[ "Main menu\n\nTag Archives: Truthful Tuesday\n\nPost navigation\n\nWe’re undoubtedly the most powerful nation on earth, and arguably the most prosperous. ", "All of the other major industrialized nations recognize health care as a basic human right, not a privilege.", "\n\nRepublicans who oppose this principle are on the wrong side of history. ", "They say they’re against the Affordable Health Care Act because it’s unworkable, but have no alternative plan to care for people who are too poor to get preventive health services, or too disabled to support themselves financially. ", "The conservative hardcore doesn’t think that the government should be responsible for caring for our neediest citizens, even in times of relative prosperity.", "\n\nMany Republicans in the SC legislature want to turn down Medicaid funds that would prevent illness and save lives, purely on ideological grounds. ", "The federal funds SC turns down will go to other states.", "\n\nWhat’s happened to Christian values like, “love thy neighbor as thyself”? ", "When Jesus was asked, “Who is my neighbor?” ", "he told the story of the Good Samaritan. ", "Legislators who profess to be Christians seem to be more wedded to the values of dog-eat-dog capitalism: “Every man for himself.”", "\n\nThey are like the priest and the Levite who passed by their injured neighbor, unconcerned with his plight. ", "They need to put the welfare of the neediest of their constituents above their more-conservative-than-thou political posturing.", "\n\nJeff Koob (wearing blue hat) was among 17 people arrested on March 18 for blocking the road outside the SC State House as part of a sustained lobbying effort to pressure lawmakers as they debated the “Nullify Obamacare” bill. ", "Read more about South Carolina’s Truthful Tuesday movement here.", "\n\nThe “Nullify Obamacare” bill was voted down in the SC Senate late Wednesday night, with a vote of 33 opposed to nine in favor of the House-passed version. ", "It’s complicated, but here’s a breakdown.", "\n\nSen. Tom Davis (R-Beaufort) completely rewrote H- 3101, which expressly rejected Medicaid expansion and regulated federal ACA Navigators. (", "The Network was among the groups in South Carolina awarded a grant to help people navigate the insurance marketplace to be in compliance with the new health care law.)", "\n\nThe amended bill died after Lt. ", "Gov. Glenn McConnell ruled that Davis’ amendment was not germane to the House version. ", "McConnell, who serves as president of the Senate, said of the House version, “I was having trouble understanding what that bill really did.”", "\n\nSen. Brad Hutto (D-Orangeburg) raised a point of order that the regulations placed on Navigators had nothing to do with the original bill. ", "McConnell agreed, and ruled Davis’ entire amendment out of order.", "\n\nIn a move seen as disrespectful in the body that prides itself on being deliberative and cordial, Davis appealed McConnell’s ruling to the Senate floor. ", "Twenty-eight senators, 14 from each party, upheld the decision to kill Davis’ amended bill.", "\n\nWith Davis’ version of H-3101 dead, the vote then was called on the original House version that even Davis had declared unconstitutional. ", "Only nine Republicans voted to adopt the “Nullify Obamacare” version of the bill. ", "In the end, 19 Republicans joined 14 Democrats to reject the bill on a 33 – 9 vote.", "\n\nThat only nine of 28 Republican senators took the rigid Tea Party stance against “Obamacare” is seen by SC Progressive Network Director Brett Bursey as “a rare victory for rational thought in the legislature.”", "\n\nThat said, Bursey cautioned that the damage has already been done, calling the time-sapping legislative posturing “bad political theater.” ", "South Carolinians are already suffering from the state’s refusal to participate in the Affordable Care Act, with more than 1,000 deaths predicted here this year because lawmakers refused to accept Medicaid expansion money (which, we remind you, is OUR tax dollars.)", "\n\nThe death of H-3101 doesn’t mean that South Carolina lawmakers will stop obstructing the ACA. ", "South Carolina is still refusing money for a state insurance marketplace and Medicaid expansion. ", "The Davis bill would have added regulating state Navigators and blocking public bodies from helping people get insurance to the state’s anti-Obamacare campaign.", "\n\n“A goal of our Truthful Tuesday protests,” Bursey said, “was to get people talking, change the dialogue, and reduce the Tea Party influence on Republicans. ", "That is happening.”", "\n\nRev. Tom Summers leads a prayer with healthcare advocates, ACA navigators and concerned citizens kneeling in the road outside the SC State House March 18, the third week in a row of civil disobedience led by the SC Progressive Network.", "\n\nOn Tuesday, as the SC Senate continues debate on the nullification bill (amended to the ACA Anti-Commandeering Act), concerned citizens will again remind lawmakers that health care is a moral issue, not a political one.", "\n\nEven lawmakers who oppose the Affordable Care Act don’t dispute that more than 1,000 people will die this year because South Carolina refused to expand Medicaid in 2013.", "\n\nFor the third week in a row, Truthful Tuesday activists will block the entrance to the SC State House garage at Pendelton and South Main beginning at 10:45am. ", "As they have in weeks past, health care advocates, ACA Navigators and people “thrown under the ambulance” by the state’s refusal to expand Medicaid, will lobby senators as they enter the Senate chambers, beginning at 11:30.", "\n\nMembers of the Senate have been invited to speak to demonstrators in the upstairs lobby before the session. ", "After noon, when the session begins, some senators will be called out to the lobby to answer questions from their constituents.", "\n\nJoin us! ", "We need folks willing to step off the curb, others to support them by standing in solidarity on site, and others to help pack the upstairs lobby at 11:30. ", "Call 803-808-3384 or see TruthfulTuesday.net for details.", "\n\nPat Jobe (left) was one of 11 protesters arrested March 4 for blocking the road to the entrance of the SC State House on the day the Senate took up the “Nullify Obamacare” bill. ", "With him are (from left) Wayne Borders, Kitt Grach, Jim Childress and Shawn Crowe. ", "They are part of the Truthful Tuesday movement, which aims to educate the public about the Affordable Care Act and to pressure state lawmakers to expand Medicaid.", "\n\nThe young, Latino police chief, Ruben Santiago, could not have been more polite, more professional, more thorough. “", "I’m giving you one more chance to get out of the road and back on the sidewalk. ", "You understand you are breaking the law and are about to be arrested?”", "\n\nI will not soon forget the anger and frustration on the faces of the Capitol police, the black Smokey The Bear hats whose job it is to protect and assure smooth operations to the members of the General Assembly as they photographed us and ignored me when I said, “Thank you for being here. ", "Thank you for your service.”", "\n\nHad we chosen to disrupt the immoral actions of the General Assembly on its property, on the jurisdiction of the men in the black hats, we would have faced a possible $5,000 fine and three years in prison. ", "By blocking the driveway on a Columbia city street, we faced a traffic ticket, handcuffs, a ride in a police car and about an hour of processing in police headquarters. ", "We also have a court date of March 28.", "\n\nThere are so many vignettes, so many questions, so many stories to tell but I think I’m out of bed at five in the morning because of the questions. ", "Why did we do it? ", "The refusal of the legislature and the governor to take billions in new Medicaid money is dooming tens of thousands of poor people to less than the best medical care available to their wealthier neighbors. ", "We have medicine that saves lives. ", "In many cases, an estimated 1,300 this year in South Carolina, the result will be death.", "\n\nPeople are going to die.", "\n\nIn addition to cancer survivor Jim Childress (and would he have survived had he been poor? ", "Another question) a third Greenville UU made the trip to Columbia. ", "She hopes to remain anonymous because she’s looking for work right now. ", "But as we rode to Columbia she told of a friend who had stomach pain, was bent double with pain, was urged by his coworkers at Walmart to go the emergency room. ", "He didn’t go. ", "He failed to show for work for a few days and was found dead in his apartment. ", "He had made it clear that he didn’t seek medical care because of the cost. ", "He had made an earlier trip to the hospital and had received a bill for $30,000.", "\n\nDid we do any good? ", "If my Facebook page is any indicator, we got the attention of lots of folks who liked what we did. ", "If the questions confronting Sen. Tom Davis as he walked into the Senate lobby Tuesday are any indication, yes, we did some good. ", "Davis is seeking to amend the anti-Affordable Care Act law to prohibit any “public body” like the city of Greenville, or our libraries from helping anybody sign up for the Affordable Care Act. ", "He would also like to make it a difficult, to impossible, for any private organization, like the SC Progressive Network, to sign people up for the Affordable Care Act.", "\n\nOur immediate past president at the Fellowship, Richard Kelly, has encouraged me to consider a sermon on our becoming a police state. ", "I wonder if I could be arrested for that?", "\n\nBut being an insufferable zealot, I also wonder why it took me 60 years to get arrested, to commit an act of civil disobedience. ", "Why not in the 60’s and 70’s to support civil rights, voting rights, women’s rights, gay rights, the environment, the poor, good nutrition, to oppose every corporate and government madness that seeks to disempower anybody and place the good of one group above the good of another? ", "Why have I not grabbed every bullhorn, stood on every stump, and in the words of John Prine, “screamed and hollered and cried?”", "\n\nThe story is probably legend, but when Thoreau was jailed for refusing to pay a tax to support the Mexican War, Emerson is said to have passed the jail and seen Thoreau inside.", "\n\n“Henry, what are you doing in there?” ", "Emerson asked.", "\n\n“Ralph, what are you doing out there?” ", "Thoreau asked.", "\n\nI don’t know when I will be back in police custody, and I fear it will cost more next time. ", "But I know civil disobedience is an effective tool in the struggle for The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible. ", "I capitalize that phrase because it is the title of a good book by Charles Eisenstein that is challenging me to do all I can to get food to the hungry, healing to the sick, and peace to a world tortured by all kinds of silly wars.", "\n\nThank you for the huge wave of encouragement I have received for my time in handcuffs and my ride in the back of a police cruiser.", "\n\n•••\n\nPat Jobe likes Mark Twain’s tease of Lord Byron, “On with the dance. ", "Let joy be unconfined is my motto. ", "Whether there is any dance to dance or any joy to unconfine.”", "\n\nOutside the Senate chambers March 4, SC Progressive Network Director Brett Bursey explains to a reporter with The State why Truthful Tuesday activists blocked the road to the SC State House entrance. ", "Eleven were arrested. (", "At the time of the interview, the protesters were still being processed at police headquarters, and Bursey thought 10 had been arrested.)", "\n\nOn Feb. 25, advocates for Medicaid expansion in South Carolina gathered at the State House for a “Day of Shame,” targeting senators as they went into session. ", "The Senate is expected to take up the “Nullify Obamacare” bill as early as this week.", "\n\nIn anticipation of the Senate taking up the Nullify Obamacare bill next week (H-3101, which passed the House last year), we are calling for a Truthful Tuesday Day of Shame on Feb. 25. ", "We will gather in the upstairs lobby at 11am and greet the Senators as they go into session at noon. ", "Bring signs and scarves (we’ll have some for folks who don’t.)", "\n\nWe will politely ask each one of them whether they support the Affordable Health Care Act and expanding Medicaid. ", "If they say no, or refuse to answer, we will look them in the eye and simply say “Shame!”", "\n\nWe have been advised that disturbing a legislative session is punishable by three years in prison and a $5,000 fine, AND the Fifth Circuit Solicitor has advised our lawyers and the police that they WILL be using that charge should anyone violate 10-11-330. ", "Given the unreasonable consequences, we are not calling for civil disobedience at this time and place.", "\n\nWe firmly believe that civil disobedience is a legitimate tactic that should be pursued. ", "There are times when it is morally imperative for people to take a stand (or sit-in) against evil. ", "It is what ended Jim Crow, brought an end to the Vietnam war, and is the people’s ultimate weapon against fatally wrong state actions. ", "The primary beneficiary of CD is the participant whose principles are tested and found victorious. ", "The tactic wakes the public, and forces the media to address why people are willing to get arrested.", "\n\nIf you are considering CD in the future, you must check in with our CD coordinator, Network Director Brett Bursey, for a briefing. ", "Call 803-808-3384 for details.", "\n\nWe believe that when a majority of our legislators make partisan decisions that will cause hundreds of unnecessary deaths, it is incumbent on citizens to “disturb the orderly conduct” of such a body. ", "We are committed to disturbing these politicians by exposing their shameless, petty, partisan self-serving conduct that violates their oath to serve the common good.", "\n\nWe have been reluctant to call shots when the legal liabilities were unclear, and our commitment to an open and democratic process has had us waiting for consensus from parties that are not responding.", "\n\nWe invite those allies who have fallen away from the effort to re-engage. ", "The Moral Mondays spotlight in the regional and national media has given our own movement a boost, as the media has taken to linking our movements. ", "We are resolved to press on. ", "Please join us for the good fight and the long haul.", "\n\nWhoa, where do you go when you want everyone to know\nWe’ll tell you tomorrow enough is enough\n\nHey Nicki Haley, education you shelve\nIllegally low funding for K through 12\nFunding for college, down 40%\nTuition through the roof, so much for food and rent\n\nGerrymandering without a true case\nVote suppression creeps in like a nun\nBut Tuesday’s wild, your party is a disgrace\nWe are not done\n\nTruthful Tuesday, so good to me\nTruthful Tuesday it was all I hoped it would be\nThough Truthful Tuesday, Truthful Tuesday couldn’t guarantee\nThat Tuesday evenin’ South Carolina would be free\n\nEvery other day\nLegislature gets away with crime, yeah\nBut whenever Tuesday comes, but whenever Tuesday comes\nYou can find me mopping up all the slime\n\nTruthful Tuesday how I love Truthful Tuesday\nGet to take back our state all day\nNot like Monday, that no fun day\nWhen they’re withholdin’ our Medicaid\nOn Wednesday, they cut what we need\nWe say enough is enough, we secede\n‘Cause Thursday they raise what students pay\nAnd Friday ALEC gets its way\n\nAs Moral Mondays take off in North Carolina, the media has taken to linking our movements, along with Georgia’s Moral Mondays. ", "But while the Truthful Tuesday movement has been informed and inspired by our neighbors, it is actually continuation of work a coalition of activists in South Carolina began in 2011 in response to proposed deep budget cuts to education and critical social services.", "\n\nThat year, advocacy and faith-based organizations planned a Moral Budget rally (a moniker our NC friends would adopt) followed days later by a visit inside the State House to Mob the Lobby.", "\n\nAt last year’s SC Progressive Networkfall retreat in October, participants issued a call for a mass action at the SC State House on the opening day of the legislative session. ", "Between then and January, organizers worked hard to make it happen. ", "It paid off.", "\n\nThe Enough is Enough rally was powerful, providing enough fuel to launch “Truthful Tuesdays,” a sustained lobbying effort targeting SC lawmakers pushing an extreme agenda at the expense of the state’s most vulnerable: children, the elderly, the infirm and the poor.", "\n\nThis year, Truthful Tuesdays will be focused on getting lawmakers to expand Medicaid. ", "Failure to do so will cost an estimated 1,400 South Carolinians their lives.", "\n\nAs each organization comes on board, the coalition grows stronger and more able to defend “the least of these.”", "\n\nThe rally and lobby action were enough pressure for lawmakers to reduce their budget cuts by one-third. ", "Rep. Joe Neal recounts how it went down in this clip, from the Network’s spring conference in June, 2011.", "\n\nOrangeburg Rep. Gilda Cobb-Hunter tells Truthful Tuesday organizers at a meeting Feb. 4 that the SC Legislative Black Caucus fully supports their efforts, and that the Caucus is crafting a bill to expand Medicaid in South Carolina in 2014. ", "There has never been a vote on the Affordable Care Act in South Carolina, so no lawmakers are on record supporting or opposing this landmark legislation.", "\n\nIn this clip, Cobb-Hunter delivers a powerful message to community organizers about this moment in time being an extraordinary opportunity. ", "Highly recommended viewing for all members of the SC Progressive Network and Truthful Tuesday partners.", "\n\nShe also says she’s gathering bond money in case the time comes for civil disobedience.", "\n\nBookmark TruthfulTuesday.net, and stay in touch with a growing coalition of people from across the state who refuse to be held hostage by state lawmakers pushing an extreme agenda in South Carolina. ", "Enough is enough.", "\n\nSee photos from the first Truthful Tuesday lobby outside the Governor’s Office Feb. 4." ]
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[ "A study is proposed to explore the information-seeking behavior of cancer patients and their families. ", "Subjects for the study will be a sample of cancer patients and their relatives who call the Cancer Information System (CIS) and a comparison sample of patients, selected from the Illinois Cancer Registry and matched on demographic, source of care, and disease characteristics. ", "Data will be collected through follow-up interviews of the CIS callers and from interviews of the patients in the matched sampled to determine: 1) the information needs and information- seeking activities of the patients or their families; 2) when information is obtained, whether it is communicated to current physician; and 3) whether such information has any impact on subsequent cancer care decisions. ", "The specific goals of the study are to: 1) determine the extent to which diffusion of cancer information occurs through utilization of the CIS by cancer patients, and through the patients then communicating that information to their physicians; and 2) determine why diagnosed cancer patients seeks information beyond that obtainable from their physicians, what sources they contact, how they use the information so obtained, and whether these activities are peculiar to CIS callers or generalizable to other cancer patients. ", "These results will be used to develop a model of cancer patient information-seeking behavior and of how such behavior fits within patient-physician relationships." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "NIH ExPorter" }
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[ "George McBeath\n\nGeorge McBeath (c. 1740 – December 3, 1812) was a fur trader, businessman and political figure in Lower Canada.", "\n\nHe was born in Scotland around 1740 and came to Quebec around 1760. ", "McBeath entered the fur trade in 1765, travelling to the Lake Superior region. ", "In 1772, he became part of a company based at Michilimackinac. ", "He became partners with Simon McTavish and then went into business on his own. ", "With Peter Pond and others, McBeath purchased shares in the North West Company, which he held until 1787. ", "He settled at L'Assomption in 1785.", "\n\nHe was one of the founders of the Beaver Club at Montreal. ", "McBeath was elected to the Legislative Assembly of Lower Canada in a 1793 by-election held after the death of François-Antoine Larocque. ", "\n\nHe was named justice of the peace for Montreal district in 1795 and, in 1799, he was appointed customs collector for the port of St Johns (later Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu). ", "McBeath also served as lieutenant-colonel in the militia and was reportedly a Freemason.", "\n\nHe died at Montreal in 1812.", "\n\nExternal links\n \n \n\nCategory:1812 deaths\nCategory:Members of the Legislative Assembly of Lower Canada\nCategory:Canadian fur traders\nCategory:North West Company people\nCategory:Scottish emigrants to pre-Confederation Quebec\nCategory:Year of birth uncertain\nCategory:Immigrants to New France" ]
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[ 0.015748031496062992, 0, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0.012658227848101266, 0.02830188679245283, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0.014598540145985401, 0.011494252873563218, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0.010309278350515464 ]
[ { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 30, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 0 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 58, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 35 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 126, "entity_type": "LOCATION", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 114 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 151, "entity_type": "LOCATION", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 143 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 163, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", 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[ "Q:\n\npassing zend-framework variable from controller to view\n\nI try to copy and localize a zendframework project\nseems every thing worked good but in final output in browser no variable from controller passed\nand this html code without CSS and JS loading are shown\n<div id=\"content-slides\">\n\n <?", "= $this->layout()->content; ?", ">\n\n </div>\n\n </div>\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n\n <ul class=\"list-col\">\n<li>\n <a href=\"<?=$this->url(array('module' => 'default', 'controller' => 'productscomputer', 'action' => 'list'), 'shop')?>\"><?=$this->_(\"Products\")?></a>\n\nthis was index.phtml that remain un parsed\nbut seems layout is pares and\n'<?", "=$this->baseUrl()?", ">'\n\nparsed to my baseURL (in rendered final html outout)\nnothing had change from original project but every configuration edited\nprojects use 2 module and no controller are in application path \n\nA:\n\nMake sure short open tags are turned on in your new environment.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.003236245954692557, 0, 0.005235602094240838, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 663, "entity_type": "URL", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UrlRecognizer_140094861343568", "recognizer_name": "UrlRecognizer" }, "score": 0.5, "start": 655 } ]
[ ":orphan:\n\n.. _zend.form.view.helper.form-email:\n\nFormEmail\n^^^^^^^^^\n\nThe ``FormEmail`` view helper can be used to render a ``<input type=\"email\">``\nHTML5 form input. ", "It is meant to work with the :ref:`Zend\\\\Form\\\\Element\\\\Email <zend.form.element.email>`\nelement, which provides a default input specification with an email validator.", "\n\n``FormEmail`` extends from :ref:`Zend\\\\Form\\\\View\\\\Helper\\\\FormInput <zend.form.view.helper.form-input>`.", "\n\n.. _zend.form.view.helper.form-email.usage:\n\nBasic usage:\n\n.. code-block:: php\n :linenos:\n\n use Zend\\Form\\Element;\n\n $element = new Element\\Email('my-email');\n\n // Within your view...\n\n echo $this->formEmail($element);\n // <input type=\"email\" name=\"my-email\" value=\"\">\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.01056338028169014 ]
[ { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 154, "entity_type": "NRP", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 149 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 403, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 363 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 437, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 405 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 38, "entity_type": "URL", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UrlRecognizer_140094861343568", "recognizer_name": "UrlRecognizer" }, "score": 0.5, "start": 14 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 237, "entity_type": "URL", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UrlRecognizer_140094861343568", "recognizer_name": "UrlRecognizer" }, "score": 0.5, "start": 230 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 429, "entity_type": "URL", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UrlRecognizer_140094861343568", "recognizer_name": "UrlRecognizer" }, "score": 0.5, "start": 405 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 480, "entity_type": "URL", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UrlRecognizer_140094861343568", "recognizer_name": "UrlRecognizer" }, "score": 0.5, "start": 445 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 515, "entity_type": "IP_ADDRESS", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "IpRecognizer_140094861343856", "recognizer_name": "IpRecognizer" }, "score": 0.1, "start": 513 } ]
[ "Q:\n\nElectrum: \"restoring\" a wallet from a seed\n\nSuppose I set up a wallet with a deterministic seed passphrase. ", "I then use it, moving bitcoins around, sending some change to change addresses. ", "Electrum will apparently create more addresses when required; suppose it does so.", "\nI later on 'restore' the wallet on a new Electrum install by entering the existing seed. ", "How does Electrum know how many addresses to create? ", "It may be the case that the original 8 addresses are now empty (0 BTC), and my btc are in addresses created later on. ", "How does Electrum know how many deterministic addresses to create in order to see all of my existing btc?", "\nOne possible technique I can imagine: Electrum looks at the blockchain for the first addresses in the wallet. ", "If it sees traffic to those addresses, it knows to keep trying more of the deterministic addresses until it sees no more traffic, at which point it stops generating addresses in your wallet.", "\n\nA:\n\nElectrum uses a gap limit to stop looking for addresses in the deterministic wallet. ", "The default gap limit is set to 20, so the client get all addresses until 20 unused addresses are found.", "\nChange addresses have a gap limit of 3 and this is not modifiable by the user.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "Is protection against shigellosis induced by natural infection with Plesiomonas shigelloides?", "\nShigellosis due to Shigella sonnei is rare among people growing up and living in developing countries; however, infections due to S sonnei becomes more common than those due to S flexneri as societies develop economically. ", "The relation between risk of S sonnei infection and economic development may be explained by the exposure of developing-country populations to Plesiomonas shigelloides. ", "P shigelloides is often found in surface water, and one serotype (serotype 17) possesses a cell-wall lipopolysaccharide identical to that of S sonnei. ", "Thus, exposure to P shigelloides by drinking contaminated water may immunise populations to S sonnei. ", "As economic development occurs, water quality improves and populations become susceptible to S sonnei. ", "Although drinking water has many advantages, immunisation against S sonnei may be one benefit of traditional water sources." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nAccessing database many times in android. ", "what about performance?", "\n\nIn my application, I'm retrieving content from the database very often. ", "So I'm likely to access data from database when it is required. ", "For example, even within an activity I'll open and close the database 3 to 4 times. ", "Is this enough to cause performance to suffer?", "\n\nA:\n\nThis would really depend on the amount of data you are reading and how complicated the queries are. ", "Personally I wouldn't worry about unless you can notice the performance issue, why fix a problem that doesn't exist. ", "That said if you are noticing performance problems and think the database may be the cause you can try the following:\n\nCache database reads so they only have to be done when something is updated.", "\nWrap database writes in transactions so the disk writes are done all in one go.", "\nOnly read the data you need. ", "For instance if you have a list the displays 3 out of the 20 fields only read the 3 fields you need.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "スパイク・チュンソフトは、Nintendo Switch(ニンテンドー スイッチ)用ソフト『ケイデンス・オブ・ハイラル:クリプト・オブ・ネクロダンサーfeat. ", "ゼルダの伝説』を、2019年春に発売することを決定した。", "\n\n広告\n\n本作は、2019年3月20日にGDCにて発表されたタイトルで、ローグライク&音楽ゲームの傑作『クリプト・オブ・ネクロダンサー』に、『ゼルダの伝説』の世界観を導入したもの。価格は未定で、ダウンロード専売タイトルとなる。", "\n\n以下、リリースを引用\n\nケイデンス・オブ・ハイラル:クリプト・オブ・ネクロダンサーfeat.ゼルダの伝説\n\nNintendoSwitchで発売決定\n\n日本版アナウンストレーラー公開\n\n株式会社スパイク・チュンソフトは、Nintendo Switch用ダウンロードソフト『ケイデンス・オブ・ハイラル:クリプト・オブ・ネクロダンサーfeat. ", "ゼルダの伝説』を今春発売することをお知らせいたします。また、日本版アナウンストレーラーを本日より公開いたします。", "\n\n本タイトルは、本年3月20日に、米国サンフランシスコで開催された「GameDevelopersConference(GDC)」にてNintendoofAmericaより発表され、同時にスパイク・チュンソフトが日本発売を担当することが発表されました。このたび、日本語ローカライズ映像を使用したトレーラーが完成したことを受け、あらためて当社より発売決定を正式にご案内いたします。", "\n\nゲームのベースとなる『クリプト・オブ・ネクロダンサー』は、プレイするたびにダンジョンの構造やアイテムの配置が変化する「ローグライクゲーム」と、リズムに合わせてプレイする「リズムアクションゲーム」の特徴を併せ持ったダンジョン探索ゲームです。プレイヤーは音楽のビートに合わせてキャラクターを操作し、襲い来るモンスターを倒しながら、ランダム生成されるダンジョンを突破していきます。", "\n\nその『クリプト・オブ・ネクロダンサー』に、「ゼルダの伝説」の世界観(キャラクター、フィールド、アイテム)を導入したものが本作『ケイデンス・オブ・ハイラル:クリプト・オブ・ネクロダンサーfeat. ", "ゼルダの伝説』です。プレイヤーは、リンクやゼルダ姫となって、ランダム生成された地上世界とダンジョンを探索。「ゼルダの伝説」の曲のリミックス版をはじめ軽快なBGMに合わせて、敵との戦いや謎解きをお楽しみいただけます。", "\n\n■ゲームスペック\n\nタイトル:ケイデンス・オブ・ハイラル: クリプト・オブ・ネクロダンサーfeat. ", "ゼルダの伝説\n\n機種:NintendoSwitch(ダウンロード専用)\n\n発売日:2019年春予定\n\n価格:価格未定\n\nジャンル:ローグライクリズムアクション\n\nプレイ人数:1~2人\n\nCERO:B(12歳以上対象)\n\n販売元:スパイク・チュンソフト\n\n開発元:Brace Yourself Games" ]
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[ "Contents:\n\n1- Overview of the deck.", "\n\n1.a - Gif to make the post shine like a diamond.", "\n\n1.b - Actual overview of the deck.", "\n\n2- Lines of scoring you should know.", "\n\n3- What are the fluff I can cut or change?", "\n\n4- What hate cards hurt this deck? ", "What tech cards might I consider?", "\n\n5- You took this to a store champ. ", "Tell us about it.", "\n\nOverview:\n\nI am an idiot. ", "I refuse to just play normal decks. ", "But this store champ season, I fell off my rocking chair into the deep end of the pool... filled with garbage and bad ideas.", "\n\nFirst bad idea that came to mind. ", "Lakshmi Smartfabrics. ", "I tried a asset-spammy ETF with this as its score line... but it was missing something. ", "It was missing hand size...\n\nWell. ", "Wait. ", "Hand size? ", "Combo? ", "I don't need to make a remote? ", "I know just the thing!", "\n\nCI. ", "Of course! ", "Stupid combos and CI? ", "How could I have been so blind? ", "So I put it together... tried it in its first test game...\n\nIt actually worked. ", "5 test games. ", "4 wins and a game my opponent stole 3 agendas on 6 accesses.", "\n\nWhat does the deck do? ", "Alright alright...\n\nYou build up pieces. ", "You Mushin no Shin an agenda, you Shipment from Mirrormorph 3 assets or upgrades (one must be Lakshmi, another must be Advanced Assembly Line if you wanna score Vanity Project without needing a Biotic to install the 4th thing). ", "You rez Lakshmi, it gets a counter (yes it triggers itself, check the ANCUR), then rez the others for 3 counters... or pop AAL and rez a fourth for 4 counters.", "\n\nThen you giggle. ", "There's hate cards vs this. ", "But they aren't hate vs any other CI. ", "Theres the usual CI stuff to deal with (Siphon, Vamp, E-Strike). ", "But it is a funny deck... and it wins more than you think.", "\n\nAnd you finally get to de-binder Lakshmi Smartfabrics!", "\n\nLines of Scoring (Cards will be abbreviated).", "\n\nMushin a GFI > SFMM (Lakshmi, 2 other things). ", "Rez Lakshmi then the others. ", "Show a GFI at start of your opponents turn.", "\n\nMushin Vanity > SFMM (Lakshmi, AAL, 1 thing). ", "Rez Laksmi, then the others. ", "Pop AAL for another thing and rez. ", "Show Vanity at start of opponents turn.", "\n\nBiotic > Fast Track the 2nd copy of an agenda you wanna score > see above combos.", "\n\n(with rezzed Jeeves on board) Biotic > Mushin GFI (gain jeeves click)> Mushin Vanity > SFMM (Lakshmi, Lakshmi, AAL) > Rez Lakshmi #1 > Rez Lakshmi #2 > Rez AAL and pop (install anything. ", "ideally sealed vault to not get vamped/siphoned out of scoring). ", "Rez the installed thing. ", "Show Vanity and GFI at start of runner turn. ", "Your next turn (assuming they killed jeeves). ", "Biotic > Biotic > Advance the things 5 times.", "\n\nYou can get creative. ", "If you get a Shipment Kaguya or Sansan in here, then Jeeves gives you more tricks. ", "If you run Team Sponsorship and have a Director Haas in your hand or heap, you get more tricks. ", "If you add a Domestic Sleepers, you can go for a score on just 2x GFI to get to six, then win with Sleepers.", "\n\nYou can always add Biotics and Archived Memories to make combos work with less pieces.", "\n\nWhat is the fluff or changable stuff?", "\n\nIce: I ran 7 at the store champ. ", "It got real shaky, but you can. ", "I think 8 is the good number. ", "Your basic score plan is VERY cheap, so run Fairchild 3 imo. ", "You can go for other ice. ", "Turing is nice, as is a Quandry. ", "Keep everything ETR capable though. ", "You want the highest chance you can to stuff a Siphon.", "\n\nClone Sufferage: Add it to your score line. ", "If they don't kill that run, then you get your Mushin back or a Biotic. ", "You gotta rez something anyway for counters. ", "This is a good one.", "\n\nJeeves: Jeeves will bail you out of bad spots, but he is non-essential to the basic \"I will score twice plan\".", "\n\nSealed And Crisium: Siphon stuffed me really hard. ", "I recommend running at least one. ", "I would run both, but you know your meta.", "\n\nELP: Technically fluff. ", "But you don't wanna get hit with E-Strike, and ELP makes FC3 unclickable.", "\n\nFast Track: You cannnnnn cut this, but holy shit don't. ", "When you have the entire combo, but not the 2nd copy of an agenda, you will be so mad you cut this. ", "I recommend 2 actually, but 1 is fine and the deck slots stabilize the deck more to run only 1.", "\n\nSubliminal: Part Jeeves fodder, but also good tech vs hard Vamp or Siphon. ", "Late game just hold the Subliminal. ", "If you go to combo out a GFI, and get vamped to full zero, Subliminal > Cred > Advance x 2 to score it.", "\n\nHate Cards and Potential Answers:\n\nFilm Critic. ", "Super silver bullet status. ", "Snatch and Grab to stop it.", "\n\nImp. ", "Also a good bullet, albeit less good (if its in the heap, you can Jackson it away and try again later). ", "Run CVS to stop this.", "\n\nApocolypse. ", "That would suck. ", "So hard. ", "Might be game ending. ", "Keep the Crisium and Archived for Crisium on a central ad nausem if you smell Apoc coming. ", "ELP is good vs that also.", "\n\nSiphon. ", "Welp. ", "Crisium and Sealed Vault are good calls. ", "Reuse is a great eject button option too. ", "Also Ark Lockdown is a choice. ", "You can also punish the Siphon with Best Defense on a breaker. ", "You can tank SOME siphons. ", "Not all.", "\n\nVamp. ", "See Siphon. ", "The tech works even better, but if you get Vamped you are fucked to no end. ", "Reuse is the only thing thatll save you if you get vamped successfuly.", "\n\nMedium dig. ", "Fast track agendas into HQ and force them to play a single access game instead. ", "Be prepared to use less combo and more Biotics to score out as the Medium kills all your assets if they can afford to. ", "CVS can help too.", "\n\nClot. ", "People instinctively think Clot vs this. ", "Clot literally does nothing to this deck. ", "At all.", "\n\nEmployee Strike. ", "Run more currents (I suggest ELP), or add a 1x Domestic Sleepers (Sleepers lets you win off double GFI score, so you don't need to combo a Vanity out).", "\n\nData Leak Reversal. ", "You can run All Seeing I, or just kill the resources over time. ", "You can use Best Defense before they go tagged to kill a DLR ahead of time and slow them down.", "\n\nHow did the store champ go?", "\n\nGame 1: Opponent found 2x GFI and a Vanity off RD with RD Interfaces before I got set up. ", "I had 2x Fairchild 3.0 on the server and he was about to run out of steam to check it over and over. ", "He got 6 points on the final run.", "\n\nGame 2: I saw him draw Film Critic (He was on Adam, so FTT showed me). ", "I abandoned the combo entirely and just won purely off Biotics.", "\n\nGame 3: He got a early 6 points, and all 3 siphons in hand early. ", "I comboed out 1 vanity, so i had another in hand. ", "He had enough siphons to stuff my combo on a GFI to win, but he also pulled the Vanity on like 1 of 10 access.", "\n\nGame 4: Got the full combo off. ", "Dodged enough Siphons (not all, but enough) and managed to recur my Crisium plenty of times.) ", "Scored twice (not the 1 turn super win).", "\n\nGame 5: Flooded hard early. ", "Shrug, happens. ", "He won a couple turns in with a DDoS Medium run to get all 8 points needed in 1 swoop.", "\n\nOverall 2-3 on the day, but the losses all showed me a ton of my SIX agendas early. ", "Variance monster, but I'm running Vanity Project. ", "I knew it could happen. ", "Just very unlikely to happen as much as it did.", "\n\nIts not the best deck ever, but its fun. ", "Its different. ", "It uses Lakshmi Smartfabrics. ", "Just try it and enjoy the fun. ", "<3" ]
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[ "Pages\n\nFriday, March 14, 2014\n\nCute Balloons\n\nHey, and happy Friday! ", "Today I have a cute balloon shaped card to share! ", "I just recently got this cute Party Animal stamp from Avery Elle. ", "I think it's the cutest!! ", "Avery Elle now has a challenge blog, so I thought I would join in this time for their Embellishments Challenge.", "\nI cut out two ovals and stamped the star from this set randomly in yellow ink on the front of the balloon card. ", "I stamped the animal balloon, and die cut it out and popped it up with foam tape. ", "I paper punched another piece of yellow card with a scallop punch, then cut it out and attached it to the bottom to act as the tied end. ", "I wrapped some twine around it, and attached the sentiment from this stamp set onto it. ", "I embellished the balloon with some sequins. ", "Here is the inside, with another sentiment that is in this stamp set:\n\nThis IS so fun!! ", "What a grand idea to add the balloon animal inside a bigger balloon - my kids would love this! ", "Thanks so much for playing with us at the Avery Elle AEI♥U Challenge! ", "We're so glad you did!", "\n\nAbout Me\n\nI am a 40 something, married, mother to one son, and two dogs paper crafting fanatic! ", "I am always on the search for new creative ways to manipulate paper! ", "Thank you for visiting me, and seeing what I've been up to!" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nOpenVPN client not getting DNS information\n\nI'm using an OpenVPN server running on a router installed with DD-WRT and I'm using it to route all traffic through the VPN server. ", "I'm connecting to it from several devices: Windows laptop, android devices and linux machines. ", "The problem I have now is recent and previously everything worked fine. ", "This problem happens only on the client machines with linux (ubuntu 16.04). ", "The ubuntu client doesn't get the DNS server addresses automatically. ", "After some research, I've found out that I should add the following to the end of the client config:\nscript-security 2\nup /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf\ndown /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf\n\nThis didn't help so I've added also:\ndhcp-option DNS a.b.c.d\ndhcp-option DNS e.f.g.h\n\nThe IP's are taken from the router and it makes things working. ", "Until now it was enough to have \"redirect-gateway def1\" in the client config.", "\nI don't like this solution of adding the \"dhcp-option DNS\" commands because I have to watch for any changes of the DNS server. ", "Is there any way to get rid of adding \"dhcp-option DNS\" option?", "\n\nA:\n\nI had the same problem but managed to solve it using the following hack:\nInstead of up /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf I created a file named up.sh in /etc/openvpn.", "\nRun the command sudo gedit /etc/openvpn/up.sh and paste the following:\n#! ", "/bin/bash\nDEV=$1\n\nif [ ! ", "-d /tmp/openvpn ]; then\nmkdir /tmp/openvpn\nfi\nCACHE_NAMESERVER=\"/tmp/openvpn/$DEV.nameserver\"\necho -n \"\" > $CACHE_NAMESERVER\n\ndns=dns\nfor opt in ${!", "foreign_option_*}\ndo\neval \"dns=\\${$opt#dhcp-option DNS }\"\nif [[ $dns =~ [0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3} ]]; then\nif [ ! ", "-f /etc/resolv.conf.default ]; then\ncp /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf.default\nfi\n\ncat /etc/resolv.conf | grep -v ^# | grep -v ^nameserver > /tmp/resolv.conf\necho \"nameserver $dns\" >> /tmp/resolv.conf\necho $dns >> $CACHE_NAMESERVER\ncat /etc/resolv.conf | grep -v ^# | grep -v \"nameserver $dns\" | grep nameserver >> /tmp/resolv.conf\nmv /tmp/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf\n\nfi\ndone\n\nSave it and run sudo chmod +x /etc/openvpn/up.sh\nThen create another file /etc/openvpn/down.sh and paste the following in it\n#! ", "/bin/bash\necho \"Restoring original nameservers\"\nrm -f /etc/resolv.conf\nln -s /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf \necho \"Done restoring nameservers cheers\"\n\nSave it and run sudo chmod +x /etc/openvpn/down.sh\nNow remove the lines:\nscript-security 2\nup /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf\ndown /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf\n\nAnd replace them with:\n script-security 2\n up /etc/openvpn/up.sh\n down /etc/openvpn/down.sh\n\n" ]
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[ "The Trump administration reportedly put pressure on Israel to reduce its criticism of Poland's so-called Holocaust law in an effort to preserve relations with both countries.", "\n\nSenior Israeli officials said that White House officials urged the country to be cautious in its criticism of the law, according to a report from Barak Ravid, an Israel News10 correspondent. ", "Ravid's report has been translated and reported on by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.", "\n\nThe State Department originally called on Poland to \"reevaluate\" the legislation, which passed in February and would criminalize acts blaming Poland's government and citizens of being complicit in war crimes committed by the Nazis. ", "It is currently under review in Constitutional Court, according to JTA.", "\n\nVice President Pence reportedly personally pressured the leader of Israeli's opposition party when the two met at the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee conference. ", "According to Ravid's report, U.S. officials said the law was \"objectionable,\" but did not want to shut out a diplomatic relationship with Poland.", "\n\nPolish leaders were reportedly blocked from meeting with President Trump and Pence during the height of the controversy surrounding the law, but officials maintained that the diplomatic relationship had not been threatened.", "\n\nFormer Secretary of State Rex Tillerson condemned Polish President Andrzej Duda's signing of the law, saying it was chilling to free speech and that the U.S. is \"disappointed\" in it." ]
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[ "by Maira Sutton, Cat Johnson and Neal Gorenflo\n\nThe sharing economy held great promise when it first emerged. ", "It was seen as a way to help people build community, reduce unnecessary consumption, and generate extra income. ", "It was based on the brilliantly simple notion that when we share, everybody has more.", "\n\nBut this vision quickly vanished. ", "Tightly controlled, profit-driven corporate platforms corrupted that promise with their brand of transactional “sharing” that all too often depends on externalizing the costs and risks to users and individual service providers — Airbnb hosts and Uber drivers, for example. ", "In addition, those that create most of the value on these platforms usually have no say in how the businesses are operated. ", "Such practices are part and parcel of an effort to grow quickly at all costs, and sometimes with the ambition to establish a global monopoly.", "\n\nThis drive has a number of negative consequences which undermine the admittedly great promise of these services, including poor service, racism, and inadequate safety measures. ", "It also leads to declining trust in these companies as they appear to take advantage of users in order to reap outsized financial windfalls. ", "Uber and Airbnb are among the most well-known examples, but these winner-takes-all “sharing” platforms are emerging in other industries across the globe.", "\n\nThe good news is that there is an alternative — one that places control and ownership of digital services into the hands of its users. ", "It’s called a platform cooperative, or platform co-op.", "\n\nOutline\n\nWhat is a platform co-op?", "\n\nA platform co-op is a digital platform — a website or mobile app that is designed to provide a service or sell a product — that is collectively owned and governed by the people who depend on and participate in it. ", "That includes those who deliver the underlying service by contributing labor, time, skills, and/or assets. ", "Where corporate “sharing” platforms extract value and distribute it to shareholding owners who seek a return on their investment, platform co-ops distribute ownership and management of the enterprise to its participants — those working for the platform or those using the service.", "\n\nPlatform co-ops bring the longstanding tradition of cooperative enterprise to the online economy. ", "The two key traits that these digital co-ops must realize are democratic control and collective ownership. ", "Some advocates insist that in order to be counted as a platform co-op, an enterprise must uphold the International Co-operative Alliance’s cooperative principles.", "\n\nWhat are some examples of platform co-ops?", "\n\nEven though the concept of a cooperative enterprise is not new, there are still relatively few of them in the digital services industry. ", "Here are three examples of successful platform co-ops.", "\n\nStocksy is an artist-owned cooperative that sells stock-photography. ", "The co-op is based in Victoria, British Columbia, and is built on the idea that the artists who contribute photos to the site should receive fair pay and have sustainable careers. ", "Artist-members license images to Stocksy and receive 50 percent commission on sales and share any surplus-income at the end of each year. ", "The co-op was created after the founders sold their previous venture, iStock, to Getty Images. ", "By 2014 Stocksy had a revenue of $3.7 million, and over time, it has paid several million dollars in surplus to its artists. (", "The images used in this article have been purchased from Stocksy.)", "\n\nModo is a Vancouver-based carsharing co-operative. ", "Member-owners are shareholding members of the co-op, which means they make decisions collectively through voting. ", "It was incorporated in 1997 with just two cars and 16 members. ", "Today, it has more than 16,000 members and a fleet of over 500 sports cars, sedans, trucks, SUVs, vans, and hybrids — all of which are available at $4/hour through their mobile app and website. ", "Modo is the first carshare co-op in North America.", "\n\nFairmondo is a cooperative online marketplace that is an alternative to eBay and Amazon. ", "It is owned and run by its buyers, sellers, workers, and investors, and sells ethically-sourced products from small fair trade companies. ", "Fairmondo was originally launched in Germany in 2012 as a cooperatively-owned marketplace to promote fair goods and services as well as responsible consumption. ", "The Fairmondo team has created a federated model in which an affiliate can launch a co-op in another country using the Fairmondo brand and platform to serve the local market. ", "The company is currently building Fairmondo UK and plans to create a global network of country-based cooperative marketplaces.", "\n\nCarsharing platform co-ops offer an alternative to existing corporate “sharing” options. ", "Photo: Stocksy, a platform co-op.", "\n\nWhat’s the difference between platform co-ops and platform cooperativism?", "\n\nThe broader movement towards collective, democratic ownership of digital services is called platform cooperativism. ", "It encompasses a wider range of enterprises because it describes a technological, cultural, political, and social transition into the next economy — from one based on shareholder-owned corporations towards one that comprises democratically-owned and controlled enterprises. ", "The goal of platform cooperativism is to bring about more equitable conditions to the online economy, especially in regards to labor standards, transparency, and cultivation of the digital commons.", "\n\nFor example, if a digital services company only gives partial ownership or control to its worker-users, it is not a platform co-op. ", "However, because it’s taking steps to broaden its ownership of its digital platform, the company could be considered as part of the platform cooperativism movement.", "\n\nHow did the platform cooperativism movement start?", "\n\nLike most movements, it’s a challenge to pinpoint exactly when the concept of platform cooperativism came into existence. ", "The idea came out of an emerging critique of the extractive sharing economy and is the result of numerous people’s work. ", "An early call for a more equitable alternative came at the SHARE conference in San Francisco in 2014, when Janelle Orsi, executive director and co-founder of the Sustainable Economies Law Center, challenged corporate sharing companies to share their ownership and wealth with users.", "\n\nLater that year, Trebor Scholz, associate professor of culture and media at the Eugene Lang College of the New School for Liberal Arts, coined a term that gave the movement its name in his piece “Platform Cooperativism vs. the Sharing Economy.” ", "Scholz questioned the premise of corporate “sharing” services in which a few owners and investors are the main benefactors. ", "Scholz suggested that instead “developers, in collaboration with local, worker-owned co-ops could design such a self-contained program for mobile phones.”", "\n\nScholz wrote:\n\nLet us apply the power of our technological imagination to practice forms of cooperation and collaboration. ", "Worker-owned co-ops could design their own apps-based platforms, fostering truly peer-to-peer ways of providing services and things, and speak truth to the new platform capitalists.", "\n\nDays later, Nathan Schneider, scholar in residence of media studies at the University of Colorado Boulder, wrote a piece for Shareable about the platform cooperativism trend that he saw unfolding. ", "The piece, “Owning is the New Sharing,” established platform cooperativism as a movement with many concrete examples and introduced it to our global community of readers.", "\n\nDue to a burgeoning interest in the movement, Scholz and Schneider organized the first Platform Cooperativism conference in Nov. 2015 at The New School in New York City. ", "It brought together a large, diverse group of scholars, programmers, entrepreneurs, policymakers, CEOs, and venture capitalists.", "\n\nFollowing the conference, Scholz published a primer on platform cooperativism this year that further defined the concept with its typology and principles surrounding the movement. ", "Schneider and Scholz are also editing a collection of pieces on platform cooperativism by more than 50 contributors. ", "Their book, which is slated to be published in late 2016, is called Ours to Hack and to Own: The Rise of Platform Cooperativism, A New Vision for the Future of Work and a Fairer Internet.", "\n\nPlatform co-ops bring the longstanding tradition of cooperative enterprises to the online economy. ", "Photo: Stocksy, a platform co-op.", "\n\nHow do platform co-ops differ from corporate internet platforms?", "\n\nSince platform co-ops are managed and owned by their workers and users, they are more likely to operate in a manner that puts community first. ", "Corporate-internet platforms are legally obligated by bylaws to maximize profit for their shareholder-owners, so they are more likely to act in ways that undermine their users’ interest in pursuit of this purpose.", "\n\nDue to this difference, there are many ways in which these two types of enterprise would differ. ", "Here are a few ways, most of which were drawn and adapted from Scholz’s primer on platform cooperativism:\n\nDecent pay and income security for workers: On a corporate platform, profits are often invested back into the company for further growth. ", "Otherwise, they go to shareholders in the form of dividends, greater salaries, or financial bonuses for the company’s board members. ", "Because co-ops are owned by the workers and users, income security is a top priority. ", "If a co-op is doing well, its worker-owners will decide to pay themselves a fair wage. ", "After accounting for costs and reinvestment in the co-op, any leftover income is usually divided between the worker-owners of the enterprise.", "\n\nTransparency: Most corporate platforms are vague, or even secretive, about how they operate their business. ", "Platform co-ops, on the other hand, are transparent with their users about how they are managed in order to be democratically accountable. ", "They are also likely to be open about how they collect and use data, unlike major corporate services that hide behind obscure, complicated terms of use agreements.", "\n\nDiversity: Corporate digital platforms are often criticized for lacking in diversity, especially in leadership roles, and for not addressing the needs of users from marginalized communities. ", "Because platforms co-ops have collective decision-making processes, all users can voice concerns easily and directly and play a significant role in coming up with solutions.", "\n\nPrivacy: Almost all corporate platforms rely on user data to maximize the efficiency and profit of their services, but most of them do little to respect their users’ privacy. ", "Platform co-ops, by the very nature of being owned and democratically-controlled by users, would be obligated to follow procedures that do the utmost to protect privacy. ", "Because privacy is such a critical issue with digital platforms, we’ve included an extended explanation below.", "\n\nHow would platform co-ops handle user data differently than existing corporate platforms?", "\n\nThere are two key issues in how corporations handle data obtained from their users. ", "First, algorithms can manipulate users’ data in ways that bias and discriminate against them in harmful ways. ", "Second, there can be serious privacy implications regarding when and how much of this data is handed over to unknown third-parties like advertisers or government agencies without judicial warrants or other types of public oversight.", "\n\nPlatform co-ops, by the very nature of being owned and democratically-controlled by users, would be obligated to follow procedures that do the utmost to protect privacy. ", "Sound privacy practices may include the refusal to sell or provide personal data to third-parties unless required to by a warrant and using encryption tools to ensure that data would not be intercepted or lay vulnerable to malicious hacking.", "\n\nPlatform co-ops are owned and governed by the people who participate in and depend on them. ", "Photo: Stocksy, a platform co-op.", "\n\nWho are platform co-ops for?", "\n\nPlatform co-ops are for anyone who uses the internet or mobile apps for any purpose. ", "As people increasingly rely on the internet for professional, personal, or social reasons, it’s important that its infrastructure is designed to be robust, fair, and secure. ", "Platforms that provide digital services, like websites and apps, are a critical part of the internet’s infrastructure, so it’s important that they are accountable to the people who depend on them.", "\n\nEntrepreneurs, programmers, and designers who want to create user-centered digital services can look to the platform co-op model to ensure that their enterprises place users and workers at the core.", "\n\nWho makes decisions in a platform co-op?", "\n\nUsually, the rules of governance are specified by each co-op’s own bylaws, which are drafted at the time it is founded — these bylaws, however, may evolve over time.", "\n\nHere are just a few ways platform co-op make decisions:\n\nVoting on organizational rules: At Fairmondo, 90 percent of the stakeholders have to agree to change anything about their general principles.", "\n\nElecting the managing board: Co-op employees have a say in electing the managing board. ", "This incentivizes managers to be transparent and receptive to workers’ needs and critiques.", "\n\nUsing decision-making tools that enable democratic governance among a large number of users: The collaborative decision-making platform Loomio is used by Wikimedia to gauge the level of consensus among their large number of international community members. ", "It is entirely possible that familiar online voting tools could eventually be adapted to create a seamless, accountable governance structure.", "\n\nHow are platform co-ops created?", "\n\nPlatform co-ops can only emerge out of an ecosystem of tools, institutions, and cultural norms that encourage their creation. ", "New startup platform co-ops can be started from the ground up if they meet an existing need and can easily gain a critical mass of user participants. ", "They can also come out of existing platform co-ops through federation or by spinning off. ", "This is a common practice among offline co-ops.", "\n\nFor now, the easiest way to build a platform co-op is to start off as a conventional, investor-backed start-up, and then transition to the co-op model. ", "After the founders of an early-to-medium stage company have gotten their platform off the ground, they could arrange a transition in which their users and other stakeholders buy the co-op from them and their investors. ", "Although this means that the platform would start off with a corporate, top-down structure, this process allows the enterprise to first develop a user base that is enthusiastic to oversee and govern the platform into its future.", "\n\nSpecific rules around how to incorporate as a cooperative can vary between countries, or even states or regions. ", "No matter where the co-op is based, it must have a set of bylaws and operating agreements that establish its principles and governance structure. ", "The following resources may be a helpful entry point into getting a platform co-op started:\n\nCo-opLaw.org: A collaborative legal resource library created by the Sustainable Economies Law Center (SELC) and the Green-Collar Communities Clinic that is specifically designed for U.S.-based co-ops, and primarily for Californians. ", "The website provides a broad range of definitions, general guides, and sample bylaws for prospective founders to become acquainted with the process of starting a co-op. ", "If you are based in the San Francisco Bay Area, SELC staff members host regular legal cafés where they answer any preliminary questions about starting a platform co-op.", "\n\nThe Hive: A website by Co-operatives UK and the Co-operative Bank that gives advice and training on how to start a cooperative or community business in the UK.", "\n\nNZ.Coop on Starting a Co-op: This resource offers ideas on how to start a co-operative business in New Zealand. ", "By becoming a member of NZ Co-Op, you can receive direct advice on the process.", "\n\nSince the platform cooperative movement is still in its infancy, we welcome readers to weigh in with any insights or resources that will help us develop this explainer. ", "Special thanks to Trebor Scholz, Nathan Schneider and Ambika Kandasamy for contributing to this piece.", "\n\nAdditional reading:" ]
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[ "En menos de 10 meses ya le ha torcido la mano al secretario de Hacienda, empujó a México al borde de un conflicto diplomático con Canadá y EE UU, y ha abierto la primera grieta en la credibilidad del discurso anticorrupción del Gobierno de Morena. ", "El director general de la Comisión Federal Eléctrica (CFE), Manuel Bartlett, es uno de los últimos dinosaurios del PRI, exponente de la vieja política de puño de hierro y con una carrera salpicada de polémicas, desde sonadas denuncias de fraude electoral a las recientes revelaciones sobre su patrimonio ¿Qué ha llevado entonces a López Obrador a confiar el rumbo de la segunda empresa pública más grande del país a este veterano de 83 años? ", "Lealtad, experiencia, nostalgia e ideología, cuatro de los ingredientes que más valora el presidente mexicano.", "\n\nLa sintonía entre ambas ha ido fraguándose con el tiempo. ", "En 2006, en plena campaña electoral, un Bartlett todavía senador priista lanzó un insólito mensaje pidiendo el voto útil para el candidato del PRD: López Obrador. ", "El objetivo era frenar la revalida del PAN –derecha–, que había desbancado al PRI del poder tras más de siete décadas. ", "Había que detener “la entrega del petróleo a los extranjeros”, en relación con las incipientes reformas panistas. ", "Entendía que su partido había traicionado los valores originales, dominado ahora por “la parte moderna del PRI”, “la derecha priista”, “los tecnócratas neoliberales”. ", "Unos adversarios casi idénticos a los que más de 20 años después zarandea López Obrador en sus ruedas de prensa mañaneras.", "\n\nEl distanciamiento de Bartlett con su partido de toda la vida –ocupó su primer cargo en 1962– viene de los tiempos de Carlos Salinas de Gortari, con quien llegó a competir en 1988 por la candidatura a la presidencia. ", "Cada uno representaba una posición antagónica. ", "Salinas era la apuesta por el mercado y la visión tecnocrática del Gobierno; Bartlett, el defensor del Estado priista y la política como linaje.", "\n\nBartlett perdió aquella batalla, pero “desde ese momento se convierte en el estandarte de aquellos valores —apunta Rogelio Hernández, doctor en Ciencia Política por el UNAM—, y Morena es la reencarnación del viejo PRI: ayudas sociales, la rectoría del Estado, recuperación de soberanía nacional. ", "Por eso, Bartlett está en la CFE, un lugar con un valor estratégico desde la Revolución. ", "La política económica de López Obrador está centrada en energía, estatismo y nacionalismo”.", "\n\nEn 2008, Bartlett ya esta fuera del PRI –tras ocupar carteras como Gobernación o Educación– y se enroló en el Frente en Defensa del Petróleo, liderado por López Obrador y germen de lo que después sería Morena. ", "Pese a no afiliarse nunca al partido, en su última etapa como senador por el Partido del Trabajo (PT), una pequeña formación cercana a Morena, fue un beligerante opositor a las reformas de Peña Nieto. “", "Siempre ha estado cercano a los problemas energéticos, pero más en términos políticos que técnicos”, añade Hernández.", "\n\nSu perfil, eminentemente político, ha estado en el punto de mira de las críticas tras su nombramiento al frente de la empresa pública de electricidad, un transatlántico que aún produce la mitad de la energía total del país y mantiene el monopolio de la distribución para más de 40 millones de usuarios. ", "Una de sus primeras medidas fue poner en duda la eficacia de las subastas eléctricas con compañías privadas, llegando incluso a cancelar varias licitaciones. ", "Como un resorte, saltaron las advertencias de los faros del mercado como la agencia de rating Fitch.", "\n\nEl siguiente hito fue amenazar a compañías canadienses y estadounidenses con denunciarles ante un tribunal internacional por las supuestas “condiciones abusivas” de contratos de suministro en gasoductos firmados por el Gobierno anterior. ", "Los embajadores de los dos mayores socios comerciales de México –pendientes aún las tres partes de la entrada en vigor del nuevo TLC– hicieron pública su preocupación por un órdago que incluso se llevó por delante al secretario mexicano de Hacienda.", "\n\nCarlos Urzúa, un respetado académico, dimitió en julio provocando la mayor crisis hasta ahora del Gobierno de Morena. ", "Tras su salida cargó con dureza contra las injerencias políticas en materia económica de pesos pesados del entorno del presidente como Bartlett. ", "Cuando Urzúa alertó al presidente de los riegos del movimiento liderado por el titular de la CFE, López Obrador cerró filas con Bartlett y acusó al veterano economista, según su versión, de ser “un neoliberal”.", "\n\n“Las negociaciones por los gasoductos se han reconducido, pero la amenaza fue un poco precipitada. ", "El nuevo Gobierno quiere restaurar la gloria de las instituciones como Pemex y CFE. ", "Pero la participación eficiente del Estado en el mercado no se consigue en un sexenio, lleva tiempo”, apunta Hugo Ventura, jefe de unidad de energía de Cepal en México.", "\n\nAl margen de los aciertos o errores en la gestión de la CFE, el nuevo escollo es la sombra de corrupción. ", "Una investigación periodística reveló la semana pasada que ocultó la existencia de 12 empresas, algunas incluso relacionadas con el sector eléctrico, registradas a nombre distintos familiares. ", "A lo que se añade la carpeta en la secretaría de la Función Pública por omitir cientos de millones de pesos en su declaración patrimonial. ", "Bartlett ha negado las acusaciones y López Obrador ha vuelto a cerrar filas con su funcionario.", "\n\nLas denuncias contra Bartlett no son de momento de gran entidad, pero el coste político de sostener a un funcionario tocado por las sospechas de la opacidad y la irregularidad puede ser muy alto para un Gobierno fundado en la tolerancia cero contra la corrupción.", "\n\nPesan más, por ahora, los enemigos comunes, la sintonía y la experiencia. “", "Bartlett consolidó su trayectoria desde la Secretaría de Gobernación, que fue la auténtica institución de control de la política nacional. ", "Y en Morena [un partido con apenas ocho años] tienen el problema de no contar aún con liderazgos claros y gente experimentada. ", "La vinculación con López Obrador es totalmente ideológica, pero hay que sumar también las habilidades de Bartlett como un gran operador político. ", "Morena no es un partido, sino un movimiento basado en las ideas de López Obrador, que no es afecto a las instituciones ni a un partido integrado, y está recurriendo a una gama inverosímil de gente: priistas enojados, experredistas, izquierdistas”, añade Hernández.", "\n\nMuchos de esos izquierdistas de Morena son los mismos que acusaron a Bartlett de fraude electoral en 1988. ", "Durante la jornada electoral, fue él como secretario de Gobernación quién anunció que, por un problema técnico, se había interrumpido temporalmente la publicación de los avances de los votos. ", "El suceso, que acabó propiciando un vuelco en los resultados a favor Salinas sobre el candidato perredista Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, abrió todo tipo de especulaciones y denuncias y supone uno de los últimos agujeros negros del priismo." ]
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[ "Suppression of IL-6 level in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells stimulated with PHA/LPS after occupational exposure to chromium.", "\nThe toxic metals alter the immune response of animals as well as humans. ", "In addition to the well documented and numerous toxic effect of chromium on various target organs, number of studies shown that acute and chronic exposure to inorganic chromium may result in impairment of immune functions in the experimental systems. ", "Immunosuppression appears to be more subtle effect of exposure to heavy metals. ", "Therefore, we have taken two different groups of chromium exposed individuals. ", "These were leather tanning workers and chromeplaters. ", "These groups of individuals were regularly exposed to chromium. ", "All the leather tanning workers were highly exposed to chromium having a mean of 96.60+/-113.95 mg/dl (range 12.4-417.21 mg/dl). ", "A suspension of exposed and unexposed human PBMC (0.5x10(6) cells/ml) prepared and cultured in RPMI-1640 supplemented with 10% FCS for 18 h in the presence or absence of PHA (5 microg/ml) and LPS (10 ng/ml) which used for stimulation of IL-2, IL-4, TNF-alpha, IL-10 and IL-6, respectively. ", "The levels of Th1/Th2 cytokine: IL-2, IL-4, TNF-alpha, IL-10 and IL-6 were evaluated in the sera and PHA/LPS stimulated culture supernatant of human PBMCs of chromium exposed workers. ", "In these workers the level of IL-6 was 543.95+/-123.75 pg/ml and 388.40+/-61.24 pg/ml in PHA/LPS stimulated culture supernatant of normal individuals and highly chromium exposed workers, which was significant (P<0.05). ", "This observation suggests that IL-6 levels were suppressed in chromium exposed groups as compared to unexposed healthy volunteers. ", "Although the level of IL-2 in PHA stimulated culture supernatant of PBMCs was suppressed in chromium exposed individuals but it was not significant, IL-4 and IL-10 could not be detected. ", "However, there was no difference in TNF-alpha levels in sera samples as well as unstimulated culture supernatant of h-PBMCs of chromium exposed individuals as compared to control." ]
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[ "Peter Kendrew\n\nPeter Kendrew (born 25 April 1940) is a male English former competition swimmer.", "\n\nSwimming career\nHe competed for Great Britain in the Olympics and European championships. ", "Kendrew won a silver medal in the 4×100-metre freestyle relay at the 1962 European Aquatics Championships. ", " The British relay team of which he was a member finished seventh in the same event at the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo.", "\n\nHe represented England and won a silver medal in the medley relay and two bronze medals in the freestyle relays at the 1958 British Empire and Commonwealth Games in Cardiff, Wales.", "\n\nIn the 2000s, he was still competing in the masters category.", "\n\nSee also\n List of Commonwealth Games medallists in swimming (men)\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:1940 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Sportspeople from York\nCategory:Swimmers at the 1964 Summer Olympics\nCategory:Olympic swimmers of Great Britain\nCategory:Male freestyle swimmers\nCategory:English male swimmers\nCategory:European Aquatics Championships medalists in swimming\nCategory:Swimmers at the 1962 British Empire and Commonwealth Games\nCategory:Commonwealth Games medallists in swimming\nCategory:Commonwealth Games silver medallists for England\nCategory:Commonwealth Games bronze medallists for England" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCombining many sort ranks into one master sort rank\n\nSay I have some sorted result from a SQL query that looks like:\nx y z \n0 0 0 \n0 0 1 \n0 0 2\n0 1 0\n0 1 1 \n0 2 0\n0 2 1 \n\nWhere x, y and z are sort ranks. ", "These sort ranks are always greater than 0, and smaller than 500mil.", "\n\nIs there a way to combine the values from x, y and z into one \"master\" sort rank? ", "Sorting the dataset using this \"master\" sort rank should result in the same ordering.", "\nI'm thinking I can do something with bit shifting but I am not sure...\n\nA:\n\nAssuming that every value in each of the three columns in between 1 and 500 million, you could use the following formula to generate a unique rank:\n1000000\n z + (500 x 10^6)*y + (500 x 10^6)*(500 x 10^6)*x\nTo generate this rank you could use the following query:\nSELECT\n x, y, z,\n z + (500 * 1000000)*y + (500 * 1000000)*(500 * 1000000)*x AS master_rank\nFROM yourTable;\n\nThe reason this works can be seen by examining say the z and y columns. ", " The largest value from z is 500 million, which is guaranteed to be smaller than the smallest value in y, which is 1 billion. ", " This logic applies to the whole formula. ", " This approach is similar to using a bit mask, on a larger scale.", "\nNote that I assume that your version of SQL can tolerate numbers this large. ", " If it doesn't, then you might want to consider another approach here, possibly just ordering as @Gordon mentioned in his answer. ", " Besides this, having 1 bil x 1 bil records would make for a very large table and would have other problems.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Enhanced Electrochemical Performance of Sodium Manganese Ferrocyanide by Na3(VOPO4)2F Coating for Sodium-Ion Batteries.", "\nSodium manganese ferrocyanide NaxMn[Fe(CN)6]y is an attractive cathode material for sodium-ion batteries. ", "However, NaxMn[Fe(CN)6]y prepared by simple coprecipitation of Mn2+ and [Fe(CN)6]4- usually shows poor cycling performance, which hinders its practical application. ", "In this work, electrochemical performance of a Na1.6Mn[Fe(CN)6]0.9 (PBM) sample prepared by the simple precipitation method was greatly improved by coating with Na3(VOPO4)2F (NVOPF) via a solution precipitation method. ", "The as-prepared PBM@NVOPF with a coating quantity of 2.0% molar ratio showed enhanced rate capability and superior cyclic stability. ", "The discharge capacities of PBM@NVOPF were 101.5 mA h g-1 (1 C) and 91.4 mA h g-1 (10 C), with a capacity retention of 84.3% after 500 cycles at 1 C, 20 °C. ", "It also exhibited excellent cyclic stability at elevated temperature with an initial capacity of 109.5 mA h g-1 and a capacity retention of 78.8% after 200 cycles at 1 C, 55 °C. ", "In comparison, uncoated PBM showed a discharge capacity of 105.7 mA h g-1 (1 C) and 76.7 mA h g-1 (10 C), with a capacity retention of only 42.0% after 500 cycles at 1 C, 20 °C. ", "The high-temperature performance of bare PBM was very poor, and the capacity retention was only 35.7% after 40 cycles because of serious Mn/Fe dissolution which caused structural deterioration of PBM. ", "NVOPF coating protected the PBM from suffering corrosion in the electrolyte, thus ensured the framework stability of PBM during long-term cycling and contributed to the excellent electrochemical performance." ]
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[ "The insulin-like growth factor-I receptor (IGF-IR) is a tyrosine kinase membrane receptor having a structure very similar to that of the insulin receptor (IR). ", "The structure of IGF-IR consists of two extracellular α-chains that form the ligand-binding domain and two β-chains that make up the transmembrane and intracellular domains. ", "IGF-IR is the primary receptor for insulin-like growth factor IGF-I, although IGF-II and insulin can also bind with less affinity. ", "Upon ligand binding, IGF-IR is activated, resulting in autophosphorylation of tyrosines on the intracellular β-subunit. ", "IGF-IR then phosphorylates intracellular proteins such as the insulin receptor substrates 1 to 4 (IRS1-IRS4) and Shc. ", "These substrates, in turn, initiate phosphorylation cascades that activate the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI-3K)/protein kinase B (Akt) or mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways (Samani et al. ", "Endocr. ", "Rev. 28:20-47 (2007)).", "\nThrough activation of these signaling cascades, IGF-IR has been implicated in cancer. ", "The exact role of IGF-IR in cancer, however, remains uncertain and appears to vary according to tumor or cell type. ", "For example, some tumors may depend on IGF-IR signaling for survival, whereas others rely on IGF-IR for proliferation. ", "Yet other tumors may employ IGF-IR overexpression as a mechanism of resistance against cytotoxic agents such as anti-cancer drugs (Rodon et al. ", "Mol. ", "Cancer Ther. ", "7:2575-2588 (2008)). ", "Accordingly, inhibition of IGF-IR is an attractive drug strategy for cancer treatment.", "\nAlthough IGF-IR was first cloned in the 1980s, drug development to target IGF-IR has been slow to develop. ", "Currently, there are close to 30 drug candidates that target IGF-IR in various clinical phases including both monoclonal antibodies and small molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors, but no molecule has yet received FDA approval for cancer treatment (Rodon et al. ", "Mol. ", "Cancer Ther. ", "7:2575-2588 (2008); Gualberto et al. ", "Oncogene 28:3009-3021 (2009)). ", "There remains a clear need to target IGF-IR through the development of potent inhibitors of this receptor." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nDoxygen Table drawing\n\nI would like to insert a ASCII art table (as below) in the documentation.", "\nThe Markdown feature of doxygen comes in the way and messes it all up.", "\nI've tried to the HTML table and they are fine but the source document becomes unreadable then.", "\nCan I somehow get doxygen not to process a section but still include it in the output file?", "\nSimilar to here where 4 blanks allow to to inserted already formatted text in fixed width font.", "\n |-------------|-------------------------|---------------|\n |AUTO_NEW_OFF | Entry action | LED_FLASH |\n | | | SEQ_OFF |\n |-------------|-------------------------|---------------|\n | | eXit action | |\n |-------------|-------------------------|---------------|\n | | | |\n |-------------|-------------------------|---------------|\n | OFF | SEQ complete | |\n |-------------|-------------------------|---------------|\n\nI think I can answer this myself already.", "\nThe Fenced Code Blocks ( 3 x ~) feature seems to work ok\n~~~\n|-------------|-------------------------|---------------|\n| MAN_NEW_OFF | Entry action | LED_FLASH |\n| | | SEQ_OFF |\n|-------------|-------------------------|---------------|\n~~~\n\nA:\n\nAn improvement on fenced code would be to surround the table with the doxygen commands @verbatim and @endverbatim. ", " \nIf you use a \"code\" style, be that markdown's ~~~ or doxygen's @code, there's a chance that current or future versions of Doxygen will start trying to colour it in syntactically.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "The Little Mermaid\n\nAdapted from the hit Disney movie, Theatre Baton Rouge's The Little Mermaid takes audiences below the surface. ", "In a magical kingdom, King Triton's beautiful youngest daughter, Ariel, longs to leave her ocean home to live in the world above. ", "Based on one of Hans Christian Andersen’s most beloved stories, with music by eight-time Academy Award winner Alan Menken, this is a hauntingly beautiful love story for the ages. ", "Disney's The Little Mermaid will capture your heart with its timeless tale and irritable songs including \"Under the Sea,\" \"Kiss the Girl,\" and \"Part of Your World.\" ", "Performances run Thursday–Saturday nights (7:30 pm) and Sunday afternoons (2 pm), with one 2 pm Saturday matinee on June 11. ", "Sunday's performance will be sign language interpreted. ", "$29, $20 for students with ID. ", "Rated G. (225) 924-6496 or theatrebr.org." ]
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[ "Tandooreh National Park\n\nTandooreh National Park () is a protected area located in the north east of Iran, near the city of Dargaz and the Turkmenistan border.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:National parks of Iran\nCategory:Geography of North Khorasan Province\nCategory:Geography of Razavi Khorasan Province\nCategory:Tourist attractions in North Khorasan Province\nCategory:Tourist attractions in Razavi Khorasan Province" ]
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[ "//\n// main.m\n// MKNetworkKit\n//\n// Created by Mugunth Kumar on 7/11/11.", "\n// Copyright (c) 2011 Steinlogic. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n//\n\n#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>\n\n#import \"AppDelegate.h\"\n\nint main(int argc, char *argv[])\n{\n @autoreleasepool {\n return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([AppDelegate class]));\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "/*\n * Copyright (C) 2002 Intersil Americas Inc.\n * (C) 2003 Aurelien Alleaume <slts@free.fr>\n * (C) 2003 Luis R. Rodriguez <mcgrof@ruslug.rutgers.edu>\n *\n * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the\n * GNU General Public License for more details.", "\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA\n *\n */\n\n#ifndef _ISL_IOCTL_H\n#define _ISL_IOCTL_H\n\n#include \"islpci_mgt.h\"\n#include \"islpci_dev.h\"\n\n#include <net/iw_handler.h>\t/* New driver API */\n\n#define SUPPORTED_WIRELESS_EXT 19\n\nvoid prism54_mib_init(islpci_private *);\n\nstruct iw_statistics *prism54_get_wireless_stats(struct net_device *);\nvoid prism54_update_stats(struct work_struct *);\n\nvoid prism54_acl_init(struct islpci_acl *);\nvoid prism54_acl_clean(struct islpci_acl *);\n\nvoid prism54_process_trap(struct work_struct *);\n\nvoid prism54_wpa_bss_ie_init(islpci_private *priv);\nvoid prism54_wpa_bss_ie_clean(islpci_private *priv);\n\nint prism54_set_mac_address(struct net_device *, void *);\n\nint prism54_ioctl(struct net_device *, struct ifreq *, int);\n\nextern const struct iw_handler_def prism54_handler_def;\n\n#endif\t\t\t\t/* _ISL_IOCTL_H */\n" ]
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[ "WARNING: You may already be exposed to T.R.U.M.P. Disorder\n\nOver the past 18 months a previously unknown but highly dangerous psychiatric disorder has spread across the entire United States. ", "It is now considered by medical experts to be our nation’s most nefarious mental health problem. ", "This malady’s scientific name is Tolerance of Racist, Unbalanced, Misogynistic Predators Disorder. ", "But it’s more commonly known by its acronym, T.R.U.M.P.\n\nPeople exposed to T.R.U.M.P. lose the ability to maintain clear, rational thinking and are unable to tell fake news from real. ", "Scientists have discovered that T.R.U.M.P. tends to target less educated and lower income individuals. ", "Blue collar workers concentrated in white, rural communities seem to be particularly vulnerable to this disorder.", "\n\nOne of the most insidious aspects of this thus-far incurable condition is that most people who have contracted it are oblivious to just how dangerous T.R.U.M.P. is to their safety and economic well-being. ", "And the number of people afflicted has risen alarmingly in the past few months.", "\n\nWarning signs you may already be exposed to T.R.U.M.P.\n\nIf you enjoy reading conspiracy theory rants on social media about Mexicans and Muslims ruining America, you may have been exposed to T.R.U.M.P. Interaction with fake news sites like Breitbart and PatriotNation.com correlate highly with contraction of this mental illness. ", "If you have no problem with the leader of our nation grabbing women by the genitals or walking into dressing rooms of beauty pageants to ogle young, semi-nude female contestants, you may have a particularly noxious case. ", "If you believe in the concept of “alternative facts”, consult a psychiatrist immediately.", "\n\nIf you read tweets from anyone who uses words like “honer”, “looser”, “unpresidented” and “leightweight”, and fail to notice any spelling errors, you’ve probably been infected. ", "If you find yourself agreeing with incoherent tweets about how Meryl Streep is overrated or how John McCain isn’t a war hero because he was captured, odds are you are probably in the advanced stages. ", "And if you think there’s nothing wrong with cozying up to Russian dictators who infiltrate and attempt to alter a presidential election, you undoubtedly suffer from a severe case of T.R.U.M.P.\n\nIf there’s a bright spot, it’s that millions of Americans, and in particular, women and members of ethnic and racial minorities, appear to be far more resistant to this contagion. ", "The evidence thus far appears to indicate that the higher one’s intelligence, the better able their immune system is to combat the T.R.U.M.P. virus.", "\n\nA steady diet of factual information from actual news sites boosts the body’s resistance to the disorder. ", "However, even normal, well-mannered, and amiable people, when confronted by persons infected by T.R.U.M.P., have been known to fly into a rage and spew hysterical diatribes about the end of democracy. ", "These outbursts are typically followed by deep bouts of depression and anxiety about the future of their country as they cling to their teddy bear Sparkles. ", "On a related note, most puppy dogs appear to be blissfully ignorant of this problem. ", "However, interestingly, most pussy cats have an immediate, hostile reaction at the mere mention of T.R.U.M.P.\n\nHow to protect yourself from exposure to T.R.U.M.P.\n\nIn our highly connected social-media-dependent society, the threat of exposure to T.R.U.M.P. is omnipresent. ", "Experts recommend unfriending anyone you suspect to have been infected. ", "For added security, they advise unplugging your computer. ", "And if you must watch television, limit your viewing options to The Big Bang Theory, Grey’s Anatomy, or pretty much anything on the Home & Garden TV network. ", "People with particularly weak immune systems should stock up on essential food supplies, then not leave their house for the next four years, to avoid the risk of contamination.", "\n\nSadly, if you’re one of the millions of Americans unfortunate enough to have been infected by T.R.U.M.P., there is very little you can do but hope and pray that it doesn’t spread to your children.", "\n\nWhat life may be like in a nation exposed to T.R.U.M.P.\n\nNo one really knows just what to expect as this scourge goes viral in the months to come. ", "According to scientists tracking its spread, on January 20th of this year T.R.U.M.P. had metamorphized into a far more lethal strain and may be much harder to combat than previously thought.", "\n\nAs of now, there is no known cure for T.R.U.M.P. But experts hope one can be found by 2020. ", "If not, they suggest relocating to areas known not to be infected by this pestilence. ", "To date, there are no reported instances of T.R.U.M.P. on Cape Breton Island, Canada. ", "Alternatively, experts suggest buying the complete seven-season collection of Gilmore Girls (all 33 DVDs), now available on Amazon for the low price of $199.99. ", "It’s not a cure. ", "But it should get you through the end of March, at least.", "\n\nThat’s the view from the bleachers. ", "Perhaps I’m off base.", "\n\nPS: If you enjoyed this week’s post, let me know by posting a comment, giving it a Likeor sharing this post on Facebook." ]
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[ "Bangalore: Finding clean, affordable hotels in India can be a traveller’s nightmare. ", "Too often, what looks good on a website turns out to be a roach-infested room in a crumbling building where water has to be schlepped to the bathroom in a bucket.", "\n\nRitesh Agarwal’s solution is a booking app that promises truth in advertising and branded hotels that don’t deliver unpleasant surprises. ", "The chain he started in 2013, Oyo Hotels, has already become the largest in India, a chaotic market worth $4.5 billion, according to New Delhi-based researcher Hotelivate.", "\n\nNow Agarwal is going overseas with his franchise model, which combines a reservation site with a full stack of services for small hoteliers who want to up their game. ", "Yesterday the company said it’s raising $1 billion from SoftBank Vision Fund, Sequoia Capital and other investors to fund expansion in countries including China, where Oyo opened in November. ", "Last week it started service in the UK, bringing the business to a developed market for the first time.", "\n\n“By 2023, we will be the world’s largest hotel chain,\" the 24-year-old founder said in a recent interview at an Oyo hotel in a suburb of New Delhi, where the company is based. “", "We want to convert broken, unbranded assets around the globe into better-quality living spaces.\"", "\n\nOyo employs hundreds of staffers in the field who evaluate properties on 200 factors, from the quality of mattresses and linens to water temperature. ", "To get a listing, along with a bright red Oyo sign to hang street-side like a seal of good-housekeeping approval, most hoteliers must agree to a makeover that typically takes about a month. ", "Oyo then gets 25% of every booking. ", "Rooms usually run between $25 and $85.", "\n\n“Oyo is going all out to build a very large base of hotel partners and become a bona-fide brand,\" said Mrigank Gutgutia, an analyst with RedSeer Management Consulting. “", "Their app model works well because price-conscious travellers who search by location like to feel they have lots of choices.\"", "\n\nAgarwal wouldn’t give sales numbers, but he said the number of transactions has tripled in the last year, with 90% coming from repeat travellers -- and no money spent on advertising. ", "There are now 10,000 hotels in 160 Indian cities, with more than 125,000 rooms, listed on the site, he said. ", "That’s about 5 percent of India’s total room inventory, according to RedSeer estimates.", "\n\n“Over 150,000 heads rest on our pillows every night,\" said Agarwal, a trim man who tugs at a sore ear as he talks. ", "Constant airplane travel has given him an ear ache—ne unwanted side effect of the company’s hyper growth.", "\n\nDirty sheets\n\nNot everyone is happy with the Oyo experience. ", "Payal Gupta, a recent guest, was disappointed by her stay at a property near Delhi Airport, which she said felt like a house that had been hurriedly converted into a hotel. ", "The sheets were dirty and the bathroom was cramped. “", "It isn’t enough to have Oyo-branded shampoo and moisturizer,\" she said.", "\n\nGutgutia, the RedSeer analyst, said the company will need a steady stream of capital and an army of people on the ground to maintain standards. “", "Sustaining a high-quality experience could be a real challenge,\" he said.", "\n\nIndian startups have been on a tear recently, with more than a dozen worth now more than $1 billion, according to researcher CB Insights. ", "Walmart last month paid $16 billion for a majority stake in Flipkart, an online retailer founded in 2007.", "\n\nThe funding announced yesterday by Oyo values the business at $5 billion, according to a person familiar with the deal who asked not to be identified. ", "That makes the startup India’s second most-valuable, after One97 Communications, owner of Paytm, a digital payments company with financial backing from Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc.\n\nA college dropout in a country where university pedigree is obsessed over, Agarwal has become an unlikely business star, with frequent appearances on televised award shows and a cover story last year in Forbes India.", "\n\nAgarwal says he never stayed at a hotel until he was picked to represent his school at a trivia competition held in a town a few hours away from home when he was 12. ", "He got the idea for Oyo a few years later, while travelling India on a shoestring budget and lodging at some truly horrible guest houses. ", "It wasn’t enough to aggregate hotels on a website, you also had to repair them, he realized. ", "To learn the hotel business from the ground up, he spent a year cleaning rooms at one of them.", "\n\nIn 2013, he got a $100,000 fellowship from Peter Thiel, the PayPal co-founder who subsidizes students who drop out to start their own companies. ", "The big break came in 2015, when he got $100 million in venture funding from investors including Silicon Valley’s Sequoia Capital and Japan’s SoftBank Group Corp.\n\nIn November, Agarwal brought the business to China, starting with a single listing in the industrial city of Shenzen. ", "Now, less than a year later, travellers in the world’s most populous country can choose from more than 1,000 Oyo-branded hotels and 87,000 rooms in over 170 Chinese cities.", "\n\nFor Agarwal, though, there’s still a small hitch. ", "He says his mother keeps nagging him to take a break from the business and go back to college. “", "But why let university interfere with my education?\" ", "he said with a laugh.", "\n\nSubscribe to Mint Newsletters * Enter a valid email * Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter.", "\n\nShare Via" ]
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[ "// Copyright (c) Alexandre Mutel. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n// Licensed under the BSD-Clause 2 license. ", "\n// See license.txt file in the project root for full license information.", "\n\nusing Scriban.", "Parsing;\n\nnamespace Scriban.", "Runtime\n{\n /// <summary>\n /// Generic interface used to access a list/array, used by <see cref=\"TemplateContext\"/> via <see cref=\"TemplateContext.", "GetListAccessor\"/>\n /// </summary>\n public interface IListAccessor\n {\n /// <summary>\n /// Gets the length of the specified target object\n /// </summary>\n /// <param name=\"context\">The template context originating this call</param>\n /// <param name=\"span\">The source span originating</param>\n /// <param name=\"target\">The target list object</param>\n /// <returns>The length</returns>\n int GetLength(TemplateContext context, SourceSpan span, object target);\n\n /// <summary>\n /// Gets the element value at the specified index.", "\n /// </summary>\n /// <param name=\"context\">The template context originating this call</param>\n /// <param name=\"span\">The source span originating</param>\n /// <param name=\"target\">The target list object</param>\n /// <param name=\"index\">The index to retrieve a value</param>\n /// <returns>The value retrieved at the specified index for the target object</returns>\n object GetValue(TemplateContext context, SourceSpan span, object target, int index);\n\n /// <summary>\n /// Sets the element value at the specified index.", "\n /// </summary>\n /// <param name=\"context\">The template context originating this call</param>\n /// <param name=\"span\">The source span originating</param>\n /// <param name=\"target\">The target list object</param>\n /// <param name=\"index\">The index to set the value</param>\n /// <param name=\"value\">The value to set at the specified index</param>\n void SetValue(TemplateContext context, SourceSpan span, object target, int index, object value);\n }\n}" ]
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[ "\n// Allow GitHub image rendering\n:imagesdir: ../../../images\n\n==== PercMonitor\n\nThis monitor tests the status of a _PERC RAID_ array.", "\n\nThe monitor first polls the _RAID-Adapter-MIB::logicaldriveTable_ ( to retrieve the status of the _RAID_ array you want to monitor.", "\nIf the value of the status object of the corresponding _logicaldriveEntry_ is not 2, the array is degraded and the monitor further polls the _RAID-Adapter-MIB::physicaldriveTable_ ( to detect the failed drive(s).", "\n\nIMPORTANT: This monitor requires the outdated persnmpd software to be installed on the polled nodes. ", "\n Please prefer using <<OmsaStorageMonitor>> monitor where possible.", "\n\n===== Monitor facts\n\n[options=\"autowidth\"]\n|===\n| Class Name | `org.opennms.netmgt.poller.monitors.", "PercMonitor`\n| Remote Enabled | false (relies on SNMP configuration)\n|===\n\n===== Configuration and Usage\n\n.Monitor specific parameters for the PercMonitor\n[options=\"header, autowidth\"]\n|===\n| Parameter | Description | Required | Default value\n| `array` | The RAID array you want to monitor. ", "| optional | `0.0`\n| `port` | The UDP port to connect to | optional | `from snmp-config.xml`\n|===\n\nThis monitor implements the <<ga-service-assurance-monitors-common-parameters, Common Configuration Parameters>>.", "\n\n===== Examples\n\n[source, xml]\n----\n<!-- ", "Monitor 1st RAID arrays using configuration from snmp-config.xml -->\n<service name=\"PERC\" interval=\"300000\" user-defined=\"false\" status=\"on\" />\n\n<monitor service=\"PERC\" class-name=\"org.opennms.netmgt.poller.monitors.", "PercMonitor\" />\n----\n" ]
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[ "See related review by Schmidt *et al*., ", "<http://ccforum.com/content/18/1/203>\n\nLung protective ventilation is the mainstay of treatment in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). ", "However, in patients who have severe ARDS and who are receiving extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), the ventilation strategy might be modified. ", "This was the subject of the review by Schmidt and colleagues \\[[@B1]\\] in a recent issue of *Critical Care*. ", "We invited 39 ARDS centers in Germany to participate in a survey about respiratory and adjuvant ARDS therapy. ", "The questionnaire was completed by 25 centers, 22 of which applied ECMO therapy at the specific time point of the survey (2011 to 2012).", "\n\nThe majority of the ARDS/ECMO centers preferred controlled mechanical ventilation during ECMO therapy, and only 14% favored assisted or spontaneous breathing. ", "During ECMO, peak/plateau pressures and tidal volumes were lowered by 96% and 91% of the centers, respectively. ", "The specified minimal and maximal tidal volumes were 2 (1.8 to 3) and 6 (4 to 6) mL/kg ideal body weight (median and interquartile range), respectively. ", "Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) was determined by using a 'Best-PEEP-Trial' in 50%, empirical means in 46%, or the ARDS-Network table in 36%. ", "Pressure volume curves, computed tomography, and electrical impedance tomography, on the other hand, were rarely consulted to determine the optimal PEEP. ", "However, a reduction in PEEP was done by only two institutions. ", "Respiratory rates during ECMO were nearly equally distributed between fewer than 4, 4 to 12, 13 to 19, and 20 to 29 breaths per minute. ", "The inspiratory-to-expiratory time ratios were 1:1 in seven and 1:2 in three centers. ", "Inversed ratio (2:1 to 4:1) ventilation was conducted by 14%; only three applied recruitment maneuvers. ", "Sixty-eight percent used 135° prone positioning, 36% full prone positioning, and 27% continuous axial rotation during ECMO therapy. ", "Other strategies, such as the daily interruption of sedation and spontaneous breathing trials, were conducted in 72% and 86% of the centers, respectively. ", "Eighteen used specific protocols for the weaning from ECMO. ", "Early tracheostomy was aimed for in 64% and actually performed within the first 4 days of ECMO therapy in 41% of the centers.", "\n\nThe current survey shows that mechanical ventilation is frequently altered toward a protective, or even 'ultraprotective', strategy during ECMO. ", "Adjuvant strategies were not limited by the presence of the extracorporeal circuit and remained integral elements of care. ", "Notably, assisted or spontaneous breathing was seldom accomplished, despite daily interruption of sedation, the use of specific weaning protocols, and early tracheostomy. ", "All in all, most centers relied on proven ARDS standards of care, assuming the physiologically most favorable response while randomized controlled trials during ECMO are missing.", "\n\nAbbreviations\n=============\n\nARDS: Acute respiratory distress syndrome; ECMO: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; PEEP: Positive end-expiratory pressure.", "\n\nCompeting interests\n===================\n\nThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhat was Dolores Umbridge's blood status?", "\n\nDolores Umbridge's dislike of Muggles, Muggle-born witches and wizards and half-breeds is quite obvious. ", "In Order of the Phoenix she takes a particular dislike to Hagrid due to his giantess mother (and his allegiance to Dumbledore), as well as to the centaur Firenze who takes over as Divination teacher after Professor Trelawney is sacked. ", "And, of course, during Deathly Hallows she is made Head of the Muggle-Born Registration Commission.", "\nIn Deathly Hallows, when Hermione (under the effects of Polyjuice potion) comments on the locket she's wearing, Umbridge says this:\n\n\"That's - that's pretty, Dolores,\" she said, pointing at the pendant gleaming in the ruffled folds of Umbridge's blouse.", "\n \n \"What?\" ", "snapped Umbridge, glancing down. \"", "Oh yes - an old family heirloom,\" she said, patting the locket lying on her large bosom. \"", "The S stands for Selwyn... I am related to the Selwyns... Indeed, there are few pure-blood families to whom I am not related. ...\"", "\n\nThat seems a rather large and contrived lie to tell just to explain her possession of the locket, considering her blood status had never been questioned by the Ministry. ", "I don't remember it being covered anywhere in the books (which I just recently re-read, so I'd hope I'd remember if it had been!), ", "but I was wondering if there was any other evidence (interviews, etc) to say whether Umbridge was Pure-blood, Half-blood or Muggle-born?", "\n\nA:\n\nHalf-blood: wizard father, Muggle mother.", "\nThis fact is not discussed in the books or in subsequent interviews. ", "Instead, it was first revealed as part of a short story written for Pottermore, and published on Halloween 2014. ", "Here's the first paragraph:\n\nDolores Jane Umbridge was the eldest child and only daughter of Orford Umbridge, a wizard, and Ellen Cracknell, a Muggle, who also had a Squib son. ", "Dolores’s parents were unhappily married, and Dolores secretly despised both of them: Orford for his lack of ambition (he had never been promoted, and worked in the Department of Magical Maintenance at the Ministry of Magic), and her mother, Ellen, for her flightiness, untidiness, and Muggle lineage. ", "Both Orford and his daughter blamed Ellen for Dolores’s brother’s lack of magical ability, with the result that when Dolores was fifteen, the family split down the middle, Orford and Dolores remaining together, and Ellen vanishing back into the Muggle world with her son. ", "Dolores never saw her mother or brother again, never spoke of either of them, and henceforth pretended to all she met that she was a pure-blood.", "\n Dolores Umbridge, by J. K. Rowling \n\nShe successfully fooled J.K. Rowling Slytherincess into believing she was pure-blood, and this was a story generally accepted (or at least, pretended to believe) by her colleagues at the Ministry:\n\nNasty things tended to happen to people who asked about Orford, or anything that Dolores did not like talking about, and people who wanted to remain on her good side pretended to believe her version of her ancestry.", "\n Dolores Umbridge, by J. K. Rowling \n\nIt also explains the jumpiness in your quote in the question: particularly as she was prosecuting Muggle-borns at the time, it would be most embarrassing to be revealed as a half-blood. ", "She’s almost overly keen to remind everyone that she’s a pure blood.", "\n\nA:\n\nI actually conclude, based on canon, that Umbridge is indeed a pureblood. ", "However, purebloods run the gamut socially from the Gaunts to the Malfoys. ", "I suspect Umbridge was trying to bolster the general impression of her connections to the oldest pureblood families -- like new money trying desperately to appear as generational wealth. ", "It was as if the basic element was there (Umbridge's purebloodedness), but its quality was somehow lacking or otherwise undesirable.", "\nPureblood extremism has been written about in countless Harry Potter articles and essays, but here is an example that portrays Umbridge as a pureblood:\n\nNazi Germany was what historians called a ‘racial state': Very similar to what Dolores Umbridge and other pureblood extremists were trying to build in Deathly Hallows.", "\nHarry Potter and History by Nancy Reagin\n\nThere is also multiple opinions on Umbridge's blood status at the HP Wikia (if you accept the Wikia as a source) in a discussion called Talk: Selwyn Family.", "\nWhile I interpret the canon passage you quote as Umbridge being full of hot air regarding her family tree, the very small possibility that Umbridge was not lying should at least be acknowledged. ", "While I find it unlikely, it's possible Umbridge actually was related to the Selwyns and used that convenient cover story to hide the fact she had essentially stolen the locket from Mundungus Fletcher. ", "I find this unlikely overall, though, because of her insatiable thirst for power, including power by association. ", "\nBut, yeah, I believe Umbridge is a pureblood.", "\nUPDATE: I should have known it was too easy! ", "I should have known the lady doth protesteth too much! ", "But, yes, I've read the new information on Pottermore (11.6.14) on Umbridge -- she is a half-blood, and not a pure-blood as she has always claimed, so kudos to alexwlchan for his correct answer. ", "I will say that an aspect of the new info on Umbridge I find interesting is that she was indeed in Slytherin House, which demonstrates Slytherin wasn't a total pure-blood haven, BUT also that her ambitious nature was overlooked at Hogwarts and she was not considered there for student positions of power. ", "Did the other Slytherins know she was a half-blood and kind of ostracize her, or did they just not like her because of her overly ingratiating nature and obvious thirst for power? ", "You'd think the latter would be seen as attributes in Slytherin. ", "ANYway, yes, I was wrong -- Umbridge was a half-blood. :) ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "A new report from a South Korean think tank stated a unified Korea would become a new powerhouse in the global economy, and that trade volume with neighboring countries would subsequently rise. ", "Photo by Artens/Shutterstock\n\nSEOUL, Oct. 28 (UPI) -- Korean unification holds vast economic potential, and a unified Korea could create an $8.7 trillion economy by 2055, or 1.7 times the forecasted size of the South Korean economy.", "\n\nThe Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, a government think tank, released the numbers in a report on unification scenarios, South Korean newspaper Donga Ilbo reported Wednesday. ", "The report stated a unified Korea is expected to become a new powerhouse in the global economy, and that trade volume with neighboring countries would subsequently rise.", "\n\n\nThe report proposed a two-step scenario of unification that could reduce steep costs, estimated to be between $50 billion and $6 trillion. ", "In the first phase, which would take place anytime between 2016 and 2035, North and South Korea would maintain their mutual independence, but through reform the two sides would work to push up North Korea's economic growth.", "\n\nIn phase two of the proposal, which is to be carried out between 2036 and 2055, when the structural foundations of a unified system has been established, the free movement of people between North and South would complete the economic integration of the two countries, the report stated. ", "The report did not include possible North Korea objections to increased exchange that could weaken the influence of the Pyongyang regime over the North Korean population.", "\n\nThe benefits of unification have previously been extolled by South Korean President Park Geun-hye, who once declared unification as the equivalent of hitting an economic \"jackpot.\"", "\n\nOn Wednesday, South Korea's National Assembly Speaker Chung Ui-hwa said more than 90 percent of the country's problems would be solved through unification, Yonhap reported.", "\n\n\"There is only one country in the world where a people of a single ethnicity has been divided. ", "Without unification, it is difficult to look forward to the future,\" Chung said to an audience at a campus of Yonsei University.", "\n\nChung also said the Sewol ferry sinking that killed 304 people in April 2014 was the result of the \"selfishness and materialism prevalent in [South Korean] society,\" and that \"altruism\" should take their place.", "\n\nSouth Korea is Asia's fourth-largest economy.", "\n\nRELATED South Korea to develop fighter jet technologies domestically" ]
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[ "#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-\n\n\"\"\"\nThis file is part of OpenSesame.", "\n\nOpenSesame is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\nit under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\nthe Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n(at your option) any later version.", "\n\nOpenSesame is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\nbut WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\nMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the\nGNU General Public License for more details.", "\n\nYou should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\nalong with OpenSesame. ", " If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.", "\n\"\"\"\n\nfrom libopensesame.py3compat import *\nfrom oscoroutines._item_task import item_task\nfrom oscoroutines._inline_task import inline_task\nfrom oscoroutines._tree_overview_adapter import tree_overview_adapter\nfrom oscoroutines._items_adapter import items_adapter\nfrom oscoroutines._coroutines import coroutines\nfrom oscoroutines._qtcoroutines import qtcoroutines\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to use the 'parameterized-scheduler' plugin in Jenkins\n\nI want to use the parameterized-scheduler plugin in Jenkins to run multiple jobs using cron that differ by a parameter. ", "Sadly, the documentation is terrible. ", "Can anyone guide me how to actually get it to work?", "\n\nA:\n\nWhat this plugin does:\nThe parameterized-scheduler plugin can be used to define parameters that would be passed by cron into the env. ", "Lets consider an example:\n# pass `group1` into the group parameter when this job is run by cron\nH 0 * * 0 % group=group1\n# pass `group2` into the group parameter when this job is run by cron\nH 0 * * 2 % group=group2\n\nin the job itself, you can then print the value of the parameter:\n# prints the value of group for this run\necho $group \n\neach time the job is run, the value of 'group' would be different, according to the cron spec above.", "\nTo actually get the above to work:\n\nyou'll need to install the plugin (duh) and then,\n\ncreate a project with a group parameter. ", "This is done in the 'General' section - select the 'This project is parameterized' checkbox and add a string parameter with some default value. ", "We'll overwrite the value later in cron.", "\n\nsave your project, and go back to 'configure'.", "\n\na new checkbox should appear now in the Build Triggers section: \"Build periodically with parameters\". ", "Select it and paste the following code:\nH 0 * * 0 % group=group1\nH 0 * * 2 % group=group2\n\nthe above code tells cron to run the task twice, once on Sunday and again on Tuesday, each time using a different value for the 'group' parameter.", "\nAdditional notes:\n\ndo not run multiple tasks with the same crontab spec: make sure they run on different times, or else they wont run.", "\nif your tasks don't at all, try restarting jenkins.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "mufan96/flickr\n\nI've been saying for ages that the sugar composition of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is no different from that of table sugar (sucrose).", "\n\nOops. ", "A new study in the journal Obesity actually measured the amounts and kinds of sugars in 23 kinds of HFCS-sweetened drinks (click here for the PDF).", "\n\nThe findings are summarized in a fact sheet (PDF):\n\n• The sugar content varied widely from amounts stated on labels. ", "Some drinks had 15 percent less sugar than labeled, but others had as much as 30 percent more.", "\n\n• On average, the drinks had 18 percent more fructose than expected.", "\n\n• Several brands of sodas seemed to be made with HFCS that is 65 percent fructose, not 55 percent.", "\n\n• The average amount of fructose in the drinks was 59 percent.", "\n\nThe press release (full PDF here) points out one other finding. ", "You know how everyone thinks Mexican Coca-Cola is so much more delicious than American Coke because it is made with table sugar (sucrose), not HFCS? ", "Oops again. ", "The investigators could not find any sucrose in the Coke, but did find plenty of glucose and fructose. ", "This suggests that Mexican Coke is also made with HFCS (or it could also mean that the sucrose had been split into its constituent glucose and fructose)." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nReal noise modeling/ noise map generation (image processing, deep learning)\n\nI am working on a project with really noisy images. ", "I have trained a detector that can detect the characters but fails in some cases (noise is high).", "\nSo far I have gone through many denoising, deblurring, super-resolution papers. ", "The problem with denoising papers is that in almost all of them, they use a specified Gaussian noise to first add noise and trains the model on that. ", "I have tried it but it doesn't work very well in my domain as the source of the noise in my images is different.", "\nLet's say I have few thousand images (real-data with noise), is there any deep learning/image processing approach which helps me to get a noise map which I'll use to augment my clean images so that I can train denoising models.", "\n\nA:\n\nLet's say you have $m$ noisy images $I_N^{i};i \\in [1...m ]$. ", "One way of accomplishing your end goal is as follows:\n\nRun single-image learning-based denoising techniques on your noisy images to obtain corresponding clean images. ", "You can use Deep Image Prior (code) or Noise2Void - Learning Denoising from Single Noisy Images (code). ", "These methods learn the image intensity statistics for an image to denoise them as opposed to using a source-pair fixed distribution (e.g. Gaussian). ", "Your model $M(\\cdot)$ takes noisy images $I_N^{i}$, and produces corresponding clean images $I_C^{i}$.\nUsing the clean-noisy pairs following step 1 above, train a fully supervised model $P(\\cdot)$ to produce noisy image, given a clean image as input. ", "To do this, you can use a strong single-image superresolution architecture (several options here). ", "Why superresolution? ", "Because noise map has high frequencies, similar to the mask composited by superresolution architectures on top of the input image. ", "These masks essentially enhance edges, which has a high frequency structure.", "\nUsing $P(\\cdot)$, forward pass other clean images to create a new dataset for training your original denoising model, this is what you wanted to accomplish.", "\n\nNoise map would simply be $N^{i}=I_{N}^{i}-I_{C}^{i} $. ", "For training $P(\\cdot)$ in step 2, you can apply mild data augmentation, e.g. rotation, scaling (zooming in/out), translation, mild brightness and contrast adjustments.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Attack of the Mutants!", "\n\nAttack of the Mutants! ", "is a 1981 board game published by Yaquinto Publications.", "\n\nGameplay\nAttack of the Mutants! ", "is a game where the players are in the science building at Central State Tech, desperately trying to warp to an alternate Earth as the mutants try to stop them.", "\n\nReception\nDavid Ladyman reviewed Attack of the Mutants! ", "in The Space Gamer No. ", "41. ", "Ladyman commented that \"The graphics are distinct and colorful, although it can be annoying that the counters are too large for some of the rooms. ", "The game is probably worth [the price], especially if creature-features are your kind of show.\"", "\n\nLewis Pulsipher reviewed Attack of the Mutants in The Space Gamer No. ", "43. ", "Pulsipher commented that \"Considering how little skill is involved, the presentation seems unnecessarily complicated. ", "For completists only.\"", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Board games introduced in 1981\nCategory:Yaquinto Publications games" ]
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[ "Senator Andrew Brock\n\n34th District - Davie, Iredell & Rowan Counties\n\nI want to thank everyone for their prayers and support this election cycle. ", "It is very humbling to serve the people the 34th North Carolina Senate District. ", "I want to thank all those candidates who stepped up to run for office and their families who put up with a difficult time it takes for that endeavor.", "\n\nNow it's time to get to work.", "\n\nPS if you see any of my yard signs please pick them up, and I will come get them. ", "Remember, I'm a very fiscally tight conservative and I don't like wasting anything.", "\n\nAug 20, 2014\n\nRaleigh, N.C.\n\nThe North Carolina Senate adjourned “sine die” Wednesday evening, completing a two-year legislative biennium focused on passing long-overdue reforms to improve North Carolina’s public schools, strengthen the economy and restore the state as a leader in job growth.", "\n\nBelow is a statement from Senate Leader Phil Berger (R-Rockingham):\n\n“Roughly three and a half years ago, Republicans assumed leadership of the General Assembly and immediately tackled a record $2.5 billion budget deficit we inherited. ", "We focused our first two years on repairing the problems we found and then began a course correction this biennium to put our state on a path to prosperity. ", "Because of the difficult decisions we’ve made, more than 200,000 new jobs have been created, our children are receiving a better education and their teachers will soon be the highest compensated in state history.”", "\n\nAmong other actions, the Senate:\n\nImplemented comprehensive tax reform that is providing major tax relief to all North Carolina families and making our state more attractive to job-creating businesses. ", "Following decades of Democratic control, North Carolina had the highest taxes in the Southeast. ", "The legislature passed a tax reform plan that simplified the state’s 1930s Depression-era tax code, cut personal and corporate income tax rates, eliminated the death tax and ended dozens of loopholes for special interests, moving North Carolina from the bottom of national rankings to the 17th best business tax climate in America.", "\n\nPassed the largest teacher pay raise in state history, with an average 7 percent increase. ", "The $282 million investment will propel North Carolina from near the bottom to 32nd in national rankings.", "\n\nAdopted a balanced, fiscally responsible state budget that invests in core services, streamlines state government, strengthens public education and grows North Carolina’s economy.", "\n\nPassed an aggressive plan for coal ash mitigation that would give North Carolina the strictest regulations on coal ash in the entire country and make it the first state to force the closure of all coal ash ponds.", "\n\nReformed our state’s broken unemployment insurance program, setting a pathway for repaying North Carolina’s $2.5 billion debt to the federal government that was brought about by years of mismanagement by previous Democratic leaders. ", "Under our plan, we’ll be out of debt by 2016 – freeing up capital and providing certainty for businesses to create jobs. ", "Our changes are making North Carolina’s unemployment system solvent and removing one of the biggest impediments to job creation and economic growth.", "\n\nPassed sweeping changes to the state’s burdensome regulatory environment. ", "The Senate passed two major regulatory reform bills to get rid of red tape that chokes off economic growth and make our state a more attractive place to do business.", "\n\nApproved bipartisan legislation to spur our economy by tapping into North Carolina's abundant energy resources. ", "The Domestic Energy Jobs Act is a comprehensive energy law that paved the way for a flourishing onshore and offshore energy sector.", "\n\nPassed bipartisan legislation to move North Carolina further ahead in achieving energy independence and creating a robust energy sector. ", "The Energy Modernization Act moves North Carolina ahead with natural gas exploration and development, a step expected to help the state jumpstart a thriving new industry, attract thousands of well-paying jobs and push toward long-term energy independence.", "\n\nPassed major election reforms including a hugely popular, common-sense provision that requires North Carolinians to show a photo ID when they vote. ", "Polls show that nearly three-quarters of North Carolina residents support requiring voters to show photo ID before voting. ", "Our action brought North Carolina in line with the majority of other states that already require voter ID.", "\n\nImproved our investment in North Carolina’s transportation infrastructure. ", "Changes to the North Carolina Highway Trust Fund will allow us to accelerate transportation projects across the state, in every region and in our local communities – a move that is expected to create at least 260 projects and more than 240,000 jobs over the next 10 years, according to the state Department of Transportation.", "\n\nImproved medical billing fairness and transparency to help consumers make better-informed decisions about their treatment.", "\n\nInvested in our state’s rural communities by launching a new, accountable Rural Economic Development Division within the state Department of Commerce. ", "And we upheld our commitment to ensuring accountability in state government by ending the blatant misuse of tax dollars at the N.C. Rural Center.", "\n\nExpanded job recruitment and grant programs while giving local communities significantly more flexibility to invest in public education and other priorities.", "\n\nProtected the Second Amendment rights of North Carolinians. ", "The Senate passed legislation to expand the number of places that people with a concealed carry permit can carry firearms to protect themselves and their families – while also strengthening safety measures for the public and penalties for criminals who violate our gun laws.", "\n\nPrevented gamesmanship of the state retirement fund by highly-compensated state and local employees seeking to inflate their pension benefits near the end of their careers at the expense of taxpayers and rank-and-file state workers.", "\n\nEnsured justice for more than 100 North Carolina families whose loved ones’ lives were brutally taken by passing a bill to end the de-facto moratorium on the death penalty in North Carolina.", "\n\nStrengthened transparency and accountability in the use of tax dollars and required greater private investment in legislation authorizing the state Department of Commerce to partner with a newly-formed private non-profit organization." ]
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[ "Assessment of everyday functioning in young children with disabilities: an ICF-based analysis of concepts and content of the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI).", "\nAssessment of everyday functioning in children may depend to a considerable extent on the framework used to conceptualise functioning and disability. ", "The Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI) has incorporated the mediating role of the environment on disability, using different measurement scales. ", "The construction of the Functional Skills scales, which measure capability, and the Caregiver Assistance scales, which measure performance, was based on the Nagi disablement scheme. ", "The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) represents a new framework of functioning and disability that could be used to compare the measurement constructs and the content of different outcome measurements. ", "To examine the conceptual basis and the content of the PEDI using the ICF. ", "Phrases that describe the conceptual basis of the PEDI scales and of the ICF classifications were systematically collected and compared. ", "Two researchers classified the item content of the Functional Skills scales independently before consensus was reached. ", "The analyses indicate that the conceptual basis of the PEDI scales to a large extent match the ICF concepts of activity, participation and environmental factors. ", "Both the PEDI and the ICF use the constructs of capacity and performance, but differ in how to operationalise these constructs. ", "The classification of the Functional Skills scales shows that the PEDI primarily is a measure of activities and participation. ", "The frequently use of environmental codes to classify the context of the requested functions demonstrates that the PEDI has incorporated the environment into the assessment. ", "Our analyses indicate that the ICF could serve as a conceptual framework to clarify the measurement construct of the PEDI scales, and as taxonomy to describe and clarify the item content of the Functional Skills scales. ", "Both as framework and taxonomy the ICF showed limitations in covering functioning in early childhood." ]
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[ "Yale Stewart is the creator of JL8, a popular fan-made newspaper strip-style comic about child versions of DC Comics characters attending elementary school together. ", "Recently, Stewart posted this picture on his personal Instagram and Tumblr accounts:\n\nAlong with the picture, Stewart posted a note saying “Barring any editorial changes, I just finished production on my first children’s book.” ", "Fans of JL8 have for a long time been stating their hopes that DC would pick up Yale Stewart professionally, and he recently got into major comics publishing with a two-page backup story in Marvel’s Nova #100. ", "A recent video he posted claimed that JL8 was going on hiatus due to him pursuing some larger projects, including children’s books, and it seems one of those is for DC.", "\n\nSo, what does this mean? ", "When Stewart says “Children’s book”, does he mean a comic book aimed towards younger readers, or a more conventional picture book? ", "Will it be just about Superman, or will other DC characters be involved? ", "Only time will tell.", "\n\nSource: Tumblr" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nMySQL INSERT from a SELECT with PDO\n\nI have a strange behaviour using PHP PDO for a INSERT from a SELECT query. ", "Testing the query directly in MySQL it works well, I get my row inserted :\nINSERT INTO sessionid (enc_id, enc_pass, enc_date) \nSELECT AES_ENCRYPT(username, 'aeskey'), AES_ENCRYPT(pwd, 'aeskey'), \nDATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 15 SECOND) FROM users WHERE username = 'a_user_name';\n\nBut using PDO, I have one row per user inserted at once (279 rows) .... Here is the PHP :\n$sql_enc = '\n INSERT INTO sessionid (enc_id, enc_pass, enc_date) \n (SELECT AES_ENCRYPT(username, :aeskey), AES_ENCRYPT(pwd, :aeskey), DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 15 SECOND) FROM users WHERE username = :username)\n';\n$res_enc = $pdo->prepare($sql_enc);\n$res_enc->bindParam(':aeskey', $aeskey);\n$res_enc->bindParam(':username', $username);\n$res_enc->bindParam(':pwd', $username);\n$res_enc->execute();\n$res_enc = null;\n\nWhat am I missing? ", "I'm almost sure it's nothing but can't make it insert that single row.", "\nThank you.", "\nfabien.", "\n\nA:\n\nNot that it is the probable problem, but you put a username in the password field in your code. ", "In your query you insert the aeskey there. ", "It is the only difference I can spot.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "\"Currency wars are like real wars in more ways than one. ", "They can last longer than the combatants expect, and produce unexpected victories and losses. ", "Real wars do not involve all fighting, all the time. ", "There are quiet periods, punctuated by major battles, followed by new quiet periods as the armies rest and regroup. \"", "\n\n\"But currency wars are like real wars - they have a tendency to escalate. ", "When one weapon runs out of firepower, the warring nations bring out bigger weapons. ", "Right now the biggest weapon in the arsenal is negative interest rates.\"", "\n\nMETAMIA is a free database of analogy\nand metaphor. ", "Anyone can contribute or search.", "\nThe subject matter can be anything.", "\nScience is popular, but poetry is encouraged.", "\nThe goal is to integrate our fluid muses with\nthe stark literalism of a relational database.", "\nMetamia is like a girdle for your muses,\na cognitive girdle." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCashing packages for npm registry with NGINX\n\nMy project is javascript app.", "\nI have lots of dependencies.", "\nI/O for npm registry takes major portion of CI execution.", "\nSo my idea is to setup NGINX in front of npm registry and cache tgz files downloads.", "\nIm running Ubuntu 14.04.", "\nNGINX version is 1.4.6\nThis is my nginx configuration script \nuser www-data;\nworker_processes 4;\npid /run/nginx.pid;\n\nevents {\n worker_connections 768;\n # multi_accept on;\n}\n\nhttp {\n\n ##\n # Basic Settings\n ##\n\n sendfile on;\n tcp_nopush on;\n tcp_nodelay on;\n keepalive_timeout 65;\n types_hash_max_size 2048;\n # server_tokens off;\n\n # server_names_hash_bucket_size 64;\n # server_name_in_redirect off;\n\n include /etc/nginx/mime.types;\n default_type application/octet-stream;\n\n ##\n # Logging Settings\n ##\n\n # access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;\n error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;\n\n ##\n # Gzip Settings\n ##\n\n gzip on;\n gzip_disable \"msie6\";\n\n include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;\n # include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*;\n # HTTP 1.1 support\n proxy_http_version 1.1;\n proxy_buffering off;\n proxy_set_header Host $http_host;\n proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;\n proxy_set_header Connection $proxy_connection;\n proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;\n proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;\n proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $proxy_x_forwarded_proto;\n proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Ssl $proxy_x_forwarded_ssl;\n proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Port $proxy_x_forwarded_port;\n\n # If we receive X-Forwarded-Proto, pass it through; otherwise, pass along the\n # scheme used to connect to this server\n map $http_x_forwarded_proto $proxy_x_forwarded_proto {\n default $http_x_forwarded_proto;\n '' $scheme;\n }\n\n # If we receive X-Forwarded-Port, pass it through; otherwise, pass along the\n # server port the client connected to\n map $http_x_forwarded_port $proxy_x_forwarded_port {\n default $http_x_forwarded_port;\n '' $server_port;\n }\n\n # If we receive Upgrade, set Connection to \"upgrade\"; otherwise, delete any\n # Connection header that may have been passed to this server\n map $http_upgrade $proxy_connection {\n default upgrade;\n '' close;\n }\n\n # Set appropriate X-Forwarded-Ssl header\n map $scheme $proxy_x_forwarded_ssl {\n default off;\n https on;\n }\n\n server {\n listen 80 default_server;\n\n location / {\n access_log /var/log/nginx/root.log;\n root /var/tmp/nginx/npm;\n try_files $request_uri @fetch;\n }\n\n location @fetch {\n internal;\n proxy_pass http://nmregistry:4873$request_uri;\n proxy_store /var/tmp/nginx/npm$request_uri;\n proxy_set_header Host $host;\n proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;\n proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;\n proxy_store_access user:rw group:rw all:r; \n }\n }\n}\n\nIt works, i can install packages but they are not cached on NGINX machine.", "\nCant see any tgz files in /var/tmp/nginx/npm\nWhat am i doing wrong here?", "\n\nA:\n\nThis is final version of configuration file.", "\nThe main problem was proxy_buffering on;\nuser www-data;\nworker_processes 4;\npid /run/nginx.pid;\n\nevents {\n worker_connections 768;\n}\n\nhttp {\n\n sendfile on;\n tcp_nopush on;\n tcp_nodelay on;\n keepalive_timeout 65;\n types_hash_max_size 2048;\n\n include /etc/nginx/mime.types;\n default_type application/octet-stream;\n\n ##\n # Logging Settings\n ##\n\n error_log /var/log/nginx/error.logi debug;\n\n ##\n # Gzip Settings\n ##\n\n gzip on;\n gzip_disable \"msie6\";\n\n include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;\n # include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*;\n # HTTP 1.1 support\n proxy_http_version 1.1;\n proxy_buffering on;\n proxy_set_header Host $http_host;\n proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;\n proxy_set_header Connection $proxy_connection;\n proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;\n proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;\n proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $proxy_x_forwarded_proto;\n proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Ssl $proxy_x_forwarded_ssl;\n proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Port $proxy_x_forwarded_port;\n\n # If we receive X-Forwarded-Proto, pass it through; otherwise, pass along the\n # scheme used to connect to this server\n map $http_x_forwarded_proto $proxy_x_forwarded_proto {\n default $http_x_forwarded_proto;\n '' $scheme;\n }\n\n # If we receive X-Forwarded-Port, pass it through; otherwise, pass along the\n # server port the client connected to\n map $http_x_forwarded_port $proxy_x_forwarded_port {\n default $http_x_forwarded_port;\n '' $server_port;\n }\n\n # If we receive Upgrade, set Connection to \"upgrade\"; otherwise, delete any\n # Connection header that may have been passed to this server\n map $http_upgrade $proxy_connection {\n default upgrade;\n '' close;\n }\n\n # Set appropriate X-Forwarded-Ssl header\n map $scheme $proxy_x_forwarded_ssl {\n default off;\n https on;\n }\n\n server {\n listen 80 default_server;\n location / {\n access_log /var/log/nginx/cache_root.log;\n proxy_pass http://nmregistry:4873;\n }\n\n location ~* .+/-/.+$ {\n root /var/tmp/nginx/npm;\n expires max;\n try_files $uri @fetch; \n }\n\n location @fetch {\n internal;\n proxy_pass http://nmregistry:4873$request_uri;\n\n proxy_store on;\n proxy_set_header Host $host;\n proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;\n proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;\n proxy_store_access user:rw group:rw all:rw;\n proxy_temp_path /var/tmp/nginx/npm 1 2;\n root /var/tmp/nginx/npm;\n }\n }\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "Legendary Chicago jurist George N. Leighton — a longtime county and federal judge, the first African-American to sit on the Illinois Appellate Court and the namesake of the criminal courthouse at 26th and California — has died at age 105.", "\n\nHe died Wednesday afternoon at a veterans hospital in Brockton, Massachusetts, following a weeklong bout with pneumonia, according to Langdon Neal, the managing member of Neal & Leroy where Leighton worked for more than two decades after retiring from the bench.", "\n\n“He will go down as one of this nation’s greatest civil rights lawyers,” Neal said. “", "Not just in advancement of racial equality, but fighting for everyone to ensure the Constitution protected all individuals.”", "\n\nLeighton grew up near New Bedford, Mass., picking cranberries and blueberries with his parents, immigrants from the Cape Verde Islands off Africa’s coast. ", "He didn’t learn much English early on, never finished school and never went to high school. ", "Instead, he got a job in a ship’s kitchen until he was thrown off in a mutiny. ", "He talked his way into Howard University.", "\n\nHe did so well at Howard that he was able to talk his way into Harvard Law School, again on a scholarship, working odd jobs to support himself. ", "But when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, Leighton took a break from Harvard to spend four years as a second lieutenant in places such as Guadalcanal.", "\n\nHis Harvard law degree did not open any law firm doors in a segregated Chicago in 1946, but Leighton made a name for himself defending those who couldn’t pay, going all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court with cases.", "\n\n“I join the legal community in mourning the passing of our friend and my former law professor, George N. Leighton. ", "He served the public in many ways as a Circuit Judge, an Illinois Appellate Justice and a U.S. District Court Judge,” Cook County Circuit Court Chief Judge Timothy Evans said in a statement.", "\n\nIt was a time “when an African-American man could neither rent an office downtown nor hail a taxi in the Loop,” Evans said in a statement.", "\n\n“He made a name for himself as an attorney who fought for voting rights, integrated schools, fair housing and equal access to jury service,” he said.", "\n\nLeighton worked out of a two-man law office in the shadows of the old Comiskey Park on the South Side during 18 years as a defense attorney.", "\n\n“I did a lot of volunteering, and I did have my share of death penalty cases — in those days it was a lot quicker from [trial] to sentencing,” Leighton said in a 2012 interview with the Chicago Sun-Times.", "\n\nIn 1951, Leighton was indicted for provoking a race riot in Cicero because he had told his clients, an African-American family, that it was OK to move there. ", "Represented by Thurgood Marshall — who would go on to become the first African-American U.S. Supreme Court justice — Leighton was eventually cleared.", "\n\nEvans cited that “courage” as a reason county officials moved to name the criminal courts building after Leighton in 2012.", "\n\n“That day, he said, ‘I practiced law. ", "That’s all I did.’ ", "Well, we all know it was so much more,” Evans said. “", "And we will always remember the man who made it his mission to make sure that the law was equally applied to all.”", "\n\nAfter the Cicero case, Leighton received a call “unsolicited” from Mayor Richard J. Daley asking him to be a candidate for Cook County judge, Leighton recalled in 2012. ", "Following such a call in those days, the election was a formality, and later he was elevated to the state appellate court — the first African-American on that panel.", "\n\nThen, Republican Sen. Charles Percy called. “", "Even though I was a Democratic Party liberal, he said President Gerald Ford wanted to nominate me to the federal bench,” Leighton said.", "\n\nNeal recalled his first encounter with Leighton, appearing before him in U.S. District Court in 1983.", "\n\n“I was a little bit awestruck. ", "His courtroom demeanor and his use of the English language, his firmness and yet compassion,” Neal said.", "\n\nHe served there until retirement in 1989, when he joined Langdon Neal at the firm started by his father Earl Neal, an old friend of Leighton.", "\n\n“He could have worked anywhere he wanted because of his background, but it was important to him to work for a minority-owned firm,” Neal said.", "\n\nHe worked there until he was 99.", "\n\n“Other than playing chess, he really didn’t have any hobbies,” Neal said. “", "Practicing law was not only what he did for a living, but it was who he was as a person.”", "\n\nLeighton is survived by two adult daughters, five grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. ", "Services are being planned." ]
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[ "\n633 F.Supp.2d 406 (2009)\nAngelita PUNZALAN et al., ", "Plaintiffs,\nv.\nFEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION and JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., Defendants.", "\nNo. ", "EP-09-CV-87-PRM.", "\nUnited States District Court, W.D. Texas, El Paso Division.", "\nJuly 6, 2009.", "\n*408 James B. Wilcox, Jr., James B. Wilcox, Jr., LLC, Washington, DC, Victor M. Firth, Firth Johnston Martinez, El Paso, TX, for Plaintiffs.", "\nDavid A. Super, Elysa M. Dishman, Richard P. Sobiecki, Samuel J. Waldon, Baker Botts LLP, Washington, DC, John R. Jones, Bickerstaff Heath Delgado Acosta LLP, Austin, TX, Alejandro Acosta, Jr., Bickerstaff Heath Delgado Acosta LLP, El Paso, TX, for Defendants.", "\n\n\n*409 ORDER GRANTING DEFENDANT FDIC's MOTION TO DISMISS\n\nPHILIP R. MARTINEZ, District Judge.", "\nOn this day, the Court considered Defendant Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's (FDIC) \"Opposed Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction,\" filed on April 14, 2009; the Punzalans' \"Opposition to Defendant FDIC/Receiver's Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction,\" filed on April 27, 2009; and FDIC's \"Reply in Support of its Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction,\" filed on May 11, 2009, in the above-captioned cause. ", "After due consideration, the Court is of the opinion that the motion should be granted and that the Punzalans' cause of action against FDIC should be dismissed.", "\n\nI. FACTUAL AND PROCEDURAL BACKGROUND\n\nA. The Punzalans' lawsuit in Texas state court\nOn April 2, 2003, the Punzalans filed a lawsuit for wrongful foreclosure on behalf of themselves and unnamed plaintiffs against HomeSide and HomeSide Lending Delaware, LLC in County Court at Law Number Five in El Paso, Texas. ", "Pls.' ", "Orig. ", "Class Action Pet. ¶ ", "32. ", "In the suit, the Punzalans alleged: (1) that HomeSide's foreclosure procedures violated TEX. ", "PROP. ", "CODE § 51.002(d), resulting in the unlawful foreclosure of their home; and (2) that as a consequence of this allegedly unlawful foreclosure, HomeSide unjustly enriched itself. ", "Pls.' ", "First Am. ", "Compl. ¶¶ ", "31-34, ¶¶ 35-37. ", "Washington Mutual Bank (Washington Mutual) answered the Punzalans' complaint, identifying itself as the legal successor to HomeSide, and thus the proper defendant in the Punzalans' lawsuit. ", "Pls.' ", "First Am. ", "Compl. ¶ ", "2. ", "On May 2, 2008, following a protracted discovery dispute, the state trial court denied the Punzalans' motion for class certification, and the Punzalans subsequently appealed that denial to the Court of Appeals for the Eighth District of Texas, on June 17, 2008. ", "Pls.' ", "Opp'n 2.", "\n\nB. FDIC's appointment as receiver and Chase Bank's purchase of Washington Mutual\nOn September 25, 2008, during the pendency of the Punzalans' appeal, the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS)—acting pursuant to its authority under the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA)—closed Washington Mutual and appointed FDIC as its Receiver.[1] OTS Order No. ", "2008-36; 12 U.S.C. § 1821(c) (2006) (providing for the appointment of FDIC as Receiver of a failed depository institution). ", "Contemporaneous with the appointment of FDIC as Receiver, J.P Morgan Chase Bank, National Association (Chase Bank) entered into a contract entitled \"Purchase and Assumption Agreement\" (the P & A Agreement) with FDIC. ", "Def.", "'s Mot. ", "to Dismiss Ex. ", "E. Under Section 2.5 of the P & A Agreement, Chase Bank purchased Washington Mutual on the condition that FDIC *410 remain responsible for any \"Borrower Claims\" against Washington Mutual \"related in any way to any loan or commitment to lend made by [Washington Mutual] prior to failure . . . ", "or otherwise arising in connection with the Washington Mutual's lending or loan purchase activities[.]\" ", "Def.", "'s Mot. ", "to Dismiss, Ex. ", "E. In exchange, pursuant to Section 2.1 of the P & A Agreement, Chase Bank promised to assume responsibility for all other liabilities, specifically including \"all mortgage servicing rights and obligations of [Washington Mutual].\" ", "Pl.", "'s Opp'n 4 (quoting Def.", "'s Mot. ", "to Dismiss Ex. ", "E).", "\nOn December 5, 2008, FDIC filed a pair of motions in the Court of Appeals for the Eighth District of Texas, requesting that it be substituted for Washington Mutual as defendant, and for a stay of the Punzalans' appeal for ninety days as required by FIRREA. ", "FDIC Receiver's Motion to Substitute Itself for WAMU, Punzalan, No.", "XXXX-XXXX (Tex.", "App.-El Paso, filed Dec. 5, 2008); See 12 U.S.C. § 1821(d)(12) (requiring courts to grant a ninety-day stay upon FDIC's request, of any pending litigation against a failed bank for which FDIC has been appointed receiver). ", "The Court of Appeals substituted FDIC and stayed the appeal in an order dated January 14, 2009. ", "Def.", "'s Mot. ", "to Dismiss Ex. ", "G.\n\nC. FDIC's attempt to comply with FIRREA's notice requirements\nOn December 18, 2008, while the Court of Appeals considered FDIC's motions for stay and substitution, FDIC attempted to mail individual notice of FIRREA's administrative-claims procedure to the Punzalans.[2] Def.", "'s Mot. ", "to Dismiss 2 Ex. ", "B. In that notice, FDIC advised the Punzalans that they had to submit their claims against Washington Mutual to FDIC for administrative review by March 18, 2009, the \"claims bar date.\" ", "Id. Additionally, FDIC published and re-published similar notice in various newspapers of wide distribution, as required by FIRREA. (", "Id. at 5, Ex. ", "A, attach. ", "2-3); see 12 U.S.C. § 1821(d)(3)(B) (requiring publication notice).", "\nThe Punzalans never filed an administrative claim with FDIC.", "\n\nD. FDIC's removal to federal court and its motion to dismiss\nOn March 9, 2009, after obtaining the stay of the Punzalans' appeal in state court, FDIC removed the case to federal court. ", "Docket No. ", "1. ", "On April 14, 2009, FDIC filed a motion to dismiss for lack of subject-matter jurisdiction pursuant to FED.R.CIV.P. 12(b)(1). ", "Def.", "'s Mot. ", "to Dismiss 1.", "\nIn its motion, FDIC \"requests that the Court dismiss Plaintiffs' action for lack of subject matter jurisdiction because Plaintiffs have failed to exhaust the mandatory administrative claims process set forth in 12 U.S.C. §§ 1821(d)(3) through (13).\" ", "Id. In response, the Punzalans first argue that *411 their particular claim is one assumed by Chase Bank under Section 2.1 of the P & A Agreement because their loan was one that was \"serviced,\" and not owned by Washington Mutual.[3] Alternatively, the Punzalans argue that, even if Washington Mutual did own the Punzalans' loan and FDIC thus assumed their claim under Section 2.5 of the P & A Agreement, FDIC may not subject their claim to FIRREA's administrative-claims procedure because FDIC mailed the Punzalans' notice to the wrong address, failing to satisfy FIREA's mailing requirements. ", "Pls.' ", "Opp'n 8-9; see 12 U.S.C. § 1821(d)(3)(C) (requiring FDIC to mail notice to known claimants and creditors).", "\n\nII. ", "LEGAL STANDARD\nPursuant to Rule 12(b)(1) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, a party may challenge a federal court's subjectmatter jurisdiction. ", "FED.R.CIV.P. 12(b)(1). ", "Federal courts are courts of limited jurisdiction, and therefore have power to adjudicate claims only when jurisdiction is conferred by statute or the Constitution. ", "Kokkonen v. Guardian Life Ins. ", "Co., 511 U.S. 375, 377, 114 S.Ct. ", "1673, 128 L.Ed.2d 391 (1994); Stockman v. Fed. ", "Election Comm'n, 138 F.3d 144, 151 (5th Cir.1998). ", "A court properly dismisses a case for lack of subject-matter jurisdiction when it lacks the statutory or constitutional power to adjudicate the case. ", "Home Builders Ass'n of Miss., Inc. v. City of Madison, 143 F.3d 1006, 1010 (5th Cir.1998). ", "Because \"[t]he burden of proof for a Rule 12(b)(1) motion to dismiss is on the party asserting jurisdiction,\" once a defendant files its motion to dismiss for lack of subject-matter jurisdiction, \"the plaintiff constantly bears the burden of proof that jurisdiction does in fact exist.\" ", "Ramming v. United States, 281 F.3d 158, 161 (5th Cir.2001) (citing in part Menchaca v. Chrysler Credit Corp., 613 F.2d 507, 511 (5th Cir.1980)); Howery v. Allstate Ins. ", "Co., 243 F.3d 912, 916 (5th Cir.2001).", "\nThe Fifth Circuit has recognized two types of challenges to a court's subject-matter jurisdiction under Rule 12(b)(1): \"facial attacks\" and \"factual attacks.\" ", "Paterson v. Weinberger, 644 F.2d 521, 523 (5th Cir.1981) (citing Menchaca, 613 F.2d at 511). ", "A \"facial attack\" occurs when a defendant files a Rule 12(b)(1) motion unaccompanied by supporting evidence. ", "Id. In that instance, \"the trial court is required merely to look to the sufficiency of the allegations in the complaint because they are presumed to be true.\" ", "Id. In contrast, \"if a defendant makes a `factual attack' upon the court's subject matter jurisdiction over the lawsuit, the defendant submits affidavits, testimony or other evidentiary materials.\" ", "Id. In the event of a factual attack, \"a plaintiff is also required to submit facts through some evidentiary method and has the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence that the trial court does have subject matter jurisdiction.\" ", "Id. \"In short, no presumptive truthfulness attaches to plaintiff's allegations, and the existence of disputed material facts will not preclude the trial court from evaluating for itself the merits of jurisdictional claims.\" ", "Williamson v. Tucker, 645 F.2d 404, 413 (1981) (quoting Mortensen v. First Fed. ", "Savs. & ", "Loan Ass'n, 549 F.2d 884, 891 (3d Cir.1977)) (internal quotations omitted). \"", "This means that the district court is not limited to an inquiry into *412 undisputed facts. ", "It may hear conflicting written and oral evidence and decide for itself the factual issues which determine jurisdiction.\" ", "Id.\n\"The district court consequently has the power to dismiss for lack of subject-matter jurisdiction on any one of three separate bases: (1) the complaint alone; (2) the complaint supplemented by undisputed facts evidenced in the record; or (3) the complaint supplemented by undisputed facts plus the court's resolution of disputed facts.\" ", "Id.; accord Den Norske Stats Oljeselskap As v. HeereMac V.O.F., 241 F.3d 420, 424 (5th Cir.2001) (citing Barrera-Montenegro v. United States, 74 F.3d 657, 659 (5th Cir.1996)).", "\n\nIII. ", "ANALYSIS\n\nA. The Punzalan's claim that FDIC failed to provide them notice\nIn its motion to dismiss, FDIC argues that the Court lacks subject-matter jurisdiction over the Punzalans' claim due to the Punzalans' failure to administratively exhaust their claims with FDIC. ", "In their opposition to FDIC's motion to dismiss, the Punzalans contend that they never received notice of the administrative claims procedure, and consequently failed to timely file an administrative claim with FDIC regarding their lawsuit against Washington Mutual. ", "Pl.", "'s Opp'n 8, Ex. ", "B. The Punzalans specifically argue that FDIC incorrectly mailed the Punzalans' notice to the zip code of 79902 instead of 79901, the allegedly correct zip code for their attorney's law firm, Firth Johnston Martinez. ", "Pls.' ", "Opp'n 4, 8 Ex. ", "B at 2. ", "The Punzalans have claimed no other deficiency in FDIC's notice aside from this one-digit variation in the zip code.", "\nFor FDIC to successfully invoke the administrative-claims procedure as to pre-receivership claims like the Punzalans', FDIC must comply with FIRREA's extensive notice requirements. ", "Under these requirements, FDIC must both publish and mail notice to any creditors and claimants of the failed depository institution, instructing them to present their claims for FDIC's determination. ", "See 12 U.S.C. § 1821(d)(3)(B)-(C) (requiring FDIC to publish notice and mail notice, respectively). ", "Regarding the mailing requirement, FIRREA provides that \"[t]he receiver shall mail a notice . . . ", "to any creditor shown on the institution's books (i) at the creditor's last address appearing in such books; or (ii) upon discovery of the name and address of a claimant not appearing on the institutions books within 30 days after the discovery of such name and address.\" ", "12 U.S.C. § 1821(d)(3)(C)(i)-(ii).", "\nThe Court concludes for two reasons that FDIC complied with FIRREA's notice requirements, and thereby rejects the Punzalans' claim that FDIC's mailed notice was fatally deficient under § 1821(d)(3)(C).", "\nFirst, to the extent that the correct zip code of Firth Johnston Martinez's office is a fact in dispute, the resolution of which bears on the Court's subject-matter jurisdiction in this case, the applicable standard of review empowers the Court \"to decide for itself the factual issues which determine jurisdiction.\" ", "Williamson, 645 F.2d at 413. ", "Moreover, the Punzalans \"ha[ve] the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence that the trial court does have subject matter jurisdiction,\" Paterson, 644 F.2d at 523, and \"no presumptive truthfulness attaches to [their] allegations,\" Williamson, 645 F.2d at 413 (quoting Mortensen, 549 F.2d at 891). ", "Neither the Punzalans nor the FDIC have presented evidence as to what address, if any, appeared on Washington Mutual's \"books.\" ", "See 12 U.S.C. § 1821(d)(3)(C)(i) (providing for notice to be mailed to \"any creditor *413 shown on the institution's books at the creditor's last address appearing in such books\").", "\nHowever, the Court finds persuasive that in nearly all of the five years' worth of documents filed by Mr. Firth in Texas state court, Mr. Firth's very own signature block recites 79902 as the proper zip code for Firth Johnston Martinez's offices. ", "See, e.g., Pls.' ", "Orig. ", "Class Action Pet. ", "at 9, Punzalan, No.", "XXXX-XXXX (Co. Ct. ", "at Law No. ", "5, El Paso County, Tex., ", "filed Apr. 2, 2003); Plaintiffs' Notice of Appeal, Punzalan, No.", "XXXX-XXXX (Co. Ct. ", "at Law No. ", "5, El Paso County, Tex., ", "filed June 17, 2008). ", "Moreover, as FDIC correctly notes, 79902 remains the zip code that is listed on the Court's docket for Firth Johnston Martinez. ", "Indeed, while Mr. Firth concludes his response to FDIC's motion to dismiss with a signature block reciting 79901 as the proper zip code for his office, in his Amended Class Action Complaint—a document he filed with the Court less than two days later—Mr. ", "Firth once again incorporates a signature block listing 79902 as the correct zip code. ", "Compare Pls.' ", "Opp'n 10 (declaring 79901 as the proper zip code) with Pls.' ", "First Am. ", "Compl. ", "9 (declaring 79902 as the proper zip code). ", "Cf. ", "Warfield v. Byron, 436 F.3d 551, 556 (5th Cir.2006) (affirming the entry of default judgment over a plaintiffs objections that he did not receive critical summary judgment documents on the grounds that the Receiver \"served each of the critical summary judgment documents . . . ", "by regular mail\" at the address provided by the plaintiffs attorney in his pleadings and that \"[w]ith this evidence in the record, [the plaintiff was] presumed to have received the Receiver's pleadings.\") (", "emphasis added).", "\nAccordingly, the Court resolves the factual dispute surrounding the correct zip code of Firth Johnston Martinez's office by finding that FDIC correctly addressed the Punzalans' notice \"at [their] last address appearing in [Washington Mutual's] books,\" and thus complied with FIRREA's notice requirements. ", "12 U.S.C. § 1821(d)(3)(C)(i). ", "Consequently, the Punzalans failed to administratively exhaust their claims with FDIC, and the Court now lacks subject matter jurisdiction over their suit.", "\nSecond, and in the alternative, even if FDIC did affix the incorrect zip code on the Punzalans' notice, such an error would not render FDIC's notice fatally deficient under the standards of FIREA. ", "In the Fifth Circuit, \"`[p]roof that a letter properly directed was placed in a U.S. Post Office mail receptacle creates a presumption that it reached its destination in the usual time and was actually received by the person to whom it was addressed.'\" ", "Warfield, 436 F.3d at 556 (quoting Beck v. Somerset Techs., ", "Inc., 882 F.2d 993, 996 (5th Cir.1989)). \"", "Thus, the question becomes whether the sender properly mailed the notice and not whether the intended recipient received it.\" ", "Greyhound Lines, Inc. v. Rogers (In re Eagle Bus Mfg., ", "Inc.), 62 F.3d 730, 735 (5th Cir.1995) (citing In re Schepps Food Stores, Inc., 152 B.R. 136, 139 (Bankr.", "S.D.Tex.1993)). ", "Moreover, \"[t]o determine if a mailing was accomplished[,] the courts may consider whether the notice was correctly addressed.\" ", "Id. (citing In re Schepps, 152 B.R. at 140).", "\nExhaustive research has uncovered no Fifth Circuit case speaking directly on whether an erroneous zip code renders notice incorrectly addressed for the purpose of rebutting the presumption of its receipt. ", "However, other circuits have held that the use of an incorrect zip code alone does not operate to rebut the presumption of receipt, particularly when the intended recipient presents no evidence that the *414 notice was returned to the sender for failure of delivery.[4]See, e.g., Santoro v. Principi, 274 F.3d 1366, 1370 (Fed.", "Cir. ", "2001) (\"Similarly, other courts considering this type of issue have held that lack of a zip code or an incorrect zip code will not preclude mail from being `properly addressed.'\"); ", "In re Longardner & Assocs., ", "Inc. 855 F.2d 455, 460 (7th Cir.1988) (\"Although the presumption of delivery may be weakened by the absence of a zip code . . . ", "it is strengthened in this case by the fact that the notice was never returned\"). ", "In the bankruptcy context, the Fifth Circuit has held that, when \"the notice was not returned to the sender as undeliverable nor was there widespread failure in the mailing of notices,\" the tardy creditor \"failed to rebut the presumption that she was given proper notice.\" ", "In re Eagle Bus, 62 F.3d at 736.", "\nAccordingly, the Court concludes that, even if FDIC utilized an incorrect zip code in the notice it mailed to the Punzalans, this error alone would not rebut the presumption that the Punzalans received the notice, and that FDIC consequently complied with FIRREA. ", "Thus, the Court would still lack subject-matter jurisdiction over the Punzalans' action.", "\n\nB. The Punzalans' claim that its lawsuit is one assumed by Chase Bank\nThe Punzalans also argue that, notwithstanding FDIC's allegedly deficient notice, their lawsuit was actually assumed by Chase Bank under Section 2.1 of the P & A Agreement because Washington Mutual only \"serviced\" their home loan and did not actually own it. ", "Pl.", "'s Opp'n 7. ", "Specifically, the Punzalans allege that their \"mortgage was not [Washington Mutual's], nor was it ever purchased by [Washington Mutual]. ", "Instead, the obligation arises from [Washington Mutual] servicing another entities [sic] mortgage.\" ", "Id.; see also id. at 6 (\"There is simply no question that the Punzalan loan is not an obligation of [Washington Mutual].\"). ", "Accordingly, the Punzalans contend that \"[t]hese servicing activities were specifically assumed by [Chase Bank] pursuant to paragraph 2.1 of the P & A Agreement, and therefore are not contained in the receivership assets the FDIC administrates.\" ", "Id. The Punzalans have since amended their complaint to add Chase Bank as a defendant.[5]\nWhile the Punzalans concede that \"the only claim against [Washington Mutual] at present is that of the Punzalans,\" they continue to seek the inclusion of FDIC as a defendant in this lawsuit based solely on speculation that \"in the event a class is certified, there potentially are claims against [Washington Mutual] as to mortgages it serviced, which would be subject to the receivership.\" ", "Pls' Opp'n 5, n. 1. ", "The Punzalans' argument only further counsels for the dismissal of their lawsuit as filed against FDIC. ", "The Punzalans concede that the potential claims of any putative, unnamed plaintiffs would still be subject to FIRREA's exhaustion requirements. ", "Id. However, they attempt to avoid dismissal by reasserting that FDIC failed to comply with *415 FIRREA's mailing requirements by virtue of the allegedly erroneous zip code, and consequently failed to invoke FIREA's administrative-claims procedure as to the unnamed plaintiffs as well. ", "Id.\nThe Court has already found that the Punzalans' argument of deficient notice fails as a matter of fact and law. ", "FDIC has complied with FIRREA by mailing notice to the Punzalans \"at the creditor's last address appearing in such books.\" ", "12 U.S.C. § 1821(d)(3)(C)(i). ", "FIRREA requires mailed notice only for \"any creditor shown on the institution's books,\" 12 U.S.C. § 1821(d)(3)(C), leaving publication notice as a safeguard for unknown claimants like those whom the Punzalans purport to represent. ", "See 12 U.S.C. § 1821(d)(3)(B) (providing for publication notice); see also Greater Slidell Auto Auction, Inc. v. Am. ", "Bank of Baton Rouge, 32 F.3d 939, 942 (5th Cir.1994) (\"Mailing of notice to claimants known to the receiver is constitutionally required; for such claimants, publication notice (which is sufficient for unknown claimants) is constitutionally infirm.\") (", "emphasis added). ", "As noted, the Punzalans do not dispute that FDIC complied with all of FIRREA's publication-notice requirements. ", "See supra Part II-D.\nAccordingly, to the extent that any unknown plaintiffs in the Punzalan's putative class currently assert claims against FDIC, the Court likewise lacks subject-matter jurisdiction over those claims due to Plaintiffs' failure to administratively exhaust them in accordance with FIRREA.", "\n\nIV. ", "CONCLUSION\nBased on the foregoing, the Court determines that it lacks subject-matter jurisdiction over the Punzalans' suit as filed against FDIC. ", "Therefore, the Court concludes that the Punzalans' claim against FDIC for wrongful foreclosure under TEX. ", "PROP.CODE 51.002(d) should be dismissed, and any attendant remedies sought, be denied.", "\nAccordingly, IT IS ORDERED that Defendant Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's \"Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Subject-Matter Jurisdiction\" (Docket No. ", "10) is GRANTED.", "\nIT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Plaintiffs Angelita Punzalan and Rodolfo Punzalan's claims against Defendant Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and on behalf of all others similarly situated, is DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE.", "\nNOTES\n[1] Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA), Pub. ", "L. No. ", "101-73, 83 Stat. ", "183 (1989) (codified in scattered sections of Titles 12 and 15 of the United States Code). ", "As the Fifth Circuit has noted, \"Congress enacted FIRREA to remedy the problems it perceived in the existing regulatory scheme in the savings and loan industry.\" ", "Meliezer v. Resolution Trust Co., 952 F.2d 879, 881 (5th Cir.1992) (citing H.Rep. ", "No. ", "101-54(I), 101st Cong., ", "1st Sess. ", "291-312, reprinted in 1989 U.S.Code Cong. & ", "Admin.", "News 86, 87-108). ", "Among other things, FIRREA authorizes OTS to appoint FDIC as a Receiver \"for the purpose of liquidation or winding up the affairs of an insured Federal depository institution\" like Washington Mutual. ", "12 U.S.C. § 1821(c)(2)(A)(ii).", "\n[2] In enacting FIRREA, Congress \"created a new claims determination procedure by which the creditors of a failed institution may be required to first present their claims to the Receiver for administrative consideration before pursuing a judicial remedy.\" ", "Meliezer, 952 F.2d at 881 (citing 12 U.S.C. § 1821(d)(3)). ", "This \"new claims procedure gives the Receiver of a failed financial institution the authority to review claims.\" ", "Id. See also Part III-A infra (detailing FIRREA's administrative-claims procedure). ", "However, FIRREA mandates that FDIC give notice to \"any creditor shown on the institution's books\" by both publication and mail, before it can require those creditors to present their claims for administrative consideration. ", "See 12 U.S.C. § 1821(d)(3)(B)-(C) (requiring FDIC to publish notice and mail notice, respectively).", "\n[3] On May 13, 2009, the Punzalans amended their complaint to add Chase Bank as a Defendant. ", "Pls.' ", "First Am. ", "Class Action Compl. ¶ ", "5. ", "However, the Punzalans request that the Court continue to include FDIC as a defendant in this action based on the theory that unnamed, potential plaintiffs may have claims against FDIC. ", "Pls.' ", "Opp'n 4-8.", "\n[4] Indeed, the United States Post Office's own standards for deliverable mail which it promulgates in the \"DOMESTIC MAIL MANUAL OF THE POSTAL SERVICE\" (MAIL MANUAL) pursuant to 39 C.F.R. § 111.5, provide that a deliverable address on most typical mailings may omit the recipient's zip code. ", "MAIL MANUAL 602, § 1.3(e)(2) \"Address Elements.\"", "\n[5] In issuing this Order, the Court takes no position on the proper construal of the P & A Agreement, or on the question of whether Chase Bank has indeed assumed the Punzalans' claims.", "\n" ]
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[ "Hyphenated techniques for the characterization and quantification of metallothionein isoforms.", "\nRecent developments in the coupling of highly selective separation techniques such as capillary electrophoresis (CE) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to element-specific and molecule-specific detectors, such as inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS) for the characterization and quantification of metallothioneins (MTs) are critically reviewed and discussed. ", "This review gives an update based on the literature over the last five years. ", "The coupling of CE to ICP-MS is especially highlighted. ", "As a result of progress in new interface technologies for CE-ICP-MS, research topics presented in the literature are changing from \"the characterization of interfaces by metallothioneins\" to the \"characterization of metallothioneins by CE-ICP-MS\". ", "New applications of CE-ICP-MS to the analysis of MTs in real samples are summarized. ", "The potential of the on-line isotope dilution technique for the quantification of MTs and for the determination of the stoichiometric composition of metalloprotein complexes is discussed. ", "Furthermore, a selection of relevant papers dealing with HPLC-ICP-MS for MT analysis are summarized and compared to those dealing with CE-ICP-MS. ", "In particular, the use of size-exclusion (SE)-HPLC as a preliminary separation step for metallothioneins in real samples prior to further chromatographic or electrophoretic separations is considered. ", "Additionally, the application of electrospray ionisation-tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS) for the identification of metallothionein isoforms following electrophoretic or chromatographic separation is discussed." ]
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[ "The P-8A Poseidon has entered low rate initial production and looks set for an on schedule entry into service. ", "Photo courtesy of The Boeing Company.", "\n\nThe U.S. Navy’s new P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol and reconnaissance aircraft has entered into Low-Rate Initial Production (LRIP).", "\n\nPrime contractor Boeing was awarded a $1.6 billion contract from the Navy on Jan. 21 for low-rate initial production (LRIP) six P-8A aircraft, spares, logistics and training devices.", "\n\nThe P-8A Poseidon will replace the P-3C Orion, which for decades has served as the Navy’s long-range anti-submarine warfare (ASW) patrol aircraft. ", "The P-8 will conduct ASW, anti-surface warfare, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, and broad-area maritime and littoral operations. ", "This valuable addition to naval air forces will protect the sea base and enhance the Navy’s forward presence.", "\n\n“Poseidon represents the centerpiece of the Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Force. ", "Make no mistake, P-8A is a game changer that will help ensure the United States Navy remains the preeminent maritime force in the world,” said Rear Adm. Michael W. Hewitt, Commander, Patrol and Reconnaissance Group Maritime Patrol.", "\n\nThe P-8A is the first Navy combat aircraft that has been built from the ground up on a commercial production line, leveraging Boeing’s highly-successful commercial 737 airliner.", "\n\nNew and Improved\n\nThe Navy and industry are partnering to align current and future technologies of the P-3C\n\nand P-8A to rapidly integrate and deploy new maritime patrol and reconnaissance capabilities.", "\n\nAccording to the Navy, key features that will allow the P-8A to remain a versatile and relevant aircraft for many years to come include:\n\n• Incorporating the current capabilities of the P-3 with enhanced mission systems, software and communications technology. ", "Open architecture will allow the P-8A to upgrade its capabilities and systems.", "\n\n• Carrying more than 20,000 pounds of weapons, including MK-54 torpedoes, standoff land attack missile expanded response and sonobuoys.", "\n\n• Increased storage capacity of 120 sonobuoys – 50 percent greater than that of the P-3.", "\n\n• Enhanced interoperability for exchange of information and a digital management system.", "\n\n• Greater speed and payload capacity and more advanced radars and sensors than the P-3.", "\n\n• Higher operating altitude of 41,000 feet.", "\n\n• Air-to-air refueling capability, allowing for a more efficient mission performance.", "\n\nThe P-8 will have many of the same systems as the P-3C, with added growth potential through open architecture, extended global reach, greater payload and higher operating altitude. ", "As submarines continue to be a significant threat, the P-8A’s ASW capability will be a critical component of the U.S. Navy’s global Maritime Strategy.", "\n\nThe P-8A is on track for initial operating capability in 2013.", "\n\n100 years of Naval Aviation\n\nThe Poseidon follows a long list of previous fixed-wing maritime patrol and reconnaissance aircraft, including the PBO Hudson, PBY Catalina, P2V Neptune, P-3 Orion, and the S-3 Viking.", "\n\nThe P-8 is among the new aircraft programs being introduced during the Centennial of Naval Aviation (CONA) celebration. ", "An X-47B Unmanned Combat Air System Demonstrator (UCAS-D) flew for the first time on Feb. 4. ", "UCAS-D is an essential step in the Navy’s effort to design, develop and integrate an autonomous unmanned air system into a carrier air wing. ", "The E/A-18G Growler is replacing the EA-6B Prowlers in the electronic attack role, and the Navy is deploying the new MQ-8B Fire Scout Vertical Takeoff and Landing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle from USS Halyburton (FFG 40), as well as moving ahead to acquire the F-35C for carriers and STOVL F-35B for the Marine Corps. ", "The new MH-60R Sea Hawk helicopter is also joining the fleet and deploying.", "\n\nAs of Feb. 11, the U.S. Navy has more than 3,700 aircraft in operational status. ", "More than 200 naval aircraft, past and present, participated in the kickoff for CONA in San Diego Feb. 12.", "\n\nFor more information on the CONA, visit www.navy.mil/flynavy/." ]
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[ "New condo for rent at the Pearl, minutes from Eagle Beach\n\nHi Everyone,\n\nLet me first introduce myself; we're a couple from Canada/Toronto area and a few years ago we visited Aruba after trying many Caribbean islands. ", "We instantly fell in love with the island and decided to come back (surprise, surprise). ", "That's when we realized we need to purchase our own.", "\n\nGlad to announce, after more than a year of continuous battles we finally managed to secure the purchase of our 2 bedroom condo at the Pearl and we're really excited to see it on the market. ", "Open to any comments or simply just say \"hello\"\n\nOvi & Roxana,\nCongrats, the place looks very nice. ", "Its always nice to own a 2nd home somewhere, especially if you can use it yourselves when you want to.", "\nwe are going to Aruba this Sunday and will try to swing by the area where it is to check out the property. ", "Best of luck with your new condo.", "\n\ncongratulations and much good luck with your new digs!", "\nforum member SCHEXC is also an owner there and he and his bride love it.", "\nthey visit aruba at least 2x a year for extended stays and also rent out their unit.", "\n\nOriginally Posted by ovidiu77\n\nHi Everyone,\n\nLet me first introduce myself; we're a couple from Canada/Toronto area and a few years ago we visited Aruba after trying many Caribbean islands. ", "We instantly fell in love with the island and decided to come back (surprise, surprise). ", "That's when we realized we need to purchase our own.", "\n\nGlad to announce, after more than a year of continuous battles we finally managed to secure the purchase of our 2 bedroom condo at the Pearl and we're really excited to see it on the market. ", "Open to any comments or simply just say \"hello\"\n\nCongrats and welcome to home ownership in Aruba. ", "Hubby and I own a 2 bedroom at Oceania so we are pretty close. ", "As Andrea said, SCHEXC and his wife own a one bedroom at the Pearl. ", "They are great people. ", "We are in Aruba Jan.-March and rent while we are not there. ", "If you need anything please let me know.", "\n\nThanks Brian, much appreciated. ", "You'll love the area, especially the proximity to the beach.", "\n\nHave a wonderful vacation!", "\n\nOriginally Posted by Pop-pop Brian\n\nOvi & Roxana,\nCongrats, the place looks very nice. ", "Its always nice to own a 2nd home somewhere, especially if you can use it yourselves when you want to.", "\nwe are going to Aruba this Sunday and will try to swing by the area where it is to check out the property. ", "Best of luck with your new condo.", "\n\nIf we can make it this coming January, we'd love to meet you guys as well. ", "Keep in touch\n\nOriginally Posted by robin\n\nCongrats and welcome to home ownership in Aruba. ", "Hubby and I own a 2 bedroom at Oceania so we are pretty close. ", "As Andrea said, SCHEXC and his wife own a one bedroom at the Pearl. ", "They are great people. ", "We are in Aruba Jan.-March and rent while we are not there. ", "If you need anything please let me know." ]
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"LOCATION", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 2310 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 2327, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 2316 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 2472, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 2453 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 2561, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 2546 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 2600, "entity_type": "LOCATION", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 2595 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 2607, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 2602 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 2640, "entity_type": "LOCATION", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 2633 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 2674, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 2668 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 2731, "entity_type": "LOCATION", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 2726 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 2771, "entity_type": "LOCATION", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 2766 } ]
[ "Q:\n\nDramatiq doesn't add tasks to the queue\n\nI'm trying to run some dramatiq actors from my Falcon API method, like this:\ndef on_post(self, req, resp):\n begin_id = int(req.params[\"begin_id\"])\n count = int(req.params[\"count\"])\n\n for page_id in range(begin_id, begin_id + count):\n process_vk_page.send(f\"https://vk.com/id{page_id}\")\n\n resp.status = falcon.", "HTTP_200\n\nMy code gets to \"send\" method, goes through the loop without any problems. ", "But where are no new tasks in the queue! ", "Actor itself is not called, and \"default\" queue in my broker is empty. ", "If I set custom queue, it is still empty. ", "My actor looks like this:\n@dramatiq.actor(broker=broker)\ndef process_vk_page(link: str):\n pass\n\nWhere broker is\nbroker = RabbitmqBroker(url=\"amqp://guest:guest@rabbitmq:5672\")\n\nRabbitMQ logs tell that it is connecting fine\nI've done some additional research in debugger. ", "It gets the message (which is meant to be sent to broker) fine, and broker.enqueue in Actor.send_with_options() returns no exceptions, although I can't really get it's internal logic. ", "I don't really know why it fails, but it is definitely RabbitmqBroker.enqueue() which is causing the problem.", "\nBroker is RabbitMQ 3.8.2 on Erlang 22.2.1, running in Docker from rabbitmq Docker Hub image with default settings. ", "Dramatiq version is 1.7.0.", "\nIn RabbitMQ logs there are only connections to broker when app starts and disconnections when I turn it off, like this:\n2020-01-05 08:25:35.622 [info] <0.594.0> accepting AMQP connection <0.594.0> ( ->\n2020-01-05 08:25:35.627 [info] <0.594.0> connection <0.594.0> ( -> user 'guest' authenticated and granted access to vhost '/'\n2020-01-05 08:28:35.625 [error] <0.597.0> closing AMQP connection <0.597.0> ( ->\nmissed heartbeats from client, timeout: 60s\n\nBroker is defined in __init__.py of main package and imported in subpackages. ", "I'm not sure that specifying the same broker instance in decorators of all the functions is fine, but where are nothing in docs which bans it. ", "I guess it doesn't matter, since if I create new broker for each Actor it still doesn't work.", "\nI've tried to set Redis as broker, but I still get the same issue.", "\nWhat might be the reason for this?", "\n\nA:\n\nMost likely the issue is that you're not telling the workers which broker to use, since you're not declaring a default broker.", "\nYou haven't mentioned how your files are laid out in your application, but, assuming your broker is defined as broker inside tasks.py, then you would have to let your workers know about it like so:\ndramatiq tasks:broker\n\nSee the examples at the end of dramatiq --help for more information and patterns.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1240, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 1234 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1265, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 1246 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1452, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 1442 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1497, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 1493 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1567, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 1557 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1727, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 1717 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1771, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 1767 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1875, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 1872 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 345, "entity_type": "URL", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UrlRecognizer_140094861343568", "recognizer_name": "UrlRecognizer" }, "score": 0.6, "start": 318 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1530, "entity_type": "IP_ADDRESS", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "IpRecognizer_140094861343856", "recognizer_name": "IpRecognizer" }, "score": 0.6, "start": 1520 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1550, "entity_type": "IP_ADDRESS", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "IpRecognizer_140094861343856", "recognizer_name": "IpRecognizer" }, "score": 0.6, "start": 1540 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1630, "entity_type": "IP_ADDRESS", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "IpRecognizer_140094861343856", "recognizer_name": "IpRecognizer" }, "score": 0.6, "start": 1620 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1650, "entity_type": "IP_ADDRESS", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "IpRecognizer_140094861343856", "recognizer_name": "IpRecognizer" }, "score": 0.6, "start": 1640 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1804, "entity_type": "IP_ADDRESS", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "IpRecognizer_140094861343856", "recognizer_name": "IpRecognizer" }, "score": 0.6, "start": 1794 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1824, "entity_type": "IP_ADDRESS", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "IpRecognizer_140094861343856", "recognizer_name": "IpRecognizer" }, "score": 0.6, "start": 1814 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 177, "entity_type": "URL", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UrlRecognizer_140094861343568", "recognizer_name": "UrlRecognizer" }, "score": 0.5, "start": 171 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 217, "entity_type": "URL", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UrlRecognizer_140094861343568", "recognizer_name": "UrlRecognizer" }, "score": 0.5, "start": 211 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 313, "entity_type": "URL", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UrlRecognizer_140094861343568", "recognizer_name": "UrlRecognizer" }, "score": 0.5, "start": 306 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 359, "entity_type": "URL", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UrlRecognizer_140094861343568", "recognizer_name": "UrlRecognizer" }, "score": 0.5, "start": 352 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 651, "entity_type": "URL", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UrlRecognizer_140094861343568", "recognizer_name": "UrlRecognizer" }, "score": 0.5, "start": 640 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 980, "entity_type": "URL", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UrlRecognizer_140094861343568", "recognizer_name": "UrlRecognizer" }, "score": 0.5, "start": 972 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 2558, "entity_type": "URL", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UrlRecognizer_140094861343568", "recognizer_name": "UrlRecognizer" }, "score": 0.5, "start": 2550 } ]
[ "Q:\n\nTraceroute returning different results on the same network\n\nI ran an mtr on my Ubuntu machine, and at roughly the same time on a Kali vm. ", "I tested this on my home network with different network adapters for each OS; However the results i get differ sometimes even drastically so. ", " \nThe only thing i have changed about the Ubuntu device is the DNS service. ", "It uses dnsmasq + dnscrypt-proxy while the Kali vm uses default configuration + google DNS. ", " \nHere are mtr and nslookup results for google.com(Don't mind the timestamps, the OS times are not synced):\n\nKali vm:\n\nroot@kali:~# mtr -rw google.com\nStart: 2019-10-07T11:44:05-0400\nHOST: kali Loss% Snt Last Avg Best Wrst StDev\n 1.|-- _gateway 0.0% 10 3.3 592.7 2.2 1129. ", "442.8\n 2.|-- 0.0% 10 13.6 544.2 8.4 1068. ", "426.7\n 3.|-- 10.0% 10 1455. ", "693.7 61.6 1455. ", "460.9\n 4.|-- 10.0% 10 1364. ", "609.2 9.8 1364. ", "455.5\n 5.|-- 40.0% 10 666.9 477.6 39.2 966.4 409.2\n 6.|-- 20.0% 10 605.5 723.2 226.2 1179. ", "356.6\n 7.|-- 10.0% 10 925.2 654.7 104.7 1168. ", "375.1\n 8.|-- ??? ", " 100.0 10 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0\n 9.|-- 10.0% 10 738.7 495.5 40.9 984.6 349.2\n 10.|-- 10.0% 10 647.5 675.8 194.4 1164. ", "362.4\n 11.|-- google.com 30.0% 10 1106. ", "665.9 105.1 1106. ", "370.0\n\nroot@kali:~# nslookup google.com\n;; Got recursion not available from fe80::1%3, trying next server\nServer:\nAddress:\n\nNon-authoritative answer:\nName: google.com\nAddress:\nName: google.com\nAddress: 2a00:1450:4018:803::200e\n\nUbuntu:\n\nali@Linuxity:~$ mtr -rw google.com\nStart: 2019-10-07T19:14:07+0330\nHOST: Linuxity Loss% Snt Last Avg Best Wrst StDev\n 1.|-- _gateway 0.0% 10 4.1 3.0 2.4 4.4 0.7\n 2.|-- 0.0% 10 7.9 11.9 7.6 28.1 6.0\n 3.|-- 0.0% 10 34.7 53.5 6.9 276.4 84.9\n 4.|-- 0.0% 10 8.1 46.5 7.9 232.7 75.8\n 5.|-- 0.0% 10 50.0 69.1 38.9 193.6 46.7\n 6.|-- 10.0% 10 80.1 89.3 71.3 152.6 25.2\n 7.|-- 0.0% 10 47.2 47.0 46.5 49.6 0.9\n 8.|-- ??? ", " 100.0 10 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0\n 9.|-- 0.0% 10 43.0 43.1 42.5 44.1 0.5\n 10.|-- 0.0% 10 83.6 90.2 74.0 169.4 28.1\n 11.|-- 0.0% 10 44.0 56.9 43.2 141.4 30.2\n 12.|-- 0.0% 10 163.0 186.9 162.2 405.9 76.9\n 13.|-- 0.0% 10 164.8 204.8 163.7 542.0 118.7\n 14.|-- 0.0% 10 236.9 294.5 236.9 590.0 117.4\n 15.|-- 0.0% 10 254.6 303.9 254.6 586.2 110.3\n 16.|-- 0.0% 10 265.6 320.6 263.7 641.7 125.0\n 17.|-- 0.0% 10 331.6 386.0 324.6 668.8 108.9\n 18.|-- 0.0% 10 422.9 453.5 410.5 630.0 70.5\n 19.|-- 0.0% 10 422.6 445.1 410.2 586.4 53.6\n 20.|-- 0.0% 10 382.9 405.5 382.3 542.7 52.3\n 21.|-- 0.0% 10 383.2 396.6 382.2 499.0 36.6\n 22.|-- 30.0% 10 383.2 385.6 383.2 394.1 3.8\n 23.|-- nrt20s08-in-f14.1e100.net 0.0% 10 380.6 384.0 379.9 414.4 10.7\n\nali@Linuxity:~$ nslookup google.com\nServer:\nAddress:\n\nNon-authoritative answer:\nName: google.com\nAddress:\nName: google.com\nAddress: 2404:6800:4004:808::200e\n\nIt's like this for most websites, but for some It's even worse.", "\nMy ISP blocks specific websites, so i expect to see no output when i do a traceroute on them, but these are traceroute results for facebook.com (a blocked website): \n\nKali vm (gives out my expected result): \n\nroot@kali:~# traceroute facebook.com\ntraceroute to facebook.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets\n 1 _gateway ( 16.924 ms 16.837 ms 16.796 ms\n 2 ( 17.321 ms 19.512 ms 21.178 ms\n 3 * * *\n 4 * * *\n 5 * * *\n 6 * * *\n 7 * * *\n 8 * * *\n 9 * * *\n10 * * *\n11 * * *\n12 * * *\n13 * * *\n14 * * *\n15 * * *\n16 * * *\n17 * * *\n18 * * *\n19 * * *\n20 * * *\n21 * * *\n22 * * *\n23 * * *\n24 * * *\n25 * * *\n26 * * *\n27 * * *\n28 * * *\n29 * * *\n30 * * *\n\nUbuntu:\n\nali@Linuxity:~$ traceroute facebook.com\ntraceroute to facebook.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets\n 1 _gateway ( 2.931 ms 3.275 ms 3.660 ms\n 2 ( 16.868 ms 17.432 ms 18.203 ms\n 3 ( 19.231 ms 20.119 ms 22.204 ms\n 4 ( 22.480 ms ( 24.190 ms ( 24.440 ms\n 5 ( 77.326 ms ( 31.733 ms ( 77.072 ms\n 6 ( 35.136 ms ae9.pr01.fra4.tfbnw.net ( 106.308 ms 105.593 ms\n 7 ae9.pr01.fra4.tfbnw.net ( 105.976 ms * *\n 8 ae122.ar02.fra2.tfbnw.net ( 96.944 ms ae112.ar01.fra2.tfbnw.net ( 94.836 ms *\n 9 ae4.bb02.fra5.tfbnw.net ( 96.613 ms ae122.ar01.fra2.tfbnw.net ( 139.115 ms ae122.ar02.fra2.tfbnw.net ( 108.266 ms\n10 ae17.bb01.fra2.tfbnw.net ( 136.744 ms ae3.bb02.fra2.tfbnw.net ( 98.110 ms 98.214 ms\n11 ae0.ar01.ams2.tfbnw.net ( 157.430 ms ae2.bb02.ams2.tfbnw.net ( 156.951 ms ae8.bb02.ams3.tfbnw.net ( 159.645 ms\n12 po211.asw02.ams2.tfbnw.net ( 197.090 ms ae2.bb02.ams2.tfbnw.net ( 157.658 ms ae0.ar01.ams2.tfbnw.net ( 160.155 ms\n13 po211.asw02.ams2.tfbnw.net ( 197.532 ms ae5.bb01.ams3.tfbnw.net ( 166.561 ms ae1.ar01.ams3.tfbnw.net ( 189.756 ms\n14 po225.psw02.ams2.tfbnw.net ( 151.310 ms po211.psw04.ams2.tfbnw.net ( 190.452 ms po241.psw01.ams2.tfbnw.net ( 150.859 ms\n15 ( 150.854 ms ( 177.751 ms po241.asw02.ams3.tfbnw.net ( 153.693 ms\n16 edge-star-mini-shv-01-amt2.facebook.com ( 154.070 ms 154.706 ms ( 146.896 ms\n\nWhat is causing this? ", "I've searched everywhere with no avail. ", "Any help would be greatly appreciated! ", " \nEDIT: After testing this on Termux from my phone, on mobile data as well as our home wifi, the results are same as the Kali vm results. ", "This means whatever's causing this is from the OS itself.", "\n\nEdit\nSorry for the late reply, i got busy with my studies.", "\nAs suggested, i used traceroute on IP's instead and here are the results for facebook.com, IP's were taken from nslookup. ", "Ubuntu returned and Kali ", "Here i did a traceroute to both of these IP's from each device:\n\nUbuntu: \n\nali@Linuxity:~$ mtr -rw\nStart: 2019-10-17T13:55:24+0330\nHOST: Linuxity Loss% Snt Last Avg Best Wrst StDev\n 1.|-- _gateway 0.0% 10 2.6 2.8 2.5 4.2 0.5\n 2.|-- 0.0% 10 11.8 8.8 7.8 11.8 1.3\n 3.|-- 0.0% 10 7.7 8.1 7.4 9.3 0.6\n 4.|-- 0.0% 10 8.6 8.0 7.5 8.6 0.4\n 5.|-- 0.0% 10 10.3 10.2 9.2 11.8 0.9\n 6.|-- 0.0% 10 10.1 9.6 8.4 10.8 0.8\n 7.|-- ae9.pr01.fra4.tfbnw.net 0.0% 10 91.5 85.6 82.8 91.5 3.2\n 8.|-- ??? ", " 100.0 10 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0\n 9.|-- ae112.ar02.fra2.tfbnw.net 0.0% 10 84.6 86.7 83.2 98.5 4.8\n 10.|-- ae33.bb01.fra2.tfbnw.net 0.0% 10 113.0 91.4 85.1 113.0 10.2\n 11.|-- ae12.bb02.ams2.tfbnw.net 0.0% 10 91.7 92.7 91.5 95.1 1.4\n 12.|-- ae1.ar01.ams2.tfbnw.net 0.0% 10 94.1 98.5 92.2 118.6 8.6\n 13.|-- po211.asw02.ams2.tfbnw.net 0.0% 10 91.6 92.5 91.6 94.3 0.9\n 14.|-- po224.psw03.ams4.tfbnw.net 0.0% 10 90.2 90.7 89.9 92.5 0.7\n 15.|-- 0.0% 10 92.3 95.1 91.6 121.5 9.3\n 16.|-- edge-star-mini-shv-01-ams4.facebook.com 0.0% 10 89.3 90.3 88.9 93.6 1.5\nali@Linuxity:~$ mtr -rw\nStart: 2019-10-17T14:00:50+0330\nHOST: Linuxity Loss% Snt Last Avg Best Wrst StDev\n 1.|-- _gateway 0.0% 10 2.5 8.1 2.4 58.6 17.7\n 2.|-- 0.0% 10 7.9 9.4 7.7 14.6 2.4\n 3.|-- ??? ", " 100.0 10 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0\n\nKali vm:\n\nroot@kali:~# mtr -rw\nStart: 2019-10-17T06:31:46-0400\nHOST: kali Loss% Snt Last Avg Best Wrst StDev\n 1.|-- _gateway 0.0% 10 2.2 2.8 2.2 3.9 0.5\n 2.|-- 0.0% 10 8.1 17.5 8.1 28.8 7.2\n 3.|-- 0.0% 10 7.1 8.1 7.1 9.6 0.8\n 4.|-- 0.0% 10 8.4 8.1 6.9 8.9 0.6\n 5.|-- 0.0% 10 9.9 10.4 8.4 13.4 1.5\n 6.|-- 0.0% 10 11.4 10.3 8.7 12.1 1.1\n 7.|-- ae9.pr01.fra4.tfbnw.net 0.0% 10 91.4 85.5 83.3 91.4 2.3\n 8.|-- ??? ", " 100.0 10 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0\n 9.|-- ae112.ar02.fra2.tfbnw.net 0.0% 10 86.5 90.5 83.3 109.5 8.7\n 10.|-- ae33.bb01.fra2.tfbnw.net 0.0% 10 87.8 86.8 85.0 89.6 1.4\n 11.|-- ae12.bb02.ams2.tfbnw.net 0.0% 10 97.0 92.7 90.3 97.0 2.0\n 12.|-- ae1.ar01.ams2.tfbnw.net 0.0% 10 93.9 95.2 92.4 102.7 3.6\n 13.|-- po211.asw02.ams2.tfbnw.net 0.0% 10 92.5 92.1 91.1 92.6 0.5\n 14.|-- po224.psw03.ams4.tfbnw.net 0.0% 10 90.2 90.3 89.0 91.6 0.7\n 15.|-- 0.0% 10 92.4 92.1 90.4 94.4 1.1\n 16.|-- edge-star-mini-shv-01-ams4.facebook.com 0.0% 10 89.7 90.1 88.8 91.5 0.8\nroot@kali:~# mtr -rw\nStart: 2019-10-17T06:32:21-0400\nHOST: kali Loss% Snt Last Avg Best Wrst StDev\n 1.|-- _gateway 0.0% 10 2.4 2.7 2.2 3.0 0.3\n 2.|-- 0.0% 10 8.2 14.2 8.0 53.1 13.8\n 3.|-- ??? ", " 100.0 10 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0\n\nAs apparent the results are identical. ", "I tried it with other websites to but even then the first few results seemed to make much more sense. ", " \nI tried the same inputs with a VPN service enabled. ", "Tracerouting the 'private' address just caused an infinite loop in _gateway which actually confirms your suggestions, and doing so for facebook.com now showed no sign of these private addresses either.", "\nThe default method was UDP here, but using TCP gave very similar results. ", " \nAnother interesting thing that happened was that after another traceroute on the previous IP, the results were now different, indicating it was probably a newer address and it recently got blocked by my ISP.", "\n\nThis all shows me how little you can trust your ISP with any unencrypted DNS requests and how they can be easily manipulated...\nAnyway, thank you all for the inputs! ", "I wish i could give you all the bounty but I'll just give it to antichris as his answer gave a really good summary and understanding of the subject.", "\n\nA:\n\nRouting\nWhat you're seeing is your trace bouncing around within the infrastructure of your ISP for the first few hops ( and are private network address blocks):\n...\n 2.|--\n 3.|--\n 4.|--\n 5.|--\n...\n\nand after that, within the target infrastructures (both Google and Facebook operate vast multihost networks):\n\n172.253.0.0/16 is Google LLC,\n103.4.96.0/22 is Facebook Singapore Pte Ltd.\n\nAlso, notice the striking similarity between\nthe private and the two OmanMobile Telecommunication company addresses in the network right after that:\n...\n 5.|--\n 6.|--\n 7.|--\n...\n\nI believe they are not only correlated, but map directly.", "\nThe different hosts in hops after leaving your ISP's network is dynamic routing at work.", "\nDNS Spoofing\nAs for why does traceroute to facebook.com fizzle out after — is plain and simple: your ISP intercepts your attempts to look up DNS on Google's service and spoofs replies for facebook.com to resolve to, which is a private address in your ISP's infrastructure (and may even not be an actual connected host). ", "When you request IP address for the same domain name over DNSCrypt, your ISP can't listen in and spoof responses and you get a valid response: (Facebook Ireland Ltd,", "\nIn conclusion, this all makes a convincing case for using tools like DNS over TLS, DNS over HTTPS and DNSCrypt — these all prevent malicious actors from intercepting and redirecting your traffic to their infrastructure.", "\nAnd remember: whois is your friend!", "\n\n" ]
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[ "KANSAS CITY, Mo. — An gun manufacturer that was sued by the City of Kansas City for being a public nuisance filed for bankruptcy in Nevada on Monday.", "\n\nJimenez Arms, Inc. filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy and cited over $2 million owed to different vendors and in lawsuits in the filing documents.", "\n\nThe Nevada-based company is accused by the city of being involved with federal gun trafficking.", "\n\nThe city said that Jimenez Arms guns “have been frequently and disproportionately recovered at crime scenes in the Kansas City region,\" and that they are being sold to third parties illegally.", "\n\nAccording to court documents, KCPD \"recovered, seized, or held as evidence at least 166 Jimenez Arms guns\" from 2014-18 as part of its investigations.", "\n\nThe lawsuit was filed with the help of Everytown Law and had not made progress before the bankruptcy filing." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nControlling a bash shell using the process class with .NET Core 2.0\n\nUsing .NET Core 2.0 on a Linux Ubuntu I want to start a bash shell\nusing the Process class, redirect StandardInput and StandardOutput \nand want to enter commands and receive the results.", "\nThis works great for commands like cd and dir.", "\nWhen I want to execute a command with sudo, the bash hangs, however,\nand waits for the input of a password. ", "I guess the same would happen\nfor commands that require a confirmation by Yes or No.", "\nIs there any way to enter the password or a confirmation like Yes or No\nfrom my application?", "\n\nA:\n\nOption 1 is, drop the 'netcore' tag from your search and look at pure bash-based answers like Is there a way to input automatically when running a shell?", "\nOption 2, is there, or can you create, a username/password you can use that doesn't require sudo? ", "If so then the right Process.", "Start() overload might do the trick? ", "I hoped that there might be something on ProcessInfo class to request elevated privileges. ", "On Windows platforms, using Verb=\"runas\" does it but will invoke UAC.", "\nOptions 3: Forget sudo and look at other Linux options such as creating an executable with setuid set on it. ", "Look at e.g. https://serverfault.com/questions/262809/correct-way-to-give-elevated-privileges-to-mono-application for some thoughts.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott on Tuesday asked the State Guard to monitor a U.S. military training exercise dubbed “Jade Helm 15” amid Internet-fueled suspicions that the war simulation is really a hostile military takeover.", "\n\nThe request comes a day after more than 200 people packed a meeting in rural Bastrop County and questioned a U.S. Army commander about whether the government was planning to confiscate guns or implement martial law. ", "Bastrop County Judge Paul Pape said “conspiracy theorists” and “fear mongers” had been in a frenzy.", "\n\nPape thanked Abbott for the letter to the Texas State Guard, which he believed helped emphasize the benefit of the military training rather than further fuel theorists.", "\n\n“It’s a sad when people’s greatest fear is their own government,” Pape said. “", "Think about the ramification of that. ", "If Americans go to sleep at night worrying whether their own government is going to sell them out before morning, it’d be hard to sleep.”", "\n\nSuspicions about Jade Helm intensified on some conservative websites and social media after a map labeled Texas, Utah and parts of California as “hostile” for the purposes of the three-month training exercise that begins in July. ", "Such war simulations aren’t unusual, though the Army has acknowledged that the size and scope of Jade Helm makes it unique.", "\n\n\n\nPeople listen at a public hearing about the Jade Helm 15 military training exercise in Bastrop, Texas. (", "Photo via AP)\n\nTexas and six other states are hosting the exercises on public and private lands. ", "The Army says the terrain and topography in the areas selected are ideal to replicate foreign combat zones.", "\n\nNo other governor had so publicly addressed the training exercise.", "\n\n“It is important that Texans know their safety, constitutional rights, private property rights and civil liberties will not be infringed,” Abbott wrote. “", "By monitoring the Operation on a continual basis, the State Guard will facilitate communications between my office and the commanders of the Operation to ensure that adequate measures are in place to protect Texans.”", "\n\nU.S. Army Lt. ", "Col. ", "Mark Lastoria told the crowd in Bastrop on Monday that the exercise will involve 1,200 soldiers and all four branches of the military, according to the Austin American-Statesman. ", "He said people with a “personal agenda” about the exercise had been spreading misinformation.", "\n\nLastoria spoke for two hours, but some left the meeting still unconvinced.", "\n\n\n\nBob Welch, standing at left, and Jim Dillon, hold a sign at a public hearing about the exercise. (", "Photo via AP)\n\nPape told The Associated Press that some came from as far as Houston and Dallas to attend the meeting. ", "He said the county could reap as much as $150,000 in economic activity from the exercise, which in Bastrop is set to include 60 soldiers, two Humvees and a helicopter.", "\n\nBastrop County is home to Camp Swift, the largest base for the Texas National Guard, and Pape said most people likely won’t even notice.", "\n\n“There’s been a lot of dust thrown in the air, a lot of haze,” Pape said. “", "Those who wanted to raise concerns on the one hand succeeded. ", "They’ve raised a lot of attention about this. ", "But the fact is the message is clear: Jade Helm is a well-designed and a well-constructed training operation.”", "\n\n___\n\nAssociated Press Writer Eva Ruth Moravec contributed to this report.", "\n\n___\n\nFollow Paul J. Weber on Twitter: www.twitter.com/pauljweber\n\nCopyright 2015 The Associated Press. ", "All rights reserved. ", "This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed." ]
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[ "musings about Washington, DC, and anywhere, and anything else (politics, food, the environment...)\n\nWednesday, January 07, 2009\n\nOut with the old....\n\nThis dreary day is perfect for taking down the holiday decorations; the tiny tree will be chopped up tomorrow and scattered around for mulch, fertilizer, etc., ", "and the soil and pot saved--more soil to be added, to start more container gardening nonsense...\n\nOne thing potentially made easier is throwing out the trash, as a few weeks ago the county provided new, gigantic recycling bins. ", "These are to be used for the improved recycling process, known as single-stream recycling. ", "Basically, this means you can recycle almost anything you're likely to throw out in the course of a week, except for food or items that have touched food (that is, items which could be composted).", "\n\n(The above video from the Science Channel is of a manufacturing plant that uses a single stream recycling process.)", "\n\nThat's right, newspapers, paper, (rinsed out and dried) cans and bottles, torn up cardboard boxes, magazines, you name it, you can toss it into the recycling bin. ", "Yippee! ", "Makes life easier.", "I'm keeping the old bin, however, as a recycling way station, and transferring stuff from it to the colossus on recycling day.", "\n\nThe one thing that could mess up this scheme is the lack of communication by the county regarding the new process. ", "One day, guys just showed up bringing the bins, which had a couple of pamphlets attached to them with instructions, etc. ", "No letters preceeded this rollout, no appearances were scheduled by county leaders to discuss the benefits, etc.", "\n\n* * *\n\nFinally, corporations are starting to reduce waste. ", "Perhaps it's no coincidence that one of the few retailers this season to have something resembling a profit, Amazon, has also introduced a process to reduce customers' \"wrap rage,\"; they call it Frustration-Free Packaging. ", "I wish I'd known about this when I had to purchase a Verizon cell phone earlier this year, and a Timex watch; it took some ten minutes to release the $30 watch from its package. ", "Sheesh!", "\n\nSmaller companies are joining the reduced waste bandwagon, as well. ", "Two manufacturers of my favorite ginger candies, Ting Ting Jahe and Reed's Ginger Brew, have changed the paper that wraps the individual candies to edible rice paper wraps! ", "This doesn't affect the taste of the candies, as far as I'm concerned. ", "So, the only thing that has to be thrown away when done downing all the chews is the bag that they came in. ", "Nice!" ]
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[ "The R273H p53 mutation can facilitate the androgen-independent growth of LNCaP by a mechanism that involves H2 relaxin and its cognate receptor LGR7.", "\nMutations in p53 occur at a rate of approximately 70% in hormone-refractory prostate cancer (CaP), suggesting that p53 mutations facilitate the progression of CaP to androgen-independent (AI) growth. ", "We have previously reported that transfection of p53 gain of function mutant alleles into LNCaP, an androgen-sensitive cell line, allows for AI growth of LNCaP in vitro. ", "We herein confirm the in vivo relevance of those findings by demonstrating that the R273H p53 mutation (p53(R273H)) facilitates AI growth in castrated nude mice. ", "In addition, we demonstrate that H2 relaxin is responsible for facilitating p53(R273H)-mediated AI CaP. H2 relaxin is overexpressed in the LNCaP-R273H subline. ", "Downregulation of H2 relaxin expression results in significant inhibition of AI growth, whereas addition of recombinant human H2 relaxin to parental LNCaP promotes AI growth. ", "Inhibition of AI growth was also achieved by blocking expression of LGR7, the cognate receptor of H2 relaxin. ", "Chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis was used to demonstrate that p53(R273H) binds directly to the relaxin promoter, further confirming a role for H2 relaxin signaling in p53(R273H)-mediated AI CaP. Lastly, we used a reporter gene assay to demonstrate that H2 relaxin can induce the expression of prostate-specific antigen via an androgen receptor-mediated pathway." ]
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[ "Memorial Plaque of Tree of Peace\n\nThe Tree of Peace Memorial Plaque (Slovak: Pamätná plaketa Stromu pokoja) was founded by Servare et Manere, o.z., ", "Slovak Civic association on December 1, 2019. ", "Servare et Manere is the founder of an international project called The Tree of Peace.", "\n\nDescription \nCivic association Servare et Manere by awarding Tree of Peace Memorial Plaque expresses the highest gratitude which may be granted only to the Heads of the states, who are personally involved in planting, or people who have made a special contribution to spreading ideas of understanding and union among nations, as well as have made a major contribution to the spreading and implementation of the project at home or abroad. ", "The number of laureates is limited to 20 persons. ", "Laureates are entered in a special register. ", "The award was first awarded in Brookwood Military Cemetery on December 4, 2019. ", "The award has evolved from the original plaque, which is placed on the commemorative pillar near each planted Tree of Peace.", "\n\nBasic informations \n\n Designer of the award: Marek Sobola.", "\n Gypsum model: Branislav Ronai, The atelier of the Kremnica Mint.", "\n Coinage: Kremnica Mint.", "\n Material: Copper.", "\n Maximum number of laureates: 20 living persons.", "\n\nLaureates\n\nAwarded in 2019 \n\n Zuzana Čaputová, President of the Slovak Republic (Brookwood Military Cemetery).", "\nĽubomír Rehák, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Republic to the Court of St. James´s in London (St Michael’s Abbey in Farnborough).", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links \n\n \n\nCategory:Awards established in 2019\nCategory:International awards\nCategory:Peace awards" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSafest way to update record in PHP MySQL\n\nI'm building an experimental site for myself in PHP and MySQL. ", "\nI'm adding an update record section where my logged in users can update certain records in my table. ", "\nTo update a record im passing the record id through the URL and updating it using that as my primary key, my problem however (and im well aware this is a massive security issue) is that any user can alter the url variable and update anybody else's information. ", "\nWhats the best way to prevent this? ", "\n\nA:\n\nWell quite simply, your web application needs to know whos information is whose, and return an error page when a user who does not have proper rights tries to do something like that.", "\nOr if you want to be very secure instead of returning a Not Authorized page (this would allow people to figure out information about your database) just return a generic error page whether the URL is valid or not.", "\nEDIT:\nAs people are pointing out below, you can tell who a user is through basic PHP session management, but I had assumed you already knew how to tell WHO the user sending the request is.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Part I: Identifying chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in patients with respiratory symptoms.", "\nChronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a common and underdiagnosed disease that is a major cause of disability and death in the US and abroad. ", "A more aggressive approach to managing COPD in primary care is critical to improving outcomes in patients with COPD. ", "Since asthma is usually the main condition considered in the differential diagnosis of COPD, a thorough knowledge of the differences between asthma and COPD is particularly important. ", "A careful history, a thorough physical examination, and the early use of spirometry may help identify patients earlier in the course of the disease. ", "Smoking cessation remains a mainstay of COPD therapy. ", "Other nonpharmacologic therapy includes avoidance of risk factors, patient education, pulmonary rehabilitation and, when necessary, oxygen therapy. ", "Once COPD has been diagnosed, pharmacologic treatment depends on symptoms as well as the severity of disease. ", "Therapy for mild disease includes smoking cessation and the use of short-acting bronchodilators as needed. ", "Pharmacotherapy for moderate and severe disease typically includes one or more long-acting bronchodilators in addition to the treatment already described for mild disease. ", "Inhaled corticosteroids are indicated in severe and very severe patients with recurrent exacerbations. ", "Long-term oxygen therapy is indicated for all patients with documented hypoxemia. ", "Patients with severe and very severe disease should receive pulmonary rehabilitation, and in patients with very severe disease, lung transplantation or other surgical treatment, such as lung volume reduction surgery or bullectomy, should be considered for appropriate patients." ]
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[ "Advertisements\n\nLeigh Corfman who accused Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore of preying on her when she was a 14-year-old girl has released a devastating open letter to Moore that drives home the point that he should never be the Senator from Alabama.", "\n\nCorfman wrote:\n\nFinally, last night, you did the dirty work yourself. ", "You called me malicious, and you questioned my motivation in going public.", "\n\n….", "\n\nAdvertisements\n\nI explained my motivation on the Today show. ", "I said that this is not political for me, this is personal. ", "As a 14-year old, I did not deserve to have you, a 32-year old, prey on me. ", "I sat quietly for too long, out of concern for my family. ", "No more.", "\n\nI am not getting paid for speaking up. ", "I am not getting rewarded from your political opponents. ", "What I am getting is stronger by refusing to blame myself and speaking the truth out loud.", "\n\n…\n\nBut when you personally denounced me last night and called me slanderous names, I decided that I am done being silent. ", "What you did to me when I was 14-years old should be revolting to every person of good morals. ", "But now you are attacking my honesty and integrity. ", "Where does your immorality end?", "\n\nThe least shocking moment of 2017 came when the President who has been accused of sexual assault by 17 women offered a full-throated endorsement of a Republican Senate candidate who is accused of being a child molester. ", "The illusion of Teflon Don was shattered when Trump and his party got trounced on Election Day 2017. ", "Corfman’s letter makes the Trump endorsement look like an even bigger mistake.", "\n\nRoy Moore is a dead candidate walking, and as Republicans try to jam a tax bill through the Senate that takes away healthcare and raises taxes on the middle class and poor, Corfman’s question can be asked of the Republican Party. ", "Where does their immorality end?", "\n\nMoore looks like he is toast, which is another underreported reason why Republicans are quickly trying to jam their tax cuts for the rich through Congress, but this is about more than politics. ", "When a political party stands behind a child molester, that party has no moral decency.", "\n\nThe nomination of Roy Moore in Alabama was not a mistake. ", "It was a reveal of what the Republican Party has become" ]
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[ "Nilekani-backed 4TiGO Eyes $10 million\n\nHyderabad:4TiGO, a logistics startup backed by Infosys cofounder Nandan Nilekani and Accel Partners, is looking to close nearly $10 million in Series A from existing investors in the next couple of quarters, a person close to the development said.", "\n\n4TiGO cofounder Vivek Malhotra confirmed the company's plans to raise funds through Series-A round. ", "He, however, refused to divulge details on the size and timing of the series-A funding. ", "Malhotra, who was in Hyderabad on Tuesday, told ET that the proceeds would be deployed for business expansion and bringing in more players under their network.", "\n\nThe startup had earlier in 2015 secured a $2-million seed funding from Nandan Nilekani and Accel Partners. “", "We are in talks to raise series-A funding and will be looking to close the deal very soon,“ said Malhotra, who is also the chief of strategy and marketing for 4TiGO. ", "He was in Hyderabad to announce the launch of the company's operations in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.", "\n\n“The funds, to be raised in Series-A, are close to $10 million and they are being pumped in by the existing investors,“ said the person quoted earlier. ", "He said the details of contribution from existing investors and possibility of new investors joining the team were being worked out.", "\n\nThe startup plans to get 50,000 trucks by the end of this year, adding to the fleet of 1,200 trucks with which it kicked off operations last quarter. ", "It charges 2% commission each from the transport company and the fleet owners involved.", "\n\nFounded in 2015 by two former IT executives, 4TiGO brings all stakeholders in the transportation industry on one platform through an app to book a truck at desired rates and also monitor its movements apart from providing insurance and essential services to the drivers.", "\n\nSachin Bansal, Binny Bansal, sales director Hari, accounts managers Sumit Anand and Sharauque among other employees have been named in the FIR registered on the basis of a complaint lodged by Naveen Kumar, owner of Indiranagar-based C-Store Company." ]
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[ "OPENINGS AND EXTRAS\n\nFirst Friday celebrates Girls' Night Out in March with a focus on women's fashion, health, beauty and more from 5 to 9 p.m. Friday, March 1, in downtown York. ", "Special events include a Parliament fashion show at 6 p.m. at Marketview Arts, 37 W. Philadelphia St.; a Jazz in the City concert from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Strand Studio, 50 N. George St., $3 cover; and a talk and book signing by author Scott Mingus Sr. ", "at 7 p.m. at the York Emporium, 343 W. Market St. Information: (717) 849-2331 or downtownyorkpa.com.", "\n\nThe French film \"Rust and Bone,\" starring Matthias Schoenaerts and Marion Cotillard, comes to York with screenings at 7 p.m. Saturday, March 2, and 3 p.m. Sunday, March 3, at the Capitol Theatre, 50 N. George St., York. ", "The R-rated film runs 120 minutes. ", "Tickets: $7. ", "Information: (717) 846-1111 or www.mystrandcapitol.org.", "\n\nThe York Youth Symphony Orchestra presents a winter concert of Mahler, Strauss and more at 7 p.m. Sunday, March 3, in the William Penn Senior High School auditorium, 101 W. College Ave., ", "York. ", "Tickets: $10. ", "Information: yorkyouthsymphony.org.", "\n\nThe Best Wedding Showcase bridal show invites brides and friends to check out catering, gowns, photography and more from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Sunday at the Holiday Inn Conference Center, 2000 Loucks Road, West Manchester Township. ", "Door prizes will be awarded. ", "Admission: $5. ", "Information: www.bestweddingshowcase.com.", "\n\nWEEKEND SPORTS\n\nFive York-Adams League teams will play for District 3 basketball championships this weekend at the Giant Center in Hershey. ", "The action starts at 6:15 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 28, when the York Catholic girls battle Delone Catholic for the Class AA title. ", "The Delone boys will try to win a AA title at 6:45 p.m. Friday, March 1, when they take on Trinity. ", "On Saturday, March 2, the Susquehannock girls will attempt to take the AAA crown when they face Palmyra. ", "That game will be followed at 1 p.m., when the York High boys face Harrisburg for the AAAA championship.", "\n\nThe District 3 Swimming Championships are set for Friday and Saturday, March 1-2, at Cumberland Valley High School. ", "Action starts at noon Friday and 10 a.m. Saturday.", "\n\nGET TICKETS\n\nTickets to see country singer-songwriter Hayes Carll and special guest Warren Hood and The Goods in the CapLive concert series are on sale now. ", "The show starts at 8 p.m. Wednesday, May 8, at the Capitol Theatre, 50 N. George St., York. ", "Tickets are $18. ", "For details, call (717) 846-1111 or visit www.mystrandcapitol.org.", "\n\nTickets for the York County Heritage Trust's homebrewing workshop series are on sale now. ", "The workshops are set for March 30, April 20 and May 14. ", "Over the three sessions, attendees will learn how to brew beer, bottle beer, make bread and churn butter, and evaluate the finished beers. ", "Tickets are $70. ", "For details, call (717) 848-1587 or visit www.yorkheritage.org.", "\n\nTickets to see mature-audiences comedian Tracy Morgan are on sale now. ", "The show starts at 8 p.m. Saturday, May 18, at the Strand-Capitol Performing Arts Center. ", "Tickets are $39.50-$49.50. ", "For details, call (717) 846-1111 or visit www.mystrandcapitol.org." ]
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[ "Born in Kansas City, MO on Feb. 10, 1883. ", "Daggett came to California with her family as a child. ", "Shortly after the turn of the century, she studied at the AIC with Lorado Taft and then at Pasadena's Throop Institute before traveling to Rome and Paris for three years of further study. ", "Upon her return to Pasadena in 1911, she fulfilled many commissions including medallions, fountains, and garden figures of children. ", "Daggett died in Pasadena on Sept. 24, 1941. ", "Exh: Alaska-Yukon Expo (Seattle) (showing 500 of 1142 characters).", "\n\nSubscriber Members, please Log On for artist biographies and for all services.", "\n\nIf you are not currently a member, please See Details about membership, which includes biography access, auction records, and many other features available to our day, month, or yearly Subscriber Members!" ]
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[ "THE results of the European election will please Nicola Sturgeon.", "\n\nAt the last election in 2014, the SNP had high hopes of picking up a third MEP on the road to the independence referendum, but instead saw their vote share fall.", "\n\nThis time, the party secured the advance it had been looking for, boosting its share of the vote and getting that third seat to give it half of the Scottish contingent in Brussels.", "\n\nWith one-third of SNP supporters backing Leave in 2016, Ms Sturgeon’s unabashed anti-Brexit message was a gamble, but it seemed to pay off.", "\n\nRead more: LIVE - European elections 2019 live results in Scotland\n\nAfter sprinkling the word “independence” liberally through the SNP manifesto, Ms Sturgeon will be able to claim the result as evidence of Scotland’s desire for further constitutional change.", "\n\nThere was also some comfort for Ruth Davidson. ", "Despite the Scottish Tory vote falling as the Brexit Party surged into second place, early results suggested the Tories had clung on to their single MEP. ", "The Scottish Tory leader will be pleased the Tory chaos at Westminster has not yet trashed her brand. ", "Although, if Boris Johnson becomes the next prime minister, that could change.", "\n\nThe biggest losers were Scottish Labour, whose leader Richard Leonard backed Brexit over a second referendum as he dutifully toed the Jeremy Corbyn line. ", "In 2014, Scottish Labour’s share of the vote went up five per cent. ", "This time it crashed, and the party appeared set to lose both its MEPs.", "\n\nThere was also disappointment for the Scottish Greens, who hoped this year would see a breakthrough. ", "But the splitting of the anti-Brexit vote meant this was not to be.", "\n\nInstead, the Liberal Democrats were the other beneficiaries of Remain votes, recovering the seat they lost in 2014. ", "Their “B***ocks to Brexit” slogan was crude but effective. ", "The party will be hoping its redemption is not a one-off, and carries on to the general and Holyrood elections.", "\n\nThe other big winner was Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party, which came second or third in most council areas and second overall, winning one seat thanks to the support of some of the one million Scots who voted Leave.", "\n\nUkip and Change UK flopped." ]
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[ "/* Copyright (c) 2015, The Linux Foundation. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n *\n * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and\n * only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.", "\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the\n * GNU General Public License for more details.", "\n */\n#ifndef LINUX_MMC_CQ_HCI_H\n#define LINUX_MMC_CQ_HCI_H\n#include <linux/mmc/core.h>\n\n/* registers */\n/* version */\n#define CQVER\t\t0x00\n/* capabilities */\n#define CQCAP\t\t0x04\n/* configuration */\n#define CQCFG\t\t0x08\n#define CQ_DCMD\t\t0x00001000\n#define CQ_TASK_DESC_SZ 0x00000100\n#define CQ_ENABLE\t0x00000001\n\n/* control */\n#define CQCTL\t\t0x0C\n#define CLEAR_ALL_TASKS 0x00000100\n#define HALT\t\t0x00000001\n\n/* interrupt status */\n#define CQIS\t\t0x10\n#define CQIS_HAC\t(1 << 0)\n#define CQIS_TCC\t(1 << 1)\n#define CQIS_RED\t(1 << 2)\n#define CQIS_TCL\t(1 << 3)\n\n/* interrupt status enable */\n#define CQISTE\t\t0x14\n\n/* interrupt signal enable */\n#define CQISGE\t\t0x18\n\n/* interrupt coalescing */\n#define CQIC\t\t0x1C\n#define CQIC_ENABLE\t(1 << 31)\n#define CQIC_RESET\t(1 << 16)\n#define CQIC_ICCTHWEN\t(1 << 15)\n#define CQIC_ICCTH(x)\t((x & 0x1F) << 8)\n#define CQIC_ICTOVALWEN (1 << 7)\n#define CQIC_ICTOVAL(x) (x & 0x7F)\n\n/* task list base address */\n#define CQTDLBA\t\t0x20\n\n/* task list base address upper */\n#define CQTDLBAU\t0x24\n\n/* door-bell */\n#define CQTDBR\t\t0x28\n\n/* task completion notification */\n#define CQTCN\t\t0x2C\n\n/* device queue status */\n#define CQDQS\t\t0x30\n\n/* device pending tasks */\n#define CQDPT\t\t0x34\n\n/* task clear */\n#define CQTCLR\t\t0x38\n\n/* send status config 1 */\n#define CQSSC1\t\t0x40\n/*\n * Value n means CQE would send CMD13 during the transfer of data block\n * BLOCK_CNT-n\n */\n#define SEND_QSR_INTERVAL 0x70001\n\n/* send status config 2 */\n#define CQSSC2\t\t0x44\n\n/* response for dcmd */\n#define CQCRDCT\t\t0x48\n\n/* response mode error mask */\n#define CQRMEM\t\t0x50\n#define CQ_EXCEPTION\t(1 << 6)\n\n/* task error info */\n#define CQTERRI\t\t0x54\n\n/* CQTERRI bit fields */\n#define CQ_RMECI\t0x1F\n#define CQ_RMETI\t(0x1F << 8)\n#define CQ_RMEFV\t(1 << 15)\n#define CQ_DTECI\t(0x3F << 16)\n#define CQ_DTETI\t(0x1F << 24)\n#define CQ_DTEFV\t(1 << 31)\n\n#define GET_CMD_ERR_TAG(__r__) ((__r__ & CQ_RMETI) >> 8)\n#define GET_DAT_ERR_TAG(__r__) ((__r__ & CQ_DTETI) >> 24)\n\n/* command response index */\n#define CQCRI\t\t0x58\n\n/* command response argument */\n#define CQCRA\t\t0x5C\n\n#define CQ_INT_ALL\t0xF\n#define CQIC_DEFAULT_ICCTH 31\n#define CQIC_DEFAULT_ICTOVAL 1\n\n/* attribute fields */\n#define VALID(x)\t((x & 1) << 0)\n#define END(x)\t\t((x & 1) << 1)\n#define INT(x)\t\t((x & 1) << 2)\n#define ACT(x)\t\t((x & 0x7) << 3)\n\n/* data command task descriptor fields */\n#define FORCED_PROG(x)\t((x & 1) << 6)\n#define CONTEXT(x)\t((x & 0xF) << 7)\n#define DATA_TAG(x)\t((x & 1) << 11)\n#define DATA_DIR(x)\t((x & 1) << 12)\n#define PRIORITY(x)\t((x & 1) << 13)\n#define QBAR(x)\t\t((x & 1) << 14)\n#define REL_WRITE(x)\t((x & 1) << 15)\n#define BLK_COUNT(x)\t((x & 0xFFFF) << 16)\n#define BLK_ADDR(x)\t((x & 0xFFFFFFFF) << 32)\n\n/* direct command task descriptor fields */\n#define CMD_INDEX(x)\t((x & 0x3F) << 16)\n#define CMD_TIMING(x)\t((x & 1) << 22)\n#define RESP_TYPE(x)\t((x & 0x3) << 23)\n\n/* transfer descriptor fields */\n#define DAT_LENGTH(x)\t((x & 0xFFFF) << 16)\n#define DAT_ADDR_LO(x)\t((x & 0xFFFFFFFF) << 32)\n#define DAT_ADDR_HI(x)\t((x & 0xFFFFFFFF) << 0)\n\n#define CQ_VENDOR_CFG\t0x100\n#define CMDQ_SEND_STATUS_TRIGGER (1 << 31)\n\nstruct task_history {\n\tu64 task;\n\tbool is_dcmd;\n};\n\nstruct cmdq_host {\n\tconst struct cmdq_host_ops *ops;\n\tvoid __iomem *mmio;\n\tstruct mmc_host *mmc;\n\n\t/* 64 bit DMA */\n\tbool dma64;\n\tint num_slots;\n\n\tu32 dcmd_slot;\n\tu32 caps;\n#define CMDQ_TASK_DESC_SZ_128 0x1\n\n\tu32 quirks;\n#define CMDQ_QUIRK_SHORT_TXFR_DESC_SZ 0x1\n#define CMDQ_QUIRK_NO_DCMD\t0x2\n\n\tbool enabled;\n\tbool halted;\n\tbool init_done;\n\n\tu8 *desc_base;\n\n\t/* total descriptor size */\n\tu8 slot_sz;\n\n\t/* 64/128 bit depends on CQCFG */\n\tu8 task_desc_len;\n\n\t/* 64 bit on 32-bit arch, 128 bit on 64-bit */\n\tu8 link_desc_len;\n\n\tu8 *trans_desc_base;\n\t/* same length as transfer descriptor */\n\tu8 trans_desc_len;\n\n\tdma_addr_t desc_dma_base;\n\tdma_addr_t trans_desc_dma_base;\n\n\tstruct task_history *thist;\n\tu8 thist_idx;\n\n\tstruct completion halt_comp;\n\tstruct mmc_request **mrq_slot;\n\tvoid *private;\n};\n\nstruct cmdq_host_ops {\n\tvoid (*set_tranfer_params)(struct mmc_host *mmc);\n\tvoid (*set_data_timeout)(struct mmc_host *mmc, u32 val);\n\tvoid (*clear_set_irqs)(struct mmc_host *mmc, bool clear);\n\tvoid (*set_block_size)(struct mmc_host *mmc);\n\tvoid (*dump_vendor_regs)(struct mmc_host *mmc);\n\tvoid (*write_l)(struct cmdq_host *host, u32 val, int reg);\n\tu32 (*read_l)(struct cmdq_host *host, int reg);\n\tvoid (*clear_set_dumpregs)(struct mmc_host *mmc, bool set);\n\tvoid (*enhanced_strobe_mask)(struct mmc_host *mmc, bool set);\n\tint (*reset)(struct mmc_host *mmc);\n\tint (*crypto_cfg)(struct mmc_host *mmc, struct mmc_request *mrq,\n\t\t\t\tu32 slot);\n\tvoid (*crypto_cfg_reset)(struct mmc_host *mmc, unsigned int slot);\n\tvoid (*post_cqe_halt)(struct mmc_host *mmc);\n};\n\nstatic inline void cmdq_writel(struct cmdq_host *host, u32 val, int reg)\n{\n\tif (unlikely(host->ops && host->ops->write_l))\n\t\thost->ops->write_l(host, val, reg);\n\telse\n\t\twritel_relaxed(val, host->mmio + reg);\n}\n\nstatic inline u32 cmdq_readl(struct cmdq_host *host, int reg)\n{\n\tif (unlikely(host->ops && host->ops->read_l))\n\t\treturn host->ops->read_l(host, reg);\n\telse\n\t\treturn readl_relaxed(host->mmio + reg);\n}\n\nextern irqreturn_t cmdq_irq(struct mmc_host *mmc, int err);\nextern int cmdq_init(struct cmdq_host *cq_host, struct mmc_host *mmc,\n\t\t bool dma64);\nextern struct cmdq_host *cmdq_pltfm_init(struct platform_device *pdev);\n#endif\n" ]
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[ "Please note that this project is not based on any official church directives.", "\n\nWe request each and every one of our forum members to request all clergy you\nknow, to provide the informations on the following format along with a\nphotograph of the clergy, to soc.clergylist@... . ", "If you are a third\nparty providing these informations, then you must have clear consent from\nclergy." ]
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[ "Dernières Actualités\n\nGet to know the inspiring Otaymah Bonds\n\nOtaymah Bonds is the owner and CEO of a non profit company, Eternal Women, Inc. She is also a beauty, lifestyle, and fashion writer, blogger, singer, dancer, model, makeup artist, image Consultant and pageant girl.", "\n\nGet to know more about her inspiring story!", "\n\nYou won 9 awards and the crown of 2016 StarJewel National Ms Supreme Queen. ", "What does that title represent ? ", "Winning not only the Supreme Ms title, but the Vision Award means that I ranked top in my division overall in the nation. ", "It also means that I was the entrant who touched the hearts of those at the pageant, and was the most inspirational person. ", "Most of all the title of 2016 Star Jewel National Ms Supreme Queen means that the real work begins. ", "It's not just about winning the crown and title. ", "Don't get me wrong I do love shiny crowns and lively sashes, but it means more to me. ", "Winning meant that I gave it my all and I won against myself. ", "I am my biggest competition. ", "It means that now it's time to do something with the title to enrich this world. ", "It's not about the title and crown, it's what you do with it that counts.", "\n\nWhat is your favorite pageant or which pageant do you recommend others to compete in?I would highly recommend that others compete in the Star Jewel pageant system, or its sister pageant, American Royal Beauties (ARB). ", "The director of Star Jewel and ARB, Susan West, is not only an outstanding director who prides herself on professionalism, she's a woman with a heart who takes pageantry and the well being of each contestant seriously. ", "Sarah, their contestant correspondent is also very warm, but above all she is as thorough as thorough can be and beyond welcoming. ", "No matter how many questions you have or how many emails are sent she is gracious and helpful. ", "I know because I send a ton of emails fully loaded with questions!I would also recommend that persons compete at Global United Pageants. ", "Simply stated, this pageant system really does focus on community service and activism within the community , indeed, within the world. ", "Wendy, the director, and Rose, the E-Director and coordinator are awesome!", "\n\nFor you, what constitutes true beauty ?", "True beauty is being yourself; as imperfect and flawed as that may be. ", "Each and every one of us is truly beautiful, because we are unique and beautiful in God's eyes. ", "It's essential to see the bigger picture of your personal beauty and love yourself, for we all have a gift to give to this world that is individual, special, and vastly important.", "\n\nWhat one word best describe you?Sincere\n\nSome people say that beauty pageants are degrading to women, same with fashion magazines. ", "How can you convince them that they’re wrong?Fashion and beauty are not about degrading women at all. ", "Actually, both entities give women platforms to express themselves. ", "If we look at history we'll see that most industries are male based and run, but not pageantry. ", "Pageantry started as entertainment with a male focus but quickly shifted to be a powerful vessel through which women became independent, business owners, and were able to express themselves. ", "Pageantry afforded women opportunities that they would not have had otherwise.", "Fashion is a means of personal demonstration. ", "It goes beyond what may be thought of as frivolous to an entity of cultural communication and gives insight into historical context. ", "When women couldn't own anything, nee even themselves, they could dress to show how they were feeling and who they were. ", "The same is true today. ", "Many fashion magazines have female editors, photographers and the like. ", "Again, here is another platform for development of womankind.", "Both pageantry and fashion give women the opportunity to shine and to learn about themselves. ", "In learning there is knowledge, and knowledge is power. ", "Through both pageantry and fashion, women have literally changed the world.", "\n\nWhat is your opinion about pageants that are being held worldwide for kids (-18 year old) ? ", "Do you support these kind of pageants or are you against them? ", "Please explainI am for pageants that are uplifting to any age group.", "\n\nWhat do you expect to gain by competing in pageantry?I expect to gain myself. ", "Through pageantry I've acknowledged my weaknesses and learned how to overcome them and get stronger in those areas. ", "Preparing for a pageant can get be a strenuous process, but it is richly rewarding.", "\n\nWho has the greatest influence on your life?God and my mother, Dr Judy Hankins. ", "God because he is the end all be all and I know that I must answer to him one day. ", "I want to be able to say I treated my fellow man with love and respect, and utilized every single talent, opportunity, and moment given to me. ", "My mother because she is the greatest mother of all time and a phenomenal woman. ", "She's beyond supportive, beyond glamorous, and most of all beyond patient with her daughter. ", "She is a truly virtuous woman full of love and Gods grace and faith. ", "She's a gift this world and to me.", "\n\nWhat is the best thing that happened to you ?", "Realizing that I'm not perfect but that's okay. ", "I make mistakes. ", "The best thing I learned was that if I learn from them it's alright.", "\n\nWhat accomplishment are you most proud of?I'm proud of giving back. ", "No matter what, even if I don't have much, I give it. ", "That's what we are here for-to learn and to love.", "\n\nWhat is something you wish you could do?I don't really wish. ", "I believe in wishes as they pertain to goals. ", "You see, I and all others are capable of far beyond what we initially deem possible, or even think at any given moment in time. ", "It's just that we give way to societal pressures, should's, ought to's, fear, and doubt. ", "I don't subscribe to those philosophies. ", "I know that whatever I think or have an idea of MUST be possible, or god wouldn't have gifted it to me. ", "He wouldn't have made me. ", "Therefore, I wish I could keep on rising and being a better person each day. ", "That is what I am doing and what I will do." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIf $t = \\tanh (x/2)$, prove what $\\sinh (x)$ and $\\cosh (x)$ are in terms of $t$?", "\n\nIf $t = \\tanh (x/2)$ \nProve $\\sinh (x) = \\frac{2t}{ 1 - t^2 }$ and $\\cosh (x) = \\frac{ 1 + t^2 }{ 1 - t^2 }$\n\nA:\n\n$$tanh(\\frac{x}{2})=t=\\frac{e^{\\frac{x}{2}}-e^{\\frac{-x}{2}}}{e^{\\frac{x}{2}}+e^{\\frac{-x}{2}}} *\\frac{e^{\\frac{x}{2}}}{e^{\\frac{x}{2}}}\\\\=\\\\t=\\frac{e^x-1}{e^x+1}\\\\e^x(t-1)=-t-1\\\\e^x=\\frac{t+1}{1-t}\\\\$$now put e^x in sinh , cos h\n$$sinh(x)=\\frac{e^x-e^{-x}}{2}=\\\\\\frac{\\frac{t+1}{1-t}-\\frac{1-t}{1+t}}{2}\\\\=\\frac{2t}{1-t^2} $$and like this for coshx\n\n" ]
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[ "High viscosity mixer\n\nHigh viscosity mixers are mixers designed for mixing materials with laminar mixing processes because the ingredients have such high viscosities that a turbulent mixing phase cannot be obtained at all or cannot be obtained without a high amount of heat. ", "The process can be used for high viscosity liquid to liquid mixing or for paste mixing combining liquid and solid ingredients. ", "Some products that may require laminar mixing in a high viscosity mixer include putties, chewing gum, and soaps. ", "The end product usually starts at several hundred thousand centipoise and can reach as high as several million centipoise. ", "\n\nTypical mixers used for this purpose are of the Double Arm, Double Planetary or Planetary Disperser design. ", "Models are built to include many features such as vacuum and jacketing to remove air and to control the temperature of the mixture. ", "Capacities are available from 1/2 pint to several thousand gallons.", "\n\nSee also\nMixing (process engineering)\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nDouble Planetary & Planetary Disperser Mixers\nViscous Product Mixers\n\nCategory:Industrial equipment" ]
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[ "Tummapudi\n\nTummapudi is a village in Guntur district of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. ", "It is located in Duggirala mandal of Tenali revenue division.", "\n\nGeography \nTummapudi is situated to the north of the mandal headquarters, Duggirala,\nat . ", "It is spread over an area of .", "\n\nGovernment and politics \n\nTummapudi gram panchayat is the local self-government of the village. ", "It is divided into wards and each ward is represented by a ward member. ", "The village forms a part of Andhra Pradesh Capital Region and is under the jurisdiction of APCRDA.", "\n\nEducation \n\nAs per the school information report for the academic year 2018–19, the village has a total of 7 schools. ", "These schools include 1 private and 6 Zilla Parishad/Mandal Parishad schools.", "\n\nSee also \nList of villages in Guntur district\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:Villages in Guntur district" ]
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[ "Devoted to our people and their stories. ", "From the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. ", "Click on each photo to get to know our community.", "\n\nRandy\n\nIf you had to give advice to a large group of people, what would it be?", "\n\n\"You know, we live in such precarious times. ", "The thing is – to relish interaction. ", "Talk to people. ", "Don’t text-message them, talk to them. ", "Listen to people. ", "That’s a problem we generally have, all of us at some point. ", "That’s the core of success- the key to making things happen that we want to happen. ", "Talk to people. \"", "\n\n2016\n\nRZ\n\nWhat is your biggest challenge in making school work?", "\n\n\"I’ve been taking classes at BRCC for more than two years. ", "I’m responsible for my family, I’m a single father and I have a son, and I’m also working at the same time, and I’m part of many clubs at the college. ", "English is my 5th language, I’ve been in the United States for more than two years, and I am still adding more to my understanding of the language. ", "The systems in the school are different, but I think I’m doing a lot better than before.\"", "\n\n2016\n\nMalachi\n\nAre you the first person in your family to go to college? ", "What’s that like?", "\n\n\"Really not. ", "I have cousin who was in college on my mom’s side of the family. ", "He was attending college last year in the fall. ", "But he was the victim of murder. ", "He was attending a party and was a victim of a shooting. ", "What really has gotten me to where I am today is on his behalf, because he was the only one in my family that I know personally who had gone to college… and after he died, I talked to my uncle and the rest of the family, and I dedicate this to him. ", "My personal goal is to get my Associates, graduate from here and join the military. ", "He is my influence, because I really did look up to him, we grew up together, wrestled together, fought together, but at the same time, it was all love. ", "It was all family.\"", "\n\n2016\n\nSarah\n\nWhy did doing HOfBRCC feel like a challenge?", "\n\n\"It’s kind of hard to just tell your feelings to a stranger. ", "Even though I love the concept of HONY, it’s hard when it’s you, speaking your own feelings, instead of you reading someone else’s stories. ", "But those stories are important to tell. ", "So I guess it’s a good thing to do. ", "It’s just hard to do.\"", "\n\nSo you did a hard thing!", "\n\n\"Yes, I did! ", "Nerve wracking and hard.\"", "\n\n2016\n\nJavin\n\nWhat does a celebration look like at your house?", "\n\n\"For Thanksgiving, most of my family are all vegetarians, so our step-mom, she makes a vegetarian turkey. ", "She’ll usually make two for Thanksgiving. ", "We also have an aunt who comes from North Carolina and she’s not vegetarian, so she buys a ham and shares that with us too. ", "We eat around 2PM, and after that we usually play board games, like Monopoly and Uno. ", "Then the little kids, my siblings, usually want to watch a movie or cartoons after that. ", "Mostly that’s what we do.\"", "\n\n2016\n\nJulia\n\nWhat scares you most about your future?", "\n\n“I guess what scares me the most about my future is not knowing where I will end up. ", "We are all working towards an intangible goal that we dream of fulfilling but we don’t know if we are actually going to reach it… and that is terrifying.”", "\n\n2016\n\nHailey\n\nWhat is your biggest wish in life?", "\n\n\"My biggest wish would be to be completely happy. ", "I want to absolutely love my career as a social worker or a counselor, even if the pay isn't the best. ", "I want to look forward to going to work each and every day. ", "I hope that when I have kids they will know how much I will love them and be there for them through whatever curveballs life might throw. ", "I hope to never get a divorce so my kids don't have to stress about which parent to side with or whose house to go to for the holidays. ", "My wish in life is to be completely happy with every aspect of my life.\"", "\n\n2016\n\nMelissa\n\nWho has influenced you most in your life and why?", "\n\n\"I think that’s probably my grandmother. ", "She was born in 1925, and grew up in the 30’s and 40’s, a time when women didn’t have a lot of choices. ", "And yet she made choices; she chose to work outside the home despite the fact that it was not a popular choice at the time, and she was promoted often. ", "She became the administrator at a hospital, which was extraordinary. ", "And despite working outside the home, she had five children. ", "She was an intelligent and formidable woman. ", "She spoke four languages fluently. ", "She was well respected in the community. ", "She fought cancer three times. ", "And I miss her. ", "She died this past year, and I miss her so much.\"", "\n\n2016\n\nJennifer\n\nWhat do meals look like at your house?", "\n\n\"Meals at my house are very informal. ", "My husband is the cook, we’ve been married almost 25 years, and I’ve probably cooked 4 meals since we’ve been married. ", "He’s a wanna-be chef in retirement, and so I let him get lots of practice. ", "So he cooks a nice meal in our kitchen, we get our food, and then we head to the den where we watch the news, a comedy show, start a movie. ", "That’s our connecting time after we’ve been working 10 or 12 hours a day.\"", "\n\n2016\n\nJessica\n\nAre you the first person to go to college in your family? ", "What's that like?", "\n\n\"Yes, I'm the first person in my family to go to college. ", "It's an honor but it's also a bit overwhelming. ", "I don't know what college is like firsthand. ", "Everything comes from my instincts. ", "How I study, learn, and take notes. ", "And being the first person to go to college, you have a lot of high expectations to meet. ", "Overall, I'm just happy that I'm going through this milestone in not only my life, but my family's life as well. ", "I'm leading by example to my younger siblings to follow their dreams. ", "And I'm making my mother proud by going to college so I can become someone in life. ", "If it wasn't for my family's support, I don't know where I'd be.\"", "\n\n2016\n\nBrent\n\nWhat do you bring to school with you every day?", "\n\n\"Every day I always bring my bookbag, and my phone, my laptop, and all my school supplies to make sure I’m ready to go.\"", "\n\nDo you ever forget your technology?", "\n\n\" I never forget my technology <laughter> I always bring my phone, just in case I need help and I need to call somebody. ", "Normally I don’t bring my Ipad, but if I do bring it, I’ll use that when I don’t have classes. ", "But I always bring my phone. ", "Just in case.\"", "\n\n2016\n\nBlake\n\nWhat scares you most about your future?", "\n\n\"What scares me most is that I will get through culinary school and earn my degree, and will have a basic skill set, but no imagination when it comes to food. ", "No intuition about what my guests will want.\"", "\n\n2016\n\nDalton\n\nWhat’s your biggest weakness?", "\n\n\"I believe my biggest weakness is the fact that I am too nice, and it’s lead to some problems, where I have been too nice to other people and it’s come back to bite me in the, well, rear. ", "I’ve been in situations where I was trying not to interrupt, and the people in charge were getting after me because I didn’t speak up. ", "All I was doing was trying not to interrupt their time, and whatnot. ", "I also don’t speak up sometimes if I think it might upset somebody, and it’s led to some discussions where I might have something to say, and it just doesn’t come out, because I don’t want to interrupt.\"", "\n\n2016\n\nMatt\n\nIf you had to give advice to a large group of people, what would it be?", "\n\n\"No matter whether you’re in college or high school, whether you’re old or young, never stop learning. ", "Learning is probably one of the most powerful things you can do because it doesn’t just make you a more culturally aware person. ", "It enables you to think about things and make decisions that you otherwise would not have made, or even been able to make. ", "You can look at things that might save you money, might save you time, prevent you from getting sick. ", "Something as simple as taking a Chemistry class can help you understand what’s in your food. ", "Taking an economics class can teach you why the companies you buy from do the things they do. ", "And maybe could help you see through the things thrown at you every day by the media, by Facebook, by entertainment and Hollywood. ", "Maybe, just maybe, you might be able to find something that’s real. ", "And that’s the power of learning. ", "Just learn. ", "Just figure it out.\"", "\n\n2016\n\nEllyn\n\nWhat do you like to do with your free time?", "\n\n\"I like to garden in my free time. ", "I like to grow plants from seeds, to see them grow and start producing, and I like to harvest everything. ", "Then I eat what I can eat fresh. ", "Then I preserve what I need to preserve so when it starts getting cold I can pull everything up for the spring, and I can hibernate the garden for the whole winter. ", "My family did the same when I was growing up, and I’ve been doing this for 25 years.\"", "\n\n2016\n\nStephen\n\nWhat’s your goal in life, going forward?", "\n\n\"My goal is to spread God’s word, and to get everyone to understand who he is, and why Jesus is important in my life, and why he came to save all of us.\"", "\n\n2016\n\nTonya\n\nWhat do you bring to school every day?", "\n\n\"Every day when I come to school and I turn into Blue Ridge, I think of it as a privilege.\"", "\n\n\"This campus is very unique because even though it’s small, we have such a diverse population of students. ", "When I come to campus, each day, every week, whether it be international students, people of different ages, races, ethnicities, people of different backgrounds, folks that are working and coming back in, folks with disabilities, whatever it may be in terms of diversity, just being a part of this campus you feel, you learn, you become that diversity yourself.\"", "\n\n\"The perspective that I bring is I bring an open heart, an open mind, free of judgment to the campus. ", "My overall goal here at the campus is not just to gain an education, but to gain an experience that I can take with me into my career to touch other people’s lives.\"", "\n\n2016\n\nSamuel\n\nWhat is something others may not be aware of about you or your culture?", "\n\n\"A lot of my relatives, some of the previous generations around my grandparents, are really racist. ", "I don’t really like that about them. ", "It’s hard to go see them, and hear them say things that are prejudiced about other people, like black people especially. ", "That’s how they grew up, and it’s part of my culture, and where I came from, I guess, but I’m different from them.\"", "\n\n2016\n\nBRCC\n\nB\n\n\"Are you ready for a break from school?”", "\n\n\"My shirt answers the question!\"", "\n\n2016\n\nBRCC\n\nDeb\n\nIf you had to give advice to a large group of people, what would it be?", "\n\n\"Don’t be afraid. ", "Take that chance. ", "I used to be frightened of making mistakes and looking stupid. ", "But I’m less afraid of screwing up than I used to be. ", "I turn 60 next year. ", "And I think I finally understand that in my life so far, choices that felt at the time like huge failures turned out to be the foundation that supports the parts of my life that I treasure the most. ", "So mistakes, failures? ", "They’re OK with me. ", "I’ll build something better right on top of them.\"", "\n\n2016\n\nSalar\n\nWhat’s your biggest goal?", "\n\n\"My biggest goal is to get a degree in a medical field and to try to help people as much as I can because this is my passion from when I was a kid. ", "I love to help people , and I worked in humanitarian organizations before I came from my country, Kurdistan, in the United States.\"", "\n\n2016\n\nLucie\n\nWhat’s one thing you would change about your heritage, family or culture?", "\n\n\"My culture is very rich, and I love my family, and I have a great heritage. ", "However, I don’t think early marriage should exist any more. ", "In the Congo, we raise our girls by telling them to be good in marriage. ", "At 16 already, you are pressured. ", "You have to get married. ", "And once someone gets there, you’ll get married, even though you are not ready, you are not matured yet. ", "You will get married because that’s the culture. ", "Those are the expectations our society has made for a woman. ", "It’s marriage or nothing; they don’t see you elsewhere apart from marriage.\"", "\n\n2016\n\nqepsendpic@brcc.edu\n\nKenneth\n\nWhat excites you about your future?", "\n\n\"I’m excited about many things, because I can either pursue a career in music, or in law enforcement, or I can do both. ", "I can do what I enjoy – making music, or playing it - or I can do good, and help people out in the community that need it by going into law enforcement.\"", "\n\n2016\n\nRoman\n\nWhat are the aspects of the culture you grew up in that you’d like to change?", "\n\n\"I moved here from a rural area when I was 10 years old. ", "The area I grew up in was very conservative. ", "I was a little too young to understand what everyone was thinking, but they were pretty unaccepting to a lot of cultural diversity, which is sometimes the vibe I get here when I’m around some of the more conservative folks. ", "In a sense I can understand this, because obviously some people are denying the change that is coming upon us, even when you follow the reasons that America was founded, which was to welcome all sorts of people. ", "Some people who have lived here a long time think that some of the other cultures that have come to the Valley shouldn’t be here. ", "In that sense, the high school I went to is pretty split up, and can be very judgmental towards different things. ", "It might not even be about race- it can even be about your hobbies and the kind of culture that you come from. ", "I grew up in a skateboarding culture, and I was shunned away from a lot of the friends I first made when I moved here, because of the stereotypes and notions made about you before people even get to know you.\"", "\n\n2016\n\nPamyla\n\nHow do you see your future unfolding in a global economy?", "\n\n\"This is an interesting question, because technology is changing really fast. ", "Most of us here in at the college have grown up with computers, but I didn’t see one until 1984. ", "And now I’m grading papers online, and I am so interested to see if my job will even exist in 15 to 20 years. ", "Because really, I could Skype with all of you, and I could edit your papers online. ", "Maybe that would be the same, and maybe it wouldn’t. ", "I’ve been thinking a lot about these changes. ", "Writing itself is changing a lot. ", "We struggle in our field with traditional and new writing. ", "This is the cutting edge, and that edge is moving really fast.\"", "\n\n2016\n\nMonica\n\nWhat are some of the challenges you are trying to overcome?", "\n\n\"I’m still really trying to overcome life. ", "I moved here four years ago. ", "I wound up getting my first apartment, losing my job, losing my apartment, and went through that whole ordeal. ", "At one point I was in my car for about two weeks. ", "Then I got a pretty decent job so I could get my own apartment again. ", "And two years later, life just messed up again, and I was homeless again. ", "But my roommate was actually the one who hired me for a job, she was my manager. ", "We became really good friends. ", "So now I help her out with her kids. ", "And going to school to get my social work degree, I hope will stabilize my life even more.\"", "\n\n2016\n\nMG\n\nAre you the first person to go to college in your family? ", "What's that like?", "\n\n\"I am the second person in my family to go to college and it is very stressful. ", "My older sister is about to graduate from EMU and has done very well in her classes all four years. ", "My first year of college I went to EMU well but I did not do as well as she did. ", "I did not really like the campus and did not feel like I fit in. ", "My parents were very hard on me since my sister always got straight A's and I would come home with C's they would always compare me to her and how I should be getting A's as well. ", "There was a point where I decided to just quit, so I skipped class didn't do homework and would miss the test. ", "Once my first year of college was over my parents were very upset with me because I was not allowed to go back to EMU, I was actually happy for this because I did not like the school, I didn't like how my sister also went there and they would compare me to her since we went to the same school. ", "My second year of college I came to Blue Ridge. ", "My parents do not understand why I am doing so much better here, but they are happy that I am doing better.\"", "\n\n2016\n\nMiriam\n\nIf you could give advice to a large group of people, what would it be?", "\n\n\"Be nice. ", "Be respectful. ", "It’s especially important in light of world events right now. ", "It doesn’t cost you anything to be nice. ", "Care about the people; don’t forget to see the people, especially when you’re listening to the news, because there are human beings suffering. ", "Be nice, but more importantly, be respectful.\"", "\n\n2016\n\nJessica\n\nWhat’s the best thing that happened to you this week?", "\n\n\"Oddly, it was a grading activity that I finished up. ", "My art history students have to write journals, and they have to do five entries which means they need to go to five cultural events, four of which need to be visual art related. ", "This is my favorite assignment to grade. ", "Because if they follow the directions, everyone does really well on it. ", "And because the journal entries are about their experience at some art related event, when they’re writing about it, they’re much more invested in it. ", "They generally write very insightful things; some are very funny, even if they didn’t care for what they went to see. ", "Since it’s a little more informal than a paper, they can inject their personality a little bit more. ", "This comes at the end of the semester, when everyone’s kind of burned out, and it’s refreshing and invigorating to read them. ", "Some of the students aren’t really all that interested in art anyway, but they find out that, well, going to galleries is kind of fun, and they took their family. ", "One of my students just got remarried, and his family included two step daughters. ", "So all four of them went to museums and galleries, and it turned into this family bonding experience. ", "It’s really uplifting to read these kinds of stories at the end of the school year.\"", "\n\n2016\n\nMcKenzie\n\nWhat’s your biggest goal in life?", "\n\n\"My biggest goal is to become a forensic technician. ", "I really enjoy the criminal justice program at BRCC and it has inspired me to further my education.\"", "\n\n2016\n\nDon\n\nWhat’s the best thing that happened to you this week – and is it connected with what you like to do with your free time?", "\n\n\"Well, what I like to do with my free time is my brand new hobby which is bicycling. ", "I was introduced to it this summer by a very dear friend, and I didn’t think I would like it. ", "But I thoroughly enjoy just biking all over the Shenandoah Valley. ", "I like to go on 25 mile trips, because of the solitude, the beauty of the valley. ", "It gives me good exercise, and it also exercises my mind and soul. ", "And my favorite thing that I’ve done this week that’s been wonderful is that I cycled my first 50 mile trip, or what we would call in cycling terms, a half-century. ", "I biked from Weyers Cave, up and over the top of Afton Mountain and back. ", "It was an incredible experience, a beautiful day, and my soul was filled to the very brim. ", "That’s why I love cycling, and I love what I achieved this week.\"", "\n\n2016\n\nCody\n\nWhat excites you the most about your future?", "\n\n\"What excites me the most is the idea of obtaining an associate’s degree in Criminal Justice here at Blue Ridge, along with a certification in law enforcement where I can take my education and apply it to the field I want to go into. ", "The reason I chose law enforcement to better the community, I want to go out there and make a community we live in for future generations to come.\"", "\n\n2016\n\nCharity\n\nWhat’s the most heroic thing you’ve ever done?", "\n\n\"I used to work in a nursing home in Staunton, and a woman was being abused by one of the people there. ", "I actually saw this happen, and she was my boss- the woman who was abusing the resident. ", "I turned it in and was fired by my boss, because they didn’t want me to be able to testify against her with State when they came in. ", "So then I had to go through the whole process with State in making sure that the resident was taken care of, even though I wasn’t there anymore. ", "And I had to turn in my own sister, because my own sister was working at the nursing home. ", "She did not want to report it, because my boss was one of her very good friends.\"", "\n\nDoes this have an impact on what you’re doing here and now?", "\n\n\"Oh, yes… I figure if people are going to cover stuff up, I’m going to make sure I can be the one to protect whomever I can. ", "I mean, even at the cost of my own personal self. ", "Did I know I was going to get fired if I turned in my boss? ", "Yes. ", "I did it anyway. ", "Because it’s just the right thing to do.\"", "\n\n2016\n\nHolly\n\nWhat’s your biggest goal at Blue Ridge Community College?", "\n\n\"Six years ago my son became a Type 1 diabetic when he was 9, and it really changed how my family and I live. ", "And so I wanted to go into nursing so I can teach other parents and work with other children about it so they know that during the suffering and the pain, there is someone there to listen. ", "I want to be an educator about diabetes.\"" ]
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[ "SAN ANTONIO (CN) – Two sheriff’s deputies in San Antonio will face a civil trial for excessive force claims over the 2015 shooting death of an unarmed, shirtless man who had his hands up, which gained national attention when a bystander’s video went viral.", "\n\nU.S. District Judge Robert Pittman found Wednesday that immunity is not available to Bexar County Sheriff’s Office Deputies Greg Vasquez and Robert Sanchez, who shot and killed 41-year-old Gilbert Flores while he raised his hands in the air and remained motionless, with a knife in one hand.", "\n\n“The deputies’ use of deadly force was not reasonable,” Pittman concluded in his ruling, which dismissed Bexar County from liability.", "\n\n“Based on the circumstances facing Vasquez and Sanchez right before they shot Flores and construing the facts in favor of plaintiffs, the court finds that a reasonable officer would have concluded that Flores, who was stationary for several seconds and put his hands in the air while remaining otherwise motionless, was no longer resisting and had signaled surrender,” Pittman’s 25-page ruling states.", "\n\nThe judge wrote that while Flores may have posed an immediate and significant threat of harm at some previous point during the encounter, “an exercise of force that is reasonable at one moment can become unreasonable in the next if the justification for the use of force has ceased.”", "\n\nCharles Frigerio, an attorney for the deputies, said he planned to appeal the judge’s ruling at a pretrial conference on Thursday morning. ", "An Oct. 23 trial in San Antonio federal court was canceled as a result.", "\n\nThe deadly encounter unfolded moments after police were summoned to the Flores home for a domestic disturbance call on Aug 28, 2015. ", "911 dispatch advised officers that Flores was upset and had indicated that he wanted to commit “suicide by cop.”", "\n\nMuch of Pittman’s ruling revolves around video shot by a neighbor, which shows the approximately eight minutes before the shooting. ", "The deputies did not have body cameras.", "\n\nWhen deputies arrived, a woman with a cut to her head and a child who was also hurt were inside the home. ", "Flores then became involved in a standoff with the two deputies, where he tried to stab one of them, thwarted their efforts to use a stun gun on him, and retrieved two metal folding chairs from inside the home.", "\n\nBy the end of the video, Flores appears to surrender as he is seen stationary in the driveway, with his arms up in the air.", "\n\nThe ruling states that Flores was motionless for several seconds before the deputies looked at each other, “and, according to their testimony, the deputies agree that they were going to end it.”", "\n\nVasquez and Sanchez both shot at the man, who collapsed backward onto the pavement.", "\n\nThe lawsuit filed by Flores’ family a month after the shooting says officers left him dying, without assistance. ", "They seek damages for excessive force.", "\n\nThe judge said in his ruling that while he considered the circumstances the officers encountered, he focused in on the moment before the deputies fired their fatal shots at Flores.", "\n\nPittman also found that Flores’ family was unable to prove that Bexar County’s policies were inadequate, or that it failed to properly train its officer.", "\n\nIn December 2015, a Bexar County grand jury found no cause to bring criminal charges against Vasquez and Sanchez." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to store your own key-value pairs in Redis using PhpRedis with D7 Redis module\n\nWe have the D7 Redis module installed, which is being used as the cache mechanism for D7 caching. ", "That module uses PhpRedis as the underlying library. ", "\nI would like to use that same Redis instance to cache a large amount of non-Drupal data that is retrieved from an external API, then will be rendered on a specific Drupal page. ", "I'm wondering how I can get ahold of the Redis object instance that Drupal is already using, so I can use PhpRedis functions like $redis->set(key,value)?", "\n\nA:\n\nOnce configured/initialized, the module has a wrapper class/interface Redis_Client\n that contains the library object. ", "It can be retrieved with the getClient() method:\n$redis = Redis_Client::getClient()\n\n" ]
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[ "Hey guys, this is Austin and today I’m here\nwith a\nreview on one of the cooler iPhone apps I’ve\ntried\nin quite a while, Action Movie FX.", "\nAs you may have\nguessed from the name, you are able to add\nsome\nimpressive action movie-esque effects to your\nvideo you\nfilm from your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad.", "\nThis is a free app that comes with two effects,\nMissile Attack and my favorite Car Smash.", "\nJust select\nthe special effect you want to use and find\na good\narea to film, preferably outside with a flat\nsurface\nin front of you.", "\nThen you can center the reticle where\nyou want the effect to be and film a short\nclip, trim\nit down to what you want to use and then let\nthe app\ndo it’s magic.", "\nOw, that hurt.", "\nIn all seriousness though, while not quite\nprofessional\nquality I’m quite impressed with the end\nresults.", "\nSame\ngoes for Missile Attack.", "\nIn addition you can purchase more effects\nwith In-App\nPurchasing, with a pair of effects costing\na pretty\nreasonable $1.", "\nOnce you have your masterpiece created,\nyou can share it to Facebook, email or\nexport to your camera roll.", "\nFor free I highly recommend giving Action\nMovie FX a download,\nit’s a pretty neat little app and if you\nwant you can get the\nfour additional effects for two bucks.", "\nI mean come on, who\ndoesn’t like blowing stuff up?", "\nI do.", "\nIf you enjoyed, definitely\nbe sure to leave this video a thumbs up and\nif you want to be\nnotified when I post a new video be sure to\nsubscribe.", "\n" ]
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[ "Ben Wofford is contributing editor at Politico Magazine.", "\n\nOn a morning in March, a 30-year-old computer technician named Nathan was tapping at the keyboard in his Pittsburgh home when he had a breakthrough with his support group. ", "He wasn’t in rehab. ", "And this wasn’t exactly AA. ", "Nathan told me that for years, he’s fought alcoholism and an addiction to crystal meth, without much success—until he discovered the online self-help network that changed his life, a Donald Trump-themed discussion forum on the website Reddit. ", "It was there that, two months ago, after weeks of reading messages of self-improvement and positive visualization, Nathan declared he had been saved, pecking out a message of hope and encouragement to his group under the title: “Quitting Drugs Because of Trump.”", "\n\n“Trump has inspired me,” he wrote. “", "I’m getting sober and doing my bit to Make America Great Again. ", "Thank you Donald!”", "\n\n\nNathan, who did not want his last name to be used for this story, is one of a substantial number of young men tapping into a growing informal online network: A dedicated denomination of self-improvement, built on the “teachings” of one Donald J. Trump. ", "From his books, public statements, and general attitude toward the world, they’ve extracted a highly motivating philosophy of positive thinking and the virtues of self-love and brazening things out, as real men do. ", "Their numbers are unknown, but the trend exists in the form of dozens of their posts flourishing online, bouncing across Trump discussion threads and Twitter and the right-wing blogosphere, peppered with buzzwords and moments of epiphany. “", "Donald J. Trump has already won, and changed my life,” declares one poster. “", "How Donald inspired me to be a great American once again” proclaims another. ", "And many more: “Trump inspired me to change my life.” “", "Story of how Donald Trump changed my life around.” “", "Donald trumps campaign has changed me.” “", "Trump saved my life!” “", "Hey Brigadiers, stop wasting your time and learn what this is. ", "Make Yourself Great Again!”", "\n\nIn a phone conversation, Nathan told me that he had been able to turn his life around thanks to Trump’s “high energy” persona, his refusal to give in or be pushed around—and his declared abstinence from alcohol, tobacco or drugs. “", "I’ve had an ongoing fight to get off drugs, but this is the most successful I’ve ever been,” he said. “", "I was given the strength and the resolve of spirit to not buy drugs again.” ", "He took a deep breath. “", "Through the Trump campaign.”", "\n\nWhen Nathan posted his message to his Trump discussion thread last month, he was smothered by a wave of positive responses, each a variation on a familiar theme. “", "I’m also quitting booze for many reasons, Trump being one of them,” commented one user. ", "Wrote another: “It might sound lame, but trying to be more like Donald has led to positive changes in my life.” ", "A commenter described his own years-long drug habit, chiming in, “After reading 2 of Trump’s books I decided it’s time to quit.” ", "And then, about two-thirds down, the prevailing leitmotif appeared:\n\n“I just tell myself ‘it’s time to make myself great again.’”", "\n\nIn gargantuan, all-capital letters: “MYGA!”", "\n\nMYGA, of course, stands for “Make Yourself Great Again,” a riff on the Trump campaign slogan that appears frequently in these posts. ", "Nathan’s message, and dozens like it, are appearing as a new strain of Trumpism on forums like Reddit and 4Chan, and echoing on darker corners of the Internet like the white nationalist forum TheRightStuff. ", "Posters take turns soliloquizing on the lessons of self-reliance and perseverance from Trump’s life story, from his childhood and adolescence, to his early days as a struggling businessman, to his seemingly constant high energy as a 69-year-old man who refuses to drink or smoke (and who required the same of his children).", "\n\n“Instead of an AA meeting, what you’re seeing here are good habits being broadcast as popular. ", "It’s cool to make yourself better, to be trying to improve yourself, because of Donald Trump,” Jon Sharpe, a 36-year-old lawyer in Columbus, Ohio, told me. ", "After seeing a tide of inspirational Trump-themed messages, Sharpe formed a Reddit group and called it MYGA, intending to vacuum up the people and posts espousing the philosophy. (", "His other Reddit adventures include moderating the forum HottiesForTrump.) ", "He later spiked the idea, partly for lack of time, and partly for redundancy, citing the esprit de corps that already exists organically on Reddit. “", "You get the satisfaction that I’m part of this club,” Sharpe explained. “", "I’m doing something because of this, and everybody’s around to pat you on the back and say, yeah, this is awesome. ", "Make yourself great again.”", "\n\nMYGA posts cover topics as wide-ranging as they are banal: Themes include going to the gym, asking out beautiful women or asking for a raise. ", "In one post titled, “Life Tips I’ve Learned from Watching Trump!!” ", "an Illinois man lists a dozen areas of personal improvement in which he looks to Trump, including “Being a great parent” and “NO DRUGS AND NO ALCOHOL.” ", "In a now-deleted post, a user noted that watching Trump inspired him to get into the “gym 5 times a week from 0,” adding, “no more pot, cigs, cut drinking a lot.” ", "Finding Donald Trump, writes another poster, “inspired me to become the high-energy person I used to be,” adding, “I decided that I want to get back into running 10k races. ... ", "Remember guys, you can’t make America great again without feeling great yourself.”", "\n\n“We take Trump’s energy and just magnify it,” Nathan told me. “", "We’re constantly feeding on each other’s energy. ", "It’s great. ", "It’s fantastic. ", "It’s positive.”", "\n\nThe most common thread in the world of MYGA is a feral obsession with Trump’s domineering maleness. ", "In posts and interviews, MYGA writers express varying degrees of the idea that the Trump campaign is helping them become real men—in similar terms as their understanding of Trump’s unapologetic, aggressive vision for the country.", "\n\n“He’s this alpha kind of guy, and I do think that resonates with young men,” a 21-year-old professional athlete from Idaho and a MYGA poster who uses the name HighlyVenomous, told me. (", "He didn’t want me to identify his event, but instructed me to describe it as “extreme sports.”) ", "Sharpe said the same. “", "He comes across as an alpha male. ", "He’s sure of himself, and whatever flaws he does have, like his hair, he doesn’t care, and he runs with it,” he said. “", "Mainstream politics requires that sort of demure attitude, you have to almost apologize for whatever good you have. ", "Trump doesn’t do that.”", "\n\n“The Apprentice really showed me what a world class alpha male looks like and operates,” writes one poster in the Reddit thread LifeProTrumpTips. “", "As a group of dominant alphas you can achieve impossible things.”", "\n\nAs the MYGA crowd’s open obsession with dominance, manliness, and alpha-status suggests, the gospel can quickly turn down a dark corridor. ", "The deeper one ventures into the strange world of MYGA, the more the country’s problems become laced with an array of white-male-themed anxieties—men are apologizing for their maleness, the users say; policies are lifting up the weak and punishing the strong; and culture at large is becoming more feminized. ", "Go deep enough, and you’ll hit the so-called alt-right movement, an online waystation where MYGA has thrived most principally as an ideation of male virility. (", "The world of the alt-right is best known for creating the “#Cuckservative” hashtag—a racially tinged portmanteau of cuckold and conservative, created to call out those who are insufficiently far-right.)", "\n\nTrump holds up his book after holding a press conference at the Trump National Golf Club on March 8, 2016, in Jupiter, Florida. ", "| Getty\n\nChristopher Cantwell, a controversial anarchist-libertarian blogger from New Hampshire who has also credited Trump with helping him treat his drug addiction, is one of the denizens of this site. “", "There’s certainly an attitude toward the striking back against the emasculation of men,” Cantwell told me. “", "Let’s promote rugged masculinity—and that would be striving to be a more dominant strong, assertive person.” ", "In an hour-long conversation, Cantwell riffed on the MYGA theme to describe his frustration that transgenderism isn’t treated as a neurological disorder; why taking the stigma out of mental illness was misguided; and how he was fired from his job as a radio host when his boss worried he was insinuating that other races are genetically inferior to whites. ", "All such things, he suggested, violate the principle of MYGA. (", "He also, in a Trumpian effort to grab the initiative in our interview, recorded an introduction that tried to frame the interview as a “conversation,” as if I had been a guest on his online radio show, and told me he’d release it if I misquoted him.)", "\n\n***\n\nOne’s first reaction to discovering the MYGA movement is that this must be a hoax—a gang of cynical pranksters having fun at someone’s expense on the Internet. ", "The places it lives online, especially Reddit and 4Chan, are the Internet’s hives of smut and sarcasm, where even the most earnest entreaties are swiftly dismissed with eye rolls or worse.", "\n\nBut in their online traffic Nathan and others treat each other with real sincerity and support, even if it can seem almost comically chest-thumping to outsiders. ", "And in all our phone calls and email interviews they insist the nascent community constitutes a movement. “", "I know it looks like theater to some,” Nathan said with a sigh. “", "But this has helped me. ", "This whole movement has helped me.”", "\n\nSo, who are they? ", "The easy assumption is that the writers would represent a particularly frustrated corner of Trump’s base, maybe high-school graduates whose assembly line gigs were recently punted over to China. ", "But the half dozen MYGA acolytes I interviewed were mostly white-collar professionals with advanced degrees. ", "The first person I talked to was HighlyVenomous, the Idaho professional athlete who appeared to be one of the most sarcastic posters. ", "One post, titled My Life Is Changed, read, “I jumped out of bed this morning after 2 hours of sleep and literally shouted HIGH ENERGY. … ", "I’m pedal to the metal, 24/7.”", "\n\n“For me at least, it wasn’t a joke. ", "It was maybe humorous and funny, but it was sincere thoughts and actually discussion, you know?” ", "he told me haltingly when I reached him over the phone. ", "Every few minutes, he slipped into a recitation of Trump’s prowess, and the topic had to be gently resuscitated. ", "But eventually, the athlete explained how the celebrity real-estate developer has helped him supercharge his competitive drive. “", "In my personal life, Trump has kind of energized me and vitalized things. ", "His high energy mentality has definitely carried over, absolutely,” he continued. “", "I’ve had a lot more energy, but also a lot more drive to push myself further to better my performance, to innovate in my realm.”", "\n\n“Trump’s inspired me in more ways than one,” writes a user called UnholyZealot, in a message titled Make Yourself Great Challenge. “", "Give yourself a challenge too! ", "Ask that girl out! ", "Go for that job! ", "Ask for a raise! ", "Make America and yourself great again!” ", "That was a 26-year-old young man from Pennsylvania who works in finance, who would only speak on background. ", "He told me about his Donald-themed weight loss regimen. “", "I’ve lost around 12 pounds so far, and about 10 pounds of that was after I joined The Donald,” he told me. “", "I noticed some people talking about improving themselves, so I decided to add my view.”", "\n\nOne college student, a 22-year-old accounting major in Connecticut, told me how Trump had improved his public speaking. “", "I see a guy takin’ more heat, more incoming than any human being I’ve ever seen,” he told me. “", "So he just gave me confidence to speak in front of people, and talk to more people.”", "\n\n***\n\nMuch as it resembles the generally anodyne subgenre of Internet self-help, MYGA is also driven by a current of the aggressive politics that underlie a Trump rally. ", "For starters, much of the posting is an uninhibited gush of patriotic intensity. ", "At long last, I was told repeatedly, Trump has finally made it politically viable to say how much you love America. “", "It’s really a lot about pride,” says Sharpe, the Columbus lawyer who started the MYGA page. “", "We don’t hear a lot of people who champion a nation that we love very often. ", "Trump kind of oozes it.” ", "As one Reddit MYGA writer from Kansas put it: “Trump’s campaign has rekindled the fire of American patriotism in my heart, and the sense of purpose in my life. ", "Trump and all his supporters Make America Great.” ", "For many, incipient notions of self-betterment are linked to love of country. “", "This group reaffirmed that by staying off of drugs, I was doing something to help our country,” Nathan told me. “", "And that by helping ourselves, we helped to make America great again.”", "\n\nAnd bound up in patriotic obligation is the greater moral duty to fight political correctness. ", "Again and again, I heard, Trump’s refusal to bend to the whims of “social justice warriors”—an all-purpose designation for liberals, feminists, professors and other identity-sensitive types—is the stance desperately needed for a self-indulgent country obsessed with its victimhood status. “", "So fucking tired of the political correctness that has stiffed this country,” one poster writes. “", "WRONG. ", "That is the kind of attitude that has poisoned this country.” ", "For many, it seemed, Trump’s triumph over and above the basic decorum of politics served as an analogue for their own self-confidence.", "\n\n“No longer into sluts. ", "Looking for a good Christian girl,” writes one poster, in a now deleted 4Chan post titled Trump has inspired me to change my life. ", "A discussion in another post is revealing. ", "Commenting in the discussion Donald Trump’s campaign has changed me, a user writes, “I see [Trump] as our last hope, standing up to degeneracy,” and posted a video that plays a depraved pop-song parody, “Like A Degenerate,” alleging liberal responsibility for cultural decadence. “", "You want to lay me? ", "Get in line / Abort my baby, spend my time getting high,” a voice sings, as video images of women activists marching and public dancing flash onscreen. ", "Later: “You’ve got this culture cowed / Be gay, get AIDS, be proud.”", "\n\nThe imperative of the strong to dominate the weak is the moral structure hiding in plain site on MYGA. “", "There are such things as shills, weak people, and losers,” one post reads, Life Tips I’ve Learned from Watching Donald Trump. “", "Weak people get in the strong people’s way. ", "If you’re weak, work to be strong, don’t bring them down.” ", "The male connection is not far removed here; Cantwell referred me to an essay, How Strength Training Saved Me From Being a Cucked Leftfag, a rambling synthesis of male self-loathing whose main conclusion, apparently, is that leftism is anathema to weight training. “", "It was right and proper that the weak feel shame if their weakness is of their own making,” the author writes of his time in the weight room. “", "It’s a small but important part of becoming the man that you are meant to be, not only physically, but in every other way as well.”", "\n\nNo longer into sluts. ", "Looking for a good Christian girl,” writes one poster.", "\n\nThere’s no reason to think the entire high-energy MYGA crowd shares Cantwell’s obsessions with cuckoldry and weight training, but then again the young-male-righty Internet is a messy place, where personal chest-puffing can easily bleed into race resentment and misogyny. ", "Whatever the motives, the subtext of the movement seems clear: Society taught us to behave one way. ", "Then Trump came into my life. ", "Now I can be a real man.", "\n\nFor all of MYGA’s motivational emphasis on positivity and energy, at bottom, the concept also reflects the mechanisms of hierarchy and submission that many find so unsettling about the Trump campaign. ", "Much of our politics is spent convincing voters to think of politicians as fellow citizens, as amiable and approachable and responsive to the needs of citizens. ", "Not Trump’s campaign. ", "It’s the act of subordination to the alpha Trump—the same one he asks of rivals, of allies, of voters—that enables his followers’ narrative of personal renaissance.", "\n\n***\n\nThis may be something new in American politics. ", "For one, few have ever proclaimed—at least not in public acts of self-congratulation—how Obama inspired them to get back to the gym, or Martin O’Malley inspired them to take up banjo. ", "Mitt Romney doesn’t drink, smoke or consume drugs, a point MYGA-maniacs readily acknowledge, but he never inspired obsessive fandom. ", "MYGA may be Trump’s strongest, strangest constituency. ", "In many ways, they need him to be president more than he does. ", "Why?", "\n\nMaybe it requires a Republican to offer the most cogent thesis, and one came from former Utah Governor Mike Leavitt in March, who complained that the primary campaign had become more an exercise in psychology than actual ideas and substance. “", "There is more sociology happening right now than there is politics,” Leavitt told a small symposium in Salt Lake City. ", "Leavitt went on: “We don’t have sociology parties, we have political parties. ", "We’re not going to be electing a chief therapist”—characterizing the appeal of Trump. “", "We’re going to be electing a president.”", "\n\nI asked Jonathan Haidt, professor of Ethical Leadership at New York University and scholar of moral psychology and political tribalism, to make sense of MYGA—a collection of young men coming together to affirm the viability of themselves through a leader. ", "He told me that it would be impossible to study empirically. ", "But, he suggested, “it might link up with a general dispiritedness of young men these days.” ", "He pointed to the work of Hana Marano, who has chronicled the cultural challenges facing young men in a post-industrial economy and new social equilibrium of female power.", "\n\nThis seems to line up. ", "Trump is a bully, in point of fact. ", "But the men of MYGA don’t view him that way. ", "He’s a survivor who doesn’t apologize—and a man who holds out the possibility of getting the playthings and women you want by shouting your demands loudly enough. ", "Above all, Trump is essentially a candidate devoid of politics—a practice whose requisite components are negotiation, compromise and, most of the time, failure. ", "Much easier to summon middle school fantasies of “rugged masculinity” and self-reclamation as the prescription for not only one’s own ills, but the country’s. ", "It seems hardly surprising that young men might want to rally around a candidate whose own psychosocial development, still at age 69—from publically lampooning a woman’s menstrual cycle, to impersonating someone over the phone to inflate his own ego—sometimes feels frozen in amber in his early twenties.", "\n\nFor the MYGA crowd, Trump’s influence really does appear to be helping them overcome hurdles—though it’s an approach that might prove less useful once they hit 35, or need to keep a relationship going. ", "For the political world, the phenomenon is another lens through which to see Trump’s appeal. ", "More than his attraction to the white working class; more than his allure to trade protectionists, white nationalists or misogynists; more than the dictators and regimes around the world who thrill to his antics, Trump’s campaign is based on an agenda designed to solve the problem of being a confused young man in your twenties. ", "He has made numerous blunders that were supposed to cost him politically. ", "But the core of Trump’s support is apolitical. ", "It consists of people who—much like the men of MYGA—buy into rhetoric that seeks to turn the vulnerable into bullies; bullies into heroes; and their anxieties into certitudes, free of charge." ]
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[ "Altcoin News: Binance Exchange Opens Margin Trading for All Users\n\nJune 26, 2019, by Marko Vidrih on ALTCOIN MAGAZINE\n\nThis Wednesday Binance Cryptocurrency Exchange presented an updated version of its platform for all customers. ", "This was announced by the CEO of Binance Changpen Zhao.", "\n\nWhile #bitcoin is on a tear on price, @Binance have rolled out Binance 2.0, with margin access to everyone. ", "In bear and bull markets, we #BUIDL!, ", "he wrote on Twitter.", "\n\nA number of users report that they still cannot access the declared functionality and see a notification about the need for an invitation.", "\n\nCurrent margin trading opportunities are no different from those that customers could use during the testing phase. ", "Also in the control panel next to the “Exchange” tab appeared the “Margin” tab, where you can get information about your margin balance.", "\n\nOne of the key improvements that are difficult to see at a glance is performance. ", "During peak loads, if you experience lags, be sure to try 2.0.", "\n\n“In the near future, we will suspend user access to the first version due to its inherent problems with overloads,” Zhao wrote.", "\n\nIn addition, today Binance CEO announced that 32 million BNB tokens were concentrated at the four addresses of the exchange, which were unlocked for the team, but none of them had yet been spent. ", "He did not disclose information on future plans for the use of these tokens.", "\n\nCurrently, BNB is trading at around $37.50, slightly below its recently updated historic high.", "\n\nEarlier this week, Zhao reported that Binance has registered the first liquidation of the marginal position against the background of a rapid increase in the price of Bitcoin.", "\n\nAuthor: Marko Vidrih" ]
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[ "Missionaries to the Canary Islands\n\nCarolee Schwaderer\n\nAbout Me\n\nI desire to use this page as a diary of our life here on the island of Tenerife. ", "I have been married to my husband Doug for more than 35 years, and we have served as Independent Baptist missionaries in Guadalajara, Mexico, the jails in Rochester, New York and now in the Canary Islands. ", "My husband currently pastors the Iglesia Evangelica Bautista de San Isidro, Tenerife.", "\n\nWednesday, November 26, 2008\n\nHappy Thanksgiving\n\nHard to believe that this is our second Thanksgiving in the Canary Islands, and we are thankful for all the Lord has done in our lives, and the blessing of being able to serve him here in Tenerife.", "\n\nToday was a busy day--Doug traveled with a fellow missionary, Rudy Thomas (he is from Germany), and another church member, to the island of La Palma. ", "Doug called me this afternoon and told me it was a fruitful day so far. ", "Rudy was able to counsel with a woman who attends a church over there, and she accepted the Lord as her Saviour.", "\n\nI took advantage of the \"free\" day to finish hanging the wallpaper and border in my kitchen. ", "I ordered the border from the states, and found a plain pattern here in Santa Cruz to match for the bottom of the wall. ", "I absolutely love it! ", "My kitchen looks so much brighter and cheerful. ", "It was really easy to put up, for which I am thankful--as I get older these projects aren't as easy as they used to be. ", "I am sure I will need some ibuprofen tonight when I go to bed!", "\n\nAfter finishing the wallpaper, I had to make the homemade pumpkin pie that I promised Rebekah. ", "I say home made--but actually that is the only kind you could get here anyway since there is no such thing as pumpkin pie here! ", "We cooked the pumpkin (shhh-- don't tell Rebekah but I also used some sweet potatoes). ", "I have never seen a whole pumpkin here, but I imagine if I looked in the farmer's markets I could probably find one. ", "They sell pumpkin in the grocery stores in sections--the Canary people buy it to cut up and put in their famous \"Puchero Canario\" (stew) and it has green skin, not orange .", "\n\nTrue to tradition, they already cut into the pie--even though it was still warm! ", "I tried to tell them it will taste better the next day, but no one ever wants to wait. ", "That is why I always make two! ", "Doug said it was one of the best I have made in a long time (well, it has been a long time--this is the first pumpkin pie I ever made since we have been in the CIs).", "\n\nTo all of our friends and family, we wish you a very blessed Thanksgiving!" ]
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[ "Inverse treatment planning and stereotactic intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) of the tumor and lymph node levels for nasopharyngeal carcinomas. ", "Description of treatment technique, plan comparison, and case study.", "\nInverse treatment planning and intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) promise advantages in the treatment of tumors of the head and neck region. ", "Currently published studies use IMRT only in the treatment of the primary tumor. ", "In these studies, the lymph nodes of the neck were treated using conventional techniques. ", "The feasibility of an IMRT technique which allows treatment of the complete target volume, including the primary tumor and lymph nodes, without a beam split is described. ", "For inverse treatment planning, the KonRad planning system was used. ", "The primary as well as the secondary PTV (bilateral lymph node levels) were treated with one intensity-modulated primary plan. ", "To increase the dose in the primary PTV and suspicious lymph nodes, an intensity-modulated boost plan was performed. ", "The \"step and shoot\" IMRT technique was used. ", "A plan comparison between the described IMRT approach and an IMRT approach using a split-beam technique was performed focusing on the treatment time. ", "A patient with a carcinoma of the nasopharynx was treated with curative intent by a combined radiochemotherapy. ", "The median total dose to the primary PTV was 70 Gy, to suspicious lymph nodes > or = 66.0 Gy, and to the secondary PTV 52 Gy. ", "The defined maximum doses to the organs at risk were not exceeded, and the median dose to the protected parotid gland amounted to 21 Gy. ", "Comparison of the treatment time between both IMRT approaches revealed only a slightly shorter treatment time (1-3 min) for the split-beam IMRT technique without considering the remaining conventional treatment parts of the split-beam IMRT technique. ", "The patient achieved a complete response, and 18 months after treatment no signs of recurrent disease are visible. ", "IMRT allows the treatment of the target volumes with high doses combined with an excellent sparing of the organs at risk. ", "The IMRT approach presented here makes the treatment of the whole target volume with a single-beam arrangement feasible and does not increase the treatment time compared to a split-beam IMRT technique. ", "Treatment time was comparable to a conventional three-field technique combined with electrons. ", "This IMRT technique can prevent over- or underdosage at field matchlines in the head and neck region and, moreover, is able to spare parotid glands and therefore better avoid xerostomia compared to conventional techniques." ]
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[ "Below are 2 sample pictures from the study. ", "The large white area on the left side of the left picture shows hyperconnectivity in the brain of a case (EHS person). ", "The same small white area in the picture to the right shows normal brain activity in a control (non EHS person).", "\n\nEHS or \"electrohypersensitivity\" in civilian terms, \"microwave radiation poisoning\" in military terms, is an RF (radio frequency) or microwave radiation induced illness who's very existence is hotly debated by government and wireless industry scientists and personnel. ", "This study provides evidence that abnormalities exist in the EHS brain that are not present in the non EHS brain and could put an end to the debate on the existence of EHS. ", "It also defies the widely held governmental and wireless industry stance that wireless devices and infrastructure have no consequences to human health and could impact the prevailing opinion of wireless radiation being deemed safe.", "\n\nThe Peoples Initiative Foundation will be holding a tele-press conference to take questions from the media Thurs. ", "Dec. 7th @ 12 noon PST. ", "The study's principle author, Dr. Gunnar Heuser will be on the call to take questions about the study, as well as Liz Barris, study organizer and one of the EHS cases in the study to take questions about EHS.", "\n\nJournalists on deadline who RSVP by emailing: [email protected] with the # they will be calling in from will be given first priority in the tele-press conference queue.", "\n\nPlease call 515-739-1219 access code 283521#\n\nEmergency back up # only in case above # has problem:\n\n605-472-5616 access code 106520#\n\nFor free abstract and purchase of full text of the study with case pictures go here… https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/reveh.2017.32.issue-3/reveh-2017-0014/reveh-2017-0014.xml\n\nCorrigendum and control pictures here…\n\nhttps://www.degruyter.com/view/j/reveh.2017.32.issue-4/reveh-2017-0027/reveh-2017-0027.xml?format=INT\n\nwww.thepeoplesinitiative.org\n\n[email protected]\n\n310-281-9639\n\nSOURCE The Peoples Initiative Foundation" ]
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[ "The Delights Of Camping In Gavarnie, South West, France\n\nA picturesque little village in France’s grand Pyrenees Mountains, Gavarnie is a place of complete tranquillity and astonishing beauty. ", "Surrounded by nothing but majestic, mountainous landscapes, Gavarnie is the dream destination for campers longing for that bit of peace and quiet. ", "An idyllic French commune, this destination also offers unforgettable adventure. ", "Here are some of the delights of camping in this heavenly location.", "\n\nDazzling beauty\nA perfect place to rest up and relax, visitors can sit around the campfire and enjoy the serenity of this sublime location. ", "Whether campers choose to stay put on the site grounds or venture deeper into the Pyrenees Mountains, they will be constantly surrounded by the location’s mind-blowing beauty.", "\n\nClose to the village, campers will find Gavarnie Falls; France’s highest and most spectacular waterfall. ", "A frightening 422 metre drop, this waterfall is a powerful and awe-inspiring sight to behold. ", "A must for those visiting Gavarnie, campers can enjoy the breath-taking waterfall whilst picnicking on the adjacent rocks. ", "However campers choose to enjoy this view though, they must remember to pack their camera as it is guaranteed they will want to capture this sight forever.", "\n\nExciting Adventure\nCampers searching for adventure need look no further; this small little village lives in the midst of an incredible landscape. ", "Next to the grand Cirque de Gavarnie, hiking enthusiasts will find all the adventure they desire. ", "Whether it’s a gentle stroll to one of Cirque de Gavarnie’s stunning lakes or a challenging hike through the rocky, Pyrenees Mountains, this destination has a variety of walks to offer. ", "Both fitness fanatics and casual strollers are bound to find a walk that suits them at this spectacular location.", "\n\nThose looking for even more adventure, will find it at Gavarnie-Gèdre ski resort. ", "Campers who have braved the cold winter months, should not miss out on the opportunity to ski in the famous Pyrenees Mountains. ", "With ski runs varying from 1650-2400 metres in altitude, both beginners and advanced skiers will enjoy the excitement that this ski resort offers. ", "With 12 lifts and 29 slopes, skiers won’t have a second to get bored at this fantastic resort. ", "Surrounded by glorious, snow-covered mountains, Gavarnie-Gèdre ski resort is the perfect combination of beauty and adventure.", "\n\nWonderful Relaxation\nAfter adventuring, campers should indulge themselves in some wonderful relaxation and Luzéa thermal spa is the place to do just that. ", "Only 18km away from Gavarnie’s ski resort, this thermal spa offers campers a taste of the good life amidst their wild, camping adventures. ", "A chance to escape the challenging, camping life for a day and enjoy a bit of luxury, Luzéa thermal spa is a completely different beauty to that of Mother Nature.", "\n\nDecorated with stunning, Napoleonic architecture, this spa will dazzle campers with its man-made loveliness. ", "Offering a Turkish bath, Jacuzzi, massages and bubble baths, this is the ideal way for campers to relax and take a cheeky little break, before venturing back out into the wilderness.", "\n\nConclusion\nWith dazzling sights, exciting adventure and wonderful relaxation, Gavarnie is the perfect camping spot. ", "From hiking through the rocky Pyrenees mountains to relaxing by the campfire, campers will find everything they are searching for at this fantastic location. ", "A beautiful little getaway, campers should pack their bags and their cameras and prepare for an adventure of a lifetime." ]
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[ "Relative hyperoxia augments lipopolysaccharide-stimulated cytokine secretion by murine macrophages.", "\nIncreased systemic levels of inflammatory mediators are seen after open abdominal operations. ", "Macrophages that are exposed to lipopolysaccharide secrete cytokines. ", "Peritoneal macrophages normally reside in a pO(2) of 40 mm Hg. ", "We hypothesize that exposure of lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophages to \"non-physiologic\" pO(2) augments cytokine secretion. ", "Murine macrophages were preconditioned to a pO(2) of 40 mm Hg for 24 hours. ", "The medium then was discarded and exchanged for a medium containing a pO(2) of 40, 150, or 440 mm Hg. ", "Macrophages were incubated in the desired pO(2) for 6 and 24 hours while stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (0 to 100 ng/mL). ", "The effect of pO(2) was compared. ", "Supernatant tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin-6 were measured with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. ", "Statistics were performed with analysis of variance. ", "We found dose-dependent lipopolysaccharide-stimulated TNF and interleukin-6 production with macrophages incubated at physiologic pO(2). ", "Higher pO(2) did not stimulate TNF and interleukin-6 in the absence of lipopolysaccharide. ", "However, a pO(2) of 150 and 440 mm Hg significantly (P <.05) increased lipopolysaccharide-stimulated TNF and interleukin-6 production versus 45 mm Hg. ", "Our data suggest synergy between increased pO(2) and lipopolysaccharide for macrophage TNF and interleukin-6 production. ", "Similar pO(2) elevations may occur with an open peritoneum or high supplemental O(2). ", "Cytokines from peritoneal macrophages may contribute to the increased systemic inflammation after open operations." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to add a config value / environment variable to a cloudControl deployment using the API\n\nI would like to add an environment variable, also called config in this context, to my cloudControl deployment. ", "However, I can't use the provided command-line tool cctrlapp, but have to use the REST API. ", "Their API can be accessed at https://api.cloudcontrol.com and is documented at https://api.cloudcontrol.com/doc/.\nMy problem now is that the section of the documentation that refers to the environment variables is empty!", "\nHere is what I have done so far: \n\nApplication of the type nodejs created \nDefault deployment created \nTried to add the env. ", "variable\n\nI figured out that I would have to send a POST request to https://api.cloudcontrol.com/app/{APP_NAME}/deployment/{DEPLOYMENT_NAME}/addon. ", "According to the implementation of cctrlapp (see app.py and cclib.py) I would infer the following JSON data is required:\n{\"addon\":\"config.free\",\"options\":{\"key\":\"value\"}}\n\nNow I'm stuck.", "\nIn this case, the request returns:\nBad Request {\"parameters\": \"Invalid parameters given.\"}", "\n\nIf I use a slightly modified object\n{\"addon\":\"config.free\",\"settings\":{\"key\":\"value\"}}\n\nI receive this message:\n[ERROR] Missing config variables\n\nDoes anyone know how to apply such a key-value pair using only the API?", "\n\nA:\n\nFrom looking at https://github.com/cloudControl/pycclib/blob/master/pycclib/cclib.py#L422, I think you do need to use \"options\" and the value of options should be a json encoded dictionary (https://github.com/cloudControl/cctrl/blob/master/cctrl/addonoptionhelpers.py#L82).", "\nThe remaining parts are not json encoded however, but are just normal POST parameters (https://github.com/cloudControl/pycclib/blob/master/pycclib/cclib.py#L931). ", "A working request for reference (equivalent to config.add x=1):\nPOST /app/myappname/deployment/default/addon/ HTTP/1.1\ncontent-length: 50\naccept-encoding: compress, gzip\nuser-agent: pycclib/1.5.5\nhost: api.cloudcontrolled.com\ncontent-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\nauthorization: cc_auth_token=\"thetoken\"\n\noptions=%7B%22x%22%3A+%221%22%7D&addon=config.free\n\n" ]
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[ "/*\n * The MIT License (MIT)\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation\n * \n * -=- Robust Distributed System Nucleus (rDSN) -=- \n *\n * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n * of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\n * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n *\n * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.", "\n *\n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. ", "IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\n * THE SOFTWARE.", "\n */\n\n/*\n * Description:\n * What is this file about?", "\n *\n * Revision history:\n * xxxx-xx-xx, author, first version\n * xxxx-xx-xx, author, fix bug about xxx\n */\n\n# include <dsn/tool-api/aio_provider.h>\n# include \"disk_engine.h\"\n\nnamespace dsn {\n\naio_provider::aio_provider(disk_engine* disk, aio_provider* inner_provider)\n : _engine(disk)\n{\n}\n\nservice_node* aio_provider::node() const\n{\n return _engine->node();\n}\n\nvoid aio_provider::complete_io(aio_task* aio, error_code err, uint32_t bytes, int delay_milliseconds)\n{\n _engine->complete_io(aio, err, bytes, delay_milliseconds);\n}\n\n} // end namespace dsn\n" ]
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[ "Sunday, April 25, 2010\n\nFive years of blogging\n\nI don't want to get into too much navel gazing but just want to say Thank You for visiting and commenting on Gort42. ", "This is getting harder to do because of family and career obligations so I don't write about all the things I want to. ", "It's a hobby and I refuse to put advertising on the site so I don't make any money from it not that anyone can actually make a living writing about local politics on the Internet. ", "Just when I think of hanging it up I run into my fan club at an event like the Specter rally on Friday. ", "You people keep me going.", "\n\nSince I started this there must have been a 100 sites that popped up devoted to local politics that disappeared after a short time. ", "We have a hard core of people that have toughed it out that keep tapping away and were recognized in newspaper stories recently. ", "Forgive me for not linking to you all but I'm sure I would omit someone. ", "See the sidebar.", "\n\nWe are truly fortunate to have a couple of local newspapers with great reporters that give us fodder to write about everyday. ", "W-B/Scranton is one of the few markets left in the USA with competing papers. ", "I have occasionally broke a story but our local press do it everyday.", "\n\n10 comments:\n\nTeri\nsaid...\n\nIf you were not here you would be sorely missed. ", "You tell it like it is, you are a great wordcrafter and since there is so much BS going around, it is refreshing to hear your voice in the crowd..I suspect that you will meet with great sucess WHEREVER you choose to share your talent.", "\n\nHis Holiness grants dispensation. ", "The Saturday meeting will now officially be observed as The Gort 42 birthday/Blogiversary Party.", "This dispensation, however, is valid only for this singular occasion. ", "Next year, the gathering shall revert to its traditional name. ", "Bless You.", "\n\nThere can be no doubt of the effort it takes to stay with this effort for a five year run. ", "Yep, many have come and most have gone but Gort42 and your sister site LuLac are two blogs that keep it professional, no kindergarten name calling and you both do it without the $$$ incentive. ", "I feel a heavy obligation to endow you with a celebratory pizza with the topping of your choice. ", "Your keeping at this is no small task and I'm sure there were days when you forced your self to even sit at your keyboard. ", "I don't like flowers but pizza is special and I think you truly deserve the People's Choice Pizza to honor your efforts. ", "Hang in there pepperoni, your the topping for me." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe invention pertains to systems and methods for diagnosis and treatment of aberrant physiological conditions, such as disease, by means of laser light.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Prior Art\nConventional surgical techniques suffer from a number of significant drawbacks, which vary depending upon the extent of involvement, the size of the operative site, propensity toward infection, physical trauma, and shock, among other factors. ", "Thus, in recent years there has been substantial interest in, and development of, alternatives to conventional surgical techniques. ", "Such alternatives include cryogenics electrocoagulation techniques and radio frequency; however, these often produce electroconvulsive or thermal foci in regions surrounding a given target site. ", "Such foci may have serious consequences relative to certain cardiac as well as neurological tissues.", "\nMicrowave techniques (excluding masers) and various radioactive emitters are difficult to control with respect to involvement of tissue in regions adjacent a target site. ", "Vasodilation techniques, whereby carbon dioxide is directly administered to a clotted vessel or wherein employment of a catheter is utilized to expand a vessel, exhibit various shortcomings. ", "For example, occlusions dislodged from a vessel by reaming or scraping can relocate to other, more inaccessible sites, as can occlusions dislodged by the introduction of a bolus of carbon dioxide. ", "Circumferential expansion of a catheter inside a vessel, thus forcing the occlusion against the wall of the intima by compression, may result in reaccumulation of plaque on the vessel wall and subsequent reformation of the occlusion in addition to possible fragmenting and relocation of the obstruction and loss in functional integrity of the wall of the vessel; a rupture or blow-out of the vessel may also occur if an embolism is present.", "\nChemical techniques for dissolving clots or occlusions may be relatively slow-acting and are often complicated by side effects, such as electrolyte imbalance or neurological dysfunctions. ", "Side effects of obstruction of a thrombus through various washing techniques in connection with the introduction of chemical agents may create long-term side effects depending on the size of dosage and tolerance level of the patient.", "\nAlternative techniques and equipment utilizing laser light have been developed in recent years. ", "Examples of such existing systems are represented by U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,914,013, Coherent Radiation Beam Coupler, issued to the inventor hereof. ", "Existing apparatus employing laser light for purposes of accomplishing surgery does not provide for wholly effective utilization of the potential of laser light for diagnosis and surgery in that such apparatus may exhibit characteristics of excessive complexity or bulkiness and lacks provision for effective diagnosis in addition to treatment of aberrant conditions.", "\nThus, there has been a felt but unfulfilled need for diagnosing and treating by means of laser light aberrant physiological structures and conditions, particularly internally of the body." ]
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[ "Background\n==========\n\nHaptic sensing involves bringing the hand in contact with objects and surfaces to determine their properties. ", "In the case of surfaces, the presence of repeated raised elements characterizes textures, of which roughness is a major perceptual attribute. ", "Recognition of 2-D patterns is another perceptual attribute provided by surfaces. ", "Geometric properties such as the relative orientation of 2-D patterns are processed differently in the somatosensory system from material properties such as roughness and hardness. ", "Neurons in Brodmann\\'s area 1 have been shown to respond preferentially to surface features including roughness and texture \\[[@B1],[@B2]\\], whereas neurons in Brodmann\\'s area 2 are sensitive to differences in shape primitives, such as edges and curvature \\[[@B2],[@B3]\\]. ", "In primates, removal of areas 1 and 2 impairs performance on texture and shape discrimination tasks, repectively \\[[@B2]\\].", "\n\nAt the neural level, material properties are intensively coded, meaning that they can be distinguished based only on the amplitude of neural output at the cortical level \\[[@B1],[@B4]-[@B11]\\]. ", "In contrast, behavioural evidence has shown that geometric properties are likely spatially coded and must be mapped to a specific location within a particular frame of reference \\[[@B12]\\]. ", "The haptic modality encodes geometric surface properties relatively inefficiently compared to material properties such as roughness \\[[@B12]\\]. ", "This inefficiency can be attributed to several factors. ", "Firstly, physical limitations of mechanoreceptor number and density lead to difficulties in the integration of limited inputs, as from a single 2-D raised element on a planar surface \\[[@B12]\\]. ", "Secondly, the exploratory strategy for identifying a 2-D pattern is contour following, which entails a high working memory load \\[[@B12]-[@B14]\\]. ", "Finally, spatial coding requires intensive coding to be completed first so that each 2-D raised element can first be detected, before it is located within the frame of reference, making it more computationally demanding than intensive coding alone \\[[@B12]\\].", "\n\nBehavioural evidence has shown clear differences in the efficiency with which the haptic system processes intensively and spatially coded properties, observers showing faster responses with roughness discrimination than for identification of the relative orientation of 2-D raised elements, a key element involved in pattern discrimination \\[[@B12]\\]. ", "Recent neuroimaging studies have contrasted the areas activated during texture and shape discrimination, revealing that different brain regions are preferentially activated during the haptic processing of material and geometric properties \\[[@B15]-[@B19]\\]. ", "For instance, in participants making judgements about surface texture, more activation was seen in ventral and posterior regions including the parietal operculum and posterior insula along with activation in ventrally located extrastriate visual areas (e.g., lingual gyrus) \\[[@B15],[@B16]\\]. ", "Such activation pattern for haptic texture seems to reflect the preferential recruitment of a ventral stream specializing in object *perception*and semantic object representations \\[[@B15],[@B16]\\]. ", "In contrast, shape discrimination elicited preferential activation in frontal motor regions (e.g., premotor cortex) and in dorsal parietal areas commonly associated with reaching and grasping behaviours (e.g., intra-parietal sulcus, IPS; superior parietal gyrus, SPG); indicating a tendency for the recruitment of a dorsal stream for *action*when geometric properties about touched objects are processed \\[[@B15]-[@B19]\\]. ", "Attending to geometric properties of objects either in the tactile or visual modality also leads to robust activation in the region of the lateral occipital complex (LOC), an area which seems critical for object recognition \\[[@B15]-[@B19]\\]. ", "It is important to stress that the reported selectivity of activation for either texture (directed ventrally) or shape (directed dorsally) is more relative than absolute; the two forms of haptic processing relying to a large extent on an overlapping cortical network \\[[@B15],[@B16]\\].", "\n\nIn recent investigations, we used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to examine task-dependant modulation in corticospinal excitability when participants were engaged in haptic sensing \\[[@B20]-[@B23]\\]. ", "These investigations revealed that activation of a haptic network for discrimination of 2-D raised symbols resulted in enhanced excitability of the motor cortex, compared to performance of the same movement without the sensing component, or when attention was distracted away from the task \\[[@B21]\\]. ", "This attention-related modulation of corticospinal facilitation during haptic sensing suggested that the observed effects were due to top-down mechanisms, including activation of a haptic sensing network involving somatosensory, multisensory, and motor areas \\[[@B24]\\]. ", "However, this previous work investigated only modulation in the context of haptic sensing of the geometric properties of a surface, i.e. discrimination of the relative orientation of 2-D symbols. ", "Given the reported differences in terms of complexity of neural processing and distribution of cortical activation between texture and shape discrimination by touch, we sought to determine in the present report whether such differences would lead to an increase in corticospinal excitability when participants are engaged in task conditions involving spatial coding (i.e. sensing the orientation of a 2-D pattern) versus intensive coding (i.e., sensing differences in degree of roughness) of surface features.", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nTask performance\n----------------\n\nIn general, participants exhibited very reliable discrimination performance in the two tasks, although they tended to be better at discriminating patterns as compared to surface roughness (84.4 ± 11.4% vs. 93.9 ± 6.4%, respectively). ", "While task conditions had a significant effect on performance levels (F~1,16~= 13.21, p = 0.002), this actually reflected only a minor difference in terms of the number of errors (n~incorrect~/16 trials) between the two tasks (i.e., pattern, n~incorrect~= 1.0 ± 1.0 trials, roughness, n~incorrect~= 2.5 ± 1.8 trials). ", "Gender had no effect (F~1,16~= 0.72, p = 0.41) on performance levels. ", "In terms of muscle activation, execution of the stroking action in the two tasks elicited a very similar pattern of activity in the FDI msucle, characterized by a sustained increase in activity as the index finger moved over either the pattern or grating presented (Figure [1B](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [1C](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "As shown in Figure [1C](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}, the average level of activation elicited in the period preceding the TMS pulse corresponded to \\~ 25% of the MVC in the two task conditions (mean, 23.81% vs. 22.55%, pattern and roughness, respectively). ", "Paired comparison revealed no difference in the normalized level of EMG activity between the two tasks in the 500 ms period preceding the TMS pulse (paired t-test, t~17~= -0.09, p = 0.93).", "\n\n![**", "Task paradigm used to assess corticospinal excitability**. ", "A. In both discrimination tasks, participants were trained to produce a single stroking index finger movement in sync with the sound of a tone lasting for 1.8 s. In the pattern task, the finger moved over three circular stickers placed in a row, with the last circle off-set either upwards or downwards relative to the first two (3.2 mm radius, 10 mm centre-to-centre). ", "Participants were asked to report whether the last circle was up or down. ", "The roughness task required a judgement about the relative roughness of two grating surfaces, whose spacing between elements differed by 25%. ", "Participants used the same stroking action to determine whether the surface presented was either the rougher (1 mm grating) or smoother (0.75 mm grating) of the two. ", "In each trial, the TMS pulse was set to trigger 1.5s after the tone, corresponding to the time point when the finger was moving towards full abduction. ", "B. Individual example of typical muscle activation patterns elicited in the FDI during execution of the index finger stroking action in the two tasks (right-handed male, aged 23 years). ", "The traces represent the mean with associated SD of the rectified electromyographic (EMG) activity normalized as a percentage of the participant\\'s maximal rectified average EMG value for all 16 trials under each task condition. ", "C. Similar representation as in B showing the overall task-related pattern of EMG activation in all subjects (n = 18). ", "The trace represents the mean (± SD) of all participants\\' normalized rectified average EMG activity level. ", "Note the close similarity in the pattern of muscular activation between the two tasks. ", "The amplitude of MEP\\'s is truncated in both B and C because the scale has been adjusted to show the level of background EMG activity.](1471-2202-11-149-1){#F1}\n\nTask-specific corticospinal facilitation\n----------------------------------------\n\nThe majority of the participants (11/18) exhibited larger MEP responses in the pattern, as opposed to, the roughness discrimination task. ", "An individual example of such differential MEP modulation in the two task conditions is shown in Figure [2A](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "The relative effect of task conditions on MEP amplitude can also be appreciated in Figure [2B](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}, where the individual MEP values measured under the two tasks have been plotted against each other. ", "The differential effect of task conditions on MEP amplitude was confirmed by the ANOVA (F~1,16~= 5.60, p = 0.03) owing to the larger MEP responses seen for the pattern task (18% increase, on average). ", "Gender had no influence on MEP amplitude (F~1,16~= 0.28, p = 0.60) and showed no interactions with task conditions (F~1,16~= 0.13, p = 0.73). ", "Variations in MEP latency (19.3 ± 1.8 vs. 19.1 ± 1.6 ms, pattern and roughness, respectively) and in the silent period (SP) duration (99 ± 37 vs. 94 ± 38 ms, pattern and roughness, respectively) were not influenced by task conditions (latency, F~1,16~= 0.44, p = 0.51; silent period, F~1,16~= 2.10, p = 0.17).", "\n\n![**", "MEP amplitudes during 2-D pattern vs. roughness discrimination**. ", "A. Examples of task-related differential modulation in MEP amplitude under the two task conditions (left-handed male, aged 26 years, 50% MEP facilitation pattern/roughness). ", "Each trace is an average of 16 responses. ", "B. Scatter plot showing the relative distribution of MEP amplitudes in the two tasks for all participants. ", "Note the tendency for MEP responses to be larger in the pattern discrimination task. ", "C. Comparison of mean MEP amplitudes in the two task conditions (pattern and roughness discrimination). ", "Each bar represents the mean of individual values computed under each task condition for all participants (n = 18). ", "Note that the main effect of task condition was significant for the overall variations in MEP amplitude (p \\< 0.05). ", "D. Scatter plot showing the distribution of individual MEP amplitude task ratios (% MEP~pattern~/MEP~roughnes~) against corresponding performance task ratios. ", "Note that the two variables are not significantly related to one another.](1471-2202-11-149-2){#F2}\n\nInfluence of task performance\n-----------------------------\n\nThe observation that participants tended to perform better at discriminating relative orientation, as compared to roughness, prompted a secondary analysis to determine if this increased performance was associated with the greater MEP facilitation during pattern discrimination. ", "For this analysis, task ratios for MEP amplitude and performance (n~correct~/16) were computed as a percent of pattern over roughness (e.g., % MEP~pattern~/MEP~roughness~) for each participant, so that 100% would correspond to equivalence between the two tasks. ", "We then used Pearson\\'s *r*moment correlation to test for the presence of an association between MEP amplitude and performance task ratios. ", "As shown in Figure [2D](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}, this analysis failed to detect any significant association (*r*= 0.33, p = 0.18) between task-related MEP facilitation and performance.", "\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nIn the present study, we examined task dependant corticomotor facilitation while participants were engaged in two different types of surface discrimination using active index finger movements, i.e. detection of 2-D spatial orientation and roughness discrimination. ", "Our results reveal that for most participants pattern discrimination increases task-related MEP facilitation in the FDI, relative to roughness discrimination. ", "In the following discussion, we will address the possible factors that may have contributed to this observed differential modulation of tactile-related motor facilitation by first considering task demands and bottom-up activity from peripheral afferents, and then top-down effects at the level of central processing.", "\n\nTask demands\n------------\n\nAs in our previous study showing tactile-related MEP facilitation, the movement conditions and level of background EMG were highly consistent between tasks, reflecting the fact that participants were able to reproduce the movement pattern at the prescribed speed from trial to trial. ", "Thus the observed differences in motor cortical excitability could not have been due to the use of different motor exploration strategies during pattern and roughness discrimination. ", "Given that participants used identical controlled timed lateral scanning movements for both tasks, differences in proprioceptive and kinematic factors could not have accounted for the observed enhancement in motor facilitation during the pattern discrimination, relative to the roughness discrimination \\[[@B9],[@B10]\\]. ", "The two tasks were also relatively easy to perform (accuracy \\> 80%), although participants did perform better on the pattern discrimination than on the roughness discrimination. ", "However, as stressed earlier, this difference in performance represented only a minor difference in number of errors, given the limited number of trials tested in each task (n = 16). ", "In this regard, this difference in performance can be considered as trivial. ", "In line with this, secondary analysis failed to reveal any association between performance and MEP facilitation (Figure [2D](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nContribution of bottom-up activity from peripheral afferents\n------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe major difference between the two task conditions in terms of afferent input was the nature of the cutaneous feedback. ", "The Merkel discs and associated slowly adapting type I (SAI) afferent system would have been most important in providing the coding information for the type of roughness discrimination used in the present study (spacing between raised elements \\> 0.2 mm), although the rapidly adapting type I (RAI) afferent system may also have contributed \\[[@B11],[@B25],[@B26]\\]. ", "At the level of S1, inputs from SAI afferents are processed by cortical neurons that fire at higher rates for coarser textures, and the output of these neurons is thought to give rise to the percept of roughness \\[[@B8],[@B11],[@B12],[@B25],[@B27]\\]. ", "Indeed, roughness has been shown to be coded intensively at the cortical level by neurons recorded in macaque monkey areas S1 and the secondary somatosensory cortex (S2), with a majority of these graded-response cells showing increased firing in response to rougher textured surfaces with larger groove widths \\[[@B1],[@B4]-[@B11]\\]. ", "Further, this activity has been shown to be minimally influenced by the difficulty of the texture discrimination (the percent difference in the spacing of raised elements), with such effects being minor relative to the observed changes in somatosensory cortical firing rate correlated with roughness \\[[@B9],[@B10]\\].", "\n\nPsychophysical data on response times and accuracy also suggest that roughness is coded intensively in the somatosensory cortex, while geometric properties such as relative orientation and position are likely resolved by comparing spatially distributed deformation patterns \\[[@B12]\\]. ", "This has been shown to be a less efficient process due to the nesting of intensive coding within this computation, and the requirement for a spatial reference frame \\[[@B12]\\]. ", "However, due to the intensive nature of the roughness code, both textures would likely have elicited more neural activity in S1 and S2, roughness-selective cells firing at higher frequencies relative to the spatially selective firing pattern indicative of the spatial location of a stimulus during pattern discrimination. ", "For the pattern discrimination used in the present study, there would also have been less activity at the level of inputs from SAI afferents, since these afferents would have responded only to the edges in the pattern, which contained far fewer edges than the regularly ridged textures. ", "The roughness discrimination, on the other hand, would have elicited much SA1 afferent activity given the spacing between the raised elements of the gratings used in the present study. ", "RAI and PC afferent activity would also have been much lower during the pattern discrimination, due to the very low frequency of vibrations generated at the fingertip in response to the 2-D contours relative to those generated by the movement of the fingertip across the two textures \\[[@B11],[@B26]-[@B28]\\]. ", "The roughness discrimination thus also likely resulted in more peripheral afferent tactile activity than the geometric pattern discrimination. ", "Whereas the relative roughness of a texture could in theory be extracted centrally as early as area 3b in S1, shape discrimination would likely require further processing in area 1 where speed of finger movement could be integrated with spatially distinct firing patterns to gain an overall representation of the pattern being scanned \\[[@B29]\\]. ", "However, further processing in S2 or area 2 would likely not have been necessary for the simple 2-D pattern discrimination used in the present study \\[[@B29]\\]. ", "The roughness discrimination would therefore have resulted in more somatosensory cortical activity overall, although this processing would have been simpler and more efficient than that required for the pattern discrimination.", "\n\nIt is possible that the intensity and diversity of peripheral afferent inputs, and the resulting activity in S1 and S2, could have determined motor cortical excitability during active tactile discrimination. ", "The dense anatomical and functional connectivity between these regions and the primary motor cortex (M1) provides support for the presence of such bottom-up effects \\[[@B30],[@B31]\\], and leads to the prediction of increased motor facilitation during the exploration of the densely packed raised elements composing the two textures as compared to during exploration of the relatively sparse elements (three circles) composing the two patterns. ", "Indeed, task-specific increases in cutaneous afferent discharge have been shown to transiently increase both spinal and motor cortical excitability \\[[@B32]\\]. ", "However, in the present study, only a small minority of individuals (3/18) showed evidence of greater MEP facilitation during active stroking of textured surfaces as compared to patterns. ", "Therefore, simple bottom-up mechanisms associated with the degree and quality of tactile afferent feedback reaching M1 cannot account for the observed enhancement in task-related motor facilitation during the pattern discrimination.", "\n\nContribution of top-down central factors\n----------------------------------------\n\nThe present findings seem compatible with a top-down central origin for the observed difference in motor facilitation. ", "This explanation is in line with our previous findings on the importance of attention to discrimination for tactile-related MEP facilitation. ", "In this regard, the possibility that lower attention levels could have contributed to the decreased MEP facilitation associated with the roughness task seems highly unlikely for the reasons given above concerning the trivial nature of the observed differences in performance between tasks and the absence of any relationship between performance and MEP amplitude. ", "Instead of difference in attention level, the explanation may lie with neuroimaging observations of a relative increase in the activation of a dorsal processing stream for *action*during the haptic processing of geometric properties such as 2-D patterns, as compared to during processing of material properties such as textures \\[[@B15],[@B21],[@B25],[@B33]\\]. ", "However, it is important to note that both of these types of stimuli would activate both somatosensory processing streams, but to varying degrees \\[[@B15]\\]. ", "For example, texture is also important for determining how tightly to grasp an object, providing information regarding the amount of friction between the skin and the surface \\[[@B11]\\]. ", "Nevertheless, texture may be less important in providing information related to grasping and manipulating objects compared to object shape or 2-D patterns, which provide inputs that help to determine how the fingers and hand are shaped \\[[@B15]\\].", "\n\nNeuroimaging evidence also indicates that primary visual and dorsal extra-striate multisensory areas, such as the LOC, are also selectively activated during haptic shape recognition and imagery, compared to texture discrimination and imagery \\[[@B15]-[@B19]\\]. ", "Haptic texture discrimination and imagery, on the other hand, preferentially activate the ventrally located medial occipital complex (MOC) and the inferior extra-striate regions \\[[@B16],[@B19]\\]. ", "These activations reflected both bottom-up somatosensory inputs and top-down modulation from the posterior parietal cortex \\[[@B15],[@B24]\\]. ", "Furthermore, during haptic shape discrimination in particular, a selective network was revealed involving bottom-up inputs from the S1 to the IPS and LOC, and top-down modulation from these regions to S1 \\[[@B34]\\]. ", "Comparing shape to texture processing in the visual modality also revealed similar patterns of differential brain activation during these two types tasks \\[[@B35]\\]. ", "Indeed, recent evidence suggests that both visual and haptic peripheral inputs lead to the activation of the same central networks for texture and shape processing \\[[@B36],[@B37]\\]. ", "Thus, segregation between the processing of texture and shape in the haptic and visual modalities may reflect common ventral and dorsal visuo-haptic networks specializing in the processing of texture and shape, respectively \\[[@B15]\\].", "\n\nOn the other hand, it has also been argued that spatial properties and shape are not processed by the dorsal parietal areas thought to make up the somatosensory dorsal stream for action (*where/how*) at all, and that evidence for shape processing in parts of the IPS may indicate that some parts of this region may contribute to the ventral, and others to the dorsal, somatosensory processing streams \\[[@B29]\\]. ", "However, it is important to note that this explanation is based on studies using familiar shapes and objects that would likely preferentially activate ventral areas given their emotional significance and ability to trigger past memories. ", "In the present study, we were interested only in motor cortical excitability during haptic identification of simple 2-D patterns, without much contribution of these other emotional and long-term memory factors. ", "Although shape and texture could both be used as inputs to both dorsal and ventral stream networks \\[[@B38]\\], the present findings indicate that pattern discrimination may increase activation of motor areas to a greater degree relative to roughness discrimination. ", "However, it is important to note that the haptic system is generally more tuned to 3D object perception than to 2-D pattern discrimination, such that the ability to recognize real objects is much better than recognition of raised line drawings \\[[@B13],[@B39],[@B40]\\]. ", "This can be explained in part by the fact that a broader range of exploratory procedures is available for 3D objects, which changes the quality and quantity of information obtainable during 3D haptic sensing. ", "Thus a stronger dorsal involvement may be expected when observers discriminate 3D objects as compared to simple 2D lined patterns, and this comparison would be an interesting avenue for future study.", "\n\nThese findings might also be interpreted in the context of the requirement for increased mental resources for the pattern discrimination due to the less efficient nature of spatial processing in the cortex, relative to the intensive processing presumably used during the roughness discrimination \\[[@B12],[@B41]\\]. ", "It is possible that the type of spatial haptic processing required by the pattern discrimination could have primed the motor cortex for action more than the intensive type of processing likely used for the roughness discrimination \\[[@B15]\\]. ", "Both the relative functional importance of the type of afferent input (for example for motor activities such as shaping the fingers for grasping) and the complexity associated with processing the stimuli at the cortical level likely contributed to the observed corticomotor facilitation during pattern discrimination.", "\n\nConclusions\n===========\n\nThis work builds on our previous findings of enhanced motor cortical excitability during active tactile discrimination of 2-D symbols versus finger movements alone \\[[@B21]\\], highlighting the importance of the specific haptic sensing demands with regards to the type of stimuli (pattern discrimination vs. roughness discrimination) for corticomotor facilitation. ", "Together with this previous work, the present findings may help in developing functionally relevant tactile discrimination tasks for the re-education of hand function, tasks which would recruit frontal, parietal and occipital multisensory brain regions preferentially to facilitate finger movements. ", "Indeed, the evidence presented here merits further investigation, in particular with regards to how task difficulty could interact with these task-type effects on M1 \\[[@B15]\\].", "\n\nMethods\n=======\n\nThe Institutional Review Ethics Board approved the study procedure in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and informed consent was obtained before the experimental session. ", "All assessments were performed in a controlled laboratory environment. ", "Each participant received an honorarium for his or her participation.", "\n\nParticipants\n------------\n\nTwenty healthy young adults (10 males, 10 females, mean age ± SD, 22 ± 2.3 years) from the Ottawa area were included in the study. ", "The majority of subjects were right-handed (16/20) according to the Edinburgh Handedness Questionnaire. ", "Prior to the experimental session, all participants completed a medical questionnaire to ensure that there were no contra-indications to TMS and no antecedents of conditions likely to affect their performance in the tests. ", "In addition, all participants were screened for the presence of undiagnosed peripheral neuropathies using a graduated Rydel-Seiffer tuning fork, which has been shown to be a valid and reliable instrument for assessing sensory nerve function in the extremities \\[[@B42],[@B43]\\].", "\n\nTraining in tactile discrimination tasks\n----------------------------------------\n\nParticipants were trained to perform two tactile discrimination tasks involving active movement of the right index finger over a surface. ", "The training first focused on the production of consistent stroking actions with the index finger from right to left in sync with a tone lasting 1.8 s. Then participants were trained in the two discrimination tasks, which consisted of two-alternatives forced choice tasks. ", "As illustrated in Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}, in one condition, the task consisted of discriminating between two patterns formed by three circular stickers (3.2 mm radius, 10 mm centre-to-centre) disposed on a small wooden block (13 cm × 8.5 cm). ", "Participants were required to actively stroke the pattern in sync with the tone and to report the orientation of the last circle as being either in the upward or downward direction relative to the two other preceding circles. ", "In the second task, participants performed a similar stroking action with the index finger but this time the task consisted of making a judgement about the relative roughness of gratings. ", "Specifically, participants were required to discriminate between two fine grating surfaces (2 cm X 9 cm), each pasted on a wooden block. ", "One grating was perceived as rougher than the other one, owing to a 25% increase in spatial period (1 mm vs. 0.75 mm, 0.2 mm constant ridge width). ", "As for the pattern task, participants actively stroked the grating in sync with the tone to determine whether the surface was either the smoother (0.75 mm grating) or rougher (1 mm grating) of the two. ", "In both tasks, participants received appropriate training prior to testing to achieve stable levels of performance and reliable discrimination (i.e., ≥75% correct). ", "During both training and testing, participants were asked to verbally report their judgement about either the pattern or the roughness presented, immediately at the end of the trial, and were rapidly prompted to respond if no report had been made after the trial completion.", "\n\nEMG recording and TMS\n---------------------\n\nThe recording techniques and TMS procedure have been reported previously (see \\[[@B21]\\]). ", "Briefly, EMG activity was recorded using small auto-adhesive surface electrodes (10 mm diameter, Ag-AgCl) placed over the FDI of the right hand. ", "EMG signals were amplified (100-500 μV/div), filtered (bandwidth, 16 Hz to 1 kHz), and digitized at 1 kHz (RMP-6004, Nihon-Kohden Corp.; BNC-2090, National Instrument Corp.). ", "Magnetic stimulation was delivered with a Magstim 200 (Magstim Co. Dyfed, UK) connected to a figure-eight coil (70 mm loop diameter). ", "To determine the optimal site to evoke MEPs in the contralateral hand muscles, the approximate location of the hand motor area on the left hemisphere was explored in 1 cm steps until reliable MEPs could be evoked in the target muscle (FDI). ", "Following this procedure, the relaxed motor threshold was determined using the method advocated by Mills and Nithi \\[[@B44]\\]. ", "Starting from supra-threshold intensity, the stimulator\\'s output was gradually decreased in 1% steps until no MEP could be evoked for 10 consecutive stimuli. ", "This TMS intensity corresponded to the lower threshold value.", "\n\nFrom this point, the intensity was gradually increased until MEP\\'s of at least 50 μV peak-to-peak amplitude could be evoked by ten consecutive stimuli. ", "This latter intensity was recorded as the upper threshold value. ", "The relaxed motor threshold was defined for each participant as the median intensity between the upper and lower threshold values. ", "The TMS intensity was then fixed at 1.1 X threshold for the remainder of the experiment.", "\n\nRecording of EMG during maximal voluntary contraction (MVC)\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe procedure for EMG recording during the MVC is described in Master and Tremblay \\[[@B21]\\]. ", "Briefly, maximal EMG values were measured for the FDI muscle at the beginning of the testing session. ", "Participants were asked to push their index finger as hard as they could against the resistance provided by one of the experimenters for the duration of a tone lasting 3000 ms. ", "The procedure was then repeated to get three MVC recordings.", "\n\nRecording of MEP\\'s during haptic sensing\n-----------------------------------------\n\nCorticospinal excitability was tested under the two task conditions (pattern and roughness discrimination) with participants comfortably seated in a recording chair and blindfolded. ", "The order of testing with the two tasks alternated between participants to control for potential confounders due to variations in attention level, motivation and fatigue \\[[@B21],[@B23]\\]. ", "In each task condition, trials were presented in a random order (n = 16) with the two alternatives for each task (ie., ", "pattern discrimination: up/down; roughness discrimination: rough/smooth) being equally probable. ", "For both tasks (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}), TMS was set to trigger towards the end of the stroking finger movement at 1.5s in the course of the 1.8 s trial. ", "Sixteen trials of 1800 ms epochs were recorded under each task condition.", "\n\nRationale for task design and selection of tactile stimuli\n----------------------------------------------------------\n\nTactile stimuli were specifically chosen to control for the degree of difficulty between tasks so that task performance would allow sufficient time to investigate task-specific facilitation in response to TMS. ", "For the pattern discrimination, the three circular stickers were spaced to span a natural index finger adduction movement during tactile exploration of surface features. ", "Pilot testing indicated that movement duration of \\~2 s was consistent with such a natural finger exploration. ", "The spacing and offset of the last of the three circles for the pattern discrimination was determined by further pilot testing, asking participants if they were still sensing and making their decision regarding the displacement of the last circle upwards or downwards when TMS was delivered towards the end of the stroking movement. ", "Similarly, the two textures for the roughness discrimination were selected on the basis of previous experiments indicating that discrimination of smooth gratings (≤ 1 mm spatial period, ridge-to-ridge distance) is more difficult than coarser gratings (1-3 mm, spatial period) \\[[@B9]\\]. ", "The two grating surfaces therefore consisted of relatively smooth gratings whose spatial period differed by 25% (i.e., 0.75 vs. 1 mm). ", "As shown by Sinclair & Burton \\[[@B9]\\], such a difference in spatial period between gratings is relatively hard to detect by observers when allowed only one single stroke per trial. ", "Pilot testing confirmed that participants were still sensing the texture (as judged by verbal reports) when TMS was delivered towards the end of the movement. ", "Thus, the 1.5 s delay chosen for the time of TMS delivery provided an optimal time point to examine MEP facilitation, as participants were actively engaged in haptic sensing for surface features (either spatial orientation or roughness).", "\n\nAnalysis of MEP data and EMG traces\n-----------------------------------\n\nAlthough a total of 20 participants were initally included in the analysis, careful re-examination of individual recordings revealed technical errors in the settings (trial duration was not properly adjusted) that invalidated the data for two participants (one male, one female). ", "Therefore the MEP and EMG analysis was performed on the remaining 18 participants (9 males, 9 females, 4 left handed). ", "The details for the procedure for analysis of MEP data are given in Master & Tremblay \\[[@B21]\\]. ", "Briefly, MEP amplitude (peak to peak), latency, and EMG traces were measured off-line and averaged to derive mean individual values. ", "For the MVC, the EMG signals produced during the last 2000 ms epoch were rectified and averaged to get a maximal rectified average EMG value. ", "For the background EMG activity during test trials, the signal in the 500 ms window preceding the TMS pulse was rectified on a trial-by-trial basis for each participant, and these rectified values were then averaged and expressed as a percentage of each particiant\\'s maximal rectified average EMG value (see Figure [1B](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [1C](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Finally, the SP was estimated as the interval from MEP onset to the first sign of EMG return.", "\n\nStatistical methods\n-------------------\n\nA paired-samples t-test was performed on EMG levels (expressed as a percent of each participant\\'s MVC) recorded during the two tasks, pattern discrimination and roughness discrimination. ", "MEP amplitudes were normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk P \\> 0.05) and did not need to be transformed. ", "Four repeated measures ANOVAs were used to determine the impact of task condition (pattern/roughness discrimination) and gender on each dependent variable: 1) discrimination performance,2) MEP amplitude, 3) MEP latency, and 4) SP duration. ", "The significance level was set at P \\< 0.05 for all tests. ", "All tests were performed using SPSS software version 17.0 for Windows^®^(Chicago, IL, USA). ", "Figures were prepared using GraphPad Prism version 5.02 for Windows (GraphPad Software, San Diego California USA, <http://www.graphpad.com>).", "\n\nAuthors\\' contributions\n=======================\n\nSM participated in the design of the study, carried out the behavioral testing, performed the statistical analysis and drafted the manuscript. ", "FT conceived of the study, and participated in its design and coordination and drafted the manuscript. ", "Both authors read and approved the manuscript and its revisions.", "\n\nAcknowledgements\n================\n\nThe authors wish to thank all participants for their time and patience during testing. ", "Special thanks to Sonia Hussain for her help with data collection and analysis. ", "This work will serve as a partial fulfilment for a doctoral thesis in experimental psychology by Sabah Master. ", "This project was made possible in part by support from the Élisabeth Bruyère Research Institute.", "\n" ]
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[ "STUDENTS from Methodist Ladies’ College and St Mark’s Anglican Community School have won the state’s most prestigious high school academic award, the Beazley Medal.", "\n\nEducation and Training Minister Sue Ellery announced the winners today at a presentation ceremony at Government House.", "\n\nKim Beazley, the Governor of Western Australia, hosted the event and presented the medals.", "\n\nThe Beazley Medal is named after the Governor’s father, Kim Edward Beazley, a former teacher and Federal Minister for Education.", "\n\nCharlotte ‘Charlie’ Singleton, a Methodist Ladies’ College student, and Jesse Morris-Parmer who attended St Mark’s Anglican Community School, won the medals.", "\n\nCharlie won the Beazley Medal: WA Certificate of Education for the highest examination marks across five ATAR courses in Year 12.", "\n\nCharlie studied chemistry, physics, literature, mathematics methods, mathematics specialist and Japanese as a second language.", "\n\nCharlie won a General Exhibition, Subject Certificate of Excellence in chemistry and mathematics methods, and a Certificate of Distinction.", "\n\nJesse was awarded the Beazley Medal: Vocational Education and Training (VET) based on his outstanding Year 12 performance in a VET program.", "\n\nJesse also received a VET Exhibition and VET Certificate of Excellence in primary, environmental and animal care.", "\n\nHe achieved a Certificate II in conservation and land management (working towards a Certificate III), a Certificate II in engineering pathways and a Certificate II in business.", "\n\nJesse has already secured a full-time job in the field of biodiversity and conservation.", "\n\nThis year, there were 4124 awards including 50 General Exhibitions and 41 Subject Exhibitions.", "\n\nThe schools with the highest number of general exhibition winners were Perth Modern School (16) and Christ Church Grammar School (six).", "\n\nFor a complete list of award winners, visit https://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/\n\n“These two young people have very bright futures and I congratulate them on their commitment to their studies and this outstanding achievement,” Education Minister Sue Ellery said.", "\n\n“Previous Beazley Medal winners have gone onto have great success in their academic, training and working lives and receiving this prestigious award will open up many opportunities.", "\n\n“Charlie is planning to pursue a career in chemical engineering and Jesse has already secured full time employment in the field of biodiversity and conservation.", "\n\n“I congratulate all the award winners for their efforts and acknowledge the support of families, friends, teachers and school staff.”" ]
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[ "Introduction\n============\n\nThe American Cancer Society estimates 14,620 new cases of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) to be diagnosed in the USA in 2015 with approximately 4,650 deaths predicted to occur.[@b1-tcrm-11-1113] CLL, the most common lymphoproliferative disorder in the Western countries, is characterized by progressive accumulation of mature lymphocytes in the peripheral blood, bone marrow, and lymphoid tissues. ", "CLL usually manifests as lymphocytosis with characteristic phenotype on B-cells (CD5^+^ and CD23^+^).[@b2-tcrm-11-1113] Two separate staging systems (Rai and Binet) have been created to establish prognostic implications for survival. ", "While specific differences exist between these systems, they generally take into account the site of disease involvement, presence of anemia and thrombocytopenia.[@b3-tcrm-11-1113],[@b4-tcrm-11-1113] New prognostic factors have been recently identified with the advent of molecular profiling. ", "Genomic features such as unmutated immunoglobulin heavy-chain variable (IGHV) status and cytogenetic abnormalities such as del (17p), *TP53* mutation and expression of CD38, and zeta-chain-associated protein kinase (ZAP-70) are associated with poor prognosis, including shorter progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS). ", "Recently, mutations in *NOTCH1*, *SF3B1*, and *BIRC3* genes were also found to be associated with poor prognosis.[@b5-tcrm-11-1113] CLL is mainly a disease of the elderly population with a median age at diagnosis of 72 years. ", "Clinical manifestation of CLL can vary from a long-term indolent disease to a rapidly progressive disease with OS ranging from months to decades; nonetheless, it remains an incurable disease with currently available therapies with the exception of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.[@b6-tcrm-11-1113]\n\nManagement of CLL is usually reserved for patients with stage III or IV disease or those with bulky lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, constitutional symptoms (fatigue, night sweats, fever without infection, weight loss), threatened end-organ function, progressive anemia (hemoglobin \\[Hgb\\] \\<10 g/dL) or thrombocytopenia (platelet \\<100×10^9^/L). ", "The choice of treatment depends on various factors such as patient fitness, clinical stage of the disease, cytogenetic abnormalities, prior therapies, and response to previous agents.[@b5-tcrm-11-1113],[@b7-tcrm-11-1113] The combination of fludarabine, cyclophosphamide, and rituximab (FCR) is currently recommended as first-line therapy for patients less than 70 years of age and without co-morbidities. ", "Until recently, it was recommended that elderly patients (age ≥70 years) or those with significant co-morbidities should receive rituximab in combination with chlorambucil as frontline therapy.[@b5-tcrm-11-1113]--[@b11-tcrm-11-1113] Although the addition of rituximab to chlorambucil has improved PFS and complete response (CR) rates compared with chlorambucil monotherapy, it did not result in survival benefit.[@b12-tcrm-11-1113] Other options include bendamustine, fludarabine or cyclophosphamide/prednisone ± rituximab, rituximab, cladribine, and chlorambucil. ", "Elderly patients remain underrepresented in majority of the CLL studies, and available data have not shown superiority of one regimen over another until recently. ", "Patients with del (17p) do not benefit from these regimens, and alemtuzumab-containing regimens as well as some novel targeted therapies are the only effective options for these patients.[@b5-tcrm-11-1113] Rituximab, the first monoclonal antibody against CD20 antigen expressed on the surface of the human B cells, was approved in 2010 for previously untreated CLL. ", "Its discovery revolutionized the treatment of CD20^+^ lymphoproliferative disorders after its initial approval in 1997; however, majority of the patients with CLL will eventually relapse after rituximab-containing immunochemotherapy, which highlights the need for developing superior therapeutic options.[@b13-tcrm-11-1113],[@b14-tcrm-11-1113] Ofatumumab, a second-generation anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody, was approved in 2009 for refractory CLL and recently, in April 2014, for previously untreated CLL.[@b15-tcrm-11-1113] On November 1, 2013, obinutuzumab, a third-generation anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody, became the first treatment approved with US Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) breakthrough designation for use in combination with chlorambucil as a first-line therapy for previously untreated CLL.[@b16-tcrm-11-1113]\n\nPharmacology\n============\n\nCD20 is expressed on B cells from pre-B-cell stage until post-germinal cells differentiate to become plasma cells. ", "Because CD20 is neither shed nor internalized in normal B cells, it serves as an ideal target for mature B-cell malignancies such as CLL.[@b6-tcrm-11-1113] Monoclonal antibodies generally have three possible mechanisms of action: 1) antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), 2) complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC), and 3) direct growth inhibition and apoptosis, also known as direct cell death ([Figure 1](#f1-tcrm-11-1113){ref-type=\"fig\"}).[@b17-tcrm-11-1113] Anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies are classified as type I or type II based on their mode of CD20 binding and primary mechanism for catalysis. ", "Type I antibodies (rituximab and ofatumumab) cause translocation of CD20 into lipid rafts within the cell membrane, which results in efficient CDC, with ofatumumab exhibiting stronger CDC.[@b18-tcrm-11-1113]--[@b20-tcrm-11-1113]\n\nType II antibodies (obinutuzumab), however, do not provoke localization of CD20 into lipid rafts; hence, it results in 10--1,000-fold less potent CDC compared with type I antibodies. ", "ADCC is mediated by interaction between Fc region of the anti-CD20 antibody and FcγRIIIα (expressed on various immune effector cells). ", "Obinutuzumab is a type II humanized CD20 IgG1 monoclonal antibody with glycoengineered Fc region, which leads to 100-fold greater ADCC compared with rituximab and ofatumumab. ", "It also binds to CD20 epitope in a different space orientation and with a wider elbo-hinge angle compared with rituximab ([Figure 2](#f2-tcrm-11-1113){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Obinutuzumab also mediates phagocytosis and superior induction of direct cell death compared with rituximab. ", "Unlike type I monoclonal antibodies, the activity of obinutuzumab does not depend on classic apoptotic pathways, so it may have the ability to overcome typical apoptosis resistance mechanisms.[@b21-tcrm-11-1113],[@b22-tcrm-11-1113]\n\nPharmacokinetics\n================\n\nBased on the population pharmacokinetics, mean volume of distribution, terminal clearance, and half-life of obinutuzumab are approximately 3.8 L, 0.09 L/day, and 28 days, respectively. ", "The metabolism of obinutuzumab has not been clearly studied; however, antibodies are mainly cleared via catabolism. ", "The elimination of obinutuzumab follows a complex, compartment model and consists of a linear and time-dependent, saturable, nonlinear clearance pathway. ", "The time-dependent, nonlinear clearance pathway is predominant during therapy initiation, but as treatment continues, linear clearance pathway predominates, suggesting target drug--mediated deposition.[@b18-tcrm-11-1113] The relationship between pharmacokinetics, clinical response and/or tumor burden has been inconclusive in Phase I/II trials, although Phase II studies reported worse response rates in patients with higher tumor burden, highlighting the importance of dosing schedule for optimal efficacy.[@b23-tcrm-11-1113] The volume of distribution and steady-state clearance are expected to increase with body weight, but this is associated with minimal change in overall exposure; hence, dose modification is not recommended. ", "Obinutuzumab has not been tested in patients with severe renal impairment (CrCL ≤30 mL/min) and those with hepatic impairment; however, dose modifications are not expected since monoclonal antibodies are expected to be cleared via proteolytic enzymes.[@b16-tcrm-11-1113]\n\nTherapeutic potential of obinutuzumab\n=====================================\n\nIn vitro studies comparing rituximab and obinutuzumab have demonstrated variable responses to individual CLL sample, although CLL cell depletion from whole blood by obinutuzumab was consistently stronger than rituximab.[@b2-tcrm-11-1113],[@b18-tcrm-11-1113] Several Phase I/II studies have demonstrated clinical activity of obinutuzumab in CLL ([Table 1](#t1-tcrm-11-1113){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "In a Phase I study of 22 heavily pretreated patients with relapsed non-Hodgkin's lymphoma or CLL, obinutuzumab (200--2,000 mg) was administered as induction therapy weekly for 4 weeks. ", "Patients who did not progress after induction therapy continued to receive obinutuzumab every 3 months for a maximum of eight doses. ", "Five patients had CLL, all of whom were refractory to prior fludarabine therapy and received a median of four prior therapies. ", "Separate results for patients with CLL are not available. ", "At the end of induction, obinutuzumab therapy yielded a partial response (PR) of 23%.[@b24-tcrm-11-1113]\n\nIn the Phase Ib Galton study, a total of 41 previously untreated patients with CLL were randomized to receive obinutuzumab plus fludarabine and cyclophosphamide (n=21) or bendamustine (n=20) for six 28-day cycles. ", "Obinutuzumab in combination with fludarabine and cyclophosphamide yielded an overall response rate (ORR) of 62% (CR =10%) compared with 90% (CR =20%) when combined with bendamustine. ", "With the median follow-up of 23.5 months in one cohort and 20.7 months in the other cohort, none of the patients have relapsed or died. ", "This study confirmed that obinutuzumab could be safely administered with standard chemotherapeutic regimens for the treatment of previously untreated patients with CLL.[@b25-tcrm-11-1113],[@b26-tcrm-11-1113]\n\nGAUGUIN was a Phase I/II study that evaluated the safety and efficacy of obinutuzumab monotherapy in heavily pretreated patients (median of three prior therapies) with relapsed/refractory (R/R) CLL. ", "In the Phase I dose escalation study, obinutuzumab was administered to 13 patients as a flat dose ranging from 400 mg to 2,000 mg (days 1 and 8 of cycle 1; day 1 of cycles 2--8). ", "Approximately 33% of the patients had high-risk cytogenetics (del \\[17p\\] or del \\[11q\\]) and approximately 70% of the patients had unmutated IGHV status. ", "Obinutuzumab monotherapy yielded an ORR of 62%, all of which were PRs. ", "The median duration of response (DOR) was 10.5 months at 38.7 months follow-up. ", "Based on the preliminary efficacy data as well as modeling and simulation of pharmacokinetic data, which showed faster elimination of obinutuzumab in the first cycle than later cycles, a higher dose was selected for Phase II study. ", "Obinutuzumab was administered as 1,000 mg intravenously (days 1, 8, and 15 of cycle 1; day 1 of cycle 2--8) for ten infusions to a total of 20 patients with R/R CLL. ", "Of the 16 evaluable patients, the best ORR was 30% with one patient achieving a CR. ", "At a median follow-up of 28.8 months, median PFS and median DOR in responders were 10.7 months and 8.9 months, respectively. ", "Less-impressive response rates in the Phase II of this study were thought to be related to higher tumor burden of enrolled patients, suggesting that doses higher than 1,000 mg may be necessary in this specific patient population. ", "Similar to outcomes seen with ofatumumab, a trend for a dose--response relationship was seen in Phase I of this study. ", "Based on all the available clinical data in B-cell malignancies in Phase I/II studies as well as modeling and simulation, a flat dose of 1,000 mg was chosen to be administered on days 1, 8, and 15 of the first cycle for Phase III studies to rapidly achieve and maintain adequate drug levels.[@b23-tcrm-11-1113],[@b27-tcrm-11-1113]--[@b29-tcrm-11-1113]\n\nSince earlier Phase I/II studies suggested a dose--response relationship with obinutuzumab, GAGE study (Phase II) was designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of two doses of obinutuzumab in 80 patients with previously untreated CLL. ", "Of the enrolled patients, 54% had unmutated IGHV status and 10% had del (17p). ", "Obinutuzumab was administered as 1,000 mg (100 mg day 1; 900 mg day 2; 1,000 mg days 8 and 15 of cycle 1; 1,000 mg day 1 of cycles 2--8) or 2,000 mg (100 mg day 1; 900 mg day 2; 1,000 mg day 3; 2,000 mg days 8 and 15 of cycle 1; 2,000 mg day 1 of cycles 2--8) every 21 days. ", "Preliminary analysis at 11 months showed an ORR of 49% and 67% in patients receiving obinutuzumab 1,000 mg and 2,000 mg, respectively (*P*=0.08).[@b30-tcrm-11-1113]\n\nCLL11 was a Phase III, randomized, controlled, open-label study that enrolled 781 previously untreated patients with CLL with co-morbidities in a three-arm, two-stage trial. ", "The study was conducted to assess whether the addition of either rituximab or obinutuzumab could enhance the efficacy of chlorambucil monotherapy in elderly, previously untreated patients with CLL. ", "Notable eligibility criteria included a Cumulative Illness Rating Scale (CIRS) total score \\>6 or CrCl of 30--69 mL/min. ", "Notable exclusion criteria included inadequate liver function, positive hepatitis (hepatitis B or C) serology, or immunization to live vaccine within 28 days prior to randomization. ", "Patients were randomized to receive either obinutuzumab plus chlorambucil (G-Clb; stage 1, n=238; stage 2, n=333) or rituximab plus chlorambucil (R-Clb; stage 1, n=233; stage 2, n=330) or chlorambucil alone (stage 1, n=118) in six 28-day cycles. ", "Chlorambucil was administered orally at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg on days 1 and 15 of each cycle. ", "Obinutuzumab was administered intravenously as 1,000 mg on days 1, 8, and 15 of cycle 1 and on day 1 of cycles 2--6. ", "To ameliorate the infusion-related reactions (IRRs) seen in 89% of the first 53 patients receiving obinutuzumab in an earlier study, the protocol was amended to administer first obinutuzumab infusion over 2 days. ", "The first dose was split between day 1 (100 mg) and day 2 (900 mg) and was administered to 42% of the patients. ", "Rituximab was administered intravenously at 375 mg/m^2^ on day 1 of cycle 1 and 500 mg/m^2^ on day 1 of cycles 2--6. ", "Dose modifications were not permitted. ", "Enrolled patients represented a homogenous population that is representative of majority of the new CLL diagnoses. ", "The median age of enrolled patients was 73 years. ", "Of note, approximately 60% of the patients in each group had unmutated IGHV status.[@b31-tcrm-11-1113] The primary endpoint of the study was PFS, and key secondary endpoints included response rates, minimal residual disease, and OS. ", "At 3 months after the end of treatment, compared with chlorambucil monotherapy, the median PFS was significantly prolonged for patients receiving obinutuzumab and chlorambucil (11.1 months vs 26.7 months, hazard ratio \\[HR\\] =0.18, *P*\\<0.001) and those receiving rituximab and chlorambucil (11.1 months vs 16.3 months, HR =0.44, *P*\\<0.001). ", "Similar benefit was seen in all subgroups except in patients with del (17p). ", "G-Clb resulted in significantly prolonged PFS compared with R-Clb (HR =0.39, *P*\\<0.001). ", "The OS was also prolonged in patients receiving G-Clb compared with those receiving chlorambucil alone (rates of death: 20% vs 9%, HR =0.41, *P*=0.002). ", "Survival benefit with G-Clb over R-Clb was not observed (HR =0.66, *P*=0.08); however, longer follow-up may be required to observe the mortality benefit. ", "Median OS was not reached in either of the combination therapy arms. ", "G-Clb yielded higher overall, complete, and molecular response rates compared with R-Clb ([Table 2](#t2-tcrm-11-1113){ref-type=\"table\"}).[@b31-tcrm-11-1113] Results of this pivotal trial led to the approval of obinutuzumab by FDA in November 2013.", "\n\nUpdated analysis of CLL11 with a data cutoff of April 2014 was recently published. ", "As seen in the earlier analysis, the median PFS continued to remain significantly prolonged with G-Clb compared with R-Clb (29.2 vs 15.4 months, HR =0.40, *P*\\<0.001). ", "Updated analysis, however, did not show any significant difference in OS between G-Clb and R-Clb (HR =0.70, *P*=0.06). ", "This is likely secondary to the small number of death events in both arms (45 of 333 patients died in the G-Clb arm; 63 of 330 patients died in the R-Clb arm); hence, the data still may require further follow-up to show mortality benefit between the anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies. ", "Previously observed OS benefit of G-Clb over chlorambucil monotherapy was again confirmed (HR =0.47, *P*=0.0014); however, unlike previous analysis, updated analysis showed prolonged OS with R-Clb compared with chlorambucil monotherapy (HR =0.60, *P*=0.0242). ", "Even though majority of the patients initially receiving chlorambucil monotherapy crossed over to either G-Clb or R-Clb arm as next-line agents, mortality benefit of G-Clb and R-Clb over chlorambucil monotherapy was still maintained. ", "Time to next antileukemic treatment was longer with G-Clb compared with R-Clb (42.7 vs 32.7 months, HR =0.54, *P*\\<0.001).[@b32-tcrm-11-1113] A separate subgroup analysis of CLL11 was conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of obinutuzumab in the setting of R/R CLL. ", "A total of 30 patients who initially received chlorambucil monotherapy developed progressive CLL within 6 months of chlorambucil monotherapy were treated with G-Clb (dosage and administration same as CLL11) for six cycles. ", "At the end of the treatment, the ORR was 87% (CR =7%, incomplete CR =3%, and PR =77%), and the PFS was 17.2 months. ", "The results of this subgroup analysis suggest the role of G-Clb for patients with CLL who have failed prior chlorambucil monotherapy.[@b33-tcrm-11-1113]\n\nSafety\n======\n\nOverall, obinutuzumab is fairly well tolerated with the most common adverse events (AEs) being IRRs and hematological toxicities. ", "In one of the Phase I studies, the most common grade 3--4 AEs included neutropenia (48%--55%) and IRRs (20%).[@b26-tcrm-11-1113] In the Phase II part of the GANGUIN trial, obinutuzumab was well tolerated with no dose-limiting toxicities reported over the 400--2,000 mg dose range. ", "The most common AEs included IRRs (any grade =95%; grade 3 =30%), all of which occurred during the first infusion. ", "Grade 3--4 hematological AEs included neutropenia (25%) and thrombocytopenia (15%). ", "Of note, in Phase I/II GANGUIN study, both early-and late-onset neutropenia were reported. ", "Of the 13 patients with grade 3--4 neutropenia, six had a first onset within 30 days of treatment exposure. ", "Infections were reported in 30% of the patients; however, only 15% of all infections were grade 3 (bacterial, herpes zoster, and testicular abscess). ", "None of the infections were grade 4.[@b23-tcrm-11-1113]\n\nHigher dose of obinutuzumab has not been associated with any additional safety concerns. ", "In the Phase I/II GAGE trial, obinutuzumab 2,000 mg dosing schema was associated with grade 3--4 IRR of 11% compared with 23% associated with the standard, FDA approved, 1,000 mg dosing schema. ", "The reason why higher dose was associated with a lower incidence of IRR remains to be investigated. ", "The incidence of grade 3--4 neutropenia and infections was similar between both dosing schemas.[@b30-tcrm-11-1113]\n\nIn the CLL11 trial, the most frequent grade 3 or higher AEs in the G-Clb arm included IRRs (20%), infections (12%), and hematological AEs such as neutropenia (33%), thrombocytopenia (10%), anemia (4%), and leukopenia (4%) ([Table 2](#t2-tcrm-11-1113){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The incidence of these AEs was similar with R-Clb except for lower rates of thrombocytopenia (3%) and IRRs (4%). ", "With regards to grade 3--4 infections, no significant differences were found between three treatment arms despite a higher incidence of neutropenia with G-Clb. ", "All grade 3--4 IRRs occurred during the first infusion of obinutuzumab, which led to discontinuation of therapy in 8% of the patients. ", "The incidence of IRRs decreased significantly with subsequent therapy, 3% with second dose and \\<1% with subsequent doses. ", "No grade 3--4 IRRs were reported beyond first dose. ", "Of note, no significant difference in the IRRs was seen between G-Clb and R-Clb arms in the stage II of CLL11 trial; however, the incidence was higher in G-Clb group compared with R-Clb group (20% vs 4%, respectively). ", "First administration of obinutuzumab has been shown to trigger immediate and strong release of cytokines (IL6, IL8, TNFα, IFNγ, and IL10) associated with a rapid destruction of circulating B cells, hence demonstrating a close temporal relationship between the release of cytokines and development of IRRs. ", "When compared with rituximab, obinutuzumab results in more potent cytotoxicity and rapid B-cell depletion.[@b23-tcrm-11-1113],[@b34-tcrm-11-1113] In an exploratory analysis of CLL11 evaluating risk factors associated with IRR, type of treatment received, tumor burden, target antigen expression, and FCγR gene polymorphism were identified as potential risk factors. ", "Patients with high tumor burden and/or high circulating lymphocyte count (\\>25×10^9^/L) are at risk for tumor lysis syndrome and should receive appropriate pharmacologic prophylaxis.[@b35-tcrm-11-1113] In the pivotal trial, the incidence of tumor lysis syndrome was higher with obinutuzumab (4%) compared with rituximab (\\<1%). ", "Other serious AEs included newly diagnosed neoplasms; however, the rates were comparable with both monoclonal antibodies. ", "Updated analysis in April 2014 did not reveal any new safety concerns. ", "A total of 4% of the patients died in the G-Clb arm due to AEs compared with 6% in the R-Clb arm.[@b31-tcrm-11-1113],[@b32-tcrm-11-1113]\n\nObinutuzumab labeling includes a black box warning for hepatitis B reactivation and progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. ", "Anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies are associated with the highest risk of hepatitis B reactivation; hence, patients should be screened for risk of hepatitis B reactivation, and if at risk, antiviral therapy should be initiated to prevent this potentially fatal complication.[@b16-tcrm-11-1113],[@b36-tcrm-11-1113]\n\nDosage and administration\n=========================\n\nObinutuzumab is administered as an intravenous infusion for six 28-day cycles. ", "The total dose is 1,000 mg with the exception of the first dose for cycle 1, which should be administered as 100 mg on day 1 and 900 mg on day 2. ", "The first dose of the first cycle should be administered at 25 mg/h. Similar to rituximab, the second dose of cycle one can be titrated up to 50 mg/h every 30 minutes to a maximum rate of 400 mg/h. Subsequent infusions can be started at 100 mg/h and increased by 100 mg/h every 30 minutes up to a maximum rate of 400 mg/h. All patients should be premedicated with acetaminophen (650 -- 1000 mg), intravenous glucocorticoid (dexamethasone 20 mg or methylprednisolone 80 mg), and an antihistamine (diphenhydramine 50 mg) prior to the first two infusions. ", "For subsequent infusions, premedication with an antihistamine, for history of grade ≥1 IRR, and intravenous glucocorticoid, for history of grade ≥3 IRR, or a lymphocyte count \\>25 × 10^9^/L, is recommended.[@b16-tcrm-11-1113]\n\nFormulary considerations\n========================\n\nObinutuzumab is supplied as a 1,000-mg single-use vial, which is recommended to be diluted in adequate amount of 0.9% sodium chloride to yield a final concentration of 0.4--4 mg/mL. Diluted solution for infusion should be used immediately; however, it can be stored up to 24 hours at 2°C--8°C followed by 48 hours at room temperature.[@b16-tcrm-11-1113] The current average wholesale prices for 1,000 mg of obinutuzumab (single vial) and rituximab (two 500-mg vials) are US\\$6,192 and US\\$8,233, respectively.[@b37-tcrm-11-1113] For a person with a body surface area of 2 m^2^, the cost of obinutuzumab for the first cycle will be approximately 56% higher than that of rituximab; however, the overall cost is fairly similar for six cycles of treatment duration.", "\n\nConclusion\n==========\n\nObinutuzumab is approved by US FDA for use in combination with chlorambucil in previously untreated patients based on the results of CLL11. ", "Obinutuzumab in combination with chlorambucil should be considered the new standard of care for previously untreated patients with CLL with co-morbidities that are not eligible for fludarabine-based therapies as it is the first study to show survival benefit over another regimen in this patient population. ", "The response rates, however, remain grim for patients with del (17p); hence, ibrutinib, a Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase inhibitor, remains an important treatment option as frontline therapy for patients with del (17p). ", "However, it is associated with an increased risk of atrial fibrillation and bleeding complications.[@b5-tcrm-11-1113]\n\nCombination chemoimmunotherapy with FCR is associated with an ORR of 90% (CR =44%) and median PFS of 4.8 years; hence, it remains the standard of care for previously untreated, younger, fit patients.[@b5-tcrm-11-1113]--[@b11-tcrm-11-1113] Whether the substitution of obinutuzumab for rituximab in the FCR regimen results in better outcomes is currently under investigation (NCT01300247). ", "Obinutuzumab-based combination therapies are being studied as frontline and salvage therapy for R/R CLL ([Table 3](#t3-tcrm-11-1113){ref-type=\"table\"}) as well as other subtypes of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. ", "Compared with chlorambucil monotherapy, bendamustine and alemtuzumab in combination with rituximab have yielded superior response rates and PFS in previously untreated elderly patients with CLL. ", "Alemtuzumab monotherapy has also shown superior outcomes in patients with del (17p) compared with chlorambucil monotherapy. ", "Several combinations of obinutuzumab and bendamustine are currently under evaluation in various stages of clinical trial; however, there are currently no trials evaluating efficacy and safety of alemtuzumab plus obinutuzumab, an important area of investigation for future.[@b8-tcrm-11-1113],[@b38-tcrm-11-1113]--[@b41-tcrm-11-1113]\n\nIncreasing evidence shows that antigen-dependent and antigen-independent B-cell receptor (BCR) signaling and proteins in the B-cell CLL/lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2) family play a central role in the pathogenesis of CLL. ", "Understanding of this pathophysiology has recently led to the development and approval of two targeted kinase therapies, ibrutinib and idelalisib.[@b38-tcrm-11-1113] Obinutuzumab combination therapy is under investigation with several agents that inhibit kinases involved in the BCR signaling pathway ([Table 3](#t3-tcrm-11-1113){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nOfatumumab, a different anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody, was recently approved for use in combination with chlorambucil for previously untreated patients with CLL based on the results of a Phase III trial demonstrating an ORR of 82% and median PFS of 22.4 months. ", "Ofatumumab plus chlorambucil (O-Clb) failed to show a survival benefit over chlorambucil monotherapy.[@b42-tcrm-11-1113] Ladyzynski and colleagues recently published a Bayesian network meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials involving treatment-naive, symptomatic patients with CLL. ", "Of all the treatment options evaluated in the network analysis (chlorambucil, fludarabine, O-Clb, R-Clb, and G-Clb), G-Clb was found to be the most effective therapy with respect to projected mean PFS and was associated with the highest potential of prolonging OS of patients.[@b43-tcrm-11-1113] Reyes and colleagues recently presented results of a study comparing the cost-effectiveness of G-Clb versus O-Clb using a Markov model. ", "G-Clb use was associated with an increase of 0.83 life years and 0.79 quality-adjusted life year as well as US\\$4,500 gain in incremental cost per quality-adjusted life years relative to O-Clb. ", "Treatment with O-Clb was higher by US\\$3,600 per patient relative to G-Clb. ", "This analysis suggested that treatment with G-Clb is highly cost-effective compared with O-Clb.[@b44-tcrm-11-1113]\n\nAs the place in therapy for obinutuzumab expands, head-to-head comparison with ofatumumab in addition to other agents commonly used as frontline therapy and in relapsed/refractory setting (bendamustine plus rituximab) will become critical. ", "Except for CLL11, no other well-designed, randomized, Phase III trial to date has shown that targeting CD20 antigen in patients with CLL and coexisting conditions results in improved survival. ", "Survival benefit was not seen when G-Clb and R-Clb were compared; however, G-Clb was superior in achieving better minimal residual disease negative, which has been predicted to be associated with longer OS in patients receiving fludarabine-based chemoimmunotherapy. ", "With longer patient follow-up, this difference may become apparent. ", "Results of ongoing studies will be critical in determining whether obinutuzumab in combination with targeted kinase inhibitors such as ibrutinib and idelalisib will further enhance efficacy without significant impact on AEs.", "\n\n**Disclosure**\n\nThe author reports no conflicts of interest in this work.", "\n\n![", "Schematic representation of the putative mechanisms mediating rituximab's anticancer activity in NHL cells.\\\n**Notes:** The anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody rituximab has several mechanisms of action, including ADCC, which involves recruitment of effector cells, mediated by Fcγ receptors, CDC, and apoptosis induction. ", "Adapted from Motta G, Cea M, Moran E, et al. ", "Monoclonal antibodies for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: state of the art and perspectives. *", "Clin Dev Immunol*. ", "2010;doi:10.1155/2010/428253.[@b45-tcrm-11-1113]](tcrm-11-1113Fig1){#f1-tcrm-11-1113}\n\n![", "The structure and topology of CD20 and the epitopes recognized by rituximab, ofatumumab, and obinutuzumab.\\\n**Note:** Adapted from Klein C, Lammens A, Schäfer W, et al. ", "Epitope interactions of monoclonal antibodies targeting CD20 and their relationship to functional properties. *", "MABs*. ", "2013;5(1):22--31.[@b20-tcrm-11-1113]](tcrm-11-1113Fig2){#f2-tcrm-11-1113}\n\n###### \n\nEfficacy of obinutuzumab in CLL\n\n --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Trial Phase n (type of patient population) Obinutuzumab dosage and administration[a](#tfn1-tcrm-11-1113){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} Efficacy\n -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- -------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------\n GAUGUIN[@b23-tcrm-11-1113],[@b27-tcrm-11-1113],[@b28-tcrm-11-1113] I 13 (R/R CLL) 400--2,000 mg\\ ORR =62%\\\n Cycle 1: days 1 and 8\\ Median PFS = NR\\\n Cycles 2--8: day 1 Median DOR =10.5 months\n\n II 20 (R/R CLL) 1,000 mg\\ ORR =30%\\ \n Cycle 1: days 1, 8, and 15\\ Median PFS =10.7 months\\ \n Cycles 2--8: day 1 Median DOR =8.9 months \n\n GAUSS[@b24-tcrm-11-1113] I 22 (R/R CLL, n=5) Induction: 200--2,000 weekly\\ PR =23%\n ×4 weeks\\ \n Maintenance: every 3 months for maximum of eight doses in patients with CR or PR at the end of induction (same dose as induction) \n\n GALTON[@b25-tcrm-11-1113],[@b26-tcrm-11-1113] Ib 41 (previously untreated CLL) Cycle 1: 100 mg day 1, 900 mg day 2, 1,000 mg days 8 and 15\\ Obinutuzumab plus fludarabine and cyclophosphamide\\\n Cycles 2--6: 1,000 mg day 1 -- ORR =62% (CR =10%)\\\n Obinutuzumab plus bendamustine\\\n -- ORR =90% (CR =20%)\n\n CLL11[@b31-tcrm-11-1113] III 781 (untreated CLL in elderly) 1,000 mg\\ See [Table 3](#t3-tcrm-11-1113){ref-type=\"table\"}\n Cycle 1: days 1, 8, and 15\\ \n Cycles 2--6: day 1 \n\n GAGE[@b30-tcrm-11-1113] II 89 (untreated CLL) 1,000 mg cohort:\\ 1,000 mg cohort:\\\n Cycle 1: 100 mg day 1, 900 mg day 2, 1,000 mg days 8 and 15\\ ORR =49%\\\n Cycles 2--8: 1,000 mg day 1\\ 2,000 mg cohort:\\\n 2,000 mg cohort:\\ ORR =67% (*P*=0.08)\n Cycle 1: 100 mg day 1, 900 mg day 2, 1,000 mg day 3, and 2,000 mg days 8 and 15\\ \n Cycles 2--8: 2,000 mg day 1 \n --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n**Notes:**\n\nRepresents all doses administered intravenously.", "\n\n**Abbreviations:** CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia; R/R CLL, relapsed/refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia; NR, not reported; DOR, duration of response; ORR, overall response rate; PFS, progression-free survival; PR, partial response.", "\n\n###### \n\nEfficacy and safety outcomes from CLL11\n\n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Chlorambucil plus rituximab\\ Chlorambucil plus obinutuzumab\\\n (safety analysis: n=321)\\ (safety analysis: n=336)\\\n (efficacy analysis: n=333) (efficacy analysis: n=330)\n -------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------- ---------------------------------\n Efficacy \n\n  Median PFS, months 15.2 26.7\n\n *P*-value \\<0.002 \n\n  Median OS, months NR NR\n\n *P*-value =0.09 \n\n  ORR, % 65 78\n\n  CR rate, % 7 21\n\n  MRD negative, % \n\n   Bone marrow 2.6 19.5\n\n   Blood 3.3 37.7\n\n Grade 3--5 adverse events \n\n  Overall, % 55 70\n\n  Neutropenia, % 28 33\n\n  Anemia, % 4 4\n\n  Thrombocytopenia, % 3 10\n\n  Leukopenia, % 1 4\n\n  Infections, % 7 7\n\n  Infusion-related reactions, % 4 20\n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n**Note:** Adapted from Shah A. Obinutuzumab: a novel anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody for previously untreated chronic lymphocytic leukemia. *", "Ann Pharmacother*. ", "2014;48(10):1356--61. ", "doi: 10.1177/1060028014543271.[@b46-tcrm-11-1113]\n\n**Abbreviations:** CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia; PFS, progression-free survival; OS, overall survival; NR, not reported; CR, complete response; ORR, overall response rate; MRD, minimal residual disease.", "\n\n###### \n\nOngoing or planned studies of obinutuzumab in CLL\n\n -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Clinicaltrials.gov\\ Phase Regimen Study population Status\n NCT Identifier \n --------------------- ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------\n NCT02225275 NR Obinutuzumab plus lenalidomide Recurrent CLL/SLL Not yet accruing\n\n NCT02371590 I/II Obinutuzumab plus lenalidomide Previously untreated CLL/SLL Not yet accruing\n\n NCT01980875 III Obinutuzumab plus idelalisib versus obinutuzumab plus chlorambucil Previously untreated CLL Not yet accruing\n\n NCT02406742 I/II CC-122 monotherapy, CC-122 plus rituximab, ibrutinib or obinutuzumab R/R CLL/SLL Not yet accruing\n\n NCT01644253 Ib TRU-016 plus rituximab or obinutuzumab Three cohorts enrolling previously untreated CLL patients and 1 cohort enrolling patients with R/R CLL Accruing\n\n NCT02292225 Ib Duvelisib plus obinutuzumab R/R CLL previously treated with a BTK inhibitor Accruing\n\n NCT02264574 III Ibrutinib plus obinutuzumab versus obinutuzumab plus chlorambucil Previously untreated CLL/SLL Accruing\n\n NCT01414205 II Obinutuzumab 1,000 mg versus 2,000 mg Previously untreated CLL Ongoing, not accruing\n\n NCT02320487 II Obinutuzumab plus bendamustine Previously untreated CLL Accruing\n\n NCT01905943 IIIb Obinutuzumab versus Obinutuzumab plus fludarabine, cyclophosphamide, and bendamustine or obinutuzumab plus chlorambucil Previously untreated or relapsed/refractory CLL Accruing\n\n NCT02071225 II Obinutuzumab and bendamustine Refractory or relapsed CLL Accruing\n\n NCT01685892 Ib Obinutuzumab and GDC-1099 (ABT-199) Previously untreated or relapsed/refractory CLL Accruing\n\n NCT01414205 II Obinutuzumab 1,000 mg versus 2,000 mg Previously untreated CLL Ongoing, not accruing\n\n NCT02100852 I/IIb Obinutuzumab plus TGR-1202 plus chlorambucil CLL (exact population not defined) Accruing\n\n NCT01300247 Ib Obinutuzumab plus bendamustine or fludarabine and cyclophosphamide Previously untreated Ongoing, not accruing\n\n NCT02229422 I/II Obinutuzumab plus high-dose methylprednisolone Previously untreated Accruing\n\n NCT02296918 I Obinutuzumab plus ACP-196 Cohort 1: R/R CLL\\ Accruing\n Cohort 2: previously untreated \n\n NCT02315768 Ib/II Ibrutinib plus obinutuzumab Previously untreated (over 65 years of age or with co-morbidities) Not yet open for accrual\n -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n**Abbreviations:** CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia; SLL, small lymphocytic lymphoma; NR, not reported; R/R, relapsed/refractory; BTK, Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase.", "\n" ]
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[ "Glu375Gln and Asp225Val mutants: about the nature of the covalent linkages between heme group and apo-Protein in bovine lactoperoxidase.", "\nIn analogy with studies previously reported for myeloperoxidase (Kooter, I. M.; Moguilevsky, N.; Bollen, A.; Van der Veen, L. A.; Otto, C.; Dekker, H. L.; Wever, R. J. Biol. ", "Chem. ", "1999, 274, 26794), we examined for bovine lactoperoxidase the effect of mutation of Asp225 and Glu375, the residues thought to be responsible for the covalent binding of the heme group to the apoprotein. ", "Starting from the plasmid encoding rbLPO (Watanabe, S.; Varsalona, F.; Yoo, Y.; Guillaume, J. P.; Bollen, A.; Shimazaki, K.; Moguilevsky, N. FEBS Letters 1998, 441, 476), which was engineered to carry mutations in correspondence of those residues, the mutants Asp225Val and Glu375Gln were expressed in CHO cells and their products purified and characterized. ", "Unequivocal evidence about the existence of ester linkages as well as their relative contribution to the specific spectroscopic and catalytic properties of bLPO is here discussed." ]
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