How Much Life Insurance Should A Husband Have?
Medigap is a secondary insurance plan to pick up the financial gaps after Medicare pays their portion. Medigap is a risk management tool. Without a hefty bank account you can have a lot of out of pocket costs if you have a bad year. Two or three hospitalizations (it happens) in a year plus the 20% that Medicare doesn't pay (Part B) can add up quickly. Medigap premiums are a small price to pay in order to sleep well at night.
How Safe Are Fixed Annuities?
Tax deferred, fixed annuities are based on the contractual claims in the annuity policy. The contractual claims in the annuity policy are as good as the financial strength and claims paying of the annuity company that issued the policy. Generally, fixed interest rate annuities guarantee a rate for a period of time like 5, 7 or 10 years. The annuity insurance companys portfolio is generally dominated by government bonds.
Does Long Term Disability Cover Medical Insurance?
Long term disability and medical insurance are two completely different animals. Long term disability replaces a portion of your income during the time you are unable to work at your full time occupation due to a covered accident or illness. Claims payments are made directly to the insured. Medical insurance is designed to pay a portion of the medical bills derived from care you receive from doctors, hospitals, and other healthcare providers. Claims payments are made directly to the providers unless assigned elsewhere.
Can You Buy Life Insurance On Other People?
The most expensive mistake a homeowner can make is to be underinsured. Regardless of what the premiums were, a single high value loss that exceeds the limits of the policy can make those saving immaterial. Setting adequate limits is absolutely crucial. The person that can help set appropriate limits is a reliable insurance agent. This is a far greater problem than many think. The primary place where this shows up is having inadequate liability limits. Your homeowners policy provides liability coverage for personal injury and property damage law suits. The company pays all costs for a lawsuit up to the limits of the policy. After that the homeowner is facing the lawsuit alone. Most companies do not offer adequate liability limits and most policyholders select limits that are lower than the maximum offered by the company. An umbrella policy is necessary for most homeowners. The second area that is often underinsured is valuable collections. The homeowners policy has internal limits for recovery on certain items. Most homeowner dont know that their inherited sterling silver is woefully underinsured. They dont understand that those guns in the cabinet could be destroyed and they would only get a fraction of their value. The same is true of jewelry, a coin collection, and many other items. This is all detailed inside the policy, but few homeowners ever read their policy. Some people continue to underinsure their structure. While not as common it is an increasing phenomenon. A homeowner will improve the home and never inform the company or agent. In the event of a loss the amount of coverage might not return the home to its updated glory. This coverage is really inexpensive, however a loss can be paralyzing. Some homeowners have multiple homes. The second homes are often in hazardous areas, such as lakefront, beach front and mountain property. The cost of replacing one of these homes can exceed the insured value because of inflated reconstruction costs. If a forest fire sweeps through some summer cottages, there will be a great demand for contractors to do the work and there will also be bidding for materials. It can get ugly. So adequate insurance is the first step, the second step is to focus on the policy itself. Homeowners can often save significant money by increasing the deductibles on their policies. The deductible should be set at the amount of loss that could be absorbed without serious disruption to the family finances. That is often more than the deductible in the policy. Companies traditionally offer discounts if coverages are packaged. Some companies cover a wide range of policies and by bringing those to a single carrier premium savings can often be realized. This is particularly true if you own another residence that you lease to someone else. Often extending liability coverage from you homeowners policy will save you money. Companies often give discounts for loss prevention. The most common is the central station monitored alarm systems. While companies are rarely as generous as the alarm sales people indicate, there are savings to be had by simply providing a certificate of installation. Sometimes the homeowners policy will be modified if substantial rehabilitation is done to the home. You would need to talk to your agent about this. You could also discuss the jewelry insurance if the jewelry is most often located in a safe deposit at the bank.
Does Renters Insurance Cover Theft Of A Bike?
The rule of thumb when choosing a beneficiary is the person who has the most to lose by your death. A loved one usually a family member is chosen as a primary beneficiary and maybe a child will be chosen as the contingent beneficiary. However in cases where no one would be hurt financially upon your death, the next person to consider would be the person who will handle your funeral arrangements and estate. This way they have the cash to pay final expense and other final bills.
Can I Enroll In Medicare Part D Anytime?
--> Normal 0 What makes up a good homeowners insurance policy? In my mind its a policy that is going to do what you want it to do, at a price you are willing to pay. The problem is, most insurance buyers dont really know what they want the policy to do. Most people seem to want a policy to repair or replace their home if its damaged . To me that means you want an all-risk policy on your home with a Guaranteed Replacement Cost feature, which automatically increases your amount of insurance following a loss, to whatever it takes to rebuild your home if it is damaged and has to be rebuilt. All- Risk type policies will not cover everything but they will specifically state what you are not covered for and you can decide where to go from there. Few policies include the Guaranteed Replacement feature; so make sure you ask for it. And if the company doesnt offer it, you may want to check with someone else. Most people also want their personal stuff replaced should it be damaged or destroyed. So a good homeowners policy should do that. That means, all-risk replacement cost coverage for all your stuff. If its not all-risk(often called Special Coverage or Open Perils) Replacement Cost, you may want to look further. Again, not all types of damage will be covered but the policy will tell you what you are not covered for so you wont have any surprises. Often specific exclusions can be eliminated for an additional cost. Most policies dont include these features so make sure you ask for them if that is the kind of coverage you expect. Good homeowners policies will include coverage for the additional expenses you may incur should your home be damaged and you have to live somewhere else while it is being repaired and a nominal amount of Personal Liability coverage, a good one will have limits not less than $300,000. A good homeowners policy will be offered by a financially strong, at least A-rated insurance company hopefully with a local contact to help you understand what you are getting, makes sure it covers any special situations that make up your life and is there should you have a significant claim. A good homeowners policy is one that doesnt get cancelled the first time you have a claim. Buying insurance on-line may be popular and convenient but you have to know what you are doing. Remember if there is a problem, you are one small policy and they are one big insurance company. It may be a good time to have somebody local on your side.
Can I Rent A Car From Enterprise Without Insurance?
If you do not have your own insurance policy to protect you when you rent a car you do have the option to purchase the insurance provided by the rental car company. You must have one or the other as any rental car company will not let you take their vehicle on the road without insurance. Keep in mind the insurance provided by the rental car companies are generally state minimumcoverage's.
Why Is Auto Insurance So Expensive In Ohio?
Auto insurance in Ohio is actually fairly inexpensive...if you know where to look. As an experienced broker here in Ohio (just North of Cincinnati), we specialize in finding the lowest available rates offered by the top-rated carriers. Prices are based on many factors including your age, where you live, the type of vehicle you drive and how good (or bad!) your driving record is. Typically, rates here in the Buckeye state are lower than most other states. A younger driver (under 21) will usually pay a higher rate. There are, however, many discounts that can help reduce the premium. Each carrier has a different set of discounts so shopping can make a big difference. Also, by having an experienced broker shop for you, you may be able to find better pricing. Whether its State Farm, Esurance, Progressive, Geico or Farmers (or many others), as experienced brokers with top-rated websites, our job is to help consumers find not only the best prices, but the most appropriate coverage for their specific circumstances.
What Does Medicare HIC Stand For?
It takes Life Insurance anywhere from a couple weeks to a couple months to pay, once they have the certified death certificate and completed death claim form. Some companies are faster than others, and if there is a glitch with wrong address or something, that will slow it down. But for the most part, it is just the time it takes for processing and they try very hard not to drag it out.
Where To Get Renters Insurance?
That is a great question! There are many companies that offer renters insurance. You want to look for one that has a good reputation, and the money to back it up. You can look for an independent agent (one not tied to a brand name), and often your complex managers can refer you to a company ( and often a discount!). Good luck, and thanks for asking!
Can You Put Money In A 401K And A Roth IRA?
That is an excellent question! Not only can you, but you should! It is an excellent strategy to maximize as much as you can afford to the amount you can contribute to your retirement funds. Contribute as much as you can to the 401 to earn the employer match, it's free money, in a way, and you should take advantage of it. Your Roth will allow $5500 a year ($6500 if you are 50+) and after your 401, contribute as much of that as possible. The earlier you start, the better, and by maximizing your contributions now, it will help balance out when the time comes that money is a little tighter, and you can't contribute as much. Thank you for asking!
Does High Cholesterol Affect Life Insurance Rates?
The presence of high cholesterol in the blood has been linked to reduced longevity. To the extent that is true your new life insurance policy might be rated. This is to reflect the increased risk that you present to the insurance company. If you have high cholesterol it will probably be detected whether a paramedical exam is conducted or not. You will find that honest full disclosure will usually give you the best possible rate.
What Happens If I Lie On A Life Insurance Application?
Not being truthful on a Life Insurance application could, at the very least, delay the application process, but that would be the least of your concerns. If you lie, as you say, on the application, and if for some reason, that gets through the underwriting process and the policy is issued, then the real conseqence could affect your beneficiary. If you die within the first two years of the policy, and the misinformation is discovered, the company very well could outright deny any claim. Bottom line, don't lie on any insurance application. The odds are with today's modern underwriting technology, you aren't going to get away with it.
How Do You Determine How Much Term Life Insurance You Need?
There will be a range of answers in the calculation. Are you married? Do you have kids? Are they going to college? Do you own a home? Have a mortgage? What is your income and prospective income over the next few years? Does your spouse have a career of their own, making a good income? How much do you participate in the family income? The broadest answer is from 2 to 10 times your annual income. Use these factors to calculate the more precise amount. thank you. GARY LANE.
Can I Use HSA To Pay For Long Term Care Insurance?
Yes, you can use HSA to pay for long term care insurance premiums. There is a limit on the premiums for LTC insurance that can be paid through your health savings account. The instructions for your Section A (Form 1040) of your tax return will tell you the limit of premiums that can be deducted for your age group that year.
Why Would My Auto Insurance Go Up?
The type of life insurance that pays a dividend is called a participating policy. Dividends are paid when the insurance company makes a profit and, in essence, shares them with its policyholders. The type of life insurance company that offers participating policies that pay dividends is called a mutual company. The type of policy that pays a dividend is usually Whole Life.
Can You Get An Extension On Car Insurance?
You will find, in talking about this with your Insurance Professional, that in most cases, your car insurance policy includes a "grace period" for premium payment. Some non-standard policies do not include this benefit, so be careful. Keep in mind as well that regardless of the length of the grace period, if you ultimately fail to pay on your renewal, coverage will be cancelled back to the policy inception date for that term. If you fail to pay mid term, the policy may be cancelled effective the end of that grace period, which means you would be billed for coverage provided during that grace time.
Will Renters Insurance Cover Flood Damage?
The only way to find out is to request an actual quote. What I can tell you is that auto insurance will be more expensive in a big city such as Boston than in a less populated area because of the higher likelihood of a claim and the higher cost of repairs in a bigger city. Also, keep in mind that not all insurance is the same and you generally get what you pay for. I highly encourage you to get liability limits higher than the legal minimum in your state. Liability coverage is pretty cheap if you have a good driving record and if you ever have an accident and injure someone you'll be VERY happy you have higher limits.
Is Life Insurance Forbidden In Islam?
Many scholars find insurance unfair. Since there isn't a guaranteed return it has the appearance of gambling. When living in a non-Islamic country, abiding by local law is permissable. In Muslim-majority countries there are alternative companies formed called takaful that provide similar coverages on a shared-risk model.
Will Homeowners Insurance Cover Roof Damage?
Most advisers recommend the day you start working full time. Most American workers have 90 days in cash reserves to pay household expenditures. The average long term disability is around 30 months and the odds of a disability event during your working years is significant. And while Social security disability is available, its benefits may not be enough, so purchasing individual disability insurance is necessary and part of your defensive financial plan.
Is A Drug Overdose Covered By Life Insurance?
Generally speaking, an irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT) is set up my those who wish to fund it, i.e. the grantors. Thegrantorsset up the trust, pay premiums into the trust and the trust purchases life insurance for the trustbeneficiaries The grantors are required to have an arms lengthagreementwith the trust and cannot benefit from it directly. Before moving forward setting up an ILIT, consult your estate and probate attorney toestablishyour suitability as grantor.
How Accurate Are Online Auto Insurance Quotes?
I use several carriers and also have my own collector car and I have found that American collectors have better coverage and rates in Montana and less strict as far as guidelines and restrictions. Also they have stated value. The claims I have found have been excellent also. Each carrier has their own niche and specialty
When Is Car Insurance Going Down?
This question is way too vague to be able to provide a decent answer to. As none of have a crystal ball readily available, the best I can suggest is that depending on your carrier, the losses that they have experienced over the last five years, and the make up (age, sex, etc.) of their client base you may experience a decrease in premium at any renewal then again you may experience an increase in premium also.
Is Auto Insurance A Federal Requirement?
Auto Insurance is not a requirement mandated by Federal law, but instead is required by most if not all states as a condition of registering a car for use on public access roads and highways. Property and Casualty insurance, including car insurance is regulated by state authority as opposed to the Federal Government.
Who Should Own Your Life Insurance Policy?
In Canada, you can own a policy on anyone you have an insurable interest in (with their permission) including yourself. If your company owns the life insurance on your life and the company is not the beneficiary. It would be considered a taxable benefit. With one exception transfer of ownership is considered a deemed disposition. In other words it could trigger a taxable gain. The Income Tax Act provides for the transfer of a policy to the policyowners child, without a taxable disposition to the policyowner, if a child of the policyowner is the only person insured. Child includes any natural or adopted child, grandchild, stepchild, son- or daughter-in-law. THAT ONE EXCEPTION creates a planning opportunity. Does it make sense to keep paying income tax each year on the growth of your non-registered investments? Use non-registered assets you wont need during your lifetime. Buy an exempt permanent life insurance policy. Structure the policy to: enable tax-efficient distribution of your assets to future generations and give you control and access while living. Growth inside a permanent life insurance policy is not subject to annual tax (within limits) and Proceeds of life insurance go to named beneficiaries tax-free. Example: How it works: You own the policy. Your adult child is the insured person, Your grandchild is the beneficiary While living, Your adult child is contingent owner At your death, Your adult child becomes owner of policy Benefits for you Taxes - Reduce your annual income tax Control - Keep control of your assets - Can change beneficiary and coverage amount (subject to underwriting requirements) - Can access the cash value in the policy if necessary Legacy - Preserve your legacy for your children and grandchildren - Generate estate value, not taxable income If you have further questions, or feel that I could be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. If you would like to work with a local life insurance broker, you could start with a Google search. For example, if you search for: life insurance broker Halifax or life insurance agent Halifax, my name, along with several others, will come up. You can use the same method to find a life insurance broker in your community.
Will Insurance Cover A Tree Falling On My Car?
The Comprehensive portion of your policy's physical damage coverage would cover the damage caused to your car by a falling tree provided that the car was parked and stationary at the time. The claim would be settled subject to your deductible of course. Talk to your Insurance Professional about the specific terms and conditions of your policy. .
How To Find Good Renters Insurance?
The key to finding a good renters policy is to find a good insurance agent. If you dont have a trusted agent, get referrals from friends colleagues or neighbors. A good agent will listen to you, offer sound financial advice and communicate clearly with you and the insurance company. Selecting the limits of the policy is critical. This is where the agent will earn his commission. If you have a loss and the coverage is inadequate, nothing else matters.
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Sump Pumps?
Not unless they are damaged by a covered peril. At that point they would be consider part of your personal property. Sump pumps breaking down due to age or wear and tear would not becovered Homeowners is not designed as amaintenancepolicy. Covered perils would be things like fire, theft, collapse and other similar occurrences.
Can Life Insurance Be Contested?
Life insurance can be contested, but it is very rare for that to succeed. The beneficiary chosen by the owner of the life insurance policy is who they wanted the money to go to, and the policy is a legal contract. It is very important to keep your beneficiaries up to date so that the death benefit goes to the person(s) of your choice.
What Does Medigap Pay For?
Medigap, also known as Medicare supplement insurance, covers a portion of the balance of approved Medicare Part A and Part B expenses. Medigap plans are standardized and assigned letters. All Medigap plans with the same letter are identical in every way, except the premium. Medigap plan F pays 100% of the balance of approved Medicare Part A and Part B expenses.
Does My Medicare Cover My Wife?
Your wife must be qualified for Medicare to receive benefits. If you are over 65 and on Medicare she can qualify based on your work history. If your wife is not yet 65 or Social Security Disability then she will have to pick up a private insurance plan until she is eligible for Medicare. She cannot be covered by your benefits.
How Much Does Health Insurance For A Newborn Cost?
Medicare should be notified of your death as soon as possible. Medicare will request a certified death certificate as part of the process. Assuming you have a Medicare supplement plan, your carrier should also be notified of your death. If Medicare and your Medigap carrier are not notified in time to stop your next payment, you can ask for a refund.
What Is A Child Rider On Term Life Insurance?
To find which Disability Insurance is best for you, you need to visit with an agent who understands this product and can shop several companies to find your best rate. Your agent can also help you figure out which features to include on your policy so that it accomplishes the purposes for which it is intended.
When You Quit Your Job Does Health Insurance Stop?
Your employer health insurance plan can stop at any time after you quit your job. It depends on how the plan summary is written. Some plan benefits cease the last day you work. Others continue through the end of the month and some continue for 30 - 90 days. If you exercise your COBRA options you can keep your group plan for up to 18 months in most situations.
Long Does Take Get Life Insurance After Someone Dies?
To sell life insurance online, you need to set up a website and determine how to drive traffic to it. Or you need to purchase leads. Or both. If you can do both, you will have a backup in case your website experiences technical difficulties, and you will have some lower cost "organic" leads in case you do not make enough off your purchased leads.
Why Annuities Are Poor Investments?
Tax deferred annuities are insurance products with differing crediting methods for a diverse saving and/or investment strategy for a suitable purchaser who demonstrate a high tax bracket and mid to long term hold horizon. This is determined by developing a personal financial profile that includes risk assessment, a retirement date and a life expectancy report.
Does US Health Insurance Work Overseas?
Yes, State Farm offers term life insurance. You can contact a State Farm agent to get a quote. If you would like to compare their term quotes to quotes from other companies, be sure to compare the same terms, and check to see that all the guarantees are the same.
Does Health Insurance Cover ED Drugs?
Go to WEBSITELINK to apply for Medicare online. This page is the government page to apply for Medicare online. You cannot use this page is you want to activate your social security at the same time. This page is for Medicare online enrollment only. If you already have Medicare Part A and want to sign up for Medicare Part B you should call Social Security at (800) 772-1213 to activate your Part B coverage.
What Renters Insurance Should I Get?
Tax deferred annuities can be product solution for long term savers, investors or those in high tax brackets. Guaranteed fixed interest rate annuities that are 7 or 10 years may be too long a position with the recent uptick in Treasuries, so most fixed interest rate annuities with five year or less may be a consideration. If you believe the market has topped out and a correction is at hand then indexed and variable annuities could be risky products. But if your market expectations are positive both of those types of annuities could be a consideration.
Who Can Buy Medicare?
That is a great question! The vast majority of people get Medicare when they are turning 65. The program will allow people under the age of 65 to enroll under certain conditions, like kidney failure, or if you have been on disability for a designated amount of time. The program is designed to help Senior Citizens afford health care, so unless you meet the exceptions, you will need to be 65 or older to enroll. Thanks for asking!
How Much Is Disability Insurance For Doctors?
Any disability insurance policy is priced based on several factors of the applicant. These include age, gender, occupation and duties of that occupation, tobacco use, and the amount of coverage needed or desired. The amount of coverage is often dictated by the person's earned income; the more someone earns, the more coverage that is available. There are several policy design features that can be included in the plan (or not) that will also affect the price. The person's medical history can also play an important role in pricing. As you can see, there are lots of moving parts to a disability policy that will affect the price. Doctors often buy coverage to protect their specific medical specialty. Best to discuss this important insurance coverage with a knowledgeable professional.
Where To Buy Good Life Insurance?
That is a great question! While they may also look for other things, as a rule they will look for these things:Your sugar levels, for diabetes; cholesterol/triglycerides for heart disease/stroke risk; drug, alcohol and tobacco use (both illegal and legal drugs); chemicals that show kidney health and liver health; proteins that show cancer risk; HIV and hepatitis. All of these things help validate the truthfulness of your answers, and assess their risk insuring you. Great question, thanks for asking it!
What Is Participation Rate In Annuities?
Generally speaking, tax deferred index annuities use domestic and foreign indices for its crediting method. But there are three crediting method types within any one policy (sometimes more) that play a role in what you receive from the indice performance: spreads, rate caps and participation percentage. Participation determines what portion of the performance is credited to the annuity policy, i.e. 70% of a 10% net return would credited 7%.
Does Home Insurance Cover Your Chimney?
Your chimney is part of your house and there fore is covered for many possible claims including fire. Theft is also included although admittedly, in my 32 years of experience as a premier broker, I have yet to see anyclientreport there chimney missing or stolen. Keep in mind that wear and tear of an aged chimney is not covered.
Is Medicare Likely To Run Out Of Money?
The short answer is no. Medicare will not run out of money. Any government program will never run dry as long as DC has the ability to print money. But since 2008 Medicare has paid out more every year than it has in the trust fund. Some projections say the trust fund will run dry by 2024 while others as soon as 2016
Does Allstate Do Life Insurance?
Allstate does offer life insurance through their subsidiaries: Allstate Life Insurance Company, Lincoln Benefit Life Insurance Company and American Heritage Life Insurance Company. To compare quotes from Life Insurance offered by Allstate with other life insurance quotes, you can visit a website with a quote engine that includes Lincoln Benefit Life.
How Much Does It Cost For Car Insurance?
Car insurance rates are based on several variables which are different for everyone. To start, what is your age, what is your driving history? What car are you driving and how much coverage do you want vs. need? Some companies look at your credit score as well. I wish I could tell you exact numbers however as you can see, the range could be inexpensive to pretty costly. Always shop around talking to agents to see what can be offered.
What Qualifies As A Qualifying Events For Health Insurance?
Disability insurance like most individual morbidity insurance products does not cover pre-existing conditions like alcohol abuse. Motor vehicle records can be used to detect DUIs. One of the urine analysis items covers liver function, which can detect alcohol abuse. Medical records of all attending physicians will be ordered include rehabilitation facilities.
Can You Get Auto Insurance Over The Phone?
It is possible to get an auto insurance quote over the phone, but to secure coverage the carrier will more than likely require you to meet with an agent to sign the application and verify that all of the information on the poliy is correct. A will typically not want to cover a vehicle for damage if no one from the company has seen thevehicle to verify its condition.
Is Now A Good Time To Buy Annuities?
Will life insurance know if I smoke? Well, depending on how much coverage you purchase, if anyone else knows you smoke chances are they will too. First off, most insurance companies ask for an attending physicians statement and chart notes. So if you've told your doctor, you smoke. Second, many plans require labs so if you smoke it will show up in your labs. And finally, some states have enacted laws that skip the two year contestability clause on life insurance when the applicant lies about smoking. These states view this as no contract was formed and won't let the carrier pay a reduced benefit. Just a return of premium.
Can Medicare Pay For Nursing Homes?
Medicare can pay for nursing home stays under certain conditions: 1) The nursing home stay must be within 30 days of a qualified hospital stay in the hospital of at least days. 2) There must be a prescribed medical need for daily skilled nursing or rehabilitative care. 3) The facility must be Medicare approved. 4) Medicare will only continue as long as the patient is showing improvement. 5) The first 20 days are totally covered. Days 21-100 charge a co-payment that was $144.50 per day in 2012. After 100 days, Medicare no longer pays any benefits for nursing home care.
How Do I Know What Health Insurance I Have?
Your policy provides your health plan information - it'll tell you the carrier name, your policy number, plan details including premiums, copayments, coinsurance, deductible, maximum out-of-pocket expense. If you're unsure of what you have exactly, you can always contact your health insurance agent to get more information. If you're looking for new coverage, I always recommend consulting with an experienced broker to make sure that what you have provides good coverage and meets your needs and budget. Experienced brokers will have an in-depth knowledge of products from multiple carriers, can review a wide range of options with you, and help you determine which program will best serve your needs. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. Thanks very much.
How Long Will It Take To Get Car Insurance?
If you have all of the information that is required by your local agent to get you a quote and you have the ability to pay the required downpayment you could have auto insurance coverage within minutes. When you go to see your local agent make certain that you have the vin numbers of the vehicle(s) that you are looking to cover and the driver's license numbers of the person(s) to be covered.
What Is The Best Medigap Insurance?
Under Medicare part A you will have a deductible for the first 60 days, a copay for next 60 days. After that you enter your lifetime reserve during which your Medicare cover is extended to a maximum of an additional 60 days during your lifetime at an even higher daily copay. Most people never use their lifetime reserve days but it does happen. After your lifetime reserve days are used you are responsible for 100% of the costs.
What Is Boli Life Insurance?
Great question. Health insurance can cover dentail if your plan offers dental insurance as well. Some plans offer dental with the health insurance. Most plans do not offer dental insuarnce. Dental insurance have to be purchase separte for the health insurance. You should check with your health insurance agent for more detail.
Can I Sue My Life Insurance Company?
Renters insurance in Massachusetts can vary in price, depending on which carrier you are insured with and the limits of your policy. Typically, a rate of between $10 and $25 per month is common although the price could be much higher if you have scheduled property or other specialty items.
Does Renters Insurance Cover Damage To The Property?
Under Obamacare adult children can stay on their parents' health insurance until they are 26. The law allows you to be on your parents's plan if you are married. You may have to convince your parents tha,t although you are married, can vote, drive and serve in the military, you still need to be on their health insurance.
Can You Go To Jail For Having No Car Insurance?
Is it possible to go to jail for nothavingauto insurance. Yes it is possible. Slim but possible. Usually your looking at a hefty fine unless you are either a repeat offender or are involved in an accident or a combination of the two. It is illegal to operate a motor vehicle without insurance.
My Claim Was Denied Due To My Criminal Record. Is That Right?
You are not required to accept the decision of the claims adjuster. The company does not have to pay if fraud is involved. Normally, this would go beyond suspicion or implication. Many companies have separate units to investigate fraud. These companies will often refer their files to criminal prosecutors.
When To Surrender A Life Insurance Policy?
When considering the surrender of a life insurance policy you have to ask yourself some questions. Does anyone I care about suffer without this life insurance policy? Who needs my income? Who would be responsible for my debt? I am wealthy enough to be sure my loved ones are taken care of financially? If you find that there is no longer that need for life insurance, then it is time to surrender the policy. Remember the increase incash value that accumulated is now taxable as income upon surrender.
Is Car Insurance Credit Checked?
When you are applying for auto insurance coverage most if not all insurance carriers will do what is called a soft pull of an insured's credit score. This soft pull normally will not adversely affect a persons credit rating. Credit score is only one part of the many factors that are taken into consideration when your rate is calculated.
Can Long Term Care Insurance Premiums Be Deducted?
Disclaimer: The following answer is not to be considered tax advice. Contact a qualified tax professional before making any financial decision. Yes, long-term care premium payments may be tax deductible. It depends on the tax status of the individual or business entity filing an IRS tax report. The IRS annually publishes the limits on the amount of premium that can be entered into the tax return and where to enter that amount for consideration of tax deductibility. For non-business consideration, that would currently be "Medical expenses" in Schedule A. If by adding the allowable portion of the LTCi premium to Medical expenses causes the total amount of medical expenses to exceed the threshold (formerly 7.5% of AGI, going forward 10% of AGI), then the amount beyond that threshold may be deductible. If not, then the allowable portion of the LTCi premium would not qualify for deduction. For business consideration, the portion of the premium allowable for possible tax deductibility is usually reported on Schedule C. At the present time, only a C-corporation may have 100% of the LTCi premium considered for deductibility. The allowable amounts of LTCi premium for tax deductible consideration are age-based. For insured-ages 40 and under, the published allowable amount of the LTCi premium for 2013 is $360. For those ages 71 and over, the published allowable amount of the LTCi premium for 2013 is $4550. Between that minimum and maximum are various age brackets with different allowable amounts. Those amounts will be adjusted for income-tax-year 2014 and each year thereafter, under current tax law. Tax preparers, accountants, tax attorneys, and tax-preparation software are informed and are updated for each tax year.
Does Medicare Pay For Pneumonia Vaccine?
Yes, Medicare Part B pays for pneumonia vaccine and also the shot itself. If your doctor does not accept assignment, you may need to pay for your doctor's service, but not for the pneumonia vaccine or shot. Pneumonia immunizations are also covered by Medicare when administered at participating group clinics, unless you are in an HMO that requires you to go to a certain location to receive your shot in order for Medicare to pay for it.
What Factors Affect The Cost Of Home Insurance?
Several factors impact the cost of your homeowner insurance. Insurance companies can take into consideration all of the following criteria: Insureds age, insurance score, policy type, claims history, supporting policies, coverage limits, age of the home, location, protection class, home updates, your deductible(s), replacement cost or actual cash value on your limits, etc... As you can see, there are many variables that are taken into consideration. And for what it's worth, I would use price as only one factor when considering what insurance policy or agent to go with. If you have five agents/companies quote your insurance, I guarantee you'll have five different quotes. Not all policies are created equal and it is important to understand what value you are getting for your money.
What Is Supplemental Long Term Disability Insurance?
A supplemental disability insurance is a personally owned long term disability policy usually purchased to supplement a group employer sponsored long term disability plan. You are basically "supplementing" your existing group plan with a personally owned policy. The reason this is necessary is because most group plans only cover 50- 60% of an employees income. A supplemental policy will provide additional coverage in addition to the group plan. The amount of supplemental disability coverage you can purchase is limited based on the insurance carriers guidelines. This is determined by the amount of your income your group plan covers and weather or not you pay for your group plan or your company does. As a general rule, most carriers won't let you insure more than 70% of your gross annual income.
What Qualifies For Long Term Disability Insurance?
Long term care insurance is a morbidity that mitigates the cost of assisted living care and/or nursing home confinement. Long term care is generally a stand alone policy with various add on riders like inflation or cost of living increases. Long term care can also take the form of a rider on life insurance and annuity products for carriers that offer them.
Does Renters Insurance Cover Flood In Apartments?
Neither renters or homeowners insurance will cover flood damage. Flood insurance pricing is set by the federal government and sold through a limited number of private carriers. To be able to purchase flood insurance you must first find an agent in your area that is licensed to sell this coverage or if you wish you could find a carrier online.
What Is Wrong With Whole Life Insurance?
Assuming this question originates from a negative assertion that (participating) whole life insurance is inherently wrong, there is no wrong on a financial basis as a product. It may very well be unsuitable or not economical depending upon the personal profile of the potential purchaser and their financial goals. The annual premium for guaranteed universal life insurance is generally cheaper than whole life insurance, so the difference in premium could be argued as economical. But participating whole life insurance thats designed for tax advantaged supplemental retirement income can be very valuable to a long term conservative saver who seeks returns that can compete with treasuries as an example.
What Is Long Term Health Insurance?
I am going to take a stab at this as I am not quite sure what the question is. Health Insurance is not necessarily long term unless you have it for a long time however you may switch between different plans. If you are asking what is Long-Term Care Insurance then I will also answer this: Long-Term Care provides a benefit when you have chronic illness needs. Pays for Nursing Home & Care programs, assisted living situations, in-home support and more.
What Do Life Insurance Policies Cover?
Life insurance covers the insured of the policy generally to indemnify the beneficiaries i.e. family members or business partner interests. The owner of the policy may also be the insured. But whoever owns the policy, controls the policy. And that means the policy owner could change the beneficiaries without their permission.
Does Life Insurance Go To Estate?
If you choose the beneficiary of your life insurance policy to be your estate, or if none of your beneficiaries are alive when you pass, your life insurance proceeds will go to your estate. Other than those circumstances, your policy proceeds go to the person or other entity that you chose to be your beneficiary, bypassing your estate. This allows the benefit to not be tied up in probate and avoids unnecessary fees. However, the value of your life insurance is considered part of your estate value. If the total value of your estate is over the federal or state exempted amount, and if your spouse has passed, estate taxes on the excess may apply.
What Is MOOP In Medicare?
MOOP in Medicare stands for Maximum Out Of Pocket costs associated with Medicare Advantage Plans. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act set the mandatory MOOP at $6,700 in 2013, or a voluntary MOOP of $3,400 or less in exchange for more flexibility. This does not include prescription costs and monthly premiums.
What Does Suze Orman Think Of Variable Annuities?
Suze has a online summary digest called "Truth About Annuities." About half way through the document she addresses variable annuities. Oddly enough she seems to give variable annuities a relatively fair expose' or treatment in her description and potential prospects for variable annuities. It's worth the read to understand her position.
What Does Suze Orman Say About Long Term Care Insurance?
The best place to buy health insurance in New Mexico is from an experienced broker that has a reputable website. It's important that he/she represent all of the major insurers in New Mexico. The state will partner with the federal government to create the Health Exchange Marketplace. Starting in October of 2013, an Open Enrollment will allow consumers to purchase individual and family plans without answering medical questions or being denied for coverage. A federal subsidy could also reduce premiums, depending on household income. Are you one of the 21% of the population that is not currently covered? As an experienced broker, we're here to help. You'll find Exchange policies quite affordable and very comprehensive since so many benefits are now mandated.
Can My Brother Drive My Car Without Insurance?
Short term disability last for as long as you are continually unable to work due to a covered medical condition, or until the policy benefit period it met, whichever is less. Every policy is different. You make a decision about the length of the benefit period when you purchase the policy. Policies with longer benefit periods cost more than those with shorter benefit periods. You may be able to choose between lengths of 3, 6, 12, or 24 months.
What Does Loss Of Use Mean For Homeowners Insurance?
Often referred to as COVERAGE D, Loss of Use is coverage on your homeowners insurance that covers the cost of losing the use of your home. For example, a fire in your home has caused significant fire & smoke damage, making the house unlivable until repairs are complete. You would need to temporarily move out - maybe to a Residence Inn or hotel. The cost for food, hotel, etc would be covered under loss of use.Most policies have some limit beside COVERAGE D, butif your policy indicates "ALS", which is Actual Loss Sustained, this is the broadest coverage.
Can 401(K) Plans Provide Adequate Retirement Resources?
Michigan, like most states, requires its drivers to carry a specified minimum amount of auto insurance coverage. The minimum limits are $20,000 per person, $40,000 per accident and an additional $10,000 for property damage. However, these limits are quite low and if possible, and it is within your budget, you should consider higher limits. As an experienced broker, I highlyrecommend the next level of coverage, that will provide a much broader protection. Free online quotes are always available from the top-rated carriers.
How Does It Work If You Have Two Health Insurance Policies?
For someone covered by two or more group health insurance policies, the term COB, short for coordination of benefits, would be used in such a scenario. Group insurance was designed to cover major medical expenses; however, it was never intended to pay in excess of 100% of incurred charges. For this reason,coordination of benefitswas established as a method by which two or more carriers or plans could coordinate their respective benefits so the total benefit paid does not exceed 100% of the total allowable expenses incurred. In most states, thecoordination of benefitsregulations specifies how benefits are to be coordinated by insurance companies issuing group policies in the state. In most states, individual health insurance policies do not have to comply with thecoordination of benefitsrules. Thosepolicies may have special provisions in place if you have more than one policy. You should review your individual health insurance policy to see how it pays if other insurance is involved.
How Much Is Disability Insurance On Average?
On average, long term disability insurance costs 1% to 3% of the annual salary for men; slightly higher for women. There are many features to a Disability Insurance policy that can make it cost more. Some are important, some not so important. Most people will have to pick and choose to keep the Disability insurance premium within their budget but still get the important features.
Is Short Term Disability Considered Health Insurance?
No short term disability is a different policy than health insurance. Health insurance is designed to pay the providers, i.e. doctors, hospitals, clinics, etc. Short term disability is designed to pay you for the income that is lost due to an injury or illness. It can be used for medical expenses, food, mortgage or anything else needed to survive during a difficult time.
Who Is The Cheapest Car Insurance For New Drivers?
The cheapest car insurance for any driver is the policy that is in force and pays the claim when an accident occurs, regardless of the premium. In California an inexperienced driver is assigned to one of the cars in a household. That makes the premium for that vehicle increase substantially. Avoid the temptation to eliminate or reduce coverages to lower the premium. That could make your auto insurance the most expensive if it will not pay a claim or will not make you whole.
Does Health Insurance Typically Cover Otoplasty?
Health insurance may cover otoplasty, although in most cases it does not. If it is considered cosmetic (and usually it is), it may not be paid or covered under a typical policy. However, all plans are different and you should always check with your carrier and inquire about benefits. If it is not for cosmetic reasons, that will help your chances.
What To Look For When Buying Life Insurance?
That is a client-specific driven question -- but a good one! It depends on the client's age, health, income, etc. When looking for a carrier, I would look for a carrier that has a strong history and creditworthiness in the life insurance business and rates well on the Standard & Poor's Rating.
When To Use Your Home Insurance?
You can make a claim against your homeowners policy any time that you experience a loss as a result of one of the covered perils. Your policy specifies the circumstances that are covered. Common perils are, fire, and lightning. You should remember that your policy has a deductible. Your policy might have some adjustments based upon being claims free. It is possible to file a small claim and realize very little after the deductible, only to discover that you lost your claims free discount which was much more.
What Are Some Characteristics Of Whole Life Insurance?
Whole Life, also called Permanent Life, will last for the rest of your life, so long as you pay your premiums. Unlike Term Life, which lasts for a specific predetermined number of years, at a guaranteed rate. Whole life will not go up in price and will not go down in coverage amount. It accumulates cash value, from which you are able to borrow funds, for such things as college, home down payment, or even retirement, or whatever else you desire. With the accumulation in a quality policy, you can fund your retirement, as a substitute for a pension. Thank you. GARY LANE.
Will My Homeowners Insurance Cover A Leaky Roof?
The damage caused as the result of a leaky roof is probably covered. The damage to the roof would be covered if caused by a named peril. If the roof leak is covered it will be covered as a depreciated item by most insurance companies, rather than replacement. It is important to stop the leak as quickly as possible regardless of whether there is coverage or not. The damage to a house by water can be quite severe.
What Is Medicare Hospice?
Medicare Hospice is a benefit for those who are terminally ill. Medicare will pay for nearly all the expenses to care for someone at home when they have given up treatment for the illness causing their pending death. Medicare will pay for some medications and treatments that provide comfort.
When Does Mandated Health Insurance Start?
Mandated insurance starts October 1st 2013 when Exchanges begin to operate.Insurance policies purchase on the exchange wont be effective until January 2014.Most or all Health Insurance Companies are already selling plans that meet parts of the mandate that is already in effect. Large business part of the mandate will have another to implement 2014.
When Should I Get Term Life Insurance?
The best time to get coverage is obviously the day before we die! Now, since most of us don't know when that is or will be, the best decision you can make is to get coverage if you have responsibilities to others. Whether it be for a loan repayment or college education and money for a spouse, make sure this is something you do NOT put off.
How To Choose The Right Retirement Plan?
Yes, you can have both Medicare and VA Benefits. One plan will be a secondary payer. Since the Veterans Administration benefits must be used at VA facilities, usually Medicare is secondary to the VA insurance. However, sometimes VA drug benefits are a good supplemental plan to Medicare, and thus becomes the secondary payer.
How Much Does The Average Renters Insurance Cost?
Looks like David has covered the question pretty thoroughly so I'll just give the short answer. When you withdraw from your 401K early - that is before reaching age 55, you will be taxed on the entire amount. Then you will be penalized ten percent of the pre taxed amount. On top of that you may also have a percentage withheld for income tax for the year of withdrawal.
Where To Get Cheap Renters Insurance?
Is Northwestern Mutual whole Life a good investment? Well it depends on your needs. Your needs are what make any choice a good or bad investment. First Northwestern Mutual is a very highly rated fiscally strong company, as many others are. Using Whole life as an investment does work as part of an overall investment strategy as it provides a safe place to accumulate money as well as protecting your other plans. What you will find is whole life insurance is the most boring investment product out there. It's not exciting, it's not racy, it's not an up and down product. It is a slow safe and secure place to put money out there. It's boring because it does what it says it will do. I have owned whole life for almost 30 years and it has never let me down. Can't say the same about my real estate or stock market investments during that same window of time. Oh, last thing to keep it short. Whole life cash values don't go backwards. You can't lose it once it's there.
How Much Is A Good Life Insurance Policy?
Asking how much life insurance cost is like asking a realtor how much a house costs. Could be $30,000 or $30 million it depends on what you want. The factors that an agent or life insurance company would need to begin the quoting process is type of policy,how much face amount, for how long, age, build, state of residence, tobacco use andgeneral health status. From there an agent or broker can get fairly close to a premium quote but understand the underwriters have the final say on your unique premium.
Can I Keep Insurance Money And Not Fix My Car?
Qualified Annuities are taxed as ordinary earned income. But they are only taxable upon withdrawal of funds. A "Qualified" account means that the funds were contributed on a pre-tax basis. This can be a significant advantage when accumulating assets. But for the IRS to allow this advantage, they require that the full amount be subject to income tax instead of capitol gains taxes. It is also important to know that at age 70 1/2, they require you to start "Required minimum Distributions". This is a requirement that you withdraw a certain amount per year (and pay taxes on it) from age 70 1/2, for the rest of your life.
Who Is Exempt From Buying Health Insurance?
Insurers dont usually drop a customer for no reason. Claim activity and payment issues may often result in a termination notice but there can be a number of other reasons. If you have other insurance with that company or agent, I might try to appeal that decision. There may be a reasonable explanation for adverse claim experience or money problems. If you can assure the company or agent an unfavorable pattern most likely will not continue, they may reverse their position and continue providing coverage. Assuming larger deductibles or paying premiums up front with a credit card may also work in your favor. If that doesnt work, independent agents usually represent more than one other company. They may be able to simply place your coverage with another company but make sure you pay close attention to the questions on a new companys application. I suggest it is normally a good idea to combine your insurance with one company or agent when possible. That may make you more important to them than if you only have a single policy. Premium leverage can often work to your advantage. Although I hesitate to use them, a number of insurers claim to specialize in replacing cancelled insurance. Often they charge more, may limit the scope of coverage and be more difficult to work with should a claim occur. Proceed with care in this direction. Many states offer assigned risk pools or similar facilities that accept insurance from residents who are unable to obtain insurance through normal channels. In certain situations these alternatives may be worth considering. I would not consider this alternative a long-term solution. If this becomes your only viable alternative, make an effort to reenter the standard insurance marketplace as soon as you can.
What Does Aetna Student Health Insurance Cover?
The VA does not offer Disability Insurance. However, the Veterans Administration does pay monetary benefits to veterans who have disabilities that were caused or aggravated during active military service. The disability is rated on a scale of 1 to 10 and the compensation is adjusted according to the degree of disability.
Can Debtors Take Life Insurance?
If you mean can creditors, rather than debtors, take life insurance proceeds upon the death of the insured, they generally cannot as long as the beneficiary of the policy is a person. If the beneficiary is the estate, creditors can go after the estate for payment of past debts on the part of the insured.
What Is Medicare Going To Cost Me?
Most people will receive Medicare Part A at no charge. If you have worked in the Social Security system at least 40 quarters you have prepaid for your Part A coverage. Part B is optional (but highly recommended) and current runs $105 per month for most people. Your Part B premium is usually deducted from your Social Security check.
What Insurance Will I Need In Retirement?
Your insurance needs do not disappear at retirement although the coverage amounts may change. Car Insurance, home owners insurance, health insurance and life insurance all play a part in a solid financial plan. You should contact an Agent and have them conduct an Insurance preview. The last thing you want in retirement is to be paying for something that you really don't need to.
How To Purchase Short Term Disability Insurance?
Before you start shopping for short term disability insurance, find out if your employer sponsored group plan offers it. Many of these types of plans offer short term disability insurance as part of the overall employee benefits.But if you have to shop, start online with brokerage outlets that specialize or have complete departments dedicated to disability insurance. Most of these firms have access to a wide range of carriers that can spread sheet the players in disability insurance.