Can I Get Life Insurance If I Have Diabetes?
Yes you can. The rate will depend on age of onset and degree of control. You will probably pay a higher rate but you can get insurance. A good independent life insurance agent or broker can look at your individual situation and find a company that is affordable for you.
Is Wet Rot Covered By Home Insurance?
More than likely not. Insurance policy's are written for a specific person (and ther immediate family member living in the same residence). Transfering a coverage from one insured to another is virtually impossible and have the policy premium be proper for the risk that the carrier assumes for the risk.
Which Is The Best Life Insurance To Get?
The best life insurance to get is going to depend on many factors. The most prominent one being why are you taking out the policy. Otherwise, I would say a whole life policy is the one that will provide a lot of bang for the buck in most cases. To ensure that you get the policy that is right for you contact your local agent and discuss your needs and expectations so that they can direct you to the policy that best fits.
When To Use Medicare?
Any Medicare beneficiary should always file all of their medical claims their Medicare, as well as their Medicare supplement plan, any time they receive care., especially for hospital services that are covered under Medicare Part A, which is provide at no cost to any eligible US citizen that worked, and paid income taxes, for at least 40 quarters before becoming Medicare eligible.
Does Critical Illness Insurance Cover Arthritis?
Every disability insurance policy has differing definitions and communicates its contractual language in complex clauses or policy provisions. That being said, a general definition is any prolonged illness and/or injury that incapacitates you in your ability to work verifies by a physician constitutes a disability event. Again, make sure you read the policy provisions and have a good understanding before moving forward with your purchase.
What Are The Best Term Life Insurance Companies?
As far as competitive premiums. I prefer Federal Life, Banner and Trans America. But again, every client's situation may differ on need, current health, past health and budgeted allowance for protection. What is the product being used for is it mortgage protection, income replacement or consumer debt? Are there any dependent children? Many factors in providing the right plan for the right situation.
What Is A Simple Retirement Plan?
what is a SIMPLE retirement plan? A Simple is an inexpensive opportunity for a small business to have a retirement plan that doesn't break the bank in advisor fees. A Simple plan is an IRS approved plan with only a few steps to follow so expensive testing and record keeping aren't necessary. For any small business who are considering a retirement plan to offer, this should be right on top as it does provide a great platform for a business who would rather use it's money to put towards employees retirements rather than third party administers plans.
Why Do Guys Pay More For Car Insurance?
Car insurance rates are rarely a moral issue. If guys have worse driving records than young women, the company can ask many states to allow them to rate them separately. In California, that isnt an option. There are only a few rating factors in California and sex isnt one of them. That doesnt make insurance cheaper, it merely means that there isnt a distinction between male and female drivers in California.
Does Whole Life Insurance Ever Really Make Sense?
There are a lot of answers here which are all correct so I will take a little different approach. Asking the question When does Whole Life make sense is really talking about your situation. If you are looking to protect your family while the children are at home, then Whole Life may not be the best solution or if you have a loan such as your mortgage, Whole Life may not makes sense. However, if you are looking for Lifetime Coverage with not only a death benefit guarantee, because I can give you a death benefit guarantee for a lot less, but a guaranteed cash value to use as necessary in the future years. Whole Life is also used in some type of plans for businesses which is required to be fully guaranteed as well.
Is Nursing Home Care Covered By Medicare?
Nursing home care is covered by Medicare in some circumstances. 1. You must stay in a Medicare certified skilled nursing facility. 2. You must enter the nursing home after a qualified inpatient hospital stay of at least three consecutive days (starting with the day you enter the hospital, not counting the day you leave). 3. You must enter the SNF (skilled nursing facility) within 30 days. 4. Your doctor must have ordered the SNF stay due to your need for more than custodial care on a daily basis, and the SNF care must be for something treated during the qualifying hospital stay. 5. Medicare Part A pays for up to 100 days of nursing home coverage.
What Does PPO Stand For With Health Insurance?
PPO is a "Preferred Provider Organization," which is a network of doctors, hospitals and other facilities that will offer their services at contractually lower prices to members affiliated with them. Often the discounts are substantial which saves individuals and families hundreds or thousands of dollars. It is a medical care arrangement where the insurers may pay a fee to become part of the actual Network. However, since their charges for procedures and other treatment is reduced, they may gain market share by writing more policies. Most major health insurers offer many PPO plans that help keep premiums low, while providing top-notch treatment and service.
How Good Is Global Life Insurance?
There may be some exceptions. Carriers generally charge the same rate whether you use an agent to purchase your insurance or buy direct. The agent sales model has evolved over time and commission rates have been reduced as more people use the online model. But at this time there is not a cost savings to buying direct. The same holds true for Life Insurance. Using an agent provides you with advice and makes shopping multiple companies easier.
Why Is Life Insurance So Cheap?
Term life insurance is cheap because it only pays out if death occurs during that period of time. The lower the age, the lower the actuarial risk of passing away, the lower the price. To get a policy that will be assured to be there to the end of life, the premium may be reasonable, but not necessarily "cheap". Knowing it will be there for your loved ones at the time of need can definitely make it worth the cost. That is not to say there is not a need for cheap term life insurance. Thankfully, both Term and Permanent policies are available so that coverage is available and affordable for nearly anyone who wants it.
How Much Long Term Care Insurance Is Enough?
Every financial product purchase has a value proposition, including long term care. Based on all the present gerontology statistics and ever increasing life expectancy, youll want to secure the maximum coverage for the longest period. Keep in mind that this includes the convention nursing home confinement our parents knew as well as todays popular assisted home living.
Can There Be Too Much Choice In A Retirement Savings Plan?
An auto policy covers an automobile, not a driver. If you are not the owner, and dont have any other insurable interest, you cannot be named as the insured on the policy. The information about being a loan holder is important. You named to be named on the policy as a lienholder. If you lease the car to someone else than you also need to be named as the additional insured.
What Does Suze Orman Say About Variable Annuities?
Suze has a nice piece online entitled Truth About Annuities. She devotes a lengthy paragraph to variable annuities. She lays out the basics of variable annuities with a slight negative undertone, a disparaging down her nose expose. There are some contentions in her paragraph worth a rousing conversation.
Does Renters Insurance Cover A Lost Engagement Ring?
Your renters insurance may provide some limited coverage for a lost engagement ring less your deductible. Many renters policies will provide limited coverage for jewelry, electronics, appliances, and other personal items. Please remember every policy is different. Read your plicy completely to understand the coverage provided and any exclusions that there may be within.
Does Short Term Disability Insurance Cover Maternity?
In order for a Disability Insurance policy to pay for time off from work due to maternity or childbirth, it must be a Short Term Disability policy. The terms of the policy will depend on which Short Term Disability policy you choose. Keep in mind that you can only purchase this type of coverage before becoming pregnant.
What Is An Annual Premium For Home Insurance?
Great question. If you are asking what is...the cost...for a homeowner's policy, this may help you. Home policies are rated based on age of home, type of construction, occupancy and location. In my state, Florida, the distance to water is very important as well as the type of roof. There are two styles, gabled roofs (which are popular in the Northern States) and hip roof (which is a newer style and has better resistance to wind. (We have hurricanes here.)
Can You Claim A Breast Reduction On Medicare?
The answer to your question is going to depend on if it is "cosmetic surgery" or is it medically necessary. Medicare and all health insurance policies have strict regulations about paying for "cosmetic surgery" and then what happens if you have complications from the suregery? I would recommend you rule out "cosmetic surgery" because once the invasion is made it exposes you to all the possiblities of infection or other complications. You can go to WEBSITELINK and type the procedure into the inquiry window and see what medicare says
When Is Open Enrollment For Medigap Policies?
You can apply for a Medigap plan up to 3 months before your Medicare Part B effective date - you must have both Medicare Part A & Medicare Part B to buy a Medigap plan. Once you have an established Medicare Part B effective date, you will have a 6-month open enrollment period to buy any Medigap plan from any carrier with NO medical underwriting. After this point, you can buy a new Medigap plan whenever you would like (there are no annual enrollment periods for Medigap plans), however, you would have to go through medical underwriting if you don't qualify for a special enrollment period or a guaranteed-issue right. The best overall time to buy will be your initial open enrollment period when you're new to Medicare and just starting Part B coverage. Determining which Medigap plan is right from you and which carrier to apply for the plan through can be a bit more involved than some may realize. It's not all about price as some may believe. You need to look at the carriers' premium rating methods (community, attained, or issue age rated), their rates, their rate increase history, their service history, and other factors. It's best to consult with an experienced Medigap broker who can help you determine which plan and carrier will be most suitable to your desires, needs, and budget. I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for assistance with your Medigap coverage needs, including providing quotes and plan comparisons, and if you have any other questions. Thanks very much.
How To Figure Out How Much Car Insurance Will Be?
You can figure out how much your car insurance will cost by going online and comparing quotes. You'll have to provide some basic information such as the type of car you drive, your age, zip code etc... Also, as experienced brokers, we can be contacted directly and we will "shop" the top-rated carriers for clients. Of course, if you have existing coverage, don't cancel a policy unless you are already approved for new coverage.
Can I Get Health Insurance If Unemployed?
Your employment status does not effect your eligibility for individual health insurance coverage. The important question is how long have you been unemployed? With the closing of the 2015 open enrollment period on February 15th an individual has to experience a "change of life status event" in order to enroll for coverage before next year's open enrollment period. Loss of group health insurance coverage from a previous job is a change of life status event. You have 60-days after a change of life status event to enroll in individual coverage. You should have the option of enrolling directly with a major medical insurance carrier in your state or through the government health insurance marketplace. It should be noted that if you have recently lost employer based health insurance you should have the ability to continue your coverage through your former employer's group health plan for some period of time. This will vary depending upon your state of residence and the size of your employer. If you worked for a company with 20+ employees they are subject to the Federal COBRA continuation guidelines and you could continue your coverage through them for up to 18-months as long as you pay the entire monthly premium in a timely manner. You have 63-days after termination of employment to exercise your COBRA continuation privilege. If you worked for a company with less than 20 employees then state continuation rules would apply and these do vary from state to state.
When Can I Buy A Medigap Policy?
Yes they can. You individually cannot be targeted for a rate increase, but across the board rate increases may occur. To lessen the possibility, do your research and make sure your coverage is placed with a company with a long track record of writing long-term care insurance with minimal rate increase history.
At What Age Should I Get Long Term Care Insurance?
The best time to secure long term care insurance is when youre young and healthy, especially if you have a family history of chronic illness or nursing home confinement. Most advisers begin addressing long term care insurance with their clients and prospects around age 50. But in reality, most pre retirees purchase long term care insurance in their early 60s.
I am moving across country. What are my options to insure my property during transit
If you have a homerowners/renter/condo policy in force at the time the property is in transit, then there could be some coverage extended from that policy. With the carriers I represent, most cover 10% of the contents limit "off premisis". This means if you had a policy with $100,000 in contents coverage, there could be $10,000 of coverage in a situation like this. I have one carrier who provides 100% of the policy contents limit anywhere in the world. Ifthere is no policy in force while the property is in transit, check with the moving company to see what options they have available. Most all policies have specific language to property "off-premisis" so most definately call your local independent agent and ask the specific amount your policy provides for the situation you descirbed.
What Does Home Owners Insurance Usually Cover?
That's kind of a tough question to answer becuase many homeowners policies cover a multitude of things. In general terms if you house catches on fire, is broken into, is damaged by wind hail or lightning, your pipes burst, some body trips and falls on your proprty and gets hurt you could have a claims situation on your homeowners policy. This is just scratching the surface as every policy is different in every state. Most carriers add in a bunch of "extra" coverages too. To truly know what your homeowners policy covers, you need to do two things 1) Call you local independent agent and discuss you policy with them 2) Actually read your policy. I know reading a legal contract is your idea of fun night curled up by the fire, but it is in your best interest to actually read your entire policy, know what it includes and excludes and ask your agent about things you have questions on....
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Roof Collapse Due To Snow?
Great question! The answer is most often yes, if your home has a sloped roof, and your particular policy provides for that coverage. If your roof is flat, that is probably a different story. Typically with a flat roof, the risk for ice or snow damage is greatly increased, so your policy is either much more expensive, or that damage is excluded. Call your agent to be certain in either case. Good luck! Thanks for asking!
What Is The Fine For No Car Insurance?
The fine for not having car insurance will vary from state to state. Each state sets their own penalties for not having auto insurance. You could find out this information on your states department of motor vehicles website or possibly through your states insurance commissioner website or contact your local police department.
Does My Home Insurance Cover Theft?
It is important to talk to your insurance professional about the specific terms and conditions of your policy, but generally speaking, theft is a named covered peril in most Home Insurance policies. This would include theft of your personal property from within your home of course, but also includes theft of your property outside of your home. Personal property outside of your home is usually covered up to 10% of the total personal property amount listed in your policy. If covered, the loss settlement would be subject to your deductible. The claims specialist will also be looking for a copy or a police report.
Can You Cash In Your Life Insurance?
Yes, someone can cash in their life insurance if there is cash value in the policy. If it is early in the years of a cash value policy (Whole Life or Universal Life), surrender charges will be subtracted from the cash value. There are other options for many policies that you may want to explore. E.g. you could possibly make your policy into a reduced paid up policy. You would not have the cash value to spend, but you would still have some life insurance for which you no longer have to pay a premium. Visiting with your agent can be helpful in making the decision whether or not to cash in your life insurance.
Will Medicare Premiums Go Up In 2014?
Yes, you can do a 1035 exchange on the cash value of a permanent life insurance to an annuity. Some people choose to do this because of the higher gains of an annuity, or because they no longer need life insurance. But sometimes it is better to 1035 your life insurance to another life insurance policy. There is no going back, so be sure to review all the consequences with a trusted financial advisor before making this decision.
Can I Buy Long Term Care Insurance For My Mother?
Technically you can pay for it as long as she agree's and signs the application. She will also need to qualify. If she is in good health there should be no problem. The premium will be based on her age. Sit down with an agent knowledgeable in Care Resource Planning and determine the best plan of action in planning for the care of your mother when she needs it most.
Can You Cancel Renters Insurance Any Time?
You can cancel a renters policy at any time. Simply contact the company directly or the broker that sold you the policy and request a cancellation. You will typically be charged with the coverage you used and receive a credit based on the portion of the coverage you paid for and did not use.
What Is Survivorship Universal Life Insurance?
The only thing that separates this from other policies is the word survivorship. What this means is that the policy covers at least 2 individuals and it only pays a benefit with the last one dies. Survivorship policies are usually smaller face amount policies taken out by couples with larger estates. The reason they do this is to use the death benefit to cover or offset estate taxes for their heirs. I have personally not seen one done with a universal life policy. Reason being is the cost. In a majority of cases, it would probably be more cost-effective to use a traditional whole life policy for this purpose.
Does Medicare Pay For LPC?
No, Medicare does not pay for LPC's, or Licensed Professional Counselors, at this point in time. Legislation has been proposed to include payment for LPC's under Medicare part B. As of now, only Licensed Clinical Social Workers, PhD Psychologists, and Psychiatrists are able to be reimbursed by Medicare for persons needing counseling.
What Is The Term Of Life Insurance?
If you actually buy Term Life Insurance, you get to pick the term, be it one year, five years, ten years, or even twenty years. But you need to pay the premium every year, or it will end. 97% of folks do not continue to pay and it ends for them. They then have to get another policy, only to find it costs more because they are older, or is not even available because of their health. A man in his 30's put off buying until last week, only to find he had developed MS and had to pay a much higher premium. He was lucky to be able to get insurance at all. Do not put off buying insurance. Something is always better than nothing. Getting Permanent Whole Life Insurance is the safest. The rates never go up and you can keep it your entire life, so long as the premiums are paid. A quality agent can help you determine what you can afford, and how to arrange a variety of possible alternative options. Gary Lane, Agent for New York Life, 949 797 2424. Thank you.
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover HVAC?
In California the auto policy is issued to a family. If they reside at the same address and are in fact members of your household they can purchase insurance on their car, especially if you appear on the title of the car. However, their problem will become your problem in most cases
Can I Buy Health Insurance With A Pre-Existing Condition?
No, unfortunately, refraction is not covered by Medicare. Refraction, or the part of the eye exam in which you look at a chart of letters while looking into a machine called a phoroptor, is usually used to determine the need for eyeglasses. Medicare considers this a routine procedure and therefore does not cover it, even though at times refraction is used for medical purposes.
Can I Purchase Life Insurance On My Parents?
The answer is it depends. If you are dependent upon your parents for your income and expenses or in business with your parents then yes there is an insurable interest. However, if there is not a clear insurable interest then that answer would be no. If the answer is yes, your parents must be in agreement to purchase life insurance even if you are making the payments. They have to be underwritten and sign the applications and contracts.
How Is Annuity Income Reported?
The good news is that annuity income is usually reported by the insurance company issuing the annuity. When they make a disbursement they also issue appropriate documentation to assist in filing your taxes. They send identical information to the Internal Revenue Service. Generally speaking when money is withdrawn from an annuity it is treated as interest and then taxed as ordinary income until the interest is exhausted and only the basis (the sum of premiums paid) remains. That money can be recovered free of income tax. If the annuity is annuitized, that is paid out in monthly installments either over an extended period of time or the lifetime of the annuitant, then an exclusion factor is determined and applied to each payment. A part of each payment will be taxed as ordinary income. The bad news is that these principles apply to non-qualified annuities held by individuals and these barely touch all the situations that can arise and the taxation of those unique situations. While this response is not meant to take the place of legal and accounting professional advice it should alert you to some of the complexities of taxing annuities. The most obvious situation is when an annuity is held as an asset of qualified pension plan. This includes defined benefit plans; defined contribution plans (401(k), IRAs and many others. The income taken by these plans is taxed as ordinary income unless it is taken prior to age fifty-nine and a half. If taken earlier it could be subject to a penalty tax of an additional ten per cent. Where annuities taxation becomes complex is when deferred annuities are transferred. That is when a person gives another person an annuity on their life, or the life of a third party. The basic rule is that the transfer is treated as surrender and taxed accordingly. The annuity that is transferred is treated as having been fully paid. It then has a basis of the value that was taxed. For estate planning reasons the ownership of an annuity is sometimes held by a trust and this leads to another set of taxation considerations involving the non-natural person rule. Who is going to be taxed is the basic issue and this can be quite tangled. Of course there are exceptions to all of these rules. Taxation is fairly straightforward if the annuity is annuitized. State laws concerning probate can create some unexpected outcomes and taxation. When an individual owns an annuity and the annuitant is another person, perhaps a spouse, the death of the owner triggers the beneficiary provision and another third person could suddenly own the contract upsetting the intentions of the couple, even if it is a child. Many of the taxation rules are specific to individual insurance companies and it is wise to carefully make sure that the company you select from whom to purchase the annuity follows the procedures that will maintain your plan and keep taxation as uncomplicated as possible. Absent all other plans, the IRS frequently calls for a liquidation of a transferred annuity within five years. The key is the desire to get the tax question settled.
Who Much Life Insurance Should I Have?
Many people choose to purchase life insurance in amount that is 10 times their annual salary. Some people add up the important things in their lives that would be threatened if they were to pass (e.g. possible loss of home, children being unable to attend the college of their choice) and purchase a policy that would replace the funds needed for those things. If you are purchasing your policy for a specific purpose, such as your funeral or to pay the inheritance taxes on your estate, you can purchase the policy for the anticipated amount. The amount of life insurance you should have varies for each person. Visiting with a good life insurance agent can help you make that determination.
What Is The Average Salary Of A Life Insurance Agent?
That's a great question! An insurance agent most often works off of a payment that is made to them when they sell a policy or product for the company - called a commission. These commissions can be fairly sizable, or very small, depending upon the sale. Therefore, in most cases, the earnings of the insurance agent depend entirely upon their ability to sell, and the product commission that is paid upon the sale. I believe the vast majority of agents will tailor the right product to the needs of the client, but there will unfortunately always be a few that are more interested in commission than client. You are always wise to have an idea of what it is that you want, and if you feel pressured, to ask for time to think it over. Follow your instincts. If you were considering a career as an agent, be aware that the start up period can be really lean until you've gotten your client base built, and you may need to have another source of income, especially if you were accustomed to a steady paycheck. Once you get rolling, if you are motivated, honest, and good with your clients, you can make a very comfortable living. Anything I can do to help, I'm happy to - feel free to contact me. Thanks for asking!
What Is A Life Insurance Quote?
Great question. Insurance lingo can be very confusing, especially when shopping and trying to compare prices. Here are a few words that can cause some confusion, and how us agents usually mean them. 1. QUOTE = the price we think you will get based on what you told us. If you are looking for a medically underwritten policy and were not asked many health details, chances are that quote is not very accurate. You can also tell if someone is following a script. There are so many nuances in each person's situation, that if you find an agent who quotes you more by experience and knowledge than "if a, then b", my opinion is that you will get a more accurate quote and end up with a better rate. 2. RATE = the price you actually end up paying. Another word is PREMIUM. This is your cost after all the underwriting has been done and your final rate has been determined by the insurance company. 3. RATING = this refers to the health rating. Examples are Preferred, Standard, Table C. It is what you are rated after the underwriter reviews all your health information. I hope that helps. Feel free to contact me or post any more questions you might have.
How To Set Up A Trust For Life Insurance?
To set up an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT), it is best to use an attorney who is an expert at tax laws to set up the trust. Then use a respected life insurance agent to help you obtain a policy, or transfer existing life insurance, into the trust. You will need to choose a trustee to administer the trust (this could be the lawyer). Working together, you will get a trust that works for your lifetime.
Who Made Car Insurance Mandatory?
If car insurance is mandatory, there are two possible entities that make it so - either your State Department of Motor Vehicles or your auto loan or leasing company. Usually these days it is both. Most states require car insurance as part of their procedure for registering a car. In all cases if you have a loan, the lender will require you to carry both Comprehensive and Collision coverage in order to be sure that their interest is protected. If you are leasing your car, not only will Comp and Collision be required, but Liability coverage as well.
How Much Is Medicare Part B Copay?
Medicare Part A will pay for blood transfusions given in a hospital or skilled nursing facility setting. Medicare Part B will pay for blood transfusions given to outpatients. However, neither pays for the first three pints within a calendar year. If you have Medicare Advantage, contact your plan to see if it provides additional coverage for blood transfusions.
What Does PCN Stand For On A Health Insurance Card?
PCN stands for Processor Control Number. In short, this is one of the identifcation codes related to your prescription drug plan that the pharmacy needs to determine if the prescription will be covered under your drug plan and how it would be paid, if covered. I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for assistance with your coverage and if you have any further questions. Thanks very much.
Why Is Homeowners Insurance Important?
When you own a home you assume certain risks. One risk is that you are responsible if anyone is hurt on your property. Another risk is that your home could burn or be destroyed in one of several others ways. Under either scenario you loss might exceed your ability to absorb. Perhaps you have taken a mortgage to buy the house and as soon as it is destroyed you must make full payment. These are a couple of the things that a homeowners insurance policy does. In exchange for a premium, the company agrees to handle lawsuits, and repair and reconstruct your home.
What Does The Letter T Mean In A Medicare Number?
I assume you are doing business with a trusted insurance agent, if not, find one. Selecting limits is the chief concern. You want enough coverage so that a lawsuit for bodily injury or property damage will not bankrupt you. Then, you want enough personal property coverage to replace the essential things that you own, furniture, clothes, appliances etc. While the premium is important, having the right coverage is critical.
Can I Get On Medicare Before The Age Of 65?
The answer is probably "yes". Medicare is "too big to fail". Working taxpayers paid for Medicare with payroll taxes for years and expect Medicare to be there when they retire. Medicare will survive, but don't expect it to be anything like the current plan. You will pay more in taxes while you are working, higher premiums, deductibles and out of pocket once you are covered by Medicare.
Can You Get Life Insurance While Pregnant?
I just asked this question of several companies for someone I know and the answer is yes. The rating will the same as if you were not pregnant, if in the first trimesters. There are also no exam policies that you can get all the way through the third trimester.
Can An Apartment Force You To Have Renters Insurance?
They can not force you to get the coverage but they can choose not to let you rent there. The coverage is well worth the cost. in most cases it is as little at $10.00 a month this protect you and also any damages that you may cause to the building. Example ouwl be if you left something on the stove and you caught the building on fire .
What Is Wrong With Annuities?
The qualifications for Medicare in Rhode Island are the same as in other states, since Medicare is a federally administered health insurance program. Very broadly speaking, you must have contributed to Medicare through taxes for at least 10 years PLUS be 65, be on Social Security Disability for 24 months, have End Stage Renal Disease, or have Lou Gherig's Disease to get on Medicare.
Is Life Insurance Considered An Asset For Medicaid?
In my opinion the best Medigap insurance plan is the one that delivers the most value for the premium charged. Usually it is any plan OTHER THAN Medigap plan F. Medigap Plan F is the most expensive (and most popular) but it also pays the highest commission to the agent. Most of my clients are satisfied with the premium savings and value they receive from Medigap plan G or plan N. #GeorgiaMedicarePlans
How Much Does Life Insurance Usually Cost?
There are so many factors in pricing your lifeinsurance, it's impossible to estimate the cost. How much do you need? How long do you need it? What gender are you? Are you smoker? Are you healthy? Is your family health historygood? Do you have dangerous recreational activities? Is your motor vehicle record clean? Do you have substance abuse problems with drugs oralcohol? Do you have a felony? Is your credit good? Just to name a few of the factors that enter into the price tag of lifeinsurance.
Can You Have More Than One Life Insurance Policies?
The simple answer is yes, you can have two or even more life insurance policies in force at the same time. The main restriction on the amount of life insurance you can have is how much you are worth. When you apply for any insurance policy, they will ask what other plans you have in force. If you are asking for too much insurance combined between all of your plans (this amount varies based on the company but is often 20-25 times your annual income), they may deny your request.
How Cheap Is Mobile Home Insurance?
There's many options for mobile home insurance. Some companies will write this on a standard HO-3 form. An example of a price on a $100,000 value of the "dwelling" would be around $350-$500/yr depending upon claims, credit & location of the home.
What Is The Best Life Insurance Policy For Children?
Getting a child Whole Life Insurance gets them insurance that can be theirs all their lives, regardless of their future health, or whether they even become uninsurable. And at their age, the cost is so low, it makes a perfect gift from a grandparent or certainly their parents. New York Life is advertising their Grand Parent Gifting Program this time of year. It sure beats video games. Gary Lane, Registered Representative, New York Life, 949 797 2424. Thank you.
Is Life Insurance Sales A Good Career?
No it is not a legal requirement. Many lenders however will require mortgage life insurance to protect themselves. Also, there have been cases where a judge has required a divorced spouse to carry life insurance to cover a mortgage or protect minor children although these cases would depend on the situation. As a general rule however, you are not legally required to carry mortgage insurance.
What Is The Number One Life Insurance Company?
Medicare has two options: 1. origninal medicare & 2. Medicare advantage. Original medicare is administered by the same beaurcrats that Obama has used to trash the health care system whereas Medicare Advantage is administered by PRIVATE insurance companies. Medicare Advantage has proven to be the most cost effective system of rendering medicare services because the insurance companies know what is appropriate and what is not appropriate. Medicare on the other hand continues to be riddled with Waste, Fraud, & Abuse-which can be summaraized by spelling P O L I T IC I A N S always looking for an opportunity to buy votes. As a matter of fact one of the L I E S CMS(Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services) has put in the Medicare Advantage booklets is "every Medicare Advantage plan has to be the equivalent of "original Medicare". Really? I will promise you original medicare covers 80% of LAB work, especially when it is done for annual physical. Yet, when a particular Medicare Advantage Plan refused to pay my lab charges it was an exercise in futility to get CMS to correct the problem. The Bureaucrats created two classes of sales people when Medicare Advantage was created and adminstered by the wonderful beaucrats- one class that is completely unregulated when they sell Medicare Supplement and the sales person that sells Medicare Advantage is CONTROLLED by the beaurcrats and this last year when I completed the REQUIRED CERTIFICATION it took me 24 hous just to complete the certification. Compare that to the fact I read and took the test and passed the test to sell Obummer Care in less than three hours. Controlling Health Insurance is all about CONTROLLING YOU-THE CONSUMER. Did you realize Medicare is controlled by a UNION IN wASHINGTON D. C. If you want effective health insurance you will identify the members of the unions and you will vote for politicians that will put the unions out of business.
Can You Surrender A Life Insurance Policy?
You certainly can surrender a policy for its cash value, but then you have no life insurance. It would be much better for most folks to just borrow money from their policy and either pay it back or not. With a surrender, you will have to pay tax, but with a loan you will not, even if you do not pay it back, and you would still have a smaller but existing life insurance policy. Pay it back later and the death benefit returns automatically to the full amount! Call me, Gary Lane, Agent, New York Life, 949 797 2424. Thanks.
Does Life Insurance Go Through Probate?
Coverage F Medical Payments is coverage that will pay the necessary medical expenses that are incurred or medically ascertained within three years from the date of an accident causing "bodily injury". Coverage applies to accidents that incur on the insured premises (the home) or as the result of an action by the insured at any location. For example, you leave your suitcase in the hallway of a hotel and someone trips over it. The basic limit is $1,000, but higher limits are available and they are very inexpensive. The purpose of this coverage is twofold. First, paying doctor and hospital bills promptly for accidents the insured may have caused could minimize the likelihood of troublesome litigation. Second, submitting the bills helps insurance companies identify accidents early and therefore gives the insurance company time to investigate the circumstances and prepare a defense if necessary. Medical Payments Coverage is not intended to provide accident insurance for the insureds family. Accordingly, the named insured and family are excluded from coverage. I hope I've answered your question. If not, feel free to call, fax or email me. Kevin P. Foley, CPA, CPCU PFT&K Insurance Brokers T 877-414-2031 F 877-405-3025 E kpfoley[at]kpfoley[dot]com W www[dot]kpfoley[dot]com
How Do I Qualify For Medicare In Wyoming?
To qualify for Medicare in Wyoming, you must be age 65 and have paid into Social Security taxes for 40 quarters (10 years) over your working life, or you must have/had a spouse who did so. If you are under age 65, you can get Medicare if you have been receiving Social Security Disability benefits for two years, if you have end stage renal disease, or you have ALS. All of the above have specific guidelines. See for details.
Can I Qualify For Long Term Care Insurance?
Sure you can. But there may be coverage issues for you and/or your parents. If you live with your folks and the insurance company does not know you are a household driver, they could deny coverage to you and/or your parents for that omission if there is a claim. If you do not live with them, most insurance companies will cover you as a permissive driver. But the operative word there is "most." This is a good question we often get from out clients BEFORE the situation occurs to avoid any potential problem. I suggest your call yours or your folks' insurance professional for clarification.
How Much Is Life Insurance For A 60 Year Old?
There's many factors that go into the premium calculations for life insurance to say what coverage will cost for a 60 year old - it will be different for every person due to a number of factors including their age, amount of coverage they want, how long they want the coverage for, their risk classifcation, and whether they're applying with full underwriting or non-medical term coverage. At age 60, you'll have term life insurance options for 10, 15, 20, or 25 years - 30 years term insurance would not be available due to age - you would need to look at permanent programs to secure coverage longer than 25 years. If you want to consider coverage beyond 25 years, I would suggest looking at a Guaranteed Universal Life insurance policy (GUL). If you're looking for something in the $100,000, 10yr term insurance range, you could be looking at premiums as low as $28 per month (at preferred plus risk class) to over $100+ per month (if you're table-rated), it ultimately depends on the risk classification you qualify for. $250,000, 15 yr term can be as low as $82 per month or over $154 per month at standard risk class. So on and so forth. However, any numbers I quote without more details regarding your medical history will be useless. The risk classification is the MOST critical factor in determining the cost (premium) of a life insurance policy. The risk class depends on a number of factors including whether you're male or female, your medical history, prescriptions you take, your height/weight profile, any tobacco usage, family medical history, and other factors. Please keep in mind - every carrier has different underwriting guidelines, and each may offer a different risk class for a given medical profile - e.g. company A may offer preferred (featuring lower rates) and company B may only offer standard (featuring higher rates). You should always consult with an experienced life insurance broker before applying for ANY coverage. Brokers can shop the case for you among a number of insurance companies to see which one will work best for your program and help you structure a policy that will best serve your needs and your budget. I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any other questions. Thanks very much.
Does Liberty Mutual Cover Car Rental Insurance?
If you or one of the the other drivers in your household that is listed on your policy fall outside of your current auto carrier's guidelines or fraudulant information has been provided to the carrier they would more than likely drop your coverage with typically at least 15 day notice or non-renew your policy at the end of its term.
How To Buy My Own Health Insurance?
There are numerous reasons to be declined for life insurance. Think of it in terms of gambling. You are placing a small bet, monthly premium, in order to make sure your loved ones have enough money to live at their current means, which is a large payoff at your death. Therefore an underwriter will look at all of the factors to determine your risk of dying within a specified period of time. They look at age, build, medical history, health, lifestyle, residence, occupation, etc. to determine that risk. If they feel any of these factors are too risky you will be declined for life insurance.
Can Veterans Get Life Insurance?
Unless a service person gets Veterans Group Life Insurance (VGLI) within a year from separating from the service, their Servicemembers Group Life Insurance (SGLI) will end and they will need to get a private policy. Contact an agency or website that carries several products to choose from to find the best rate for Veteran's life insurance.
Does A Company Have To Offer A Retirement Plan?
The North Dakota Insurance Department regulates life insurance in the state of North Dakota, through the State Insurance Code of North Dakota. They regulate free look periods, claim processing, etc. Here is a helpful website to read a summary of some of the things that are regulated by the North Dakota life insurance code. WEBSITELINK
What Will Void A Life Insurance Policy?
what will void a life insurance policy ? Basically any deciet given during the application process will void a policy if found out within the first two policy years. After that, in most cases contestability by an insurance carrier has ended. Except some states have modified contestibility laws sometimes in the insurance company's favor. In my state, concerning lying about smoking on the application, there is no limit for an insurance company to contest. The state considers the policy null and void. Other states may have something similar.
Is Life Insurance Cheaper To Buy When You Are Younger?
Yes, life insurance premiums are a lot lower at younger ages when the risk of death is lower. The longer one waits to buy life insurance, the more the premium will be. In a level premium, permanent policy, you are locking in a lower rates for life by buying early.
Can Annuities Lose Money?
The 401(k) is governed by a document drawn for the employer. Most plans offer a variety of distributions when you terminate, but they are not required to do so. Exercising these options can be quite important. Generally you would want to maintain the character of the funds. If they are tax deferred funds you would want them rolled into a standard IRA. If your income tax is going to be low you can consider rolling it into a Roth IRA and pay the tax for the withdrawal as though it were ordinary income, which is often an alternative.
Can You Claim Rhinoplasty On Medicare?
If the purpose of the rhinoplasty is cosmetic, Medicare will not pay for this surgery. Medicare may pay for rhinoplasty for one or more of the following conditions: to improve breathing, to repair defects in the nose caused by trauma, to treat congenital anatomical abnormalities when function of the nose is affected, to repair nasal tissue after removal of a tumor when function is affected, to treat sleep apnea or other conditions that interfere with breathing when other treatments do not work, or to reconstruct the nose in case of severe deformity.
Who Is The Biggest Life Insurance Company?
The world's biggest life insurance company, measured by assets, is Japan Post Insurance Company, Inc, according to WEBSITELINK The next largest is AXA S. A. (France), then Allianz (Germany). The largest insurance carrier in the United States is MetLife per this chart. Assets were measured 3/2011.
Do I Need A Police Report To Submit A Claim For A Car Accident On Private Property?
Actually, though the local police might prepare an accident report for you, in many cases, because the incident occured on private property, it is more likely that they would take no action at all. Therefore, if it is possible, it becomes more important to exchange information with the other party involved. I would also recommend that neither car be moved and that you take photos for your records and that of your Insurance Company to help in the processing of the claim.
Which Private Health Insurance Covers Cosmetic Surgery?
The cost of healthcare depends on a number of factors. For example, it will depend on your age , location, and whether you use tobacco products. Thanks to the new Affordable Care Act there are no medical questions and all pre-existing conditions are covered. You should contact a broker like myself and they will need everyone's dates of birth, tobacco use, and zip code. Be sure and have them check to see if you are eligible for a subsidy from the government to help pay for the health insurance. Contact me if you need help. I am licensed in 31 states
Who Sells Long Term Care Insurance?
Car insurance can start very quickly. Typically, when you apply for coverage, you provide information regarding yourself and the vehicle that you will be driving. Other family member driving information may need to be provided. An underwriter quickly reviews the information and it's not unusual to be approved the same day...and sometimes, almost immediately.
Which Annuity Is Right For Me?
You have to establish product suitability before deciding on any product, much less an annuity, which should be purchased as an ultimate income product. Product suitability is based on your personal financial profile, risk tolerance and economic goals. Those three areas comprise the fundamental approach to selecting the right annuity. Annuities use differing crediting methods such as interest rates, indices (both domestic and foreign) and separate sub accounts that use equities and bond allocations.
Does Health Insurance Cover An IUD?
Most health insurance plans will cover the cost of an IUD. As part of Obamacare, covered participants are supposed to provide contraceptives at no out of pocket costs to the individual. Covered contraceptives generally include birth control pills, the birth control patch (such as Ortho Evra), a diaphragm, contraceptive gel and an IUD.
How Much Is A Car Insurance Deductible?
Just to flesh out the above answer a bit more: your deductible can range from 0$ to $1000, typically. The higher your deductible is the lower your monthly premium payments will be. While lowering your monthly payments by increasing your deductible is a popular cost saving method, it
Is Northwestern Mutual Whole Life Insurance A Good Investment?
You can think of "good" in terms of life insurance as a product issued by a solid company at the lowest price possible. The reputation and financial soundness of the company has been discussed above. As to price, you can pay up to 50% less on the same amount and term of insurance from one A-rated insurer to another. What this means is that to get good value on your life insurance, you should comparison shop. Many life insurance websites offer a quoting feature that compares policies available from insurers (from few to dozens of insurers). Obviously, the more choices, the better odds that you will get the lowest price on the insurance you are looking for.
What Is The Purpose Of Whole Life Insurance?
The purpose of whole life insurance is to provide guarantees. You know what? It does a very good job at this. Guarantees are a godsend in a financial world in which cycles and ups and downs and cost increases are the norm. Its nice to have a product you can truly count on. These guarantees come in three delicious flavors: Flavor number one: a guaranteed premium. As you get older, your price stays the same. As it costs more for the company to insure you, your price stays the same. If the company has a bad investment year, or two, or three, your price stays the same. Thats good. But theres more. Flavor number two: a guaranteed death benefit. You see all those variables mentioned in number one above that could affect your price but dont? They could also affect your death benefit. But they dont. Neither your age, nor their increasing cost, nor their poor investment performance can reduce the benefit you were leaving to your heirs. That is really good. But we have one last delicious flavor: Flavor number three: a guaranteed cash accumulation. Do yourself a favor and compare the guaranteed growth of cash inside a good whole life contract with other so-called guaranteed investments out there. You will notice that whole life basically beats the pants off the competition in this regard. Of course, you always have to be wise about taking money out of life insurance, and make sure you dont reduce your death benefit to an undesirable amount. But given that, whole life can make a real valuable contribution to the conservative portion of your financial portfolio.
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Firearms?
Most insurance companies will have internal limits of $1000 for property coverage of firearms. If you are speaking about "accidental discharge" of a firearm that causes damage to something or someone I would need you to refer to your specific policy. In NY some companies will specifically exclude bodily injury from a firearm. Hope this answer helps.
What Qualifies As Self Employed Health Insurance?
Geico offers Term Life Insurance through non-affiliated insurance companies. In other words, the life insurance is not underwritten by Geico; Geico just helps you get it by referring you to a brokerage that carries quotes from multiple life insurance companies. The agency they refer you to is not owned by Geico.
What Is The Penalty For Cashing Out A 401K Early?
To get any type of Home Health Care from Medicare requires the need for skilled care such as occupational, speech or physical therapy for a very limited amount of time generally after a hospital stay of at least 3 days not counting day of discharge. Medicare does not pay for custodial care Custodial care is assistance with bathing, cleaning the home, assistance with meals and other activities of daily living.
What Is Annuity Kind Of Cash Flow?
In finance, an annuity cash flows are any cash flow that you receive on a consistent basis during a certain period of time. The period of time can be time dependent (i.e. 20 years) or event dependent (the life of an individual).
Can You Cash Out A Retirement Plan?
Certainly if it is your retirement plan you can cash out. However, there are many things to consider. If you are younger than 59.5 years old you will incur income taxes and a 10% penalty plus the fees associated from companies and advisors who will charge withdrawal fees and surrender charges. It is not advised just to "cash out" a retirement plan at any age. I highly recommend finding a trusted advisor to walk you through this process.
Where Should I Buy Health Insurance In New Mexico?
Bank Owned Life Insurance or BOLI is a form of Key Man life insurance. It is implemented and owned by the financial institution that it protects. BOLI policies are written on the lives of employees and the beneficiary is the financial institution, which also pays the premiums. Only financial institutions such as banks, brokerage firms, mortgage lenders, credit unions etc, offer bank-owned life insurance.
Does Medicare Part B Cover Lab Work?
You can get up to a total of 80% of your income through a combination of private Disability Insurance and Social Security Disability benefits. If the amount that you are due exceeds 80%, part of the Social Security benefit will be subtracted from the private Disability benefit, or part of the private Disability benefit will be subtracted from the Social Security Disability benefit, so that the total you receive is 80% of your original wages.
Is Life Insurance A Legal Requirement For A Mortgage?
This is the amount your home itself is covered for. Generally you must be insured for at least 80% of the replacement cost of your home. This is determined by calculations that insurance companies use based upon construction costs in your area. Most companies require you to be insured for 100% of replacement cost. This allows the company to completely rebuild your home in the event of a total loss.
Does FAFSA Count Annuities?
Have you seen that esurance TV commercial ( WEBSITELINK ) ? Everybody wants CHEAP insurance and almost any insurance can give you CHEAP insurance .... But the reality is that you get what you pay for. Renters insurance is probably the most affordable coverage that you can find and will probably cost you $15/ month for great coverage. Make sure your policy has replacement cost on contents and includes additional living expenses. Saving $5/ month could wind up costing you thousands of dollars if you have the wrong policy. Check with an independent insurance agent who can look at multiple carriers and see what policy is right for you.
Does Getting Married Affect Auto Insurance?
Yes, in most cases. Rates for married vs single are different amoungst most companies. How it will affect your rates is unpredictible because it depends on whether or not you were residing in the same household over the last year for starters. In Wisconsin at least if you reside in the same household you must be listed on each others policies if separate insurance is carried. To know exactly how getting married would affect your rates, I would suggest contacting your local agent to discuss it with them.
When Is Health Insurance Tax Deductible?
Generally a self employed person is able to deduct health insurance if he or she pays the premium. There are other circumstances where health insurance can be deductible, such as a person paying there own premium and is able to file long form itemizing deductions. Tax laws change so be sure to check with your tax adviser.
What Does Whole Life Mean In Insurance?
Only you can decide if you need a Medigap plan. Original Medicare will only cover about 80% of your approved Medicare Part A and Part B claims. Deductibles, copay's and coinsurance can leave you owing several thousand dollars in out of pocket expenses. Medigap plans can protect you from having to pay thousands of dollars in out of pocket expenses should you become seriously ill or have a major accident. #GeorgiaMedigapPlanRates #GeorgiaMedicarePlans #GaMedigapQuotes
Where Should I Get Term Life Insurance?
The term life insurance market is extremely competitive. Independent life insurance agents with brokerage access should be able to spreadsheet the top companies ranked by premium in each specific health category. Keep in mind that if you under age 50, you can secure up to 30 years of coverage. A 25 year old male nonsmoker seeking ten year term life coverage for $100,000, the premium is less than $100 a year.
Is AAA Home Insurance Any Good?
AAA is an A rated insurance provider and offers a good homeowners policy. I always recommend when shopping for homeowners insurance that you do your research and check several companies as there are different policy types with coverage's and exclusions that you will want to look at. An independent insurance agent is an excellent resource who can help you navigate through all the details of policy offerings.
I am a non driver and need a truck for my work, I would like to insure my helper to drive for me any problems?
If you are insuring a vehicle for your business you can write the business auto policy and list your employee or employees as a drivers. You have the ability to exclude yourself from the policy. But keep in mind, this would mean you can not drive the vehicle at anytime as you yourself would then be un-insured.
When Did Mandatory Auto Insurance Start?
Car insurance will pay for a stolen car as long as you have comprehensive coverage. Comprehensive coverage covers the vehicle for damages not resulting from a collision accident. For example, fire, theft, glass breakage, a tree falls on the car, ect. If you car is stolen the insurance company will determined the blue book value and pay out the blue book value less your deductible. Kelly Blue Book is a good site to use to determine the value of your car. If your car is still financed and there is a gap in coverage you may end up stilling owing the finance company. Gap insurance is available to cover this need.
Is My Child Covered By My Auto Insurance?
Auto insurance follows the car not the driver or occupant. If your child is unlicensed and operating the car, the provisions of the policy would remain in effect. If your child is an occupant in the car and is hurt in an accident for which the driver of your car is at fault, there can be limited coverage for his medical care. If the driver of the other car is determined to be at fault your childs medical cost will ultimately be paid by the other driver. If your child is struck by a motor vehicle while a pedestrian there can be limited medical coverage.