[ "Q:\n\nDocker doesn't allow to view /proc/xxx/stack?", "\n\nI'm using docker linux image, and \"cat /proc/xxx/status\" always OK, but \"cat /proc/xxx/stack\" always files:\n[root@1680d0b1bdde test]# cat /proc/17/stack\ncat: /proc/17/stack: Operation not permitted\n\nWhy is this? ", "Is this a docker limitation or config issue? ", "I'm using default centos image with root username.", "\nThanks.", "\n\nI get this answer now, on starting the docker image, I must specify \"--privileged\" command line option to make sure it runs as I expected.", "\n\nA:\n\nI think its a kernel limitation/protection.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
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[ "Housing Regulations\n\nWho decides how your disabled child lives? ", "You or Uncle Sam?", "\n\nAdult autism services are primarily funded by the federal Medicaid Home and Community Based Services (“HCBS”) program, also known as the HCBS waiver. ", "This waiver is specifically directed at providing matching funds to states for support services to adults who require an “institutional level of care” to survive, but who prefer to live in the community rather than in institutions.", "\n\nSignificant changes are coming from the federal government that attempt to dictate where and how individuals with special needs may live. ", "Intentional communities such as those we are in the process of creating don’t fit into the government’s plan and are under attack. ", "See links below for more information. ", "The bottom line is that choices for your children’s future are at risk.", "\n\nThe NIDILRR is hosting one of several in-person public comment sessions across the country in San Fran Oct 28th. ", "The goal is to identify barriers to community living. ", "They are mandated by Congress to do this! ", "Let’s tell them our concerns over policy influencing housing choices. ", "For those who can attend in person or over the phone- please do! ", "You can also submit electronic comments: http://neweditions.net/meetings/nidilrr-stakeholder-listening-session\n\nCalifornia State Government Websites\n\nA description of how California has implemented HCBS waivers. ", "Of particular note the HCBS Waiver for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (DD Waiver). ", "The purpose of this waiver is to serve beneficiaries of all ages in their own homes and community settings as an alternative to placement in hospitals, nursing facilities or intermediate care facilities (ICF) for persons with developmental disabilities. ", "Community-based services for individuals with developmental disabilities are provided through a statewide system of 21 private non-profit corporations known as Regional Centers.", "\n\nMedicaid – Federal Government Websites\n\nThe final federally mandated Home and Community-Based Services regulations including new requirements for several Medicaid authorities under which states may provide home and community-based long-term services and supports. ", "The original legislative intent of the HCBS Waiver program was to slow the growth of Medicaid spending by providing services in less expensive settings." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "################################################################################\n# Automatically-generated file. ", "Do not edit!", "\n################################################################################\n\n# Add inputs and outputs from these tool invocations to the build variables \nC_SRCS += \\\n../SDK/platform/hal/src/llwu/fsl_llwu_hal.c \n\nOBJS += \\\n./SDK/platform/hal/src/llwu/fsl_llwu_hal.o \n\nC_DEPS += \\\n./SDK/platform/hal/src/llwu/fsl_llwu_hal.d \n\n\n# Each subdirectory must supply rules for building sources it contributes\nSDK/platform/hal/src/llwu/%.o: ../SDK/platform/hal/src/llwu/%.c\n\t@echo 'Building file: $<'\n\t@echo 'Invoking: Cross ARM C Compiler'\n\tarm-none-eabi-gcc -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mthumb -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -O0 -fmessage-length=0 -fsigned-char -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -g3 -D\"FSL_OSA_BM_TIMER_CONFIG=2\" -D\"CPU_MK64FN1M0VDC12\" -I\"D:/Marko/tasks/freescale/projects/HEXIWEAR_OLED/SDK/platform/hal/inc\" -I\"D:/Marko/tasks/freescale/projects/HEXIWEAR_OLED/SDK/platform/hal/src/sim/MK64F12\" -I\"D:/Marko/tasks/freescale/projects/HEXIWEAR_OLED/SDK/platform/system/src/clock/MK64F12\" -I\"D:/Marko/tasks/freescale/projects/HEXIWEAR_OLED/SDK/platform/drivers/inc\" -I\"D:/Marko/tasks/freescale/projects/HEXIWEAR_OLED/menu/inc\" -I\"D:/Marko/tasks/freescale/projects/HEXIWEAR_OLED/drivers/FLASH/inc\" -I\"D:/Marko/tasks/freescale/projects/HEXIWEAR_OLED/drivers/OLED/inc\" -I\"D:/Marko/tasks/freescale/projects/HEXIWEAR_OLED/drivers/power/inc\" -I\"D:/Marko/tasks/freescale/projects/HEXIWEAR_OLED/drivers/SPI/inc\" -I\"D:/Marko/tasks/freescale/projects/HEXIWEAR_OLED/exceptions/inc/\" -I\"D:/Marko/tasks/freescale/projects/HEXIWEAR_OLED/SDK/platform/system/inc\" -I\"D:/Marko/tasks/freescale/projects/HEXIWEAR_OLED/SDK/platform/osa/inc\" -I\"D:/Marko/tasks/freescale/projects/HEXIWEAR_OLED/SDK/platform/CMSIS/Include\" -I\"D:/Marko/tasks/freescale/projects/HEXIWEAR_OLED/SDK/platform/devices\" -I\"D:/Marko/tasks/freescale/projects/HEXIWEAR_OLED/SDK/platform/devices/MK64F12/include\" -I\"D:/Marko/tasks/freescale/projects/HEXIWEAR_OLED/SDK/platform/devices/MK64F12/startup\" -I\"D:/Marko/tasks/freescale/projects/HEXIWEAR_OLED/Generated_Code/SDK/platform/devices/MK64F12/startup\" -I\"D:/Marko/tasks/freescale/projects/HEXIWEAR_OLED/Sources\" -I\"D:/Marko/tasks/freescale/projects/HEXIWEAR_OLED/Generated_Code\" -I\"D:/Marko/tasks/freescale/projects/HEXIWEAR_OLED/SDK/platform/system/src/power\" -std=c99 -MMD -MP -MF\"$(@:%.o=%.d)\" -MT\"$@\" -c -o \"$@\" \"$<\"\n\t@echo 'Finished building: $<'\n\t@echo ' '\n\n\n" ]
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[ { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 742, "entity_type": "US_DRIVER_LICENSE", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UsLicenseRecognizer_140094861023792", "recognizer_name": "UsLicenseRecognizer" }, "score": 0.3, "start": 740 } ]
[ "The EU-ACP Economic Partnership Agreements\n\nThe European Union is currently concluding negotiations for Economic Partnership Agreements with 77 developing countries in the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) regions. ", "The dilemma at the heart of those negotiations is how to reconcile the goal of poverty reduction and development with the substantial trade liberalisation involved. ", "ACP counties have become marginalised in world trade over the past three decades while at the same time they have adopted outward–oriented trade policies and their economies have become increasingly open. ", "Therefore, further trade liberalisation is unlikely to contribute much to development in any major way. ", "Instead ACP countries should focus on domestic growth strategies. ", "Each ACP region should identify its own priority growth sectors and adapt its own specific growth." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.013761467889908258, 0, 0.004878048780487805, 0, 0.015151515151515152, 0.01020408163265306 ]
[ { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 179, "entity_type": "NRP", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 172 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 190, "entity_type": "NRP", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 181 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 463, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 441 } ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow to migrate project in PeopleSoft if connect id password is different?", "\n\nTo migrate a project from one environment to another in PeopleSoft using Application Designer Connect Id credentials(default is people/peop1e) must be same in both environment. ", "\nIs there any way we can migrate projects if connect id and password are different in both the environment.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou could copy the project to a file between environments:\n\nSave the project to a file from the source environment\nChange the connect information in Configuration Manager\nCopy the project from a file in the destination environment\n\nOr it looks like you could you use App Designer Command Line parameters to copy the project from one database to another with different connect passwords but I haven't tried it. ", " Here is the PeopleBooks page for Understanding PeopleSoft Application Designer Command Line Parameters and the Command Line Parameter Reference\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.012987012987012988, 0.01675977653631285, 0, 0.002403846153846154, 0.02054794520547945 ]
[ "13 F.3d 407\nNOTICE: Although citation of unpublished opinions remains unfavored, unpublished opinions may now be cited if the opinion has persuasive value on a material issue, and a copy is attached to the citing document or, if cited in oral argument, copies are furnished to the Court and all parties. ", " See General Order of November 29, 1993, suspending 10th Cir. ", "Rule 36.3 until December 31, 1995, or further order.", "\nGloria S. STOWE, Plaintiff-Appellant,v.Donna E. SHALALA, Secretary of Health and Human Services,Defendant-Appellee.", "\nNo. ", "93-7034.", "\nUnited States Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit.", "\nDec. 2, 1993.", "\n\n1\nBefore MOORE and BRORBY, Circuit Judges, and VRATIL,** District Judge.", "\n\nORDER AND JUDGMENT1\n\n2\nAfter examining the briefs and appellate record, this panel has determined unanimously that oral argument would not materially assist the determination of this appeal. ", " See Fed.", "R.App.", "P. 34(a); 10th Cir. ", " R. 34.1.9. ", " The case is therefore ordered submitted without oral argument.", "\n\n\n3\nClaimant Gloria S. Stowe appeals from the district court's judgment adopting the Report and Recommendation of the magistrate judge affirming the Secretary of Health and Human Services' denial of her application for supplemental security income benefits under section 1602 of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. 1381a. ", " Following a hearing, claimant's application was denied initially on January 1, 1990. ", " On February 14, 1991, the Appeals Council remanded the matter for a supplemental hearing to enable the ALJ to more fully evaluate claimant's subjective complaints of pain, to obtain the testimony of a vocational expert, and to consider the opinion of a treating physician that claimant is unable to hold down a full time job. ", " A second hearing before an administrative law judge was held on April 25, 1991, again resulting in a decision of no disability. ", " The Appeals Council denied review, making the ALJ's second decision the final decision of the Secretary for purposes of review. ", " Williams v. Bowen, 844 F.2d 748, 749 (10th Cir.1988).", "\n\n\n4\nOn appeal, claimant contends that (1) the Secretary's decision was not based on substantial evidence and (2) the decision was based on an improper hypothetical question posed to the vocational expert. ", " Judicial review of the Secretary's determination is limited; this court's only function is to determine whether the record as a whole contains substantial evidence to support the Secretary's decision. ", " See id. at 750. ", " Substantial evidence is such evidence as a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support the conclusion reached by the Secretary. ", " See Richardson v. Perales, 402 U.S. 389, 401 (1971).", "\n\n\n5\nThe Secretary has established a five-step evaluation process for determining whether a claimant is disabled within the meaning of the Social Security Act.2 See Williams, 844 F.2d at 750-52 (providing an in-depth discussion of the five steps). ", " In this case, the ALJ concluded at step five of the evaluation that claimant retained the residual functional capacity to perform sedentary work available in the local and national economy.", "\n\n\n6\nClaimant, a forty-year-old woman with a ninth grade formal education and a GED, last worked as a teacher's assistant in a Headstart nursery school. ", " Claimant has been mainly a housewife and therefore, has less than twelve months total work history outside the home. ", " Claimant alleges disability since April 1989, because of nerves, headaches, and arthritis.", "\n\n\n7\nInitially, claimant appears to argue that the ALJ did not adequately evaluate her claims of disabling pain. ", " See Luna v. Bowen, 834 F.2d 161, 163 (10th Cir.1987)(setting forth the framework to be used in evaluating complaints of pain). ", " In considering claimant's allegations of disabling pain under the guidelines of Luna and Social Security Ruling 88-133, the ALJ concluded that claimant's statements and testimony about disabling pain were not wholly credible and were probably exaggerated. ", " R.Vol. ", "II at 19. ", " The ALJ determined that, although claimant continues to take medication for her arthritic discomfort, there were no \"detectable clinical findings\" to support her contention that her pain is so severe either alone or in combination with other impairments as to preclude her from engaging in the sedentary work suggested by the vocational expert. ", " Id. \"To determine whether a claimant's pain is disabling, 'the Secretary is entitled to examine the medical record and evaluate a claimant's credibility. ", " Moreover, a claimant's subjective complaint of pain is by itself insufficient to establish disability.' \" ", " Talley v. Sullivan, 908 F.2d 585, 587 (10th Cir.1990)(quoting Brown v. Bowen, 801 F.2d 361, 363 (10th Cir.1986)).", "\n\n\n8\n\"The medical records must be consistent with the nonmedical testimony as to the severity of the pain.\" ", " Talley, 908 F.2d at 587. ", " Claimant has failed to point to any medical evidence to support her contention that her pain was disabling. ", " In July 1986, Dr. William G. Martin opined that claimant has seronegative rheumatoid arthritis, and \"should [not] work until the synovitis is controlled.\" ", " R. Vol. ", " II at 242. ", " He suggested that she should not do any activity which involved \"lifting, prolonged walking, standing, stooping or sitting\" and should avoid situations involving \"environmental stress.\" ", " Id. However, as noted by Dr. Gordon Strom, following an examination in September 1986, Dr. Martin's evaluation was not supported by x-rays or other evidence of inflammatory arthritis of the intensity and magnitude of which claimant complains. ", " Id. at 240. ", " \" 'To be disabling, pain must be so severe, by itself or in conjunction with other impairments, as to preclude any substantial gainful employment.' \" ", " Brown, 801 F.2d at 362-63 (quoting Dumas v. Schweiker, 712 F.2d 1545, 1552 (2d Cir.1983)). ", " The ALJ's analysis of claimant's pain is amply supported by the record. ", " While claimant testified that her pain was incapacitating, this allegation lacks medical substantiation. ", " Also, claimant's statements regarding her activities are inconsistent with her reports of disabling pain. ", " See Gossett v. Bowen, 862 F.2d 802, 807 (10th Cir.1988)(credibility determinations by the ALJ are generally binding on review). ", " The inability to work without pain is insufficient reason to find a claimant disabled. ", " Id.\n\n\n9\nNext, claimant argues that she is unable to perform the sedentary work suggested by the vocational expert because of her \"post-traumatic stress syndrome.\" ", " Appellant's Br. ", "at 15-16. ", " It appears that claimant was the victim of a sexual attack as a teenager. ", " In June 1989, at the request of the Secretary, Dr. Theresa Garton, a psychiatrist, examined claimant and assessed her as suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder aggravated by the fact that she must see her attacker around her hometown. ", " R. Vol. ", " II at 218. ", " She also suggested that claimant had the \"possibility of several personality disorders.\" ", " Id. However, Dr. Garton found claimant to be only slightly depressed, alert, oriented, logical, and with no evidence of psychosis. ", " Id.\n\n\n10\nIn determining whether a claimant is disabled due to mental impairments, the Secretary is required to follow a special procedure. ", " Hill v. Sullivan, 924 F.2d 972, 974-75 (10th Cir.1991). ", " The Secretary must determine whether a mental disorder exists and whether the disorder, alone or in combination with other impairments, impacts the claimant's ability to function to an extent that warrants a determination of disability. ", " Pursuant to the regulations, the agency must complete a Psychiatric Review Technique Form which is essentially a checklist that tracks the requirements of the Listings of Mental Disorders. ", " See 20 C.F.R. 404.1520a(d).", "\n\n\n11\nAt claimant's original hearing on November 15, 1989, the ALJ received the medical expert testimony of Dr. Randy L. Crittenden, a psychologist. ", " After reviewing claimant's file and observing claimant during the hearing, Dr. Crittenden testified that her depression and anxiety in crowds appear to be primarily situational. ", " R. Vol. ", " II at 70. ", " He opined that she did not appear to be \"remarkably impaired\" and was able to \"manage her affect even when distressed.\" ", " Id. at 71. ", " He stated that she would be able to perform simple jobs, in small groups of people, but not alone or in public. ", " He stated that she should avoid tasks requiring complex instructions. ", " Id. at 72. ", " On the Psychiatric Review Technique Form, he found her daily living activities and social functioning to be only moderately restricted, her concentration limitations to occur seldom, and her episodes of deterioration or decompensation in work or work-like settings to have occurred only once or twice. ", " Id. at 46, 73-74.", "\n\n\n12\nThere is evidence in the record that claimant was treated at the Carl Albert Community Mental Health Center on various occasions. ", " The mental assessment of concern to the Appeals Council in remanding claimant's case for an additional hearing was a one-sentence letter dated May 4, 1989, signed by \"Jim Dandridge, Intern\" which stated, \"[i]n my opinion, Gloria Sue Stowe is not emotionally capable of holding down a full time job.\" ", " R. Vol. ", " II at 234. ", " However, as discussed by the ALJ, there is no evidence in the record of the medical qualifications of Jim Dandridge to make this assessment, or indication that he had any involvement in the treatment of claimant except for a February 1989 \"Psychosocial Evaluation.\" ", " R.Vol. ", "II at 199-200. ", " Therefore, the ALJ's disregard of this brief and unsubstantiated opinion is not in error.", "\n\n\n13\nFinally, claimant argues that the hypothetical questions posed by the ALJ to the vocational expert were \"incomplete, defective and objectionable.\" ", " Appellant's Br. ", "at 17. ", " Specifically, claimant contends that the hypothetical questions did not consider claimant's impairments in combination. ", " Hypothetical questions posed to vocational experts must sufficiently relate the claimant's particular physical and mental impairments. ", " Cf. ", "Hargis v. Sullivan, 945 F.2d 1482, 1492 (10th Cir.1991). ", " However, this court has held that the ALJ need only set forth those physical and mental impairments accepted as true by the ALJ, and a hypothetical question will be improper only if it was clearly deficient. ", " Brown, 801 F.2d at 363 & n.3.", "\n\n\n14\nThe ALJ posed a cumulative hypothetical question to the vocational expert, first requiring an assumption that claimant could only engage in sedentary work tasks considering her age, education, and past experience. ", " R. Vol. ", " II at 91-92. ", " In response to this assumption, the vocational expert opined that claimant could perform the job of an entry level teacher's aide or cashier. ", " Id. at 92. ", " The ALJ then added the restrictions of her mental impairment, referring to the psychiatric review technique form completed after the initial hearing. ", " Id. at 92-93. ", " Adding these restrictions, the vocational expert continued to be of the opinion that claimant could do these two entry level jobs. ", " Id. at 93. ", " However, asking the vocational expert to then assume that claimant's complaints of pain were credible, the vocational expert opined that with the degree of pain claimed by claimant, she would be unable to work. ", " Id. at 93-94. ", " Thus, contrary to claimant's assertion, the cumulative question posed to the vocational expert was inclusive of all of claimant's alleged impairments.", "\n\n\n15\nThe ALJ found that claimant's allegations of disabling pain were not credible. ", " The ALJ was under no obligation to include claimant's allegations of disabling pain in the hypothetical. ", " See Jordan v. Heckler, 835 F.2d 1314, 1317 (10th Cir.1987)(ALJ's failure to include complaints of pain in hypothetical was not inappropriate as there was not sufficient evidence that pain interfered with claimant's ability to work). ", " Therefore, even though the ALJ included claimant's unsupported claims of pain in the hypothetical, the vocational expert's opinion based on these claims was not binding on the ALJ. ", " See Talley, 908 F.2d at 588 (vocational expert's opinion based on unsubstantiated impairments in hypothetical not binding on ALJ). ", " The ALJ's reliance on the testimony of the vocational expert as to claimant's ability to work, considering the impairments which were substantiated, was not error.", "\n\n\n16\nClaimant urges this court to overturn its decision in Diaz v. Secretary of Health & Human Servs., ", "898 F.2d 774 (10th Cir.1990), as illustrative of this court's misunderstanding of the use of a vocational expert in social security cases. ", " One panel of this court cannot overrule the opinion of another panel. ", " See United States v. Zapata, 997 F.2d 751, 759 (10th Cir.1993). ", " Moreover, this court's holding in Diaz that any error in the hypothetical question posed to the vocational expert had minimal effect because the expert was present during the hearing and was aware of all of the claimant's disability claims, 898 F.2d at 777, is not in conflict with other circuit decisions regarding the required content of hypothetical questions. ", " See Gay v. Sullivan, 986 F.2d 1336, 1341 n.3 (10th Cir.1993). ", " Claimant's argument to the contrary is unpersuasive.4\n\n\n17\nThe Secretary's decision that claimant is not disabled within the meaning of the Social Security Act is supported by substantial evidence. ", " Therefore, the judgment of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Oklahoma is AFFIRMED.", "\n\n\n\n**\n Honorable Kathryn H. Vratil, District Judge, United States District Court for the District of Kansas, sitting by designation\n\n\n1\n This order and judgment has no precedential value and shall not be cited, or used by any court within the Tenth Circuit, except for purposes of establishing the doctrines of the law of the case, res judicata, or collateral estoppel. ", "10th Cir. ", " R. 36.3\n\n\n2\n We note that counsel for claimant has added a sixth step to the Secretary's evaluation. ", " See Appellant's Br. ", "at 8-9. ", " However, counsel does not provide us with a source or authority for this embellishment\n\n\n3\n Social Security Ruling 88-13 sets forth the nonmedical evidence to be considered when evaluating a claimant's subjective complaints of pain\n\n\n4\n We take note that counsel has persisted in making the identical argument in many previous cases. ", " Because the result of those arguments has been the same, we must advise him that his contentions are now regarded as frivolous. ", " Counsel is further advised that continuation of this persistence may be grounds for future sanctions\n\n\n" ]
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[ "The effect of preferential mixing on the growth of an epidemic.", "\nThe spread of infection in a community stratified into classes, where individuals have a preference for either within- or between-class contact, is discussed. ", "The effect of such classification is assessed through the comparison of heterogeneous epidemic models with corresponding homogeneous models. ", "Stratification of the community is modeled via a multitype branching process approximation to the epidemic. ", "This allows us to conveniently study its effect through such quantities as the epidemic threshold parameter and the probability of a major outbreak. ", "Attention is focused on the model of May and Anderson; however, a number of other heterogeneous structures reflecting preferential mixing are also studied." ]
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[ "Julian Draxler is edging closer to finally leaving Schalke after the Bundesliga club's sporting director Horst Heldt confirmed that the player is in talks over a move to Juventus.", "\n\nDraxler has previously been linked with a move to Arsenal, but it now appears that Serie A champions Juventus have won the race to sign the exciting talent.", "\n\nThe 21-year-old Germany international has been allowed to discuss personal terms with Juve manager Massimiliano Allegri while the two clubs a yet to agree on a transfer fee.", "\n\nJulian Draxler is edging closer to finally leaving Schalke after the club agreed to talks with Juventus\n\nSchalke sporting director Horst Heldt revealed that the club are yet to negotiate a bid for the player\n\nSporting director Heldt confirmed reports that Draxler's departure from the Gelsenkirchen was moving closer, but stopped short at announcing that a bid had been accepted.", "\n\n'Juventus sent us a written request asking for permission to speak with Draxler's agent,' Heldt told German newspaper Bild.", "\n\n'We have agreed to that request. ", "However, at the moment we haven't received an actual offer from the Turin club.'", "\n\nDraxler, who was part of Germany's World Cup-winning squad in Brazil last summer, is seen as a crucial element of Juventus' squad rebuilding process this summer, but Schalke will look to hold out for a fee in the region of £25million for the midfielder." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nMVC3, the buildmanager, and triggering recompilation when views change\n\nI have a question about the MVC3 view page activator and how changes to the views trigger recompilation. ", " There seems to be some magic going on in BuildManager that I can’t see because the source code is not available for the symbols -- and even reflector can’t see inside.", "\nWhat I’ve done is implement my own VPP and subclass of the Razor view engine for purposes of displaying razor views that do not live on the filesystem. ", " My mock setup just returns data from a string to render. ", " This works fine, but what does not work is when you change that data, the class is not recompiled. ", "And it is not clear how to get either RazorBuildProvider or BuildManager to regenerate the c# code and recompile it when the data returned from the VPP is different.", "\n\nA:\n\nIn your VPP you need to override the GetCacheDependency() method, from which you need to return an appropriate CacheDependency object. ", "Take a look at its constructor for things that can be monitored (like files or directories). ", "You can also use SqlCacheDependency if your file contents lives in a SQL Server instance.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Is mammography adequate for screening women with inherited BRCA mutations and low breast density?", "\nSeveral observational studies have shown that magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is significantly more sensitive than mammography for screening women over age 25 at high risk for hereditary breast cancer; however, MRI is more costly and less specific than mammography. ", "We sought to determine the extent to which the low sensitivity of mammography is due to greater breast density. ", "Breast density was evaluated for all patients on a high-risk screening study who were diagnosed with breast cancer between November 1997 and July 2006. ", "Density was measured in two ways: qualitatively using the four categories characterized by the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System and quantitatively using a computer-aided technique and classified as (a) <or=10%, (b) 11% to 25%, (c) 26% to 50%, and (d) >50% density. ", "Comparison of sensitivity of mammography (and MRI) for each individual density category and after combining the highest two and lowest two density categories was done using Fisher's exact test. ", "A total of 46 breast cancers [15 ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and 31 invasive] were diagnosed in 45 women (42 with BRCA mutations). ", "Mean age was 48.3 (range, 32-68) years. ", "Overall, sensitivity of mammography versus MRI was 20% versus 87% for DCIS and 26% versus 90% for invasive cancer. ", "There was a trend towards greater mammographic sensitivity for invasive cancer in women with fattier breasts compared with those with greater breast density (37-43% versus 8-12%; P = 0.1), but this trend was not seen for DCIS. ", "It is necessary to add MRI to mammography for screening women with BRCA mutations even if their breast density is low." ]
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[ "Diluted Oxide Interfaces with Tunable Ground States.", "\nThe metallic interface between two oxide insulators, such as LaAlO3 /SrTiO3 (LAO/STO), provides new opportunities for electronics and spintronics. ", "However, due to the presence of multiple orbital populations, tailoring the interfacial properties such as the ground state and metal-insulator transitions remains challenging. ", "Here, an unforeseen tunability of the phase diagram of LAO/STO is reported by alloying LAO with a ferromagnetic LaMnO3 insulator without forming lattice disorder and at the same time without changing the polarity of the system. ", "By increasing the Mn-doping level, x, of LaAl1- x Mnx O3 /STO (0 ≤ x ≤ 1), the interface undergoes a Lifshitz transition at x = 0.225 across a critical carrier density of nc = 2.8 × 1013 cm-2 , where a peak TSC ≈255 mK of superconducting transition temperature is observed. ", "Moreover, the LaAl1- x Mnx O3 turns ferromagnetic at x ≥ 0.25. ", "Remarkably, at x = 0.3, where the metallic interface is populated by only dxy electrons and just before it becomes insulating, a same device with both signatures of superconductivity and clear anomalous Hall effect (7.6 × 1012 cm-2 < ns ≤ 1.1 × 1013 cm-2 ) is achieved reproducibly. ", "This provides a unique and effective way to tailor oxide interfaces for designing on-demand electronic and spintronic devices." ]
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[ "Shares in industrial companies, viewed as particularly vulnerable to rising trade tensions with China, have dropped more than 10 percent since September. ", "Economically sensitive financial stocks have slid 7.5 percent. ", "Shares of homebuilders, which are vulnerable to rising rates, have fallen more than 30 percent.", "\n\nThe potential for higher borrowing costs is also weighing on smaller companies that often borrow money by issuing floating rate debt, which can become more difficult to pay off as interest rates rise. ", "The Russell 2000 index of small capitalization stocks is down 14 percent from its high.", "\n\n“This is simply a continuation of the recent repricing of risk, or growth scare, that we’ve basically been seeing since the end of September,” said Talley Leger, an equity strategist with Oppenheimer Funds.", "\n\nWhen the stock market hit its peak in September, technology had led the way, accounting for 50 percent of the gains for the year. ", "The tech giants, at first, seemed immune to the sell-off that followed on broader economic worries.", "\n\nNot anymore. ", "Through Friday, roughly a quarter of the market’s decline since September was because of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Alphabet, according to data collected by S&P Capital IQ. ", "The sharp sell-off on Monday will only add to that tally.", "\n\nInvestors appear especially focused on any signs that extraordinary profits generated by these giant tech companies are under threat.", "\n\nThe specter of regulation is looming over the shares of Facebook, as it deals with the fallout and costs from a data breach, privacy lapses and management missteps. ", "The pressure has only been amplified by renewed scrutiny over its response to Russian efforts to use it to influence the 2016 presidential election. ", "The stock dropped another 5.7 percent on Monday." ]
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[ "maxpomchi Level 221 Windia Beginner\n\nOkay so I hope this is correct, I obtained this through some random Korean Forum and it was the only site I could seem to find information on it:\n\n\n\nSecret Diary 1:\n\nStage 1 (Friends?) : ", "Get 30+ pet closeness - WORKS\n\nstage 2 (I believe I can fly): Get falling damage 30 times - WORKS\n\nStage 3 (I always come back!): ", "Die more than 30 times - WORKS\n\n\n\nSecret Diary 2:\n\nStage 1 (Where To. ", "Sir?): ", "Use the taxi 30 times - WORKS\n\nStage 2 (Mysterious Text): Use more than 30 runes -WORKS\n\nStage 3 (Sail Away): Finish gold Beach and Reina Strait - WORKS\n\n\n\nOf course, the values might not be the same, so it might not be 30 times, it could be 5 or 10 for all we know.", "\n\nAlso, I could also be completely wrong and these missions are completely wrong.", "\n\nHope I helped somehow, and when the game is up, I'd be nice if people tried it out and confirmed these to help fellow maplers.", "\n\nI will definitely try to update this as soon as there are confirmation for these missions.", "\n\nHave fun with Pink Bean!" ]
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[ "Burt Reynolds, who balanced rugged toughness and good-ol'-boy appeal to achieve superstardom in films such as \"Deliverance,\" \"The Longest Yard\" and \"Smokey and the Bandit,\" has died at age 82.", "\n\nReynolds' niece, Nancy Lee Hess, confirmed the news Thursday in a statement to USA TODAY.", "\n\n\"My uncle was not just a movie icon; he was a generous, passionate and sensitive man,\" she wrote. \"", "He has had health issues; however, this was totally unexpected. ", "He was tough. ", "Anyone who breaks their tail bone on a river and finishes the movie is tough. ", "And that’s who he was.\"", "\n\nWith his devil-may-care attitude, a permanent twinkle in his eyes and his trademark mustache, Reynolds was a bankable box-office star of the 1970s and early '80s – accumulating a string of box-office hits and unforgettable appearances on \"The Tonight Show\" couch with his dear friend, host Johnny Carson.", "\n\nHe earned his first and only Oscar nomination in 1998 for Paul Thomas Anderson's \"Boogie Nights.\" ", "He flaunted his sex appeal in 1972, posing rakishly on a bearskin rug as the first male nude (well, nearly) centerfold in Cosmopolitan magazine – a choice he later described as \"one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made.\"", "\n\nBurt Reynolds: 5 essential roles, from 'Smokey and the Bandit' to 'Boogie Nights'\n\nMore:Mark Wahlberg, Arnold Schwarzenegger react to Burt Reynolds' death\n\nAppreciation:The man, the myth, the mustache: We GIF thanks for Burt Reynolds' facial hair\n\nReynolds was known for his personal dramas off the screen: his high-profile lost love with his \"Smokey\" co-star Sally Field and a messy divorce from actress Loni Anderson, a string of box-office clunkers that tanked his career, and well-chronicled financial problems.", "\n\nReynolds re-emerged earlier this year for personal project \"The Last Movie Star,\" which looked at the life of a faded star filled with regret and longing, an exaggerated version of the actor content to live a mostly quiet life in Jupiter, Florida.", "\n\n\"I've been very, very lucky through ups and downs. ", "When you crash and burn, you have to pick yourself up and go on and hope to make up for it,\" Reynolds told USA TODAY in an interview in March. \"", "Along the way, I’ve met some wonderful people. ", "And you always run into some jerks. ", "But that would be the same if you were working for the Ford Motor Co.\n\n\n\n\"It’s a tough business. ", "Very tough. ", "But I always tried to leave a good impression wherever we shot, and I didn’t leave any buildings burning or anything,\" he added with a smile. \"", "And I've had a good time through it all.\"", "\n\nReynolds was born Feb. 11, 1936, in Lansing, Michigan, and moved to Riviera, Florida, where his war-hero father Milo was the chief of police. ", "The young Reynolds often clashed with his tough dad, who arrested and locked him up for fighting when he was a teenager.", "\n\n\"For two more days, I sat in there. ", "And for two more days, he threw every drunk he could on top of me,\" Reynolds recalled. \"", "We never really made up. ", "But I think he was proud of me at the end.\"", "\n\nRelated:Listen to the emergency 911 call for Burt Reynolds\n\nMore:Burt Reynolds' best quotes on love, regret and posing drunk, naked\n\nMore:Burt Reynolds has regrets, but he's still standing, smiling as 'Last Movie Star'\n\nAlso:Burt Reynolds never saw Adam Sandler's version of 'The Longest Yard'\n\nReynolds excelled in football and was a star halfback at Florida State University before an injury derailed his career. ", "He moved into movie stunts and eventually small acting parts in TV and movies.", "\n\nIn 1972, he made his breakthrough performance in the Oscar-nominated \"Deliverance,\" the film he remained the most proud of throughout his career.", "\n\n\"It didn’t make as much money as a lot of the others,\" Reynolds said. \"", "But it was a very difficult picture to make it. ", "And it was done with a crazy leading man.\"", "\n\nReynolds insisted that it was his frequent appearances with Carson on the \"Tonight Show,\" including serving as host in Carson's absence, that shot him to true stardom.", "\n\n\"My career was going along OK. ", "But it didn’t really take off until the 'Tonight Show.' ", "And that was because of the way Johnny treated me,\" Reynolds said. \"", "The public treated guests the way he treated you.\"", "\n\nLeading roles in box-office hits followed, including \"Smokey\" and \"Semi-Tough\" in 1977, and continued through banner years such as 1981 when \"The Cannonball Run,\" \"Paternity\" and \"Sharky's Machine\" all hit the big screen.", "\n\nHis most personal role was in the 1979 comedy \"Starting Over,\" playing the divorced Phil Potter opposite Jill Clayburgh and Candice Bergen. ", "That \"was the closest to me, in terms of, I see myself in that character and it was a classic film,\" Reynolds told USA TODAY. \"", "It had some beautiful women and all the good things.\"", "\n\nReynolds kicked himself for some of the roles he turned down, such as Jack Nicholson's characters in \"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest\" and \"Terms of Endearment,\" and Richard Gere's part in \"Pretty Woman.\"", "\n\nHe also lamented losing out on the relationship with his \"Smokey\" co-star Field. \"", "That will never die,\" Reynolds said in 2017.", "\n\nOn Thursday, Field paid her love back.", "\n\n“There are times in your life that are so indelible, they never fade away. ", "They stay alive, even forty years later. ", "My years with Burt never leave my mind,\" Field said in a statement. \"", "He will be in my history and my heart, for as long as I live. ", "Rest, Buddy.\"", "\n\nHe wed Anderson in 1988, with whom he adopted a son, Quinton. ", "The couple split contentiously after a six-year marriage, but she remembered him fondly on Thursday, praising him as \"a wonderful director and actor.\"", "\n\n\"He was a big part of my life for twelve years and Quinton's loving father for thirty years,\" Anderson said in a statement. \"", "We will miss him and his great laugh.\"", "\n\nIn his later years, Reynolds was content to live a small-town life in Jupiter, where he would drink at a local bar with his best friend since seventh grade.", "\n\n\"He’s lost his wife and I’ve lost my girl (Field). ", "We’re just two old farts at the bar drinking and telling lies,\" Reynolds said. \"", "It’s pathetic and it’s also very funny when you look at it like that. ", "And that’s how we choose to look at it.\"", "\n\nHe was readying to shoot the part of rancher George Spahn in Quentin Tarantino’s “Once Upon A Time in Hollywood,” but died before his time came in front of the camera. ", "But he never lost that smile, despite heartache.", "\n\n\"I would do some things different. ", "But you can’t,\" Reynolds said with a laugh at the end of his talk with USA TODAY. \"", "You can only lie and say I wouldn’t do things differently.\"", "\n\nContributing: Hannah Yasharoff, Patrick Ryan and Maria Puente" ]
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[ "Joseph Peter Hobaish\n\nJoseph VIII Peter Hobaish (born April 23, 1787 in Sahel Aalma, Lebanon – died on May 23, 1845 in Dimane, Lebanon), (or Youssef Hobaish, Yusuf Hubaysh, Hubais, Hobeish, Hobaich, ), was a bishop of the Maronite Catholic Archeparchy of Tripoli and 68th Maronite Patriarch of Antioch from 1823 until his death in 1845.", "\n\nLife\n\nJoseph Peter Hobaish was born in the village of Sahel Aalma, near Jounieh, in the Keserwan District, Lebanon on April 23, 1787. ", "He studied at the seminary of 'Ain Warqa and was ordained priest on June 26, 1814, and later he was consecrated bishop of Tripoli on January 30, 1820 by Patriarch John Helou.", "\n\nPatriarch John Helou died on May 12, 1823, and Joseph Peter Hobaish was elected Patriarch on May 25, 1823 by the patriarchal synod in the monastery of Santa Maria of Qannubin. ", "On May 29, 1823 took place his ceremony of enthronement. ", "Pope Leo XII confirmed his election on May 3, 1824 even if there were some canonical irregularities in the election detected by the Propaganda Fide: actually Hobaish didn't reach the two-thirds majority of votes, nor he was already forty.", "\n\nAs Patriarch, Joseph Hobaish urged improving the formation of priests. ", "The Maronite College in Rome no longer existed after 1808, but his attempts to reorganize it were unsuccessful. ", "However popes Pius VIII and Gregory XVI were willing to accommodate students in the Maronite Pontifical Urban College. ", "Hobaish thus reorganized the seminary 'Ain-Warka and opened two new seminaries, Mar 'Abda Harharaia in 1830 and Mar Sarsik et Bakhos in 1832. ", "In 1840 he founded a religious congregation of missionaries. ", "He introduced a modified liturgical ritual book which included many latinizations, and he took measures to limit the increasing Protestant missionary activity. ", "Joseph Hobaish further definitively implemented two of the more controversial decrees of the Maronite Synod of 1736: the separation of monasteries where both men and women lived, and the definition of a fixed episcopal residence into each Maronite diocese.", "\n\nJoseph Hobaish moved the Patriarchal residence from the Qannubin Monastery, located in the deep gorge of Kadisha Valley where his predecessors had resided almost continuously since 1440, and established two separate Patriarchal residences: the summer one at Bkerké near Jounieh and the winter one in the more accessible village of Dimane which overlooks the Kadisha Valley. ", "Finally Hobaish put into effect one of the most controversial decisions of the synod of 1736 (confirmed by the Synod of 1818): the final separation between the monasteries and religious.", "\n\nThe years of his patriarchate were turbulent years for Lebanon, which suffered the invasion and occupation of Egypt from 1831 to 1840, and therefore became the arena of international conflicts that involved France, Britain, the Ottoman Empire, Austria, Prussia and other countries. ", "The introduction of the double-Qaim maqamat, namely the division of Lebanon into two districts, one Druze and a Maronite, only served to exacerbate relations between the two sides, particularly in the years 1841-1845. ", "Youssef Hobaish intervened several times to restore peace between the two souls of Lebanon, and his efforts earned him a special praise by Pope Gregory XVI.", "\n\nJoseph Hobaish had a deep pastoral attitude, often visiting the parish churches of his country, instructing the priests, settling local quarrels and founding schools. ", "He was highly estimated not only by his flock, but also by the Ottoman rulers.", "\n\nWhile it was possible, Joseph Hobaish acted as an impartial arbiter between Druzes and Christians, but when Great Britain armed the Druzes against the Maronite peasants, he took a fierce position in unifying all the Christian population of Lebanon. ", "The last years of Joseph Hobaish were saddened by the bloody events of the 1840-1845 attacks on the Christian population. ", "Joseph Peter Hobaish died on May 23, 1845 at Dimane and was buried in the Qannubin Monastery.", "\n\nSee also\n\n List of Maronite Patriarchs\n Maronite Church\n\nSources\n\n Pierre Dib, v. Maronite (Eglise), https://archive.org/stream/dictionnairedet10pt1vaca#page/n59/mode/2up, Tome Dixième, première partie, Paris 1928, coll. ", "103-105.", "\n K. Rizk, Hobaish Joseph, in Dictionnaire d'histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques, 24 (1993), pp.", " 698–699.", "\n\nNotes\n\nExternal links\n http://www.catholic-hierarchy.org/bishop/bhabai.html\n http://www.kobayat.org/data/maronites/patriarchs.htm#y-hobeich\n http://www.gcatholic.org/dioceses/diocese/anti0.htm\n\nCategory:18th-century people of the Ottoman Empire\nCategory:19th-century people of the Ottoman Empire\nCategory:1787 births\nCategory:1845 deaths\nCategory:Lebanese religious leaders\nCategory:Lebanese Maronites\nCategory:Maronite Patriarchs of Antioch" ]
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[ "// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c11 -fsyntax-only -verify %s\n// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c99 -pedantic -fsyntax-only -verify=expected,ext %s\n// RUN: %clang_cc1 -xc++ -std=c++11 -pedantic -fsyntax-only -verify=expected,ext,cxx %s\n\n_Static_assert(\"foo\", \"string is nonzero\"); // ext-warning {{'_Static_assert' is a C11 extension}}\n#ifndef __cplusplus\n// expected-error@-2 {{static_assert expression is not an integral constant expression}}\n#endif\n\n_Static_assert(1, \"1 is nonzero\"); // ext-warning {{'_Static_assert' is a C11 extension}}\n_Static_assert(0, \"0 is nonzero\"); // expected-error {{static_assert failed \"0 is nonzero\"}} \\\n // ext-warning {{'_Static_assert' is a C11 extension}}\n\nvoid foo(void) {\n _Static_assert(1, \"1 is nonzero\"); // ext-warning {{'_Static_assert' is a C11 extension}}\n _Static_assert(0, \"0 is nonzero\"); // expected-error {{static_assert failed \"0 is nonzero\"}} \\\n // ext-warning {{'_Static_assert' is a C11 extension}}\n}\n\n_Static_assert(1, invalid); // expected-error {{expected string literal for diagnostic message in static_assert}} \\\n // ext-warning {{'_Static_assert' is a C11 extension}}\n\nstruct A {\n int a;\n _Static_assert(1, \"1 is nonzero\"); // ext-warning {{'_Static_assert' is a C11 extension}}\n _Static_assert(0, \"0 is nonzero\"); // expected-error {{static_assert failed \"0 is nonzero\"}} \\\n // ext-warning {{'_Static_assert' is a C11 extension}}\n};\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n#define ASSERT_IS_TYPE(T) __is_same(T, T)\n#else\n#define ASSERT_IS_TYPE(T) __builtin_types_compatible_p(T, T)\n#endif\n\n#define UNION(T1, T2) union { \\\n __typeof__(T1) one; \\\n __typeof__(T2) two; \\\n _Static_assert(ASSERT_IS_TYPE(T1), \"T1 is not a type\"); \\\n _Static_assert(ASSERT_IS_TYPE(T2), \"T2 is not a type\"); \\\n _Static_assert(sizeof(T1) == sizeof(T2), \"type size mismatch\"); \\\n }\n\ntypedef UNION(unsigned, struct A) U1; // ext-warning 3 {{'_Static_assert' is a C11 extension}}\nUNION(char[2], short) u2 = { .one = { 'a', 'b' } }; // ext-warning 3 {{'_Static_assert' is a C11 extension}} cxx-warning {{designated initializers are a C++20 extension}}\ntypedef UNION(char, short) U3; // expected-error {{static_assert failed due to requirement 'sizeof(char) == sizeof(short)' \"type size mismatch\"}} \\\n // ext-warning 3 {{'_Static_assert' is a C11 extension}}\ntypedef UNION(float, 0.5f) U4; // expected-error {{expected a type}} \\\n // ext-warning 3 {{'_Static_assert' is a C11 extension}}\n" ]
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[ "Incidence of rotator cuff tears in the setting of calcific tendinopathy on MRI: a case controlled comparison.", "\nTo compare the incidence of rotator cuff tears on shoulder MRI in patients who have rotator cuff calcific tendinopathy with that in patients without calcific tendinopathy in a frequency-matched case-control study. ", "Retrospective review shoulder MRIs of 86 patients with rotator cuff calcific tendinopathy and an 86-patient age-, gender-, and laterality-matched control group using frequency matching. ", "No statistically significant difference (odds ratio: 0.72, 95% confidence interval: 0.38-1.38, p = 0.32) was found in the incidence of rotator cuff tear in the calcific tendinopathy (27.9%) and control groups (34.9%). ", "A significant (p < 0.001) difference in the size of rotator cuff tear was seen between the two groups, with 12.5% of tears being full-thickness in the calcific tendinopathy group and 63.3% of tears being full-thickness in the control group. ", "Only 3 of the 24 (12.5%) rotator cuff tears present in the calcific tendinopathy group occurred at the site of tendon calcification. ", "Patients presenting with indeterminate shoulder pain and rotator cuff calcific tendinopathy are not at increased risk for having a rotator cuff tear compared with similar demographic patients without calcific tendinopathy presenting with shoulder pain. ", "Calcific tendinopathy and rotator cuff tears likely arise from different pathological processes." ]
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[ "HIV 2 infection among blood donors and other subjects in France. ", "The \"Retrovirus\" Study Group of the French Society of Blood Transfusion.", "\nDuring a 3 year period, from August 1985 to August 1988, 18 HIV 2-infected blood donors were detected in France as a result of systematic HIV 1 screening. ", "These sera were characterized as HIV 2 by specific Western blot and synthetic peptides. ", "Within the same period, 40 other HIV 2 infected subjects were identified by our study group, independently of blood donations. ", "Thirty of these 58 subjects living in France originate from West Africa (8 blood donors), 3 (I blood donor) are Portuguese men who had lived in West Africa and 25 (9 blood donors) are of French origin; among these, 16 have had a known close contact with West Africa. ", "When HIV 2-infected subjects were asymptomatic, cross reactivity between antibodies to HIV 2 and HIV 1 proteins was generally observed with the two-step ELISA assays using total HIV 1 proteins; it was poor with the competitive assays and variable with the assays using recombinant proteins. ", "When the subjects had signs of immunodeficiency, cross reactivity decreased. ", "The data confirm that HIV 2 is not widespread in France and that most of HIV 2-infected but asymptomatic subjects are recognized by several HIV 1 ELISA assays. ", "Accordingly, systematic screening for HIV 2 with an additional test cannot be recommended at the present time, but a combined HIV 1 and HIV 2 test will be useful when available." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to the field of data collection and, more particularly, to a system and method for data collection interface creation and the administration of a data collection effort.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nA variety of circumstances exist where it is desirable to obtain data from a population sample. ", "For example, targeted data collection from a multitude of respondents is necessary for research surveys, markup forecasts, political opinion polls, and the like. ", "Collecting a data sample is also necessary when building a statistical model, such as a statistical model used to construct a software application program. ", "Many software applications are designed to receive user input, convert this input into a computer understandable form, and then to execute programmatic functions based upon the converted input. ", "Software applications having this functionality include, but are not limited to, natural language understanding (NLU) applications, automated speech recognition (ASR) applications, and Interactive Voice Response (IVR) applications. ", "These applications require relatively large amounts of sample or test data to build a realistic user response profile.", "\nEven though data collection efforts are common, existing methods to develop and administer a data collection effort are technologically primitive and conducted in an ad-hoc manner. ", "One existing method generates and conveys paper data response instruments to participants using postal mail. ", "Responses are received via postal mail and converted into a digital format, which is analyzed and otherwise processed. ", "This method is costly, is difficult to perform rapidly, and is subject to response and transcription errors. ", "Further, this manual data collection process fails to utilize a set of standardized data collection instruments. ", "Consequently, each data collection effort is treated in a unique fashion, each varying in format, form, and quality.", "\nA modification of the pure paper data collection method is to e-mail electronic versions of a data collection instrument to a group of potential respondents. ", "Respondents can e-mail back responses, often responding by textually adding their answers to prompts. ", "This process suffers from the same shortcomings of purely paper collection efforts, except that the cost and time of mailing instruments through postal channels are eliminated. ", "E-mail based data collection efforts suffer from additional security shortcomings as it is relatively easy to purposefully bias a data collection instance by generating multiple responses that appear to originate from multiple e-mail recipients, but are actually generated from the same data biasing sources.", "\nA derivative of the e-mail collection approach is to include special markers within the sent e-mail to automate the data extraction process. ", "Unfortunately, different e-mail systems can handle these markers in a non-uniform manner; causing some e-mail systems to incorrectly display the data collection instrument; and causing other e-mail systems to modify the markers in a way that foils the automatic extraction process.", "\nOther existing approaches use customized data collection applications, which can be word processing documents with data gathering macros, data base applications, and/or completely customized software applications. ", "In all of these cases, developers must come up with data collection scenarios from scratch. ", "Because of the time and design effort involved, most of the developed data collection scenarios tend to be overly simplistic. ", "Making more sophisticated scenarios to procure more realistic data requires significant development effort, skill, and time on the part of the developer. ", "Additionally, respondents are forced to utilize a non-standard interface that is different from other data procurement interfaces that respondents have used in the past, which can increase a non-response ratio for the data collection instance.", "\nRegardless of the exact method used, existing data collection methodologies fail to integrate the interface creation process with data collection tools, logistics tools, and/or analysis tools. ", "There is a need for a configurable framework for performing data collection that can be readily adapted across domains. ", "This framework would ideally require minimal manual processing and would streamline the data collection process from interface creation to data analysis." ]
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[ "Menu\n\nThe field from a grid\n\nAs part of his presentation of indirect methods for finding the field, Feynman presents an interesting argument on the electrostatic field of a grid. ", "It’s just another indirect method to arrive at meaningful conclusions on how a field is supposed to look like, but it’s quite remarkable, and that’s why I am expanding it here. ", "Feynman’s presentation is extremely succint indeed and, hence, I hope the elaboration below will help you to understand it somewhat quicker than I did. ", "🙂\n\nThe grid is shown below: it’s just a uniformly spaced array of parallel wires in a plane. ", "We are looking at the field above the plane of wires here, and the dotted lines represent equipotential surfaces above the grid.", "\n\nAs you can see, for larger distances above the plane, we see a constant electric field, just as though the charge were uniformly spread over a sheet of charge, rather than over a grid. ", "However, as we approach the grid, the field begins to deviate from the uniform field.", "\n\nLet’s analyze it by assuming the wires lie in the xy-plane, running parallel to the y-axis. ", "The distance between the wires is measured along the x-axis, and the distance to the grid is measured along the z-axis, as shown in the illustration above. ", "We assume the wires are infinitely long and, hence, the electric field does not depend on y. So the component of E in the y-direction is 0, so Ey = –∂Φ/∂y = 0. ", "Therefore, ∂2Φ/∂y2 = 0 and our Poisson equation above the wires (where there are no charges) is reduced to ∂2Φ/∂x2 + ∂2Φ/∂z2 =0. ", "What’s next?", "\n\nLet’s look at the field of two positive wires first. ", "The plot below comes from the Wolfram Demonstrations Project. ", "I recommend you click the link and play with it: you can vary the charges and the distance, and the tool will redraw the equipotentials and the field lines accordingly. ", "It will give you a better feel for the (a)symmetries involved. ", "The equipotential lines are the gray contours: they are cross-sections of equipotential surfaces. ", "The red curves are the field lines, which are always orthogonal to the equipotentials.", "\n\nThe point at the center is really interesting: the straight horizontal and vertical red lines through it are limits really. ", "Feynman’s illustration below shows the point represents an unstable equilibrium: the hollow tube prevents the charge from going sideways. ", "So if it wouldn’t be there, the charge would go sideways, of course! ", "So it’s some kind of saddle point. ", "Onward!", "\n\nLook at the illustration below and try to imagine how the field looks like by thinking about the value of the potential as you move along one of the two blue lines below: the potential goes down as we move to the right, reaches a minimum in the middle, and then goes up again. ", "Also think about the difference between the lighter and darker blue line: going along the light-blue line, we start at a lower potential, and its minimum will also be lower than that of the dark-blue line.", "\n\nSo you can start drawing curves. ", "However, I have to warn you: the graphs are not so simple. ", "Look at the detail below. ", "The potential along the blue line goes slightly up before it decreases, so the graph of the potential may resemble the green curve on the right of the image. ", "I did an actual calculation here. ", "🙂 If there are only two charges, the formula for the potential is quite simple: Φ = (1/4πε0)·(q1/r1) + (1/4πε0)·(q2/r2). ", "Briefly forgetting about the (1/4πε0) and equating q1 and q2 to +1, we get Φ = 1/r1 + 1/r2 = (r1 + r2)/r1r2. ", "That looks like an easy function, and it is. ", "You should think of it as the equivalent of the 1/r formula, but written as 1/r = r/r2, and with a factor 2 in front because we have two charges. ", "🙂\n\nHowever, we need to express it as a function of x, keeping z (i.e. the ‘vertical’ coordinate) constant. ", "That’s what I did to get the graphs below. ", "It’s easy to see that 1/r1 = (x2 + z2)−1/2, while 1/r2 = [(a−x)2 + z2]−1/2. ", "Assuming a = 2 and z = 0.8, the contribution from the first charge is given by the blue curve, the contribution of the second charge is represented by the red curve, and the green curve adds both and, hence, represents the potential generated by both charges, i.e. q1 at x = 0 and q2 at x = a. OK… Onward!", "\n\nThe point to note is that we have an extremely simple situation here – two charges only, or two wires, I should say – but a potential function that is surely notsome simple sinusoidal function. ", "To drive the point home, I plotted a few more curves below, keeping a at a = 2, but equating z with 0.4, 0.7 and 1.7 respectively. ", "The z = 1.7 curve shows that, at larger distances, the potential actually increases slightly as we move from left to right along the z = 1.7 line. ", "Note the remarkable symmetry of the curves and the equipotential lines: there should be some obvious mathematical explanation for that but, unfortunately, not obvious enough for me to find it, so please let me know if you see it! ", "🙂\n\nOK. ", "Let’s get back to our grid. ", "For your convenience, I copied it once more below.", "\n\nFeynman’s approach to calculating the variations is quite original. ", "He also duly notes that the potential function is surely notsome simple sinusoidal function. ", "However, he also notes that, when everything is said and done, it is some periodic quantity, in one way or another, and, therefore, we should be able to do a Fourier analysis and express it as a sum of sinusoidal waves. ", "To be precise, we should be able to write Φ(x, z) as a sum of harmonics.", "\n\n[…] I know. […] ", "Now you say: Oh sh**! ", "And you’ll just turn off. ", "That’s OK, but why don’t you give it a try? ", "I promise to be lengthy. ", "🙂\n\nBefore we get too much into the weeds, let’s briefly recall how it works for our classical guitar string. ", "That post explained how the wavelengths of the harmonics of a string depended on its length. ", "If we denote the various harmonics by their harmonic number n = 1, 2, 3 etcetera, and the length of the string by L, we have λ1 = 2L = (1/1)·2L, λ2 = L = (1/2)·2L, λ3 = (1/3)·2L,… λn = (1/n)·2L. In short, the harmonics – i.e. the components of our waveform – look like this:\n\netcetera (1/8, 1/9,…,1/n,… 1/∞)\n\nBeautiful, isn’t it? ", "As I explained in that post, it’s so beautiful it triggered a misplaced fascination with harmonic ratios. ", "It was misplaced because the Pythagorean theory was a bit too simple to be true. ", "However, their intuition was right, and they set the stage for guys like Copernicus, Fourier and Feynman, so that was good! ", "🙂\n\nNow, as you know, we’ll usually substitute wavelength and frequency by wavenumber and angular frequency so as to convert all to something expressed in radians, which we can then use as the argument in the sine and/or cosine component waves. [", "Yes, the Pythagoreans once again! :-)] ", "The wavenumber k is equal to k = 2π/λ, and the angular frequency is ω = 2π·f = 2π/T (in case you doubt, you can quickly check that the speed of a wave c is equal to the product of the wavelength and its frequency by substituting: c = λ·f = (2π/k)·(ω/2π) = ω/k, which gives you the phase velocity vp= c). ", "To make a long story short, we wrote k = k1 = 2π·1/(2L), k2 = 2π·2/(2L) = 2k, k3 = 2π·3/(2L) = 3k,,… kn = 2π·3/(2L) = nk,… to arrive at the grand result, and that’s our wave F(x) expressed as the sum of an infinite number of simple sinusoids:\n\nThat’s easy enough. ", "The problem is to find those amplitudes a1, a2, a3,… of course, but the great French mathematician who gave us the Fourier series also gave us the formulas for that, so we should be fine! ", "Can we use them here? ", "Should we use them here? ", "Let’s see…\n\nThe a in the analysis, i.e. the spacing of the wires, is the physical quantity that corresponds to the length of our guitar string in our musical sound problem. ", "In fact, a corresponds to 2L, because guitar strings are fixed at two ends and, hence, the two ends have to be nodes and, therefore, the wavelength of our first harmonic is twice the length of the string. ", "Huh? ", "Well… Something like that. ", "As you can see from the illustration of the grid, a, in contrast to L, does correspond to one full wavelength of our periodic function. ", "So we write:\n\nΦ(x) = ∑ ancos(n·k·x) = ∑ ancos(2π·n·x/a) (n = 1, 2, 3,…)\n\nNow, that’s the formula for Φ(x) assuming we’re fixing z, so it’s Φ(x) at some fixed distance from the grid. ", "Let’s think about those amplitudes an now. ", "They should not depend on x, because the harmonics themselves (i.e. the cos(2π·n·x/a) components) are all that varies with x. So they have be some function of n and – most importantly – some function of z also. ", "So we denote them by Fn(z) and re-write the equation above as:\n\nΦ(x, z) = ∑ Fn(z)·cos(2π·n·x/a) (n = 1, 2, 3,…)\n\nNow, the rest of Feynman’s analysis speaks for itself, so I’ll just shamelessly copy it:\n\nWhat did he find here? ", "What is he saying, really? ", "🙂 First note that the derivation above has been done for one term in the Fourier sum only, so we’re talking a specific harmonic n here. ", "That harmonic n is a function of z which – let me remind you – is the distance from the grid. ", "To be precise, the function is Fn(z) = Ane−z/z0. [", "In case you wonder how Feynman goes from equation (7.43) to (7.44), he’s just solving a second-order linear differential equation here. :-)]", "\n\nNow, you’ve seen the graph of that function a zillion times before: it starts at An for z = 0 and goes to zero as z goes to infinity, as shown below. ", "🙂\n\nNow, that’s the case for all Fn(z) coefficients of course. ", "As Feynman writes:\n\n“We have found that if there is a Fourier component of the field of harmonic n, that component will decrease exponentially with a characteristic distance z0 = a/2πn. ", "For the first harmonic (n=1), the amplitude falls by the factor e−2π (i.e. a large decrease) each time we increase z by one grid spacing a. The other harmonics fall off even more rapidly as we move away from the grid. ", "We see that if we are only a few times the distance a away from the grid, the field is very nearly uniform, i.e., the oscillating terms are small. ", "There would, of course, always remain the “zero harmonic” field, i.e. Φ0 = −E0·z, to give the uniform field at large z. Of course, for the complete solution, the sum needs to be made, and the coefficients An would need to be adjusted so that the total sum, when differentiated, gives an electric field that would fit the charge density of the grid wires.”", "\n\nPhew! ", "Quite something, isn’t it? ", "But that’s it really, and it’s actually simpler than the ‘direct’ calculations of the field that I googled. ", "Those calculations involve complicated series and logs and what have you, to arrive at the same result: the field away from a grid of charged wires is very nearly uniform.", "\n\n“The method we have just developed can be used to explain why electrostatic shielding by means of a screen is often just as good as with a solid metal sheet. ", "Except within a distance from the screen a few times the spacing of the screen wires, the fields inside a closed screen are zero. ", "We see why copper screen—lighter and cheaper than copper sheet—is often used to shield sensitive electrical equipment from external disturbing fields.”", "\n\nHmm… So how does that work? ", "The logic should be similar to the logic I explained when discussing shielding in one of my previous posts. ", "Have a look—if only because it’s a lot easier to understand than the rather convoluted business I presented above. ", "🙂 But then I guess it’s all par for the course, isn’t it? ", "🙂" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to use DebugKit toolbar in cakephp 2.1.3 or cakephp 2.0\n\nI have tried to use cakephp Debugkit toolbar for cakephp 2.1.3... but it is not working fine..\nI have implemented debugkit on cakephp 1.3 it is working fine..\ni downloaded debugkit for cakephp 2.1.3. ", "I rechecked that.. \nHow i am implementing it??", "\napp/plugin/DebugKit ///this is my path for debugkit\n\nI checked my debug mode is 2..\nConfigure::write('debug', 2);\n\nhow i am loading my debug kit in Appcontroller..'\npublic $components = array('DebugKit.", "Toolbar');\n\nIt is showing error\nParse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in /var/www/guest1/cakephp-2.1.3/app/Plugin/debug_kit/Controller/Component/ToolbarComponent.php on line 165\n\nI download debugkit from different source but same result.", "\nThanks !", "\nit is showing error in this function and line\npublic function implementedEvents() {\n $before = function ($name) {\n return function () use ($name) {\n DebugTimer::start($name, __d('debug_kit', $name));\n };\n };\n $after = function ($name) {\n return function () use ($name) {\n DebugTimer::stop($name);\n };\n };\n\nI loaded file in bootstrap.php at the end\nCakePlugin::loadAll(); \n\nError:- \n Error: DebugKit.", "ToolbarComponent could not be found.", "\n\nError: Create the class ToolbarComponent below in file: /var/www/guest1/cakephp-2.1.3/app/Plugin/DebugKit/Controller/Component/ToolbarComponent.php\n\nA:\n\nYou have downloaded the latest version of the DebugKit plugin, which uses closures. ", "As you can see there, you need at least PHP 5.3 for this to work.", "\nSimply download an earlier version of DebugKit which is compatible with your version of PHP.", "\n\nA:\n\nI have same problem. ", "I guess if you are using Cakphp 2.0 and higher, you cannot use Debugkit version lower than 2 because it has a different Plugin name convention. ", "Files have a different tree structure.", "\nSo all you have to do is use a lower version and rename the files or update PHP or use lower version of Cakephp.", "\n\nA:\n\nI had the same problem. ", "DebugKit worked on my local server, but crashed with the same error online. ", "The problem was that i didn't have a database connection. ", "After i succesfully connected to the database, debugkit worked fine.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "The present invention relates to a pair of eyeglasses of the type having a bridge joining the edges of the lenses and a nose rest that can be mounted on the side of the bridge facing toward the wearer.", "\nProper positioning of a glasses frame is of critical importance because this defines the path of incident light into the eyes, and hence the intended optical effect, while an anatomically unfavorable or unskilled positioning can cause impairments and in particular discomfort to the wearer and damage to the skin where the glasses rest.", "\nThese two problem areas are intrinsically interrelated, and the actual problem arises from the fact that the relevant anatomical features in the head region, that is the region of the root and sides of he nose and in region around the ears, are different in every person and also differ from one another in persons of different races.", "\nIt suffices to mention here only the variation in the width of the forehead by up to 10 mm, the shape and width of the nose, and so forth. ", "The anatomical features which are particularly relevant in the design of a glasses frame can be found in an article by Dieter Fahrner published in NOJ 11/1990, pp. ", "8 to 19.", "\nIf it is to be possible to position the eyeglasses frame on any individual wearer in a satisfactory way from both an optical and an anatomical standpoint, structural designs are necessary that can be adapted in some way sufficiently so that the optical wearing situation for a given wearer is attainable at least in rough approximation. ", "In principle this adaptation can be attained in two different ways: namely by means of a structural part that is intrinsically variable in shape, or one that is available in different sizes and dimensions. ", "It is then the task of the optician, for an industrially manufactured glasses frame, to make such changes with skill or to select properly fitting component parts, to enable individual adaptation to the wearer. ", "For instance, manufacturers offer glasses frames in three different bridge widths (16 mm, 18 mm and 20 mm), to make possible at least a rough adaptation to the width of the bridge of the nose of the particular wearer.", "\nIn narrowly defined regions, adaptations to the anatomical features of the wearer can also be attained by means of a soft or elastic embodiment, as is for instance known from the use of silicone as a sheathing material, which has the additional advantage of great comfort while being worn." ]
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[ "import {TextView, contentView, Stack, CheckBox, checkType} from 'tabris';\n\nclass Person {\n /**\n * @param {string} lastName\n * @param {string} firstName\n */\n constructor(lastName, firstName) {\n this.lastName = lastName;\n this.firstName = firstName;\n }\n}\n\nconst joe = new Person('Rogan', 'Joe');\nconst sam = new Person('Harris', 'Sam');\n\ncontentView.append(\n <Stack padding={8} spacing={8}>\n <StyledComponent>\n This TextView is red on yellow by default\n </StyledComponent>\n <StyledComponent background='gray'>\n Defaults can be overwritten\n </StyledComponent>\n <StaticComponent person={joe}/>\n <DynamicComponent data={joe}/>\n <CheckBox onSelect={buttonClick}>\n Tap to change dynamic component data\n </CheckBox>\n </Stack>\n);\n\n/** @param {tabris.", "Attributes<TextView>} attributes */\nfunction StyledComponent(attributes) {\n return (\n <TextView textColor='red' background='yellow' {...attributes}/>\n );\n}\n\n/** @param {tabris.", "Attributes<tabris.", "Widget> & {person: Person}} attributes */\nfunction StaticComponent({person, ...other}) {\n return (\n <TextView {...other}>\n This is always {person.firstName} {person.lastName}\n </TextView>\n );\n}\n\n/** @param {tabris.", "Attributes<tabris.", "Widget> & {data: Person}} attributes */\nfunction DynamicComponent({data, ...other}) {\n /** @type {TextView} */\n const widget = <TextView {...other}/>;\n return widget\n .onDataChanged(ev => {\n const person = checkType(ev.value, Person, {nullable: true});\n ev.target.text = person ? ", "`This is now ${person.firstName} ${person.lastName}` : '';\n })\n .set({data}); // needs to be set last to trigger the first change event\n}\n\n/** @param {tabris.", "CheckBoxSelectEvent} ev */\nfunction buttonClick(ev) {\n $(DynamicComponent).only().data = ev.checked ? ", "sam : joe;\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "Bathroom Interior, bathroom floor the most important element must be appropriate of the following designs. ", "More than ever you need a floor tile designs. ", "Several charming can be applied to improve the appearance of your bathroom floor tile ideas. ", "Therefore, the most beautiful floors you have to choose for your bathroom tile designs. ", "Maybe some people do their best for your bathroom floor tiles. ", "A number of large floor tiles so why not in stores the options in this case. ", "Here, to help decide some floor tiles.", "\n\nStunning bathroom floor tile\n\nThere are far more great bathroom floor shops. ", "The best floor for your bathroom a few tips to help you decide. ", "First of all, bathroom styles and Themes to remember about. ", "Minimalist, vintage, classic, country style or many more bathroom designs. ", "Then the bathroom that can be perfect for flooring, bathroom designs. ", "For example, it might be good with white floor and bath Themes minimalist bathroom style vintage faux wood floors should be compatible with. ", "Secondly, we have to consider the maintenance budget. ", "There's a wide range of prices for a variety of bathroom tiles, ceramic tile has always been expensive not unlike cheaper quality tiles in the floor and isn't always bad. ", "High quality floor tiles are sold at affordable prices, you can ask your friends about trusted repositories.", "\n\nFeatured best bathroom floor care cleaning more consideration would be about his future. ", "Some tiles difficult to clean than the material. ", "For example, marble tiles ceramic tiles need more treatment than before. ", "Not only gorgeous tile designs attracted to. ", "Cleaning, maintenance, we have to think about.", "\n\nDurable bathroom floor tile\n\nStone floor tiles have more longevity than other tiles. ", "Additionally, this floor tiles can give your bathroom a luxurious yet natural atmosphere. ", "Onyx, marble, granite, limestone, and more, you can choose among many. ", "I mean, very large designs have many bathroom flooring options." ]
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[ "/*\n * Software License Agreement (BSD License)\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2010, Willow Garage, Inc.\n * All rights reserved.", "\n *\n * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions\n * are met:\n *\n * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright\n * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.", "\n * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above\n * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following\n * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided\n * with the distribution.", "\n * * Neither the name of Willow Garage, Inc. nor the names of its\n * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived\n * from this software without specific prior written permission.", "\n *\n * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS\n * \"AS IS\" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT\n * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS\n * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ", "IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT,\n * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING,\n * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;\n * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER\n * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT\n * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN\n * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE\n * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.", "\n *\n * $Id: project_inliers.h 35876 2011-02-09 01:04:36Z rusu $\n *\n */\n\n#ifndef PCL_ROS_FILTERS_PROJECT_INLIERS_H_\n#define PCL_ROS_FILTERS_PROJECT_INLIERS_H_\n\n// PCL includes\n#include <pcl/filters/project_inliers.h>\n#include \"pcl_ros/filters/filter.h\"\n\n#include <message_filters/subscriber.h>\n\nnamespace pcl_ros\n{\n namespace sync_policies = message_filters::sync_policies;\n\n /** \\brief @b ProjectInliers uses a model and a set of inlier indices from a PointCloud to project them into a\n * separate PointCloud.", "\n * \\note setFilterFieldName (), setFilterLimits (), and setFilterLimitNegative () are ignored.", "\n * \\author Radu Bogdan Rusu\n */\n class ProjectInliers : public Filter\n {\n public:\n ProjectInliers () : model_ () {}\n\n protected:\n /** \\brief Call the actual filter. ", "\n * \\param input the input point cloud dataset\n * \\param indices the input set of indices to use from \\a input\n * \\param output the resultant filtered dataset\n */\n inline void\n filter (const PointCloud2::ConstPtr &input, const IndicesPtr &indices, \n PointCloud2 &output)\n {\n pcl::PCLPointCloud2::Ptr pcl_input(new pcl::PCLPointCloud2);\n pcl_conversions::toPCL (*(input), *(pcl_input));\n impl_.setInputCloud (pcl_input);\n impl_.setIndices (indices);\n pcl::ModelCoefficients::Ptr pcl_model(new pcl::ModelCoefficients);\n pcl_conversions::toPCL(*(model_), *(pcl_model));\n impl_.setModelCoefficients (pcl_model);\n pcl::PCLPointCloud2 pcl_output;\n impl_.filter (pcl_output);\n pcl_conversions::moveFromPCL(pcl_output, output);\n }\n\n private:\n /** \\brief A pointer to the vector of model coefficients. */", "\n ModelCoefficientsConstPtr model_;\n\n /** \\brief The message filter subscriber for model coefficients. */", "\n message_filters::Subscriber<ModelCoefficients> sub_model_;\n\n /** \\brief Synchronized input, indices, and model coefficients.*/\n boost::shared_ptr<message_filters::Synchronizer<sync_policies::ExactTime<PointCloud2, PointIndices, ModelCoefficients> > > sync_input_indices_model_e_;\n boost::shared_ptr<message_filters::Synchronizer<sync_policies::ApproximateTime<PointCloud2, PointIndices, ModelCoefficients> > > sync_input_indices_model_a_;\n /** \\brief The PCL filter implementation used. */", "\n pcl::ProjectInliers<pcl::PCLPointCloud2> impl_;\n\n /** \\brief Nodelet initialization routine. */", "\n virtual void \n onInit ();\n\n /** \\brief NodeletLazy connection routine. */", "\n void subscribe ();\n void unsubscribe ();\n\n /** \\brief PointCloud2 + Indices + Model data callback. */", "\n void \n input_indices_model_callback (const PointCloud2::ConstPtr &cloud, \n const PointIndicesConstPtr &indices, \n const ModelCoefficientsConstPtr &model);\n public:\n EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW\n };\n}\n\n#endif //#ifndef PCL_FILTERS_PROJECT_INLIERS_H_\n" ]
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[ "/******************************************************************************\n *\n * Copyright(c) 2009-2012 Realtek Corporation.", "\n *\n * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it\n * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation.", "\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT\n * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the GNU General Public License for\n * more details.", "\n *\n * The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the\n * file called LICENSE.", "\n *\n * Contact Information:\n * wlanfae <wlanfae@realtek.com>\n * Realtek Corporation, No. ", "2, Innovation Road II, Hsinchu Science Park,\n * Hsinchu 300, Taiwan.", "\n *\n * Larry Finger <Larry.Finger@lwfinger.net>\n *\n *****************************************************************************/\n\n#include \"wifi.h\"\n#include \"rc.h\"\n#include \"base.h\"\n#include \"efuse.h\"\n#include \"cam.h\"\n#include \"ps.h\"\n#include \"regd.h\"\n#include \"pci.h\"\n#include <linux/ip.h>\n#include <linux/module.h>\n#include <linux/udp.h>\n\n/*\n *NOTICE!!!: ", "This file will be very big, we should\n *keep it clear under following roles:\n *\n *This file include following parts, so, if you add new\n *functions into this file, please check which part it\n *should includes. ", "or check if you should add new part\n *for this file:\n *\n *1) mac80211 init functions\n *2) tx information functions\n *3) functions called by core.c\n *4) wq & timer callback functions\n *5) frame process functions\n *6) IOT functions\n *7) sysfs functions\n *8) vif functions\n *9) ...\n */\n\n/*********************************************************\n *\n * mac80211 init functions\n *\n *********************************************************/\nstatic struct ieee80211_channel rtl_channeltable_2g[] = {\n\t{.center_freq = 2412, .hw_value = 1,},\n\t{.center_freq = 2417, .hw_value = 2,},\n\t{.center_freq = 2422, .hw_value = 3,},\n\t{.center_freq = 2427, .hw_value = 4,},\n\t{.center_freq = 2432, .hw_value = 5,},\n\t{.center_freq = 2437, .hw_value = 6,},\n\t{.center_freq = 2442, .hw_value = 7,},\n\t{.center_freq = 2447, .hw_value = 8,},\n\t{.center_freq = 2452, .hw_value = 9,},\n\t{.center_freq = 2457, .hw_value = 10,},\n\t{.center_freq = 2462, .hw_value = 11,},\n\t{.center_freq = 2467, .hw_value = 12,},\n\t{.center_freq = 2472, .hw_value = 13,},\n\t{.center_freq = 2484, .hw_value = 14,},\n};\n\nstatic struct ieee80211_channel rtl_channeltable_5g[] = {\n\t{.center_freq = 5180, .hw_value = 36,},\n\t{.center_freq = 5200, .hw_value = 40,},\n\t{.center_freq = 5220, .hw_value = 44,},\n\t{.center_freq = 5240, .hw_value = 48,},\n\t{.center_freq = 5260, .hw_value = 52,},\n\t{.center_freq = 5280, .hw_value = 56,},\n\t{.center_freq = 5300, .hw_value = 60,},\n\t{.center_freq = 5320, .hw_value = 64,},\n\t{.center_freq = 5500, .hw_value = 100,},\n\t{.center_freq = 5520, .hw_value = 104,},\n\t{.center_freq = 5540, .hw_value = 108,},\n\t{.center_freq = 5560, .hw_value = 112,},\n\t{.center_freq = 5580, .hw_value = 116,},\n\t{.center_freq = 5600, .hw_value = 120,},\n\t{.center_freq = 5620, .hw_value = 124,},\n\t{.center_freq = 5640, .hw_value = 128,},\n\t{.center_freq = 5660, .hw_value = 132,},\n\t{.center_freq = 5680, .hw_value = 136,},\n\t{.center_freq = 5700, .hw_value = 140,},\n\t{.center_freq = 5745, .hw_value = 149,},\n\t{.center_freq = 5765, .hw_value = 153,},\n\t{.center_freq = 5785, .hw_value = 157,},\n\t{.center_freq = 5805, .hw_value = 161,},\n\t{.center_freq = 5825, .hw_value = 165,},\n};\n\nstatic struct ieee80211_rate rtl_ratetable_2g[] = {\n\t{.bitrate = 10, .hw_value = 0x00,},\n\t{.bitrate = 20, .hw_value = 0x01,},\n\t{.bitrate = 55, .hw_value = 0x02,},\n\t{.bitrate = 110, .hw_value = 0x03,},\n\t{.bitrate = 60, .hw_value = 0x04,},\n\t{.bitrate = 90, .hw_value = 0x05,},\n\t{.bitrate = 120, .hw_value = 0x06,},\n\t{.bitrate = 180, .hw_value = 0x07,},\n\t{.bitrate = 240, .hw_value = 0x08,},\n\t{.bitrate = 360, .hw_value = 0x09,},\n\t{.bitrate = 480, .hw_value = 0x0a,},\n\t{.bitrate = 540, .hw_value = 0x0b,},\n};\n\nstatic struct ieee80211_rate rtl_ratetable_5g[] = {\n\t{.bitrate = 60, .hw_value = 0x04,},\n\t{.bitrate = 90, .hw_value = 0x05,},\n\t{.bitrate = 120, .hw_value = 0x06,},\n\t{.bitrate = 180, .hw_value = 0x07,},\n\t{.bitrate = 240, .hw_value = 0x08,},\n\t{.bitrate = 360, .hw_value = 0x09,},\n\t{.bitrate = 480, .hw_value = 0x0a,},\n\t{.bitrate = 540, .hw_value = 0x0b,},\n};\n\nstatic const struct ieee80211_supported_band rtl_band_2ghz = {\n\t.band = NL80211_BAND_2GHZ,\n\n\t.channels = rtl_channeltable_2g,\n\t.n_channels = ARRAY_SIZE(rtl_channeltable_2g),\n\n\t.bitrates = rtl_ratetable_2g,\n\t.n_bitrates = ARRAY_SIZE(rtl_ratetable_2g),\n\n\t.ht_cap = {0},\n};\n\nstatic struct ieee80211_supported_band rtl_band_5ghz = {\n\t.band = NL80211_BAND_5GHZ,\n\n\t.channels = rtl_channeltable_5g,\n\t.n_channels = ARRAY_SIZE(rtl_channeltable_5g),\n\n\t.bitrates = rtl_ratetable_5g,\n\t.n_bitrates = ARRAY_SIZE(rtl_ratetable_5g),\n\n\t.ht_cap = {0},\n};\n\nstatic const u8 tid_to_ac[] = {\n\t2, /* IEEE80211_AC_BE */\n\t3, /* IEEE80211_AC_BK */\n\t3, /* IEEE80211_AC_BK */\n\t2, /* IEEE80211_AC_BE */\n\t1, /* IEEE80211_AC_VI */\n\t1, /* IEEE80211_AC_VI */\n\t0, /* IEEE80211_AC_VO */\n\t0, /* IEEE80211_AC_VO */\n};\n\nu8 rtl_tid_to_ac(u8 tid)\n{\n\treturn tid_to_ac[tid];\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(rtl_tid_to_ac);\n\nstatic void _rtl_init_hw_ht_capab(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,\n\t\t\t\t struct ieee80211_sta_ht_cap *ht_cap)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\tstruct rtl_phy *rtlphy = &(rtlpriv->phy);\n\n\tht_cap->ht_supported = true;\n\tht_cap->cap = IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SUP_WIDTH_20_40 |\n\t IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SGI_40 |\n\t IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SGI_20 |\n\t IEEE80211_HT_CAP_DSSSCCK40 | IEEE80211_HT_CAP_MAX_AMSDU;\n\n\tif (rtlpriv->rtlhal.disable_amsdu_8k)\n\t\tht_cap->cap &= ~IEEE80211_HT_CAP_MAX_AMSDU;\n\n\t/*\n\t *Maximum length of AMPDU that the STA can receive.", "\n\t *Length = 2 ^ (13 + max_ampdu_length_exp) - 1 (octets)\n\t */\n\tht_cap->ampdu_factor = IEEE80211_HT_MAX_AMPDU_64K;\n\n\t/*Minimum MPDU start spacing , */\n\tht_cap->ampdu_density = IEEE80211_HT_MPDU_DENSITY_16;\n\n\tht_cap->mcs.tx_params = IEEE80211_HT_MCS_TX_DEFINED;\n\n\t/*hw->wiphy->bands[NL80211_BAND_2GHZ]\n\t *base on ant_num\n\t *rx_mask: RX mask\n\t *if rx_ant = 1 rx_mask[0]= 0xff;==>MCS0-MCS7\n\t *if rx_ant = 2 rx_mask[1]= 0xff;==>MCS8-MCS15\n\t *if rx_ant >= 3 rx_mask[2]= 0xff;\n\t *if BW_40 rx_mask[4]= 0x01;\n\t *highest supported RX rate\n\t */\n\tif (rtlpriv->dm.supp_phymode_switch) {\n\t\tpr_info(\"Support phy mode switch\\n\");\n\n\t\tht_cap->mcs.rx_mask[0] = 0xFF;\n\t\tht_cap->mcs.rx_mask[1] = 0xFF;\n\t\tht_cap->mcs.rx_mask[4] = 0x01;\n\n\t\tht_cap->mcs.rx_highest = cpu_to_le16(MAX_BIT_RATE_40MHZ_MCS15);\n\t} else {\n\t\tif (get_rf_type(rtlphy) == RF_1T2R ||\n\t\t get_rf_type(rtlphy) == RF_2T2R) {\n\t\t\tRT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG,\n\t\t\t\t \"1T2R or 2T2R\\n\");\n\t\t\tht_cap->mcs.rx_mask[0] = 0xFF;\n\t\t\tht_cap->mcs.rx_mask[1] = 0xFF;\n\t\t\tht_cap->mcs.rx_mask[4] = 0x01;\n\n\t\t\tht_cap->mcs.rx_highest =\n\t\t\t\t cpu_to_le16(MAX_BIT_RATE_40MHZ_MCS15);\n\t\t} else if (get_rf_type(rtlphy) == RF_1T1R) {\n\t\t\tRT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, \"1T1R\\n\");\n\n\t\t\tht_cap->mcs.rx_mask[0] = 0xFF;\n\t\t\tht_cap->mcs.rx_mask[1] = 0x00;\n\t\t\tht_cap->mcs.rx_mask[4] = 0x01;\n\n\t\t\tht_cap->mcs.rx_highest =\n\t\t\t\t cpu_to_le16(MAX_BIT_RATE_40MHZ_MCS7);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\nstatic void _rtl_init_hw_vht_capab(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,\n\t\t\t\t struct ieee80211_sta_vht_cap *vht_cap)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\tstruct rtl_hal *rtlhal = rtl_hal(rtlpriv);\n\n\tif (rtlhal->hw_type == HARDWARE_TYPE_RTL8812AE) {\n\t\tu16 mcs_map;\n\n\t\tvht_cap->vht_supported = true;\n\t\tvht_cap->cap =\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_CAP_MAX_MPDU_LENGTH_3895 |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_CAP_MAX_MPDU_LENGTH_7991 |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_CAP_MAX_MPDU_LENGTH_11454 |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_CAP_SHORT_GI_80 |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_CAP_TXSTBC |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_CAP_RXSTBC_1 |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_CAP_SU_BEAMFORMER_CAPABLE |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_CAP_SU_BEAMFORMEE_CAPABLE |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_CAP_HTC_VHT |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_CAP_MAX_A_MPDU_LENGTH_EXPONENT_MASK |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_CAP_RX_ANTENNA_PATTERN |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_CAP_TX_ANTENNA_PATTERN |\n\t\t\t0;\n\n\t\tmcs_map = IEEE80211_VHT_MCS_SUPPORT_0_9 << 0 |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_MCS_SUPPORT_0_9 << 2 |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_MCS_NOT_SUPPORTED << 4 |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_MCS_NOT_SUPPORTED << 6 |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_MCS_NOT_SUPPORTED << 8 |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_MCS_NOT_SUPPORTED << 10 |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_MCS_NOT_SUPPORTED << 12 |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_MCS_NOT_SUPPORTED << 14;\n\n\t\tvht_cap->vht_mcs.rx_mcs_map = cpu_to_le16(mcs_map);\n\t\tvht_cap->vht_mcs.rx_highest =\n\t\t\tcpu_to_le16(MAX_BIT_RATE_SHORT_GI_2NSS_80MHZ_MCS9);\n\t\tvht_cap->vht_mcs.tx_mcs_map = cpu_to_le16(mcs_map);\n\t\tvht_cap->vht_mcs.tx_highest =\n\t\t\tcpu_to_le16(MAX_BIT_RATE_SHORT_GI_2NSS_80MHZ_MCS9);\n\t} else if (rtlhal->hw_type == HARDWARE_TYPE_RTL8821AE) {\n\t\tu16 mcs_map;\n\n\t\tvht_cap->vht_supported = true;\n\t\tvht_cap->cap =\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_CAP_MAX_MPDU_LENGTH_3895 |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_CAP_MAX_MPDU_LENGTH_7991 |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_CAP_MAX_MPDU_LENGTH_11454 |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_CAP_SHORT_GI_80 |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_CAP_TXSTBC |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_CAP_RXSTBC_1 |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_CAP_SU_BEAMFORMER_CAPABLE |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_CAP_SU_BEAMFORMEE_CAPABLE |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_CAP_HTC_VHT |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_CAP_MAX_A_MPDU_LENGTH_EXPONENT_MASK |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_CAP_RX_ANTENNA_PATTERN |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_CAP_TX_ANTENNA_PATTERN |\n\t\t\t0;\n\n\t\tmcs_map = IEEE80211_VHT_MCS_SUPPORT_0_9 << 0 |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_MCS_NOT_SUPPORTED << 2 |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_MCS_NOT_SUPPORTED << 4 |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_MCS_NOT_SUPPORTED << 6 |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_MCS_NOT_SUPPORTED << 8 |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_MCS_NOT_SUPPORTED << 10 |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_MCS_NOT_SUPPORTED << 12 |\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_MCS_NOT_SUPPORTED << 14;\n\n\t\tvht_cap->vht_mcs.rx_mcs_map = cpu_to_le16(mcs_map);\n\t\tvht_cap->vht_mcs.rx_highest =\n\t\t\tcpu_to_le16(MAX_BIT_RATE_SHORT_GI_1NSS_80MHZ_MCS9);\n\t\tvht_cap->vht_mcs.tx_mcs_map = cpu_to_le16(mcs_map);\n\t\tvht_cap->vht_mcs.tx_highest =\n\t\t\tcpu_to_le16(MAX_BIT_RATE_SHORT_GI_1NSS_80MHZ_MCS9);\n\t}\n}\n\nstatic void _rtl_init_mac80211(struct ieee80211_hw *hw)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\tstruct rtl_hal *rtlhal = rtl_hal(rtlpriv);\n\tstruct rtl_mac *rtlmac = rtl_mac(rtl_priv(hw));\n\tstruct rtl_efuse *rtlefuse = rtl_efuse(rtl_priv(hw));\n\tstruct ieee80211_supported_band *sband;\n\n\tif (rtlhal->macphymode == SINGLEMAC_SINGLEPHY &&\n\t rtlhal->bandset == BAND_ON_BOTH) {\n\t\t/* 1: 2.4 G bands */\n\t\t/* <1> use mac->bands as mem for hw->wiphy->bands */\n\t\tsband = &(rtlmac->bands[NL80211_BAND_2GHZ]);\n\n\t\t/* <2> set hw->wiphy->bands[NL80211_BAND_2GHZ]\n\t\t * to default value(1T1R) */\n\t\tmemcpy(&(rtlmac->bands[NL80211_BAND_2GHZ]), &rtl_band_2ghz,\n\t\t\t\tsizeof(struct ieee80211_supported_band));\n\n\t\t/* <3> init ht cap base on ant_num */\n\t\t_rtl_init_hw_ht_capab(hw, &sband->ht_cap);\n\n\t\t/* <4> set mac->sband to wiphy->sband */\n\t\thw->wiphy->bands[NL80211_BAND_2GHZ] = sband;\n\n\t\t/* 2: 5 G bands */\n\t\t/* <1> use mac->bands as mem for hw->wiphy->bands */\n\t\tsband = &(rtlmac->bands[NL80211_BAND_5GHZ]);\n\n\t\t/* <2> set hw->wiphy->bands[NL80211_BAND_5GHZ]\n\t\t * to default value(1T1R) */\n\t\tmemcpy(&(rtlmac->bands[NL80211_BAND_5GHZ]), &rtl_band_5ghz,\n\t\t\t\tsizeof(struct ieee80211_supported_band));\n\n\t\t/* <3> init ht cap base on ant_num */\n\t\t_rtl_init_hw_ht_capab(hw, &sband->ht_cap);\n\n\t\t_rtl_init_hw_vht_capab(hw, &sband->vht_cap);\n\t\t/* <4> set mac->sband to wiphy->sband */\n\t\thw->wiphy->bands[NL80211_BAND_5GHZ] = sband;\n\t} else {\n\t\tif (rtlhal->current_bandtype == BAND_ON_2_4G) {\n\t\t\t/* <1> use mac->bands as mem for hw->wiphy->bands */\n\t\t\tsband = &(rtlmac->bands[NL80211_BAND_2GHZ]);\n\n\t\t\t/* <2> set hw->wiphy->bands[NL80211_BAND_2GHZ]\n\t\t\t * to default value(1T1R) */\n\t\t\tmemcpy(&(rtlmac->bands[NL80211_BAND_2GHZ]),\n\t\t\t &rtl_band_2ghz,\n\t\t\t sizeof(struct ieee80211_supported_band));\n\n\t\t\t/* <3> init ht cap base on ant_num */\n\t\t\t_rtl_init_hw_ht_capab(hw, &sband->ht_cap);\n\n\t\t\t/* <4> set mac->sband to wiphy->sband */\n\t\t\thw->wiphy->bands[NL80211_BAND_2GHZ] = sband;\n\t\t} else if (rtlhal->current_bandtype == BAND_ON_5G) {\n\t\t\t/* <1> use mac->bands as mem for hw->wiphy->bands */\n\t\t\tsband = &(rtlmac->bands[NL80211_BAND_5GHZ]);\n\n\t\t\t/* <2> set hw->wiphy->bands[NL80211_BAND_5GHZ]\n\t\t\t * to default value(1T1R) */\n\t\t\tmemcpy(&(rtlmac->bands[NL80211_BAND_5GHZ]),\n\t\t\t &rtl_band_5ghz,\n\t\t\t sizeof(struct ieee80211_supported_band));\n\n\t\t\t/* <3> init ht cap base on ant_num */\n\t\t\t_rtl_init_hw_ht_capab(hw, &sband->ht_cap);\n\n\t\t\t_rtl_init_hw_vht_capab(hw, &sband->vht_cap);\n\t\t\t/* <4> set mac->sband to wiphy->sband */\n\t\t\thw->wiphy->bands[NL80211_BAND_5GHZ] = sband;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tpr_err(\"Err BAND %d\\n\",\n\t\t\t rtlhal->current_bandtype);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t/* <5> set hw caps */\n\tieee80211_hw_set(hw, SIGNAL_DBM);\n\tieee80211_hw_set(hw, RX_INCLUDES_FCS);\n\tieee80211_hw_set(hw, AMPDU_AGGREGATION);\n\tieee80211_hw_set(hw, CONNECTION_MONITOR);\n\tieee80211_hw_set(hw, MFP_CAPABLE);\n\tieee80211_hw_set(hw, REPORTS_TX_ACK_STATUS);\n\n\t/* swlps or hwlps has been set in diff chip in init_sw_vars */\n\tif (rtlpriv->psc.swctrl_lps) {\n\t\tieee80211_hw_set(hw, SUPPORTS_PS);\n\t\tieee80211_hw_set(hw, PS_NULLFUNC_STACK);\n\t}\n\thw->wiphy->interface_modes =\n\t BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_AP) |\n\t BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) |\n\t BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC) |\n\t BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_MESH_POINT) |\n\t BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_P2P_CLIENT) |\n\t BIT(NL80211_IFTYPE_P2P_GO);\n\thw->wiphy->flags |= WIPHY_FLAG_IBSS_RSN;\n\n\thw->wiphy->flags |= WIPHY_FLAG_HAS_REMAIN_ON_CHANNEL;\n\n\thw->wiphy->rts_threshold = 2347;\n\n\thw->queues = AC_MAX;\n\thw->extra_tx_headroom = RTL_TX_HEADER_SIZE;\n\n\t/* TODO: Correct this value for our hw */\n\t/* TODO: define these hard code value */\n\thw->max_listen_interval = 10;\n\thw->max_rate_tries = 4;\n\t/* hw->max_rates = 1; */\n\thw->sta_data_size = sizeof(struct rtl_sta_info);\n\n/* wowlan is not supported by kernel if CONFIG_PM is not defined */\n#ifdef CONFIG_PM\n\tif (rtlpriv->psc.wo_wlan_mode) {\n\t\tif (rtlpriv->psc.wo_wlan_mode & WAKE_ON_MAGIC_PACKET)\n\t\t\trtlpriv->wowlan.flags = WIPHY_WOWLAN_MAGIC_PKT;\n\t\tif (rtlpriv->psc.wo_wlan_mode & WAKE_ON_PATTERN_MATCH) {\n\t\t\trtlpriv->wowlan.n_patterns =\n\t\t\t\tMAX_SUPPORT_WOL_PATTERN_NUM;\n\t\t\trtlpriv->wowlan.pattern_min_len = MIN_WOL_PATTERN_SIZE;\n\t\t\trtlpriv->wowlan.pattern_max_len = MAX_WOL_PATTERN_SIZE;\n\t\t}\n\t\thw->wiphy->wowlan = &rtlpriv->wowlan;\n\t}\n#endif\n\n\t/* <6> mac address */\n\tif (is_valid_ether_addr(rtlefuse->dev_addr)) {\n\t\tSET_IEEE80211_PERM_ADDR(hw, rtlefuse->dev_addr);\n\t} else {\n\t\tu8 rtlmac1[] = { 0x00, 0xe0, 0x4c, 0x81, 0x92, 0x00 };\n\t\tget_random_bytes((rtlmac1 + (ETH_ALEN - 1)), 1);\n\t\tSET_IEEE80211_PERM_ADDR(hw, rtlmac1);\n\t}\n}\n\nstatic void _rtl_init_deferred_work(struct ieee80211_hw *hw)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\n\t/* <1> timer */\n\tsetup_timer(&rtlpriv->works.watchdog_timer,\n\t\t rtl_watch_dog_timer_callback, (unsigned long)hw);\n\tsetup_timer(&rtlpriv->works.dualmac_easyconcurrent_retrytimer,\n\t\t rtl_easy_concurrent_retrytimer_callback, (unsigned long)hw);\n\t/* <2> work queue */\n\trtlpriv->works.hw = hw;\n\trtlpriv->works.rtl_wq = alloc_workqueue(\"%s\", 0, 0, rtlpriv->cfg->name);\n\tINIT_DELAYED_WORK(&rtlpriv->works.watchdog_wq,\n\t\t\t (void *)rtl_watchdog_wq_callback);\n\tINIT_DELAYED_WORK(&rtlpriv->works.ips_nic_off_wq,\n\t\t\t (void *)rtl_ips_nic_off_wq_callback);\n\tINIT_DELAYED_WORK(&rtlpriv->works.ps_work,\n\t\t\t (void *)rtl_swlps_wq_callback);\n\tINIT_DELAYED_WORK(&rtlpriv->works.ps_rfon_wq,\n\t\t\t (void *)rtl_swlps_rfon_wq_callback);\n\tINIT_DELAYED_WORK(&rtlpriv->works.fwevt_wq,\n\t\t\t (void *)rtl_fwevt_wq_callback);\n\tINIT_DELAYED_WORK(&rtlpriv->works.c2hcmd_wq,\n\t\t\t (void *)rtl_c2hcmd_wq_callback);\n\n}\n\nvoid rtl_deinit_deferred_work(struct ieee80211_hw *hw)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\n\tdel_timer_sync(&rtlpriv->works.watchdog_timer);\n\n\tcancel_delayed_work(&rtlpriv->works.watchdog_wq);\n\tcancel_delayed_work(&rtlpriv->works.ips_nic_off_wq);\n\tcancel_delayed_work(&rtlpriv->works.ps_work);\n\tcancel_delayed_work(&rtlpriv->works.ps_rfon_wq);\n\tcancel_delayed_work(&rtlpriv->works.fwevt_wq);\n\tcancel_delayed_work(&rtlpriv->works.c2hcmd_wq);\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(rtl_deinit_deferred_work);\n\nvoid rtl_init_rfkill(struct ieee80211_hw *hw)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\n\tbool radio_state;\n\tbool blocked;\n\tu8 valid = 0;\n\n\t/*set init state to on */\n\trtlpriv->rfkill.rfkill_state = true;\n\twiphy_rfkill_set_hw_state(hw->wiphy, 0);\n\n\tradio_state = rtlpriv->cfg->ops->radio_onoff_checking(hw, &valid);\n\n\tif (valid) {\n\t\tpr_info(\"rtlwifi: wireless switch is %s\\n\",\n\t\t\trtlpriv->rfkill.rfkill_state ? \"", "on\" : \"off\");\n\n\t\trtlpriv->rfkill.rfkill_state = radio_state;\n\n\t\tblocked = (rtlpriv->rfkill.rfkill_state == 1) ? ", "0 : 1;\n\t\twiphy_rfkill_set_hw_state(hw->wiphy, blocked);\n\t}\n\n\twiphy_rfkill_start_polling(hw->wiphy);\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(rtl_init_rfkill);\n\nvoid rtl_deinit_rfkill(struct ieee80211_hw *hw)\n{\n\twiphy_rfkill_stop_polling(hw->wiphy);\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(rtl_deinit_rfkill);\n\nint rtl_init_core(struct ieee80211_hw *hw)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\tstruct rtl_mac *rtlmac = rtl_mac(rtl_priv(hw));\n\n\t/* <1> init mac80211 */\n\t_rtl_init_mac80211(hw);\n\trtlmac->hw = hw;\n\n\t/* <2> rate control register */\n\thw->rate_control_algorithm = \"rtl_rc\";\n\n\t/*\n\t * <3> init CRDA must come after init\n\t * mac80211 hw in _rtl_init_mac80211.", "\n\t */\n\tif (rtl_regd_init(hw, rtl_reg_notifier)) {\n\t\tpr_err(\"REGD init failed\\n\");\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n\n\t/* <4> locks */\n\tmutex_init(&rtlpriv->locks.conf_mutex);\n\tspin_lock_init(&rtlpriv->locks.ips_lock);\n\tspin_lock_init(&rtlpriv->locks.irq_th_lock);\n\tspin_lock_init(&rtlpriv->locks.h2c_lock);\n\tspin_lock_init(&rtlpriv->locks.rf_ps_lock);\n\tspin_lock_init(&rtlpriv->locks.rf_lock);\n\tspin_lock_init(&rtlpriv->locks.waitq_lock);\n\tspin_lock_init(&rtlpriv->locks.entry_list_lock);\n\tspin_lock_init(&rtlpriv->locks.c2hcmd_lock);\n\tspin_lock_init(&rtlpriv->locks.cck_and_rw_pagea_lock);\n\tspin_lock_init(&rtlpriv->locks.check_sendpkt_lock);\n\tspin_lock_init(&rtlpriv->locks.fw_ps_lock);\n\tspin_lock_init(&rtlpriv->locks.lps_lock);\n\tspin_lock_init(&rtlpriv->locks.iqk_lock);\n\t/* <5> init list */\n\tINIT_LIST_HEAD(&rtlpriv->entry_list);\n\tINIT_LIST_HEAD(&rtlpriv->c2hcmd_list);\n\n\trtlmac->link_state = MAC80211_NOLINK;\n\n\t/* <6> init deferred work */\n\t_rtl_init_deferred_work(hw);\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(rtl_init_core);\n\nvoid rtl_deinit_core(struct ieee80211_hw *hw)\n{\n\trtl_c2hcmd_launcher(hw, 0);\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(rtl_deinit_core);\n\nvoid rtl_init_rx_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\tstruct rtl_mac *mac = rtl_mac(rtl_priv(hw));\n\n\trtlpriv->cfg->ops->get_hw_reg(hw, HW_VAR_RCR, (u8 *) (&mac->rx_conf));\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(rtl_init_rx_config);\n\n/*********************************************************\n *\n * tx information functions\n *\n *********************************************************/\nstatic void _rtl_qurey_shortpreamble_mode(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,\n\t\t\t\t\t struct rtl_tcb_desc *tcb_desc,\n\t\t\t\t\t struct ieee80211_tx_info *info)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\tu8 rate_flag = info->control.rates[0].flags;\n\n\ttcb_desc->use_shortpreamble = false;\n\n\t/* 1M can only use Long Preamble. ", "11B spec */\n\tif (tcb_desc->hw_rate == rtlpriv->cfg->maps[RTL_RC_CCK_RATE1M])\n\t\treturn;\n\telse if (rate_flag & IEEE80211_TX_RC_USE_SHORT_PREAMBLE)\n\t\ttcb_desc->use_shortpreamble = true;\n\n\treturn;\n}\n\nstatic void _rtl_query_shortgi(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,\n\t\t\t struct ieee80211_sta *sta,\n\t\t\t struct rtl_tcb_desc *tcb_desc,\n\t\t\t struct ieee80211_tx_info *info)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_mac *mac = rtl_mac(rtl_priv(hw));\n\tu8 rate_flag = info->control.rates[0].flags;\n\tu8 sgi_40 = 0, sgi_20 = 0, bw_40 = 0;\n\tu8 sgi_80 = 0, bw_80 = 0;\n\ttcb_desc->use_shortgi = false;\n\n\tif (sta == NULL)\n\t\treturn;\n\n\tsgi_40 = sta->ht_cap.cap & IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SGI_40;\n\tsgi_20 = sta->ht_cap.cap & IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SGI_20;\n\tsgi_80 = sta->vht_cap.cap & IEEE80211_VHT_CAP_SHORT_GI_80;\n\n\tif ((!", "sta->ht_cap.ht_supported) && (!", "sta->vht_cap.vht_supported))\n\t\treturn;\n\n\tif (!", "sgi_40 && !", "sgi_20)\n\t\treturn;\n\n\tif (mac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) {\n\t\tbw_40 = mac->bw_40;\n\t\tbw_80 = mac->bw_80;\n\t} else if (mac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP ||\n\t\t mac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC ||\n\t\t mac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_MESH_POINT) {\n\t\tbw_40 = sta->ht_cap.cap & IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SUP_WIDTH_20_40;\n\t\tbw_80 = sta->vht_cap.vht_supported;\n\t}\n\n\tif (bw_80) {\n\t\tif (sgi_80)\n\t\t\ttcb_desc->use_shortgi = true;\n\t\telse\n\t\t\ttcb_desc->use_shortgi = false;\n\t} else {\n\t\tif (bw_40 && sgi_40)\n\t\t\ttcb_desc->use_shortgi = true;\n\t\telse if (!", "bw_40 && sgi_20)\n\t\t\ttcb_desc->use_shortgi = true;\n\t}\n\n\tif (!(", "rate_flag & IEEE80211_TX_RC_SHORT_GI))\n\t\ttcb_desc->use_shortgi = false;\n}\n\nstatic void _rtl_query_protection_mode(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,\n\t\t\t\t struct rtl_tcb_desc *tcb_desc,\n\t\t\t\t struct ieee80211_tx_info *info)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\tu8 rate_flag = info->control.rates[0].flags;\n\n\t/* Common Settings */\n\ttcb_desc->rts_stbc = false;\n\ttcb_desc->cts_enable = false;\n\ttcb_desc->rts_sc = 0;\n\ttcb_desc->rts_bw = false;\n\ttcb_desc->rts_use_shortpreamble = false;\n\ttcb_desc->rts_use_shortgi = false;\n\n\tif (rate_flag & IEEE80211_TX_RC_USE_CTS_PROTECT) {\n\t\t/* Use CTS-to-SELF in protection mode. */", "\n\t\ttcb_desc->rts_enable = true;\n\t\ttcb_desc->cts_enable = true;\n\t\ttcb_desc->rts_rate = rtlpriv->cfg->maps[RTL_RC_OFDM_RATE24M];\n\t} else if (rate_flag & IEEE80211_TX_RC_USE_RTS_CTS) {\n\t\t/* Use RTS-CTS in protection mode. */", "\n\t\ttcb_desc->rts_enable = true;\n\t\ttcb_desc->rts_rate = rtlpriv->cfg->maps[RTL_RC_OFDM_RATE24M];\n\t}\n}\n\nstatic void _rtl_txrate_selectmode(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,\n\t\t\t\t struct ieee80211_sta *sta,\n\t\t\t\t struct rtl_tcb_desc *tcb_desc)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\tstruct rtl_mac *mac = rtl_mac(rtl_priv(hw));\n\tstruct rtl_sta_info *sta_entry = NULL;\n\tu8 ratr_index = 7;\n\n\tif (sta) {\n\t\tsta_entry = (struct rtl_sta_info *) sta->drv_priv;\n\t\tratr_index = sta_entry->ratr_index;\n\t}\n\tif (!", "tcb_desc->disable_ratefallback || !", "tcb_desc->use_driver_rate) {\n\t\tif (mac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) {\n\t\t\ttcb_desc->ratr_index = 0;\n\t\t} else if (mac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC ||\n\t\t\t\tmac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_MESH_POINT) {\n\t\t\tif (tcb_desc->multicast || tcb_desc->broadcast) {\n\t\t\t\ttcb_desc->hw_rate =\n\t\t\t\t rtlpriv->cfg->maps[RTL_RC_CCK_RATE2M];\n\t\t\t\ttcb_desc->use_driver_rate = 1;\n\t\t\t\ttcb_desc->ratr_index = RATR_INX_WIRELESS_MC;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\ttcb_desc->ratr_index = ratr_index;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else if (mac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP) {\n\t\t\ttcb_desc->ratr_index = ratr_index;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tif (rtlpriv->dm.useramask) {\n\t\ttcb_desc->ratr_index = ratr_index;\n\t\t/* TODO we will differentiate adhoc and station future */\n\t\tif (mac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION ||\n\t\t mac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_MESH_POINT) {\n\t\t\ttcb_desc->mac_id = 0;\n\n\t\t\tif (mac->mode == WIRELESS_MODE_AC_5G)\n\t\t\t\ttcb_desc->ratr_index =\n\t\t\t\t\tRATR_INX_WIRELESS_AC_5N;\n\t\t\telse if (mac->mode == WIRELESS_MODE_AC_24G)\n\t\t\t\ttcb_desc->ratr_index =\n\t\t\t\t\tRATR_INX_WIRELESS_AC_24N;\n\t\t\telse if (mac->mode == WIRELESS_MODE_N_24G)\n\t\t\t\ttcb_desc->ratr_index = RATR_INX_WIRELESS_NGB;\n\t\t\telse if (mac->mode == WIRELESS_MODE_N_5G)\n\t\t\t\ttcb_desc->ratr_index = RATR_INX_WIRELESS_NG;\n\t\t\telse if (mac->mode & WIRELESS_MODE_G)\n\t\t\t\ttcb_desc->ratr_index = RATR_INX_WIRELESS_GB;\n\t\t\telse if (mac->mode & WIRELESS_MODE_B)\n\t\t\t\ttcb_desc->ratr_index = RATR_INX_WIRELESS_B;\n\t\t\telse if (mac->mode & WIRELESS_MODE_A)\n\t\t\t\ttcb_desc->ratr_index = RATR_INX_WIRELESS_G;\n\n\t\t} else if (mac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP ||\n\t\t\tmac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC) {\n\t\t\tif (NULL !", "= sta) {\n\t\t\t\tif (sta->aid > 0)\n\t\t\t\t\ttcb_desc->mac_id = sta->aid + 1;\n\t\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\t\ttcb_desc->mac_id = 1;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\ttcb_desc->mac_id = 0;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\nstatic void _rtl_query_bandwidth_mode(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,\n\t\t\t\t struct ieee80211_sta *sta,\n\t\t\t\t struct rtl_tcb_desc *tcb_desc)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\tstruct rtl_mac *mac = rtl_mac(rtl_priv(hw));\n\n\ttcb_desc->packet_bw = false;\n\tif (!", "sta)\n\t\treturn;\n\tif (mac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP ||\n\t mac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC ||\n\t mac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_MESH_POINT) {\n\t\tif (!(", "sta->ht_cap.ht_supported) ||\n\t\t !(", "sta->ht_cap.cap & IEEE80211_HT_CAP_SUP_WIDTH_20_40))\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t} else if (mac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) {\n\t\tif (!", "mac->bw_40 || !(", "sta->ht_cap.ht_supported))\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\tif (tcb_desc->multicast || tcb_desc->broadcast)\n\t\treturn;\n\n\t/*use legency rate, shall use 20MHz */\n\tif (tcb_desc->hw_rate <= rtlpriv->cfg->maps[RTL_RC_OFDM_RATE54M])\n\t\treturn;\n\n\ttcb_desc->packet_bw = HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20_40;\n\n\tif (rtlpriv->rtlhal.hw_type == HARDWARE_TYPE_RTL8812AE ||\n\t rtlpriv->rtlhal.hw_type == HARDWARE_TYPE_RTL8821AE) {\n\t\tif (mac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP ||\n\t\t mac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC ||\n\t\t mac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_MESH_POINT) {\n\t\t\tif (!(", "sta->vht_cap.vht_supported))\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t} else if (mac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) {\n\t\t\tif (!", "mac->bw_80 ||\n\t\t\t !(", "sta->vht_cap.vht_supported))\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (tcb_desc->hw_rate <=\n\t\t\trtlpriv->cfg->maps[RTL_RC_HT_RATEMCS15])\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\ttcb_desc->packet_bw = HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_80;\n\t}\n}\n\nstatic u8 _rtl_get_vht_highest_n_rate(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,\n\t\t\t\t struct ieee80211_sta *sta)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\tstruct rtl_phy *rtlphy = &(rtlpriv->phy);\n\tu8 hw_rate;\n\tu16 tx_mcs_map = le16_to_cpu(sta->vht_cap.vht_mcs.tx_mcs_map);\n\n\tif ((get_rf_type(rtlphy) == RF_2T2R) &&\n\t (tx_mcs_map & 0x000c) !", "= 0x000c) {\n\t\tif ((tx_mcs_map & 0x000c) >> 2 ==\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_MCS_SUPPORT_0_7)\n\t\t\thw_rate =\n\t\t\trtlpriv->cfg->maps[RTL_RC_VHT_RATE_2SS_MCS7];\n\t\telse if ((tx_mcs_map & 0x000c) >> 2 ==\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_MCS_SUPPORT_0_8)\n\t\t\thw_rate =\n\t\t\trtlpriv->cfg->maps[RTL_RC_VHT_RATE_2SS_MCS9];\n\t\telse\n\t\t\thw_rate =\n\t\t\trtlpriv->cfg->maps[RTL_RC_VHT_RATE_2SS_MCS9];\n\t} else {\n\t\tif ((tx_mcs_map & 0x0003) ==\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_MCS_SUPPORT_0_7)\n\t\t\thw_rate =\n\t\t\trtlpriv->cfg->maps[RTL_RC_VHT_RATE_1SS_MCS7];\n\t\telse if ((tx_mcs_map & 0x0003) ==\n\t\t\tIEEE80211_VHT_MCS_SUPPORT_0_8)\n\t\t\thw_rate =\n\t\t\trtlpriv->cfg->maps[RTL_RC_VHT_RATE_1SS_MCS9];\n\t\telse\n\t\t\thw_rate =\n\t\t\trtlpriv->cfg->maps[RTL_RC_VHT_RATE_1SS_MCS9];\n\t}\n\n\treturn hw_rate;\n}\n\nstatic u8 _rtl_get_highest_n_rate(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,\n\t\t\t\t struct ieee80211_sta *sta)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\tstruct rtl_phy *rtlphy = &rtlpriv->phy;\n\tu8 hw_rate;\n\n\tif ((get_rf_type(rtlphy) == RF_2T2R) &&\n\t (sta->ht_cap.mcs.rx_mask[1] !", "= 0))\n\t\thw_rate = rtlpriv->cfg->maps[RTL_RC_HT_RATEMCS15];\n\telse\n\t\thw_rate = rtlpriv->cfg->maps[RTL_RC_HT_RATEMCS7];\n\n\treturn hw_rate;\n}\n\n/* mac80211's rate_idx is like this:\n *\n * 2.4G band:rx_status->band == NL80211_BAND_2GHZ\n *\n * B/G rate:\n * (rx_status->flag & RX_FLAG_HT) = 0,\n * DESC_RATE1M-->DESC_RATE54M ==> idx is 0-->11,\n *\n * N rate:\n * (rx_status->flag & RX_FLAG_HT) = 1,\n * DESC_RATEMCS0-->DESC_RATEMCS15 ==> idx is 0-->15\n *\n * 5G band:rx_status->band == NL80211_BAND_5GHZ\n * A rate:\n * (rx_status->flag & RX_FLAG_HT) = 0,\n * DESC_RATE6M-->DESC_RATE54M ==> idx is 0-->7,\n *\n * N rate:\n * (rx_status->flag & RX_FLAG_HT) = 1,\n * DESC_RATEMCS0-->DESC_RATEMCS15 ==> idx is 0-->15\n *\n * VHT rates:\n * DESC_RATEVHT1SS_MCS0-->DESC_RATEVHT1SS_MCS9 ==> idx is 0-->9\n * DESC_RATEVHT2SS_MCS0-->DESC_RATEVHT2SS_MCS9 ==> idx is 0-->9\n */\nint rtlwifi_rate_mapping(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, bool isht, bool isvht,\n\t\t\t u8 desc_rate)\n{\n\tint rate_idx;\n\n\tif (isvht) {\n\t\tswitch (desc_rate) {\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEVHT1SS_MCS0:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 0;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEVHT1SS_MCS1:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 1;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEVHT1SS_MCS2:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 2;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEVHT1SS_MCS3:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 3;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEVHT1SS_MCS4:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 4;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEVHT1SS_MCS5:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 5;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEVHT1SS_MCS6:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 6;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEVHT1SS_MCS7:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 7;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEVHT1SS_MCS8:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 8;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEVHT1SS_MCS9:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 9;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEVHT2SS_MCS0:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 0;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEVHT2SS_MCS1:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 1;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEVHT2SS_MCS2:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 2;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEVHT2SS_MCS3:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 3;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEVHT2SS_MCS4:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 4;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEVHT2SS_MCS5:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 5;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEVHT2SS_MCS6:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 6;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEVHT2SS_MCS7:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 7;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEVHT2SS_MCS8:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 8;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEVHT2SS_MCS9:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 9;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 0;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn rate_idx;\n\t}\n\tif (false == isht) {\n\t\tif (NL80211_BAND_2GHZ == hw->conf.chandef.chan->band) {\n\t\t\tswitch (desc_rate) {\n\t\t\tcase DESC_RATE1M:\n\t\t\t\trate_idx = 0;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase DESC_RATE2M:\n\t\t\t\trate_idx = 1;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase DESC_RATE5_5M:\n\t\t\t\trate_idx = 2;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase DESC_RATE11M:\n\t\t\t\trate_idx = 3;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase DESC_RATE6M:\n\t\t\t\trate_idx = 4;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase DESC_RATE9M:\n\t\t\t\trate_idx = 5;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase DESC_RATE12M:\n\t\t\t\trate_idx = 6;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase DESC_RATE18M:\n\t\t\t\trate_idx = 7;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase DESC_RATE24M:\n\t\t\t\trate_idx = 8;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase DESC_RATE36M:\n\t\t\t\trate_idx = 9;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase DESC_RATE48M:\n\t\t\t\trate_idx = 10;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase DESC_RATE54M:\n\t\t\t\trate_idx = 11;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\t\trate_idx = 0;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tswitch (desc_rate) {\n\t\t\tcase DESC_RATE6M:\n\t\t\t\trate_idx = 0;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase DESC_RATE9M:\n\t\t\t\trate_idx = 1;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase DESC_RATE12M:\n\t\t\t\trate_idx = 2;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase DESC_RATE18M:\n\t\t\t\trate_idx = 3;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase DESC_RATE24M:\n\t\t\t\trate_idx = 4;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase DESC_RATE36M:\n\t\t\t\trate_idx = 5;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase DESC_RATE48M:\n\t\t\t\trate_idx = 6;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase DESC_RATE54M:\n\t\t\t\trate_idx = 7;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\t\trate_idx = 0;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\tswitch (desc_rate) {\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEMCS0:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 0;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEMCS1:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 1;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEMCS2:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 2;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEMCS3:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 3;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEMCS4:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 4;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEMCS5:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 5;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEMCS6:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 6;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEMCS7:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 7;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEMCS8:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 8;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEMCS9:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 9;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEMCS10:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 10;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEMCS11:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 11;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEMCS12:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 12;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEMCS13:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 13;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEMCS14:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 14;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase DESC_RATEMCS15:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 15;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\trate_idx = 0;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn rate_idx;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(rtlwifi_rate_mapping);\n\nvoid rtl_get_tcb_desc(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,\n\t\t struct ieee80211_tx_info *info,\n\t\t struct ieee80211_sta *sta,\n\t\t struct sk_buff *skb, struct rtl_tcb_desc *tcb_desc)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\tstruct rtl_mac *rtlmac = rtl_mac(rtl_priv(hw));\n\tstruct ieee80211_hdr *hdr = rtl_get_hdr(skb);\n\tstruct ieee80211_rate *txrate;\n\t__le16 fc = rtl_get_fc(skb);\n\n\ttxrate = ieee80211_get_tx_rate(hw, info);\n\tif (txrate)\n\t\ttcb_desc->hw_rate = txrate->hw_value;\n\n\tif (ieee80211_is_data(fc)) {\n\t\t/*\n\t\t *we set data rate INX 0\n\t\t *in rtl_rc.c if skb is special data or\n\t\t *mgt which need low data rate.", "\n\t\t */\n\n\t\t/*\n\t\t *So tcb_desc->hw_rate is just used for\n\t\t *special data and mgt frames\n\t\t */\n\t\tif (info->control.rates[0].idx == 0 ||\n\t\t\t\tieee80211_is_nullfunc(fc)) {\n\t\t\ttcb_desc->use_driver_rate = true;\n\t\t\ttcb_desc->ratr_index = RATR_INX_WIRELESS_MC;\n\n\t\t\ttcb_desc->disable_ratefallback = 1;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t/*\n\t\t\t *because hw will nerver use hw_rate\n\t\t\t *when tcb_desc->use_driver_rate = false\n\t\t\t *so we never set highest N rate here,\n\t\t\t *and N rate will all be controlled by FW\n\t\t\t *when tcb_desc->use_driver_rate = false\n\t\t\t */\n\t\t\tif (sta && sta->vht_cap.vht_supported) {\n\t\t\t\ttcb_desc->hw_rate =\n\t\t\t\t_rtl_get_vht_highest_n_rate(hw, sta);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tif (sta && (sta->ht_cap.ht_supported)) {\n\t\t\t\t\ttcb_desc->hw_rate =\n\t\t\t\t\t\t_rtl_get_highest_n_rate(hw, sta);\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tif (rtlmac->mode == WIRELESS_MODE_B) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttcb_desc->hw_rate =\n\t\t\t\t\t\t rtlpriv->cfg->maps[RTL_RC_CCK_RATE11M];\n\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttcb_desc->hw_rate =\n\t\t\t\t\t\t rtlpriv->cfg->maps[RTL_RC_OFDM_RATE54M];\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (is_multicast_ether_addr(ieee80211_get_DA(hdr)))\n\t\t\ttcb_desc->multicast = 1;\n\t\telse if (is_broadcast_ether_addr(ieee80211_get_DA(hdr)))\n\t\t\ttcb_desc->broadcast = 1;\n\n\t\t_rtl_txrate_selectmode(hw, sta, tcb_desc);\n\t\t_rtl_query_bandwidth_mode(hw, sta, tcb_desc);\n\t\t_rtl_qurey_shortpreamble_mode(hw, tcb_desc, info);\n\t\t_rtl_query_shortgi(hw, sta, tcb_desc, info);\n\t\t_rtl_query_protection_mode(hw, tcb_desc, info);\n\t} else {\n\t\ttcb_desc->use_driver_rate = true;\n\t\ttcb_desc->ratr_index = RATR_INX_WIRELESS_MC;\n\t\ttcb_desc->disable_ratefallback = 1;\n\t\ttcb_desc->mac_id = 0;\n\t\ttcb_desc->packet_bw = false;\n\t}\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(rtl_get_tcb_desc);\n\nbool rtl_tx_mgmt_proc(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_mac *mac = rtl_mac(rtl_priv(hw));\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\t__le16 fc = rtl_get_fc(skb);\n\n\tif (rtlpriv->dm.supp_phymode_switch &&\n\t mac->link_state < MAC80211_LINKED &&\n\t (ieee80211_is_auth(fc) || ieee80211_is_probe_req(fc))) {\n\t\tif (rtlpriv->cfg->ops->chk_switch_dmdp)\n\t\t\trtlpriv->cfg->ops->chk_switch_dmdp(hw);\n\t}\n\tif (ieee80211_is_auth(fc)) {\n\t\tRT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEND, DBG_DMESG, \"MAC80211_LINKING\\n\");\n\t\trtl_ips_nic_on(hw);\n\n\t\tmac->link_state = MAC80211_LINKING;\n\t\t/* Dul mac */\n\t\trtlpriv->phy.need_iqk = true;\n\n\t}\n\n\treturn true;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(rtl_tx_mgmt_proc);\n\nstruct sk_buff *rtl_make_del_ba(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 *sa,\n\t\t\t\tu8 *bssid, u16 tid);\n\nstatic void process_agg_start(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,\n\t\t\t struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr, u16 tid)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\tstruct ieee80211_rx_status rx_status = { 0 };\n\tstruct sk_buff *skb_delba = NULL;\n\n\tskb_delba = rtl_make_del_ba(hw, hdr->addr2, hdr->addr3, tid);\n\tif (skb_delba) {\n\t\trx_status.freq = hw->conf.chandef.chan->center_freq;\n\t\trx_status.band = hw->conf.chandef.chan->band;\n\t\trx_status.flag |= RX_FLAG_DECRYPTED;\n\t\trx_status.flag |= RX_FLAG_MACTIME_START;\n\t\trx_status.rate_idx = 0;\n\t\trx_status.signal = 50 + 10;\n\t\tmemcpy(IEEE80211_SKB_RXCB(skb_delba),\n\t\t &rx_status, sizeof(rx_status));\n\t\tRT_PRINT_DATA(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG,\n\t\t\t \"fake del\\n\",\n\t\t\t skb_delba->data,\n\t\t\t skb_delba->len);\n\t\tieee80211_rx_irqsafe(hw, skb_delba);\n\t}\n}\n\nbool rtl_action_proc(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb, u8 is_tx)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_mac *mac = rtl_mac(rtl_priv(hw));\n\tstruct ieee80211_hdr *hdr = rtl_get_hdr(skb);\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\t__le16 fc = rtl_get_fc(skb);\n\tu8 *act = (u8 *)(((u8 *)skb->data + MAC80211_3ADDR_LEN));\n\tu8 category;\n\n\tif (!", "ieee80211_is_action(fc))\n\t\treturn true;\n\n\tcategory = *act;\n\tact++;\n\tswitch (category) {\n\tcase ACT_CAT_BA:\n\t\tswitch (*act) {\n\t\tcase ACT_ADDBAREQ:\n\t\t\tif (mac->act_scanning)\n\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\n\t\t\tRT_TRACE(rtlpriv, (COMP_SEND | COMP_RECV), DBG_DMESG,\n\t\t\t\t\"%s ACT_ADDBAREQ From :%pM\\n\",\n\t\t\t\tis_tx ? \"", "Tx\" : \"Rx\", hdr->addr2);\n\t\t\tRT_PRINT_DATA(rtlpriv, COMP_INIT, DBG_DMESG, \"req\\n\",\n\t\t\t\tskb->data, skb->len);\n\t\t\tif (!", "is_tx) {\n\t\t\t\tstruct ieee80211_sta *sta = NULL;\n\t\t\t\tstruct rtl_sta_info *sta_entry = NULL;\n\t\t\t\tstruct rtl_tid_data *tid_data;\n\t\t\t\tstruct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt = (void *)skb->data;\n\t\t\t\tu16 capab = 0, tid = 0;\n\n\t\t\t\trcu_read_lock();\n\t\t\t\tsta = rtl_find_sta(hw, hdr->addr3);\n\t\t\t\tif (sta == NULL) {\n\t\t\t\t\tRT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEND | COMP_RECV,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t DBG_DMESG, \"sta is NULL\\n\");\n\t\t\t\t\trcu_read_unlock();\n\t\t\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tsta_entry =\n\t\t\t\t\t(struct rtl_sta_info *)sta->drv_priv;\n\t\t\t\tif (!", "sta_entry) {\n\t\t\t\t\trcu_read_unlock();\n\t\t\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tcapab =\n\t\t\t\t le16_to_cpu(mgmt->u.action.u.addba_req.capab);\n\t\t\t\ttid = (capab &\n\t\t\t\t IEEE80211_ADDBA_PARAM_TID_MASK) >> 2;\n\t\t\t\ttid_data = &sta_entry->tids[tid];\n\t\t\t\tif (tid_data->agg.rx_agg_state ==\n\t\t\t\t RTL_RX_AGG_START)\n\t\t\t\t\tprocess_agg_start(hw, hdr, tid);\n\t\t\t\trcu_read_unlock();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase ACT_ADDBARSP:\n\t\t\tRT_TRACE(rtlpriv, (COMP_SEND | COMP_RECV), DBG_DMESG,\n\t\t\t\t \"%s ACT_ADDBARSP From :%pM\\n\",\n\t\t\t\t is_tx ? \"", "Tx\" : \"Rx\", hdr->addr2);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase ACT_DELBA:\n\t\t\tRT_TRACE(rtlpriv, (COMP_SEND | COMP_RECV), DBG_DMESG,\n\t\t\t\t \"ACT_ADDBADEL From :%pM\\n\", hdr->addr2);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t\tbreak;\n\tdefault:\n\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n\n\treturn true;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(rtl_action_proc);\n\nstatic void setup_arp_tx(struct rtl_priv *rtlpriv, struct rtl_ps_ctl *ppsc)\n{\n\tstruct ieee80211_hw *hw = rtlpriv->hw;\n\n\trtlpriv->ra.is_special_data = true;\n\tif (rtlpriv->cfg->ops->get_btc_status())\n\t\trtlpriv->btcoexist.btc_ops->btc_special_packet_notify(\n\t\t\t\t\trtlpriv, 1);\n\trtl_lps_leave(hw);\n\tppsc->last_delaylps_stamp_jiffies = jiffies;\n}\n\n/*should call before software enc*/\nu8 rtl_is_special_data(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb, u8 is_tx,\n\t\t bool is_enc)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\tstruct rtl_ps_ctl *ppsc = rtl_psc(rtl_priv(hw));\n\t__le16 fc = rtl_get_fc(skb);\n\tu16 ether_type;\n\tu8 mac_hdr_len = ieee80211_get_hdrlen_from_skb(skb);\n\tu8 encrypt_header_len = 0;\n\tu8 offset;\n\tconst struct iphdr *ip;\n\n\tif (!", "ieee80211_is_data(fc))\n\t\tgoto end;\n\n\tswitch (rtlpriv->sec.pairwise_enc_algorithm) {\n\tcase WEP40_ENCRYPTION:\n\tcase WEP104_ENCRYPTION:\n\t\tencrypt_header_len = 4;/*WEP_IV_LEN*/\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase TKIP_ENCRYPTION:\n\t\tencrypt_header_len = 8;/*TKIP_IV_LEN*/\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase AESCCMP_ENCRYPTION:\n\t\tencrypt_header_len = 8;/*CCMP_HDR_LEN;*/\n\t\tbreak;\n\tdefault:\n\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n\n\toffset = mac_hdr_len + SNAP_SIZE;\n\tif (is_enc)\n\t\toffset += encrypt_header_len;\n\tether_type = be16_to_cpup((__be16 *)(skb->data + offset));\n\n\tif (ETH_P_IP == ether_type) {\n\t\tip = (struct iphdr *)((u8 *)skb->data + offset +\n\t\t PROTOC_TYPE_SIZE);\n\t\tif (IPPROTO_UDP == ip->protocol) {\n\t\t\tstruct udphdr *udp = (struct udphdr *)((u8 *)ip +\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t (ip->ihl << 2));\n\t\t\tif (((((u8 *)udp)[1] == 68) &&\n\t\t\t (((u8 *)udp)[3] == 67)) ||\n\t\t\t ((((u8 *)udp)[1] == 67) &&\n\t\t\t (((u8 *)udp)[3] == 68))) {\n\t\t\t\t/* 68 : UDP BOOTP client\n\t\t\t\t * 67 : UDP BOOTP server\n\t\t\t\t */\n\t\t\t\tRT_TRACE(rtlpriv, (COMP_SEND | COMP_RECV),\n\t\t\t\t\t DBG_DMESG, \"dhcp %s !!", "\\n\",\n\t\t\t\t\t (is_tx) ? \"", "Tx\" : \"Rx\");\n\n\t\t\t\tif (is_tx)\n\t\t\t\t\tsetup_arp_tx(rtlpriv, ppsc);\n\t\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t} else if (ETH_P_ARP == ether_type) {\n\t\tif (is_tx)\n\t\t\tsetup_arp_tx(rtlpriv, ppsc);\n\n\t\treturn true;\n\t} else if (ETH_P_PAE == ether_type) {\n\t\tRT_TRACE(rtlpriv, (COMP_SEND | COMP_RECV), DBG_DMESG,\n\t\t\t \"802.1X %s EAPOL pkt!!\\n\", (is_tx) ? \"", "Tx\" : \"Rx\");\n\n\t\tif (is_tx) {\n\t\t\trtlpriv->ra.is_special_data = true;\n\t\t\trtl_lps_leave(hw);\n\t\t\tppsc->last_delaylps_stamp_jiffies = jiffies;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn true;\n\t} else if (ETH_P_IPV6 == ether_type) {\n\t\t/* TODO: Handle any IPv6 cases that need special handling.", "\n\t\t * For now, always return false\n\t\t */\n\t\tgoto end;\n\t}\n\nend:\n\trtlpriv->ra.is_special_data = false;\n\treturn false;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(rtl_is_special_data);\n\n/*********************************************************\n *\n * functions called by core.c\n *\n *********************************************************/\nint rtl_tx_agg_start(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif,\n\t\t struct ieee80211_sta *sta, u16 tid, u16 *ssn)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\tstruct rtl_tid_data *tid_data;\n\tstruct rtl_sta_info *sta_entry = NULL;\n\n\tif (sta == NULL)\n\t\treturn -EINVAL;\n\n\tif (unlikely(tid >= MAX_TID_COUNT))\n\t\treturn -EINVAL;\n\n\tsta_entry = (struct rtl_sta_info *)sta->drv_priv;\n\tif (!", "sta_entry)\n\t\treturn -ENXIO;\n\ttid_data = &sta_entry->tids[tid];\n\n\tRT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEND, DBG_DMESG,\n\t\t \"on ra = %pM tid = %d seq:%d\\n\", sta->addr, tid,\n\t\t tid_data->seq_number);\n\n\t*ssn = tid_data->seq_number;\n\ttid_data->agg.agg_state = RTL_AGG_START;\n\n\tieee80211_start_tx_ba_cb_irqsafe(vif, sta->addr, tid);\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nint rtl_tx_agg_stop(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_vif *vif,\n\t\t struct ieee80211_sta *sta, u16 tid)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\tstruct rtl_tid_data *tid_data;\n\tstruct rtl_sta_info *sta_entry = NULL;\n\n\tif (sta == NULL)\n\t\treturn -EINVAL;\n\n\tRT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEND, DBG_DMESG,\n\t\t \"on ra = %pM tid = %d\\n\", sta->addr, tid);\n\n\tif (unlikely(tid >= MAX_TID_COUNT))\n\t\treturn -EINVAL;\n\n\tsta_entry = (struct rtl_sta_info *)sta->drv_priv;\n\ttid_data = &sta_entry->tids[tid];\n\tsta_entry->tids[tid].agg.agg_state = RTL_AGG_STOP;\n\n\tieee80211_stop_tx_ba_cb_irqsafe(vif, sta->addr, tid);\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nint rtl_rx_agg_start(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,\n\t\t struct ieee80211_sta *sta, u16 tid)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\tstruct rtl_tid_data *tid_data;\n\tstruct rtl_sta_info *sta_entry = NULL;\n\n\tif (sta == NULL)\n\t\treturn -EINVAL;\n\n\tif (unlikely(tid >= MAX_TID_COUNT))\n\t\treturn -EINVAL;\n\n\tsta_entry = (struct rtl_sta_info *)sta->drv_priv;\n\tif (!", "sta_entry)\n\t\treturn -ENXIO;\n\ttid_data = &sta_entry->tids[tid];\n\n\tRT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_RECV, DBG_DMESG,\n\t\t \"on ra = %pM tid = %d seq:%d\\n\", sta->addr, tid,\n\t\t tid_data->seq_number);\n\n\ttid_data->agg.rx_agg_state = RTL_RX_AGG_START;\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nint rtl_rx_agg_stop(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,\n\t\t struct ieee80211_sta *sta, u16 tid)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\tstruct rtl_sta_info *sta_entry = NULL;\n\n\tif (sta == NULL)\n\t\treturn -EINVAL;\n\n\tRT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEND, DBG_DMESG,\n\t\t \"on ra = %pM tid = %d\\n\", sta->addr, tid);\n\n\tif (unlikely(tid >= MAX_TID_COUNT))\n\t\treturn -EINVAL;\n\n\tsta_entry = (struct rtl_sta_info *)sta->drv_priv;\n\tsta_entry->tids[tid].agg.rx_agg_state = RTL_RX_AGG_STOP;\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\nint rtl_tx_agg_oper(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,\n\t\tstruct ieee80211_sta *sta, u16 tid)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\tstruct rtl_sta_info *sta_entry = NULL;\n\n\tif (sta == NULL)\n\t\treturn -EINVAL;\n\n\tRT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_SEND, DBG_DMESG,\n\t\t \"on ra = %pM tid = %d\\n\", sta->addr, tid);\n\n\tif (unlikely(tid >= MAX_TID_COUNT))\n\t\treturn -EINVAL;\n\n\tsta_entry = (struct rtl_sta_info *)sta->drv_priv;\n\tsta_entry->tids[tid].agg.agg_state = RTL_AGG_OPERATIONAL;\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\n/*********************************************************\n *\n * wq & timer callback functions\n *\n *********************************************************/\n/* this function is used for roaming */\nvoid rtl_beacon_statistic(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\tstruct ieee80211_hdr *hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *)skb->data;\n\n\tif (rtlpriv->mac80211.opmode !", "= NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION)\n\t\treturn;\n\n\tif (rtlpriv->mac80211.link_state < MAC80211_LINKED)\n\t\treturn;\n\n\t/* check if this really is a beacon */\n\tif (!", "ieee80211_is_beacon(hdr->frame_control) &&\n\t !", "ieee80211_is_probe_resp(hdr->frame_control))\n\t\treturn;\n\n\t/* min. ", "beacon length + FCS_LEN */\n\tif (skb->len <= 40 + FCS_LEN)\n\t\treturn;\n\n\t/* and only beacons from the associated BSSID, please */\n\tif (!", "ether_addr_equal(hdr->addr3, rtlpriv->mac80211.bssid))\n\t\treturn;\n\n\trtlpriv->link_info.bcn_rx_inperiod++;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(rtl_beacon_statistic);\n\nvoid rtl_watchdog_wq_callback(void *data)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_works *rtlworks = container_of_dwork_rtl(data,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t struct rtl_works,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t watchdog_wq);\n\tstruct ieee80211_hw *hw = rtlworks->hw;\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\tstruct rtl_hal *rtlhal = rtl_hal(rtl_priv(hw));\n\tstruct rtl_mac *mac = rtl_mac(rtl_priv(hw));\n\tbool busytraffic = false;\n\tbool tx_busy_traffic = false;\n\tbool rx_busy_traffic = false;\n\tbool higher_busytraffic = false;\n\tbool higher_busyrxtraffic = false;\n\tu8 idx, tid;\n\tu32 rx_cnt_inp4eriod = 0;\n\tu32 tx_cnt_inp4eriod = 0;\n\tu32 aver_rx_cnt_inperiod = 0;\n\tu32 aver_tx_cnt_inperiod = 0;\n\tu32 aver_tidtx_inperiod[MAX_TID_COUNT] = {0};\n\tu32 tidtx_inp4eriod[MAX_TID_COUNT] = {0};\n\n\tif (is_hal_stop(rtlhal))\n\t\treturn;\n\n\t/* <1> Determine if action frame is allowed */\n\tif (mac->link_state > MAC80211_NOLINK) {\n\t\tif (mac->cnt_after_linked < 20)\n\t\t\tmac->cnt_after_linked++;\n\t} else {\n\t\tmac->cnt_after_linked = 0;\n\t}\n\n\t/* <2> to check if traffic busy, if\n\t * busytraffic we don't change channel\n\t */\n\tif (mac->link_state >= MAC80211_LINKED) {\n\n\t\t/* (1) get aver_rx_cnt_inperiod & aver_tx_cnt_inperiod */\n\t\tfor (idx = 0; idx <= 2; idx++) {\n\t\t\trtlpriv->link_info.num_rx_in4period[idx] =\n\t\t\t rtlpriv->link_info.num_rx_in4period[idx + 1];\n\t\t\trtlpriv->link_info.num_tx_in4period[idx] =\n\t\t\t rtlpriv->link_info.num_tx_in4period[idx + 1];\n\t\t}\n\t\trtlpriv->link_info.num_rx_in4period[3] =\n\t\t rtlpriv->link_info.num_rx_inperiod;\n\t\trtlpriv->link_info.num_tx_in4period[3] =\n\t\t rtlpriv->link_info.num_tx_inperiod;\n\t\tfor (idx = 0; idx <= 3; idx++) {\n\t\t\trx_cnt_inp4eriod +=\n\t\t\t rtlpriv->link_info.num_rx_in4period[idx];\n\t\t\ttx_cnt_inp4eriod +=\n\t\t\t rtlpriv->link_info.num_tx_in4period[idx];\n\t\t}\n\t\taver_rx_cnt_inperiod = rx_cnt_inp4eriod / 4;\n\t\taver_tx_cnt_inperiod = tx_cnt_inp4eriod / 4;\n\n\t\t/* (2) check traffic busy */\n\t\tif (aver_rx_cnt_inperiod > 100 || aver_tx_cnt_inperiod > 100) {\n\t\t\tbusytraffic = true;\n\t\t\tif (aver_rx_cnt_inperiod > aver_tx_cnt_inperiod)\n\t\t\t\trx_busy_traffic = true;\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\ttx_busy_traffic = false;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t/* Higher Tx/Rx data. */", "\n\t\tif (aver_rx_cnt_inperiod > 4000 ||\n\t\t aver_tx_cnt_inperiod > 4000) {\n\t\t\thigher_busytraffic = true;\n\n\t\t\t/* Extremely high Rx data. */", "\n\t\t\tif (aver_rx_cnt_inperiod > 5000)\n\t\t\t\thigher_busyrxtraffic = true;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t/* check every tid's tx traffic */\n\t\tfor (tid = 0; tid <= 7; tid++) {\n\t\t\tfor (idx = 0; idx <= 2; idx++)\n\t\t\t\trtlpriv->link_info.tidtx_in4period[tid][idx] =\n\t\t\t\t\trtlpriv->link_info.tidtx_in4period[tid]\n\t\t\t\t\t[idx + 1];\n\t\t\trtlpriv->link_info.tidtx_in4period[tid][3] =\n\t\t\t\trtlpriv->link_info.tidtx_inperiod[tid];\n\n\t\t\tfor (idx = 0; idx <= 3; idx++)\n\t\t\t\ttidtx_inp4eriod[tid] +=\n\t\t\t\t rtlpriv->link_info.tidtx_in4period[tid][idx];\n\t\t\taver_tidtx_inperiod[tid] = tidtx_inp4eriod[tid] / 4;\n\t\t\tif (aver_tidtx_inperiod[tid] > 5000)\n\t\t\t\trtlpriv->link_info.higher_busytxtraffic[tid] =\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttrue;\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\trtlpriv->link_info.higher_busytxtraffic[tid] =\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfalse;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (((rtlpriv->link_info.num_rx_inperiod +\n\t\t rtlpriv->link_info.num_tx_inperiod) > 8) ||\n\t\t (rtlpriv->link_info.num_rx_inperiod > 2))\n\t\t\trtl_lps_leave(hw);\n\t\telse\n\t\t\trtl_lps_enter(hw);\n\t}\n\n\trtlpriv->link_info.num_rx_inperiod = 0;\n\trtlpriv->link_info.num_tx_inperiod = 0;\n\tfor (tid = 0; tid <= 7; tid++)\n\t\trtlpriv->link_info.tidtx_inperiod[tid] = 0;\n\n\trtlpriv->link_info.busytraffic = busytraffic;\n\trtlpriv->link_info.higher_busytraffic = higher_busytraffic;\n\trtlpriv->link_info.rx_busy_traffic = rx_busy_traffic;\n\trtlpriv->link_info.tx_busy_traffic = tx_busy_traffic;\n\trtlpriv->link_info.higher_busyrxtraffic = higher_busyrxtraffic;\n\n\t/* <3> DM */\n\tif (!", "rtlpriv->cfg->mod_params->disable_watchdog)\n\t\trtlpriv->cfg->ops->dm_watchdog(hw);\n\n\t/* <4> roaming */\n\tif (mac->link_state == MAC80211_LINKED &&\n\t mac->opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION) {\n\t\tif ((rtlpriv->link_info.bcn_rx_inperiod +\n\t\t rtlpriv->link_info.num_rx_inperiod) == 0) {\n\t\t\trtlpriv->link_info.roam_times++;\n\t\t\tRT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_ERR, DBG_DMESG,\n\t\t\t\t \"AP off for %d s\\n\",\n\t\t\t\t(rtlpriv->link_info.roam_times * 2));\n\n\t\t\t/* if we can't recv beacon for 10s,\n\t\t\t * we should reconnect this AP\n\t\t\t */\n\t\t\tif (rtlpriv->link_info.roam_times >= 5) {\n\t\t\t\tpr_err(\"AP off, try to reconnect now\\n\");\n\t\t\t\trtlpriv->link_info.roam_times = 0;\n\t\t\t\tieee80211_connection_loss(\n\t\t\t\t\trtlpriv->mac80211.vif);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\trtlpriv->link_info.roam_times = 0;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tif (rtlpriv->cfg->ops->get_btc_status())\n\t\trtlpriv->btcoexist.btc_ops->btc_periodical(rtlpriv);\n\n\trtlpriv->link_info.bcn_rx_inperiod = 0;\n}\n\nvoid rtl_watch_dog_timer_callback(unsigned long data)\n{\n\tstruct ieee80211_hw *hw = (struct ieee80211_hw *)data;\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\n\tqueue_delayed_work(rtlpriv->works.rtl_wq,\n\t\t\t &rtlpriv->works.watchdog_wq, 0);\n\n\tmod_timer(&rtlpriv->works.watchdog_timer,\n\t\t jiffies + MSECS(RTL_WATCH_DOG_TIME));\n}\nvoid rtl_fwevt_wq_callback(void *data)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_works *rtlworks =\n\t\tcontainer_of_dwork_rtl(data, struct rtl_works, fwevt_wq);\n\tstruct ieee80211_hw *hw = rtlworks->hw;\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\n\trtlpriv->cfg->ops->c2h_command_handle(hw);\n}\n\nvoid rtl_c2hcmd_enqueue(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 tag, u8 len, u8 *val)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\tunsigned long flags;\n\tstruct rtl_c2hcmd *c2hcmd;\n\n\tc2hcmd = kmalloc(sizeof(*c2hcmd),\n\t\t\t in_interrupt() ? ", "GFP_ATOMIC : GFP_KERNEL);\n\n\tif (!", "c2hcmd)\n\t\tgoto label_err;\n\n\tc2hcmd->val = kmalloc(len,\n\t\t\t in_interrupt() ? ", "GFP_ATOMIC : GFP_KERNEL);\n\n\tif (!", "c2hcmd->val)\n\t\tgoto label_err2;\n\n\t/* fill data */\n\tc2hcmd->tag = tag;\n\tc2hcmd->len = len;\n\tmemcpy(c2hcmd->val, val, len);\n\n\t/* enqueue */\n\tspin_lock_irqsave(&rtlpriv->locks.c2hcmd_lock, flags);\n\n\tlist_add_tail(&c2hcmd->list, &rtlpriv->c2hcmd_list);\n\n\tspin_unlock_irqrestore(&rtlpriv->locks.c2hcmd_lock, flags);\n\n\t/* wake up wq */\n\tqueue_delayed_work(rtlpriv->works.rtl_wq, &rtlpriv->works.c2hcmd_wq, 0);\n\n\treturn;\n\nlabel_err2:\n\tkfree(c2hcmd);\n\nlabel_err:\n\tRT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_CMD, DBG_WARNING,\n\t\t \"C2H cmd enqueue fail.\\n\");\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(rtl_c2hcmd_enqueue);\n\nvoid rtl_c2hcmd_launcher(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, int exec)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\tunsigned long flags;\n\tstruct rtl_c2hcmd *c2hcmd;\n\tint i;\n\n\tfor (i = 0; i < 200; i++) {\n\t\t/* dequeue a task */\n\t\tspin_lock_irqsave(&rtlpriv->locks.c2hcmd_lock, flags);\n\n\t\tc2hcmd = list_first_entry_or_null(&rtlpriv->c2hcmd_list,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t struct rtl_c2hcmd, list);\n\n\t\tif (c2hcmd)\n\t\t\tlist_del(&c2hcmd->list);\n\n\t\tspin_unlock_irqrestore(&rtlpriv->locks.c2hcmd_lock, flags);\n\n\t\t/* do it */\n\t\tif (!", "c2hcmd)\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\n\t\tif (rtlpriv->cfg->ops->c2h_content_parsing && exec)\n\t\t\trtlpriv->cfg->ops->c2h_content_parsing(hw,\n\t\t\t\t\tc2hcmd->tag, c2hcmd->len, c2hcmd->val);\n\n\t\t/* free */\n\t\tkfree(c2hcmd->val);\n\n\t\tkfree(c2hcmd);\n\t}\n}\n\nvoid rtl_c2hcmd_wq_callback(void *data)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_works *rtlworks = container_of_dwork_rtl(data,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t struct rtl_works,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t c2hcmd_wq);\n\tstruct ieee80211_hw *hw = rtlworks->hw;\n\n\trtl_c2hcmd_launcher(hw, 1);\n}\n\nvoid rtl_easy_concurrent_retrytimer_callback(unsigned long data)\n{\n\tstruct ieee80211_hw *hw = (struct ieee80211_hw *)data;\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\tstruct rtl_priv *buddy_priv = rtlpriv->buddy_priv;\n\n\tif (buddy_priv == NULL)\n\t\treturn;\n\n\trtlpriv->cfg->ops->dualmac_easy_concurrent(hw);\n}\n/*********************************************************\n *\n * frame process functions\n *\n *********************************************************/\nu8 *rtl_find_ie(u8 *data, unsigned int len, u8 ie)\n{\n\tstruct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt = (void *)data;\n\tu8 *pos, *end;\n\n\tpos = (u8 *)mgmt->u.beacon.variable;\n\tend = data + len;\n\twhile (pos < end) {\n\t\tif (pos + 2 + pos[1] > end)\n\t\t\treturn NULL;\n\n\t\tif (pos[0] == ie)\n\t\t\treturn pos;\n\n\t\tpos += 2 + pos[1];\n\t}\n\treturn NULL;\n}\n\n/* when we use 2 rx ants we send IEEE80211_SMPS_OFF */\n/* when we use 1 rx ant we send IEEE80211_SMPS_STATIC */\nstatic struct sk_buff *rtl_make_smps_action(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,\n\t\t\t\t enum ieee80211_smps_mode smps,\n\t\t\t\t u8 *da, u8 *bssid)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_efuse *rtlefuse = rtl_efuse(rtl_priv(hw));\n\tstruct sk_buff *skb;\n\tstruct ieee80211_mgmt *action_frame;\n\n\t/* 27 = header + category + action + smps mode */\n\tskb = dev_alloc_skb(27 + hw->extra_tx_headroom);\n\tif (!", "skb)\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\n\tskb_reserve(skb, hw->extra_tx_headroom);\n\taction_frame = (void *)skb_put(skb, 27);\n\tmemset(action_frame, 0, 27);\n\tmemcpy(action_frame->da, da, ETH_ALEN);\n\tmemcpy(action_frame->sa, rtlefuse->dev_addr, ETH_ALEN);\n\tmemcpy(action_frame->bssid, bssid, ETH_ALEN);\n\taction_frame->frame_control = cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT |\n\t\t\t\t\t\t IEEE80211_STYPE_ACTION);\n\taction_frame->u.action.category = WLAN_CATEGORY_HT;\n\taction_frame->u.action.u.ht_smps.action = WLAN_HT_ACTION_SMPS;\n\tswitch (smps) {\n\tcase IEEE80211_SMPS_AUTOMATIC:/* 0 */\n\tcase IEEE80211_SMPS_NUM_MODES:/* 4 */\n\t\tWARN_ON(1);\n\t/* Here will get a 'MISSING_BREAK' in Coverity Test, just ignore it.", "\n\t * According to Kernel Code, here is right.", "\n\t */\n\tcase IEEE80211_SMPS_OFF:/* 1 */ /*MIMO_PS_NOLIMIT*/\n\t\taction_frame->u.action.u.ht_smps.smps_control =\n\t\t\t\tWLAN_HT_SMPS_CONTROL_DISABLED;/* 0 */\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase IEEE80211_SMPS_STATIC:/* 2 */ /*MIMO_PS_STATIC*/\n\t\taction_frame->u.action.u.ht_smps.smps_control =\n\t\t\t\tWLAN_HT_SMPS_CONTROL_STATIC;/* 1 */\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase IEEE80211_SMPS_DYNAMIC:/* 3 */ /*MIMO_PS_DYNAMIC*/\n\t\taction_frame->u.action.u.ht_smps.smps_control =\n\t\t\t\tWLAN_HT_SMPS_CONTROL_DYNAMIC;/* 3 */\n\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n\n\treturn skb;\n}\n\nint rtl_send_smps_action(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,\n\t\t\t struct ieee80211_sta *sta,\n\t\t\t enum ieee80211_smps_mode smps)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\tstruct rtl_hal *rtlhal = rtl_hal(rtl_priv(hw));\n\tstruct rtl_ps_ctl *ppsc = rtl_psc(rtl_priv(hw));\n\tstruct sk_buff *skb = NULL;\n\tstruct rtl_tcb_desc tcb_desc;\n\tu8 bssid[ETH_ALEN] = {0};\n\n\tmemset(&tcb_desc, 0, sizeof(struct rtl_tcb_desc));\n\n\tif (rtlpriv->mac80211.act_scanning)\n\t\tgoto err_free;\n\n\tif (!", "sta)\n\t\tgoto err_free;\n\n\tif (unlikely(is_hal_stop(rtlhal) || ppsc->rfpwr_state !", "= ERFON))\n\t\tgoto err_free;\n\n\tif (!", "test_bit(RTL_STATUS_INTERFACE_START, &rtlpriv->status))\n\t\tgoto err_free;\n\n\tif (rtlpriv->mac80211.opmode == NL80211_IFTYPE_AP)\n\t\tmemcpy(bssid, rtlpriv->efuse.dev_addr, ETH_ALEN);\n\telse\n\t\tmemcpy(bssid, rtlpriv->mac80211.bssid, ETH_ALEN);\n\n\tskb = rtl_make_smps_action(hw, smps, sta->addr, bssid);\n\t/* this is a type = mgmt * stype = action frame */\n\tif (skb) {\n\t\tstruct ieee80211_tx_info *info = IEEE80211_SKB_CB(skb);\n\t\tstruct rtl_sta_info *sta_entry =\n\t\t\t(struct rtl_sta_info *) sta->drv_priv;\n\t\tsta_entry->mimo_ps = smps;\n\t\t/* rtlpriv->cfg->ops->update_rate_tbl(hw, sta, 0); */\n\n\t\tinfo->control.rates[0].idx = 0;\n\t\tinfo->band = hw->conf.chandef.chan->band;\n\t\trtlpriv->intf_ops->adapter_tx(hw, sta, skb, &tcb_desc);\n\t}\n\treturn 1;\n\nerr_free:\n\treturn 0;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(rtl_send_smps_action);\n\nvoid rtl_phy_scan_operation_backup(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 operation)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\tstruct rtl_hal *rtlhal = rtl_hal(rtl_priv(hw));\n\tenum io_type iotype;\n\n\tif (!", "is_hal_stop(rtlhal)) {\n\t\tswitch (operation) {\n\t\tcase SCAN_OPT_BACKUP:\n\t\t\tiotype = IO_CMD_PAUSE_DM_BY_SCAN;\n\t\t\trtlpriv->cfg->ops->set_hw_reg(hw,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t HW_VAR_IO_CMD,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t (u8 *)&iotype);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase SCAN_OPT_RESTORE:\n\t\t\tiotype = IO_CMD_RESUME_DM_BY_SCAN;\n\t\t\trtlpriv->cfg->ops->set_hw_reg(hw,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t HW_VAR_IO_CMD,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t (u8 *)&iotype);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\tpr_err(\"Unknown Scan Backup operation.\\n\");\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL(rtl_phy_scan_operation_backup);\n\n/* because mac80211 have issues when can receive del ba\n * so here we just make a fake del_ba if we receive a ba_req\n * but rx_agg was opened to let mac80211 release some ba\n * related resources, so please this del_ba for tx\n */\nstruct sk_buff *rtl_make_del_ba(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,\n\t\t\t\tu8 *sa, u8 *bssid, u16 tid)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_efuse *rtlefuse = rtl_efuse(rtl_priv(hw));\n\tstruct sk_buff *skb;\n\tstruct ieee80211_mgmt *action_frame;\n\tu16 params;\n\n\t/* 27 = header + category + action + smps mode */\n\tskb = dev_alloc_skb(34 + hw->extra_tx_headroom);\n\tif (!", "skb)\n\t\treturn NULL;\n\n\tskb_reserve(skb, hw->extra_tx_headroom);\n\taction_frame = (void *)skb_put(skb, 34);\n\tmemset(action_frame, 0, 34);\n\tmemcpy(action_frame->sa, sa, ETH_ALEN);\n\tmemcpy(action_frame->da, rtlefuse->dev_addr, ETH_ALEN);\n\tmemcpy(action_frame->bssid, bssid, ETH_ALEN);\n\taction_frame->frame_control = cpu_to_le16(IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT |\n\t\t\t\t\t\t IEEE80211_STYPE_ACTION);\n\taction_frame->u.action.category = WLAN_CATEGORY_BACK;\n\taction_frame->u.action.u.delba.action_code = WLAN_ACTION_DELBA;\n\tparams = (u16)(1 << 11);\t/* bit 11 initiator */\n\tparams |= (u16)(tid << 12);\t/* bit 15:12 TID number */\n\n\taction_frame->u.action.u.delba.params = cpu_to_le16(params);\n\taction_frame->u.action.u.delba.reason_code =\n\t\tcpu_to_le16(WLAN_REASON_QSTA_TIMEOUT);\n\n\treturn skb;\n}\n\n/*********************************************************\n *\n * IOT functions\n *\n *********************************************************/\nstatic bool rtl_chk_vendor_ouisub(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,\n\t\t\t\t struct octet_string vendor_ie)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\tbool matched = false;\n\tstatic u8 athcap_1[] = { 0x00, 0x03, 0x7F };\n\tstatic u8 athcap_2[] = { 0x00, 0x13, 0x74 };\n\tstatic u8 broadcap_1[] = { 0x00, 0x10, 0x18 };\n\tstatic u8 broadcap_2[] = { 0x00, 0x0a, 0xf7 };\n\tstatic u8 broadcap_3[] = { 0x00, 0x05, 0xb5 };\n\tstatic u8 racap[] = { 0x00, 0x0c, 0x43 };\n\tstatic u8 ciscocap[] = { 0x00, 0x40, 0x96 };\n\tstatic u8 marvcap[] = { 0x00, 0x50, 0x43 };\n\n\tif (memcmp(vendor_ie.octet, athcap_1, 3) == 0 ||\n\t\tmemcmp(vendor_ie.octet, athcap_2, 3) == 0) {\n\t\trtlpriv->mac80211.vendor = PEER_ATH;\n\t\tmatched = true;\n\t} else if (memcmp(vendor_ie.octet, broadcap_1, 3) == 0 ||\n\t\tmemcmp(vendor_ie.octet, broadcap_2, 3) == 0 ||\n\t\tmemcmp(vendor_ie.octet, broadcap_3, 3) == 0) {\n\t\trtlpriv->mac80211.vendor = PEER_BROAD;\n\t\tmatched = true;\n\t} else if (memcmp(vendor_ie.octet, racap, 3) == 0) {\n\t\trtlpriv->mac80211.vendor = PEER_RAL;\n\t\tmatched = true;\n\t} else if (memcmp(vendor_ie.octet, ciscocap, 3) == 0) {\n\t\trtlpriv->mac80211.vendor = PEER_CISCO;\n\t\tmatched = true;\n\t} else if (memcmp(vendor_ie.octet, marvcap, 3) == 0) {\n\t\trtlpriv->mac80211.vendor = PEER_MARV;\n\t\tmatched = true;\n\t}\n\n\treturn matched;\n}\n\nstatic bool rtl_find_221_ie(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 *data,\n\t\tunsigned int len)\n{\n\tstruct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt = (void *)data;\n\tstruct octet_string vendor_ie;\n\tu8 *pos, *end;\n\n\tpos = (u8 *)mgmt->u.beacon.variable;\n\tend = data + len;\n\twhile (pos < end) {\n\t\tif (pos[0] == 221) {\n\t\t\tvendor_ie.length = pos[1];\n\t\t\tvendor_ie.octet = &pos[2];\n\t\t\tif (rtl_chk_vendor_ouisub(hw, vendor_ie))\n\t\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (pos + 2 + pos[1] > end)\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\n\t\tpos += 2 + pos[1];\n\t}\n\treturn false;\n}\n\nvoid rtl_recognize_peer(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 *data, unsigned int len)\n{\n\tstruct rtl_priv *rtlpriv = rtl_priv(hw);\n\tstruct rtl_mac *mac = rtl_mac(rtl_priv(hw));\n\tstruct ieee80211_hdr *hdr = (void *)data;\n\tu32 vendor = PEER_UNKNOWN;\n\n\tstatic u8 ap3_1[3] = { 0x00, 0x14, 0xbf };\n\tstatic u8 ap3_2[3] = { 0x00, 0x1a, 0x70 };\n\tstatic u8 ap3_3[3] = { 0x00, 0x1d, 0x7e };\n\tstatic u8 ap4_1[3] = { 0x00, 0x90, 0xcc };\n\tstatic u8 ap4_2[3] = { 0x00, 0x0e, 0x2e };\n\tstatic u8 ap4_3[3] = { 0x00, 0x18, 0x02 };\n\tstatic u8 ap4_4[3] = { 0x00, 0x17, 0x3f };\n\tstatic u8 ap4_5[3] = { 0x00, 0x1c, 0xdf };\n\tstatic u8 ap5_1[3] = { 0x00, 0x1c, 0xf0 };\n\tstatic u8 ap5_2[3] = { 0x00, 0x21, 0x91 };\n\tstatic u8 ap5_3[3] = { 0x00, 0x24, 0x01 };\n\tstatic u8 ap5_4[3] = { 0x00, 0x15, 0xe9 };\n\tstatic u8 ap5_5[3] = { 0x00, 0x17, 0x9A };\n\tstatic u8 ap5_6[3] = { 0x00, 0x18, 0xE7 };\n\tstatic u8 ap6_1[3] = { 0x00, 0x17, 0x94 };\n\tstatic u8 ap7_1[3] = { 0x00, 0x14, 0xa4 };\n\n\tif (mac->opmode !", "= NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION)\n\t\treturn;\n\n\tif (mac->link_state == MAC80211_NOLINK) {\n\t\tmac->vendor = PEER_UNKNOWN;\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\n\tif (mac->cnt_after_linked > 2)\n\t\treturn;\n\n\t/* check if this really is a beacon */\n\tif (!", "ieee80211_is_beacon(hdr->frame_control))\n\t\treturn;\n\n\t/* min. ", "beacon length + FCS_LEN */\n\tif (len <= 40 + FCS_LEN)\n\t\treturn;\n\n\t/* and only beacons from the associated BSSID, please */\n\tif (!", "ether_addr_equal_64bits(hdr->addr3, rtlpriv->mac80211.bssid))\n\t\treturn;\n\n\tif (rtl_find_221_ie(hw, data, len))\n\t\tvendor = mac->vendor;\n\n\tif ((memcmp(mac->bssid, ap5_1, 3) == 0) ||\n\t\t(memcmp(mac->bssid, ap5_2, 3) == 0) ||\n\t\t(memcmp(mac->bssid, ap5_3, 3) == 0) ||\n\t\t(memcmp(mac->bssid, ap5_4, 3) == 0) ||\n\t\t(memcmp(mac->bssid, ap5_5, 3) == 0) ||\n\t\t(memcmp(mac->bssid, ap5_6, 3) == 0) ||\n\t\tvendor == PEER_ATH) {\n\t\tvendor = PEER_ATH;\n\t\tRT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, \"=>ath find\\n\");\n\t} else if ((memcmp(mac->bssid, ap4_4, 3) == 0) ||\n\t\t(memcmp(mac->bssid, ap4_5, 3) == 0) ||\n\t\t(memcmp(mac->bssid, ap4_1, 3) == 0) ||\n\t\t(memcmp(mac->bssid, ap4_2, 3) == 0) ||\n\t\t(memcmp(mac->bssid, ap4_3, 3) == 0) ||\n\t\tvendor == PEER_RAL) {\n\t\tRT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, \"=>ral find\\n\");\n\t\tvendor = PEER_RAL;\n\t} else if (memcmp(mac->bssid, ap6_1, 3) == 0 ||\n\t\tvendor == PEER_CISCO) {\n\t\tvendor = PEER_CISCO;\n\t\tRT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, \"=>cisco find\\n\");\n\t} else if ((memcmp(mac->bssid, ap3_1, 3) == 0) ||\n\t\t(memcmp(mac->bssid, ap3_2, 3) == 0) ||\n\t\t(memcmp(mac->bssid, ap3_3, 3) == 0) ||\n\t\tvendor == PEER_BROAD) {\n\t\tRT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, \"=>broad find\\n\");\n\t\tvendor = PEER_BROAD;\n\t} else if (memcmp(mac->bssid, ap7_1, 3) == 0 ||\n\t\tvendor == PEER_MARV) {\n\t\tvendor = PEER_MARV;\n\t\tRT_TRACE(rtlpriv, COMP_MAC80211, DBG_LOUD, \"=>marv find\\n\");\n\t}\n\n\tmac->vendor = vendor;\n}\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(rtl_recognize_peer);\n\nMODULE_AUTHOR(\"lizhaoming\t<chaoming_li@realsil.com.cn>\");\nMODULE_AUTHOR(\"Realtek WlanFAE\t<wlanfae@realtek.com>\");\nMODULE_AUTHOR(\"Larry Finger\t<Larry.FInger@lwfinger.net>\");\nMODULE_LICENSE(\"GPL\");\nMODULE_DESCRIPTION(\"Realtek 802.11n PCI wireless core\");\n\nstruct rtl_global_var rtl_global_var = {};\nEXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(rtl_global_var);\n\nstatic int __init rtl_core_module_init(void)\n{\n\tif (rtl_rate_control_register())\n\t\tpr_err(\"rtl: Unable to register rtl_rc, use default RC !!", "\\n\");\n\n\t/* init some global vars */\n\tINIT_LIST_HEAD(&rtl_global_var.glb_priv_list);\n\tspin_lock_init(&rtl_global_var.glb_list_lock);\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic void __exit rtl_core_module_exit(void)\n{\n\t/*RC*/\n\trtl_rate_control_unregister();\n}\n\nmodule_init(rtl_core_module_init);\nmodule_exit(rtl_core_module_exit);\n" ]
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[ "Ultrasound findings in post-operative jejunojejunal intussusception.", "\nThe case is reported of an 11-year-old boy, who developed bowel obstruction after surgical exploration of a kidney transplant. ", "An ultrasound study showed a jejunojejunal intussusception." ]
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[ "Proposals to replace the Official Secrets Act with beefed up legislation could create a “new journalistic ice age” and have been condemned as like something from Stasi-era East Germany.", "\n\nThe Guardian has said it believes the recommendations for new legislation from the Law Comission were prompted by Edward Snowden’s mass leak of information about UK and US government surveillance techniques to the paper.", "\n\nThe Law Commission recommends that the original Official Secrets Act of 1911 should be repealed and replaced with an Espionage Act.", "\n\nThe current legislation was drafted to protect Britain’s secrets from Germany before World War One and states that defendants “engaged in the espionage type conduct, must have intended for it to benefit an enemy”.", "\n\nThe new proposed law states this offence can be committed by “someone who not only communicates information” but also “by someone\n\nwho obtains or gathers information” – i.e. a journalist.", "\n\nThe consultation also suggests that maximum sentences for breaching Official Secrets Act style offences should be increased from two years to 14 years in prison.", "\n\nThe current maximum sentence “does not reflect the relative ease with which individuals may, by digital means, disclose vast amounts of sensitive information”, the Law Commission notes.", "\n\nNo related posts.", "\n\nThe consultation also suggests a broadening of the scope of information covered by secrecy legislation.", "\n\nIt states: “We invite consultees’ views on whether information that relates to the economy ought to be brought within the scope of the legislation. ", "One way to define this category is to specify that it only encompasses information that affects the economic wellbeing of the United Kingdom in so far as it relates to national security.”", "\n\nThis suggests that journalists could be imprisoned for obtaining and publishing information about the Government’s Brexit strategy.", "\n\nCurrent legislation states prosecutors must prove “information disclosed damaged or was likely to damage specified interests”.", "\n\nAgain the the Law Commission wants to toughen and broaden this: “We suggest remodelling the offences so that they focus not upon the consequences of the unauthorised disclosure, but upon whether the defendant knew or had reasonable cause to believe the disclosure was capable of causing damage.", "\n\n“It is the culpability of the defendant in making an unauthorised disclosure being aware of the risk of damage that should be the core of the offence; not whether damage did or did not occur.”", "\n\nThe Law Commission has ruled out including any statutory public interest defence for journalism.", "\n\nIt states: “Such a defence would allow someone to disclose information with potentially very damaging consequences.", "\n\n“The person making the unauthorised disclosure is not best placed to make decisions about national security and the public interest; the person would not be guaranteed the defence if they did make the disclosure because the jury might subsequently disagree that it was in the public interest and by then the damage has been done.”", "\n\nThe Law Commission suggests whistleblowers should raise concerns in the first instance to an Investigatory Powers Commissioner, rather than a journalist.", "\n\nThe review states: “It is our view that the introduction of a statutory public interest defence solely for journalists could be considered arbitrary, given that there are other professionals who might violate the criminal law in the pursuit of their legitimate activities.”", "\n\nThe Guardian said in a leader column that the Law Commission “proposes powers that would herald a new journalistic ice age”.", "\n\n“Anyone that published an intelligence- or foreign affairs-related story based on a leak would be open to criminal charges,” the paper said.", "\n\n“Reporters, as well as the whistleblowers whose stories they tell, would be under threat of sentences of up to 14 years, regardless of the public interest and even if there were no likelihood of damage.”", "\n\nThe Times said in a leader column on the same issue: “There was once another country that considered economic wellbeing and policy as matters of national security, and outsiders who delved too deeply into them punishable as spies.", "\n\n“It was called East Germany and it was the most oppressive police state in history.", "\n\n“Cybersecurity is not a matter to be taken lightly and the government is naturally anxious not to jeopardise Brexit negotiations, but neither of these considerations justifies putting legitimate whistleblowers or journalists who publish their information at risk of jail.", "\n\n“There is no shortage of laws on the statute book with which to punish those who steal or misuse official secrets. ", "But official Britain is already far too fond of secrets and public interest journalism is already under grave legal and commercial threat.", "\n\n“The Cabinet Office should thank the Law Commission for its ideas, and reject them.”", "\n\nThe Law Commission has invited responses on its proposals to change the law and the submission deadline is 3 April." ]
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[ "Drivers in Europe have paid €150bn more on fuel than they would have if their vehicles had performed as well on-the-road as in official laboratory-based tests, according to a new report.", "\n\nCar companies have legally gamed official tests of fuel economy for many years by, for example, using very hard tyres during tests or taking out equipment to make cars lighter. ", "The gap between test and actual performance has soared from 9% in 2000 to 42% today.", "\n\nAnalysts at research and campaign group Transport & Environment have now calculated that this difference cost motorists in Europe €150bn (£136bn) in extra fuel between 2000 and 2017. ", "UK drivers paid €3.5bn more in 2017 alone, and a total of €24bn since 2000.", "\n\nA new more realistic lab test is now in place but the European commission uncovered new evidence in July that this was also being gamed by carmakers. ", "This means the increases in fuel efficiency being demanded by the EU as part of its action on climate change are still being undermined and drivers will continue to use more fuel than policymakers intend.", "\n\nGreg Archer, at Transport & Environment, said carmakers’ claims of big improvements in fuel consumption are illusory: “Despite regulations to reduce emissions, there has been no real-world improvement in CO2 emissions for five years and just a 10% improvement since 2000 – far less than the industry like to claim. ", "The victims are citizens that have paid out €150bn for more fuel and are also suffering the consequences of unchecked climate change.”", "\n\nA spokeswoman for the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) said: “It is a matter of fact that technological improvements to new cars have resulted in major CO2 reductions in the past decades, leading to important savings for consumers.”", "\n\nUntil recently, all cars underwent a lab-based fuel efficiency test called NEDC. ", "But legal loopholes allowed manufacturers to produce much lower emissions in the tests than on the road, thereby undermining an EU drive towards lower carbon emissions and more economical motoring.", "\n\nSome discrepancy between a standardised test and real world driving is expected, so the Transport & Environment calculations used the 9% gap in 2000 as a starting point. ", "It then worked out how much less fuel drivers in Europe would have needed if that gap had remained constant, rather than rising to 42%. ", "As well as costing motorists more, the gap means CO2 emissions from cars were 47m tonnes more than intended by the regulations in 2017 alone.", "\n\nA new more rigorous test, called WLTP, applies to all new cars sold from September 2018 and it is far more reflective of real world driving, being longer and involving faster accelerations. ", "It also eliminates some of the test loopholes.", "\n\nHowever, the European commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) found evidence that car makers were still gaming the new test, although in an unexpected way – to report higher emissions. ", "The rationale for this is that the new WLTP will be used as a baseline for the 15% CO2 reductions proposed by the commission for cars by 2025.", "\n\nTactics used were starting tests with a depleted battery, meaning more fuel was used to charge it up, and switching up gears more slowly, so the engine speed was faster for longer. ", "These inflated the results by 4.5% on average and up to 13% for some vehicles, the JRC said. ", "Transport & Environment said the gaming could mean carmakers have to deliver just half the emissions reductions intended.", "\n\n“ACEA fully agrees that CO2 values should not be artificially increased on purpose in any way that would undermine the post-2020 CO2 targets,” the spokeswoman said, adding that the issue “is not an industry-wide problem”. ", "All companies should ensure future CO2 reductions are not delivered by optimisation of the testing procedure, she said.", "\n\nA separate report from the UK’s RAC Foundation has found that tens of thousands of popular cars will be unable to use a new fuel that may be introduced to cut carbon emissions. ", "Regular petrol already contains 5% bioethanol, which is produced from plants, but ministers are proposing to increase that to 10%.", "\n\nHowever, 634,000 cars would be incompatible with E10 fuel by 2020, according to the analysis. ", "Many are vintage vehicles but some are popular family cars, including 28,000 VW Golfs and 16,000 Nissan Micras. ", "A current government consultation suggests that larger garages offering E10 in future must also offer standard E5 as well." ]
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[ "Rugby Europe Women's Championship\n\nIn rugby union, the Women's European Championship (or - as it is also known - the European Nations Cup and the European Trophy) is an international competition contested between women's national teams who are members of Rugby Europe (known from 1999 to 2014 as FIRA - Association of European Rugby, and FIRA before that). ", "The competition has its origins in a four nation \"European Cup\" held in 1988 but did not become an official FIRA competition until 1995. ", "The competition has grown significantly and is some years attracts sufficient entrants for it to be divided into two \"Pools\" (A and B) with the eight highest ranked entrants in any year (based on Rugby Europe rankings) in Pool A.\n\nSince 2000 only the winner of the tournament held in between the World Cups (every four years, as highlighted) is officially recognised \"European Champions\", although teams winning tournaments in other years are often unofficially also described as \"European Champions\". ", "This can cause some confusion, not least because the structure of the four-yearly tournament is invariably identical to the annual event. ", "To make identification easier the competitions in the four yearly cycle are highlighted.", "\n\nThe only major difference between the \"official\" European Championships and other tournaments is that in the latter, between 2001 and 2007, England and France tended not to send their full strength national squads to the competition - though until 2007 they still played as \"England\" or \"France\". ", "This has resulted in some confusion about the status of games played by these nations - England do not consider their games to be full internationals (or \"tests\") and do not award caps, whereas while France also do not give caps to their players in such matches, they do recognise the games as tests matches. ", "FIRA and all other competing nations consider all the games to be \"tests\".", "\n\nThe 2009 tournament acted as Europe's qualification tournament for the World Cup (all entrants sending full strength squads), after which the test match status problem was finally resolved. ", "From 2010 onwards it was announced that the non-Championship tournaments would be known as the \"European Trophy\" and any Six Nations entrants would officially be \"A\" sides (though in 2010 Italy, as they had not qualified for the 2010 World Cup, entered their full strength squad).", "\n\nChampionship and \"Pool A\" tournaments\n\nPerformance of nations\n\nAll tournaments\n\nOfficial FIRA tournaments\n - 4 titles, 3 runners-up, 1 third, 3 fourths\n - 4 titles, 1 runner-up, 2 thirds, 1 fourth\n - 3 titles, 5 runners-up, 3 thirds\n - 3 titles, 1 runner-up, 2 thirds, 2 fourth\n - 2 titles, 1 runner-up, 2 thirds, 1 fourth\n - 1 title, 1 runner-up, 2 thirds, 2 fourth\n - 2 runners-up, 2 third, 4 fourths\n - 1 runner-up, 1 fourth\n - 1 third, 1 fourth\n - 1 third\n - 1 third\n\n\"European Championships\"\n - 5 titles, 1 runner-up, 2 fourths\n - 2 titles, 1 runner-up, 1 third, 1 fourth\n - 1 title, 3 runners-up, 1 third\n - 1 runner-up, 2 thirds, 1 fourth\n - 1 runner-up, 1 fourth\n - 1 runner-up\n - 2 thirds\n - 1 third, 2 fourths\n - 1 third\n\n\"Pool B\" tournaments\n\nPerformance of nations\n - 2 titles, 3 runners-up\n - 2 titles, 1 third\n - 2 titles\n French Flanders - 1 title\n French Universities - 1 title\n - 2 runners-up, 4 thirds\n - 1 runner-up, 2 fourths\n - 1 runner-up, 2 thirds\n French Defence - 1 runner-up\n - 1 third\n - 2 fourths\n - 1 fourth\n - 1 fourth\n\nSee also\nWomen's international rugby\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nFIRA website\n\n \nCategory:Women's rugby union competitions in Europe for national teams\nRugby\nWomen's" ]
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[ "Posttraumatic bacterial arthritis with luxation of the elbow. ", "A case report.", "\nTrauma predisposes an individual to bacterial arthritis. ", "This report describes a case of posttraumatic bacterial arthritis with luxation of the elbow. ", "It was necessary to perform synovectomy as a complement to systemic antibiotic treatment in order to control infection and reduce the dislocation. ", "The use of external fixation is demonstrated." ]
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[ "Thursday, 13 May 2010\n\nLove sewing? ", "Love birds?", "\n\nWe've just come across this cute bird box sewing kit at Clothkits. ", "This kit makes four decorative birds and contains gingham, floral, polka dot and felt fabric as well as beads, buttons, stuffing and ribbon. ", "The box can be turned into a home for the birds. ", "Go create your own Lulabirds!" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nMake div only as long as parent\n\nI have an area where users can searc:\n <div id=\"questions-container\">\n<div>\n <div id=\"searchbar-region\">\n <div>\n <div class=\"input-group\">\n <span class=\"input-group-addon\" id=\"basic-addon1\">\n <span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-search\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></span>\n </span>\n <input id=\"search\" class=\"form-control\" placeholder=\"Rechercher\" value=\"\" type=\"text\">\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div id=\"categories-region\">\n <div>\n <div class=\"dropdown\">\n <button class=\"default-dropdown dropdown-toggle\" type=\"button\" id=\"dropdownMenu1\" data-toggle=\"dropdown\">\n <span id=\"category\" class=\"pull-left\">Toutes catégories</span>\n <div class=\"pull-right\"><span class=\"caret\"></span></div>\n </button>\n <ul id=\"categories\" class=\"dropdown-menu\" role=\"menu\" aria-labelledby=\"dropdownMenu1\">\n <li><a href=\"#\" class=\"category\" role=\"menuitem\" tabindex=\"-1\">\n Toutes catégories\n </a>\n </li>\n </ul>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div id=\"items-region\" class=\"left-panel-items\">\n <div>\n <div class=\"btn-group-vertical\" role=\"group\">\n <div class=\"btn btn-default\">\n <div class=\"text-left\">\n À quand remonte votre dernier examen medical?", "\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"btn btn-default\">\n <div class=\"text-left\">\n Avez vous des démangeaisons?", "\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n</div>\n\nThe idea is, I have a div and inside is:\nA search bar.", "\nA category dropdown.", "\na list of questions.", "\n\nNormally this div which contains these things has a height proportional to the window height because it reaches the bottom of the page.", "\nSo if I only have a few questions, the div's height does not change.", "\nIf I have lots of questions, I easily find the div's height to be 4,000px.", "\nThis causes the div itself to have an overflow instead of the items-region. ", "The items-region should not go any furthur such that the parent div never has to get bigger.", "\nAll this to say, I want the items-region div to correctly overflow. ", "I do not want its parent to get bigger and overflow instead because then I end up scrolling the search bar out of sight.", "\n\nA:\n\nGive the parent a height, and also give the child a max-height equal to less than the parent height (and any child padding). ", " \n<div style=\"height: 400px;\">\n <div style=\"max-height: 390px; overflow-y:auto;\">\n <div style=\"height: 5000px; background:red\">Simulated long block</div>\n </div>\n</div>\n\nNow the both the child and parent block will only take up 400px and will be scrollable if the content inside it exceeds 390px.", "\nLike this: http://codepen.io/ovdojoey/pen/WvqQNm\n\n" ]
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[ { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 1439, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 1403 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 2043, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 2036 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 2585, "entity_type": "PERSON", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 2564 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 2880, "entity_type": "URL", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "UrlRecognizer_140094861343568", "recognizer_name": "UrlRecognizer" }, "score": 0.6, "start": 2843 } ]
[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention generally relates to a data compression method and a data compression apparatus, which are used for compressing data by omitting redundant parts contained in various kinds of data, such as character codes and image data-and, more particularly, to a data compression method and a data compression apparatus which employ a dictionary coding scheme utilizing similarity of data sequences.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nVarious kinds of data, such as character codes and image data, are being handled by information processors, such as computers. ", "Consequently, the quantity of data handled by information processors is increasing. ", "Such a large quantity of data usually contains redundant data strings. ", "Storage capacity for storing data can be reduced in an information processor by performing compression processing for omitting such redundant parts. ", "Further, data transmission capacity can be reduced in the information processor by using compressed data. ", "Thus, a data transmission time can be shortened.", "\nThe LZ77 compression method and the LZ78 compression method have been known as typical data compression methods using the dictionary coding scheme. ", "The LZ77 compression method can obtain a sufficient compression ratio by performing a simpler process, as compared with the LZ78 compression method. ", "Consequently, the LZ77 compression method is mainly employed for practical use. ", "Therefore, the LZ77 compression method is described hereinbelow.", "\nIncidentally, the present invention can be applied not only to compression of character codes but to that of various kinds of data. ", "However, hereunder, each of data represented in word units will be referred to as a “character” (of an alphabet), and data of an arbitrary number of consecutive words will be referred to as a “character string or sequence”, based on information theory.", "\nAccording to the LZ77 compression method, as illustrated in FIG. ", "1, a sliding or search buffer 1 of predetermined capacity (incidentally, 16 characters in this example illustrated in this figure) is provided. ", "A character string “defabqaaaacabcde” 2a having already been coded and compressed is stored in this buffer. ", "Subsequently, an encoder searches the sliding buffer for a character string “abcd” 2c which is the maximum or longest match between the stored character string 2a and an input character string 2b “abcdaaaq . . . ” ", "to be encoded. ", "The relative address of the position of the character string 2c found as the longest match is 5 (incidentally, this indicates that the character string 2c starts 5 characters back from the start of the input character string 2b). ", "Further, the match length, namely, the length of the found character string is 4. ", "Then, the relative address and the match length are encoded. ", "Moreover, in the input character string 2b, the character string “abcd” 2c, which is the last longest match, is replaced with a codeword or token (5,4) and thus compressed.", "\nSubsequently, the sliding buffer 1 is shifted four characters to the right. ", "The character string 2a set in the sliding buffer is now “bqaaaacabcdeabcd”. ", "Then, the encoder searches the next input character string “aaaq . . . ” ", "2b for a match, similarly as in the aforementioned case. ", "Consequently, the current character string “aaa” 2c is found as the longest match. ", "Thus, the occurrence or match position of this character sequence “aaa” in the buffer 1 is 13 (incidentally, this indicates that the current character string “aaa” 2c starts 13 characters back from the first character “a” of the character sequence “aaa” in the input character string 2b). ", "Further, the match length of this longest match “aaa” is 3. ", "Then, such an occurrence position and the match length of this character string “aaa” is encoded in the form of a codeword (13, 3). ", "Moreover, this character string “aaa” is replaced with this codeword (13, 3).", "\nAccording to LZ77 compression method, as the coding of the input character string proceeds, the encoder shifts the sliding buffer in this way. ", "Therefore, LZ77 compression method is also referred to as a sliding dictionary method.", "\nIf the capacity of the sliding buffer used in such an LZ77 compression method is increased, the length of a character string found as the longest match increases. ", "Consequently, the compression ratio is enhanced. ", "However, as a result of the increase in the capacity of the sliding buffer, the encoder should search for an enormous number of combinations of character strings. ", "Thus, in the case of sequentially searching the sliding buffer, the search requires a great deal of effort and time. ", "Therefore, the LZ77 compression method is performed by actually adopting the following process. ", "Namely, a character string (namely, a prefix) consisting of first two to four characters of an input character string and the occurrence position of the prefix are entered into a table as occasion demands, and then the prefix of the input character string is collated with the character list entered into the table, instead of collating all kinds of character strings of the sliding buffer with the input character string. ", "The time required for such search is significantly reduced by employing this process.", "\nThe tables used for such a search are a look-up table and a hash table. ", "A method of using a look-up table is to make a character string 2d to be searched for have a one-to-one correspondence to an address in a look-up table 3, as illustrated in FIG. ", "2. ", "The past occurrence position (namely, the relative address) of the character string is stored at a corresponding address in the look-up table 3. ", "Thus, according to this method, the past occurrence position of the character string “ab” 2d is known by looking up the character string “ab” 2d in the table 3 once to search for this string. ", "Therefore, this method has an advantage in that the search is achieved at a very high speed.", "\nHowever, in the case that the character string to be searched for is long, the number of combinations of character strings is raised to a higher power. ", "Thus, the look-up table should have an enormous number of addresses. ", "Therefore, this method has a drawback in that a very large amount of memory is needed so as to allocate such an enormous addresses to the look-up table. ", "For example, in the case that the number of characters is 1 (incidentally, 1 character consists of 8 bits), 28*1 (=256 bits) of memory are needed. ", "Further, in the case that the number of characters is 2, 28*2 (≈64 kbits) of memory are needed. ", "Moreover, in the case that the number of characters is 3, 28*3 (≈16 Mbits) of memory are needed. ", "Therefore, the actual limit to the number of characters is 2. ", "Additionally, this method has another drawback in that, when a character string to be searched for is long, only a small part of the look-up table is actually used (namely, only a small part of memory area assigned to the look-up table is used for entering the past occurrence positions of the character string into this table) and that thus, the look-up table is in a sparse state, and the efficiency of use of the look-up table is low.", "\nIn the case of a method of searching for a character string by using a hash table, as illustrated in FIG. ", "3, masking processing is performed on a codeword, which corresponds to a character string to be searched for, in such a way as to decrease the number of bits of the codeword (namely, the degeneration of the codeword is performed). ", "Thus, a hash code 6 is generated (see 4) so that a plurality of character strings having a common degenerated state share an area of the hash table 5. ", "Thus, this method features that, as compared with the method of searching for a character string using a look-up table, a longer character string can be searched for, when a search area, in which the character string is searched for, is equivalent to that used in the method using the look-up table.", "\nHowever, in the case of the method using the hash table obtained in this way, the degeneration is performed on character strings to be searched for. ", "Thus, there occurs a problem (what is called a collision or conflict problem) that a character string “abc” 2d and another character string, which have a common degenerated state, may be entered into the same area 7 provided in the hash table.", "\nTo solve this collision problem, this method further requires an additional operation of collating a character string found by the search with each of characters of a character string to be searched for and checking whether or not the searched or found character string is the character string to be actually searched for.", "\nAs described above, in case of the aforementioned method of searching for a character string by using the look-up table according to the LZ77 compression scheme, while a character string to be searched for can be found at a high speed by looking up the character string to be searched for, in the look-up table only once, the table size of the look-up table is increased or raised to a higher power with an increase in the number of characters of the character string to be searched for. ", "Thus, the look-up table has an enormous table size, and the number of characters to be used for the search cannot be large (actually, the limit to the number of characters is 2). ", "Consequently, this method using the look-up table has a drawback in that the compression ratio cannot have a very high value.", "\nOn the other hand, in the case of the aforementioned method of searching for a character string by using a hash table, the table size of a necessary table is smaller, as compared with the method of searching for a character string by using the look-up table. ", "Thus, although the search is achieved at a high speed by using the table of a reasonable table size, this method using the hash table has a drawback in that an additional collating operation for solving the collision problem is needed still more. ", "Incidentally, this collating operation should be performed on each of characters of the character string to be searched for and requires a great deal of effort." ]
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[ { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 2737, "entity_type": "DATE_TIME", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 2736 }, { "analysis_explanation": null, "end": 6495, "entity_type": "NRP", "recognition_metadata": { "recognizer_identifier": "SpacyRecognizer_140094861343280", "recognizer_name": "SpacyRecognizer" }, "score": 0.85, "start": 6492 } ]
[ "Lean In\n\nLimited Edition Compact Disc\n\nCompact Disc (CD) + Digital Album\n\nPre-order the CD and get an immediate digital download!CDs will begin shipping early December 2017.", "\nIncludes unlimited streaming of EP1\nvia the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "redux\n\nI like react-redux a lot, but a lot of times the higher-order component really confuses me. ", "The decorator from ES7 is a really good way to think about using 2 functions as parameters. ", "A lot of folks use their own methods of connecting components to stores, and I have found,…\n\nLately I have been working with a lot of micro transactions in Redux state via froms, I'm not a huge fan of repetitive actions, so I wrote a nifty flexible standard action creator. ", "It sounded like a great item to put up for a horrible howto! ", "I went ahead and…\n\nWhen I am making Redux Components I like to attach what is needed when is needed, and I like to know what I'm working with. ", "With that in mind I recently was making a new component when I decided to just throw the kitchen sink at it and add it…\n\nREDUX IS SUPER HARD MAN ** word to the wise, es6 and above is about the only way to understand anything about redux ** I am not a professional with redux, so don't take anything I say seriously. ", "I literally still do not think I fully understand the giant circular logic that…" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "Background {#Sec1}\n==========\n\nType 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), a chronic metabolic disease, has become a serious issue in China with increasing incidences over the past decades. ", "Insulin resistance and impaired insulin secretion are considered as primary pathophysiological factors in the development of T2DM \\[[@CR1]\\]. ", "The UK Prospective Diabetes Study has shown that the β cells function begins deteriorating before T2DM diagnosis and often years before the patients presenting clinical symptoms \\[[@CR2],[@CR3]\\]. ", "In most patients with T2DM, the metabolic control and β cell function progressively deteriorate as the duration of diabetes increases \\[[@CR4],[@CR5]\\]. ", "Because the β cell function declines with diabetic duration, patients with newly diagnosed drug naive T2DM would be suitable subjects of T2DM study. ", "Hyperlipidemia, an increase of total cholesterol (TC) and/or triglycerides (TGs) in the serum, is one of the most common T2DM related comorbidities \\[[@CR6]\\]. ", "Diabetic dyslipidemia is characterized by moderately increased TG levels and reduced high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C), which is a well-recognized causes for atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases \\[[@CR7],[@CR8]\\]. ", "In our previous studies, we found that the mice with heterozygous lipoprotein lipase (LPL) deficiency with a rising serum TG display a disorder of glucose metabolism and deterioration of β cells function \\[[@CR9]\\]. ", "Therefore, it is important to investigate the role of lipid profiles in patients with newly diagnosed T2DM and whether the different TG levels influence the glucose control and insulin secretion. ", "Several studies have reported the characteristics of newly diagnosed T2DM; however, very few focused on the relationship between TG and newly diagnosed T2DM. ", "We hypothesized that newly diagnosed T2DM patients with high serum TG level might have worse clinical characteristics and more deteriorated β cells function than patients with normal TG level. ", "Hence, in the present study, we examined the clinical characteristics and β cells function in patients with newly diagnosed drug naive T2DM with different levels of TG.", "\n\nMethods {#Sec2}\n=======\n\nPatients {#Sec3}\n--------\n\nPatients with newly diagnosed T2DM (n = 624) were enrolled in the study between January 2008 and December 2009 in Renji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China. ", "All patients had been diagnosed with T2DM within 5 months before the study enrollment and none of them have received drug treatment for T2DM. ", "The diagnosis of T2DM was based on WHO diagnostic criteria established in 1998 \\[[@CR10]\\]. ", "The patients were firstly divided into normal serum TG(newly diagnosed T2DM with TG up to 1.70 mmol/L, n = 348)and high serum TG (newly diagnosed T2DM with TG over 1.70 mmol/L, n = 276)and further divided into four sub-groups according to the quartile of serum TG (Group 1: newly diagnosed T2DM with TG up to 1.13 mmol/L, n = 152; Group 2: newly diagnosed T2DM with TG of 1.14 to 1.56 mmol/L, n = 158; Group 3: newly diagnosed T2DM with TG of 1.57 to 2.27 mmol/L, n = 158; and Group 4: newly diagnosed T2DM with TG of 2.28 to 11.65 mmol/L, n = 156). ", "The study was carried out in compliance with the declaration of Helsinki. ", "The study protocol was approved by the Ethical Committee of Renji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China (Number: Renjikls N026). ", "Written informed consent for participation in the study was obtained from participants.", "\n\nData collection {#Sec4}\n---------------\n\nThe patients demographic data and clinical data were collected including age, sex, body height, weight, waist circumference (WC), systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and levels of TG, TC, HDL-C, low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C), fasting plasma glucose (FPG), 2 h postprandial glucose (2hPG), serum insulin concentrations at different time point, and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c). ", "Blood pressure was measured after 30 minutes of rest. ", "The body mass index (BMI) was calculated as weight (kg) divided by the square of height (m^2^). ", "Plasma lipid profiles were determined using fully automatic biochemistry analyzer (Hitachi 7020, Hitachi Co., Tokyo, Japan). ", "A standard oral glucose tolerance test (75 g glucose load) and insulin releasing tests were performed after a 10-hour overnight fast. ", "Plasma samples were obtained at 0, 30, 60, 120, and 180 minutes to measure glucose (Hitachi 7600--110, Hitachi Co.) and insulin (immunoradiometric assay kit, Dainabot, Tokyo, Japan) concentrations. ", "The HbA1c levels were measured using a high-performance liquid chromatography.", "\n\nThe parameters including basic insulin secretion function index (homeostasis model assessment for β cell function index, HOMA-β), modified beta cell function index (MBCI), glucose disposition indices (DI), and early insulin secretion function index (insulinogenic index, IGI) were used to evaluate β cell function. ", "Insulin sensitivity was estimated by homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and insulin action index (IAI). ", "The respective formulas for calculating the above mentioned parameters were as follows: HOMA-β = 20× I~0~/(G~0~-3.5); MBCI = I~0~ × G~0~/(G~120~ + G~60~-7); DI = IGI/HOMA-IR; IGI = △I~30~/△G~30~; HOMA-IR = I~0~× G~0~/22.5; and IAI = 1 / (I~0~ × G~0~), wherein, I~0~ (μU/mL) denotes fasting plasma insulin, I~30~ insulin level at 30 minutes after glucose load, G~0~(mmol/L) fasting plasma glucose, G~30~ plasma glucose level at 30 minutes after glucose load, G~60~ plasma glucose level at 60 minutes after glucose load, and G~120~ plasma glucose level at 120 minutes after glucose load.", "\n\nStatistical analysis {#Sec5}\n--------------------\n\nNormality was tested using the one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov criterion. ", "Non-normally distributed data were log transformed before analysis. ", "Data were expressed as mean ± standard deviation for normally distributed variables and as median (Interquartile range was 25-75%) for skewed variables. ", "Independent-samples *t* test and one-way analysis of variance test were used for normality distributed data. ", "Mann--Whitney *U* test and Kruskal-Wallis H test were used for non-normal distributed data and alpha level was adjusted to reduce the error risk. ", "A P value of \\<0.05 was considered statistically significant. ", "All statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS statistical package (Version 17.0, SPSS Inc., USA)\n\nResults {#Sec6}\n=======\n\nThe comparison of the demographic and basic data among patients of newly diagnosed T2DM with normal and high levels of serum TG {#Sec7}\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nClinical data and baseline characteristics of patients with normal and high serum TG are presented in Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "The male/female ratio had no significant difference among two groups (46.84% and 51.81% for normal TG and high TG groups, respectively; P = 0.274). ", "Patients of newly diagnosed T2DM with high TG levels were younger than patients with normal TG level (55.98 ± 11.78 and 53.64 ± 12.04 years for normal TG and high TG Groups, respectively; P \\< 0.05) and their diastolic blood pressure (high TG Group) was higher than that in patients with normal TG levels (81.36 ± 10.72 and 83.83 ± 9.10 mmHg for normal TG and high TG groups, respectively; P \\< 0.05); however, no significant difference in systolic blood pressure was found between two groups. ", "Compared to patients with normal serum TG levels, patients of newly diagnosed T2DM with high levels of TG were much fatter with higher BMI and WC (BMI: 24.60 ± 3.85 and 25.94 ± 4.20 kg/m^2^ for normal and high TG groups, respectively; P \\< 0.05; WC: 86.42 ± 9.31 and 90.06 ± 9.66 cm for normal and high TG groups, respectively; P \\< 0.05). ", "These data indicate that the patients of newly diagnosed T2DM with higher level of TG were younger and fatter than patients with normal TG levels.", "Table 1**Demographic and clinical data of newly diagnosed T2DM patients with normal and high levels of triglycerideNormal TG GroupHigh TG Group(TG ≤1.70 mmol/L)(TG \\>1.70 mmol/L)(N = 348)(N = 276)**Male/Female163/185143/133Age (years)55.98 ± 11.7853.64 ± 12.04\\*BMI (kg/m^2^)24.60 ± 3.8525.94 ± 4.20\\*WC (cm)86.42 ± 9.3190.06 ± 9.66\\*SBP (mmHg)131.45 ± 17.95132.82 ± 15.62DBP (mmHg)81.36 ± 10.7283.83 ± 9.10\\*Lipid profilesTG (mmol/L)1.17 ± 0.322.81 ± 1.33\\*TC (mmol/L)4.85 ± 0.935.42 ± 1.19\\*HDL-C (mmol/L)1.42 ± 0.391.20 ± 0.28\\*LDL-C (mmol/L)3.04 ± 0.743.41 ± 0.88\\*Glucose profilesFPG (mmol/L)6.80 (6.30, 7.90)7.20 (6.20, 8.52)2hPG (mmol/L)13.96 ± 3.5514.57 ± 3.84\\*HbA1c (%)6.60 (6.00, 7.60)7.00 (6.30, 8.60)\\*HbA1c (mmol/mol)48.63 (42.08, 59.56)53.01 (45.36, 70.49)\\*Insulin secretionINS0 (uIU/mL)10.74 ± 8.2011.79 ± 7.79INS30 (uIU/mL)27.07 ± 23.2632.34 ± 28.32\\*INS60 (uIU/mL)41.56 ± 31.0648.50 ± 36.98\\*INS120 (uIU/mL)49.68 ± 32.5758.57 ± 41.25\\*INS180 (uIU/mL)33.00 ± 23.9337.59 ± 27.42\\*Data were expressed as mean ± standard deviation for normal distribution and as median (Interquartile range 25-75%) for skewed variables.", "BMI: body mass index; WC: waist circumference; SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; TG: triglyceride; TC: total cholesterol; HDL-C: high density lipoprotein-cholesterol; LDL-C: low density lipoprotein-cholesterol; FPG: fasting plasma glucose; 2hPG: 2 h postprandial glucose; HbA1c: hemoglobin A1c; INS0: fasting insulin; INS30: 30 minutes postprandial serum insulin; INS60: 60 minutes postprandial serum insulin; INS120: 120 minutes postprandial serum insulin; INS180: 180 minutes postprandial serum insulin;Group was defined by the level of serum TG. ", "Normal TG Group: newly diagnosed T2DM with TG up to 1.70 mmol/L; High TG Group: newly diagnosed T2DM with TG over 1.70 mmol/L;^\\*^P \\< 0.05 versus Group 1.", "\n\nThe comparison of lipid profiles among patients of newly diagnosed T2DM with normal and high levels of serum TG {#Sec8}\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nWe compared levels of TC, LDL-C and HDL-C between patients of newly diagnosed T2DM with normal and high TG levels (Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Compared to patients of newly diagnosed T2DM with normal TG levels, patients of newly diagnosed T2DM with high level of TG had higher levels of TC (4.85 ± 0.93 and 5.42 ± 1.19 mmol/L for normal and high TG groups, respectively; P \\< 0.05), LDL-C (3.04 ± 0.74 and 3.41 ± 0.88 mmol/L for normal and high TG groups, respectively; P \\< 0.05) and lower level of HDL-C (1.42 ± 0.39 and 1.20 ± 0.28 mmol/L for normal and high TG groups, respectively; P \\< 0.05). ", "We concluded that the patients of newly diagnosed T2DM with high level of TG had worse lipid profiles than the patients with normal TG level.", "\n\nThe comparison of glucose and insulin profiles among patients of newly diagnosed T2DM with normal and high levels of serum TG {#Sec9}\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nCompared to patients with normal TG levels, patients with high TG levels had the higher levels of 2hPG and HbA1c (P \\< 0.05). ", "We also performed insulin releasing tests by measuring serum insulin concentrations at various time points after patients were given 75 g glucose orally (Figure [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "We found that serum insulin concentrations after glucose load were significantly higher in patients with high TG than in patients with normal TG, suggesting that patients of newly diagnosed T2DM with high serum TG may have developed insulin resistance. ", "These data indicate that patients of newly diagnosed T2DM with high level of TG have a worse glucose profiles and higher level of insulin.", "Figure 1Serum insulin concentration curves in insulin releasing tests. ", "These tests were done in patients of newly diagnosed T2DM with normal and high serum triglyceride levels. ", "Normal TG means serum TG concentration ≤ 1.70 mmol/L and high TG means \\>1.70 mmol/L, \\* means P \\< 0.05.", "\n\nThe comparison of β cell function and insulin sensitivity among patients of newly diagnosed T2DM with different levels of serum TG {#Sec10}\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nTo evaluate relationship between β cell function, insulin sensitivity and serum TG levels, we divided patients into four groups according to the quartile of serum TG levels (details in *Method*, results showed in Table [2](#Tab2){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Compared with patients in Groups 1 and 4, patients in Group 3 had the highest HOMA-β level (1.76 ± 0.38, P \\< 0.05), which, however, was not significantly different from that found in Group 2 patients (Figure [2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}a). ", "Patients from Group 1 had the lowest level of MBCI (P \\< 0.05). ", "However, there were no significant differences in MBCI levels among other groups (Figure [2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}b). ", "No significant differences in IGI and DI levels were found among four groups (Figure [2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}c,d). ", "The HOMA-IR and IAI were used to estimate the insulin sensitivity. ", "Compared with Group 1, the HOMA-IR levels were elevated in Groups 2, 3, and 4 (P \\< 0.05); however, no significant differences were found among Groups 2, 3, and 4 (Figure [2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}e). ", "In contrast, the IAI levels were significantly lower in Groups 2, 3, and 4 than in Group 1 (P \\< 0.05). ", "Again, no significant differences in IAI levels were found among Groups 2, 3, and 4 (Figure [2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}f). ", "In summary, there are no differences in early phase insulin secretion among patients of newly diagnosed T2DM with different levels of serum TG. ", "The basal β cell function (HOMA-β and MBCI) increased initially along with the rising of TG levels and then decreased as the serum TG level rose further. ", "Insulin sensitivities were relatively high in patients with low level of TG and low in patients with high level of TG.Table 2**β Cell function and Insulin Sensitivity of newly diagnosed T2DM with different levels of TGGroup1 (0-25%)Group2 (25%-50%)Group3 (50%-75%)Group4 (75%-100%)β Cell Function**HOMA-β47.83 (32.62, 71.70)55.03 (35.28, 86.35)66.14 (36.47, 95.63)\\*52.39 (31.42, 82.52)^+^MBCI2.76 (1.67, 3.77)3.33 (2.13, 5.26)\\*3.19 (2.38, 5.46)\\*3.59 (2.32, 5.13)\\*IGI2.39 (1.14, 4.78)2.79 (0.93, 5.60)3.40 (1.09, 8.14)2.81 (0.82, 6.02)DI1.05 (0.44, 1.96)0.97 (0.32, 1.94)1.08 (0.32, 2.49)0.84 (0.25, 1.83)**Insulin Sensitivity**HOMA-IR2.49 (1.70, 3.59)3.06 (2.10, 4.62)\\*3.05 (2.22, 4.86)\\*3.15 (2.41, 4.87)\\*IAI0.0178 (0.012, 0.026)0.0145 (0.010, 0021)\\*0.0146 (0.010, 0.020)\\*0.0141 (0.010, 0.019)\\*Data were expressed as median (Interquartile range 25-75%) for skewed variables.", "HOMA-β: homeostasis model assessment of β cell function; MBCI: modified beta cell function index; IGI: early insulin secretion function index; DI: glucose disposition indices; HOMA-IR: homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance; IAI: insulin action index; T2DM: type 2 diabetes mellitus.", "Group was defined by the quartile of serum TG. ", "Group 1: newly diagnosed T2DM with TG up to 1.13 mmol/L; Group 2: newly diagnosed T2DM with TG of 1.14 to 1.56 mmol/L; Group 3: newly diagnosed T2DM with TG of 1.57 to 2.27 mmol/L; and Group 4: newly diagnosed T2DM with TG of 2.28 to 11.65 mmol/L.\\*P \\< 0.05 versus Group 1; ^\\#^P \\< 0.05 versus Group 2; ^+^P \\< 0.05 versus Group 3.Figure 2β cell function and insulin sensitivity. **(", "a)**: Log HOMA-β (homeostasis model assessment of β cell function) level in patients of newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) with different level of triglyceride (TG); **(b)**: Log modified beta cell function index (MBCI) level in patients of newly diagnosed T2DM with different level of TG; **(c)**: Glucose disposition indices (DI) level in patients of newly diagnosed T2DM with different level of TG; **(d)**: Early insulin secretion function index (IGI) level in patients of newly diagnosed T2DM with different level of TG; **(e)**: Log HOMA-IR (homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance) level in patients of newly diagnosed T2DM with different level of TG; **(f)**: Insulin action index (IAI) level in patients of newly diagnosed T2DM with different level of TG. ", "Group was defined by the quartile of serum TG. ", "Group 1: newly diagnosed T2DM with TG up to 1.13 mmol/L; Group 2: newly diagnosed T2DM with TG of 1.14 to 1.56 mmol/L; Group 3: newly diagnosed T2DM with TG of 1.57 to 2.27 mmol/L; and Group 4: newly diagnosed T2DM with TG of 2.28 to 11.65 mmol/L. \\*P \\< 0.05 versus Group 1; ^\\#^P \\< 0.05 versus Group 2; ^+^P \\< 0.05 versus Group.", "\n\nDiscussion {#Sec11}\n==========\n\nPatients with T2DM are common to have lipid disorders. ", "In the present study, we found that patients of newly diagnosed T2DM with higher level of TG were younger and fatter. ", "These patients had worse lipid profiles and glucose profiles than did patients with normal TG levels. ", "Moreover, the basal β cell function initially increased along with rising TG levels and then decreased as the TG levels rose further. ", "Insulin sensitivities were relatively high in patients with low TG levels and low in patients with higher TG levels.", "\n\nType 2 diabetes, a heterogeneous disorder characterized by impaired insulin secretion and insulin resistance, is closely related to obesity \\[[@CR11]\\]. ", "BMI and WC usually serve as parameters to estimate the general and abdominal fat masses \\[[@CR12]\\]. ", "Several studies have reported that BMI was positively associated with an endogenous insulin secretion as assessed by serum C-peptide response in T2DM \\[[@CR13],[@CR14]\\]. ", "In addition, BMI has been suggested to be positively associated with the decreased insulin sensitivity in T2DM \\[[@CR15]\\]. ", "Although the BMI represents the degree of overweight and obesity, it fails to represent the body fat distribution. ", "Visceral fat tissue is metabolically more active than non-visceral fat and secretes more hormones and cytokines, which promotes the development of insulin resistance and T2DM \\[[@CR16]\\]. ", "WC measurement is a simple means assessing the levels of visceral fat. ", "Increased WC is closely associated with the increased risk of diabetes \\[[@CR17]\\].", "\n\nThe findings in our present study are consistent with previous reports. ", "We observed that the TG levels rise in patients as BMI and WC increase. ", "Similarly, MBCI and HOMA-IR increase along with raising TG levels, which suggest that BMI and WC were positivity associated with insulin secretion and negativity associated with insulin sensitivity.", "\n\nSeveral studies have demonstrated that the abnormalities in lipid profiles of patients with diabetes such as decreased levels of HDL-C, increased levels of the TC, TG, LDL-C, and very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL)-C are associated with high insulin resistance \\[[@CR7],[@CR18]\\]. ", "Some mechanisms whereby insulin resistance could cause an alteration in lipid metabolism have been described \\[[@CR19]-[@CR21]\\]. ", "Hyperinsulinemia is known to enhance the hepatic VLDL synthesis and thus may directly contribute to increased plasma TG and LDL-C levels \\[[@CR19]\\]. ", "Resistance to the action of insulin on lipoprotein lipase in peripheral tissues may also contribute to the elevated TG and LDL-C levels \\[[@CR21]\\]. ", "It has been suggested that insulin resistance may be responsible for low levels of HDL-C observed in patients with T2DM. ", "Moreover, lipotoxicity could be one of the most important causes for T2DM. ", "Hermans et al. ", "\\[[@CR22]\\] reported that T2DM patients with a high ratio of log (TG)/HDL-C, used to evaluate the plasma atherogenic index, tend to have a high loss rate of insulin secretion and β cell function. ", "Therefore, a lower ratio of log (TG)/HDL-C could be beneficial to glucose control. ", "Imamura et al. ", "\\[[@CR23]\\] have indicated that higher levels of TG (≥1.69 mmol/L) and FPG (5.5--7.0 mmol/L) are associated with a higher risk of DM preceded predominantly by β cell dysfunction. ", "This may be attributed to that excessive plasma TG lead to elevated levels of circulating free fatty acids (FFAs) which causes the impairment of the β cell function. ", "In our previous clinical studies, we found increased plasma triglyceride and free fatty acid levels are frequently associated with T2DM. ", "LPL gene mutations contribute to the hypertriglyceridemia observed in T2DM patients \\[[@CR24],[@CR25]\\]. ", "In our animal experiments, we found LPL (+/−) mice with high serum TG level had worse glucose homeostasis and more serious insulin resistance in many insulin target tissues (liver, muscle, subcutaneous fat and ventral fat) than wild type mice with normal TG level\\[[@CR9]\\]. ", "In agreement, our data showed that the patients of newly diagnosed T2DM with higher levels of TG had higher levels of TC and LDL-C and lower levels of HDL-C. In addition, HOMA-β was increased initially and then decreased with the rising TG levels, consisting with the symptoms of dysfunction of β cells.", "\n\nThe glucotoxicity generated by hyperglycaemia is commonly thought to be the fundamental acquired factor causing continuous decline of β cell function in T2DM \\[[@CR2],[@CR26]\\]. ", "Sustained hyperglycaemia reduces the β cell function through several ways, such as the increase of oxidative stress, activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase pathway through activated p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and protein kinase C, the reduction of the pancreatic and duodenal homeoboxfactor-1 function, and the reduction of ERp46 expression \\[[@CR27]-[@CR29]\\]. ", "A previous study\\[[@CR30]\\] involving young adults (n = 223) with FPG \\< 126 mg/dL who underwent an evaluation of first and second phase insulin secretion during a 2 h hyperglycemic clamp found that the impairment in β cell function relative to insulin sensitivity was apparent even within the FPG range of those without diabetes; at the cutoff of FPG 100 mg/dL, there was an approximately 49% decline in the DI. ", "In agreement, we observed that the patients with higher levels of TG had higher levels of TC, FPG, 2hPG, and HbA1c and significantly reduced levels of HOMA-β than other three groups. ", "However, we did not observe significant differences in IGI and DI levels among all four groups of patients. ", "This discrepancy may be due to differences in races of the patients and the limitations of study design.", "\n\nSeveral studies have shown that the significance of insulin resistance and insulin secretion defect to diabetes development is linked to patients' race. ", "For example, the increased insulin resistance to diabetes development is a more prominent factor in Pima Indians, Mexican Americans and Caucasians; whereas the contribution of impaired insulin secretion is a more important factor in Japanese patients \\[[@CR31]-[@CR33]\\]. ", "It is also reported that the β cell capacity is relatively lower in Asian than that in Western individuals \\[[@CR34]-[@CR37]\\]. ", "Ma et al. ", "\\[[@CR23]\\] indicated that the Chinese patients of newly diagnosed T2DM with hyperlipidemia were younger and had declined HOMA-β; however, there were no differences in HOMA-IR and quantitative insulin sensitivity check index. ", "Qian et al. ", "\\[[@CR38]\\] indicated that the early diabetes was more specifically characterized by declined insulin secretion rather than impaired insulin sensitivity. ", "In the present study, though the insulin concentration curves indicate that patients with high TG level had a very obvious insulin resistance, a more detailed analysis with additional divisions of TG levels showed that the β cell function increases with the rising TG levels at the early phase, but later decreases as the TG levels further rise. ", "Insulin resistance doesn't deteriorate as the TG levels further rise. ", "Taken together, therefore, we propose that insulin secretion dysfunction, rather than insulin resistance, may play an important role in the progression of T2DM in Chinese patients.", "\n\nConclusions {#Sec12}\n===========\n\nOur data indicate that hypertriglyceridemia influences clinical characteristics and β cell function in Chinese patients with newly diagnosed T2DM. ", "A better management of dyslipidemia may, to some extent, reduce the effect of lipotoxicity to diabetes, whereby improving glucose homeostasis in patients with newly diagnosed T2DM. ", "STROBE Statement has been included as an Additional file [1](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}.", "\n\nAdditional file {#Sec13}\n===============\n\nAdditional file 1:**STROBE Statement---checklist of items that should be included in reports of observational studies.**", "\n\nShuang Zheng and Huan Zhou contributed equally to this work.", "\n\n**Competing interests**\n\nThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.", "\n\n**Authors' contributions**\n\nSZ and HZ collected, researched, and discussed the data and wrote, reviewed, and edited the manuscript. ", "TTH and YXL contributed to discussion and reviewed and edited the manuscript. ", "YZ researched the data, contributed to the discussion, and reviewed and edited the manuscript. ", "WL contributed to the discussion, and reviewed and edited the manuscript. ", "YMH collected and researched the data, contributed to the discussion, and reviewed and edited the manuscript. ", "YMH is the guarantor of this work and, as such, had full access to all the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. ", "All authors read and approved the final manuscript.", "\n\nThis study was supported by the National Scientific Foundation of China (No. ", "81270946, 81170758, 30670988). ", "We want to thank the staff of the Endocrinology and Metabolism Laboratory and the nursing staff for their dedicated assistance in patient sample collection. ", "We also want to thank Dr. Yunli Zhou for his thoughtful review.", "\n" ]
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[ "Marc Romersa\n\nMarc Romersa (born 1 February 1956) is a Luxembourgian athlete. ", "He competed in the men's high jump at the 1976 Summer Olympics.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:1956 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Athletes (track and field) at the 1976 Summer Olympics\nCategory:Luxembourgian male high jumpers\nCategory:Olympic athletes of Luxembourg\nCategory:Place of birth missing (living people)" ]
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[ "Shift Networks Has a New CTO\n\nI have officially joined Shift Networks as their new CTO. ", "I can't tell you how excited I am to be working with Trent and his team, a great group with awesome talent. ", "Shift is the fastest growing SMB IP Communications company in Canada, now I know why.", "\n\nI will be continuing my committment to blogging, writing, & citizen journalism. ", "My new focus for the next few months will be on the SMB vendors with more Podcasts and Interviews to come.", "\n\nThe adventure continues, yeeehaaa!", "\n\nThe opinions and views expressed in comments, blogs, etc. ", "are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of TMC, TMCnet, or its editors. ", "TMCnet reserves the right to edit, delete, or otherwise make changes to the content that appears on these pages at its own discretion and as it deems necessary." ]
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[ "Splitting Image, the final album from Supastition\n\nBy Nikolai Barrickman\n\n17 September 2010\n\nNorth Carolina-based rapper Kam Moye, or Supastition as he has been known throughout much of his career, recently made the difficult to decision to stop making music professionally. ", "In a statement on his official web site, Moye writes, “Although I’ll always write and record music, I have no interest in pursuing it professionally.”", "\n\nThe rapper describes a career situation in which his art was continually placed on the back burner while marketing concerns occupied most of his time. “", "I know some people will wonder why can’t I still just make music,” writes Moye. “", "The truth is that I have never ‘just made music’ because most of my career I have managed myself (until recently), booked my most of my own shows & tours, found my own record deals, found my own producers, and most recently recorded my own music. ", "That takes a toll on you and your personal life after awhile. ", "Out of all those duties, I spent the least amount of time rapping and recording music. ", "With music being technically free nowadays, that’s way too much effort for the results I’ve seen.”", "\n\nMoye’s final album, Splitting Image, is the only full-length album the rapper has released under his real name. ", "The album sees an artist sobering up to the declining prospects of a career in music and, more generally, the harsh realities of social life in the US where the potential of so many is never given an opportunity to be fulfilled.", "\n\nMoye has been making music for more than a decade, working in that time with such notable hip hop musicians as KRS-One, Royce Da 5’9 and Elzhi from Slum Village. ", "Splitting Images itself features collaborations with rappers Baba Zhumbi (formerly Zion of the group Zion I), One Be Lo and producers Illmind, Jake-One and M-Phazes. ", "The participation of these mostly serious-minded musicians speaks to the respect the rapper has garnered during his career.", "\n\nAlthough a particularly witty battle rapper, Moye’s real strength is his ability to discuss the often difficult circumstances of his life in succinct yet vivid terms. ", "The artist’s willingness to address serious social questions too often ignored in hip hop music is also to his credit.", "\n\nOn the song “Do What It Takes,” Moye offers a tribute to those struggling with unemployment. “", "It’s hard to hold hope with folks poor and jobless, trying not to make being broke so obvious,” he raps. ", "In the song’s opening verse, Moye raps about the hardships of going “from two weeks of paid days off to straight laid off.” ", "Later in the song, the rapper turns his attention toward those just released from prison “about to come home to a future unknown and a world quick to judge.” ", "Their time in prison is like a “scarlet letter,” says Moye, preventing them from finding employment upon their release.", "\n\nMoye’s compassion and sensitivity toward millions of struggling, unemployed workers makes a strong impression and he is one of the only hip hop musicians to have even addressed the employment crisis in the US. ", "Undercutting the song’s impact, however, are the calls for himself and others to simply “persevere and get through it.” ", "This theme persists throughout the work. “", "It’s not about having what you want, but wanting what you have,” raps Moye on the album’s title track.", "\n\nA lack of class perspective takes its toll on the rapper’s work. ", "In addressing the social and economic crisis in the US, Moye blames what he sees as widespread consumerism and apathy among virtually the entire population. ", "On the song “MK-ULTRA,” Moye raps “We forkin’ over cash for SUV’s and fast cars till this bad economy gave us a crash course.” ", "In another line he raps, “To some of us, going shopping’s like oxygen.” “", "It’s a damn shame how we turn our nose when the truth is told,” he says later.", "\n\nIn these moments, Moye is accepting as fact the notion that the US is awash in abundance and its population is spoiled and overindulged. ", "In this work, the habits of a well-to-do upper middle class layer, frankly, are ascribed to the entire population. ", "The reality is something else altogether.", "\n\nMillions of workers are not turning up their noses at “the truth,” but are confronted with the harsh realities of life in the US every day. ", "They don’t need Kam Moye to “wake them up” to this truth. ", "However, they do require an art that illuminates the features of social life in the US and internationally in the fullest way possible. ", "Moye stops short of that. ", "While there may be worthy moments contained in this or that song, Splitting Image ultimately contains more anger (of a kind) than insight and obscures rather than illuminates." ]
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[ "A political earthquake struck the Czech republic on Thursday night (13 June) directly after Prime Minister Petr Necas' cabinet meeting.", "\n\nFollowing raids on government and company offices across the country, police detained seven people, including senior MPs in the ruling Civic Democratic Party (ODS), top military intelligence officers Jana Nagyova, the PM's chief of staff and long-term personal assistant.", "\n\nStudent or retired? ", "Then this plan is for you.", "\n\nThey also seized the equivalent of nearly €6 million in cash and several kilos of gold.", "\n\nOn Sunday, Necas said he will resign.", "\n\nBut, as in any good thriller, with fresh revelations coming out day by day, the best might be yet to come.", "\n\nAccording to Czech media, the arrests in Prague are the results of a two-year investigation into high-level bribery allegations.", "\n\nThe country is no stranger to corruption.", "\n\nJust look at its scores in the Transparency International index or read about Prague in the WikiLeaks cables.", "\n\nLast year alone, we had scandals on EU cohesion funds, scandals in the ministry of defence, in the ministry of health and in Prague city hall, where the \"Godfathers,\" a group of local politicians and lobbyists, had been siphoning off public money for years.", "\n\nWe also had scandals in the opposition.", "\n\nDavid Rath, an MP and a leading figure in the Czech Social Democratic Party (CSSD), made history by becoming the first Czech parliamentarian to be escorted round the assembly by police after being caught red-handed with hot money.", "\n\nBut this time the scale is different.", "\n\nNecas' personal integrity has never before been called into question.", "\n\nWhen he announced his resignation, he said he was discharging his \"political responsibility.\" ", "But he added: \"I did not do anything dishonest and ... my colleagues have not done anything dishonest either.\"", "\n\nHe has been described as weak.", "\n\nBut the man known in Czech politics as \"Peter Clean Hands\" had successfully created an image of himself as a dispassionate sheriff.", "\n\nBut the scandal is not just about bribery, it is also about abuse of power.", "\n\nIn a twist worthy of Alfred Hitchcock's psychodramas, Nagyova also stands accused of spying on Necas' wife.", "\n\nHe is currently in the middle of divorce proceedings and leaked police documents show that Nagyova went so far as to advise him to leave his family.", "\n\nThere is unlikely to be any winner in the Czech Watergate.", "\n\nThe opposition CSSD is so far ahead in polls it would have won the next elections anyway.", "\n\nFor anti-Necas rebels in the ODS, it is too late to take over the leadership and to rebuild confidence in the party.", "\n\nMeanwhile, President Milos Zeman, who is trying to act tough on Necas, is hardly capable of restoring people's trust in the Czech establishment.", "\n\nFollowing reports that he attended an official ceremony while being quite drunk, he has his own PR problems to worry about.", "\n\nOnly his predecessor, the 72-year-old Vaclav Klaus, who continues to cling to political ambitions despite his advanced age and unpopularity, might get a bump.", "\n\nSince stepping down from office, he has been waiting for an opportunity to take back leadership of the ODS, the party which he founded.", "\n\nThe ODS rank and file might well see the Cold-War-era hero as the only person capable of restoring the group's credibility.", "\n\nBut for Czech people at large, this will have little meaning.", "\n\nThe Czechs are becoming among the most disillusioned societies in Europe in terms of their mistrust of their country's larcenous and inebriated elite.", "\n\nWill the Czech Watergate wake them up and make them push for real change?", "\n\nThe writer is a Research Fellow and Central Europe analyst at The Polish Institute of International Affairs in Warsaw" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHandling JSON response dynamically for different fields of same type with retrofit in Android\n\nI am using retrofit2 with RxJava(not RxJava2) for my android project. ", "I have an endpoint which accepts a type parameter.", "\n@GET(\"api/v1/accounts/{account_type}\")\nObservable<ResponseAccountDetails> getAccountDetails(\n @Path(\"account_type\") String accountType);\n\nThe field in the response changes based on the account type but data remains same. ", "For example, \nwhen account_type = \"free_account\", the POJO is\npublic class ResponseAccountDetails implements Serializable {\n@SerializedName(\"free_account\")\n@Expose\nprivate List<Account> account = null;\n\npublic List<Account> getAccount() {\n return account;\n}}\n\nwhen account_type = \"paid_account\", the POJO is\npublic class ResponseAccountDetails implements Serializable {\n@SerializedName(\"paid_account\")\n@Expose\nprivate List<Account> account = null;\n\npublic List<Account> getAccount() {\n return account;\n}}\n\nThe one way, and the easier one, I know is to have different endpoints with different POJO for each type.", "\nIs there a better and smarter way possible? ", "To have just one endpoint which changes the response(field basically) dynamically based on the argument(account_type) supplied.", "\nAny other solution which is better than the one I mentioned above?", "\nI hope my question is clear. ", "Thanks in advance.", "\n\nA:\n\nCan't you use alternate names for your POJO?", "\n@SerializedName(value=\"free_account\", alternate={\"paid_account\"})\n\nMore on the GSON docs here\n\n" ]
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[ "\n51 B.R. 816 (1985)\nIn re Max McNEELY, Debtor.", "\nBankruptcy No. ", "83C-02990.", "\nUnited States Bankruptcy Court, D. Utah.", "\nJuly 19, 1985.", "\n*817 Robert L. Neeley, Campbell & Neeley, Ogden, Utah, for debtor.", "\nJames Z. Davis, Ray, Quinney & Nebeker, Ogden, Utah, for Western States Petroleum, Inc.\nSteven R. Bailey, Ogden, Utah, trustee.", "\n\nMEMORANDUM OPINION\nGLEN E. CLARK, Bankruptcy Judge.", "\n\nCASE SUMMARY\nThis matter comes before the Court on the motion of Western States Petroleum, Inc. for relief from the automatic stay. ", "For the reasons set forth herein, the Court determines that the creditor's prejudgment writs and garnishments created liens valid against the trustee and the creditor is entitled to relief from the stay.", "\n\nFACTS AND PROCEDURAL BACKGROUND\nThe following facts were stipulated to by the parties to this matter:\nPrior to filing of his bankruptcy petition, the debtor held one-half ownership interest in real property in Box Elder County, Utah. ", "Western States Petroleum, Inc. (hereinafter the \"creditor\" or \"movant\") commenced an action against the debtor in state court in order to collect a debt of $130,605.27, plus attorney's fees. ", "On April 29, 1983, the creditor caused to be issued a prejudgment writ of attachment, attaching the debtor's real property in Box Elder County, Utah. ", "On that same date, the creditor caused to be issued a prejudgment writ of garnishment directed to the Bear River State Bank, ordering said bank to freeze the funds in the debtor's accounts there pending resolution of the dispute. ", "On May 10, 1983, the creditor caused to be served upon the debtor a prejudgment writ of attachment, attaching the debtor's personal property. ", "On May 10, 1983, the state court entered an order extending the aforesaid writs during the pendency of the lawsuit.", "\nThe real and personal property of the debtor, which is the subject of the writs, have a value of less than $75,000. ", "In the state court, the creditor made a motion for *818 summary judgment against the debtor. ", "On November 8, 1983, the debtor filed a petition for voluntary relief under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code. ", "On or about that date, the state court ruled on the summary judgment motion and entered judgment in favor of the creditor and against the debtor;[1] it is unclear whether the order for relief entered upon the filing of the Chapter 7 petition or the judgment was entered first. ", "The trustee and the creditor have stipulated that the creditor's interest in the property subject to the prejudgment writs can attach to the proceeds of any of such property that has been sold by the trustee.", "\nIn addition to the stipulated facts above, this Court also finds:\nOn May 10, 1984, the creditor moved this Court for (1) an order terminating the automatic stay as to the property subject to the state court's writs on the ground that the writs created a valid lien against said property, thereby giving the creditor a security interest in such property to the extent of the judgment obtained in state court, and (2) an order transferring its lien on any such property sold by the bankruptcy trustee to the proceeds thereof. ", "On May 18, 1984, the creditor gave notice of the hearing on its motion for relief from stay scheduled for June 14, 1984. ", "On June 4, 1984, the debtor filed his answer pursuant to Local Rule 27, objecting to the creditor's motion and arguing that the state court's prejudgment writs did not create a valid lien in favor of the creditor. ", "On June 14, 1984, the trustee filed a response, arguing that the creditor's summary judgment in state court superseded the prejudgment writs of attachment, and because the creditor failed to perfect its judgment lien, it has only a general unsecured claim without priority against the assets of the bankruptcy estate. ", "On June 14, 1984, the parties filed their stipulation of facts to which the Court has already made reference in these findings.", "\nOn June 14, 1984, at 11:00 a.m., the Court held a preliminary hearing on the creditor's motion. ", "Robert Neeley appeared for the debtor, James Davis appeared for the creditor, and Steven Bailey appeared in his capacity as trustee. ", "The Court heard arguments and ordered the parties to file additional memoranda within 15 days, by June 29, 1984. ", "The trustee and the debtor filed their memoranda on July 6. ", "The creditor filed its memorandum on July 11. ", "No party scheduled a final hearing on this motion within 30 days of the date of the preliminary hearing held June 14, 1984, nor did any of the parties make any effort to bring this matter to the Court's attention for final resolution.", "\nThe matter remained under advisement until now.", "\n\nANALYSIS\n\nThe Priority of a Lien Acquired by Prejudgment Attachment\nAn attachment is a provisional remedy granted to the plaintiff in an action, which enables him to have property of the defendant seized by an officer and held in the custody of the law as security for the satisfaction of any judgment that he may recover. ", "Bristol v. Brent, 36 Utah 108, 103 P. 1076, 1079 (1909); Jesse v. Birchell, 198 Or. ", "393, 257 P.2d 255, 257, 37 A.L.R.2d 952 (1953). ", "When the court determines that the plaintiff is entitled to judgment, \"then, and only then, can the property that has been seized be applied to payment of the judgment.\" ", "Bristol v. Brent, supra, 103 P. at 1079. ", "The property attached constitutes security for payment of the debt, if the debt is found to exist. ", "An attachment proceeding is essentially a proceeding for the purpose of establishing a lien to aid in the collection of an unsecured debt, and the only way this lien can be established is by strictly adhering to every *819 requirement of the rule. ", "Bank of Ephraim v. Davis, 581 P.2d 1001 (Utah 1978). ", "See Rule 64C, Utah R.Civ.", "P. Cf. ", "Hilton Brothers Motor Co. v. District Court, 82 Utah 372, 25 P.2d 595 (1933). ", "When property is levied upon pursuant to a writ of attachment, the plaintiff acquires an inchoate or contingent lien in the property attached. ", "Jensen v. Eames, 30 Utah 2d 423, 519 P.2d 236, 238 (1974); Hilton Brothers Motor Co. v. District Court, supra, 25 P.2d at 596. ", "The lien acquired by attachment is a vested interest of the attaching creditor, which affords specific security for the satisfaction of the debt. ", "McGaffey Canning Co. v. Bank of America, 109 Cal.", "App. ", "415, 294 P. 45, 48 (1930). ", "So long as it exists it is a charge on the assets and is not subject to being divested except by order of the court or payment of the judgment sought to be obtained in the underlying action.", "\nIt is true that upon the rendition and docketing of a judgment in favor of the plaintiff in an action in which a prejudgment writ of attachment has been issued and levied upon real property, the attachment lien merges with the judgment lien in the sense and to the extent that there cannot be two separate and distinct liens subsisting against the same property — one arising out of the attachment, and the other arising out of the judgment. ", "Brun v. Evans, 197 Cal. ", "439, 241 P. 86, 87 (1925). ", "But notwithstanding the merger, the attachment lien continues in existence for the purpose and with the effect of preserving the priority thereby established. ", "Id. Or, stated differently, entry of judgment will perfect the inchoate lien and the perfected lien will relate back to the date the writ was levied upon. ", "See Morris W. Haft & Brothers v. Wells, 93 F.2d 991, 995 (10th Cir.1937). ", "An attachment lien continues after the rendition of the judgment until the debt is paid or the property is sold under a writ of execution issued on the judgment, or until the judgment is satisfied, or the attachment discharged or vacated in some manner provided by law. ", "Katz v. Obenchain, 48 Or. ", "352, 85 P. 617, 619 (1906).", "\nThe drafters of the Bankruptcy Code were concerned with the problem of liens created by state law frustrating the policy of equality of distribution among unsecured creditors. ", "See 4 COLLIER ON BANKRUPTCY ¶ 545.01[3], at 545-6 through 545-7 (15th ed. ", "1985). ", "Section 545 of the Code specifies six alternative grounds upon which the trustee can avoid the fixing of a statutory lien. ", "It must, of course, be recognized that Section 545 deals only with statutory liens and does not include judicial liens or security interests.", "\nA \"judicial lien\" is defined in Section 101(30) (formerly Section 101(27)) as a \"lien obtained by judgment, levy, sequestration, or other legal or equitable process or proceeding.\" ", "The term encompasses a lien established by attachment or garnishment. ", "See In re Rand Mining Co., 71 F.Supp. ", "724 (S.D.Cal.1947); In re Minton Group, Inc., 28 B.R. 774 (Bkrtcy.", "S.D.N.Y. 1983).[2] A judicial lien, while not subject to avoidance under Section 545, may be assailed as a preference. ", "See 4 COLLIER ON BANKRUPTCY, supra, ¶ 547.12[1], at 547-48. ", "In the present case, however, the writs were issued and the debtor's property levied upon outside of the preference period. ", "Where a writ of attachment is issued and the debtor's property is levied upon prior to the 90-day preference period, a lien is created in favor of the creditor which *820 cannot be avoided by the trustee. ", "McIntosh v. Bank of Salt Lake, 24 Utah 2d 245, 469 P.2d 1016, 1018 (1970). ", "See Walutes v. Baltimore Rigging Company, 390 F.2d 350, 352 (4th Cir.1968); Bass v. Stodd, 357 F.2d 458, 465-66 (9th Cir.1966); In re TMIC Industrial Cleaning Co., 19 B.R. 397, 400 (Bkrtcy.", "W.D.Mo.1982). ", "A judgment perfecting the lien may be rendered within the preference period or even after the filing of the bankruptcy petition. ", "Metcalf Brothers & Co. v. Barker, 187 U.S. 165, 23 S.Ct. ", "67, 47 L.Ed. ", "122 (1902); Morris W. Haft & Brothers v. Wells, supra, 93 F.2d at 995.", "\nThe property which is the subject of the writs is property of the debtor's estate. ", "11 U.S.C. § 541. ", "See United States v. Whiting Pools, 462 U.S. 198, 103 S.Ct. ", "2309, 76 L.Ed.2d 515 (1983). ", "However, turnover of such property is proper only where the creditor's interest can be adequately protected. ", "11 U.S.C. §§ 363(e), 542. ", "See In re Riding, 44 B.R. 846, 848-49, 12 B.C.D. 635, 11 C.B.C.2d 859 (Bkrtcy. ", "D.Utah 1984). ", "The facts of this case demonstrate that the debtor cannot provide adequate protection of the creditor's interest.", "\n\nTermination of the Automatic Stay\nThe automatic stay may have terminated on July 15, 1984 by reason of the operation of Section 362(e), the applicable version of which provided as follows:\n(e) Thirty days after a request under subsection (d) of this section for relief from the stay of any act against property of the estate under subsection (a) of this section, such stay is terminated with respect to the party in interest making such request, unless the court, after notice and a hearing, orders such stay continued in effect pending, or as a result of, a final hearing and determination under subsection (d) of this section. ", "A hearing under this subsection may be a preliminary hearing, or may be consolidated with the final hearing under subsection (d) of this section. ", "If the hearing under this subsection is a preliminary hearing —\n(1) the court shall order such stay so continued if there is a reasonable likelihood that the party opposing relief from such stay will prevail at the final hearing under subsection (d) of this section; and\n(2) such final hearing shall be commenced within thirty days after such preliminary hearing.[3]\nBankruptcy Rule 4001(b) provides:\nThe stay of any act against property of the estate under § 362(a) of the Code expires 30 days after a final hearing is commenced pursuant to § 362(e)(2) unless within that time the court denies the motion for relief from the stay.", "\nSection 362(e) was carefully drafted to assure that relief from stay matters be decided expeditiously. ", "The legislative history underscored this Congressional intent:\nSubsection (e) provides a protection for secured creditors that is not available under present law. ", "The subsection sets a time certain within which the bankruptcy court must rule on the adequacy of protection provided of the secured creditor's *821 interest. ", "If the court does not rule within 30 days from a request for relief from the stay, the stay is automatically terminated with respect to the property in question. ", "In order to accommodate more complex cases, the subsection permits the court to make a preliminary ruling after a preliminary hearing. ", "After a preliminary hearing, the court may continue the stay only if there is a reasonable likelihood that the party opposing relief from the stay will prevail at the final hearing. ", "Because the stay is essentially an injunction, the three stages of the stay may be analogized to the three stages of an injunction. ", "The filing of the petition which gives rise to the automatic stay is similar to a temporary restraining order. ", "The preliminary hearing is similar to the hearing on a preliminary injunction, and the final hearing and order is similar to a permanent injunction. ", "The main difference lies in which party must bring the issue before the court. ", "While in the injunction setting, the party seeking the injunction must prosecute the action, in proceedings for relief from the automatic stay, the enjoined party must move. ", "The difference does not, however, shift the burden of proof. ", "Subsection (g) leaves that burden on the party opposing relief from the stay (that is, on the party seeking continuance of the injunction) on the issue of adequate protection.", "\nH.R.Rep. ", "No. ", "95-595, 95th Cong., ", "1st Sess. ", "344 (1977).", "\nIn this matter, a preliminary hearing on the creditor's motion for relief was held within 30 days of the request therefor. ", "The Court continued the automatic stay for a period of 30 days until the conclusion of the final hearing and also asked that briefs be filed within 15 days, by June 29, 1984. ", "Final briefs were filed on July 11, 1984, only three days prior to the 30-day deadline for holding the final hearing. ", "The creditor failed to schedule a final hearing on the Court's calendar. ", "The 30-day deadline for the final hearing expired on July 15, 1984 and no order continuing the stay was entered.", "\nA creditor who fails to schedule a final hearing within the 30-day period may impliedly waive its right to automatic termination under Section 362(e). ", "See In re Small, 38 B.R. 143 (Bkrtcy.", "D.Md.1984); In re Wilmette Partners, 34 B.R. 958 (Bkrtcy. ", "N.D.Ill.1983); Matter of Fairchild, 30 B.R. 630 (Bkrtcy.", "S.D.Ohio 1983).", "\nMoreover, it cannot be doubted that this Court has the power under Section 105 of the Bankruptcy Code to issue an injunction to, in effect, reinstate the automatic stay following its expiration under Section 362(e). ", "See In re Rolanco, Inc., 43 B.R. 150 (Bkrtcy.", "E.D.Mo.1984); In re Small, 38 B.R. 143, 147-48 (Bkrtcy.", "D. Md.1984); In re Wilmette Partners, 34 B.R. 958, 11 B.C.D. 465 (Bkrtcy.", "N.D.Ill. ", "1983); Spagnol Enterprises, Inc. v. Atlantic Financial Federal Savings Association, 33 B.R. 129 (D.C.W.D.Pa.1983); In re Brusich and St. Pedro Jewelers, Inc., 28 B.R. 545 (Bkrtcy.", "E.D.Pa.1983); In re Prime, Inc., 26 B.R. 556 (Bkrtcy.", "W.D.Mo. ", "1983); In re Codesco, Inc., 24 B.R. 746, 9 B.C.D. 1100 (Bkrtcy.", "S.D.N.Y.1982); In re Durkalec, 21 B.R. 618 (Bkrtcy.", "E.D.Pa. ", "1982); Matter of QPL Components, Inc., 20 B.R. 342 (Bkrtcy.", "E.D.N.Y.1982); In re Sandmar Corp., 16 B.R. 120 (Bkrtcy.", "D.N. M.1981); In re Kleinsasser, 12 B.R. 452, 7 B.C.D. 1275 (Bkrtcy.", "D.S.D.1981); Memphis Bank & Trust Co. v. Brooks, 10 B.R. 306, 7 B.C.D. 290 (D.C.W.D.Tenn.1981); In re Fulghum Const. ", "Corp., 5 B.R. 53, 6 B.C.D. 661 (Bkrtcy.", "M.D.Tenn.1980); In re Walker, 3 B.R. 213, 6 B.C.D. 161 (Bkrtcy.", "W.D.Va. ", "1980); In re Feimster, 3 B.R. 11, 6 B.C.D. 131 (Bkrtcy.", "N.D.Ga.1979). ", "Contra, In re Wood, 33 B.R. 320, 11 B.C.D. 111 (Bkrtcy. ", "D.Idaho 1983).", "\nBecause of its determination that the creditor has a valid lien against the property levied upon by the prejudgment writs and is entitled to relief from the automatic stay, the Court refrains from deciding whether the stay expired on June 15, 1984, or whether the creditor waived its right to automatic termination under Section 362(e). ", "Given the facts of this case and the applicable *822 state law, the Court would have granted the creditor's motion for relief and ordered termination of the stay in any event.", "\n\nCONCLUSION\nRules 64A, 64C, and 64D of the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure were intended to create a method by which an unsecured creditor, under limited circumstances and by way of the prejudgment writs issued by the state court, could obtain a valid lien in the attached property of a defendant to the lawsuit in which the writs were issued. ", "A lien thus obtained is superior to the interest of the bankruptcy trustee.", "\nWhether or not judgment was actually rendered by the state court prior to entry of the order for relief does not affect the nature of the creditor's lien acquired pursuant to the writs of attachment. ", "Upon entry of judgment in favor of the plaintiff, the perfected lien relates back to the levy of attachment. ", "The judgment only determines the value of the creditor's interest. ", "In this case, the state court's summary judgment in the sum $130,607.27 exceeds the value of the collateral, which is less than $75,000.", "\nFor these reasons, Western States Petroleum, Inc. is entitled to relief from the automatic stay with respect to the property subject to the state court writs and shall have a lien against the proceeds of the sale by the trustee of any such property, subject, of course, to the claims of the holders of any superior liens.", "\nNOTES\n[1] The Court concludes that the affidavits of Martin V. Gravis, which attempt to impeach the validity of the writs, constitute inadmissible hearsay. ", "Consequently, there is no evidence before this Court of any defect in the prejudgment writs. ", "There is no evidence that the state court found any defects in the prejudgment writs nor in the process that led to the issuance of those writs. ", "Therefore, this Court concludes that the writs were in every respect valid.", "\n[2] The difference between statutory liens and judicial liens is explained in the legislative history, as follows:\n\nThe definition [of statutory liens] excludes judicial liens and security interests, whether or not they are provided for or are dependent on a statute, and whether or not they are made fully effective by statute. ", "A statutory lien is only one that arises automatically, and is not based on an agreement to give a lien or on judicial action. ", "Mechanics', materialmen's, and warehousemen's liens are examples. ", "Tax liens are also included in the definition of statutory lien.", "\nH.R.Rep. ", "No. ", "95-595, 95th Cong., ", "1st Sess. ", "314 (1977), 1978 U.S.Code Cong. & ", "Admin.", "News, p. 6271; S.Rep. ", "No. ", "95-989, 95th Cong., ", "2d Sess. ", "27 (1978), 1978 U.S.Code Cong. & ", "Admin.", "News, pp. ", "5812-13.", "\n[3] Minor, nonsubstantive amendments were made to Section 362(e) by Section 441 of the Bankruptcy Amendments and Federal Judgeship Act of 1984, Pub.", "L. 98-353, 98 Stat. ", "371 (July 10, 1984). ", "As amended, Section 362(e) reads as follows:\n\n(c) Thirty days after a request under subsection (d) of this section for relief from the stay of any act against property of the estate under subsection (a) of this section, such stay is terminated with respect to the party in interest making such request, unless the court, after notice and a hearing, orders such stay continued in effect pending the conclusion of, or as a result of, a final hearing and determination under subsection (d) of this section. ", "A hearing under this subsection may a preliminary hearing, or may be consolidated with the final hearing under subsection (d) of this section. ", "The court shall order such stay continued in effect pending the conclusion of the final hearing under subsection (d) of this section if there is a reasonable likelihood that the party opposing relief from such stay will prevail at the conclusion of such final hearing. ", "If the hearing under this subsection is a preliminary hearing, then such final hearing shall be commenced not later than thirty days after the conclusion of such preliminary hearing.", "\n" ]
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[ "/**\n * Copyright (c) 2010-2020 Contributors to the openHAB project\n *\n * See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional\n * information.", "\n *\n * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the\n * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at\n * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0\n *\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0\n */\npackage org.openhab.binding.openpaths.internal;\n\nimport java.io.", "IOException;\nimport java.math.", "BigDecimal;\nimport java.util.", "Date;\nimport java.util.", "Dictionary;\nimport java.util.", "Enumeration;\nimport java.util.", "HashMap;\nimport java.util.", "Map;\n\nimport org.apache.commons.lang.", "StringUtils;\nimport org.codehaus.jackson.", "JsonParseException;\nimport org.codehaus.jackson.map.", "JsonMappingException;\nimport org.codehaus.jackson.map.", "ObjectMapper;\nimport org.openhab.binding.openpaths.", "OpenPathsBindingProvider;\nimport org.openhab.core.binding.", "AbstractActiveBinding;\nimport org.openhab.core.library.types.", "DecimalType;\nimport org.openhab.core.library.types.", "OnOffType;\nimport org.openhab.core.library.types.", "StringType;\nimport org.osgi.service.cm.", "ConfigurationException;\nimport org.osgi.service.cm.", "ManagedService;\nimport org.scribe.builder.", "ServiceBuilder;\nimport org.scribe.model.", "OAuthRequest;\nimport org.scribe.model.", "Response;\nimport org.scribe.model.", "Token;\nimport org.scribe.model.", "Verb;\nimport org.scribe.oauth.", "OAuthService;\nimport org.slf4j.", "Logger;\nimport org.slf4j.", "LoggerFactory;\n\n/**\n * Binding for OpenPaths location detection.", "\n *\n * When signing up to the OpenPaths service (at https://openpaths.cc/) you will\n * be issued with an ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_KEY. ", "Using these keys to configure\n * this binding you can periodically get openHAB to check the location of one or\n * more users, and check against a predefined 'home' location to see if a user\n * is inside the 'geofence'.", "\n *\n * @author Ben Jones, Robert Bausdorf\n * @since 1.4.0\n */\npublic class OpenPathsBinding extends AbstractActiveBinding<OpenPathsBindingProvider>implements ManagedService {\n\n private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OpenPathsBinding.class);\n\n // default refresh interval (defaults to 5 minutes)\n private long refreshInterval = 300000L;\n\n // default fallback geo fence distance (defaults to 100m)\n private float geoFence = 100;\n\n // list of configured locations in openhab.conf\n private Map<String, Location> locations;\n\n // list of OpenPaths openpaths users configured in openhab.conf\n private Map<String, OpenPathsUser> openPathsUsers;\n\n @Override\n protected String getName() {\n return \"OpenPaths Refresh Service\";\n }\n\n @Override\n protected long getRefreshInterval() {\n return refreshInterval;\n }\n\n public Map<String, OpenPathsBinding.", "Location> getLocations() {\n return this.locations;\n }\n\n public Map<String, OpenPathsBinding.", "OpenPathsUser> getUsers() {\n return this.openPathsUsers;\n }\n\n enum LocationBindingType {\n on,\n distance\n }\n\n /**\n * @{inheritDoc\n */\n @Override\n public void execute() {\n if (!", "bindingsExist()) {\n logger.debug(\"There is no existing OpenPaths binding configuration => refresh cycle aborted!\");", "\n return;\n }\n\n for (OpenPathsBindingProvider provider : providers) {\n for (String itemName : provider.getItemNames()) {\n logger.trace(\"try binding provider item: \" + itemName);\n OpenPathsBindingConfig bindingConfig = provider.getItemConfig(itemName);\n String bindingConfigName = bindingConfig.getName();\n String[] bindingParts = bindingConfigName.split(\"\\\\:\");\n if (bindingParts.length < 1) {\n logger.error(\"Empty OpenPaths binding config\");\n continue;\n }\n String name = bindingParts[0];\n if (!", "openPathsUsers.containsKey(name)) {\n logger.warn(\"There is no OpenPaths user configured for '\" + name\n + \"'. ", "Please add this user to the binding configuration, including both the ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_KEY from the OpenPaths profile.\");", "\n continue;\n }\n\n Location location = null;\n OpenPathsUser openPathsUser = openPathsUsers.get(name);\n if (openPathsUser.lastUpdateTS + this.refreshInterval < System.currentTimeMillis()) {\n String accessKey = openPathsUser.getAccessKey();\n String secretKey = openPathsUser.getSecretKey();\n\n if (StringUtils.isEmpty(accessKey)) {\n logger.warn(\"There is no ACCESS_KEY configured for '\" + name\n + \"'. ", "Please add this user to the binding configuration, including both the ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_KEY from the OpenPaths profile.\");", "\n continue;\n }\n if (StringUtils.isEmpty(secretKey)) {\n logger.warn(\"There is no SECRET_KEY configured for '\" + name\n + \"'. ", "Please add this user to the binding configuration, including both the ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_KEY from the OpenPaths profile.\");", "\n continue;\n }\n\n logger.debug(\"Requesting location for '{}'...\", name);\n location = getUserLocation(accessKey, secretKey);\n if (location !", "= null) {\n openPathsUsers.get(name).setLastLocation(location);\n logger.debug(\"New location received for '{}': {}\", name, location.toString());\n } else {\n logger.warn(\"Unable to determine location for '{}'. ", "Skipping.\", ", "name);\n continue;\n }\n } else {\n location = openPathsUsers.get(name).getLastLocation();\n logger.trace(\"Using cached location for '{}'\", openPathsUser.toString());\n }\n\n String bindingLocationName = bindingParts.length > 1 ? ", "bindingParts[1] : \"\";\n if (bindingLocationName.startsWith(\"current\")) {\n if (bindingLocationName.equals(\"currentLocation\")) {\n eventPublisher.postUpdate(itemName,\n new StringType(\"\" + location.getLatitude() + \", \" + location.getLongitude()));\n } else if (bindingLocationName.equals(\"currentLatitude\")) {\n eventPublisher.postUpdate(itemName, new DecimalType(new BigDecimal(location.getLatitude())));\n } else if (bindingLocationName.equals(\"currentLongitude\")) {\n eventPublisher.postUpdate(itemName, new DecimalType(new BigDecimal(location.getLongitude())));\n } else {\n logger.warn(\"unsupported Binding: \" + bindingLocationName);\n }\n continue;\n }\n\n if (!", "locations.containsKey(bindingLocationName)) {\n logger.warn(\"location name \" + bindingLocationName + \" not configured, falling back to 'home'\");\n bindingLocationName = \"home\";\n }\n logger.debug(\"OpenPathsUser: \" + name + \"@\" + bindingLocationName);\n\n LocationBindingType bindingType = LocationBindingType.on;\n if (bindingParts.length == 3) {\n if (bindingParts[2].equals(\"distance\")) {\n bindingType = LocationBindingType.distance;\n }\n }\n\n Location bindingLocation = locations.get(bindingLocationName);\n logger.trace(\"Calculating distance between home ({}) and user location ({}) for '{}'...\",\n new Object[] { bindingLocation.toString(), location.toString(), name });\n double distance = calculateDistance(bindingLocation, location);\n bindingLocation.setDistance(distance);\n logger.trace(\"Distance calculated as {} for '{}'@'{}'\", distance, name, bindingLocationName);\n\n if (bindingType.equals(LocationBindingType.on)) {\n float fence = bindingLocation.getGeofence() == 0.0 ? ", "geoFence : bindingLocation.getGeofence();\n if (distance <= fence) {\n logger.trace(\"Detected that '{}'@'{}' is inside the geofence ({}m)\", name, bindingLocationName,\n fence);\n eventPublisher.postUpdate(itemName, OnOffType.", "ON);\n } else {\n logger.trace(\"Detected that '{}'@'{}' is outside the geofence ({}m)\", name, bindingLocationName,\n fence);\n eventPublisher.postUpdate(itemName, OnOffType.", "OFF);\n }\n } else if (bindingType.equals(LocationBindingType.distance)) {\n eventPublisher.postUpdate(itemName, new DecimalType(new BigDecimal(distance / 1000)));\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n private Location getUserLocation(String accessKey, String secretKey) {\n // build the OAuth service using the access/secret keys\n OAuthService service = new ServiceBuilder().provider(new OpenPathsApi()).apiKey(accessKey).apiSecret(secretKey)\n .build();\n\n // build the request\n OAuthRequest request = new OAuthRequest(Verb.", "GET, \"https://openpaths.cc/api/1\");\n service.signRequest(Token.empty(), request);\n request.addQuerystringParameter(\"num_points\", \"1\");\n\n // send the request and check we got a successful response\n Response response = request.send();\n if (!", "response.isSuccessful()) {\n logger.error(\"Failed to request the OpenPaths location, response code: \" + response.getCode());\n return null;\n }\n\n // parse the response to build our location object\n Map<String, Object> locationData;\n String toParse = \"{}\";\n try {\n ObjectMapper jsonReader = new ObjectMapper();\n toParse = response.getBody();\n toParse = toParse.substring(1, toParse.length() - 2);\n locationData = jsonReader.readValue(toParse, Map.class);\n } catch (JsonParseException e) {\n logger.error(\"Error parsing JSON:\\n\" + toParse, e);\n return null;\n } catch (JsonMappingException e) {\n logger.error(\"Error mapping JSON:\\n\" + toParse, e);\n return null;\n } catch (IOException e) {\n logger.error(\"An I/O error occurred while decoding JSON:\\n\" + response.getBody());\n return null;\n }\n\n float latitude = Float.parseFloat(locationData.get(\"lat\").toString());\n float longitude = Float.parseFloat(locationData.get(\"lon\").toString());\n String device = locationData.get(\"device\").toString();\n return new Location(latitude, longitude, device);\n }\n\n private double calculateDistance(Location location1, Location location2) {\n float lat1 = location1.getLatitude();\n float lng1 = location1.getLongitude();\n float lat2 = location2.getLatitude();\n float lng2 = location2.getLongitude();\n\n double dLat = Math.toRadians(lat2 - lat1);\n double dLng = Math.toRadians(lng2 - lng1);\n double a = Math.sin(dLat / 2) * Math.sin(dLat / 2) + Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat1))\n * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat2)) * Math.sin(dLng / 2) * Math.sin(dLng / 2);\n double c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a));\n\n double earthRadiusKm = 6369;\n double distKm = earthRadiusKm * c;\n\n // return the distance in meters\n return distKm * 1000;\n }\n\n protected void addBindingProvider(OpenPathsBindingProvider bindingProvider) {\n super.addBindingProvider(bindingProvider);\n }\n\n protected void removeBindingProvider(OpenPathsBindingProvider bindingProvider) {\n super.removeBindingProvider(bindingProvider);\n }\n\n /**\n * {@inheritDoc}\n */\n @Override\n public void updated(Dictionary<String, ?", "> config) throws ConfigurationException {\n openPathsUsers = new HashMap<String, OpenPathsUser>();\n locations = new HashMap<String, Location>();\n if (config !", "= null) {\n Enumeration<String> keys = config.keys();\n while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {\n String key = keys.nextElement();\n String value = (String) config.get(key);\n\n // the config-key enumeration contains additional keys that we\n // don't want to process here ...\n if (\"service.pid\".equals(key)) {\n continue;\n }\n\n if (\"refresh\".equals(key)) {\n if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {\n refreshInterval = Long.parseLong(value);\n logger.trace(\"Config: refresh=\" + this.refreshInterval);\n }\n } else if (\"geofence\".equals(key)) {\n // only for backward compatibility / as fallback\n if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {\n geoFence = Float.parseFloat(value);\n logger.trace(\"Config: geofence=\" + this.geoFence);\n }\n } else if (key.endsWith(\"lat\")) {\n String[] keyParts = key.split(\"\\\\.\");\n if (keyParts.length !", "= 2) {\n throw new ConfigurationException(key, \"Invalid OpenPaths user location lattitude: \" + key);\n }\n if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {\n float lat = Float.parseFloat(value);\n\n String name = keyParts[0];\n\n if (locations.containsKey(name)) {\n locations.get(name).setLatitude(lat);\n logger.trace(\"Config: new Location \" + name + \"(\" + locations.get(name) + \")\");\n } else {\n Location loc = new Location();\n loc.setLatitude(lat);\n logger.trace(\"Config: update Location \" + name + \"(\" + locations.get(name) + \")\");\n locations.put(name, loc);\n }\n }\n } else if (key.endsWith(\"long\")) {\n String[] keyParts = key.split(\"\\\\.\");\n if (keyParts.length !", "= 2) {\n throw new ConfigurationException(key, \"Invalid OpenPaths user location longitude: \" + key);\n }\n if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {\n float lon = Float.parseFloat(value);\n\n String name = keyParts[0];\n\n if (locations.containsKey(name)) {\n locations.get(name).setLongitude(lon);\n logger.trace(\"Config: new Location \" + name + \"(\" + locations.get(name) + \")\");\n } else {\n Location loc = new Location();\n loc.setLongitude(lon);\n logger.trace(\"Config: update Location \" + name + \"(\" + locations.get(name) + \")\");\n locations.put(name, loc);\n }\n }\n } else if (key.endsWith(\"geofence\") && !", "key.equals(\"geofence\")) {\n String[] keyParts = key.split(\"\\\\.\");\n if (keyParts.length !", "= 2) {\n throw new ConfigurationException(key, \"Invalid OpenPaths user location geofence: \" + key);\n }\n if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {\n float fence = Float.parseFloat(value);\n\n String name = keyParts[0];\n\n if (locations.containsKey(name)) {\n locations.get(name).setGeofence(fence);\n logger.trace(\"Config: new Location \" + name + \"(\" + locations.get(name) + \")\");\n } else {\n Location loc = new Location();\n loc.setGeofence(fence);\n logger.trace(\"Config: update Location \" + name + \"(\" + locations.get(name) + \")\");\n locations.put(name, loc);\n }\n }\n } else if (key.endsWith(\"key\")) {\n String[] keyParts = key.split(\"\\\\.\");\n if (keyParts.length !", "= 2) {\n throw new ConfigurationException(key, \"Invalid OpenPaths user key: \" + key);\n }\n\n String name = keyParts[0];\n String configKey = keyParts[1];\n\n if (!", "openPathsUsers.containsKey(name)) {\n openPathsUsers.put(name, new OpenPathsUser(name));\n }\n\n OpenPathsUser openPathsUser = openPathsUsers.get(name);\n\n if (configKey.equalsIgnoreCase(\"accesskey\")) {\n openPathsUser.setAccessKey(value);\n } else if (configKey.equalsIgnoreCase(\"secretkey\")) {\n openPathsUser.setSecretKey(value);\n } else {\n throw new ConfigurationException(key, \"Unrecognised configuration parameter: \" + configKey);\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (!", "locations.containsKey(\"home\")) {\n throw new ConfigurationException(\"home.lat\", \"No location specified for 'home'\");\n }\n\n setProperlyConfigured(true);\n }\n }\n\n public class OpenPathsUser {\n private final String name;\n private String accessKey;\n private String secretKey;\n private Location lastLocation = null;\n private long lastUpdateTS = 0;\n\n public OpenPathsUser(String name) {\n this.name = name;\n }\n\n public String getName() {\n return name;\n }\n\n public String getAccessKey() {\n return accessKey;\n }\n\n public void setAccessKey(String accessKey) {\n this.accessKey = accessKey;\n }\n\n public String getSecretKey() {\n return secretKey;\n }\n\n public void setSecretKey(String secretKey) {\n this.secretKey = secretKey;\n }\n\n public Location getLastLocation() {\n return lastLocation;\n }\n\n public void setLastLocation(Location lastLocation) {\n this.lastLocation = lastLocation;\n this.lastUpdateTS = System.currentTimeMillis();\n }\n\n public long getLastUpdateTS() {\n return lastUpdateTS;\n }\n\n @Override\n public String toString() {\n StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();\n out.append(name).append(\", last updated \");\n out.append(new Date(this.lastUpdateTS).toString());\n out.append(\": \").append(this.lastLocation.toString());\n\n return out.toString();\n }\n }\n\n public class Location {\n private float latitude;\n private float longitude;\n private float geofence;\n private String device;\n private double distance;\n\n public Location(float latitude, float longitude, String device) {\n this.latitude = latitude;\n this.longitude = longitude;\n this.device = device !", "= null ? ", "device : \"\";\n this.geofence = 0.0f;\n this.distance = Float.", "MAX_VALUE;\n }\n\n public Location() {\n this.latitude = 0.0f;\n this.longitude = 0.0f;\n this.device = \"\";\n this.geofence = 0.0f;\n this.distance = Float.", "MAX_VALUE;\n }\n\n public float getLatitude() {\n return latitude;\n }\n\n public float getLongitude() {\n return longitude;\n }\n\n public float getGeofence() {\n return geofence;\n }\n\n public String getDevice() {\n return device;\n }\n\n public void setLatitude(float latitude) {\n this.latitude = latitude;\n }\n\n public void setLongitude(float longitude) {\n this.longitude = longitude;\n }\n\n public void setGeofence(float geofence) {\n this.geofence = geofence;\n }\n\n public void setDevice(String device) {\n this.device = device !", "= null ? ", "device : \"\";\n }\n\n public double getDistance() {\n return distance;\n }\n\n public void setDistance(double distance) {\n this.distance = distance;\n }\n\n @Override\n public String toString() {\n StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();\n out.append(latitude).append(\", \").append(longitude);\n if (geofence > 0) {\n out.append(\", Fence: \").append(geofence);\n }\n if (!", "device.isEmpty()) {\n out.append(\"(from \").append(device).append(')');\n }\n return out.toString();\n }\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThis invention relates generally to real-time simulator image display including earth terrain simulation and, more specifically, to a method and system for generating databases used in real-time image displays including real-time simulators.", "\n2. ", "Description of Related Art\nReal-time geo-specific terrain visualization has become an increasingly important requirement for military as well as commercial simulation endeavors. ", "It is critical to be able to quickly generate accurate, realistic terrain databases for battlefield and flight simulators. ", "During offensive operations, the military may use these simulators to plan and create the sequences of events that occur during a mission before an actual battle. ", "Also, flight training for commercial and military pilots is significantly improved when simulators have updated information concerning the area where the pilots actually fly and the airfields where they take off and land.", "\nTraditionally, these terrain databases are generated manually using a visual database design system (VDBDS). ", "The person utilizing the VDBDS must specify the input data sources including satellite and aerial imagery, digital elevation data, vector shapes used to define roads, rivers and other boundaries, and 3-D models of buildings and other ground features. ", "This process is quite costly and time consuming. ", "Once the input sources have been identified, the database modeler must then configure numerous VDBDS options that control how the input data will be processed and ultimately define the fidelity of the output database. ", "The database modeler must ensure an appropriate balance between fidelity and performance such that the target simulation platform can process the database in real-time. ", "Once the VDBDS has been configured, it must then process all of the input sources by combining them into merged database with the modeler-specified characteristics. ", "The merged database contains polygons and texture in varying levels of detail (LODs). ", "The visual simulation system loads and utilizes this merged database at run-time through a process generally known as “database paging”. ", "Patented examples of this approach include SmartMesh™ developed by Terrain Experts and ROAM (Real-time Optimally Adaptive Mesh) developed by The University of California.", "\nThere are numerous significant drawbacks with the above approach. ", "The processing time required by a typical VDBDS to produce a large area database can be on the order of days or weeks, requiring dedicated CPU resources and resulting in databases that require far more disk space than the source data they are produced from. ", "If new data becomes available (e.g. updated aerial imagery of a target area collected by a reconnaissance mission) then the database modeler must reconfigure the VDBDS to utilize the new data. ", "Once reconfigured, the VDBDS must then reprocess the input data, requiring days or weeks before the results can be visualized.", "\nAnother significant disadvantage to the above approach is that the resulting databases do not automatically scale with hardware advancements. ", "Modern graphics hardware performance doubles approximately every six months [ref]. ", "In order to take advantage of the fidelity afforded by improved graphics capabilities, a database modeler must reconfigure the VDBDS to produce more detailed output. ", "As the output detail increases, so does the time required by the VDBDS to process the source data, as well as the size of the resulting database.", "\nLarge databases tax system resources such as CPU time and disk access at run time. ", "This limits the practical extent of databases produced using the approach described above. ", "Furthermore, because all processing must be performed prior to run-time, the entire database must be produced offline. ", "For large-area databases, many of the resulting database LODs may never actually be visualized and are therefore wasted. ", "Finally, the quality of the database generated is entirely dependant upon the skill of the database modeler, making it necessary to have an expert on hand for updating the visual databases.", "\nBecause of these limitations, a need exists to overcome the problems with the prior art, and particularly for a system and method which combines proven tools and algorithms with freely available data to create a worldwide database generation system." ]
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[ "\n664 N.E.2d 328 (1996)\n278 Ill. App.3d 1084\n215 Ill.Dec. 931\nSteven Daniel JACOBSON et al., ", "Minor Children of Pamela Ellsworth, Deceased, by William Boyle, Guardian and Next Friend, Petitioners,\nv.\nBUFFALO ROCK SHOOTERS SUPPLY, INC., ", "et al., ", "Respondents-Appellees (Raymond Bruce Scamen, Adm'r of the Estate of Ronea Scamen, Petitioner-Appellant).", "\nNo. ", "3-95-0683.", "\nAppellate Court of Illinois, Third District.", "\nApril 11, 1996.", "\nRehearing Denied May 9, 1996.", "\n*329 James R. Lindig, Law Offices of Peter F. Ferracuti, P.C., Ottawa, for William Boyle, Raymond Bruce Scamen.", "\nTom Dillon, McFadden Dillon, Chicago, for Buffalo Rock Shooters Supply, Inc., Ellsbeth S. Fulmer, Evelyn Muffler.", "\nJustice McCUSKEY delivered the opinion of the court:\nPamela Ellsworth and Ronea Scamen were both killed in an explosion while employed by Buffalo Rock Shooters Supply, Inc. (Buffalo Rock). ", "The plaintiffs, Steven Daniel Jacobson and Christopher Michael Boyle, the minor children of Pamela Ellsworth, deceased, by their guardian and next friend, William Boyle, filed a complaint seeking to pierce Buffalo Rock's corporate veil and collect a judgment of $251,750 from the corporation's shareholders. ", "The plaintiff, Raymond Bruce Scamen, administrator of the estate of Ronea Scamen, filed an almost identical complaint, also seeking to collect a $251,750 judgment.", "\nBuffalo Rock's shareholders were Ellsbeth S. Fullmer, Roger W. Fullmer and Patricia Ann Smith. ", "Roger and Patricia Ann were killed in the same explosion. ", "As a consequence, in both actions, the plaintiffs sought recovery from Ellsbeth, individually and as administrator of Roger's estate and Evelyn Muffler, as administrator of Patricia Ann's estate. ", "The trial court consolidated the complaints. ", "Subsequently, the trial court entered an order which granted a motion to dismiss Roger's and Patricia Ann's estates as defendants and granted judgment in favor of Ellsbeth.", "\nOn appeal, the plaintiffs argue: (1) the trial court erred when it granted the estates' motion to dismiss; and (2) the trial court should have pierced the corporate veil and enforced the judgments against the shareholders of Buffalo Rock.", "\nFollowing our careful review of the record, we find the evidence does not support piercing the corporate veil and imposing liability on Buffalo Rock's shareholders. ", "As a result, we affirm because we conclude the trial court's ruling was not against the manifest weight of the evidence.", "\n\nFACTS\nBuffalo Rock was incorporated on August 11, 1987. ", "Roger and Ellsbeth, husband and *330 wife, each received 40 shares in the corporation. ", "Ellsbeth's daughter, Patricia Ann, received 20 shares. ", "The shareholders paid a total of $1,000 for these shares. ", "Buffalo Rock was in the business of operating a shooting range. ", "It also sold guns and related equipment and manufactured and sold ammunition. ", "Prior to incorporation, Ellsbeth ran the business for 17 years as a sole proprietorship. ", "The assets of the business were sold by Ellsbeth to the corporation. ", "A transferee statement showed that Ellsbeth transferred $242,155 in assets to Buffalo Rock. ", "Buffalo Rock assumed liabilities of $143,312 for a net transfer of $98,943 in assets. ", "Ellsbeth was to receive $1,500 per month for these assets, and she retained title to the real estate on which the business was located.", "\nOn October 19, 1987, the shareholders of Buffalo Rock executed a written consent in lieu of a meeting. ", "They ratified the actions taken in incorporating Buffalo Rock and appointed themselves directors. ", "On the same date, the newly appointed directors executed a written consent in lieu of a director's meeting in which they adopted the bylaws of the corporation and elected officers.", "\nAfter incorporation, Ellsbeth was not involved in the operation of the business and never attended a corporate meeting. ", "She stated in her deposition that she did not know what it meant to be an officer of the corporation. ", "Roger and Patricia Ann ran the business. ", "They were employees of the corporation and received salaries. ", "Roger was paid $4,552 for the period from August 11, 1987, to December 31, 1987. ", "Patricia Ann was paid $4,308 during the same period.", "\nThe mortgage on the real estate, held in Ellsbeth's name, was paid out of Buffalo Rock's account. ", "The building on the property was used by Buffalo Rock and also by two companies Roger owned, Class III Enterprises and Chevron Case Master. ", "No dividends were ever paid by Buffalo Rock. ", "The bylaws required an annual meeting in August. ", "We note that no meeting was held in August 1988.", "\nFinancial statements prepared on behalf of Buffalo Rock showed that, as of December 31, 1987, the assets of Buffalo Rock included $157,010 in inventory and $19,214 in equipment and vehicles, after depreciation. ", "A statement of earnings showed sales in the amount of $248,401 for the five-month period ending December 31, 1987. ", "Net earnings after expenses were shown as $3,379. ", "Buffalo Rock filed State and Federal corporate income tax returns for 1987.", "\nOn October 7, 1988, the explosion occurred. ", "Roger, Patricia Ann, Pamela Ellsworth and Ronea Scamen were all working that day and were killed. ", "Buffalo Rock's assets were destroyed in the explosion. ", "Buffalo Rock had a general liability insurance policy. ", "However, the policy provided no coverage for the explosion. ", "Moreover, Buffalo Rock had no workers' compensation insurance coverage and was not self-insured for workers' compensation liability.", "\nSubsequently, a $251,750 workers' compensation award was entered against Buffalo Rock on behalf of Ellsworth's children. ", "A $251,750 award was also entered on behalf of Scamen's estate. ", "On August 26, 1992, the circuit court of La Salle County entered judgment against Buffalo Rock on the basis of each award.", "\nOn October 8, 1992, the plaintiffs filed their complaints seeking to pierce the corporate veil and collect the judgments from Ellsbeth and the estates of Roger and Patricia Ann. ", "Both complaints stated that Buffalo Rock was undercapitalized because it failed to either purchase and maintain workers' compensation insurance or have sufficient assets to be a self-insurer.", "\nPatricia Ann's estate filed a motion to dismiss the complaints, arguing that they were not timely filed under the Probate Act of 1975 (755 ILCS 5/1-1 et seq. (", "West 1994)). ", "The causes were submitted to the trial court on stipulated evidence. ", "On August 15, 1995, an order was entered which granted the motion to dismiss as to both estates and granted judgment in favor of Ellsbeth. ", "The plaintiffs filed timely notices of appeal.", "\n\nPIERCING THE CORPORATE VEIL\nThe plaintiffs argue that the trial court should have pierced Buffalo Rock's corporate veil and found its shareholders liable for the judgment against Buffalo Rock. ", "We *331 initially recognize that a reviewing court will not reverse the finding of the trial court regarding piercing the corporate veil unless it is against the manifest weight of the evidence. ", "In re Estate of Wallen, 262 Ill. App.3d 61, 68, 199 Ill.Dec. 359, 366, 633 N.E.2d 1350, 1357 (1994); Ted Harrison Oil Co. v. Dokka, 247 Ill.App.3d 791, 796, 187 Ill.Dec. 441, 445, 617 N.E.2d 898, 902 (1993).", "\nA corporation is a legal entity which exists separate and distinct from its shareholders, directors and officers. ", "In re Rehabilitation of Centaur Insurance Co., 158 Ill.2d 166, 172, 198 Ill.Dec. 404, 406, 632 N.E.2d 1015, 1017 (1994). ", "Accordingly, the shareholders, directors and officers are not, as a general rule, liable for the corporation's obligations. ", "Wallen, 262 Ill.App.3d at 68, 199 Ill.Dec. at 366, 633 N.E.2d at 1357. ", "For a court to pierce the corporate veil and find liability on the part of the shareholders for the corporation's obligations, two principal requirements must be met: (1) a unity of interest and ownership that causes the separate personalities of the corporation and the individual to no longer exist; and (2) the presence of circumstances under which adherence to the fiction of a separate corporate existence would sanction a fraud, promote injustice or promote inequitable consequences. ", "Wallen, 262 Ill.App.3d at 68-69, 199 Ill.Dec. at 366, 633 N.E.2d at 1357; Dokka, 247 Ill.App.3d at 795, 187 Ill.Dec. at 444-45, 617 N.E.2d at 901-02.", "\nCourts are reluctant to pierce the corporate veil. ", "Wallen, 262 Ill.App.3d at 68, 199 Ill.Dec. at 366, 633 N.E.2d at 1357; Dokka, 247 Ill.App.3d at 795-96, 187 Ill.Dec. at 445, 617 N.E.2d at 902. ", "Accordingly, a party seeking to pierce the corporate veil has the burden to make a substantial showing that the corporation is really a dummy or sham for another dominating entity. ", "Wallen, 262 Ill.App.3d at 68, 199 Ill.Dec. at 366, 633 N.E.2d at 1357; Dokka, 247 Ill.App.3d at 796, 187 Ill.Dec. at 445, 617 N.E.2d at 902.", "\nCourts look at numerous factors in determining whether to pierce the corporate veil. ", "Wallen, 262 Ill.App.3d at 69, 199 Ill. Dec. at 366-67, 633 N.E.2d at 1357-58. ", "These factors include: inadequate capitalization; failure to issue stock; failure to observe corporate formalities; nonpayment of dividends; insolvency of the debtor corporation; nonfunctioning of the other officers or directors; absence of corporate records; commingling of funds; diversion of assets from the corporation by or to a shareholder; failure to maintain arm's length relationships among related entities; and whether the corporation is a mere facade for the operation of the dominant shareholders. ", "Wallen, 262 Ill. App.3d at 69, 199 Ill.Dec. at 366-67, 633 N.E.2d at 1357-58.", "\nThe plaintiffs claim the corporate veil should be pierced because: (1) Buffalo Rock did not observe corporate formalities and did not pay dividends; (2) the corporation paid the mortgage on real estate owned only by Ellsbeth; (3) two businesses owned by Roger operated out of the same building; and (4) the corporation failed to maintain workers' compensation insurance and had no liquid assets available to pay claims against it.", "\nWe cannot agree with the plaintiffs that Buffalo Rock did not observe corporate formalities. ", "Buffalo Rock completed all of the required documents necessary to its formation. ", "Additionally, Buffalo Rock issued shares of stock and filed the appropriate corporate tax returns. ", "We find that Buffalo Rock merely failed to hold an annual meeting in August 1988. ", "We hold that merely missing one annual meeting is not a sufficient showing of failure to observe corporate formalities. ", "Cf. ", "Dokka, 247 Ill.App.3d at 796, 187 Ill.Dec. at 445, 617 N.E.2d at 902.", "\nIt is true that Buffalo Rock did not pay corporate dividends. ", "However, the corporation was in existence slightly more than one year prior to the explosion. ", "Under these circumstances, we find no failure to observe corporate formalities.", "\nThe plaintiffs also rely on the fact that Buffalo Rock paid the mortgage on the real estate owned by Ellsbeth. ", "They apparently conclude that this constitutes evidence of a diversion of funds to a shareholder. ", "However, Buffalo Rock's business operations were located on the property. ", "The financial statements show that the corporation paid rent for the use of the property. ", "It appears *332 from the record that Buffalo Rock was paying the mortgage as a rental payment for the use of the property.", "\nAlso, the plaintiffs note that two businesses owned by Roger operated out of the same building. ", "However, contrary to the plaintiffs' assertion, this bare fact does not show that corporate funds or assets were commingled with the funds or assets of Roger's separate businesses.", "\nThe remaining facts relied on by the plaintiffs are Buffalo Rock's failure to have workers' compensation insurance and lack of liquid assets to pay its debts. ", "The plaintiffs assert these facts as proof that Buffalo Rock was not adequately capitalized. ", "Again, we disagree with the plaintiffs.", "\nIt is well settled that undercapitalization of a corporation is a significant factor in piercing the corporate veil. ", "Wallen, 262 Ill. App.3d at 71, 199 Ill.Dec. at 368, 633 N.E.2d at 1359; Amsted Industries, Inc. v. Pollak Industries, Inc., 65 Ill.App.3d 545, 552, 22 Ill.Dec. 73, 79, 382 N.E.2d 393, 399 (1978). \"", "`An obvious inadequacy of capital, measured by the nature and magnitude of the corporate undertaking, has frequently been an important factor in cases denying stockholders their defense of limited liability.'\" ", "Gallagher v. Reconco Builders, Inc., 91 Ill. App.3d 999, 1005, 47 Ill.Dec. 555, 559, 415 N.E.2d 560, 564 (1980), quoting Anderson v. Abbott, 321 U.S. 349, 362, 64 S.Ct. ", "531, 538, 88 L.Ed. ", "793, 803 (1944).", "\nIn Wallen, the court concluded the corporation was not undercapitalized. ", "The court in that case said the evidence did not show the shareholder intended to minimize the corporation's assets to the detriment of his creditors. ", "Wallen, 262 Ill.App.3d at 71, 199 Ill.Dec. at 368, 633 N.E.2d at 1359. ", "The court in Wallen stated that there was \"no competent evidence presented to show that the company was undercapitalized in relation to the amount of business conducted or in relation to its corporate obligations.\" ", "Wallen, 262 Ill.App.3d at 71, 199 Ill.Dec. at 368, 633 N.E.2d at 1359.", "\nHere, in the instant case, the undisputed evidence shows that Buffalo Rock had substantial assets, including inventory and equipment. ", "Buffalo Rock purchased the assets of a business which previously operated for 17 years. ", "Also, the financial statements showed the corporation had significant income from sales. ", "The business income was sufficient for Buffalo Rock to pay its debts and retain net earnings. ", "No evidence is contained in the record that Buffalo Rock minimized its assets to the detriment of its creditors or was undercapitalized in relation to the amount of business conducted or its corporate obligations. ", "Based on the analysis in Wallen, we conclude that Buffalo Rock was adequately capitalized. ", "The fact that Buffalo Rock's assets were destroyed in the explosion does not change our analysis.", "\nFinally, we conclude that Buffalo Rock's failure to obtain workers' compensation insurance is not an adequate basis for piercing the corporate veil. ", "It is very unfortunate that Buffalo Rock did not have workers' compensation insurance to cover the tragic death of its employees. ", "However, the failure of a corporation to obtain workers' compensation insurance is not a sufficient basis to pierce the corporate veil and find a shareholder personally liable. ", "Webb v. Webb, 180 Ill.App.3d 619, 621-22, 129 Ill.Dec. 522, 523-24, 536 N.E.2d 206, 207-08 (1989).", "\nThe court in Webb noted the Illinois Workers' Compensation Act (820 ILCS 305/1 et seq. (", "West 1994)) does not provide for individual liability against a corporation's officers and directors. ", "Webb, 180 Ill.App.3d at 622-23, 129 Ill.Dec. at 524, 536 N.E.2d at 208. ", "The court in Webb then concluded that any alteration in the Workers' Compensation Act must come from the legislature and not the courts. ", "Webb, 180 Ill.App.3d at 623, 129 Ill.Dec. at 524, 536 N.E.2d at 208. ", "We agree with this conclusion.", "\n\nCONCLUSION\nThe record supports the trial court's finding that Buffalo Rock was a separate entity and was not the alter ego of its shareholders. ", "See Alpert v. Bertsch, 235 Ill.App.3d 452, 461, 176 Ill.Dec. 333, 338, 601 N.E.2d 1031, 1036 (1992). ", "Therefore, we conclude the plaintiffs failed to make the substantial showing necessary to pierce Buffalo Rock's corporate veil and impose individual liability on the shareholders. *", "333 As a result, we find the trial court's ruling was not against the manifest weight of the evidence.", "\nFor the reasons indicated, we affirm the judgment of the circuit court of La Salle County.", "\nAffirmed.", "\nSLATER and LYTTON, JJ., ", "concur.", "\n" ]
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[ "mobile security software – BullGuard Mobile Security 2017\n\nThis mobile antivirus software protects your phone from viruses and other harmful programs using real-time detection. ", "Regular scans of your mobile device can detect malware that has entered your cell phone. ", "In addition to real-time protection, BullGuard Mobile Security allows you to scan your phone for viruses at any time or according to a schedule. ", "This cell phone virus protection also offers firewall protection, which sets up a barrier around the ports on your device so that malicious information cannot enter your phone. ", "Firewalls let you decide what content enters your smartphone and places a shield over your signal so that your device is not discoverable on public networks. ", "BullGuard also includes a spam filter that allows you to block certain phone calls and text messages.", "\n\nSummary\n\nBullGuard Mobile Security updates itself when your phone is connected to the internet. ", "If you don???t have continuous internet access, each time you gain internet connectivity, the software will check for updates. ", "If you want to look for any available updates or change the way your device updates itself, you can follow the instructions on the BullGuard support website.", "\n\nIf your cell phone is lost or stolen, there are ways to minimize potential damages. ", "Having created an online account when you first purchased the software, you can log in to that account and lock your device or wipe the data remotely. ", "When you lock your phone, you place a password on the device so that nobody can browse or steal any data or information without entering the correct password. ", "Wiping the device clears it of all the information and data stored on your phone ??? ", "including contacts, pictures, text messages, emails and all other files. ", "Through your online account, you can also activate the GPS functions to pinpoint the location of your phone if you have lost it or if you think someone could have taken it. ", "You can use the Scream Locate feature, which will cause your phone to sound an alarm, even if you have muted your phone.", "\n\nBullGuard Mobile Security includes parental control features to allow control your child???s mobile internet use. ", "Parental controls also monitor incoming and outgoing images and messages, and let you build a list of sources to block.", "\n\nBullGuard???s 24/7 access to customer support is an important competitive differentiator. ", "Beyond email and live chat, there are other help options, including a user guide with step-by-step instructions. ", "The manuals are thorough, but if you still have unanswered questions, BullGuard hosts online answers to frequently asked questions.", "\n\nSmartphones are becoming prime targets to malicious activity because of the data, both personal and professional, that we store on them. ", "BullGuard Mobile Security protects your phone from viruses and other harmful programs using real-time detection. ", "Real-time scanning immediately examines every file entering your device, preventing harmful viruses from infecting your phone.", "\n\nThis cell phone security application also offers firewall protection. ", "This protection sets up a barrier around the ports on your device so that malicious information cannot enter your phone. ", "Firewalls let you decide what content enters or does not enter your smartphone and places a shield over your signal so that your device is not discoverable on public networks.", "\n\nIf you are tired of getting annoying sales calls or unwanted text messages, this mobile security software application has a spam filter that allows you to block certain phone calls or text messages. ", "However, both the firewall protection and the spam filter are only available on phones using select Symbian or Windows Mobile operating systems.", "\n\nIf your cell phone is lost or stolen, there are numerous features you can take advantage of with this smartphone security software. ", "Having created an online account when you first purchased the software, you can log in to that account and lock your device or wipe the data on it remotely. ", "When you lock your phone, you place a password on the device so that nobody can browse or steal any data or information without entering the correct password. ", "Wiping the device using BullGuard Mobile Security is ideal if you know that the phone has been stolen. ", "You can clear all the information and data stored on your phone ??? ", "including contacts, pictures, text messages, emails and all other files.", "\n\nAs an added precaution, we recommend that you frequently back up all of your information to your online account.", "\n\nThrough your online account, you can also activate the GPS functions to pinpoint the location of your phone if you have lost it or if you think someone could have taken it. ", "You can use the Scream Locate feature, which will cause your phone to sound an alarm, even if you have muted your phone.", "\n\nOne of the standout features available with BullGuard Mobile Security is its superb parental controls. ", "To use the parental control feature, you will use your online account to monitor your child???s cell phone activity. ", "This allows you to control your child???s mobile internet use and prevent them from viewing pornography or other indecent material. ", "Parental controls also monitor incoming and outgoing images and messages, and enable you to set up a blocked call list.", "\n\nFor your mobile security software to run at its full potential, BullGuard Mobile Security must be regularly updated. ", "The software will update itself when your phone is connected to the internet. ", "If you don???t have continuous internet access, each time you gain internet connectivity, the software will check for updates. ", "If you want to look for any available updates or change the way your device updates itself, you can follow the step-by-step instructions in the BullGuard support section on the website.", "\n\nRegular scans of your mobile device are crucial for finding malware that has entered your cell phone. ", "In addition to the real-time protection offered by this mobile security software, BullGuard Mobile Security allows you to scan your phone for viruses at any time. ", "The cell phone security application also features scheduled scans, meaning the app will scan the phone on a regular basis. ", "With several similar software applications, scanning your device can be a complex and often a long process, but this software makes it simple and offers step-by-step guides in the online support documentation.", "\n\nWe are impressed with the help and support provided by this smartphone security application. ", "For any questions or concerns, you can send an email or speak directly with a representative via live chat. ", "BullGuard’s support team was responsive to our concerns and provided us with the information we needed in a timely matter.", "\n\nBeyond email and live chat, there are other help options, including a user guide with step-by-step instructions for installing, scanning and updating the software on your device. ", "We found the manuals to be thorough, but if you still have unanswered questions, BullGuard also provides a FAQs section, which answers a variety of basic questions for each type of mobile operating system and again provides step-by-step directions for users.", "\n\nBullGuard stands out among best antivirus for mobile apps in a couple of important ways. ", "It has a long feature list with no glaring omissions. ", "And it provides 24/7 access to customer support. ", "However, BullGuard Mobile Security???s absence from testing events at AV Comparatives and AV Test precluded the opportunity to compare its performance among competitors." ]
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[ "The man accused by the US government of accessing more than 73,000 US military machines has lost his second appeal to the Home Office against extradition.", "\n\nMcKinnon's recent diagnosis with Asperger's Syndrome, a condition on the autistic spectrum, had not changed home secretary Jacqui Smith's decision that the self-confessed Nasa hacker be extradited, said McKinnon's solicitor Karen Todner on Monday.", "\n\n\"The secretary of state has advised via the treasury solicitors that, despite Mr McKinnon's diagnosis with Asperger's, she will now be making arrangements for his extradition pursuant to her order for extradition of 4 July, 2006,\" said Todner. \"", "We are now considering whether or not Mr McKinnon has a further judicial remedy and we are urgently investigating this issue.\"", "\n\nThe US has accused McKinnon of hacking into 97 US army, navy, air force and Nasa computers, and causing damage costing hundreds of thousands of dollars by deleting files. ", "McKinnon has never denied hacking US military systems, but denies causing extensive damage. ", "He claims he was initially searching for evidence of extra-terrestrial life, and later found evidence of anti-gravity projects.", "\n\nThe Home Office declined to comment on why McKinnon's appeal had been turned down, and why his recent diagnosis with Asperger's Syndrome was not sufficient grounds to consider an appeal.", "\n\nHowever, it is understood that the Home Office sent a letter rejecting McKinnon's appeal to his solicitors on Monday. ", "ZDNet.co.uk understands that the Home Office believes its position has been vindicated by several courts, who successively found in favour of the Home Office, before McKinnon's Asperger's diagnosis. ", "The final representations made to the Home Office gave no basis for overturning the order for extradition, ZDNet.co.uk understands. ", "The reasons for McKinnon's appeal to the Home Office being dismissed were set out in the letter sent to McKinnon's solicitors.", "\n\nMcKinnon's legal team told ZDNet.co.uk in September that, should McKinnon's Home Office appeal be dismissed, the team was preparing an application to the High Court to appeal against McKinnon's extradition. ", "Todner told ZDNet.co.uk at the time that she would also consider a judicial review of the home secretary's decision, should Smith decline McKinnon's appeal.", "\n\nThis is the second appeal to the Home Office in McKinnon's long-running legal battle to avoid extradition. ", "McKinnon lost his first appeal to the Home Office in July 2006, when the then home secretary John Reid dismissed his representations.", "\n\nThank You\n\nBy registering you become a member of the CBS Interactive family of sites and you have read and agree to the Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Video Services Policy. ", "You agree to receive updates, alerts and promotions from CBS and that CBS may share information about you with our marketing partners so that they may contact you by email or otherwise about their products or services.", "\nYou will also receive a complimentary subscription to the ZDNet's Tech Update Today and ZDNet Announcement newsletters. ", "You may unsubscribe from these newsletters at any time." ]
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[ "/*\n * SonarQube\n * Copyright (C) 2009-2020 SonarSource SA\n * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com\n *\n * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\n * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public\n * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either\n * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.", "\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the GNU\n * Lesser General Public License for more details.", "\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License\n * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,\n * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.", "\n */\nimport * as React from 'react';\nimport HelpTooltip from 'sonar-ui-common/components/controls/HelpTooltip';\nimport Level from 'sonar-ui-common/components/ui/Level';\nimport { translate } from 'sonar-ui-common/helpers/l10n';\nimport { formatMeasure } from 'sonar-ui-common/helpers/measures';\n\ninterface Props {\n status?: ", "string;\n}\n\nexport default function ProjectCardQualityGate({ status }: Props) {\n if (!", "status) {\n return null;\n }\n\n const title = `${translate('quality_gates.status')}: ${formatMeasure(status, 'LEVEL')}`;\n\n return (\n <div className=\"big-spacer-left\" title={title}>\n <Level aria-label={title} level={status} small={true} />\n {status === 'WARN' && (\n <HelpTooltip\n className=\"little-spacer-left\"\n overlay={translate('quality_gates.conditions.warning.tooltip')}\n />\n )}\n </div>\n );\n}\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nTCP traceroute works fine but not UDP\n\nSo I ran into this issue where doing\ntraceroute some-server.abc.com\nreturned *** for multiple lines and finally reached maximum hops limit.", "\nDoing a traceroute -T some-server.abc.com works perfectly fine. ", "I checked the man pages and by default traceroute uses UDP protocol and -T forces it to use TCP probe packets.", "\nWhat can be the possible reasons for such behaviour.", "\nAlso note that ping works fine with this host.", "\n\nA:\n\nQuote from traceroute Wikipedia page:\n\nOn Unix-like operating systems, the traceroute utility uses User\n Datagram Protocol (UDP) datagrams by default, with destination port\n numbers ranging from 33434 to 33534. ", "The traceroute utility usually\n has an option to instead use ICMP Echo Request (type 8) packets, like\n the Windows tracert utility does, or to use TCP SYN packets.[1][2] If\n a network has a firewall and operates both Windows and Unix-like\n systems, more than one protocol must be enabled inbound through the\n firewall for traceroute to work and receive replies.", "\n\nMost likely reason why traceroute UDP packets are not getting through is firewall. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Pasteurella multocida\n\nPasteurella multocida is a Gram-negative, nonmotile, penicillin-sensitive coccobacillus belonging to the Pasteurellaceae family. ", "Strains belonging to the species are currently classified into five serogroups (A, B, D, E, F) based on capsular composition and 16 somatic serovars (1–16). ", "P. multocida is the cause of a range of diseases in mammals and birds, including fowl cholera in poultry, atrophic rhinitis in pigs, and bovine hemorrhagic septicemia in cattle and buffalo. ", "It can also cause a zoonotic infection in humans, which typically is a result of bites or scratches from domestic pets. ", "Many mammals (including domestic cats and dogs) and birds harbor it as part of their normal respiratory microbiota.", "\n\nHistory\nPasteurella multocida was first found in 1878 in cholera-infected birds. ", " However, it was not isolated until 1880, by Louis Pasteur, in whose honor Pasteurella is named.", "\n\nDisease \nSee: Pasteurellosis\nP. multocida causes a range of diseases in wild and domesticated animals, as well as humans. ", " The bacterium can be found in birds, cats, dogs, rabbits, cattle, and pigs. ", " In birds, P. multocida causes avian or fowl cholera disease; a significant disease present in commercial and domestic poultry flocks worldwide, particularly layer flocks and parent breeder flocks. ", "P. multocida strains that cause fowl cholera in poultry typically belong to the serovars 1, 3, and 4. ", " In the wild, fowl cholera has been shown to follow bird migration routes, especially of snow geese. ", "The P. multocida serotype-1 is most associated with avian cholera in North America, but the bacterium does not linger in wetlands for extended periods of time. ", " P. multocida causes atrophic rhinitis in pigs; it also can cause pneumonia or bovine respiratory disease in cattle. ", "It may be responsible for mass mortality in saiga antelopes.", "\n\nIn humans, P. multocida is the most common cause of wound infections after dog or cat bites. ", "The infection usually shows as soft tissue inflammation within 24 hours. ", "High leukocyte and neutrophil counts are typically observed, leading to an inflammatory reaction at the infection site (generally a diffuse, localized cellulitis). ", " It can also infect other locales, such as the respiratory tract, and is known to cause regional lymphadenopathy (swelling of the lymph nodes). ", "In more serious cases, a bacteremia can result, causing an osteomyelitis or endocarditis. ", " The bacteria may also cross the blood–brain barrier and cause meningitis.", "\n\nVirulence, culturing, and metabolism\nP. multocida expresses a range of virulence factors including a polysaccharide capsule and the variable carbohydrate surface molecule, lipopolysaccharide (LPS). ", "The capsule has been shown in strains belonging to serogroups A and B to help resist phagocytosis by host immune cells and capsule type A has also been shown to help resist complement-mediated lysis. ", "The LPS produced by P. multocida consists of a hydrophobic lipid A molecule (that anchors the LPS to the outer membrane), an inner core, and an outer core, both consisting of a series of sugars linked in a specific way. ", "There is no O-antigen on the LPS and the molecule is similar to LPS produced by Haemophilus influenzae and the lipooligosaccharide of Neisseria meningitidis. ", "A study in a serovar 1 strain showed that a full-length LPS molecule was essential for the bacteria to be fully virulent in chickens. ", "Strains that cause atrophic rhinitis in pigs are unique as they also have P. multocida toxin (PMT) residing on a bacteriophage. ", "PMT is responsible for the twisted snouts observed in pigs infected with the bacteria. ", "This toxin activates Rho GTPases, which bind and hydrolyze GTP, and are important in actin stress fiber formation. ", "Formation of stress fibers may aid in the endocytosis of P. multocida. ", "The host cell cycle is also modulated by the toxin, which can act as an intracellular mitogen. ", "P. multocida has been observed invading and replicating inside host amoebae, causing lysis in the host. ", "P. multocida will grow at on blood or chocolate agar, HS agar, but will not grow on MacConkey agar. ", "Colony growth is accompanied by a characteristic \"mousy\" odor due to metabolic products.", "\n\nBeing a facultative anaerobe, it is oxidase-positive and catalase-positive, and can also ferment a large number carbohydrates in anaerobic conditions. ", "The survival of P. multocida bacteria has also been shown to be increased by the addition of salt into their environments. ", "Levels of sucrose and pH also have been shown to have minor effects on bacterial survival.", "\n\nDiagnosis and treatment\nDiagnosis of the bacterium in humans was traditionally based on clinical findings, and culture and serological testing, but false negatives have been a problem due to easy death of P. multocida, and serology cannot differentiate between current infection and previous exposure. ", " The quickest and most accurate method for confirming an active P. multocida infection is molecular detection using polymerase chain reaction.", "\n\nThis bacterium can be effectively treated with β-lactam antibiotics, which inhibit cell wall synthesis. ", " It can also be treated with fluoroquinolones or tetracyclines; fluoroquinolones inhibit bacterial DNA synthesis and tetracyclines interfere with protein synthesis by binding to the bacterial 30S ribosomal subunit. ", "Despite poor in vitro susceptibility results, macrolides (binding to the ribosome) also can be applied, certainly in the case of pulmonary complications. ", "Due to the polymicrobial etiology of P. multocida infections, treatment requires the use of antimicrobials targeted at the elimination of both aerobic and anaerobic, Gram-negative bacteria. ", "As a result, amoxicillin-clavulanate (a beta-lactamase inhibitor/penicillin combination) is seen as the treatment of choice.", "\n\nCurrent research\nP. multocida mutants are being researched for their ability to cause diseases. ", " In vitro experiments show the bacteria respond to low iron. ", " Vaccination against progressive atrophic rhinitis was developed by using a recombinant derivative of P. multocida toxin. ", "The vaccination was tested on pregnant gilts (female swine without previous litters). ", "The piglets born to treated gilts were inoculated, while the piglets born to unvaccinated mothers developed atrophic rhinitis.", "\nOther research is being done on the effects of protein, pH, temperature, sodium chloride (NaCl), and sucrose on P. multocida development and survival in water. ", " The research seems to show the bacteria survive better in 18 °C water compared to 2 °C water. ", "The addition of 0.5% NaCl also aided bacterial survival, while the sucrose and pH levels had minor effects, as well. ", " Research has also been done on the response of P. multocida to the host environment. ", "These tests use DNA microarrays and proteomics techniques. ", "P. multocida-directed mutants have been tested for their ability to produce disease. ", " Findings seem to indicate the bacteria occupy host niches that force them to change their gene expression for energy metabolism, uptake of iron, amino acids, and other nutrients. ", "In vitro experiments show the responses of the bacteria to low iron and different iron sources, such as transferrin and hemoglobin. ", "P. multocida genes that are upregulated in times of infection are usually involved in nutrient uptake and metabolism. ", " This shows true virulence genes may only be expressed during the early stages of infection.", "\n\nGenetic transformation is the process by which a recipient bacterial cell takes up DNA from a neighboring cell and integrates this DNA into the recipient’s genome. ", " P. multocida DNA contains high frequencies of putative DNA uptake sequences (DUSs) identical to those in Hemophilus influenzae that promote donor DNA uptake during transformation. ", " The location of these sequences in P. multocida shows a skewed distribution towards genome maintenance genes, such as those involved in DNA repair. ", "This finding suggests that P. multocida might be competent to undergo transformation under certain conditions, and that genome maintenance genes in transforming donor DNA may preferentially replace their damaged counterparts in the DNA of the recipient cell.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nAnimal bite infections (healthAtoZ.com)\nGenome Projects from Genomes OnLine Database\nType strain of Pasteurella multocida at BacDive - the Bacterial Diversity Metadatabase\n\nCategory:Bacterial diseases\nCategory:Zoonoses\nCategory:Gammaproteobacteria\nCategory:Cat diseases" ]
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[ " [DO NOT PUBLISH]\n\n\n IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS\n\n FOR THE ELEVENTH CIRCUIT\n ________________________ FILED\n U.S. COURT OF APPEALS\n No. ", "09-12432 ELEVENTH CIRCUIT\n OCTOBER 22, 2009\n Non-Argument Calendar\n THOMAS K. KAHN\n ________________________\n CLERK\n\n D. C. Docket No. ", "08-60275-CR-DTKH\n\nUNITED STATES OF AMERICA,\n\n\n Plaintiff-Appellee,\n\n versus\n\nRUBIN CASIMIR,\n\n Defendant-Appellant.", "\n\n\n ________________________\n\n Appeal from the United States District Court\n for the Southern District of Florida\n _________________________\n\n (October 22, 2009)\n\nBefore TJOFLAT, HULL and WILSON, Circuit Judges.", "\n\nPER CURIAM:\n\n Rubin Casimir appeals his 41-month sentence imposed after he pled guilty to\n\fillegally re-entering the United States after having been previously deported as an\n\naggravated felon, in violation of 8 U.S.C. § 1326(a) and (b)(2). ", "After review, we\n\naffirm.", "\n\n I. BACKGROUND\n\n In 2000, Casimir, a Haitian citizen, was deported from the United States\n\nafter being convicted in South Carolina of distribution of crack cocaine and\n\nreceiving a six-year sentence. ", "In 2008, immigration officials detained Casimir\n\nwhen he arrived at Fort Lauderdale International Airport on a flight from Haiti.", "\n\nCasimir admitted that the lawful permanent resident card and Haitian passport he\n\npresented to the officials actually belonged to his brother.", "\n\n Casimir’s presentence investigation report (“PSI”) assigned a base offense\n\nlevel of 8, pursuant to U.S.S.G. § 2L1.2(a), and a 16-level enhancement for\n\nCasimir’s previous aggravated felony conviction, pursuant to § 2L1.2(b)(1)(A)(i).", "\n\nAfter a 3-point reduction for acceptance of responsibility, pursuant to U.S.S.G.\n\n§ 3E1.1, Casimir’s total offense level was 21. ", "With a criminal history category of\n\nII, Casimir’s resulting advisory guidelines range was 41 to 51 months’\n\nimprisonment. ", "Casimir did not object to the PSI’s factual statements or guidelines\n\ncalculations.", "\n\n At sentencing, the district court confirmed the guidelines calculations and\n\n\n\n 2\n\fthe resulting advisory guidelines range of 41 to 51 months with the parties.", "\n\nCasimir explicitly admitted the South Carolina drug trafficking conviction.", "\n\nCasimir asked the district court to impose a sentence below the advisory guidelines\n\nrange. ", "In mitigation, Casimir stated that he borrowed money to pay a ransom after\n\nhis two-year-old son was kidnapped in Haiti. ", "In support, Casimir submitted a\n\nhandwritten copy of a Haitian police report. ", "Casimir claimed that he had remained\n\nin Haiti after his 2000 deportation and attempted to enter the United States in 2008\n\nonly after his son was kidnapped and he needed to find employment to repay his\n\nlenders. ", "Casimir pointed out that he had seven children to support and that his\n\nwife was pregnant and unable to work.", "\n\n The government argued that Casimir’s kidnapping claim was a fabrication.", "\n\nThe government presented a copy of Casimir’s sworn statement to immigration\n\nofficials after his arrest at Ft. ", "Lauderdale Airport . ", "In his statement Casimir\n\naverred, inter alia, that (1) he initially re-entered the United States in the summer of\n\n2007 by a cargo ship and worked at a farm picking fruit and at a photography\n\nstudio, and (2) in 2008 he used his brother’s passport and permanent resident card\n\nto return to the United States to see a doctor and find a job. ", "Casimir’s statement\n\ndid not mention his son’s kidnapping.", "\n\n The district court stated that it had considered the 18 U.S.C. § 3553(a)\n\n\n\n 3\n\ffactors. ", "Regarding the nature and circumstances of the offense, the district court\n\nstated that it was difficult to determine whether the kidnapping Casimir described\n\nactually occurred, but that even assuming it took place, it did not justify Casimir’s\n\noffense. ", "The district court concluded that, after being deported, Casimir returned\n\nto the United States in 2007 and again in 2008 for economic reasons. ", "The district\n\ncourt explained that his sentence needed to reflect the seriousness of the offense,\n\npromote respect for the law and deter others from trying to illegally reenter the\n\nUnited States. ", "The district court also emphasized Casimir’s previous drug\n\ntrafficking conviction. ", "The district court concluded that a sentence within the\n\nadvisory guidelines range was appropriate and imposed a 41-month sentence, at the\n\nlow end of that range. ", "Casimir filed this appeal.", "\n\n II. ", "DISCUSSION\n\nA. Reasonableness of 41-month Sentence\n\n Casimir argues that his 41-month sentence is unreasonable. ", "We review the\n\nreasonableness of a sentence for abuse of discretion using a two-step process.", "\n\nUnited States v. Pugh, 515 F.3d 1179, 1190 (11th Cir. ", "2008). ", "We look first at\n\nwhether the district court committed any significant procedural error and then at\n\nwhether the sentence is substantively reasonable under the totality of the\n\ncircumstances. ", "Id. The party challenging the sentence bears the burden to show it\n\n\n\n 4\n\fis unreasonable in light of the record and the § 3553(a) factors. ", "United States v.\n\nThomas, 446 F.3d 1348, 1351 (11th Cir. ", "2006).1 We ordinarily expect that a\n\nsentence within the advisory guidelines range will be reasonable. ", "United States v.\n\nHunt, 526 F.3d 739, 746 (11th Cir. ", "2008).", "\n\n Here, the district court did not commit a procedural sentencing error. ", "The\n\ncourt explicitly stated that it considered the § 3553(a) factors and discussed several\n\nof those factors on the record. ", "See United States v. Smith, 568 F.3d 923, 927 (11th\n\nCir. ", "2009) (“While the district court must consider the § 3553(a) factors, it\n\ncommits no reversible error by failing to articulate specifically the applicability – if\n\nany – of each of the section 3553(a) factors, as long as the record demonstrates that\n\nthe pertinent factors were taken into account by the district court.” (", "quotation\n\nmarks omitted)). ", "The district court also explicitly addressed Casimir’s mitigation\n\narguments based on his son’s kidnapping. ", "Accordingly, the district court’s\n\nsentence is procedurally reasonable.", "\n\n Casimir has not shown that his 41-month sentence, at the low end of the\n\n\n\n 1\n The § 3553(a) factors include: (1) the nature and circumstances of the offense and the\nhistory and characteristics of the defendant; (2) the need to reflect the seriousness of the offense,\nto promote respect for the law, and to provide just punishment for the offense; (3) the need for\ndeterrence; (4) the need to protect the public; (5) the need to provide the defendant with needed\neducational or vocational training or medical care; (6) the kinds of sentences available; (7) the\nSentencing Guidelines range; (8) pertinent policy statements of the Sentencing Commission; (9)\nthe need to avoid unwanted sentencing disparities; and (10) the need to provide restitution to\nvictims. ", "18 U.S.C. § 3553(a).", "\n\n 5\n\fadvisory guidelines range and well below the statutory maximum of twenty years’\n\nimprisonment, is substantively unreasonable. ", "Contrary to Casimir’s assertions, the\n\ndistrict court did not rely solely on the advisory guidelines range in arriving at an\n\nappropriate sentence. ", "The district court explicitly stated that it considered all the\n\n§ 3553(a) factors and discussed several of them, including the nature and\n\ncircumstances of the offense, Casimir’s history and the need to afford deterrence.", "\n\n Additionally, we reject Casimir’s argument that the application of the 16-\n\nlevel enhancement under U.S.S.G. § 2L1.2(b)(1)(A) created an unwarranted\n\nsentencing disparity. ", "Section 2L1.2(b)(1)(A) takes into account differences\n\nbetween prior convictions by placing them along “a graduated sentencing\n\nenhancement scheme.” ", "United States v. Ortega, 358 F.3d 1278, 1280 (11th Cir.", "\n\n2003) (citing U.S.S.G. App. ", "C amend. ", "632); see also U.S.S.G. § 2L1.2(b)(1)(A)-\n\n(E) (providing for offense levels ranging from 4 levels to 16 levels depending upon\n\nthe type of prior conviction). ", "Furthermore, the Sentencing Commission\n\n“determined that a drug trafficking crime for which the sentence exceeded thirteen\n\nmonths was serious enough to warrant a sixteen level enhancement.” ", "Ortega, 358\n\nF.3d at 1280; see also U.S.S.G. § 2L1.2(b)(1)(A)(i). ", "Thus, we cannot say the 16-\n\nlevel enhancement for Casimir’s drug trafficking conviction created an\n\n\n\n\n 6\n\f“unwarranted” sentencing disparity requiring a downward variance.2\n\n Casimir contends that the use of his prior drug trafficking conviction to\n\ndetermine both his offense level and his criminal history category, under U.S.S.G.\n\n§§ 2L1.2(b)(1)(A) and 4A1.1, respectively, rendered his sentence unreasonable.", "\n\nWe disagree. ", "The Sentencing Commission intended prior felony convictions to\n\ncount in determining both the criminal history category and the offense level under\n\n§ 2L1.2. ", "See U.S.S.G. § 2L1.2 cmt. ", "n.6 (“A conviction taken into account under\n\nsubsection (b)(1) is not excluded from consideration of whether that conviction\n\nreceives criminal history points.”). ", "Further, these two guidelines provisions serve\n\ndifferent purposes. ", "United States v. Adeleke, 968 F.2d 1159, 1161 (11th Cir.", "\n\n1992) (explaining that the criminal history category serves “to punish likely\n\nrecidivists more severely,” and § 2L1.2(b)(1)(A) serves “to deter aliens who have\n\nbeen convicted of a felony from re-entering the United States”). ", "As a result, the\n\ndistrict court’s use of Casimir’s prior drug trafficking conviction to compute his\n\ncriminal history score and his offense level did not render Casimir’s sentence\n\nunreasonable.", "\n\n\n 2\n Casimir’s argument that his sentence is unreasonable because the district court failed to\ntake into account the availability of “fast track” early disposition programs in other districts is\nforeclosed by our precedent. ", "See United States v. Vega-Castillo, 540 F.3d 1235, 1238-39 (11th\nCir. ", "2008), cert. ", "denied, 129 S. Ct. ", "2825 (2009) (concluding that district courts are prohibited\nfrom considering the disparities created by “fast track” programs in deciding whether to impose\na downward variance).", "\n\n 7\n\fB. Fifth and Sixth Amendment\n\n Casimir also argues that the district court violated his Fifth and Sixth\n\nAmendment rights when it enhanced his sentence based on the prior drug\n\ntrafficking conviction, which was not charged in the indictment or proven to a\n\njury.3 As Casimir acknowledges, his argument is foreclosed by binding precedent.", "\n\nSee Almendarez-Torres v. United States, 523 U.S. 224, 118 S. Ct. ", "1219 (1998);\n\nUnited States v. Greer, 440 F.3d 1267, 1274-75 (11th Cir. ", "2006). ", "We also note\n\nthat Casimir not only failed to object to the portion of the PSI setting forth his prior\n\ndrug trafficking conviction, but also expressly admitted the conviction at the\n\nsentencing hearing. ", "See Blakely v. Washington, 542 U.S. 296, 303, 124 S. Ct.", "\n\n2531, 2537 (2004) (noting that sentencing courts may enhance a sentence based on\n\nfacts admitted by the defendant); United States v. Shelton, 400 F.3d 1325, 1330\n\n(11th Cir. ", "2005) (stating that the failure to object to the PSI constitutes an\n\nadmission of the facts contained in the PSI). ", "Consequently, the district court did\n\nnot err, much less plainly err, in enhancing Casimir’s sentence based on the prior\n\ndrug trafficking conviction.", "\n\n AFFIRMED.", "\n\n\n\n 3\n Because Casimir failed to raise this constitutional challenge to his sentence in the district\ncourt, we review only for plain error. ", "United States v. Camacho-Ibarquen, 410 F.3d 1307, 1315\n(11th Cir. ", "2005).", "\n\n 8\n\f" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nMagento - Get children/options of an ORDERED bundle item\n\nI'm having difficulty getting all of the child products and their options of an ordered bundle item. ", "Is this possible?", "\n\nA:\n\nHere is how you could find out what products are supposed to be attached to the bundle products in the list with all of the other items:\nforeach ($order->getAllItems() as $item) {\n //if a product has parents (simple product of configurable/bundled/grouped product) load his Parent product type\n if ( $item->getParentItemId()) {\n $parent_product_type = Mage::getModel('sales/order_item')->load($item->getParentItemId())->getProductType();\n //if Parent product type is Bundle\n if ($parent_product_type == Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Type::TYPE_BUNDLE) {\n // your code goes here (do whatever you need to do)\n }\n }\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "May is Mental Health Month, and Scene contributor and sweets maven Megan Seling has come up with a fantastic way to raise both awareness and funds for the Tennessee chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness with an all-star bake sale. ", "The Depressed Cake Sale is an initiative started in London in 2013 featuring all sorts of baked goods and desserts that are decorated gray (or grey in London), black or silver. ", "The sweets are intended as a way to start conversations and address the stigmas associated with depression, anxiety and mental illness\n\nAll the baked goods will be priced at $5, with proceeds directly benefiting NAMI Tennessee, and Seling has brought together an astonishing roster of talent to contribute. ", "Seling is no slouch herself, as her compatriots here at the Scene can attest, and she’s even a published cupcake cookbook author. (", "An aside: an Amazon search for Megan also reveals an astonishing ode to her written by perhaps the most prolific performer on the internet, Matt Farley.) ", "When Seling put out the call for volunteer bakers, she was overwhelmed with support.", "\n\nThe list is still growing, but here’s who has already agreed to participate:\n\nBaked on 8th\n\nLisa Marie White of Killebrew, L.A. Jackson and Marsh House\n\nJessica Bedor of Sinema\n\nDiana Lee Zadlo of The BE-Hive\n\nRebekah Turshen of City House\n\nFluff Gourmet Cotton Candy\n\nThe Bang Candy Company\n\nGoo Goo Clusters\n\nMegan Seling of Bake It in a Cake\n\nThe Scene’s own Amanda Haggard\n\nThe Depressed Cake Shop will be held noon to 4 p.m. May 18 at Anaconda Vintage (1062 E. Trinity Lane, next to Grimey’s). ", "Get there early before we buy everything!", "\n\n\n\n" ]
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[ "Hyphercyna\n\nHyphercyna is a genus of moths of the family Crambidae. ", "It contains only one species, Hyphercyna luedersi, is found in Central Asia.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Pyraustinae\nCategory:Crambidae genera" ]
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[ "BROOKLINE, MASS., ", "DEC. ", "30 — A gunman dressed in black opened fire with a rifle at two abortion clinics here this morning, killing two female staff workers and wounding at least five other people.", "\n\nThis matter-of-fact sentence was the opening of a Washington Post story on December 31, 1994. ", "Today marks the 20th anniversary of these shootings at the Planned Parenthood and Preterm Health Services clinics in Brookline, Massachusetts, just outside of Boston.", "\n\nThe Brookline shootings are generally considered the third in a series of assassinations by anti-abortion activists and followers, beginning with the murder of Dr. David Gunn in Pensacola, Florida, in March 1993. ", "A history of acts of violence compiled by NARAL frames Dr. Gunn’s killing as a turning point, while recognizing that violent acts were happening all through the 20 years since the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973.", "\n\nI was living in Massachusetts in 1994; my life, however, was such that I did not have much time or energy for the news. ", "I have a friend who lived in Brookline at the time; I asked for her memories of the shooting. ", "She sent me this:\n\nMy 7-year-old daughter and I were coming home to our apartment in Brookline on the trolley to Cleveland Circle when we saw the police swarmed around the brownstone that the [Planned Parenthood] clinic was in. ", "I had a friend who worked there part time, so I was very worried. ", "I wanted to join the crowd of people behind the police line to find out what happened, but my daughter’s safety was first on my mind. ", "We hurried home from the trolley stop to call my friend — no cell phones in those days — and there was no answer. (", "I left a message on her answering machine.) ", "What does no answer mean? ", "I turned on the TV and was glued to it for any news. ", "When I finally got through to her later that night, it turned out she had had the day off but had gone, as soon as she heard, to the hospital where several of the staff had been taken. ", "She was good friends with the receptionist that was killed. ", "The clinic was a very welcoming, compassionate environment for all kinds of reproductive care on a decidedly sliding scale. ", "It was well known to the feminist women’s health community in Boston\n\nThere were three abortion clinics within a couple of miles of one another on Beacon Street where the Cleveland Circle line ran; anti-abortion protesters called it “abortion row.”", "\n\nThe receptionist at Planned Parenthood, Shannon Lowney, and the receptionist at Preterm, Lee Ann Nichols, were killed. ", "Five other people were injured.", "\n\nJohn Salvi, the 22-year-old shooter, was arrested in Norfolk, Virginia, the next day, after trying to enter another clinic with his rifle. ", "He was tried in 1996 and sentenced to life in prison. ", "Within days he committed suicide in his prison cell.", "\n\nThe anti-abortion movement — I find it impossible to call it pro-life — already had a long record of violence against abortion providers and clinics by the time of these shootings. ", "In a 1995 article, the Washington Post reported that\n\n… the tally of violence over the past 12 years includes 123 cases of arson and 37 bombings in 33 states, and more than 1,500 cases of stalking, assault, sabotage and burglary, according to records compiled by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) and the clinics themselves.", "\n\nThe protesters’ goal was to stop abortions by any means. ", "In Boston, Operation Rescue, led by Bill Cotter, held demonstrations outside and inside the clinics for years before and since these murders. ", "Cardinal Bernard Law, who was Cardinal of Boston at the time, strongly supported these efforts, seeing abortion as a pernicious evil.", "\n\nIn 1996, Frontline aired a documentary about the shootings called Murder on “Abortion Row.” ", "In it, the lives of Shannon Lowney and John Salvi are shown in some detail. ", "Friends and family of Lowney, Nichols, and Salvi, and witnesses to the events leading up to the shooting as well as the shooting itself, are interviewed in some depth, in addition to people like Cardinal Law, Bill Cotter, and other anti-abortion activists. ", "Interspersed throughout are snippets of John Salvi during his psychiatric evaluation. ", "You will not find a more complete or more powerful account. (", "Transcript here.)", "\n\nWhat emerges is a picture of Shannon Lowney as a young woman who was committed all her life to helping others, and John Salvi as a young man who had been growing increasingly psychotic over several years, and who had become dangerously out of control over the last few weeks. ", "Interestingly, the same Catholic Church that nurtured Lowney’s caring nature was also central to Salvi’s psychosis.", "\n\nWhat also emerges is the anger and implied violence of the anti-abortion movement. ", "Cardinal Law, who proposed a moratorium on demonstrations after the killings (which, sadly, was not respected), said:\n\nFrom my perspective, the violence of the killing of these two young women was part of a larger violence that I saw as an evil, the violence of abortion itself.", "\n\nBill Cotter, who opposed not only the moratorium, but also the memorial mass for Shannon Lowney held by Boston College, the Jesuit school from which she had graduated, uses the language of civil disobedience:\n\nIf abortion is murder, we’ve got to really act like it’s murder. ", "We’ve got to put our bodies on the lines, make a tangible sacrifice, to make a tangible effort to actually stop the killing, not just hope that it will be stopped by a politician or a judge or something. ", "But if it’s happening now, we’ve got to do something now\n\nAnd after Salvi was arrested in Virginia, the leader of the protests there, Rev. Donald Spitz, said:\n\nI personally believe that God brought John Salvi here because there was support for him for the concept that unborn babies deserve the same protection as born babies by whatever means necessary …\n\nRev. Spitz also called Salvi a hero. ", "Groups like the Army of God called for violence against abortion providers and distributed a handbook on building bombs for use against clinics. ", "And according to Chip Berlet, who writes extensively about the religious right, magazines by such groups were found among Salvi’s meager possessions, which included particular ideas and language that Salvi used both before and after the shootings, and which fed his psychosis.", "\n\nWhile Cardinal Law’s comment seems comparatively mild, and he showed compassion for the victims and their families and attended the memorial mass held for Lowney, it is not far off from the people who, like Rev. Spitz, compare shooting abortion providers with shooting Nazi guards at concentration camps; both see the root of the violence in abortion itself.", "\n\nThese ideas have not gone away, though there have been fewer actual violent acts in recent years. ", "Ironically, the buffer zone laws that grew out of the Brookline shootings were overturned by the Supreme Court almost exactly six months ago today. ", "The first Saturday following that decision, anti-abortion protesters crossed the line that used to mark their boundary at Boston’s Planned Parenthood clinic.", "\n\nIn tribute to Shannon Lowney and Lee Ann Nichols on the 20th anniversary of their deaths, here are some words from people who loved them, taken from Frontline’s documentary.", "\n\nLee Ann Nichols’ family mourned privately, so her death and funeral got less media attention. ", "Frontline spoke to her best friend and her fiance.", "\n\nEileen MacDougall:\n\nLee was like the forgotten woman and that was very sad. ", "And Lee would not have liked notoriety, but Lee would have very much wanted her political beliefs to be known and she would have wanted people to know that she was doing this because this was what she wanted to do, not because it just happened to be a job she saw in the paper. ", "She had a very sweet voice. ", "You know, if you look at a picture of her, she has a very sweet face and “sweet” is probably the word you’ll hear consistently. ", "Lee Ann was just a sweet type of person.", "\n\nEd McDonough:\n\nIn 1987, we went to a Red Sox game and we happened to sit next to Lee Ann. ", "We went on a date the following week and she brought me a flower. ", "It was the nicest thing that anyone ever gave me. ", "No one ever had brought me a flower. ", "And we just spent our whole time together ever since then.", "\n\nShannon Lowney’s family also had memories to share.", "\n\nLiam Lowney (brother):\n\nShe was a very fun person. ", "You can see that in her childhood, growing up, when she was smiling all the time. ", "And she smiled throughout her life. ", "I think the smile says a lot about a person.", "\n\nMeghan Lowney (sister):\n\nAs children, we were given the choice to choose our own spiritual path and I think that was tremendously freeing for us. ", "And so I think that was an experience early on in our lives where we felt we had choice and we were empowered by that choice. ", "So as a person growing and developing her own way of thinking and believing, Shannon really believed everyone had choice and everyone needed to have choice.", "\n\nJoan Lowney (mother):\n\nThat’s why she worked [at Planned Parenthood] without a blink of an eye. ", "But the picture for Shannon at Planned Parenthood was broader than the abortion issue and that’s important. ", "She was there to serve women in a very broad context, whether it is to help them get some basic medical care that they need, whether it is to get screening for cervical cancer … I mean, there are many reasons to go to Planned Parenthood. ", "But if it was for an abortion, Shannon fully agreed with their right to have that and she treated them with respect, if that’s what their choice was." ]
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[ "Fight Night 88 Quick Results: Garbrandt KO Tops Action-Packed Card\n\nThe final UFC card of the month took the organization back to its Las Vegas home with a rare Sunday-night showcase. ", "Featuring some of the hottest prospects in the men’s bantamweight division—including Thomas Almeida and Cody Garbrandt, who fought in the main event—the card also saw action unfold in the heavyweight, middleweight, welterweight, lightweight, featherweight, and women’s bantamweight divisions.", "\n\nWhen all was said and done, this Sunday-night card delivered as a fun one, highlighted by all the knockouts, submissions, and surprises we hoped for. ", "Here’s a recap of the action for those who missed it.", "\n\nThe Main Card:\n\nPhoto by Brandon Magnus/Zuffa LLC\n\nGarbrandt Crushes Almeida in the First\n\nThe evening’s main event honors went to undefeated, 24-year-old bantamweight prospects Cody Garbrandt and Thomas Almeida, both of whom sought the kind of career-altering win that might catapult them into title contention.", "\n\nThough the fans were divided on which prospect might win this bout, there was a near consensus on one thing: whether it was in the first or the fifth, the fight world end with a knockout. ", "And that it did.", "\n\nFrom the moment the opening bell rang, Garbrandt pressed forward, navigating a 5-inch reach deficit, and landing. ", "When he appeared to hurt his highly-hyped foe, Garbrandt turned it on to seal the deal. ", "One right hand later, and Almeida was on the canvas, hanging onto his consciousness with both hands.", "\n\nWith the win, Garbrandt moves to 9-0, with all but one of his wins coming by way of knockout or TKO. ", "Now 4-0 in the UFC, the Team Alpha Male staple is likely to have earned himself a spot in the bantamweight top-15—perhaps even the top-10. ", "A title shot seems like a matter of time. ", "Almeida, meanwhile, has a baffling 21-0 record shattered by the loss. ", "How the Brazilian slugger rebounds ….View full article" ]
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[ "Comparative analysis of antisense oligonucleotide sequences targeting exon 53 of the human DMD gene: Implications for future clinical trials.", "\nDuchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is caused by the lack of functional dystrophin protein, most commonly as a result of a range of out-of-frame mutations in the DMD gene. ", "Modulation of pre-mRNA splicing with antisense oligonucleotides (AOs) to restore the reading frame has been demonstrated in vitro and in vivo, such that truncated but functional dystrophin is expressed. ", "AO-induced skipping of exon 51 of the DMD gene, which could treat 13% of DMD patients, has now progressed to clinical trials. ", "We describe here the methodical, cooperative comparison, in vitro (in DMD cells) and in vivo (in a transgenic mouse expressing human dystrophin), of 24 AOs of the phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligomer (PMO) chemistry designed to target exon 53 of the DMD gene, skipping of which could be potentially applicable to 8% of patients. ", "A number of the PMOs tested should be considered worthy of development for clinical trial." ]
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[ "This weekend we welcome top karting talent Tijmen Van Der Helm to Xcel Motorsport here at Yas Marina Circuit. ", "From the Netherlands, Tijman tested back in December in Dubai, and having just turned 15 can now make his single-seater debut after an extremely impressive karting career which includes becoming World Champion in the Junior Rotax Category, along with 2nd place in the CIK Academy in 2017.", "\n\nAlthough Tijmen has very little race car experience, he'll be one to watch: “We are extremely happy to welcome Tijmen to the 2019 driver line up,\" said team manager Paul Hardy. \"", "We've been following his karting career for the last few years now, so it’s great to finally see him make the move into F4. ", "We will be working really hard to develop Tijmen to the highest level before he goes on to compete in a European F4 series.” #", "f4uae Automobile & Touring Club of the UAE (ATCUAE)" ]
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[ "Reussdale\n\nReussdale is a heritage-listed former private house and now function centre located at 160 Bridge Road in the inner western Sydney suburb of Glebe in the City of Sydney local government area of New South Wales, Australia. ", "It was designed and built by Ferdinand Reuss from 1868 to 1870. ", "It is also known as the former Presbyterian Manse. ", "The property is privately owned. ", "It was added to the New South Wales State Heritage Register on 2 April 1999.", "\n\nIt is regarded as possible the earliest example of High Victorian architecture in Glebe, with a mixture of Italianate and Free Gothic influences. ", "Reussdale was listed on the (now defunct) Register of the National Estate.", "\n\nHistory\n\nHistory of the area\nThe Leichhardt area was originally inhabited by the Wangal clan of Aborigines. ", "After 1788 diseases such as smallpox and the loss of their hunting grounds caused huge reductions in their numbers and they moved further inland. ", "Since European settlement the foreshores of Blackwattle Bay and Rozelle Bay have developed a unique maritime, industrial and residential character - a character which continues to evolve as areas which were originally residential estates, then industrial areas, are redeveloped for residential units and parklands.", "\n\nThe first formal grant in the Glebe area was a grant to Rev. Richard Johnson, the colony's first chaplain, in 1789. ", "The Glebe (land allocated for the maintenance of a church minister) comprised rolling shale hills covering sandstone, with several sandstone cliff faces. ", "The ridges were drained by several creeks including Blackwattle Creek, Orphan School Creek and Johnston Creek. ", "Extensive swampland surrounded the creeks. ", "On the shale ridges, heavily timbered woodlands contained several varieties of eucalypts while the swamplands and tidal mudflats had mangroves, swamp oaks (Casuarina glauca) and blackwattles (Callicoma serratifolia) after which the bay is named. ", "Blackwattle Swamp was first mentioned by surveyors in the 1790s and Blackwattle Swamp Bay in 1807. ", "By 1840 it was called Blackwattle Bay. ", "Boat parties collected wattles and reeds for the building of huts, and kangaroos and emus were hunted by the early settlers who called the area the Kangaroo Ground. ", "Rozelle Bay is thought to have been named after a schooner which once moored in its waters.", "\n\nJohnson's land remained largely undeveloped until 1828, when the Church and School Corporation subdivided it into 28 lots, three of which they retained for church use. ", "The Church sold 27 allotments in 1828 - north on the point and south around Broadway. ", "The Church kept the middle section where the Glebe Estate is now. ", "On the point the sea breezes attracted the wealthy who built villas. ", "The Broadway end attracted slaughterhouses and boiling down works that used the creek draining to Blackwattle Swamp. ", "Up until the 1970s the Glebe Estate was in the possession of the Church. ", "On the point the sea breezes attracted the wealthy who built villas. ", "The Broadway end attracted slaughterhouses and boiling down works that used the creek draining to Blackwattle Swamp. ", "Smaller working-class houses were built around these industries. ", "Abbattoirs were built there from the 1860s.", "\n\nWhen Glebe was made a municipality in 1859 there were pro and anti-municipal clashes in the streets. ", "From 1850 Glebe was dominated by wealthier interests.", "\n\nReclaiming the swamp, Wentworth Park opened in 1882 as a cricket ground and lawn bowls club. ", "Rugby union football was played there in the late 19th century. ", "The dog racing started in 1932. ", "In the early 20th century modest villas were broken up into boarding houses as they were elsewhere in the inner city areas. ", "The wealthier moved into the suburbs which were opening up through the railways. ", "Up until the 1950s Sydney was the location for working class employment - it was a port and industrial city. ", "By the 1960s central Sydney was becoming a corporate city with service-based industries - capital intensive not labour intensive. ", "A shift in demographics occurred, with younger professionals and technical and administrative people servicing the corporate city wanting to live close by. ", "Housing was coming under threat and the heritage conservation movement was starting. ", "The Fish Markets moved in in the 1970s. ", "An influx of students came to Glebe in the 1960s and 1970s.", "\n\nReussdale\nFerdinand Reuss (1821–96) was active as an architect, builder and surveyor in Sydney in the 1870s and 80s. ", "He trained as a civil engineer in the firm of Robert Stevenson, the great lighthouse engineer and grandfather of Robert Louis Stevenson. ", "As a young man he spent some time with the New York-Erie Railway as Resident Engineer until the discovery of gold in Australia attracted him to Victoria in 1851.", "\n\nHe soon moved to Sydney, however, and set up as an architect at 134 Pitt Street. ", "By 1863 he was living in Hereford Street, Glebe, and about 1865 bought two parcels of land on either side of the Pyrmont Bridge Road in the vicinity of Woolley Street: on the eastern and on the western side. ", "On these he built cottages, most of which he rented.", "\n\nOn the east side he built The Hermitage (154 Bridge Road), in which he lived from 1866 until his death in 1896; Hamilton (156 Bridge Road), now behind the Presbyterian Church hall and in a derelict state (1972), which he named after Sir William Hamilton, a distant relative; Alma Villa (158 Bridge Road), which was demolished by the Presbyterian Church when they re-erected their church here in 1927; and Reussdale (160 Bridge Road). ", "On the other side of Bridge Road Reuss appears to have built the house at no. ", "177, and his family later built Hamilton Lodge (also named after Sir William Hamilton) in Woolley Street.", "\n\nReussdale was built by 1871 and probably dates to the later 1860s. ", "There were/are no wells on the property, there being one on an adjacent property. ", "Ferdinand Reuss died in 1896.", "\n\nIn 1927 the Presbyterian Church demolished 158 Bridge Road (Alma Villa) and moved their (dismantled) church here, which had been formerly located on the corner of Glebe Point Road and Parramatta Road. ", "During the 1960s there were fires in the Abbey building, with damage to roof and ceilings. ", "The site was allegedly vacant since 1969. ", "In 1977, the De Carlo Brothers purchase the property in a derelict condition and commence building works, creating lowered ceiling, restaurant and function centre, kitchen area in Abbey. ", "They also construct a bitumen car parking area rear (south) of Abbey, over former clay tennis court in south-east corner of rear of Hamilton/the Abbey. ", "This business ended ; the church, Reussdale and Hamilton all went into decline and became derelict.", "\n\nBy , however, other parties had taken an interest in this notable group. ", "Reussdale was restored and sold as residential accommodation; the abandoned church, which had been used by squatters, was also restored and offered for sale. ", "Hamilton, which had deteriorated badly, was demolished.", "\n\nDescription \nThe site is located on the southern side of Bridge Road, Glebe between Glebe Point Road to the east and Ross Street to the west. ", "The site is rectangular in shape and has an area of approximately . ", "The site is large, the buildings more or less equally spaced with a well planted garden area in front. ", "The site is currently occupied by the following three existing buildings:\n\n Reussdale: A 19th century (c.1870) two storey Victorian Pictuesque Gothic Revival villa designed by Ferdinand Reuss, prominent architect and builder. ", "The building has been vacant since 1969. ", "It is in poor condition as a result of a fire, vandalism and lack of maintenance over the years. ", "New corrugated iron roof and barge boards installed in 1996 (Original roof was tiles, by then in very poor condition);\n The Abbey: A former Presbyterian Church originally constructed on the corner of Parramatta Road and Glebe Point Road in 1876. ", "The church was demolished and re-erected at its current location in 1927-28. ", "Since 1979 (until c.2003) the Abbey has been used as a restaurant and function centre. ", "During the conversion process the walls were reinforced, a new roof and floor were installed, and a suspended ceiling. ", "The Abbey is listed as a heritage item under the Leichhardt LEP2000; and\n Hamilton Cottage: A nineteenth century Victorian style single storey brick cottage. ", "Constructed in the 1870s as a small cottage by F. Reuss, it was later adapted for use as a community hall and school when the Presbyterian Church occupied the site. ", "The building is in a poor condition. ", "In particular, the interior has been modified extensively. ", "The interior walls were removed, large steel tie beams were added and a large portion of the ceiling has fallen. ", "Hamilton Cottage is listed as a heritage item under the Leichhardt LEP2000. ", "It has creeping fig (Ficus pumila var. ", "pumila) and clematis sp. ", "creeping over the northern facade.", "\n\nSetting\nThere is a large asphalt parking area at the rear of no.s 156 and 158 Bridge Road. ", "Setbacks from Bridge Road are staggered. ", "The former church is closest to the road alignment and Reussdale the furtherest. ", "The site is bounded by Hewit Avenue on the south-west and Reuss Street at the rear. ", "Reussdale is built right to the Hewit Avenue boundary. ", "There is a stone fence along the front boundary with a number of iron gates.", "\n\nThe relationship of the building to its neighbours contributes to its interest. ", "The deep setbacks and generous grounds also provide a setting appropriate to the magnificence of the architecture. ", "Whilst very little remains of the original gardens some of the site's trees appear to date back to the original construction. ", "Presently they contribute to the Gothic atmosphere of the main frontage.", "\n\nReussdale\nBuilt by 1871 and probably dates to the later 1860s. ", "Planned as an asymmetrical cottage with a tower in the re-entrant angle above the entrance. ", "The house possesses several unusual features such as the treatment of the walls. ", "The back and side walls are rendered - the normal treatment of walls at this time. ", "But the front of the house is of exposed, apricot-brown brickwork, speckled with crushed coal. ", "And the unusual bay window features a triangular pointed frame unique in Glebe.", "\n\nThe decorative enframement of windows and doors is expressed with considerable vigour. ", "The sandstone lintels are carved from one block to simulate segmental arches, some with prominent keystones. ", "And they rest on prominent corbels with classical moulding. ", "Wrought iron is used about the window sills, but cast iron has been avoided. ", "The verandah posts are of wood with fretted wood brackets. ", "The gables are carved elaborately.", "\n\nThe top of the tower contains a diagonal pattern of glass brick beneath the eaves, placed about a course of head? ", "And sawtooth laid bricks. ", "This interest in the colour and laying of bricks is unusual in Glebe at this time. ", "The general vigour of the decoration, suggests Reuss had come into contact with the writings of Ruskin and Butterfield. ", "Reussdale appears to be the earliest example of High Victorian domestic design in Glebe.", "\n\nLandscape\nMature trees on site (from 1989 photographs in Perumal Murphy) include:\nNettle trees (Celtis sinensis) - large one on eastern side fence of Hamilton, two in front of Abbey on Bridge Road fence, two large ones in north-west corner in front of Reussdale, several west of and close to the Abbey, two close to Abbey walls on eastern side, several at rear (south-west) on boundary behind Reussdale/Abbey\nCamphor laurel (Cinnamomum camphora), a large specimen on the front boundary fence in front of Hamilton\nBrush box (Lophostemon confertus) one on front fence to Bridge Road in front of Abbey, one closer to Abbey entry off north-east corner\nLeaning palm (Washingtonia robusta) on side fence between Hamilton & the Hermitage to the east\nLord Howe Island palm (Kentia fosteriana) south-west corner of Abbey, predates it.", "\n\nTrees probably post-1927 (or may be seedling regrowth of earlier trees on site):\nQueensland kauri (Agathis robusta), west of Abbey, possibly post 1927 (a species rare in Sydney today)\nJacaranda, (J. mimosaefolia), on rear fence behind Reussdale/Abbey\nTwo Lombardy poplars, (Populus italica Nigra), on west fence north of Reussdale, both cut down to stumps recently'\nHill's weeping fig, (Ficus x hillii) close to front entry to Abbey'\nIllawarra flame tree (Brachychiton acerifolius) one on front fence north of Abbey, one inside front fence north of Reussdale\nBay tree/sweet bay/laurel (Laurus nobilis), north-west of Hamilton, close to house'\nLord Howe Island palm (Kentia fosteriana), in same location as bay tree, closer to house\nOleander (Nerium oleander) south west corner of the Abbey (may predate it, may not)\nWattle (Acacia sp.) ", "south west corner of the Abbey - may predate it - unusual species, near end of lifespan\nCocos Island or Queen palms (Syragus romanzoffianum), many planted between bays of Abbey walls, three planted in bitumen paving north of the Abbey towards Bridge Road.", "\n\nCondition \n\nAs at 30 March 2004, although the building is still structurally sound the interior, especially, is in a very poor state. ", "Unless remedial work is undertaken water damage also threatens the external brickwork. ", "There is a large hole in the main roof which has resulted in major damage to one of the upstairs rooms. ", "Much of the interior plasterwork has also deteriorated beyond repair. ", "Fortunately the building remains capable of rescue, and there have been no major alterations which cannot be easily undone.", "\n\nModifications and dates \n1927Presbyterian Church demolished 158 Bridge Road (Alma Villa) and moved a (dismantled) church here.", "\nDate unknownstables/outbuildings behind (south of) Reussdale demolished.", "\n1960sfire in Abbey with damage to roof, ceilings.", "\n1977/8conversion of Abbey to restaurant, bitumen sealing of rear of Abbey/Hamilton for carpark, replaced earlier clay tennis court and Hamiltons stables (which may have been long gone by then).", "\n1996corrugated iron re-roofing of Reussdale, new timber barge boards and front verandah structure.", "\n\nHeritage listing \nAs at 30 March 2004, possibly the earliest example of High Victorian architecture in Glebe with some unusual features. ", "Built by Ferdinand Reuss . ", "One of the most interesting and original of the Victorian picturesque Gothic style houses still standing in Glebe. ", "It is of particular note for its association with Ferdinand Reuss, an active Sydney architect and builder from the 1860s to the 1880s. ", "It forms part of a group developed by Reuss on this section of Bridge Road. ", "The group is unified by its attractive steetscape, as well as by its historical associations with Reuss.", "\n\nIt is one of the most impressive buildings of its period. ", "But for physical deterioration, and later additions to the rear, its fabric survives essentially unaltered. ", "It is interesting for its marrying of Picturesque Gothic and Italianate influences and is a good early example of both. ", "The building features the best materials available at the time and some of the most elaborate decoration. ", "The exposed, apricot-brown brickwork is of special note, as is the unusual pointed bay window and the excellent stone and timber detailing.", "\n\nThe relationship of the building to its neighbours contributes to its interest. ", "The building and its immediate neighbours are distinguished from later buildings in the street by their deep setbacks. ", "The deep setbacks and generous grounds also provide a setting appropriate to the magnificence of the architecture. ", "Although little remains of the original front gardens these setbacks, and the large trees surrounding, provide a suitable setting for such a grand architectural statement and contribute to the Gothic atmosphere of the main frontage. ", "Some of the site's trees appear to date back to the original construction.", "\n\nInteresting group of Victorian suburban villas of varied style (by the same architect) with generous mature gardens, around a contemporary (if not original) church. ", "Numbers 160,154 and the church are particularly interesting architecturally. ", "These houses and gardens, dominated by the former church and spire, form a leafy suburban precinct of great charm in spite of the present condition of the properties owned by the Presbyterian Church.", "\n\nReussdale was listed on the New South Wales State Heritage Register on 2 April 1999.", "\n\nSee also\n\nAustralian residential architectural styles\n\nReferences\n\nBibliography\n\nAttribution\n\nExternal links\n\nCategory:Houses in Sydney\nCategory:Glebe, New South Wales\nCategory:New South Wales State Heritage Register\nCategory:Event venues in New South Wales\nCategory:Articles incorporating text from the New South Wales State Heritage Register\nCategory:1870 establishments in Australia\nCategory:Houses completed in 1870" ]
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[ "Pages\n\nMonday, May 20, 2013\n\nPotato Sugar and Potato Candy.", "\n\nI have no idea whether\nor not sugar is derived from potatoes on any commercial scale anywhere in the\nworld in this modern era, but it was an intriguing idea in the early nineteenth\ncentury. ", "Here is a brief description of the process from a book with the marvelously\nconvoluted complete title of:\n\nThe Popular Encyclopedia: being a general dictionary\nof arts, sciences, literature, biography, history, and political economy,\nreprinted from the American edition of the 'Conversations lexicon' with\ndissertations on the rise and progress of literature by Sir D. K. Sandford, on\nthe progress of science by Thomas Thomson, and on the progress of the fine\narts, by Allan Cunningham (Glasgow, 1836)\n\nThe\nnext useful product [after potato starch] derivable from the potato is sugar.", "\nThe discovery by chemical analysis, that the potato, though far different in\nform, taste, and all external qualities, was perfectly similar in component\nparts to the different kinds of grain used for the food of the man, led\nnaturally to inquiries, whether the products derived from these grains, by\nsubmitting them to different chemical operations, might not be procured also\nfrom this root. ", "Complete success was the consequence. ", "It was found, among other\nthings, that a substance, possessing all the properties of sugar, though\ndiffering a little from that of the sugar cane, could be procured by a simple\noperation from the potato. ", "Until lately, however, the discovery was considered\nonly as a matter of curiosity, and was mentioned only among men of science.", "\nExperiments were tried, on an extensive scale, in the United States of America,\nto ascertain whether, in districts where the potato grows abundantly, this sugar\nmight not be made advantageously both to the population of the district, and to\nthe manufacturer himself. ", "The potatoes were ground by a very ingenious and\nsimple method, by exposing them through a box or hopper to the action of a\nwooden cylinder, having nailed upon it long strips of iron punched full of\nholes, to give them a rough grating surface. ", "This cylinder was driven by a band\nof leather attached to the drum of a water-wheel. ", "On filling the hopper with\npotatoes, and giving the grater the necessary motion, the potatoes were reduced\nwith surprising rapidity to a fine pulp, from which, by the aid of a sieve and\nwater, the starch, in great purity, was readily obtained. ", "This apparatus ground\n3500 bushels of potatoes without the least repair. ", "The starch thus obtained was\nthen dissolved completely in water, heated by steam let into it. ", "A certain\nquantity of sulphuric acid, or vitriol, was then mixed with it, and heat being\napplied, the whole of the starch was converted into syrup. ", "This was purified\nfrom the acid by adding quicklime, and then evaporated; when the result was an\nexcellent sugar fit for all domestic purposes. ", "A bushel of potatoes, weighing\n60 lb., ", "gives 8 lb. ", "of pure dry starch; and from these 8 lb., ", "7 ½ lb. ", "of sugar\nare obtained. ", "This sugar ferments briskly, when made into beer, and yields a\nhealthful and pleasant beverage. ", "It will be of most use, however, for making\nsweetmeats, and may be used at table in place of honey, for which it is a good\nsubstitute. ", "It has already become a great favourite with most persons who have\nbecome acquainted with it. ", "Its taste is that of a delicious sweet, and as an\narticle of diet it is probably more healthful, and less oppressive to the\nstomach, than an; other sweet substance in use. ", "Potatoes are used extensively\nin the eastern part of Russia for making treacle, which is quite as sweet and\ngood as that which we obtain from the tropics, but having less consistence.", "\n\nThere\nis more than one way to make sweet things with the potato of course. ", "One can\nadd sugar from other sources and make candy. ", "I have previously given recipes\nfor Tomato Marshmallows and Potato Fondant from a book called Candy-making revolutionized; confectionery\nfrom vegetables, written in 1912 by Mary Elizabeth Hall, but it has other\npotato sweets too.", "\n\nPotato\nCaramel No. ", "1.", "\n\nStir well one pound of\nsugar, one cupful of milk, one cupful of Irish potato — boiled and sifted as\ndirected before — two tablespoonfuls of butter and one-half teaspoonful of\nsalt. ", "Boil until thick, and thin with one-half cupful of milk, and again cook\nuntil thick; again thin with one-half cupful of milk and cook until the mass is\nof caramel consistency, tested in cold water. ", "Stir as little as possible, but\nbe careful that the mass does not stick to the bottom of the kettle. ", "Pour on a\nwell-oiled marble between candy bars. ", "Dry two days, cut in strips and dry again\nbefore finally cutting in squares. ", "Place them in a cold place for several hours\nand then wrap them in parchment paper. ", "They keep well.", "\n\nThis is the kind of\npotato caramel that is especially good for chocolate coating, although all of\nthe potato caramels can be chocolate coated. ", "Make the caramels as above and\nallow them to dry in the open air for several hours and then cover with\nchocolate.", "\n\nThe process is fully as\nlaborious as it sounds, but the results are more than worth the trouble. ", "The\nrepeated cookings give the characteristic caramel taste and color.", "\n\nAnd\nfrom another source:\n\nPotato\nCocoanut Candy\n\n1 medium sized potato\n\n2 cups shredded\ncocoanut\n\n2 cups sifted\nconfectioners’ sugar\n\n1 teaspoon vanilla\n\nChocolate\n\nCook potato in boiling\nwater until soft, and force through a coarse sieve or a potato ricer. ", "There\nshould be half a cup of potato. ", "To this add sugar, cocoanut, and vanilla,\nworking together until well mixed. ", "Press one inch thick into small bread pan,\nand spread top with a thin layer of melted bitter chocolate or sweet chocolate.", "\nWhen chocolate is firm, cut in small squares." ]
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[ "\n\nPosterous no longer includes site names in Facebook streams - adrianscott\nhttp://www.adrianscott.org/posterouss-branding-grab-a-week-after-the-aff\n\n======\nalanh\nAbsolutely can’t stand the inexcusably large mouseover area around the yellow\n\"Posterous\" links at the top of these blogs. ", "That's the truly obnoxious thing\nhere\n\n~~~\nrantfoil\nOther themes have less obtrusive versions with transparent logos. ", "Most people\nend up leaving the basic theme because that's what simplicity is about --\nreducing the number of choices. ", "People who care a lot can change it. ", "Most\npeople don't care.", "\n\n~~~\nkyro\nI think it's more an issue of most people don't care enough to send you a\nmessage about it. ", "It's still extremely annoying and frustrating, because often\ntimes it simply won't go away, and so I have to move my cursor back and forth\na bunch of times until it decides to disappear.", "\n\n~~~\nrantfoil\nYou're right -- I misunderstood your initial comment. ", "I'm going to think about\nthis some more. ", "Really appreciate the feedback.", "\n\n~~~\nalanh\nI also find the wording a bit strong, too: ”Shouldn’t you?” ", "My snarky response\nis “Only if I wanted all my content to have an obnoxious yellow thing at the\ntop that cheapens my personal brand.” ", "Politely put, I find it offputting and\npresumptuous. “", "So can you” is a similar message that’s much less aggressive.", "\n\n------\npavs\nWait. ", "How was that a \"scandal\"?", "\n\n------\nzaidf\nHonestly I wish the title of the blog post was a link. ", "From feedback I have\nreceived, it is very difficult to know where to click to read the entire post.", "\n\n~~~\nrantfoil\nWe would love to be able to put the full blog post title in there. ", "The\nFacebook Stream API limits what we can put in that space.", "\n\nI think this is a good candidate for an advanced setting. ", "For other autopost\nsites we allow customization here. ", "We'll discuss with the team.", "\n\n------\nmarkkoberlein\nI'm a Posterous user and I really like the service but it has been interesting\nto watch the moves they have made lately since Tumblr has been getting a lot\nof positive press.", "\n\nI wonder if these changes have been influenced by investor pressure to\nincrease their brand awareness and to start to press the revenue button in\norder to compete with Tumblr.", "\n\n~~~\nrantfoil\nThis was literally a bug fix due to user complaint about blog name truncation.", "\nThere is no conspiracy here.", "\n\n~~~\nvincentchu\nIt's not really a branding grab. ", "The reason is pretty simple. ", "We were\ncontacted by Facebook because our stream stories were in violation of their\nterms of service, which forbid \"Calls to action\" in the body of the stream\nstory. ", "For instance, take a look at the old style stories we used to publish:\n\n<http://skitch.com/vincentchu/dne9u/facebook-vincent-chu>\n\nIn this example, the \"Read more on postmodern babbler\" text was in violation\nand we were asked to remove it. ", "So we did. ", "But I still wanted people to have a\n\"Read more\" call to action somewhere, so I put it in the \"Action links\" area.", "\nUnfortunately that field is only 25 characters long. ", "We've found that most\npeople's blog titles will _not_ fit into 25 characters. ", "In fact, we've seen\nblogs where truncating the action link after 25 characters leads to some\nunfortunate text. ", "For instance:\n\n\"Read more on Vince's Analytics Site\" would become \"Read more on Vince's Anal\"\n\nSo in the interest of not creating bad looking text, we changed the text\n\n~~~\nkyro\nAs icey said in a comment on the blog post, you could probably fix that with\n\"Read more on Vince's A...\"\n\n~~~\nnovas0x2a\nThat doesn't really solve the problem: \"Bob's Assault on Stupidity\" becomes\n\"Read more on Bob's Ass...\"\n\nArbitrary truncation of English text is guaranteed to result in amusing edge\ncases. ", "Besides, how often does a blog title fit into 25 - len(\"Read more on \")\n- len(\"...\") = 9 characters? ", "I couldn't even find a posterous that wouldn't\ntruncate under that rule. ", "Truncation is ugly- it should be a worst-case\nexception, not something applied to every single post.", "\n\n~~~\nTerretta\nI think kyro's point is: if you're going to truncate a word, truncate\nfollowing the initial letter, then you can't possibly form an undesired word.", "\n\n------\nadrianscott\nFYI, the title of this link was changed by HN. ", "The new title does not reflect\nthe point that not only were the site names removed, but that the Posterous\nbrand was used in place of them -- even though the link can go to a domain\nname other than posterous, for blogs using domain name mapping.", "\n\n------\naresant\nSuch a great opportunity for a founder's blog to step up and say, hey we're a\nmaturing business, here's this new setting, here's how to opt-out if you don't\nlike it.", "\n\nGives them 95% of the value and 0% of the internets coming down on them.", "\n\n~~~\nnatrius\nIf you add a setting every time someone throws a hissy fit, you're going to\nhave a lot of settings.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Description of Distributive Property 7th Grade Worksheets\n\nDistributive Property 7th Grade Worksheets involve some pictures that related one another. ", "Find out the newest pictures of Distributive Property 7th Grade Worksheets here, and also you can receive the picture here simply. ", "Distributive Property 7th Grade Worksheets picture submitted and published by Www.rangkaianelektronika.co that preserved inside our collection.", "\n\nDistributive Property 7th Grade Worksheets have an image associated with the other. ", "Distributive Property 7th Grade Worksheets In addition, it will feature a picture of a kind that could be observed in the gallery of Distributive Property 7th Grade Worksheets. ", "The collection that consisting of chosen picture and the best amongst others.", "\n\nThese are so many great picture list that may become your motivation and informational purpose ofDistributive Property 7th Grade Worksheets design ideas on your own collections. ", "we hope you are enjoy and lastly can find the best picture from our collection that posted here and also use for suited needs for personal use. ", "The Www.rangkaianelektronika.co team also supplies the picture in TOP QUALITY Resolution (HD Quality) that may be downloaded simply by way.", "\n\nDistributive Property 7th Grade Worksheets Images\n\nYou merely have to go through the gallery below theDistributive Property 7th Grade Worksheets picture. ", "We offer image Distributive Property 7th Grade Worksheets is comparable, because our website give attention to this category, users can navigate easily and we show a straightforward theme to search for images that allow a user to search, if your pictures are on our website and want to complain, you can document a grievance by sending a contact is obtainable. ", "The collection of images Distributive Property 7th Grade Worksheets that are elected directly by the admin and with high res (HD) as well as facilitated to download images.", "\n\nDistributive Property 7th Grade Worksheets is just about the image we ascertained on the internet from reliable creativeness. ", "We make up one head to discourse this Distributive Property 7th Grade Worksheets picture on this webpage because predicated on conception coming from Google Image, Its one of the most notable reted queries keyword on Google INTERNET SEARCH ENGINE. ", "And that we also consider you came up here were looking because of this information, aren t You? ", "From many choices on the net were sure this pictures could be a good image for you, and we sincerely we hope you are proud of using what we present.", "\n\nPrices & Faq\n\nAll the images that appear are the pictures we collect from various media on the internet. ", "If there is a picture that violates the rules or you want to give criticism and suggestions about Distributive Property 7th Grade Worksheets please contact us on Contact Us page. ", "Thanks." ]
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[ "The second in Ministry Of Sound’s acclaimed “Inspired” compilation series comes from Australian DJ/producer duo NERVO. ", "Having first established their credentials writing hit records for the likes of Armin van Buuren, Ke$ha and Kylie Minogue, as well as writing David Guetta & Kelly Rowland’s Grammy award-winning single ‘When Love Takes Over’, NERVO have since gone on to cement themselves as one of the most exciting dance music acts globally. ", "Liv and Mim are also regular performers on main stages at the world’s biggest music festivals, as well as holding down residencies at Hakkasan Las Vegas and Ushuaia in Ibiza.", "\n\nHaving enjoyed a series of Billboard and Beatport #1 hits including ‘Like Home’ alongside Nicky Romero, a track that topped the charts for three weeks and has since amassed nearly 10 million views on YouTube, ‘Hold On’, and the recent smash hit ‘Revolution’, NERVO’s inaugural full length outing for Ministry Of Sound thus represents an exciting landmark in an already burgeoning career.", "\n\nWith the compilation series itself giving artists a reputable platform to tell their own story through records, highlighting those that have inspired them most on their respective journeys to the top, NERVO’s mixes offer up compelling new insight into their development as globally acclaimed artists. “", "We have always followed Ministry Of Sound as a label so, when they came to us with the INSPIRED concept we jumped at the opportunity” say the duo. “", "Whether they were new artists that we discovered at the time or whether we discovered these tracks while dancing on the Space Terrace in Ibiza, all of these records hold a special place in our journey.”", "\n\nDue for release on May 19th, their “Inspired” piece spans over two CDs, with the first covering ”Present and Future Inspirations’ and the second “Past Inspirations” and explores a fully comprehensive, personal mix of styles and sounds that point to a rich and varied musical upbringing. “", "Michael Gray’s ‘Weekend’ takes us back to our first summers in Ibiza”, NERVO reflect. “", "We were living in London at the time, trying to get ahead in music and waitressing. ", "Records like this were an escape from our everyday lives. ", "If we can provide that same kind of escape in our music today then that would be a great achievement.”", "\n\nWith a whole host of classic club tracks from across the wider reaches of electronic music soundtracking their “Past Inspirations” Mix, even including Fatboy Slim’s iconic ‘Praise You’ and the late Frankie Knuckles’ seminal house jam ‘Your Love’, NERVO’s early inspirations are clearly deep-rooted in genuine dance floor culture. “", "Music is forever evolving but classics are forever with us”, the duo explain. “", "We have seen the rise of many great producer artists – Fatboy Slim and Fedde Le Grand, the legends – Frankie Knuckles and Julie McKnight, and of course the modern day heavy hitters – Steve Aoki, Hardwell, Showtek. ", "We salute you all!”", "\n\nLooking to the future, the duo take in a selection of upfront dance floor cuts right across their ‘Present and Future Inspirations’ mix, offering up tracks from the likes of Deorro, Steve Aoki, Showtek and Mercer, as well as hotly-tipped UK duo Dusky and a slew of their own exclusive material. ", "Listen for the incredible new club track ‘Sunshine Thru Rain Clouds’ featuring Duane Harden in particular. “", "When Ministry Of Sound proposed that we make a track exclusively for INSPIRED, we wanted to work with Duane. ", "We wanted to make something that we could play in our sets today but that also captured his soulfulness that we felt was in keeping with this INSPIRED collection. ", "We hope you guys like it!”", "\n\nFlawlessly mixed and typically immersive, NERVO’s ‘Inspired’ compilation serves as a fitting follow up to Tommy Trash’s debut “Inspired” piece. ", "Joining the dots between classic dance floor sounds and an innovative new concept, it represents an exciting new chapter for NERVO and continues Ministry Of Sound’s reputation for keeping their ear firmly to the ground." ]
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[ "Sequentially arranged sentences composed of words (and punctuation)\n\nTag Archives: forms\n\nHTML Forms can declare a method, the HTTP verb that is used when the form is submitted, the value of this method is GET or POST.", "\n\nThe HTML5 spec briefly had PUT and DELETE as valid methods for the form method but has now removed them. ", "Firefox also added support and subsequently removed them.", "\n\nRecently over the course of Brexit night at The Guardian we got into a discussion about why this was the case and what the “right” way to map a form into a REST-like resource system would be.", "\n\nThe first piece of research was to dig into why the additional methods had been added and then removed. ", "The answer (via Ian Hickson) was simple: PUT and DELETE have implied idempotency, the nature of form submission is that it is inherently uncacheable and therefore cannot be properly mapped onto those verbs.", "\n\nSo, basic problem solved, it also implies the solution for the url design for a form. ", "A form submission represents a user submitting an untrusted data payload to a resource, this resource in turn choose to make PUT or DELETE requests but it would be dangerous to have the form do this directly.", "\n\nThe resource therefore is one that represents the form submission. ", "In terms of modelling the URL I would be tempted to say that it takes the form :entity/form/submission, so for example: contact/form/submission.", "\n\nThere may be an argument that POSTing to the form resource represents submission so the submission part of the structure is unnecessary. ", "In my imagination though the form resource itself represents the metadata of the form while the submission is the resource that essentially models a valid sumbission and the resource that represents the outcome of the submission." ]
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[ "KTS and RTS-disintegrins: anti-angiogenic viper venom peptides specifically targeting the alpha 1 beta 1 integrin.", "\nIntegrins alpha(1)beta(1) and alpha(2)beta(1) are highly expressed on the microvascular endothelial cells, and blocking of their adhesive properties significantly reduced the VEGF-driven neovascularization ratio and tumor growth in animal models. ", "Hence, inhibitors of the alpha(1)beta(1) and alpha(2) beta(1) integrins, alone or in combination with antagonists of other integrins involved in angiogenesis (eg. ", "alpha (v)beta(3), alpha(v)beta(5), and alpha(6)beta(4)), may prove beneficial in the control of tumor neovascularization. ", "Viperidae snakes have developed in their venoms an efficient arsenal of integrin receptor antagonists. ", "KTS-(obtustatin, viperistatin, lebestatin) and RTS- (jerdostatin) disintegrins represent viper venom peptides that specifically block the interaction of the alpha(1)beta (1) integrin with collagens IV and I in vitro and angiogenesis in vivo. ", "The possible therapeutic approach towards tumor neovascularization by targeting the alpha (5)beta (1), alpha(v)beta(5) and alpha (v)beta(3) integrins with RGD-bearing disintegrins has been explored in a number of laboratories. ", "Here we discuss structure-function correlations of the novel group of specific (K/R)TS-disintegrins targeting the alpha(1)beta(1) integrin." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIs using JOINs to avoid numerical IDs a bad thing?", "\n\nYesterday I was looking at queries like this:\nSELECT <some fields>\nFROM Thing\nWHERE thing_type_id = 4\n\n... and couldn't but think this was very \"readable\". ", "What's '4'? ", "What does it mean? ", "I did the same thing in coding languages before but now I would use constants for this, turning the 4 in a THING_TYPE_AVAILABLE or some such name. ", "No arcane number with no meaning anymore!", "\nI asked about this on here and got answers as to how to achieve this in SQL.", "\nI'm mostly partial to using JOINS with existing type tables where you have an ID and a Code, with other solutions possibly of use when there are no such tables (not every database is perfect...)\nSELECT thing_id\nFROM Thing\nJOIN ThingType USING (thing_type_id)\nWHERE thing_type_code IN ('OPENED', 'ONHOLD')\n\nSo I started using this on a query or two and my colleagues were soon upon me: \"hey, you have literal codes in the query!\" \"", "Um, you know, we usually go with pks for that\".", "\nWhile I can understand that this method is not the usual method (hey, it wasn't for me either until now), is it really so bad?", "\nWhat are the pros and cons of doing things this way? ", "My main goal was readability, but I'm worried about performance and would like to confirm whether the idea is sound or not.", "\nEDIT: Note that I'm not talking about PL/SQL but straight-up queries, the kind that usually starts with a SELECT.", "\nEDIT 2:\nTo further clarify my situation with fake (but structurally similar) examples, here are the tables I have:\nThing\n------------------------------------------\nthing_id | <attributes...> | thing_type_id\n 1 3\n 4 7\n 5 3\n\nThingType\n--------------------------------------------------\nthing_type_id | thing_type_code | <attributes...>\n 3 'TYPE_C' \n 5 'TYPE_E'\n 7 'TYPE_G'\n\nthing_type_code is just as unique as thing_type_id. ", "It is currently also used as a display string, which is a mistake in my opinion, but would be easily fixable by adding a thing_type_label field duplicating thing_type_code for now, and changeable at any time later on if needed.", "\nSupposedly, filtering with thing_type_code = 'TYPE_C', I'm sure to get that one line which happens to be thing_type_id = 3. ", "Joins can (and quite probably should) still be done with the numerical IDs.", "\n\nA:\n\nPrimary key values should not be coded as literals in queries.", "\nThe reasons are:\n\nRelational theory says that PKs should not convey any meaning. ", "Not even a specific identity. ", "They should be strictly row identifiers and not relied upon to be a specific value\nDue to operational reasons, PKs are often different in different environments (like dev, qa and prod), even for \"lookup\" tables\n\nFor these reasons, coding literal IDs in queries is brittle.", "\nCoding data literals like 'OPENED' and 'ONHOLD' is GOOD practice, because these values are going to be consistent across all servers and environments. ", "If they do change, changing queries to be in sync will be part of the change script.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "A few years ago I went on a run of interviewing authors on my podcast who had had near death experiences – or NDEs, as they’re frequently known. ", "Though the stories of what these authors experienced beyond the veil of death varied, the impact that experience had on their lives was consistent.", "\n\nI rarely start writing with some idea burning bright in my imagination. ", "Particularly with these essays, if I’m lucky I’ve scratched one sentence onto a legal pad to serve as a reminder about an idea that came to me the day before while I was eating lunch; just as often, I’ve got nothing. ", "So I sit and drink coffee and stare at the blinking cursor." ]
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[ "Animals, such as dogs and cats occasionally suffer injuries to their legs and paws that require orthopedic or other corrective surgery. ", "Additionally, these animals may also suffer cuts and scrapes to their legs and paws as they walk through brush or in uneven paved areas. ", "Veterinary assistance for these injuries can cost in the hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars.", "\nTypically, after the animal's wound is attended to, the wound is bandaged and/or splinted to aid in recovery and/or to prevent dirt and debris from getting into the wound and possibly causing an infection. ", "The bandages, casts, splints, or other devices utilized to treat the injured leg of the animal ought to be protected from water, dirt, or other debris that the animal can come in contact with. ", "This is often done by placing the wound or injured leg in a plastic bag when the animal enters a potentially contaminating environment, such as the outdoors. ", "However, the bag may rip or the animal may gnaw at the bag or attempt to physically remove it by clawing at the bag, thus exposing the injured leg to the adverse elements. ", "This may create an additional problem associated with the ingestion of the gnawed portions of the bag. ", "Additionally, retention of the plastic bag on the leg of the animal is usually accomplished by tying the bag to the leg with string or by using rubber bands over the bag. ", "Such methods limit the tolerability and comfort of the animal, thus increasing the probability of the animal gnawing and/or clawing and removing the bag from its injured leg. ", "Also, a medical issue associated with decreased blood circulation may arise if the band or string is tied too tightly around the leg. ", "To date, there is an unmet medical need to provide a covering, for an injured leg of an animal, that is resilient against adverse elements, and fosters tolerance and comfort for the animal.", "\nThere have been several attempts made to provide a boot to protect an animal's extremities. ", "None of these describes a boot that extends beyond the intermediate flexible joint of the animal. ", "For example, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,458,431 [Sinclair], U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,148,657 [Stafford, et al.], ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,495,828 [Solomon, et al.], ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,526,920 [Griffin], U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,546,704 [Fisher], U.S. Design Patent 379,251 [Mezey], U.S. Design Patent 382,378 [Stark], and U.S. Design Patent 417,530 [Darek] disclose a myriad of designs, styles, and types of dog boots, primarily for the paw and lower extremity that extend upward to only a point well below the intermediate flexible joint of the leg. ", "Moreover, the majority of the aforementioned boots do not adequately protect the leg of the animal against the wide range of adverse elements, including water and debris.", "\nFor example, the boot disclosed by U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,458,431 [Sinclair] includes a seam along the top of the boot. ", "This seam may allow water penetration inside the boot, thereby affecting the wound, if the boot is immersed in water, such as walking through a puddle or stream. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,148,657 [Stafford] discloses an animal boot with a tongue, a design that may also allow water to penetrate the affected area. ", "Some boots disclosed are waterproof, however, they may be expensive to manufacture, and they do not provide protection near or above the intermediate flexible joint of the animal. ", "For example, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,495,828 [Solomon, et al.] ", "discloses an animal boot that is manufactured through a complex and potentially costly polymer dipping process. ", "Further, none of the described boots provides an upper closure mechanism to prevent the downward infiltration of water, dirt, or debris and/or prevent physical access by the animal to the upper portion of the protective boot.", "\nIt would be beneficial to provide a protective animal boot that is water proof, relatively easy and inexpensive to manufacture, and extends to the upper region of the extremity (above the second flexible joint) to increase the range of protection. ", "Additionally, as dogs and cats, or other domesticated animals such as goats and sheep, or small exotic animals such as ferrets, have a tendency to remove any type of clothing or footwear, positioning a boot in the upper part of the leg prevents access by the animal to remove the boot.", "\nIt is, therefore, an object of the invention to protect the injured leg of the animal by use of an oversized protective sheath or boot that prevents the animal from physically undoing of the bandages or other medical treatment devices intended the protect the wound, or from directly opening the wound. ", "It is a further object of the invention to provide an area of protection that extends along the entire length of the animal's leg, rather than just the area around and including the paw. ", "Moreover, it is another object of the invention to provide a closure mechanism to secure the open top end of the protective boot against the infiltration of the various adverse elements, including the animal itself from physical entry.", "\nOther objects will appear hereinafter." ]
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[ "Colo committed to Newcastle.", "\n\nI want curly hair too.", "If you were to ask me which players I would want to keep at Newcastle United the name that would top my list is Fabricio Coloccini.", "\n\nColo has demonstrated his class in the past couple of seasons and after a tricky first season in England the player has certainly justified his massive price tag. ", "He plays with a cool head and such composure, and I certainly like my defenders to be composed and comfortable on the ball.", "\n\nFollowing the sale of Kevin Nolan there has been all kinds of talk that half our dressing room will leave during the summer. ", "Colo has been one of the high profile players linked with a move away from St James’ Park, with Sevilla said to be interested in the player.", "\n\nNow we all know that these day it makes little difference if a player says they want to stay at a club. ", "I say little difference because footballer’s are fickle and money talks in most cases. ", "Seemingly it also makes it difficult for a player to stick around if the club want shut of them.", "\n\nStill, Colo has reassured the Newcastle faithful that he has no intention of leaving Newcastle and that he is happy and committed to the cause. ", "Here’s what the Argentinian told reporters:\n\n“Now it is about the future at Newcastle and working towards next season.”", "\n\n“Our first aim was to be safe last season and we achieved it. ", "Next season we will look to move up the table again. ", "We work well together as a team and I think that showed when it mattered last season,”\n\n“Hopefully we can get better results at home, win more matches than last year and climb up the table.", "\n\n“I am happy at Newcastle and when I hear the fans singing my name it gives me a special feeling.”", "\n\nAlways nice to hear one of your best players confirm they are happy and I’m glad Colo enjoys hearing us singing his name. ", "For me Fabricio is a player we must build around, I think he has so many good qualities and as I have said in a previous article he’s certainly captain material in my eyes.", "\n\nIt bugs me that Coloccini still gets the occasional dig from other fans. ", "I was speaking to a lad the other day that described him as ‘a donkey’. ", "Very harsh indeed. ", "But hey he’s an armchair fan and you guys know my opinion of arm chair fans by now .", "\n\nLet’s hope Colo is still wearing the number two at St James’ Park come the start of next season. ‘", "Oh Coloccini you are the love of my life’…..well you guys know the rest 😉 .", "\n\nAbout MarkToon\n\nI’m Mark, I live in a little town called Rugby. ", "I go back a long way with Toonsy, we have traveled the country together watching the lads. ", "I eat, breath and sleep Newcastle United!", "\nFollow me on [email protected] MRStockers or add me on Facebook- Mark Stockley.", "\n\nYeah, I have no doubt Tiote and Benny would be off given the proper opportunity. ", "Unless Arfa’s injury massively altered his mental state then we can only expect so much “loyalty”-we all knew the score when we signed him. ", "Still, really hope he sticks with us for the many years ahead\n\nI’d love for Jose to stay, I’m still in denial and feel he’ll stay if he’s happy with the clubs signings, don’t feel he’ll get a better offer than that of Liverpool and they aren’t in Europe next season either. ", "Maybe I’m just dreaming, it is late 😆\n\nwhen people talk about the two best cb we have, his name is always included. ", "Im sure willo and saylor could make do but i would be nervous to start the season without him. ", "first game Arsenal. ", "if you know what i mean\n\nWillo worries me, he’ll have a handful of decent games then a couple of howlers, he’s great in the air, but with his height he should be. ", "i think he’s terrible on the ball, lacks composure. ", "Tayls is a bit prone to error, but I think he’s better than Willamson.", "\nColo is by a country mile the best center half at the club.", "\n\nVery true @14, only think Willo will get a chance if Taylor is injured, and hopefully that’s all behind him and he can have a full season injury free. ", "Plus he needs to continue his goalscoring record 😆\n\nAye, all Willo can do is hoon it up field. ", "The thing is though that Colo has looked much better alongside Wilo than STaylor…or at least until our last three games. ", "Or maybe I should exclude West Brom as our defending was child-like then..but against Chelsea they were certainly solid. ", "Can’t deny Taylor offers a bit more of a threat as well, although Williamson is still good at battling in the opponents box even if he hasn’t scored this season.", "\n\nWillo has been decent but only that. ", "I really hope we get a new CB in this window. ", "Saylor is ok but is also prone to errors. ", "I would like to go for Danns at Brum, I would even take Upson as he has an awful lot to prove, but is always in and around the England team. ", "I would ideally like to see Kadar given a chance alongside Collo, but I fear they are too ‘flairy’ and we need one of our CB’s to hoof it.", "\n\nI agree with the Joey and Jose going thing. ", "Really I am not too bothered about it now. ", "Joey could be used in a swap for Ireland at Villa which I think would be a great deal. ", "I think Jose has had his head turned for some reason and will be away. ", "Shame but we can get someone else in and continue along.", "\n\nActually have something to do now and will be back in 30mins to see who agrees with me!!", "\n\nOh also I think Krul and Forster should play next season. ", "Harps’ time has come to step aside and be a coach. ", "He is consistant but your never going to bring on the youth if they never play. ", "No point in keeping him in wehen theres the dutch no1 on the bench\n\nThink we should be going for younger CB for long term replacements for Colo/Taylor we mite already have one in Kadar but i think he is our only decent youth defender to come through. ", "Cant realy think of any young CB’s at the minute.", "\n\nThink Jose and Joey are both going to leave not sure if N.Taylor will be replacing Jose or not. ", "But swapping Joey for Ireland, no way Ireland is awfull he has no drive to win what so ever and is very injury prone he would be a waste of space imo there are much better players out there.", "\n\nAs for the keepers think it should be 1 Krul 2 Harper. ", "Forster isnt good enough to play for newcastle, he done ok at Celtic last year but the only reason why he got so many clean sheets is because the Celtic defence is good.", "\n\nOur problem is that we have had such a poor back 4 for so long that we tend to get a bit carried away when a defender doesnt just fall over.", "\nOur back 4 are a vast improvement on what we’ve had, but hardly class.", "\nSimpson pushhes players to the by-line quite well but has no idea what to do when he gets them there.", "\nWilliamson seems to get confused between free kicks and Dancing With The Stars, seeing every corner as an opportunity to hug the opposition.", "\nColo spends more time in no-mans land than an Army Scout, and Enrique needs to remember what happened to Bramble when he started screwing around in the box.", "\nAs for Steven Taylor – he spends his entire game throwing himself at the ball, which would suggest he’s always at least a yard away from where he should be.", "\nThe defence is not good, as shown by the fresults we got.", "\nSo, as a reward for Harpers loyalty, staying for years at number 2 behind Given, you’d ask him to step aside, even though he still performs superbly?", "\nNo doubt you would have had Giggs retire 5 years ago too.", "\n\nsantii its nice to have some youth to bring along and fill in the gaps, but we should only use them sparingly. ", "it’s a tough decision to risk league position by playing inexperienced players or stick with the veterans.", "\n\n@29 Exactly what i mean buy them now and give them a few run outs and keep them as 3rd chioce behind Colo/Taylor/Willo/ when one of our main defenders move on then we have a bright young player who knows the team well and is ready to step into the first team.", "\n\n@ 28 Krul is better than harper simple as that. ", "I love steve Harper for his loyalty but it shouldnt get him a starting spot.", "\n\nArchie – No I wouldnt have had Giggs step down at all. ", "He continues to defy age and clearly is the best midfielder at Manure.", "\n\nYes he has been loyal, but so has Sholla. ", "That isnt to say that we shouldnt look to replace players when better younger ones are emerging. ", "Carroll played ahead of Shola who was older and had been around longer. ", "I dont subscribe to this idea that because he has been at the club for 17 years that he should get to play. ", "He has just got to 100 apps and that for me shows a lack of ambition and desire. ", "Given was a decent shot stopper but he made many mistakes, as Villa Boas points out in the scouting document. ", "Why should we risk losing Krul, who has also been loyal and spent a long time on the bench waiting for a chance? ", "He had the shirt at the end of the season and has gone on to play twice for Hollands in the close season. ", "They are looking for a new no1 with VDS retiring, and I think Steklenberg was/is injured. ", "I see no reason to stifle Krul and Forster for that matter so we can have HArper in goal for one more season just because he has been happy to play 2nd fiddle to a number of keepers for years? ", "Not for me. ", "I thank him for what he has done though of course I do, but would you play Sholla simply for his loyalty?", "\n\nNow guys, I know that this has come from Twatter. ", "And I know what people think to Twatter. ", "But a guy on Twatter reckons we may have been sold. ", "Specifically he thinks it is the same people who tried in Jan, the Quatari investment group.", "\n\nI take this with a pinch of salt. ", "I really dont know if this is a good thing or not, but PERHAPS if it is true that may signal the reason Jose has stayed quiet so long. ", "Perhaps BSN9 and others have been right that he has been making the club alot more atractive to buyers. ", "I really dont know if this is a good thing or not.", "\n\nKinda like the devil you know thing. ", "Just worries me that we could get Venki’s mark 2\n\nThe thing with colo, for me anyway, is that despite him sailing close to the 30 mark age wise, I actually don’t think it matters. ", "His reading of the game is immense which means the need for him to use pace is less relevant so in my mind he could play at the top for a good few years yet. ", "I just hope tge club recognise this 😕\n\nI’ll be gutted when Colo ever does leave and I think he will be here for next seaon, if for no other reason that there’s no way any interested club will be able to match or beat his current reported wages. ", "His words are nice to hear but experience has taught me that players words very rarely mean feck all. ", "They all might “love it” here and playing in front of the “magnificent” fans but when money comes a knocking 9 times out of 10 they’re gone without so much as a backward glance! ", "🙁\n\nI think Colo is the one player we need to keep. ", "As Toonsy said, his reading of the game is immense and thus I can see him playing on at a high level for a good few years. ", "The problem is, he may want to stay but if the club accept a bid for him, things can change very quickly as we saw with Carroll. ", "Anyways, its one more week before the lads return for preseason training 🙂\n\nYeah I feel sorry for them as well. ", "They get no inside information and are forced to go with some other media gossip. ", "I do like the fact that the club keep their cards close to their chest, so to speak but that only means the Journal misses out on big stories.", "\n\n….of course if they were proper “journos” they should be able to “dig out” there own stories without having them handed to them on a plate…..failing that, just make something up like the rest of the feckers 😈 😆" ]
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[ "National or Regional Currency: Pakistani Rupee, PKR\nPopulation: 174,578,558 (July 2009 est.)", "\nArea: total: 796,095 sq km\nStatus: 27th largest economy in the world in terms of purchasing power, and the 45th largest in absolute dollar terms.", "\n\nSunday, January 16, 2011\n\nGovt in state of fiscal emergency: FBR\n\nKARACHI: The government is in a “state of fiscal emergency” that can only be overcome by developing ‘working partnership’ with the business community, says chairman of the FBR.", "\nAddressing members of the Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) on Saturday, Salman Siddique said the FBR would extend maximum cooperation to the business community to address their complaints about payment and collection of taxes.", "\n\nHe suggested that the KCCI office-bearers should set up a committee to help the FBR resolve issues regarding refund claims of exporters.", "\n\nMr Siddique held out the assurance that all the refund claims would be handled expeditiously as compared to the past, adding that no malpractice by any official would be tolerated.", "\nHe said the Board’s revenue advisory council would be told to have working relationship with the KCCI and added that FBR’s functions would be restructured in consultation with members of the chamber.", "\nHe hinted at formation of “an alternative dispute resolution mechanism to improve relations with taxpayers”.", "\n\nKARACHI: Chairman of the Federal Board of Revenue Salman Sidiqqui has said that the government cannot provide a bailout to the industrial sector as the regime is facing an unannounced economic emergency.", "\nHe stated this while addressing a ceremony under the aegis of the Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry here on Saturday.", "\n\nTalking to the media on the occasion, the FBR chairman said that the government was trying to curtail loans to control inflation.", "\n\nThe current amount of loans stands at Rs140 billion not 500 billion rupees, he added.", "\n\nHe said in the first phase, the Islamabad Electric Supply Company (Iesco) would be privatised, adding that the economic sector was facing a crisis and the government could not meet its expenditures.", "\nHe questioned how it could be possible to provide resources to the business community in these circumstances.", "\n\nThe FBR chairman pointed out that no one would come forward from abroad to provide a bailout package for the restoration of the economy.", "\n\n\"We should resolve our problems and every citizen should be brought into the tax net,\" he added.", "\n\nThe FBR chairman suggested that a ban had to be imposed on the government from borrowing from the State Bank.", "\n\nPolicymaking is not the responsibility of the FBR but its function is its implementation.", "\n\nHe advised tax defaulters to contact the actual department for the solution of their problems. ", "The FBR is working for the welfare of various departments.", "\n\nIt is not difficult to overcome the issue of economic deficit through local resources, he underlined.", "\n\nTo a question, he said that the economic downfall started after the government borrowed loans from banks.", "\n\nSalman Sadiqqui urged businessmen not to attach any expectations to the government as it was facing economic problems.", "\n\nHe suggested traders should set up representatives of the business community for the solution of their problems regarding tax.", "\n\nOn this occasion, a KCCI member, Qasim Teli, said that traders were facing several problems about tax, adding that the traders wanted to pay tax but the policy of the government should be clear in this regard.", "\n\nThe government should improve the tax system. ", "He demanded an end to corruption in the FBR.", "\n\nReferring to various complaints on export refund claims, the FBR chairman said that a committee of the KCCI should be formed by the chamber office-bearers, who could help the board in resolving the claims of exporters.", "\n\n\"I assure you that all the refund claims will be made expeditiously as compared to the past and non official malpractices will be tolerated,\" he added.", "\n\nThe FBR chief said that the Board's Revenue Advisory Council will be asked to have a working relationship with the KCCI and further gave an assurance to the business community members that functions of the FBR will be restructured after consultation with the members of the chamber.", "\n\nEarlier, KCCI President Saeed Shafique dwelt at length over the problems of the business community pertaining to taxation." ]
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[ "Fine structural and immunohistochemical properties of dysplastic melanocytic nevi: comparison with malignant melanoma.", "\nThis study will review the clinical features of dysplastic melanocytic nevi (DMN) in Japanese cases, and then show the fine structure of melanosomes/melanogenesis in the dysplastic melanocytes and the immunohistochemical property of DMN as identified by monoclonal antibodies against human melanosome specific antigen (HMSA). ", "The incidence of DMN is quite low in the Japanese. ", "It is indicated that this fact may partly explain the low incidence of malignant melanoma in Japanese; in particular, low incidence in sun-exposed areas. ", "The patients with DMN were largely males. ", "They were different from ordinary Japanese in that they usually burn and tan poorly after sun exposure. ", "In addition, the synthesis of melanosomes in the dysplastic melanocytes was found to be abnormal and characterized by a significant alteration in the fine structure of the melanosomal matrix and the pattern of melanization. ", "These abnormal melanosomes reacted positively with MoAb HMSA-1 and HMSA-2, which identify the structural matrix protein of melanosomes unique to neoplastic melanocytes. ", "Importantly, HMSA was present in both dysplastic melanocytes and melanoma cells, but not in epidermal melanocytes (nevus cells) of common melanocytic nevi." ]
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[ "Have you seen our PANDAS eBook? ", "Our book is a helpful primerin a friendly question & answer format. ", "This eBookcontains useful information to understand the symptoms of PANDAS, how it is diagnosed (including lab tests), the different types of treatments, approaches for prevention, and how to find the help and support that you need. ", "Your satisfaction is guaranteed.", "Learn more\n\nShare this post\n\nLink to post\n\nShare on other sites\n\nThere are two ways mycoP can go - just into your lungs (tyrpical walking pneumonia that can be detected early and treated) and chronic - a typical presentation - not in your lungs. ", "If IgG is elevated and does not come down, or continues to rise - you have an active infection - regardless of negative chest Xray or IgM.\n\nSo - some of it can be detected, but sometimes not. ", "If you have IgM - you have myco P, no need for chest Xray, unless problems with lungs and IgM does not come down with antibiotics (as far as I know). ", "Does your child has these problems? ", "If so, get the X ray...if you doc thinks you need it.", "\n\nShare this post\n\nLink to post\n\nShare on other sites\n\nwe have over 5.0 IGG MP here which is VERY high in our labs reference range. ", "Still playing antibiotic roulette. ", "Our Dr's office mentioned a physician who specialized in drug resistant MP anyone know who that is? ", "I have always wondered about the long term effects of having a high IGG for MP. ", "No doctor has ever suggested x-rays to us for MP, my kids are asymptomatic. ", "ASH_- are your kids asymptomatic?", "\n\nShare this post\n\nLink to post\n\nShare on other sites\n\nAll 3 of my children and I tested positive for Myco P. Igm, but all of our Igg numbers were also high. ", "My husband tested positive for Igg only. ", "With the exception of my husband, the rest of us have been sick, off and on, every month since March. ", "It was really strange to me because everyone's symptoms would always creep back and were the same as they were the previous time so they seemed to have the same infection each time. ", "No one had fevers, but my dd5 would always get a bit of a sore throat, a cough, and a clear runny nose (same symtoms each time). ", "My ds5 would keep getting croupe and pedi diagnosed him with asthma and my ds8 PANS would get congestion that would take forever to go away and he had this weird morning cough that lasted forever. ", "We found the Myco P. with Dr. T while doing routine bloodwork for my PANS son..it was quite a shock....family doc and pedi missed it.", "\n\nDr T. thinks the Myco was ds8's trigger and put him on 30 days of zith, but only gave the rest of us 10 days. ", "My husband got nothing. ", "My non pans children finished abx about 5 days ago and symptoms are starting again. ", "I'm not sure if it's just germ exposure at school or the myco symptoms creeping back up. ", "I am worried that we didn't get enough abx to treat and the window of opportunity is closing. ", "My thinking was that if my family MD saw the myco in an x-ray, she might be willing to give me more abx, but it still probably wouldn't be enough to erradicate the infection.", "\n\nNo one has any unclear lung sounds going on right now but they have typical cold symptoms.", "\n\nWhat does it mean when both Igm and Igg numbers are high? ", "And what is the treatment protocol for myco when it's in Igm phase? ", "Does anyone know? ", "I'm tempted to call Dr. T. to request more abx....he is pretty conservative though. ", "I don't really know who else to go to, I just got appt with LLMD but couldn't get in until Jan.\n\nShare this post\n\nLink to post\n\nShare on other sites\n\nAll 3 of my children and I tested positive for Myco P. Igm, but all of our Igg numbers were also high. ", "My husband tested positive for Igg only. ", "With the exception of my husband, the rest of us have been sick, off and on, every month since March. ", "It was really strange to me because everyone's symptoms would always creep back and were the same as they were the previous time so they seemed to have the same infection each time. ", "No one had fevers, but my dd5 would always get a bit of a sore throat, a cough, and a clear runny nose (same symtoms each time). ", "My ds5 would keep getting croupe and pedi diagnosed him with asthma and my ds8 PANS would get congestion that would take forever to go away and he had this weird morning cough that lasted forever. ", "We found the Myco P. with Dr. T while doing routine bloodwork for my PANS son..it was quite a shock....family doc and pedi missed it.", "\n\nDr T. thinks the Myco was ds8's trigger and put him on 30 days of zith, but only gave the rest of us 10 days. ", "My husband got nothing. ", "My non pans children finished abx about 5 days ago and symptoms are starting again. ", "I'm not sure if it's just germ exposure at school or the myco symptoms creeping back up. ", "I am worried that we didn't get enough abx to treat and the window of opportunity is closing. ", "My thinking was that if my family MD saw the myco in an x-ray, she might be willing to give me more abx, but it still probably wouldn't be enough to erradicate the infection.", "\n\nNo one has any unclear lung sounds going on right now but they have typical cold symptoms.", "\n\nWhat does it mean when both Igm and Igg numbers are high? ", "And what is the treatment protocol for myco when it's in Igm phase? ", "Does anyone know? ", "I'm tempted to call Dr. T. to request more abx....he is pretty conservative though. ", "I don't really know who else to go to, I just got appt with LLMD but couldn't get in until Jan.\n\nShare this post\n\nLink to post\n\nShare on other sites\n\nUntil recentlly I thought that IGG (meant gone) and that we only had to worry about IGM, but Dr B clarified this for me the other day. ", "My DS 1 and DS2 both have VERY high IGG's and one had a creeping up to close to + number again( we have a chronic problem here). ", "We are currently using antibiotics like augmentin 875 (for the big one) and minocycline... recently added clindamycin for strep (clinda and bactrum for the little guy)--- but it seems to really depend because some of them are 1st line vs second line chioces for MP and or strep. ", "It is very confusing and seems to be highly individual. ", "We are also treating Lyme too and the Dr just recommended a \"cyst buster\" --tindamax for my older son. ", "Please post if you get any more info about xrays and myco plasma. ", "We see an LLMD too if you want to PM me. ", "It may help a lot since lyme and MP seem to frequently exist in tandem. ", "Checking out the tindamax with the LLMD." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCartesian product of two lists\n\nTask\nGiven two lists of characters, output their Cartesian product, i.e. the list of pairings of each letter from the first list with each letter from the second list.", "\nExample\n\"123456\" and \"abcd\" give:\n[[\"1\",\"a\"],[\"1\",\"b\"],[\"1\",\"c\"],[\"1\",\"d\"],[\"2\",\"a\"],[\"2\",\"b\"],[\"2\",\"c\"],[\"2\",\"d\"],[\"3\",\"a\"],[\"3\",\"b\"],[\"3\",\"c\"],[\"3\",\"d\"],[\"4\",\"a\"],[\"4\",\"b\"],[\"4\",\"c\"],[\"4\",\"d\"],[\"5\",\"a\"],[\"5\",\"b\"],[\"5\",\"c\"],[\"5\",\"d\"],[\"6\",\"a\"],[\"6\",\"b\"],[\"6\",\"c\"],[\"6\",\"d\"]]\n\nInput\nTwo lists of characters or strings. ", "The characters used will be alphanumeric a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and a character can occur both multiple times and in both inputs at the same time.", "\nOutput\nThe Cartesian product of the input lists. ", "That is, a list of each possible ordered pair of a character from the first list and a character from the second list. ", "Each pair is a list or string or similar of two characters, or of two length-one strings. ", "The output's length will be equal to the product of the lengths of the inputs.", "\nThe pairs must be listed in order; first listing the first character of the first list with the first of the second list, followed by all the pairings of the first character of the first list. ", "The last pair consists of the last character of the first list together with the last character of the second list. ", "\nThe output must be a flat list of pairs; not a 2D matrix where pairs are grouped by their first or second element.", "\nTest cases\ninputs output\n\n\"123456\", \"abcd\" [[\"1\",\"a\"],[\"1\",\"b\"],[\"1\",\"c\"],[\"1\",\"d\"],[\"2\",\"a\"],[\"2\",\"b\"],[\"2\",\"c\"],[\"2\",\"d\"],[\"3\",\"a\"],[\"3\",\"b\"],[\"3\",\"c\"],[\"3\",\"d\"],[\"4\",\"a\"],[\"4\",\"b\"],[\"4\",\"c\"],[\"4\",\"d\"],[\"5\",\"a\"],[\"5\",\"b\"],[\"5\",\"c\"],[\"5\",\"d\"],[\"6\",\"a\"],[\"6\",\"b\"],[\"6\",\"c\"],[\"6\",\"d\"]]\n\"abc\", \"123\" [[\"a\",\"1\"],[\"a\",\"2\"],[\"a\",\"3\"],[\"b\",\"1\"],[\"b\",\"2\"],[\"b\",\"3\"],[\"c\",\"1\"],[\"c\",\"2\"],[\"c\",\"3\"]]\n\"aa\", \"aba\" [[\"a\",\"a\"],[\"a\",\"b\"],[\"a\",\"a\"],[\"a\",\"a\"],[\"a\",\"b\"],[\"a\",\"a\"]]\n\nA:\n\nHaskell, 12 bytes\n(<*>).map(,)\n\nTry it online!", "\n\nA:\n\n05AB1E, 1 byte\nâ\n\nTry it online!", "\n\nA:\n\nMathematica, 12 bytes\nTuples@{##}&\n\nTakes two lists of characters as input.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'The efficient implementation of many-body interactions in superconducting circuits allows for the realization of multipartite entanglement and topological codes, as well as the efficient simulation of highly correlated fermionic systems. ", "We propose the engineering of fast multiqubit interactions with tunable transmon-resonator couplings. ", "This dynamics is obtained by the modulation of magnetic fluxes threading superconducting quantum interference device loops embedded in the transmon devices. ", "We consider the feasibility of the proposed implementation in a realistic scenario and discuss potential applications.'", "\nauthor:\n- 'A. Mezzacapo'\n- 'L. Lamata'\n- 'S. Filipp'\n- 'E. Solano'\ntitle: 'Many-Body Interactions with Tunable-Coupling Transmon Qubits'\n---\n\nSuperconducting qubits coupled to transmission line resonators have proved to be physical systems well suited for quantum information processing [@Wallraff04; @Devoret13]. ", "The coherent control performed on this kind of device at the quantum level has produced a series of remarkable results [@Steffen06; @Fedorov12; @Steffen13]. ", "It has been proven that this quantum platform can reach ultrastrong-coupling regimes [@Niemczyk10; @Peropadre10]. ", "Among superconducting qubits, transmon qubits are currently the most robust and reliable. ", "They are designed in order to suppress offset charge noise to negligible values [@Koch07]. ", "Protocols of quantum information have been implemented, such as error correction up to three qubits [@Reed12] and experimental tests of fundamental quantum mechanics [@Abdumalikov13]. ", "Implementations of quantum simulators of spin and coupled spin-boson systems have been recently proposed [@Heras14; @Mezzacapo14]. ", "Complex entangled states encoded in superconducting transmon qubits have already been proposed and realized experimentally [@Bishop09; @Neeley10; @DiCarlo10]. ", "However, state-of-the-art realizations of many-qubit entangled states still rely on complex sequences of gates, and implementations of effective many-body interactions represent a tough challenge.", "\n\nThe introduction of collective entangling operations in superconducting devices can ease several tasks of quantum information processing. ", "They have been proposed theoretically [@Molmer] and realized experimentally in ion traps up to fourteen qubits [@Monz11]. ", "Similarities between ion-trap systems and superconducting circuits have been already investigated [@Liu07]. ", "By means of collective gates, one can drive the generic many-qubit transition $|00\\cdots0\\rangle\\rightarrow|11\\cdots1\\rangle$ and prepare multipartite Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states with a single operation. ", "The transition can be obtained with effective simultaneous red and blue sidebands acting upon the ions. ", "The latter have been also demonstrated in a variety of superconducting setups [@Wallraff07; @Leek08; @Strand13]. ", "Sequences of collective gates, together with local qubit rotations, can i andmplement stabilizer operators [@Mueller11; @Nigg12], that can allow for the implementation of topological codes [@Kitaev03]. ", "Recently it has been shown that collective qubit interactions allow for efficient simulation of fermionic dynamics and coupled fermionic-bosonic systems [@Casanova12; @Mezzacapo12].", "\n\nIn this Letter, we propose the implementation of effective many-body interactions among several tunable-coupling transmons inside a microwave cavity. ", "We consider three-island superconducting devices [@Gambetta11; @Srinivasan12], addressed as tunable-coupling transmon qubits (TCQs), coupled to a coplanar microwave resonator. ", "Then, we show that dynamically sweeping flux biases, acting on two SQUID loops embedded in the three-island devices, it is possible to perform simultaneous red and blue-sideband transitions of many qubits. ", "This leads to effective collective entangling gates that can be used to efficiently obtain many-particle operators. ", "We demonstrate that the third level of the single TCQ can be ruled out of the dynamics. ", "Finally, we validate the proposal with numerical simulations of the system dynamics taking into account a realistic decoherence model.", "\n\nWe start by considering a setup made of a resonator coupled to several TCQs, as in Fig.", " \\[circuitscheme\\]a. ", "We show that under specific conditions, the TCQs in the setup behave as two level systems and the effective interaction among them is given by the Hamiltonian $$H_{I_{\\textrm{eff}}}=-\\xi\\sum_{i<j} \\sigma_i^\\alpha\\sigma_j^\\alpha.\\label{HamMS}$$ Here, $\\xi$ is the interaction strength that sets the speed of the transition and the Pauli matrix $\\sigma_i^\\alpha$, with either $\\alpha=x$ or $\\alpha=y$, refers to the subspace spanned by the two lowest energy levels of the $i$-th TCQ. ", "A single device is composed of three superconducting islands: the upper and lower islands are connected to a central one by means of two SQUID loops. ", "Their effective Josephson couplings $E_{J_\\pm}(\\Phi_\\pm)$ can be tuned by threading the respective superconducting loops with external magnetic fluxes $\\Phi_\\pm$. In the symmetric limit for the two Josephson junctions of the loops, one has $E_{J_\\pm}=E_{J_\\pm}^M\\cos(\\pi\\Phi_\\pm/\\Phi_0)$, where $E_{J_\\pm}^M$ is the total Josephson energy of the junctions, $\\Phi_0$ being the fundamental flux quantum. ", "The Hamiltonian of the individual TCQ, neglecting the interaction with the resonator, reads $H_T=\\sum_\\pm 4E_{C_\\pm}(n_{\\pm}-n'_{g_{\\pm}})^2-\\sum_{\\pm}E_{J_{\\pm}}\\cos(\\gamma_\\pm)+4E_In_+n_-$. Here, $\\gamma_\\pm$ are the gauge invariant phase differences on the upper and lower SQUID loops, $n_\\pm$ the charge associated, with the offset charge due to gate voltage bias $n'_{g_{\\pm}}$. The charging energies of the upper and lower islands are labeled by $E_{C_\\pm}$, while $E_I$ stands for the interaction energy between them. ", "In the limit $E_{J_\\pm}\\gg E_{C_\\pm}$, the charge dispersion of the device is negligible [@Koch07]. ", "One can expand to fourth order the cosine potentials associated with the Josephson energies and write the Hamiltonian as a coupled anharmonic oscillator model, $H_{T_{\\textrm{eff}}}=\\sum_\\pm [\\omega_\\pm+\\delta_\\pm(b_\\pm^{\\dagger}b_\\pm-1)/2]b^{\\dagger}_\\pm b_\\pm+J(b_+b^{\\dagger}_-+b_+^{\\dagger}b_-)$. Here, and in the following, we have set $\\hbar=1$. The anharmonicity factors depend on the charging energies $\\delta_\\pm=-E_{C_\\pm}$ and the parameters $\\omega_\\pm$, $\\delta_\\pm$ and $J$ are defined in terms of the two external flux biases $\\Phi_\\pm$ [@Gambetta11].", "\n\nWe consider here that the two external fluxes are changed in time, with some time-dependent functions $\\Phi_\\pm(t)$. While the fluxes change in time, the parameters in the Hamiltonian $H_{T_{\\textrm{eff}}}$ follow accordingly. ", "We apply to $H_{T_{\\textrm{eff}}}$ the time-dependent unitary $T(t)=e^{\\lambda(t)(b_+b_-^{\\dagger}-b_+^{\\dagger}b_-)}$, where the phase $\\lambda(t)$ is defined instantaneously as a function of the parameters of the time-dependent Hamiltonian $H_{T_{\\textrm{eff}}}$. The resulting transformed Hamiltonian $\\tilde{H}_{T_d}=T^{\\dagger}(t)H_{T_{\\textrm{eff}}}T(t)-iT^{\\dagger}(t)\\dot{T}(t)$ reads $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\label{HTd}\n\\tilde{H}_{T_d}=&\\sum_{\\pm}\\left[\\tilde{\\omega}_{\\pm}+\\frac{\\tilde{\\delta}_{\\pm}}{2}(\\tilde{b}_\\pm^{\\dagger}\\tilde{b}_\\pm-1)\\right]\\tilde{b}_\\pm^{\\dagger}\\tilde{b}_\\pm+\\nonumber \\\\\n&\\tilde{\\delta}_c\\tilde{b}_+^{\\dagger}\\tilde{b}_+\\tilde{b}_-^{\\dagger}\\tilde{b}_- \n+i\\dot{\\lambda}(t)(\\tilde{b}^{\\dagger}_+\\tilde{b}_- -\\tilde{b}_+ \\tilde{b}^{\\dagger}_-).\\end{aligned}$$ One can recognize in the above Hamiltonian a diagonal part and an off-diagonal term that results in a small renormalization of the energy levels. ", "The diagonal part reads $$\\tilde{H}_0=\\sum_{\\pm}\\left[\\tilde{\\omega}_{\\pm}+\\tilde{\\delta}_{\\pm}/2(\\tilde{b}_\\pm^{\\dagger}\\tilde{b}_\\pm-1)\\right]\\tilde{b}_\\pm^{\\dagger}\\tilde{b}_\\pm+\n\\tilde{\\delta}_c\\tilde{b}_+^{\\dagger}\\tilde{b}_+\\tilde{b}_-^{\\dagger}\\tilde{b}_-.$$ The first two excited levels of $\\tilde{H}_0$ are defined by the occupation of the two modes $\\tilde{b}^{\\dagger}_\\pm$ and have energies $\\tilde{\\omega}_\\pm$. When the two external magnetic fluxes $\\{\\Phi_+(t),\\Phi_-(t)\\}$ are driven in time, the first two excited levels of the Hamiltonian $\\tilde{H}_0$ are continuously sweeping between different states in the original basis, as $|\\tilde{01}\\rangle=\\tilde{b}_+^{\\dagger}|00\\rangle=\\cos(\\lambda)|01\\rangle+\\sin(\\lambda)|10\\rangle$, $|\\tilde{10}\\rangle=\\tilde{b}_-^{\\dagger}|00\\rangle=\\cos(\\lambda)|01\\rangle-\\sin(\\lambda)|10\\rangle$. One can use the two levels $|0\\rangle \\equiv |00\\rangle$ and $|1\\rangle \\equiv |\\tilde{01}\\rangle$ as a qubit, see Fig.", " \\[circuitscheme\\]b.", "\n\n![(", "Color online) a) Scheme of a setup composed of four TCQs capacitively coupled to a coplanar resonator. ", "The SQUID loops labeled with $+$ and $-$ can be threaded by external magnetic fluxes. ", "b) Generation of many-particle operator $\\sigma_1^y \\sigma_2^y \\sigma_3^y\\sigma_4^y$, between the first, second, third and fourth qubits [@Suppl]. ", "Selectivity is obtained by setting the coupling of the other qubits to the resonator to zero. ", "The qubit logical levels $|0\\rangle$ and $|1\\rangle$ are the first levels of the TCQ, $|00\\rangle$ and $|\\tilde{01}\\rangle$. \\[circuitscheme\\]](circuitscheme)\n\nWe focus now on the interaction term between a single TCQ and the resonator, when the flux biases are varied in time. ", "The TCQs are capacitively coupled to a coplanar resonator, of frequency $\\omega_r$. Their interaction can be modeled as $H_I=2eV_{\\textrm{\\textrm{rms}}}(\\beta_+n_+ +\\beta_- n_-)(-ia^{\\dagger}+ia)$, where the $a$, $a^{\\dagger}$ operators act on the resonator field. ", "The coupling prefactors $\\beta_\\pm$ are defined by the circuit capacitances, while $V_{\\textrm{\\textrm{rms}}}$ stands for the root mean square voltage of the resonator. ", "We consider identical capacitances for the upper and lower islands ($\\beta_\\pm=\\beta$). ", "Non-symmetric capacitance configurations do not change the nature of the problem and result in small deviations in the numerical analysis [@Gambetta11]. ", "The interaction can be expressed in the frame of $T(t)$, $$\\tilde{H}_I=\\sum_\\pm g_\\pm(t)(\\tilde{b}^{\\dagger}_\\pm -\\tilde{b}_\\pm)(a^{\\dagger}-a).$$ We introduce a two-tone driving of the coupling $g_+(t)\\equiv 2eV_{\\textrm{rms}}\\beta\\langle1|\\hat{n}|0\\rangle$, with $\\hat{n}=n_++n_-$, between the first two levels of the TCQ and prove later that it can be realized by proper flux drivings, $$g_+(t)\\equiv g_{+}^s+g_+^d[\\cos(\\omega_g t)+\\cos(\\omega'_g t)].\\label{tunablecoupling}$$ Here, we have defined a static contribution $g_{+}^s$ and a dynamical part, where $g_+^d$ sets the strength of the two-tone $\\omega_g,\\omega'_g$ modulation. ", "The frequencies of the coupling are chosen to be detuned by $\\delta$ with respect to the qubit-resonator sidebands, $\\omega_g=\\omega_r +\\tilde{\\omega}_+-\\delta$ and $\\omega'_g=\\omega_r -\\tilde{\\omega}_+ -\\delta$. Namely, in interaction picture with $\\tilde{H}_0$, the effective TCQ-resonator Hamiltonian can be written as [@Suppl] $$\\tilde{H}_I= \\tilde{H}_{I_{\\textrm{JC}}} + \\tilde{H}_{I_+} + \\tilde{H}_{I_-} .\\label{3Ham}$$ The first term of this Hamiltonian is a Jaynes-Cummings interaction due to the static contributions to the couplings $g_\\pm(t)$, $\\tilde{H}_{I_{\\textrm{JC}}}=-\\sum_\\pm g_\\pm^s(\\tilde{b}_\\pm a^{\\dagger}+\\tilde{b}_\\pm^{\\dagger} a)$, which results in an effective interaction of coupling strength $(g^s_\\pm)^2/\\Delta_\\pm$, where $\\Delta_\\pm=\\tilde{\\omega}_\\pm-\\omega_r$ is the detuning of the first two TCQ levels from the resonator frequency. ", "The second and third terms of the right side of Eq.", " (\\[3Ham\\]) $\\tilde{H}_{I_\\pm}$ involve the dynamical contribution to the coupling terms, proportional to $g_\\pm^d$. The term acting on the first two levels, imposing the condition of Eq.", " (\\[tunablecoupling\\]), reads $$\\tilde{H}_{I_+}=g_+^d\\big[\\cos(\\omega_g t) + \\cos(\\omega'_g t)\\big](\\tilde{b}^{\\dagger}_+ -\\tilde{b}_+)(a^{\\dagger}-a).\\label{qubitHam}$$ Neglecting fast oscillating terms, Eq.", " (\\[qubitHam\\]) reduces to $\\tilde{H}_{I_+}\\approx ig_+^d/2\\bigg(a^{\\dagger}e^{i\\delta t}-ae^{-i\\delta t}\\bigg)\\sigma^y$, where $\\sigma^y$ is a Pauli matrix acting on the Hilbert space spanned first the two levels of the device. ", "The third contribution to the dynamics, $\\tilde{H}_{I_-}$ in Eq.", " (\\[3Ham\\]), has several terms oscillating at different frequencies. ", "If none of them is close to the third level sidebands, contribution from $\\tilde{H}_{I_-}$ will be negligible and leakage to the third level will be suppressed. ", "In fact, when the dynamical detuning is much smaller than qubit-resonator one, $(g_{\\pm}^s)^2/\\Delta_\\pm \\ll (g^d_+)^2/4\\delta$, the dynamics will be dominated by $\\tilde{H}_{I_+}$. A small Stark-Lamb shift term $\\sum_{j} (g_+^s)^2/\\Delta_+\\sigma_j^z(\\frac{1}{2}+a^{\\dagger}a)$, can be considered negligible, taking into account small cavity population and renormalization of the qubit frequencies. ", "Provided with TCQ-resonator interactions as in Eq.", " (\\[3Ham\\]), one can build multi-qubit setups, where the effective total Hamiltonian reads $$\\tilde{H}_{I_\\textrm{eff}}=\\sum_j i\\frac{g_b}{2}\\bigg(a^{\\dagger}e^{i\\delta t}-ae^{-i\\delta t}\\bigg)\\sigma_j^y,\\label{Hresonant} and$$ where $\\sigma_j^y$ refers to the first two levels of the $j$-th TCQ.", "\n\n![(", "Color online) a) Transition frequency between the first two levels of the TCQ and b) between the ground state and the third level, as a function of the magnetic fluxes $\\Phi_+$ and $\\Phi_-$. c) Matrix element $\\langle1|\\hat{n}|0\\rangle$. d) Variation of $\\langle1|\\hat{n}|0\\rangle$ along $\\gamma$. e) The magnetic flux is varied in time to obtain the time dependence $g_+(t)= g_{+}^s+g_+^d[\\cos(\\omega_g t)+\\cos(\\omega'_g t)]$.\\[contour\\]](contour)\n\nThe evolution operator associated with the global Hamiltonian in Eq. (", "\\[Hresonant\\]) can be exactly solved, computing a Magnus expansion at second order [@Suppl]. ", "The qubit dynamics gets entangled with the photons in the resonator, and at times $\\tau_n=2\\pi n /\\delta$, with integer $n$, the dynamics is detached from the photons and it follows the Hamiltonian in Eq.", " (\\[HamMS\\]). ", "The global interaction in Eq. (", "\\[HamMS\\]) is a collective entangling operation between many two level systems. ", "It can be used to obtain many-qubit  GHZ states at specific times, starting from a configuration in which all the qubits are initialized in the lowest level [@Molmer]. ", "By choosing appropriate initial phases, one can map the dynamics onto $H_{I_{\\textrm{eff}}}=-\\xi\\sum_{i<j} \\sigma_i^x\\sigma_j^x.$ In general, one can retrieve the dynamics of many-body operators of the form $\\sigma^i_1\\sigma^j_2\\cdots \\sigma_N^k$, with $\\{ i,j,...k \\} \\in \\{x,y,z\\}$ [@Mueller11], up to local qubit rotations. ", "The selectivity upon a generic set of qubits is obtained by setting the coupling between the first two levels to $g_+=0$. The corresponding third level static coupling $g_-=g_-^s$ will not contribute to the dynamics due to the large detuning between the third level and the resonator frequencies.", "\n\n![(", "Color online) a) Numerical power spectrum of the magnetic signal $\\Phi_+(t)$, used to obtain $g_+(t)$. b) Power spectrum of $g_+(t)$, obtained by plugging the signal $\\Phi_+(t)$. The spectrum has two resonances at $\\omega_g,\\omega'_g$, close to the two sidebands at $\\omega_r -\\tilde{\\omega}_+=5.5$ GHz and $\\omega_r+\\tilde{\\omega}_+=14.5$ GHz (red dotted lines). ", "c) Power spectrum of $g_-(t)$, with the sidebands $\\omega_r -\\tilde{\\omega}_-=3$ GHz and $\\omega_r+\\tilde{\\omega}_-=17$ GHz (red dotted lines). ", "\\[phit\\]](phit)\n\nOne can tune in time the coupling, as in Eq. (", "\\[tunablecoupling\\]), by modulating the external magnetic fluxes $\\Phi_\\pm$. In general, this will also have an influence on the energy of the first two excited levels. ", "To retain a proper coherent dynamics, one can choose appropriate time-dependent flux drivings such that the coupling has the desired strength, while the qubit transition frequency $\\tilde{\\omega}_+$ is constant. ", "To give an example, we choose $E_{C_\\pm}=500$ MHz, $E_I=350$ MHz and $E_{J_\\pm}=25$ GHz and plot numerically in Fig \\[contour\\]a and \\[contour\\]b, respectively, transition frequencies between the first two levels and the first and the third one, as a function of the flux biases $\\{\\Phi_+,\\Phi_-\\}$. For the same parameters, in Fig.", " \\[contour\\]c, is plotted the matrix element $\\langle1|\\hat{n}|0\\rangle$. Along the curve $\\gamma$, approximated by the segment at constant $\\Phi_-=0.4\\Phi_0$ and $\\Phi_+\\in [0,0.4] \\Phi_0$, the transition frequencies are constant, while $\\langle1|\\hat{n}|0\\rangle$ ranges between a maximum value at $\\langle1|\\hat{n}|0\\rangle^M\\simeq0.45$ at $\\Phi_+=0$ and a minimum at $\\langle1|\\hat{n}|0\\rangle^m=0$ at $\\Phi_+=0.4\\Phi_0$, as in Fig.", " \\[contour\\]d. ", "The coupling range between $\\langle1|\\hat{n}|0\\rangle^M$ and $\\langle1|\\hat{n}|0\\rangle^m$ can be used to encode the time dependent coupling behavior as in Eq.", " (\\[tunablecoupling\\]). ", "One can design an overall capacitance prefactor $\\beta$ such that, e.g., $2eV_{\\textrm{rms}}\\beta\\langle1|\\hat{n}|0\\rangle^M=g^M_+=80$ MHz. ", "Then one can set $g_+^s\\equiv(g_+^M+g_+^m)/2=40$ MHz ($g_+^m=0$) and $g_+^d\\equiv(g_+^M-g_+^m)/4=20$ MHz. ", "By changing $\\Phi_+(t)$ along the curve in time, one can encode the proper time-dependence of the coupling. ", "Notice that the range in which one can drive the magnetic flux is limited by the validity of the negligible charge dispersion regime and by the coupled anharmonic oscillator model, used to describe the TCQ. ", "In fact, large magnetic fluxes will decrease the effective Josephson energies of the SQUID loops, breaking the regime $E_{J_\\pm}\\gg E_{C_\\pm}$.\n\nAlong $\\gamma$, one has $\\tilde{\\omega}_+=4.5$ GHz and $\\tilde{\\omega}_-=7$ GHz. ", "Furthermore, one can choose $\\delta=50$ MHz and consider a resonator frequency of $10$ GHz. ", "The magnetic signal $\\Phi_+(t)$ that gives the coupling in Eq.", " (\\[tunablecoupling\\]) is obtained by inverting the function in Fig \\[contour\\]d, for every time $t$. The coupling, for a sample time interval, is plotted in Fig.", " \\[contour\\]e. ", "We then decompose the signal $\\Phi_+(t)$ in its Fourier components. ", "Applying the magnetic signal $\\Phi_+(t)$, also the coupling between the first and the third level $g_-(t)$ undergoes fast oscillations. ", "We obtain numerically the time dependence of $g_-(t)$, when the flux $\\Phi_+(t)$ is plugged into the system. ", "Considering $g_+^s=40$ MHz, one has a static contribution for $g_-(t)$ of $g_-^s=60$ MHz. ", "The power spectra of $g_+(t)$ and $g_-(t)$ are plotted in Fig \\[phit\\]b and \\[phit\\]c. ", "As expected, $g_+(t)$ has only two Fourier components around $\\omega_g=14.45$ GHz, $\\omega'_g=5.45$ GHz, detuned by $\\delta$ from the qubit-resonator sidebands. ", "On the other hand, $g_-(t)$ has no Fourier component close to the resonator-third level sidebands, at $3$ GHz and $17$ GHz. ", "Thus, leakage to the third level of the TCQ will not affect the dynamics. ", "The setup can therefore be regarded as an effective two-level system that undergoes red-detuned and blue-detuned sideband interactions. ", "Furthermore, one can prove that standard Jaynes-Cummings interactions do not affect in a relevant way the dynamics.", "\n\nConsidering that one can maximize the dynamical interaction and choose $g_+^s=2g_+^d$, the condition for neglecting $H_{I_{\\textrm{JC}}}$ in Eq.", " (\\[3Ham\\]), $(g_{+}^s)^2/\\Delta_+ \\ll (g^d_+)^2/4\\delta$, can be formulated in terms of the ratio $\\Delta_+/\\delta\\gg16$. Thus, using higher frequency transitions will improve the fidelity of the gate. ", "To prove this, we perform numerical simulation of the dynamics driven by the interaction Hamiltonian in Eq.", " (\\[3Ham\\]), in interaction picture with $\\tilde{H}_0$. We consider the first three levels for each TCQ. ", "We integrate numerically a Lindblad master equation for the dynamics of four TCQs and resonator, $\\dot{\\rho}=-i[H_{I_\\textrm{eff}},\\rho]+\\kappa L(a)\\rho+\\sum_{i=1}^4[\\Gamma_\\phi L(\\sigma^z_i)\\rho+\\Gamma_- L(\\sigma_i^-)\\rho]$, adding Lindblad superoperators for the $i$-th qubit $\\Gamma_\\phi L(\\sigma_i^z)\\rho$, $\\Gamma_- L(\\sigma_i^-)\\rho$ to take into account dephasing and relaxation rates and $\\kappa L(a)\\rho$ to take into account resonator losses. ", "Here, $L(A)\\rho=(2A\\rho A^{\\dagger}-A^{\\dagger}A\\rho-\\rho A^{\\dagger}A)/2$. We set $\\kappa=100$ KHz, $\\Gamma_\\phi,\\Gamma_-=20$ KHz. ", "We use the time-dependent couplings $g_+(t)$, $g_-(t)$ as obtained in Fig.", " \\[phit\\]. ", "The overall magnitude of the qubit-resonator interaction is set to $g_+^d=20$ MHz, $g_+^s=40$ MHz, $g_-^s=60$ MHz. ", "We choose $\\delta=50$ MHz. ", "The transition frequencies for the first two levels of the TCQ are $\\tilde{\\omega}_+=4.5$ GHz and $\\tilde{\\omega}_-=7$ GHz. ", "The diagonalizing phase $\\lambda(t)$ has a fast oscillating contribution. ", "Its effect can be estimated in a small renormalization of the qubit frequency. ", "In fact, the last term in Eq. (", "\\[HTd\\]) will result, in interaction picture with respect to $\\tilde{H}_0$ and neglecting first-order fast-oscillating contribution, into an effective second-order small renormalization of the free energies, leading to $\\tilde{\\omega}_\\pm^R=\\tilde{\\omega}_\\pm+\\tilde{\\omega}_{\\pm \\lambda}$, where $\\tilde{\\omega}_{\\pm\\lambda}=\\lambda_d^2 \\omega_\\lambda^2 \\cdot (\\tilde{\\omega_+}-\\tilde{\\omega}_-)/2[(\\tilde{\\omega}_+ - \\tilde{\\omega}_-)^2 - \\omega_\\lambda^2]$ and $\\omega_\\lambda$ is a frequency of the diagonalizing parameter $\\lambda(t)$. The detuning ratio is approximately $\\Delta_+/\\delta\\sim100$. Fig.", " \\[numsim\\]a shows the fidelity peaks at $\\tau_n=2\\pi n/\\delta$ for the simulated density matrix $\\rho$ versus the ideal qubit dynamics, $|\\Psi_I\\rangle$, that follows the Hamiltonian in Eq.", " (\\[HamMS\\]), with $\\xi=(g^d_+)^2/4\\delta$. In Fig.", " \\[numsim\\]b, the same dynamics is integrated considering two different resonator frequencies. ", "One can notice that, as the qubit-resonator detuning increases, the fidelity peaks get higher as the Jaynes-Cummings part of Eq.", " (\\[3Ham\\]) is better suppressed.", "\n\n![(", "Color online) a) Collective entanglement between four TCQs, intialized in their ground states. ", "The ideal state $|\\Psi_I \\rangle$ follows the dynamics regulated by the Hamiltonian of Eq.", " (\\[HamMS\\]), with $\\xi=(g_+^d)^2/4\\delta$. The fidelity $F=\\operatorname{Tr}[{\\rho |\\Psi_I\\rangle\\langle\\Psi_I |}]$ of the TCQ dynamics is plotted, along with mean number of photons $\\langle a^{\\dagger}a\\rangle$. The ideal mean value of the collective spin oscillation $\\langle J_z\\rangle$, $J_z=1/4\\sum_{i=1}^4\\sigma_i^z$, is compared with the TCQ one $\\langle J_z\\rangle_\\rho$. b) Fidelities for different resonator frequencies. ", "The fidelity improves as the qubit-resonator detuning increases. ", "The first two peaks have values $F\\approx0.97,0.93$. \\[numsim\\] ](numsim)\n\nTo perform readout, one can fix $g_+(t)=g_+^s$ and implement standard dispersive measurement with a resonator pull of $\\pm(g_+^s)^2/\\Delta_+$ depending on the state of the single TCQ [@Blais04; @Filipp09]. ", "For the practical implementation of this interaction, specific designed flux drivings can take into account inhomogeneous qubit transition frequencies and couplings, by choosing different flux driving trajectories.", "\n\nIn conclusion, we have shown that a setup made out of several superconducting three-island devices, provided with tunable coupling to a coplanar waveguide resonator, may realize collective gates and many-body interactions among superconducting qubits. ", "These interactions can be used to implement topological codes and efficiently simulate fermionic dynamics in circuit QED setups.", "\n\nWe acknowledge useful discussions with Jay Gambetta, Srikanth Srinivasan, and Andreas Wallraff. 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[**", "102**]{}, 200402 (2009).", "\n\nSee provided supplemental material for further analysis and discussions of the results in the main text.", "\n\nSupplemental Material for\\\n“Many-Body Interactions with Tunable-Coupling Transmon Qubits”\n==============================================================\n\nIn this Supplemental Material, we provide additional details about results of calculations shown in the main text. ", "The effective multiqubit interaction Hamiltonian and the protocol for efficiently obtaining many-body operators of tunable-coupling transmon qubits are explicitly derived.", "\n\nDerivation of the effective interaction Hamiltonian\n===================================================\n\nIn this section we show in detail how to derive the effective collective entangling Hamiltonian between $N$ tunable-coupling transmon qubits (TCQs) presented in the manuscript. ", "We start from the interaction between the resonator and several TCQs capacitively coupled to it, $$\\tilde{H}_I=\\sum_{j=1}^N\\sum_\\pm g_\\pm(t)(\\tilde{b}^{\\dagger}_{\\pm j} -\\tilde{b}_{\\pm j})(a^{\\dagger}-a).\\label{IntSuppl}$$ According to what is discussed in the main text, one can design proper magnetic fluxes, threading the SQUIDs in each TCQ, in order to modulate $g_+(t)= g_{+}^s+g_+^d[\\cos(\\omega_g t)+\\cos(\\omega'_g t)]$, where one has defined the two detuned sideband frequencies $\\omega_g=\\omega_r +\\tilde{\\omega}_+-\\delta$ and $\\omega'_g=\\omega_r -\\tilde{\\omega}_+ -\\delta$. As a consequence, also the transition element to the third level of the devices $g_-(t)$ will undergo fast oscillations. ", "One can numerically obtain its time dependence, and expand the signal in its Fourier components $g_-(t)=\\sum_{n} g_n \\exp(i\\omega_n t)$, with $\\omega_n=2\\pi n/T$, where $n\\in\\mathds{Z}$, and $T$ is much larger than the timescale of the dynamics considered. ", "The interaction Hamiltonian in a many qubit setup then becomes $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\tilde{H}_I=&&\\sum_{j=1}^N\\left[g_{+}^s+g_+^d\\left(\\cos(\\omega_g t)+\\cos(\\omega'_g t)\\right)\\right](\\tilde{b}^{\\dagger}_{+j}-\\tilde{b}_{+j})(a-a^{\\dagger})\\nonumber\\\\\n&&+\\sum_{j=1}^N\\left[\\sum_{n} g_n \\exp(i\\omega_n t)\\right](\\tilde{b}^{\\dagger}_{-j} -\\tilde{b}_{-j})(a-a^{\\dagger}).\\label{Hspectrum}\\end{aligned}$$ One can identify three contributions to the dynamics, $\\tilde{H}_I= \\tilde{H}_{I_{\\textrm{JC}}} + \\tilde{H}_{I_+} + \\tilde{H}_{I_-}$. There are two terms representing standard Jaynes-Cummings interactions, due to the static contributions of the couplings, $$\\tilde{H}_{I_\\textrm{JC}}=-\\sum_{j=1}^N\\sum_\\pm g_{\\pm}^s(\\tilde{b}^{\\dagger}_{\\pm j}a+\\tilde{b}_{\\pm j}a^{\\dagger}),$$ where we have defined $ g_-^s \\equiv g_0$. The other contributions to the dynamics are given by the time-dependent part of the interaction. ", "Namely, $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\tilde{H}_{I_+}&&=\\sum_{j=1}^Ng_+^d\\left[\\cos(\\omega_g t)+\\cos(\\omega'_g t)\\right](\\tilde{b}^{\\dagger}_{+j}-\\tilde{b}_{+j})(a-a^{\\dagger}),\\nonumber\\\\\n\\tilde{H}_{I_-}&&=\\sum_{j=1}^N\\left[\\sideset{}{'}\\sum_{n} g_n \\exp(i\\omega_n t)\\right](\\tilde{b}^{\\dagger}_{-j} -\\tilde{b}_{-j})(a-a^{\\dagger}),\\label{Hspectrum2}\\end{aligned}$$ where the prime symbol excludes the zeroth addend from the series. ", "One can define an interaction picture with respect to $\\tilde{H}_0$, see Eq.", " (1) in the main text, and neglect the $\\tilde{H}_{I_-}$ contribution, if there is no large component $g_n$ of the Fourier decomposition, whose frequency $\\omega_n$ is close to the resonator-third level sidebands. ", "This is shown to be the case in Fig. ", "3 in the main text. ", "Due to sufficient level anharmonicity, that one can assume being preserved during the dynamics, only the two lowest levels for each anharmonic oscillator are populated. ", "One is thus allowed to consider a two-level Pauli algebra to model qubit excitations, $\\tilde{b}_{\\pm j}\\equiv\\sigma_{\\pm j}^-$(equivalently $\\tilde{b}_{\\pm j}^{\\dagger}\\equiv\\sigma_{\\pm j}^+$), and the interaction Hamiltonian, in the rotated frame, becomes $$\\tilde{H}_I\\approx\\sum_{j=1}^N\\left[g_{+}^s+g_+^d\\left(\\cos(\\omega_g t)+\\cos(\\omega'_g t)\\right)\\right](\\sigma_{+j}^+e^{i\\tilde{\\omega}_+t}-\\sigma_{+ j}^-e^{-i\\tilde{\\omega}_+t})(ae^{-i\\omega_rt}-a^{\\dagger}e^{i\\omega_rt}).$$ Under the condition $|(g_{+}^s)^2/\\Delta_+ |\\ll |(g^d_+)^2/4\\delta|$, the biggest contribution to the dynamics come from the terms rotating at the smallest frequency $\\delta$, $$\\tilde{H}_I=\\sum_{j=1}^N\\frac{g_+^d}{2}\\left\\{(\\sigma^+_{+j}-\\sigma^-_{+j})(a^{\\dagger}e^{i\\delta t}-ae^{-i\\delta t})\\right\\} =-i\\frac{g_+^d}{2}S^y(a^{\\dagger}e^{i\\delta t}-ae^{-i\\delta t}),\\label{MSCQED}$$ where $S^y=\\sum_{j=1}^N\\sigma_{+j}^y$. The evolution operator associated with Hamiltonian in Eq.", " (\\[MSCQED\\]) can be computed exactly at second order in $g_+^d/2$, obtaining $$\\tilde{U}_I(t)=\\exp\\left\\{\\frac{g_+^d S^y}{2\\delta}\\left[(e^{i\\delta t}-1)a^{\\dagger}-\\textrm{H.c.}\\right]\\right\\}\\exp\\left\\{i\\left(\\frac{g_+^d}{2\\delta}(S^y)\\right)^2\\left[\\sin(\\delta t)-\\delta t\\right]\\right\\}.$$ At times $\\tau=2\\pi n/\\delta$, with integer $n$, the above evolution operator can be associated with the effective unitary $\\tilde{U}_I(t)=\\exp\\left[{i\\sum_{ij}(g_+^d)^2/4\\delta\\sigma_{+i}^{y}\\sigma_{+j}^{y}}\\right]$. By choosing appropriate initial phases in Eq.", " (\\[IntSuppl\\]), one can obtain the generic effective interaction (here $\\alpha=\\{x,y\\}$) $$H_{I_{\\textrm{eff}}}=-\\sum_{ij}\\frac{(g_+^d)^2}{4\\delta}\\sigma_{+i}^{\\alpha}\\sigma_{+j}^{\\alpha}.\\label{HMSSuppl}$$\n\nEffective Many-Body Operators\n=============================\n\nIn this section we show explicitly, starting from the effective Hamiltonian in Eq.", " (\\[HMSSuppl\\]), how to obtain an effective many-body interaction of $N$ qubits, along the lines of Refs.", " [@Mueller11S; @Barreiro11S]. ", "We consider a combination of direct and inverse collective gates and a local rotation on one of the qubits (e.g. the first one). ", "In other words, we consider the gate sequence $U_\\textrm{S}(t)=\\exp(- i H_{I_\\textrm{eff}} \\tau)\\exp(igt\\sigma^z_1)\\exp(i H_{I_\\textrm{eff}} \\tau)$, where $\\tau=\\phi2\\delta/(g_+^d)^2$, that explicitly reads $$U_\\textrm{S}(t,\\phi)=e^{i\\phi/2\\sum_{j=2}\\sigma^\\alpha_i\\sigma^\\alpha_j}e^{igt\\sigma^z_1}e^{-i\\phi/2\\sum_{j=2}\\sigma^\\alpha_i\\sigma^\\alpha_j}.$$ One can expand the local rotation and write the equivalent expression $$U_\\textrm{S}(t,\\phi)=e^{i\\phi/2\\sigma^\\alpha_1\\sum_{j=2}\\sigma^\\alpha_j}\\left(\\cos(gt)+i\\sin(gt)\\sigma^z_1\\right)e^{-i\\phi/2\\sigma^\\alpha_1\\sum_{j=2}\\sigma^\\alpha_j}.$$ Taking into account that $\\sigma^z_1e^{i\\phi/2\\sigma^\\alpha_1\\sum_{j=2}\\sigma^\\alpha_j}=e^{-i\\phi/2\\sigma^\\alpha_1\\sum_{j=2}\\sigma^\\alpha_j}\\sigma^z_1$, one has that $$U_\\textrm{S}(t,\\phi)=\\cos(gt)+i\\sin(gt)\\sigma^z_1e^{-i\\phi\\sigma^\\alpha_1\\sum_{j=2}\\sigma^\\alpha_j}\\label{eq:2}.$$ Considering that $\\left(\\sigma^z_1e^{-i\\phi/2\\sigma^\\alpha_1\\sum_{j=2}\\sigma^\\alpha_j}\\right)^{n}=\\{1,\\sigma^z_1e^{-i\\phi/2\\sigma^\\alpha_1\\sum_{j=2}\\sigma^\\alpha_j}\\}$ for $n=\\{\\textrm{even,odd}\\}$, Eq. (", "\\[eq:2\\]) can be rewritten, $$U_S(t,\\phi)=\\exp\\left(igt\\sigma^z_1\\prod_{j=2}\\left(\\cos(\\phi)-i\\sigma^\\alpha_1\\sigma^\\alpha_j\\sin(\\phi)\\right)\\right).$$ Choosing $\\phi=\\pi/2$, one has $$U_\\textrm{S}(t,\\pi/2)=\\exp\\left(igt\\sigma^z_1\\prod_{j=2}\\left(-i\\sigma^\\alpha_1\\sigma^\\alpha_j\\right)\\right).$$\n\n![(", "Color online) a) Scheme of the generation of many-particle operator among four TCQs. ", "The coupling of the four qubits to the resonator is shown as a function of time. ", "Collective gates as in Eq.", " (\\[HMSSuppl\\]) are performed in the initial and final time regions, while a standard phase gate is performed upon the first qubit between the two collective operations. ", "The effective interaction can be mapped on an arbitrary stabilizer operator on a spin lattice with generic topology, due to the non-local nature of the quantum bus. ", "With an additional ancillary qubit, the system state can be mapped on the ground states of topological codes, via stabilizer pumping. ", "\\[4QubitGateScheme\\]](4QubitGateScheme)\n\nThe resulting gate, as a function of the total number of qubits $N$, reads $$\\begin{aligned}\n&\\exp\\left(-igt\\sigma^z_1\\sigma_{2}^{\\alpha}\\cdots\\sigma_{N}^{\\alpha}\\right), N=4n-1,\\nonumber\\\\\n&\\exp\\left(igt\\sigma^z_1\\sigma_{1}^{\\alpha}\\cdots\\sigma_{N}^{\\alpha}\\right), N=4n+1,\\nonumber\\\\\n&\\exp\\left(igt\\sigma^\\beta_1\\sigma_{2}^{\\alpha}\\cdots\\sigma_{N}^{\\alpha}\\right), N=4n,\\nonumber\\\\\n&\\exp\\left(-igt\\sigma^\\beta_1\\sigma_{2}^{\\alpha}\\cdots\\sigma_{N}^{\\alpha}\\right), N=4n-2,\\label{stabilizer}\\end{aligned}$$ where $\\sigma_1^\\beta=-\\sigma_1^y(\\sigma_1^x)$ for $\\alpha=x(y),N=4n$, and $\\sigma_1^\\beta=\\sigma_1^y(-\\sigma_1^x)$ for $\\alpha=x(y),N=4n-2$. All these interactions are equivalent to an arbitrary stabilizer many-body operator, up to local rotations. ", "Summarizing, the physical realization of the multiqubit interaction can be schematized as in Fig.", " \\[4QubitGateScheme\\]. ", "Magnetic fluxes drive the collective gates at the beginning and the end of the protocol, while in the central time interval the coupling with the resonator of all the qubits is turned off, except for the TCQ that undergoes a standard phase shift gate (qubit 1 in the figure). ", "By adding an auxiliary ancilla qubit one can guide the ground state of the system to the one of topological states [@Kitaev03], via the stabilizer pumping protocol described in [@Barreiro11S]. ", "Sequences of collective operators as in Eq.", " (\\[stabilizer\\]) can be used to simulate correlated fermionic Hamiltonians in spin systems, with a constant overhead of the quantum resources, according to the protocols presented in [@Casanova12; @Mezzacapo12].", "\n\n[99]{}\n\nM. Müller, K. Hammerer, Y. L. Zhou, C. F. Roos and P. Zoller, New J. Phys. [**", "13**]{}, 085007 (2011);\n\nJ.T. Barreiro, M. Müller, P. Schindler, D. Nigg, T. Monz, M. Chwalla, M. Hennrich, C. F. Roos, P. Zoller and R. Blatt, Nature [**470**]{}, 486 (2011).", "\n\nA. Yu. ", "Kitaev, Ann. ", "Phys. [**", "303**]{}, 2 (2003).", "\n\nJ. Casanova, A. Mezzacapo, L. Lamata and E. Solano, Phys. ", "Rev. Lett. [**", "108**]{}, 190502 (2012).", "\n\nA. Mezzacapo, J. Casanova, L. Lamata and E. Solano, Phys. ", "Rev. Lett. [**", "109**]{}, 200501 (2012).", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIs it possible to asynchronously query DocumentDB for all documents (i.e no paging)?", "\n\nIs it possible, using the DocumentDB .NET SDK, to make run an asynchronous query against the DB that returns all matching documents?", "\nThe answer answer to this StackOverflow question: Querying Azure DocumentDB with ExecuteNextAsync returns fewer than MaxItemCount indicates that:\n\nThere are limits for how long a query will execute on DocumentDB.", "\n ...\n If these limits are hit, then a partial set of results may be returned.", "\n\nI know that it's possible to overcome the above mentioned limit by iterating over paged results like so: (source)\nList<Family> families = new List<Family>();\n\nFeedOptions options = new FeedOptions { MaxItemCount = 1 };\n\nvar query = client.", "CreateDocumentQuery<Family>(collectionLink, options).AsDocumentQuery();\n\nwhile (query.", "HasMoreResults)\n{\n foreach (Family family in await query.", "ExecuteNextAsync())\n {\n families.", "Add(family);\n }\n}\n\nMy question is - Is this loop necessary? ", "Might there be a more elegant way to tell the SDK to return all results available (without paging)?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe loop you have is the best way to perform enumerating across multiple requests since there is a bounded time execution on each request in DocumentDB. ", "\nYou could wrap this code in an extension method to make it handy.", "\nThis is a good suggestion for DocumentDB team to add this support - \nhttps://github.com/Azure/azure-documentdb-dotnet/issues \n\n" ]
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[ "1. ", "Evil\n\n2. ", "pavel\n\n3. ", "matr0x (Pawelek85)\n\n4. ", "fire_bot\n\n5. ", "Spart1e\n\n6. ", "av3k\n\n7. ", "draven\n\n8. ", "k1llsen\n\n9. ", "madix\n\n10. ", "Rapha\n\n11. ", "cooke\n\n12. ", "Cypher\n\n13. ", "nicerdicer\n\n14. ", "DRz.", "L33gend (sofiene)\n\n15. ", "empish\n\n16. ", "Snapphanen\n\nRapha\n\nmatr0x\n\nempish\n\nnicerdicer\n\nCypher\n\npavel\n\ndraven\n\nSnapphanen\n\nAv3k\n\nSpart1e\n\nfire_bot\n\ncooke\n\nk1llsen\n\nevil\n\nMadix\n\nDRz.", "L33gend\n\nAfter the show tonight with The GD Studio hosted by2GD andTrance we now have the groups for theUnfortunatelydropped out last minute and we haven't been able to replace him yet. ", "If you want to play contact either blazeh or slayzah in #DreamHack.", "Quake or send a mail to esport@dreamhack.se Also since STING dropped out we remade the seeds slightly.was moved to mid seed and the player missing is down in low seed.", "So, as usual, please leave your thoughts on the groups below! ", "Is there a group of death? ", "Is any group more interesting then another?: ", "Last spot has been filled bySnapphanen.matr0x unfortunately dropped out of the tournament. ", "He will be replaced byDRz.bat4dead." ]
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[ "EVO is still underway, but tournament gameplay for Tekken 7: Fated Retribution concluded yesterday. ", "The two days of tournament play was filled with multiple upsets and some surprising turnouts that some people may not have imagined.", "\n\nThings to Consider\n\nHere are a few things no-one expected:\n\nJDCR did not make the Top 8\n\nAnakin did not even make the Top 50\n\nPoongko, a Street Fighter/non-Tekken player, came in 3rd place\n\nKorea had four players in Top 8\n\nKorea took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place\n\nMost of Japan’s top players did not perform as well as expected\n\nLast years EVO champ, Nobi (JPN), was eliminated by USA’s Geesemaster\n\nTop 8 included two players from USA, compared to one last EVO\n\nUSA had players in 4th and 7th place\n\nGeesemaster was a dark horse who placed higher than Japan and Speedkicks\n\nAll of the above were unexpected and has left many scratching their heads asking why. ", "First, let me explain what was not the reason for this outcome.", "\n\nJet-lag or Fatigue?", "\n\nSome have speculated that maybe jet-lag from travelling, fatigue or tiredness may have been the cause for Japan’s performance. ", "But quite a few traveled from far and wide to get to EVO, including Korea. ", "And when you saw our Japanese friends, they were smiling, happy, energetic, taking photos and much more. ", "It is highly unlikely that fatigue or anything of that sort was the cause. ", "Most of the international players from Asia actually arrived on Wednesday, and some on Thursday, so there was time to get rest. ", "Now, if some chose to enjoy Vegas, that’s an entirely different story. ", "This is an eSport, and just like any athlete you have to consider that you have a task ahead of you. ", "I don’t believe this had anything to do with the performance of the Japanese players. ", "Two of them made the top 8. ", "When they do not do well, we shouldn’t discount those who placed better by presenting theories for why some under-performed. ", "Even if some of the Japanese players may have been jet-lagged or somewhat tired, they have had the game for almost two years or more now, while USA and others has not had it really at all. ", "The only access USA has to Tekken 7 is the Tekken Tour and one small spot in Schaumburg, IL. ", "With that, shouldn’t Japanese players have some type of edge? ", "Honestly, I don’t think Japanese players would want any excuses made for them.. Even Shudy Jinlee of Japan said that they will be back next year. ", "This isn’t only about Japan though. ", "This about all of the things listed above.", "\n\nA New Game\n\nThere is one reason why this EVO turned out the way it did, and it’s all game related – Tekken 7: Fated Retribution. ", "Tekken 7FR being allowed at EVO put all players on equal footing for the most part. ", "And by “equal footing” I mean that everyone was subject to the same random, unexpected, unfamiliarity of the game that others were. ", "While there were still many familiar “Tekkeny things” with the game, there were many new things as well, and this is what evened things out. ", "You see, up until Tekken 7FR many of the game mechanics and fundamentals of Tekken have remained pretty much the same. ", "But with Bandai Namco wanting to make the game more appealing to casual players, and not just hardcare Tekken fans, some new mechanics, characters and effects have been introduced. ", "With Tekken 7FR we have changes to rage mode and the introduction of rage drives. ", "In Tekken 7FR a player can now enter rage much quicker. ", "It now kicks in when at 70% health. ", "As well, rage drives allow you to execute a series of attacks upon your opponent that deal a good amount of damage. ", "And the lower your health, the more damage you will inflict. ", "We saw this change the outcome of matches often.", "\n\nNew Characters\n\nThe introduction of new characters allowed players to walk right into EVO and place well. ", "Akuma has only been in Tekken 7FR for two weeks, so knowing how to fight against him has not been fully”downloaded” yet. ", "This is one reason why Poongko, who is a pro Street Fighter player, was able to walk right into EVO to compete and get 3rd place. ", "Akuma is an offensive character like we’ve never seen before, able to throw a barrage of attacks at you one after the other. ", "Tekken players aren’t accustomed to this type of thing. ", "But unfamiliarity has more to do with it than anything. ", "Also, when you consider the usage of Claudio by Narakhof against a high-caliber player like Speedkicks, Speed had no answer for him. ", "He didn’t have enough Claudio experience. ", "You can get by with unfamiliarity to a certain point, but when you come to face to face with someone using a new character at a high level, you’re pretty much toast. ", "Speedkicks isn’t alone when it comes to facing a Claudio player. ", "Rip faced one who reset him in the Grand Finals at Wizard World Minneapolis and won. ", "Had it been any other character Rip was facing, he probably would’ve won.", "\n\nDelete Claudio from Tekken 7 — Rip (@reepal) May 8, 2016\n\nThese factors explain Speedkicks’ 7th place placement, Narakhof’s 5th placement, and definitely Poongko’s 3rd placement. ", "It may also explain why Knee was able to use Akuma against JDCR and take him out of his element. ", "JDCR had no answer for Knee’s Akuma.", "\n\n\"Just hit him out of the air\" – Everyone who hasn't played FR. ", "pic.twitter.com/OIVaJ6vii9 — Stephen Stafford (@Speedkicks) July 17, 2016\n\n1v1 vs Tag System\n\nAnother thing that has changed is a return to the 1v1 system – the heart and soul of Tekken. ", "Yes, Tekken 7 was at EVO last year, and it too was 1v1, but one of the differences is that most in the USA at that time were still accustomed to the tag style of gameplay of Tekken Tag Tournament 2. ", "Asian players had been playing Tekken 7 for a little over a year. ", "It takes time to get calibrated from one system to another. ", "Speedkicks is even on record as saying that when he was at CEO, he was still approaching his Tekken 7 matches with a tag mindset. ", "1v1 Tekken is played fundamentally different. ", "Speedkicks then went into the lab and started practicing 1v1 by playing Tekken 6. ", "Still, he faced a Claudio player, and nothing about Tekken 6 could prepare him for that.", "\n\nAll the T6 in the world couldn't have prepared me for that. ", "Rough lol — Stephen Stafford (@Speedkicks) July 16, 2016\n\nIn our interviews with Fighting GM and JDCR, they both also state how the tag system and the 1v1 systems make for two completely different games. ", "The tag system allowed players, newcomers and veterans, to get a way with many things you can’t get away with in 1v1, and especially in Tekken Tag Tournament 2. ", "The presence of a second character, the long juggles and high damage allowed a player to end even the best of players. ", "A lot of the fluff allowed for not having any fundamentals. ", "But 1v1 Tekken? ", "It’s all about fundamentals. ", "In a recent interview with The Main Man, JDCR says that one reason Asians were able to dominate in TTT2 was due to their great use of the tag system. ", "But now the tag system is gone and players must simply know how to play fundamental Tekken. ", "Could this be one reason why Korea did so well, as well as USA? ", "Do they have a good grasp on the fundamentals? ", "Think about it. ", "Poongko was reckless with Akuma and just dominating his opponents, but when he came up against Knee and Saint, he looked like a church mouse. ", "He had run up against two players who were fundamentally sound. ", "Yes, JDCR faced an Akuma too, but this Akuma was used by a Tekken player who plays at the highest level. ", "His name is Knee. ", "This year USA has been highly focused on the 1v1 system. ", "Players have been attending the Tekken Tour to get some hands-on practice. ", "They’ve been playing Tekken 6. ", "And they’ve been playing one character matches in Tekken Tag Tournament 2.", "\n\nCooking Your Goose\n\nSo, what about Geesemaster, you may be asking? ", "He didn’t use a new character, and he didn’t face a new character, so how’d he win? ", "Geesemaster did face Nobi, last year’s EVO champion, and considered to be one of the best in the world. ", "He was also using Dragunov, and is declared to be the #1 Dragunov player on the planet. ", "So what’s up with that? ", "There is always room for newcomers, and that’s why I love fighting games, because you can’t count anyone out. ", "If someone puts the time in to train and hone their skills, the sky is the limit. ", "Geesemaster didn’t get to where he ascended by accident. ", "We saw some very good gameplay from him – and none of it looked like luck. ", "Simply put, he beat Nobi fair and square. ", "He beat all of his opponents fair and square. ", "He displayed great understand of the game – defense, combos, proper punishes, sidestepping, spacing, backdashing, mixups and more. ", "And it may not mean anything to some, but he is also a qualifier for the King of the Iron Fist Tournament at the end of the year. ", "He was the very first to qualify actually. ", "Simply put, give the man his props.", "\n\ngeesemaster proving hes not only the best west coast player but also best in usa. — ", "Bronson Tran (@brnsntrn) July 16, 2016\n\nThat Explains It\n\nSo there you have it. ", "That explains why this years EVO went the way it did. ", "And even with the randomness and unfamiliarity of things, Korea still obviously has a great grasp on the game of Tekken. ", "This is why they hold the top three spots this year. ", "Even Poongko being in the 3rd place shows just how “interesting” Tekken 7FR has made the game for everyone. ", "Next EVO will be even better than this one! ", "Everyone will have had their hands on the primary game and had enough time to practice and learn the ins and outs. ", "There won’t be any excuses, moral victories, or anything of that nature. ", "It will all boil down to what it has always boiled down to – skill. ", "Hopefully people have a better understanding of this years’ EVO now. ", "Tekken 7FR shows just how well everyone can do when everyone is on the same page. ", "This year, the page was called “unfamiliarity,” and everyone had plenty of that. ", "Finally, a word from Speedkicks.", "\n\nUSA will win Evo next year. — ", "Stephen Stafford (@Speedkicks) July 16, 2016" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nDisplaying flask json data in pythonanywhere\n\nI have a simple flask app running, that posts some data after a user input. ", "At the moment, it displays this data in a json.dump dictionary, but I am trying to get it to display as follows:\nName: yyy\nShack: yyy\nStatus: yyy\nPayments: vvv\n\nI've seen some questions relating to jsonify and other json methods, but I can't seem to get them to work. ", "\nCode:\nfrom flask import Flask, request, Response, render_template\nimport json\nimport sys\nimport numpy as np\n\napp = Flask(__name__)\n\napp.config['DEBUG'] = True\n\npath = '/home/username/ishack/'\nif path not in sys.path:\n sys.path.append(path)\n\nclient_db = np.genfromtxt('/home/username/ishack/client_db.csv', delimiter=',', dtype=None, names=True)\n\n@app.route('/')\ndef form():\n return render_template('form_page.html')\n\n@app.route('/address', methods=['POST'])\ndef display_info():\n address = request.form['address']\n ind = np.where(client_db['Shack'] == address)[0]\n res = {'Name': client_db[ind]['Name'][0],\n 'Shack': client_db[ind]['Shack'][0],\n 'Status': client_db[ind]['Status'][0],\n 'Payments': client_db[ind]['Payments'][0]}\n return Response(json.dumps(res), mimetype='application/json')\n\nif __name__ == '__main__':\n app.run(host=\"\", port=5000)\n\nA:\n\nChange the response to render a page with the desired formatting. ", "You cannot stylize a plain JSON response.", "\n@app.route('/address', methods=['POST'])\ndef display_info():\n address = request.form['address']\n ind = np.where(client_db['Shack'] == address)[0]\n res = {'Name': client_db[ind]['Name'][0],\n 'Shack': client_db[ind]['Shack'][0],\n 'Status': client_db[ind]['Status'][0],\n 'Payments': client_db[ind]['Payments'][0]}\n return render_template(\"address_page.html\", address=res)\n\naddress_page.html:\n<table>\n{% for key,value in address.items() %}\n <tr>\n <td>{{key}}:</td><td>{{value}}</td>\n </tr>\n{% endfor %}\n</table>\n\n" ]
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[ "MicroRNAs: a novel therapeutic target for schizophrenia.", "\nSchizophrenia is one of the most disabling psychiatric conditions. ", "Current treatments target monoamine receptors but this approach does not address the full complexity of the disorder. ", "Here we explore the possibility of developing new anti-psychotics by targeting microRNAs (miRNAs), single stranded RNA molecules, 21-23 nucleotides in length that are not translated into proteins and regulate gene expression. ", "The present review reveals that research involving schizophrenia and miRNA is very recent (the earliest report from 2007) and miRNAs add a significant layer of complexity to the pathophysiology of the disorder. ", "However, miRNAs offer an exciting potential not only to understand the underlying mechanisms of schizophrenia, but also for the future development of antipsychotics, as the human miRNA system provides a rich and diverse opportunity for pharmacological targeting. ", "However, technology is still developing in order to produce effective strategies to modulate specific and localized changes in miRNA, particularly in relation to the central nervous system and schizophrenia." ]
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[ "Online mobile casino no deposit bonus online slots kostenlos Video\n\n$180 Free Casino Chips - No Deposit Bonus - Try Lotto Mania Free Slots Sifu Joseph Demundo began his Martial Arts training at the age of Verwenden Sie bitte den Gutscheincode: In order to claim one of these offers, you will need to register at a casino that has one of these types of offers available by creating a player account. ", "Einige Casinos stellen Neukunden einen Geldbetrag auf dem Kundenkonto bereit, so dass der Kunde einige Spiele mit Echtgeld ausprobieren kann, ohne jedoch eigenes Geld einzahlen zu müssen. ", "Und als schönen Nebeneffekt können Sie sogar noch einen Gewinn mitnehmen — was will man mehr? ", "Diese Varianten gibt es auch in Kombination mit Einzahlungsboni. ", "Free Spins - Some casino promotions come in the form of free spins. ", "To do so, you'll need to provide your email address and either download their software or create an account via their flash casino if one is available. ", "Orient Xpress Casino Test. ", "CB nach der Anmeldung an der Kassa. ", "Timed Promotions - A handful of sites offer promotions in the form of a timed session of gambling. ", "Falls Sie den Bonus ohne Einzahlung als Startguthaben in Anspruch nehmen wollen, achten Sie darauf, ob das Casino einen speziellen Bonuscode verlangt oder der Bonus gleich bei Registrierung automatisch Ihrem Spielerkonto gutgeschrieben wird. ", "Und dazu gibt es auch nur dort auch die exklusiven Spielautomaten von Lionline. ", "Have been independently verified for fairness and withdrawal speed by our staff writers. ", "Neuer Bonuscode ohne Einzahlung — in den Orientxpress einfach einsteigen. ", "Sometimes these offers are only available www online casino anmelden spiele kostenlos new players, but most times, they can be redeemed by any player who holds an active player account. ", "There casino online kostenlos spielen oneline casino different structures to these types of deals; some require you pay back the free bets you were given out free play casino online lucky lady charm kostenlos your winnings should you come out with profitswhile others will require playthrough wagering requirements that prevent you from withdrawing your winnings until a set number of real money bets is met, and these can only be met with your real money deposit wagers. ", "Bonus Book of Ra — online spielen ohne Einzahlung. ", "Last but not least: Different establishments offer different values of no deposit bonuses, though most are understandably small. ", "Bonus Book of Ra — online spielen ohne Einzahlung. ", "And in some cases, in order to be eligible to withdraw any winnings, players may be required to make a real money deposit. ", "Weil Boni immer auch an Umsatzbedingungen geknüpft sind. ", "Osiris Casino Casino Test. ", "Last but not least: FunFair geht bei Casinospielen mit eigener Kryptowährung neue Wege 8. ", "For instance, you may receive one hour of no risk, real money betting, and when the hour is up, so are your free chips." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThis invention relates to melt-processible, moisture-curable ethylene copolymers which contain hydrolysable groups. ", "The polymers are prepared by reacting a polymer containing glycidyl groups with a specified amino compound. ", "They are useful, inter alia, as hot-melt adhesives and sealants, coatings, and as components of co-extruded film.", "\n2. ", "Description of Related Art\nCrosslinked polymers have many desirable properties such as high heat resistance, good abrasion and cut resistance amongst many more. ", "However, they can not be melt processed. ", "Thermoplastic polymers, on the other hand, have the advantage of ready processibility in the melt. ", "Thermoplastic polymers with a readily crosslinkable unit which may be crosslinked after thermoplastic processing may possess the advantages of both. ", "The crosslinkable units may require additional substances or treatment to achieve effective crosslinking, and/or they may be subject to auto-crosslinking under various conditions such as temperatures higher than their thermoplastic processing temperatures.", "\nA major difficulty with thermoplastic polymers which are potentially crosslinkable can be the prevention of crosslinking during their preparation. ", "Even if this is avoided, a further difficulty can be prevention of even small amounts of crosslinking during the thermoplastic processing, since this leads to low melt flow and lack of control during processing. ", "An alternative is a two-part system, where two polymers react together to crosslink. ", "However, a one-part system has obvious advantages.", "\nCrosslinking reactions during preparation and processing are thus undesirable. ", "The desired crosslinking reaction is that which occurs AFTER thermoplastic processing. ", "If this reaction requires addition of new substances, including a second polymer (i.e. two part systems), catalysts, or treatment other than thermal, such as radiation, to activate or react with the crosslinkable unit, the problem of crosslinking during melt (i.e thermoplastic) processing may not present itself. ", "However, crosslinking systems which involve such substances or treatments are not always the most desirable, and there is a continuing search for thermoplastic crosslinkable polymers which are readily prepared without crosslinking during preparation, are highly melt stable during thermoplastic processing, but are subsequently very readily crosslinkable.", "\nA well known readily crosslinkable unit which has been used in thermoplastic crosslinkable polymers is the silane unit because it can readily crosslink with simple moisture treatment. ", "Such treatment has obvious advantages over radiation crosslinking or treatment with additional substances (other than water). ", "While it is necessary to keep polymers containing such a unit free from moisture conditions which would cause crosslinking before and during thermoplastic processing, keeping polymers dry is a well established procedure. ", "However, ready preparation of polymers containing a controlled level of silane groups where the resulting polymers are also thermally stable (and hence thermoplastically processible) has proved a problem. ", "Often the reactions necessary to incorporate silane groups lead to other moieties which are thermally unstable, or which can themselves activate crosslinking of the silane or other groups.", "\nCommercially, the only one-part, moisture curable hot-melt adhesives on the market are polyurethane based. ", "These materials are currently `under the gun` however, due to residual isocyanates. ", "In addition, as adhesives they often have poor `green` strength, often necessitating clamping, as well as poor thermal stability.", "\nEthylene copolymer based adhesives are in common use. ", "However there are no commercial one-part curable ethylene copolymer based adhesives. ", "Certain silane containing ethylene copolymer based curable materials, useful for adhesives have however been disclosed. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,210,150 (Prejean) discloses one method of making fairly melt stable silane containing ethylene copolymer-based, moisture-curable polymers. ", "Here, ethylene copolymers containing a carboxylic acid group are reacted, in the melt, with a stoichiometric amount of an epoxysilane, (a silane containing an epoxide group), the stoichiometric amount being critical in preventing thermal instability.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,408,420 (Wiggill) discloses the reaction used in Prejean, and other reactions where the polymer may contain a vinyl ester or acid chloride group, and is reacted, in solution, with a silane containing an epoxide or secondary amino or secondary alcohol group to produce the silane containing graft polymer.", "\nWhile the silane containing polymers disclosed in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,210,150 referred to above are adequate, still further improvements in preparative ease, melt stability and moisture cure-rate are desirable. ", "There is thus a need for alternative methods of producing melt stable ethylene copolymer-based, thermoplastic silane containing crosslinkable materials, preferably using reactions in the melt." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nUsing kafka streams to create a table based on elasticsearch events\n\nIs it possible to use Kafka streaming to create a pipeline that reads JSON from a Kafka topic and then do some logic with them and send the results to another Kafka topic or something else?", "\nFor example, I populate my topic using logs from elasticsearch. ", "That is pretty easy using a simple logstash pipeline. ", "\nOnce I have my logs in the kafka topic, I want to extract some pieces of information from the log and put them in a sort of \"table\" with N column(is Kafka capable of this?) ", "and then put the table somewhere else (another topic or a db).", "\nI didn't find any example that satisfies my criteria. ", "\nthanks\n\nA:\n\nYes, it's possible.", "\nThere is no concept of columns in kafka or kafka-streams. ", "However, you typically just define a plain old java object of your choice, with the fields that your want (fields being the equivalent of columns in this case). ", "You produce the output in that format to an output topic (using an appropriately chosen serializer). ", "Finally, if you want to store the result in a relational database, you map the fields into columns, typically using a kafka connect jdbc sink:\nhttp://docs.confluent.io/current/connect/connect-jdbc/docs/sink_connector.html\n\n" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to a control apparatus for an electric vehicle having a storage device that is charged by an external power supply.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nElectric vehicles that have an electric motor alone as a drive source and hybrid type electric vehicles that have an engine and an electric motor as drive sources exist. ", "These electric vehicles are installed with a storage device such as a lithium ion battery. ", "Further, an electric vehicle is provided with a charging port, and when the storage device is charged, a charging cable extending from an external power supply is connected to the charging port (see Japanese Unexamined Patent Application No. ", "H6-284512, for example). ", "The storage device may also be charged using a method in which a charging cable of a fast charger disposed in a power supply station or the like is connected to the charging port or a method in which a charging cable extending from a household power supply is connected to the charging port.", "\nHowever, when a charging cable is simply connected to the charging port, as described in Japanese Unexamined Patent Application No. ", "H6-284512, the charging cable may become disconnected, which is undesirable in terms of safety and crime prevention. ", "An operation to charge the storage device requires more time than a conventional fuel supply operation, and therefore a situation in which an operator moves away from the electric vehicle may be envisaged. ", "Hence, demand exists for a structure with which safety can be secured during charging even when the operator moves away from the electric vehicle." ]
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[ "Kyle Busch took a moment to visit the scoring tower to be interviewed by Speed 51 Radio on RaceTalkRadio.com\n\nRoss Kenseth talks about his Snowball Derby experience.", "\n\nScott Carlson talks about hanging up his helmet in the Derby.", "\n\nScott Hantz and John Bolen talk about the final lap of the Snowball Derby.", "\n\nSnowball Derby Video Leftovers\n\nSteven Wallace takes another top three finish at the Snowball Derby.", "\n\nTyler Millwood talks about his wreck at the Snowball Derby.", "\n\nBobby Gill talks about his fourth-place finish in the Snowball Derby.", "\n\nClay Alexander and DJ Vanderlay wreck in the Snowflake 100.", "\n\nBrandon Odom's night ends early in the Snowflake 100.", "\n\nDwayne Buggay talks about his night in the Snowflake 100.", "\n\nJohn Bolen finishes second in the Snowflake 100.", "\n\nDwayne Buggay and Hunter Robbins late race wreck.", "\n\nRyan Blaney comes away with a solid finish in the Snowflake 100.", "\n\nFormer Snowflake winner Ryan Crane talks about his night.", "\n\nTJ Riead had the lead late, but ended up third in the Snowflake 100.", "\n\nAllen Turner Snowflake 100 Leftovers\n\nRetirements, Retirements, Retirements…\n\nThree drivers announced that they will be hanging up the helmet, in different ways after the Derby.", "\n\nCecil Chunn announced that he is retiring after the 2009 Snowball Derby. ", "Chunn qualified his #48 for the 42nd Annual Derby but lost his brakes early in the race. ", "Chunn has had a long career in racing ranging from working with Bobby and Davey Allison to racing in the NASCAR Southeast Series and even NASCAR’s Camping World Truck Series.", "\n\nEddie Mercer said that the ’09 edition may be his last Derby. ", "Without backing from the Miccosukee Tribe, his 2010 plans could be up in the air. ", "Don’t be surprised to see Mercer gunning for his second Snowball Trophy again next year. ", "He came very close this year.", "\n\nScott Carlson said he is passing the torch to his son Brandon after the 2009 Derby. ", "Carlson talks about this in his video leftover .", "\n\nSnowball Success Proves Derby Addiction is Spreading\n\nThe Snowball Derby is becoming one of the nation’s most popular Short Track events. ", "Close to 40,000 thousand people listened to the race broadcast on RaceTalkRadio.com. ", "12,000 people followed the Trackside Now updates on Speed51.com. ", "At the track, for the first time Five Flags Speedway’s Snowball Derby was an official sell-out crowd. ", "Media interest, a full pit area and grandstand are a great thing to see, especially in a challenging economic climate.", "\n\nBagwell Double Duty Dude\n\nAlabama’s Danny Bagwell may have struggled to hang on for a 20th place finish in the Snowball Derby, but he did have a good feature event race on Friday night. ", "Bagwell drove his Modified to a 7th place finish.", "\n\nBolen’s Best?", "\n\nJohn Bolen had the highest average finish of any driver who competed in both the Allen Turner Snowflake 100 and the Snowball Derby. ", "He finished second in the Snowflake and fifth in the Snowball Derby.", "\n\nGoing Global?", "\n\nWe mentioned this on our broadcast it’s worth mentioning again. ", "NASCAR Official Christy May and Thomas Lanahan are big race fans that tuned in to the Derby on RTR and followed on Speed51.com. ", "They were listening to it all from Paris, France. ", "It was night-time in France and they made a night of listening to the Snowball as a part of their post-Cup-season vacation.", "\n\nVanDoorn Wins Best Appearing Car\n\nCRA Super Series Champion Johnny VanDoorn came to his first Snowball Derby with high-hopes. ", "He crashed in qualifying on Friday. ", "The team worked hard and got the car repaired to practice and race in the last-chance race on Saturday. ", "VanDoorn ended up not making the show but did receive an award during the pre-race festivities at the Derby. ", "Editor of Speed51.com, Mike Twist, presented VanDoorn with the “Best Appearing Car Award.” ", "His #61 “Old Man Winter” themed ride was the top vote-getter on Speed51.com. ", "VanDoorn will receive a free hero-card design for the winning scheme.", "\n\nBad Economy?", "\n\nThis the car count for the 42nd annual Snowball Derby was a bit down, but in reality it was pretty even with several drivers having problems before the qualification period. ", "63 cars took time in the Snowflake in 2008 with 55 doing so this year. ", "61 Super Late Models took time for the Derby in 2008 with 58 doing so this year.", "\n\nSpeed Shots\n\n-Eddie Mercer finished second for the fourth time in his career at the Snowball Derby.", "\n\n-Kyle Busch lead a string of three former winners, Eddie Mercer, Steven Wallace and Bobby Gill across the line at the Derby.", "\n\n-Steven Wallace finished in the top three for the fourth time in his career.", "\n\n-Chase Elliott finished seventh in his first Snowball Derby. ", "At the age of 14 he is the youngest driver on record in the history of the Snowball Derby.", "\n\n-Johanna Long set the new track record with lap of 16.463 in qualifying on Friday night.", "\n\n-Eddie Mercer led 82 laps and became the all-time lap leader in the Snowball Derby with 759 laps to Bobby Gill’s 677.", "\n\n-Bobby Gill finished fourth and logged his sixth career top five finish in the Snowball Derby.", "\n\n-Scott Carlson made his 15th consecutive start in the Snowball Derby, he also made an announcement that it would be his final Snowball Derby as a driver.", "\n\n-On Saturday night Augie Grill became the first driver to win the Snowflake 100 and the Snowball Derby." ]
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[ "STEPHEN VOSS/REDUX/EYEVINE\n\nIn his last role two years ago with the Opera Vivente in Baltimore, Maryland, Christopher Austin played the Calvinist chaplain in Gaetano Donizetti's Lucia di Lammermoor. ", "The story does not lack for drama: the heroine pulls out a knife in her wedding bed and stabs to death the husband who has been forced on her in place of her true love. ", "On the heels of the murder, the chaplain “is the guy who is trying to bring order to chaos”, says Austin, a bass-baritone who once considered a full-time career in opera.", "\n\nAustin's most recent stage part has a certain resonance with his new day job. ", "In September, he was appointed as director of the fledgling National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) at the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland. ", "In existence since December 2011, the centre has an ambitious — some say audacious — agenda that channels the central passion of both Austin and his boss, NIH director Francis Collins: to get more successful medicines into more patients, more quickly. ", "That means forcing the agonizingly slow, failure-prone process of 'translational research' — the term of art for moving promising discoveries from the lab to the clinic — into a higher gear.", "\n\nPassion runs high among the sceptics, too. ", "Researchers both inside and outside the agency fear that NCATS — the first new centre at the NIH in more than a decade, funded at US$575 million last year — will encroach on a finite pot of money that they say would be better spent probing the mechanisms of basic biology and disease. ", "Others question the scale of its mission. “", "With the available resources, how are you going to achieve this?” ", "asks Thomas Caskey, a molecular geneticist at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. “", "To me, you cannot just take this money and be another biotechnology company and you certainly don't have enough money to be a pharmaceutical company.”", "\n\nNCATS will be neither, Austin responds. ", "What will set it apart, he says, is a focus on overcoming obstacles on the road to drug development, from inadequate toxicology methods to inefficient clinical-trial recruitment, rather than actually producing the drugs. ", "In an era in which more than 95% of drug candidates fail, and a novel drug takes 13 years and more than $1 billion to develop, “NCATS has to be focused on logarithmic improvements in the process”, says Austin. “", "You can't do this in a brute-force way. ", "You have to do it differently. ", "You have to drive the technology development.”", "\n\nAustin's fans say that if anyone has a shot at making this work, it is him. “", "This guy has got clinical training, industry training and scientific training. ", "If you wanted me to pick a quarterback, this is the quarterback I'd pick,” says Lee Nadler, director of Harvard Catalyst, the NCATS-funded clinical and translational science centre based at Harvard University in Boston, Massachusetts. ", "But whether quarterback or maestro, Austin has now to give the performance of his career. ", "The biggest risk he faces lies in “not delivering something concrete within 12–24 months”, says Nadler. “", "Everybody is watching him.”", "\n\nLosing a life\n\nAustin learned early, and at first-hand, about the tragic shortcomings of medicine. ", "One night in 1989, when he was a neurology resident on call at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, an ambulance brought in a middle-aged man with end-stage amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a disease that slowly destroys muscle power but leaves brain function intact. ", "Patients usually die when their breathing muscles give out.", "\n\nThe man had a 'do not resuscitate' order, but, because of a miscommunication, he had been revived by the paramedics. ", "Furious that he had not been allowed to die at home, he demanded that his ventilator be turned off. ", "Austin complied. ", "Watched by his family and Austin, the man died slowly over three hours, in the end turning blue before his heart monitor flatlined. “", "It was like sitting through the crucifixion,” Austin recalls. “", "And I just said: 'I can't do this. ", "There has got to be a better way.'”", "\n\nConvinced that he had to do more, Austin began a postdoc in the lab of Connie Cepko, a geneticist at Harvard Medical School in Boston. ", "There, he dived into developmental neurology, using new tracing techniques to reveal the migration of neural progenitor cells in the budding mouse cortex ( and Development 110, 713–732; 1990).", "\n\n“He was just really driven. ", "He absolutely loves research,” says Cepko. ", "She recalls the day that Austin's wife went into labour with the couple's first child at the Brigham and Women's Hospital, around the corner. “", "I went to the lab and there was Chris sitting as his bench, pipetting away. ", "I said, 'Chris, aren't you supposed to be in the delivery room?' ", "He said: 'It'll be a couple hours [yet]'.”", "\n\nDespite all the time he logged in the lab, Austin did not stop seeing patients; at one point, he did a stint as the lone doctor in a hospital in rural Swaziland. ", "But the distance from the elegant experiments of Cepko's lab to the clinic increasingly bothered him. “", "That gulf was so wide,” says Austin. ", "In 1995, when Edward Scolnick, research chief for the pharmaceutical company Merck, visited Harvard and announced that his firm was launching a genetics-based research operation that would redefine how it developed therapeutics, Austin immediately applied.", "\n\n“He's a guy with a sense of humour, which God knows to do that job you need.”", "\n\nHe spent the next seven years at Merck Research Laboratories in West Point, Pennsylvania, using the sequence that was beginning to come out of the Human Genome Project to seek targets for treating schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and Alzheimer's disease. ", "Austin's know-how in identifying drug targets was “revered” says Caskey, who was his boss at Merck, although he “never really did” the downstream drug development during which so many potential drugs founder. ", "And Austin also learned up close the disappointments of drug development: the Merck compounds that arose from his considerable work on the Alzheimer's target γ-secretase were dropped by the company several years ago because of their side effects.", "\n\nEventually, Austin grew frustrated with the constraints of working for a huge drug company, where the need for profit made chasing cures for rare diseases such as ALS a non-starter.", "\n\nHe had already crossed paths with Collins, then the director of the NIH's National Human Genome Research Institute. ", "In August 2002, after Austin gave a talk on the NIH campus, Collins asked him to “'come down here and help us figure out what to do with the genome'. ", "Those were his exact words,” Austin recalls. ", "By November, Austin was in place as Collins's senior adviser for translational research.", "\n\nThinking big\n\nAustin's most prominent early project was the launch of the Molecular Libraries Program (MLP), a multi-centre effort to identify small molecules that academics could use to probe potential drug targets, and that sometimes formed the basis for drugs themselves. ", "Many NIH officials envisioned a fairly modest effort for screening and tweaking molecules on the NIH campus. ", "But Austin, with his commercial experience, thought on a different scale. ", "He shopped high and low for the latest in high-throughput robotics systems and landed a deal with Kalypsys, a biotechnology firm based in San Diego, California. ", "The company built him a one-of-a-kind, fully automated system that could, as an NIH YouTube video claimed, “boldly go where no robot had gone before”. ", "In the space of five days, it could screen seven concentrations each of 400,000 compounds to test their activity against genes, proteins or cellular pathways implicated in a panoply of diseases. ", "Before long, the robot was hosting a steady string of industry visitors who wanted to understand Austin's technological leap.", "\n\nIn 2009, Austin launched a programme in which the NIH partners with companies, non-profit organizations and academics to try to move into clinical testing compounds that show promise against neglected diseases — including some from the MLP. ", "The Therapeutics for Rare and Neglected Diseases programme, which is now part of NCATS, has already proved its worth, says Austin, with four compounds moving into clinical trials in the past 15 months. ", "The trials include one launched last month, which deploys cyclodextrin against a rare, fatal disorder of cholesterol metabolism, Niemann–Pick disease type C.\n\nAustin's supporters say that he is no grey bureaucrat buried in the bowels of the NIH. ", "He has proved, says Collins, “exceptionally effective” in building collaborations, whether with academics, industry veterans or earnest disease advocates. “", "He's a guy with a sense of humour, which God knows to do that job you need,” adds Garret FitzGerald, director of the NCATS-supported Institute for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. ", "Last month, while speaking at the J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference in San Francisco, California, Austin was asked whether it is true that he is an opera singer and whether, if so, he could sing a C for the audience.", "\n\n“Yes, on both counts!” ", "he sang loudly into the Colonial Room at the Westin St. Francis Hotel.", "\n\nRough start\n\nIn December 2010, Collins, early in his second year as NIH director, announced his intention to form a translational-medicine centre from existing components of the NIH, and to do so within a year — a veritable burst of speed in the government world. ", "The reorganization would mean the dissolution of the NIH's National Center for Research Resources, an entrenched institute with heavy investment in translational science and many constituents in basic research (see Nature 471, 15–16; 2011).", "\n\nThe next month, The New York Times ran a front-page story declaring that NIH officials “have decided to start a billion-dollar government drug development center to help create medicines” and that to do so Collins was willing to “cannibalize” other parts of the NIH. ", "The reaction was fierce. ", "Congressional Republicans, drug-industry executives and NIH-funded basic researchers blasted the agency for treading on private-sector prerogatives, for neglecting its basic-research mandate and for presuming that it could succeed where industry had been failing.", "\n\nWYSS INSTITUTE\n\nPerhaps the most damaging jab came from Roy Vagelos, former chief executive of Merck, at a congressional hearing last March. “", "Does anyone in the audience believe that there is something that NCATS is going to do that the industry thinks is critical and that they are not doing?” ", "he asked. “", "That is incredible to think that. ", "If you believe that, you believe in fairies.”", "\n\nCollins rushed to defend the nascent centre's mission. ", "NCATS, he explained, would “complement and not compete with” industry, by taking on thorny problems in the technology of drug development to smooth the road to the clinic for all concerned. ", "And, he assured his constituents, NCATS would not eat into the NIH's basic-science dollars. ", "Congress, at least, set aside its doubts, and funded NCATS in the dying days of 2011. ", "The search for a director took nine months, and at least one other candidate was offered the job. ", "But Austin, who had created many of the programmes that comprised NCATS, was a natural fit to head the centre. ", "Besides, says Nadler, “Francis loves this guy”.", "\n\nDuring a recent interview, Austin spontaneously countered the now-famous “fairies” criticism. ", "On the NCATS to-do list, “are there things pharma hasn't thought of doing? ", "Maybe, but for the most part, no,” he says. ", "However, he adds: “That's not the right question. ", "The right question is: what can they do within the confines of … a profit-making organization? ", "There's a lot of things you just can't do even if you want to.”", "\n\nTo underscore what sets NCATS apart from industry, Austin has been showcasing the centre's first new programme, which makes available to NIH-funded scientists 58 drugs tested in humans but abandoned by big drug firms for business reasons or because they didn't work against the conditions that the companies had tested them on. ", "The goal is to put those candidates to other uses. ", "The programme has become a useful flagship for NCATS not least because it — unlike others in the opaque field of translational research — is easily explained to the public.", "\n\nAustin also likes to talk about NCATS's bid to overcome one of the biggest hurdles in the quest for new drugs: the discovery of harmful side effects when a compound is well into development. “", "This is a classic problem for NCATS to work on,” he says.", "\n\nHis solution, in part, is a programme in which NCATS is working with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the US Food and Drug Administration to put ten human tissues, from heart to brain and gut, on a chip that could then be used to screen potential drugs rapidly and efficiently for toxic effects. ", "Another attack on toxicity can be found in the Tox21 programme, a collaboration between NCATS, the National Toxicology Program at the NIH's National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the Environmental Protection Agency. ", "It began in December 2011 to screen 10,000 environmental chemicals and approved drugs against every known human signalling pathway, to identify which molecules might have toxic effects.", "\n\nIn the longer term, one of Austin's major goals is to find a better way to use NCATS's biggest programme: the $461-million Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSAs), which fund around 60 translational-medicine centres, each operating independently. ", "The awards aim to train the next generation of translational researchers and to improve the full spectrum of that research, from discovering drug targets to answering health-delivery questions such as: do asymptomatic women really need routine manual pelvic exams? ", "Since September, Austin has visited nine of the CTSA centres — he has planned six more visits — to talk to principal investigators and other staff members. ", "While praising the centres' work, he says that they have so far mostly operated “without particular encouragement or direction from the NIH, and thus in a disjointed and uncoordinated fashion”. ", "Austin wants to see a “CTSA 2.0” that will apply the consortium collectively to problems including clinical-trial recruitment, the development of better biomarkers and the rational use of electronic medical records in research. ", "This can best be done “across a nationwide network focused on solving systematic problems”, says Austin.", "\n\nAustin has not sung in an opera since the launch of NCATS. ", "It is a fact of his current life that he regrets. “", "When I got this job,” he says, “I got more than one congratulatory note saying: 'Now you really need to do the music. ", "Because this is the only way that you're gonna maintain your sanity.'”", "\n\nWorking out how to make that happen may be easier said than done; Opera Vivente folded during the economic meltdown, and Austin is logging 12–15-hour workdays. ", "But he still sees the pursuit as intimately related to his chosen career.", "\n\n“If you look at what NCATS is trying to do, and why I got into medicine in the first place — you are trying to understand the human condition. ", "Fundamentally, that's what opera does, that's what it tries to explore. ", "What makes people tick? ", "And then, sometimes, how do you fix it?”" ]
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[ "The Trump administration will push ahead with disbanding a federal advisory panel that reported on climate change, The Washington Post reported Sunday.", "\n\nThe move follows the leak of a draft of a major climate change report warning of rising temperatures.", "\n\nThe panel - the Advisory Committee for the Sustained National Climate Assessment - is a 15-member panel made up of academics, corporate employees and local officials charged with simplifying findings from the National Climate Assessment for those inside and outside of the federal government.", "\n\nThe group worked on the National Climate Assessment, the mandated quadrennial report that was leaked last month as a draft. ", "The report is due to be released in 2018, but The New York Times reported that scientists working on it worried the Trump administration would try to bury some or all of its conclusions and may have leaked it for that reason.", "\n\nThe report concludes that Americans are already feeling the effects of climate change and says it is \"extremely likely\" that the majority of global temperature increases in the past 60 years are partially due to human influence.", "\n\nThe White House is in the process of reviewing a final version of the assessment.", "\n\nA spokeswoman for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which announced the panel would not be renewed, told the publication \"this action does not impact the completion of the Fourth National Climate Assessment, which remains a key priority.\"", "\n\nThe news comes as the Trump administration continues to face backlash for its policies on climate change, which many have labeled as skeptical.", "\n\nTrump, who has favored nonrenewable energy industries such as coal, announced in June the U.S. would be leaving the Paris climate accord.", "\n\n- Timothy Cama and Brandon Carter contributed to this report." ]
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[ "The best cookery courses: our top 20\n\nWant to learn some cheffy skills? ", "We've rounded up the top cookery courses. ", "You'll come away from them so much the wiser about food and how to prepare it.", "\n\nThanks to MasterChef, The Great British Bake Off and all those celebrity chefs on our screens, a new generation of food lovers is on the lookout for cookery courses. ", "And they don't just want to improve their cooking - they're after the sort of skills you'd normally only find in top restaurant kitchens; the kind of skills that might be a stepping stone to a new career in cooking. ", "So we've rounded up the top cookery courses on one handy webpage. ", "Scroll down and see which ones you fancy... Le Manoir aux Quat' Saisons, Oxfordshire Superb, modern cookery school, next to the hotel kitchens of Raymond Blanc's two-Michelin starred institution. ", "A place for serious cooking and techniques – you'll make stocks, break up lobsters or stuff small birds. ", "Fun but not cheap. ", "Five day course £1540 (with hotel accommodation £4300), www.manoir.com\n\nPadstow Seafood School, Cornwall Run by TV chef Rick Stein in the Cornish fishing village of Padstow, students learn every aspect of fish cooking – cutting, filleting, sauces etc. ", "Great for home cooks as well as aspiring chefs. ", "Four day course £780 (with accommodation £1690), www.rickstein.com\n\nThe Orchard School, Worcestershire Fancy a job as a chalet cook? ", "This school specialises in giving young people skills to prepare top quality menus for happy ski-ers. ", "Five-day courses £795-£995, two-week courses £1590-£1990, www.orchardscookery.co.uk\n\nCookery School at Little Portland Street, London W1 Small central school for 'foodies' and professionals. ", "A series of three-day courses teach skills from cooking an apple crumble to advanced knife skills. ", "A six-week course is aimed at anyone going into small scale catering on a professional basis. ", "Three-day courses £500, six-week cook's certificate £5,900, www.cookeryschool.co.uk\n\nThe Culinary Cottage, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire Ideal for anyone wanting to be a domestic goddess (or god), the courses deal with basics such as preparing a menu and go onto advanced skills such as making soufflés or boning poussins. ", "Three-day courses £360, 5 days £600, www.theculinarycottage.co.uk\n\nEdinburgh New Town Cookery School A straightforward but cheffy course, teaching all the basic skills that any home cook might need. ", "Three-day course £435, www.entcs.co.uk\n\nBallymaloe Cookery School, East Cork, Ireland Ireland's best known cookery school, it is attached to an organic farm. ", "Specialises in well-sourced restaurant food. ", "The 12-week certificate course is aimed at aspiring professionals. ", "There are week-long courses including the popular 'A week at Ballymaloe'. ", "Twelve-week course 11,000 Euros, one-week courses from 1,000 to 1,500 Euros. ", "Accommodation is extra. ", "www.ballymaloe.com\n\nRiver Cottage Cookery School, Devon The school teaches traditional cooking techniques for meat, fish and veg. ", "Lessons are aimed at food enthusiasts who are looking for more know-how. ", "Students will also learn about baking and cuts of meat. ", "Four-day courses, £652, www.rivercottage.net\n\nAshburton Chefs Academy, Devon A series of five-day courses range from basic (making an omelette or roast dinner) to advanced (butchery, dealing with game, making consomme etc). ", "The six-week course is aimed at anyone wanting to open a restaurant. ", "Five-day courses £875, six-week certificate £4950, www.ashburtoncookeryschool.co.uk\n\nCordon Vert Cookery School, Cheshire This top school teaches top quality vegetarian cookery - it's aimed at enthusiasts and professionals who want to expand their skills. ", "Five-day course £1678, www.cordonvert.co.uk\n\nNick Nairn Cook School, Stirling, Scotland The celebrity chef teaches the best of home cooking. ", "This is a residential course that will turn you from a culinary illiterate into a star of the stove. ", "Five-day course £1690, www.nicknairncookschool.com\n\nAdvertisement - Continue Reading Below\n\nAdvertisement - Continue Reading Below\n\nKinloch Cookery Courses, Isle of Skye A relaxing course run by foodwriter Claire Macdonald, it teaches all the basics. ", "The course takes up three hours a day, leaving time to explore the natural beauty of the island. ", "Three-day courses £650-£750 including bed and breakfast, www.kinloch-lodge.co.uk\n\nNewlyns Cookery School, Hampshire Food-lovers who lack cookery confidence can learn to tackle some of the trickier kitchen jobs on this course, and should emerge able to host a dinner party. ", "Five-day course £499, www.newlyns-farmshop.co.uk\n\nThe Bertinet Kitchen Cookery School, Bath Run by cook and baker Richard Bertinet, this deals with everything from techniques for cake decoration to making chocolate confectionary. ", "Four-Day Baking Pastry and Patisserie course, £750, www.bertinetkitchen.com\n\nSquires Kitchen International School If you love chocolate this is ideal. ", "Students are taught to mould, temper and colour chocolate, producing confectionary, desserts, caramels and cakes. ", "The school also runs a five-day sugarcraft course. ", "Five-day chocolate school, £675, www.squires-school.co.uk\n\nLlanerch Vineyard, Vale of Glamorgan TV chef Angela Gray runs six-day courses in the beautiful countryside on the outskirts of Cardiff. ", "Students can stay for the entire course or simply the days which most interest them. ", "£165 per day, £850 for six days, llanerch-vineyard.co.uk" ]
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[ "for z.\n-5\nSolve 58 = 21*z + 16 for z.\n2\nSolve 80*a + 169 - 729 = 0 for a.\n7\nSolve -24*r + 28 = -17*r for r.\n4\nSolve 3*c + 18 = 6 for c.\n-4\nSolve -49*y - 5*y + 54 = 0 for y.\n1\nSolve -33 = 11*x - 22 for x.\n-1\nSolve -28*o + 32*o + 16 = 0 for o.\n-4\nSolve 2 = 2*s - 0*s for s.\n1\nSolve 0 = -10*f + 45 - 15 for f.\n3\nSolve 0 = -1159*h + 1154*h - 30 for h.\n-6\nSolve 8*l = 14*l + 30 for l.\n-5\nSolve -325*s = -335*s - 70 for s.\n-7\nSolve 70*i - 126 = 112*i for i.\n-3\nSolve 37*r - 59 = 200 for r.\n7\nSolve -23 = -3*o - 29 for o.\n-2\nSolve -53*s - 108 = -35*s for s.\n-6\nSolve 8*k = 12*k - 4 for k.\n1\nSolve -55*p - 20 = -51*p for p.\n-5\nSolve 0 = 4*g - 37*g + 132 for g.\n4\nSolve -33*s + 28*s = 10 for s.\n-2\nSolve 0 = 28*n - 30*n - 14 for n.\n-7\nSolve -45*u + 71*u + 104 = 0 for u.\n-4\nSolve 0 = -23*m + 25 - 117 for m.\n-4\nSolve 0*v - 30 = 6*v for v.\n-5\nSolve 23 = 13*d - 68 for d.\n7\nSolve -20*x = 11 - 191 for x.\n9\nSolve -6*b - 30*b - 288 = 0 for b.\n-8\nSolve 10 = -8*s + 42 for s.\n4\nSolve 6*l - 72 + 42 = 0 for l.\n5\nSolve -49*m + 90*m = 51*m for m.\n0\nSolve -7*w + 24 = -w for w.\n4\nSolve 4*q + 84 = -8*q for q.\n-7\nSolve -125*h + 110*h - 90 = 0 for h.\n-6\nSolve 40 - 10 = 6*b for b.\n5\nSolve -12*f - 8 = -10*f for f.\n-4\nSolve 0 = -4898*z + 4899*z for z.\n0\nSolve -33 = 10*u + 7 for u.\n-4\nSolve -6*b = -19 + 55 for b.\n-6\nSolve -8*k + 49 - 17 = 0 for k.\n4\nSolve r = 8 - 13 for r.\n-5\nSolve 10*x - 9 = 7*x for x.\n3\nSolve 28*x - 210 = -14*x for x.\n5\nSolve 213 = 13*g + 174 for g.\n3\nSolve -13*c = -15 + 80 for c.\n-5\nSolve -b = -8*b - b for b.\n0\nSolve 3*b - 20 = -2*b for b.\n4\nSolve 12 = -3*g + 6 for g.\n-2\nSolve -152 = -70*j + 32*j for j.\n4\nSolve 10*m = 8*m - 8 for m.\n-4\nSolve 448 = 8*n + 472 for n.\n-3\nSolve -38 = 11*v + 6 for v.\n-4\nSolve -129 + 135 = 3*j for j.\n2\nSolve -7*w + 50 - 8 = 0 for w.\n6\nSolve 44 = 8*s + 20 for s.\n3\nSolve 7*t + 39 = -6*t for t.\n-3\nSolve 0*s = 17*s - 85 for s.\n5\nSolve -44*i + 22*i = 22 for i.\n-1\nSolve 100*t - 97*t = 6 for t.\n2\nSolve -132 = -z - 21*z for z.\n6\nSolve 0 = 2*q - 154 + 156 for q.\n-1\nSolve -25*m - 8*m - 132 = 0 for m.\n-4\nSolve k + 11*k - 24 = 0 for k.\n2\nSolve 14 = -19*t - 5 for t.\n-1\nSolve -137*o - 79 = -58*o for o.\n-1\nSolve 4*u - 3 = -11 for u.\n-2\nSolve -39 = 9*h + 4*h for h.\n-3\nSolve -4*d = -2*d - 2 for d.\n1\nSolve 45*i = 31*i - 28 for i.\n-2\nSolve -3*j - 6 = -6*j for j.\n2\nSolve 9*t = -17*t - 14*t for t.\n0\nSolve 0 = u - 9*u + 40 for u.\n5\nSolve -7*a = -a - 24 for a.\n4\nSolve 188 - 197 = -b for b.\n9\nSolve 519*u + 24 = 516*u for u.\n-8\nSolve -2*m = 3*m - 2*m for m.\n0\nSolve 1101*z - 1091*z = -60 for z.\n-6\nSolve -18*s = -34*s + 128 for s.\n8\nSolve -57*a + 76*a - 133 = 0 for a.\n7\nSolve -9*b = -6 - 3 for b.\n1\nSolve 94*j - 112*j = 36 for j.\n-2\nSolve 0 = 15*y - 117 + 72 for y.\n3\nSolve -n + 14*n = 26 for n.\n2\nSolve 43*h - 5*h = 76 for h.\n2\nSolve 13 = -2*p + 9 for p.\n-2\nSolve -23 = -12*w - 11 for w.\n1\nSolve 21 + 6 = 9*q for q.\n3\nSolve -7*a + 5*a = -8 for a.\n4\nSolve 87*c = 85*c + 6 for c.\n3\nSolve 5 = -353*q + 358*q for q.\n1\nSolve -54*f - 22 = -43*f for f.\n-2\nSolve 49*m = -28*m + 77 for m.\n1\nSolve -3*o - 25 = 2*o for o.\n-5\nSolve -4*o - 20 = o for o.\n-4\nSolve -30*c = -25*c + 20 for c.\n-4\nSolve -105*f - 330 + 15 = 0 for f.\n-3\nSolve 8*q = 3*q + 20 for q.\n4\nSolve 7*s = -1 + 22 for s.\n3\nSolve -5*p - 185 = -175 for p.\n-2\nSolve -3*x = 3*x - 6 for x.\n1\nSolve -181 + 241 = -15*g for g.\n-4\nSolve 0 = 92*d - 97*d - 10 for d.\n-2\nSolve -255 + 91 = 41*n for n.\n-4\nSolve 150 = 38*z - 13*z for z.\n6\nSolve 0 = 47*r - 44*r - 9 for r.\n3\nSolve 0 = 5*d - 120 + 115 for d.\n1\nSolve 95*i - 93*i = 0 for i.\n0\nSolve -6*f + 8*f + 8 = 0 for f.\n-4\nSolve -6*o + o = 5 for o.\n-1\nSolve -210 = -39*a - 3*a for a.\n5\nSolve 32 + 4 = -9*u for u.\n-4\nSolve 7*d - 47 = -75 for d.\n-4\nSolve 0 = -31*s + 67 + 57 for s.\n4\nSolve 0 = 5*l + 15 + 5 for l.\n-4\nSolve -7*y + 10 = 17 for y.\n-1\nSolve -58*h = -56*h + 2 for h.\n-1\nSolve 0 = r + 1 - 0 for r.\n-1\nSolve 14060 = 4*h + 14068 for h.\n-2\nSolve 2*c + 190 = 194 for c.\n2\nSolve 0 = 170*t - 163*t + 28 for t.\n-4\nSolve -146 + 125 = 7*l for l.\n-3\nSolve 7*p = 48 - 13 for p.\n5\nSolve -149*z + 156*z = -28 for z.\n-4\nSolve -78 = -35*n - 113 for n.\n-1\nSolve 0 = 7*r - 51 + 58 for r.\n-1\nSolve -399 = 34*y + 23*y for y.\n-7\nSolve -r + 21 = -8*r for r.\n-3\nSolve 4 + 3 = 7*q for q.\n1\nSolve 36*j - 3 = 33*j for j.\n1\nSolve -8*g + 8 = -12*g for g.\n-2\nSolve -i - 49 + 54 = 0 for i.\n5\nSolve -4*k - 24 = -4 for k.\n-5\nSolve 0 = 14*u - 6 + 20 for u.\n-1\nSolve -i + 0*i = -2 for i.\n2\nSolve 0 = -19*b + 14*b - 10 for b.\n-2\nSolve 24*v - 12 = 36*v for v.\n-1\nSolve -48*t + 26*t = 110 for t.\n-5\nSolve -87*i + 98 = -598 for i.\n8\nSolve 10 = 2*s + 2 for s.\n4\nSolve -25 = g - 28 for g.\n3\nSolve -39*v + 20 = -34*v for v.\n4\nSolve -17*c - 2 = -18*c for c.\n2\nSolve 4*a + 2*a = -18 for a.\n-3\nSolve -26*t = -31*t - 15 for t.\n-3\nSolve 18 = 22*q - 92 for q.\n5\nSolve 0*h = -12*h + 12 for h.\n1\nSolve -15*h - 29 = 31 for h.\n-4\nSolve 0*i - 36*i - 108 = 0 for i.\n-3\nSolve a + 2 = -3 for a.\n-5\nSolve 293 = 2*h + 299 for h.\n-3\nSolve -5*g = -0*g - 10 for g.\n2\nSolve -46*z + 56 = -53*z for z.\n-8\nSolve 236*n - 261*n - 125 = 0 for n.\n-5\nSolve -2*p - 2 = -10 for p.\n4\nSolve -413 + 385 = 7*n for n.\n-4\nSolve -2*o = 54 - 58 for o.\n2\nSolve 43*n = 46*n + 9 for n.\n-3\nSolve 61*r = 84*r + 23 for r.\n-1\nSolve 28*n + 18*n = -368 for n.\n-8\nSolve 270*b = 280*b - 80 for b.\n8\nSolve 3*h - 519 = -507 for h.\n4\nSolve -41 + 6 = -7*w for w.\n5\nSolve -20*s - 36 = 4 for s.\n-2\nSolve 130*z = 43*z - 261 for z.\n-3\nSolve 383*b + 170 = 366*b for b.\n-10\nSolve -9*i - 43 = -16 for i.\n-3\nSolve -30*a + 35*a = 0 for a.\n0\nSolve 0 = 14*w - 3*w + 55 for w.\n-5\nSolve 31*b = -167 + 105 for b.\n-2\nSolve 15 = 7*f - 13 for f.\n4\nSolve 3*n - n - 4 = 0 for n.\n2\nSolve -803*f + 794*f - 36 = 0 for f.\n-4\nSolve 20*s + 101*s = 605 for s.\n5\nSolve 7*v - 37*v = 90 for v.\n-3\nSolve 0 = 17*r + 31*r + 96 for r.\n-2\nSolve -3*w - 14 = 4*w for w.\n-2\nSolve 42 = 39*a - 36 for a.\n2\nSolve -2*i = -49 + 55 for i.\n-3\nSolve 9*h = 15*h + 6 for h.\n-1\nSolve 0 = -26*a + 32*a - 24 for a.\n4\nSolve -5*v + 65 = 85 for v.\n-4\nSolve 3*d = 9 + 6 for d.\n5\nSolve -28 - 52 = 20*q for q.\n-4\nSolve -22*h = 80 + 30 for h.\n-5\nSolve 3 + 3 = -2*t for t.\n-3\nSolve h + 8 = -h for h.\n-4\nSolve 5*l = 13 + 2 for l.\n3\nSolve 0 = 4*w + 16 for w.\n-4\nSolve -61*z + 27*z - 77*z = 0 for z.\n0\nSolve -52 = -12*o - 76 for o.\n-2\nSolve -10*r - 5194 = -5114 for r.\n-8\nSolve -39 = -4*n - 31 for n.\n2\nSolve -28 = -61*z + 54*z for z.\n4\nSolve 0 = -11*p - 68*p - 474 for p.\n-6\nSolve 0*k + 5*k = -20 for k.\n-4\nSolve -2*o = 5 + 5 for o.\n-5\nSolve -9*l = -142 + 169 for l.\n-3\nSolve 70*c - 1494 = -96*c for c.\n9\nSolve -11*h = -39*h - 196 for h.\n-7\nSolve -4*v + 8*v + 0*v = 0 for v.\n0\nSolve -35*q - 2*q + 74 = 0 for q.\n2\nSolve 13*p + 44 - 31 = 0 for p.\n-1\nSolve 8*k + 2 = 7*k for k.\n-2\nSolve 46*j - 43 = -365 for j.\n-7\nSolve d - 19 = -21 for d.\n-2\nSolve 19 = -4*h + 3 for h.\n-4\nSolve -2*n - 100 = 23*n for n.\n-4\nSolve -29*q = -88 - 86 for q.\n6\nSolve 4*v = -5*v - 36 for v.\n-4\nSolve 2*t - 7 = -3 for t.\n2\nSolve -24*m - 59 = 35*m for m.\n-1\nSolve w + 15 = 15 for w.\n0\nSolve -76*b - 417 = 267 for b.\n-9\nSolve 3*b - 2*b - 5 = 0 for b.\n5\nSolve -3*i + 44 = 47 for i.\n-1\nSolve 44 = 27*o - 38*o for o.\n-4\nSolve -2 + 50 = 12*i for i.\n4\nSolve -7*b + 152 = 173 for b.\n-3\nSolve -144 = 51*i + 111 for i.\n-5\nSolve 7*z - 34 = 8 for z.\n6\nSolve 10*a = 17*a + 7 for a.\n-1\nSolve -15 + 42 = 9*v for v.\n3\nSolve 307*i = 308*i + 6 for i.\n-6\nSolve 0*h = 3*h - 6 for h.\n2\nSolve -5*x = -19 + 9 for x.\n2\nSolve -2*h - 32 = 14*h for h.\n-2\nSolve -5*r = 21 - 6 for r.\n-3\nSolve 19*z = 54*z - 385 for z.\n11\nSolve 3*k = 1 + 2 for k.\n1\nSolve -91 = 75*i - 316 for i.\n3\nSolve -10*h = -5 - 85 for h.\n9\nSolve 6*b - 12 = 12 for b.\n4\nSolve -391 = -13*b - 456 for b.\n-5\nSolve -2*n + 17 = 21 for n.\n-2\nSolve -27 = -13*g + 25 for g.\n4\nSolve 5*x = 10*x - 11*x for x.\n0\nSolve 0 = -8*o - 21 - 3 for o.\n-3\nSolve 1244*v = 1238*v - 60 for v.\n-10\nSolve 19*a + 59 = -17 for a.\n-4\nSolve -1 = 5*q + 19 for q.\n-4\nSolve 8*a + 32 + 8 = 0 for a.\n-5\nSolve -10*o + 512 = 502 for o.\n1\nSolve -47*z = 20*z + 603 for z.\n-9\nSolve -61 = -11*j - 17 for j.\n4\nSolve -7*k = -11 + 25 for k.\n-2\nSolve 22 = -4*g - 7*g for g.\n-2\nSolve -491*u = -493*u - 12 for u.\n-6\nSolve 45*y + 335 = -22*y for y.\n-5\nSolve 0 = -37*a + 43 + 179 for a.\n6\nSolve -7*o + 17*o + 50 = 0 for o.\n-5\nSolve 7*h - 8 = -15 for h.\n-1\nS" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nfunction prototypes in main or before main in C\n\nShould the function prototype in C be in main or before main. ", "I was taught before main, but my friends class book shows it in main. ", "Which is the correct way?", "\nHis book shows it:\nint main()\n{\n void numberTable();\n\n numberTable();\n}\n\nvoid numberTable()\n{\n int num;\n ...rest of the code...\n}\n\nA:\n\nBoth are correct.", "\nIf you add the function declaration inside main, its scope is inside the main { }.", "\nIf you add it outside main, its scope is the entire source file.", "\n\nA:\n\nIt can be both way. ", "But If you declare outside main, then you can access everywhere in the code, in other case,its scope is within main.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSquare root implementations\n\nThe question was:\n\nWrite a function that calculates the root of a given number.", "\n\nAnswer A = I wrote it for integers. ", "just run up to half of the number\nAnswer B+C = are for double, using Newton's law.", "\n\nI just implemented this in C#.", "\nThey all work and were tested.", "Please comment me about anything from not well written code, complexity, style, or give a better solution.", "\nusing System;\nusing System.", "Collections.", "Generic;\nusing System.", "Linq;\nusing System.", "Text;\nusing System.", "Threading.", "Tasks;\n\nnamespace ConsoleApplication2\n{\n public class FindSquareRoot\n {\n public FindSquareRoot()\n {\n int numberToFind = 49;\n int res = SquareRoot(numberToFind);\n Console.", "WriteLine(res);\n\n double doubleNumberToFind = 157.0;\n double resDouble = SquareRoot(doubleNumberToFind);\n Console.", "WriteLine(resDouble);\n resDouble = SquareRootBetter(doubleNumberToFind);\n Console.", "WriteLine(resDouble);\n }\n\n public int SquareRoot(int number)\n {\n int half = number / 2;\n int counter = 0;\n while (counter < half)\n {\n if (Math.", "Pow(counter, 2.0) == number)\n {\n return counter;\n }\n counter++;\n }\n return half;\n }\n\n public double SquareRoot(double number)\n {\n double precision = 10e-8;\n double low = 0.0;\n double high = 0.0;\n double prev = 0.0;\n double mid = number / 2.0;\n\n while(Math.", "Abs(mid - prev) > precision )\n {\n if(Math.", "Pow(mid,2) > number)\n {\n high = mid;\n }else\n {\n low = mid;\n }\n prev = mid;\n mid = (low+high)/ 2.0;\n }\n return mid;\n }\n public double SquareRootBetter(double number)\n { \n double precision = 10e-8;\n double prev = 0.0;\n double mid = number;\n while(Math.", "Abs(mid - prev ) > precision)\n {\n prev = mid;\n mid = (mid +(number/ mid))/2.0;\n }\n return mid;\n } \n }\n}\n\nA:\n\nSquareRoot(int)\n\nreturns half if the integer is not a perfect square. ", "A very dubious decision. ", "I'd consider returning a best integer approximation, or throwing an exception.", "\nuses a linear search. ", "A binary search would be quite faster. ", "A Newton-Raphson (yes it works with integers) would be even factor.", "\n\nAn error approximation is better done as Math.abs(number - Math.pow(candidate_square_root, 2))\n\nA:\n\nSquareRoot(int) doesn't seem to work for anything except perfect squares. ", "Here are some examples:\n\n x SquareRoot(x) SquareRoot(x)^2\n-------------------------------------\n 8 4 16\n10 5 25\n40 20 400\n\nIf your method is not intended to work with non-perfect squares, it would be a very good idea to document this.", "\n\nA:\n\nNaming \nBased on the naming guidlines methodnames should be made out of verbs or verb phrases. ", "So e.g SquareRoot should become FindSquareRoot\nClass names should be made out of nouns or noun phrases. ", "So e.g FindSquareRoot should become SquareRootCalculator.", "\nConstructor \nThe constructor of an object has the purpose to construct the object, hence the name. ", "You shouldn't use the constructor to do the work. ", " \nYou should better write tests for testing the methods instead of doing this in the constructor.", "\nAlgorithm \nIf you can use Math.", "Pow() as you already do, you can simplify this extremely by just returning Math.", "Pow(input, 0.5).", "\nGeneral \nAs the methods don't depend on any state of the object, you should declare them static and because all methods should be static, the class itself should be static too.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "[Heart surgery in private practice].", "\nDuring the period May 1993-August 1994, 100 patients were operated upon with heart surgery at the Private Hospital Hamlet (Copenhagen). ", "Preoperative risk factors such as age > 70 years, female gender, ejection fraction (EF) < 40%, diabetes mellitus, adipositas > 20% above normal weight, were associatet with an increased mortality rate among those cases (5.4%). ", "Overall mortality was 4%. ", "The results are fully comparable with international reports." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nI can't get value from xml\n\nI have xml\n<?", "xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?", ">\n<info lang=\"ru\" xmlns:x=\"http://www.yandex.ru/xscript\">\n <region id=\"213\" lon=\"37.617671\" lat=\"55.755768\" zoom=\"10\">\n <title>Москва</title>\n </region>\n <traffic lon=\"37.617671\" lat=\"55.755768\" zoom=\"10\"region=\"213\">\n <length>489164.0</length>\n <level>6</level>\n <icon>yellow</icon>\n <timestamp>1365162401</timestamp>\n <time>15:46</time>\n <url>http://maps.yandex.ru/moscow_traffic</url>\n <title>Москва</title>\n </traffic>\n</info>\n\nAnd I need to get value from \"level\"\npublic void GetText(string filename)\n { \n try\n {\n XDocument xDocument = LoadPage(filename);\n if (xDocument.", "Root == null) return;\n XElement elem = xDocument.", "Root.", "Element(\"info\");\n if (elem !", "= null)\n foreach (var el in elem.", "Elements(\"traffic\"))\n {\n Name = el.", "Element(\"level\").Value;\n };\n }\n catch (Exception e)\n {\n MessageBox.", "Show(e.", "Message);\n }\n }\n\nThis block of code works good with another xml. ", "It can't find \"info\", and elem=null. ", "What's wrong with this code. ", "Or how can I get this value in other way. ", "Thanks!", "\n\nA:\n\nThis is the problem:\nXElement elem = xDocument.", "Root.", "Element(\"info\");\n\nIn the XML you've given us, xDocument.", "Root is the info element. ", "Just change that to:\nXElement elem = xDocument.", "Element(\"info\");\n\nand that will check that the root element really is info.", "\nAnother alternative would be:\nforeach (var el in xDocument.", "Elements(\"info\")\n .Elements(\"traffic\"))\n\nThat way you just won't go into the loop body if Elements(info) returns an empty collection.", "\nEDIT: If you need it to work on documents where sometimes info is the root element and sometimes it's not, you might want to use:\nforeach (var el in xDocument.", "Descendants(\"info\")\n .Take(1)\n .Elements(\"traffic\"))\n\n(It's pretty odd to be in that situation though.)", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Symptom and personality profiles of young adults from a college student population with self-reported illness from foods and chemicals.", "\nDespite much debate over a presumptively somatic vs psychological etiology of nonatopic food and chemical sensitivities, little systematic research has addressed the issues. ", "The present study investigated self-reported illness from several common foods (wheat, dairy, eggs) and chemicals (pesticide, car exhaust, paint, perfume, new carpet), symptom patterns, and psychological profiles of a sample of young adult college students (n = 490, age 19.4 +/- 2.4, 52% female/48% male). ", "Subjects were divided into 4 groups on the basis of sample medians for frequency of illness from the foods (FI) and chemicals (CI); high FI with high CI (FI/CI), high FI alone, high CI alone, and NOILL (low FI and CI). ", "FI was associated with more defensiveness (denial of negativity) while CI was linked with more shyness (avoidance of novelty). ", "Women outnumbered men in all groups (FI/CI: 61%; FI: 80% CI: 55%) except the NOILL (40% women). ", "Nevertheless, the FI/CI, FI, and/or CI groups still had significantly higher total symptom scores as well as more indigestion, headache, and memory trouble than did the NOILL group, even after depression, anxiety, shyness, defensiveness, and gender were covaried. ", "The illness groups reported significantly more limitation of foods that mobilize endogenous opioids or generate exogenous opioids (sweets, fats, bread) as well as more illness from opiate drugs, small amounts of beverage alcohol, and late meals. ", "Nasal symptoms from pollens or animals were more common in the FI/CI (42%) and CI (42%) than in FI (26%) or NOILL (28%) groups. ", "Premenstrual tension syndrome and irritable bowel were also more common in the FI/CI group. ", "The findings indicate that young adults outside the clinical setting who are relatively higher in FI and/or CI have distinctive symptom and psychological patterns. ", "Covariate analyses suggest that important symptoms in FI and CI individuals such as indigestion, headache, and memory problems may occur in addition to rather than as simply part of emotional distress. ", "The data are consistent with a previously hypothesized role of olfactory-limbic and hypothalamic pathways and with a time-dependent sensitization model for illness from foods and chemicals." ]
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[ "For the vast majority of human history, mankind has faced numerous challenges for survival, including scarce and unpredictable food supply, drought, predation, and exposure to pathogens. ", "As such, various biological pathways have evolved to combat conditions of deprivation, orchestrating incremental responses to promote survival by mobilizing stored resources and adapting our metabolism to cope with such life-threatening circumstances. ", "Dr. Walter Cannon first described the \"fight-or-flight\" response in the early 20th century in his study of the sympathetic nervous system and actions of adrenaline. ", "These responses ensure that there is appropriate fuel supply in the form of glucose liberated from the liver to supply skeletal muscle and brain, enabling escape from predation, food scavenging, and alertness, in addition to numerous other biological effects. ", "Similar adaptive defense systems can be envisioned to withstand starvation, hypoglycemia, and injury, which predominantly are engaged for a limited duration of time.", "\n\nHowever, during recent human history, the Industrial Revolution has changed our world toward the plenty, contributing to an epidemic of obesity and chronic metabolic diseases. ", "Noncommunicable diseases, particularly those of metabolic nature, account for more deaths worldwide than all of the most common infectious diseases combined (WHO). ", "In a world of constant excess, the few adaptive mechanisms we have to combat what were previously temporary exposures to nutrient excess are consistently engaged, converting the \"fight-or-flight\" acute responses or short-term adaptive countermeasures into chronically engaged pathways to combat against prolonged exposure to excess nutrients and alterations in metabolism. ", "This intersection of insufficient adaptive responses, combined with hyperengagement and chronic engagement of existing mechanisms, is a critical site for the development of targeted therapeutics that can potentiate our health and survival.", "\n\nDYSREGULATION OF FABP4 AS A CRITICAL MALADAPTIVE RESPONSE TO OBESITY\n====================================================================\n\nA key component in survival responses is likely to reside in close proximity to energy stores, such as adipocytes. ", "FA binding protein 4 (FABP4), also known as adipocyte protein 2 (aP2), may represent one such factor that is crucial for homeostasis and endurance, but maladapted to conditions of nutrient excess or chronic stress. ", "Briefly, FABP4 is one of the most abundant proteins in adipocytes ([@b1]), with roles in maintaining adipocyte homeostasis, regulating lipolysis and adipogenesis through interactions with hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) and peroxisome PPAR-γ, respectively ([@b2], [@b3]). ", "Under conditions of lipolysis, such as fasting, FABP4 is suggested to bind FFAs within the cytoplasm, modulating the inhibitory activity of the liberated lipids on lipolytic enzymes ([@b4]) and contributing to their release from the cell. ", "This response is beneficial for survival in the context of starvation, when distant tissues utilize lipids as an energy source. ", "However, in obesity, where there is abundant adipose tissue, insulin resistance, and uncontrolled lipolysis, FABP4 is constantly engaged. ", "This leads to harmful downstream effects in multiple tissue types, including the liver, cardiovascular system, and pancreatic β cells ([@b5]--[@b8]). ", "Mice genetically lacking FABP4 (FABP4^−/−^) are almost completely protected against the development of various metabolic diseases, including diabetes, atherosclerosis, cancer, and asthma under distinct immunometabolic stress conditions, including diet-induced obesity, genetic obesity, or hypercholesterolemia ([**Fig. ", "1**](#f1){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "Evidence for a key role of FABP4/aP2 in immunometabolic diseases. ", "Genetic FABP4/aP2 deficiency, inhibition through small molecules, or Ab-mediated targeting efficiently attenuates the development of various immunometabolic phenotypes in mice. ", "In humans, FABP4 has been identified as a common candidate gene for the development of both T2D and CHD. ", "Conversely, evidence from low-expression variant carriers suggests that reduced FABP4 gene activity is associated with improved lipid parameters and reduction in cardiometabolic endpoints in man. ", "In the setting of genetic deficiency or genetically reduced expression of FABP4/aP2, many of the improved metabolic phenotypes are enhanced or exclusively evident in the context of obesity, suggesting that the systemic effects of obesity on immunometabolic risk may be mediated through the adipokine FABP4/aP2. ", "LAA, large artery atherosclerotic.](734fig1){#f1}\n\nThe high degree of evolutionary conservation of FABP4 from yeast to mammals implies that this protein likely has critical roles for survival ([@b9]). ", "However, there has not yet been a human identified as genetically lacking FABP4. ", "Although FABP4^−/−^ mice are viable and healthy ([@b6]), it is important to note that rodent models are only examined under controlled stresses such as high-fat diet, cold, or starvation, and there is more to be explored to understand FABP4 biology in humans. ", "Despite this, independent groups have identified a rare low-expression variant of FABP4 in diverse human populations that is associated with protection against CVD and T2D ([@b10], [@b11]). ", "This promoter mutation impairs C/EBP-α binding, reducing transcription and lowering FABP4 expression. ", "Low-expression variant carriers thus exhibit lower incidence of T2D, reduced circulating triglycerides and cholesterol in the context of obesity, and reduced complications associated with atherosclerosis ([Fig. ", "1](#f1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Complementary to these findings, a recent genome-wide association study of more than 500,000 individuals worldwide identified FABP4 as a common risk factor for both T2D and coronary heart disease (CHD) ([@b12]). ", "Taken together, there is unequivocal evidence in humans that prevention of excess levels of FABP4 is metabolically highly beneficial.", "\n\nDespite its initial characterization as an adipocyte FA binding protein, FABP4 has a diverse expression profile and distinct functions in numerous cell types, including macrophages, endothelial cells, and the bronchial epithelium. ", "Within macrophages, FABP4 deficiency has been associated with beneficial effects on cholesterol trafficking, foam cell formation, inflammatory activation, and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress ([@b7], [@b13]--[@b16]). ", "This has been shown to have pronounced effects on atherogenesis in the ApoE^−/−^ mouse model fed a Western diet, where bone marrow transplant studies have shown that macrophage FABP4 seems to be essential for the development of vascular lesions ([@b14]). ", "Within the endothelium, FABP4 has been shown to be expressed specifically within capillaries and small veins of various tissues, including the liver, kidney, and pancreas ([@b17]). ", "This is consistent with in vitro data in primary HUVECs, which have demonstrated that FABP4 is required for vascular endothelial growth factor signaling and cell proliferation, associated with angiogenesis ([@b17], [@b18]). ", "This may have particular importance in the context of cancer, as FABP4 in obese individuals is associated with enhanced proliferative and migration capacity of cancer cells ([@b19]), contributing to metastasis and reduced survival ([@b20]). ", "Together, these findings suggest that FABP4 governs diverse biology, depending on the tissue source and disease context. ", "Furthermore, in essentially all of the contexts where FABP4 function has been examined, biological consequences have been observed in tissues that do not express FABP4, suggesting that signals or circulating molecules may be downstream of the function of this protein.", "\n\nHORMONAL FABP4\n==============\n\nThe recent discovery of hormonal FABP4 ([@b5]) created avenues of research focused not only in understanding how FABP4 is secreted, but also in how circulating levels correlate with disease and how FABP4 interacts with target cells to mediate biological activity. ", "For the first time, it is possible to investigate previously perplexing questions regarding how deletion of FABP4 in distant tissues is implicated in the regulation of atherosclerosis formation, cancer progression, hepatic glucose production, and β-cell biology. ", "Recent studies in models of atherosclerosis have demonstrated that local serum levels of FABP4 within the aorta correlate with disease severity ([@b21]). ", "Transplantation studies of mammary tumor cells have shown that cells transferred into WT mice have greater proliferative potential than those transplanted into FABP4^−/−^ animals, despite tumor cells lacking FABP4 expression ([@b19]). ", "Furthermore, FABP4^−/−^ animals exhibit a defect in β-adrenergic-stimulated insulin secretion, even under lean conditions ([@b8]), suggesting an effect on β-cell function, another cell type that does not express FABP4. ", "This is complemented by human studies showing that higher serum FABP4 levels correlate with higher insulin response index in T2D patients and a higher insulinogenic index in nondiabetics ([@b22]). ", "In all of these cases, the role of this hormonal FABP4 remains to be explored further.", "\n\nNumerous studies have now also been conducted to examine the association between circulating FABP4 and various immunometabolic diseases in human populations ([@b23]). ", "The strongest association with FABP4 is consistently BMI, with obese individuals having significantly higher circulating FABP4 levels than normal-weight controls ([@b5]). ", "Interestingly, females exhibit higher circulating FABP4 levels than males, perhaps suggesting differences in adipose depot contributions and/or the involvement of sex hormones in the regulation of secretion ([@b24]). ", "Circulating FABP4 levels have been independently correlated with increased risk for CVDs, early prediction of myocardial infarction ([@b25]), poor prognosis following stroke ([@b26]), T2D ([@b27]), nonalcoholic fatty liver disease ([@b28]), worsened glycemic control in type 1 diabetes ([@b29]), diabetic complications including retinopathy and nephropathy ([@b30]), preeclampsia ([@b31]), and association with various cancers, including breast cancer ([@b19]) and leukemia ([@b20]). ", "Although these associations are robust, the mechanisms underlying how FABP4 contributes to disease pathogenesis remain enigmatic. ", "This calls for new avenues of mechanistic research and creates paths for the development of therapeutic interventions that specifically target hormonal FABP4.", "\n\nSECRETION OF FABP4\n==================\n\nImportantly, most of the disease correlations with serum FABP4 levels are observed in the context of obesity, suggesting that adipocyte-derived FABP4 is likely to be the source of this pathogenic molecule. ", "Mechanisms of FABP4 secretion from adipose tissue have been strongly correlated with signals downstream of lipolytic stimuli, which are consistently engaged during insulin resistance, stress, and obesity ([**Fig. ", "2**](#f2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In vivo, FABP4 levels increase in response to fasting, sympathetic nervous system activation, or treatment with a β3-receptor agonist such as isoproterenol or CL-316423 and are suppressed under refeeding or insulin, consistent with this biology ([@b5], [@b32], [@b33]). ", "Mechanistic studies have revealed that these signals potentiate FABP4 secretion through increases in intracellular cAMP and associated Ca^2+^ influx, as confirmed by the increase observed with forskolin treatment ([@b34], [@b35]). ", "Furthermore, studies in adipocyte cell lines show that stimulation of FABP4 secretion is dependent on lipolytic machinery, with inhibition of more proximal proteins in the pathway such as adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL) and HSL blunting FABP4 secretion to a greater degree than the distal component monoacylglycerol lipase (MGL) ([@b32]). ", "This suggests that the liberation of FAs may be important for the secretion of FABP4. ", "However, the exact mechanisms underlying the secretion of FABP4 remain to be explored, as it lacks a classical secretion peptide motif, and inhibitors of the classical secretion pathways do not alter the FABP4 secretion profile ([@b36]).", "\n\n![", "Regulation of FABP4/aP2 secretion from adipocytes. ", "Circulating FABP4/aP2 levels are increased during obesity and regulated in response to feeding and fasting. ", "In the fed state, insulin suppresses FABP4/aP2 secretion from adipocytes, whereas fasting and signals downstream of lipolytic stimuli induce secretion. ", "Activation of the β-adrenergic receptor (β-AR) raises intracellular cAMP levels, which act to initiate lipolysis. ", "Induction of FABP4/aP2 secretion requires the actions of lipolytic enzymes ATGL and HSL, and to a lesser extent MGL, and the liberation of FFAs. ", "Once lipolysis is initiated, FABP4/aP2 may be released in a compartmentalized fashion through the lysosomal pathway, and to lesser extent through multivesicular bodies (MVBs). ", "How FABP4/aP2 is recruited into these vesicular compartments remains to be explored. ", "AC, adenylyl cyclase; CGI-58, comparative gene identification-58; DAG, diacylglycerol; EE, early endosome; LE, late endosome; LYS, lysosome; MAG, monoacylglycerol; PKA, protein kinase A; TG, triglyceride.](734fig2){#f2}\n\nIntriguingly, FABP4 may be released in a compartmentalized fashion. ", "A recent study demonstrated that FABP4 is secreted through the lysosomal pathway, as chloroquine, which acts by raising the luminal pH of lysosomes and preventing membrane fusion, was shown to reduce stimulated FABP4 secretion both in vitro and in vivo ([@b37]). ", "This important study provides a compelling mechanism for the secretion of free FABP4 and defines a rare pathway utilized for nonclassical protein secretion in mammals. ", "There is also literature suggesting that FABP4 secretion occurs, at least to some extent, through vesicular bodies. ", "Immunogold electron microscopy has revealed the presence of a subset of FABP4 in multivesicular bodies contained within adipocytes ([@b32]), and reports have identified FABP4 on the surface of adipocyte-derived exosomes ([@b38]). ", "However, it is unclear how FABP4 is specifically targeted to exosomes or is associated with other vesicular structures. ", "It is interesting to note that, although this vesicular FABP4 accounts for only a minor fraction (∼0.5%) of the total secreted pool of FABP4, it is regulated in mouse and human obesity ([@b32]). ", "Further understanding of potential pathways of FABP4 secretion (as summarized in [Fig. ", "2](#f2){ref-type=\"fig\"}), including regulation of trafficking of cytosolic FABP4 to vesicles, remains an important avenue of research.", "\n\nFACTORS INFLUENCING ACTIVITY OF HORMONAL FABP4\n==============================================\n\nA fundamental aspect of FABP4 biology is in understanding how hormonal FABP4 influences target cells to regulate activity. ", "In general, the phenotypes seen in FABP4 loss-of-function models are robust and very consistent. ", "However, gain-of-function models are limited and more challenging, especially with the use of standard protocols to produce recombinant protein. ", "This may be due to the amount of FABP4 needed, its rapid clearance from circulation, the timing of dosing, or, importantly, because we do not yet fully understand the differences between the recombinant and natural form(s) of this protein in circulation. ", "Because FABP4 binds to multiple lipid ligands with similar affinities, a specialized endogenous lipid cargo could dictate its activity and function ([@b39]). ", "BMS309403, a small-molecule inhibitor of FABP4 used in both in vivo and in vitro applications, functions by binding to the lipid-binding pocket of FABP4 and inhibiting interaction with at least some lipid cargo ([@b40]). ", "Furthermore, a lipid-binding mutant form of FABP4 shows a similar lack of activity, suggesting that lipid binding may be essential to at least some aspects of FABP4 biology ([@b5]). ", "The induction of FABP4 secretion in response to lipolysis and liberation of FFAs within adipocytes further supports the notion that FABP4 may exist in various functional forms, depending on its cargo or the conditions that trigger its release ([@b32], [@b37]). ", "Expanding upon this idea, the cellular source of FABP4 may also have critical roles in dictating the extracellular function of the protein. ", "Both macrophages and endothelial cells express and secrete FABP4, albeit at much lower levels per cell than adipocytes ([@b41], [@b42]). ", "As both of these cell types contain relatively low levels of FFAs, and FABP4 is believed to play alternative roles in their intracellular biology, including regulation of ER stress and angiogenesis, respectively, it is possible that secreted FABP4 from these sources has differential physiological roles, which may not be appropriately modeled by recombinant protein.", "\n\nIt is also possible that FABP4 exists in multiple forms. ", "Mass spectrometry-based screens have independently identified numerous posttranslational modifications on FABP4, including phosphorylation, acetylation, and carbonylation ([@b43]--[@b45]). ", "However, only phosphorylation has been validated in in vitro systems, and the functional relevance of such modification(s) remains to be addressed ([@b44]). ", "Finally, FABP4 can interact with numerous proteins, including HSL and cytokeratin 1, and with itself to potentially form oligomeric structures ([@b2], [@b46], [@b47]). ", "Therefore, it is possible that FABP4 functions as part of a complex to mediate or fine tune its biological activity and that such complex component(s) may be critical for its diverse functions, as shown for other adipocyte-derived hormones, such as adiponectin ([@b48]). ", "Therefore, the investigation of the natural FABP4 hormone and its potential pathological variations remains an essential and incompletely addressed topic in the field, one that will be critical for therapeutic technologies to target this protein.", "\n\nTHERAPEUTIC TARGETING OF FABP4\n==============================\n\nUnderstanding that FABP4 functions hormonally has transformed the perspective on utilizing FABP4 as a therapeutic target for immunometabolic diseases. ", "Historically, FABP4 has been targeted using four major approaches: constitutive genetic deletion, temporal genetic manipulation (siRNA, RNA interference, etc.), ", "small-molecule inhibitors, and, much more recently, neutralizing Abs. ", "Genetic deletion, either constitutive or through silencing approaches, has shown remarkable consistency in the improvement of metabolic phenotypes in multiple independent studies ([@b5], [@b6], [@b8], [@b14], [@b15], [@b33]). ", "These studies have been complemented with small-molecule inhibitors, particularly BMS309403, but also with more potent related small molecules ([@b49]), which inhibit lipid binding and reduce the activity of FABP4 both intracellularly and presumably in circulation ([@b40]). ", "These aspects require further clarification. ", "It was only with the use of Ab therapies, however, that hormonal FABP4 was clearly identified as having a robust role in metabolic diseases, as Abs cannot enter cells and cannot pass the blood-brain barrier to act within the CNS ([@b50]). ", "This exciting development allows us to understand the contribution of serum FABP4 to metabolic diseases in the context of peripheral tissues and develop a greater understanding of how targeting circulating FABP4 may be used clinically for the prevention or treatment of immunometabolic diseases.", "\n\nCONCLUSIONS\n===========\n\nOverall, FABP4 has emerged as a critical player in immunometabolic diseases, with strong correlations between preclinical models and various human populations supporting the targeting of FABP4 for therapeutic benefit. ", "As we look toward the development of FABP4-based therapies, we may need to first take a step back and refine/develop our understanding of the complex basic biology underlying this small FA-binding protein that resides in and out of the cell. ", "Understanding the influence of different tissue sources, lipid cargo, posttranslational modifications, interacting partners, and regulation of secretory pathways will all be critical for developing potent therapeutics with the greatest disease relevance, as these factors may define relevance to distinct pathologies. ", "Furthermore, in the development of therapeutics, we may also wish to consider the specific activity or system of interest to target. ", "For instance, we may have to consider that immunometabolic responses regulated by FABP4 may also be mediated by its activity in the brain. ", "For example, there is suggested to be a component of insulin resistance in neurodegeneration and lesion formation that may be influenced by FABP4, which could not be addressed by an Ab-based therapy. ", "Thus, this drives the need for new generation of small-molecule inhibitors that may also target the brain.", "\n\nThe authors thank members of the Hotamisligil laboratory, past and present, for their contributions to our understanding of FABP4 and their helpful discussions. ", "The authors apologize for the omission of many important references due to space limitations. ", "Some components of the figures were sourced from the Servier Medical Art database.", "\n\nAbbreviations:aP2adipocyte protein 2FABP4FA binding protein 4HSLhormone-sensitive lipase\n\nThe G.S.H. lab is supported by National Institutes of Health Grant R01 AI116901 and Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International (JDRFI) Grant 2-SRA-2019-660-S-B. JDRFI Postdoctoral Fellowship 3-PDF-2017-400-A-N funds K.J.P. The Sigrid Juselius Foundation, the Finnish Foundation for Cardiovascular Research, and the Otto A. Malm Foundation support J.S. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. ", "G.S.H. is on the Scientific Advisory Boards of Seven Bridges Corporation and Crescenta Pharmaceuticals and holds equity in the latter. ", "The G.S.H. lab receives sponsored research funds from Servier for research unrelated to the content of this manuscript. ", "The other authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.", "\n" ]
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[ "tendou inc Fundamentals Explained\n\nMenu\n\ntendou inc Fundamentals Explained\n\nI'm not 21+ or usually do not agree to be age verified Whenever you check out on vape-box.com, you can go through an age verification approach. ", "This method will ensure your address, identification and age by using numerous searches of trustworthy community databases, as well as overview by our verification professionals.", "\n\nWe also dig out some inside news which happens to be They are really doing some approach on boxmod out there shortly, We're going to maintain you up-to-date of it!", "\n\nBox Mod (we cannot disclose relating to this nevertheless given that we've been creating our own module at this time, it can give something fully distinct from what we see in The existing industry).", "\n\nShould review / introduce your items below? ", "For virtually any evaluate / introduce purpose, kindly fall us an electronic mail, we can get in contact with you.", "\n\nBy getting into vape-box.com, you fully validate that you are with the legal smoking cigarettes age and conform to our terms of provider and privacy plan\n\nSince its inception in 2014, Tendou, Inc. engages in product style, item development, manufacture, and servicing the vape field. ", "The corporation's philosophy is PRECISION WORKMANSHIP YIELDS Excellent. ", "Their founders, Each and every possessing a minimum of fifteen years of practical experience inside the producing market continue to forge on the Basis to make trusted and authentic vape products. ", "Tendou's ambitions in another five to ten several years are, Design vape items all-around customer demands Go on to drive the boundaries of innovation Targeted workmanship to create high quality vape gears which will endure the examination of time Generate a whole just one prevent line of vape gears customers will really like and revel in Offer a specialist and welcoming customer assistance group to assist in all questions connected with our solutions Make stable alliances with modders and suppliers to create a much better vape Group Energetic involvement inside the help from the vape Neighborhood At Tendou, Inc.\n\nWe wish to take this chance to guarantee you that the protection and gratification has normally been and proceeds to be our number 1 precedence. ", "We urge you to remember to vape responsibly.", "\n\nI affirm that I, , with e mail deal with am an operator, worker or agent, with authorization to approve the elimination from the profile for: I authorize Buzzfile to launch my contact together with other pertinent details to the mandatory functions ought to this removing be contested.", "\n\nConsidering the fact that its inception in 2014, Tendou, Inc. engages in products structure, products enhancement, manufacture, and servicing the vape marketplace. ", "The corporate's philosophy is PRECISION WORKMANSHIP YIELDS Excellent. ", "Their founders, Every single possessing at the very least fifteen many years of experience from the manufacturing field keep on to forge on a Basis to make dependable and reliable vape solutions. ", "Tendou's ambitions in another five to ten years are, Style and design vape goods all-around buyer requires Proceed to press the boundaries of innovation Concentrated workmanship to supply high-quality vape gears that can endure the take a look at of your time Create a complete a single halt line of vape gears consumers will adore and enjoy Supply a specialist and helpful shopper support team to aid in all questions associated with our items Create reliable alliances with modders and distributors to create a much better vape community Lively involvement from the guidance on the vape Neighborhood At Tendou, Inc.\n\nTo be able to Manage abuse and stop automatic scrapers, we Restrict the speed at which you'll be able to ask for material from Graphiq. ", "Your browsing action appears to have activated our level limiter, which can be the results of your Pc sending too many requests in a short timeframe, or other indications that will surface to our servers as an automatic scraper. ", "Crawling and scraping are not permitted by our Terms and Conditions.", "\n\nGino : Tendou Vapor do present internet Vape Cave Instagram shopping provider on Site, do you ship in excess of all over the world shopper in addition?", "\n\nBy moving into vape-box.com, you thoroughly validate that you're of the lawful cigarette smoking age and conform to our phrases of service and privateness plan\n\nUsually do not ignore, Tendou, Inc. not merely produce wonderful quality RDA, they also came out the highest quality Tendou Mod V1, which making use of Great content to construct it out and terrific structure also.", "\n\nThe juice effectively functions with deepened style, enabling customers For additional uncomplicated wicking environment into the three.5mL unified juice capacity. ", "The bundled POM Tiger Cap and typical POM vast bore drip idea completes all the apparatus, letting paramount of airflow shipping and delivery with exceptional heat dissipation. ", "Entirely, the Shingen RDA by Tendou Vapor provides a bevy of valuable attributes paired with very well balanced kind variable to the really capable end users." ]
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[ "“The Burmese Harp” (1956), “Fires on the Plain” (1959), “An Actor’s Revenge” (1963). ", "Those are only a few of the internationally critically acclaimed feature films of Japanese director Kon Ichikawa. ", "His movies depict wide-ranging topics of Japan’s society in the twentieth century and represent a versatile filmmaker that often falls short in comparison to other masters like Akira Kurosawa, Yasujiro Ozu or Kenji Mizoguchi.", "\n\n“Youth” is screening at Japan Society\n\nPrimarily known for his fictional works, Ichikawa also produced a handful of documentaries, that had a striking impact especially in the field of sports documentary. ", "Most significant are “Tokyo Olympiad” (1965), “Visions of Eight” (1973), and “Youth” (1968). ", "Ichikawa uses the same approach for all of these documentaries. ", "Focusing on the event itself and the athlete’s endurance during the competition, Ichikawa follows a melodramatic concept of pain and glory.", "\n\nThree years after the monumental “Tokyo Olympiad” about the Tokyo Olympic Games, the director turns to a purely national event that catches the attention of the Japanese since 1914. “", "Youth” is about a nationwide baseball tournament among high-schools organized by the newspaper Asashi Shimbun. ", "Over 2485 teams enter the qualification phase of the competition. ", "The documentary follows a few teams in their training camps from the freezing cold of Hokkaido to the heat of Okinawa, before turning to the main event at the Koshien Stadium.", "\n\nKon Ichikawa, who used to be a manga artist, chooses a unique style. ", "Lively camera movement and the break-up of movements into individual shots are reminiscent of his former career. ", "He uses archive material to retell the tradition of the tournament and its progress in a historical context. ", "1968 marks the 50th series of the game. ", "After Ichikawa had the big success with his Olympic documentary (Winner in Cannes), he became sort of a typecast for such “official” documentaries. ", "Later on, he also shot two nonsports documentaries called “Kyoto” (1969) and “Japan and the Japanese” (1970). ", "For “Youth”, Ichikawa was approached by the newspaper and organizer Asashi Shimbun to join the project.", "\n\nAnother typical element is the use of slow-motion to underline the physical aspect of the sport. ", "By slowing down the hectic situations of the game, Ichikawa creates a mythological atmosphere. ", "Supported by bright colors filled with life and youth, a mix of wide and detailed shots, and experimental camera pans, “Youth” sets out for a holistic imagery that captures architecture and humans. ", "The presented themes convey a feeling of national pride and military drill. ", "Japan in the 60s is surely a victim of Americanization and Kon Ichikawa shows the impact of the sport on Japan’s postwar generation.", "\n\nThe way the courses of the games are told is partly confusing since the focus is merely on the bodies and the movement. ", "An off-commentator narrates the whole documentary, giving no voice to the players themselves. ", "Jazz and classical music are used as a dramaturgical element to intensify the mythological effect of the film. ", "Only in the last 30 minutes of “Youth”, the course of the game becomes important. ", "Beginning with an intense duel between Omiya and Heian, the outcome of the match catches the attention of the viewer. ", "It is vital for the quality of the film to draw the attention to the scores, because that’s what makes “Youth” such a good documentary. ", "Ichikawa combines his artistic approach with the thrill of the game. ", "Different from “Tokyo Olympiad”, he does not alienate from the event itself by dissecting it too much until it isn’t even about the sport anymore. ", "At the end of the film, he finds the way back to the true core and concludes a documentary that takes you on a journey that is as versatile as its director himself." ]
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[ "Intrahepatic distant recurrence after radiofrequency ablation for hepatocellular carcinoma: precursor nodules on pre-procedural gadoxetic acid-enhanced liver magnetic resonance imaging.", "\nBackground Intrahepatic distant recurrence (IDR) after radiofrequency (RF) ablation for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is associated with poor overall survival outcome. ", "Purpose To evaluate the incidence and findings on pre-procedural gadoxetic acid-enhanced liver magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of precursor nodules for IDR after RF ablation for HCC. ", "Material and Methods This study was approved by our institutional review board. ", "Among 343 patients treated with RF ablation for HCC between 2009 and 2011, 141 patients who underwent pre-procedural gadoxetic acid-enhanced liver MRI and experienced IDR were enrolled. ", "The presence of precursor nodules for IDR on pre-procedural imaging was assessed. ", "Nodules were categorized based on hypervascularity in the arterial phase and signal intensity on hepatobiliary phase images. ", "Time to recurrence was compared between patients with and without precursor nodules. ", "Results In 46 (32.7%) of 141 patients (50 HCCs), there were precursor nodules on pre-procedural MRIs (median follow-up period, 4.39 years; range, 0.08-6.08). ", "In three patients, HCCs were missed on imaging. ", "In the remaining 43 patients, the 47 precursor nodules identified were non-hypervascular hypointense (n = 26), non-hypervascular isointense (n = 6), non-hypervascular hyperintense (n = 2), hypervascular hypointense (n = 10), and hypervascular isointense (n = 3). ", "The mean time-to-recurrence was significantly shorter for patients with precursor nodules than for those without (16.6 versus 24.0 months, P = 0.011). ", "Conclusion About one-third of patients with IDR after RF ablation for HCC had precursor nodules on pre-procedural gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRI, most commonly non-hypervascular hypointense nodules in the hepatobiliary phase." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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