Can You Buy Life Insurance Online With No Exam?
A good retirement plan is a financial strategy that should address income and long term care needs based on life expectancy. Establishing a milestone event like retirement can be daunting when youre young and life expectancy could extend beyond our understanding or the mere fact that Social Security may not even exist as we know it. But for baby boomers, retirement is a looming certainty. Most baby boomers will outlive previous perhaps by a decade (living to age 90) and most are planning on working until age 70 to contribute another five years to their retirement fund, maximize their income from Social Security and forced distributions from their qualified plans.
What Should Term Life Insurance Cost?
Under the new affordable care act, everyone will have to have health insurance or pay a penalty (also known as an "individual shared responsibility payment"). If you choose to pay the penalty instead of securing coverage, you will still be responsible for 100% of your medical care. The penalty is calculated in one of two ways (you pay whichever is the higher amount). In 2014, the penalties will be calculated as: 1) 1% of your yearly household income featuring a maximum penalty as the national average yearly premium for a bronze plan. 2) $95 per person for the year (If under age 18, then $47.50) featuring a maximum penalty per family of $285 under this method. The penalty calculations will change each year. In 2015, method one increases to 2% of your yearly household income and method two increases to $325 per person. In 2016, it will increase again to 2.5% for method one and $695 per person for method two. The penalty methods will be adjusted for inflation in later years.
Where Do I Buy Life Insurance?
You can buy life insurance online, by mail, or by meeting with an agent at their office or your home. Life insurance policies that are purchased without any contact with an agent are usually simplified issue policies. They generally are for smaller face amounts and do not require an exam. While the transaction can be simple, it takes a pretty insurance savvy person to read and understand all the fine print. Thus, it is easy to get declined, or not get the price or policy you were seeking. I recommend calling an agency that carries both simplified and fully underwritten policies, so that you can ask questions and will be given an accurate description of each type of policy before you make your decision. Most types of life insurance can be purchased online or by meeting with an agent face to face. Looking at testimonials and checking Better Business Bureau ratings can be helpful in determining which agency you want to patronize. Reading answers from different agents on this website is also a good way to "meet" us and decide for yourself who appears to be knowledgeable and trustworthy.
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover The Furnace?
It is always a good idea to talk with your Insurance Professional about the specific terms and conditions of your policy. In general, however, if the damage is caused by a covered peril in your policy, then more than likely there would be coverage for such damage. Keep in mind, however, that a Home Insurance policy is not a maintenance agreement nor does it include coverage for normal wear and tear. In other woreds, if the liner fails resulting in water damage to your property or personal property, the water damage would be covered subject to your deductible, but not the repair or replacement of your furnace.
Does New Hampshire Require Auto Insurance?
New Hampshire does not require you to have auto insurance. However, you are required, by law, to meet the Motor Vehicle Financial Responsibility Requirements. If you can no meet these requirements, your license may be suspended. Sufficient funds must be available in case you have an accident that is your fault. The requirements are $25,000 per person, $50,000 per accident and an additional $25,000 of property damage. $1,000 of medical payments coverage is required if the vehicle is for personal use. Most persons purchase car insurance policies. An experienced broker will provide the lowest available rates for you in New Hampshire from the best carriers.
How Is Home Insurance Calculated?
Among the many factors typically used to determine homeowner insurance rates, here are a few of the key ones: Type of Construction, Age of Dwelling & Condition of Dwelling - Ex: Is the construction type 'fire resistant' rather than wood frame? Has the building been well cared-for? Claims Submission History - Ex: Does the prospect have a history of submitting claims on a frequent basis...especially smaller ones? Dwelling Location - Fire station proximity; History of frequent and /or severe losses in the area from wild fires, hurricanes, etc. Credit History - Credit score - Prevailing underwriting theory is that better credit scores equate to less possibility of frequent claim submissions. Additional Risk Factors - Swimming pools, with or without child safety devices; Questionable types of animals in terms of temperment, as relates to possible attacks on humans; Recreation equipment on premises - safety devices?
Can You Cancel Life Insurance?
Yes you can cancel your life insurance. However, if it is term insurance (also called temporary) it will be money lost and no policy will remain. With whole life or permanent, you may stop paying but continue the policy from the equity you may have accumulated. Or borrow against that equity, never having to repay it, keeping it tax free, while the policy remains in effect. But yes, even here, if it is what you want, you could cancel the whole life policy, getting the cash surrender value to keep, but it would be taxable and your policy would be ended. Thank you. GARY LANE
How Much Is Basic Renters Insurance?
Life insurance companies will tell you to allow one to two months to receive a life insurance check. It can arrive faster, and if there are problems with the address or other kinks, it could take longer. You must first send the life insurance company the claim form and certified death certificate, so consider that in the waiting time before the check is received.
Can You Get Health Insurance As A Real Estate Agent?
My sick sense of humor almost tempts me to say "No, real estate agents are specifically excluded from getting health insurance by law" but I won't do that. Yes, you can get health insurance. What you do for a living has no bearing on your eligibility for health insurance, especially now that ObamaCare is in full effect regarding guaranteed issuance of policies. In my experience, most real estate agents are self-employed/1099 contractor status people and not W2 employees of an agency. So, this probably means that you will need to get individual health insurance either through your state's government health insurance marketplace or outside of it. So, just like you would tell those "For Sale By Owner" folks, you need to seek out an experienced health insurance agent who can assist you in obtaining coverage. If you have been without health insurance for more than 60-days and haven't had what is called a "change of life status event" (marriage, divorce, childbirth/adoption, loss of other coverage) then you are in a time frame where you would be ineligible for enrollment in true major medical insurance until the next annual open enrollment period begins on November 15th, 2014 and the earliest your coverage could go into effect would be for January 1st, 2015. I hate to be the one to deliver this news but that is how ObamaCare works. Your only coverage option to carry you through until then would be to take out a Short Term Medical insurance plan. There are a variety of short term medical plan options available. However, you need to be aware that short term medical plans do still use limited underwriting questions, can decline a person for coverage and they do not cover pre-existing conditions. Please feel free to contact me if you need advice or assistance in this matter.
Can I Have Private Insurance And Medicare?
Yes, people who have Medicare part A & B can also have a Medigap Plan (or Medicare Supplement Insurance). A Medigap Plan covers what original Medicare Part A & B does not such as co-insurance, deductibles and co-pays. These plans are offered through private insurance companies. The best way to compare Medigap Plans is to contact an independent agent that can you show you quotes from all the major private insurance carriers.
What Is The Difference Between Life Insurance And Health Insurance?
The short answer is, it depends on the company. Some companies will pay with the notification from a funeral home. In that case a check could be in route within 24 hour or so. However, most insurance companies require a certified death certificate along with their claim forms. The process and time in getting the death certificate can vary by state and county. A Life Insurance agent will be able help you with the claims process at no charge.
Where Can I Get Whole Life Insurance?
You can get whole life insurance from an agency or website that sells it. Try calling to ask if they sell whole life in all face amounts, and ask the ratings of the companies through which their whole life insurance is sold. It the agency only sells it up to a certain face amount, they only sell final expense whole life. That is a good choice if you need final expense coverage, but to get whole life in larger face amounts, you need to make sure you are getting a competitive product.
What Does Life Insurance Maturity Mean?
Life insurance maturity is the date at which the face amount of a permanent life insurance policy is paid to the beneficiary stated in the policy (in case of death) or to the policy holder (if the insured is still alive when the maturity date is reached). In Whole Life, the maturity date coincides with endowment, or the accumulation of cash value to equal the face amount.
What Is Vesting Age In Life Insurance?
Vesting does not relate to life insurance, at least, not in the common uses of the term with respect to pension plans. A policy owner owns any cash values and all policy rights. You might be referring to a surrender charge schedule which exists in many permanent policies, especially Universal Life and related types and is subtracted from the cash accumulation value in the event the policy is canceled early. A surrender charge usually applies in the first several years of the policy e.g. 3-20 years, depending on the policy. Most schedules grade down during this time.
How Much Will I Be Fined For Not Having Health Insurance?
The economic leverage of life insurance and its tax advantages can create an instant estate within the justification and insurable interest rules. A healthy male age 65 may be able to receive a 4 to 1 benefit to dollar spent on a single deposit. A healthy female age 65 may be able to receive a 5 to 1 benefit to dollar spent on a single deposit. A survivorship policy with a healthy male and female age 65 may be able to receive a 6 to 1 benefit to dollar spent on a single deposit. So if you want to make a difference in the lives of your children, grandchildren, great grandchildren or charity, this is the economic way to go.
What Are Medicare Lifetime Reserve Days?
Only you can answer this question of Life Insurance being essential. For those of us who see the financial loss in families who lost a parent or spouse, Life Insurance relieves financial stress allowing you to take care of what is most important, your family. YES, I believe life insurance is essential. Life Insurance provides you or rather your beneficiary with monies otherwise would not be available. You need to look at what is important in your life, who depends on you, your family, perhaps your business and look at what will happen if you are not there "tomorrow". What will happen financially and how would you relieve that financial stress.
Can I Be On My Boyfriends Health Insurance?
The term "select" when dealing with any type of life insurance is meaningless. There are internet sites that have that word in their name, perhaps because they have already determined which companies to offer coverage from. This is just advertising but with no real value for the consumer, on the internet or off.
How Does Private Disability Insurance Affect Social Security Disability?
An escrow account is usually setup for you when you buy a new home, and this account is used to pay your property taxes and your homeowners insurance. Your monthly payment will include our principal and interest payment to the mortgage lender, as well as 1/12 of your yearly property taxes and homeowners insurance. When payment is due, your lender will make the payment on your behalf from the escrow account.
What Is The Tax Penalty For Not Having Health Insurance Under Obamacare?
The first year penalty is only $95.00 and will gradually increase. In 2016 the penalty will be adjusted to the CPI or Consumer Price Index. Most people will qualify for a subsidy to pay the monthly premium. Those individuals between 133% & 400% of FPL or Federal Poverty Level. The amount varies by state, in NM for example, if an individual makes less than $45,900 Modified Adjusted Gross Income, & $92,000 for a couple filing jointly, they will qualify for a tax subsidy. The less you make the larger the subsidy. There is catastrophic coverage available for those under 27 years of age. Bronze which pays 60%, with a 40% member coinsurance, Silver 70/30, Gold 80/20, & Platinum 90/10. My company is licensed in several states, feel fee to contact me with additional questions. Or to get qualified through the Health Care Marketplace starting October 1st, 2013. Enrollment runs through December 31st, 2013. Coverage to begin January 1, 2014.
How Long Does It Take To Get A Home Insurance Binder?
Under normal circumstances this takes only a few minutes. That doesnt mean that the entire application is completed but the agent usually as authority to extend coverage until the underwriting is completed. A key to prompt binding of coverage is to have the agency needing the binder communicate directly with the agent. For example, the title company should speak directly to the agent that way the binder will meet the specific needs of the borrower and can be handled promptly.
Does Renters Insurance Cover Garage Items?
Renters insurance covers any property that you own. If the items are in your garage then they would be covered for any peril covered under your policy. Do not store valuable items in your garage. It is usually much easier to break into a garage than a home.
What Is A Life Insurance Annuity?
An annuity issued by a life insurance company is an income for life. That said, there are numerous ways that income can be taken. For example, immediate annuities as their name implies start when funds are deposited with the insurance company. Deferred annuities start at some future date, say on retirement for example. Annuities can also be designed to last for one annuitant's lifetime at a fixed amount, or for a guaranteed number of years. These are just a few of the options that are available. To learn about what's best for you, speak to an independent agent familiar with many carriers and their choices.
Does Medicare Pay For Ultrasounds?
Ultrasounds are covered under Medicare. If they're completed as an inpatient in a hospital, it would be covered by Part A. If they're completed on an outpatient basis, it would be covered under Part B. Medicare typically pays for about 80% of the expenses - you would be responsible for paying the other 20%. A Medicare supplement policy can help pay the remaining 20%.
What Is The Yearly Cost Of Medicare?
To the average Medicare recipient, the yearly cost of Medicare Part A is free. If there is a charge due to being ineligible for free Part A, there is a premium of up to $441/month. There are deductibles and co-pays for services provided under Medicare Part A. For Part B, the premium to the average Medicare recipient is $140.90/mo. There is an annual deductible of $147/year and 20% co-pay for services and supplies received.
How Many Employers Offer Disability Insurance?
If your employer offers a company sponsored group benefit plan the odds are that you have short term disability coverage. But check with your human resources department to confirm. The majority of businesses do not offer individual disability insurance to the rank and file employees. Thats generally reserved as a recruiting and retaining key employees.
Why Does My Landlord Want Me To Have Renters Insurance?
I think that there are two reasons. The landlord wants you to understand fully that he is not responsible for your personal property that is in the rental unit. He is saying, if there is a fire and your things are destroyed, you are responsible, not the landlord. The second reason is liability for personal injury and property damage. If someone is injured in the unit you are responsible and need insurance to protect yourself.
Does Medicare Cover Compounded Drugs?
In order for compounded drugs to be covered by Medicare Part D, they must be prescribed for a "medically accepted indication", they must have at least one ingredient that is FDA approved, and at least one ingredient must be covered by Medicare Part D. Only that FDA approved ingredient and the fees for mixing the drug are covered by Medicare. Bulk powders are not covered.
Why You Should Buy Disability Insurance?
You should buy Disability Insurance if you have an income that would be entirely lost if you were unable to work at all for a short or long period of time. If your job is specialized and it would be very difficult for you to work or make a living at an alternative job, you could get Disability Insurance that covers your "own occupation" so that you do not find yourself working at something that makes you miserable for the rest of your life.
Is An Auto Insurance Settlement Taxable?
It can be a bit confusing, but Medigap plans are utilized for persons that are covered under traditional Medicare. You purchase a policy from an insurance company such as Blue Cross, Humana or UnitedHealthcare (although there are plenty of other insurers to choose from). Medicare Advantage is a private health plan that is offered as an alternative to the more-traditional Medicare coverage. Often an HMO or PPO, you may see additional benefits included. An independent broker and/or a reputable website is a great place to view options from multiple companies. You can often instantly compare plans and easily apply online.
How To Buy Disability Insurance Online?
There are two parts of an auto policy that provide for physical damage coverage, one part for you and one part for someone else. The first covers your car and that is the coverage that is found in Collision and Comprehensive elements of your policy. These are subject to your policy deductible. The second element is the liability coverage you have in case you cause an accident and damage someone else's car or other property. A deductible does not apply in this settlement.
Can I Add My Elderly Parent To My Health Insurance?
No. The only people who can be added to your health insurance is your spouse and your children (if you're a legal guardian of another child, then they can be added as well). Your parents would have to be under their own coverage. For senior citizens, they have Medicare available to them if they're not on it already. If they have original Medicare (both Medicare Part A & Medicare Part B), you may want to consider adding a Medicare supplement plan (a.k.a. Medigap plan) to cover the gaps in your original Medicare coverage. Original Medicare only covers about 80% of healthcare expenses - you can have all or a portion of the other 20% covered under a Medigap plan. I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any other questions. Thanks very much.
Can You Get Auto Insurance With Bad Credit?
There are several non-standard insurance carriers that will not factor in your credit even for rating purposes. As many have mentioned, many companies will use it to factor your rates due to the likelyhood that a person with good credit usually will always pay on time and will remain a long term customer, of course there is always the exception and the customers who shop around each renewal either way.
What Is Best Medigap Or Medicare Advantage?
A lapse in health insurance occurs when you fail to make prompt premium payments. The insurance company has the right to cancel the policy if they are not receiving payment. You may have to wait for a subsequent open enrollment period to reinstate a lapsed policy. There is a 30 day grace period to protect policyholders. Make sure you pay your premiums on time.
Can I Get Life Insurance After Breast Cancer?
The short answer is yes, you can buy life insurance after cancer. The type, amount and terms depends on the cancer itselfand how long you have been cancer free after your last treatment. To get into the standard ratings after breast cancer practically all carriers will want to see you cancer free for 10 years. Anything less than10 yearswill be a higher risk policy of either rated premiums or graduated benefits.
What Is Basic Life And Ad D Insurance?
Basic life insurance pays a beneficiary if death of the insured person occurs by any reason (except suicide in the first two years). AD&D stands for Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance. It pays the beneficiary if death occurs by accident, or it pays the insured person if they lose a limb. Basic Life with AD&D is most likely a policy that combines both those types of insurance.
How Much Will You Be Fined For Not Having Health Insurance?
Boy there are any number of reasons that I can offer to illustrate why our car insurance, or any insurance for that matter, may go up, or down for that matter. Major factors in pricing usually include one's age, drivng experience, driving history, claims history, etc. You may pay more for car insurance in certain areas of the country than others based upon population, company experience within those territories etc. Naturally another major factor is the year, make model and type of car that you drive and insure. Finally, over the years, it has become common and accepted to include one's credit history among the many factors that a company uses in order to consider and properly price a car insurance policy.
What Does Rider Mean In Life Insurance?
A life insurance rider works just like any contract rider. It is an extension to the contract that stipulates an additional obligation by one or both of the parties to the contract. Specifically to life insurance, this would be any benefit made available by the life insurer that is optional to the policy owner to select that is not part of the base policy features.
Which Pharmacies Accept Medicare?
If you have a Medicare Part D (Prescription Drug Plan), you should be able to call your Part D insurance company to find out which pharmacies are in your area that accept your Plan. Another way to find out which pharmacies accept your Medicare Part D plan is to visit and choose the tab that says Drug Coverage (Part D). Scroll to the bottom of the list and select Find Health and Drug Plans. You will now be on a page titled Medicare Plan Finder. Enter your zip code in the General Search box and click on the Find Plans button. You are now on a page that is Step 1 of 4. Complete the appropriate information for the questions asked and click the Continue to Plan Results question. Step 2 of 4 asks you to enter your drugs. Youll need to enter the name of at least one drug. Once completed, you can submit the list and youll move to Step 3: Select Your Pharmacies. The database will show you pharmacies in your area. You can change the range of miles within your zip code from 1, 5, 6, and 8. The database provides phone numbers for the pharmacies. It is in your best interest to call the pharmacy and make sure they accept your particular Medicare Part D plan before venturing out to fill your prescription.
How Much Homeowners Insurance Do I Need In Connecticut?
This is a pretty difficult question to answer in a forum like this. I highly recommend that you speak to a professionalone-on-one to completely evaluate your needs and to see if you can borrow - and if so, if it would be financially smart to borrow from a retirement fund. Feel free to contact me if you have no one else. To give you a little idea if you could however, here are some guidelines: Most retirement funds are NOT AVAILABLE to borrow from. If you have a Defined Benefit or a Cash Balance Benefit, you can not borrow from it. You can move your funds to a different account, with professional guidance to avoid penalties. But with these types of accounts, you usually can not touch until you retire. If you have a Profit Sharing account or a 401K - you MAY be able to borrow depending upon the rules of the company that it is through and/or the rules of the company you work for. Again, however, most will not allow you to borrow. If they do, typically you can only borrow 50% of YOUR contributions (not what your company contributes) or $10k, whichever is less. Again, this is a very difficult and technical topic to get a solid answer here. Look me up if I can be of any further help.
What Affects Homeowners Insurance Rates?
If you own a Tax Qualified (TQ) Long Term Care Insurance policy, the premiums can be deducted up to a certain limit. The instructions provided with your tax return will show the amount of premiums that can be deducted at each age.
Do You Need A License To Sell Life Insurance In Maine?
Peggy is 100% correct, of course- but I'd like to just give a tip- get a Life and Health license. The population in Maine is pretty sparse- and if you are new to the field you may want to expand your portfolio of products instead of concentrating in just a specific type of insurance.
How To Know If Someone Had Life Insurance?
To find out if someone had life insurance you will have to do some digging and asking. Most people respect making that purchase and keep a record of it somewhere. Relatives may know. You could contact a local insurance agency where that person did business. If all else fails, unclaimed life insurance will eventually be turned over to the unclaimed property files in the state where the policy was purchased.
How To Check Medicare Eligibility For Providers?
As a general rule, a "tummy tuck" is viewed as cosmetic surgery and is not covered by health insurance polices. However,obesity is becoming an increasing problem in our nation.This has resulted in a growing number of people who have reached health or life threatening levels of morbid obesity for which they have had either prescription and/or surgical treatments that result in extreme weight loss. In some cases the weight gain has stretched the person's skin to such an extent that after their extreme weight loss following treatment their skin does not return to normal levels and the person is left with folds of skin which can, in some cases, become sources of medical problems themselves (e.g. - severe rashes and infections). In these extreme circumstances the insurance company may agree that it is an issue of medical necessity that this issue be surgically addressed and the will approve coverage for the removal or lifting of this excess skin tissue. This has been the only circumstance where I have seen an insurance carrier approve what might be construed as a tummy tuck.
Does medicare limit the number of echocardiograms one can have in any given amount of time?
Medicare will cover an echocardiogram if your doctor orders it for diagnostic purposes. An Echo is covered under Medicare Part B. Medicare will pay for about 80% of the costs after the Part B deductible is met ($147 in 2014) - you would be responsible for the other 20% and the Part B deductible. When you first enroll in Medicare Part B, you open your 6-month initial open enrollment period to buy a Medicare supplement plan (a.k.a. Medigap plan) with NO MEDICAL UNDERWRITING!. A Medigap plan can cover the deductibles and a portion or all of the other 20% of expenses covered by Part B and features a number of other big advantages as well. An experienced Medigap broker can help find the Medigap plan and carrier that's most suitable for you and your budget. I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any other questions. Thanks very much.
How Much Disability Insurance Do You Need?
Adjudication is a review of submitted claims to determine if you qualify based on your plan and premiums, and if the claim is an eligible claim under the terms of your policy. Once a claim has been properly adjudicated and approved for payment, the carrier or claims payer will issue a check.
Does My Renters Insurance Cover My Cell Phone?
A cell phone is covered as personal property under a renters policy. If your cell phone is damaged the company will pay the damages (based either on the age of the phone or the cost of a replacement phone) to you minus the policy deductible. Whether the company uses the current value of the phone or the replacement value is determined by the policy.
Where Can I Find Cheap Auto Insurance In Arkansas?
Cheap auto insurance in Arkansas is available from many sources. The best way to save money on your car insurance rates is to shop with the help of a broker and their website. Since there are dozens of reputable carriers, unless you have experienced and unbiased help, it may be more difficult to find the best prices. As an experienced broker, we tend to spend a lot of time researching and comparing top-rated companies for consumers. Prices and discounts often change so we always have to monitor many insurers. However, the benefit to consumers is they know they are always viewing the lowest prices.
Who Has The Cheapest Life Insurance Rates?
You can run life insurance quotes on numerous websites advertising "instant life insurance quotes". These will bring up the cheapest rates for your particular age and sex. Some will even allow you to input some health and other risk factors. Every company has their niche. So this will bring up the cheapest life insurance rates for YOU.
Why Does My Landlord Want Me To Get Renters Insurance?
Great question! The death benefit is safe, in nearly all cases, but if you are being pursued by the IRS for some reason, it would be my bet that while they may not be able to seize your money from the payment, they will probably seize whatever asset you put it in. Meaning if you buy a car with the money, and they are busy trying to get money you owe them, I'd expect to see your car disappear eventually. (probably sooner than later) Good luck! Thanks for asking!
Can I Contribute To An IRA If I Participate In A Retirement Plan At Work?
If the roof damage is caused by a covered loss, then the roof damage typically would be covered minus your deductible. Most insurance carriers are writing homeowners policies with a percentage deductible for roof damage now. This percentage is a percent of the total dwelling amount covered under the policy. Please read your policy completely to understand the coverage offered and any exclusions it may have or contact your local agent to have them go over the policy with you.
Does Home Insurance Increase With A Pool?
Under the Affordable Care Act, everyone will have to have health insurance or pay a penalty (also known as an "individual shared responsibility payment"). If you choose to pay the penalty instead of securing coverage, you will still be responsible for 100% of your medical care. The penalty is calculated in one of 2 ways (you pay whichever is the higher amount). In 2014, the penalties will be calculated as: 1) 1% of your yearly household income featuring a maximum penalty as the national average yearly premium for a bronze plan. 2) $95 per person for the year (If under age 18, then $47.50) featuring a maximum penalty per family of $285 under this method. Its important to note that the penalty will change each year. In 2015, method one increases to 2% of your yearly household income and method two increases to $325 per person. In 2016, it will increase again to 2.5% for method one and $695 per person for method two. The penalty methods will be adjusted for inflation in later years. To avoid the penalty, you need to have health insurance that qualifies as minimum essential coverage. Please feel free to contact me for help. Thanks very much.
Does Health Insurance Cover Glaucoma?
Glaucoma is a serious illness that can lead to permanent blindness if not treated. Glaucoma is easily treated in most patients and can be controlled with prescription eye drops. In some cases glaucoma cannot be successfully treated with eye drops and surgery is required. Either conventional blade surgery or laser surgery may be needed to treat the condition. Most major medical health insurance plans will cover glaucoma treatment.
What Is Considered A Lapse In Health Insurance?
There is a small inventory of long term care insurance companies left in the market place. While there are other companies these appear to be the real players in Long term care insurance: Mutual of Omaha, John Hancock, Med America,Trans america and Genworth. keep in mind that some long term care insurance riders are attached to life and annuity contracts as a supplement to elder care for seniors.
Should I Buy Life Insurance When I Am Young?
Life insurance is always cheapest now. The exception would be a smoker who quits, then applies a year later. Of course going without insurance for that year carries the risk of dying during that time without providing for yourfinal expenses, or thefinancial needs of loved ones. Do it now.
How Do You Determine Cash Value Of Term Life Insurance Policy?
The only type of term insurance that has a cash value is ROP Term. This stands for Return of Premium Term. About halfway through the term, it will pay back some cash if you surrender the policy. At the end of the term, it will pay back all the premiums you paid in. Keep in mind that the cash value of ROP term is not able to accessed unless you surrender the policy.
How Much Will Car Insurance Cost For A 19 Year Old?
Renters Insurance, or what I would refer to as a Tenant-homeowner's policy, would cover any personal property you own except that which is specifically listed as "Property not covered". Some of the specific types of property not covered include autos, aircraft, animals, birds and fish. Since cell phones are not on that list, they would be covered property. Specific limits apply to certain types of property, money, theft of jewelry or silver, etc. Cell phones are not on that list either. While a cell phone may be "covered property", the damage it sustains must be caused by one of the covered perils. The perils are listed and include fire, lightning, wind, hail, theft, vehicle damage, etc. You will note water damage is not a covered peril, nor is dropping the phone or breaking the screen. These policies have, in addition, a number of exclusions including earthquake, flood, intentional damage, etc. So cell phones would be covered as long as they were damaged by a covered peril and the damage exceeded the deductible which is commonly $250 or more. If you meet all those tests, the basic policy would then reimburse you for the actual value of the phone, not what it costs to replace it. Optional replacement cost coverage is generally available, if you have it the cost of a new phone would be the basis for your claim. Then the question will be what is the value of the phone? Is it the actual phone or the two year service agreement you have committed yourself to? Bottom line, I wouldn't depend on Renter's Insurance to cover damage to my cell phone. It seems to me one of those non-catastrophic risks you may be better off assuming.
What Is The Best Rated Homeowners Insurance?
Homeowners insurance premiums vary widely based on geographic location, replacement value of home, coverage amount desired, deductible chosen, your credit score, and many other factors. I always suggest getting several rates from at least 2 local independent insurance agents in your area. Make sure you compare them against each other. Ideally, you would like an A rated carrier by AMBest. Hope this answer helps!
Why Is The Market For Long Term Care Insurance So Small?
The market for Long Term Care Insurance really is not a small market. Thousands of people who need Long Term Care Insurance do not purchase it for one reason or another: price, denial, and lack of information all play a part. However, the market is reduced by age (most people do not have an interest in purchasing long term care insurance before age 50), health (at older ages, more people are disqualified due to health problems), income (many retired persons do not have the income to sustain payment of long term care insurance premiums), and assets (without assets to protect, there is less need for LTCI coverage).
Does Medicare Part D Cover Cymbalta?
That is a great question! The answer is you really don't want to. First, most States will require that the car be licensed and registered in the same State, and levy fines or license suspensions if they find it isn't. The insurance company will more often than not deny a claim, or even cancel your policy if they find that you misrepresented where the car was being used. All in all, it's not a good idea. Thanks for asking, though!
Is Car Insurance Federal Law?
The are 3 basic tax deferred annuity crediting methods: interest rate crediting, indice crediting and separate accounts using equity and bond investments. The annuity company makes money in their portfolio spread between what earn and what they credit to a policy as well as mortality costs. They also charge fees that generate income for the company.
Can I Deduct Premiums For Long Term Care Insurance?
The Penalty for Cashing out a Life Insurance Policy could be the policy surrender charge which can be punitive in the early years of the contract. If the life insurance policy has cash value gain, then an ordinary income tax event will ensue, including any constructive receipt of policy loans or internal policy loans. And if the policy is a Modified Endowment Contract that is cashed in or surrendered or lapsed and the policy owner is under 59 1/2, an additional penalty will be added as well. Consult with your tax adviser before moving forward with any withdrawals, surrenders or policy loans.
What's The Cheapest Car Insurance?
Whole Life means life insurance that lasts the person's "whole life". It is a form of permanent life insurance that puts part of the premium toward pure insurance protection, and part of the premium into an accumulated cash value. If paid on time and loans are repaid, the policy will stay in effect until death at any age, or the face amount can be taken when the policy endows (usually at age 100).
Does Getting Auto Insurance Quotes Affect Your Credit Score?
I recommend all my clients need a critical illness policy to protect themselves from the costs involved with the illness. What most fail to think about is what happens after the illness. A critical illness often leaves people unable to work or sometimes lose their job (and possibly the health insurance that went with it). A cash critical illness plan of any benefit amount helps maintain the lifestyle you had prior to your illness by affording cash to pay the mortgage, cars, food, necessities and other unforeseen out of pocket costs associated with the illness. At the very least I advise clients to purchase a critical illness plan that matches their max out-of-pocket of their health plan so in the worst case scenario they will have no risk exposure.
How Often Do You Pay Health Insurance?
That is a great question! As a rule, most insurance premiumpayments are paid on a monthly basis. Some, like your auto or life insurance policies, can also be paid on a quarterly, semi-annual (every six months) or annually. Health insurance though, as a rule is typically a monthly payment, though your provider may also allow for other payment schedules. Thanks for asking!
Can You Get Long Term Care Insurance If You Are Over 80?
Selling annuities takes a solid understanding of taxation since a key feature of annuities is its tax deferral. Tax deferred annuities also use three basic crediting methods you'll need to learn: fixed interest rate crediting, indexed crediting and separate sub account crediting (or debiting.) If you decide to offer the full array of tax deferred annuities you'll need to secure your life insurance license from your state department of insurance and your series 6 or 7 with a series 63 for your state offered through your broker/dealer via FINRA.
Can I Open A Car Insurance Company?
There are two main expenses you're responsible for in Medicare Part B - the monthly premium ($104.90 for those with incomes of $85,000 or less, or $170,000 or less for those married filing jointly on their tax returns. The premium is higher if you're above these income levels) and the deductible. I believe you're referring to the Medicare Part B deductible. The deductible for 2014 is $147 (no change from 2013). Original Medicare (Parts A & B) takes care of approximately 80% of the cost for your healthcare. A medicare supplement is great to add to Original Medicare for those on a fixed income as it can help take care of the other 20% and create a much more predictable expense structure for your healthcare.
What Are The Types Of Life Insurance Policies?
Life insurance has two categories: Term and Permanent. Within the Term category is regular Term and Return of Premium Term. Term insurance usually has no cash value and jumps way up in price at the end of the term. The latter, ROP Term, will return a portion of the premiums if the policy is cancelled in its later years. If the Insured person is alive when the term ends, 100% of the premiums that were paid in will be paid back to the owner of the policy. Permanent Life Insurance includes Whole Life and several types of Universal Life. These policies have a savings feature in addition to the pure protection, that allows them to stay in effect to a very advanced age. The cash value can also be accessed for other purposes while the Insured person is still alive.
What Is Auto Physical Damage Insurance?
Health insurance coverage is subsidized if your income is below specific levels. It is possible that you may qualify for Medicaid or CHIP (if you are a child) depending on your household income. In 2014, federal tax subsidies will subsidize many individuals and families that meet the new Federal guidelines from the Affordable Care Act.
Will Homeowners Insurance Cover Pool?
In short, the answer is yes. But it needs to be clarified whether you are asking for property damage to the pool itself or liability coverage. Both would be covered barring any specific pool exclusions, which I am not aware of any in the standard market. If someone were to get injured while swimming in the pool, yes, your homeowners policy should cover you for liability. Likewise, if you pool is damaged due to the standard homeowners causes of loss less any standard exclusions then the pool would be covered for property damage to the pool itself. Keep in mind that wear and tear would not be covered under your policy. So if your pool liner rips "just because" or the concrete foundation cracks, those would be considered wear and tear. Please note that many insurance carriers are very cautious when writing homeowners insurance on homes that have pools. Some do not like to write them with a pool exposure, some do not mind, so be sure to ask your agent how it might affect your current coverage and future coverage and what the premium impact might be. You also want to strongly consider higher liability limits in purchasing an umbrella or if you already have an umbrella policy then higher umbrella limits. It might cost you $150 for each additional $1 mil limit. Lastly, if you have a pool and want to make sure you are covered for the proper limits, make sure your coverage B (other structures) limit is sufficient to cover any losses to your pool and any other structures i.e. detached garages, sheds as well.
Does Medicare Cover Zostavax?
Zostavax is the shingles prevention vaccine. Medicare Part B does not cover the Zostavax vaccine, but all Medicare Part D plans to cover this vaccine. The amount you have to pay depends on your plan. It is usually cheaper to go to a pharmacy to have the injection that to have the injection at a doctor's office.
Who Can Get On Medicare?
You are eligible for Medicare by one of two ways. The most common entry into Medicare is when you turn 65. Most folks take advantage of Medicare eligibility at 65, but if you have good group insurance through your employer you can opt-out of Medicare until retirement without penalty. The other entry into Medicare is via qualifying for Social Security Disability prior to the age of 65.
How To Buy Homeowners Insurance For A New Home?
Start by talking to your Insurance Professional. When you are buying a new home, there will be certain requirements that must be met in order to prepare to close on this important purchase. One of these is to be able to show proof of Homeowners coverage beginning at least on the date of the closing. Tell your insurance professional the address of the house and any particular pieces of information needed in order for him or her to complete a quality "Reconstruction Analysis" of the house. The results of this will become the recommended dwelling amount. You will be able to decide on the amount of Liability coverage as well as the property deductible, each of which will help to determine the final price of the coverage. Once agreed upon, the application will be produced and available for your signature. Most banks and Mortgage Companies in Connecticut will require that the first year's total premium be paid in full and then an escrow account will be set up to handle your renewal payments. You will need to provide both a copy of the policy binder or declaration sheet along with a receipt showing the full year's premium has been paid. Best of luck with your new home!
Is Cobra Health Insurance Good?
In simple terms, a COBRA health insurance is a short-term continuation of the exact same group health plan you had with your employer prior to termination from that job. So, if you liked the coverage provided by the plan prior to termination, you will still like the coverage provided by the plan under COBRA administration because it is the same plan. What you may not like is the cost under COBRA administration. Many people incorrectly assume that COBRA rates are excessively higher than the rates you paid while employed. This is incorrect. By law, your insurance rates under COBRA cannot exceed 102% of the rate you were paying before termination. So, why does the COBRA premium seem so much higher than the premium prior to termination? The answer is your employer's contribution to your health insurance. While you were employed, your employer was definitely paying a portion of yours, the employee's, health insurance premium. If you worked for a "benefits rich" employer, they may have been paying all your premium and even contributing some to your dependents' coverage. Under COBRA, the employer no longer is responsible to contribute anything to your health insurance premium. You are therefore responsible for 100% of your portion of the premium as well as that of your dependents. That is why the COBRA cost is more than you were seeing while employed. So, the real question then becomes is it cheaper for me to continue with my current group health plan under COBRA, or is there a better alternative in the personal health insurance marketplace. The only way to answer that question is to solicit quotes from personal health insurers.
Can Health Insurance Companies Tell If You Smoke?
Maybe.... Let's say they can't and they just take your word for it- that you are a non smoker. Was it worth the risk when the health or life insurance company finds out that you are a smoker and refuses to pay for anything because you lied? Just be honest.
Does Universal Life Insurance Policy Expire?
It depends upon the procedure. Medicare has a list of codes that they use to determine the payment to doctors. The best way to find out how uch a doctor is paid is to look at the explanation of benefits that Medicare provides. This will list the actual charge, the medicare approved amount, and the amount owed by the beneficiary. Medicare pays a doctor 80% of the approved amount. For example if your doctor charges $125 for an office visit, Medicare may approve $100. They would pay $80 and you would be responsible for the other $20. In most States doctors may charge up to 15% over the Medicare approved amount. Some States like Ohio, do not allow this excess charge.
Does Renters Insurance Cover Subletters?
A deductible is the amount of money you must pay before your health insurance benefits begin paying for services that are subject to the deductible. For example, if your deductible is $2,000, you're required to pay the $2,000 deductible for services before the plan benefits "kick in." The deductible may not apply to all services though - some services, for example, may only require a copay or coinsurance amount, varying from plan-to-plan.
Does Health Insurance Cover STD Testing?
Coverage for testing/screening for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) has been standard practice in the group and individual health insurance marketplaces for many years. What is covered and how may have varied from state to state. Under the requirements of ObamaCare, health insurance policies compliant with that law will have to cover testing for HIV and a variety of other STDs. So, certainly, policies purchased on or after January 1, 2014 should offer rather extensive coverage for STD testing and in most cases one would expect testing/screening to be covered under the preventive care requirements of ObamaCare which means 100% coverage with no copays, deductibles or co-insurance cost sharing. Testing done for treatment purposes and monitoring after an initial diagnosis has been made are then subject to the plan's treatment coverage provisions. So, the very same test done at no charge to diagnose an STD may be subject to a copay, deductible and/or co-insurance when done in conjunction with chronic disease management/treatment.
Is Xarelto Covered By Medicare?
In most cases, Medicare does not cover medications unless you are hospitalized. To have coverage for your outpatient medical needs, you would need to purchase a Part D prescription drug plan. Each company offering this type of coverage has their own, unique formulary list of medications they consider to be covered expenses. It is always best to consult with an independent agent that represents many different companies to assist you in finding the absolute best coverage for your personal situation.
Will My Auto Insurance Go Up If Get Ticket?
That will depend primarily on your insurance carrier andyour previous motor vehicle record. Each carrier has its own policies on how tickets and accidents are used in their auto insurance rating system. Somecarriers will not change your rates due to a single ticket or accident within a five year time period.
Does Renters Insurance Cover Foreclosure?
Renters nor any other property insurance is designed to insurance against a foreclosure. I have to assume since you arereferencinga renters policy that you are the tenant and your landlord is beingforeclosedon forcing you to move out.Unfortunatelyform an insurance standpoint there is nothing that can be done and you will have to startshoppingfor a new home. Yourrenterspolicy can betransferredto your new address. I would further discussthesituation with your local agent.
Does My Homeowners Insurance Cover Lost Wedding Ring?
Great question. Generally no, your Homeowners' policy will not cover for anything that is lost. This is referred to as "Mysterious Disappearance" in your policy documents and is usually listed as a specific exclusion. That having been said, you can certainly obtain coverage for such a loss by working with your insurance professional and asking that the item be insured specifically either as a rider which is attached to your Homeowners' policy or as a stand alone separate policy. You will need to provide a current appraisal and the item would be insured to the stated amount on the appraisal. Such riders or separate policies (commonly referred to as "Personal Inland Marine") include much broader coverage than does a standard Homeowners policy and will cover for such a loss.
Is Medigap Or Medicare Advantage Better?
It depends on your personal situation. I personally like Medigap if you can afford the premiums. With Medigap you will not have to worry about networks, you can go to any doctor that accepts Medicare, and your out of pocket exposure will be much less. Medicare Advantage is a good choice for those with limited funds or those who live in an area where there are strong networks, as long as you do not travel outside the area for extended periods. Medicare Advantage has the Prescription coverage embedded in the plan (in most cases) and can have very low or no premium. A good independent agent who handles both Medigap and Medicare Advantage can help guide you. Make sure the agent handles most of the plans in your area and takes time to ask about your personal situation.
When Can You Enroll In Health Insurance?
Group health insurance is health insurance policies businesses own and offer coverage under the plan to its employees. The business generally pays for a percentage of the premiums with the employees paying the rest. It's often offered as a means of attracting people to come work from them. Group health insurance quotes are based on the size of your business, the industrys SIC code, age of employees, and average employee health (except in Maryland, which requires no medical underwriting). There are no instant online quotes for group health insurance for these reasons. To get a quote for group coverage, you'll want to contact an experienced health insurance broker because there are a large number of moving parts and details in group plans. Working with an independent broker will allow you to shop for quotes from multiple companies in one place and they can help you review and compare plans to determine which option will be most suitable for your business and its employees. I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any other questions. Thanks very much.
How Are Qualified Annuities Taxed?
The majority of landlords require their tenants to have renters insurance with a lease provision. No state law requires renters insurance, aside from a few local laws pertaining to people with certain breeds of dogs who must maintain liability insurance. But it's certainly a good idea to have, because one break-in or fire would devastate you. Renters insurance replaces your property in a matter of days, as opposed to the years you'd have to work to replace one thing at a time as you can afford it.
How Can We Find Out What Insurance Company Insurances My Neighbor's House?
Long Term Disability Insurance is important because most people do not have enough savings to cover being off of work for over 3 months or more. The benefits of Long Term Disability Insurance can pay until retirement, if you get that type of plan. If someone were to become permanently disabled in their younger to middle age years, that is a lot of years of income coming in. Without that income, many years of living on only Social Security Disability can cause financial devastation to even the wealthiest of families.
Can You Get Medicare While Working?
Yes, you can be on Medicare while working. Many people do postpone going on Medicare if they're still working because they may have group health insurance available to them through their employer. Self-employed individuals will usually go on Medicare when they turn 65 unless they have group coverage available through their spouse's work. Some may decide to go on Medicare if they're 65 and still working because they want a more predictable health expense structure and/or want to lower their premiums.
Is Rhinoplasty Covered By Health Insurance?
For guidance on selecting Renters Insurance call us in the states of AZ,GA,CA, or TX we'll be glad to assist you. renters are often unaware of the discounts available for placing your auto insurance and your renters policy with the same carrier. It is not unusable to see 70% or greater of the cost of the renters policy "paid for " with savings on the auto policy
Is Life Insurance Community Property?
Typically when looking for a homeowners insurance policy you would look for a replacement cost coverage and at least a 2% automatic increase in that coverage annually as a stating point. Depending on your experiences and area that the premise is in, you may also want other endorsements to provide proper coverage for your needs. Your first step should be to contact a couple of local agents from different carriers within your geographic area to find out what is available. Find someone that you are comfortable with as they will be the first person you contact when you have an issue or question about/with your policy or carrier
How Much Is Health Insurance For One Person In Texas?
Renters Insurance is available from a variety of insurance companies that offer this valuable protection for tenants. It is a form of homeowners insurance for tenants; the policy contract may provide for personal property and personal liability. The coverage is inexpensive and fluctuates depending on coverage amount requested, deductible requested and geographic area. Most recently, the coverage has become most valued by those who have been accused of negligence thereby causing water damage,fire damage, smoke damage and other possible acts of negligence; in this case, the liability portion of the policy will defend the insured and pay out up to the maximum limits afforded by the policy. It is important to note that in some States where the courts have been inundated by law suits regarding tenant issues, all lease contracts are required to include an insurance clause thereby requiring the tenant to provide insurance. We do have a short cut link for those that may seek a quote or wish to buy a policy directly online: WEBSITELINK
How Can Life Insurance Be So Cheap?
Term life policies have the lowest rate because statistically insurance companies pay out death claims for only about 1% of the term life policies. Permanent policies higher cost is because of the much higher death claim percentage to the insurance company..
How Long Does It Take To Receive A Check From Life Insurance?
What is covered under Medigap? Well, it will depend on what plan choice you decide upon. There are different supplements indicated by a letter that provide different levels of coverage to fill in those gaps in your Medicare A and B coverage. You can choose those options that your state allows to be sold in it. There usually are several choices and costs to choose from.
Does Renters Insurance Cover Gun Theft?
Renters insurance will cover theft of personal property, including your firearms, up to the personal property limit, less deductible. If your firearm is more expensive, or an antique, you may want to consider adding either firearms coverage, or increasing the amount of personal property coverage you have on your policy to ensure it is covered.
Will Homeowners Insurance Cover Spoiled Food?
It may. If the food spoilage was caused by a covered loss to your home - such as a power failure. Your food loss may be covered up to the dollar amount specified within the policy possibly less your deductible. Please remember every policy is different. Read your policy completely to understand what coverage it provides and what exclusions it may contain.
When Did Health Insurance Originate?
That is a great question! There were some types of travelers insurances offered in the 1840's that covered you if your train crashed or steamboat sank, but other than that, there really wasn't much until the late 1800's when disability policies became popular. Britain passed a law in the early 1900's that created a "National Health Insurance", and most of Europe kind of adopted similar laws, but we didn't catch on until 1929 when us Texans ( Baylor University Hospital, and some local teachers, I think) created a system of standardized costs for hospital stays. Shortly thereafter came Blue Cross/Blue Shield, and then all kinds of competing companies. The history of insurance is interesting stuff. Thanks for asking!
What Does A Health Insurance Premium Mean?
This is the term used to describe the monthly obligation you pay to have the policy. Think of it in terms of "payment". Premiums will vary on a policy depending on the type of policy it is, the deductible, the co payment, whether you have dental or vision, etc. Most people keep policies longer the more affordable a monthly premium is to their budget.
Which Type Of Life Insurance Pays A Dividend?
Original Medicare (Parts A & B) cover some part-time home health services such as physical therapy, skilled nursing care, speech-language pathology servcies, etc. Medicare does not pay for 24 hour home health care however, nor meals delivered to your home, personal care, and homemaker services. Please note, there are a number of conditions that must be met for Medicare to cover your home health care. If you need more than part-time/intermittent home care, Medicare will not cover the expenses. Home health care is very expensive and you can deplete your savings paying for it. For someone wanting 24-hour home health care to be covered by their insurance, they should look into securing a long-term care insurance policy. While long-term care can be an expensive type of insurance to have, you're paying pennies on the dollar if you needed to make a claim on the coverage. There's many moving parts to long-term care insurance. If you're looking to secure this type of coverage, it's most helpful to consult with an experienced broker to help build a policy that will best serve your needs. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. Thanks very much.
How Much Is Full Coverage Car Insurance For A New Car?
Whole Life or Universal Life Insurance that has a cash value can be considered an asset for Medicaid purposes. You are allowed a final expense policy when going through a Medicaid spend down, so the policy might be able to be designated for that. You have a legal right to convert your Life Insurance into a Long Term Care Benefit Plan, allowing you to keep a reduced face amount and using the cash value to pay for Long Term Care needs. To find out the best way to handle your life insurance policy, be sure to know the Medicaid guidelines for your state and contact a knowledgeable agent to assist you.
Can Married Children stay On Parents Auto Insurance?
Generally married children cannot be on the parents policy. What happens if you try to hide this "material fact" and you have an accident and now you need to file a claim? Usually if you are on your "parents" policy the parent is the "primary" driver and you are a child that just drives your parents car sporadically. If you or your spouse have a vehicle and you have the car financed in your name and your parents are not on the note-can you say Red Flag?
When Is The Best Time To Buy Annuities?
Health insurance came into being to help pay for catastrophic (large) medical claims. Initially health insurance plans only covered inpatient hospital stays. Over time some medical care that could only be handled as an inpatient became available on an outpatient basis. Also, new prescription drugs were developed to treat illness that earlier had been considered incurable. As these new (and quite expensive) drugs came on the market health insurance was expanded to cover outpatient services including Rx, extensive diagnostic testing such as MRI and CT scans and outpatient surgery.
When Does The Beneficiary Collect From A Life Insurance Policy?
The beneficiary collects from a life insurance policy after the insured person dies. You must obtain a certified death certificate, and contact the insurance company or your agent for a death claim. You fill out the death claim and mail it with the death certificate to the address on the form. They will process it and send you a check for the face amount of the life insurance policy.