What Is Considered A Sports Car For Insurance Purposes?
Every year, make and model of automobile that a particular company is willing to insure has a symbol that determines the rating factors that are going to be applied. The symbol is the result of company experience and industry experience. If a car has a history of high repair costs it will be assigned a high symbol, regardless of the appearance or name you give the vehicle. Cars with low weight and high horsepower (sports cars) generally have high repair costs and a high symbol. Cars with expensive parts can also be assigned a high symbol.
What Will Be The Medicare Premium In 2014?
No one knows yet, what the Medicare premium will be for Part B in 2013. The projection of the average premium for Medicare Part D in 2014 is $31/month, which is just $1/month higher than it has averaged for the past three years. The Medicare Part B premium in 2013 is $104.90/month for those with modest incomes.
Does Everyone 65 And Older Qualify For Medicare?
The military pension system doesnt meet the standard definitions. It isnt established in the same way a pension plan is established, it isnt funded in the same way either. It most closely resembles deferred compensation. It is taxed like deferred compensation as well.
What Are The Differences Between Medicare A And Medicare B?
You cannot get on Medicare before age 65 unless you are on Social Security Disability and have Lou Gehrig's Disease; have been receiving Social Security Disability benefits for 24 months; or you have worked long enough in a federal, state or local government job and meet the requirements of the Social Security Disability program. Some disabled widows and widowers, or divorced disabled persons, may be able to get Medicare under age 65 under some conditions.
What Do I Need To Register For Medicare?
If you have paid taxes into the system then enrollment is automatic. You should receive your Medicare card and a packet of information from Medicare shortly before you turn 65 or qualify for Medicare if you are on disability. If you do not receive your card by the time you turn 65 then you need to call your Social Security office or 1-800-MEDICARE.
Who Can Drive Under My Car Insurance?
Typically any licensed driver can operate your vehicle and be protected by your insurance policy, as coverage is vehicle primary. However, some policies have reduced coverage for permissive use, sometimes to the state minimum levels of liability. Make sure you read your policy and/or talk to your agent about your specific coverage and state regulations.
Where To Buy Individual Disability Insurance?
Health insurance will only cover cosmetic surgery if it's medically necessary. If you're getting an elective cosmetic procedure done, you would be responsible for paying the entire cost of the surgery out-of-pocket. Because surgery is very expensive in general, it's always good to talk to your agent/insurance carrier to see if a procedure would be covered.
Can You Cash In A Universal Life Insurance Policy?
Yes, you can cash in a universal life policy. Discuss the ramifications of your decision with your agent, first. If you do cash it in, you can roll the cash value over into a new permanent policy without paying taxes on the cash. To cash it in, you call the company through which it was issued.
Who Can Drive Your Car Under Your Insurance?
All listed divers on your policy can operate your vehicles (assuming they are on your policy). Also, if you give permission to another person to drive your vehicle, and they are licensed and in good standing, they should be covered (assuming at-fault state). If another person steals your vehicle, you are covered for the damages they cause, although the insurer will certainly attempt to recover funds from them.
How Much Does An Agent Make On Life Insurance?
That is an excellent question! Insurance agents do not draw paychecks like normal people. They are paid a portion of what policies they are able to sell, and that amount is called a "commission". The amount of that commission will depend upon the agents' contract with the company, and upon the product that has been sold. There are also small payments made annually called "residuals" that are paid when people keep their policies in force over the years. This income can be very lucrative, if you are a good salesperson, and are very active in your sales work. I hope that helps, thanks for asking!
Who Sells Term Life Insurance?
Term life insurance is sold by agents who work alone from home or in a small office, agencies that employ several to many agents, online agents and agencies, mailers, and some life insurance companies that sell it direct to the consumer online. You can buy Term Life Insurance in many places. The key is to make sure you are medically qualified and getting the best price. To do that, it is best to go through an agent.
What Are Two Types Of Disability Insurance?
The two main types of disability insurance are short term disability, and long term disability insurance. Short term disability insurance pays fairly quickly after a disabling illness or injury occurs, and benefits generally last no longer than two years. Long term disability insurance has a longer waiting period until it pays, usually around 90 days. Then it can last a number of years or all the way to retirement in the event of a disability that continues that long.
What Does A Medicare Wellness Exam Include?
The Medicare Wellness Exam occurs after the first 12 months that you have enrolled in Medicare Part B. A Medicare wellness exam includes filling out a risk questionnaire, a review or your medical and family history, developing or updating a list of current providers and prescriptions, height, weight, blood pressure reading, routine measurements, detection of cognitive impairment, personalized health advice, a list of risk factors and treatment options, and setting up a screening schedule.
When Is Someone Eligible For Medicare Part D?
In order to qualify for Part D the applicant has to be covered by both Part A and Part B coverages and live in the County designated by the Plan. So if someone has a Medicare card that shows they were eligible for both Part A and Part B on 11/1/2013 then they are qualfied to buy a Part D plan
Why Would Someone Be Denied Life Insurance?
No, the Estate Recovery Act pertains only to Medicaid recipients who were over age 55 and received benefits for a certain period of time, or received certain services paid for by Medicaid (nursing home, prescription drugs, and others). Beginning in Jan, 2010, estate recovery is not allowed for Medicare Savings Expenses paid by the state.
Can I Deduct Auto Insurance Premiums?
No the FAFSA does not generally count annuities in its calculation for Expected Family Contributions. Though the FAFSA does not include annuities, some colleges and universities use proprietary methods for calculating family contributions which may include annuities and their cash values. These methods generally involve additional forms that ask certain questions not asked by the FAFSA.
Does Health Insurance Cover Dental Implants?
The short answer is yes, there are plans available.I recommend contacting an Independent agent who specializes in insurance for seniors.Typically this agent will be able to offer the most options to suit your specific needs. It is time well spent having this conversation to determine your specific needs...
How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?
Video Transcript: Today's question is, "How much life insurance do I need?" Well, you need to take all your financial obligations in indebtedness, all your future obligations like college, retirement, other areas that you think that you want to talk about or even charitable intent. You need to take all those totals, plus the loss of income. Because if I'm not there to generate income, what happens to my spouse or my family? I need to be able to generate income for them to live on. So what I'm looking at, all the ideas of "How much do I need?" I want to take all these areas into consideration; financial indebtedness, future obligations, maybe some charitable intent, and to replace the income from the person who's died. Well, that's our consumer question for today. If you have any questions, just submit them to
What Will Renters Insurance Not Cover?
Like other personal property insurance policies, renters insurance will cover a a rather broad range of possible perils. You will find, however, that in many if not all cases in your state, there are two causes of loss that will be excluded from coverage. The first is damage caused by earth movement, any earth movement. This can include but not be limited to such things as erosion, sink holes and earth quakes. Talk to your insurance professional, however, about having this coverage endorsed onto your policy if you are concerned. The second is damage by Flood. There is no endorsement for this. Flood coverage is only available by purchasing a Flood Insurance policy.
Should Car Insurance Increase Every Year?
If the cost of auto repairs hasnt increased and damages awarded in lawsuits hasnt increased, auto insurance probably shouldnt increase. Your state insurance commissioner keeps a close eye on insurance cost in your states. He does this for two reasons. The first is to make sure that the public isnt being charged too much and the second is to make sure that the insurance companies are taking in sufficient money to honor all of the promises that they have made. The real cost of automobile insurance is determined when you have a claim. If the policy limit is exceeded and angry people are suing you, you paid too much for your insurance. If your policy had high limits and took care of everything, then you bought cheap insurance. Having to settle a claim out of your own pocket is the most expensive form of insurance that you can purchase. The reason that insurance premiums increase is that the company pays out more than it can afford to pay out. It is a simple balance sheet calculation. When the company finds that they are paying out more in claims than they are receiving in premiums they file with the state insurance commissioner to review and adjust rates in your state. Several things cause the claims experience of a company to increase. It could be that the frequency of claims increases. This could be the result of reduced safety enforcement, poorer road conditions or a variety of other causes. It could be that the severity of claims has increased. This would be the result of an increasing number of accidents turning into lawsuits. It also could be caused by juries making increasingly high awards to those injured in accidents. It also could be the result of increased medical costs in your area. Another factor could be the cost of auto repairs. Materials and parts tend to become more expensive over time and this could affect the claims experience of a company. It is important to note that most companies in the state will feel similar pressure at the same time as those factors affect all the companies. There are moral factors that also come to affect the premiums of auto insurance. When drivers report fewer annual miles than they actually drive, that increases their exposure without increasing the premium for their policy. If people allow other drivers to operate their vehicles without adequate supervision of screening risky drivers could be populating the streets. Even though your state requires that vehicles be insured we all know that some are not and that expense has to be shared somewhere. A frequent abuse is the pizza delivery man who is driving the family sedan. His insurance policy never knew he was doing that and has a risk that hasnt been properly evaluated. There are far more lurid cases but my all-time favorite is the family sedan that has steel tanks welded underneath the body to carry illegal liquor. All these moral issues also affect the premium.
Can Life Insurance Go To A Trust?
Yes. A trust can be very advantageous depending on the reason for the trust and the type of trust. For example, you can use a Funeral Trust as a way to pre-fund your funeral and protect your life insurance from Medicaid spend down. An experienced agent can look at your individual situation and help determine if a trust would benefit you.
How Hard Is It To Get Disability Insurance?
How hard is it to get disability insurance? Well let's qualify it this two ways. First is it hard to get a poor disability policy? No, it's really easy and as long as nothing happens to you, you'll never know if was money wasted or not. If something happens however, that's when you find out. The other choice is a good disability policy with a real solid definition of disability that doesn't find ways to reduce or even take away your benefit. Those will be hard to get, underwritten tightly and work fantastic if needed. Why so hard to get? A payout on a disability policy that has that strong definition could pay out into the millions when a COLA rider is attached to it and with the strong definition, a person could still collect while working in another field. The RISK to the insurer is high, so they underwrite tight.
How Much Of Your Portfolio Should Be In Annuities?
You can find stripped down Renters Insurance policies for as little as $50.00 per year from any local agent if you have good credit. Most people spend about $150.00 per year on Renters Insurance as they find value in some of the optional endorsements, such as personal property replacement cost (which allows you to buy new items without a deduction for depreciation if you have a claim). Most of my customers add identity theft insurance to their policies so they can file a claim if they are the victim of identity theft. It will help restore incorrect info and pay attorney fees and some time off of work. In short, a basic policy won't cost much, but for a few extra dollars per month you can get much better coverage. What state are you in? I may be able to help you. Send me an email!
Where Can I Buy Health Insurance For An Individual?
You can buy health insurance from an experienced broker and their website (perhaps your best option) or the .gov website, where you may talk to a newly-hired and inexperienced worker. It's important to understand all of your options, get a federal subsidy if you deserve it, and speak to an unbiased expert in the field. That's why we can help you best! The Obamacare subsidy is available during Open Enrollment and through specific exceptions. However, there are affordable options available if you miss Open Enrollment.
What Are The Benefits Of Having Renters Insurance?
That is a great question! The best reason to have renter's insurance is that they pay to replace the things that you have that become stolen or destroyed. Most of us do not have that kind of money. Another is that if your apartment was unlivable due to damage, the policy often covers your stay at a hotel until adequate repairs have been made. The last, and probably best benefit is that it is one less thing to have to worry about. I hope that helps, thanks for asking!
What To Do When Home Insurance Drops You?
It depends on your policy and the circumstances. Rental is something you can add to your auto policy. It is designed to provide you with a rental car if you are involved in an at fault accident. If the accident is the fault of the other driver then generally his insurance would cover the rental. Keep in mind insurance laws differ in many states. Some states are what is called no-fault. This means that neither driver is considered at fault in the event of an accident and each drivers insurance would pay for their own insured. Check with you agent to make sure of the laws in your state.
What Is Group Health Insurance?
Whether whole life is a good investment or not depends on how you define a good investment. That being said, it can be a good investment when you look at it closely. Life insurance creates cash at death and whole life is designed to be in force when you die, not if you die within a specified term From an estate planning point of view, that is a good thing, If you need insurance coverage, then the tax advantaged growth of a participating whole life policy can be attractive from a wealth accumulation point of view.The funds can, among other things, be used to supplement retirement income. If you have further questions, or feel that I could be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. If you would like to work with a local life insurance broker, you could start with a Google search. For example, if you search for: life insurance broker Halifax or life insurance agent Halifax, my name, along with several others, will come up. You can use the same method to find a life insurance broker in your community.
Does Medicare Cover In Home Care For The Elderly?
AARP auto insurance is a program written through The Hartford. Only the Hartford can offer the AARP discount to both home and auto insurance. I personally have the Hartford AARP, not just because the rates are competitive but because the coverage's offered by the Hartford are excellent and are among the best and broadest in the industry.
What Is The Definition Of Disability Insurance?
UMPD covers damage to your vehicle if it is in an accident caused by another party hit you and is at fault. Unfortunately UMPD does not cover the theft of a vehicle. You would of had to carry comprehensive coverage to cover the theft of your vehicle
What Information Is Needed For A Home Insurance Quote?
There is a great deal of public information available on the internet about most homes in most locations. At a minimum we would need to know the address of the property. To prepare a quote we would need to know your general description of the home and determine if there were any pets, or trampolines on the property. We would need to know if there were any wood-burning devices inside the home. We would need to know if there had been any claims in the past three years on the property or by the proposed insured. The quote we could give you would not be a guaranteed price as that is done after full underwriting takes place but it is usually quite close.
What Makes Car Insurance Cheaper?
If you are asking what helps keep your auto insurance rates lower, then there are many factors that can help with this. A clean driving record would be the first - no tickets and no accidents. A high credit score would be another. If you are a student a 3.50 gpa or above will typically get you a discount. A married person will typically have lower rates than a single person. There are many other factors can come into play here also, but these are some of the most prominent ones.
What Is Select Term Life Insurance?
Medicare Region C includes the states Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. This and other regions are designated for the purpose of supplying Durable Medical Equipment (DME) for Medicare.
Can Car Insurance Go On Your Credit Report?
I hope I understand your question correctly. I'm assuming you're asking if an insurance company getting your insurance score will show up on your credit report and affect your credit score. In general, no. I can only speak for my own state of Michigan but I'm pretty sure other states work the same way. An insurance score is different from a credit score. There are many different models to calculate an insurance score and different companies will use different models. When an insurance company orders an insurance score it won't affect your credit score like applying for a loan will. If it shows up at all, it will show up as an insurance score and won't be used to calculate your credit score. So, don't be worried if your agent asks for information to order an insurance score. It's usually one of the largest discounts that a company will offer.
Does Health Insurance Affect The Employment Of Older Workers?
You will receive a final letter when the claim is finally closed. What it sounds like is you carried low limits of liability and property damage and didn't have enough insurance to cover all the damages you are responsible for. At this point Geico will pay out to your limit and the other parties polices should pick up the gap under their under-insured motorist. (if the other parties had uninsured motorist coverage) It is possible the other parties insurance companies may come back after you personally for the gap or they may just write it off. Or if the other parties did not have coverage under their own insurance they could also come back after you as well. You will have to wait and see. Usually in these situations it takes a little while to figure out who is paying who so give it time. You will be notified.
Do I Need To Change Car Insurance When I Move?
It is not free, but generally doesn't cost very much. The plans vary by state and each plan covers different prescriptions in different ways. I always recommend, go to WEBSITELINK - choose the "Drug Coverage (Part D)" tab, then choose "find health and drug plans". This site is run by medicare and you can input what prescriptions you are on and it will show you all of the plans available to you and what your overall out of pocket cost will be, including premium, deductibles, and co-pays for all of the plans available to you. You can even specify a pharmacy you want to work with to make sure they will accept the plan you choose. If you take a couple of generic drugs you plan might cost $15 -$25 per month. If you are very expensive drugs then you might want to spend more in premium to save in overall out of pocket costs.
Can The General Life Insurance?
I was not able to find a General Life Insurance Company. I did find General American Life Insurance which has been bought by Metlife Insurance. Metlife is a good strong company to work with. I would however recommend comparing rates for the type of insurance you are looking for as they will have different features.
Does An Inground Pool Increase Homeowners Insurance?
That is a great question! Every state requires an agent that wishes to do business in their State to be licensed, so the answer is yes. You can be licensed in several States, but you have to do them individually, and pay the requisite fees for each. Some may require testing, others won't. I hope that helps, thanks for asking!
Does Car Insurance Go On Your Credit Report?
When you apply to buy insurance, most insurance companies will take your credit into consideration. It is considered a "soft hit". It will show up on your credit history that there was an inquiry, it doesn't change or effect your credit. So whatever your credit score was before you apply for insurance is what it will be after applying. To my knowledge, California is one of the states that mandates insurance companies not take a person's credit history into consideration when rating the premium. You can check with an insurance agent or broker licensed in your state to see if your state as the same rules.
Does Everyone Have Health Insurance Now?
Renters insurance covers your personal property and bike is consider personal property. For examble you have a nice high end bike that cost $1500 it get stolen at the store you must call your insurance compay and file a claim they will deduct your dedutable from the pay out. Good Luck
What Is Allianz Life Insurance?
Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America is a major player in life insurance and annuities in the U.S. and globally. Rating services: S&P AA, Moodys A and insurance industry A.M. Best A. Allianz is over 115 years old with over 112 billion in assets with a conservative long term investment posture in their portfolio.
What Is Medicare Region C?
As a rule no, you can enroll in Part D when you first become eligible, during the Anual Election Period, or if you have a Special qualifying event such as losing your group coverage or the plan pulls out of the area, or you move out of the service area. If you qualify for Extra Help with your drugs from Medicare or if you are also on Medicaid you can swithch whenever you want.
How Long Should You Have Term Life Insurance?
The length of time needed for a term life insurance actually depends on the reason the policy was purchased. If the policy was purchased to insure a debt and the debt is repaid, then the policy may need to be cancelled. If the policy was purchased to replace income and the need is still present, then the policy should be left in force or reviewed to be changed if need be,
Can A Minor Be A Beneficiary On Life Insurance?
The face value of life insurance is the original amount of coverage purchased. In term insurance, this is usually the same as what is paid out at death of the Insured. In permanent insurance, the death benefit may be higher or lower than the original face value, due to loans taken from the policy, or due to earnings within the policy that caused the death benefit to grow.
Who Needs Critical Illness Insurance?
Critical illness is recommended for those who would have difficulty paying their out of pocket expenses in the event of a severe health impairment. A good major medical policy will cover most of your health care bills but there are still copay's, deductibles and coinsurance that leave you with thousands in out of pocket unpaid bills.
Can A 78 Year Old Get Life Insurance?
The obvious answer is your lifetime. The whole life policy is actually an endowment policy and does have a maturity date (100-120.) If you reach that age the company will no longer require premium payments. Permanent insurance has tremendous flexibility and if you want to quit paying at some specific age, a current policy can become paid-up for a reduced face amount.
Does Auto Insurance Cover A Cracked Windshield?
Depending on your state and the area you live in. There many things that can affect your rates. In Montana your sex makes no difference but in some states males pay more then females Be careful when shopping online make sure that they are licensed in your state and it is recommended that you also have un insured and under insured for nearly pennies a day it covers your hospital bill when someone hits you and has no insurance. A Local agent can help you with all your insurance questions
What Does Health Insurance Rated Mean?
A rated health insurance plan is one that includes a premium surcharge or load. The standard or preferred rate is insufficient to support the risk presented by the individual applying for health insurance. In some cases the surcharge is temporary while some conditions may result in a permanent load. Examples of a temporary load include tobacco use or excessive weight. Once the individual has stopped using tobacco products for a designated time period, or weight loss has been achieved and maintained, the premium loads may be removed.
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Sewer Repair?
No, under normal circumstances sewer repair would not be covered by your homeowners insurance policy. Remember every policy is different. Please read your policy completely to understand the coverage provided and any exclusions that there may be or contact your local agent to have them go over the policy with you.
How Much Does Health Insurance For Individuals Cost?
Tenants policies are priced by the amount of coverage for personal property and the limit of liability. There are other factors that affect the price but many companies will issue a renters policy for less than $10 per month. The most overlooked benefit of a renters policy is liability coverage. Liability is where you could have a paralyzing loss.
Who Invented Critical Illness Insurance?
Critical Illness Insurance covers specified major illnesses. Typically, it pays a lump sum (sometimes different) payment to the insured. The first Critical Illness policy was issued in 1983 in South Africa. They have grown in popularity since that time. A full-time broker (not a part-timer, a media person or someone not fully-licensed) will be your best resource for quotes and information.
What Does Credit Have To Do With Auto Insurance?
Many insurers utilize credit scores when determining the auto insurance rate a customer will pay. The reason is that often, there is a direct correlation and relationship with bad credit and higher incidence of accidents. Although the discount or surcharge may not be large, it is till worthwhile to be aware of your current credit rating and take steps to monitor and improve it.
Does Medicare Cover HIV Drugs?
I would suggest finding yourself a local agent that you are comfortable working with. This person will typically be your first and last point of contact should you have any concerns about your coverage or claims. They will be the person that will help you purchase the coverages that you need to protect you and your family.
When Is It Too Late To Plan For Retirement?
Procrastination has economic ramifications. But saving something is better than nothing. Here's a few thoughts that can help if you start today.You need to plan on working until you are age 70 and not taking distributions of Social Security or any qualified retirement plans you use now. Social Security distributions are maximized at age 70 and qualified plans require minimum distributions at 70 1/2. So age 70 is the new retirement benchmark, especially if you're late to the game.
What Is Covered By A Retirement Plan At Work?
There are employer sponsored qualified plans that may be in place that cover, or more accurately, offer employee participation like a the popular defined contribution plan called a 401(k) under The Employment Retirement Income Security act of 1974 or ERISA. Being covered under a 401(k) may include a employer contribution match.
How Much Does Basic Renters Insurance Cost?
It will depend on how the divorce is structured. As an Insurance Agent and not an attorney I won't attempt to tell you what the laws says regarding divorce. What I will offer is some suggestions as to what could happen; 1) Nothing - present insurance in force prior to a divorce does not change because of the divorce 2) Judge assigns insurance policy - a judge could order that the beneficiary for the policy be changed to support a divorcing spouse or children. He could also issue instructions as to how the cash value of a policy is to be distributed. I would consult an attorney for a more detailed answer.
Can One Person Have Two Life Insurance Policies?
Yes, one person can have two or more life insurance policies. Many people buy a variety of policies because different types of products best meet different types of needs, or simply because they want to diversify the companies with whom their life insurance is with. Insurance companies do not mind how many policies you have, as long as you can qualify for them financially.
How To Determine Term Life Insurance Amount?
Many life insurance experts recommend about 6 to 8 times your annual salary for the amount of term life insurance that you may need; however, the figure will depend on your financial needs and goals. You have to factor in that mortgage, education expenses for children...basically whatever your family will need to survive and thrive when you're gone. Of course, since term life insurance is for a specific period of time, you will need to calculate how long you need this certain amount of money as well.
How Much Does It Cost To Get Renters Insurance?
Great question. Often clients are afraid to ask I think they believe is it expensive but actually its relatively inexpensive. Typically if you insure two vehicles with a company the discount you gain by having a second policy on your auto insurance will if not cover the cost of a renters policy it will be close! So the average cost is 60-120 dollars a year. So for ten dollars or less you have coverage for your phone, computers, books, clothes, medications, cd's, movies, art, guns or whatever else you own! Ten dollars a month is very inexpensive, also these are covered anywhere in the world!
How Much Is Health Insurance Through A Job?
At this point in time within the United States the cost of your health insurance coverage purchased thru an employer can vary greatly depending on the carrier, the coveragesprovided, the number of people enrolled in the plan, and the health histories of the participants. Many employers demand that the carrier they work with allow thier employees more than one option when it comes to the plans offered.
Does Life Insurance Require A Blood Test?
It depends on the amount applied for and the applicant's age. The older the applicant, the smaller the amount applied for that triggers the requirement for a blood profile. Along with a blood draw, a urine specimen may be a part of the underwriting requirement. The insurance company usually pays for the test.
When Can You Disenroll From A Medicare Advantage Plan?
It is best to look at the open enrollment period for the smoothest transition. However there may come a time when you just cannot continue to have the coverage and need to make a change. These plans are not intended for members to jump into and out of them but there is always an option to get out and return to a traditional medicare plan. You would have an option of looking into a supplement as well. The best way to deal with this situation is to speak with an agent that understands Medicare and its rules.
Why Is It Important To Plan For Retirement?
It's very important to plan for retirement. You need to pay yourself first, which is exactly what retirement planning is. Paying your self today will determine how you live tomorrow.
What Does AAA Home Insurance Cover?
AAA Home insurance, like all other major carriers, covers a wide variety of claims, including fire, theft, vandalism, and many other items. However, there are numerous types of policies offered, so it is best to determine the type of policy you have to accurately understand all of the benefits. An experienced broker can help.
Does Life Insurance Money Go Into Estate?
One can certainly make the beneficiary their estate. I do not recommend it. The proceeds can be tied up in a probate and in some cases taxed along with assets. It is much cleaner and beneficial to name a beneficiary versus leaving it to an estate. Always seek the advise of a good estate planning attorney in your state.
Does Health Insurance Cover A Tummy Tuck?
A tummy tuck will be covered under your health insurance plan as long as it is considered (and coded) as medically necessary by your attending physician. Often times this is considered an elective procedure and won't be covered. It's vital to contact your carrier prior to the procedure to find out how (if at all) they will cover the surgery. The best place to start is to call the benefits verification or pre-certification phone number on the back of your insurance cards.
What Is A Group Universal Life Insurance Policy?
Group universal life is similar to individual universal life. Group policies involve the plan sponsor, often an employer, holding the master policy while the individual participants receive a certificate of insurance. It is a convenient and voluntary way to acquire cash value life insurance through the workplace. Usually the employee pays all premiums in which case all benefits would be immediately and fully vested. At employment termination portability features in these products generally allow for coverage to be taken by the participant as an individual policy.
What Is Good Home Insurance?
Most people who are self employed need to pick up an individual policy. This would be considered a self employed health insurance policy. There is no set difference or requirements between a person who is employed and has to pick up his own insurance or a self employed person. There could be a difference as far as tax being deductible since a self employed person will usually file a Schedule C. An HSA qualified plan is a great way to purchase health insurance if you are self employed due to the tax advantages. Ask your tax adviser.
Does Medicare Cover DME Supplies?
You can buy life insurance on other people if there is an insurable interest and the other person is willing to sign the application as the insured. An insurable interest means that the policy owner or beneficiary must stand to suffer a direct financial loss if the insured passes. Examples of this are spouses, business partners and children/parents.
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Loss Of Use?
That is a great question! It isn't a Federal law, but it is in most States, Counties, and Cities. The damage and expense of uninsured motorists is something no one wants, so it is pretty much everywhere that you will find a law about having insurance if you want to drive. The penalties for driving uninsured are very high, and it is so much more worth it to spend the money on the policy. Please do not consider hitting the road without it. Thanks for asking!
How Much Coverage Do I Need For Renters Insurance?
That is a great question! Whole life policies start to accumulate a cash value after the first couple of years the policy is in force. Over time, this cash value can grow to be a fairly substantial amount of money. In the event that you needed some quick cash, you can borrow from this fund, pretty much no questions asked. To do this, you just contact your agent, and ask if your cash value is great enough to cover what you want to borrow. I suggest this, because the amount borrowed can be enough over time with interest to cause your policy to become insolvent, and you are left without insurance. Your agent can help determine how much you can safely borrow (especially if you aren't really planning to repay it). They will write you a check, and you now have tax free cash in your hands to use as it's needed. Bear in mind that your death benefit will be reduced by however much your loan with interest is at the time you pass; and that if the interest on the loan exceeds a certain amount, the company will cancel your policy. But it is still the best way to get quick cash without any credit hassles. I hope that helps, thanks for asking!
Does Walmart Take Medicare?
Walmart does accept Medicare Part B. Qualified Medicare recipients can purchase durable medical equipment, medical supplies, and other items covered by Medicare Part B in the Walmart pharmacy area. Walmart also is a participating provider in most Medicare Part D plans, and you can purchase drugs covered under Medicare Part D in a Walmart pharmacy.
When Can You Cash Out On Life Insurance?
Good question, there are different situations that will allow you to get cash on a life insurance policy. One situation in particular is with a whole life policy. Since it builds cash value as it grows older, you can borrow money from it when you need it.
Does Medicare Cover Hepatitis C Screening?
Most people get Short Term Disability Insurance through their employer in the form of a group plan. Sometimes the employer pays the premiums, sometimes the employee pays the premiums, and sometimes they share the costs. If your place of business does not offer Short Term Disability Insurance, you can purchase it through an independent agent in an individual plan. I would be happy to assist you, if you'd like.
When Does Health Insurance Become Mandatory?
You will have to buy a health insurance plan by January 1st 2014 or pay taxes that are a part of the Affordable Care Act (aka: ObamaCare). In order for guaranteed issue Heath insurance to work, the must require everyone to buy it or else everyone who is healthy would just wait until they were sick to buy it.
Is It Cheaper To Buy My Own Health Insurance?
To get car insurance you would need at minimum you would need the vehicle identification numbers of all vehicles that you are getting coverage for, the drivers license numbers of all personsto be covered, the dates of birth of all persons to be covered, address of persons to be covered, garaging address of vehicles, and other personal information of parties to be covered along with required payment by carrier.
At What Age Should You Get Life Insurance?
Most people I talk to wish that they had bought their life insurance a few years ago. One man recently was kicking himself around the block for not doing so. Obviously, the older you are the closer the company is to the day that they will have to pay a death benefit. In other words, as you age you become a greater risk to the company and the company must charge more to compensate.
Will Homeowners Insurance Cover A Lost Diamond?
Homeowner's insurance can potentially pay for a lost diamond if you have it "scheduled" on your policy. When this is done, you are covering the ring for a specified amount, and generally all risks are covered. The premium charged is in addition to the regular policy premium. There also may be a rider that extends coverage to include that risk, althoughschedulingis often the best option.
What To Look For In Homeowners Insurance?
Insurance companies make promises. They are regulated by the state insurance commissioner who has two charges, keep the insurance companies able to keep their promises and to keep you as a consumer happy. There are many criteria that could be used to compare homeowners companies. The overwhelming majority of companies are going to keep their promises and pay claims as they occur. The best way to find a good homeowners insurance company is to contact a good insurance agent. If you dont have an agent, get a recommendation from a friend, colleague or neighbor. The advice of the agent is what is critical and a good agent will not want to represent any suspect insurance company.
What Happens To People With Cancer And No Insurance?
Since you are asking this in the critical illness section I will assume you have health insurance. Your major medical health insurance plan will pay the bulk of your medical bills but you will still be personally responsible for your out of pocket costs including copay's, deductibles, coinsurance and so forth.
Why Does Health Insurance Exist?
If your brother does not live with you and heoccasionallydrivers your car, he would be covered inmoststates. However, if your brother moves in with you and lives in your household, in moststates the insurer will require him to be listed on your policy as an additional driver. Of course, if he has his own car that is insured, it will be much easier.
Does Renters Insurance Cover Cell Phone Damage?
A profit sharing plan is an employer qualified defined contribution plan based on the salary level of the participant (employee). The contributions are tax deductible. The plan account accumulates tax deferred. The distributions are taxable as ordinary income. A profit sharing plan is under ERISA (The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.
How Much Is Insurance When Buying A Home?
Lenders normally require a mortgage holder to provide hazard insurance to cover the lenders interest in the property. This is normally interpreted to mean, a homeowners policy. The amount of coverage requested by the lender does not necessarily match the replacement cost for the residence. In California the mortgage holder cannot be forced to carry insurance in excess of the replacement cost of the residence. Your insurance agent can compute the cost of the policy that you require.
I Was Fired When Does My Health Insurance Stop?
It depends. In some cases your coverage stops the last day you were actively at work. In other cases, coverage continues to the end of the month or it may continue through the end of the following month. In most cases you will be eligible for COBRA and continue for up to 18 months.
How To Choose Medigap Insurance?
The best way to choose a Medigap Policy is by working with a licensed independent agent who specializes in Medicare Supplement insurance. We work closely with you to make sure you understand the benefits associated with each Medigap Plan. All Medigap Plan benefits are standardized, so if you want the benefits of Plan F, it's the same exact coverage with every insurance company. The only difference is the price. An independent agent who specializes in Medicare Supplement insurance can work with you to make sure you get the benefits you desire. We shop the insurance market to find the best priced premium. This is a great option as opposed to calling or applying online to an insurance company. Often they are the companies with the higher premiums. It's always in your best interest to start off with the lowest premium for the Medigap plan you want since premiums do increase over time. Thank you for reading my response. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
How Much Do You Pay For Long Term Care Insurance?
Your premium price tag depends on your gender, age, smoking status, health history, current medical condition and paramed exam results. Your premium price tag is also dependent on your behaviors like: motor vehicle violations, dangerous recreational activities and vocational hazards. A nonsmoking married couple in good health and both age 60 will pay around $300 a month for a long term care policy with an inflation rider for $7,000 of monthly benefit and total benefit of $420,000.
Does State Farm Have Term Life Insurance?
Critical illness insurance will protect you and family from the financial burdens that would come along with it. Many people survive critical illnesses like heart attacks, cancers, strokes etc. only to end up filing bankruptcy from being stuck with steep medical bills. With the right plan and benefits you can minimize or eliminate your out of pockets expenses in the event of a critical illness and have something left over to help pay your personal bills while you are recovering.
Is A Military Pension A Qualified Retirement Plan?
Your employer will notify you of your COBRA rights within 30 days after your group health insurance plan terminates. You have 60 days in which to exercise your COBRA rights plus an additional 45 days before your premium must be paid. Premiums for your election are retroactive to the first day your of COBRA benefits.
Can I Get Car Insurance Without A Job?
Yes, as long as you are able to pay your premiums on time. I am not aware of a carrier that asks for a persons employer name or even employment status when they are applying to receive automobile insurance coverage. If you are able to make your insurance premium payments on time the insurance carrier will more than likely provide you coverage for as long as you wish to be provided coverage.
Who Should I Set Up A Roth IRA With?
It depends on which Province you live in. In Ontario, you don't pay a premium for basic healthcare but in British Columbia you do. We moved away from Canada because the taxes were so high so "free healthcare" is up for debate. Also, Doctors can be hard to find in some areas.
Who Provides Disability Insurance?
Life insurance proceeds are exempt from income tax. If there is a part of the life insurance policy that is income earned beyond the death benefit (such as dividends or interest), that will usually be taxable. Also, if the policy is a MEC (modified endowment contract), income tax would be paid. If the proceeds are large enough to warrant estate taxes, federal estate taxed may need to be paid, depending on how the policy was set up.
Can I Be Denied Health Insurance?
At this time yes you can. However that is soon to change. Beginning in January of 2014 the affordable care act mandates that no one can be denied coverage based on pre-existing conditions. You will be able to take out a policy in or out of the exchange. You also cannot be charged more premium because of your health.
What Auto Insurance Coverage Is Right For Me?
In order to determine the right coverage to fit your needs you really need to have a sit down with a local agent who can consult with you on the rightcoverage's. Without giving us any specifics of what we are trying to protect it is impossible to advise you.
How Much Does An Ultrasound Cost Without Health Insurance?
Ultrasound exams are usually a few hundred dollars when you have health insurance. The Health Care Blue Book shows a price of $158 for an abdominal ultrasound including physician fees. Ultrasound on other body parts may be more or less. You should ask your doctor about costs in advance and negotiate an acceptable rate.
How To Find Out How Much Life Insurance Someone Has?
If you are asking about a living, breathing person and you have no ownership in the life insurance policy, then there is no real way for you to find out other than ask them and hope they will tell you. If the person has already died and you are trying to find out if there is life insurance, you should start by looking at their checking account records. A bank draft from a checking account is usually the way it is discovered. The listed beneficiary will be able to get the information from the insurance company once they provide a certified death certificate.
When Is Permanent Life Insurance A Good Idea?
When permanent life insurance is a good thing? That depends on who you ask! Some would say only if you have dependents or someone you want to leave an inheritance to. But the fact is that Whole Life is perhaps the safest way to grow your money! It offers a guaranteed interest rate and with mutual providers it also offers dividends. It is a much better vehicle to save and grow your money that any bank instruments - guaranteed returns and Liquid for your use. Also with tax benefits not offered anywhere else! So when is permanent life insurance a good thing...ALLways!
Is Disability Insurance Recommended?
Yes, it is highly recommended. Unless you have significant savings set aside for 30 months or so, you may need to consider disability insurance. The average disability can run 30 months. Most working Americans have 90 days in cash reserves. Is it important to have a paycheck coming in? Disability insurance is paycheck protection.
Does Michigan Require Auto Insurance?
Medigap plans are standardized (there are 11 options total) meaning the benefits are EXACTLY the same, regardless of which carrier you purchase it through. Several of the major things to look at when shopping for a Medigap plan are the plan benefits (e.g. plan F, plan G, plan N, etc.), the premium, and the premium rating method (community rated, attained-age rated, or issue-age rated). If you want to have coverage that creates a predictable expense structure throughout the year, you will want to look at a plan F or a plan G. If you're willing to take on a larger share of the risk of expenses to keep your premium down, you may want to consider a plan Hi-F, or a plan N. Most companies will use the attained-age rated (rates based on your current age) system such as Omaha, Anthem, CareFirst, Cigna, Humana, and many others. United Healthcare uses the community-rated (rates are not based on age). There are a few carriers that will use the issue-age rated (rates based on age when plan is first purchased) as well such as Everence.
How Do You Apply For Medicare Part D In New Jersey?
To apply for Medicare Part D in New Jersey, a good website to go to is: WEBSITELINK . There you will find some Medicare Part D plans to enroll in and how to enroll in Medicare Part D plans in New Jersey. They also provide a phone number where you can contact them to enroll in Medicare Part D.
How Much Life Insurance Can You Get If You Have Been Diagnosed With Breast Cancer?
Traditionally, you can get up to 20-30x your income level of life insurance. The medical history does not necessarily limit how much you can get. The medical history determines the risk classification which controls the premiums for the coverage you want to put in place. When it comes to breast cancer, the details of the medical condition will determine which carriers will offer coverage and what the risk classification would be (each carrier has different underwriting, you may not get the same risk class offer from each of them), The best thing to do is to shop the case via an independent insurance agent/broker who can shop it to multiple companies. You do NOT want to apply to multiple companies as this can work against you due to the MIB (Medical Information Bureau) - from a company's point of view, it's sort of like a red flag if you will if they saw you applied to multiple companies which they can check the MIB for. In order to secure the most accurate quotes for the coverage, a number of factors would need to be known such as when the cancer was diagnosed, what stage is it in/was it in, how was it treated, has treatment been completed, are there anymore tests scheduled or that need to be completed, are you being treated for any other conditions, what prescriptions do you take, family medical history, and other factors. If you have a copy of the pathology report, that will help with a lot of the input. If cancer is current, guaranteed-issue whole life (GIWL) will be the only type of coverage available as it doesn't have any medical questions or exam requirements. However, the amount of coverage available under a single policy is $20,000-$25,000, depending on the carrier. To get more than that, you would need to stack multiple policies. Under GIWL policies, they traditionally feature a 2 or 3 year graded period - meaning you only have accidental death coverage during those periods, otherwise the carrier just returns the premiums paid into the policy if death occurs during the graded period. After the graded period expires, the full benefit is payable. Carriers typically only issue fully-underwritten coverage if the cancer has been in remission/treatment completed for at least 2 years. Many carriers prefer 5+ years from the date treatment was completed for a more favorable risk class. Send me a message via the "contact me" button by my profile picture if you would like me to assist with your coverage. My group is licensed with about 50 different carriers in numerous states. I hope the information is helpful - please let me know how I can be of further assistance. Thanks very much.
Does Life Insurance Go On Your W2?
According to, $50,000 or less of group-term life insurance that is carried directly or indirectly by the employer (meaning the employer pays for some or all of the life insurance for employees OR arranges for the premiums paid by at least one employee to subsidize the premium for at least one other employee), does not have any tax consequences. Life insurance coverage over $50,000 that is carried directly or indirectly by the employer, will include on the W2 the amount of the premiums that is taxable to the employee. A policy that is not carried directly or indirectly by the employer has no tax consequences to the employee.