What Are The Qualifications For Medicare In Rhode Island?
A creditor may demand to be named as a loss payee on a life insurance policy. If you agree to that arrangement the company will, upon your death, contact the creditor to determine the amount needed to satisfy the obligation. That is then sent to the creditor with the balance being distributed to your beneficiary (ies.)
What Is A Medigap Plan?
Medigap plans (commonly referred to as Medicare supplement plans) are designed to help seniors who want high quality healthcare and are on Medicare, cover the gap between what hospitals and doctors charge for their services and what Medicare will pay.Health insurance is constantly changing, which can make finding the right plan for you very strenuous. Supplementing your Original Medicare coverage (Medicare Parts A & B) with a Medicare Supplement plan will help you create a very predictable expense structure for your healthcare and allow you to see any doctor you want that accepts Medicare. Any doctor that accepts Medicare will also accept your Medicare Supplement plan. There are 10 different Medicare supplement plans and they are all standardized, meaning a plan F from company A and a plan F from company B feature the EXACT same benefits. The 10 different plans available are plans A, B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M, and N (a high-deductible plan F is also available that features a $2,140 deductible in 2014 - the trade-off being a substantially reduced premium). Each plan offers certain benefits some more comprehensive than others. Each plan must cover a core set of benefits (also known as the basic benefits). The basic benefits are: 1) Medicare Part A coinsurance plus coverage for 365 additional days after Medicare benefits are used up. 2) Medicare Part B coinsurance or copayment 3) First 3 pints of blood 4) Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayment There's a total of 9 benefits that can be secured. The other 5 benefits available under a Medigap plan are: 1) Skilled Nursing Facility Care coinsurance 2) Medicare Part A deductible 3) Medicare Part B deductible 4) Medicare Part B excess charges 5) Foreign travel emergency (up to plan limits) Each plan features a different structure, Each plan covers a different combination of these 9 benefits (some of the plans feature coinsurance or copayments for certain benefits). If cost is not a major factor for you, Plan F will be the recommended choice because it covers all 9 benefits at 100% - it's the most popular plan by far. If you're looking to keep your costs down, but still have very comprehensive coverage, you may want to look at plans C, G, and N as well. When you're looking to buy a Medigap plan, you should consult with an independent Medigap insurance agent to review the plans in detail to see which one will best serve your needs, help you identify all of the carriers offering Medigap plans in your zip code, and which one will be able to offer the coverage to you at the lowest cost (the plans are standardized so the biggest difference between them is price - the benefits are exactly the same regardless of the carrier you have the Medigap plan through). I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for assistance with your Medigap coverage needs, including quotes and plan comparisons, and if you have any other questions. Thanks very much.
Does Full Coverage Health Insurance Cover?
Currently 85 - 90% of the population is covered by health insurance. About a third of the population has Medicare or Medicaid as their primary coverage. The rest are covered by an employer plan or individually owned health insurance. Starting in 2014 most everyone will be required to purchase health insurance if they are covered by a government or employer plan.
How Much Does A New York Life Insurance Agent Make?
Almost everyone age 65 and older qualifies for Medicare. If you are a US citizen or legal resident who has at least 10 years of earned wages in the Social Security system you qualify for Medicare. You must have lived in the US for at least 5 years You may also qualify based on your spouse's time in Social Security
Is Disability Insurance Required By Law?
Not generally. There are five states that require most all employers carry short term disability insurance on their employees. These states are: California, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island. Besides this mandatory short term disability law, there is no other legislative imperative for someone to purchase or be covered by disability insurance.
How To Choose The Best Auto Insurance?
Guaranteed Replacement Cost is a common term that is sometimes misused by agents. It means that, if your home is destroyed, your insurance company will rebuilt it, whatever it costs with no limit. This was a very common settlement option at one time. Insurance companies began offering it to differentiate themselves and soon, almost every company offered it. Today, it's not like that. Some companies will offer it, but only to certain properties. Beware this term when it's thrown around by agents. Some will misuse it to make it seem like they have this when they actually don't. Today, most companies will offer something called "Extended Replacement Cost" or other, similar terms. This means that they will replace your home, even if it costs more that the limit on the policy, but they will only go to an extra 10,25, or 50% of the limit. For example, if your home is insured to $100,000, they may pay up to $110,000, $125,000, or $150,000 to rebuild it. Some agents will call this Guaranteed Replacement Cost. Beware, there's nothing guaranteed about it. The bottom line is this: Be smart, get an agent you can trust that's more worried about covering you correctly than just getting a new commission.
Is A Chiropractor Covered By Medicare?
Chiropractic care is covered by Medicare in some situations. Medicare Part B pays for a chiropractor's manual manipulation of the spine to correct subluxation. If a hand held device is used during the manual manipulation, the use of the device is not covered. Initial physical exams, evaluations, X-rays, acupuncture, physical therapy, supplements and orthopedic devices prescribed or provided by a chiropractor are NOT covered.
How Much Does Auto Insurance Cost After A DUI?
The increase that you experience in your auto insurance rates after an accident, ticket, or even a DUI can vary greatly depending on the insurance carrier that you are with. The change to your auto rates could vary anywhere from zero to two or three times your current rate or possibly more. Contact your local agent they should be able to advise you of the carriers current policy on rate changes for clients that experience a DUI.
How Long Will Disability Insurance Pay?
Disability insurance will pay benefits to the disabled person according to the terms of the policy that was purchased. The "elimination period" determines at what point payments start. This may be a few months to a year after the disability occurs. The duration of the plan dictates how long the Disability Insurance pays. This may be a few years all the way to age 65.
Is Life Insurance Acceptable In Islam?
Do to its use of interest and chance there are those who believe that insurance is not permitted in Islam (i.e. that it is haram or sinful). Due to the spiritual nature of this question, you should seek the advice of an Imam for further guidance on Islam's position on insurance.
Does Life Insurance Cover Cancer?
Life insurance pays a death benefit regardless of the cause of death, including cancer. Some policies include an acceleratd death benefit that allows you to access a portion of the death proceeds if you have a terminal condition. In most cases death must be expected to occur withing 2 years of taking out the "loan".
Is travel insurance worth the money?
Stacking is where you take the limits of your uninsured motorist coverage and stack them up. For example you carry 50/100 uninsured motorist limits and are hit by an uninsured motorist and are injured. Your policy would pay up to 50,000 for the injury of each person in your auto up to 100,000 max. Now lets say for example you have two cars on your policy. Of course each car has the same 50/100 limits. With stacking since yourpolicywas covering two cars the limits would be stacked and your now have 100/200 coverage in any auto accident. Stacking is not available in all states and for those states that offer stacking it comes with a premium.
Does Medicare Cover STD Testing?
Rhinoplasty is generally nose surgery performed for cosmetic purposes and health insurance does not cover cosmetic surgery (unless it is for restorative purposes such as after an accident or cancer). That is not to say that rhinoplasty would never be covered but it would have to be for medically necessary purposes. If you have had chronic health problems caused by your nasal passages it is possible that your insurance carrier will cover this procedure if it is determined to meet the criteria of medical necessity to solve the problem. Sometimes this can result in some real hair splitting with part of the procedure being deemed medically necessary and part of it cosmetic, resulting in only partial coverage for the procedure by the insurance carrier. How the doctor codes the procedure can be an important aspect ofwhether the procedure is approved and how the claim is eventually paid. Just remember, your insurance company thinks you are beautiful just the way you are.
Does Medicare Cover Xanax?
Xanax is a prescription drug used most often to treat anxiety. Some Medicare Part D will cover at least a portion of the cost of Xanax. In evaluating prescription drug plans, including those coupled with a Medicare Advantage plan, make sure you run all your medications through the Medicare drug formulary finder.
My Agent Told Me I Was Covered For Prenatal Care, But Now I'M Pregnant And Found Out I'm Not Covered For Anything Maternity Related. What Do I Do?
If you were missled by your insurance "professional" then you can recieve financial indemnification. It does not matter if the information that you were provided was provided in good faith, or if you were intentionally misled. Generally all Life/Health Agents/Brokers must have at least $1,000,000 (per incedent) in Errors and Omissions Coverage to protect them from this type of situation. The best way for you to proceed would be to contact your State's Department of Insurance, there should be a toll free number on their website and an option that will direct you to consumer protection and assistance.
How Quickly Is Life Insurance Paid Out?
The premium for a renters policy has two basic elements. The first is the property to be covered (amount, and location.) The second is liability. The liability section could be the most critical as it protects you from the greatest threat, lawsuit. Inventory your personal property and insure for the cost of replacing that. Determine how much liability insurance you need. Your agent should be a great help here. You will probably be pleasantly surprised by the cost of the policy.
What Kind Of Life Insurance Should I Buy?
There are many choices of life insurance available to you. The main stream life insurance products are term life, universal life, variable life and whole life. Each one has a specific purpose. Term life insurance is meant to coverage a specific period of time. The common terms are 1-5-10-15-20-25-30-35 years. This means the rate or premium you purchase is guaranteed level for that period of time regardless of change in health, life style or occupation. Term life is commonly used for younger people starting out in life, covering a large debt, life a mortgage on a home or business debt, or covering for a young child's education. term life insurance allows for the largest face amount for the smallest premium payments. Universal life and variable life are permanent life insurance solutions that build cash value. Typically the premiums are more expensive and the face amounts are less because part of the premium is going into a cash value fund that can be invested with numerous options. The cash value can later be used for retirement, college funds, critical or chronic illness or even to purchase a large asset like a home. The universal and variable options are typically more aggressive with the cash value funds. The last option, whole life insurance, is very similar to the previous universal life insurance options. However, the cash value funds are typically a fixed percentage of growth. Whole life as it's name suggests is primarily meant to cover you for your entire life. I recommend using an experienced independent life insurance broker with numerous carriers to shop the market and find you the best product at the best price for your unique situation. Good luck.
Does Health Insurance Cover Skin Removal Surgery?
It will depend upon your medical situation; 1) No Scenario (the most likely) - the skin removal is for cosmetic purposes. This is generally understood to extend to persons who have meaningful weight loss that leaves them with excess skin. So, you may have done the right thing by losing a lot of weight but you may have to reconcile yourself to living longer with a flabbier body or privately pay for cosmetic surgery. 2) Yes Scenario (uncommon but not rare) - where medically necessary criteria are met. There are circumstances where there can be recurring health problems caused by skin overhang (yeast infections, sores and rashes, infections, etc.) that can be remedied or mitigated by removing the overhanging skin, a Panniculectomy. This is not the same procedure as what is commonly referred to as a "tummy tuck." The Punniculectomy only removes the overhanging skin and does not address the stretching of abdominal muscle that can also occur and which is commonly addressed in the "tummy tuck" procedure. As such, depending upon the terms of your policy and how a claim is coded I can foresee the situation where both procedures are performed (if the doctors went on and did the more invasive abdominal muscle procedures while "they were in there" and this was done with your prior consent or request) and part of the procedureis covered by the policy and the other part being deemed for cosmetic purposesand not being covered.
Can You Claim Medicare And Private Health?
You can have Medicare and private health insurance, depending on the type of other insurance you have. You can have Medicare and a cancer plan, or hospital indemnity plan, or other ancillary form of coverage. You can have Medicare and employer group health insurance, or retiree group health. Consult an adviser.
Does Renters Insurance Cover Vehicle Damage?
A unilateral contract is an agreement between two parties whereas the life insurance company holds out a policy with its contract provisions and an underwriting offer that they bind their company to via the premium payment by the policy owner. The life insurance company promises to pay death benefit proceeds to the policy beneficiaries.
What Happens When I Cancel Life Insurance?
When you cancel your Life Insurance policy, you are not only giving up the coverage you purchased but you may also be giving up your insurability and cost of insurance. When you applied for the coverage you are considering cancelling, you went through underwriting to determine if you are "insurable". While you are insured, if your health was to deteriorate, the insurance company still maintains the coverage you have. If after cancelling your policy, your health starts to suffer, then when you try to reapply for another Life Insurance policy, you may not be insurable and at best you will have to pay more in premium. Plus consider you will be older which also increases your premium. I recommend that you talk to your broker/agent first to discuss your situation and see the alternatives you have.
Is Life Insurance Part Of An Estate After Death?
The are many varying circumstances for lifeinsuranceproceeds. Life insurance is paid directly to the benefactresses of the life insurance policy. Generally most married couples use the marital deduction act to pass the proceeds and all other assets to the surviving spouse. If the proceeds remain with the surviving spouse, they are subject to federal and state estate taxation if the proceeds and all other assets exceed the federal unified credit and the state exemptions.If that possibility exists, then the policy or policies should be owned day one by an Irrecoverable Life Insurance Trust to avoid inclusion in the estate.
Where Can I Get Cheap Homeowners Insurance?
Cheap insurance is found by carefully selecting a quality insurance agent. That agent will listen to you, provide sound financial advice and communicate clearly with you and the insurance company. Setting appropriate limits is crucial. The real test of value is when you have a claim. If your policy doesnt meet your expectations, you have purchased expensive insurance, regardless of the premium.
How Long Does Short Term Disability Insurance Last?
That is a great question! I'm sure that you aren't the only one who wonders! The sad truth is though, that between costs of research and development, advertising and marketing, and protection from litigation, most health products are considerably more expensive than they need to be. Services, salaries and overhead contribute to costs also. Could you afford to have a medical emergency without health insurance? Guess what - 60% of all bankruptcies are a result of medical emergencies. There's a great reason. Thanks for asking!
How Much Does Auto Insurance Increase After Speeding Ticket?
Most insurance companies will give you one speeding ticket, in fact since most companies only do periodic checks, they may not know about the ticket right away. The effect on your rates should be minimal if at all. This varies by company however so check with your local agent. Do not call the insurance company to ask them directly however. That phone call could result in a check and depending on the company, could result in an increase if you have more than the one incident on your record or you are getting a discount for a perfect driving record.
Does Renters Insurance Cover Scooters?
I believe you will find that for the most part, property plicies will exclude any motor powered vehicles from coverage. This is a pretty standard exclusion. Talk to your insurance professional about your options, though. We can easily provide coverage for scooters under a separate contract that is specifically designed to meet those needs at an extremely reasonable price.
What Is The Best Home Insurance Policy?
The most comprehensive home insurance policies are offered by the High Value/High Net Worth insurance companies. These companies include PURE Insurance, AIG's Private Client Group, ACE Insurance & Chubb Insurance. They will usually provide coverage on an all risk form as opposed to a named peril form. For example- a named peril form will list the things you are covered for; fire, wind, hail, theft, vandalism, etc. The High Value companies will say you are covered for Everything except- intentional acts, flood, wear & tear, nuclear, etc. The insurance companies listed above will usually require you insure your home for more than $1,000,000 and have excellent credit. Some will even require an umbrella or jewelry policy to consider.
Why Do People Get Disability Insurance?
People get disability insurance to protect themselves in the event they become disabled. The loss of income could be financially devastating and having disability insurance will provide a stream of monthly income that will pay bills and provide and replace lost revenue. Many full-time experienced brokers can provide the most expert advice to you.
When Does Health Insurance End When Leaving A Job?
If you leave your job or are terminated your health insurance usually ends at the end of the month you left your job. At that time you would be eligible for COBRA continuation coverage for 18 months or you could purchase indivdiual health insurance. COBRA used to be the best option if you had a pre-exisitng condition but under the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, you can purchase individual coverage with no issues. You have to prove that you have a qualifying event under the IRS code which is a letter of Creditable Coverage from your former health insurance company or employer.
How Much Does It Cost For Renters Insurance?
Individual residences are unique. So are the premiums for renters insurance plans. Check with people who have similar units. Find out what their limits are, from that you can come pretty close to an estimate of what it might cost you. Contact an agent that you trust. Have them design a policy and then you will know exactly what one company will charge for the renters policy.
What Is A Top Hat Retirement Plan?
M & E charges for life insurance stand for Mortality and Expense charges. They are fees that cover various risks and expenses assumed by the insurer. The M & E charge is usually calculated as a percentage of the assets held by the investment funds underlying subaccounts held by the insurance company.
How Much Does Medicare Pay Doctors?
People who receive a Medicare Summary Notice are those who have received services or supplies through Medicare during the previous three month period. The notice is a summary of those services and supplies, and the maximum amount that you may owe the provider. If you did not have any medical costs during that three month period, you will not receive a Medicare Summary Notice that quarter.
What Is An HSA Health Insurance Plan?
An HSA is a Health Savings Account. If your employer offers it as a benefit, you should take advantage of it. It allows you to have available for medically related needs, a set limit of pre-taxed money which is typicallyset aside for you through a payroll deduction. Medical needs for which the HSA funds can usually be available are: doctor, visits, physicals, surgery, eye-glasses, prescriptions, etc.
Is Disability Insurance A Good Idea?
How quickly life insurance is paid out depends on the company and if all the "ducks are in a row". If the company has changed hands, the address of the beneficiary has changed, etc, it may take a couple months to submit and receive the claim. If everything is up to date and the processing time of that company is fast, it may take less than a week.
How Much Does Medicare Cover For Glasses?
Medicare does not pay for routine eye exams or corrective lenses. But if you have vision issues, such as glaucoma or cataracts, Medicare will cover at least a portion of your treatment. Medicare will pay for some of the cost of eyeglasses following cataract surgery. Your Medicare approved supplier that accepts assignment can tell you how much the Medicare allowance is for your eyewear.
Can I Buy A Life Insurance Policy On My Parents?
You can purchase life insurance coverage on anyone you share an economic insurable interest, including parents. Of course, they need to sign as the policy insured on the application and have to be mentally competent to do so. Life insurance policies held between different family generations are quite common.
When Can I Enroll In Medicare Part A?
You will automatically be enrolled in Medicare when you reach age 65 provided you have worked long enough and paid into the system. You will have the choice to opt out of part B of Medicare, but I do not recommend it unless you are still working and in a group. You will also get Medicare if you are on Social Security Disability. There is about a two year wait when you get disability before you are eligible.
How To Remove Medicare Part B?
--> Medicare makes it difficult to cancel, or withdraw from, Medicare Part B. Because Medicare Part B provides important coverage for most people 65 and older, and because there's a penalty if someone cancels Medicare but then later wants to enroll again, Medicare enrolls everyone automatically at age 65 and wants to make sure no one cancels their coverage without fully understanding the consequences.
What Is The Penalty For Not Having Health Insurance Under Obamacare?
The penalty for people who can afford health care but do not have health insurance under the Affordable Healthcare Act is a fee. The fee is called the "individual mandate" or "the individual responsibility payment". This is being assessed in one of two ways. The first is 1% of your yearly household income and the maximum penalty is the cost of a bronze plan. The second way is $95 per person in a family and half that, $47.50 per child, with the maximum penalty being $285 for a family. The fee will be collected from the 2014 household income which will be completed in 2015 from the income tax form. If the wages are too low then the person or family may be entitled to a waiver. The fee will increase every year with the next increase in 2015 to 2.5% of your yearly household annual income or $695 per adult.
Is It Ok To Cancel Life Insurance?
That is truly up to the policy owner. If you are purchasing a new policy that is providing for your coverage needs better than the current policy then it may. In most cases though depending on the amount of time that the life insurance policy has been in effect, it is not recommended to cancel a life insurance policy unless it is absolutely necessary. All licensed agent are ethically obligated to provide information that helps the proposed client make a decision that is in their best interest not that of the agent.
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Groundwater?
Generally speaking, no. However, it is always important to check with your Insurance Professional about the particular points in your Homeowners policy. Some company's policies may include coverage for damage caused by the failure of a sewer or drainage system. This can include anything from a sump pump to a curtain drain to gutters and downspouts. There would still need to be a determination by a claims professional as to the source of the water.
Why Do I Need Critical Illness Insurance?
An insurance product is regulated by the department of insurance. Securities are regulated through through Financial Industry Regulatory Authority and the Securities Exchange Commission. Variable annuities are both an insurance product and a security, i.e. which fall under the jurisdiction of both governing organizations. A registered representative must be licensed with both governing bodies.
Can I Get Health Insurance Without A Physical?
Yes. Health insurance under the new Affordable Care Act is, in short, guaranteed issue - meaning carriers cannot decline you for any pre-existing condition or health-related illness. There are no physicals required to secure an individual health insurance policy. To review available health plans in your area, talk to an independent agent/broker. If you'd like some assistance, send me a message using the "contact me" button
What Is Adjudication In Health Insurance?
Renters insurance does not cover damage to vehicles. The vehicles insurance would cover what ever damage occurred. There is a slight possibility renters insurance would cover damage to a vehicle if for example you threw a baseball through the glass but even this on is a maybe. The vehicles comprehensive coverage would pick up this kind of damage.
When Should Homeowners Insurance Start?
Niether homeowners or renters insurnace will cover flood damage under normal circumstances. To get flood insurance coverage it must be purchased from a carrier that is appointed bye the federal government. Only select carriers provide flood insurance coverage and agents must be appointed with one of those carriers to be able to sell flood insurance coverage.
Does Farm Bureau Offer Renters Insurance?
The two basic types of life insurance policies are Term and Permanent. Term insurance does not have cash value and is for temporary needs, because the coverage will end or have a big price increase at the end of the term. Permanent Life insurance comes in Whole or Universal Life. Permanent Insurance can be purchased to provide coverage for your whole life. There are many different features to Permanent coverage so it is important to discuss this type of insurance with a reputable agent before making your choice.
How Good Are Fixed Annuities?
That is a great question! The simple fact is that you can sue anybody, or any company. All you will need is a competent lawyer, a good reason to sue, and a solid winnable case. If you have all of those things, then you can bring suit against your insurance company. Good luck. Thanks for asking!
Can You Get Life Insurance After Breast Cancer?
Breast cancer has four stages. Depending on the stage, surgery performed and recovery management, i.e. regular checkups, etc. life insurance may be possible to obtain. Depending upon the history and current medical condition there are three possible avenues to explore based on what stage the cancer is in: fully underwritten, simplified issue or guaranteed issue.
How To Get Quotes For Homeowners Insurance?
You could call insurance agents within your area for a start. Whe you call please have the following information available. Normally a requires the year of construction of the home, the square footage of the home, type of garage (if any), any decks or porches, basement type (if any), architecture type of the home,distance of the nearest responding fire department, and possibly more.
Who Should Be The Beneficiary Of My Life Insurance?
Unfortunately, it is impossible to give a guideline on what Term Life Insurance should cost, because the cost varies so much from person to person. If you buy it when young and very healthy, and lock in the rate for a very short time, you can get it for under $10/month for $100,000 of coverage. If you buy it when older or while having serious health problems, and lock in the premium for the rest of your life, the premium could be over $300/mo for that amount. To find the best price for you, go to a website that offers instant quotes and input your information. Keep in mind that these quotes will need to be followed up by a phone call to verify accuracy, or at least by clarifying your health information on the application.
Will Home Insurance Cover Gas Leaks?
Homeowners Insurance polices are not maintenance polices so should you develop a gas leak this would be the responsibility of the owner to repair. However in the event a unknown leak caused an explosion and/or fire this would be a covered loss. Youcertainlywould not want this to occur.
What Happens If I Cancel A Life Insurance Policy?
If you cancel a life insurance policy, first and foremost, the policy will not pay a death benefit to your beneficiary if/when you pass away. If the policy is Term insurance, there is no cash value to collect and no surrender charge to pay, no matter when you took out your policy. However, if you took it out within the year, your agent may lose all their commission from that sale and could be penalized by the insurance company. With Whole or Universal Life, there will be a surrender charge that reduces the cash value you would collect upon cancelling your policy. However, you may be able to roll your full cash value over into a new policy. Or you may have the option to change your policy to a reduced paid-up policy, in which you get to keep some death protection even though you are no longer paying a premium. Discuss your options with your agent; you may be surprised at the options you have.
What Is Homeowners Insurance Binder?
A binder is a one page summary showing the policy is issued or now in force. We use the term the policy is bound and this is where binder comes from. In most cases when a new policy is issued an agent can issue a binder to the insured or lender showing proof of coverage since the actual policy deceleration pages will not be available for several days.
Will Homeowners Insurance Cover Water Damage From A Roof Leak?
That is an excellent question! While your agent may be quick to assure you otherwise, it is possible to lose money on an annuity, but it's awfully tough to do. If you've done your homework, and had a good agent, you will almost always come out ahead. You can lose money if: Your guaranteed interest rate is lower than the cost of inflation, and the cost of the fees on the annuity are unreasonably high; if you have a variable annuity without guarantees, and the market tanks like it did in 2008; and if the money that you invested in the annuity could have brought you a higher rate of return had it been invested elsewhere. If you've done your homework and made sure that your annuity covered these bases, you should find yourself sitting on a healthy income stream for many years to come. I hope that helps, thanks for asking!
Does QDRO Apply To Life Insurance?
QDRO or a Qualified Domestic Relations Order comes through the courts in a divorce case. This order typically deals with divorce settlements concerning finances and retirement plans such as IRAs, Roth IRAs, 401Ks, 403bs and cash value life insurance plans. If you or your ex spouse owns cash value life insurance, then yes, the cash value is included in QDRO calculations. In most cases, term life insurance plans are not included in these calculations because there is no value unless a death occurs. You or your ex spouse can also be court ordered to carry a term life policy to cover alimony and or child support in case of an early death.
Renters Insurance Is It Required?
Annuity Rates are directly tied to the Fed Funds Rate & to 10 Year Treasury Rates. Both of these are at historical lows at the moment. Most financial experts claim that interest rates should rise over the next 5 years. If this happens, Annuity Rates will rise as along with them.
Can My Ex Have Life Insurance On Me?
Not only can your ex-spouse buy a life policy on you, but should, particularly if you are paying alimony or child support. Your ex-spouse should apply for and own the policy. Then there is never any question about premium payment and beneficiary changes. Your ex-spouse has a distinct insurable interest. Of course this procedure needs your cooperation. If there are bad feelings you might consider the consequences if the court were to order you to cooperate or buy the insurance for your ex-spouse.
Which Is Better Medicare Or Medicare Advantage?
Original Medicare, with or without a supplement plan, allows you to use any doctor, lab or hospital anywhere in the U.S. that accepts Medicare assignment. Most Medicare Advantage plans have limited network that require you to use their participating facilities or else you pay a significant penalty for out of network benefits.
Does Variable Life Insurance Have A Cash Value?
Cash value permanent life insurance has the potential to accumulate cash values, but it's dependent on the crediting method. Variable life insurance uses a guaranteed interest rate account and separate sub accounts that use equities and bond investments. The optimal design for cash value is purchasing the lowest TAMRA compliant death benefit option.
How Do You Set Up Annuities?
You will need to contact a good insurance agent who is familiar with annuities and can offer a multitude of companies. The agent can examine your needs, goals and personal circumstances and help determine if an annuity is suitable for you, and if so help direct you to an annuity that fits your circumstances. The agent will then help you apply.
Will The Cost Of Medicare Go Up In 2014?
The cost of Medicare will almost certainly go up in 2014. The cost of health care is rising, the population is aging and not getting any healthier. In addition, utilization of medical services continues to rise at a staggering rate. Unless Congress yields to political pressure, you should anticipate your Medicare Part A and Part B deductibles to rise along with your Part B premium. The only remaining question is, how much will these costs rise?
What Auto Insurance Is Required By Law?
If you live in a state that requires auto insurance typically the coverages that would be required are bodily injury, property damage, and uninsured motorist at minimum. Regulations are different from state to state. The amounts and types of coverage can vary greatly. Contact a local agent to know what the coverage requirements are for the state that you reside in.
How Much Does Health Insurance For A Family Of 3 Cost?
You can only apply for health insurance outside of the annual enrollment period if you qualify for a special enrollment period (SEP). This goes for health plans both on and off the health insurance exchanges. To qualify for a special enrollment period, you must have a "life-changing event."Qualifying events include: 1) Getting married 2) Having a child 3) Adopting a child 4) Fostering a child 5) Moving out of your current coverage's service area 6) Losing your existing health insurance under certain conditions including: 7) Loss of group coverage through your employer 8) Your COBRA coverage expired 9) You get divorced 10) You come off your parent's group coverage 11) Your plan was terminated by the carrier 12) You lose your Medicaid eligibility, CHIP eligibility, or similar situation 13) Becoming a U.S. citizen 14) Leaving incarceration 15) Becoming a member of an indian tribe: those in a federally recognized tribe can apply for new coverage/make changes to their existing coverage once a month throughout the year Please note, voluntarily terminating your existing coverage or your coverage was terminated by the carrier because you didn't pay your premiums are NOT considered qualifying events for a special enrollment period. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. Thanks very much.
Can Both Husband And Wife Have Roth IRA?
Perhaps this question is best answered by the statistical averages gathered over the years by LIMRA (Life Insurance and Market Research Association):- Only about 7% of agents that sign on with a single insurance company remain with that company past the first five years.- The percentage that remains in the business after departing from their first insurance carrier is around 20% and each year that percentage declines.- About 3% of all individual sales representatives that enter the insurance business remain in the business for 20 years or more.- The average age of a life insurance agent today is about 57 years old.It has been said that if you can sell life insurance, you can sell anything. As a career, being a life insurance agent can be very rewarding, but it is highly unlikely that life insurance will be the only line of insurance you sell unless you become highly specialized and work with other advising financial professionals as a team in the high-net worth market. Otherwise, you will find it necessary to sell other lines of insurance, notably health, DI, Annuities, LTCi, or property-casualty insurance (auto, home, liability, etc.) to pay the bills.Sometimes, insurance agents become securities-licensed and obtain various professional designations that allow them to practice financial advisory services and sales of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. This is a fairly recent trend and usually results in the sale of life insurance being a rare occurrence due to all of the other responsibilities of being a financial advisor.Perhaps the most rewarding thing about being a life insurance agent (or being licensed to sell life insruance, among other things) is being the person that "delivers the check" to the survivors of someone that died prematurely and on whom there was a high level of financial dependence.
Why Does Life Insurance Cost More For Men?
Life insurance costs more for men simply because men die sooner than women on average, according to actuarial tables. The difference in rates between men and women is not as much at younger ages and for short term insurance. It is in longer term and permanent policies, and policies purchased at an older age, where the price increases for men show up more. That is because the policy is insuring the male to an older age, and the chances of mortality are higher.
Who Is Eligible For Disability Insurance?
If you take care of 6 kids or less some homeowners insurance companies will let you endorse day care coverage on the policy. However this is a very limited coverage. Otherwise you would need to purchase day care insurance which runs on average in my area of Northern California of 1000.00 annual. Generally you would need to work with an independent agent who can find you the right coverage.
Who Sells The Cheapest Auto Insurance?
There are many carriers out there all can be quite "Cheap" But be careful when shopping for rates cheap doesn't always mean you have the proper coverage. Also depends on what type of coverage you are looking for. When shopping online there are times that the rate is fantastic then you find out that they are not even allowed to sell insurance in your state. you also have to think about in the event of a claim can they be reached and you talk to someone local? Buyer beware make you are covered properly like the old saying goes if it is to good to be true then most likely that is the case. However I do have some carries that I have a client in that has full coverage on a car and only $143 for 6 months of coverage with low deductible now that is cheap but her coverage is not. So the key is making sure you know what you are purchasing before you put the money out. A Local agent or the States insurance commissioners office can assist you in finding what you are looking for
How To Determine If You Need Long Term Care Insurance?
Ask yourself these questions: Do you own your home? Do I want to pass it to my family? What about my other assets? If I had to go to a nursing home do I want to have to spend down my assets to qualify for Medicaid? What will my family do if this happens? Proper planning can help insure that when your time comes that you need care your family will not have to suffer the burden of taking care of your personal needs. Help will be available to allow you to stay at home rather than being forced into a nursing home and losing all your hard earned money and assets. Talk to a good Care Resource Planner familiar with not only Long Term Care Insurance, but also Medicaid, Veterans Benefits, and other sources that could save you literally thousands of dollars.
When Is Medicare Primary Payer?
If your health insurance plan has it's pharmacy benefits integrated then it probably will. The type of plan and the scope of it's coverage will dictate how exactly such a medication is handled. If one has a "rich" level of coverage then one should have no problems what-so-ever, however with plans that offer "thinner" coverage and benefit options one may have to have their Dr. contact the insurance company to state that the medications are a medical necessity (which could be due to ones mental health-depression) this should meet the requirements to obtain approval for such Rx's for E.D.
Who Has The Best Medigap Plan?
Yes, up to the policy limit. You will need to check on your policy forms and look at the cash coverage. Its usually up to $1500, but may vary with different insurance companies. Talk with your insurance agent and have him or her explain the circumstances of this coverage if cash was taken from you.
Does Disability Insurance Have A Cash Value?
Disability Insurance is a morbidity product with no accumulating cash values. The benefits of a disability insurance product are not considered an asset, but an insurance claim. Although most disability insurance claims are tax free, businesses that expensed the disability insurance premiums as a tax deduction, receive the benefits taxable as ordinary income.
How Fast Can You Get Car Insurance?
Depending on where you get the policy if your purchasing online and understand the coverage's then it may be less then 30 min. I know that our agency can quote with 10 carriers and have a policy issued with in 15 minutes or less. So longs as you have all your information right infront of you most companies can issue a policy with in 15 to 30 minutes max.
What Is The Benefit Of Renters Insurance?
Renters insurance is for renters of homes and apartments as house insurance is for those who own the house. Renters insurance protects YOUR property if there is a loss from say a fire. The biggest issue is what kind of policy you have. Does your insurance give yoy replacement cost or just current value. There is a big difference. Think about what you stuff costs today versus purchasing brand new.
How Is Life Insurance An Asset?
Almost all people with lupus are able to get some type of life insurance policy. Mild, well controlled, systemic lupus alone should not keep you from getting any amount for which you are financially qualified. If you have had recent flare ups, are on steroids, or have complications from your lupus, you may need to take a nonmed policy. There are some no exam policies that do not ask about lupus, and that have reasonable rates. Contact a good impaired risk life insurance agent that carries lots of choices for those with health conditions, and you should be able to get affordable life insurance while having lupus.
How Do Annuity Companies Make Money?
Yes. And has worked in the United States for more than two centuries. It is rare for a company to deny a claim and very rare for a company to deny a claim outside the contestable period. Contestability varies by state. In California and most of the states that I am licensed in it is two years.
How To Drive A New Car Home Without Insurance?
Do not drive your new car without insurance. If you have a policy in place that covers physical damage you should be automatically covered long enough to call your agent and notify them of the new vehicle. Otherwise you are driving uninsured which is not only breaking the law but risking a potential cost you can not pay. A dealership if they are doing their job will not let you off the lot without first verifying you have an insurance policy in place.
How Much Does Medicare Pay For IVF?
IVF, otherwise known as In Vitro Fertilization would generally not be something that medicare would pay for. Typically medicare provides coverage for treatment that is considered medically necessary. Without knowing the details of your particular circumstances and medical requirements it is difficult to answer this type of question definitively. I strongly recommend that you contact medicare directly at 800-Medicare to find a definite answer to this question.
Does Bank Of America Sell Life Insurance?
I am not an employee of Bank of America but yes just like most banks today they do sell life insurance and annuities. BoA has subsidiary life insurance companies through Merrill Lynch, General Fidelity Life Insurance Company, Meritplan Insurance Company and Newport Insurance Company. Even now some insurance companies now have banks.
When Should I Stop Paying For Life Insurance?
You should stop paying for life insurance when you have eliminated all your financial liabilities and future obligations, including charitable intent. You could also stop paying for life insurance if you have no beneficiaries, business partners or charities. You could stop paying for your cash value life insurance if the performance of the policy results in the policy sustaining itself to maturity. To be sure of the performance, or lack thereof, you need to order an in force ledger from the life insurance company.
What Is Guaranteed Replacement Cost In Homeowners Insurance?
A landlord will require a tenant to have renters insurance to help protect them and you and your family. Renter insurance provides liability coverage and personal property coverage for the insured. The liability coverage will provide for a covered loss occuring that the insured is deemed responsible for and the personal property coverage provides for personal property due to acovered loss. If you would like to discuss details of renters insurance coverage, please contact a a local agent to have them go over it with you.
Where Is The Best Place To Get Homeowners Insurance?
The best to place to purchase insurance is from an agent. If you dont know an agent get a recommendation from a friend, colleague or neighbor. A good agent will listen to you, provide sound financial advice and communicate clearly with you and the insurance company. Setting limits and tailoring coverages are the agents job and many are quite good at it.
When Do I Need Commercial Auto Insurance?
This is just to help flesh out the above answer. The two basic thresholds for getting a commercial auto policy. 1. You have a type of legal business entity in place (e.g. Corporation, S-Corp, Partnership, LLC) and you want there to be a company car; OR 2. You are doing business as an individual and you have five or more automobiles associated with the business. While that is easy, it gets more difficult if you do not own the company, but are merely and employee or agent and you are using your personal automobile for business purposes. The business will have to add an endorsement to its Commercial Auto Policy to cover other owned vehicles, so you have coverage. However, the limits associated with liability on your companies Auto Policy might not be high enough to cover you in a serious accident. Here is where you will have to coordinate your personal auto liability coverage with your companies liability in order to make sure you are adequately covered. Hope this helps.
Why Buy Supplemental Disability Insurance?
There are several reasons to considering buying Supplemental Disability Insurance. 1) Group Disability policies usually pay 60% of your income in event of disability, and if your employer paid the premiums, the benefits are taxed. Thus, the benefit you actually receive may be approx 45% of your income. Supplemental Disability Insurance is not taxed and can possibly raise this benefit to 70% to 80% of your income. 2) Any group benefit will be lost when you leave the group. Having Supplemental Disability Insurance can be valuable if you no longer qualify for Disability Insurance upon separating from a job and its group benefits. 3) Group Disability coverage is often "own occupation" the first two years, then changes so that you will no longer receive your benefits if you can work at ANY job, not just your OWN type of job. Supplemental Disability Insurance can extend the own occupation feature to last longer than two years. You could also add other features such as a Cost of Living Adjustment rider.
How Much Is Health Insurance For Two People?
Group Variable Life Insurance (or GVUL) is a combination of term insurance with a cash component that allows you to allocate your money into "separate" investment accounts. Depending on the carriers, those choices allow for mutual funds, etf's and bond funds, as well as a Guaranteed Principal Account (GPA). Many times the coverage is Corporate Sponsored which means that the employer pays the term cost and you the employee has the option to contribute through payroll deduction or bank draft. GVUL is a what Suzy Orman would call, buy term and invest the difference, except that the difference is placed in a product that you don't pay taxes on while it grows (because it is inside the life insurance) and when you take it out (if done properly) can be taken out tax free.
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Foundation Issues?
Unless the issue is caused by a covered peril your homeowners insurance would not pay for any of the repairs to correct the foundation issues. A foundation issue is typically considered a maintainance issue. Please read your policy completely to know what is covered and what exclusions there may be or contact your local agent to have them go over the policy with you.
Does Renters Insurance Include Theft?
If you're insured with a reputable company and a good agent, your renters policy should include theft. All a renters policy is is a homeowners policy without the building coverage. It's there to cover your stuff and your liability. It's rare, but there are companies that offer coverage that may not include theft. This coverage form is called "Basic Form" and it will not cover theft. Never, never, never accept a policy written on a basic form for your renters coverage. The most common form is Broad Form, and it will cover theft. Most companies and agents will use this when writing your renters policy. Don't accept anything less.
How Much Would Car Insurance Cost For A Ford Mustang?
In order to answer that question an agent would need to know the year, make and model of the Mustang. The coverage's desired. Who is the driver or drivers which would include date of birth and drivers license number. After obtaining this information a quote can be obtained. I don't have to state the obvious but a base model Mustang and a Salene Mustang will have completely different rates. Also a 50 yr old driver vs. a 20 year old driver will have a difference in rate not to mention the driving record.
Can An Employer Cancel Health Insurance?
In Wisconsin Rural Mutual Insurance Company which is a part of Farm Bureau Financial Services offers renters insurance. I can only speak for Wisconsin, but Farm Bureau Financial Services does operate in other states within the United States and handles personal lines with other companies in those states. If you are in Wisconsin give me a call and I can try to help you with coverage if you are not in Wisconsin, then I would suggest contacting your local Farm Bureau office to ask them for a local agent.
Can I Be Denied Health Insurance In 2014?
Under The Affordable Care Act there will not be any medical underwriting associated with getting a health insurance policy issued. That means that if you are not in great health, you can still get health insurance to help pay your medical expenses. There are also federal subsidies available that are income-based where you may qualify for government assistance to pay a portion of your insurance premiums.
What Is Meant By Life Insurance Creates An Immediate Estate?
I would like to say a Retirement Income Certified Professional (RICP) however, that would be self-serving. You should carefully choose a person whose advice you can trust. While the procedure to start a plan is routine, at some point you will need to make changes and ultimately derive income. This requires experience.
Is Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage Mandatory?
That is a great question! The answer is one of those , "no, but you should" answers. Like health insurance isn't mandatory, having it is very wise, and not having it has penalties. It iskind of like that with your prescription coverage. While it isn't mandatory to have, the cost of your prescriptions without it is often prohibitive. A prescription that Medicare covers may only cost you a couple of dollars, that without the coverage would cost $45-50 dollars or more. On a fixed income, and looking at stretching a retirement fund, I'd wholeheartedly recommend that you enroll in the plan. Thanks for asking!
Who Is Covered Under Your Auto Insurance?
This depends upon your state and your insurance carrier. I will first speak generally then about the Michigan rules. General: anyone who is a family member and living in your home is covered by your auto insurance. Anyone who is borrowing your car with your permission is covered. Those are the major general coverage. Michigan: no-fault insurance goes like this 1. owner of the car, 2. driver of the car, 3. someone in the car, 4. a household family member who has no-fault. The general trend in Michigan is to find someone with insurance and make a claim against it, to prevent a mini-tort. I hope this helps.
How Can I Save Money On Homeowners Insurance?
There are many folks out there that have a company vehicle or other transportation provided to them. While the exposure is different it is still you driving a car or truck. so, you need coverage too. Don't be confused by the fact the company that owns the vehicle ( typically your employer has liability insurance) . Liability will generally be something you might have in Excess of their coverage. However it is not unusual for you to need coverages such as Medical Payments and Uninsured Motorist. Especially with large employers you might think the employer has a heavy protection for their employees, that may be true for liability but ask your employer about Uninsured or Under insured Motorist Coverage The way to approach securing non owned coverage is the same way we would recommend you obtain any insurance need. Call or visit an agent on line and ask for a quote. If you live in AZ,CA,GA, MO or TX we would be glad to assist you further.
When To Buy Long Term Disability Insurance?
Esurance is an Allstate company. The Esurance website says the following at the bottom of the page for other life insurance products, where it addresses life insurance: "Life insurance is offered through unaffiliated partners of Esurance. Esurance does not underwrite, provide customer service, or process or pay claims on these products."
When Do I Have To Sign Up For Medicare?
You should sign up for Medicare in the three months before the month of your 65th birthday, the month of your 65th birthday, or in the three months following the month of your 65th birthday. If you miss that enrollment period you can sign up between Jan 1 and March 31 each year.
What Is Medicare Part B Used For?
Medicare Part B covers most outpatient treatment that Medicare considers medically necessary. Just a few of your covered expenses include doctor visits, lab work, X-rays, CT scans, MRI, medical transport (ambulance), Emergency Room, outpatient surgery, infusion therapy in a clinic or hospital setting. Some infusion drugs are also covered by Part B.
Is Krystexxa Covered By Medicare?
Krystexxa is a medication used to treat gout and can be effective when other treatments have not produced the desired results. FDA approval for Krystexxa was granted in 2010. In 2011 Medicare assigned a treatment code to Krystexxa. Krystexxa is infusion therapy, covered under Medicare Part B. Due to the cost ($60,000 per year) there may be limits placed on how many treatments will be approved by Medicare.
How To Add A Dependent To Health Insurance?
Dependent children can be covered under their parent's health insurance policies up to age 26. The main questions are the timing of your wanting to add this dependent to your coverage or if a change of life status event has occurred that allows for the addition of a dependent to your policy. If it's renewal time for your coverage then it's simply a matter of requesting the paperwork to add thedependent to your coverage. In the context of group health insurance plans it is quite likely that if it is outside of your plan's open enrollment period that a change of life status event will have to occur for you to be able to add your dependent to your coverage. The most common change of life status events are marriage, divorce, birth of a child, adoption of a child or loss of other health insurance coverage. If you had the dependent during your last open enrollment period and did not add them to your group's policy at that timeand there has been no change of life status event in the interim you will almost certainly have to wait until your group's next open enrollment period. Also, in one of the quirks of ObamaCare, spouses are not technically defined as dependents (I know, it doesn't make any sense but remember our politicians didn't read the law before they passed it). So, with health insurance rates rising sharply you are seeing more employers not providing spousal coverage, or allowing spouses to be covered only of they do not have coverage available through their employers (if they have one), or you may see an extra charge assessed for covering a spouse that has crappy coverage elsewhere. Just a word of warning regarding possible surprises you might encounter in wanting to add a spouse to your coverage.
Can My Boyfriend Add Me To His Car Insurance?
If you are living in the same household then he should put you on the list of drivers. The insurance follows the car and that is linked to a household. The person buying the insurance is in the household and can loan the car to whoever he wishes. The insurance covers the automobile. If you are not living together there wouldnt be anything gained by putting you on the policy.
How To Setup A Personal Retirement Plan?
How to set up a personal retirement plan is a process. First start with the end in mind determine what retirement success would look like for you. Once you have an idea then you can determine what it would take to fund it. Retirement planning can be complex as there are many factors to consider and it is easy to put it aside for another day. The saying the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step is applicable here - start saving a regular percent of your earnings today. Let the power of compound interest work for you. If you would like to work with a local Retirement Planner, you could start with a Google search. For example, if you search for: retirement planner Halifax or retirement planning Halifax, my name, along with several others, will come up. You can use the same method to find Retirement Planners in your community. If you have further questions, or feel that I could be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.