n 'forum' => 'mod_forum\\local\\entities\\forum',\n 'capabilitymanager' => 'mod_forum\\local\\managers\\capability',\n 'urlfactory' => 'mod_forum\\local\\factories\\url',\n 'user' => 'stdClass',\n 'groupsbyid' => 'stdClass[]',\n 'latestpostid' => 'int?',", "\n 'favouriteids' => 'int[]?'", "\n ];\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "Wan Chai is the cradle of Hong Kong's animation and comics (ani-com) industry and home of Hong Kong's first art community featuring ani-com - Comix Home Base. ", "This autumn, Comixtream in the City - Wan Chai transforms the district's public spaces into exciting ani-com hubs. ", "Seven local veteran and upcoming ani-com artists collaborate to bring comics art to four distinctive locations, forming a comics collection that celebrates Wan Chai's past, present and imagines its future.", "\n\nTaking on oil companies\n\nIris Cheng Chi-lan is bubbling with energy. ", "That may come as a surprise, given that the young Greenpeace campaigner is just back from the Arctic - and a prison in chilly Greenland, no less.", "\n\nOn June 4, Cheng and 17 of her fellow activists from around the world staged a raid on the Leiv Eiriksson oil rig, rented by Cairn Energy, to demand an oil spill response plan. ", "They were detained, then deported. ", "Cheng is now back in Hong Kong and remains undaunted.", "\n\n\"We decided to go directly to the rig,\" Cheng says. \"", "We didn't really work out a plan. ", "We simply rushed onto the rig and frantically looked for the captain's station. ", "It might sound like an irrational act, but at that time, it was the most direct way to stop irresponsible oil drilling. ", "Every moment matters.\"", "\n\nCairn Energy is a small company based in Britain. ", "It specialises in exploring oil resources. ", "Greenpeace says the company runs on a low budget, which makes it prone to possible oil leakage.", "\n\nThe oil rig's operation in Arctic waters near the North Atlantic islands has been approved by Greenland's government, but Greenpeace says the company lacks a proper oil spill response plan.", "\n\nBefore their raid, Greenpeace activists had phoned, written, faxed, and e-mailed to the company for a copy of it. ", "They received no response, so finally, they decided to act.", "\n\nGreenland police moved in by helicopter, arresting Cheng and other activists for trespassing and entering a security zone. ", "They were taken to a prison in Nuuk, Greenland's capital, for 14 days. ", "They stayed among local inmates and were then deported to Denmark.", "\n\nYet their arrest helped raise awareness in Greenland of the potential environmental impacts of oil drilling. \"", "Most of Greenland's GDP [gross domestic product] is derived from the local fishing industry,\" Cheng says. \"", "Greenlanders' well-being is extremely vulnerable to any environmental changes.\"", "\n\nShe calls the Arctic \"a frontier of the environmental battle\", as it remains relatively free of pollution.", "\n\nCairn, she charges, uses toxic chemicals, and its oil drilling operations run a high risk of spilling, especially near icebergs. ", "Oil can accumulate in ice, hindering cleanup efforts and causing long-term damage to the environment.", "\n\n\"How blatant is that?\" ", "Cheng says. \"", "Companies live off handsome profit margins by exploiting the environment, while innocent residents pay the price.\"", "\n\nCheng and her fellows are still facing legal action and may be required to travel to Greenland for a hearing. ", "Yet they are now collecting signatures from the public against drilling in the Arctic.", "\n\nCheng urges young people in Hong Kong to think green, live green and act green. \"", "Our carbon dioxide emission per capita is double the global average,\" she says, adding that you don't need to go to the Arctic to help save the planet." ]
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[ "A travel entrepreneur who introduced hundreds of thousands of\nAmericans to European travel in the 1960's announced Tuesday he\nwants to take luxury travel to new heights -- the edge of space --\nand for a pricetag less than half of what competitors plan to\ncharge.", "\n\nJules Klar, founder of Phoenix, AZ-based RocketShip Tours,\nannounced Tuesday his company will immediately begin selling rides\nto the edge of space for $95,000 per flight. ", "Participants will fly\naboard the Lynx, a two-seat suborbital vehicle being built by\nCalifornia-based XCOR Aerospace.", "\n\n\"Years ago, my dream was to introduce the world to new travel\nopportunities at prices that were consistent with a unique\nexperience,\" said Klar. \"", "In 1961 I created $5-A-Day Tours in\npartnership with Arthur Frommer that enabled thousands of Americans\nto see Europe at affordable prices.\"", "\n\nAfter moving to Arizona, Klar created Great American Travel, a\nhigh-end boutique operation specializing in luxury cruises and\ntours. \"", "We've helped thousands of sophisticated adventurous\ntravelers visit exotic destinations all over the world including\nAntarctica, where they developed a deeper appreciation for its\nbeautiful, pristine and fragile environment. ", "Today, I am very proud\nto announce this partnership with XCOR Aerospace to offer\nparticipants an out of this world experience -- a front row seat to\nthe edge of Space.", "\n\n\"The natural evolution of human exploration knows no bounds.", "\nRocketShip Tours and XCOR have come together to usher in the\nprivate sector's role in space exploration. ", "There is no doubt that\na new era of pioneering space enthusiasts is emerging. ", "In fact,\nprior to signing this agreement with RocketShip Tours, XCOR had\nalready taken paid reservations for approximately 20 flights,\" said\nKlar.", "\n\nThe total cost of the Lynx flight experience will be $95,000. ", "A\ndeposit of $20,000 begins the process of assigning the participant\nto the qualification program. ", "Klar said one does not have to be an\nathlete to fly aboard the Lynx, but the procedure will include a\nmedical questionnaire and a screening performed by qualified\naeronautic physicians.", "\n\nInstruction regarding life support systems, flight physiology,\nand other aspects of the Lynx suborbital flight will also be\nprovided. \"", "We want to ensure the experience is as safe as possible\nand that people are adequately trained and prepared.\"", "\n\nXCOR Chief Test Pilot and three-time Space Shuttle Pilot and\nCommander, Rick Searfoss said the Lynx will carry people or\npayloads to the edges of space up to four times a day. ", "Seated next\nto him in the co-pilot seat, participants will undoubtedly\nexperience the thrill of a lifetime. ", "The awe-inspiring view of the\ncurvature of Earth, the thin blue mantle of the atmosphere below,\nand inky blackness of space above will provide participants with\nunforgettable memories beyond description.", "\n\nXCOR officials discussed the\ntechnology used on the two-seat, fully reusable launch vehicle that\ntakes off like an airplane, and lands the same way, while Chris\nGilman of Orbital Outfitters, a NASA spacesuit contractor,\ndemonstrated the spacesuit technology that will be worn by those\nflying in the Lynx. ", "Gilman, winner of an Academy Award for special\neffects, said the suit is both lighter and safer than older NASA\nspacesuits.", "\n\nKlar said he was inspired by the revolutionary Lynx suborbital\nvehicle because it offers participants a unique and intimately\npersonal experience. \"", "You're sitting in a cockpit in the co-pilot's\nseat beside your astronaut pilot, with a panoramic view of the\nstars above and Earth below. ", "It is the ride of your life!\"", "\n\n\"I am going to fly aboard the Lynx because I want to experience\nspace from a front row seat,\" said Danish investment banker Per\nWimmer, who will take the first commercial flight aboard the Lynx.", "\n\"My goal is to place the Dannebrog, the Danish flag, on the Moon\none day. ", "Flying to the edge of space aboard the Lynx will make me\nthe first Dane to experience suborbital space flight and takes me\none step closer to my ultimate goal.\"" ]
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[ "Rutger Bleecker, was Recorder in 1725; married Cataligna, daughter of David I. Schuyler, and widow of John Abeel, May 26, 1712, and had four children. ", "He was buried in the church, August\n5, 1756. ", "In 1720 he had a lot, probably on the northwest corner of North Pearl and Steuben streets.", "\n\nThe History of the County of Albany, by George Howell, (c)1886, p 660." ]
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[ "Superman is the blueprint for the modern superhero. ", "He’s arguably the single most important creation in the history of superhero comics. ", "Superman is a hero that reflects the potential in all of us for greatness; a beacon of light in times that are grim and a glimmer of hope for the hopeless. ", "He’s an archetype for us to project upon; whether you consider him a messiah or just a Big Blue Boy Scout, Superman’s impact on the genre and pop culture is undeniable. ", "Rocketed to Earth from his dying planet of Krypton, Superman was raised in Smallville, Kansas with small town American ideals. ", "Brought up by the loving Jonathan and Martha Kent, Kal-El was given the name Clark Kent and was taught to use his powers to better humanity. ", "After adopting Metropolis as his home in his adult years, Clark would save the city – let alone the world – time and time again. ", "Though he’d be joined by other members of his Super-family throughout the years, it would be the Man of Steel that would demand the attention of evil-doers, the respect of his peers, and the adoration of citizens across the globe. ", "Superman stands as the single most iconic figure in comic books; his Kryptonian S-Shield recognizable as a universal symbol for truth and justice. ", "Though Superman may have begun as a slice of Americana, he’s grown into a symbol that all of humanity can look up to. ", "In his 80th anniversary year and with the recent publication of the 1000th issue of Action Comics, there is perhaps no better time to look at this character’s ‘super’ legacy.", "\n\nIt’s going the distance that elevates Superman from the run of flying caped super guys who followed him. ", "How many other characters from disposable 1938 fictions have appeared consistently for 80 years and are still as famous as ever? ", "Superman’s peers aren’t really Spider-Man or Wolverine, but Sherlock Holmes, Tarzan and James Bond – pop culture mainstays who stay current through consistent reinvention but are classically themselves all the same. ", "Superman has taken a beating from time to time: his fight for ‘truth, justice and the American Way’ is nobler but less easy to relate to than Batman’s vengeance-driven war on crime (especially when we get antsy about what ‘the American Way’ actually means); his powers are so vast that it’s hard to come up with threats worth his time (so it’s incredible that for decades, his biggest problem was a pudgy bald guy with a laboratory); and his clean-cut, super-square looks and attitude are always being challenged by someone who momentarily seems more contemporary, edgy or pragmatic. ", "That’s perhaps why the comics have often experimented with his essential ingredients, recasting him as a Commie (Red Son) or a Brit (True Brit) or creating twisted, dark reflections of the eternal do-gooder, like Bizarro, in endless permutations that attest to his popularity and instant recognisability. ", "If it weren’t for Superman, there wouldn’t be an entire genre of superhero stories – every single tights-and-powers character who has come along after him is defined by how similar or how different they are from Kal-El.", "\n\nSome may consider Superman quaint or outdated. ", "There are certainly edgier and grimmer characters that have been created. ", "But Superman has had one of the most profound impacts on popular culture of any fictional character and to this day he remains an icon. ", "One of the most intriguing aspects of Superman is that new stories have been told featuring the character continually since his creation. ", "While many other franchises of the entertainment industry, such as James Bond or Star Trek, have had new chapters added across a long period, there are often years in between the new stories being produced. ", "Superman comics have been published continually since 1938, with a new story, or even four or five new stories, appearing on a more-or-less monthly schedule. ", "This long-running narrative allow for a fascinating look at the evolution of Superman. ", "While Superman from World War Two era comic books is easily identified as the same character as the Superman of Cold War era comics, there are clear and obvious distinctions when they are looked at closely. ", "By exploring how this popular culture icon has changed through the years we can track how our entertainment mirrors the changes in society. ", "Superman began as a crusading social avenger at the end of the Great Depression, became a patriotic hero during World War Two, saw his powers increase in the early years of the Cold War, entered a period of flux during the Vietnam War, was killed and returned at the end of the Cold War, and has looked for a place in the superhero world since the turn of the millennium. ", "Superman is currently experiencing another reimagining on the silver screen – the latest of many – how this will reflect the society of now, only time will tell.", "\n\nOne Response to “A Superman for All Seasons”\n\nI preferred Batman as a comic book hero to Superman, but Superman fascinated me as a kid and now, as an adult, I have more than an inkling why: he was the born outsider.", "\n\nBatman had his dark side, created from the tragedy of witnessing the murder of his parents. ", "Kal-El, another orphan, never had the certainty that comes from growing up with your birth parents.", "\n\nNot only that but he was different, and not only because he was like those kids who fantasise they’ve been adopted because they sense a separateness from their family — he really was non-human. ", "His creators were both Jewish and so knew what it was like to be different and occasionally rejected by other men for their perceived alien qualities. (‘", "Alien’ of course merely means ‘from a different place’.)", "\n\nI think many kids who feel different from their fellow humans — whether through ethnicity, being gender fluid, from a disability or being on the autistic spectrum, say — will also feel a sense of isolation while simultaneously wanted to be loved, valued, respected by those who might reject, undervalue or disrespect them. ", "And there lies major causes of conflict, crisis points where any sense of alienation might push them to do things that can lead to disaster.", "\n\nThat certainly was the case for me with Superman when, in the early days when he mostly battled villains, I would come across the occasional plot line where his sense of self-identity was put to the test. ", "That’s when the true Superman was allowed to show his colours.", "\n\nWelcome Message\n\nWelcome to my blog!", "\n\nI'm a fantasy writer and on this site you'll not only find samples of my work but also articles concerning folklore, myth and legend, reviews of movies, books and graphic novels and much else besides (including the occasional short story - you lucky people!).", "\n\nGo to the ‘Novels’ section of this website for more information and to read free samples of my longer fiction. ", "Excerpts from my short fiction appear in the 'Short Stories' section of this website.", "\n\nThe 'Blogroll' below contains links to lots of other fantasy and sci-fi websites and the 'Writer Links' section of this site will take you to the websites of other authors whose work I admire.", "\n\nIf you like what you see on here don't forget that you can follow me on Facebook and Twitter too by clicking on one of the links below!", "\n\nFollow Blog via Email\n\nEnter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.", "\n\nThe Witch of Wicken Fen\n\nTolkien\n\nIt is something of a relief, having looked last month at his critics, to turn this time to Tolkien’s many admirers. ", "It would not be true to say that there was no such thing as epic fantasy before Tolkien: there was a tradition of English and Irish writers before him, such as E R Eddison and […]\n\n“This is not a work that many adults will read right through more than once.” ", "With these words the anonymous reviewer for the Times Literary Supplement (25 November 1955) summed up his judgment of J R R Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. ", "It must have seemed a pretty safe prophecy at the time, for of […]\n\n1920s Oxford: home to C S Lewis, J R R Tolkien and, in Paul Kearney’s novel The Wolf in the Attic, Anna Francis, a young Greek girl looking to escape the grim reality of her new life. ", "The night they cross paths, none suspect the fantastic world at work all around them. ", "Anna lives in a […]\n\nIn The Lord of the Rings a strange and primitive folk named the Woses came to aid the men of Gondor in breaking the siege of Minas Tirith. ", "These wild woodland people lived in the ancient forest of Druadan, below the White Mountains. ", "In form they were weather-worn, short-legged, thick-armed and stumpy-bodied and they knew wood-craft […]\n\nAmong the foulest beings that ever inhabited Middle Earth were the Great Spiders. ", "They were dark and filled with envy, greed and the poison of malice. ", "First of the beings that took spider form was Ungoliant, mother of the evil race that plagued the world thereafter, as well as a close ally of the first […]" ]
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[ "My school of peace was the War. ", "World War II took away five years of my childhood. ", "For all f those five years, I was dreaming about the end of the war and craving for peace.", "\n\nBefore the war came to us with exploding bombs, children had been playing war games in streets and yards. ", "I remember some of them exclaiming: “Oh, I want the real war to come soon!” ", "These words echoed in my memory as a curse. ", "After only a few days of real war, when I had seen falling and burning houses, and torn dead bodies lying around me, and I had realized that with the work of a few moments, such bloody pieces of flesh could have been the only thing remaining of me, I learned that war is not a game but a problem of life or death, of survival.", "\n\n[I survived because I was taken to the International children house in Ivanovo, Russia. ", "Since 1933 this house has sheltered children from 70 countries that have experienced the horrors of war: hunger, freezing cold and burning heat without a shelter, loosing their nearest and dearest, parents, relatives and friends. ", "We survived because we learnt how to cooperate and work together, how to create a new community of friends and build solidarity – even among those who came from countries that were fighting against each other. ", "Now, every year, those who spent part of their life in that school are reunited in various countries (in the last 10 years they have met in Austria, Bulgaria, China, Ecuador, Germany Greece, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Sweden) to recall and share memories of their childhoods in wartimes, and to discuss how to preserve the peaceful existence for their children. ]", "\n\nThe school of peace begins with recalling and sharing negative experiences of wars, describing the suffering, atrocities, and horrors. ", "The importance of this first course was clearly evidenced during the World Youth Day in Poland, when the Holy Father Pope Francis was giving voice to young people from across the world to speak about their memories of war.", "\n\nThe tasks of peace education is to warn people about the dangers of various forms of violence, such as ecocide, genocide, modern warfare, ethnic hatred, racism, sexual abuse, and domestic violence, as well as to advise people on paths to peace and reducing the threats of interpersonal and environmental violence.", "\n\nThe research on peace and conflict studies suggests two different approaches. ", "The first is the so-called ‘negative’ sense of peace. ", "It refers to the cessation of war or the absence of violence. ", "The second type, ‘positive’ peace, identifies the conditions that eliminate the causes of wars and violence, enabling people to resolve their conflicts without the use of physical coercion and to cooperate in order to improve the quality of their lives.", "\n\nAccording to Johan Galtung: “the best way to define peace is to define violence, its antithesis”. ", "John Schwartzmantel writes: “Violence can be defined simply as the use of physical force to achieve one’s ends. ", "In that sense violent action abandons any attempt to convince others through the force of the better argument, or through appeals to authority. ", "Instead it operates through fear - fear of physical harm being inflicted on those who do not comply with the demands of those using violent means”.", "\n\nThe ‘negative’ approach includes studies of the causes of war and reasons for violent fights, hostility and hatred. ", "It shows that the justification of protracted warfare as resulting from a need for revenge, and the punitive restorative justice, or ‘pre-emptive self-defense’ - preventing an enemy’s attack, can lead to the escalation of violence. ", "It involves revealing the economic, political, social, psychological, and ecological costs of wars, and the destruction they bring to all humanity and to the planet. ", "As Umberto Eco emphasized in his “Reflections on War”: “No matter how the war goes, … it will drag on in the form of a dramatic political, economic, and psychological instability for decades to come, (…)” “War cannot be justified, because – in terms of the rights of the species – it is worse than a crime. ", "It is a waste”.", "\n\nThe question then arises: why do certain people, individuals, groups, and nations have recourse to violence, and refuse to accept a peaceful approach to conflicts resolution and the politics of debates, negotiations and compromise? ", "Looking for an answer to this question, we should recall the message of His Holiness Pope Francis, who has condemned “… justifying deplorable economic policies which breed injustice, division and violence for the sake of ensuring the wellbeing of individuals or nations. ", "Not infrequently, economic and political projects aim at securing or maintaining power and wealth, even at the cost of trampling on the basic rights and needs of others. ", "When people witness the denial of their elementary rights, such as the right to food, water, health care or employment, they are tempted to obtain them by force” . ", "Thus, in some cases people resort to violence as a response to increasing inequality, exclusion and lack of recognition, perceived injustice and corruption of the rulers, and as a protest against ethnic oppression.", "\n\nThe study of positive peace is a search for the peaceful, non-violent resolution of conflicts. ", "However, most of these studies have abandoned the attempt to create a single and all-encompassing definition of peace and instead adopted the idea of a multiplicity of its meanings. ", "Some scholars focus on the economic, political, and social conditions that eliminate poverty, inequality, discrimination, marginalization, and social oppression while ensuring social justice, welfare, human rights, and social stability through the creation of a community of equal citizens among whom dialogue is possible. ", "Others explore ways of developing collaborative and supportive relationships between individuals, groups, and nations that would foster mutual understanding, respect for different identities, and a sense of commitment to the public interest. ", "Research on positive peace describes peaceful societies where there is very little external warfare or internal violence, where conflicts are resolved without aggressiveness, and where harmony, gentleness, and kindness toward others are successfully promoted.", "\n\nVarious religious beliefs profess different meanings of peace. ", "At a school of peace students should be taught prayers for peace in their own languages, but should learn also understanding that peace is the common good of all human kind. ", "On the World Day of Peace in 2002, Pope John Paul II prayed “that the truth of this affirmation – No peace without justice, no justice without forgiveness – be engraved on every heart. ", "Thus the human family will be able to find the true peace, that flows from the union of justice and mercy” . ", "In his Message for the World Day of Peace in 2016, Pope Francis has developed this idea in the words: “Peace: the fruit of a culture of solidarity, mercy and compassion”." ]
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[ "/*\n * Driver interaction with Linux Host AP driver\n * Copyright (c) 2003-2005, Jouni Malinen <j@w1.fi>\n *\n * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation.", "\n *\n * Alternatively, this software may be distributed under the terms of BSD\n * license.", "\n *\n * See README and COPYING for more details.", "\n */\n\n#include \"includes.h\"\n#include <sys/ioctl.h>\n\n#include \"wireless_copy.h\"\n#include \"common.h\"\n#include \"driver.h\"\n#include \"driver_wext.h\"\n#include \"eloop.h\"\n#include \"driver_hostap.h\"\n\n\n#ifdef HOSTAPD\n\n#include <net/if_arp.h>\n#include <netpacket/packet.h>\n\n#include \"priv_netlink.h\"\n#include \"netlink.h\"\n#include \"linux_ioctl.h\"\n#include \"common/ieee802_11_defs.h\"\n\n\n/* MTU to be set for the wlan#ap device; this is mainly needed for IEEE 802.1X\n * frames that might be longer than normal default MTU and they are not\n * fragmented */\n#define HOSTAPD_MTU 2290\n\nstatic const u8 rfc1042_header[6] = { 0xaa, 0xaa, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };\n\nstruct hostap_driver_data {\n\tstruct hostapd_data *hapd;\n\n\tchar iface[IFNAMSIZ + 1];\n\tint sock; /* raw packet socket for driver access */\n\tint ioctl_sock; /* socket for ioctl() use */\n\tstruct netlink_data *netlink;\n\n\tint we_version;\n\n\tu8 *generic_ie;\n\tsize_t generic_ie_len;\n\tu8 *wps_ie;\n\tsize_t wps_ie_len;\n};\n\n\nstatic int hostapd_ioctl(void *priv, struct prism2_hostapd_param *param,\n\t\t\t int len);\nstatic int hostap_set_iface_flags(void *priv, int dev_up);\n\nstatic void handle_data(struct hostap_driver_data *drv, u8 *buf, size_t len,\n\t\t\tu16 stype)\n{\n\tstruct ieee80211_hdr *hdr;\n\tu16 fc, ethertype;\n\tu8 *pos, *sa;\n\tsize_t left;\n\tunion wpa_event_data event;\n\n\tif (len < sizeof(struct ieee80211_hdr))\n\t\treturn;\n\n\thdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *) buf;\n\tfc = le_to_host16(hdr->frame_control);\n\n\tif ((fc & (WLAN_FC_FROMDS | WLAN_FC_TODS)) !", "= WLAN_FC_TODS) {\n\t\tprintf(\"Not ToDS data frame (fc=0x%04x)\\n\", fc);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\tsa = hdr->addr2;\n\tos_memset(&event, 0, sizeof(event));\n\tevent.rx_from_unknown.frame = buf;\n\tevent.rx_from_unknown.len = len;\n\twpa_supplicant_event(drv->hapd, EVENT_RX_FROM_UNKNOWN, &event);\n\n\tpos = (u8 *) (hdr + 1);\n\tleft = len - sizeof(*hdr);\n\n\tif (left < sizeof(rfc1042_header)) {\n\t\tprintf(\"Too short data frame\\n\");\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\tif (memcmp(pos, rfc1042_header, sizeof(rfc1042_header)) !", "= 0) {\n\t\tprintf(\"Data frame with no RFC1042 header\\n\");\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\tpos += sizeof(rfc1042_header);\n\tleft -= sizeof(rfc1042_header);\n\n\tif (left < 2) {\n\t\tprintf(\"No ethertype in data frame\\n\");\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\tethertype = WPA_GET_BE16(pos);\n\tpos += 2;\n\tleft -= 2;\n\tswitch (ethertype) {\n\tcase ETH_P_PAE:\n\t\tdrv_event_eapol_rx(drv->hapd, sa, pos, left);\n\t\tbreak;\n\n\tdefault:\n\t\tprintf(\"Unknown ethertype 0x%04x in data frame\\n\", ethertype);\n\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n}\n\n\nstatic void handle_tx_callback(struct hostap_driver_data *drv, u8 *buf,\n\t\t\t size_t len, int ok)\n{\n\tstruct ieee80211_hdr *hdr;\n\tu16 fc;\n\tunion wpa_event_data event;\n\n\thdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *) buf;\n\tfc = le_to_host16(hdr->frame_control);\n\n\tos_memset(&event, 0, sizeof(event));\n\tevent.tx_status.type = WLAN_FC_GET_TYPE(fc);\n\tevent.tx_status.stype = WLAN_FC_GET_STYPE(fc);\n\tevent.tx_status.dst = hdr->addr1;\n\tevent.tx_status.data = buf;\n\tevent.tx_status.data_len = len;\n\tevent.tx_status.ack = ok;\n\twpa_supplicant_event(drv->hapd, EVENT_TX_STATUS, &event);\n}\n\n\nstatic void handle_frame(struct hostap_driver_data *drv, u8 *buf, size_t len)\n{\n\tstruct ieee80211_hdr *hdr;\n\tu16 fc, extra_len, type, stype;\n\tunsigned char *extra = NULL;\n\tsize_t data_len = len;\n\tint ver;\n\tunion wpa_event_data event;\n\n\t/* PSPOLL is only 16 bytes, but driver does not (at least yet) pass\n\t * these to user space */\n\tif (len < 24) {\n\t\twpa_printf(MSG_MSGDUMP, \"handle_frame: too short (%lu)\",\n\t\t\t (unsigned long) len);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\thdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *) buf;\n\tfc = le_to_host16(hdr->frame_control);\n\ttype = WLAN_FC_GET_TYPE(fc);\n\tstype = WLAN_FC_GET_STYPE(fc);\n\n\tif (type !", "= WLAN_FC_TYPE_MGMT || stype !", "= WLAN_FC_STYPE_BEACON) {\n\t\twpa_hexdump(MSG_MSGDUMP, \"Received management frame\",\n\t\t\t buf, len);\n\t}\n\n\tver = fc & WLAN_FC_PVER;\n\n\t/* protocol version 3 is reserved for indicating extra data after the\n\t * payload, version 2 for indicating ACKed frame (TX callbacks), and\n\t * version 1 for indicating failed frame (no ACK, TX callbacks) */\n\tif (ver == 3) {\n\t\tu8 *pos = buf + len - 2;\n\t\textra_len = WPA_GET_LE16(pos);\n\t\tprintf(\"extra data in frame (elen=%d)\\n\", extra_len);\n\t\tif ((size_t) extra_len + 2 > len) {\n\t\t\tprintf(\" extra data overflow\\n\");\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t\tlen -= extra_len + 2;\n\t\textra = buf + len;\n\t} else if (ver == 1 || ver == 2) {\n\t\thandle_tx_callback(drv, buf, data_len, ver == 2 ? ", "1 : 0);\n\t\treturn;\n\t} else if (ver !", "= 0) {\n\t\tprintf(\"unknown protocol version %d\\n\", ver);\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\tswitch (type) {\n\tcase WLAN_FC_TYPE_MGMT:\n\t\tos_memset(&event, 0, sizeof(event));\n\t\tevent.rx_mgmt.frame = buf;\n\t\tevent.rx_mgmt.frame_len = data_len;\n\t\twpa_supplicant_event(drv->hapd, EVENT_RX_MGMT, &event);\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase WLAN_FC_TYPE_CTRL:\n\t\twpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, \"CTRL\");\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase WLAN_FC_TYPE_DATA:\n\t\twpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, \"DATA\");\n\t\thandle_data(drv, buf, data_len, stype);\n\t\tbreak;\n\tdefault:\n\t\twpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, \"unknown frame type %d\", type);\n\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n}\n\n\nstatic void handle_read(int sock, void *eloop_ctx, void *sock_ctx)\n{\n\tstruct hostap_driver_data *drv = eloop_ctx;\n\tint len;\n\tunsigned char buf[3000];\n\n\tlen = recv(sock, buf, sizeof(buf), 0);\n\tif (len < 0) {\n\t\tperror(\"recv\");\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\thandle_frame(drv, buf, len);\n}\n\n\nstatic int hostap_init_sockets(struct hostap_driver_data *drv, u8 *own_addr)\n{\n\tstruct ifreq ifr;\n\tstruct sockaddr_ll addr;\n\n\tdrv->sock = socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_ALL));\n\tif (drv->sock < 0) {\n\t\tperror(\"socket[PF_PACKET,SOCK_RAW]\");\n\t\treturn -1;\n\t}\n\n\tif (eloop_register_read_sock(drv->sock, handle_read, drv, NULL)) {\n\t\tprintf(\"Could not register read socket\\n\");\n\t\treturn -1;\n\t}\n\n memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr));\n snprintf(ifr.ifr_name, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name), \"%sap\", drv->iface);\n if (ioctl(drv->sock, SIOCGIFINDEX, &ifr) !", "= 0) {\n\t\tperror(\"ioctl(SIOCGIFINDEX)\");\n\t\treturn -1;\n }\n\n\tif (hostap_set_iface_flags(drv, 1)) {\n\t\treturn -1;\n\t}\n\n\tmemset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));\n\taddr.sll_family = AF_PACKET;\n\taddr.sll_ifindex = ifr.ifr_ifindex;\n\twpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, \"Opening raw packet socket for ifindex %d\",\n\t\t addr.sll_ifindex);\n\n\tif (bind(drv->sock, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) {\n\t\tperror(\"bind\");\n\t\treturn -1;\n\t}\n\n\treturn linux_get_ifhwaddr(drv->sock, drv->iface, own_addr);\n}\n\n\nstatic int hostap_send_mlme(void *priv, const u8 *msg, size_t len)\n{\n\tstruct hostap_driver_data *drv = priv;\n\tstruct ieee80211_hdr *hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *) msg;\n\tint res;\n\n\t/* Request TX callback */\n\thdr->frame_control |= host_to_le16(BIT(1));\n\tres = send(drv->sock, msg, len, 0);\n\thdr->frame_control &= ~host_to_le16(BIT(1));\n\n\treturn res;\n}\n\n\nstatic int hostap_send_eapol(void *priv, const u8 *addr, const u8 *data,\n\t\t\t size_t data_len, int encrypt, const u8 *own_addr,\n\t\t\t u32 flags)\n{\n\tstruct hostap_driver_data *drv = priv;\n\tstruct ieee80211_hdr *hdr;\n\tsize_t len;\n\tu8 *pos;\n\tint res;\n\n\tlen = sizeof(*hdr) + sizeof(rfc1042_header) + 2 + data_len;\n\thdr = os_zalloc(len);\n\tif (hdr == NULL) {\n\t\tprintf(\"malloc() failed for hostapd_send_data(len=%lu)\\n\",\n\t\t (unsigned long) len);\n\t\treturn -1;\n\t}\n\n\thdr->frame_control =\n\t\tIEEE80211_FC(WLAN_FC_TYPE_DATA, WLAN_FC_STYPE_DATA);\n\thdr->frame_control |= host_to_le16(WLAN_FC_FROMDS);\n\tif (encrypt)\n\t\thdr->frame_control |= host_to_le16(WLAN_FC_ISWEP);\n\tmemcpy(hdr->IEEE80211_DA_FROMDS, addr, ETH_ALEN);\n\tmemcpy(hdr->IEEE80211_BSSID_FROMDS, own_addr, ETH_ALEN);\n\tmemcpy(hdr->IEEE80211_SA_FROMDS, own_addr, ETH_ALEN);\n\n\tpos = (u8 *) (hdr + 1);\n\tmemcpy(pos, rfc1042_header, sizeof(rfc1042_header));\n\tpos += sizeof(rfc1042_header);\n\t*((u16 *) pos) = htons(ETH_P_PAE);\n\tpos += 2;\n\tmemcpy(pos, data, data_len);\n\n\tres = hostap_send_mlme(drv, (u8 *) hdr, len);\n\tif (res < 0) {\n\t\twpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, \"hostap_send_eapol - packet len: %lu - \"\n\t\t\t \"failed: %d (%s)\",\n\t\t\t (unsigned long) len, errno, strerror(errno));\n\t}\n\tfree(hdr);\n\n\treturn res;\n}\n\n\nstatic int hostap_sta_set_flags(void *priv, const u8 *addr,\n\t\t\t\tint total_flags, int flags_or, int flags_and)\n{\n\tstruct hostap_driver_data *drv = priv;\n\tstruct prism2_hostapd_param param;\n\n\tif (flags_or & WPA_STA_AUTHORIZED)\n\t\tflags_or = BIT(5); /* WLAN_STA_AUTHORIZED */\n\tif (!(", "flags_and & WPA_STA_AUTHORIZED))\n\t\tflags_and = ~BIT(5);\n\telse\n\t\tflags_and = ~0;\n\tmemset(&param, 0, sizeof(param));\n\tparam.cmd = PRISM2_HOSTAPD_SET_FLAGS_STA;\n\tmemcpy(param.sta_addr, addr, ETH_ALEN);\n\tparam.u.set_flags_sta.flags_or = flags_or;\n\tparam.u.set_flags_sta.flags_and = flags_and;\n\treturn hostapd_ioctl(drv, &param, sizeof(param));\n}\n\n\nstatic int hostap_set_iface_flags(void *priv, int dev_up)\n{\n\tstruct hostap_driver_data *drv = priv;\n\tstruct ifreq ifr;\n\tchar ifname[IFNAMSIZ];\n\n\tos_snprintf(ifname, IFNAMSIZ, \"%sap\", drv->iface);\n\tif (linux_set_iface_flags(drv->ioctl_sock, ifname, dev_up) < 0)\n\t\treturn -1;\n\n\tif (dev_up) {\n\t\tmemset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr));\n\t\tos_strlcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, IFNAMSIZ);\n\t\tifr.ifr_mtu = HOSTAPD_MTU;\n\t\tif (ioctl(drv->ioctl_sock, SIOCSIFMTU, &ifr) !", "= 0) {\n\t\t\tperror(\"ioctl[SIOCSIFMTU]\");\n\t\t\tprintf(\"Setting MTU failed - trying to survive with \"\n\t\t\t \"current value\\n\");\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n\nstatic int hostapd_ioctl(void *priv, struct prism2_hostapd_param *param,\n\t\t\t int len)\n{\n\tstruct hostap_driver_data *drv = priv;\n\tstruct iwreq iwr;\n\n\tmemset(&iwr, 0, sizeof(iwr));\n\tos_strlcpy(iwr.ifr_name, drv->iface, IFNAMSIZ);\n\tiwr.u.data.pointer = (caddr_t) param;\n\tiwr.u.data.length = len;\n\n\tif (ioctl(drv->ioctl_sock, PRISM2_IOCTL_HOSTAPD, &iwr) < 0) {\n\t\tperror(\"ioctl[PRISM2_IOCTL_HOSTAPD]\");\n\t\treturn -1;\n\t}\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n\nstatic int wpa_driver_hostap_set_key(const char *ifname, void *priv,\n\t\t\t\t enum wpa_alg alg, const u8 *addr,\n\t\t\t\t int key_idx, int set_tx,\n\t\t\t\t const u8 *seq, size_t seq_len,\n\t\t\t\t const u8 *key, size_t key_len)\n{\n\tstruct hostap_driver_data *drv = priv;\n\tstruct prism2_hostapd_param *param;\n\tu8 *buf;\n\tsize_t blen;\n\tint ret = 0;\n\n\tblen = sizeof(*param) + key_len;\n\tbuf = os_zalloc(blen);\n\tif (buf == NULL)\n\t\treturn -1;\n\n\tparam = (struct prism2_hostapd_param *) buf;\n\tparam->cmd = PRISM2_SET_ENCRYPTION;\n\tif (addr == NULL)\n\t\tmemset(param->sta_addr, 0xff, ETH_ALEN);\n\telse\n\t\tmemcpy(param->sta_addr, addr, ETH_ALEN);\n\tswitch (alg) {\n\tcase WPA_ALG_NONE:\n\t\tos_strlcpy((char *) param->u.crypt.alg, \"NONE\",\n\t\t\t HOSTAP_CRYPT_ALG_NAME_LEN);\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase WPA_ALG_WEP:\n\t\tos_strlcpy((char *) param->u.crypt.alg, \"WEP\",\n\t\t\t HOSTAP_CRYPT_ALG_NAME_LEN);\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase WPA_ALG_TKIP:\n\t\tos_strlcpy((char *) param->u.crypt.alg, \"TKIP\",\n\t\t\t HOSTAP_CRYPT_ALG_NAME_LEN);\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase WPA_ALG_CCMP:\n\t\tos_strlcpy((char *) param->u.crypt.alg, \"CCMP\",\n\t\t\t HOSTAP_CRYPT_ALG_NAME_LEN);\n\t\tbreak;\n\tdefault:\n\t\tos_free(buf);\n\t\treturn -1;\n\t}\n\tparam->u.crypt.flags = set_tx ? ", "HOSTAP_CRYPT_FLAG_SET_TX_KEY : 0;\n\tparam->u.crypt.idx = key_idx;\n\tparam->u.crypt.key_len = key_len;\n\tmemcpy((u8 *) (param + 1), key, key_len);\n\n\tif (hostapd_ioctl(drv, param, blen)) {\n\t\tprintf(\"Failed to set encryption.\\n\");\n\t\tret = -1;\n\t}\n\tfree(buf);\n\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\n\nstatic int hostap_get_seqnum(const char *ifname, void *priv, const u8 *addr,\n\t\t\t int idx, u8 *seq)\n{\n\tstruct hostap_driver_data *drv = priv;\n\tstruct prism2_hostapd_param *param;\n\tu8 *buf;\n\tsize_t blen;\n\tint ret = 0;\n\n\tblen = sizeof(*param) + 32;\n\tbuf = os_zalloc(blen);\n\tif (buf == NULL)\n\t\treturn -1;\n\n\tparam = (struct prism2_hostapd_param *) buf;\n\tparam->cmd = PRISM2_GET_ENCRYPTION;\n\tif (addr == NULL)\n\t\tmemset(param->sta_addr, 0xff, ETH_ALEN);\n\telse\n\t\tmemcpy(param->sta_addr, addr, ETH_ALEN);\n\tparam->u.crypt.idx = idx;\n\n\tif (hostapd_ioctl(drv, param, blen)) {\n\t\tprintf(\"Failed to get encryption.\\n\");\n\t\tret = -1;\n\t} else {\n\t\tmemcpy(seq, param->u.crypt.seq, 8);\n\t}\n\tfree(buf);\n\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\n\nstatic int hostap_ioctl_prism2param(void *priv, int param, int value)\n{\n\tstruct hostap_driver_data *drv = priv;\n\tstruct iwreq iwr;\n\tint *i;\n\n\tmemset(&iwr, 0, sizeof(iwr));\n\tos_strlcpy(iwr.ifr_name, drv->iface, IFNAMSIZ);\n\ti = (int *) iwr.u.name;\n\t*i++ = param;\n\t*i++ = value;\n\n\tif (ioctl(drv->ioctl_sock, PRISM2_IOCTL_PRISM2_PARAM, &iwr) < 0) {\n\t\tperror(\"ioctl[PRISM2_IOCTL_PRISM2_PARAM]\");\n\t\treturn -1;\n\t}\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n\nstatic int hostap_set_ieee8021x(void *priv, struct wpa_bss_params *params)\n{\n\tstruct hostap_driver_data *drv = priv;\n\tint enabled = params->enabled;\n\n\t/* enable kernel driver support for IEEE 802.1X */\n\tif (hostap_ioctl_prism2param(drv, PRISM2_PARAM_IEEE_802_1X, enabled)) {\n\t\tprintf(\"Could not setup IEEE 802.1X support in kernel driver.\"", "\n\t\t \"\\n\");\n\t\treturn -1;\n\t}\n\n\tif (!", "enabled)\n\t\treturn 0;\n\n\t/* use host driver implementation of encryption to allow\n\t * individual keys and passing plaintext EAPOL frames */\n\tif (hostap_ioctl_prism2param(drv, PRISM2_PARAM_HOST_DECRYPT, 1) ||\n\t hostap_ioctl_prism2param(drv, PRISM2_PARAM_HOST_ENCRYPT, 1)) {\n\t\tprintf(\"Could not setup host-based encryption in kernel \"\n\t\t \"driver.\\n\");\n\t\treturn -1;\n\t}\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n\nstatic int hostap_set_privacy(void *priv, int enabled)\n{\n\tstruct hostap_drvier_data *drv = priv;\n\n\treturn hostap_ioctl_prism2param(drv, PRISM2_PARAM_PRIVACY_INVOKED,\n\t\t\t\t\tenabled);\n}\n\n\nstatic int hostap_set_ssid(void *priv, const u8 *buf, int len)\n{\n\tstruct hostap_driver_data *drv = priv;\n\tstruct iwreq iwr;\n\n\tmemset(&iwr, 0, sizeof(iwr));\n\tos_strlcpy(iwr.ifr_name, drv->iface, IFNAMSIZ);\n\tiwr.u.essid.flags = 1; /* SSID active */\n\tiwr.u.essid.pointer = (caddr_t) buf;\n\tiwr.u.essid.length = len + 1;\n\n\tif (ioctl(drv->ioctl_sock, SIOCSIWESSID, &iwr) < 0) {\n\t\tperror(\"ioctl[SIOCSIWESSID]\");\n\t\tprintf(\"len=%d\\n\", len);\n\t\treturn -1;\n\t}\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n\nstatic int hostap_flush(void *priv)\n{\n\tstruct hostap_driver_data *drv = priv;\n\tstruct prism2_hostapd_param param;\n\n\tmemset(&param, 0, sizeof(param));\n\tparam.cmd = PRISM2_HOSTAPD_FLUSH;\n\treturn hostapd_ioctl(drv, &param, sizeof(param));\n}\n\n\nstatic int hostap_read_sta_data(void *priv,\n\t\t\t\tstruct hostap_sta_driver_data *data,\n\t\t\t\tconst u8 *addr)\n{\n\tstruct hostap_driver_data *drv = priv;\n\tchar buf[1024], line[128], *pos;\n\tFILE *f;\n\tunsigned long val;\n\n\tmemset(data, 0, sizeof(*data));\n\tsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), \"/proc/net/hostap/%s/\" MACSTR,\n\t\t drv->iface, MAC2STR(addr));\n\n\tf = fopen(buf, \"r\");\n\tif (!", "f)\n\t\treturn -1;\n\t/* Need to read proc file with in one piece, so use large enough\n\t * buffer. */", "\n\tsetbuffer(f, buf, sizeof(buf));\n\n\twhile (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f)) {\n\t\tpos = strchr(line, '=');\n\t\tif (!", "pos)\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t*pos++ = '\\0';\n\t\tval = strtoul(pos, NULL, 10);\n\t\tif (strcmp(line, \"rx_packets\") == 0)\n\t\t\tdata->rx_packets = val;\n\t\telse if (strcmp(line, \"tx_packets\") == 0)\n\t\t\tdata->tx_packets = val;\n\t\telse if (strcmp(line, \"rx_bytes\") == 0)\n\t\t\tdata->rx_bytes = val;\n\t\telse if (strcmp(line, \"tx_bytes\") == 0)\n\t\t\tdata->tx_bytes = val;\n\t}\n\n\tfclose(f);\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n\nstatic int hostap_sta_add(void *priv, struct hostapd_sta_add_params *params)\n{\n\tstruct hostap_driver_data *drv = priv;\n\tstruct prism2_hostapd_param param;\n\tint tx_supp_rates = 0;\n\tsize_t i;\n\n#define WLAN_RATE_1M BIT(0)\n#define WLAN_RATE_2M BIT(1)\n#define WLAN_RATE_5M5 BIT(2)\n#define WLAN_RATE_11M BIT(3)\n\n\tfor (i = 0; i < params->supp_rates_len; i++) {\n\t\tif ((params->supp_rates[i] & 0x7f) == 2)\n\t\t\ttx_supp_rates |= WLAN_RATE_1M;\n\t\tif ((params->supp_rates[i] & 0x7f) == 4)\n\t\t\ttx_supp_rates |= WLAN_RATE_2M;\n\t\tif ((params->supp_rates[i] & 0x7f) == 11)\n\t\t\ttx_supp_rates |= WLAN_RATE_5M5;\n\t\tif ((params->supp_rates[i] & 0x7f) == 22)\n\t\t\ttx_supp_rates |= WLAN_RATE_11M;\n\t}\n\n\tmemset(&param, 0, sizeof(param));\n\tparam.cmd = PRISM2_HOSTAPD_ADD_STA;\n\tmemcpy(param.sta_addr, params->addr, ETH_ALEN);\n\tparam.u.add_sta.aid = params->aid;\n\tparam.u.add_sta.capability = params->capability;\n\tparam.u.add_sta.tx_supp_rates = tx_supp_rates;\n\treturn hostapd_ioctl(drv, &param, sizeof(param));\n}\n\n\nstatic int hostap_sta_remove(void *priv, const u8 *addr)\n{\n\tstruct hostap_driver_data *drv = priv;\n\tstruct prism2_hostapd_param param;\n\n\thostap_sta_set_flags(drv, addr, 0, 0, ~WPA_STA_AUTHORIZED);\n\n\tmemset(&param, 0, sizeof(param));\n\tparam.cmd = PRISM2_HOSTAPD_REMOVE_STA;\n\tmemcpy(param.sta_addr, addr, ETH_ALEN);\n\tif (hostapd_ioctl(drv, &param, sizeof(param))) {\n\t\tprintf(\"Could not remove station from kernel driver.\\n\");\n\t\treturn -1;\n\t}\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n\nstatic int hostap_get_inact_sec(void *priv, const u8 *addr)\n{\n\tstruct hostap_driver_data *drv = priv;\n\tstruct prism2_hostapd_param param;\n\n\tmemset(&param, 0, sizeof(param));\n\tparam.cmd = PRISM2_HOSTAPD_GET_INFO_STA;\n\tmemcpy(param.sta_addr, addr, ETH_ALEN);\n\tif (hostapd_ioctl(drv, &param, sizeof(param))) {\n\t\treturn -1;\n\t}\n\n\treturn param.u.get_info_sta.inactive_sec;\n}\n\n\nstatic int hostap_sta_clear_stats(void *priv, const u8 *addr)\n{\n\tstruct hostap_driver_data *drv = priv;\n\tstruct prism2_hostapd_param param;\n\n\tmemset(&param, 0, sizeof(param));\n\tparam.cmd = PRISM2_HOSTAPD_STA_CLEAR_STATS;\n\tmemcpy(param.sta_addr, addr, ETH_ALEN);\n\tif (hostapd_ioctl(drv, &param, sizeof(param))) {\n\t\treturn -1;\n\t}\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n\nstatic int hostapd_ioctl_set_generic_elem(struct hostap_driver_data *drv)\n{\n\tstruct prism2_hostapd_param *param;\n\tint res;\n\tsize_t blen, elem_len;\n\n\telem_len = drv->generic_ie_len + drv->wps_ie_len;\n\tblen = PRISM2_HOSTAPD_GENERIC_ELEMENT_HDR_LEN + elem_len;\n\tif (blen < sizeof(*param))\n\t\tblen = sizeof(*param);\n\n\tparam = os_zalloc(blen);\n\tif (param == NULL)\n\t\treturn -1;\n\n\tparam->cmd = PRISM2_HOSTAPD_SET_GENERIC_ELEMENT;\n\tparam->u.generic_elem.len = elem_len;\n\tif (drv->generic_ie) {\n\t\tos_memcpy(param->u.generic_elem.data, drv->generic_ie,\n\t\t\t drv->generic_ie_len);\n\t}\n\tif (drv->wps_ie) {\n\t\tos_memcpy(&param->u.generic_elem.data[drv->generic_ie_len],\n\t\t\t drv->wps_ie, drv->wps_ie_len);\n\t}\n\twpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, \"hostap: Set generic IE\",\n\t\t param->u.generic_elem.data, elem_len);\n\tres = hostapd_ioctl(drv, param, blen);\n\n\tos_free(param);\n\n\treturn res;\n}\n\n\nstatic int hostap_set_generic_elem(void *priv,\n\t\t\t\t const u8 *elem, size_t elem_len)\n{\n\tstruct hostap_driver_data *drv = priv;\n\n\tos_free(drv->generic_ie);\n\tdrv->generic_ie = NULL;\n\tdrv->generic_ie_len = 0;\n\tif (elem) {\n\t\tdrv->generic_ie = os_malloc(elem_len);\n\t\tif (drv->generic_ie == NULL)\n\t\t\treturn -1;\n\t\tos_memcpy(drv->generic_ie, elem, elem_len);\n\t\tdrv->generic_ie_len = elem_len;\n\t}\n\n\treturn hostapd_ioctl_set_generic_elem(drv);\n}\n\n\nstatic int hostap_set_ap_wps_ie(void *priv, const struct wpabuf *beacon,\n\t\t\t\tconst struct wpabuf *proberesp,\n\t\t\t\tconst struct wpabuf *assocresp)\n{\n\tstruct hostap_driver_data *drv = priv;\n\n\t/*\n\t * Host AP driver supports only one set of extra IEs, so we need to\n\t * use the Probe Response IEs also for Beacon frames since they include\n\t * more information.", "\n\t */\n\n\tos_free(drv->wps_ie);\n\tdrv->wps_ie = NULL;\n\tdrv->wps_ie_len = 0;\n\tif (proberesp) {\n\t\tdrv->wps_ie = os_malloc(wpabuf_len(proberesp));\n\t\tif (drv->wps_ie == NULL)\n\t\t\treturn -1;\n\t\tos_memcpy(drv->wps_ie, wpabuf_head(proberesp),\n\t\t\t wpabuf_len(proberesp));\n\t\tdrv->wps_ie_len = wpabuf_len(proberesp);\n\t}\n\n\treturn hostapd_ioctl_set_generic_elem(drv);\n}\n\n\nstatic void\nhostapd_wireless_event_wireless_custom(struct hostap_driver_data *drv,\n\t\t\t\t char *custom)\n{\n\twpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, \"Custom wireless event: '%s'\", custom);\n\n\tif (strncmp(custom, \"MLME-MICHAELMICFAILURE.indication\", 33) == 0) {\n\t\tchar *pos;\n\t\tu8 addr[ETH_ALEN];\n\t\tpos = strstr(custom, \"addr=\");\n\t\tif (pos == NULL) {\n\t\t\twpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG,\n\t\t\t\t \"MLME-MICHAELMICFAILURE.indication \"\n\t\t\t\t \"without sender address ignored\");\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t\tpos += 5;\n\t\tif (hwaddr_aton(pos, addr) == 0) {\n\t\t\tunion wpa_event_data data;\n\t\t\tos_memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));\n\t\t\tdata.michael_mic_failure.unicast = 1;\n\t\t\tdata.michael_mic_failure.src = addr;\n\t\t\twpa_supplicant_event(drv->hapd,\n\t\t\t\t\t EVENT_MICHAEL_MIC_FAILURE, &data);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\twpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG,\n\t\t\t\t \"MLME-MICHAELMICFAILURE.indication \"\n\t\t\t\t \"with invalid MAC address\");\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\n\nstatic void hostapd_wireless_event_wireless(struct hostap_driver_data *drv,\n\t\t\t\t\t char *data, int len)\n{\n\tstruct iw_event iwe_buf, *iwe = &iwe_buf;\n\tchar *pos, *end, *custom, *buf;\n\n\tpos = data;\n\tend = data + len;\n\n\twhile (pos + IW_EV_LCP_LEN <= end) {\n\t\t/* Event data may be unaligned, so make a local, aligned copy\n\t\t * before processing. */", "\n\t\tmemcpy(&iwe_buf, pos, IW_EV_LCP_LEN);\n\t\twpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, \"Wireless event: cmd=0x%x len=%d\",\n\t\t\t iwe->cmd, iwe->len);\n\t\tif (iwe->len <= IW_EV_LCP_LEN)\n\t\t\treturn;\n\n\t\tcustom = pos + IW_EV_POINT_LEN;\n\t\tif (drv->we_version > 18 &&\n\t\t (iwe->cmd == IWEVMICHAELMICFAILURE ||\n\t\t iwe->cmd == IWEVCUSTOM)) {\n\t\t\t/* WE-19 removed the pointer from struct iw_point */\n\t\t\tchar *dpos = (char *) &iwe_buf.u.data.length;\n\t\t\tint dlen = dpos - (char *) &iwe_buf;\n\t\t\tmemcpy(dpos, pos + IW_EV_LCP_LEN,\n\t\t\t sizeof(struct iw_event) - dlen);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tmemcpy(&iwe_buf, pos, sizeof(struct iw_event));\n\t\t\tcustom += IW_EV_POINT_OFF;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tswitch (iwe->cmd) {\n\t\tcase IWEVCUSTOM:\n\t\t\tif (custom + iwe->u.data.length > end)\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\tbuf = malloc(iwe->u.data.length + 1);\n\t\t\tif (buf == NULL)\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\tmemcpy(buf, custom, iwe->u.data.length);\n\t\t\tbuf[iwe->u.data.length] = '\\0';\n\t\t\thostapd_wireless_event_wireless_custom(drv, buf);\n\t\t\tfree(buf);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tpos += iwe->len;\n\t}\n}\n\n\nstatic void hostapd_wireless_event_rtm_newlink(void *ctx,\n\t\t\t\t\t struct ifinfomsg *ifi,\n\t\t\t\t\t u8 *buf, size_t len)\n{\n\tstruct hostap_driver_data *drv = ctx;\n\tint attrlen, rta_len;\n\tstruct rtattr *attr;\n\n\t/* TODO: use ifi->ifi_index to filter out wireless events from other\n\t * interfaces */\n\n\tattrlen = len;\n\tattr = (struct rtattr *) buf;\n\n\trta_len = RTA_ALIGN(sizeof(struct rtattr));\n\twhile (RTA_OK(attr, attrlen)) {\n\t\tif (attr->rta_type == IFLA_WIRELESS) {\n\t\t\thostapd_wireless_event_wireless(\n\t\t\t\tdrv, ((char *) attr) + rta_len,\n\t\t\t\tattr->rta_len - rta_len);\n\t\t}\n\t\tattr = RTA_NEXT(attr, attrlen);\n\t}\n}\n\n\nstatic int hostap_get_we_version(struct hostap_driver_data *drv)\n{\n\tstruct iw_range *range;\n\tstruct iwreq iwr;\n\tint minlen;\n\tsize_t buflen;\n\n\tdrv->we_version = 0;\n\n\t/*\n\t * Use larger buffer than struct iw_range in order to allow the\n\t * structure to grow in the future.", "\n\t */\n\tbuflen = sizeof(struct iw_range) + 500;\n\trange = os_zalloc(buflen);\n\tif (range == NULL)\n\t\treturn -1;\n\n\tmemset(&iwr, 0, sizeof(iwr));\n\tos_strlcpy(iwr.ifr_name, drv->iface, IFNAMSIZ);\n\tiwr.u.data.pointer = (caddr_t) range;\n\tiwr.u.data.length = buflen;\n\n\tminlen = ((char *) &range->enc_capa) - (char *) range +\n\t\tsizeof(range->enc_capa);\n\n\tif (ioctl(drv->ioctl_sock, SIOCGIWRANGE, &iwr) < 0) {\n\t\tperror(\"ioctl[SIOCGIWRANGE]\");\n\t\tfree(range);\n\t\treturn -1;\n\t} else if (iwr.u.data.length >= minlen &&\n\t\t range->we_version_compiled >= 18) {\n\t\twpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, \"SIOCGIWRANGE: WE(compiled)=%d \"\n\t\t\t \"WE(source)=%d enc_capa=0x%x\",\n\t\t\t range->we_version_compiled,\n\t\t\t range->we_version_source,\n\t\t\t range->enc_capa);\n\t\tdrv->we_version = range->we_version_compiled;\n\t}\n\n\tfree(range);\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n\nstatic int hostap_wireless_event_init(struct hostap_driver_data *drv)\n{\n\tstruct netlink_config *cfg;\n\n\thostap_get_we_version(drv);\n\n\tcfg = os_zalloc(sizeof(*cfg));\n\tif (cfg == NULL)\n\t\treturn -1;\n\tcfg->ctx = drv;\n\tcfg->newlink_cb = hostapd_wireless_event_rtm_newlink;\n\tdrv->netlink = netlink_init(cfg);\n\tif (drv->netlink == NULL) {\n\t\tos_free(cfg);\n\t\treturn -1;\n\t}\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n\nstatic void * hostap_init(struct hostapd_data *hapd,\n\t\t\t struct wpa_init_params *params)\n{\n\tstruct hostap_driver_data *drv;\n\n\tdrv = os_zalloc(sizeof(struct hostap_driver_data));\n\tif (drv == NULL) {\n\t\tprintf(\"Could not allocate memory for hostapd driver data\\n\");\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}\n\n\tdrv->hapd = hapd;\n\tdrv->ioctl_sock = drv->sock = -1;\n\tmemcpy(drv->iface, params->ifname, sizeof(drv->iface));\n\n\tdrv->ioctl_sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);\n\tif (drv->ioctl_sock < 0) {\n\t\tperror(\"socket[PF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM]\");\n\t\tfree(drv);\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}\n\n\tif (hostap_ioctl_prism2param(drv, PRISM2_PARAM_HOSTAPD, 1)) {\n\t\tprintf(\"Could not enable hostapd mode for interface %s\\n\",\n\t\t drv->iface);\n\t\tclose(drv->ioctl_sock);\n\t\tfree(drv);\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}\n\n\tif (hostap_init_sockets(drv, params->own_addr) ||\n\t hostap_wireless_event_init(drv)) {\n\t\tclose(drv->ioctl_sock);\n\t\tfree(drv);\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}\n\n\treturn drv;\n}\n\n\nstatic void hostap_driver_deinit(void *priv)\n{\n\tstruct hostap_driver_data *drv = priv;\n\n\tnetlink_deinit(drv->netlink);\n\t(void) hostap_set_iface_flags(drv, 0);\n\t(void) hostap_ioctl_prism2param(drv, PRISM2_PARAM_HOSTAPD, 0);\n\t(void) hostap_ioctl_prism2param(drv, PRISM2_PARAM_HOSTAPD_STA, 0);\n\n\tif (drv->ioctl_sock >= 0)\n\t\tclose(drv->ioctl_sock);\n\n\tif (drv->sock >= 0)\n\t\tclose(drv->sock);\n\n\tos_free(drv->generic_ie);\n\tos_free(drv->wps_ie);\n\n\tfree(drv);\n}\n\n\nstatic int hostap_sta_deauth(void *priv, const u8 *own_addr, const u8 *addr,\n\t\t\t int reason)\n{\n\tstruct hostap_driver_data *drv = priv;\n\tstruct ieee80211_mgmt mgmt;\n\n\tif (is_broadcast_ether_addr(addr)) {\n\t\t/*\n\t\t * New Prism2.5/3 STA firmware versions seem to have issues\n\t\t * with this broadcast deauth frame. ", "This gets the firmware in\n\t\t * odd state where nothing works correctly, so let's skip\n\t\t * sending this for the hostap driver.", "\n\t\t */\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t}\n\n\tmemset(&mgmt, 0, sizeof(mgmt));\n\tmgmt.frame_control = IEEE80211_FC(WLAN_FC_TYPE_MGMT,\n\t\t\t\t\t WLAN_FC_STYPE_DEAUTH);\n\tmemcpy(mgmt.da, addr, ETH_ALEN);\n\tmemcpy(mgmt.sa, own_addr, ETH_ALEN);\n\tmemcpy(mgmt.bssid, own_addr, ETH_ALEN);\n\tmgmt.u.deauth.reason_code = host_to_le16(reason);\n\treturn hostap_send_mlme(drv, (u8 *) &mgmt, IEEE80211_HDRLEN +\n\t\t\t\tsizeof(mgmt.u.deauth));\n}\n\n\nstatic int hostap_sta_disassoc(void *priv, const u8 *own_addr, const u8 *addr,\n\t\t\t int reason)\n{\n\tstruct hostap_driver_data *drv = priv;\n\tstruct ieee80211_mgmt mgmt;\n\n\tmemset(&mgmt, 0, sizeof(mgmt));\n\tmgmt.frame_control = IEEE80211_FC(WLAN_FC_TYPE_MGMT,\n\t\t\t\t\t WLAN_FC_STYPE_DISASSOC);\n\tmemcpy(mgmt.da, addr, ETH_ALEN);\n\tmemcpy(mgmt.sa, own_addr, ETH_ALEN);\n\tmemcpy(mgmt.bssid, own_addr, ETH_ALEN);\n\tmgmt.u.disassoc.reason_code = host_to_le16(reason);\n\treturn hostap_send_mlme(drv, (u8 *) &mgmt, IEEE80211_HDRLEN +\n\t\t\t\t sizeof(mgmt.u.disassoc));\n}\n\n\nstatic struct hostapd_hw_modes * hostap_get_hw_feature_data(void *priv,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t u16 *num_modes,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t u16 *flags)\n{\n\tstruct hostapd_hw_modes *mode;\n\tint i, clen, rlen;\n\tconst short chan2freq[14] = {\n\t\t2412, 2417, 2422, 2427, 2432, 2437, 2442,\n\t\t2447, 2452, 2457, 2462, 2467, 2472, 2484\n\t};\n\n\tmode = os_zalloc(sizeof(struct hostapd_hw_modes));\n\tif (mode == NULL)\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\n\t*num_modes = 1;\n\t*flags = 0;\n\n\tmode->mode = HOSTAPD_MODE_IEEE80211B;\n\tmode->num_channels = 14;\n\tmode->num_rates = 4;\n\n\tclen = mode->num_channels * sizeof(struct hostapd_channel_data);\n\trlen = mode->num_rates * sizeof(int);\n\n\tmode->channels = os_zalloc(clen);\n\tmode->rates = os_zalloc(rlen);\n\tif (mode->channels == NULL || mode->rates == NULL) {\n\t\tos_free(mode->channels);\n\t\tos_free(mode->rates);\n\t\tos_free(mode);\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}\n\n\tfor (i = 0; i < 14; i++) {\n\t\tmode->channels[i].chan = i + 1;\n\t\tmode->channels[i].freq = chan2freq[i];\n\t\t/* TODO: Get allowed channel list from the driver */\n\t\tif (i >= 11)\n\t\t\tmode->channels[i].flag = HOSTAPD_CHAN_DISABLED;\n\t}\n\n\tmode->rates[0] = 10;\n\tmode->rates[1] = 20;\n\tmode->rates[2] = 55;\n\tmode->rates[3] = 110;\n\n\treturn mode;\n}\n\n#else /* HOSTAPD */\n\nstruct wpa_driver_hostap_data {\n\tvoid *wext; /* private data for driver_wext */\n\tvoid *ctx;\n\tchar ifname[IFNAMSIZ + 1];\n\tint sock;\n\tint current_mode; /* infra/adhoc */\n};\n\n\nstatic int wpa_driver_hostap_set_auth_alg(void *priv, int auth_alg);\n\n\nstatic int hostapd_ioctl(struct wpa_driver_hostap_data *drv,\n\t\t\t struct prism2_hostapd_param *param,\n\t\t\t int len, int show_err)\n{\n\tstruct iwreq iwr;\n\n\tos_memset(&iwr, 0, sizeof(iwr));\n\tos_strlcpy(iwr.ifr_name, drv->ifname, IFNAMSIZ);\n\tiwr.u.data.pointer = (caddr_t) param;\n\tiwr.u.data.length = len;\n\n\tif (ioctl(drv->sock, PRISM2_IOCTL_HOSTAPD, &iwr) < 0) {\n\t\tint ret = errno;\n\t\tif (show_err)\n\t\t\tperror(\"ioctl[PRISM2_IOCTL_HOSTAPD]\");\n\t\treturn ret;\n\t}\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n\nstatic int wpa_driver_hostap_set_wpa_ie(struct wpa_driver_hostap_data *drv,\n\t\t\t\t\tconst u8 *wpa_ie, size_t wpa_ie_len)\n{\n\tstruct prism2_hostapd_param *param;\n\tint res;\n\tsize_t blen = PRISM2_HOSTAPD_GENERIC_ELEMENT_HDR_LEN + wpa_ie_len;\n\tif (blen < sizeof(*param))\n\t\tblen = sizeof(*param);\n\n\tparam = os_zalloc(blen);\n\tif (param == NULL)\n\t\treturn -1;\n\n\tparam->cmd = PRISM2_HOSTAPD_SET_GENERIC_ELEMENT;\n\tparam->u.generic_elem.len = wpa_ie_len;\n\tos_memcpy(param->u.generic_elem.data, wpa_ie, wpa_ie_len);\n\tres = hostapd_ioctl(drv, param, blen, 1);\n\n\tos_free(param);\n\n\treturn res;\n}\n\n\nstatic int prism2param(struct wpa_driver_hostap_data *drv, int param,\n\t\t int value)\n{\n\tstruct iwreq iwr;\n\tint *i, ret = 0;\n\n\tos_memset(&iwr, 0, sizeof(iwr));\n\tos_strlcpy(iwr.ifr_name, drv->ifname, IFNAMSIZ);\n\ti = (int *) iwr.u.name;\n\t*i++ = param;\n\t*i++ = value;\n\n\tif (ioctl(drv->sock, PRISM2_IOCTL_PRISM2_PARAM, &iwr) < 0) {\n\t\tperror(\"ioctl[PRISM2_IOCTL_PRISM2_PARAM]\");\n\t\tret = -1;\n\t}\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\n\nstatic int wpa_driver_hostap_set_wpa(void *priv, int enabled)\n{\n\tstruct wpa_driver_hostap_data *drv = priv;\n\tint ret = 0;\n\n\twpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, \"%s: enabled=%d\", __FUNCTION__, enabled);\n\n\tif (!", "enabled && wpa_driver_hostap_set_wpa_ie(drv, NULL, 0) < 0)\n\t\tret = -1;\n\tif (prism2param(drv, PRISM2_PARAM_HOST_ROAMING, enabled ? ", "2 : 0) < 0)\n\t\tret = -1;\n\tif (prism2param(drv, PRISM2_PARAM_WPA, enabled) < 0)\n\t\tret = -1;\n\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\n\nstatic void show_set_key_error(struct prism2_hostapd_param *param)\n{\n\tswitch (param->u.crypt.err) {\n\tcase HOSTAP_CRYPT_ERR_UNKNOWN_ALG:\n\t\twpa_printf(MSG_INFO, \"Unknown algorithm '%s'.\",", "\n\t\t\t param->u.crypt.alg);\n\t\twpa_printf(MSG_INFO, \"You may need to load kernel module to \"\n\t\t\t \"register that algorithm.\");", "\n\t\twpa_printf(MSG_INFO, \"E.g., 'modprobe hostap_crypt_wep' for \"\n\t\t\t \"WEP.\");", "\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase HOSTAP_CRYPT_ERR_UNKNOWN_ADDR:\n\t\twpa_printf(MSG_INFO, \"Unknown address \" MACSTR \".\",", "\n\t\t\t MAC2STR(param->sta_addr));\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase HOSTAP_CRYPT_ERR_CRYPT_INIT_FAILED:\n\t\twpa_printf(MSG_INFO, \"Crypt algorithm initialization failed.\");", "\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase HOSTAP_CRYPT_ERR_KEY_SET_FAILED:\n\t\twpa_printf(MSG_INFO, \"Key setting failed.\");", "\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase HOSTAP_CRYPT_ERR_TX_KEY_SET_FAILED:\n\t\twpa_printf(MSG_INFO, \"TX key index setting failed.\");", "\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase HOSTAP_CRYPT_ERR_CARD_CONF_FAILED:\n\t\twpa_printf(MSG_INFO, \"Card configuration failed.\");", "\n\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n}\n\n\nstatic int wpa_driver_hostap_set_key(const char *ifname, void *priv,\n\t\t\t\t enum wpa_alg alg, const u8 *addr,\n\t\t\t\t int key_idx, int set_tx,\n\t\t\t\t const u8 *seq, size_t seq_len,\n\t\t\t\t const u8 *key, size_t key_len)\n{\n\tstruct wpa_driver_hostap_data *drv = priv;\n\tstruct prism2_hostapd_param *param;\n\tu8 *buf;\n\tsize_t blen;\n\tint ret = 0;\n\tchar *alg_name;\n\n\tswitch (alg) {\n\tcase WPA_ALG_NONE:\n\t\talg_name = \"none\";\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase WPA_ALG_WEP:\n\t\talg_name = \"WEP\";\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase WPA_ALG_TKIP:\n\t\talg_name = \"TKIP\";\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase WPA_ALG_CCMP:\n\t\talg_name = \"CCMP\";\n\t\tbreak;\n\tdefault:\n\t\treturn -1;\n\t}\n\n\twpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, \"%s: alg=%s key_idx=%d set_tx=%d seq_len=%lu \"\n\t\t \"key_len=%lu\", __FUNCTION__, alg_name, key_idx, set_tx,\n\t\t (unsigned long) seq_len, (unsigned long) key_len);\n\n\tif (seq_len > 8)\n\t\treturn -2;\n\n\tblen = sizeof(*param) + key_len;\n\tbuf = os_zalloc(blen);\n\tif (buf == NULL)\n\t\treturn -1;\n\n\tparam = (struct prism2_hostapd_param *) buf;\n\tparam->cmd = PRISM2_SET_ENCRYPTION;\n\t/* TODO: In theory, STA in client mode can use five keys; four default\n\t * keys for receiving (with keyidx 0..3) and one individual key for\n\t * both transmitting and receiving (keyidx 0) _unicast_ packets. ", "Now,\n\t * keyidx 0 is reserved for this unicast use and default keys can only\n\t * use keyidx 1..3 (i.e., default key with keyidx 0 is not supported).", "\n\t * This should be fine for more or less all cases, but for completeness\n\t * sake, the driver could be enhanced to support the missing key. */", "\n#if 0\n\tif (addr == NULL)\n\t\tos_memset(param->sta_addr, 0xff, ETH_ALEN);\n\telse\n\t\tos_memcpy(param->sta_addr, addr, ETH_ALEN);\n#else\n\tos_memset(param->sta_addr, 0xff, ETH_ALEN);\n#endif\n\tos_strlcpy((char *) param->u.crypt.alg, alg_name,\n\t\t HOSTAP_CRYPT_ALG_NAME_LEN);\n\tparam->u.crypt.flags = set_tx ? ", "HOSTAP_CRYPT_FLAG_SET_TX_KEY : 0;\n\tparam->u.crypt.idx = key_idx;\n\tif (seq)\n\t\tos_memcpy(param->u.crypt.seq, seq, seq_len);\n\tparam->u.crypt.key_len = key_len;\n\tos_memcpy((u8 *) (param + 1), key, key_len);\n\n\tif (hostapd_ioctl(drv, param, blen, 1)) {\n\t\twpa_printf(MSG_WARNING, \"Failed to set encryption.\");", "\n\t\tshow_set_key_error(param);\n\t\tret = -1;\n\t}\n\tos_free(buf);\n\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\n\nstatic int wpa_driver_hostap_set_countermeasures(void *priv, int enabled)\n{\n\tstruct wpa_driver_hostap_data *drv = priv;\n\twpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, \"%s: enabled=%d\", __FUNCTION__, enabled);\n\treturn prism2param(drv, PRISM2_PARAM_TKIP_COUNTERMEASURES, enabled);\n}\n\n\nstatic int wpa_driver_hostap_reset(struct wpa_driver_hostap_data *drv,\n\t\t\t\t int type)\n{\n\tstruct iwreq iwr;\n\tint *i, ret = 0;\n\n\twpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, \"%s: type=%d\", __FUNCTION__, type);\n\n\tos_memset(&iwr, 0, sizeof(iwr));\n\tos_strlcpy(iwr.ifr_name, drv->ifname, IFNAMSIZ);\n\ti = (int *) iwr.u.name;\n\t*i++ = type;\n\n\tif (ioctl(drv->sock, PRISM2_IOCTL_RESET, &iwr) < 0) {\n\t perror(\"ioctl[PRISM2_IOCTL_RESET]\");\n\t ret = -1;\n\t}\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\n\nstatic int wpa_driver_hostap_mlme(struct wpa_driver_hostap_data *drv,\n\t\t\t\t const u8 *addr, int cmd, int reason_code)\n{\n\tstruct prism2_hostapd_param param;\n\tint ret;\n\n\t/* There does not seem to be a better way of deauthenticating or\n\t * disassociating with Prism2/2.5/3 than sending the management frame\n\t * and then resetting the Port0 to make sure both the AP and the STA\n\t * end up in disconnected state. */", "\n\tos_memset(&param, 0, sizeof(param));\n\tparam.cmd = PRISM2_HOSTAPD_MLME;\n\tos_memcpy(param.sta_addr, addr, ETH_ALEN);\n\tparam.u.mlme.cmd = cmd;\n\tparam.u.mlme.reason_code = reason_code;\n\tret = hostapd_ioctl(drv, &param, sizeof(param), 1);\n\tif (ret == 0) {\n\t\tos_sleep(0, 100000);\n\t\tret = wpa_driver_hostap_reset(drv, 2);\n\t}\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\n\nstatic int wpa_driver_hostap_deauthenticate(void *priv, const u8 *addr,\n\t\t\t\t\t int reason_code)\n{\n\tstruct wpa_driver_hostap_data *drv = priv;\n\twpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, \"%s\", __FUNCTION__);\n\treturn wpa_driver_hostap_mlme(drv, addr, MLME_STA_DEAUTH,\n\t\t\t\t reason_code);\n}\n\n\nstatic int wpa_driver_hostap_disassociate(void *priv, const u8 *addr,\n\t\t\t\t\t int reason_code)\n{\n\tstruct wpa_driver_hostap_data *drv = priv;\n\twpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, \"%s\", __FUNCTION__);\n\treturn wpa_driver_hostap_mlme(drv, addr, MLME_STA_DISASSOC,\n\t\t\t\t reason_code);\n}\n\n\nstatic int\nwpa_driver_hostap_associate(void *priv,\n\t\t\t struct wpa_driver_associate_params *params)\n{\n\tstruct wpa_driver_hostap_data *drv = priv;\n\tint ret = 0;\n\tint allow_unencrypted_eapol;\n\n\twpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, \"%s\", __FUNCTION__);\n\n\tif (prism2param(drv, PRISM2_PARAM_DROP_UNENCRYPTED,\n\t\t\tparams->drop_unencrypted) < 0)\n\t\tret = -1;\n\tif (wpa_driver_hostap_set_auth_alg(drv, params->auth_alg) < 0)\n\t\tret = -1;\n\tif (params->mode !", "= drv->current_mode) {\n\t\t/* At the moment, Host AP driver requires host_roaming=2 for\n\t\t * infrastructure mode and host_roaming=0 for adhoc. */", "\n\t\tif (prism2param(drv, PRISM2_PARAM_HOST_ROAMING,\n\t\t\t\tparams->mode == IEEE80211_MODE_IBSS ? ", "0 : 2) <\n\t\t 0) {\n\t\t\twpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, \"%s: failed to set host_roaming\",\n\t\t\t\t __func__);\n\t\t}\n\t\tdrv->current_mode = params->mode;\n\t}\n\n\tif (prism2param(drv, PRISM2_PARAM_PRIVACY_INVOKED,\n\t\t\tparams->key_mgmt_suite !", "= KEY_MGMT_NONE) < 0)\n\t\tret = -1;\n\tif (wpa_driver_hostap_set_wpa_ie(drv, params->wpa_ie,\n\t\t\t\t\t params->wpa_ie_len) < 0)\n\t\tret = -1;\n\tif (wpa_driver_wext_set_mode(drv->wext, params->mode) < 0)\n\t\tret = -1;\n\tif (params->freq &&\n\t wpa_driver_wext_set_freq(drv->wext, params->freq) < 0)\n\t\tret = -1;\n\tif (wpa_driver_wext_set_ssid(drv->wext, params->ssid, params->ssid_len)\n\t < 0)\n\t\tret = -1;\n\tif (wpa_driver_wext_set_bssid(drv->wext, params->bssid) < 0)\n\t\tret = -1;\n\n\t/* Allow unencrypted EAPOL messages even if pairwise keys are set when\n\t * not using WPA. ", "IEEE 802.1X specifies that these frames are not\n\t * encrypted, but WPA encrypts them when pairwise keys are in use. */", "\n\tif (params->key_mgmt_suite == KEY_MGMT_802_1X ||\n\t params->key_mgmt_suite == KEY_MGMT_PSK)\n\t\tallow_unencrypted_eapol = 0;\n\telse\n\t\tallow_unencrypted_eapol = 1;\n\t\n\tif (prism2param(drv, PRISM2_PARAM_IEEE_802_1X,\n\t\t\tallow_unencrypted_eapol) < 0) {\n\t\twpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, \"hostap: Failed to configure \"\n\t\t\t \"ieee_802_1x param\");\n\t\t/* Ignore this error.. driver_hostap.c can also be used with\n\t\t * other drivers that do not support this prism2_param. */", "\n\t}\n\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\n\nstatic int wpa_driver_hostap_scan(void *priv,\n\t\t\t\t struct wpa_driver_scan_params *params)\n{\n\tstruct wpa_driver_hostap_data *drv = priv;\n\tstruct prism2_hostapd_param param;\n\tint ret;\n\tconst u8 *ssid = params->ssids[0].ssid;\n\tsize_t ssid_len = params->ssids[0].ssid_len;\n\n\tif (ssid == NULL) {\n\t\t/* Use standard Linux Wireless Extensions ioctl if possible\n\t\t * because some drivers using hostap code in wpa_supplicant\n\t\t * might not support Host AP specific scan request (with SSID\n\t\t * info). */", "\n\t\treturn wpa_driver_wext_scan(drv->wext, params);\n\t}\n\n\tif (ssid_len > 32)\n\t\tssid_len = 32;\n\n\tos_memset(&param, 0, sizeof(param));\n\tparam.cmd = PRISM2_HOSTAPD_SCAN_REQ;\n\tparam.u.scan_req.ssid_len = ssid_len;\n\tos_memcpy(param.u.scan_req.ssid, ssid, ssid_len);\n\tret = hostapd_ioctl(drv, &param, sizeof(param), 1);\n\n\t/* Not all drivers generate \"scan completed\" wireless event, so try to\n\t * read results after a timeout. */", "\n\teloop_cancel_timeout(wpa_driver_wext_scan_timeout, drv->wext,\n\t\t\t drv->ctx);\n\teloop_register_timeout(3, 0, wpa_driver_wext_scan_timeout, drv->wext,\n\t\t\t drv->ctx);\n\n\treturn ret;\n}\n\n\nstatic int wpa_driver_hostap_set_auth_alg(void *priv, int auth_alg)\n{\n\tstruct wpa_driver_hostap_data *drv = priv;\n\tint algs = 0;\n\n\tif (auth_alg & WPA_AUTH_ALG_OPEN)\n\t\talgs |= 1;\n\tif (auth_alg & WPA_AUTH_ALG_SHARED)\n\t\talgs |= 2;\n\tif (auth_alg & WPA_AUTH_ALG_LEAP)\n\t\talgs |= 4;\n\tif (algs == 0)\n\t\talgs = 1; /* at least one algorithm should be set */\n\n\treturn prism2param(drv, PRISM2_PARAM_AP_AUTH_ALGS, algs);\n}\n\n\nstatic int wpa_driver_hostap_get_bssid(void *priv, u8 *bssid)\n{\n\tstruct wpa_driver_hostap_data *drv = priv;\n\treturn wpa_driver_wext_get_bssid(drv->wext, bssid);\n}\n\n\nstatic int wpa_driver_hostap_get_ssid(void *priv, u8 *ssid)\n{\n\tstruct wpa_driver_hostap_data *drv = priv;\n\treturn wpa_driver_wext_get_ssid(drv->wext, ssid);\n}\n\n\nstatic struct wpa_scan_results * wpa_driver_hostap_get_scan_results(void *priv)\n{\n\tstruct wpa_driver_hostap_data *drv = priv;\n\treturn wpa_driver_wext_get_scan_results(drv->wext);\n}\n\n\nstatic int wpa_driver_hostap_set_operstate(void *priv, int state)\n{\n\tstruct wpa_driver_hostap_data *drv = priv;\n\treturn wpa_driver_wext_set_operstate(drv->wext, state);\n}\n\n\nstatic void * wpa_driver_hostap_init(void *ctx, const char *ifname)\n{\n\tstruct wpa_driver_hostap_data *drv;\n\n\tdrv = os_zalloc(sizeof(*drv));\n\tif (drv == NULL)\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\tdrv->wext = wpa_driver_wext_init(ctx, ifname);\n\tif (drv->wext == NULL) {\n\t\tos_free(drv);\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}\n\n\tdrv->ctx = ctx;\n\tos_strlcpy(drv->ifname, ifname, sizeof(drv->ifname));\n\tdrv->sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);\n\tif (drv->sock < 0) {\n\t\tperror(\"socket\");\n\t\twpa_driver_wext_deinit(drv->wext);\n\t\tos_free(drv);\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\t}\n\n\tif (os_strncmp(ifname, \"wlan\", 4) == 0) {\n\t\t/*\n\t\t * Host AP driver may use both wlan# and wifi# interface in\n\t\t * wireless events.", "\n\t\t */\n\t\tchar ifname2[IFNAMSIZ + 1];\n\t\tos_strlcpy(ifname2, ifname, sizeof(ifname2));\n\t\tos_memcpy(ifname2, \"wifi\", 4);\n\t\twpa_driver_wext_alternative_ifindex(drv->wext, ifname2);\n\t}\n\n\twpa_driver_hostap_set_wpa(drv, 1);\n\n\treturn drv;\n}\n\n\nstatic void wpa_driver_hostap_deinit(void *priv)\n{\n\tstruct wpa_driver_hostap_data *drv = priv;\n\twpa_driver_hostap_set_wpa(drv, 0);\n\twpa_driver_wext_deinit(drv->wext);\n\tclose(drv->sock);\n\tos_free(drv);\n}\n\n#endif /* HOSTAPD */\n\n\nconst struct wpa_driver_ops wpa_driver_hostap_ops = {\n\t.name = \"hostap\",\n\t.desc = \"Host AP driver (Intersil Prism2/2.5/3)\",\n\t.set_key = wpa_driver_hostap_set_key,\n#ifdef HOSTAPD\n\t.hapd_init = hostap_init,\n\t.hapd_deinit = hostap_driver_deinit,\n\t.set_ieee8021x = hostap_set_ieee8021x,\n\t.set_privacy = hostap_set_privacy,\n\t.get_seqnum = hostap_get_seqnum,\n\t.flush = hostap_flush,\n\t.set_generic_elem = hostap_set_generic_elem,\n\t.read_sta_data = hostap_read_sta_data,\n\t.hapd_send_eapol = hostap_send_eapol,\n\t.sta_set_flags = hostap_sta_set_flags,\n\t.sta_deauth = hostap_sta_deauth,\n\t.sta_disassoc = hostap_sta_disassoc,\n\t.sta_remove = hostap_sta_remove,\n\t.hapd_set_ssid = hostap_set_ssid,\n\t.send_mlme = hostap_send_mlme,\n\t.sta_add = hostap_sta_add,\n\t.get_inact_sec = hostap_get_inact_sec,\n\t.sta_clear_stats = hostap_sta_clear_stats,\n\t.get_hw_feature_data = hostap_get_hw_feature_data,\n\t.set_ap_wps_ie = hostap_set_ap_wps_ie,\n#else /* HOSTAPD */\n\t.get_bssid = wpa_driver_hostap_get_bssid,\n\t.get_ssid = wpa_driver_hostap_get_ssid,\n\t.set_countermeasures = wpa_driver_hostap_set_countermeasures,\n\t.scan2 = wpa_driver_hostap_scan,\n\t.get_scan_results2 = wpa_driver_hostap_get_scan_results,\n\t.deauthenticate = wpa_driver_hostap_deauthenticate,\n\t.disassociate = wpa_driver_hostap_disassociate,\n\t.associate = wpa_driver_hostap_associate,\n\t.init = wpa_driver_hostap_init,\n\t.deinit = wpa_driver_hostap_deinit,\n\t.set_operstate = wpa_driver_hostap_set_operstate,\n#endif /* HOSTAPD */\n};\n" ]
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[ "Thursday, February 26, 2009\n\nIn June of 2007, George and I went on our anniversary trip to Williamsburg/Jamestown/Yorktown. ", "As we do on most all of our trips, we stop along the way searching out new waterfalls and/or scenic areas. ", "One of the first places we stopped on our way to Williamsburg was Craggy Gardens. ", "This is one of the most scenic areas in Western North Carolina, just north of Asheville on the Blue Ridge Parkway.", "\n\nThe Great Craggy Mountains are an area of exposed rock surfaces and high peaks that provide breathtaking views of distant southern Appalachian ridges. ", "Large expanses of native rhododendron cover the slopes and summits of the Craggies. ", "In mid-June, pink and purple blooms of Catawba rhododendron cover the Craggies. ", "Throughout the summer, smaller native wildflowers cover the ground with vibrant splashes of color. ", "These natural garden meadows are \"balds.\"", "\n\nThey say that mid to late June is usually prime time for viewing the pink and purple blooms of rhododendron that blanket much of the Craggies. ", "We were there on June 18---and missed the 'peak' by about a week. ", "BUT--we still saw some gorgeous blooms. ", "Elevation at Craggy Gardens is about 5900 feet---and it was cool, even on a Summer day. ", "While there, we took a 1.5 mile easy hike, called the Craggy Pinnacle. ", "This hike led us through a 'tunnel' of rhododendrons to the summit. ", "Here are some of our pictures taken that day at Craggy Gardens. ", "Above is a photo of some of the rhododendron blooms. ", "Below are other pictures. ", "Be sure to click on the pictures for a better look.", "\n\nAbove is one of the views of the mountains from Craggy Gardens.", "\n\nGeorge --standing in front of one of the large Rhododendrons\n\nA close-up of the gorgeous Rhododendron blossoms\n\nA picture of me --in front of more of the Rhododendrons\n\nAnd finally, here's one more photo of the gorgeous view from Craggy Gardens. ", "We highly recommend this beautiful place at Milepost 364.4 on the Blue Ridge Parkway.", "Hugs," ]
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[ "Blog\n\nOur crew over at Who We Become chose November 15 to reinvigorate our collaboration. ", "We plan to share our work with one another and with whomever else might be interested. ", "To see our images this month, please click over to Who We Become for the mosaic, or for a closer look at each individual, please travel the blog circle, starting in Minnesota with the lovely Julie Kiernan.", "\n\nI wish I were kicking off on a happier note. ", "In New York this weekend, people gathered to show support for Paris, as well as for Beirut and all victims, in the wake of recent terrorist attacks. ", "A small gesture, perhaps, but the majority of the sombre and reflective crowd came to show love and solidarity for those enduring tremendous loss. ", "Others had a more pointed agenda.", "\n\nI doubt that there are ever \"right words\" for times like these, but I hope that by choosing a path of love and tolerance, any contribution I am able to make to this global conversation will represent my belief in humanity, rather than my fears for it." ]
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[ "Adult stem cells are called undifferentiated cells, meaning that they can change to create other kinds of specialized cells. ", "There are many different types of these stem cells within your body. ", "Each kind of tissue in your body has a specific set of stem cells. ", "This means that they can be taken from your own body from blood, bone marrow, skin, bone, skeletal muscle, teeth and other organs." ]
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[ "Current problems and potential techniques in in vivo glucose monitoring.", "\nAccurate in vivo monitoring of glucose concentration would be a valuable asset, particularly for management of diabetes and preterm infants during critical care. ", "In vivo glucose monitoring devices can be divided into two categories: implanted and non-invasive. ", "Extensive research into in vivo glucose monitoring over recent decades has not resulted in the widespread use of clinically reliable monitoring systems. ", "For implanted devices, poor biocompatibility of the materials used for fabrication remains a major challenge, whilst progress in the commercial development of non-invasive devices is hampered by the problem of multiple interference between the detected signals and the biological components. ", "In this review, the methods available for in in-vivo glucose monitoring are described and the associated problems are discussed." ]
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[ "\n707 P.2d 110 (1985)\nLinda Leona WALKER, Plaintiff and Appellant,\nv.\nNed Wesley WALKER, Defendant and Respondent.", "\nNo. ", "19538.", "\nSupreme Court of Utah.", "\nSeptember 20, 1985.", "\n*111 David S. Dolowitz, Salt Lake City, for plaintiff and appellant.", "\nTim Dalton Dunn, Salt Lake City, for defendant and respondent.", "\nZIMMERMAN, Justice.", "\nAfter eight years of marriage, plaintiff Linda Walker sued Ned Walker for divorce, seeking custody of the couple's two minor children, alimony, and child support. ", "The trial court granted the divorce, awarded custody to Mr. Walker, accorded limited visitation rights to Mrs. Walker, and denied Mrs. Walker's request for alimony. ", "Linda Walker asserts that the trial court abused its discretion both in denying her alimony and in placing various restrictions on her visitation rights. ", "We affirm the trial court.", "\nMrs. Walker filed for divorce in July of 1982. ", "After an initial custody hearing, the trial judge ordered that the children spend equal time with each parent and reserved any final decision concerning custody until a clinical psychologist had evaluated the family situation. ", "Another hearing was held in August of 1982, at which time the court-appointed psychologist, a psychiatrist, and Mrs. Walker testified. ", "The judge awarded temporary custody to Mr. Walker and granted Mrs. Walker rights of visitation, but limited her visits to those arranged through a third party and at which the maternal grandmother was present. ", "In making this temporary order, the judge granted Mrs. Walker's counsel the right to present additional expert testimony concerning the custody issue at trial on the merits, \"[b]ut only if the expert has interviewed both parties and the children.\" ", "Mrs. Walker was also awarded $250 a month in temporary alimony.", "\nIn July of 1983 a trial on the merits was held. ", "The court heard expert testimony on the custody question from a court-appointed psychologist, from Dr. Elizabeth Stewart, who testified as a witness for Mrs. Walker, and from two day-care providers, who testified on behalf of Mr. Walker.", "\nThe court-appointed psychologist had spent approximately 25 to 28 hours on the case. ", "He had interviewed and tested both parties, interviewed both children, and communicated with about a half-dozen professionals who had been in contact with the family. ", "He testified that Mrs. Walker was suffering from a pervasive mental illness — paranoia — and that this psychotic condition had worsened since he had seen her a year earlier. ", "He recommended that custody be awarded to Mr. Walker and that in addition to the limitations imposed on Mrs. Walker's visitation rights in the temporary custody order the court should permit visits no more often than once every three months and never for overnight.", "\nDr. Stewart had tested and interviewed Mrs. Walker seven times over a two-month period; she had not interviewed or tested either Mr. Walker or the two children. ", "From her examination, Dr. Stewart concluded that Mrs. Walker was neither paranoid nor psychotic. ", "Although Dr. Stewart was of the view that the wife had a hysterical personality condition, she testified that this condition would not make Mrs. Walker unable to care for her children.", "\nOn the issue of alimony, Mrs. Walker testified that she had been employed in jobs paying from minimum wage to $5.50 per hour, that at the time of trial she was working full time for $5.50 per hour, and that she was unable to fully support herself. ", "She requested $300 per month as alimony. ", "Mr. Walker testified that he earned about $20,000 per year.", "\nThe court took the matter under advisement. ", "It later rendered its written decision, which provided in pertinent part:\n\n*112 2. ", "Defendant is awarded the care, custody and control of the minor children of the parties. ", "The plaintiff shall have temporary rights of visitation with the minor children of the parties, at the discretion of Defendant's attorney, provided that all visits shall be in the presence of a mutually-agreed-upon third party. ", "Permanent rights of visitation shall not be considered until such time as the Court has received testimony that plaintiff's mental illness is in remission. ", "Such testimony must be that of Dr. Crist, Dr. Washburn, Dr. Greenwood, or Dr. Howell, the experts who testified in the matter; or of a person of equal expertise and competence after such person has interviewed and evaluated each of the parties, as well as the minor children of the parties, to the same extent that the named experts did in preparing their reports.", "\n3. ", "Neither party is awarded alimony.", "\nOn appeal, Mrs. Walker contends that the trial court's order respecting visitation and alimony amounted to an abuse of discretion. ", "Her first argument is that the court effectively denied her all visitation rights and that this result is neither supported by the evidence nor sanctioned by the statute governing visitation rights. ", "At the outset, it should be noted that the trial court did not deny Mrs. Walker all visitation rights. ", "Rather, the court limited visits on a temporary basis and refused to consider permanent arrangements until it was presented with evidence that Mrs. Walker's mental illness \"was in remission,\" which we interpret to mean that her condition had improved sufficiently to warrant permitting more extensive visitation.", "\nDecisions with respect to visitation are to be made in accordance with section 30-3-5(1) of the Code, which states: \"Visitation rights of parents ... shall take into consideration the welfare of the child.\" ", "U.C.A., 1953, § 30-3-5(1) (1984 ed.). ", "A trial court's determination respecting custody and visitation is equitable and will be overturned on review only for an abuse of discretion. ", "Smith v. Smith, 1 Utah 2d 75, 262 P.2d 283, 284 (1953); Fletcher v. Fletcher, Utah, 615 P.2d 1218, 1222 (1980); Lord v. Shaw, Utah, 682 P.2d 853, 856 (1984). ", "There is no merit to Mrs. Walker's contention that the trial court's order respecting visitation should be reversed because it did not satisfy the statute or because it was not supported by the evidence. ", "Expert testimony was offered on both sides of the question. ", "The trial judge chose to reject Dr. Stewart's testimony and accept that of the court-appointed psychologist and other witnesses for Mr. Walker. ", "Because the critical factor in resolving the visitation issue was how Mrs. Walker's mental condition affected interactions between her and her children and Dr. Stewart did not interview all the members of the family, the court was well within its discretion in according her testimony less weight than that of the experts who had evaluated the whole family. ", "See Baldwin v. Vantage Corp., Utah, 676 P.2d 413, 416-17 (1984). ", "The trial court also demonstrated that it had considered \"the welfare of the child[ren],\" as required by section 30-35(1), by focusing on Mrs. Walker's mental condition and by limiting visitation to avoid adverse effects on the children. ", "This same concern is shown by the trial court's requirement that before visitation rights can be altered, any experts who testify must examine all family members.", "\nMrs. Walker's second challenge to the visitation order is that it effectively precludes her from calling Dr. Stewart or any other expert of her choosing on the question of remission. ", "She argues that she must rely on the testimony of the four doctors named in the order, all of whom were arrayed against her, and that this fundamental unfairness demonstrates that the court abused its discretion. ", "Contrary to Mrs. Walker's assertion, the court did not rule that only the experts named in the order could testify as to whether her mental illness was in remission. ", "The order specifically provides that in addition to those doctors named any other person of \"equal expertise and competence\" could testify on the issue, but only \"after such person has interviewed and evaluated each of the parties, as well as the minor children *113 of the parties, to the same extent that the named experts did in preparing their reports.\" ", "Further testimony from Dr. Stewart is not precluded. ", "She or any other professional who first examines both parents and both children would be qualified to testify as to family dynamics, improvements in Linda Walker's mental state, and what arrangements might enhance the children's welfare.", "\nThere is an aspect of the visitation order that is troubling, although neither party has raised the issue directly. ", "The trial court granted temporary visitation rights to Mrs. Walker only \"at the discretion of [Mr. Walker's] attorney.\" ", "Neither of the parties had sought this interjection of Mr. Walker's counsel into the role of mediator. ", "This put Mr. Walker's attorney in an ethically untenable position. ", "His primary obligation is to his client. ", "See Ellis v. Gilbert, 19 Utah 2d 189, 192, 429 P.2d 39, 41 (1967). ", "In his capacity as an advocate for his client, he successfully resisted Mrs. Walker's attempt to secure custody or extensive visitation rights. ", "Now, however, the trial court has required him to act as a surrogate for the court and fix the time and terms of all visits, a role that requires him to mediate between his client and Mrs. Walker. ", "Essentially, he is to serve two masters — the court and his client — in directly conflicting roles. ", "Although Mrs. Walker has not asserted that her ex-husband's lawyer has in any way improperly impeded the exercise of her visitation rights and Mr. Walker has not complained that his counsel has not effectively represented him, the lawyer has nonetheless been placed in a difficult position that neither he nor the parties sought. ", "It would have been better for the trial court to have recognized the quandary it was creating and not to have required counsel to serve in this capacity.", "\nMrs. Walker's final contention is that the trial court abused its discretion in denying her alimony. ", "In determining alimony awards, the trial court must consider the financial condition and needs of the wife, the ability of the wife to produce a sufficient income for herself, and the ability of the husband to provide support for her. ", "Jones v. Jones, Utah, 700 P.2d 1072, 1075 (1985); English v. English, Utah, 565 P.2d 409, 411 (1977). ", "The trial court did not enter any findings of fact or conclusions of law demonstrating its consideration of these factors or the weight assigned to each. ", "Such an analysis by the trial court would assist this Court in determining the propriety of the ruling. ", "See Jones v. Jones, 700 P.2d at 1075. ", "However, our examination of the record suggests no basis for concluding either that the trial court did not consider these factors or that it abused its discretion. ", "At the time of trial, Mrs. Walker sought alimony of $300 per month. ", "There was no evidence of any unique needs on her part. ", "She was then working full time earning $5.50 per hour or $11,000 per year. ", "Mr. Walker was earning about $20,000 per year and supporting himself and the two children. ", "Considering these factors, we find no abuse of discretion in the trial court's denial of alimony.", "\nAffirmed.", "\nHALL, C.J., HOWE and DURHAM, JJ., ", "and PHILIP R. FISCHLER, District Judge, concur.", "\nSTEWART, J., having disqualified himself, does not participate herein.", "\nFISCHLER, District Judge, sat.", "\n" ]
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[ "Embraer E-Jet E2 family\n\nThe Embraer E-Jet E2 family are medium-range jet airliners developed by Embraer, succeeding the original E-Jet. ", "The program was launched at the Paris Air Show in 2013. ", "The first variant, the E190-E2, took its first flight on 23 May 2016 and was certified on 28 February 2018 before entering service with Widerøe on 24 April.", "\n\nThe three twinjet variants share the same four-abreast narrow-body fuselage with different lengths and three different new wings, Pratt & Whitney PW1000G turbofans in two sizes, fly-by-wire controls with new avionics, and an updated cabin.", "\n\nDevelopment\nIn 2010, it appeared possible that Embraer could directly challenge the Bombardier CSeries (now A220) with a clean-sheet five-abreast design for 100 to 150 passengers. ", "However, Airbus launched the A320neo in December 2010, including the 124-seat A319neo, and Boeing launched the re-engined 737 MAX the following year. ", "Accordingly, Embraer continued to focus on large regional jets, and launched an extensive revamp of the E-Jet family at the November 2011 Dubai Air Show.", "\n\nThe new variants would be better positioned to compete with the CSeries and would be powered by new engines with larger diameter fans that would offer improvements in specific fuel consumption, as well as slightly taller landing gear and possibly a new aluminum or carbon fiber-based wing. ", "Embraer named this new development \"the E-jets second generation\". ", "The program was launched at the Paris Air Show in 2013.", "\n\nFlight testing\n\nThe first E-Jet E2, an E190-E2, was rolled out on 25 February 2016 and made its maiden flight on 23 May in São José dos Campos. ", "It flew for three hours and twenty minutes to Mach 0.82, climbed to 41,000 feet, retracted the landing gear and flaps, and engaged the fly-by-wire in normal mode. ", "It flew earlier than the previously anticipated second half of 2016. ", "The program had fewer challenges than expected and introduction could happen in the first quarter of 2018. ", "The airplane was slightly below expected weight and the other two E190-E2 prototypes should fly within a year.", "\n\nThe second prototype made its maiden flight on 8 July 2016. ", "The flight lasted 2 hr 55 min without any incidents. ", "The first E-Jet E2 flew from Brazil to Farnborough Airshow just 45 days after its maiden flight, demonstrating maturity and confidence in the design. ", "In April 2017, as 650 hr of flight tests have been completed and the program is on schedule, Embraer wants to guarantee a 99% schedule reliability in the first year of service.", "\n\nHalf of the flight testing was done by June 2017, the aerodynamics were better than predicted and the E190-E2 hot and high performance was better than expected. ", "The E195-E2's MTOW is increased to and its range to . ", "In June 2017, the four E190-E2s and the single E195-E2 - which is presented at the 2017 Paris Air Show - have made more than 900 flight-test hours, mostly by the E190-E2s. ", "In July 2017, the five aircraft have flown 1,000 flight-test hours while the E190-E2 has accomplished 55% of its test campaign.", "\n\nIn January 2018, 98% of the test campaign was done with 2,000 flight hours. ", "Fuel burn is 17.3% lower than for the E190 up from 16% predicted, range increased by from hot-and-high or short runways: from Mexico City or London City, and noise margin to Stage 4 is 3 EPNdB better than specification at 20 EPNdB.\n\nThe E190-E2 received its type certificate from the ANAC, FAA and EASA on 28 February 2018. ", "The first production engines for the larger variant were delivered in February 2019 and should deliver a 24% reduction in per-seat fuel burn compared with the E195. ", "The E195-E2 obtained its type certification in April 2019.", "\n\nProduction\n\nInspired by the automotive industry, the same production line will be used to build the E190/195-E2 alongside the original E175/190/195 at a steady rate of eight aircraft per month by the end of 2018; production of the original E-Jet family should have slowed once assembly of the E175-E2 starts in 2021. ", "This decision contrasts with Boeing's difficulties transitioning from the 747-400 to the 747-8 on a single assembly line, and its subsequent decision to introduce a new, separate assembly line for the 737 MAX.", "\n\nAs Embraer transitions from its current E-jets to the upgraded E2, it expects to deliver 85-95 airliners in 2018 with a negative $150 million free cash flow, less than in 2017 with 78 deliveries in the first nine months with a cash outflow of $700 million: return to profitability will take at least three years once the program investment is reduced and the production ramp up is complete.", "\n\nE2s will account for 10% of Embraer airliner deliveries in 2018 before rising in 2019. ", "Embraer think Airbus will not be able to lower the A220 supply chain costs enough to make it profitable and view it as heavy, expensive and adapted to long, thin routes exceeding the range of the E2, whose operational capabilities will win a majority of the market share as commitments should follow certification and entry into service. ", "Embraer delivered 101 airliners in 2017, down from 162 in 2008, but targets delivering 14 E2 monthly or even 16 or 18. ", "Hybrid stations can work on both the E1 and E2, and the production is more automated, moving to 90% automated drilling and riveting for the E2 wing.", "\n\nIntroduction\n\nAfter type certification, the first E190-E2 was delivered to launch operator Widerøe in April 2018, configured with 114-seat in single-class, followed by deliveries for Air Astana and Chinese GX Airlines. ", "Before the aircraft were delivered, Embraer announced that some of the initial E-Jet E2s will need to be retrofitted due to the shorter life of the combustor in their Pratt & Whitney PW1900G engines. ", "A business class is developed with a 2+2 staggered seat layout offering a seat pitch of up to 54 in (137 cm), available from mid-2019.", "\n\nEmbraer targets a 99% dispatch reliability after 12 months and 99.5% after four years while the E1 took 10 years to achieve its targeted reliability. ", "On 4 April 2018, Widerøe took delivery of its first E190-E2 in Sao Jose dos Campos. ", "It was introduced between Bergen and Tromso, Norway on 24 April 2018. ", "By June 2018, the first three E190-E2s delivered to Wideroe accumulated 413 flight hours and 332 cycles, an average of 6.57 cycles per day and an average stage length of 1.28 hr, with a 99.35% dispatch reliability and a 97.74% schedule reliability. ", "Widerøe had a dispatch reliability of 98.5% after its first year of operation.", "\n\nBoeing-Embraer joint venture\n\nBoeing is to take an 80% stake in Embraer's commercial aircraft division, which is to be renamed as \"Boeing Brasil–Commercial\", in a deal expected to close by the end of 2019. ", "No decision has yet been announced regarding whether the aircraft will be rebranded as Boeing models.", "\n\nDesign\n \n\nEmbraer targets 16 to 24% lower fuel burn and 15–25% lower maintenance cost per seat. ", "In the E190-E2, of the 17.3% better fuel burn, 11% comes from the geared turbofan, 4.8% from the improved aerodynamics of the new high aspect ratio wing and 1.5% from the fly-by-wire's 15% smaller tail surfaces.", "\n\nOver a trip and with a US$72 fuel barrel, Embraer estimates a 97-seat E190-E2 trip cost is 7% lower for a 1% higher seat cost than a 106-seat A220-100, a 120-seat E195-E2 has a 2% higher trip cost but a 10% lower seat cost and 10% lower trip cost and 3% lower seat cost than a 129-seat A220-300; and while a 97-seat E190 had an 18% higher seat cost than a 150-seat A320 and a 23% lower trip cost, an E190-E2 has a 30% lower trip cost for an 8% higher seat cost than a 150-seat A320neo, while an E195-E2 has the same seat cost but 20% lower trip cost. ", "By October, Embraer raised its E190/E195-E2 seat or trip costs claim to roughly 10% better than the A220.", "\n\nBuilt on the first generation E-Jet, its wing is redesigned, and it introduces new pylons, landing gear, horizontal stabilizers, cabin, cabin air system, air cycle machine, bleed air system, and a new fly-by-wire system. ", "The switch to a composite wing was not yet justified economically for a similar shape, the less draggy flaps are single-slotted instead of the more complex double-slotted on the E1, and the engine pylon is shorter. ", "The raised, 11:1 aspect ratio gull-wing partially accommodate the 2.01m (79 in) diameter GTF, larger than the CF34 by 66 cm (26 in), while the trailing arm landing gear is taller for higher door sills, giving a lower nacelles than the E1.", "\n\nGE Aviation, Pratt & Whitney, and Rolls-Royce were all possible engine suppliers. ", "In January 2013, Embraer selected the Pratt & Whitney PW1000G Geared Turbofan engine as the exclusive powerplant. ", "Honeywell Primus Epic 2 was selected as the avionics package. ", "In 2014, Alta Precision was selected to produce main landing gear components for the E190/E195 E2.", "\n\nMoog Inc was selected to supply the Primary Flight Control System. ", "The E2 features a closed loop fly-by-wire control which reduces weight, increases fuel efficiency, enhances control and increases safety by full envelope protection in all flight phases compared to the first E-Jet. ", "The fuel savings of the now closed loop fly-by-wire control come from the enhanced flight stability and the resulting increased lift (lower tail downward force) and weight savings and drag reductions related to the 26% reduction in the horizontal tail (tailplane) size. ", "The wing structure was lightened by 200 kg (440 lb) thanks to FBW ailerons, also used when braking, avoiding larger wheels and brakes. ", "A 250 ft² horizontal stabilizer is sufficient from 280 ft² on the E190/195.", "\n\nThe cabin side walls were replaced to gain on each side and new overhead bins are deeper. ", "Baggage bins are enlarged by 40%.", "\n\nBasic maintenance inspections will happen every 1,000 flight hours instead of 850 and the intermediate check interval grew to 10,000 flight-hours from 8,500. ", "The heavy-check downtime was reduced by 15% from the E1, no out-of-phase tasks are required, and control and corrosion prevention is required every eight years with 82 tasks down from 240.", "\n\nOperational history \nOn 3 December 2018, Air Astana received its first E190-E2 of an order of five, to replace nine E190-E1 used on domestic and regional routes since 2011.", "\n\nOn 31 October 2019, Helvetic Airways became the fourth airline to take delivery of an E2 aircraft and the third (after Widerøe and Air Astana) to receive an E190-E2 aircraft, configured in a single-class layout with 110 seats. ", "On 1 November 2019, Helvetic Airways made their first revenue flight with the E190-E2. ", "The inaugural flight, LX850, was a 623 km, 95-minute leg from Zürich to Bremen.", "\n\nOn 21 November 2019, Binter Canarias became the fifth airline to take delivery of an E2 aircraft and the second (after Azul Brazilian Airlines) to receive an E195-E2 aircraft, configured in a single-class layout with 132 seats. ", "On 13 December 2019, Binter Canarias made their first revenue flight with the E195-E2, which was to depart from Gran Canaria at 11:35 and to arrive at Sal at 14:00.", "\n\nOn 30 December 2019, Air Kiribati received its first E190-E2 of an order of two, becoming the fourth airline to take delivery of an E190-E2 aircraft. ", "The airliner, configured in a two-class layout with 92 seats (12 business and 80 economy class), is to serve destinations throughout the vast expanse of Kiribati, including nonstop from Tarawa to Kiritimati (Christmas) Island (the current domestic flight from Tarawa to Kiritimati requires an international stopover in Fiji).", "\n\nVariants\n\nE175-E2\nThe E175-E2 (EMB 190-500) model in the 80-seat range is the smallest in the E-Jet Second Generation family. ", "The E175-E2 will be extended by one seat row from the E175, by m and will seat up to 90 passengers. ", "It was scheduled for first delivery in 2020 but entry into service is delayed by one year to 2021 as it will be over the scope clause weight limit as opposed to the current E175.", "\n\nBy April 2019, the E175-E2 first prototype was under final assembly. ", "Roll-out is targeted for November and first flight before the end of 2019, for a 2021 entry into service if a customer is found.", "\nThe E175-E2 made its first takeoff on 12 December from São José dos Campos and flew for 2 hours and 18 minutes, starting a 24-month test and certification campaign that will involve two additional aircraft. ", "Embraer has no orders in backlog for the variant, though the company hopes for strong demand from outside North America.", "\n\nE190-E2\n\nThe PW1900G has a fan for a 12:1 bypass ratio. ", "The aluminum wing span increased to 33.7 m (110 ft) for the highest wing aspect ratio of any airliner, just over 11, while the larger E195-E2 has a longer wingtip and the smaller E175-E2 has a downsized wing. ", "It was moved forward to shift the center of gravity envelope aft to reduce the horizontal stabilizer downforce, lowering fuel burn by 1.5%. ", "The trailing link main landing gear has wheel doors to reduce fuel consumption by 1% and is taller to provide enough engine ground clearance. ", "The E2 have 75% new parts, closed-loop controls fly-by-wire instead of the open-loop type in the E1 gaining improved maintenance intervals. ", "For E1-rated pilots, the transition to the new type need 2.5 days with no full flight simulator, having similar Honeywell Primus Epic 2 avionics. ", "The E190-E2 (EMB 190-300) is the same size as the E190, with up to 114 seats.", "\n\nEmbraer had it certified on 28 February 2018. ", "Certification needed 46,000 test hours on ground and 2,200 in flight. ", "Due to better than expected fuel burn during tests, in January 2018 Embraer increased the range to , and Bombardier tried to implicate it in the CSeries dumping petition by Boeing as it could attain a 2,900 nmi range. ", "It entered service with Widerøe on 24 April 2018. ", "In 2018, a newly delivered E190-E2 is worth $34 million, $3 million more than the E190, falling to $20 million in seven years, a 40% decline to be compared with 30% projected for an A320neo over the same timeframe.", "\n\nE195-E2\n\nThe E195-E2 (EMB 190-400) will be extended by three seat rows from the E195 by , and will accommodate up to 146 seats.", "\n\nIn February 2016, Embraer announced that it had decided to increase the E195-E2's wingspan by for greater lift, along with a MTOW increase of to extend its range by at sea-level starts, and in hot and high conditions.", "\n\nThe variant rolled out on 7 March 2017 and Azul was confirmed as its launch operator. ", "It first flew on 29 March 2017, ahead of the previously scheduled second half of the year. ", "Embraer showcased the prototype at the Paris Air Show in June 2017 and plan to enter service in the first half of 2019.", "\n\nBy January 2019, the flight-test program preliminary results shows the E195-E2 could end up being a little above specifications at introduction. ", "It was certified on 15 April 2019, with a fuel burn 1.4% less than originally specified for 25.4% less per seat than the E195. ", "Binter Canarias should be its European launch customer, to enter service in late 2019.", "\nOn 12 September 2019, Embraer delivered its first E195-E2 to Azul through lessor AerCap, configured with 136 seats in a single class.", "\n\nIt competes with the Airbus A220-300. ", "With the lowest unit costs, the E195-E2 could open up a new market and spur strong demand, moving into mainline territory. ", "Embraer claims E195 trip costs are 22% lower than a 154-seat A320neo and 24% below a 160-seat 737-8 - but airlines install more seats, widening seat costs further apart than the 6% and 8% quoted by Embraer.", "\n\nOrders and deliveries\nList of Embraer's E2-Jet family deliveries and orders:\n\nSource: Embraer's order book as of 6 January 2019.", "\n\nOrders\nThe Embraer E-Jet E2 program was officially launched during the 50th International Paris Air Show held in June 2013, with SkyWest Airlines, a North American regional airline, and ILFC, a leasing company placing the first firm orders for the aircraft.", "\n\nSkyWest was intended as the launch customer of the Embraer E175-E2, with the airline placing a firm order for 100 aircraft, with purchase rights for another 100, an order valued at US$9.36 billion at list price, although airlines routinely receive deep discounts from the list price of planes. ", "Order canceled Q3-2018.", "\n\nILFC is the launch customer for the Embraer E190-E2 and E195-E2, with the leasing company placing a firm order for 25 E190-E2 aircraft and 25 E195-E2 aircraft, with purchase rights for another 25 of each type. ", "ILFC was purchased by AerCap in May 2014.", "\n\nBinter Canarias has converted two options for Embraer E195-E2 aircraft to firm orders. ", "Their first new Embraer aircraft is expected to be delivered in the second half of 2019 with Binter Canarias being the European launch customer.", "\n\nKLM will lease 21 E195-E2 from Aircastle (11) and ICBC (10).", "\n\nSpecifications\n\nSee also\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\n \n \n \n \n\nCategory:2010s Brazilian airliners\nCategory:Embraer aircraft\nCategory:Twinjets\nCategory:Aircraft first flown in 2016" ]
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[ "Ocular complications of needle perforations during retrobulbar and peribulbar injections.", "\nAs a whole, the complication rate of retrobulbar and peribulbar injections is low, especially if done correctly (see appendix I). ", "Side effects, however, can be extremely serious, and alternative methods such as topical or sub-Tenon's anesthesia should be considered (see appendix II), particularly when evaluating monocular patients with high-risk characteristics." ]
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[ "Polaroid iM1836: This Interchangeable-Lens Android Camera Seems Too Good to Be True\n\nPolaroid's interchangeable-lens camera with Android OS leaked so hard last month that Polaroid went ahead and confirmed its existence, saying it would reveal additional specs about the Polaroid iM1836 at CES. ", "Here's that information, and wowow this thing looks incredible. ", "So incredible, that we won't believe this monster does all Polaroid says it can until we see it with our own eyes.", "\n\nAccording to the release provided to us in advance, the Polaroid iM1836 is an 18-megapixel interchangeable lens camera that runs Android 4.1 Jelly Bean and has both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth built-in. ", "It comes bundled with a 10-30mm kit lens, but will be compatible with all micro four thirds lenses using a mount adapter. ", "It's got 3.5-inch capacitive touchscreen LCD and it shoots 1080p video. ", "It'll be available the first quarter this year for around £250 - £300.", "\n\nThat's all we know. ", "A lot of it doesn't really make sense. ", "There are a lot of key specs missing, and frankly, for the features this thing claims, the price seems too cheap. ", "There has to be a catch, or something we're missing. ", "But that's the news. ", "We're having a meeting with Polaroid to get more information, and we'll update as soon as we've got answers." ]
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[ "Tag Archives: news\n\nPat Morrow, head oddsmaker of Bovoda, was on MSNBC’s The Cycle this week talking about the Oscar odds. ", "It was rather interesting — but when I tried to find the video, I had no luck. (", "At first I thought it … Continue reading →\n\nYes, you can bet on presidential elections. ", "And gamblers betting on the election have a pretty good history of predicting the next US president. ", "Better than the bulk of polls and surveys, in fact. ", "Experts say part of the accuracy … Continue reading →\n\nUS mobile game revenues (including both downloads and in-app purchases) leads growth of $10 billion mobile content market as ebook and music downloads stagnate, according to new figures from eMarketer. ", "In-app purchases are driving increases in US mobile game revenues, … Continue reading →\n\nOn November 17, 11 paintings previously created for the Poker Room at Caesars Palace will be auctioned off. ", "The 11 paintings by LeRoy Neiman are from the 1980 series The Girls of Caesars Palace and feature women in casino scenes. … ", "Continue reading →\n\nFrom the, “Yes, you can bet on that” file… There are policy wonks, politicos, just plain enthusiastic voting Americans — and every red and blue shade in between. ", "But did you know you can actually bet on politics? ", "Yup, you … Continue reading →\n\nUnless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve heard that Prince William and his wife Kate Middleton are expecting their second child. ", "In the UK, bookmakers have already gone about setting odds for this latest momentous event for William, the … Continue reading →\n\nThe American Gaming Association (AGA) has ended its push to legalize online gambling nationwide. ", "According to spokesman Christopher Moyer, “It is not an issue we are focusing on, but rather letting others take the lead.” ", "But, in the same report, … Continue reading →" ]
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[ "Copyright\n\nAll content including images, text documents, audio, video, and interactive media published on the Walker website (walkerart.org) is for noncommercial, educational, journalistic and/or personal use only. ", "Any commercial use or republication is strictly prohibited. ", "Copying, redistribution, or exploitation for personal or corporate gain is not permitted.", "\n\nObject Details\n\nin pencil on reverse at lower left “Stan Douglas,”; in pencil on reverse at lower left “Monodramas (1991)” and at lower right “3/5”\n\nPhysical Description\n\nPhotograph of a highway interchange on the left side of sheet. ", "Cinematic description of Monodramas segment featuring this image to the right of the photograph. ", "Text: “As IsThree vignettes featuring three of those large automobiles peculiar to the1970s, accompanied by three moments from the bridge of the disco song,“I Want Your Love,” by Chic. ", "The cars were sold in their day as luxuryvehicles, but today–having been made to look less attractive by morecompact imports and domestics–they are now some of the least expensiveused cars one can buy. ", "All three are of exactly the same make and vintage,but they can be distinguished by their particular colours and respectivequantities of rust.1. ", "Music: guitar, bass, and drums only. ", "A low-rise residential neighbourhoodwith more than a few Vancouver Specials lining the streets. ", "The cameradraws toward a car with its hood and both doors open. ", "A young man sits inthe driver’s seat with one foot on the road, awaiting instruction. ", "As it passesthe car, the camera finds two more young men working on the car’s engine–one getting his hands dirty, and the other giving unwanted advice. ", "Dissolveto the next scene.2. ", "Music: a piano adds chords with each quarter-note beat. ", "Driving besidean enormous automobile on a freeway in a suburban area, the distant skyline reminds one that this is no more than twenty minutes from the city’s downtown core. ", "A long look from a short distance at one of the car’spassenger windows, through which, because of glare, nothing can be seen.", "The car accelerates, providing an unobstructed view of itself in its entirety asit recedes into the distance. ", "Dissolve to the next scene.3. ", "Music: chimes mimic the melody of the chorus, with synthetic hornspenetrating the space between “want” and “your love.” ", "The camera followsa car from some distance behind, as it drives slowly through a parking lot–spiraling upward to the uppermost level, which is exposed to the afternoonsky. ", "The car finally parks and one of its doors opens. ", "Dissolve to black andfade to silence.4. ", "Title: FOR LESS.5. ", "Title: LUXURY.”" ]
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[ "Filed 7/1/13 P. v. Campbell CA5\n\n NOT TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE OFFICIAL REPORTS\nCalifornia Rules of Court, rule 8.1115(a), prohibits courts and parties from citing or relying on opinions not certified for\npublication or ordered published, except as specified by rule 8.1115(b). ", "This opinion has not been certified for publication\nor ordered published for purposes of rule 8.1115.", "\n\n\n IN THE COURT OF APPEAL OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA\n FIFTH APPELLATE DISTRICT\n\nTHE PEOPLE,\n F065150\n Plaintiff and Respondent,\n (Super. ", "Ct. ", "No. ", "CRF37435)\n v.\n\nERIC SCOTT CAMPBELL, OPINION\n Defendant and Appellant.", "\n\n\n\n THE COURT*\n APPEAL from a judgment of the Superior Court of Tuolumne County. ", "James A.\nBoscoe, Judge.", "\n Michael L. Pinkerton, under appointment by the Court of Appeal, for Defendant\nand Appellant.", "\n Kamala D. Harris, Attorney General, Dane R. Gillette, Chief Assistant Attorney\nGeneral, Michael P. Farrell, Assistant Attorney General, Louis M. Vasquez and Tiffany J.\nGates, Deputy Attorneys General, for Plaintiff and Respondent.", "\n -ooOoo-\n\n\n\n\n* Before Gomes, A.P.J., Detjen, J. and Peña, J.\n\f A jury convicted appellant, Eric Scott Campbell, of first degree burglary (Pen.", "\nCode, §§ 459, 460, subd. (", "a)); receiving stolen property (Pen. ", "Code, § 496, subd. (", "a));1\npossession of a firearm by a felon (§ 29800, subd. (", "a)(1)); possession of ammunition (§\n30305, subd. (", "a)(1)); and possession of marijuana for purposes of sale (Health & Saf.", "\nCode, § 11359). ", "The court suspended imposition of sentence and placed appellant on\nfive years‟ probation, with various terms and conditions, one of which was that he serve\none year in county jail.", "\n The “MINUTE ORDER and ORDER GRANTING PROBATION” (minute\norder), signed by the court, states, in relevant part, that appellant was convicted of first\ndegree burglary, “a violent felony within the meaning of [section 667.5, subdivision (c)]\n....”\n Appellant‟s sole contention on appeal is that the evidence was insufficient to\nsupport the court‟s finding that the instant first degree burglary was a violent felony\nwithin the meaning of section 667.5, subdivision (c). ", "The People concede the point, and\nwe agree. ", "We order the erroneous finding be stricken, direct the trial court to issue an\namended minute order, and otherwise affirm.", "\n FACTS\n On December 3, 2011, Sarah Campbell (Sarah)2 was at the home of her father,\nGary Hartman, when she noticed several of her father‟s firearms were missing. ", "She\ninformed the Tuolumne County Sheriff‟s Department (TCSD) of the missing weapons.", "\nHartman had last noticed the firearms were in his house approximately one month prior.", "\nSarah and Hartman suspected appellant, Sarah‟s estranged husband, had taken the guns.", "\n On a Tuesday or Wednesday in early December or late November of 2011,\nappellant and a friend took several firearms to a gun store in Jamestown for appraisal.", "\n\n1 All further statutory references are to the Penal Code unless otherwise noted.", "\n2 For the sake of brevity and clarity, and not out of disrespect, we refer to Sarah\nCampbell by her first name.", "\n\n\n 2\n\fThey left the firearms with a store employee, Michael Petersen, and appellant returned\nthe following Monday and retrieved them. ", "Petersen had heard from a friend who had\nconnections to Hartman that some firearms belonging to Hartman had been stolen.", "\nPetersen told his friend about the guns appellant had brought to the store, and advised his\nfriend to call the Sheriff‟s Department.", "\n On January 5, 2012, Hartman told TCSD Detective Deborah Moss that a friend,\nStephen Flud, had returned three of the missing guns, and that Flud had stated he had\nobtained the guns from appellant. ", "The detective arranged for Hartman to place a\ntelephone call to appellant, which was recorded.", "\n Detective Moss testified she later spoke with appellant and asked him if he\nremembered telling Hartman he took the guns and that he was “in a pinch.” ", "Appellant\nresponded, “„Whatever.‟”3\n Thereafter, on January 12, 2012, a search warrant was executed at appellant‟s\nresidence. ", "Items found in the search included a firearm, which did not belong to\nHartman, ammunition, slightly less than two pounds of processed marijuana, and a\npay/owe sheet.", "\n DISCUSSION\n First degree burglary qualifies as a “violent felony” under section 667.5,\nsubdivision (c) if “it is charged and proved that another person, other than an accomplice,\nwas present in the residence during the commission of the burglary.” (§ ", "667.5, subd.", "\n(c)(21).) ", "Here, as the parties agree, there was no evidence supporting this factor.", "\nMoreover, there was no evidence to support the designation of the instant burglary as a\nviolent felony on any other basis.4 Therefore, as the parties also agree, the statement in\n\n3 A recording of the telephone call was played for the jury, and a transcript of the\ncall was made available to the jury. ", "Neither the recording nor the transcript are part of\nthe record on appeal.", "\n4 A “violent felony” under section 667.5, subdivision (c) includes: “Any felony in\nwhich the defendant inflicts great bodily injury on any person other than an accomplice\n\n 3\n\fthe sentencing hearing minute order that the instant first degree burglary was a violent\nfelony was erroneous. ", "We will order the violent felony reference stricken and direct the\ntrial court to issue an amended minute order.", "\n DISPOSITION\n The reference in the “MINUTE ORDER and ORDER GRANTING\nPROBATION” of June 19, 2012, to the instant first degree burglary as a violent felony\nwithin the meaning of Penal Code section 667.5, subdivision (c) is ordered stricken. ", "The\ntrial court is directed to prepare an amended minute order which does not identify the\ninstant first degree burglary as a violent felony. ", "In all other respects the judgment is\naffirmed.", "\n\n\n\n\nwhich has been charged and proved as provided for in Section 12022.7, 12022.8, or\n12022.9 on or after July 1, 1977, or as specified prior to July 1, 1977, in Sections 213,\n264, and 461, or any felony in which the defendant uses a firearm which use has been\ncharged and proved as provided in subdivision (a) of Section 12022.3, or Section 12022.5\nor 12022.55.” (§ ", "667.5, subd. (", "c)(8).)", "\n\n\n 4\n\f" ]
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[ "Tetsumi Kudo\n\nTetsumi Kudo (23 February 1935 – 12 November 1990), was a Japanese artist associated with the Neo-Dada tradition.", "\n\nBiography\nTetsumi Kudo was born in 1935 in Osaka, Japan and graduated from the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts in 1958. ", " In 1957, he began exhibiting his work at the Salon of Independents, Yomiuri and had his first solo exhibition at the Galerie Blanche, Tokyo. ", "He was awarded the Grand Prize and a travel grant to Paris through his participation in the 1962 Second International Young Artists Exhibition in Tokyo. ", "His work made international appearances at the Venice Bienniale (1976), and the Biennial São Paulo (1977, awarded a special mention) while also appearing frequently in museums and galleries throughout Japan and France, with a growing recognition in the Netherlands. ", "Notable museum solo exhibitions include the National Museum of Art, Osaka (1994), a joint-exhibition and catalogue organized by the Van Reekum Museum and the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam (1991), as well as the Hirosaki City Museum, Aomori (1986). ", "In the year before his death, Galerie du Génie and FIAC dedicated a retrospective and catalogue to Kudo’s work. ", "His work was most recently in a solo exhibition organized by La Maison Rouge and the Fondation Antoine de Galbert in Paris, accompanied by a catalogue written by Anne Tronche. ", "His work can also be found in the collections of the Musée Moderne de la Ville de Paris, the Fonds National d’Art Contemporain, the Centre Georges Pompidou, and the National Museum of Art, Osaka. ", "Kudo’s work made a rare appearance to US audiences in the Guggenheim’s 1994 exhibition, “Japanese Art After 1945: Scream Against the Sky,” and again in 1998 with its inclusion in a group exhibition at the MOCA LA “Out of Action: Between performance and the Object, 1949-1979.”", "\n\nTetsumi Kudo died of cancer on November 12, 1990 in Tokyo, Japan.", "\n\nPublic collections\nAomori Museum of Art, Aomori\nCentre Georges Pompidou, Paris\nChiba City Art Museum, Chiba City\nKurashi City Art Museum, Kurashi City\nMusée d’Art Contemperain de Marseilles, Marseilles\nMusée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris\nMusée des Beaux Arts de Montréal\nMusée Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris\nMuseum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Vienna,\nMuseum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo\nMuseum of Modern Art, New York\nNational Museum of Art, Osaka\nStedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Ghent\nStedelijk Museum, Amsterdam\nWalker Art Center, Minneapolis\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:1935 births\nCategory:1990 deaths\nCategory:Abstract expressionist artists\nCategory:Japanese painters\nCategory:Tokyo University of the Arts alumni\nCategory:Japanese contemporary artists\nCategory:Neo-Dada" ]
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[ "Create a Backyard Bird Watching Haven\n\nBird watching is one of the most peaceful enjoyable hobbies you could ever take up. ", "Actually, it’s more than just a hobby, it’s a way of life. ", "Birdwatching can enrich your life in so many wonderful ways – you’ll wonder how you ever lived without these little guys as prominent fixtures in your life.", "\n\nYou can turn your backyard, or front yard as far as that goes (Or, if you’re like us, front AND back yards!) ", "into a beautiful bird watching and bird feeding haven.", "\n\nBelow are ideas to lure birds to your yard – and ways to make them so deliriously happy that they’ll keep coming back.", "\n\nCreate bird feeding stations in your yard. ", "We have four feeding stations, and I have my eye on perfect spots for numbers five and six! ", "We, generally, have specific species in mind for each bird feeding station, providing each one’s favorite foods and/or flowers. ", "Each bird has a particular method of eating as well, and that has to be taken into consideration.", "\n\nFor example, I try to keep one feeding station primarily for finches and sparrows. ", "These beautiful little birds prefer hanging bird feeders. ", "Finches (including Goldfinches) prefer sunflower meats and seed, thistle, suet mixtures, finely cracked corn, and safflower seeds. ", "Naturally, since they’re small, their preferred seeds are small. ", "Distracting larger birds (especially ever-hungry blackbirds) is easier said than done, but I try to draw the larger birds to different feeding stations so the smaller varieties can eat in peace.", "\n\nAgain, easier said than done. ", "Crackles (large blackbirds) are noisy and tend to be quite greedy at the feeder. ", "There isn’t anything these birds won’t eat!Ã? I may be one of the only people in the world who is fond of blackbirds, but I love them dearly and find their antics to be full-out enjoyable.", "\n\nI love the way they clumsily maneuver around a bird feeding station and can’t help laughing when one tries to land on the side of a feeder. ", "It never goes as he thinks it will and I’m almost certain the sparrows enjoy a good laugh at their expense.", "\n\nOur crackles are nearly as fond of water at the bird stations as they are food.", "Ã? We provide plenty of fresh water for our birds to drink, stand in, splash in, and cool off with.", "Ã? As I’m typing this, I’m watching a female cardinal splash around in a shallow glass dish of water.", "Ã? She drinks a little, then kicks around a little bit. ", "I’m not sure which one of us is enjoying it more.", "\n\nA male cardinal waits below, as though he’s waiting for her to get out of the shower so he can have his turn.", "\n\nAnother feeding station, in the backyard – beneath a very large tree, is used to court cardinals and doves.", "Ã? These birds are particularly fond of sunflower seeds, cracked corn, and safflower seeds – so they’re staples at the tree buffet in the backyard.", "\n\nCardinals and doves are ground feeders for the most part, which is another reason we prefer to feed them in the backyard.", "Ã? Our outside cats (4 of the little cuties) hang out in the front yard and on the carport.", "Ã? They never go into the backyard or on the patio unless I happen to be outside.", "Ã? Needless to say, this makes it the ideal place to set up a feeding station for the ground feeders.", "\n\nAnother tree is a feeding station for woodpeckers, blue jays, and squirrels.", "Ã? I’m not sure why anyone wants to keep squirrels away from their yard.", "Ã? Seriously, have you seen how cute these little buggers are?! ", "Besides, their antics are every bit as enjoyable as any bird’s.", "\n\nWe have two squirrels who live amongst our trees.", "Ã? We provide them with dried ears of corn (and fresh water, of course).Ã? As long as they have their corn on the cobs, they don’t care what the birds have or don’t have.", "Ã? The only time they ever visit the other feeding stations is when they’ve eaten the cobs all the way down to the nub.", "\n\nA hummingbird feeder hangs at the Sparrows and Finches feeding station.", "Ã? I’ve also placed red and orange flowers at this bird feeding station since they’re crazy in love with these colors.", "Ã? Orioles are also wild about the color orange.", "Ã? Like hummingbirds, Orioles drink nectar and sugary solutions.", "Ã? They also love fresh fruit such as cut oranges. (", "See How to Attract Hummingbirds to Your Yard)\n\nBe warned about feeding birds fresh fruit though – fresh fruit draws flies, bees, hornets, and wasps.", "Ã? Be sure to dispose of fruit when the birds have had their fill.", "\n\nAs for peaceful, plump robins, they are always more interested in water than they are food.", "Ã? They’ll occasionally be found having a bite or two amongst the ground eaters but you’ll find them scavenging for worms more often than not.", "Ã? Robins, like most birds, thoroughly enjoy fresh water – even in cold weather.", "\n\nUnfortunately, most people overlook the importance of providing water for birds. ", "They’ll throw out seeds, bread crumbs, and popcorn and they’ll even invest in a bird feeder or two – but they fail to realize that birds need water to live just as the rest of us do. ", "Besides, they enjoy a good cool dip each day!", "\n\nBirds are perfectly fine with water dishes on the ground (after all, they’re accustomed to puddles), but with birds in the family and pacing around the wildlife preserve we call a yard, I feel safer if our birds bathe up off the ground.", "\n\nWe’ll be adding many more articles about birds, bird watching, and bird feeding to the site, so be sure to keep an eye out for them.", "\n\nNow if you’ll excuse me, I’m headed out to get a closer look at the evening feeding. ", "Birds generally hit the feeding station hard twice a day – early in the morning, to load up on food to give them energy for the day and late in the afternoon/evening to get their bellies full to see them through the night.", "\n\nYour email address will not be published. ", "Required fields are marked *\n\nComment\n\nName *\n\nEmail *\n\nWebsite\n\nCurrent ye@r *\n\nLeave this field empty\n\nWelcome to Genuine Kentucky!", "\n\nGenuine Kentucky is a Kentucky Blog and online magazine celebrating the beautiful Bluegrass State. ", "We shine the spotlight on Kentucky with pictures, restaurant reviews, news, tourism, Things to Do in Kentucky, and more.", "\n\nWe’re proud Kentuckians and the non-profit effort you see before you is a labor of love.", "\n\nFollow Genuine Kentucky on Twitter!", "\n\n\"When reading about a Kentucky event, please be sure you check the date. ", "Old events are not always deleted from the website. ", "If you have an event you'd like to see on Genuine Kentucky or a 'Made in Kentucky' food or product you'd like reviewed, please contact us! \" ", "~ Joi (\"Joy\")\n\nKentucky State Parks\n\nWe have a special passion for Kentucky State Parks, so you'll find many articles and reviews centered around the beautiful state parks in Kentucky.", "\n\nA personal goal is to visit, photograph, and enjoy each and every one of our state parks and eat at each of the state resort parks. ", "Make no mistake about it, we're well on our way!", "\n\nBird Watching in Kentucky!", "\n\nOne of our greatest passions is birds and bird watching is an absolute favorite pastime. ", "If you love our feathered friends and want to learn more about bird watching and attracting birds to your own backyard, be sure to check out our section dedicated entirely to Kentucky birds.", "\n\nKentucky Restaurants and Reviews\n\nKentucky Blogs Database\n\nIf you have a Kentucky Blog - or you're simply a Kentuckian who blogs! - ", "you might want to consider adding your blog to a new KY Blogs Database. ", "It's run by \"one of us,\" as in a fellow Kentuckian! ", "Click the link to check it out. ", "I've added Genuine Kentucky and will be adding my other blogs as well.", "\n\nKentucky Pictures\n\nAdvertising & Reviews\n\nIf you are interested in advertising on Genuine Kentucky, please contact us: e-mail Joi Sigers.", "\n\nAlso, if you have a resort, condo, golf course, restaurant, or even a cup of coffee (LOVE coffee!) ", "you'd like for us to review, please contact us at joi@genuinekentucky.com.", "\n\nGenuine Kentucky Disclaimer\n\nWe do not work for any Kentucky service or organization. ", "We are simply proud to have been born and raised in the greatest state in the country and are thrilled to call it home. ", "This site serves as our tribute to Kentucky and its warm and wonderful people. ", "Our mission is to bring more travelers to Kentucky and keep more Kentuckians home! ", "See our Privacy Policy." ]
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[ "Robert Stolarik for The New York Times\n\nMajor League Soccer dipped its figurative toes in the Hudson River, downtown along Manhattan’s West Side, as it considered building a new stadium at Pier 40. ", "The league, which seems committed to placing its 20th team in New York City, also scoped out more than a dozen other possible locations — including the West Side Yards; Greenpoint, Brooklyn; Willets Point; and the Kingsbridge Armory in the Bronx.", "\n\nNow, according to an article in The Wall Street Journal, that search has shifted from Manhattan to Queens, specifically to Flushing Meadows-Corona Park, the site of World’s Fairs in 1939 and 1964.", "\n\nAccording to the article, M.L.S. officials have been recently working with city officials on designs for a new 20,000- to 25,000-seat stadium that could be built on about eight acres in the northern part of the park. ", "The park is already home to the United States National Tennis Center and is just over the tracks (subway and Long Island Railroad) from Citi Field, home of Major League Baseball’s Mets. ", "The park has long been home to Hispanic soccer leagues and the three-year-old Cosmos Copa tournament.", "\n\nBuilding the stadium on city-owned land was probably recognized by the league as the path of least resistance. ", "Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s plans for a vast redevelopment of Willets Point, now home to a collection of auto parts stores, could take years to reach fruition. ", "On the West Side of Manhattan, hearings on the Pier 40 site disclosed that it would take more than $100 million simply to prepare the decaying infrastructure to accommodate a new stadium.", "\n\nAccording to the article, the league says it would take probably two years to complete construction of the privately financed stadium, after it receives the necessary approval from city and state officials. ", "The Journal added that part of the league’s proposal is the construction of new soccer fields for public use, a cricket field and volleyball courts.", "\n\nUsing the slogan “the world’s game should be played in the world’s park,” Dan Courtemanche, the league’s vice president for communications, told The Gothamist Web site that: “Our goal is to have a second team in New York at the earliest opportunity. ", "The New York market is a priority, but it may take a couple of years before we have the team and stadium finalized. ", "We believe another team in New York will build upon the momentum the Red Bulls have and ultimately create one of soccer’s great rivalries similar to what we see around the world in cities like London and Buenos Aires.”", "\n\nThe Red Bulls are now playing their third season at Red Bull Arena in Harrison, N.J., a stadium that cost the beverage company Red Bull more than $200 million to build and that has mired the city of Harrison with perhaps crushing debt.", "\n\nIf the league lands its 20th team (M.L.S. added a 19th team in Montreal this season) in New York City, who owns the team and what it will be called remains an open question. ", "The stories Cosmos, who ruled over the North American Soccer League in the 1970s and ’80s before the league folded, have new deep-pocketed owners who are interested in playing in M.L.S. but who have also expressed an interest in playing in the lower division N.A.S.L., perhaps at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y., on Long Island.", "\n\nM.L.S. Commissioner Don Garber continues to assert that a stadium deal would attract a slew of possible investors, other than the Cosmos group, now run by Sela Sports, which is based in Saudi Arabia.", "\n\nBut as with so many other potential real estate projects in New York City, time (a lot of it) will tell.", "\n\nFollow Jack Bell on Twitter." ]
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[ "Relationship Between Preoperative Anemia and In-Hospital Mortality in Children Undergoing Noncardiac Surgery.", "\nThe relationship between preoperative anemia and in-hospital mortality has not been investigated in the pediatric surgical population. ", "We hypothesized that children with preoperative anemia undergoing noncardiac surgery may have an increased risk of in-hospital mortality. ", "We identified all children between 1 and 18 years of age with a recorded preoperative hematocrit (HCT) in the 2012, 2013, and 2014 American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS NSQIP) pediatric databases. ", "The endpoint was defined as the incidence of in-hospital mortality. ", "Children with preoperative anemia were identified based on their preoperative HCT. ", "Demographic and surgical characteristics, as well as comorbidities, were considered potential confounding variables in a multivariable logistic regression analysis. ", "A sensitivity analysis was performed using propensity-matched analysis. ", "Among the 183,833 children included in the 2012, 2013, and 2014 ACS NSQIP database, 74,508 had a preoperative HCT recorded (41%). ", "After exclusion of all children <1 year of age (n = 12,063), those with congenital heart disease (n = 8943), and those who received a preoperative red blood cell (RBC) transfusion (n = 1880), 12,551 (24%) children were anemic, and 39,071 (76%) were nonanemic. ", "The median preoperative HCT was 33% (interquartile range, 31-35) in anemic children, and 39% (interquartile range, 37-42) in nonanemic children (P < .001). ", "Using multivariable logistic regression analysis, and after adjustment for RBC transfusion (OR, 2.13; 95% CI, 1.39-3.26; P < .001), we observed that preoperative anemia was associated with higher odds for in-hospital mortality (OR, 2.17; 95% CI, 1.48-3.19; P < .001). ", "After propensity matching, the presence of anemia was also associated with higher odds of in-hospital mortality (OR, 1.75; 95% CI, 1.15-2.65; P = .004). ", "Our study demonstrates that children with preoperative anemia are at increased risk for in-hospital mortality. ", "Further studies are needed to assess whether the correction of preoperative HCT, through the development of a patient blood management program, improves patient outcomes or simply reduces the need for transfusions." ]
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[ "Long before Spanish Conquistadors and Christopher Columbus returned to Europe with stories of blood-sipping bats, European communities were telling tales of undead monsters called vampires.", "\n\nBut the vampire bat itself is hardly the agent of evil its association with Dracula would suggest. ", "Here are seven things you may not have known about these creatures.", "\n\n\n\nNot all bats are vampire bats.", "\n\nOnly three of the more than 1,300 bat species in the world are vampire bats: the common (Desmodus rotundus), the white-winged (Diaemus youngi) and hairy-legged (Diphylla ecaudata) vampire bats.", "\n\nResiding in Central and South America, these are also the only bats who consume blood — and only blood — for food and water. ", "And because of their high protein diet, vampire bat researchers can locate roosts by the pungent ammonia aroma produced by their feces.", "\n\nThe bats were named after vampires, not the other way around.", "\n\nVampire mythologies existed in various cultures around the world long before before vampire bats got their name.", "\n\nFormer bat researcher Micaela Jemison, who heads up communications for Bat Conservation International, recently traveled to the historic Transylvania region in Romania. “", "Rather than Dracula, people worried about the dead rising and haunting people,” she said, adding that people would open graves and put a stake through the hearts of dead bodies or cover faces, if the corpses were suspected of “causing trouble.”", "\n\nVampire bats were first officially described in scientific literature in 1810 and documented by Darwin in 1839, but it was the 1897 release of Bram Stoker’s Dracula that solidified a relationship between vampires and bats in western culture.", "\n\nHumans aren’t their first choice for a meal.", "\n\nVampire bats can feed on almost any type of animal. ", "According to Gerald Carter, a vampire-bat scientist with Smithsonian’s Tropical Research Institute, they bite porcupines, armadillos, snakes, sea lions and even penguins. ", "But for the most part, they stick to livestock and birds. ", "The common vampire bat tends to feed off mammals like cows, pigs and horses, while white-winged and hairy-legged vampire bats primarily feed on birds like sleeping chickens.", "\n\nThat said, vampire bites will take a bite out of humans if given the chance. ", "But such instances are rare. ", "Sleep outdoors in vampire bat territory, and your limbs are fair game. “", "I know someone who was fed on by a vampire bat and wasn’t aware of it,” said Carter. “", "She just woke up and found a little bloody mark on her foot.”", "\n\nSince they only consume about a tablespoon of blood, an adult human is more than capable of surviving a vampire bat feeding. ", "But Carter highly recommends getting a rabies shot, should you discover you’ve become a meal.", "\n\nThey don’t suck blood.", "\n\nGiven their association with Nosferatu and his friends, it’s commonly thought that vampire bats suck blood. ", "In reality, they lap it up like a cat. ", "Vampire bats – if successful in their hunt – make a painless incision near an artery using their sharp teeth and then let the blood trickle out into a pool before licking it up.", "\n\nJemison suggest rethinking the vampire and vampire bat analogy. “", "It actually would be like Dracula biting your big toe while you’re asleep,” she said. “", "He wouldn’t be going for your jugular. ", "It would be a little bit like a foot fetish, to be honest.”", "\n\nVampire bat spit keeps the blood flowing.", "\n\nA protein in vampire bat saliva acts as an anticoagulant that prevents the blood of the prey from clotting and sealing up the wound. ", "Similar substances have been documented in leeches and blood-sucking insects like mosquitoes. ", "This protein is appropriately called “Draculin” and has been targeted as a potential treatment for stroke patients, Carter said.", "\n\nVampire bats have special skills.", "\n\nVampire bats have evolved a variety physical abilities to aid in the hunt for food. ", "Infrared perception in their nose acts like a heat-seeking sensor that allows the bats to find blood vessels near the surface of their host’s skin.", "\n\n“They are also seeing the world through sound,” Carter said. “", "They have echolocation, so they send out a sort of sonar so they can navigate in the absolute dark.”", "\n\nAnd while bats are the only mammals with the ability to fly, vampire bats are the only animals whose ancestors lost and re-evolved the ability to run. ", "While other bats awkwardly navigate flat surfaces, the common vampire bat can motor along on their thumbs, wrists and legs at more than three feet per second. ", "It’s a particularly useful skill considering it is a necessity to sneak up on sleeping prey in order to eat.", "\n\nThey have complex social relationships.", "\n\nVampire bats evolved complex social relationships similar to humans, primates and dolphins. ", "They form friendship-like grooming associations with other bats in their roost, but Carter is particularly fascinated by their food-sharing relationships.", "\n\n“[Vampire bats] don’t put on fat. ", "They don’t store energy, and they can starve if they miss just two meals,” he said. “", "But other bats in their roost will often regurgitate their blood meals just as a mother bird might regurgitate food to its nestlings.”", "\n\nCarter’s research has shown the food-sharing ties go beyond family members. “", "Individuals that you fed in the past will come back and feed you in the future, so the bats have a social safety net that they can rely on when they have failed to get food.”" ]
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[ "The institutional review board of Partners HealthCare approved this study and all its methods, including the cohort assembly, data extraction, and analyses. ", "Data contain potentially identifying information and may not be shared publicly. ", "Deidentified data may be requested from The Partners Human Research Committee, the Institutional Review Board of Partners HealthCare (Address: 399 Revolution Drive, Suite \\# 710, Somerville MA, 02145, USA, Telephone: 857-282-1900; <ecor@partners.org>).", "\n\nIntroduction {#sec005}\n============\n\nIn a gastrointestinal endoscopy unit, a common limiting factor on the number of procedures that can be performed is the availability of space for patients to recover post-procedure. ", "Although most patients recover and are discharged in under 70 minutes, in some cases patients require 100 minutes or more of recovery room time. ", "It is, therefore, of significant interest to understand the factors that contribute to abnormally long recovery times. ", "Possible explanations could include the difficulty of the endoscopy, the amount of sedation used, the duration of the procedure, and the staff involved in the procedure component or recovery portion. ", "Such an understanding could inform procedure planning and point towards interventions which may improve both the patient experience and endoscopic throughput. ", "The aim of this study was to identify predictors of extended recovery time after colonoscopy performed with procedural sedation. ", "The impact of colonoscopy techniques on recovery time has been examined in several randomized controlled trials, particularly comparing different sedation methods \\[[@pone.0199246.ref001]--[@pone.0199246.ref003]\\], and patient characteristics impact the overall patient time commitment for a colonoscopy \\[[@pone.0199246.ref004]\\], but the present authors are not aware of previous studies linking colonoscopy recovery time to a wide variety of patient and procedure characteristics. ", "Because studies have identified clinician characteristics and behaviors as significant predictors of patient outcomes in other situations \\[[@pone.0199246.ref005]--[@pone.0199246.ref007]\\], we focus on the identity of the personnel involved in the procedure as a major focus of our exploration.", "\n\nAlong with the identification of factors impacting recovery time, there may also be some utility in designing a system to predict at the end of a colonoscopy whether a particular patient will require an abnormally long recovery time. ", "Such a system could be integrated into a broader operations management scheme for the endoscopy unit to maximize the efficient use of resources. ", "The task of predicting an outcome from data can be approached in a classical statistical way or via a variety of more modern so-called \"machine learning\" methods. ", "Previous research comparing simpler traditional and more complex machine learning approaches in medical applications has shown mixed results, with simple methods often but not always performing as well as more complex techniques \\[[@pone.0199246.ref008]--[@pone.0199246.ref012]\\]. ", "The aim of this study was to compare various techniques for the prediction of long colonoscopy recovery times.", "\n\nMaterials and methods {#sec006}\n=====================\n\nData collection {#sec007}\n---------------\n\nFrom 2011 to 2015, the MetaVision system was used to record both procedural and patient data about endoscopies performed at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). ", "The MetaVision system \\[[@pone.0199246.ref013]\\] is an anesthesia information management system that automatically records and documents patient vitals from various connected devices and provides an interface for physicians and nurses to enter additional data in real time, including administration of drugs and qualitative assessments of patient state. ", "The system has been used to facilitate a variety of research projects and quality improvement efforts \\[[@pone.0199246.ref014]--[@pone.0199246.ref018]\\]. ", "Recorded patient data included limited demographic information and vital signs during the procedure. ", "Other information included the names of the physician, nurse, and hospital staff involved in the procedure and the dosages of drugs given to the patient during the procedure. ", "The precise times of events such as the start and end of the procedure, when drugs were administered, and when the patient was discharged were also recorded electronically. ", "The institutional review board of Partners Healthcare approved the use of these data (protocol number 2016P002243), which were collected as part of standard clinical care.", "\n\nStudy population {#sec008}\n----------------\n\nDuring the observation window of October 3, 2011, to June 30, 2015, doctors performed 31,852 colonoscopies on adult patients at MGH, and the procedures were recorded in the MetaVision system. ", "The recovery time was defined as the time between the recorded end of the procedure and the time the patient was discharged. ", "Procedures for which an accurate recovery time could not be calculated based on the recorded data (*n* = 274) and for which the patient was not discharged on the same day that the procedure ended (*n* = 20) were excluded from analysis. ", "Because standard practice at MGH during the observation window indicated the use of propofol only for colonoscopies performed under general anesthesia, procedures in which propofol was administered (*n* = 116) were also excluded. ", "The final population analyzed was 31,442 colonoscopies involving 29,905 patients.", "\n\nStatistical analysis {#sec009}\n--------------------\n\nTo determine predictors for unusually long recovery times, the distribution of recovery time in the study population was analyzed. ", "The 80th percentile of recovery time was identified and used to define a long recovery. ", "This definition of a long recovery was motivated by the operational impact of abnormally long recovery times on endoscopy units.", "\n\nInitial potential predictors were selected to allow investigation of the impact of hospital personnel on the likelihood of a long recovery time. ", "These covariates were the endoscopist who performed the procedure, the nurse in the procedure room, the surgical technician assisting on the procedure, and the nurse in the recovery room. ", "In cases where multiple personnel filled a given role, the one entered into the primary field in the MetaVision database was selected. ", "To determine if any differences between personnel was primarily shown by individual patterns in drug administration, total dosages throughout the procedure of fentanyl, meperidine, midazolam, diphenhydramine, and ondansetron were computed for each procedure. ", "Patient gender, age, and American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) classification were included as potential confounders along with the year of the procedure.", "\n\nFor hospital personnel, individuals who did not participate in enough procedures (fewer than 50 for endoscopists and nurses, fewer than 20 for technicians) were grouped together as \"other.\" ", "Additionally, gastroenterology fellows listed as primary endoscopists were grouped together, with a separate group for fellows who became full-time staff during the observation period. ", "After these consolidations, there were 35 endoscopists, 74 procedure room nurses, 15 technicians, and 97 recovery room nurses. ", "To explore the relationship between each of these groups and recovery time, the mean and median recovery time for each individual were computed, and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to examine the significance of the relationship.", "\n\nUnivariate analyses of all selected variables were performed using the Mann-Whitney test for continuous variables and the Pearson *χ*^2^ test for categorical variables. ", "Statistically significant variables with *p* \\< 0.05 were then entered into a multivariate logistic regression model. ", "To account for the large number of possible values of personnel variables, individual personnel were sorted by mean recovery time and split into quintiles. ", "These quintiles were entered as categorical variables in the multivariate model. ", "All statistical analysis was performed using R version 3.4 \\[[@pone.0199246.ref019]\\].", "\n\nSecondary factor identification {#sec010}\n-------------------------------\n\nTo identify factors associated with long recovery beyond those discussed above, a larger set of covariates was identified from the MetaVision database. ", "Analysis of these variables was performed independently on subsets of the database split by the quintile of the recovery room nurse. ", "Potential predictors were selected from all variables available in the MetaVision database by a preliminary scan for a significant relationship with long recovery times followed by stepwise logistic regression. ", "Selected covariates included a variety of quantitative and qualitative measurements of the patient's state during the procedure. ", "Univariate analyses were performed using the procedure described above with statistically significant variables entered into a multivariate logistic regression. ", "The results of these regression models for each quintile of recovery room nurse were compared to identify common trends.", "\n\nSupplemental prediction models {#sec011}\n------------------------------\n\nIn addition to the descriptive analysis, several more complex models were built with a specific goal of predicting whether a procedure would result in a long recovery time, even if the model was potentially less interpretable or did not directly identify important predictors. ", "Because of the operational importance of avoiding abnormally long recovery times rather than analyzing variation in shorter times, classification models were built to predict such long times, rather than using regression models to directly predict recovery time itself. ", "These models were trained on a randomly selected subset of 23,582 (75%) of the procedures and tested on the remaining 7,860 (25%). ", "Note that for the predictive models, the personnel quintiles were defined based only on the training set. ", "Models were evaluated by the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC). ", "One of these models was the multivariate logistic regression described above. ", "Other models incorporated more variables from the MetaVision system, including the preliminary findings of the exam, the patient's heart rate, diastolic and mean blood pressure, and the patient's observed pain level and level of consciousness at the end of the procedure. ", "These variables were selected from the set of all variables available in the MetaVision database by a two step process: first univariate statistical tests were performed for each variable and those without a significant relationship with long recovery times were discarded, then remaining variables were added one at a time into multivariate logistic regression models with the variable selected at each step determined by the model that achieved the highest AUC on the training set. ", "The final set of variables was chosen to be the smallest set from this sequence for which adding the next variable resulted in a minimal increase in AUC.", "\n\nThis variable set was used to train a variety of models, described below. ", "The selection of models chosen reflects a range of so-called \"machine learning\" methods with accessible implementations in R. The settings used for these methods generally followed implementation defaults except where intuition or preliminary experimentation on the training data suggested that tuning of parameters would have a significant impact on the performance of the model. ", "For most such parameters cross-validation was used to select optimal values, with cross-validation settings selected to balance model performance and computation time.", "\n\n### Logistic regression {#sec012}\n\nAlong with the multivariate logistic regression on the original variable set used in the descriptive analysis, a standard multivariate logistic regression was performed with the expanded variable set used for other prediction models.", "\n\n### Decision trees {#sec013}\n\nThree decision tree models were fit. ", "First, using the R package tree \\[[@pone.0199246.ref020]\\], a model was fit using the default settings, splitting based on deviance. ", "Then, using the R package rpart \\[[@pone.0199246.ref021]\\], a model was fit splitting on Gini impurity with the relative loss for a false negative selected to maximize AUC by 10-fold cross-validation on the training set. ", "This loss weighting was performed to compensate for the imbalanced classes, and the value was selected from the set {0.5, 1, 5, 10, 50}. ", "Cross-validation was performed with the R package caret \\[[@pone.0199246.ref022]\\]. ", "Finally, a conditional inference tree model was fit using the default settings for the function `ctree` in the R package party \\[[@pone.0199246.ref023]\\].", "\n\n### Random forest {#sec014}\n\nUsing the R package randomForest \\[[@pone.0199246.ref024]\\], a random forest model was fit with 2000 trees and otherwise using default settings. ", "In particular the minimum size for terminal nodes in each tree was one.", "\n\n### Lasso regression {#sec015}\n\nLasso regression was performed using the built-in function `cv.glmnet` from the R package glmnet \\[[@pone.0199246.ref025]\\], using 10-fold cross-validation to select the regularization parameter from the candidate sequence {*e*^−10+0.015*i*^ ∣ *i* = 0, 1, ... , 1000}. ", "Adaptive lasso regression \\[[@pone.0199246.ref026]\\] was performed by using `cv.glmnet` to perform ridge regression to select weights using default cross-validation settings, with constant *γ* = 1. ", "These weights are then used in another call to `cv.glmnet` to compute the adaptive lasso model, where 10-fold cross-validation selected the regularization parameter from candidate sequence {*e*^−9+0.019*i*^ ∣ *i* = 0, 1, ... , 1000}. ", "For both lasso and adaptive lasso, model coefficients were extracted, with confidence intervals generated by bootstrapping, for qualitative assessment of variable importance. ", "All covariates were standardized to mean zero and standard deviation one before fitting the model.", "\n\n### Stepwise logistic regression {#sec016}\n\nStepwise logistic models were built using the core R function `step`, fitting between an empty model and a model including all variables available to other models. ", "Forward, backward, and bidirectional selection were performed, with the latter starting with the empty model.", "\n\n### Neural network {#sec017}\n\nA fully-connected single-layer feed-forward neural network was built using the R package nnet \\[[@pone.0199246.ref027]\\]. ", "This package uses a sigmoid activation function and performs the training optimization via the \"BFGS\" quasi-Newton method as implemented in the core R function `optim`. ", "Twice-repeated 5-fold cross-validation maximizing AUC via the R package caret was used to select the number of hidden nodes and decay parameter. ", "The latter parameter penalizes large weights to avoid overfitting the model. ", "The cross-validation selected the number of nodes from {10, 15, 30, 1.5*m*, 2*m*} where *m* is the number of variables in the model (including dummy variables replacing categorical variables) and the decay parameter from {0, 0.1, 5, 10, 100}. ", "To allow the algorithm to run for all tested parameter combinations, the maximum allowed iterations and number of weights were increased to 20,000 and 3,000, respectively. ", "All covariates were scaled and centered to be mean zero and standard deviation one before training the model.", "\n\n### Support vector machine {#sec018}\n\nA support vector machine with a radial basis kernel function was fit using the R package e1071 \\[[@pone.0199246.ref028]\\]. ", "Twice-repeated 10-fold cross-validation minimizing classification error was performed using the e1071 function `tune` to select the kernel parameter *γ* from the set {0.001, 1, 10} and cost of constraint violation from the set {10^−2^, 10^1.5^, 10^5^}. ", "Decision values were used to compute the AUC.", "\n\nResults {#sec019}\n=======\n\nFor the 31,442 procedures analyzed in this study, median recovery time was 65 minutes (interquartile range (IQR) 53--80). ", "A long recovery was defined as longer than 85 minutes; 5,718 (18.2%) procedures resulted in a long recovery time. [", "Fig 1](#pone.0199246.g001){ref-type=\"fig\"} presents a histogram of recovery time.", "\n\n![", "Histogram of recovery time with cumulative frequency.\\\nDistribution of recovery time among studied population, showing definition of long recovery. ", "For readability, the 71 (1.4%) procedures with recovery time above 200 minutes are excluded from the figure.](pone.0199246.g001){#pone.0199246.g001}\n\nWomen were more likely than men to have a long recovery period. ", "There was no difference in the median ages of the patients. ", "Patients with ASA classification 2 were somewhat less likely to have a long recovery time than all other classes or those with no classification entered into the database. ", "Procedures with a long recovery time were more likely to have been performed in the first two years of the study period. ", "This matches an observed trend over time toward shorter recovery time; [Fig 2](#pone.0199246.g002){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows this general change over the study period. ", "All four observed hospital personnel variables showed a significant relationship to whether recovery time was long or not. ", "Total received dosage of all drugs also showed a significant relationship with long recovery times. ", "This relationship appears to be driven by whether a patient received a particular drug more than by the dosage received. ", "Patients with long recovery times were less likely to have received any dosage of fentanyl, but more likely to have received each of the other drugs in this study. ", "Median dosages of drugs, when used at all, were similar between long recovery procedures and others. ", "Note that drug usage patterns changed over the course of the study period; as shown in [Fig 3](#pone.0199246.g003){ref-type=\"fig\"}, the percentage of procedures using meperidine decreased over the first year and the percentage using fentanyl increased concurrently reflecting a new recommended policy that was implemented during the study period. [", "Table 1](#pone.0199246.t001){ref-type=\"table\"} summarizes univariate analyses.", "\n\n![", "Recovery time averaged by day.\\\nDaily mean recovery time over the study period with a local regression (LOESS) fitted curve.](pone.0199246.g002){#pone.0199246.g002}\n\n![", "Use of fentanyl and meperidine over time.\\\nDaily percentage of procedures using fentanyl and meperidine over time, with LOESS fitted curves.](pone.0199246.g003){#pone.0199246.g003}\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0199246.t001\n\n###### Procedure characteristics by recovery time.", "\n\n![](", "pone.0199246.t001){#pone.0199246.t001g}\n\n Variable Recovery Time p value[\\*](#t001fn001){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} \n ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ ---------------------------------------------- ----------\n Patient Demographics \n  Female (%) 48.38 61.75 \\<0.0001\n  Age (median (IQR)) 59 (51, 67) 59 (50, 67) 0.0194\n ASA Class 0.0032\n  Class 1 (%) 24.52 26.27 \n  Class 2 (%) 73.40 71.28 \n  Class 3/4/Unknown (%) 2.08 2.45 \n Year \\<0.0001\n  2012 (%) 9.06 15.76 \n  2013 (%) 34.73 41.27 \n  2014 (%) 37.95 32.51 \n  2015 (%) 18.26 10.46 \n Personnel[^†^](#t001fn002){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} \n  Endoscopist \\- \\- \\<0.0001\n  Procedure RN \\- \\- \\<0.0001\n  Recovery RN \\- \\- \\<0.0001\n  Technician \\- \\- \\<0.0001\n Drugs \n  Diphenhydramine (mg)[^‡^](#t001fn003){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 3.3/50 (25, 50) 6.3/50 (25, 50) \\<0.0001\n  Fentanyl (mg)[^‡^](#t001fn003){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 89.8/0.10 (0.10, 0.15) 83.6/0.13 (0.10, 0.15) 0.0001\n  Meperidine (mg)[^‡^](#t001fn003){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 11.7/75 (50, 100) 21.8/75 (50, 100) \\<0.0001\n  Midazolam (mg)[^‡^](#t001fn003){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 98.8/4.5 (4.0, 5.5) 99.8/5.0 (4.0, 6.0) \\<0.0001\n  Ondansetron (mg)[^‡^](#t001fn003){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 3.4/4.0 (4.0, 4.0) 7.7/4.0 (4.0, 4.0) \\<0.0001\n\n\\* p values from Mann-Whitney test for continuous variables and Pearson chi-square test for categorical variables.", "\n\n^†^ Individual percentages omitted due to the large number of individuals for each category.", "\n\n^‡^ Percentage of procedures with any use of drug / median (IQR) among procedures with nonzero use.", "\n\nThe mean recovery time for individual endoscopists varied by 10 minutes from shortest to longest; 15 minutes for procedure room nurses, 8 minutes for technicians, and 31 minutes for recovery room nurses. ", "The equivalent differences for median recovery time were 11 minutes for endoscopists, 15 minutes for procedure room nurses, 8 minutes for technicians, and 32 minutes for recovery room nurses. [", "Fig 4](#pone.0199246.g004){ref-type=\"fig\"} summarizes mean recovery time by personnel and similar figures for median recovery time and fraction of procedures with long recovery times are available in [S1](#pone.0199246.s004){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"} and [S2](#pone.0199246.s005){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"} Figs. ", "ANOVA for each of the personnel variables shows that the means vary significantly by individual, with p-value less than 0.0001 in each case.", "\n\n![", "Recovery time averaged by hospital staff.\\\nMean recovery time by hospital personnel with 95% confidence interval. ", "Each point represents one individual or the aggregated data of individuals involved in a small number of procedures, as described in the methods section.](pone.0199246.g004){#pone.0199246.g004}\n\nIn the multivariate regression model, the first quintile of each personnel variable, that is the quintile of individuals with the shortest average recovery time, was used as the baseline. ", "For other categorical variables, the baseline was female gender, ASA class 1, and procedure year 2012. ", "In this regression analysis, gender, age, years of service 2014 and 2015 were significant at a p-value of 0.0001 level, as were meperidine, diphenydramine, and ondansetron. ", "All quintiles of endoscopist and recovery nurse were significant at a p-value of 0.0001 level. ", "The odds ratios for all quintiles of recovery nurse are larger than for any quintile of endoscopist (or other personnel), and the odds ratios for the top two quintiles of recovery nurse are more than twice those associated with any other personnel. ", "Drug dosages all have small odds ratios relative to recovery nurse and endoscopist. [", "Table 2](#pone.0199246.t002){ref-type=\"table\"} summarizes multivariate regression results.", "\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0199246.t002\n\n###### Multivariate regression results.", "\n\n![](", "pone.0199246.t002){#pone.0199246.t002g}\n\n Variable Odds Ratio of Long Recovery Lower (95% CI) Upper (95% CI) p value\n ------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------\n Gender: Male vs. Female 0.63 0.59 0.67 \\<0.0001\n Age[\\*](#t002fn001){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 1.08 1.05 1.11 \\<0.0001\n ASA Class: \n  2 vs. 1 0.98 0.91 1.05 0.5878\n  3/4/Unknown vs. 1 1.44 1.17 1.77 0.0006\n Year: \n  2013 vs. 2012 0.83 0.74 0.92 0.0007\n  2014 vs. 2012 0.66 0.59 0.74 \\<0.0001\n  2015 vs. 2012 0.49 0.43 0.57 \\<0.0001\n Endoscopist Quintile: \n  2^nd^ vs. 1^st^ 1.28 1.17 1.40 \\<0.0001\n  3^rd^ vs. 1^st^ 1.28 1.16 1.42 \\<0.0001\n  4^th^ vs. 1^st^ 1.42 1.29 1.56 \\<0.0001\n  5^th^ vs. 1^st^ 1.56 1.41 1.72 \\<0.0001\n Procedure RN Quintile: \n  2^nd^ vs. 1^st^ 1.11 0.99 1.24 0.0781\n  3^rd^ vs. 1^st^ 1.05 0.94 1.17 0.4294\n  4^th^ vs. 1^st^ 1.15 1.04 1.28 0.0085\n  5^th^ vs. 1^st^ 1.23 1.10 1.38 0.0003\n Recovery RN Quintile: \n  2^nd^ vs. 1^st^ 1.66 1.47 1.89 \\<0.0001\n  3^rd^ vs. 1^st^ 2.13 1.89 2.41 \\<0.0001\n  4^th^ vs. 1^st^ 3.13 2.79 3.53 \\<0.0001\n  5^th^ vs. 1^st^ 5.22 4.64 5.87 \\<0.0001\n Technician Quintile: \n  2^nd^ vs. 1^st^ 1.02 0.88 1.19 0.7537\n  3^rd^ vs. 1^st^ 1.11 0.95 1.30 0.1926\n  4^th^ vs. 1^st^ 1.11 0.95 1.31 0.1778\n  5^th^ vs. 1^st^ 1.08 0.94 1.25 0.2901\n Diphenhydramine[\\*](#t002fn001){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 1.15 1.11 1.19 \\<0.0001\n Fentanyl[\\*](#t002fn001){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 1.16 1.04 1.29 0.0061\n Meperidine[\\*](#t002fn001){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 1.07 1.05 1.09 \\<0.0001\n Midazolam[\\*](#t002fn001){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 1.07 1.03 1.11 0.0006\n Ondansetron[\\*](#t002fn001){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 1.18 1.14 1.21 \\<0.0001\n\n\\* Odds ratio per 10 year increase in age and increase in dosage of drugs: 10 mg for diphenhydramine and meperidine, 1 mg for midazolam and ondansetron, and 0.1 mg for fentanyl.", "\n\nFor each quintile of recovery room nurse, variables were selected from a broad set of quantitative and qualitative information recorded during the procedure. ", "Univariate analysis selected 23 covariates for the first quintile, that is the 20% of nurses with the shortest average recovery time. ", "For the second quintile, 30 variables were selected, 18 for the third quintile, 24 for the fourth, and 24 for the fifth quintile. ", "In the multivariate regression models, 4 covariates had a p-value below 0.05 for all quintiles: patient consciousness at the end of the procedure, dosage of diphenhydramine and ondansetron, and endoscopist in the fifth quintile (with the first as the reference class). ", "Of these covariates, patient consciousness displayed the greatest effect, with drowsy patients associated with approximately 1.5--2 times the number of long recoveries of alert patients. ", "Some covariates were statistically significant predictors with a large effect for a subset of recovery nurse quintiles; patient pain level at the end of the procedure rated as anything other than no pain had odds ratio 6.92 (2.90, 15.58) for the first quintile, 6.54 (3.23, 13.31) for the second quintile, 3.30 (1.61, 6.56) for the third quintile, and 2.01 (1.04, 3.77) for the fourth quintile, but was not statistically significant for the fifth quintile with odds ratio 1.53 (0.83, 2.77) and p-value 0.16. ", "All odds ratios for the multivariate logistic regressions on each nurse subset set can be found in [S3 Table](#pone.0199246.s003){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}.", "\n\nPredictive model comparison {#sec020}\n---------------------------\n\nAmong all the predictive models, the neural network performed the best, achieving an AUC of 0.723 (0.710, 0.737) on the test set, compared to 0.722 (0.708, 0.736) for the multivariate logistic regression on the expanded variable set and 0.697 (0.682, 0.712) for the multivariate logistic regression on the original variable set described in [Table 2](#pone.0199246.t002){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "The single layer neural network chosen by cross-validation had 66 nodes in the hidden layer and regularization decay parameter equal to 10. ", "Other models had comparable or worse performance on the test set. ", "All model results are summarized in [Table 3](#pone.0199246.t003){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\n10.1371/journal.pone.0199246.t003\n\n###### Predictive model results.", "\n\n![](", "pone.0199246.t003){#pone.0199246.t003g}\n\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Method Training set AUC (95% CI)\\ Test set AUC (95% CI)\\\n n = 23,582 n = 7,860\n ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------- ------------------------\n Neural Net 0.747 (0.739, 0.755) 0.723 (0.710, 0.738)\n\n Logistic Regression (expanded) 0.734 (0.725, 0.742) 0.722 (0.708, 0.736)\n\n Lasso 0.728 (0.720, 0.736) 0.718 (0.704, 0.733)\n\n Adaptive Lasso 0.724 (0.716, 0.732) 0.716 (0.702, 0.730)\n\n Random Forest 1.000 (1.000, 1.000) 0.715 (0.701, 0.730)\n\n Logistic Regression 0.703 (0.695, 0.711) 0.697 (0.682, 0.712)\n\n Decision Tree (ctree)[\\*](#t003fn001){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 0.711 (0.704, 0.720) 0.676 (0.661, 0.691)\n\n Decision Tree (rpart)[\\*](#t003fn001){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 0.642 (0.634, 0.650) 0.640 (0.626, 0.654)\n\n Support Vector Machine 0.791 (0.783, 0.799) 0.637 (0.620, 0.653)\n\n Decision Tree (tree)[\\*](#t003fn001){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} 0.610 (0.602, 0.618) 0.617 (0.603, 0.630)\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\\* tree and rpart represent different implentations of standard decision trees, ctree is a conditional inference tree.", "\n\n[Table 3](#pone.0199246.t003){ref-type=\"table\"} includes performance on the training set as well as the test set; the former is included because a large gap between training and test performance can be indicative of overfitting for some models. ", "For most models, the observed gap is relatively small, with the exception of the support vector machine and the random forest. ", "Note, however, that perfect accuracy on the training set is expected for the random forest model because each tree is grown to a maximal size that will have only one training example per terminal node and thus will correctly classify any example which was selected by the bootstrapping for that tree. ", "As more than half of the bootstrap samples will contain any given training example, all training examples will be properly classified by more than half of the trees and therefore properly classified by the forest. ", "The support vector machine may be overfit to the training data because it was the most computationally intensive of our models and thus cross-validation selected from only a small subset of parameter values.", "\n\nAmong the variables added for the predictive models, the patient's pain level at the end of the procedure has the largest effect in the logistic regression, with any pain level of at least 1 out of 10 having an odds ratio of 2.86 (2.01, 4.07) versus a pain level of zero in the trained logistic regression. ", "Note that recovery room nurse remains the largest effect overall, with the fourth quintile vs. the first having odds ratio of 3.07 (2.68, 3.53) and the fifth vs. the first having odds ratio 5.41 (4.72, 6.22). ", "Patient consciousness at the end of the procedure also has a strong association, with drowsy patients having an odds ratio of 1.71 (1.56, 1.88) versus alert patients and patients requiring stronger stimulation to arouse having an odds ratio of 2.22 (1.75, 2.81). ", "Patient heart rate and blood pressure also show a statistically significant association with extended recovery times. ", "All odds ratios for the multivariate logistic regression on the expanded variable set can be found in [S2 Table](#pone.0199246.s002){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}. ", "The lasso and adaptive lasso regressions led to similar qualitative results, with recovery room nurse still having the largest effect and pain and consciousness variables also showing a strong association.", "\n\nDiscussion {#sec021}\n==========\n\nThis retrospective cohort study of colonoscopies performed at MGH has identified several factors that are associated with undesirable long recovery times. ", "One factor was the date of the procedure, as there was a general trend over time for recovery times to become shorter and long recoveries to become rarer. ", "We believe this change to be at least in part caused by specific efforts of the endoscopy unit at MGH to increase throughput. ", "These efforts included the director of endoscopy meeting with the endoscopy unit staff to highlight these goals a total of three times as well as the recommended change from meperidine to fentanyl for the majority of cases.", "\n\nWe also observed that women were significantly more likely than men to experience a long recovery time. ", "While we were unable to perform an extensive evaluation of this effect, we do observe that gender was a significant predictor in the multivariate logistic regression on the expanded variable set described in [S2 Table](#pone.0199246.s002){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}. ", "This finding could be explored in future analyses.", "\n\nProcedure characteristics associated with long recoveries included some non- intervenable patient characteristics such as gender and age, but some potentially actionable factors were also identified even after accounting for basic patient characteristics and the previously mentioned general trend over time. ", "The most directly modifiable predictors with a statistically significant association with long recovery times were drug dosages, with patients receiving larger dosages of all drugs being consistently slightly more likely to require a long recovery time. ", "This effect is observed both in the primary model and in the expanded model which adjusts for patient consciousness and pain at the end of the procedure, suggesting that the increased likelihood of long recovery from increased drug dosage is not entirely caused by the effect of drug dosage on patient state. ", "This suggests that decreasing drug dosages may lead to a small decrease in long recovery times, but this analysis cannot and does not fully account for the impact of such dosage changes on patients, including effects which may counter the recovery time advantages of lower dosages.", "\n\nWhile the drug dosage effect was statistically significant, the identity of the endoscopist performing the procedure and the nurse in the recovery room both showed a much larger effect. ", "Recovery room nurses with the longest average recovery times were associated with 5 times as many long recovery procedures as those with the shortest average recovery times. ", "The drastically greater variation between recovery room nurses than between other personnel suggests that interventions targeted at recovery room nurses may be more effective than those focusing on endoscopists' behavior. ", "The data used in this study are not adequate for informing most such interventions, as they do not capture nurse behavior in the recovery room or any nurse characteristics.", "\n\nWhile the subset analysis performed by grouping procedures together by quintiles of recovery room nurse also does not provide insight into nurse behavior, it may demonstrate some interactions between nurses and other factors. ", "For example, the effect of the most extreme endoscopists is relatively stable between nurse quintiles, suggesting this effect acts independently from the nurse effect. ", "One effect that behaves differently is patient pain, which is statistically significant for the lower four quintiles of recovery room nurses but not for the fifth quintile. ", "One possible explanation for this effect is that most nurses respond to patients who have been in pain by allowing or encouraging a longer recovery time but those in the fifth quintile are generally so much more likely to oversee longer recovery times that the presence or absence of pain doesn't have an impact on their behavior. ", "Some sort of direct observation or significantly more detailed data collection would likely be necessary to confirm any speculation on this question, or any similar questions about the relationship between nurse identity and long recoveries.", "\n\nAs we stated above, however, the dataset used in this study does contain additional procedural and patient data that may be useful for simple prediction of whether a patient leaving a completed procedure will experience a long recovery time. ", "Our predictive models show that the most useful additional information for such predictions relates to the state of the patient at the end of the procedure; for example if they are in pain or are less than fully conscious. ", "A prediction tool built from these data may be of some operational interest for endoscopic facilities. ", "Our analysis applied various models to optimize prediction and demonstrated that there may be some advantage, albeit a small one, to complex \"machine learning\" techniques. ", "However, using our data set, the much less computationally intensive multivariate logistic regression was essentially as effective as the neural network model. ", "That the logistic regression and neural network models performed nearly identically when provided with the same features perhaps suggests that the relationships between those features in this dataset are well-modeled by the assumptions of logistic regression, or that the increased flexibility of the neural network does not capture any more complex relationships.", "\n\nFuture work {#sec022}\n-----------\n\nThe most immediate avenue for future work beyond this analysis is to further clarify and understand the impact of recovery room nurses on long recovery times by more directly studying nurse behavior and identity. ", "If a sufficiently detailed data set could be found this could be another retrospective data analysis, but more likely it would involve direct observation of nurses, whether as a research study or quality improvement endeavor at an endoscopy unit. ", "Significant efforts to eliminate long recoveries should first identify recovery room nurses associated with long and short recovery times then analyze the characteristics and behaviors of those nurses to determine more specific causes of long recoveries. ", "If differences in behavior can be correlated with recovery times and modifying or standardizing such behaviors is deemed appropriate for patient care, many long recovery times can potentially be eliminated.", "\n\nAnother potential avenue for future work is to perform an analysis similar to this one focusing on patients who undergo endoscopy wholly without sedation, to see if the factors impacting their recovery time are different. ", "Given appropriate data, similar analyses could also be performed for any procedures where recovery time is an outcome of interest.", "\n\nConclusion {#sec023}\n----------\n\nIn summary, we present the results of an analysis that used both more traditional biostatistical techniques and advanced machine learning methods to identify factors associated with a long post-procedure recovery time. ", "Our study identifies potential factors, including potentially modifiable ones, that could aid in improving endoscopy unit efficiency. ", "Our analysis also demonstrates that, at least with our data set, applying complex techniques instead of simpler and more traditional logistic regression did not provide a significant improvement in predicting long recovery times.", "\n\nSupporting information {#sec024}\n======================\n\n###### Personnel quintiles by recovery time.", "\n\nUnivariate analysis of the personnel quintile variables used in the multivariate regression.", "\n\n(PDF)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### Multivariate regression results (expanded variable set).", "\n\nResults of multivariate logistic regression on the expanded variable set.", "\n\n(PDF)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### Multivariate regression results by RN quintile.", "\n\nResults of multivariate logistic regression models for each quintile of recovery room nurse.", "\n\n(PDF)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### Recovery time averaged by hospital staff.", "\n\nMedian recovery time by hospital personnel with interquartile range. ", "Each point represents one individual or the aggregated data of individuals involved in a small number of procedures, as described in the methods section.", "\n\n(PDF)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### Percentage of long recoveries by hospital staff.", "\n\nPercentage of procedures with recovery time greater than 85 minutes by hospital personnel with Wilson confidence interval. ", "Each point represents one individual or the aggregated data of individuals involved in a small number of procedures, as described in the methods section.", "\n\n(PDF)\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n[^1]: **Competing Interests:**The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. ", "UK and KN confirm that the commercial affiliation with IBM does not alter their adherence to all PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials.", "\n" ]
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[ "Facile and rapid synthesis of spherical porous palladium nanostructures with high catalytic activity for formic acid electro-oxidation.", "\nHighly uniform, spherical porous palladium nanostructures (SPPNs) with rough surfaces were prepared by a facile and rapid ultrasound assisted reduction. ", "The synthesis involves sonicating a solution of K(2)PdCl(4) and ascorbic acid for only 7 min at 40 °C without any additives. ", "The products are isolated structures with a narrow size distribution, and their average diameters are controllable in a range from 40 to 100 nm via the K(2)PdCl(4) concentration. ", "Typical products have a diameter of 52 nm and consist of loosely packed grains of 2-3 nm. ", "They are thus very porous, with a specific surface area of 47 m(2) g(-1). ", "The growth mechanism of SPPNs is discussed on the basis of varying relevant reaction parameters and characterizations from different microscopy techniques, nitrogen absorption analysis, and time-dependent UV-vis spectra. ", "The electrocatalytic performance of the SPPNs was evaluated by electro-oxidation of formic acid. ", "The mass current density per mass of SPPNs (1.88 A mg(-1)) exceeds that of commercial Pd black (1.69 A mg(-1)) and is more than twice that of commercial Pd/C catalyst (0.79 A mg(-1)). ", "Long-term stability of the activity makes this material a promising anode catalyst for direct formic acid fuel cells." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to explain following terms (Cursor, Context, DatabaseHelper)\n\nIf some one asks you: What are those terms standing for?", "\nHow do you explain it to people with no develeopment experience?", "\n\nA:\n\nAs per my knowledge what i understand this terms, i pasting here.. \n\nCursor: Retrieving data from SQLite databases in Android is done using Cursors. ", "The Android SQLite query method returns a Cursor object\n containing the results of the query.", "Cursors store query result records\n in rows and grant many methods to access and iterate through the\n records.", "To use Cursors android.database.", "Cursor must be imported.", "\nContext: Context is an interface to global information about an application environment. ", "It's an abstract class whose implementation\n is provided by the Android system.", "\nContext allows access to application-specific resources and classes,\n as well as calls for application-level operations such as launching\n activities, broadcasting and receiving intents, etc.", "\nAll the widgets receive a Context parameter in their constructor. ", "In a\n regular Android application, you usually have two kinds of Context,\n Activity and Application. ", "It's usually an Activity Context that the\n developer passes to classes and methods that need a Context.", "\nDatabaseHelper Class: A good practice for dealing with databases is to create a helper class to encapsulate all the complexities of\n accessing the database so that it's transparent to the calling code.", "\n So, create a helper class called DBAdapter that creates, opens,\n closes, and uses a SQLite database.", "\n\n" ]
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[ { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 321, "entity_type": "LOCATION", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 314 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 393, "entity_type": "NRP", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 387 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 772, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 765 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1494, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 1485 } ]
[ "Development of a reliable and valid Chinese version of the diabetes empowerment scale.", "\nTo translate the Diabetes Empowerment Scale (DES) into Chinese and establish its psychometric properties among Hong Kong Chinese people. ", "A two-stage study design, incorporating qualitative and quantitative components, determined the cultural equivalency and content validity of the translated scale and established the psychometric properties of the Chinese DES (C-DES) in 207 patients. ", "Psychometric analysis supported the reliability and validity of the 20-item Chinese DES (C-DES-20) and five subscales: overcoming barriers (alpha = 0.89), determining suitable methods (alpha = 0.79), achieving goals (alpha = 0.78), obtaining support (alpha = 0.78), and coping (alpha = 0.76). ", "The test-retest reliability of the intraclass correlations was satisfactory when a subsample of 20 patients was tested after a 2-week interval. ", "There was criterion validity between the global scale and metabolic control (HbA(1c)) of respondents with type 2 diabetes (P = 0.03). ", "The C-DES-20 is a reliable and valid outcome measure for patient education and psychosocial interventions among Hong Kong Chinese people with diabetes." ]
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[ "Pages\n\nWednesday, June 04, 2014\n\nThe Enchanted by Rene Denfeld. ", "Fave book of the year?", "\n\nI'm not going to beat around the proverbial bush here, people. ", "I loved The Enchanted, by Rene Denfeld, just as much as everyone else seems to.", "\"This is an enchanted place. ", "Others don't see it, but I do.\"", "\n\nThe enchanted place is an ancient stone prison, viewed through the eyes of a death row inmate who finds escape in his books and in re-imagining life around him, weaving a fantastical story of the people he observes and the world he inhabits. ", "Fearful and reclusive, he senses what others cannot.", "\n\nTwo outsiders venture here: a fallen priest, and the Lady, an investigator who searches for buried information from prisoners' pasts that can save those soon-to-be-executed. ", "Digging into the background of a killer named York, she uncovers wrenching truths that challenge familiar notions of victim and criminal, innocence and guilt, honor and corruption-ultimately revealing shocking secrets of her own. ", "--Modified from GoodreadsSorry I had to yank the description from elsewhere, but this book is so odd and hard to describe. ", "Denfeld's prose is lilting and imaginative, full of striking imagery and brutality. ", "It doesn't seem like it would all go together, but it does. ", "The story is one inmate's method of coping with his eventual death and the absolutely squalid and savage conditions on death row. ", "His mind is filled with beauty and escape because he has books and the memory of stories to balance the memory of his own mistakes.", "Denfeld has a remarkable way of making so many of the death row characters sympathetic, despite their horrific actions. ", "As I was reading and piecing together various characters' experiences, I did think to myself, \"Wow, these are all really similar. ", "Like, lazy-writing similar?\" ", "However, upon completion, the similarity in various characters' backstories makes a striking point: whether you're on the outside or the inside of prison walls or on the good or bad side of the law, there is really very little difference in the \"good guys\" and the \"bad guys.\" ", "It's all about what one does with the negative experiences that dictates where one falls. ", "Remarkable book, maybe my favorite of 2014. ", "Pub. ", "Date: March 2014Publisher: HarperFormat: ARCISBN: 0062285505Source: Passed along from a friend. ", "But who was it? ", "GAH!", "\n\nI really enjoyed this one, too. ", "I'm in a Goodreads group that tries to read all the Tournament of Books potentials before they come out and this was the one that's been read so far. ", "Something came up in the discussion - did you not know who the narrator was through the book? ", "So many people in the group saw that as a reveal at the end, but when I looked at my review I think I spoiled it because I knew all along.", "\n\nThis was such a unique, interesting book--I don't blame you for lifting the description from elsewhere. ", "I had such a hard time describing it without giving too much away, even though it's really not a book about \"big reveals\" or full of potential spoilers.", "\n\nWhen I first heard of this book, I thought it was going to be a fairy tale of sorts. ", "I was surprised to learn it's about a prison! ", "But, it still sounds very intriguing. ", "From the description, it sounds like it may still be fairy tale-esque in some ways? ", "I'm looking forward to this one.", "\n\nOoh, this looks so good. ", "And strangely enough, the Lady described sounds very much like a writer from Texas Tech who came to speak at my uni this past semester. ", "That is her exact job! ", "Anyway, I want to read this. ", "Thanks for the great review.", "\n\nHahaha, it came from me --- I had to pass it along to you because it just didn't WORK for me - GAH! ", "So I'm so very happy it found such a happy home with you, because here was just gathering evil looks from me, ha.", "\n\nI find myself really enjoying stories like this lately. ", "I love to challenge my own perspective of the world. ", "I have been thinking a lot about the ways that stereotypes and expectations are woven into my life. ", "People are so frequently quick to judge and categorize everything and everyone. ", "And yet, perspective can topple that neat little system so easily. ", "The bad guys frequently start out with good intentions and sometimes even the most noble of characters can be irreversibly flawed. ", "I love that literature can remind us of these valuable life lessons!" ]
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[ "Henry Ford Kamel\n\nHenry Ford Kofi Kamel (21 December 1961 – 25 December 2012) was a Ghanaian banker and politician. ", "He was the Member of Parliament for the Buem constituency from January 2005 and also the Volta Region Minister from March 2012 until his death on 25 December 2012.", "\n\nBanking\nKamel trained as a banker and worked as the Managing Director of the North Volta Rural Bank Limited.", "\n\nParliament\nKamel was a member of the National Democratic Congress. ", "He won his last election on 7 December 2012 by a majority of 13,627. ", "He first won the seat in the 2004 election replacing Emil Kwadzo Brantuo as the MP in the 4th Parliament of the 4th Republic with a majority of 10,488. ", "He successfully defended his seat in the 2008 Ghanaian general election. ", "He won 65.8% of the vote.", "\n\nGovernment\nIn March 2012, President John Atta Mills appointed Henry Kamel as the new Volta Regional Minister, replacing Joseph Amenowode. ", " He stayed in this post until his death on Christmas Day in 2012. ", "Prior to this appointment, he was the Deputy Minister for Lands and Forestry.", "\n\nOne of his notable achievements was bringing peace to the Gbi Traditional Area between the indigenes of Hohoe and the Zongo Community. ", "The Paramount chief of the Gbi Traditional Area, Togbega Gabusu VI, paid tribute to those peace efforts.", "\n\nDeath\nKamel was reported to have returned to his home town, Guaman in the Jasikan District of the Volta Region on 24 December 2012. ", "While chatting with some family and friends the next day, he suddenly collapsed. ", "He died before arrival at the Jasikan Government Hospital. ", " He was 51.", "\n\nSee also\nList of Mills government ministers\nList of Mahama government ministers\nNational Democratic Congress\nBuem constituency\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links and sources\n\nCategory:1961 births\nCategory:2012 deaths\nCategory:Ghanaian MPs 2005–2009\nCategory:Ghanaian MPs 2009–2013\nCategory:Ghanaian MPs 2013–2017\nCategory:Government ministers of Ghana\nCategory:Ghanaian bankers\nCategory:National Democratic Congress (Ghana) politicians" ]
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[ "Septal rupture closure: Still a challenge.", "\nReview of the Medicare database shows that over the past 16 years the incidence of post- myocardial infarction (MI) ventricular septal rupture (VSR) has decreased but mortality for all post-MI VSR hospitalizations remains unchanged and high During the study period, the 30-day VSR repair rate decreased from 49.9% in 1999 to 33.3% in 2014. ", "Unadjusted mortality was lower for patients undergoing repair procedures than for those not undergoing repair both at 30 days and at 1-year. ", "Most VSR patients underwent surgical repair (82.9%) and only a minority underwent transcatheter repair (17.1%). ", "Regardless of the approach, outcomes remain unsatisfactory." ]
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[ "Bishop Christopher Coyne, a former priest of the Boston archdiocese who was ordained on March 2 as an auxiliary in Indianapolis, Indiana, told an interviewer that he would not withhold the Eucharist...\n\nIn an interview with a local newspaper, Bishop Matthew Clark of Rochester appeared to take issue with a 2005 Vatican document that reaffirmed that men with “deep-seated homosexual tendencies” should...\n\nArchbishop Timothy Dolan of New York, president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, offered strong criticism of President Barack Obama’s recent decision not to defend the Defense of...\n\nThe Pontifical Council for Social Communications is planning an online site that will incorporate reports from all the major Vatican news agencies: L’Osservatore Romano, Vatican Radio, and the Fides...\n\nThe United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is praising Gov. Pat Quinn for signing a bill abolishing the use of capital punishment in Illinois. ", "Sixteen states have now banned the use of...\n\nDespite intense opposition from local political leaders, the Church in the northeastern Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh has been blessed with strong growth over the past three decades. ", "In 1978, it...\n\nMuslims in France have asked for the use of empty Catholic churches, saying that this would \"prevent Muslims from having to pray in the streets.\" ", "Father Samir Khalil Samir, a Jesuit expert on Islam,...\n\nWriting for First Things, Joe Carter observes that “biologically impossible ratios” of baby boys to girls exist in dozens of nations because of sex-selective abortions and girls’ higher death rates....\n\nReleased Tuesday, Mar. 22\n\nCalling for a “strategic alliance” in which Catholic and Orthodox believers act as “allies,” the Russian Orthodox Church’s chief ecumenical officer lauded the “real positive results in normalization...\n\nOnly 31% of Catholics who attend Mass at least weekly oppose granting legal recognition to homosexual unions, according to a new report by the Public Religion Research Institute. ", "64% favor some sort...\n\nThe US State Department is reportedly trying to convince Latin American diplomats at the UN that the Vatican backs a proposal to condemn discrimination on the basis of \"sexual orientation and gender...\n\nAccompanied by Archbishop Escobar Alas of San Salvador and President Mauricio Funes of El Salvador, President Barack Obama visited the tomb of the Servant of God Oscar Romero on the evening of March...\n\nNumerous migrant workers and their children have been prevented from receiving the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, First Confession, and First Holy Communion because of parish regulations, says...\n\nReleased Friday, Mar. 25\n\nThe bishops of the United States “remain especially firm in our commitment to remove permanently from public ministry any priest” who has sexually abused a child, Archbishop Timothy Dolan, president...\n\nMarking the anniversary of the Archbishop Oscar Romero’s assassination, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is calling upon the US government to “do more for the people of Latin...\n\nThe Oregon province of the Society of Jesus has agreed to pay $166 million to victims of sexual abuse by Jesuits in Native American communities of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. ", "The settlement is...\n\nThe bishops of Pakistan have asked the Holy See to declare Shabhaz Bhatti a martyr and patron of religious freedom. ", "Bhatti, a layman who served as federal minister of minorities, was assassinated on...\n\nCardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, the president of the Pontifical Council for Culture, reports that he has seen strong interest among French non-believers in continuing the dialogue that was opened by the...\n\nReleased Wednesday, Mar. 30\n\nAmid continued concern about the Fukushima nuclear accidents that have followed the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, a Japanese bishop has told the Fides news agency that he opposes the construction...\n\nIn a new exposé, the pro-life activist group Live Action has found that Planned Parenthood does not offer mammograms—despite a concerted public-relations effort claiming that the group provides that...\n\nThe Committee on Doctrine of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has published a 21-page critique of Quest for the Living God by Sister Elizabeth Johnson, a Fordham University professor...\n\nStating that “the Catholic Church abhors all forms of homophobia and will not provide a venue for homophobes,” an Australian Catholic secondary college has withdrawn permission to allow a Protestant...\n\nExamining a report on the decline in vocations among women's religious orders, Terry Mattingly notices that a young woman's parents sometimes discourage interest in the convent--because, among other..." ]
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[ "Restriction and functional changes of dopamine release in rat striatum from young adult and old rats.", "\nIn order to investigate the age-related changes in dopaminergic activity in rats, we have utilized the K(+)- and veratridine-stimulated [14C]dopamine release from striatum in vitro as a functional index of responsiveness to these stimuli in aging. ", "We found that the K(+)-stimulated dopamine release from old (12 months) rats decreased by more than 50% compared to that from young adult rats (3 months). ", "Reserpine (5 mg/kg) led to a pronounced decrease of the K(+)-stimulated dopamine release of young adult as well as old rats. ", "Whereas ouabain (10 mumol/l) decreased the K(+)-stimulated dopamine release from young adult rats, in old rats the K(+)-induced dopamine release was increased up to 250%. ", "However, in old rats which were reserpine pretreated, ouabain was unable to stimulate the K(+)-induced dopamine release. ", "In contrast, the veratridine-stimulated dopamine release of old rats was increased up to 200% compared to that of young adult rats and was highly sensitive to reserpine pretreatment but not to ouabain. ", "However, reserpine did not alter this veratridine-stimulated dopamine release from young adult rats. ", "The present data indicate that the age-related reduction of exocytosis-related, Ca(2+)-dependent release mechanisms (K+) are probably compensated via an increase in Ca(2+)-independent, uptake carrier-mediated release processes (veratridine)." ]
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[ "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nBecker v. State\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nCOURT OF APPEALS\nEIGHTH DISTRICT OF TEXAS\nEL PASO, TEXAS\n\n)\nCRISTINA CRUZ, M.D.,)\r\n\t\t No. ", " 08-03-00133-CV\r\n\r\n)\n\t\t\tAppellant,)\r\n\t\t\tAppeal from\r\n\r\n)\nv.)\r\n\t\tCounty Court at Law No. ", "5\r\n\r\n)\nLIFE MANAGEMENT CENTER FOR)\r\n\t\t of El Paso County, Texas\r\n\r\nMH/MR SERVICES, d/b/a EL PASO)\nPSYCHIATRIC CENTER, ED COLEMAN,)\r\n\t\t (TC# 98-3886)\r\n\r\nPAUL COMPTON, and )\nBERNARDO TARIN-GODOY, M.D.,)\n)\n\t\t\tAppellees.)", "\n\nMEMORANDUM OPINION\n\n\n\tPending before the Court is the motion of Appellant, Cristina Cruz, M.D., to dismiss this\r\nappeal pursuant to Tex. ", "R. App. ", "P. 42.1, which states that:\n\t(a) On Motion or By Agreement. ", " The appellate court may dispose of an appeal as\r\nfollows:\n\n\t\t(1) On Motion of Appellant. ", " In accordance with a motion of appellant, the\r\ncourt may dismiss the appeal or affirm the appealed judgment or order unless\r\ndisposition would prevent a party from seeking relief to which it would\r\notherwise be entitled.", "\n\n\t\t(2) By Agreement. ", " In accordance with an agreement signed by the parties or\r\ntheir attorneys and filed with the clerk, the court may:\n\n\t\t\t(A) render judgment effectuating the parties' agreements;\n\n\n\t\t\t(B) set aside the trial court's judgment without regard to the merits\r\nand remand the case to the trial court for rendition of judgment in\r\naccordance wit [sic] the agreements; or\n\n\t\t\t(C) abate the appeal and permit proceedings in the trial court to\r\neffectuate the agreement.", "\n\n\tBy her motion, Appellant voluntarily requests dismissal of the appeal. ", " Appellant represents\r\nthat it is an agreed motion to dismiss but she has not filed an agreement with the clerk as required\r\nby Rule 42.1(a)(2). ", " Nevertheless, we will dismiss the appeal pursuant to Rule 42.1(a)(1) because\r\nit appears that Appellant no longer desires to pursue the appeal. ", " There is no indication in the record\r\nbefore us that Appellees seek affirmative relief in the context of this appeal and Appellees have not\r\nobjected to dismissal. ", " We note that the appeals of Life Management Center, cause number 08-03-00121-CV and Dr. Bernardo Tarin-Godoy, cause number 08-03-00120-CV, remain pending and are\r\nunaffected by this dismissal. ", " Appellant's motion is granted and the appeal is hereby dismissed.", "\n\n\nMay 15, 2003\t\t\t\t\t\t \n ANN CRAWFORD McCLURE, Justice\n\nBefore Panel No. ", "2\nBarajas, C.J., McClure, and Chew, JJ.", "\n" ]
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[ "Asylanträge von LGBTI*-Geflüchteten werden mit zum Teil haarsträubenden Begründungen abgelehnt. ", "Die Bundesregierung zeigt daran wenig Interesse. ", "Wir sprachen mit dem Queer Refugees Network Leipzig\n\nWie ist die Situation queerer Geflüchteter in Deutschland? ", "Das wollten Mitte Oktober die Grünen in einer Kleinen Anfrage an die Bundesregierung wissen. ", "Unter anderem fragten sie, wie viele Asylanträge bisher abgelehnt wurden, weil antragstellenden Personen ihre LGBTI*-Identität nicht geglaubt wurde – oder weil behauptet wurde, sie seien in ihren Herkunftländern keinem Verfolgungsrisiko ausgesetzt, weil sie LGBTI*-Identität ja auch „geheimhalten“ könnten.", "\n\nDoch die Antwort auf die Kleine Anfrage ergab, dass die Bundesregierung gar nicht weiß, wie viele Anträge von queeren Geflüchteten in den letzten Jahren gestellt wurden. ", "Sven Lehmann, Sprecher für Queerpolitik der Grünen, kritisierte im Bundestag daraufhin das Desinteresse der Regierung, die weder Aussagen zu den spezielle Bedarfen dieser Gruppe machen, noch Konzepte zu ihrem Schutz vorlegen könne.", "\n\nEine der aktivsten Anlaufstellen für LGBTI*-Geflüchtete in Deutschland ist das Refugees Network des RosaLinde Leipzig e. V. Wir sprachen mit der Psychologin Anna Weißig vom Netzwerk über die aktuelle Situation\n\nAnna, euch beschäftigen immer wieder Fälle, bei denen Asylanträge von LGBTI-Geflüchteten abgelehnt wurden. ", "So wie die Geschichte eines schwulen Mannes aus Kamerun, der auch unter einer fortgeschrittenen Aids-Erkrankung und einer Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung leidet. ", "Er bekommt in Deutschland kein Asyl ... Sein Asylantrag ging bereits in eine höhere Instanz, zum Verwaltungsgericht, das über den Antrag aber ebenfalls negativ entschied. ", "Es wurde behauptet, in Kamerun gebe es keine Verfolgung von homosexuellen Menschen, die „flächendeckend genug“ sei, um den Mann als gefährdet zu betrachten. ", "Außerdem ging das Gericht davon aus, dass seine Homosexualität „nicht so persönlichkeitsprägend“ sei – und er sie somit auch verheimlichen könne. ", "Und das, obwohl das Gericht gleichzeitig anerkannte, dass die kamerunische Rechtslage Homosexuelle dazu zwingt, ihre Beziehungen zu verbergen. ", "Die ganze Urteilsbegründung liest sich wie eine Farce.", "\n\nIhr macht ja immer wieder auf solche strittigen Verfahren aufmerksam. ", "Ja, es gibt viele Fälle wie diesen. ", "Etwa den einer Familie aus Tunesien: Der Vater ist bisexuell, die Familie ist deswegen verfolgt worden und seit 2016 bei uns in Beratung. ", "2017 wurden gleich mehrere Anträge queerer Tunesier vom BAMF abgelehnt. ", "Wir konnten eine erneute Prüfung erreichen und schließlich erhielten alle homosexuellen Männer dieser Gruppe ihre Asylanerkennung. ", "Nur besagter bisexueller Vater nicht – mit der Begründung, er sei ja verheiratet und würde „nicht als homosexuell wahrgenommen“ werden. ", "Dass der Mann seine Bisexualität in einer offenen Ehe ausleben will und deswegen in der Vergangenheit bereits Verfolgung ausgesetzt war, wurde völlig außen vor gelassen. ", "Mittlerweile hat er auch vom Gericht eine Flüchtlingsanerkennung bekommen, worüber wir uns sehr freuen.", "\n\nDie aktuelle Gesetzgebung wird einfach ignoriert? ", "Den Eindruck haben wir oft, ja. ", "Laut Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofes (EuGH) ist etwa die Begründung, die bei dem Kameruner erst genannt wurde, mittlerweile unzulässig: Menschen könnten „ihre Sexualität doch einfach geheim halten“ und seien dadurch geschützt.", "\n\nGenausowenig darf man laut EuGH einer geflüchteten Person Unglaubwürdigkeit unterstellen, nur weil sie ihre sexuelle Orientierung nicht sofort bei der ersten Anhörung beim BAMF benannt hat. ", "Genau, das besagen die Neuerungen des EuGH, die wir natürlich sehr begrüßt haben. ", "Aber warum das nach wie vor oft ignoriert wird, kann ich nicht beantworten. ", "Das müsste man das BAMF fragen. ", "Wir sind nicht die einzige Beratungsstelle, die immer wieder damit zu tun hat. ", "Dankenswerterweise konnten wir in vielen Fällen erreichen, dass die negativen Bescheide erneut geprüft wurden. ", "Eine Erklärung, warum es zunächst zu einer Fehlentscheidung kam, gab uns das BAMF aber nicht. ", "Wir können nur feststellen, dass sich diese Entscheidungen einpassen in das Bild einer gesamtpolitischen Intention, möglichst wenig Geflüchtete aufzunehmen. ", "Die Mitarbeiter*innen der Behörden wissen oft auch gar nicht, wie sie mit den Menschen umgehen sollen.", "\n\nIst also Unwissenheit oder Überforderung bei den Mitarbeiter*innen des BAMF eines der großen Probleme? ", "Ich glaube schon. ", "Es gibt zu wenig Leute, die entsprechend zur Thematik geschult worden sind. ", "Es gibt geschulte Son- derbeauftragte – aber aktuell ist dies noch eine Kann-Regelung, sprich, nicht allen Geflüchteten steht solch eine Person automatisch zu. ", "Die Art der Befragung beim BAMF kann jedoch entscheidend für das Asylverfahren sein. ", "Es kam schon mehrfach vor, dass wir gegen Ablehnungsbescheide vorgegangen sind, daraufhin eine erneute, sensiblere Anhörung von einem oder einer Sonderbeauftragten durchgeführt wurde – und plötzlich das Ergebnis ganz anders ausfiel, weil sich die geflüchtete Person nun traute zu sprechen und ihre Geschichte erzählen konnte.", "\n\nWie bereitet ihr eure Klient*innen auf die Asylanhörung vor, die für die meisten ja extrem belastend sein muss? ", "Wenn wir die Möglichkeit haben, rechtzeitig vor dem Termin mit den Klient*innen zu sprechen, geben wir ihnen alle Basisinformationen: Wer wird bei dem Gespräch mit im Raum sein, welche Fragen dürfen gestellt werden, welche nicht. ", "Wichtig ist auch, zu erklären, dass sowohl die BAMF-Mitarbeiter*innen auch als die Sprachmittler*innen der Schweigepflicht unterliegen. ", "Viele Menschen haben Angst, dass nach einer Befragung beispielsweise das Wort „schwul“ in ihrem Ausweis steht. ", "Und viele haben noch nie über ihre sexuelle Orientierung gesprochen und würden es auch bei der Anhörung nicht tun, wenn wir sie nicht dazu ermutigen würden.", "\n\nUnd was berichten eure Klient*innen nach den Anhörungen? ", "Ganz unter- schiedlich. ", "Schwierig ist es für alle, über diese Themen zu sprechen. ", "Auch die Sprachbarrieren sind, trotz Übersetzung durch die Sprachmittler*innen, oft ein Thema. ", "Leider wird uns auch von Fällen berichtet, dass die Geflüchteten angeschrien wurden, man ihnen nicht glaubte, dass sie queer sind, oder dass Menschen, die gerade anfangen wollten zu erzählen, unterbrochen wurden.", "\n\nHat sich die Situation von Geflüchteten in Deutschland in den letzten Jahren verändert? ", "Sie hat sich dahingehend verbessert, dass es mehr gute Hilfsangebote gibt. ", "Aber die Tendenz aus politischer Richtung ist leider eher gegenläufig. ", "Wir brauchen eine Rückkehr zu humaner Flüchtlingspolitik. ", "Das würde etwa bedeuten, dass die Maghrebstaaten und Georgien, in denen LGBTI* Diskriminierung und Verfolgung ausgesetzt sind, nicht zu sicheren Herkunftsländern erklärt werden. ", "Es ist wichtig, klarzumachen, dass wir als Gesellschaft mit der momentanen repressiven Stoßrichtung nicht einverstanden sind.", "\n\nInterview: Isabel Ehrlich\n\nAnna Weißig\n\n...arbeitet als Beraterin beim Queer Refugees Network\n\n© Kai Schuppa / Halbstark Fotografie\n\nMehr Infos:\n\nrosalinde-leipzig.de\n\nSpenden an das Netzwerk: rosalinde-leipzig.de/de/spenden" ]
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